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Teacher qualification in further education - draft guidance and general determination: consultation

We are seeking views on the proposed guidance document and general determination for the further education teaching programme.

Teaching Qualification in Further Education – Guidance

1. introduction.

The purpose of this document is to:

  • Provide guidance on the accreditation process for Teaching Qualification in Further Education ( TQFE ) programmes;
  • Provide guidance to individuals and institutions on the entry requirements for individuals seeking a place on programmes leading to the award of a TQFE ; and
  • Provide a model scheme of provision for TQFE programmes, that sets out the minimum criteria to be included within programmes being submitted for accreditation.

1.1 Lecturer Registration

As part of the 2017 national bargaining agreement, the Employers’ Association (now College Employers Scotland) and Educational Institute of Scotland - Further Education Lecturers’ Association ( EIS - FELA ) agreed that college lecturers will require professional registration. As a result, registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland ( GTC Scotland) now forms part of the agreed national terms and conditions of employment for all college lecturers employed in a Scottish college. Registration for college lecturers is not a legislative requirement as it is for school teachers; it is an employment requirement.

In order to register with GTC Scotland, lecturers must meet the GTC Scotland registration requirements as set out independently by GTC Scotland. More information regarding registration can be found on the GTC Scotland website: College Lecturer Registration - The General Teaching Council for Scotland (gtcs.org.uk) .

NJNC Circular 03/18 implements and provides further guidance on the agreement reached between college employers and EIS - FELA . It sets out that all lecturers undertaking a recognised lecturing qualification will receive remission on the basis of 150 hours reduction in class contact time over an academic year. Line managers will ensure that lecturers have one full day with no class contact for the duration of the course. The total remission from class contact will apply regardless of duration of study period and/or fraction of contract.

The Scottish Government recognises that additional barriers may exist for lecturers on fractional or part-time contracts, despite an equal level of remission offered to all lecturers. In developing this guidance, we gave consideration to this alongside the need to maintain the quality of the TQFE and its offering to candidates. The Scottish Government expects colleges and TQFE providers to work collaboratively to ensure programmes are accessible to all prospective candidates.

1.2 Statutory Background

Under article 30 of the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011, it is for the Scottish Ministers to determine what constitutes a recognised teaching qualification for individuals seeking registration as a teacher of further education with GTC Scotland.

Before making or changing a determination under article 30, the Scottish Ministers must consult further education institutions or their representatives, GTC Scotland and such other persons appearing to them to have an interest. They must have regard to any views expressed by those consulted in relation to any determination. Determinations must be published.

1.3 TQFE Review

The College Lecturer Registration Working Group ( CLRWG ) was established in December 2018 to advance college lecturer registration. As part of this work, the CLRWG put forward a report to the Scottish Government which made recommendations to review and update the TQFE landscape.

In response, the Scottish Government accepted that the current framework and processes surrounding TQFE required to be reviewed. The solution proposed by the Scottish Government was that a future determination could be drafted that sets the criteria against which a TQFE can be accredited. This would give effect to the principles of the recommendations around allowing GTC Scotland to accredit and approve TQFE programmes and review the entry requirements, model scheme of provision and accreditation processes currently underpinning TQFE , within the current legislative framework.

The Scottish Government set up a short life working group tasked with reviewing the entry requirements and model scheme of provision underpinning the TQFE , and producing updated drafts of these key documents. This group operated between September 2022 and October 2022. Membership was made up of representatives from:

  • College Sector
  • GTC Scotland
  • Scottish Government

The group produced revised entry requirements and a revised model scheme of provision, which can be found later in this guidance.

1.4 Accreditation

Accreditation is the process of ascertaining the professional acceptability of a programme leading to a TQFE . Accreditation applies to programmes and not to the TQFE institution; accreditation therefore takes place on a programme by programme basis.

From [Insert Date Of Determination], GTC Scotland may accredit or re-accredit TQFE programmes in line with the requirements set out by Scottish Ministers in the determination of [X Date – Insert Link]. This determination sets the minimum entry requirements for access to a programme and minimum expectations of what will be included within a TQFE programme.

Further guidance on the minimum entry requirements for admission to a TQFE programme and minimum criteria that programmes must meet is detailed at sections 2 and 3 of this guidance. GTC Scotland will apply these requirements and reserves the right to seek any additional information as deemed necessary from institutions seeking accreditation of a TQFE programme. GTC Scotland will be responsible for determining the process of accrediting programmes, including the convening of any accreditation panel. Further information and guidance will be provided by GTC Scotland as necessary.

GTC Scotland will determine the duration of programme accreditation before it will require to be re-accredited and reserve the right to re-visit a programme at any time during this period. Any deviations from the terms within which a programme has been accredited require to be expressly agreed by GTC Scotland in line with any GTC Scotland accreditation policy and procedures.

1.5 Professional Standards for Lecturers In Scotland’s Colleges

Responsibility for the Professional Standards for College Lecturers was transferred from the Scottish Government to GTC Scotland in November 2019. For the purposes of this guidance, the version of the Professional Standards for College Lecturers enacted and applicable at the point of accreditation and programme delivery will apply. GTC Scotland will alert institutions to any changes for the purposes of re-accreditation.

2. Entry Requirements

The purpose of this guidance is to set out the minimum entry requirements for access to a programme leading to a TQFE .

2.1 Level 11 TQFE

For access to a level 11 TQFE , the entry requirements for admission are as follows:

  • A degree from a higher education institution in the United Kingdom ( UK ) or degree of an equivalent standard from a recognised institution outside the UK ; or
  • An associateship or diploma from a higher education institution in the UK or an associateship or diploma of an equivalent standard from a recognised institution outside the UK ;

2.2 Level 9 TQFE

For access to a level 9 TQFE , the entry requirements for admission are as follows:

  • A Higher National Diploma ( HND ) at level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework ( SCQF ) or an accepted equivalent; or
  • A Higher National Certificate ( HNC ) at level 7 where this is the highest level of qualification available in the UK in the subject area concerned or an accepted equivalent; or
  • A Higher National Certificate ( HNC ) at level 7 where this was the highest level of qualification available in the UK in the subject area concerned at the time of study, alongside a professional learning award that demonstrates a candidate’s ability to work at SCQF level 8; or
  • A City and Guilds Licentiateship at level 8 or an accepted equivalent; or
  • In certain subject areas, other qualifications of equivalent standard to those listed above. Further guidance on equivalence is offered below.

2.3 Maths and English Requirements

In addition to the above, candidates accessing TQFE at all levels must also possess both language and number skills which meet the demands of the course. The minimum entry requirements in this regard are:

  • A National Qualification in English at SCQF Level 6 or an accepted equivalent; or
  • A National Qualification in English for Speakers of Other Languages ( ESOL ) at SCQF Level 6 or an accepted equivalent.


  • A National Qualification in Mathematics at SCQF Level 4 or an accepted equivalent.

2.4 Other Requirements

Candidates must also:

  • Be competent in the use of Digital Technology; and
  • Demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills, attributes and dispositions which will allow them to engage a wide range of learners, colleagues and partners in effective collaboration.

2.5 Equivalence

TQFE providers will assess for equivalence of qualifications in terms of entry to TQFE programmes, in line with nationally recognised guidance and the individual institution’s policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide any evidence required to allow institutions to make such an assessment.

Any enquiries about the acceptability of qualifications should be directed to the TQFE provider. When necessary, TQFE providers and candidates should refer to appropriate national agencies for advice.

For in-service TQFE programmes, employers, candidates and TQFE providers should work in partnership to assist in assessing equivalency.

2.6 Recognition of Prior Learning

The Scottish Government recognises the value in prior learning, training and experience, and supports Recognition of Prior Learning ( RPL ) as a means to support professional development and widening participation. RPL recognises prior learning, not just experience alone, and the learning recognised should be transferable to the programme. Credit awarded as a result of RPL is of the same value as credit gained through formal learning.

Where candidates do not hold formal qualifications that evidence meeting the entry requirements set out above, TQFE providers can, via their own established RPL processes, assess candidates’ skills and knowledge, gained through experience and formal training and learning, towards a recognised qualification. It will be for the TQFE provider to determine the degree to which RPL contributes towards meeting the entry requirements for admission to a TQFE programme. RPL must be gained prior to entry to a TQFE programme.

Candidates are ultimately responsible for identifying and demonstrating prior learning, with appropriate support and guidance from TQFE providers, national agencies and their employer, where appropriate.

TQFE providers will have their own RPL processes and candidates should seek this information from the TQFE provider. Candidates may find the below information helpful in considering what will be required:

Recognition of Prior Learning (qaa.ac.uk)

RPL Tool | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

2.7 Credit Transfer

Candidates will be able to transfer credit into TQFE programmes, in line with the provider’s own policies and procedures. By way of an example, some providers may accept the Professional Development Award, Teaching in Colleges Today or another teaching qualification of equivalent standard for partial credit transfer. Candidates should seek information from the TQFE provider to understand what will be accepted.

Credit can be transferred from academic, vocational and professional qualifications which are referenced in the SCQF . In determining the level of credit transfer, providers will give consideration to both the level of study and number of credit points awarded by reference to the SCQF . How much specific credit can be given is a matter of judgement for the TQFE provider based on comparing the outcomes of previous learning with the requirements of the TQFE programme.

2.8 Teaching Practice

TQFE programmes are required to include a minimum of 120 hours teaching practice.

For in-service programmes, candidates will be employed in a college and undertake the minimum teaching practice required throughout the duration of the programme. For pre-service programmes, candidates will complete a placement with one of the provider's partner colleges and undertake the minimum teaching practice required throughout the duration of the programme.

The Scottish Government expects colleges and TQFE providers to work collaboratively to ensure programmes are accessible to all prospective candidates.

3. Model Scheme of Provision

The model set out below provides institutions submitting schemes for approval, via the accreditation approval process referred to earlier in this guidance, with an indication of the range of issues and detail the Scottish Government expects to be included within submissions. It is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive, and institutions should be aware that further information may be sought and additional criteria set as necessary at the time of accreditation. GTC Scotland may provide additional guidance and information as required when an institution indicates they are seeking accreditation of a programme.

The context within which the model is set is that of those employed within the college sector in Scotland, as the majority of candidates accessing TQFE are likely to work (or go on to work) within a college. However, institutions should be mindful that candidates from a variety of roles may be looking to access the qualification and should be mindful of this in ensuring access and suitability for all prospective candidates.

3.1 Statutory Requirements

In developing proposals, institutions seeking accreditation will assess the programme for academic rigour and adherence to statutory requirements, including the public sector equality duty and other equality duties under the Equality Act 2010. Institutions should also ensure programmes adhere to the expectations of Scottish Ministers as set out within the determination of [insert link]. Institutions should satisfy themselves that these requirements are met ahead of submitting proposals and before the accreditation event.

Submissions should provide evidence of:

  • how the programme meets the expectations of Scottish Ministers, as set out in the Teaching Qualification for Further Education Determination 2023.
  • how programmes embrace and promote diversity, challenge discrimination and promote equal opportunity requirements.
  • robust quality assurance procedures to ensure that the content, design and organisation of the TQFE curriculum are effective in promoting student learning.
  • the mechanisms in place to enhance and ensure the quality of provision is contemporary and relevant.
  • the mechanisms which are in place to review the quality of provision and ensure processes adequately provide learning opportunities that meet the needs of all students.
  • the procedures that are in place to enhance the growth and development of the programme, including reflecting new or growing national educational priorities.

3.2 Professional Values

Submissions should provide:

  • an outline of how the vision and aims of the programme promote the Professional Standards for College Lecturers.
  • an outline of how the Standards are connected to, explored and elaborated upon during the course of the programme.

3.3 Delivery of Programme

  • a clear rationale for the delivery model of the programme.
  • a clear timeline for the delivery of the programme, including key milestones.
  • an outline of the methodologies used to deliver the programme.

3.4 Programme Design

  • a clear rationale for the programme with its stated aims and outcomes, demonstrating the application of the Professional Standards for College Lecturers and diversity of students undertaking the programme.
  • an outline of how the programme takes into account the diversity of students undertaking the programme, including what supports will be put in place (e.g. reasonable adjustments) and the application of any Equality Impact Assessments.
  • details of the level of qualification and number of credit points that will be awarded.
  • an outline of how the programme is designed to promote access to a diverse pool of candidates e.g. for in-service programmes, how the programme is accessible to candidates on part-time contracts.
  • an outline of how the programme is designed to develop and promote equality and diversity and empowers students to adopt these principles in practice.
  • an outline of how the programme prepares students to work with a wide and diverse range of learners, with a specific focus on meeting learners’ needs.
  • an outline of how the programme ensures students’ knowledge and skills are built appropriately over the programme.
  • an outline of the level of personalisation and choice offered to students and how this contributes to their skills development.
  • an outline of how the programme will take account of, and cater for, the individual needs of students, the particular contexts in which they work and the other agencies and bodies with whom they collaborate.
  • an outline of how the programme will provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to use a range of different approaches such as flexible learning, remote learning and blended learning.

3.5 Content of Programme

  • an outline of how students are supported to develop an understanding of educational literature to underpin their practice, in areas such as:
  • Educational theory;
  • Developing positive relationships.
  • an outline of how students are supported to develop an awareness of the legal and statutory frameworks which govern their responsibilities.
  • an outline of how students are supported to develop an understanding of current national policy and to make a positive contribution.
  • an outline of how all students are supported to develop an understanding of a range of pedagogical/andragogical approaches to support teaching in their subject area.
  • an outline of how the programme supports students to undertake the required minimum 120 hours of teaching practice over the course of the programme.

3.6 Staffing Levels and Effective Delivery

Submissions should provide details of:

  • academic staff who deliver the university led elements of the programme including details of GTC Scotland registration
  • how the expertise of staff will support the delivery of the stated aims of the programme.
  • an outline of the partnership approach adopted in the selection of a co-tutor, ensuring students are fully supported by a co-tutor.
  • the communication strategy for co-tutors to ensure there is a shared understanding of their role and responsibilities.
  • an outline of how co-tutors are supported to ensure their knowledge and practice remains relevant and contemporary.
  • details of the mechanisms in place to ensure feedback on the quality of the programme and its content.

3.7 In-take of Students

  • an outline of in-take arrangements, including how information will be made available to students on the course description and access arrangements.
  • a detailed outline of in-take procedures, including how the entry requirements at section 2 of this guidance are applied.
  • an outline of the mechanisms in place to promote equality for all prospective candidates.
  • an outline of the procedures used to monitor and evaluate in-take, in particular how institutional barriers, conscious and unconscious bias are mitigated.
  • the arrangements for liaising and collaborating with colleges.

3.8 Support for Students

  • an outline of the induction arrangements and supports in place to ensure effective early engagement with the programme.
  • an outline of the variety of academic support strategies in place for students to ensure their progress towards successful completion of the programme, including the process for implementing reasonable adjustments in terms of the Equality Act 2010.
  • an outline of the variety of pastoral support strategies offered to students to ensure their wellbeing and progress towards successful completion of the programme. This should include clear advice on the support they can access if they experience discrimination or harassment.
  • a description of the strategies in place to support students to develop their resilience and confidence to lead their own learning and the learning of others.
  • a description of the early intervention strategies employed to support students.
  • details of how partnership arrangements ensure appropriate preparation and support of students whilst completing the required teaching hours.

3.9 Assessment

  • an outline of the assessment pattern for the programme, including details regarding the assessment strategies that support students to successfully complete the programme.
  • an outline of the supports and reasonable adjustments that can be put in place to support students where required, including how the need for such supports can be identified and introduced as early as possible.
  • an outline of the range of assessment methods used to measure student’s progress, including information about teaching observations.
  • an outline of how peer and self-assessment is modelled in the programme, including how this supports the learning experience of students.
  • a description of the interventions in place to support students who do not meet assessment criteria and the procedures for re-sits, extensions and appeals.
  • an outline of the moderation procedures for assessment across the programme.
  • a description of the structures in place with college partners to ensure that assessments of students are valid and reliable.
  • an outline of how successful completion of this programme will be certified.

3.10 Partnerships

  • details of how partners were involved in the planning of this programme.
  • details of the partnership arrangements in relation to students undertaking the required teaching hours, including a clear definition of role and responsibilities of university staff, college staff and students.
  • an outline of the ways in which the proposed arrangements to ensure students undertake the required teaching hours are practicable and sustainable.
  • an outline of how staff and partners have up-to-date and shared knowledge of the expectation of the programme.
  • an outline of how the programme supports and promotes collegiate and collaborative learning across the partnership.
  • an outline of how the programme is underpinned by the principles of self-evaluation/reflection and how it supports students to develop positive stances in respect to these.
  • an outline of how the programme is underpinned by the principles of enquiry and how it supports students to develop a positive enquiring stance.

TQFE General Determination

Teaching Qualification for Further Education Determination 2023

Scottish Ministers make the following determination in exercise of the powers conferred by article 30(1) of the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011( 1 ) (“the 2011 Order”) and all other powers enabling them to do so. In accordance with article 30(5) of the 2011 Order, Scottish Ministers have consulted with further education institutions or their representatives, the GTCS and such other persons appearing to them to have an interest and have had regard to any views expressed by those consulted.

Citation and Effect

1. This Determination may be cited as the Teaching Qualification for Further Education Determination 2023 and has effect from [XXX].

Making of Determinations

2. The Scottish Ministers (who may determine what constitutes a recognised teaching qualification for individuals seeking registration as a further education teacher) make the determinations set out in paragraphs 3 to [5].

Admission of individuals to courses

3. —(1) A person seeking admission to a course leading to a teaching qualification in further education must meet the entrance requirements in the schedule.

(2) Where the requirements in the schedule are not met, a person’s skills and knowledge, gained through experience formal training and learning, may be assessed for equivalent credit through the institution’s recognition of prior learning process, established in line with the Recognition of Prior Learning National Framework( 2 ).

Content, nature and duration of the teaching qualification in further education

4. —(1) Courses of education leading to the teaching qualification in further education must reflect the requirements of the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges( 3 ).

(2) The teaching qualification in further education must comprise of a minimum of 120 hours of teaching practice over the course of the programme.

(3) The teaching qualification in further education consists of 60 credit points on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework, requiring a notional 600 hours of student engagement.

Assessment of the teaching qualification in further education

5. —(1) The teaching qualification must be assessed using a range of assessment methods [ TBC following consultation].

(2) The assessment must include at least 2 observations of teaching practice.

(3) Assessment procedures must include procedures for re-sits, extensions and appeals.

Paragraph 3

Entrance Requirements

1. Paragraphs 2 to [ ] set out the minimum entry requirements for access to a programme leading to a Teaching Qualification in Further Education “ TQFE ”.

Entrance Requirements – General

2. For access to a TQFE at all levels, the entry requirements for admission are—

(1) Competency in the use of Digital Technology, and

(2) The ability to demonstrate interpersonal skills to enable effective collaboration with learners and colleagues.

Entrance Requirements - English

3. For access to a TQFE at all levels, the entry requirements for admission are—

(1) A National Qualification in English at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 6 or an accepted equivalent, or

(2) A National Qualification in English for Speakers of Other Languages at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 6 or an accepted equivalent.

Entrance Requirements - Mathematics

4. For access to a TQFE at all levels, the entry requirements for admission include a National Qualification in Mathematics at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Level 4 or an accepted equivalent.

Level 9 Teaching Qualification in Further Education

5. For access to a level 9 TQFE , the entry requirements for admission are—

(1) A Higher National Diploma at level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework or an accepted equivalent,

(2) A Higher National Certificate at level 7 where this was the highest level of qualification available in the United Kingdom in the subject area concerned at the time of study, alongside a professional learning award that demonstrates a candidate’s ability to work at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 8,

(3) A City and Guilds Licentiateship at level 8 or an accepted equivalent, or

(4) Other qualifications of equivalent standard, based on level of study and number of credit points, to those listed above.

Level 11 Teaching Qualification in Further Education

6. For access to a level 11 TQFE , the entry requirements for admission are—

(1) A degree from a higher education institution in the United Kingdom or a degree of an equivalent standard from a recognised institution outside the United Kingdom, or

(2) An associateship or diploma from a higher education institution in the United Kingdom or an associateship or diploma of an equivalent standard from a recognised institution outside the United Kingdom.

( 1 ) S.I. 1990/1534 as amended by S.I. 1993/1892 and S.S.I. 2013/80. The functions of the Secretary of State under sections 4 and 5(c) and (d) of the 1990 Regulations were transferred to the Scottish Ministers by virtue of section 53 of the Scotland Act 1998 (c.46).

( 2 ) Recognition of Prior Learning National Framework for Scottish Higher Education published by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, 2014.

( 3 ) First published by the General Teaching Council Scotland and College Development Network in 2018, republished in 2020 and available at professional-standards-for-lecturers-scotland-colleges.pdf (gtcs.org.uk) .

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UCC Adult courses

Further, Adult and Community Education - PG Dip

Course outline, course practicalities, why choose this course, requirements, fees and costs, how to apply.

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  • Study At ACE
  • Higher Diploma and Postgraduate Cert/Dip
  • Further, Adult and Community Education
Course Fact File
Duration18 months
Teaching ModePart-Time
QualificationsPG Dip
NFQ LevelLevel 9
FeesYear 1 - 5000 Euro, Year 2 - 2500 Euro See for full details.
Closing DateComplete the expression of interest and you will be contacted when registration opens.
Next IntakeSeptember 2025

Blended learning – a mix of whole class face-to-face and online teaching.

Start Date2025

Are you interested in a teacher qualification in Further, Adult and Community Education?

Further, Adult and Community Education programmes are designed for learners over the age 16 and not in post-primary (secondary school) education. The sector caters for all age groups from early school leavers to people upskilling in a new area or returning to education after a break away from it. Adult learners are a diverse cohort with different needs that vary according to where each student or class is along their journey of lifelong learning. This means that Further, Adult and Community Educators must be responsive to the needs of their students and adapt to the range of educational tools that best suit adult learners.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Further, Adult and Community Education is custom built for teachers in this sector to enable them to meet the needs of their students. This course is aimed at:

  • practising teachers in this sector that have teaching experience but do not have a formal Further Educational Training, or an Adult and Community education qualification.
  • those wishing to enter the sector i.e. those with little or no teaching experience and who seek to specialise in Further, Adult and Community Education.

The programme provides a professional qualification for teaching in the Further and Adult and Community Education Sector in accordance with Section 38 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001 and Regulation Five of the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2009. Further details about the Teaching Council can be found at this webpage: https://www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/

The Postgraduate Diploma in Further, Adult and Community Education will equipe students with the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes and values required to teach in a variety of settings in the Further Education sector such as Youthreach, PLC programmes, Further Education Colleges, Training Centres, Private Training Companies and broader Adult and Community Education settings. The programme promotes and maintains the professional standard expected of teachers in these sectors.

This programme was professionally accredited by the Teaching Council in July 2023. 

Please click for details on the  Modules for the Course .

The programme will be completed over three semesters, part-time and carries a total of 60 ECTS credits. This is a blended  learning programme comprising face-to-face classes and online lectures and tutorials.

Classes are scheduled on Friday afternoons and Saturdays running throughout the academic year. Most classes will take place in UCC. Some weekend classes will take place online. A class timetable with the full location schedule will be issued during the first week of the course.

A variety of assessment modes such as teaching placement portfolios, online reflective journals, group and individual research projects, peer presentations / school events and written assignments will be set as assignments for students.

Students will undertake a teaching placement in the delivery of QQI modules between NFQ Levels 1-7. The practical teaching element of the programme will consist of a total of 100 hours of teaching with an additional 30 hours of observation conducted in Year 1 of the programme. This ordinarily includes (but it is not an essential requirement, in order to facilitate present practising FET practitioners) two different placements in Further Education and Adult and Community settings. An observation and four assessed teaching placement visits (two visits in both Year 1 and Year 2) will take place during the placement modules as part of the assessment’s strategy for the course.   

Canvas (UCC’s Learning Management System) is utilised for central communication and resource supports.

No prior experience of teaching will be required for entry, the programme will facilitate the training of new sector entrants to the teaching profession. Practising teachers who wish to gain a teaching qualification in thus sector are encouraged to apply for the course as well.

Please click for details on the  Teaching Placement Overview

A 2020 national target set a new Lifelong Learning rate of 10% and the figure is now set at 18% by the Irish Government for 2025. With the inevitable expansion of Further Education and Adult and Community Education, there is a great need for more qualified teachers in this sector. This is your opportunity to become fully engaged with an innovative professional educational community that is committed to the advancement of younger and older adults’ continuous educational journey.

This programme provides a professional qualification for teaching in the Further and Adult and Community Education Sector in accordance with Section 38 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001 and Regulation Five of the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2009. From  the 1 st  January 2019 , in line with the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2016 and Teaching Council (Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2016, all applicants for registration under Route 3 Further Education will be required to hold an appropriate Council accredited teacher education qualification.

Subject to Teaching Council approval of accreditation , students on the programme will be entitled to register with the Teaching Council of Ireland as Further Education teachers. 

  • Applicants must have a Second-Class Honours Grade 2 in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) in a subject area that is currently taught in Further and/or Adult Community Education in Ireland.
  • No prior experience of teaching/tutoring is required.
  • Candidates with a Level 7 NFQ which has a ECTS credit weighting of at least 180 credits degree and a minimum of three years senior professional experience in a related field such as educational leadership and instruction in FET and/or Community Education settings will be considered under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in accordance with UCC’s Recognition of Prior Learning policy for applicants who have successfully demonstrated outstanding achievement.

See  https://www.ucc.ie/en/media/support/ovptl/documents/RecognitionofPriorLearningPolicy.pdf

  • Certified accreditation of prior learning based on a minimum of three years’ experience in a workplace or instructional setting which is relevant to the candidate’s qualifications such as may be recognised by the Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this route.
  • Applicants will need to provide an up-to-date CV (including an outline of any additional academic courses, self-learning and professional training relevant to this programme), references from existing or previous employers and separate details of related teaching/tutoring duties in FET.
  • An interview may also be required.

It is the primary responsibility of candidates to ensure that their qualifications are acceptable for the purposes of registration as a Further Education teacher with the Teaching Council. Applicants are advised to review ( prior to programme entry ) the Teaching Council Regulations with specific reference to registration requirements and the education, training and qualifications criteria that apply. They are also advised to contact the Further Education section ( www.teachingcouncil.ie ) to fully determine if they meet the criteria set down in Regulation 5 of the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations, 2009.

Garda Vetting

Students, or applicants in receipt of an offer on this programme will be subject to Garda Vetting as relevant. Students will be prohibited from engaging in a relevant work placement unless the vetting process has been cleared. Click here: ( http://www.ucc.ie/en/study/undergrad/admissionspolicies/ ) to view UCC's  Student Garda Vetting Policy .

Fitness to Practise

This programme will be subject to the University's Fitness to Practise Policy - full details may be found at


Minimum English language requirements

All applicants whose first language is not English must have attained:

  • IELTS: 6.5 minimum overall score, with a minimum of no less than 6.0 in any single section
  • TOEFL (Paper based test): 585
  • TOEFL (Internet based test): 95
  • PTE (Pearson): 62

The total fee for this 18-month (3-semester) part-time programme is set at 7,500 euros.  This is broken down by yearly costs:

Year 1 – 5,000 euros

Year 2 – 2,500 euros

50% of the tuition fees must be paid at the time of application for your application to be processed

Funding to cover partial costs of fees is available from Leading Healthcare Providers Skillnet for educators working in the Healthcare Industry. Please contact  [email protected]  for more information. 

Current employees of Further, Adult and Community Education sectors may be eligible for sponsorship from their employers towards the costs of fees. Please contact your line manager to enquire about this. 

For further information on fees and financial supports please click  here .

Applications will  NOT  be assessed until all supporting documentation has been fully received. Please ensure that you have all relevant documentation available at the time of application.

Applicants need to be aware of the IT student checklist below before applying:

  • You will need access to a laptop or desktop computer running a modern supported operating system with all software updates.
  • Some of UCC’s services (e.g. the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment) link to an external site and also have mobile apps for iOS and Android Devices that you may wish to use as part of your studies. However, we recommend using your desktop web browser for submission of assessments.
  • You should always use the most current version of your preferred browser. In general, we recommend the Chrome Web browser (Important Note: Internet Explorer will not work with Canvas).
  • We recommend a reliable broadband connection with at least 2Mbps or more.
  • You will require an Office suite of software (Microsoft Office or equivalent) and a PDF reader. You should always use the latest version of this software. All UCC students will have access to Office 365 which includes software such as Word/Excel/PowerPoint etc. once registered.

To Apply for this course please follow the steps below:

When you log into the Application Portal:

Click  Apply Online

Select  Start a new Adult & Continuing Education Application 

On the 2nd tab  Academic Level 

Select the following options:

Academic Level:  Adult Continuing Education (ACE at UCC)

Course Type:   ACE Part-time Courses

Academic Programme:  The course title you are applying for.

During your online application you will be required to upload the following documents:

  • Motivation Statement
  • Birth Cert or Passport
  • Passport Photograph 
  • Work experience confirmation and details
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • English Language Test Report [if applicable]
  • Transcripts [if applicable]

All applications will be reviewed after the closing date has passed. 50% of the tuition fees must be paid at the time of application for your application to be processed.

Contact Details For This Course

Year 1 Modules

Year 2 modules, year 3 modules, year 4 modules, for queries regarding course content or timetables please contact.

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Teaching in Ireland

Competent authority.

The Teaching Council of Ireland is the competent authority for the regulation of the teaching profession in Ireland.

Application Process

To work as a teacher in schools funded by the Department of Education & Skills in Ireland, you are required to be registered with the Teaching Council and have your qualifications approved by the authority.

The  application process  involves submitting a completed Application Form, together with academic transcripts, proof of identity, evidence of character, the application fee and other documentary evidence. All applicants must also undergo the Garda Vetting process which can be completed at the same time as an application for registration. Each application is assessed according to set criteria regarding qualifications and teaching experience, as well as evidence of character. Registration may be granted in full or with conditions, or refused. Applicants have the right to request a review of decision if they are unhappy with the outcome of the application process.

There are 4 routes of registration

Route 1 - Primary

Route 2 - Post Primary

Route 3 - Further Education

  • Route 4 - Other

Irish Qualification Recognition

Qualifying in the current year, primary/post-primary/ montessori nqt.

The Teaching Council has developed a streamlined "fast-track" application process for final year teacher education students who wish to register with the Council.

Follow these steps:

Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in Ireland

Further Education

Applicants wishing to register as a teacher in the Further Education sector must meet the requirements set out in  Route 3  of the  Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations 2016  and  The Teaching Council [Registration] (Amendment) Regulations 2016 .

Principle Conditions for Admission to the Register


Evidence of Character – including Vetting (mandatory).

Teachers should apply for registration using this link here .

Completed application forms must be submitted with:

  • photocopies of transcripts
  • other documentary evidence (see the application form)
  • the registration fee of €90

Applicants are advised to ensure the form is fully completed prior submission, by reference to the Guidance Notes document and the checklist included in the form. When an application is received, it is examined by Teaching Council staff to ensure that it is complete and accompanied by all necessary documentation. Where this is not the case, the applicant is contacted and requested to forward any missing documentation or fill in any incomplete sections of the form.

  •     Guidance Notes .

Qualified in Previous Years

Applicants who qualified in Ireland, who are not new graduates, and who wish to begin or return to teaching after a period of absence (e.g. a career break) may apply to the Teaching Council for registration.


  • Route 1 – Primary
  • Route 2 – Post Primary
  • Route 3 – Further Education

Evidence of Character  – including Vetting (mandatory).

Teachers (Route 1 – Primary, Route 2 – Post-Primary, Route 3 – Further Education, Route 4 – Other) should apply for registration via this page .

  •   Guidance Notes .

European Qualification Recognition

Fully qualified teachers who have qualified outside of the Republic of Ireland are eligible to apply for registration with the Teaching Council. All applications from teachers who qualified abroad are processed in line with the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and are assessed in the same manner, regardless of whether they qualified within or outside the EU. All applications are individually assessed.

A person deemed to be a fully qualified teacher has completed a recognised teacher education qualification and programme of induction in the country in which they qualified and can provide an official letter from the relevant teacher registration body/ Competent Authority or Ministry of Education confirming recognition as a fully qualified teacher in the State/ country.

In accordance with the EU Directive 2005/36/EC, the qualifications of teachers who qualified outside of the ROI are assessed to ensure they are of a comparable standard to those achieved by graduates of accredited programmes in Ireland. Where significant differences arise, conditions (qualification shortfalls) will be applied to the teacher's registration.

Watch a video on the assessment process below;

There are three stages to the assessment process:

1. Application

  • Submit the application form (below) with all required documentation and fee to the Council.
  • A staff member will contact an applicant if any documentation is missing from their application as the assessment cannot begin until all of the required documents have been received.
  • Applications are processed within a 12 week timeframe from the date of receipt of all required documentation.

Route 1: Primary

The application form for Route 1: Primary (PRQA-01) is available  here . Accompanying guidance notes are available  here .

Route 2: Post-primary

  • The application form for Route 2: Post-primary (PPQA-01) is available  here . Accompanying guidance notes are available  here .
  • Applicants who qualified outside of Ireland, applying for Physical Education, must also complete the form  here . (PE1)
  • In order to register under Route 2 Post-primary and in addition to holding the relevant teacher education qualification, applicants must meet the requirements for at least one Post-primary curricular subject. Applicants must consult the Council's Post-primary Curricular Subject Requirements before determining which subject(s) to apply for. The requirements are available  here.

2. Assessment

  • An applicant's file may be referred for assessment to an external Advisor.
  • The application, including the Advisor's recommendation is considered by the Qualifications Panel which is made up of Teaching Council members.
  • Where significant differences are identified between the applicant's qualifications and the registration requirements in Ireland, conditions will be applied to the applicant's registration.
  • If the Panel decides to register the applicant subject to one or more conditions, or to refuse to register the applicant, the applicant will be informed in writing of this decision and given the option of requesting a review of the decision by the Registration Review Group, within 21 days of receipt of the decision of the Panel.
  • A teacher registered with conditions (qualification shortfalls) can complete these conditions either by aptitude test (module/ course of study) or by adaptation period (by teaching in the area of shortfall) as outlined in EU Directive 2005/36/EC, within a certain time frame. This timeframe is normally 3 years but may be extended upon application in certain circumstances.
  • All applicants under Route 1: Primary will have the condition of  Irish Language Requirement  applied to their registration.
  • All applicants under Route 2: Post-primary will have the condition of  History & Structure  of the Irish Education System applied to their registration.

3. Registration

Registration will be finalised providing that all other requirements have been met in relation to character reference, vetting and English Language Proficiency.

Temporary and Occasional Teaching

The Teaching Council's fee structure does not allow for reduced fees to be levied. Registration provides a license to teach, regardless of how frequently one teaches.

The standard registration fee is €90 per annum. The renewal fee is €65. Please refer to the  schedule of fees  for overseas assessment fees.

Processing Times

The assessment and registration process may take up to 12 weeks from receipt of all application documentation and depending on the time of year. You are advised to apply in advance of your planned return to or commencement of teaching.

Further information

Teaching Council homepage 

Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2016

Contact details

The Teaching Council, Block A, Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 Y7X0, Ireland

Telephone: +353 1 651 7900

Email: [email protected]

The above is for general information- please see the  Teaching Council homepage for further details.

Last updated: 7th November 2023

Further Education Teaching Council registration?

  • 07-12-2014 10:38am #1 Bristolscale7 Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 541 ✭✭✭ Join Date: April 2013 Posts: 487 Do I need a H.Dip to apply for the Futher Education reigistration with the Teaching Council? I have a Ph.D and have been teaching at an Irish University for five years. I need the Further Education registration so I can offer some adult ed. courses outside my university but I can't make head nor tails of the byzantine Teaching Council jargon. 0
Bristolscale7 wrote: » Do I need a H.Dip to apply for the Futher Education reigistration with the Teaching Council? I have a Ph.D and have been teaching at an Irish University for five years. I need the Further Education registration so I can offer some adult ed. courses outside my university but I can't make head nor tails of the byzantine Teaching Council jargon.
Bristolscale7 wrote: » Doesn't look like that actually applies to Further Education, 'regulation 5', but I'll give them a ring. http://www.teachingcouncil.ie/_fileupload/Registration/Overview/Registration_Regulations_2009_90665047.pdf
2. A person who applies to be entered on the register as a teacher under this regulation shall satisfy the Council that he/she has obtained: a) For those making application prior to and including 01 April 2013, a primary degree or equivalent carrying at least 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits, such as may be recognised by the Teaching Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this regulation in accordance with the provisions set out hereunder: b) For those making application after 01 April 2013, a primary degree or equivalent (not less than level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications) carrying at least 180 ECTS credits, such as may be recognised by the Teaching Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this regulation in accordance with the provisions set out hereunder: (i) The degree must be obtained following a course of at least three years full time study (or its equivalent); and, (ii) meets such other requirements as the Teaching Council may publish from time to time. AND For those making application after 01 April 2013, a Council approved qualification in post-primary (First Year to Sixth Year) or further education teacher education.
OR c) An ordinary degree or equivalent (not less than level 7 on the National Qualifi cations Framework) carrying at least 180 ECTS credits; and, (i) an appropriate additional qualifi cation; or, (ii) certifi ed accreditation of prior learning based on a minimum of three years experience in a workplace or instructional setting which is relevant to the candidate’s qualifi cations such as may be recognised by the Teaching Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this regulation which meets such requirements as the Teaching Council may publish from time to time; AND For those making application after 01 April 2013, a Council approved teacher education qualifi cation in Further Education. OR d) Until 01 April 2013, an Advanced (National Craft) Certifi cate at not less than Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifi cations as determined by FETAC together with relevant approved experience in a workplace supervisory role such as may be recognised by the Teaching Council as suitable for the purpose of registration as a teacher under this regulation in accordance with the provisions set out hereunder: (i) The Advanced (National Craft) Certifi cate must be in a craft listed as an approved apprenticeship by FÁS or its equivalent; (ii) The workplace supervisory role must be of at least fi ve years duration; (iii) Such other requirements as the Teaching Council may publish from time to time. OR e) Any person who has achieved the qualifi cations previously recognised in accordance with Department of Education and Science circulars as long as the qualifi cation was obtained (or at least the applicant had commenced the course leading to the qualifi cation) prior to the passing of these Regulations.
Bristolscale7 wrote: » Immediately after the part you quoted there's this or: The last e) is interesting
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Teaching in Further Education (Full time)

  • Express An Interest

further education registration teaching council

  • Level Level 9
  • Duration 12 mths
  • Delivery Fulltime
  • Fees View details
  • Application Status Closed
  • Next Intake September 2024

The Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Further Education is a professional teaching qualification and is accredited by the Teaching Council of Ireland.  The programme is designed to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and competencies required to teach in a variety of settings in the Further Education sector. No prior experience of teaching is required.  Graduates of the programme are entitled to register with the Teaching Council of Ireland as Further Education teachers, provided they meet the criteria set down in Regulation 5, Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2009.

As a participant on this NFQ Level 9 programme you will complete a number of taught modules which focus on both on the practical skills and the theoretical frameworks that underpin the practice of teaching in post-compulsory education.  Alongside these modules, you will also complete 100 hours of Practice Placement in authentic Further or Adult education settings, allowing you to apply the learning from the taught modules in real world teaching settings.

 On successful completion of the programme, you should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the educational and social context within which adult and further education take place nationally and internationally.
  • Analyse and reflect critically on the particular features of teaching and learning in the adult and further education sectors;
  • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the further education sector and other sectors of education in Ireland;
  • Exercise discernment in selecting and applying pedagogical and/or andragogical approaches to teaching, learning and assessment appropriate to different learner groups;
  • Critique an appropriate range of approaches for the teaching and learning of the subject matter, including assessment and feedback, as appropriate to different learner groups;
  • Design a programme, course or module appropriate for the learners, including teaching techniques, assessment and evaluation modes, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant awarding body.
  • Demonstrate successful teaching by initiating and leading purposeful activity in in authentic settings and respond in a skillful manner within unpredictable contexts.
  • Engage in a committed manner to reflective practice, contribute to and learn from communities of practice, and act as a change agent where deemed appropriate within the profession.
  • Appraise existing and emerging technologies suitable for integration into their practice. 

This full-time programme is delivered on campus on Thursdays and Fridays. In addition, students are required to complete online and self-directed study.

The full time programme will run over one calendar year.  Students will be required to attend SETU Waterford for one and a half to two full days per week during the two academic semesters in the year as well as to complete the required Practice Placements hours in their placement setting.   There are no exams on the programme.  A range of methods, including essays, portfolios of work, presentations, participation in online discussions and others, is used to assess the achievement of the learning outcomes in the taught modules.   For the Teaching Practice modules, students are observed as they teach (at least once per module) and are also required to submit a Practice Placement Portfolio as part of the assessment process.

Programme structure for the part time programme

Introduction to Professional PracticeCurriculum and Assessment
Foundations of Effective Teaching in Further EducationDeveloping Effective Teaching in Further Education
Sociology of Adult EducationPolicy and Perspectives of Further Education
Philosophy and Critical Education TheoryTeaching Practice 2
Educational Psychology for Further EducationTeaching Practice 3
Teaching Practice 1 

Module information

The programme is made up of a combination of theoretical foundation modules, professional studies modules and practical teaching modules

Theoretical Foundations modules

Sociology of Adult Education (5 credits)

This module aims to enable student teachers to place their practice within sociological theory and other initiatives in the context of further education in order to create critical awareness of learners’ needs in the context of diversity.

Curriculum and Assessment (10 credits)

The aim of this module is to provide student teachers with the knowledge skills and competences to become effective designers and assessors of student learning in further education.

Policy and Perspectives of Further Education (5 credits)

This module is focused on providing student teachers with a good working knowledge of the further education sector, and enabling them to locate the sector in the overall provision of education and training in Ireland and within the European Union (EU).

Philosophy and Critical Education Theory (5 credits)

The aim of this module is to enable student teachers to acquire a grounding in the major philosophical constructs that inform adult education, and to develop their own principled philosophical stance towards practice.

Educational Psychology for Further Education (5 credits)

This module provides student teachers with a general knowledge of the psychology of adult learning and to deepen her/his understanding according to her/his personal and professional interests.

Professional Studies modules

Introduction to Professional Practice (5 credits)

This module prepares student teachers to develop the knowledge, understanding, qualities, skills and competences required for effective teaching in further education.

Foundations of Effective Teaching in Further Education (5 credits)

The aim of this module is to provide student teachers with the principal teaching skills to allow them to become effective and reflective teachers in further education.

Developing Effective Teaching in Further Education (5 credits)

This module provides student teachers with opportunities to develop their professionalism, skills, commitment and competence as effective and reflective teachers in further education.

Practical Teaching modules

Teaching Practice 1 (5 credits)

The aim of the first practical teaching module is to provide student teachers with an initial opportunity to teach within a real class environment and to develop their teaching knowledge, skills, qualities and competence within the realities of the classroom. 

Teaching Practice 2 (5 credits)

This module allows student teachers to consolidate the teaching skills, competences and dispositions developed in Teaching Practice 1, and also aims to provide an encounter between pedagogical knowledge and classroom realities.

Teaching Practice 3 (5 credits)

The aim of the final practical teaching module is to deepen student teachers’ understanding and competence in teaching and to provide an opportunity to show that they are capable of joining the profession as beginning teachers who can work effectively in FE.

Entry requirements

Applicants for this programme normally require an NFQ Level 8 qualification in an area that is currently taught in Further and / or Adult Education in Ireland.  Those who meet this requirement are interviewed to assess their overall suitability for the programme.

In order to be offered a place on the programme, applicants must provide proof that they have access to 100 hours of Practice Placement in appropriate Further Education settings.  Practice Placement must be completed within recognised Further Education settings (which include Colleges of Further Education, Adult Education Centre's etc.) and with groups of six or more learners taking accredited programmes leading to awards at NFQ Levels 1 to 6.

Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English.  Please see the English Language Requirements (for details.

All applicants require Garda clearance and will therefore be expected to complete the necessary Garda Vetting forms at the beginning of the programme. 

Application process

Applications for the programme are made online via the Postgraduate Applications Centre ( www.pac.ie ).  The course code for the full-time programme is SE11E

Programme fees

Fees for the full-time programme are €7900, payable in two installments of €3950 (one in September and one in the following January) 

The Irish Further Education and Training sector provides graduates of this programme with a wide range of contexts in which to pursue their teaching careers.  Opportunities for qualified further education teachers are to be found in a variety of settings from Colleges of Further Education to Adult Education Centre's, Adult Literacy Services and other settings.  Graduates of this programme have gone on to work on a range of different further education programmes, including Post Leaving Certificate programmes, Youth reach programmes, programmes that are run under the Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) and the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS), as well as in community education contexts and on both accredited and non-accredited adult education programmes.   A number of graduates have also gone on to further study, including at doctoral level in Education.

The Irish Further Education and Training sector provides graduates of this programme with a wide range of contexts in which to pursue their teaching careers.  Opportunities for qualified further education teachers are to be found in a variety of settings from Colleges of Further Education to Adult Education Centre's, Adult Literacy Services and other settings.  Graduates of this programme have gone on to work on a range of different further education programmes, including Post Leaving Certificate programmes, Youth reach programmes, programmes that are run under the Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) and the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS), as well as in community education contexts and on both accredited and non-accredited adult education programmes.  A number of graduates have also gone on to further study, including at doctoral level in Education.

Practice Placement (PP) is a core part of all teacher education programmes and enables the student teacher to practice teaching in authentic settings. It involves student teachers, Practice Placement Tutors, the Practice Placement Co-ordinator, the The Practice Placement Academic Lead and workplace Mentors in Further Education settings. PP provides student teachers with the opportunity to plan and prepare lessons in a professional manner, teach effectively, reflect on their teaching and evaluate how successful this was for their students’ learning.

There are three periods of Practice Placement to be completed on the full time programme, one in the period between September and December and two in the period between January and  August. The duration of each Teaching Practice Placement is between 4 and 10 weeks and student teachers will carry out a total 100 hours of Practice Practice over the course of the programme (usually 40 hours in the September to December period and 60 hours in total in the January to August period).  80 of the 100 hours must be delivered as solo teaching hours, while the remaining 20 can include observation of teaching, co-teaching and other activities.

To satisfy the Teaching Council’s registration requirements, placements must meet a number of criteria: they must be completed within recognised Further Education settings (which include Colleges of Further Education, Adult Education Centres etc); they must involve working with groups of six or more learners; and they must be on accredited programmes leading to awards at NFQ Levels 1 to 6.

Student teachers are responsible for arranging their own Practice Placements p.  This generally involves contacting the management of likely partner institutions within the Further Education sector.   Applicants who are currently engaged in a teaching or tutoring capacity within the further education sector may wish to nominate some of their existing classes for their Practice Placements provided they meet the criteria below and provided the placement is approved by their appropriate line manager.

A dedicated Practice Placement Co-ordinator liaises with the student teachers to ensure the practice placement setting meets the programme requirements.  Support documents to assist in arranging placement are provided to applicants once they have successfully completed their interviews.  Proof of access to placement is required before an applicant can officially be offered a place on the programme, but access to placement does not have to be in place at the time of application and interview. 

Course Leader

Carol O'Byrne

Dr Carol O'Byrne

Lecturer in Education -

Call: +35351306354

Email: [email protected]

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Relief teaching

children working together

Being a relief teacher means you can support your education colleagues who may need time away from the classroom for various reasons including sick leave or professional development.

Benefits of being a relief teacher

  • Relief teaching allows you to work a schedule that fits with your life, earn an income while maintaining important community and social links.
  • You can support your school community and permanent teachers.
  • You will work in partnership with the school on what needs to be delivered in the classroom you will be looking after.
  • You will not work school holidays.
  • You can maintain your registration and possible PLD opportunities
  • There are opportunities to work in a range of schools and levels of your choice
  • There are travel allowance and sick leave entitlements.

How do I get started as a relief teacher? 

You need to hold an approved teaching qualification, have NZ teacher registration, and hold a current practising certificate to be employed as a teacher. This is a legal requirement. However, there are several ways you can get started as a relief teacher .





– you can sign up to become a relief teacher today.




If you are a registered teacher with no practising certificate you can relief teach for 20 half days. This means people can work while renewing their practising certificate.

The Teaching Council can issue an Extension to Teach beyond the 20 half days when the practising certificate has expired and there is an offer of employment.



If you have been out of teaching for an extended period of time you may need to complete a refresh programme. The Teaching Council can help you with this.

If you have not completed any teaching in the last five years, you may be required to complete a Teacher Education Refresh programme. You can be employed while you undertake this programme. This programme is currently funded by the Ministry of Education.

You should contact the Teaching Council to discuss the best options for you.




The Teaching Council can issue a LAT for day to day relieving teaching positions which should be filled by a registered teacher but for which there are currently no such teachers available because of supply issues.

The Teaching Council encourages schools and principals to consider seeking a LAT for Teacher Aides to allow them to fill a relief teacher role if required. 

Contact the Teaching Council for more information.



If you are a teacher with a current practicing certificate who trained in primary or secondary settings you can become a relief teacher in both settings.

Additional information

If you are a registered teacher with no practising certificate, you can relief teach for up to 20 half days per calendar year without a practising certificate. If you are planning to renew your practising certificate, you can do this while teaching.  

The Teaching Council can issue an Extension to Teach beyond 20 half days when your practising certificate has expired and there is an offer of employment. This allows you time to renew your practising certificate. 

If you are registered as a teacher and have a current practising certificate, you can contact your local school or school principal directly and provide them with your information for relief teaching.

You will need to provide details of your experience, qualifications, and other key information before being accepted as a relief teacher.

I am registered and hold a current practising certificate 

If you are a registered teacher and have a current practising certificate, you can contact your local school or school principal directly and provide them with your CV and any other relevant information.  

You will need to provide details of your experience, qualifications, and other key information before being accepted as a relief teacher. 

If you would prefer to go through a recruitment agency, here are two organisations who can support reliever recruitment - there are others. The Ministry does not endorse, or quality assure providers.



How do I renew my practising certificate?

If you are an NZ registered teacher but do not have a current practising certificate and would like to return to teaching, this section contains a summary of what you need to do if you have had a short or extended break from the profession.  

The type of practising certificate you hold as a reliever depends on your role and your recent teaching experience.

Your application for a practising certificate will be checked by the Teaching Council. They will review:  

  • Time taught - how much teaching you have completed in the last five years and what practising certificate type you currently hold or last held
  • How recent your teaching has been over the last five years.  

More detail on renewing a practising certificate is available on the Teaching Council's website.

I have completed some teaching in the past five years

If you meet satisfactory recent teaching experience requirements (two years uninterrupted teaching in the past five years or a shorter period as determined by the Teaching Council) you are likely to be able to renew the practising certificate you previously held.

If you do not meet the satisfactory recent teaching requirements outlined above, the Teaching Council will assess your application to see if your practising certificate can be renewed via one of these pathways (the Council will advise which pathway will enable you to renew your PC):

  • Complete a New/Beginning Teacher Practice Plan (for teachers who were issued with Tiwhikete Whakaakoranga Tōmua | Provisional practising certificate less than five years ago and are seeking to renew this PC type for the second time). Your practice plan acts as a proxy for satisfactory recent teaching, which means your application can be processed so you can teach. Specific goals in your practice plan can be completed while teaching.
  • Complete a Return to Practice Plan (for experienced teachers who hold or previously held a Tiwhikete Whakaakoranga Tūturu | Full (Category One or Tiwhikete Whakaakoranga Pūmau | Full (Category Two) practising certificate. Your practice plan acts as a proxy for satisfactory recent teaching, which means your application can be processed so you can teach. Specific goals in your practice plan can be completed while you teach.

The Teaching Council can also issue an Extension to Teach beyond the 20 half days if your practising certificate has expired, you have applied to renew your practising certificate, and you have an offer of ongoing employment. This allows time for a practising certificate to be renewed.   

I have not completed any teaching in the past five years (or longer) 

The Teaching Council will assess your application to see if your practising certificate can be renewed via one of these pathways:

You may be required to undertake a Teacher Education Refresh (TER) programme . The Teaching Council will provide advice on your options, but you may be able to complete a TER programme while teaching. TER programmes are flexible and vary in length, starting from 12 weeks, are mainly completed online and are delivered by four Council-approved providers around the country. 

The Teaching Council can also issue an Extension to Teach beyond the 20 half days when the practising certificate has expired and there is an offer of ongoing employment. This allows time for a practising certificate to be renewed but means the teacher can continue to be employed.

More information about being issued with or renewing a practising certificate for relief teaching   

If you are not a registered teacher 

A Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) is also an option. The Teaching Council can issue a LAT for day to day relieving teaching positions which should be filled by a registered teacher but for which there are currently no such teachers available because of supply issues. If you are currently working as a teacher aide, this may be an option for you. The current application fee for a LAT is $117.96 for one year. 

How much will you earn as a relief teacher?

Relief teacher pay rates increased in April of this year to $406.38 per day and will increase from 2 December 2024 to $422.23 per day for qualified teachers.

A full break down of relief teacher pay rates.  

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Primary teaching

To become a primary teacher in Ireland, you must complete a programme of initial teacher education (ITE).

There are two options to choose from.

  • The first option is to complete an undergraduate ITE programme. This takes four years.
  • The second option is to complete a postgraduate degree, called the Professional Master of Education (PME). This takes two years. You can apply for the PME during the final year of your Level 8 undergraduate degree, or when you’ve completed your Level 8 degree.

How to become a Primary Teacher

Leaving Certificate (or equivalent)

Two options available for initial teacher education

  • Option 1: Undergraduate ITE Programme (which has been accredited by the Teaching Council) (4 years)
  • Option 2:  Level 8 Undergraduate Degree (in any subject or area) followed by Professional Master of Education (PME) (2 years)

Registration with the Teaching Council

Qualified primary teacher ready for employment

Accredited programmes of initial teacher education (primary)

  • Dublin City University
  • Hibernia College (PME only)
  • Marino Institute of Education
  • Mary Immaculate College
  • Maynooth University (Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education)

Points to consider

  • Most applications for undergraduate ITE programmes are made through the Central Applications Office (CAO). You must check the application process with the university/college.
  • As with all CAO courses, you need to meet all the entry requirements set by the university/college in your year of entry. This might mean attaining a certain number of points in your Leaving Certificate. Or for mature students, you may have to attend an interview. Before applying, make sure to check the full list of entry requirements, as they may vary between the third-level institutions.
  • The application process for PME programmes can vary. You must consult the website of each third-level institution for up-to-date information on the entry requirements, how to submit your application, what the closing date is, and what the fees are.
  • PME applicants must achieve 65% or higher on the oral component of the Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (TEG) Meánleibhéal 1 (B1) Irish examination, prior to the closing date for applications. Applicants to the Hibernia College PME can present their TEG certificate or alternatively they can undertake an interview through Irish with the College.
  • For primary teaching, there are minimum grades in Mathematics, English and Irish required at Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) set by the Department of Education. Full details on the entry requirements can be found on the websites of the third-level institutions.
  • All primary ITE students are required to complete two placements in the Gaeltacht known as the Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht.
  • If you study primary teaching outside of Ireland and gain the status of a ʻfully qualified teacherʼ you can apply to register as a teacher in Ireland under the EU Directive 2005/36/EC. Your qualifications will be assessed to ensure they are of comparable standard to those achieved by graduates of ITE programmes in Ireland. If significant differences are found between your qualification and the qualification achieved by graduates of accredited programmes in Ireland, conditions may be applied to your registration. This ensures that everyone teaching in Ireland has met the same minimum standards of initial teacher education. For more information, see Qualified Outside of Ireland.

Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH)  is a funding programme designed to support and  provide increased access to ITE for certain categories of people. More information can be found at  studentfinance.ie

A number of universities and colleges provide courses to support access to initial teacher education for persons from groups which traditionally have been under-represented in teaching. For more information, visit the  Department of Education’s Teaching Transforms webpage .

Where can I find further information?

The  Department of Education’s Teaching Transforms webpage  is an excellent source of information.

The Teaching Council and Department of Education staff regularly attend career fairs in colleges and universities. Keep an eye on social pages for updates on events  @teachingcouncil  /  @Education_Ire

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  1. Revised Teaching Council Registration Regulations 2016 / revised

    further education registration teaching council

  2. Teaching Council Registration / teaching-council-registration.pdf / PDF4PRO

    further education registration teaching council

  3. Teaching Council registration updates

    further education registration teaching council

  4. Form: REG-01

    further education registration teaching council

  5. FREE 8+ Sample Teacher Registration Forms in PDF

    further education registration teaching council

  6. Teaching Council Registration / teaching-council-registration.pdf / PDF4PRO

    further education registration teaching council


  1. Further Education

    Applicants wishing to register as a teacher in the Further Education sector must meet the requirements set out in Route 3 of the Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations 2016 and The Teaching Council [Registration] (Amendment) Regulations 2016. Any person who meets the degree qualification requirements outlined therein is eligible for ...

  2. Teaching Council My Registration > Site Login

    Site Login. Login. If you have already created a My Registration account, login using your username (email address) and password. Entering your password incorrectly three consecutive times will result in your account being locked for 60 mins. If you are a new user and have not yet set up an account, select the 'Create Account' button below.

  3. Registration Select

    If you were previously registered with the Teaching Council, or if you previously applied for registration, you will need to request an account creation link so that we can link your online account to your previous registration. You can request this link by clicking the button below and confirming your details. Request my Account Creation Link.

  4. SETU

    To satisfy the Teaching Council's registration requirements, placements must meet a number of criteria: they must be completed within recognised Further Education settings (which include Colleges of Further Education, Adult Education Centre's etc.); they must involve working with groups of six or more learners; and they must be on accredited ...

  5. I'm already a qualified teacher, I want to work in Ireland

    The Teaching Council considers applications from teachers who qualified outside Ireland if they are fully qualified in their home country. Registration in Ireland, where granted, may be subject to conditions and you may need to do some additional training. Teachers who qualified in an EU member state are entitled to have their qualifications ...

  6. Find your registration number or registration status

    Find your registration number or registration status

  7. Teaching Qualification in Further Education

    Under article 30 of the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011, it is for the Scottish Ministers to determine what constitutes a recognised teaching qualification for individuals seeking registration as a teacher of further education with GTC Scotland.

  8. Register as a Further Education teacher

    Qualification requirements for Further Education teachers. To register as a Further Education teacher, you must have both 1 and 2 below. 1. An Honours Bachelor's Degree at Level 8 or higher on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) which has a ECTS credit weighting of at least 180 credits. or.

  9. Further, Adult and Community Education

    From the 1 st January 2019, in line with the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2016 and Teaching Council (Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2016, all applicants for registration under Route 3 Further Education will be required to hold an appropriate Council accredited teacher education qualification.

  10. (PDF) The Teaching Council and Irish Further Education and Training

    The Teaching Council & registration of Further Education teachers The Teaching Council of Ireland was established in 2006 under the Teaching Council Act 2001.

  11. Teaching in Ireland

    The assessment and registration process may take up to 12 weeks from receipt of all application documentation and depending on the time of year. You are advised to apply in advance of your planned return to or commencement of teaching. Further information. Teaching Council homepage Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2016. Contact details

  12. Further Education Teaching Council registration?

    For those making application after 01 April 2013, a Council approved qualification in post-primary (First Year to Sixth Year) or further education teacher education. In an nutshell, before 1 April 2013 you would have been able to register for FE without a formal teaching qualification and on the strength of your bachelor's degree.

  13. SETU

    To satisfy the Teaching Council's registration requirements, placements must meet a number of criteria: they must be completed within recognised Further Education settings (which include Colleges of Further Education, Adult Education Centres etc); they must involve working with groups of six or more learners; and they must be on accredited ...

  14. Relief teaching

    The Teaching Council will provide advice on your options, but you may be able to complete a TER programme while teaching. TER programmes are flexible and vary in length, starting from 12 weeks, are mainly completed online and are delivered by four Council-approved providers around the country.

  15. Teaching Council My Registration > Find a Teacher > Teacher

    The Teaching Council. The Teaching Council is the professional standards body for the teaching profession, which promotes and regulates professional standards in teaching. It acts in the interests of the public good while upholding and enhancing standards in the teaching profession.

  16. Higher education (colleges and universities)

    Secondary education, Higher education (colleges and universities) 5. Pravoslavnaya Klassicheskaya Gimnaziya Imeni Sshchmch. Rabochaya Ulitsa, 8-а, Noginsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 142400. 5.0 · +7 496 514-39-76 +7 496 514-39-76: pravgimnkb.ru:

  17. 722nd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

    722nd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment. 722-й зенитно-ракетный полк. Military Unit: 86611. Activated 1953 in Kovrigino, Moscow Oblast - initially as the 1967th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment for Special Use and from 1955 as the 722nd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment for Special Use.

  18. Register to Teach

    Register to Teach

  19. Register as a student teacher

    Further Education; Route 4 - Other; Student teacher; ... In December 2021 an amendment to the Teaching Council registration regulations was approved and signed into law by the minister for Education together with the chairperson and the director of the Teaching Council in response to the supply crisis in the classroom.

  20. Ewf b.v East West Forwarding

    EWF B.V EAST WEST FORWARDING. Edelveis, Right Entrance, 2nd Floor Davidkovskaja, 121352 Moscow, Russia. Phone: +7 495 938-99-66; Mobile: +7 495-997-0977

  21. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  22. Teaching Council opens public consultation on proposed new registration

    To become a primary, post-primary and further education teacher in Ireland, you must complete a programme of initial teacher education (ITE). Accredited Programmes; ... The proposed regulations will replace the existing registration regulations, being the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 444 of 2016), as amended.

  23. The Teaching Council

    The Teaching Council

  24. Primary teaching

    Two options available for initial teacher education. Option 1: Undergraduate ITE Programme (which has been accredited by the Teaching Council) (4 years) Option 2: Level 8 Undergraduate Degree (in any subject or area) followed by Professional Master of Education (PME) (2 years) Registration with the Teaching Council.