how to structure history a level essay

How to structure AQA A-level History Essays

  • Dr Janet Rose
  • December 14, 2019

For AQA History , at both AS and A level, you need to know how to write two types of essay – a block essay and a point-by-point essay.  To be able to structure AQA history essays you’ll need to know these essay styles and where to use them.


You don’t really need an introduction for the source questions.  In the exam you will be pressed for time so it is sensible to just start with your analysis of extract A.  However, for the essay questions you will need a short, clear introduction that references the question and states your line of argument.

The most helpful tip I can give you is this; write the introduction last .  Why do I advise this?  Because if you state your line of argument and what you intend to include, you then have to make sure your whole essay and conclusion matches your introduction.  Obviously you should have a plan to follow but it is far, far easier to write the body of your essay and your conclusion,  then make the introduction fit the essay you have just written.  It makes writing the introduction a breeze because you will know exactly what you have argued, which evidence you have used, the order you have presented your material and what you have concluded.

No Surprises

Remember there should be no surprises for your marker or examiner in history.  You are not writing a best seller where you build up the tension and then do a dramatic ‘ta da’ reveal.  That will only confuse your examiner and lose you marks – potentially a lot of marks.  What we want is a nice, clear format where we can see exactly what you are arguing, exactly what evidence you are using, and exactly what you have concluded.  Importantly, we want to know this at the start of the essay.  If you make your marker or examiner keep stopping, re-reading chunks, and going back and forth to try and understand your argument, you’ll just end up with an unhappy and frustrated reader.  And this is the person who is going to award your marks!  Be clear.  Be concise.  Get to the point quickly.  Give evidence to back up your points.  Reach a judgement.

History Essay: How to write an A-Grade Essay

Block Essays

For AQA you use these for the extract questions; the two sources for AS and the three sources for A level.  You write the essay in blocks of text which are focused on one area.

For the source questions you don’t need to get too clever with hopping back and forth between sources and points. Decide and plan what you need to say and then write it clearly, with a clear assessment of each source, in big chunks of work. Do not worry about an introduction– just get straight into the analysis. First address Source A in a block, then Source B in another block and (for A level) Source C in a final block.

Remember that you need to assess the sources.  Keep doing that all the way through.  Assess each source as you write the block and do a mini summary at the end of each section.   You can then bring the sources together in a very short conclusion at the end (no more than a couple of lines) where you can summarise your convincing/valuable assessment of the sources.  It is very important that you make a clear judgement for each source, as that is what the question asks you to do.

By the way, when we talk about blocks it does not mean you have to cram everything into one enormous paragraph. If you have plenty to say (and hopefully you will) you should use a sensible paragraph structure. The reason it is called a block essay is that you deal with one section completely, in this case each source, before moving on to the next section.

Point-by-point essays

Point-by-Point essays are much trickier to master but are well worth the effort as, done properly, they tend to achieve higher marks. For AQA you can use this style for everything that is not a source question. The key to an excellent point-by-point essay is all in the planning; it will only come out well in the writing if you know exactly what you are going to argue and the order in which you are going to introduce evidence and points. So it is crucial that you make yourself a good plan!

Essentially, all the AQA essay questions at both AS and A level ask you to argue ‘for or against’ a hypothesis. They will look something like this:

‘Victorian governments in the years 1867 to 1886 had little interest in social reform.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.

‘Henry VII had successfully established monarchical authority by 1509.’ Assess the validity of this view.

Your job, therefore, is to find evidence from your course for both sides of the argument i.e. both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the hypothesis. You absolutely must have evidence for both sides – not just one side. The evidence goes down on your plan, divided into ‘for’ and ‘against’ the hypothesis. Whichever side you end with more evidence for, or more convincing evidence for, that is the side you will conclude is most persuasive.

History Exams – How to avoid being narrative


Imagine it like a tennis match

Imagine it like a tennis match, where the ball starts on one side of the tennis court, is played and then sails over to the opposing side.  A point-by-point argument is like this – it is oppositional, with two opposing sides. You should aim to bounce back and forth between the points and the two sides of the argument. Begin with one of the points from your plan, either for or against the hypothesis. Deal with the point in detail, using clear examples as evidence and linking it firmly to the question.  That’s your opening shot.

Next, pop straight over to the opposing view and deal with that point, again using clear examples and linking to the question. Repeat this ‘back and forth’ technique until you have covered all the points and evidence in your plan.

To do this really well it is usually better to put up the side of your argument that you will oppose first. You outline the ‘other’ side of the argument and show that you understand the opposing view. Then you switch over to the other side of the hypothesis, i.e. ‘your’ argument, and use powerful evidence to back it up. Remember this is all about argument and analysis.

Back to our tennis match analogy; the ball is your argument, which bounces back and forth between the players, but you need ‘your’ side to end each point with the big shot – the one that wins the game.

How to use Provenance in History Exams

The Conclusion

You must conclude in line with the most persuasive and convincing evidence you have included in your plan.   This sounds really obvious, but I have lost count of how many A-level history essays I have marked that argue effectively for one point of view, but then conclude in favour of the other side.  The most common reason for this happening is that the student has moved off their plan when writing up the essay.  Follow your plan!

At the end of the essay your conclusion should sum up all the main points of argument and then should reach a judgement.  Don’t sit on the fence, no matter how tempting it is.  You need to make a judgement.  The conclusion should mirror your introduction and the main points of argument in the body of the essay, so the work ends up as a coherent, clear argument from introduction to conclusion.

The point-by-point essay takes practice, so it will help if you can get some feedback from your teacher or tutor, or even a parent who will be able to tell you if your argument is clear and makes sense to the reader. Do persevere, however, because when you get the technique right it will gain you more marks in the end.

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A Level History: How to Structure Your Essays For Exam Success

Essay-based exams are a staple of A Level History, challenging students to demonstrate their understanding, analysis and critical thinking skills.

Whether you’re studying under AQA , OCR , Edexcel (or any other A Level History exam board for that matter), mastering effective essay writing techniques is essential for exam success.

In this guide, we’ll explore 10 strategies and tips to help you excel in your A Level History exams, regardless of the topic or exam board.

Let’s get started.

1. Understand the question

It’s a classic bit of exam advice, but before diving into your essay, carefully read and analyse the question.

Identify the key terms and requirements, such as “compare”, “analyse”, “evaluate”, or “assess”. What does the mark scheme want when these words are used? To make sure you’re clear, check mark schemes and exam guidance for your specific exam board and topics.

This will guide your approach and ensure you stay focused on addressing the specific demands of the question.

2. Plan your response

Having understood the question, take the time to plan your essay before you start writing. This is essential!

Create a clear and structured outline that includes your introduction, main arguments, supporting evidence, and conclusion. This should only be brief notes, done in a few minutes – but it will really help you stay on track.

Planning helps you organise your thoughts coherently and ensures a logical flow of ideas throughout your essay. Demonstrating these skills is vital for top marks, no matter which A Level History exam board you’re studying with.

3. Develop a strong thesis statement

Your thesis statement is just a sentence that outlines your argument or position on the topic. It should be clear and short, coming right at the start of your essay.

A strong thesis statement sets the direction for your essay and provides a roadmap for your readers to follow. Make sure it’s concise, specific – and supported by the evidence you’re about to outline in your essay.

4. Use evidence effectively

Which neatly brings us onto… backing up your arguments with relevant evidence from primary and secondary sources .

Quote, paraphrase or summarise evidence to support your points and demonstrate your in-depth understanding of the topic. Remember to critically evaluate the reliability and significance of the sources you use.

A word of caution : use your evidence selectively . You only have a short amount of time at A Level, so don’t fall into the trap of just listing everything you know about a topic. Evidence should only be used judiciously to support your arguments.

5. Engage with Historiography

Demonstrate your awareness of different historical interpretations and debates surrounding the topic (this is known as Historiography ). As part of your revision, learn about key historians and schools of thought, and think about how their perspectives shape your own analysis.

By including historians’ perspectives (either to support your own arguments or argue against them) shows depth of understanding and critical engagement with the subject matter.

6. Structure your essay

Organise your essay into clear paragraphs , each focusing on a specific aspect of your argument.

Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph, followed by supporting evidence and analysis (including any counter arguments). Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain coherence and flow.

If you’ve created a quick plan before you start writing – this should, hopefully, come naturally!

7. Be concise and precise

Aim for clarity and precision in your writing. Historians hate “fluff”, so avoid unnecessary jargon or verbose language that may obscure your argument.

Remember, you won’t have long to write your essays in your A Level History exams. So make every word count, and always strive for clarity and coherence in your writing.

8. Consider counterarguments

Acknowledge and address counterarguments to your thesis. This demonstrates intellectual rigour and shows you’ve considered multiple perspectives. It’s a high level skill that’s expected at university level – so will definitely impress A Level examiners!

That said, make sure you refute counterarguments effectively and reaffirm the strength of your own argument. Don’t just include a counter argument for the sake of it, otherwise you could run the risk of a confused-sounding essay.

9. Conclude effectively

Summarise your main arguments (i.e. what you’ve said in each paragraph) and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion .

Avoid introducing new information or arguments at this stage. Instead, reflect on the broader implications of your findings and leave the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement.

10. Proofread and revise

Finally, take the time to proofread and revise your essay before submitting it. If all has gone to plan, you should have 10 minutes or so at the end of your exam.

Check for basic spelling and grammar errors, as well as the clarity and coherence of your arguments. Consider seeking feedback from your friends, parents or teachers (in advance of exams!) to help you identify areas for improvement. It’s actually great if it’s someone who isn’t familiar with your History topics – as they’ll be able to let you know whether they understand everything you’re saying.

By following these ten essay writing techniques, you’ll maximise your performance in essay-based exams, not only for A Level History, but other subjects too.

Remember to practise regularly, spend time memorising key facts, engage critically with historical sources, and always strive for clarity and coherence in your writing.

A Level History can certainly be challenging, but with dedication and perseverance, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the trickiest essay questions in your final exams.

Good luck! Any specific questions? Just let me know.

As a Personal Tutor and an ex-History A Level student myself, with an MA in History and Philosophy from the University of St Andrews and an M.Phil in History from Bristol University, I’m on hand for any essay-writing queries or concerns.

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how to structure history a level essay

  • Written Essays

How to write source-based history essays

Trevi Fountain

The biggest assessment task you will be required to complete is a written research essay which develops an argument and uses a range of sources.

All types of assessment tasks will need you to use essay-writing skills in some form, but their fundamental structure and purpose remains the same.

Therefore, learning how to write essays well is central to achieving high marks in History.

What is an 'essay'?

A History essay is a structured argument that provides historical evidence to substantiate its points. 

To achieve the correct structure for your argument, it is crucial to understand the separate parts that make up a written essay. 

If you understand how each part works and fits into the overall essay, you are well on the way to creating a great assessment piece.

Most essays will require you to write:

  • 1 Introduction Paragraph
  • 3 Body Paragraphs
  • 1 Concluding Paragraph

Explanations for how to structure and write each of these paragraphs can be found below, along with examples of each: 

Essay paragraph writing advice

how to structure history a level essay

How to write an Introductory Paragraph

This page explains the purpose of an introduction, how to structure one and provides examples for you to read.

how to structure history a level essay

How to write Body Paragraphs

This page explains the purpose of body paragraphs, how to structure them and provides examples for you to read.

how to structure history a level essay

How to write a Conclusion

This page explains the purpose of conclusions, how to structure them and provides examples for you to read.

More essay resources

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A Level History Coursework AQA – A Guide

  • Post author By admin
  • Post date January 8, 2024
  • No Comments on A Level History Coursework AQA – A Guide

This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History Coursework for AQA using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted in the following format. Assessment Objective One (AO1) 10% (20 marks), Assessment Objective Two (AO2) 5% (10 marks) and Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 5% (10 marks). For AQA coursework this gives a total of 20% (40 marks) divided as shown above across all three of the A Level History Assessment Objectives.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Ideas, Examples and Resources

Choosing an Issue and Question – You are required to identify an issue or topic that you wish to study and develop a question from this. This gives a broad scope for potential questions. There are however two specific requirements of the question.

  • The question must not duplicate any of the content that you are studying for examination assessment in components 1 and 2.
  • The question must place the issue or topic in the context of approximately 100 years of history.

Question Ideas, Example and Selection

There are two potential ways to ensure that you cover the 100 year requirement for this coursework. You could identify an issue and related question which traces development over approximately 100 years. Alternatively, you could focus on a narrower issue but place it in the context of a 100 year period. Lets look at a couple of examples below to make this clear.

  • Q1. Q. ‘Despite a period of unprecedented economic and social change, British women remained marginalised and downtrodden’. During the period 1760-1867, assess the validity of this view. – This is the perfect example of a broad issue and question from which you could analyse development over the time period.
  • Q2. In the context of the period 1905 to 2003, to what extent was the Cuban missile crisis the biggest turning point in the relationship between Russia and the USA? – This question highlights a more specific issue (the Cuban missile crisis) and places it in context of the relationship between the two countries over the c100 year period.

There are some key points to consider when selecting a question for your coursework.

  • Question formulation – Students are advised to use the type of question formulations seen in AQA examinations and shown in the examples above.
  • Historiographical debate – There needs to be a scholarly debate around the question or issue. This means differing views on the question from different historians. This makes it easier to select appropriate works to analyse and compare.
  • Primary sources – Is there a range of primary sources and primary material available to support the coursework? These primary resources need to be accessible to the student.

Coursework Resources

  • Library – school, local, college, university – you should be able to borrow appropriate works.
  • Teacher – your teacher should be able to provide you with copies of appropriate resources to use.
  • JSTOR – – contains a large collection of journal articles from historical publications covering numerous topics. These will often engage in the historical debate by replying to opposing views.
  • Purchase Books – many second-hand books are available to purchase at very cheap prices through Amazon or similar sites.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Structure and Planning

First section – introduction to the question (c. 350 words).

Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the question. For the British women example question above you would need to define ‘remained marginalised and downtrodden’ .

This we could do by defining;

  • remained as showing continuity rather than change
  • marginalised as a group treated as insignificant and peripheral. 
  • downtrodden as a group oppressed or treated badly by those in power.

You would then need to set-out valid criteria by which the question can be judged in order to provide an accurate answer. These criteria will go on to become your factors as you can see in the plan below.

For the British women example question, we could potentially use the following criteria to judge whether they remained marginalised and downtrodden. Did women’s lives change for the better, during the period, in the following different areas?

  • Socially and Culturally
  • Legally and Politically
  • Education and Work

Second Section – Historians Viewpoints (c. 800 words – 400 each)

In this section we look at the viewpoints of two different academic historians. In order to achieve the highest marks, Level 5 (9-10 Marks) we need to do the following:

  • Show a very good understanding of the differing historical interpretations raised in the question.
  • Convincingly evaluate the interpretations with reference to time, context and/or limitations placed on the historians.

Using the example Cold War question shown above, you could analyse the views of a US historian writing after the Cold War has ended, with a Soviet historian writing during the period. This would enable you to contrast the content of both works and evaluate the interpretations given. This would also show how the time period affected the works, how limitations affected the works, how purpose affected the works, amongst many other issues that help to explain the authors differing viewpoints.

Third Section – Factor 1 and Source 1 (c. 650 words Factor 1 and 350 words Source 1)

In this section you cover the first factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Socially and Culturally factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

  • Level 5 (17-20) marks – Very good understanding of change and continuity within the context of approximately 100 years.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Socially and Culturally factor being covered here.

Fourth Section – Factor 2 and Source 2 (c. 650 words Factor 2 and 350 words Source 2 )

In this section you cover the second factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Legally and Politically factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Legally and Politically factor being covered here.

Fifth Section – Factor 3 and Source 3 (c. 650 words Factor 3 and 350 words Source 3 )

In this section you cover the second factor that you have identified from your criteria in the introduction, as well as one of your primary sources that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question this section would concentrate on the Education and Work factor that we are using as criteria to answer the question. Crucially you have to cover the time period and show your understanding of change and continuity as illustrated by the mark scheme detailed below.

You then add to this section your evaluation of your first primary source that matches with this theme. So for the British women example question you would have a primary source that related to the Education and Work factor being covered here.

Sixth Section – Overall Conclusion (c. 350 words)

In the final section you need to produce an overall conclusion that fully answers the coursework question. So for the British women question you would be answering ‘did they remain marginalised and downtrodden during this period?’. This will take into account everything you have considered throughout the piece of work including your criteria, the viewpoints of the academic historians, the primary sources and the factors that you have covered from your criteria. In reaching a final judgement and conclusion, you need to take into account the entire period considering continuity and change across it, as you should have done throughout the rest of the coursework.

A Level History Coursework AQA – Primary Source Analysis

A Level History Coursework AQA

Looking at the primary source mark scheme table from the AQA website can help you to understand the requirements. Firstly, you must ensure that three sources are used and that there are a minimum of two different types (can be two different types of written source). To achieve the highest marks you must then ensure that a range of relevant and well supported comments are made on the value of the sources. Finally, you must provide a balanced and convincing judgement on the merits of each source in relation to our question.

Assessing Your Primary Sources

  • Provenance – The five W’s of Who, Why, What, When, Where; can help you to identify the provenance of a primary source and assess its value or limitations.
  • Tone and Emphasis – How does the tone and emphasis impact the value of the source. Is it impartial, critical, formal, aggressive, empathetic, mocking, candid etc?
  • Content – What is the actual content of the source saying? How true is this in terms of your contextual knowledge? Is there value in the inaccuracies of the content?
  • Value/Limitations and Judgement – The above three points ( Provenance, Tone and Emphasis and Content ) can be used to assess how much we can learn from the source, by weighing up value and limitations, as well as giving judgement on the merit of the source.

How To Improve Further at A Level History

Pass A Level History – is our sister site, which shows you step by step, how to most effectively answer any A Level History extract, source or essay question. Please click the following link to visit the site and get access to your free preview lesson.

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A-Level History: A Complete Guide

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Starting your A-Level journey and thinking if History is the choice for you? You're in good company. A-Level History is a captivating subject, giving you a deep look into the past and its impact on today. Why choose History, you might ask? It's not just about dates and events; it’s about understanding the why and how behind major global happenances. Can it open doors for your future? Absolutely. In our guide, we'll explore everything from the difficulty level to the best resources, ensuring you have all the information to make an informed decision.

Is History a good A-Level to do?

Choosing A-Level History is a decision that many students ponder over. Its value isn't just academic; it equips you with skills highly regarded by universities and employers alike. According to a survey by the Russell Group universities , History is listed among the 'facilitating subjects' recommended for entry into a wide range of university courses. But what makes it such a commendable choice?

  • Critical Thinking : History teaches you to analyse sources and arguments, fostering a critical approach to information.
  • Communication Skills : You'll learn to articulate complex ideas clearly, both in writing and orally.
  • Research Abilities : Tackling historical questions requires effective research, a skill that's invaluable in any career.
  • Understanding of Contemporary Issues : By studying the past, you gain insights into current global issues, making you more informed about the world around you.

Here is what an expert A-Level History tutor has to say:

"Many of my students who've taken A-Level History have exceled in careers like law, education, journalism, and public policy. Their deep understanding of history enhanced their critical thinking, and helped their professional contributions by enabling them to solve complex issues with insight from past events."

Experts in education and career development often highlight the versatility of History A-Level. It opens doors to careers in law, journalism, politics, and education, to name a few. The analytical and evaluative skills gained are what set History students apart in the competitive job market.

Number of students who took A-Level History exams in the past 10 years

Graph showing number of students who took A-Level History exams in the past 10 years in the UK

Is it hard to pass A-level History?

A-level History is perceived by many as a challenging subject due to its in-depth analysis and extensive content and is ranked as the 7th hardest A-Level subject . However, the notion of difficulty is subjective and can vary based on a student's interests and strengths. The pass rate for A-level History has been relatively stable, indicating that with the right preparation and study habits, passing is certainly achievable. Key points to consider include:

  • Pass Rates : Data from Ofqual shows a consistent pass rate for A-level History, with recent years reporting pass rates of 98.7% in 2023, 99.2% in 2022, and 99.6% in 2021. These statistics suggest that while achieving top grades may be challenging, passing the subject is within reach for the majority of students.
  • Achieving High Grades : Obtaining an A* in A-level History is challenging and requires extensive subject knowledge, sophisticated argumentation, and a coherent writing style. The proportion of students achieving an A* has varied, with a decrease observed from 16% in 2021 to 5.5% in 2023.
  • Content Volume : A-level History is considered one of the most content-intensive A-level subjects. This means that students should be prepared for a significant amount of reading, research, and memorisation.
  • Exam Structure and Skills : Success in A-level History exams requires not only knowledge of historical facts but also the ability to critically analyse sources, construct coherent arguments, and write clearly under timed conditions.

Table showing A-level History grades distribution

While A-level History presents certain challenges, careful preparation, consistent effort, and effective study strategies can greatly increase the likelihood of not only passing but excelling in this subject.

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What topics are in History A-level?

A-Level History covers a broad and diverse range of topics, offering students the opportunity to explore various periods and events in depth. The subject matter spans across centuries and continents, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the world's history. Key areas of study typically include:

  • Modern History : Focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries, topics often cover significant global events, revolutions, and the development of modern nations.
  • British History : An essential component, with studies ranging from mediaeval times to the present day, reflecting on the social, political, and economic evolution of Britain.
  • European and World History : Encompassing a wide array of subjects such as the rise and fall of empires, the World Wars, and the Cold War era.
  • Thematic Studies : These might explore specific themes like migration, trade, religion, or science and technology across different periods and locations.

The AQA exam board, for example, offers topics such as the British Empire c1857–1967, the making of a Superpower: USA, 1865–1975, and the quest for political stability: Germany, 1871–1991. The OCR board provides over 50 topics including British period studies and non-British history, encouraging critical thinking and reflection.

CIE A-Level History Syllabus

The CIE A-Level History syllabus offers an extensive study of key historical events and figures, fostering critical analysis and evaluation skills. It prepares students to understand and interpret complex narratives, crucial for navigating today’s information-rich world.

AS LevelPaper 1 & 2European optionFrance 1774–1814, The Industrial Revolution in Britain 1750–1850, Liberalism and nationalism in Germany 1815–71, The Russian Revolution 1894–1921
AS LevelPaper 1 & 2American optionThe origins of the Civil War 1820–61, Civil War and Reconstruction 1861–77, The Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1870s to 1920, The Great Crash, The Great Depression, and the New Deal policies 1920–41
AS LevelPaper 1 & 2International optionEmpire and the emergence of world powers 1870–1919, The League of Nations and international relations in the 1920s and 1930s, China and Japan 1912–45
A-LevelPaper 3-The origins of the First World War, The Holocaust, The origins and development of the Cold War
A-LevelPaper 4European optionMussolini’s Italy 1919–41, Stalin’s Russia 1924–41, Hitler’s Germany 1929–41, Britain 1919–39
A-LevelPaper 4American optionThe late 1940s and 1950s, The 1960s and the 1970s, The 1980s and early 1990s, Foreign policy 1944–92
A-LevelPaper 4International optionUS–Soviet relations during the Cold War 1950–91, The spread of communism in East and Southeast Asia 1945–91, Decolonisation, the Cold War, and the UN in Sub-Saharan Africa 1950–92, Conflict in the Middle East 1948–91

Table showing CIE A-Level History syllabus

Note : AS Level topics rotate between papers 1 and 2 year-on-year. The prescribed topic for Paper 1 in any given year is not used for Paper 2.

AQA A-Level History Syllabus

The AQA A-Level History syllabus delves into diverse historical themes and periods, enhancing students' ability to critically evaluate sources and arguments. It sharpens analytical skills, preparing them to tackle complex issues and understand their historical context in today’s world.

ComponentTopic No.Time PeriodTopic
1. Breadth Study1Ac1071–1204The Age of the Crusades
1. Breadth Study1B1469–1598Spain in the Age of Discovery
1. Breadth Study1C1485–1603The Tudors: England
1. Breadth Study1D1603–1702Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy
1. Breadth Study1E1682–1796Russia in the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment
1. Breadth Study1Fc1783–1885Industrialisation and the people: Britain
1. Breadth Study1Gc1851–1964Challenge and transformation: Britain
1. Breadth Study1H1855–1964Tsarist and Communist Russia
1. Breadth Study1Jc1857–1967The British Empire
1. Breadth Study1K1865–1975The making of a Superpower: USA
1. Breadth Study1L1871–1991The quest for political stability: Germany
2. Depth Study2A1154–1216Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings
2. Depth Study2B1450–1499The Wars of the Roses
2. Depth Study2Cc1500–1564The Reformation in Europe
2. Depth Study2Dc1529–c1570Religious conflict and the Church in England
2. Depth Study2E1625–1660The English Revolution
2. Depth Study2F1643–1715The Sun King: Louis XIV, France and Europe
2. Depth Study2G1760–1801The Birth of the USA
2. Depth Study2H1774–1815France in Revolution
2. Depth Study2Jc1845–1877America: A Nation Divided
2. Depth Study2Kc1890–1941International Relations and Global Conflict
2. Depth Study2Lc1900–1945Italy and Fascism
2. Depth Study2M1906–1957Wars and Welfare: Britain in Transition
2. Depth Study2N1917–1953Revolution and dictatorship: Russia
2. Depth Study2O1918–1945Democracy and Nazism: Germany
2. Depth Study2P1936–1997The Transformation of China
2. Depth Study2Q1945–1980The American Dream: reality and illusion
2. Depth Study2Rc1945–1991The Cold War
2. Depth Study2S1951–2007The Making of Modern Britain
2. Depth Study2T1953–2000 The Crisis of Communism: The USSR and the Soviet Empire
3. Historical Investigation --A personal study based on a topic of student's choice

Table showing AQA A-Level History syllabus

Further instructions are provided by AQA for the A-Level History exam:

Prohibited Combinations

Students must study a British history option for either Component 1 or Component 2. If a British history option is chosen for Component 1, it must be combined with a non-British option for Component 2. If a British history option is chosen for Component 2, it must be combined with a non-British option for Component 1. Any British option may be combined with any non-British option, other than the following:

  • 1C The Tudors may not be combined with 2C The Reformation in Europe
  • 1D Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy may not be combined with 2F The Sun King: Louis XIV, France and Europe

This is because there is a strong conceptual emphasis which runs across both breadth and depth options which would result in a narrowing of the student’s experience.

The following are designated British history options:

Component 1

  • 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603
  • 1D Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy, 1603–1702
  • 1F Industrialisation and the People: Britain, c1783–1885
  • 1G Challenge and Transformation: Britain, c1851–1964
  • 1J The British Empire, c1857–1967

Component 2

  • 2A Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings, 1154–1216
  • 2B The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499
  • 2D Religious Conflict and the Church in England, c1529–c1570
  • 2E The English Revolution, 1625–1660
  • 2M Wars and Welfare: Britain in Transition, 1906–1957
  • 2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007

Edexcel A-Level History Syllabus

The Edexcel A-Level History syllabus emphasizes detailed studies of specific eras, cultivating students' abilities to analyse and debate historical evidence and perspectives. This prepares them for informed critical thinking and engagement with current and historical debates.

Topic No.Time PeriodTopic
1Ac1095–1204The crusades
1B1509–1603England: authority, nation and religion
1C1625–1701Britain: conflict, revolution and settlement
1Dc1785–c1870Britain: democracy, protest and reform
1E1917–91Russia: from Lenin to Yeltsin
1Fc1917–96In search of the American Dream: the USA
1G1918–89Germany and West Germany
1H1918–97Britain transformed
2A.1c1053–1106Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo-Norman Kingdom
2A.21154–89England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry II
2B.1c1515–55Luther and the German Reformation
2B.2c1563–1609The Dutch Revolt
2C.11774–99France in revolution
2C.21894–1924Russia in revolution
2D.1 c1830–70The unification of Italy
2D.2c1840–71The unification of Germany
2E.11949–76Mao’s China
2E.21949–90The German Democratic Republic
2F.1c1914–48India: the road to independence
2F.21948–94South Africa: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
2G.1c1911–46The rise and fall of fascism in Italy
2G.21930–78Spain: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
2H.1c1920–55The USA: boom, bust and recovery
2H.21955–92The USA: conformity and challenge
301399–1509Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII
311485–1603Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors
321474–1598the Golden Age of Spain
33c1580–c1750The witch craze in Britain, Europe and North America
34.1 1759–1928Industrialisation and social change in Britain: forging a new society
34.2c1780–1939Poverty, public health and the state in Britain
35.11763–1914Britain: losing and gaining an empire
35.2c1790–1918The British experience of warfare
36.1c1780–1928Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain
36.2 c1774–1923Ireland and the Union
37.11859–1991The changing nature of warfare
37.21871–1990Germany: united, divided and reunited
38.1 1855–1991The making of modern Russia
38.21860–1997The making of modern China
39.11850–2009Civil rights and race relations in the USA
39.21882–2004Mass media and social change in Britain

Table showing Edexcel A-Level History syllabus

Note : Students take one option each from the following:

  • 2A.1 to 2H.2

This sums up to be a total of 3 for 3 papers. It is discussed in depth in the exam structure section.

OCR A-Level History Syllabus

The OCR A-Level History syllabus enhances critical thinking through deep analysis of historical events and interpretations, equipping students with the skills to evaluate evidence and construct coherent arguments, vital for academic and professional success.

Unit Group 1British period study and enquiryLearners study one of the 13 units available, each of which constitutes a substantial and coherent element of British History.
Unit Group 2Non-British period studyLearners study one of the 24 units available, each of which constitutes a coherent period of non-British History.
Unit Group 3Thematic study and historical interpretationsLearners study one of the 21 units available. Each unit comprises a thematic study over a period of at least 100 years, and three in-depth studies of events, individuals or issues that are key parts of the theme
Unit Y100Topic based essayLearners will complete a 3000–4000 word essay on a topic of their choice, which may arise out of content studied elsewhere in the course. This is an internally assessed unit group. A Title(s) Proposal Form must be submitted to OCR using the Title(s) Proposal tool.

Table showing OCR A-Level History syllabus

Each exam board has its own set of modules and topics, allowing schools to choose those most relevant or interesting to their students. This flexibility means that students can engage with a variety of historical perspectives and methodologies, preparing them for further education or careers where analytical and evaluative skills are essential.

What is the A-Level History exam structure?

The A-Level History exam structure is designed to assess students' understanding, analytical skills, and ability to engage with historical evidence and debates. While the specific format of key questions can vary between exam boards, the general structure across AQA, OCR, and Edexcel includes:

  • Written Examinations : These form the core of the assessment and are typically divided into several papers, focusing on different periods or themes.
  • Breadth Study : Examines a broad period of history, assessing understanding of long-term changes and continuities.
  • Depth Study : Focuses on a shorter, more detailed timeframe, requiring in-depth knowledge and analysis.
  • Historical Investigation : A component that involves coursework or a written project on a chosen topic, contributing to the final grade for some exam boards.

Key features include:

  • Essay Questions : Require students to construct coherent arguments, supported by historical evidence.
  • Source Analysis : Students analyse primary and secondary sources to interpret perspectives and biases.
  • Comparative Questions : Involve comparing different historical periods, events, or figures.

The exams are typically held at the end of the two-year A-Level course. The exact duration and number of questions can differ, but exams usually last between 1.5 to 3 hours. The coursework element, where applicable, allows students to explore a historical topic of their choice in depth, demonstrating research skills and critical analysis.

CIE A-Level History Exam Structure

The CIE A-Level History exam structure includes detailed essays, source analysis, and thematic studies, designed to test students' knowledge, analytical abilities, and understanding of historical context and perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of their grasp of the subject.

Paper No.1234
NameDocument questionOutline studyInterpretations questionDepth study
Time1 hr 15 min1 hr 45 min1 hr 15 min1 hr 45 min
Total Marks40604060
AssessmentCandidates answer one two-part document question on one of the options givenCandidates answer two two-part questions from three on one of the options givenCandidates answer one interpretations question on one of the options given in the syllabusCandidates answer two questions on their chosen depth study.
% of the A Level20%30%20%30%

Table showing CIE A-Level History exam structure

AQA A-Level History Exam Structure

The AQA A-Level History exam structure features a mix of source-based questions and essay writing, assessing students' ability to critically evaluate evidence and present coherent arguments. It includes breadth and depth studies, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation of students' historical understanding and analytical skills.

ComponentComponent 1Component 2Component 3
NameBreadth studyDepth studyHistorical investigation
Time2 hr 30 min2 hr 30 min-
Total Marks808040
SyllabusThe study of significant historical developments over a period of around 100 years and associated interpretations.The study in depth of a period of major historical change or development and associated primary evidence.A personal study based on a topic of student's choice. This should take the form of a question in the context of approximately 100 years. It must not duplicate the content of options chosen for Components 1 and 2.
QuestionsEssays and question linked to historical interpretationsEssays and question linked to primary sources or sources contemporary to the period3500–4500 words and marked by teachers; moderated by AQA
% of the A Level40%40%20%

Table showing AQA A-Level History exam structure

Note : Through the topics studied in Components 1, 2 and 3 (Historical investigation), A-level students must cover a chronological range of at least 200 years.

Edexcel A-Level History Exam Structure

The Edexcel A-Level History exam consists of thematic studies and breadth with source evaluations, focusing on depth studies and historical interpretations. This structure assesses students’ comprehension, analytical skills, and ability to engage critically with historical themes and evidence, fostering a detailed understanding of specific periods.

Paper No.123-
NameBreadth study with interpretationsDepth studyThemes in breadth with aspects in depthCoursework
Time2 hr 15 min1 hr 30 min2 hr 15 min-
Total Marks604060-
AssessmentOne option from 1A to 1HOne option from 2A.1 to 2H.2One option from 30 to 39.2Internally assessed, externally moderated: Students complete a single assignment on a question set by the centre. The assignment will assess the ability to carry out a historical enquiry, analysing and evaluating historical interpretations, and organising and communicating the findings
% of the A Level30%20%30%20%

Table showing Edexcel A-Level History exam structure

OCR A-Level History Exam Structure

The OCR A-Level History exam structure combines thematic studies, source evaluations, and period studies to assess students' analytical skills, understanding of historical context, and ability to construct well-supported arguments. It's designed to test a comprehensive range of historical knowledge and critical thinking abilities.

UnitUnit Group 1Unit Group 2Unit Group 33000–4000 word essay*
AssessmentBritish period study and enquiryNon-British period studyThematic study and historical interpretationsNon exam assessment
Time1 hr 30 min1 hr2 hr 30 min-
Total Marks50308040
SyllabusLearners study one of the 13 units available, each of which constitutes a substantial and coherent element of British HistoryLearners study one of the 24 units available, each of which constitutes a coherent period of non-British HistoryLearners study one of the 21 units available. Each unit comprises a thematic study over a period of at least 100 years, and three in-depth studies of events, individuals or issues that are key parts of the themeLearners will complete a 3000–4000 word essay on a topic of their choice, which may arise out of content studied elsewhere in the course
% of the A Level25%15%40%20%

Table showing OCR A-Level History exam structure

*Learners who are retaking a qualification can choose either to retake the non exam assessment unit or to carry forward their mark for that unit. See Section 4d of OCR A-Level History specification for more details.

*Also includes synoptic assessment.

This structured approach ensures that students not only memorise historical facts but also develop the ability to critically evaluate information and present reasoned arguments, skills that are valuable in many fields beyond history.

Choosing the Right Exam Board

Selecting the appropriate exam board for A-Level History is crucial as it can influence the topics studied, the exam format, and the assessment criteria. In the UK, the main exam boards offering A-Level History are CIE , AQA , Edexcel and OCR . Each has its own focus and approach to history, making the choice significant for teachers and students alike. Key considerations include:

  • CIE : Known for its international perspective, CIE attracts the most applicants globally, offering a wide range of historical themes with a global outlook.
  • AQA : With 20,964 candidates in the UK in 2023, AQA is popular for its comprehensive coverage of British and modern European history.
  • Edexcel : Attracting 13,272 applicants in the UK in 2023, Edexcel is favoured for its structured approach and detailed study options, including coursework.
  • OCR : With 10,388 candidates in the UK in 2023, OCR offers unique topics that often include British history, making it a choice for those interested in a deep dive into the history of the UK.

When choosing an exam board, consider:

  • Content and Topics : Which periods or themes are you most interested in?
  • Assessment Method : Do you prefer coursework or solely exam-based assessment?
  • Resources and Support : Which exam board offers the best resources and support for your learning style?

Deciding on an exam board is a decision that should be based on your interests, strengths, and future aspirations. Discussing with teachers and researching each board's specifications can help make an informed choice that aligns with your academic goals.

How do you get an A* in A-Level History?

Achieving an A* in A-Level History requires a combination of depth of knowledge, analytical skills, and effective revision and examination strategies. Given the rigorous nature of the subject, students need to go beyond the basic requirements to stand out. Key strategies include:

  • Comprehensive Understanding : Master the breadth and depth of your chosen topics, ensuring you have a thorough grasp of the key events, figures, and trends.
  • Critical Analysis : Develop the ability to critically evaluate historical sources and arguments. This involves recognising bias, analysing different interpretations, and forming your own reasoned conclusions.
  • Essay Writing Skills : Practise structuring coherent and persuasive essays that are well-supported with evidence. High marks are awarded for clear, analytical writing that directly addresses the question.
  • Effective Revision : Utilise a variety of revision techniques, including study notes, mind maps, and flashcards to reinforce your memory and understanding of complex topics.
  • Tutoring : Consider engaging with an A-Level tutor who can provide personalised feedback, help refine your exam technique, and deepen your understanding of challenging material.
  • Utilisation of Past Papers : Regularly practise with past exam papers and questions to familiarise yourself with the exam format and improve your time management skills.

Grades distribution of A-Level History in UK 2021-2023

Graph showing grades distribution of A-Level History in UK 2021-2023

Consistent effort and utilisation of available resources is very important. This can include school-provided materials, online resources, and study groups, alongside tutoring. Balancing broad factual knowledge with sharp analytical acumen and refined exam strategies is key to achieving the top grade in A-Level History.

Have a look at our comprehensive set of A-Level History Study Notes developed by expert A-Level teachers and examiners!

How do you write A-Level History essays?

Writing an A-Level History essay involves several key steps to ensure it is well-structured, insightful, and evidently supported:

1. Understand the Question : Identify key terms and what the question is asking you to do (e.g., analyse, compare, review, evaluate).

2. Plan Your Answer : Organise your thoughts and structure your essay into a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point or argument.

3. Use Evidence : Support your arguments with relevant historical evidence, including primary and secondary sources. Be sure to analyse the evidence, not just describe it.

4. Critical Analysis : Evaluate the significance of the evidence and different historians' interpretations. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these viewpoints.

5. Conclusion : Summarise your main points and clearly state your conclusion, ensuring it directly answers the specific question above.

6. Proofread : Check for clarity, coherence, and any grammatical or spelling errors.

Focus on presenting a coherent argument supported by evidence, demonstrating your understanding of the topic and your ability to critically engage with historical material.

What are the best A-Levels to take with History?

Selecting A levels that complement History can enhance your understanding, offer interdisciplinary skills, and broaden your future academic and career options. The best A levels to take with History are those that develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and written communication. Complementary A levels include:

  • A-Level English Literature : Enhances your ability to analyse texts and understand historical contexts, improving essay-writing skills.
  • A-Level Politics : Offers insights into governmental systems and political theories, relevant to historical study.
  • A-Level Geography : Provides knowledge of how historical events have shaped landscapes and human societies.
  • A-Level Modern Foreign Languages : Improves understanding of other cultures, which can be beneficial for studying international history.
  • A-Level Economics : Gives an understanding of economic principles and historical economic trends.

Experts recommend choosing subjects that not only complement History but also match your interests and career aspirations. Universities often value the combination of History with subjects that demonstrate strong literacy skills and the ability to critically analyse information. This combination can prepare students for a range of degrees and career paths in law, journalism, education, and beyond.

Best A-Level History Resources

Identifying top-quality resources is essential for excelling in A-Level History. The right materials can deepen your understanding of complex historical events and themes, enhancing your ability to analyse and evaluate sources critically. Here are some of the best resources for A-Level History students, tailored to various exam boards:

  • Official Textbooks: Textbooks from official exam board sources provide the best study material required to ace the exam. Such can be found at the CIE resources page .
  • Tutoring : Personalised support can help clarify complex topics and refine exam techniques.
  • Study Notes : Customised study notes, particularly from services like TutorChase , and A-Level History Q&A Revision Notes are invaluable for revision.
  • Online Resources : Platforms such as BBC Bitesize , History Learning Site , and the Khan Academy offer a wealth of free content, including articles, video lessons, and quizzes.
  • Past Papers and Mark Schemes : Engaging with past exam papers and understanding mark schemes are crucial for exam success, providing insights into the types of questions asked and how to structure high-scoring answers.

Combining these resources with dedicated study can significantly enhance your performance in A-Level History, providing a solid foundation for both exams and coursework.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

A-Level History students often face several challenges throughout their course, but with effective strategies and practice, these obstacles can be overcome.

  • Vast Amount of Content : The comprehensive syllabus can seem daunting. To manage this, create a structured revision timetable that breaks down the content into manageable segments, ensuring all topics are covered systematically.
  • Analysing Sources : Interpreting a variety of sources is essential but can be complex. Improve this skill by practising with a wide range of source materials and seeking feedback on your analyses to understand different perspectives and biases.
  • Essay Writing : The ability to write cohesive, argument-driven essays under exam conditions is critical. Enhance this skill by practising essay planning under timed conditions, focusing on structuring your arguments clearly and supporting them with relevant evidence.
  • Retention of Information : Remembering key dates, figures, and events is challenging. Employ active recall techniques such as flashcards, mind maps, and quiz-based revision apps to aid memory retention and make revising more interactive and engaging.

Employing these strategies can significantly alleviate the common hurdles faced by A-Level History students, leading to a more comprehensive understanding and better performance in exams.

Past Papers and Practise Questions

Utilising past papers and practise questions is a proven method for improving exam performance in A-Level History. These resources are invaluable for understanding the exam format, the types of test questions asked, and for honing your time management skills during the exam. Benefits include:

  • Familiarity with Exam Format : Regular practise with past papers helps students become accustomed to the structure and timing of the actual exam.
  • Identification of Weak Areas : Engaging with a wide range of questions allows students to identify areas where they need further study or understanding.
  • Application of Knowledge : Practise questions provide an opportunity to apply knowledge in an exam context, reinforcing learning and improving recall under pressure.
  • Improvement of Essay Writing Skills : Writing timed essays in response to past paper questions can significantly enhance the ability to construct coherent and persuasive arguments quickly.

Experts recommend beginning to work with past papers and practise questions well before the exam period. This should be integrated into your revision plan, with time set aside for reviewing answers and understanding mark schemes. Resources are available through exam board websites, educational platforms, and tutoring services, offering a wealth of questions for practise across all topics covered in the A-Level History syllabus.

Opportunities with A-Level History

A-Level History opens a wide array of opportunities, laying a strong foundation for further education and a variety of career paths. This qualification not only deepens understanding of historical events and processes but also hones analytical, research, and writing skills that are highly valued in many fields.

Gender distribution across A-Level History

Pie chart showing gender distribution across A-Level History

Majors in Higher Education:

  • History and Related Disciplines : Direct progression to degrees in history, politics, archaeology, and international relations.
  • Law : Equips students with critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for legal studies.
  • Journalism and Media : Develops skills in research, analysis, and communication, essential for careers in writing, reporting, and broadcasting.

Career Paths:

  • Historian : Engaging with archives, museums, and educational institutions to research, interpret, and present history.
  • Lawyer or Barrister : Utilising analytical skills and an understanding of historical contexts in legal practice.
  • Journalist or Writer : Crafting compelling narratives based on thorough research and analysis.
  • Education : Teaching history or social sciences at various levels, from secondary education to university professorship.
  • Public Sector and Policy Making : Analysing historical data to inform policy decisions and government strategies.

Skills Development:

  • Critical Analysis : The ability to evaluate sources and arguments critically.
  • Research Skills : Proficiency in conducting thorough and effective research.
  • Communication : Articulating complex ideas clearly and persuasively in both written and oral form.
  • Problem-Solving : Approaching challenges with a strategic and analytical mindset.

Pursuing A-Level History not only paves the way for academic pursuits in a range of humanities and social science subjects but also equips students with a versatile skill set applicable in numerous professional sectors, including education, law, public administration, and the media. This breadth of opportunities highlights the value of history in fostering a well-rounded and adaptable skill set.

Conclusion on A-Level History

A-Level History stands out as a rigorous and enriching subject that offers students a profound understanding of the past and its impact on the present and future. Through the study of a wide range of periods and themes, students develop a comprehensive skill set, including critical analysis, research, and communication, which are highly valued in both higher education and the workplace. It is a subject that challenges students to think critically about the past, understand its complexities, and apply these insights to the challenges of the modern world.

Can I study A-Level History without a GCSE in History?

Yes, you can study A-Level History without having a GCSE in the subject . Many schools and colleges understand that students may develop an interest in history later on or may not have had the opportunity to study it at GCSE level. However, it's important to demonstrate strong reading and writing skills, as these are crucial for success in A-Level History. It would be beneficial to discuss your interest and academic background with your teachers, as they can provide guidance and support to help bridge any knowledge gaps.

How many hours should I study for A-Level History weekly?

For A-Level History, aiming for around 4-5 hours of independent study per week , in addition to your class time, is a good guideline. This allows you to thoroughly cover the syllabus content, develop your essay-writing skills, and engage with primary and secondary sources. Remember, quality over quantity is key; focused, uninterrupted study sessions are more effective than longer, less productive ones. Tailor your study time to suit your learning pace and adjust as needed, especially before exams or when working on coursework.

Are there any recommended documentaries for A-Level History students?

Certainly! Documentaries can offer engaging insights into historical events, figures, and periods, complementing your A-Level History studies. Here are a few recommendations:

  • "The World at War" - An in-depth series on World War II.
  • "The Civil War" by Ken Burns - A comprehensive look at the American Civil War.
  • "The Vietnam War" also by Ken Burns - Explores the Vietnam War from multiple perspectives.
  • "The Ascent of Civilisations" - Examines the history of civilisations around the globe.
  • "Russia's History Revealed" - Delves into the complex history of Russia.

These documentaries can provide a broader historical context for the specific topics you're studying, making historical events more relatable and easier to understand.

Can A-Level History be combined with Science A-Levels?

Absolutely, A-Level History can be effectively combined with Science A-Levels . This combination offers a well-rounded education, enhancing both your analytical and empirical skills. History develops critical thinking, argumentation, and essay-writing abilities, which complement the logical, problem-solving skills fostered by Science subjects. This interdisciplinary approach can open up diverse pathways for higher education and careers, ranging from law and journalism to science and engineering. It demonstrates to universities and employers that you have a broad skill set and are adaptable to various challenges.

What is AO2 in history A-level?

In A-Level History, AO2 refers to the assessment objective focused on "Analysis and Evaluation." This objective assesses your ability to analyse historical events, periods, and concepts critically. It involves evaluating different interpretations of history, including contrasting opinions and historiographies, and making informed judgments. Excelling in AO2 requires you to not only present facts but also to engage with them critically, discussing their significance, the reliability of sources, and the perspectives of historians. This skill is vital for constructing well-argued essays and achieving high marks.

What are the most popular history topics?

The most popular history topics at A-Level often include those that cover significant events, periods, and movements that have shaped the modern world. These typically involve:

  • The World Wars : Examining the causes, major battles, and consequences of World Wars I and II.
  • The Cold War : Exploring the geopolitical tension between the Eastern and Western blocs.
  • The Tudors : Delving into the reigns and impacts of Tudor monarchs on England.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the USA : Studying the struggle for racial equality in the 20th century.
  • The French Revolution : Understanding the causes, key events, and outcomes of the revolution.

These topics are popular due to their profound impact on contemporary society and politics, offering students a deep insight into the complexities of historical change and continuity.

What are easy history topics?

While "easy" can be subjective, depending on individual interests and strengths, some history topics are considered more accessible due to their straightforward narrative and abundance of resources. These might include:

  • The Industrial Revolution : Focused on technological advancements and their societal impacts, with clear cause-and-effect relationships.
  • The Elizabethan Era : Centred around Queen Elizabeth I's reign, this period is well-documented, making it easier to study.
  • The American Revolution : Offers a clear storyline of the struggle for independence from Britain, with defined events and figures.
  • Ancient Civilisations : Such as Ancient Egypt or Rome, where the focus is often on culture, society, and innovations, which can be more straightforward to understand.
  • The Suffragette Movement : A specific social change movement with a wealth of sources and a clear narrative of progress and impact.

These topics often have extensive resources available, including textbooks, documentaries, and online materials, making them more accessible for students.

How many paragraphs are in a level history?

An A-Level History essay typically consists of an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The number of body paragraphs depends on the essay's length and complexity but usually ranges from three to six . Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea or argument, supported by evidence and analysis. This structure ensures a clear and logical progression of ideas, helping to articulate a coherent response to the essay question. The key is to ensure each paragraph contributes effectively to your overall argument.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Written by: Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Rahil spent ten years working as private tutor, teaching students for GCSEs, A-Levels, and university admissions. During his PhD he published papers on modelling infectious disease epidemics and was a tutor to undergraduate and masters students for mathematics courses.

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How to Write An A-Level History Essay Structure

how to structure history a level essay

A major part of your A-level history coursework includes writing essays. While an essay essentially informs a reader about a certain topic, it is more than just writing all the information. So, examiners, especially during the A-levels, tend to focus on tricky things or skills like how well you have responded to the question, analysed the evidence, and built the arguments.

Unless you are exceptionally blessed, you need time to hone these skills, and poor grades are, thus, common in the beginning. Luckily, these abilities can be learned. Usually, when students struggle with such write-ups, they consider searching online: ‘Can I pay someone to write my essay ?’ to ease their academic burden. However, this guide has discussed some main steps to writing an A-level history essay. These will help you create a high-scoring essay.

Steps to Follow When Writing an A-level History Essay

Here are some crucial steps to writing a history essay:

1. Read the Question Carefully

Some students recite a prepared response without assessing what they are actually writing, resulting in a poorly-graded essay. Therefore, it is crucial to read the question several times to comprehend it. In addition, doing so will help you understand the importance of careful reading and annotation settings, such as identifying potential arguments to support your essay writing.

2. Create an Outline

Make an outline after you’ve finished analysing the essay question. This approach reduces the possibility of error when you hit a major roadblock. Furthermore, it acts as a roadmap when you can’t assemble your ideas in the essay.

The outline helps you brainstorm and comprehend what is essential to mention in your essay. Therefore, it’s a good idea to compile a list of key arguments supporting and refuting your position. You can also take help from A-level history essay examples online to understand how to go about the task. You are now prepared to move towards the introduction.

3. What Should Be in A History Essay Introduction?

You can state your main argument in the essay introduction. This is an exciting approach because it demonstrates you have a strong viewpoint and are willing to argue, focusing on keywords from the beginning. It also reveals to an examiner you have planned your essay, know what you will say, and can back it up with good evidence. However, usually, students don’t know how to start or what should be in a history essay introduction?

Therefore, any write-up introduction is often personalised. You can start with an interesting quote, disagree with the question, define a significant event, or do something else to set the scene, making it compelling. It will also show you have comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter, understand the problems at stake, and how to deal with them. This type of introduction will captivate readers, impress them, and pique their interest.

4. Write Main Body Paragraphs

Now you know what should be in a history essay introduction; it’s time to work on the main body paragraphs. You will support your case in the main body. However, remember you are making arguments, not telling a story.

You’ve already distinguished the keywords in the question. So, now it’s time to put them to use. Each paragraph must reference the keywords in a meaningful way. Be ruthless – you should carefully select only what is required to back up your argument.

5. Conclude Your History Essay

In conclusion, you summarise what you have written in the main body. This is the last thing an examiner reads. A good conclusion can save a bad essay and seal the deal on a good note.

It is the point where you tie the threads of your argument together and hammer home your points, leaving the audience in no doubt about your answer.

You should refer specifically to the question’s keywords and reinforce the points you made in the main body. But, above all, it should not contain anything new and restate your argument.

How to Answer A Source Question In A-Level History?

You might need to write the answer source question in your history essay, but you don’t know how to answer a source question in a-level history, so here are some tips you can keep in mind while writing an answer:

• Indicate how dependable you might expect the source of a particular type of question to be • Avoid using the word ‘biased’ • Indicate the source’s specific purpose • Include information about the author, the audience, or the time • Mention what is exaggerated or omitted, and then return to your question

Thus, following these tips, you will better understand how to answer a source question in a-level history.

A-Level History Essay Examples

Now you know how to work on a history essay.

Here’s a list of A-level history essay example topics you can work on: • The soldiers from India who fought in World War I • The involvement of America in the Korean War • Examples of music created due to political causes • What were the events that led to the Roman Empire’s demise? • The hippie movement of the 1960s • The incidents that led to Saudi Arabia’s emergence • The British music industry’s foray into the US market

These are some topics you can write on. Moreover, if you still feel it’s not easy for you to write A-level history essays, you can always consider taking essay writing services from us to meet your academic requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. how many paragraphs should an a level history essay be.

An A-level history essay should have at least three paragraphs, but four paragraphs are also recommended.

2. How do you write a 20-mark history essay a level?

For writing a 20-marks history A-level essay, you should begin with a brief introduction. So, you should be presenting your thesis statement at this stage. Then, the main body of the argument should follow the pattern of Point, Evidence, and Describe.

Make a point at this stage, back it up with some evidence, and explain what it indicates. You must also evaluate these points to get excellent marks while demonstrating your claim is stronger. Finally, summarise your arguments to conclude, but don’t add new information.

3. How do you write a high school history essay?

Writing a high school history essay requires students to follow essential steps, including:

• Consider the background information that the reader should be aware of in the introductory paragraph • Define any keywords • Assess which ideas will require the cited assistance • Determine how each idea contributes to the main argument • Make a list of key points to go over in the conclusion

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History of the Body: Choose Your Path Assignment Structure

/ AHA Resource Library

/ History of the Body: Choose Your Path Assignment Structure

Published Date

February 10, 2021

Resource Type

For the Classroom

Career Paths, Graduate Education

This resource was developed as part of the AHA’s Career Diversity for Historians initiative .

By Courtney E. Thompson Mississippi State Univ.

Using This Guide : This assignment structure provides faculty with a framework for developing assignment paths that build on historical research skills while allowing students to choose the assignments that will allow them to build other historical skills.

Purpose of this Assignment Structure : This assignment structure allows graduate students to consider their potential career paths in history.

Skills It Addresses : Intellectual Self-Confidence, Communication

For more about this assignment : see Prof. Thompson’s February 2021 article,  found here , in  Perspectives on History. 

Choose Your Path Assignment Structure

Choose Your Path Assignment Structure by Courtney E. Thompson

This semester, you will use your own interests in the history of the body to structure your assignments, and you will choose a path to pursue for two of the three major assignments that aligns with your professional goals.

All students will complete the first assignment, the annotated bibliography. After completing your annotated bibliography, you will pick one of the following paths, which will determine your other two assignments for the course. You should build on the research you have already completed in your annotated bibliography to complete the other two assignments.

Annotated Bibliography (25%)

Assignment 1: annotated bibliography (25%):.

You will identify a significant theme within the subfield of the history of the body and prepared a detailed  annotated bibliography  exploring this mini-field of roughly ten books and/or articles that are significant to this theme.

The annotated bibliography will contain the following components, all of which will be assessed:

  • A selection of ~10 of the most notable, interesting, or recent works (books and articles) on the given theme.  The list should include both foundational texts and authors and some examples of recent scholarship. You will be evaluated on the texts you have chosen and whether you have identified appropriate key texts and recent works. All texts must be scholarly in nature, unless a significant foundational text was not originally intended for a scholarly audience. Most of the works should be by academic historians, but for some topics, you may include works by academics in other related fields.
  • For each book/essay, you will produce a  short summary of each work and its significance.  Your annotation should clearly indicate the book’s topic, scope, methodology and sources, argument, intervention, and relation to the broader sub-field.
  • At the head of your document, before the annotation of the individual works, you should provide a  synthetic summary  of the big trends, developments, questions, approaches, etc., within the history of the theme. This mini historiographic essay should not summarize all of the books again, but should instead provide a big-picture overview of the development of your chosen subfield.

The theme you choose may be a theme we will address in class (like eugenics), or you may choose a theme that we are not covering in our major works (like sex work). These bibliographies will be shared with the entire class as a collection of references for the history of the body.

Assignment 2 Guidelines

Assignment #2 is due on October 16 via Canvas. You must pick  one  of the following to pursue.

Pedagogy Path:

New Course Proposal and Draft Syllabus

For this assignment, you will propose a “new” course. You may design and propose a course at any level and on any topic, but you must incorporate the history of the body into your chosen subject. This assignment will have the following components:

  • A “course proposal.” This should include the course title, level, est. enrollment, and a short catalog description.
  • You will also prepare a brief a historiographic  rationale  (250-500 words, or more as needed) as to how to integrate the history of the body into your chosen survey course. You should have a clear justification as to  why  the history of the body should be incorporated into this course and  how  you plan to do that. Specific examples of where and when in the semester you would include history of the body content should be included in your rationale. This is a component of your “course proposal.”
  • You will develop a  syllabus  for a survey course on any topic. Your syllabus must be complete, including lecture titles and specific readings and assignments. You may  not  use whatever textbook(s) are currently assigned for the comparable course here at Mississippi State. The syllabus should be lightly annotated to explain or justify the choices you are making.

For this project, you will have to closely investigate syllabi written by instructors at MSU and at other institutions, but your syllabus should be entirely your own design. You must carefully choose appropriate readings and assignments, and you must also consider how to incorporate the history of the body into your course. You must justify and explain all of the choices that you make in the rationale and annotations.

Research Path:

Fellowship or Grant Application

For this assignment, you will  either  prepare a draft application for a fellowship of your choice or apply for the Thompson Research Fellowship for archival research and travel to [Archive of your choice]. The Thompson fellowship application requires the following components:

  • Title and abstract of 150 words.
  • Project proposal/description, ~1500 words. This should include your research questions, a brief overview of the historiography, your research plans and how the archive ties to them, and your goals for the final project.
  • Bibliography, for both primary and secondary sources. You should select one archive and its holdings to be the focus on your proposed research trip. Some light annotations of your archive materials should be included.

For this project, you will have to closely investigate the finding aids and catalog of the archive and write a project proposal which must include a detailed account of  why  you are embarking on a  specific  project, which  specific  questions you intend to respond to, and details how your project engages with the history and historiography of the body.

Public Scholarship Path:

Pitch and Op-Ed

For this assignment, you will pitch an op-ed piece to  Internet Magazine.  You may propose an op-ed on any topic, provided it is clearly tied to both the history of the body and some aspect of modern culture, society, and/or politics. This assignment will have the following components:

  • The pitch. You will write, in the form of an email/letter a brief pitch to the editor of  Internet Magazine  pitching your story. A pitch summarizes the approach you will take and sells its relation to the broader event. Samples of pitches will be available.
  • Op-ed. Assuming that your pitch was accepted, you will draft an op-ed essay of roughly 1500-2000 words. Your op-ed should be tonally appropriate for public scholarship. It should have a clever title. Citations should be used, but this should not be written like a research essay.

For this project, you will have to read op-ed essays and other examples of public scholarship published on the internet. I recommend essays by historians for  The Atlantic, Slate,  and other news magazines, as well as public-facing history blogs like  Nursing Clio.  You should model your approach off the work of other public-facing scholars. Your essay must engage both the history of the body and some event of current interest, and it should be written for a general reader.

Assignment 3 Guidelines

Assignment #3 is due on November 22 via Canvas. You must pick one of the following to pursue.

Pedagogy Track:

Lecture Draft and Presentation

You will draft one sample lecture based on your previously submitted syllabus demonstrating the integration of the history of the body with your field of interest. While you may partially rely on course texts in developing your syllabus, your lecture must be substantially based in both primary and secondary sources that you identify yourself.

This assignment has three components:

  • Your  draft lecture  should be in prose format (not bullet points!) and should include appropriate Chicago Style footnotes of the relevant sources that you are drawing on. It should be of an appropriate length to reflect a standard 50-minute lecture; you may find that you need to edit your lecture for length once you record it.
  • You will provide  slides  for this lecture.
  • You will provide a  recording of you giving the lecture . You should NOT read the lecture word-for-word; give your presentation as you would in a class.

Research Track:

Annotated Document and Primary Source Analysis

You will select  one  primary source or small set of related primary sources (e.g., a set of public health posters; a diary; etc.). This assignment is intended to serve as a step towards a research paper; you may discuss a source you will further examine in a planned research paper, or you can use this exercise to explore the process of historical analysis. You  cannot  recycle previously submitted work; this should reflect new writing and research. Your primary source(s) should ideally be archival, manuscript, or ephemeral in nature; if you plan to use a published source, you should check in with me first. The history of the body and its historiography should influence your analysis.

This assignment has two components:

  • The  source  itself should be submitted in some format. It should be lightly  annotated  to allow me to read/interpret it. Imagine what information you would include in annotations for a first-year student; what basic info would you provide, and what aspects of the source would you highlight?

You will also create a more in-depth  primary source analysis  (~2500 words). While this is a short assignment, you should still have a conventional structure, clear argument, and appropriate, Chicago-style citations. You should have a nuanced, complex argument based on your close analysis of your source(s). You should make use of appropriate contextualization and engagement with the historiography. The “Lost & Found” series of essays in  Endeavour  is a good example of how to do a focused analysis of a single primary source or small set of sources.

Public Scholarship Track:

Exhibition Proposal and Design 

You will develop a concept for an exhibit, which may be conceived of as a virtual or physical exhibition. Your exhibit plan should communicate to both the imagined museum administrator and the public some aspect of the history of the body in addition to your subject of interest. The exhibit can be as large or small as you imagine; it might help to imagine a specific space with which you are familiar to help you visualize the size and organization of the exhibit.

  • Your proposal should have a prose  overview  of the exhibition’s goals, themes, and main organizational principles.
  • You will provide an  annotated list  of the objects, documents, etc., that would be included in your exhibitions; you should explain why these objects were selected and how they will be displayed and provide some basic context or other relevant info about these objects. This is a fantasy exhibition, so you can pull objects and artifacts from any collections you want, but you must provide clear citations for them. You should organize this list according to how the objects would be displayed together.
  • You should include one  sample object —an artifact or document that would appear in the exhibit, with an accompanying label.

Optional:  if you wish to include diagrams/mock-ups/visualizations of what your exhibit might look like, or how a case might be organized, or how the web site would look, you are very welcome to do so!

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Content Warning

This page contains words or ideas that might be offensive to modern readers. To maintain the accuracy of historical documentation, the content is reprinted in its entirety as it was originally published. This accurate reproduction of original historical texts therefore contains words and ideas that do not reflect the editorial decisions or views of the American Historical Association.

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