How to list technical skills on your resume (25+ samples & examples)

How to list technical skills on your resume (25+ samples & examples)

Ben Temple

Your resume technical skills section will be an employer’s first look at what you’re capable of. One of the first things they look for when they read an application is the right skill set.

Companies are looking for talented candidates, and the technical skills you put on your resume may be the difference between getting rejected and getting the interview.

The right list of technical skills for your resume will depend on the job posting, however. Your skills list should always be based on the application.

With that in mind, here are some easy tips for displaying technical skills on your resume.

  • What are technical skills?

Technical skills are the specific abilities that are needed to complete particular tasks. They are usually job-specific, and are often related to technology, like a type of software or machine.

Resume skills may be physical in nature, such as TIG welding or machining, or digital, such as C++ or data analysis. Technical skills require practise and experience to develop, and are highly sought after by employers. Even entry-level jobs, like retail or food service, may require technical skills, such as cash handling or using point-of-service systems.

Unlike soft skills , which are strengths that help you to work hard, collaborate, and solve problems, technical skills may require certifications or education.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Technical skills can be learned in school, at workshops, or on the job, but it’s important to be able to back up any claims you make in your resume. Companies will likely test or measure your technical abilities as a part of the interview process. For example, if you interview for a job in computer programming, you will likely be asked to complete a technical interview where your competence with the tools of the job will be evaluated.

  • Why do you need a technical skills section on your resume?

It’s important to let employers know that you have the right skills for the job. When you apply for a role, the company will be checking your resume to see if you have what it takes. The better your skills, the faster you will adapt to the new job and the less time the company can spend training you. Candidates who can handle the responsibilities of that specific position are much more likely to be hired.

Employers only spend a few seconds reading each resume, so it’s important to make sure your skills section draws their eye. Your Work History Section and descriptions of past roles may show what expertise you have to offer, but to ensure employers know exactly what skills you bring to the table it’s best to create a distinct list. This makes your skills easy to find and gives employers an overview of your skill set without making them read the entire resume.

Browse our gallery of resume templates here.

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  • Displaying your technical skills

The best way to display your technical skills is in a distinct Skills section. You should show your skills in the rest of your resume throughout your qualifications and job descriptions, but it’s important to have a concise list as well. This allows readers to quickly skim your application and see your resume technical skills in one place. To create a Skills section:

1: Create a skills section (or two)

To display your technical skills, start by creating a Skills section in your resume. Give this section a heading like “Skills”, “Core Competencies”, or something similar. You can then list your skills beneath that heading. Most job seekers list all of their skills under one title, both technical skills and soft skills.

If you would like to keep your technical skills separate from your soft skills, you can create two different Skills sections. For your technical skills, title one of the sections “Technical Skills” or something related to your field, like “Financial Skills”. For your soft skills, create another section called “Soft Skills”, “Leadership Skills”, or something similar. This way, you can keep your skill set organized and make your technical skills even easier to find.

2: Choose your most relevant and impressive technical skills

Not all jobs require the same skills, so it’s important to remember to customize your resume technical skills every time you apply for a new job.

To customize your resume, research the company and the role. You should know exactly what the company is looking for, what their company culture is like, and what kind of skills are in demand in your industry.

Resume technical skills section example

The best technical skills to put on your resume are the skills listed in the job posting. The company will have specific needs for the role, and your resume should reflect this. Use the language of the job posting in your Technical Skills section to show that you have exactly what they’re looking for. For example, if the posting asks for candidates with experience in jQuery, POS systems, or TIG welding, make sure to use that exact phrase in your resume technical skills (as long as it’s true!).

3: List your technical skills

In your Skills section, display your technical skills in a simple list. They should be well-organized and easy to read.

Place the most impressive and most relevant skills at the top of the list. The skills explicitly asked for in the job posting are the ones you should emphasize most.

Technical Skills

  • Illustrator

If you would like to create categories in your skills list, you can use each bullet in the list as a separate category. For example, use one bullet to display programming skills and the next to show design skills:

  • Programming : C++, SQL, Java, JavaScript
  • Design : Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator

For a list of skills that really stands out, you can also include a strength rating out of 10 for each skill. With skill strength bars, like those offered in an online CV builder , you can visually demonstrate your abilities with each skill.

Resume technical skills: Strength ratings

4: Show your skills throughout the resume

Your Skills section is the most succinct list of your skills, but the rest of your resume should show your skills as well. Throughout your Summary section, Work History section, and other parts of your resume, emphasize achievements that demonstrate your abilities.

If you list Agile methodology as a technical skill, for example, you can emphasize this in your Work Experience section by noting that you “led an Agile team of 5 developers” or “implemented Agile methodology throughout development department teams.” Every part of your resume must contribute to showcasing your skills.

Resume Technical Skills: Work History Section

  • Technical skills examples for your resume

The specific technical skills that you display on your resume will depend on your skill set, your industry, and the job you’re applying to. When deciding which skills to foreground, it’s important to know what the company is looking for and what you’re best at.

(And if you find throughout your job search that many companies are looking for technical skills that you don’t have, there is never a bad time to upskill .)

With that in mind, here are some technical skills that may work for your career:

Programming technical skills examples for resumes

When looking for a job in computer programming, it’s important to highlight the programming languages and technologies that you have experience in. Most job postings for programming roles will list the languages that the role requires, so be sure to prominently feature the programming technical skills that they’re looking for.

  • Configuration
  • Operating systems
  • Troubleshooting
  • Technical support
  • Systems analysis

Digital marketing technical skills examples for resumes

Digital marketing roles may include social media management, blogging, SEO, and more. It’s important to highlight your specialties and show that you are a skilled marketer with the right digital marketing technical skills for the job.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Automated Marketing Software
  • Content Management Systems

Data analysis technical skills examples for resumes

Data analysis is integral to how businesses learn and grow in a fast-paced market. People with the ability to organize data and create data-driven business plans are in high demand. With the right data analysis technical skills, you can become an irreplaceable part of your next company.

  • Data Mining
  • Database Design
  • Database Management
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Quantitative Research
  • Documentation

Project management technical skills examples for resumes

Project management technical skills are in high demand. Good management can be the factor that makes or breaks an important project. If you are customizing your resume for a project management position, be sure to showcase the technical skills that make you a great manager.

  • Performance Review
  • Benchmarking
  • Quality Assurance
  • Budget Planning
  • Project Planning
  • Task Delegation
  • Task Management
  • Quality Control

Technical writing technical skills examples for resumes

While technical writing itself is often considered a technical skill, there are also many subcategories of technical writing that you may specialize in. When you apply for a role in technical writing, be sure to emphasize the specific skills that the job posting asked for.

  • Technical Documentation
  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
  • Client Management
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Grant Writing
  • Standard Operating Procedures

Healthcare technical skills examples for resume writing

Healthcare workers are always in demand. Whether you’re a medical assistant, health care aid, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, radiologist assistant, or hold any other health care role, there is plenty of demand for skilled workers in your field. When you write your healthcare resume, make sure it has the right technical skills for a healthcare role.

  • Medical billing
  • Patient care
  • Record-keeping
  • Electronic medical record software
  • Performing EKGs

Product management technical skills examples for resumes

In addition to strong people skills and communication abilities, product managers need to have the right technical skills to be effective. As product manager you will be expected to lead teams, ship new features, maintain strong communication between different departments (including development, design, and marketing), develop revenue models, and drive user adoption. For a great product management resume, include skills like:

  • Product roadmaps
  • User experience design
  • SCRUM methodology
  • Agile methodology
  • Product lifecycle
  • Negotiation
  • Stakeholder management

Design technical skills examples for resume success

When an employer is hiring for design roles, whether in graphic design, product design, or even interior design, they will be looking for certain technical skills. You can’t score an interview on good taste alone. It’s important to reassure employers that you are familiar with all the tools of the trade. Technical skills to put on your resume include:

  • Interactive media
  • Wireframing
  • UX research
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive design
  • User modeling
  • Customer journey mapping

Research technical skills examples for your resume

Research is an important skill in many industries. Even if the role you’re applying to isn’t explicitly a research role, like fact checker, journalist, or research assistant, research skills can be important. No matter where you work, you could be tasked with researching competitors, products, processes, and more. If you want to include your research abilities in your next application, consider this list of technical skills for your resume:

  • Data collection
  • Source checking
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Report writing
  • Interviewing
  • Focus groups

Troubleshooting technical skills examples for resumes

Troubleshooting is an important part of using any technology. You don’t truly understand a product if you can’t find and fix common problems, or at least work around them. Even if you aren’t applying to a QA role, troubleshooting skills can look good on your resume. Troubleshooting technical skills to put on your resume include:

  • System knowledge
  • Communication

Video technical skills examples for resumes

Video creation is a powerful skill for people in many industries, whether it’s film, marketing, or customer support. The right resume technical skills will depend on your specific role, whether it’s director, editor, set designer, or any video-related role, but it’s important to make it clear what skills you have and what tools you can use. Video technical skills examples for your resume include:

  • Video editing
  • Sound editing
  • Script supervision
  • Final Cut Pro

Computer science technical skills examples for resume writing

Computer science technical skills are very useful in the modern workplace and can be an asset in many different careers. Data scientists, software developers, IT experts, Research and Development specialists, database administrators, and more, all need computer science skills to be successful in their careers. Resume technical skills for computer science professionals include:

  • CAD Software
  • System design
  • Technical reporting
  • Visual Studio
  • Dreamweaver
  • Data modeling

Resume technical skills: Software engineer resume example

Engineering technical skills examples for resumes

The right engineering resume technical skills for you will depend on what you specialize in. There is some overlap between civic engineers and materials engineers, but the tools they work with may not be identical. Even so, here are some possible engineering technical skills you can consider for your resume:

  • Structural Analysis

Journalism technical skills examples for resume writing

Journalism can be an uncertain career, but it’s irresistible to those who hear its call. In a competitive media landscape, your journalism resume should to have everything it needs to impress employers. Whether you’re a freelancer, an editor, or looking to become a star reporter for the New York Times, it’s important to develop your technical skills as much as possible. Resume technical skills for journalists include:

  • Note-taking
  • Fact-checking
  • Self-promotion
  • Time management

Logistics technical skills examples for resume writing

Logistics coordinators are integral to the functioning of many businesses. Any time products need to be shipped, tracked, and sold, someone has to be keeping an eye on the supply chain. This can require expertise in billing, developing relationships with clients and customers, coordinating suppliers, and optimizing costs and ship times. Logistics technical skills to put on your resume include:

  • Freight monitoring
  • Document distribution
  • Route selection
  • Track and trace
  • Account management
  • Dispute resolution
  • Process development

Administration technical skills examples for resume success

Office administrators, program administrators, executive assistants, secretaries, and more, all need administration technical skills to put on their resume. Administration can mean different things depending on your role, field, and department, but any employer with an open administrator position will be looking for specific abilities. As you write your administration resume, consider these technical skills:

  • Production planning
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Document preparation
  • Processing invoices
  • Phone operation
  • Event coordination
  • Bookkeeping

Architecture technical skills examples for resume writing

Architects are primarily responsible for designing buildings. Architects have to pay attention to the aesthetic, function, and safety of built structures, both new and existing. Depending on the role, architects may design a building using software, design parts of a structure as a part of a larger project, supervise new construction, inspect older buildings, and more. Some resume technical skills for architects include:

  • Industrial design
  • Materials science
  • Zoning codes
  • Building codes

Help desk technical skills examples for your resume

The specific duties of a help desk specialist will depend on the company and the role. Some help desk specialists work remotely, assisting customers with product questions and billing problems, while others work on-site, helping clients use products, services, and hardware. This role relies on strong soft skills, like communication, teamwork, and time management, but there are many technical skills to put on your resume as well, such as:

  • Self-management
  • Product expertise
  • Billing systems
  • Password administration
  • Booking and scheduling
  • Phone systems
  • Device configuration
  • Product onboarding

Information security technical skills examples for your resume

Cybersecurity is an important and growing field. Nearly all employers use the internet in one way or another, and they all need to make sure their data is safe and secure. If you want a meaningful and future-proof career, information security is a good choice. Whether you want to work in-house for a large company, or work with clients at an information security firm, it’s important to develop impressive technical skills to display on your resume. Information security technical skills include:

  • SIEM Management
  • FISMA Compliance
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Intrusion Detection Systems
  • Intrusion Prevention Systems
  • Security analysis
  • Incident response
  • Data science

Content management technical skills examples for your resume

All businesses need websites, and all websites need content. If you want to create a great career in the digital age, developing a robust set of content management technical skills to put on your resume is a great place to start. Content managers write, edit, and curate content that is published online. This involves working with copywriters, contractors, marketing specialists, and designers. It may require some management abilities, social media savvy, an eye for detail, and more. Content manager resume technical skills include:

  • Proofreading
  • Content creation
  • Social media management
  • Content management system (CMS) proficiency
  • Search engine optimization

Sales technical skills examples for your resume

Sales is a demanding field, but it can be rewarding for the right kind of person. More than just selling products and services, sales jobs require you to create relationships with customers and clients, keeping them informed of your company’s offerings and ensuring that they feel supported and looked-after as they use the services. Sales roles can entail inside sales, B2B, cold calls, travelling, and more. If you’re creating a resume for a sales role, consider this list of technical skills for your resume:

  • Client management
  • Sales prospecting
  • Social selling
  • Product knowledge
  • Territory management
  • Objection handling
  • Presentation software
  • Customer relationship management tools
  • Buyer research
  • Productivity software

Accounting technical skills examples for resumes

When hiring an accountant, employers look for an understanding of accounting regulations, proficiency in particular tools, and strong technical skills. While you should always research potential employers and customize your resume to suit the type of accounting you specialize in, there are plenty of accountant resume technical skills that can look good on a resume:

  • Intrax ProcedureNet
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Regulatory standards
  • ERP systems
  • Cost and trend analysis

Resume Technical Skills: Banking resume example

Warehouse technical skills examples for resume success

Many organizations need to ship, receive, and store items, all of which require warehouses. As online shopping becomes more popular, warehouses become even more important. Someone has to be there to organize, pack, and store all the items that are delivered to peoples’ doors. Whether you’re a labourer, forklift driver, or manager, warehouse jobs can be very physical and require some specialized knowledge. Warehouse technical skills examples for resumes include:

  • Spreadsheets
  • Supplies procurement
  • Personnel management
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Forklift license
  • Regulation knowledge
  • Shipping and receiving
  • Pallet jack

Retail technical skills examples for your resume

Retail workers spend long hours on their feet, working the sales floor, operating the cash register, and assisting customers. Retail work is a field that requires good people skills, stamina, and a lot of patience, but for the right person, it can be very rewarding. Soft skills like communication and patience aren’t all it takes for a successful retail resume, however. You also need to have the hard skills that go with the job. Retail resume technical skills include:

  • Cash handling
  • Point of Sale systems
  • Industry knowledge
  • Merchandising
  • Active listening

Ecommerce technical skills examples for resume writing

Ecommerce is a broad field that encompasses all of marketing and selling online. It involves advertising, email marketing, search engine optimization, data collection, analytics, design, and development. As there is no sign that people are about to stop buying things online, ecommerce is a great field to get into to ensure a long career. If you’re applying for an ecommerce job, consider this list of technical skills for your resume:

  • Email marketing
  • Data analytics
  • Web development
  • Social media savvy
  • Content writing
  • Customer relationship management
  • Point of sale technology

Welding technical skills examples for resumes

Welding is the process of using heat to fuse pieces of metal together. It is integral to many manufacturing and construction processes. If you’re looking to become a welder, you will likely need to get certified, but even with a certification your resume needs to list your skills. Welding technical skills to put on your resume include:

  • TIG welding
  • MIG welding
  • Stick welding
  • Angle grinding
  • Arc welding

Secretary technical skills examples for resumes

Secretaries are responsible for professional administrative duties like taking calls, managing correspondence, scheduling meetings, and greeting guests. Whether you’re at the front desk of an office, act as an office administrator, or work as a private secretary, it’s important to have the right organizational skills and multitasking abilities. Secretary technical skills to put on your resume include:

  • Operating phones
  • Scheduling software
  • Office hardware knowledge
  • Note Taking
  • Appointment booking
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Calendar software
  • More technical skills

Your skill set is unique, and the competencies that you have developed throughout your career will depend on your interests, your education, and your previous jobs. When writing your resume, make sure that you understand your own abilities and what companies in your industry are looking for. With a well-targeted resume and the right technical skills, you can make your resume irresistible to employers.

  • Accounting Software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
  • Database Software
  • Information Security
  • Video Editing and Creation
  • Cloud/SaaS Services
  • Telecommunications
  • Microsoft Office Certifications
  • Business intelligence
  • Manufacturing process
  • Engineering drawing
  • What are Technical Skills?
  • Why are Technical Skills Important?

Employers only spend a few seconds reading each resume, so it’s important to make sure your skills section catches their eye. Your work history Section and descriptions of past roles may show what expertise you have to offer, but to ensure employers know exactly what skills you bring to the table it’s best to create a distinct list.

  • How do you Describe Technical Skills?

Apart from listing them on a resume skills section - you can also describe your technical skills by leveraging your summary (or objective), work history and accomplishments sections of your resume.

For example, you can describe TDD technical skill on your resume by highlighting “Achieved 100% test coverage by following TDD” in your work experience section.

Ben Temple

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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50+ Key Technical Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

Including technical skills on a resume is an absolute necessity. These types of skills show employers your quantifiable qualifications. In this guide, we will cover exactly what a technical skill is and some of the best examples to include on a resume.

What are Technical Skills?

Skills on your resume can be broken down into two main categories:

  • ‍ Soft Skills: Also called interpersonal skills, these are your social and emotional abilities. They affect how you interact and communicate with other people. ‍
  • Hard Skills: Hard skills are also called technical skills. They are a person’s technical abilities and are often industry-specific.

Technical skills are hard skills because they are quantifiable in some way.

Usually, a hard skill can be either learned or taught.  

Why Should I Include Technical Skills on My Resume? 

Writing skills on your resume is a good way to highlight your personal and professional strengths to employers.

The key to including skills is to list both hard and soft skills.

By doing so, you show employers that you are both talented and a team player.

Certain industries require more technical skills than others.

These industries include:

  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Software Development
  • UX and Web Design
  • Engineering

However, all industries have specific technical skills they look for.

What Are the Best Technical Skills I Should Add to My Resume?

All businesses have industry-specific technical skills they look for.

To determine the best technical skills to add to your resume, you must examine the requirements of the industry you are entering.

For instance, if you are seeking a job as a software developer, emphasizing that you are skilled in using programming languages will be key.

Of course, all industries have certain technical skills they seek in applicants.

There are thousands of technical skills that you can learn and develop – far more than we can cover here.

The key is to read the job description thoroughly to identify the employer’s desired skills.

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‍ 10 Categories of Technical Skills (with Over 50 Examples)

Below we have defined 10 different categories of technical skills.

These tend to be the hard skills most commonly searched for by employers.

If your professional abilities do not fall into them, these categories can still be a good starting point for brainstorming technical skills within your industry.

For instance, someone working in the restaurant industry may have hard skills such as using Point of Sales systems or making reservations.

Without further ado, here are our top 10 categories for technical skills:

1) Programming

Programming involves many different skills and is used in a variety of industries.

From Information Technology to Web Development, programming is a widely beneficial skill.

Examples of technical skills for programming include:

  • Programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, etc.)
  • Cloud computing
  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Cybersecurity

2) Digital Design

As the world becomes more digitally oriented, the field of digital design is rapidly growing.

Any business or industry that deals with digital products, platforms, and applications need talented designers.

Here are five great examples of technical skills for digital design:

  • User Experience (UX)
  • Wireframing
  • Responsive Design
  • Visual Design (Color Theory, Typography, etc.)

3) Marketing Strategy

Businesses these days can’t survive without strong marketing teams.

As such, the need for marketing skills has only continued to increase.

Technical marketing skills employers look for include:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Management Systems
  • Consumer Analytics
  • Email Campaigns
  • Creating Marketing Funnels

4) Copywriting

Writing is a vital part of any business.

Everything from sales funnels and websites to advertisements and press releases requires strong writing.

Here are five more technical skills in the field of copywriting:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Creation
  • Landing Page Copy
  • Headline Writing
  • Topical and Keyword Research

5) Computer Programs & Software

At almost any job you can find, you will be required to use some form of software.

Having the ability to use the software before being hired is a great advantage in employers’ eyes.

Here five types of software commonly used in businesses you should familiarize yourself with:

  • Adobe Software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.)
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)
  • Point of Sale Systems (Harbortouch, Clover, etc.)
  • QuickBooks or Other Accounting Software
  • CAD or Other Engineering Programs

Web Developer

‍ 6) Social Media

Social media has become a driving factor for online engagement.

As a result, employers have begun to seek out job applicants with backgrounds and skills in using social media.

The following technical skills are great for those of you looking for work in social media:

  • Engagement Metrics
  • Ad Campaigns
  • Promotion Tactics
  • Customer Research
  • Expertise in Specific Platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

7) Accounting

Accounting is a foundational component of businesses.

Without it, there would be no financial organization or analysis.

Thus, accounting professionals have highly sought-after skills by employers.

These examples are excellent technical skills for anyone applying to an accounting position:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Systems Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Interpreting Financial Statements
  • Strict Adherence to Regulation

8) Data Analysis

 Data analysts help customers and businesses to make important decisions by scrutinizing data and information.

This field of work involves almost entirely technical skills and is highly necessary for keeping up with changing trends.

Examples of technical skills within data analysis include:

  • Mathematical Ability
  • Data Modeling
  • Machine Learning
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Spreadsheets

9) Medicine & Healthcare

All jobs within the health and medicine industries involve a multitude of technical skills.

Healthcare is a vast field with many different sorts of career paths.

Here are five technical skill examples for healthcare:

  • Electronic Medical Record Software
  • Patient Preparation
  • Physical Therapy
  • Administering Injections
  • Proficient Use of Modalities (Cryotherapy, Ultrasound, etc.)

10) Management

Becoming a manager is no small feat – the job requires a tremendous amount of technical talent!

From planning and organizing to ensuring the satisfaction of the staff, managers do it all.

Here are five final technical skills for management:

  • Contract Negotiation
  • Hiring and Onboarding
  • Project Planning
  • Staff Scheduling

Bonus Skills: 5 Productivity Software to Learn

Nowadays, a fair amount of business happens online.

As a result, remote work environments have become more and more common.

This has required many professionals to learn how to use productivity software to connect and collaborate with their teams.

Understanding how to use a specific productivity software is a key technical skill in an increasingly digital world.

Here are 5 key productivity software to familiarize yourself with:

  • Google Suite
For even more ideas on skills to include on your resume, check out our guide on 100+ Key Skills for a Resume (with Examples for Any Job) .

Web Developer

How Do I List My Technical Skills on a Resume?

Generally, you should include your technical skills in a separate skills section of your resume.

Certain skills can be included within the work experience.

However, it is best to prioritize soft skills in the work experience section, as this allows you to provide greater context and detail.

Here is an example of how to format a technical skills section:

How to Create a Section for Technical Skills

In this example, imagine the job applicant is applying for a position as an administrative assistant.

I ncorrect:

Technical Skills • CPR and First Aid Certified • Fast Typing Speed • Computer Skills

Why It’s Wrong: When listing your technical skills, you want them to be both relevant and clear.

The employer shouldn’t have to wonder why you are including certain skills.

While it may come in handy for you to have a CPR certification, it is not the most relevant to the job.

Additionally, “fast typing speed” and “computer skills” lack quantifiable details to make them valuable to the employer.

Technical Skills • Microsoft Office Suite Certified • Typing Speed of 75 Words per Minute • Spreadsheets and Data Visualization

In this corrected example, the skills are much more specific and quantifiable.

This is what you want from technical skills – to provide employers with exact details about your abilities.

Are you feeling lost on where to start with formatting your resume?

Read our guide on How to Choose the Correct Resume Format (with Examples) .

Web Developer

What Are Some Things I Can Do to Improve My Technical Skills

If you lack many good or relevant technical skills, it is important to take the time to develop some.

Luckily, there are many resources and courses available today to help professionals develop their skillsets.

This can include going back to school or learning from home!

Here are 3 great ways to start improving your technical skills:

  • ‍ Certifications and Training: Taking training or educational courses can help you to earn certifications. Including certifications on your resume is a great way to provide evidence for the skills you are claiming to have. ‍
  • Mentorships/Apprenticeships: To enhance your technical skills, it is wise to learn from the best. Seeking out mentorships or apprenticeships with successful professionals in your field is a fantastic way to diversify your skills. ‍
  • Personal Projects: Oftentimes, technical skills help to create products and carry out necessary processes. Completing a personal project that can be a centerpiece to a portfolio can also help you develop new technical skills!

Final Takeaways

Your technical skills on your resume inform an employer of your abilities.

By including the correct ones, you can significantly improve the impression you leave with your resume.

Here are our top 5 takeaways for including technical skills on a resume:

  • Brainstorm the most relevant technical skills in your industry or niche.
  • Include soft (interpersonal) skills along with your technical skills.
  • List your technical skills in a separate section, rather than in your work experience section.
  • Provide added context to give your skills quantifiable details.
  • Earn certifications and seek out mentorships to further enhance your technical skills.

Easy Resume offers a wide collection of free resume guides and career advice articles. Check them out today to learn more about creating the perfect resume for you!

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

Ed is a co-founder of Easy Resume. His background in scaling teams at tech startups over the last decade has given him extensive experience and knowledge around how to hire top talent and build successful teams. He enjoys mentoring, coaching, and helping others reach their career goals. When he's not writing about career-related advice, he's playing with his dog, Lilo, or going on long hikes in upstate New York.

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  • 11 Best Technical Skills for...

11 Best Technical Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

11 min read · Updated on March 27, 2024

Ken Chase

Learn to identify the best technical skills for your resume to enhance your job search prospects!

The skill section of your resume is one of the most important, since it provides one of the best opportunities to highlight all those crucial skills that employers want to see. To be truly effective, however, that section needs to include relevant technical skills that relate to the job. Before you can effectively highlight those skills, however, you need to be able to identify the right technical skills for your resume.

In this post, we'll explore the concept of technical skills and explain why they are so critical for any compelling resume . We'll also provide 11 of the best technical skill examples and offer some tips to help you include them in your resume in the most effective way.

What are technical skills? 

When most people think of the term technical skills, their minds may automatically focus on technology expertise - and with good reason. Computer skills, proficiency with heavy equipment, and similar tech talents are indeed technical skills. In a broader sense, however, technical skills encompass a wide range of hard skills that are acquired through education or other formal training.

Often, they are the types of proficiencies you can gain in a classroom or complete a test on. You either know them or you don't, and that's why they are important markers for determining whether a candidate is qualified for a job.

Though it may seem like these skills are only important in highly technical fields like IT, our digital-centric world means they come into play in almost every industry. From project management and data analysis to social media and math, you likely use a few technical skills every day, whether you realize it or not.

Why are technical skills important?

When a hiring manager sends out a role posting, it's because they have a specific job that needs to be done. Therefore, if there are certain technical proficiencies required to execute that job, you will almost always need to possess that knowledge if you want to be considered for the position.

Having the technical skills an employer is looking for is an indicator that you could be a good fit for the job. However, if you don't show those skills off on your resume, the hiring manager won't be able to recognize that. That's why it's essential to include a Technical Skills section, as well as weave these skills into your Professional Experience section.

What should be included in the Technical Skills section of a resume?

The skills that should occupy your resume's Technical Skills section are the ones that prove you are qualified for the job at hand. But how do you find out what those are? Should you include every skill you've gained over the years? How do you choose which abilities to highlight?

This is where the job description is your greatest tool. When you apply for a given position, the job posting will likely include language that explains the key proficiencies and traits needed to do the job - including technical skills. After looking through your professional toolbox, you should select and highlight the technical skills that best match those qualification requirements.

11 examples of technical skills for your resume

To help you identify the top technical skills for your resume, we've compiled a list of 11 technical skills examples. They include everything from basic technical skills for a resume to more advanced abilities - like engineering technical skills. Our list is broken down into broad categories of skills, many of which have value across a wide array of industries.

1.     Programming / IT 

Programming skills are valuable in many different industries, including software development, finance, and other companies that require IT expertise, web application development, and cybersecurity. These skills can include:

Programming languages like Python, JavaScript, C++, C#, SQL and HTML

Front-end development

Application design


Cloud Computing

2.     Social Media

With the rise of social media, many companies now require the talents of social media experts who can manage their presence on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. Because digital marketing has become such an integral part of those companies' overall marketing efforts, job seekers in that field should possess skills related to:

Customer research

Ad campaign design and management

Online promotion

Data analysis

Engagement metrics

Brand management

3.     Project Management

 Project Managers are in high demand in many industries and competition for those roles can be fierce. If you've had experience in project management, chances are that you may possess many of the technical skills that employers are looking for in their next manager. Some examples of great project management technical skills for a resume include:

Agile methodology

Project design and planning

Budget strategy

Risk management

Expertise in Trello, Asana, Microsoft Project or Basecamp

4.     Marketing

Marketing continues to be a key industry throughout the modern economy and the skills needed for effective marketing are vital for any company's success. Depending on the type of marketing role you're seeking, your resume should include a wide variety of marketing technical skills. Those skills can include:

Marketing strategy

Competitive analysis

Market analysis

Content management

Digital media strategies


5.     Engineering

Engineering professionals use a variety of different specialized technical skills to perform their duties. The exact nature of any Engineer's specific skill set can vary depending on their chosen industry, but all Engineers possess some common technical skills that help them to successfully overcome challenges and achieve success. Below are some examples of common engineering technical skills for your resume:

Problem solving

Computer science

CAD or similar software expertise

Manufacturing processes

Technical design

Quality control

Equipment diagnosis

6.     Content Creation

Nearly every business requires some degree of content creation. Copywriting and content management are critical for everything from website and advertisement creation to the development of an effective sales function, press releases, and social media strategies. However, there's more to effective content creation than just a basic mastery of writing skills. Other content creation technical skills for your resume may include:

Dynamic headline writing

Keyword research

Search engine optimization

Website content creation

Landing page copywriting

7.     Graphic Design

The growth of the online world has not only benefited Programmers and Writers; it's also created new opportunities for Graphic Designers. While early websites often consisted of nothing but endless streams of text, modern sites employ a wide variety of graphic presentations to appeal to customers and other visitors. Graphic design skills are employed to create this dynamic content to ensure that websites offer the best possible viewing experience for those visitors. Common design technical skills include:

Interactive media

Responsive design

User modeling


Artistic creativity

UX research

8.     Accounting

Every business has a need for accounting to manage everything from cash flow and payroll to taxes, financial analysis, and overall organizational efficiency. If you're seeking a career in accounting, it will be important to include many of the most prized accounting technical skills in your resume. The following examples of technical skills for accounting are often key qualifications in these types of job postings:

Financial statement creation and analysis

Expertise in accounting best practices

Regulatory compliance

Tax compliance

Data visualization

Report management

9.     Data Analysis

The rise of Big Data has seen an acceleration in companies' appreciation for data analysis expertise. In fact, today's companies often rely on data analysis experts to provide key insights into customer and market trends that they can use to inform their business decision-making. If you're seeking a career as a Data Analyst, there are some specific technical skills that employers will likely want to see on your resume, including:

Data modeling

Mathematical knowledge and ability

Machine learning

SQL or Python

Statistical analysis

Project management 

Data mining

10.  Healthcare

In recent years, the healthcare industry has consistently topped the list of the fastest growing jobs in the US. With an aging population in need of care and a growing need for qualified healthcare professionals, the job outlook for this industry is expected to be robust throughout the rest of this decade. Moreover, the field itself includes a wide variety of career options. The list below provides a snapshot of some of the most important healthcare technical skills for a resume:

Patient management

Physical therapy

Medication or injection delivery 

Electronic medical records software


HIPAA knowledge

CPR and first aid techniques

Urgent care

11.  Management

If you've ever encountered a bad manager , then you know how important it is for any management hire to possess the right skills. While many managerial abilities can be considered interpersonal soft skills, the best managers also need to possess the right technical skills for the job. Below, we've identified some of the most important management technical skills for your resume:

Organizing and planning

Recruitment and training

Budget management

Contract management

Project planning

Office software platforms

Related: Why Hard and Soft Skills Are So Important for Your Resume

How to incorporate technical skills on your resume

How you include technical skills in your resume will largely depend upon your line of work. If you're working in a non-technical role, such as sales, marketing, finance, HR, or operations (to name a few), your Technical Skills section is usually located underneath the Education and Professional Development section of your resume. Here, you should list the various tools you've learned and used over the course of your career.

If you work in a technical field or position, then this section takes on greater importance on your resume and should be placed higher up. It should also be highly detailed and comprehensive. If you are a Programmer, for instance, list the programming languages you're proficient in, such as Python, C, Java, C++, C#, R, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML, SQL, and so forth. 

You may also want to include a list of the project management and documentation tools you're familiar with and accustomed to using, such as Kanbanize and Confluence.

Whether you work in a technical field or not, look for opportunities to incorporate this technical skills information into your work history. When you're describing your achievements, mention the tools you use to complete that task.

Including technical skills in your resume: examples

Once you've identified key technical skills for your resume, it's important to include them in the most effective manner possible. For some jobs, you can include them within your skills section, along with several key soft skills. If you're applying for a job in a highly technical field, however, you may want to list them in a separate Technical Skills or Core Competencies section.

Skill section example

Regardless of which option you choose, your skill section should always be in bullet form, and formatted in two or three columns. For example, if you were applying for a job as an RN, you might include a Technical Skills section that looks like this:

Medication management

CPR / first aid techniques

Related post : What are Skills? (With Examples and Tips on How to Improve Them)

Work experience example

When including these skills in your work experience section , make sure to highlight them in your achievements . This will help to ensure that employers understand how you use key skills to benefit your company. For example:

Registered Nurse

ABC Patient Care – 2020 to 2024

Provided compassionate and patient-centered care for more than 400 patients over a three-year period

Led effort to update data entry with introduction of modernized patient care data management system

Taught CPR and first aid at local community college, including continuing education course for active nursing professionals

Gained six months' experience in urgent care night shift, successfully providing care to hundreds of patients with issues involving everything from assault to unexpected illnesses

Include the right technical skills in your resume to enjoy greater job search success

The key to properly including technical skills in your resume is simple. First, never send the same resume to multiple companies; instead, always tailor each resume to fit each job's unique posting requirements. Second, always try to incorporate these skills into both your skill section and your work experience achievements. Finally, make sure that the technical skills that you list offer a dynamic representation of your value as a potential new hire.

Good luck with your job search!

Still not sure how to include technical skills in your resume? Get a free resume review from our team of resume writers and then rely on their expertise to help you create a truly compelling resume.

This article was originally written by Amanda Augustine and has been updated by Ken Chase. 

Recommended reading:

Top Transferable Skills Employers Look For

Resume Sample: How to Make a Great Mid-Level Resume

Here's How to Pass the 6-Second Resume Test

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Technical Resume Example for 2024 [W/ Template & Step-by-Step Guide!]

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So, you’re looking for your next big gig in the tech industry. 

You have the work experience, tech skills, qualifications, and the right education to go after any opportunity you see fit, but your resume-writing skills are not the best. 

And, like it or not, it does take an exceptional technical resume to stand out in such a competitive industry.  

Well, there’s actually no reason to worry. With the right guidance, you can leverage all your experience, skills, and other qualifications to effectively create a memorable tech resume that will get recruiters hooked!

This is exactly what this article is here to help you with, including: 

  • Technical Resume Example

How is a Technical Resume Different?

8 steps to ace your technical resume.

  • 58 In-Demand Tech Skills

And much more! Let’s dive in! 

Technical Resume Example Done Well

First thing’s first - you’re probably wondering what an effective technical resume looks like, right?

Here’s a rock-solid tech resume crafted with the Novorésumé resume builder :

technical resume

Here are all the things this tech resume does right:

  • Relevant information section. In addition to the essential information, like their email, phone number, and location, the applicant has added their GitHub profile and personal website on their tech resume.
  • Memorable resume summary . The profile summary in the tech resume above is short but effectively highlights the applicant’s experience and relevance for the role.
  • Reverse-chronological order. This format allows recruiters to see a candidate’s most recent and relevant work experience first.
  • Achievement-focused work experience . The applicant has focused their work experience section around their achievements instead of their responsibilities, which he’s also backed up with numbers and hard data. This is something most tech resumes don’t do, so definitely something that can help you stand out.
  • Brief education section. With so many relevant skills and work experience to show, the applicant has kept their education section short and sweet, with only their Bachelor’s Degree listed.
  • In-demand tech skills. The applicant has only included tech skills that are relevant to the position and in-demand within the industry.
  • Valuable optional sections. By adding optional sections such as awards, certifications, and languages, the applicant has a better chance of standing out from other applicants with the same work experience and education.
  • Optimal resume length . The tech resume above fits perfectly on one page, which is the gold standard in terms of resume length.

Want more tailored tips for building a specific type of technical resume? Check out some of our more niche guides below:

  • Computer Science Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume

Click here for a complete list of all our resume examples .

Tech positions are quite different than normal jobs, as they require plenty of hard skills and expertise, so it’s only normal for your tech resume to be different too. 

Specifically, here are the most important differences between conventional resumes and tech resumes that you should know about: 

  • To highlight your tech experience from the get-go, include your GitHub profile in your contact information section and maybe even Stack Overflow if you’re an active contributor.
  • Focus more on your hard skills instead of soft skills. The employer will assess your soft skills during the interview after they’ve made sure you have the right set of hard skills for the job.
  • If you have any certifications, including them will definitely be helpful, especially if you’re applying for a corporate job.
  • Do you code in your free time? That’s definitely something that will work in your favor. Hiring managers see this as a sign that you’re actually passionate about coding, and aren’t just in it for the money. So, include a “Personal Projects” section in your resume to stand out from the competition.
  • If you’re new to coding, (e.g. a recent graduate), you can make your tech resume pop either by including information/links to the projects you’ve worked on during university, at a Bootcamp, or even in your spare time. 

You’ve seen what the end product should look like. 

Now let’s go through the steps you need to follow to write the perfect tech resume fast and easy!

#1. Choose the Appropriate Format

Your tech resume’s format is just as important as its contents. 

If you do it wrong, your resume risks looking messy and completely unreadable at worst, which can mess up your chances of getting hired. 

So, the first thing you should pay attention to is choosing the right format for your tech resume. Here are the three most popular options out there: 

  • Reverse-chronological resume format. As the name suggests, this format lists your work experience and skills in reverse chronological order, from the most to least recent ones. 
  • Functional resume format . This resume format focuses on skills over work experience and is the perfect choice for recent graduates or entry-level applicants who don’t have a lot of experience to add to their resume. 
  • Combination resume format . As a combination of the reverse-chronological and functional resume formats, this format aims to showcase both your experience and skills. 

While all three formats are beneficial in their way, we recommend that you choose the reverse-chronological format for your tech resume. It’s recruiters’ favorite resume format and that’s for good reasons: 

  • It’s easy to skim through. 
  • It draws attention to your most recent professional experience. 

Here’s what the reverse-chronological format looks like: 

reverse-chronological format

Once you get the formatting out of the way, you can start focusing on your tech resume’s design and layout. 

Here are the most essential resume layout tips to keep in mind: 

  • Set the right margins. To make your tech resume visually appealing and easy to read, provide ample white space by setting the margins at 1 pt on all sides. 
  • Choose a professional font. It goes without saying that a font like Comic Sans shouldn’t even cross your mind when picking a font for your tech resume. We recommend going for something catchy and professional, such as Ubuntu, Roboto, or Overpass. 
  • Take advantage of bullet points. Bullet points are another great way to save some space and organize the information on your resume in a reader-friendly way. 
  • Keep your resume under one page. As we already mentioned, it’s important that your resume is one-page long (or around 475-600 words). Recruiters are busy people who probably won’t be too excited if they have to go through a 3-page long autobiography of your life.  
  • Choose the right file format. Unless you’re asked otherwise, save your tech resume as a PDF file . This ensures an impeccable design no matter the device or OS the recruiter uses to open it. 

Want to Avoid the Hassle? Use a Tech Template Instead

If you’re in the tech industry, chances are your design and writing skills aren’t your strongest point.

Not to mention, you probably have more important projects to spend your time on than wasting hours tinkering with the resume design and layout, only to end up with a result you’re not particularly fond of. 

Well, what if we told you there’s a way to avoid this part altogether? 

By using one of our resume templates , you’re going to skip this entire process altogether - all YOU have to do is fill in your resume contents.

And the best part? All our resume templates are:

  • Created in collaboration with the very best recruitment professionals 
  • Applicant Tracking System-friendly
  • Aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching

novoresume vs traditional resume

Want to speed up your resume creation process? Pick a template and start writing your resume as you read!

#2. Add Your Personal Information 

The contact information is one of the easiest sections to write, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook its importance. 

After all, what’s the point of putting in the hours to create the perfect tech resume, only to never get an interview callback because of a small typo in your phone number or email?

As such, double and triple-check to make sure this section is completely error-free.

As for what to include in this section, here are the essentials for a technical resume:

  • Professional title
  • Phone number
  • Social profiles such as LinkedIn, GitHub, etc. (optional) 
  • Link to personal website (optional)

And here’s an example of a tech resume’s contact information section done right:

Thomas Shelby


[email protected]

Birmingham, UK 

Make sure your email address is professional (e.g. [email protected]) and not your childhood email address, such as [email protected]. An unprofessional email address just makes it seem like you’re not serious about the job.

#3. Write a Captivating Resume Summary/Objective

According to an eye-tracking study , recruiters only spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume during the initial screening. 

This means you have very limited time to grab the recruiter’s attention and get them to take a deeper look at your resume.

The most effective way to do that? Write a captivating resume summary or objective. 

These are short (2 or 3-sentence-long paragraphs) that go at the top of your resume, just under your contact information, and their main goal is to give the hiring manager a quick introduction to you as a candidate. 

  • A resume summary is a 2-to-4-sentences-long summary of your professional experience, including the years you’ve worked in the industry, your professional title, and your most noteworthy accomplishments and relevant skills. 
  • A resume objective is a snapshot of your career aspirations and goals. Perfect for entry-level professionals or recent graduates, the resume objective can also highlight academic achievements and skills acquired through other activities, such as internships and volunteer work. 

Here’s an example of what a tech summary should look like: 

  • Experienced IT Manager with 8+ years of experience in providing impeccable technical support to our clients and effectively managing in-house IT teams. Skilled in using my analytical skills to prioritize tasks, identify technical and managerial issues, and lead my team to provide timely and effective solutions to internal and external problems. Great communication and leadership skills as well as wide expertise in complex problem solving and hardware and software support. 

And here’s an example of a captivating tech resume objective: 

  • Hard-working Computer Science graduate seeking to work as a junior IT analyst. Passionate about building software that perfectly meets the needs of end-users and revolutionizes the industry. Skilled in databases, system security, and troubleshooting, with an analytical mindset. Looking to apply my newly acquired knowledge and passion in practice and help your company carry out in-depth evaluations of system capabilities. 

#4. List Relevant Work Experience

Your work experience can make or break your resume . 

First thing’s first, you need to start with the formatting. To list your work experience section in your tech resume, do this:

  • Start with your most recent/current position and go backward in time from there. 
  • Add your title, the company name, its location, and the years you’ve worked there. 
  • Include 3-5 bullet points with your achievements and responsibilities under each work entry (with fewer bullet points for older/less relevant positions). 

Simply listing your work experiences, though, is not enough. You also need to make them compelling and achievement-oriented.

See, the hiring manager knows your responsibilities for the role. After all, they’re the ones hiring for it!

Instead, they want to know how you stand out from the rest of your peers, and the best way to show that is by including achievements instead of responsibilities.

Compare these 2 examples:

  • Improved client websites on a weekly basis.
  • Improve 100+ client website speed by a range of 25% to 60%.

The first example is too vague - the hiring manager does not know what “improve” means, nor do they know whether you improved the site speed by 10% or 60%.

The second, on the other hand, is way more achievement-oriented and helps the hiring manager really understand the impact of your work.

That makes sense, right? Now let’s review what a work experience section would look like on a technical resume:

IT Specialist 

03/2018 - 02/2022

  • Increased UX scores by 40% by improving applications so that they deliver an overall better user experience. 
  • Decreased website load time by 42%, effectively improving SEO results and increasing the number of monthly website visitors by 15%. 
  • Monitored installation, integration, configuration, and maintenance of the IT system for minimal downtime. 
  • Trained over 30 staff members in internal website functions.

What If You Don’t Have Work Experience?

If you’re a Computer Science graduate looking for work after college or if you’re going for a career change , chances are you don’t have a lot of relevant work experience to put on your resume. 

Nonetheless, recruiters will need to see some proof that you can actually do the job, be it through your coding skills, or your portfolio. 

The good news? There are plenty of ways to build a tech portfolio, even without work experience. Here are the top ways to do it: 

  • Get freelance gigs through websites like Upwork
  • Mention projects you’ve coded in the university
  • List personal projects you’ve worked on in your free time
  • List the tech coursework you’ve attended at the university

#5. Don’t Forget Your Education

Including some details about your education is an essential part of a well-done tech resume. 

That said, you don’t need to go to lengths for a good education section. On the contrary, you’re better off keeping it brief and to the point in order not to take up too much space for other, more valuable sections, such as your hard skills and your achievements. 

So, to nail this section, simply list the following elements: 

  • Your degree name
  • The institution’s name and its location
  • Your years of attendance
  • Relevant academic achievements and coursework (optional, in case you don’t have a lot of work experience) 

Here’s an example of what the education section of a tech resume should look like: 

B.A. in Computer Science 

University of Birmingham, UK

08/2009 - 05/2013

For a job in the tech industry, you only need to mention your most recent (and higher) degree. That means you can leave out your high-school degree and even your Bachelor’s if you hold a Master’s degree or a Ph.D. in the field. 

#6. Add Technical Skills

Industry-related skills on your resume can improve your chances of standing out by as much as 59% . This fact alone makes the skills section one of the most essential sections of any resume. 

When it comes to the tech industry, however, your skill-set - with emphasis on your hard skills - is all the more important and can be a deciding factor on whether you’ll get called for an interview or not.

You may be a software engineer with 10+ years of experience in Python and still get instantly disqualified if the job needs someone who knows how to code in Java. 

This doesn’t mean, though, that soft skills aren’t important in a tech resume; it only means recruiters are more likely to assess your soft skills during the interview and focus more on your hard skills when they’re reviewing your resume. 

To figure out what hard skills are required for the position, simply check the job description. For most tech jobs, the employer will provide a comprehensive list of all the necessary hard skills to make sure only relevant candidates apply. 

So, when creating your Skills section, do this:

  • First, include the essential skills mentioned in the job description.
  • Second, list skills that aren’t listed in the job description, but that you think would help you perform well in the role you’re applying for.
  • Finally, if you still have space on your resume, you can use it to include your soft skills.

Not sure what technical skills to include in your resume? Here’s a list of the 58 most in-demand tech skills this year!

Hard Skills for Tech Resume

  • Lean manufacturing
  • Multivariate analysis
  • Linear regression
  • Prototyping
  • Workflow development
  • STEM skills
  • Payment processing 
  • Automated Billing Systems
  • CRM Platforms
  • Troubleshooting
  • Computer Hardware/Software Knowledge
  • Internet Applications
  • Operating Systems
  • Internet Security
  • Data Privacy
  • Programming Languages
  • Agile Development
  • Database Administration
  • Front-End & Back-End Development
  • Cloud Management
  • Data Synchronization
  • Social Media Experience
  • Project Management
  • Technical Writing
  • Network Architecture
  • Quality Assurance
  • Technical Support
  • Software Installation
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Maintaining servers, routers, and PCs
  • Configuring, managing, and maintaining networks
  • Backup management
  • LAN technology

Soft Skills for Tech Resume

  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Multitasking
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Decision Making
  • Working under pressure
  • Time Management
  • Analytical Skills

#7. Take Advantage of Additional Sections

So, you’re done with all essential resume sections . If you’ve already hit the one-page mark, then you’re ready to start applying for jobs with your tech resume.

If, on the other hand, you still have some extra space that you’d like to fill up, we’ve got you covered. 

Here are some optional resume sections you could leverage to get rid of the extra white space and stand out from other applicants even more effectively: 

  • Awards and certifications. Have you won an award that showcases your talents or completed any courses to hone your skills? That’s definitely something to mention on your resume! (E.g. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or Certified Cloud Technology Professional (CCTP)).
  • Languages . If you’re multilingual, make sure to add your languages to your resume. They’re very useful for technical support roles, and they’re always a nice-to-have addition for other types of IT roles. 
  • Interests and hobbies . Your hobbies and interests reveal a more personal aspect of your character and can help you connect with your interviewer on a more personal level. Sure, they’re looking for a highly-skilled tech guy, but the hiring manager is a lot more likely to pick a candidate with that they have more in common than someone who’s all about work-work-work. 
  • Publications. The tech industry isn’t all about practical work. If you’ve done any theoretical or research work that got published, you’re bound to impress recruiters by adding your publications to your resume. 

Here’s what these sections should look like on a tech resume: 


  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)
  • CompTIA A+ Technician

English - Native

Spanish - Full Professional Proficiency 

French - Full professional proficiency 

  • Solving crossword puzzles

#8. Include a Cover Letter

Last but not least, don’t forget to add a cover letter to your tech job application.

In case you were wondering, the cover letter is a must for any industry. Not only do recruiters expect to receive one, but they might not consider you altogether if you fail to submit one. 

So, dedicate some time to writing a cover letter that will give recruiters more detailed insight into who you are and what you can offer the company.

Not to mention, you can use the extra space to explain anything you didn’t have space to explain on your resume, such as a career gap or how you achieved a particularly noteworthy accomplishment. 

Here is the best structure to follow to create an effective tech cover letter: 

  • Header - Add your full and correct contact details, as well as the name and contact information of the hiring professional the cover letter is addressed to.   
  • Greeting - If possible, try to greet the recruiter by their name to show you went the extra mile researching the company and the people doing the hiring. The recruiter will usually be the head of the department you are applying to and you can almost always find their name listed on the company website or the company’s social media platforms. 
  • Opening paragraph - Use your cover letter’s opening paragraph to grab the recruiter’s attention by listing some of your biggest achievements or most relevant skills. 
  • The second paragraph - This is where you should let recruiters know what skills or experience you can bring to the table and why you’re more qualified than other applicants. 
  • Third paragraph - Here you can mention why you’ll fit in well with the company and why you’re passionate to work there. 
  • Closing - The closing of your cover letter is the last thing the recruiter will read and will probably be what stays with them the longest. So, you want to leave a memorable impression and give them a reason to call you back. 

Check out our guides on cover letter tips and common cover letter mistakes to take your cover letter to the next level. 

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! You should now be ready to write a killer technical resume from scratch or build one in the blink of an eye using our fast-and-easy resume builder. 

Before you go on to do that, here are the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Choose the reverse-chronological format to build your tech resume. It effectively highlights your most recent experiences and it is also recruiters’ favorite worldwide. 
  • Make sure your contact information has no errors or typos, and that you add relevant details like your personal website or GitHub profile. 
  • To stand out from the crowd, make your work experience as achievement-focused as possible and back up those accomplishments with hard data whenever it’s possible. 
  • Keep the education section of your tech resume short and to the point, and only list your higher and most recent degrees. 
  • Focus on your hard skills instead of your soft skills on your technical resume. 
  • Don’t overlook the importance of the cover letter for a successful job application. 

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99 Popular Technical Skills for Your Resume: Insights for 2024

Here are the top ways to show your Technical skills on your resume. Find out relevant Technical keywords and phrases and build your resume today.

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In This Guide:

Top technical skills for your resume, most popular technical hard skills for your resume in 2022, how to list technical skills on resume in detail, where to include technical skills on your resume, how to match your skills to the job position, related resume examples, key takeaways.

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Have you ever wondered what are the most in-demand technical skills for your resume in 2022?

The simple answer is that this would depend on the position you’re applying for.

That’s why at Enhancv, we’ve decided to cover for you 99 of the most popular technical skills, that recruiters are always on the lookout for.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • The most in-demand technical skills for different IT segments
  • The technical skills that should be part of your resume for various other industries, including marketing, finance, healthcare, etc
  • How and where to include your technical skills on your resume
  • Best practices from real-life resume examples … and so much more

If you’re looking to create a separate resume skills section, make sure you check out our 10 Effective Resume Skills Section Examples .

While your technical skills are part of your resume hard skills , they are more focused on the tools, methodologies, and systems you have the ability to use.

You may need to take additional training and certification to be proficient, but in the end, technical skills certainly pay off.

They offer you more career perspectives and a certain competitive edge that’s priceless.

If you need help writing your resume, you can make use of some of our resume templates to get you started.

But now, let’s look at a basic list of the top technical skills:

Top Technical Skills for 2022

  • Google Analytics

IT is one of the most popular fields across the globe, and no wonder. Our society has become more and more dependent on technological innovations.

It sure is an exciting field that offers professionals many opportunities to climb the ladder of success.

While recruiters are always on the lookout for IT candidates with soft skills , technical requirements are always at the core of each specific role.

Wondering where to list your IT skills on your resume ? Let’s find out the top 10 most sought IT skills for 2022.

Web development skills

With over 1.8 billion websites worldwide , web development sure is one of those booming fields that offers many opportunities to professionals.

It's a role that nurtures creativity and at the same time emphasizes specific technical requirements for both frontend and backend web developers.

Put it simply, different roles require an array of technical skills, that include programming languages, understanding of the user experience, and did we mention data management?

We've collected for you 6 of the most common technical skills that go hand-in-hand with most web development positions.

But if you need more help or ideas on creating your technical resume, make sure you check out our exclusive Enhancv web developer resume examples .

User Experience (UX)

UX skills pinpoint that you have the ability to oversee and manage the end-to-end consumer experience.

From mapping the processes step-by-step to building and integrating the interaction between consumers and the products, services, or company.

You can list your UX skills under the relevant experience section of your resume, as so:

Identified and resolved issues within the end-to-end UX to improve customer retention by 30% on the e-commerce platform

User Interface (UI)

Most often, UX and UI design skills are listed under the same category, but there is a difference between these two skills.

While UX is more about functionality, UI skills highlight more of an aesthetic vision and your ability to create the look and feel (or graphic layout) of the website.

Your UI skills could also be listed under the summary section of your resume:

UI designer with 5+years of experience in creating aesthetically appealing websites to bring awareness about products to new customers

Wondering how you can describe your experience in 2022? Our UI Designer Resume guide is 100% effective in helping you land your dream job.

Frontend Programming (Coding) Languages

This goes without saying, but front development requires some prior knowledge in building responsive websites using programming languages.

Those would vary from HTML, CSS, etc.

An example of listing your technical frontend skills within the experience section would be:

Used HTML and CSS to create the feel and look of 300+ live websites in a 5-year-period

For more examples and top keywords you can include, check out our CSS guide for 2022 .

Graphic design software

Despite the fact that you’d be dealing with more of the coding aspect of the role, some previous knowledge in Photoshop or Illustrator can surely be beneficial.

This would help you collaborate with graphic designers in achieving the vision you’re aiming for.

Listing your graphic design skills can be a part of your experience section:

Using Photoshop to assist in the design process, thus decreasing the time needed for launching a website by 15%

Read our guide for more ideas on how your Adobe skills could enhance your resume to get the job you want.

Backend Programming (Coding) Languages

As we all know, backend programmers have to deal with the development and maintenance of the servers of a given website.

Thus, showcasing your knowledge of Ruby and PHP is essential for the role.

Wondering how to list your backend programming languages in the summary section of your resume:

Backend developer with 6+years of experience in using Ruby to maintain 500+ websites

Check out our PHP resume examples guide to learn how to list your backend programming skills in different sections of your resume.

Sql and .net

The 2 most prominent database management frameworks are SQL and .Net.

Data management via these two languages is another technical skill for backend developers focused on databases and their specifics.

Listing your technical capabilities with SQL and .Net could fall under the experience section of your resume:

Backend maintenance via SQL in improving company-wide data management by 35%

If you’d like to learn how to list your SQL data management experience, check out our guide to the top SQL resume keywords in 2022 .

Programming languages

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has predicted that by 2028, the job opportunities for programmers would rise by 21%. That’s 4 times the average for all occupations?!

Evidently, this is a very popular career choice and also in high demand.

As we have listed above some programming languages, this section will focus more in detail on 5 different coding languages.

If you need more ideas on how to list these technical skills within specific sections of your resume, we have the perfect programming languages guide for you .

C++ is one of the most common languages used to program systems that run applications in various industries.

A technical skill that would open multiple windows of opportunities for you, ranging from careers in PC gaming to mathematical simulations.

This programming language is a valuable skill that you could list in your summary section:

Software engineer with 10+ years of experience programming software with C++ for over 70 companies worldwide

For more examples of how to include your C++ skills, make sure you visit our guide .

Social media websites (Instagram and Pinterest) and financial services platforms; artificial intelligence and data science are all built using Python.

It is another very common programming language that would allow you to excel in your career and explore different industries and sectors.

Include Python in your experience section as so:

Used Python to successfully develop 16 different projects in fintech

For more examples of how to impress recruiters with your Python skills, check out our resume examples.

If you are interested in a career in building interactive digital platforms, you’ve come to the right place.

JavaScript is at the core of any website and/or mobile application development.

And what better way to showcase your JavaScript skills than within the summary section of your resume:

Website Developer with experience in JavaScript and Node.js to build over 600+ websites and applications in the e-commerce sector

Make sure you check out our comprehensive guide to writing your JavaScript Developer resume .

PowerShell is a scripting language used to automate management systems.

Knowledge of this particular language creates opportunities in scripting, administration, and engineering.

Include PowerShell within the experience section of your resume with this example:

Automated 10 business-crucial workflows with PowerShell to cut back on processing time by 12 hours per week

Make the most out of your scripting skills on your resume with our guide for 2022.

Or the programming language used by some of the most prominent platforms - Netflix, LinkedIn, eBay, Twitter, etc.

Scala is mainly used for cloud-based applications to resolve issues with other programming languages.

Make sure you include your Scala skills in your resume summary (if applicable):

Developer with 3+ years of experience in creating and managing Scala applications in the last mile sector

Scala is one of the fundamental languages within the Spark skills - learn how to list them within different sections of your resume.

Network Security

Over the past few years, organizations have started to prioritize their cybersecurity, as data breaches have become unfortunately more common.

Cyber and network security is a growing field, and experienced professionals are much needed to support this rising demand to protect business-crucial data.

Here’s your chance to leave your mark on this vital aspect within the digital environment - just don’t forget to list your technical skills.

Copy a page from our book, with our job-winning Network Security Engineer resume example.

Networking product vendors

This may be an obvious one, but you need to know the specifics of the different products out there to build, maintain, and fully secure company networks.

Networking product vendors include Cisco, Aruba, Azure, Juniper, etc.

Your knowledge of different product vendors could be an integral part of your resume experience section:

Set up, maintained, and upgraded 15 Cisco routers

If you need more examples of how to integrate your experience with different product vendors, check out 4 more network engineers resumes .

Data loss prevention via antivirus and anti-malware software is a crucial element for any network security role.

It’s one of those must-have technical skills within the cybersecurity and information security sector that shows recruiters an understanding of the field.

For example, this could fall under the summary section within your resume:

Junior Security Expert, ensuring company-wide cybersecurity via best DLP practices in the past year

Of course, your DLP skills could be included in various sections - visit our comprehensive guide for more examples of Security Analyst resumes .

Penetration and vulnerability testing

To be able to secure an organization’s network, you’d first have to perform tests to see if there are possibilities for data to be breached.

This is yet another popular skill within the cybersecurity space, which could lead to an exciting career pathway.

And if you want to include it in the experience section of your resume, check out our official example:

Performed up to 30 monthly pen tests on the IDS and IPS systems to ensure fintech data security

Learn more about including your penetration testing skills from our official resume examples for 2022.

Networking hardware

Some security professionals also happen to deal with installing and maintaining network hardware - ranging from routers and switches to hubs and bridges, etc.

It’s one of those technical skills which do impress recruiters, so make sure you include it within your resume.

This would ideally fit your summary section as so:

Highly Experienced Security Specialist in ensuring all network hardware is always effective in 25+ companies

Listing these technical skills may be just that deciding factor you need to make the perfect impression on recruiters. Learn how to include your hardware skills on your resume from our official guide.

Ethical hacking

This is another excellent technical skill to include within your resume, as it teaches you the ability to explore networks from a different perspective.

What is more, having this new outlook would allow you to take preventative measures to secure your organization.

Check out a real-life example from the summary section of our resumes:

Cybersecurity Analyst and Certified Ethical Hacker with 10+ years of experience in maintaining the security of 80+ companies in the financial sector

For more key skills to include in your cybersecurity analyst resume , check out our official examples guide.

Ecommerce platforms

As a result of the pandemic, we’ve seen a shift in consumer behavior: from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores to the vast universe of e-commerce.

In 2022, this trend is predicted to remain steady, while the seamless experience has become a must for all e-shoppers.

An expanding sector that offers multiple opportunities for professionals with a good technical background.

Find out how to showcase the rest of your e-commerce skills with tips and tricks on presenting your experience.


No matter the e-commerce platform, knowing how to write a succinct, yet exciting copy to get the audience’s attention is a must.

And if you can include a pinch of SEO and emotion when describing the product, you have the ideal technical background.

Copywriting is a great skill to include in your experience summary - here is an example of how:

Writing product pages for e-stores on Amazon and Etsy, resulting in a 65% increase in sales revenue

Not sure how to include your copywriting skills in your resume? We have the perfect copywriting resume guide for you that goes through the process with real-life examples.** **

Optimizing e-commerce shops so that they’d appear at the top of any relevant Google Search is a priceless skill.

If you’re looking to get into the online retail world, this is one technical skill you should include in your resume.

An example of how you can do so in the summary section:

SEO-Certified Marketer dedicated to making e-commerce shops more visible by attracting a 10K monthly audience.

The Best SEO Resumes will show you how to further list your technical skills to get that e-commerce role.

Google analytics

This might be an obvious one, but having an understanding of the #1 free web analytics platform in the world could be beneficial for you.

As e-commerce is a field that is constantly adapting to data, including this technical skill on your resume could be your winning ticket, especially if it’s listed in the job requirements.

So, if you want to include your Google Analytics skills in your experience section:

Analyzed Google Analytics Data to create client reports and recommendations, increasing customer traffic to all client e-commerce platforms by 25%

Learn how to create your Analytics Manager resume , where Google Analytics is integral to your hard skill set.

Inventory Management

If you’re applying for a role in e-commerce, this may require you to manage the inventory: from supply chain management to inventory accounting and control.

This technical skill showcases that you’re not only apt at working with specific software, but have an attention to detail and can manage big data sets of information.

It’s a skill you can include in the summary section of your resume:

E-commerce operations manager with 3+ years of experience in inventory management to identify opportunities for annual growth by at least 10%

Need some more inspiration for your resume? Check out our guide on how to include different inventory management skills to make an awesome first impression.

Even though most people deem this as a basic skill, collecting and analyzing data and trends with MS Excel can really help any e-commerce platform grow.

So if you happen to have experience with pivot tables, and MS Excel skills are listed within the job requirements, make sure to include this technical skill on your resume.

It could be part of the experience section:

Collected and analyzed customer data with Pivot Tables to optimize and cut back on data reporting time by 5 hours per week

_We have a guide with more tips and tricks on including MS Excel as part of the technical skill set of your resume. _

Data science

Data management.

Data is the superpower of our century - those who know how to work ethically with it to achieve results are the future of the workforce.

This technical skill is a must for anyone looking to explore the field of data science, but could also be an asset for multiple other roles.

Include your data management skills in the experience section of your resume:

Integrated data management strategies across 10 different departments in the business to achieve coherence and ensure 100% effectiveness against data breaches

Find out more on how to make the most out of your data management skills and put them into perspective for recruiters.

If you have the technical proficiency to use SPSS to manage and analyze data, this could be a great asset to your resume.

It’s one of the most popular software used in various research fields, including ​​market, health, government, education, etc.

You could add your SPSS skill to the summary section of your resume:

Data Analyst with 6+ years of experience in the production sector, using SPSS to harness and analyze data and trends

SPSS is a great technical skill to include in different parts of your resume. Check out our SPSS skills guide with live examples of the best practices for 2022.

Machine learning

This technical skill is ever in demand with the rise of automation in every single sector - from banking and finance to cybersecurity and software development.

Machine learning skills can showcase to recruiters that you have the expertise and creativity to enhance processes within the company.

For example, this could be an inseparable part of the experience section of your resume:

Used Machine Learning to enhance company-wide production processes - saving $75K in annual revenue

Interested in finding out what the fundamental skill set for machine learning is? Our machine learning skills article will provide you with pro tips and examples on how to include this skill on your resume.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

If you happen to have the ability to make intelligent machines and/or computer programs, don’t be shy about adding this to your resume.

AI skills go to show that you have invested in obtaining innovative and forward-facing knowledge, that can be a great asset to any company.

And they look great as part of the summary section of your resume:

Data Scientist with 15 successful AI projects providing 100% eco-friendly solutions to the mobility sector

IT surely is a competitive field, so make sure you stand out with expert insights on how to include your AI skills .

Data modeling

Data modeling differs from management, as it’s more about creating rules for different data entries to achieve specific outputs.

Of course, if you happen to have this technical skill, you’d probably already know that.

We recommend you include this in different sections of your resume - e.g. the experience part:

**Sustained the data model repository to achieve 100% company-wide database accuracy **

Data modeling is one of those must-have technical skills that make up data scientists resumes. Read our guide to find more skills and live examples of Data Scientist Resumes .

Software engineering

Integrating solutions for the cloud is a crucial aspect of the role of software engineers.

If you’re to include your cloud proficiency, make sure you can showcase the results you’ve achieved.

This technical skill would look fantastic in the summary section of your resume:

**Certified Software Engineer with 5+ experience in integrating innovative solutions for SMEs using cloud technology **

Make your resume stand out from the rest with some of our Cloud Skills best practice examples .

The number of available CMS platforms has been growing and companies are always on the lookout for apt professionals.

If you have a good track record of working with CMS platforms, and this is listed within the job advert, this can help you get recruiters' attention.

Wondering how to translate your CMS skills to the experience section of your resume?

Created and maintained up to 60 landing pages/month on various CMS platforms, using HTML and CSS

Need to further brush up your knowledge on how to include this technical skill on your resume? Our CMS skills guide will walk you through the basics and will provide you with expert insights.

Do you have the experience of working with data - specifically to extract, support, and transform it?

ETL is a powerful technical skill to have on your software engineer resume, as it shows your specific ability to work with databases and sets.

Why not add your ETL skills to your resume’s summary section:

Developer with 7+ years of experience in ETL warehouse database management

Check out our guide for more specific examples on how to include your ETL skills on your resume.

Within your previous roles, you might have had the experience of sorting Big Data with Hadoop - this one technical asset that’s a real gem for your resume.

This programming framework is becoming more and more popular in many industries, e.g. retail, banking and finance, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Include your Hadoop skills to the experience section of your resume:

Implementing Hadoop solutions in working with Big Data to decrease processing time by 6 hours weekly AVG

Get some ideas on how to add your Hadoop skills to your technical resume.

Over the past decade, IoT is on the rise as it enables companies to be more efficient and operations-focused.

As so, this invaluable skill could make your resume stand out, as long as it’s applicable to the job you’re applying for.

Hence, the summary section of your resume could include the following description:

Experienced Developer with 3 years of experience in providing IoT solutions in manufacturing and production

Showcase your full range of IoT skills on your resume with our expert recommendations and suggestions.

Project management

Microsoft project.".

An integrated approach toward project management that allows you to track deadlines, manage resources and check achievements.

Including this technical skill within your resume shows your ability to oversee all aspects of a certain project and plan ahead.

Used Microsoft Project to manage 6 individual projects, reaching all set KPIs, resulting in a 10% annual increase in profit

Learn more about why Microsoft Project is a great technical skill to include on your resume.

Another project management software that allows professionals to have an excellent overview of the lifecycle of the project.

Oracle also allows for creating budgets and forecasts - a very useful skill when managing the financial aspect of any given assignment.

Include your Oracle skills within the experience section of your resume to get recruiters’ attention:

Monitored the performance of 7 projects with Oracle to improve the ROI by 7% by taking into account the project tasks, resources, and time frames

Find out what other technical roles Oracle skills are useful for.


This technical skill includes all programming, data transformation, or scripting skills that are all necessary for a seamless approach to IT project management.

So whether you have experience working with in-house software or API integrations, integration is worthwhile listing.

Experienced professionals could include it within the summary section of their resumes:

Technical Project Manager with 2+ years working in developing API integrations for 10 SaaS products

Visit our i ntegrations guide to find out more of the specifics on how to include this technical skill in your resume.

Report writing

This is one of those basic technical skills that all IT project managers must use - the ability to collect and analyze data and present it concisely.

For some professionals, report writing may be a given, but if it’s listed within the job requirements, make sure you put the correct emphasis on it.

This technical skill could be included within the experience section of your resume:

Created 3 monthly reports reflecting upon set KPIs to discover and amend discrepancies within expectations

Want to find out more about the roles this technical skill is relevant for? Our report writing guide also includes useful know-how and top keywords to help you create your job-winning resume.

One of the most common ticketing tools, ServiceNow is another valuable asset to your project management resume.

Including this skill would highlight your ability once more to manage and monitor resource utilization, availability, and cost.

Your ServiceNow skills could be added to your experience summary section:

Used ServiceNow Time Card Management to prioritize the work of a team of 7 customer service experts

Creating your first ever project management resume? Or looking to upgrade your current one? Our 4 project manager resume examples can help you get the job of your dreams.

Administration technical skills

Administration professionals mainly handle office-related tasks: from client communication to documentation and filing.

As much as soft skills, e.g. communication and negotiation, are an inseparable part of the role, showcasing technical knowledge would show recruiters that you’re the ideal candidate.

Because every business or organization would benefit from an admin who understands:

  • Operating Systems
  • Bookkeeping
  • Microsoft Office
  • Calendar Management
  • Email Writing

Make sure you highlight your admin technical skills in the relevant part of your resume:

Virtual PA managing 3+ hybrid offices by Quicken Bookkeeping and updating all data management systems

Check out our full list of technical skills you can add to your administrative assistant resume .

Business analysis technical skills

Let’s once more admit that the most valuable currency of the 21st century is data - to keep their competitive edge, businesses need to protect, understand, and implement it.

Here comes the role of the business analyst: “the chosen one”; who can see beyond mere numbers and graphs to implement crucial solutions.

To apply for a business analyst role, make sure you include your technical skills, as they are always at the top of recruiters' checklists.

You can list your experience with some of the following technologies that may apply:

  • Tableau Big Data Analytics
  • Microsoft Teams
  • SAS Business Analytics (SAS BA)

Tracked product sales on Gtmhub to establish and implement recommendations to increase annual ROI by 25%

Check out the best business analyst resume samples to increase your opportunities in landing your dream job.

Sales technical skills

Do you know what the secret is to converting SQLs (sales qualified leads) to actual customers?

It takes a specific skill set that includes product and market knowledge, value proposition, and customer approach.

You’d have to demonstrate those abilities within your technical expertise, as some companies may require an ability to work with:

  • Cold email scripts
  • Google Sheets
  • OLAP (online analytical processing) tools
  • Cold Calling
  • Microsoft Dynamics

Those technical skills could be listed in the summary section of your resume:

Sales Representative, increasing revenue by at least 25% with 7+ years of experience in cold emails and cold calls

Need more ideas on including your cold calling career milestones - our skills guide will show you how to create results-driven resume sections.

Marketing technical skills

To thrive in the dynamic modern-day marketing world, you not only need the necessary creativity and imagination.

Your technical skill set would distinguish your experience from the rest of the candidates - showing recruiters that you can do just fine managing any CRM software.

So make sure to include some of the following skills, if they are listed in the job description:

  • Adobe Premiere and Photoshop

Digital Marketer creating content with Photoshop and Premier to increase brand awareness by 25% per quarter

Read our official guide if you want to have more focus on your Facebook marketing skills .

Non-IT engineering technical skills

There are various fields engineers outside IT can specialize in - ranging from civil, chemical, mechanical engineering, etc.

Each one would require specific technical skills, but we’ve created a list of the seven most common ones:

  • Quality control
  • Troubleshooting

Check out how this civil engineer has integrated their technical skill in the experience section:

Had 25 approved housing projects in Q3: used AutoCAD to model the buildings and prepare all relevant documentation

Make sure your robotics skills are on point with our skills guide, which looks at more industry examples.

Finance technical skills

This one might be obvious, but to succeed in finance, you need to have a high level of proficiency in Excel (and/or Google Sheets).

A career in finance offers the ability to apply your skills within many fields, including sustainability and renewable energy; tourism and hospitality; etc.

Finance is definitely a numbers game, so make sure you include some of the following technical skills:

  • Financial modeling
  • ERP systems (like SAP or Oracle)
  • Preparation and analysis of financial statements
  • Forecasting
  • Financial analysis
  • Projecting fiscal balances
  • Risk analysis and management

Financial analyst with experience in building financial models to reach 100+ successful projects for 2021

Our expert-driven finance resumes include best examples on the most important resume sections and design ideas.

Accounting technical skills

There’s most certainly a wide range of career choices in accounting - from forensic accountant to auditor and investment accountant.

Of course, there are a few technical skills that are generally important to have within your skill arsenal to impress recruiters.

Apart from Quickbooks and Excel, you can include:

  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for the U.S.
  • Tax preparation software (Lacerte, ProConnect, and Drake)
  • Cash flow management
  • SimCorp Dimension
  • HedgeSphere

Certified accountant with 200+ successful case studies in cash flow management

Use our guide to include your budget management skills in the experience section of your resume.

Healthcare technical skills

If you’re looking for a career in healthcare, this is one of those industries that will be ever relevant and growing.

While more senior roles require a specific set of skills, certification, and education, there are a few technical skills that would be relevant to add to your resume.

If you have the relevant experience, include these skills in your resume:

  • ‍Medical Record Management (EpicCare, Cerner, WebPT, etc.)
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Patient scheduling
  • Patient vitals
  • Medical billing
  • Electronic health record (MediTouch)
  • Outbound / inbound calls

Assisted 600+ patients in scheduling their appointments and medical billing

Want more healthcare resume tips and tricks? Find out how to write your experience section and some soft skills you can include in our guide.

Manufacturing technical skills

One of the main priorities for recruiters in manufacturing is the technical side of your experience.

Simply put, if your technical aptitude is not good, then you won’t be able to do your job.

Our suggestion for you is to read up on the job requirements and include some of the following skills:

  • CAM technology
  • CNS machine tools
  • Big data analytics (Hadoop, Cloudera, KNIME, etc.)
  • Fabrication technology
  • Product design
  • MATLAB and LabView

Mechanical engineer with 10+ years of experience in the automotive product design niche

Read our guide to find out what the top 5 sections to have in your manufacturing engineer resume are.

Make sure the skills you list are relevant to the position

If you remember one thing from this article, it’s that your resume space is a limited asset.

That’s why you need to make the most out of it.

Best practices show that if you focus on the technical skills that are listed in the job description, you’re far more likely to make a good first impression on recruiters.

So, if you’re applying for a frontend web developer role, showcase more of your experience with HTML and CSS rather than your data management skills.

If you need further help with a specific template, make sure you check out our 500+ job-winning resume examples .

Provide concrete examples with numbers

Here is the secret to listing your technical aptitude: not only is the skill important, but also the results you’ve achieved.

Let’s say the DLP solutions you’ve implemented have increased your organization's cybersecurity effectiveness by 65%.

This surely sounds more impressive than just saying that you are “good at DLP”.

Be specific

Creating an endless list of the technologies you can use may confuse recruiters - as this doesn’t show your level of expertise.

In that sense - anyone can crop on Photoshop, but achieving the perfect light and color balance is a supposed more niche skill.

When writing your resume, make sure you include your experience with the specific technical skill.

In the header section of your resume

Some professionals tend to list their current position in the header of their resume.

This is a mistake you should avoid.

Your resume header is that perfect opportunity to outline your technical skills in line with the position you’re applying for.

Check out our example below:

Communicating your technical skills in the summary section

How do you write up to four brief sentences that make up your resume summary and should highlight your whole career and achievements?

We recommend you use this section to feature the technical skills you’re most experienced in, that may be applicable to the role.

Remember that your summary is as the very top of your resume and will be one of the first things recruiters notice.

Showcasing your technical resume skills in your experience bullet points

Your resume should tell a story, focused on achievements, highlights, and outcomes.

And what better way to do this than in the experience section of your resume?

Include your technical skills within this section to show how efficient you are at using the specific tool.

  • • Set up 60+ workstations for all new colleagues joining the team - installing Windows and various applications
  • • Managed the calendar and scheduled meetings for all 10 staff members on the decision-making board
  • • Negotiated contracts with all 30 suppliers via email and telephone
  • • Managed all office inventory on QuickBooks to ensure it’s 100% precise

So you’ve just decided to apply for the exciting Financial Analyst role, published by one of the Big Four, and you’ve taken the further step to tailor your resume.

Here are some ideas on how to match your technical skills to the role:

  • read thoroughly the job requirements to align your experience
  • learn more about the technologies the company uses from their LinkedIn or website
  • highlight your strengths - the more proficient you are at using the particular technical skill, the more you can emphasize it within your resume

You don't have to boil the ocean to create your technical-focused resume.

Simply put - you need to frame your experience towards the role you’re applying for.

For more help, make sure you check out our resumes:

  • Web Developer
  • Front End Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Senior Developer
  • C Developer
  • Product Developer
  • Senior Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Freelance Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Expert-Driven Java Developer
  • Freelance Software Developer
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Wordpress Developer
  • PHP Developer
  • Include your specific technical skills, applicable for the role you’re applying for
  • You can list your technical skills within different sections of your resume
  • Always remember to show the results you’ve achieved using the skill
  • Don’t be vague: focus on highlighting the specifics within your experience
  • Take your time to research the role and company so that you can tailor your resume and make a good first impression on recruiters

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How To List Skills On Your Resume Skills Section (With Examples)

  • Most Common Skills
  • Resume Skill Sets
  • Skills For An Entry-Level Resume

The skills section of your resume is your chance to emphasize your qualifications for the job you’re applying to help you stand out from other candidates. Knowing how to list good skills on your resume skills section correctly will help you show hiring managers what you bring to the table.

Whether you need to list hard or soft skills or have to update new skills you’ve learned, we’ll go over how to list skills on your resume section and provide examples of common hard and soft skills, as well as how many skills you should list.

Key Takeaways

You should include 3-10 skills in your resume skills section.

In addition to a standalone skills section, you can and should incorporate your skills throughout the rest of your resume.

Hard skills are your job-specific and technical abilities, while soft skills are the intangible traits and abilities that make you an effective employee and team member.

Match the skills you list on your resume to the job description you’re applying for.

How to List Skills on Your Resume Skills Section

How to list skills on your resume

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You can list your skills section in the chronological resume format, functional resume format, or a combination resume format depending on your resume template and format. Regardless of the format you choose, a stand-alone skills section should be on your resume, so a hiring manager can find it at a glance. Below is a more detailed list of how to list the skills section on your resume:

The chronological resume format is the most popular, and we recommend putting your skills section near the bottom of the page for this format. Your work history is the star of the show, but a recruiter can also easily find your skills and check that they’re relevant.

For a chronological resume, you can separate your skills into hard and soft skills or list them all together. Use a bullet point for each skill. You can also put them side by side to save space, separating each skill with a comma or line.

Additional Skills Hard Skills: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, etc.) Illustrator UX design Print design Soft Skills: Creativity Adaptability Time management Problem-solving

Here’s an example of a chronological resume with the skills section at the bottom:

For the functional resume format , your skills and qualifications are front and center, while your work history takes a back seat. It’s good for people with gaps in their employment or without formal experience in the field of their target job.

You should still open with your contact info and a resume summary statement , but follow that with your skills section. Make a subheading for each skill, and then explain it further with bullet points or a short few sentences.

Technical Skills Programming Languages Expert with HTML/CSS and Javacript Proficient with Python and SQL Some experience with PHP Security SSL certificate configuration and management FireEye CMS/ETP Juniper Netscreen Operating Systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Linux + CentOS Ubuntu Kali

A combination resume format (you guessed it) combines the above two formats. It’s usually used for senior-level positions and career changes , so we still recommend putting your skills section before your work history.

You should also spend time explaining each skill more fully, as you would with a functional resume format.

Relevant Skills Audit Engagements Audited financial statements for compliance with GAAP under US Audit Standards. Maintained clear lines of communication between management and associates throughout. Worked with CPAs and other staff accountants on the audit team for governmental and nonprofit audits. Financial Statements Prepared and analyzed financial statements along with monthly, semi-annual, and annual reports in accordance with SEC (GAAP) requirements. Researched corporate actions, past due incomes, and income entitlements. Posted income adjustments according to fund policies. Payroll Administered payroll using ADP into QuickBooks with full accountability for hiring, training, and performance assessment. Assisted in the investigation of various outstanding payroll tax liabilities with a team of other contractors. Managed and processed daily payroll and reconciled credit card activity with bank statements.

Regardless of which format you choose or where you put your skills section, make sure that it’s clearly labeled. You can call it “Skills,” “Additional Skills,” “Relevant Skills,” or “Technical Skills” — whatever you think works best with the rest of your resume.

For example, someone in sales might call their section “Additional Skills,” someone in IT might label it “Technical Skills,” and someone making a career change might use “Relevant Skills.”

Just make sure the word skills is in there, because that’s probably what the applicant tracking system (ATS) is looking for to assess your skill set.

One caveat: don’t use the term “Additional Skills” as your section header unless it’s at or near the bottom of your resume, or it will look strange.

You can include skills in your resume summary, in your work history, or in your certifications section as long as they fit. Below is a more detailed list of where else you can include skills in your resume:

Resume summary, profile, or objective. You should try to include 2-3 key skills in your resume summary, profile, or objective. This is your quick pitch, and likely one of the only things the hiring manager will read. Use those keywords that came up multiple times in the job description if you can.

Using action verbs throughout. Additionally, try to incorporate the same sorts of action verbs used in the job posting to give your skills greater relevant context.

Work history section. Your work history section is another place to emphasize your skills. A recruiter who’s impressed with your skills section will turn to your professional history next to see when you actually leveraged these skills.

That’s why you need to make sure that every skill listed in your skills section comes up somewhere in your work history, even if you don’t use the exact wording. Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments .

Volunteer section. Depending on the role you’re applying for and your relevant experience, you may also include some skills in the volunteering or education sections of your resume. This is especially helpful for recent graduates without much more experience who still want to demonstrate their skills in action.

Certifications section. Finally, certain positions might have specific certification requirements. In these cases, it’s usually best to have a separate certification section in addition to your skills section.

Hard skills such as computer skills, management skills, and marketing skills are just what you need to get a competitive edge in the job market. It’s tough to say outright what hard skills are most in-demand because it’s heavily industry-dependent. But to give you a better idea of hard skills you can list on your resume, we’ve broken them down into categories:

Computer skills . Computer skills can range from pretty basic to super advanced, but they all count as hard skills.

Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)

Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, etc.)

Scheduling software

Database management

Billing software

Other coding languages (Python, SQL, PHP, etc.)

Cloud computing

CRM Platforms

Management skills . If you’re applying for a supervisory position, soft skills are important. But it’s equally important to show you have the hard skills required of a manager.

Project management

Agile software

Business analytics

Project management software

Financial planning

Project lifestyle management

Scrum management

KPI tracking

Marketing skills . Marketing may have always been around, but marketing in today’s world is filled with new techniques and technologies that qualify as hard skills.

SEO/SEM (search engine optimization/marketing)

AdWords, Facebook ads

Google analytics

A/B testing

CMS like WordPress

Social media marketing

Marketing campaign management

PPC (pay-per-click)

Graphic design skills

Data visualization

Accounting skills . Hard accounting skills are pretty essential in the daily life of an accountant . But many of these hard skills are applicable for non-accountant jobs as well.

Advanced Excel

Financial statement preparation

Data modeling

Microsoft Visual Basic

Accounting software

Analytical skills . Data has become one of the most important assets in our economy. But it’s not worth very much if you don’t have the right analytical skills to make sense of it.

Data mining

Data presentation


Data engineering

Web analytics

Analytical reasoning

Design skills . Design skills are a must for those in visually creative fields. However, they can be equally important skills for those involved in marketing and web development.

Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, etc.)


User interface design

Video production

Digital product design software

Print design

Hard communication skills . Communication skills usually fall under the soft skill category, but some can be categorized as hard skills.

Language fluency (multilingual)

Press releases



Proposal writing

Technical writing

Academic writing

Medical writing

SEO copywriting

Sales and retail skills. Those who work in sales need a bunch of soft skills to make the client feel comfortable and understood. But these jobs also require hard skills.

CRM software like Salesforce

Referral marketing

Contract negotiation

Customer lifetime value

POS (point of sale) systems

Lead generation and qualification

Product-specific knowledge

Customer acquisition cost

Window display design

Task-oriented skills. Your task-oriented skills help you know how to fulfill your responsibilities or the functions of your job.

Account management

Classroom management


Some examples of soft skills include organizational skills, leadership, and active listening skills. Keep in mind that soft skills are more difficult to prove than hard skills.

With that in mind, make sure the rest of your work experience provides proof of your soft skills in action. After all, anyone can call themselves a “team player,” but having numbers to back up your successful collaborative efforts is much more impressive.

Organizational skills

Written and verbal communication

Active listening

Emotional intelligence


Time management




Conflict resolution



Negotiation skills

Public speaking



The skills you list on your resume should relate to the job description and should be a combination of your hard and soft skills. The ultimate goal is that your skills align so perfectly with what the recruiter is looking for that they have no choice but to call you in for an interview .

Here’s a five-step process for choosing the skills you list on your resume:

Create a master list of all the skills you possess. Not only is it a truly self-affirming experience, but you’ll have a much easier time picking and choosing relevant skills for your customized resume if you have a big list, to begin with.

Brainstorm without judgment and challenge yourself to come up with 50 skills — the last few might be huge stretches, but it’s still a good exercise.

Separate your list into hard and soft skills. As you sort and rearrange your list, also try to loosely organize them based on marketability. You should end up with one list that has your most impressive hard skills at the top, and another your most impressive soft skills.

Edit your list for a specific job title. Remove all the irrelevant skills for the type of job you’re looking for. For example, your customer service skills won’t help you land an accounting job that has no customer interaction. If you’re on the fence about whether a skill is relevant, leave it in for now.

Review the job description. Highlight any skills or action verbs closely related to skills. Use a different color for hard and soft skills.

You may need to read between the lines for some hints, but you can find out what skills hiring managers are looking for in job seekers if you pay attention. Feel free to add new skills to your master list if you pick up on any extras in your research.

Tailor your skills to the job description. Some of your skills might not be an exact match, but it’s okay to bend the truth a bit. In general, try to keep a similar number of hard and soft skills. But the role has a lot to do with your decision. For example, a programmer might list more hard skills, while a waitress might list more soft skills.

If the job description you’re working with doesn’t provide a whole lot of skills to work with, try reading similar job descriptions in the same industry. Similar roles in similar industries usually require the same skills, so it’s a safe bet to use this as a guide .

You can also check company website for a mission statement that might clue you in to what they value.

If all else fails, check out LinkedIn profiles of people who have the job you want. Read their resumes and summaries to find out what sorts of keywords they use to talk about themselves.

You should include anywhere between 3-10 skills, with a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, in the skills section of your resume. For a chronological resume, aim for the higher end of that range, and for a functional resume aim for the lower end.

A functional resume is skills-focused, so you should go more in-depth for each skill and write about how you’ve leveraged that skill for professional success.

If you feel that you have more than 10 skills that align with the job description, use your strongest skills or the skills you feel are most relevant for the job. It’s up to you whether you separate your hard and soft skills.

Additionally, consider putting a proficiency level beside each skill you list. You don’t have to do this, but it can be helpful if you want to emphasize your strongest skills and not mislead a recruiter about skills you only have a basic grasp of.

Hard skills are skills you learn through training and indicate expertise with a job-specific responsibility, while soft skills are your personality traits, interpersonal abilities, and intangible qualities that make you more effective in the workplace.

The best job applicants will demonstrate a healthy mix of hard and soft skills on their resumes. For the best shot at being called in for an interview, your resume should include at least a few hard skills from the job description. After all, those are usually non-negotiable (or at least 1-2 key ones are).

Soft skills are just as important, and more employers are seeking applicants who possess strong interpersonal abilities . Since soft skills are more transferable between industries and positions, you shouldn’t need to customize these for each job application as much. Still, if you notice that a soft skill like communication comes up a lot in the job description, consider adding it.

You should talk to a coworker or think through your awards and achievements if you’re having a hard time determining your skills. Below are more ways to help determine which skills you have:

Talk to a coworker. Ask a coworker you know well what they’d consider some of your top skills to be. Often other people can see your skills more clearly than you can, which can be helpful for identifying what you’re good at.

Think through your awards and achievements. Even the informal ones. If you were recognized for something, it’s likely that it’s related to a skill you have.

Take a skills assessment. These quizzes aren’t always the most accurate, so take them with a grain of salt, but they can help remind you of some skills you forgot you had or help you identify your level of expertise within a skill.

What are good skills to put on a resume?

Communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills are good skills to put on a resume. Some other skills to list on a resume include:

Analytical skills

Computer skills

What are technical skills on a resume?

Technical skills also referred to as hard skills, are skills gained by performing physical or digital tasks. Typically, people working in mathematics, computer science, or mechanics use technical skills. Some examples of technical skills include:

Accounting skills

What are interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are traits you rely on when interacting and communicating with others. Some examples of interpersonal skills are:


The skills section of your resume may be small, but it should pack a punch if you want to hear back from hiring managers . Remember to customize your skills section for the position, provide a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, and ensure that the rest of your resume shows your skills in action.

Don’t forget about the power your cover letter has to further emphasize your skill set. It can be tough accurately describe your relevant skills on a one-page resume, but a cover letter gives you a chance to tell a richer story of how you’ve excelled with certain skills in the past.

That’s your skills section done — now it’s time for the other resume sections .

What tips would you give to optimize a resume?

how to write technical skills on resume

Amanda Traugutt Content Director | Career Coach Elevated Resumes

The best way to optimize your resume is to identify your core values and skills that align with the type of position and industry you are looking to enter.

To do so, start by doing some research on other people who have been successful in that type of role. Identify trends and skills that you often find yourself using in your current or past positions. Then, position your resume around those skill sets and expand on the experience that will help you be successful in your new role.

Keep these core themes consistent throughout your resume by highlighting how you have used these relevant skills throughout your career.

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Ryan Morris was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog who tried to make the job process a little more entertaining for all those involved. He obtained his BA and Masters from Appalachian State University.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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How to List Technical Skills on Resume

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In today's competitive job market, technical skills are not just advantageous; they are essential. Employers increasingly rely on technology in various sectors, making a robust knowledge set crucial for candidates across numerous professions.

This article aims to guide readers on effectively presenting their technical skills on a resume . The focus will be on clarity and precision, ensuring your skills align perfectly with job requirements.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know exactly how to showcase your abilities effectively, increasing your chances of landing a job in your desired field.

Employer reading potential employee's resume.

Understanding Technical Skills

Technical skills are the abilities and knowledge necessary to perform specific technology-related tasks. This expertise is often practical and related to information technology, machinery operation, or quantitative data management. Strong technical skills can significantly boost employability and career progression in today's tech-driven environment.

In IT, it includes programming languages such as Python or Java, cybersecurity practices, and network administration. To effectively present your talents, affordable resume writing services can enhance your ability to showcase these abilities.

On the other hand, engineers rely on skills related to CAD software, project management, and knowledge of manufacturing processes. Data analysts must be proficient in data manipulation tools like SQL and visualization software like Tableau.

Across all these fields, technical knowledge enables professionals to execute their roles effectively, ensuring operational efficiency and enabling companies to stay competitive in rapidly evolving industries.

As technology advances, the demand for skilled professionals in these areas shows a clear trend towards growth, making the acquisition and listing of these skills on a resume more critical than ever.

Identifying Your Technical Skills

Identifying and listing technical abilities on a resume effectively starts with a strategic self- assessment. Here are some tips on how to list technical skills on resume:

Inventory Skills : List every technical skill you possess relevant to the fields you are interested in or have experience in.

Prioritize Skills : Order your capabilities by relevance to the job you’re targeting and by your level of expertise in each.

Match Job Requirements : Carefully align your listed skills with the technical requirements specified in the job descriptions. This ensures that your resume speaks directly to potential employers' needs.

These steps guide you in listing expertise and enhance how you present your technical qualifications to align with employer expectations, increasing your visibility and chances of landing a job.

Structuring Technical Skills on Your Resume

Effectively structuring your resume can significantly enhance its readability and impact. Here are a few straightforward formats to consider:

Categorized Format : Organize your abilities into categories such as 'Programming Languages', 'Software Proficiency', 'Project Management', and 'Data Analysis'. List skills within these categories in order of proficiency or relevance to the job you're applying for.

Integrated Format : Weave your technical skills into the descriptions of your work experience. This shows what you know and how you’ve applied these abilities in real-world situations. For example, in a software developer role , you could highlight using Java to create features that improved customer satisfaction by 20%.

Hybrid Format : Start with a concise section that lists your top knowledge in categories, then detail how you applied them in your work history.

Consider incorporating various visual elements to improve your resume's readability and visual appeal. Bullet lists are an effective tool for breaking technical skills into easily digestible items, allowing hiring managers to assess your capabilities quickly.

Info boxes can spotlight crucial certifications, drawing the recruiter's attention to your essential qualifications. This makes your CV more engaging and helps employers gauge your expertise quickly at a glance.

Tailoring Technical Skills to the Job Application

When applying for jobs, actively customize the technical skills section of your resume to align with each job description. Start by identifying the essential knowledge that the employer highlights. Prominently display them on your resume, especially if they match your strengths.

For instance, a job ad for a web developer stresses expertise in JavaScript and Angular; highlight this knowledge at the top of your resume. Demonstrate where and how you've used it in previous roles to solve problems or enhance processes.

Additionally, include the exact keywords from the job description. Many companies use software that scans resumes for these keywords, and including them can significantly increase the likelihood of your resume catching a hiring manager’s attention.

Furthermore, when targeting remote positions, it's essential to highlight skills for online work , such as proficiency in remote collaboration tools and strong self-management abilities. By aligning your resume directly with the job requirements, you show employers that you understand and meet their needs.

Examples of Effectively Listed Technical Skills

When crafting the technical skills section of your CV, the clarity and organization of your presentation can significantly improve your chances of capturing the attention of hiring managers. Here are two examples of well-structured sections and insights from industry experts on why these approaches work effectively.

Example 1: Software Engineer Resume

  • Technical Skills:
  • Languages : Proficient in Python, Java, C++
  • Frameworks : Experienced with Angular, React
  • Tools : Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Systems : Linux, Windows Server 2019

This resume format categorizes technical skills, making it straightforward for hiring managers to quickly assess the candidate’s proficiency and expertise.

Example 2: Data Analyst Resume

  • Data Management : SQL, Oracle, MongoDB
  • Analytical Tools : R, MATLAB, Excel Advanced Features
  • Visualization : Proficient with Tableau, Power BI

Understanding how to showcase skills on a CV is essential to ensure your resume is noticed. By organizing all by function, this layout aligns the candidate’s abilities with the specific job responsibilities, enhancing their relevancy for potential employers.

Expert Insight: "Employers need to immediately see that you have the necessary abilities for the job. A well-organized section showcases your qualifications and demonstrates your understanding of the job requirements," explains John Dole, a senior tech recruiter.

This guide has outlined critical strategies for effectively listing knowledge on your resume. By categorizing skills, integrating them with your work experiences, and aligning them with job descriptions, you can present a clear and compelling skill set to potential employers.

Additionally, visual elements like bullet lists and info boxes can make your resume more readable and engaging.

Remember, the technology landscape is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to review and update it regularly. Keeping your skills current boosts your resume and ensures you remain competitive in the job market. Regular updates demonstrate your commitment to professional development and readiness to tackle new challenges.

About the Author

Courtney Johnson: As a former high school teacher and career coach, I’ve always been passionate about helping others succeed. If you need advice on listing technical skills on your resume, feel free to reach out—I’m here to help.

Continue to: Applying for a Job Writing a Covering Letter

See also: How to Showcase Skills on a CV or Resume How Soft Skills Can Help You Get Ahead in a Tech World What Are Hard Skills?

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  • • Provided comprehensive technical support to customers, resolving over 90% of issues in the first contact, leading to a 30% reduction in ticket escalations.
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  • • Facilitated the setup and maintenance of computer labs and classroom technology, ensuring optimal performance for academic use.
  • • Monitored system performance and proactively addressed potential issues, contributing to a 25% decrease in downtime.

Technical Support professionals are the unsung heroes of your everyday tech battles. They rescue you from the abyss of software malfunctions and hardware glitches, making the digital world navigable. Their expertise transforms chaos into functioning systems, vital for personal and business needs.

These specialists must be adept at problem-solving and possess exceptional communication skills. Employers value those who swiftly resolve issues and enhance user experience. Your Technical Support resume should precisely highlight these capabilities to stand out in the job market.

Director of Technical Support Services Resume Example

Director of Technical Support Services Resume Example Resume Example

As the Director of Technical Support Services, you're responsible for ensuring that your team provides top-notch support and maintains high customer satisfaction. Your resume should highlight your experience with team management, customer escalations, budgeting, and process improvement. It's important to showcase your knowledge of various technologies like CRM systems, ticketing tools, and cloud services. Don't forget to emphasize your soft skills such as conflict resolution, communication, and adaptability. Remember, successful Technical Support resumes should strike a balance between technical expertise and people management.

Technical Support Team Lead Resume Example

Technical Support Team Lead Resume Example Resume Example

As a Technical Support Team Lead, you’re in charge of guiding the support team, solving complex user issues, and coordinating with other departments. Your resume should show skills in team management, troubleshooting, project coordination, and a detailed understanding of software and hardware support processes. It’s vital to spotlight your expertise in critical technologies like SQL, operating systems, and cloud services. Add soft skills like communication, conflict resolution, and patience, as they’re key for managing a team and handling customer interactions. Always remember, your resume’s efficiency speaks louder than its fluff, so keep everything relevant and concise.

Senior Technical Support Engineer Resume Example

Senior Technical Support Engineer Resume Example Resume Example

Senior Technical Support Engineers are responsible for resolving complex technical issues, ensuring customers have a seamless experience with the company’s products. On your resume, highlight your troubleshooting skills, client communication, system monitoring, and experience with incident management. Broad knowledge in network protocols, operating systems, and proficiency with tools like SQL and Python is essential. Your soft skills should include excellent problem-solving capabilities, strong communication, and a high level of empathy when assisting clients. The big thing to remember is to showcase how effectively you can blend technical know-how with customer service excellence.

Technical Support Analyst Resume Example

Technical Support Analyst Resume Example Resume Example

A Technical Support Analyst in a company is responsible for troubleshooting and resolving software and hardware issues to keep operations running smoothly. Your resume should reflect experience with system diagnostics, customer service, and issue resolution, highlighting any impactful projects or significant achievements in these areas. Include your proficiency in tools like SQL, Microsoft Office Suite, and incident management software, as these hard skills show that you're technically adept. Don't forget to mention your communication abilities, patience, and problem-solving mindset since these people skills can set you apart from other candidates. Remember, a succinct, clear presentation emphasizing relevant experience and skills can significantly boost your chances of getting the job.

Entry-Level Technical Support Representative Resume Example

Entry-Level Technical Support Representative Resume Example Resume Example

Entry-Level Technical Support Representatives are pivotal in helping customers troubleshoot and resolve technical issues within a company. Their resumes should list responsibilities such as providing first-line support, managing customer queries, and maintaining logs of issues reported and resolved. Highlight skills in areas like networking, basic scripting, and familiarity with software tools like ticketing systems or CRM platforms. You should also mention soft skills like clear communication, patience, and a customer-focused attitude to show you can handle client interactions effectively. Always remember to tailor your Technical Support resume to reflect how your experience and skills match the job description you're applying for.

IT Technical Support Officer Resume Example

IT Technical Support Officer Resume Example Resume Example

Your role as an IT Technical Support Officer is crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of your company's computer networks, hardware, and software. Your resume should prominently feature responsibilities such as troubleshooting technical issues, maintaining IT infrastructure, and providing user support and training. Highlight hard skills like proficiency with network protocols, operating systems, and specific software applications relevant to the job you're aiming for. Additionally, include soft skills such as patience, effective communication, and the ability to work well under pressure to solve user problems efficiently. Always remember that your resume should reflect your capacity to handle both technical and interpersonal challenges effectively.

Technical Support Specialist Resume Example

Technical Support Specialist Resume Example Resume Example

Technical Support Specialists are responsible for resolving technical issues and maintaining the IT systems within a company. On your resume, you should include responsibilities like troubleshooting software/hardware, providing user support, and implementing system updates. Highlight your proficiency in technologies such as Windows OS, Linux, network configurations, and various troubleshooting tools. Also, showcase soft skills like excellent communication, patience, and the ability to work well under pressure. Remember, your resume should clearly demonstrate your ability to solve problems and assist users effectively.

Technical Support Manager Resume Example

Technical Support Manager Resume Example Resume Example

A Technical Support Manager in a company is responsible for leading and guiding the support team to resolve technical issues effectively. Your resume should list key responsibilities such as troubleshooting technical problems, mentoring staff, and implementing support strategies. Highlight technical skills like proficiency in various operating systems, database management, and network configuration. Soft skills are just as crucial—show your ability to communicate with empathy, solve problems under pressure, and manage team dynamics. Remember, your resume must clearly reflect your capability to bridge the gap between technical issues and customer satisfaction.

Technical Support Operations Supervisor Resume Example

Technical Support Operations Supervisor Resume Example Resume Example

You'd be responsible for managing your team, resolving tech issues, and keeping customers satisfied in the role of Technical Support Operations Supervisor. Your resume should list responsibilities such as leading support teams, improving processes, and ensuring high levels of performance. Highlight the hard skills you’ve mastered, like different software tools, network troubleshooting, and system administration. Make sure you also showcase your people skills – effective communication, leadership, and conflict resolution. Remember, your technical support resume should strike a good balance; it needs to clearly show both your technical abilities and your knack for managing people.

Technical Support Associate Resume Example

Technical Support Associate Resume Example Resume Example

A Technical Support Associate answers your queries and fixes tech issues within your company. Your resume should definitely list duties like resolving tickets, providing user support, and maintaining hardware and software systems. It's a good idea to highlight your knowledge in using tools such as SQL, Linux, and different ERP systems. People skills like effective communication, patience, and problem-solving abilities are equally important. Remember, your resume needs to clearly show both your technical prowess and your ability to work well with others.

Looking for more specific tips? Check all related jobs’ resume guides here:

  • Technical Support Specialist resume
  • Senior Technical Support Engineer resume
  • Technical Support Analyst resume
  • Entry-Level Technical Support Representative resume
  • Technical Support Team Lead resume
  • Technical Support Manager resume
  • IT Technical Support Officer resume
  • Technical Support Associate resume
  • Technical Support Operations Supervisor resume
  • Director of Technical Support Services resume

The most important tips for Technical Support resumes:

Focus on relevant sections: Dedicate sections to your technical skills, job experience, and any certifications rather than generic soft skills. Make your resume tailored to technical support by highlighting specific tools and software you are proficient in. Recruiters scan for these sections quickly, so make them prominent and easy to find.

Showcase specialized skills: Pick out and emphasize skills that make you unique among other candidates. Include knowledge of specific operating systems, ticketing systems, and remote desktop applications. Detail your experience with troubleshooting hardware and software issues.

Select a clear format: Use a clean, professional format without excess graphics or fancy fonts. A straightforward layout with bullet points helps recruiters digest your information efficiently. Consistency in fonts, font sizes, and spacing reflects your attention to detail.

Limit your resume length: Keep it concise and avoid going beyond one or two pages. Focus on your most recent and relevant work experience and technical skills. A clutter-free resume will stand out much better in the initial screening process.

Structure for readability: Use headings and subheadings logically to organize information. Sections like Summary, Technical Skills, Professional Experience, and Education should be clear and well-defined. This structure guides the recruiter's eye and makes your resume easier to navigate.

Show impact with specific achievements: Instead of listing roles and responsibilities, mention specific goals you achieved. Quantify your results where possible, detailing how you improved processes or resolved high-ticket issues. This demonstrates your practical impact in previous roles.

Must-Have Sections on a Technical Support Resume:

When crafting a Technical Support resume, it's important to focus on sections that highlight your skills, experience, and ability to solve technical problems efficiently.

  • Contact information: your name, phone number, and email should be at the top. This is the basic yet vital section as it gives potential employers an immediate way to reach you. Ensure this section is updated and includes professional contact details.
  • Summary statement: provide a snapshot of your skills and experience. A concise overview reveals your strengths and objectives. Tailor this to the job you’re applying for to grab the hiring manager's attention.
  • Work experience: list your previous roles, duties, and accomplishments in reverse chronological order. This section helps illustrate your hands-on experience and how you’ve handled technical challenges. Quantify your achievements to make them stand out.
  • Technical skills: detail the software, tools, and technologies you know. Employers look for specific proficiencies that align with their needs. Categorize them to make it clear and easy to read.
  • Education: include your degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework. This showcases your qualifications and commitment to ongoing learning. Mention any honors or projects that are relevant.

Beyond the basic sections, it's helpful to include additional sections that reinforce your skills and experience.

  • Certifications and training: list relevant certifications and training sessions you’ve completed. This demonstrates your dedication to staying current in your field. Make sure these align with the job you’re seeking.
  • Achievements: highlight specific accolades or milestones in your career. This shows employers you’ve been recognized for excellence in your field. Awards or notable accomplishments add depth to your resume.
  • Volunteer experience: mention any relevant volunteer work. This adds personality and showcases your willingness to help others. It can also highlight skills or experiences not covered in your paid work.

How to Write Your Technical Support Resume Experience Section

Writing a strong Technical Support resume can set you apart in a competitive job market. Highlighting your experience in troubleshooting, customer service, and technical skills is key. Employers want to see clear evidence of your problem-solving abilities and your capacity to maintain strong client relations. Here are some practical tips to improve your work experience section:

  • Start each entry with a strong action verb, such as "resolved," "troubleshot," or "assisted" to show your proactive role. This will help in making your duties and achievements stand out. Make sure these verbs are specific to technical support.
  • Include quantified achievements. For instance, mention how many tickets you resolved weekly or the percentage of customer satisfaction you contributed to increasing. Numbers help to provide a clear, impactful narrative.
  • Mention the tools and software you have experience with. Name the ticketing systems, CRMs, and any other platforms that are relevant. This shows your readiness to fit into the new role seamlessly.
  • Focus on customer service achievements. Technical support is not only about solving problems but also about ensuring a positive customer experience. Highlight instances where you received positive feedback or achieved high customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Detail complex issues you've resolved. Be specific about the types of problems you handled and your approach to solving them. Employers appreciate candidates who can manage intricate and challenging issues.
  • Describe your teamwork and collaboration experiences. Technical support often involves working with different departments to resolve issues. Mention instances where you effectively worked with others to reach solutions.
  • Emphasize continuous learning and certifications. If you pursued ongoing education or earned certifications related to technical support, list them. This shows your commitment to staying updated in your field.
  • Showcase your communication skills. Technical support requires clear and effective communication, both written and verbal. Highlight your ability to convey technical information to non-technical users.
  • Include problem-solving examples. Talk about times when you went above and beyond to find solutions. This shows your resourcefulness and dedication to customer satisfaction.
  • Highlight your efficiency. Mention how you streamlined processes or improved response times. Efficiency is highly valued in technical support roles and shows your capacity for optimizing workflows.

Next, we will provide examples of quantifying your experience, identifying key responsibilities HR managers seek, and tailoring your resume to specific job descriptions for a more impactful application. If you're eyeing an entry-level or intern position, we'll also cover strategies to highlight your potential despite limited experience.

Examples of How To Quantify Your Experience

  • Resolved an average of 50+ technical support tickets daily, reducing overall backlog and improving customer satisfaction by 35% within one quarter.
  • Implemented a new ticket triage system that decreased resolution time by 40%, leading to a 20% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Automated routine support tasks using custom scripts, saving the team over 200 hours per month and improving efficiency by 25%.
  • Conducted 100+ end-user training sessions on new software features, resulting in a 70% reduction in repetitive support queries.
  • Monitored and analyzed support call metrics, identifying key issues to develop targeted training programs, which reduced escalations by 15%.
  • Led a team of six support engineers to achieve a 99.8% customer satisfaction score over a period of six months, enhancing overall service quality.
  • Reduced system downtime by 30% through proactive monitoring and early issue detection using advanced diagnostic tools.
  • Implemented a comprehensive feedback system that captured user insights, driving a 15% improvement in troubleshooting protocols.
  • Achieved a first-call resolution rate of 85%, improving from 60%, by optimizing troubleshooting scripts and continuous training.
  • Orchestrated a migration project affecting 5000 users with zero reported incidents, ensuring business continuity and customer satisfaction.
  • Developed and maintained a knowledge base that reduced average ticket handling time by 25%, accelerating problem resolution for end-users.
  • Integrated a live chat support feature, improving initial response time to under 2 minutes and boosting overall user engagement by 50%.
  • Analyzed monthly support data to identify trends, subsequently reducing recurring issues by 20% through targeted interventions.
  • Enhanced security protocols, resulting in a 40% reduction in security-related incidents and bolstering network integrity.
  • Optimized hardware and software deployment processes, reducing rollout times by 50% and minimizing disruptions to end-user productivity.

Job Description Bullet Points on Technical Support Resumes:

  • Provide technical assistance and support for incoming queries and issues related to computer systems, software, and hardware.
  • Respond to email messages, and phone calls and chat requests for technical support in a timely and professional manner.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues by diagnosing hardware and software problems and replacing defective components when necessary.
  • Install, modify, and repair computer hardware and software systems as requested by users and technical manuals.
  • Follow up with customers to ensure their systems are fully functional after troubleshooting and repairs have been completed.
  • Document reported issues, steps taken to resolve them, and outcomes in the support ticketing system for future reference and knowledge sharing.
  • Escalate unresolved issues to higher-level technical support or specialized teams for further investigation and resolution.
  • Create and maintain technical documentation, user manuals, and support guides to assist users in troubleshooting common issues independently.
  • Maintain an inventory of equipment, software, and licenses, ensuring adequate supplies are available and properly documented.
  • Conduct regular system maintenance and software updates to enhance performance, security, and reliability of computer systems.
  • Assist in onboarding new employees by setting up accounts, configuring workstations, and providing necessary technical training.
  • Collaborate with other IT team members and departments to ensure seamless integration and operation of technology across the organization.
  • Monitor system performance and user activity to maintain system efficiency and detect potential issues before they escalate.
  • Provide training and support for employees on new technology and software, ensuring they are comfortable and productive with the tools provided.
  • Participate in continuous learning and professional development to keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends, techniques, and best practices.

How to Tailor Your Technical Support Resume To the Job Description:

  • Cross-reference the job description with your tasks by using the same keywords and phrases they have. For example, if they need someone experienced in “ticketing systems,” make sure this phrase is prominently used. Your goal is to mirror their language to highlight your relevance.
  • Describe your previous job roles by focusing on tasks that match what's being asked. If the description mentions troubleshooting, talk about your troubleshooting success stories specifically. Tailoring ensures that the most relevant experiences shine through.
  • Quantify your achievements where possible to align with the job’s requirements. If they seek proven technical support efficiency, mention detailed stats or percentages showing your contributions. Numbers are hard to ignore and make your resume stand out.
  • Include your experience with specific tools or software systems named in the job posting. This might mean spotlighting your expertise with specific CRM systems or ticketing software. Making these tools evident in your experience can make your application more promising.
  • Use examples from your past job roles that reflect the responsibilities mentioned. If customer satisfaction is a key point, share specific instances of how you improved it. This can show the employer that you’ve handled similar tasks effectively before.
  • Highlight your soft skills in a way that aligns with the company’s culture if mentioned. Communication or team collaboration might be emphasized, so provide concrete examples of when you’ve demonstrated these skills. This adds another layer of compatibility to your candidacy.

How to Write Your Resume Summary/Objective Section

Writing an excellent resume for a Technical Support position requires a concise and effective introduction. For those early in their career, the resume objective should showcase enthusiasm and foundational skills geared towards the role. This section can set the tone for the entire resume by highlighting your eagerness to dive into the world of technical support and help users solve their tech problems swiftly and efficiently. Below, we’ll guide you on how to craft a powerful resume objective that grabs attention and makes a strong first impression.

If you're wondering whether to include a resume summary or objective, here’s a quick tip: use a summary when you have extensive experience relevant to the role. A resume objective is ideal for those with limited experience who want to spotlight their potential and desire for growth. For a technical support position, early-career applicants should leverage an objective to emphasize their foundational skills and readiness to contribute. Now, let’s look at some tips to help you write a compelling resume objective for a technical support position.

  • Highlight your passion for solving technical problems and improving user experiences. Discuss how you’ve developed this interest through specific courses, projects, or experiences. Make sure to convey enthusiasm and eagerness to apply your knowledge in a professional setting.
  • Showcase specific technical skills that align with the job requirements. Include proficiency in troubleshooting hardware, software, and network issues. Mention any relevant certifications or training you have completed.
  • Emphasize your strong communication abilities. Highlight your capability to explain technical details to non-technical users. This is vital for ensuring users feel supported and understood.
  • Include any customer service experience to underline your people skills. Even non-technical roles can demonstrate your ability to assist users effectively. Focus on your patience and problem-solving approach.
  • Mention your adaptability and eagerness to learn new technologies. Explain how you quickly grasp new systems and software. This shows that you’ll stay current with technological advancements.
  • Discuss your teamwork and collaboration experience. Reference scenarios where you worked well within a team to resolve issues or improve processes. This shows your ability to function well in a collaborative environment.

Next, we’ll show you some actual examples of resume objectives to illustrate how you can put these tips into practice and create a compelling introduction for your technical support resume.

Resume’s personal statement examples:

  • Experienced Technical Support Specialist with over 5 years of expertise in diagnosing and resolving hardware and software issues. Proven ability to improve system performance and enhance user experiences through effective troubleshooting and excellent communication skills.
  • Dedicated Technical Support Engineer with a strong background in network management and customer service. Adept at identifying and solving technical problems efficiently and providing tailored solutions to meet customer needs. Proficient in multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Objective: To secure an entry-level Technical Support position where my technical knowledge, enthusiasm, and problem-solving abilities can contribute to exceptional customer service and IT support. Eager to learn and develop skills in a dynamic technological environment.
  • Results-driven Technical Support Analyst known for delivering top-notch service and support. Expert at diagnosing technical issues, implementing effective solutions, and conducting user training. Strong communication skills and a deep commitment to improving user satisfaction.
  • Objective: Seeking an Intern position in Technical Support to apply my academic background in Information Technology and gain practical experience. Motivated to assist senior staff and contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the IT support team.
  • Highly skilled Technical Support Specialist with a comprehensive understanding of network protocols, system administration, and software applications. Recognized for a methodical approach to troubleshooting and a high rate of successful issue resolution. Strong interpersonal skills to improve client relationships and service delivery.

Top Resume Skills for Technical Support

Technical Support roles demand a unique blend of abilities, knowledge, and qualifications. Being adept with various software and hardware is just the beginning. Strong problem-solving skills are essential as they allow you to address diverse user queries effectively. Another vital component is customer service prowess which helps in managing user frustrations and building positive experiences.

  • Highlight specific software and hardware proficiencies relevant to the job requirements; mention the tools you are comfortable with. Include any certifications you have that speak to your expertise. This helps employers understand your technical compatibility with their systems.
  • Emphasize your troubleshooting skills by giving concrete examples; illustrate how you have resolved specific issues in past roles. Show how your problem-solving abilities have led to improved system performance or client satisfaction. This builds trust in your capacity to handle future challenges.
  • List your customer service skills clearly and concisely. Mention any instances where you provided exceptional service, leading to happy customers. Offer insights into your communication strategies and how they help in managing difficult situations.
  • Don't forget to include your teamwork capabilities. Highlight projects where collaboration was key to success. Mention how you coordinate with different departments to ensure comprehensive support solutions.
  • Include your capacity for learning and adapting to new technologies quickly. Share any recent training or self-learning courses you’ve undertaken to keep up with industry changes. Employers appreciate candidates who are proactive in their professional development.
  • Mention your documentation and organizational skills. Cite examples of how meticulous record-keeping has helped keep tech support streamlined. This can include creating user manuals or maintaining detailed issue logs and resolutions.

With that said, let's check out a list of skills you might want to include in your Technical Support resume.

Top Hard Skills for Technical Support Resumes

  • Network Troubleshooting
  • System Administration
  • Active Directory
  • Virtualization
  • Remote Desktop
  • Help Desk Software
  • Ticketing Systems
  • VPN Configuration
  • Cloud Services
  • Email Administration
  • Hardware Repair

Top Soft Skills for Technical Support Resumes

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Customer Service
  • Stress Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Multitasking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Active Listening
  • Dependability

Include a Technical Support Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application

Include a Technical Support Cover Letter for a Stand-Out Application Resume Example

Cover Letter Writing Tips for Technical Support Applicants

Applying for a Technical Support role significantly raises the stakes of needing a strong and compelling cover letter. A well-crafted cover letter is paramount because it introduces you and your unique qualifications to the hiring manager. Moreover, it complements your resume by providing context and detail that a list of bullet points cannot fully capture. For those looking to secure a job in technical support, the cover letter gracefully bridges your experience with the requirements of the role.

  • Highlight relevant experience directly related to technical support to make your skills pop off the page. Describe specific incidents where your problem-solving abilities made a significant impact. This can give a more vivid illustration of your capabilities.
  • Mention your familiarity with troubleshooting methodologies because employers need to know you're equipped for the job. Detail the techniques you've applied in past roles. This demonstrates a practical understanding of essential job functions.
  • Include your experience with customer service as tech support is about resolving user problems effectively. Talk about times when you helped customers resolve their issues quickly. Show that you can maintain a calm and helpful demeanor under pressure.
  • Reference specific software, tools, or systems you've worked with. Name the systems directly to show your hands-on experience. This can be especially impressive if the tools are industry-standard or directly relevant to the job you're seeking.
  • Be clear about your ability to work within a team and independently. Mention specific instances where collaboration led to successful outcomes. Employers value applicants who can balance teamwork with self-sufficiency.
  • Express your enthusiasm for continued learning and professional development. Share examples of courses taken or certifications earned. This shows that you're committed to staying current in your field.
  • Provide examples of how you've handled high-pressure situations. Discuss what you did and the results of your actions. This can highlight your ability to remain effective even when things don't go as planned.
  • Discuss your passion for technology and problem-solving to make your interest clear. Point to past projects or personal endeavors that underscore this enthusiasm. This authentic interest can make you stand out to hiring managers.
  • Share your approach to managing time and tasks effectively. Describe how you prioritize job responsibilities to keep things running smoothly. Employers appreciate candidates who can juggle multiple responsibilities efficiently.
  • Close with a strong statement of your interest in the role and your readiness to contribute. Reiterate how your skills and experiences align with the job. End with a positive note, inviting the employer to contact you for an interview.

Next, consider how to align your cover letter with your resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should my technical support resume be one page or longer.

If you have less than 10 years of experience, it's often best to keep your Technical Support resume to one page. This keeps your information concise and easy for hiring managers to review quickly. However, if you have significant experience or a diverse skill set, extending to two pages may be necessary to comprehensively showcase your abilities.

What is the best format for a Technical Support resume?

For a Technical Support resume, the reverse-chronological format is usually most effective. This format allows you to list your work experience starting from the most recent position, making it easy for employers to track your career progression and recent accomplishments. It also emphasizes your continuous work history, which is advantageous if you have steady experience in the field.

What should I highlight on my Technical Support resume to stand out?

To make your Technical Support resume stand out, highlight your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and customer service experience. Providing examples of how you've successfully resolved complex technical issues or improved systems in previous roles can show potential employers your capability. Mentioning any certifications or ongoing training can also demonstrate your commitment to staying current in the field.

What are some action verbs I should use on my Technical Support resume?

Some effective action verbs for a Technical Support resume include 'resolved,' 'troubleshot,' 'configured,' 'implemented,' 'optimized,' 'instigated,' and 'facilitated.' Using these verbs helps to clearly articulate the specific actions you took in your previous roles, making your resume more engaging and straightforward for hiring managers to understand your contributions.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Biology resume example

When it comes to creating a biology resume in 2024, there are a few important factors to keep in mind in terms of length, design, and format. These considerations will help ensure that your resume stands out among the competition and effectively showcases your skills and qualifications. Resume Length In today's job market, recruiters and hiring managers often have limited time to review each resume. With this in mind, it is crucial to keep your biology resume concise and to the point. Ideally, it should be no longer than one page, especially for entry-level positions. Focus on highlighting your most relevant experience and qualifications, and avoid unnecessary fluff. Resume Design In terms of design, simplicity is key. Opt for a clean and professional layout that is easy to read and navigate. Use a conservative font, such as Arial or Calibri, and stick to a font size between 10 and 12 points. Utilize headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. Resume Format The preferred resume format for biology positions is the reverse chronological format. This means starting with your most recent experience and working your way backward. This format allows hiring managers to quickly see your career progression and easily assess your qualifications. However, if you have limited work experience, a functional or combination format may be more suitable. While there are standard sections that should be included on most resumes, there are also specific sections that are particularly important for a biology position. Relevant Sections: Education: Highlight your academic achievements, including your degree, major, and any relevant coursework or research projects. Experience: Detail your relevant professional experience, including internships, research positions, and any laboratory work. Skills: Showcase your technical skills, such as proficiency in laboratory techniques, data analysis, and scientific software. Certifications and Training: Include any certifications or additional training that demonstrate your expertise, such as laboratory safety certifications or specialized courses. Optional But Impactful Sections: Publications: If you have been published in scientific journals or have contributed to research papers, include this section to highlight your academic achievements. Awards and Honors: Showcase any academic awards or honors you have received that demonstrate your dedication and excellence in the field of biology. Professional Memberships: List any memberships in professional organizations, such as the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, to demonstrate your commitment to the field. The Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework is a powerful tool for effectively showcasing your experience on a biology resume. This framework allows you to clearly outline the situation you faced, the actions you took, and the tangible results you achieved. For example, if you completed a research project, you might write a bullet point like this: Context: Conducted independent research on the effects of environmental factors on plant growth. Action: Designed and executed experiments, collected data, and analyzed results using statistical software. Result: Published findings in a peer-reviewed journal, contributing to the current body of knowledge in the field of plant biology. By using the CAR framework, you can effectively communicate your abilities and achievements in a concise and impactful manner. When it comes to formatting a biology resume in 2024: Keep it concise and limit it to one page. Stick to a clean and professional design. Use the reverse chronological format to highlight your career progression. Include relevant sections such as education, experience, skills, and certifications. Consider optional but impactful sections like publications, awards, and professional memberships. Use the CAR framework to effectively showcase your experience. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling biology resume that captures the attention of hiring managers and increases your chances of landing your dream job.

Social Media Manager resume example

Social Media Manager

Imagine a brand without a story or voice—hard to do, right? That’s where Social Media Managers come in, turning everyday brands into engaging storytellers and community leaders. Your favorite viral post or trending hashtag? Chances are, there’s a Social Media Manager behind it, working magic. You need a sharp eye, creativity, and a deep understanding of social media platforms to thrive in this role. From content creation to audience engagement, your skills will be highly valued by employers. And that Social Media Manager resume? It's your ticket to showcasing these abilities and standing out in a competitive field.

Freelance Designer resume example

Freelance Designer

When creating a freelance designer resume in 2024, it's important to consider the length, design, and format. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind: Length: Aim to keep your resume concise and focused. In most cases, a one-page resume is sufficient. If you have extensive experience or numerous accomplishments, a two-page resume may be acceptable. Design: As a freelance designer, your resume should showcase your creativity and design skills. Use a clean and modern layout with an eye-catching header and typography. Consider using a unique color scheme or graphic elements that reflect your personal brand. Format: Use a chronological format to highlight your relevant experience. Start with your most recent role and work your way back. Include clear headings and organize information in a logical manner. Use bullet points to present your accomplishments and responsibilities. When crafting your freelance designer resume, it's important to include sections that will grab the attention of hiring managers. Here are some popular sections to consider: Contact Information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and professional website or portfolio. Summary/Objective: Write a brief statement to summarize your skills and goals as a freelance designer. Skills: List relevant technical and soft skills, such as proficiency in design software, project management, or collaboration. Experience: Showcase your freelance design projects, internships, or any relevant employment history. Use the Context-Action-Result (CAR) framework to highlight your accomplishments: Context: Describe the situation or challenge you encountered. Action: Explain the actions you took to address the situation. Result: Detail the positive outcomes or impact of your actions. For example: Revamped client website design, improving user experience and increasing conversion rates by 20%. Conceptualized and executed branding strategy for a start-up, resulting in a 50% increase in brand recognition within the target market. Collaborated with a team of designers to develop a visually stunning mobile app, leading to a 4-star rating on app stores and over 100,000 downloads. When creating a freelance designer resume, remember these key takeaways: Focus on creating a visually appealing and well-designed resume. Use the CAR framework to highlight your accomplishments and quantify your impact. Include sections that highlight your skills, experience, and contact information. Keep your resume concise and targeted, aiming for no more than two pages. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling freelance designer resume that stands out to potential clients or employers. Good luck!

how to write technical skills on resume

10 essential resume skills to showcase your value to employers

by YouScience | Apr 16, 2024 | Blog

student sitting on couch using computer

Writing a compelling resume involves more than just listing your work history and education. You also need to highlight your skills effectively to stand out to employers. It can be difficult to know what skills to put on a resume, especially if you don’t have much work experience. Below, we discuss 10 essential resume skills and advice for proving your value to potential employers.

What are good skills to put on a resume?

The best skills to put on a resume include a mix of hard and soft skills. Focus on skills that are most relevant to the position you want. Here are some resume skill examples you could include:

Communication skills

Effective communication is a fundamental skill required for almost every type of job. Communication skills include being able to articulate your ideas clearly and listening to others while understanding their perspective.

Active listening skills

Active listening requires paying close attention, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy to ensure you thoroughly understand what someone is trying to say.

  • Interpersonal skills

These skills refer to how well you work with other people. They include collaboration, conflict resolution, and the ability to build connections with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

Leadership skills

Even if you’re not in a leadership role, showcasing your leadership qualities on your resume can set you apart from other candidates. Examples can include taking initiative, motivating others, and showing accountability.

Problem-solving skills

Employers value candidates who can think quickly to solve problems. Include times when you’ve identified issues, developed solutions, and implemented effective strategies to overcome challenges.

Computer skills

Nearly every job will require the use of a computer, so experience with computers and software is essential. Make sure to include any specific programs or tools you’re proficient in, especially ones directly related to the job you’re applying for.

Customer service skills

Even if you’re not applying for a customer-facing role, including customer service skills on your resume can still be valuable . These skills demonstrate your positivity, adaptability, communication skills, and attention to detail.

Transferable skills

These are skills that can be used in several different positions and industries. Transferable skills may include teamwork, adaptability, organization, or any other qualities all employers are looking for.

Management skills

Highlighting your management skills is crucial if you’re applying for any management role overseeing projects or teams. Management skills can include examples of delegation, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Time management skills

Efficient time management shows your ability to prioritize assignments, meet deadlines, and maximize productivity. Employers want to hire disciplined employees who can tune out distractions during work hours.

Student works on their resume with the help of a parent.

Hard resume skills vs. soft resume skills

Skills for resumes are either hard or soft skills. Employers typically look for both types of skills on candidates’ resumes.

  • Hard skills are specific skills needed to perform the job. These can include technological skills, field-specific education, or credentials related to the job.
  • Soft skills include your personality attributes and interpersonal skills. These may include communication skills, leadership qualities, stress management, and problem-solving abilities.

How to list skills on a resume per job type

Tailor your skills to the job you’re applying for to show employers you’re suitable for the job. Here are some hard and soft resume skills examples for different positions:

Digital marketing specialist

Hard skills

  • Google Analytics
  • Project management systems

Soft skills

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Analytics thinking

Financial analyst

  • Financial modeling
  • Data analysis
  • Attention to detail
  • Creative thinking
  • Collaboration

Data analyst

  • Python and other statistical programming languages
  • Data visualization
  • Statistical analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Time management
  • Adaptability

Teacher working with students.

How YouScience helps with building a resume

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How to build a standout resume for technical support careers.

how to write technical skills on resume

In today’s competitive job market, creating a resume that catches the eye of hiring managers is crucial, especially in the technical support industry. Whether you’re an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, your resume needs to showcase your skills, experiences, and ability to solve technical problems effectively. Crafting a standout resume for technical support careers not only helps you highlight your expertise but also positions you as a valuable asset to any IT team.

Let’s explore the steps involved in building a strong resume that will make you stand out in the technical support field.

  • Start with a Strong Resume Summary

The first thing hiring managers see is your resume summary, and it’s your chance to make a lasting impression. A well-crafted summary should give an overview of your professional background, key skills, and what you bring to the table. Keep it concise, around 2-3 sentences, while ensuring that it highlights your experience in technical support and problem-solving abilities.

For example:

“Dedicated technical support professional with over 5 years of experience in troubleshooting, network management, and customer service. Proficient in diagnosing hardware and software issues, providing timely solutions, and improving system efficiency. Passionate about delivering exceptional support and ensuring customer satisfaction.”

This summary quickly establishes your expertise and positions you as someone who understands both the technical and customer-facing aspects of the role.

  • Highlight Relevant Technical Skills

When hiring for technical support roles, employers look for candidates who possess strong technical abilities. Your skills section should be carefully curated to reflect the specific tools, technologies, and competencies that align with the job you’re applying for.

Include a mix of both hard and soft skills, such as:

Technical Skills:

  • Operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Networking protocols (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP)
  • Troubleshooting hardware and software issues
  • Knowledge of remote desktop applications
  • Experience with ticketing systems (Zendesk, Jira)
  • Understanding of cloud computing and virtualization (AWS, Azure)

Soft Skills:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Time management
  • Multitasking under pressure

By crafting a standout resume that demonstrates both your technical knowledge and soft skills, you show that you are well-rounded and capable of handling the challenges in a technical support role.

  • Focus on Achievements, Not Just Responsibilities

One common mistake many candidates make when writing their resumes is listing job duties instead of achievements. Employers are more interested in what you’ve accomplished rather than just what your role entailed. When describing your past roles, focus on specific outcomes, measurable achievements, and how you added value to the company.

For instance, instead of saying:

“Responsible for troubleshooting network issues.”

“Resolved over 95% of network issues on first contact, reducing downtime by 30% and improving team productivity.”

This approach not only showcases your ability to troubleshoot issues but also quantifies the positive impact you made.

4. Customer Engagement and Problem-Solving Abilities

Technical support roles often require close interaction with customers, making customer engagement a vital aspect of the job. Your ability to communicate technical information in a way that customers understand and to maintain positive relationships throughout the troubleshooting process is just as important as solving the issue itself.

When writing your resume, include examples that demonstrate your effective customer engagement skills. Highlight instances where you helped customers not only by resolving technical problems but also by building trust and maintaining long-term relationships.

  • “Worked closely with clients to understand their needs and ensure 100% customer satisfaction during technical support.”
  • “Implemented proactive customer engagement strategies that improved response time and increased positive feedback from clients.”

By showcasing these experiences, you underline your ability to handle both the technical and interpersonal aspects of the role, which are critical for success in technical support positions.

  • Crafting a Standout Resume with Problem-Solving Abilities

Technical support roles often revolve around resolving complex issues quickly and efficiently. Employers want evidence of your problem-solving abilities and how you approach challenges. This can be demonstrated through examples from your previous work experience.

Consider adding bullet points that describe situations where you encountered an issue, the steps you took to resolve it, and the outcome.

“Diagnosed and resolved a critical server issue that resulted in a 40% improvement in uptime.”

“Implemented a new ticketing process that reduced average response time by 20%.”

By highlighting your problem-solving approach, you show that you’re resourceful, analytical, and capable of handling high-pressure situations—qualities that are highly valued in technical support careers.

  • Include Certifications and Continuing Education

Certifications and continuous learning are important indicators of your dedication to your career in technical support. Many employers value certifications like CompTIA A+, Network+, or certifications specific to software platforms (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco). Including these on your resume shows your commitment to staying updated with industry standards and technologies.

In addition, if you’ve taken any relevant courses or training—such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, or IT management—list them to showcase your professional development.

Certifications and additional training can also help set you apart from other candidates who may have similar experience but need more specialized qualifications.

  • Keep the Layout Clean and Professional

While content is king, the presentation of your resume matters too. A clean, professional layout ensures your resume is easy to read and highlights the most important information. Use clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to guide the hiring manager through your resume.

Ensure there’s enough white space, use a professional font, and avoid excessive design elements. A cluttered or overly flashy resume can distract from the information and give a negative first impression.

8. Follow Up with a Thank You Email

After submitting your resume and attending interviews, don’t forget to send a Thank You Email . This gesture not only shows your appreciation for the opportunity but also reinforces your interest in the position. A well-crafted thank you note can leave a positive impression and keep you top-of-mind with the hiring manager.

In your email, briefly reiterate your enthusiasm for the role, mention a specific aspect of the interview or the company that excites you, and express your gratitude for the chance to discuss your qualifications.

Building a standout resume for technical support careers is about more than just listing your experience. It’s about demonstrating your value as a problem-solver, highlighting your technical and soft skills, and showcasing how you’ve made an impact in your previous roles. By focusing on achievements, tailoring your resume to each job, and keeping the layout professional, you’ll create a resume that not only catches the attention of hiring managers but also positions you as a top candidate for technical support roles.

In today’s online business, success in technical support roles also depends on maintaining strong relationships with clients. Incorporating effective customer engagement strategies into your experience and resume will show that you understand the importance of not only fixing technical issues but also fostering trust and satisfaction with customers. 

how to write technical skills on resume

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How to Write a Technical Writer Resume

Alexandra Meyer

  • Sep 10, 2024

Are you looking how to showcase your skills and experience effectively? Crafting a compelling technical writer resume is essential to stand out in a competitive job market.

Whether you're aiming to land your first role or seeking advancement in your career, a well-crafted resume can make all the difference.

The very first thing I tell my new students on the first day of a workshop is that good writing is about telling the truth. Anne Lamott

In this guide, we'll explore the essential elements of a successful document, provide actionable tips, and offer technical writer resume examples to inspire and guide you.

Technical writer resume examples

Entry-level technical writer resume sample with no experience, medical technical writer resume example.

Summary: Experienced medical technical writer with over 13 years of experience in creating clear and concise documentation for pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Proven ability to translate complex scientific information into accessible content for diverse audiences. Strong background in regulatory compliance, clinical trials, and medical device documentation. Experience: Senior Medical Technical Writer MedTech Solutions, Boston, MA March 2018 - Present Develop and maintain comprehensive user manuals, training materials, and regulatory documentation for medical devices, ensuring compliance with FDA guidelines. Collaborate with cross-functional teams including engineers, regulatory affairs, and marketing to ensure accuracy and clarity of technical content. Lead documentation review processes, providing feedback and revisions to improve content quality and readability. Conduct thorough research and interviews with subject matter experts to gather technical specifications and user requirements. Medical Writer Pharma Innovations, Cambridge, MA July 2014 - February 2018 Authored scientific manuscripts, clinical study reports, and regulatory submissions for new drug applications (NDAs) and investigational new drug (IND) filings. Edited and formatted technical documents to comply with company and industry standards, maintaining consistency and accuracy throughout. Assisted in the development of protocols and clinical trial documentation, ensuring alignment with regulatory and ethical guidelines. Collaborated with research teams to interpret data and communicate findings effectively in written form. Freelance Medical Writer Self-Employed January 2011 - June 2014 Provided writing and editing services to pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and healthcare organizations. Specialized in creating patient education materials, product manuals, and marketing collateral targeting healthcare professionals. Developed content for websites and blogs focused on medical research, health trends, and patient care. Education: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Graduated: May 2010 Skills: Proficient in technical writing tools such as Adobe FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, and LaTeX. Strong understanding of FDA and international regulatory requirements for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in cross-functional teams. Detail-oriented and skilled in conducting thorough research to support technical content development. Certifications: Certified Medical Writer (CMW) - renewed in 2024 Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC) - valid till 2026 Publications: Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2022). "Advances in Biomedical Engineering: A Review." Journal of Medical Devices, 15(2), 123-135. Smith, J., Brown, C., & Martinez, D. (2018). "Clinical Trials in Oncology: Challenges and Opportunities." Oncology Research Reviews, 8(4), 287-299. Smith, J., et al. (2013). "Patient Education in Cardiovascular Health: Strategies and Outcomes." Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 28(1), 45-55.

Formatting tips

Technical writing involves communicating complex data clearly and concisely. A well-formatted technical writer resume demonstrates your ability to organize information effectively , making it easy for recruiters to quickly grasp your qualifications and experience.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Use an easily readable font such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman . They are widely accepted and make your document easy to look through.
  • Use a font size between 10pt and 12pt for the main body text. Headings can be slightly larger ( e.g., 14pt to 16pt ) to differentiate sections and make them stand out.
  • Maintain consistency throughout your technical writer resume in terms of font type, size, and formatting ( e.g., bold, italics, underlining ). It helps create a cohesive and organized appearance.
  • Ensure adequate margins ( usually around 1 inch ) to frame the content neatly. Sufficient white space around text blocks improves readability.
  • Use bullet points to list your responsibilities, achievements, and skills under each section. Bulleted lists are easier to scan than paragraphs.
  • Avoid using excessive design elements such as decorative fonts, bright background colors, or graphics.
  • Aim to keep your resume for a technical writer position concise , ideally fitting on one or two pages .

Using an online resume builder can save you time compared to creating a document from scratch in a word processor.

The technical writer resume templates and formatting are already set up, allowing you to focus more on content and less on details.

Plus, Resume Trick allows for easy updates and revisions to your document. You can quickly make edits , adjust formatting, or tailor your technical writer resume for different job postings without starting again each time.

Create your professional Resume in 10 minutes for FREE

how to write technical skills on resume

Technical writer resume objective or summary

A resume summary is a brief overview of your skills, experiences, and achievements as they relate to the job you're applying for. It's typically used when you have significant experience in the field.

Technical writer resume summary example: Experienced technical writer with over 5 years of expertise in creating user documentation for software products and API documentation. Skilled in translating complex technical concepts into clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation. Proven track record of improving documentation processes and enhancing user satisfaction. Proficient in MadCap Flare, Adobe FrameMaker, and XML.

An objective statement is used when you are new to the field or transitioning into technical writing from another career path. It focuses on your work goals and what you hope to achieve in the position you are applying for.

Sample technical writer resume objective: Detail-oriented professional with a background in software development seeking to transition into a technical writer role. Eager to leverage skills in API documentation, user manuals, and technical editing to contribute to the success of a dynamic tech company.

Contact information

Providing clear contact details ensures that employers can quickly and easily get in touch with you. This accessibility is fundamental for progressing through the hiring process, as it allows recruiters to to reach out to you for scheduling interviews or follow up on your technical writer resume.

What to include here:

  • Name . Your first and last name.
  • Phone . A number where you can be reached. Make sure your voicemail message is clear and professional.
  • Email . An address that you regularly check. Avoid using informal or overly casual emails.
  • Location . Your city and state (and country for remote jobs ) to provide context about your location.
  • LinkedIn (Optional) . A profile that is up-to-date and relevant to your professional experience. Ensure it is polished and aligns with your technical writer resume content.

This technical writer resume section allows you to demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate technical information, collaborate with teams, and adapt your style to different audiences and industries.

Here you can highlight your familiarity with specific industries , such as software development, healthcare , engineering, or telecommunications. This knowledge is valuable as it indicates your ability to grasp technical concepts and terminology relevant to the specific field.

Start with your most recent or current position and work backward.

Key details for each role:

  • Job title . Clearly state your job title to provide context for your responsibilities.
  • Company . Include the name of the organization where you worked, along with the city and state (or country).
  • Dates . Specify the duration of your employment (month and year).
  • Responsibilities . Describe your main tasks as a technical writer. Focus on specific accomplishments and contributions that demonstrate your skills and impact.
  • Achievements . Highlight any notable accomplishments, such as improvements in documentation quality, successful completion of major projects, or recognition received for your work.

Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb to describe your responsibilities effectively ( e.g., "Authored comprehensive user manuals for software products" ).

Example: Senior Technical Writer Tech Innovations Inc., Seattle, WA September 2020 – Present Collaborate with software engineers and product managers to produce detailed API documentation for new software releases. Create user guides, installation manuals, and troubleshooting documentation for enterprise-level software products. Implement a streamlined documentation review process, reducing revision cycles by 30%. Conduct usability testing and gathered stakeholder feedback to enhance documentation usability and effectiveness. Mentor and supervise junior technical writers, ensuring consistency and adherence to documentation standards. Technical Writer MedTech Solutions, San Francisco, CA June 2018 - August 2020 Developed clear and concise healthcare IT documentation, including system manuals and training materials for medical staff. Worked closely with subject matter experts to translate technical information into user-friendly content. Updated existing documentation to reflect software updates and regulatory changes in the healthcare industry. Conducted documentation audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and internal guidelines.

This part of your technical writer resume showcases your formal education. Include degrees that are directly related to fields such as English, Communication, Journalism, Computer Science, or Engineering .

This signals to employers that you have a solid educational background that supports your technical writing skills.

Important elements:

  • Degree . Specify the degree(s) you obtained ( e.g., Bachelor of Arts in English, Master of Science in Technical Communication ).
  • Institution . Include the name of the college or university where you earned your credentials.
  • Location and dates . Provide the location of the institution ( city, state, country ) and the dates of attendance or graduation.
  • Relevant coursework . Optionally, list specific courses that are directly relevant to technical writing or that showcase your expertise in related areas.
  • GPA (if relevant) . Add your GPA if it’s above 3.5 and enhances your qualifications.
  • Awards . Mention any academic honors or awards received.
Example: Master of Science in Technical Communication University of Washington, Seattle, WA September 2018 - May 2020 Relevant Coursework: Advanced Technical Writing, Information Architecture, User Experience Design Thesis: "Improving User Manuals for Consumer Electronics: A Case Study of Smartphone Documentation" GPA: 3.9/4.0 Honors: Dean's List (All Semesters) Bachelor of Arts in English University of California, Berkeley, CA September 2014 - May 2018 Coursework: Technical Writing, Professional Editing, Communication Theory GPA: 3.8/4.0 Honors: Cum Laude, Outstanding Student in English Department Award

Technical writer resume skills

By carefully selecting and listing skills that match the job description , you demonstrate that you understand the requirements of the role and can fulfill them effectively.

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes based on keywords . Including relevant technical writer skills ensures that your application reaches human eyes for further consideration.

  • Hard skills , also known as technical competencies, are specific, teachable abilities that can be quantified and measured.
  • Soft skills , on the other hand, are less tangible and relate to how individuals interact with others and approach their work.

Hard skills of a technical writer:

  • Technical Writing
  • Documentation Tools
  • Markup Languages
  • Version Control Systems
  • Graphic Design
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Quality Assurance
  • Information Architecture
  • Localization
  • Regulatory Compliance

Soft skills for technical writer:

  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Adaptability
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Time Management
  • Research Skills

Optional sections

  • Certifications . Highlight any certifications related to technical writing. Examples for a technical writer resume include Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) , Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in Technical Communication Suite , or Certified Information Mapping Professional (CIMP) .
  • Languages . If you are proficient in multiple languages, especially those relevant to your target audience or industry, mention them here.
  • Publications . Include a technical writer resume part where you list any articles, blogs, or documents you've authored or contributed to. This can demonstrate your writing style and subject matter expertise.
  • Professional Development . Mention workshops, seminars, or courses you've attended related to specific industries. This shows your commitment to continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends.
  • Achievements . If you've received awards or recognition for your technical writing or related skills, mention them in a dedicated section to highlight your accomplishments .

Technical writer cover letter

As you now know, a technical writer resume provides a concise summary of your work experience, skills, education, and achievements relevant to the job. In a cover letter , you can elaborate on specific components mentioned briefly in the resume.

A cover letter is a personalized document that allows you to explain why you are interested in the position and how your skills and experience make you a good fit.

How to write a letter accompanying your technical writer resume:

  • Header . Include your contact information and the date at the top of the letter. Add the employer’s data ( if known ) below yours.
  • Salutation . Address the document to the hiring manager or the person specified in the job posting.
  • Introduction . Start with a strong opening paragraph that states the position you are applying for and how you found out about the opportunity.
  • Body paragraphs . Discuss specific technical writing projects you’ve worked on. Provide examples of your ability to write clear and concise documentation.
  • Closing . Summarize why you are a strong candidate and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.
  • Sign-off . End with a professional sign-off ( e.g., Sincerely, Regards ) followed by your full name.

Example of a cover letter for a technical writer resume:

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I am writing to express my interest in the Technical Writer position at Olson Electronics. With over 5 years of experience in technical writing and a passion for clear and concise communication, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

Throughout my career, I have successfully created user manuals, training materials, and technical documentation for various software and hardware products. My attention to detail, strong research skills, and ability to understand complex information have allowed me to deliver high-quality documents that are easy to understand and follow.

One of my proudest achievements was when I led a team of writers to revamp the entire documentation process at my previous company. By implementing new templates and guidelines, we were able to reduce the time it took to create user manuals by 50%, while also improving the overall quality of the documents. This resulted in positive feedback from both internal teams and customers.

In addition to my technical writing skills, I am also proficient in various software tools such as Adobe FrameMaker, MadCap Flare, and Microsoft Office Suite. I am a quick learner and adapt easily to new tools and processes.

My best qualities include being organized, detail-oriented, and a strong communicator. I take pride in my ability to work independently as well as collaborate with cross-functional teams to achieve common goals. My dedication and commitment to producing high-quality work under tight deadlines have been commended by previous supervisors.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to Olson Electronics. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further.

Linda Sparks

If you don't have work history, focus on any extracurricular activities , volunteer work, or internships that demonstrate your abilities and work ethic.

Even if they’re not directly related to the job, emphasize transferable skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

Entry-level technical writer cover letter example: Dear Ms. Johnson, I am excited to apply for the entry-level Technical Writer position at Hitech Innovations Inc., as advertised on your company website. With a recent Bachelor’s degree in Technical Communication from San Francisco State University, I am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your team. Throughout my academic journey, I acquired a robust understanding of technical writing principles and best practices. Courses in user documentation, software manuals, and online help systems provided me with the expertise to distill complex technical concepts into clear, user-friendly content. During my internship at Tech Solutions Plus, I had the opportunity to work alongside experienced technical writers. I assisted in the creation of user guides and instructional documents for software products. This way I gained hands-on experience in research, content organization, and document formatting. This internship strengthened my ability to communicate effectively with cross-functional teams and deliver high-quality documentation under deadlines. I possess proficiency in technical writing tools including Adobe FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, and Visio, ensuring efficient document creation and formatting. I am committed to producing documentation that meets user needs while adhering to company style guides and brand standards. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining Hitech Innovations Inc. and contributing to your mission of delivering innovative solutions to clients. I am eager to bring my technical writing skills and passion for technology to your dynamic team. Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of Hitech Innovations Inc. Sincerely, Heather Ward

Create your professional Cover letter in 10 minutes for FREE


Don’t forget that your job involves creating clear, accurate, and well-structured documents. Your technical writer resume and cover letter serve as examples of your skills, attention to detail, and professionalism.

Here are tips on proofreading your application papers:

  • After writing, set your documents aside for a few hours or even a day. Returning with fresh eyes can help you spot errors you might have missed initially.
  • Reading aloud can catch awkward phrasing, run-on sentences, and other issues that may not be as obvious when reviewing silently.
  • Utilize spell check tools like Grammarly, Hemingway, or the built-in checker in your word processor. They can find grammar mistakes and suggest improvements.
  • Ensure that formatting, font style, and font size are consistent throughout your cover letter and resume for technical writer. Inconsistencies can make them look unprofessional.
  • Have someone else review your application . Another person can provide a fresh perspective and see mistakes you’ve overlooked.
  • Check that your documents are visually appealing and easy to read. Use bullet points, headings, and ample white space to improve readability.

In conclusion, crafting a strong resume for a technical writer position is crucial for showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements effectively.

Remember to tailor your application to each job posting, emphasizing relevant abilities that align with the specific requirements of the role.

By following the tips and technical writer resume examples provided in this guide, you can create a document that not only highlights your copywriting expertise but also grabs the attention of hiring managers in your desired industry.

Alexandra Meyer

Alexandra Meyer

Editor-in-Chief at Resume Trick

Alexandra Meyer is the editor-in-chief of Resume Trick. She was behind the launch of Icecream Apps in 2014 and continues to oversee the high content standards of the company's projects. Alexandra has years of experience writing and editing articles about technology, software and online services, and human resources.

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  6. How to List Technical Skills on a Resume

    how to write technical skills on resume


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  1. Technical Skills for a Resume

    graphic design. 1. Project Management. Your project management skills show employers that you can handle leading a team. Some of the technical skills employers look for when hiring managers are: Scrum and Agile proficiency. Technical reporting. Work scheduling software. Information technology.

  2. How to list technical skills on your resume (25+ samples ...

    1: Create a skills section (or two) To display your technical skills, start by creating a Skills section in your resume. Give this section a heading like "Skills", "Core Competencies", or something similar. You can then list your skills beneath that heading.

  3. 50+ Key Technical Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

    1) Programming. Programming involves many different skills and is used in a variety of industries. From Information Technology to Web Development, programming is a widely beneficial skill. Examples of technical skills for programming include: Programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, etc.) Cloud computing.

  4. Technical Skills: Definitions and Examples for a Resume

    Project management. Data analysis. Technical skills vary widely between industry and job type. For computer programmers, knowledge of various coding languages is considered a technical skill. Customer service representatives may need technical skills relating to customer management and telephone systems.

  5. Technical Skills to List on Your Resume (with Examples)

    Examples of technical skills. Kateryna Popova, recruitment strategist for Testlio, breaks down the four categories of technical skills that many tech professionals need to include on their resumes: Programming languages. Database management. Operating systems. Network configuration and security knowledge.

  6. Technical Skills for a Resume (Tech Domain Skill Examples)

    Resume Templates Find the perfect resume template.; Resume Examples See perfect resume samples that get jobs.; Resume Format Pick the right resume format for your situation.; How to Write a Resume Learn how to make a resume that gets interviews.; Resume Checker Get your resume checked and scored with one click.; Resume Help Improve your resume with help from expert guides.

  7. 11 Best Technical Skills for Your Resume (With Examples)

    Moreover, the field itself includes a wide variety of career options. The list below provides a snapshot of some of the most important healthcare technical skills for a resume: Patient management. Physical therapy. Medication or injection delivery. Electronic medical records software. Data entry. Pharmacy.

  8. How To Add Technical Skills To Your Resume (60+ Examples)

    Examples of technical skills include web development, video editing, 3D animation, data modeling, and computer-aided design (CAD). Highly specialized and specific to a particular industry. Teachable, measurable, and quantifiable. Developed through formal education, extensive training, and practice.

  9. Technical Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    How to write a technical resume. It's important to clearly demonstrate your technical skills and qualifications on your resume, so you'll have a better chance of getting interviews and the job you want. Here are four steps you can take to write a strong technical resume that'll get hiring managers talking. 1. Include your relevant ...

  10. Technical Resume Example for 2024 [W/ Template & Step-by-Step Guide!]

    Here's an example of what the education section of a tech resume should look like: For a job in the tech industry, you only need to mention your most recent (and higher) degree. That means you can leave out your high-school degree and even your Bachelor's if you hold a Master's degree or a Ph.D. in the field. #6.

  11. Technical Skills for a Resume (50+ Examples)

    These are often referred to as " 21st century skills." Here are four examples of technical skills that would help future-proof your career: Programming Languages. Learning a programming language, particularly a popular one like JavaScript or Python, opens up a world of possibilities for job seekers.

  12. Technical skills for a resume (guide with examples and how-tos)

    You can present and improve the technical skills for resumes you will write now and for future jobs in a number of ways: 1. Take courses or certifications for your CV technical skills. There are countless online certifications and in-person training courses at a variety of levels for every conceivable technical skill example. There is a captive ...

  13. Technical Resume Writing: Tips and Examples

    Here are several steps to consider when creating your technical resume: 1. Include your personal information. Start by including an informative header with details about yourself. These details should include your full name, phone number, physical location and email address.

  14. 130+ Technical Skills for Your Resume [+Examples]

    Examples of technical skills on a resume include: Examples of effective management technical skills include: Active listening. Data analysis. Task delegation. "Managed multiple projects simultaneously using Asana and Jira, enhancing project visibility and collaboration.". 2.

  15. 71 Technical Skills For Your Resume (And What Are Technical ...

    The technical skills you should learn are the various facets of artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, cyber security, and virtual reality. These are some of the fastest-growing industries around the world in 2022. Having some technical skills in one or a few of these fields puts you a step ahead of the game.

  16. How to Show Technical Skills on Your Resume (With Examples)

    4. Add examples to the list. Write your skills in bullet form, as this can strengthen the visual professionalism of your resume and provide the employer with a clear list. You can include three to five examples of tasks and express how you used technical skills to complete them.

  17. Guide to 99 Technical Skills to include in your resume in 2024

    While more senior roles require a specific set of skills, certification, and education, there are a few technical skills that would be relevant to add to your resume. If you have the relevant experience, include these skills in your resume: ‍Medical Record Management (EpicCare, Cerner, WebPT, etc.) First Aid and CPR.

  18. 150+ Superior Technical Skills for a Resume [+ Definitions & Examples]

    150+ Best Technical Skills for a Resume/CV. In the section below, you can find 150+ best technical skills lists for resumes and CVs. Software Development (Coding & Programming) Data Analysis. Business Analysis. Project Management. Graphic Design. Marketing & Social Media. Writing.

  19. How To List Skills On Your Resume Skills Section (With Examples)

    UX design. Print design. Soft Skills: Creativity. Adaptability. Time management. Problem-solving. Here's an example of a chronological resume with the skills section at the bottom: For the functional resume format, your skills and qualifications are front and center, while your work history takes a back seat.

  20. Technical Skills for Your Resume That Employers Want To See

    Here's how you could demonstrate your technical skills as an administrative assistant: Managed calendars of the executives and organized weekly meetings for up to 7 cross-functional teams. Maintained email communication with prospective employees to reduce interviewing time by 27%. #2. Accounting.

  21. How to List Skills in Your Resume Skills Section

    You can categorize these skills under the heading "hard skills.". Hard skills are the skills or certifications necessary to do the job. For example, you need a driver's license to be a taxi driver. List your soft skills next. You can categorize these skills under the heading "soft skills" or "additional skills.".

  22. How to List Technical Skills on Resume

    Identifying Your Technical Skills. Identifying and listing technical abilities on a resume effectively starts with a strategic self- assessment. Here are some tips on how to list technical skills on resume: Inventory Skills: List every technical skill you possess relevant to the fields you are interested in or have experience in.

  23. 11 Successful Technical Support Resume Examples And Writing Tips for 2024

    Writing a strong Technical Support resume can set you apart in a competitive job market. Highlighting your experience in troubleshooting, customer service, and technical skills is key. ... Top Resume Skills for Technical Support. Technical Support roles demand a unique blend of abilities, knowledge, and qualifications. Being adept with various ...

  24. 10 essential resume skills to showcase your value to employers

    The list of skills for your resume should include hard and soft skills How YouScience helps with building a resume YouScience ® Brightpath includes a resume builder, which helps students create professional resumes that effectively highlight their aptitudes and skills for employment, college applications, apprenticeships, or internships.

  25. How to Build a Standout Resume for Technical Support Careers

    In today's competitive job market, creating a resume that catches the eye of hiring managers is crucial, especially in the technical support industry. Whether you're an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, your resume needs to showcase your skills, experiences, and ability to solve technical problems effectively. Crafting a standout resume for technical support careers […]

  26. How To Write an Effective Resume Summary (With Examples)

    Here, the resume writer includes a soft skill (" compassionate ") and some of her key technical skills employers may find important, such as a Bachelor of Science in nursing and other in-demand certifications. Depending on your level of experience and the jobs you're applying for, what you choose to focus on in your resume summary may vary.

  27. Technical Writer Resume Example and Tips for 2024

    Technical writer resume objective or summary. A resume summary is a brief overview of your skills, experiences, and achievements as they relate to the job you're applying for. It's typically used when you have significant experience in the field.. Technical writer resume summary example: Experienced technical writer with over 5 years of expertise in creating user documentation for software ...