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PhD Programmes

Phd vacancies.

See the job listings to find available PhD positions at Utrecht University. Please note that the job listing includes all university-wide vacancies.

See the types of PhD positions for the different ways you can start a doctoral program.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

  • PhD Study in the Netherlands - A Guide for 2024

Written by Chris Banyard

The Netherlands has one of the most prestigious university systems in Europe. It’s also a country that has developed and shared rich traditions of artistic, cultural and scientific achievement.

PhD study abroad in the Netherlands is a popular choice for those looking to tap into this culture of open-mindedness, innovation and international exchange of ideas. The country’s multilingual population also means that most of its doctoral programmes are taught in English.

This page covers everything you’ll need to know about doctoral research in the Netherlands. It includes important up-to-date information about the Dutch university system and the structure of a typical Dutch PhD programme. We've also covered key facts on tuition fees, funding and visa requirements.

Why study a PhD in Netherlands?

Universities in the Netherlands have an impressive reputation.. The Dutch university system dates back to the 16th century and boasts many famous artists, thinkers and scientists.

Doctoral researchers are highly regarded by Dutch universities. Keen to attract talent from around the world, they offer many benefits for international students.

  • Employee status – most PhD students in the Netherlands are paid a salary as university employees
  • International student population – the Netherlands has a proud tradition of international exchange, with around 10% of students coming from abroad
  • Historic university system – the Netherlands has several universities dating back to the 16th century
  • Global recognition – Dutch universities consistently rank in the top 200 in global rankings.

In addition, Holland is the only country in which PhD students defend their thesis accompanied by ceremonial bodyguards (no, really).

PhD Study in the Netherlands - Key Details
4 years
September to August

*Most PhD researchers are paid employees and do not pay traditional tuition fees

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Where can you study a PhD in Netherlands?

There are three main types of higher education institution in the Netherlands. As a PhD student you’re most likely to be studying at a Dutch research university , but the three categories are as follows:

  • Research universities are the main academic institutions for PhD-level research. They have advanced facilities and expert faculty available to train doctoral students
  • Universities of applied sciences or HBO institutions ( hogescholen ) specialise in practical Arts and Sciences. They do not offer PhD programmes
  • Institutes for international education are designed specifically for international students, and focus on intercultural knowledge exchange. Currently, only the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education offers a PhD programme

Although Dutch PhD programmes are offered by research universities, your study will take place in either:

  • dedicated Graduate Schools (associated with an individual university) or
  • Research Schools (often formed by a consortium of institutions to pursue ongoing projects and areas of investigation).

Dutch university cities

There are several cities in the Netherlands with one or more universities and large numbers of students:

  • Study in Amsterdam
  • Study in Delft
  • Study in Eindhoven
  • Study in Groningen
  • Study in Leiden
  • Study in Nijmegen
  • Study in Rotterdam
  • Study in Tilburg
  • Study in Wageningen

Dutch university rankings

The university system in the Netherlands is highly regarded worldwide. Its universities are found in the upper reaches of the three major university world rankings, with over 10 in the top 200 for 2020/21.

Top 10 Dutch Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Delft University of Technology48=47151-200
University of Amsterdam6153101-150
Wageningen University and Research=64=151151-200
Leiden University77=126101-150
University of Groningen7913976
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam125207151-200
Radboud University Nijmegen=140=222101-150
Eindhoven University of Technology=168=124401-500
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

Structure of a PhD in Netherlands

A doctoral programme in the Netherlands is a third-cycle qualification, as defined by the Bologna process . As in the UK, Dutch doctoral research focuses on a specific topic and documented in the form of a thesis that presents the student’s original results and conclusions.

Employee status

Most PhD candidates are employed as professional researchers . This means you'll be paid a salary during your doctorate. In return, you will have various duties as a researcher and will need to contribute to your institution’s academic work and operations. This is likely to involve teaching responsibilities as well as other responsibilities.

A Dutch PhD lasts for a minimum of four years . This is partly due to your employee status as a doctoral researcher and the additional teaching and administrative responsibilities that this entails.

Doctoral researchers that are not formally associated with a university (i.e. external doctoral candidates) may take longer to complete their studies.


Your research will be overseen by an expert supervisor. They will also need to approve your final thesis for submission.

Depending on the structure of your programme, your supervision may involve regular progress checks and formal review points. You may also have a co-supervisor.

Provisional supervision

Unlike in other countries, a Dutch PhD supervisor’s position is technically provisional for most of your doctorate. They are only officially appointed before the ceremonial viva defence, where they will play a key role.

PhD defence ceremony

A unique aspect of the Dutch PhD is the ceremonial thesis defence . This serves a similar purpose to the UK viva voce examination. However, it is a much more ceremonial process and can be quite different to other PhD assessments.

All participants, including yourself, will be required to wear full academic dress and use formal titles and terms of address. The ceremony is opened and closed by an officer of the university, called the beadle (or pedel ) using a ceremonial mace. You can also be accompanied by two supporters ( paranimfen ). Traditionally, these acted as bodyguards if things got heated! Nowadays, they are there to provide moral support and practical assistance.

During the thesis defence, you will be assessed by an appointed Doctoral Committee of at least three academics. They will determine whether your thesis is worthy of a doctorate. These may include a professor, known as a ‘most learned opponent’ ( hoggeleerde opponent ), or a post-doctorate academic, known as a ‘learned opponent’ ( zeergeleerde opponent ). You could also be asked questions by other invited individuals.

The defence process is mostly ceremonial. The committee will have already read your thesis, and most likely, come to a decision on awarding your doctorate.

PhD candidates are normally expected to have published at least a part of their thesis before submission.


Dutch PhD degrees are awarded directly by each individual university. The universities are responsible for the quality and content of your doctoral training. However, quality assurance for the PhD process is overseen by The Netherlands and Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO).

Fees and funding for a PhD in Netherlands

Since PhD students are paid employees, many Dutch doctoral programmes do not have tuition fees. Where they are required, PhD tuition fees in the Netherlands are generally comparable to those across the rest of the EU. The fees remain the same for EU / EEA and Swiss-national students. There are also many PhD funding opportunities available for international students.

Dutch PhD tuition fees

Most PhD students in the Netherlands are university employees , and receive a salary to fund their research. This means there are no traditional tuition fees for doctoral candidates or doctoral fellows.

However, there are other types of doctoral candidates that may not be considered as university employees. These are:

  • contract doctoral research associates who have their research sponsored by an external source (such as a scholarship or employer)
  • external doctoral candidates who are self-funded and work on their PhD research in their free time

These PhD students will usually have to pay some form of tuition fee. The specific amount can vary and depending on the research institution, the research itself, and the length of study.

Regardless of whether you have employee status or not, you may still need to pay statutory fees . These cover supplementary costs for supervision, examination, administration and university access. Amounts can vary depending on your university and discipline.

Dutch PhD funding

A selection of scholarships for PhD degrees are available. The following are good places to look for further information:

  • Nuffic – The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education
  • Study in Holland – an initiative of Nuffic
  • Euraxess – an organisation that promotes academic mobility in Europe

Individual universities also offer funding options for their students. You can find what PhD funding is available on their websites.

PhD funding in the Netherlands

Our guide to PhD funding in the Netherlands has more information on scholarships and other options for international research students in Holland.

Applying for a PhD in the Netherlands

The PhD application process in the Netherlands is similar to the process in the UK but can differ in some key ways. Most applicants will either apply for an advertised PhD or propose their own project through a research proposal . You can find information on contact details by browsing PhDs in the Netherlands , or by visiting university websites directly. Because PhD candidates are employed doctoral researchers, you may also find PhD positions listed as jobs.

Admission requirements

In the Netherlands, a standard requirement for PhD admission is holding a Masters degree in a relevant subject area.

The Netherlands is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This means it readily recognises Masters degrees from other European countries. Many equivalent foreign qualifications may also be recognised. You can check your degree equivalency at Nuffic (The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education) or at your prospective university’s website.

Additional entry requirements can vary depending on your university and discipline. Due to the status of Dutch PhD researchers as university employees, you may also be required to undergo additional application processes and submit more application documents than a typical PhD student. These could include a personal statement , CV , and strong academic and / or professional references .

PhD entry requirements

The general eligibility criteria for PhD applications in the Netherlands is similar to most other countries in the EU. Our guide explains entry requirements for a prospective PhD student .

Language requirements

Most PhD programmes in the Netherlands are taught in English. Non-native English speakers will be need satisfactory scores in English language tests . The typical scores required are below.

Test Score Requirement
Internet-Based TOEFL 90
IELTS Minimum of 6.5

It is also possible to study a PhD programme taught in Dutch. In this case, you may be required to present satisfactory scores of Dutch language tests . Even if your studies are in English, it may be helpful to learn some Dutch! This will simplify daily life and communication with fellow Dutch researchers.

Application process

The Dutch academic year runs from September to August. The application deadline for most study programmes is 1 May. However, because PhD programmes are less dependent on coursework and exams, the application deadlines are usually flexible. You should check the application for your chosen course with your university.

Some university degree applications are made through the Dutch higher education portal Studielink . This is similar to the UCAS system for UK undergraduate students. The platform can also arrange the payment of tuition fees.

However, for many PhD programmes you will need to apply directly to your prospective university. The application process can differ depending on the specific research institution. You should always check the application procedure on the university’s website.

Applying for a PhD

PhD applications in the Netherlands will require additional application documents and processes. These are similar to those in the UK. Our guide explains PhD applications for a prospective PhD student.

Student visas for a PhD in Netherlands

The Netherlands is a multicultural, cosmopolitan country that welcomes immigration applications from a range of countries. Students from elsewhere in the EU and EEA won’t normally need a visa to study at Dutch universities. Other international students will normally need to arrange entry visas and study permits.

If you do require a visa, your university will need to support your application. They should contact you to assist with this once you have enrolled. If this is not the case, you can contact your host institution’s HR department and / or international office for relevant information.

Visa information for UK students in the Netherlands

UK students will no longer be EU citizens from the 2021-22 academic year onwards. This means you may be considered an international student when studying in the Netherlands. You may be subject to different visa requirements and fee rates, unless otherwise stated.

Applying for an entry visa

If you are an EU / EEA / Swiss national, you will not require a visa for PhD study in the Netherlands. You can freely enter and leave the country and travel during your degree. Citizens of some selected other countries may also be exempt from requiring a visa. A full list is available from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Other international students will require a long-stay entry visa (MVV). Your university will usually apply for this on your behalf. You'll be able to collect it from a Dutch Embassy or Consulate in your home country before you travel. Depending on the specific conditions of your visa, you may be restricted to travel within the Netherlands, neighbouring countries (e.g. Belgium and France) or most European countries.

Applying for a residence permit

EU / EEA and Swiss citizens do not require a residence permit to study in the Netherlands, and do not need to report to the IND.

Other international students need to apply for a Provisional Residence Permit for study (VVR) from the IND. The application and its costs are usually competed by your university on your behalf. You will be able to collect it from a Dutch Embassy or Consulate in your home country before you travel. The residence permit is valid for the duration of your doctoral programme plus three months, for a maximum of five years. However, you can apply for an extension.

Registration with the local Dutch council

All foreign students, including EU nationals , must register with the local Dutch council of residence upon arrival in the country. The exact regulations can vary with different councils. You will be registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) and given a Citizen Service Number (BSN) by the IND. You will normally need to present proof of identity (passport and certified copy of your birth certificate) and a record of your accommodation in the Netherlands.

EU / EEA / Swiss students will do this after registration with the IND by their university. Other international students will need to do so after receiving their entry visa and residence permit.

PhD life in the Netherlands

Want to know more about what it's like to live in the Netherlands during a PhD? Our detailed guide covers everything from living costs to culture and entertainment.

Health Insurance

To study in the Netherlands, by law you must have health insurance for the duration of your PhD.

EU / EEA students will normally be covered by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This entitles you to healthcare in the Netherlands.

Non-EU / EEA students will either need to be insured with a provider in their home country (that is valid in the Netherlands) or take out private international health insurance. International students from some countries may need to take a medical test for tuberculosis (TB). This must undertaken with the Area Health Authority (GGD) within three months of receiving a residence permit. More information is available from the IND.

Travel document validity

The above documentation is only valid while you're doing your PhD. If you discontinue your programme, you'll need to apply for updated documents.

The Netherlands holds the research performed by its universities in high regard. Its academics have an excellent track record in world research. As a doctoral graduate from a Dutch university you’ll be a very employable researcher.

A Dutch PhD also provides professional experience of working more formally within higher education. Receiving your PhD in the Netherlands is an impressive academic qualification and an excellent gateway into further academic research.

Many Dutch research universities also have strong links with business and industry, offering additional professional training and partnerships.

Can I work in the Netherlands after my PhD?

EU / EEA and Swiss nationals do not require a residence permit or work permit (TWV) to work in the Netherlands after doctoral study – a valid passport or ID card is sufficient. You will need to maintain your residence registration.

Other international students will need to apply for an Orientation Year residence permit . To do so, you must be registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP), have a Citizen Service Number (BSN). There is a fee of €174. To remain in the country for more than one year, you can apply for a longer term residence with the Netherlands’ Highly Skilled Migrant Permit .

Find a PhD in the Netherlands

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in the Netherlands ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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What's it like to live in the Netherlands during a PhD? Our guide covers accommodation, student living costs, working and other key information.

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Welcome to the website of the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC Rotterdam!

This website presents a snapshot of our activities in education, research and societal impact. The researchers and educators at our department have the strong ambition to contribute to improving population health.

Mission statement

Our mission is to conduct eminent research and provide excellent education with a discernible impact on population health at local, national, and international levels. This is achieved by interdisciplinary research on the effectiveness of prevention, screening, and health care to support evidence-based practice.

Research lines

News & social media, crucial role of vector control in the fight against visceral leishmaniasis in india.

A new study has revealed that indoor residual spraying (IRS) with insecticides has been instrumental in …

Andrea Woltman wil studenten laten groeien en floreren

Na een succesvolle carrière als immunoloog maakte Andrea Woltman (48) de overstap naar het onderwijs. …

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Amsterdam Public Health

Mission & vision, health for all, powered by science.

Our strategic plan exudes our credo to continuously produce knowledge in line with societal challenges, healthcare transformations and shifting expectations of civilians, and to effectively harness this knowledge for the public health practice and elsewhere. We consider strong ties between research, practice, and education as crucial conditions for an effective translation of public health research to the society. With our partners inside and outside of the academic world we stimulate state-of-the-art research that contributes to the ever growing health potential of individuals and communities across the life course. This is embedded within our mission: Public Health: health for all, powered by science.

To tackle complex public health challenges, we concentrate our research efforts in nine research programs with over 1,700 multidisciplinary researchers from Amsterdam UMC, VU Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam. By teaming up with other researchers, citizen communities, healthcare providers, educators, and policy-makers, our focus for the coming years will be on implementation and dissemination of our knowledge in and outside the metropolitan region of Amsterdam.

Think globally, act locally

We emphasize engaging in new and strengthening existing relationships that contribute to promoting public health for the people of the Amsterdam region. Located in Amsterdam, we witness substantial challenges in terms of public health in our direct surroundings. Amsterdam is one of the biggest cities of Europe and holds an important regional role. Research in the context of Amsterdam is therefore also relevant to other metropolitan areas. The urban context of our research institute offers a large and rich diverse living lab that not only can inspire new research questions and ideas, but also promote the understanding of effective implementation and dissemination among local stakeholders in the field of public health. Think globally, act locally, by testing what is learned elsewhere and by spreading what we learn in Amsterdam across the rest of the world.

Watch here the animated video pitch of Amsterdam Public Health:

APH Strategic plan 2020-2023

In our new strategic plan we explicitly aim to translate and implement our scientific knowledge into local practice and society. Our focus is on responsive health care from a societal perspective, using multidisciplinary approaches. The many cohort studies in APH cover populations across the whole lifespan as well as new and vulnerable groups and will be of great value in this effort. Moreover, many longstanding collaborations with societal partners support relevance and implementation of our research findings.

APH Magazine 2023

In our second edition of the APH magazine 'Een gezonde toekomst voor iedereen', we present a selection of our research efforts aimed to improve and prevent public health challenges in the metropolitan area of Amsterdam. With this magazine we want to inform a broad audience and stimulate collaborations with external partners, stakeholders and citizen in and outside Amsterdam.

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APH magazine 2019

First edition of the APH magazine.

Cover of APH magazine


The APH research institute is led by three directors who represent both locations of Amsterdam UMC and the Faculty of Beta Sciences of VU Amsterdam. Daily operation of the research institute are delegated to the APH Support staff. The organizational structure of the research institute is depicted in the organogram.

APH Board of Directors

Prof. M.C. (Martine) de Bruijne, Director

APH Support staff

Danielle van der Laan, PhD, team manager & policy officer

External Advisory Board

The External Advisory Board provides guidance on the overall strategy of the research institute including the viability of existing research programs or the need for new research programs. Members were selected on their administrative, academic and/or policy experience deemed relevant to the adopted broad definition of public health research. Members have no direct interest in the research institute.

Name Affiliation and function
Drs. P. (Paul) van der Velpen Advisor Bureau Public Health; Former Director of the Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD Amsterdam); Chairman Board @ease; member in a personal capacity
Drs. M.J.J. (Marith) Volp Director Public Health and Health Services at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Prof. dr. J. (Johan) Mackenbach Professor emeritus Erasmus MC
Prof. dr. G.G. (Frits) van Merode Professor Maastricht University
Drs. J.E. (Jenneke) van Rheenen Director of the Netherlands School of Public and Occupational Health (NSPOH)
Drs. P. (Patricia) Heijdenrijk Director Pharos
Dr. A.C. (Agnes) Kant Director Lareb; Researcher LUMC pharmacolvigilance

Partners & collaborations

Collaborations with strategic partners are essential elements in the research institute for reaching its goals. These partners can be found at different levels. The coming years we will strengthen existing strategic alliances and support new ones, with a focus on urban health in the Amsterdam region. We can exploit both our research and the position of Amsterdam internationally, by participating in international initiatives of which we can apply the knowledge during the project and afterwards into local practice.

phd in public health in netherlands

A successful strategy for bringing together researchers and field partners are the Academic Collaborative Centers (‘Academische Werkplaatsen’). These are close collaborations in research, training and practice, based on long-term contractual agreements, between researchers, practitioners and managers.

CaRe research school

The Amsterdam Public Health research institute collaborates with three other research institutes in the Netherlands School of Public Health and Care Research (CaRe). These research institutes are CAPHRI (Care And Public Health Research Institute) of Maastricht University; Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) in Utrecht; and ELG (Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde) and IQHealth of the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen. CaRe annually organizes the 'CaRe days', where, amongst others, PhD candidates are invited to present their research and the CaRe award for the best dissertation is handed out. Recently, the CaRe Leadership program was developed in which several APH researchers participate in order to become the new leaders in public health research. See the infographic for CaRe activities:

Onboarding Meetings

The Amsterdam Public Health research institute organizes onboarding meetings for new APH researchers three times a year. The main goal of the onboarding meeting is getting to know the research institute and fellow APH researchers better. We will inform you about APH and its assets and explain how you can contribute and benefit from your affiliation to APH. It is an entertaining and diverse afternoon and a great opportunity to meet fellow APH researchers.

2024 - 2025

You can register via this registration form

Dates Time Location
Tuesday October 15, 2024 14:00-15:30 Online
Monday March 17, 2025 14:00-15:30 Online
Tuesday June 17, 2025 15:00-16:30 Online
Monday October 13, 2025 14:00-15:30 Online


How to become a fully registered APH researcher:

  • Step 1: fill in the registration form to register as APH researcher;
  • Step 2: request embedding of your research project within one of the APH research programs via the APH Scientific Quality Committee;
  • Step 3: add the APH research institute and one or two APH research programs to your Pure profile ;
  • Step 4a: (for PhD candidates (AMC and VUmc)): register your PhD trajectory via the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School . After registration, PhD candidates with an Amsterdam UMC email address also have access to the PhD courses platform offered by the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School.
  • Step 4b: (for PhD candidates (VU and VUmc)): complete the registration of your PhD trajectory in HoraFinita (VU/VUmc) including the APH Training Plan.


For general questions concerning the Amsterdam Public Health research institute, contact us via: [email protected]

For other questions concerning:

  • research programs, see the contact details on the corresponding research program page: APH research programs
  • scientific quality, contact the APH Scientific Quality Committee via: [email protected]
  • registration of PhD trajectories (VU/VUmc), contact the key-user via: [email protected]
  • training requirements for PhD candidates (VU/VUmc), contact the APH PhD Education Committee: [email protected]
  • activities or questions around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, contact the APH DEI committee: [email protected]
  • implementation science, contact the APH Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science: [email protected]
  • cohort studies and registries, contact the Amsterdam Cohort Hub: [email protected]
  • impact and valorization, contact the APH impact developer Diane Scholler: [email protected]

phd in public health in netherlands

NEW: Master of Science in Public Health and Health Equity

The Master of Public Health and Health Equity (MPH-HE) is a mid-career Master of Science programme, organised by KIT Institute and the VU University Amsterdam. It is meant for professionals working in health service delivery or health management, in national health systems or international organisations.

IMPORTANT : This new Master programme is a merging of the former Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master in International Health (MIH) and as from September 2024 it replaces both programmes.

Go directly to:

  • Programme structure
  • Application information

Practical information

Coordinators and support.

  • Why Study at KIT

phd in public health in netherlands

The new set-up of the Master in Public Health and Health Equity means a more integral approach of our education programmes to respond better to current developments and needs of our participants. The new Master in Public Health and Health Equity offers five different specalisation tracks. Read below the extensive information.

Public Health and Health Equity in a Changing Environment

Health systems in low- and middle-income countries face a wide range of complex challenges. These include, among others, the inequalities in health and healthcare; the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases; the unfolding demographic transition; and the health needs in fragile and conflict-affected settings. These challenges disproportionately affect disadvantaged populations worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Addressing these issues requires well-trained professionals, capable of solving complex public health problems systematically, in either a public or private sector organisation responsible for public health. To this end, the MPH-HE programme specifically focusses on health equity in low-resource settings and in high-resource settings with disadvantaged populations, using a gender and inclusive approach.

Course Objectives

The MPH-HE is designed to enable mid-career professionals, working at any level (subnational, national, international, global) within the health system, to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address public health issues. In all programme components, participants are encouraged to interact with participants from other backgrounds and countries, who may face similar issues but with alternative solutions.

After the master’s programme, you will be able to:

  • Critically examine current and emerging health issues, analyse determinants and identify needs, in different population groups.
  • Appraise the role of health systems in terms of goals, functions, actors and performance.
  • Identify research needs, appraise research methods and results, generate ethically sound evidence, and translate results into policy and practice.
  • Develop, implement, and monitor and evaluate, cost-effective, quality, and community-centred programmes and interventions.
  • Analyse, influence, and develop policies, taking into account evidence and context.
  • Professionally collaborate, and network and effectively communicate in a multi-disciplinary, inter-sectoral and multi-cultural setting.
  • Work towards and advocate for the principles of equity and human rights.
  • Critically self-reflect and professionally develop your attitudes, motivations, practices, and values, to act as an agent of change.

Learning methods

The content of the course is practice-based and oriented as much as possible to the working situation of participants. Staff/student contact is intensive throughout the course. Students learn through lectures, discussion, group work, individual presentations, case studies, exercises, study visits, an internet-based virtual learning environments and ‘serious gaming’, self-reflection, self-study and written assignments including a thesis.

They receive study material before each module. During the lessons they share information about health issues of countries in which they have worked in and compare experiences. Online repositories are used for learning material; laptops and/or tablets are required.

A total of 60 EC credit points must be accumulated for successful completion of the MPH-HE programme. The European Credit Transfer System (EC) facilitates transfer of course credits between institutions at the same academic level. 1 EC requires 28 hours of student time, which includes class time and independent study.

Graduation requirements

Each module is assessed by means of either a written examination or a take-home assignment. At the end of the programme an independent external examination committee will assess the thesis and the candidate’s oral examination.

If the overall assessment is satisfactory the degree of Master of Science in Public Health and Health Equity is awarded. Candidates who do not fulfill the requirements for the degree may be eligible for a certificate of attendance.

Ready to apply for this course?

Programme Structure

The entire MPH-HE programme encompasses three parts of 20 credits (EC) each:

  • Core Course

Specialisation Courses

phd in public health in netherlands

First trimester

Core course in public health and health equity.

The Core Course consists of the following modules:

  • Equity and Global Health Concerns
  • Research Methods
  • Health Systems and Policy Making
  • Learning and Communication Skills and Professional Development

phd in public health in netherlands

Second trimester

After the Core Course, you can choose between several options. You will follow three ‘specialisation courses’ followed by three ‘advanced specialisation courses’. The three initial specialisation courses are the same for all full-time specialisation tracks (Epidemiology, Health Systems and Policy, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights):

  • Qualitative Health Systems Research
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
  • Health Planning and Programming

The tailor-made track (full-time) and the Selected Challenges and Solutions in Public Health track (full-time or part-time) allow for a flexible choice of specialisation courses.

All tracks have their specific ‘advanced specialisation courses’, presented below.

The MPH-HE has five tracks. Four tracks are offered only as full-time, 12-month programmes. These four tracks include three specialisation tracks with predefined modules (Epidemiology, Health Systems and Policy, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), and one tailor-made track.

A fifth track, the specialisation on Selected Challenges and Solutions in Public Health, is offered full-time or part-time (1-5 years) and allows students to follow modules both at KIT and at member institutions of the tropEd network.

Participants can choose from the following 5 study tracks:

Track 1: health systems and policy.

09/09/2024 – 29/08/2025

1 year

EUR 20.600,-


This track will enable you to analyse complexities in health systems and address the growing interconnectedness of national and international health policies, governance, and financing, as well as challenges around human resources for health highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, in recognition of post-colonial legacies, there is growing emphasis on organising people-centred and community-based responses to solving complex public health problems systematically and strategically. You will learn to better address these issues, providing evidence-based public health solutions for continuously improving the quality and responsiveness of health services, using an equal partnerships approach.

Advanced specialisation courses:

  • Human Resources for Health
  • Health Promotion and Disease Control
  • Health Policy and Financing

Track 2: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

09/09/2024 – 29/08/2025

1 year

 EUR 20.600,-


Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are essential to fulfilling people’s rights to health and well-being, as well as to advance the related social development goals. Indeed, more and more national, and international policies, research, and programming are dedicated to the field of SRHR. Yet, challenges to SRHR persist, and in some cases are even exacerbated, due to resource constraints, political issues, conflict, as well as gender and other inequalities. In this track, you will examine the complexities of addressing SRHR challenges, with a particular focus on marginalised populations. The SRHR track invites you to use a range of conceptual and inter-disciplinary perspectives, to critically (re-)consider how to develop and assess responses and policies that address SRHR. Cross-cutting throughout the track are discussions on the influence of gender, power, rights, equity, sexuality, disability, stigma, and ethics in advancing SRHR.

  • SRHR, including HIV and AIDS: analysing causes, consequences, and patterns
  • SRHR: Organising Equitable Responses
  • SRHR: Policy, Governance, and Financing

Track 3: Epidemiology

09/09/2024 – 29/08/2025

1 year

EUR 20.600,-


The epidemiology track offers a comprehensive curriculum, designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively analyse, evaluate, and address public health challenges from an epidemiological perspective. The track focuses on utilising geographic information systems to understand the spatial distribution of diseases, identify high-risk areas, and inform targeted interventions. It also provides you with the tools to design and analyse epidemiological studies, generate evidence for public health responses, and assess the effectiveness of interventions. Finally, it explores methodologies to assess the impact of health interventions, policies, and programmes to promote health equity and strengthen health systems. Through this track, you will develop a solid foundation in epidemiology and gain practical skills to contribute to evidence-based public health strategies and policies, aimed at achieving health equity on a global scale.

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Health and Epidemiology
  • Evidence for Public Health Responses: Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
  • Impact Evaluations for Health Systems Strengthening

Track 4: Tailor-made track

09/09/2024 – 29/08/2025

1 year

 EUR 20.600,-


The tailor-made track is a full-time track that allows you to develop a balanced and personalised programme, based at KIT in Amsterdam. This track is specifically relevant for participants who wish to study at KIT without a pre-defined specialisation and want to tailor the MPH-HE programme to their professional needs.

Specialisation courses: After the Core Course, you will make a personalised plan to meet the objectives of the master’s programme, looking at your specific expertise and education needs. You can opt for modules from any of the full-time specialisations and/or include other short courses at KIT, such as Digital Health , Geographical Information Systems for Global Health , Monitoring and Evaluation , and Analysing Disrupted Health Systems in Countries in Crisis.

Track 5: Selected Challenges and Solutions in Public Health

09/09/2024 – 29/08/2025

03/03/2025 – 28/08/2026

1-5 years

EUR 13.200,-

EUR 13.850,-

Autumn 2024: 01/07/2024
Spring 2025: 31/12/2024

Public health is a broad field of work and specific challenges require a diversity of competencies to contribute to solutions and improved health outcomes. This track is flexible, and can be completed within one year (full-time) or up to five years (part-time). This course is for you if you are eager to plan, take initiative, and even travel during your master’s programme. Because of its flexible scheduling, this track is also very suitable for people who want to combine study with work and other responsibilities.

Specialisation courses: After your Core Course, you can design your learning trajectory to suit your interests and professional ambitions. Not only can you choose from courses offered by KIT for the other three specialisations, but also from hundreds of accredited advanced modules from tropEd. tropEd is a network of educational institutions based all over the world, that offer face-to-face or distance-based courses from a range of natural and social science disciplines, such as health economics, health promotion, leadership skills, and more. Where relevant, you can also take NVAO-accredited master-level courses at the VU and other universities in the Netherlands and Belgium.

  • Read more about our Short Courses

Third trimester

The third trimester consist of the following three parts:

  • Oral examination

The thesis is focused on a topic relevant to the track chosen, and to the current or envisaged work environment. Guided by a thesis advisor, you write a thesis on an important health issue you identified in your country or another geographical scope of your choice.

The purpose is for you to learn how to critically analyse and discuss public health issues at an academic level. You systematically analyse the core problem and make suggestions for its solution or focus on evidence for potential solutions entirely; based on qualitative and quantitative data, literature review, or both.


Your profile.

The Master’s in Public Health and Health Equity is aimed at health professionals, such as doctors, nurses and midwives, as well as social scientists, (health) economists and other professionals, who already work in public health in low- and middle-income settings and/or with marginalised communities and are seeking a deeper understanding through training (or a degree) in public health.

It is also directed at professionals working mostly in health service delivery who are considering a career switch to public health. In addition, this programme would prepare you to work with refugees or disadvantaged populations in a high-income country. You may aim to work at a national or decentralised level (region, district, local authority) with the government or you may want to participate in healthcare projects with non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

If you would like to finish your programme in one year and remain in KIT during the year, you can apply for the full-time programme, indicating your preference for one of the four tracks described above. If you would like to take more time, be flexible, and possibly take courses outside KIT, you can apply for the track Selected Challenges and Solutions in Public Health.

Admission criteria

The admission criteria are the same for all tracks:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent academic training in either medicine or another field related to health care, such as health sciences, health economics, social sciences, or nursing.
  • A minimum of three years of health-related working experience in health systems, not limited to (organisation of) individual patient care, but including an involvement with public/global health, in resource constrained settings and/or with marginalized communities, and proven interest in these areas.
  • Proof of English language proficiency: English academic TOEFL or IELTS test. A minimum written TOEFL score of 550, iBT TOEFL score of 80, computer based TOEFL score of 213, or an IELTS academic score of 6.0 is required. (See below for exceptions).
  • Computer literacy is essential: we use a virtual learning platform and digital tools in our education and assignments and exams are conducted online.

The number of places in this programme is limited. Because there are always more applicants than places in the course, a selection must be made of those meeting the above mentioned criteria. The selection committee takes into account country of origin, experience and professional background in order to compose a group with a mixture of professional and geographical backgrounds.

Application procedure

The application deadline is two months before the start of the course (unless you need a visa, then it is due 3 months before start of the course).

Please upload your application online.

The following documents should be uploaded:

  • A one-page letter of motivation
  • Copies of your diplomas
  • Copies of academic transcripts, that are part of your diploma
  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae and a list of publications if applicable
  • Proof of English proficiency (if applicable, see exemptions below)

What we expect from your motivation letter:

Please indicate in your motivation letter why you want to follow this specific course, why you want to follow the course at KIT Amsterdam, what do you expect to learn and how you will apply your newly gained competencies from the course in your work, what kind of benefits will it bring to your future career, etc. Describe a relevant problem you have experienced in the last two years that you would like to discuss during this specific course. Your motivation should be about ½-1 page. Please do not repeat your CV again.

Exceptions English proficiency test Applicants who are exempted from the proof of English language proficiency:

  • completed an English-taught secondary or higher education degree in  Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Uganda, Philippines, India, Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Liberia , or
  • have earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an English-taught programme accredited by NVAO in the Netherlands, or have earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an accredited English-taught programme in another member state of the European Union
  • Note : For Dutch participants academic training is sufficient.

TOEFL-ibt Special Home Edition test

Due to the global Covid-19 situation KIT will accept the TOEFL-ibt Special Home Edition test as it is the same research-based, valid and reliable TOEFL iBT test of academic English from ETS.

TOEFL-ibt Special Home Edition  is now available in almost all countries, with the exception of Iran.

Candidates fulfilling the entry requirements will receive a ‘conditional letter of admission’, admitting them to the course provided that financing can be arranged. Once you have secured financial support and paid the course fee, you will receive a definitive letter of admission.

Note:  Participants with a source of guaranteed financing have until 1st of July of the starting year of their studies to apply to the master programme. However, the course is often already full. Also visa applications are time-consuming and can take several months to process. Therefore candidates are therefore advised to apply and complete the financial process as early as possible.


For cancellation within seven days no fee is required and 100% of the fee will be reimbursed if already paid. For cancellation by candidate see cancellation fees on the Financial Statement.


The MPH-HE is organised by  KIT Institute and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and is accredited by the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organisation ( NVAO ).

phd in public health in netherlands

FAQ Online Application System

Do you have a question about our Online Application System? Then you can find the answer in our FAQ Online Application System:

Classes are held at KIT’s training facilities in Amsterdam.


There is a severe shortage of student accommodation in Amsterdam and participants are advised to contact KIT for information. KIT will endeavour to assist participants in their search for housing.

phd in public health in netherlands

Visa requirements

Citizens of most EU or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands. Visit the Nuffic website for the  latest information on visa requirements .

Participants from other countries who will stay for longer than three months in the Netherlands will need a visa and residence permit. This visa should be applied for through KIT.

Participants admitted to the course will receive detailed information as well as a list of documents KIT requires to secure their visa. Applicants should take into account that in some countries this procedure may take several months.

Insurance requirements

The Netherlands has no national health insurance. According to Dutch law, all participants of international courses and any accompanying dependents are required to have health, accident and third party insurance.

Unless their current insurance policy covers their stay in the Netherlands, participants must insure themselves and their dependents in the Netherlands. Dutch insurance companies offer reasonable rates to foreign students. KIT can assist with arranging insurance for participants.

European Credit

The European Credit Transfer System (EC) facilitates the transfer of course credits between different institutions of the same academic level. A module comprising 28 hours of formal teaching and private study is equivalent to one EC credit point.

The Master of Public Health and Health Equity (MPH-HE) is organised by KIT Institute and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and is accredited under VU by the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO) under CROHO code 70229.

Code of Conduct

KIT Institute follows the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education. By signing the Code of Conduct, the institutions of higher education oblige themselves to offer international students education of good quality.

  • Full document of the Code of Conduct Rules and Regulations
  • More information on  complaints procedures .

In addition KIT has a formal complaint procedure in place that is fully in line with the Code of Conduct and guidelines of VU. Students receive these complaints procedures in the KIT Study Guide and exam regulations before the start of the academic year.

The arrangement of financial support to cover all study costs is the responsibility of the applicant.

Some candidates are sponsored by their own governments, universities or employers while others apply for fellowships offered through the United Nations and its specialised agencies such as UNICEF, WHO, WB, UNDP or through other international programmes, such as those of OECD, EU or OAS. There are scholarship opportunities from World Bank, MENA and KIT Fund. For more information on these and other possibilities,  go to  the KIT scholarship web page.

Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP)

Unfortunately the OKP programme has ended. For 2024-2025 there are no scholarship rounds.

Hermen Ormel

Senior Advisor and Master's Programme Director

Hermen Ormel

[email protected] +31 20 568 8578

Lisanne Gerstel

Team lead Education

The masthead image of our expert, Lisanne Gerstel

[email protected] +31 (0)20 568 8305

Elaine Rabello

Advisor and Master’s Programme Coordinator

phd in public health in netherlands

[email protected] +31 20 568 8276

Francine Egberts

Advisor and Master's Programme Coordinator

Francine Egbert

[email protected]

Fernando Maldonado Costa

Senior Advisor and Master's Programme Coordinator

Fernando Maldonado

[email protected] +31 (0)20 568 8477

Rinia Sahebdin

Course Administration Officer

phd in public health in netherlands

[email protected] 0031 20 568 8256

Susan Huider

Our expert, Susan Huider

[email protected] 0031 20 568 8218

Meta Willems

Meta Willems

[email protected] 0031 20 568 8514

Maud Molenaar

[email protected] 0031 20 568 8426

Yasmine El Addouli

phd in public health in netherlands

[email protected]

Why Study at KIT Institute?

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  • Up-to-date approach to complex public health issues
  • Practice-oriented
  • Exchange between disciplines
  • Interactive Education
  • Development of personal and professional competencies
  • Network building
  • Participants from diverse backgrounds and countries
  • Personal tutoring
  • Teaching by highly qualified specialists
  • Positively reviewed by tropEd
  • KIT: international centre of excellence in international health and development
  • Accredited by NVAO

A list of images

phd in public health in netherlands

New Course Brochure 2025

Welcome to KIT Institute, where tradition meets innovation in global health education. Our new Master of Public Health and Health Equity programs and short courses equip professionals to tackle health challenges and disparities. Join our vibrant community in Amsterdam and help advance health equity worldwide.

Interested? Find your ideal course in our new brochure.

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  • Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Care and Public Health Research Institute

Our aim is to create a healthy society for everyone. We are doing this by providing high quality research to improve the individual quality of life and innovate healthcare and public health. Building a bridge between our research and society has our highest priority.  

Discover more about our school

  • Focus on public health research and healthcare innovation
  • 300 researchers organized in 13 departments and 6 research lines
  • 18 million euros annual budget
  • 1,000 refereed scientific publications annually
  • 60 PhD theses annually
  • Led by Prof. Silvia Evers


Our Research lines

  • Ageing and Long-Term Care
  • Creating Value-Based Health Care
  • Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation
  • Health Inequities and Societal Participation
  • Optimising Patient Care
  • Promoting Health & Personalised Care

Building School of Business & Economics

Salzburg Maastricht University Seminar in Economic Evaluation in Healthcare - April 2025

From Sunday, April 13 to Saturday, April 19, 2025 the seminar ' Economic Evaluation in Healthcare’ will take place. 

footage - research

Salzburg Maastricht University Seminar Public Health Strategy III - October 2025

From Sunday October 26 until Saturday November 1st, 2025 the seminar 'Public Health Strategy III' will take place.

VR CAPHRI 2024.jpg

CAPHRI Day 2024 – Fostering Wellbeing in our CAPHRI Community

We are happy to have welcomed you on June 19 th during our annual CAPHRI Research Day 2024 with the theme “Fostering Wellbeing in our CAPHRI Community”. We look back at yet another successful edition, where we got the chance to meet, interact, discuss, reflect and learn. Thank you for your presence ...

lieve vonken

Evidence-based health tips for students

In the upcoming months, the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences will share tips on Instagram on how to live a healthier life. Not just a random collection, but tips based on actual research happening at our faculty. The brains behind this idea are Lieve Vonken and Gido Metz, PhD candidates...

hilde verbeek- jan hamers.jpg

Hilde Verbeek appointed as new chair of the Limburg Living Lab in Ageing and Long-Term Care

As of April 1, 2024, Prof. Dr. Hilde Verbeek has been appointed as the new chair of the Limburg Living Lab in Ageing and Long-Term Care (AWO Limburg).

CAPHRI's Self Evaluation 2017-2022

  • CAPHRI Part A Self-Evaluation Report

CAPHRI has written a Self-Evaluation Report on the period 2017-2022 reflecting on it's mission, vision and strategy. You can find the Self-Evaluation Report in the link below. 

  • CAPHRI Part A Self-Evaluation Report 2017-2022

Voorkant paginas self evaluation report

  • CAPHRI Part B - Research Lines Self-Evaluation Reports

CAPHRI has six research lines. In the reports below you can find their mission, vision and strategy over the period 2017-2022. You can find the research lines reports in the links below. 

  • CAPHRI Part B1 Ageing and Long-Term Care

CAPHRI Part B2 Creating Value-Based Health Care

CAPHRI Part B3 Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation

CAPHRI Part B4 Health Inequities and Societal Participation

CAPHRI Part B5 Optimising Patient Care

CAPHRI Part B6 Promoting Health and Personalised Care

  • CAPHRI's Case Studies Self-Evaluation Report

The CAPHRI case studies booklet contains the scientific and societal impact of CAPHRI in narratives. You can find the case studies in the link below. 

  • CAPHRI Self-Evaluation Report 2017-2022 - Case Studies
  • Programme Visitation 2023

The site-visit by the External Review Committee will take place on November 29th and 30th, 2023. You can find the programme of the visitation in the link below. 

  • Programme visitation 2023
  • Report of the External Review Committee CAPHRI

In November 2023, an External Review Committee has assessed our research institute. We have received the long-awaited report from the External Review Committee, which we are proud to share with the CAPHRI community. The report contains important findings and recommendations for the institute’s future direction. We are proud that the chair of the ERC states “I speak for the entire committee in congratulating CAPHRI in ensuring a very good level of performance across the following assessment criteria: research quality, societal relevance, and viability.”

In response, CAPHRI will present an action plan to the Executive Board of the University within the next six months. The aim is to further enhance the insititute’s research activities and strategic goals.

  • You can find the full report here  

Research stories and case studies

baby eating

KOALA study and LucKi Gut study: Complementary feeding during the first six months of life. Yes or no?

Child, parents and health - lifestyle and genetic constitution.

  Read more


"The future of research is transdisciplinary"

Fruitful collaboration across national and disciplinary boundaries

Read more 

Man in wheelchair looking out of the window of a nursing home

“The ban on visitors really had a negative impact on the well-being of nursing home residents

Visitors in the nursing home during the COVID-19 crisis 

dokter drenthe target 2

Improved patient care and increased job satisfaction among GPs

The TARGET integrated care programme

Infographic open

The OPEN project: Online access to medical information in primary care: the patient’s perspective

The OPEN programme

4Limburg arbeidsparticipatie

200,000 people sitting on the sidelines in Limburg

4Limburg: Towards a strong, sustainable and inclusive labour market

  Read more  

This is CAPHRI: Citizen science

Universiteit met de Buurt Viegenpark

The overall aim of CAPHRI researchers embarking on citizen science initiatives is to create an independent space in which various researchers and stakeholders with different backgrounds and of heterogeneous views can come together to discuss each other's ideas in order to facilitate transdisciplinary research and to deliberate in terms of establishing priorities.

This is CAPHRI: Research Quality Assurance

Quality assurance

CAPHRI Quality Assurance system helps foster greater trust in research

Supporting CAPHRI researchers in conducting ethical and high-quality research, leading to greater trust in research results among both other researchers and the general public – that is the power of the CAPHRI Quality Assurance (QA) system.

Read the interview with Laure Wynants and David Shaw

This is CAPHRI: the DARTBAC project

the dartbac project

Technology as a weapon against antibiotic resistance 

The coronavirus pandemic has claimed more than a million lives. Though this is certainly dramatic, the rise of the silent killer antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in which bacteria are no longer susceptible for antibiotics is even more threatening and will claim many more victims. The expectation is that in the near future this number will ultimately climb to more than ten million a year worldwide. 

Science Story: Vitamin G - A green environment for nursing home residents

hilde verbeek

Green care are farms offer a completely different environment than a traditional nursing home. Hilde Verbeek's team is investigating the positive elements of green care farms and how these can be translated into other forms of nursing home care.

Watch the video

PhD opportunities at CAPHRI

PhD candidate

CAPHRI is known for its comprehensive PhD training programme for young talented scientists. Our PhD candidates are making a significant contribution to care and public health issues, working on projects that are changing the world around us.

Discover more

This is Public Health sticker

Show the importance of public health, especially now!

With an inspiring campaign in Maastricht, Public Health students of Maastricht University have contributed to the launch of the global initiative 'This is Public Health' (TIPH). Their goal? To showcase what public health is and why it is so vitally important for promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) logo

CAPHRI works in close cooperation with the Maastricht University Medical Center+ (MUMC+). MUMC+ is known both nationally and internationally for its focus on prevention and taking an integrated approach to health care: from prevention, promotion of good health, and basic care, to top-level clinical diagnostics and treatment. Patient safety is our top priority in all of our endeavours. MUMC+ is part of The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres.

and stay up to date about all our future events, showcases, news, and more!

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  • February 2024
  • January 2024
  • December 2023
  • November 2023
  • October 2023

UNS 50

CAPHRI, Care and Public Health Research Institute

PhD Position Global Health Behaviors and Development Economics


Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is investing in three themes: Planetary Health, Sustainable Workforce, and Global Health. Through these initiatives, ESHPM is at the forefront of shaping healthcare policy and management, innovating for a sustainable future in healthcare.

With this PhD opportunity in Global Health, ESHPM is specifically expanding in the areas of behavioral field experiments and econometric work on health & nutrition behaviors in low and middle-income countries. A second PhD opportunity links to our comparative focus in international health care systems.

Job description

This PhD will contribute evidence on the intricate link between health or nutrition behaviors and health outcomes among vulnerable groups using field experimental and econometric approaches. The PhD student will be partly embedded in ongoing joint projects with researchers at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. South Africa is an interesting study country due to – on the one hand – persistent economic inequality, high rates of unemployment among vulnerable groups, as well as various social protection schemes, and – on the other hand – poor anthropometric status, nutritional deficiencies, as well as widespread infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB). The article-based PhD will primarily focus on South Africa using both primary and secondary data. One focus is on analyzing the effects of interventions including social grants and food support schemes on both health and nutrition behaviors as well as health outcomes.

Part of the project situates itself within the emerging field of behavioral subsidies/social protection and health outcomes in the context of vulnerable TB patients and their families. TB is a prime and often preventable cause of death in South Africa. An important fraction of TB patients suffers from poor nutritional/anthropometric status, struggles with medication adherence and lives in poverty. South Africa is also known for relatively generous social and disability grants. The project will explore the interactions of TB patients with the social protection system of South Africa. While first topics and projects have been identified, there is also plenty of room to co-develop further projects in the larger field of health, nutrition/anthropometrics and economic development including in neighboring countries.

Job requirements

We are looking for a PhD researcher with the following profile and interests:

  • Master’s degree in economics and closely related quantitative fields with some expertise in development or health economics
  • Excellent applied econometric (e.g. impact evaluation) and related programming skills (e.g. STATA, R-Cran)
  • A basic understanding of field experiments and behavioral approaches
  • Experience with original data collection in field settings is a plus (e.g. surveys, field experiments). Specific field experience in South Africa is a further plus.
  • Excellent communications and English skills
  • Intellectual openness and strong soft skills for working within interdisciplinary and multicultural teams
  • A passion for tackling important health problems facing vulnerable groups
  • Willingness to spend time on the design of experiments and taking part in original data collection

The intention for this PhD recruit is to be based in the Netherlands with longer research stays in South Africa. There is an intention to develop and co-supervise this project jointly with collaborators at Stellenbosch University. There is also an intention to work with global health researchers at Erasmus School of Economics.

Employment conditions and benefits

ESHPM PhDs primarily work on their research project. There is also time for personal development (e.g. courses, conferences) and up to 15% of time may be allocated to teaching.

We offer an internationally oriented and varied job in our enthusiastic Global Health and Health Economics team with excellent working conditions in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU). The start date of this position is in the Academic Year 2024/2025 and will be based at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). This position is full-time. The contract is entered into for the duration of 18 months with the intention of extending to a total of four years. The salary ranges from a minimum of € 2.770 to a maximum of € 3.539 gross per month Scale PhD on a fulltime basis (38 hours) in accordance with the CAO-NU.

Everything else we offer you, you can find below!

  • Everything you need for a  good work-life balance : the option to work from home in consultation with your manager, 41 days of paid leave with a 40 hour contract, 8% holiday pay and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus, and a significant discount on a subscription for our  on-campus sports centre !
  • Sustainable, inclusive and diverse work environment  with an open culture, where you can be yourself and we pay attention to each other and to the world around us. Make the most of our bicycle budget, or join networks such as  Young@EUR ,  FAME  or QuEUR.
  • Time and space for your development in the broadest sense: development days and a personal career budget , foreign exchange opportunities with most costs paid by EUR, and free access to our  university library .
  • Good pension with ABP  that EUR contributes 2/3rds towards,  discounts on various collective insurances  with Zilveren Kruis Achmea, Loyalis, and Allianz, and compensation for travel, working from home and home internet use.
  • Are you currently combining your job with parenthood, or do you want to do so in the future? EUR offers  partially paid parental leave and fully paid additional birth leave for partners , and our campus features a  daycare .
  • Moving to the Netherlands for your job with EUR? Then you may be eligible for the  30%-ruling  if you meet the requirements of the Belastingdienst (Dutch tax agency), and with our  Dual Career Programme  we will also try to help your partner find the right job for them.

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is an internationally oriented university with a strong social orientation in its education and research, as expressed in our mission ‘Creating positive societal impact’. EUR is home to 4.100 academics and professionals and almost 33.000 students from more than 140 countries. Everything we do, we do under the credo The Erasmian Way – Making Minds Matter. We’re global citizens, connecting, entrepreneurial, open-minded, and socially involved. These Erasmian Values function as our internal compass and create EUR’s distinctive and recognizable profile. From these values, with a broad perspective and with an eye for diversity, different backgrounds and opinions, our employees work closely together to solve societal challenges from the dynamic and cosmopolitan city of Rotterdam. Thanks to the high quality and positive societal impact of our research and education, EUR can compete with the top European universities. www.eur.nl .

Faculty / Institute / Central service

Faculty Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is a leading institute based in Rotterdam the Netherlands, specialising in healthcare policy and management across disciplines like economics, law, socio-medical sciences, organisation science, and public administration. ESHPM educates about 1,600 students and employs around 200 faculty members.

Global Health Theme: The position is part of ESHPM’s new Globa Health theme. The theme's purpose is to offer rigorous evidence, impact policies and equitably work with partners and communities around the world to reduce health inequalities. To this end, the new theme aims to connect research groups within ESHPM (such as Health Economics, Health Care Governance, Health Systems & Insurance, Law & Health Care, Health Technology Assessment) and researchers and policy stakeholders around the world to tackle important global health issues of societal relevance. The primary research focus in the coming years is around Global Health Behaviors & Field Experiments, as well as International Health Care Systems.

The PhD researcher will be embedded within the new Global Health Theme (led by Associate Professors Matthias Rieger and Igna Bonfrer) as well as the Health Economics (HE) department. There is an intention to develop this proposal together with a co-supervisor at Stellenbosch University and work towards a joint or double PhD. 

The Health Economics group is home to about 40 researchers from various backgrounds and disciplines (economics, psychology, health sciences). Focus areas include global health economics, behavioral and experimental health economics, health equity & financing, economic valuation.

The PhD researcher will also benefit from Erasmus University’s vibrant Rotterdam Global Health Initiative which links ESHPM with Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus Medical Center and the International Institute of Social Studies. 

Please submit your application, consisting of a CV and motivation letter, before the vacancy closing date. Make sure to mention your own research interests in the field of health, nutrition and economic development in the motivation letter.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Persons of all gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, religions, ethnicities, ages, neurodiversities, functional impairments, citizenships, or any other aspect are welcome to apply and join the EUR community.

Please do not send emails and submit your application solely through the application system. Emails will not get answered. Only for urgent or important requests on the job, you should contact the prospective primary supervisor Dr. Matthias Rieger ( [email protected] ). The interviews will take place in September/October.

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PhD position in Social Anthropology

The project, ‘Futuring Heritage: Conservation, Community and Contestation in the Eastern Himalayas’, led by Dr. Erik de Maaker, funded by a grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), is looking for a PhD candidate for research in Sikkim (India). The project is hosted by Leiden University’s Institute of Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology, with Ashoka University in Delhi-NCR as its prime academic partner. The PhD will be jointly supervised by Dr. Erik de Maaker (Leiden) and Dr. Swargajyoti Gohain (Ashoka). The Futuring Heritage project consortium encompasses international organisations, Indian governmental agencies, several NGOs as well as a tourism operator active in the eastern Himalayas.

Futuring Heritage investigates how national and international/ governmental and non-governmental programmes aimed at environmental conservation and climate change adaptation in the eastern Himalayas can align with the cultural expectations of the region’s ethnolinguistic minorities. While such programmes are typically presented as ‘community-led’, they often adopt a condescending stance towards residents’ traditional usages of forests, rivers and mountain slopes, which are cultural practices, rooted in the past. Rural Himalayan livelihoods as well as schemes intended to halt deforestation and sustain biodiversity encompass heritage, either authorised, neglected or unseen. Yet, such activities also anticipate time to come, an intentionality the project innovatively conceptualises as ‘futuring’. This project researches futuring pertaining to usages and perceptions of land, developing new spatial methodologies that integrate satellite imagery with ethnographic sensorial mapping. It explores acts of futuring with reference to spatiality and temporality that reveal how heritage, ontology, indigeneity and governance are essential dimensions of socially and culturally inclusive environmental conservation. To address this issue, the project enables ethnographic research across three sub-projects, all located in the eastern Himalayas of India, and thus sharing the same national context.

This PhD position supports ethnographic research in the Indian state of Sikkim, which is often considered an example of successful community-led environmental conservation. In 2016, Sikkim achieved the status of being the first ‘fully organically producing’ state of India and its Khangchendzonga National Park (KNP) became a UNESCO World Heritage site in the mixed category, recognised for both its cultural as well as natural heritage values. This has altered the way stakeholders interact with each other, in line with differences in how they perceive and value the mountain range and the forests covering its slopes. How does the ‘recognised’ and ‘authorised’ worthiness of a place as World Heritage influence the restriction, alteration and initiation of both human and non-human residents’ access to the farmlands and forests surrounding it, and have implications in terms of situated ritual practices and rural livelihood strategies and the heritagised resources these encompass?

What you will do

You will conduct independent ethnographic research in and around Sikkim, defining your research focus within the overall frame of this project and research objectives in collaboration with various consortium members/ stakeholders including UNESCO (World Heritage acknowledgement), Forest Department (Sikkim state government), WWF (wildlife conservation) and regional NGOs and tourism operators.

  • You will conduct research, entailing at least 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork.
  • Use GIS mapping and QGIS software, combined with visual and digital methods (GIS training will be provided in the context of the project).
  • Use visual and digital methods where appropriate.
  • Write a PhD thesis, publishing several of its chapters as peer-reviewed journal articles (including a special issue on participatory mapping), and in a project-related edited volume.
  • Contribute to a professional publication, the production of educational materials, and to the creation of the project website, blogs, articles for newspapers, podcasts and a policy paper.
  • Participate in meetings and proceedings of the project (e.g. reading groups, co-writing initiatives) and the wider activities of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology.
  • Co-organise and participate in academic and public events
  • You will be part of a team comprising two PhD candidates, the principal investigator, and other consortium members. The other PhD and the PI will conduct research in the eastern Himalayas as well.

Where you will work The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University consists of five institutes: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Political Science, and Psychology. The faculty has approximately 7000 students and 1000 staff members. Within the institutes, not only education is provided but also groundbreaking research is conducted that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of human behaviour and societal structures. What makes our faculty unique is the diversity of research topics, the various styles of teaching, and the way professional support is organized; this provides you with the opportunity to explore and develop your interests and expertise.

Visit our website for an impression: Welcome to the Leiden Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Leiden University.

Leiden University's Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS)

Leiden University's Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology concentrates on 'global vulnerability and social resilience'. The institute has three main themes: diversity, sustainability, and digitalisation. CADS is dedicated to making a real-world impact, not just studying change, but also working with communities to promote positive change through education and research. We use a unique approach that blends qualitative, quantitative, audiovisual, and digital methods based on ethnographic fieldwork.

With our unique blend of interdisciplinary interests, comparative regional studies, and social science research methods, we emphasize our role in the extensive collaborative network within Leiden University. In both our research and education, we engage in extensive interdisciplinary and international networks.

What you bring Please apply for this position if you have:

  • Completed a Master degree in Anthropology, Sociology, Social Geography or any other relevant discipline in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Excellent skills in ethnographic research, as demonstrated by an outstanding Master thesis and/or long research papers.
  • Familiarity with India.
  • Enthusiasm, passion, and commitment for long-term fieldwork in India
  • Speaking and reading skills in Nepali, Lepcha and/or Bhutia.
  • Interest in geospatial and multi-modal research methods
  • Excellent command of English (speaking and writing)
  • Teamwork and organisational skills

If you immediately recognise yourself in this profile, or if do you not quite meet all the requirements, but you believe that this is the right job for you, we look forward to your application!

How can you apply To apply for this position, please submit:

  • A curriculum vitae (CV) (2 pages)
  • A motivation letter (2 pages), explaining your background, how you connect to the thematic. of this project, and Sikkim in particular, and why your unique skills qualify you for this research project.
  • A preliminary research proposal, explaining how you intend to address the project’s questions (2500 words).
  • Names and contact details of two referees.

Deadline: October 1.

Online interviews will be held with shortlisted candidates by mid-October. The starting date is February 1st, 2025.

What we offer Our goal is to work together to create a transparent and inclusive work environment in which everyone feels welcome and appreciated. Our organisation is always evolving and we need your ideas for improvement and innovation to take us further. We want to devote attention to your personal development.

You can expect an enjoyable job within the socially relevant world of education and research. The University's challenging and international work environment is located just steps away from Leiden’s lively city centre or the bustling city centre of The Hague. We also want to work with you to devote attention to your health and vitality, for example with the fun activities we organise through Healthy University.

We also offer:

  • An employment contract for (38 hours per week) as a PhD candidate, initially for a period of 1 year, with the possibility of extension for 3 years after a positive evaluation. This contract falls under the Collective Labour Agreements (CLA) of Dutch Universities;
  • A salary of a minimum of € 2872 and a maximum of € 3670 gross per month, based on a full-time appointment (38 hours) (scale P-0); with increments based on the CLA.
  • A holiday allowance (8%), an end-of-year bonus (8,3%), and an attractive pension scheme at ABP;
  • Flexible working hours: as a standard, you are entitled to a minimum of 29 leave days on the basis of a full-time working week of 38 hours; you can also save for extra leave, for example by working 40 hours a week, and in this way accrue an extra 96 leave hours, or exchange 96 leave hours for a 36-hour week.
  • Lots of options when it comes to secondary employment conditions; we can, for example, discuss options for a sabbatical or paid parental leave. Within our terms of employment individual choices model, you can exchange leave days and/or salary for benefits such as an advantageous sports subscription or bicycle scheme, and we also offer child-care options;
  • If your work allows it, hybrid working is possible within the Netherlands;
  • A home-working allowance (day and internet allowance) and attention for good workplaces. The University will also provide you with a laptop and a mobile telephone (if applicable for the position).

For more information about employment conditions, see https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/werken-bij/sollicitatieprocedure-en-arbeidsvoorwaarden

What we find important Promoting an inclusive community is central to Leiden University’s values and vision. Leiden University aims to be an inclusive community in which all students and staff members feel valued and respected, and are able to develop to their full potential. Diversity in experiences and perspectives enriches our teaching and strengthens our research. High-quality education and research means inclusive education and research.

Want to apply or find out more? If you want to apply straight away, click the application button.

If you would like more information about what the job entails, please contact: Dr. Erik de Maaker, Associate Professor at [email protected]

You can apply until October 1st, applications will be processed immediately.

To help us get to know each other better, we follow a number of steps in the application procedure. For more information, see https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/werken-bij/sollicitatieprocedure-en-arbeidsvoorwaarden

  • A pre-employment screening (references, diplomas, certificate of good conduct (VOG) may be part of the selection procedure.
  • Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated. If you nevertheless choose to send us CVs, no rights can be derived from this. #LI-Hybrid


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