80 fascinating psychology research questions for your next project

Last updated

15 February 2024

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

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Psychology research is essential for furthering our understanding of human behavior and improving the diagnosis and treatment of psychological conditions.

When psychologists know more about how different social and cultural factors influence how humans act, think, and feel, they can recommend improvements to practices in areas such as education, sport, healthcare, and law enforcement.

Below, you will find 80 research question examples across 16 branches of psychology. First, though, let’s look at some tips to help you select a suitable research topic.

  • How to choose a good psychology research topic

Psychology has many branches that break down further into topics. Choosing a topic for your psychology research paper can be daunting because there are so many to choose from. It’s an important choice, as the topic you select will open up a range of questions to explore.

The tips below can help you find a psychology research topic that suits your skills and interests.

Tip #1: Select a topic that interests you

Passion and interest should fuel every research project. A topic that fascinates you will most likely interest others as well. Think about the questions you and others might have and decide on the issues that matter most. Draw on your own interests, but also keep your research topical and relevant to others.

Don’t limit yourself to a topic that you already know about. Instead, choose one that will make you want to know more and dig deeper. This will keep you motivated and excited about your research.

Tip #2: Choose a topic with a manageable scope

If your topic is too broad, you can get overwhelmed by the amount of information available and have trouble maintaining focus. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to find enough information if you choose a topic that is too narrow.

To determine if the topic is too broad or too narrow, start researching as early as possible. If you find there’s an overwhelming amount of research material, you’ll probably need to narrow the topic down. For example, instead of researching the general population, it might be easier to focus on a specific age group. Ask yourself what area of the general topic interests you most and focus on that.

If your scope is too narrow, try to generalize or focus on a larger related topic. Expand your search criteria or select additional databases for information. Consider if the topic is too new to have much information published on it as well.

Tip #3: Select a topic that will produce useful and relevant insights

Doing some preliminary research will reveal any existing research on the topic. If there is existing research, will you be able to produce new insights? You might need to focus on a different area or see if the existing research has limitations that you can overcome.

Bear in mind that finding new information from which to draw fresh insights may be impossible if your topic has been over-researched.

You’ll also need to consider whether your topic is relevant to current trends and needs. For example, researching psychology topics related to social media use may be highly relevant today.

  • 80 psychology research topics and questions

Psychology is a broad subject with many branches and potential areas of study. Here are some of them:







Controversial topics

Below we offer some suggestions on research topics and questions that can get you started. Keep in mind that these are not all-inclusive but should be personalized to fit the theme of your paper.

Social psychology research topics and questions

Social psychology has roots as far back as the 18th century. In simple terms, it’s the study of how behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others. It is the science of finding out who we are, who we think we are, and how our perceptions affect ourselves and others. It looks at personalities, relationships, and group behavior.

Here are some potential research questions and paper titles for this topic:

How does social media use impact perceptions of body image in male adolescents?

2. Is childhood bullying a risk factor for social anxiety in adults?

Is homophobia in individuals caused by genetic or environmental factors?

What is the most important psychological predictor of a person’s willingness to donate to charity?

Does a person’s height impact how other people perceive them? If so, how?

Cognitive psychology research questions

Cognitive psychology is the branch that focuses on the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving. It also explores the reasons humans think the way they do.

This topic involves exploring how people think by measuring intelligence, thoughts, and cognition. 

Here are some research question ideas:

6. Is there a link between chronic stress and memory function?

7. Can certain kinds of music trigger memories in people with memory loss?

8. Do remote meetings impact the efficacy of team decision-making?

9. Do word games and puzzles slow cognitive decline in adults over the age of 80?

10. Does watching television impact a child’s reading ability?

Developmental psychology research questions

Developmental psychology is the study of how humans grow and change over their lifespan. It usually focuses on the social, emotional, and physical development of babies and children, though it can apply to people of all ages. Developmental psychology is important for understanding how we learn, mature, and adapt to changes.

Here are some questions that might inspire your research:

11. Does grief accelerate the aging process?

12. How do parent–child attachment patterns influence the development of emotion regulation in teenagers?

13. Does bilingualism affect cognitive decline in adults over the age of 70?

14. How does the transition to adulthood impact decision-making abilities

15. How does early exposure to music impact mental health and well-being in school-aged children?

Personality psychology research questions

Personality psychology studies personalities, how they develop, their structures, and the processes that define them. It looks at intelligence, disposition, moral beliefs, thoughts, and reactions.

The goal of this branch of psychology is to scientifically interpret the way personality patterns manifest into an individual’s behaviors. Here are some example research questions:

16. Nature vs. nurture: Which impacts personality development the most?

17. The role of genetics on personality: Does an adopted child take on their biological parents’ personality traits?

18. How do personality traits influence leadership styles and effectiveness in organizational settings?

19. Is there a relationship between an individual’s personality and mental health?

20. Can a chronic illness affect your personality?

Abnormal psychology research questions

As the name suggests, abnormal psychology is a branch that focuses on abnormal behavior and psychopathology (the scientific study of mental illness or disorders).

Abnormal behavior can be challenging to define. Who decides what is “normal”? As such, psychologists in this area focus on the level of distress that certain behaviors may cause, although this typically involves studying mental health conditions such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias.

Here are some questions to consider:

21. How does technology impact the development of social anxiety disorder?

22. What are the factors behind the rising incidence of eating disorders in adolescents?

23. Are mindfulness-based interventions effective in the treatment of PTSD?

24. Is there a connection between depression and gambling addiction?

25. Can physical trauma cause psychopathy?

Clinical psychology research questions

Clinical psychology deals with assessing and treating mental illness or abnormal or psychiatric behaviors. It differs from abnormal psychology in that it focuses more on treatments and clinical aspects, while abnormal psychology is more behavioral focused.

This is a specialty area that provides care and treatment for complex mental health conditions. This can include treatment, not only for individuals but for couples, families, and other groups. Clinical psychology also supports communities, conducts research, and offers training to promote mental health. This category is very broad, so there are lots of topics to explore.

Below are some example research questions to consider:

26. Do criminals require more specific therapies or interventions?

27. How effective are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treating mental health disorders?

28. Are there any disadvantages to humanistic therapy?

29. Can group therapy be more beneficial than one-on-one therapy sessions?

30. What are the factors to consider when selecting the right treatment plan for patients with anxiety?

Experimental psychology research questions

Experimental psychology deals with studies that can prove or disprove a hypothesis. Psychologists in this field use scientific methods to collect data on basic psychological processes such as memory, cognition, and learning. They use this data to test the whys and hows of behavior and how outside factors influence its creation.

Areas of interest in this branch relate to perception, memory, emotion, and sensation. The below are example questions that could inspire your own research:

31. Do male or female parents/carers have a more calming influence on children?

32. Will your preference for a genre of music increase the more you listen to it?

33. What are the psychological effects of posting on social media vs. not posting?

34. How is productivity affected by social connection?

35. Is cheating contagious?

Organizational psychology research questions

Organizational psychology studies human behavior in the workplace. It is most frequently used to evaluate an employee, group, or a company’s organizational dynamics. Researchers aim to isolate issues and identify solutions.

This area of study can be beneficial to both employees and employers since the goal is to improve the overall work environment and experience. Researchers apply psychological principles and findings to recommend improvements in performance, communication, job satisfaction, and safety. 

Some potential research questions include the following:

36. How do different leadership styles affect employee morale?

37. Do longer lunch breaks boost employee productivity?

38. Is gender an antecedent to workplace stress?

39. What is the most effective way to promote work–life balance among employees?

40. How do different organizational structures impact the effectiveness of communication, decision-making, and productivity?

Forensic psychology research questions

Some questions to consider exploring in this branch of psychology are:

41. How does incarceration affect mental health?

42. Is childhood trauma a driver for criminal behavior during adulthood?

43. Are people with mental health conditions more likely to be victims of crimes?

44. What are the drivers of false memories, and how do they impact the justice system?

45. Is the media responsible for copycat crimes?

Educational psychology research questions

Educational psychology studies children in an educational setting. It covers topics like teaching methods, aptitude assessment, self-motivation, technology, and parental involvement.

Research in this field of psychology is vital for understanding and optimizing learning processes. It informs educators about cognitive development, learning styles, and effective teaching strategies.

Here are some example research questions:

46. Are different teaching styles more beneficial for children at different times of the day?

47. Can listening to classical music regularly increase a student’s test scores?

48. Is there a connection between sugar consumption and knowledge retention in students?

49. Does sleep duration and quality impact academic performance?

50. Does daily meditation at school influence students’ academic performance and mental health?

Sports psychology research question examples

Sport psychology aims to optimize physical performance and well-being in athletes by using cognitive and behavioral practices and interventions. Some methods include counseling, training, and clinical interventions.

Research in this area is important because it can improve team and individual performance, resilience, motivation, confidence, and overall well-being

Here are some research question ideas for you to consider:

51. How can a famous coach affect a team’s performance?

52. How can athletes control negative emotions in violent or high-contact sports?

53. How does using social media impact an athlete’s performance and well-being?

54. Can psychological interventions help with injury rehabilitation?

55. How can mindfulness practices boost sports performance?

Cultural psychology research question examples

The premise of this branch of psychology is that mind and culture are inseparable. In other words, people are shaped by their cultures, and their cultures are shaped by them. This can be a complex interaction.

Cultural psychology is vital as it explores how cultural context shapes individuals’ thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions. It provides insights into diverse perspectives, promoting cross-cultural understanding and reducing biases.

Here are some ideas that you might consider researching:

56. Are there cultural differences in how people perceive and deal with pain?

57. Are different cultures at increased risk of developing mental health conditions?

58. Are there cultural differences in coping strategies for stress?

59. Do our different cultures shape our personalities?

60. How does multi-generational culture influence family values and structure?

Health psychology research question examples

Health psychology is a crucial field of study. Understanding how psychological factors influence health behaviors, adherence to medical treatments, and overall wellness enables health experts to develop effective interventions and preventive measures, ultimately improving health outcomes.

Health psychology also aids in managing stress, promoting healthy behaviors, and optimizing mental health, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Here are five ideas to inspire research in this field:

61. How can health psychology interventions improve lifestyle behaviors to prevent cardiovascular diseases?

62. What role do social norms play in vaping among adolescents?

63. What role do personality traits play in the development and management of chronic pain conditions?

64. How do cultural beliefs and attitudes influence health-seeking behaviors in diverse populations?

65. What are the psychological factors influencing the adherence to preventive health behaviors, such as vaccination and regular screenings?

Neuropsychology research paper question examples

Neuropsychology research explores how a person’s cognition and behavior are related to their brain and nervous system. Researchers aim to advance the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral and cognitive effects of neurological disorders.

Researchers may work with children facing learning or developmental challenges, or with adults with declining cognitive abilities. They may also focus on injuries or illnesses of the brain, such as traumatic brain injuries, to determine the effect on cognitive and behavioral functions.

Neuropsychology informs diagnosis and treatment strategies for conditions such as dementia, traumatic brain injuries, and psychiatric disorders. Understanding the neural basis of behavior enhances our ability to optimize cognitive functioning, rehabilitate people with brain injuries, and improve patient care.

Here are some example research questions to consider:

66. How do neurotransmitter imbalances in specific brain regions contribute to mood disorders such as depression?

67. How can a traumatic brain injury affect memory?

68. What neural processes underlie attention deficits in people with ADHD?

69. Do medications affect the brain differently after a traumatic brain injury?

70. What are the behavioral effects of prolonged brain swelling?

Psychology of religion research question examples

The psychology of religion is a field that studies the interplay between belief systems, spirituality, and mental well-being. It explores the application of the psychological methods and interpretive frameworks of religious traditions and how they relate to both religious and non-religious people.

Psychology of religion research contributes to a holistic understanding of human experiences. It fosters cultural competence and guides therapeutic approaches that respect diverse spiritual beliefs.

Here are some example research questions in this field:

71. What impact does a religious upbringing have on a child’s self-esteem?

72. How do religious beliefs shape decision-making and perceptions of morality?

73. What is the impact of religious indoctrination?

74. Is there correlation between religious and mindfulness practices?

75. How does religious affiliation impact attitudes towards mental health treatment and help-seeking behaviors?

Controversial topics in psychology research question examples

Some psychology topics don’t fit into any of the subcategories above, but they may still be worthwhile topics to consider. These topics are the ones that spark interest, conversation, debate, and disagreement. They are often inspired by current issues and assess the validity of older research.

Consider some of these research question examples:

76. How does the rise in on-screen violence impact behavior in adolescents.

77. Should access to social media platforms be restricted in children under the age of 12 to improve mental health?

78. Are prescription mental health medications over-prescribed in older adults? If so, what are the effects of this?

79. Cognitive biases in AI: what are the implications for decision-making?

80. What are the psychological and ethical implications of using virtual reality in exposure therapy for treating trauma-related conditions?

  • Inspiration for your next psychology research project

You can choose from a diverse range of research questions that intersect and overlap across various specialties.

From cognitive psychology to clinical studies, each inquiry contributes to a deeper understanding of the human mind and behavior. Importantly, the relevance of these questions transcends individual disciplines, as many findings offer insights applicable across multiple areas of study.

As health trends evolve and societal needs shift, new topics emerge, fueling continual exploration and discovery. Diving into this ever-changing and expanding area of study enables you to navigate the complexities of the human experience and pave the way for innovative solutions to the challenges of tomorrow.

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Psychology Essay Topics

Betty P.

Get Inspired with Over 200 Psychology Essay Topics and Writing Tips

14 min read

Published on: May 2, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

psychology essay topics

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Are you struggling to come up with interesting and unique psychology essay topics? Do you find it challenging to write a compelling psychology essay that stands out from the rest?

Psychology is a fascinating subject. However, selecting a topic that is both engaging and informative can be a daunting task.

But fear not!

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of psychology essay topics. From general psychology topics to specific and interesting areas of research, we have got you covered. Additionally, we offer tips to help you write a successful essay, from choosing a topic to editing your final draft.

By the end of it, you will be able to write a standout psychology essay that fully showcases your understanding.

Let's dive in!

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Psychology Research Topics For High School Students

Here is a persuasive essay topics list to get you started:

  • The influence of social media on mental health
  • The psychology of dreams and their interpretations
  • Effects of stress on academic performance
  • Does childhood trauma impact mental health in adulthood, and if so, how?
  • How does meditation impact the brain and promote well-being?
  • Why do we make the choices we do, and how can we make better decisions?
  • How does spending time in nature impact mental health and well-being?
  • How does perception affect our interpretation of reality, and can it be changed
  • The power of music on human emotions and behavior
  • The relationship between exercise and mental health

 Psychology Paper Topics For College Students

  • The psychology of addiction and effective treatments.
  • The impact of childhood experiences on adult mental health.
  • The psychology of prejudice and how to overcome biases.
  • The role of emotions in decision-making and behavior.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function and well-being.
  • Effective leadership traits and development.
  • The psychology of procrastination: Why we do it and how to overcome it.
  • The impact of social support on mental health.
  • The effects of mindfulness on stress and anxiety.
  • The psychology of motivation: What drives our behavior and how to stay motivated.

Research Topics In Psychology For University Students

  • The effects of social media on self-esteem and body image.
  • The impact of childhood trauma on brain development and function.
  • The psychology of happiness: What makes us happy and how can we cultivate it?
  • The role of genetics in mental health disorders and treatment implications.
  • How does social media affect self-esteem and body image?
  • What is the impact of childhood trauma on brain development and function?
  • What makes us happy and how can we cultivate happiness?
  • The psychology of mindfulness: Benefits and applications for well-being.
  • The impact of cultural differences on cognitive processes and behavior.
  • What are the dynamics of attraction, attachment, and relationships in the psychology of love?

Social Psychology Essay Topics

  • How do social roles and expectations affect behavior?
  • What is the role of social identity in intergroup relations?
  • How do attitudes and persuasion shape behavior?
  • What are the psychological factors that influence conformity?
  • What is the impact of social comparison on self-esteem?
  • The influence of culture on social behavior
  • The role of empathy in social interactions
  • The impact of social exclusion on mental health
  • The effects of social comparison on body image
  • The psychology of altruism and helping behavior

Forensic Psychology Essay Topics

  • How can forensic psychology contribute to criminal profiling?
  • What is the impact of psychological factors on criminal behavior?
  • How do juries make decisions in criminal cases, and what role does psychology play?
  • What is the impact of false confessions on the criminal justice system?
  • How can forensic psychologists help prevent and treat juvenile delinquency?
  • The psychology of criminal behavior and decision-making
  • The use of psychological assessment in criminal trials
  • The role of media in shaping public perceptions of crime
  • The impact of trauma on criminal behavior
  • The psychology of witness testimony

Criminal Psychology Essay Topics

  • How do psychological factors contribute to the development of criminal behavior?
  • What is the impact of childhood experiences on criminal behavior?
  • How can criminal psychology contribute to the prevention and treatment of criminal behavior?
  • What is the relationship between mental health and criminal behavior?
  • How can criminal profiling be used to aid criminal investigations?
  • The psychology of white-collar crime
  • The use of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
  • The impact of incarceration on mental health
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders
  • The psychology of recidivism

Cognitive Psychology Essay Topics

  • How do cognitive processes shape our perceptions and decisions?
  • What are the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive processes such as attention and memory?
  • How do emotions and motivation affect cognitive processing?
  • What is the relationship between language and thought?
  • What is the impact of cognitive biases on decision-making?
  • The role of cognitive development in learning and education
  • The impact of technology on cognitive processing
  • The psychology of creativity and problem-solving
  • The effects of sleep on cognitive function
  • The psychology of expertise and skill acquisition

Developmental Psychology Essay Topics

  • How do genetics and the environment interact to shape development?
  • What are the stages of cognitive and emotional development in childhood and adolescence?
  • What is the impact of parenting styles on child development?
  • How do cultural differences impact child development?
  • What are the effects of early adversity on later development?
  • The psychology of attachment and bonding
  • The impact of technology on child development
  • The effects of divorce and separation on child development
  • The psychology of adolescent identity development
  • The role of play in child development

Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics

  • The impact of childhood trauma on the development of dissociative disorders
  • The role of genetics in the development of schizophrenia
  • The link between eating disorders and body image dissatisfaction
  • The impact of addiction on mental health
  • The effectiveness of psychotherapy for treating personality disorders
  • The relationship between anxiety and depression in bipolar disorder
  • The impact of trauma on the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating phobias
  • The impact of culture on the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapies for treating anxiety and depression

Child Psychology Essay Topics

  • The impact of attachment styles on child development
  • The role of play therapy in treating childhood trauma
  • The impact of parenting styles on adolescent mental health
  • The role of technology in children's social and emotional development
  • The impact of peer relationships on child development
  • The effectiveness of early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder
  • The impact of divorce on child development
  • The role of schools in supporting children's mental health
  • The impact of childhood bullying on mental health in adolescence and adulthood
  • The effectiveness of family therapy in treating childhood anxiety and depression

Sports Psychology Essay Topics

  • The role of mental toughness in athletic performance
  • The impact of anxiety on sports performance
  • The relationship between goal setting and athletic success
  • The impact of visualization techniques on sports performance
  • The role of self-talk in athletic performance
  • The impact of team cohesion on athletic performance
  • The relationship between personality traits and sports performance
  • The impact of pre-performance routines on sports performance
  • The role of coaching in supporting athletes' mental health
  • The effectiveness of psychological skills training in improving athletic performance

Argumentative Psychology essay topics

  • Is intelligence innate or acquired?
  • Should psychotherapy be used as a first-line treatment for mental illness?
  • Is the use of medication in treating mental illness over-prescribed?
  • Is social media use linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression?
  • Is addiction a disease or a choice?
  • Should personality disorders be treated differently than other mental illnesses?
  • Is the use of restraints ethical in mental health treatment?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in psychological research?
  • Should parents be held responsible for their children's mental health?
  • Is there a link between childhood trauma and criminal behavior?

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Descriptive Psychology Essay Topics

  • The history and evolution of psychoanalytic theory
  • The role of culture in shaping our understanding of mental illness
  • The impact of attachment theory on contemporary psychology
  • The development of cognitive psychology as a discipline
  • The role of social psychology in understanding human behavior
  • The impact of behaviorism on modern psychology
  • The role of neuroscience in understanding mental illness
  • The development of positive psychology as a field
  • The impact of feminist psychology on contemporary practice
  • The role of evolutionary psychology in understanding human behavior

Biological Psychology Essay Topics

  • The role of genetics in addiction and substance abuse
  • The impact of hormonal changes on mood disorders
  • Neural mechanisms underlying decision making
  • The effect of sleep deprivation on brain function
  • The link between brain development and mental health disorders
  • The role of neurotransmitters in regulating emotions and behavior
  • The impact of stress on the immune system
  • The relationship between diet and brain function
  • The biological basis of schizophrenia
  • The role of epigenetics in mental health disorders

Controversial Psychology Essay Topics

  • The Ethics of using placebos in clinical trials
  • The Validity of repressed memories in Therapy
  • The controversy surrounding conversion therapy
  • The debate over the existence of multiple personality disorder
  • The controversy surrounding the use of medication to treat ADHD
  • The ethics of using animals in psychological research
  • The controversy surrounding the validity of personality tests
  • The debate over the use of cognitive enhancement drugs
  • The controversy surrounding the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder
  • The debate over the use of hypnosis in therapy

Cultural Psychology Essay Topics

  • The impact of cultural values on mental health treatment
  • Cross-cultural differences in emotion regulation
  • The role of cultural norms in shaping attitudes towards mental health disorders
  • The impact of acculturation on mental health
  • The role of cultural values in shaping parenting styles
  • Cross-cultural differences in attachment styles
  • The influence of culture on body image and eating disorders
  • The impact of cultural values on the experience of depression
  • The role of culture in shaping perceptions of happiness
  • The impact of cultural diversity on group dynamics

Good Psychology Essay Topics

  • The importance of social support for mental health
  • The benefits of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction
  • The role of exercise in improving mental health
  • The impact of gratitude on well-being
  • The role of humor in coping with stress
  • The benefits of nature exposure for mental health
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being
  • The benefits of expressive writing for emotional processing
  • The role of positive self-talk in building resilience
  • The impact of volunteering on mental health and well-being

Exciting Psychology Essay Topics

  • The psychology of thrill-seeking behavior
  • The impact of virtual reality on behavior and cognition
  • The relationship between music and mood
  • The psychology of conspiracy theories
  • The impact of social comparison on self-esteem
  • The psychology of persuasion and influence
  • The role of culture in shaping perceptions of beauty
  • The psychology of color and its effects on behavior
  • The impact of humor on creativity and problem-solving
  • The psychology of flow and peak performance

Psychology Essay Topics on Dreams

  • Why do we dream? The scientific and psychological explanations.
  • Can we control our dreams? The effectiveness and limitations of lucid dreaming.
  • The interpretation of dreams: Freudian theory vs. modern approaches.
  • The role of dreams in problem-solving and creativity.
  • How dreams impact our mental health and well-being.
  • The use of dream analysis in therapy: Benefits and limitations.
  • Nightmares: Causes, effects, and treatments.
  • The cultural significance of dreams and dream interpretation.
  • Sleep disorders and their impact on dreaming.
  • The ethical considerations of using dream manipulation for personal gain.

Psychology-Related Topics from Other Subjects

  • The intersection of psychology and neuroscience
  • The relationship between psychology and economics
  • The psychology of decision making in politics
  • The psychology of leadership and organizational behavior
  • The impact of technology on social psychology
  • The psychology of marketing and consumer behavior
  • The relationship between psychology and law
  • The psychology of education and learning
  • The impact of environmental factors on behavior
  • The psychology of creativity and innovation

 Psychology Paper Topics for Any Assignment

  • The influence of video games on cognitive development
  • A case study analysis of borderline personality disorder
  • The role of cognitive psychology in treating depression
  • Historical perspectives on the evolution of cognitive psychology
  • Analyzing the impact of social media on mental health
  • An exploration of the psychology behind addiction
  • A comparative analysis of Freudian and Jungian theories of personality
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness on anxiety disorders
  • The role of positive psychology in promoting well-being
  • A case study on the effects of childhood trauma on adult mental health
  • Examining the link between physical health and mental health
  • An overview of various psychological disorders and their treatment options
  • The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anxiety
  • Analyzing the use of art therapy in treating mental health disorders
  • The impact of culture on mental health and well-being

How To Choose A Psychology Topic?

Choosing a psychology topic can seem daunting, but there are some helpful steps you can take to make the process easier. 

Here are some tips to consider:

Identify Your Interests

Start by considering what topics in psychology interest you the most. Are you fascinated by abnormal psychology, cognitive psychology, or social psychology? 

By choosing a topic that you are interested in, you are more likely to be motivated to research and write about it.

Consider The Assignment Requirements

If you are choosing a topic for a specific assignment, make sure to read the instructions and guidelines carefully. Consider the length of the assignment, the required sources, and any other specific instructions that the professor may have provided.

Do Some Preliminary Research

Once you have identified your interests and considered the assignment requirements, start doing some preliminary research. Look for articles, books, and other resources on your topic to get a sense of what has already been written about it and to help refine your focus.

Narrow Down Your Topic

After doing some preliminary research, you may need to narrow down your topic. Try to focus on a specific aspect of the broader topic that you are interested in. This will help you to stay focused and write a more cohesive and effective paper.

By following these steps, you can choose a psychology topic that is interesting, manageable and meets the requirements of your assignment.

 Tips To Write a Compelling Psychology Essay

Writing a good psychology essay requires attention to detail, critical thinking, and clear writing. Here are some tips to help you write a great psychology essay:

  • Understand The Essay Prompt

Make sure you fully understand the prompt before you start writing. Identify the key terms and concepts and make sure you have a clear understanding of what is being asked of you.

  • Conduct Thorough Research

Conduct thorough research using reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Be sure to take detailed notes and keep track of your sources.

  • Organize Your Thoughts

Organize your thoughts and ideas before you start the writing process. Create an outline or a mind map to help you structure your essay and ensure your ideas flow logically.

  • Use Clear, Concise Language

Use clear, concise language to convey your ideas. Avoid using jargon or technical terms unless necessary, and make sure your sentences are well-structured and easy to understand.

  • Support Your Arguments

Use evidence to support your arguments and claims. This could include citing research studies or other sources to back up your points.

  • Edit and Proofread

Edit and proofread your psychology research paper to eliminate errors and ensure your writing is polished and professional. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, and make sure your formatting and referencing are consistent and accurate.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling psychology essay that effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

In conclusion, choosing a psychology essay topic can be a daunting task. But with the right approach, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. 

Consider your interests, current events, and the audience when selecting a topic. Be sure to conduct thorough research and organize your ideas before writing. 

Additionally, keep in mind the tips for writing a compelling essay and crafting a strong thesis statement.

At CollegeEssay.org, we understand that any psychology course can be challenging, especially when you have to write an essay about it.

That's why we offer top essay writing service to help you score good grades.

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Betty P. (Literature)

Betty is a freelance writer and researcher. She has a Masters in literature and enjoys providing writing services to her clients. Betty is an avid reader and loves learning new things. She has provided writing services to clients from all academic levels and related academic fields.

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120 Psychology Essay Topics

How to choose a topic for your psychology essay:, psychology argumentative essay topics:.

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The role of genetics in determining personality traits
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The influence of childhood experiences on adult mental health
  • The ethical implications of using animals in psychological research
  • The relationship between sleep deprivation and cognitive functioning
  • The effects of violent video games on aggression in children
  • The role of nature versus nurture in shaping human behavior
  • The impact of divorce on children’s psychological well-being
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and anxiety
  • The influence of advertising on body image and self-esteem
  • The psychological effects of long-term solitary confinement
  • The role of attachment styles in romantic relationships
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health
  • The effectiveness of positive psychology interventions in promoting happiness and well-being

Psychology Persuasive Essay Topics:

  • The influence of parenting styles on child development
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function
  • The relationship between childhood trauma and adult mental health disorders
  • The benefits of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and anxiety
  • The impact of video games on aggression and violent behavior
  • The influence of advertising on consumer behavior and decision-making
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of positive reinforcement in behavior modification
  • The role of gender stereotypes in shaping career choices and opportunities

Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics:

  • Nature vs Nurture: Examining the influence of genetics and environment on personality development
  • Classical Conditioning vs Operant Conditioning: Comparing the principles and applications of these two learning theories
  • Freudian Psychoanalysis vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Contrasting the approaches and effectiveness of these two therapeutic techniques
  • Social Psychology vs Cross-Cultural Psychology: Exploring how culture influences social behavior and cognition
  • Implicit vs Explicit Memory: Analyzing the differences and similarities between these two types of memory processes
  • Psychodynamic vs Humanistic Perspectives: Comparing the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers on personality and therapy
  • Developmental Psychology vs Educational Psychology: Examining the similarities and differences in studying human development and learning
  • Positive Psychology vs Abnormal Psychology: Contrasting the focus on well-being and mental disorders in these two branches of psychology
  • Nature of Dreams vs Nature of Daydreaming: Comparing the functions and characteristics of these two types of mental experiences
  • Social Influence vs Individual Differences: Analyzing how conformity and personality traits affect behavior in social situations
  • Emotional Intelligence vs IQ: Contrasting the concepts and measurement of emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence
  • Psychopathy vs Antisocial Personality Disorder: Examining the similarities and differences between these two personality disorders
  • Classical vs Modern Approaches to Psychology: Comparing the historical perspectives and current trends in the field of psychology
  • Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities vs Gender Similarities: Analyzing the research on cognitive differences and similarities between males and females
  • Nature of Addiction vs Nature of Compulsion: Contrasting the psychological mechanisms and treatment approaches for addiction and compulsive behaviors

Psychology Informative Essay Topics:

  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem and body image
  • The psychology behind addiction and its treatment
  • The relationship between stress and physical health
  • The psychology of decision-making and its biases
  • The role of nature vs nurture in shaping human behavior
  • The psychology of attraction and romantic relationships
  • The impact of technology on cognitive abilities and attention span
  • The psychology of motivation and goal-setting
  • The effects of bullying on mental health and well-being
  • The psychology of memory and its reliability
  • The role of therapy and counseling in improving mental health

Psychology Cause Effect Essay Topics:

  • The effects of social media on body image dissatisfaction
  • The relationship between parental divorce and academic performance in children
  • The influence of video games on aggressive behavior in adolescents
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive functioning
  • The impact of bullying on the psychological well-being of victims
  • The effects of peer pressure on substance abuse among teenagers
  • The influence of early attachment styles on adult romantic relationships
  • The effects of positive reinforcement on behavior modification
  • The relationship between childhood abuse and the development of personality disorders
  • The influence of cultural factors on the perception of beauty standards
  • The effects of parental neglect on emotional intelligence in children
  • The impact of unemployment on mental health and well-being

Psychology Narrative Essay Topics:

  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • Overcoming Social Anxiety: My Personal Journey
  • The Role of Parenting Styles in Shaping Personality
  • Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and the Unconscious Mind
  • Coping with Grief and Loss: A Personal Reflection
  • The Influence of Birth Order on Personality Development
  • Breaking Free from Addiction: My Road to Recovery
  • The Power of Positive Thinking: How it Can Transform Lives
  • Exploring the Link Between Music and Emotional Well-being
  • The Psychology of Love: Navigating Relationships and Heartbreaks
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health and Self-esteem
  • Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
  • The Psychology of Procrastination: Why We Delay and How to Overcome it
  • The Role of Nature vs Nurture in Shaping Intelligence
  • The Psychological Effects of Bullying: A Personal Account

Psychology Opinion Essay Topics:

  • The role of nature versus nurture in shaping personality traits
  • The ethical implications of using medication to treat mental illnesses
  • The influence of childhood experiences on adult relationships
  • The role of genetics in determining intelligence
  • The impact of parenting styles on child development
  • The role of dreams in understanding the unconscious mind
  • The influence of culture on perception and cognition
  • The impact of technology on attention span and cognitive abilities
  • The role of self-esteem in mental well-being
  • The effects of long-term exposure to violence on psychological health
  • The influence of gender stereotypes on career choices
  • The role of empathy in building and maintaining relationships

Psychology Evaluation Essay Topics:

  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem in adolescents
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques in reducing stress levels
  • The role of genetics in the development of personality traits
  • Assessing the effectiveness of positive reinforcement in shaping behavior
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating phobias
  • The influence of parenting styles on child development and behavior
  • Assessing the effectiveness of group therapy in treating substance abuse disorders
  • The role of nature versus nurture in the development of intelligence
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive training programs in improving memory and cognitive abilities in older adults
  • The impact of social support on mental health outcomes in individuals with chronic illnesses
  • Assessing the effectiveness of art therapy in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • The role of attachment styles in romantic relationships and their impact on relationship satisfaction
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral interventions in reducing aggressive behavior in children with conduct disorders

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629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples

Struggle with essay writing on mental health, disorders, or overall well-being? Our team has prepared this list of psychology essay topics for high school and college students.

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At the core of every excellent psychology essay are the writer’s comprehensive knowledge and ability to structure it into bite-sized clusters of information.

While it is evident that your topic is your guiding line, you should not limit yourself to focusing only on the information you are including. Instead, you should try to cover all aspects of essay writing in your paper, from facts and their sources to writing strategies.

Psychology Essay Topics

From self-analysis and obedience to nonverbal communication and various mental disorders, most subjects may seem interrelated and reflective of each other.

Your search for an issue that is yours should begin with analyzing psychology essay prompts, such as:

  • What branch of psychology interests you most?
  • Which theorists have contributed to this branch?
  • Which issues and mechanisms have they outlined?
  • Is there adequate supplementary research on these problems?
  • What is the opinion of contemporary academia on these subjects?
  • Do you want to build upon existing arguments or attempt to critique?

After this, you can analyze what resonates with you, for example, a particular theory or a specific personality, and you can begin writing a thesis statement for your paper.


Doing your research beforehand helps you get an understanding of how to develop your central theme. Your bibliography and your used titles demonstrate not only your credibility but also the approach you have regarding your subject.

A well-versed reader may even draw a correct conclusion regarding which theorists have influenced your work, even if you did not explicitly state them in your paper, judging by your used sources.

Therefore, be selective in choosing what books and journals to use for your essay and include only those that help advance your pre-written thesis statement.

Referencing information from books and journals is an essential aspect of writing an essay, as this demonstrates the soundness of your ideas per the academic viewpoint on your subject.

Psychology Essay Structure

Your essay may only be as good as the outline you create for it. When you divide your work into thematic blocks, you can begin to see which topics are lacking in development and may need extra attention.

Furthermore, when you split your work up, it becomes easier to write and create interconnected paragraphs. Who takes on the role of the appraiser, the used mechanism, and the personal and social implications of it are all examples of dissecting social evaluation into smaller problems.

Addressing each of these blocks in separate paragraphs helps maintain a coherent yet exciting narrative.

  • Your introduction should give your audience a brief overview of the issue that you will develop throughout the next pages;
  • Your conclusion should summarize your findings, effectively outlining the outcome of your work per your thesis statement;
  • The body paragraphs between your introduction and conclusion, as per you outline, should each address a single theme, creating a unique, interflowing narrative.

If you are not sure how to do this, then read an available psychology essay example to gain a better understanding of how to develop your theme.

Sample papers are an excellent way to jump-start your writing, as you can see for yourself, which approaches to essay wiring work and do not, respectively implementing or removing them from your essay.

Need more help before you can get started? Use IvyPanda for all your essay-writing needs!

  • Psychological Disorders in “American Psycho” Movie The main character, who will be the basis of this paper’s analysis, is Patrick Bateman, who is a young and successful individual.
  • The Silence of the Lambs Psychological Analysis In the movie The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter portrays several traits and behavioral patterns that show he is suffering from a psychological condition.
  • Psychological Science: Counseling Essay (Theory of Counseling) Another important aspect is the counseling process; this depends on the individual counselor and client and the urgency of the issue in question.
  • Six Major Psychological Theories: Strengths and Weaknesses Behavioral psychology is considered a descendant of the animal psychology, which argues that the environment has a lot of influence in the changes that take place in human beings.
  • Psychological Profile of John Wayne Gacy Gacy was born into a family of a homemaker mother and a father veteran of the First World War and a car repair person. In the course of charging, trialing, and convicting he never admitted […]
  • Comparing Freud, Adler and Jung Psychology Freud did develop the original theories of the conscious and unconscious and subconscious; the ego, id and superego; the libidinal and aggressive drives; the Oedipus and Electra complexes; the defense mechanisms of the mind being, […]
  • The Perception Process Stages – Psychology Perception refers to the process of organizing, identifying, and interpreting sensory information in an effort to understand and make sense of the environment.
  • Psychological Impact on Education Therefore, this research examines the impacts of psychology on education, professionals, and relationship success in the education setting. The educational psychology in accordance to the academic description may mean the study of teaching, learning, and […]
  • Psychological Testing: Ethical and Legal Issues Two of the cases that have had a major impact on the institution of psychological testing are ‘Larry P.v Riles and Crawford v.
  • The Tell-Tale Heart Psychological Analysis & Critique The outstanding character in the tale, who is also the narrator, attracts a lot of attention from the readers. The narrator forms the basis of the tale.
  • Psychology and Christianity: “Abnormality” From a Biblical Perspective The Bible as God’s word is right in all religious teachings within the context of Christian setup. How can the Bible’s guidance inform an individual’s notion of abnormality?
  • Aileen Wuornos: Biological, Psychological, and Social Control Theories The name of Aileen Wuornos and the story of her life have been popular topics of discussion in mass media and professional literature.
  • Technology in Psychological Assessment The speed in conducting tests with the help of technology and the improved data analysis based on the effective use of statistical procedures make the technology play the important role in the sphere of emotional […]
  • Language in Cognitive Psychology Adult people can preserve 50,000 words of their first language and thousands of words of the second language in the form of lexicons.
  • “Inside Out”: Riley’s Psychological Analysis This genre of cinematography is mainly aimed at the children’s audience, which means that the task of the screenwriters is to create such material that would be able to tell the severe emotional problems of […]
  • Girl, Interrupted (1999): Exploring Four Mental Disorders Apart from the dramatic and the entertaining aspect of this movie, it contains a psychological aspect and this is the major purpose of this paper; exploring the psychological disorders in the movie, giving their causes […]
  • Definition of Positive Psychology in Psychology Positive psychology is the systematic analysis of the strengths and qualities that permit individuals to thrive. From the above analysis, it is advisable that scholars should engage in extensive research to establish the truth as […]
  • Biological Psychology: Development and Theories Therefore, biological psychology is used to examine the behavior of the humans and animals in order to facilitate in the treatment of the brain.
  • Psychology of Adolescence Development The strategy allows the examination of the significance of adolescence as a standard stage of development. However, she admits that she experienced a period of anxiety and distress upon the death of her mother when […]
  • The Significance of Lifespan Development in the Practice of Counseling Psychology The physical aspect of lifespan development is one of the important ones: it is related to the growth and development of the body and changes in the body and the brain.
  • Memory Chart Stages in Psychology For instance, the brain uses the procedural memory to encode procedural skills and tasks that an individual is involved in. The stages of memory are very complex and often pass unrecognized.
  • Comparison of Codes of Ethics: The American Counseling Association and the American Psychological Association Both the Psychologist and the counselor abide to the same codes of conduct with regard to terminating their services to a client.
  • Attention Regarding Cognitive Psychology That a person only pays attention to the stimulus they are interested in and ignore the rest of the stimuli. The study of attention in cognitive psychology is not a new phenomenon.
  • Forensic Psychology: Zodiac Killer Case Analysis By looking at the subject matter of the Zodiac Killer, the present paper aims to identify important characteristics related to serial killers and how the domain of forensic psychology could be applied to solve cases […]
  • Common Criticisms of Psychology It is the application of knowledge in the study of human activity such as the day to day lives and mental illness. Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior.
  • The Psychology of Serial Killers These are just a fraction of questions that require answers in order to have a complete understanding of the psychology of serial killers.
  • Consumer Behaviour and Psychological Motives In this case, it is assumed that the satisfaction of the consumer is dependent on the performance of the product or the perceptions of the consumer in relation to the product, and the motivations that […]
  • Psychological Theories of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King One of the greatest tragedies of Sophocles, Oedipus the King touches upon a deep psychological theme of the parents-son relations which lately was called the Oedipus complex and the theme of faith as a main […]
  • Physiological and Psychological Needs Differences Both physiological and psychological needs are necessary for the proper development of an individual. However, it is impossible for an individual to survive without satisfying their physiological needs.
  • Indian Sex Workers and Psychological Effects of Job The article “Serving The Goddess”: The dangerous life of a sacred sex worker” is a brief account of the life of two devadasis, particularly their experiences as sex workers.
  • Mind-Body Debate: Monism and Dualism in Psychology As a result, it is almost impossible to find the answer that can address the views of all philosophers and psychologists who are interested in determining the nature of the mind and body interaction.
  • Psychological Concept of Learning This article explores the concept of learning by focusing on learning, the role of behavior in relation to learning, types of learning, and the relationship between learning and cognition.
  • Rain Man and Psychological Concepts The concepts of autism, conformity, and trust are described in the movie; and the peculiarity of this story is that one concept is closely connected to another concept, and the consequences of one concept influence […]
  • Norms in Psychological Testing Research Paper One of the inherent problems associated with norms and their interpretation in psychological tests is that as time goes on the characteristics by which a particular population/group is defined tends to change and as such […]
  • Psychologist William Sheldon: Theories and Methods Sheldon did not belong to the so-called pseudo-scientists, as he put the ancient points of view of the affiliation between the type of body and temperament on sheltered basics. The last type of body and […]
  • Psychological and Sociological Theories in Life People tend to behave in a way that is beneficial for the development of the system. This theoretical paradigm explains people’s choice to obtain the higher education as this enables them to contribute to the […]
  • Mahler’s and Winnicott’s Contributions to Psychology Their theories are merely concentrated on the methods of disturbed children treatment through the involvement of psychoanalysis; the theorists are focused on the aspect of mother-infant interrelation and stages of infant’s development through the mother’s […]
  • Research Methods in Psychology: Pros & Cons The A-B-A-B design is recommended for this study as it helps the researcher to assess the condition of the students before and after the study.
  • The Phases of a Crime and Their Importance in Psychological Profiling Attempt and accomplishment, the third and fourth phases of a crime respectively, differ in the sense that an attempt is a failed crime.
  • The Core Characteristics of Social Psychology Further, scientific methods form the integral part of social psychology in that they aid the development of theories and their validation in order to provide the scientific understanding of human behavior.
  • Criminal Psychology Although the above discussed theories indicate that anyone can be a criminal since the development of the behaviour is determined greatly by the environmental factors,Eysenck’s theory of crime indicate that there are heredity factors that […]
  • Positive Psychology in “The Pursuit of Happyness” Film Gardner demonstrates perseverance, hope, and social intelligence and illustrates the importance of effectance motivation and the power of social networks, even though the protagonist’s relationship with his wife could be improved.
  • The Theories of Social Psychology Furthermore, a person can bask in the accomplishment of group members and feel very good about it due to their similarity.
  • The History Development of Psychology: The Understanding of Human Behavior The aim of the paper is to identify the reasons that have shaped and led to the development of the history of psychology.
  • Bipolar Disorder Psychological Assessment She is from a nuclear family, both her parents are alive, and she also has two brothers and three sisters. She is the second child in the family.
  • Effective Psychological Counselling Dissemination of new information to the client should be the main focus of any counseling session. Reviews are essential and should be done at agreed dates so as to ensure that the trend of the […]
  • Contribution Ancient Great Thinkers to the Growth and Development of Psychology Then, the relationship between the mind and the body perplexed ancient philosophers and this led to the development of psychology as an independent field of knowledge that considers both philosophy of the mind and physiology […]
  • Psychology in Everyday life While some individuals may think of psychology as a course that is only important to students, therapists or everyone else that is interested in the field of psychology, knowledge in psychology is actually helpful to […]
  • Economic Crisis and Its Social and Psychological Constraint The failure of large businesses, decrease in consumers’ wealth and demand, and a considerable decline of economic activities also led to the social, cultural, and moral crisis due to the rise of unemployment.
  • Physiological Psychology Definition The nervous system affects behavior through the brain; it is the signals that are sent via its tendons to the brain that will affect the behavior of an individual.
  • Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology: Teen Suicide For young people, suicide continues to be a major problem as thousands of teenagers in the U.S.commit suicide each year. The risk of teen suicide is also seen to increase when they have access to […]
  • Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling The author adds that the counselor needs spiritual maturity in a bid to get the client to the same level of maturity.
  • The Psychology of Happiness The psychology of happiness is closely related to philosophy, as the science of happiness is based on three major theories, namely “the emotional state theory, the life satisfaction theory, and hedonism”. As far as happiness […]
  • “The Black Balloon” From a Psychological Perspective It goes without saying that the health of each individual, in particular, depends not only on them but also on the attitude of the surroundings and the action of the governments in corresponding existing situations.
  • Examples of Special Populations in Psychology In professional psychology, particular population defines both children and adults with the following special needs; education, where the majority of the individuals are unable to comprehend and derive full benefits from the curriculum. The special […]
  • Children’s Psychological Apperception Test The test was designed to determine children’s personality qualities and psychological issues together with the social or intimate problems that bother them on the stages of their lives and developments when the test is conducted.
  • Psychological Tests, Their Types and Users The projective test on the other hand is ambiguous and the respondent has to answer unstructured questions. The use of psychological tests in research is divided into three.
  • Expectations From Psychological-Sociological Course In addition, I expect to get an insight into how the system of motivation works and how to implement it in the interaction with the students and keep them interested in the subject.
  • The Role of Hypotheses in Psychological Research A hypothesis is a specified concept about a certain concept which can be tested about the anticipation of the outcome in the study.
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology Theory Industrial/organizational psychology is a field that applies psychology principles to the workplace.It can be used to solve issues that occur in the organizational context.
  • Educational Psychology in Learning and Teaching Thus, this course has significantly helped me as a teacher in studying and applying modern research methodologies and suppositions, practices and plans which emphasize on the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods in improving […]
  • Psychological Assessment Tools for Christian Professionals This enables the specialist gathering the data to have a bigger picture of the assessee and thus employ the most effective methods in therapy or other help.
  • Critical Thinking Role in the Clinical Psychology These activities and conducts may lead a psychologist to identify the mental activities in the brain of the individual. Clinical psychologists specialization is founded on the framework the individual takes in training to become a […]
  • Astrology as Pseudo-Psychology Astrology is likely to be the most popular form of pseudo-psychology, and it is based on a belief that the arrangement of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth determines personality traits […]
  • Psychology Forces in Wilber’s “Spectrum of Consciousness” Translative spirituality facilitates the creation of meaning and the understanding of the notion or the perception of the separate self. According to Vrinte, the most significant level of the spectrum represents the level of the […]
  • Introduction to Psychological Testing Achievement and Aptitude Tests Is commonly practiced in educational as well as employment set ups, since they tend to measure the scope of understanding of a given knowledge.
  • Conformity as a Social Psychology Concept In that regard, it can be described as the scientific study of people’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in the company of others or the context of society.
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorders: Psychological Assessment PTSD was adopted by experts in the third revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders to replace terms like “shell shock, nervous shock, and combat fatigue” that described the response to traumatic […]
  • Human Psychology as a One of the Main Objects of Public and Professional Interest The fact that “psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes” sets the stage for understanding the meaning and significance of other concepts, including the relationship between biology and psychology in Chapter 2 […]
  • Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness Positive psychology is a science of positive features of the life of a human being, including happiness, welfare, and prosperity. According to him, happiness is freedom from pain in the body and a disturbance in […]
  • Definitions of Intelligence in Psychology In this case, there are various items that can be used to test the emotional and physical aspects of an individual.
  • Ethical Issues Associated With Psychological Testing The second case along the line of psychological testing includes the case of Brown V. Reason The above case was used to examine the validity of psychological testing.
  • The Psychology of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication On the other hand, one is to keep in mind that the main purpose of the kind of communication is to aid in the formulation of thoughts or ideas, which are expressed through speech.
  • Zeitgeist Influences on the Birth of Gestalt Psychology In this context, it can be seen that Thesis: Gestalt psychology as a discipline has to be viewed as the product of the “Zeitgeist” of a large chunk of the Twentieth Century that was impacted […]
  • Freud’s Anxiety Neurosis – Psychology The objective of this study is to expose Freud’s anxiety neurosis and to provide a comprehensive approach as to the causes, treatments, and symptoms of the anxiety neurosis.
  • Good Parents Traits and Raising Children – Psychology Some of the traits of a good parent include being a good listener, readiness to guide, self-discipline, setting time aside to spend with the children, and meeting the physical needs of children. In addition, good […]
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Psychology This paper mainly addresses some of the characteristics of OCD, what contribute it, the kind of people who are likely to attract the disease, types of treatment of the disorder, and how it affects a […]
  • Forensic Psychology: Television v. Reality The qualification of a psychologist in the forensic field to qualify as an expert witness is dependent on the reputation as well as the experience that a psychologist has in this field.
  • Social Psychology in Clinics In this regard, there are many theories that have been advanced to further explain the concept, practical and the validity of the social psychology in clinics.
  • Psychology: Change Blindness Experiment The independent variable was the type of change, and the dependent variable was the response to detecting the changes. Broadly, it was established that change blindness varied with the type of change introduced because incongruent […]
  • Adler’s Individual Psychology The paper highlights the most frequent criticisms of Adler’s theory and concludes by reasserting the significance of Adler’s Individual Psychology. This paper will engage in an in-depth review of Alfred Adler and his contributions to […]
  • Definition and Theories of Environmental Psychology The human mind is divided into small sections that can be studied to identify the role played by the brain in the interaction between human beings and the environment.
  • Humanistic and Sociocultural Psychological Approaches From a sociocultural perspective in psychology, the lack of external influence and the specificity of ethnicity can cause the child’s behavior. In the sociocultural approach, the psychologist has to work with him as a teacher, […]
  • Albert Bandura: An Eminent Psychologist At the school, Bandura notes that most of the learning was left to the initiative of the students as there was lack of teachers as well as resources.
  • Psychological Traps in the Human Decision Making They include the anchoring trap, the status-quo trap, the sunk cost trap, the confirming evidence trap, the framing trap, the overconfidence trap, the prudence trap, and the recall-ability trap.
  • Cognitive Processes – Psychology As a result, memory is seen to be the storage of, and process of recalling what individuals have learned or experienced in the environment.
  • Mother-Child Relationship – Psychology In the study, the two researchers established that children explain the nature of the relationship existing between them and their mothers, but girls tend to express concern as opposed to boys.
  • “The Black Baloon” (2008) From a Psychological Perspective The main question that the film raises is whether parents and other members of a family have the ability to cope with such challenges and come out victoriou in the end by being unified with […]
  • Analysis of the History of Biological Psychology and Its Relationship With Other Psychology Branches Biological psychology is a branch of psychology that applies the principles of biology to the study of behavior that is, the study of psychology in terms of bodily mechanisms.
  • Multicultural Psychology as a Subspecialty of Psychology Over the past 30 years, the study of culture minority issues in the field of psychology has grown to what can now be seen as a significant and dynamic subspecialty in the context of American […]
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychology The vastness of the field requires a practitioner to have a wider knowledge on industrial psychology itself, and also basic knowledge of the company’s operations as well as the cultural background of its employees.
  • Mary Whiton Calkins and Her Impact on Modern Psychology In order to expand her knowledge of psychology, Mary had to take a year’s studies in psychology prior to her teaching in the same field.
  • Social Psychology: Definition, Aspects and Theories In contrast, social psychology is the study of the causes of behavior and mental attitudes. Social psychology deals with the study of how different contexts influence human behavior, feelings, thoughts, and other mental states.
  • Human Psychology in “The Diving Pool” by Yoko Ogawa In the novel Black Rain, the author narrates the manner in which the life of Yasuko that was altered forever as a result of the Hiroshima bombing.
  • “Turns of the Screw”: The Psychology of the Story The author presents the story as a sequence of events that really existed, however, in this paper we will provide the argument that the reliability of the narrator can be argued and that ghost was […]
  • Psychological Cognitive Analysis on Movie “Memento” In this case, amnesia is seen as a loss of verbal memory-images and a loss of visual memory-images. In the case of Leonard, memory loss or reduction of memory is a main phenomenon, independent of […]
  • Serial Murders Explained by Psychological Theory A serial killer may recognize the law as a deterrent to his or her activities, but not internalize the significance of the ban due to incomplete moral development.
  • Integrating Psychology and Christianity The author introduces the topics of the worldview and outlines the four elements of the Christian worldview beliefs, viz.creation, fall, redemption, and the consummation.
  • Foolishness: Psychological Perspective Foolishness from a psychological perspective is defined as the inability to evaluate the situation clearly and one of the components that enable it is egocentrism.
  • Psychological Test Selection Factors and Tools Therefore, this essay explores the concept of psychological testing and assessment in a bid to find out how counselors select the kind of psychological tests to administer, the factors they consider when doing so, and […]
  • Psychological Analysis The importance of free will is one of the key points the humanistic approach studies. These are the fundamentals of the human approach Amy’s behavior is analyzed according to.
  • Modern Cognitive Psychology Renaissance philosophers of the seventeenth century attempted to use graphical representations to demonstrate the structure and operations of the human brain.
  • Roles and Functions of School Psychologists In addition, school psychologists play a critical role in promoting the personal and social strengths of the students in the institutions they work to enable them to attain a healthier mindset and well-being.
  • “On Psychological Oppression” by Sandra Bartky Psychological oppression is to have a harsh dominion exercised over your self-esteem and make the victims their own oppressors.
  • Introduction to Clinical Psychology This means that clinical psychology plays a vital role in promoting the development of mental and behavioral health of patients with mental disabilities.
  • Maggie’s Character in “The Black Balloon”: Psychological Perspective It is also worth to mention that since Charlie is the centre of attraction in this movie, the title The Black Balloon has been symbolically chosen and used to depict Charlie’s autistic nature that appears […]
  • Developmental Theories in Psychology Moreover, it shows the similarities and differences among these theories and how they account for normal and abnormal child and adolescent psychological and physical development in children and adolescents with specific reference to physical, cognitive, […]
  • Historical Perspective of Abnormal Psychology The field of abnormal psychology is therefore concerened with the study of abnormal behavior. The challenge that lies in the definition and classification of abnormal psychology is the issue of culture given that our cultural […]
  • Socio-Cultural Approach to Psychology This is influenced by a transmission of resources from the care givers to the dependencies. The kind of attention and language the child gets is from the surrounding.
  • The Philosophy of Psychology He further shows the distinct nature of the philosophy of psychology since its domain of investigation overlaps by that “domain of inquiry which the philosophers have taken to be their own preserve.
  • Psychological Factors Affecting Sex Workers The study will evaluate the strength of the relationship between psychological factors contributing to participating in commercial sex work. Socio-psychological and behavioral theories will guide this study to understand the psychological factors related to participation […]
  • Personality Psychology: Cinderella’s Personality A lot of Cinderella time is spent working in the house, and she exhibits a high degree of submission. Cinderella behaviour is not linked to her personality but the immediate environment that she lives in.
  • Aspects of Psychology: Theories of Intelligence An important constituent of this theory is that of the ‘g’s theory or the general theory of intelligence. This theory is suggestive of the fact that intelligence is not based on one or two elements, […]
  • Women in Psychology: Karen Horney Many traditionalists were incensed and the principle to instruct boys and girls on the same level, with the same method, with the hope of reaching the same goal, is generally viewed as a psychological and […]
  • Attitudes and Behavior in Social Psychology In the light of the social psychology theory, attitudes and behaviors are reciprocally related. Thus, attitudes, under the condition that they are already formed, guide the behavior of a person in a certain direction.
  • Psychological Testing in Employee Screening The HRI is designed to examine relationships between the supervisor and the employees he/she is in charge of supervising. The instrument is designed to cover the philosophy, principles, and approaches related to the effective performance […]
  • Psychology: Factors of Success in Life and Career One of the most researched elements about success is the factors that drive people to pursue it. Success is often associated with a positive mental attitude, which triggers the desire to be successful in whatever […]
  • Developmental Psychology: Franz Kafka and Social Learning It is true that the writer’s life was not particularly eventful, and the majority of defining events took place in his psyche.
  • The Mind-Body Problem in the History of Psychology The crux of the problem is evident from its name: what is the relationship between the mind and the body? A prominent medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinas ties the issue of the body and the soul […]
  • Love and Memory From a Psychological Point of View The commonly known love types include affection, passionate love, friendship, infatuation, puppy love, sexual love, platonic love, romantic love and many other terms that could be coined out to basically describe love.
  • The Relationship Between Religion and Abnormal Psychology But whose judgment will we use to separate the two contrasting elements of the psychology of normal and abnormal behaviors? Some religious beliefs permit the use of alcohol and it’s considered normal, yet others find […]
  • Fetishism: Psychological Sexual Disorder To some, however, the use of a fetish object comes once in a while and they are not compelled to do so.
  • Psychological vs. Physical Continuity Theory In the analysis of psychological continuity theory, there is a variety of views on the roles of the soul and body in a person’s development.
  • Psychology of Anakin and Padme From “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” The couple selected for this psychological analysis is Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala from the film Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.
  • Atychiphobia, or the Fear of Failure in Psychology Putting it simply, the fear of failure is the incapability to suppress the anxious and irrational feeling of fear that, as a result, affects one’s life.
  • Bowen Family Systems Theory – Psychology In this context, the theory is relevant in demonstrating that the level of stress prevalent in the family due to alcoholism and irresponsible behavior of the family head is directly responsible for the development of […]
  • Paraphilias in Men and Women From Psychological Perspective The psychoanalytic theory clearly indicates that paraphilic disorder is a function of psychological abuse and other factors that are yet to be established.
  • Psychology of Happiness in the World Psychology of happiness touches on various fields of social and cultural life and seeks to interfere with the lives of individuals for improving their talents and endowing their normal existence with greater meaning.
  • Theory of Multiple Intelligences – Psychology Binet and Simon later revised their work in 1916 to incorporate the concept of mental age and concluded that intelligence varies depending on mental age.
  • Ethical Issues in Psychology If such requirements cannot be followed, the psychologists have to document the specifics of the conducted assessment and indicate the possible impact of the limitations on the results of the study.
  • Biological Psychology In the process, there has been a special role of biological psychology that as emerged as a result of these new discipline.
  • Roles of Ethics in Psychological Research Risk analysis on the intended research activity is necessary to weigh the total benefits and risks of the proposed study to the subjects in terms of privacy and nurturing the reputation psychology as a profession.
  • Catching a Train That Leads Nowhere: The Psychology of the Inevitable However, it is important to note that most of Hume’s theories are based on the idea that a man’s previous experience is not to be taken into consideration.
  • Culturally Informed Psychological Assessment They do not posit a single culture, requiring the assessor to discern these cultures and their influence on a person’s psychological behavior.
  • Psychologists’ Role in Criminal Justice In addition to research, the accumulation, and application of knowledge, psychologists can also participate in assessing the effectiveness of legislation. In this setting, basic scientists conduct theoretical research on the effectiveness of police and court […]
  • History of Ethical Principles in Psychology The APA’s principles of ethics inspire psychologists towards considering high ethical standards in the conduct of their research. The little Albert experiment is an example of historical research that failed to comply with ethical standards […]
  • Development of Structuralism as a Systemic Movement in Psychology However, in his attempts to expand the ideology, Titchener deviated from some of his mentor’s teachings and misrepresented some parts of it.
  • Environmental Design Psychology Theory The scientific approach of this sphere is aimed at developing the multidisciplinary focus, which will involve the aspects of human behavior, perception of colors and elements of design, and how people will develop the approaches […]
  • Personal Development: Psychological Difficulties, Sexuality In my opinion the period of adolescence is the most difficult in human life and I think that it would be interesting to discuss the attitude to sexuality with the help of personal development theories.
  • Health Psychology: Going Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis He is unaware that she has been diagnosed with depression and that she is going for breast screening Stress from work is also a contributing factor to her condition.
  • Prescientific Psychology Research Naturally, the experiment was based on the wrong assumption of the innate knowledge of the human language, but the fact that the king came up with a hypothesis and a way to test it shows […]
  • Research Methodologies in Industrial Psychology Also, the matrix clearly illustrates that the choice of a particular methodology is shaped by the type of the research to be undertaken.
  • Psychology in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” The reading of Gilman story’s few initial lines suggests that the reason why the narrator and her husband John decided to spend the summer in a secluded mansion is that this was supposed to help […]
  • Saddam Hussein Psychological Analysis The following paper provides a summary of some of the relevant points in Post’s political profile of the leader during three periods of crisis in Hussein’s life and in the history of Iraq.
  • Positive Psychology and Academic Stress With the rising cases of academic stress among students in the United States, the federal government has introduced positive psychology programs in schools across the country.
  • Cognitive Psychology Definition and Concept These methods have been used by psychologists to determine the functionality of the human brain and account for some of the mental processes behind human behavior. It is through studying behavior that psychologists have been […]
  • Dual Relationships in Psychological Counselling In this scenario, the dual relationship is seen when the psychotherapist acts as a protector of life and involves the police.
  • Justine’s Psychological State in “Melancholia” The planet is representation of the anger. The planet is representation of Justine’s anger and the Earth is Justine’s ego.
  • Positive Examples of Conformity and Obedience Psychology Social influence refers to the ability of an individual to influence another person or a group of people in according to one’s own will.
  • The Midlife Crisis in Developmental Psychology The midlife crisis exists, and it is associated with an awareness of the limitations of youth and the transience of the time allotted for life.
  • Combatants: Psychology and Christianity Disciplines Moreover, I can learn from the Secular combatants how to defend the opinion I hold, and this can extend to values as well.
  • Relationship Between Psychology and Christian Faith Truly, I have realized that sincerity is found in Jesus discipleship and the study of persona, but the varying aspects guiding the honesty are the belief in Christ and analytical thinking.
  • Cognitive Psychology – A Concept of Attention To illustrate this, when an individual is at the railway station to meet one’s relative, he or she is seeing the faces of many passengers from the train in which the person is going to […]
  • Application of Psychology in Workplace Environment According to Adrian, psychology is the study of the science of mind and behavior of animals and humans. There is also the kind of people who are flamboyant and loud, jovial and entertaining who charm […]
  • Google Inc.’s Organizational Psychology Organizational psychology plays a critical role in the effectiveness of a firm to find candidates which are able to demonstrate high performance on the job while fitting into the workplace culture, thus a complex talent […]
  • The Movie “Blue Velvet”: Psychological Criticism The gist of this paper, therefore, is to offer psychological criticism of the Movie as regards its screenplay, plot, direction, and general presentation, and this is done by applying the Freudian Theory of Psychological Analysis […]
  • Forensic Psychology: Media and Crime Relationship Consequently, it is arguable that exposure to stimuli involving violence such as the one found in a violent video game and some TV programs including cartoons may cause activation of aggressive scripts among children.
  • Clinical Psychology vs. Psychiatry Campo is a child and adolescent psychiatrist with expertise in anxiety disorders, ADD, ADHD, child behavior disorders, mental disorders, psychiatry, and psychosomatic medicine among others.Dr.
  • Martin Luther King’s Psychological Portrait Martin Luther King is one of the most prominent figures in the history of the United States who had a profound impact on the development of the country.
  • Psychological and Psychosocial Support in Disaster Nursing The paper reviews the presently available literature on the topic, covering the aspects of the significance of psychological and psychosocial support and related education, as well as the perceptions of nursing, existing problems in the […]
  • Inevitable Prejudice in Social Psychology
  • Biology and Psychology in Behavior Explanation
  • Psychological First Aid for Disaster Victims
  • Margaret Floy Washburn: Life and Contributions to Psychology
  • Infants’ Psychology and Development
  • Developmental Psychology: Designing Educational Toys
  • Importance of Sleep – Psychology
  • David Kolb and Adult Learning Theory – Psychology
  • Anger Management Educational Model – Psychology
  • “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg – Psychology
  • Psychological Foundation of Human Resource Development
  • Definition Creative Thinking in Psychology
  • Abraham Maslow, the Father of Humanistic Psychology
  • Drawing Ability Development as a Reflection of the Overall Psychological Development of a Child
  • Environmental Psychology: The Impact of Interior Spaces on Childhood Development
  • Psychologists and Assessments Related to Death Sentence
  • Dimensions of Psychology and Its Specialty Areas
  • Definition of Five Perspectives in Psychology
  • Adolescence and Adulthood Developmental Stages – Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology: Fetishism, Transvestic Fetishism, Sadomasochism, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, and Pedophilia
  • Childhood Friendship and Psychology
  • Application of Cognitive Psychology
  • Socio-Psychological Trust Issues in Youth
  • Developmental Psychology Analysis
  • Abnormal Psychology Case Study: General Anxiety Disorder
  • Leadership and Organizational Psychology of Vince Lombardi
  • Deprogramming Cult Members: Religious and Psychological Analysis
  • Psychology of Conflict Communication
  • Psychology: Health Behavior Change & Reflection
  • A Clinical Psychologist – Dr. Na’im Akbar
  • Practitioner-Scholar Model in Psychology
  • The Psychology of Addictive Behavior
  • Structuralism, Functionalism and Cognitive Theory in Psychology
  • Functionalism School of Psychology
  • Decision-Making in Cognitive Psychology
  • Research in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory – Psychology
  • Psychology of Fathers and Daughters Relationships
  • Social Psychology Concepts
  • Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar
  • Government Regulation of Psychology Profession
  • Abraham Maslow’s Biography and Contribution to Psychology
  • Psychology And Society
  • Definition of Cognitive Psychology
  • Theories of Developmental Psychology
  • Psychology of Sleep: Article Study
  • Kohut and Self Psychology and the Freudian Classical Model
  • Written and Psychological Contracts of Employment
  • Psychological Tests in Employee Selection Process
  • Obesity: Psychological/ Sociological Issue
  • Psychology in Movies: Stephen Chbosky’s Wonder
  • Psychology in Human Resource Management
  • The Relevance of Relational Self-Psychology
  • Psychological Wellness and Mental Health
  • Sensation and Perception Studies in Psychology
  • The Dying Person: Physical, Psychological, and Social Care
  • Socialization of Adolescents in Modern Psychology
  • Generosity and Psychological Well-Being
  • Clinical Psychology, Its Issues and Purposes
  • B. F. Skinner’s Development Theory
  • Forensic Psychology, Its Tasks and Importance
  • Abnormal Psychology as a Scientific Discipline
  • Labeling in Psychology: Pros and Cons
  • Noam Chomsky’s Contribution to Cognitive Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology in the Criminal Justice System
  • Positive Psychology: Subjective Well-Being
  • Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Psychological View
  • Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development – Psychology
  • Social Psychological Concepts in “The Hangover”
  • History of Psychological Assessment: Wundt’s Laboratory
  • Buddhism Psychology in Changing Negative Behaviors
  • Abnormal Psychology Essentials
  • The Real Father of Psychology
  • The Theory of Psychological Egoism
  • Bernard Williams The Self and the Future and Psychological Continuity Theory of Personal Identity
  • Comparison and Contrast of Biological, Psychological, and Social Perspectives of Human Sexuality
  • Psychological Testing in the Workplace
  • Statistics and Psychology
  • Psychology of Personality: Theories
  • Psychology of the Superheroes
  • Experimental and Correlational Psychological Studies
  • The Obsessive-Compulsive Psychological Disorder
  • Some Basic Propositions of a Growth and Self-Actualization Psychology
  • Psychological Approaches: Applying to Personal Life
  • Violations of Psychological Code of Conduct
  • Sexting and Its Psychological Consequences
  • Psychology: The Little Albert Experiment
  • “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by C. Dweck
  • The Psychological Perceptions of Pain
  • History and Evolving Nature of Clinical Psychology
  • William James and His Contributions to Psychology
  • Reflection of Personal Learning Style in Psychology
  • Psychological Development of the Teens
  • The Psychological Aspects of Human Development
  • The Psychological and Social Problems in Students
  • Developmental Psychology. “Erik Erikson” by McLeod
  • Cognitive Psychology: Clarkston Industries Company’ Case
  • Automaticity in Psychology and Personal Life
  • ANOVA Test on the Level of Psychological Aggression
  • Social Psychology: Attitude Change Approaches
  • The Psychology of Thinking and Intelligence
  • Psychological Safety in a Team Environment
  • Psychological Reasoning, Decision-Making, Thinking
  • Math and Psychological Tasks Analysis
  • Psychological Testing and Assessments Concepts
  • Psychological Measures: The Beck Depression Inventory
  • Psychological Counseling Using Behavioral Theory
  • Psychological Techniques of Interrogation and Their Results
  • The Psychology of Personality: Maya Angelou’s Case
  • Family Relationships: Psychological Inquiry
  • Malingering and Denial in Psychology
  • Social Psychological Concepts of Bullying and Its Types
  • TV Cartoons and Children’s Behavior – Psychology
  • Human Emotions Psychology: Rooting in Biology or Culture
  • Psychological Issues: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Positive Living Skills by Terry Orlick
  • ‘Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling’ by Mark McMinn
  • Definition of Developmental Psychology
  • The Effect of HRM Practices on Psychological Contract in Organisation
  • Transition to Higher Education for Psychology Students
  • Correctional Psychology and Its Procedures
  • Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Psychology
  • Happiness and Its Social Psychological Aspects
  • Psychological Trauma: Treatment Planning
  • Military Master Resilience Training Verses Positive Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology: Mental Disorders
  • Social Psychology as It Applies in Education
  • Psychology Aspects in Spearman’s, Stenberg’s and Gardner’s Models of Intelligence
  • Contemporary Issues in Cultural & Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • Introduction to the Environmental Psychology
  • Abraham Maslow and Humanistic Psychology
  • Psychology of Personality: Role Models
  • Psychological Concepts in “A Child Called “It” by Pelzer
  • Behaviorism and Its Impact on Psychology
  • Psychological Imbalance: Mental Health Issues
  • Psychology Development in Mexico
  • Forensic Psychology and Behavioral Analysis
  • Psychological Disorders: Classification
  • The Hand – The Psychological Personality
  • Comparing the Psychological Challenges Facing Tom and Laura Wingfield
  • Interview Research Profile: Psychological Profile
  • Genograms in Family Assessment
  • Skills Development: Psychological Domains
  • Cognitive Psychology: Culture and Cognition
  • Romantic Rejection and Its Psychological Impacts
  • Emotional Psychology: James-Lange Theory
  • Analytical Psychology of Carl Jung
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychology as Career Fields
  • The Death Scenario: Positive Psychology
  • Psychological Testing of Intellectual Disabilities
  • Lifespan Development and Its Stages in Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology: Validating Eyewitness Testimony
  • Social Psychology Principles in American Movies
  • Forensic Psychology: Death Notifications Importance
  • Maria Tecla Artemisia Montessori’s Psychology
  • Correlational and Longitudinal Study in Psychology
  • Academic Dishonesty in Psychologist’s Ethics
  • Beck Depression Inventory in Psychological Practice
  • Psychological Testing: Measuring Personality
  • Psychological Trauma, Development and Spirituality
  • Cognitive Psychology: Scientists Contributions
  • Selling Illegal Drugs: Psychological Reasons
  • Humans Behavior: Physical and Psychological Needs
  • Evolutionary Psychology: Cognition and Culture
  • Neuroscience and Child Development – Psychology
  • Psychology Issues: Group Survival in Extreme Situations
  • Psychology: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder Causes and Symptoms
  • Evolutionary Psychology: Definition and Key Concepts
  • Social Identity in Social Psychology
  • Psychological Testing Tools: Intelligence Tests
  • Is Homosexuality a Psychological Condition?
  • The Principles and Theories of Organizational Psychology
  • How the Jungian Theory has Contributed to the History and Systems of Psychology
  • Employees’ Psychological Resistance
  • Influence of Heavy Metal Music on Adolescence (Behavior, Identity, Mood, Regulation, Psychology)
  • Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology
  • Serial Killer Psychology: Eileen Wuornos
  • Women in Psychology: Assessing the Contributions of Margaret Floy Washburn
  • Freud and Jung Psychology
  • Psychology in the Media: Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
  • Hello, Mr. Freud: The Psychology of a Sitcom
  • Contemporary Issues in Clinical Psychology: The Future of Clinical Psychology
  • Retrieval Learning in Cognitive Psychology
  • The Use of Creativity in Psychology
  • Cross-Cultural Psychology in Contemporary Psychiatry
  • Psychology in the Episode of Dr. Phil’s Show
  • Benefits of Learning Psychosomatics as Branches of Clinical Psychology
  • Modern Psychological Counseling
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Christian Worldview
  • Psychological Concept of Processing Stimuli
  • Psychological Analysis of Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Introducing the World of Psychology
  • The Organizational Project: Psychological Needs Application Development
  • Amundson on Hedonic Psychology, Disability, and Life Quality
  • Biological Psychology: Lesion Studies and Depression Detection
  • “Researching and Practicing Positive Psychology…” by Wang
  • Drug Abuse and Its Psychological Effects
  • Psychology: Areas of Application
  • Social Psychology and Personality: Lessons Learnt
  • Positive Psychology Intervention for Ageing Population
  • Effects of Different Music on Psychological State
  • Psychological Conditions in Addition to Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory
  • Post-Fordism: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology: The Effects of Memory Conformity
  • Correctional Psychology’s Impact on the Penitentiary System
  • Psychological Concepts: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Human Psychology: Fulfilling Internal Needs
  • Developmental Psychology of an Immigrant Family
  • Psychological Traits in Consumer Spending Habits
  • Social Justice in Counseling Psychology
  • Adulthood and Puberty Psychology
  • Psychology: Proposed Implementation and Evaluation Plan
  • Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Homicide Investigation
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  • Psychology: The Aftermath of a Death
  • Psychological Testing and Assessment
  • Ethics: Informational and Psychological Security of the Individuals
  • Test (Gender) Bias in Psychology
  • The Via Classification Test as a Psychological Tool
  • The Role of Technology in the Psychology Profession
  • Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
  • Anorexia as Social and Psychological Disease
  • Psychological Perspectives: Jason’s Life Case
  • The Impact of Technology Development on the Adolescence Psychology
  • Psychological Determinants of Adolescent Predisposition to Deviant Behavior
  • SOAP Case-Notes: Psychological Rehabilitation
  • Testing and Evaluation in Psychological Research
  • Psychological Theories of Grandfather’s Development
  • Psychological Interventions: Becoming a Helper
  • Screening Survey in Psychological Science
  • Causes of Premature Termination of Psychological Treatment
  • Celebrities’ Psychological States: Diagnoses Are Not Cut and Dry
  • Bipolar Disorder: A Major Psychological Issue in America
  • The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Cannabis
  • Researching of Abnormal Psychology
  • Culture, Emotions, and Psychology Relationships
  • Developmental Psychology as Scientific Study
  • Exam Anxiety as Psychological Disorder
  • Child Psychology Research and Ethics
  • Historical Impact of Psychology on Human Resource Management
  • Psychological and Psychiatric Diagnoses in a Patient with Multiple Symptoms
  • Psychology Powered HRM Practice: Meteor Cargo Limited
  • Psychological Health Issues Among Veterans
  • The Psychological Well-Being of Nurses During COVID-19
  • Sports Can Improve the Psychological Well-Being of People with Disability
  • Psychology and the Nature of Human Conduct
  • Biological and Psychological Factors Influencing Drug Experiences
  • Adolescent Development: Adolescent Psychology
  • Childhood Trauma Long-Term Psychological Outcomes
  • Psychology of Type A and Type B Personalities
  • Controversial Experiment in Psychology History
  • Applications of Positive Psychology in Healthcare
  • Developing a Psychology-Related Career Plan
  • Stress as an Important Psychological Issue
  • The Eye-to-Eye Project’s Importance for Psychology
  • Psychological Health Disparities in Children
  • Psychologists and Interrogations
  • The Consciousness of the Psychological and Physical Effects of Nursing
  • Stigma and Psychological Distress in HIV Caregivers
  • Rising Interest in Psychology and Psychology Degree
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner, a Psychological Researcher
  • Socio-Psychological Factors of Abortion in Women of Different Age Groups
  • Psychological Experiments on Videogames and Theater
  • Psychology and Personality: The Main Theories
  • Misconducts and Self-Care in Psychology Professionals’ Activities
  • Device Use and Psychological Disorders: Regression Model
  • Human Consciousness in Philosophy of Psychology
  • Jury Psychology and Decision Criticism
  • Psychological Issues of Independent Living
  • Future Ways for Helping People With Psychology
  • The Psychological Impacts of Rape and Potential Interventions
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Psychological Anthropology
  • The Psychology of Evil Analysis
  • Self-Assessment Test in Psychology
  • The Psychological Nature of Memory
  • The Discrepancy Between an Original Psychological Article and Its Representation
  • Environmental Issues, Psychology, and Economics
  • Humanistic Psychology and Its Main Ideas
  • Japanese Psychology as World-Renowned School of Thought
  • Group Influence as a Social Psychology Issue
  • Using Psychological Tests in the Employer’s Decision-Making Process
  • Psychology in Sports: Tradition of Stoicism in Sports
  • Researching of Criminal Psychology
  • Ethical and Psychological Egoism
  • Abortion and Its Physical and Psychological Effects
  • Psychological Practice in Health Centers
  • Sports Psychologists and Chaplains
  • Mental Disorders: Biological-Psychological Perspectives and Psychotropic Medications
  • Christian Spirituality: Integration Into Sports Psychological Practices
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact on Illness Outcomes
  • Sports Chaplaincy and Psychology Collaboration
  • Physical Health Problems and Psychological State
  • Criminology and Psychological Profiling Approaches
  • Sex Offence: The Role of Psychological Disorder
  • Discussion of Psychological Imbalance
  • Consequences of Pandemic COVID-19: The Psychological Climate in the Family
  • My Lot in Life: Psychological Aspects of Education
  • Vincent van Gogh: A Brilliant Psychologist and Poet of Art
  • Community Psychologists as Agents of a Social Change
  • Changing Racial Identity: A Psychological Aspect
  • Architectural Development Design: Environmental Psychological Implications
  • “The Social Psychology of Compassion” by Radey and Figley
  • Psychological Therapy: Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Psychological Foundations of Criminal Behavior
  • Adolescence and Young Adulthood in Educational Psychology
  • Positive Psychology’s Influence on the Self
  • Psychological Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
  • How Psychological Science Aligns With Biblical Truth About Self-Handicapping?
  • Hewlett-Packard: Application of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • A Career in Counseling Psychology
  • Understanding Human Psychology: Brain Stimulation
  • Career Field in Psychology: Counselor
  • The Influence of Positive Psychology
  • Sensation and Perception: Psychological Science
  • God of the Bible From a Psychological Perspective
  • Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects of Drones
  • The Elderly Abuse: Physical and Psychological Aspects
  • Is “Candide” Positively Influenced by Psychological Factors
  • Psychology: Emotional Regulation
  • Character’s Psychology in “Jazz” by Toni Morrison
  • Renee Baillargeon Biography and Her Contribution to the Developmental Psychology
  • Implications of Theological and Psychological Reflections on Human Behavior
  • Psychological Lens Narrative: Personal Experience
  • Influence of Psychological and Behavioral Aspects of the Individual on Exposure to Herd Investing
  • Writing Proposal in Psychology
  • Investigation: Psychology of Sport Fans
  • Professional Psychology: Importance of Confidentiality and Code of Conduct
  • Personality Psychology Overview
  • Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Psychological Problems
  • Analysis of Plays: Psychological Critical Perspectives
  • Child Development: Psychological Factors and Theories
  • Theories of Psychology: Behavioral, Cognitive, Developmental
  • Research Design in Psychology
  • A Child’s Psychological Development
  • Childhood and Adolescence Psychology
  • Changes in Life and Psychological Stress Assessment
  • Psychology Integration: Healthcare Industry
  • Stuttering Management: Psychological Therapy Effectiveness
  • Stroke Analysis: Psychology and Causes
  • A Psychological Perspective on Death and Mourning
  • Psychological Factors After Officer-Involved Shootings: Officer Needs and Agency Responsibilities
  • Cyber-Bullying vs. Traditional Bullying: Its Psychological Effects
  • Ecstasy Unveiled: The Journey from Therapeutic Compound to Street Drug
  • Careers in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
  • Child Pornography: Legal and Psychological Implications
  • Data Analysis in Psychological Wellbeing Research
  • Relationship Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being Among Greek People With Physical Disabilities
  • Sports Psychology: Zen in the Martial Arts
  • Aspects of Sport Psychology Overview
  • Nature of Health and Illness: Biological Psychology
  • Psychological Aspects of Weightlifting
  • The Concepts of Nature and Nurture in Modern Psychologist to Explain Juvenile Delinquency
  • Biological Psychology: Memory
  • The Impact of Culture on Aging: Psychological and Sociological Analysis
  • The Psychological Aspect of Logical Fallacies of Technology
  • The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
  • Psychological Health and Social Environment Correlation
  • Goal Setting in Sport Psychology: Enhancing Athletes’ Performance and Building New Skills
  • Psychology: Social Media and Bullying
  • Psychology and Enduring Relationships
  • Understanding the Psychological Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Society
  • Psychological Aftermath of Illnesses and Injuries
  • Impact of the Internet on Psychological Wellbeing
  • Violence and Aggression Between People as Psychological Phenomena
  • The American Psychological Association: Referencing Style
  • Neuropsychological and Psychological Disorders
  • Apple’s Popularity: Consumers’ Psychology
  • Psychological Theories and Tests of Motivation
  • Doctoral Program Educational Psychology
  • Physical and Psychological Trauma in Women
  • Ethical Practices in Psychological Assessment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury: Psychological Manifestations
  • The Horrific Consequences That Result From Inaccurate Psychological Diagnosis
  • Management of HR Talent and Teams: Psychological-Contract Perspective
  • Motivation Theories in Fulfillment of Psychological Needs
  • Psychological Processes Which Affect Various Techniques and Approaches
  • Environmental Psychology: Contemporary Educational Institutions
  • Teenage Depression: Psychology-Based Treatment
  • Industrial Psychology in Explaining Corporate Behaviors
  • The Psychology Concepts Review
  • The Evolutionary Psychology Key Points
  • Evaluating Psychological Information on the Web
  • The Psychological Contract and Motivation
  • Victims of Disasters: Psychological Traumas
  • Psychological First Aid: Connection With Social Support
  • What Is Environmental Psychology?
  • Sigmund Freud: Theories and Contribution to Psychology
  • Health and Health Policy of HIV and AIDS: Physical and Psychological Wellbeing
  • The Psychological Wellbeing of People in a Working Environment
  • Job-Oriented Analysis in HR Management
  • Features of Psychological Research Methods: Application in Practice
  • Consultative Psychology Skills: Applying Skills to Identify the Problem
  • The Shifting Gender Composition of Psychology: The Discipline
  • Feminist Psychology in Canada
  • History of Psychological Assessment: People’s Behavior in Terms of Their Skills
  • Contributors in Psychology as a Science
  • Personality and Psychology of the Motivation
  • Psychology Article Analysis: The Shared Reality
  • Social Psychology and Social Neuroscience Connection
  • Social Psychology Concepts in News Coverage
  • Sleep Deprivation: Biopsychology and Health Psychology
  • The American Counseling Association and the American Psychological Association Websites
  • Self Concept: Developmental Psychology
  • Psychological Issues: Self-Identity and Sexual Meaning Issues, and Memory Processing
  • Psychological Strategies to Understand Literature
  • Psychology of Aggression and Violence
  • Freud’s Impact on Modern-Day Psychology
  • Free Will and Choice in Islamic Psychology
  • Personal and Social Psychology in Modern Community
  • Lifespan Variable: Psychological Aspects
  • Freud’s Impact on Modern Psychology
  • Psychology of Communication Technology
  • Philosophical Origins of Approaches to Clinical Psychology
  • The Impact of Psychological Problems on a Person
  • Psychological Concepts in the Streisand’s Movie “Prince of Tides”
  • The Concept of Personality in Psychology
  • Media Attention to Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology: The Impact of Family-Of-Origin on Adulthood
  • Psychological Testing Article Analysis
  • Imagery in Sports Psychology and Its Effects
  • Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology
  • Psychology. “Self-Esteem” Book by Dr. Matthew McKay
  • Parenting Training Classes: A Psychology Experiment
  • Ethics in Groups of Psychologists and Counsellors
  • Psychology Achievement Test
  • Folk Psychology. The Role of Folk Psychology
  • Environmental Psychology: The Problem of Protection
  • Observation Paper Psychologist Theories
  • “Careers in Environmental Psychology” by Conaway
  • Discipline of Environmental Psychology
  • Criminal Psychological Profiling
  • “Psychological Response to Athletic Injuries: Gender Differences”: Article Analysis
  • The Theory of Personality Psychology During Depression
  • Hebb’s Psychology Theoretical Concepts
  • Psychological Concepts in My Life
  • Group and Individual Thinking: Mob Psychology
  • Motivation and the Brain: A Psychological Attribute and Activities
  • What Can Psychology Teach Us About Human Development?
  • How Many Years Will It Take To Be a Psychologist?
  • Who Founded the First Laboratory of Scientific Psychology?
  • What Does Recent Social Psychology Research Tell Us About?
  • How Abraham Maslow and His Humanistic Psychology Shaped the Modern Self?
  • Can Positive Psychology Make Us Happier?
  • What Way Did Philosophy of Plato Influence Psychology?
  • What Are the Different Perspectives of Psychology?
  • Are Psychology Journals Anti-replication?
  • Does Human Psychology Drive Financial Markets?
  • Why Are Men More Depressed Than Women in Psychology?
  • How Can Social Psychology Explain the Behavior of Suicide Bombers?
  • How and Why Did Psychology Develop as an Academic Discipline?
  • Can Evolutionary Psychology Explain Individual Differences in Personality?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Psychology?
  • How Both Sociology and Social Psychology Can Help Us to Understand Anti-social Behavior?
  • What Are the Main Perspectives in the Study of Psychology?
  • Can Psychology Explain Sexual Violence?
  • What Have Psychologists Found Out About the Psychology of Testimony?
  • Why Can’t One Approach to Psychology Describe All Human Behaviour?
  • Why Do Psychologists Consider Psychology to Be a Science?
  • Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions?
  • Does Positive Psychology Ease Symptoms of Depression?
  • How Art and Psychology Are Related?
  • How Can Applied Psychology Help Make Societies More Peaceful?
  • How Behavioral Economics Relates to Psychology?
  • Do Psychology and Education Have a Link?
  • What Can Evolutionary Psychology Tell Us About Who We Find Attractive?
  • What Are the Effects of Bipolar Disorder Psychology?
  • Does Psychology Place Too Little Emphasis on the Study of Communication?
  • Cultural Psychology Ideas
  • Cognitive Development Essay Ideas
  • Psychotherapy Paper Topics
  • Emotional Development Questions
  • Behaviorism Research Ideas
  • Family Therapy Questions
  • Cognitive Dissonance Research Topics
  • Psychoanalysis Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychology-essay-examples/

"629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychology-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychology-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychology-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "629 Psychology Essay Topics & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/psychology-essay-examples/.

  • Educational and developmental psychology

How to Write a Psychology Paper: An Expert Guide

How to Write a Psychology Paper: An Expert Guide

50+ Topics for Psychology Research Papers

Categories Psychology Education

If you have ever had to write a paper for one of your psychology classes, then you probably know that choosing psychology paper topics can sometimes be tricky. Fortunately, there are plenty of great topics for psychology research papers to help you finish your assignment.

Keep reading to learn more about how to find topics for psychology research papers and find inspiration to help you get started.

Table of Contents

How to Choose Topics for Psychology Research Papers

If you are going to write a psychology paper, the first thing you need to do is pick a good topic. This is often easier said than done.

In some cases, your instructor might assign you topics for psychology research papers, or at least narrow your range of options by providing a general subject area on which to focus your paper.

But in many cases, choosing the topic of your psychology paper is entirely up to you—and that’s where things can get tricky. How do you choose a great topic? What if you pick something too specific and struggle to find sources? Or what if you go too broad and end up biting off more than you can chew?

Following a few simple steps can make the topic selection process a lot easier.

Choose a General Subject

Part of what makes picking a topic for a psychology paper so difficult is how overwhelmed you are by the information you feel. Make it easier on yourself by restricting your options to at least a general topic area.

Narrow Down to a More Specific Topic

Once you’ve chosen a general area, you can then narrow topics for psychology research papers down to something much more specific and manageable.

For example, you might start by deciding that you want to write your paper on a topic within a specific branch of psychology . From there you might further narrow your focus down to a much narrower subject area within that branch

So, imagine that you’re writing a psychology research paper in your general psychology course. Your instructor has given you free rein to select any topic you please, so you begin by deciding to write your paper on a social psychology topic.

Now that you have a general idea, you drill down further and decide to research and write your paper on how prejudice forms and ways to minimize it.

General Topics for Psychology Research Papers

Because general psychology classes cover such a wide range of topics, you have a very large selection of subject ideas to choose from. Start by choosing a general topic, and then narrow your focus down so that you can fully cover the subject.

Some ideas include:

  • An issue paper:  Tackle one of the current issues in psychology, such as parity in mental health care or involving psychologists in military interrogations.
  • Profile a famous psychologist:  Select a well-known  psychologist  and then write a profile exploring his or her life, theories, and career.
  • Explore a well-known psychology experiment:  Write a paper on a classic psychology study, such as the Milgram Obedience Experiment or the Stanford Prison Experiment.
  • Write about a topic within personality psychology:   Personality psychology focuses on the traits and dispositions that contribute to overall personality. This is one of the largest topics within psychology so there are plenty of fascinating research topics from which to choose. Some specific topics that might interest you include whether personality can change, different theories of personality development and the  Big Five theory of personality.

Specific Topics for Psychology Research Papers

You might also want to choose topics for psychology research papers that are related to a specific branch of psychology. Some options that you might consider include:

Clinical Psychology

  • How effective is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for treating specific phobias?
  • What is the relationship between childhood trauma and borderline personality disorder?
  • How do medication and psychotherapy compare in the treatment of depression?
  • How does social media affect teen mental health?

Developmental Psychology

  • How do parenting styles influence child development?
  • What are the long-term effects of early childhood education?
  • What role does play have in cognitive development?
  • What effect does having siblings have on developmental outcomes?

Cognitive Psychology

  • How does sleep deprivation influence the memory consolidation process?
  • What impact does aging have on cognitive functioning?
  • How does exercise impact working memory?
  • Does learning a second language have cognitive benefits?

Social Psychology

  • What effect does discrimination have on self-esteem?
  • How does self-presentation online differ from self-presentation in real-world settings?
  • How do leadership styles influence productivity in groups?

Okay, let’s just imagine that you’re having a bad case of writer’s block. You understand the basic approach for picking a good topic, but nothing seems to be catching your interest. You’re looking for some more inspiration to get you started.

Here are just a few great topics for psychology papers that you might want to consider:

Controversial Topics for Psychology Research Papers

The history of psychology is not always positive, and if you enjoy writing about controversial topics, psychology’s history is rich with material.

  • The use of lobotomies to treat mental illness
  • The history of mental asylums in the United States
  • The use and effects of electroconvulsive therapy
  • Conversion therapy and its damaging effects
  • Attachment therapy
  • Controversial experiments such as Milgram’s obedience experiment or Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment
  • The debate over the nature of intelligence
  • The impact of the eugenics movement on psychology
  • Controversies surrounding the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

Disorder Topics for Psychology Research Papers

Writing about the history, prevalence, and treatment of a specific mental condition can be an interesting topic for a psychology paper. Some options you might consider include:

  • Eating disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance abuse and addictions
  • Developmental disorders

Other Great Topics for Psychology Research Papers

Here is a sampling of topics that you might consider:

  • How attitudes form
  • How bullying affects children
  • How people use nonverbal communication
  • Factors that can affect prenatal development
  • How media violence influences children’s behavior
  • How parenting styles influence child development
  • How does intrinsic motivation influence learning
  • How does mindset impact academic achievement
  • What factors influence IQ and is it possible to increase IQ
  • Factors that influence self-actualization
  • Is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs still relevant today
  • How does perfectionism impact mental well-being
  • Different theories of personality
  • How different leadership styles influence the success of groups
  • Profile a specific career in psychology

As you can see, your options for psychology paper topics are really only limited by your own imagination (and the specific guidelines issued by your instructor, of course). Spend some time thinking about topics that really interest you, then narrow your focus to hone in on a specific idea.

Finally, always be sure to run your chosen topic by your instructor. He or she may be able to offer suggestions that can help you during your research and make it much easier to write an outstanding psychology paper.

200+ Psychology Essay Topics for College Students

Published by Denis on March 1, 2021 March 1, 2021

Psychology Essay Topics

Psychology is an important science that explores human actions and behavior; what motivates a person to act in the way he/she does? What are the factors that influence a person’s outlook in life, and interactions with other people? Numerous behavioral scientists have delved into psychology, but there is still so much that presents research and discussion opportunities. There are evergreen areas for essay topics psychology to be explored and documented.

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Understanding the human brain is the primary goal of psychology. But, many scholars usually find it challenging to comprehend the mind entirely. As the body’s most mysterious organ, the brain requires in-depth studies. Scientists often put several sub-disciplines in psychology that help them understand human action and behavior. In this post, we have compiled a detailed list of the top 100+ psychology essay topics for college students and scholars.

Writing an Essay on Psychology

Studying a subject involves research and documentation on a term, idea, phrase, or concept. An essay on a psychology topic puts this in written form, where the author explains the literal or definite meanings of the findings.

Psychology is largely an abstract science as opposed to say Organic chemistry. This is why it is always important to remain objective while writing definitive essays on psychology. This is only possible with excellent research and careful analysis. Still, once in a while, you might need a fast turnaround for your essay. When it comes to that, consider hiring a  Psychology essay writing service  that takes into account professionalism, quality, and deadlines.

Psychology Research Essay Topics for You

Psychology research topics can be divided in tandem with the discipline. Some of the significant disciplines of psychology include; cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, educational psychology, and analytical psychology. In this guide, we shall help you find specific essay topics for every branch of psychology:

Also once you have chosen a suitable topic for your essay, ensure that you comprehend how you should be able to write an excellent Psychology Paper.

Analytical Psychology Essay Topics

This theory of human personality and the human brain views individuals’ behaviors as the full collection of their conscious and unconscious mind. Analytical psychology allows for archetypes that determine individual personalities. Here are some interesting analytical psychology topics you can research or write about:

  • How money affects behavior in marriage and gender in different stereotypes.
  • How can social media change the morality of a society?
  • Describe the psychological concepts of Yang and Yin.
  • Why is it easy for women to confirm naturally than men?
  • In what ways can employers help the employees to reduce stress?
  • Explain how different scientists explain homosexuality in their era.
  • Explain the psychological challenges that single parents have when raising a child.
  • Define the concept of self, as described by William James.
  • What are personality and its structures, according to Sigmund Freud?
  • Describe the psychology of dreams as well as their origin and development.
  • Why is it that more men in the community are mad or commit suicide than women?
  • Outline the psychological advantages of a parent breastfeeding their kids.
  • Explain the multiple intelligences child development Theory as given by Howard Gardner.
  • Describe the concept of money in gender and marriages.
  • Explain how you can maintain and not lose your personality at your workplace.
  • Define psychological health.
  • What are the main characteristics of a person who psychologically healthy?
  • Which psychological processes come to play when a person wants to participate in an intentional buying exercise?
  • Why do the majority of people need long-term relationships with other people?
  • In which ways does bullying among adolescents become normal that abnormal for adults?
  • How can you make your kid unique?
  • In what ways can you make sure that your kid grows in a morally upright way?

Research Essay Topics for Developmental Psychology

In brief, developmental psychology ventures are trying to find out how people behave in different stages and ages of their lives. In the past, developmental psychology was limited to children, but; later, it started to cover adolescence and adults. It brings out the concept of surviving growing developing and aging. Here are some developmental psychology essay topics for you:

  • Why do toddlers and get in fights?
  • What is the role of games in the mental competence of an adolescent?
  • Explain how moral judgment and reflective judgment develop in the mind of an individual.
  • How can you prevent child suicides?
  • What is the best way to solve a family conflict?
  • Describe the psychological status of someone who has been abused at the family level.
  • Explain aggression and how it manifests in children.
  • In which ways are boys raised by single parents different from other kids?
  • Why do “mummy’s boys” tend to show aggressive behavior, and what does this manifest in their personal development?
  • How does self-confidence develop in middle childhood from the age of 7 to 11?
  • Explain the change in roles between men and women in society today.
  • Define personal and social-emotional development, especially in old-age.
  • Illustrate the influence that mass media has had on the formation of a kid’s personality.
  • What are the psychological characteristics of adolescents who live with divorced parents?
  • How do gender roles positively or negatively influence our relationships in a family set up?
  • Explain masculinity and paternity as the primary personal determinants in parenthood.
  • Give the history of dyslexia and its causes. Also, review different methods of diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia.

Cognitive Psychology Essay Topics

Cognitive psychology is a branch of science that deals with the human brain. The study tries to understand how the mind can process and execute different actions. For example, cognitive psychology deals with language use and acquisition, memory, creativity, perception, and critical thinking. Here are some of the best topics you can write about in your cognitive essay paper:

  • Explain how human beings make choices and illustrate the decision-making process.
  • Which of the psychological mechanisms involved, especially in a deja vu effect?
  • How does attention influence the effective development and execution of cognitive processes?
  • Discuss the dual-process theory of thinking.
  • How does power loads moving in different directions influence short-term memory?
  • Define cryptomnesia.
  • Explain confabulation and paramnesia.
  • Explain how you can offer socio-psychological training using art- therapeutic techniques.
  • How does music affect cognitive development in primary school children?
  • How do social expectations for gifted children influence the kids’ self-esteem?
  • Describe the cognitive psychology of loneliness.
  • Discuss the Buddhism approach to cognitive psychology.
  • How does the media influence adolescent behaviors?
  • Describe emotional responsiveness.
  • Explain the therapeutic and diagnostic importance of medical empathy in psychology and psychiatry.
  • Explain how to cope with rage and anger.
  • Explain how to encourage creativity among kids. Explain how you can help kids with a bad memory.

Read more: The best motivational speech topics .

Clinical Psychology Essay Topics

Clinical psychology encompasses the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of psychological distress and mental disorders in individuals. These topics look to examine the complex interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors that lead to mental health issues. Some excellent examples could include:

  • What roles does clinical psychology play as far as mental health treatment is concerned?
  • What are some of the ethical considerations when handling clinical psychology?
  • An examination of the evolution and history of clinical psychology practice
  • Relevance of cultural competence
  • A clinical psychology perspective on treating anxiety disorders
  • Understanding trauma and how it impacts your psychological well-being
  • The efficiency of cognitive-behavioral therapy in depression treatment
  • Benefits and challenges of using psychotropic medications
  • What are the pros and cons of diagnostic and assessment tools as used in clinical psychology?
  • Understanding the theory and application of psychodynamic approaches
  • Examining and promoting healthy relationships through family therapy
  • Applying mindfulness-based techniques in clinical psychology practice
  • Psychological factors that lead to addiction and substance abuse and the treatment approaches
  • Clinical psychology roles’ in addressing stigma
  • Evaluating criminal responsibility and competency in forensic settings

Psychology Argumentative Topics

Psychology argumentative essays invite thought-provoking discussions and critical analysis with the topics covering diverse areas in human cognition, behavior, and mental processes. As the argumentative essay presents and defends a given issue, psychology will help examine and evaluate the contrasting theories and ethical considerations. Below are examples of such essay topics:

  • An examination of environmental and genetic influences in shaping human behavior
  • Does social media usage cause psychological distress?
  • Candid examination on the validity of the Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
  • What are the ethical effects of using cognitive enhancing drugs?
  • Should placebos be used in research and therapy by psychological experts?
  • How does parenting styles influence the child’s development? Permissive vs Authoritarian parenting
  • Could video game violence be the reason for aggressive behavior in adolescents and children?
  • Can we rely on personality tests to measure personality traits?
  • Psychological profiling as a tool for criminal investigations
  • What are the effects of childhood trauma?
  • Relevance of emotional intelligence in professional and personal success
  • Effects of gender stereotypes on the career choices
  • Does the media influence eating disorders in adolescents?
  • What is the relationship between cognitive performance and sleep deprivation?
  • Ethical considerations in virtual reality as exposure therapy

Educational Psychology Essay Topics

Educational psychology topics will focus on understanding how people develop in educational settings. Captivating psychology topics focus on student motivation, instructional methods, and the educational environment in general. Educators and researchers can gain insights by looking at these subjects and know how to optimize learning strategies for students. Here are great examples to check out:

  • How technology affects student learning outcomes
  • How the teacher-student relationship affects their academic motivation and performance
  • How does metacognition help in enhancing effective learning strategies?
  • Does motivation foster student success and achievement?
  • Classroom design and how it affects student learning and engagement
  • Effects of emotional and social learning programs on student’s academic performance
  • Effective strategies used to address diverse learning needs
  • Impact of feedback and praise on student self-esteem and motivation
  • Promoting social and cognitive development in early childhood education
  • How does self-regulated learning help in promoting academic success?
  • How does culturally responsive teaching affect their cultural competence and achievement?
  • Impact of multimedia learning on understanding and information retention
  • Effects of classroom management techniques on student engagement and achievement
  • How to promote inclusive education for the students living with disabilities
  • Strategies for promoting perseverance and resilience in students

Cultural Psychology Essay Topics

These essay topics focus on how culture influences human cognition, behavior, and mental process. They look at how different cultural factors shape collective and individual values, beliefs, and behaviors. Cultural psychology also showcases the relationship between the human mind and culture and show the complexities of human behavior in different cultural contexts. Below are example topics:

  • Cultural differences in emotion expression and regulation
  • Cultural variations according to different perceptions and how it affects understanding reality
  • What are the cultural influences on child development and parenting styles?
  • Impact of cultural factors on beauty ideals and body image
  • Influence of culture on educational practices and learning styles
  • What role does culture play in shaping gender expectations and roles?
  • Role of cultural stereotypes in intergroup biases and relations
  • What are the effects of globalization on cultural adaptation and cultural identity?
  • Examining cultural influences on decision-making and risk perception
  • Research on cultural differences in conflict resolution and negotiation styles
  • How cultural factors shape the attitudes of the aging and elderly
  • How does culture organizational behavior and leadership styles
  • Effects of cultural values on marketing strategies and consumer behavior
  • What are the cultural differences in attitudes towards power dynamics?

Social Psychology Essay Topics

Social psychology topics focus on human behavior in social contexts. They look to investigate how individuals’ feelings, thoughts, and actions are influenced by group dynamics and societal factors. Exploring these topics will let you understand the intricacies of social influence, human interactions and prejudice among others. Here are few topics to research on:

  • What roles does conformity play in molding individual behavior?
  • Impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • Understanding social identity and how it impacts intergroup dynamics
  • What are the psychological mechanisms in obedience to the authorities?
  • Role of social support in handling adversity and stress
  • Examining the consequences of stereotypes
  • What psychological factors lead to the development of discrimination and prejudice?
  • Understanding the bystander effect
  • Examining the psychology of persuasion
  • Impact of cultural norms on social cognition and behavior
  • Understanding the psychology of romantic relationships and attraction
  • What are the psychological dynamics of violence and aggression?
  • Understanding psychological processes in group decision-making
  • What behaviors and traits make a remarkable leader?
  • Impact of social learning and socialization on an individual’s personality

Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics

Some people have unusual behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Odd mental conditions that seem challenging to understand for other people are classified as  mental disorders. Abnormal psychology looks at strange behaviors and actions shown by different individuals. Here are some of the best unusual psychology research essay topics for you:

  • Which are the four main D’s in abnormal psychology, and how valuable are they to practitioners?
  • Define psychological abnormality.
  • Who started abnormal psychology studies, and what was his /her approach?
  • Give examples of unusual psychology cases?
  • List down the importance of understanding abnormal psychology.
  • Which are the types of abnormal psychology?
  • Give a history of abnormal psychology.
  • What is the scope of abnormal psychology?
  • How would you offer psychological protection to children whose mothers suffer personality disorders?
  • Which approaches would you take in treating panic disorder?
  • Which are the challenges of group therapy in complex treatment of patients, especially in hospitals that handle severe mentor conditions?
  • Conduct pathogenesis of panic disorder and describe personality features.
  • Which are the best systems to use when offering psychotherapy for families with personality disorders?
  • How do nocturnal panic attacks relate to depressive disorders?
  • Give a theoretical analysis of the Emotional Stroop Effect.
  • Describe the personality structure of a patient with eating disorders and obesity.
  • Describe the treatment of depressive psychological disorders.
  • What is the connection between menopause and depressive disorders among women?
  • To what extent do hereditary factors influence depressive disorders in kids and adolescents?
  • Describe a psychological model as well as diagnosis and treatment of social anxiety.
  • Give a full description of cognitive processes, especially in organic brain lesions.
  • Describe schizophrenic disorders.
  • Give examples of ways in which the essential components of cognition are violated in schizophrenic cases.
  • Which is the best way to diagnose and treat children with attention problems?
  • How can you protect drug addicts psychologically?
  • How do drug abuse influence personality traits and relationships in individuals?
  • Describe circular depression among people with a concomitant personality disorder.
  • How to diagnose personality disorders among adolescents.

Cause and Effect Psychological Paper Topics

  • How do dreams cause anxiety?
  • Do advertisements have any effect on eating disorders?
  • How does social media influence empathy?
  • Do long-term relationships affect social behavior?
  • What are the psychological factors that influence a mass shooting?
  • Give the effects both negative and positive of stereotyping gender.
  • How does family violence impact on a child’s mentality?
  • How do learning abilities affect a child’s self-esteem?
  • What causes infidelity in marriage?
  • How does a parent and kid relationship influence the romantic relationship of the child’s future?
  • What are the impacts of parental alcoholism um on a kid’s mentality?
  • Who are the adverse effects of Barbie dolls on the self-esteem of girls?
  • Do computer games with violence contribute to adolescent aggression?
  • How do mood disorders come about, and what are the psychological and biological causes?
  • How do external factors influence child development?
  • Explain how stress causes psychological disorders.
  • Describe the child development of kids from overprotective parents.
  • Explain communication barriers between different genders.
  • How do emotions influence performance in sports?
  • Explain the therapeutic effect of music on our moods.
  • Is parental negligence to blame for child obesity?
  • How does bullying influence the mentality of children?
  • What effects does chocolate have on your mood?
  • Will singing cheer you up and why?
  • Does watching a sad movie make you cry? Give a psychological analysis of this phenomenon.
  • What are the therapeutic effects of painting?
  • In what ways does a professional psychologist get their personal life affected by their job?

Other Worthwhile Psychology Essay Topics

Psychology is a broad subject, and there is much more you can explore. Here are more uncategorized topics that you can explore.

  • A History of Psychology
  • The Role of Psychologists in the Corporate Setting
  • The Different Kinds of Operations, Methods, and Techniques Used for Psychological Warfare and its Effectiveness
  • A Look at the Career Field of Psychology and How to Become a Psychologist
  • The Psychology of Consciousness
  • How Psychology Relates to Accounting and Finance in the Fields of Memory, Personality, and Neuroscience
  • A Focus on a Career in the Field of Psychology
  • The Psychology of an Addict
  • The History and Applications of Positive Psychology
  • A Question on Whether Social Psychology Is More Psychological or Social
  • A Report on the Specialties in the Field of Psychology and Its Characteristics as a Career Option
  • The History and Evolution of Clinical Psychology as a Field of Practice
  • An Interest in Psychology and My Translation Works of Different Psychology Blogs and Documents
  • Understanding Psychology and Theories Associated With It
  • A Discussion of the Importance of Psychology in Our Everyday Lives
  • An Analysis of the Evolution of Forensic Psychology
  • An Analysis of the Four Main Methods of Test and Surveys in Psychology
  • An Analysis of the Child Psychology and Psychological Disorders
  • An Analysis of the Sport Psychology
  • The Concepts of the Brain, Sensation, Perception, and the Nature Versus Nurture Debate in My Psychological Course
  • An Overview of Major Contributors to the Development of Psychology as a Science
  • Psychology as a Real Science and the Common Misconceptions About Psychology
  • An Analysis of Psychological Health vs. Mental Illness
  • The Characteristics, Causes, and Prevalence of Panic Disorder, an Anxiety Disorder
  • An Overview of the Career of Psychology
  • The Views of Franz Brentano on the Philosophical Concept of Consciousness
  • An Analysis of Psychology
  • An Evaluation of the Success of Psychology and Its Extent
  • An Overview of the Reasons to Study Psychology
  • The Objectives of the Master’s in Counseling Program
  • The Growth and Role of Forensic Psychology
  • Understanding Human Behavior Through Psychology
  • The Career of a Clinical Psychologist
  • The Causes and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
  • The Harmful Effect of Violent Lyrical Content in Music on Teenage Behaviors
  • The Ignorance About Child Abuse and Measures to Solve This
  • A Discussion of the Meaning of Aphorism and Its Uses
  • An Analysis of the Topic of the Children’s Perception
  • A Discussion on the Stressful Impact of Exams on Students
  • A Summary of the Reinforcement Theory
  • The Causes, Symptoms, and Spread of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • A Comparison of Two Interviews on the Subject of True Happiness
  • The Effects of Separating Twins in the Society
  • The Zodiac Circle Inside You
  • A Review of Major Happenings in the World from My Childhood to Adulthood
  • Psychological and Physical Effects of Drug Use in Today’s Adolescents
  • Comparison of Men and Women’s Sensitivity to Emotions
  • The Origins of Strange Habits
  • The Concepts of Psychology and the Fundamental Thinking Skills
  • A Career Analysis: Psychologist
  • The Perks of Choosing and Graduating as a Psychology Major
  • The Psychology of Color
  • An Overview of Psychology
  • Understanding Different Psychology Modules
  • Career Goals in Accomplishing Psychology Major
  • A Look at the Field of Psychology and Its Application as a Human Science
  • The Ten Early Perspectives in Psychology
  • Understanding Sport Psychology
  • The Evolution of the Field of Psychology Throughout History
  • An Analysis of the Best and Simplest Summary of Psychological Principles
  • The Different Functions of Counseling and Educational Psychology
  • The Career of a Clinical Child Psychologist
  •  Define depression and explain why society should take it seriously.
  • Define social Darwinism In terms of racism.
  • What is the unconscious inference?
  • Define a borderline personality.
  • What is the primary purpose of defense mechanisms?
  • Explain memory errors and name three types of memory errors
  • What is self-esteem?
  • Define traumatic grief and explain whether its effects are irreversible.
  • What are the Macbeth effect and its causes?

How to Choose a Topic for a Psychology Essay

There are several approaches you can use when writing essay topics psychology;

  • Pick an unexplored topic – If you have the time and resources, picking an unexplored topic will test your knowledge and establish you as an authority in the subject of interest.
  • Revisit a controversial topic – There is no shortage of controversial topics in psychology. This approach will help you better the body of knowledge in psychology.
  • Narrow down – As a life science, psychology is a broad enough subject to offer niche topics that present excellent research opportunities. Narrowing down will go a long way in helping you focus on a specific subject. However, you should be careful not to narrow down too much such that you will not get sources of information to explore your topic.
  • Choose a topic that interests you – One of the biggest mistakes that students make is picking topics that don’t interest them. If it is a subject that you like, you are going to enjoy working on it, and you will be motivated to do thorough research.
  • Consider the amount of information you will need for the essay – Most time, the professors tell you how many references they will need for a given assignment. Remember that different psychology subjects have varying content. The most explored ones could have more information compared to the areas that have not been tackled much. Keeping this in mind while choosing your topic will go a long way in preventing you from getting stranded in the middle of your write up.

Writing a psychology essay may look daunting. But solid research and careful analysis of what you want to write on does half of the work. Sometimes, you might write a well-informed essay but struggle to come up with a topic. Do not worry; you are like many out there. This creative  essay title generator  might be what you need. The challenges you face in writing the essay are worth the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a mark in this crucial life science.

Psychology is an exciting subject, and if you choose the right topic and do ample research, it is easy to nail that paper. To impress the reader further, do your work professionally by ensuring there are no grammatical errors, and your content is original: a  plagiarism checker  can help you with this.

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The answer to every question in psychology

Travis Dixon September 27, 2021 Revision and Exam Preparation

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I’m about to tell you the answer to every essay question in IB Psychology. It’s a simple two word answer. 

WARNING: you’re probably not going to like the answer. It may frustrate or disappoint you. You might think this is useless and no help whatsoever. If that’s your reaction, then you’re not ready for the IB Psychology exams. Or at least, you’re ready to ACE them. Once you can understand and appreciate this answer, you’ll see it everywhere and perhaps not just in psychology. If you can articulate this answer clearly, using research and multiple examples your essays will score top marks.

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So are you ready to hear the answer to every essay question in IB Psychology?


That is the answer. It’s complicated. Every conclusion you write for an IB Psychology essay should convey this point. The command terms themselves require you to show this idea:

Discuss : you can’t just show one side of the argument. If you provide a simple, straightforward answer without nuance then you aren’t “providing a balanced review.” A discussion of any topic in Psychology should show a realization that there are at least two sides to every story. i.e. it’s complicated.

psychology questions for an essay

The command terms require your essays to show “it’s complicated.” 

For example, if you’re asked to discuss the effects of a biological factor like pheromones on behaviour, you would first establish an argument that pheromones do influence behaviour and you’d have some supporting studies. But in order to write an excellent essay you have to show that it’s more complicated than that. There are limitations to the research. There are doubts about the existence of human pheromones. There are other explanations for that same behaviour. In conclusion, the answer to the question of how pheromones affect behaviour is complicated.

Evaluate : this is essentially the same as a discussion with a focus on strengths and limitations. It is mostly used for questions about theories or research methods. Just like a discussion, at first you need to explain whatever you’re evaluating and use some supporting studies. You put forth some kind of central argument for the topic. But in order to evaluate properly you also have to show limitations. You might say a particular theory is valid, supported by evidence and has strengths but you also have to say, “but look it’s not perfect.” Can the theory explain behaviour? Well, kind of. It’s complicated. Is the research method effective for studying human behaviour? Sometimes, but it’s complicated.

To what extent:  just like a discussion and an evaluation, this command term necessitates counter-arguments. You can’t just be arguing one side of the question. Yes, you have to explain the topic and use supporting evidence. In other words, you develop an argument in response to the question and use studies to support your argument. But if you never show the limitations of this argument, then you aren’t addressing the “to what extent” part of the question. To quote Alexey Popov, the answer to any to what extent question is always “to some extent.” In other words, you’re showing that “hey, it’s complicated.”

psychology questions for an essay

Once you accept that there are rarely straightforward explanations for human behaviour, you’re ready to write excellent essays.

For example, you might get asked “to what extent does one cultural dimensions affect one behaviour.” First you’d choose a dimension like individualism and collectivism, explain what this is and how it affects behaviour using some studies to support your answer. Yet again, however, you can’t just leave your answer here. If your conclusion is that cultural dimensions undeniably influence human behaviour and there’s no doubt about this, then your essay is weak. You must show that there are limitations to this explanation, including alternative arguments, limitations with the theory and the research.

Human behaviour is complex, and complex problems require complex explanations. In the early weeks and months of your psychology career you probably won’t like this answer, that “it’s complicated.” You want something easier, more straightforward. But as you study topic after topic, write essay after essay, you will learn to appreciate the nuance. Understand the black and white first, and then learn to live in the grey areas.

In a world filled with clickbait, tweets and tiktoks, learning to appreciate nuance is a valuable skill that will not only prepare you for success in IB Psych exams, but in the wider world as well.

Travis Dixon

Travis Dixon is an IB Psychology teacher, author, workshop leader, examiner and IA moderator.

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Psychology Extended Essay Guide: Definition, Rubric, And Topics

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by  Antony W

June 9, 2024

IB psychology extended essay

This is the complete guide on Psychology Extended Essay for the IB students. Whether you’re currently determining what subjects to work on or you’ve already made up your mind that you want to focus on psychology, you’ll find this guide quite helpful.

The guide covers everything you need to know about the topic. In particular, you’ll learn:

  • What psychology extended essay is
  • How to choose psychology essay topics
  • The best psychology EE topic examples
  • How to write the extended essay and
  • Psychology extended essay assessment criteria

Let’s get started.

What’s Psychology Extended Essay?

The IB EE Guide defines the subject as the examination of interaction of sociocultural, biological, and cognitive influences on human behavior and experiences.

As an IB student, you should have a solid understanding of what falls within this subject when developing a topic to investigate.

The aims of writing an Extended Essay in IB Psychology is to demonstrate that you can conduct independent research on a given topic and develop the skills necessary for creative and critical thinking.

When your examiners look at the EE, they should instantly see a systematic process of research relevant to the subject and your expression of intellectual discoveries.

What’s the Role of Psychology Extended Essay?

An extended essay in psychology is a project that gives you the chance to research a topic of personal interest within the discipline of psychology, which may extend beyond the Diploma Program.

Students who choose Psychology actively investigate a research issue that will enhance their analytical and communication abilities, as well as their comprehension of behavior.

An extended essay in this filed should introduce you to the pleasure of intellectual discovery as you study the “systematic of behavior and experience."  

When developing your topic, you should have a comprehensive comprehension of what fits under the realm of psychology.

To be clear, psychology covers the study of both human and nonhuman animal behavior. It has its own terminology, techniques, and literature.

For you to complete an extended essay in psychology, you must have a solid grasp of the subject and its techniques. Psychology is not a "residual" category for extended essay topics that do not fit into any other area.

You must therefore select themes that lend themselves to psychological inquiry and analysis, and you must carefully evaluate the assessment criteria while selecting a topic.

Get IB Psychology Extended Essay Writing Help

Feeling stuck with you IB Psychology Extended Essay and don’t know where to start?

Or maybe you already have a topic to explore but you don’t have enough time to do research and get the work completed?

Don’t worry because, with our  IB Extended Essay Writing Service ,  you can get the work completed in time. Our guarantee is that we help you to earn good grades by delivering well-researched essays on time. Place your order with us today and let us help you get the work done. Or keep reading below to learn how to write the essay in your free time.

How You Should Treat the Psychology Extended Essay Topics

A psychology extended essay requires you to examine a subject of personal interest in a systematic manner. You have to structure the assignment around a focused research topic, which you should strives to address throughout document.

You need to view the essay as an investigative and analytical argument than as a research hypothesis to be discovered through a formal psychological investigation employing research methodologies.

Data collection and research techniques, such as experiments, surveys, observations, and case studies, are unsuitable for an extended essay in psychology. So you shouldn’t include them in the essay.  

You should examine your own personal interests as a starting point for the essay writing process. That’s because experiences demonstrate that personal interest plays a significant influence in the success of an essay.

After picking a topic of interest, you can reduce the scope of their essay and research question by considering subfields within that field.  

Psychology Extended Essay Topic Examples

The following are examples of the best Psychology Extended Essay topics. These are just ideas, so use them as guidance to develop or come up with your own topic to investigate.

  • What do you believe is the most prevalent cause of eating disorders and food indifference among adolescents?
  • How do you see borderline personality disorder and how is it treated?
  • Schizophrenia is an illness that requires considerable care. How do you describe it?
  • Dreams are the most discussed topic in the world. What do you think about it?
  • Attention-seeking disorder should be treated with a great deal of care and sensitivity from the beginning. What do you think about it?
  • The dilemma of mankind has always been gender norms or gender prejudice.
  • Child abuse and child labor are on the rise as global concerns. How can we alter it?
  • How do you feel about prenatal development and its management?
  • The parenting style has a significant impact on the behavior of children. What are your opinions on the subject?
  • Aging is one of the most widely acknowledged facts of life How do you characterize this phenomena from a psychological standpoint?
  • Divorce between parents has a significant impact on children's mental health. How should this be prevented?
  • What are your opinions on the rising video game addiction among children?

Remember that a good extended essay topic in Psychology is the one that’s clear, concise, and can fit within the scope of the extended essay requirements.

IB Psychology Extended Essay Outline

Now that you have completed your research, it’s time to take the information you have gathered and put it together into a comprehensive Extended Essay for the IB Psychology.

Your EE should have three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Here’s how to develop each section.

The Introduction

The opening statement of an Extended Essay is huge, so you should give it your best. Your goal with this section of your EE is to establish and explain your argument. It helps to include relevant background information as this goes a long way to make your argument sensible. Define complex words for clarity. And make sure this section isn’t more than two paragraphs long.

Once you have ensured that your introduction has established a strong argument and can easily grab the attention of your reader, start working on the body section. The body should be at least 6 paragraphs. As it is with argumentative essays , each paragraph of your IB Psychology Extended Essay should:

Present a unique idea or argument.

Start with a topic sentence, which is a summary of the main idea that you will be discussing in that paragraph.

Include an example with an explanation on how relevant the example is to your argument.

End with a closing link (or sentence) that introduces the reader to the next consecutive paragraph.

The purpose of a topic sentence in IB Psychology Extended Essay is to introduce and explain the point you intend to make in a paragraph.

A good topic sentence should be clear, concise, and have a strong link to the argument you presented in the introduction. In addition to building on the points you made in a previous paragraph, the topic sentence should also give a clear summary of your argument.

The conclusion of your IB Psychology Extended Essay is as important as other sections of the essay. So you should equally spend enough time writing it. The conclusion to your IB Psychology EE should naturally link to the introduction and summarize the significant points that you’ve made throughout the essay.

As with the conclusion on any given argumentative essay topic, the conclusion of your IB Psychology EE should not merely reflect a re-write if your main ideas. Instead, you should restate the ideas using different terms and phrases to retain the meaning without sounding too repetitive. Furthermore, the conclusion must never introduce a new idea to the article as this could easily distract your readers.

How to Write a Psychology Extended Essay

To write a comprehensive extended essay in psychology:

Read and understand the IB’s EE handbook and, if your teacher issues additional instructions, make sure you follow them.

Choose a preliminary topic and a tentative research question for your extended essay in Psychology. Some questions to ask yourself when choosing the topic to work on include:

  • Why is my topic and research issue significant to me personally?
  • Is there a particular discussion, book, or other source that can assist me in narrowing my focus or choosing my topic and the research question?
  • What do I perceive to be the greatest obstacle as I begin this process? How do I handle this difficulty?

We recommend that you consult your supervisor, so they can provide input about the suitability of your ideas for project.

Start your research early. Begin your research with Google Scholar, JYKDOK library, and EBSCO Academic Search Elite.

As you write you write your essay, your focus should be on developing your case by citing pertinent concepts, theories, and studies from academic psychology research publications and scholarly literature.

  • Do NOT make any claims that you can’ back by evidence from psychological theories or investigations.
  • Provide a well-balanced argument in answer to your research topic.
  • In addition to describing your sources, analyze them in light of your research topic.
  • It is OK to modify your essay's topic and research question as you write. Your sources may yield novel insights.
  • Always pay attention to the EE evaluation criteria as you work on your subject

Consult with your EE supervisor for first reflection. Your supervisor will provide prompt comments on your progress. In addition, the instructor will advise you on your initial reflection.

Psychology Extended Essay Assessment Criteria

The following is the assessment criteria used by IB to evaluate psychology extended essays:

Criterion A: Focus and Method

The key to writing an essay with concentration is a targeted research subject. Although there are several extremely good questions, inferior essays in the psychology subject tend to have difficult questions.

Keep in mind that each component of the essay must directly address the research topic. Be careful to make sure that you don’t spend an excessive amount of time explaining concepts and theories before answering the topic directly with relevant research.

Criterion: Knowledge and Understanding

Stronger essays define essential concepts and present research pertinent to the study. On the other hand, weaker essays often employ language without explaining its relevance to the study or subject.

For instance, claiming that a research showed minimal instrument bias without providing a detailed explanation for why this is the case can cost you valuable marks.

You need to make sure your essay doesn’t have inaccuracies in the usage of words such as external and internal validity and the identification of research techniques.

Criterion C: Critical Reasoning

When writing a psychology extended essay, you must discuss, analyze, and evaluate the significant studies that you cite. Your work can’t be merely descriptive. In other words, you can’t just offer a list of various studies, frequently without a connection to the study issue.

Instead, your essay should include evidence against or for the thesis and then demonstrate why your main argument is stronger.

Criterion D: Presentation

Despite the fact that citation is something that teacher directly examine, you need to make sure your Psychology extended essay has clear citation.

Do not use footnotes for anything other than citations, since it frequently interferes with the reading of the essay.

The key to effective presentation is understandable text. Spacing is an issue in several writings. You must either indent your paragraphs or leave a blank line between them. The last mistake you want to make as far as presentation is concerned is hindering the readability of your extended essay.

Criterion E: Engagement (Or the EE Reflection)

Strong remarks illustrate your research journey and development as a researcher. These reflections elucidate your capacity to identify problems, adopt necessary modifications, and demonstrate their reflexivity throughout the research and writing process.

Weak extended essay reflections detail meetings with the supervisor, reiterated the essay's results, or described the students' passion for their topic.  

Choosing a single area of your research journey to describe and analyze in each reflection is preferable than attempting to cover all aspects of their investigation.

Revising Your IB Psychology Extended Essay

Ending with a strong conclusion doesn’t make your essay complete. You have to edit the assignment thoroughly to make sure it meets the assessment standards of IB EE .

Start by looking at the obvious grammatical errors that could make your IB Psychology EE to mean something other than what you intended. Sometimes your eyes may not notice minor spelling and grammatical errors. That’s why it’s important to use a tool such as Grammarly or Hemmingway App for assistance.

The next in your revision is to ask yourself the “so what?” question. This is where you ask yourself whether your essay communicates the intended message very well so that when your audience asks questions, the essay provides the answers that they need – and in an instant.

The most important questions to ask when trying to answer the “so what” factor are as follows:

Does this essay provide the information that my audience should care about in the first place?

Do the ideas addressed in my IB Psychology Extended Essay add to what others already know about the essay?

As yourself these two questions and you can be sure to make your essay greater than what it currently is.

Advice for IB Students Taking Psychology Extended Essay

Some of the most intriguing, engaging, and successful psychology extended essays don’t always focuses on the course material.

Typically, essays constrained by the guidance provide detailed, emotionless descriptions of classic psychological research. Supervisors do not require in-depth understanding of the student's topic; this is a less relevant component in topic selection than resource availability, student engagement, and essay length.

Generally, "pop psychology" or "self-help"-related topics are inappropriate for the extended essay. Psychology, as stated in the definition, is a systematic study.

In an effort to comprehend behavior and experience, psychologists undertake research studies and construct theories.

Extended essays in psychology must feature support by meticulous and appropriate citation of relevant psychological theories and/or studies. This suggests that academic and psychological research publications and books are the finest resources.

The IB Psychology Extended Essay focuses on an in-depth investigation of an area within the field of psychology. While it’s on a subject presented in the IB EE prompt, your teacher may also allow you to explore a topic of your interest.

This subject gives you the opportunity to explore research questions that can not only promote your understanding of behavior but also develop your research, writing, creative, and intellectual discovery skills.

In this lesson, you will learn everything about the IB Physics EE, from what it is to writing a comprehensive Extended Essay on the subject. Let’s get started.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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How to Write a Psychology Research Paper

Are you working on a psychology research paper this semester? Whether or not this is your first research paper, the entire process can seem a bit overwhelming at first. But, knowing where to start the research process can make things easier and less stressful.

While it can feel very intimidating, a research paper can initially be very intimidating, but it is not quite as scary if you break it down into more manageable steps. The following tips will help you break down the process into steps so it is easier to research and write your paper.

Decide What Kind of Paper You Are Going to Write

Before you begin, you should find out the type of paper your instructor expects you to write. There are a few common types of psychology papers that you might encounter.

Original Research or Lab Report

A report or empirical paper details research you conducted on your own. This is the type of paper you would write if your instructor had you perform your own psychology experiment. This type of paper follows a format similar to an APA format lab report. It includes a title page, abstract , introduction, method section, results section, discussion section, and references.

Literature Review

The second type of paper is a literature review that summarizes research conducted by other people on a particular topic. If you are writing a psychology research paper in this form, your instructor might specify the length it needs to be or the number of studies you need to cite. Student are often required to cite between 5 and 20 studies in their literature reviews and they are usually between 8 and 20 pages in length.

The format and sections of a literature review usually include an introduction, body, and discussion/implications/conclusions.

Literature reviews often begin by introducing the research question before narrowing the focus to the specific studies cited in the paper. Each cited study should be described in considerable detail. You should evaluate and compare the studies you cite and then offer your discussion of the implications of the findings.

Select an Idea for Your Research Paper

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Once you have figured out the type of research paper you are going to write, it is time to choose a good topic . In many cases, your instructor may assign you a subject, or at least specify an overall theme on which to focus.

As you are selecting your topic, try to avoid general or overly broad subjects. For example, instead of writing a research paper on the general subject of attachment , you might instead focus your research on how insecure attachment styles in early childhood impact romantic attachments later in life.

Narrowing your topic will make writing your paper easier because it allows you to focus your research, develop your thesis, and fully explore pertinent findings.

Develop an Effective Research Strategy

As you find references for your psychology paper, take careful notes on the information you use and start developing a bibliography. If you stay organized and cite your sources throughout the writing process, you will not be left searching for an important bit of information you cannot seem to track back to the source.

So, as you do your research, make careful notes about each reference including the article title, authors, journal source, and what the article was about. 

Write an Outline

You might be tempted to immediately dive into writing, but developing a strong framework can save a lot of time, hassle, and frustration. It can also help you spot potential problems with flow and structure.

If you outline the paper right off the bat, you will have a better idea of how one idea flows into the next and how your research supports your overall hypothesis .

You should start the outline with the three most fundamental sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Then, start creating subsections based on your literature review. The more detailed your outline, the easier it will be to write your paper.

Draft, Revise, and Edit

Once you are confident in your outline, it is time to begin writing. Remember to follow APA format as you write your paper and include in-text citations for any materials you reference. Make sure to cite any information in the body of your paper in your reference section at the end of your document.

Writing a psychology research paper can be intimidating at first, but breaking the process into a series of smaller steps makes it more manageable. Be sure to start early by deciding on a substantial topic, doing your research, and creating a good outline . Doing these supporting steps ahead of time make it much easier to actually write the paper when the time comes.

  • Beins, BC & Beins, A. Effective Writing in Psychology: Papers, Posters, and Presentation. New York: Blackwell Publishing; 2011.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

A-Level AQA Psychology Questions by Topic

Finish sign up, filter by paper, core content, 1. social influence.

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TopicMark Scheme

3. Attachment

TopicMark Scheme

4 . Psychopathology

TopicMark Scheme

5 . Approaches in Psychology

TopicMark Scheme

6. Biopsychology

7 . research methods, 8. issues and debates in psychology, 9. relationships.

TopicMark Scheme

11. Cognition and Development

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12. Schizophrenia

13. eating behaviour, 15. aggression, 16. forensic psychology, 17. addiction.

PSYC 3120: Psychoeducational Aspects of Early Childhood Education Course Objectives

Last Modified: December 2004

Return to: | EdPsyc Interactiv e: Courses |

There are Power Point Presentations available for some of the objectives. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, simply click on the term "Power Point Presentation." If you are using Netscape Navigator (4.2 or before), right click on the "PPT Presentation" and save the file to your harddrive. If you do not already have the Power Point program, you can download the PowerPoint 97 Viewer .] Guidelines for writing an essay are provided at the end of the objectives.

Page numbers refer to Eggen & Kauchak (2004)

Forward to: Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

1. Define and differentiate the following terms : ( 2-12 )  [ PPT Presentation ]
a. Psychology b. Education c. Schooling d. Educational Psychology e . Teaching f . Learning
2. Define and contrast descriptive, correlational and experimental studies , giving examples of how each of these have be used in educational psychology. Define and contrast the four basic methods used to collect data in educational psychology (systematic observation, participant observation, paper/pencil, and clinical), giving an example of how each has been used in the study of important variables in educational psychology. In your discussion, define and differentiate the following terms : fact, concept, principle, hypothesis, theory, and law. ( Study Guide ) ( 12-31 )  [ PPT Presentation ] 3. Name and define the stages of mastery an individual is likely to pass through on the way to becoming an expert professional educator. Discuss the major influences and give examples of appropriate activities or goals for each stage. Define and differentiate critical thinking and self-regulated learning as they apply to classroom teachers. [Trotter, 1986] [ PPT Presentation ] 4. Draw and discuss the significant aspects of the model of the teaching/learning process presented in class (or discussed in one of the required readings), giving specific examples of the types of variables considered in educational psychology. Describe relationships among variables you discuss. [Cruickshank, 1985] [ PPT Presentation #1 ] [ PPT Presentation # 2 ] [ PPT Presentation # 3 ]

UNIT #2 Return to top

1. Define and contrast the three types of behavioral learning theories , (contiguity, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning) giving examples of how each can be used in the classroom. (194-213) [ PPT Presentation ]
2. Compare and contrast the four methods used to modify behavior in operant conditioning ( positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and response cost ), giving original examples of how each can be used in the classroom. Include in your answer a discussion of the four schedules of reinforcement , describing the likely response pattern associated with each. Give original examples of how each can be used in the classroom. (200-213) ( Study Guide) [ PPT Presentation ] [ PPT Presentation - Behavior Modification ]

UNIT #3 Return to top

1. Define cognition and differentiate among the stage, levels-of-processing, parallel distributed processing, and connectionist models of information processing. Draw and describe a model of the stage approach to information processing to learning, giving original examples as to how you as teacher could use this theory to structure the learning process to help students learn better. (Be sure to define the following terms: rote rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal, declarative, procedural, and imagery organizations of knowledge.) (234-276) ( Study Guide ) [ PPT Presentation -- Overview ] [ PPT Presentation -- Information Processing ] [ PPT Presentation -- Stage Model ] [ PPT Presentation --Using the Theory ] 2. Name and define the six levels in Bloom's Taxonomy for the Cognitive Domain . Describe how each level fits with the cognitive theory of learning.  (464-467) [ PPT Presentation--Domains ] 3. Discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development , giving examples of how this theory could impact teachers' behavior. (Be sure and discuss both the process and stage aspects of this theory). Compare and contrast this with Vygotsky's views. How do these theories relate to a constructivistic view of learning? (32-63 ; 279-298 ) ( Study Guide ) [ PPT Presentation ] [ PPT Presentation--Stages ] [ PPT Presentation--Constructivism ]

UNIT # 4 Return to top

1. Discuss the process of instructional planning and describe why it is an important teacher behavior. Compare and contrast goals and objectives. Rewrite poorly written instructional objectives in a behavioral objective format  according to the standards set forth by Mager. Write a general/specific instructional objective according to the style developed by Gronlund that addresses all six levels of Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain..(460-472) [ PPT Presentation--Planning ] [ PPT Presentation--Objectives ] [ Video--Aligning Standards ] 2. Describe why classroom instruction is an important teacher behavior. Name and define the specific events of instruction that would be included in your model of direct instruction and give an example of a teacher behavior and a student behavior for each event. (472-490) ( Study guide ) [McCarthy, 1985; Rosenshine, 1995]  [ PPT Presentation--Overview ] [ PPT Presentation--Direct Instruction ]

UNIT #5 Return to top

1. Compare and contrast the constructivistic learning approach and a direct or explicit teaching approach, giving specific examples of how these should be considered when teachers design classroom activities. (32-63 ; 279-298; 472-490) ( Study Guide ) [ PPT Presentation--Constructivism ][ PPT--Constructivism in Spanish ] [ Video--Cooperative Learning ] 2. Describe the importance of classroom management and its impact on academic learning time. Name and describe three general categories of the events of classroom management from a behavioral perspective, giving examples of specific teacher activities for each category. (424-459) ( Study Guide ) [Randolph & Evertson, 1994] [ PPT Presentation ] [ Video-- Classroom Mangement ] 3. Using the research on the first-week management behavior of effective classroom teachers, state what you would do during your first week as a new teacher and why you would do that. Discuss the difference between focusing on increasing on-task behavior or decreasing off-task behavior (Give specific, original examples, not just generalities.). [ PPT Presentation ]

UNIT #6 Return to top

1.    Determining whether learning occurs in the classroom is a vital task for a classroom teacher. Assessment, measurement, and evaluation are important terms associated with this task.  Define each term, describe why each is of value in the learning process, and give an example of how you would use each in the classroom. As you collect data you must be concerned about timing (formative vs. summative) and standards for judging quality ( criterion- vs. norm-referenced ). You must also make decisions about the type of questions you use on examinations (selection vs. supply).  Additionally, whenever you collect data and make decisions about learning, you must be concerned with the issues of reliability and validity . Describe how each of these can be used in the process of evaluating learning and assigning grades? (492-539; 549-550) ( Study Guide ) [PPT Presentation] 2. Compare and contrast evaluation of ability or aptitude versus achievement. Define and differentiate the following terms, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each: a. mean, median, mode, and standard deviation ; b. raw scores, percentile rank scores, grade-equivalent scores, and standard scores.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of standardized evaluations? (540-568) ( Study Guide ) [PPT Presentation]

3. Discuss how the Georgia Teacher Observation Instrument GTOI would measure the teacher behaviors of planning, instruction and managment. [PPT Presentation]

UNIT #7 Return to top

1. Name and discuss the principles and objectives of the humanistic approach to learning and describe how it might influence teaching. [DeCarvalho, 1991] [PPT Presentation] 2. Name and describe Erikson's theory of psychosocial development . Note behaviors associated with each stage and the implications of the theory for classroom practice. Evaluate the theory--that is, what evidence exists for its validation or what evidence would lead you to reject it? (89-93) ( Study Guide ) [ PPT Presentation ] 3. Define the terms self-concept and self-esteem and discuss how these might influence learning.  (93-100) ( Study Guide ) [PPT Presentation] 4 . Describe the observational learning and social cognitive theories of learning. How do these reflect operant conditioning and information processing theories? ( Study Guide ) (214-233) [Hoy, 1998] [ PPT Presentation ] 5 . Define conation , describe how it works and how it might develop. How does goal-setting impact conation and learning? How does conation relate to self-regulation and self-control? What can educators do to help students develop conation? (221-223; 390-393) [PPT Presentation]

UNIT #8 Return to top

1. Define character and describe why it may be an important issue for today's educators. Describe three different approaches to impacting character development and relate these to theories and issues discussed in the course. Include a discussion of Kohlberg's stages of moral development and compare Kohlberg's theory to Gilligan's theory of female moral development.  (101-112) [Huitt & Vessels, 2003] ( Study Guide ) [ PPT Presentation ] 2 . Define service learning and describe some of its major components. Describe some of the major benefits stated by its proponents. Evaluate the approach in terms of recent research. [PPT Presentation]
3 . Name and discuss at least 5 principles of learning that most learning theorists agree on , regardless of their theoretical orientation. Give specific examples of how these principles could be used in the classroom. [PPT Presentation]
  • Cruickshank, D. (1985, Winter). Profile of an effective teacher. Educational Horizons , 90-92.
  • DeCarvalho, R. (1991). The humanistic paradigm in education. The Humanistic Psychologist, 19 (1), 88-104. 
  • Hoy, W. (1998). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control (Book Review). E ducational Administration Quarterly, 34 (1), 153-158.
  • Huitt, W., & Vessels, G. (2002). Character education. In J. Guthrie (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of education (2 nd ed.). New York: Macmillan.
  • McCarthy, B. (1985, April). What 4MAT training teaches us about staff development. Educational Leadership, 42 (7), 61-68.
  • Randolph, C., & Evertson, C. (1994, Spring). Images of management for learner-centered classrooms. Action in Teacher Education , 55-64.
  • Rosenshine, B. (1995). Advances in research on instruction. The Journal of Educational Research, 88 (5), 262-268.
  • Trotter, R. (1986). The mystery of mastery. Psychology Today, 20 (7), 32-38.
  • Use complete sentences
  • Use proper punctuation
  • Use proper spelling
  • What is the issue to be addressed?
  • Why is this issue important?
  • What will be included in your answer; how will your answer be organized?
  • Body -- Present information in clear, concise, and logical manner
  • Summarize your main points
  • Relate information in body to original proposition (why is this issue important?)

Some examples of good essay writing are provided by the Educational Testing Service, developer of the GRE-Writing Test.

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Dr. William G. (Bill) Huitt Dept. of Psychology, Counseling & Guidance Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698-0001

Office: (912) 333-5930 FAX: (912) 259-5576

whuitt AT valdosta DOT edu

Copyright (c) 2004 -- Bill Huitt

What Are Common Topics In (DClinPsy) Clinical Psychology Doctorate Interviews?

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

Prepare for common interview themes, not specific questions.

While it might be tempting to try and predict exact interview questions, we caution against this approach.

Clinical psychology (DClinPsy) interviews are designed to assess your potential and suitability for the field, not to test your ability to provide “correct” answers.

Instead, focus on common topical themes that underpin many clinical psychology interview questions.

These themes include the applicant’s understanding of the NHS, their knowledge of clinical interventions and relevant research, their experience in multidisciplinary teams, and their reflections on their own personal and professional development.

By thoroughly reflecting on these themes and preparing to discuss them in the context of their own experiences, applicants can demonstrate a deeper understanding of the field and their place within it.

Common topics discussed in clinical psychology interviews include:

NHS Structure & Values

Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the National Health Service (NHS) and its impact on clinical psychology. Be prepared to discuss current healthcare policies, service delivery challenges, and your awareness of relevant debates within the field.

Simply listing current issues is not enough.

Applicants should be prepared to discuss how these issues shape their own thinking about mental health services and the role of psychology within the NHS.

For example:

  • Changes in mental health structure (interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being)
  • Changes in the NHS and how they might affect the role of a clinical psychologist
  • Changes in NHS funding
  • The impact of privatization within the NHS
  • Role of technology

This goes beyond simply listing topics like privatization. It involves articulating how these issues impact the role of a clinical psychologist.

The role of a clinical psychologist

Be prepared to discuss your understanding of the role of a clinical psychologist and how your skills and experiences align with this role.

Interviewers are not seeking candidates who have mastered every type of therapy or worked with every client group. Instead, they are interested in individuals who demonstrate potential for growth and development within the field.


For instance, simply stating “privatization is a current issue” lacks depth.

Instead, consider discussing how the increasing privatization of mental health services might influence a clinical psychologist’s referral pathways, treatment options, and professional autonomy.

You could also explore the ethical dilemmas this trend might pose for practitioners committed to equitable access to care.

NHS funding

When discussing changes in NHS funding, avoid generic statements and focus on the practical implications for clinical psychologists.

For instance, you could discuss how funding cuts might impact service provision, waiting times, and the availability of resources for clients with specific needs.

Additionally, you could explore how these challenges might influence your role in advocating for clients’ rights and navigating ethical dilemmas related to resource allocation.

NHS policies

Familiarizing yourself with relevant NHS policies influencing clinical psychology is crucial.

This might involve understanding local delivery plans, equality and diversity initiatives, and other policy drivers shaping mental health service delivery.

  • Ethics: Ethical dilemmas and scenarios are common topics in clinical psychology interviews, designed to assess your ethical reasoning and decision-making skills during patient interactions. Show respect for individual autonomy and preferences when making decisions about treatment options like medication management, where patient perspectives are paramount.
  • Formulating informed opinions about the future of the NHS: Articulating a vision for how clinical psychology can contribute to a more equitable and effective NHS.
  • Critiquing existing systems and policies: Demonstrating an ability to engage in critical thinking about the NHS’s strengths and weaknesses, particularly as they relate to mental health provision.
  • Service issues: Be prepared to discuss current service issues and how clinical psychology can address them. This might involve demonstrating awareness of waiting times, access to services, and the need for innovative service delivery models.
  • Local delivery plans: These plans outline how local NHS organizations intend to meet the needs of their population. Familiarizing oneself with these plans demonstrates an understanding of local priorities, service gaps, and opportunities for innovation within a specific geographical area.
  • Increased emphasis on evidence-based practice: The NHS prioritizes interventions supported by research evidence. Candidates should be prepared to discuss their understanding of evidence-based practice and how they would ensure their clinical work aligns with current research findings.

Clinical Experience

Showcase a well-rounded understanding of clinical practice, acquired through diverse experiences that highlight your commitment to the field and readiness for the challenges of a clinical psychology doctorate program.

This allows interviewers to assess:

  • How applicants have been shaped by their clinical experiences
  • How they have handled difficult situations
  • Experience in multidisciplinary teams
  • Their ability to reflect on their experiences and demonstrate growth and learning
  • Ethical considerations and your approach to risk assessment and management

What constitutes clinical experience?

Clinical experience refers to hands-on involvement in settings where you directly interact with patients facing mental health challenges. This experience should provide insights into the realities of clinical practice and demonstrate your commitment to working in a patient-facing role within the mental health field.

Clinical experience encompasses a broad spectrum of roles and settings, extending beyond the conventional pathway of assistant psychologist (AP) positions. While an AP role is valuable, it is not the sole determinant of a strong application.

Here are some examples of what constitutes relevant clinical experience:

  • Support worker
  • Healthcare assistant (HCA)
  • Psychological wellbeing practitioner (PWP)
  • Assistant psychologist (AP)
  • Roles in mental health charities, such as Samaritans or Mind
  • Research assistant positions: While primarily research-focused, these positions can offer valuable clinical experience if they involve direct patient contact.
  • Lived experience: Having personal experience with mental health difficulties can provide unique insights. However, it’s crucial to reflect on how this experience might influence your work and to address any potential challenges in a professional manner.
  • S ituation – Describe the situation you were in.
  • T ask – Explain the task you had to complete.
  • A ction – Describe the specific actions you took to complete the task.
  • R esult – Close with the results of your efforts.

Demonstrate learning from clinical experiences

It is important to demonstrate what you’ve learned from your experiences and how they’ve shaped you as a potential clinician.

It’s not merely about listing roles but about articulating the skills and insights gained. This can include:

  • Applying psychological frameworks
  • Understanding different therapeutic approaches, such as CBT
  • Gaining experience in risk assessment and management
  • Working within multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)
  • Reflecting on ethical dilemmas and professional values

When discussing clinical experiences, highlight the importance of reflection, not just description.

Instead of merely recounting what you did, focus on what you learned from challenging situations, how you navigated ethical dilemmas, and how these experiences contributed to your professional development.

For instance, you could discuss when your theoretical assumptions were challenged, how you adapted your approach, and the insights gained about your biases or limitations.

Reflective journals can strengthen interview performance

A reflective journal is highly recommended for aspiring clinical psychologists because it helps develop and demonstrate key skills and qualities valued in the field.

Regularly documenting experiences and analyzing them through a reflective lens helps aspiring psychologists learn from their encounters, both positive and challenging.

This process accelerates professional development and cultivates a mindset of continuous improvement, which is highly desirable in the field.

  • While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reflection, sources suggest exploring different reflective models, such as Gibbs’ model or Rolfe’s model , to find a framework that resonates with the individual. These models provide a structured approach to guide the reflective process and ensure comprehensiveness
  • Reading reflective essays or listening to experienced clinicians discuss their practice to gain a deeper understanding of how reflection manifests in the field. Books like “ Surviving Clinical Psychology ” can provide valuable insights and examples to inspire aspiring psychologists in their own reflective writing

When asked about past experiences, challenges, or their motivations for pursuing clinical psychology, applicants with well-maintained reflective journals can draw on specific examples and demonstrate their capacity for self-awareness and growth.

Psychological Models

While not a memory test, interviewers expect applicants to be able to demonstrate an understanding of psychological models and how they can be applied to clinical practice.

  • The most common model used, and therefore the easiest to practice with is CBT .
  • Familiarity with risk assessment and management is also important.

While knowing specific models is important, interviewers are more interested in your ability to apply theoretical understanding to practice.

Rather than memorizing models, focus on demonstrating how you would use your knowledge to formulate a client’s difficulties, select appropriate interventions, and tailor your approach based on individual needs and preferences.

  • Focus on the “why” and “how” of models: Instead of simply listing the principles of a model, applicants should be prepared to explain why they find certain models compelling, how they have used those models in their clinical work, and how their understanding of those models has evolved.
  • Highlight experiences that showcase model application: Applicants should reflect on their clinical experiences and identify situations where they effectively applied psychological models. When discussing these experiences, they should clearly outline the model used, the rationale for its application, and the outcomes observed.
  • Articulate a coherent approach to model selection: Applicants should be prepared to discuss the factors they consider when choosing a model, such as the client’s presenting issues, their therapeutic goals, and the evidence base for different interventions.
  • Acknowledge the limitations of a purely theoretical approach: Applicants should be prepared to discuss the challenges of applying models in real-world settings and how they navigate the complexities of clinical work.

Research Knowledge & Experience

Be prepared to discuss your research background, analyze research papers, and articulate your research interests. Interviewers may also assess your understanding of research methodologies and statistical concepts.

Interviewers may ask applicants to discuss:

  • Research they have conducted
  • Research papers they have read
  • Research ideas they have

When discussing research, highlight your ability to think critically and apply research methodologies.

Instead of simply summarizing studies, articulate what you found interesting, any methodological limitations, and how the findings might inform your clinical practice.

How can research experience benefit an interviewee?

Research experience can significantly benefit an applicant to a clinical psychology doctorate program, as it highlights key competencies desired in aspiring clinicians.

It is crucial for applicants to articulate how their research experience has shaped their clinical perspective and prepared them for the demands of a doctorate program.

Simply listing research activities is insufficient; instead, interviewees should focus on the transferable skills acquired, the insights gained, and the overall impact of these experiences on their professional development.

  • Strengthens research skills: Engaging in research, whether through undergraduate projects, master’s theses, or research assistant positions, equips applicants with practical skills in research methodologies, data analysis, and interpretation. This hands-on experience enables them to confidently discuss research concepts during interviews and demonstrate their ability to apply these skills in a clinical setting.
  • Demonstrates critical thinking: The ability to critically evaluate research, identify methodological strengths and weaknesses, and propose alternative approaches is highly valued in clinical psychology. Research experience provides opportunities to hone these critical thinking skills, which are essential for evidence-based practice.
  • Showcases intellectual curiosity: Applicants with research experience demonstrate a genuine interest in advancing knowledge within the field. This intellectual curiosity is appealing to doctorate programs as it suggests a commitment to lifelong learning and a desire to contribute to the scientific foundations of clinical psychology.

Personal Qualities & Self-Reflection

Interviewers are particularly interested in candidates who can articulate their growth and learning from challenging situations.

They value individuals who can demonstrate self-awareness, resilience, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Clinical psychology interviews often involve questions about personal strengths and weaknesses, values, and self-care practices. It’s important to be able to articulate:

  • Your motivations for pursuing clinical psychology
  • How your personal qualities align with the values of the profession
  • Your capacity for self-reflection and personal growth
  • Reflections on their own personal and professional development
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • How you manage stress and prioritize your well-being (a crucial aspect of clinical practice)

Connecting personal qualities to clinical practice

Applicant must reflect on how their personal strengths, values, and even perceived weaknesses might influence their clinical work.

This self-awareness is seen as crucial for both effective client interaction and for navigating the challenges of a demanding profession. For instance, an applicant might be asked to reflect on how their personal experiences with diversity might shape their approach to working with a diverse clientele.

It is crucial for aspiring clinicians to critically examine how their own experiences might influence their work, ensuring they can navigate potential triggers and power dynamics appropriately.

This includes engaging in personal therapy and working towards resolving personal issues to prevent them from hindering their professional practice.

Focus on linking your personal qualities to the profession’s values and the specific competencies required of a clinical psychologist.

For example, instead of simply stating you are “empathetic,” provide a concrete example demonstrating this quality in action and how it contributes to your effectiveness as a clinician.


Success in clinical psychology interviews hinges not just on knowledge, but also on demonstrating strong self-reflection skills.

Applicants who can articulate their personal journey of growth, connect their experiences to their professional development, and demonstrate an openness to continuous learning are more likely to make a favorable impression.

Strategies for showcasing self-reflection:

Interviewees should go beyond describing what they did and articulate what they learned, how they might approach a situation differently next time, and how specific experiences shaped their professional development.

This demonstration of reflection offers interviewers insight into an applicant’s ability to learn and grow, qualities essential for clinical practice.

  • The STAR Model: This model, standing for Situation, Task, Action, and Reflection, provides a structured approach to discussing experiences. It encourages concise and coherent answers that highlight reflection.
  • Context, Content, Reflection: A similar framework, focusing on Context (of the experience), Content (answering the question), and Reflection, helps applicants organize their thoughts and deliver impactful responses.

Tell me about yourself

When asked “Tell me about yourself” in a clinical psychology interview, it’s crucial to provide a response that goes beyond a simple recitation of your resume.

Interviewers use this question to gain a more holistic understanding of who you are as a person and how your unique experiences and qualities have prepared you for the demanding and rewarding journey of becoming a clinical psychologist.

One helpful approach is to imagine yourself in a relaxed setting, like a pub, where a friend asks about your aspirations to become a clinical psychologist. This analogy emphasizes the importance of authenticity and ease in your response.

The interviewers want to hear your genuine voice, your passion for the field, and the experiences that have shaped your desire to pursue this career path.

Remember, the goal is to present a genuine and thoughtful representation of who you are, highlighting your unique strengths, experiences, and passion for clinical psychology.

By approaching this question with authenticity and self-awareness, you can leave a lasting impression on the interviewers and demonstrate your potential to thrive in the field.

Current Issues Impacting Clinical Practice

Interviewers assess your awareness and engagement with current issues. Therefore, it’s crucial to stay informed about relevant policies, debates, and developments within the field and demonstrate your ability to think critically about their implications for clinical practice.

Demonstrating a nuanced understanding of these current issues during clinical psychology interviews, going beyond simply listing challenges to critically analyzing their implications for practice.

Aspiring clinicians should be prepared to discuss how these issues intersect with their personal values, career aspirations, and understanding of the evolving role of clinical psychology within the NHS.

Anti-racism work and diversity

Understanding how systemic racism and lack of diversity affect mental health service provision is crucial.

This includes demonstrating an awareness of systemic barriers, a commitment to anti-racism work, and an ability to reflect on how their own identities and experiences shape their approach to clinical practice.

Diversity in this context encompasses not only race and ethnicity, but also factors such as disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic background.

A lack of diversity among practitioners is identified as a significant concern within the field. This lack of representation has contributed to a perception that clinical psychology is “geared to white middle-class people,” which can create additional stress for trainees from minority and marginalized groups.

Interviewees are encouraged to engage in critical self-reflection to identify their own biases and assumptions, particularly as they relate to working with diverse populations. This process of examining one’s privilege is deemed essential for ethical practice.


Simply increasing diversity is not enough. Clinical psychology training programs must also prioritize anti-racism work, which involves actively dismantling racist structures and practices within the field itself. This includes critically examining:

  • Curriculum content: Ensuring that training materials and case studies reflect the experiences of diverse populations.
  • Teaching practices: Creating inclusive learning environments that value and incorporate diverse perspectives.
  • Placement allocation: Addressing potential biases in placement assignments that may disadvantage trainees from certain backgrounds.
  • Faculty and staff diversity: Increasing representation from marginalized groups among those who train and mentor future clinicians.

Climate anxiety

This trending area of concern highlights the need for clinicians to be aware of the psychological impact of climate change.

This highlights the need for clinicians to be well-informed about this issue to engage in modern discussions and address the psychological impact of climate change effectively.

Lived experience in clinical practice

Recognizing the value of lived experience in shaping mental health services is increasingly important.

Aspiring clinicians should be prepared to encounter a diverse range of experiences and perspectives from their patients, including those shaped by factors like race, culture, and personal struggles.

Growing Role of IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

IAPT is a national program aimed at increasing access to evidence-based psychological therapies for common mental health problems.

Understanding the role of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) and its potential benefits and drawbacks is relevant.

For example, you could discuss how the increasing emphasis on IAPT shapes referral pathways and treatment options.

For example, you could discuss the potential benefits of IAPT in increasing access to evidence-based treatments for common mental health difficulties while also acknowledging the model’s limitations in addressing complex mental health needs that might require more specialist interventions.

Ethical considerations and power dynamics

Interviewees are encouraged to critically examine their own biases and assumptions, recognizing how social inequalities and systemic barriers can influence mental health presentations and access to care.

This critical lens extends to questioning traditional power structures within clinical settings, advocating for greater service user involvement in treatment planning and decision-making.

Who might applicants encounter at an interview?

It is important to note that the specific composition of interview panels may vary depending on the institution and the stage of the selection process. Applicants should review the information provided by each program to understand the format of their interviews and the types of individuals they may encounter.

At an interview for a Clinical Psychology Doctorate program, applicants may encounter a variety of individuals, typically including:

  • Members of the course staff: This may include professors, lecturers, or other academic staff involved in the program.
  • Local psychologists: These individuals are typically practicing clinicians from the area where the training program is located. Their presence on the panel provides a perspective on the specific challenges and opportunities of working in that region.
  • Service user representatives or experts by experience: Recognizing the importance of service user perspectives, many courses include individuals with lived experience of mental health services on their interview panels. These representatives offer valuable insights into the needs and experiences of the client population.
  • Current trainees (often third years): In some cases, senior trainees from the program may be involved in the interview process. This allows applicants to gain insights from students who have recently navigated the program’s demands and can offer a unique perspective on the training experience.

In addition to these common panel members, some institutions may also include:

  • Service users and carers: This further emphasizes the commitment to incorporating diverse perspectives into the selection process.
  • Individuals involved in specific aspects of the selection process : Applicants may encounter administrative staff responsible for logistics, individuals facilitating group tasks, or those conducting research or clinical vignettes.

What should I wear to the interview?

When deciding what to wear to a Clinical Psychology Doctorate interview, it is important to present oneself professionally while remaining authentic to one’s own identity.

Ultimately, the goal is to present yourself as a capable, confident, and authentic individual who is genuinely interested in the program and the profession. Choosing attire that balances professionalism with your own personal style is key.

  • Professionalism is key: Dress in a way that demonstrates respect for the interviewers and the profession, aiming for “smart casual” or slightly more formal attire.
  • Comfort and authenticity: While dressing professionally, it is crucial to also feel comfortable and confident in your attire. Interviewers are interested in getting to know the real you, so choose clothing that reflects your personality and allows you to feel at ease.
  • Context is important: Consider the specific context of the interview and the program to which you are applying. Researching the program’s culture and observing the attire of current clinicians or trainees might offer helpful cues.

Reflect on experiences to build interview stories

Interviewers look for candidates who can articulate what they have learned from their experiences, how they have grown, and how these experiences have shaped their understanding of the field.

Thinking about experiences in terms of context, content, and reflection can be a helpful framework.

This reflective practice not only helps structure interview answers but also allows applicants to demonstrate the capacity for self-awareness and growth that are essential qualities of a clinical psychologist.

Practice for different interview styles

Clinical psychology interviews can vary greatly in format, often including individual interviews (focused on clinical and research experience), service user panels, and group tasks. It’s beneficial to practice in settings that simulate these diverse formats.

For example, while practicing with colleagues can be helpful, seeking mock interviews with individuals outside one’s immediate circle can provide a more realistic interview experience.

This practice allows individuals to familiarize themselves with the structure and flow of different interview styles, reducing anxiety and enhancing their ability to think on their feet.

Caution against over-preparation and rote learning

While practicing responses to common questions can be helpful, striking a balance is crucial.

Excessive rehearsal can make your responses sound scripted and inauthentic.

Instead, focus on reflecting on your experiences, clarifying your motivations for pursuing clinical psychology, and developing a flexible interview approach.

British Psychological Society. (2023). Alternative handbook 2023: Postgraduate training courses in clinical psychology. https://explore.bps.org.uk/binary/bpsworks/ce5d8f58a20ecf32/fcd8f2a79b191dce9493d5d99041b36b99db8e35b67f53a786fbc5941068eb56/prelims.pdf

Hui, A. (2020, September 21). DClinPsy Applications & Interviews – Frequently Asked Questions [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/HGbYxccVQgY

Murphy, D. (2019, March 24). Success in Clinical Psychology Interviews – Part 1: Preparing for interviews [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/HwlEVev7TSs

Murphy, D. (2019, March 25). Success in Clinical Psychology Interviews: Part 2 – Managing the Interview Day [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/09E_dkZfxyE

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By Jenna Somers

Scholars at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development travel across oceans and borders to answer pressing questions on improving the human condition, a mission shared by scholars the world over who collaborate in partnership with Peabody.

To strengthen this mission and advance Peabody’s global reach, the Peabody Research Office will expand its strategy to include Peabody Global Initiatives. Peabody Global Initiatives will support faculty to pursue international research and disseminate knowledge, as well as to develop impactful partnerships and networks through a culturally and contextually responsive, collaborative, and data-driven approach.

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“Peabody Global Initiatives reflects our commitment to crossing geographical boundaries through research and partnerships in education and human development,” said Ellen Goldring , Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Education and Leadership and vice dean of Peabody College. “As we continue to expand on our recent global engagement successes we will further support faculty to collaborate around the world to develop and research policy and practice that strengthens learning and human development.”

Research collaborations led by Peabody faculty members in Vietnam and Colombia and Peabody-hosted visits of Vanderbilt Global Scholars in Residence exemplify the types of international engagements that Peabody Global Initiatives will support, connecting even more Peabody scholars to the world and inviting scholars the world over to Peabody.

Improving Mental Health in Vietnam

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Since 2001, Research Professor of Psychology and Human Development  Bahr Weiss has spearheaded programs to develop and improve clinical psychological services and research capacity throughout Vietnam and across broader Southeast Asia, with funding from the National Institutes of Health. Now, he is helping to develop Vietnam’s licensure criteria for clinical psychologists, and as part of his primary efforts at capacity development, he and his team are adapting, implementing, and evaluating a mindfulness-based program for adults with depression within Buddhist pagodas.

Vietnam recently passed a law, scheduled to take effect in about five years, that will require psychologists to become licensed, a policy that comes in response to 10 years of advocacy by Weiss and his colleagues at Vietnam National University and other institutions. Centrally involved in the policy transition, Weiss is consulting with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health on structuring requirements for psychologists and for clinical programs’ training and accreditation. His team is also assessing the quality of psychotherapy services throughout the country.

Role play training with Bahr Weiss

“We’re investigating the extent to which treatments are evidence-based and implemented following an evidence-based intervention (EBI) structure. We’re also investigating providers’ credentials and how patients find providers, whether through internet searches, word of mouth, or seeing a TV show or advertisement. As part of this project, we will interview providers to assess their understanding of EBI factors and psychotherapy. Moving toward licensure has taken some time, but we are very excited at the prospect of improving mental health services in Vietnam,” Weiss said.

Even as mental health services improve, they are often stigmatized, leaving many people hesitant to seek treatment. However, in preliminary studies, Weiss and his colleagues have found that people are much more comfortable receiving treatment for depression and other mental health problems through non-traditional mental health sites, such as schools or pagodas, as compared to traditional settings, such as hospitals or clinics.

“One interesting issue is that mindfulness-based programs, which are strongly EBI, originated from Buddhist meditation, but have been intentionally developed as non-religious. The goal of mindfulness interventions is to focus one’s attention on the present moment—how your body feels, what thoughts are going through your head—but without judging or evaluating these experiences, seeing them simply as ‘experiences.’ This helps reduce automatic acceptance of negative thoughts and feelings such as those linked to rumination, one underlying causal factor of depression,” Weiss said.

He and his colleagues are piloting the mindfulness-based program with Buddhist monks and community leaders so that they can help treat adults with depression. This approach—commonly known as task-shifting—trains non-professionals to provide a limited, targeted mental health program, which research has shown to be effective for extending mental health services. Importantly, the program should be able to support people with depression who might otherwise not seek mental health services.

Closing the education equity gap in Colombia

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More than 11,000 miles from Vietnam, in Bogotá, Colombia, researchers from Vanderbilt University and William & Mary may have found a promising approach to education reform that could help provide high-quality education to students from low-income families. Results from a  study  on the quality of public-private partnership schools in Bogotá—known as schools in administration—demonstrate that students enrolled in these schools scored higher in cognitive and social-emotional skills than students of similar socio-economic and demographic backgrounds who did not enroll. Parents and guardians also reported higher satisfaction with the schools in administration and a lower likelihood of transferring to another school.

Much like charter schools in the United States, schools in administration are privately managed but publicly funded. Colombia seeks to leverage both sectors to more efficiently use public resources to provide a better-quality education to students from low-income backgrounds. To ensure the quality of these schools, the government holds them to the same accountability standards as public schools. Furthermore, non-profit organizations selected by the government to manage these schools must demonstrate prior experience managing high-quality private schools.

Felipe Barrera-Osorio, associate professor of public policy, education and economics

“The benefits in cognitive and social-emotional outcomes for students at these schools could potentially shift the approach to public education in Colombia. Based on the positive results for students and the satisfaction of parents, these schools not only deliver a quality education, but they promote community confidence,” said  Felipe Barrera-Osorio , the study’s principal investigator and associate professor of public policy, education, and economics at Vanderbilt  Peabody College.

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Students’ cognitive skills—those related to thinking, learning, and problem-solving—were measured by the  Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test . Those with superior scores on the test demonstrated better social understanding, emotional health, and well-being. Parents of students in schools in administration seemed to notice the enhanced quality, as only 10 percent of them indicated a desire to change schools, compared to 37 percent of parents whose children were not enrolled in these schools.

While the findings from the study offer promise for the future of providing cost-effective, quality education to students from low-income families in Colombia, the researchers say it is vital to further study the performance, benefits, and characteristics of schools in administration. Key to the validity of the findings is that the students’ profiles—as determined by socio-economic status and demographic background—were identical, except whether they attended a school in administration.

Learning from Global Scholars in Residence

Just as Peabody scholars like Barrera-Osorio seek to improve education equity, so too, do the Vanderbilt Global Scholars in Residence who visited Peabody College this spring. Serkan Özel , associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey, was hosted by Bethany Rittle-Johnson , professor of psychology. Li Wei , professor of applied linguistics and director and dean of the Institute of Education at University College London, was co-hosted by Huili Hong , professor of the practice of teaching and learning; Noel Enyedy , professor of science education and chair of the  Department of Teaching and Learning and  Melanie Hundley , professor of the practice of teaching and learning and associate chair.

Serkan Özel

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Özel collaborates with academic, industry, and non-governmental organizations to leverage innovative STEM education approaches that empower students from disadvantaged communities. He also works with educators on implementing social justice classroom practices to support the educations of ethnically minoritized students in Turkey.

During his visit, Özel presented three lectures on the importance of reaching Turkey’s disadvantaged and marginalized students at an early age through STEM education to expand their career horizons in STEM fields. The  Learning Incubator at Vanderbilt (LIVE)  and the  Nashville Partnership for Educational Equity Research (PEER) hosted two of Özel’s lectures.

In particular, girls and students from low-income and rural areas often struggle to envision futures in STEM careers because they lack exposure to STEM fields and educational resources. Furthermore, the Kurdish and Romani communities face significant educational challenges, often as a result of systemic barriers and cultural biases. Recognizing the importance of inclusive education, Özel offers professional development to teachers so they can introduce STEM concepts to students in a manner that respects and incorporates their identities and cultural backgrounds, thereby fostering a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Rittle-Johnson, an expert in mathematical learning and cognition, also provided guidance to Özel on his multi-national study that uses eye-tracking technology to investigate how pre-K and kindergarten students understand and act on patterning tasks. The project could improve early math education by advancing understanding of how young children learn and develop critical math skills.

“Returning to Vanderbilt University as a Global Scholar was a deeply enriching experience, feeling like a homecoming two years after my sabbatical,” Özel said. “The visit was highlighted by engaging discussions and fruitful collaborations, especially with the invaluable support of Professor Bethany Rittle-Johnson. Her guidance has been crucial, not only for our professional projects but also for personal growth, fostering an environment of continuous learning. This trip reinforced the strength of our partnership and left me optimistic about the future of our collaborative projects and initiatives, further solidifying the foundation for ongoing mutual enrichment.”

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Li studies bi- and multilingualism, focusing on the neuroscience of multilingualism, children’s acquisition of multiple languages simultaneously, cognitive and socio-cultural impacts of learning multiple languages, and the decisions of bi- and multilingual families and communities about which language to use with whom and when.

During his visit, Li gave a talk on translanguaging, a philosophy of multilingual communication, which, in practice, allows multilinguals to naturally integrate and flexibly use all their languages and other communication resources to develop and convey meaning.

“Multilinguals not only can speak in multiple named languages, but they also navigate variations in tone and style of verbal and non-verbal communication depending on social contexts. When embraced and fully utilized, their wealth of communicative knowledge benefits all learners,” Li said.

Translanguaging originated as an idea to give multilingual learners more agency over their learning and understanding. It has been applied as a pedagogical approach for educating minoritized and racialized bi- and multilingual learners, in analysis of translingual practices and other forms of communication, and as a practical theory of language and communication with multilinguals that capitalizes on their rich language repertoires.

These varied uses of translanguaging have disrupted thinking on how to educate multilingual learners, creating more space for all learners to collectively use their full range of communication resources and to challenge educational practices that prioritize learning in one language —often in ways that inhibit the education of minoritized and racialized students.

In addition to presenting lectures, Özel and Li met with Peabody leaders and faculty members, including Camilla Benbow , Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development, Xiu Cravens , associate dean for international students and affairs, and Ellen Goldring , Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Education and Leadership and vice dean, to discuss potential collaborations between their institutions and Peabody College.

Advancing Universal Issues

Whether in Vietnam or Colombia, Turkey or the United Kingdom, or on Peabody’s campus in Nashville, Tennessee, mental health and education equity resonate as universal concerns that require universal inquiry from the best scholars across the globe. But these are not the only issues that inspire the global consciousness, and that is why Vanderbilt’s  Office of Global Engagement awarded ten Peabody faculty members funding to support visiting scholars, conference travel, and research collaborations in 2024 and 2025.

These awards reflect Peabody’s commitment to worldwide collaboration that enhances learning and development in diverse contexts and translates discoveries into more effective practice and policy. In spring and summer 2024, Peabody scholars presented at conferences in Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Thailand with the support of Global Engagement Travel Grants. In fall 2024, two faculty members are collaborating on Global Engagement Research Seed Grants with colleagues in Australia, China, Singapore, and Taiwan. Additionally, Peabody will host Vanderbilt Global Scholars in Residence from France, Israel, and India in spring 2025. Expanding on these efforts, Peabody Global Initiatives will bring together even more of the world’s education and human development scholars to forge new collaborations and to strengthen existing ones, to create new knowledge and to disseminate findings far and wide. Enhancing the human condition depends on it.

This article includes content originally published during the 2023-2024 academic year on December 12 , April 5 , February 14 , May 6 , and May 31 . 

Keep Reading

Peabody College hosts Turkish scholar Serkan Özel through Vanderbilt’s Global Scholars in Residence program

Peabody College hosts Turkish scholar Serkan Özel through Vanderbilt’s Global Scholars in Residence program

Ten Peabody faculty members awarded global engagement funding

Ten Peabody faculty members awarded global engagement funding

Weiss’ studies support Vietnam’s mental health licensure policy and pagoda-based depression treatment

Weiss’ studies support Vietnam’s mental health licensure policy and pagoda-based depression treatment

Explore story topics.

  • Education and Psychology
  • Bethany Rittle-Johnson
  • Department of Psychology and Human Development
  • Department of Teaching and Learning
  • Ellen Goldring
  • Felipe Barrera-Osorio
  • Melanie Hundley
  • Noel Enyedy
  • Peabody College
  • Peabody College of Education and Human Development
  • Peabody global engagement
  • Peabody Global Initiatives
  • Peabody Reflector
  • Peabody Reflector Fall 2024
  • Psychology and Human Development


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