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Hospitality and Tourism Management Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Platform of Growth: An Analysis of Earnings and Social Media Engagement Among Esports Athletes , Colleen Marie Dibble

Capturing Visuals in Hospitality: A Multi-Dimensional Exploration of Photographs in Interdisciplinary Research , Ningqiao Li

Employee Experience in the U.S. Casual Dining Restaurant Industry: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Effects on Employees’ Retention , Xiao Ma

Effects of AI Voice Assistants’ Messages on Pro-environmnetal Consumer Behavior: Message Content and Voice Attributes , Somang Min

An Examination of Celebrity Product Involvement and Endorsement Effectiveness , Eric Nichols

Southeastern Conference (SEC) International Student-Athlete (ISA) Career Transitions - A Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Perspective , Tsu-Lin Yeh

The Impact of Interactivity on Information Processing for Virtual Tourist Destinations , Hongxiao Yu

Decoding Trustworthiness and Helpfulness of Online Reviews In Hospitality: A Reader-Centric Perspective , Xiaonan Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Customer Touchpoint: Conceptualization, Index Development, and Nomological Validation , Hyunsu Kim

“No Tits in the Pits!”: An Exploratory Analysis of the Experiences of Female Decision Makers in Motorsports in the United States , Alexia Pedo Lopes

Affective Risk Perceptions Toward Travel in a COVID Era: Policy and State Political Influences , Chloe Riley

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

“The Lifeblood of College Sports”: The NCAA’s Dominant Institutional Logic and the Byproducts of an (Over)emphasis on Recruiting , Chris Corr

Customers’ Acceptance of Automated Hotel , Jianhong Feng

Effects of Information Exposure, Emotions, and Self-Efficacy On Risk Perception and Travel Intention During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Chunsheng Jin

Positioning Customer Service Through Customer Journey Mapping in Service Consumption and Recovery , Dan Jin

Does the Tendency of Loss Aversion Depend On The Level of Competition? Evidence From Multilevel Esports Tournaments , Zeqing Mao

The Impact of Social Media Account Types on Travel Intention , Nuri Seo

Technology Experience: Measurement Development and Validation , Hyejo Hailey Shin

Why Do Tourists Accept Lodging Through Accommodation Sharing Platforms? Model Development and Model Comparison , Ge Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Downside of National Team Identity: A Model to Measure Negative Outcomes of Team Identity , Fei Gao

Newcomer Student-Athlete Perceptions of Coaches’ Socialization Strategies: Scale Development , Evelyn Su Jara-Pazmino

Comparing the Success of Official Sponsors and Ambush Marketers: An Event Study Analysis of Brazil Following the 2014 Fifa World Cup and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympic Games , Timothy Koba

The Impact of Hotel Service Robot Appearance and Service Attributes on Customer Experience , Chuhan Thomsen

The Economic Impact of Tennis in South Carolina , Xue Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Importance of Twitter to Destination Marketing Organizations , Tatiana Allgeyer

Finding the Perfect Match: Dimension Analysis and Development of the External Sponsorship Congruence Scale , Kelly Evans

Premium Seating in College Athletics: Trends of Today and the Future , Kendra Holaday

“WE NEED DAWGS!”: Narrative Construction of Athletic Identity Among Black High School Football Players , Victor Dion Kidd

Measuring Long-Term Advertising Effects in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry , Rui Qi

Selling Rooms and Making Money in the Lodging Industry: Analyzing the Effects of RevPAR and GOPPAR Together , Thomas Rogers

Investigating Managerial Priority of Environmental Inputs and Outputs in Public Assembly Venues , Walker Ross

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

College Students and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Examination of Corporate-Social Responsible Behavior in College Athletics From the Students’ Perspective , R. Jacob Gilbert

An Analysis Of Perceptions Of Restaurant Authenticity At Food Tourism Destinations In The Southeastern U.S , Jamie A. Levitt

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Motivation To Play Esports: Case of League of Legends , Yaoyao Sun

Theme Park Demand, Theme Park Attractiveness, and Visitors’ Theme Park Choices , Yingsha Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

An Examination Of Destination Choice Behavior Using Meme Maps, Images and Decision Making Styles , Hilmi Atahan Atadil

Memorable Dining Experiences: Formative Index And Model Development , Yang Cao

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Influence of Warmth and Competence Perceptions on Employees’ Attitudinal and Behavioral Responses in Casual Dining Restaurants , Diego Riva Humbert Bufquin

Media Effect on Resident Attitude Toward Hosting the Olympic Games: A Cross-National Study Between China and the USA , Qiulin Lu

Self-Determination Theory and Wellness Tourism: How Do Wellness Facilities Contribute to Wellbeing? , Karen I. Thal

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Understanding Destination Choice from a Cultural Distance Perspective , Hongbo Liu

Revisiting Gender Constraints and Benefits in Leisure Tourism: Man-Up, It’s Time to Travel Like a Woman , Holly L. Rabin

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Responding to Tripadvisor: How Hotel Responses to Negative Online Reviews Effect Hotel Image, Intent to Stay, and Intent to Return , Tiffany Avant

An Analysis of The Possibilities of Applying The North American Management Model to Most Large-Scale Sports Facilities in China , XI LI

Examining Long-Haul Chinese Outbound Tourists' Shopping Intentions , Pei Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Is the Current United States Tennis Association's Adult League System Restrictive? , Edward Horne

Manager Training In the Hotel Environment and Its Effect On Employee Turnover Intentions , Kristin Marie Malek

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Examining Japanese tourists' U.S.-Bound Travel Constraints , Lin He

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Hotel Guests' Intentions to Choose Green Hotels , Amy Elizabeth Jackson

Green Inside and Out: Case Study On Green Events In Large Public Assembly Facilities , Peyton Jeter

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Motivations and Constraints of Chinese Outbound tourists: A Case Study , Chengting Lai

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  • The UOC in Latin America

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Call for applications, request access, doctoral programme in tourism (interuniversity: uma, ua, uca, ucm, uex, ull, nebrija, uoc, urjc, usc, us, uvigo).

The Doctorate Programme in Tourism is part of the REDINTUR cooperation framework, which is made up of 19 Universities with postgraduate studies in Tourism, which has been described in the 2012-2015 National Plan for Tourism of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism, within the Talent and Entrepreneurship section as a strength, highlighting its operation and training programmes in tourism.

It is the result of the coordination and cooperation between research teams with a track record in the scientific-social knowledge of tourism and in accredited training programmes.

Under this framework, the lines of research of the different groups of the aforementioned Universities have been unified and coordinated with the aim of collaborating and promoting training and research in Tourism in Spain.

Broadly speaking, we can indicate the objectives and commitments that have been set:

  • To contribute to the training of doctors and researchers in Tourism in order to ...
  • To contribute to the training of doctors and researchers in Tourism in order to promote the sustainable growth of a key activity in our social and economic environment.
  • To promote research in order to carry out efficient management of information that allows management to be adapted to the profile of the tourist consumer.
  • To develop analysis and research techniques to adapt to the evolution of the information society.
  • To favour cooperation between universities and the mobility of students and teaching staff.
  • To collaborate in innovation and competitiveness in the field of tourism.
  • To develop a complete and complex academic curriculum model that is committed to the multidisciplinary nature of tourism education at the heart of the University.
  • Full adaptation of the level of university tourism studies in our country to that existing within the European Union and other neighbouring countries, culminating the process initiated with the integration into the university system in 1996.
  • To achieve the standardisation of higher studies in tourism with those corresponding to other areas of training in other economic and professional sectors.
  • Development of specialisation profiles in areas that allow us to take into account the needs for innovation required by business and tourist destination management.


The doctoral programme develops the following basic competencies (as per Spain's Royal Decrees RD 99/2011 and RD 576/2023):

C1. Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the research skills and methods related to this field.

C2. Conceiving, designing or creating, putting into practice and adopting a substantial research or creation process.

C3. Contributing to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.

C4. Developing a critical analysis and assessment and synthesizing new and complex ideas.

C5. Communicating with the academic and scientific community and with society in general regarding the student's areas of knowledge, employing the formats and languages habitually used in their international scientific community.

C6. Fostering scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress in a knowledge-based society, in academic and professional settings.

C7. Fostering open science and citizen science (in accordance with Article 12 of Spain's Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March) so as to contribute to the status of scientific knowledge as a common good, with assessment of the doctoral student's performance of interdisciplinary activities relating to the different aspects of open science and citizen science, and the development of skills in both disciplines through microcredentials or similar.

Admission profiles

The recommended academic profile for students seeking admission to this PhD programme is to have graduated in studies associated with knowledge in the field of tourism from an economic, business, sociological and geographical perspective. In particular, it is aimed at graduates in Tourism, Economics, Business Administration and Management, Geography and Sociology, as well as students with qualifications in related fields. With regard to official master's degrees, the programme is aimed particularly at holders of master's degrees from universities in the REDINTUR network.

Students who do not fit the admission profile but have a master's degree in social and legal sciences or arts and humanities fields that are unrelated to tourism studies must take the specific bridging courses indicated in the programme prospectus. For students who have engineering and architecture master's degrees, the PhD programme academic committee will specify which of the bridging courses indicated in the programme prospectus they must do.

With regard to skillsets, the recommended profile for admission is that of students who have acquired the ability to understand and solve problems in the field of tourism-related businesses, bodies and destinations, as well as the ability to assess the behaviour of economic stakeholders in this sector. Also of great use in completing the programme is an understanding of data analysis and planning tools and techniques.

The languages included in the admission profile are Catalan, Spanish or English, with a minimum level of B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Career opportunities

Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, there are a wide variety of career opportunities resulting from this PhD programme. In the tourism sector in general, a PhD in the field of tourism helps gain access to senior management positions. What's more, many companies (particularly those with R&D&I departments) with a need for highly trained analysts to improve their products and services are increasingly calling for professionals with a PhD.

Other opportunities include careers in research at both national and international research centres, as well as in the research services and departments of large corporate groups and non-governmental organizations.

In addition to academic opportunities (teaching and research), the PhD programme also opens up professional opportunities in the following areas:

● Tourism consulting.

● Destination planning and management, with the ability to define a tourist destination and establish the foundations for its management, planning and promotion on the basis of sustainability and inclusivity criteria, and making an efficient use of ICT.

● Specialists involved in the creation, development and promotion of tourism products.

● Specialists in information management, competitive intelligence and technology, able to spearhead innovation in an organization or act as community managers for commercial or marketing purposes.

● Professional tourism-related positions in public administrations.

● Tourism marketing and promotion positions.

● Technology-related and software development positions with an in-depth understanding of the realities and workings of the tourism sector.

Official qualification

The UOC's Doctoral Programme of Tourism (interuniversity: UMA, UA, UCA, UCM, UEX, ULL, Nebrija, UOC, URJC, USC, US, UVIGO) is a programme that has been approved by the Spanish Universities Council, and its implementation has been authorized by the Government of Catalonia, in accordance with current legislation . You can check the programme's quality data  and the programme's agreement.

The UOC's doctoral programmes have full academic validity throughout Spain; where such is the intention, they are qualifications to perform regulated professions, in accordance with the regulations applicable in each case. ...

The UOC's doctoral programmes have full academic validity throughout Spain; where such is the intention, they are qualifications to perform regulated professions, in accordance with the regulations applicable in each case. 

The certificates for these programmes are issued together with a Diploma Supplement (DS), providing details of what the student studied, their results, the professional competencies obtained and the qualification's level in the Spanish higher education system; the aim of this is to facilitate recognition of the qualification and promote students' and graduates' mobility within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). 

In other countries, the validity of the official university qualifications issued by the UOC will depend on each specific country's education laws.

Title of Degree - Doctoral Programme in Tourism, RUCT Code: 5601390, ISCED Code 1 Social and Behavioural Sciences, ISCED Code 2 Travel, Tourism and Leisure.

18 Sep 2025

Admission: March 5, 2024

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English

Official qualification programme

Fully online method

World's first ever online university

Personalized guidance and support

According to the World University Rankings 2024, the UOC is in the top 7% of the world's leading universities.

Programme quality

The quality of this degree programme is endorsed by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU), which ensures that rigorous standards, including those demanded by the EHEA, are met.

AQU quality seal

Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency .


Together with:

Universidad de La Laguna (ULL)

  • Training supplements
  • Research Courses

Itinerary and duration

  • Lines of investigation

Study plan. Competences and skills

The aim of this training is to acquire and develop the following skills:

  • Dealing with contexts in which there is little specific information.
  • Find the key questions to be answered to solve a complex problem.
  • Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
  • Work both in a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  • Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and formulate judgements with limited information.
  • Intellectual criticism and defence of solutions.
  • Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
  • Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  • Ability to carry out critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
  • Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society ...
  • Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the modes and languages used by the academic community. knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
  • Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a society based on the cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.
CoursesOne semesterOnlineDuring the research periodRecommendable
Training complements One semesterOnlineFirst year (first or second semester)Optional
Training worshops Two monthsOnlineDuring the research periodHighly recommendable
Courses on research, transference and entrepreneurshipOne semesterOnlineDuring the research periodOptional
Workshops 10 hoursOn-siteDuring the research periodOptional

Deposit and thesis oral defense

On completion of the doctoral thesis, the PhD student must apply to the programme's Academic Committee for authorisation to deposit the thesis.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Favourable report from the thesis supervisor and, if applicable, from the members of the thesis committee, on the authorisation of the deposit.
  • The document of activities that the doctoral student has carried out.
  • A summary of the doctoral thesis of a maximum of 4,000 characters, written in Catalan, Spanish and English. If the doctoral thesis is written in a language other than these in accordance with article 26, a summary in this language must also be submitted.
  • A copy of the doctoral thesis, the student's curriculum vitae and the activities document, in electronic format.

Two doctors who are experts in the field of the doctoral thesis will produce independent and anonymous reports on the thesis.

Once the above reports have been requested, the thesis supervisor will be asked to propose between five and seven doctors from five different universities or institutions who may form part of the panel responsible for judging the thesis. The academic committee of the programme will proceed, in view of the documentation received, to authorise or not the doctoral thesis defense.

Once the defense has been authorised, the chair of the examining board sets the date for the reading and defence of the thesis and the Doctoral School convenes the public defence of the thesis, which consists of the presentation and defence of the research work prepared by the PhD student to the members of the examining board.

The members of the examining board ask the PhD student any questions they consider appropriate. Likewise, persons holding a doctoral degree who are present at the public event may ask questions at the time and in the manner indicated by the chair of the panel.

After the reading and defence of the thesis, each member of the examining board gives a written assessment of the thesis and its defence and issues a written report with the overall grade awarded to the thesis according to the following scale: "not pass", "pass", "good" or "excellent".

One semesterOnlineDuring the research periodRecommendable
One semesterOnlineFirst year (first or second semester)Optional
Two monthsOnlineDuring the research periodHighly recommendable
One semesterOnlineDuring the research periodOptional
10 hoursOn-siteDuring the research periodOptional

Approval of the tesis

Quality criteria for the defence of doctoral theses on the Joint Doctoral Programme in Tourism

The (joint) Doctoral Programme in Tourism sets out minimum quality criteria to be met by a doctoral thesis in order for the evaluation and defence process to begin. Before a doctoral thesis can be accepted, the work of the doctoral student must be assessed based on objective quality criteria. In particular, before setting in motion the process for organizing the defence, the doctoral student must have published research or partial results from the thesis in well-established journals or submitted them at conferences of recognized importance in their field.

For this purpose, a points system has been established for publications, in which the doctoral student must obtain at least one point in order for the doctoral thesis to be accepted.

The points system is as follows:

a) 1 point for each article  published in a journal included in the following citation databases:

- Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Science Citation Index (SCIE) - Scopus, impact index in SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) - Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)

b) 0.5 points for each publication in the following databases and review systems:

- Spanish scientific journals with the FECYT Quality Seal - Emerging Sources Citation Index (WOS) - ERIH-PLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities - Books and chapters of research works published by publishers of recognized prestige in their research field and which appear in prominent positions in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI) ranking.

c) 0.25 points for each publication in a journal from the following databases and repertoires:

- Latindex catalogue (scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal), with a minimum of 28 criteria. - H Index of Spanish Journals of Social and Legal Sciences (Google Scholar Metrics). - Other national and international databases: Scielo, Redalyc, Qualis. - Works recorded in the proceedings of international conferences, provided that the international scope is explicitly stated in the conference title.

In any event, publications in journals and conferences with no system of external peer review will not be considered. 

The requirements for contributions submitted in support of a thesis are:

a) These contributions must have been submitted, published or accepted for publication after the start of the doctoral studies.

b) The contributions must state the name of the university at which the student is doing the doctoral programme. This statement will be made through the affiliation of the supervisor and/or the doctoral student.

c) The doctoral candidate must be listed as the first or second author of all the contributions. Exceptionally, the Academic Committee of the Joint Programme in Tourism may allow the doctoral candidate, in a contribution in support of a thesis, to appear in a position after second, subject to the justifications submitted.

d) A contribution by two or more authors may only be used in support of one thesis.

Quality criteria for the defence of doctoral theses as a compendium of publications in the Joint Doctoral Programme in Tourism 

Before accepting a doctoral thesis for its defence, the work of the student will be assessed on the basis of quality criteria. In particular, for the defence of the doctoral thesis as a compendium, the student must include at least three publications that meet the quality criteria for the defence of doctoral theses on the doctoral programme, one of which must be in a journal indexed in JCR, one in a journal of those considered in the databases and repertoires of group A of those listed below, and a third from group B of those listed below.  The groups classifying the publications that the doctoral student should have made are as follows:

GROUP A journals

· Journal Citation Report (SCI/SSCI) - Scopus · SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) · Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)

GROUP B journals - ERIH European Reference Index for the Humanities of the European Science Foundation - Spanish scientific journals with the FECYT Quality Seal - Emerging Sources Citation Index

- These contributions must have been submitted, published or accepted for publication after the start of the doctoral studies. - The contributions must state the name of the university at which the student is doing the doctoral programme. This statement will be made through the affiliation of the supervisor and/or the doctoral student.

- The doctoral candidate must be listed as the first or second author of all the contributions. In truly exceptional cases, the Academic Committee of the Joint Programme in Tourism may allow the doctoral candidate, in a contribution in support of a thesis, to appear in a position after second, subject to the justifications submitted. A contribution by two or more authors may only be used in support of one thesis.

Training complements and activities

All courses are subject to availability

Complementary subjects

Temes d'Inv. avançada turisme sostenible TIC (Català / Español) Complementary

Sostenibilitat i Turisme (Català / Español) Complementary

Mètodes d'investigació qualitativa (Català / Español) Complementary

Mètodes d'investigació quantitativa (Català / Español) Complementary

Library Workshops

Bibliographic reference management (English) Mandatory

Search for academic information (English)  Highly recom.

Where to publish: How to identify leading journals? (English) Highly recom.

Open access (English) Highly recom.

Doctorate subjects

Research Design for Social Sciences (English) Highly recom.

Advanced Quantitative Met. in Knowledge Society (English) Highly recom.

Advanced Qualitative Met. in Knowledge...

Advanced Qualitative Met. in Knowledge Society (English) Highly recom.

Research, transfer, and entrepreneurship courses

Academic Presentations (English) Mandatory

Academic Writing (English) Highly recom.

Entrepreneurship for Researchers (English) Mandatory

Int. to patents and intellectual property protection (English) Highly recommended.

Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) (English) Recommended

Research and gender (English)


  • Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society...

The maximum duration of the programme is four years if pursued full-time and seven years if part-time, counting from the doctoral candidate's admission to the programme until presentation of the doctoral thesis. Calculation of this period does not include parental leave or extended sick leave the Academic Commission of the programme considers justified.

Permanence regulations

The following are causes for definitive withdrawal from the doctoral programme:

  • The expiry of the periods of stay and, if applicable, of any extensions that may have been authorised.
  • The refusal of the requested extensions, in accordance with Article 21.2.
  • Failure to formalise enrolment within the deadlines and in the manner established by the Doctoral School without having requested temporary withdrawal.
  • When the acceptance of the research plan has not been requested within the period established by the Doctoral School.
  • Having obtained two negative evaluations in the research plan and/or in the annual activities document, in accordance with article 36.3 of these regulations.
  • When two negative evaluations have been obtained in the research plan and/or in the annual activities document, in accordance with article 36.3 of these regulations.
  • When the documents established by the programme's academic committee for the annual assessment and monitoring of the research plan have not been submitted within the established deadline.
  • Those that may arise from the corresponding disciplinary sanctions, in accordance with the UOC's Regulations on Rights and Duties.

Control procedures

The completion of the activities proposed in the training plan at the beginning of the doctoral programme and the submission of the research plan at the end of the first year and in subsequent years of the activities document will be the mechanisms for monitoring the progress of the research, always under the supervision of the thesis supervisor.

The assignment of the thesis supervisor is made by the programme's Academic Committee during the first three months after enrolment. The thesis supervisor is ultimately responsible for conducting all the doctoral student's research work.

Research lines

Doctoral school management, programme director, supervisors.

PhD in Computer Engineering (UAB). He teaches courses on artificial intelligence, infographic, computer vision and business intelligence. He is currently the director of the UOC Doctoral School. His research focuses on the study of computer vision algorithms dedicated to the analysis of human behaviour, facial perception and object and scene recognition.

Alba Colombo Vilarrasa

Ana isabel jimenez zarco.

PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and a postgraduate diploma in the Construction of Models in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She received an award for her doctoral thesis from the Instituto de Estudios Económicos (IEE) in Madrid.

Francesc Gonzalez Reverte

Francesc xavier medina luque, hug march corbella.

PhD of Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). His research activity pivots around political ecology and economics and in the critical analysis of new paradigms of sustainability, with special emphasis on water management, sustainability, urban resilience, and in strategies in Smart Cities.

Joan Miquel Gomis Lopez

Julie wilson.

Doctor in Human Geography from the University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom.

Lluis Alfons Garay Tamajon

Mònica cerdán chiscano, pablo diaz luque, pere suau sanchez, ramon ribera fumaz, soledad morales pérez.

Doctor in Human Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master in Geography from the same university and postgraduate in Agent of International Development from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and SETEM (1998).

More than 25 years' experience in e-learning

In 1995 the UOC was launched as the world's first fully online university . More than 25 years later, we are still pioneers in digital education.

Our eLearning Innovation Center oversees the evolution of our educational model, to ensure unique, high-quality, connected and networked learning experiences.

Times Higher Education

According to the Young University Rankings, published by Times Higher Education, we are sixth best in Spain.

Shanghai Ranking

We are among the world's top 150 universities for communication and the top 200 for education.

tourism doctoral thesis


Excellent ratings in knowledge transfer, regional engagement, and teaching and learning.

Access requirements

  • Admission requirements
  • Access documentation
  • Evaluation criteria

General requirements

To be eligible for the doctoral program, candidates must meet the general requirements of the University and those specific to the programme.

First, prospective candidates must demonstrate that they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Holding an official Spanish bachelor's degree, or equivalent, and a university master's degree, or equivalent, and having completed at least 300 ECTS credits in all these two programmes.
  • Holding an official Spanish university degree, corresponding to previous regulations of university teaching, and having completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level.
  • Holding an official university degree from a country that is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that qualifies for entrance to official master's degree courses, and having completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which at l...
  • Holding an official university degree from a country that is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that qualifies for entrance to official master's degree courses, and having completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level.
  • Holding an official Spanish graduate degree, the duration of which, in accordance with Community law, is at least 300 ECTS credits. In this case, students must take the specific training components on a compulsory basis, unless the corresponding doctoral programme includes research training credits equivalent in formative value to research credits from master's degrees.
  • Holding an official university degree in which, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding test of access to specialised health training places, they have completed at least two years of training in a programme to obtain an official degree in one of the specialities of the health sciences with a positive evaluation.
  • Holding an official university degree from a country outside the EHEA, without the need for official validation, after verifying that the level of training is equivalent to that of official university master's degrees and that it allows access to doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree.
  • Holding a Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.
  • Holding a degree in architecture or engineering with an advanced studies diploma, obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of 30 April, or having achieved the research sufficiency regulated in Royal Decree 185/1985, of 23 January.
  • Holding an official university degree that has obtained correspondence with level three of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES), in accordance with the procedure established in Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, establishing the requirements and procedure for officially validating and declaring equivalence with regard to the official university degree and academic level and for validating foreign higher education studies, and the procedure for determining correspondence with the MECES levels of the official titles of architect, engineer, graduate, technical architect, technical engineer and diploma holder.

Prospective candidates who have not earned the credits for initiation to research in a university master¿s programme shall be obliged to undertake the complementary training determined in each case by the programme.

Admission to the doctoral programme of prospective candidates who hold only an official undergraduate degree which under EU law has a duration of 300 ECTS and who have not completed the courses and earned the credits for initiation to research in a university master's programme will be contingent on successful completion of the complementary training corresponding to the module, itinerary or initiation to research courses for the corresponding training period.

The programme's working languages are Catalan, Spanish or English. However, the university establishes as an entry requirement to demonstrate a level equivalent to B1 or upper-intermediate level of independent user of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The level of English of the students who do not have an English level certification will be assessed by the Selection and Monitoring Committee during the course of the interview.

According to Decree 822/202, of September 28, students with a disability equal to 33% or more have a reservation of 5% of the places.

Admission criteria

The general criterion for admission is established as the presentation of a proposal for a Doctoral Thesis Project, related to one of the research teams

existing in the Doctoral Program, in which the objectives, justification for adherence to a research line, methodology, expected results, and

necessary resources for its preparation, proposed tutor and thesis director, and report of the proposed thesis director are described.

Weighted access criteria:

• Academic record of the degree for access to the doctoral program 30%.

• Academic record of the master's degree for access to the doctoral program 40%.

• The existence of letters of presentation by university professors or other research institutions, who have direct knowledge of the

applicant's ability and competence (5%)

o If the endorsement letter is related to the thesis proposal (5%)

o If the endorsement letter is not related to the thesis proposal (0...

o If the endorsement letter is not related to the thesis proposal (0.25%)

• Research experience or other merits related to research (20%)

o Publications, communications at congresses, conferences, collaborations, studies, stays related to the project or proposed research lines

up to 2 points.

• Accredited knowledge of a foreign language commonly used in the scientific community to which the doctoral program belongs (5%). According to the

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the minimum required level will be B2.

o English Level C2 (0.5 points)

o English Level C1 (0.25 points)

o Another Language (0.25 points always above B2)

This programme does not require a specific level of English, although it is necessary to have a minimum knowledge of the language in order to thoroughly understand scientific articles, interact fluently and naturally and produce scientific texts.

In order to receive 5% of the weighted points of the admission process referring to the accreditation of knowledge of English (a foreign language commonly used in the scientific community), you must have a minimum level of B1 in this language.

If you apply for a UOC grant, you must accredit a level equal to or higher than B2 from the time of application. For other grants, financial aid or research contracts, please consult the terms and conditions and requirements for each case (level of English and part-time or full-time format).

Admission documents

All candidates applying for admission to the UOC's doctoral programme in Tourism must provide the following documents:   - A photocopy of your national identity document (DNI), foreigner identification number (NIE) or passport.   - A letter of motivation detailing your specific reasons for applying for this programme and describing your research interests.   -  A letter of endorsement stating the name of the researcher who endorses your project.   - Your research or pre-project proposal .<...

  • Initial justification and fit with the line of research; the candidate must explain how the research idea fits with the line of research chosen.
  • Focus of the research issue or question.
  • Outline of the methodology.
  • Expected outcomes (an approximate idea).

June 8, 2024: Start of the call for access and admission to doctoral programs.

July 8, 2024:  End of the deadline for the call for access and admission to doctoral programs.

September 16, 2024: Resolution and final publication of the candidacies admitted. The lists will be published on the Doctoral School website .

September 16 - 25, 2024: Start of enrollment for the 2024-25 academic year. 

September 26, 2024:

September 26, 2024: Start of teaching for the 2024-25 academic year.

Apply for the Welcome and Information Service

Apply for the Welcome and Information Service is a free, no-obligation procedure that provides you with a user name and password that will allow you to enter the UOC's Virtual Campus, from where you will be able to:

1.    Contact experts who will help you settle any doubts you may have about applying. 2.    Consult the Campus Secretary's Office for information about the programme of studies, enrolment prices, documentation, etc.

Before requesting access, check that you meet the requirements for the programme you want to be admitted to.

Access form

On the access form, you must give your personal details and the educational level you have attained.

Access Documentation

You will find a list of the documentation you need when you request access and can consult the Campus Secretary's Office.

If you are eligible for any of the discounts stated in the Price Decree, you will have to submit the appropriate documentation, following the instructions given by the virtual Secretary's Office.

Access the Campus and contact the researcher

Virtual campus

After you have requested access, you will receive a user name and password that will allow you to access the Virtual Campus, where you will find all the information and resources you may need.

You will find the information to contact the lead researcher in the "research lines" section. The researcher can provide support for preparing your application and will be your sponsor, if he or she agrees. Once you have been admitted to the programme, he or she will advise and guide you in choosing courses, in accordance with your prior academic background, your interests and the amount of time you have.

Virtual Secretary's Office

There is a  Procedure  on the Campus where you can consult and manage all academic matters, such as viewing the programme of studies, payment options or the discounts available. 

Apply for admission

You can complete the admission form the virtual campus  Procedures / Doctoral programme admission documentation , where you will have to give your academic details, whether you want to apply for a grant and the research line you are interested in. 

You must submit an enrolment proposal after having chosen the courses you want to follow during the semester, which your tutor will analyse so that you can complete enrolment with his or her counselling. It is a step prior to completing enrolment.

Send the digital documentation

Having completed the previous step, you must attach the documentation in the same section. You can see which documentation you must attach in the corresponding section within  Procedures / Doctoral programme admission documentation.

When you have completed all the steps, the doctoral programme's academic committee will assess the applications that have been submitted. 

If you pass the first phase of the admission process, you will receive notification confirming that you have entered the second phase and a telephone interview will be scheduled.

If you pass the second phase of the admission process, you will receive notification to confirm that you have been admitted. You will have a maximum of one month (counting from the admission notification) to confirm your acceptance of the place on the doctoral programme; if this confirmation from you is not received, you will not be admitted to the programme.

It is at this point that you will be able to complete enrolment, choosing your preferred payment option from among those available. If you are eligible for any of the discounts stated in the Price Decree, you will have to submit the appropriate documentation, following the instructions given by the virtual Secretary's Office.

Remember that once you have enrolled, you will have ten days to send the admission documentation.

The Government of Catalonia establishes the public prices for credits and other academic services charged by public universities in Catalonia and the UOC. You can consult the prices in Decree 125/2023 , of June 28th.

The fees will be those applicable when enrolment is completed. Subject to annual revisions.

Price and enrolment Fees
Biannual Fees

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Tourism and Hospitality Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


As a tourism student, you will be required to study the basics of tourism, hospitality, and event management. Some important issues surrounding tourism include but are not limited to medicine, finance, culture, geography, and more.

We understand that choosing the right dissertation topic can be a bit overwhelming for you. Therefore,  our writers have provided a comprehensive list of topics for the tourism dissertation. These topics are recent, relevant, and exploratory enough for you to conduct a comprehensive research study.

We can even customise topics according to your needs. So, go through our list of dissertation topics, choose the one that interests you, and let us know if you would like any help from our writers.

Check our  dissertation example to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation  here.

Latest Tourism Research Topics 

Investigating how the tourism industry has taken green and sustainable measures- a case study of uk.

Research Aim: This study will investigate the various aspects of the UK tourism industry geared towards making green and sustainable measures for environmental benefits. It will also look into the consumer’s perspective towards green tourism and its positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry and the tourists. It also helps you better understand the concept of a green environment and its influence on the tourism industry.

Environmental Management Systems and their Implementation in the UK- A Systematic Review.

Research Aim: This study will explore the quality of environmental management systems, environmental performance, improvements, and implementation in the UK. We will focus on different companies with high environmental impacts and how they have improved the environment and the use of environmental management systems (EMS). This study will also look into how it has changed or influenced the hospitality industry.

Investigating the impact of Social Media Recommendations on Hotel Booking in the UK.

Research Aim: Social media is a part of every aspect of our daily life. This research will investigate the influence of social media on tourism and specifically on choosing a hotel; it will also help you evaluate if consumers perceive social media-based recommendations differently than more traditional sources of internet-based marketing. Qualitative research will be used in this, followed by thematic analysis to find the role of social media in recommendations and influencing consumers’ searches. This will help us better understand how VR makes decisions and hotel bookings.

Assessing the Impact of Virtual Reality on Tourism.

Research Aim: Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology in tourism. This study will find the impact of virtual reality on the tourism industry. It will also investigate consumer behaviour towards it. We will better understand how VR has affected the tourism industry and significantly influenced the results. TAM research model will be developed to describe the nature of the 3D virtual world. It will also cover some psychological aspects to understand the consumer perspective.

Role of Social Media Marketing in deciding a Travel Destination- A Systematic Review.

Research Aim: This study investigates the role of social media marketing in deciding a travel destination. This study aims to find and understand how social media can achieve marketing objectives. Taking a quantitative approach, we will find the role of social media marketing and its effect on making travel choices through interviews and surveys. It will further explore the tourist’s perception, expectations, and experiences.

Investigating the Negative Impact of Travel Bans

Research Aim: This study explores the negative effects of travel bans on social, economic, cultural, and public health aspects. The study aims to analyse the repercussions of travel restrictions to inform policymaking. It will further investigate ways to avoid adverse consequences while promoting global mobility and cooperation. 

An Exploration of the Hospitality Industry Wages

Research Aim: To investigate the wage structures in the hospitality industry. This study explores factors influencing disparities and evaluates their implications. Insights will be provided on wage fairness, workplace satisfaction, gender discrimination, and industry competitiveness. It will also cover policies and practices to improve employee well-being and organisational performance.

Effects of Covid-19 on Tourism and Hospitality Dissertation Topics 

Topic 1: tourism after coronavirus pandemic - way forward for tourism and hospitality industry in the uk or any other country of your choice.

Research Aim: Tourism is a reason for most of the human mobility in the modern world. According to the World Tourism Organisation (2020), international tourism has indicated continuous growth for the tenth consecutive year, reporting 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals in 2019 and an estimated 1.8 billion international tourist arrivals by 2030 )people are forecasted to be. This particular research will focus on the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak on the tourism and hospitality industry in the United Kingdom or any other country of your choice.

Topic 2: Investigating the Long Term Effects of Prolonged and New Travel Restrictions on the UK Tourism Industry

Research Aim: Britain will require anyone entering the country to self-quarantine for two weeks, and other European countries are pondering similar measures, but the prospects of prolonged and even new travel restrictions are destroying what hopes the continent’s airlines and tourist industry have been harbouring of at least a partial coronavirus rebound. Can the tourism sector of the UK overcome these challenges?

Topic 3: Coronavirus: Dubai Tourism Insists Emirate's Hotel Sector is Healthy, Rejects Bloomberg Report but Is It Really the Case?

Research Aim: Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism) has denied a Bloomberg report about the emirate’s hospitality businesses adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. This research will employ primary research methodology to gather data from the key stakeholders of the Emirates hotel industry to assess whether or not the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is causing panic and financial damage to the hotel industry.

Topic 4: Will Easing the Travel Restrictions Benefit the UK Tourism Sector in the Short Term?

Research Aim: Many European countries, including the UK, are easing lockdown measures, including tourist destinations preparing for the summer. Cafes and restaurants in London and other cities hardest hit by the virus in the UK have opened two weeks behind the rest of the country. However, with most travellers preferring to stay home in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, how effective are these measures going to be?

Topic 5: Coronavirus outbreak: Caribbean Tourism Struggles as Visitors Stay Home

Research Aim: In the Caribbean, the government plans to require all visitors to undergo rapid Covid-19 testing upon entry. They hope provisions such as virus tests for all industry workers and socially distanced resort dining will make people feel comfortable travelling. This research study will explore whether the measures taken by the Caribbean government will actually encourage the visitors to leave the comfort of their home and travel in the midst of the Covid-19 Crisis.

Ecotourism and Community Participation Dissertation Topics 

Topic 1: online tourism agents and websites.

Research Aim: This research aims to study online tourism websites and travelling agents

Topic 2: Advances in Tourism and Hospitality Post-pandemic

Research Aim: This research aims to assess the advances in Tourism and Hospitality post-pandemic

Topic 3: Impacts of Social Distancing on Tourism Managements

Research Aim: This research aims to study the impacts of social distancing on tourism managements

Topic 4: Advances in Hotel Management Post-pandemic

Research Aim: This research aims to assess advances in Hotel management post-pandemic

Topic 5: The Linguistic Roots of the Word “Hospitality” across Different Languages

Research Aim: This research investigates the linguistic roots of the word hospitality across different languages and the semantic shifts over time.

Topic 6: The Relationship Between the Host and the Guest

Research Aim: This research explores the relationship between the host and the guest and how both need to act under laws and regulations.

Economic Conditions and Local Tourism Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: factors impacting destination selection for medical tourism.

Research Aim: Medical tourism is a growing trend. An increasing number of people travel to another country, seeking medical treatment which is expensive or unavailable on their own. Various factors impact the destination selection process for medical treatment purposes. The destination can be local or international. With limited evidence on the factors that impact destination selection for medical tourism, there is a need for a comprehensive study exploring these factors in detail.

Topic 2: Impact of Low budget Airline Services on Boosting International Tourism in Europe: A Case Study of Ryanair.

Research Aim: With increasing costs of air travelling, the demand for low-budget airline services is on the rise. Ryanair is one of the leading low-budget airline services based in the UK. Its cheap air tickets attract many regular travellers. Given this, the main aim of this research will be to explore whether or not low-budget airlines are actually helping to increase international tourism in Europe or not. This research will be conducted based on quantitative data which will be collected from a sample of Ryanair international tourism travellers.

Topic 3: Eco-friendly Practices and Their Effect on Hotel Selection Decision: A Case Study of UK Hospitality Industry.

Research Aim: Various technologies can be implemented to achieve eco-friendliness, such as; internet of things, automation technology, bamboo industrialisation, and sustainable building construction. On the other hand, eco-friendly practices include; water and energy conservation, renewable energy use, waste recycling and management, alternative plastic products, and more. Many hotels in the UK install solar panels and automated systems, which generate renewable energy and ensure complete automation for lights and water. It is worth evaluating how eco-friendly technologies and practices affect the hotel selection decision of guests in the UK hospitality industry.

Topic 4: How Economic Conditions of a Country Impact its Local Tourism: Identifying the Economic Factors Influencing the Tourism Sector.

Research Aim: Economic factors have a great impact on tourism. When a country is economically strong, it spends a great deal on tourism development. On the other hand, tourism could be adversely affected if a country is struggling with its finances. This research aims to investigate and critically analyse the economic factors which tend to affect the tourism sector of a country. The study will also weigh the economic upsides and downsides of these factors concerning local tourism.

Topic 5: Assessing the Impact of Social Media Platforms on Tourism Destination Selection.

Research Aim: These days, social media websites play a tremendous role for tourists in destination selection. The experiences and reviews that people share on online social platforms have a huge impact on making or breaking the future of any tourist destination. This research will analyze the role of different social media platforms in choosing tourism destinations among tourists. This research will also shed light on the rationale and factors people rely on social media to select their tourism destination.

Topic 6: Assessing the Impact of Government Rules, Regulations, and Policies on Tourism Development: A Case Study of Developing Countries.

Research Aim: The tourism sector of any country is greatly looked after by governmental and regulatory bodies. This research will analyze the role played by such bodies from the perspective of policymaking and regulation implementation. The study will also explore how the impact of policymaking and government regulations in developed countries might be different from that of developing countries.

Topic 7: Analysing the Impact of Natural Hazaresearch will measure the customer satisfaction of British lesbians after they have undergone gender reassignment at the Yanhee International Hospital in Bangkok.

Research Aim: Natural hazards can have a disastrous effect on the tourism industry of any country. The UK is one of the countries where the tourism industry has experienced huge success. Thus, this research will be carried out to analyze the impact of such hazards on the UK’s tourism sector.

Topic 8: Assessing the Factors and Preferences Impacting Tourist's Decisions to Travel to a Dark Tourism Site.

Research Aim: As a result of a shift in preferences of tourists and an urge to explore and learn, dark tourism has gained immense popularity and success in recent times. This research will explore the factors and reasons why tourists choose dark places as their tourism destination.

Topic 9: The Impact of Travel Bloggers and vloggers on the Tourism Industry.

Research Aim: Travel bloggers and vloggers are an important part of the tourism industry now. These people travel the world, document their experiences through their writing or videos, and influence people. Tourists throughout the world now depend on their reviews and choose their travel destinations accordingly. This research will aim to explore how these influencers have completely changed the tourism industry.

Educational Tourism Dissertation Topics

Tourism has gained tremendous popularity among academicians and researchers in recent times. Educational tourism primarily takes into consideration technical competencies and new knowledge gained outside the classroom environment.

Educational tourism brings to light the idea of travelling to learn about the cultures of other nations. Exchange student programmes are perhaps the most commonly employed educational tourism strategy, allowing students to learn about the culture of the host nation through research work and travel. Possible areas of research in this field of tourism for your dissertation are provided below;

Topic 1: Educational Tourism Programmes and the Popularity of Host Nations

Research Aim: This research will discuss the educational exchange programmes in detail and will also assess how educational tourism can add to the appeal of the host nations for prospective tourists.

Topic 2: Factors Affecting the Decision of British Students to Join International Student Exchange Programmes.

Research Aim: Even though student exchange programmes are popular throughout the world, there are certain countries where they are practised the most. This research will study one such country, the UK, concerning the factors that encourage British students to join international exchange programmes.

Topic 3: Factors Contributing Towards the Success of Work & Study Programmes in the UK

Research Aim: This research will analyse the factors that contribute towards the success of study programmes in the UK, i.e. benefits of studying in the UK and the attractiveness of the UK as a place to live and study.

Topic 4: To Analyse the Satisfaction of International Students Enrolled in Student Exchange Programmes in the UK

Research Aim: This research will cover an important topic, i.e., measure the satisfaction of international students enrolled in exchange programs in the UK – the same topic can be used for any other country such as the USA or Canada.

Topic 5: To Investigate Potential Marketing and Communication Tools to Promote “any country” as the Best Place to Pursue Higher Education.

Research Aim: This research will investigate and conclude the most successful marketing and communication tools that are used to promote exchange programmes in a particular country. The topic can be customised according to the country of your choice.

Topic 6: What are the factors Influencing British Students’ Decision to Join Academic Year Exchange Programme in Japan?

Research Aim: Japan is one of the most popular destinations when it comes to student exchange programmes. This research will assess the factors that influence a British student’s decision to go to Japan to pursue education.

Topic 7: To Examine the Popularity of Student Exchange Programmes Offered by Chinese-speaking Countries.

Research Aim: This research will explore the reasons for the popularity of student exchange programmes in countries where Chinese is the official language such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, etc.

Topic 8: To Investigate the Attitude and Perception of British Students toward Summer Camps.

Research Aim: Summer camps are extremely popular in the west. This research will explore the perceptions of British students towards summer camps and what motivates them to attend them.

Topic 9: Factors Affecting the Decision of University Students to Pursue a Placement Programme in the US?

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the rationale of university students’ decisions to pursue placement programmes in the US,

Topic 10: To Examine the Satisfaction of University Students Returning from Cultural Exchange Programmes in the US.

Research Aim: This research will aim to understand the satisfaction of university students who are on their way back from exchange programmes in the US.

Medical Tourism Dissertation Topics

Medical tourism is a new area of study in the tourism industry. The gap in the prices of medical facilities available in developing and developed countries is significant, propelling many patients to travel to far destinations to benefit from economic, medical services.

Similarly, many financially well-off patients decide to have medical treatment in foreign countries with advanced and established medical systems that provide state-of-the-art medical facilities unavailable in their home countries.

Although there may be insufficient secondary data to analyse this tourism sub-topic, researching this area will prove to be interesting. You can choose your medical tourism dissertation topics from this list.

Topic 1: Investigating the Reasons Why British Citizens Travel to Different Countries for their Dental Procedures

Research Aim: This research will identify and discuss in detail the reasons why British citizens travel to different countries for dental treatment.

Topic 2: The efficacy of marketing and communication tools employed by Thai plastic surgery and extreme makeover service providers – An investigation into the attitude and perception of British travellers.

Research Aim: A large number of British citizens travel to Thailand for cosmetic and plastic surgeries. This research will aim to understand the attitudes and perceptions of British travellers who opt for these surgeries in a foreign country. The research will also assess the marketing and communication tools employed by Thai medical service providers.

Topic 3: To Identify and Discuss Critical Marketing Strategies to Promote a Weight Loss Centre in the UK.

Research Aim: This research will talk about the marketing strategies that are undertaken in the UK to promote weight loss centres.

Topic 4: Measuring Customer satisfaction of British Lesbians After Having Sex Reassignment at Yanhee International Hospital, Bangkok

Research Aim: This research will measure the customer satisfaction of British lesbians after they have undergone gender reassignment at the Yanhee International Hospital in Bangkok.

Topic 5: To Examine the Factors Influencing the Decisions of British Women to Buy Body Contour Tour Packages in East Asia.

Research Aim: This study will analyze the factors that influence the decision-making of British women when burying body contour tour packages in East Asia.

Topic 6: To Investigate the Extent to Which Swiss Weight Control Tour Packages Have Influenced Women in the UK.

Research Aim: This research will focus on the decision-making detriments of British Women who opt to purchase weight control tour packages in Switzerland.

Topic 7: How Young British Females Perceive Facial Lifting package Tours in East Asia?

Research Aim: This study will analyze how young British females perceive facial lifting package tours in East Asia.

Topic 8: To Understand and Discuss the Factors Affecting Buying Decisions to Benefit from Extreme Makeover Tour Packages in Eastern Europe.

Research Aim: This research will critically explore the factors that influence the buying decision of customers who purchase extreme makeover packages from Eastern Europe.

Topic 9: How Attractive are the Plastic Surgery Makeover Services to Female British Customers – A Qualitative Study

Research Aim: This research will understand and analyze the attractiveness of plastic surgery makeover services that influence British females to purchase them. The research will be descriptive in nature.

Topic 10: How Homosexual Men Choose Medical Tour Packages for Sex Reassignment.

Research Aim: This study will investigate gender reassignment tour packages that interest homosexual men and the factors influencing their decision-making process.

Tourism Management Dissertation Topics

Tourism management is perhaps the most interesting area of the tourism industry. It mainly involves travelling for the purpose of leisure and recreation. People travelling to other countries and outside their usual environment with the intent of leisure can be classified as tourists.

It should be noted that the phenomenon of tourism has grown tremendously in recent years, thanks to the impact of globalisation. There are many countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Maldives, and Fiji, whose largest source of income is tourism. In these countries, tourism generates huge revenue for the government and also provides employment opportunities for the working class as well as businesses.

The suggestions below can help you to narrow your research for your tourism dissertation.

Topic 1: How British Tourists Perceive Chinese World Heritage Tour – A Qualitative Study

Research Aim: This research will focus on how British tourists perceive Chinese heritage and what compels them to visit China.

Topic 2: Exploring the Factors that Make London the Most Popular Destination for Christmas Shopping

Research Aim: This research will analyse and explore the various factors that promote London as one of the most attractive destinations for Christmas shopping.

Topic 3: Investigating the Underlying Factors that British Citizens Consider when Choosing a Destination for Their Winter Holidays.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the various factors that British citizens consider and evaluate when choosing a destination for their winter vacations.

Topic 4: An Analysis of Factors Affecting Employees’ Motivation in Luxury Hotels of Dubai.

Research Aim: This research will study the factors influencing employee motivation in luxury and five-star hotels in Dubai. The study will make use of secondary data and primary research to establish the exact factors that motivate employees to work for luxury hotels in Dubai.

Topic 5: How the Tourism Industry of Thailand Responded to the Tsunami.

Research Aim: This study will dive into the past to establish how the Thai tourism industry responded to Tsunami.

Visit our topics database to view 100s of dissertation topics in your research area.

Topic 6: Factors Influencing British Customers’ Decisions of Purchasing Egypt Tour Packages.

Research Aim: This research will explore the factors that British citizens consider when planning their holiday to Egypt.

Topic 7: Attitude and Perception of British Tourists Toward Thailand as a Winter Holiday Destination

Research Aim: This study will research why the British choose Thailand as their winter holiday destination.

Topic 8: The Increasing Popularity of Cruise Travel in South Africa Among British Tourists

Research Aim: This research will consider the reasons why South African cruise is extremely popular amongst British tourists.

Topic 9: To Investigate the Efficacy of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Restore the Image of Amsterdam as the Best Tourist Destination in Europe

Research Aim: This research will explore the marketing and communication tools utilized to market Amsterdam as the best tourism destination in Europe.

Topic 10: Factors Influencing British Customers’ Decision to Choose a Particular Destination During the Summer/winter Holiday

Research Aim: This research will discuss all the factors that influence British citizens to choose a destination for their summer or winter holidays. This topic can be customized according to a country of your choosing.

Hospitality Dissertation Topics

Hospitality industry  consists of casinos, resorts, restaurants, hotels, catering as well as other businesses that serve the tourists. At its core hospitality can be defined as the relationship between a guest and the hotel.

Other aspects of hospitality include but are not limited to liberality, friendliness, warm welcome, entertainment, goodwill, and reception. Modern-day businesses pride themselves on their acts of hospitality. Thus, it is an extremely interesting sub-topic to base your dissertation on. Some topics in this area of tourism are suggested below.

Topic 1: Examining How Popular Travel Agents Such as eBrooker and Opodo are Perceived by British Tourists

Research Aim: This research will evaluate some of the best and most popular travel agents such as Opodo and eBookers and how they assist British tourists with their destination planning.

Topic 2: Identifying the Factors that Influence Leisure Hotel Buying Decisions of British Customers

Research Aim: This research will identify the factors that influence British customers’ decision to opt for luxury hotels.

Topic 3: Identifying Features of a leisure hotel that attract British honeymoon couples

Research Aim: This research will identify features of a luxury hotel that attract British couples looking for a honeymoon location.

Topic 4: Investigating Hospitality Practices of Popular Leisure Hotels in Dubai

Research Aim: This study will investigate hospitality purchases of attractive luxury hotels in Dubai.

Topic 5: What are the Prime Factors Influencing Restaurant Selection Decisions of Young British Couples?

Research Aim: This research will explore the factors that influence British couples to select restaurants for their time out.

Topic 6: Investigating and Reviewing Strategies Employed by Hotel Restaurants and Pubs in London to Keep Their Employees Motivated

Research Aim: This research will study an important aspect of the tourism industry, i.e., how hotel restaurants and pubs in London keep their employees motivated.

Topic 7: Exploring the Relationship Between Culture and Leisure Hotel Buying Decisions in London.

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between how customers in London choose a luxury hotel based on their culture.

Topic 8: Creating Brand Sales and Recognition Using Integrated Marketing Communication Tools.

Research Aim: This research will explore how brand sales and recognition are built using various marketing and communication tools.

Topic 9: Understanding the Relationship Between Customers’ Buying Decisions and Leisure Hotel Hospitality Features within the Context of Overseas Holidays

Research Aim: This research will explore the relationship between customers’ decision to choose a luxury hotel while visiting different countries.

Topic 10: The Impact of Hospitality Companies’ Brand Image on Tourists’ Buying Decisions.

Research Aim: This research will first talk about different hospitality companies and how their brand image impacts tourists’ buying decisions.

Black Tourism Dissertation Topics

Black tourism, also known as dark tourism and grief tourism, involves travelling to historical sites/places associated with death, casualties, and suffering.

Dark or black tourist sites such as battlefields, monuments, castles, Tsunami sites, and Ground Zero are man-made or natural. They are found commonly in Scotland, South Asia, China, and Eastern Europe.

Dark tourism may not be the ideal choice for many students. However, it is an exciting topic to explore. Possible research topics under this field of tourism are listed below:

Topic 1: How Local Communities Can Benefit Commercially and Socially from Tours to Death/Casualty Sites – A Qualitative Study

Research Aim: This research will explore the various benefits that local communities can experience from touring death or casualty sites.

Topic 2: Attitude and Perception of Tourists Towards Taj Mahal in India

Research Aim: Taj Mahal can be categorised as a dark tourism site because many people consider it a mausoleum. This research will discuss the attitude and perceptions of tourists when visiting the Taj Mahal.

Topic 3: To Investigate and Identify the Factors Influencing Tourists’ Decisions to Visit gGrief Sites in the UK

Research Aim: This research will explore the factors that influence the decisions of tourists to visit grief sites in the UK.

Topic 4: Is Mercat Tour in Scotland a Grief Tourism Site for Potential Tourists?

Research Aim: Mercat Tour in Scotland is considered a ghost site. This study will explore what makes this site a dark tourism destination.

Topic 5: Developing a Highly Effective Marketing Strategy to Promote London Dungeon Among the Tourists

Research Aim: This research will understand the various marketing strategies undertaken to promote the London Dungeon amongst tourists.

Topic 6: What are the Primary Factors Influencing British Tourists’ Decision to Choose Grief Sites?

Research Aim: This research will understand the various factors that influence British tourists’ decision to select a dark tourism site.

Topic 7: Developing a Marketing Strategy to Promote Beaumaris Prison in Wales as Another Black Tourism Site in Britain

Research Aim: This research will focus on developing a successful marketing strategy that will help promote Beaumaris Prison in Wales as a black tourism site in Britain.

Topic 8: How are Man-made Grief tourism Sites are Perceived by British Tourists?

Research Aim: This research will discover how British tourists perceive man-made dark tourism destinations.

Comparing the Man-made Black Tourism Sites with the Natural Disaster Grief Sites from the Perspective of Tourists

Research Aim: This research will compare manmade and natural dark tourism destinations with a focus on tourists’ perceptions.

Topic 10: Do the Local Communities Economically Benefit from Tourists Visiting Dark Tourism Sites?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether or not local communities are impacted in any way when dark tourist sites in their locality are visited.

Sustainability and Tourism Dissertation Topics

At its core, this field of tourism primarily focuses on the way tourists can live harmoniously with the planet earth. Ecotourist sites or sustainable tourist sites are those that promote fauna and flora and cultural heritage. Another objective of  eco-tourism  is to provide social and economic opportunities to local communities. Some interesting topics worth exploring, in this area, are suggested below:

Topic 1: Investigating the Impact of the Internet on the Growth of Eco-tourism in the UK

Research Aim: This research will study the impact of the internet on the rising eco-tourism trend in the UK.

Topic 2: Factors Affecting British Customers’ Decision of Choosing an Eco-tourism

Research Aim: This research will study the reason why British tourists opt for an eco-tourism site as compared to traditional destinations.

Topic 3: Establishing and Discussing Strategies to Promote Swansea as the Best Eco-tourist Spot in the UK

Research Aim: This research will discuss the various ways through which Swansea can be promoted as the best eco-tourist spot in the UK.

Topic 4: Analysing the Role of Price in the Selection of Eco-tourism Destinations

Research Aim: This research will understand the various factors that influence the tourists’ decision to choose an eco-friendly site for their next holiday destination.

Topic 5: Examining the Use of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Promote Eco-tourism in Great Britain

Research Aim: This research will study and analyze the different ways through which integrated marketing communication tools should be used to promote eco-tourism in the UK.

Topic 6: Comparing Developing World Eco-tourism Sites Against Western Eco-tourism Sites

Research Aim: This study will compare developing eco-tourism sites and developed or Western eco-tourism sites. The study will conclude which sites tourists prefer and what factors lead them to their decision.

Topic 7: Does Eco-tourism Develop Social and Economic Opportunities for Local Communities?

Research Aim: This research will explore whether or not eco-tourism helps develop social and economic opportunities in the local communities. If it does, the study will explore those factors as well.

Topic 8: Exploring the Factors Affecting the Buying Decisions of Customers Interested in Eco-tourism Sites

Research Aim: This research will identify and discuss the various factors that affect the buying decision of customers who are interested in eco-tourism sites. These factors will then be explored in detail in this study.

Topic 9: Analysis of the Potential of Edinburgh as an Eco-tourism Site in the UK

Research Aim: This research will compare manmade and natural dark tourism destinations and will also include tourists’ perceptions.

Topic 10: Assessing the Impact of Grass Root level Education in Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Europe – A Review of the Literature

Research Aim: This research will discuss the impact of grass root level education to promote sustainable tourism in Europe. The study will be based on the qualitative research method.

Important Notes:

As a tourism and hospitality student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing tourism and hospitality theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of tourism and hospitality is vast and interrelated with many other academic disciplines like civil engineering, construction, law, engineering management, healthcare, mental health, artificial intelligence, physiotherapy, sociology, management, marketing, and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best tourism and hospitality dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please take a look at some of our sample tourism and hospitality dissertation topics to get an idea for your dissertation.

How to Structure Your Tourism and Hospitality Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation  can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review: This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of the research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. A breakdown of the topic and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts, and  tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a UK-based academic writing service that provides help with Dissertation Proposal Writing, PhD Proposal Writing, Dissertation Writing, Dissertation Editing, and Improvement.

For further assistance with your dissertation, take a look at our full dissertation writing service .

Our team of writers is highly qualified and is an expert in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues as well as the trends of the subject they specialise in. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about tourism and hospitality.

To find tourism and hospitality dissertation topics:

  • Examine industry trends and challenges.
  • Explore cultural, environmental, or tech impacts.
  • Research niche areas like ecotourism or event management.
  • Analyse customer behaviour and satisfaction.
  • Consider sustainable practices.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

What is the best research topic for tourism?

There is no one best topic, but here is a trending topic. “The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Tourist Experience and Destination Promotion: A Comparative Analysis.” This research topic explores how VR technology affects tourist perceptions, engagement, and decision-making and its implications for destination marketing strategies, comparing traditional methods with VR-based approaches in tourism promotion.

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Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET

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  • Mahatma Gandhi University
  • Department of Commerce and Research Centre
Title: Tourism development and its impact on the economic development of Kerala
Researcher: Mathew, Cyriac
Keywords: commerce
Upload Date: 28-Feb-2013
University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Completed Date: June 2002
Abstract: None
Pagination: 276p.
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PhD Proposal: Education and sustainability in tourism. The role of policies, of local communities and of the technologies involved. Konstantinos Tsagkarakis

Profile image of Konstantinos Tsagkarakis

2020, Education and sustainability in tourism. The role of policies, of local communities and of the technologies involved (Ph.D. proposal).

Abstract This article tries to adopt a wider view on the concepts of tourism, sustainability in tourism, tourism education, the formulations of government policies and local communities, especially in tourism areas, technologies available for a richer tourist experience, and reveal their interrelationship. There is a wider meaning given to the term sustainability and its relation to tourism. This concept goes deeper into tourism’s relation with carrying capacity, i.e.the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction, as well as a reference to tourism education through formal, informal and non-formal education. The training of the tourists themselves on the spot (meaning during their stay at their destination) is analyzed, as well as the training of the future tourism professionals. Along with government policies for the tourism industry and the role of the community and other stakeholders in the tourism areas, new dynamics are created for the sustainability of tourism and environmental protection. Finally, there is an extensive reference to the technologies used in tourism for a richer tourism experience but also for the better academic training of tourism professionals which, as shown in the articles studied, enhances tourism sustainability. Keywords: Tourism, sustainability, technology, education, communities, environmental protection, policies

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This study provides an overview of the current state of affairs in European tourism, considering the latest developments, identifying future challenges and emerging opportunities. It draws a number of conclusions and makes recommendations at an EU policy level that will support the sustainable development of the sector.

Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon

Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA

In light of the recent ‘tourism-phobia’, there is a need to better understand how tourism could be transformed through new business and social models. Attempts have been made, for example, to identify which experimental tourism models would align with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Nonetheless, research remains scant and the policy paradigm slightly out of date. With the pervasive proliferation of tourism services provided by big tech multinationals such as AirBnB and Uber and the rapid algorithmic disruption of the so-called “sharing economy” paradigm, several European cities and regions are seeking to mitigate the negative side-effects caused by “platform capitalism” in their neighborhoods and local communities. These side-effects include gentrification, privatization of public space, inherent conflicts between visitors/tourists and residents/locals, environmental damage, and precarious working conditions, among others. Thus, this paper explores why tourism in Europe requires new business and social models to neutralise this algorithmic disruption and modify the extractivist neoliberal logic in tourism to develop new, transformative, techno-political, bottom-up, and networked strategies stemming from the city-regional realm. Against the backdrop of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU that has recently taken effect on 25 May 2018, this paper argues that a new, transformative, tourism paradigm could emerge from the European political left. The push of the city-regional resurgence beyond established nation-states could enable grassroots and institutional tourism initiatives to take the lead and coordinate a political response to achieve further sustainable, equitable, and, ultimately, democratic technological sovereignty in diverse localities through Europe. In conclusion, this paper posits city-regional, bottom-up, and networked dynamics characterised by the GDPR as an opportunity to establish a new techno-political paradigm in tourism by overcoming data and algorithmic extractivist practices. To cite this publication: Calzada, I. (2020), Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Political and City-Regional Lenses, In Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon. Edited by the Coppieters and Ezkerraberri Foundations. 2020/01. Chapter 6. pp 74-89. Brussels: Centre Maurits Coppieters CMC. ISBN: 978-90-826321-0-1. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.33522.45769/1.

in: Christou, E., Alexandris, K. and Fotiadis, A. (Eds), Tourman 2018, “In search of excellence in tourism, travel & hospitality”, Rhodes, Greece, 25-28 October 2018, Conference Proceedings

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BOOK OF ABSTRACTS of the 3rd CREATOUR International Conference and Creative Tourism Showcase: Creative Tourism Dynamics: Connecting Travellers, Communities, Cultures, and Places

Alexandra Rodrigues Gonçalves , Mirian Nogueira Tavares

The third International Conference of the CREATOUR Project is devoted to Creative Tourism Dynamics, with a particular focus on communicating, engaging, and connecting travellers with local communities and place through creative tourism. The CREATOUR approach to Creative Tourism highlights four elements: active participation, the learning and creation process, creative self-expression, and a link to the local community and sense of place. Creative Tourism creates a privileged relationship between tourists and residents, which derives from the immersion of both in local culture through the active participation in creative learning experiences. In this context, it is important to better understand how to identify and reach travellers, how to involve communities in the design and production of creative experiences, and to learn from initiatives being developed internationally.

greg richards

This is the latest update to the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Bibliography, which is a work in progress rather than a comprehensive listing of cultural tourism research sources. All suggestions for additional references gratefully received. In line with the multilingual nature of ATLAS, we are happy to receive suggested references in languages other than English, preferably with an English language translation of the title. The latest revision includes references from the UNWTO report Tourism and Culture Synergies (2018).

Faizal Ayob

This study aims to explore the adoption and implementation of new technology amongst small-and-medium-sized hotels (SMHs) in Malaysia. The Multiple-case study will be employed as a research methodology and six SMHs have been selected. The findings will benefit the Malaysian hotel industry by providing critical information to SMHs to decide whether they should strategically invest to adopt and implement the new technology. The study, thus makes a contribution to the theory development and practices within the diffusion of technology and provide the future research directions.

ATLAS Cultural Tourism Bibliography 4.1

This is the updated version of the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Bibliography, produced with input from members of the group in September 2019.

Zoe Georgiadou

The carrying capacity of places during periods with ever-increasing numbers of visitors represents an aspect that in recent years has become an indicator to evaluate sustainable development. Areas, where the inhabitants now refuse to receive extremely large number of tourists have been transformed due to over-capacity of the places into touristic villages, where the cultural environment is degraded, the natural resources are wasted and tourist satisfaction is frustrated or becomes an established stereotype. The tourist model of opulence and luxury imposes a wide use of accommodations with specific design characteristics. The built space which is connected to the material heritage of the place, is one of the most important aspects to contribute to the construction of the cultural experience and the authenticity of this experience. Under this point of view, built space is the most vulnerable part in this procedure, and many critical reviews have been verbalized, concerning its ability to retain its authentic local characteristics during a tourist development procedure. In Greece where the landscape is so rich in history, cultural continuity has become a dynamic emblem for cultural tourism development, which was incorporated in the state’s economic policies, shyly during the pre-war period and as a national goal during the post war period. This paper focuses on the study of cases based on practices used in Greece during the past decades and that could contribute with new perspectives in the improvement of the tourist cultural experience. The study refers to the attempt of GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organization) in 1975-1992 at using traditional Greek settlements, as a vital part of residential areas, which were meant to play a significant role in the touristic exploitation and the economic development of the country. Since 1975 the pilot application of the programme and the experienced results were drastically differentiated in settlements such as Oia on the island of Santorini where the carrying capacity of the settlement is exceeded and Mesta in Chios island where new practices provided support to the island’s culture and nature. The research methodology is based on a critical comparison of the tourism development procedure and development in the two settlements, pointing out the similarities and the differences concerning their built environment evolution and carrying capacity.

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Book of Abstracts of the 3rd CREATOUR International Conference2019

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