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5 Tips for Writing a Stellar Vanderbilt Supplement Essay
College Essays
Vanderbilt is one of the United States' highest-ranked colleges. With an acceptance rate of just 7 percent, it's ranked as extremely competitive . It's no surprise—Vanderbilt is known for having a wealth of appealing programs, including its school of medicine, the Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and Blair School of Music.
Because it's extremely competitive, you'll need to set yourself apart as a prospective student . That doesn't mean just your grades and impressive extracurriculars; it also means writing a killer essay to go along with your application.
In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about Vanderbilt's supplemental essay, including some ideal topics, some pitfalls to avoid, and even some analysis of past Vanderbilt essays that have worked.
Feature Image: Dansan4444 /Wikimedia Commons
The Vanderbilt Supplement Basics
Vanderbilt's application is fairly straightforward. They accept multiple application formats, including both the Common and Coalition Applications, as well as Questbridge.
What application you use is up to you. There are many reasons to choose one or the other , but regardless of which application you pick, you'll still be writing just one supplemental essay prompt from Vanderbilt. Choose whichever application works best for you.
In addition to the essays required for your Common, Coalition, or Questbridge Application, Vanderbilt requires one supplemental essay. There are two promp ts to choose from; you’ll select one to respond to in a short answer essay of no more than 250 words.
However, having just one supplemental essay means that you'll need to put a lot of attention into making your essay as good as it can be. You only have one chance to prove yourself in your essay, so make it count!
What Are the Vanderbilt Supplement Essay Prompts?
Vanderbilt has two prompts for their supplemental essay. You’ll be asked to select one and respond to it in 250 words or less . The prompts are as follows:
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you? Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
Each prompt asks you to describe and reflect on a different aspect of your experiences and values, so we’ll break down how to answer them individually.
Supplemental Prompt #1: Diversity
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
In this prompt, Vanderbilt is asking you to describe how you interact with and learn from people who are different from yourself . College campuses are diverse communities filled with people of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religious and political beliefs. This essay is your chance to show Vanderbilt that you’re the kind of student who’s open to learning from and with people from many different backgrounds–and that you’ll be kind and compassionate in the process.
To answer this question, think of a specific conversation (or series of conversations) you’ve had with a person or group who expressed views that are different from your own. You’ll want to tell a compelling story about the experience, so try to remember details like how the conversation started, why the people involved felt invested in the conversation, what the outcome was, and, most importantly, how you were influenced by the conversation.
Rather than giving a play-by-play, “they said/I said” of the conversation, focus on describing how you and the other people involved expressed yourselves and treated each other . Did you have a shouting match in the hallway at school, then apologize later because you realized that yelling isn’t a good way to express your views? Did you have a heartfelt, tearful conversation wherein you finally came to understand someone you’ve been at odds with for years? And most important of all, how did you come to these realizations, and how have they affected who you are and how you treat people who are different from you today?
Remember to keep your essay focused on the people involved in the conversation , how you treated each other, and how you were affected by the interaction . This essay isn’t the place to harp on how you were right and you totally owned your opponent with your awesome debate skills. Instead, Vanderbilt wants to see that you can engage civilly and empathetically with people who are different from you –and that you’re open to learning new things from others. After all, learning and growing with people from different backgrounds is a key part of the college experience.
Supplemental Prompt #2: Extracurricular Activities
Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
The question is straightforward—Vanderbilt is asking you to discuss one of your extracurriculars in depth. This doesn't just demonstrate to the admissions office that you're dedicated to your interest, but also that you have passions outside of school. Vanderbilt wants to know that you'll bring something besides academics to campus, and this is the space to tell them about it.
Keep in mind that Vanderbilt isn't looking for a list of activities or just a short discussion of one of your extracurriculars. They specifically ask for one, but you have 250 words to cover—which means you should spend some time unpacking not just the activity itself, but why you do it and why it matters to you. Be thoughtful; really think about your activities and why you do them beyond that they look good on your college application.
Don't just pick the extracurricular activity that you think Vanderbilt would want to hear about. If you're a champion Mathlete but you really feel fulfilled when you're making short films with your friends over the weekend, you should be writing about the short films. If your short film was played at a local film festival but you find more meaning in the time you spend knitting, write about knitting!
It's not about being impressive here. Plenty of other applicants will be discussing their charity work or science team victories. Use this space to discuss yourself, and why the things you do matter to you. If the most impressive thing in your repertoire and the thing that's most personally meaningful line up, great! But don't feel like you can only write about things like academic success, leadership roles, or entrepreneurship. Write about what's meaningful to you and Vanderbilt will see your personality—which is really what they're looking for—shine through.
Vanderbilt Essays That Worked: Analysis
To give you a sense of what an effective Vanderbilt supplemental essay looks like, we tracked down an example of a successful Vanderbilt essay.
Keep in mind that this is a response to an older prompt. However, it still gives you a good idea of what admissions counselors are looking for in a thoughtful response. Consider this essay from an admitted Vanderbilt student:
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150-400 words). While all my extracurricular activities have helped me shape my values, there is one in particular I have enjoyed the most: picking tangerines from my grandmother’s orchard. Picking tangerines was often to me simply a burden. I had to wake up at six every Saturday and drive fifty miles to help my grandmother reap good tangerines. On the whole ride I would think to myself: I would rather be reading poetry and ponder upon ways to change the world. As far as I was concerned, reaping tangerines was not going to help me do so. The orchard belonged to my grandmother, who to save money had to “hire” me and my mom. There was no wage; the only working benefit was being able to taste a few fresh tangerines for free. At age thirteen, such benefit was enough. At seventeen, I was not so sure if it was. Working at the orchard usually involved scratches, itching, worms, climbing up the ladder, getting hurt, and demanding, long hours of physical labor. But as I worked through the years with tangerines, I began to recognize all the beauty my labor had. Everything in the orchard began telling their own stories. A tiny, pruned tree took pride in its small fruition, all the while a chunky tree demanded attention for its crooked children. Their offspring–tangerines–told by their taste who their trees were; some of them edgy, some of them warm, and some of them implicitly angry. Bugs would tell me which tree needs my help. No tree is without a hope. Within a few days of assistance, all the trees fought back those tiny enemies and always claimed victory. They became ever more proud, stronger, and complete. Enemies came back; but this time the trees didn’t need my help. Some tangerines would go bad–in extreme cases would give up under negligence. We grieve. But we simply carry on. We learn to proceed more carefully, and we let go. The orchard is for me a story of life–human life. It makes all the complications of our lives more simple, easier to grasp, and more available at my tongue, hands and feet. So as of right now, my Saturday is always booked for the orchard. I hope by next year this time around, however, my orchard will be at Vanderbilt.
This essay was successful--the applicant was accepted at Vanderbilt! The fact that it was successful shows you that it contains features that Vanderbilt likes to see.
The writer of this essay discusses the unconventional “education” they received while working in their grandmother’s tangerine orchard. This topic is striking because it’s an extracurricular/work experience that few other applicants have likely had. The applicant’s creative interpretation of “extracurricular activities or work experience” from the prompt makes their essay stand out from others that discuss more common experiences.
Not everybody had this same experience, but that doesn't mean that you can't use some of the same ideas in your own work. The writer draws a clear line between their experience working the orchard and the person they are now—you could do a similar thing by connecting the person you are with the activity you've chosen to write about. What have you learned about yourself because of what you do?
The writer is also able to connect what they learned through working the orchard to the kind of student they will be at Vanderbilt. By drawing an analogy between the tangerine trees and the challenges we go through in life, the applicant conveys their core values. More importantly, they write about where those values come from—something you could easily do by referencing the importance of the activity you choose.
What's most important to take away from this essay is the way that the writer connects the experience of working the orchard to the person they became. No matter what your education was or what activity you choose to write about, you can do a similar thing in your own essay!
5 Key Tips for Writing Your Vanderbilt Essay
Vanderbilt is a prestigious school, but there are some essay standards that hold true no matter where you're applying . Follow these steps to write an essay that's sure to impress!
#1: Start Writing
Starting is the step that sounds the easiest, but it's actually the hardest. No matter what you have to do to start writing, whether it's freewriting, brainstorming, or just pumping out a first draft as fast as you can, you need to do it. At this point, don't worry about quality or being impressive. Just get words down on paper so that you can edit them into shape later— if you spend too much time worrying about starting with a perfect beginning, you'll never make it past that point.
Step two is when you can start worrying about quality. Read your essay aloud and see if you can spot problems with word choice and flow. If you're struggling to read it, change words and add punctuation as necessary.
Also think about your overall point. Does it make sense? Are you able to trace your logic all the way through without a problem? If not, find ways to connect your thoughts from beginning to end.
Be thorough in cutting extraneous words. 250 words isn't a lot, and you'll want to make sure you're making your essay count by picking vibrant, active verbs and clear language. Don't worry about being flowery or busting out the thesaurus, but do be sure that your wording doesn't feel tired or dull.
#3: Seek Feedback
One of the best ways to find holes in your logic or other issues in your essay is to get others to give you feedback. Find people who want to see you succeed, but preferably not those who aren't going to give you criticism if you need it. Teachers and other mentors are a good choice, if they're available.
Don't feel like you have to use every piece of feedback you receive, but do consider all of it. Your essay should always be your own work, so try to rephrase suggestions in your own words or rewrite confusing passages how you would write them, not how others suggest.
#4: Take a Break
With deadlines looming and other essays to write, it may be tempting to just rush through after getting feedback and fix everything. But take some time away from your essay, focusing on other college application duties or on other things entirely. Anywhere from a couple days to weeks to months can be good for improving your essay, though do leave yourself time to revise.
Taking a break lets your mind forget what you've already written, so that when you come back to revise you do so with fresh eyes. This way, you can see holes in your logic or places where your language isn't as tight as it could be. You'll never be able to completely shed your attachment to your essay, but spending some time away from it can give you a whole new outlook on your work!
Now that you've had some time away and you have notes to incorporate, it's time to revise. Revision can be something you do multiple times, combing through your essay for errors and places to strengthen it, but eventually you are going to have to turn it in. Don't get caught up in perfection—focus on making your essay the best you can. Check it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors to be sure it's clean and easy to read, and send it off!
What's Next?
Starting your essay is often the hardest part. If you're unsure where to begin, check out this guide to starting a college essay perfectly , and don't be afraid to just dive right in!
A good essay is just one part of a successful Vanderbilt application . If you want to really wow the admissions office, be sure your grades and test scores are up to snuff, too!
Vanderbilt University may not be an Ivy League school, but that doesn't mean your application can't be Ivy League-ready. Use these tips for getting into Harvard to shape your college application, and you'll have no problem getting into any school you choose!
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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.
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A Strong Vanderbilt Essay Example from an Accepted Student
Consistently ranked as one of the best schools in the nation, Vanderbilt University is world-renowned for exceptional academics. A top-tier reputation leads to a highly selective admissions process, so to get into Vanderbilt, you need more than just strong grades and test scores—you need stellar essays that set you apart from other academically excellent applicants.
In this post, we will share a real essay submitted by an accepted Vanderbilt student. We will go over what this essay did well, and where there is room for improvement.
Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized.
Read our Vanderbilt essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.
Essay Example – The Power of Story
At an intersection in Oakwood, an elderly Asian man walks on the sidewalk. Behind him, a man in a black hoodie follows. Without warning, the man in the black hoodie pushes the Asian man to the ground, his face landing flat against the sidewalk, motionless.
Pausing the video, I watch my friends’ faces flicker between confusion, anger, and hurt. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes became personally painful for my Asian American friends. We encountered news of elderly Asian Americans violently thrashed and berated with slurs. But beyond our circle, conversations about these occurrences were absent. And despite the South Asian community being relatively safe from these crimes, I shared the sobs of my friends.
A few years ago, I joined a nonprofit that empowers minorities to be civically engaged citizens. Engaging with this group of passionate individuals, I was inspired by their unrelenting dedication to improving others’ lives through community-building.
Eager to foster solidarity among Reno’s AAPI community in light of these tragedies, we pioneered a march against hate, where we invited student speakers to share their stories of racial discrimination. Listening to my peers’ journeys, from finding confidence as an immigrant to navigating implicit bias in the classroom, I became captivated by the power of story.
Bonding over the commonality in our journeys and in our activism, I yearn to persist in championing the use of dialogue to build community in the face of adversity at Vanderbilt.
What the Essay Did Well
This “Extracurricular Essay” does a great job of telling a story. The beginning draws the reader in by including details like “ an intersection in Oakwood ,” and “ a man in a black hoodie ,” to help us visualize the scene. In the next paragraph, we realize that we are watching this situation through the eyes of the student. By first providing readers with the terrible situation directly, the student arouses our own emotions, which allows us to immediately understand the student’s shock and anger once we realize we are actually in their shoes.
The second paragraph goes on to provide good background on the student’s personal connection to the situation, which allows readers to understand their motivation for engaging in the extracurriculars described in the third and fourth paragraphs. By showing us the pain their friends felt (“ I watch my friends’ faces flicker between confusion, anger, and hurt ”) and explaining that this issue was at the forefront of their mind, but ignored by many others (“ But beyond our circle, conversations about these occurrences were absent ”), we get a tangible sense of the student’s connection to the issue.
Then, the essay shifts to discussing the student’s extracurricular activity. The point of this kind of essay is to help admissions officers see that you are involved in your activities to grow and learn about the world, rather than pad your resume. Because the student took the time to explain their passion for AAPI activism and demonstrate their compassion for others in the previous paragraph, we can clearly see that this nonprofit is genuinely meaningful to them.
Finally, although this essay just asks about an extracurricular, this student was still able to infuse elements of their personality into the essay in the way they told it. From the details included, we know this student is compassionate, an activist, and values justice and diversity. Being able to show the reader all that without telling us these aspects of their personality outright makes for an engaging, informative essay.
What Could Be Improved
The biggest thing this essay needs to improve is the shift in focus from the cultural context of the first two paragraphs to the student’s involvement in the extracurricular itself. Right now, that transition is rather abrupt, so although the topics are related, the reader is left to tie them together on their own.
For example, while the detail in the introduction describing the instance of hate is captivating, in such a short essay, that space could be used much more wisely. A better hook would immediately place the reader in the extracurricular activity, possibly like this:
“ STOP ASIAN HATE. PROTECT ASIAN LIVES. I AM NOT INVISIBLE. Hundreds of cardboard signs blocked out the strong Reno sun, the feeling of change hanging in the air. My throat sore and mouth parched after hours of chanting, I couldn’t help but smile knowing that we made this march possible. ”
With this introduction placing the reader in the middle of the action (a technique called “in medias res”), the rest of the essay could then be spent providing more details about what the student did as a part of the nonprofit. They tell us they “ pioneered a march against hate, where we invited student speakers to share their stories of racial discrimination,” but a stronger extracurricular essay would delve into the specific role the student played in planning these events.
Similarly, rather than ending the third paragraph by just telling the reader that they became “ captivated by the power of story ” through listening to others, this student could have demonstrated how that power tangibly affected their own actions, by adding a sentence along the lines of:
“ Inspired by the stories I had heard, I encouraged my friends to submit their own stories as opinion pieces to our school newspaper, while I created flyers for the march that included photos of myself as a child, to humanize our movement .” Notice how this version both shows us what the student did and provides more insight into their character.
With a word count this low, you need to understand exactly what the prompt is asking for, and make sure everything you say is helping provide that. Background context is important, but if the prompt is asking about your extracurriculars, most of the essay should be dedicated to your actual involvement in the extracurricular.
Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay
Do you want feedback on your Vanderbilt essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.
If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!
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Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays 2023-24 – Prompts and Advice
July 25, 2023
With an acceptance rate of just 5.6% for the 2023-24 entering class, Vanderbilt has become one of the more selective schools in the United States. It’s easy for prospective applicants who can claim a 99th percentile score and a position near the top of their high school class to feel overly confident when applying to a university of this ilk. Yet, it is critical to realize that, in 2023, the median SAT at Vandy is over 1500, and just about every admitted student finished near the top of their high school class. This brings us to the topic of this blog – the Vanderbilt supplemental essays.
(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Vanderbilt? Visit our blog entitled: How to Get Into Vanderbilt University: Admissions Data and Strategies for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)
When applying to Vanderbilt, you can’t just rely on your fabulous grades and test scores to carry you toward an eventual acceptance letter. You need those credentials, of course, but you also need to pour every ounce of effort into other components of the application in order to separate yourself in the eyes of the admissions committee. The Common App and supplemental essay present just that opportunity.
Below are Vanderbilt’s supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning essay. Note: Applicants only pick one of the two prompts.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Prompt – Choice #1
Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. (250 word max)
Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity (Eminem beat starts to ramp up)…While many highly-selective colleges offer two, three, or even more supplemental prompts, Vandy only offers this single essay (that you choose from between two options). They don’t ask about your role in a community, overcoming an obstacle, a list of every book you read this year, or what a particular quote from the 19th century means to you—they just want you to briefly discuss one activity or work experience. So, the question is, how to make your response to such a basic prompt really count?
Here are a few considerations for you to mull over as you begin the prewriting process:
- Start this process by asking yourself, “What is the most interesting and consequential moment that I have experienced in one of my extracurricular activities?” If you can identify one clear-cut moment, that is likely the activity worth sharing with the Vanderbilt admissions staff.
- With this prompt, Vanderbilt is not necessarily asking you to write about the activity where you earned the most prestigious awards. Nor the activity where you held the highest position of leadership. The university is going to see all of your activities in that section of the Common App. As such, you want to ask yourself which of your entries is crying out for more explanation and detail?
- Which activity is closest to your heart and most representative of your unique passions? Pick the option that will allow you to deliver additional detail that may be memorable to the admissions reader.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays (Continued)
There are no wrong answers to this prompt, but there are unhelpful ways to approach it. For example, you decide to write about a two-week summer program at Rice University, not because it was life-changing and contained a meaningful and revealing story about your life, but because you think it will impress Vanderbilt. Meanwhile, you pass up the chance to talk about working at Dairy Queen where you got to meet people from all walks of life and learned a ton about the human experience. Just because DQ doesn’t sound as “prestigious” as a Rice summer program, doesn’t mean you should shy away from it.
Again, the admissions office is going to see all of your activities and honors in the Common App. This 250-word piece should be about telling an authentic story that reads like more than just an expanded description of your most “impressive” high school activity.
Required Essay Prompt – Choice #2
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
The U.S. presently finds itself in an extreme state of polarization. There seems to be little agreement even as to what constitutes “truth” or “facts”. Within this divided world, it can be hard for individuals with competing viewpoints to engage in civil and productive dialogue. Here, Vanderbilt is giving you the chance to show that you are an open-minded, intellectually curious, truth-seeking young person. Illustrate how you are willing to converse with people holding opposing positions on topics of great importance to you. One key thing to remember when addressing this prompt is that you don’t have to be the hero of the anecdote. In fact, you may be one who learned to expand your thinking.
How important are the Vanderbilt supplemental essays?
The essays (both the Common App essay and supplemental essay) are “very important” to the Vanderbilt admissions committee . This places them in the same category as: GPA, standardized test scores, class rank, the rigor of your secondary school record, extracurriculars, and character/personal qualities. In short, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays are among the most important factors to the University when evaluating your application.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays – Want Personalized Essay Assistance?
If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Vanderbilt supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote today.
- College Essay
Andrew Belasco
A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.
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How To Write The Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay + Examples
Reviewed by:
Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University
Reviewed: 4/25/24
If you need help writing the Vanderbilt supplemental essay, read this guide to learn everything you need to know about it, including essay prompts and examples!
You may feel pressured before applying because of Vanderbilt’s competitive applicant pool. Don’t worry; everyone must start somewhere. If you need more assistance, read our comprehensive guide to getting into Vanderbilt University .
As you start building your college list , you must decide what you look for in a school. You must balance the college application process well and spend enough time on each school. If Vanderbilt is on your college list, read this article to learn how to write the Vanderbilt supplemental essay.
We will break down the question, share tips on answering the prompts, and provide examples of successful essays.
Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay Prompts 2023-2024
In addition to the essay requirements for the Common, Coalition, and QuestBridge Apps, Vanderbilt has one required supplemental essay. Having to write one essay has its benefits and disadvantages. You can focus on your response and make it as excellent as possible. However, you may prefer to have more options to consider before writing.
The following prompts can be found on the Vanderbilt admissions page .
“Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?”
“Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”
Both of these supplemental essay prompts have a 250-word limit. Make sure you choose the essay prompts you know you can answer well!
How to Write Each Essay Prompt For Vanderbilt University
Here, we’ll cover how to write each essay prompt for Vanderbilt University.
How to Write Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay #1 + Analysis and Tips
Vanderbilt University prompt #1 : “Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?”
Analysis of prompt #1 : This prompt wants you to reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from yours. The prompt is looking at how you handle discussions with people with different viewpoints.
This prompt can also be considered a diversity essay, which Vanderbilt includes because the school values all walks of life.
Here are some tips to help you write this prompt:
1. Tip #1: Choose a Conversation : To choose the best conversation to talk about in your essay, ask yourself the following questions:
- What are my beliefs and values?
- How do others respond to these beliefs?
- What is one belief I have that others contest or oppose?
- How has this belief changed over time?
- Has anyone influenced this belief?
- What points of the opposition can I agree with?
- Why is it important to discuss differing views on things?
Remember, you aren’t simply relaying a conversation with a friend to the committee. You’re explaining how you respond to opposing views, demonstrate respect for differences, and, most importantly, how you grow because of them!
2. Tip #2: Identify the Different Viewpoints : Clearly explain the contrasting viewpoints you encountered. Highlight the key differences between the viewpoints without judgment. You'll want to convey your ability to engage with diverse perspectives and how those interactions have shaped your thinking.
3. Tip #3: Highlight What You Learned : Explore how the conversation expanded your understanding of the topic. Discuss any new information or perspectives that you gained. Vanderbilt is looking to see if you’re willing to learn from opposing views, so if you learned anything from the conversation, make sure to add it!
How to Write Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essay #2 + Analysis and Tips
Vanderbilt University prompt #2 : “Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”
Analysis of prompt #2 : This essay asks you to talk about one of your extracurriculars, so it should be an activity or experience that matters the most to you. Vanderbilt values extracurricular activity and emphasizes students having a balance when it comes to their academics.
1 . Tip #1: Choose an Extracurricular : Start with a self-reflection and brainstorming session instead. Put together a list of everything you do outside of your schoolwork, even if it’s not with a formal club or job. It may be an initiative you started, a volunteering experience, or an internship.
Your response should not list your extracurriculars since you have already done that in another part of your application.
2. Tip #2: Highlight Transferable Skills : Identify and highlight the skills you gained from the experience that are transferable to both academic and social settings. This could include teamwork, leadership, communication, or organizational skills.
3. Tip #3: Discuss Impact on Academic Performance : Explain how participating in the extracurricular activity or work experience positively impacted your academic performance. This could be through improved focus, discipline, or understanding of your learning style.
Examples of Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essays That Worked
Below, you’ll find some Vanderbilt University supplemental essays written by successful applicants who were admitted to the school! Let’s look at each one and discuss what worked about it.
Sample Essay #1
Prompt : “Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.”
“I never would’ve thought joining my school’s DECA chapter would catalyze my entrepreneurial aspirations. Yet, three years later and now a [POSITION] of said DECA chapter, I’ve channeled this ever-growing tenacity toward not only being a fierce competitor, but also a fierce leader. Aside from defining my high school experience, DECA has helped me find my place in school and given me the bigger-picture purpose necessary to help me develop into who I want to be, who I’ve already been all along: an entrepreneur.
As a freshman, I was daunted by the task of producing a business proposal that’d cover all aspects of a business, including financial statements I’d never even heard of before. However, I soon found myself thriving by taking on the role of a potential franchisee, working on each section of my business proposal separately and putting them together to watch my business grow on paper, like pieces of a puzzle fitting into place. Embroiled in the encapsulating realm of entrepreneurship, I was inspired by my first year in DECA to immerse myself in the world of business, seeking to involve myself in additional academic and real-world business-esque opportunities and experiences.
Within the chapter, I’ve made strides as an officer and now a [POSITION] to increase our member engagement and provide resources for members to help guide them through their business proposal construction process. Recently, tasked with the responsibility of building a chapter website, I’ve channeled my problem-solving and marketing skills gleaned from DECA into constructing an innovative platform that communicates our chapter’s mission, conveys important dates for meetings and competitions, displays samples of officers’ past proposals, as well as highlights Great Neck North DECA alumni.
With each new year, each new business proposal thrusts me into a new level of competition: from qualifying for the state competition as a timid freshman to qualifying for the international competition during my sophomore year to confidently presenting and defending my most recent business proposal as a competitor in the final round at the international competition during my junior year. Outside of competition, each new year in DECA has thrust me into a new level of exploration, personal growth, and mentorship as I continue to absorb as much business-related knowledge as possible while savoring my time in DECA as both a leader and a competitor, ultimately allowing me to flourish as both a student and a future entrepreneur.”
Why Essay #1 Worked
This is a great essay because the writer captures their feelings about joining DECA and how much it has impacted them. The essay also illustrates the DECA chapter’s mission, which helps showcase that the writer believes in it.
Sample Essay #2
“Driving intoxicated in the waning hours of the night, he recklessly swerves in and out of lanes until he finally loses control and rams his car into a tree. Save for a few cuts and bruises, he escapes unscathed. His sister’s lifeless body is discovered the morning after the crime–or was it a crime? The light knock of the gavel summons the courtroom to its feet; parents, teachers, coaches, spectators and competitors all stand as the single hour that months were spent preparing for commences.
Having not placed in the regional tournament in a decade, Mock Trial was regarded as little more than a team just barely keeping its head above water, far past its glory years when I first joined the school’s organization. My admiration for the club stretched far beyond simply checking my name off as a member–being content with mediocrity would have no place as long as I was on the team. And so to prevent it from disappearing into oblivion, I began with myself, spending hours learning, polishing and perfecting the skills necessary to succeed. With this, not only did I grow tremendously as an individual and a competitor, but I also gained the respect and admiration of my teammates, earning a leadership role.
Revamping the way Mock Trial operated quickly became a full time job. But, within a year, we were able to secure a spot in the top three of the regional tournament and lift the organization back into prominence. So when the trial starts, have no doubt that the top is the only place we aim. ‘Your honor, opposing counsel, and members of the jury….’ Show time.”
Why Essay #2 Worked
This essay immediately grabs your attention with a detailed reenactment of a crime scene that is a mock trial tournament. The student shows us what this extracurricular means and how they have grown alongside it. They are specific in their accomplishments within the activity, which is a great way to leave a lasting impression .
Get More Sample Essays Here!
Examining successful supplemental essays is an excellent method for uncovering effective strategies. Explore numerous samples in our comprehensive college essay database below to discover a wide range of examples!
Do you still have questions about the Vanderbilt supplemental essays? Below, we have frequently asked questions.
1. What Is Vanderbilt University’s Acceptance Rate?
Vanderbilt’s acceptance rate is 5.1% . Out of the 41,336 applicants in the 2024 cycle, only 1,512 were admitted.
2. How Is the Admissions Process for Vanderbilt University?
Vanderbilt uses a holistic admissions process , meaning one element does not make or break an application. The school considers all student evaluation factors, from test scores and grades to extracurricular activities and leadership roles.
3. What Kinds of Applications Can I Submit for Vanderbilt?
You can apply for Vanderbilt using the Common App, Coalition App, and QuestBridge program. Choose the right application system for you, as Vanderbilt has no preference. Carefully follow the instructions on their respective site.
4. What Are the Other Application Requirements for Vanderbilt?
Apart from the requirements of each application system, you must submit high school transcripts, a counselor's letter of recommendation, two teacher recommendations, and an application fee of $50. Fee waivers are available for qualified students, and standardized test scores are currently optional.
5. Are There Any Other Supplemental Materials for First-Year Applicants?
If you apply for Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music, you must complete a separate application besides the Coalition or Common App. You must also submit at least one artistic recommendation, a headshot, a music resume, a repertoire list, and a pre-screening video. You can find more details on the Blair Admissions Page .
Final Thoughts
The Vanderbilt supplemental essay asks you to focus on an experience with opposing views or an extracurricular activity that matters to you, whether it be a school club, job, internship, or volunteer experience.
Since you only have one prompt to show the admissions committee your story, be thoughtful in your response and choose a topic that highlights your values and goals.
Writing an excellent essay is only one part of your application, so follow our ultimate guide on applying to Vanderbilt. Remember, the best essay is one where you can proudly share a meaningful conversation or activity that impacted your perspective for the better.
Focus on what you want to show the admissions committee, not what you think the committee wants to read. You will craft a stellar essay if you draw on your unique experiences.
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Vanderbilt University’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts
Select-a-prompt short response.
Please select one of the following short answer prompts:
Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
Common App Personal Essay
The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.
Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.
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What Vanderbilt Admissions Officers Look for in Essays
If Vanderbilt University, also known as Vandy, is one of your top-choice schools, you may be wondering how to craft your admissions essay to help you stand out. Vanderbilt is incredibly selective, so they look for students who demonstrate what they can contribute to the diverse campus community academically and otherwise. Your response to these essays contributes to the holistic review of your application, so it’s important to put a lot of thought into them.
Keep reading for more information about the Vanderbilt essays and some strategies for writing them, including tips from one of our IvyWise counselors.
What Are the Vanderbilt Essays?
When you apply to Vanderbilt, you can expect to write at least two essays — additional essays are required if you apply for scholarships. The first essay is a response to one of the personal essay prompts on the Common App, Coalition Application , or QuestBridge, and the second is a response to one of two supplemental essay questions that are unique to Vanderbilt University . First-year and transfer students will have different personal essay prompts, but the supplemental essay prompts are the same for both.
The Vanderbilt supplemental essay is designed for the admissions committee to get to know you on a deeper level and gain a better understanding of how you’ll fit in on campus. It’s important that your essay does not repeat information that admissions readers will find elsewhere in your application. However, it is in short answer format, so it needs to pack a punch.
How to Write The Supplemental Essay Prompt for Vanderbilt
Unlike your personal essay from the Common App, Coalition Application , or QuestBridge — which is sent to every school you apply to — the supplemental essay prompts are exclusive to Vanderbilt University, allowing you to tailor your response to Vandy’s unique culture. IvyWise Master College Admissions Counselor and former Admissions Officer at Vanderbilt University , Carolyn , shares these tips for writing the supplemental essay:
- Develop content ideas for both of the essay prompts, then decide which of the drafted topics would add the most new and positive information to your application.
- Regardless of which prompt you choose, answer the provided questions directly and completely.
- Draft a response that is close to the word limit (250) without going over.
- Avoid repeating any information that is already evident from the other pieces of your application.
- Get straight to the point , and include as much information in this small space as you can.
- Proofread your final draft meticulously before submitting.
- Remember that the supplemental essays are opportunities to add new and helpful information to your profile, but they are not nearly as important as the academic pieces of your application (such as your transcript and test score). In other words, make it good, but don’t spend too much time stressing out over it.
2022–2023 Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays — Analyzed
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
This prompt is meant to assess how willing you are to engage with people who have opposite viewpoints from yours. Identify a time you had a difficult conversation with someone about a polarizing topic. Focus on the impact this conversation had on you — if you walked away with a better understanding of their perspective or learned a better approach to having these types of conversations. Tie this into Vanderbilt’s culture of valuing and celebrating diverse perspectives.
Prompt #2
Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
This is a standard prompt about extracurriculars. In fact, you may see similar prompts on other college applications — but if you repurpose your answer, remember to change the name of the school! Choose an activity for this essay that you haven’t already mentioned in your personal statement. It must be meaningful to you, and you should be able to discuss how this activity helped you grow. For example, did it teach you leadership skills or direct you toward a new purpose and /or passion? Connect this example to what you hope to contribute to the Vanderbilt community.
How to Answer Vanderbilt Scholarship Essays?
If you’re applying for any of Vanderbilt’s merit-based scholarships, you will need to write an additional essay for each one. The Vanderbilt scholarship essay prompts for fall 2023 admissions give you a good idea of what to expect, though the prompts are subject to change each year.
Based on her experience reading applications for Vanderbilt, IvyWise Counselor, Carolyn, offers these scholarship essay tips:
- Do your research on each of the three scholarship programs — Ingram Scholars, Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholars, and Chancellor’s Scholars — and apply only to the program(s) for which you think you would be a strong fit.
- If you think you would be a strong fit for one of the more focused merit awards — Carell Family, Curb Leadership, or Fred Russell-Grantland Rice — submit an application for the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship, through which you will be considered for all other available awards.
- Do not reuse essays or ideas from your Common Application. The scholarship committee will have access to both your scholarship and Common App essays.
- If you are applying for the Ingram Scholars Program, make sure your passion for business, philanthropy, and innovation are evident in all of your scholarship essay responses, as well as in the various pieces of your Common Application.
- If you are applying for the Chancellor’s Scholarship, make sure your passion for and experience in bridging gaps across various communities within your school is evident in your scholarship essay response, as well as the various pieces of your Common Application.
- Submit both your admission and scholarship applications early (ideally by early November), even if you are applying Regular Decision.
- Make sure your essays respond directly and completely to the given prompt and come close to the word limits without going over.
How Long Should My Vanderbilt Essay Be?
For the supplemental application essay prompts, your response should be approximately 250 words. It can be a challenge to write a meaningful essay with such a limited word count, so it’s important to be as informative, focused, and concise as possible.
The scholarship essays have varying requirements for word length — anywhere from 250 to 2,500 words depending on which scholarship you’re applying for:
- Ingram Scholars Program: 250 – 500 words
- Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship: 500 words
- Chancellor’s Scholarship Program: 500 words
- Curb Leadership Scholarship: 2,500 words maximum
- Fred Russell-Grantland Rice Scholarship: no limit specified, but 10 published sports journalism samples must be included
Can I Get Into Vanderbilt With Low Stats but Good Essays and Extracurriculars?
Vandy is among the most selective schools in the U.S., so when considering how to get into Vanderbilt , your academic performance in high school will matter more than your college essays and extracurriculars. They receive thousands of applications each year and have an acceptance rate of approximately 7%.
More than 90% of the students who are accepted graduate with in the top 10% of their high school class and tend to have high standardized test scores. As a prospective student, you would also need to submit a letter of recommendation from your guidance counselor and two from teachers who can speak to your academic abilities.
Is Vanderbilt on your college list ? It can be difficult to gain admission, but our expert counselors are available to help you present yourself as a compelling and desirable applicant. All of o ur IvyWise counselors have worked as admissions officers at some of the top schools in the U.S., so they know how to help you stand out. Schedule an Initial Consultation today to see how we can help you gain admission to your top-choice schools.
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5 Vanderbilt University Essay Intros That Worked
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Vanderbilt University doesn’t require many other supplemental essays in their application. While this means there’s less to work to do, it also means you need to put a lot more effort into your personal statement.
To help get that brain of yours moving, here are 5 essays from students who gained acceptance at Vanderbilt :
Vanderbilt ‘17
My grandfather waited patiently for me to surrender the blocks to him after my frustration sunk in. I remember the large crevices and calluses on his hands and marveled at how such large extremities could move with such gentle grace, while my tiny smooth hands barely had the coordination to grasp a single block. He never comforted me, praised me or showed affection; it was part of his culture. Instead, he always reminded me that patience is key. Growing up and developing coordination takes time, there was nothing I could do to rush the process besides wait for the frustration to pass and try again. View full essay.
Vanderbilt ‘19.
I am a different person than I was two months ago. Before the summer, even during the summer, I was convinced it wouldn’t happen. I couldn’t understand why, but the program wasn’t “working” on me; I wasn’t having the life-changing experience past fellows had promised. And yet, here I am - I’ve changed. Our summer English assignment had been to create an anthology of three poems that “deserve to be read for as long as poetry is read in the English language” and also to compose three poems. During the first week of school, we each had to share our reflections. I’ve never struggled to speak in class, and before this summer, I was certain I had it all together. As I prepared to reveal the complete state of confusion that I had found through my experience on Bronfman, I listened to the first few students read from their anthologies and heard them conspicuously avoid their own work. Finally, I stood and offered my voice, “I’ll read.” Keep reading .
If the 500-yard freestyle didn’t have counters, I would still be swimming. (Actually, that happened once and I ended up swimming a 550.) When I compete in the 500, I’m not thinking about the race. I don’t think about my speed, and I don’t think about the people swimming on either side of me. The moment I dive into the water, none of that matters. I set my pace, my overworked brain shuts down, and my subconscious takes over. Read on.
Vanderbilt ‘18
If there is one place in the world where I am content, it is Sunday dinner at my Grandma’s house. There are three courses of the Italian food that no one will ever be able to cook just like my grandmother does. The oval table it’s served on is surrounded by three generations of my mom’s family all taking the opportunity to relax at dinner together to take a breath and rejuvenate for the upcoming week. Although the weekly tradition has become less consistent as my cousins and I have grown both older and busier, Sunday dinners will always hold a special place in my heart. Continue reading.
Vanderbilt ‘20
C, G, Em, D: over and over I strummed these chords on my first acoustic guitar. Every time, the transition between each chord became a little quicker; the sound rang out a little more clearly. It was final exam week of the first semester of my freshman year, and I was trying to take a mental break from studying. By winter break though, these simple chords came together as I learned to play my first songs. I looked up how-to-play videos on YouTube, bought different chord books, and practiced every day. I doubled, tripled, and then quadrupled the amount of chords and songs I knew. Keep reading.
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About The Author
Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.
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How to write the vanderbilt university essays, updated for 2023-2024, essay prompt:.
To give us a glimpse into how you engage with your community, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on one of two prompts. (250 words)
1. Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
2. Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
Vanderbilt offers two prompts to choose from, both with a 250 word maximum. Be mindful that since the first prompt only asks for you to write about ONE activity or work experience, it is important to only write about ONE. Don’t try to overstuff your response with a variety of experiences—it will prevent you from getting into the descriptive depth you need to address the primary topic, especially since 250 words makes for a rather short essay.
The second option asks you to write about diversified points of view and how you interact with opinions that differ from your own. Regardless of the topic you choose, this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your maturity, open-mindedness, and critical thinking skills. That said, be careful when mentioning extremely controversial or overused topics that you might have seen in the headlines over the past few weeks.
Whichever prompt you choose, the goal should be the same: to provide a detailed and concise description of how you fit into the Vanderbilt community. Because 250 words is not very lengthy, you’ll want to be careful with your use of space by writing intentionally. You’ll also want to decide early which aspect of your conversation or activity to include. Should you write about a specific event? A phone call with a friend? A responsibility you held? What is it about your involvement that speaks to you?
Despite the open-ended nature of the prompts, here are a few additional guidelines to keep in mind as you choose which prompt to answer:
- Remember that aside from your main Common Application essay, this is your only opportunity to share your voice with the admissions officer who reads your file, so take advantage of it. Your values, personality, and passion should shine brightly off the page. Since Vanderbilt is known for its active student body committed to fostering and improving its community, the admissions officers want to know what type of community member you will be and how you will contribute if you come to study at Vanderbilt.
- Perhaps most importantly, Vanderbilt is a school that values leadership, so emphasize leadership that you’ve demonstrated in your activity or work. Similarly, this can come in many forms: you can write about how you chose to lead a discussion, the impact of your leadership, or be even more reflective and write about what you learned about yourself and others through your experience. Other leaders in your club or activity could also have inspired you and taught you valuable lessons—a true leader is one who can also recognize the impact of others!
- Finally, you don’t have to choose the activity or work to which you’ve devoted the most time or plan to spend the most time pursuing in college; it’s often obvious that a decorated athlete will continue their sport at the varsity/club level or that an advanced concert violinist will seek the opportunity to join the orchestra. Rather, exceptionally insightful essays can draw from experiences that might seem less important or relevant on an applicant’s activities list (maybe it’s one that isn’t mentioned in your application anywhere else at all!). “Extracurricular” means anything outside of the normal course of study at school, so feel free to embrace the freedom that Vanderbilt is giving you by focusing on a small ritual or tradition that you or your family often do or a side project/hobby that you pursue for fun!
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Vanderbilt University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide
Early Decision: Nov 1
Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 1
Vanderbilt University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations
Vanderbilt decided to keep it short and sweet, so we’ll follow suit. A one-question supplement means you’ve got one shot at perfection. No pressure, though.
The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words
Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community , Diversity
For both first-year and transfer applicants, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on the following prompt:
Vanderbilt university’s motto, crescere aude, is latin for “dare to grow.” in your response, reflect on how one or more aspects of your identity, culture, or background has played a role in your personal growth, and how it will contribute to our campus community as you dare to grow at vanderbilt..
Vanderbilt wants to know what has made you into the person you are today. What you focus on here can really run the gamut, but it should be something that you feel will not only speak to your personal growth journey, but also help you to contribute to Vandy’s community in a unique way. Is there anything you can teach your classmates about your culture, identity, or background that they might not already know? What has influenced your identity? What do you believe and how will your life experiences bring something of value to the community at Vanderbilt? To make an impact, you’ll want to take some time for reflection before you begin writing this essay. How have you dared to grow in the past, and how will you continue embodying Vandy’s motto on campus?
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Vanderbilt University Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022
Engaging Vanderbilt supplemental essays are sure to standout in the admissions process. Not sure how to write your Vanderbilt essay? With tips from a Harvard graduate,’s guide to the Vanderbilt extracurricular essay will show you how to write a Vanderbilt essay that is sure to stand out.
If you need help crafting your Vanderbilt application essay, click here to create your free account or schedule a free consultation with Admissions Experts by calling (844) 904-0290.
Vanderbilt Essay Guide Quick Facts:
- Vanderbilt has an acceptance rate of 12%— U.S. News ranks Vanderbilt as a most selective school.
- We recommend answering the Vanderbilt application essay comprehensively and thoughtfully to maximize your chances of admission.
What is Vanderbilt University Known for?
Vanderbilt University is a private research university located in Nashville, Tennessee. It has a student population of approximately 7000 undergraduates and 6500 graduate students. Its 330-acre campus—which is designated as a national arboretum—provides a green respite from the busy streets of downtown Nashville. One of the trees on campus, nicknamed the Bicentennial Oak , is believed to be over 250 years old!
If you want to attend an elite research university located in the South, Vanderbilt might be the place for you. Vanderbilt combines the urban with the rural, providing easy access to Nashville’s bustling music and culture scene despite its forested country feel.
For more information on the university, and its application requirements, check out Vanderbilt’s admissions page .
Does Vanderbilt want a Resume?
You will have the option to submit a resume through the Common App. However, Vanderbilt does not require a resume—a thorough activities list can serve you just as well. Also, keep in mind that your Vanderbilt application essay may also contain some information related to your resume.
However, if your professional or extracurricular experience extends meaningfully beyond the scope of your activities list, you may benefit from submitting a resume. At the end of the day, it’s up to you.
Need help writing a great resume for your college applications? CollegeAdvisor’s guide will help you write the perfect resume to showcase your background and experiences!
Does Vanderbilt Require Essays?
Yes. In addition to the Common App personal statement that you will submit to every college, Vanderbilt requires all applicants to submit one additional Vanderbilt application essay. You can read more about the Vanderbilt application requirements—including the Vanderbilt essay—on the Common App website .
While there aren’t multiple Vanderbilt supplemental essays, this doesn’t mean you should take the Vanderbilt application essay any less seriously! As with previous Vanderbilt supplemental essays, this year’s Vanderbilt essay should be answered completely and thoughtfully to stand out in the admissions process.
The requirements for the Vanderbilt essay might look straightforward, but don’t let that fool you. Be sure to spend plenty of time brainstorming, drafting, and editing your Vanderbilt application essay to maximize your chances of admission. The best Vanderbilt essay prompts will be a complement to the applicant’s candidate profile.
What does Vanderbilt Look for in Essays?
According to their website , Vanderbilt wants “to learn more about what skills, character traits, points of view, or life experiences you would bring to the Commodore community.” Successful Vanderbilt supplemental essays will align with these recommendations.
Through your grades, letters of recommendation, and test scores, Vanderbilt learns about who you are as a student. Your Vanderbilt application essay speaks to who you are as a person—that is, the specific traits and experiences that make you the person you are. Strong Vanderbilt supplemental essays will go beyond your basic qualifications to demonstrate who you will be as a member of the Vanderbilt community rather than just a student.
As with many colleges, Vanderbilt supplemental essays should tell a story. When reading Vanderbilt supplemental essays, the admissions committee hopes to see how applicants will contribute both to Vanderbilt and to the world itself.
If this seems like a daunting task to tackle in your Vanderbilt application essay, don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll break down the Vanderbilt application essay to help you stand out in admissions.
How Important is the Essay for Vanderbilt?
According to the Vanderbilt website, the Vanderbilt essay is one of five factors that admissions officers consider when evaluating applicants. In addition to the Vanderbilt essay prompts that the committee will review, they’ll consider other key factors like grades, test scores, extracurriculars, and recommendation letters.
This means that the Vanderbilt essay is very important in admissions. Many applicants might look the same on paper; your Vanderbilt supplemental essay will reveal the key ways you stand out from other students with similar qualifications. Simply put, the Vanderbilt supplemental essay allows you to express yourself to the admissions committee on your own terms. After all, you are more than your grades and test scores!
Additionally, note that Vanderbilt does not have a “Why Vanderbilt” question. This makes Vanderbilt a bit of an anomaly among universities with supplemental essay requirements. However, even though Vanderbilt may not directly ask you why you belong there, you should still have a strong idea of why you want to attend and how Vanderbilt will help you achieve your goals. This information will still help you write an engaging Vanderbilt essay—plus, it might prove helpful in an interview setting.
How do you Write the Vanderbilt Essay?
Like with any essay, you’ll want to start by brainstorming! When you begin your Vanderbilt supplemental essay, you’ll likely have already drafted your Common App personal statement. This means that on some level, you’ll understand your writing process when it comes to college essays.
As you prepare for the Vanderbilt extracurricular essay, try choosing three things from your Common App activities list that have made an impact on you. These activities can be big or small, formal or informal—what matters most is that your activities will tell the admissions committee something about you.
Structured freewriting
You may have encountered freewriting in preparation for other college essays. A freewriting session can be an incredibly useful tool, especially for topics like the Vanderbilt supplemental essay prompt. After all, with so many potential extracurriculars you could write about, you’ll want to narrow your options!
Once you’ve selected three extracurricular activities, start a timer for ten minutes. Write about your first activity for ten minutes straight. Don’t edit or read your work. Instead, use this time to reflect on what the activity meant to you, how you felt when you did it, and how it has influenced your personal or professional goals. There are no wrong answers here! After you’ve done your first free-write for the Vanderbilt supplemental essay, restart your timer and repeat the process for the next two activities.
After you complete your freewriting, reflect on the experience. Maybe there was one activity that you couldn’t stop writing about—that might be your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay. However, if the answer doesn’t seem clear-cut, don’t be discouraged! Read over your free writes and assess which of them has the most potential. If you still don’t know, you might ask an advisor, college counselor, parent, teacher, or friend for their opinion.
Choosing a topic
Keep in mind that you don’t need to choose your most impressive activity to feature in your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay. For instance, even if you won an international debate championship, you can still write about caring for your younger brother if you think this activity reveals more about who you are as a person. Authenticity is key when it comes to successful Vanderbilt supplemental essays.
Once you’ve chosen a topic for your Vanderbilt essay, it’s time to start drafting. We’ll expand on the later stages of writing Vanderbilt supplemental essays near the end of this essay guide!
For more information on freewriting and reflection exercises to help spark creativity, check out our blog article.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays — Question 1 (Required):
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (200-400 words)
Unlike the prompts for other schools, the Vanderbilt essay question is straightforward. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think carefully about your response!
Simply put, this Vanderbilt essay question asks you to select an extracurricular activity or work experience and describe it to the admissions committee. Since there aren’t multiple Vanderbilt essay prompts, your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay is all the more important.
Don’t (just) brag
However, the most vital parts of this Vanderbilt extracurricular essay prompt are implicit rather than explicit. While this Vanderbilt essay prompts applicants to elaborate on an extracurricular experience, you should be careful to focus on who you are in relation to your activities rather than just what you’ve done. Your Vanderbilt supplemental essay is your chance to speak directly to admissions officers about what matters to you. Use your Vanderbilt essay to do just that, offering your extracurricular achievements as a means of understanding your identity.
For instance, say you’re an accomplished basketball player who has competed at the national level. Don’t spend your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay detailing the shots you made, the techniques you used, and the methodologies behind your team’s training practices. Instead, use your Vanderbilt application essay to discuss what basketball means to you. You might talk about the value of teamwork or perseverance. Think about the way your body and mind feel as you run down the court. The most successful responses to the Vanderbilt essay prompt will focus not on what a student did but on why it was important.
Tell a story
The best Vanderbilt supplemental essays will use the activity/work experience to reveal key information rather than dwelling on logistics. This isn’t your resume! Vanderbilt has already seen your activities list. What matters in your Vanderbilt essay is that you expand on your activities list to discuss your interests, values, and accomplishments in a more personal way.
Since the Vanderbilt essay is limited to 400 words, you can use the significant amount of space the Vanderbilt application essay provides to tell the full story behind your chosen activity. You may choose to open your Vanderbilt application essay with an anecdote similar to some Common App personal statements. While the Vanderbilt essay prompt may seem basic, your response can still be creative.
After an engaging anecdote that “hooks” your reader into your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay, you’ll want to offer a brief description of your chosen activity. Include details such as what you did, where you did it, who you did it with, and how it might relate to your other interests.
Once you’ve described your activity, it’s time to dig deeper. At the core of your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay, describe why your chosen activity mattered to you and how it informs the way you see the world. Be concrete and specific in your Vanderbilt application essay. Avoid simply describing an activity as “really fun” or that winning an award “made you feel good.” Instead, think about the why behind your chosen activity. How did this activity change you? How does this activity interact with your overall candidate profile? Finally, how can you communicate this in your Vanderbilt application essay?
If you follow this guidance in answering the Vanderbilt essay prompt, you should be on track for success.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays Draft Key Questions:
- Does your Vanderbilt application essay expand meaningfully on an activity you mention in your application?
- Do you use your extracurricular activity to reveal more about who you are and what matters to you?
- Do you describe why your chosen activity was important to you in concrete and specific terms?
- Does your reader learn more about you by reading your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay?
Additional tips for writing your Vanderbilt supplemental essay:
Above all—the admissions committee is looking for authenticity in Vanderbilt essay prompts. Your Vanderbilt essay is your chance to speak directly to the admissions committee about what makes you an engaging candidate. To that end, your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay should reveal what makes you unique. The Vanderbilt essay prompt may be straightforward, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be creative!
Finally, don’t forget to edit, revise, and proofread your Vanderbilt essay! Misspelled words and incorrect grammar can make or break Vanderbilt supplemental essays. Remember to read over your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay multiple times before submitting it to catch any mistakes.
Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays: Final Thoughts
The Vanderbilt extracurricular essay may seem daunting. However, don’t be discouraged! View your Vanderbilt application essay as a chance to introduce yourself to the admissions team. And remember that at the end of the day, you are more than your grades, test scores, or admissions results.
Use this guide to approach the Vanderbilt extracurricular essay with a solid strategy that will help you stand out to admissions officers. Finally, remember to give yourself time to draft and revise to make your Vanderbilt extracurricular essay the best it can be. With these tips in mind, you should be able to approach the Vanderbilt essay prompt with ease. Good luck!
This 2021-2022 essay guide on Vanderbilt University was written by Abbie Sage, Harvard ‘21. Want help crafting your Vanderbilt supplemental essay? Click here to create your free account , or call (844) 904-0290 to schedule your no-cost advising consultation.
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Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays 2023-2024
By Eric Eng
The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 offer applicants a platform to delve deeper into their aspirations and fit with the university. While seemingly daunting, these essays provide a golden opportunity for students to showcase facets of their personality and experiences that might not be evident in other parts of their application.
What are the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?
Vanderbilt University, nestled in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, is renowned for its commitment to fostering a diverse and vibrant community of scholars. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 play a pivotal role in this mission.
For the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, Vanderbilt University has crafted prompts emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and the interplay between academic and extracurricular experiences in shaping an individual’s worldview.
- Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences and respect for alternative views and voices are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from yours. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?” This question encourages applicants to reflect on their interactions with individuals holding divergent opinions, emphasizing the transformative power of such dialogues.
- Vanderbilt offers a community where students balance their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. Through this question, the university seeks insights into how non-academic experiences have shaped the applicant’s character, values, and aspirations.
These essays are not mere afterthoughts or additional hoops for applicants. Instead, they are integral components of the application that allow the admissions committee to understand each applicant holistically.
Students can articulate their passions through these essays, discuss their most transformative experiences, and elucidate how they envision contributing to the Vanderbilt community. Essentially, these essays breathe life into the black-and-white statistics of grades and test scores, painting a vivid picture of the individual behind the numbers.
The college application process is a unique blend of introspection and projection, where students reflect on their past experiences and envision their future trajectories. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 are designed to facilitate this introspective journey, allowing applicants to delve deep into their narratives and share stories that resonate with the university’s values.
The Word Limit and Format Expectations for Each Prompt
In its quest to ensure depth and clarity in responses, Vanderbilt University has set a word limit for each supplemental essay prompt. Applicants are expected to respond to both questions, each answer being approximately 250 words long.
This word count, while concise, provides ample space for students to offer detailed reflections and share meaningful anecdotes. Adhering to this word limit is crucial, as it demonstrates an applicant’s ability to express thoughts succinctly and shows respect for the guidelines set by the university.
In terms of format, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 should be structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, ensuring a coherent flow of ideas. Using specific examples and personal narratives can make the essays more compelling and relatable, allowing the admissions committee to better understand the applicant’s perspective.
How to Write the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays
Essay prompt #1:.
Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences and respect for alternative views and voices are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you’ve had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from yours. How did these conversations/experiences influence you?
One of the most intriguing prompts revolves around the theme of diverse perspectives. Vanderbilt University seeks students who recognize the value of contrasting viewpoints and engage with them meaningfully in a world increasingly characterized by polarization. Writing an essay on this topic requires introspection, authenticity, and a clear understanding of the nuances of the prompt.
Understanding the Prompt
The diverse perspectives prompt for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 calls for reflection on interactions with individuals with different viewpoints. At its core, the question seeks to understand how these interactions influenced the applicant’s thinking and personal growth.
It’s not merely about recounting a conversation; it’s about delving deep into the transformative power of such dialogues. Vanderbilt values a community where differences are tolerated and celebrated as catalysts for growth and innovation. Thus, applicants should approach this essay focusing on personal evolution, showcasing how exposure to alternative views has enriched their understanding and broadened their horizons.
Brainstorming Your Response
Embarking on the brainstorming journey for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 requires a dive into past experiences. Begin by listing interactions or conversations that challenged your beliefs or introduced you to a new perspective.
It could be a discussion with a foreign exchange student, a debate with a friend on a contentious issue, or even an enlightening conversation with a family member from a different generation. Reflect on the emotions these interactions evoked, the internal conflicts they might have triggered, and the resolutions or realizations you arrived at. The goal is to identify a moment that exemplifies engagement with diverse viewpoints and highlights personal growth and transformation.
- Narrative Approach : Start with a specific story of when you engaged with someone whose views differed from yours. Maybe it was a classroom debate, a community meeting, or an online forum. Describe the setting, the topic of discussion, and the key points of contrast. Then, reflect on what you learned from the experience, how it challenged or changed your views, and how it helped you grow intellectually or personally.
- Thematic Approach : Instead of focusing on a single encounter, you might discuss a recurring theme in your life—perhaps your experiences growing up in a diverse community or attending a school with a culture of debate. Explain how regular exposure to differing opinions has shaped your approach to learning and engagement with complex issues.
- Transformative Event : Reflect on a particular event or moment that caused a significant shift in your perspective. This could be a volunteer experience, an international trip, a significant book or film, or an encounter with someone from a different cultural or socioeconomic background. Discuss how this event or interaction opened your eyes to new viewpoints and influenced your thinking.
- Academic Perspective : If an academic subject has exposed you to diverse viewpoints, describe how studying this field has influenced your understanding of the world. Whether it’s history, literature, or science, discuss how learning from different schools of thought within the discipline has enriched your education.
- Extracurricular Engagement : Perhaps you’ve been involved in an extracurricular activity—like Model United Nations, debate club, or a cultural organization—that has immersed you in diverse viewpoints. Describe how participating in these activities has influenced your perspective.
- Personal Relationships : Sometimes, the most profound learning comes from personal relationships. You might talk about a friendship or family relationship that has exposed you to new ways of thinking. Reflect on how these personal connections have influenced your views.
- Professional or Internship Experience : Discuss any work or internship experiences where you faced differing viewpoints, perhaps in a team setting or with clients/customers. Explain how navigating these professional relationships helped you understand the importance of diverse perspectives in problem-solving and innovation.
- Challenge and Resolution : Write about a time when you were initially resistant to a different viewpoint but, through dialogue and reflection, came to a resolution or compromise. This could demonstrate your ability to be flexible and your commitment to learning from others.
Structuring Your Answer
A well-structured response is pivotal in conveying your narrative effectively. Start with an introduction that sets the stage for the interaction, providing context and hinting at its significance .
The essay’s body should delve into the details of the conversation, emphasizing the contrasting viewpoints and the challenges they presented. Highlight introspection, realization, or transformation moments, showcasing how the interaction influenced your perspective.
Conclude by connecting the dots, summarizing the personal growth resulting from the experience , and elucidating how this growth aligns with Vanderbilt’s ethos of valuing diverse perspectives.
Remember, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 are about recounting experiences and showcasing the journey of growth they catalyzed.
Essay Prompt #2:
Vanderbilt offers a community where students balance their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you.
In today’s multifaceted educational landscape, it’s not just about what you learn in the classroom but also about how you apply that knowledge outside of it and how those external experiences, in turn, enrich your academic journey. Crafting an essay on this topic requires a deep dive into one’s narrative, highlighting moments where academic and extracurricular worlds seamlessly intertwine.
The prompt for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 that focuses on the symbiosis between academic and extracurricular experiences seeks to uncover the multifaceted nature of the applicant. Vanderbilt University recognizes that authentic learning extends beyond the confines of a classroom.
The prompt invites applicants to showcase how their extracurricular activities or work experiences have complemented and enhanced their academic journey. Whether it’s a research project inspired by a community service experience or leadership skills honed in a club that proved invaluable during group projects, the university is keen to understand how students bridge the gap between formal education and real-world application.
To craft a compelling response for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, start by listing significant extracurricular activities or work experiences. Reflect on moments where these experiences directly influenced your academic pursuits.
Perhaps a challenging problem in your robotics club gave you insights into your physics class. Maybe a literature course inspired you to write and direct a play. Or, possibly, a summer internship provided practical context to theoretical concepts discussed in lectures.
The aim is to identify experiences that best exemplify the symbiotic relationship between your academic and extracurricular worlds, showcasing a seamless integration of knowledge and application. When crafting a response to this prompt, you should focus on demonstrating personal growth, skill development, and how the experience has prepared you for a balanced academic and social life at Vanderbilt. Here are various ways to approach your answer:
- Leadership Role in an Organization : Discuss how taking on a leadership role, such as club president or team captain, taught you time management, responsibility, and teamwork. Explain how balancing these duties with your academic work has prepared you for the university environment.
- Volunteering Experience : Share a volunteering experience that has impacted you. Perhaps working with underprivileged children or assisting in a soup kitchen helped you develop empathy, cultural sensitivity, and an understanding of social issues, which you’ll bring into your life at Vanderbilt.
- Part-time Job : If you’ve held a part-time job, talk about how it has instilled a strong work ethic in you, taught you financial responsibility, and how you’ve learned to juggle work with school and leisure, a skill you’ll carry into your college life.
- Athletics : If you’re an athlete, describe how sports have taught you about discipline, perseverance, and the importance of balancing physical health with academic pursuits, contributing to a well-rounded college experience.
- Performing Arts : If you’re involved in the performing arts, discuss how preparing for performances has honed your time management skills, ability to work under pressure, and the significance of supporting your peers—qualities that will enhance your college experience.
- Academic Clubs or Competitions : Elaborate on your involvement in clubs like debate or science Olympiad. Discuss how these experiences have expanded your intellectual curiosity and taught you to balance academic competition with collaborative learning.
- Creative Hobbies : If you have a creative hobby, like writing, painting, or playing an instrument, describe how this outlet has helped you maintain a healthy balance between your studies and personal life and how it’s essential to your overall well-being.
- Entrepreneurial Ventures : If you’ve started a project or small business, discuss the lessons learned from this venture, such as risk-taking, innovation, and balancing the demands of a startup with school responsibilities.
- Tech or Coding Projects : For those involved in technology or coding, talk about how this passion has helped you manage your time between screen hours and real-world interactions and how it’s prepared you for the tech-savvy yet socially rich environment of Vanderbilt.
Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that offers a glimpse into the chosen experience and its significance.
The body should delve into the narrative, detailing academic and extracurricular elements. Highlight moments of realization, challenges faced, and the insights gained from merging these two worlds. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture, allowing the admissions committee to walk in your shoes.
Conclude by reflecting on the broader implications of this interplay. How has it shaped your approach to learning? How will this integrated perspective benefit you at Vanderbilt and in future endeavors?
Remember, through the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, the university seeks individuals who not only excel in academics but also understand the value of real-world experiences and their profound impact on holistic education.
How Can Applicants Effectively Revise and Proofread Their Essays?
Crafting a compelling response for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 continues once the initial draft is penned down. The subsequent stages of revision and proofreading are equally, if not more, crucial in ensuring that the essay truly resonates with the admissions committee.
An effective revision process involves refining the essay’s content, structure, and language, ensuring that it answers the prompt accurately and showcases the applicant’s unique voice, experiences, and fit with Vanderbilt University.
The Importance of Multiple Revision Rounds
The journey from a rough draft to a polished essay is iterative. More than one round of revision is needed to capture and rectify all areas of improvement. Multiple revision rounds allow applicants to refine their thoughts, enhance the flow of the essay, and eliminate any redundancies or ambiguities.
With each subsequent review, the narrative becomes sharper, the arguments more convincing, and the overall essay more compelling. Especially for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, where the aim is to present a holistic and authentic picture of oneself, it’s imperative to invest time in revisiting and refining the essay multiple times, ensuring that each word adds value and each sentence drives the narrative forward.
Seeking Feedback from Teachers, Peers, or Mentors
While self-revision is essential, seeking external feedback adds more depth to the refinement process. Teachers, peers, or mentors, with their varied perspectives and experiences, can offer invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the essay.
They can point out areas that might be unclear to a reader, suggest enhancements in the narrative, or even highlight aspects of the applicant’s story that might have been inadvertently overlooked. This external feedback, combined with self-revision, ensures that the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 are well-crafted and resonate with a broader audience.
Tips for Self-Editing and Ensuring Clarity, Coherence, and Authenticity
Self-editing is an art that requires both detachment and introspection. When revising the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, applicants should first focus on the macro elements – the overall structure, flow, and alignment with the prompt.
Once satisfied, they can delve into the micro aspects – language, grammar, and tone. Reading the essay aloud can help in identifying awkward phrasings or jarring transitions. Another effective technique is to take a break and revisit the essay with fresh eyes, allowing for a more objective review. Throughout the process, the key is to ensure authenticity.
While it’s tempting to use complex vocabulary or elaborate metaphors, the essence of the essay lies in its authenticity. It’s about showcasing one’s genuine experiences, aspirations, and fit with Vanderbilt, ensuring that the narrative is both compelling and authentic to oneself.
How Do Vanderbilt’s Supplemental Essays Compare to Other Top Universities?
The college application landscape is dotted with a myriad of essay prompts from various top-tier universities, each designed to glean insights into the multifaceted personalities of their prospective students. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, while sharing some thematic similarities with other prestigious institutions, have their distinct flavor and emphasis.
While many elite universities focus on academic aspirations, extracurricular passions, or personal growth, Vanderbilt’s prompts delve deeper, seeking a holistic understanding of applicants, their alignment with the university’s ethos, and their vision for their future within its hallowed halls.
A Comparative Analysis of Essay Prompts from Other Prestigious Institutions
Some patterns and divergences emerge when juxtaposed with essay prompts from other leading institutions. For instance, Ivy League schools like Harvard or Princeton often have prompts that encourage reflection on personal growth, intellectual curiosity, or societal impact.
With its short-answer questions, Stanford seeks snippets of an applicant’s personality, quirks, and passions. With its tech-centric ethos, MIT often leans towards understanding an applicant’s problem-solving abilities and innovative mindset.
In contrast, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 emphasize diverse perspectives and the unique interplay between academic and extracurricular experiences. While themes overlap across universities, the nuances lie in the depth, focus, and context each institution emphasizes.
The Role of Supplemental Essays in the Admissions Process
In the hyper-competitive landscape of college admissions, especially at elite institutions like Vanderbilt, every component of the application holds significant weight. The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 are no exception. These essays serve multiple purposes.
Firstly, they act as a litmus test for an applicant’s genuine interest in the university. A well-researched and thoughtfully crafted essay can indicate a student’s earnest desire to join the Vanderbilt community.
Secondly, the essays provide a platform for students to highlight experiences or aspects of their identity that might not be immediately apparent in transcripts or resumes. This could include unique challenges faced, niche interests pursued, or specific instances that sparked personal growth. In a sea of qualified applicants, these essays can be the distinguishing factor that sets one application apart from the rest.
How Vanderbilt University Views These Essays in the Context of the Overall Application
To Vanderbilt University, the supplemental essays are not isolated writing pieces but integral parts of a cohesive narrative that applicants weave throughout their application. The university recognizes that students are more than just their academic achievements.
The Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 offer a window into an applicant’s character, values, and potential contributions to the campus community. The admissions committee looks for essays that resonate with Vanderbilt’s inclusivity, innovation, and impact ethos. They value authenticity, seeking students who present their true selves rather than what they perceive the university wants to hear.
What Final Tips and Advice Can Be Offered to 2023-2024 Applicants?
As the application season for the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 approaches, applicants often grapple with anticipation, excitement, and anxiety. Crafting essays that resonate with the admissions committee while staying true to one’s unique journey can be daunting.
However, with the right approach, mindset, and strategies, applicants can navigate this process with confidence and clarity. As the final touches are put on these essays, some advice can make the difference between an outstanding essay.
The Significance of Authenticity and Honesty in Responses
In the realm of college admissions, authenticity is paramount. With their vast experience, Admissions committees can easily discern genuine essays from those contrived or tailored to what applicants perceive the university wants to hear.
Applicants must honestly approach the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, presenting their true selves, experiences, and aspirations. Authenticity resonates; it paints a vivid, relatable picture of the individual behind the application, making them memorable in the eyes of the admissions committee. While it’s tempting to embellish achievements or mold narratives to fit perceived expectations, genuine stories, even if they’re simple or seemingly mundane, often leave the most profound impact.
Encouragement to Start Early and Reflect Deeply on Each Prompt
Procrastination is often the Achilles’ heel of many college applicants. With their depth and nuance, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024 require time, introspection, and multiple revisions. Starting early gives applicants the luxury of time – to research, reflect, draft, and refine.
It allows for reflection, helping applicants delve deep into their experiences, values, and aspirations and articulate them with clarity and coherence. Each prompt is an invitation to reflect, to understand oneself better, and to envision a future at Vanderbilt. By starting early, seeking feedback, and revisiting the essays multiple times, applicants can ensure that their responses are well-crafted and reflect their best selves.
Ready to Craft Your Standout Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays for 2023-2024? Let AdmissionSight Help You!
Navigating the complexities of college admissions is no small feat, especially when aiming for elite institutions like Vanderbilt University. Your essays are more than words on a page; they reflect your journey aspirations and fit your dream school. That’s why crafting compelling, authentic, and impactful essays is crucial.
At AdmissionSight , we specialize in helping students like you present the best version of themselves in their college applications. With our expert guidance, you’ll understand the nuances of Vanderbilt’s supplemental essays and learn how to weave your unique experiences and perspectives into a compelling narrative.
Don’t leave your Vanderbilt dreams to chance. Contact AdmissionSight today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward making your college aspirations a reality!
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Extracurricular Supplemental Essay.
Hello everyone. I am an ED applicant for Vanderbilt and wrote my first draft of the supplemental essay. For the activity prompt, should all of the 400 words focus on the activity or can I include a sneaky why Vanderbilt part? I was going through college essay guy’s guide and the example there had a part which mentioned how the activity or the lessons learnt from the activity could be applied in Vanderbilt. Did any of mention any specific Vanderbilt resources or opportunities that you were looking forward to utilise? Thanks in advance.
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Vanderbilt University Labs
Why you should consider urgent essays.
Posted by Digital Strategies (Div of Comm) on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 in Uncategorized .
In this day and age there are many colleges offering urgent essays. But a number of those schools only offer their services to pupils who have corretor de ortografia e gramatica already taken the semester off. You should always consult your college before deciding to take advantage of their urgent essay service.
Some pupils find barbarous essays very beneficial. They get to complete their composition assignments while they’re on break. This is a very important time for students because they often have a good deal of things in their mind.
There are many things to be concerned about during a study period. Most pupils, but do not have the time to worry about their program. They don’t have enough time to consider assignments.
With an urgent essay assistance, the pupil may have a professional to finish their essay in their opinion. A faculty will not induce corretor de frases em ingles the student to cover their services. Instead, they will just assist in the process of producing the essay. Students are typically only charged for the time spent writing the essay.
Students can also be given the option of preparing a distinct payment plan with this particular service. In this manner, the pupil can make positive that they are able to receive their cash back. If they don’t want to pay immediately, the student can wait till the close of the semester.
Due to the significance of taking good care of this timely matter within their college, most pupils are extremely keen to get this support. Most students think that their essays are a very personal matter. They often feel that they are able to convey their feelings, ideas, and ideas to an advisor or editor at a simpler way.
Students have so much to do if they are on break. For many, it is even harder than usual. Some pupils cannot find enough sleep because they worry about what they are going to perform for the next day.
There are numerous advantages to utilizing urgent essays to write to you personally. It’s but one of the simplest ways for students to express themselves. The additional benefit is that you’re able to have an easy and convenient method to get your cash back in case you don’t get the essay in time.
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Aug 7, 2024, 7:16 PM
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College of Arts & Science News
Vanderbilt’s college of arts and science introduces new major.
Posted by Mary-Lou Watkinson on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 in News Story .
CAL will provide students with the knowledge and skillsets to shape people, communities, and society for the better. Centered around dialogue, critical thinking, democracy, and civic engagement, CAL gives students the tools to make a positive impact in a wide range of areas while also exploring broad career opportunities.
Paul Stob, director of CAL and professor of communication studies, said the new major was born from students’ increased interest in academic offerings that teach them to affect change in the world.
“We chose the name culture, advocacy, and leadership because of its relevance and importance to the world today and because of our existing areas of strength,” Stob said. “We’re interested in civil society and civic spaces—in engaging people, groups, and communities worldwide. Students in the program will have the opportunity to undertake a hands-on community research project or internship in an area they’re interested in. The program helps students to harness their passions into effective change that will improve our society.”
CAL is an interdisciplinary program, incorporating courses from anthropology, public policy studies, communication studies, gender and sexuality studies, and history, among other areas. Students take six core courses, where they will learn academic skills, theories, and frameworks, and then apply those skills to an area of their choosing, such as environmental or civic issues.
Other course offerings will include Speaking, Leading, Engaging, where students learn about public speaking both by delivering speeches themselves and studying historical examples of how people have articulated their own visions for social change. Responsible Advocacy in a Complicated World teaches students about the ethics of community engagement and being a responsible citizen when working on common projects with others who have differing backgrounds and values.
To complete the major, students will take part in Practicum & Internship Experience, where they will apply their classroom learning to a real, hands-on experience in their area of focus.
“The potential career outcomes are as broad as students’ interests are,” said Gabriel Torres Colón, director of undergraduate studies for CAL and assistant professor of anthropology. “Students in the major will be fully prepared to pursue careers in a wide range of areas, including education, business, marketing, consulting, journalism, health care, and athletic coaching, among countless others. It’s not just that the major covers culture, advocacy, and leadership—it’s that every student will have a story to tell about culture, advocacy, and leadership that is specific to their practicum, their research, their internship, and their passion.”
Current American Studies majors will have the option to complete the existing degree or switch over to CAL.
Isabella Montero, a senior American Studies major who plans to switch to CAL, is most excited about the practicum and internship experience course.
“This summer I applied for an internship with the Plant Based Products Council and Corn Refiners Association in Washington, D.C., and the word ‘advocacy’ stood out to my prospective employer. I believe it was the inclusion of this word in my major that gave me a competitive advantage in the application process,” Montero said. “I am confident that I will be able to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained as a CAL major throughout my future career in the communications and business fields.”
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Aug 6, 2024, 8:25 AM
Rooted in authentic connection and engagement, Vanderbilt’s residential college experience is a special aspect of student life at the university. Undergraduate houses and colleges are led by faculty, with their families and pets, who live with students, creating another vibrant layer of learning and community. Meet the university’s newest faculty heads of house and heads of college in this special series.
Brittany Chase , lecturer in ethnomusicology and assistant dean for nondegree programs at Vanderbilt Blair School of Music , is the faculty head of Gillette House on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons.
Chase’s research focuses on American popular music, contemporary Christian music, and hip-hop music and culture. She is also a Vanderbilt alumna, having earned a degree in American studies with a minor in corporate strategy. She was also a four-year member of the Vanderbilt Spirit of Gold Marching Band and its service organization, Tau Beta Sigma.
- Name: Brittany Chase
- Residential college: Gillette House
- Years at Vanderbilt: 12 total (Eight as a faculty member and four as a student!)
- Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
- Favorite song: “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder
- Favorite book: Scary Close by Donald Miller
- Favorite food: Thai food! (Chicken pad thai and yellow curry for the win.)
- Favorite spot on campus: This will sound strange, but ever since my first year in undergrad, it’s been the top of the Terrace Place Garage that overlooks the Nashville skyline. Very cool! Aside from that, the Highland Quad lawn holds a lot of sweet memories for me.
- What are you most looking forward to for the upcoming academic year? I’m looking forward to meeting the students in Gillette House and getting to know them throughout the year. I’m also excited to have a solid community around me and hoping people might join for my weekend morning walks to get coffee with my sweet pup.
- Why did you want to be a faculty head of house? I’ve been a Faculty VUceptor for the last six years and enjoyed getting to know students in a more personal and real way. This seemed like an amazing opportunity to continue that experience more deeply, and I love being able to help build community and relationships with people. I’m big on deep chats and lots of laughs!
- What do you value about the residential college experience? I love the humanizing aspect of the residential college experience. We are all just normal people who desire connection, and I value the opportunity for students and professors to view one another as just regular people who live normal lives. We are all just out here figuring things out!
- What does your family think about living on campus? My Australian shepherd, Dexter, is very excited about his new big backyard and the many MANY squirrels running around that he can attempt to catch (unsuccessfully).
- Read about other faculty heads of house and heads of college in this special series .
- Learn more about Vanderbilt’s residential colleges
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Barnard College Columbia University
Barnard Short Answer Questions
In addition to the personal essay which you will submit through the Common Application or QuestBridge, Barnard asks first-year applicants to respond to institution-specific short answer questions. We recommend spending time to thoughtfully consider these questions and your responses. Your answers to these questions, in conjunction with the rest of your application, will help the Admissions Committee understand how you may contribute to our community both academically and personally.
Below are the 2024 questions for first-year students.
- Required: Barnard College is an extraordinary community of women committed to fostering curiosity and the exploration of new experiences and ideas. By utilizing the resources of our campus, our Foundations curriculum, and New York City, our students expand their world and discover their own capabilities. How do you envision these intersecting components of Barnard shaping your academic and personal journey? (200 words max)
- Required: Barnard College students engage in the bold questions that define their generation. Choose one question that you have about the world around you, and explain why it matters to you. (150 words max)
- Required: In college, you will encounter others with diverse viewpoints and experiences. Describe an instance where you engaged with someone who held a different opinion and explain how it shaped your perspective on the issue. (150 words max)
*Please note that the questions may change from year to year.
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College graduates are drowning in debt. Here how one Nashville school keeps students whole
Nashville businesses benefit from vanderbilt’s ability to attract and retain some of the best and brightest youth across america..
In 2023, Mark Cuban had a warning for young people on the ramifications of taking on massive student loans: “Debt pushes you to take a job that pays your loans rather than picking a job you love.”
Students’ choices upon graduating appear to prove him right.
The average higher education borrower in America owes almost $40,000 , and 70% of college seniors choose jobs based on the ability to pay down student loans.
It’s no wonder that companies like Nvidia, New York Life, and Chegg have added debt assistance programs to employee benefits packages.
This is where Opportunity Vanderbilt comes in
But Nashville-based companies have a strategic partner that is already addressing this challenge: Vanderbilt University, which for 15 years has been dedicated to reducing student loan burdens while also attracting top-tier students from around the country.
Unfortunately, many companies may not be capitalizing on this valuable resource.
In February, Vanderbilt announced the expansion of the Opportunity Vanderbilt financial aid program to cover the full cost of undergraduate tuition for all students from families earning less than $150,000.
The assistance program, which launched in 2009, offers all admitted students no-loan financial aid based on families’ demonstrated need, with no requirement to pay it back . Since its inception,
Opportunity Vanderbilt has awarded over $2.6 billion to undergraduate students.
More: Four Tennessee schools make 2024 best value colleges list by Princeton Review
These are three advantages for employers and Vandy grads
Nashville businesses also benefit from Vanderbilt’s ability to attract and retain some of the best and brightest youth across America. For the incoming Class of 2028 , only 3.7% of regular decision applications received acceptance letters, and over 90% of those admitted are in the top 10% of their high school class. Of the students who do enroll, 90% come from outside Tennessee – four times more than the national average out-of-state matriculation of 20%.
These three advantages – low student debt, geographically diverse enrollment demographics, and renowned academic standards – provide several opportunities for the Nashville business community.
- A more cost-effective recruiting strategy compared to the competition. Instead of traveling across the country, recruiters walk down the street to meet students.
- Low-cost move reimbursements . New hires leave their dorm for an area apartment instead of moving across the country.
- A feeder system . Talented, motivated, diverse employees want to work at world-class companies like the ones that continue to base regional, national, and even global headquarters in Middle Tennessee – from HCA and the recording industry to healthcare tech start-ups, Amazon, and Oracle.
However, Nashville businesses haven’t fully capitalized on their home-field advantage. Vanderbilt’s alumni tracking statistics show that only 30% of recent Vanderbilt alumni have stayed in Nashville , while a plurality moving to big-name economic centers like New York, Boston, and Chicago after graduation. This is significantly less than the national average of 43% of private four-year college graduates and 47% of public four-year college graduates who stay in the same metro area as their alma mater.
As the region continues to achieve one of the fastest-growing GDP rates in America, and becomes more globally competitive, employers will need to recruit a workforce to match. Expenses like wage inflation, health insurance, and high interest rates are only compounded by the growing desire of college graduates to also get assistance with debt repayment.
And while the culture, entertainment, and cost of living already make the Music City an attractive sale, Vanderbilt’s success in attracting top students who graduate with low debt is exactly the competitive edge Nashville companies need.
Robert Kuykendall is director of accounts for the PR firm Proven Media Solutions . He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and has an extensive background in healthcare business development, political campaign consulting, not-for-profit executive leadership and managing day-to-day operations for a private equity firm.
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‘Google Is a Monopolist,’ Judge Rules in Landmark Antitrust Case
The ruling on Google’s search dominance was the first antitrust decision of the modern internet era in a case against a technology giant.
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By David McCabe
Reporting from Washington
Google acted illegally to maintain a monopoly in online search, a federal judge ruled on Monday , a landmark decision that strikes at the power of tech giants in the modern internet era and that may fundamentally alter the way they do business.
Judge Amit P. Mehta of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said in a 277-page ruling that Google had abused a monopoly over the search business. The Justice Department and states had sued Google, accusing it of illegally cementing its dominance, in part, by paying other companies, like Apple and Samsung, billions of dollars a year to have Google automatically handle search queries on their smartphones and web browsers.
“Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” Judge Mehta said in his ruling.
The ruling is a harsh verdict on the rise of giant technology companies that have used their roots in the internet to influence the way we shop, consume information and search online — and indicates a potential limit of Big Tech’s power. It is likely to influence other government antitrust lawsuits against Google, Apple, Amazon and Meta, the owner of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The last significant antitrust ruling against a tech company targeted Microsoft more than two decades ago.
“This is the most important antitrust case of the century, and it’s the first of a big slate of cases to come down against Big Tech,” said Rebecca Haw Allensworth, a professor at Vanderbilt University’s law school who studies antitrust. “It’s a huge turning point.”
The decision is a major blow to Google, which was built on its search engine and has become so closely associated with online search that its name has become a verb. The ruling could have major ramifications for Google’s success, especially as the company spends heavily to compete in the race over artificial intelligence. Google faces another federal antitrust case over ad technology that is scheduled to go to trial next month.
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For both first-year and transfer applicants, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on the following prompt: Vanderbilt University's motto, Crescere aude, is Latin for "dare to grow.". In your response, reflect on how one or more aspects of your identity, culture, or background has played a role in ...
Option 1: Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. Option 2: Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences ...
Prompt #1. Pick 1 of 2: Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. Please provide your response in approximately 250 words.
The first one of our Vanderbilt essay examples is an extracurricular activities essay example. In this Vanderbilt supplemental essays examples, we learn that this student cares deeply about their community. The student puts a lot of thought into how best to give back to their local community of houseless people.
Vanderbilt is one of the United States' highest-ranked colleges. With an acceptance rate of just 7 percent, it's ranked as extremely competitive. It's no surprise—Vanderbilt is known for having a wealth of appealing programs, including its school of medicine, the Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and Blair School of Music.
Essay Example - The Power of Story. Prompt: Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. (250 words) At an intersection in Oakwood, an elderly Asian man walks on the sidewalk.
The Vanderbilt supplemental essays form a major part of the overall Vanderbilt admissions process. Your Vanderbilt essay helps to provide crucial context to your application. It can also help the admissions office better understand how you'll fit on campus. Overall, the Vanderbilt supplemental essays work to build a more holistic picture of ...
Below are Vanderbilt's supplemental essays for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning essay. Note: Applicants only pick one of the two prompts. Vanderbilt Supplemental Essay Prompt - Choice #1. Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences.
Here are tips on how to write the Vanderbilt admissions essay, examples, and analysis! Get in touch: +1-800-991-0126. Get in touch: +1-800-991-0126. Programs. Grades 6 - 11. College Profile Development. ... Explore numerous samples in our comprehensive college essay database below to discover a wide range of examples! ...
Option 2. Vanderbilt University values learning through contrasting points of view. We understand that our differences, and our respect for alternative views and voices, are our greatest source of strength. Please reflect on conversations you've had with people who have expressed viewpoints different from your own.
The Vanderbilt supplemental essay is designed for the admissions committee to get to know you on a deeper level and gain a better understanding of how you'll fit in on campus. It's important that your essay does not repeat information that admissions readers will find elsewhere in your application. However, it is in short answer format, so ...
Tips for Writing Your College Essay. Posted by Kim Struglinski on Monday, October 9, 2017 in Application Process, General Information, The College Essay, Vandy Bloggers.. When I speak with students about the components of an application to Vanderbilt, I always save the personal essay for last.
Please select one of the following short answer prompts in approximately 250 words:*. Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences has influenced you. This is a standard activity essay, much like ...
Vanderbilt asks 2023-24 applicants to respond to one of two prompts in 250 words or fewer. CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to walk you through drafting a distinct essay response. About Kat StubingView all posts by Kat Stubing »
Vanderbilt '19. I am a different person than I was two months ago. Before the summer, even during the summer, I was convinced it wouldn't happen. I couldn't understand why, but the program wasn't "working" on me; I wasn't having the life-changing experience past fellows had promised. And yet, here I am - I've changed.
Essay Prompt: To give us a glimpse into how you engage with your community, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on one of two prompts. (250 words) 1. Vanderbilt offers a community where students find balance between their academic and social experiences. Please briefly elaborate on how one of your ...
Application Checklist for First-Year Applicants All required parts of the Common Application or Coalition, powered by Scoir, including the personal essay and short answer $50 nonrefundable application fee, or fee waiver for qualified students Official high school transcript Counselor letter of recommendation Two academic teacher letters of recommendation Optional for students applying for fall ...
The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community, Diversity. For both first-year and transfer applicants, we ask you to complete a short answer essay (approximately 250 words) based on the following prompt: Vanderbilt University's motto, Crescere aude, is Latin for "dare to grow."
Writing the Vanderbilt Supplemental Essays. Now that you have a solid foundation for your essays, it's time to start writing. Follow these tips to create compelling and engaging essays: Writing a strong college essay is essential for gaining admission to Vanderbilt University. The supplemental essays provide an opportunity for you to showcase ...
Tips for Writing Your College Essay. Oct. 9, 2017— When I speak with students about the components of an application to Vanderbilt, I always save the personal essay for last. This is partly because it is my favorite part of the application to read, but also because I know this is often the most dreaded part of the application process.
Vanderbilt Essay Guide Quick Facts: Vanderbilt has an acceptance rate of 12%— U.S. News ranks Vanderbilt as a most selective school. We recommend answering the Vanderbilt application essay comprehensively and thoughtfully to maximize your chances of admission.
When revising the Vanderbilt supplemental essays 2023-2024, applicants should first focus on the macro elements - the overall structure, flow, and alignment with the prompt. Once satisfied, they can delve into the micro aspects - language, grammar, and tone. Reading the essay aloud can help in identifying awkward phrasings or jarring ...
You can absolutely connect your interests with offerings at Vanderbilt in this essay. For that matter, that's generally appropriate in any supplemental essay for any school outside of the University of California system. Hello everyone. I am an ED applicant for Vanderbilt and wrote my first draft of the supplemental essay.
Why You Should Consider Urgent Essays. Posted by Digital Strategies (Div of Comm) on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 in Uncategorized.. In this day and age there are many colleges offering urgent essays. But a number of those schools only offer their services to pupils who have corretor de ortografia e gramatica already taken the semester off. You should always consult your college before deciding to ...
Coral is a PhD candidate in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations at Peabody College. Coral was awarded the 2024 Bonsal Award for her dissertation research application essays and the holistic admissions process. The Bonsal Applied Education Research Award is designed to advance the development and completion of doctoral dissertations on educational solutions that […]
In Fall 2024, the Program in American Studies will transition to the Program in Culture, Advocacy, and Leadership (CAL). CAL will provide students with the knowledge and skillsets to shape people, communities, and society for the better. Centered around dialogue, critical thinking, democracy, and civic engagement, CAL gives students the tools to make a positive...
Name: Brittany Chase Residential college: Gillette House Years at Vanderbilt: 12 total (Eight as a faculty member and four as a student!) Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri Favorite song: "Signed ...
In addition to the personal essay which you will submit through the Common Application or QuestBridge, Barnard asks first-year applicants to respond to institution-specific short answer questions. ... Required: Barnard College is an extraordinary community of women committed to fostering curiosity and the exploration of new experiences and ...
College graduates are drowning in debt. Here how one Nashville school keeps students whole Nashville businesses benefit from Vanderbilt's ability to attract and retain some of the best and ...
The ruling on Google's search dominance was the first antitrust decision of the modern internet era in a case against a technology giant.