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Copy constructors and copy assignment operators (C++)

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Starting in C++11, two kinds of assignment are supported in the language: copy assignment and move assignment . In this article "assignment" means copy assignment unless explicitly stated otherwise. For information about move assignment, see Move Constructors and Move Assignment Operators (C++) .

Both the assignment operation and the initialization operation cause objects to be copied.

Assignment : When one object's value is assigned to another object, the first object is copied to the second object. So, this code copies the value of b into a :

Initialization : Initialization occurs when you declare a new object, when you pass function arguments by value, or when you return by value from a function.

You can define the semantics of "copy" for objects of class type. For example, consider this code:

The preceding code could mean "copy the contents of FILE1.DAT to FILE2.DAT" or it could mean "ignore FILE2.DAT and make b a second handle to FILE1.DAT." You must attach appropriate copying semantics to each class, as follows:

Use an assignment operator operator= that returns a reference to the class type and takes one parameter that's passed by const reference—for example ClassName& operator=(const ClassName& x); .

Use the copy constructor.

If you don't declare a copy constructor, the compiler generates a member-wise copy constructor for you. Similarly, if you don't declare a copy assignment operator, the compiler generates a member-wise copy assignment operator for you. Declaring a copy constructor doesn't suppress the compiler-generated copy assignment operator, and vice-versa. If you implement either one, we recommend that you implement the other one, too. When you implement both, the meaning of the code is clear.

The copy constructor takes an argument of type ClassName& , where ClassName is the name of the class. For example:

Make the type of the copy constructor's argument const ClassName& whenever possible. This prevents the copy constructor from accidentally changing the copied object. It also lets you copy from const objects.

Compiler generated copy constructors

Compiler-generated copy constructors, like user-defined copy constructors, have a single argument of type "reference to class-name ." An exception is when all base classes and member classes have copy constructors declared as taking a single argument of type const class-name & . In such a case, the compiler-generated copy constructor's argument is also const .

When the argument type to the copy constructor isn't const , initialization by copying a const object generates an error. The reverse isn't true: If the argument is const , you can initialize by copying an object that's not const .

Compiler-generated assignment operators follow the same pattern for const . They take a single argument of type ClassName& unless the assignment operators in all base and member classes take arguments of type const ClassName& . In this case, the generated assignment operator for the class takes a const argument.

When virtual base classes are initialized by copy constructors, whether compiler-generated or user-defined, they're initialized only once: at the point when they are constructed.

The implications are similar to the copy constructor. When the argument type isn't const , assignment from a const object generates an error. The reverse isn't true: If a const value is assigned to a value that's not const , the assignment succeeds.

For more information about overloaded assignment operators, see Assignment .

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A copy assignment operator is a non-template non-static member function with the name operator = that can be called with an argument of the same class type and copies the content of the argument without mutating the argument.

Syntax Explanation Implicitly-declared copy assignment operator Implicitly-defined copy assignment operator Deleted copy assignment operator Trivial copy assignment operator Eligible copy assignment operator Notes Example Defect reports See also

[ edit ] Syntax

For the formal copy assignment operator syntax, see function declaration . The syntax list below only demonstrates a subset of all valid copy assignment operator syntaxes.

return-type parameter-list  (1)
return-type parameter-list  function-body (2)
return-type parameter-list-no-default  (3) (since C++11)
return-type parameter-list  (4) (since C++11)
return-type class-name  parameter-list  function-body (5)
return-type class-name  parameter-list-no-default  (6) (since C++11)
class-name - the class whose copy assignment operator is being declared, the class type is given as in the descriptions below
parameter-list - a of only one parameter, which is of type , , const T&, volatile T& or const volatile T&
parameter-list-no-default - a of only one parameter, which is of type , , const T&, volatile T& or const volatile T& and does not have a default argument
function-body - the of the copy assignment operator
return-type - any type, but is favored in order to allow chaining asssignments

[ edit ] Explanation

The copy assignment operator is called whenever selected by overload resolution , e.g. when an object appears on the left side of an assignment expression.

[ edit ] Implicitly-declared copy assignment operator

If no user-defined copy assignment operators are provided for a class type, the compiler will always declare one as an inline public member of the class. This implicitly-declared copy assignment operator has the form T & T :: operator = ( const T & ) if all of the following is true:

  • each direct base B of T has a copy assignment operator whose parameters are B or const B & or const volatile B & ;
  • each non-static data member M of T of class type or array of class type has a copy assignment operator whose parameters are M or const M & or const volatile M & .

Otherwise the implicitly-declared copy assignment operator is declared as T & T :: operator = ( T & ) .

Due to these rules, the implicitly-declared copy assignment operator cannot bind to a volatile lvalue argument.

A class can have multiple copy assignment operators, e.g. both T & T :: operator = ( T & ) and T & T :: operator = ( T ) . If some user-defined copy assignment operators are present, the user may still force the generation of the implicitly declared copy assignment operator with the keyword default . (since C++11)

The implicitly-declared (or defaulted on its first declaration) copy assignment operator has an exception specification as described in dynamic exception specification (until C++17) noexcept specification (since C++17)

Because the copy assignment operator is always declared for any class, the base class assignment operator is always hidden. If a using-declaration is used to bring in the assignment operator from the base class, and its argument type could be the same as the argument type of the implicit assignment operator of the derived class, the using-declaration is also hidden by the implicit declaration.

[ edit ] Implicitly-defined copy assignment operator

If the implicitly-declared copy assignment operator is neither deleted nor trivial, it is defined (that is, a function body is generated and compiled) by the compiler if odr-used or needed for constant evaluation (since C++14) . For union types, the implicitly-defined copy assignment copies the object representation (as by std::memmove ). For non-union class types, the operator performs member-wise copy assignment of the object's direct bases and non-static data members, in their initialization order, using built-in assignment for the scalars, memberwise copy-assignment for arrays, and copy assignment operator for class types (called non-virtually).

The implicitly-defined copy assignment operator for a class is if

is a , and that is of class type (or array thereof), the assignment operator selected to copy that member is a constexpr function.
(since C++14)
(until C++23)

The implicitly-defined copy assignment operator for a class is .

(since C++23)

The generation of the implicitly-defined copy assignment operator is deprecated if has a user-declared destructor or user-declared copy constructor.

(since C++11)

[ edit ] Deleted copy assignment operator

An implicitly-declared or explicitly-defaulted (since C++11) copy assignment operator for class T is undefined (until C++11) defined as deleted (since C++11) if any of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • T has a non-static data member of a const-qualified non-class type (or possibly multi-dimensional array thereof).
  • T has a non-static data member of a reference type.
  • T has a potentially constructed subobject of class type M (or possibly multi-dimensional array thereof) such that the overload resolution as applied to find M 's copy assignment operator
  • does not result in a usable candidate, or
  • in the case of the subobject being a variant member , selects a non-trivial function.

The implicitly-declared copy assignment operator for class is defined as deleted if declares a or .

(since C++11)

[ edit ] Trivial copy assignment operator

The copy assignment operator for class T is trivial if all of the following is true:

  • it is not user-provided (meaning, it is implicitly-defined or defaulted);
  • T has no virtual member functions;
  • T has no virtual base classes;
  • the copy assignment operator selected for every direct base of T is trivial;
  • the copy assignment operator selected for every non-static class type (or array of class type) member of T is trivial.

A trivial copy assignment operator makes a copy of the object representation as if by std::memmove . All data types compatible with the C language (POD types) are trivially copy-assignable.

[ edit ] Eligible copy assignment operator

A copy assignment operator is eligible if it is either user-declared or both implicitly-declared and definable.

(until C++11)

A copy assignment operator is eligible if it is not deleted.

(since C++11)
(until C++20)

A copy assignment operator is eligible if all following conditions are satisfied:

(if any) are satisfied. than any other copy assignment operator.
(since C++20)

Triviality of eligible copy assignment operators determines whether the class is a trivially copyable type .

[ edit ] Notes

If both copy and move assignment operators are provided, overload resolution selects the move assignment if the argument is an rvalue (either a prvalue such as a nameless temporary or an xvalue such as the result of std::move ), and selects the copy assignment if the argument is an lvalue (named object or a function/operator returning lvalue reference). If only the copy assignment is provided, all argument categories select it (as long as it takes its argument by value or as reference to const, since rvalues can bind to const references), which makes copy assignment the fallback for move assignment, when move is unavailable.

It is unspecified whether virtual base class subobjects that are accessible through more than one path in the inheritance lattice, are assigned more than once by the implicitly-defined copy assignment operator (same applies to move assignment ).

See assignment operator overloading for additional detail on the expected behavior of a user-defined copy-assignment operator.

[ edit ] Example

[ edit ] defect reports.

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
C++98 the conditions where implicitly-declared copy assignment operators
are undefined did not consider multi-dimensional array types
consider these types
C++11 a volatile subobject made defaulted copy
assignment operators non-trivial ( )
triviality not affected
C++11 operator=(X&) = default was non-trivial made trivial
C++11 a defaulted copy assignment operator for class was not defined as deleted
if is abstract and has non-copy-assignable direct virtual base classes
the operator is defined
as deleted in this case
C++20 a copy assignment operator was not eligible if there
is another copy assignment operator which is more
constrained but does not satisfy its associated constraints
it can be eligible
in this case

[ edit ] See also

  • converting constructor
  • copy constructor
  • copy elision
  • default constructor
  • aggregate initialization
  • constant initialization
  • copy initialization
  • default initialization
  • direct initialization
  • initializer list
  • list initialization
  • reference initialization
  • value initialization
  • zero initialization
  • move assignment
  • move constructor
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MyClass& other ); MyClass( MyClass& other ); MyClass( MyClass& other ); MyClass( MyClass& other );
MyClass* other );
MyClass { x; c; std::string s; };
MyClass& other ) : x( other.x ), c( other.c ), s( other.s ) {}
print_me_bad( std::string& s ) { std::cout << s << std::endl; } print_me_good( std::string& s ) { std::cout << s << std::endl; } std::string hello( ); print_me_bad( hello ); print_me_bad( std::string( ) ); print_me_bad( ); print_me_good( hello ); print_me_good( std::string( ) ); print_me_good( );
, );
=( MyClass& other ) { x = other.x; c = other.c; s = other.s; * ; }
< T > MyArray { size_t numElements; T* pElements; : size_t count() { numElements; } MyArray& =( MyArray& rhs ); };
<> MyArray<T>:: =( MyArray& rhs ) { ( != &rhs ) { [] pElements; pElements = T[ rhs.numElements ]; ( size_t i = 0; i < rhs.numElements; ++i ) pElements[ i ] = rhs.pElements[ i ]; numElements = rhs.numElements; } * ; }
<> MyArray<T>:: =( MyArray& rhs ) { MyArray tmp( rhs ); std::swap( numElements, tmp.numElements ); std::swap( pElements, tmp.pElements ); * ; }
< T > swap( T& one, T& two ) { T tmp( one ); one = two; two = tmp; }
<> MyArray<T>:: =( MyArray tmp ) { std::swap( numElements, tmp.numElements ); std::swap( pElements, tmp.pElements ); * ; }
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Difference Between Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator in C++

C++ is a General purpose, middle-level, case sensitive, platform independent programming language that supports object oriented programming concept. C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1979. Since C++ is a platform independent programming language, it can be used on a variety of systems, including Windows, Mac OS, and various UNIX versions.

Operators in C++ are used to perform specific operations on values and variables. The following are the list of operators used in C++

Arithmetic operators

Assignment operators

Comparison operators

Relational Operators

Logical operators

Bitwise operators

Unary operators

Ternary/Conditional operators.

From the above groups, Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Before learning about copy constructors, let’s get a brief idea about constructors. A Constructor in C++ is a special method, same name as class name with parenthesis "( )", that is automatically invoked when an object is created. Constructor is used to initialize the variables of the object which is created newly.

A Copy Constructor is a type of constructor that uses another object from the same class which has been created previously, to initialize an object.

Now let’s go through the detailed concept and compare and contrast the various features of copy constructor and assignment operator.

What is Assignment operator

The use of Assignment operator is to assign a value to a variable. The left operand of the assignment operator is variable name and the right operand of the operator is value to that variable. The datatype must be same for both the operands, if not so a compilation error will be raised.

The types of assignment operators are

= operator − It only assigns the value to the variable. For example, "a=10", here the value 10 will be assigned to variable "a".

+= operator −This operator first adds the current value of the variable by the value which is on right side and then assigns the new value to variable.

–= operator − This operator first subtracts the current value of the variable by the value which is on right side and then assigns the new value to variable.

*= operator − This operator first multiplies the current value of the variable by the value which is on right side and then assigns the new value to variable.

/= operator − This operator first divides the current value of the variable by the value which is on right side and then assigns the new value to variable.

Example on Assignment Operator

Let’s see an example of assignment operator. Here we are using the assignment operator to assign values to different variables.

In the above example, we have taken two variables "a" and "b" and at first we have assigned the value of a to 5 through assignment operator "=". And we have assigned the value of a to variable b. The above code will result the output as given below.

What is a Copy Constructor?

This is often required in programming to make a separate copy of an object without impacting the original. In these cases, the copy constructor comes in use. The copy constructor is a constructor that creates an object by initializing it using a previously created object of the same class. There are two types of copy constructor.

Default Copy Constructor − When the copy Constructor is not declared, the C++ compiler creates a default Constructor that copies all member variables as they are.

User-Defined Copy Constructor − The copy constructor defined by the user is called user defined copy constructor.

The syntax for Copy Constructor is −

Copy Constructor - Example

The copy constructor is used to initialize one object from another object of the same class, to copy an object to pass as an argument to a function, and to copy an object to pass as a parameter to a function. To return an object from a function, copy the object.

Let’s see an example to understand how exactly we can use a copy constructor.

In the above example, we have taken the class name as Example, and created a constructor and passed the value 20 and 30 to the constructor. The statement Example (Example &ex) indicates the copy constructor. It copies the value of the data members previously created.

The above code will produce the following output −

In our example, we have created two objects obj1 and obj2 and we are assigning the value of obj1 to obj2.

Comparison between Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

The main purpose of both the concepts in C++ is to assign the value, but the main difference between both is copy constructor creates a new object and assigns the value but assignment operator does not create a new object, instead it assigns the value to the data member of the same object.

The following table highlights the major differences between copy constructor and assignment operator.

Basis of Comparison
Copy Constructor
Assignment Operator
Basic Comparison
Memory Management
The old object which was created and the new object which is invoked, will share different memory locations.
The first object and second object which is assigned the value of first object, shares same memory locations.
Syntax for copy constructor is: Class_name(Class_name &Old_obj);
Syntax for assignment operator is: Class name Obj1, Obj2; Obj2=Obj1;
Copy Constructor is invoked when a new object is initialized with old object and also invoked when the object is passed to a function as non-reference parameter.
Assignment operator is invoked when the value of an old object is assigned to a new object.

The difference between a copy constructor and an assignment operator is that a copy constructor helps to create a copy of an already existing object without altering the original value of the created object, whereas an assignment operator helps to assign a new value to a data member or an object in the program.

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi

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Difference Between Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator in C++

In C++, constructors and assignment operators play critical roles in object initialization and memory management. It is crucial to understand the difference between the copy constructor and assignment operator for efficient programming.

The C++ language provides special member functions for creating and manipulating objects. Copy constructor and assignment operator are two such functions used for object copying and assignment.

The copy constructor is used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object, while the assignment operator is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

What is a copy constructor in c++, what is an assignment operator in c++, key differences between copy constructor and assignment operator, object copying: deep copy vs shallow copy, syntax and usage: copy constructor, syntax and usage: assignment operator, when to use copy constructor, when to use assignment operator, example: copy constructor in c++, example: assignment operator in c++, understanding copy constructor and assignment operator in c++, c++ copy constructor and assignment operator distinction, difference between copy constructor and assignment operator in c++ with examples, copy constructor example, assignment operator example, c++ memory management: deep copy vs shallow copy, q: what is the difference between a copy constructor and an assignment operator in c++, q: what is a copy constructor in c++, q: what is an assignment operator in c++, q: what are the key differences between a copy constructor and an assignment operator, q: what is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy in object copying, q: what is the syntax and usage of a copy constructor in c++, q: what is the syntax and usage of an assignment operator in c++, q: when should a copy constructor be used, q: when should an assignment operator be used, q: can you provide an example of a copy constructor in c++, q: can you provide an example of an assignment operator in c++, q: how can i understand the copy constructor and assignment operator in c++, q: what is the distinction between the copy constructor and assignment operator in c++, q: can you explain the difference between the copy constructor and assignment operator in c++ with examples, q: how does memory management differ between deep copy and shallow copy in c++.

  • The copy constructor and assignment operator are essential for object copying and assignment in C++.
  • Understanding the difference between the two functions is crucial for efficient programming.
  • C++ provides specific rules and conventions for syntax and usage of these functions.

In C++, object initialization is a critical aspect of memory management. A copy constructor is a special member function that is used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. When a new object is being initialized with an existing object, the copy constructor is invoked.

The copy constructor is used to create a deep copy of an object. A deep copy means that a new copy of an object is created along with any dynamically allocated memory that the original object may have. This is different from a shallow copy, which only creates a new object that refers to the same memory as the original object.

Creating a copy constructor for a class is straightforward. The syntax for a copy constructor is as follows:

ClassName ( const ClassName & obj);

The copy constructor takes a reference to a constant object of the same class as an argument. The reference must be constant to avoid accidental modification of the original object.

Here’s an example of a copy constructor:

In this example, we have a class called Car with a private string member called make , another private string member called model , and a private integer member called year . We have defined a copy constructor for this class that takes a reference to a constant Car object as an argument.

Inside the copy constructor, we use the this keyword to refer to the current object and the dot operator to access its member variables. We then assign the values of the corresponding member variables of the passed object to the current object.

This is a simple example, but it demonstrates the basic syntax and usage of a copy constructor in C++. In the next section, we’ll explore the assignment operator and how it differs from the copy constructor.

In C++, the assignment operator is a special member function that assigns the value of one object to another object of the same class. This operator is denoted by the equal sign (=) and is invoked when this symbol is used to assign one object to another.

The assignment operator is used primarily for object assignment, which involves modifying the state of an existing object rather than creating a new one. This process can involve complex memory management capabilities, as the assignment operator must manage the allocation and deallocation of memory within the object.

Proper usage of the assignment operator is crucial for effective object manipulation, as it enables the copying of objects and their states. When used correctly, the assignment operator can facilitate memory management and efficient coding practices.

Having a solid understanding of the assignment operator in C++ is critical for proper object manipulation and memory management. Our next section will explore the key differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator, which are both essential for efficient programming.

While the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++ are both used for object copying, there are key differences between them. Understanding these differences is crucial for proper usage.

The first major difference is in the invocation of each function. The copy constructor is invoked when a new object is being initialized with an existing object, while the assignment operator is invoked when an object is already initialized and being assigned a new value.

Another significant distinction is in the return type of the functions. The copy constructor returns a new object of the same type as the original object being copied, while the assignment operator returns a reference to the object being assigned.

A third difference lies in the nature of the copying process itself. The copy constructor creates a new object as an exact duplicate of the original object, while the assignment operator modifies an existing object with the values of another object.

Finally, when it comes to memory management, the copy constructor and assignment operator also function differently. The copy constructor performs a deep copy, creating a new object with its own copy of dynamically allocated memory, while the assignment operator performs a shallow copy, where both objects share the same memory.

In summary, understanding the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator is essential for proper object manipulation in C++. By keeping these distinctions in mind, we can efficiently and safely use these functions in our code.

When an object is copied in C++, there are two methods for handling the copying process: deep copy and shallow copy. These approaches have distinct implications for object initialization and memory management.

Deep Copy : When an object is deep copied, a new memory location is allocated for the copied object, and all of the data members and sub-objects are also copied. This means that changes made to the original object will not affect the copied object, and vice versa. In other words, the two objects are independent.

Shallow Copy : When an object is shallow copied, a new memory location is allocated for the copied object, but the data members and sub-objects are not copied. Instead, the copied object simply points to the same memory location as the original object. As a result, changes made to the original object will also affect the copied object, and vice versa. In other words, the two objects share the same data.

The copy constructor and assignment operator have different implications for deep copy and shallow copy:

ApproachCopy ConstructorAssignment Operator
Deep CopyCreates a new, independent object with the same data as the original object.Assigns a new, independent object with the same data as the original object.
Shallow CopyCreates a new object that shares data with the original object.Assigns an object that shares data with the original object.

Understanding the difference between deep copy and shallow copy is crucial for proper object initialization and memory management. The decision to use deep copy or shallow copy will depend on the specific needs of the program and the objects involved.

In C++, the copy constructor is a special member function that creates a new object as a copy of an existing object. It is invoked when an object is being initialized with an existing object.

The syntax for the copy constructor is as follows:

ClassName ( const ClassName& obj )

Here, ClassName is the name of the class, const ClassName& obj is a reference to the object being copied, and the constructor body initializes the new object based on the existing object.

Let’s look at an example to see how the copy constructor works in practice:

We define a class with a string and int data members, and a copy constructor that initializes a new object with the values of an existing object. In the function, we create a object and initialize its data members, then use the copy constructor to create a object. Finally, we print the details of both objects to confirm that the object was correctly initialized as a copy of the object.

When using the copy constructor, it’s important to note that a shallow copy of the object is created if no special instructions are given. In other words, if the object contains pointers or other reference types, the copy will point to the same memory locations as the original object. To create a deep copy that copies all the data as well as any dynamic memory, it’s necessary to write a custom copy constructor or overload the assignment operator.

Now that we have discussed the copy constructor, let’s move on to the assignment operator. The syntax for the assignment operator is as follows:

class_name& operator=(const class_name& other_object)

The assignment operator is a member function of a class, just like the copy constructor. It is used to assign one object to another object of the same class. Let’s take a look at an example:

Define a new class called MyClass
The following members are public
Define the assignment operator function

In the example above, we define the assignment operator function for the MyClass class. The function takes a constant reference to another object of the same class as a parameter. We first check if the object being assigned is not the same as the current object, to avoid self-assignment issues. We then copy the data from the other object to the current object, and finally, we return a reference to the current object.

Using the assignment operator is easy and intuitive. Suppose we have two objects of the MyClass class, obj1 and obj2. We can use the assignment operator to assign the value of obj2 to obj1 as follows:

obj1 = obj2;

This will copy the data from obj2 to obj1.

Knowing when to use the copy constructor in C++ is essential for efficient object copying. The copy constructor is typically used when we need to create a new object that is a copy of an existing object. This can occur in several scenarios, such as:

  • Passing an object by value to a function
  • Returning an object from a function
  • Initializing an object with another object of the same class

It’s important to note that when using the copy constructor, a new object is created with its own memory and resources, which is known as a deep copy. This ensures that any changes made to the copied object do not affect the original object, avoiding any memory-related issues.

In summary, when we need to create a new object as a copy of an existing object, we should use the copy constructor in C++. This provides us with a deep copy of the object, which is vital for proper memory management and avoiding issues related to object copying.

Now that we have covered the basics of the assignment operator in C++, let’s discuss when it should be used. The assignment operator is primarily used when we want to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class. This is known as object assignment.

For example, let’s say we have two objects, object1 and object2, of the same class. We can use the assignment operator to transfer the value of object1 to object2, like this:

object2 = object1;

This will make the value of object2 identical to that of object1, effectively copying object1’s data into object2. Keep in mind that the objects must be of the same class for this to work properly.

The assignment operator is a useful tool for manipulating objects in C++. However, it should be used with caution. Improper use of the assignment operator can lead to memory leaks and other issues, so it’s important to understand its syntax and proper usage.

Now that we understand the basics of copy constructors and their differences with assignment operators, let’s take a closer look at an example that showcases how a copy constructor works in C++.

“A copy constructor is used to initialize an object from another object of the same type. It is called when an object is constructed based on another object of the same class.”

Consider the following code:

In the code above, we have defined a Person class with a default constructor, a custom constructor, and a copy constructor. We then create three instances of the Person class – john , mary , and emily , using different constructors.

The line Person emily = mary; initializes the emily object as a copy of the mary object, using the copy constructor. This means that emily now has the same values for name and age as mary .

The output of the code will be:

We can see that emily has been correctly initialized as a copy of mary , using the copy constructor.

Overall, the copy constructor is an essential part of C++ object initialization and is particularly useful when we need to make a copy of an existing object, such as when passing objects as function arguments or returning objects from functions.

In the next section, we will explore an example that showcases the usage and differences of the assignment operator in C++.

Now that we’ve seen an example of the copy constructor in action, let’s take a closer look at the assignment operator. As we mentioned earlier, the assignment operator is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class. The syntax for the assignment operator is similar to that of the copy constructor, but with a few key differences.

To illustrate the usage of the assignment operator, let’s consider a simple example class called Person:

// Person.h class Person { public: Person(); Person(const std::string& name, int age); ~Person(); std::string getName() const; int getAge() const; void setName(const std::string& name); void setAge(int age); void print(); Person operator=(const Person& other); private: std::string m_name; int m_age; };

In this class, we have a constructor, destructor, getter and setter functions for the name and age attributes, and a print function to display the name and age of a person. We also have defined an assignment operator, which takes an object of the same class as input and assigns its values to the current object:

// Person.cpp Person Person::operator=(const Person& other) { m_name = other.m_name; m_age = other.m_age; return *this; }

In this example, we’ve implemented a simple assignment operator that copies the name and age attributes of the passed object to the current object. Note that we’re returning a reference to the current object.

Let’s see how we can use the assignment operator:

// main.cpp #include “Person.h” #include <iostream> int main() { Person p1(“John”, 25); Person p2; p2 = p1; p1.print(); p2.print(); return 0; }

In this example, we create two Person objects, p1 and p2. We then assign the value of p1 to p2 using the assignment operator. Finally, we print the values of both objects to confirm that the assignment was successful.

This example demonstrates how to use the assignment operator to assign the values of one object to another object of the same class. Note that the syntax and usage of the assignment operator are different from those of the copy constructor.

By now, we’ve explored the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++, with specific examples illustrating their usage. Both of these functions are essential for object copying and assignment, and understanding their differences is crucial for effective programming. In the next section, we’ll discuss the distinction between shallow copy and deep copy, and how it related to object copying in C++.

As professional copywriting journalists, we understand the importance of constructors and assignment operators in C++. The copy constructor and assignment operator are used to copy and assign objects, respectively. Although they may seem similar, they serve different purposes, and understanding their differences is crucial for efficient programming.

In summary, the copy constructor creates a new object as a copy of an existing object, while the assignment operator assigns the value of one object to another object of the same class. The copy constructor is typically used when an object needs to be initialized as a copy of another object, while the assignment operator is commonly used when an object needs to be assigned the value of another object.

It is essential to understand the syntax and usage of the copy constructor and assignment operator to implement them correctly. When implementing the copy constructor, it is important to consider whether a deep or shallow copy is required. A deep copy creates a new object and copies all the data members of the existing object while a shallow copy copies only the address of the data members, resulting in two objects sharing the same memory.

Similarly, when implementing the assignment operator, it is important to consider memory management. A deep copy is generally required to ensure that the objects that are being assigned do not share the same memory.

In summary, understanding the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator and their appropriate usage is essential for efficient object manipulation in C++. Always remember to consider memory management when implementing these member functions.

It is important to understand the distinction between the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++. While both are used for object copying, they serve different purposes. The copy constructor is used to initialize an object as a copy of an existing object. On the other hand, the assignment operator is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class.

One key difference between the two is in their invocation. The copy constructor is automatically invoked when a new object is being initialized with an existing object. The assignment operator, on the other hand, is manually invoked using the “=” operator to assign one object to another.

Another significant difference lies in their implementation. The copy constructor creates a new object and initializes it as an exact copy of an existing object. The assignment operator, on the other hand, does not create a new object but instead assigns the value of an existing object to another object of the same class.

Understanding the distinction between the copy constructor and assignment operator is necessary for proper object manipulation in C++. Knowing when to use each one is essential for effective programming and memory management.

In C++, constructors and assignment operators play integral roles in object initialization and memory management. It is essential to understand the difference between the copy constructor and assignment operator for efficient programming.

Although both the copy constructor and assignment operator are used in object copying, they differ in their usage and purpose:

The copy constructor is utilized when a new object is being initialized with an existing object, creating a new object as a copy of an existing object. On the other hand, the assignment operator is utilized when the value of one object is assigned to another object of the same class.

Let’s explore examples that highlight the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++ in more detail:

Consider a class named Car with private properties such as model, make, and year. Here’s an example of a copy constructor in C++, which initializes a new Car object as a copy of an existing Car object:


When the copy constructor is invoked in the above example, it creates a new Car object named myNewCar, which is a copy of the existing object myCar. The output shows that both cars have the same make, model, and year, confirming that the copy constructor has worked correctly.

Let’s now look at an example that demonstrates the usage of the assignment operator in C++. Consider the same Car class with private properties such as model, make, and year:

In the above example, the assignment operator is used to assign the value of myCar to myNewCar, replacing the original value of myNewCar. The output shows that myNewCar has been assigned the same make, model, and year as myCar.

By understanding the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator, you can ensure efficient and safe programming in C++. Implementing these methods correctly can prevent errors and enable better memory management, leading to more effective object manipulation in your programs.

When dealing with object copying in C++, proper memory management is crucial. The way an object is copied can have a significant impact on the program’s memory usage and overall efficiency. There are two ways to handle object copying in C++: deep copy and shallow copy.

Deep copy involves copying all the members of an object, including dynamic memory allocations. This means that a completely new object is created, with its own separate memory space. Deep copying is useful for complex objects with dynamically allocated memory, where each object needs to have its own copy of the data.

Shallow copy , on the other hand, only copies the memory address of each object’s members. This means that two objects may share the same memory locations, making changes to one object affect the other. Shallow copying is useful for simple objects, where there is no dynamically allocated memory.

To ensure proper memory management and prevent memory leaks, it is essential to understand the implications of each approach and use them appropriately.

As we have learned, the copy constructor and assignment operator serve distinct purposes in C++ object initialization and assignment.

Understanding their differences is crucial for proper object copying and assignment. The copy constructor is used when an object needs to be initialized as a copy of another object, while the assignment operator is commonly used when an object needs to be assigned the value of another object.

Furthermore, knowing the difference between deep copy and shallow copy is essential for efficient memory management when dealing with object copying. Deep copy creates a new object with its own memory, while shallow copy shares memory with the original object, potentially leading to memory-related issues.

By implementing the copy constructor and assignment operator correctly and understanding their appropriate usage, we can ensure efficient and error-free programming in C++. Remember to always pay attention to memory management and choose the right method of object copying for your specific needs.

A: The copy constructor is used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object, while the assignment operator is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class.

A: A copy constructor is a special member function that is used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. It is invoked when a new object is being initialized with an existing object.

A: An assignment operator is a special member function that is used to assign the value of one object to another object of the same class. It is invoked when the “=” operator is used to assign one object to another.

A: Although both the copy constructor and assignment operator are used for object copying, there are some key differences between them. Understanding these differences is essential for proper usage.

A: When an object is copied, there are two ways to handle the copying process: deep copy and shallow copy. Understanding the implications of each approach is vital for correct object initialization.

A: The syntax and usage of a copy constructor in C++ involve specific rules and conventions. Knowing how to implement and use the copy constructor correctly is essential for proper object copying.

A: The syntax and usage of an assignment operator in C++ also follow specific rules and conventions. Understanding how to implement and use the assignment operator properly is crucial for object assignment.

A: The copy constructor is typically used when an object needs to be initialized as a copy of another object. Knowing when to use the copy constructor is important for efficient and safe programming.

A: The assignment operator is commonly used when an object needs to be assigned the value of another object. Understanding when to use the assignment operator is crucial for proper object manipulation.

A: To illustrate the usage and differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator, let’s look at an example that showcases the copy constructor in C++.

A: Continuing from the previous example, let’s explore an example that demonstrates the usage and differences of the assignment operator in C++.

A: By now, you should have a solid understanding of the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++. Knowing their purpose and differences is essential for effective object manipulation.

A: The distinction between the copy constructor and assignment operator lies in their usage and purpose. Understanding this distinction is crucial for correctly managing object copying and assignment in C++.

A: To further clarify the differences between the copy constructor and assignment operator, let’s explore some specific examples that highlight these distinctions.

A: Proper memory management is crucial when dealing with object copying in C++. Understanding the difference between deep copy and shallow copy is essential for avoiding memory-related issues.

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A binary tree , its copy constructor and assignment operator

I implemented a binary tree in the following code. Its node's copy constructor and assignment operator should copy itself and all its descendents. Similarity a node's destructor should delete itself and all nodes descended from it.The print function just prints each node in a new line. How can I pretty-print it? Please point to errors(if any) and suggestions.

  • constructor

bisarch's user avatar

  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ 1) I would make three functions for printing: {pre, in, post}-order. 2) Use std::shared_ptr<T> instead of raw pointers - you will not need to implement your own destructor in that case. \$\endgroup\$ –  Ryan Dougherty Commented May 19, 2015 at 5:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ An interesting addition would be to try and implement the move assignment operator and move constructor as well. \$\endgroup\$ –  Miklas Commented May 19, 2015 at 9:38

2 Answers 2

Assignment operator..

The assignment operator is not 100% exception safe. You should not modify the current object while you have not yet finished making the copy.

It should look more like this:

Now that looks like a lot of hard work. There is an easier way to achieve exactly the same effect. You can use the copy and swap idiom.

Calling delete on a null pointer is valid and does nothing.

So we can simplify this too.

Why do you need a make_copy ?

It is quite normal to call the copy constructor directly.

Print statement

You can make the print function a method. Also to make it more versatile you should pass a stream to which you want to print (so it can also print to file). If you want a no-argument version just make the stream parameter default to std::cout .

This makes it easy to define the output operator for your class.

Toby Speight's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ Why are you deleting left and right in assignment operator's catch block? \$\endgroup\$ –  bisarch Commented May 19, 2015 at 23:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ Also, why didn't you use std::swap in the copy and swap idiom based assignment operator? \$\endgroup\$ –  bisarch Commented May 19, 2015 at 23:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ @sank: Opps. That's wrong. Fixed. \$\endgroup\$ –  Loki Astari Commented May 20, 2015 at 20:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ @sank: Normally in the copy and swap idium you would use the class's own swap method (which is also called by a custom swap function). The swap method would use swap to swap the state of the objects internal members. That way you only have one place where the state of the object is swapped (and thus one place to update when you update the state of the object). \$\endgroup\$ –  Loki Astari Commented May 20, 2015 at 20:19

I don't think that this is the right way to create a copy, because this will create a shallow copy, deleting one tree might delete the other tree also.

abdul__wahab's user avatar

  • 2 \$\begingroup\$ Are you sure? According to the description, “its node's copy constructor and assignment operator should copy itself and all its descendents.” \$\endgroup\$ –  Martin R Commented Sep 6, 2022 at 8:26

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c assignment operator uses copy constructor

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Assignment Operators In C++

In C++, the assignment operator forms the backbone of many algorithms and computational processes by performing a simple operation like assigning a value to a variable. It is denoted by equal sign ( = ) and provides one of the most basic operations in any programming language that is used to assign some value to the variables in C++ or in other words, it is used to store some kind of information.

The right-hand side value will be assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. The variable and the value should be of the same data type.

The value can be a literal or another variable of the same data type.


Compound Assignment Operators

In C++, the assignment operator can be combined into a single operator with some other operators to perform a combination of two operations in one single statement. These operators are called Compound Assignment Operators. There are 10 compound assignment operators in C++:

  • Addition Assignment Operator ( += )
  • Subtraction Assignment Operator ( -= )
  • Multiplication Assignment Operator ( *= )
  • Division Assignment Operator ( /= )
  • Modulus Assignment Operator ( %= )
  • Bitwise AND Assignment Operator ( &= )
  • Bitwise OR Assignment Operator ( |= )
  • Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator ( ^= )
  • Left Shift Assignment Operator ( <<= )
  • Right Shift Assignment Operator ( >>= )

Lets see each of them in detail.

1. Addition Assignment Operator (+=)

In C++, the addition assignment operator (+=) combines the addition operation with the variable assignment allowing you to increment the value of variable by a specified expression in a concise and efficient way.

This above expression is equivalent to the expression:


2. Subtraction Assignment Operator (-=)

The subtraction assignment operator (-=) in C++ enables you to update the value of the variable by subtracting another value from it. This operator is especially useful when you need to perform subtraction and store the result back in the same variable.


3. Multiplication Assignment Operator (*=)

In C++, the multiplication assignment operator (*=) is used to update the value of the variable by multiplying it with another value.


4. Division Assignment Operator (/=)

The division assignment operator divides the variable on the left by the value on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.


5. Modulus Assignment Operator (%=)

The modulus assignment operator calculates the remainder when the variable on the left is divided by the value or variable on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.


6. Bitwise AND Assignment Operator (&=)

This operator performs a bitwise AND between the variable on the left and the value on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.


7. Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=)

The bitwise OR assignment operator performs a bitwise OR between the variable on the left and the value or variable on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.

8. Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=)

The bitwise XOR assignment operator performs a bitwise XOR between the variable on the left and the value or variable on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.

9. Left Shift Assignment Operator (<<=)

The left shift assignment operator shifts the bits of the variable on the left to left by the number of positions specified on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.

10. Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>=)

The right shift assignment operator shifts the bits of the variable on the left to the right by a number of positions specified on the right and assigns the result to the variable on the left.

Also, it is important to note that all of the above operators can be overloaded for custom operations with user-defined data types to perform the operations we want.

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Unit testing copy constructr and assignment operator

I am writing unit tests for a few classes (C++), and came across an issue attempting to write a unit test for the copy constructor and assignment operator. A basic thing that could be wrong with either is that a programmer adds a member to the class and then forgets to update the c'ctor and/or operator=.

I could of course write a unit test along the lines of:

Very well. now the programmer adds a member c , but doesn't update the operator and test case.

The test case will still merrily succeed, even though the operator is now broken.

Now, we could do the following:

I could not find any good information on how to solve this, but sure someone must have ran into this before!? Is is so obvious that I'm missing it completely!?

  • unit-testing
  • copy-constructor
  • assignment-operator

namezero's user avatar

  • 2 The lesson to learn would be that writing code you don't need is an unnecessary potential source of bugs. Just remove the buggy assignment operator. Or provide an example where it is actually needed. –  juanchopanza Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:16
  • 1 Ok, the classes are of course not that simple. Let's assume there's a member that prevents the implicit copy constructor from doing the right thing. Assume MyClass contains a mutex, for example. –  namezero Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:21
  • 1 OK. Then go ask the developer why they added a data member without writing the test for it first :-) –  juanchopanza Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:22
  • I was going to suggest implementing operator==() but then realized that would have the same problem as well! :P –  Jason Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:25
  • 2 You're seem to be asking if there is a mechanism for writing unit tests with validity that is modification-transcendent. Such a condition would seemingly eliminate the need for code reviews, the place where such a divergence would be discovered. I don't know how things are where you work, but at my job the developer is responsible for updating the unit tests affected by code updates. If they don't and the tests fail or pass erroneously, its on their head. –  WhozCraig Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:30

Explicitly testing a copy constructor is fine, but it's probably beating around the bush. More often that not, the copy constructor itself is a detail you don't need to explicitly test. What you probably want to do instead is to write a suite of tests that do work on your copied object and make sure that the work comes up with the correct results. Like this:

mbgda's user avatar

  • Adding on to that approach, you could record the result (or side effects) of a.SomeOperation() and compare that to b.SomeOperation() . Of course, this still only works if the unit test actually tests functionality that uses the new member variable. –  Jason Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:36
  • Right, and as other posters have said, there is no magic bullet that prevents developers from needing to update or write new unit tests. –  mbgda Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 19:37
  • I'm going to accept this answer, as this seems to be be most sensible way to verify functionality. @mbgda I was just trying to provide a nice "reminder". –  namezero Commented Jan 7, 2015 at 7:30
  • Alternatively the "nice reminder" could be the code coverage test report. If the code was changed and the unit tests cover less of the code under test, additional tests or extension of exisiting tests is required. Imagine, c member got added but it is never used in any function of the class... Coverage then would not change. But the forgotten code in operator=() would not be able to introduce new bugs. Maybe later, when code starts to use c, lacking coverage would result in adding tests, which would reveal the bug. –  BitTickler Commented Jan 7, 2015 at 10:21
  • Last not least, static code checkers are your friend. In order to obtain high quality code, unit tests alone are not sufficient. The combination of code coverage assessment, static code checking and instrumentation comes closer to the "ideal". Depriving developers of such opportunities and then declaring it a "human resources" problem (see some of the other comments) is a path which leads to the dark side. –  BitTickler Commented Jan 7, 2015 at 10:29

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c assignment operator uses copy constructor


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    c assignment operator uses copy constructor


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  1. c++

    The assignment operator is used to change an existing instance to have the same values as the rvalue, which means that the instance has to be destroyed and re-initialized if it has internal dynamic memory. Useful link : Copy Constructors, Assignment Operators, and More. Copy constructor and = operator overload in C++: is a common function possible?

  2. Copy Constructor vs Assignment Operator in C++

    Copy constructor and Assignment operator are similar as they are both used to initialize one object using another object. But, there are some basic differences between them:

  3. c++

    6. the difference between a copy constructor and an assignment constructor is: In case of an assignment constructor it will not create any object means it apply on already created objects (<o1>=<o2>). And the basic functionalities in both are same, they will copy the data from o2 to o1 member-by-member.

  4. Copy constructors and copy assignment operators (C++)

    Use an assignment operator operator= that returns a reference to the class type and takes one parameter that's passed by const reference—for example ClassName& operator=(const ClassName& x);. Use the copy constructor. If you don't declare a copy constructor, the compiler generates a member-wise copy constructor for you.

  5. Copy assignment operator

    A copy assignment operator is a non-template non-static member function with the name operator= that can be called with an argument of the same class type and copies the content of the argument without mutating the argument.

  6. Copy constructors, assignment operators,

    used to make a copy of an existing instance. According to the C++ standard, the copy constructor for MyClass must have one of the following signatures:

  7. PDF Copy Constructors and Assignment Operators

    C++ handles object copying and assignment through two functions called copy constructors and assignment operators. While C++ will automatically provide these functions if you don't explicitly define them, in some cases you'll need to manually control how your objects are duplicated. This handout discusses copy constructors and assignment operators, including both high-level concepts and ...

  8. Copy constructor vs assignment operator in C++

    The Copy constructor and the assignment operators are used to initializing one object to another object. The main difference between them is that the copy constructor creates a separate memory block for the new object.

  9. Difference Between Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator in C++

    Conclusion. The difference between a copy constructor and an assignment operator is that a copy constructor helps to create a copy of an already existing object without altering the original value of the created object, whereas an assignment operator helps to assign a new value to a data member or an object in the program.

  10. Copy Constructor in C++

    A copy constructor is a type of constructor that initializes an object using another object of the same class. In simple terms, a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously is known as a copy constructor.

  11. assignment operator and copy constructor

    Hi guys, I know what a copy constructor and an assignment operator is. I have read that in a copy constructor, deep copy () happens and in assignment operator shallow copy happens.

  12. Difference Between Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator in C++

    It is crucial to understand the difference between the copy constructor and assignment operator for efficient programming. The C++ language provides special member functions for creating and manipulating objects. Copy constructor and assignment operator are two such functions used for object copying and assignment.

  13. When should we write our own assignment operator in C++?

    1) Do not allow assignment of one object to other object. We can create our own dummy assignment operator and make it private. 2) Write your own assignment operator that does deep copy. Same is true for Copy Constructor. Following is an example of overloading assignment operator for the above class. #include<iostream>.

  14. PDF Copy Constructors and Assignment Operators

    C++ handles object copying and assignment through two functions called copy constructors and assignment operators. While C++ will automatically provide these functions if you don't explicitly define them, in many cases you'll need to manually control how your objects are duplicated. This handout discusses copy constructors and assignment operators, including both high-level concepts and ...

  15. Does the assignment operator call copy constructor?

    Here inside main (), test c=a calls the copy constructor and allocates memory for the integer. No problem with that, both c.p and a.p point to different memory locations. But the line b=a causes b.p and a.p to point to the same memory location. I have created my own copy constructor, b.p and a.p should have pointed to different memory locations.

  16. Why copy constructor argument should be const in C++?

    Even if we have an explicitly overloaded assignment operator, it is not going to call it. The function fun () returns by value. So the compiler creates a temporary object which is copied to t2 using the copy constructor in the original program (The temporary object is passed as an argument to the copy constructor).

  17. c++

    This means the copy-constructor will be called to construct the parameter, and you can then just swap with that copy, effectively assigning to *this. Also note that it's expected from operator= to return by reference; when overloading operators, always follow the expected conventions.

  18. c++

    I implemented a binary tree in the following code. Its node's copy constructor and assignment operator should copy itself and all its descendents. Similarity a node's destructor should delete itsel...

  19. Assignment Operators In C++

    In C++, the assignment operator forms the backbone of many algorithms and computational processes by performing a simple operation like assigning a value to a variable. It is denoted by equal sign ( = ) and provides one of the most basic operations in any programming language that is used to assign some value to the variables in C++ or in other ...

  20. c++

    @TopologicalSort m = n; will invoke the copy assignment operator, for the move assignment operator you would need m = std::move(n); instead. Also, a function that returns a named local variable may not invoke the copy constructor or the move constructor at all, if "(Named) Return Value Optimization" (aka copy elison) is used instead. -

  21. Unit testing copy constructr and assignment operator

    5 I am writing unit tests for a few classes (C++), and came across an issue attempting to write a unit test for the copy constructor and assignment operator. A basic thing that could be wrong with either is that a programmer adds a member to the class and then forgets to update the c'ctor and/or operator=.