23 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal simple past tense essay, kemudian ingin berlatih soal WH Question atau Pronoun, dengan mengklik menu dropdown " Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris " di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang telah berlalu. Seperti kalimat saya telah pergi ke kota kemarin ( I went to city yesterday ). Kami telah membuat topi bulan lalu (We made a hat last month ) 

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Simple Past Tense di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Past Tense akan lebih mahir. 

Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Simpe Past Tense Essay

Berikut adalah 23 contoh Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. 

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah 

  • Did you … to bioscop last night? (go)
  • When did they  .. this beer yesterday? (drink)
  • I … the butterfly in front of my home yesterday. (see)
  • I … In this village since last year. (live)
  • What …. She give to you yesterday? (Do)
  • He ,,,, stones to the army last week. (throw) 
  • What did she … in their store?  ( buy)
  • How  … You …  in the morning? (do, eat) 
  • The teacher … something to the student yesterday? (say) 
  • How did you learn to speak English? “My father …. Me (teach) 
  • Roziqin and I played badminton last month, He is much better than me, So Roziqin … easily. (win)
  • Abdillah … more than 200 books last year. (write)
  • Where did she … this paper? (take)
  • Zaid  …. the door yesterday. (close)
  • My teacher  …. To me Be excellent each other last month (say)
  • The door was open, and the cat ,,, this house . (enter)
  • Mr. Budi  … a bread last night. (make)
  • I was sick, so I … to bed early (go)
  • Tamara was not hungry, so she …. anything (eat)
  • They went to ardi’s house, but he …. At home (be)
  • I knew my sister was very busy, So I …. her. (disturb)
  • We couldn’t manage our car, so we …. it (sell)
  • We were very happy with this house, se we …. It. (sell) 

Kunci Jawaban

8. did, eat

16. Entered

19. Didn’t eat

20. Was not

21. Didn’t disturb

23. didn’t sell

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Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Esai, Pilihan Ganda, & Jawabannya

Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dan jawabannya dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat. Berikut selengkapnya. - Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat.

Simple Past Tense merupakan salah satu jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalimat simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah terjadi serta berakhir di masa lampau.

Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk Kedua (V2)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I worked yesterday
  • Your learned English since last night
  • We saw a horror movie two days ago

S + did not + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (V1)

  • I did not worked yesterday
  • You did not learned English since last night
  • We did not saw a horror movie two days ago

Did + S + V1

  • Did all the students do the assignment yesterday?
  • Did you go to Jakarta yesterday?

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense

Untuk lebih memahami materi simple past tense, salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengerjakan soal-soal terkait.

Soal akan membantu Anda mengetahui seberapa jauh pemahaman tentang materi simple past tense. Berikut ini contoh soal simple past tense lengkap dengan jawabannya:

Tuliskan kembali kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

1. My Mom (write) a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

Jawaban: My Mom wrote a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

2. Halimah (give) me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

Jawaban: Halimah gave me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

3. The children (sing) together in the choir competition last Sunday.

Jawaban: The children sang together in the choir competition last Sunday.

4. My dad and I (climb) Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

Jawaban: My dad and I climbed Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

5. Niken (fall) from her bike yesterday evening.

Jawaban: Niken fell from her bike yesterday evening.

6. Riana (not receive) the announcement last week.

Jawaban: Riana did not receive the announcement last week.

7. The students (not read) the text to discuss yesterday morning.

Jawaban: The students did not read the text to discuss yesterday morning.

8. Mr Joni (not teach) Math here last year.

Jawaban: Mr Joni did not teach Math here last year.

9. (he speak) politely to his elder brother just now?

Jawaban: Did he speak politely to his elder brother just now?

10. (the girls dance) beautifully on the main stage last night?

Jawaban: Did the girls dance beautifully on the main stage last night?

Pilihan Ganda

11. She … her dog everyday

Jawaban: Feeds

12. I … always … to the dentist

A. Do not, go

B. Does not, go

C. Do not, went

D. Does not, went

Jawaban: A. Do not, go

13. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

D. Was wrote

Jawaban: B. Wrote

14. We _______ David in town a few days ago.

Jawaban: A. Did see

15. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

B. Was shut

Jawaban: A. Shut

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5 Soal (Essay) Simple Past Tense Beserta Jawaban

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25 Soal Simple Past Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


Kumpulan Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Simple past tense merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak tenses yang penting untuk dipelajari, fungsi dari past tense sendiri tentu saja untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lalu atau waktu lampau dalam bahasa inggris. Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal nya berupa pilihan ganda untuk sahabat SBI semua, langsung kita simak ya sahabat SBI 🙂

1.I………to the school alone yesterday

2.we……in this restaurant 2 days ago

3.I……in this sofa with him

4.We…… each other 2 years ago loving

5.I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday cutted

6………he read novel last night?

7.We….. to aceh two weeks ago

8.They……. this musc two hours ago

c.listening listen

9.Anita……me in this market yesterday

10.Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

11.I….. this floor yesterday

12.My brother…….this novel yesterday

13.We……to the collage yesterday walking

14.My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday

15.I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday

16.I……in this office 2 years ago working

17.I……my wallet in this market two months ago

18.My brother…….a letter for me

d.was writting

19.My students……hard last night

c.was study

20.When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago

b.getting up

21.They……about this project in this restaurant yesterday

22.I…….an elephant last night

23.My teacher…… about this mathematic last year

24.I……a cake to your house last night

25.Julio…….an active student last year

Kunci Jawaban

Happy studying ya sahabat SBI 🙂

Check Materi SBI Lainnya :

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  • 20 Contoh Soal Article (A/AN) Beserta Dengan Kunci Jawaban Lengkap
  • “Inspire vs Inspiration” : Perbedaan Dan Penjelasan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Facebook Messenger

Sebarkan ini:

English Class

20 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Lengkap dengan Jawaban-nya

contoh soal simple past tense essay kelas 10

20 Contoh Lengkap Soal Simple Past Tense – Hi Sobat EC dimanapun kalian berada, jika kalian sedang mencari sebuah artikel contoh soal simple past tense, kalian berada ditempat yang tepat! karena pada artikel berikut ini akan dibahas beberapa soal simple past pilihan ganda maupun essay.

Kalian pastinya sudah paham dengan apa yang di maksud dengan Simple Past Tense dan contoh kalimatnya, karena materi tersebut sudah dijelaskan dengan lengkap di artikel –artikel sebelumnya. Dan untuk menguji seberapa paham dan menguji kemampuan kalian. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita sajikan pula Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense dan Jawabnya. Let’s study it!!!

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda

1. I __________In Solo last week. a. Were b. Was c. Am d. Is

2. My mother was in the kitchen, she __________ some cakes for four hours ago.

3. He __________ always study hard when he was a student. a. Did not b. Does not c. Do not d. Did

4. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?

Mela: ……………….

a. I am watching drama series on VIU last night

b. I watch drama series on VIU last night

c. I watched drama series on VIU last night

d. I watches drama series on VIU last night

5. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense (susunlah kata acak dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar dalam bentuk simple past tense)

1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call

a. 2-1-3-4 b. 4-1-2-1 c. 3-1-2-4 d. 3-1-4-2

5. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense. (susunlah kata acak dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar dalam bentuk simple past tense) 1. At 2. yesterday 3. they 4. the 5. lunch 6. had 7. restaurant

a. 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 7 b. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 c. 3 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 2 d. 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2

6. Mr. Angga _____________Mr. Joe in the afternoon. a. Meet b. Have met c. Has met d. Met

7. The children _____and______ a. Sing and dance b. Were singing and dancing c. Sang and danced d. Had sung and danced

8. She ___________out of the window. a. Looks b. Looked c. Had looked d. Look

9. The boy __________ tell lies a. Did not b. Do not c. Does not d. Had not

10. Students_________ in the class

a. Drinks b. Dunk c. Did not drink d. Does not drink

Baca juga : Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense ESSAY

A. complete these sentences below.

  • I (be)____________at the cinema last night
  • They (be)___________late for the interview
  • __ ________ (be) she beautiful?
  • Why (be) _______you late?
  • He (study, not)_______last night

B. Change Into Simple Past Form!

Example: She writes a love letter. (present form)

She wrote a love letter. (simple past form)

  • The girls bring a book.
  • He buy a new car .
  • He does not do the home work .
  • Does he visit his family?
  • He is a rich man.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda Simple Past Tense

Kunci jawaban soal essay simple past tense.

  • did not study
  • The girls brought a book.
  • He bought a new car .
  • He did not do the home work .
  • Did he visit his family?
  • He was a rich man.

Demikianlah 20 contoh soal simple past tense dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dan essay untuk jadi bahan referensi dan latihan kalian dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat dan terus berlatih. Terimakasih

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40 soal pilihan ganda : simple past tense & jawaban (b inggris).

Contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang simple past tense dan jawaban pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris. Sebelumnya, kami telah membagikan contoh latihan soal Bahasa inggris tentang simple past tense yang selain sudah ada kunci jawaban, juga terdapat pembahasan, yaitu buka :   Kumpulan Soal Simple Past Tense & Jawaban + Pembahasan Nah, untuk kali ini kami akan membagikan kembali soal mengenai simple past tense. Hanya saja kami hanya menyediakan kunci jawabannya saja. Artinya tanpa ada pembahasan soal. Kami pikir ketika teman-teman membuka artikel kami sebelumnya, maka teman-teman akan mampu sedikit mengetahui mengenai konsep atau cara menjawab soal simple past tense. Oleh karena itu, kali ini kami hanya menyediakan kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Simple Past Tense dan Jawaban

Soal pilihan ganda simple past tense (bahasa inggris smp sma) .

Soal Pilihan Ganda Simple Past Tense Jawaban Inggris

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Belajaria – Materi Pelajaran


Hari ini kita akan membahas materi tentang mapel olahraga kelas 10 SMA. Materi kali ini yaitu Simple Past Tense. Nah bagi kalian yang akan mengerjakan ujian kalian juga bisa pakai materi dan soal disini untuk latihan.

Berikut ini materi dan soal dari Simple Past Tense :

Simple past tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk mengindikasikan suatu peristiwa atau tindakan yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Untuk memberikan gambaran, perhatikan contoh percakapan di bawah ini:

Tasya: Halo, Bagus! Bagus: Hai, Tasya! Tasya: Kamu menyanyi dengan indah dalam kompetisi kemarin. Guru pasti sangat bangga padamu! Bagus: Oh, terima kasih, Tasya! Sangat baik hatimu. Tasya: Tidak perlu dikhawatirkan. Ngomong-ngomong, jika kamu tidak keberatan, bisakah kamu mengajari saya beberapa teknik bernyanyi? Saya khawatir saya tidak bisa mendapatkan nilai bagus dalam ujian mata pelajaran musik yang akan datang karena suara saya sering pecah saat bernyanyi… Bagus: Jangan khawatir, Tasya, saya bisa juga memberikan beberapa tips! Mari kita pelajari beberapa teknik bernyanyi bersama teman-teman sekelas kita akhir pekan ini! Tasya: Terdengar sangat bagus! Terima kasih banyak, Bagus. Bagus: Sama-sama!

Perhatikan contoh percakapan di atas! Menurut Anda, tenses apa yang digunakan dalam kalimat yang dicetak tebal dalam percakapan tersebut?

Ya, tenses yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah Simple Past Tense!

Pengertian Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa atau tindakan yang telah terjadi di masa lalu. Dengan kata lain, kejadian yang diceritakan, dimulai, dan berakhir di masa lalu.

Seperti yang Anda lihat dari percakapan antara Tasya dan Bagus di atas, kalimat yang dicetak tebal dalam percakapan tersebut adalah:

“You sang beautifully on the competition yesterday.”

Dalam kalimat ini, “you” mengacu pada Bagus. Seperti yang kita ketahui dari percakapan tersebut, Bagus berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi menyanyi kemarin, dan dalam kompetisi tersebut, Bagus menyanyi dengan indah. Nah, peristiwa Bagus menyanyi ini terjadi di masa lalu dan telah berakhir, sehingga Tasya menggunakan Simple Past Tense dalam kalimatnya.

Penggunaan Simple Past Tense

Tenses ini umumnya digunakan dalam percakapan ketika pembicara menceritakan peristiwa yang telah berlalu. Ini juga dapat digunakan ketika menulis cerita tentang pengalaman di masa lalu. Selain itu, Anda juga akan menemukan penggunaan tenses ini dalam buku-buku cerita yang menceritakan kisah-kisah dari masa lalu.

Rumus Simple Past Tense

Untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang Simple Past Tense, Anda dapat melihat pola dan contoh kalimatnya. Dalam tenses ini, kata kerja yang digunakan yaitu bentuk Verb 2 (untuk kalimat verba) dan bentuk be (am, is, are) yang digunakan adalah bentuk bentuk lalu (was/were) untuk kalimat nominal.

Berikut adalah rumus Simple Past Tense untuk kalimat verba:

  • Kalimat Positif: Subject + Verb 2
  • Kalimat Negatif: Subject + did + not + Verb 1
  • Kalimat Interogatif: Did + subject + Verb 1 + ?
  • Untuk kalimat verba, pastikan bahwa Verb 2 digunakan dalam kalimat positif, sedangkan Verb 1 digunakan dalam kalimat negatif atau interogatif karena bentuk lalu sudah diwakili oleh “did.”

Berikut adalah rumus Simple Past Tense untuk kalimat nominal:

  • Kalimat Positif: Subject + was/were + Complement
  • Kalimat Negatif: Subject + was/were + not + Complement
  • Kalimat Interogatif: Was/were + subject + Complement + ?
  • Dalam kalimat nominal, pastikan bahwa “be” yang digunakan adalah bentuk lalu (was/were), dan “be” yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan subjectnya.

Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. Mana kalimat berikut yang merupakan contoh Simple Past Tense yang benar?

a. She is going to the store. b. He will visit his grandmother tomorrow. c. They sang a song at the concert last night. d. I am eating breakfast right now.

Jawaban: c. They sang a song at the concert last night.


Kalimat “They sang a song at the concert last night” menggunakan Simple Past Tense karena peristiwa menyanyi terjadi di masa lalu, yaitu “last night.”

2. Apa bentuk kalimat negatif dari “She watched the movie yesterday”?

a. She didn’t watched the movie yesterday. b. She doesn’t watched the movie yesterday. c. She not watched the movie yesterday. d. She didn’t watch the movie yesterday.

Jawaban: d. She didn’t watch the movie yesterday.

Untuk membuat kalimat negatif dengan Simple Past Tense, kita menggunakan “did not” (didn’t) diikuti oleh bentuk dasar (base form) kata kerja, dalam hal ini “watch.”

3. Bagaimana kamu membentuk kalimat tanya dengan Simple Past Tense dari kalimat “He visited the museum last week”?

a. He didn’t visit the museum last week? b. Did he visit the museum last week? c. He visited the museum last week? d. Did he visited the museum last week?

Jawaban: b. Did he visit the museum last week?

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya dengan Simple Past Tense, kita menggunakan kata “did” di ikuti oleh subject dan bentuk dasar (base form) kata kerja.

4. Apa bentuk kalimat positif dari kalimat “I did not sleep well last night”?

a. I did sleep well last night. b. I didn’t sleep well last night. c. I does not sleep well last night. d. I do sleep well last night.

Jawaban: a. I did sleep well last night.

Bentuk kalimat positif dalam Simple Past Tense menggunakan kata kerja bentuk dasar (base form) seperti “did” di ikuti oleh subject dan bentuk dasar kata kerja.

5. Apa kata kerja (verb) yang benar dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense dari kata kerja “swim”?

a. swam b. swimed c. swimming d. swum

Jawaban: a. swam.

Kata kerja “swim” dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense yaitu “swam.”

Semoga ini membantu Anda memahami Simple Past Tense dan cara menggunakannya dalam berbagai jenis kalimat.



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Hayo, siapa yang lagi bingung sama materi belajar di sekolah? Yuk belajar materi tambahan secara online di  Website Belajaria! . Belajar bisa kapanpun dan di manapun. Eits, Kalau masih bingung jangan khawatir!. Ada  dan  yang siap membantu kalian belajar dengan tentor yang kompeten, komunikatif, dan berpengalaman loh!. Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk join sekarang! Ada  FREE BIAYA PENDAFTARAN  dan  FREE SATU BULAN LES  juga sebelum kuota terpenuhi. 


Yuk ikuti  kompetisi online  yang terdaftar dan legal di , , , , , , dan  pasti deh bakal berkesan dan semangat terus untuk berprestasi!! Yuk daftar di !



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Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense – Simple past tense merupakan salah satu bagian dari grammar bahasa Inggris yang akan dipelajari setelah present tense.

Tenses ini sering muncul dalam tes bahasa Inggris seperti TOEFL atau IELTS . Memahami rumus simple past tense memang sangat mudah, karena cirinya adalah menggunakan verb 2.

Tenses yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian di masa lalu yang saat ini sudah tidak terjadi lagi seringkali dimanfaatkan untuk soal-soal yang menjebak. Apalagi ketika digunakan di dalam kalimat yang cukup panjang. Supaya terbiasa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal past tense, cobalah untuk berlatih menggunakan soal-soal berikut ini.

30 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda

contoh soal simple past tense essay kelas 10

1.She …. about a white giraffe last night. slept think dreamed

2.Bonita …. to class yesterday because she was at the hospital. didn’t take didn’t come did not arrive

3.It was raining last night. It … so cold! fetl touched happened

4.Marnia …. her father’s watch, so she bought a new one. crashed forgot broke

5.The …. at the library for three hours yesterday. studied reviewed learnt

6.She … an e-mail to the company but they never answered. read sent published

7.The two brothers … at the airport for the first time. welcomed met saw

8.The cat …. in the middle of the kitchen floor, looking at the door. ran stood put

9.Last night tje film …. 15 minutes late. begin began beginned

10. The cat … her finger. bite bit bited

11. The teacher …. a note to Bobi’s parents. writed written wrote

12. They …. what the teacher said in class yesterday. understood understand understanded

13. She …. the pillow at me. threw throwed throw

14. The strong wind … off her hat. blown blowed blew

15. Anita … ger phone last week. breaked broke broked

16. She …. Bobi was sick, but he was on vacation. thinked thought think

17. We … our new home quickly. builded builted built

18. Anita ….. Bobi her secret. telled told tell

19. My sister …. a bear an hour ago. saw sees seen

20. The …. not happy after the sad ending. was did were

22. Sorry, she …. hear you at the door. didn’t wasn’t am not

23. ….. Anita visit her grandfather last night? are did does

24. She … English for three years. study studying studied

25. She …. his friend after dinner. called call calls

26. They …. playing the game after dinner. started starting start

27. They …. the new restaurant on the corner. built builded were build

28. She dan her friend …. violin the the concert. played was play player

29. It was so cold, so she …. the window. shut was shut shutted

30. The police … me on my way home last night. stopped was stop stops

20 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Esai

Soal tes yang keluar biasanya bukan hanya pilihan ganda, ada juga jenis soal dimana kamu harus mengisi bagian yang kosong. Masih dengan simple past tense, berikut ini jenis soal lain yang bisa kamu pelajari.

How did you learn to drive? My brother ….. me. I was very hungry. I …. the sandwich quickly.

Anita and I played basketball yesterday. She’s much better than me, so ….. easily. I knew my father was very busy, so I ….. him.

The couch was very comfortable. I ….. very well. Monita wasn’t hungry, so she …. anything.

The door was open and a butterfly … into the room. The homestay wasn’t very expensive. It … very much.

It was very funny situation but nobody … . The movie wasn’t very good. Me and my sister … it very much.

Last year Bobi … holiday in Thailand. My father …. around the city by car with three friends.

One night we even …. some math problem. The kids …. at home last weekend.

My brother …. into the van. The boys …. the mudguards of their bicycle.

She …. milk at school. We went to Anita’s house but she …. at home.

She was in a hurry, so she … time to phone with you. Bobi …. the ball to Betty, who …. it.

Semua contoh soal simple past tense di atas baru jenis soal yang mudah dan jawabannya adalah kata kerja bentuk kedua baik itu reguler dan irreguler. Semakin sering mengerjakan soal ini maka akan semakin mudah bagi kamu untuk mengerjakan soal tes yang sesungguhnya. Setelah belajar simple past tense, masih banyak soal lain seperti past continuous tense yang juga harus dipelajari.

Belajar Nama Nama Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Table

Belajar Nama Nama Hari dalam Bahasa Inggris Dengan Table


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  • Senin, 1 Juli 2024


25 Soal Simple Past Tense kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya untuk Persiapan Ujian Sekolah

Soal simple past tense kelas 10 dan jawabannya semester 2. (freepik/freepik) - Berikut adalah kumpulan soal simple past tense kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya.

Soal simple past tense kelas 10 terdapat dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris semester 2.

Kamu bisa menggunakan contoh soal simple past tense kelas 10 ini sebagai bahan untuk latihan mandiri menghadapi ulangan harian, ujian sekolah, PAT dan PAS.

Baca Juga: 20 Bocoran Soal TKD BUMN 2023 Terbaru Beserta Kunci Jawabannya, Peserta Rekrutmen BUMN Wajib Baca!

Simple past tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyebutkan kejadian di masa lalu.

Ciri-ciri simple past tense adalah:

- Menunjukkan aktivitas yang terjadi di masa lampau, atau menggunakan to be was/were, verb yang digunakan selalu bentuk kedua.

- Menggunakan time signal bentuk lampau seperti last night, yesterday, dan sebagainya.

- Memakai kata kerja regular dan irregular.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Puisi Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya dalam Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

Rumus simple past tense adalah:

- (+): S + Verb 2

- (-): S + Did not + Verb 1

- (?): Did + S + Verb 1?

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Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay beserta Jawabannya – Salah satu materi tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang akan kamu pelajari adalah simple past tense.

Beda dari bentuk simple present tense , simple past tense adalah bentuk waktu lampau yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau tindakan yang terjadi dan selesai di masa lampau.

Guna mempermudah kamu dalam belajar, berikut Mamikos telah menyiapkan berbagai contoh soal simple past tense.

  • Kumpulan Soal dengan Materi Simple Past Tense

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda

Contoh soal simple past tense essay.

Dalam simple past tense , kata kerja bahasa Inggris biasanya berubah menjadi bentuk lampau, seperti penambahan “-ed” pada kebanyakan kata kerja beraturan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense dalam bahasa Inggris, gunakan kata kerja ( verb ) dalam bentuk lampau ( past tense ) dan tambahkan subjek yang sesuai.

Subject + Verb (past tense) + Object

  • She played tennis yesterday.
  • They watched a movie last night.

Baca Juga :

13 Contoh Soal Kata Sambung Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Subject + did not (didn’t) + Verb (base form) + Object

  • She didn’t play tennis yesterday.
  • They didn’t watch a movie last night.


Did + Subject + Verb (base form) + Object + ?

  • Did she play tennis yesterday?
  • Did they watch a movie last night?

Nah, setelah memahami materi di atas kamu dapat mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda di bawah ini yang terdiri dari 35 nomor yang telah disertai dengan jawabannya.

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda – 1

1. which sentence is in simple past tense.

   a) She is eating lunch right now.

   b) She ate lunch an hour ago.

   c) She eats lunch every day.

   d) She will eat lunch later.

   Jawaban: b) She ate lunch an hour ago.

2. Choose the correct sentence in simple past tense!

   a) They are going to the beach tomorrow.

   b) They went to the beach last weekend.

   c) They go to the beach every summer.

   d) They will go to the beach next month.

   Jawaban: b) They went to the beach last weekend.

3. Which sentence is NOT in simple past tense?

   a) He played basketball yesterday.

   b) He plays basketball every Saturday.

   c) He is playing basketball now.

   d) He will play basketball tomorrow.

   Jawaban: c) He is playing basketball now.

4. Select the sentence in simple past tense!

   a) She is reading a book yesterday.

   b) She reads a book every night.

   c) She has read a book yesterday.

   d) She read a book yesterday.

   Jawaban: d) She read a book yesterday.

5. Which sentence is in simple past tense?

   a) They are swimming in the pool.

   b) They swam in the pool yesterday.

   c) They will swim in the pool later.

   d) They swim in the pool every morning.

   Jawaban: b) They swam in the pool yesterday.

6. She _____ (go) to the market yesterday.

   a) go

   b) goes

   c) went

   d) going

   Jawaban: c) went

7. They _____ (watch) a movie last night.

   a) watch

   b) watching

   c) watched

   d) watches

   Jawaban: c) watched

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda – 2

8. he _____ (finish) his homework two hours ago..

   a) finishing

   b) finishes

   c) finished

   d) finish

   Jawaban: c) finished

9. We _____ (visit) our grandparents last weekend.

   a) visiting

   b) visits

   c) visited

   d) visit

   Jawaban: c) visited

10. She _____ (cook) dinner for her family yesterday.

   a) cooks

   b) cooking

   c) cooked

   d) cook  

   Jawaban: c) cooked

11. They _____ (play) soccer in the park yesterday.

   a) plays

   b) playing

   c) played

   d) play

   Jawaban: c) played

12. He _____ (buy) a new car last month.

   a) buys

   b) buying

   c) bought

   d) buy

   Jawaban: c) bought

13. We _____ (have) a picnic by the lake last Sunday.

   a) having

   b) have

   c) had

   d) having  

   Jawaban: c) had

Contoh Soal Kalimat Cause and Effect Bahasa Inggris beserta Jawabannya Lengkap

14. She _____ (read) a novel last night.

   a) reads

   b) reading

   c) read

   d) readed

   Jawaban: c) read

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda – 3

15. they _____ (travel) to paris last summer..

    a) travel

    b) traveling

    c) traveled

    d) travels

    Jawaban: c) traveled

16. What _____ you do last weekend?

   a) did

   b) do

   c) does

   d) doing  

   Jawaban: a) did

17. She _____ to London last year.

   a) goes

   b) go

   d) going 

18. They _____ their homework yesterday.

   a) finish

   d) finishing 

19. When _____ you arrive at the party?

   d) doing

20. He _____ breakfast at 7 AM this morning.

   a) eats

   b) eat

   c) ate

   d) eating 

   Jawaban: c) ate

21. My parents _____ a new car last month.

   b) buy

   d) buying  

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda – 4

22. _____ they watch a movie yesterday.

   a) Does

   b) Did

   c) Do

   d) Doing  

   Jawaban: b) Did

23. She _____ her friend on the phone yesterday.

   a) calls

   b) call

   c) called

   d) calling  

   Jawaban: c) called

24. We _____ a great time at the beach last summer.

   a) have

   b) had

   c) has

   d) having

   Jawaban: b) had

25. Tom _____ his bike to school yesterday.

    a) rides

    b) rode

    c) ride

    d) riding

    Jawaban: b) rode

26. She _____ (study) English and French last year, but now she _____ (focus) only on English.

   a) studied, focused

   b) studies, focusing

   c) study, focusing

   d) studies, focused

   Jawaban: a) studied, focused

27. They _____ (visit) Italy two years ago and _____ (explore) many beautiful cities.

   a) visited, exploring

   b) visit, explored

   c) visited, explored

   d) visiting, exploring

   Jawaban: c) visited, explored

7 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda

28. He _____ (work) as a teacher before he _____ (become) a writer.

   a) works, became

   b) worked, becoming

   c) worked, became

   d) work, becoming

   Jawaban: c) worked, became

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda – 5

29. we _____ (have) dinner at that restaurant many times, but last night we _____ (eat) at home..

   a) had, eats

   b) had, ate

   c) have, eat

   d) have, ate  

   Jawaban: b) had, ate

30. She _____ (live) in New York for five years before she _____ (move) to Los Angeles.

   a) lives, moving

   b) lived, moving

   c) lived, moved

   d) lives, moved

   Jawaban: c) lived, moved

31. They _____ (go) to the beach last summer, but they _____ (not/swim) because the water was too cold.

   a) goes, didn’t swim

   b) went, don’t swim

   c) went, didn’t swim

   d) go, didn’t swim  

   Jawaban: c) went, didn’t swim

32. Sarah _____ (meet) her best friend yesterday, and they _____ (have) lunch together.

   a) meets, has

   b) meet, had

   c) met, has

   d) met, had  

   Jawaban: d) met, had

33. I _____ (finish) my project last night, and then I _____ (watch) a movie.

   a) finish, watched

   b) finished, watch

   c) finished, watched

   d) finish, watch

   Jawaban: c) finished, watched

34. He _____ (buy) a new phone two days ago because his old one _____ (break).

   a) buy, broke

   b) bought, broke

   c) buys, broken

   d) bought, broken  

   Jawaban: b) bought, broke

35. We _____ (visit) the museum last weekend, but it _____ (close) unexpectedly.

    a) visit, closed

    b) visited, closed

    c) visit, closes

    d) visited, closes  

    Jawaban: b) visited, closed

Pada bagian ini, kamu akan mengerjakan 10 contoh soal simple past tense essay. Sama seperti soal pilihan ganda, contoh soal Bahasa Inggris ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan jawabannya.

Soal essay 1

Andy: Why didn’t you join us for dinner last night?

Sarah: I had to finish my project, so I stayed home.

Andy: The chef _____ (prepare) a special dish. You missed a delicious meal.

Jawaban: prepared

Soal essay 2

Alex: Why weren’t you at the game yesterday?

Mike: I had to visit my grandparents, so I couldn’t make it.

Alex: The team _____ (win) the championship. You missed an exciting match.

Jawaban: won

Soal essay 3

Maria: Why didn’t you come to the beach with us?

John: I had to work overtime, so I couldn’t go.

Maria: The dolphins _____ (swim) near the shore. You missed a spectacular sight.

Jawaban: swam

Soal essay 4

Emily: Why weren’t you at the party last night?

Jack: I had a family dinner, so I couldn’t attend.

Emily: The band _____ (play) your favorite song. You missed a great performance.

Jawaban: played

Soal essay 5

Lisa: Why didn’t you come to the movie with us?

Tim: I had to babysit my little sister, so I stayed home.

Lisa: The actors _____ (deliver) outstanding performances. You missed a fantastic film.

Jawaban: delivered

Soal essay 6

Mark: Why didn’t you attend the lecture yesterday?

Rachel: I had a doctor’s appointment, so I couldn’t go.

Mark: The professor _____ (discuss) an important topic. You missed valuable information.

Jawaban: discussed

Soal essay 7

Sarah: Why weren’t you at the picnic last weekend?

Tom: I had to help my friend move, so I couldn’t make it.

Sarah: The weather _____ (be) perfect. You missed a lovely day outdoors.

Jawaban: was

Soal essay 8

Jessica: Why didn’t you come to the museum yesterday?

David: I had a family reunion, so I couldn’t go.

Jessica: The exhibition _____ (feature) some rare artifacts. You missed an educational experience.

Jawaban: featured

Soal essay 9

Lisa: Why weren’t you at the wedding last weekend?

Brian: I had to attend a business meeting, so I couldn’t make it.

Lisa: The bride _____ (wear) a stunning gown. You missed a beautiful ceremony.

Jawaban: wore

Soal essay 10

Karen: Why didn’t you join us for the hike yesterday?

Jake: I sprained my ankle, so I stayed home.

Karen: The scenery _____ (be) breathtaking. You missed some amazing views.

Contoh Soal Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

Kumpulan contoh soal simple past tense di atas bisa kamu kerjakan bersama teman dan kelompok belajarmu, ya.

Kalian bisa saling bertukar saat mengoreksi jawaban maupun saling membantu ketika ada soal yang dirasa sulit.

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Latihan soal Simple Past tense

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Three years ago, I and my friend ............ at the Canada University .

Is studying

Are studied

We ....... the movie last night.

My family ...... to ....... yesterday

Go - market

Going- walk

Went - beach

Which is the correct sentence of simple past tense (Nominal)

do you play football ?

We studied English

she whasn't at junior high school

i didn't do my home work

Mrs.Sita ...... at junior high school three months ago

Wasn't English teacher

Don't English teacher

Isn't English teacher

Didn't English teacher

My father and I ...... at supermarket yesterday .

She ..... take my book, because the book was broken

What did you study with Amir last night?

I study English

I have studied English

I will study English

I studied English

What is the Formula of Simple past tense ? (Verbal )

S + was/were+ v1 + complement

S + was/were+ complement

She bought a t-shirt ........

Last sunday

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  • Senin, 1 Juli 2024
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50 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense dan Kunci Jawaban Essay

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense (Pixabay/Markus Winkler)

Jawaban untuk soal-soal di atas harus diisi dengan bentuk Simple Past Tense dari kata kerja yang diberikan dalam kurung.

Ini adalah latihan yang bagus untuk mengasah pemahaman tentang penggunaan bentuk lampau dalam bahasa Inggris.

Berikut ini adalah jawaban untuk soal-soal Simple Past Tense yang Anda minta:

Baca Juga: Lowongan Kerja Hingga 27 April 2024: INI 5 Posisi yang Dibuka di PT Pamapersada Nusantara, Cek Informasinya Disini!

1. She visited her grandmother last weekend. 2. I played soccer yesterday. 3. They watched a movie last night. 4. We went to the beach last summer. 5. He had a big dinner last night. 6. You wrote an email to your teacher yesterday. 7. The children sang at the concert last week. 8. She did not do her homework last night. 9. Did he go to the party last Saturday? 10. What did you do last weekend?

Baca Juga: Cara Download Honor of Kings APK Android & iOS dengan Mudah Tanpa VPN

11. Why didn't she come to the meeting? 12. Who did you meet at the mall yesterday? 13. Did they play video games all evening? 14. When did he leave the office last Friday? 15. Did you watch the new movie last night? 16. I didn't understand the lesson yesterday. 17. They ate at a new restaurant last month. 18. She took her dog for a walk in the park yesterday. 19. We were very tired after the long journey. 20. Did you see anything interesting during your trip?

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21. He bought a new car last week. 22. What time did she finish work yesterday? 23. The teacher explained the rules before the game started. 24. I didn't go to school because I was sick. 25. They had a lot of fun at the theme park. 26. Did you talk to James at the party? 27. He didn't want to see the movie. 28. What did they eat at the dinner? 29. She wrote a letter to her friend last night. 30. We didn't hear the alarm clock this morning.

Baca Juga: Jelaskan Mengapa Penyimpangan Dapat Bersifat Positif dan Tuliskan Dua Contoh Penyimpangan yang Bersifat Positif

31. Did he sleep well last night? 32. She was excited to see her cousin. 33. The game started at seven o'clock. 34. They didn't understand the instructions. 35. Where did you spend your holiday last year? 36. He sold his old computer. 37. Did she enjoy her birthday party? 38. What was he doing when you called? 39. She didn't join us for dinner last night. 40. Why didn't you help him with his project?

Baca Juga: Jelaskan Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Peristiwa Hukum dan Berikan Contohnya?

41. The movie began at nine o'clock. 42. They weren't happy with the results. 43. Where did he find that book? 44. She cooked a delicious meal last Sunday. 45. I was late because of the traffic yesterday. 46. Did they like the gift you gave them? 47. He forgot to lock the door when he left. 48. What did she say about the news? 49. We didn't see any stars last night. 50. Did you know about the surprise party?

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Jawaban-jawaban di atas menggunakan bentuk Simple Past Tense, sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari soal yang diberikan.***

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40 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

contoh soal simple past tense

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Kali ini kita akan coba untuk membahas latihan contoh soal simple past tense pilihan ganda dan sudah saya siapkan jawabannya juga, untuk jawabannya akan saya berikan tanda lebih tebal pada opsi pilihan ganda.

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Simple Past Tense

Berikut 40 contoh soal latihan mengenai simple past tense beserta jawabannya, setiap jawaban dari soal sudah saya berikan penanda berupa huruf tebal/bold.

1. Maria already … a piece of cake this morning.

2. She … here for a couple of minutes ago.

3. We … a tiny kitten last year.

4. They … many reading books yesterday.

5. Andy … to my house last week.

6. Lukas did not … his homework at home.

7. I … her when she … my girlfriend.

  • loved, were

8. Did Mario … playing gamelan?

9. I … in Dauh Peken when I … in Bali.

  • lived, were
  • living, were
  • living, was

10. A cup of matcha tea … …. by Nobita.

  • was drinking

11. My mom … a wooden cupboard to her buyer two days ago.

12. I … to Bima’s fancy house a few days ago. I was amazed at that time.

13. Bimo … such a big sandcastle on the shore this evening.

14. They … students a couple of months ago.

15. That ball … kicked by me.

16. I … him at the amusement park yesterday.

17. This PC (personal computer) was … by my dad.

18. Many legit durians … … by us.

  • were opened
  • was opening
  • were opening

19. We … wearing medical masks in hospital this afternoon.

20. A couple of my shoes was … by strangers.

21. My phone just … two times.

22. My family and I … to Malaysia last month.

23. My kid … to vomit.

24. Chio and his big family … Lunar New Year this year.

  • celebrating
  • celebration

25. My sister … her trip to Nusa Penida a lot two years ago.

26. Reza … me deliver this order to our customers.

27. The party … at 10:00 P.M.

28. My cousin … cartoons all day.

29. I … him because he … something shameful.

  • punched, did
  • punched, do
  • punched, done

30. He … a famous actor when he … young at that time.

31. If we …students, you … teacher.

32) Qatar … FIFA World Cup 2022 spectacularly.

33) Did you … on time this morning?

34) Did you …your teeth well?

35) I did not … to take any responsibilities from you.

36) If you … earlier, you … safe.

37) Did you … to write a romantic love letter for me?

38) Dinosaurs … extinct million years ago.

39) You and I … Korean calligraphers when we were students.

40) My children … not eat rice at first.

Itulah 40 soal pilihan ganda simple past tense semoga dapat membantu kamu ya, jika ada pertanyaan bisa ajukan saja di kolom komentar dibawah. Mungkin kamu juga tertarik dengan contoh soal asj pilihan ganda kelas 12

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Terimakasih atas referensi soal simple pasti tense pilihan ganda ini

sama2 kak semoga membantu ya

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20 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Pembahasan, Rumus & Kunci Jawabannya

Annisya asri diarta   |   haibunda, senin, 18 mar 2024 21:40 wib.

contoh soal Bahasa Inggris

Rumus nominal simple past tense

Rumus verbal simple past tense, 10 contoh kalimat past tense, 10 contoh soal simple past tense pilihan ganda dan kunci jawabannya, 10 contoh soal simple past tense essay dan kunci jawabannya.

Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, pemahaman tentang Simple Past Tense merupakan hal yang penting untuk fondasi berbahasa. Dengan memahami konsep ini, Si Kecil diharapkan lebih lancar dalam menyusun kalimat tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Selain itu, rumus dasar dan kunci jawaban juga akan disertakan untuk memudahkan pembelajaran. Simple past tense merupakan salah satu bentuk waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Seperti halnya bentuk waktu lainnya, simple past tense memiliki pola penulisan yang khas. Secara umum, simple past tense dapat dibentuk dengan cara menggunakan subjek diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk kedua (verb 2) atau subjek diikuti oleh kata kerja bantu "was" atau "were" dan kata kerja non-verbal.

Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang tidak ada kata kerja, hanya ada kata sifat atau benda atau keterangan.

  • Kalimat positif: Subject+was atau were+adj atau noun atau adv
  • Kalimat negatif : Subject+was atau were+not+adj atau noun atau adv
  • Kalimat tanya: Was atau were+subject+adj atau noun atau adv + simbol "?"

Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang mempunyai kata kerja.

  • Kalimat positif: Subject +verb 2 + complement
  • Kalimat negatif: Subject + did + not + verb 1 + complement
  • Kalimat tanya: Did + subject + verb 1 + complement + simbol "?"

Kegunaan dari Simple Past Tense dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang tindakan atau kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan tidak sedang terjadi saat ini. Misalnya, untuk menceritakan pengalaman pribadi, peristiwa sejarah, atau urutan kejadian yang sudah berlalu.

  • I was late yesterday
  • You were here last week
  • We were not come last month
  • She was not upset because of you
  • Were you at Milea’s room?
  • She played baseball yesterday
  • My dad and i went to the market last week
  • Last Friday, they didn’t come to the party
  • Dilan did not attend to the closing ceremony
  • Did Bella go to the class last week?

1. He … to go to the beach last week.

Kunci jawaban: a. Wanted

2. … you go to Solo yesterday?

Kunci jawaban: c. Did

3. The sofa … not comfortable for me

Kunci jawaban: b. Was

4. She ... fried chicken yesterday afternoon

Kunci jawaban: d. Cooked

5. My parents … able to come here?

Kunci jawaban: a. Were

6. I … corn soup this afternoon

Kunci jawaban: b. Ate

7. Your sister didn’t … my text that day

Kunci jawaban: d. Reply

8. Sasa … me this toys 1 month ago

Kunci jawaban: a. Gave

9. I … to the mall everyday, when I was in Jakarta.

Kunci jawaban: c. Went

10. Risa often … her lunch to school, when she was in Senior High School

Kunci jawaban: b. Brought

1. My mother .. born in 1972

Kunci jawaban: Was

2. I … come to your party last week. Please forgive me.

Kunci jawaban: Did not/didn’t

3. Five years ago, the store … opened for the public

4. She … in Semarang last week

5. He … bring blanket last night

6. Did you … badminton with Eros last saturday?

Kunci jawaban: Play

7. Was he happy on … graduation day a week ago?

Kunci jawaban: His

8. Kinan … to beach last week

Kunci jawaban: Went

9. He … a glass of milk tea an hour ago

Kunci jawaban: Drank

10. Nana … a scholarship in Toronto

Kunci jawaban: Got

Demikian ulasan tentang contoh soal simple past tense, pembahasan, dan rumus dan kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat untuk bahan belajar Si Kecil ya, Bunda.

Bagi Bunda yang mau sharing soal parenting dan bisa dapat banyak giveaway, yuk join komunitas HaiBunda Squad. Daftar klik di SINI . Gratis!




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Komik bunda.


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  15. Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay beserta ...

    Jawaban: b) She ate lunch an hour ago. 2. Choose the correct sentence in simple past tense! a) They are going to the beach tomorrow. b) They went to the beach last weekend. c) They go to the beach every summer. Advertisement. d) They will go to the beach next month. Jawaban: b) They went to the beach last weekend.

  16. Contoh Soal Essay Simple Past Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan)

    Simple Past Tense adalah tenses yang menerangkan sesuatu yang dimulai dan juga diakhiri yang terjadi di masa lampau ataupun sudah berlalu. Biasanya juga ditandai dengan penggunaan waktu seperti yesterday ( kemarin), last night ( kemarin malam ), two years ago ( dua tahun yang lalu), dan lain sebagainya. Biasanya kata kerja dalam bentuk past ...

  17. Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Kelas 10

    Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense kelas 10 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  18. Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense

    The document provides a sample test on simple past tense in English. It contains 10 multiple choice questions testing the use of simple past verbs like "walked", "ate", "slept" in sentences describing completed past actions. It then explains the sentence pattern, time expressions, and function of simple past tense. Finally, it provides a short essay question asking to supply the correct form ...

  19. 30 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Lengkap Berserta Pembahasan & Jawabannya

    15 contoh soal simple past tense kurikulum merdeka essay dan jawabannya. 1. Alice … to China last week. Pembahasan: Jawaban soal di atas adalah "go", kemudian dibentuk past tense menjadi "went" Kunci jawaban: Went. 2. Jake … the dishes after dinner. Pembahasan: Jawaban soal di atas adalah "wash", kemudian dibentuk past tense menjadi "washed"

  20. Latihan soal Simple Past tense

    Latihan soal Simple Past tense quiz for KG students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  21. 50 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense dan Kunci Jawaban Essay

    Berikut ini adalah 50 contoh soal simple past tense essay yang lengkap dengan kunci jawaban untuk pelajar SMP SMA belajar bahasa Inggris. Senin, 24 Juni 2024; Network. Metro Aspirasiku; ... Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Mts Semester 2 TA 2023/2024 dan Kunci Jawaban; Rekomendasi. Mahasiswa WAJIB Tau! Kewajiban saat Kuliah Tanpa ...

  22. 40 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

    Berikut 40 contoh soal latihan mengenai simple past tense beserta jawabannya, setiap jawaban dari soal sudah saya berikan penanda berupa huruf tebal/bold. 1. Maria already … a piece of cake this morning. eat. ate. eaten. eating. 2. She … here for a couple of minutes ago.

  23. 20 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Pembahasan, Rumus & Kunci Jawabannya

    10. Risa often … her lunch to school, when she was in Senior High School. a. Bring. b. Brought. c. Brang. d. Take. Kunci jawaban: b. Brought 10 Contoh soal simple past tense essay dan kunci jawabannya. 1. My mother .. born in 1972. Kunci jawaban: Was 2. I … come to your party last week. Please forgive me. Kunci jawaban: Did not/didn't 3.