Student Essays

Essay on My Mother, 10 Lines & More sentences for students

11 Best Written Essays On My Mother For Everyone! [ 2024 ]

10 Lines Essay on My Mother and more sentences. My mother essay and speech children UKg students. These are  descriptive essays on my mother for all classes students including 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, & 10th class students.

My Mother Essays, Speeches, Paragraphs | 10 Lines, More Sentences, Short Essays For Students

My mother is my pride. In honor of my mother, the following essays, Speeches & Paragraphs have been written in assist children & Students in their school homework and other assignments.

1. 10 Lines Essay on My Mother

1.  Mother is a real blessing of God upon this world.

2. There is no match for the love of mother. We can not find the examples of her love in this world.

3. It is the mother who is always concerned about everything for us.

4. My mother is my best friend. She can understand me and help me to solve my problems.

5. My mother is always ready to give any sacrifice for my wishes and my needs.

6. My mother always pray God to protect me from all harms of this life.

7. It is with the prayers and blessing of our mothers that we always become successful in every walk of life.

8. My mother works very hard to take care of the needs of all family members of house.

9. I love my mother because she always help my father and every family member in all decisions of life.

10. My mother is very much concerned about my health. She is very upset when I am not fine.

11. My mother always helps me in my homework and other school tasks.

Essay on My Mother, 10 Lines & More sentences for students

2.  My Mother More Sentences for Children

1.  Mothers are God sent gifts for all of us in the world.

2. Mother is an excellent example of love, affection and sacrifice.

3. A mother always understands what her child needs every time.

4. She is the one who is ready to sacrifice even her life for the good of her children .

5. She loves to serves all family members of house with great pride and love.

6. She wakes up early in the morning before every one is awake.

7. She helps her children to get ready for school or for the work.

8. She serves her husband very sincerely and with great love.

9. She is the one who always takes care of all the needs of her family members.

10. It is very much true to say that without mothers this world would have no progress and prosperity as it has today. Mother is the real force behind our success.

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 5 Good sentences on My Mother

1.  My mother is my pride, she loves me and protects me always.

2. My mother has given many sacrifices for me and she is always ready to give more sacrifices for all family members.

3. My mother is my best friend. She always listens me and helps me to solve my problems.

4. My mother is always concerned for everything about me including my health, food and my studies.

5. My mother is my great motivation. She always helps me in all my goals and tasks of my life.

6. I love my mother from the depth of heart and always pray God for her long life.

3. My mother Essay for Ukg

I love my mother. She is my very best friend. My mother takes my care all the time. She wakes up for me early in the morning. She prepares our breakfast and fill my lunch box with tasty food.

She makes everything ready for all family members in the morning before they wake up. My mothers takes a great care of my health and my food. She helps me in my all school homework tasks like a friend. During my free time at my home.

I love to go to market with my mother. My mother takes care for all of our needs and wishes. She is always ready to give great sacrifices for us. My mother is always worried about all the things about me. She never let me feel bored. Though she works all the day in our house yet she never complains about it. She serves all the family members very well. The mother is really a great gift of God. I always pray for the health and long life of my mother.

4. My Mother Paragraph For Students

My hero is my mom. I love my mother and my other hero is my dad. My parents are my great inspiration. I love my mother because of a lot of reasons I truly love her, respect her and give her a great value. It is the great blessing of God that we have mothers in this world.

My Mother Essay and Paragraph for Children and students

The mother is a real example of sincerity, love, loyalty and patience. Her love and patience has no parallel in this world. It is quite true to say that without mothers the world would have been a place with no progress and development. Good mothers are the pillars of a nation. That’s why the great conqueror and warrior of world Napoleon said:

              ” Give me the good mothers and I will give you a good nation.”

It is an open secret that behind all the successful people today, there is a great role of their mothers and other women. Mother is the symbol of patience, persistence and hard work. She endures the pains of child in with her till the day when a child is born.

There is no example anywhere in the world for her love and sacrifices for her child. She is always concerned about the safety, well being and goodness of her children. She serves her family selflessly.

I love my mother very much. She wakes up early in the morning to make all of us ready for our tasks. She prepares our breakfast and fills our lunch boxes with sweet and delicious dishes.

She helps us in getting us ready quickly for our schools. She serves my father and all family members very well. She is like our best friend and stand for our rights and wishes. She has given many sacrifices to makes us happy and pleased.

On all important decisions, she helps my father very well. She is very sincere and very wise. During our vacations our we all family members go on visiting the countryside. There is a great role of my mother in taking care for all our needs. In fact, my mother understands it very well about our wishes and our needs like a best friend. My mother is great pride.

She is our paradise. She always inspires us and motivates us for doing something good and something great in our life. I am great impressed by the personality and good manners of my mother. My mother is my everything. I always pray for her health and her long life

Essay on My Mom For Students

A mother’s love is a relationship that cannot be compared. Nobody can love us like our mom. No matter how old children get, a mother’s love is always going to be there to hold them up.

Reasons why I love my Mom?

My mom is my favorite personality in this whole world. She is the wisest person I have seen in my whole life. No matter how much old I get, I always ask her opinions in everything. Before school, she was my first institute who taught me everything.

It is because of her I did not have to worry about school work because she started teaching me all those things long ago. She has the humblest personality. I have never seen her talking to anyone in loud tone. She always helps others. She never refuses anyone who comes at our door asking for help.

She is a problem solver in my life. Whenever I face any difficulty, I always discuss it with my mom. Her calm suggestions always give me hope. I feel that I can deal with any problem if I have mom on my side. She always puts herself second and her family first. I am also a fan of her cooking. She makes delicious meals.

On weekends, I also cook with her. I also invite my friends at home because they love my mom’s cooking. She has a great love for animals. We have a cat at home and she never forgets to feed her on time. She is an efficient doctor. I have even seen her checking patients free of cost if they have no money. She is always kind to everyone. She treats everyone with care.

She is fully devoted to her profession. Even though she is always busy in hospital, dealing with patients, yet she manages to give proper time to us. She is a source of inspiration for me. She made me who I am today. She taught me how to be selfless and humble. The way she manages her personal and professional life always amazes me.

She loves to read and write. Even after her graduation, she never stopped learning. She has also established a library next to her room. On weekends, she spends most of her time reading books there.She always motivates me. She is always there, praying for me.

She is also obsessed with cleanliness. She always makes sure that our house remains tidy. She does not tolerate lies. She has always taught us to speak truth, no matter how hard it is because in the end, truth always wins. When I look into her eyes, I know that this is the purest love I can find on this Earth. My mother is a strong woman and I love her.

Today, I have a strong personality because a strong mother has raised me. She is the most courageous woman I know. She taught me that fear is not an option and I must face my fears.

She is my best friend, my teacher and my biggest support. Her prayers have always followed me. I know as long as I have my mother by my side, I can face any difficulty. She taught me how to walk, speak, eat and take care of myself. In short, every step that I have taken in my life is because of my mom.

If she had not taught me how to take small steps then I would not be confident enough to take big steps in my life. No one can take her place and I love her so much. I want to become like her one day. May she live long.

Essay on My Mother For Class 1 in 150 Words:

My mother is my role model and best friend. She is the most important person in my life. She takes care of me and loves me unconditionally. I am very lucky to have a mother like her.

My mother is a homemaker, but she also helps my father in his business. She manages both household work and office work perfectly. She teaches me how to balance work and personal life. She is a multi-tasker.

My mother is also an amazing cook. She prepares delicious meals for us every day. I love her homemade food, especially her special dishes. She has taught me how to cook and bake as well. I enjoy spending time with her in the kitchen, learning new recipes and techniques.

Apart from being a great homemaker, my mother is also a kind and compassionate person. She always helps those in need without expecting anything in return. She has taught me the value of giving back to society and helping others.

My mother is my biggest cheerleader and supports me in everything I do. She motivates me to chase my dreams and never give up. Her unconditional love and support have helped me become a confident and independent individual.

I am grateful for everything my mother has done for me. She is my superhero, and I love her more than words can express. I hope to make her proud one day by achieving all my goals and dreams. My mother will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am blessed to have her as my mom.

Essay on My Mother for Class 5 in 200 Words:

My mother is the most special person in my life. She is the one who has always been there for me, since the day I was born. She holds a very important place in my heart and I am grateful to have her as my mother.

My mother’s name is Rosy and she is 40 years old. She has beautiful curly hair that she keeps long and she always wears a smile on her face. She is a very kind, caring and hardworking person. I have never seen her complaining about anything or anyone. She is always ready to help others in need.

My mother takes care of our house and our family with so much love and dedication. She manages all the household chores along with taking care of me and my younger brother. She makes sure that we get everything that we need and she always puts our needs before her own.

Not only is my mother a wonderful homemaker, but she is also an amazing cook. I love the food that she makes, especially her special chicken curry. She always cooks with so much love and it reflects in the taste of her food.

My mother has taught me many valuable lessons and has always been there to guide me. She is my role model and I aspire to be like her someday. She has a very positive outlook on life and she always encourages me to do my best in everything.

I am blessed to have such a loving, caring and beautiful mother. She is my best friend, confidant and my biggest supporter. I love her more than words can express and I am grateful for everything she does for me. I hope to make her proud and repay her for all the sacrifices she has made for our family.

In conclusion, my mother is a true blessing in my life. She is the epitome of unconditional love, strength and selflessness. I will always be grateful for her presence in my life and I will cherish her forever. So, it is my responsibility to take care of her as she has taken care of me all these years. She means everything to me and I cannot imagine my life without her. My mother is truly the best and I am lucky to have her as my mom.

Essay on My Mother for Class 6 in 300 Words:

My mother is the most important person in my life. She is not only my mother but also my best friend, guide, and role model. I am fortunate to have such a loving, caring, and supportive mother who has always been there for me through thick and thin.

My mother’s name is Mrs. Ritu Sharma. She is 35 years old and works as a teacher in a primary school. She is well-educated, kind, and hardworking. My mother has dedicated her life to not only taking care of our family but also shaping young minds through her profession.

My mother’s day starts early in the morning when she wakes up before everyone else to prepare breakfast for us and get us ready for school. Even though she has a hectic schedule, she always manages to make time for us and our needs. She helps me with my studies, teaches me important values and morals that have shaped me into a good human being.

My mother is not just a caretaker or teacher, but she is also an excellent cook. She makes the most delicious meals and ensures that we eat healthy and nutritious food every day. She puts in a lot of effort to make sure that our home is clean, organized, and comfortable for everyone.

Apart from being a homemaker and teacher, my mother is also an extremely supportive and understanding person. She always listens to my problems, provides me with solutions, and supports me in all my decisions. Her unwavering love and support have given me the confidence to chase my dreams and be successful in life.

I admire my mother’s strength, determination, and positive attitude towards life. She has faced many challenges and obstacles but has never given up or lost hope. Her resilience inspires me every day to be a better person and overcome any difficulties that come my way.

In conclusion, my mother is my everything. She is the epitome of love, sacrifice, and unconditional support. I am blessed to have her as my mother, and I will always be grateful for everything she has done for me. I hope to make her proud by becoming a successful and responsible individual just like her.

My mother’s love knows no bounds. She loves me unconditionally and supports me in everything I do. Her love has shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to guide me in the future. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing mother, and I will always cherish her love and guidance for the rest of my life. Thank you, Mom, for being my superhero!

So let’s celebrate our mothers not just on Mother’s Day but every day and show them how much we appreciate and love them. We should always remember to express our gratitude towards our mothers and never take their love for granted. They are the ones who have given us life, nurtured us, and helped us become the best versions of ourselves.

As we grow older, let’s not forget the sacrifices our mothers have made for us and always make an effort to make their lives easier and happier. Let’s cherish every moment we have with our mothers and never miss a chance to tell them how much they mean to us. After all, a mother’s love is truly irreplaceable.

In conclusion, our mothers are not just our caretakers but also our greatest supporters, teachers, role models, and friends. They deserve all the love and appreciation in the world for everything they do for us.

Let’s continue to shower them with love, respect, and gratitude every day of our lives. So let’s take a moment to thank our mothers for being the amazing human beings that they are and celebrate them today and always!  

Essay on My Mother for Class 8 in 500 Words:

Mother, also known as Mom or Maa, is the most important person in a child’s life. She is the one who brings us into this world and takes care of us selflessly. A mother’s love knows no bounds and her sacrifices are unmatched. This essay on my mother for class 8 students aims to highlight the role and significance of a mother in a child’s life.

The Importance of A Mother

A mother is the first teacher, caregiver and friend of a child. She nurtures us with her love and provides us with the emotional support we need to grow up into responsible individuals. There is no one else who can replace a mother’s role in our lives. From teaching us basic manners to instilling moral values, a mother plays a crucial role in shaping our personalities. She is also the one who encourages us to pursue our dreams and stands by us through thick and thin.

My Mother – A Selfless Soul

I consider my mother to be my superhero because she has always put my needs above her own. Her selflessness knows no bounds and I am constantly amazed by her sacrifices for our family. Despite having a busy schedule, she always makes time for me and my siblings. She helps us with our studies, cooks delicious meals for us, and also manages to handle all the household chores effortlessly.

Lessons Learnt from My Mother

My mother has taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and patience. She has always encouraged me to never give up and has instilled in me the belief that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. She has also taught me to be kind, empathetic, and respectful towards others. These lessons have helped shape my character and will stay with me for a lifetime.

My Mother – My Best Friend

Apart from being my mother, she is also my best friend. I can share my deepest secrets and problems with her without any hesitation. She is always there to listen, offer advice and guide me on the right path. Her unconditional love and unwavering support have helped me become a confident and independent person.

Celebrating Mother’s Love

Every year, we celebrate Mother’s Day as a tribute to all the mothers in the world. It is a special day to honor and appreciate our mothers for everything they have done for us. However, we must not limit our appreciation to just one day but make an effort to show our love and gratitude towards them every single day.

In conclusion, a mother’s love is irreplaceable and incomparable. She is the pillar of strength in a child’s life and her love and sacrifices are never-ending. As we grow up, it is important to recognize the value of our mothers and express our gratitude towards them for all that they have done for us. Let us always cherish and celebrate the beautiful bond between a mother and child.

My Mother Speech in English For Students

My mother is my hero because she is the only person I could never live without. She is the only person I pay bundle of gratitude to. I always thank her and praise her excessively. She is my hero because she gave me strength when I needed most.

Mother has only nurtured and cared me but always stood with me when confronted by any difficulty in life. The hero is he who is brave and strong. That truly defines my mother who is brave and strong. Her unselfish love is my life. I have not seen any selfless person like her.

She did her best to give best life. During her entire life she thought for me.I lack at words to express her abounding selfless love. Since last 20 years she has been by my side. She has  never showed any selfish motive and never let me go down.

My mother has taught me to help others and to respect elders. She is an inspiration for me to do good deeds. She is very kind, polite, humble and loving in nature.

All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother. It is rightly said that “Mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible”. The older I grow, the more I realize that my mother is the best friend that I never had.

The Single word mother embodies all the love a human being could possibly offer. One writer is reported to have said that “sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws”. My mother is my real hero because she forgives my lies, even if I am mistaken she gives a warm smile.

My mother has always sacrificed her own needs to fulfill my needs. Whenever I felt down and gloomy, my mother raised my spirit up and made me happy. Rudyard Kipling has rightly said that “God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers”. Everything begins and ends at motherhood.

I have always found the  peace and tenderness in my mother’s lap. Her lap is the most comfortable place to have sound sleep. The lap of my mother is paradise for me. An English writer Samuel Taylor Coleridge once declared that “The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly father”.

While the great dramatist and poet William Shakespeare said that “Mother is the name of God, in the lips and hearts of little children”. My mother is next to God to me. She has always blessed me and has rewarded me unconditionally.

Descriptive Essay on My Mother:

My mother is one of the most important people in my life. She has been there for me since I was born and has always supported and loved me unconditionally. Even though she may not be perfect, she is the perfect mother for me.

My mother is a strong and independent woman who raised my siblings and me on her own. She worked hard to provide us with everything we needed and never once complained. She is a role model for me and has taught me the importance of hard work, determination, and perseverance.

But more than just being a provider, my mother is also my best friend. I can always count on her to listen to my problems and give me advice. She has a kind heart and always puts others before herself. Whenever I am feeling down, my mother knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

My mother is also an amazing cook and makes the best meals. No matter how busy she may be, she always manages to find time to prepare a delicious home-cooked meal for our family. She has passed on her love for cooking to me and taught me many of her secret recipes.

Words cannot express how grateful I am to have such an amazing mother. She is my confidante, my biggest cheerleader, and my rock. I know that no matter what happens in life, my mother will always be there for me. I love and appreciate her more than words can say. So here’s to you, Mom – thank you for everything you do and for being the best mother a child could ask for. So, mothers are not just women who brought us into this world, they are our greatest teachers, role models, and friends.

No matter how old we grow or where life takes us, a mother’s love and influence will always stay with us. My mother has played an instrumental part in shaping me into the person I am today and for that, I will always be grateful. So as we celebrate Mother’s Day or any other day, let us take a moment to show our appreciation and love for our mothers who have given us so much selflessly. They deserve all the recognition and admiration in the world.

In conclusion, my mother is my hero, my inspiration, and my everything. She has taught me the true meaning of love, sacrifice, and resilience. I am blessed to have her as my mother and I will forever cherish and hold her close to my heart

1. Why is Mother important in our life and What is the role of mother ?

The mother is emblem of love, kindness, mercy, care and commitment. The mother plays a critical role in our lives. She raises the child, inculcates the goodness, commitment, motivation, courage and sacrifice. Behind every great individual is a great lovely mother.

2. How can I write a paragraph about my mother?

To write a good paragraph on Mother, you need to keep in mind a certain things including;

  • Express your love and affection with you mother in crystal clear words.
  • Appreciate the role of mother in your life and how she has stood beside you every single moment of your life.
  • Put some light on the fact whether you have been able to repay the debt of love, care and affection to your mother.

3. What is a mother definition essay?

If we define a Mother, it contains many things. The mother role that encompasses almost every single character of love, peace, forbearance, commitment, courage, passion, dedication and selfless sacrifice. The mother is not just a word to define. It is the center of everything in this world.

4. What can I say about my mother?

You can express your affection for your mother in many ways, like you can say, I am very lucky to have you with me, You are my real hero and my entire world, I can’t love without you even a single moment my mother, I am really very sorry for being careless to you etc. You can compliment a good mom with these words and more.

5. What makes a mother a mother?

The affection, sincerity, care, selfless sacrifice, love, courage etc, makes the mother a real hero.

6. What is the most important role of a mother?

The most important role of mother is to raise a child in a way so as to prepare him to be the most successful, helpful, kind and caring member of the society.

7. What a child means to a mother?

These Essays on topic my mother are intended to help students and general readers. In addition to find more 100+ Essay topics written, you can check here our huge collection of Essays & Paragraphs for students

18 thoughts on “11 Best Written Essays On My Mother For Everyone! [ 2024 ]”

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It is very beautiful essay . I Like it

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Essay on My Mother for Schools Students and Children

500+ words essay on my mother.

My mother is an ordinary woman she is my superhero. In every step of my, she supported and encouraged me. Whether day or night she was always there for me no matter what the condition is. Furthermore, her every work, persistence, devotion, dedication, conduct is an inspiration for me. In this essay on my mother, I am going to talk about my mother and why she is so special to me.

essay on my mother

Why I Love My Mother So Much?

I love her not because she is my mother and we should respect our elders. I respect her because she has taken care of me when I was not able to speak. At that time, she has taken care of all my needs when I wasn’t able to speak.

Additionally, she taught me how to walk, speak, and take care of myself. Similarly, every bigger step that I have taken in my life is all because of my mother. Because, if she hasn’t taught me how to take small steps then I won’t be able to take these bigger step.

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She is an essence of truthfulness, love, and sincerity. Another reason is that she showers her family with her blessing and live. Furthermore, she gives us everything but never demand anything in return. The way she cares for everyone in the family inspires me to the same in my future.

Also, her love is not just for the family she treats every stranger and animals the same way she did to me. Due to, this she is very kind and sensible towards the environment and animals.

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Her Strengths

Although she is not physically very strong she faces every hurdle of her life and of the family too. She motivates me to be like her and never submit in difficult times. Above all, my mother encourages me to improve my all-round skills and studies. She motivates me to try again and again till I get success in it.

A Companion of Trouble

Whenever I was in trouble or scolded by dad I run towards my mother as she is the only one that can save me from them. Whether a small homework problem or a bigger problem she was always there for me.

my mother essay class ukg

When I was afraid of the dark she would become my light and guide me in that darkness. Also, if I can’t sleep at night she would hold my head on her lap until I fell asleep. Above all, she never leaves my side even in the hardest of times.

Every mother is special for her children. She is a great teacher, a lovely friend, a strict parent. Also, she takes cares of the need of the whole family. If there is anyone out there who loves us more than our mother is only God. Not just for my mother but for every mother out there who lives her life for her family deserves praiseworthy applause.

my mother essay class ukg

Frequently Asked Questions for You

Q.1 When did the Mother’s Day be celebrated in India and why?

A.1 Mother’s Day is celebrated on the Second Sunday in the month of May. It’s celebrated to appreciate the hard work that our mother’s do in their life. And the sacrifices that they make to keep their family happy.

Q.2 Why mother is so special?

A.2 They are special because they are mothers. They are the superwomen that do all the housework, teach and take care of their children, looks after her husband, do her job and at the end of the day if you ask for her help she says ‘yes’ with a smile on her face.

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My Mother Essay For Class 2 Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Mother’ for Class 2

10-lines on ‘my mother’ for class 2, short essay on ‘my mother’ for class 2, long essay on ‘my mother’ for class 2, what your second grader will learn from the essay.

Essay writing is very important for a child as it helps them express their thoughts and feelings on the topic. If one were to talk about the tasks that perfectly allows children to combine creativity, sentence construction, and ideas into a singular concept, writing essays could be considered one of the best. In this regard, essay writing is an important skill for young kids. And what can be better than writing about one’s mother, the most special person for any child? A mother showers her child with unconditional love. She is the one the child develops the strongest bond with. Thus, writing an essay on ‘My Mother’ is not only easy but also enjoyable for children. Through this article, we can help your second grader write an excellent essay on ‘My Mother’. Let’s get started then!

Having some pointers can help children write better essays that properly convey their feelings and intentions. Here are some of them:

  • Mention your mother’s name.
  • Talk about her daily schedule and how much she means to you.
  • Make sure you use simple sentences to make the essay easy to write and understand.
  • Add some personal anecdotes to add a personal touch and express your bond with your mother.
  • You can write in small sentences to frame ideas and then join them and form your essay.

Writing a few points can help children get a clear idea of what they can elaborate on in the essay and how they want to structure it. These ten lines can help you understand how to form these ideas:

  • My mother’s name is Karuna.
  • She is a homemaker.
  • Everyone respects her and loves her.
  • I love her a lot.
  • She takes so much care of Tommy, our pet, and me.
  • She takes care of the house.
  • She cooks tasty food for us.
  • She helps me with my studies.
  • When Tommy and I are playing, she plays with us.
  • She is the best mom in the world.

Children love their mothers the most, and an essay can be the perfect way to help them express this love. Here is an example:

My mother is a very good person. She takes care of me, and she also takes care of Tommy, our pet. She cares for everyone in the house and keeps the house clean. She loves gardening and has planted many plants in our small balcony garden. Some plants have only leaves, and some plants have beautiful flowers. My mother teaches me to be kind, helpful and honest with everyone. Due to these qualities, I admire my mother a lot and am proud of her. She is definitely my role model, and I aspire to be a good human being like her when I grow up.

The bond between a mother and her child is unique, and there is no relationship like that in the world. Here is an example of a long composition on the topic:

My mother’s name is Karuna, and she is a homemaker. She is the most beautiful person in the whole world, and I love her a lot. She takes care of me and Tommy, my furry best friend. She is great at taking care of everyone in the house, and she always keeps the house clean.

She has planted many plants in the garden. Some plants have only leaves, and some plants have beautiful flowers. And because of her hobby, I have come to love them as well. Last month, I sowed a seed in a pot along with her. A tiny plant grew from that seed, and now I can understand why she loves gardening so much. I also help her water the plants.

My mother teaches me to keep my things in place and throw waste in the waste paper basket. She wakes up early and makes tiffin for my father and me. When I return from school, she surprises me with my favourite snacks. In the afternoon, she takes me to the park nearby. I play there with other kids. Sometimes, when I fall on the ground, my mother tells me that it’s alright and I am a brave child. She helps me with my homework, and all of us have our dinner together. Our day together ends when bedtime strikes, and my mother tucks me in bed and reads beautiful stories in her beautiful voice.

Weekends are always special days for my mother and me. We do fun things together. One of our favourite activities is watching Tom and Jerry. I look forward to it every week. My mother also volunteers to feed the dogs in our neighbourhood every weekend. She often tells me that we should help everyone, especially the poor and helpless animals. So, I accompany her to feed the dogs, and when I grow up, I want to continue doing what she has taught me. My mother is my role model, and I love her for being the person she is. I have made a promise to myself that when I grow up, I will become like her one day and do my best to help others.

Essay writing is an important topic that a child needs to start learning from a young age to gradually develop and become better. And writing essays on topics that are personal to them, like My Mother, My Family, My Friends, My School, etc., can help them express their feelings and thoughts in words. When writing an essay on ‘My Mother’, second graders are likely to realise the positive aspects of their mothers and learn how to pen them down. As a result, it will improve their creative thinking, communication, and articulation of thoughts.

As mentioned earlier, essays can help your child convey their feelings and intentions. Encourage your little one to write an essay on their mother using the tips and key points provided in this article and help them explore the world of writing and creative thinking along the way.

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Essay on My Mother for Class 3 Students

Essays play a crucial role in every child's life, especially when they are at a very tender age. Writing an essay can help to develop a child's imagination, power and creativity. So, teach your kid today how to write a short essay and articulate their thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. 

The following essay about 'My Mother' will help all the Class 3 kids out there. Written by our highly qualified subject matter experts, these study materials will successfully serve as study material for all the Class 3 students and their parents. You can download the Vedantu app for further assistance.

Essay on My Mother

Each mother in this world is truly amazing for their children. I believe everyone should love and respect their mother, as she is the one who gave us life and brought us into this beautiful world. She is the one who raises us properly.

Kavita Gupta is my mother's name. My mother is my superhero and inspires me to be strong in the face of hardship. She has experienced numerous challenges and barriers in her life and has successfully overcome each one. She is a great homemaker.

She is extremely hardworking, and her dedication has made our lives much easier and more pleasant. She makes every attempt to improve the family's situation. In the mornings, she is the first one to get up and take care of the household chores, including cooking and laundry.

We, as a family, are really grateful for her devotion and effort. My father does not need to be under such stress when it comes to housework. She is the one who is in charge of nearly everything. She takes us to social gatherings such as weddings and birthday parties.

She has a pleasant personality. She has a large number of friends, and they frequently come to visit us. We also visit them on occasion. She maintains excellent relationships with our neighbours and relatives. The most significant aspect of her is that she never complains.

She is occupied with us, improving our lives. Except for a mother, I don't believe anyone can be so selfless. After God, my mother is the most important person in my life, which is why I respect and love her the most.

Mothers are always the first educators in a child's life. She is the first person in my life to teach me how to speak, walk, and recognise letters. I don't recall the days, but I am aware that she was the one who taught me my first poetry. Even so, she is an incredible instructor in my life now. She is always willing to help me with my schoolwork. She also assists me with my school's special assignments.

Mothers play a crucial role in our development as human beings. All mothers are concerned about their children. They enjoy looking after our entire family and us. There is no love like a mother's love for her kid. In the end, she is the most important person in my life. I respect my mother a lot as she is incredible and very loving.

Short Essay on My Mother

Every child is special to their mother and so is me to my mom. My mother's name is Seema Banerjee. She is a gynaecologist by profession. She works at the ABC Hospital in Bangalore. She works really hard. My mother is also my superhero. She inspires me a lot in every aspect of my life.

Besides her job, she looks after the entire family. My family consists of five members in total, my mom, dad, and my paternal grandparents. My mom wakes up every morning and gets me ready for school. My dad prepares breakfast. He helps my mom with many household chores as both of them are working.

Apart from her work and household chores, she helps me with my study and homework. She helps my dad and grandparents to take every important decision in their lives. 

She always prays for our health and takes care of us when we are unwell, like the way she takes care of her patient. I also want to be a doctor when I grow up. She is my role model. I always pray to God for her health and well being. 

In a nutshell, there's a shadow of God lying upon every mother. They are the real pillar of strength behind every child's success.

FAQs on My Mother

1. Why is Mother's Day celebrated and how did it begin?

On Mother's Day, people pay tribute to their mothers, as well as to motherhood and the role mothers play in society. It is celebrated on different days in different parts of the world, but most often in March or May.

It all started in 1908 when Anna Jarvis organised a memorial for her mother, Ann Jarvis. She was a peace activist who cared for the wounded soldiers of the American Civil War, and her daughter wanted to remember her.

Anna Jarvis started getting support for Mother's Day in the United States after her mother died in the same year. She started this task after her mother died. All the mothers in the world who have done a lot for their families and the rest of the world should be celebrated, she thought.

2. What are the small help that children can do to help their mothers?

Children may always lend a hand to their mothers in small but significant ways. They can organise their shoe cupboard and maintain a tidy home. They can also assist their mothers with grocery shopping and tidying up after meals. Children can assist in folding little items such as socks, handkerchiefs, vests, and other small items of clothing.

Additionally, children might stack their toys in a large box and store them inside the closet or storeroom.

3. Why mothers are so special?

Mothers always love and support their children. We all know that life is full of different things, and some of them aren't so good.

In the beginning, a child has to deal with things like this. It's the mother who makes sure that good always comes out on top.

Seeing through her eyes and having faith, a child can always see the light on the other side of the dark tunnel.

In any situation, kids always ask their moms for help and advice first.

4. How can 3rd graders' writing skills be improved?

It is very important to hone up the skills of the writing of your little writer. Below are some fun tips through which parents can inculcate improved writing skills in any child:

A regular reading helps students learn new words and increase their vocabulary.  

The "write the word" game is extremely fun for kids since they seek items and write down the word they find.

Create a worksheet where young children can trace letters and words.

Writing letters is a lost art nowadays. Encourage your youngster to write letters. It improves their writing skills.

Plan a fun journal outing with your child and encourage them to write in it frequently. 

5. What role does essay writing play in the development of communication skills of a 3rd-grade student?

Essay writing is one of the most crucial abilities that young children learn in Class 3. The first step in preparing an essay for students is to organise their thoughts. 

Next is the step to organise their thoughts into coherent paragraphs. Unlike other academic pursuits, essay writing allows kids to express their imagination. 

The more kids write essays, the better they will be able to convey their thoughts and imaginations. This will let them communicate successfully to a bigger audience.

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My Mother Essay for Class 1

Mothers are idols for their children. They give birth to a child and help them grow up into good human beings. I want to be a person like my mother when I grow up. My mother is the most beautiful person I have seen. I want to keep holding her hands forever.

We are providing two essay samples for class 1 on the topic ‘My Mother’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay on My Mother Of 100 Words

My mother is the person I love the most in this World. I cannot think of spending a day without her. My mother is my idol. She is very beautiful and kind.

She helps me throughout the day. From waking me up in the morning to reading bedtime stories for me, she does it all. I am very thankful to have her in my life.

She scolds me sometimes but later lets me cry in her arms. She has always guided me like my guardian angel. I do not feel scared of anything when I have her by my side.

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Essay 2: Long Essay on My Mother Of 150 Words

My mother is a perfect human in my eyes. My mother is a homemaker. She looks after my father, brother, and me. Without her, none of us would be complete. She holds our family together.

I want to be like my mother when I grow up. I want to be kind, helpful, and beautiful like her. She helps me with all my work throughout the day. She wakes me up in the morning, makes delicious meals and tiffin for me. She takes me to school, helps me complete my homework, buys clothes, toys, and books for me. She narrates me stories at night, and I hold her hand before falling asleep.

My mother is my support system. I share my happiness and sadness with her. When I am wrong, she always corrects me. She wants me to be creative and strong. She is my greatest strength, and I love her.

10 Lines on My Mother In English

  • Mothers are the most precious person in our lives.
  • Mothers give birth to us and nurture us to become good human beings.
  • We always turn to our mothers when we are hurt or sad, but their love makes us feel better.
  • They teach us about what is right and wrong to do.
  • My mother helps me in every way possible and never refuses a request. They do everything to make us happy.
  • Mothers cook us healthy food because they want us to grow strong.
  • Mothers understand us the most and are our support systems for the longest time.
  • We should look after our mothers and protect them like they protect us.
  • Mothers are our first best friend. We can share all secrets with them.
  • My mother wants me to be strong, creative, and healthy. I will always take care of her.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Mother

Question:  Why are mothers so important to us?

Answer:  Mothers give birth to children and look after them. They help us grow into good human beings. They help us and show us the right ways in life. They support us emotionally and bring a lot of happiness to us. We are lucky to have mothers in our life.

Question:  How can we make our mothers happy?

Answer:  We should always look after our mother and take care of them. Sometimes we can make simple food for them or show our love by making a card for them. We should be a good person to make our mothers happy.

Question:  What should ‘My Mother’ essay consist?

Answer: ‘My Mother’ essay should consist of our mothers’ qualities. It should also consist, how our mothers are special to us and how we feel about them. Our mothers are the most important person in our life.

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