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How to Master Your Thesis Outline: A Step-by-Step Guide

Student organizing thesis notes at a desk.

Creating a thesis outline can seem like a big job, but it's a crucial first step in organizing your thoughts and research. This guide will walk you through each step of making a clear and detailed thesis outline. By following these steps, you can make the writing process smoother and more manageable.

Key Takeaways

  • Pick a research topic that interests you to stay motivated throughout your thesis journey.
  • A well-structured outline acts as a roadmap, guiding you through your research and writing process.
  • Regularly update your outline as your research progresses to keep it aligned with your objectives.
  • Use index cards to organize and visualize your ideas before writing them down.
  • Seek feedback from advisors and peers to refine and improve your outline.

Choosing a Research Topic

Identifying your interests.

Start by thinking about what excites you. Pick a topic that you find fun and fulfilling. This will keep you motivated throughout your research. Make a list of subjects you enjoy and see how they can relate to your field of study. Is the topic interesting to you? This is a crucial question to ask yourself.

Evaluating the Scope of the Topic

Once you have a few ideas, check if they are too broad or too narrow. A good topic should be manageable within the time you have. Ask yourself if you can cover all aspects of the topic in your thesis. Does the research topic fit the assignment? This is an important consideration.

Aligning Your Outline with Research Objectives

Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with your research objectives. This will help you stay focused and organized throughout your research process. Make sure there is enough information on the topic , but not too much. This balance is key to a successful thesis.

Establishing a Foundation: Crafting a Thesis Outline

Purpose and importance of a structured outline.

When you start working on your thesis, a well- structured outline is your guide. It helps you organize your ideas and ensures that each part of your thesis is clear and aligned with your research goals. This framework is essential for keeping your arguments focused and making your research impactful.

By following a structured outline, you can manage your time and resources better. It acts as a support system for your research process , helping you tackle complex topics without losing sight of your objectives. Here are some key reasons why a structured outline is crucial:

  • It organizes your thoughts and research findings.
  • It helps to prevent deviation from your research scope.
  • It ensures that your thesis statement is prominently featured, guiding the direction of your study.

Key Components of a Thesis Outline

A strong thesis outline includes several key components. These elements help you structure your research and present your findings logically. Here are the main parts of a thesis outline:

  • Introduction : Introduces the topic and presents the thesis statement.
  • Literature Review : Surveys existing research and situates your work within the scholarly conversation.
  • Methodology : Outlines the research methods and justifies their use.
  • Results : Presents the findings of your research.
  • Discussion : Interprets the results and discusses their implications.

Creating a Detailed Outline with Index Cards

Using index cards can be a practical way to create a detailed thesis outline. Write down each major point or section on a separate card. This method allows you to easily rearrange and organize your ideas. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Write each main idea or section on an index card.
  • Include subpoints or details on separate cards and place them under the relevant main idea.
  • Arrange the cards in a logical order that flows well.
  • Review and revise the order as needed to ensure coherence and clarity.

This approach helps you visualize the structure of your thesis and makes it easier to make adjustments as your research progresses.

Mastering the Literature Review

Utilizing the literature navigator.

Starting your literature review can be overwhelming, but the Literature Navigator can help you manage the process. This tool is designed to save you time, access quality sources, and prevent plagiarism. Follow these steps to make the most of it:

  • Begin with a preliminary review using multidisciplinary databases like ProQuest.
  • Identify key references and trace their citations to understand the evolution of thought around your topic.
  • Refine your approach by reviewing background information and consulting with a librarian if necessary.
  • Prepare a detailed outline for your paper, laying the foundation for an in-depth review.

Remember, the process of finding, evaluating, and selecting literature is not linear. Use tools like the Search Planner to keep your research organized. By following these steps and utilizing the Literature Navigator, you can ensure that your literature review is thorough and methodically structured, reflecting a clear understanding of your research area.

Synthesizing Existing Research

Synthesizing research findings is a crucial step in your thesis journey. It involves merging individual pieces of information to form a coherent understanding of your research topic. State your conclusions clearly , ensuring they reflect a synthesis of the research problem, your questions, findings, and the relevant literature. This process not only shows your grasp of the topic but also how your work contributes to the field.

When preparing your synthesis, consider the following steps:

  • Review your initial literature search results .
  • Identify gaps and how they influence your study's approach.
  • Structure your discussion logically, prioritizing significant findings.
  • Interpret data cautiously, avoiding over-interpretation.

Identifying Gaps in the Literature

Identifying gaps in the literature is essential for positioning your research within the academic community. Start by reviewing the existing body of work to find areas that have not been explored or need further investigation. This can be done by:

  • Analyzing the scope and limitations of current studies.
  • Looking for inconsistencies or contradictions in the findings.
  • Noting any emerging trends or new areas of interest.

By pinpointing these gaps, you can justify the need for your research and highlight its potential impact. This step is crucial for demonstrating the originality and relevance of your thesis.

Navigating the Research Terrain: Formulating Research Questions

Colorful roadmap with research tools and symbols.

Clarifying Research Objectives

Before diving into your research, it's crucial to clarify your research objectives . These objectives will guide your study and ensure that you stay on track. Start by asking yourself what you aim to achieve with your research. Are you looking to explore a new area, fill a gap in existing literature, or test a specific hypothesis? By defining your objectives early on, you can create a clear roadmap for your research.

Developing Effective Research Questions

Once your objectives are clear, the next step is to develop effective research questions. These questions should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your research goals. Use the 5 W's and H Questions method to brainstorm potential questions:

  • What? Define the main focus of your research.
  • Why? Explain the significance of your study.
  • Who? Identify the population or sample you will study.
  • When? Determine the timeframe for your research.
  • Where? Specify the location or context of your study.
  • How? Describe the methods you will use to conduct your research.

Aligning Questions with Methodology

Finally, ensure that your research questions align with your chosen methodology. Whether you opt for qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, your questions should be designed to be answerable within the framework of your methodology. For example, if you're using qualitative methods, your questions might focus on understanding experiences or perceptions. If you're using quantitative methods, your questions might aim to measure variables or test relationships between them.

By following these steps, you can formulate research questions that are clear, focused, and aligned with your research objectives and methodology.

Detailing the Methodology

Choosing between qualitative and quantitative methods.

Selecting the right methodology is crucial for your thesis. You need to decide between qualitative and quantitative methods based on your research questions. Qualitative methods are ideal for exploring complex phenomena and understanding human behavior. They often involve interviews, focus groups, and case studies. On the other hand, quantitative methods are suitable for studies requiring statistical analysis and numerical data. Surveys, experiments, and secondary data analysis are common quantitative techniques. Consider the nature of your research and the type of data you need to collect.

Describing Data Collection Techniques

Once you've chosen your methodology, the next step is to describe your data collection techniques. For qualitative research, this might include conducting interviews or focus groups. For quantitative research, you might use surveys or experiments. Be sure to explain why you chose these techniques and how they align with your research objectives. It's also important to address any ethical considerations, especially if you're working with human participants.

Ensuring Reliability and Validity

Ensuring the reliability and validity of your data is essential for producing credible research. Reliability refers to the consistency of your measurements, while validity concerns the accuracy of your findings. To enhance reliability, use standardized procedures and tools. For validity, ensure your methods accurately capture the concepts you're studying. Address potential biases and limitations in your methodology section to provide a transparent and robust framework for your research.

Presenting Your Findings

Organizing data logically.

When presenting your findings, it's crucial to organize your data logically . This can be done by structuring your results around your research questions, hypotheses, or the overall framework of your study. Each major finding should be a subtopic within this section, making it easier for readers to follow and understand your results. Remember, the goal is to present a clear and concise synopsis of your findings , followed by an explanation of key points.

Using Visual Aids Effectively

Visual aids can significantly enhance the presentation of your findings. Utilize charts, graphs, and tables to illustrate your data clearly. These tools not only make your results more engaging but also help in highlighting important findings . Be brief and concise , focusing on the most relevant details. If possible, use visual aids to attract attention and indicate interesting aspects of your data.

Interpreting Results

Interpreting your results involves explaining what your findings mean in the context of your research. Discuss the implications of your results, how they compare with existing studies, and what they contribute to the field. This section should also address any limitations of your study and suggest areas for future research. By providing a thorough interpretation, you help readers understand the significance of your work and its potential impact on the field.

Engaging in Critical Discussion

Students discussing around a table with books and laptops.

Analyzing Implications of Findings

When you analyze the implications of your findings, you need to step back and think critically . This means not just describing what you found, but also evaluating what these findings mean in the broader context of your field. It's essential to consider how your results align or contrast with existing studies . This will help you understand the significance of your work and its potential impact.

Comparing with Existing Studies

Comparing your findings with existing studies is a crucial part of critical discussion. This involves looking at how your results fit into the current body of knowledge. Are they consistent with what others have found, or do they challenge established theories? By doing this, you can highlight the unique contributions of your research and identify any gaps that still need to be addressed.

Addressing Limitations

No study is without limitations, and acknowledging these is a key aspect of critical discussion. Discuss the limitations of your research openly and honestly. This not only shows your understanding of the research process but also helps others to see the boundaries of your study. Consider how these limitations might have affected your results and what could be done in future research to overcome them.

Concluding with Impact

Summarizing key findings.

In this section, you need to restate the main points of your research. This is your chance to remind the reader of the journey they have taken through your thesis. Make sure to highlight the most significant findings and how they contribute to your field of study. This is not just a summary but a synthesis of your work, showing how all the pieces fit together.

Reflecting on Research Outcomes

Reflecting on your research outcomes involves discussing the broader implications of your findings. How do they fit into the existing body of knowledge? Do they support or contradict previous studies? This is where you can show the importance of your work and its potential impact on future research . Be honest about any limitations and suggest how future studies could build on your work.

Suggesting Areas for Future Study

No research is ever truly complete. In this section, propose areas where further research is needed. What questions remain unanswered? What new questions have arisen from your findings? This not only shows that you have a deep understanding of your topic but also helps to guide future researchers who may build on your work.

Mastering Time Management for Thesis Completion

Setting specific and measurable goals.

To effectively manage your time while working on your thesis, start by setting specific and measurable goals. Break your project into smaller, manageable tasks and set deadlines for each. This approach not only keeps you on track but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you progress. Establish a consistent writing routine and allocate dedicated time for your thesis.

Creating a Writing Schedule

Creating a writing schedule is essential for staying organized and ensuring steady progress. Use a calendar or project management tool to plan your tasks. Break down your thesis into sections and assign time slots for each. For example:

  • Week 1: Literature search and bullet point collation
  • Week 2: Creation of figures and initial writing
  • Week 3: Completion of writing
  • Week 4: Editing and feedback

This structured approach helps you stay focused and avoid last-minute rushes.

Balancing Writing with Other Responsibilities

Balancing your thesis work with other responsibilities can be challenging. To make things more manageable, break the project into smaller steps or stages . Prioritize your tasks and set realistic deadlines. Remember to be flexible but realistic , allowing time for unexpected circumstances. By knowing when your assignments are due and creating a schedule that works for you, you can better manage your time and reduce stress.

Incorporate regular breaks and self-care into your schedule to avoid burnout. Seek support from your advisor and peers to stay motivated and on track. By following these strategies, you can master time management and successfully complete your thesis.

Refining Your Thesis

Seeking feedback from advisors and peers.

Getting feedback is crucial for refining your thesis. Share your draft with your advisor and peers to gain different perspectives. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas that need improvement. Don't hesitate to ask specific questions to guide the feedback process.

Revising for Clarity and Coherence

Revising your thesis involves more than just correcting errors. Focus on improving the clarity and coherence of your arguments. Make sure each section flows logically into the next. Use tools like the Research Proposal Compass to help structure your revisions effectively.

Proofreading for Grammar and Style

Proofreading is the final step in refining your thesis. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and style. Reading your work aloud can help you catch errors you might miss when reading silently. Utilize resources like grammar checkers, but don't rely solely on them. Peer reviews can provide valuable feedback and new perspectives.

Preparing for Thesis Submission

Understanding submission guidelines.

Before you submit your thesis, it's crucial to understand the specific guidelines set by your university. These guidelines often include formatting requirements, submission deadlines, and any necessary documentation. Familiarizing yourself with these guidelines early on can save you from last-minute stress. Make sure to check if there are any specific instructions for electronic or hard copy submissions.

Organizing Required Documents

Gather all the necessary documents well in advance. This typically includes your thesis manuscript, any required forms, and supplementary materials like appendices or data sets. Use a checklist to ensure you have everything in order. Proper organization can streamline the submission process and help you avoid any last-minute hiccups.

Planning for Final Revisions

Before you submit, take the time to make any final revisions. This includes proofreading for grammar and style, as well as ensuring that all citations and references are correctly formatted. Consider seeking feedback from advisors or peers to catch any overlooked errors. Remember, a polished thesis reflects your hard work and attention to detail.

Getting ready to submit your thesis can be a stressful time. But don't worry, we've got your back! Our step-by-step Thesis Action Plan is designed to help you tackle every challenge with ease. From organizing your research to writing the final draft, our guides make the process simple and stress-free. Ready to make your thesis journey smoother?

Mastering your thesis outline is a crucial step in the journey of academic writing. A well-structured outline not only organizes your thoughts but also provides a clear roadmap for your research. By choosing a topic that excites you, creating a detailed plan, and remaining flexible to new insights, you can navigate the complexities of thesis writing with confidence. Remember, your outline is a living document that evolves with your research. Regularly revisiting and refining it will ensure that your thesis remains focused and coherent. With dedication and the right strategies, you can craft a compelling thesis that makes a meaningful contribution to your field of study.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i pick a research topic for my thesis.

Choose a topic that interests you and has plenty of resources. This will keep you motivated and make your research easier.

Why is a thesis outline important?

A well-structured outline helps organize your thoughts, keeps your research on track, and ensures you cover all necessary points.

What should be included in a thesis outline?

Your outline should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

How can I effectively manage my time while writing a thesis?

Set specific, measurable goals and create a writing schedule. Break your work into smaller tasks and stick to deadlines.

What is the best way to conduct a literature review?

Start by gathering existing research on your topic. Summarize and analyze these sources to identify gaps your thesis can fill.

How do I develop strong research questions?

Ensure your research questions are clear, focused, and aligned with your research objectives. They should guide your study effectively.

What are some tips for revising my thesis?

Seek feedback from advisors and peers. Revise for clarity and coherence, and proofread for grammar and style errors.

What should I know about the thesis submission process?

Understand your university's submission guidelines, organize all required documents, and plan for final revisions to avoid last-minute stress.

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Know How to Structure Your PhD Thesis

  • 4 minute read

Table of Contents

In your academic career, few projects are more important than your PhD thesis. Unfortunately, many university professors and advisors assume that their students know how to structure a PhD. Books have literally been written on the subject, but there’s no need to read a book in order to know about PhD thesis paper format and structure. With that said, however, it’s important to understand that your PhD thesis format requirement may not be the same as another student’s. The bottom line is that how to structure a PhD thesis often depends on your university and department guidelines.

But, let’s take a look at a general PhD thesis format. We’ll look at the main sections, and how to connect them to each other. We’ll also examine different hints and tips for each of the sections. As you read through this toolkit, compare it to published PhD theses in your area of study to see how a real-life example looks.

Main Sections of a PhD Thesis

In almost every PhD thesis or dissertation, there are standard sections. Of course, some of these may differ, depending on your university or department requirements, as well as your topic of study, but this will give you a good idea of the basic components of a PhD thesis format.

  • Abstract : The abstract is a brief summary that quickly outlines your research, touches on each of the main sections of your thesis, and clearly outlines your contribution to the field by way of your PhD thesis. Even though the abstract is very short, similar to what you’ve seen in published research articles, its impact shouldn’t be underestimated. The abstract is there to answer the most important question to the reviewer. “Why is this important?”
  • Introduction : In this section, you help the reviewer understand your entire dissertation, including what your paper is about, why it’s important to the field, a brief description of your methodology, and how your research and the thesis are laid out. Think of your introduction as an expansion of your abstract.
  • Literature Review : Within the literature review, you are making a case for your new research by telling the story of the work that’s already been done. You’ll cover a bit about the history of the topic at hand, and how your study fits into the present and future.
  • Theory Framework : Here, you explain assumptions related to your study. Here you’re explaining to the review what theoretical concepts you might have used in your research, how it relates to existing knowledge and ideas.
  • Methods : This section of a PhD thesis is typically the most detailed and descriptive, depending of course on your research design. Here you’ll discuss the specific techniques you used to get the information you were looking for, in addition to how those methods are relevant and appropriate, as well as how you specifically used each method described.
  • Results : Here you present your empirical findings. This section is sometimes also called the “empiracles” chapter. This section is usually pretty straightforward and technical, and full of details. Don’t shortcut this chapter.
  • Discussion : This can be a tricky chapter, because it’s where you want to show the reviewer that you know what you’re talking about. You need to speak as a PhD versus a student. The discussion chapter is similar to the empirical/results chapter, but you’re building on those results to push the new information that you learned, prior to making your conclusion.
  • Conclusion : Here, you take a step back and reflect on what your original goals and intentions for the research were. You’ll outline them in context of your new findings and expertise.

Tips for your PhD Thesis Format

As you put together your PhD thesis, it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed. Here are some tips that might keep you on track.

  • Don’t try to write your PhD as a first-draft. Every great masterwork has typically been edited, and edited, and…edited.
  • Work with your thesis supervisor to plan the structure and format of your PhD thesis. Be prepared to rewrite each section, as you work out rough drafts. Don’t get discouraged by this process. It’s typical.
  • Make your writing interesting. Academic writing has a reputation of being very dry.
  • You don’t have to necessarily work on the chapters and sections outlined above in chronological order. Work on each section as things come up, and while your work on that section is relevant to what you’re doing.
  • Don’t rush things. Write a first draft, and leave it for a few days, so you can come back to it with a more critical take. Look at it objectively and carefully grammatical errors, clarity, logic and flow.
  • Know what style your references need to be in, and utilize tools out there to organize them in the required format.
  • It’s easier to accidentally plagiarize than you think. Make sure you’re referencing appropriately, and check your document for inadvertent plagiarism throughout your writing process.

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outline phd thesis

PhD Dissertation Outline: Creating a Roadmap to Success

PhD dissertation outline: Dissertation structure and format

A good PhD dissertation outline is as important to your dissertation as a map is to get you to your destination. Imagine for instance you’re trying to drive to a specific place to attend a party you’ve been looking forward to. You know the address, but you don’t have a map or a driving app. You get there eventually, but it takes a lot longer that it should have and stresses you so much that you’re in a bad mood when you get there. The party ends up being a bust. 

This is similar to trying to write an academic paper, especially a PhD dissertation, without using an outline. 

Why you need a PhD dissertation outline

When you do your PhD, outlines become the driving app for your academic paper, giving you direction so you know what’s in front of you. This is especially important for a PhD dissertation because of its physical length and the amount of time you will need to live with it. Successful PhD dissertation writing requires a laser focus, and an outline makes a great navigator. 

There are many advantages of creating a PhD dissertation outline 1,2 : 

  • Organize your project – Using an PhD dissertation outline will help you organize your thoughts and your work. If you have an idea or find a bit of information to include in a different section, simply write a note in the appropriate place to remind yourself. 
  • Stay on task – Like the driving app, a PhD dissertation structure keeps you on the proper road and minimizes distractions. When writing without keeping in mind your PhD dissertation structure, it’s easy to find yourself in the weeds. 
  • Increase productivity – A PhD dissertation outline keeps you aware of what you have to do, allows you to set goals, and be more productive. 
  • Save time – This is a major advantage in PhD dissertation writing. The faster you can successfully complete your dissertation process, the more money you’ll save, and the sooner you can get on with the rest of your life. 
  • Reduce anxiety – The effective use of a good PhD dissertation outline will give you control over this massive project. You’ll be more confident that you can successfully complete your PhD dissertation. 

How to write a PhD dissertation outline

So, now that you’re convinced that you need a PhD dissertation outline, where do you start? A few general steps will get you on the right road 3 : 

  • Select an appropriate topic: This one might seem obvious, but it is often a very difficult decision to make. The topic will guide the approach and research methodology. Although the research question will probably be tweaked along the way, not choosing a relevant topic at the start will result in chaos later on. 
  • Review other dissertations on your topic: This will give you an idea about what your PhD dissertation structure will look like. 
  • Draft a research problem: The research problem is the core of your dissertation and will guide your methodology and thus strongly influence your PhD dissertation structure. 
  • Get input from your advisor/supervisor: Seek advice from your supervisor on some PhD thesis outline examples and take advantage of any assistance they provide to help you choose wisely. This will help keep you on the right road

PhD dissertation structure

Doctoral dissertations typically have five standard chapters, although your university might have a specific required structure. Here is a brief description of the typical five-chapter PhD dissertation format 3 . 

Chapter 1: Introduction – This section provides an overview of the dissertation including its topic, purpose, and relevance. Typically, the general subject area is discussed and narrowed down to the research topic. Then, the research questions are posed, and the methodology is presented.  Chapter 2: Literature Review – A comprehensive survey and synthesis of existing studies on the research topic, the literature review demonstrates the research gap and sets the context for the research question. Depending on the topic, theory may also be explored. Existing methodologies used to address this topic are also discussed.  Chapter 3: Methodology – In this section, the methodology and materials used to collect and analyze the research data are presented in enough detail to demonstrate the validity of the method and allow the research to be duplicated by others.  Chapter 4: Results – The research findings are reported in this section and presented in relation to the research question. Relevant visuals such as tables and figures are typically included here to communicate the findings effectively.  C hapter 5: Discussion – In a five-chapter format, this is the final chapter in a PhD dissertation format. In this chapter, the findings are discussed and interpreted in light of the research question. Bits from all the chapters are synthesized to completely address the research question. 

An additional chapter is sometimes added that includes conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions for future research. 

Tips for creating your PhD dissertation outline 3,4

Finally, here are some quick and useful tips for your PhD thesis outline journey. 

  • Use the structure to complete the outline – Carefully think about each chapter and write down questions and information you will need. 
  • Create your outline early – Keep it up to date through your early research and advisor meetings. 
  • Be flexible – Changes will need to be made to your outline as you progress. 
  • Be detailed – You never know when a small piece of information you jotted down in your outline will save you time and anxiety. 
  • Keep in close contact with your PhD dissertation advisor/supervisor – Make sure to share your outline. You may just save yourself a lot of time and misery if major changes need to be made. 
  • Stay calm – Changes will come from different committee members. Remember, they are just trying to strengthen your work. 
  • Statistics Solutions. The benefit of outlining. https://www.statisticssolutions.com/the-benefits-of-outlining/ [Accessed 14 July 2022].
  • PapersOwl. How To Create An Outline For A Dissertation? https://papersowl.com/blog/outline-for-dissertation [Accessed 14 July 2022].
  • Research.com. What Is A University Dissertation: Structure, Challenges & Writing Tips. https://research.com/research/what-is-a-university-dissertation [Accessed 14 July 2022].
  • Docformats.com. Dissertation Outline Templates. https://www.docformats.com/dissertation-outline-templates/ [Accessed 14 July 2022].

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Published on 8 June 2022 by Tegan George .

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process . It helps you to lay out and organise your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation, such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

In the final product, you can also provide a chapter outline for your readers. This is a short paragraph at the end of your introduction to inform readers about the organisational structure of your thesis or dissertation . This chapter outline is also known as a reading guide or summary outline.

Table of contents

How to outline your thesis or dissertation, dissertation and thesis outline templates, chapter outline example, sample sentences for your chapter outline, sample verbs for variation in your chapter outline, frequently asked questions about outlines.

While there are some inter-institutional differences, many outlines proceed in a fairly similar fashion.

  • Working Title
  • ‘Elevator pitch’ of your work (often written last).
  • Introduce your area of study, sharing details about your research question, problem statement , and hypotheses . Situate your research within an existing paradigm or conceptual or theoretical framework .
  • Subdivide as you see fit into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Describe your research methods (e.g., your scope, population , and data collection ).
  • Present your research findings and share about your data analysis methods.
  • Answer the research question in a concise way.
  • Interpret your findings, discuss potential limitations of your own research and speculate about future implications or related opportunities.

To help you get started, we’ve created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format. It’s easy adapt it to your own requirements.

 Download Word template    Download Google Docs template

Chapter outline example British English

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of overusing the same words or sentence constructions, which can make your work monotonous and repetitive for your readers. Consider utilising some of the alternative constructions presented below.

Example 1: Passive construction

The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise.

Example 2: IS-AV construction

You can also present your information using the ‘IS-AV’ (inanimate subject with an active verb) construction.

A chapter is an inanimate object, so it is not capable of taking an action itself (e.g., presenting or discussing). However, the meaning of the sentence is still easily understandable, so the IS-AV construction can be a good way to add variety to your text.

Example 3: The I construction

Another option is to use the ‘I’ construction, which is often recommended by style manuals (e.g., APA Style and Chicago style ). However, depending on your field of study, this construction is not always considered professional or academic. Ask your supervisor if you’re not sure.

Example 4: Mix-and-match

To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice , IS-AV construction , and ‘I’ construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text.

As you draft the chapter outline, you may also find yourself frequently repeating the same words, such as ‘discuss’, ‘present’, ‘prove’, or ‘show’. Consider branching out to add richness and nuance to your writing. Here are some examples of synonyms you can use.

Address Describe Imply Refute
Argue Determine Indicate Report
Claim Emphasise Mention Reveal
Clarify Examine Point out Speculate
Compare Explain Posit Summarise
Concern Formulate Present Target
Counter Focus on Propose Treat
Define Give Provide insight into Underpin
Demonstrate Highlight Recommend Use

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organise your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

All level 1 and 2 headings should be included in your table of contents . That means the titles of your chapters and the main sections within them.

The contents should also include all appendices and the lists of tables and figures, if applicable, as well as your reference list .

Do not include the acknowledgements or abstract   in the table of contents.

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George, T. (2022, June 08). Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved 9 September 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/thesis-dissertation/outline-thesis-dissertation/

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Tegan George

Other students also liked, dissertation table of contents in word | instructions & examples, how to write a dissertation proposal | a step-by-step guide, thesis & dissertation acknowledgements | tips & examples.

  • A Guide to Writing a PhD Thesis

Written by Ben Taylor

A PhD thesis is a work of original research all students are requiured to submit in order to succesfully complete their PhD. The thesis details the research that you carried out during the course of your doctoral degree and highlights the outcomes and conclusions reached.

The PhD thesis is the most important part of a doctoral research degree: the culmination of three or four years of full-time work towards producing an original contribution to your academic field.

Your PhD dissertation can therefore seem like quite a daunting possibility, with a hefty word count, the pressure of writing something new and, of course, the prospect of defending it at a viva once you’ve finished.

This page will give you an introduction to what you need to know about the doctoral thesis, with advice on structure, feedback, submission and more.

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Beginning your phd thesis.

The first stage of your PhD thesis will usually be the literature review . We’ve already written a detailed guide to what the PhD literature review involves , but here’s what you need to know about this stage of your PhD:

  • The literature review is a chance for you to display your knowledge and understanding of what’s already been written about your research area – this could consist of papers, articles, books, data and more
  • Rather than simply summarising what other scholars have said about your subject, you should aim to assess and analyse their arguments
  • The literature review is usually the first task of your PhD – and typically forms the first part or chapter of your dissertation

After finishing your literature review, you’ll move onto the bulk of your doctoral thesis. Of course, you’ll eventually return to the lit review to make sure it’s up-to-date and contains any additional material you may have come across during the course of your research.

PhD thesis research

What sets your PhD thesis apart from previous university work you’ve done is the fact that it should represent an original contribution to academic knowledge . The form that this original contribution takes will largely depend on your discipline.

  • Arts and Humanities dissertations usually involve investigating different texts, sources and theoretical frameworks
  • Social Sciences are more likely to focus on qualitive or quantitative surveys and case studies
  • STEM subjects involve designing, recording and analysing experiments, using their data to prove or disprove a set theory

Depending on the nature of your research, you may ‘write up’ your findings as you go, or leave it until the dedicated ‘writing-up’ period, usually in the third year of your PhD. Whatever your approach, it’s vital to keep detailed notes of your sources and methods – it’ll make your life a lot easier when it comes to using references in your dissertation further down the line.

PhD thesis vs dissertation

It’s common to use the terms ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ interchangeably, but strictly speaking there is a difference in meaning between them:

  • Your thesis is your argument. It’s the conclusions you’ve arrived at through surveying existing scholarship in your literature review and combining this with the results of your own original research.
  • Your dissertation is the written statement of your thesis. This is where you lay out your findings in a way that systematically demonstrates and proves your conclusion.

Put simply, you submit a dissertation, but it’s the thesis it attempts to prove that will form the basis of your PhD.

What this also means is that the writing up of your dissertation generally follows the formulation of your doctoral thesis (it’s fairly difficult to write up a PhD before you know what you want to say!).

However, it’s normal for universities and academics to use either (or both) terms when describing PhD research – indeed, we use both ‘thesis’ and ‘dissertation’ across our website.

Can I use my Masters research in my PhD thesis?

If you’re studying an MPhil, it’s normal to ‘ upgrade ’ it into a PhD. Find mroe information on our guide.

PhD thesis structure

Having completed your initial literature review and conducted your original research, you’ll move onto the next phase of your doctoral dissertation, beginning to sketch out a plan that your thesis will follow.

The exact structure and make-up of your doctoral thesis will vary between fields, but this is the general template that many dissertations follow:

  • Introduction – This sets out the key objectives of your project, why the work is significant and what its original contribution to knowledge is. At this point you may also summarise the remaining chapters, offering an abstract of the argument you will go on to develop.
  • Literature review – The introduction will generally lead into a write-up of your literature review. Here you’ll outline the scholarly context for your project. You’ll acknowledge where existing research has shaped your PhD, but emphasise the unique nature of your work.
  • Chapters – After you’ve finished introducing your research, you’ll begin the bulk of the dissertation. This will summarise your results and begin explaining the argument you have based on them. Some PhDs will also include specific chapters on methodology and / or a recreation of the data you have developed. Others will develop your argument over a series of stages, drawing on sources and results as relevant.
  • Conclusion – The dissertation will end with a final chapter that pulls together the different elements of your argument and the evidence you have provided for it. You’ll restate the significance of your project (and its all-important original contribution to knowledge). You may also take the opportunity to acknowledge the potential for further work or opportunities to apply your findings outside academia.
  • Bibliography and appendices – At the end of your thesis, you’ll need to include a full list of the books, articles and data you’ve referenced in a bibliography. You may also need to provide additional information in the form of an appendix.

How long is a PhD thesis?

The length of a PhD thesis varies from subject to subject, but all are far longer than those for undergraduate or Masters degrees. Your university will usually set an upper limit – typically between 70,000 and 100,000 words, with most dissertations coming in at around 80,000 words.

Generally speaking, STEM-based theses will be a little shorter than those in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Different universities (and departments) will have different policies regarding what counts towards the PhD thesis word count, so make sure you’re aware what is expected of you. Check with your supervisor whether references, the bibliography or appendices are included in the word count for your dissertation.

How many chapters should a PhD thesis have?

There’s no hard and fast rule for the numbers of chapters in a PhD thesis, but most will have four or five chapters (in addition to the introduction and conclusion). This is the sort of thing you’ll discuss with your supervisor when planning out your research.

Writing up your PhD thesis

Once you’ve conducted your research and settled upon your thesis, there’s only one thing left to do: get it down on paper. Appropriately enough, this final part of a PhD is often referred to as the ‘ writing up period ’.

This is when you produce the final dissertation, which will be submitted as the basis for your viva voce exam. The nature of this task can vary from PhD to PhD.

In some cases you may already have a large amount of chapter drafts and other material. ‘Writing up’ therefore becomes a process of re-drafting and assembling this work into a final dissertation. This approach is common in Arts and Humanities subjects where PhD students tend to work through stages of a project, writing as they go.

Alternatively, you may have spent most of your PhD collecting and analysing data. If so, you’ll now ‘write up’ your findings and conclusions in order to produce your final dissertation. This approach is more common in STEM subjects, where experiment design and data collection are much more resource intensive.

Whatever process you adopt, you’ll now produce a persuasive and coherent statement of your argument, ready to submit for examination.

PhD thesis feedback

Your supervisor will usually give you feedback on each chapter draft, and then feedback on the overall completed dissertation draft before you submit it for examination. When the thesis is a work-in-progress, their comments will be a chance for them to make sure your research is going in the right direction and for you to ask their advice on anything you’re concerned about. This feedback will normally be given in the form of a supervisory meeting.

Although your PhD supervisor will be happy to give you advice on your work, you shouldn’t expect them to be an editor – it’s not their responsibility to correct grammatical or spelling mistakes, and you should make sure any drafts you submit to them are as error-free as possible. Similarly, they won’t be willing to edit your work down to fit a particular word count.

Finishing your PhD thesis

When you’ve finished the final draft of your doctoral thesis and it’s been approved by your supervisor, you’ll submit it for examination. This is when it’s sent to the examiners who will conduct your viva.

Submitting your thesis involves printing enough copies for your examiners and the university’s repository. Don’t leave this until the last minute – printing multiple copies of a 300-page document is a substantial undertaking and you should always allow enough time to account for any possible glitches or issues with the printing process.

Your viva will usually take place within three months of submitting your thesis. You can find out more in our dedicated guide to the PhD viva . After your viva, your examiners will give you a report that confirms whether or not you need to make any changes to your thesis, with several different potential outcomes:

  • Pass – You’ve received your doctoral qualification!
  • Minor corrections – These are usually fairly small edits, tweaks and improvements to your thesis, which you’ll be given three months to implement
  • Major corrections – For these substantial changes, you may have to rewrite part of your dissertation or complete extra research, with a six-month deadline

Most PhD students will need to fix some corrections with their thesis (hopefully not major ones). It’s very rare for a dissertation to be failed.

Once you’ve made any necessary changes to your thesis, you’ll submit it one last time (usually electronically).

If you have plans to publish all or part of your work, you may want to request an embargo so that it won’t be visible to the public for a certain time. 12 months is a fairly standard time period for this, although you may want to ask for a longer embargo if you know that you want to turn your thesis into a book or monograph.

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FREE Templates, Examples & Resources 📥

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Full dissertations & theses

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Full dissertation template (all in one)

Ultimate dissertation writing checklist

Research topic evaluation tool (Excel)

Literature review catalogue/matrix (Excel)

Research paper template (Word)

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Can I edit the templates?

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Should I follow the templates verbatim?

The templates are based on standardized chapter structures, but the exact structure and layout required by your university may differ. Therefore, it’s always best to review the specific requirements of your university and program before settling on a structure.

What's the difference between the full template and the chapter templates?

The full dissertation/thesis template provides a high-level outline structure, whereas the individual chapter templates provide more detail.

If you’re just starting the writing process, the former could help you structure your outline document and get a feel for how it all fits together, whereas the latter (chapter-specific templates) can be used as you approach each chapter.

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Creating a dissertation outline, published by nicholas tippins on may 5, 2020 may 5, 2020.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:51 am

When you begin the dissertation process, you’ll need to start outlining what the final dissertation will look like. Usually, this is accomplished as part of the process you undergo with your committee. 

You begin with a Prospectus, which is essentially an overview of what you plan to do. This serves the purpose of a traditional outline: gaining clarity on your area of focus, your research methods, and what you hope to accomplish with the study. If you’re at that stage, take a look at our article on writing a dissertation prospectus .

How to Write a Dissertation Outline

If you’ve moved on to the Proposal stage, you’ll want to start creating a dissertation outline.

Fortunately for you, most of the work is already done for you. Most institutions have very specific requirements about the sections that each chapter of your dissertation should have, as well as the order in which they appear. 

These requirements function as the structure of your dissertation outline. You just have to fill it in with the specifics of your study.

If you haven’t already, make sure to ask for whatever rubric, outline, or list of requirements your committee has for you.

woman in a white blouse working on her laptop next to a large pile of books

Sample Dissertation Outline

If you’ve looked at your committee’s rubric already and are unclear, or if you’re just looking to see a sample of what a dissertation outline might look like, we’ve included one below, based on official outlines from several universities as well as our own experience editing and coaching .

The structure of your dissertation will change slightly depending on whether it’s qualitative or quantitative. However, these differences aren’t significant in the outlining stage (it will usually just mean different titles for some sub-headings). 

Note that while this is an example of a dissertation outline, your institution may have a slightly different format or requirements. It’s important to look at whatever your committee gives you, as that will provide you the best guidance for how to write your dissertation outline. 

A dissertation title deserves special attention and has special requirements. Make sure that your title is in alignment with the rest of your sections. Essentially, it should be a variation on the phrasing of the problem and purpose statement. 

Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.

outline phd thesis

The title should feature the most important conceptual issue(s) being explored (for qualitative) or the key variables and the relationship between them (for quantitative), and the population being studied.

The Abstract is a summary of the study. Many students write their Abstract after they have completed their study and written the five chapters of their dissertation. Your Abstract should include :

  • Introduction to the topic
  • Problem statement
  • Purpose statement
  • Key research questions
  • Research method and design
  • Participants
  • Key Results
  • Conclusions and recommendations for future research.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1 is the introduction to the study. Some of the material for Chapter 1 is already present in your Prospectus. It’s also a summary of what you plan to study, why it’s important, and what methods you plan to use.

Introduction to the Chapter: A few paragraphs introducing the study.

Background: Describe your area of study, relevant research, and identify the gap in research that you seek to fill.

Problem Statement: The problem you intend to address with your study. See this article on Alignment .

Purpose Statement: The purpose of the study. See this article on Alignment . 

Research Questions: The questions you seek to answer. Also see this article on Alignment .

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework: This is the lens through which you will be viewing your research. It must be an established theory.

Nature of the Study: A discussion of your method and design and how this will accomplish the purpose of the study.

Definition of Key Terms: Definitions of key terms and concepts, and (for quantitative) your variables. Include citations for your definitions.

Summary of the Chapter: A few paragraphs summarizing the chapter with a transition to Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Chapter 2 is when you have the most freedom of organization. Besides the initial sections, the bulk of the chapter’s organization is up to you. This is because you are expected to present a summary of the relevant research in whatever way makes the most sense. 

People most commonly organize their literature review by topic, but some choose to organize it chronologically or by other methods.

Introduction: After re-stating the problem and purpose of your study, provide a very brief overview of the relevant literature.

Documentation of Literature Search Strategy: In this section, you explain the way you went about conducting your literature review . For example, what search terms did you use and which databases did you search? How did you identify relevant literature?

Sub Topic a

Sub Topic b

Continue to create topics and subtopics until you’ve covered all of the literature you wish to discuss.

Summary: A brief summary of the literature. Reiterate the gap in literature that you’re seeking to f ill.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 3 is where you dive deep into the specifics of how you’ll execute your study.

Introduction: After re-stating the problem and purpose of your study, provide a very brief introduction to the methodology.

Research method and design: Describe your chosen design and why it is the best fit to accomplish the purpose of your study. 

Population: Describe the relevant population, specific characteristics, and the approximate size.

Procedures for recruitment and data collection: Here you describe the specific procedures for recruiting participants and collecting data.

Instruments: Identify your chosen instruments and explain why they are the best fit for your study. Describe who developed it and give scholarly citations for its effectiveness.

Data analysis plan: Here you describe the process for analyzing the data and identify any software you will use to assist you.

Assumptions: List aspects of the study that are believed but that you cannot verify to be true. Only include those that are of critical relevance to the study. 

Scope and Delimitations: Many people mistake this section for “limitations,” (since it sounds similar), but it’s really related to the boundaries you draw about what you will study and what you won’t. This includes aspects of the research problem as well as geographical boundaries or demographic requirements.

Limitations: Describe any weaknesses related to methodology or design as well as any biases that influence the study and how they will be addressed. Describe measures you are taking to reduce the effect of the limitations. (Don’t worry–every study has limitations! It actually reflects positively on you as a scholar to have the awareness necessary to see and articulate these).

Ethical Considerations: Here you discuss how you will comply with relevant ethical standards when conducting your study. This may include things like informed consent, protection of vulnerable populations, data security, etc. Include a note about getting IRB approval.

Summary : A brief summary and transition.

Note: You write the first three chapters BEFORE you conduct your study (this is your Dissertation Proposal). You write the final two chapters AFTER conducting your study, and change the tense in the first three chapters from future to past tense. Together, these five chapters make your completed dissertation.

Chapter 4: Results or Findings

Introduction: A brief introduction to the findings

Setting and Demographics: Report on the setting the study took place in and the demographics of the participants. Highlight any differences from your plan in Chapter 3.

Data Analysis: Describe the data analysis process. 

Results: Report the results of the study. Provide enough information so that the reader can understand and make an independent judgment about your decision. This section is usually fairly long and includes selections of data (numbers, charts, graphs, quotes from participants, etc.).

Summary: Briefly summarize the results and transition to Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: Interpretations, Conclusions, Recommendations

After rigorously citing your sources in the first three chapters, Chapter 5 is your opportunity to present your thoughts on the results of your study. Use this opportunity to its fullest potential! While many students just want to get their dissertation over with, a little extra care with this section can make a huge difference in the quality of your dissertation.

Introduction: Concisely summarize the findings.

outline phd thesis

Implications: Describe your interpretation of the findings. It’s important to make sure that the conclusions you draw are within the scope of your study. Support all of your conclusions with the research findings. Describe how these results relate to the problem and purpose of your study. Discuss how this study contributes to scholarly knowledge and could create an impact in the world.

Limitations: Describe the limitations of your study.

Recommendations for Future Research: Based on your findings and the limitations of your study, describe your recommendations for future research. This could be somebody’s dissertation in the future!

Nicholas Tippins

Nicholas has been a dissertation editor since 2015. He founded a dissertation editing firm that served clients around the world. Currently, he manages the editing team at Beyond PhD Coaching.

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Theses and dissertations are already intensive, long-term projects that require a lot of effort and time from their authors. Formatting for submission to the university is often the last thing that graduate students do, and may delay earning the relevant degree if done incorrectly.

Below are some strategies graduate students can use to deal with institutional formatting requirements to earn their degrees on time.

Disciplinary conventions are still paramount.

Scholars in your own discipline are the most common readers of your dissertation; your committee, too, will expect your work to match with their expectations as members of your field. The style guide your field uses most commonly is always the one you should follow, and if your field uses conventions such as including all figures and illustrations at the end of the document, you should do so. After these considerations are met, move on to university formatting. Almost always, university formatting only deals with things like margins, font, numbering of chapters and sections, and illustrations; disciplinary style conventions in content such as APA's directive to use only last names of authors in-text are not interfered with by university formatting at all.

Use your university's formatting guidelines and templates to your advantage.

If your institution has a template for formatting your thesis or dissertation that you can use, do so. Don't look at another student's document and try to replicate it yourself. These templates typically have the necessary section breaks and styles already in the document, and you can copy in your work from your existing draft using the style pane in MS Word to ensure you're using the correct formatting (similarly with software such as Overleaf when writing in LaTeX, templates do a lot of the work for you). It's also often easier for workers in the offices that deal with theses and dissertations to help you with your work if you're using their template — they are familiar with these templates and can often navigate them more proficiently.

These templates also include placeholders for all front matter you will need to include in your thesis or dissertation, and may include guidelines for how to write these. Front matter includes your table of contents, acknowledgements, abstract, abbreviation list, figure list, committee page, and (sometimes) academic history or CV; everything before your introduction is front matter. Since front matter pages such as the author's academic history and dissertation committee are usually for the graduate school and not for your department, your advisor might not remember to have you include them. Knowing about them well before your deposit date means you won't be scrambling to fill in placeholders at the last minute or getting your work returned for revision from the graduate school.

Consider institutional formatting early and often.

Many graduate students leave this aspect of submitting their projects until it's almost too late to work on it, causing delays in obtaining their degree. Simply being aware that this is a task you'll have to complete and making sure you know where templates are, who you can ask for help in your graduate office or your department, and what your institution's guidelines are can help alleviate this issue. Once you know what you'll be expected to do to convert to university formatting, you can set regular check-in times for yourself to do this work in pieces rather than all at once (for instance, when you've completed a chapter and had it approved by your chair). 

Consider fair use for images and other third-party content.

Most theses and dissertations are published through ProQuest or another publisher (Harvard, for instance, uses their own open publishing service). For this reason, it may be the case that your institution requires all images or other content obtained from other sources to fall under fair use rules or, if an image is not considered under fair use, you'll have to obtain permission to print it in your dissertation. Your institution should have more guidance on their specific expectations for fair use content; knowing what these guidelines are well in advance of your deposit date means you won't have to make last-minute changes or removals to deposit your work.

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A Simple Thesis Outline for your Research

A Complete Dissertation or Thesis Outline

Dr. Somasundaram R

A thesis outline is a document that contains a detailed description of the research that will be conducted as part of a thesis or dissertation. It includes a description of the research problem, the research objectives, the research methodology, and the expected results. Thesis outlines are typically created by the PhD Scholar in consultation with their research advisor or supervisor. In this article, we have explained the simple thesis or dissertation outline for your PhD work.

Dissertation or Thesis Outline

1. cover page and title page.

A cover page is the first page of a document. It is usually used to give the title and author of the document, as well as other important information such as the institution information, emblem, year of degree completion, and the name of the degree for which the document is intended.

2. Declaration and certification

A declaration is a statement made by the candidate confirming that the work presented in the thesis is their own and that they have not plagiarised the work of others. A certification is a statement made by the candidate’s supervisor(s) or other academic staff confirming that the work presented in the thesis is of an acceptable standard.

3. Acknowledgments

An acknowledgment is a statement of appreciation for help or support during the research and writing process. This includes acknowledgment to the head of the institution, supervision or guide, funded agencies, and family members.

4. Abstract

An abstract in a thesis is a brief summary of the entire work. It should include the research question , the scope of the research, the methodology, and the main findings. The abstract should be no more than a page in length.

5. Table of Contents (chapters, headings, & subheadings)

A table of contents is a list of the chapters and sections of a thesis document. It is usually placed at the beginning of the thesis.

6. Chapter 1: Introduction

An introduction is the first chapter of a thesis or dissertation. It introduces the reader to the problem or topic of the work.

6.1 Define the Problem

6.2 purpose of the study, 6.3 research questions.

Read: How to formulate a research question?

6.4 Significance of the Study

6.5 definition of terms, 6.6 delimitations of the study, 6.7 assumptions, 6.8 organization of the study/thesis, 7. chapter 2: review of related literature and research.

  • Begin with a listing of the subsections of the literature review
  • Use frequent headings to help readers follow your organization
  • Conclude with a short summary.
  • Consider a length in the range of 20+ pages

8. Chapter 3: Methodology

  • Begin with a paragraph explaining the purpose of this chapter
  • Purpose of the Study (to refresh memory)
  • Research Questions (to refresh memory)
  • Review of Related Literature and Research – summary
  • Method – your research framework
  • Data Collection – show how your data collection addresses each research question)
  • Role of the Researcher (Optional – if you are performing qualitative analysis, you should explain your role, how you interacted with the participants, your background, etc.)
  • Data Analysis – Describe; show how your data analysis addresses each research question
  • Final transition paragraph, such as: “Chapter 3 has presented the methodology for collection of data for this study. Chapter 4 presents research findings and Chapter 5 presents conclusions, discussion, and recommendations for future research.”

9. Chapter 4: Findings

  • Begin with a paragraph orienting the reader to the chapter (because some readers will jump to this location in your thesis/dissertation and not read the earlier chapters)
  • Present your findings in a logical order, with tables and figures as needed and with frequent use of headings to help readers follow your organization
  • If you use mixed methodology, present quantitative and then qualitative findings
  • Conclude with a summary of the findings, and a transitional paragraph, such as: “Chapter 4 has presented qualitative and qualitative research findings addressing the four research questions of this study. Chapter 5 presents conclusions, discussion, and recommendations for future research.”

10. Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, Discussion, and Recommendations

  • Begin with a paragraph orienting the reader to the chapter (because some readers will jump to this location in your thesis/dissertation and not read the earlier chapters), such as: “Chapter 5 provides conclusions based on research findings from data collected on ____________, as well as discussion and recommendations for future research. This chapter will review the purpose of the study, research questions, literature review, and findings of the study. It will then present conclusions, a discussion of the conclusions, and recommendations for practice and for further research.
  • Summary – similar to the beginning of chapter 4, including the purpose of the study, research questions, a summary of the literature review, a summary of the methodology, plus a summary of the findings
  • Conclusions – Your conclusions about what the data means – the most important critical thinking insights revealed by your data
  • Discussion – In this section, discuss each of your conclusions or major findings. Summarize each one BRIEFLY, but do not stop there. Show how your conclusions/findings compare to other previous research and discuss why each is important. This is where YOU as a researcher present what you have actually learned from your research.
  • Recommendations for Practice – Provide a list of several things that teachers, researchers, administrators, etc., working on the topic on which you did your research should DO as a result of your study
  • Suggestions for further research Conclusion – your final thoughts

11. Appendices

It is additional materials that are not essential to the main text of the thesis but may be helpful in providing a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Appendices can include data sets, detailed descriptions of research methods, or other information that is too detailed to be included in the main text.

  • How to Write a Thesis? PhD Thesis Format
  • How to Write a Literature Review

Scholarly Writing Outline for Thesis or Dissertation by Michael Marek Wayne State College – Wayne, Nebraska, USA [email protected]

  • description
  • Dissertation
  • Dissertation vs Thesis
  • expected results
  • methodology
  • Thesis outline

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18 Thesis Outline Templates and Examples (Word | PDF)

Most people have come across thesis in college or high school. However, you might be needed to write a thesis several times or once in your entire lifetime. Therefore, a thesis is an essential document that significantly impacts your high school or college success. Furthermore, it can promote you to your next academic level or acquire a referral.

Therefore, you need to exercise sufficient care and diligence when writing your thesis. To ensure that you are always at the top of the game when developing a thesis, you must incorporate a thesis outline template to help you focus on your thesis. Suppose you are not familiar with the thesis outline template, worry less because this article has you covered.

What is a Thesis Outline?

A thesis outline is a list of critical points of your essay. It is made to make sure that the plans for your thesis are gathered together so that the entire variables necessary to your study scope are considered correctly. In addition, a thesis outline is an excellent way of creating a perfect research paper because it enables you to organize your data appropriately.

What Is a Thesis Outline Template?

A thesis outline template is a fillable or editable document that guides the researchers through the entire process, which they require to complete the whole research planning, gathering of data, assessment of results, and finally implementation.

Thesis Outline Examples & Templates

Common Core State Standards

How to Write a Thesis Outline?

Below are a few steps that will guide you on writing a thesis outline:

  • Put your thesis statement at the start
  • State the primary points that support your thesis and label them using Roman numerals
  • List arguments and ideas that support every central point and label them using capital letters
  • If possible, continue sub-dividing every supporting idea until you confirm that your entire outline is fully created and label them in numbers or small letters.

Types of Thesis Outline

There are four types of thesis outline. They include:

  • Clustering- It is a random outline form
  • Index card outlining- This outline allows continuous reorganization of ideas
  • A summary outlining- Here, the researcher estimates the sum chapters in their manuscript
  • Classical outlining- It entails numbers, letters, and roman numerical for subheadings and headings

Sample Thesis Outline

Sample Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Outline Template (PDF)

An thesis essay outline template is a template containing how an essay ought to be drafted, stored in a PDF version. As expected, such templates are stored in such a portal so as to enable ease of sharing among the interested parties [could be students, researchers, tutors etc].

Thesis Outline Template PDF

Thesis Outline Template (Word)

Thesis Outline Template Word

Masters Thesis Proposal Outline Template

A master’s thesis outline is a document that contains a guideline on how to write a thesis for those students undertaking a master’s degree program. The document resembles any thesis outline in its general outlook, only that the expected level of research is a bit more technical. The basic components of this outline include an Introduction, Review, Research Questions, Methodology and a Conclusion.

Master Thesis Outline Template

Senior Thesis Outline

Senior Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Statement & Outline Template

Thesis statement outline examples are examples that project the rough idea of what a researcher’s viewpoints are. Such examples usually contain the declarations officially made by the researcher just before they conduct their research. The examples show what the researcher is confident about fulfilling out of the research.

Thesis Statement Outline Template

Thesis Proposal Outline Template

Thesis Outline Proposal Template

Honors Thesis Outline Template

Honors Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Essay Outline Template

Thesis Essay Outline Template

Academic Thesis Outline Template

Academic Thesis Outline Template

Thesis Paper Outline (Word)

A thesis paper outline example is a draft that details all the key points that would normally go in a thesis paper. Such an example has an introduction, the content body and a conclusion in rough draft. These would later be used by the writer in composing the actual thesis paper.

Thesis Paper Outline in Word

What is a good thesis outline?

A good thesis outline is a specific strong thesis statement that showcases what your research is all about. Furthermore, it helps you keep your paper to a topic you can easily handle without any problem.

What are the different parts of a thesis?

Here are different parts of a thesis:

Introduction and problem statement

The introduction of your thesis usually sets out the context and locates a particular problem that you as the researcher address. In addition, it includes relevant technical, geographical, and historical information, which is relevant to your specific problem and wide field. On the other hand, it clearly articulates the issue you seek to address. Therefore, ensure you state your primary problem in your introduction.

Literature review

This section of your thesis shows you have accomplished relevant research, reading, and coming up with sensible external research. Literature review needs you to include some tips, such as putting together related research and organizing your scholarship in chronological order.

Methodology section

The methodology section gives you a chance to talk about the kind of field you work in. It would help if you mentioned how researchers in your field accomplish their work. It can either be historical, theoretical, close reading, or data-intensive.

The analysis depends on the needed length of your thesis and field. It makes an essential part of your research. On the other hand, your analysis has to make sense, whether scientific evaluation findings or theoretical analysis. A doctoral-level project, this portion features multiple chapters. Additionally, this section gives you a chance to showcase why your research is crucial.

Here you need to summarize the essential elements of your entire findings as you demonstrate how your entire research can be advanced further.

How do you write a strong thesis statement?

Below are several steps you need to follow to write a strong thesis statement:

  • State the topic
  • State your primary idea concerning the topic
  • Offer a reason, which supports your major idea
  • Provide another reason which supports your primary idea and add more reasons
  • Involve an opposing viewpoint to your primary idea, where applicable

How many chapters should a thesis have?

A thesis should feature 4 to 6 chapters in a commonly used structure.

Final Thoughts

You now clearly understand the thesis outline based on the comprehensive post above. The outline usually helps you to organize your information in a logical order and hierarchical manner. For example, suppose you are working on research papers; a formal outline will assist you in recording sufficient information. Use this post for guidance, and you will come up with a perfect thesis outline.

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Writing a Top Thesis Outline – Your Comprehensive Guide

thesis outline

A thesis paper outline is a simple way of ensuring that each of your paragraphs serves a specific purpose in your paper. All students need to master this writing tool as it helps you organize your work.

What is a Thesis Outline?

A thesis outline is an organizational tool that writers use in their academic and professional thesis papers. Like a blueprint for your essay, it forms the foundation of the entire writing process. It is used to structure the main ideas into a list of easy and quick to follow contents.

Creating a thesis outline is vital in the following ways:

It gives a precise organization of the ideas Identifies parts of the paper that need special attention It singles out sections that need to be reduced or omitted Helps create connections and transitions where necessary It enables a student to fit the ideas systematically

Having a clearly defined thesis statement is better than a thousand thesis writers being dispatched at your disposal.

Thesis Outline Template

Now, what will make or break your master’s thesis outline or senior thesis outline is understanding its structure. It is not enough to have what to write but how to register it as well. That is why you need this template when writing a thesis outline.

Thesis Outline Format

A conventional thesis paper will have the following sections:

  • Introduction (contains the background and thesis statement)
  • The body paragraphs
  • The conclusion

To attain this thesis structure’s best, you have to understand each part’s significance and how it contributes to the overall thesis paper. Let us look at how to write a thesis outline while delving deep into every section.

Thesis topic outline

A topic is described as the trigger button of your paper. It will determine whether your reader will have the interest to read your thesis or not. Therefore, when you are thinking about your thesis topic, consider the following:

  • It should be brief and to the point (Do not explain or illustrate, just state)
  • Use the keywords provided in the assignment for your topic
  • AVOID using punctuations at the end
  • It should be an eye-catcher and act as a bait

For you to have a good thesis topic, it should offer a solution. Nobody wants to spend his precious time on a paper that does not address a prevailing societal problem.

  • How to do a thesis statement outline

The thesis statement is written in the introductory paragraph. Since this is the main idea for your paper, there is no room for error. Start with an attention-grabber that will lead the reader to your thesis statement.

Example of an attention grabber : Did you know that the average person who stays at home every day consumes over 10 tons of calories in a week?

Sample thesis statement : Excess calorie is a contributing factor to the high obesity rates patients witnessed in hospitals.

When creating a thesis statement outline, ensure that it relates to your introductory paragraph’s first two or three statements. Let it come out clearly so that the reader is prepared for what is coming next in the paper’s body.

They are made up of arguments in support of the thesis statement. This section carries a lot of weight as it either persuades or turns off the reader. Here is an outline for thesis paper body paragraphs:

Identify the main points Look for supporting ideas or evidence Have a list of transitional words from one section to another

The body of a thesis consists of the Literature Review, Research Methods, Results, and Discussion. It is recommended to begin with the literature review first before proceeding to the other two sections.

Since the Discussion is the longest part of the thesis, ensure that you gather all the necessary information needed to furnish it. In this part, you will need to identify the following aspects of your research process:

  • Limitations of your study,
  • Explanations for unexpected results, and
  • Identify any questions that remain unanswered.

Every argument should be crystal clear to prevent any doubt or object on the part of the reader.

  • The Conclusion

Though it appears last, it is one of the most critical sections of your thesis. It is the chapter that shows whether you achieved your research objectives or not. In this part, you can point out the following:

Point out the challenges you encountered in your study Your lessons from the research Make recommendations for future research

The conclusion should be a point where you identify whether every hypothesis was met or objective was achieved. It is vital to note that this chapter should short and clear to the end. Now that you have argued your case make this as your final nail to the coffin.

How To Make a Thesis Outline – Step By Step Guide

A superb outline can ease your research process and make your thesis writing process quick and easy. When you are thinking of creating a thesis paper outline, consider the following steps:

Read and understand the question first. If your tutor has given you a topic or question for your thesis, ensure that you digest it well to understand what is required of you. It will help to align your thesis outline correctly. Check for similar thesis outlines on the same topic. You can Google for any reliable thesis outline example that is similar to your topic of research. By doing this, you will get a rough idea of what is expected of you. Consult with your professor on the thesis outline format for your institution. Different institutions have varying structures, and thus, you need to use one that matches your institution’s house style. Do not rush into creating the outline. Before you draft your strategy, ensure that you have all the essentials at your fingertips first. Since this will be your guiding principle, it should be devoid of any errors or bogus steps.

After setting your house in order, writing your thesis paper is now time for the real task.

If you did not know how to create a thesis outline, we hope that this writing guide has served that purpose for you. Nevertheless, we also have a thesis writing service that offers students with online assistance.

Get help with thesis outline at affordable rates today. You can also find a master thesis outline example from gurus who have been in this business for decades. What is holding you now?

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Graduate Education

Office of graduate and postdoctoral education, thesis templates.

The following thesis format templates should help you get started with formatting your thesis or dissertation. Georgia Tech provides free Overleaf Professional accounts for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to use the collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects.

  • LaTeX Template (.zip) - updated May 2020
  • Featured LaTeX templates on Overleaf
  • Word Thesis Template (.docx) - updated August 2016
  • Georgia Tech Engineering Reference Management System (GTERMS)

LaTeX Resources

  • LaTeX Project
  • Set the Quick Build command configuration to: “PdfLaTeX + Bib(la)tex) + PdfLaTeX (x2) + View Pdf”.
  • Use the Quick Build command to compile and view your .pdf file.
  • If you decide to use a “build” subdirectory for output files, you must point BibTeX to the proper subdirectory.

LaTeX is a powerful text processing and formatting tool that produces clean, consistent results. This high-quality typesetting system is a free service provided by Georgia Tech. It is available on many platforms and can be used with the editor of your choice. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

Although Graduate Education does not offer direct technical support, Tech does provide help via campus partners such as the Library and Overleaf (online LaTeX editor). Please check the Library events page for courses on LaTex, or contact Overleaf directly.

Many students have also found useful tips for dealing with specific problems by entering keywords such as "LaTeX formatting table captions" in their favorite search engines.

Most Common LaTeX to PDF Problem

The most common problem we see with Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) created in LaTeX is the altering of the page size, particularly an increase of the bottom margin to more than one inch, and sometimes an accompanying decrease in the top and/or right margins to less than the requisite one inch. Less frequently, there will also be problems with figures disappearing or changing appearance. The sizing error may be introduced inadvertently during the conversion from .dvi to .pdf or .ps when the program doing the converting defaults to the A4 European page size. Always check your PDF file after conversion, even if your source file looked perfect.

The following fixes have been found by your fellow Tech graduate students and passed along to the Graduate Thesis Office. We hope they help you:

  • First, before converting the .tex file to .dvi, make sure the class header file in your .tex file says something like "\documentclass[12pt, letter]{article}".
  • If you are converting the resulting .dvi file to a .ps file, be sure the dvips options specify "-P pdf -t letter".
  • When you are converting to .pdf from either the .dvi file directly or from a .ps file, locate the C:\texmf\dvipdfm\config\config\ or analogous folder for PDFs in your system. Replace the line "p a4" with "p letter".

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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outline phd thesis

University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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Tegan George

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Last modified June 24, 2024.


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ECE PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu, win awards at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT)

Congratulations to electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu . Both students, under the supervision of Professor Sherman Shen , have won prizes at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT) competition held at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 in Denver, Colorado in June. ICC is one of two of IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences.

Mingcheng He won Second Prize for his thesis talk “Resource Slicing with Cross-Cell Coordination in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks.” His project proposes a novel resource slicing scheme for satellite-terrestrial integrated networks to satisfy diversified network service requirements with efficient resource usage. The proposed scheme introduces a hybrid data-model co-driven approach, which enables efficient and flexible resource management in heterogeneous networks.

Shisheng Hu won Third Prize for his thesis talk “Digital Twin-Assisted Edge AI for Integrated Sensing and Communication.” In this project, a digital twin-based framework is developed for accurate and adaptive modeling of the performance of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) systems. This approach enables closed-form and reliable optimization of edge AI, enhancing the system performance.


Electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu win awards at IEEE’s ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT)

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    Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Published on June 7, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on November 21, 2023. A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process.It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding the specifics of your dissertation topic and showcasing its relevance to ...

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  5. How To Structure A PhD Thesis

    Respect the word limit. Don't be vague - the abstract should be a self-contained summary of the research, so don't introduce ambiguous words or complex terms. Focus on just four or five essential points, concepts, or findings. Don't, for example, try to explain your entire theoretical framework. Edit it carefully.

  6. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Example 1: Passive construction. The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise. Example: Passive construction.

  7. A Guide to Writing a PhD Thesis

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  9. Free Dissertation & Thesis Templates

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  10. Creating a Dissertation Outline

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    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

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    3 sample title page for a phd dissertation copyright notice abstract sample abstract formatting errors front and back matter supplemental material tables and figures visual material acknowledging the work of others page 19 references footnotes bibliography citation & style guides use of copyrighted material page 20 services and information page 22 proquest publishing orders and payments

  13. University Thesis and Dissertation Templates

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    These are guidelines only. You must consult with your dissertation chair and committee members to determine the elements of your dissertation as well as the order of those elements. Dissertation proposals should include the elements normally found in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and the References of a dissertation.

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  17. 18 Thesis Outline Templates and Examples (Word

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  22. Thesis Templates

    Current Students. Theses & Dissertations. Thesis Templates. The following thesis format templates should help you get started with formatting your thesis or dissertation. Georgia Tech provides free Overleaf Professional accounts for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to use the collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects.

  23. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  24. Templates

    The Thesis & Dissertation Office recommends using the PurdueThesis.cls file. Please take note that Overleaf SHOULD NOT be used for writing, editing, or publishing documents or research papers that contain data subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, and other controlled data designators due to the increased security required for these types of data.

  25. ECE PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu, win awards at the IEEE

    Congratulations to electrical and computer engineering PhD students, Mingcheng He and Shisheng Hu.Both students, under the supervision of Professor Sherman Shen, have won prizes at the IEEE ComSoc Four Minute Thesis (4MT) competition held at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 in Denver, Colorado in June.ICC is one of two of IEEE ComSoc's flagship conferences.