presentation in teaching

Effective Communication in the Classroom

presentation in teaching

Why is It Important?

In a student-centered classroom, the instructor should not be speaking all of the time. However, when you are speaking, students count on you to: provide clarity by highlighting key ideas; elaborate on difficult concepts; and provide clear instructions for in-class activities. These messages should be backed up by appropriate visual aids that reinforce what you are talking about: board work, slides, and/or handouts. 

In-class communication can be thought of as consisting of verbal, vocal, and visual channels. 

Verbal channel

The verbal channel relates to word choice: the same content or point can be delivered in different ways using different words. Those differences in delivery affect how students comprehend and engage with the material.

The verbal channel can clarify and reinforce course content by:

  • Defining and using discipline-specific vocabulary. 
  • Verbally outlining your presentation. Verbal indicators can signal transitions between ideas, helping students make connections to their prior knowledge and experiences, follow along, and organize their notes.

The verbal channel can also be used to send growth messages and create an inclusive classroom. For example, the way you respond to students’ questions and incorrect answers can be an opportunity to create a warm classroom climate but are often not something we consider rehearsing.

 When a student asks a question:

  • Try to call on them by name. This will help to create a sense of belonging.
  • Thank them for their question to motivate them to ask questions again in the future.
  • If a question is common, say so. This will help the student see that others’ have needed clarification on this point as well.

If you pose a question and a student responds with an incorrect answer:

  • Thank the student for responding.
  • If the student’s response is in line with a common error, say so, so they do not feel alone in their misunderstanding.
  • Ask the student about the process that they used to come up with the answer to better understand where they made a misstep. This emphasizes process over product and also teaches good troubleshooting strategies.
  • If a student’s answer is partially correct, ask another student to add on or clarify the response. 

Certain verbal phrases can detract from a presentation by being distracting, signaling a lack of instructor preparation, or by making students feel insecure in their ability to succeed in the course.

Filler Phrase to AvoidPotential Student InterpretationPotential Replacement
“Um”, “you know”, “uh”, “like”When overused, can be distracting or signal a lack of preparation.Silence. Take time to think about what comes next. Your students can also use that silence to reflect on what they’re learning. 
“I’ll tell you quickly…”
“Details are not important, but…”
Improper planning
“This isn’t important. The instructor is wasting my time.”
Consider removing this content, sharing it as an optional reading outside of class, or preparing and delivering it at an appropriate level of detail with sufficient time.
“This is easy.”
“You should already know this.”
Students could be embarrassed or insecure if they don’t know something or think it’s easy.Learning takes time and practice, so it’s best to avoid judgments of difficulty. When building on prior knowledge is necessary, suggest resources students can use for additional practice.

We all use some filler phrases habitually, and we should strive to minimize them. However, over-focusing on avoiding filler phrases can distract from a clear presentation. The best strategy is to practice avoiding filler phrases when rehearsing a lecture, but when actually teaching to focus on communicating with the students.

Vocal channel

The vocal channel includes aspects of speech such as volume, pacing, and tone. The vocal channel can be used to draw students attention and convey enthusiasm.

Effective UseThings to AvoidSuggestions
Speak loudly enough that students throughout the room can hear you.Sound is directional, so when turned towards a projector screen or writing on the board, speak louder or wait to speak until done gesturing or writing.
Sometimes our volume decreases as we near the end of a sentence. Be mindful of this.
If you have trouble speaking loud enough to reach the back of your classroom, consider asking your students on the first day to sit near the front, or see if a microphone is available for your classroom.
Speak at a speed which allows students to hear and process what you’re saying.
You adjust your rate and use pauses to emphasize key points or when transitioning between ideas.
Speaking too fast is overwhelming and makes it hard for students to process information. “Too fast” refers to both quantity of words and quantity of ideas. Constant speech, without pausing between ideas, doesn’t give students time to think about what they’re hearing. 
If you are using slides in your teaching, be particularly mindful about pacing. 
It can be hard to judge appropriate pacing by yourself. Have a friend or colleague give you feedback and help you identify an appropriate speaking rate. If no one else is available, you can record yourself speaking and listen to it later to try to self-evaluate whether or not your speaking rate is appropriate. 
Emphasize nouns and verbs, which contain the meaning in a sentence.Not varying your tone can cause students to tune out.

Visual channel

The visual channel includes all visual aids that support your message, including you (!), anything that you write on the board, project on the projector, or distribute as a handout. 

Your physical appearance—posture, attire, expressions—are all part of your presentation and affect how students listen to you and receive your message. Here are some ways your appearance affects your presentation:

  • Presence/Position/Posture : standing up straight conveys confidence and authority.
  • Eye contact : helps you connect with your audience and keep your students engaged. You may tend to focus your gaze on a particular side of the classroom. Consciously make eye contact in a “W” pattern across the room.
  • Movement : too much movement can be distracting, but well-timed movements emphasize key points or physically signal a transition between points – reinforce the information you’re presenting.

Plan what you will actually write on the board so you can make sure it’s organized, large, and legible. If you have limited experience writing on the board, try to practice in the room in which you will be teaching. You may be surprised at how large you have to write so that it is legible from the back of the room.  

At MIT, most classrooms are outfitted with multiple, movable boards. Visit your classroom in advance to know the layout of the boards and use this information in your planning. For example, with movable boards, consider the order in which you will fill them to maximize the amount of information students can see at any given point. Students will want to write down everything that you write on the board.

Practice drawing important schematics. If a schematic is necessary but challenging to draw, consider supplementing your board work with a slide, which can also be distributed to students as a handout. Consider using color to highlight ideas, group items, or add clarity to diagrams.

Slide design

The digital nature of slides makes it easy to include more information than students can process on them. In general, try to keep the mantra of “less is more” in mind to reduce the likelihood of cognitive overload and including extraneous information.

When creating slides, words and images are better than words alone. Relevant images can help to support and clarify your message. That said, there are times when images may not be appropriate and you just need to use text. In these cases, summarize the ideas using phrases and avoid full sentences on your slide.

Simple animations of having bullets appear in a synchronized manner with your oration will help to reduce cognitive overload and help students stay focused on what you are saying. Key ideas can also be highlighted by using bolding and color.

Managing Nerves

Stage fright is natural. Almost everyone gets some degree of stage fright. Below are some things you can do at different stages of your preparation to minimize the effects of stage fright.

While preparing for class

  • Acknowledge your fears by writing them down or sharing them with a friend or a trusted colleague. This will help you identify specific things you can practice to reduce your nerves. 
  • Practice your presentation. Try to make your practice as realistic as possible: practice in your assigned classroom with an audience of friends, colleagues, or a video camera.

Shortly before class

  • Warm up your body by stretching, walking around, and standing up straight.
  • Do breathing exercises to warm up your vocal cords and to regulate your breathing.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Use relaxation or meditation resources to reduce nerves, like the MIT Community Wellness Relaxation Line, 617-253-2256 (CALM)

During class

  • Use pauses to give yourself a chance to breathe and think. You can use longer pauses between major ideas or during active learning exercises to get a drink of water from your water bottle.
  • If you find your speech rushing, try taking a longer pause after your next point. Take a couple of deep breaths and get comfortable with silence to reset your rate of speech.
  • If you find yourself pacing or moving a lot, try planting your feet or putting your hands on a table or podium (if it doesn’t ruin your posture) to ground yourself. Once you’ve reset, give yourself more freedom to move around the room and interact with your students.

Additional resources

Mit school of engineering communication lab.

The Communication Lab is a discipline-specific peer-coaching program for MIT’s School of Engineering that helps graduate students with their scientific writing, speaking, and visual design.

MIT Writing and Communication Center

MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing offers innovative programs that apply critical analysis, collaborative research, and design across a variety of media arts, forms, and practices.

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Teacher Presentations: Strategies & Tips

Dianne Adlawan

Dianne Adlawan

The Ultimate Guide to Effective Teacher Presentations: Strategies & Tips

Teachers, by nature, are considered professional presenters. Their main responsibility is to talk in front of their students to relay educational knowledge, sharpen their minds and skills, and even serve as a second guide alongside their parents. They also speak in front of parents, co-teachers, and school administrators. This just means that preparing for a presentation is already not new to them.

Still, teachers can become so comfortable with their presentation routine that their techniques turn into autopilot. The result of a repetitive task can become tiring and not challenging anymore which may result in students losing interest or attention span in the process.

The tips featured in this article are dedicated to these hard-working professionals. This will help them prepare and perform a better presentation in front of any type of audience.

effective teacher presentations

Why You Should Prepare for a Presentation

  • Preparation helps you build to structure your thoughts to create a well-organized presentation. By taking the time to prepare, you can decide what information is most important, plan the flow of the presentation, and make sure that everything is connected and easy to follow.
  • Second, it allows you to think ahead of the questions that your audience might ask. Especially if you’re giving a presentation to a group of various audiences, who are curious about the topic at hand. By preparing in advance, you’ll be able to answer any questions they may have, which will not only increase their understanding but also boost your credibility as a teacher.
  • Lastly, preparation helps you make the most of your time. Advanced preparation ahead of the presentation can ensure that you’re not wasting time trying to organize your thoughts at the last minute.

Effects of an Organized and Well-Planned Presentation

An audience engages with a speaker who knows their words and poses a confident attitude. While the projector may display clear and concise slides, the presenter is the main ingredient to every presentation.

For teachers, a well-planned lesson presentation helps the teacher maintain the attention and interest of their students, which is crucial for effective learning. Additionally, being organized and prepared will help teachers convey their ideas more effectively and it will help the teacher to feel more confident, which also impacts their teaching and in turn can help to build trust and rapport with their students.

Possible Outcomes of An Unprepared Presentation

Let’s suppose you haven’t allocated enough time to plan and prepare for an important presentation. What could be the potential outcomes?

  • Increased Stress and Anxiety: Lack of preparation can lead to increased anxiety and stress, which can not only hinder your ability to deliver a convincing presentation but also hurt your mental health and work balance. It can cause a “mental block,” causing you to lose focus and concentration during your delivery.
  • Poor Presentation Delivery: Without proper preparation, your presentation can appear scattered and disjointed. This can lead to an incoherent message that fails to convince your audience.
  • Diminished credibility: Delivering an unprepared presentation can harm your reputation as a professional. It can portray you as disorganized and unreliable which could lead your colleagues or students to question your competence and reliability.

Effective Visual and Content Organization Tips

Consider this as the first stage towards an effective teacher presentation. Before moving on to improving your verbal communication cues, let’s enhance first your presentation visuals and content.

Visual Tips

1. add powerpoint animations and different media.

Establishing an attractive slideshow is one of the keys to a successful presentation. This will put a good impression on your audience that you’re prepared just by seeing how well-designed your presentation is. Of course, images add to slideshow attraction, but consider adding another forms of media such as GIFs and videos, as well as animations! Microsoft PowerPoint has a lot of fun & captivating features that you may not be aware of. Check out this example of an easy yet appealing Slide Zoom trick in PowerPoint that you can add to your presentation to wow your audience. Did someone say FREE??? Yes, we did. Here are free websites to help you upgrade your next PowerPoint presentation! 😎 #powerpoint #presentation #design #studytok #edutok #tutorial #tipsandtricks #ai ♬ original sound – r & m <33

Read Next: Make Your Presentations POP With This PowerPoint Animation Template

2. Use Readable Font Styles

Make sure to use the best font style that makes your presentation look sleek, readable, and won’t strain your audience’s eyes while reading. We all want to use a fancy font, trust me, I get it. But most of the time, simplicity is beauty, especially if you’re presenting a professional-looking slideshow. Font styles such as Poppins, Tahoma, Verdana, Montserrat, and Helvetica are great examples of font styles that screams simple yet professional to look at.

On the other hand, font styles such as Bradley Hand, Comic Sans, and Chiller are not ideal choices as they are not meant to captivate your audience’s eyes. And another tip is to stick to two or three fonts only!

ClassPoint teacher presentation using 'Poppins' font

3. Use Relevant Graphics

Selecting graphics for designing your presentation depends on your audience and the goals you aim to achieve with the presentation. For example, if you are presenting in front of students and your goal is to keep them engaged, motivated, and actively participating, then you might consider incorporating charts, tables, and relevant shapes into your design.

It’s important to remember that your presentation design should align with the theme of your topic.

Free Websites to Upgrade your Presentation Graphics:

  • Craiyon. com
  • The Noun Project

4. Use Audience Engagement tools to Activate Learning

Want the quickest solution to an engaged audience? Well, it’s audience interactive activities! Adding interactive activities to your presentation can help keep your audience engaged and interested. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use ClassPoint, an audience engagement tool added right into PowerPoint presentations.

With ClassPoint, you no longer need to worry about strategies to keep your students engaged, as this tool transforms PowerPoint into a teacher presentation tool with a teacher toolbelt and student quizzes , polls, and games that make presentations more fun & engaging.

By combining ClassPoint with your presentation techniques, you can focus solely on setting up your lesson content in PowerPoint and allow ClassPoint to handle the rest for achieving a learning-activated presentation lesson .

🔍 Learn more about ClassPoint, the teacher add-in for better lessons & student engagement 👍

5. Use a Laser Pointer

Help focus your audience attention by using a laser pointer!

With the help of a laser pointer device, teachers are able to attract the attention of their audiences and concentrate on essential points in their presentations. Highlighting these main ideas and terms assists the speaker in organizing their speech, preventing distraction, and increasing retention of the information presented.

You can use a physical laser pointer & clicker, or with the addition of ClassPoint into PowerPoint, presenters can easily turn their cursor into a laser or a spotlight . This can make it even easier for students to follow along and is a convenient tool for creating a more captivating teacher presentation.

Secret tip: if you write on your slide with the laser, it will leave disappearing ink! 🪄

Content Tips

1. research and fact-check your presentation.

As educators, it is crucial to equip ourselves with reliable and accurate information before presenting to our students. We have a responsibility to not only educate them but to also mold them into critical thinkers who are equipped with factual knowledge. Without thorough fact-checking, we risk disseminating misinformation and hindering their intellectual growth.

To avoid such situations, we must prioritize research and fact-checking before presenting any information. Conducting research helps us not only in finding accurate information but also in ensuring that the sources we use are reliable and credible. Moreover, taking the time to fact-check demonstrates our commitment to providing students with high-quality education and the desire to create a safe and accurate learning environment.

2. Be Prepared to Anticipate Questions during the Presentation

It is important to be well-prepared for a presentation especially anticipating and addressing questions. This applies particularly to a teacher presentation, as educators face varied expectations and questions. Adequate preparation allows you to organize ideas and justifications, and it can deepen understanding, boost confidence, and improve adaptability. Addressing questions, makes your audiences feel heard and appreciated. This will result in comprehensive presentations, enhanced confidence, improved information flow, and an atmosphere of respect and understanding.

A great & visual way you can elaborate, or explain your material in new ways, is by using ClassPoint’s whiteboard tools added to PowerPoint. ClassPoint’s added toolbar presents teachers with unlimited whiteboard slides they can open whenever they need, and user-friendly yet comprehensive pen tools with available shapes, and text boxes. Plus you can also use ClassPoint’s quick poll or other question types to assess students’ understanding with hard data & insights.

Addressing questions well makes your audience or students feel heard & appreciated leading to improved learning, enhanced confidence, and a respectful, safe learning environment.

3. Provide an Outline Structure of your Content

When you are preparing your presentation, it is best to first create an effective outline structure that will guide your presentation flow and help you focus on the main learning objective. But what you may not be doing, is offering that outline structure to your students, but you should!

Providing students with a clear understanding of what this lesson is about, the structure of the lesson, and what they will be able to take away from it is important. By doing so, you can help students stay focused and follow along with the material. Additionally, you are setting expectations and ensuring that everyone is on the same page, which can help promote student autonomy. So, include an outline at the start of your presentation lesson.

Step-by-Step Strategies for a Successful Presentation

Before presentation, know your audience, your students, or observers.

Once you have completed your deck, you may want to add a guide script and any additional notes with important points you don’t want to forget or you want to highlight in your presentation to impress your students .

Practice your presentation delivery/lesson

Practice delivering your presentation give you a chance to fine-tune your content and get your facts down. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and identify areas that need improvement. You can practice in front of a mirror, record yourself and watch it back, or even rehearse with a colleague or friend. When practicing, pay attention to your posture, tone of voice, and pacing. By doing so, you’ll be able to deliver a confident and engaging presentation that will captivate your audience.

Use a friendly tone of voice and pace

Adjust your tone to match your message, and avoid speaking too quickly so that your audience will get the chance to absorb the information you’re sharing. By being mindful of these aspects, you will capture your audience’s attention and leave them feeling informed and inspired.

Use engaging body language

Body language is essential for engaging your audience during a presentation. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and use hand gestures to emphasize important points. You can also move around the classroom to keep your students’ attention. By using engaging body language, you’ll be able to convey your message more effectively and keep your students interested throughout the presentation. You’ve got this!

During Presentation

Create an icebreaker.

Having an icebreaker is a warm-up for your students’ brains, allowing you to focus and engage with the material being presented. It also helps break down any barriers or tension between the presenter and the audience, making for a more relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, an icebreaker provides an opportunity for the presenter to showcase their creativity and personality, adding an extra level of excitement and engagement to the presentation.

Good thing that ClassPoint has numerous features to help you perform an entertaining and unforgettable icebreaker. Here are some examples that you can use during an icebreaker.

  • Quick Poll : Quick Poll allows you to create interactive polls right inside your presentation. When used as an icebreaker, it can engage the audience, initiate discussions, and provide valuable insights that help tailor the content to participants’ preferences.
  • Word Cloud: Presenters can ask thought-provoking questions related to the topic or general interest. Using Word Cloud, the audiences can answer through their mobile which can be instantly seen as collective responses, with the most frequently mentioned words appearing larger.
  • Short Answer : In short answer, you can challenge your audiences’ thought process in a short-form writing activity with no options to get from to test their ability to understand.
  • Image Upload : Using single image, audiences can interpret what they feel like, or their mood using only the photos in their gallery or surroundings. A creative yet fun way for an icebreaker!

Speak clearly

Effective communication is crucial when presenting important information to students. Speaking clearly helps ensure that students understand the concepts being taught and follow instructions effectively. As a teacher, it’s important to focus on clear speech to promote effective communication and help your students comprehend the material being presented.

Pay attention to your audience’s attention

Since distractions are aplenty, attention spans are dwindling, it’s important for presenters to captivate their audience’s attention right from the beginning. For teachers, when speaking in front of your class, you should not only focus on the content of your presentation but also on your students’ attention.

To ensure that your students won’t start drifting away or zoning out, start with a compelling opening that immediately grabs their attention. Use vivid storytelling, examples, or demonstrations to engage your students and drive home your message. Don’t forget the power of humor, and never be afraid to be yourself – authentic, passionate, and confident.

Add Personality: share short relatable stories

“A great personality makes everyone feel energized; just like a flower’s fragrance that freshens ups the complete surrounding.” 29 Personality Quotes to Achieve Greatness

As to what is stated in the quote, having a positive and vibrant personality affects the overall mood of your surrounding, it can capture the audience’s attention and maintain their interest throughout the presentation. While the ultimate goal is to deliver a presentation rich with new learnings and knowledge, adding humor can do no harm to lift up the mood in the room. You might want to start by segueing a short story that your students can relate to and make interactions by encouraging them to share a story too or ask questions.

Post-Presentation Reflection

Take the comments by heart.

Receiving feedback from your students is a great way for evaluating the efficacy of a teacher presentation. This can help you identify areas where you can improve and tailor your teaching tactics to better suit the needs of your students. Listening to your students’ feedback can also promote a feeling of cooperation and enable them to become more actively involved in the learning experience. So, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and take it to heart in order to continually improve your presentations.

Experienced educators understand that they are perpetually crafting their skills, and feedback from their audience brings an opportunity for professional advancement. In addition, accepting audience feedback illustrates esteem and worth for the students’ views. It promotes a feeling of cooperation and enables students to become more actively involved in the learning experience.

Preparing for a presentation is essential for teachers to deliver engaging and impactful content to their students. By structuring thoughts, anticipating questions, and preparing ahead, teachers can achieve a well-organized presentation that will enhance the students’ understanding and leave them feeling confident.

By following our strategies and tips teachers can achieve successful lessons using PowerPoint presentations. And, with the help of an advanced educational technology tool like ClassPoint, teachers can create dynamic and memorable presentations that their students will enjoy and actively participate in.

Try out ClassPoint today and experience a whole teacher presentation in PowerPoint! ✨

About Dianne Adlawan

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Center for Teaching

Making better powerpoint presentations.

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Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory.

Research about student preferences for powerpoint, resources for making better powerpoint presentations, bibliography.

We have all experienced the pain of a bad PowerPoint presentation. And even though we promise ourselves never to make the same mistakes, we can still fall prey to common design pitfalls.  The good news is that your PowerPoint presentation doesn’t have to be ordinary. By keeping in mind a few guidelines, your classroom presentations can stand above the crowd!

“It is easy to dismiss design – to relegate it to mere ornament, the prettifying of places and objects to disguise their banality. But that is a serious misunderstanding of what design is and why it matters.” Daniel Pink

One framework that can be useful when making design decisions about your PowerPoint slide design is Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory .

presentation in teaching

As illustrated in the diagram above, the Central Executive coordinates the work of three systems by organizing the information we hear, see, and store into working memory.

The Phonological Loop deals with any auditory information. Students in a classroom are potentially listening to a variety of things: the instructor, questions from their peers, sound effects or audio from the PowerPoint presentation, and their own “inner voice.”

The Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad deals with information we see. This involves such aspects as form, color, size, space between objects, and their movement. For students this would include: the size and color of fonts, the relationship between images and text on the screen, the motion path of text animation and slide transitions, as well as any hand gestures, facial expressions, or classroom demonstrations made by the instructor.

The Episodic Buffer integrates the information across these sensory domains and communicates with long-term memory. All of these elements are being deposited into a holding tank called the “episodic buffer.” This buffer has a limited capacity and can become “overloaded” thereby, setting limits on how much information students can take in at once.

Laura Edelman and Kathleen Harring from Muhlenberg College , Allentown, Pennsylvania have developed an approach to PowerPoint design using Baddeley and Hitch’s model. During the course of their work, they conducted a survey of students at the college asking what they liked and didn’t like about their professor’s PowerPoint presentations. They discovered the following:

Characteristics students don’t like about professors’ PowerPoint slides

  • Too many words on a slide
  • Movement (slide transitions or word animations)
  • Templates with too many colors

Characteristics students like like about professors’ PowerPoint slides

  • Graphs increase understanding of content
  • Bulleted lists help them organize ideas
  • PowerPoint can help to structure lectures
  • Verbal explanations of pictures/graphs help more than written clarifications

According to Edelman and Harring, some conclusions from the research at Muhlenberg are that students learn more when:

  • material is presented in short phrases rather than full paragraphs.
  • the professor talks about the information on the slide rather than having students read it on their own.
  • relevant pictures are used. Irrelevant pictures decrease learning compared to PowerPoint slides with no picture
  • they take notes (if the professor is not talking). But if the professor is lecturing, note-taking and listening decreased learning.
  • they are given the PowerPoint slides before the class.

Advice from Edelman and Harring on leveraging the working memory with PowerPoint:

  • Leverage the working memory by dividing the information between the visual and auditory modality.  Doing this reduces the likelihood of one system becoming overloaded. For instance, spoken words with pictures are better than pictures with text, as integrating an image and narration takes less cognitive effort than integrating an image and text.
  • Minimize the opportunity for distraction by removing any irrelevant material such as music, sound effects, animations, and background images.
  • Use simple cues to direct learners to important points or content. Using text size, bolding, italics, or placing content in a highlighted or shaded text box is all that is required to convey the significance of key ideas in your presentation.
  • Don’t put every word you intend to speak on your PowerPoint slide. Instead, keep information displayed in short chunks that are easily read and comprehended.
  • One of the mostly widely accessed websites about PowerPoint design is Garr Reynolds’ blog, Presentation Zen . In his blog entry:  “ What is Good PowerPoint Design? ” Reynolds explains how to keep the slide design simple, yet not simplistic, and includes a few slide examples that he has ‘made-over’ to demonstrate how to improve its readability and effectiveness. He also includes sample slides from his own presentation about PowerPoint slide design.
  • Another presentation guru, David Paradi, author of “ The Visual Slide Revolution: Transforming Overloaded Text Slides into Persuasive Presentations ” maintains a video podcast series called “ Think Outside the Slide ” where he also demonstrates PowerPoint slide makeovers. Examples on this site are typically from the corporate perspective, but the process by which content decisions are made is still relevant for higher education. Paradi has also developed a five step method, called KWICK , that can be used as a simple guide when designing PowerPoint presentations.
  • In the video clip below, Comedian Don McMillan talks about some of the common misuses of PowerPoint in his routine called “Life After Death by PowerPoint.”

  • This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights a blog moderated by Microsoft’s Doug Thomas that compiles practical PowerPoint advice gathered from presentation masters like Seth Godin , Guy Kawasaki , and Garr Reynolds .

Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story , by Jerry Weissman, Prentice Hall, 2006

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery , by Garr Reynolds, New Riders Press, 2008

Solving the PowerPoint Predicament: using digital media for effective communication , by Tom Bunzel , Que, 2006

The Cognitive Style of Power Point , by Edward R. Tufte, Graphics Pr, 2003

The Visual Slide Revolution: Transforming Overloaded Text Slides into Persuasive Presentations , by Dave Paradi, Communications Skills Press, 2000

Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck: And How You Can Make Them Better , by Rick Altman, Harvest Books, 2007

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Teaching Resources

Improving Presentation Style

Resource overview.

Strategies for making your presentation style more effective in the classroom

Effective lecturers combine the talents of scholar, writer, producer, comedian, showman, and teacher in ways that contribute to student learning.”

Wilbert J. McKeachie, Teaching Tips

An effective teacher is an excellent communicator and therefore thinks about improving his or her presentation skills. One of the most important aspects of communicating is shaping both content and style to fit your audience. In the classroom, if you cannot communicate in a way that is both comprehensible and interesting to your students, their learning will be greatly reduced.

To strengthen your presentation skills, focus on improving your skills in these three areas:

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

  • Find out all you can about the room in which you will be presenting. Visit the room ahead of time to familiarize yourself with its size and layout, as well as the type of chalkboards, chalk, erasers, and multimedia available. In addition, obtain any necessary training on the multimedia.
  • Use the classroom as a stage. Move around to engage and interact with your audience. Do not stand in one spot the entire time. Move with purpose; do not walk aimlessly.
  • Prepare. Preparation is essential. All excellent teachers are well prepared for each class. Practice in the room if you can, especially if you are new to teaching. In addition, prepare yourself emotionally and psychologically by taking the time to organize your thoughts and to look forward to teaching before every class.
  • Speak loudly and clearly. Project your voice and face your audience when you are speaking. Speak slightly louder than you do in a normal conversation. Use a microphone in a medium to large classroom. The class may include students with hearing problems. Moreover, a microphone will help ensure that students can hear you even when you turn to the chalkboard momentarily.
  • Modulate the tone, pitch, and speed of your speech. Do not speak in a monotone. Vary the pitch and speed of your voice for emphasis and effect. Use appropriate pauses. Rather than using filler words such as “uh,” for example, simply pause before moving on to the next idea or point.
  • Use gestures and facial expressions to help you explain, emphasize, and communicate the material. However, be careful not to develop distracting habits such as pacing or repeatedly adjusting your glasses or hair. To find out if you are unconsciously doing anything that may be distracting to your audience, have a colleague observe one of your classes or have your class videotaped. To schedule a videotaping and teaching consultation, call The Teaching Center at 935-6810.
  • Develop a teaching persona. Decide how you want to be perceived and what mannerisms you want to have. For example, do you want to be quiet, humorous, formal, or informal? Whatever persona is right for you, aim to convey confidence and ease. Move with certainty and assuredness, and be careful not to seem pompous or intimidating.
  • Show passion and enthusiasm for the topic. If you are not interested in the subject, you cannot expect your students to be interested, either. Point out the fascinating aspects of what they are learning.
  • Do not read your notes or slides. Doing so will lower your energy level and lead your audience to feel less engaged.
  • Interact with and pay attention to your audience. Make eye contact with the students, not with the wall or chalkboard. Build a rapport with the class. Make sure the class is with you (following and understanding what you are discussing). If they appear to be lost, take additional time to explain points and to ask and answer questions.
  • Do not take yourself too seriously. Be able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes. Feel free to bring humor into the classroom, but direct it at yourself, rather than at your students’ questions and ideas.
  • Keep track of the time. Do not start early or end late. The students often do not recall or listen to information presented after the class period is technically finished.

Effective Use of the Chalkboard and Visual-Aids

Using the Chalkboard

  • Write legibly and big enough that your writing can seen in the back of the room.
  • Think about the organization of the material on the board.
  • Fill one board at a time, starting at the top of each board and writing down.
  • Do not scrunch in words at the very bottom of the board or in the margins. The students in the back will not see the words at the bottom, and no one will see the words in the margins.
  • Underline or mark major assumptions, conclusions, etc.
  • Use color to emphasize points.Before the course starts, determine which colors are most visible in the back of the room.
  • Erase a board only when you have run out of room.
  • If you find a mistake on a previous board, do not erase it. Cross it out, then write the correction in, which is what the students must do.

Using Visual Aids, such as PowerPoint Slides

  • Do not use visual aids unless they serve a clear and important purpose. Visuals should aid quick comprehension and support the main points.
  • Book and check out the presentation equipment in advance.
  • Talk to your audience and not to the screen.
  • Use the visuals to enhance your presentation, not as a substitute for a verbal presentation.
  • Use a pointer, if necessary.
  • Coordinate the audio and the visual.
  • Design your visuals with clarity and simplicity in mind.

Effective Design and Meaningful Organization of Content

Visual Design Suggestions

  • Use single words or phrases.
  • Organize the content visually.
  • Choose a font that is easy to see. Choose a font that is simple, plain, and easy to read such as Times New Roman, Ariel, or Helvetica. Select a font size that is large enough to be seen at the back of the room. The minimal acceptable size is typically 24-point. Use both upper- and lower-case letters; all upper-case letters are difficult to read.
  • Keep the design simple. Too many words, graphics, or different colors are distracting and cause students to miss the important points.
  • Use short quotes, not long extracts, from documents.
  • Assign a title for each visual. Doing so will help your audience organize and retain the information on each visual.
  • Use summary lists.
  • Limit the number of ideas on each visual. For example, limit the number of bullets on a page to approximately 4 to 6. Each bullet should be short, approximately one line. Do not crowd the visual with text; it will be too difficult to read.
  • Use color for emphasis and organization. Color is useful, but needs to be used judiciously. The color should be used for emphasis or for distinguishing among data. Think about the color wheel: adjacent colors blend together and colors directly opposite each other are contrasting and provide better readability. Reds and oranges stand out, but are hard to continually focus on; therefore, use these colors only for emphasis. Greens, blues, and browns are easier to continually focus on, but do not grab a person’s attention.
  • Design diagrams and tables that are simple and clear, with readily recognized symbols. Your audience must be able to read all data in your diagrams and tables. Often, this means that you will have to simplify a more complex or detailed table or diagram that has been prepared for a printed format.
  • Use horizontal (landscape) layout, not vertical (portrait). Screens, video monitors, and computer monitors are shaped for a horizontal, not a vertical, format. In addition, a horizontal format is easier to project in rooms with low ceilings.

Content Organization Suggestions

  • Plan the content. Think about the type of students in the class, the goals for the course and the current session, the type of material to be presented in the current session, and the type of media, if any, that you are going to use.
  • Provide a structure. Each class session or presentation should have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
  • List objectives or provide an outline at the beginning of each class session. Providing an outline helps students identify the most important points and follow the lecture or discussion more effectively.
  • Organize course content with a theme or storyline. How do you want to arrange the material? How does each part of the material relate to what comes next.
  • Remember that a typical student’s attention span is 15-20 minutes. Every 15-20 minutes, either change your teaching method or change activities. Use different teaching methods in one session to keep the students’ attention and to reach students who have different learning preferences. (See Teaching with Lectures .)
  • Allow for pauses and “wait-time.” Wait-time is the pause after the instructor either asks a question or asks for questions. Students need time to think of a response to a question, or to think of a question to ask. Do not be afraid of silence. Most instructors wait 1-3 seconds for a response. However, increasing the wait-time to 5-10 seconds dramatically increases the number and quality of responses. (See Asking Questions to Improve Learning .)

Creative Commons License

Clark, Donald. “Making Presentations that Audiences Will Love.” PowerPoint Presentation. .

—.“Monthly Speaking Tips.” LJL Seminars. .

“Common Visual Aids.” Faculty Development Committee. Honolulu Community College.

“Creating Visual Aids That Really Work: Designing Effective Slides Using PowerPoint.” Effective Communications Group (ECG), Inc.

Davis, Barbara Gross. “Delivering a Lecture.” Tools for Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 1993.

Edwards, Paul N. “How to Give an Academic Talk.” School of Information. University of Michigan. .

McKeachie, Wilbert, et al. McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers. 12th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005.

“Presentations.” Teaching and Learning Center. Eastern Kentucky University.

Sammons, Martha. “Students Assess Computer-Aided Classroom Presentations.” The Journal Online, May 1995.


5 Teacher Tips For Better Presentations In The Classroom

With slides, less is more. Here are some tips for teachers to make better presentations for engaging learning in the classroom.

5 Teacher Tips For Better Presentations In The Classroom

What Are The Best Tips For Giving Great Presentations In The Classroom?

contributed by Catherine Willson

When you need to put together information for a presentation for students or other teachers, you can be surprisingly effective without having to do too much at all. Here are some tips for teachers making presentations for in the classroom.

See also 15 Presentation Tools for Teachers

1. Establish one clear idea.

Conventional wisdom of the past used to be about putting as much information and content into a presentation as possible. It was all about trying as hard as you could to come across as an authoritative figure who truly was a master of the subject. That barely works in higher ed, and certainly is pliable in K-12. Consider that you aren’t trying to teach someone everything you know in a short window, but rather making an impression for long-term retention. Focus on one idea with supporting information in a quick period of time.

2. Start with a compelling hook.

When you consider the average suggested presentation length is only around ten minutes, you don’t have any time to waste. Obviously the specifics of the presentation will vary depending upon the grade level, time of day, content being presented and so on. One thing that won’t vary is the need to grab students right off of the bat and have them paying attention from the first few seconds.

As Cision recommends , when the average attention spans have shrunk down to around eight seconds, you know that you need to jump right in with something captivating. Obviously your presentation needs to have a point and needs to be worthwhile as well, but if you can simply give them something that they actually want to see in the first place, you stand a much better shot of being successful in your presentation. It might not seem like a powerful point but it is true in any context.

You might even do it without noticing, but you still do it constantly. Do your ears ever perk up when someone talks about a certain subject? Or, do you hear someone start a conversation with words that bore you and immediately look for a way out? It’s the same thing when it comes to presenting. You only have a few seconds to get it right and hook your class.

3. Prioritize–only put in what’s important.

Another major item to remember is what you are putting into your presentation as far as content is concerned. If you already understand how important it is to captivate your classroom and capitalize on the short attention spans, it’s not a wise strategy to grind the presentation to a screeching halt just so that you can read boring statistics and bland figures. There does need to be some information, but you could read and reference figures without using presentation software in the first place.

By having presentation slides with tons of words, you are just wasting time and filling space that will turn off your viewers. As Mr. Media Training suggests , if you have too many words then you either don’t know your presentation well enough, or your presentation isn’t supported by any additional evidence. The good news is that the technology of companies such as LiveSlides allows you to insert video into PowerPoint so that you can truly bring any sort of evidence you want. Those sorts of slides make perfect sense because you can’t put video on a notecard. Plus, by stimulating your classr with an additional surprise and viewpoint, you aren’t risking students falling asleep because of a long, monotonous message.

4. Consider schema and background knowledge.

Familiar images, references, sounds, music, and other bits of information can act as anchors to ground student understanding, as well as disarming some of the intimidation or anxiety new content can represent for some students. Along with focusing on a single idea per presentation, this can go a long way towards making better presentations for students.

5. With slides, less is more.

Believe it or not, the most acceptable answer from professionals is that you don’t need a lot of slides in a presentation. As Six Minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills suggests , sometimes you don’t need any slides. However, if you are going to give a presentation to your class and you need to have supporting information then you can easily do that with a few slides. The short answer is you probably need fewer slides than you think.

If there’s too much information, students are instantly going to go from trying to listen to you into a mode where they simply skim the PowerPoint slide. Once they realize it is the same message, the PowerPoint slide is basically worthless. You obviously can put summarizing points, facts, and figures into your presentation. But with that being said, PowerPoint was created as a tool and you need to be comfortable with using it. By having the right type of information in it you can actually enhance the presentation and student retention.

A presentation itself isn’t that difficult of a thing to master. So many people are caught up with using PowerPoint that they forget what it is actually for. When you are going to give your next presentation to your class, you need to know your subject matter first and the essentials of PowerPoint and presentation design second. Once you’ve narrowed your content and honed your message, you can capitalize on it by adding in all of the bells, whistles, and other enhancements that will help students retain what they’ve learned.

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Presentation Strategies


Effective communication is essential in the classroom and in the real world. Good presentation skills, including public speaking and the design of visual materials, can be learned. Following the best practices outlined in the videos and resources below will help you become more effective at communicating your ideas in a professional way, while developing your own personal style.

Quick links:

Videos on Presenting

Videos on design principles, narrated presentations in powerpoint, best practices for effective presentations - video.

This video provides strategies for planning and delivering an oral presentation.

Creating and Presenting Your Poster - Video

This video gives tips on what to consider when planning the content, structure, and presentation of a poster.

PowerPoint Design Concept - White Space

White space is a basic design concept that will help clarify information in your PowerPoint presentations and other forms of visual content.

PowerPoint Design Concept - Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is an important design concept that will help you communicate your main message more effectively.

  Designing Effective Presentations - Fonts

Fonts can set the tone for your presentation but it is also important to understand how to make them as legible as possible while communicating your main message.

  Designing Effective Presentations - Color

Making thoughtful color choices in your presentation not only helps to set the appropriate feel or style for your presentation but can also help to improve the clarity of your message.

After reviewing the materials above about presentation strategies and design principles, practice those ideas by creating a narrated presentation in PowerPoint. The newer versions of PowerPoint allow you to record yourself giving the presentation (just your voice). The result adds audio objects for each slide, which makes it possible to redo a slide or two if you make mistakes. The PowerPoint file can then be exported to a movie file, complete with slide transistions and animations, to be easily reviewed or shared. This can serve as great practice for your presentation before showtime. 

Create a Narrated Presentation

The following link provides a helpful tutorial for both PC and Mac versions of PowerPoint: Recording a slide show with narrations and slide timings

Export a Video File

To export your slideshow as a MP4 file (or other video file) with your audio narrations, please review the following help page, which describes both the PC and Mac versions method: Save a presentation as a Movie file or MP4

NOTE : Not all versions of PowerPoint have the features mentioned above. Hopkins Affiliates have access to a Microsoft Office 365 license which will allow you to download the newest version of Office including PowerPoint. Please visit the following page for how to download Microsoft Office 365: Office 365 Communication Hub, Microsoft Office

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  • This PDF presents strategies to consider in determing poster content, structure, and graphic design. It includes tips on presentation logisitics
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Effective PowerPoint

PowerPoint is common in college classrooms, yet slide technology is not more effective for student learning than other styles of lecture (Levasseur & Sawyer, 2006). While research indicates which practices support learning and clarifies students’ attitudes toward PowerPoint, effective PowerPoint is not an exact science; few rules can be applied universally. Instructors should consider their audience and their pedagogical goals.

What Students Think

Although students do not necessarily learn more when PowerPoint is used, students prefer slide technology and think they learn better from it (Suskind, 2005). Students also rate instructors who use PowerPoint more highly. One study found about a six percent bump in student ratings of instructors who use PowerPoint over those who don’t (Apperson et al., 2006). Students indicate that what they like most about PowerPoint is that it organizes information, keeps them interested, and helps “visual learners” (Hill et al., 2012). They also, however, critique PowerPoint when slides have too many words, irrelevant clip art, unnecessary movement or animations, and too many colors (Vanderbilt University).

Research-Supported Methods

Like all teaching methods, the use of PowerPoint requires that teachers consider and make use of students’ need for variety. If used as one tool among many, lecturing with PowerPoint adds variety to a course, possibly minimizing student distractions (Bunce et al, 2010).

Minimal Text

In the interest of variety, PowerPoint lectures should not be excessively long, but the number of slides used in lectures has no direct impact on teaching effectiveness. However, the amount of text  per slide  is consequential. One study found that slides containing  three or fewer bullet points  and  twenty or fewer words  were more effective than slides with higher density (Brock, et al., 2011). Less text on each slide also reduces the amount of simultaneous delivery of material in text and speech, that is, presenters reading out loud the text on the slide, which is an additional barrier to comprehension. Studies show that audiences comprehend less when the same material is simultaneously delivered by text and speech and that for many settings, audio-only delivery of text is more effective.

This process is explained by the  cognitive load theory , which states that since working memory is limited and each form of presentation of new material (written text, audio instruction, visual diagram, etc.) requires its own allotment of working memory to process, the amount of working memory available for learning is hindered by unnecessary redundancies in presentation. These effects are more pronounced when multiple presentations of information are processed in the same cognitive domain—such as audio instructions and visual text, both processed in the language domain, known as the “phonological loop” (Kalyuga et al., 2004).

Assertion-Evidence Method

The traditional use of PowerPoint, determined mostly by software programming defaults, involves crafting slides with a topic, question, or theme in the upper banner, followed by text bullet points in the body of the slide. A more effective way to present material is with the  Assertion-Evidence   Method  (see graphic), in which the top banner makes an assertion, written in sentence form (think of crafting the assertion in the style of a newspaper headline). The body of the slide then contains visual evidence of the assertion—if possible, in the form of a simple chart, but pictures and brief text can also serve as evidence. This method has been linked with better understanding and long-term retention (Garner & Alley, 2013).

Traditional Topic and Bullet-Point Method

PowerPoint Slide 01

Practical Tips

The research above—as well as research about learning in general—encourages certain practices when using PowerPoint:

  • For variety, use the hyperlink or embed features of PowerPoint to incorporate audio or video media.
  • To reduce cognitive load, blank out the projector when answering a question or dealing with an issue not directly related to the slide.
  • Also to reduce cognitive load, don’t talk while students are writing. If you have minimal text, the instructor should be able—without much disruption in the flow of oration—to display the text and let students silently read before proceeding to elaborate.
  • To encourage  interactive learning , incorporate questions into PowerPoint presentations. These can be used for discussion, pause-and-ponder, brief writing exercises, etc.

Apperson, J., Laws, E., & Scepansky, J. (2006). The impact of presentation graphics on students’ experience in the classroom.  Computers & Education 47 , 116-126.

Brock, S. Joglekar, Y., & Cohen, E. (2011). Empowering PowerPoint: Slides and teaching effectiveness.  Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management, 6 , 85-94.

Bunce, D. M., Flens, E. A., & Neiles, K. Y. (2010). How long can students pay attention in class? A study of student attention using clickers.  Journal of Chemical Education ,  87 (12, 1438-1443.

Garner, J. K., & Alley, M. P (2013). How the design of presentation slides affects audience comprehension: A case for the assertion-evidence approach.  International Journal of Engineering Education, 29 (6), 1564-1579.

Hill, A., Arford, T., Lubitow, A., & Smollin, L. M. (2012). “I’m ambivalent about it”: The dilemmas of PowerPoint.  Teaching Sociology, 40 (3), 242-256.

Kalyuga, S., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (2004). When redundant on-screen text in multimedia technical instruction can interfere with learning.  Human Factors, 46 (3), 567-581.

Levasseur, D. G., & Sawyer, J. K. (2006). Pedagogy meets PowerPoint: A research review of the effects of computer-generated slides in the classroom.  The Review of Communication, 6 (1/2), 101-123.

Making better PowerPoint presentations (n.d.). Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching (webpage). Retrieved from .

Suskind, J. E. (2005). PowerPoint’s power in the classroom: Enhancing students’ self-efficacy and attitudes.  Computers & Education, 45 (2), 203-215.

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7 Presentation Tips for Teachers

  • By: Kelly Allison

Teachers are essentially professional presenters. Talking to a group of students, parents and other teachers is all a presentation. This means teachers give presentations constantly. These presentation tips are geared towards this hard-working group of professionals.

Giving this many presentations can cause speakers to become burnt out. This tips will help teachers perform better in front of their variety of audiences.

1) Give Lots of Thought to Your Visual Aids

Visual aids have a research-backed ability to decrease learning time, improve comprehension, and increase retention. They’re critical for teachers. Don’t simply add visuals as a quick after-thought. Be thoughtful about the ways movie clips , infographics , and even GIFs can enhance the content. Keep in mind that entertainment value is just as important as a visual aid’s ability to support your argument. Students who are entertained will also retain your lessons.

presentation in teaching

2) Don’t Read from the Slides

One of the biggest presentation mistakes teachers make is reading directly from the slides. Not only is this incredibly boring for anyone to sit through (child or adult) but it’s an ineffective way to teach. Do what you can to keep your slide content to a minimum. Let the visual do most of the legwork rather than the text. Research shows an audience learns 79% more from textless visuals.

3) Tell a Story

Storytelling is one of many presentation tips used by speakers across all industries. Telling a story with your content will make your lesson more compelling. It’s a whole lot easier for your students to remember details from a story. Any set of data has a killer story to tell, it’s just a matter of finding it. If you’re struggling to come up with narratives, then recruit a presentation mentor to help you get the wheels turning.

4) Simplify Your Topics

It’s easy to share a ton of details about a topic that you know everything about. It’s hard for your audience to understand it all. Edit your lessons down to one main idea per slide. Supporting points can be broken out across additional slides. Don’t worry about high slide counts. Worry about how easy your topic is for your audience to understand.

5) Keep Telling Them What They’re Learning

All of our presentation tips revolve around our method : Tell your audience what you are going to say, say it, then tell them what you just said. This works well on student audiences. Introducing, delivering and reiterating a topic helps solidify it in the minds of any audience. This effective tip is found in nearly all high-quality presentations.

6) Include Plenty of Interaction

No one wants to be talked at for any significant long time. Especially not students who are forced to stay seated for hours at a time. Don’t speak straight through your presentation without a little engagement. Use questions, role-playing and small group discussions to get students involved. This will make it easier for you to hold their attention. Presentation tips on audience engagement create excitement and interest in your deck.

7) Show Your Personality

Set aside formality in favor of a more casual approach. Conversational speech will make you an effective teacher. Take time to get to know your students and their parents. Avoid using formal language that will make you appear distant. Crack a bad joke or two to make you more relatable and show some personality.

Want even more ways to elevate your teaching skills this year? Then check out our Catapult training to propel yourself to the next level of the presentation game.

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Kelly Allison

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presentation in teaching

A presentation delivers content through oral, audio and visual channels allowing teacher-learner interaction and making the learning process more attractive. Through presentations, teachers can clearly introduce difficult concepts by illustrating the key principles and by engaging the audience in active discussions. When presentations are designed by learners, their knowledge sharing competences, their communication skills and their confidence are developed.

  • Define the objectives of the presentation in accordance to the lesson plan (lesson planning)
  • Prepare the structure of the presentation, including text, illustrations and other content (lesson planning)
  • Set up and test the presentation equipment and provide a conducive seating arrangement and environment for the audience (lesson planning)
  • Invite the audience to reflect on the presentation and give feedback (lesson delivery)
  • After the presentation, propose activities or tasks to check the learners’ understanding
  • Use Mentimeter for interactive presentations and to get instant feedback from your audience (consult this written tutorial on how to use Mentimeter).
  • An infographic; graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge, is an innovative way to present. Use the digital tool Canva to create your own infographics (consult this  written tutorial  on how to use Canva).
  • Use Google Slides or the Microsoft software PowerPoint , to easily create digital presentations.
  • The purpose of a presentation is to visually reinforce what you are saying. Therefore the text should contain few words and concise ideas organised in bullet-point.
  • Support your text using images .
  • Provide time for reflection and interaction between the presenter and the audience, for example by using  Mentimeter .

presentation in teaching

    Techniques/ Demonstration                                                                Techniques/ Brainstorming

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The Innovative Instructor

Pedagogy – best practices – technology.

The Innovative Instructor

PowerPoint in the Classroom

Do you use PowerPoint (or Keynote, Prezi or other presentation software) as part of your teaching? If yes, why? This is not meant to be a question that puts you on the defensive, rather to ask you to reflect on how the use of a presentation application enhances your teaching and fits in with other strategies to meet your learning objectives for the class.

A key point from that post to reiterate: “Duarte reports on research showing that listening and reading are conflicting cognitive processes, meaning that your audience can either read your slides or listen to you; they cannot do both at the same time. However, our brains can handle simultaneous listening to a speaker and seeing relevant visual material.”

It’s important to keep this in mind, particularly if your slides are text heavy. Your students will be scrambling to copy the text verbatim without actually processing what is being said. On the other hand, if your slides are used as prompts (presenting questions or key points with minimal text) or if you don’t use slides at all, students will have to listen to what you are saying, and summarize those concepts in their notes. This process will enhance their understanding of the material.

An article in Focus on Teaching from August 1, 2012 by Maryellen Weimer, PhD asks us to consider Does PowerPoint Help or Hinder Learning? Weimer references a survey of students on the use of PowerPoint by their instructors. A majority of students reported that all or most of their instructors used PowerPoint. Weimer’s expresses the concern that “Eighty-two percent [of students surveyed] said they “always,” “almost always,” or “usually” copy the information on the slides.” She asks, “Does copying down content word-for-word develop the skills needed to organize material on your own? Does it expedite understanding the relationships between ideas? Does it set students up to master the material or to simply memorize it?” Further, she notes that PowerPoint slides that serve as an outline or use bulleted lists may “oversimplify” complex content, encourage passivity, and limit critical thinking.

Four journal articles from Cell Biology Education on PowerPoint in the Classroom (2004 Fall) present different points of view (POV) on the use of PowerPoint. Although written over a decade ago, most of the concepts are still relevant. Be aware that some of the links are no longer working. From the introduction to the series:

Four POVs are presented: 1) David Keefe and James Willett provide their case why PowerPoint is an ideal teaching software. Keefe is an educational researcher at the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI International. Willett is a professor at George Mason University in the Departments of Microbial and Molecular Bioscience; as well as Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2) Kim McDonald highlights the causes of PowerPointlessness, a term which indicates the frequent use of PowerPoint as a crutch rather than a tool. She is a Bioscience Educator at the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. 3) Diana Voss asks readers if PowerPoint is really necessary to present the material effectively or not. Voss is a Instructional Computing Support Specialist at SUNY Stony Brook. 4) Cynthia Lanius takes a light-hearted approach to ask whether PowerPoint is a technological improvement or just a change of pace for teacher and student presentations. Lanius is a Technology Integration Specialist in the Sinton (Texas) Independent School District.

These are short, op-ed style, pieces that will further stimulate your thinking on using presentation software in your teaching.

For more humorous, but none-the-less thought provoking approach, see Rebecca Shuman’s anti-PowerPoint tirade featured in Slate (March 7, 2014): PowerPointless . With the tagline, “Digital slideshows are the scourge of higher education,” Shuman reminds us that “A presentation, believe it or not, is the opening move of a conversation—not the entire conversation.”

Shuman offers a practical guide for those, like her, who do use presentation software, but seek to avoid abusing it. “It is with a few techniques and a little attention, possible to ensure that your presentations rest in the slim minority that are truly interactive and actually help your audience learn.” , the website Shuman references, discusses the use of presentation software broadly, not just for academics, but has many useful ideas and tips.  

For a resource specific to academic use, see the University of Central Florida’s Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning’s Effective Use of PowerPoint . The experts at the Center examine the advantages and challenges of using presentation software in the classroom, suggest approaches to take, and discuss in detail using PowerPoint for case studies, with clickers, as worksheets, for online (think flipped classes as well) teaching, the of use presenter view, and demonstrate best practices for delivery and content construction.

Macie Hall, Senior Instructional Designer Center for Educational Resources

Image Source: CC Oliver Tacke

One thought on “ PowerPoint in the Classroom ”

This post offers a well-framed discussion of the pedagogical choices behind presentation choices we make in our classes–thanks!

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Teaching with Powerpoint

Pedagogical considerations for powerpoint.

PowerPoint is a presentation program. It automatically creates a sense of formality in a classroom. Many students respond to PowerPoint the same way they respond to a lecture. They tend to be quieter, more inclined to listen than to talk, and even may take notes. If you desire a more relaxed classroom atmosphere, some of the options described later in this chapter offer suggestions for reducing the formality of PowerPoint.

Bridging with PowerPoint

Using PowerPoint when you are in the seminar style classroom can create a sense of technological continuation between the classrooms. You might want to incorporate some of the material produced in the LAN into a PowerPoint presentation.

When and How to Use PowerPoint

How much you use PowerPoint will vary based on your particular teaching style. The next section provides a list of suggestions for incorporating PowerPoint into daily instruction. Keep in mind that using PowerPoint requires planning; you need to prepare your presentation in advance.

You will find detailed instructions on how to use PowerPoint in the  CIC Student Guide  portion of this manual.

Options for Using Power Point

Option 1: illustrated lectures.

When giving a lecture or mini-lecture, you can use PowerPoint to highlight key points in your presentation. The visual format of PowerPoint allows you to easily project timelines, and images. You can also use PowerPoint to provide an outline of your talk, without writing on the board.

Image and text illustrate key lecture ideas in PowerPoint

Option 2: Instructions

You can use PowerPoint to present instructions for a paper assignment or class activity. The sequential order of the slides lends itself to providing step-by-step instructions.

Option 3: Paper Proposals

Students can present their paper proposals or outlines to the class via PowerPoint. For example, a student could present his or her claim on one slide, following by an outline for the paper on another. Or the student could combine the table feature to present two possible outlines for the paper side by side.

SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT (Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges)

This assignment gives students the option of using PowerPoint.

The proposal assignment allows you to develop a tentative thesis, pose arguments related to this thesis, identify potential evidence and consider organizational strategies for your comparison/contrast essay. You may submit the proposal in a word-processed format, or you may use PowerPoint. You may also integrate images into the proposal, particularly as you discuss shots and scenes you will analyze in the essay. In completing the proposal, you will produce a roadmap to guide your drafting process.

Although the proposal can take a variety of formats, it should include the following components:

  • A tentative title for the essay.
  • The names of the films you will compare/contrast.
  • The theme you plan to address and an indication of how you plan to narrow the theme.
  • A tentative thesis that addresses the significance of the films’ similarities and differences.
  • An overview of the similarities and differences you will address in the essay.
  • A description of the shots or scenes you plan to analyze, with notes on the arguments you plan to make about these shots and scenes.
  • An indication of the order in which you plan to make your points. You may do this in the form of a list, a descriptive outline, or any other format that works for you.
  • A list of any questions you have regarding the assignment or your ideas-in-progress.

While I have listed the elements you should include, you can address them in an order you wish. For example, you may integrate the overview of similarities and differences and the listing of shots/scenes into the outline of points. You may also incorporate anything else that will help you draft the essay (excerpts from your electronic responses; quotations from lecture, readings, or others’ electronic responses; notes taken during in-class presentations, etc.).

Option 4: Discussion Prompts

You can use PowerPoint to project a discussion prompt to the class. This technique is particularly suited to a short writing exercise. Since the prompt is already legibly written on the slide, students can refer back to it easily as they complete a writing activity prior to discussion. You can then use PowerPoint to project bulletin board or other class materials relevant to the prompt and/or follow up questions.

Note : projecting a quote from a Bulletin Board discussion followed by a discussion question is a simple and effective way to bridge discussions when moving between rooms.

PowerPoint used to display discussion prompts

Option 5: Test or Quiz Answers

PowerPoint gives you the ability to project a test or quiz question, discuss it with the class, and then project the answer below or alongside the question. You can also use PowerPoint to project student responses to questions.

PowerPoint used to conduct class quiz

Option 6: Grammar Exercises

You can use PowerPoint to grammatical instructions, samples from student papers, and revised sentences, among other possibilities. The ability to reveal the text on the screen a section at a time allows students to clearly see the editing process.

Option 7: Student Projects

Most of the options described above are also suited to student presentations. You can require students to use PowerPoint for individual or group presentations or you can give students the option of using PowerPoint. You may be surprised how many students will take the option.


An excellent pedagogical means of keeping class discussion lively, the discussant pool diverse, and the selected texts intellectually engaging is to assign a pair or a group of students to lead a discussion on a given text. The exercise can include close reading exclusively, or it can include the researching, summarizing, and presenting of one or two critical articles on that text.

The technique works particularly well if presenters are required to quote short passages from the articles on PowerPoint slides and to provide summaries of whatever quoted—a requirement that reinforces in each class session the practice of never allowing a secondary quoted source to stand alone without critical interpretation.

The technique also works well if portions of class sessions are set aside to allow students to research articles (on campus, via the UW Libraries English Research Guide  as well as to allow adequate preparation time for presenters to confer and design their PowerPoint drafts—best to set limits on these, say, five or eight slides, as presenters rarely gauge time accurately and always have more to say during the discussion than they initially anticipate.

Also helpful is to require that the last PowerPoint screen include at least two but no more than four questions about the textual subject under discussion/ and or the textual relevance of the articles summarized.

Here’s an example from a senior seminar discussion of Ali Smith’s novel Hotel World :

PowerPoint used by student presenters

Below is an explanation I included within my syllabus about using PowerPoint as an aid to discussion leading; the course was a senior seminar that focused on variations of voice in literary texts:

For Group or Solo Presentation (Discussion Leading) Projects

Everyone in class needs to take responsibility for leading a class discussion about a particular aspect of voice used in our course texts.

A short PowerPoint slide show is required for all presentations, and we’ll use class time to prepare at least skeletal drafts of the PowerPoints.

Here’s how to prepare:

  • Coordinate with me and other presenters before the actual presentation to ensure variety rather than redundancy in topic matter that centers on style and voice in your assigned text.
  • Rehearse your presentation, and if it bores you at any point or doesn’t reveal something interesting about a writer’s voice as conveyed in style, revise the presentation so that it does engage and interest.
  • Produce and rely on a brief (3- 5 PowerPoint screens) to cover the points that you are explaining. Quote short textual passages on these screens and mark them so as to make them largely visible and to keep people’s attention on the screen and your voice.
  • Use another audio/visual aid (besides your own voice and not just the print book you’re working with) in your presentation to give your presentation pizzazz—and don’t hesitate to employ words like pizzazz in your PowerPoint script, as this is a class about literary voice!  Item 1

Additional Resources

  • YouTube Comedy Video on How NOT to Use Powerpoint This 4 minute video is a low-key way to introduce students to some of the more extreme abuses of PowerPoint.
  • Bedford St. Martins   Tutorial on Preparing Presentation Slides This is an online tutorial with some solid nuts and bolts guidelines for building audience-friendly slides. It can also be used as a point of discussion for how "rules of thumb" can cause problems in presenting complex material.
  • Excerpt from Edward Tufte's The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint This essay is a classic for critiquing how Powerpoint can reduce the analytical complexity of data and conclusions, in some cases leading to bad and even dangerous decisions in technical environments. 
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What Are the Key Benefits of Using PowerPoint in Teaching and Learning?

What Are the Key Benefits of Using PowerPoint in Teaching and Learning Education

Table of Contents

The Importance of PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching

An education-based PowerPoint presentation templates have become an integral part of teaching in today’s classrooms. They provide educators with a versatile tool for delivering engaging and interactive lessons. PPT presentations also offer numerous benefits for students, including the ability to improve concentration and comprehension levels.

Additionally, by using PowerPoint slides in conjunction with other instructional materials, such as textbooks and handouts, teachers can ensure that all students are able to access the information being presented in class. PowerPoint presentations can be a powerful tool for teaching and learning when used effectively.

The main reason behind this is that PowerPoint presentations enable you to interact with your audience psychologically. So, here we’re going to discuss the power of PowerPoint in education.

In most cases, presentations are designed for businesses and applied very commonly in business areas. Moreover, presentation slides are likewise used in the education sector and can make your educational or research content compelling.

Let’s get started. Scroll now to read the key benefits of using PowerPoint in teaching and learning .

Why PowerPoint Templates Are the Best Tool for Teaching?

Why PowerPoint Templates Are the Best Tool for Teaching

PowerPoint templates are an excellent tool for teaching. They provide a consistent and professional look to your presentations and help keep your ideas organized. Presentation templates also make updating and changing your slides easy, so you can always keep your presentations fresh and up-to-date.

When teaching a subject like biology, getting your audience interested in what you have to say is essential. PowerPoint templates can help you set the tone for your presentation and reinforce the type of content you will discuss. There are various templates out there, so you can find one that will let you teach your subject efficiently and keep things neat and organized.

In addition, PPT slides can be easily shared with other teachers so that you can collaborate on projects and assignments. Overall, PowerPoint templates are a versatile and valuable tool for any teacher. With their help, you can create engaging and informative presentations to help your students learn and succeed.

How PowerPoint Templates Let You Engage Your Students or Audience?

How PowerPoint Templates Let You Engage Your Students

At present, it’s more important than ever to be able to engage your audience. Whether you’re giving a PPT presentation to a group of students or speaking to a potential client, you need to be able to capture their attention and keep them engaged.

One way to do this is by using PowerPoint templates. With templates, you can create visually appealing and informative presentations. By using engaging visuals and helpful content, you can ensure that your audience stays interested in what you’re saying.

In addition, templates can help you save time when creating presentations. All you need to do with everything already laid out for you is add your content. Accordingly, templates can help you create professional and effective presentations.

Although presentation skills are essential for everyone, they are particularly important for educators. After all, a large part of a teacher’s job is to present information to students engagingly and effectively. Fortunately, there are some simple tips that can help to improve any presentation.

  • First, it is important to be well prepared. This means clearly understanding the material that will be covered and knowing how to effectively communicate it to the audience.
  • It is also significant to be aware of the audience’s level of knowledge and adjust the presentation accordingly.
  • Finally, it is significant to be confident and keep the presentation interesting using various techniques such as humor, stories, or multimedia elements.

By following these tips, any teacher can deliver a successful presentation.

How to Create an Educational Presentation Quickly?

How to Create an Educational Presentation Quickly

PowerPoint templates are a great way to teach your students detailed data. For your lessons to be practical, you need your students to focus and pay attention, so having templates allows them the tools they need to learn more effectively.

It’s a wise way of helping children in school hone their PowerPoint skills. Many children feel overwhelmed when they have to start creating presentations from scratch-templates give them a structure they can follow and tweak to make their own.

Additionally, templates can be reused multiple times, which saves you time in the long run. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that PowerPoint templates are becoming increasingly popular in educational settings.

If you’re finding a way to help, your students learn more effectively, consider using PowerPoint templates in your next lesson.

However, you can create an informative and engaging presentation with some preparation and organization. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Choose a subject that is interesting and relevant to your audience.
  • Gather information and resources on the topic.
  • Outline your presentation content.
  • Create visuals or slides to accompany your presentation content.
  • Practice giving your presentation.
  • Time yourself so you can keep it within the desired time frame.

Let’s walk through the best practices to create a unique educational PPT presentation.

Choose a Subject That Is Interesting and Relevant to Your Audience

When creating an educational PowerPoint, choosing a subject that is interesting and relevant to your audience is essential.

This will help engage the audience and ensure that they learn from the presentation.

Also, choosing a relevant topic will help keep the audience’s attention focused on the PowerPoint. There are a few different ways to determine what subject would be most exciting and pertinent to your audience. One way is to consider the age range of the audience.

Another way is to think about what type of information would be most helpful to them. Additionally, you can research the interests of the audience ahead of time. Considering these factors, you can choose a subject for your PowerPoint that will be both interesting and relevant to your audience.

Gather Information and Resources on the Topic

If you want to create an educational PPT presentation, it’s essential to gather information and resources on your topic first. This will ensure that the PowerPoint is informative and accurate.

There are a few different ways to go about gathering information. One option is to do some online research. Another option is to visit a library and look for books or articles on the topic.

Once you have brought together all the necessary information, you can start putting together your PowerPoint presentation. Remember to include only appropriate information and to present it in an organized and visually appealing way.

If a little effort is put into creating a PowerPoint, you can come up with an educational presentation that you will like.

Outline Your Presentation Content

You will need to describe your content thoroughly when creating educational PowerPoint slides. This will be useful to organize your thoughts and ensure that your presentation is cohesive and informative. Begin by brainstorming the main points that you want to cover.

Then, create an introductory presentation outline, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Once you have a general overview of your content, you can begin to flesh out the details. In the body of your presentation, include supporting evidence for each point you make.

In conclusion, summarize the key points of your presentation and leave your audience with something to think about. By wisely and efficiently editing and structuring your content, you can create a captivating and interactive PowerPoint lesson that is both informative and interesting.

Create Visuals or Slides to Accompany Your Presentation Content

You must include visual components to reveal information in an instructional PowerPoint presentation. It will help to engage the audience and provide them with a more immersive experience.

Additionally, visuals can help clarify and strengthen the key points you are trying to communicate. If used effectively, they can also help to add interest and excitement to your presentation.

When choosing visuals, be sure to select ones that are high quality and relevant to your topic. Avoid using too many visuals, as this can overwhelm your audience.

Instead, focus on choosing a few useful visuals to support your presentation and help your audience understand your message better.

Practice Giving Your Presentation

Whether you are allowed to give a speech, practice builds expertise. By practicing your presentation, you can ensure that you are delivering your material in the most effective way possible.

Being careful with your delivery, body language, and overall clarity is essential when practicing. Remember that eye contact is key and that you want to project confidence in your ability to speak on the topic at hand.

It can also be helpful to tape-record yourself so that you can listen back and identify areas that may need improvement. With a bit of practice, you will be capable of giving an educative and memorable presentation.

Time Yourself So You Can Keep It Within the Desired Time Frame

If you’re planning for an educational presentation, it’s important to time yourself stay within the desired time frame. This can be exceptionally important if you’re giving a presentation to a group of students who have a limited attention span.

You can ensure that your presentation stays on track and doesn’t run over by timing yourself. There are a few different ways to time yourself. One option is to use a stopwatch or timer.

Another option for keeping track of where you are in your presentation is periodically checking the clock.

Whichever method you choose, ensure you give yourself enough time to practice to stay within the desired time frame when giving your presentation.

How an Educational PowerPoint Presentation Skyrocket Your Success

How a Professional Educational PowerPoint Presentation Skyrocket Your Success

A well-designed PowerPoint slide can be the key to success in any educational setting. A PowerPoint presentation can help students grasp complex concepts and remember key points by organizing visually appealing and easy-to-understand information.

Additionally, a PPT presentation can add excitement and interest to a dull lecture or dry text. When used effectively, a PowerPoint presentation can engage students and encourage them to participate actively in learning.

As a result, an investment in a professional educational PowerPoint presentation can pay off handsomely in terms of student success.

PowerPoint templates are must-haves for both inexperienced and veteran educators. One of the top reasons is that it saves hours of manual work and struggles.

For instance, if you’ve picked a premium customizable education PPT template, it only requires a couple of minutes to edit and craft your presentation layout. It means you can develop professional PPT presentation infographics within half an hour.

There are countless templates that educators can use for a wide variety of subjects, including maths, science, humanities studies like literature and history, and many more.

It allows your children to have a hands-on, experiment-based curriculum where they can visualize key concepts while paying attention to multimedia elements tools provided by PowerPoint templates along the way.

Now, let’s walk through the top tips to present an impactful educational PPT presentation that will comprehensively drive knowledge to your potential audience.

  • Arrange your presentation objective in a way that attracts your audience and familiarizes the area of discussion in seconds. You can use animated PPT templates or other visual aids to make it attractive and appealing.
  • Try to insert at least one brief one-liner highlighting the relevance and benefits of learning that particular topic.
  • Include self-image or videos to personalize your presentation content.
  • Add animations and slide transitions to explain the key learning steps.
  • Include charts, maps, infographics , images, and graphs that illustrate your topic at hand. A well-organized chart could be vital to driving your point home. Regarding corporate PowerPoint presentations , adding Gantt Charts and other business-related details is better.
  • Avoid having several ideas on one single slide. It may overwhelm your viewers.
  • Leave a little more white space around each element in your PPT slide.
  • No need to add every sentence you intend to speak on your PowerPoint slide. Instead, add sharp points that are easily read and comprehended. Then, explain it.
It is not surprising that technology has fundamentally changed education. In former times, the only way to learn about a topic was to hear a lecture from a professor in a classroom. Today, virtual presentations have become an essential tool for educators. There are many reasons why online presentations are so valuable in education. So, learn how to create virtual presentations that capture your audience’s attention .

Advantages of Purchasing Fully Editable PowerPoint Presentation Templates for Teaching

As we discussed above, PowerPoint templates are a great teaching tool for many reasons. They allow the presentation to maintain a uniform look and feel, which is key for understanding the message. Moreover, it can quickly add sense to your teaching.

It is the only wise choice to purchase a fully-editable premium PowerPoint presentation layout for teaching purposes. Then, you can professionally teach your audience the way you want to educate them.

Here are the top reasons why one should turn to fully editable premium education PPT infographics:

  • Fully editable PPT themes for education will let you overcome the stress of starting with a blank slate each time.
  • All premium education PowerPoint layouts are made with plenty of ideas and unique designs to effectively present your education or research topic.
  • When you have a fully editable PPT theme, you will easily add videos, images, and your brand logo.
  • You can edit and customize anything in the layout without losing quality in minutes. There is no need to have any design skills to edit and customize them.
  • These editable PowerPoint presentation templates will help you save hours of manual work and confusion.

Top Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing a PowerPoint for Teaching

Top Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing a PowerPoint for Teaching

Characteristics that your students like about education PowerPoint slides are:

  • Graphs, charts, and maps can increase the understanding of content.
  • Bulleted lists that let them focus on the top ideas.
  • Animations and slide transitions are the best visual aids.
  • Cliparts and creative layouts.
  • Present your ideas in short phrases rather than lengthy paragraphs.
  • Spoken words with images are better than pictures with text.
Note: Cliparts are the perfect choice to get your audience’s attention in seconds. It is helpful in education PowerPoint presentations for small children and students. However, try to avoid Cliparts if your presentation is for technical students or medical students.

Characteristics that your students don’t like about education PowerPoint slides are:

  • Too many ideas on a single slide.
  • Templates with too many colors.
  • Irrelevant images and WordArts decrease understanding and learning compared to presentation layouts with no picture or animation.

Find the Best Education PowerPoint Presentation Slides for Teaching

PowerPoint presentations have a great power to share your ideas comprehensively, especially for educational purposes. Therefore, picking the suitable PowerPoint presentation template that fits well will help you significantly convey your presentation.

Moreover, choosing the appropriate theme or design is the base part of the entire PPT presentation.

There may be several PPTs available in the free source, but always remember that they may not assure you the quality and features needed for a powerful PowerPoint template.

Therefore, it will be wise to pick a premium PPT template designed by professionals . Selecting an ideal template for creating an attention-grabbing educational presentation is crucial if you wish to make your presentation’s tone professional. Thus, say goodbye to typical, boring PowerPoint templates that ruin your presentation.

Explore the top highlights of our exclusive educational PowerPoint presentation template below:

  • 100% Fully editable PowerPoint slides & design elements.
  • 2 Aspect ratio (4:3 & 16:9).
  • One-time purchase (Free download for life).
  • Unlimited downloads (Come back anytime to download the files again).
  • Lifetime free updates (We update by adding more slides regularly).
  • Lifetime free customer care support.

There you can view the best-in-quality education or research topic presentation themes designed by our expert graphic designers.

You can find a selection of creative, unique PPT themes here at FlySlides , in addition to education PowerPoint templates or research presentation PPT slides. All our premium PowerPoint templates are fully customizable and come with unlimited download and update options.

Besides our PPT templates, we also have a tremendous selection of fully customizable Keynote presentation templates and Google Slides themes . So it’s up to you to select your preference. With FlySlides, you can quickly create your education presentations on PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

You can also refer to:

  • Tips to Develop a Powerful Business Presentation .
  • 10 Proven Tips to Make a Great Sales Presentation .

What’s more, Look into our library and take a look at our templates. They’re available in as many presentations as you want and skyrocket your success as a PowerPoint presenter. Why waste your precious time? Just explore our top selection of PowerPoint presentation layouts for education and find the best templates for your next presentation .

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Written by FlySlides Editorial Team

FlySlides is one of the leading and high-quality Free and Premium PowerPoint, Google Slides & Keynotes Templates providers on the internet.

FlySlides is one of the leading and high-quality premium PowerPoint, Google Slides & Keynotes Templates provider on the internet

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Teaching with PowerPoint Presentations


PowerPoint presentations are used in many different fields due to their ability to organize and structure information, create a consistent format, and provide the audience with visuals. Educators often use this type of presentation in their classrooms in order to guide the class through a lecture. The effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations is often debated, but most agree that when created in the right way, these presentations have many benefits for students of all ages. The amount of information on each slide, the type of transition between slides, the color of the background, and the number of slides are all factors to consider when teaching with PowerPoint Presentations, and there are many resources out there that will help guide you when you begin creating your own presentation.

Nowadays, technology is being used in the classroom more often than not as a tool to aid educators in teaching their students course content. PowerPoint presentations are often utilized by educators during lectures, which is why there are many resources available online to provide them with the best strategies to create and present these presentations in their classes.

Lesson Plans

  • The 4 Best PowerPoint Lesson Plans for Middle School : Applied Educational Systems has put together four of the best lesson plan ideas to teach middle schoolers how to use PowerPoint. Each of the lesson plans (An Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, the Basics of Building a PowerPoint Presentation, More Features in Powerpoint, and the Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Presentations) includes a brief introduction and an activity for students to practice the skills that they have learned. By the end of these lessons, students will be able to create a new presentation, practice working with text and images, make their presentations interesting, and apply the principles of effective presentations to their own.
  • PowerPoint Lesson Plan for Elementary Students : Perkins provides a class project which requires students to create “All About Me” PowerPoints while learning how to add text, pictures, sound effects, videos, and other features to their presentations. Directions call for students to be split into groups to put together multiple slides that will eventually be combined for a whole class presentation. Topics for each slide include students’ names, families, pets, favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite subjects, etc. This lesson plan gives educators a fun way to have younger students learn how to create PowerPoint presentations for their own use or future educational purposes.
  • How Can I Use PowerPoint More Effectively? : In this article, David Forrest discusses strategies educators can utilize to make their PowerPoints more effective in the classroom. Forrest first recommends deciding on the role of your PowerPoint, which could be a lecture outline, note-taking aid (fill-in-the blank slides), visual aid, timed quizzes, or others. He also talks about the appearance of each slide because less is more in this situation, as the last thing any educator wants is for their students to become distracted from content by their presentation. Lastly, the author goes over how educators should prepare for technological failure or anything else going wrong during their PowerPoint presentation. This piece is a good one for educators to read before creating their own presentations!
  • PowerPoint in the Classroom : NCBI provides a few different articles on whether PowerPoints are necessary or pointless in the classroom. Ultimately, despite the fact that some of the authors of these articles see PowerPoint presentations as unnecessary, their points of view give insight on what not to do when creating your own presentation, such as adding too much information per slide. Taking all of the arguments given in the articles into consideration will help you decide the best way to begin using PowerPoint presentations in your classroom.
  • PowerPoint in Education : This brief article goes over the ways in which you can present your PowerPoint presentation most effectively in order to help students retain the most information. There are proper ways to use various technologies in the classroom, and in the case of PowerPoints, this author believes that the “intelligent use” of Powerpoint presentations is when the information presented is in the form of complicated graphs or figures and alphanumeric information. However, in cases where students are expected to retain certain information and concepts, traditional presentations would be best.

Informational Sites

  • NIU – Teaching with PowerPoint : NIU runs through the ways to design effective PowerPoint presentations and the best practices when using this online software. First, the author describes how educators should design their presentation, including how to prepare for the presentation, slide content, the number of slides, emphasis on content, clip art, and a final check of the PowerPoint. Next, the use of PowerPoint handouts and tips for the actual presentation itself are detailed. Lastly, NIU explains how to enhance teaching and learning with PowerPoint and suggests ways to engage students with the presentation.
  • Making Better PowerPoint Presentations : Vanderbilt University has put together a page on Baddeley and Hitch’s model of working memory (which relates to how students retain information received through different sensory domains), student preferences for PowerPoint (characteristics they like or don’t like and when students learn more), and resources for making better PowerPoint presentations.
  • UW – Teaching with Powerpoint : UW provides educators with information on when and how to use a PowerPoint, which ultimately depends upon each individual’s teaching style, and the options for using PowerPoints (illustrated lectures, instructions, paper proposals, discussion prompts, test or quiz answers, grammar exercises, and student projects). At the end of the piece, a few additional resources, including a video, online tutorial, and essay, are given to help educators learn how to teach with PowerPoints in the best way.

PowerPoint presentations have many different purposes, but in the classroom, their main purpose is to help direct the lesson or lecture, while also giving students the opportunity to follow along and better understand the material. Presentations can also be a great resource for students to study off of before an assessment or use as a note-taking aid during class. Overall, the resources provided above will be useful when you are putting together PowerPoint presentations for your curriculum material. Take all of these tops into consideration, but remember to make it your own!

Additional Resources

  • The Impact of Using PowerPoint Presentations on Students’ Learning and Motivation in Secondary Schools : ScienceDirect published an informational article on the impact of using PowerPoint presentations on students’ learning and motivation in secondary schools. In this article, the results of a study which investigated the effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations in teaching English and whether students prefer this learning process over traditional teaching styles are provided. The results support the notion that PowerPoint presentations can be used as an effective tool in the classroom. Taking a look at this piece may cause you to consider using these presentations in your classroom!

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Teaching and Presentation Skills

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Facilitation Skills : The art of group facilitation

Teaching and Presentation Skills : Keep these techniques in mind

Keep these five techniques in mind when developing or polishing your outreach skills.

Variety of Teaching Methods and Strategies

Create Effective Presentations

Use audiovisuals, teach outdoors, evaluate yourself and others, use a variety of teaching methods and strategies.

We each learn differently based on our learning style, multiple intelligences and past knowledge and experience. We learn best when we experience a teaching approach that matches our unique learning profile. For this reason, educators need to use a variety of teaching strategies to assure that they are meeting the needs of their learners (audiences).

A Continuum of Teaching Methods

Explanation of Teaching Continuum  (pdf, 5 pp., 145 KB)

Photo courtesy of the Rock River Coalition, WI

A presentation is a spoken communication made in a prepared and formal way. You can give a presentation to one person or hundreds of people or thousands. The skills required can be learned and are very much the same regardless of the size of the group. Water management professionals are often called upon to give a wide variety of presentations. You may be asked to:

  • Give a progress report to your supervisor.
  • Demonstrate to a group of contractors how to install a BMP.
  • Speak to a civic group on how to reduce NPS pollution.
  • Show your commissioners how county money is used to leverage more money.
  • Pique the interest of local farmers in renting your no-till drill.
  • Conduct a workshop for 40 educators.
  • Persuade legislators to support an increase in cost-share monies.
  • Explain a new procedure to employees.
  • Teach a group of scouts how to do water quality monitoring.
  • Deliver a keynote speech at an annual meeting.
  • Give a dedication speech for your new outdoor education area.

With such diversity, a broad range of skills is needed. Developing great speaking abilities is not unlike learning a new sport. Every sport has basic skills that you have to master individually as well as combined together in a game. Basketball players, for example, have to learn to dribble and pass the ball, shoot foul shots and lay-ups, grab rebounds and defend the opponent. While they may excel in some skills, a certain level of expertise is needed in all areas to have an overall successful game. In addition, ballplayers need to integrate their skills with others to work as a whole, i.e., as a team.

Learning to become an effective speaker is similar. In the beginning it can be just as frustrating as learning to properly dribble or throw a basketball. However, after learning a few basic skills, and, most importantly, practicing them, things usually improve. But to really learn to present well takes constant practice and mastery of the basic skills and the ability to weave them together as a whole, i.e., into a presentation.

Where to Start

Goals and Objectives

How to Present Your Content to Make the Most Sense

Effective Questioning Strategies

The “How and When” of Handling Audience Questions

Getting Ready and Making Room Arrangements: The Final Steps

Audiovisuals include any teaching tool used to focus attention, emphasize, clarify and reinforce key points. Visuals, in particular, are important presentation tools because humans are visual creatures – we process visual information (pictures, graphs, etc.) 60,000 times faster than text and retain it up to five times longer.

Well-planned and well-executed audiovisuals can do many things for the audience:

  • Capture attention and focus attention
  • Reinforce (but not repeat verbatim) the verbal message
  • Clarify information
  • Accelerate learning
  • Increase retention

and for the presenter:

  • Help organize the presentation
  • Increase presenter credibility
  • Help manage time and help maintain control
  • Help keep presenter/audience on the same track

General Tips for Planning Successful Audiovisuals

Advantages, disadvantages, and tips for common types of audiovisuals (pdf)

Water resource professionals provide outreach activities and programs for both youth and adults in outdoor settings. These include, for example, pond clinics, field days, water festivals, teacher workshops, camp programs, land lab activities as well as Earth Day, Arbor Day and other special events. Outdoor experiences serve as a powerful vehicle for first-hand learning and a means for helping youth and adult learners make connections that are personal and relevant. Whether learning best practices for pond management and soil erosion or the effects of water quality on organisms found in a stream, learners can become more engaged and successful through the use of hands-on experiences in the outdoors.

While the principles of good education serve equally well inside and outside, several strategies for outdoor learning can make these experiences more rewarding for both the learner and the leader. The following guidelines can help you as you explore the outdoors with learners young and old.

Preparing the Activity or Program

Preparing the Learners

Doing the Activity or Program

Following the Activity or Program

Becoming an effective presenter or teacher is a process, not an event. It takes many years of practice, focusing on one skill and then another and another, building your repertoire of presentation techniques, your style and your confidence. The best way to improve is through self-evaluation and comments by friends, colleagues and experts.

Strategies to Help Improve Your Skills

Additional Resource

A Guide for Growing Volunteer Monitoring Programs  directs program coordinators to resources for building successful programs. See the USA Volunteer Water Quality Network website, and especially:

  • Tools for Effective Outreach
  • From the Trenches – Tips and Tools for Better Presentations

Adapted with permission from Soil and Water Conservation District Outreach: A Handbook for Program Development, Implementation and Evaluation . Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, 2003.

More in this Section

  • Teaching Skills: a continuum
  • Teaching Skills: where to start
  • Teaching Skills: goals and objectives
  • Teaching Skills: effective questioning strategies
  • Teaching Skills: audience questions
  • Teaching Skills: final steps
  • Teaching Skills: presenting content
  • Teaching Skills: content organization
  • Teaching Skills: audience retention
  • Teaching Skills: the introduction
  • Teaching Skills: things to avoid
  • Teaching Skills: make presentation interesting
  • Teaching Skills: increasing learning
  • Teaching Skills: checking understanding
  • Teaching Skills: powerful closing
  • Teaching Skills: alert the audience
  • Teaching Skills: tips for closings
  • Teaching Skills: audiovisuals
  • Teaching Skills: prepare activity
  • Teaching Skills: prepare the learner
  • Teaching Skills: doing the activity
  • Teaching Skills: following the activity
  • Teaching Skills: evaluate yourself

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The World of Teaching

Free Teacher resources including over 1000 Powerpoint presentations

Free Powerpoint presentations for teachers

As a teacher, PowerPoint can be a valuable tool for creating engaging presentations that help students understand complex information. To use PowerPoint effectively, here are some tips:

1. Before creating your presentation, plan out the key points you want to cover and organize your content in a logical manner. Define your learning objectives and consider your students’ needs and backgrounds.

2.Keep your slides simple and avoid excess text. Use bullet points or key phrases instead of lengthy sentences. Remember, your slides should support your teaching and not replace your verbal explanations.

3.Incorporate relevant visuals such as images, charts, graphs, and diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement. Visuals can help illustrate complex concepts, make information more memorable, and cater to different learning styles.


VR Education

English Language

English literature, classical studies.

powerpoint free for teachers

Maintain consistency: Use a consistent design throughout your presentation. Choose a clean and professional template and stick to a limited color palette and font selection. Consistency creates a cohesive visual experience for your students.

Use animations and transitions sparingly: While animations and transitions can add visual interest, too many or excessive effects can be distracting. Use them judiciously to emphasize key points or to reveal information gradually.

Practice good slide structure: Divide your content into sections or topics and use clear headings. Number your slides or include a progress indicator to help students track their progress during the presentation.

Engage your audience: Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or discussion questions into your slides. This helps to promote active participation and ensures students remain attentive and engaged.

Provide clear navigation: Use hyperlinks or navigation buttons to enable easy movement between slides or sections. This allows you to adapt to the flow of the class, respond to questions, or revisit previous content as needed.

Incorporate multimedia: PowerPoint supports audio and video files, so consider including relevant multimedia content to enhance understanding. For example, you can embed videos, audio clips, or simulations that demonstrate concepts or provide real-life examples.

Practice and time your presentation: Rehearse your presentation beforehand to ensure a smooth flow and familiarize yourself with the content. Pay attention to your pace and timing to ensure you cover all the material within the allocated time.

Remember, PowerPoint should complement your teaching, not replace it. Use it as a tool to enhance your lessons and engage your students effectively.

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75 Unique School Presentation Ideas and Topics Plus Templates

presentation in teaching

Are you tired of seeing the same PowerPoints repeating overused and unoriginal school presentation ideas covering repeated topics in your classes?

You know what I’m talking about; we’ve all been there, and sat through yawn-worthy demonstrations, slides, or presentation videos covering everything from the solar system, someone’s favorite pet, past presidents of a country, to why E=mC squared.

school presentation ideas bored cat meme

From grade school to university, first graders to college students, we are obligated to create, perform, and observe academic presentations across a plethora of curriculums and classes, and not all of these public speaking opportunities fall into the category of an ‘interesting topic’.

Yet, have no fear! Here at Piktochart, we are here to help you and your classmates. From giving examples of creative and even interactive presentation ideas, providing presentation videos , and suggesting interactive activities to give your five minutes of fame the ‘wow’ factor that it deserves, this article is your guide!

Our massive collection of unique school and college presentation ideas and templates applies if you’re:

  • A teacher looking to make your class more engaging and fun with student presentations.
  • A student who wants to impress your teacher and the rest of the class with a thought-provoking, interesting topic.

A Curated List of Interesting Topics for School Presentations

Did you know that when it comes to presentations , the more students involved improves retention? The more you know! Yet sometimes, you need a little help to get the wheels moving in your head for your next school presentation .

The great thing about these ideas and topics is you can present them either in face-to-face classes or virtual learning sessions.

Each school presentation idea or topic below also comes with a template that you can use. Create a free Piktochart account to try our presentation maker and get access to the high-quality version of the templates. You can also check out our Piktochart for Education plan .

Want to watch this blog post in video format? The video below is for you!

The templates are further divided into the following categories covering the most popular and best presentation topics. Click the links below to skip to a specific section.

  • Unique science presentation topics to cultivate curiosity in class
  • Engaging culture and history presentation ideas to draw inspiration from
  • Health class presentation topics to help students make healthy lifestyle decisions
  • Data visualization ideas to help students present an overwhelming amount of data and information into clear, engaging visuals
  • First day of school activity ideas to foster classroom camaraderie
  • Communication and media topics to teach students the importance of effective communication
  • Topics to help students prepare for life after school

We hope this list will inspire you and help you nail your next school presentation activity.

Unique Science Presentation Topics to Cultivate Curiosity in Class

Science is a broad field and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with too many topics to choose for your next presentation.

Cultivate curiosity in the science classroom with the following unique and creative presentation ideas and topics:

1. Can life survive in space?

template for can life survive in space

2. Do plants scream when they’re in pain?

template for do plants scream when they're in pain

3. What are the traits of successful inventors?

template of what are the traits of successful inventors

4. How vaccines work

template for how vaccines work

5. Massive destruction of the Koala’s habitat in Australia

template for massive destruction of the koala's habitat in australia

6. Left brain versus right brain

template for left brain vs right brain

7. What are great sources of calcium?

template for great sources of calcium infographic

8. Recycling facts you need to know

template for recycling facts you need to know

9. Do you have what it takes to be a NASA astronaut?

NASA astronaut template

10. The rise of robots and AI: Should we be afraid of them?

rise of robots template

11. How far down does the sea go?

template for how far down does the sea go

12. The stages of sleep

stages of sleep template

13. Will Mars be our home in 2028?

template for will mars be our home in 2028

14. A quick look at laboratory safety rules

template for laboratory rules

15. The first person in history to break the sound barrier

template for the first person in history to break the sound barrier

Engaging Culture and History Presentation Ideas to Draw Inspiration From

History is filled with equally inspiring and terrifying stories, and there are lessons that students can learn from the events of the past. Meanwhile, interactive presentations about culture help students learn and embrace diversity. 

16. Women in history: A conversation through time

infographic template about women in history: a conversation through time

17. The sweet story of chocolate 

visual for sweet story of chocolate 

18. A history lesson with a twist 

template for a history lesson with a twist

19. The history of basketball 

history of basketball visual template

20. The origin of the Halloween celebration 

origin of the halloween celebration template

21. AI History 

AI history template

22. What you need to know about New Zealand 

infographic template about new zealand facts

23. 1883 volcanic eruption of Krakatoa 

template for volcanic eruption of krakatoa 

24. Roman structures: 2000 years of strength

template for roman structures: 2000 years of strength

25. The most famous art heists in history 

template for the most famous art heists in history 

26. Elmo: The story behind a child icon 

template for elmo: the story behind a child icon 

27. 10 things you should know before you visit South Korea 

template for things you should know before you visit south korea 

28. 8 things you didn’t know about these 8 countries 

eight things you didn't know about these countries, template 

Health Class Presentation Topics to Help Students Make Healthy Lifestyle Decisions

Want to learn how to engage students with healthcare topic ideas? Then consider using these templates for your next interactive presentation.

According to the CDC , school-based health education contributes to the development of functional health knowledge among students. It also helps them adapt and maintain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. 

Not only will your presentation help with keeping students engaged, but you’ll also increase class involvement with the right slides.

The following examples of health and wellness interactive presentations include fun ideas and topics that are a good start. 

29. How to look after your mental health?

how to look after your mental health infographic template, mental health, mental health infographic, eating disorders

30. The eradication of Polio

template for the eradication of polio, healthcare infographic, healthcare infographic template

31. How to have a healthy lifestyle 

infographic template about healthy lifestyle, health infographic template

32. 10 handwashing facts 

handwashing infographic template, handwashing visual

33. Myths and facts about depression

infographic template about depression, depression infographic template, infographic on depression

34. Hacks for making fresh food last longer 

hacks for making fresh food last longer template, quarantine infographic

35. Ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus

template about how to avoid spreading the coronavirus, covid infographic

36. Mask protection in 5 simple steps 

template about mask protection, covid infographic

37. Everything you need to know about the flu

cover photo of the presentation about everything you need to know about the flu, flu infographic

38. All about stress: Prevention, tips, and how to cope 

template about stress prevention, tips, and how to cope , stress infographic

39. The importance of sleep 

template about the importance of sleep, sleep infographic

40. Is milk tea bad for you?

template about milk tea is bad for you, health infographic

41. How to boost happiness in 10 minutes

template about how to boost happiness in 10 minutes, happiness infographic

42. How dirty are debit and credit cards 

template of how dirty are debit and credit cards, credit card infographic

43. Why do you need sunscreen protection

template about sunscreen, sunscreen infographic

Data Visualization Ideas to Help Students Present Overwhelming Amounts of Data in Creative Ways

Data visualization is all about using visuals to make sense of data. Students need to pull the main points from their extensive research, and present them by story telling while being mindful of their classmates’ collective attention span.

As far as student assignments go, storytelling with data is a daunting task for students and teachers alike. To keep your audience interested, consider using a non linear presentation that presents key concepts in creative ways.

Inspire your class to be master data storytellers with the following data visualization ideas:

44. Are we slowly losing the Borneo rainforest?

deforestation infographic, template about deforestation, example of how to share about current events

45. Skateboard deck design over the years

skateboard infographic, template about skateboard deck design over the years

46. Food waste during the Super Bowl

super bowl infographic, food waste infographic, template about food waste during the super bowl

47. The weight of the tallest building in the world

building infographic, construction infographic, template about the weight of the tallest building in the world

48. Infographic about data and statistics

data infographic, statistics infographic

49. Stats about cyberbullying

template for stats about cyberbullying, cyberbullying infographic

50. How whales combat climate change

climate change infographic, template for how whales combat climate change

First Day of School Interactive Activity Ideas to Foster Whole-class-Camaraderie

Calling all teachers! Welcome your new students and start the school year with the following back-to-school creative presentation ideas and relevant templates for first-day-of-school activities.

These interactive presentations grab the attention of your students and are remarkably easy to execute (which is the main educator’s goal after all)!

51. Meet the teacher

meet the teacher template, introduction template, meet the teacher visual

52. Example: all about me

introduction infographic, about me visual template

53. Self-introduction

template about self introduction, introduction infographic, about me visual template

54. Tips on how to focus on schoolwork

template about how to productive, productivity infographic, taking notes

55. Course plan and schedule

course plan template, course plan visual, course list

Give our class schedule maker a try to access more templates for free. You can also access our presentation-maker , poster-maker , timeline-maker , and more by simply signing up .

56. Interpreting a student’s report card (for parents)

student report card template, student report card visual

57. Introduction of classroom rules

classroom rules, classroom rules template

58. Assignment schedule

course topics, assignments, course template, course infographic

59. Daily planner

daily planner template

60. Course syllabus presentation

course syllabus template

61. How to write a class presentation

template for how to create a class presentation,

Topics to Teach Students the Importance of Effective Communication

Visual media  helps students retain more of the concepts  taught in the classroom. The following media topics and infographic templates can help you showcase complex concepts in a short amount of time. 

In addition, interactive presentation activities using these templates also encourage the development of a holistic learning process in the classroom because they help focus on the  three domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. 

62. Interactive presentation do’s and don’ts 

template for presentation dos and donts, presentation infographic

63. How to create an infographic 

template about how to create an infographic 

Recommended reading : How to Make an Infographic in 30 Minutes

64. How to improve your internet security and privacy

infographic template about internet privacy

65. What is design thinking?

what is design thinking infographic template

66. What are your favorite software tools to use in the classroom? 

infographic template about educational software

Presentation Topic Ideas to Help Students Prepare for Life After School

One of the things that makes teaching a rewarding career is seeing your students take the learning and knowledge you’ve instilled in them, and become successful, productive adults.

From pitching a business idea to starting your podcast, the following topics are good starting points to prepare students for the challenges after graduation (aka adulting 101):

67. How to make a resume

resume template

68. How to start a startup

how to start a startup, startup infographic, how to temple

69. Credit card vs. debit card

infographic about credit cards and debit cards, credit card infographic

70. Pros and cons of cryptocurrency

pros and cons of cryptocurrency infographic template

71. How to save on travel

ways to save on travel infographic template

72. How to do a SWOT analysis

swot nalysis infographic

73. How to pitch a business idea

business idea pitch infographic template

74. Habits of successful people

presentation template about habits of successful people

75. Starting your own podcast: A checklist

infographic template about starting your own podcast

Find out how a high school teacher like Jamie Barkin uses Piktochart to improve learning in the classroom for her students.

Pro tip: make your presentation as interactive as possible. Students have an attention span of two to three minutes per year of age. To keep minds from wandering off, include some interactive games or activities in the lesson. For example, if you conducted a lesson on the respiratory system, you could ask them to practice breathing techniques.

Maintain eye contact with your students, and you’ll get instant feedback on how interested they are in the interactive presentation.

Make School Presentation Visuals Without the Hassle of Making Them From Scratch

School presentations, when done right, can help teachers engage their classes and improve students’ education effectively by presenting information using the right presentation topic. 

If you’re pressed for time and resources to make your school presentation visuals , choose a template from Piktochart’s template gallery . Aside from the easy customization options, you can also print and download these templates to your preferred format. 

Piktochart also professional templates to create infographics , posters , brochures , reports , and more.

Creating school-focused, engaging, and interactive presentations can be tedious at first, but with a little bit of research and Piktochart’s handy templates, you’re going to do a great job!


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Getting Started as a Presenter at Conferences

Taking on the role of conference presenter gives teachers a chance to learn their content more deeply and improve their speaking skills.

Woman speaking at a conference

Have you ever attended a session at a conference and wondered if you could be a presenter too? If so, what’s holding you back? Perhaps it’s nerves—although educators are professional public speakers, it can be nerve-racking to speak to a room full of adults. Or maybe you’re not sure how to get started or what to say. There are so many creative strategies, methods, lessons, and ideas happening in classrooms everywhere—consider getting out there and sharing your expertise.

I first presented at a small math conference as a new teacher as part of a summer professional development (PD) course. Obviously, I was nervous, but the nerves turned to excitement as my subsequent presentation submissions began to be accepted at larger and more renowned conferences. My excitement comes from sharing strategies and activities that worked in my classroom with fellow teachers. Now, I am eager to submit a proposal for any conference my school’s PD budget can fund (typically I am approved to attend one conference every couple of years).

At the latest conference that I attended, I presented about thinking tasks in a math classroom and asked several educators who also present at conferences to share their advice for those who may want to start on their presenter journey. No matter your title, years of experience, or previous speaking experience, you have valuable knowledge and ideas to share with other educators.

Take Baby Steps

“Start small,” says Elliot Beck, a high school math teacher in Tucson, Arizona. “What is one thing you are excited or passionate about in your practice that you’d like to share? Team up with a buddy. The presenting experience is so much more fun when you are with a trusted colleague, and the workload is shared.”

Additionally, I asked educators who present to share the advantages of being a presenter.

  • “The opportunity to network with people outside your school or district is great. I think teachers need to share their knowledge more often. Many conferences give presenters free registration [or discounts].”—Laura Huntington, high school math teacher in Bakersfield, California
  • “The collective sharing of resources, information, and techniques is what pushes educators to know and do better. Having even a small part of that be because of something that I said or a technique that I shared is a major advantage of presenting. There is also the aspect that not all teachers want to advance up the ‘corporate’ ladder of education into coaching roles or administration, but opportunities are often limited for teachers to grow professionally. The ability to present at conferences can fill that role for teachers, and I implore all educational leaders to empower, allow, and support your teachers if that is something they want to pursue.”—Ian Boze, calculus teacher at Q.I. Roberts Jr.-Sr. High School in Florahome, Florida
  • “Presenting at a conference is an opportunity to humbly share your expertise even though you might not think your topic or content is mind-blowing. What might seem ordinary to you is most likely amazing to someone else. Sharing will not only inspire others to integrate what you’re doing into their own spaces; you might also give another educator the courage to share their expertise as well. It’s a gift that keeps on giving in a million different ways.”—Tammy McMorrow, first-grade teacher in Kuna, Idaho

While there are advantages to being a presenter, there are also some disadvantages.

“Our district does not always have funding, so we have had to pay out of pocket for some conferences,” says Devan Smith, a math coach in Virginia Beach, Virginia. “The cost can sometimes be difficult for public educators to fund themselves. Being away from my family for short periods of time is difficult for me, so those seeking to present will want to consider the impact on their personal lives as well.”

Try Out a Roundtable or Short Session

If you think you’re ready to step up and be a presenter, you may be wondering how to get started. Think back to a conference that you have attended and enjoyed. If you’d consider attending again, check the organization’s website for a “call for submissions.” This call usually goes out several months before the event.

Often you can present for a variety of different session types. I suggest starting with a short session in the beginning. One of my first presentations was at a roundtable discussion in which five to 10 participants gathered to hear my presentation in 15-minute rotations. It was an ideal setup for me as a new presenter.

More educators share their tips on getting started:

  • “I never thought I’d want to stand in front of a room of adults; I am very shy and wanted to challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone. I started small by presenting to math teachers in my district on Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC) after finding huge success using it in my classroom. I received positive feedback, and teachers began implementing what they learned. When we hosted the BTC Workshop in February, I submitted a proposal to share my knowledge with more people interested in learning about BTC and have now presented at three different conferences.”—Felissa Dixon, instructional coach in Tempe, Arizona
  • “I have been asked to share at professional development opportunities my entire career. It usually happens because I get so excited about whatever I have recently learned or experienced and I want to share it with my colleagues. That has progressed to sharing at staff meetings, district PD, and now to national conferences. I find that people will ask you to present when they see the energy and enthusiasm you earnestly have for your craft.”—Lauren Kulczycki, sixth-grade social studies teacher in Plymouth-Canton, Michigan

The next time you are thinking about attending a conference, check out the call for submissions section of their website. It takes only a small amount of time to submit a proposal. You don’t have anything to lose by submitting. You might be a bit nervous at first, but consider the impact you can make for educators and students far and wide.

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  • Quick Tutorials
  • WPS Presentation
  • Practical Skills

10 Professional Teaching Presentation Examples for Teachers Teach with Ease and Style!

As a teacher, you want to make sure that your presentation style is top notch so that your students will be engaged and learn effectively. In order to help you out, we have collected 10 professional teaching presentation examples for you to study and get inspired from! These presentation examples are creative and interesting, and will help you teach with ease and style.

One of the most important aspects of being a successful teacher is having the ability to deliver an engaging and effective presentation. A well-designed presentation can make complex topics easier to understand, can help students retain information better, and can make your lessons more enjoyable overall. However, coming up with fresh and interesting presentation ideas can be tough – especially if you’re stuck in a presentation rut.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of ten professional presentation examples for teachers.

1.Classic Blackboard Wind Universal Presentation

Classic Blackboard Wind Universal Presentation: This presentation example is perfect for teachers who want to deliver a more traditional presentation. The blackboard design and simple layout make it easy to follow, and the presentation is packed with useful information.

2.Cute Snail Teaching Plan

Cute Snail Teaching Plan: This presentation is perfect for younger students or for teachers who want to add a bit of fun to their presentation. The cute snail design is sure to capture students’ attention, and the presentation is easy to follow and understand.

3.Fresh Simple Leaf Teaching Plan

Fresh Simple Leaf Teaching Plan: This presentation example is perfect for teachers who want to deliver a more modern presentation. The fresh, simple design is easy on the eyes, and the layout makes it easy to find and read information.

4.Red Paper Tearing Teaching Report

Red Paper Tearing Teaching Report: This presentation is perfect for those who want to make a big impression with their presentation. The red paper tearing design is eye-catching and sure to grab attention, while the layout makes it easy to find and read information.

5.Fresh Blue Wave Teaching Work Plan

Fresh Blue Wave Teaching Work Plan: This presentation is perfect for those who want to deliver a more professional presentation. The fresh blue wave design is modern and stylish, and the layout makes it easy to find and read information.

6.Cartoon Cute Teaching Presentation

Cartoon Cute Teaching Presentation: This presentation is perfect for teachers who want to add a bit of fun to their presentation. The cartoon design is sure to capture students’ attention, and the presentation is easy to follow and understand.

7.Blue Stationery Teaching Report

Blue Stationery Teaching Report: This presentation is perfect for those who want to make a big impression with their presentation. The blue stationery design is eye-catching and sure to grab attention, while the layout makes it easy to find and read information.

8.Creative Teaching Presentation

Creative Teaching Presentation: This presentation example is perfect for those who want to add a bit of creativity to their presentation. The creative design is sure to capture attention, and the presentation is easy to follow and understand.

9.Green Leaf Education and Teaching

Green Leaf Education and Teaching: This presentation is perfect for those who want to deliver an eco-friendly presentation. The green leaf design is eye-catching and stylish, and the layout makes it easy to find and read information.

10.Creative Teaching Presentation

These are just a few examples of the many professional teaching presentation examples available out there. So, if you’re looking for presentation inspiration, be sure to download WPS office . You’re sure to find the perfect presentation for your needs.

Happy teaching! :)

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  • 5. 10 Free Project Tracker Excel Templates: Track Your Projects with Ease
  • 6. Best Intern Teaching Presentation Examples

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  • Presentation Ideas for Students: Easy and Unique Topics

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Presentations at school are not just an everyday task: they are your chance to show you are a bright student and demonstrate your vision. Adding some creativity and your personal touch to your presentations will provide an extra level of interest and help your presentation remain in people’s memories.

You don’t need to be a techie, either. Software packages such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva are easy to use and provide many colorful devices to make your ideas visually striking.

To create this article, we invited experienced presentation designers and effective presenters to share tips and original ideas for presentations that will help students succeed. So, choose an interesting topic from our list and create a presentation using the tips from our experts!

List of Topic Ideas for Different Categories

As you already know, the right topic needs to appeal to you, fit the occasion, and hold the interest of your audience. Here's a more detailed checklist of the characteristics of the best presentation topics:

  • Engaging: Captures and holds the audience’s interest throughout the presentation.
  • Relevant: Relates to trends and topics in your field of study or work.
  • Researchable: Information and resources are available to support your claims and arguments.
  • Brief and Concise: Easily understood by the target audience with no convoluted ideas or overused terminology.
  • Original: Offers a fresh perspective or approach, distinguishing it from common topics.
  • Appropriately Scoped: Well-suited for the allotted presentation time; not too broad or too narrow.

Thus, when selecting presentation topics for students, consider these factors to create an excellent presentation. You can also explore what a good essay topic looks like to get more inspiration and ideas for your presentation.

So, check out our list of 100 PowerPoint presentation topics for students, which has been thoroughly structured to make it easier for a school or university student to choose a topic!

10-Minute Presentation Ideas

You must pick your subject carefully if you have 10 minutes to make an impression. It has to be brief and compelling. Here are ten short and memorable ideas for presentation topics:

  • The Future of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Psychology Behind First Impressions
  • The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
  • Minimalism: More Than Just Decluttering
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Brief History of the Internet
  • How to Start a Small Business
  • The Basics of Personal Financial Management
  • The Importance of Voting in Democratic Societies
  • The Benefits of Daily Physical Activity

If you need help creating a great topic, consider consulting expert writers. The PowerPoint presentation writing service can provide engaging presentation examples for students. Moreover, experienced authors will help you with any part of your presentation if required.

Good Higher School Presentation Ideas

School presentations for high school students can be a perfect way to introduce exciting topics and help them broaden their educational horizons. Here are ten PowerPoint presentation topics for higher school students:

  • The Effects of Global Warming on Our Planet
  • The Evolution of Pop Music
  • Understanding the Stock Market
  • The Science of Habit Formation
  • Exploring Career Options in Technology
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Teenage Mental Health: Understanding and Support
  • The History and Impact of Comic Books
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself Online

Business Topics for Presentation at University

Business presentations must be informative, explaining industry trends, strategies, and innovations. Here are the ten most impressive business slideshow ideas for students:

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Marketing Strategies
  • Startup Culture: Evolution and Impact
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Examples and Outcomes
  • The Future of Work: Remote vs. In-Office
  • Blockchain Technology in Business
  • Global Economic Trends and Their Impact on Local Businesses
  • Customer Relationship Management: Best Practices
  • Business Ethics in the Age of Technology
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy and Outcomes

>> Find more business research paper topics  for presentation  at StateOfWriting!

Medical and Nursing Topics for Presentation

Medical and nursing presentations usually focus on today's issues, innovations, and new or best practices. This list covers ten interesting topics for presentation for healthcare professionals and students:

  • The Role of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare
  • Advances in Robotic Surgery
  • The Impact of Mental Health on Physical Well-being
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice
  • The Importance of Patient Education in Chronic Disease Management
  • Breakthroughs in Alzheimer's Disease Research
  • Handling Medical Emergencies in Remote Areas
  • The Evolution of Nursing Roles in Healthcare
  • Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Hospitals

Unique Management Topics for Presentation

Good management is at the heart of a successful enterprise. The following ten creative presentation ideas explore leadership, strategy, and operational effectiveness:

  • Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact
  • Change Management: Strategies for Successful Implementation
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Project Management Techniques for Efficient Workflow
  • Cross-Cultural Management and Its Challenges
  • Corporate Governance and Accountability
  • Managing Remote Teams: Tools and Tips
  • Innovation Management in Companies
  • Crisis Management: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
  • Performance Management and Employee Development

Interesting Psychology Topics for Presentation

Psychology is a human science that seeks to understand the mechanics of our minds and behaviour. Here are ten topics to do a presentation on psychology that are sure to captivate and educate any audience:

  • The Psychology of Motivation and its Impact on Success
  • Cognitive Biases and Decision-Making
  • The Effects of Stress on Mental and Physical Health
  • Child Development: The Role of Nature vs. Nurture
  • The Influence of Personality on Lifestyle Choices
  • Psychological Techniques in Pain Management
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Self-Esteem
  • Memory Formation and the Mechanisms of Forgetting
  • The Role of Therapy in Treating Anxiety Disorders
  • The Psychological Effects of Color on Mood and Behavior

Best Biology Topics for Presentation

Life comes in many forms, and biology is the science that explores them all. Here are ten easy topics for presentation on biology:

  • The Genetic Basis of Inherited Diseases
  • The Role of Microbiomes in Human Health
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Species
  • The Process and Implications of CRISPR and Gene Editing
  • Plant-Animal Interactions and Their Ecological Impact
  • Marine Biology: Deep Sea Ecosystems and Their Mysteries
  • The Biology of Aging and Longevity
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture: Innovations and Ethics
  • Behavioral Ecology and Animal Communication

Good Physics Topics for Presentation

Physics helps people understand the general laws of the Universe. Here are ten unique topics for presentation in college:

  • The Theory of Relativity and Its Applications
  • Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Paradoxes
  • The Physics of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
  • Advances in Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider
  • The Role of Physics in Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Nuclear Fusion: The Future of Energy?
  • The Science of Thermodynamics and Its Modern Applications
  • Astrophysics: Exploring the Composition of the Universe
  • The Physics of Sound and Music
  • Fluid Dynamics in Nature and Technology

Chemistry-Related Topics for Presentation

Chemistry is central to many innovations around us and our daily experiences. Let’s explore ten presentation topic ideas explaining chemistry from practical applications and theoretical research:

  • The Chemistry of Everyday Life: Soaps and Detergents
  • Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Development
  • Nanotechnology in Chemistry: Materials and Applications
  • The Role of Chemistry in Environmental Conservation
  • Catalysis and Its Importance in Industrial Processes
  • The Future of Materials Science with Polymers and Composites
  • Biochemistry: Proteins and Enzymes at Work
  • The Chemistry of Food and Flavor
  • Electrochemistry and Its Applications in Energy Storage
  • Chemical Safety and Toxicology in the Modern World

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

Shaping the perfect presentation is vital to persuade the audience to listen. Mastering the art of presentation can impact your success. Our experts have kindly provided basic advices for a successful presentation:

  • Know your Audience: Match the content to your audience's interests, level of knowledge, and expectations.
  • Lead with a Hook: The story or compelling start that helps you capture attention and achieve the tone you want for your presentation.
  • Use Visuals Wisely: Relevant visuals can support and enhance your message – but must never overshadow it.
  • Practise Makes Perfect: Rehearse your speech beforehand many times to deliver it more fluently and confidently.
  • Make Your Presentation Interactive: Add questions, interactions, and active engagement with your audience to keep them interested.

Tips for Creating Powerful Presentations

To be effective with presentations, you must know your audience, have a killer beginning, use stage-appropriate visuals, practice, and use a strong engagement hook.

Elevate Your Presentation to Leave a Lasting Impression

To sum up, picking interesting presentation ideas for students and adding a touch of creativity to them can turn school assignments into memorable experiences. You can also use visual aids or UK writing service to make your presentation eye-catching and showcase your unique perspectives and insights. Your efforts will impress and inspire those who listen.

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  • Open access
  • Published: 06 August 2024

Assessing the interplay of presentation and competency in online video examinations: a focus on health system science education

  • Phoomjai Sornsenee 1 ,
  • Pawita Limsomwong 1 ,
  • Polathep Vichitkunakorn 1 ,
  • Supakorn Sripaew 1 ,
  • Supinya Sono 1 ,
  • Kanisorn Sungkaro 2 ,
  • Theepat Wongkittithaworn 3 ,
  • Thadakorn Tantisarasart 4 ,
  • Pongphon Chuchuen 5 ,
  • Katti Sathaporn 6 &
  • Kwanchanok Chantaramanee 7  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  842 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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The integration of Health System Science (HSS) in medical education emphasizes mastery of competencies beyond mere knowledge acquisition. With the shift to online platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increased emphasis on Technology Enhanced Assessment (TEA) methods, such as video assessments, to evaluate these competencies. This study investigates the efficacy of online video assessments in evaluating medical students’ competency in HSS.

A comprehensive assessment was conducted on first-year medical students ( n  = 10) enrolled in a newly developed curriculum integrating Health System Science (HSS) into the Bachelor of Medicine program in 2021. Students undertook three exams focusing on HSS competency. Their video responses were evaluated by a panel of seven expert assessors using a detailed rubric. Spearman rank correlation and the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) were utilized to determine correlations and reliability among assessor scores, while a mixed-effects model was employed to assess the relationship between foundational HSS competencies (C) and presentation skills (P).

Positive correlations were observed in inter-rater reliability, with ICC values suggesting a range of reliability from poor to moderate. A positive correlation between C and P scores was identified in the mixed-effects model. The study also highlighted variations in reliability and correlation, which might be attributed to differences in content, grading criteria, and the nature of individual exams.

Our findings indicate that effective presentation enhances the perceived competency of medical students, emphasizing the need for standardized assessment criteria and consistent assessor training in online environments. This study highlights the critical roles of comprehensive competency assessments and refined presentation skills in online medical education, ensuring accurate and reliable evaluations.

Peer Review reports

In medical education, assessment extends beyond mere knowledge acquisition. It emphasizes the mastery of essential skills and the medical profession. [ 1 ] Among various approaches, competency-based assessment stands out, [ 2 ] as it encompasses the full range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. [ 3 ] This approach focuses extensively on Health System Science (HSS), which is globally recognized as the third pillar of medical education. [ 4 ] HSS integrates systems thinking and the complexities of healthcare systems, equipping medical professionals to adeptly navigate and manage the socio-economic, political, and interpersonal factors influencing healthcare. [ 5 ] Furthermore, the cognitive domain is an integral facet of HSS, emphasizing Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical reasoning. [ 6 , 7 ] These skills are crucial to effectively engaging with the broader constructs of HSS.

The challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have reshaped traditional teaching and prompted a re-evaluation of existing assessment methods. [ 8 , 9 , 10 ] Global institutions, faced with the limitations of in-person interactions, have found it essential to transition to digital platforms. [ 10 ] This shift has highlighted the need for adopting Technology Enhanced Assessment (TEA) methods, which align well with the emerging online teaching environment. [ 11 , 12 ] In this new paradigm, it is crucial that TEA methods, especially online video assessments, effectively evaluate competencies for the digital age. However, their efficacy in specific areas like HSS remains under exploration.

Oral presentations, especially in online video formats, may offer unique insights into a student’s HOT capabilities, which are essential for HSS assessments. These evaluations could potentially elucidate core areas within HSS, such as systems thinking, health policy, and the social sciences. Previous studies hint at the efficacy of oral assessments in areas like social sciences [ 13 ] and professionalism. [ 14 ] However, the robustness and reliability of video-based oral presentations as an assessment tool warrant further investigation. Another consideration is the potential bias resulting from varying presentation skills. [ 15 , 16 ] Students with exemplary presentation skills may overshadow essential content gaps, while those less adept at presenting might not be duly acknowledged for their depth of HSS knowledge. To ensure fair and effective assessment, it is critical to carefully differentiate true competency from mere presentation prowess.

In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of online video assessments in capturing medical students’ competency in the HSS curriculum, focusing on topics like systems thinking, health policy, medical ethics, and social health determinants. Our research primarily aims to gauge score consistency across assessors. We employ the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) to measure inter-rater reliability and use Spearman’s Rho—a statistical method—to determine correlations among assessors. Alongside, we explore the relationship between foundational HSS competenies (C) and presentation skills (P) through mixed-effects modeling. Elucidating the interplay between C and P offers a nuanced perspective for HSS assessments.

Study design, setting, and participants

The study involved a comprehensive assessment of all first-year medical students ( n  = 10) enrolled in a newly developed curriculum integrating Health System Science (HSS) into the Bachelor of Medicine program in 2021. The curriculum aims primarily at two objectives. First, it seeks to provide comprehensive medical education enriched with HSS concepts. Second, it intends to attract students from rural areas, nurturing them with the hope they will return and serve their home communities, equipped with a deep understanding of the public health system.

Examination process

First-year medical students undertook three distinct exams, each designed to assess various dimensions and complexities of Higher-Order Thinking (HOT) skills within the Health System Science (HSS) curriculum. For a detailed breakdown of exam formats, materials, and timing, refer to Table  1 .

Exam 1 on Social Health Determinants (SDHs) : This exam assesses foundational HOT skills such as understanding, recall, and application, in addition to critical thinking and problem-solving. It integrates theoretical and practical elements to evaluate how students apply systems thinking to real-world health challenges.

Exam 2 on Health Care Policy : This exam focuses on deeper analytical and synthetic HOT skills, evaluating students’ abilities to critically engage with and construct reasoned arguments regarding health policy issues.

Exam 3 on Medical Ethics : Similarly, this exam tests the students’ ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ethical dilemmas in medical practice, enhancing their understanding of the ethical frameworks essential to health system science.

Each exam incorporates elements of systems thinking, foundational to mastering HSS. The assessments were developed by an impartial educator and are conducted over a standardized 40-minute session, utilizing a Learning Management System (LMS) developed by the faculty of medicine.

Assessment technique and evaluation

After the three exams, students’ response videos were assessed by a panel of seven expert assessors specializing in medical education. The assessment process utilized a detailed rubric, designed to capture the depth and nuance of HOT as intended in each exam. This rubric, informed by the principles of HOT and HSS, combined a numerical scale (ranging from 1 to 10) with explicit descriptors for each score, providing clarity on performance expectations. This ensured evaluations were consistent and adequately represented the depth of student understanding in relation to the complexities integrated into the three exams. The training of our panel of assessors focused on the foundational principles of Health System Science (HSS) and the effective application of the assessment rubric. The initial session introduced the assessors to the rubric, highlighting its alignment with key HSS competencies such as systems thinking and value based care. This included a detailed explanation of the scoring system and performance standards.

The students were assessed based on two primary criteria. First , their competency skills were evaluated using the rubric formulated by the educational research team to capture the nuances of HOT. Second , their presentation skills were assessed, focusing on accuracy, clarity, and the effectiveness of their communication, drawing from criteria established in previous research. [ 16 ]

Statistical analysis and reliability assessment

Assessor Score Correlation : We utilized the Spearman rank correlation method to understand the interrelationships among assessor scores. Data for each of the three exams (Exams 1–3) are presented in tables, which display the Spearman’s rho coefficients for competency (C) scores and presentation (P) scores. A rho value near 1 signifies a strong correlation; a value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates a moderate correlation; a value between 0.3 and 0.5 suggests a weak correlation; and a value close to 0 implies negligible correlation.

Reliability Estimation : The level of agreement among assessors was quantified using the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Each ICC value was complemented with its respective 95% confidence interval. It is essential to note the interpretative context of the ICC values: those below 0.5 signify poor reliability; values ranging from 0.5 to 0.75 denote moderate reliability; values between 0.75 and 0.9 are indicative of good reliability; and values exceeding 0.9 are demonstrative of excellent reliability.

Relationship between Presentation and Competency : A jitter plot depicted individual student performances, with colors differentiating each assessor. A mixed-effects model was implemented to consider potential variability due to individual assessors. The model’s coefficient indicated the anticipated shift in competency relative to presentation skills.

Software and Packages : All analytical processes, from data visualization to heat map creation, were executed using R software, version 4.3.1 with packages. [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ]

Our evaluation offers insights into both the correlation and reliability of assessments. The 10 participants, scores across the three exams were evaluated by seven expert assessors. Spearman’s Rho values, as illustrated in Tables  2 and 3 , indicate correlations for competency scores (C) and presentation scores (P). All correlations emerged as positive; however, there were discernible variations in strength from weak to strong for both competency and presentation scores across different assessors and exams. The Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) values for C scores across exams were 0.42 (95% CI = 0.18–0.74) for Exam 1, 0.27 (95% CI = 0.09–0.61) for Exam 2, and 0.35 (95% CI = 0.12–0.68) for Exam 3. P scores for these exams were 0.44 (95% CI = 0.20–0.75) for Exam 1, 0.32 (95% CI = 0.12–0.66) for Exam 2, and 0.48 (95% CI = 0.24–0.78) for Exam 3. When considering the 95% confidence intervals for both competency and presentation scores, these ICC values suggest a range of reliability from poor to moderate.

Further exploration of the correlation between C and P scores across the three exams is depicted in Figs.  1 and 2 , and 3 , respectively. Each figure presents a jitter plot that highlights individual data points; different colors represent individual assessors. The overall mixed-effects model prediction is captured by a red dotted line, flanked by the 95% confidence interval (CI). For Exam 1, the model indicates a positive correlation between C and P scores with a coefficient of 0.16, but this is not statistically significant ( p  = 0.073). In contrast, both Exams 2 and 3 consistently showed statistically significant positive correlations between C and P scores, with all assessors reflecting this trend.

figure 1

Jitter plot of exam 1 with individual assessor lines and mixed-effects model correlating competency and presentation scores

figure 2

Jitter plot of exam 2 with individual assessor lines and mixed-effects model correlating competency and presentation scores

figure 3

Jitter plot of exam 3 with individual assessor lines and mixed-effects model correlating competency and presentation scores

Medical education, especially in areas like HSS, has significantly evolved due to global trends. As digital platforms have surged in popularity, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the emphasis on online assessments has grown. Our study, deeply rooted in HSS, sheds light on the broader challenges of online evaluations. Specifically, it underscores the balance required between content mastery and effective presentation in an environment where both are paramount.

One key finding from our study is the role of assessor calibration. Using statistical measures like ICC and Spearman’s rho, we observed a positive correlation in inter-rater reliability, accompanied by variations. It is imperative to recognize that our research’s primary objective was not solely to evaluate the efficiency of our rubric scores but to scrutinize the efficacy of our video assessment design for HSS. Prior studies support our conclusions, suggesting that rubric-based grading can have varying reliability. [ 21 , 22 , 23 ] Such deviations can arise due to factors including the content under examination, the adopted grading criteria, statistical evaluation methods, the nature of the test, and the number of involved assessors or participants. [ 21 , 24 ]

In addressing the challenges of evaluating complex topics such as healthcare politics and policies, our assessor training was tailored to enhance the use of a comprehensive rubric and objective assessment skills. The training included detailed reviews of HSS case studies and scenario-based exercises, emphasizing strategies to mitigate personal biases and maintain consistency across varied content. This approach helped ensure that all assessors were equipped to objectively assess responses, even in subjects prone to subjective interpretation. Upon deeper observation, we found that Exam 2 showed a lower correlation among scorers compared to Exams 1 and 3. This could be attributed to the content of Exam 2, which focused on healthcare politics and policies. Such policy-oriented topics can lead to varied interpretations among assessors, making it challenging to determine a universally acceptable answer. [ 25 ]

Our research underscores the crucial balance between competency and presentation skills. With the rise of digital platforms, the ability to articulate and communicate effectively has become indispensable for professional competency. [ 26 ] A related study, utilizing platforms like Zoom for assessments, aligns with our findings. [ 27 ] It emphasizes that when evaluating online, it is essential to distinguish domains like metacognition and creativity. Many evaluation methodologies prioritize oral presentation capabilities, relegating content knowledge to a secondary role. [ 14 , 15 , 28 ] In disciplines demanding HOT skills, such as HSS, merging these domains could potentially obscure the importance of specific competencies. Therefore, to ensure fair and effective assessments, it is vital to carefully differentiate between true competency and the enhancement effect of presentation prowess. This vigilance is crucial because exemplary presentation skills can sometimes overshadow gaps in content knowledge, while less polished presentation skills might lead to underestimation of a student’s understanding and competence. In response to this challenge, educational institutions should incorporate robust communication and presentation training modules into their curricula. [ 28 ] This would ensure that graduates are not only well-versed in their fields but also adept at articulating their knowledge.

Reflecting on our video assessment approach in HSS, the novel method we employed to understand the nexus between competency and presentation skills emerges as a strength. With the prevailing trend of transitioning to digital platforms in medical education, our insights stress the essence of both thorough content comprehension and proficient communication.

In our study, we employed a numeric scoring scale to quantify student performances, which provides precision and facilitates straightforward comparison. This method offers the advantage of detailed quantification, allowing for fine distinctions between levels of competency. However, it may introduce inconsistencies, especially when assessing complex competencies that require nuanced judgment. Alternatively, ordinal rating systems, which categorize performances into descriptive levels such as excellent, good, fair, or poor, can simplify assessments and potentially enhance consistency by more clearly delineating broad performance categories. Each system has its merits, with numeric scales offering granularity and ordinal scales providing clearer benchmarks. [ 29 ] This distinction underscores a key aspect of our current methodology and presents a valuable area for future research to explore the optimal balance between detailed quantification and categorical assessment in evaluating both competency and presentation skills in medical education.

In this study, we intentionally employed a diverse panel of seven expert assessors rather than the conventional use of two raters. This decision was guided by the aim to enhance the reliability and depth of our evaluations, particularly given the complex competencies involved in HSS. A larger panel allows for a more comprehensive range of perspectives on student performances, which is critical in a field where subjective judgment can significantly influence scoring. However, this approach can also introduce variability in scoring due to differences in each rater’s interpretation and emphasis, which might not be as pronounced with a smaller, more uniform panel. By using seven raters, we aimed to capture a broader spectrum of interpretations, which, while enriching the assessment, could also lead to increased score dispersion and affect the overall consistency of the results. This aspect of our methodology could have influenced the outcomes by either mitigating or exaggerating individual biases, thus impacting the inter-rater reliability as reported. To address these challenges, integrating AI technology could provide a valuable tool. Artificial intelligence can assist in standardizing evaluations by consistently applying predefined criteria, potentially reducing the variability introduced by multiple human assessors. [ 30 , 31 ] This hybrid approach, blending human insight with AI precision, represents a promising direction for future research, aiming to balance depth and reliability in complex competency assessments.

Considering the observed shift towards online assessments in medical education, this study sought to evaluate the efficacy of video assessments in measuring both competency and presentation skills within the Health System Science (HSS) framework. Our findings reveal positive correlations between these skills, indicating that effective presentation can enhance the perception of competency. However, variations in inter-rater reliability highlight the necessity for standardized assessment criteria and consistent assessor training. By implementing these strategies, educational institutions can ensure greater accuracy and reliability, which is crucial for accurately assessing student competencies in a digital learning environment. Thus, our study substantiates the importance of both thorough competency assessment and the enhancement of presentation skills in online medical education.

Data availability

The dataset analysed in the current study is available upon request from the corresponding author.

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We wish to thank the Department of Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine at Prince of Songkla University for supporting our research endeavors. Our gratitude is also extended to Assistant Professor Kanyika Chamniprasas, Vice Dean for Education, and Assistant Professor Supaporn Dissaneevate for their roles in creating and backing the health system reform curriculum for medical students, which contributed to this study.

No funding was received for this research.

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Authors and affiliations.

Department of Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, 15 Karnjanavanich Rd., Hat Yai, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Phoomjai Sornsenee, Pawita Limsomwong, Polathep Vichitkunakorn, Supakorn Sripaew & Supinya Sono

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of surgery, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Kanisorn Sungkaro

Division of Head and neck surgery, Department of otolaryngology, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, Songkhla, Thailand

Theepat Wongkittithaworn

Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Thadakorn Tantisarasart

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Pongphon Chuchuen

Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Katti Sathaporn

Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of medicine, Prince of Songkhla University, Kho Hong, Hat Yai District, 90110, Songkhla, Thailand

Kwanchanok Chantaramanee

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All authors made a significant contribution to the reported work. P.S., P.L. S.So., T.T., P.C, K.S., K.C. designed the study and obtained research ethics approval; P.S., P.V., S.Sr., K.S., and T.W., analysed and visualized the data; all authors interpreted the results, drafted, and revised the manuscript, and read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Phoomjai Sornsenee .

Ethics declarations

Ethics approval and consent to participate.

This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, on March 12, 2022. (Approval Number: REC REC.65-114-9-1). HREC is official institute responsible for the ethical review and supervision of human research. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants and/or their legal guardian(s) provided electronic informed consent before participating in the study, in accordance with established procedures. All questionnaires were fully computerised by the researchers and anonymised to ensure confidentially.

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Not applicable.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Sornsenee, P., Limsomwong, P., Vichitkunakorn, P. et al. Assessing the interplay of presentation and competency in online video examinations: a focus on health system science education. BMC Med Educ 24 , 842 (2024).

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Received : 21 August 2023

Accepted : 22 July 2024

Published : 06 August 2024


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  • Health system science
  • Online video assessments
  • Competency-based assessment
  • Presentation skills
  • Medical curriculum

BMC Medical Education

ISSN: 1472-6920

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USDA Invests Nearly $4.1 Million in Risk Management Education for Farmers, Including Underserved and Organic Producers

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WASHINGTON, August 8, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced it is awarding nearly   $4.1 million to organizations and outreach efforts to educate underserved, small-scale, and organic producers on farm risk management and climate-smart farm practices. The funding from USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) provides assistance through its Risk Management Education Partnerships for organizations, such as nonprofits and land grant universities, to develop training and resources for producers about risk management options.  

“This funding and these partnerships are key to the success of our outreach and education efforts in communities that historically have not had access to training about risk management options. Our Risk Management Education Partnerships are part of USDA’s broader efforts to ensure equity and access to programs,” said RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger during a virtual event announcing the 2024 recipients. “We need to work with growers, and livestock producers to provide them with the training and resources about risk management options and how to apply them to their farming businesses, and these partnerships will help us do just that.” 

This nearly $4.1 million investment builds on the $13 million that RMA has already provided in partnerships since 2021. RMA advertised available funding in January 2024 and reviewed 41 applications. 

This year’s partnership projects will reach every state in the nation, including eight state-specific, four regional, and three national programs. Out of the 15 organizations receiving funding, six are new partners and nine are current or former partners, including non-profits and university extensions, among others. 

One of the 2024 awardees, Right Risk, LLC, a non-profit group dedicated to providing top notch risk management education will continue their outreach work. “The funding we’ve received through our Risk Management Education partnership will allow us to continue outreach to Alaskan producers,” said Jeff Tranel, Owner and Chief Financial Officer for Right Risk, LLC. “We use on-site trainings, recorded presentations, newsletters, one-on-one coaching, printed materials, and the Right Risk Alaska-specific website to educate producers in Alaska about risk management options.” 

The 2024 awardee organizations and their projects include:  

  • Cross Over Community Development – Provides comprehensive educational sessions on production, marketing, financial, legal and human risks geared to small-scale immigrant farmers. 
  • Georgia Organics – Offers outreach and educational programing to organic and underserved farmers in Georgia about risk management options, business strategies and record keeping.  
  • Napa Valley Grapegrowers – Provides risk management education to 500 Napa wine grape producers on: climate smart agriculture, organic and specialty crop farming, Crop Insurance 101 and water conservation.  
  • Oregon Tilth – Increases awareness, understanding, and use of crop insurance and risk management tools by organic producers and those transitioning to organic production.  
  • Northeast Organic Farming Association – Supports Vermont farmers by increasing their knowledge of climate-smart agriculture, risk management tools and crop insurance. 
  • Right Risk, LLC – Develops multi-faceted approach to assist Alaskan producers understand and implement crop insurance and risk management strategies to improve their opportunities for success.  
  • Rural South Institute – Builds resilient farm operations through increased participation in crop insurance and adoption of value-added and climate-smart agricultural practices.  
  • University of Arkansas – Delivers workshops that support young Native American beginning farmers and ranchers by equipping them with culturally appropriate risk mitigation strategies focused on climate resilience and strengthening local Tribal food economies.  
  • University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture – Provides online and in-person Train-the-Trainer workshops, including all 1890 Land Grant Institutions on the fundamentals of federal crop insurance.   
  • University of Connecticut –  Delivers program designed to mitigate financial and production risks through on-farm tours, online classes and a crop insurance decision application tool for producers.  
  • University of Maine – Educates farmers about mitigating risks due to climate events, pest outbreaks, market changes and poor business skills through increased awareness and understanding of federal crop insurance programs. 
  • University of Nevada, Reno – Assists producers understanding of existing and emerging federal crop/livestock insurance programs in Nevada and throughout the West while focusing on local and regional food systems.  
  • RMA Southeast Ambassador – designed to strengthen the agency’s outreach, engagement, and impact within the agricultural community by creating channels for two-way communication and feedback, ensuring programs meet the needs of underserved agricultural communities in 13 states in the Southeast region.  
  • Tribal Ambassador – designed to strengthen the agency’s outreach, engagement, and impact to better meet the unique agricultural needs of farmers and ranchers within Tribal communities.
  • Navigator Learning Platform – partnership with Custom Ag Solutions to strengthen technical assistance to underserved producers by training specialists tasked with providing outreach and technical assistance on key topics related to crop insurance.  

More Information

Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the  RMA Agent Locator . Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at or by contacting your  RMA Regional Office . 

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. Under the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit .  


                                       USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

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