
Speech on Power Of Smile

A smile, simple yet powerful, can brighten up even the gloomiest days. It’s like a universal language that everyone understands.

Your smile can make a huge difference, not just in your life, but in others’ lives too. It’s an effortless way to spread positivity around you.

1-minute Speech on Power Of Smile

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let’s start with the magic it creates within us. A smile is not just a movement of muscles in our face. It’s much more than that. When we smile, our body releases happy chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins make us feel good and happy. So, when you’re feeling down, remember to smile. It’s like your own personal happiness button.

Next, let’s talk about how a smile affects others. Have you ever noticed how people respond when you smile at them? They smile back, right? That’s because smiles are contagious. They spread happiness and positivity around. When you share a smile, you’re sharing a piece of joy with someone else. And who knows, your smile might be the only sunshine in someone’s cloudy day.

Finally, remember that our smile is a sign of our strength. It shows that no matter how tough things get, we have the power to stay positive. It’s our silent scream of resilience that tells the world, “I’m stronger than my problems.”

So, let’s not forget the power of our smile. It’s a gift that we can give to ourselves and to others, every day, at no cost. Let’s use it wisely and spread happiness around. Because, in the end, a simple smile can make a big difference. Thank you!

2-minute Speech on Power Of Smile

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls,

Today, I want to talk about something we all possess, something we all love to see, and something we all can give freely. It’s a smile. Yes, a smile, that simple upward curve of our lips, carries immense power within it. It’s a universal language that transcends boundaries and brings us closer together.

A smile is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. It can brighten up the world around us. When you smile at someone, it makes them feel good. It’s like saying, “Hey, I see you, and I’m happy you’re here.” It can turn a stranger into a friend and make a gloomy day brighter. Just think about how you feel when someone smiles at you. It’s like a warm hug, isn’t it?

But the power of a smile doesn’t stop there. It’s contagious! Have you ever noticed when you smile at someone, they smile back at you? That’s because our brains have special cells called mirror neurons. They help us reflect the actions of others, especially smiles. So, when you smile, you’re not just making yourself happy, you’re spreading happiness around you too!

Lastly, a smile is a powerful tool of communication. It’s more than just a display of happiness. It can show empathy, kindness, and understanding. It can break the ice in awkward situations, or offer comfort when words fail. A smile can say, “I’m here for you,” or “Everything’s going to be okay,” louder than words ever could.

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speech on world smile day

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The Importance of Smiling: Why We Celebrate Today World Smile Day

Better than shooting bullets, it shoots smiles.

Antonio Segovia, MD.

Antonio Segovia, MD.

Mental Health And Inspiration By Dr. Segovia, M.D

In 1999 Harvey Ball , creator of the Smiley Face or Happy Face iconographic symbol proclaimed World Smile Day for the first Friday of October, a date designed to be happy and bring joy to others, even for a day.

World Smile Day was created as a day to do good deeds and make others smile. The idea is that by performing acts of kindness and spreading joy, we can make the world happier. World Smile Day is celebrated in many countries worldwide, with people of all ages participating.

On World Smile Day, some people spread cheer by doing things for others, like volunteering at a nearby animal shelter or gathering supplies for a homeless shelter. Others choose to express happiness by grinning and being friendly to everyone they see.

Whatever way you choose to celebrate, remember that the goal is to make the world a happier place, one smile at a time.

Harvey passed away in 2001, but the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation has since been created in his honor. Every year, an organization carries out activities and raises funds for charities that bring joy to everyone around the planet.

Antonio Segovia, MD.

Written by Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.

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80 World Smile Day Wishes and Quotes to Radiate Joy in 2023

80 World Smile Day wishes and quotes make the world a happier place. Explore wishes and quotes that remind us of the power of a simple smile.

Nagma Nasim

Table of Contents

In a world that often feels overwhelmed by its own complexities, a smile is a universal language that transcends boundaries, cultures, and languages. It's the simplest gesture that can bridge the widest gaps.

World Smile Day, celebrated on the first Friday of October each year, reminds us of the incredible power of a smile.

On this day, people from all walks of life come together to share their happiness and positivity, brightening the lives of those around them. It's a day when we reflect on the impact of our smiles and the ripple effect they create in our interconnected world.

In this blog, we're going to dive into the essence of World Smile Day, offering you a delightful collection of wishes and quotes that will not only make you grin but inspire you to spread joy like confetti.

Whether you're looking for the perfect message to share with a loved one or a dose of inspiration to brighten your own day, this collection has something for everyone.

Let's embark on this journey of spreading smiles, one heartfelt wish and one uplifting quote at a time. After all, the world could always use a little more kindness and positivity, and it all starts with a simple smile.

When is World Smile Day celebrated and why?

World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in October each year. It was created with the goal of spreading happiness and goodwill by encouraging people to perform acts of kindness and to share smiles with others.

Here is why World Smile Day is celebrated in a more structured format:

  • Promoting positivity: World Smile Day aims to promote positivity and happiness by encouraging people to smile more and share smiles with others.
  • Acts of kindness: It serves as a reminder to perform acts of kindness and make the world a better place by creating a ripple effect of goodwill.
  • Harvey Ball's legacy: The day was created to honor Harvey Ball, the artist who designed the iconic yellow smiley face in 1963. He wanted to ensure that the smiley face's meaning extended beyond commercial use to promote goodwill.

World Smile Day is all about spreading happiness and goodwill through acts of kindness and sharing smiles, while also honoring the legacy of Harvey Ball, the creator of the smiley face.

20 World Smile Wishes for sales team

Here are 20 World Smile Day wishes for your sales team to boost their morale and motivation:

1. As you embark on your sales journey, may you find success around every corner, and may each achievement bring a radiant smile to your face.

2. In the world of sales, your dedication and hard work are like the brushstrokes of a masterpiece. May your canvas be filled with a vibrant array of smiles from satisfied customers.

3. Your passion for what you do is truly contagious, and it's no wonder that your clients can't help but smile when they interact with you. Keep spreading that positivity and making the world a brighter place.

4. Just as a sunrise brings warmth and joy, may your sales numbers rise every day, bringing a sunrise of smiles to your team's faces.

5. Your ability to turn potential leads into satisfied customers is nothing short of remarkable. Keep closing those deals and turning prospects into delighted smiles.

6. Remember, a genuine smile is the universal language of kindness. May your sales efforts always be infused with kindness, leaving everyone you encounter with a heartwarming smile.

7. Behind every successful salesperson is a great attitude, and you've got that in abundance. May your positivity continue to open doors and create opportunities for even bigger smiles.

8. Your unwavering commitment to your customers doesn't go unnoticed. You not only meet their needs but also exceed their expectations, leaving them with smiles that last.

9. Just as a well-crafted story can captivate an audience, may your sales presentations be as compelling as your smiles, leaving a lasting impression on your clients.

10. Keep chasing your goals with determination, and don't forget to take a moment to appreciate the journey. The smile on your face is a testament to your hard-earned success.

11. In the world of sales, a genuine smile is the most persuasive tool in your arsenal. Keep wielding it with confidence and watch your numbers soar.

12. May your sales pipeline be an overflowing wellspring of opportunities, each one leading to a satisfied customer and a genuine smile.

13. The road to success in sales may have its twists and turns, but your resilience and optimism will light the way. Keep going, and may your efforts be rewarded with countless smiles.

14. Your clients are not just transactions; they are relationships. And it's the strength of these relationships that leads to enduring smiles and long-term success in sales.

15. May your sales journey be a remarkable adventure filled with excitement, learning, and moments that bring a smile to your face.

16. Your commitment to excellence is evident in every sales pitch you make. May your words be as convincing as your warm, winning smiles.

17. Each day in sales is an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Keep making those differences, and your journey will be paved with smiles and gratitude.

18. As you continue to achieve your goals and milestones, don't forget to savor the victories and celebrate with a heartwarming smile. You've earned it!

19. In the world of sales, the journey can be as rewarding as the destination. May your path be filled with laughter, camaraderie, and, most importantly, countless smiles.

20. As you navigate the ever-evolving world of sales, may you always find inspiration, motivation, and the power to bring smiles not only to your own face but to the faces of all those you touch along the way.

30 World Smile Wishes

Here are 30 World Smile Wishes to brighten your day:

1. May your day be as radiant as your smile, spreading happiness wherever you go. Happy World Smile Day!

2. On this World Smile Day, I wish you a lifetime filled with laughter, joy, and countless reasons to smile.

3. Your smile has the power to light up even the darkest of days. Keep shining, and may your smiles be endless!

4. A smile costs nothing but brings so much. May your life be filled with endless smiles and boundless happiness.

5. Wishing you a World Smile Day filled with laughter, love, and the simple joys that make life beautiful.

6. Your smile is the best accessory you can wear. Keep smiling, and may it brighten the world around you!

7. Sending you a virtual bouquet of smiles on World Smile Day. Your positivity is contagious!

8. May your smile be a reflection of the love and happiness you bring into the lives of others. Happy World Smile Day!

9. A single smile can change the world. Thank you for changing mine. Happy World Smile Day, dear friend.

10. Wishing you a day as joyful and bright as your smile. Happy World Smile Day to the person who never fails to make us smile!

11. Keep smiling because your smile is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Happy World Smile Day!

12. Here's to the smiles that make the world a better place. Keep spreading your contagious happiness!

13. May your heart be as light as your smile and as warm as your laughter. Happy World Smile Day!

14. Your smile is proof that the most beautiful things in life are simple. Keep sharing your beautiful smile with the world.

15. On this World Smile Day, may your heart be as joyful as your smile, and your days as bright as the sun.

16. Wishing you a day filled with countless reasons to smile and a lifetime of happiness. Happy World Smile Day!

17. Your smile has the power to turn any frown upside down. Keep smiling, and keep making the world a better place.

18. May your World Smile Day be as amazing as the smiles you bring to others every day. You're a true gem!

19. Your smile is a gift to the world. Keep giving and shining bright. Happy World Smile Day!

20. Wishing you a day filled with laughter, love, and smiles that warm your heart. Happy World Smile Day!

21. Your smile is the universal language of kindness. Keep speaking it fluently. Happy World Smile Day!

22. May your day be filled with reasons to smile, and may your heart be filled with the joy you bring to others. Happy World Smile Day!

23. Your smile is a work of art. Keep painting the world with your happiness. Happy World Smile Day!

24. On this special day, I want to express my gratitude for your smiles that have brightened my life. Happy World Smile Day!

25. May your smiles be as bright as the sun and as warm as a hug. Happy World Smile Day!

26. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a person's face. Keep smiling, and may your life be filled with beautiful moments.

27. Sending you a pocketful of smiles on World Smile Day. You're a treasure, and your smiles are the gems.

28. May your World Smile Day be as sweet as the joy your smile brings. Keep spreading the sweetness!

29. Your smile is a reflection of your beautiful soul. Keep shining, and may your light touch everyone around you.

30. Wishing you a day filled with laughter, love, and the warmth of a thousand smiles. Happy World Smile Day!

20 Unique World Smile Day quotes

Here are 20 quotes to celebrate World Smile Day:

1. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. — William Arthur Ward

2. Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. — Les Brown

3. A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose. — Tom Wilson

4. Every smile makes you a day younger. — Chinese Proverb

5. Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart. — Anthony J. D'Angelo

6. Life is like a mirror. Smile at it, and it smiles back at you. — Peace Pilgrim

7. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. — Phyllis Diller

8. Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. — George Eliot

9. Smile, because your smile can make someone's day brighter. — Unknown

10. You're never fully dressed without a smile. — Martin Charnin

11. Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace. — Christie Brinkley

12. A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. — Denis Waitley

13. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours. — Dolly Parton

14. Smile, it's free therapy. — Douglas Horton

15. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. — Unknown

16. The greatest self is a peaceful smile that always sees the world smiling back. — Bryant H. McGill

17. Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful. — Rashida Jones

18. A smile is a powerful weapon; you can even break ice with it. — Unknown

19. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. — Thich Nhat Hanh

20. Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark. — Jay Danzie

20 World Smile Day quotes for the sales team

Here are 20 World Smile Day quotes to motivate and inspire your sales team:

1. Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing, and there's so much to smile about. — Marilyn Monroe

2. Smiling doesn't necessarily mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means you're strong. — Unknown

3. A smile is the shortest distance between two people. — Victor Borge

4. Use your smile to change the world; don't let the world change your smile. — Unknown

5. A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities. — Herman Melville

6. Your smile can heal a heart and brighten a day. — Unknown

7. Smile in the mirror every morning, and you'll start to see a big difference in your life. — Yoko Ono

8. Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. — Mother Teresa

9. Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. — Mark Twain

10. A smile is a friend maker. — Bangambiki Habyarimana

11. Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart. — Anthony J. D'Angelo

12. The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. — Thomas Paine

13. You're not fully dressed until you wear a smile. — Unknown

14. Smile, it's free, and it makes a difference. — Unknown

15. A smile is a universal welcome. — Max Eastman

16. The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. — Unknown

17. A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear. — Marilyn Monroe

18. Smiling is infectious; you catch it like the flu. — Unknown

19. A smile is a silent way of saying, 'You make me happy.' — Unknown

20. Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. — Ramana Maharshi

As we wrap up our exploration of World Smile Day wishes and quotes, let's take a moment to reflect on the profound impact a smile can have on our lives and the lives of those around us.

In a world that can often be filled with challenges and uncertainties, a smile serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still room for joy and happiness.

The wishes and quotes we've shared today serve as reminders of the power of positivity and the importance of spreading kindness.

They encourage us to wear our smiles proudly, to share them generously, and to recognize that a simple smile can make a world of difference.

So, as you go about your day, remember the magic of a smile. Share it with friends, family, and strangers alike.

Let it be your superpower, your secret weapon against negativity and despair. Together, let's make every day feel like World Smile Day, and let the warmth of our smiles light up the world.

In the end, it's the small gestures of kindness, like a smile, that have the power to change the world and make it a brighter, happier place for us all.

Happy World Smile Day, and may your days be filled with endless reasons to smile!

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Nagma Nasim

-->Nagma Nasim -->

Nagma is a content writer who creates informative articles, blogs, & other engaging content. In her free time, you can find her immersed in academic papers, novels, or movie marathons.

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A simple smile has more influential power than you may think.

Too often, we focus on teaching our children about the negatives of the world and how it comes from our differences. This focus on what separates us can foster fear and hatred towards those who are different. However, the people of the world are pretty similar when they’re smiling and laughing.

Countries that are fighting will put all their differences aside at the Olympics and World Cup. Even if it’s only for a couple of hours, players come together to show their love and appreciation for an athletic sport. Could the love of smiling and laughing accomplish the same goal of togetherness? Absolutely!

One of the most powerful things the world shares is the universal smile. A smile can cut through all barriers. It knows no age, gender, color or culture. No matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, or social status, a smile will always be understood.

A smile represents something bigger than itself. A smile represents goodwill, affection and openness towards others. It communicates happiness and acceptance. It is one thing that connects and encompasses us all.

When we smile, it makes those around us feel good, happy and loved. It’s difficult to frown when someone is smiling at you! It’s even scientifically proven. You know what they say, “smile and the world smiles with you.”

Smiling improve your mood. Whenever you are feeling down, lonely or depressed force yourself to smile. Make you feel a tad better, right? We can actually trick ourselves into feeling good. Even though the intention was forced, your brain will eventually be able to feel better for real.

Smiling lets your brain release endorphins and serotonin, also known as your “feel-good” hormones. These help keep stress at bay, leading to less bad days, thus leading to more smiling. So continue to smile for that instant and natural stress reducing effect! Smiling seems to give us the same happiness that exercising induces terms of how our brain responds. Other benefits of smiling include living longer, increasing your pain threshold and reducing aggression and having a strong immune system.

Our brain can even distinguish between a real smile and a fake smile. One of the most important ways we do this is by automatically mimicking the smile; to feel ourselves whether it is fake or real. If it is real, our brain will activate the same areas from the smiler and we can identify its genuine quality.

In a TED Talk by Ron Gutman, he discusses the hidden power of smiles. He cites research that revealed that one single smile can provide the same level of brain stimulation as 2,000 chocolate bars.

Another study from Penn State University Ron references has determined that when we smile, others see us as more likeable, courteous and competent. Even more so, in a recent research scientists concluded “that smiling can be as stimulating as receiving up to 16,000 Pounds Sterling in cash.”

Another study found a clear correlation between smiles and success. In the famous yearbook study , they tracked the lives of women who had the best smiles in yearbook photos compared to the rest. Women who smiled the most lived happier lives, happier marriages and had fewer setbacks.

The baseball card study also found a clear correlation between how big a smile someone made on a baseball card photo and how long they would live. The people who smiled the most turned out to live 7 years longer than those who didn’t.

"World Smile Day was created with the goal that the world should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts." World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October each year. The idea of this holiday was created by Harvey Ball, who is known to have created the “Smiley Face” in 1963. The image went on to become the most recognizable symbol of good will and cheer on the planet.

After Harvey died in 2001, the "Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation" was created to honor his name and memory. The slogan of the Smile Foundation is "improving this world, one smile at a time." The Foundation continues as the official sponsor of World Smile Day each year.

World Smile Day was created with the goal that the world should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts. In doing so, we put aside politics, geography, religion and everything else that separates the human race.

The possibilities and ways to celebrate World Smile Day are endless. Consider going around town and doing random acts of kindness to encourage other people to smile. Give out candy with tags on them that mention the holiday. Get a group together and participate in a community service project. Don’t limit yourself to one action – think outside the box and get out there!

Today, make a conscious effort to smile more to strangers you come across in everyday life. The reality is that we have no idea what is going on in the lives of the people whose paths we cross each day. Maybe, just maybe, a genuine smile might brighten their day, even if just for a few minutes.

Find ways to incorporate reasons to smile more in your life. Children spend up to 400 times a day smiling, while adults only average 20. Find out what it takes to make you smile and increase the amount of love you give the world!

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World Smile Day 2023 – Date, Significance, Celebrations and Quotes

World Smile Day 2023 – Date, Significance, Celebrations and Quotes

When Is World Smile Day?

When will world smile day fall in 2023, why is world smile day celebrated, how is international smile day celebrated around the world, how can you celebrate international smile day, world smile day quotes.

World Smile Day was an initiative by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts. Ball created the smiley face in 1963 – an image that became the most recognisable symbol of goodwill and good cheer on the planet. So, he declared ‘World Smile Day’ to further this emotion.

Harvey Ball announced in 1999 that the first Friday in October of each year would be celebrated as World Smile Day. Since then, it has continued every year in Smiley’s hometown of Worcester, MA, and worldwide.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Harvey Ball wanted us to devote one day to doing simple acts of kindness around us. His idea was that for at least one day each year, we should all share a genuine smile crossing all the boundaries. Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established in 2001 to honour the name and memory of Harvey Ball, the artist who in 1963 created that international symbol of goodwill, the smiley face. The motto of the Smile Foundation is “enhancing this world, one smile at a time”. Up to this day, the foundation proceeds as the official patron of World Smile Day every year. The day is about the complete demonstration of generosity and helping an individual smile.

The World Smile day activities that take place around the world are listed below:

  • The Worcester Historical Society celebrates this day by throwing a ball every year since 2000. The ball houses smiley-faced themed events and exhibits and hosts the Harvey Ball Smile Award.
  • Hot air balloon races
  • Balloon releases bearing WSD messages
  • Choral performances
  • College acapella concerts
  • Recognising student WSD ambassadors
  • ‘Where’s the smiley’ contest
  • Sidewalk chalk art competitions
  • Pie eating contests
  • Circus performers and the elephants
  • Around the world, people celebrate World Smile Day in fun and creative ways that include attempts to break the record for the largest human smiley faces
  • Delivering meals and smiley treats to needy
  • Smile events in hospitals
  • Making videos and many more fun activities that can make a person smile.

international smile day

Here are a few World Smile Day ideas listed below.

  • Reach out to different schools and request them to conduct drawing and art competitions among the students depicting the topic “World Smile Day”.
  • Giving a simple smile means a lot to our health too. The nerves in our body are relaxed. This would make us physically and mentally healthy too. These health benefits can be conveyed to others on this day.
  • A smile is an outcome of positive thoughts. So, this will enhance our positive thinking capabilities. So, an event can be conducted where people can share their experiences by celebrating World Smile Day.
  • Events such as giving free meals to needy children and buying them games are gestures to bring a smile to their faces.
  • We can reach out to daily wage workers and give them a break from their workplace by conducting fun games, which would put a smile on their faces. They would relish these moments in their lifetime too.

how to celebrate international smile day

Here are a few quotations on World Smile Day below:

1. Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. – Yoko Ono

2. Beauty is power; smile is its sword. – John Ray

3. I wake up every morning literally with a smile on my face, grateful for another day I never thought I’d see. – Dick Cheney

4. People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. – Lee Mildon

5. Show me a smile, and I’ll show you one back. – Vanilla Ice

6. Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. – Mother Theresa

7. I get home, and my son is smiling, or he comes running to me. It has just made me grow as an individual and grow as a man. – LeBron James

8. I’ve got nothing to do today but smile. – Paul Simon

9. Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. – Jim Beggs

10. Nothing beats a great smile. – Karl Urban

world smile day quotes

11. Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. – Les Brown

12. If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. – Andy Rooney

13. When I look out at the people, and they look at me, and they’re smiling, then I know that I’m loved. That is the time when I have no worries, no problems.  – Etta James

14. Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. – Mother Teresa

15. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur War

16. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. – Phyllis Diller

17. A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. – Tom Wilson

18. Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace. – Christie Brinkley

19. Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. – Paramahamsa Yogananda

20. Nothing you wear is more important than your smile. – Connie Stevens

21. I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile. – Goldie Hawn

Every country can celebrate National Smile Day in their own region by including all types of folks and conducting innovative events to get a smile on all their faces. Let us all unite with a simple smile on this Happy Smile Day and take a step forward to bring a smile to others’ faces too.

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World Smile Day®

Do an act of kindness. help one person smile, explore this section to learn more about smiley or visit the archives for info on past wsds., what's happening in smiley's hometown or around the world, need a few ideas to get your wsd plans organized  explore this section., learn how smiley, social media, and you can help spread the message of world smile day®., wsd ambassadors, be a world smile day® ambassador and do kind acts and help people smile..

Good News: It's World Smile Day! Meet kind people helping make others smile

It's World Smile Day! And let's face it, everyone needs a reason to smile. Believe it or not, the person who came up with World Smile Day is the same person who created the iconic smiley face, commercial artist Harvey Ball. He was concerned about the over-commercialization of his symbol and so, 36 years after its invention, he created a holiday to bring out the true intent of the symbol. 

The idea behind the fun holiday is a simple one. "Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile." That sentiment strongly resonates with Humankind , so we've rounded up some stories of people who've made it their mission to be kind just to make someone smile!

If you'd like to share positivity with the world, we'd love your help! Humankind from USA TODAY tells uplifting stories about kindness, triumphs and special relationships. We wouldn't be able to show the world all of this kindness if it weren't for people like you who capture kind moments on camera!

If you have a video, photo, or even a story you want to share, click the link below to tell us all about it. Someone from the Humankind team will reach out to you if we want to do a story about your kind moment.


Not sure what kind of content to submit? Check us out on your preferred social media platform and take a look around! We cover all sorts of good news moments about humans, animals, members of the U.S. military, kind kids, sportsmanship on and off the field, and more!

There's enough bad news out there! Help us show the world how much good news we have all around us.

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World Smile Day®: A Smile Can Change the World

Smile Train is the world’s largest cleft charity. Our unique, sustainable model empowers healthcare professionals in more than 70 countries to provide lifesaving cleft care in their own communities 24/7—for free!

Before receiving the cleft surgery that will transform their lives and heal their smiles, our patients must meet weight benchmarks and pass health screenings. Mothers around the world tell us the local, year-round nutritional support we sponsor has made surgery possible for their child and even saved their life. Yet, shockingly, the relationship between malnutrition and clefts has never been scientifically examined. Until now.

In honor of World Smile Day®, Smile Train partnered with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington to produce a first-of-its-kind study: A Generation Lost: The Devastating Effect of Malnutrition on Children with Clefts. We now can say with certainty:

  • Babies with clefts are twice as likely to suffer severe malnutrition as those without
  • 200,000+ children with clefts are dangerously underweight
  • More than 45,000 children with clefts have died from malnutrition before their fifth birthday between 2000 and 2020

Each one of us needs to shout from the rooftops to governments, policymakers, and within our communities that children with clefts are worthy of our care, love, and support 365 days a year. Please, help us spread the word about the importance of nutrition this World Smile Day®.

baby receiving care

Take Action Now

The findings in A Generation Lost are not acceptable, but they are not the end of the story. With our sustainable model, Smile Train is pulling out all the stops to ensure every child with a cleft has access to the lifesaving nutritional support they deserve, but we cannot do it without you. Changing the world with a smile means building a grassroots movement of people dedicated to speaking out and speaking up for those in need. Join our movement.

No Child Should Have to Wait for Nutrition Support

We will use your details to keep you up to date with our lifesaving work.

Changing Lives in Tanzania

See just a sampling of the real, lifesaving impact Smile Train’s nutrition programs make each day.

World Smile Day® is the perfect opportunity for Smile Train’s staff, supporters, and partners around the world to celebrate all the lives we’ve changed together this year. Follow and tag @SmileTrain on social media for all the day’s events.

Fill your inbox with smiles! Sign up for our newsletter today.

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World Smile Day – October 4, 2024

The first Friday of October is World Smile Day (October 4), a relatively new holiday with a fascinating story. Created by a commercial artist named Harvey Ball, this day came about as a response to his creation of the smiley face. Harvey worried that the commercialization of the symbol would lessen its impact. We can hardly blame him for his estimation; the symbol has been used in many different ways including clothing, comic books, coffee mugs, pins, and more. These little yellow faces are more than just a symbol, they’re a statement about the power of smiling.

History of World Smile Day

In 1963, Harvey Ball, a graphic artist and ad man from Worcester, Massachusetts, created the smiley face symbol we’ve all come to know. Popularity for this symbol exploded into the world of popular culture. It’s every artists’ dream for their work to be respected and recreated and few symbols have had quite the legacy that Harvey’s creation has had.

Throughout the years, the smiley face has become one of the most well-known symbols in the world. It has appeared in movies such as ‘Forest Gump’ and used as a motif in the graphic novel, ‘Watchmen.’ It’s so well-known that just by saying “smiley face”, we bet that you can see it in your mind. That recognizable yellow circle with black dots for eyes and a simple curve for a genuine and pure smile. However, the original smiley face had more of an oblong smile, a bit more hand drawn in aesthetic, taking up more space on the face than we see in modern recreations. Because of its overuse, it started to move away from its intent of goodwill and good cheer and he knew something had to be done.

In 1999, World Smile Day became an official holiday in order to regain control. The celebration aspects of the day were simple yet effective: people were to use the day to smile and make small acts of kindness worldwide. Harvey wanted to keep the smile connected to the human being. By doing so, you’d smile and in return, you’d make someone else smile and brighten up their day.

World Smile Day timeline

The commercial artist Harvey Ball creates the smiley face.

The smiley face is used in cartoons, comics, and for political movements.

The popularity of the smiley face emoji increases with the expansion of the internet and its use as an emoji.

World Smile Day becomes an official holiday to inspire acts of kindness.

Harvey Ball passes away, but the power of the smile continues thanks in large part because of his dream.

World Smile Day FAQ s

Does world smile day have a motto.

The Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation has the motto “Enhancing this world, one smile.”

Is World Smile Day celebrated around the world?

Events for World Smile Day are celebrated in the United States and all over the world.

What do they call the “smiley face” in other countries?

In France it was called sourire, and in Japan, it was a “peace love mark.”

World Smile Day Activities

Do unto others.

There are many organizations that could use volunteers willing to offer extra help. Whether it involves cleaning up the environment, or helping the elderly, or giving back to veterans it all makes the world a better place. Doing something charitable outside of your everyday life can have enlightening effects on you and your community.

Follow Your Dreams

With work and other obligations, it can be hard to find time for yourself. We all have hopes and dreams that we’ve put on the back burner. Use this day to indulge in your heart’s desire. Pull out your guitar from the closet, pick up a paintbrush, anything that deeply resonates with you that will put a smile back on your face.

Commit a Random Act of Kindness

Not everything has to be planned out. Keeping a sense of goodwill in your spirit all day is the perfect way to celebrate. You’ll have it in mind to keep an eye out for ways that you can brighten someone’s day. Compliment someone’s outfit, thank your co-workers for their work ethic. Whatever small way you can positively impact someone, follow your instincts. You’d be surprised how much an acknowledgment can mean to someone.

Five Surprising Facts About World Smile Day

Happiness is biological.

When you smile, neurotransmitters called endorphins are created that cause feelings of pleasure.

Why yellow?

Yellow is used as the color of the smiley face because it's a symbol of cheerfulness.


The Smiley Company office in London, England, is worth more than $55m per year.


In 1999, 470 iterations of the smileys were created for internet emoticons.

Sweet Charity

The World Smile Foundation is a non-profit charitable trust that supports wonderful children's causes.

Why We Love World Smile Day

A day to show we care.

While we use smile emojis in our digital conversations, we don’t always smile with our real faces. It’s always good to remember the benefits that true smiles can do for our own emotional well-being.

It brightens up the dark

When the world seems in a disarray, it can be hard to find your own smile. Enjoyment might seem like a preposterous thing at times, but science tells us that finding lightness in the dark can make you less anxious, annoyed, and sad.

Take on tougher tasks

People often neglect how much mental health affects our productivity. When you’re in the proper headspace, it can give you the boost you need to go about your day. It can also help positively raise the energy of those around you.

World Smile Day dates

2021October 1Friday
2022October 7Friday
2023October 6Friday
2024October 4Friday
2025October 3Friday

World Smile Day related holidays

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Give Kids A Smile

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National Dentist Day

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National Tell A Joke Day


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Best Speech Essay on World Smile Day – 06 October 2023

Best Speech Essay on World Smile Day - 06 October 2023

Are you searching for –  Best Speech Essay on World Smile Day – 06 October 2023

Then you are at Right Place.

The Complete and Official Information of  Best Speech Essay on World Smile Day – 06 October 2023

Best Speech Essay on World Smile Day – 06 October 2023

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends Good Morning to All.

World Smile day is celebrated every year on the first friday of October all over the world. Yellow Circle emojis with two dots for eyes and a curved line for a mouth is the symbol of world smile day. This Smily face was created by “Harvey Bahl” an American graphic artist in 1963. World Smile Day was first celebrated in the year 1999.

The main purpose of celebrating this day is to help people Smile and encourge act of Kindness. World Smile Day is the perfect day to make others Smile, while also ensuring you have a Smile on your face as well. Smiling is good for our health in a number of ways.

It can reduce stress, Lower blood pressure, Increased endurance, Reduced Pain, and Boost our Immune System.

There are lots of events organized in Schools and calleges on World Smile Day. All of which have been designed to make students feel happier and to share great moments with others. Every year the World Smile Day was celebrated on different themes. The Theme of World Smile Day 2023 is Theme is “ Radiate Joy ”

Thanks to All.

On My Side Thanks to All Beloved Readers.

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World Smile Day 2023: History, significance, and quotes

World smile day reminds us of the power of a smile to brighten someone's day and create a more cheerful and compassionate world..

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World Smile Day 2023

World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October each year, and people have been observing this day since 1999. This year, it falls on October 6, 2023. The idea behind this day is to promote acts of kindness and to encourage people to smile and make others smile.

World Smile Day is the perfect day to make others smile, while also ensuring you, too, have a smile on your face. Celebrating World Smile Day can be as simple as smiling at strangers, complimenting someone, volunteering, or performing random acts of kindness.


The possibility of World Smile Day was authored and started by Harvey Ball who was a business craftsman from Worcester, Massachusetts. He is known to have made the Smiley Face in the year 1963.

In 1999 the first World Smile Day was held and has become a tradition every year since.

Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established in 2001 to honour the name and memory of Harvey Ball, the artist who in 1963 created that international symbol of goodwill, the smiley face.


  • I wake up every morning literally with a smile on my face, grateful for another day I never thought I’d see. – Dick Cheney
  • Show me a smile, and I’ll show you one back. – Vanilla Ice
  • Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. – Mother Theresa
  • Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. – Yoko Ono
  • Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. – John Ray
  • I’ve got nothing to do today but smile. – Paul Simon
  • Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. – Jim Beggs
  • Nothing beats a great smile. – Karl Urban
  • I get home and my son is smiling or he comes running to me. It has just made me grow as an individual and grow as a man. – LeBron James


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World Smile Day 2023: Date, history and significance

World smile day 2023: here's all you need to know about the date, history and significance of world smile day.

Mother Teresa once said, “Peace begins with a smile ” and since we feel that the most wasted of all days is one without laughter, we can't help but smile a little more this mid-week, ahead of World Smile Day, because a genuine smile has the remarkable ability to not only lift our own spirits but also brighten the day of those around us, mend relationships, ease tension and bridge gaps between strangers as a universal language of positivity and connection, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries. In moments of joy, a smile becomes a beacon of celebration while in times of sorrow, it offers solace and support as it is a gift we can give freely, an expression of our inner light that has the potential to change the world one joyful grin at a time hence, participating in World Smile Day is a simple way to make the world a better place with this simple yet powerful gesture that radiates warmth, happiness and kindness.

World Smile Day 2023: Date, history, significance (Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash)

World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in October each year and this year it falls on October 6.

Initiated by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester in Massachusetts, who is best known for creating the iconic smiley face symbol in 1963, World Smile Day was created by him in 1999 as a way to encourage people to do acts of kindness and spread happiness by simply smiling.


World Smile Day aims to promote goodwill and positivity by smiling at others and performing acts of kindness while serving as a reminder of the power of a simple smile to brighten someone's day and improve the world around us. So, this World Smile Day, smile at strangers, encourage people to smile at others they encounter throughout the day, perform random acts of kindness for friends, family or even strangers to bring joy to their lives, share stories, pictures or quotes about smiles on social media to spread positivity or participate in volunteer activities or charity events to make a positive impact on the community.

“A smile cures the wounding of a frown” as Shakespeare once wrote so, “If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love” ​as Maya Angelou once suggested.

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About World Smile Day®

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speech on world smile day

As the years passed Harvey Ball became concerned about the over-commercialization of his symbol, and how its original meaning and intent had become lost in the constant repetition of the marketplace.

Out of that concern came his idea for World Smile Day®. He thought that we, all of us, should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts throughout the world.

The smiley face knows no politics, no geography and no religion.

Harvey’s idea was that for at least one day each year, neither should we. He declared that the first Friday in October each year would henceforth be World Smile Day®.

Ever since that first World Smile Day® held in 1999, it has continued every year in Smiley's hometown of Worcester, MA and around the world.

After Harvey died in 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was created to honor his name and memory.   The Foundation continues as the official sponsor of World Smile Day® each year.

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Copyright 2022 World Smile Foundation.  All rights reserved.

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  • Sponsor a Child

A smiling girl

World Smile Day

Sponsor a child to share happiness and transform lives physically, socially, economically and spiritually.

Smile and Be Kind

World Smile Day is held annually on the first Friday in October. It is a day devoted to smiles and acts of kindness .

First celebrated in 1999, World Smile Day seeks to reclaim the original meaning and intent of the iconic smiley face image by encouraging people to act kindly and make a person smile.

World Smile Day spreads good will and good cheer across the globe because smiles know no political, geographic or cultural boundaries.

Smiles Can be Hard to Come By for Children Living in Extreme Poverty

Happiness plays an important role in addressing many of the challenges facing the world. Challenges that are both complex and interrelated.

A smiling boy and girl lean over a wall

In 2012 when the United Nations (UN) designated March 20 the International Day of Happiness it did so because happiness plays an important role in ending poverty, reducing inequality, protecting the planet, promoting inclusivity and growing economically in a sustainable fashion.

Smiles Should Not be a Luxury for a Few

There are more than 7 billion people in the world. Each one of them has the desire to be happy, but not all of them have the opportunity.

The circumstances of poverty create sadness and hopelessness in the poor, suffocating joy and happiness. Deprived of nutrition, water, medicine, education, shelter and protection, millions of children live trapped in a cycle of oppression and disadvantage that threatens their futures.

A Future With Smiles and Happiness

Our Child Sponsorship Program is implemented by the local church in the countries where we work. We have thousands of local church partners tailoring our holistic child development model to the contextualized needs of the children they serve.

The minimum standards for our program dictate that each child development center provide four to eight hours of programming each week, at least 48 weeks out of the year, and that individual child attendance be taken each time the center is open. The child development center workers and church leaders running the program know each and every child they serve, investing in the child personally and relationally, as friends and mentors.

Through our Child Sponsorship Program we address every major aspect of a child's well-being, every element that he or she needs to survive, develop and thrive. We work to address each child's spiritual, economic, social and physical needs. A child with unique needs will benefit from additional and specialized assistance provided by our initiatives to meet other critical needs.

We help a child grow physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually, while also providing economic assistance to the child’s family and offering a future of sustainable economic self-provision.

Child Sponsorship With Compassion Provides:

Heart icon

that unlocks the potential within their heart

Education icon

to defeat illiteracy and provide critical skills

Supplement icon

to protect against malnutrition

Health Care icon

to fight back against disease and sickness

Gospel message icon

through a local church to overcome fear and hopelessness

Recreation icon

to protect from crime, violence, and danger

When you sponsor a child you give that child a gift. You offer an opportunity to be successful in life. You offer an opportunity to live a fulfilling and rewarding life — socially, economically spiritually, physically and emotionally. You offer a chance to experience happiness and smiles.

Keylin Learns She Has a Sponsor

These Unsponsored Children are Waiting for Sponsors.

Will you bring a smile to one of their faces?

Will you cultivate hope and happiness within the heart of one of these children? Are you ready to sponsor a child?

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Unsponsored children are temporarily unavailable on our website. Please check back later or request a child sponsorship packet .

When you sponsor a child in poverty, your sponsored child will be linked directly to you. Your sponsored child will know your name and you will be able to write letters to each other. Discover all of the ways how child sponsorship helps today.

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With Compassion, your donation is used wisely to help children around the world.

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Donating to a charity is an important decision. So when you’re passionate about a cause and want to make a difference, we encourage you to do your research. Compassion is 100% committed to financial integrity , stewardship and using each dollar wisely. If you have any questions about Compassion or exactly how your donation will be used, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Please call us at 800-336-7676 , Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MT, to speak with a Compassion representative.

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How you can deliver smiles on World Smile Day

  • October 5, 2023

Brittany Mattfeld Craig

  • Operation Smile

An Operation Smile patient posing with a photo of himself before cleft surgery

A smile is often the first thing we notice when we meet someone new. But for thousands of kids around the world with cleft conditions, a smile can cause issues with speech and eating, as well as embarrassment and social isolation. Cleft surgery can transform a child’s life and often takes just 45 minutes – but many children in low- and middle-income countries do not have access to this life-changing care.

Luckily, our partners at Operation Smile are creating solutions that deliver safe surgery in over 30 countries. Surgery is a crucial step in treating a cleft condition, but Operation Smile doesn’t stop there; they provide comprehensive care, including speech therapy, nutritional support, dentistry, orthodontics and psychosocial support to kids before and after surgery.

To celebrate World Smile Day on October 6, read on to learn how Operation Smile provided free cleft surgery to Ake, Folksong and Beam, three of the thousands of patients they help each year. Then, consider a workplace donation to Operation Smile. Your donation delivers more than just smiles – you’re supporting comprehensive health care solutions and confidence to kids in need across the globe.

The following article was originally written by Operation Smile and published on their website. It is reposted in its entirety with permission from the organization. To view the article directly, click here .

Meet Our Patients: Thailand

Seeing children with the same cleft condition often brings peace and reassurance to families who discover Operation Smile. Meet Ake, Folksong and Beam, three patients who received free cleft surgery from Operation Smile Thailand and departed from the surgical program with newfound hope and brighter futures.

speech on world smile day

On a day that is intended to bring a family joy, the birth of Akekapop “Ake” was met with unforeseen sadness.

Ake was born with a cleft condition.

His parents were rice and cassava farmers. They neither expected his cleft lip nor knew how to treat it. Samai, Ake’s father, thought his son would be subject to painful bullying, fearing that Ake would develop an inferiority complex. With many misconceptions surrounding cleft in low-income countries, members of his family believed that a cleft condition was bad luck.

Yet, it wasn’t long before Ake’s family discovered Operation Smile Thailand.

Following their bus ride to reach the surgical program site, Ake and his family met more parents and children affected by cleft. These interactions helped make them feel more confident that Operation Smile would take care of their son. Prior to his surgery, Ake’s family rarely took photos of him. Today, Samai and his wife said they proudly take many photos of him and his new smile.

Samai attributes his son’s happiness to the medical volunteers who devote their time and skills to changing the lives of children like his son so that they can be treated with kindness and accepted by their communities.

When asked if he wanted to say anything to Operation Smile, Samai said, “I was very happy that Operation Smile Thailand had a mission to provide free surgery. Earlier, I was very worried. Now, Ake got surgery and he’s very happy. He would like to say thanks to medical volunteers and the Operation Smile team who help create smiles for Thai kids.”

Meet Folksong

speech on world smile day

Although Folksong’s birth was an exciting time for his family, his cleft lip and palate created much concern for his parents.

They were concerned that they wouldn’t be able to afford surgery for his cleft condition. But despite their worries, Folksong’s mom and dad vowed to do everything possible to get their son proper treatment and give him a better life. Although his parents’ combined salaries as a technician for a television company and a seller at a local supermarket left them with limited leftover income, their perseverance motivated them to travel more than 60 miles to reach Operation Smile Thailand’s surgical program in Ubon Ratchathani. Upon arriving to the program site, they were surprised to see how many other children were born with the same condition as their son.

Once Folksong emerged from his surgery, his mother cried tears of happiness and shared that she felt like her son would finally have the same opportunities as his peers.

“I hope you continue to create new smiles for more children like Folksong,” she said. “Thank you to all volunteers, doctors and the Operation Smile team for brightening up Folksong’s life.”

speech on world smile day

Beam’s cleft condition presented his mom and dad with an unforeseen challenge on top of being first-time parents.

They had little access to knowledge about surgical treatment for cleft conditions, but they knew they needed to save as much of their income as possible if they hoped to one day repair Beam’s cleft lip and palate. His father made meager income at a construction site. Eager to bring in more income, his parents made the difficult decision to leave Beam with his grandparents while they traveled to another province with more income-earning opportunities.

Then one day, they received news that would change all of their lives forever.

There was an upcoming Operation Smile surgical program taking place in Ubon Ratchathani, a city nearly two hours away from their home. The journey was long and taxing, but when they arrived, Beam’s parents exchanged a sigh of relief after being welcomed into the care of Operation Smile medical volunteers. Beam received his cleft surgery that week, and his life was transformed.

Today, Beam’s parents focus on the joys of parenthood without worrying about their son’s ability to breathe, eat, speak or go to school. His mom remarked that she’s thrilled about the bright future her son has ahead of him. She hopes Beam will study to become a doctor.

In a “thank you” note to Operation Smile Thailand, she shared a message to those who helped change her son’s life:

“I’m Beam’s mom. I’m happy and proud of having great doctors who helps to heal Beam. I would like to say thank you to the medical volunteers. Wish you have this great mission forever to support other kids to have great opportunity like Beam. Thank you.”

Our promise of improving health and dignity during the COVID-19 pandemic endures. Once again, we’re providing surgery and in-person care while taking stringent measures to keep families safe. Hope is on the horizon. And we remain focused on what cleft care makes possible for children, helping them to better breathe, eat, speak and live with confidence.

Portrait of Brittany Mattfeld Craig

Brittany Mattfeld Craig has a passion for problem solving and believes in the power of giving and volunteering to create a better world and community. In her role as a managing director at Global Impact, she leads the organization’s fundraising efforts and work around employee engagement and corporate social responsibility. A Florida native and beach-lover at heart, Brittany now lives with her husband in Alexandria, Virginia, where she enjoys sitting on her patio and diving into a good book. 

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World Smile Day

World Smile   Day

Bring smiles to the faces of others through acts of kindness, community work, and of course offering your own lovely smile to brighten anyone’s day.

Sometimes all it takes to make the day better is a smile, whether it’s one someone gives to you, or one you share with another. Little acts of kindness can bring a shining smile to someone who has otherwise had a terrible day, and it can change everything that follows.

Whether it’s just a simple compliment, a cheery hello, or a gift of something small to help brighten their day, World Smile Day encourages you to take action to bring a few more smiles into the world.

Learn about World Smile Day

World Smile Day is the perfect day to make others smile while also ensuring you have a smile on your face as well. There are a lot of events that go on around the globe on World Smile Day, all of which have been designed to make people feel happier and to share great moments with others. We see associations, organizations, people, and schools get involved, with many different activities going on that can make a person smile. This includes sending lovely messages to people and giving food to those who need it.

Interesting information and facts about World Smile Day and smiling itself…

Let’s take a look at some interesting and surprising facts about World Smile Day. For example, did you know that 470 iterations of the smileys were made for Internet emoticons in 1999? That’s a lot of smiley faces, isn’t it?

Not only does the smiley face bring a lot of joy to people, but it’s making a lot of money too! Well, we suppose money makes people smile as well, right? We are sure that the guys in London, England, are smiling when they look at how much money the Smiley Company office is bringing in. After all, it is worth over $55 million per annum!

Did you also know that happiness is biological? When you smile, endorphins are created. These are neurotransmitters that cause feelings of pleasure. And, do you know why the color yellow was used for the smiley face? Well, this one you might be able to guess! Yellow is the symbol of cheerfulness, so what better color for a smiley face?

History of World Smile Day

It was a simple thing, a circle with a few dots and an upturned curve, but put together Harvey Ball created one of the most iconic symbols the world had ever seen, and it would quickly come to infect everything from graffiti to modern day emoji’s.

We are, of course, talking about the smiley face, arguably the first emoji to enter the world. Harvey would later express concern that the sheer commercialization of his little symbol would strip it of its original intent and meaning.

It was out of this concern that he created World Smile Day, a day devoted to the spreading of simple joy and love to everyone, regardless of race, gender, or geographic location.

Harvey sadly passed from this world in 2001, but the foundation he helped create, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation, has carried forth his message of simple peace and love as the sponsor of World Smile Day every year.

Whether you’re simply expressing a bit of silliness or doing a small act of kindness to help someone smile, World Smile Day is your opportunity to help brighten the world and make the world a better place through the simple power of the smile.

How to celebrate World Smile Day

It all starts with keeping your eyes and heart open to the people around you, and recognizing when someone nearby could use a momentary lift to their day.

Everyone can make a difference on World Smile Day, just by being caring and compassionate and helping those around them have the best day they can have. Those who are truly ambitious can check out the World Smile Day website and look into becoming a World Smile Day ambassador.

World Smile Day Ambassador’s go the extra mile in setting up events at local businesses, schools, parks, even online to help spread the simple joy of a smile to the world.

There are a number of different things that you can do on World Smile Day to make a difference. There are a lot of great suggestions online. This includes delivering smile certificates to people, sending smile cards, giving meals to the homeless, hospital events, visiting nursing homes, balloon releases with World Smile Day messages, and much more! You can do things that make your loved ones smile, as well as the wider community too. It does not always need to be something big and grand either. There are plenty of small things that we can all do to make people feel happier.

It is also important to remember that you should be smiling on World Smile Day! We often tend to forget about ourselves because we are so busy thinking about other people. What makes you happy? What is going to make you smile? A lot of people smile when they are helping others, so it is one big circle of happiness! Of course, there are plenty of other things that could make you smile as well. You may simply want to have an hour to yourself so you can watch your favorite film or television program, for example.

Whatever you do decide to do on World Smile Day, there is one important ingredient: a smile!

World Smile Day FAQs

Are smiles contagious.

Many studies show that smiling is probably contagious in that the brain releases happy hormones, which makes the recipient of a smile want to smile back. [1]

Is smiling good for you?

Emphatically yes! Smiling releases good hormones, helps with work productivity, promotes healthy relationships, relieves stress and may even help people live longer. [2]

Do smiles cause wrinkles?

Wrinkles shouldn’t be blamed on smiling as they can be caused just as much by frowning, due to diminishing elasticity in the skin. [3]

When do babies smile?

Newborns may smile in their sleep, but babies are typically between 6-8 weeks when they first begin with social smiles. [4]

Who invented the smiley face emoticon?

Harvey Ross Ball was hired to create the iconic yellow smiley face in 1963. It took him 10 minutes and he was paid $45 for his work. [5]

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August 14, 2024

Brain-to-Speech Tech Good Enough for Everyday Use Debuts in a Man with ALS

A highly robust brain-computer interface boasts low error rates and a durability that allows a user to talk all day long

By Ingrid Wickelgren

Trial participant, Casey Harrell, who has lost his ability to speak due to ALS, using the BrainGate2 BCI while seated in his mobility device

Casey Harrell, who has lost his ability to speak due to ALS, using the BrainGate2 brain-computer interface while seated in his mobility device.

University of California Regents

By July 2023, Casey Harrell, then age 45, had lost the ability to speak to his then four-year-old daughter. The neurodegenerative disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) had gradually paralyzed him in the five years since his symptoms began. As the effects spread to the lips, tongue and jaw, his speech devolved into indistinct sounds that his daughter could not understand.

But a month after a surgery in which Harrell had four 3-by-3 millimeter arrays of electrodes implanted in his brain that July, he was suddenly able to tell his little girl whatever he wanted. The electrodes picked up the chatter of neurons responsible for articulating word sounds, or phonemes, while other parts of a novel brain-computer interface (BCI) translated that chatter into clear synthetic speech.

“She hadn’t had the ability to communicate very much with me for about two years. Now that is very different,” Harrell says, speaking through the device a year after the surgery. “I can help her mother to parent her. I can have a deeper relationship with her and tell her what I am thinking.”

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His face contorts with emotion, and after a pause, he adds, “I can simply tell her how much I love her.”

Neuroscientist Sergey Stavisky and neurosurgeon David Brandman, both at the University of California, Davis, and their team described the new BCI on August 14 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Harrell isn’t the first person with paralysis to talk with his thoughts. But his BCI is easier to use and far less error-prone than similar devices that were announced a year ago . The improvements are such that Harrell can use the new BCI regularly to chat with colleagues, friends and family.

“It marks a landmark in the field of speech BCIs,” says Christian Herff, a computational neuroscientist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, who was not involved in the study. “It has achieved a level of quality that is now of actual use for patients.” The device predicts the wrong word less than 3 percent of the time, an error rate on par with nondisabled speakers reading a paragraph aloud. “We can basically call it perfect,” Herff says.

The system also maintains its performance throughout hours of use. “We did a lot of engineering and a lot of testing and a lot of small innovations to make this work all day reliably,” says the study’s lead author Nicholas Card, a postdoctoral fellow in Stavisky’s and Brandman’s lab. Harrell estimates he employs the BCI for 70 hours per week. “I’m what they call a power user,” he says.

Harrell is also the only user so far. But the success of the experiment cracks open the door to more widespread availability of neuroprostheses for speech difficulties resulting from paralysis, says Edward Chang, a neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, who is a pioneer in the field of speech neuroprostheses but was not involved in the new work. “It’s one important step forward toward making this a clinical reality,” a goal that seemed like science fiction five to 10 years ago, he adds.

Significant practical hurdles still stand in the way of speech BCIs becoming a realistic medical option. And questions remain about what the implant’s long-term viability is and how well the results will translate to individuals with more advanced paralysis. From Harrell’s perspective, however, there is more than enough upside to support wider use. When asked how the technology had benefited him, he flashes an impish smile and quips, “How long do you have?”

Harrell’s BCI is part of a large, ongoing clinical trial run by a consortium called BrainGate . Since 2004 individuals in the trial have, one by one, tested out the latest iteration of the technology, which is broadly aimed at restoring or replacing lost functions—the ability to type or drink from a cup—in people paralyzed by accidents, strokes or conditions such as ALS.

Participants have chips like Harrell’s embedded in the outer layer of their brain. The type of chip used in the trial, called a Utah Array, connects directly with brain tissue and reads the signals of individual neurons or small groups of neurons—typically, those in the motor cortex, a part of the brain that directs body movements. Machine-learning algorithms analyze the signals and translate them into the movement of, say, a cursor or a robotic arm. The basic setup is common to all BCIs. In another trial, for example, one man with such an implant used his thoughts to move a robotic arm to shake the hand of then U.S. president Barack Obama in 2016.

The renowned company Neuralink, founded by Elon Musk, invented a brain chip with 1,024 electrodes, compared with up to about 100 in a Utah array (64 in the case of Harrell’s). The Neuralink chip similarly makes contact with individual neurons, though its larger number of electrodes likely provide richer input to a decoder. A man named Noland Arbaugh , whose limbs were paralyzed in a swimming accident, has been using the chip to write e-mails, surf the web and play video games with signals from his brain, though the device does not produce speech. (Arbaugh can speak.)

The first brain-to-speech decoder to work in a person with speech paralysis surfaced in 2021, offering a vocabulary of 50 words. Then in August 2023, woman with ALS whose speech, like Harrell’s, had become unintelligible, gained access to a 125,000-word vocabulary using a BCI that records brain activity from Utah Arrays as part of the BrainGate trial. Harrell’s BCI offers a similar vocabulary, which is more than twice that of an average college-educated adult. Using a different system developed by Chang’s team, a woman who had been severely paralyzed by a stroke could direct an avatar to voice her words. Her device, which also debuted in August 2023, had a potential 30,000 terms.

Both of the speech neuroprostheses described last year had an error rate of around 25 percent, however, which limits their usefulness. “When you’re getting one of every four words wrong, a sentence quickly becomes difficult to understand,” Card says.

One reason Harrell’s device may be more accurate is that it has more electrodes. It draws information from four electrode arrays, resulting in a total of 256 electrodes. That is twice as many as those in the speech BCI that was used by the woman with ALS and described in 2023, which employs the same chip technology. Machine-learning advances also play a role. The algorithms used to translate Harrell’s speech continuously calibrate so that the decoder’s performance does not decline over the course of the day. “A big challenge in general with BCIs is that the signals that we’re recording can change on the order of minutes to hours,” says Jennifer Collinger, a neural engineer and associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh, who was not involved in the new study. Being able to update the system to account for those instabilities, she says, is “a really important design priority.”

Another priority for the team that developed Harrell’s BCI was a design that would enable a quick break-in period for a new user. “You have to move quickly to help these people,” Brandman says. To speed things up after the implant, the researchers tested their decoder on a biologically plausible computer model of how the brain might encode speech, broken down into its component frequencies. So when the team turned on the BCI for the first time, it began translating Harrell’s speech within half an hour. “The system works from day one,” Collinger says.

The words Harrell expresses with the device are spelled out on a screen before they are said out loud. When Harrell saw a word he wanted to say appear for the first time, he cried with joy, as did members of his family. On the second day of testing, Harrell spoke to his daughter, who happened to be dressed as a cheetah. “I’m looking for a cheetah,” her dad told her.

To use the BCI, Harrell doesn’t just think about what he wants to say . He tries to form the words in his mind, and that attempted movement activates the arrays, which read from the part of his motor cortex that commands mouth and jaw muscles. (Harrell’s lips tend to move as he operates the device.) The output from the arrays is sent to the decoding software, which matches them to phonemes, combines the phoneme sequences into words and, from there, builds sentences.

Over the months that followed his first use of the system, Harrell spoke with it daily, both repeating sentences the researchers gave him and speaking spontaneously. On the second day of testing, the vocabulary available to Harrell expanded to 125,000 words, and from there, the system’s accuracy improved. In addition, the synthetic voice was made to match Harrell’s before his illness. When Harrell speaks now, it sounds like him.

Harrell is still working as an environmental activist more than five years into the disease. And he says the BCI is one reason why. It is many times faster than the communication methods he was using before, which included a head-controlled mouse and the help of someone who could interpret his vocalizations. “The participant is actually using it at home for communication,” says Nick Ramsey, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, who was not involved in the research. “For speech decoding, that has not been shown before.”

Harrell is so happy with his device that he is eager for others to have one. “I want people who are suffering now to have the option to have the technology now because I think that it is good enough now,” he says. “If it is good enough for us to have this conversation without any more help, I think it can help people today.”

There are obstacles to that goal, however. Unlike the Neuralink BCI, the U.C. Davis technology is not wireless. Two ports on Harrell’s head sprout cables that transmit data from the arrays in his brain to four computers on carts—which also makes the system far from portable. And the ports require care because they are potential sites for infection. For now, a considerable number of workers are also required for each BCI recipient, including a neurosurgeon who knows how to insert the arrays.

Another question is whether Harrell’s system will work for people whose speech paralysis is more advanced or does not result from ALS. Harrell still has some ability to move his mouth and make sounds. “How much residual function someone has may be very important for the function of this,” Chang says. “You can’t extrapolate this necessarily to everyone who is paralyzed, especially people who have more severe paralysis.”

There is also a debate among BCI researchers about the electrode array technology used to detect brain signals. Some are wary of arrays that are embedded in brain tissue. The brain often reacts to the foreign material by building scar tissue around it, reducing the quality of the signal—and parts of the array may also degrade over time. “The brain doesn’t like needles being stuck into it,” Ramsey says. In some people, Utah Arrays have lasted as long as six years, but in others, their output decays much faster, and replacing them is risky. “Imagine you had one of these placed, and six months later, it’s not working well,” Chang warns.

For his team’s speech BCI, Chang used a less invasive technology: small disks called electrocorticography (ECoG) arrays that rest on the brain’s surface without penetrating the tissue. Unlike Utah Arrays, ECoG arrays do not read signals from single neurons but detect fuzzier patterns that reflect the output of thousands of brain cells. The less precise input is thought to limit their capabilities, yet they enabled the decoding of speech in Chang’s experiment. They were also recently used in a BCI that restored walking in a paralyzed man .

And in a separate paper in same issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Ramsey and his colleagues report that a small ECoG array implanted in a woman with ALS who was almost totally paralyzed worked for more than seven years, allowing her to click through menus on a computer, switch on a television and call a caregiver. She depended fully on the device to communicate for the last four years, until a loss of brain tissue from her condition rendered her unable to control the BCI. “That’s showing that with different types of electrodes, you can have a system that keeps on working for many years,” Ramsey says.

After a year of use, Harrell has seen no decline in performance either. And the UC Davis team plans to implant the array in several more participants in the coming months to years. In the meantime, the researchers are adding bells and whistles to Harrell’s device, such as prosody—inflections in pitch and rhythm—and the ability to sing.

One feature Harrell already has is the ability to send text to his computer to write e-mails, including a few he sent to the author of this article. That exchange was, on its surface, unremarkable. He introduced himself, suggested times for his interview and expressed enthusiasm about the technology. His signature, however, showed there was nothing ordinary about these messages whatsoever. It read, “Sent from my 🧠.”

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What to watch as the Democratic National Convention gets underway in Chicago


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▶ Follow The AP’s live coverage and analysis from the 2024 Democratic National Convention .

CHICAGO (AP) — The Democratic National Convention kicks off Monday in Chicago, just four weeks after President Joe Biden shuttered his campaign and made way for Vice President Kamala Harris to ascend to the top of Democrats’ ticket.

The political transformation just months before the election matchup with the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump , has meant a rapid succession of changes for Democrats’ 2024 calculus in general — making the convention all the more noteworthy.

Here’s what to watch on the first day:

Biden will speak Monday night

Up until a month ago, Biden had been expected to take the convention stage Thursday night, as is tradition for the party’s nominee. Now, Biden will give a speech on the convention’s opening night of Monday, as will his wife, Jill Biden.

Biden is expected to use his keynote address as a symbolic handoff of his party to Harris, capping five decades in Democratic politics and pressing the case for what he says is the threat to the country if Trump returns to the White House.

Harris will be on hand to watch the president’s speech. Signs in the arena will feature a Biden-ism: “Spread the faith.” While Harris is expected to stick around through the week’s events, before her own speech, officials say Biden isn’t planning to be in Chicago past his own appearance.


Former Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond, a Biden adviser, said it’s important for Biden to answer the age-old questions from voters, “what have you done for me lately and why bother to go out and vote?”

“Politicians worry about the next election; statesmen worry about the next generation,” said Richmond, who called Biden “a statesman who will pass the baton on to Kamala Harris to continue to put this country first.”

It’s Day 1 of the DNC, and there are 77 days until Election Day. Here’s what to know:

  • Live updates: Follow The AP’s live coverage and analysis from the 2024 Democratic National Convention .
  • DNC kicks off: The Democratic National Convention is underway in Chicago and set to stream on a number of platforms, including YouTube and TikTok .
  • Trump’s struggle : The Republican nominee’s campaign is still struggling to adjust to the reality of Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket.
  • Ground Game: DNC kicks off, Harris and the “uncommitted” movement, Trump’s struggles. AP’s Meg Kinnard breaks down DNC 2024 in her latest newsletter .

A focus ‘for the people’

According to convention organizers, the theme for Monday’s events is “For the People,” a callback to the theme of Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign, and a phrase she’s been incorporating into her new one, starting with a fundraising email the very night Biden departed the race.

The phraseology hearkens to her 2019 launch , at which Harris — a longtime prosecutor and California’s first woman to serve as attorney general — recalled introducing herself in court as “Kamala Harris, for the people,” adding, “In my whole life I’ve only had one client, the people.’’ Throughout that campaign, Harris returned to the phrase time and again, in speeches but also on signs and T-shirts, and as part of her principal campaign committee’s official nomenclature .

But much of the night’s focus will also be on Biden’s policy wins while in office, when he signed a flurry of legislation that Democrats have dreamed about enacting for a generation.

“We would not be here without him,” said Alex Hornbrook, the convention’s executive director. “His historic record of accomplish with Vice President Harris by his side is unmatched by any presidential administration in modern history.”

At the convention’s opening night, organizers note that speakers will aim to make the argument that, “while Donald Trump puts himself first, Democrats are fighting for the American people,” something they say is reflected in Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz .

Among the luminaries to speak Monday night: Hillary Clinton, United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Today’s news: Follow live updates from the campaign trail from the AP.
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  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.

In addition to the elected officials and party leaders, Democrats also plan to showcase “everyday Americans” and some performers during each night.

Protests are planned around town

Thousands of activists are expected to converge on Chicago, hoping to call attention to abortion rights, economic injustice and the war in Gaza . Demonstrations are expected every day of the convention and, while their agendas vary, many activists agree an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war is the priority.

There have been months of preparation for the tens of thousands of activists expected in town. Chicago police have undergone training on constitutional policing, county courts say they are opening more space in anticipation of mass arrests and hospitals near the security zone are beefing up emergency preparedness.


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson , who is among the speakers expected to take the stage on the convention’s opening night, said on ABC’s “This Week”that the city was prepared for the thousands of activists expected to participate in protests around the DNC.

“Our local police department has worked with the Secret Service as well as other local agencies to ensure a safe, peaceful yet vibrant, exciting convention,” he said.

Trump’s counterprogramming

As Democrats laud their top-of-the-ticket selectees, Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance , have a full week of their own events stumping across battleground states. Like the Democrats — and as at their own convention last month — the Republicans are adding a theme to each day’s events, with Monday intended to focus on the economy.

On Monday both Trump and Vance are in Pennsylvania, the Rust Belt battleground where both men have stumped in recent days . Each day of the DNC, Trump’s allies will also be holding a news conference in Chicago, a prebuttal to what’s expected from the stage at the United Center.

Meg Kinnard can be reached at http://x.com/MegKinnardAP


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"Colorful Home Town" by Jatuporn K.

“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” - Mother Teresa

A smile can show kindness, happiness, and love. It has the power to do good, as Mother Teresa suggests, but a smile can also relieve stress. In fact, there are many proven health benefits to smiling, so show your smile October 3rd on World Smile Day®!

You and your class can participate in the activities below or learn more about World Smile Day® .

Social Media Activities

  • Show us your best smile! Share a picture of yourself smiling on Facebook and explain what made you smile.
  • Challenge: make a stranger smile today! Share your story with us on Facebook .
  • Why is smiling important to you? Let us know on Facebook.

Classroom Activity: Letter of Gratitude

Activity Level: Intermediate

Activity Overview

Letter writing is a useful skill for students to learn. They help students use English for a purpose and for authentic communication. Because there is a real, intended reader of the letter, the learning becomes more meaningful for the student writing the letter. For World Smile Day®, the focus of the letter will be gratitude; each student will write a letter of thanks to someone who has positively affected, shown kindness toward, or made him/her smile often.

See Full Activity

  • Students - paper, pen
  • Teacher - whiteboard, chalkboard, or large pieces of paper taped to wall; chalk or markers; sample letter(s)

About World Smile Day®

Ready. Set. Smile! October 3rd is World Smile Day® Each year, on the first Friday of October, World Smile Day® celebrates smiles and kind acts around the world.

Many people recognize the iconic yellow smiley face image. What many people don't know, however, is that the creator of that smiley face - Harvey Ball - is also the person who started World Smile Day®. Once his happy smiley face image started to become too commercialized, Ball created World Smile Day® to remind people of the original meaning of the image - good will, happiness, and kindness.

What acts of kindness will you do on World Smile Day® this October 3rd? Be sure to share your ideas with us on the American English Facebook page !

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Minds Quotes

100 World Smile Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions

100 World Smile Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions  

World Smile Day Quotes is dedicated to spreading positivity and happiness through inspiring quotes. We believe that a simple smile can brighten someone’s day and have a ripple effect on the world. On our website, you will find a collection of uplifting and motivational quotes specifically curated for World Smile Day.

Whether you are looking for a quote to share with a loved one or to uplift your own spirits, our quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face. Join us in celebrating World Smile Day and spreading joy one quote at a time!

  • Related: 50 BEST Quotes on Smile To Boost Your Mood

Contents Heading

World Smile Day Quotes

World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October each year, and it is a day dedicated to spreading happiness and positivity. One way to celebrate is by sharing inspiring and uplifting quotes that bring a smile to people’s faces. In this article, we will provide a collection of heartwarming World Smile Day quotes that are guaranteed to brighten your day. Join us as we embrace the power of positivity and spread smiles around the world.

“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.” – Denis Waitley
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur Ward
“Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.” – Les Brown
  • Related: 70 Saturday Good Morning Quotes That Will Make You Smile
“Smile, it’s free therapy.” – Douglas Horton
“Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.” – Rashida Jones
“Every smile makes you a day younger.” – Chinese Proverb
“Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.” – Christie Brinkley
  • Related: 75 Winnie The Pooh Quotes That Will Bring A Smile To Your Face
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” – Mark Twain
“Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing, a smile reassures them.” – Andre Maurois
“Life is short, and if we enjoy every moment of every day, then we will be happy no matter what happens or what changes along the way.” – Gretchen Bleiler
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“A smile is a happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” – Tom Wilson
“Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.” – Unknown
“Start every day with a smile, and get it over with.” – W.C. Fields
  • Related: 95 Best Snow Quotes To Make You Smile On A Cold Winter Day
“Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” – Thomas Paine
“I love those who can smile in trouble.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller
  • Related: 55 BEST Good Morning Messages for her to Make Her smile
“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” – Jay Danzie
“A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.” – Marilyn Monroe
“The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.” – Unknown
  • Related: 50 Best Christmas Wishes Quotes that Will Make You Smile
“A smile cures the wounding of a frown.” – William Shakespeare
“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” – Martin Charnin
“Smile, it’s the prettiest thing you can wear.” – Unknown
  • Related: 100 National Build Joy Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions.
“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray
“Your smile is the ultimate golden dream. All the poems in the world are waking up from.” – Sanober Khan

World Smile Day Wishes

World Smile Day was created by Harvey Ball, the artist who designed the iconic yellow smiley face. On this day, people around the world are encouraged to do acts of kindness and share smiles to make the world a better place. To commemorate this special day, we have compiled a collection of inspiring World Smile Day Wishes. These wishes celebrate the power of a smile and remind us of the importance of spreading positivity and happiness.

“Wishing you a day filled with endless smiles and happiness on World Smile Day! 😊”
“May your heart be as light as your smile on this special day. Happy World Smile Day! 😄”
“Sending you warm wishes for a day full of laughter, joy, and the brightest smiles! 😃”
“On World Smile Day, I hope your life is as radiant as your beautiful smile. 😁”
  • Related: 70 National Bartender Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions
“Let your smiles be contagious and your happiness is boundless. Happy World Smile Day! 😊”
“Here’s to a day that’s as bright and cheerful as your most genuine smile. Enjoy World Smile Day! 😄”
“May your day be filled with reasons to smile and a heart full of gratitude. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
  • Related: 75 Bartender Appreciation Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions
“Wishing you the most infectious and heartwarming smiles on this World Smile Day! 😁”
“Today, may your smiles be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Happy World Smile Day! 🌟”
“Sending you a world of smiles and a day that’s as wonderful as you are. 😊 #SmileDay”
“May your day be painted with the colors of happiness and filled with the music of laughter. Happy World Smile Day! 😄”
  • Related: 100 Business of Popping Corn Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions
“Here’s to celebrating the magic of your smile on World Smile Day and every day. 😃”
“Wishing you a day filled with moments that bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart. 😁”
“Your smile is a gift to the world. Keep sharing it with everyone you meet. Happy World Smile Day! 😊”
“May your day be filled with laughter, love, and countless smiles that light up your world. 😄 #WorldSmileDay”
  • Related: 70 National Do Something Nice Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Captions
“On this special day, may your smiles be as boundless as the oceans and as bright as the sun. 😃”
“Wishing you a day that’s as beautiful and radiant as your most joyful smile. Happy World Smile Day! 😁”
“Today, let your smiles be the bridge that connects hearts and spreads happiness everywhere. 😊 #SmileDay”
“May your heart be light, your day be bright, and your smiles be infectious. Happy World Smile Day! 😄”
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“Sending you warm wishes for a day filled with giggles, grins, and the sweetest smiles. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Here’s to a day filled with positivity, kindness, and the power of your incredible smile. 😁”
“Wishing you a World Smile Day that’s as wonderful as the happiness you bring into the world. 😊”
“May your smiles shine as brightly as the stars and warm as the sun on this special day. 😄”
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“Today, let’s celebrate the simple yet incredible act of smiling. Happy World Smile Day! 😃”
“Sending you wishes for a day that’s overflowing with joy and sprinkled with lots of smiles. 😁 #SmileDay”

World Smile Day Messages

World Smile Day is an annual event celebrated on the first Friday of October, created to spread happiness and kindness around the world. One of the best ways to bring a smile to someone’s face is through inspirational and uplifting quotes. World Smile Day messages are a collection of meaningful and motivational quotes that can brighten up anyone’s day and remind them to spread joy to others.

If you are looking for quotes to share on social media, in greeting cards, or simply for personal inspiration, World Smile Day messages offer a wide selection of positive messages to make the world a happier place.

“On World Smile Day, let’s make the world a happier place, one smile at a time! 😊”
“Your smile is the sunshine that lights up my day. Happy World Smile Day! 😄”
“A smile is the best gift you can give. Share one today! 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Smiling is a language everyone can understand. Spread the positivity! 😁”
  • Related: 50 Famous Uplifting New Day Quotes To Brighten Your Morning
“Life is beautiful when your heart is full of smiles. Happy World Smile Day! 😊”
“May your day be filled with laughter, love, and countless reasons to smile. 😄 #SmileDay”
“Smiles are the bridges that connect hearts. Let’s build more bridges today! 😃”
“Sending you a virtual smile to brighten your day! Happy World Smile Day! 😁”
  • Related: 50 Heart-Touching Quotes on Life That Will Make You Weep
“No act of kindness is too small, and a smile is one of the simplest ways to brighten someone’s day. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
“Today, I challenge you to share your most genuine smile with a stranger. Let’s make the world a friendlier place! 😄”
“A smile costs nothing but gives so much. Share the wealth today! 😃 #SmileDay”
“When you smile, you not only make yourself happy but also inspire happiness in others. 😁 #WorldSmileDay”
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“Your smile is a reflection of your inner beauty. Keep shining! 😊”
“Let’s celebrate World Smile Day by choosing joy and spreading it wherever we go. 😄”
“Even on the cloudiest days, your smile can be the sunshine. Happy World Smile Day! 😃”
“May your day be filled with moments that make you smile from the heart. 😁 #SmileDay”
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“A smile is the best accessory you can wear. Wear it proudly today! 😊”
“Smiles are the secret ingredient to a happy life. Keep them coming! 😄 #WorldSmileDay”
“Life is too short not to smile. Let’s make every moment count! 😃”
“Today, let’s make the world a better place with our smiles. Happy World Smile Day! 😁”
“Your smile has the power to change the world, so don’t ever stop smiling. 😊 #SmileDay”
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“Smile: it’s the universal welcome mat. Open your heart and share it with the world! 😄”
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Keep spreading those positive vibes! 😃”
“Wishing you a day filled with laughter, love, and endless reasons to smile. 😁 #WorldSmileDay”
“Let’s be the reason someone smiles today. Happy World Smile Day! 😊”

World Smile Day Captions

World Smile Day is a day dedicated to spreading happiness and positivity through smiles. One way to capture and spread the joy of World Smile Day is by using captivating and engaging captions on social media. Whether you are sharing a selfie, a group photo, or a heartfelt message, the right caption can make all the difference. In this article, you will find a collection of World Smile Day captions that will elevate your posts and help spread smiles to your online community.

“Smiling: the universal language of kindness. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
“A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. 😄 #SmileDay”
“Smiles are contagious; spread the joy! 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Keep calm and smile on. 😁 #SmileDay”
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“Today, let your smile change the world. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
“The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. 😄 #SmileDay”
“Smiling is free therapy. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Wear a smile, it’s your best accessory. 😁 #SmileDay”
“One smile can start a friendship; one word can end a fight. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
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“Don’t forget to smile today and every day. 😄 #SmileDay”
“Smile big, laugh often. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Happiness is a choice, and so is smiling. 😁 #SmileDay”
“Smile, it’s the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
“Let your smile shine like the sun. ☀️ #SmileDay”
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“On #WorldSmileDay, let’s light up the world with our smiles. 😄”
“Life is better when you’re laughing and smiling. 😃 #SmileDay”
“Smiling is the best way to face any problem, to crush every fear, and to hide every pain. 😁 #WorldSmileDay”
“Keep your head high, your heart light, and your smile bright. 😊 #SmileDay”
“Today is a good day to smile. 😄 #WorldSmileDay”
  • Related: 50 BEST Fake People Quotes Help You Spot Them In Your Life
“Smile, because it’s a beautiful day to be happy. 😃 #SmileDay”
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. 😁 #WorldSmileDay”
“Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile. 😊 #SmileDay”
“Every smile makes you a day younger. 😄 #WorldSmileDay”
“Start your day with a smile and end it with champagne. 🥂 #SmileDay”
“The world is better with your smile in it. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Smile, and let the world wonder why. 😁 #SmileDay”
“Your smile can be the sweetest revenge. 😊 #WorldSmileDay”
“Smile: it’s free therapy you can give yourself. 😄 #SmileDay”
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. 😃 #WorldSmileDay”
“Today, I’m wearing my best accessory: a smile! 😁 #SmileDay”

World Smile Day is an annual celebration that takes place on the first Friday in October. It is a day dedicated to spreading happiness and positivity through simple acts of kindness and smiling. One popular way to participate in World Smile Day is by sharing uplifting and inspiring quotes and wishes on social media.

These words can help spread joy and encourage others to embrace the power of a smile. In this article, we will explore the significance of World Smile Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages, and Captions that you can use to brighten up your social media posts. Like and share these quotes and wishes with your friends and family to celebrate the day.

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  • World Smile Day: Simple things you can do to bring that big smile on your child's face

World Smile Day: Simple things you can do to bring that big smile on your child's face

​This is how you can make your child smile (and feel happy effortlessly)​

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Kamala Harris makes surprise DNC appearance to thank Joe Biden before his big handover speech

  • Vice President Kamala Harris briefly took the DNC stage on Monday.
  • Harris thanked Joe Biden ahead of his primetime speech kicking off the convention.
  • Crowds erupted in cheers as the vice president took the DNC stage.

Insider Today

Vice President Kamala Harris surprised crowds on the first day of the Democratic National Convention , offering brief remarks and thanking President Joe Biden ahead of his scheduled handoff speech on Monday.

Harris took the stage to rapturous cheers from the crowd as Beyoncé's "Freedom" rang out through Chicago's United Center.

According to the official agenda, Harris wasn't set to speak on Monday but delivered brief introductory comments, telling the crowd that "this is going to be a great week."

She used most of her short time onstage to praise Biden and drum up excitement for his speech, set for later in the evening.

"I want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible President Joe Biden, who will be speaking later tonight," she said.

"Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation, and for all you will continue to do; we are forever grateful to you," Harris added.

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Biden is set to deliver a prime-time address on Monday. His remarks will kick off the convention, which was previously set to serve as his reelection event until he bowed out of the race last month following a disastrous debate performance with former President Donald Trump in late June.

The president is expected to use his speech to review his administration's accomplishments and officially coronate Harris as his successor.

According to NBC News, following the speech, Biden will not attend the rest of the DNC, which runs through Thursday. Media reports in recent days have suggested the president is still frustrated by members of his party who pushed for his replacement as the candidate.

Harris finished her remarks on Monday by praising the diversity in the Democratic party.

"Looking out at everyone tonight, I see the beauty of our great nation. People from every corner of our country and every walk of life are here, united by our shared vision for the future of our country, and this November, we will come together and declare with one voice, as one people, we are moving forward," she said.

Watch: Can Kamala Harris win over Democrats after Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential election?

speech on world smile day

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Highlights From Night 1 of the Democratic Convention

Speeches by President Biden and Hillary Clinton symbolized how Democrats are moving on from the old guard that has led their party for decades.

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speech on world smile day

By Nicholas Nehamas

Reporting from Chicago

  • Published Aug. 19, 2024 Updated Aug. 20, 2024, 9:04 a.m. ET

In a city where he was supposed to claim the mantle of the Democratic Party for the final time, at a convention where he was supposed to cement his political legacy, President Biden instead passed the torch of leadership, wiping away tears as the crowd rose to its feet in a sustained ovation and chanted, “Thank you, Joe.”

The outpouring of gratitude for his decision to step aside and make way for Vice President Kamala Harris seemed to encourage Mr. Biden as he claimed credit for saving democracy, and for much more, in a nearly hourlong speech filled with optimism and a fighting spirit that capped the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Yet one of the last major moments of Mr. Biden’s political career was pushed well out of prime time on the East Coast after other speakers ran long.

“America, I gave my best to you,” Mr. Biden said. “For 50 years, like many of you, I’ve given my heart and soul to our nation and I’ve been blessed, a million times in return, with the support of the American people.”

Mr. Biden’s speech, and another earlier in the night from Hillary Clinton — who came closer than any other American woman to winning the White House — symbolized how Democrats are moving on from the old guard that has led their party for decades. The convention’s opening night also served to emphasize the historic nature of Ms. Harris’s candidacy, and to frame her as riding on the shoulders of civil rights icons and women who had run for president before her, as she seeks to defeat former President Donald J. Trump.

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  6. World Smile Day Messages And Quotes

    speech on world smile day


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    1-minute Speech on Power Of Smile. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good day to you all! Today, I want to talk about a simple, yet powerful tool we all possess - our smile. A smile is like a universal language that everyone, everywhere understands. It's a little curve that can set a lot of things straight. Let's start with the magic it creates ...

  2. The Importance of Smiling: Why We Celebrate Today World Smile Day

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  6. About World Smile Day®

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  7. Welcome to the World Smile Day® Website

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  17. About World Smile Day

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    Here are the results of the top-ranked American whiskeys from the 2024 Whiskies of the World Awards. The Best in Show Whiskey is 10th Street Triple Cask STR, American Single Malt Whiskey, 55.6% ...

  28. Which celebrities will attend the DNC? Here's what we know so far

    The Democratic National Convention kicks off in Chicago this week, and many are wondering what celebrities might pop up to cheer on Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House. So ...

  29. Kamala Harris Thanks Joe Biden Ahead of His Handover Speech at DNC

    Vice President Kamala Harris surprised crowds on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, offering brief remarks and thanking President Joe Biden ahead of his scheduled handoff speech ...

  30. Highlights From Night 1 of the DNC, With Speeches From Biden and

    Highlights From Night 1 of the Democratic Convention. Speeches by President Biden and Hillary Clinton symbolized how Democrats are moving on from the old guard that has led their party for decades.