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Inspiring Giving Back To The Community Speech Ideas

Aurora Simon

Giving Back To The Community Speech

As human beings, we have a social responsibility to give back to our community. Whether it’s through volunteerism, community engagement, or philanthropy, every action we take can make a difference in the lives of others. In this article, we will explore the power of giving back to the community and provide inspiring speech ideas that will motivate and encourage individuals to take action towards positive change.

Table of Contents

Throughout the following sections, we will discuss the importance of giving back, effective strategies for encouraging volunteerism, practical tips for getting involved in community outreach programs, and ways to make a difference in your community. We will also share inspiring stories of successful Giving Back To The Community Speeches and provide answers to frequently asked questions on this topic. Let’s begin our journey towards creating a better world!

Examples of Giving Back To The Community Speech

Here are some resources to help you write your giving back to the community speech. As time goes on, I will update this list with new resources below.

The importance and benefits of giving back to your community This article discusses the importance of giving back to your community and the benefits of volunteering.
The Importance Of Giving Back – Forbes This Forbes article emphasizes the importance of empowering oneself through giving back to your community.
Why is Giving Back to the Community Important – This essay discusses the beauty of giving back to the community and the joy it brings when done out of the goodness of your heart.
The Importance of Giving Back to My Community Essay This essay discusses the importance of giving back to the community and how it helps to maintain a clean, safe, and enjoyable environment.
How are you giving back to the community? This article by Tony Robbins discusses the importance of giving back to the community and how we rely on people around us for emotional support during good and bad times.
Why Giving Matters This speech by Arthur C. Brooks discusses the importance of giving and its impact on society.
NDP2023: Meet the volunteers who spend their weekends giving back to … This article highlights the efforts of volunteers who spend their weekends giving back to the community.
Dallas Mavericks’ center continuously giving back to the community amid … This article discusses how Dallas Mavericks’ center JaVale McGee has been continuously giving back to the community despite being constantly in trade rumors.

Understanding The Importance Of Giving Back To The Community

Giving back to the community is an important aspect of social responsibility . It involves taking action to improve the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Community outreach, volunteerism, and philanthropy are some of the ways individuals can give back to their communities.

There are numerous benefits to giving back to the community. It helps to create a sense of belonging and pride in one’s community. It also fosters a culture of kindness and generosity, which can inspire others to get involved.

Community outreach is a powerful tool for creating change. By engaging with individuals and groups within the community, it is possible to identify areas that require improvement and develop strategies for addressing them. This can include initiatives such as food drives, fundraising events, and educational programs.

Volunteerism is another key way to give back to the community. By volunteering time and skills, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of others. This can include activities such as mentoring, tutoring, and providing support to those in need.

Philanthropy is another important aspect of giving back to the community. By donating to charitable organizations, individuals can support initiatives that are focused on improving the well-being of others. This can include initiatives such as healthcare, education, and environmental conservation.

Overall, giving back to the community is an essential part of social responsibility. It helps to create a better society, fosters a culture of kindness and generosity, and can inspire others to get involved. By engaging in community outreach, volunteerism, and philanthropy, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to creating a better world.

The Power Of Community Involvement And Engagement

The Power Of Community Involvement And Engagement

When it comes to giving back to the community, the power of community involvement and engagement cannot be overstated. By working together and pooling resources, individuals and organizations can achieve greater impact and bring about positive change in their communities.

Community involvement can take many forms, from volunteering time and skills to supporting local initiatives and businesses. Philanthropy also plays an important role in community engagement, as it provides resources to fund programs and projects that benefit the community.

One of the key benefits of community involvement and engagement is that it empowers individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities. By participating in local events and initiatives, individuals can build relationships, develop skills, and make a meaningful contribution to their communities.

The Importance Of Philanthropy In Supporting Community Initiatives

Philanthropy plays a critical role in supporting community initiatives, as it provides resources that enable organizations to carry out their missions and serve the needs of the community. Whether through individual donations, corporate giving, or foundation grants, philanthropy can make a significant difference in the lives of people and communities.

In addition to providing financial support, philanthropy can also help to raise awareness and mobilize support for important causes. By leveraging their networks and resources, philanthropic organizations can bring attention to issues that may otherwise be overlooked, and encourage others to get involved.

The Power Of Collaboration In Achieving Positive Change

Collaboration is essential for achieving positive change in communities. By working together, individuals and organizations can pool their knowledge, skills, and resources to address complex social issues and bring about lasting change.

Effective collaboration requires a shared vision, trust, and a willingness to work towards a common goal . It also requires open communication, active listening, and a commitment to learning from one another.

Ultimately, the power of community involvement, philanthropy, and collaboration lies in their ability to bring people together and create a shared sense of purpose. By working towards a common goal, individuals and organizations can achieve great things and create a better world for all.

Inspiring Stories Of Successful Community Service Speeches

Inspiring Stories Of Successful Community Service Speeches

Community service speeches have the power to inspire and motivate individuals and communities to take action towards positive change. Here are some inspiring stories of successful speeches:

“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who sit on the sidelines and watch things happen, and those who jump in and make a difference. Which one are you?” This powerful quote was part of a speech given by a local community leader at a fundraising event for a new community center. Her words inspired many in attendance to become more involved in community initiatives and volunteer work.

Another successful community service speech was given by a high school student at a school assembly. She talked about the importance of giving back to the community and shared her personal experiences volunteering at a local animal shelter. Her speech inspired many of her classmates to become more involved in volunteer work.

At a city council meeting, a concerned citizen gave a passionate speech about the need for a new community garden in a low-income neighborhood. Her speech convinced the council to allocate funds for the project, and the garden became a thriving hub for community involvement and engagement.

These inspiring stories show the power of community service speeches in bringing about positive change. By sharing personal experiences, using powerful quotes, and making a compelling case for action, individuals can motivate others to get involved in community initiatives and make a difference in the world.

Effective Strategies For Encouraging Volunteerism

Volunteerism is a vital component of social responsibility, and it can have a significant impact on the community. It’s crucial to encourage more people to volunteer and give back to society. Here are some effective strategies for promoting volunteerism:

  • Engage with the community: To promote volunteerism, it’s essential to connect with the community. Reach out to local organizations, schools, and community groups to create partnerships and opportunities for volunteering.
  • Highlight the benefits: Emphasize the benefits of volunteering, both for the individual and society. Some of the benefits include developing new skills, meeting new people, and making a positive impact on society.
  • Provide flexible opportunities: Make volunteering accessible and flexible to accommodate various schedules and skill sets. Offer opportunities for both short-term and long-term commitments, and provide training and support for volunteers.
  • Celebrate successes: Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of volunteers and the impact they have on society. Share success stories and highlight the positive outcomes to inspire more people to get involved.
  • Partner with local businesses: Partnering with local businesses can provide support for volunteer initiatives. Local businesses can offer in-kind donations, sponsor events, or provide volunteers through their employees.

Encouraging volunteerism is essential for creating a stronger and more connected community. By implementing these effective strategies, we can inspire more people to volunteer and make a positive impact on society.

Ways To Get Involved In Community Outreach Programs

Ways To Get Involved In Community Outreach Programs

Community outreach programs are a great way to give back and make a positive impact on your local community. If you’re wondering where to start or how to get involved, here are some tips and strategies:

1. Research local organizations

Start by researching local organizations that focus on community outreach programs. Look for groups that align with your values and interests. Many organizations have websites that outline their mission and volunteer opportunities.

2. Attend community events

Attending community events is a great way to learn about local organizations and connect with like-minded individuals. Look for events such as charity runs, volunteer fairs, and community festivals.

3. Volunteer with your company or organization

If you work for a company or organization, look for ways to get involved in their community outreach initiatives. Many companies have formal volunteer programs that allow employees to volunteer during work hours.

Tip:Consider organizing a community service event with your colleagues. This is a great way to build team spirit and make a positive impact on your community.

4. Start your own project

If you have a particular cause or issue that you’re passionate about, consider starting your own community outreach project. This could be as simple as organizing a community cleanup or as complex as starting a nonprofit organization.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

5. Participate in online communities

There are many online communities and social media groups that focus on community outreach and volunteering. Joining these groups can be a great way to network with other volunteers and learn about new opportunities.

6. Attend training and workshops

Many organizations offer training and workshops for volunteers. These sessions can provide valuable information on community outreach best practices, leadership skills, and other topics relevant to volunteering.

Getting involved in community outreach programs can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By taking action and making a positive impact, you can help create a stronger, more vibrant community for everyone.

How To Make A Difference In Your Community

Communities thrive when individuals actively engage and work together towards a common goal. Making a difference in your community can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. Here are some practical steps you can take to get started:

  • Identify a community need: Take some time to assess the needs of your community. This could be anything from improving education to supporting local businesses.
  • Get informed: Research existing community programs and initiatives in your area. This can give you insight into what has already been done and what areas still need attention.
  • Join or start a group: Look for groups or organizations that align with your interests and values. If there is no existing group, consider starting one yourself.
  • Volunteer your time: Many community organizations and programs rely on volunteers to function effectively. Consider volunteering your time to help out with events, programs, or initiatives.
  • Donate resources: If you are unable to volunteer your time, consider making a donation to support a cause or program that aligns with your values.
  • Engage with others: Building relationships and connections within your community is key to creating meaningful and lasting change. Attend community events, volunteer opportunities, and connect with organizations and individuals working towards similar goals.

Remember that making a difference in your community is an ongoing process. It requires dedication, persistence, and collaboration. But the rewards of positively impacting the lives of those around you are priceless.

Social Responsibility and Philanthropy: Creating a Better World

Social Responsibility and Philanthropy: Creating a Better World

Social responsibility and philanthropy are crucial pillars in creating a better world. These concepts focus on helping those in need and bringing about positive change in society. Here are some examples of successful initiatives that have made a significant impact:

The Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationOne of the world’s largest charitable organizations, the foundation supports initiatives to improve healthcare, reduce poverty, and increase access to education.
Patagonia’s Environmental Grants ProgramThis program provides funding to grassroots organizations working to protect the environment and promote sustainability.
The Starbucks FoundationThe foundation partners with organizations to promote job training, education, and community development.

Individuals can also make a difference through acts of philanthropy. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Donate to a charity or organization that aligns with your values
  • Volunteer your time and skills to a cause you care about
  • Support local businesses that prioritize social responsibility

Philanthropy is not just about giving money, but also about making a positive impact in the world. By choosing to support causes that align with your values, you can contribute to creating a better world for all.

If you’re looking to give a speech on giving back to the community, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your audience and their needs. Whether you’re speaking to a group of volunteers, community leaders, or a general audience, the focus of your speech should be on inspiring action towards positive change. Here are some frequently asked questions that can help you prepare for your Giving Back To The Community Speech.

What Should I Include In My Giving Back To The Community Speech?

Your Giving Back To The Community Speech should convey the importance of social responsibility, volunteerism, and community engagement. Share your own experiences of giving back to the community, and how it has impacted your life. Highlight the benefits of volunteering and community involvement, and provide examples of successful community service initiatives. Above all, encourage your audience to take action towards positive change.

How Can I Engage My Audience?

Engage your audience by sharing inspiring stories of successful community service and volunteerism initiatives. Use visuals such as images or videos to convey the impact of community involvement. Encourage participation and interaction by asking questions and providing opportunities for discussion. Finally, provide practical advice and strategies for getting involved in community outreach programs.

What Are Some Tips For Delivering An Effective Speech?

Start by preparing thoroughly and practicing your speech multiple times. Speak clearly and confidently, and use gestures and body language to convey your message. Make eye contact with your audience, and vary your tone and pace to keep them engaged. Use humor and personal anecdotes to connect with your audience, and end your speech with a clear call to action.

How Can I Measure The Impact Of My Speech?

One way to measure the impact of your speech is by soliciting feedback from your audience. Consider providing a survey or questionnaire that asks for feedback on the content, delivery, and effectiveness of your speech. Another way to measure impact is by tracking engagement in community service initiatives following your speech. If you can demonstrate that your speech inspired action towards positive change, you can be confident that it had a meaningful impact on your audience.

About the author

Aurora Simon profile picture

With an enduring passion for human potential, I have dedicated my life to learning, growing, and most importantly, empowering others to discover their own unique paths to self-improvement. As a personal development blogger, I distill the wisdom gathered from various life experiences, books, seminars, and thought leaders to provide you with actionable insights and tools for your own growth. I believe that each one of us is capable of extraordinary things, and my mission is to help you unlock that potential. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, and together let’s cultivate a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. You can contact us here.

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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

190 Society Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Argumentative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

In this article:


Argumentative, list of society speech topics.

society speech topics

  • Why you should push people to try new things.
  • No child should be considered a “lost cause”.
  • We shouldn’t have to pay for internet access.
  • Celebrities should have more privacy rights.
  • Life is better now than it was 50 years ago.
  • Why stereotypes are harmful.
  • Why everyone should know about feminism.
  • Support the wounded warrior project.
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Prisoners should be allowed to vote.
  • Are we doing enough to end poverty?
  • Is Social Darwinism true?
  • The USA has too many prisoners.
  • Why we should have a three day weekend.
  • How to fix harmful gender roles.
  • Is trick or treating a bad thing?
  • Should retirement homes be free?
  • Public toilets should be cleaner.
  • Generic products are just as good.
  • How bullying changes who you are.
  • How bullying can lead to suicide.
  • Societal beauty demands are harmful.
  • The advantages of politeness.
  • Why you should not shop at Walmart.
  • Volunteering in your community.
  • The need for affordable housing.
  • Should we get longer holidays?
  • The danger of propaganda.
  • Too much money is a bad thing.
  • We need free bus rides for seniors.
  • We need better public transportation.
  • The importance of volunteering.
  • Homeless people deserve a home.
  • The importance of preventing cyber bullying.
  • Donate money to charity.
  • Raise the retirement age.
  • We need to stop censorship.
  • We need more foster parents.
  • Why everyone is equal.
  • Single parent families need help.
  • Mandatory sentencing weakened communities.
  • Corporate corruption weakens the country.
  • The pledge of allegiance should not be mandatory.
  • Shop at local stores.
  • Buy security alarms.
  • We need more prison alternatives.
  • Frivolous lawsuits hurt the country.
  • We need more affirmative action.
  • More resources should be devoted to fighting poverty.
  • Bar closing hours should be later.
  • Police corruption needs to be stopped.
  • Stay at home moms deserve more respect.
  • Women’s pay rates should be equal to men’s.
  • Cosmetic surgery should be highly regulated.
  • We need to care for our aging population.
  • Racial profiling needs to be stopped.
  • Privacy rights must be respected.
  • Women’s rights must be advanced.
  • Race relations need to be improved.
  • Columbus day should be eliminated.
  • Gun control saves lives.
  • Media bias is harming our country.
  • Beauty contests are harmful.
  • Privatize social security.
  • A more open immigration policy will cause economical disasters.
  • Action movies reflect the fall of good manners.
  • Activism on engaging social matters are on the rise.
  • African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are still discriminated against.
  • Alternative lifestyles influence art.
  • Art festivals should raise awareness on key social issues.
  • Arts are an invention of the elite.
  • Binge drinking has a lasting negative effect on social behavior.
  • Bisexuality is equal to heterosexuality in the western world.
  • Crime maps should be made public.
  • Cultural diversity is not a barrier for social unity.
  • Curfews reduce street violence.
  • Education, housing, and hiring must be equal for all citizens.
  • Elder abuse can be prevented.
  • Former prisoners need help to re-enter society.
  • Gay soap-opera characters must kiss each other.
  • Hip-Hop and R&B gangsta rap music influence our youth.
  • Homelessness figures are not exaggerated.
  • Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes.
  • It is impossible for news media to devote equal attention to all people.
  • Let graffiti artists clean the walls they ruin themselves.
  • Media violence is damaging children.
  • Multinationals rule the world, not governments.
  • National lotteries must find a way to help gambling addicts.
  • Not enough money is available for international refugee programs.
  • Not enough public buildings have easier access for people with disabilities.
  • Not having a car means less choice in how to conduct your life.
  • Our liberties should be protected at all costs.
  • People could learn a lot about life from the Amish.
  • Permanent affordable supportive housing helps people live more stable lives.
  • Prohibit skateboards and hoverboards on sidewalks.
  • Public shame in TV reports is a perfect way for criminal retribution.
  • Ratings are not effective in curbing violence.
  • Rhetoric techniques pave the way to success in life.
  • Safety and security are what society needs most.
  • Sexist images of women should be banned.
  • Skinny models are setting a bad example for teenagers.
  • Social deprivation is the source of crime.
  • Spanish Americans have been at a disadvantage in society for decades.
  • Television soaps are responsible for the increasing number of breast implants today.
  • The dangers of gambling are not only short term.
  • The environment of a young person has a direct effect on her of his prospects.
  • The G8 leaders cause more poverty in developing nations.
  • The Patriot Act violates civil liberties.
  • The poor should be seen as consumers with special needs.
  • The private lives of celebrities should remain private.
  • The right to freedom is more important than security issues.
  • The social costs of legalized casino gambling outweigh the benefits.
  • There will always be homeless people.
  • There will never be an end to poverty.
  • To understand American society, you must first understand blues music.
  • We are better off today than we were five years ago.
  • We are lost our cultural identity.
  • We can stop girls from being maimed and abused.
  • Western nations must not impose their standards on developing countries.
  • Women are not fairly portrayed in the media.
  • Zero tolerance policies are not working.
  • There are ways to stop the continuous growth of Earths population.
  • Children in … fill in the nation of your choice … have a better life than ten years ago.
  • China is right to have a one-child policy.
  • The world is nowhere near prepared for unexpected dooms and disasters.
  • There are ways to control the human population.
  • Why are dogs known as man’s best friend?
  • Is happiness a good measure of social progress?
  • The day to day duties of a police officer.
  • The benefits of teamwork.
  • Some inexpensive places to take your date.
  • The benefits of male paternity leave.
  • The importance of providing shelter to homeless veterans.
  • Aggression is a real presence in society.
  • What rights consumers have.
  • What is the correct tipping etiquette?
  • The different types of personalities.
  • How fashion ruins the kids of today.
  • Wealth is not measured with money.
  • The negative aspects of living in an era of apathy.
  • Silence against violence is harmful.
  • Feminism and its misconceptions.
  • The reasons shops should be closed on Sunday.
  • Is being good looking important?
  • How to make the U.S. a better country.
  • How LGBT youth are protected.
  • The state of the rich and the poor.
  • The history of hello kitty.
  • The most interesting world records.
  • The invention of pop rocks.
  • What life will be like in the future.
  • How to cope with natural disasters.
  • Celebrate diversity.
  • How we should respond to chemical and biological threats of violence.
  • Swimming programs for the elderly.
  • The history of aboriginals in Australia.
  • The history of global crime.
  • Typical social roles we expect from men and women in society.
  • Unemployment rates compared to a decade ago.
  • Indigenous people around the world.
  • The considerable shortage of women in Alaska
  • The development of the human sex ratio in our country.
  • What indigenous people should do to preserve their culture.
  • Why global population keeps growing.
  • What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
  • How people are judged by their skin color.
  • How parents don’t understand our generation.
  • Hollywood has a negative impact on society.
  • The taboo on recreational drugs is unjustified.
  • The negative effects of racism.
  • Why do people believe in superstitions?
  • Privacy is not the most important right.
  • The negative effects of selfishness.
  • Are nursing homes necessary in our society?
  • Do we still live in a sexist society?
  • Does social status matter?
  • The Miss America pageant is sexist.
  • How to stop cyber bullying.
  • Is laziness a good thing?
  • Is life in the city preferable to live life in the country?
  • A little bribery is okay to get everything going your way.
  • Ban piercings in the face.
  • Computer nerds will always be unpopular.
  • Drivers must be retrained every 15 years
  • Everybody does not have the right to carry a gun.
  • Give immigrants the right to vote on Election Day.
  • Hispanic poverty is not only caused by racism.
  • One income tax rate for everyone regardless of level of income.
  • The American Way of Life does not exist anymore.
  • This country has failed to live up to its ideals.

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speech writing on social service

How to Build a Speech

Structure, stories, and word choice are all key to crafting a compelling presentation..

By Ruth Nasrullah

There was a time when flowery, dense language was the standard for public speaking—18th-century North America, for instance. Here is the beginning of George Washington’s 1796 farewell speech:

The period for a new election of a citizen to administer the executive government of the United States being not far distant, and the time actually arrived when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important trust, it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression ...

And that excerpt is far from the conclusion of just that first sentence. Imagine using language like that in a Toastmasters meeting!

Analyze why the opening of this august speech wouldn’t work today and two major problems quickly become apparent. First, it could have been cut down at least by half; and second, even after 20 seconds, the audience still doesn’t know much about the speaker’s purpose.

Fortunately for modern-day speakers, the Toastmasters educational program emphasizes the skill of speechwriting. Here are a few guidelines to mastering the art and technique of writing speeches.

My Kingdom for a Subject!

Need a speech topic? First identify your purpose. What do you want to do? Inform? Persuade? Inspire? Educate? Next, home in on a subject. You can select something most people can relate to—or most people in your audience can relate to—or something arcane that will require a little bit of research.

Step three: Start brainstorming.

What about your Ultimate Frisbee team? Your cat’s finicky ways? Your child’s piano recital? Your childhood dream of becoming president and what became of it? Holiday traditions in your country or region? Vanilla or chocolate? Cake or pie?

A word of caution: It may go without saying, but when it comes to controversial topics such as religion or politics, make sure you know the club policies governing such subjects—and the audience’s sensibilities.

Elena Paweta, DTM, is a member of Poland’s First Toastmasters club, based in Warsaw. She is also an organizer of TEDx events , programs in local communities that feature a diversity of speakers across several disciplines who address a variety of subjects. This gives her particular insight into crafting and refining speech topics.

“As we advance and become more experienced and confident, we can cover topics that may influence others,” Paweta says. “We can use this amazing tool [public speaking] to change people’s lives for the better.”

Blocks with numbers on them

Deceptively Simple: The Structure

Ramona J. Smith is the 2018 World Champion of Public Speaking. Watch her winning speech and you’ll get a clue to what helps make it great: a solid, simple outline. She enters the stage and crouches down in a boxer’s stance, throwing punches in the air. She explains that we may get knocked down in life, but if we persevere we will be “still standing,” a phrase she repeats throughout, for emphasis. She then goes on to describe three events in her life that she had to fight through (extending the metaphor) and expands on each.

And how does she conclude the speech? With the phrase she offered in the beginning: “still standing.” It’s simple, yet so powerful.

To supplement that structure, Smith makes the speech come alive with vocal variety, exuberant body language (shadowboxing), and even a prop (a towel thrown to the ground).

Smith, President of the Cy-Fair Super Speakers Club in Cypress, Texas, says the key to writing a great speech is to keep it simple. “I start with the skeleton, then start to throw meat on the bones,” she says.

World Champion Ramona J. Smith says the key to writing a great speech is to keep it simple. "I start with the skeleton, then start to throw meat on the bones."

She writes speeches in three parts—introduction, body, and conclusion. In the body she identifies three points, just as in her championship speech. “Then I flesh out those three points, add transitions between each and then a call to action between the third point and the conclusion.”

Smith has another key piece of advice: Call on fellow Toastmasters for help. “Look in your club for writers,” she says. “There’s an English teacher or writer in every club—see if they can help you.”

Act Out—But in a Good Way

Toastmaster Wayne Lebowitz, a retired jeweler from Somerville, Massachusetts, always knew he wanted to be an actor. Although he ultimately found his career in the family business, he brings theatrical sensibilities to public speaking.

Writing a speech is like writing a script, he says. Start with an attention-grabbing device. For instance:

“How many of you have hunted a bear? Okay, I see by the lack of hands raised that none of you have. Let me tell you about bear hunting.” Using the bear motif, he demonstrates another approach: “I just found out that there are only three bears left in Somerville, Massachusetts. That’s three more than I thought we had.”

Lebowitz emphasizes that people remember stories. “I realize when I give a speech, I’ve got to entertain them. Otherwise, whatever my message is, it’s lost.”

He suggests the same format that Ramona J. Smith uses. “The body of your speech should consist of three bullet points,” he says. “And have a story to back up each point.” Lebowitz recommends closing the speech by reiterating those bullet points and tying together the closing and opening.

At a recent meeting of his club, Somerville Toastmasters, the first speaker gave a speech about a work situation by providing three points in the beginning, then elaborating on them, and returning to them again at the end. Because she used vocal variety and good details, the simple structure worked.

“Show, don’t tell” is advice often offered to writers whose work needs a little spark. The concept can also apply to speechwriting. Paint a picture for your audience with the language you use.

Jing Humphreys, DTM, a member of the Earlybirds Club in Butler, Pennsylvania, is a believer in the power of word choice.

“I like vivid word descriptions,” she says. “Like you can feel it happening in front of you because of the choice of words the speaker uses.”

Need a speech topic? First identify your purpose. What do you want to do? Inform? Persuade? Inspire? Educate?

Despite working in a highly technical field where there isn’t as much room for creativity with language, outside of work she is a proponent of conjuring up dramatic images to move the audience. (Example: “a big, vast ocean so clear you can almost see the bottom of it.”) This is also the message she imparts as a mentor and an evaluator: To tell a story, use powerful imagery, and don’t be afraid to provoke strong feelings in your audience.

“I just evaluated one of my club members,” she says. “I told him ‘Scare me and then save me.’ The audience needs to know why am I listening to you—why is this important to me?”

Don’t forget that you need to know your audience. If the venue is in a country with a nuanced culture and/or a culture that has significant differences from your own, make sure you’ve done your homework so you avoid potentially offensive gaffes. If you want to add jokes, try them out on others first to be sure your humor isn’t tone-deaf .

Include the Visual

Visual aids can be a powerful addition, and in some cases a necessary one, to a presentation. Technical presentations generally require the speaker to provide graphics, charts, schematics, etc., in order to fully explain the topic. Non-technical presentations, too, can gain a boost from props or visual aids.

Check that all your references are correct. Did Queen Elizabeth really give the Gettysburg Address or was your mind wandering when you wrote that?

A word about PowerPoint: Don’t read from the slides. The slides should supplement your words. In most cases, you can use words for the narrative, and the projector screen for ideas that are best conveyed graphically. The words you speak and the images you show should complement each other.

I am not a fan of PowerPoint, so when I did the “Get Comfortable With Visual Aids” project in Toastmasters’ old Competent Communication manual, I opted for a wig mannequin and demonstrated different ways Muslim women wear head scarves. It gave me the opportunity to personalize my speech and present something tangible, and it supported my discussion of why Muslim women wear head scarves.

Not So Fast!

Transitional statements help the audience easily follow you from one section of your speech to the next, or from one idea to another.

There is a wide range of transitions that serve different functions. Some keep the audience focused on the topic or time frame you are discussing; some provide examples of a particular subject area, reinforcing a point and introducing examples seamlessly. Here are just a few common transitions:

1. To tie your introduction to your first point in the body of the speech:

• Let me give you an example ...

• To get started, let’s examine ...

• First, I’m going to discuss ...

2. To move from one point within the body to the next:

• In the same way, this item tends to melt in the heat ...

• Let me show you something equally troubling ...

• This is similar to the kind of speech we’re studying ...

3. To begin the conclusion to your speech:

• All in all, this educational journey was …

• Looking back, I’m glad that I …

• To sum up, these three reasons are why …

If your speech feels or sounds awkward as you move through the main points, lead the listener with transitions, like those listed above. When in doubt, try reading that section aloud to someone else; if they are unclear about the connection between two ideas or two statements, look for a proper transition.

The Final Steps

Always do a final review of your writing before turning your attention to rehearsing. A few essential areas to look over:

  • Double-check your grammar and pronunciation. This may seem like a no-brainer, but don’t assume you have it right. A great classic reference book to aid with this is The Elements of Grammar by Margaret Shertzer. Many other useful books—and grammar-related websites—exist as well, including The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, Write Right! by Jan Venolia, , and .
  • Examine your writing for continuity of theme; make sure you aren’t wandering from your main point. Remove or revise anything that takes your speech off track.
  • Make sure everything makes logical sense. Sometimes you get so deep into your subject that you mention ideas only you can understand.
  • Check that all your references are correct . Did Queen Elizabeth really give the Gettysburg Address or was your mind wandering when you wrote that?
  • Don’t go overboard with quotes. They can be used to enhance a speech, but make sure the quote you use is pithy, brief, and very relevant. Be sure you’re citing the correct author of the quote (pro tip: Look somewhere besides social media to verify the source).

When you’ve done all you can do to polish the writing of your speech, you will feel confident and ready. The Toastmasters guidelines for speechwriting will prepare you well.

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Giving a Speech on a Community-Building Project: Full Guide

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: January 11, 2022  - Last updated: July 3, 2023

Categories Leadership , Community

Giving a speech on a community-building project is a great opportunity and also a great responsibility. It’s one of the most difficult tasks, but also one of the most rewarding when it goes well.

Whether your speech is aimed at potential investors or to recruit new members, you need to be persuasive to grow your community.

I’ve given speeches in the past on various community development projects I’ve been involved in, and giving a speech is a development process that requires good communication skills and organization.

Like giving any other speech, representing a community organization requires good public speaking preparation.

It’s important to get it right because it means that your community members, your colleagues, stakeholders, other community leaders, and audience members are relying on you not just to give a speech, but to make a positive impact and bring about social change.

Communication Is Key When You Are Giving a Speech on a Community Building Project

Whether it’s about civic engagement in a global or local community, a nonprofit organization, large or small businesses, or a high school, a speech requires excellent communication skills.

Here are a few examples of speeches about community building projects:

Sales Presentation to Obtain Funding

In this speech, you tell people how their community involvement helps your community’s needs and why they should give you their money.

It’s important that they understand that donating to your community organization means you will both be working together toward a common goal, even if the goal isn’t exactly the same on both sides.

For example, if you’re giving a speech for your community to create jobs for youth, your potential investors need to see a business or economic opportunity for your speech to influence their decision-making.

Community Involvement & Community Service Recruitment

Whether your speech is aimed at international or rural communities, adults, or youth, building relationships with your audience during your talk is critical to your community engagement. If you have an engaged community, it’ll be easier to gain credibility and attract new members or even get people to apply for volunteering opportunities.

Community Story

Telling the story of your community project is what community leaders often do.

You tell how and why your idea came to be, what its initial community needs were, what pitfalls and successes there were in the development process, how you engaged community members and stakeholders, what you accomplished, and how it had a positive impact.

For example, if your community focuses on youth development, share how it brought about social change for youth .

Stories are very effective in public speaking because good stories tell of strengths as well as weaknesses. This is important for gaining credibility and a good way to engage citizens by telling them what they can do to change their community for the better.

Why Community Building Speeches Succeed or Fail

The success of a project often depends on the people who help set the direction, funding, and overall vision. If you are giving a speech on a community-building project, you need to understand the motivations of these individuals.

People are motivated by different things, which is why some people place more emphasis on building relationships while others place more emphasis on results. Your speech should cover both aspects if you want it to be effective.

A speech needs to have a little something for everyone. It must be interesting and relevant to the audience. It must be delivered with confidence and conviction. And it must have a positive impact, whether it changes the listener’s mind or simply makes them think about the topic in a new way.

To be successful at a speech, you don’t have to be a professional speaker. You need good communication skills to know your topic. Your preparation is one of the most important parts of your speech.

Development Process

When giving a speech, you must appear confident and find a good balance between nervousness and arrogance (too much confidence could be perceived as arrogance). Community leaders are expected to inspire and motivate their listeners by speaking with passion, enthusiasm, and excitement. Preparation is a crucial step.

When preparing a speech on a community-building project, it’s important that you know what you’re talking about and that you research how to explain the project in a way that audience members will understand.

If you want to make public speeches, you must know how to prepare. You shouldn’t give speeches unless you’re prepared to put in the necessary effort. There are a number of things you need to do when preparing for public speaking.

Know Your Goal

The first step in crafting a great speech about a community-building project is to understand why you’re giving the speech in the first place. Whether you’re advocating for a cause you believe in or trying to convince your audience of your point of view, you need to make sure your goal is clear and that it relates to the issue at hand.

Connecting your purpose to the issue will also help you decide which point of view or argument to make. In other words: What do you want your audience to think or feel after your speech?

Once you’ve decided on the main point, you can start planning the rest of your speech. This is where structure comes into play. Having a clear plan of what you want your audience to think and feel will help you develop a logical structure for your speech.

Research the Topic

Researching the topic of your speech first will help you in many ways. When researching, make sure you’ve enough information about the topic and not just a few. Also, make sure that your speech has a clear focus.

Make sure it’s written properly.

Don’t just copy lines from a book and say them out loud, because that will make a negative impression on your audience and it’ll look like you didn’t put any effort into writing your speech yourself.

It’s important that you know your topic inside and out. If you aren’t prepared, people will see through you and it’ll affect your credibility. The best way to prepare is to do thorough research beforehand. You should also have one or two key points that you want people to remember.

Some people find it useful to take notes, others prefer not to because they feel it limits their speaking.

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you’re saying.

Learn From Other Speakers in Your Industry

If you’re going to give a presentation on a particular topic (eg: economic development, community service, rural communities, etc.), it can be helpful to see how others in your industry have handled it. They’re sure to have good tips for you on how to improve your presentation.

It can be helpful to find out how people in other fields present their information.

You may not be able to apply what you learn directly, but you can get new ideas on how to prepare the material and make it interesting for your audience, which is key to a successful presentation.

Know Your Audience

One of the most important aspects of being a successful speaker is knowing your audience. You need to tailor your speech to them.

Presentations are aimed at a specific group of people (eg: local leaders, local government, young adults, etc.) . If you know who’ll be in attendance and what their interests are (eg: local resident opportunities, high school, global economic development, community service, etc.), you can tailor your speech to them. You can also select the main types of citizens you want to address in your introduction and conclusion.

Ideally, you’ve met some of them before or at least know something about them, such as their background, interests, or profession. What’re their motivations? What do they like and dislike? What do they want to hear? These questions need to be answered before you start writing.

If you don’t know your audience, talk to someone who does, or interview members of the group before the speech.

Know Your Core Message

Your audience will take away from your speech what you tell them they’ll take away. It’s important that they understand what you’re getting at. Make sure you have a clear message that everyone can easily remember, and stick to it throughout the presentation.

Have a Clear Structure

Your speech should have a clear structure. This makes it easier for the audience to follow your key points and understand the message you want to convey. When writing your speech, you should first formulate your main idea in a single sentence.

Make sure that everything you say supports that main idea. Your main idea should relate directly to your audience and the event, so take plenty of time to think about it.

Have an introduction and an ending that connects all the points well. If your speech is logical, i.e. flows from one point to the next and is logically linked to other points or ideas of the topic under discussion , your audience will benefit from it.

The best way to develop this main theme is to think about what you want your audience to take away from your speech after they hear it.

Try to write down some keywords or phrases that you want them to remember afterward. These can be practical tips or inspirational ideas that will help them in their own lives or work. Once you find these keywords, write them down on a separate sheet of paper in the order you want them to appear in your speech. This will then be your outline for the speech.

When you write down your speech, start with an introduction that will pique people’s curiosity and make them curious about what’s coming next. You may also want to share a joke or personal anecdote here if it fits the theme and tone of your speech.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can boost your confidence when speaking in public.

There’s a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. A picture means more than just something to look at.

It can help you remember what you want to say or give you an example of something you may not have thought of.

For example, if you’re talking about a local resident in New York (United States) who’s made a difference in his neighborhood, you should show a picture of him in New York in your presentation so that people will feel that he’s real when you talk about him, and it’ll remind you at what point you should talk about him.

Trying to remember everything on the spot can be stressful, especially when you’re speaking in front of others for the first time. If you’re able to create a visual aid that explains what you want to say, it’ll keep you from forgetting things.

When you create a visual aid, it’s important to use simple and easy-to-understand images and diagrams. You want your message to get across, so try not to make it too complicated or confusing.

You should also use different colors and fonts so they stand out and grab everyone’s attention. Different colors will help keep everyone focused on the main topic and not distracted by a particular color that stands out to them.

If you’re using PowerPoint, Keynote, or other software, make sure the content for your presentation is already loaded. If you’re planning to use visual aids, you should find out if it’s allowed beforehand. Make sure all equipment (projector, microphones, etc.) is working before the presentation begins.

Practice Your Speech

If you’re nervous about speaking in front of an audience, try to imagine that your audience is coming to hear you speak. Remember that they probably have no idea who you’re, so don’t worry if they aren’t overly excited when you walk into the room. Remembering these things will help you relax and make it easier to deliver your speech.

By recording yourself on your smartphone, you can get used to how you’ll look when you give your speech and memorize the key parts when you watch it again. This way, you can get used to your body language while giving the speech, and it’ll be easier for you to relax and focus on the right words.

If possible, practice your speech in front of others. The more often someone hears a speech, the more likely he or she’s to remember it. Ask friends or family members to help you practice, and listen to their suggestions on how to do it better.

If you want to give a good speech about a community-building project, you should first think about what makes you stand out in your job – how hardworking you’re.

Work on Your Self-Confidence

A confident speaker can motivate and inspire the audience – whether it’s a single person or an audience of thousands. If you’re not confident, it can be hard to muster the courage to speak in public. But if you work on your confidence, it can help you give a great speech about a community-building project.

A less experienced speaker or a young person may worry about what’ll happen if they forget their lines or stumble over words. This is normal and to be expected. A little nervousness can be good for the right amount of adrenaline.

More experienced speakers may have trouble even getting up to speak, or they may have trouble delivering their words with the right enthusiasm.

Bringing the Audience Along

The purpose of a speech is to get a message across. This can be done in many different ways. You can use humor, stories, statistics, or facts to grab the audience’s attention and make them listen.

The success of your speech depends largely on how you deliver it. The first step to a successful speech is to prepare for the speech itself by thinking about what you want the audience to take away from the speech.

When deciding on your message, you must keep in mind that people learn in different ways. It’s important to craft your message so that it reaches the different types of learners.

Before You Deliver Your Speech

When you’re ready to give your speech about community building (or whatever topic you’ve chosen), it’s important to relax. If you focus too much on your speech, other activities may overwhelm you.

A day or two before your speech, it’s important to relax. Keep yourself busy with other things, because if you focus too much on your speech, it can overwhelm you. Get together with friends, exercise or meditate, watch a comedy – anything that will take your mind off the event.

The night before the speech, write down all the information you need to remember for the next day. This includes any notes related to what you’ll be saying and where the items you’ll need are located on stage or at the podium (if it’s a big event). It’s also helpful to make a list of the times of certain events during the presentation so you won’t feel embarrassed if someone calls you on it.

Make sure you aren’t hungry or tired. If necessary, sleep in and eat a filling meal before giving your speech.

Don’t go on stage with a full stomach, but go to the bathroom several times before you give your speech. This will prevent you from being distracted by discomfort during your presentation and allow you to focus on what you’ve to say.

On the Day of Your Speech

The day before you give your speech, eat breakfast or lunch at least an hour before your performance.

Wear clothes that you feel confident and comfortable in and that won’t distract others. Also, take a glass of water and something small to eat – this will help you keep your energy up during the presentation.

Be aware that you’ll probably be nervous before you give your first speech.

When you’re in front of an audience, always remember that they’re on your side and rooting for you – even if it’s not always obvious from their reactions. If you take a moment to calm your nerves and focus on what you’ve to say, not how you say it, you’ll become more confident with time and experience.

Remember that there’s no such thing as a perfect speech – only good speeches. And the only way to give a perfect speech is to practice until you can give it perfectly every time. When giving a speech for the first time, don’t expect perfection; instead, strive for progress and improvement.

During Your Speech

When you give your speech, speak confidently and make eye contact with the audience. Smile often to show that you’re relaxed, but avoid smiling too much or laughing at your own jokes; this can give the impression that you’re taking what you’re saying less seriously.

Remember to breathe deeply while you speak so you don’t get out of breath or wind. Also, make sure you don’t speak too quickly; this can cause people to not understand what you’re saying and therefore not listen.

Remember that while your speech is a presentation, it’s more of a conversation than a typical business presentation, so keep your audience in mind and adjust your tone accordingly.

If you want to emphasize a point, ask a question or make a comment that gets the group thinking. This will make the group members feel more involved in the discussion and have something to talk about later in their offices.

Remember that you’re one of the most important members of your community and that’s why you’re giving this speech. You should lead by example and show what it means to be a good community member. Community members should know that they can count on you when they need help or support.

Prepare for any questions that may come from the audience during the speech.

Being prepared for possible questions and having answers ready will help you deliver your speech more confidently. Also, be prepared that you may not know all the answers and that’s okay because you can’t know everything.

At the End of Your Speech

At the end of a speech, a good speaker always thanks his/her audience for being there.

When you thank your audience for listening to you, you also have the opportunity to say how honored you’re to be standing in front of them at the podium. At this point, you can even emphasize what brilliant questions they asked during your speech.

It’s also a good idea to repeat some of the key points from your speech. This helps to summarize things while providing a point of reference for anyone who wasn’t present for your presentation.

Also, it would be a great gesture on your part if you could give them useful information or refer them to someone who can give them more information on the topic you just talked about.

Remember that it’s not just the content of your speech that matters, but how well you deliver it. That’s why it’s important to prepare for your big day and leave a lasting impression on people!

After Your Speech

If you have the opportunity to engage in conversation with your audience after your speech (e.g. networking, tea break, etc.), it’s always good to show that you care. Here are some things you can do to impress your audience and leave a good impression.

  • Always thank the organizers for inviting you to speak at their event. A thank you note on social media is usually appreciated by the organizers as well.
  • Smile as you personally greet each audience member (if possible). To most, you need to shake hands and say, “Thank you for coming” or “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
  • Don’t refer to your speech unless someone mentions it, because you don’t want to come across as “self-centered.”
  • prepare a 10-20 second personal message for each of the event organizers thanking them for inviting you to speak at their event (if possible). This is how you make a personal connection with the organizers and leave a positive impression on them.
  • Try not to just walk by people who’re trying to strike up a conversation with you, but stop with them and make small talk if possible. If you’re in a hurry, it’s best to go out the back door.

It’s hard to follow up on a speech if you don’t record it. If your speech was recorded or written down, you should go over it thoroughly to find out what went right or wrong. For example, to find out how well the speech was received by the audience.

How to Improve Your Next Speech

The key to getting the most out of your speech is to take something away from it. You can get more out of your time by taking some notes and using them as a foundation for future speeches. Here’s what to look for:

What did you say was most impactful? What was the overall impact of your speech? Did people start their own communities? Did they sign up to comment on posts? How did they respond to specific points you raised?

What worked, what didn’t, and why? What would you do differently next time? Use this feedback to make your next speech even better.

You can use SurveyMonkey or another survey tool to capture the results of your speech in detail. This is especially useful if you did a community-building activity; otherwise, it’s just good practice . You can also see some responses to your survey on the organizer’s social media page in the comments section.

The Key to Success

Good preparation is the key to a successful speech. When you’re preparing to give a speech, there are a few things you can do in advance to make sure it goes well, like the steps above.

Most importantly, be passionate about what you’re doing to get better results.

Make sure that you’re constantly learning from your mistakes so that you can constantly improve as a leader, even if you aren’t perfect. If you’re honest with your mistakes, you can always improve as a person and as a community builder, especially if you can learn from your mistakes and improve.

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The Speech on Community Service That Had Success in the Audience

speech guide

This guide will help you to make a speech on the community service so that it will have some impressive results for your academic performance. Moreover, you can gain the trust of your listeners. Who knows? Maybe, someone willing to volunteer will be found in the audience and after listening to your speech, the list of volunteers will be extended.

Table of Contents

Why Is Community Service Important for Students?

Everyone dreams about the best place to live in. It is our planet inhabited by many people. Just think for a minute of the current world population – 7+ billions of people. There must be those who are in need of help, be it financial, moral or medical. For that reason, there is a community which you can join to help others. Many centers rely entirely on voluntary help. Thinking about the same way of helping others while being a student? In fact, despite the fact that you don’t get any reward for doing it, you can develop many real-life skills:

  • Leadership;
  • Problem-solving;
  • Effective time management;
  • Interpersonal communication;
  • Close collaboration with different people, etc.

Is the question “Why is community service important?” answered? If not, read this useful article . Additionally, you’ll observe some strong arguments for your speech to win over your listeners. As you understand, it is important to read the additional material before start writing a speech.

Who Can Provide Community Service?

Everyone somehow affects the world around us. People vote for various presidents, chosen leaders, and bosses, and sometimes they become the leaders themselves. However, some people want to change the world without touching politics. These people are a part of the community service. They help orphanages and schools, they become volunteers for various events and make donations to help the world become better. Still, as though it may sound great, the volunteering is the hard labor and almost everyday work. In order to understand whether you are ready to be a part of a community service or not you should know what it is.

To start with, the most preferable way of joining the community service is by becoming an activist. Activists are volunteers who spend several days a week helping homeless animals or the elderly. It is better to start the career of the community service by working as an activist. Volunteers always work in teams and they have a leader. The mentor helps beginners to get started. He/she finds a place which needs the help of volunteers and explains what should be done. In addition, he/she is a good psychologist and helps subordinates develop their talents. Thereby, if you started your career as an activist, talk to your mentor about what you enjoy about this work and what you know how to do well. Additionally, to further enhance your understanding and ability to engage effectively in community service, considering utilizing PowerPoint presentation writing services can be extremely beneficial in organizing your ideas and communicating them clearly.

The second stage at a community service is a leader. First of all, it should be said that the chief of volunteers not only helps his/her team but also develops his/her own idea of a better world. It is difficult but possible to begin the career from this position. Nonetheless, you will get along better with the team if you try to spend some time as an activist.

The third part of a community service is a Maecenas. This is a great type of activities for you if you have the resources and want to help those in need without your own work. Thereby, a rich man, who has no time for volunteering and has no idea about the mechanisms of volunteering, may choose the idea of one of the community leaders and help with its implementation.

In conclusion, there are many ways to change the world for the better. The community service is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways. The most important thing is to find your business and not to forget about it. In order to help the needy, it is not necessary to be rich or to spend a lot of time. To begin to help, a person should define his/her purposes, capabilities, and skills. In that case, the task of improving the world would become much easier.

How to Make a Speech on Community Service Successful? – Just 3 Steps!

In the following part of the article, you go over each step of how to plan and write your essay on community service. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get a better idea of what the reader, especially your instructor, is looking for when he/she reviews your essay.

Step 1. Establish a Specific Purpose of Speaking

There are three general speech purposes that public speaking falls into: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. What is yours? Probably, you’d like to persuade your audience to volunteer in the community. Think of this point before writing anything on paper.

Step 2. Create a Thesis Statement

You can’t go further without a well-developed thesis statement. Focus on the purpose of speaking and come up with a valid thesis statement. If we take into consideration the following purpose “to persuade your audience to volunteer in the community”, you should state that “Volunteering in the community or providing any community service will help those around you and help you feel like you contribute something positive to this world.”

Step 3. Organize Your Speech Logically

  • Introduction where you are supposed to introduce the topic to the listeners, get their attention and prove the importance of community service in the modern world. How to do all that? To catch the audience’s interest to listen to you, you can ask them, “Has anyone ever helped you when you were in need? How did you feel?” Be sure you’ll make them engaged in your speech. Moreover, if you ever thought, ‘someone should do my paper on community service,’ today you’re going to see just how impactful this work can be firsthand. Read the article on how you can benefit from asking questions while speaking in public.
  • Body where you need to point out the main idea(s) with the supporting details. In other words, you say, for example, “Today many people living on incomes below the poverty line have significant needs that are to be addressed”. Then you can provide the consequences of the given situation. For example, identify the crime rate in the country/city/district you are speaking about, which will be quite surprising for your audience.
  • Conclusion where you produce a base for taking the necessary actions to solve some of the problems mentioned in the main part. You can say, “If we all agreed to volunteer at least once a month to help out those who are in need, many of the problems could be alleviated. Moreover, we’ll benefit from it as well if some poverty issues start disappearing in our city/district. Then they can be eliminated in the whole country. Let’s do today so that our country and the world, in general, will have fewer problems to deal with!” As you see, the ‘call-to-action’ technique applied in your speech conclusion will play into your hands.

Persuaded that there is nothing complex in writing a speech? All you need are reliable sources of information to refer to in your speech. Plus, our guide can direct you correctly. Don’t neglect it! If you need help with a specific topic, like how to write my case study on community service impacts, our experts can assist you. Finally, you can take part in a quiz to check if you are well-versed in public speaking. After finishing writing your speech, you are left to rehearse it accordingly. Don’t be afraid of anything if you prepare in advance! You can also be confident in your success in public speaking, if you ask our experts, “ write my speech ”.


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Demystifying Social Speech: A Path to Effective Communication and Emotional Well-being

Welcome to my blog! In today’s post, we will explore the fascinating world of social speech and its impact on effective communication and emotional well-being. Communication is an essential aspect of our lives, and mastering social speech can greatly enhance our ability to connect with others and navigate social interactions with confidence. So, let’s dive in and demystify social speech!

Understanding Social Speech

Social speech refers to the way we communicate and interact with others in social settings. It encompasses the use of language, gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Unlike other forms of communication, such as formal speech or written language, social speech is more informal and dynamic, adapting to the specific context and the people involved.

It is important to differentiate social speech from other forms of communication because social speech is specifically tailored to social interactions. It involves understanding social cues, interpreting non-verbal signals, and adjusting our communication style to fit the situation. Social speech is the key to building and maintaining relationships, expressing empathy, and resolving conflicts effectively.

Recognizing the importance of social speech in social interactions and relationships is crucial. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, understand their perspectives, and express ourselves authentically. Developing strong social speech skills can lead to more meaningful connections, improved self-confidence, and enhanced emotional well-being.

Challenges in Social Speech

While social speech comes naturally to many individuals, others may face challenges in this area. Common difficulties include difficulty understanding social cues, trouble initiating or maintaining conversations, and struggles with non-verbal communication. These challenges can significantly impact communication and emotional well-being.

Individuals with social speech difficulties may experience feelings of isolation, frustration, and low self-esteem. They may find it challenging to form and maintain relationships, leading to a sense of loneliness and social anxiety. Recognizing the signs of social speech difficulties in oneself or others is essential for seeking appropriate support and intervention.

Strategies for Enhancing Social Speech

Improving social speech skills is a journey that requires self-awareness, practice, and a willingness to learn and grow. Here are some strategies to enhance social speech:

Developing self-awareness and self-regulation

Recognizing and managing emotions during social interactions is crucial for effective communication. Being aware of our own emotional state and learning to regulate our emotions can help us respond appropriately and empathetically in social situations. Understanding our personal communication style and preferences can also guide us in adapting our speech to different contexts and individuals.

Building effective communication skills

Active listening and non-verbal communication are essential components of social speech. Actively listening to others, maintaining eye contact, and using appropriate body language can demonstrate our interest and engagement in the conversation. Expressing our thoughts and feelings clearly and appropriately, using assertive communication techniques, can help us convey our message effectively and avoid misunderstandings.

Practicing social speech in various contexts

Practice makes perfect! Engaging in role-playing and social scenarios can provide a safe and supportive environment to practice social speech skills. It allows us to experiment with different communication strategies, receive feedback, and build confidence. Participating in group discussions and conversations can also help us develop our ability to navigate social interactions and contribute meaningfully to conversations.

Promoting Emotional Well-being through Social Speech

Effective communication and emotional well-being are closely intertwined. Improving social speech skills can have a profound impact on our emotional well-being:

1. Increased self-confidence and self-esteem: When we can express ourselves clearly and connect with others effectively, we feel more confident in our abilities and more positive about ourselves.

2. Enhanced relationships and social connections: Strong social speech skills enable us to form and maintain meaningful relationships. We can build trust, empathy, and understanding, leading to deeper connections and a sense of belonging.

Seeking Professional Support

If you or someone you know is struggling with social speech difficulties, it may be beneficial to seek help from a speech-language pathologist. These professionals specialize in assessing and treating communication disorders, including social speech challenges. They can provide individualized therapy and support to help individuals develop their social speech skills and improve their overall communication and emotional well-being.

There are also various resources and support available for individuals seeking assistance. Online platforms, such as EverydaySpeech, offer comprehensive programs and tools to enhance social speech skills. These resources provide structured lessons, interactive activities, and real-life scenarios to practice and reinforce social speech skills.

Social speech is a vital aspect of effective communication and emotional well-being. By understanding and developing our social speech skills, we can navigate social interactions with confidence, build meaningful relationships, and enhance our overall emotional well-being. So, let’s take the first step towards improving our social speech skills and start our journey towards effective communication and emotional well-being.

Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial here and unlock a world of resources to enhance your social speech skills!

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to write a great community service essay.

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College Admissions , Extracurriculars


Are you applying to a college or a scholarship that requires a community service essay? Do you know how to write an essay that will impress readers and clearly show the impact your work had on yourself and others?

Read on to learn step-by-step instructions for writing a great community service essay that will help you stand out and be memorable.

What Is a Community Service Essay? Why Do You Need One?

A community service essay is an essay that describes the volunteer work you did and the impact it had on you and your community. Community service essays can vary widely depending on specific requirements listed in the application, but, in general, they describe the work you did, why you found the work important, and how it benefited people around you.

Community service essays are typically needed for two reasons:

#1: To Apply to College

  • Some colleges require students to write community service essays as part of their application or to be eligible for certain scholarships.
  • You may also choose to highlight your community service work in your personal statement.

#2: To Apply for Scholarships

  • Some scholarships are specifically awarded to students with exceptional community service experiences, and many use community service essays to help choose scholarship recipients.
  • Green Mountain College offers one of the most famous of these scholarships. Their "Make a Difference Scholarship" offers full tuition, room, and board to students who have demonstrated a significant, positive impact through their community service

Getting Started With Your Essay

In the following sections, I'll go over each step of how to plan and write your essay. I'll also include sample excerpts for you to look through so you can get a better idea of what readers are looking for when they review your essay.

Step 1: Know the Essay Requirements

Before your start writing a single word, you should be familiar with the essay prompt. Each college or scholarship will have different requirements for their essay, so make sure you read these carefully and understand them.

Specific things to pay attention to include:

  • Length requirement
  • Application deadline
  • The main purpose or focus of the essay
  • If the essay should follow a specific structure

Below are three real community service essay prompts. Read through them and notice how much they vary in terms of length, detail, and what information the writer should include.

From the Equitable Excellence Scholarship:

"Describe your outstanding achievement in depth and provide the specific planning, training, goals, and steps taken to make the accomplishment successful. Include details about your role and highlight leadership you provided. Your essay must be a minimum of 350 words but not more than 600 words."

From the Laura W. Bush Traveling Scholarship:

"Essay (up to 500 words, double spaced) explaining your interest in being considered for the award and how your proposed project reflects or is related to both UNESCO's mandate and U.S. interests in promoting peace by sharing advances in education, science, culture, and communications."

From the LULAC National Scholarship Fund:

"Please type or print an essay of 300 words (maximum) on how your academic studies will contribute to your personal & professional goals. In addition, please discuss any community service or extracurricular activities you have been involved in that relate to your goals."


Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Even after you understand what the essay should be about, it can still be difficult to begin writing. Answer the following questions to help brainstorm essay ideas. You may be able to incorporate your answers into your essay.

  • What community service activity that you've participated in has meant the most to you?
  • What is your favorite memory from performing community service?
  • Why did you decide to begin community service?
  • What made you decide to volunteer where you did?
  • How has your community service changed you?
  • How has your community service helped others?
  • How has your community service affected your plans for the future?

You don't need to answer all the questions, but if you find you have a lot of ideas for one of two of them, those may be things you want to include in your essay.

Writing Your Essay

How you structure your essay will depend on the requirements of the scholarship or school you are applying to. You may give an overview of all the work you did as a volunteer, or highlight a particularly memorable experience. You may focus on your personal growth or how your community benefited.

Regardless of the specific structure requested, follow the guidelines below to make sure your community service essay is memorable and clearly shows the impact of your work.

Samples of mediocre and excellent essays are included below to give you a better idea of how you should draft your own essay.

Step 1: Hook Your Reader In

You want the person reading your essay to be interested, so your first sentence should hook them in and entice them to read more. A good way to do this is to start in the middle of the action. Your first sentence could describe you helping build a house, releasing a rescued animal back to the wild, watching a student you tutored read a book on their own, or something else that quickly gets the reader interested. This will help set your essay apart and make it more memorable.

Compare these two opening sentences:

"I have volunteered at the Wishbone Pet Shelter for three years."

"The moment I saw the starving, mud-splattered puppy brought into the shelter with its tail between its legs, I knew I'd do whatever I could to save it."

The first sentence is a very general, bland statement. The majority of community service essays probably begin a lot like it, but it gives the reader little information and does nothing to draw them in. On the other hand, the second sentence begins immediately with action and helps persuade the reader to keep reading so they can learn what happened to the dog.

Step 2: Discuss the Work You Did

Once you've hooked your reader in with your first sentence, tell them about your community service experiences. State where you work, when you began working, how much time you've spent there, and what your main duties include. This will help the reader quickly put the rest of the essay in context and understand the basics of your community service work.


Not including basic details about your community service could leave your reader confused.

Step 3: Include Specific Details

It's the details of your community service that make your experience unique and memorable, so go into the specifics of what you did.

For example, don't just say you volunteered at a nursing home; talk about reading Mrs. Johnson her favorite book, watching Mr. Scott win at bingo, and seeing the residents play games with their grandchildren at the family day you organized. Try to include specific activities, moments, and people in your essay. Having details like these let the readers really understand what work you did and how it differs from other volunteer experiences.

Compare these two passages:

"For my volunteer work, I tutored children at a local elementary school. I helped them improve their math skills and become more confident students."

"As a volunteer at York Elementary School, I worked one-on-one with second and third graders who struggled with their math skills, particularly addition, subtraction, and fractions. As part of my work, I would create practice problems and quizzes and try to connect math to the students' interests. One of my favorite memories was when Sara, a student I had been working with for several weeks, told me that she enjoyed the math problems I had created about a girl buying and selling horses so much that she asked to help me create math problems for other students."

The first passage only gives basic information about the work done by the volunteer; there is very little detail included, and no evidence is given to support her claims. How did she help students improve their math skills? How did she know they were becoming more confident?

The second passage is much more detailed. It recounts a specific story and explains more fully what kind of work the volunteer did, as well as a specific instance of a student becoming more confident with her math skills. Providing more detail in your essay helps support your claims as well as make your essay more memorable and unique.

Step 4: Show Your Personality

It would be very hard to get a scholarship or place at a school if none of your readers felt like they knew much about you after finishing your essay, so make sure that your essay shows your personality. The way to do this is to state your personal strengths, then provide examples to support your claims. Take some time to think about which parts of your personality you would like your essay to highlight, then write about specific examples to show this.

  • If you want to show that you're a motivated leader, describe a time when you organized an event or supervised other volunteers.
  • If you want to show your teamwork skills, write about a time you helped a group of people work together better.
  • If you want to show that you're a compassionate animal lover, write about taking care of neglected shelter animals and helping each of them find homes.

Step 5: State What You Accomplished

After you have described your community service and given specific examples of your work, you want to begin to wrap your essay up by stating your accomplishments. What was the impact of your community service? Did you build a house for a family to move into? Help students improve their reading skills? Clean up a local park? Make sure the impact of your work is clear; don't be worried about bragging here.

If you can include specific numbers, that will also strengthen your essay. Saying "I delivered meals to 24 home-bound senior citizens" is a stronger example than just saying "I delivered meals to lots of senior citizens."

Also be sure to explain why your work matters. Why is what you did important? Did it provide more parks for kids to play in? Help students get better grades? Give people medical care who would otherwise not have gotten it? This is an important part of your essay, so make sure to go into enough detail that your readers will know exactly what you accomplished and how it helped your community.

"My biggest accomplishment during my community service was helping to organize a family event at the retirement home. The children and grandchildren of many residents attended, and they all enjoyed playing games and watching movies together."

"The community service accomplishment that I'm most proud of is the work I did to help organize the First Annual Family Fun Day at the retirement home. My job was to design and organize fun activities that senior citizens and their younger relatives could enjoy. The event lasted eight hours and included ten different games, two performances, and a movie screening with popcorn. Almost 200 residents and family members attended throughout the day. This event was important because it provided an opportunity for senior citizens to connect with their family members in a way they aren't often able to. It also made the retirement home seem more fun and enjoyable to children, and we have seen an increase in the number of kids coming to visit their grandparents since the event."

The second passage is stronger for a variety of reasons. First, it goes into much more detail about the work the volunteer did. The first passage only states that she helped "organize a family event." That really doesn't tell readers much about her work or what her responsibilities were. The second passage is much clearer; her job was to "design and organize fun activities."

The second passage also explains the event in more depth. A family day can be many things; remember that your readers are likely not familiar with what you're talking about, so details help them get a clearer picture.

Lastly, the second passage makes the importance of the event clear: it helped residents connect with younger family members, and it helped retirement homes seem less intimidating to children, so now some residents see their grand kids more often.

Step 6: Discuss What You Learned

One of the final things to include in your essay should be the impact that your community service had on you. You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill.

You can also talk about how you changed personally. Are you more patient now? More understanding of others? Do you have a better idea of the type of career you want? Go into depth about this, but be honest. Don't say your community service changed your life if it didn't because trite statements won't impress readers.

In order to support your statements, provide more examples. If you say you're more patient now, how do you know this? Do you get less frustrated while playing with your younger siblings? Are you more willing to help group partners who are struggling with their part of the work? You've probably noticed by now that including specific examples and details is one of the best ways to create a strong and believable essay .

"As a result of my community service, I learned a lot about building houses and became a more mature person."

"As a result of my community service, I gained hands-on experience in construction. I learned how to read blueprints, use a hammer and nails, and begin constructing the foundation of a two-bedroom house. Working on the house could be challenging at times, but it taught me to appreciate the value of hard work and be more willing to pitch in when I see someone needs help. My dad has just started building a shed in our backyard, and I offered to help him with it because I know from my community service how much work it is. I also appreciate my own house more, and I know how lucky I am to have a roof over my head."

The second passage is more impressive and memorable because it describes the skills the writer learned in more detail and recounts a specific story that supports her claim that her community service changed her and made her more helpful.

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Step 7: Finish Strong

Just as you started your essay in a way that would grab readers' attention, you want to finish your essay on a strong note as well. A good way to end your essay is to state again the impact your work had on you, your community, or both. Reiterate how you changed as a result of your community service, why you found the work important, or how it helped others.

Compare these two concluding statements:

"In conclusion, I learned a lot from my community service at my local museum, and I hope to keep volunteering and learning more about history."

"To conclude, volunteering at my city's American History Museum has been a great experience. By leading tours and participating in special events, I became better at public speaking and am now more comfortable starting conversations with people. In return, I was able to get more community members interested in history and our local museum. My interest in history has deepened, and I look forward to studying the subject in college and hopefully continuing my volunteer work at my university's own museum."

The second passage takes each point made in the first passage and expands upon it. In a few sentences, the second passage is able to clearly convey what work the volunteer did, how she changed, and how her volunteer work benefited her community.

The author of the second passage also ends her essay discussing her future and how she'd like to continue her community service, which is a good way to wrap things up because it shows your readers that you are committed to community service for the long-term.

What's Next?

Are you applying to a community service scholarship or thinking about it? We have a complete list of all the community service scholarships available to help get your search started!

Do you need a community service letter as well? We have a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to get a great reference letter from your community service supervisor.

Thinking about doing community service abroad? Before you sign up, read our guide on some of the hazards of international volunteer trips and how to know if it's the right choice for you.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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  • Student And Social Service Essay

Student and Social Service Essay

500+ words student and social service essay.

Schools provide a formative experience for children. The images of crayons, brightly painted halls, and bulletin boards can create joy in a child. The competencies of students can be used in social services, such as educating street children or making people aware of issues like pollution, environmental problems and various diseases. With the help of this student and social service essay, students learn how they can contribute to social service and what its benefits are. Moreover, they must also check out the list of CBSE Essays , which contains essays on different topics. Going through them will help in improving their essay writing skills.

How Students Can Contribute to Social Service

Students have some responsibilities towards society and the nation. They must contribute towards that in every way they can. Social service is one way for students to contribute to their society. Being humans, it is our responsibility to help each other in need.

Students can contribute to social service either in groups, organisations or as an individual. To serve in a group, students can join any of the social service organisations like the National Service Scheme (NSS) or NGOs that work in the social service sector. These groups organise various kinds of social work. Students can join them as a volunteer at their schools, colleges and universities. Many organisations also provide certificates which give much value and pride to a student.

Students can also do social service on their own and contribute to society as an individual. They can educate the people and society about the alarming situations which are creating hurdles for human life. Some of these issues are environmental pollution, poverty, deforestation, increasing air pollution in cities, lack of access to education, water scarcity, the COVID-19 pandemic and many more. They can do these things by organising rallies, hosting webinars & seminars, organising roadshows, etc.

Students can also make their own volunteer groups with the help of friends. Then, they can also arrange Christmas celebrations in orphanages and visit old-age homes and such places to help these people. They can also share some clothes and food with the street children and beggars.

Making these people happy and being the reason behind their smiles will give positive energy to students.

Students can provide self-defence workshops for women and children. They can run awareness campaigns, depression and stress relief sessions, provide food to the people in the COVID situation, etc.

Benefits of Social Service in Students’ Life

Engaging themselves in social service keeps students on the right path in a critical period of their lives. It develops love and sympathy towards the needy. In the future, if students want, they can also build their careers in this field. Many job providers give preference to those who have a volunteer certificate. Through social services, students get the opportunity to know the problems faced by poor and needy people. This may develop a zeal to solve such problems, and thus it develops the ability of problem-solving and leadership skills. This quality will help them to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. By doing social service, students will also earn the goodwill of the poor and the needy and learn to think more inclusively in the future – something that would be very vital in their character formation.

Students must have found “Student and Social Service Essay” useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study material on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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Public Affairs Council

Speechwriting 101: Writing an Effective Speech

Whether you are a communications pro or a human resources executive, the time will come when you will need to write a speech for yourself or someone else.  when that time comes, your career may depend on your success..

J. Lyman MacInnis, a corporate coach,  Toronto Star  columnist, accounting executive and author of  “ The Elements of Great Public Speaking ,”  has seen careers stalled – even damaged – by a failure to communicate messages effectively before groups of people. On the flip side, solid speechwriting skills can help launch and sustain a successful career.  What you need are forethought and methodical preparation.

Know Your Audience

Learn as much as possible about the audience and the event.  This will help you target the insights, experience or knowledge you have that this group wants or needs:

  • Why has the audience been brought together?
  • What do the members of the audience have in common?
  • How big an audience will it be?
  • What do they know, and what do they need to know?
  • Do they expect discussion about a specific subject and, if so, what?
  • What is the audience’s attitude and knowledge about the subject of your talk?
  • What is their attitude toward you as the speaker?
  • Why are they interested in your topic?

Choose Your Core Message

If the core message is on target, you can do other things wrong. But if the message is wrong, it doesn’t matter what you put around it.  To write the most effective speech, you should have significant knowledge about your topic, sincerely care about it and be eager to talk about it.  Focus on a message that is relevant to the target audience, and remember: an audience wants opinion. If you offer too little substance, your audience will label you a lightweight.  If you offer too many ideas, you make it difficult for them to know what’s important to you.

Research and Organize

Research until you drop.  This is where you pick up the information, connect the ideas and arrive at the insights that make your talk fresh.  You’ll have an easier time if you gather far more information than you need.  Arrange your research and notes into general categories and leave space between them. Then go back and rearrange. Fit related pieces together like a puzzle.

Develop Structure to Deliver Your Message

First, consider whether your goal is to inform, persuade, motivate or entertain.  Then outline your speech and fill in the details:

  • Introduction – The early minutes of a talk are important to establish your credibility and likeability.  Personal anecdotes often work well to get things started.  This is also where you’ll outline your main points.
  • Body – Get to the issues you’re there to address, limiting them to five points at most.  Then bolster those few points with illustrations, evidence and anecdotes.  Be passionate: your conviction can be as persuasive as the appeal of your ideas.
  • Conclusion – Wrap up with feeling as well as fact. End with something upbeat that will inspire your listeners.

You want to leave the audience exhilarated, not drained. In our fast-paced age, 20-25 minutes is about as long as anyone will listen attentively to a speech. As you write and edit your speech, the general rule is to allow about 90 seconds for every double-spaced page of copy.

Spice it Up

Once you have the basic structure of your speech, it’s time to add variety and interest.  Giving an audience exactly what it expects is like passing out sleeping pills. Remember that a speech is more like conversation than formal writing.  Its phrasing is loose – but without the extremes of slang, the incomplete thoughts, the interruptions that flavor everyday speech.

  • Give it rhythm. A good speech has pacing.
  • Vary the sentence structure. Use short sentences. Use occasional long ones to keep the audience alert. Fragments are fine if used sparingly and for emphasis.
  • Use the active voice and avoid passive sentences. Active forms of speech make your sentences more powerful.
  • Repeat key words and points. Besides helping your audience remember something, repetition builds greater awareness of central points or the main theme.
  • Ask rhetorical questions in a way that attracts your listeners’ attention.
  • Personal experiences and anecdotes help bolster your points and help you connect with the audience.
  • Use quotes. Good quotes work on several levels, forcing the audience to think. Make sure quotes are clearly attributed and said by someone your audience will probably recognize.

Be sure to use all of these devices sparingly in your speeches. If overused, the speech becomes exaggerated. Used with care, they will work well to move the speech along and help you deliver your message in an interesting, compelling way.

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370+ Speech Writing Topics For Students

Discover our guide with great speech writing topics for debate speeches, persuasive speeches, informative speeches, and much more. Get answers below.

Writing and delivering a speech can be nerve-wracking, especially for the first time. Explore our top speech writing topics for college and high school students and get answers to your frequently asked questions about how to choose a speech topic and overcome anxiety surrounding public speaking . For tips on how to write a speech , check out our guide!

How to Prepare For Public Speaking 

Persuasive speech topics, informative speech topics, speech topics on environment and nature , speech topics on science and health , speech topics about technology , motivational speech topic ideas, speech topics on friendship , speech topics on family , speech topics on sports , debate speech topic ideas , speech topics on politics , speech topics on social issues , business speech topics , personal speech topics , special occasion speech topics  , travel speech topics, speech topics on education , psychology speech topics , funny speech writing topics , what are the different types of persuasive speech , what are some effective and easy ways to fight a fear of public speaking.

College and high school students often find themselves giving a speech for the first time, which can be stressful if you’ve never done public speaking before. Students can prepare ahead of time in several different ways to help set the stage for success – here are just a few:   

  • Learn the fundamentals of giving a good speech. This includes understanding the elements of a speech, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should flow smoothly into the next and build upon the main point. Pay close attention to which words you choose and how your delivery comes across.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try to find opportunities to speak in front of an audience in different situations, even if it’s just in front of family, friends, or in front of a mirror. It can also help to record yourself so you can listen back and identify areas that need improvement. The more practice you have, the more confident you’ll feel when it comes time to give your speech.
  • Use relaxation techniques before giving your speech. You can start by taking some deep breaths and focusing on exhaling slowly. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body several times until your muscles begin to relax on their own naturally. You can also check out these quick writing topics .

Speech Writing Topics: Persuasive speech topics

  • The dangers of social media. 
  • How to improve American healthcare. 
  • The problems with plastic bags. 
  • How cell phones lessen the quality of life. 
  • Why criminals need rights. 
  • If students should be required to study art. 
  • How the war on drugs harms communities of color.
  • If schools should ban certain types of books. 
  • If statues of slave owners should be removed from public property. 
  • If more practical subjects should be taught in school instead of algebra. 
  • If religion causes fighting and wars. 
  • If outlawing drugs makes them more desirable. 
  • If taking photographs of children in public should be illegal. 
  • How making food a reward sets the stage for eating disorders. 
  • If men should be granted paternity leave when they have or adopt a baby. 
  • If routine circumcision should be banned in the United States. 
  • How artificial intelligence stands to change the world. 
  • How American prisons are a form of modern-day slavery. 
  • Why the media needs more cultural and racial diversity. 
  • If restaurants have an obligation to purchase produce from local farmers. 
  • Global Warming & Climate Change 
  • Renewable Energy Benefits 
  • Problems In The American Education System 
  • Harmful Ingredients In Fast Food
  • Animal Testing, Zoos, And Other Forms of Animal Cruelty 
  • The Difference Between Real Life And Reality Shows
  • The Issue Of Indoor Pollution
  • Unethical Fast Fashion Practices 
  • The Benefits Of Journal Writing 
  • The Dangers Of Texting And Driving 
  • The Benefits Of Gender-Affirming Care For Trans People 
  • The History Of Racism In America 
  • The Dangers Of Hazing In College 
  • How Natural Disasters Develop With Climate Change 
  • How To Think Critically When Watching The News 
  • Homelessness Statistics And Trends In America 
  • The Use Of Color Psychology In Marketing  
  • The Physical Effects Of Tattoo Ink 
  • The Psychological Impacts Of Beauty Pageants  
  • How Social Media Affects The Brain
  • How best to protect endangered animals. 
  • If having pet birds is ethical. 
  • If vegetable gardens should replace grass lawns. 
  • The impact of plastic disposables on the environment. 
  • The most efficient type of renewable energy. 
  • How increasing train travel can benefit both people and the environment.
  • If zoos should be strictly regulated or banned. 
  • The impact of fracking on the environment. 
  • If animal testing should be outlawed. 
  • If the government needs to allocate more resources to national wildlife preserves. 
  • The deforestation crisis. 
  • Air pollution and the impact of poor air quality on human health. 
  • If people should be allowed to own certain types of exotic animals and keep them as pets. 
  • How to reduce the presence of microplastics in the ocean. 
  • How drilling for oil impacts water aquifers and sources of clean, fresh water in America. 
  • If all grocery stores should stop using plastic bags. 
  • If parents should be allowed to choose their child’s sex and physical characteristics 
  • If vaccinations should be mandatory. 
  • If private corporations have a responsibility to create sustainable products. 
  • The impact of robots on the environment. 
  • If cloning animals and humans is moral. 
  • Whether physician-assisted suicide and compassionate euthanization should be legalized.
  • If cigarette smoking should be outlawed. 
  • If minors should be allowed to purchase birth control without parental permission. 
  • If sugary drinks should be taxed to discourage overconsumption. 
  • If America should have a single-payer healthcare system. 
  • The importance of adequate mental health care for high school students. 
  • Racial bias in the American healthcare system. 
  • If women face higher rates of being denied adequate pain control by healthcare providers.
  • If cannabis is harmful or helpful for certain medical conditions. 
  • If fast food restaurants have a responsibility to offer more affordable healthy food options. 
  • The role of relaxation in physical and mental health. 
  • If organ donation should be mandatory. 
  • How to address the obesity epidemic in America. 
  • If doctors should be paid according to their patient outcomes. 
  • How to reduce the cost of prescription medications for the average person. 
  • The benefits of laughing on physical and mental health. 
  • If breastfeeding should be more normalized in America. 
  • Sources of indoor air pollution and its impact on physical health. 
  • If food additives in America are unsafe. 
  • How technology can improve daily life. 
  • The consequences of biological warfare. 
  • How the advancement of robotics will impact the human population. 
  • If the internet is more dangerous than it is beneficial. 
  • The role of social media and online bullying in teen suicide. 
  • Practical applications for 3D printing. 
  • The future of self-driving cars. 
  • The differences and similarities between computers and the human brain. 
  • If colonizing the moon is possible and beneficial or harmful to the human species. 
  • How cell phones affect the human body. 
  • If humans can be grown in an artificial womb. 
  • If text messaging jargon is having a negative impact on human language. 
  • How technology has changed over the years for the better or worse. 
  • The impact of cryptocurrency on world economics. 
  • Using virtual reality to augment mental health treatment. 
  • The intersection of artificial intelligence and animatronics.
  • The future applications of nanotechnology. 
  • The applications of drones in global military efforts. 
  •  If dependence on technology is a danger to humanity. 
  • The impacts of Wi-Fi signals on human health. 

Motivational speech topic ideas

  • Women’s Empowerment 
  • The Me Too Movement 
  • Overcoming Peer Pressure 
  • The Value Of Community Service 
  • Mental Health And Wellness 
  • Productivity And Time Management 
  • How To Own Up To Mistakes And Learn From Them 
  • The Benefits Of Meditation 
  • Money Management 
  • Taking Time For Yourself 
  • How To Become A Winner 
  • How To Be A Better Role Model
  • Turning Failures Into Successes 
  • Handling Rejection Gracefully 
  • How To Work Smarter Instead Of Harder 
  • Why Time Is More Valuable Than Money 
  • Setting Effective Goals 
  • How To Break Bad Habits 
  • How To Cope When Bad Things Happen 
  • Thinking And Speaking Positively
  • How mental health can affect friendships and other relationships.
  • Tips for managing conflicts with friends. 
  • How to communicate special needs effectively to friends. 
  • The qualities of a good friend. 
  • Signs of a toxic friendship and how to get out of one. 
  • How people from different generations can be friends. 
  • If sororities and fraternities promote friendships or cause problems. 
  • How to help a friend who is experiencing thoughts of self-harm. 
  • What loyalty and dependability mean in a friendship. 
  • How to hold friends accountable for wrongdoing without destroying the friendship. 
  • What can be done about bullying that occurs inside a friend group? 
  • If friends have a responsibility to report dangerous behavior. 
  • If men and women can be friends. 
  • If it’s a good idea to develop a friendship with someone before dating them and why. 
  • The benefits of keeping in touch with your childhood or high school friends. 
  • If groups of single parents can become friends and raise their children together. 
  • How friends can help each other succeed in life. 
  • The challenges of maintaining friendships as a busy adult. 
  • What gifts would you get your friends if money was no object? 
  • How to avoid jealousy in a friendship. 
  • Signs of toxic family dynamics and how to get out of harmful cycles. 
  • The definition and impact of generational trauma. 
  • Qualities of a strong and healthy family dynamic. 
  • How parents can build a loving family and home life. 
  • Communication tips for family members. 
  • If families with young children should limit their screen time. 
  • The benefits of going on family vacations. 
  • The best ways to balance work and family commitments.
  • The importance of staying in touch with family members who are far away. 
  • How having a family can enrich someone’s life. 
  • If you should be required to donate a lifesaving organ or blood to a family member. 
  • If children should be required to take care of elderly parents. 
  • If the Christian religion promotes misogyny within conservative families. 
  • If the number of children a couple can have should be regulated by the government. 
  • If parents should be held accountable for crimes committed by their children. 
  • If couples should be required to take parenting classes before starting a family. 
  • How spanking causes brain damage in young children. 
  • Misconceptions new parents have about raising kids in modern society. 
  • What it means to go “no contact” with a parent and why adult children choose to leave their families.
  • What a “chosen family” is and how people develop familial relationships outside of their blood relatives. 
  • What Is Good Sportsmanship?
  • Professional Sports Salaries 
  • How Sports Impact Human Psychology
  • Sports And Mental Development 
  • Benefits Of Childhood Sports 
  • How Sports Teach Morals 
  • Do International Sports Promote World Peace?
  • Why Dance Is A Sport 
  • Should School Sports Be Mandatory?
  • What Competitive Sports Teach About Life 
  • Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs 
  • Trans People In Sports 
  • The Role Of Social Media In Sports 
  • How Sports Build Social Skills
  • How Losing At Sports Teaches Life Lessons 
  • Are Professional Sports Too Commercialized Now? 
  • Sports And Virtual Reality 
  • The Future Of College Sports 
  • What Players Want Sports Coaches To Know 
  • Sports And Disabilities 
  • Violent Video Games 
  • The Death Penalty 
  • Human Rights Issues 
  • Obesity in America
  • Mass Shootings In Public Places 
  • Alcohol Has A Greater Negative Impact On Society Than Cannabis 
  • The War Against Drugs 
  • Cellphone Policies In Schools 
  • Religious Indoctrination Is Child Abuse 
  • Police & Qualified Immunity 
  • Regulating Senior Drivers 
  • Affirmative Action 
  • Stem Cell Research 
  • Peaceful Protests 
  • Contraceptive Regulation 
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 
  • Arranged Marriages 
  • Censorship 
  • Animal Breeding 
  • The Adoption Industry 
  • If America is not a true democracy. 
  • If corporations should be allowed to donate to political campaigns. 
  • If celebrities should be able to run for public office. 
  • If poverty should be a government priority. 
  • The prevalence of political corruption in America. 
  • If the voting age should be raised in America. 
  • If the United States should fund wars between other countries. 
  • If national voter ID laws would disenfranchise minority voters. 
  • The definition and prevalence of domestic terrorism in America. 
  • Why it’s important for young people to vote. 
  • If far-right influencers promote dangerous ideals. 
  • If the government should spend less money on the military and wars. 
  • If Social Security benefits should be preserved for future generations. 
  • If Americans should get to vote for who serves on the Supreme Court. 
  • If Congress should have term limits. 
  • If the Electoral College should be abolished. 
  • How minorities are represented in Congress. 
  • If private for-profit prisons should be banned or heavily regulated. 
  • If the police should be required to operate their body cameras at all times. 
  • If people imprisoned for marijuana offenses should be let out in states where cannabis is now legal. 
  • Abortion 
  • Free Education In America 
  • Right To Marry 
  • Racism And Poverty In America 
  • Food Deserts And Malnutrition 
  • Substance Abuse And Crime Rates 
  • The Right To Housing 
  • Wage Inequality 
  • Crime Recidivism Reduction 
  • Child Labor 
  • Agricultural Integrity 
  • Taxing Religious Institutions 
  • Prostitution 
  • Minimum Wage 
  • Common Sense Gun Control Laws 
  • Gender And Sexual Orientation Discrimination 
  • Violence In Media 
  • Paid Maternity And Paternity Leave In America 
  • What skills do entrepreneurs need to be successful? 
  • How to motivate and engage employees at work. 
  • Top indicators of business success. 
  • How to make money using your passion. 
  • The importance of good financial planning for businesses. 
  • How companies can create loyal customers for life. 
  • Why businesses need to create a powerful brand image in today’s competitive market. 
  • Tips for people who want to start their own business. 
  • How to create a home office. 
  • Why do some companies have high turnover rates? 
  • If incentivized customer reviews are unethical. 
  • If businesses should be held responsible for false advertising. 
  • If businesses should be allowed to lobby people in Congress. 
  • Ethical marketing practices for new businesses. 
  • How to balance owning a business and starting a family. 
  • Women entrepreneurs in America. 
  • Do companies have a responsibility to help manage inflation?
  • The disparity between CEO and employee pay. 
  • If the existence of billionaires is ethical. 
  • How businesses can cultivate positive company culture. 
  • The scariest thing you ever did and how you overcame your fear. 
  • A difficult decision you had to make and why you made the choice you did. 
  • Your favorite teacher and what you learned from them. 
  • Something you learned about yourself that improved your life. 
  • A regret that you have and what you wish you would have done instead and why. 
  • Something valuable you broke or lost and how it made you feel. 
  • Someone you admire in your personal life and what they taught you. 
  • Your ambitions and why you want to achieve them. 
  • A family member you looked up to as a child and why. 
  • The most exciting thing you’ve ever done and if you would do it again. 
  • The type of job you want to hold in the future and why. 
  • Specific expertise you hold and how it can provide value to your community. 
  • Charities or social initiatives you support and why. 
  • What your favorite motivational quote is and why. 
  • Something that makes you unique and distinguishes you from other people. 
  • The historical figure you most look up to and why. 
  • A time you failed at something you tried but learned an important lesson from the experience. 
  • A close call you had with something and how the situation might have turned out differently. 
  • Somewhere you would visit in the world and why you would go there. 
  • Something you learned watching television or listening to the radio that changed your life. 
  • Graduation Speeches 
  • Valedictorian Speeches
  • Independence Day Speeches 
  • Wedding Toasts
  • Eulogies 
  • Speeches For Beauty Pageants 
  • Pep Rally Speeches 
  • Award Acceptance Speeches 
  • Introduction Speeches 
  • Presentation Speeches 
  • Farewell Speeches 
  • Dedication Speeches 
  • Commemorative Speeches 
  • Retirement Speeches
  • Welcome Speeches 
  • Birthday Speeches 
  • Tribute Speeches 
  • Keynote Addresses 
  • Anniversary Speeches 
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speeches 
  • If traveling to Hawaii is ethical. 
  • If it’s dangerous for women to travel internationally alone. 
  • How travel can be educational. 
  • If vacations have a positive impact on emotional and psychological health. 
  • How travel can help prevent burnout. 
  • The dangers of drinking tap water when traveling to other countries. 
  • If there should be more travel accommodations for plus-size people. 
  • How viruses spread on cruise ships. 
  • Top reasons people travel. 
  • How to manage travel frustrations like missed flights and canceled reservations. 
  • What to do if there’s an emergency while traveling. 
  • Ethical tourism in poor countries. 
  • How to get to know a country’s customs when traveling. 
  • The impact of traveling on the economy. 
  • How American tourism impacts politics. 
  • The intersection between travel and religion. 
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the travel industry. 
  • What travel means to you. 
  • If young children should be allowed to travel to dangerous places. 
  • How to navigate currency exchange issues when traveling. 
  • How COVID-19 impacted public education in America. 
  • The benefits of e-learning for children of different ages and education levels. 
  • If corporal punishment should be allowed in schools with or without parental consent. 
  • If sodas and energy drinks should be allowed in high schools. 
  • The different types of learning styles and how these play a role in public education. 
  • The impact of public school on child socialization. 
  • If schools should abolish homework policies. 
  • How elementary and middle schools should treat young trans students. 
  • The role of the Internet in American education today. 
  • How schools can provide more support to students with learning disabilities. 
  • If special education in schools is actually beneficial to students who are struggling in class. 
  • Comparing American schools to educational institutions in other countries. 
  • If students should be taught sex education in schools and if so, to what degree? 
  • If high school students should have access to condoms at school. 
  • If college should be free. 
  • Why teachers of all grade levels don’t make enough money in America. 
  • If a student’s grades are an indicator of their intelligence. 
  • If students should be required to learn etiquette at a certain age. 
  • If public education institutions should implement school uniform policies. 
  • If the pressures of school have a negative impact on kids who should be enjoying their childhood. 
  • The definition of trauma and how it impacts young children. 
  • How emotional abuse impacts psychological development in children. 
  • How dissociative disorders work to protect the brain from the impact of severe trauma. 
  • How reverse psychology works. 
  • The greatest contribution to modern psychology in history. 
  • How people with different personality disorders experience the world. 
  • The psychological relationship between parents and their children. 
  • The intersection between sleep and psychology. 
  • The differences between psychology and psychiatry. 
  • How psychologists benefit society and human development. 
  • How child psychology differs from adult treatment modalities. 
  • How psychological treatment has changed over the years. 
  • If basic psychology should be a required high school or college course. 
  • How violent movies and television impact human psychology.
  • How short and long-term memories form. 
  • The impact of bullying on child psychological development. 
  • The psychological impact of childhood neglect. 
  • If antidepressants are overprescribed.
  • The comorbidity of trauma and personality disorders. 
  • If birth order affects a child’s psychological development. 

Looking for more? You might also be interested in our list of the best report writing topics .

  • How Trix cereal discriminates against rabbits by making their cereal for kids. 
  • If plants have feelings and if vegans are committing acts of vegetable cruelty. 
  • Why the grass might literally be greener on the other side of a fence. 
  • How to be good at being lazy. 
  • Why lying well can be considered a talent. 
  • How being annoying can be considered an art. 
  • How to fail at a job interview. 
  • Tell a story about a joke that didn’t go over well. 
  • Compare Instagram to real life. 
  • If regifting is an ethical practice.
  • Why clothing companies don’t put pockets in women’s clothes. 
  • Why bad pickup lines work better than traditionally good pickup lines. 
  • Why a cartoon character should be elected President. 
  • A practical guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse. 
  • If internet surfing counts as an aerobic workout. 
  • Why kids shouldn’t have to clean their rooms. 
  • The worst business slogans and why. 
  • The correct way to offend someone. 
  • How to cheat at the game of Life. 
  • A list of the worst gifts ever. 

If you liked this post, you might also find these essays about being a student helpful.

The three main types of persuasive speeches are value-based, policy-based, and emotional -based. Value-based speeches argue a certain concept based on its merits, while a policy persuasive speech argues for a certain course of action. Emotional -based speeches seek to elicit a certain response from the audience by evoking an emotional reaction.

Some people find that focusing on their breathing helps to calm their nerves, while others find visualization exercises like picturing the audience in their underwear to be a helpful way to diffuse the tension. Others say that simply accepting that they will be nervous and embracing that feeling is the best way to get through it.  

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of the best inspirational books !


1089 Words Short Essay on importance of social service

Man is primarily a member of a social community . He should not only be concerned about himself but also for the welfare and development of society as a whole. It is truly said that “Jana-Seva” is “Janardhana-Seva”. The feeling of self-satisfaction that comes when one sees the unshed tears of joy in the eyes of one whose hunger has been appeased, whose thirst has been allayed and whose needs are fulfilled is indeed heavenly.

The service rendered by an individual or an institution to improve the social conditions of society is called ‘social service’. This service is rendered on humanitarian considerations and without any motive of profit. Only those people to whom the interests of society are more important than their personal interests come forward to render social service.

Social service is based on the ideal of brotherhood of man. It is a natural impulse to help men in distress. It is a noble impulse. It cannot be rendered without an element of self-sacrifice. One has to spend time and energy for it. Nowadays man is concerned only about his own welfare. Obligations, noble thoughts, duties towards society have been pushed to the background as the centre-stage is occupied by a rat-race for materialistic trifles.

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In a country like India, social service occupies an important place. It is specifically stated in Article 38 of our Constitution that “the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may, a social order in which justice-social, economic and political-shall include all the institutions of the national life”. In five decades of planning, the social welfare services were aimed at the welfare and the development of children, women and the physically and socially handicapped of the society.

Social service is not confined to isolated deeds and words of charity towards the disabled, helpless or the poverty stricken. Doctors can serve by attending to the ailing without being influenced by thoughts of pecuniary gains. Engineers and contractors can serve humanity by doing their jobs efficiently and diligently, without being clouded by greed. Businessmen can do social service if they pursue their work honestly as a vocation. Public servants will be of great service to humanity if the evils of corruption and aimless drift are rooted out and replaced with the seeds of the true spirit of service nurtured by good ethics and strong human values. Politicians can serve by substituting integrity and patriotism for acts of self- preservation. So, for doing social service the only thing which is important is the strong will to do something for the betterment of the society.

The social services cover for children includes integrated development of children, care and protection to abandoned, neglected, unwanted, destitute children, setting up creches for working and ailing mothers’ children, nutrition programmes etc. A National Children’s Fund was constituted by the Government during the International Year of the Child in 1979. India has also been associated with United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) since 1949.

Programmes are being implemented for the early detection and treatment, education, training and rehabilitation of disabled persons, namely, the blind, the deaf, the orthopedically handicapped, the mentally retarded, spastics and the leprosy cured persons.

Social welfare measures at the Government level touch only a fringe of the problem. It is not possible for the Government to reach out to every person who needs help. Therefore, voluntary organisations can and should supplement the Government’s efforts in a big way in this noble task. In view of the illiteracy, ignorance, superstitions and social evils prevalent in our country, the need for social service has assumed a certain urgency. Of course, social service cannot be a whole time activity. It is indeed enough if people with missionary zeal devote 2 or 3 hours a day for social service. Students can take to social service during their summer vacations. Similarly, retired persons can be of great help. Housewives are normally free from their day’s work by 12 P.M. They too can volunteer for social service.

There are a number of areas in which social service is called for on a mass scale. First of all, groups of educated people can go out to villages and educate the illiterate. In India about 35% of the people are illiterate. Even our modest efforts can contribute to the removal of illiteracy from our country.

Our villages lack sanitation. Social workers can meet the villagers and educate them about the need for sanitation and cleanliness. Nearly 72.22 per cent of India’s population lives in villages. If our villages look neat and clean, our country will acquire a new look.

The death rate is much higher in villages because of the lack of medical facilities. Villagers need to be enlightened and encouraged to protect their children from deadly diseases by having them inoculated. Inoculations give unmunity from diseases like typhoid, whooping cough, diphtheria, leprosy, T.B., polio etc. When Government officials approach villagers, the villagers distrust their claims. Social workers can create a better psychological effect on villagers and explain to them the advantages of inoculations.

India’s population is growing at an alarming rate. It has already crossed the 1,027 million mark and India has become the second- most populous country in the world. Social workers can do great service by putting across to villagers the message of family planning.

In cities and towns, slums are coming up due to large scale migration of people from villages to cities. These slums lack sanitation. There are no civic amenities at all. Life in slums is miserable. People living in the slums indulge in distillation of illicit liquor, sale of narcotic drugs and other criminal or anti­social activities. There is a dire need to launch cleanliness drives in these slums. Special programmes should also be undertaken in these areas so that people who have gone astray can be brought back to the right track.

In our country, Mother Teresa rendered great social service by serving thousands of poor, needy and destitute people. She set an example of what social service can do for the suffering humanity. Voluntary organisations like the Bharat Sewak Samaj, Sadhu Sewak Samaj, Servants of the People Society, Ramakrishna Mission, Arya Samaj and many other social welfare and voluntary organisations are doing a lot of good work for people in different spheres of life.

Let each man uphold the ideal of “Help ever, hurt never” as his motto and contribute his bit to make the world order politically powerful, socially stable, economically efficient and spiritually strong.

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My Assignments Pro

  • 100 Social Topics for Speech by Our Speech Writing Services!

Social Speech Topics

  • By myaproadm

Social concerns are at the forefront of public conversation, generating arguments, stirring passions, and propelling change in today’s world of fast change. It is impossible to overestimate the ability of speech to raise awareness of important social issues, whether one is a student getting ready for a speech assignment, a public speaker addressing an audience, or an activist fighting for social justice. Our experts at speech writing services provide a thorough list of 100 social subjects for speeches in this blog, including a wide variety of problems that have an influence on people’s lives all over the world. 

From human rights to environmental sustainability, and political change to cultural variety, these subjects provide opportunities for inquiry, learning, and participation. There’s a social issue by speech writing services waiting for you to investigate, regardless of your passion for igniting discourse, inspiring action, or bringing attention to a problem. 

Education & Learning

  • The Value of Education in Early Childhood
  • The Importance of Vocational Education in the Modern World
  • Online Education’s Future
  • The Value of Teaching Financial Literacy
  • The Standardised Testing Debate
  • Fighting Student Loan Indebtedness
  • Reevaluating Classroom Management
  • The Value of Education in the Arts
  • Encouraging Citizenship Around the World via Education
  • The Advantages of Teaching in Two Languages

Additionally, Students can always count on our assignment help in Australia professionals to support their academic work. 

Environment & Sustainability

  • Climate Change: The Critical Time for Intervention
  • The Value of Sustainable Energy Resources
  • Taking Action Against Plastic Pollution
  • Sustainable Habits in Daily Life
  • The Effects of Forest Loss
  • The Value of Protecting Threatened Species
  • Reevaluating Our Consumption Patterns
  • Systems of Sustainable Food Production
  • Electric Vehicles’ Future
  • The Value of Protecting the Oceans

You can also access our speech guides and samples curated by experts by availing our assignment writing service Australia .

Social Justice & Human Rights

  • Advancement of Racial Parity
  • Warfare Against Gender Inequality
  • LGBTQ+ Equality and Rights
  • Encouraging Disability Rights
  • Taking Care of Homelessness
  • Put an end to human trafficking
  • The World’s Refugee Crisis
  • Encouraging Clean Water Access
  • Would a Universal Basic Income Work?
  • The Significance of Speech Freedom

If you need assistance choosing a topic or conducting research, contact our professionals at Assignment Help in Australia.

Health & Wellness

  • The Value of Raising Awareness of Mental Health
  • Fighting the Opioid Epidemic
  • Encouraging Nutritious Food Practices
  • The Positive Impact of Physical Activity and Exercise
  • Telemedicine: Is It the Future of the Medical Field?
  • Taking Care of the Increasing Healthcare Costs
  • The Value of Immunisations
  • Encouraging Restful Sleep Practices
  • Fighting Addiction
  • The Morality of Genetic Modification

To write better speeches, students who would want to select topics from the above list may also speak with our health professionals at assignment writing services Australia.

Technology & Innovation

  • Artificial Intelligence’s Effects
  • Social Media’s Ascent: Benefit or Bane?
  • Cybersecurity Risks and Recommendations
  • The Workforce of the Future in the Automation Age
  • The Morality of Face Recognition Technologies
  • Virtual Reality’s Potential
  • Overcoming the Digital Divide
  • Social Media’s Effect on Mental Health
  • The Sharing Economy’s Ascent
  • The Value of Privacy for Data

Since we give students genuine and reliable assistance, our assignment help in Australia is one of the services students trust the most. Therefore, get advice from our experts if you’re worried about crafting a speech that stands out. 

Politics & Government

  • The Value of the Right to Vote
  • Should We Reform Campaign Finances?
  • Social Media’s Impact on Elections
  • Is a Two-Party System Change Needed?
  • The Value of Participation in Civic Life
  • The Populist Movement’s Rise
  • The Gun Control Debate
  • The Government’s Role in Big Tech Regulation
  • Income Gaps and Tax Changes
  • The Significance of Global Collaboration

Our professionals at assignment writing services in Australia also offer one-on-one sessions for students to clarify their doubts and queries regarding the subject matter.

Social Issues & Culture

  • The Importance of Cultural Diversity
  • Combating Hate Speech and Discrimination
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Gender Pay Gap and How to Close It
  • The Rise of Single-Parent Households
  • The Importance of Body Positivity
  • The Morality of Influencers on Social Media
  • Rapid Fashion’s Effects on the Environment
  • Work-Life Balance’s Significance
  • Rethinking Retirement in the Modern Age

For students looking to improve their academic performance, our experts at Assignment Help in Australia craft outstanding speeches.

Business & Economy

  • The Value of Ethical Business Conduct
  • The Gig Economy’s Rise
  • The Argument Over the Minimum Wage
  • Jobs Affected by Globalisation
  • Small Businesses’ Future in the Digital Age
  • The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • The Sharing Economy’s Impact on Traditional Businesses
  • The Morality of Marketing Fast Food
  • The Value of Financial Knowledge

Science & Exploration

  • Looking for Signs of Extraterrestrial Life
  • The Morality of Space Travel
  • The Value of Research on Stem Cells
  • Battling Vaccine Hesitancy and Anti-Vaccination People
  • Artificial Intelligence’s Future
  • The Morality of Genetically Engineered Organisms
  • The Significance of Scientific Knowledge
  • Climate Change’s Effects on the Earth
  • Renewable Energy Sources’ Potential
  • Space Tourism’s Future

If your speech writing deadline is approaching, you may speak with our assignment writing services Australia experts and receive prompt assistance.

Personal Growth & Relationships

  • The Value of Establishing Good Relationships
  • The Advantages of Meditation and Mindfulness
  • Taking On Loneliness in the Contemporary World
  • The Strength of Positive Thought
  • The Value of Financial Knowledge for Emerging Adults
  • Getting Rid of Social Anxiety
  • The Advantages of Participating in Volunteer Work
  • The Value of Goal-Setting
  • The Craft of Powerful Communication
  • Discovering Your Interest and Chasing Your Dreams

To sum up, this comprehensive review of speeches has covered a wide range of topics that influence our society and have an impact on our globe. These topics, which vary from social justice and climate change to healthcare and education, are compiled by our professionals at assignment help in Australia and offer a variety of opportunities for participation, knowledge, and advocacy. Speeches can motivate people to take action, start conversations, and bring important topics to light. As a result, they may greatly influence society and inspire change.

As you begin composing speeches, keep in mind the value of story, empathy, and sincerity. Make a personal connection with the people in the audience, arouse powerful emotions in them, and after your speech, leave a lasting impression. Speaking in front of a group of people, a boardroom, or a classroom all have the same effect on people’s sentiments, perceptions, and futures—your voice counts, and your message matters.

My Assignments Pro is aware of the challenges and complexities associated with writing speeches that draw in audiences and generate results. At assignment writing services Australia, our team of skilled speechwriters is committed to assisting you in realizing your ideas. We do this by offering professional advice, resources, and assistance at every stage. We’re here to help you come up with ideas, create engaging content, or refine your presentation.

We will work directly with you to ensure that your speech reflects your style, engages the audience, and achieves your objectives through our unique approach, careful attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. Let us work with you to create speeches that motivate, educate, and spark change. We can work together to give your words weight and get your message across. Make the first move towards successful speechwriting by getting in touch with our assignment help in Australia right now!

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Social Speeches: Help and advice

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Your speech is looming, and something is bugging you. You might be short of time, shorn of hope, or just concerned that your speech isn’t panning out the way you’d like.

If so, you’re not alone. Our clients speaking at events such as weddings and dinners tend to approach us from one of these angles:

  • I’ve a few ideas but I’d really like a speech writer to help write the speech for me.
  • I really haven’t got a clue . Could you take me through it all step-by-step?
  • I’ve written a speech. Could you edit it for me ?
  • I’ve written a speech. Could you train me to give it?

The majority sit in group ’1′. They want a bespoke speech full of original content, in a style they are comfortable delivering, and with absolutely no recycled jokes or stories from the internet or speech books.  They want it to sound like them, but in a way they can’t put on paper, something we’re able to do as part of our ‘Brief, Write and Edit’ service.

From our perspective, it doesn’t matter who or what your subject is because you will know much more about them than us. Where we hope to help you is by drawing out relevant information and helping you decide what will and won’t work in a speech, how to pull it together, and, more often than not, how to weave in some humour.

We write speeches in a way that makes them very simple to deliver. So instead of writing long sentences like this one, a good speech will be set out more like this:

With short sentences … … linked by dots … … so you can pause in the right places … … and emphasise the key words … … ensuring that you can look up between sound-bites … … and engage with your audience.

Great social speeches tends to be easy to follow, and doesn’t have any awkward pauses, long stories, or punch lines that could fall flat. It should be original, relevant, link seamlessly and weave in the appropriate levels of sincerity and lighter content for your audience. Most importantly, it needs to sound like you could have (just about) written it yourself!

We would, of course, be more than delighted to do it for you.  Please contact  us at any time to discuss the best way forward.  These links show how we could help write your best man speech , groom speech , father of the bride speech , anniversary or birthday speech , sports speech , after dinner speech or eulogy . Typical prices are set out here.

For all your other comms needs, Great Communication

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Custom speech writing services.

Throughout our lives, we often face the necessity to perform in front of an audience with a speech. Speech writing is not an easy task and can significantly impact our future. Whether you need a speech to perform at school, in college or university, at work, or for special occasions such as a wedding or birthday; the experts at speech writing service by PapersOwl are here to help.

How can you ensure a successful speech? Your success depends on numerous factors including your tone, facial expressions, posture, and more, but the key to everything is the quality of the text with which you are performing! Although it does not appear to be a significant problem, many students and adults find it difficult to prepare a high-quality speech simply because they do not know how to begin a speech in the right way. Have you faced trouble writing a persuasive speech? Without a doubt, it is not as hard as writing a paper in college, but if you are struggling with it, then it is just the right time to request some speech writing services to help you out! Pay for assignments at our website. Get the best grades at school. 

Speech Writing Service That Solves Students' Issues

Why PapersOwl? If you were asked to prepare a speech for college, you are probably thinking about how not to lose face performing in front of a big audience, and we have the answer! Our team has the key to your success! Our company is engaged in delivering fast and professional speech writing services online, as well as other types of custom academic help that students of any level may need.

What makes us the perfect choice for you? The answer is found in our company’s flawless reputation that has made us a trusted and reliable service with much positive feedback from our clients. However, there is much more we can speak of, every customer of our service can benefit from the following advantages that we offer:

  • One company for all academic work.  At PapersOwl, you can find everything you have been looking for including papers for school, high school, college, and any university program in any subject.
  • A wide range of solutions.  Here, you can order writing, rewriting, editing, proofreading, problem-solving, and other services that are needed to help you succeed!
  • Prompt and effective assistance. Not only do we accept students’ orders 24/7, but we can also meet any deadline for your paper or speech and guarantee that your order will be fulfilled regardless of whether you give us a month or an hour to complete it.
  • Worry-free and safe experience.  By choosing our service you will never have to worry about the quality of papers or speeches, missed deadlines, etc. We also protect your personal information and payment information. Our policies are transparent and regulate all these matters, ensuring customers’ safety at all levels.
  • Support and care.  We are always available to assist our customers at your convenience with our support staff that is available around the clock to answer any questions you may have.
  • The best price you can find on the market.  Although there is a belief that effective and high-quality academic help can’t be affordable, PapersOwl is here to prove that wrong. We are here to give you the best quality of service and deliver orders at the lowest price to prove that anyone can afford professional help!
  • Excellent quality.  Looking for a custom writing company, everyone is hoping to get the best result in the shortest terms and we can give you that – impeccable grammar, 100% originality, authenticity, proper language, style, and format, and correspondence with all requirements. This is what you get at PapersOwl!

Professional Speech Writers For Hire

At PapersOwl, we have a big team of great speech writers for hire. They are not only well-educated and experienced in writing these types of papers, but also are very talented and skillful! Get the best custom college essay writing service from here. What makes them the best? Every professional speechwriter employed at our company is:

  • A native speaker of English to ensure the usage of appropriate language in every text.
  • Specialists with vast experience in the field of speech and academic writing eliminate the risks of failure.
  • Attentive to details to detect and fix the smallest errors, ensuring an excellent quality of work.
  • Able to work with any deadline to guarantee timely delivery of all orders.
  • An educated person with a university degree makes every paper informative and engaging, by choosing good persuasive speech topics.
  • Talented and skilled to compose a stylish, engaging text to guarantee your success!

Our writers are reliable! On our website, before you speech writer website you can see a profile of each specialist including his rating, feedback, rate of success, education, etc. This means Our clients have the possibility to compare different specialists and hire the best speechwriter online based on his or her qualifications, experience, and overall customer satisfaction with his or her work! So, without hesitation, buy a narrative essay from PapersOwl. We promise you will not regret spending a few bucks here!

How To Order Speech Writing At PapersOwl?

It is as simple as A, B, C! Placing an order with us is easy. Our simple to use order entry system should not take more than five minutes. Simply open our homepage and fill out the form providing your email and select  “ write my speech for me ”, a few details such as the length of your text, topic, style, any specific instructions, choose a writer, and you are all set!

PapersOwl Writing Service Main Advantages

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Choosing PapersOwl is a wise choice! We guarantee that working with us you will reach all your goals easily and promptly, avoiding any possible failures and mistakes, so do not miss out – just say “please, write a speech for me” and we will be ready to help you! If you need argumentative essay writing service , order your paper directly through our site. We will take care of your assignments. 


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Speech writing services

Speak to charm with expert speech

Craft mesmerizing speeches with our experts, ensuring that every word enchants your audience.

Trusted by 1,5M+ happy customers

Let us craft a speech that not only informs but inspire

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Speech mastery by pros

Transform your speech with professional expertise, making each word a bridge to your audience's hearts.

Neat W.

Reasons to choose our online speech writing service

A decade's wisdom.

Crafted by seasoned speechwriters, our compelling content resonates, informed by a decade of trusted expertise.

Achieve any deadline

Time-crunch? Our swift writers craft insightful speeches within hours, without compromising the quality or your voice.

Your unique speech

No recycled words here; our crafted speeches are novel masterpieces, uniquely tailored to each occasion.

50+ speech types

Whatever the occasion, our versatile writers tailor speeches from graduations to groomsmen, formal to fun.

24/7 full support

Stuck or curious? Our eager support team answers swiftly, ensuring your path to speech success.

Effortless ordering process

1. share your instuctions.

Share your speech idea, theme, and style with us, and we'll craft a personalized message that resonates with your audience and mirrors your voice.

2. Pick your perfect writer

Explore our diverse writers' profiles, engage in chats, and find your ideal match. Deposit funds safely; pay only when you're thrilled with the results.

3. Receive your unique speech

Your exceptional speech awaits! Review and request adjustments if needed. Once delighted, release the funds and step into the spotlight with confidence.

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Our service in clients' words

Hear from our satisfied clients how we transformed their words into unforgettable, heart-winning speeches.

What our customers can expect from us

Edits without limits.

Enjoy the freedom to request unlimited edits on your speech within 30 days of your completed order.

Refund guarantee

Unhappy with the result? We offer unlimited edits or refunds to ensure you're never out of pocket.

Quality you trust

Our expert professionals craft high-quality speeches tailored to your needs, covering any topics you may need, ensuring effective and engaging communication.

Privacy assured

Through encryption, regular security testing, and our commitment to keeping all personal information confidential, your orders are in safe hands.

Overcome stage fright with our perfectly crafted speeches

Frequently asked questions, is there a specific writing format for speech, can i reach out to the writer during the speech writing process, what makes your service unique, is it safe to use online service for help, how long does it take to craft a speech, how much does the speech cost, engage your audience with our speech writing service, opt for our custom speech writing services and transform sleepless nights into peaceful rest.

Getting ready for a public speaking event isn't a walk in the park. It needs heaps of time, hard work, and a knack for voicing your thoughts in a way that makes people sit up and listen. Not everyone has this skill, but don't worry, that's where we come in.

Here's why you should pick EssayPro for your speech writing:

  • We help you save time
  • We'll hit the right word count
  • We make your speech extra persuasive
  • We help you wow your audience
  • You'll get some professional tips
  • We take the stress out of public speaking
  • No need to break the bank.

Teaming up with our speech-writing pros will help you chill out about public speaking once and for all.

Professional speech writing across all events

Whether you're addressing colleagues or rallying the school team, crafting the right speech is crucial. That's where our expert speech writers come in. They've penned inspiring words for congress members, mayors, celebrities, Nobel Prize winners, CEOs, diplomats, activists, and more. With a track record like that, you know you're in good hands.

Our services are all about understanding you. We listen to your needs and your voice to ensure we deliver exactly the speech you envision. From persuasive essay writing service to creating heartfelt toasts for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or social functions like Bar Mitzvahs and Burns Dinners, we're here to help.

Want to engage your audience? We'll structure your speech to be persuasive and attention-grabbing. Whether you're the best man, bride, captain of the golf club, or the toastmaster at any event, our writers will help you create something truly original and memorable. Leave a request " write my speech " and let's make your words shine!

Easy-to-follow steps for ordering with ease

Navigating our order form is as simple as it gets. Just key in your details like topic, subject, and deadline, and let us handle the rest. Whether you need a compelling speech or an impeccable essay, EssayPro's custom speech writing service has got you covered.

The next time you need to make a mark, why not turn to us? With EssayPro, you'll not only impress your audience but also save those precious hours that might otherwise be spent in sleepless frustration. We understand the demands of student life, and that's why our paper writing service is here to lighten the load.

Why struggle on your own when EssayPro can turn you into a persuasive speaker? We're trusted by countless students for our quality and reliability. Let us help you shine on stage and enjoy college life to the fullest. Your success is just an order away!

Our speech writers excel at crafting compelling speeches

Writing a speech can feel like scaling a mountain, especially when it's for an academic assignment. You know the drill: it has to have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The opening has to grab people, and you've got to come across as real, not robotic.

That's where we come in. Our team at EssayPro is filled with college essay writers who know exactly how to nail those speech writings. These aren't just any writers; they've got degrees from top schools and master's qualifications in everything from English and journalism to social sciences and economics. And we don't just take their word for it - we test them to make sure they know their stuff.

Here's a taste of what our speech writing services can do for you:

  • Need an introduction that turns heads? We'll whip up something that'll make people sit up and listen.
  • Worried about sounding dull? Our writers have vocabularies that dance, ensuring your speech never falls flat.
  • Got a personal story to share? We'll find the perfect place for it.
  • Looking for an ending that sticks? We'll craft a conclusion that leaves your audience thinking.

With EssayPro, you're not just getting a speech; you're getting a piece of art that speaks. It's personal, professional, and perfect for what you need. Now, how about we get started?

The wide array of speech types we cover

At EssayPro, we offer professional speech writing services that cover a wide array of occasions and topics. Our skilled speech writers understand the specific nuances, terminology, and philosophies across various fields, allowing us to cater to diverse needs. We thrive on our talented team's diversity and collaboration, ensuring that your expectations aren't just met but exceeded.

Whether it's business speeches, wedding toasts, graduation addresses, or even eulogies, our writers are equipped to craft and fine-tune speeches for any occasion. We don't just write the words; we organize and adapt them to make sure your message comes through loud and clear.

Trust us to put the right words in your mouth, whatever the event, whatever the need.

  • CEO speeches
  • Corporate speeches
  • Debate arguments
  • Entertaining speech
  • Farewell speech
  • Graduation speeches
  • Informative speech
  • Wedding speeches
  • Oratorical speech
  • Persuasive speech
  • Political speeches
  • Public speeches
  • Retirement speeches
  • Sales speeches
  • Special occasion speech
  • Speech competition

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Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

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Table of Contents

Speech On Social Media: In a world where clicks, likes, and shares have become the currency of our social interactions, there’s no denying the pervasive influence of social media. It’s a digital realm that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, altering how we connect, communicate, and consume information. From connecting with long-lost friends to voicing our opinions on global issues, social media has transformed the way we navigate our interconnected world. But what lies beneath the surface of those enticing timelines and trending hashtags?

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Students often encounter the task of giving speeches on various topics, and social media is a fascinating subject for exploration. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating and complex realm of social media. We have provided a few sample speech topics on social media, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Long and Short Speeches on Social Media in English

Speech on advantages and disadvantages of social media for students – sample 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has become an integral part of our lives – social media. It’s hard to imagine a world without platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share information. But, like every coin has two sides, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positive aspects. Here are the pros of social media. Social media bridges geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends and family worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and achievements. Students benefit from it as a valuable resource for learning and research. Moreover, it’s a platform for raising social awareness, promoting businesses, and even finding job opportunities.

However, we must also acknowledge the downsides. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It’s a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and share, offering numerous advantages. Yet, we must navigate it cautiously, being mindful of its pitfalls. Let’s use it responsibly and harness its potential for good.

Speech on Technology Speech on Internet Essay on Uses of Internet

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Speech on Impact of Social Media – Sample 2

Good day, everyone,

The topic I’d like to address today is the impact of social media on our lives. There’s no denying that social media has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. From connecting with friends to keeping up with the latest trends, it’s all at our fingertips.

Let’s dive into the advantages of social media. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of distance. It’s a treasure trove of information, news, and educational content. For students, it offers a platform to collaborate on projects and access a wealth of knowledge. Businesses utilize it for marketing and customer engagement.

However, there’s another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to time wastage and reduced productivity. Privacy concerns are a pressing issue, with personal information often at risk. Cyberbullying and the spread of fake news are unfortunate consequences of its widespread use.

So, where do we stand? Social media is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. It can bring us closer or push us apart. It can educate or misinform. The choice is ours.

In conclusion, social media has its merits and demerits. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its pitfalls. Let’s use it wisely, striking a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech on Social Media Topic in English – Sample 3

I’m delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world – social media. In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let’s explore the impact and significance of social media.

To begin with, social media has revolutionized communication. It connects people worldwide, making the world a smaller place. It’s a powerful tool for staying informed about current events and trends. For students, it’s a treasure trove of educational resources. Entrepreneurs and businesses leverage it for promotion and brand building.

Yet, there’s a flip side. The addictive nature of social media can lead to time wastage. Privacy concerns loom large, as our personal information is often shared and exploited. The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are unfortunate consequences.

So, where do we go from here? It’s crucial to strike a balance. Use social media as a tool for enrichment, connection, and empowerment. But also, be mindful of its addictive nature and potential pitfalls. Let’s make informed choices in our digital journeys.

In conclusion, social media is a force that’s here to stay. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its drawbacks. Let’s make our online presence a positive and enriching one.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From its myriad benefits to the nuanced drawbacks, understanding the multifaceted role of social platforms is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

Lets see the Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance of Online Networking

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1. Global Connectivity and Networking Social media bridges geographical barriers, enabling individuals to connect globally. It facilitates networking opportunities, fostering professional relationships and personal connections.

2. Information Dissemination and Awareness Instantaneous sharing allows for rapid dissemination of information. Be it news, trends, or educational content, social media serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and initiating discussions on various topics.

3. Business Growth and Marketing Businesses leverage social platforms to expand their reach, engage with audiences, and market their products/services. Targeted ads and analytics help businesses create effective strategies.

4. Community Building and Support Social media brings people together around common interests, creating spaces for support, self-expression, advice, and finding similar-minded individuals.


1. Privacy and Security Concerns Privacy breaches and data misuse remain significant concerns. Users often share sensitive information unknowingly, leading to potential security risks and exploitation by third parties.

2. Addiction and Mental Health Impact Excessive usage can lead to addiction and have adverse effects on mental health. Constant exposure to curated, often idealized content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

3. Spread of Misinformation False information can spread rapidly, impacting opinions and beliefs. Misleading content, rumors, and fake news pose a challenge in maintaining an informed society.

4. Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment. Anonymity and easy accessibility empower individuals to engage in harmful behaviors.

1. Communication Evolution Social media has transformed communication by providing instant connectivity across the globe. It has redefined how people interact, share ideas, and collaborate.

2. Information Accessibility It democratizes information, making knowledge accessible to diverse populations regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.

3. Catalyst for Change It serves as a catalyst for societal change by amplifying voices, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing movements for positive causes.

4. Business Adaptation For businesses, social media is an indispensable tool, enabling them to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, innovate marketing strategies, and engage with their target audience effectively.

Also Read: Disadvantages of Using Social Media During Online classes

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Why is social media important speech.

A speech on the importance of social media can highlight its role in connecting people, facilitating communication, sharing information, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

What is social media in easy words?

Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities by sharing thoughts, pictures, videos, and messages.

What is the importance of social media in students?

Social media offers students platforms for collaboration, learning, networking, and accessing information. It can aid in educational research, career opportunities, and building connections.

Why is social media important?

Social media is important as it helps in staying connected with friends and family, accessing news and information, promoting businesses, fostering communities, and providing a platform for self-expression.

Write a 1-minute speech on social media?

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate. It bridges distances, opens doors to new opportunities, and allows us to share our stories with the world. From keeping in touch with loved ones to exploring new interests, social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we learn, work, and interact in today's digital age.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Students and Social Service” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Students and Social Service

Man is social by nature. He wishes to live in a society that is healthy. To serve that society and to better its condition is the greatest wish of man. The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. He is in the making. He should, therefore be given a chance to serve and better the society in which he lives.

In an Indian village there is a great field for social service. Gandhiji has set a very good example in Champaran. Students should go to villages and render social service there. This will be useful both for villages as well as for the students.

Students have only bookish knowledge. They must go to a neighbouring village. This will bring them in practical life. They will get a chance to tackle problems themselves. They will be required to employ their energy, mind and heart. This will develop in them the habit of thinking and working. They will get a chance to enjoy open air and to come close to villagers. They will know that, though uneducated, villagers are not wholly bad. By coming in contact with nature. their outlook will be widened.

Moreover, students will learn the dignity of labour. They will have team spirit. They will learn how to organise and to work in co-operation. They will spread among uneducated villagers not only literacy but the habit of living neat and clean also. They will entertain the tired villagers with wise talks and magic lanterns. They will teach villagers the lesson of self-help and self-reliance.

The contact of city-bred students and villagers will not be a mere waste of many fear. There may be difficulties, for villagers are suspicious by nature. But the teacher who accompanies the team will gain confidence. Village women will be approached through girl-students. Hence social service, should be made a compulsory part of our education.

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speech writing on social service


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The winners and losers in the 2024 New South Wales budget

Graphic image showing three illustrations of people beside a 'winners and losers' sign, with a map of NSW in the background.

NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey has vowed not to impose austerity on the state despite the NSW budget remaining in deficit for the next four years.

With an $11.9 billion write-down of GST revenue blowing a hole in the budget there are no large-scale cost-of-living sweeteners for households.

These are some of the biggest announcements that could affect you.

Winner: Social housing

Icon drawing of different size buildings ranging from skyscraper to house.

The government is making a $6.6 billion investment in what is being billed as the largest state-based investment in social housing in NSW history.

Of this, $5.1 billion will go to building 6,200 new homes and replacing 2,200 homes in disrepair.

Half of these new homes will go to women escaping domestic violence.

There will be $1 billion spent repairing 33,500 existing social homes.

The government has already announced that essential workers are being looked after this year with a $650.1 million injection of funding to house key workers like nurses, paramedics, teachers, allied health care workers, police officers and fire fighters.

This scheme will provide 400 homes for essential workers in Sydney and 500 for health workers in regional areas.

Neutral: Cost of living

An illustration of one $2 coin balancing against another.

NSW residents hoping for a cash injection to help with cost of living will be disappointed with this budget.

Last year, the government announced new $250 energy rebates, toll and daycare relief.

There are no new rebate measures in this year's budget.

This year, the scheme that saw eligible seniors, university students and apprentices in regional areas receive $250 prepaid travel cards will wind down.

Instead, Mr Mookhey will rely on a helping hand for GPs in the form of payroll tax rebates, with the expectation that bulk-billing GP appointments will be easier to find.

Winner: Housing supply

Icon drawing of three multi-story townhouses.

The government has promised to deliver 21,000 new homes by releasing surplus government land.

The homes will be built by a mixture of government agencies and the private sector. 

The government agencies will get first choice of the sites to deliver social, affordable and essential worker housing.

Other sites will be developed in partnership with the private sector but the government has not said how the sites will be allocated.

Forty-four sites have been identified.

Most are located in Sydney but the exact locations have not been revealed.

The government is also spending $520 million to speed up the planning system.

Councils will be incentivised to meet and beat their housing targets with a $200 million sweetener to help councils deliver roads, parks and community facilities.

Loser: Property investors

An illustration of a house with a Hill's Hoist washing line beside it.

Land tax thresholds will be increased for the 2024 land tax year and then maintained at that level.

The halt in indexing will mean people who own investment properties and holiday homes will need to pay land tax once their property values exceed $1.075 million.

These measures are expected to deliver an additional $1.5 billion in budget revenue over the next four years.

Foreign investors will now have to pay a 9 per cent duty surcharge, up from 8 per cent, and a 5 per cent land tax surcharge, up from 4 per cent on residential properties.

These two measures will raise $188 million in additional revenue.

The new land tax threshold, together with a strong property market has delivered $4.1 billion more in revenue for transfer duty and $5.6 billion in land tax.

Winner: GPs and patients

Icon drawing of doctor with needle.

The government is helping to increase bulk-billing for patients by continuing with a GP payroll tax rebate at clinics that meet a bulk-billing threshold.

Past unpaid payroll tax liabilities for GPs will also continue to be waived until September.

This will cost the budget $189 million and aims to reduce financial pressures on GP practices so they don't pass on additional costs to patients.

RACGP NSW and ACT chair Rebekah Hoffman welcomed the government exempting GPs from retrospective payroll tax.

"This gives GPs across NSW certainty that they can continue to operate and keep their doors open for patients, without fear of being hit with a huge tax bill that will shut them down."

Winner: Public transport

Icon drawing of train and bus side by side from the front.

More than $22 billion has been allocated to building and improving public transport.

The centrepiece item announced earlier is $2 billion to Labor's election commitment to construct Stage 2 of the Parramatta light rail.

The 12-kilometre project will link the Parramatta CBD with Sydney Olympic Park, via Camellia, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point, with 14 new stops and three new river crossings.

The government will also invest $447 million to keep 55 Tangara trains on the tracks for 12 years longer than originally planned. The move is necessary to keep services running until a new fleet of trains is constructed.

Around $17 million has been set aside for the Future Fleet Program to revive the state's domestic train manufacturing industry.

Winner: Western Sydney Airport

airport pic

The new Western Sydney International Airport will get $1 billion for roads linking to the site at Badgerys Creek.

They include a four-lane upgrade to Elizabeth Drive, the next stage of construction on Mamre Road, and four lanes along part of Mulgoa Road.

More than $10 million will also be invested in Appin Road to build a stronger connection from Wollongong and the South Coast to Campbelltown and the Western Sydney airport precinct.

"Our investment in roads in this region, in lock-step with the Federal Government, will provide industry the assurance to co-invest and get development moving. We are transforming and building the roads and the jobs will follow," Mr Mookhey said.

Loser: GST revenue

An illustration of a map of Australia that shows New South Wales highlighted.

As previously flagged, NSW will be $11.9 billion worse off owing to reduced Goods and Services Tax (GST) income.

Rather than 92 cents from every dollar of GST paid in the state, NSW will now only get 87 cents in the dollar.

Mr Mookhey said the Commonwealth Grant Commission's decision had cost NSW more lost revenue than the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For every dollar that Victoria will give to the smaller states next year, NSW will give upwards of four," he said in his budget speech.

He said the government would absorb the $11.9 billion hit to the bottom line, but it would lead to deficits over the four years of forward estimates.

Without the cut, treasury estimated NSW would have returned to surplus next year.

Neutral: Women

Illustration of twowomen.

As in previous years, the budget includes a gender equality statement.

The government highlights several measures that proportionately benefit women, including $5.1 billion in social housing and $528 million for crisis accommodation and homelessness support services.

There is $245 million for domestic, family and sexual violence services, including $48 million for specialist workers and $45 million to improve bail laws and justice system responses.

The government has allocated $131 million for family support in the form of maternal and child health programs.

But there are no women-specific health packages or initiatives that directly address gender inequality, as there was in last year's budget.

These included programs to improve women's participation in the workforce, facilities to encourage women to play sport and more funding for breast cancer nurses and sexual assault nurse examiners.

The budget papers highlight that there is still an 11 per cent gender pay gap favour of men in NSW and a 6.2 per cent NSW public sector gender pay gap.

Winner: School students

Icon drawing of two books with broad brimmed hat sitting on top, and apple on left side.

The government has announced $8.9 billion in funding for building new schools and upgrading existing ones.

The government will spend $3.6 billion on schools in Western Sydney, though all apart from a new public school and high school at Box Hill have previously been announced.

More than 60 new schools are being delivered in Western Sydney.

Existing schools will benefit from $1.08 billion for maintenance, $200 million more than last year, including $600 million for school maintenance, $150 million for disability access and safety and $200 million for small upgrades and refurbishments.

Regional students will also benefit, with $1.4 billion allocated to building new and upgraded schools in regional areas.

To ensure regional schools have teachers, the Priority Recruitment Support Program will be expanded.

It allows regional schools with long-standing vacancies to offer a $20,000 recruitment bonus and a $8,000 relocation package.

Winner: Hospital patients

An illustration of a hospital bed.

Hospital patients will benefit from $3.4 billion of spending on upgrading NSW's hospitals and health facilities.

Nearly $1 billion will go to rural and regional capital works projects, including in Eurobodalla, Temora, Moree, Cessnock and Shellharbour hospitals, with $265 million to Port Macquarie Hospital.

Nearly $48 million will go to the Ryde Hospital upgrade.

Around $480 million will be spent on easing pressure on emergency departments, by expanding access to virtual health delivered by Healthdirect, urgent care clinics and emergency department short-stay units.

NSW hospitals will also benefit from $274 million being spent on recruiting 250 healthcare workers for new and upgraded hospitals, including Prince of Wales, Tweed, Bowral, Sutherland, Wentworth, Cowra, Cooma, Glenn Innes and Griffith hospitals.

Health Minister Ryan Park said new hospitals needed staff to adequately run them.

"We need a fully staffed healthcare system that is responsive and well-resourced, because when we back in our health workers, we improve patient outcomes, and that's exactly what we're doing."

Winner: Flooded communities

Illustration of river with low water and dead tree

The government is spending $3.3 billion to help communities affected by floods to recover by repairing local and state roads.

More than $630 million goes to delivering new and safe housing in the Northern Rivers and Central West, including $525 million to support voluntary buy-backs, raisings, repairs and retrofits.

There is also $207.3 million available for emergency responses, including more firefighters and $2.4 million for the state-wide Disaster Response Legal Service.

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    Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It's a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem. In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword.

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.

  26. Writing as a Social Activity

    Writing as a Social Activity. By Tobias Lee, Writing Consultant. Recently, a writer came in and started off her appointment with me by saying that she thinks of herself as a good writer and generally hasn't had any trouble. This was her first visit to the University Writing Center, and her reason for making the appointment was the promise of ...

  27. Essay, Paragraph or Speech on "Students and Social Service" Complete

    Students and Social Service. Man is social by nature. He wishes to live in a society that is healthy. To serve that society and to better its condition is the greatest wish of man. The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow. He is in the making. He should, therefore be given a chance to serve and better the society in which he lives.

  28. Speech Writing Service

    Accordingly, speech writing help is a specialized service offered to assist individuals in crafting impactful speeches for various occasions. This service harnesses the skills of professional speechwriters who have honed their expertise in the art of rhetoric, ensuring that your speech is effective, engaging, and memorable.

  29. Writing in Elementary Students With Language-Based Learning

    Students' writing was assessed using a sentence probe task and obtaining an informative paragraph writing sample as a measure of proximal writing outcomes. Trained speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and special educators delivered the intervention in a small-group format over 12 weeks.

  30. The winners and losers in the 2024 New South Wales budget

    The government highlights several measures that proportionately benefit women, including $5.1 billion in social housing and $528 million for crisis accommodation and homelessness support services.