Ocean Pollution - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Ocean pollution poses a dire threat to marine ecosystems and human health, driven by activities such as plastic disposal, chemical pollution, and oil spills. Essays could delve into the myriad sources of ocean pollution, exploring the scale and impact of contaminants like plastic debris, heavy metals, and agricultural runoff on marine life and coastal communities. Discussions might extend to the various international and national initiatives aimed at mitigating ocean pollution, including legal frameworks, technological innovations, and community-led conservation efforts. The discourse may also touch on the challenges and prospects of curbing ocean pollution, analyzing the effectiveness of current measures, and proposing holistic strategies that encompass policy, education, and technological advancements to foster a more sustainable interaction with marine environments. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Ocean Pollution you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Ocean Pollution as a Major Problem

The Ocean is one of the major reasons why humans survive in this world. The Ocean provides us with water to drink and the fresh air we breathe. That's why the issue of ocean pollution is important and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. We depend on the ocean for so much in our life. Ocean pollution is becoming a major problem. Trash is piling up in our oceans but the question is, where is the trash coming […]

Ocean Pollution for the most Wildlife

The ocean is home to the most wildlife in the entire world. Every day people are destroying life in the ocean by polluting it. There are many different endangered animals in the ocean. Every day they are being killed off by man-made pollutants. The ocean covers more than eighty percent of the Earth so we should protect it by, being more conservative, recycling, and cleaning out the ocean (noaa.gov). Plastic pollution is deeply reflected on humans; over half of the […]

Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

“There is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way” (McCarthy). Many Americans consume plastic throughout the year and do not recycle all of it. The beaches are getting dirtier and dirtier but there is not much change going on. The wastes on the beaches, streets, and air are going into the ocean and harming the species. Pollution in the oceans is affecting the sea creatures because surfers are exposed to pathogens, sea turtles develop […]

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Ocean Pollution: Plastic

The topic that I chose to write about is ocean pollution, specifically plastic. I found a very interesting article by National Geographic that makes me wonder just how much plastic we use daily, and how much it affects marine life. According to the article, the Aquarium Conservation Partnership (ACP), comprising twenty-two aquariums in seventeen different states is pushing a campaign called "No Straw November". The campaign is a push to eliminate single-use plastic including plastic straws, bottles, and plastic in […]

Should the Government Regulate Ocean Pollution?

The government should regulate ocean pollution due to the fact they are one of the contributing factors to ocean pollution. Ocean pollution affects more than just the waterways. Marine life is decreasing day by day due to the amount of trash that builds up in our oceans. Agricultural fertilizer and climate change have also been afflicted in negative ways by the inconsiderate attitude towards our environment namely the ocean. From nuclear bomb testing to creating the Great Pacific garbage patch. […]

Plastic Pollution in the Ocean

All pollution is bad for the ocean and all the creatures in it. However, there is one material that is highly potent to the ocean, and that is plastic. It has many immensely negative effects on the ocean's wildlife. Thousands of marine animals die each year because of plastic debris. There are many ways that plastic can get to the ocean than you know. This has been an ongoing problem and still has not been stopped. Plastic was founded in […]

Ocean Pollution and a “dead Zone”

There is a “dead zone” the size of New Jersey in the Gulf of Mexico in which aquatic life cannot survive . There is a garbage patch the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean. Dead zones and garbage patches are just some examples of the horrific effects that water pollution has on the life of all sorts. Every day, millions of sea critters, as well as humans, are victims to a harder life at the hand of pollution. With […]

Fight against Plastic Pollution

 Do you ever consider the life of the shopping bag you use to transport your groceries or the plastic straw that seems to come standard now with most beverages? “A bag that is used on average for 15 minutes, yet it could take 100 to 300 years to fragment” according to SAS.org. These often one-time-use plastics do more harm than good when looking at their long half-life and the effects on our environment, even though their implementation into the market […]

Plastic Pollution in the Philippines

The top countries that dispose of the most plastic are all in Asia the Philippines is the third. What is the problem, the Philippines are using too many plastic objects. Who has the pollution affected humans, food sources including, land animals, crops, and wildlife? Solutions what can the Philippines do to help the water pollution and save their and our world. What is the problem? “The Philippines generates 2.7 million tonnes of plastic waste annually and 20 percent – or […]

Pollution in the Pacific Ocean

Pollution has become an ongoing problem throughout the Earth. From air pollution to waste pollution, the Earth is getting destroyed from the carelessness of others. More importantly, plastic is one of the leading problems of waste pollution, as it can take hundreds of years to break down, if at all. As the plastic industries grow, so does the amount of waste that is created, and that trash has to go somewhere. Many don't tend to think about where their trash […]

Campaign against Plastic Pollution

Plastic has become a necessity in man’s life all around the world. Plastics are in everything; your toothbrush, mechanical pencil, cell phone, milk jug, and even your face wash. This “versatile, lightweight, flexible, moisture-resistant, strong, and relatively inexpensive” substance has dire consequences on the ocean environment because it is extremely durable and non-biodegradable (Le Guern, 2018). Consequently, plastic is found floating around in our oceans for decades. Some countries are enforcing taxes, laws, and bans on microplastics (such as plastic […]

Plastic Pollution in Tho Ocean: Facts and Information

To many, the ocean may just serve as a place for water recreation and fishing. However, without the ocean, the Earth would not have the air we breathe. The ocean produces over half the world’s oxygen and absorbs fifty times more carbon than the atmosphere. Covering more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface we truly have only one “World Ocean”. Home to 97 percent of the planet’s water supply saltwater moves from one part of the ocean to another […]

Plastic Pollution and its Effect on the Thermal Capacity of Seawater

The findings of this study indicate that as expected the natural albedo of seawater is susceptible to positive and negative forcing by pollution and natural agents. Comparison of oil and gas pollutants showed inverse temperature change profiles, with the oil sample heating more rapidly and cooling more slowly than seawater, while the plastic sample heated slower and cooled faster than the control. Regarding oil pollution, reports have shown that while a rainbow film of oil over the surface of the […]

Beach Clean-Up Study Shows Global Scope of Plastic Pollution

Have you ever been to the beach and seen trash laying there? Most people who see trash on the beach pick it up and throw it away. But, there are some people who see it and think “It’s just a little bit of trash, I’m sure it’s fine”. If you're one of those people I suggest you stop. There is so much waste in the ocean that destroys the life of marine animals. Not only does it hurt them and […]

Kinds of Pollution: the Future of Environment

Can you stay without light in your life?! Our environment is our light. God created the surroundings in their most beautiful form, but when a shadow got here over this light, our surroundings grew to become darkish and this shadow is us. The environment includes the living and non-living things that an organism interacts with or has an impact on it. Living elements that an organism interacts with are known as biotic elements: animals, plants, etc., abiotic elements are non-living […]

Mercury Pollution in our Ocean

Mercury pollution is everywhere, it's in the air that animals breath and we breath as well. It's also in our land and inside of our beautiful sea. Mercury is a metal that's heavy and is cycled throughout the earth. Mercy pollution is world wide and a global problem. The reason mercury pollution is an issue is because it hurts fish. The fish and shell fish breath in the water through there gills which is inside of the water that they […]

Plastic Pollution in Ocean

Abstract The use of plastic is a part and parcel of modern life. Because of its non-biodegradable nature, plastic garbage creates hazards both on the surface and in the water of seas and oceans. Inhabitants of the oceans are endangered due to plastic pollution. Moreover, the presence of tiny plastic particles in the marine food chain also raises questions about human health and food security. The UN Environment Assembly passed a resolution in Dec. 2017 to eliminate plastic pollution in […]

Plastic Pollution of Earth’s Oceans

Introduction Approximately 300 million tons of plastic is produced every year (Cressey 2016). It's disposable, yet long-lasting nature makes it critical to pose the question “where does all this plastic end up?” A large quantity of the plastic produced eventually ends up floating on the surface of the ocean- some even reach the seafood humans eat (Rochman, 2016). Plastic is a cheap, versatile, disposable material that does not degrade easily, making it a perfect candidate for a variety of uses […]

The Negative Effect of Single Use Plastic

One of the largest producers of plastic wastes in Asia is the Philippines. According to PhilStar Global (2018), about 79 percent of branded plastic residual wastes came from food packaging, followed by household and personal care products with 12 and eight percent, respectively. One of the solutions that the researchers have in mind to minimize producing plastic waste is the banning of single-use plastic. The researchers envision their campus free from single-use plastic and free from its harmful effects on […]

Autoethnography Example: a Personal Journey of Beach Cleanups Across Generations

About a year ago, a group of my friends and myself would go to the beach frequently. We would go just about every weekend. Before settling in and having a good time, we would walk up and down the shore of the beach. We would play a game involving trash that we found on the beach. The game was simple. Whoever found the least amount of trash in 20 minutes would have to run as fast as possible into the […]

The Influence of Ocean Exploration on Perceptions of External Control

The concept of an external locus of control, where individuals attribute their experiences and outcomes to forces beyond their personal influence, can be uniquely examined through the lens of ocean exploration. The vast, mysterious, and often unpredictable nature of the ocean provides a rich metaphor for understanding how external factors shape human perceptions and behaviors. By delving into the dynamics of ocean exploration, we can gain deeper insights into how external forces influence our beliefs and actions. Ocean exploration, much […]

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How To Write an Essay About Ocean Pollution

Understanding ocean pollution.

Before starting an essay about ocean pollution, it's essential to understand its causes, effects, and the current state of our oceans. Ocean pollution refers to the contamination of the oceans with harmful or potentially harmful materials, like plastic waste, chemicals, and untreated sewage. Begin your essay by outlining the major sources of ocean pollution, which include land-based sources like agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, and coastal activities, as well as ocean-based sources like oil spills and marine debris. Discuss the extent of the problem, highlighting key statistics and studies that reveal the severity of ocean pollution and its impact on marine ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on ocean pollution should be anchored by a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about ocean pollution. For instance, you might discuss the long-term ecological impacts of plastic pollution, analyze the effectiveness of current policies and regulations in reducing ocean pollution, or argue for a specific approach or solution to tackle this global issue. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Support your thesis with relevant data, research findings, and examples. This might include scientific studies on the effects of pollution on marine life, reports from environmental organizations, and examples of successful initiatives to reduce ocean pollution. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Be sure to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments to your thesis.

Analyzing the Impact of Ocean Pollution

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing the impact of ocean pollution. Discuss various aspects such as its effects on marine biodiversity, the disruption of food chains, the impact on coastal communities, and economic consequences. Explore both the immediate and long-term effects of pollution on the ocean environment and the challenges in mitigating these impacts.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of addressing ocean pollution for the health of our planet. You might also want to suggest areas for future research, policy development, or public action to combat ocean pollution.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or environmental experts to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on ocean pollution will not only demonstrate your understanding of the issue but also your ability to engage with and analyze complex environmental challenges.

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74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best ocean pollution topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on ocean pollution, 📌 simple & easy ocean pollution essay titles, ❓ research questions about ocean pollution.

  • Ocean Pollution and the Fishing Industry In essence, the activities of over six billion people in the world are threatening the survival and quality of water found in the oceans, lakes and other inland water catchment areas.
  • The Problem of Ocean Pollution in Modern World Wastes such as toxic matter, plastics, and human wastes are some of the major sources of pollution in the ocean. Many people consume fish as food; when marine life is affected by toxic substance in […]
  • Plastic Ocean Pollution on Ocean Life in U.S. Ocean plastic pollution has had a great impact on a minimum of two hundred and sixty seven species across the world and these include forty three percent of all of the sea mammal species, eighty […]
  • Concerns of Ocean Ecosystem Pollution The range of adverse outcomes for ocean ecosystems can be discussed in volumes; however, the current discussion will focus on trash in the ocean waters, acidification, and the disruption of the marine life cycles.
  • The World Oceans Pollution and Overfishing Human beings have taken a lot of time to realize the need for ocean conservation to the extent that the ocean has succumbed to ecological challenges that have affected their lives in a variety of […]
  • How Ocean Pollution Impacts Earth
  • Ocean Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Prevention
  • Human Impact Upon the Environment: Ocean Pollution and Marine Life
  • Ocean Pollution and Other Human Environmental Impacts
  • How to Reduce Plastic and Other Ocean Pollution
  • Ocean Pollution and Its Effects on the Ocean
  • The Causes of Ocean Pollution and the Need for Humans to Save Life
  • Ocean Pollution and Its Impact on Coral Reefs
  • Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
  • Should the Government Regulate Ocean Pollution?
  • An Introduction to the Issue of Ocean Pollution in the Third World
  • Plastic Pollution in Tho Ocean: Facts and Information
  • Ocean Pollution: Marine Pollution Facts and Information
  • Ocean Pollution for the Most Wildlife
  • The Causes of Ocean Pollution and The Need for Humans to Save Marine Life
  • The Historical & Current Characteristics of Western Ireland Coastlines & Galway Bay
  • An Overview of the Ocean Waters and Increasing Ocean Pollution
  • A Discussion About the Ocean Pollution and Human Wastes
  • Ocean Pollution and a “Dead Zone”
  • A History of the Ocean Pollution and the Effects of It
  • An Overview of the Methods for Cleaning the Ocean Pollution
  • A Study of Plastic Ocean Pollution in the Pacific Ocean
  • Life Below Water: Conserve and Sustainably Use The Ocean
  • The Global Issue of Ocean Pollution and Its Solutions
  • Ocean Pollution and the Effects of It
  • Plastic Pollution and its Effect on the Thermal Capacity of Seawater
  • Causes and Effects of Ocean Pollution
  • Environmental Impact on Ocean Pollution
  • The Effects of Ocean Pollution on the Environment
  • Plastic Pollution and Noise Pollution in Oceans
  • Ocean Dumping of Unpurified Wastewater
  • Oil Spills Is a Huge Source of Ocean Pollution
  • The Effects of Ocean Pollution on the Marine Ecosystem and Animals
  • The Problem of The Great Pacific Patch
  • Ocean Pollution: Effects on Human Health and Commerce
  • Ocean Conservancy and Their Contribution to Whale Protection
  • Urban Runoff Is the Primary Source of Ocean Pollution
  • Emerging Technologies to Combat Ocean Pollution
  • The Harmful Effects of an Ocean Pollution on Human Health
  • Sustainability of American Lifestyle With Ocean Pollution
  • What Efforts Is Ocean Cleanup Making to Clean up Ocean Plastic and Reduce Pollution?
  • How Does Ocean Pollution Affect Coral Reefs?
  • What Is the Connection Between Drinking Water Scarcity and Ocean Pollution?
  • Is Globalization One of the Causes of Ocean Pollution?
  • What Are the Main Causes of Ocean Pollution Around the World?
  • How Does Human Overpopulation Affect Ocean Pollution?
  • What Is the Government Doing About Ocean Pollution?
  • Why Do People in Coastal Fishing Communities and Small Island Nations Suffer the Most from Ocean Pollution?
  • Should World Powers Focus on Eradicating Ocean Pollution?
  • What Are Some Ways to Help Reduce Ocean Pollution?
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  • What Are the Main Causes of Ocean Pollution?
  • Are Humans or Animals Most Affected by Ocean Pollution?
  • What Are the Effects of Ocean Pollution on Human Health?
  • Why Is Microplastic Such a Big Problem in Ocean Pollution?
  • How Do Humans Affect the Environment, Ocean Pollution, and Marine Life?
  • Is There Any Chance That Ocean Pollution Will Stop?
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ocean-pollution-essay-topics/

"74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ocean-pollution-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ocean-pollution-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ocean-pollution-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "74 Ocean Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ocean-pollution-essay-topics/.

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Ocean Pollution: Thesis Statement

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Human Impact — Ocean Pollution

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Essays on Ocean Pollution

Ocean pollution essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: the silent crisis: understanding the causes and consequences of ocean pollution.

Thesis Statement: This essay delves into the multifaceted issue of ocean pollution, exploring its root causes, the devastating impacts on marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and the urgent need for global action to mitigate and prevent further harm to our oceans.

  • Introduction
  • Sources of Ocean Pollution: Industrial, Agricultural, and Urban Contributors
  • The Ecological Crisis: Impact on Marine Life and Ecosystems
  • Human Health Concerns and Economic Implications
  • Solutions and International Collaboration: Strategies for Ocean Conservation

Essay Title 2: Plastics in Our Seas: Investigating the Pervasive Threat of Plastic Pollution

Thesis Statement: This essay focuses on the global issue of plastic pollution in oceans, examining the prevalence of plastic waste, its detrimental effects on marine ecosystems, and efforts to reduce plastic consumption and promote responsible waste management.

  • The Scale of Plastic Pollution: Microplastics, Macroplastics, and Ghost Nets
  • The Impact on Marine Fauna and the Food Web
  • Legislation and Initiatives: Bans, Recycling, and Alternatives
  • Consumer Awareness and Responsible Consumption

Essay Title 3: Ocean Pollution and Climate Change: The Interconnected Threats to Our Oceans

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the complex relationship between ocean pollution and climate change, investigating how pollution exacerbates climate-related challenges such as ocean acidification and rising sea levels, and the need for holistic solutions to protect marine environments.

  • Ocean Acidification: The Consequences of Increased Carbon Emissions
  • Warming Seas and Coral Bleaching: The Role of Pollution
  • Sea Level Rise and Coastal Communities: Pollution's Contribution to Climate Impacts
  • Adaptive Strategies and Policy Integration for Ocean Resilience

Ocean Pollution: a Threat to Marine Ecosystems

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The Historical & Current Characteristics of Western Ireland Coastlines & Galway Bay

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Ocean Acidification: Solutions to The Grave Environmental Concern

Ocean acidification: solutions and threats, addressing the urgent issue of ocean acidification, tackling a global crisis: marine plastic pollution, the impact of pollution on marine ecosystems, protecting marine life and coastal ecosystems, balancing development and conservation for sustainable oceans, understanding and addressing water and ocean pollution.

Ocean pollution, or marine pollution, occurs when substances used or spread by humans, such as industrial, agricultural and residential waste, particles, noise, excess carbon dioxide or invasive organisms enter the ocean and cause harmful effects there.

Marine debris pollution, plastic pollution, ocean acidification, nutrient pollution, toxins, underwater noise, and other.

There are many ways to categorize and examine the inputs of pollution into marine ecosystems. There are three main types of inputs of pollution into the ocean: direct discharge of waste into the oceans, runoff into the waters due to rain, and pollutants released from the atmosphere.

Ocean pollution has many consequences, such as: harm to marine animals (cancer, behavioral changes and inability to reproduce), depletion of oxygen in seawater, threats to human health (cancer and birth defects).

100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone. The largest trash site on the planet is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, twice the surface area of Texas, it outnumbers sea life there 6 to 1. 70% of our debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, 15% floats, and 15% lands on our beaches. 80% of global marine pollution comes from agriculture runoff, untreated sewage, discharge of nutrients and pesticides.

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thesis statements about marine pollution

Ocean Pollution

1 menace of ocean pollution and its impact on ecosystems and human health.

Introduction The Earth is covered by oceans. The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, holds 97% of the world’s water, hosts some of the planet’s most diverse ecosystems, and supports economies in countries around the world. There are many causes of why our oceans are becoming toxic. Ocean pollution is widespread, becoming […]

2 The Urgent Need to Address Ocean Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Solutions

Introduction Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog page. There’s a very serious topic I’d like to discuss this week, and that is Ocean Pollution. More recently than ever, ocean pollution has become a MAJOR problem. Its effects have become much more serious and hurtful to ocean life and our own as well. The […]

3 Ocean Pollution: Mitigating the Impending Destruction of Ocean Life

Introduction Millions of ocean species are soon to face mass extinction due to pollution. Pollution is everywhere we look, even the Ocean. All the trash that does not end up in the trash lands on the ground and eventually in the Ocean. Ocean life is on the verge of destruction by humans. The Looming Threat […]

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4 The Harmful Effects of Ocean Pollution and the Urgent Need for Action

Introduction Have you ever been to the beach and expected to see a beautiful, refreshing, and clean environment? Instead, you find a beach that is covered with plastic waste, pieces of metal, and chemicals. For example, in the North Pacific Ocean sits a massive patch. It has been famously known as The Great Pacific Garbage […]

5 Ocean Pollution: Challenges, Efforts, and Impact

Introduction The focus of my group’s project was ocean conservation. The oceans are one of Earth’s best gifts to humans, beautiful ecosystems growing with life that provide fresh food to jobs that millions of people can enjoy. These oceans may seem perfectly fine, and there wouldn’t be any major difficulties and concerns, but that’s not […]


Marine pollution.

Marine pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash, most of which comes from land sources and is washed or blown into the ocean. This pollution results in damage to the environment, to the health of all organisms, and to economic structures worldwide.

Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Oceanography

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Marine pollution is a growing problem in today’s world. Our ocean is being flooded with two main types of pollution: chemicals and trash.

Chemical contamination, or nutrient pollution, is concerning for health, environmental, and economic reasons. This type of pollution occurs when human activities, notably the use of fertilizer on farms, lead to the runoff of chemicals into waterways that ultimately flow into the ocean. The increased concentration of chemicals, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in the coastal ocean promotes the growth of algal blooms , which can be toxic to wildlife and harmful to humans. The negative effects on health and the environment caused by algal blooms hurt local fishing and tourism industries.

Marine trash encompasses all manufactured products—most of them plastic —that end up in the ocean. Littering, storm winds, and poor waste management all contribute to the accumulation of this debris , 80 percent of which comes from sources on land. Common types of marine debris include various plastic items like shopping bags and beverage bottles, along with cigarette butts, bottle caps, food wrappers, and fishing gear. Plastic waste is particularly problematic as a pollutant because it is so long-lasting. Plastic items can take hundreds of years to decompose.

This trash poses dangers to both humans and animals. Fish become tangled and injured in the debris , and some animals mistake items like plastic bags for food and eat them. Small organisms feed on tiny bits of broken-down plastic , called micro plastic , and absorb the chemicals from the plastic into their tissues. Micro plastics are less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter and have been detected in a range of marine species, including plankton and whales. When small organisms that consume micro plastics are eaten by larger animals, the toxic chemicals then become part of their tissues. In this way, the micro plastic pollution migrates up the food chain , eventually becoming part of the food that humans eat.

Solutions for marine pollution include prevention and cleanup. Disposable and single-use plastic is abundantly used in today’s society, from shopping bags to shipping packaging to plastic bottles. Changing society’s approach to plastic use will be a long and economically challenging process. Cleanup, in contrast, may be impossible for some items. Many types of debris (including some plastics ) do not float, so they are lost deep in the ocean. Plastics that do float tend to collect in large “patches” in ocean gyres. The Pacific Garbage Patch is one example of such a collection, with plastics and micro plastics floating on and below the surface of swirling ocean currents between California and Hawaii in an area of about 1.6 million square kilometers (617,763 square miles), although its size is not fixed. These patches are less like islands of trash and, as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says, more like flecks of micro plastic pepper swirling around an ocean soup. Even some promising solutions are inadequate for combating marine pollution. So-called “ biodegradable ” plastics often break down only at temperatures higher than will ever be reached in the ocean.

Nonetheless, many countries are taking action. According to a 2018 report from the United Nations, more than sixty countries have enacted regulations to limit or ban the use of disposable plastic items. The National Geographic Society is making this content available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license . The License excludes the National Geographic Logo (meaning the words National Geographic + the Yellow Border Logo) and any images that are included as part of each content piece. For clarity the Logo and images may not be removed, altered, or changed in any way.

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Essays on Ocean Pollution

Once you learn the figures of ocean pollution you can't help but feel devastated, but this means that you found a highly relevant essay topic – ocean pollution essay writing is increasingly popular nowadays. We all know that oceans are polluted with plastic, but do you know to what extent? The answer is beyond insane – in the year 2020 there are over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the oceans. It's hard to even imagine such a vast amount, so realizing just how polluted our oceans are is heartbreaking. Ocean pollution essays explore this issue in great detail and offer ways to reduce pollution. There are a lot of great essays on ocean pollution out there, so we compiled some ocean pollution essay samples for you to shuffle through. Our samples will make writing essays faster and easier!

Plastics have been an integral part of human life. It is one of the most prevalent materials in the world. Plastics are commonly used by industries for packaging purposes (Fanshawe Parsons 5). The Impact on Oceans Studies show that the marine environment carried the biggest mass of the plastic debris...

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In the current years, the oceans have experienced very high stages of pollution. Ocean pollution is an issue that is now not only difficult to describe however also extremely difficult to solve. Research conducted by Upstream, an organisation that addresses waste management practices, indicated intensive plastic production and disposal poses huge...

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Each year, billions of pounds of trash and other pollutants enter the ocean.

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Sanctuaries resource collection: Marine debris

Each year, billions of pounds of trash and other pollutants enter the ocean. Where does this pollution come from? Where does it go? Some of the debris ends up on our beaches, washed in with the waves and tides. Some debris sinks, some is eaten by marine animals that mistake it for food, and some accumulates in ocean gyres . Other forms of pollution that impact the health of the ocean come from sources like oil spills or from accumulation of many dispersed sources, such as fertilizer from our yards.

A beach that is almost completely covered in trash and debris.

Litter such as plastic detergent bottles, crates, buoys, combs, and water bottles blanket Kanapou Bay, on the Island of Kaho’olawe in Hawaii. This region is a hot-spot for marine debris accumulation. (Image credit: NOAA)

Where does pollution come from?

The majority of pollutants that make their way into the ocean come from human activities along the coastlines and far inland. One of the biggest sources of pollution is nonpoint source pollution , which occurs as a result of runoff . Nonpoint source pollution can come from many sources, like septic tanks, vehicles, farms, livestock ranches, and timber harvest areas. Pollution that comes from a single source, like an oil or chemical spill, is known as point source pollution . Point source pollution events often have large impacts, but fortunately, they occur less often. Discharge from faulty or damaged factories or water treatment systems is also considered point source pollution.

Makayla stands at a lab bench, looking down at a lab tray that looks to contain shallow water. She holds a transfer pipette in one gloved hand and a sampling vial in the other. She wears protective goggles and an apron.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals created by humans that are notorious for being resistant to biodegradation and have been found in ground, surface, and drinking water. Makayla Neldner, a 2022 Hollings scholar, spent her summer internship at NOAA’s Hollings Marine Lab in Charleston, South Carolina, researching how two PFAS compounds affected the life cycle of larval grass shrimp ( Palaemon pugio ).

Nutrients and algal blooms: Too much of a good thing?

Sometimes it is not the type of material, but its concentration that determines whether a substance is a pollutant. For example, the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus are essential elements for plant growth. However, if they are too abundant in a body of water, they can stimulate an overgrowth of algae, triggering an event called an algal bloom . Harmful algal blooms (HABs) , also known as “ red tides ,” grow rapidly and produce toxic effects that can affect marine life and sometimes even humans. Excess nutrients entering a body of water, either through natural or human activities, can also result in hypoxia or dead zones . When large amounts of algae sink and decompose in the water, the decomposition process consumes oxygen and depletes the supply available to healthy marine life. Many of the marine species that live in these areas either die or, if they are mobile (such as fish), leave the area.

Using ecological forecasting , NOAA is able to predict changes in ecosystems in response to HABs and other environmental drivers. These forecasts provide information about how people, economies, and communities may be affected. For example, the Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring System developed by NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science provides information to the public and local authorities to help decide whether beaches need to be closed temporarily to protect public health.

Drawings of the birds nests and eggs of gray catbirds and red-winged blackbirds. The gray catbird nests are cup-like and look to be made with with twiggy materials, leaves, and pieces of plastic or paper trash. Their egg is bright blue. There are two types of red-winged blackbird nests: One is weaved around a bundle of reeds. The other is a cup-like nest made of twiggy material. The egg is off-white with irregular dark squiggly lines marking the lower third of the egg.

Researchers at the St. Jones Reserve, a component of the Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve, observed trash in songbird nests around the reserve’s visitor center. Hollings scholar Eleanor Meng studied whether this trash occurred more frequently in nests near the visitor center compared to nests further away.

Marine debris

Marine debris is a persistent pollution problem that reaches throughout the entire ocean and Great Lakes. Our ocean and waterways are polluted with a wide variety of marine debris, ranging from tiny microplastics , smaller than 5 mm, to derelict fishing gear and abandoned vessels. Worldwide, hundreds of marine species have been negatively impacted by marine debris, which can harm or kill an animal when it is ingested or they become entangled, and can threaten the habitats they depend on. Marine debris can also interfere with navigation safety and potentially pose a threat to human health.

All marine debris comes from people with a majority of it originating on land and entering the ocean and Great Lakes through littering, poor waste management practices, storm water discharge, and extreme natural events such as tsunamis and hurricanes. Some debris, such as derelict fishing gear , can also come from ocean-based sources. This lost or abandoned gear is a major problem because it can continue to capture and kill wildlife, damage sensitive habitats, and even compete with and damage active fishing gear.

Local, national, and international efforts are needed to address this environmental problem. The Save our Seas Act of 2018 amends and reauthorizes the Marine Debris Act to promote international action, authorize cleanup and response actions, and increase coordination among federal agencies on this topic.

Garbage patches: What and where are they?

Garbage patches are large areas of the ocean where trash, fishing gear, and other marine debris collects. The term “garbage patch” is a misleading nickname, making many believe that garbage patches are "islands of trash" that are visible from afar. These areas are actually made up of debris ranging in size, from microplastics to large bundles of derelict fishing gear.

These patches are formed by large, rotating ocean currents called gyres that pull debris into one location, often to the gyre’s center. There are five gyres in the ocean : one in the Indian Ocean, two in the Atlantic Ocean, and two in the Pacific Ocean. Garbage patches of varying sizes are located in each gyre. Due to winds and currents, garbage patches are constantly changing size and shape. The debris making up the garbage patches can be found from the surface of the ocean all the way to the ocean floor .

Six people are working outside in a parking lot next to a line of trees. Three people are holding onto large pieces of shrink wrap that are laid out on the parking lot. There is a truck parked behind the group of people with a ramp for loading.

A group of teens from Mystic Aquarium received funding from NOAA and the North American Association for Environmental Education to lead an action project in their local community. The team chose to work with a non-profit organization to implement a project that focused on raising awareness on plastic pollution and recycling a common type of plastic used on boats.

The impact of marine pollution on seafood

Heavy metals and other contaminants can accumulate in seafood, making it harmful for humans to consume. Microplastics can be ingested by fish and other species that filter their food out of the water. With more than one-third of the shellfish-growing waters of the United States adversely affected by coastal pollution, it’s important for NOAA and it’s partners to study the impacts of microplastics and harmful contaminants in seafood. There is ongoing research around the country focusing on the potential risk to wildlife and humans from debris exposure and ingestion. NOAA monitors seafood contamination and provides safety tips through the Sustainable Seafood portal .

A person is standing behind a long table inside a room and is presenting to six people using a poster board that is set up to the person’s left that reads “Pollution Solutions.” There is a cabinet behind the person and another person crouching down behind the table to the right.

The B’more Conscious environmental fun festival at the National Aquarium focused on blue crab populations in Baltimore, plastic pollution and microplastics, eutrophication and food waste, and the urbanization of Baltimore City. 


Whether humans live near the coasts or far inland, they are a part of the problem — and the solution — to ocean pollution. Through this collection of resources and information, students can be informed of the types of pollution harming our ocean, and learn about actions they can take to prevent further pollution no matter where they live. The NOAA Marine Debris Program provides many educational resources for educators, students, families, and adults to help better understand this global issue.

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Marine Science Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Environmental chemical analysis method optimization and application to northwest Cuban marine sediment , Thea R. Bartlett

Exploring the Impact of Eddies on Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Structure using BGC-Argo Float Observations , Nicola J. Guisewhite

Meta-Analysis of United States Seabird Populations Based on Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) Records (1965–2018) , Savannah Hartman

Stable Isotopic Investigation of the Hydrological Cycle of West-Central Florida , Toedsit Netratanawong

Examining paleoshorelines in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: Insights on sea level history and potential areas of interest for habitat management , Catalina Rubiano

Stable Isotope Analysis on Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna Eye Lenses Reveals Life History Patterns in the Gulf of Mexico , Kylee M. Rullo

Stable Isotope Analysis of Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii Eye Lenses to Determine Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Using Statoliths for Age Determination , Hannah M. Schwaiger

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The effects of temperature and oxygen availability on aerobic performance in three coastal shark species; Squalus acanthias, Carcharhinus limbatus, and Carcharhinus leucas , Alyssa M. Andres

Continuous Effort Required to Maintain Populations of Outplanted Acropora cervicornis in the Florida Reef Tract, USA , Tiffany S. Boisvert

Elucidating the Sources Supplying Aerosol Iron, Zinc, and Cadmium to the Surface of the North Pacific Ocean with Stable Isotopes , Zach B. Bunnell

Quantifying Environmental Sensitivity of Marine Resources to Oil Well Blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico , Emily Chancellor

Zooplankton Biodiversity in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico and on the West Florida Shelf from 2005 - 2014 , Megan Ferguson

Coupling 210 Pb and 14 C to constrain carbon burial efficiency of blue carbon ecosystems , Tynisha R. Martin

Empirical and Modeled δ13C and δ15N Isoscapes in the Gulf of Mexico and their Application to Fish Eye Lens Migration Studies , Brianna Michaud

Interactions between juvenile estuary-dependent fishes and microalgal dynamics , Ian C. Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Metabolic Rate, Critical Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Oxygen Supply Capacity of Farfantepenaeus duorarum at their Lower Thermal Limit , Alexandra L. Burns

From River to Sea: Improving Carbon System Measurement Methods for use in Rivers, Estuaries, and Oceans , Ellie Hudson-Heck

Riverine and Estuarine CO2-System Studies on the West Coast of Florida , Christopher S. Moore

Past Ice-Ocean Interactions on the Sabrina Coast shelf, East Antarctica: Deglacial to Recent Paleoenvironmental Insights from Marine Sediments , Kara J. Vadman

Investigating the Recent History of a Changing Planet with Innovative Isotopic Techniques and New Geologic Archives , Ryan A. Venturelli

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Testing the Efficacy of Recompression Tools to Reduce the Discard Mortality of Reef Fishes in the Gulf of Mexico , Oscar E. Ayala

Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organochlorine Pesticides, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Snapper (Family Lutjanidae) from Cuba and the Wider Gulf of Mexico , Brigid E. Carr

A Health Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico Golden Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill , Kristina Leigh Deak

A Process-based Approach to Evaluating the Role of Organic Ligands in Trace Metal Cycling in the Marine Environment , Travis Mellett

Investigation of Retention Versus Export of Planktonic Fish Eggs in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico , Bich Vi Viviane Nguyen

Development of a Benthic Foraminifera Based Marine Biotic Index (Foram-AMBI) for the Gulf of Mexico: a Decision Support Tool , Bryan O'Malley

Plio-Pleistocene Antarctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in the Ross Sea , Catherine Prunella

Mechanisms of Carbon Movement and Stabilization in Mangrove Wetlands , Carey Schafer

Hepatobiliary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Pelagic Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico , Madison R. Schwaab

Analytical Methods and Critical Analyses Supporting Thermodynamically Consistent Characterizations of the Marine CO 2 System , Jonathan D. Sharp

Large Thecosome Pteropods of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distribution With a Temporal Comparison of Shell Thickness , Sarah M. Shedler

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure, Hepatic Accumulation, and Associated Health Impacts in Gulf of Mexico Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) , Susan M. Snyder

Investigating the Isotope Signatures of Dissolved Iron in the Southern Atlantic Ocean , Brent A. Summers

Modeling Early Life: Ontogenetic Growth and Behavior Affect Population Connectivity in Gulf of Mexico Marine Fish , Kelly Vasbinder

Isotope-Based Methods for Evaluating Fish Trophic Geographies , Julie L. Vecchio

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Use of Spectrofluorometry to Detect Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Marine Environment , Mary Iris Abercrombie

Can Florida's Springs Coast provide a Potential Refuge for Calcifying Organisms? Evidence from Benthic Foraminifera , Kyle E. Amergian

Iron-Virus Interactions: Development and Testing of the Ferrojan Horse Hypothesis , Chelsea Bonnain

DNA Barcoding of Fish Eggs in the Gulf of Mexico , Makenzie Burrows

Ecological Responses of Seascape Heterogeneity , Dinorah H. Chacin

Species Abundance, Spatial and Vertical Distributionsof Large Heteropods (Pterotracheidae and Carinariidae)in the Northern Gulf of Mexico , Kristine A. Clark

Zooplankton Community Structure in the NE Gulf of Mexico: Impacts of Environmental Variability and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill , Kate M. Dubickas

Life History Through the Eyes of a Hogfish: Evidence of Trophic Growth and Differential Juvenile Habitat Use , Meaghan E. Faletti

Population Demographics of Golden Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps in the Gulf of Mexico , Greta J. Helmueller

Regeneration of Trace Metals During Phytoplankton Decay: An Experimental Study , Adrienne P. Hollister

Estimating Coastal Water Turbidity Using VIIRS Nighttime Measurement , Chih-Wei Huang

Untapped Potential of Gorgonian Octocorals for Detecting Environmental Change in Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA , Selena A. Kupfner Johnson

High-Resolution Investigation of Event Driven Sedimentation: Response and Evolution of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Sedimentary System , Rebekka A. Larson

Variations of Sedimentary Biogenic silica in the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon and IXTOC-I Oil Spill. , Jong Jin Lee

Variations of Global Ocean Salinity from Multiple Gridded Argo Products , Chao Liu

Fish Communities on Natural and Artificial Reefs in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico , Elizabeth C. Viau

Reconstructing Geographic and Trophic Histories of Fish Using Bulk and Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes from Eye Lenses , Amy A. Wallace

Studies of the Long-term Change of Global Mean and Regional Sea Surface Height , Yingli Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Ecophysiology of Oxygen Supply in Cephalopods , Matthew A. Birk

Remote Estimation of Surface Water p CO 2 in the Gulf of Mexico , Shuangling Chen

Spatial Dynamics and Productivity of a Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Fishery Following Large Scale Disturbance and Management Change , Marcy Lynn Cockrell

Quantifying the Probability of Lethal Injury to Florida Manatees Given Characteristics of Collision Events. , B. Lynn Combs

Diversity of ssDNA Phages Related to the Family Microviridae within the Ciona robusta Gut , Alexandria Creasy

Use of a Towed Camera System along the west Florida shelf: A Case Study of the Florida Middle Grounds Benthic Marine Communities , Katie S. Davis

Using Ecosystem-Based Modeling to Describe an Oil Spill and Assess the Long-Term Effects , Lindsey N. Dornberger

Extending Spectrophotometric pHT Measurements in Coastal and Estuarine Environments , Nora Katherine Douglas

Evaluating the use of larval connectivity information in fisheries models and management in the Gulf of Mexico , Michael Drexler

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Predator-Prey Relationships in a Changing Ocean: From System Design to Education , Ileana M. Freytes-Ortiz

Application of Image Recognition Technology to Foraminiferal Assemblage Analyses , Christian Helmut Gfatter

Evaluation of trace-metal and isotopic records as techniques for tracking lifetime movement patterns in fishes , Jennifer E. Granneman

The Stability of Sand Waves in a Tidally-Influenced Shipping Channel, Tampa Bay, Florida , John Willis Gray

Application of Modern Foraminiferal Assemblages to Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: Case Studies from Coastal and Shelf Environments , Christian Haller

Integrating Towed Underwater Video with Multibeam Acoustics for Mapping Benthic Habitat and Assessing Reef Fish Communities on the West Florida Shelf , Alexander Ross Ilich

Evaluating Beach Water Quality and Dengue Fever Risk Factors by Satellite Remote Sensing and Artificial Neural Networks , Abdiel Elias Laureano-Rosario

Microbial Associations of Four Species of Algal Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera from the Florida Reef Tract, USA , Makenna May Martin

Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions , Caitlin Elizabeth Reynolds

Dormancy in the Amphistegina gibbosa Holobiont: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications for the Foraminifera , Benjamin J. Ross

Optical Remote Sensing of Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico , Shaojie Sun

Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Pelagic Sargassum in the Intra-Americas Sea and Atlantic Ocean , Mengqiu Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Packaging of Genetic Material by Gene Transfer Agents (GTAs) Produced by Marine Roseobacter Species and Their Effect on Stimulating Bacterial Growth , Shahd Bader Aljandal

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Soil Composition and Accumulation Rates in Mangrove Wetlands , Joshua L. Breithaupt

Characterizing Benthic Habitats Using Multibeam Sonar and Towed Underwater Video in Two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, USA , Jennifer L. Brizzolara

Latitudinal Position and Trends of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and its Relationship with Upwelling in the Southern Caribbean Sea and Global Climate Indices , Kaitlyn E. Colna

Calibration-free Spectrophotometric Measurements of Carbonate Saturation States in Seawater , Erin E. Cuyler

Viruses in marine animals: Discovery, detection, and characterizarion , Elizabeth Fahsbender

Quantity Trumps Quality: Bayesian Statistical Accumulation Modeling Guides Radiocarbon Measurements to Construct a Chronology in Real-time , Devon Robert Firesinger

Characterizing Gross Lesions in Corals on Fringing Reefs of Taiwan and Hainan Island, China , Adrienne George

Reef Fish Biodiversity in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary , Megan E. Hepner

Investigating Marine Resources in the Gulf of Mexico at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales of Inquiry , Joshua Paul Kilborn

Southern Ocean Transport by Combining Satellite Altimetry and Temperature/Salinity Profile Data , Michael Kosempa

Role of viruses within metaorganisms: Ciona intestinalis as a model system , Brittany A. Leigh

Evaluating satellite and supercomputing technologies for improved coastal ecosystem assessments , Matthew James Mccarthy

Stable Isotopes in the Eye Lenses of Doryteuthis plei: Exploring Natal Origins and Migratory Patterns in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico , Brenna A. Meath

Genetic Identification and Population Characteristics of Deep-Sea Cephalopod Species in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic Ocean , Amanda Sosnowski

Investigation of Sediment Ridges Using Bathymetry and Backscatter near Clearwater, Florida , Lewis Stewart

Resolving chronological and temperature constraints on Antarctic deglacial evolution through improved dating methodology , Cristina Subt

Subtropical benthos vary with reef type, depth, and grazing intensity , Kara R. Wall

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Diversity and Distribution of Diatom Endosymbionts in Amphistegina spp. (Foraminifera) Based on Molecular and Morphological Techniques , Kwasi H. Barnes

Abundance of Archaias angulatus on the West Florida Coast Indicates the Influence of Carbonate Alkalinity over Salinity , Sean Thomas Beckwith

Resource Use Overlap in a Native Grouper and Invasive Lionfish , Joseph Schmidt Curtis

Miocene Contourite Deposition (along-slope) near DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico: A Product of an Enhanced Paleo-Loop Current , Shane Christopher Dunn

Trophic Ecology and Habitat Use of Atlantic Tarpon ( Megalops atlanticus ) , Benjamin Neal Kurth

Characterization of Bacterial Diversity in Cold-Water Anthothelidae Corals , Stephanie Nichole Lawler

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    60-95% of global marine plastic pollution.9 Land-based sources near coastlines and rivers further inland contribute the large majority of marine plastic pollution: a recent analysis estimated that Europe, for example, releases 307-925 million litter items into the ocean annually, of which 82% are plastic.10 But there are also significant marine-

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  8. Marine Plastic Pollution: Sources, Impacts, and Policy Issues

    Abstract Plastics have been instrumental in providing access to clean drinking water, medical applications, and improved hygiene and food safety. However, plastics also cause problems. More than 10 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually. Marine plastic pollution has documented impacts on marine organisms and ecosystem services. The use of chemical additives in plastics also poses a ...

  9. Plastic Oceans: A New Way in solving Our Plastic Pollution

    By 2050, the world's oceans will have more plastic than fish with potentially catastrophic. consequences on sea life and the health of the ocean. Economically, countries with coastal. boundaries will be heavily impacted as plastic pollution has already generated a 13 billion dollars.

  10. (PDF) How can the issue of plastic pollution in the ...

    Marine plastic pollution is a fast growing problem. In 2017, 335 million metric tons (Mt) of plastics were produced, and this number is projected to increase almost fourfold to 1,100 Mt by 2050.

  11. Environmental impacts of marine pollution- effects, challenges and

    marine pollution is the: - "In-. troduction by man, directly. or indirectly, of substances. or energy into the marine. environment (including. estuaries) resulting in such. deleterious effects as ...

  12. Ocean Pollution Essay Examples

    1 Menace of Ocean Pollution and Its Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health. Introduction The Earth is covered by oceans. The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, holds 97% of the world's water, hosts some of the planet's most diverse ecosystems, and supports economies in countries around the world.

  13. Thesis Statement For Ocean Pollution

    Group Thesis Statement: The alarming effects of consumer waste that pollutes the land, water and air will continue to rise and negatively impact numerous ecosystems on Earth if every human being doesn't utilize the reduce, recycle, and recycle concept. ... Ocean, marine, pollution is "the spreading of harmful substances such as oil, plastic ...

  14. Marine Pollution

    Marine pollution is a growing problem in today's world. Our ocean is being flooded with two main types of pollution: chemicals and trash. Chemical contamination, or nutrient pollution, is concerning for health, environmental, and economic reasons. This type of pollution occurs when human activities, notably the use of fertilizer on farms, lead to the runoff of chemicals into waterways that ...

  15. Thesis Statement Ocean Pollution

    Crafting an effective thesis statement on the complex issue of ocean pollution poses many challenges for students. It requires thorough research on various scientific, economic, and policy factors as well as the ability to concisely articulate the key problems and proposed solutions. The multidimensional nature of ocean pollution, which impacts marine ecosystems, biodiversity, human health ...

  16. Free Essays on Ocean Pollution, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Our samples will make writing essays faster and easier! Marine Plastic Pollution. Plastics have been an integral part of human life. It is one of the most prevalent materials in the world. Plastics are commonly used by industries for packaging purposes (Fanshawe Parsons 5). The Impact on Oceans Studies show that the marine environment carried ...

  17. Ocean pollution and marine debris

    Marine debris. Marine debris is a persistent pollution problem that reaches throughout the entire ocean and Great Lakes. Our ocean and waterways are polluted with a wide variety of marine debris, ranging from tiny microplastics, smaller than 5 mm, to derelict fishing gear and abandoned vessels. Worldwide, hundreds of marine species have been ...

  18. Marine Pollution Thesis Statement

    Marine Pollution Thesis Statement - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  19. Thesis Marine Pollution

    Writing a thesis on marine pollution is a challenging task that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and effective communication of findings. It demands knowledge of various disciplines like environmental science, chemistry, biology, economics, and policy. Organizing thoughts and research into a cohesive structure from introduction to literature review to solutions proposal is ...

  20. Marine Science Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. Metabolic Rate, Critical Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Oxygen Supply Capacity of Farfantepenaeus duorarum at their Lower Thermal Limit, Alexandra L. Burns. From River to Sea: Improving Carbon System Measurement Methods for use in Rivers, Estuaries, and Oceans, Ellie Hudson-Heck.

  21. Thesis Statement

    1030 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Thesis Statement Water pollution has had devastating effects on the environment, which include irreversible effects to the ocean's ecosystem, health problems and abnormal conditions. interference of the ocean's ecosystem - Plastic storage bags can kill animals in the oceans like dolphins, turtles and whales.

  22. Thesis Statement Marine Pollution

    Thesis Statement Marine Pollution - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  23. Thesis sample for marine pollution Free Essays

    Humanities - 12 marker - Marine Pollution.Marine Ecosystem - the sea.Pollution - When harmful substances make the air‚ land or water dirty. Pollutant - A harmful substance that causes pollution‚ such as exhaust fumes.There are many different causes of marine pollution.I am going to analyse all the different ways in which marine pollution happens‚ and the effects that this has on ...