How to Write a Body of a Research Paper

Academic Writing Service

The main part of your research paper is called “the body.” To write this important part of your paper, include only relevant information, or information that gets to the point. Organize your ideas in a logical order—one that makes sense—and provide enough details—facts and examples—to support the points you want to make.

Logical Order

Transition words and phrases, adding evidence, phrases for supporting topic sentences.

  • Transition Phrases for Comparisons
  • Transition Phrases for Contrast
  • Transition Phrases to Show a Process
  • Phrases to Introduce Examples
  • Transition Phrases for Presenting Evidence

How to Make Effective Transitions

Examples of effective transitions, drafting your conclusion, writing the body paragraphs.

How to Write a Body of a Research Paper

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  • The third and fourth paragraphs follow the same format as the second:
  • Transition or topic sentence.
  • Topic sentence (if not included in the first sentence).
  • Supporting sentences including a discussion, quotations, or examples that support the topic sentence.
  • Concluding sentence that transitions to the next paragraph.

The topic of each paragraph will be supported by the evidence you itemized in your outline. However, just as smooth transitions are required to connect your paragraphs, the sentences you write to present your evidence should possess transition words that connect ideas, focus attention on relevant information, and continue your discussion in a smooth and fluid manner.

You presented the main idea of your paper in the thesis statement. In the body, every single paragraph must support that main idea. If any paragraph in your paper does not, in some way, back up the main idea expressed in your thesis statement, it is not relevant, which means it doesn’t have a purpose and shouldn’t be there.

Each paragraph also has a main idea of its own. That main idea is stated in a topic sentence, either at the beginning or somewhere else in the paragraph. Just as every paragraph in your paper supports your thesis statement, every sentence in each paragraph supports the main idea of that paragraph by providing facts or examples that back up that main idea. If a sentence does not support the main idea of the paragraph, it is not relevant and should be left out.

A paper that makes claims or states ideas without backing them up with facts or clarifying them with examples won’t mean much to readers. Make sure you provide enough supporting details for all your ideas. And remember that a paragraph can’t contain just one sentence. A paragraph needs at least two or more sentences to be complete. If a paragraph has only one or two sentences, you probably haven’t provided enough support for your main idea. Or, if you have trouble finding the main idea, maybe you don’t have one. In that case, you can make the sentences part of another paragraph or leave them out.

Arrange the paragraphs in the body of your paper in an order that makes sense, so that each main idea follows logically from the previous one. Likewise, arrange the sentences in each paragraph in a logical order.

If you carefully organized your notes and made your outline, your ideas will fall into place naturally as you write your draft. The main ideas, which are building blocks of each section or each paragraph in your paper, come from the Roman-numeral headings in your outline. The supporting details under each of those main ideas come from the capital-letter headings. In a shorter paper, the capital-letter headings may become sentences that include supporting details, which come from the Arabic numerals in your outline. In a longer paper, the capital letter headings may become paragraphs of their own, which contain sentences with the supporting details, which come from the Arabic numerals in your outline.

In addition to keeping your ideas in logical order, transitions are another way to guide readers from one idea to another. Transition words and phrases are important when you are suggesting or pointing out similarities between ideas, themes, opinions, or a set of facts. As with any perfect phrase, transition words within paragraphs should not be used gratuitously. Their meaning must conform to what you are trying to point out, as shown in the examples below:

  • “Accordingly” or “in accordance with” indicates agreement. For example :Thomas Edison’s experiments with electricity accordingly followed the theories of Benjamin Franklin, J. B. Priestly, and other pioneers of the previous century.
  • “Analogous” or “analogously” contrasts different things or ideas that perform similar functions or make similar expressions. For example: A computer hard drive is analogous to a filing cabinet. Each stores important documents and data.
  • “By comparison” or “comparatively”points out differences between things that otherwise are similar. For example: Roses require an alkaline soil. Azaleas, by comparison, prefer an acidic soil.
  • “Corresponds to” or “correspondingly” indicates agreement or conformity. For example: The U.S. Constitution corresponds to England’s Magna Carta in so far as both established a framework for a parliamentary system.
  • “Equals,”“equal to,” or “equally” indicates the same degree or quality. For example:Vitamin C is equally as important as minerals in a well-balanced diet.
  • “Equivalent” or “equivalently” indicates two ideas or things of approximately the same importance, size, or volume. For example:The notions of individual liberty and the right to a fair and speedy trial hold equivalent importance in the American legal system.
  • “Common” or “in common with” indicates similar traits or qualities. For example: Darwin did not argue that humans were descended from the apes. Instead, he maintained that they shared a common ancestor.
  • “In the same way,”“in the same manner,”“in the same vein,” or “likewise,” connects comparable traits, ideas, patterns, or activities. For example: John Roebling’s suspension bridges in Brooklyn and Cincinnati were built in the same manner, with strong cables to support a metallic roadway. Example 2: Despite its delicate appearance, John Roebling’s Brooklyn Bridge was built as a suspension bridge supported by strong cables. Example 3: Cincinnati’s Suspension Bridge, which Roebling also designed, was likewise supported by cables.
  • “Kindred” indicates that two ideas or things are related by quality or character. For example: Artists Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin are considered kindred spirits in the Impressionist Movement. “Like” or “as” are used to create a simile that builds reader understanding by comparing two dissimilar things. (Never use “like” as slang, as in: John Roebling was like a bridge designer.) For examples: Her eyes shone like the sun. Her eyes were as bright as the sun.
  • “Parallel” describes events, things, or ideas that occurred at the same time or that follow similar logic or patterns of behavior. For example:The original Ocktoberfests were held to occur in parallel with the autumn harvest.
  • “Obviously” emphasizes a point that should be clear from the discussion. For example: Obviously, raccoons and other wildlife will attempt to find food and shelter in suburban areas as their woodland habitats disappear.
  • “Similar” and “similarly” are used to make like comparisons. For example: Horses and ponies have similar physical characteristics although, as working farm animals, each was bred to perform different functions.
  • “There is little debate” or “there is consensus” can be used to point out agreement. For example:There is little debate that the polar ice caps are melting.The question is whether global warming results from natural or human-made causes.

Other phrases that can be used to make transitions or connect ideas within paragraphs include:

  • Use “alternately” or “alternatively” to suggest a different option.
  • Use “antithesis” to indicate a direct opposite.
  • Use “contradict” to indicate disagreement.
  • Use “on the contrary” or “conversely” to indicate that something is different from what it seems.
  • Use “dissimilar” to point out differences between two things.
  • Use “diverse” to discuss differences among many things or people.
  • Use “distinct” or “distinctly” to point out unique qualities.
  • Use “inversely” to indicate an opposite idea.
  • Use “it is debatable,” “there is debate,” or “there is disagreement” to suggest that there is more than one opinion about a subject.
  • Use “rather” or “rather than” to point out an exception.
  • Use “unique” or “uniquely” to indicate qualities that can be found nowhere else.
  • Use “unlike” to indicate dissimilarities.
  • Use “various” to indicate more than one kind.

Writing Topic Sentences

Remember, a sentence should express a complete thought, one thought per sentence—no more, no less. The longer and more convoluted your sentences become, the more likely you are to muddle the meaning, become repetitive, and bog yourself down in issues of grammar and construction. In your first draft, it is generally a good idea to keep those sentences relatively short and to the point. That way your ideas will be clearly stated.You will be able to clearly see the content that you have put down—what is there and what is missing—and add or subtract material as it is needed. The sentences will probably seem choppy and even simplistic.The purpose of a first draft is to ensure that you have recorded all the content you will need to make a convincing argument. You will work on smoothing and perfecting the language in subsequent drafts.

Transitioning from your topic sentence to the evidence that supports it can be problematic. It requires a transition, much like the transitions needed to move from one paragraph to the next. Choose phrases that connect the evidence directly to your topic sentence.

  • Consider this: (give an example or state evidence).
  • If (identify one condition or event) then (identify the condition or event that will follow).
  • It should go without saying that (point out an obvious condition).
  • Note that (provide an example or observation).
  • Take a look at (identify a condition; follow with an explanation of why you think it is important to the discussion).
  • The authors had (identify their idea) in mind when they wrote “(use a quotation from their text that illustrates the idea).”
  • The point is that (summarize the conclusion your reader should draw from your research).
  • This becomes evident when (name the author) says that (paraphrase a quote from the author’s writing).
  • We see this in the following example: (provide an example of your own).
  • (The author’s name) offers the example of (summarize an example given by the author).

If an idea is controversial, you may need to add extra evidence to your paragraphs to persuade your reader. You may also find that a logical argument, one based solely on your evidence, is not persuasive enough and that you need to appeal to the reader’s emotions. Look for ways to incorporate your research without detracting from your argument.

Writing Transition Sentences

It is often difficult to write transitions that carry a reader clearly and logically on to the next paragraph (and the next topic) in an essay. Because you are moving from one topic to another, it is easy to simply stop one and start another. Great research papers, however, include good transitions that link the ideas in an interesting discussion so that readers can move smoothly and easily through your presentation. Close each of your paragraphs with an interesting transition sentence that introduces the topic coming up in the next paragraph.

Transition sentences should show a relationship between the two topics.Your transition will perform one of the following functions to introduce the new idea:

  • Indicate that you will be expanding on information in a different way in the upcoming paragraph.
  • Indicate that a comparison, contrast, or a cause-and-effect relationship between the topics will be discussed.
  • Indicate that an example will be presented in the next paragraph.
  • Indicate that a conclusion is coming up.

Transitions make a paper flow smoothly by showing readers how ideas and facts follow one another to point logically to a conclusion. They show relationships among the ideas, help the reader to understand, and, in a persuasive paper, lead the reader to the writer’s conclusion.

Each paragraph should end with a transition sentence to conclude the discussion of the topic in the paragraph and gently introduce the reader to the topic that will be raised in the next paragraph. However, transitions also occur within paragraphs—from sentence to sentence—to add evidence, provide examples, or introduce a quotation.

The type of paper you are writing and the kinds of topics you are introducing will determine what type of transitional phrase you should use. Some useful phrases for transitions appear below. They are grouped according to the function they normally play in a paper. Transitions, however, are not simply phrases that are dropped into sentences. They are constructed to highlight meaning. Choose transitions that are appropriate to your topic and what you want the reader to do. Edit them to be sure they fit properly within the sentence to enhance the reader’s understanding.

Transition Phrases for Comparisons:

  • We also see
  • In addition to
  • Notice that
  • Beside that,
  • In comparison,
  • Once again,
  • Identically,
  • For example,
  • Comparatively, it can be seen that
  • We see this when
  • This corresponds to
  • In other words,
  • At the same time,
  • By the same token,

Transition Phrases for Contrast:

  • By contrast,
  • On the contrary,
  • Nevertheless,
  • An exception to this would be …
  • Alongside that,we find …
  • On one hand … on the other hand …
  • [New information] presents an opposite view …
  • Conversely, it could be argued …
  • Other than that,we find that …
  • We get an entirely different impression from …
  • One point of differentiation is …
  • Further investigation shows …
  • An exception can be found in the fact that …

Transition Phrases to Show a Process:

  • At the top we have … Near the bottom we have …
  • Here we have … There we have …
  • Continuing on,
  • We progress to …
  • Close up … In the distance …
  • With this in mind,
  • Moving in sequence,
  • Proceeding sequentially,
  • Moving to the next step,
  • First, Second,Third,…
  • Examining the activities in sequence,
  • Sequentially,
  • As a result,
  • The end result is …
  • To illustrate …
  • Subsequently,
  • One consequence of …
  • If … then …
  • It follows that …
  • This is chiefly due to …
  • The next step …
  • Later we find …

Phrases to Introduce Examples:

  • For instance,
  • Particularly,
  • In particular,
  • This includes,
  • Specifically,
  • To illustrate,
  • One illustration is
  • One example is
  • This is illustrated by
  • This can be seen when
  • This is especially seen in
  • This is chiefly seen when

Transition Phrases for Presenting Evidence:

  • Another point worthy of consideration is
  • At the center of the issue is the notion that
  • Before moving on, it should be pointed out that
  • Another important point is
  • Another idea worth considering is
  • Consequently,
  • Especially,
  • Even more important,
  • Getting beyond the obvious,
  • In spite of all this,
  • It follows that
  • It is clear that
  • More importantly,
  • Most importantly,

How to make effective transitions between sections of a research paper? There are two distinct issues in making strong transitions:

  • Does the upcoming section actually belong where you have placed it?
  • Have you adequately signaled the reader why you are taking this next step?

The first is the most important: Does the upcoming section actually belong in the next spot? The sections in your research paper need to add up to your big point (or thesis statement) in a sensible progression. One way of putting that is, “Does the architecture of your paper correspond to the argument you are making?” Getting this architecture right is the goal of “large-scale editing,” which focuses on the order of the sections, their relationship to each other, and ultimately their correspondence to your thesis argument.

It’s easy to craft graceful transitions when the sections are laid out in the right order. When they’re not, the transitions are bound to be rough. This difficulty, if you encounter it, is actually a valuable warning. It tells you that something is wrong and you need to change it. If the transitions are awkward and difficult to write, warning bells should ring. Something is wrong with the research paper’s overall structure.

After you’ve placed the sections in the right order, you still need to tell the reader when he is changing sections and briefly explain why. That’s an important part of line-by-line editing, which focuses on writing effective sentences and paragraphs.

Effective transition sentences and paragraphs often glance forward or backward, signaling that you are switching sections. Take this example from J. M. Roberts’s History of Europe . He is finishing a discussion of the Punic Wars between Rome and its great rival, Carthage. The last of these wars, he says, broke out in 149 B.C. and “ended with so complete a defeat for the Carthaginians that their city was destroyed . . . .” Now he turns to a new section on “Empire.” Here is the first sentence: “By then a Roman empire was in being in fact if not in name.”(J. M. Roberts, A History of Europe . London: Allen Lane, 1997, p. 48) Roberts signals the transition with just two words: “By then.” He is referring to the date (149 B.C.) given near the end of the previous section. Simple and smooth.

Michael Mandelbaum also accomplishes this transition between sections effortlessly, without bringing his narrative to a halt. In The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets , one chapter shows how countries of the North Atlantic region invented the idea of peace and made it a reality among themselves. Here is his transition from one section of that chapter discussing “the idea of warlessness” to another section dealing with the history of that idea in Europe.

The widespread aversion to war within the countries of the Western core formed the foundation for common security, which in turn expressed the spirit of warlessness. To be sure, the rise of common security in Europe did not abolish war in other parts of the world and could not guarantee its permanent abolition even on the European continent. Neither, however, was it a flukish, transient product . . . . The European common security order did have historical precedents, and its principal features began to appear in other parts of the world. Precedents for Common Security The security arrangements in Europe at the dawn of the twenty-first century incorporated features of three different periods of the modern age: the nineteenth century, the interwar period, and the ColdWar. (Michael Mandelbaum, The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets . New York: Public Affairs, 2002, p. 128)

It’s easier to make smooth transitions when neighboring sections deal with closely related subjects, as Mandelbaum’s do. Sometimes, however, you need to end one section with greater finality so you can switch to a different topic. The best way to do that is with a few summary comments at the end of the section. Your readers will understand you are drawing this topic to a close, and they won’t be blindsided by your shift to a new topic in the next section.

Here’s an example from economic historian Joel Mokyr’s book The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress . Mokyr is completing a section on social values in early industrial societies. The next section deals with a quite different aspect of technological progress: the role of property rights and institutions. So Mokyr needs to take the reader across a more abrupt change than Mandelbaum did. Mokyr does that in two ways. First, he summarizes his findings on social values, letting the reader know the section is ending. Then he says the impact of values is complicated, a point he illustrates in the final sentences, while the impact of property rights and institutions seems to be more straightforward. So he begins the new section with a nod to the old one, noting the contrast.

In commerce, war and politics, what was functional was often preferred [within Europe] to what was aesthetic or moral, and when it was not, natural selection saw to it that such pragmatism was never entirely absent in any society. . . . The contempt in which physical labor, commerce, and other economic activity were held did not disappear rapidly; much of European social history can be interpreted as a struggle between wealth and other values for a higher step in the hierarchy. The French concepts of bourgeois gentilhomme and nouveau riche still convey some contempt for people who joined the upper classes through economic success. Even in the nineteenth century, the accumulation of wealth was viewed as an admission ticket to social respectability to be abandoned as soon as a secure membership in the upper classes had been achieved. Institutions and Property Rights The institutional background of technological progress seems, on the surface, more straightforward. (Joel Mokyr, The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress . New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 176)

Note the phrase, “on the surface.” Mokyr is hinting at his next point, that surface appearances are deceiving in this case. Good transitions between sections of your research paper depend on:

  • Getting the sections in the right order
  • Moving smoothly from one section to the next
  • Signaling readers that they are taking the next step in your argument
  • Explaining why this next step comes where it does

Every good paper ends with a strong concluding paragraph. To write a good conclusion, sum up the main points in your paper. To write an even better conclusion, include a sentence or two that helps the reader answer the question, “So what?” or “Why does all this matter?” If you choose to include one or more “So What?” sentences, remember that you still need to support any point you make with facts or examples. Remember, too, that this is not the place to introduce new ideas from “out of the blue.” Make sure that everything you write in your conclusion refers to what you’ve already written in the body of your paper.

Back to How To Write A Research Paper .


body of a research essay

University of Newcastle

How to write an essay: Body

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Body paragraphs

The essay body itself is organised into paragraphs, according to your plan. Remember that each paragraph focuses on one idea, or aspect of your topic, and should contain at least 4-5 sentences so you can deal with that idea properly.

Each body paragraph has three sections. First is the topic sentence . This lets the reader know what the paragraph is going to be about and the main point it will make. It gives the paragraph’s point straight away. Next – and largest – is the supporting sentences . These expand on the central idea, explaining it in more detail, exploring what it means, and of course giving the evidence and argument that back it up. This is where you use your research to support your argument. Then there is a concluding sentence . This restates the idea in the topic sentence, to remind the reader of your main point. It also shows how that point helps answer the question.

Body paragraph example

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How to Write a Research Essay

Last Updated: January 12, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Michelle Golden, PhD . Michelle Golden is an English teacher in Athens, Georgia. She received her MA in Language Arts Teacher Education in 2008 and received her PhD in English from Georgia State University in 2015. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 385,879 times.

Research essays are extremely common assignments in high school, college, and graduate school, and are not unheard of in middle school. If you are a student, chances are you will sooner or later be faced with the task of researching a topic and writing a paper about it. Knowing how to efficiently and successfully do simple research, synthesize information, and clearly present it in essay form will save you many hours and a lot of frustration.

Researching a Topic

Step 1 Choose a topic.

  • Be sure to stay within the guidelines you are given by your teacher or professor. For example, if you are free to choose a topic but the general theme must fall under human biology, do not write your essay on plant photosynthesis.
  • Stick with topics that are not overly complicated, especially if the subject is not something you plan to continue studying. There's no need to make things harder on yourself!

Step 2 Locate resources.

  • Specialty books; these can be found at your local public or school library. A book published on your topic is a great resource and will likely be one of your most reliable options for finding quality information. They also contain lists of references where you can look for more information.
  • Academic journals; these are periodicals devoted to scholarly research on a specific field of study. Articles in academic journals are written by experts in that field and scrutinized by other professionals to ensure their accuracy. These are great options if you need to find detailed, sophisticated information on your topic; avoid these if you are only writing a general overview.
  • Online encyclopedias; the most reliable information on the internet can be found in online encyclopedias like and While online wikis can be very helpful, they sometimes contain unverified information that you should probably not rely upon as your primary resources.
  • Expert interviews; if possible, interview an expert in the subject of your research. Experts can be professionals working in the field you are studying, professors with advanced degrees in the subject of interest, etc.

Step 3 Take notes.

  • Organize your notes by sub-topic to keep them orderly and so you can easily find references when you are writing.
  • If you are using books or physical copies of magazines or journals, use sticky tabs to mark pages or paragraphs where you found useful information. You might even want to number these tabs to correspond with numbers on your note sheet for easy reference.
  • By keeping your notes brief and simple, you can make them easier to understand and reference while writing. Don't make your notes so long and detailed that they essentially copy what's already written in your sources, as this won't be helpful to you.

Step 4 Develop an objective.

  • Sometimes the objective of your research will be obvious to you before you even begin researching the topic; other times, you may have to do a bit of reading before you can determine the direction you want your essay to take.
  • If you have an objective in mind from the start, you can incorporate this into online searches about your topic in order to find the most relevant resources. For example, if your objective is to outline the environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing practices, search for that exact phrase rather than just "hydraulic fracturing."

Step 5 Talk to your teacher.

  • Avoid asking your teacher to give you a topic. Unless your topic was assigned to you in the first place, part of the assignment is for you to choose a topic relevant to the broader theme of the class or unit. By asking your teacher to do this for you, you risk admitting laziness or incompetence.
  • If you have a few topics in mind but are not sure how to develop objectives for some of them, your teacher can help with this. Plan to discuss your options with your teacher and come to a decision yourself rather than having him or her choose the topic for you from several options.

Organizing your Essay

Step 1 Break up your essay into sub-topics.

  • Consider what background information is necessary to contextualize your research topic. What questions might the reader have right out of the gate? How do you want the reader to think about the topic? Answering these kinds of questions can help you figure out how to set up your argument.
  • Match your paper sections to the objective(s) of your writing. For example, if you are trying to present two sides of a debate, create a section for each and then divide them up according to the aspects of each argument you want to address.

Step 2 Create an outline.

  • An outline can be as detailed or general as you want, so long as it helps you figure out how to construct the essay. Some people like to include a few sentences under each heading in their outline to create a sort of "mini-essay" before they begin writing. Others find that a simple ordered list of topics is sufficient. Do whatever works best for you.
  • If you have time, write your outline a day or two before you start writing and come back to it several times. This will give you an opportunity to think about how the pieces of your essay will best fit together. Rearrange things in your outline as many times as you want until you have a structure you are happy with.

Step 3 Choose a format.

  • Style guides tell you exactly how to quote passages, cite references, construct works cited sections, etc. If you are assigned a specific format, you must take care to adhere to guidelines for text formatting and citations.
  • Some computer programs (such as EndNote) allow you to construct a library of resources which you can then set to a specific format type; then you can automatically insert in-text citations from your library and populate a references section at the end of the document. This is an easy way to make sure your citations match your assigned style format.

Step 4 Make a plan.

  • You may wish to start by simply assigning yourself a certain number of pages per day. Divide the number of pages you are required to write by the number of days you have to finish the essay; this is the number of pages (minimum) that you must complete each day in order to pace yourself evenly.
  • If possible, leave a buffer of at least one day between finishing your paper and the due date. This will allow you to review your finished product and edit it for errors. This will also help in case something comes up that slows your writing progress.

Writing your Essay

Step 1 Create an introduction.

  • Keep your introduction relatively short. For most papers, one or two paragraphs will suffice. For really long essays, you may need to expand this.
  • Don't assume your reader already knows the basics of the topic unless it truly is a matter of common knowledge. For example, you probably don't need to explain in your introduction what biology is, but you should define less general terms such as "eukaryote" or "polypeptide chain."

Step 2 Build the body of your essay.

  • You may need to include a special section at the beginning of the essay body for background information on your topic. Alternatively, you can consider moving this to the introductory section, but only if your essay is short and only minimal background discussion is needed.
  • This is the part of your paper where organization and structure are most important. Arrange sections within the body so that they flow logically and the reader is introduced to ideas and sub-topics before they are discussed further.
  • Depending upon the length and detail of your paper, the end of the body might contain a discussion of findings. This kind of section serves to wrap up your main findings but does not explicitly state your conclusions (which should come in the final section of the essay).
  • Avoid repetition in the essay body. Keep your writing concise, yet with sufficient detail to address your objective(s) or research question(s).

Step 3 Cite your references properly.

  • Always use quotation marks when using exact quotes from another source. If someone already said or wrote the words you are using, you must quote them this way! Place your in-text citation at the end of the quote.
  • To include someone else's ideas in your essay without directly quoting them, you can restate the information in your own words; this is called paraphrasing. Although this does not require quotation marks, it should still be accompanied by an in-text citation.

Step 4 State your conclusions.

  • Except for very long essays, keep your conclusion short and to the point. You should aim for one or two paragraphs, if possible.
  • Conclusions should directly correspond to research discussed in the essay body. In other words, make sure your conclusions logically connect to the rest of your essay and provide explanations when necessary.
  • If your topic is complex and involves lots of details, you should consider including a brief summary of the main points of your research in your conclusion.

Step 5 Revisit your thesis or objective.

  • Making changes to the discussion and conclusion sections instead of the introduction often requires a less extensive rewrite. Doing this also prevents you from removing anything from the beginning of your essay that could accidentally make subsequent portions of your writing seem out of place.
  • It is okay to revise your thesis once you've finished the first draft of your essay! People's views often change once they've done research on a topic. Just make sure you don't end up straying too far from your assigned topic if you do this.
  • You don't necessarily need to wait until you've finished your entire draft to do this step. In fact, it is a good idea to revisit your thesis regularly as you write. This can save you a lot of time in the end by helping you keep your essay content on track.

Step 6 Construct a

  • Computer software such as EndNote is available for making citation organization as easy and quick as possible. You can create a reference library and link it to your document, adding in-text citations as you write; the program creates a formatted works cited section at the end of your document.
  • Be aware of the formatting requirements of your chosen style guide for works cited sections and in-text citations. Reference library programs like EndNote have hundreds of pre-loaded formats to choose from.

Step 7 Put finishing touches on your essay.

  • Create a catchy title. Waiting until you have finished your essay before choosing a title ensures that it will closely match the content of your essay. Research papers don't always take on the shape we expect them to, and it's easier to match your title to your essay than vice-versa.
  • Read through your paper to identify and rework sentences or paragraphs that are confusing or unclear. Each section of your paper should have a clear focus and purpose; if any of yours seem not to meet these expectations, either rewrite or discard them.
  • Review your works cited section (at the end of your essay) to ensure that it conforms to the standards of your chosen or assigned style format. You should at least make sure that the style is consistent throughout this section.
  • Run a spell checker on your entire document to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes you may not have noticed during your read-through. All modern word processing programs include this function.

Step 8 Revise your draft.

  • Note that revising your draft is not the same as proofreading it. Revisions are done to make sure the content and substantive ideas are solid; editing is done to check for spelling and grammar errors. Revisions are arguably a more important part of writing a good paper.
  • You may want to have a friend, classmate, or family member read your first draft and give you feedback. This can be immensely helpful when trying to decide how to improve upon your first version of the essay.
  • Except in extreme cases, avoid a complete rewrite of your first draft. This will most likely be counterproductive and will waste a lot of time. Your first draft is probably already pretty good -- it likely just needs some tweaking before it is ready to submit.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Avoid use of the word "I" in research essay writing, even when conveying your personal opinion about a subject. This makes your writing sound biased and narrow in scope. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Even if there is a minimum number of paragraphs, always do 3 or 4 more paragraphs more than needed, so you can always get a good grade. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

body of a research essay

  • Never plagiarize the work of others! Passing off others' writing as your own can land you in a lot of trouble and is usually grounds for failing an assignment or class. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 1

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About This Article

Michelle Golden, PhD

The best way to write a research essay is to find sources, like specialty books, academic journals, and online encyclopedias, about your topic. Take notes as you research, and make sure you note which page and book you got your notes from. Create an outline for the paper that details your argument, various sections, and primary points for each section. Then, write an introduction, build the body of the essay, and state your conclusion. Cite your sources along the way, and follow the assigned format, like APA or MLA, if applicable. To learn more from our co-author with an English Ph.D. about how to choose a thesis statement for your research paper, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Research Paper | A Beginner's Guide

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research.

Research papers are similar to academic essays , but they are usually longer and more detailed assignments, designed to assess not only your writing skills but also your skills in scholarly research. Writing a research paper requires you to demonstrate a strong knowledge of your topic, engage with a variety of sources, and make an original contribution to the debate.

This step-by-step guide takes you through the entire writing process, from understanding your assignment to proofreading your final draft.

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Table of contents

Understand the assignment, choose a research paper topic, conduct preliminary research, develop a thesis statement, create a research paper outline, write a first draft of the research paper, write the introduction, write a compelling body of text, write the conclusion, the second draft, the revision process, research paper checklist, free lecture slides.

Completing a research paper successfully means accomplishing the specific tasks set out for you. Before you start, make sure you thoroughly understanding the assignment task sheet:

  • Read it carefully, looking for anything confusing you might need to clarify with your professor.
  • Identify the assignment goal, deadline, length specifications, formatting, and submission method.
  • Make a bulleted list of the key points, then go back and cross completed items off as you’re writing.

Carefully consider your timeframe and word limit: be realistic, and plan enough time to research, write, and edit.

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body of a research essay

There are many ways to generate an idea for a research paper, from brainstorming with pen and paper to talking it through with a fellow student or professor.

You can try free writing, which involves taking a broad topic and writing continuously for two or three minutes to identify absolutely anything relevant that could be interesting.

You can also gain inspiration from other research. The discussion or recommendations sections of research papers often include ideas for other specific topics that require further examination.

Once you have a broad subject area, narrow it down to choose a topic that interests you, m eets the criteria of your assignment, and i s possible to research. Aim for ideas that are both original and specific:

  • A paper following the chronology of World War II would not be original or specific enough.
  • A paper on the experience of Danish citizens living close to the German border during World War II would be specific and could be original enough.

Note any discussions that seem important to the topic, and try to find an issue that you can focus your paper around. Use a variety of sources , including journals, books, and reliable websites, to ensure you do not miss anything glaring.

Do not only verify the ideas you have in mind, but look for sources that contradict your point of view.

  • Is there anything people seem to overlook in the sources you research?
  • Are there any heated debates you can address?
  • Do you have a unique take on your topic?
  • Have there been some recent developments that build on the extant research?

In this stage, you might find it helpful to formulate some research questions to help guide you. To write research questions, try to finish the following sentence: “I want to know how/what/why…”

A thesis statement is a statement of your central argument — it establishes the purpose and position of your paper. If you started with a research question, the thesis statement should answer it. It should also show what evidence and reasoning you’ll use to support that answer.

The thesis statement should be concise, contentious, and coherent. That means it should briefly summarize your argument in a sentence or two, make a claim that requires further evidence or analysis, and make a coherent point that relates to every part of the paper.

You will probably revise and refine the thesis statement as you do more research, but it can serve as a guide throughout the writing process. Every paragraph should aim to support and develop this central claim.

A research paper outline is essentially a list of the key topics, arguments, and evidence you want to include, divided into sections with headings so that you know roughly what the paper will look like before you start writing.

A structure outline can help make the writing process much more efficient, so it’s worth dedicating some time to create one.

Your first draft won’t be perfect — you can polish later on. Your priorities at this stage are as follows:

  • Maintaining forward momentum — write now, perfect later.
  • Paying attention to clear organization and logical ordering of paragraphs and sentences, which will help when you come to the second draft.
  • Expressing your ideas as clearly as possible, so you know what you were trying to say when you come back to the text.

You do not need to start by writing the introduction. Begin where it feels most natural for you — some prefer to finish the most difficult sections first, while others choose to start with the easiest part. If you created an outline, use it as a map while you work.

Do not delete large sections of text. If you begin to dislike something you have written or find it doesn’t quite fit, move it to a different document, but don’t lose it completely — you never know if it might come in useful later.

Paragraph structure

Paragraphs are the basic building blocks of research papers. Each one should focus on a single claim or idea that helps to establish the overall argument or purpose of the paper.

Example paragraph

George Orwell’s 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” has had an enduring impact on thought about the relationship between politics and language. This impact is particularly obvious in light of the various critical review articles that have recently referenced the essay. For example, consider Mark Falcoff’s 2009 article in The National Review Online, “The Perversion of Language; or, Orwell Revisited,” in which he analyzes several common words (“activist,” “civil-rights leader,” “diversity,” and more). Falcoff’s close analysis of the ambiguity built into political language intentionally mirrors Orwell’s own point-by-point analysis of the political language of his day. Even 63 years after its publication, Orwell’s essay is emulated by contemporary thinkers.

Citing sources

It’s also important to keep track of citations at this stage to avoid accidental plagiarism . Each time you use a source, make sure to take note of where the information came from.

You can use our free citation generators to automatically create citations and save your reference list as you go.

APA Citation Generator MLA Citation Generator

The research paper introduction should address three questions: What, why, and how? After finishing the introduction, the reader should know what the paper is about, why it is worth reading, and how you’ll build your arguments.

What? Be specific about the topic of the paper, introduce the background, and define key terms or concepts.

Why? This is the most important, but also the most difficult, part of the introduction. Try to provide brief answers to the following questions: What new material or insight are you offering? What important issues does your essay help define or answer?

How? To let the reader know what to expect from the rest of the paper, the introduction should include a “map” of what will be discussed, briefly presenting the key elements of the paper in chronological order.

The major struggle faced by most writers is how to organize the information presented in the paper, which is one reason an outline is so useful. However, remember that the outline is only a guide and, when writing, you can be flexible with the order in which the information and arguments are presented.

One way to stay on track is to use your thesis statement and topic sentences . Check:

  • topic sentences against the thesis statement;
  • topic sentences against each other, for similarities and logical ordering;
  • and each sentence against the topic sentence of that paragraph.

Be aware of paragraphs that seem to cover the same things. If two paragraphs discuss something similar, they must approach that topic in different ways. Aim to create smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

The research paper conclusion is designed to help your reader out of the paper’s argument, giving them a sense of finality.

Trace the course of the paper, emphasizing how it all comes together to prove your thesis statement. Give the paper a sense of finality by making sure the reader understands how you’ve settled the issues raised in the introduction.

You might also discuss the more general consequences of the argument, outline what the paper offers to future students of the topic, and suggest any questions the paper’s argument raises but cannot or does not try to answer.

You should not :

  • Offer new arguments or essential information
  • Take up any more space than necessary
  • Begin with stock phrases that signal you are ending the paper (e.g. “In conclusion”)

There are four main considerations when it comes to the second draft.

  • Check how your vision of the paper lines up with the first draft and, more importantly, that your paper still answers the assignment.
  • Identify any assumptions that might require (more substantial) justification, keeping your reader’s perspective foremost in mind. Remove these points if you cannot substantiate them further.
  • Be open to rearranging your ideas. Check whether any sections feel out of place and whether your ideas could be better organized.
  • If you find that old ideas do not fit as well as you anticipated, you should cut them out or condense them. You might also find that new and well-suited ideas occurred to you during the writing of the first draft — now is the time to make them part of the paper.

The goal during the revision and proofreading process is to ensure you have completed all the necessary tasks and that the paper is as well-articulated as possible. You can speed up the proofreading process by using the AI proofreader .

Global concerns

  • Confirm that your paper completes every task specified in your assignment sheet.
  • Check for logical organization and flow of paragraphs.
  • Check paragraphs against the introduction and thesis statement.

Fine-grained details

Check the content of each paragraph, making sure that:

  • each sentence helps support the topic sentence.
  • no unnecessary or irrelevant information is present.
  • all technical terms your audience might not know are identified.

Next, think about sentence structure , grammatical errors, and formatting . Check that you have correctly used transition words and phrases to show the connections between your ideas. Look for typos, cut unnecessary words, and check for consistency in aspects such as heading formatting and spellings .

Finally, you need to make sure your paper is correctly formatted according to the rules of the citation style you are using. For example, you might need to include an MLA heading  or create an APA title page .

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Checklist: Research paper

I have followed all instructions in the assignment sheet.

My introduction presents my topic in an engaging way and provides necessary background information.

My introduction presents a clear, focused research problem and/or thesis statement .

My paper is logically organized using paragraphs and (if relevant) section headings .

Each paragraph is clearly focused on one central idea, expressed in a clear topic sentence .

Each paragraph is relevant to my research problem or thesis statement.

I have used appropriate transitions  to clarify the connections between sections, paragraphs, and sentences.

My conclusion provides a concise answer to the research question or emphasizes how the thesis has been supported.

My conclusion shows how my research has contributed to knowledge or understanding of my topic.

My conclusion does not present any new points or information essential to my argument.

I have provided an in-text citation every time I refer to ideas or information from a source.

I have included a reference list at the end of my paper, consistently formatted according to a specific citation style .

I have thoroughly revised my paper and addressed any feedback from my professor or supervisor.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (page numbers, headers, spacing, etc.).

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How to Write the Body of a Research Paper?

The body of your research paper serves as the heart of your scholarly work, where you present and support your ideas, arguments, and findings. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to write an impactful and well-structured body for your research paper.

1. Start with a Solid Introduction:

  • Begin your body by summarizing the main purpose and scope of your research.
  • Clearly state your research question or thesis to provide readers with a roadmap for what to expect.

2. Organize Your Ideas Logically:

  • Create a clear and logical flow of ideas. Organize your content in a way that builds a coherent and cohesive argument.
  • Use headings and subheadings to guide readers through different sections.

3. Present Your Literature Review:

  • If applicable, integrate a literature review to provide context and highlight existing research on your topic.
  • Synthesize and critique relevant studies, identifying gaps in the current knowledge.

4. Methodology Section:

  • Clearly describe your research design, methods, and procedures.
  • Include details on your sample, data collection instruments, and data analysis techniques.

5. Results Presentation:

  • Present your research findings objectively and concisely.
  • Utilize tables, figures, and graphs to enhance the clarity and visual appeal of your results.

6. Interpret Your Results:

  • Move beyond presenting raw data by interpreting the significance of your findings.
  • Discuss patterns, trends, and relationships observed in the results.

7. Discussion Section:

  • Engage in critical analysis and interpretation of your results.
  • Relate your findings back to your research question or thesis.
  • Discuss implications, limitations, and the broader significance of your research.

8. Address Counterarguments:

  • Anticipate and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of differing perspectives within your field.

9. Maintain a Consistent Tone and Style:

  • Ensure a consistent tone throughout the body of your paper. Match the formality and style required by your academic discipline.
  • Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.

10. Cite Sources Appropriately:

  • Properly cite all sources used within the body of your paper.
  • Follow the citation style specified by your academic institution or the guidelines of the journal to which you plan to submit.

11. Balance Detail and Brevity:

  • Provide enough detail to support your arguments but avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Be mindful of the overall length of your paper and stay focused on your main points.

12. Revise and Edit:

  • Review and revise your body several times to ensure clarity and coherence.
  • Check for grammatical errors, typos, and proper formatting.

13. Seek Peer Feedback:

  • Share your work with peers or mentors to get constructive feedback.
  • Consider others' perspectives to refine your arguments and improve the overall quality of your writing.


Writing the body of a research paper requires a careful blend of research, analysis, and effective communication. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating a compelling and well-supported body that contributes meaningfully to your academic field. Remember, the body is where your ideas come to life, so take the time to craft it with precision and purpose. Happy writing!

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Anatomy of a Body Paragraph

TOPIC SENTENCE/ In his numerous writings, Marx critiques capitalism by identifying its flaws. ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE/ By critiquing the political economy and capitalism, Marx implores his reader to think critically about their position in society and restores awareness in the proletariat class. EVIDENCE/ To Marx, capitalism is a system characterized by the “exploitation of the many by the few,” in which workers accept the exploitation of their labor and receive only harm of “alienation,” rather than true benefits ( MER 487). He writes that “labour produces for the rich wonderful things – but for the worker it produces privation. It produces palaces—but for the worker, hovels. It produces beauty—but for the worker, deformity” (MER 73). Marx argues capitalism is a system in which the laborer is repeatedly harmed and estranged from himself, his labor, and other people, while the owner of his labor – the capitalist – receives the benefits ( MER 74). And while industry progresses, the worker “sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class” ( MER 483).  ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE/ But while Marx critiques the political economy, he does not explicitly say “capitalism is wrong.” Rather, his close examination of the system makes its flaws obvious. Only once the working class realizes the flaws of the system, Marx believes, will they - must they - rise up against their bourgeois masters and achieve the necessary and inevitable communist revolution.

Not every paragraph will be structured exactly like this one, of course. But as you draft your own paragraphs, look for all three of these elements: topic sentence, evidence, and analysis.

  • picture_as_pdf Anatomy Of a Body Paragraph

Table of Contents

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Review APA guidelines for the body of an APA-style paper.


Beginning at the top of a new page, the main body of the research paper follows the abstract and precedes the References page. Comprised of the introduction, method, results, and discussion subsections, the main body acts as the third major section of the document and typically begins on the third page of the paper.

General Format

Like the rest of the paper, the pages of the main body should be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. The margins are set at 1” on all sides. While the running head is flush with the upper left-hand corner of every page, the page number is flush with the upper right-hand corner of every page. Note that all letters of the running head should be capitalized and should not exceed 50 characters, including punctuation, letters, and spaces.

The full title of the paper is centered directly above the introduction with no extra space between the title and the first paragraph. Avoid formatting the title with bold, italics, underlining, or quotation marks. The first letter of each major word in the title should be capitalized. Unlike other sections of the main body, the introduction does not require a heading or label.

When writing each paragraph, note that the APA recommends using two spaces after sentences that end in a period; however, sentences that end in other punctuation marks may be followed by a single space.

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Essay writing: Main body

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“An appropriate use of paragraphs is an essential part of writing coherent and well-structured essays.” Don Shiach,   How to write essays

The main body of your essay is where you deliver your argument . Its building blocks are well structured, academic paragraphs. Each paragraph is in itself an  individual argument  and when put together they should form a clear narrative that leads the reader to the inevitability of your conclusion.

The importance of the paragraph

A good academic paragraph is a special thing. It makes a clear point, backed up by good quality academic evidence, with a clear explanation of how the evidence supports the point and why the point is relevant to your overall argument  which supports your position . When these paragraphs are put together with appropriate links, there is a logical flow that takes the reader naturally to your essay's conclusion. 

As a general rule there should be one clear key point per paragraph , otherwise your reader could become overwhelmed with evidence that supports different points and makes your argument harder to follow. If you follow the basic structure below, you will be able to build effective paragraphs and so make the main body of your essay deliver on what you say it will do in your introduction.

Paragraph structure

PEEL acronym - Point, evidence, explanation, link

  • A topic sentence – what is the overall point that the paragraph is making?
  • Evidence that supports your point – this is usually your cited material.
  • Explanation of why the point is important and how it helps with your overall argument.
  • A link (if necessary) to the next paragraph (or to the previous one if coming at the beginning of the paragraph) or back to the essay question.

This is a good order to use when you are new to writing academic essays - but as you get more accomplished you can adapt it as necessary. The important thing is to make sure all of these elements are present within the paragraph.

The sections below explain more about each of these elements.

body of a research essay

The topic sentence (Point)

This should appear early in the paragraph and is often, but not always, the first sentence.  It should clearly state the main point that you are making in the paragraph. When you are planning essays, writing down a list of your topic sentences is an excellent way to check that your argument flows well from one point to the next.

body of a research essay

This is the evidence that backs up your topic sentence. Why do you believe what you have written in your topic sentence? The evidence is usually paraphrased or quoted material from your reading . Depending on the nature of the assignment, it could also include:

  • Your own data (in a research project for example).
  • Personal experiences from practice (especially for Social Care, Health Sciences and Education).
  • Personal experiences from learning (in a reflective essay for example).

Any evidence from external sources should, of course, be referenced.

body of a research essay

Explanation (analysis)

This is the part of your paragraph where you explain to your reader why the evidence supports the point and why that point is relevant to your overall argument. It is where you answer the question 'So what?'. Tell the reader how the information in the paragraph helps you answer the question and how it leads to your conclusion. Your analysis should attempt to persuade the reader that your conclusion is the correct one.

These are the parts of your paragraphs that will get you the higher marks in any marking scheme.

body of a research essay

Links are optional but it will help your argument flow if you include them. They are sentences that help the reader understand how the parts of your argument are connected . Most commonly they come at the end of the paragraph but they can be equally effective at the beginning of the next one. Sometimes a link is split between the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next (see the example paragraph below).

Paragraph structure video

Length of a paragraph

Academic paragraphs are usually between 200 and 300 words long (they vary more than this but it is a useful guide). The important thing is that they should be long enough to contain all the above material. Only move onto a new paragraph if you are making a new point. 

Many students make their paragraphs too short (because they are not including enough or any analysis) or too long (they are made up of several different points).

Example of an academic paragraph

Using storytelling in educational settings can enable educators to connect with their students because of inborn tendencies for humans to listen to stories.   Written languages have only existed for between 6,000 and 7,000 years (Daniels & Bright, 1995) before then, and continually ever since in many cultures, important lessons for life were passed on using the oral tradition of storytelling. These varied from simple informative tales, to help us learn how to find food or avoid danger, to more magical and miraculous stories designed to help us see how we can resolve conflict and find our place in society (Zipes, 2012). Oral storytelling traditions are still fundamental to native American culture and Rebecca Bishop, a native American public relations officer (quoted in Sorensen, 2012) believes that the physical act of storytelling is a special thing; children will automatically stop what they are doing and listen when a story is told. Professional communicators report that this continues to adulthood (Simmons, 2006; Stevenson, 2008).   This means that storytelling can be a powerful tool for connecting with students of all ages in a way that a list of bullet points in a PowerPoint presentation cannot. The emotional connection and innate, almost hardwired, need to listen when someone tells a story means that educators can teach memorable lessons in a uniquely engaging manner that is   common to all cultures. 

This cross-cultural element of storytelling can be seen when reading or listening to wisdom tales from around the world...

Key:   Topic sentence    Evidence (includes some analysis)    Analysis   Link (crosses into next paragraph)

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9.2 Writing Body Paragraphs

Learning objectives.

  • Select primary support related to your thesis.
  • Support your topic sentences.

If your thesis gives the reader a roadmap to your essay, then body paragraphs should closely follow that map. The reader should be able to predict what follows your introductory paragraph by simply reading the thesis statement.

The body paragraphs present the evidence you have gathered to confirm your thesis. Before you begin to support your thesis in the body, you must find information from a variety of sources that support and give credit to what you are trying to prove.

Select Primary Support for Your Thesis

Without primary support, your argument is not likely to be convincing. Primary support can be described as the major points you choose to expand on your thesis. It is the most important information you select to argue for your point of view. Each point you choose will be incorporated into the topic sentence for each body paragraph you write. Your primary supporting points are further supported by supporting details within the paragraphs.

Remember that a worthy argument is backed by examples. In order to construct a valid argument, good writers conduct lots of background research and take careful notes. They also talk to people knowledgeable about a topic in order to understand its implications before writing about it.

Identify the Characteristics of Good Primary Support

In order to fulfill the requirements of good primary support, the information you choose must meet the following standards:

  • Be specific. The main points you make about your thesis and the examples you use to expand on those points need to be specific. Use specific examples to provide the evidence and to build upon your general ideas. These types of examples give your reader something narrow to focus on, and if used properly, they leave little doubt about your claim. General examples, while they convey the necessary information, are not nearly as compelling or useful in writing because they are too obvious and typical.
  • Be relevant to the thesis. Primary support is considered strong when it relates directly to the thesis. Primary support should show, explain, or prove your main argument without delving into irrelevant details. When faced with lots of information that could be used to prove your thesis, you may think you need to include it all in your body paragraphs. But effective writers resist the temptation to lose focus. Choose your examples wisely by making sure they directly connect to your thesis.
  • Be detailed. Remember that your thesis, while specific, should not be very detailed. The body paragraphs are where you develop the discussion that a thorough essay requires. Using detailed support shows readers that you have considered all the facts and chosen only the most precise details to enhance your point of view.

Prewrite to Identify Primary Supporting Points for a Thesis Statement

Recall that when you prewrite you essentially make a list of examples or reasons why you support your stance. Stemming from each point, you further provide details to support those reasons. After prewriting, you are then able to look back at the information and choose the most compelling pieces you will use in your body paragraphs.

Choose one of the following working thesis statements. On a separate sheet of paper, write for at least five minutes using one of the prewriting techniques you learned in Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” .

  • Unleashed dogs on city streets are a dangerous nuisance.
  • Students cheat for many different reasons.
  • Drug use among teens and young adults is a problem.
  • The most important change that should occur at my college or university is ____________________________________________.

Select the Most Effective Primary Supporting Points for a Thesis Statement

After you have prewritten about your working thesis statement, you may have generated a lot of information, which may be edited out later. Remember that your primary support must be relevant to your thesis. Remind yourself of your main argument, and delete any ideas that do not directly relate to it. Omitting unrelated ideas ensures that you will use only the most convincing information in your body paragraphs. Choose at least three of only the most compelling points. These will serve as the topic sentences for your body paragraphs.

Refer to the previous exercise and select three of your most compelling reasons to support the thesis statement. Remember that the points you choose must be specific and relevant to the thesis. The statements you choose will be your primary support points, and you will later incorporate them into the topic sentences for the body paragraphs.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

When you support your thesis, you are revealing evidence. Evidence includes anything that can help support your stance. The following are the kinds of evidence you will encounter as you conduct your research:

  • Facts. Facts are the best kind of evidence to use because they often cannot be disputed. They can support your stance by providing background information on or a solid foundation for your point of view. However, some facts may still need explanation. For example, the sentence “The most populated state in the United States is California” is a pure fact, but it may require some explanation to make it relevant to your specific argument.
  • Judgments. Judgments are conclusions drawn from the given facts. Judgments are more credible than opinions because they are founded upon careful reasoning and examination of a topic.
  • Testimony. Testimony consists of direct quotations from either an eyewitness or an expert witness. An eyewitness is someone who has direct experience with a subject; he adds authenticity to an argument based on facts. An expert witness is a person who has extensive experience with a topic. This person studies the facts and provides commentary based on either facts or judgments, or both. An expert witness adds authority and credibility to an argument.
  • Personal observation. Personal observation is similar to testimony, but personal observation consists of your testimony. It reflects what you know to be true because you have experiences and have formed either opinions or judgments about them. For instance, if you are one of five children and your thesis states that being part of a large family is beneficial to a child’s social development, you could use your own experience to support your thesis.

Writing at Work

In any job where you devise a plan, you will need to support the steps that you lay out. This is an area in which you would incorporate primary support into your writing. Choosing only the most specific and relevant information to expand upon the steps will ensure that your plan appears well-thought-out and precise.

You can consult a vast pool of resources to gather support for your stance. Citing relevant information from reliable sources ensures that your reader will take you seriously and consider your assertions. Use any of the following sources for your essay: newspapers or news organization websites, magazines, encyclopedias, and scholarly journals, which are periodicals that address topics in a specialized field.

Choose Supporting Topic Sentences

Each body paragraph contains a topic sentence that states one aspect of your thesis and then expands upon it. Like the thesis statement, each topic sentence should be specific and supported by concrete details, facts, or explanations.

Each body paragraph should comprise the following elements.

topic sentence + supporting details (examples, reasons, or arguments)

As you read in Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” , topic sentences indicate the location and main points of the basic arguments of your essay. These sentences are vital to writing your body paragraphs because they always refer back to and support your thesis statement. Topic sentences are linked to the ideas you have introduced in your thesis, thus reminding readers what your essay is about. A paragraph without a clearly identified topic sentence may be unclear and scattered, just like an essay without a thesis statement.

Unless your teacher instructs otherwise, you should include at least three body paragraphs in your essay. A five-paragraph essay, including the introduction and conclusion, is commonly the standard for exams and essay assignments.

Consider the following the thesis statement:

Author J.D. Salinger relied primarily on his personal life and belief system as the foundation for the themes in the majority of his works.

The following topic sentence is a primary support point for the thesis. The topic sentence states exactly what the controlling idea of the paragraph is. Later, you will see the writer immediately provide support for the sentence.

Salinger, a World War II veteran, suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder, a disorder that influenced themes in many of his works.

In Note 9.19 “Exercise 2” , you chose three of your most convincing points to support the thesis statement you selected from the list. Take each point and incorporate it into a topic sentence for each body paragraph.

Supporting point 1: ____________________________________________

Topic sentence: ____________________________________________

Supporting point 2: ____________________________________________

Supporting point 3: ____________________________________________

Draft Supporting Detail Sentences for Each Primary Support Sentence

After deciding which primary support points you will use as your topic sentences, you must add details to clarify and demonstrate each of those points. These supporting details provide examples, facts, or evidence that support the topic sentence.

The writer drafts possible supporting detail sentences for each primary support sentence based on the thesis statement:

Thesis statement: Unleashed dogs on city streets are a dangerous nuisance.

Supporting point 1: Dogs can scare cyclists and pedestrians.

Supporting details:

  • Cyclists are forced to zigzag on the road.
  • School children panic and turn wildly on their bikes.
  • People who are walking at night freeze in fear.

Supporting point 2:

Loose dogs are traffic hazards.

  • Dogs in the street make people swerve their cars.
  • To avoid dogs, drivers run into other cars or pedestrians.
  • Children coaxing dogs across busy streets create danger.

Supporting point 3: Unleashed dogs damage gardens.

  • They step on flowers and vegetables.
  • They destroy hedges by urinating on them.
  • They mess up lawns by digging holes.

The following paragraph contains supporting detail sentences for the primary support sentence (the topic sentence), which is underlined.

Salinger, a World War II veteran, suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder, a disorder that influenced the themes in many of his works. He did not hide his mental anguish over the horrors of war and once told his daughter, “You never really get the smell of burning flesh out of your nose, no matter how long you live.” His short story “A Perfect Day for a Bananafish” details a day in the life of a WWII veteran who was recently released from an army hospital for psychiatric problems. The man acts questionably with a little girl he meets on the beach before he returns to his hotel room and commits suicide. Another short story, “For Esmé – with Love and Squalor,” is narrated by a traumatized soldier who sparks an unusual relationship with a young girl he meets before he departs to partake in D-Day. Finally, in Salinger’s only novel, The Catcher in the Rye , he continues with the theme of posttraumatic stress, though not directly related to war. From a rest home for the mentally ill, sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield narrates the story of his nervous breakdown following the death of his younger brother.

Using the three topic sentences you composed for the thesis statement in Note 9.18 “Exercise 1” , draft at least three supporting details for each point.

Thesis statement: ____________________________________________

Primary supporting point 1: ____________________________________________

Supporting details: ____________________________________________

Primary supporting point 2: ____________________________________________

Primary supporting point 3: ____________________________________________

You have the option of writing your topic sentences in one of three ways. You can state it at the beginning of the body paragraph, or at the end of the paragraph, or you do not have to write it at all. This is called an implied topic sentence. An implied topic sentence lets readers form the main idea for themselves. For beginning writers, it is best to not use implied topic sentences because it makes it harder to focus your writing. Your instructor may also want to clearly identify the sentences that support your thesis. For more information on the placement of thesis statements and implied topic statements, see Chapter 8 “The Writing Process: How Do I Begin?” .

Print out the first draft of your essay and use a highlighter to mark your topic sentences in the body paragraphs. Make sure they are clearly stated and accurately present your paragraphs, as well as accurately reflect your thesis. If your topic sentence contains information that does not exist in the rest of the paragraph, rewrite it to more accurately match the rest of the paragraph.

Key Takeaways

  • Your body paragraphs should closely follow the path set forth by your thesis statement.
  • Strong body paragraphs contain evidence that supports your thesis.
  • Primary support comprises the most important points you use to support your thesis.
  • Strong primary support is specific, detailed, and relevant to the thesis.
  • Prewriting helps you determine your most compelling primary support.
  • Evidence includes facts, judgments, testimony, and personal observation.
  • Reliable sources may include newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, encyclopedias, and firsthand testimony.
  • A topic sentence presents one point of your thesis statement while the information in the rest of the paragraph supports that point.
  • A body paragraph comprises a topic sentence plus supporting details.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

  • The Writing Process
  • Addressing the Prompt
  • Writing Skill: Development
  • Originality
  • Timed Writing (Expectations)
  • Integrated Writing (Writing Process)
  • Introduction to Academic Essays
  • Organization
  • Introduction Paragraphs

Body Paragraphs

  • Conclusion Paragraphs
  • Example Essay 1
  • Example Essay 2
  • Timed Writing (The Prompt)
  • Integrated Writing (TOEFL Task 1)
  • Process Essays
  • Process Essay Example 1
  • Process Essay Example 2
  • Writing Skill: Unity
  • Revise A Process Essay
  • Timed Writing (Choose a Position)
  • Integrated Writing (TOEFL Task 2)
  • Comparison Essays
  • Comparison Essay Example 1
  • Comparison Essay Example 2
  • Writing Skill: Cohesion
  • Revise A Comparison Essay
  • Timed Writing (Plans & Problems)
  • Integrated Writing (Word Choice)
  • Problem/Solution Essays
  • Problem/Solution Essay Example 1
  • Problem/Solution Example Essay 2
  • Writing Skill: Summary
  • Revise A Problem/Solution Essay
  • Timed Writing (Revising)
  • Integrated Writing (Summary)
  • More Writing Skills
  • Punctuation
  • Simple Sentences
  • Compound Sentences
  • Complex Sentences Part 1
  • Complex Sentences Part 2
  • Using Academic Vocabulary
  • Translations

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body of a research essay

Body paragraphs should all work to support your thesis by explaining why or how your thesis is true. There are three types of sentences in each body paragraph: topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences.

Topic sentences

A topic sentence states the focus of the paragraph. The rest of the body paragraph will give evidence and explanations that show why or how your topic sentence is true. A topic sentence is very similar to a thesis. The thesis is the main idea of the essay; a topic sentence is the main idea of a body paragraph. Many of the same characteristics apply to topic sentences that apply to theses. The biggest differences will be the location of the sentence and the scope of the ideas.

An effective topic sentence—

  • clearly supports the thesis statement.
  • is usually at the beginning of a body paragraph.
  • controls the content of all of the supporting sentences in its paragraph.
  • is a complete sentence.
  • does not announce the topic (e.g., “I’m going to talk about exercise.”).
  • should not be t oo general (e.g., “Exercise is good.”).
  • should not be too specific (e.g., “Exercise decreases the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, asthma, osteoporosis, depression, and anxiety.”).

Supporting sentences

Your body paragraph needs to explain why or how your topic sentence is true. The sentences that support your topic sentence are called supporting sentences. You can have many types of supporting sentences. Supporting sentences can give examples, explanations, details, descriptions, facts, reasons, etc.

Topic SentenceExercise improves you mental health.
Supporting Sentences

Exercise is the healthiest way to deal with stress.

Exercise can influence the balance of chemicals in our bodies.

Exercise also helps us think more clearly.

Concluding sentences

Your final statement should conclude your paragraph logically. Concluding sentences can restate the main idea of your paragraph, state an opinion, make a prediction, give advice, etc. New ideas should not be presented in your concluding sentence.

Restatement of topic sentence

Because it makes your body healthier, exercise is extremely important.


These health benefits show that exercise is not a waste of time.


When people see these health benefits, they will want to exercise more.


Everyone should exercise regularly to obtain these amazing health benefits.

 Exercise 1: Analyze a topic sentence.

Read the example body paragraph below to complete this exercise on a piece of paper.

Prompt: Why is exercise important?

Thesis: Exercise is essential because it improves overall physical and mental health.

            Because it makes your body healthier, exercise is extremely important. One of the physical benefits of exercise is having stronger muscles. The only way to make your muscles stronger is to use them, and exercises like crunches, squats, lunges, push-ups, and weight-lifting are good examples of exercises that strengthen your muscles. Another benefit of exercise is that it lowers your heart rate. A slow heart rate can show that our hearts are working more efficiently and they don’t have to pump as many times in a minute to get blood to our organs. Related to our heart beating more efficiently, our blood pressure decreases. These are just some of the incredible health benefits of exercise.

Find the topic sentence. Use the following criteria to evaluate the topic sentence.

  • Does the topic sentence clearly support the thesis statement?
  • Is the topic sentence at the beginning of the body paragraph?
  • Does the topic sentence control the content of all the supporting sentences?
  • Is the topic sentence a complete sentence?
  • Does the topic sentence announce the topic?
  • Is the topic sentence too general? Is it too specific?

Exercise 2: Identify topic sentences.

Each group of sentences has three supporting sentences and one topic sentence. The topic sentence must be broad enough to include all of the supporting sentences. In each group of sentences, choose which sentence is the topic sentence. Write the letter of the topic sentence on the line given.  

Group 1: Topic sentence: _________ 

  • In southern Utah, hikers enjoy the scenic trails in Zion National Park.  
  • Many cities in Utah have created hiking trails in city parks for people to use.  
  • There are hiking paths in Utah’s Rocky Mountains that provide beautiful views.  
  • Hikers all over Utah can access hiking trails and enjoy nature.  

Group 2: Topic sentence: _________ 

  • People in New York speak many different languages.  
  • New York is a culturally diverse city.  
  • People in New York belong to many different religions.  
  • Restaurants in New York have food from all over the world.  

Group 3: Topic sentence: _________ 

  • Websites like YouTube have video tutorials that teach many different skills.  
  • Computer programs like PowerPoint are used in classrooms to teach new concepts.  
  • Technology helps people learn things in today’s world.  
  • Many educational apps have been created to help children in school.  

Group 4: Topic sentence: _________ 

  • Museums at BYU host events on the weekends for students.  
  • There are many fun activities for students at BYU on the weekends.  
  • There are incredible student concerts at BYU on Friday and Saturday nights.  
  • BYU clubs plan exciting activities for students to do on the weekends.  

Group 5: Topic sentence: _________

  • Some places have a scent that people remember when they think of that place.  
  • The smell of someone’s cologne can trigger a memory of that person.  
  • Smelling certain foods can bring back memories of eating that food.  
  • Many different memories can be connected to specific smells.  

Exercise 3: Write topic sentences

Read each paragraph. On a piece of paper, write a topic sentence on the line at the beginning of the paragraph.

1._______ The first difference is that you have more privacy in a private room than in a shared room. You can go to your room to have a private phone call or Skype with your family and you are not bothered by other people. When you share your room, it can be hard to find private time when you can do things alone. Another difference is that it is lonelier in a private room than in a shared room. When you share your room with a roommate, you have someone that you can talk to. Frequently when you have a private room, you are alone more often. These two housing options are very different.

2. _______ People like to eat chocolate because it has many delicious flavors. For example, there are mint chocolates, milk chocolates, dark chocolates, white chocolates, chocolates with honey, and chocolates with nuts. Another reason people like to eat chocolate is because it reduces stress, which can help people to relax and feel better. The last reason people like to eat chocolate is because it can be cooked in many different ways. You can eat chocolate candies, mix chocolate with warm milk to drink, or prepare a chocolate dessert. These reasons are some of the reasons that people like to eat chocolate.

3. _______ A respectful roommate does not leave the main areas of the apartment messy after they use them. For example, they wash their dishes instead of leaving dirty pots and pans on the stove. They also don’t borrow things from other roommates without asking to use them first. In addition to respecting everyone’s need for space and their possessions, the ideal roommate is respectful of his or her roommate’s schedule. For example, if one roommate is asleep and the other roommates needs to study, the ideal roommate goes to the kitchen or living room instead of waking up the sleeping roommate. These simple gestures of respect make a roommate an excellent person to share an apartment with.

Exercise 4: Identify good supporting sentences.

Read the topic sentence. Then circle which sentences would be good supporting sentences.  

Topic Sentence: Eating pancakes for breakfast saves time and money.  

  • Pancakes can be prepared in large quantities and then frozen, so the time it takes to   cook breakfast is only a few minutes.  
  • Pancakes are very inexpensive to make because you only need a few ingredients.  
  • Pancakes are delicious and can be prepared in a variety of flavors.  
  • Pancakes save money because you can buy a big box of mix and only make what you   need; you don’t waste money because you can save the extra mix for another time.  
  • Fresh fruit is a really quick breakfast because you only need to wash it and eat it.

Exercise 5: Identify good concluding sentences.

Read the topic sentence. Then circle which sentences would be good concluding sentences.  

Topic Sentence: A shared room offers students a more social experience.  

  • Students who want more social interaction should have a shared room.  
  • A shared room is not good for students who work late.  
  • Everyone loves having a shared room.  
  • These examples illustrate how much more social a shared room can be.  
  • Really social students will enjoy having a shared room.

Exercise 6: Write concluding sentences.

On a piece of paper, write a concluding sentence at the end of each paragraph.

1. New York is a culturally diverse city. This culture is continually broadened because people immigrate from all over the world bringing different religions, food, and languages with them. This city has people that speak over 30 languages, including Arabic, Mandarin, Untu, Russian, and Polish. There are also more than 20 major religions represented by citizens of New York. These citizens brought more than their language and religion with them, however. They also brought traditional foods from their countries. _______

2. Technology helps people learn things in today’s world. This educational technology includes various websites, apps, programs, and many more things. Popular websites that are used for education include YouTube, TED, Canvas, and CrashCourse. Similarly, there are a variety of educational apps. These apps help users learn languages, history, math, and other practical skills. Computer programs are yet another way to use technology as a way to help people learn. Programs like PowerPoint are frequently used in classrooms as a means to deliver visual support to a lecture or presentation. This visual support aids learning and retention. _______

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4c. Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs present the reasoning and evidence to demonstrate your thesis. In academic essays, body paragraphs are typically a bit more substantial than in news reporting so a writer can share their own ideas, develop their reasoning, cite evidence, and engage in conversation with other writers and scholars. A typical body paragraph in a college essay contains the following elements, which can be remembered through the useful acronym TREAT.

The TREAT Method

  • T opic Sentence – an assertion that supports the thesis and presents the main idea of the paragraph
  • R easoning – critical thinking and rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, and pathos
  • E vidence – facts, examples, and other evidence integrated into the paragraph using summaries, paraphrases, and quotations
  • A nalysis – examination and contextualization of the evidence and reasoning
  • T ransition – the flow of ideas from one paragraph to the next

Effective body paragraphs are:

  • Specific and narrow .  Topic sentences provide your audience a point of transition and flow from paragraph to paragraph. Topic sentences help you expand and develop your thesis and set up the organization of each paragraph. Developing specific reasoning and specific, concrete examples and evidence in each paragraph will build your credibility with readers. If used properly, well-developed reasoning and evidence are more compelling than general facts and observations.
  • Relevant to the thesis.  Primary support is considered strong when it relates directly to the thesis. Body paragraphs should show, explain, and prove your thesis without delving into irrelevant details. With practice and the understanding that there is always another essay, effective writers resist the temptation to lose focus. Keeping your audience and purpose in mind when choosing examples will help you make sure to stay focused on your thesis.
  • Detailed . Academic paragraphs are typically longer than newspaper and magazine paragraphs because scholars need space to develop their reasoning and provide sufficiently detailed evidence to support their claims. Using multiple examples and precise details shows readers that you have considered the facts carefully and enhances the impact of your ideas.
  • Organized . If your paragraph starts to include information or ideas that stray from your topic sentence, either the paragraph or the topic sentence might need to change.

Reasoning and Evidence

In written and oral communication, we demonstrate our critical thinking skills through the various types of rhetorical appeals we make to our audience.  The purpose and audience for a writing task shape the way writers develop reasoning and select evidence to support their ideas.  Writers develop reasoning in body paragraphs through three primary methods: ethos, logos, and pathos.  Writers can deploy many forms of evidence to support their reasoning, including: facts, examples, judgments, testimony, and personal experience.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle developed a simple method for categorizing forms of reasoning by identifying three primary modes of argumentative reasoning: ethos, logos, and pathos.

  • Ethos  is reasoning that establishes a writer’s credibility. By showing yourself to be a critical and sympathetic reader, who considers multiple perspectives and demonstrates ethical thinking, you can establish ethos in your body paragraphs.
  • Logos  is reasoning that develops logical arguments and demonstrates a writer’s command of the facts. Demonstrating your knowledge of the facts and showing that you can distinguish between competing claims at truth will ground your writing in common sense and objectivity.
  • Pathos  is reasoning that appeals to human emotions and psychological motivations. Humans are subjective animals, and our ability to develop an emotional connection with an audience can have a powerful or subtle impact on whether they will agree with a writer’s reasoning.

A fourth form of reasoning,  kairos , can occasionally be used to make an appeal to an audience that the perfect moment or right opportunity has arisen for action. Arguments for changing policies, ending wars, starting revolutions, or engaging in radical social change typically deploy kairos in addition to ethos, logos, and pathos in order to motivate people to take action a critical times in history.

Evidence includes anything that can help you support your reasoning and develop your thesis. As you develop body paragraphs, you reveal evidence to your readers and then provide analysis to help the reader understand how the evidence supports the reasoning and assertions you are making in each body paragraph.  Be sure to check with each instructor to confirm what types of evidence are appropriate for each writing task you are assigned. The following kinds of evidence are commonly used in academic essays:

  • Facts . Facts are the best kind of evidence to use for academic essays because they often cannot be disputed or distorted. Facts can support your stance by providing background information or a solid evidence-based foundation for your point of view. Remember that facts need explanations. Be sure to use signal phrases like “according to” and “as demonstrated by” to introduce facts and use analysis to explain the relevance of facts to your readers.
  • Examples  show readers that your ideas are grounded in real situations and contexts. Examples help you highlight general trends and ground your facts in the real world. Be careful not to take examples out of context or overgeneralize based on individual cases.
  • Judgments . Judgments are the conclusions of experts drawn from a set of examples or evidence. Judgments are more credible than opinions because they are founded upon careful reasoning and a thorough examination of a topic. Citing a credible expert to support your opinion can be a powerful way to build ethos in your writing.
  • Testimony . Testimony consists of direct quotations from eyewitnesses or expert witnesses. An eyewitness is someone who has direct experience with a subject; they add authenticity and credibility to an argument or perspective based on facts. An expert witness is a person who has extensive expertise or experience with a topic. This person provides commentary based on their interpretation of the facts or extensive knowledge on a topic or event.
  • Personal Experience . Personal observation is similar to eyewitness or expert testimony but consists of your own experiences and/or expertise. Personal experience can be effective in academic essays if directly relevant to the topic and suited to the purpose of a writing task.

Key Takeaways

  • Always be aware of your purpose for writing and the needs of your audience. Cater to those needs in every sensible way.
  • Write paragraphs of an appropriate length for your writing assignment. Paragraphs in college-level writing can be up to a page long, as long as they cover the main topics in your outline.
  • Use your prewriting and outline to guide the development of your paragraphs and the elaboration of your ideas.

Addressing Counterarguments and Different Perspectives

“Few things are more difficult than to see outside the bounds of your own perspective—to be able to identify assumptions that you take as universal truths but which, instead, have been crafted by your own unique identity and experiences in the world.”

~David Takacs

Why acknowledge and respond to other points of view?

  • Address potential weaknesses in your argument before others can point them out to you.
  • Acknowledge the complexity of an issue by considering different perspectives and aspects of an issue. No issue has a simple solution or is just Side A versus Side B.
  • Establish your writing ethos (can your reader trust you?): your reader is more likely to trust you if you thoughtfully analyze an issue from multiple angles.
  • Add to your essay’s word count!

Four steps to acknowledging and responding to other points of view

Step one: know your standpoint, what is my standpoint and why should i know it.

  • Standpoint is the unique perspective from which you view the world. It includes: your background and experiences, your political and religious beliefs, your identity (gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and ability), your relationship to others, and your social privilege. These are things that will affect how you view and understand an issue.
  • It’s important to acknowledge your standpoint because it affects what and how you argue.

Good writers are good readers! And good readers. . .

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  • Who are you?
  • Make a list of what you’ll bring to a conversation about the issue on which you’re writing. What are your assumptions, your background and experience, your knowledge and expertise? Be honest!

Consider writing your standpoint into your essay

  • Writing your standpoint into your essay builds trust with your readers. Even if they have a different standpoint, they will respect your honesty and hopefully listen respectfully to what you have to say.
  • Writing from your standpoint can make your writing feel more authentic , to you and your reader. “This is me!”

Even if you don’t explicitly reveal your standpoint to your reader, you’ll want to know your standpoint so that you are aware of your own implicit bias as you write.

How do I write in my standpoint? Can I use “I”?

Try one of these templates:

  • “What concerns me as a business major . . .”
  • “I write this essay during a time when . . .”
  • “I am concerned about. . .”

See how other writers we’ve read have done it:

  • “Now, as a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education , I. . .” [From Anthony Abraham Jack, “I Was a Low-Income College Student. Classes Weren’t the Hard Part.” The New York Times Magazine ]
  • “From my first day as a sociology professor at a university with a Division I football and men’s basketball team , education and athletics struck me as being inherently at odds. . .” [From Jasmine Harris, “It’s Naive to Think College Athletes Have Time for School,” The Conversation ]
  • “In this society, that norm is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure. It is within this mythical norm that the trappings of power reside. Those of us who stand outside that power , for any reason, often identify one way in which we are different, and we assume that quality to be the primary reason for all oppression. . .” [From Audre Lorde, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”]
  • “I might not carry with me the feeling of my audience in stating my own belief. . .” [From Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The American Scholar”]

Step Two: C onsider potential weaknesses in your argument and different points of view on the issue

What potential weaknesses in your argument might you address.

  • Logic : would a reader question any of your assumptions?
  • between your reasoning and your claim: your main unstated assumption
  • or between your evidence and your reasoning: is there evidence or types of evidence a reader might be skeptical of?
  • Does the reader hold false assumptions about the issue?
  • Could a reader give a different explanation of the issue ?
  • Could a reader draw a different conclusion from the evidence ?
  • Is there a specific reader who would disagree?

What alternative points of view on the issue might you consider?

  • How might someone think differently about the issue?
  • How might someone approach the issue from a different standpoint?
  • What might keep someone from trusting or believing a claim or point you make?
  • What might make someone tentative about taking action?
  • What might keep a person from having an open mind?

Which one should I choose to address?

It depends on the essay’s length. You might consider 1-2 counterarguments that are most important for you to address in a paper (depending on the length).

  • this could be a view your audience/community is likely to hold themselves
  • or a common-knowledge one you think everyone will think of while reading
  • and of course the one that is most specific to your argument
  • if you can get one that fits more than one of these criteria, that’s even better!

What NOT to do when considering a counterargument

Comic. Speaker 1: "You really shouldn't make straw man arguments." Speaker 2: "Oh? Well, then I guess we should just not have arguments at all!"

Build a straw man counterargument

  • A straw man argument is a logical fallacy where the writer misrepresents or oversimplifies someone else’s argument in order to make it easier to refute.
  • Writers also create straw man arguments when they make up a potential counterargument that is easy to refute, but isn’t something most people would reasonably believe.

Step Three: It’s time to write your counterargument into your essay

An exemplary counterargument:.

  • exists as its own paragraph
  • you fully acknowledge and respond to it
  • Note: You don’t have to refute a counterargument for your argument to work. Our world is big enough to hold multiple points of view. The paragraph should ultimately support your thesis, but you may amend, qualify, complicate, or open up your claim, which is often why, organizationally, discussion of counterarguments or different points of view work best in the introduction of your essay to set up your claim or as the last body paragraph to lead into your conclusion.
  • relates to your audience/community’s likely concerns and interests
  • seems like a realistic thing someone might think (is not a straw man or caricature)
  • ideally, is specific to your argument, not your topic in general
  • considers both sides respectfully
  • may be more than one counterargument or different perspective, but you’d need a separate paragraph for each in order to give them full consideration

Addressing a counterargument versus a different perspective

A true counterargument is the opposing claim on an issue:

  • Claim: Academic probation does not help students progress.
  • Counterargument: Academic probation does help students progress.

Different perspectives might offer different reasoning, consider different factors or conditions, or ask about different groups of people or situations.

A counterargument needs to be rebutted. Different perspectives can help you amend, qualify, complicate, or open up your claim.

You might use a counterargument to qualify your thesis

An example:

Reasoned thesis : Hook-up culture is now at the center of the institution of higher education because it is thick, palpable, the air students breathe, and we find it on almost every residential campus in America. [From Lisa Wade, “Sociology and the New Culture of Hooking Up on College Campuses“]

A counterargument : Research findings suggest that the sexual practices of college students haven’t changed much since the 1980s. [From David Ludden, “Is Hook-Up Culture Dominating College Campuses?”]

Qualified claim : Although sexual practices of college students haven’t changed much in the last few decades , hook-up culture is now at the center of the institution of higher education because it is thick, palpable. . .

Counterargument paragraph : “The topic of my book, then, isn’t just hooking up; it’s hook-up  culture . . .” (Wade).

A template for a counterargument paragraph

I recognize that others may have a different perspective than [state your claim*]. They might believe that [state their claim]. They believe this because [provide several sentences of support]. However, [restate your claim and explain in several sentences why you believe the way you do].

*You can also consider counterpoints to your reasoning, evidence, or standpoint.

Step Four: Decide where to organize your counterargument paragraph

An effective counterargument does not just say “someone might disagree,” but attempts to be specific: who (ideally someone like your reader) might disagree and why? What can you say that acknowledges their concerns but shows that your idea is still convincing?

Some essays naturally acknowledge the counterargument all the way through because they’re proposing a change, which means the current situation is already a counterargument. In this case, it makes sense to address the counterargument early on: Why are things this way now? What’s wrong with it? Then consider if someone might agree that things should change but disagree about your course of action.

Example 1: The current method of ranking college basketball teams came into existence because. . . (This paragraph would likely be in the beginning.)

Example 2: Some college basketball fans might think that while the rankings aren’t completely correct in predicting winnings, they’re more complicated than I’m allowing for in this discussion; this idea merits consideration but does not ultimately derail my argument. (This counterargument might come near the beginning, too, because it discusses a potential flaw in the basic idea: someone might disagree that the problem is as bad as I’m saying. In this case, it’s likely good to talk about that early on, because if a reader thinks this they will probably not read all the way to page four to see you address their concern. Also note how this topic sentence ends by saying how the paragraph will end: with my idea still being better.)

If your topic doesn’t seem very controversial on its face. . .

consider putting the counterargument in the beginning, to establish the controversy.

If your counterargument is similar to one of your best points in the body of the essay. . .

maybe put the counterargument paragraph before that body paragraph so your response logically leads into the next paragraph about a similar point.

If you have several counterarguments paragraphs you want to include. . .

you could put them throughout the body.

If you have one solid counterargument paragraph but a couple of other opposed points you want to mention. . .

you can address those points in other paragraphs where they fit most closely, including in a context paragraph and the regular evidentiary body paragraphs.

If none of those seems true—it’s just another paragraph that could come anywhere—. . .

reconsider your overall structure and find the place where this information needs to come. What do readers need to know first? Why? What needs to come later?

Being aware of different perspectives can also help you develop your conclusion paragraph. In your conclusion, you can reaffirm your claim and then:

  • amend part of your claim
  • qualify your claim
  • complicate your claim
  • open up your claim

Writing as collaboration

Think of adding in counterarguments or different perspectives as collaborating with others on addressing an issue. . .

animated people sit with computers and talk.

Brazuca illustrations by Cezar Berje, CC0

Opening up our minds and our hearts to different perspectives makes us stronger.

Writing as Inquiry Copyright © 2021 by Kara Clevinger and Stephen Rust is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Writing the Body Of the Paper

Ask these questions:

What is it?

It is putting all of your research together in a format that you can present to people.

There are many different ways to put together and present your thesis statement and supporting evidence.

Once you have an '); Activate();" onmouseout="deActivate()">outline that you like, you will be able to link your ideas and evidence either with sentences and paragraphs, visuals, sounds, movements, or a combination of any of these.

This tip sheet will focus on the written research paper, which is the format most commonly required.

If you have some flexibility in how you present your project, see Alternative Formats for the Presentation of Research Projects.

How do I begin to write the body of a research paper?

  • You will continue in this manner until you reach the conclusion section of your outline.

Analysis and Synthesis

Body paragraphs: introduce, cite, explain.

In the Literature Review, each body paragraph should cover a single trend or gap in the research, using two or more sources to show the reader how that trend or gap emerges. Here, we will review a specific way of composing a paragraph that is often found in academic writing. This is not the only model you can use in writing, but it is a good starting point to help you develop your discussion of trends and gaps for the Literature Review.

In general, body paragraphs should have one specific point. Do not group several trends or gaps in the research in a single paragraph. For example, you would not want to divide your essay into a trends paragraph and a gaps paragraph. This idea may appear to be a paradox, but the narrower your paragraph’s point, the easier it is to write more. Aim for about half a page per paragraph. This makes it easier for your reader to follow your reasoning. There are three main components to a body paragraph: you’ll introduce the main idea (trend or gap), cite evidence from the sources to support it, and explain how the evidence you’ve presented fits together.

Your claim about the trend or gap in the research should be the focus of your topic sentence for your paragraph. You do not want to start with evidence, which means that you should never begin a paragraph with a quotation from a source. Instead, your first sentence should clearly identify the single trend or gap in the research that you want to discuss in that paragraph. Your reader will look at this claim in the first sentence and say, “Okay, now show me the evidence. Convince me.”

To support your claim, you need to cite specific evidence from two or more sources to demonstrate the trend and/or gap’s existence. You will want to vary the ways in which you incorporate that evidence, using a good mix of summary, paraphrase, and brief quotation.  Avoid long quotations from your sources in the Literature Review. This is a relatively short essay, and the vast majority of the words in it should be your own. The goal of this part of the paragraph is to show the reader how these sources converge to create or reveal this trend or gap.

In academic writing, we never allow evidence to speak for itself; we always explain its purpose. This is the explanation of your evidence. In practical terms, this means that you should never end a paragraph with a quotation. Instead, the last sentence of your paragraph should explain the evidence you have presented to the reader. This explanation should echo the claim made in the beginning of the paragraph. It will take practice to write a good explanation because you have to convince the reader that the evidence you’ve cited supports your claim. It is more than just restating the claim. You have to make the connections for us, like retracing your steps. How did that evidence lead you to identify that trend or gap?

applying research skills

A good metaphor to help you better understand the introduce, cite, explain (ICE) paragraph model is to think about a sport where a swing is used. For example, golf would be a great sport to use for this metaphor.

In golf, players must align themselves to the ball and get ready to strike it. In other words, they must prepare themselves to swing. This can be compared to the topic sentence because it is the set up for your body paragraph; it organizes what is to follow. In the same way, golfers must set themselves up to move the ball to the green.

Next, a golfer will need to actually swing the club, reaching back to gain momentum and speed before striking the ball. This would represent the evidence cited within the body paragraph to demonstrate that the trend and/or gap exists. Without striking the ball, a golfer is stuck.  A bad strike can also send the ball careening off-course, directly into a sand trap or water hazard.  In much the same way, citing inappropriate or insufficient evidence can derail your paragraph.

Finally, after striking the ball, it is imperative that golfers follow through to enable the ball to speed to the spot where they have directed it. This represents the explanation. Without an explanation, your claim and evidence will not go where you directed them; they will not make sense to the audience. For this reason, it is imperative that you provide your audience a good follow through by explaining how the evidence supports the claim.

research toolbox

In this research toolbox, please identify where the author introduces , cites , and explains in this sample paragraph from a literature review:

Current studies by Smith (2016), Cassidy and Doyle (2015), and Rogers, Mack, and Johnson (2017) indicate that consumers do not properly use nutrition labels because they do not understand them. Smith (2016) conducted a survey with 220 participants and found that 65% of those involved did not understand the layout and information included on nutrition labels. Cassidy and Doyle (2015) added to this conversation by stating that 54% of the 80 participants in their observation did not properly consult and understand the labels based on purchases and follow up interviews. Lastly, Rogers et al. (2017) found that 62% of the 140 participants in their survey selected incorrect answers to questions regarding nutrition labels and their information. All of these sources indicate the majority of consumers do not understand how to read and interpret nutrition labels properly; therefore, consumers are not using these labels as intended. This misuse demonstrates the need for either increased education on the layout and information presented on food labels or a redesign of food labels to make them more accessible to the average consumer.

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  • How Do I Incorporate a Counterargument?
  • How Do I Check My Citations?

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Traditional Academic Essays In Three Parts

Part i: the introduction.

An introduction is usually the first paragraph of your academic essay. If you’re writing a long essay, you might need 2 or 3 paragraphs to introduce your topic to your reader. A good introduction does 2 things:

  • Gets the reader’s attention. You can get a reader’s attention by telling a story, providing a statistic, pointing out something strange or interesting, providing and discussing an interesting quote, etc. Be interesting and find some original angle via which to engage others in your topic.
  • Provides a specific and debatable thesis statement. The thesis statement is usually just one sentence long, but it might be longer—even a whole paragraph—if the essay you’re writing is long. A good thesis statement makes a debatable point, meaning a point someone might disagree with and argue against. It also serves as a roadmap for what you argue in your paper.

Part II: The Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs help you prove your thesis and move you along a compelling trajectory from your introduction to your conclusion. If your thesis is a simple one, you might not need a lot of body paragraphs to prove it. If it’s more complicated, you’ll need more body paragraphs. An easy way to remember the parts of a body paragraph is to think of them as the MEAT of your essay:

Main Idea. The part of a topic sentence that states the main idea of the body paragraph. All of the sentences in the paragraph connect to it. Keep in mind that main ideas are…

  • like labels. They appear in the first sentence of the paragraph and tell your reader what’s inside the paragraph.
  • arguable. They’re not statements of fact; they’re debatable points that you prove with evidence.
  • focused. Make a specific point in each paragraph and then prove that point.

Evidence. The parts of a paragraph that prove the main idea. You might include different types of evidence in different sentences. Keep in mind that different disciplines have different ideas about what counts as evidence and they adhere to different citation styles. Examples of evidence include…

  • quotations and/or paraphrases from sources.
  • facts , e.g. statistics or findings from studies you’ve conducted.
  • narratives and/or descriptions , e.g. of your own experiences.

Analysis. The parts of a paragraph that explain the evidence. Make sure you tie the evidence you provide back to the paragraph’s main idea. In other words, discuss the evidence.

Transition. The part of a paragraph that helps you move fluidly from the last paragraph. Transitions appear in topic sentences along with main ideas, and they look both backward and forward in order to help you connect your ideas for your reader. Don’t end paragraphs with transitions; start with them.

Keep in mind that MEAT does not occur in that order. The “ T ransition” and the “ M ain Idea” often combine to form the first sentence—the topic sentence—and then paragraphs contain multiple sentences of evidence and analysis. For example, a paragraph might look like this: TM. E. E. A. E. E. A. A.

Part III: The Conclusion

A conclusion is the last paragraph of your essay, or, if you’re writing a really long essay, you might need 2 or 3 paragraphs to conclude. A conclusion typically does one of two things—or, of course, it can do both:

  • Summarizes the argument. Some instructors expect you not to say anything new in your conclusion. They just want you to restate your main points. Especially if you’ve made a long and complicated argument, it’s useful to restate your main points for your reader by the time you’ve gotten to your conclusion. If you opt to do so, keep in mind that you should use different language than you used in your introduction and your body paragraphs. The introduction and conclusion shouldn’t be the same.
  • For example, your argument might be significant to studies of a certain time period .
  • Alternately, it might be significant to a certain geographical region .
  • Alternately still, it might influence how your readers think about the future . You might even opt to speculate about the future and/or call your readers to action in your conclusion.

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Chapter 4: Structuring, Paragraphing, and Styling

4.8 Sample Body Paragraph

Amanda Lloyd

A strong body paragraph should support the claim you make in your thesis statement. Our sample body paragraph develops a key supporting idea (sub-claim) from the argumentative thesis in section 3.4 , which is reproduced here:

Teenagers and young adults seem to use their phones everywhere—in the classroom, at the dinner table, even in restroom stalls—because they want to stay connected to their friends and peers at all times, but I think spending that much time online is detrimental to their social skills and mental health.

The sub-claims that the writer of this thesis statement will have to support in the body of the essay are

  • spending too much time online is detrimental to social skills
  • spending too much time online is detrimental to mental health

The following sample body paragraph begins to develop the second of these sub-claims:

In addition to impeding social development, excessive cellphone use can contribute to a range of mental health disorders. For example, Jean M. Twinge et al., a team of psychology researchers from San Diego State and Florida State Universities, conclude that increased screen time in adolescents is associated with a higher risk of depressive symptoms when compared to those engaged in nonscreen activities (9). Moreover,   in the same study, the authors report that “adolescents using devices 5 or more hours a day (vs. 1 hour) were 66% more likely to have at least one suicide-related outcome” (9). Teenagers and young adults are not only more likely to engage in problematic use or overuse of cellphones, but because they are still maturing cognitively, they are especially vulnerable to the psychological repercussions.

Color Coding Key:

Paragraph-level transition (See section 4.7 for help with paragraph-level transitions)

Topic sentence (See section 4.3 for help with topic sentences)

Sentence-level transitions (See section 4.7 for help with sentence-level transitions)

Supporting evidence (See section 4.4 for help with supporting evidence)

Explaining the evidence (See section 4.5 for help with explaining evidence)

A Guide to Rhetoric, Genre, and Success in First-Year Writing by Amanda Lloyd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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11: The Research Essay

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  • Steven D. Krause
  • Eastern Michigan University

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  • 11.1: A “Research Essay” or a “Research Project” instead of a “Research Paper”
  • 11.2: Getting Ready- Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Research Essay
  • 11.3: Creating and Revising a Formal Outline
  • 11.4: The Introduction
  • 11.5: Background Information (or Helping Your Reader Find a Context)
  • 11.6: Weaving in Evidence to Support Your Point
  • 11.7: Antithetical Arguments and Answers
  • 11.8: The Conclusion As research essays have a beginning, so do they have an ending, generally called a conclusion. While the main purpose of an introduction is to get the reader’s attention and to explain what the essay will be about, the goal of a conclusion is to bring the reader to a satisfying point of closure. In other words, a good conclusion does not merely “end” an essay; it wraps things up.
  • 11.9: “Works Cited” or “Reference” Information
  • 11.10: A Student Example- “The Corruption Surrounding University Athletics” by Casey K. Copeman
  • How it works

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Writing the Main Body Paragraphs of an Essay

Published by Alaxendra Bets at August 18th, 2021 , Revised On August 22, 2023

The main body of an essay is the most important segment because the author can present their main arguments here.

The  essay introduction  gives you the chance to introduce the  topic  and provide background information, but it does not argue anything.

On the other hand, the  conclusion  section reiterates the main body’s points and offers suggestions for future work without making any new arguments.

All your arguments are contained inside the main body of the essay.

Organizing and structuring an essay’s main body is perhaps the most challenging facet of essay writing that most essayists struggle with. So what information needs to be placed in the main body? How much information will be sufficient? How do you structure the main body?

Here are some tips on writing an essay’s main body paragraphs to help you correctly plan and organize the most critical part of your  academic essay .

Plan, Organise and Reorganise

Your  essay  paper’s organisation starts even before the essay is written and continues even after it is written. This means that you will have to continue to work on your essay organisation throughout the process.

From the point where you imagine your essay’s  main idea  to the point where your essay is completely written, you must be willing to reorganize the paper if needed.

This doesn’t mean that you will need to change the sequence of things after writing every few sentences, but you must regularly check your paper’s order and organisation to see if the structure is coherent.

Develop an Essay Outline

This, by far, is the most helpful strategy to ensure your essay paper is well organised and follows the planned structure. Developing an essay outline will help with remembering the most important points that need to be covered in your essay and how they all relate to each other.

Be prepared to take notes to improve your essay’s organisation and add new points to your essay outline as you continue to write. You will likely come up with new ideas and might even need to refine the existing plan.

Use  topic sentences  to record your key ideas. This is particularly important if you already have a clear idea of what you would like to say in your essay.

However, make sure to use all the  essential components  of a topic sentence to remember your own ideas when you are done with the part of an essay you are working on.

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Importance of Thesis Statement

Like topic sentences, having a  good thesis statement  will help you a great deal in keeping track of everything as you write. It is always a good idea to check your topic sentences against the thesis statement to ensure each topic sentence is relevant to the topic subject.

Similarly, you will want to check your topic sentences against each other to avoid repetition of statements and ensure the correct sequence of the main body  paragraphs  and their relevance to the topic matter.

Making Sense of Topic Sentences and Thesis Statement

Reduce each  paragraph  of the essay to a simple topic statement. Reading them one at a time will help you compare them against the topic sentences you wrote and establish whether you have stayed on track.

Even if you recognize that your ideas have deviated slightly from the initial planning, it is still perfectly alright, but you must be aware of this transition.

If the  transitions  are logical, and at the end of reading all topic sentences, you can logically grasp the ideas without getting lost, you can move on.

Analyzing topic sentences is a great way of making sure your essay paper follows a logical structure/route from the beginning to the end.

Avoid Repetition

You don’t want to be repeating the same statements and words over and over. Each  paragraph of your essay  must convey a different point and offer something new to the readers.

If, upon evaluation, you discover that any two paragraphs of your essay are discussing something similar, then you need to either discard one or rewrite it to cover a different aspect of the topic.

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Are Paragraphs Transitioning Smoothly From One Another?

After completing the draft essay paper, if you realize that your essay’s information doesn’t flow smoothly and the organisation is not logical, there is still no need to panic. Many students find  themselves overwhelmed by their workload  and start to question their essay writing skills.

If you find yourself stuck, you can take some time off and come back later with a fresh mind. You might even want to redo the essay outline if you are unhappy with the essay structure.

As suggested previously, there is nothing wrong with filling in structural gaps needed to improve the paper’s overall organisation.

Also Read:  How to Use Transitions in Essay

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a main body paragraph.

To write a main body paragraph:

  • Start with a topic sentence.
  • Provide evidence or examples.
  • Explain the evidence’s relevance.
  • Analyze and interpret the content.
  • Connect ideas to the overall argument.
  • Conclude the paragraph’s main point.

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Decrypt’s Art, Fashion, and Entertainment Hub.

A new research paper from a team at Harvard University and Montana Technological University suggests that aliens have likely visited Earth—and could still be living among us in secret.

The peer-reviewed report more specifically argues that the scientific community should be open to the possibilities presented by Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). The researchers explored the “cryptoterrestrial hypothesis,” a subset of a theory that UAP sightings may be the activities of non-human intelligent beings.

“UAP may reflect activities of intelligent beings concealed in stealth here on Earth (e.g., underground), and/or its near environs (e.g., the moon), and/or even ‘walking among us’ (e.g., passing as humans),” the authors explain.

“Fundamentally, UAP constitute an extraordinary empirical mystery, which science is surely obligated to investigate, yet has rarely done so—at least in an open, public, visible way,” the report adds.

UAP can appear in different forms, including strange lights in the sky or objects moving over or under the surface of Earth’s oceans. Most commonly, these events are labeled as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)—or Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)—that witnesses describe as drones or even alien spaceships.

The report did not directly assert or deny the existence of extraterrestrial life but asked the scientific community to be open to the idea—including the possibility that aliens could be living in underground bases on Earth and the moon.

“Although this idea is likely to be regarded skeptically by most scientists, such are the nature of some UAP,” the researchers declared. “We argue this possibility should not be summarily dismissed, and instead deserves genuine consideration in a spirit of epistemic humility and openness.”

Their work was published in the open-access journal Philosophy and Cosmology , an international, double-blind peer-reviewed outlet of the International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology. The report was authored by Tim Lomas, Brendan Case, and Michael Masters, who did not respond to a request for comment from  Decrypt .

A “ double-blind ” or “double anonymized” peer review is a process used by academic journals to ensure that articles are fairly reviewed by experts in the field while concealing the identity of both the authors and the reviewers, with only the editor knowing who they are.

The paper broke down four categories of the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: Human cryptoterrestrials would be an advanced ancient human civilization, like the mythical Atlantis, destroyed in an apocalypse. Hominids and theropod cryptoterrestrials would be animals that evolved in stealth, as portrayed in movies and TV shows like Land of the Lost or more recently in Legendary Pictures’ Monterverse . Former extraterrestrials, or extratemporal cryptoterrestrials, include aliens or future descendants who arrived on Earth via time travel, such as those depicted in the BBC television series Primeval . The final category is magical cryptoterrestrials, entities resembling earthbound or fallen angels that interact with humans in seemingly magical ways.

The possibility of extraterrestrial life on or around Earth ramped up in 2023 as the U.S. government released classified documents related to UAP sightings. Last year, during a congressional hearing before the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, witnesses who claim to have seen UAPs firsthand said they pose a serious national security threat.

"If UAPs are foreign drones, it's an urgent national security problem; if it's something else, it's an issue for science," executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace Ryan Graves told the committee. "In either case, unidentified objects are a concern for flight safety, and the American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies."

For decades, the U.S. government has been accused of hiding the existence of alien life, to which Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett said Congress has had enough.

“We’re done with the cover-ups,” he said.

In January, Congressman Robert Garcia (D-CA) and Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI) introduced the ‘Safe Airspace for Americans Act’ to make it easier for civilian pilots and personnel to report UAPs. On Tuesday, Garcia announced his proposed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act were blocked in the House.

My 3 UAP amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act have been blocked from being considered by House Republican leadership. We must continue to fight for transparency and take seriously national security concerns and the public interest. We will continue pushing. — Congressman Robert Garcia (@RepRobertGarcia) June 12, 2024

Despite witness testimony, the U.S. Department of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) released a separate report in March regarding UAPs, concluding there was no evidence of visitors from the stars.

"AARO has found no verifiable evidence that any UAP sighting has represented extraterrestrial activity," AARO acting Director Tim Phillips said during a briefing at the Pentagon. "AARO has found no verifiable evidence that the U.S. government or private industry has ever had access to extraterrestrial technology. AARO has found no indications that any information was illegally or inappropriately withheld from Congress."

Edited by Ryan Ozawa .

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  • Published: 11 June 2024

The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international astronaut biobank

  • Eliah G. Overbey   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
  • JangKeun Kim   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Braden T. Tierney   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Jiwoon Park   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Nadia Houerbi 1 , 2 ,
  • Alexander G. Lucaci 1 , 2 ,
  • Sebastian Garcia Medina 1 , 2 ,
  • Namita Damle 1 ,
  • Deena Najjar   ORCID: 5 ,
  • Kirill Grigorev 1 , 2 ,
  • Evan E. Afshin 1 , 2 ,
  • Krista A. Ryon 1 ,
  • Karolina Sienkiewicz 2 , 6 ,
  • Laura Patras 7 , 8 ,
  • Remi Klotz   ORCID: 9 ,
  • Veronica Ortiz 9 ,
  • Matthew MacKay 6 ,
  • Annalise Schweickart   ORCID: 2 , 6 ,
  • Christopher R. Chin   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Maria A. Sierra 6 ,
  • Matias F. Valenzuela 10 ,
  • Ezequiel Dantas   ORCID: 11 , 12 ,
  • Theodore M. Nelson   ORCID: 13 ,
  • Egle Cekanaviciute   ORCID: 14 ,
  • Gabriel Deards 6 ,
  • Jonathan Foox 1 , 2 ,
  • S. Anand Narayanan 15 ,
  • Caleb M. Schmidt 16 , 17 , 18 ,
  • Michael A. Schmidt 16 , 17 ,
  • Julian C. Schmidt 16 , 17 ,
  • Sean Mullane 19 ,
  • Seth Stravers Tigchelaar 19 ,
  • Steven Levitte 19 , 20 ,
  • Craig Westover 1 ,
  • Chandrima Bhattacharya 6 ,
  • Serena Lucotti 7 ,
  • Jeremy Wain Hirschberg 1 ,
  • Jacqueline Proszynski 1 ,
  • Marissa Burke   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Ashley Kleinman 1 ,
  • Daniel J. Butler 1 ,
  • Conor Loy 21 ,
  • Omary Mzava 21 ,
  • Joan Lenz 21 ,
  • Doru Paul 22 ,
  • Christopher Mozsary 1 ,
  • Lauren M. Sanders 14 ,
  • Lynn E. Taylor 23 ,
  • Chintan O. Patel 24 ,
  • Sharib A. Khan 24 ,
  • Mir Suhail 24 ,
  • Syed G. Byhaqui 24 ,
  • Burhan Aslam 24 ,
  • Aaron S. Gajadhar 25 ,
  • Lucy Williamson 25 ,
  • Purvi Tandel 25 ,
  • Qiu Yang 25 ,
  • Jessica Chu 25 ,
  • Ryan W. Benz 25 ,
  • Asim Siddiqui 25 ,
  • Daniel Hornburg   ORCID: 25 ,
  • Kelly Blease 26 ,
  • Juan Moreno 26 ,
  • Andrew Boddicker   ORCID: 26 ,
  • Junhua Zhao   ORCID: 26 ,
  • Bryan Lajoie 26 ,
  • Ryan T. Scott   ORCID: 27 ,
  • Rachel R. Gilbert 27 ,
  • San-huei Lai Polo 27 ,
  • Andrew Altomare 26 ,
  • Semyon Kruglyak 26 ,
  • Shawn Levy 26 ,
  • Ishara Ariyapala 28 ,
  • Joanne Beer   ORCID: 28 ,
  • Bingqing Zhang 28 ,
  • Briana M. Hudson 29 ,
  • Aric Rininger 29 ,
  • Sarah E. Church   ORCID: 29 ,
  • Afshin Beheshti   ORCID: 30 , 31 ,
  • George M. Church   ORCID: 32 ,
  • Scott M. Smith   ORCID: 33 ,
  • Brian E. Crucian 33 ,
  • Sara R. Zwart   ORCID: 34 ,
  • Irina Matei   ORCID: 7 , 12 ,
  • David C. Lyden   ORCID: 7 , 12 ,
  • Francine Garrett-Bakelman 35 , 36 ,
  • Jan Krumsiek   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 6 ,
  • Qiuying Chen 37 ,
  • Dawson Miller 37 ,
  • Joe Shuga 38 ,
  • Stephen Williams 38 ,
  • Corey Nemec   ORCID: 38 ,
  • Guy Trudel   ORCID: 39 , 40 , 41 ,
  • Martin Pelchat 42 ,
  • Odette Laneuville   ORCID: 43 ,
  • Iwijn De Vlaminck   ORCID: 21 ,
  • Steven Gross 37 ,
  • Kelly L. Bolton 44 ,
  • Susan M. Bailey   ORCID: 23 , 45 ,
  • Richard Granstein 46 ,
  • David Furman   ORCID: 10 , 47 , 48 , 49 ,
  • Ari M. Melnick   ORCID: 12 , 22 ,
  • Sylvain V. Costes   ORCID: 14 ,
  • Bader Shirah   ORCID: 50 ,
  • Anil S. Menon   ORCID: 34 ,
  • Jaime Mateus 19 ,
  • Cem Meydan   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 22 &
  • Christopher E. Mason   ORCID: 1 , 2 , 3 , 51 , 52  

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  • Medical research
  • Molecular biology

Spaceflight induces molecular, cellular, and physiological shifts in astronauts and poses myriad biomedical challenges to the human body, which are becoming increasingly relevant as more humans venture into space 1-6 . Yet, current frameworks for aerospace medicine are nascent and lag far behind advancements in precision medicine on Earth, underscoring the need for rapid development of space medicine databases, tools, and protocols. Here, we present the Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA), an integrated data and sample repository for clinical, cellular, and multi-omic research profiles from a diverse range of missions, including the NASA Twins Study 7 , JAXA CFE study 8,9 , SpaceX Inspiration4 crew 10-12 , plus Axiom and Polaris. The SOMA resource represents a >10-fold increase in publicly available human space omics data, with matched samples available from the Cornell Aerospace Medicine Biobank. The Atlas includes extensive molecular and physiological profiles encompassing genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and microbiome data sets, which reveal some consistent features across missions, including cytokine shifts, telomere elongation, and gene expression changes, as well as mission-specific molecular responses and links to orthologous, tissue-specific murine data sets. Leveraging the datasets, tools, and resources in SOMA can help accelerate precision aerospace medicine, bringing needed health monitoring, risk mitigation, and countermeasures data for upcoming lunar, Mars, and exploration-class missions.

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Author information, authors and affiliations.

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Eliah G. Overbey, JangKeun Kim, Braden T. Tierney, Jiwoon Park, Nadia Houerbi, Alexander G. Lucaci, Sebastian Garcia Medina, Namita Damle, Kirill Grigorev, Evan E. Afshin, Krista A. Ryon, Christopher R. Chin, Jonathan Foox, Craig Westover, Jeremy Wain Hirschberg, Jacqueline Proszynski, Marissa Burke, Ashley Kleinman, Daniel J. Butler, Christopher Mozsary, Jan Krumsiek, Cem Meydan & Christopher E. Mason

The HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Eliah G. Overbey, JangKeun Kim, Braden T. Tierney, Jiwoon Park, Nadia Houerbi, Alexander G. Lucaci, Sebastian Garcia Medina, Kirill Grigorev, Evan E. Afshin, Karolina Sienkiewicz, Annalise Schweickart, Jonathan Foox, Jan Krumsiek, Cem Meydan & Christopher E. Mason

BioAstra, Inc, New York, NY, USA

Eliah G. Overbey & Christopher E. Mason

Center for STEM, University of Austin, Austin, TX, USA

Eliah G. Overbey

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA

Deena Najjar

Tri-Institutional Biology and Medicine program, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Karolina Sienkiewicz, Matthew MacKay, Annalise Schweickart, Maria A. Sierra, Gabriel Deards, Chandrima Bhattacharya & Jan Krumsiek

Children’s Cancer and Blood Foundation Laboratories, Departments of Pediatrics and Cell and Developmental Biology, Drukier Institute for Children’s Health, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Laura Patras, Serena Lucotti, Irina Matei & David C. Lyden

Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Center of Systems Biology, Biodiversity and Bioresources, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Laura Patras

Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Remi Klotz, Veronica Ortiz & Min Yu

Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA, USA

Matias F. Valenzuela & David Furman

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Ezequiel Dantas

Meyer Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Ezequiel Dantas, Irina Matei, David C. Lyden & Ari M. Melnick

Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

Theodore M. Nelson

Space Biosciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA

Egle Cekanaviciute, Lauren M. Sanders & Sylvain V. Costes

Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA

S. Anand Narayanan

Sovaris Aerospace, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Caleb M. Schmidt, Michael A. Schmidt & Julian C. Schmidt

Advanced Pattern Analysis and Human Performance Group, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Department of Systems Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

Caleb M. Schmidt

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX), Hawthorne, CA, USA

Sean Mullane, Seth Stravers Tigchelaar, Steven Levitte & Jaime Mateus

Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Steven Levitte

Nancy E. and Peter C. Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Conor Loy, Omary Mzava, Joan Lenz & Iwijn De Vlaminck

Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Doru Paul, Ari M. Melnick & Cem Meydan

Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

Lynn E. Taylor & Susan M. Bailey

TrialX Inc., New York, NY, USA

Chintan O. Patel, Sharib A. Khan, Mir Suhail, Syed G. Byhaqui & Burhan Aslam

Seer, Inc., Redwood City, CA, USA

Aaron S. Gajadhar, Lucy Williamson, Purvi Tandel, Qiu Yang, Jessica Chu, Ryan W. Benz, Asim Siddiqui & Daniel Hornburg

Element Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA

Kelly Blease, Juan Moreno, Andrew Boddicker, Junhua Zhao, Bryan Lajoie, Andrew Altomare, Semyon Kruglyak & Shawn Levy

KBR; Space Biosciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA

Ryan T. Scott, Rachel R. Gilbert & San-huei Lai Polo

Alamar Biosciences, Inc, 47071 Bayside Parkway, Fremont, CA, USA

Ishara Ariyapala, Joanne Beer & Bingqing Zhang

NanoString Technologies, Seattle, WA, USA

Briana M. Hudson, Aric Rininger & Sarah E. Church

Blue Marble Space Institute of Science; Space Biosciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA

  • Afshin Beheshti

Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA

Harvard Medical School and the Wyss Institute, Boston, MA, USA

George M. Church

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center, Human Health and Performance Directorate, Biomedical Research and Environmental Sciences Division, Houston, TX, USA

Scott M. Smith & Brian E. Crucian

University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA

Sara R. Zwart & Anil S. Menon

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Francine Garrett-Bakelman

Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Department of Pharmacology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Qiuying Chen, Dawson Miller & Steven Gross

10x Genomics, Pleasanton, CA, USA

Joe Shuga, Stephen Williams & Corey Nemec

Bone and Joint Research Laboratory, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Department of Medicine, Division of Physiatry, The Ottawa Hospital, Room 2505G, 505 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Road, Room 1321, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology, Roger Guindon Hall, Room 4111A, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Martin Pelchat

Department of Biology, Gendron Hall Room 3-372, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

Odette Laneuville

Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA

Kelly L. Bolton

Cell and Molecular Biology Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

Susan M. Bailey

Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Richard Granstein

Cosmica Biosciences Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA

David Furman

Stanford 1000 Immunomes Project, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Institute for Research in Translational Medicine, Universidad Austral, CONICET, Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Department of Neuroscience, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Bader Shirah

The Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, USA

Christopher E. Mason

WorldQuant Initiative for Quantitative Prediction, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

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Correspondence to Eliah G. Overbey , Cem Meydan or Christopher E. Mason .

Supplementary information

Supplementary information.

This file contains Supplementary Figures 1-3, Supplementary Tables 4 and 9, Supplementary Note 1 and additional references.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary table 1.

Sample Information. Comprehensive list of samples collected from each crew member, at each timepoint, for each assay. Tab 1 is an overview of which samples are present at each timepoint. Tab 2 is an itemized list of each sample, including the number of sequenced DNA/RNA molecules for sequencing assays.

Supplementary Table 2

OSDR Studies. Comprehensive list of prior studies in OSDR for previous assays on human, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic samples.

Supplementary Table 3

Sequencing and Mass Spectrometry Stats Tables. Sequencing and mass spectrometry statistics for multiome, TCR, BCR, cfRNA, dRNA, and proteomics assays.

Supplementary Table 5

cfRNA Calculations. Tissue of origin analysis from cfRNA sequencing. Tab 1 contains fractions of cell type specific RNA enrichment. Tab 2 contains comparisons between timepoints.

Supplementary Table 6

Recovery Profile Pathways. Overrepresented KEGG pathways during recovery from spaceflight in PBMCs. Tabs are split for CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, CD14+ monocyte and CD16+ monocytes.

Supplementary Table 7

Metagenome and Metatranscriptome CVs. Species-level CV calculations across crew members for metagenomic and metatranscriptomic samples from oral, nasal, and skin swab samples.

Supplementary Table 8

Human Omics CVs. Gene/analyte-level CV calculations across crew members for NULISAseq, EVP proteomic, plasma proteomic, metabolomic, dRNA-seq and short read RNA-seq assays. GSEA pathway enrichment is calculated for pre-flight, post-flight (R+1), and recovery time intervals.

Peer Review File

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Overbey, E.G., Kim, J., Tierney, B.T. et al. The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international astronaut biobank. Nature (2024).

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Received : 30 December 2022

Accepted : 31 May 2024

Published : 11 June 2024


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    Step 1: Write a Topic Sentence. Consider the first sentence in a body paragraph a mini-thesis statement for that paragraph. The topic sentence should establish the main point of the paragraph and bear some relationship to the essay's overarching thesis statement. In theory, by reading only the topic sentence of every paragraph, a reader should ...

  13. Body Paragraphs

    A good paragraph should contain at least the following four elements: T ransition, T opic sentence, specific E vidence and analysis, and a B rief wrap-up sentence (also known as a warrant) -TTEB! A T ransition sentence leading in from a previous paragraph to assure smooth reading. This acts as a hand-off from one idea to the next.

  14. 9.2 Writing Body Paragraphs

    Key Takeaways. Your body paragraphs should closely follow the path set forth by your thesis statement. Strong body paragraphs contain evidence that supports your thesis. Primary support comprises the most important points you use to support your thesis. Strong primary support is specific, detailed, and relevant to the thesis.

  15. How to Write a Strong Body Paragraph for an Essay

    How to Write a Strong Body Paragraph for an Essay. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 2 min read. From magazines to academic essays, you can find body paragraphs across many forms of writing. Learn more about how to write engaging body paragraphs that support the central idea of your writing project. From magazines to ...

  16. Body Paragraphs

    An effective topic sentence— clearly supports the thesis statement.; is usually at the beginning of a body paragraph.; controls the content of all of the supporting sentences in its paragraph.; is a complete sentence.; does not announce the topic (e.g., "I'm going to talk about exercise.").; should not be too general (e.g., "Exercise is good.").; should not be too specific (e.g ...

  17. 4c. Body Paragraphs

    Body Paragraphs - Writing as Inquiry. 4c. Body Paragraphs. Body paragraphs present the reasoning and evidence to demonstrate your thesis. In academic essays, body paragraphs are typically a bit more substantial than in news reporting so a writer can share their own ideas, develop their reasoning, cite evidence, and engage in conversation with ...

  18. Writing the Body Of the Paper

    Introduce that subtopic in the first sentence. The body of that paragraph will be more information about the first subtopic and your evidence for why it supports your thesis statement . Use your note cards to get borrowed material (quotes, statistics, etc) to use as evidence. You may also include pictures here from other sources.

  19. Body Paragraphs: Introduce, Cite, Explain

    In general, body paragraphs should have one specific point. Do not group several trends or gaps in the research in a single paragraph. For example, you would not want to divide your essay into a trends paragraph and a gaps paragraph. This idea may appear to be a paradox, but the narrower your paragraph's point, the easier it is to write more.

  20. How Do I Write an Intro, Conclusion, & Body Paragraph?

    Part I: The Introduction. An introduction is usually the first paragraph of your academic essay. If you're writing a long essay, you might need 2 or 3 paragraphs to introduce your topic to your reader. A good introduction does 2 things: Gets the reader's attention. You can get a reader's attention by telling a story, providing a statistic ...

  21. 4.8 Sample Body Paragraph

    4.8 Sample Body Paragraph Amanda Lloyd. A strong body paragraph should support the claim you make in your thesis statement. Our sample body paragraph develops a key supporting idea (sub-claim) from the argumentative thesis in section 3.4, which is reproduced here:. Teenagers and young adults seem to use their phones everywhere—in the classroom, at the dinner table, even in restroom stalls ...

  22. 11: The Research Essay

    11.8: The Conclusion. As research essays have a beginning, so do they have an ending, generally called a conclusion. While the main purpose of an introduction is to get the reader's attention and to explain what the essay will be about, the goal of a conclusion is to bring the reader to a satisfying point of closure.

  23. Writing the Main Body Paragraphs of an Essay

    The main body of an essay is the most important segment because the author can present their main arguments here. The essay introduction gives you the chance to introduce the topic and provide background information, but it does not argue anything. On the other hand, the conclusion section reiterates the main body's points and offers suggestions for future work without making any new arguments.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue.

  25. Aliens Could Be 'Walking Among Us', Harvard Researchers Say

    A new research paper from a team at Harvard University and Montana Technological University suggests that aliens have likely visited Earth—and could still be living among us in secret. The peer-reviewed report more specifically argues that the scientific community should be open to the possibilities presented by Unidentified Anomalous ...

  26. The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international ...

    Here, we present the Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA), an integrated data and sample repository for clinical, cellular, and multi-omic research profiles from a diverse range of missions ...

  27. Thesis Statement for Bullying Research

    Conclusion. Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Its various forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying, can have devastating impacts on victims' mental health, academic performance, and social relationships.