Kepuasan Layanan, Tujuan Kami

Call for Proposal: Indonesian Research Collaboration (RKI) Program 2022

Dear UB Lecturers/ Researchers

Institute of Research and Community Services in partnership with Word Class University give the opportunity for all researchers to submit proposals in RKI 2022 in collaboration with other Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH) as research partners, they are:

  • Universitas Indonesia (UI)
  • Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
  • Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
  • Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS)
  • Universitas Padjajaran (UNPAD)
  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
  • Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
  • Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP)
  • Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR)
  • Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS)
  • Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)
  • Universitas Brawijaya (UB)
  • Universitas Andalas (UNAND)
  • Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)
  • Universitas Negeri Malang (UNM)

The submission terms are:

  • The proposer is a UB lecturer as host or partner who has 2 partners from 16 PTNBH for Scheme A. Then for Scheme B and C the proposer must have 1 partner from either 16 PTNBH or BRIN/Foreign research institutions/Foreign state universities based on the scheme terms.
  • They are 3 schemes offered in RKI Program namely:
  • Scheme A (Collaboration of 16 PTNBH) Research Fund: Host: Rp.100.000.000,- and partner: Rp. 50.000.000,-
  • Scheme B (Collaboration of 16 PTNBH with BRIN) Research Fund: Host: Rp. 125.000.000,- and partner: Rp. 75.000.000,-
  • Scheme C (Collaboration of 16 PTNBH with Foreign research institutions/Foreign state universities) Research Fund: Host: Rp. 150.000.000,- and partner: Rp. 75.000.000,-
  • The submission deadline is on March 31st, 2022 at 11.59 pm to  https://risetkolaborasi.id
  • The validation sheet of the IRCS UB Director can be submitted to  https://s.ub.ac.id/lembarpengesahanrki2022


  • Proposal Template
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call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

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Ideas for Developing Asia and the Pacific

Call for proposals: indonesia-based research organization to support an impact evaluation design and conduct a baseline school survey, share this page.

Project High-Touch High-Tech Pilot in Junior Secondary Schools in Indonesia
Department Research
Report to ADBI task manager

Urban or peri-urban areas; specific location to be determined

Contract Duration March – December 2022

Differentiated teaching, in which students are taught according to their actual levels of understanding and provided tailored learning paths, is key to ensuring learning. However, student foundational skills are often widely distributed. Implementing differentiated teaching to the whole distribution of abilities is challenging even for highly experienced, skilled, and motivated teachers. For average teachers, attempting to do so would cause them to spend virtually all their time teaching only foundational skills; they would have no time to teach higher-order skills.

Technology can help address this constraint. Recent evidence shows that personalized technology-aided instruction programs yield large absolute learning gains for all students, with greater relative gains for academically weaker students. More importantly, such programs can cover the whole distribution of students’ initial skills. With technology’s help to develop students’ foundational skills, teachers can have more time to help students develop higher-order skills.

A recent development in technology-aided differentiated teaching is the high-touch high-tech (HTHT) approach. The HTHT approach is comprised of two components:

  • A high-tech approach equips students with foundational skills. In this component, students interact directly with computer software. The software assists teachers in teaching foundational skills in two ways: (i) it improves the learning of students in the whole initial distribution of foundational skills; and (ii) it reduces the amount of time teachers must spend teaching foundational skills by providing test results, diagnostics, and learning modules.
  • A high-touch approach equips students with higher order skills. Since teaching these skills requires close interaction between teachers and students, together with appropriate pedagogical techniques, this component is comprised of a series of training programs for teachers to enable them to implement high-touch teaching.

Although this approach has become common in high-income countries, it has yet to be widely implemented in low- and middle-income countries. More rigorous evidence for its value is needed, especially in cases where teacher skills and motivation are low.

Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) is currently developing a technology-aided differentiated teaching system for the country’s whole primary and secondary level education. MoECRT is interested in exploring a high-tech direct-to-student approach pilot to complement the country’s in-house development. 

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in partnership with MoECRT, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Tanoto Foundation, and J-PAL Southeast Asia (SEA), has engaged an education technology (EdTech) company and a local research organization as consultants for designing and contextualizing this HTHT approach for 7th grade mathematics since 2021. The approach mainly consists of two components: (a) developing an AI-based software and training program for students’ foundational mathematics skills and training teachers on its use (high-tech); and (b) developing another teacher training program on pedagogical approaches to foster students’ higher-order skills (high-touch). These components will be field-tested with students and teachers at selected schools so that these interventions will be ready for large-scale implementation in selected public schools for a whole school year. An impact evaluation will also be conducted to evaluate the impacts of these interventions on student achievement. 

Through this call for proposals, ADBI is looking for a research organization based in Indonesia, or a consortium whose lead organization has legal status in Indonesia, to contribute to the impact evaluation design and to implement a baseline survey of schools, teachers, and students in June–September 2022. The organization will closely collaborate with the organizing partners, the other consultants hired for the project, selected schools, education districts, and local stakeholders. 

Scope of Work

The evaluation method will be a randomized control trial (RCT). The project will indicatively include 100 treatment and 50 control schools to be surveyed. In each school, randomly selected students will be assessed. The geographical coverage of the evaluation will be urban or peri-urban areas in districts that will be determined later. The impact evaluation will focus on the following research questions: 

  • What is the impact of the high-tech high-touch approach on teacher motivation, teaching practice, and teacher efficacy?
  • What is the impact of the high-tech high-touch approach on students’ foundational mathematics skills?
  • What is the impact of the high-tech high-touch approach on students’ higher order skills?
  • Are there any heterogeneous impacts of the high-tech high-touch approach based on student socioeconomic status, sex, and initial mathematics skills level?
  • What is the additional impact of the high-touch intervention over the high-tech intervention alone?
  • What is the additional impact of the high-touch intervention on students’ non-cognitive skills and passion for learning?

The consultant will contribute to the impact evaluation design, based on a theory of change developed prior to the baseline survey. This includes developing necessary survey instruments. The consultant will then play a leading role in implementing the survey. Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Play a contributory role in the theory of change, sampling strategy, and overall evaluation design led by ADBI, J-PAL SEA, and in collaboration with other partners;
  • Play a contributory role in the preparation of registering the study in an RCT registry, such as the AEA RCT Registry;
  • Lead the preparation, submission, and acquisition of ethics review approval from a reputable university in Indonesia
  • Lead the drafting, field-testing, and finalization of survey instruments;
  • Lead the recruitment and training of enumerators;
  • Lead the implementation of the baseline survey in the control and treatment schools;
  • Play a contributory role in analyzing data and writing a baseline report.

The tentative impact evaluation timeline is below. Note that the timeline has minimal flexibility.

  • Theory of change, sampling strategy, and evaluation design: March/April 2022
  • Sampling: April 2022
  • Survey instruments and field testing: April/May 2022
  • Baseline survey: July/August 2022

The implementation of the teacher training programs, HTHT interventions, and endline survey is not included in the scope of this call for proposals.

Ethics Review

Prior to implementing the survey, the consultant must assist in applying for an ethics review and receiving such approval from a reputable university in Indonesia.


  • Final survey instruments and operational manuals. The instruments will be co-designed with ADBI and J-PAL to measure student foundational and higher-order mathematics skills and subjective outcomes. The survey instruments must be pilot tested at least twice in around five schools with a similar context as the survey target schools. From previous experience, the time needed for a team of two enumerators to collect the above data is two working days per school. (Deadline 31 May 2022).
  • Evidence of ethics review board approval. (Prior to survey implementation).
  • Survey report, covering aspects such as enumerator recruitment and training; issues faced during implementation and the solutions; and overall sample sizes. The maximum length of the report is 10 pages. The report is due 1.5 months after the survey is completed. (Deadline 15 September 2022).
  • Cleaned and ready to use datasets of all schools and individuals that participate in the survey. The student and teacher datasets must be designed to allow merging between each other, and with the school dataset. The baseline survey must be designed such that the dataset could be merged at the individual level and school level with the endline survey that will be implemented in the future. The datasets must be in Stata format and accompanied by a document that describes all the variables and a method to merge different datasets (within a survey and between surveys). (Deadline for first submission: August 2022; Final submission September 2022)

Each deliverable will be reviewed by ADBI. Feedback, if any, will be provided within two weeks of submission. The revised deliverable which incorporates the feedback must be submitted within two weeks after receipt of feedback.

The task leader reports to the ADBI task manager on a weekly basis.

Submission Procedure

Interested organizations or consortia should submit a technical proposal written in English, with normal fonts (e.g. Times New Roman, 12-pt, 1.5 spacing) and 1-inch page margins on an A4 paper setting.

The proposal should be a maximum of 10 pages in length and contain the following three sections:

  • Proposed general approach to deliver the scope of work, which describes indicative survey methods, instruments, and fieldwork plans (max 2 pages)
  • Proposed number and composition of enumerator teams, enumerator and supervisor recruitment strategy, and approach to enumerator training, data entry, and cleaning strategy (max 5 pages)
  • Organization profile, list of relevant experience, including a list of relevant publications, composition of the team that will undertake the consultancy, and profiles of the proposed team leader and team members (max 3 pages)

As part of the proposal submission, the following must be attached (English is preferred, but Bahasa Indonesia is accepted if getting a translation is time consuming or requires additional cost):

  • Evidence of legal status in Indonesia (if a consortium, then the lead organization’s legal status in Indonesia)
  • Evidence of independently audited financial statements for the last three years (if a consortium, then the financial statements of the lead organization)
  • Statement confirming the implementation of standard operating procedures related to: (i) child protection; (ii) data safeguards; (iii) integrity/anti-corruption; and (iv) staff code of conduct. ADBI may request of a copy of such policies prior to contract signing.

The aim of the proposal is to demonstrate whether the consultant would be able to deliver the scope of work. As such, a financial proposal is not needed at the submission stage.

Interested parties should submit their proposal and attachments as a single PDF file to: Junko Mitsuhashi , on 4 February 2022 by 5:00pm Tokyo time . Please use: “HTHT Baseline Survey Proposal_[Firm Name]” in the email subject line.

Selection Criteria

Proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Extensive experience in conducting research in Indonesia, with education research experience highly preferred
  • Extensive experience in managing and implementing primary data collection, especially in schools or households
  • Experience in designing impact evaluations, with experience in conducting randomized control trials highly preferred
  • Experience in working with donor agencies, international organizations, or charitable foundations
  • Experience in establishing, and maintaining productive working relationships with government officials and/or employees
  • Track record, skills, and experience of the task leader and team members with regards to: (i) research, specifically related to randomized control trials; (ii) program management, and; (iii) English academic writing and speaking skills

Inquiries should be directed to Daniel Suryadarma .

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Grants and Resources for Sustainability

Latest Grants and Resources in Indonesia

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Free Training on Gender and Disarmament by UN Women

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[Call For Proposal] Pembukaan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Tahun 2022, Deadline 10 Februari 2022

Berkenaan Penerimaan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk pendanaan tahun 2022, bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa dalam rangka meningkatkan partisipasi dosen tetap Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) dan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) dalam Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, kami membuka Penerimaan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk Pendanaan Tahun 2022 mulai Proposal yang kami terima ini adalah proposal baru (bukan proposal lanjutan).


Skema yang ditawarkan pada daftar Skema Program Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat sebagai berikut:


Skema Penelitian :

1. Skema Penelitian Dasar

a. Program Penelitian Dasar

·         Penelitian Dasar Kompetitif Nasional

·         Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi


b. Program Penelitian Pembinaan

·         Penelitian Dosen Pemula

·         Penelitian Kerjasama antar Perguruan Tinggi


c. Program Penelitian Pascasarjana

·         Penelitian Tesis Magister

·         Penelitian Disertasi Doktor


2. Skema Penelitian Terapan

·         Penelitian Terapan Kompetitif Nasional

·         Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi


3. Skema Pengabdian Masyarakat :

a. Skema Kemasyarakatan

·         Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM)

·         Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Stimulus (PKMS)


Terkait panduan silahkan mengakses link berikut ini





Last updated : January 21, 2022 00:00

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Meeting for Awarded of the DIPI’s 2024 Small Research Grant

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Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (DIPI) kembali akan menyelenggarakan resital musik DIPI 2023 yang akan menampilkan tokoh-tokoh peneliti dan inovator Indonesia termasuk diaspora yang luar biasa dengan prestasi ilmiah ataupun perusahaan start-up yg dikembangkannya. Disamping perbincangan tersebut, akan dapat disaksikan juga ...

The Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, DIPI) provides independent scientific research funding for investigators who show evidence of strong and exemplary scientific merit and potential.

DIPI Infographic

Risus facilisis suspendisse nec sodales auctor turpis ut integer. Amet parturient integer ipsum habitasse. Ipsum et luctus

DIPI Profile

Annual reports, produce world-class scientific research needed to build indonesia’s global competitiveness, who can apply, 3d nano-engineered silicon anodes for high-energy-density lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, an innovative multifaceted mobile technology for community mitigation management of covid-19 pandemic in rural indonesia, surveillance system to observe seroconversion to sars cov2 in human: combining hospital based and population based longitudinal study in sleman hdss (health and demographic surveillance system)- diaspora innovation, intensified nanocatalyst design for hydrogen synthesis, rational design of nanocatalysts – catalysts converting greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals, enhancing the role of islamic philanthropy in alleviating economic impacts of covid-19 (entropy), how to apply, 1. proposal preparation and submission.

Read the guide, choose a focus area, write your research problem statement, fill in the application form and submit

2. Review and Scoring Scientific Proposal

The proposal that you have sent will be reviewed by approximately three peers before being decided by a scientific panel

3. Proposal Submission Announcement

Once the decision has been made, you will get a notification email that will ask you to check the status of the application you have submitted

Be a Part of World-Class Scientific Researcher

Interview with researcher – innovator.

Prof. Dr. dr. Rlanto Setlabudy, SpFK(K)

Prof. Dr. dr. Rlanto Setlabudy, SpFK(K)

Dr. (HC) Dra. Hj. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt

Dr. (HC) Dra. Hj. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt

Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, MSc, Ph.D

Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, MSc, Ph.D

Novalia Pishesha, Ph.D

Novalia Pishesha, Ph.D

Prof. Togas Tulandi, MD, MHCM

Prof. Togas Tulandi, MD, MHCM

Levana Sani, BSc., MBA

Levana Sani, BSc., MBA

Virtual music recital dipi 2023, our deep commitment for researcher, our milestone, february 29, 2016.

President Joko Widodo signed the Presidential Decree No.9/2016 which embodies the alteration of AIPI’s governance, providing legal basis for DIPI. Indonesian Science Fund is legally established.

October 13, 2015

AIPI General Assembly approved the establishment of DIPI.

August 7, 2015

AIPI and LPDP signed Memorandum of Understanding to provide initial funding for the DIPI.

May 27, 2015

AIPI launched the initiative to establish the Indonesian Science Fund as an independent body under its auspices.

News & Event

call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

KEGIATAN MONEV – KETUA PERISET : Dr.Eng. Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin S.T., M.Eng

Zoom Online, Senin, 9 September 2024 

Kegiatan Monitoring dan Evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh DIPI bersama LPDP dengan judul penelitian: Rational Design of Nanocatalysts for the Direct Conversion of Greenhouse Gases to Value-Added Chemicals.

call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

August 14, 2024

Bringing together key local carbon project stakeholders, inFUSE Accelerator takes off with inaugural event in Jakarta in partnership with the Indonesia Carbon Trading Association (IDCTA) and Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (DIPI).

call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

Eligible Proposal of Small Research Grant DIPI 2024 to go to Peer Review Process

Dear applicants,

Thank you for your enthusiastic submissions for the “Small Grant Scheme” DIPI 2024. We are delighted to announce the list of eligible proposals that will proceed to the next stage—the peer review process.

call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

Announcement Applicant DIPI 2024 Small Research Grant

Dear Applicants,

We are pleased to announce that a total of 156 applications were successfully submitted for the DIPI Small Grant 2024 before the deadline of 17:00 WIB. These proposals are now under eligibility check and review.

DIPI Office

Gedung perpustakaan nasional republik indonesia lantai 17 jalan medan merdeka selatan no.11 jakarta pusat 10110, [email protected], +62 21 220 362 93, reseach grant, board of trustee, donor endowment fund, under the auspices of.

call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

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Call for Proposals

ERIA invites the submission of research proposals to join its research projects across sectors. All calls for proposals will be posted in our website and announced through our social media accounts. 


call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

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Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship 2023 High-Level Policy Dialogue: ASEAN Digital Community 2045

Latest News

10 September 2024

9 September 2024

The Australian National University

Indonesia Project

search scope

  • Upcoming events
  • Grants and Fellowship
  • BIES Journal

IP Grants and Fellowship

  • Three Kian Wie Distinguished Visiting Professorship

How to Apply

Research grants recipients.

  • Research impacts
  • Research Travel Grants
  • Ruth Daroesman Graduate Study Grants
  • Visiting Fellows Program

ANU Crawford School on Twitter

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Collaborative research grants, announcement.

Applications for the 2024-25 collaborative research grants have closed! Thank you to everyone who submitted a grant for consideration. Due to an exceptionally high volume of applications, the selection committee hope to share outcomes in mid-September. Thank you for your patience.

About the grants

The grants are a joint initiative between ANU Indonesia Project and the SMERU Research Institute. The Research Grants aim to identify and develop emerging Indonesian researchers, stimulate and foster relationships between Indonesian and Australian institutions, and contribute to important and high-quality research projects led by emerging or early career Indonesian researchers. The grants must align with the main research themes of the Indonesia Project: (i) trade and industry, (ii) politics and governance, (iii) agriculture, resources and the environment, (iv) climate change, (v) social policy and human capital, and (vi) gender Equality, disability and social inclusion.

Gender equality and inclusion are considered key components of the Indonesia Project’s research and outreach activities. As such, all applicants should consider research proposals that apply a gender and inclusivity lens or consider problem statement with explicit identification of how the problem impacts men, women, or people with a disability and what the barriers are.

The Project strongly encourages women, researchers with disability, and researchers from diverse backgrounds to apply for these grants.

Visiting scholars

Updated:   16 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:   Crawford Engagement / Page Contact:   CAP Web Services Team

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[12 February 2025] 1st ICEMT 2025 - International Conference on Energy and Mineral Technology

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[ 5 Oktober 2024 ] Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024

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[October 1-2, 2024] The 3rd Annual Conference on Islamic Education (ACIE) 2024

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[November 6-7, 2024] The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering, Infrastructure, and Development (ICO-SEID 2024)

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[14 November 2024]  International Conference on Applied Technology (ICAT) 2024

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[October 10-11, 2024] THE 31ST INTERNATIONAL ...

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[26 - 27 Oct 2024] The 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E) 2024

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[8 October 2024] Chemistry Beyond Border Symposium 2024

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[16 September 2024] Seminar Keilmiahan dan Hasil Penelitian (SKILL) 2024

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[27th of September 2024] International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Technology 2024

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[ 5 October 2024 ] The 6th International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH 2024)

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[ 23-24 September 2024 ] Training SPSS Class ...

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[11 Agustus 2024] Drug Discovery From Indonesian Herbal Medicine with Computational Approach

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[27 - 29 Desember 2023] Pelatihan Pendamping Proses Produk Halal (P3H)

[27 - 29 Desember 2023] Pelatihan Pendamping ...

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[30 Maret 2024-6 April 2024] Pelatihan Pemetaan Ekosistem mangrove, Lamun, dan Terumbu Karang Menggunakan Machine Learning pada Google Earth Engine

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[23-24 Maret 2024] Penelitian dan Pengajaran Mudah dengan New Tools AI 2024

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[22 Juni 2024] Workshop Internet of Things In Chemical Industry

[22 Juni 2024] Workshop Internet of Things In...

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[6/20/27 April 2024] ASEAN Data Science Enablement Session 2024

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[30 Maret 2024]  Dasar-dasar Penyusunan AMDAL

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[Workshop | 25 Oktober 2023] Peta Jalan Dekarbonisasi Industri Indonesia

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[16—18 September 2024] FREE DIKLAT NASIONAL 40JP  Inovasi Media Pengajaran: Integrasi Teknologi dalam Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka

[16—18 September 2024] FREE DIKLAT NASIONAL 4...

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[Deadline Regist 21 July 2024] [Blue Economy ...

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[ 20 April 2024 ] Pelatihan Hukum Nasional 4 JP: Merangkai Legal Opinion (LO) & Legal Due Diligence (LDD) / Uji Tuntas Hukum 

[ 20 April 2024 ] Pelatihan Hukum Nasional 4 ...

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[Workshop | 18 Maret 2024] Workshop Penulisan Karya Sastra

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[ 31 Agustus 2024 ] Online Course “Penerapan Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3) untuk Laboratorium”

[ 31 Agustus 2024 ] Online Course “Penerapan ...

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[25 Oktober 2024] WORKSHOP BIOTEKNOLOGI Producing Crude Polymerase Enzymes from Escherichia coli

[25 Oktober 2024] WORKSHOP BIOTEKNOLOGI Produ...

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[ October 8-10, 2024 ] HPC Summer School 2024: Foundation in Computational Biomolecular and Biosystem Research

[ October 8-10, 2024 ] HPC Summer School 2024...

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[1 Syawal 1445 H] Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1445 H

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[30 April 2024] Online Talks HKI JABAR BANTEN #18 – Konsep dan Aplikasi dari Katalis Logam Transisi Memfungsionalisasi Ikatan C-H ortho-to-fluorine pada (poli)Fluoroarena

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[8 Maret 2024] The Art of Writing Review

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rahmatbasuki Mar 3, 2024  0  157

[Due Date December 1st, 2023] Call For Paper 2023 | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Studies

[Due Date December 1st, 2023] Call For Paper ...

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[Call for Paper 2023] Indonesian Journal of Chemical Studies No. 2 Vol. 1 2023

[Call for Paper 2023] Indonesian Journal of C...

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Call For Paper 2022 | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Studies | Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2022

Call For Paper 2022 | Indonesian Journal of C...

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Publish With Us!

Publish With Us!

rahmatbasuki Feb 10, 2022  0  354

[16 Feb 2024] Online Talks HKI JABAR BANTEN #17 – Tips dan Trik Pengelolaan Jurnal Nasional Kimia

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Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443 H

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Welcome on Board New Member of Indonesian Scholar Society

Welcome on Board New Member of Indonesian Sch...

rahmatbasuki Apr 7, 2022  0  610

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa Ramadhan 1443 H

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[21 September 2024] Study in Hiroshima University Master and PhD Program

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[September 18, 2024] Info Session: Step-by-Step to DAAD Doctoral Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know

[September 18, 2024] Info Session: Step-by-St...

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[ 17 September 2024 ] Info Session Call for Proposal Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands

[ 17 September 2024 ] Info Session Call for P...

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[15 September 2024] Kompetisis Ide Bisnis Call for Proposal

[15 September 2024] Kompetisis Ide Bisnis Cal...

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[31 Agustus 2024] Webinar KIAT SUKSES BEASISW...

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[30 August 2024] Vacancy  Research Assistant

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Pengujian Politeknik AKA Bogor

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[4 September 2024] ASEAN Webinar on ERC Grants

[4 September 2024] ASEAN Webinar on ERC Grants

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[Deadline 02 Agustus 2024] NATIONAL INNOVATION PROJECT 2024

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[15-16 Maret 2024] Bimtek Strategi Lolos Hibah BIMA Kemdikbud 2024

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Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Panen Ikan Nila Merah | Laboratorium Kimia Anorganik UGM - Desa Binaan Ngargosari, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo

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adya.rizky.p May 29, 2024  0  70

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Sinergi Antara Nanoteknologi dan Kurkumin: Membuka Potensi Terapeutik Maksimal

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[14 September 2024] Pelatihan Dasar Pengelolaan Jurnal untuk Editor

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[26 Agustus 2024] Webinar Bedah Jurnal untuk Persiapan Akreditasi

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[ 24 Agustus 2024 ] Webinar Nasional: Metode Penelitian yang Disukai Scopus

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[ 20 Juli 2024 ] Tips Publikasi Artikel Bibliometrik di Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi 

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[KESEMPATAN PLATINUM] Call For Proposal | Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022 For Indonesia


Call For Proposal | Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022

Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) supports scientists of Asian nationality who are conducting research in their own countries. The focal research area is water-related Environmental Science and Technology.

For Applicants in Indonesia:

  • The applicant must reside in Indonesia.
  • The applicant must conduct research at university, college, or associated institute in Indonesia (except private sectors).
  • The applicant shall be young academician, young researchers, or Master or PhD candidates under 40 years of age. For Master or PhD candidates, an approval from Supervisor is required.

Research Subject

Water Environment

Application Period

April 1st until May 13th, 2022

More information please check in here .

  • #call for proposal
  • #kurita grant
  • #kurita overseas research grant
  • #solusiriset

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Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Informasi penelitian

Call for Proposal Program Pendanaan Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) FY 2023

  • Informasi penelitian , Slider
  • 5 September 2022, 08.07
  • Oleh: anna.khoirun.n

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional membuka pendaftaran Program Pendanaan Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) FY 2023. Program ini merupakan kerja sama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Jepang dalam bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Inovasi serta dan pengembangan kapasitas yang mencakup 4 bidang yaitu Environment and Energy, Bioresources, Disaster Prevention dan Mitigation Infectious Diseases Control .

Proposal hibah SATREPS FY 2023 disampaikan kepada Direktorat Pendanaan Riset dan Inovasi, Deputi Bidang Fasilitasi Riset dan Inovasi BRIN melalui email: [email protected] dan wajib dilengkapi dengan subject email: [CFP-SATREPS2023-Nama_ketua_pengusul] , mulai tanggal 1 September 2022 sampai dengan 21 September 2022 pukul 15.00 WIB.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diakses pada laman Direktorat Penelitian pada menu informasi penelitian atau menghubungi Sdri. Anna (WA: 081231703085).

Pengajuan permohonan lembar pengesahan kami terima paling lambat tanggal 20 September 2022 melalui surel [email protected] .

Atas perhatian dan kerja samanya, diucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Sekretariat Direktorat Penelitian

Lampiran http://ugm.id/PanduandanFormatProposalSATREPS

© 2023 Direktorat Penelitian Universitas Gadjah Mada


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Call for proposals

The Alliance has issued a number of calls for proposals and bids targeted towards institutions from low- and middle-income countries. Below is a comprehensive listing of past calls.

Call for expression of interest for technical consultations: Developing a global implementation research agenda for NCDs

Call for proposals: Investigating service delivery in conflict-affected settings – a focus on Yemen  [pdf 245 kb]

Call for proposals: Investigating service delivery in conflict-affected settings – a focus on Somalia  [pdf 258 kb]

Call for proposals: Developing and implementing health systems impact modelling approaches in low- and middle-income countries  [pdf 551 kb]

Vaccine uptake

  • English version – Call for expressions of interest: Health policy and systems research for improving vaccine uptake in low- and middle-income countries [pdf 323 kb]
  • Spanish version – Llamado a manifestaciones de interés: Investigación en políticas y sistemas de salud para mejorar el uso de vacunas en países de ingresos bajos y medianos [pdf 323 kb]
  • French version – Appel à manifestations d'intérêt: Recherche en politiques et systèmes de santé pour accroître le recours à la vaccination dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire [pdf 323 kb]
  • Portuguese version – Chamada para manifestação de interesse Pesquisa em políticas e sistemas de saúde para melhorar o uso de vacinas em países de baixa e média renda  [pdf 323 kb]

Call for proposals: Partnerships for stronger knowledge systems in Africa (KNOSA) – East Africa [pdf 210 kb]

Call for letters of interest – Mentor institute for institutionalizing learning by mainstreaming embedded implementation research in country immunization programmes (MAINSTREAM) in  Malawi [pdf, 199 kb]

English version – Call for proposals – Mentor institute: Institutionalizing learning by mainstreaming embedded implementation research in country immunization programmes (MAINSTREAM) in  Madagascar   [pdf, 488kb]

Version française – Appel d'offres – Établissement de mentorat pour le project Institutionnalisation de l’apprentissage par la recherche d’implémentation intégrée dans les programmes d’immunisation du pays (MAINSTREAM) à  Madagascar  [pdf, 478kb]

English version – Call for letter of interest: Mentor institute for Institutionalizing learning by mainstreaming embedded implementation research in country immunization programmes (MAINSTREAM) in Cameroon [pdf, 201kb]

Version française – Appel à lettre d’intérêt: Établissement de mentorat pour le project Institutionnalisation de l’apprentissage par la recherche d’implémentation intégrée dans les programmes d’immunisation du pays (MAINSTREAM) au Cameroun [pdf, 196kb]

English version – Call for mentor institute: Institutionalizing learning by mainstreaming embedded implementation research in country immunization programmes (MAINSTREAM) in Mozambique  [pdf, 190kb]

Versão portuguesa – Chamada par instituto mentor: Institucionalização da aprendizagem através da integração da pesquisa de implementação embutida nos programas de imunização do país (MAINSTREAM) em Moçambique   [pdf, 194kb]

Call for technical support centre: Health systems impact modelling consortia  [pdf, 198kb]

Call for mentor institute: Institutionalizing learning by mainstreaming embedded implementation research in country immunization programmes (MAINSTREAM) in Pakistan, Ghana and Mozambique [pdf, 261KB]

Call for research consortium (India only) – Health policy and systems research to understand pathways to universal health coverage (UHC) through primary health care (PHC) reforms  [pdf, 1.7MB]

Call for proposals – Health policy analysis for health taxes: Lessons from countries [pdf, 231kb]

Call for proposals – Implementation research for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases  [pdf, 214kb]

Call for proposals: Producing a limited podcast series on embedded implementation research in health policy and systems research  [pdf, 241kb]

Call for proposals: HPSR on the role of digital interventions in strengthening health systems in LMICs (focus: data solutions for PHC managers)  [pdf, 214kb]

Call for expression of interest: Alliance for HPSR Board Member

Call for expressions of interest: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee

Call for proposals – Developing online modules for Alliance teaching and training)  [pdf, 189kb]

Call for proposals – Health policy and systems research responding to the climate crisis: Lessons from countries  [pdf, 166kb]

Call for expressions of interest: Team of researchers to develop background material in support of a research agenda for action on the social determinants of health  [pdf, 154kb]

Call for proposals - Health policy analysis for health taxes: Lessons from countries [pdf, 151kb]

Call for proposals - Mentor institute: Strengthening HPSR capacities in francophone Africa [pdf, 255kb]

Appel d'offres – Établissement de mentorat : Renforcer les capacités de recherche sur les politiques et les systèmes de santé en Afrique francophone [pdf, 275kb]

Call for applications: Full-time, Geneva-based consultancy to develop policy analysis and bibliometrics on health policy and health systems projects [pdf, 401kb]

Call for proposals: Sustaining effective coverage in the context of transition from external assistance – Lessons from countries [ pdf, 401kb]

Call for proposals: Politics of health policy and systems research funding [pdf, 161kb]

Call for a mentor institute (Nigeria only): Implementation research to strengthen data systems for immunization coverage and equity [pdf, 558kb]

Call for proposals: Producing a limited podcast series on systems thinking in HPSR [pdf, 161kb]

Call for a local mentor institute (Pakistan only): Health systems research on the Sehat Sahulat Programme [pdf, 492kb]

Call for proposals: Making the case for investing in health policy and systems research [pdf, 177kb]

Call for mentor institute (Ethiopia only): Implementation research on compassionate and respectful care services in the health system [pdf, 186kb]

Call for expression of interest: Alliance for HPSR Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) Member [pdf, 408kb]

Call for expression of interest: Alliance for HPSR Board Member [pdf, 411kb]

Call for Proposals: Systems thinking for strengthening district health systems - Country teams (selected countries: Timor-Leste, Pakistan and Botswana) [pdf, 225kb]

Call for proposals Implementation research to strengthen data systems for immunization coverage and equity (selected countries: Uganda and Indonesia) [pdf, 156kb]

Call for proposals: Country-level stories of change on health policy and systems research [pdf, 146kb]

Call for proposals: External evaluation of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research [pdf, 170kb]

Call for proposals – Research and uptake grants – Research to Enhance the Adaptation and Implementation of Health Systems Guidelines (RAISE) [pdf, 192kb]

Call for proposals - Technical Support Centre – Research to Enhance the Adaptation and Implementation of Health Systems Guidelines (RAISE) [pdf, 177kb]

Call for proposals - Technical Support Centre – Systems thinking for district manager decision-making [pdf, 169kb]

Call for proposals - Research on citizen responsiveness and empowerment in health insurance programmes [pdf, 252kb]

Call for mentor institute (Ethiopia only) - Embedded Implementation Research for Immunization in Ethiopia [pdf, 202kb]

Request for proposals - Developing a professional course on embedded implementation research for health managers [pdf, 1.28Mb]

Call for a regional mentor institute - Building HPSR capacity on intersectionality and gender equity [pdf, 1.43Mb]

Call for implementation research projects - Strengthening Health Systems: The Role of Drug Shops [pdf, 239kb]


  1. [Call For Proposal] Research Grant Bank Indonesia

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

  2. Call for application Grant Research Proposal Indonesia Training 2022

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

  3. Call For Proposal Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022 For Indonesia

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

  4. [Kesempatan Platinum] Call for Applications : GRIT (Grant Research

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

  5. [KESEMPATAN PLATINUM] Call For Proposal

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia

  6. Call for Proposal Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia Maju (RIIM

    call for research proposal 2022 indonesia


  1. Workshop Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian UMB 2023

  2. Press Conference Honda Indonesia di GIIAS 2022

  3. Hari ke-2 Workshop Pengusulan Proposal Penelitian Melalui Simlitabkes Tahun 2022

  4. Proposal Dana Indonesiana 2022 PENCIPTAAN KARYA KREATIF INOVATIF "ADANG" Komunitas Kembali Indonesia

  5. MC AIESEC in Indonesia 21.22 Roll Call Challenge

  6. Pembukaan proposal pendanaan Program Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Tahun Anggaran 2022


  1. [Call For Proposal]

    Overseas Research Grant Program For Applicants in Indonesia, 2022 1. Criteria for Applicants who can apply Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) supports scientists of Asian nationality who are conducting research in their own countries with following criteria. 1) The applicant must reside in Indonesia. 2) The applicant must conduct research at university, college, or […]

  2. Call for Proposals: UK-Indonesia Going Global Partnerships Grant 2022

    Call for Proposals published by British Council: 29 Sep 2022: Briefing session. Change for UK & Indonesia universities to ask questions: 11 Oct 2022: Deadline for applicants to submit questions and request for clarification on terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement: 14 Oct 2022: Proposal submission deadline: 7 Nov 2022 (11.59 pm UK Time)

  3. Call For Proposal Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022 For Indonesia

    Call For Proposal | Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022 Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) supports scientists of Asian nationality who are conducting research in their own countries. The focal research area is water-related Environmental Science and Technology. For Applicants in Indonesia: Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) supports scientists of Asian nationality who ...

  4. Open Call for Research Proposal BPJS Kesehatan Tahun 2022

    Dalam rangka menyambut HUT BPJS Kesehatan ke-54 Kedeputian Bidang Riset dan Inovasi BPJS Kesehatan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Open Call for Research Proposal Tahun 2022.Open Call for Research Proposal Tahun 2022 adalah bentuk kontribusi BPJS Kesehatan kepada dunia riset melalui kompetisi proposal riset yang ditujukan kepada lembaga riset di bawah universitas di Indonesia untuk menjawab ...

  5. Call for Proposal: Indonesian Research Collaboration (RKI) Program 2022

    Scheme C (Collaboration of 16 PTNBH with Foreign research institutions/Foreign state universities) Research Fund: Host: Rp. 150.000.000,- and partner: Rp. 75.000.000,-. The submission deadline is on March 31st, 2022 at 11.59 pm to https://risetkolaborasi.id. The validation sheet of the IRCS UB Director can be submitted to https://s.ub.ac.id ...

  6. Call for Proposal Riset Dan Inovasi Untuk Indonesia Maju (Riim) Tahun

    Panduan dan format proposal Program Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia Maju Tahun 2022 Gelombang III dapat diperoleh melaui tautan di bawah. Pemasukan proposal dilakukan secara online melalui laman https://pendanaan-risnov.brin.go.id/. Batas akhir pemasukan proposal adalah hari Rabu tanggal 16 November 2022 pukul 16.00 WIB.

  7. Call for application Grant Research Proposal Indonesia Training 2022

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the DIES ProGRANT Coordinaton Office at the University of Cologne, and jointly co-ordinated team from Udayana University, Insttut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and Insttut Teknologi Bandung are organizing Grant Research Proposal Indonesia Training (GRIT) 2022: a proposal writng training for national & internatonal research grants. We believe that ...

  8. [Call For Proposal] Research Grant Bank Indonesia

    24 Feb 2022. Grant Opportunities. Dalam rangka membangun dan menumbuhkan ekosistem riset di tanah air, Bank Indonesia Institute mengundang para peneliti untuk mengikuti program Research Grant Bank Indonesia 2022 (RGBI 2022) PERSYARATAN: 1. Menyampaikan a.l. concept notes, proposal, CV ketua tim dan anggota (template form diunduh melalui laman ...

  9. Call for Proposals: Indonesia-Based Research Organization to Support an

    Through this call for proposals, ADBI is looking for a research organization based in Indonesia, or a consortium whose lead organization has legal status in Indonesia, to contribute to the impact evaluation design and to implement a baseline survey of schools, teachers, and students in June-September 2022.

  10. Call for Proposal Rumah Program Ke-Indonesia-an Tahun 2022

    Call for Proposal Rumah Program Ke-Indonesia-an Tahun 2022. Dec 30, 2021. CFP-Rumah-Program-Ke-Indonesia-an-Tahun-2022 Download. Call for Proposal Rumah Program Dinamika Kontemporer Tahun 2022. CFP-Rumah-Program-Ke-Indonesia-an-Tahun-2022Download.

  11. Latest Grants and Resources in Indonesia

    Call for Submissions: Direct Aid Small Grant Program (Indonesia) Deadline: 02-Oct-2024 Submissions are now open for the Direct Aid Small Grants Program, funded from Australia's aid budget and managed through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's overseas posts, including the Australian Consulate-General in Bali.

  12. Pendanaan Riset dan Inovasi


  13. [Call For Proposal] Pembukaan Proposal Penelitian dan ...

    Berkenaan Penerimaan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk pendanaan tahun 2022, bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa dalam rangka meningkatkan partisipasi dosen tetap Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) dan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) dalam Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, kami membuka Penerimaan Proposal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk Pendanaan Tahun 2022 mulai tanggal ...

  14. Extension of Time for Acceptance of Call for Proposals for Palm

    It is hereby conveyed that the submission of the Palm Research Grant (GRS) 2022 proposal and the 2022/2023 Student Level Palm Research Competition, which previously ended on February 18, 2022, has been extended until February 28, 2022. We invite you from research institutes and students to can submit proposals and research proposals through the ...

  15. Call for Proposal

    Category: Call for Proposal / Pengumuman. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) telah membuka Call for Proposal of Science, Technology, and Innovation in the Thematic Areas of Circular Economy and Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply. Batas waktu pengiriman proposal pada hari Jumat, tanggal 23 Februari 2024 melalui email dana-risnov ...

  16. Home

    We are pleased to announce that your research proposal has been awarded the DIPI's Small Research Grant 2024. This award is given in recognition of your dedication and innovation in the field of ... Produce world-class scientific research needed to build Indonesia's global competitiveness. More About DIPI. WHO WE ARE. DIPI is an independent ...

  17. Call for Proposals

    Research. Call for Proposals. Call For Papers | Call For Proposals | Submission | ... Indonesia in 2008 by a formal agreement among Leaders of 16 countries in the East Asian region to conduct research activities and make policy recommendations for further economic integration in the East Asia.

  18. Collaborative Research Grants

    The grants must align with the main research themes of the Indonesia Project: (i) trade and industry, (ii) politics and governance, (iii) agriculture, resources and the environment, (iv) climate change, (v) social policy and human capital, and (vi) gender Equality, disability and social inclusion. Gender equality and inclusion are considered ...

  19. [KESEMPATAN PLATINUM] Call For Proposal

    Call For Proposal | Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2022. Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) supports scientists of Asian nationality who are conducting research in their own countries. The focal research area is water-related Environmental Science and Technology. For Applicants in Indonesia:

  20. PDF Collaborations (CfRC)

    023. 3 (tiga) b. dan Inovasi NasionalDalam rangka menjawab kebutuhan nasional yang berbasiskan pada riset dan juga meningkatkan kontribusi strategis Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Humaniora terhadap peningkatan kapasitas iptek, bersama ini kami sampaikan Call for Research Collaborations (CfRC) untuk Rumah Program Ke-Indonesia-an dan Dinamika ...

  21. Call for Proposal Program Pendanaan Science and Technology Research

    Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Universitas Gadjah Mada. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional membuka pendaftaran Program Pendanaan Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) FY 2023. Program ini merupakan kerja sama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Jepang dalam bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Inovasi serta dan pengembangan kapasitas yang mencakup 4 bidang yaitu ...

  22. Call for proposals

    Call for proposals Implementation research to strengthen data systems for immunization coverage and equity (selected countries: Uganda and Indonesia) [pdf, 156kb] Call for proposals: Country-level stories of change on health policy and systems research [pdf, 146kb]. Call for proposals: External evaluation of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research [pdf, 170kb]

  23. Call for Proposal Kurita Overseas Research Grant 2023 for Indonesia

    Sehubungan dengan pembukaan penerimaan proposal riset Kurita Overseas Research Grant Tahun 2023, bersama ini kami mohon untuk diinformasikan pada Dosen ITS sampaikan beberapa ketentuan sebagai berikut : Bidang Fokus Water-Related Environmental Science and Technology, Waktu Pengusulan Mulai 1 April 2023 (Waktu Standar Jepang) - Berakhir pada 12 Mei 2023 (Waktu Standar Jepang) KWEF dimaksudkan ...