Story Writing Academy

70 Picture Prompts for Creative Writing (with Free Slides)

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Visual writing prompts help young writers generate new ideas and overcome writer’s block. We’ve put together 70 picture prompts for creative writing that you can use for morning work or in your writing centers or lesson plans to get your students’ creative juices flowing.


The Benefits of Using Visual Writing Prompts

Writers of all ages and experience levels can get stuck thinking about what to write. Writer’s block is not just a challenge for reluctant writers. Even professional writers have days when they feel less than inspired.

Visual prompts can result in a vast array of story ideas. A single image viewed by ten writers will result in ten completely different short stories. Even if you use verbal cues to get students thinking about the picture, each student will still write a unique response to the image.

Visual creative writing prompts are fantastic for elementary school because younger students often relate more to a pictorial prompt than a written one, but don’t shy away from using these with high school and middle school students as well. Pictures make a fun alternative to your typical writing prompts and story starters and can help shake up your regular English language arts routine.

How to Use Picture Prompts for Creative Writing

There’s no limit to the ways you can use writing prompts. Here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate image prompts into your weekly lesson plans .

  • Writing Center. Print cards or writing pages with these images on them and put them in a writing center for your students to discover at their own pace.
  • Specific Skills. Use story picture prompts to help kids work on specific writing skills. For example, you could work on descriptive writing by having them describe the setting of the picture in detail, character development by having them make up a history for a person (or animal) in the picture, or narrative writing by having them make up a story based on the picture.
  • Warm-up Activity: Download the slides that accompany this post and project an image on a screen or whiteboard for the first fifteen minutes of class and have students work on a short story as soon as they enter. This helps jumpstart the creative process before you move into your regular writing program.
  • Independent Work: If you need a fun activity for kids to do when they’ve completed their assignment and are waiting for other students’ to finish, keep a supply of these images on hand and challenge them to write flash fiction of 250 words or less while they wait.
  • Sub binders: Want to have some easy, no-prep projects on hand for those days when you’re unexpectedly away? Elementary picture writing prompts are perfect for substitute teachers to do with your students in your absence.
  • Distance learning: If you are working with students whom you don’t see face-to-face, picture writing prompts are a great way to inspire them. You can use them in a virtual lesson to kickstart a discussion on brainstorming story ideas or post a few of these images to your learning management system and let students select the one they want to write about.

No matter how you decide to use them—whether at home or in the classroom—photographic writing prompts are a great way to cultivate a daily writing habit and encourage kids to explore new topics.

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

We’ve selected 70 of the most interesting pictures we could find for this exercise. When choosing photos for writing prompts, we look for high-quality photos with intriguing subject matter, but we try to go beyond that. We want to share images that suggest a story, that make the viewer ask questions and wonder why things are the way they are.

We want to feel propelled to explore questions like, What happened before the photo that led to this moment? What are we witnessing in this photo? What’s about to happen?

A photo doesn’t make much of a story starter if it doesn’t suggest that there might be a bigger picture lurking beneath the surface.

We hope you and your students love these picture prompts for creative writing as much as we do. If you love them, go ahead and fill out the form below to grab your own copy.

creative writing images for grade 4

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We’ve included a couple of questions with each picture that you could use to spark pre-writing conversations in your classroom, which can be helpful when working with younger students who might need a little more direction.

Bear in mind though that some kids really struggle with these types of questions that ask them to make inferences about details that they can’t possibly know the ‘answer’ to. When you ask them things like, “What was the author probably trying to do?” they have no idea and won’t dare to hazard a guess. If you are working with kids who feel paralyzed by these questions, now is not the time to push them. Ignore the questions completely and have them simply focus on the picture.

It could be a good idea to write a few short stories yourself based on a single picture to show demonstrate how there are no wrong answers in this exercise—only endless possibilities.

70 Picture for Story Writing with Guiding Questions

  • Whose cat is this? What is he looking at? Where is he?

a cat sits alone against a blue wall

2. What is the owl thinking about? Is he alone? What does he hope to eat for dinner?

an owl sits outside

3. Who are these frogs? What is their relationship with each other? Why are they taking photos?

two toy frogs stand in a field. One takes pictures of the other.

4. How did the dog get a phone? Why is he taking selfies? What is he doing with the pictures he takes?

a dog lays on a field and takes selfies

5. This cat doesn’t look too happy. What’s bugging him? Did he get too many phone calls or is he waiting on an important call that’s taking too long to come?

a black and white cat sits beside a phone

6. What do these chicks think of the dog? What does the dog think of the chicks? Do you think they can communicate with each other? If so, what would they say?

a dog lies beside two chicks

7. Where do these lemurs live? What are they looking at? What is something unusual that might happen to them?

a lemur lies on a branch while another hides in the background

8. What is this fox doing? Is he yawning and stretching or is he trying to scare someone away? What kind of mischief does he like to get up to?

a fox stretches and opens its mouth

9. Is this wolf alone? If not, who is with him? What is he planning to do? Does he have a family to feed or protect?

a lone wolf stands in a misty clearing

10. What is this child doing on the laptop? Can he actually read and type or is he just playing? If he can read and type, how did he learn that at such a young age? What other cool things can he do?

a toddler wearing a toque and glasses types on a laptop

11. Where is this woman? Is she lost? How did she get to this street? What interesting things might she discover as she explores this new city?

a woman stands in an empty street holding a map

12. Why is the dog wearing glasses? Can he see through them? What are he and the girl doing? How does he feel about it?

a woman holds a dog. Both wear glasses.

13. Who are these two little boys? What is their relationship with each other? What is the teddy bear’s story?

two boys sit in a bath holding a teddy bear

14. Who are these children? Why are they running? Is it a race or are they playing a game? Who’s going to win?

a group of children run across a field

15. Whose horse is this? Does the little boy own it or does he just visit it? Can the horse talk? How does the boy feel when he’s with the horse?

a boy sits on a fence and feeds a horse

16. What is this boy reading? Does the book have a magical power? Does the boy? Do the stories in the book become real or does something else special happen?

a boy reads a book that has some magical elements in it

17. Where is this man? How did he get there? What is he looking for?

a man dressed like a pirate looks through a telescope

18. Who is walking over the bridge? What’s on the other side? Is it worth the risk?

a top-down view of a person crossing a bridge

19. What are these people doing on the elephant? Where are they? Are they tourists or is the elephant their pet? What would life with an elephant be like?

two people ride an elephant through a field

20. Who made this map? It looks old. Has it been hidden away for a long time? Who discovered it and how? What does it lead to?

an old map

21. Whose typewriter is this? What important or secretive thing might they be working on? What could happen if the wrong person finds their work?

an old typewriter

22. Who are these three stuffed animals? Are they living? What is their story?

the backs of three stuffed animals

23. Whose ukulele is this? Why did they leave it here? Who might find it?

a green ukulele sticks out of the sand

24. Where is the owner of the bike? Where does this path lead? What if the bike’s not there when the owner returns?

a bike leans against a wooden railing

25. Whose shoes are these? Why did they leave them here? Why are they so dirty?

a pair of dirty shoes in the mud

26. Who was reading the newspaper? What was the most interesting thing they read? Where have they disappeared to?

a stack of newspapers, a white cup, and a pair of glasses

27. Who put this sign on the old truck? What do you think of it? How did the truck end up in its current condition and location?

a deserted old truck

28. Who set the table? Who are they expecting? What special occasion are they celebrating? What could go wrong?

a fancy table setting

29. Whose birthday cake is this? Are they having a party? Who is there? Who did they want to have there that didn’t show up?

a birthday cake

30. Who lives here? How do they access their home? What is their life like?

a home surrounded by water

31. Who built the igloo? Where is it? How does it feel to spend the night inside it?

an igloo

32. What is the history of this castle? Who lives in it now? Does it have any special or magical features?

a castle

33. Is this barn abandoned or do people live on the property? What kind of animals might live here? How do they keep themselves entertained?

a big red barn

34. What is it like living on a houseboat? What kind of community do you think forms among the neighbors? Imagine you live on one of these boats and think about how your daily life might change. What interesting things could you do if you lived here? What would you miss the most?

a row of houseboats

35. Where is this hut? Who lives here? What mystery might unfold if a stranger came knocking at their door?

a round hut

36. What is this lighthouse called? Who runs it? How often do they leave? What is the most memorable experience they’ve had as a lighthouse operator?

a lighthouse

37. How did this house get here? Does anyone live in it? What would life be like here?

a house on a rock surrounded by water

38. Where is this festive street? Are the people there celebrating something? Where is everybody?

a colorful European town

39. Who lives here? How did they build this house? Are they hiding from something? What does it look like inside?

a hobbit house with a yellow door

40. Whose notebook is this? Why did they leave it here? What’s written in it and how might it change the life of the person who finds it?

a notebook lying on a beach

41. What are these women doing? What are they supposed to be doing? Will they be in trouble if they get caught?

two women playing on a piece of wood

42. Who might be represented in this statue? Why is she being pulled by lions? What amazing things might she have done to deserve a statue in this prominent place?

a statue of a woman being pulled in a carriage by two lions

43. Where is this? Who is riding in the hot air balloons? Where are they going and why?

hot air balloons fly over a town

44. How old is this large tree? Where is it? What are some of the most fascinating stories it could tell?

an old oak tree

45. Where is this carousel? Who is riding it? Can you think of a special or strange story about how it came to exist in this particular place?

a woman rides a carousel

46. What are these people thinking about? What’s at stake for them? What happens if one of them sneezes?

tightrope walkers walk on tightropes

47. Where are these penguins? What are they talking about? Which one of them is the leader?

4 penguins stand in a huddle

48. What is this place? Was it designed to be open like this or was it once part of someone’s home or a public building? How have people’s opinions of this place changed over time?

a room with statues in it

49. Who are these kids? Is this what they’re supposed to be doing? What happens when their teacher sees them?

kids play around in a dance studio

50. Who is supposed to ride in this boat? Where are they going? Will they make it there?

a small boat with a fancy seat

51. Is this plane special to someone? What did they have to do to get it/build it? Where will they fly to in it?

a yellow plane

52. Who decorated this train car? Which passengers will fill it up? What will they talk about?

an upscale train car with fancy seats

53. Whose skis are these? Why are they sticking out of the snow? How did their owner get down the mountain without them?

two skis and two poles stick out of a snowbank

54. Where does this gondola go? Who rides it? How does it feel to ride it?

a gondola

55. Who’s driving the monster truck? Why is it at the beach? What is it going to crush? Who is watching?

a monster truck does tricks on a beach

56. Where is the boat going? Who is on it? What is their mission?

a ship sails away from shore

57. What city is the helicopter flying over? Why? Is the driver looking for something specific or do they have a special delivery?

a helicopter flies over a city

58. What’s the little boy doing in the boat? Is he alone or is someone with him? Where is he trying to go?

a little boy holds an oar in a boat

59. Who is in the sub? What’s it like inside? What are they doing?

a submarine

60. Whose book is this? What’s it about? What’s happening to it?

a book that has water flowing out of it

61. How did that piece of land with the house on it break off from the rest of the world? Why? Where is it going? Is anyone in the house?

a fantasy graphic with a piece of land separating from the earth and floating away

62. Who is this girl? Where is she? Who is she shooting at?

a woman in the woods shoots a bow and arrow

63. Where does this scene take place? Is the lizard/dragon good or bad? What is its relationship with the girl?

a girl standing on the tip of a cliff pats the nose of a giant lizard

64. What do these books represent? What kind of world is this? What (or who) is inside the books?

a row of books designed to look like houses

65. What are these dinosaurs discussing? Where are they? What do they do for fun?

two dinosaurs

66. Whose cottage is this? Do they still live there? If not, where have they gone? If so, what do they do there?

a fairy tale cottage in the woods

67. What is the moth thinking about? Is it alone? What’s the biggest challenge it faces in this moment?

a moth on a flower

68. Who is the owl looking at? Has it read these books? What is its greatest talent?

an owl wearing beside a stack of books

69. Where are these trees? Why are they pink? Do they have any special powers or features?

trees in a wood covered with something pink

70. What are these best friends thinking about? Do they have something to hide? What adventures do they go on together?

a cat and a dog lie together on a book

What do you think? Which kind of pictures do you like best for creative writing prompts ? Let us know in the comments.

Thursday 9th of May 2024

I love this website because I was using it with my kindergartners and it work so so so well!!!!

Monday 20th of May 2024

That's wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Tuesday 5th of March 2024

I LOVE these! My daughter has always struggled with written story prompts and an internet search this week convinced me of the value of picture prompts for reluctant readers/writers ( if you're interested!). I'll definitely be using these to help improve her writing skills. Thanks so much!

Tuesday 26th of December 2023

I think the idea of using picture prompts is a great idea. It initiates oral language thus building vocabulary. It allows lends itself to students working in small groups to stimulate new ideas. The prompts engage the students and gives the teacher the opportunity to focus on specific writing skills.

luke elford

Wednesday 13th of December 2023

cloey mckay

Tuesday 17th of October 2023

I tried this with myself and my 6th-grade students, and they love it. it gives room for so much creativity.

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  • Image Prompts

85+ Picture Writing Prompts For Kids (+ Free Printable)

A picture is worth a thousand words. So how many words can you write for these 85 picture writing prompts for kids and grow-ups alike! Pictures, whether something as simple as an apple or as complex as an action scene can spark the imagination in more ways than one.

Of course, when looking at pictures you can take the literal route, and describe whatever you see in front of you. Or you can explore your imagination, and think about the ‘What Ifs..’ of a picture. What if that person is actually upset? What if this picture is of a broken family? What if the world looked like this years ago? A picture can have so many hidden meanings and can hide so many secrets. The slightest detail could mean everything. Just imagine you’re a detective solving a crime from one picture alone. Examine every detail, write it down and think why? Only then can you fully understand a picture.

For more inspiration take part in our daily picture writing prompt challenge . Each day you will be given a new picture prompt to write about.

Picture Prompt Generator

In this post, we have included a mix of simple pictures, story picture prompts, photographs, fantasy images and even some action-packed images.

You can find the complete list of our picture writing prompts below. We’ve also created a smaller PDF version that includes 30 random picture prompts. Download the printable PDF here .

You might also be interested in the following posts:

  • 30 Christmas Pictures To Get You Writing ‘Tis Jolly Season
  • 25+ Halloween Image Prompts For Mastering Horror Stories
  • How to Use Image prompts To Inspire You

150 Picture Prompts To Inspire

Over 85 picture prompts for creative writing, story-telling and descriptive writing assignments:

picture writing prompt 1

How to Use these Prompts

Picture prompts are the perfect writing stimulus especially when you hit writer’s block . Here are a number of ways you can use these picture writing prompts to spark your imagination:

  • Descriptive Writing: Directly describe everything you see in extreme detail. You could even go beyond the physical appearance of things, and explore your other senses, such as smell, hear, feel and taste.
  • Story-Telling: Pick just one image, and tell a whole story based on this one image.
  • Story Starter: Similarly you can pick one image, and use it as the starting place of your story.
  • Collaborative Story-Telling: In a group of 5 – 7 students, each student can have a random picture. The first student uses their picture as the story starter, and then the next student continues the story based on their own image. Keep going until the final student ends the story.
  • Idea Generation: Pick one image and try to think of at least 3 story ideas related to that one image. 
  • Daily Writing Challenge: Give your students 7 images, and tell them to write a description for each image every day. 

These are just some ways to use images as writing prompts. You can also check our post on 8 fun story-telling games using image prompts for more ideas.  Did you find our picture writing prompts useful? Let us know in the comments below!

picture writing prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Night Zookeeper

Grade 4 Picture Writing Prompts

20 picture prompts for grade 4.

creative writing images for grade 4

1. You discover this girl in a trap in the woods. How can you help her escape?

Riya stuck in a cage

2. Fire is looking for some friends. Everyone is scared of him because he’s so hot. How can you convince others to be kind to him?

Fire standing in the woods

3. You find a dog and take him to the vet. How do you convince your parents to let you keep the dog?

Will working as a vet

4. Can you write a story that includes a duck, a cat, a hut, and a magical hat?

A duck, cat, hut, and hat

5. You are headed to a desert island alone. What book would you take with you and why?

Maji asking what book you would take to an island

6. This is the Penguin Professor and he has discovered a magical cave. Can you persuade him to explore it?

Professor Penguin in an ice cave

7. Why is this Ape so mad and what would you do if you stumbled upon him?

Gorilla with armor on

8. If you could be the first child in space, would you go? Why or why not?

9. Write a newspaper article that a bear getting ready to hibernate would want to read.

Grumpy bear reading newspaper

10. You are the new owner of a Museum. What type of Museum would it be and what will people discover there?

Sign to the Night Zoo Museum

11. When the children opened the magical book, a giraffe popped out. What else might they find in the book as they turn the pages?

Will, Riya, and Sam reading

12. Bees are important for pollinating flowers. Write an opinion piece about why we should protect bees and help them to thrive.

Bee with flowers

13. This bear is a superhero. What do you think his name is? Also, what is his special power and how might he use it against these evil foes?

Grumpy bear wearing cape

14. The local comic book store is looking for new ideas. Can you write a new story for them?

Comic book version of Night zookeeper

15. The baby elephant blew her trunk and wings appeared. How do you think she used her new flying ability?

Elephant with wings

16. Can you write the rules for Frog Tennis?

A frog holding a tennis racket

17. This owl boat is an incredible invention. Can you think of another animal you could combine with a form of transport? Describe your new creation.

A drawing of an owl

18. Write a scary story about a haunted house and a bat.

A bat with haunted house

19. This building has a special power. Do you know what it is and how it works?

Elephant temple

20. What sport to you like the best and why?

Sporting gear

How Night Zookeeper can help

Night Zookeeper logo, displayed on tablet screen.

Night Zookeeper makes writing fantastically fun for children aged six to twelve!

Our reading & writing program for kids is packed with engaging creative prompts, fun-filled games, and interactive lessons, all created to help children become confident writers.

Sign up today and get a 7-day FREE trial!

More writing prompts & activities

  • Elementary Writing Prompts - Grade 4
  • Grade 4 Writing Activities

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creative writing images for grade 4

20 Picture-Based Writing Prompts and Ideas for Kids

female student using a picture writing prompt

A picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s certainly the case with visual writing prompts! 

Be it a simple object or a fantastical scene, a picture is all it takes to spark a child’s imagination. 

That’s why I love picture writing prompts for kids who are learning how to write. 

They help alleviate the burden of not knowing where to start while providing creative flexibility for students to pen their own stories.

I especially like to use picture prompts for teaching descriptive writing . They encourage children to focus, study, and evaluate an image with all its colors and scenery, which naturally sparks more descriptive text .  

Creative Writing Exercises

get this picture prompt printable for free!

What is picture prompt writing.

If you’re unfamiliar with picture prompts, they are a type of writing prompt that uses an image to start a story. 

Students then create a story, using the picture as either the setting or simply a jumping off point. 

The benefit of visual writing prompts is that it gives students a place to start. Not only that, it encourages them to use more adjectives and write in more detailed sentences.

Most students need some guidance beyond “write about this.” The again, too many details can be overwhelming. 

Picture prompts give kids just enough information to act as a stress-free starting point, and from there, they can tell their own stories.

They aren’t necessary for every writing activity, but they’re a fun and simple way to spark creativity—and they often prompt students to think (and write!) outside the box.  

How to Use Picture Writing Prompts

Students who struggle to write may naturally gravitate towards picture prompts. 

In fact, picture writing for kids is particularly helpful for reluctant writers who struggle with expressing themselves in words.

The prompts can be paired with any number of writing activities, from freewriting to journal writing to creative writing.

Choosing pictures for kids to write about will largely depend on the skill level and age of your student.

As a general rule of thumb, you want to use the most interesting pictures for writing prompts you can find.

As kids get older, their writing world expands, so their prompts can be more in-depth and structured.

You can even try using two unrelated prompts and have your students develop a story that incorporates both perspectives.

Here are a few more specific ways to use visual writing prompts:

1. Choose pictures that aren’t so clear-cut. Ambiguous images lead to more brainstorming, providing plenty of room for interpretation and creativity.

2. Give students ample time to look at and study the image. 

3. Give them 5-10 minutes to write everything they can think about when they look at the picture. 

4. Use the 5 Ws to start the conversation. This encourages young writers to look closely for clues about a possible storyline.

  • What? What’s going on in the image?
  • Where? Where is it taking place?
  • Who? Who or what is the subject of the scene?
  • Why? What caused the scene in the image? Why did it happen?
  • When? What happened before the picture? What happens after?

5. You can also give them a series of pictures for story writing . This is a great option for older elementary up to middle school students. 

As you can see, picture prompts are pretty open-ended. You can tweak and use them whichever way works best for your student. 

Want to try using picture prompts?

We’ve provided 20 creative, engaging visual prompts below.

Have fun! 

For more writing fun, try these fall-themed prompts , winter writing prompts , or one-sentence story starters .

20 Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

The icebreaker.

ice breaker picture prompt

  • Something mysterious caused the cracking.…
  • What do you think is underneath this sheet of ice?
  • How far will the cracks spread? What will happen?

The Gardener and the Magical Plant 

the magic plant picture prompt

  • It’s not an ordinary seed sprouting…
  • What do you think will grow?
  • Who is planting the seedling?

Adventures Of The Dive Club

adventures in the ocean picture prompt

  • Did they find treasure under the sea?
  • What did they capture on camera?
  • Where in the world are they? 

The Lion and the Lost Lambs

the lion and the lamb picture prompt

  • It was an unlikely friendship…
  • Do the lambs feel safe with the lion?
  • What is the lion thinking?

Runaway Cow

curious cow picture prompt

  • Why is the cow so far away from the rest of the herd?
  • What is the cow looking at?
  • What’s going through her mind?

Sunset at the Meadow

creative writing images for grade 4

  • The tire swing was still swaying as they left…
  • Who was playing here?
  • Where are the birds going?

A Kitty of a Different Kind

a special kitty picture prompt

  • Why does the cat have different eye colors?
  • It’s not just his eyes that made him different…
  • What is the cat’s name?

The Missing Plane

the missing plane visual writing prompt

  • Where is the plane going?
  • How did it get lost? 
  • What happens next?

Best Friends in a Snowstorm

two birds in a snowstorm picture prompt

  • What are their names?
  • How did they become friends?
  • What are they talking about?

The Icky Sticky Ice Cream Cone

the icky sticky ice cream cone picture prompt

  • The person who dropped this ice cream was startled…
  • What made them drop their ice cream?
  • Describe the scene, the emotions, etc.

A Bug’s Life

bug's life picture prompt

  • What is the bug doing?
  • What is his name?
  • His friends made fun of him because he was green…

The Secret Spy Frog

the secret spy frog picture prompt

  • What or who is the frog watching?
  • Why is the frog hiding?
  • What is his secret mission?

The Surprise of a Lifetime

the surprise of a lifetime picture prompt

  • What is this little boy’s story?
  • What or who surprised him?

The Hidden House in the Woods

hidden house in the woods picture prompt

  • There is something very special about this house…
  • Could this be the house everyone in the village spoke of?
  • Who lives there?

Beneath the Waves

beneath the waves picture prompt

  • Who took this photo?
  • Where are all the fish going?
  • Are they running away from someone/something?

The Boy and the Giant Roly-Poly Pumpkin

the giant mystery pumpkin picture prompt

  • It was no ordinary pumpkin…
  • What’s inside the pumpkin?
  • What is the boy going to do with it?

The “Cat-tastrophe” Shower

the cat who didn't want to shower picture prompt

  • The cat made such a mess…what happened?
  • What is the cat thinking?
  • What does he do after getting bathed?

World-Famous PupStar

the world famous puppy picture prompt

  • What is the dog’s name?
  • What made this dog famous?
  • Why is he taking the photo?

The Sinking House

the sinking house picture prompt

  • What do you think caused the house to sink?
  • Where are the people who lived in the house? Are they still there?
  • Use your imagination!

The Dinosaurs and the Broccoli Forest

dinosaurs in a broccoli forest picture prompt

  • Why are these dinos eating broccoli? 
  • Where are all the other dinosaurs?
  • Are there other animals in the forest?

Download and Print FREE Picture Prompts (PDF)

No matter what grade your kids are in, they will love these fun (and often funny!) elementary picture writing prompts.  

The concepts are suitable for a wide age range and can be used by first graders all the way up to middle school students.

Now when you hear the dreaded, “ I have nothing to write about! ” just pull out these picture prompts, provide pencil and paper, and let your young writers create!

About The Author

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Jordan Mitchell

Journal Buddies Jill | March 20, 2024 December 27, 2022 | Writing

27 Amazing Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids and a BONUS list of Funny Picture Writing Prompts — Hooray. You have just discovered some excellent visual writing prompts. Take a look now and enjoy!

Amazing Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

Writing Adventures with Visual and Picture Writing Prompts

Get ready to experience a fun, creative adventure filled with incredible picture writing prompts. Yes, you can use these creative prompt to inspire your students to write in a way they haven’t done before. That’s because…

Picture writing prompts consist of an image — and sometimes a short sentence — to prompt a student to begin writing. They are a fun addition to any writing practice, and, best of all, kids love them.

Indeed, visual prompts are an incredible writing tool. And soon you’ll see some amazing hand-drawn and totally unique picture writing prompts for kids plus 15 fun AND funny picture writing prompts too.

Now, before I go on, here is a list of the excellent information in this blog post:

How to Use Visual Writing Prompts

Children are getting their information from more interactive and engaging sources than ever before. This is part of the reason why visual prompts are so appealing to many young writers today. Indeed, visual prompts are a excellent tool to get those creative juices flowing for all your writers — visual ones and otherwise.

While tried-and-true writing prompt and journal topic lists help students explore new topics and express their own ideas,  picture writing prompts are yet another unique and innovative way for you to inspire your kids to write an amazing story.

The process of using visual prompts is simple. Have the student look at the graphics, picture, or video and write a new story, poem, or essay inspired in the writer’s mind by the image.

Truly, it’s amazing to see all of the different ideas that bloom in children’s minds from just one image.

Get New Inspiration for Your Student Writing Assignments

Below, I’ll share with you 12 absolutely fabulous picture writing prompts  that will spark your young writers’ and students’ imaginations. There is no doubt these ideas will support their writing creative process.

But first…

Take a good look at this picture writing prompt.

Picture Writing Prompts

Now, one suggested prompt to go along with this picture is, “ They flew away to start their journey… “.

Of course, that’s just one writing idea this picture prompt can inspire. What ideas does this image inspire in you and in your students?

Indeed, the prompt possibilities from visual images are endless. So keep that in mind. Of course, if you need help with prompts, I’ve got you covered.

Ok, let’s get to those…

12 AMAZING Artists Drawn Picture Writing Prompts for Kids

What a treasure these custom-drawn picture writing prompts are for students. While traditional story prompts and journal topics are useful, relevant, and timeless, picture writing prompts provide a variety of benefits to students (We’ll explore some top ones later on).

Picture Writing Ideas for Kids

Ok, check out the creative and lovely animal-themed picture prompts shown below.

Denise Cassano

Yes! Visual writing prompts are a sweet writing resource for you to use in your writer’s next creative writing exercise.

Writing Prompt Ideas for our 12 Amazing Writing Picture Prompts

To go with these sweet picture prompt visuals, check out this list of writing prompt ideas. They are perfect for younger students and older ones alike and are sure to get your student’s creative juices flowing.

  • Image 1 Prompt (Girl in headband): She placed the headband on her head and began to imagine…
  • Image 2 Prompt (Lion with crown): The lion had been transformed. She was dreaming of another time and another place…
  • # 3 Prompt (Bats): The bat family was just awakening, but they knew it would be an exciting night…
  • Image 4 Prompt (Whales): The great migration was about to begin…
  • Image 5 Prompt (Zebra): He was staring off into the distance. The zebra knew what he had to do next…
  • # 6 Prompt (Elephant with bird on trunk): A surprising new friend had arrived. He had so much to share…
  • Image 7 Prompt (Porcupine and cheetah): On the surface, they appeared to be enemies. But in truth, they were partners on a mission…
  • # 8 Prompt (Moose): The journey had been long. As the moose looked back, it knew that there was still another adventure ahead…
  • Image 9 Prompt (Sleeping animals): After a long day of exploring, it was time to rest. When they woke up, the animals would need to…

Picture Writing Prompts

  • Image 10 Prompt (Elephant running): The young elephant was so excited to see its mother once again…
  • Image 11 Prompt (Elephant in water): The watering hole was his favorite place. He knew when he arrived, all of his other jungle friends would be there shortly. Together, they would…
  • Image 12 Prompt (Lion roaring): The king of the jungle had an announcement to make…

You could use these ideas in your student’s journal writing, in your writing centers, assign them as homework, or simply encourage your learners to write different stories solo or in a small group setting ( collaborative, shared journaling and/or story writing is so fun!).

The bottom line is that these kinds of pictures make for a meaningful writing activity that you can use to inspire your kids and get them to write.

Let’s Explore Some Funny Picture Writing Prompts

Picture prompts are a great way to help students get inspired to write, and I have some wonderful ones for you. You see, funny picture writing prompts can be a great way for students to get creative and come up with wonderful writing ideas.

All of the picture prompts shown below are humorous and are meant to help get your students engaged in and excited about writing.


There is a nice variety of themed writing prompts covered with our funny picture prompts, and I am beyond thrilled to share them with you. Take a look and enjoy!

15 Fabulous and FUNNY Picture Writing Prompts

I hope these funny picture writing prompts hit your funny bones and get you writing and having loads of fun with your creative writing activities.

Ok, without further ado… here are those fun picture prompts.

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #1

Funny Picture Prompt #1

Hehehehe… I have a silly secret to share with you…

Funny Picture Prompt #2

Write a funny short story about this food character.

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #2

Funny Prompt #3

We took this silly selfie when we were…

Funny Picture Prompt #4

When I look at these two laughable faces…

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #4

Funny Picture Prompt #5

All my life I’ve wanted to go snorkeling, but…

Funny Picture Prompt #6

This laughing zebra is a perfect funny story starter!

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #6

Funny Picture Prompt #7

Ahhhh… this feels so good. Wait, what is happening to my body?

Funny Picture Prompt #8

Please, please, PLEASE let me lick your face. I promise if you do I’ll…

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #8

Funny Picture Prompt #9

Write a list of 10 jokes about this cute and funny food picture prompt.

Funny Picture Prompt #10

Oh no, that hand is taking Fred. We have to save ourselves! Quick let’s…

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #10

Funny Picture Prompt #11

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!

Funny Picture Prompt #12

Holy moly!! The world’s money supply has been replaced with chocolate chip cookies!

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #12

Photo courtesy of Gratisography

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #13

Funny Picture Prompt #13

Oh my goodness, life is…

Funny Picture Prompt #14

Mmmm… Mmmmm…. mmm…. where have you been my whole life.

Funny Animal Picture Prompt #14

Funny Picture Prompt #15

I get the giggles when I look at this picture because…

I hope you enjoy and use this list of fun picture writing prompts.

More Writing Resources for You to See

  • 38 Funny Writing Prompts for All Ages
  • 35 Humor Writing Prompts for Tweens and Teens
  • Prompt Generator with 800+ Ideas
  • 7 Creative Writing Exercised to Unlock Your Imagination
  • Descriptive Writing Prompts for Kids Plus you’ll find a Teacher’s Guide here.

Writing Prompts Based on Photos

3 Key Benefits of Picture & Visual Writing Prompts

The benefits include:

  • Giving students more freedom to come up with their own stories and ideas. Some written story prompts can be limiting and can point students in a particular direction as they begin their short story. Picture writing prompts allow students to ponder the image and come up with the story that they think works best with the picture they have been given.
  • Allowing students to use different resources to develop their creative writing skills. Picture writing prompts are particularly beneficial for those who find themselves struggling to master their writing skills. They may be more visual and may find visual writing prompts to be a better starting point for their written word.
  • Encouraging students to incorporate writing into every aspect of their lives. Writing should not be limited to an English or literature classroom. With visual writing prompts, teachers can remind students that the inspiration for writing can be around every corner.

If you enjoyed these picture writing prompts but need more then you can…

Discover More Artist-Made Picture Writing Prompts

Remember the cute animal-themed picture writing prompts showed you above? Well..

Picture Writing Ideas for Kids

Those 12 visual prompts are just a few of the incredible picture writing prompts by Denise that you can use with your students.

If you are like me and can’t get enough of these incredible illustrations and visual prompt ideas then you’re in luck!

There are many more to discover. Here’s how you can see more images to use for your next creative writing exercise in your classroom.

===> See more Denise Cassano Picture Writing Prompts <===

2 More Excellent Visual Writing Prompt Resources

1. Additional Resources for Using Picture Writing Prompts

Sometimes, you may want to complement your picture writing prompt lesson with a worksheet that can help teach students to use these prompts in a variety of ways. These  free printable worksheet  is a wonderful resource to enhance your visual writing prompt lesson plan.

2, Ready for More Multimedia Prompts? Consider a Video Writing Prompt

If you found that picture writing prompts were the perfect addition to your classroom curriculum, then be sure to keep building off of this lesson plan. Also, be sure to consider using a  video writing prompt  to help inspire your students to write.

Here is one of our favorite video prompt ideas created by Denise. Take a look!

A Few Final Visual Prompt Resources

  • More Video Writing Prompts
  • Funny photos to write about
  • 160 Photo Prompts for Your Creative Writing Lessons

No matter which tools and resources you prefer to use in your classroom, just remember to have your students keep on writing!

Until next time, write on…

If you enjoyed these Picture Writing Prompts, please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest. I appreciate it!

Sincerely, Jill creator and curator

Visual Writing Prompts for Kids

Hooray…here is some excellent BONUS information on using picture writing prompts for inspiration.

Visual Writing Prompts Guide and FAQs

Writing is an important skill to master. It helps kids develop their imagination and creativity. It also helps them with their reading comprehension and improves their language skills.

The best way to get kids hooked on writing is by making it fun for them, and creative writing prompts with pictures are a great way to do just that! Obviously, a great way of doing that is by giving them a picture prompt to write about. Luckily, there are many such prompts available right here for you to get your students writing.  

You see…

Our collection of picture prompts is good for middle school students, first graders, and even adult writers.

But, if you need even more ideas, then take a look at these…

Picture Writing Prompts Theme Ideas

Here are some great theme ideas for finding more picture writing prompts:

  • Pet/Funny Animal Picture Writing Prompts 
  • People 
  • Photographs
  • Funny places on Earth
  • The 5 Senses
  • Seasons / Weather 
  • Silly Things to Do
  • Family / Friends
  • Things to Think About
  • Things People are Famous For 
  • Places We Like To Go 
  • Things to Think About 
  • Things to Remember 
  • Vacation Adventure Pictures

Do a quick Google images search for any one of these theme ideas and viola! … instant picture writing prompts for you and your writers.

Funny Picture Writing Prompts are a Fabulous Writing Tool


Picture writing prompts are a fun way to help students who are struggling with writer’s block. They can also be a fun way for students to get creative and come up with new story ideas.

Of course, some picture prompts are funny, while others are more serious. Either way, these prompts can help to get the creative juices flowing.

One great thing about using picture prompts is that they can help to break up the monotony of writing. So if you find your students are stuck in a rut, picture prompts can help them get out of it and start producing new material.

Additionally, picture prompts can be used as part of a class assignment or as something that students do on their own time.

There are many different ways to use picture writing prompts. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have students write a story based on the picture prompt. Another great way to use picture writing prompts is as a creative writing assignment. Students can write their own stories and then use the prompt for more inspiration.

The bottom line is that picture writing prompts are a great way to get students working on their creative skills and they provide teachers with many ways of teaching creative writing techniques. 

What are funny picture writing prompts? 

Picture prompts are a fun way to get your creativity flowing when you’re feeling stuck. They can also help loosen you up so that your writing is less formal and more playful.

Here are three reasons why using picture prompts can be helpful for your writing: 

1. Picture prompts provide inspiration. For some writers, when staring at a blank page, it can be difficult to come up with an idea to write about. However, if you have a picture prompt to work from, it can give you the inspiration you need to start writing. 

2. They help you get in the mood for writing. Sometimes all it takes is seeing the right picture to get a writer into the right mood for writing. Perhaps the picture prompts will spark a brand new and unique story idea to write about or the picture might just be a reminder of a story read or heard recently which could also serve as a creative muse.

3. Picture prompts keep you focused. When writing, it can be easy to think about and get distracted by other things. A picture prompt can help keep a writer focused on their writing assignment, this is especially so for those who are more visual learners.

Ok, now let’s explore…

Why Use Funny Picture Writing Prompts?

The truth is that a too many students find it difficult to write. They are often unmotivated, and the process is not easy for them. This is why…

The top reason to use funny picture writing prompts is that they are fun!

Whether your writers use these visual prompts for story prompts, story writing inspiration, or to create an entry in their journal, just use them. And, have tons of fun doing so.

One way to make writing easier for these students is by using funny picture prompts, and above, I shared some wonderful ones with you. I hope you use them with your writers.

Another great thing about using picture prompts is that they can help to break up the monotony and bring some new energy to writing assignments. You see…

When students are stuck in a rut, picture prompts can help them get out of it and start producing new material. Additionally, picture prompts can be used as part of a class assignment or as something that students do on their own time.

There are many different ways to use picture writing prompts. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have students write a story based on the picture prompt. 

Finally, yet another great way to use picture writing prompts is as a creative writing assignment. Students can write their own stories and then use the prompt as inspiration. Picture writing prompts are an excellent tool to get students working on their creative skills and they provide teachers with many ways of teaching creative writing techniques. They can get your writer’s creativity flowing and are especially helpful for those reluctant writers or those who are struggling with writer’s block. 

Now, let’s quickly explore…

A Top Benefit of Using Funny Picture Writing Prompts

Yeppers… A TOP benefit of using funny picture writing prompts is that they can be more enjoyable than regular writing activities and they engage reluctant writers more easily.

The use of humor can also help with grading because teachers can tell which student has put in more effort just by looking at their piece of work.

Again, above I shared some excellent funny picture writing prompts that teachers can use in the classroom.

These prompts will help to make writing easier for students who find it difficult. They also make the process more fun and engaging. 

How do I Find More Sources of Funny Picture Writing Prompts?

We could only share so many funny pictures here with you, so if you need more writing prompts that will help get your kids writing. Check out these ideas:

1. Search for funny picture prompts online. There are many websites that offer this type of resource. Some of our favorites include Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram.

2. Use memes as writing prompts. Memes are a great way to get started because they already have a funny caption or text attached to them. Plus, they’re easy to find online.

3. Flip through magazines for inspiration. Sometimes it’s fun to look at photos in magazines and see if anything sparks an idea for a writing prompt.

4. Check out photo websites like Flickr and 500px for inspiration.

This list of suggestions will help you find more funny photos, memes, and more online resources. Yay! You’re sure to find the perfect prompt to help you write that story, essay, or poem.

Alrighty…That’s all for this visual writing guide. Thanks for reading.

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Fourth Grade Creative Writing Worksheets

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Free Picture Compositions for Primary 3, 4, 5, and 6.

  • Primary School Composition Writing

Free Picture Compositions for Primary 3, 4, 5, and 6.

At Writing Samurai, we understand the importance of nurturing strong writing skills from an early age. Many parents have reached out to us, expressing a common desire to provide their children with engaging tools for writing practice. Picture compositions, in particular, offer a fantastic way to spark creativity and enhance linguistic expression in young minds.

Responding to the needs of parents and students alike, we are excited to introduce a valuable resource — a collection of meticulously crafted picture composition test samples. These sets have been thoughtfully designed to not only assist your child in honing their writing abilities but also to make the learning process enjoyable and effective.  We have also added some helpful phrases to each composition test sample so that your child can expand their vocabulary while writing the composition at the same time!

For the sake of your convenience, we have compiled all of the picture compositions into a downloadable zip file.  You can just click on the ‘Download’ button below, enter your email, and the composition tests will be sent to your inbox.  Remember to check your spam or promotions tab!

creative writing images for grade 4

  Click Here to Download

Picture Compositions for Primary 3

An Accident

Being Forgetful

Being Honest

Getting Lost

Picture Compositions for Primary 4

An Interesting Learning Journey

Hard Work Paid Off

A Regrettable Act

An Act of Kindness

Being Responsible

Picture Compositions for Primary 5

A Reckless Act

Losing Something Important

A Shocking Discovery


A Close Shave

Picture Compositions for Primary 6

Adapting to Change

An Act of Courage

Learning Something New

A Touching Moment

Being a Leader

See more related articles on Writing Samurai:

  • Examples of Model Composition For Primary School Students
  • Smart Tips On How to Write a Good Composition
  • Primary School English Papers 1 & 2
  • Situational Writing for Primary School

By the way, you may want to download this Free Ebook of 80 Awesome Phrases for your child to learn some new phrases to describe character emotions. 

See if your kid can use these phrases in their practice compositions!

good phrases for composition writing

The next problem you may face may be getting someone to mark these composition tests that your child has completed.  At Writing Samurai and Grade Solution Learning Centre (parent company), we provide an unlimited marking service for compositions.  To enjoy this service, you can sign up for either our pre-recorded Writing Samurai Composition Writing courses or Grade Solution’s Creative Writing Lessons.  

Click the respective links below for more details!

Pre-recorded Writing Samurai Courses:

P3/P4 Little Writers Master Class >>>

P5/P6 Creative Writing Master Class >>>

Grade Solution’s Live Zoom Creative Writing Classes >>>

creative writing images for grade 4

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  • Discursive Essay Writing
  • Argumentative Essay Writing
  • Secondary English Writing Tips (O-Levels)
  • Exam Tips for Secondary English
  • 7 Exam Tips for Language Editing (O-Levels)

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  • Situational Writing
  • Secondary School Writing
  • Essay Writing Lower Secondary
  • Synthesis & Transformation
  • Calculate AL PSLE Score


  • Free English Writing Resources List
  • Free Model Compositions Examples
  • Video - Proverbs Composition Writing
  • Video - How to Write A Powerful Introduction
  • Video - How to Use Good Expressions in your Compositions
  • Free Online Writing Course - Kick Start Your Writing


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  • Grammar Editing Crash Course for Secondary School
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The Mum Educates

20 Free Picture Writing Prompts for kids with Vocabulary

creative writing images for grade 4

Is your child struggling with their writing? We have made these fun and engaging picture writing prompts along with word bank to give them push with their writing skills. These writing prompts focus on building kids writing, spelling and vocabulary skills. 

Writing is such an important task for children. To make writing fun for children we have made this amazing writing prompts to support child story writing and narrative skills. Each page contains a picture along with vocabulary that will help children to write about the picture. Once children finish writing they can colour the picture to make their work more attractive.

The pages are full of different fun and creative ideas to let children imagination run wild. From dragons, dark forest or being at a spooky Halloween spot! These writing prompts have it all.

Related: 21 Creative writing story starters for children!

20 Free Picture Writing Prompts with Vocabulary:

Let your child imagination flow smoothly with these fantastic picture writing prompts. These prompts will provide them with plenty of new ideas that they never have thought about.

The prompts also come with writers checklist. Let children take ownership of their writing and self-assess what they have written.

To save the free sheets just click on the image and save a PDF file.

Let us know your favourite writing prompts by commenting below. For more amazing free resources, like and share our Facebook page and also follow us on Pinterest .

For more wonderful books and resources visit our store.


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101 Exciting 4th Grade Writing Prompts for 2023 (Free Printable!)

Use them for journal writing, essay topics, and more!

creative writing images for grade 4

Fourth grade is a time for students to continue to hone their writing chops as they put to use the skills they’ve learned and gain confidence in their abilities. We’ve collected this list of fourth grade writing prompts—including opinion, persuasive, informational, and narrative—to spur your students’ imaginations and get them writing!

You can get 50 of these fourth grade writing prompts in a free PowerPoint slideshow bundle! They make it easy to share these writing ideas with your students.  Grab your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here .

  • Persuasive and Opinion Writing Prompts
  • Descriptive and Expository Writing Prompts
  • Narrative and Personal Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Prompts
  • Current Events Writing Prompts

Persuasive and Opinion 4th Grade Writing Prompts

Would you rather be good at sports or good in school? Why?

Would you rather have lots of money or lots of friends? Why?

What is your favorite subject in school? Why?

Are fourth graders ready to stay home alone? Why or why not?

Are fourth graders ready to stay home alone? Why or why not?

Name two characters from different books that you think might be good friends. Why?

Which is more important for success, skill or luck?

Should kids be paid an allowance to do chores around the house? Why or why not?

Why are classroom rules important?

If you had a time machine, what era of history would you visit?

Why is math important?

Why is science important?

Should fourth graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

If you could open a store, what type of store would it be and why?

Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

What is the hardest thing about being a fourth grader?

If I were the ruler of the world, the first law I would pass would be … because …

If you found a backpack filled with dollar bills, what would you do?

Is it ever OK to tell secrets? Why or why not?

What animal makes the best pet? Why?

Is it better to spend an hour a day reading or an hour a day exercising? Why?

Descriptive and Expository 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?

What’s the best book you’ve read recently? What was it all about?

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money?

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money?

Describe what you think of as perfect weather.

Describe how to build a birdhouse step by step.

Write five rules for staying organized.

What is the worst book you ever read?

Describe the physical appearance of someone in your family in detail.

Imagine you are in a hot-air balloon above your house. Describe everything you can see.

Describe how to play your favorite board game.

There’s an old saying: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” What do you think this saying means?

Describe your perfect day.

Describe your perfect day.

One of your little cousins is very nervous about starting kindergarten. What would you tell them to make them feel better?

Imagine you are an adult and describe your dream job.

Explain your morning routine in detail, from waking up to arriving at school.

Describe the perfect meal, including what you’d eat and where you’d dine.

Share what you do on a typical non-school day.

Explain the right way to do one of your household chores, like making your bed or cleaning your room.

Describe your favorite room at home in detail.

How do you prepare for a big test? Describe the ways you study or practice.

Narrative and Personal 4th Grade Writing Prompts

Share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby.

Share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby.

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

Write about an adult you look up to.

What’s the nicest thing anybody has ever done for you?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Write about a time you felt like quitting but didn’t. How did you keep yourself going?

Do you like nonfiction books or fiction books better? Why?

What makes your family unique?

What would you say is your greatest strength? Greatest weakness?

Are you a patient person? Why or why not?

What is something you’ve never done that you would like to try?

What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

Write about a time you tried something new and how you felt before, during, and after.

What is your earliest memory?

What is your earliest memory?

What’s your favorite holiday? What makes it so special?

Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.

Tell the story of your favorite field trip of all time.

If you could relive any day in your life, what would it be? Would you want it to be the same or different?

What holiday is important to your family? Describe how you celebrate it together.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? How did it make you feel?

Creative 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you met an alien, what three questions would you ask them?

Pretend you drank a magic potion that made you as tiny as an ant. Where would you go and what would you do?

Pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. Where would you go and what would you do?

Pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. Where would you go and what would you do?

Write a story that includes these five words: keys, spaghetti, uncle, jellyfish, spaceship.

What would the world be like if dinosaurs still existed?

If you could invent something new the world really needs, what would it be? How would it work?

Retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead.

Retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead.

Imagine that one day you woke up and found everyone in the world could no longer talk. What would happen next?

Write a new chapter of your favorite book, with yourself as a new character.

Imagine you woke up one morning with a superpower, like invisibility or the ability to fly. Describe your experiences learning how to use that power.

Use these words to start a story: “When I opened the box that came in the mail, I never expected to find …”

Describe a world where it rains fruit juice and snows M&Ms.

Come up with the most ridiculous excuse possible for why you are unable to turn in your homework today.

Describe a world where all the adults are robots, but kids are still human kids.

Imagine a conversation between yourself and a talking animal.

Describe the kind of creature you’d create if you were a mad scientist. Would it be scary and mean? Nice and friendly?

Invent a new kind of candy. Give it a name, and write a commercial jingle for it.

Write about a day where kids are in charge instead of grown-ups.

Imagine you’re lost in a haunted wood, and tell the story of your escape.

Tell a story that ends with these words: “… and that’s how we all learned to fly.”

Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

Current Events 4th Grade Writing Prompts

If you made a time capsule for this year, what would you put in it?

Describe something that you saw in the news recently and how it made you feel.

Tell about an event that happened recently at your school or in your town.

What do you think is one of the world’s biggest problems right now, and how would you solve it?

Read a news story about something happening in another country and summarize it.

Write a news article about something important that happened to you this week.

Create a poem about something in the local news right now.

Write a letter to the editor about a current issue, explaining your opinion.

Find a “good news” story, and share why it makes you happy.

What living famous person do you most admire and why?

What do you think kids today can do about climate change and global warming?

Learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it.

Learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it.

What does the word “racism” mean to you?

What is one thing you would do to make your school or town a better place?

Choose an upcoming sports event, and explain who you think will win.

Describe a current fashion trend or something that’s very popular in your school right now, and how you feel about it.

What can we do to help people with different opinions get along with one another better?

Interview a grown-up you know, and write a news article about them.

What do you think is the best new song right now? The worst? Why?

Describe an event that’s happening in the world right now that you don’t understand. What questions would you ask a grown-up about it?

How do you use writing prompts with your students? Come share your ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Also check out 57 awesome 4th grade books you’ll want to share with students ..

These fourth grade writing prompts are great to spark imaginations and get students writing! Perfect for in-person or virtual learning.

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The Simple Homeschooler

40+ Instant Download Picture Writing Prompts for Kids!

Looking for some creative ways to get your student’s creative juices flowing? 

Young writers often experience writer’s block when staring at a blank page. All of their natural imagination and creativity seem to drain out of them when a school assignment is involved.

I have personally seen that oh so many times as a homeschool mom.

Thankfully, I found the secret sauce to getting reluctant writers motivated!

Putting different picture prompts in front of younger students is such a great way to get their minds rolling!

The visual image makes it much easier for them to form a writing idea that blossoms into a solid short story or narrative writing assignment.

Do you need some help getting your student in the right place to write?

I have put together a wide variety of images that would work for elementary, middle school students, and even high school students.

How To Use Your FREE Visual Writing Prompts 

Picture Writing Prompts for Kids Pin

At the bottom of this post, click the link for instant download access to the Picture Writing Prompts For Kids PDF files. 

****Only for personal, homeschool, co-op, or classroom use please.

There are two creative writing prompts on each page. Some have a list of questions, a sentence starter, or story ideas. Feel free to ignore or alter any of those. Definitely make it your own!

Once you have the files printed, cut each page in half. 

Allow your student to randomly pick one image every week. Consider making it a Monday warm-up or a fun Friday activity.

I intentionally made more than enough story picture prompts for the school year so that you and your kids can pass on some that are not your favorite things.

Enjoy and happy writing!

42 Picture Writing Prompts For Kids To Sharpen Writing Skills & Spark The Creative Process!

1. desert survival.

An exhausted pair struggle through the brutal desert, desperate to survive.

What amazing stroke of luck will save them?

2. Elephant Tight Rope Walker

Elephant Tight Rope Walking Writing Prompt Picture for Kids

This famous circus performing elephant is the best tight rope walker in the world, but her trainer is unkind.

She has a plan to escape…

3. Magic Forest Tunnel

Forest Tunnel Writing Prompt Image

A mysterious tunnel magically opens up in front of you and your friends.

Do you walk through it?

What could be waiting on the other side?

How will you return?

4. Gorilla In The Jungle

Gorilla image for Writing Prompt

What did this gorilla suddenly see?

How does he feel about it?

What will he do?

5. Hot Air Balloon Escape

The only way to cross the rocky, dangerous land is by hot air balloon. But you are running out of fuel fast and falling behind.

What will you do?

6. Invisible Person 

Is this a villain or a hero?

How did they become invisible?

Where are they going?

7. Snorkel Discovery

Snorkeling image for creative writing prompt for kids

What did she just discover on her snorkel vacation?

Is it valuable, dangerous, or rare?

A new or old type of discovery?

What will she do with it?

8. Surfing Adventure

surfing image for creative writing aid

You’re riding the wave of a lifetime, when suddenly you see something looking back at you through the water…

9. Dog in Trouble

Dog surrounded by mess

You thought for sure that you could hide this dog from your mom.  She would never know!

What happened?

What will your mom do now?

10. Dogs in Control

dogs in biker outfits

You have just been informed that these two are your real parents.

What are their rules?

How does your household change?

What is it like to have dogs for parents?

11. Dogs in the Workplace

dogs in scientist costumes

Dr. Wrinkles and Professor Treats have just made a fascinating discovery!

What is it?

How will it help the planet?

12. Detective Pug

dog in raincoat image

Sherlock the Pug is on the trail of another mystery!

What crime is he investigating? Who is involved?

How will he solve the mystery before nap time?

13. Magic Gift

magic in hands writing prompt

What is the magical gift in her hands?

Who is holding it?

Who will receive it? How will they use it?

14. Treasure Map Revealed

ancient treasure map image for writing

An ancient treasure map is about to be revealed to you.

Where does it lead?

What is the treasure? Who does it really belong to?

Will you go after it?

15. Hidden Garden

fairy tale bridge over stream

Something is hidden away in this garden for safekeeping.

Where is it hidden?

What is it? Who hid it?

Who will find it?

16. Wishing Well

Well in middle of desert writing prompt for kids

This enchanted well will bring up anything you wish for – but each person only gets three wishes.

Who finds this well?

What do they wish for?

What happens next?

17. Trapped

This man may be trapped in a glass jar, but he’s got a plan.

Who is he? How did he get trapped?

Who trapped him and why?

What will the man do first?

18. Surprise Box

kid opening gift box

This kid just opened a gift box and is completely shocked!

What’s inside? 

Who gave it to her?

19. Letter to Santa

This kid is excited for Christmas…but he has some explaining to do about his behavior to Santa.

What does he write to Santa?

What bad things did he do this year?

How does he explain his choices?

20. Rotten Day or Awesome Day

Write this kid’s diary entry.

Did she have a rotten, no good day?

Or did she have the best day of her life?

What things happened to her today?

21. Urgent Letter

Writing a letter for writing prompt image

Write an urgent letter that was hurriedly written in the middle of the night. 

What is so important? What happened?

Who needs to know about it quickly?

What will happen if the letter doesn’t arrive in time?

22. Soccer Moment

kids playing soccer

Who are these kids?

Have they been riding the bench or leading the team all season?

What will happen when they go against each other in this game?

Epic win or epic fail? Who do you want to win? Why?

23. Lost At Sea

Man in suit and scuba gear on beach

This man has lost something valuable in the ocean and he must act quickly to get it back.

What did he lose?

How was it dropped in the ocean?

Will he ever get it back?

24. Leaving On A Jet Plane

packed overflowing suitcase

You pack a suitcase to go to your absolute favorite place.

Where are you going?

What do you pack? Why?

Who do you take with you on the trip?

25. Deserted Island

You wash ashore on a deserted island with only three things.

What three things did you bring with you?

How do you survive on the island?

What is your plan for escape or how are you rescued?

26. Breaking News!


The whole world woke up to the most shocking news!

How does your life change because of the news?

27. Secret News

This kid discovered something pretty amazing about himself.

What do you think it was?

Who will he tell about his news?

28. Horse-Sized Hug

horses nuzzled together

How do these horses know each other?

Why do you think they are hugging?

How are they feeling? Tired, sad, happy, content?

Why do they feel that way?

29. The Journey Begins!

happy dog hanging out car window

This dog is finally on the adventure he’s always been waiting for!

Where is he going?

Who is he with?

30. Broken Vase

Oh, no! How did this vase get broken?

Who does it belong to?

What will happen when it is discovered?

31. Embarrassing Moment

embarrassed kid

Why is this kid so embarrassed?

What did she do? Or what happened to her?

What does she do next?

32. Light Spear

Man with light spear near ocean

Who is standing on the beach and what is he holding?

What is happening with the ocean?

Is he working with the ocean or is the ocean his enemy?

What will happen next?

33. Celebrate!

decoration of birthday party table with sweets for child

You have been invited to the biggest party of the year!

What is the party celebrating?

Who is there? What food is being served?

What do you do for fun at the party?

34. Digging Dogs

dogs digging a hole

You are on a beach vacation and your dogs start furiously digging a hole. 

Why are they digging?

What do they find?

What do you do with their find?

35. Worm Hole

Worm hole

A worm hole appears in your bedroom. What happens when you jump through it?

Can you time travel through it? If so, which time period would you go to?

Does it take you anywhere you want to go on Earth? Where would you jump to?

Can you go to other galaxies?

36. Underwater City

city under water

How did this city flood?

Did humans survive and adapt to the water…or do fish rule the city now?

If you could live here, would you want to?

37. Strange Aircraft in the Woods

Alian space ship on earth

You go for a walk during your family’s camping trip and get turned around. Suddenly you see this in a clearing. 

Is it a spaceship or military aircraft? Will you meet aliens? 

Who is inside? Do they want to meet you? Do you want to meet them?

Why did the ship come?

38. Cage Door Left Open

Empty cage for picture writing prompt for kids

Uh oh. It looks like something escaped from the cage.

What was inside? Who let it out?

Will it come back? Who will go looking for it? What will they find when they go looking for the creature?

39. Talking Animal


While playing in your yard, you discover a talking cat!

Write down your conversation.

How did you find out it could talk? What did the cat have to say?

What was the cat’s personality like? Why was it in your yard?

40. Alien Life

River on another planet

NASA has finally discovered a planet full of life! You have been tasked with traveling to the planet to make first contact with the aliens.

How are the aliens like us? How are they different? How does the first meeting go?

How is the planet like Earth? How is it different?

Which place would you rather live?

41. Ships 

Large ship with sails

This ship is setting sail on a critical mission. Where is it going? 

Exploring for new lands? Conquering new lands?

In search of treasure? What will they find instead?

42. Dinosaurs Live!

dinosaurs still alive today with humans

In this world, dinosaurs never went extinct. Describe a day in your life with dinosaurs!

How is it fun?

How might it be dangerous?

Do you interact with the dinosaurs or hide from them? Do you have them as pets? Friends? Workers in your society?


I know these writing exercises will be a hit with your students this school year!

They really are the best friend of the teacher who wants to bring fun and imagination into writing.

Once you’ve gone through these images, consider having your students make up their own writing prompts or check out video writing prompts too!

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Ty I looked a lot of places for the idea in my head and I found it here Much appreciation

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123 Homeschool 4 Me

Caption This! FREE Printable Picture Creative Writing Prompts

  • FREE Printables
  • Writing Prompts

creative writing images for grade 4

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Make writing fun with these  picture prompts to get kids excited about workign on creative writing skills! These FREE printable picture writing prompts are perfect for elementary age students from kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd garde, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and up. Simply print the  picture prompts for creative writing and let kids imaginations soar!

Make writing fun with these picture prompts to get kids excited about workign on creative writing skills! These FREE printable picture writing prompts are perfect for elementary age students from kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd garde, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and up. Simply print the picture prompts for creative writing and let kids imaginations soar!

Picture Writing Prompts

Funny pictures and Memes are all the rage. Use those items to spark creativity in your child. Writing can be boring which makes adds to the difficulty of the task. Use Caption This! Writing Prompts Printable Pack to cut through the boredom and engage your child. This is a perfect time to introduce your child to the concept of adjectives because it is the adjectives that will make this activity fun.

Picture prompts

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save and print the freebie.

Picture prompts for creative writing

Print out the Caption This! Writing Prompts Printable Pack:

The pack includes:

  • 3 pages with 3 photos and writing space.

Use the pages to teach your child how to write short descriptive sentences. Allow your child freedom to write without editing. This will allow the creative process to flow without barriers. You can engage in gentle editing after the caption is completed.

Supplies needed: pencil

Make writing fun with these FREE printable picture writing prompts to get kids excited about working on creative writing skills!

Writing prompt images

Tips for Using the Caption This! Writing Prompts Printable Pack:

  • Use this as a game. Cut out the photos and shuffle. One person will play the judge and the others will write captions. Have the writers write captions and turn upside down so the judge cannot see who wrote which response. When all players are finished writing their captions, the judge will turn them over and decide which one fits the photo best. The person who wins that round gets the photo. You can play with two people by having the judge decide which of two captions fit the photo best. After a few rounds the other person acts as the judge.
  • After your child gets comfortable writing captions/short descriptive sentences perhaps have your child write newspaper headlines for the photos. You can also add in other photos to this activity.

It can be challenging to help kids to continue working on their writing skills during the summertime. But these super cute lego printables are filled with not only summer writing prompts, but kids lego challenge ideas to build and write. These lego writing activities are perfect for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th graders too. Simply download pdf file with lego writing prompts for a fun summer activity for kids

Free Writing Prompts

We have TONS of free printable writing prompts for elementary age studnets to choose from! You can pick writing prompts based on type, topic, month, or seasonal holiday!

  • Roll a Story Free Printable , Caption this picture writing prompts , let’s make a scene movie worksheets , and 5 W Questions Worksheet pack
  • On the Farm Writing Prompts , free Farm Writing Prompts with ruled lines and pictures to color
  • FREE Printable Community helpers writing activity kindergarten , Opinion Writing Kindergarten Printables Free, 100th day of school activity writing craft
  • All About My Pet Free Printable Writing Activity and Dinosaur Writing Prompts
  • FREE Printable kindergarten writing paper pdf , free describing words worksheet , and printable kindergarten writing prompts with pictures
  • Unicorn Writing Prompts , free Lego Writing Ideas , creative FREE Printable Whale Worksheets
  • Jungle Animals Creative Writing about Animals , Fairty Tale Writing Templates pdf , try Pattern Writing
  • Mother’s Day Writing Prompts for Kindergarten , FREE Pineapple Writing , Pet Adoption Persuasive Writing Activity
  • Star Wars Writing Prompts , Fun Writing Prompts for Kids pdf , Handy, FREE Printable COPS writing checklist

Seasonal / Monthly Writing Prompts

  • ❄️️ Kindergarten Winter Writing Prompts pdf , free Winter Writing Prompts Kindergarten , Free Winter Writing Worksheets for Kindergartners, Snowman Winter Writing Prompts pdf , Handwriting Copywork with Winter Quotes .
  • 💌 Valentines Day Valentine’s Day Letter Template , free February Writing Calendar , Free February Writing Prompts Kindergarten , 💋 February Writing Prompts with ruled lines
  • 🍀 March Journal Prompts with ruled lines, March Writing Prompts Calendar
  • 🌺 Spring Writing Prompts Calendar, Spring Kindergarten Writing Prompts , April Writing Prompts Kindergarten with ruled lines, Lego Writing Prompts for April, April Writing Prompts 3rd Grade Calendar, April Writing Prompts Calendar
  • 🌳 May Writing Prompts with ruled lines, May Writing Prompts 2nd Grade Calendar
  • 🔆 Summer Writing Prompts with ruled lines, Lego Build and Tell Summer Writing Prompts , June Writing Prompts Calendar, Build and Write Lego Writing Prompts for Summer
  • 🍎 September Writing Prompts 3rd Grade , September Writing Prompts with ruled lines
  • 🎃 Columbus Day FREE Printables with ruled lines, October Writing Prompts 2nd Grade with ruled lines, Simple Halloween Writign Prompts , October Writing Prompts Kindergarten Calendar, BINGO October Writing Prompts Challenge for Kids
  • 🦃 Fall Writing Prompts with word bank, November Writing Prompts 2nd Grade with ruled lines, Thanksgiving Writing Prompts . Thanksgiving Writing Prompts
  • 🎄 Christmas Writing Prompts , December Writing Prompts 2nd Grade , Christmas Elf Writing Prompts , Free Printable Christmas Stationary , December Writing Prompts 2nd Grade

Story picture prompts

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.

' src=

Beth Gorden

Beth Gorden is the creative multi-tasking creator of 123 Homeschool 4 Me. As a busy homeschooling mother of six, she strives to create hands-on learning activities and worksheets that kids will love to make learning FUN! She has created over 1 million pages of printables to help teach kids ABCs, science, English grammar, history, math, and so much more! Beth is also the creator of 2 additional sites with even more educational activities and FREE printables – and Beth studied at the University of Northwestern where she got a double major to make her effective at teaching children while making education FUN!

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Picture Prompts

Over 140 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

By Natalie Proulx

  • May 23, 2019

Sign up for our free Learning Network newsletter. Receive new writing prompts in your inbox every week.

Updated: May 31, 2019

Think The New York Times is only for readers at a high-school reading level? Think again.

Besides written articles, The Times also offers a rich collection of visuals — photos, illustrations, graphics, GIFs and short videos — that are accessible to learners of all levels. Since 2016, we’ve been featuring these images in our daily Picture Prompts : short, image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of student writing.

Teachers tell us they use these prompts in all kinds of ways. Some use them to encourage students to develop a daily writing habit . Others as an exercise to practice inferences , spark discussion or support reading . This year, one elementary school music teacher told us how her class used the visuals as inspiration for writing short stories accompanied by music .

For more ideas, we have a lesson plan on how to teach with Picture Prompts and other Times images, as well as a free, on-demand webinar that explores how to use our thousands of writing prompts for everyday low-stakes writing practice across the curriculum.

Below, we’ve categorized the 140+ prompts we published during the 2018-19 school year based on the type of writing they primarily ask students to do — whether it’s penning short stories and poems, sharing experiences from their own lives, telling us their opinions, or interpreting an image’s message. All are still open for comment.

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Free Printable Creative Writing Worksheets for 4th Grade

Creative Writing: Discover a world of imagination with our free printable Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 4 students. Enhance their skills and inspire young minds through these fun activities.


Explore Creative Writing Worksheets by Grades

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Explore printable Creative Writing worksheets for 4th Grade

Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 4 are an essential tool for teachers who want to engage their students in the exciting world of reading and writing. These worksheets provide a structured and fun way for students to develop their skills in writing fiction, while also improving their reading comprehension and vocabulary. With a variety of activities, such as story prompts, character development exercises, and descriptive writing tasks, these worksheets are designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of Grade 4 students. Teachers can use these resources to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment, where students can explore their creativity and develop a strong foundation in reading and writing.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including Creative Writing worksheets for Grade 4, to help teachers create engaging and interactive lessons for their students. With Quizizz, teachers can access a vast library of reading and writing materials, as well as quizzes, games, and other activities that can be easily integrated into their lesson plans. The platform also allows teachers to track student progress and provide personalized feedback, ensuring that each student receives the support they need to excel in their fiction writing endeavors. By incorporating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, educators can create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment where Grade 4 students can develop their reading and writing skills while having fun.

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100 Fun Writing Prompts for 4th Grade: Journal Prompts

Small girl writing on orange paper

  • Journal Writing Prompts
  • Descriptive Writing Prompts 
  • Fiction Writing Prompts 
  • Opinion Writing Prompts
  • Funny Writing Prompts 
  • Informative Essay Writing Prompts
  • Animal Writing Prompts 
  • Poetry Writing Prompts 
  • Narrative Essay Writing
  • Emotion Writing Prompts 

Writing help stimulates and organize thoughts in children. They make them better off expressing whatever they have in their mind and feel a little less burdensome.

But, how do we inspire young children to write?

Writing Prompts are a perfect genesis for developing writing habits in kids. They brew creativity, vocabulary, a sense of expression and so much more in them.

Without much ado, let’s get straight to the list of 4th grade writing prompts.

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SplashLearn inspires lifelong curiosity with its game-based PreK-5 learning program loved by over 40 million children. With over 4,000 fun games and activities, it’s the perfect balance of learning and play for your little one.

Here are more learning resources for your 4th grader to aid to their learning!

100 Fun Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

Mother helping her kid in writing

10 Journal Writing Prompts

It is important to develop self-expression in kids, which can be made possible through regular journaling. For kids as young as 4th graders, journalling can boost the flow of ideas and spark reflective communication in them. Refer to the list of 4th grade journal prompts and get your students on a writing fling. 

1. What is a secret dream of yours? What can you do now to reach it later in your life?

2. What kind of a friend do you think you are? List three things where you can improve and become a better friend.

3. What is one thing that your teacher does that you don’t like? How would you like her to do that instead?

4. What is your favorite thing about being in the class?

5. Recount the best picnic you had with friends. Where did you go? What part did you enjoy the most?

6. Make a list of 30 things that you love about your life.

7. Who is your inspiration and why?

8. If you are allowed to make a single wish, what would it be?

9. Write about your favorite hobbies

10. Write about the best gift you have received. What made you love it so much?

10 Descriptive Writing Prompts 

Somewhat similar to 4th-grade journal writing prompts, Descriptive prompts can be a great tap into creativity. When you want to keep your students busy with writing in a way that builds a love of details in them, here are the writing topics for 4th graders that you shouldn’t miss.

1. Write about 3 places that would like to travel to. Why and with whom?

2. Imagine your new classmate starts school today. What would you do to welcome them?

3. Describe a mistake you made and what you learned from it.

4. Your uncle overseas wants to know about your city. Write a letter to him describing your city- the famous monuments, eateries, parks, and more.

5. If you get to become a teacher for a day, which subjects will you teach and why?

6. Who inspires you in the family, and why?

7. Share your experience about a time when something unexpected happened.

8. Describe your favorite classmate. What is one more thing(s) that you would want to learn from him/her?

9. What is your favorite outfit? Why and where would you wear it?

10. You have found a lucky object. Share the little details about it.

10 Fiction Writing Prompts 

What is life without fantasy and fiction? Precisely, nothing. Fiction is a powerful tool to pen down the flow of ideas without having to follow a particular format. It not only fuels creativity but improves writing skills and concentration. So, if you are planning to assay your student’s imaginative power, use these writing prompts for 4th grade.

1. Last night, you traveled into space. What did you see?

2. Put yourselves in the shoes of a mad scientist who just discovered a fruit. How does it look it? Narrate its journey from the innovative lab to the market.

3. In your favorite fairy tale, a prince decides to be a villain instead of a hero. Write the chain of events that unfold.

4. One day, you wake up to see that your elder brother has been turned into a horse by an evil witch. Build a story around the scenario.

5. On a lonely stormy night…Continue the story.

6. You have acquired a superpower to turn invisible whenever you like. Narrate the events of how and where you would use this superpower.

7. You were transported into the last story you read. Where are you? How would the story change with your presence?

8. Imagine you got a chance to climb up the ladder to the clouds. Write what you see there.

9. You woke up to find out that you have grown wings. How would your life change?

10. “Do not be angry” I told myself. But, as I looked down… Complete a story.

10 Opinion Writing Prompts

Teacher helping students with writing

Supporting critical thinking and vision, Opinion writing prompts can be instrumental in shaping the thought process in young minds. More often than not, even the senior students are not aware of how many strong opinions they hold. Therefore, it becomes crucial to let kids practice how to present their arguments in their development years. Here’s a list of opinion writing prompts for 4th grade to kickstart their writing journey.

1. Should recess time be longer in schools? Why, or why not?

2. Should 4th graders receive pocket money from their parents? Why, or why not?

3. Share the best pizza eatery in your town. Why do you think it’s the best?

4. With the annual function coming up, your school wants to invite a famous personality to deliver an inspirational speech or presentation. Who do you think will be the best fit?

5. Would you rather be a class topper, a fine artist, or an excellent sportsperson?

6. Do you think smoking should be banned? Why, or why not?

7. Share your opinion on students bringing a cell phone to school.

8. Should everyone exercise every day? Share your opinion.

9. If you were to plan the school lunch menu, what will you include?

10. Is homework a good practice for learning? What do you think?

10 Funny Writing Prompts 

Do you see your kids getting bored of writing on general topics? Don’t worry, refer to our list of fun writing prompts for 4th grade! Funny Writing Prompts are a great icebreaker to stir up the imagination and interest in students. Moreover, teachers can let students read aloud their fun stories in class. Get ready for a giggle-packed writing period with writing prompts for 4th grade!

1. Your homework was eaten by a dog. Write a story to convince your teacher.

2. Write a story using 5 words: funny, bird, sleep, guitar and pajamas.

3. Imagine you woke up and saw a giant sleeping next to you. Narrate the story.

4. Create a story where chocolate cake is the main character.

5. The rabbit jumped on the moon and the dish ran away with the spoon. Build a humorous story.

6. Imagine your best friend cannot stop sneezing and farting throughout the day. What do you think the day would look like to him?

7. Imagine someone cast a spell on your mother. She could talk nothing but only meow. How would your life change? What can you do to break the spell?

8. Everyone around you turns into a robot. How would you spend your day?

9. What would happen if you ate a cookie and became a dwarf? Narrate the scenario.

10. I never thought my cat would laugh… Continue the story.

10 Informative Essay Writing Prompts

The essence of Informative Writing prompts lies in how well students can convey particulars about an object, a personality, or an event to the readers. As much as they improve their writing skills, the prompts compel the young minds to think critically, and fetch cues from their memory and learning.

Check out the writing ideas for 4th grade kids on the list to make your work a little easier!

1. Write the importance of water in our lives. How can we save water?

2. What are traditions? Which one do you like the most and hate the most in your family?

3. Imagine you are a city tour guide. What are the best places to visit in your city?

4. What is the most interesting book you have ever read? Write a book review.

5. Write a ‘how to play’ guide for your favorite game.

6. Recollect the times you were in quarantine. Write an interesting story about how you overcame tough times.

7. How should we take care of our younger siblings?

8. You are at a farm with your family. Write all that you see around you.

9. Imagine you just experienced an earthquake. What was the first thing you did? Narrate the details.

10. You have become a store manager for a day. Write about all the responsibilities and tasks that you undertook throughout the day.

Little girl writing in her notebook

10 Animal Writing Prompts 

We all agree that animals fit naturally into our stories. That’s because humans share an unbreakable bond with animals. So, why not have a writing session that features animals? This will surely infuse some excitement and divergent thinking in the classroom . Here’s some animal creative writing prompt for 4th graders!

1. Write some interesting facts that you know about animals.

2. How would it be if you woke up doing ‘meow meow’ one morning? Write a story.

3. Imagine dinosaurs taking over the world. What do they make humans do?

4. What if you are in a forest and a lion starts talking to you? What would the conversation be like?

5. If you were allowed to pet 5 animals, which one will you choose and why?

6. ‘A camel was walking in the desert but suddenly…’ Construct an interesting story.

7. Write a story about the friendship of a pigeon and squirrel living on the same tree.

8. Imagine you are swimming in the Indian Ocean and a shark arrives. What will you do?

9. Is the zoo a good place for animals? Why, or why not?

10. If you could have a superpower to turn into any animal, which animal would you become to save a girl who’s been kidnapped? Why?

10 Poetry Writing Prompts 

In a world where classic literature has been lost under social media slang, poetry is still a breath of fresh air. Moreover, poems for kids can be really helpful in improving creative writing skills. They not only learn the real rules of literature and grammar but find joy in expressing themselves. Jump into the poetic world with these 4th grade writing prompts.

1. Write poetry about your first day in 4th grade.

2. Write a haiku about your favorite ice cream.

3. ‘Silvery sweet sound’… Continue the poem.

4. ‘There was once a wise man who told me’. Write a limerick using this line.

5. ‘I met a funny little man…’ Write an interesting poem.

6. Write poetry about Mother Earth.

7. ‘When the winter snow begins to fade…’ Continue the poem.

8. ‘The story is strange, as you will see, The weirdest thing ever happened to me.’’ Write a poem to describe the weirdest scenario you have been in.

9. ‘I woke up one morning with a mermaid tale’. Write a poem.

10. ‘Snow slips down swiftly’. Write a haiku.

10 Narrative Essay Writing

One of the widely practiced 4th grade writing prompts, Narrative writing is all about expressions and stories. It encompasses the beginning, middle, and end of a narrative. Whether it’s a personal incident or a fact or a fiction, it’s sure to spark a joy of creativity in young ones. Here are some ideas that you can use as 4th grade narrative writing prompts.

1. Suppose you become a school principal for a day. Write about what changes you will make in the school.

2. You have to describe your family members to someone who has never met them before. How will you do it?

3. If you had a chance to keep an extra chair at the dining table tonight, whom would you invite and why?

4. What is your favorite memory from 3rd grade? Share details about it.

5. What is one thing that makes you feel sad? How do you overcome this sadness?

6. Write about your favorite holiday meal.

7. When did you score poorly on a test? What did your parents say?

8. Write about your experience at a summer camp. Would you go this year again?

9. If given a chance to visit another planet, where would you go and why?

10. This year my goals are… Write about what all you want to achieve by the end of the year.

10 Emotion Writing Prompts 

Just as adults need an outlet to express their bubbling emotions, so do kids! Journalling is a powerful tool, facilitating reflection and critical thought. While journalling might be a difficult step for most kids, writing prompts can support their creative outlet. It can aid them in expanding their own ideas, articulating their feelings, and boosting their confidence. Look at some interesting fourth grade journal prompts that kids will love!

1. Write a letter to your 15-year-old self.

2. What are 10 things you and your best friend are good at?

3. Describe your favorite time of the year. What activities do you do during this time? Who do you spend it with?

4. Imagine you found a genie who promises to grant you 3 wishes. What wishes would you make?

5. Write about a time you felt a strong emotion- be it happiness, sadness, anger, etc. What made you feel that way? What did you do to control it?

6. Suppose it is your mother’s birthday next week. How can you make it memorable for her? What planning will you do?

7. Do you know about your strengths and weaknesses? Write 5 each.

8. You have to thank 10 people today. Who will be on your list? How will you be thankful to them?

9. When someone compliments you, how do you respond to it?

10. Write about all the times you have felt happy in the last week.

12 Ways To Help 4th Graders With Writing

Teacher helping kid with writing

When it comes to giving a creative push to 4th graders, there can be nothing better than writing prompts. Since young students face more hurdles in following a structural approach to writing, prompts can help kids relieve that pressure. Consequently, they can enjoy flexibility in writing, allowing more room for creativity and imagination.

While kids may benefit immensely from writing prompts, it cannot be made possible without a mentor’s encouragement and support. Here are some of the creative ideas around 4th grade writing prompts that you can explore with kids:

  • Encourage recollecting past experiences to stir up the writing process
  • Give them friendly instructions
  • Talk through building imaginary scenarios
  • Respond actively to their communication and prompts
  • Curating problem prompts and discussing the probable solutions
  • Sharing classic tales or retelling them to fit the current scenario
  • Jotting down facts to build creative prompts
  • Emphasizing on development of opinionated argument
  • Inspiring to write in a variety of styles
  • Providing comprehensive support to build the writer’s confidence
  • Highlighting authentic grammar rules and spelling
  • Use of digital tools to create prompts

The above list is not exhaustive, and there’s always enough room for creativity.

To ease things for you, here are three steps you can consider while using writing prompts:

Step #1: Introduce the statement or topic to the students to steer the creative writing ship

Step #2: Encourage students to make a personal connection with the prompt given, and brainstorm the key points with them

Step #3: Convey the purpose of the writing assignment- an essay, a paragraph, or any other form of writing. Instruct the students using sufficient information to better equip them with writing cues.

Summing Up…

Young kids need support to build writing skills as much as adults do. Writing prompts can be a perfect anchor to get set kids on a writing spree. We hope the above 4th grade writing prompts can serve the enjoyment and purpose of your class! Good Luck!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i improve my child’s writing skills using elementary prompts.

It is imperative to build focus in kids as young as 4th graders. Unfocused writing can become troublesome for them in the future. To improve focus, emphasize using basic prompts that encompass their favorite things- toy, place, picnic memory, cup, etc. Make a list of all that they like and ask them to write small details about them. Let them practice these as much as they want. This way, sticking to a single topic, will surely help them stay clear and focused until they start with longer essays.

How do I keep a tab on my child’s progress in writing?

Writing prompts are in themselves a great tool to help teachers and parents measure the progress of the kid. The best way to see whether the kid has improved or not is to let them practice with the elementary prompts daily. You must skim through them, and politely pinpoint the grammatical or punctuation errors. 

However, do not be too harsh on them while communicating their mistakes to them. Remember, all good things take time! Moreover, do not compare your child’s progress to any other child. All children have different capacities and speeds to grasp things. Target steady growth!

How can I make writing prompts a fun activity for the class?

There are endless possibilities to creatively support the use of 4th grade journal prompts. You can divide the students into small groups and pin a challenge of writing prompts between them. Furthermore, teachers can make use of attractive resources like flashcards, worksheets, etc. to add a spark of enthusiasm and fun to the class. 

Since little appreciation and kind words go a long way, you can keep exciting rewards for the kids who perform exceptionally. There’s so much that you can do to unleash the creative side of your 4th graders.

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  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.