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Essay on sanskrit language (1022 words).

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Essay on Sanskrit Language!

Sanskrit has been instrumental in lending continuity to Indian civilisation. In its heyday it was spoken and used in all regions of India including the Dravidian south. While Tamil has maintained a more or less independent literary tradition, all other languages in India have taken freely from Sanskrit vocabulary and their literature is permeated with the Sanskrit heritage.

Sanskrit is perhaps the oldest language in the world to be recorded. Classical Sansktrit, which developed from the Vedic times, held sway from about 500 BC to about AD 1000. In independent India it is listed among the languages of the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution though it is not the official language of any state.

The hymns of the Rig-Veda bear the seeds of Sanskrit literature. Orally handed down for long, these hymns not only served the purpose of religion but also were a common literary standard for the Aryan groups in India. After 1000 BC, there developed an extensive prose literature devoted to ritual matters—the Brahttmnas; but in these too there are examples of story-telling, terse and abrupt in style.

The next milestone in the history of Sanskrit is the Grammar of Panini— the Ashtadhyayi. The form of the Sanskrit language as described by him became accepted universally and was fixed for all time. Probably, around the time Panini was codifying the Sanskrit language, the practice of writing had begun.

In the field of secular literature Sanskrit epic poetry (mahakavya) was the next most important development. The story of the Mahabharata was handed down orally for at least a thousand years after the battle it celebrates before becoming relatively fixed in writing. Dvaipayana or Vyasa is seen as the first to have sung of this fearsome struggle of his own time.

Vaisampayana later elaborated the epic; Lomaharsana and Ugrasravas are supposed to have recited the complete Mahabharata which scholars call itihasa. The story of the battle of eighteen days between the Kauravas and the Pandavas on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and the victory of the righteous was probably composed in the epic form not earlier than about 100 BC.

The Ramayana, traditionally ascribed to Valmiki whom Bhavabhuti and others call the ‘first kavi’, is considered to have been composed around the first century BC. On the face of it, it is the story of the adventures of Rama, but involved in this story are unforgettable conflicts of human passions.

Asvaghosa’s epics (first century AD) are the earliest epics now available to show the full-fledged kavya technique. His Buddhacharita and Saundarananda present the Buddhist philosophy of the shallowness of the world through the delights of poetry—the ornament of language and meaning. Later, in the fifth century AD, came Kalidasa with his Kumarasambhava which gives the story of the origin of Kartikeya, son of Shiva, and Raghuvamsa, a portrait gallery of the kings of Rama’s line, illustrating the four ends, virtue, wealth, pleasure and release, pursued by different rulers.

To the sixth century belongs Bharavi whose epic Kiratarjuniya presents a short episode from the Mahabharata as a complete whole. Rich description and brilliant characterisation are matched by a heroic narrative style.

Sanskrit literature shows a wide variety of forms and types. The katha tradition is exemplified in the Panchatantra, apparently written in the fourth century AD by Vishnusharman whose country was the Vakataka Empire (in the Deccan).

Bana’s Kadambari (7th century AD) is a novel about the timidities and missed opportunities of youth leading to tragedy. In the eleventh century we have Goddhala’s Udayasundari, a romantic novel. The critic King Bhoja’s Sringaramanjari is an entertaining ‘illustrating novel’ on the various types of love.

Somadeva’s Kathasaritsagara is a huge collection of stories skilfully narrated. Kshemendra’s illustrating novels are bitter satires on corrupt bureaucracies and deceit and vice. Some of his works are Kalavilasa, Darpadalana and Desopadesa.

The use of Sanskrit prose for scientific, technical and philosophical purposes is first exemplified by Patanjali’s Mahabhashya, a commentary on Katyayana’s Vartikas on Painin’s grammar. After this time, and during the early centuries of the Christian era, much technical and scientific literature came into being, Aryabhata and Bhaskara wrote on mathematics and astronomy, Charaka and Susruta on medicine, and Kautilya on politics and administration.

Literary criticism is another field in which Sanskrit literature is rich. The oldest work of Indian literary criticism is Bharata’s Natya Shastra. Bhamaha (5th century AD) is the earliest individual critic whose work is available; he sets out the genres as drama, epic, lyric, prose biography and (usually prose) novel besides discussing literary expression and what makes it beautiful. Dandin (7th century AD) adds to the genre campu or narration in mixed prose and verse, which became quite popular later.

Vemana, Rudrata, Anandavardhana, Kuntaka, Udbhata, Lollata and Dhananjaya are just some well- known critics who have analysed and enriched the world of literary concepts. Bhoja (11th century) is one of the greats among Indian critics, giving us the largest number of references and quotations and showing a fine taste in selection and comment.

The pre-eminence of Sanskrit was first seriously threatened by the Muslim invasions around AD 1200. However, the tradition of Sanskrit literature continued strongly and the number of Sanskrit works composed and preserved during this period is considerable. Rajasthan, Odisha as well as the south continued the Sanskrit literary tradition.

Some writers of note are Amarachandra, Someswara, Balachandra, Vastupala, Princess Ganga, Ahobala, Dindima and Gopala. The Kerala king Manaveda wrote the play Krishnagiti which is the prototype of Kathakali but with songs in Sanskrit. There were also satirical monologues and comedies, some of the famous writers being Nilakantha and Venkatadhvarin.

The period of British rule exercised an unfavourable influence on Sanskrit. In spite of the appearance of English and the increasing use of modern Indian languages, however, literary composition in Sanskrit has continued on a moderate scale down to the present time.

An important use to which the Sanskrit language is put at present is as a source of vocabulary for the modern languages. Sanskrit is able to provide, on a large scale, new technical terms which the modern languages are unable to find in their own resources.

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Sanskrit Language

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The Importance of Sanskrit in Indian Education

This is Part I of two-part series on Sanskrit in Indian Education. To read part II, please click here .


If you are an Indian reading this essay in English, then it is likely that you are (a) not representative of the average Indian, and (b) alienated from your Indic mother-tongue. The 2011 Census shows that only 10.67% of Indians speak English as either their first, second, or third language. As English-speaking Oxford students and academics discussing Indic languages, we must remember that we do not represent the average Indian. This is because a majority of Indians attend non English medium schools i.e. schools in which non-language subjects such as physics, mathematics, and geography are taught in the student’s mother-tongue (“Household Social Consumption on Education in India”, p. 100). A good test of whether you are alienated from your Indic mother-tongue is to try to formulate your knowledge of Newton’s laws of motion, quadratic equations, and the physical characteristic of plateaus in your mother-tongue (without cheating by whole-scale borrowing of English words!). While the average Indian student educated in his mother-tongue can do this quite easily, English-educated Indians alienated from their mother-tongues (such as you and I) cannot.

Confronted with the growing status of English as an international lingua franca, however, more and more Indian parents are sending their children to English-medium schools. Furthermore, despite their statistical prominence, all Indian languages seem to be in a state of decline. This is shown by their dearth of innovative and impactful scholarly writing as well as by the influx of numerous English words in daily conversation.

Why study Sanskrit?

Having briefly described our current linguistic reality, especially the existential crisis facing all Indian languages, I will now discuss the reasons for learning Sanskrit.

Sanskrit was the lingua-franca of sciences such as mathematics, astronomy, and medicine in pre-modern India. To quote Field’s Medallist David Mumford’s review of Kim Plofker’s excellent book Mathematics in India:

“Did you know that Vedic priests were using the so-called Pythagorean theorem to construct their fire altars in 800 BCE?; that the differential equation for the sine function, in finite difference form, was described by Indian mathematician-astronomers in the fifth century CE?; and that “Gregory’s” series π/4 = 1−1/3 +1/5 − … was proven using the power series for arctangent and, with ingenious summation methods, used to accurately compute π _in southwest India in the fourteenth century?” (Mumford 385)

It is an indictment of our education system that most of these remarkable achievements are never mentioned in our textbooks, both in English and in Indian languages. If we want to gain an accurate understanding of the scientific and technological achievements of Indian civilisation, a knowledge of Sanskrit is essential since virtually all pre-modern Indian scientists such as Caraka, Suśruta, Āryabhaṭa, Varāhamihira, Bhāskara II, and Mādhava composed their scientific treatises in Sanskrit. Unfortunately, instead of celebrating these real scientists and their real scientific achievements, certain sections of Indian society continuously concoct fake achievements such as aeroplanes in the Rāmāyana and nuclear fusion in the Vedas. It is obvious that such nonsense is motivated by a deep insecurity about the past. However, as a response to these false claims, many English-educated Indians refuse to believe that there was anything resembling science in ancient India. Like Englishmen, many Indians have been ‘educated’ to view ancient India as a dark period of primitive superstition. If we reflect on this polarisation of opinion, we realise that a lack of knowledge of Sanskrit is the common denominator uniting people on both sides. A sound knowledge of Sanskrit would provide a student with the tools necessary to critically examine claims about Indian intellectual history and arrive at his/her own conclusions. This conclusion would inevitably follow the Buddhist middle-path (Pāli majjhimā paṭipadā): ancient Indians made numerous scientific advancements but were neither omniscient nor utterly ignorant. Teaching Sanskrit is the best way to expose students to the richness of the scientific, philosophical, and practical knowledge-systems of Indian civilisation.

b) Literature

Many of the foundational stories of Indian civilisation which still delight us today have their roots in Sanskrit literature: the story of Rāma and Sīta in the Rāmāyana , the fratricidal tragedy of the Mahābhārata , or Kṛṣṇa’s childhood and his love-affairs with  gopīs in the Bhāgavatapurāṇa . If religion and science isn’t your cup of tea, despair not! Most of Sanskrit literature is actually descriptions of beautiful sunrises, terrifying wars, and sweet love-making. Consider, for example, the lament of a yakṣa separated from his beloved:

tvām ālikhya praṇayakupitāṃ dhāturāgaiḥ śilāyām ātmānaṃ te caraṇapatitaṃ yāvad icchāmi kartum | asrais tāvan muhur upacitair dṛṣṭir ālipyate me krūras tasminn api na sahate saṃgamaṃ nau kṛtāntaḥ || (Kālidāsa’s Meghadūta verse 2.45)   I paint you, angry with affection, on this stone using minerals as colours. As soon as I seek to add myself, fallen at your feet, to the picture, My eyes become smudged with incessant tears. O, how cruel is fate, Since it does not allow the two of us to unite Even in a painting!

Sanskrit literature is filled with millions of such verses: verses which capture the deepest and most secret feelings of the human heart. Besides these tender verses, Sanskrit literature possesses rare examples of literary genius. For example, the 12th century poet Kavirāja’s Rāghavapāṇḍavīya simultaneously narrates the stories of the  Rāmāyana and Mahābhārata using Sanskrit’s seemingly infinite possibility for punning! If students wish to make this rich world of feeling, beauty, and literary genius a part of their life, then they must learn Sanskrit.

c) Language

Sanskrit is a grammatically perfect language with ten verbal-classes, eight cases, three numbers, and three genders (Jones 28). Sanskrit is one of the most well-structured and concise languages in the world. Consider the following English sentence: "I went to the shop to buy sugar".

The prolixity of this eight-word English sentence is evident in the use of filler words such as ‘to’ and ‘the’. Expressing the same thought in a modern Indian language such as Hindi, one would say: " मैं चीनी खरीदने के िलए दुकान गया ।"

Though this Hindi sentence is one word shorter than its English counterpart, it is equally prolix. Suppose one were to express the same thought in Sanskrit: śarkarāyāḥ krayāya vipaṇim agaccham.

We need only four words! In addition to its intrinsic grammatical beauty, a knowledge of Sanskrit will help a student learn other Indian languages more easily since most Indian languages, including Tamil, borrow a large number of loanwords from Sanskrit. I am reminded of my north-Indian friend’s hilarious attempt to order hot water at a restaurant in Karnataka. When he asked for ‘ garam pānī ’ in Hindi, everyone was baffled. However, as soon as he asked for the Sanskritic ‘ uṣṇa jala ’, he got what he wanted! Besides aiding in the comprehension of Indian languages, Sanskrit constitutes ideal preparation for those interested in learning Greek and Latin. This is because these Western classical languages share not only grammatical structure but also numerous cognate words with Sanskrit. Thus, Sanskrit is not only grammatically beautiful but also an ideal gateway to learning other Indian and Indo-European languages.

Sanskrit Pedagogy

Having (hopefully) persuaded you of the beauty and relevance of Sanskrit, I must now turn to three intractable practical questions: (i) How should Sanskrit be incorporated into our school curriculum? (ii) How should Sanskrit teaching deal with the controversies surrounding Sanskrit? (iii) How can teachers make Sanskrit learning easier and more enjoyable?

As far as the first question is concerned, National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 hits the nail on the head:

“Sanskrit will thus be offered at all levels of school and higher education as an important, enriching option for students, including as an option in the three-language formula.” (NEP 2020: 14)

It is significant that NEP 2020 does not argue that Sanskrit should be made compulsory. Any attempt to impose Sanskrit on students is doomed to fail since many students prefer learning another Indian language instead of Sanskrit. However, as NEP 2020 states, Sanskrit should be made available as an option that can be chosen as one’s second or third language. In this respect, NEP 2020 significantly improves on NEP 1986 which, unfortunately, said virtually nothing about the role of Sanskrit in Indian education (NEP 1986. Furthermore, NEP 2020’s explicit mention of the importance of other classical languages such as Tamil and Kannada shows its commitment to preserving and re-invigorating the classical in these dreary post-modern times (NEP 2020 14-15). However, good intentions do not change the world unless accompanied by concrete action. Sanskrit is currently not offered as a language option in most private and government schools, including in the school of this essay’s author. Indeed, most of my Sanskrit-speaking friends actually learnt Sanskrit from traditional paṇḍitas outside the formal academic system. Though Sanskrit should not be made compulsory as a language, all students should be exposed to Sanskrit literature and knowledge-systems in translation. This will expand the student’s horizon beyond the confines of modern languages.

Given the divisiveness of our times, the teaching of Sanskrit will undoubtedly involve numerous controversies. The two most obvious points of contention are the content of the syllabus and the socio-political history of Sanskrit. One can mitigate the first difficulty by insisting on a curriculum grounded in the reading of original Sanskrit texts rather than secondary scholarship. Instead of presenting students with a particular narrative of Indian history, students should be allowed to develop their own understanding of the past through a careful reading of Sanskrit texts. With regard to the alleged discriminatory and elitist nature of Sanskrit, NEP 2020 constitutes a wonderful anti-dote. If successfully implemented, NEP 2020 will open up the study of Sanskrit to interested students from all religions, castes, races, and cultures. It is imperative that students from diverse social backgrounds are made to feel welcome in the modern Sanskrit classroom.

As far as Sanskrit pedagogy is concerned, the need of the hour is qualified teachers who can make language learning enjoyable. Too often, learning Sanskrit involves drowning in a sea of meaningless paradigms to be memorised. This approach ends up detracting students who would have otherwise enjoyed reading Sanskrit texts. Like other Indian languages, Sanskrit should be taught using a combination of everyday conversation and textual study. Crucially, teachers should treat Sanskrit as a language of daily life rather than as a dead language of ancient manuscripts. Such an approach will make students internalise and cherish Sanskrit instead of merely treating it as a scoring subject to achieve better grades. And, hopefully, this study of Sanskrit will create modern Indians who feel proud of their heritage and strive to live up to its demanding ethical ideals:

manasi vacasi kāye puṇyapīyūṣapūrṇās tribhuvanam upakāraśreṇibhiḥ prīṇayantaḥ| paraguṇaparamāṇūn parvatīkṛtya nityaṃ nijahṛdi vikasantaḥ santi santaḥ kiyantaḥ|| (Bhartṛharı̍'s Śatakatraya verse 1.79)   Filled with pure nectar in mind, speech, and body, Pleasing creatures in all three worlds by continuously helping them, Transforming another’s atom-like good quality into a mountain, Always blossoming in their own hearts, How many such good people are there?


“Bhartṛharı̍'s Śatakatraya.” Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), .

“Household Social Consumption on Education in India.” National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, July 2017-June 2018. http:// Report_585_75th_round_Education_final_1507_0.pdf.

Jones, Sir William. Discourses delivered before the Asiatic Society: and miscellaneous papers, on the religion, poetry, literature, etc., of the nations of India. Printed for C. S. Arnold: 1824. “Kālidāsa’s Meghadūta.” Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), .

Plofker, Kim. Mathematics in India. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. Page of 4 5 Mumford, David. “Mathematics in India: Reviewed by David Mumford,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society vol. 57, no. 3 (2010): 385-390.

“National Education Policy 1986.” Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. .

“National Education Policy 2020.” Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. .

“2011 Census.” Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2011. .

Suggested Citation:  Shree Nahata. 2021. 'The Importance of Sanskrit in Indian Education', Think Pieces Series No. 16. Education.SouthAsia ( ). 

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मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में निबंध – 1 (my school essay in sanskrit)

विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में (20 lines on my school in sanskrit language)

मम विद्यालयस्य नाम आदर्श सरस्वती निकेतन अस्ति। एषः विद्यालयः नगरस्य एकस्मिन सुरम्ये स्थले स्थितमस्ति। अत्र सप्ततिः शिक्षकः-शिक्षिकाः च पाठयन्ति। अत्र सहस्त्रद्वयं छात्राः पठन्ति। विद्यालये एकं सुन्दरं उद्यानं अस्ति। यत्र मनोहाणि पुष्पाणि विकसन्ति। मम विद्यालये एकः पुस्तकालयः अपि अस्ति। यत्र छात्राः पुस्तकानि पठन्ति। मम विद्यालये एका विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला, एका गणित प्रयोगशाला च अस्ति। विद्यालये एकः संगणककक्षः अपि अस्ति। शिक्षायाः क्षेत्र मम विद्यालयः सम्पूर्ण नगरे प्रसिद्ध: अस्ति। मम विद्यालयस्य सर्वे अध्यापकाः शिक्षायाम्‌ अतीव निपुणाः, योग्यः च सन्ति। विद्यालये प्रतिसप्ताहे बालसभा अपि आयोज्यते। प्रतिवर्ष वार्षिकोत्सतवः अपि आयोज्यते। क्रीड़ायाः क्षेत्रे अपि मम विद्यालयस्य प्रमुखं स्थानं अस्ति। अहम्‌ आत्मनं गर्वितः, भाग्यशाली च अनुभवामि यः अस्मिन अत्युत्तमे विद्यालये पठामि।

vidyalay per nibandh sanskrit mein

अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध – 2

मम विद्यालय: नाम:  —— अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: अति विशालं अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: अति सुन्दरं अस्ति। मम विद्यालये: एक सुन्दर उद्यानम् सन्ति। मम विद्यालये एक पुस्तकालय अस्ति। मम विद्यालय प्राचार्य महोदयस्य नाम:  —– अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: एक: क्रिदगनम् अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव छात्र अस्ति।

मम विद्यालय संस्कृत में निबंध – 3 (i love my school in sanskrit)

संस्कृत में विद्यालय का निबंध

अहं केन्द्रीय विद्यालये पठामि। मम विद्यालय: अति विशालं सुन्दरं चास्ति। मम विद्यालये एकं सुन्दरं उद्यानं अस्ति। विद्यालये एकं क्रीडाप्रांगणं सुविस्तृतं हरित दूर्वाछन्नं चास्ति। मम विद्यालयस्य प्रधानाचार्यस्य नाम श्री मोहन लाल: अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव: छात्रा: पठन्ति।

अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध – 4 (Essay on my school in sanskrit for class 8)

संस्कृत में विद्यालय पर निबंध 10 लाइन (विद्यालय का निबंध संस्कृत में 10 पॉइंट)

मम् विद्यालय: नाम:  —— अस्ति। मम विद्यालयः सुन्दरः अस्ति। मम विद्यालयः विशालः अपि अस्ति। मम विद्यालये: एकम् सुन्दरम् उद्यानम् अस्ति। मम विद्यालये एकः पुस्तकालयः अपि अस्ति। मम विद्यालय: एक: क्रीडाङ्गन अस्ति। मम विद्यालये बहव छात्रः अस्ति। मम विद्यालये सर्वे अध्यापका: ज्ञानशील-विद्वानम् सन्ति। अस्माकम् अध्यापकः अध्यापिकाः च स्नेहेन पाठयन्ति। वयम् अपि स्नेहेन पठामः अध्यापकानाम् च सम्मानं कुर्मः। मम् विद्यालयस्य प्रधानाध्यापकं तु अत्यधिकं सरलं सज्जनं च अस्ति। अत: अहं वक्तुम् शक्नोमि यत् मम् विद्यालयं सर्वेषाम् विद्यालयेषु श्रेष्ठतर: अस्ति। प्रतिवर्षे मम् विद्यालयस्य परीक्षाफलम् श्रेष्ठः भवति।


मम विद्यालय निबंध पीडीऍफ़ (Sanskrit Essay PDF)

यहां पर हम ऊपर दिए सभी निबंध की पीडीऍफ़ फाइल उपलब्ध कर रहे हैं। इस पीडीऍफ़ फाइल को आप अपने प्रोजेक्ट, वर्कशीट आदि के लिए प्रयोग में ले सकते हैं। इससे आपको काफी मदद मिलेगी।

हम उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह sanskrit nibandh पसंद आये होंगे, इन्हें आगे शेयर जरूर करें। आपको यह mam vidyalay कैसे लगे, हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं।

  • अनुशासन पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • संस्कृत भाषा का महत्व संस्कृत निबंध
  • तुलसीदास पर संस्कृत निबंध

Rahul Singh Tanwar

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Sanskrit Essay on Importance of Sanskrit Language

This post is an essay on Importance of Sanskrit Language in Sanskrit.

संस्कृत भाषा का महत्त्व पर संस्कृत में निबंध।

संस्कृतभाषायाः महत्त्वम् इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।

Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.

Sanskrit Essay on Importance of Sanskrit Language

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Video of Essay on Importance of Sanskrit Language in Sanskrit

'संस्कृतभाषायाः महत्त्वम्'।.

संस्कृतभाषा अस्माकं भारतदेशस्य प्राचीना भाषा अस्ति। संस्कृतभाषा सर्वभाषाणां जननी अस्ति। संस्कृतभाषा देवभाषा अस्ति इति मन्यते। संस्कृतभाषा सुरसा, सुबोधा सरला च अस्ति। कालिदासस्य, बाणस्य, भासस्य इत्यादिकवीनां च साहित्यरचनाः संस्कृतभाषायां सन्ति। वाल्मीकि-रामायणं, महर्षिव्यासस्य महाभारतं भास्कराचार्यस्य गणितविषयकग्रन्थाः अपि संस्कृतभाषायाम् एव सन्ति। सङ्गणकेषु उपयोजनाय अपि संस्कृतभाषा बहुः उपयुक्ता अस्ति। संस्कृतभाषायाः अध्ययनेन उच्चारणे शुद्धता वर्धते। संस्कृतभाषायाः कारणात् बुद्धिः विचाराः च संस्कारपूर्णाः भवन्ति। संस्कृतभाषा भारतीयसंस्कृतेः प्रतीकम् अस्ति।

'saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāḥ mahattvam'।

saṃskṛtabhāṣā asmākaṃ bhāratadeśasya prācīnā bhāṣā asti। saṃskṛtabhāṣā sarvabhāṣāṇāṃ jananī asti। saṃskṛtabhāṣā devabhāṣā asti iti manyate। saṃskṛtabhāṣā surasā, subodhā saralā ca asti। kālidāsasya, bāṇasya, bhāsasya ityādikavīnāṃ ca sāhityaracanāḥ saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ santi। vālmīki-rāmāyaṇaṃ, maharṣivyāsasya mahābhārataṃ bhāskarācāryasya gaṇitaviṣayakagranthāḥ api saṃskṛtabhāṣāyām eva santi। saṅgaṇakeṣu upayojanāya api saṃskṛtabhāṣā bahuḥ upayuktā asti। saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāḥ adhyayanena uccāraṇe śuddhatā vardhate। saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāḥ kāraṇāt buddhiḥ vicārāḥ ca saṃskārapūrṇāḥ bhavanti। saṃskṛtabhāṣā bhāratīyasaṃskṛteḥ pratīkam asti।

Essay On Importance of Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in India. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. Sanskrit is considered to be the language of the Gods. The Sanskrit language is beautiful, simple and easy to understand. The literary compositions of the great poets Kalidasa, Bana and Bhasa are in Sanskrit. The Valmiki Ramayana, Maharshi Vyasa’s Mahabharata and Bhaskaravcharya’s texts about mathematics are also in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is also very beneficial to use in computers. By studying Sanskrit, our speech gets clearer. Values are inculcated in the intellect and the thoughts by studying Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a symbol of the culture of India.

संस्कृत भाषा का महत्त्व पर निबंध।

संस्कृत भाषा हमारे भारतदेश की प्राचीन भाषा है। संस्कृत भाषा सभी भाषाओं की जननी है। संस्कृत भाषा को देवताओं की भाषा माना जाता है। संस्कृत भाषा बहुत सुंदर,सुबोध और सरल भाषा है। महाकवि कालिदास, कवि बाण और कवि भास की साहित्यिक रचनाएँ संस्कृत भाषा में हैं। वाल्मिकी रामायण, महर्षि व्यास का महाभारत और भास्कराचार्य के गणित के बारे में ग्रंथ भी संस्कृत भाषा में हैं। संगणकों में उपयोग के लिए भी संस्कृत भाषा बहुत उपयोगी है। संस्कृत भाषा सीखने से हमारे उच्चारण में शुद्धता बढ़ती है। संस्कृत भाषा पढ़ने से बुद्धि और विचार संस्कारपूर्ण होते हैं। संस्कृत भाषा भारत की संस्कृति का प्रतीक है।


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Translation of "camera" into Sanskrit

camera, कैमरा, छायाग्राहिका are the top translations of "camera" into Sanskrit.

A device for taking still or moving pictures or photographs. [..]

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optical device for recording or transmitting photographic images or videos

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A Windows Mobile application that is both a digital still camera and a digital video camera.

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ऊंट पर संस्कृत निबंध (Essay on Camel in Sanskrit)

ऊंट पर संस्कृत निबंध (Essay on Camel in Sanskrit) उष्ट्रः एकः बृहदाकारः पशुः अस्ति। उष्ट्रः (Camel) मरुस्थले दृश्यते। उष्ट्रः शाकाहारीपशुः अस्ति। कदा

ऊंट पर संस्कृत निबंध : उष्ट्रः एकः बृहदाकारः पशुः अस्ति। उष्ट्रः (Camel) मरुस्थले दृश्यते। उष्ट्रः शाकाहारीपशुः अस्ति। कदाचित् सः फलानि खादति। कदाचित् सः वनस्पति खादति। उष्ट्रस्य चत्वारः दीर्घाः पादाः सन्ति। तस्य एकं लघु पृच्छम् अस्ति। तस्य एका दीर्घा ग्रीवा अस्ति। तस्य द्वे नेत्रे तथा च द्वौ कर्णौ सन्ति। अस्य मुखे अनेके दन्ताः सन्ति। उष्ट्रस्य शरीरं दीर्घं आकारयुक्तं च भवति। तस्य पृष्ठं मध्ये उन्नतम् अस्ति। उष्ट्रपादाः गद्दीकृताः भवन्ति। उष्ट्रस्य बोली 'बलबलाना' इति उच्यते।

उष्ट्राणां उपयोगः आरोहणार्थं भारवाहनार्थं च भवति। मरुस्थले मालवाहनार्थं च अयं पशुः अत्यन्तं उपयोगी भवति। अतएव उष्ट्रः (ऊंट) 'मरुभूमिपोतम्' इति उच्यते।


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