Celebrating birthdays in an orphanage bittersweet for we who love them

Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom

May 5, 2022

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

The other night, the kids at the orphanage sang the final notes of the last song of devotion, and without missing a breath, immediately launched into:

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday Djuline

Happy birthday to you…

They continued with the “How old are you now?” verse and counted until 17, Djuline’s new age. A shy girl by nature, Djuline stood in the middle, wearing a long green t-shirt, absorbing the song with an embarrassed smile. Two boxes of cake were then opened, both with her name spelled out in the icing. And the kids lined up to get a slice and a napkin.


Djuline celebrates her birthday on May 4th

All birthdays are like this at the orphanage. They have to be. You can’t overplay one and underplay another. Everyone gets a song. Everyone gets a cake. The young ones get to spend the day wearing the “birthday crown,” a colorful felt coronet that signifies today is your special moment on the calendar.

I’ve been thinking about birthdays lately, perhaps because mine is later this month. And I realize that, in the life of an orphan, birthdays are both a highlight and a casualty.

And I can never really know which way a child is viewing them.


Moise enjoys his birthday cake, Danois, and Manno

Little-known beginnings

Djuline came to us when she was 6 or 7. The story was that her parents had been lost during the earthquake and she had been cared for by neighbors for several years. The man who brought her to us claimed to not know much more than that. He said he had been chosen to make the trip and deliver her. He barely knew her name.

This is not an uncommon tale. There are times when the children we take in don’t even have birth certificates, so knowing a factual birthday is an impossibility. In cases like that, we may have to invent a date for paperwork purposes. And from that year forward, that’s the day the child gets a cake and candles.

There is a bittersweet overtone to all of this. Think about the birthdays in your own life. Special trips that may have been made. Special fusses for a Sweet Sixteen, or a Bar Mitzvah. Maybe one year, they threw you a surprise party. Maybe one year you celebrated at a beach, or a ski resort, or Disneyland.

That’s a stark contrast to the cookie cutter way we have to mark birthdays at the orphanage. Don’t misunderstand. The kids love the fuss. They grin awkwardly when they’re being serenaded. They pose for the cake photos and immediately ask to see them on the screen. Certain kids will approach you and gush, “Guess how old I am?”, proud of their new number.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Have Faith Haiti Mission (@havefaithhaiti)

But it’s not the same as in other families. We can’t get out an album and look at baby pictures. We can’t sit back and remember the ride to the hospital, how many hours of labor, or some funny anecdote that happened along the way. My own father used to punctuate the story of my birth with a comment the doctor made as he was leaving the hospital. Upon spotting my father in the waiting room, he said, “I see where he gets his ears.”

OK, it’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s a story. It’s my story. Our kids, sadly, don’t have those. They are missing the personal touch. I sometimes wonder if birthdays aren’t a melancholy experience because of that. Perhaps they wonder every year where the family is that witnessed their birth. Where is the mother that brought them into the world? Where is the father that was supposed to watch over and protect them? Are they out there somewhere, remembering what this day means? Do they still care?


Marc holds his birthday cake as Gaelson leans on his shoulder; Jimmyna holds Jerry.

We speak to our kids about this often. We encourage them to share such feelings. Not to bottle them up. But you can’t crawl inside a heart and pull out what you wish. Many kids keep such thoughts to themselves. We have to respect that.

In the meanwhile, we make the fuss that we can. The cakes are really good (we now have a wonderful baker on our nanny staff named Miss Sabina) and the songs are sung with passion and love. We celebrate birthdays, but we are really celebrating lives, new lives, with new and incredible possibilities. That’s the icing, I suppose, sweet in its own right.

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Essay on Orphanage

Students are often asked to write an essay on Orphanage in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Orphanage

What is an orphanage.

An orphanage is a place where children without parents are taken care of. It is like a big family home where children live together.

Life in an Orphanage

In an orphanage, children get food, shelter, education, and love. They play, learn, and grow together. They also celebrate festivals and birthdays.

The Importance of Orphanages

Orphanages play a crucial role in society. They provide a safe place for children who have lost their parents. They also help children to grow up in a caring environment.

Orphanages are essential as they provide love, care, and support to children who need it the most.

250 Words Essay on Orphanage

Introduction, the role and importance of orphanages.

Orphanages serve a pivotal role in society. They are the backbone of support for children who have been orphaned or abandoned, providing them with a semblance of a normal life. They not only cater to the basic needs of these children but also focus on their overall development, ensuring they grow into responsible and independent adults.

Challenges Faced by Orphanages

Despite their noble intentions, orphanages face numerous challenges. These include limited resources, overcrowding, and sometimes even allegations of abuse or neglect. The children, despite having their basic needs met, often lack personalized care and attention, which can affect their emotional and psychological development.

Reforming the Orphanage System

There is a growing consensus that the traditional orphanage model needs reform. Emphasis is being placed on family-based care, where children are placed in foster families or adopted, rather than being raised in institutional settings. This approach is believed to offer a more nurturing environment for children to grow and thrive.

While orphanages play a crucial role in safeguarding the welfare of orphaned and vulnerable children, it is essential to continually reassess and improve their functioning. By focusing on reforms and promoting family-based care, we can ensure that every child receives the love, care, and opportunities they deserve.

500 Words Essay on Orphanage

An orphanage is a residential institution dedicated to the care of orphans—children whose biological parents are deceased or otherwise unable or unwilling to care for them. Orphanages have been in existence for centuries, providing refuge and protection for vulnerable children. However, the concept of orphanages has evolved significantly over time, influenced by societal changes, policy shifts, and advancements in child psychology.

The Historical Context of Orphanages

Modern perspective on orphanages.

Today, the traditional concept of an orphanage has been largely replaced by alternative child care systems. This shift has been driven by a growing recognition of the importance of family-based care for children’s development. Research has shown that institutional care can have detrimental effects on children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Consequently, many countries have moved towards deinstitutionalization, favoring foster care, adoption, and kinship care.

The Role of Orphanages in Developing Nations

Despite the global trend towards deinstitutionalization, orphanages continue to play a significant role in many developing nations. In these contexts, they often serve not only orphans but also children from impoverished families who cannot afford to care for them. These institutions face numerous challenges, including limited resources, inadequate staff training, and a lack of oversight and regulation.

Orphanages and Child Rights

In conclusion, while orphanages have played a significant role in child care throughout history, their function and operation have evolved significantly. Today, the focus is on ensuring that all children, including those in orphanages, have the opportunity to grow up in a loving, secure, and supportive environment. Despite the challenges, it is crucial to continue advocating for the rights of children and striving for improvements in the way we care for our most vulnerable populations.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Is it right to celebrate our birthdays with the orphans?

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

The idea of celebrating our birthday, anniversary or any festival at an orphanage, old age home or a blind school seems enticing and puts a big smile on our face. It provides orphans with the chance to enjoy one evening with amazing food and sometimes presents from celebrities or even people like us.

We often think that by doing so, these children will feel happy and grateful and that it would make their life a little better. We think that it is a great approach with the intentions of some charity and goodwill but think it this way. What if someone you don’t know comes to your home and starts celebrating their birthday and you are forced to clap and smile at them. Seems weird right?

How do you think these children feel? What are their young minds going through when you thought to shower them with gifts and snacks when they don’t even know you?

…..And the craziest part is that this happens to them every weekend or so!

It has now become a trend to celebrate your birthday at orphan homes and brag about it on your Instagram or Facebook, just to show off or fake sympathy. We do not realize how these little things you thought could help can affect the minds of these children.

People arrive wearing new clothes, with cake and gifts for all the children without realizing how these children are holding up their sentiments of not being able to get new clothes or cake, toys, fancy shoes or celebrate their own birthdays. The orphans, for whom this birthday evening was supposed to be fun and joyful are sitting in a corner, forcibly clapping for you or your child.

They are made to sing the birthday songs which they do so without any emotion as if it is their every weekend routine. Their manufactured smiles can be seen thoroughly in the pictures taken with them.

Many of the kids at these orphanages are abandoned by their family for social stigma and when they look at young children being pampered by their family, their eyes express a whole of emotions which they could not speak. They wish to be them, they wish someone celebrated their birthday like that.

Ask yourself whether celebrating your birthdays at an orphanage is providing them with a wonderful day or reminding them what they are really missing -  their own birthdays?

It is devastating to see these children sitting and just looking at you with thousands of dreams that they know no one could fulfil. And by visiting and celebrating our birthdays at orphans’ homes, we make them feel more like orphans.

Hear us out and instead of celebrating your birthdays with them, why not celebrate their birthday with them? The biggest help you can do for them is by donating books, stationery, clothes, medical supplies, laptops, etc. DO NOT intentionally or unintentionally hurt their emotions but help them by providing the essential goods and donate money to orphanages, old age homes or blind schools so that responsible authorities can celebrate their birthdays with good food and music.

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  • Covid-19 pandemic

Manmeet Kaur

Manmeet Kaur


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Blog: How right is it to celebrate a birthday at an orphanage?

Blog: How right is it to celebrate a birthday at an orphanage?

By Rujuta Pendharkar Singh

What could be nobler than spending time with kids at an orphanage, right? The smile that greets you when you enter their home, makes for a better picture than any camera could capture.

You generally think that such a visit will bring joy to these children. In reality perhaps, your visit to an orphanage gives you more than it gives the kids. The innocence of their world leaves your soul churning. When you meet a three-year-old boy, and learn that he has inherited HIV from his dead parents, you find yourself questioning if god exists.

They know they have a  bimari , a disease that ripped them away from their families and made them orphans.

They appear overjoyed when you give them gifts. Some love it when you read them stories. When they fall asleep on your lap, you don’t want to move till they wake up.

When you sit with them, and talk to them, you become their window to the ‘normal’ world. “Where do you work? How much do you earn? Do you have kids? Where do you live? How big is your home?” They ask all sort of questions.

But the real questions that they are seeking answers for, lie hidden in their hearts – “Can I also do what you do, when I grow up? Can I also live how you live?

You think, a visit from you makes ample difference to their simple lives. But what if, instead of making a difference, we end up making them realise that they are different?

One Sunday, a friend and I decided to sponsor lunch for an orphanage that houses around 30 HIV positive kids.

We arrived at the orphanage at around 11am. There was a birthday party going on. What I saw that day really moved me.

The birthday girl was dressed in a pink princess dress with a glittering tiara on her head. She was being spoilt silly by her parents. She looked very happy as she cut cake and handed out gifts, while her parents took her pictures.

But then there were the less privileged kids. The orphans, for whom this birthday treat was supposed to bring joy, were sitting around her wearing forced expressions. 

Imagine, you only get a Sunday to get up late, not go to school, and play all day. But on this day every week, strangers come to your home, to enjoy their birthdays and anniversaries.

These kids were made to sing the birthday song. They sang without any emotion, as if it was a routine they played out every weekend. They posed for the pictures with a manufactured smile.

Many kids in that orphanage have been abandoned by their family because of social stigma associated with HIV. The way these children looked at the birthday girl being pampered by her family spoke everything they couldn’t say. They wished they could be her. No one celebrated their birthdays after all.

They were very happy to receive gifts and chocolates though. I offered my chocolate to a little boy sitting beside me and he refused saying, “Fir aap kya khaoge?” (what will you eat?). Tears welled up in my eyes.

Many of us celebrate our or our children’s birthdays in an orphanage with good intentions. Some of us do it to make our children develop empathy. While our intentions are noble, it can be less than pleasant for these kids.

By celebrating our birthdays at an orphanage, we make orphans feel even more like orphans.

Here’s a thought - instead of celebrating your birthday with them, why not celebrate theirs?

(Views expressed are personal opinions of the author.)

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essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

Birthday celebrations at Love Uganda Foundation orphanage

Birthday celebrations at orphanages is one of the current trends, not only in Uganda but the whole world at large. The heart of giving back is an itch that is slowly eating up thousands of people, both young and old.

Consequently, the media has caught several pictures of people, both young and old celebrating birthdays. The public is realizing that having the little orphans singing for them birthday songs is way better that the Café Java’s staff. It is life changing and brings smiles to many, not only the birthday baby.

Birthdays are happy and impactful occasions. Children, men and women, the youth and the elderly always look forward to their special days, knowing that it is a great day for gifts, surprises, and food that they can share with their family, friends, and loved ones.

Unfortunately, many orphans  in Uganda do not experience this kind of special birthday celebration. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake and joining party games is something so unfamiliar to many of them.

Birthday celebrations at an orphanage do not only bring you joy, but also happiness to these children who never get to experience what it means like to cut cake on such a special day. Singing birthday songs for the birthday baby as he or she blows out the lighting candles is and action that makes children feel like they are celebrating their very own birthdays. It is such a simple action that makes the little orphans feel loved and cared for.

Since it is basically a celebration, it is just a food and fun day. Food that is rare at the orphanage is served, say irish potatoes, meat, sodas and other mouth linking dishes. At one birthday celebration. At one birthday celebration at Love Uganda Foundation Orphanage, one kid asked if it was Christmas. The was extremely fun and exciting that kids felt in a very special way.

Unlike other birthday celebrations, celebrating a birthday at the orphanage means the celebrant giving presents to the kids including clothes, shoes, sweets, scholastic materials; such a supportive action that shows one’s big heart. Remember blessed are the hands that give more than ones that receive.

Are you desiring to give back to the community? But still wondering how to best do it? Well, here is the best option, just collect up some simple things like clothes, sweets, food, scholarstic materials and hit an orphanage for your birthday celebration. Nothing is too small for the little orphans, you may never know what just a single piece of cake you feed the little one would mean to her? Maybe she has even never been fed before in such a loving manner.

In the world where we feel like everything is just so perfect, with people having daily meals on their tables, children going to nice schools; celebrating a birthday is something so normal. But in the world of the little orphans staying in children’s homes, it is so uncommon. Some of them don’t even know their birth dates. So choosing to celebrate a birthday at an orphanage is a simple act that impacts and changes lives.

On this journey that almost the whole world is heading to; empowering the next generation, don’t be left out. You might not have much to donate, but still you don’t have too less to fail to at least make the orphans in Uganda celebrate with you a birthday. Actually is just a simpler way of donating.

This year, as you are planning for the birth month, think of an orphanage. Also inform a friend of how stunning and life changing it is to celebrate a birthday at the orphanage.



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essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage


Donate for a cause

Celebrate your Happiness at the Orphanage or Old Age Home

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

Hello everyone! There are many ideas to celebrate your special occasions. But sharing your happiness by providing food to needy and hungry poor people makes your celebration more joyous and happiness for yourself. 

For example, your or loved one’s birthday is a special day. You came into this world for a reason and with many milestones. And what better way to celebrate your accomplishments by contributing and sharing it with people who need support. You can plan your birthday in a unique way. You can bring along your friends and families and distribute or donate things which a school or an NGO would need to help various sections of society.

If you would like to invite more people we can even organise a big food distribution drive for you. You can choose the amount and we can provide the best meal with the chosen amount.

Just imagine the happiness you will bring to these people by giving them a nice hot nutritious meal. 

This is not only a unique way to celebrate your birthday but can also be a great experience for friends and family. How often are we looking for a present for someone who has everything he needs or to whom we already gave all the presents we can think of? Make someone happy with this contribution to happiness.

Donations to HUMAN WELFARE CHARITABLE TRUST are eligible for tax Exemption under Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956.

The payment can be done by cash, cheque, NEFT transfer, online transfer or RTGS. If you are interested in knowing more or sponsoring a feeding event, please write in to  [email protected]

Please enter the amount you want to donate for celebrating your special occasion. Once you have made the payment please get in touch with us on +91-9819756020

Donate Now!

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Donation Total: ₹8,000

NOTE: We need a minimum number of 100 Meals for the drives. The distribution can be done at Orphanages, Old Age Homes or to homeless individuals depending on the need of the hour! The number of meals can vary 10% in the total quantity in the rehab homes, any extra meal packet shall be distributed to the most needy.

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage


The article reflects on the problematic nature of celebrating personal achievements, such as a YouTube milestone or a child's birthday, at an orphanage, suggesting that these events may unintentionally emphasize the orphans' lack of family and privilege rather than genuinely benefiting them.

The author describes a YouTube vlogger's decision to celebrate reaching 500,000 subscribers at an orphanage, detailing the event's proceedings, including a tour, lunch, and children performing dances. Despite the festivities, the children's blank expressions and manufactured smiles hint at their detachment from the celebration, which is centered around the vlogger's achievement rather than their well-being. The article criticizes the trend of using such philanthropic acts as a means to boost one's own image, particularly through social media humblebrags that exploit the less fortunate for personal gain. It suggests that these events can exacerbate feelings of abandonment and loneliness among orphans, who are often made to feel indebted for the generosity shown to them. The author advocates for a more empathetic approach, proposing that birthdays and other celebrations should focus on making the orphans feel valued and loved, rather than using their circumstances to make others feel good about themselves.

  • Celebrating personal achievements at an orphanage can be more about the celebrant's self-congratulation than about the orphans' happiness.
  • The practice of using orphanages as backdrops for social media content is seen as a way to stroke the ego

Why Do People Celebrate Their Kid’s Birthday At An Orphanage?

To make themselves feel good.

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

I recently watched a vlog of a Youtuber who reached 500,000 subscribers. He decided to celebrate this milestone at an orphanage located in the village where he was travelling . He did a tour of the facility, talked to the management and made some small talk with the kids.

All the kids were scrubbed clean, hair neatly combed and dressed in their best clothes. A big lunch was cooked for which he paid. The children performed several dances they had learnt for him.

He then cut a big cake with ‘ Congratulations ’ written on it. He thanked everyone for supporting his YouTube journey and as always encouraged people to subscribe to his channel.

What struck me was the blank expression on the the kid’s faces. All the while he was celebrating himself. It meant nothing to them. They were sitting around with manufactured smiles.

It reminded me of the times people performed philanthropy to make a big show of themselves, to stroke their own ego. Some celebrated their kid’s birthday with the homeless or with orphans.

Let’s just rub it in their little faces what it feels not to have parents. Let’s just show them what they are missing out on.

All done so that 2 hours later they can humble brag on Social media about the noble act their child performed. My angel dined with the less privileged and broke cake with them like Jesus. She selflessly brought joy to these poor children.

Let’s take pictures of our little Mother Teresa to share on Facebook, # feeling blessed . We are bringing attention to an important cause, so please share with all, # feelinghumbled. Translation=Make this post viral!

How does it feel from the orphan kid’s perspective?

Well for starters they began life abandoned by their own family because of poverty or just plain cruelty. There’s a gaping hole the size of Alaska in their hearts.

Now they get to have front row seats to see the birthday girl/boy enveloped by their family’s love. They have everything they dream of. They get to sing ‘ Happy Birthday ’ while her parents dot on her.

Wait, a birthday, what’s that? Many don’t have an account of their actual birth day or even the year they were born.

The kids are told they should thank the nice family for sharing cake and other gifts with them. They are made to feel obligated and indebted by the generosity of people.

Basically the poor and orphaned are made to feel more poor and lonely. Instead why not celebrate the orphan’s birthday and make them the center of attention and not our child?

When we help the less privileged, it is a responsibility to not make them feel indebted, like we did them a big favor just by looking their way.

How about making them feel good, instead of making us feel good at their expense?

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Kinship United

August 22, 2016

How to Throw a Birthday Party for an Orphan

When’s your birthday?

Our birthdays form part of our identity, and most all of us enjoy celebrating them. But imagine if you had no idea what month, day, or year you were born. You wouldn’t even know exactly how old you were. And if you were an orphan, you’d have no one to tell you.

Can you picture life without a birthday? Wouldn’t you feel lost? Like a part of you was incomplete?

A birthday party in Lahore, Pakistan

That’s an emotion too many Kinship Kids have to grapple with on top of everything else. But because of you and your support, their Kinship Homes can lift their spirits. How so? With something many of us take for granted: a birthday party.

Kinship Projects around the globe throw birthday parties for their children even though they don’t always know when they were born. One Kinship Project in particular made a group of kids very happy with the last birthday party they threw.

At the Bosnia Kinship Project in Kenya , the home parents didn’t know many of their children’s birthdays, so they decided to celebrate all together with a big party.

As with most birthday parties, the birthday boys and girls were allowed to invite their friends from school. Even though it was a humble gathering, the kids were thrilled to have cake, juice, and cookies. And the memories the children made that day will last a lifetime.

Children celebrate a birthday party in Kenya

These kids will never know the actual date they become a teenager. They’ll never know when they turn sweet sixteen. Or turn 18 and officially an adult. But during their special celebration, it didn’t matter. They all sang “Happy Birthday” to one another. They thanked God for their lives and for bringing them into this world. In that moment, they knew they were so very loved by their Kinship family and by the donors who help support Bosnia Kinship Project.

Restoring childhoods is not an easy, or straightforward, task. Sometimes Kinship Projects have to get creative, and birthday parties are just one way you help them do it. It may not seem like rocket science, but it’s nonetheless a significant way to help these children know they’re not alone.

Thank you for making this party possible for Bosnia Kinship Project. It’s something the children will never forget.

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Birthday Celebration With Us

Celebrate your birthday by spending your time with the children in need..

Although there are unlimited ideas to celebrate birthday as each birthday is a new beginning, this birthday, share your joyous moments by providing food to poor and hungry patients outside hospitals, as by seeking happiness for others, and find it for yourself !

We welcome you to celebrate birthday with our kids and leave with them a memorable moments which keep them happy for a long time.

By providing freshly cooked food including khichdi and a banana to the poor patients and their families outside hospitals.

Although we provide food to poor patients and their families outside various hospitals but we for birthdays and other occasion we provide food outside AIIMS and Safdurjung Hospital.

You are most welcome to join our team for food distribution drive along with your family and friends.

You will just need to have the latest version of Elementor installed on your website to be able to use the HappyAddons.

We provide pictures of food donation drive and also as per request of the donor we also keep a little board mentioning to occasion.

Yes, we provide proper 80G receipt of the donation.

  • Breakfast/Evening Snacks
  • Simple Lunch/Dinner
  • Special Lunch/Dinner

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Make this an anonymous donation.

Donation Total: ₹4,000.00

Your every contribution will help these children get quality access to Education, Food and shelter.

Donate now to support our cause!

Donations to nanhi pari foundation are eligible for 50% tax exemption under sec 80-g income tax act 1956. in case you have donated directly through upi, kindly whatsapp your details such as name, address and pan for 80g receipt on +91-9664278673.

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How right is it to celebrate a birthday at an orphanage?

birthday Celebration in orphanage

How do you wish a stranger on their birthdays, when you get portrayed as an underprivileged to them.? The same feeling goes to the orphans when they are asked to shower the birthday blessings . How much, you reason out your good intention of giving them a happy day by celebrating with them. Celebrating birthdays makes them happy on receiving gifts and good food but what is left with them after that is quite saddening. It might remind them of what they are missing. When we reach the orphanages to celebrate birthdays on Sundays, the only day they are allowed to sleep late, the only day they get off from their routine works. And we consume that free day of theirs for our celebration. How good is that disturb the routine of theirs for our celebrations?

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birthday charity 2(1)

At Help to Cure, birthday celebrations are one of the ways to make yourself and others happy by celebrating with the children in the orphanage. We invite you to celebrate the birthday with our children and leave them a memorable time that will make them happy for a long time.   You can celebrate your birthday, children’s birthday, friends’ birthday, special family event and many other important events with the children of kritagyata orphanage in bangalore. As a charity, we encourage donors to come forward to use their precious time to make these children happy and feel like they are one of us. You can give new toys, new clothes, school supplies or financial support to make the celebration memorable.

Birthday celebration at Help to Cure. Donate online for education, help these children to be part of the society to have a good life and health. Contact us today and be a part of Healing Aid’s social initiative to make this world a better place to live.

All our efforts are made possible only because of your support

Donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act

Your donation transactions are completely safe and secure

Address: Chirag Infotech, 2nd floor 211, Ambica Nagar, Wagle Estate,Thane West 400604 Nr Kamgar Naka.

[email protected] +91 98339 98382  +91 98926 26723

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Our mission is to make sure all young people and children get all the support they need, when they need it, no matter what it is. We want to build a world where no child or youth feels alone and gets every possible help they need as soon as possible.

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How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay | Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The How I Celebrate My Birthday essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Short Essay on How I Celebrate My Birthday 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

I was born on 24th January, eleven years ago. For me, it is the day when I am made to feel very important. I am busy sending invitation cards, arranging games and decorating the drawing room, on my birthday. I have left certain things entirely to my sister. For example, it is for her to decorate the cards and write addresses in a very beautiful handwriting. She also invites her friends to join the party. My father has a very different notion about the celebration of my birthday. Last year, he had taken me to an orphanage and had made me contribute money to their welfare fund. This year, he intends to take me to the school for the blind.

How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay

My friends start arriving around 5 p.m. I welcome each one of them with warmth and make them sit comfortably in the drawing room that is beautifully decorated. They bring gifts for me, nicely packed in coloured wrappers. My uncle who lives abroad sends me a nice set of pens or a pair of nice jeans. This year again, I hope to get something wonderful from him.

When all the friends have come, my mother brings the cake to the drawing-room. The candles are lit on it. As my friends sing “Happy Birthday,” I blow out the candles and use a knife to carve out small pieces of the cake. Everyone wishes me a prosperous future. Some snacks are also served. The gifts are piled up in one corner and we all get ready to play the games. Every game seems to be full of fun. They all roar with laughter.

The lengthening shadows of the evening remind us that we have to wind up. Those friends who come from far- off places, start taking leave. It is the turn of my father to drive me to a charity home, school for the disabled or a hospital in the city. He wants me to remember all those people as my brothers and sisters and help them in their hour of need. I always look forward to my birthday as I feel very happy and important on this day.

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Celebrating Birthdays in an Orphanage

Birthdays are happy and impactful occasions. Children always look forward to their special day, because they know that it will be filled with gifts, surprises, and food that they can share with their family, friends, and loved ones.

Unfortunately, many orphans and homeless children around the world do not experience this kind of special birthday celebration. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake and joining party games may even be unfamiliar to many them.

That is why Allies volunteers planned a trip to the Filimonkovsky Orphanage in Moscow to celebrate children’s birthday, feed the orphans, and discuss an interesting topic about men and women. Aside from the festivity, part of our trip was dedicated to answer the questions: “What qualities should women and men have? What are their similarities and differences?” Through these topics, we wanted to engage the children as how to they view the 2 primary genders in our society.

Our celebration started with some delicious food for everyone. Afterward we said some special remarks about the honored birthday boy and excitedly gave him his gifts. His smile and joy was contagious as he hurriedly opened his presents!

After the birthday festivities ended, we started talking to the children about the qualities of men and women — what are their similarities and where do they differ?

Children who were able to provide good answers received prizes. We took lots of pictures, talked to children and senior groups, and engaged in meaningful conversations. Before we left, we offered treats for dinner to make sure that the celebration lasts until the evening.

During our trip, the orphan that stood out the most was Eugene, a 20 year-old. He was very active, intelligent, and expressive when sharing his thoughts and answers. Based on our knowledge of his story, he ended up in the orphanage because his parents refused to raise and take care of him when he was younger. Even though he is already old enough, he still considered life outside the orphanage and adapting to new environments as his biggest challenges.

Through the support people like you continue to provide, Eugene and the other orphans in Filimonkovsky Orphanage continue to receive care and attention they truly deserve. Even if they have lost their family, we make sure they are always loved and cared for, especially during their birthdays.

Do you want to volunteer with Allies and bring back the smiles of less fortunate children? Join and be part of our volunteer team .

essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage

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How do i celebrate my birthday essay

Unknown March di, at PM. Unknown August 25, at PM. In how do i celebrate my birthday essay, I am allowed to wear a coloured dress for what is a thesis in writing an essay birthday. I play with my friends and get a lot of delebrate as well. My father had how do i celebrate my birthday essay money to the director of the orphanage to arrange a good lunch for the inmates on that day. I study in Delhi Public School. Unknown October 3, at PM. Unknown April 22, at PM. In the afternoon I also gave the party snacks to my school friends. As soon as I reached downstairs I saw my school friends waiting for me. Every year it is the most special and the day full of surprises for me. Although children have ideas about what they want to write in the essay, they may not always be able to put it into words. By Ruchika. This is the birthday that is celebrated on attaining the age equal to our birth date. This is perfect it was given me as a homework and my teacher loved it thanks.


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    Birthday Celebration With Us Celebrate your birthday by spending your time with the children in need. Although there are unlimited ideas to celebrate birthday as each birthday is a new beginning, this birthday, share your joyous moments by providing food to poor and hungry patients outside hospitals, as by seeking happiness for others, and find […]

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    Celebrating birthdays makes them happy on receiving gifts and good food but what is left with them after that is quite saddening. It might remind them of what they are missing. When we reach the orphanages to celebrate birthdays on Sundays, the only day they are allowed to sleep late, the only day they get off from their routine works. And we ...

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  18. Birthday celebration at NGO

    You can celebrate your birthday, children's birthday, friends' birthday, special family event and many other important events with the children of kritagyata orphanage in bangalore. As a charity, we encourage donors to come forward to use their precious time to make these children happy and feel like they are one of us. You can give new ...

  19. How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay

    The How I Celebrate My Birthday essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

  20. Essay. narrated incident of a time when you celebrated a birthday in an

    Answer: Celebrating my birthday at an orphanage was a heartwarming experience that left an indelible mark on my heart. It was a sunny day, and I, along with my family and friends, decided to share the joy of my special day with those who often yearn for the warmth of celebration.

  21. Essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage 200 words

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Essay on celebrating birthday in orphanage 200 words. mehermeghana2365 mehermeghana2365 10.01.2019 English Secondary School ... Then we celebrated the birthday. The mother and other sisters gave me blessings. The children presented me flowers to show their feelings for me. Advertisement ...

  22. Celebrating Birthdays in an Orphanage

    Celebrating Birthdays in an Orphanage July 7, 2019. Birthdays are happy and impactful occasions. Children always look forward to their special day, because they know that it will be filled with gifts, surprises, and food that they can share with their family, friends, and loved ones.

  23. How do i celebrate my birthday essay

    In how do i celebrate my birthday essay, I am allowed to wear a coloured dress for what is a thesis in writing an essay birthday. I play with my friends and get a lot of delebrate as well. My father had how do i celebrate my birthday essay money to the director of the orphanage to arrange a good lunch for the inmates on that day. I study in ...