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Exclamatory Sentence

What is an exclamatory sentence.

Table of Contents

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences starting with "what" and "how", real-life examples of exclamatory sentences, video lesson, why exclamatory sentences are important, other sentence types.

exclamatory sentence example

  • You were meant to be back yesterday!
  • Jeepers! You scared the life out of me!
  • This puzzle is driving me up the wall!
  • You're adorable!
  • It's a boy!
  • I'm really going to miss this place!
  • What a goal that was!
  • How wonderful she is!
  • What big eyes you have!
  • How sharp your teeth are, grandma!
  • What is the dog doing?
  • How are you?
  • You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again. I hate housework! (Comedian Joan Rivers)
  • It's alive! It's alive! (Dr Frankenstein)
  • Jeepers , you're actually up before lunch!
  • Wow! That's amazing!
  • Oh! Most miserable wretch that I am! Why have I not learnt how to swim? (Alexander the Great, aka Alexander III of Macedon)
  • Shut the front door!
  • Where's the dog!

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer video to text? Here is a list of all our grammar videos .

  • Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. (Author Terry Pratchett)
  • I can't believe it's not butter!
  • Use exclamatory sentences sparingly, and, when you do, don't use more than one exclamation mark.

Declarative Sentence

small British flag

  • Lee has never caught a decent bass.

Imperative Sentence

  • Fish somewhere else!
  • Please fish in your own area.

Interrogative Sentence

  • Will you stop trying to fish in my water?

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Writing Explained

What is an Exclamatory Sentence? Definition, Examples of Exclamations

Home » The Writer’s Dictionary » What is an Exclamatory Sentence? Definition, Examples of Exclamations

Exclamatory sentence definition: An exclamatory sentence is a statement that presents an exclamation.

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

What does exclamatory mean? An exclamatory sentence, sometimes called an exclamation sentence, is a statement that presents an exclamation. An exclamatory sentence uses exclamation points for end punctuation and is meant to be read and said with a particular emphasis.

Exclamatory Sentence Example:

  • Declarative Sentence: I want coffee.
  • Exclamatory Sentence: I want coffee!

Define exclamatory definition

The first sentence is a statement, one that is read and said in a “normal” tone. The second sentence is emphatic and read that way. The tone of these two sentences is completely different because of the end punctuation.

Outside Examples:

  • “Eureka Mareka!” is the default exclamation, cheerleaders emptily sing its praises. – The Telegraph
  • There are about 20 of them in the Dells, from wide and sprawling to small and cozy, which is how the area came to call itself “The water park capital of the world!” – Chicago Tribune

Don’t Overuse Exclamatory Sentences

What is exclamatory-and exclamation sentences

When exclamatory sentences are overused, the tone does not change. Furthermore, overused exclamatory sentences make the exclamation seem illegitimate because every other sentence is an exclamation.

Used inappropriately: I am exhausted! I had such a long day at work! I can’t wait to hit the hay!

Used appropriately: I am exhausted. I had such a long day at work. I can’t wait to hit the hay!

The second set of sentences is much easier to read. You can feel the tension building and you, as the audience, understand the importance of bedtime for the speaker.

The first set of sentences is too excitable; it is very hard to take the speaker seriously.

Interrogative Clauses as Exclamations

What is a exclamatory sentence

  • What a beautiful home you have!
  • How lovely they are!

Even though these exclamatory sentences start with typical interrogative terms (what, how), they are not questions. They should be read and said with exclamation.

Subjects in Exclamatory Sentences

Example of exclamatory-sentence-and-exclamatory sentences for kids

Identifying the Subject in Exclamatory Sentences:

  • First, locate the verb.
  • Second, ask “who?” or “what?” followed by the verb.
  • Whatever answers who or what is the subject.

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences:

  • Who? or What?: I want
  • Who? or What?: they are
  • Subject: they

Other Sentence Types

Declarative sentence.

Definition of exclamatory statement

  • The sky is blue.
  • I went to school today.

Imperative Sentence

What is an imperative sentence? An imperative sentence is a statement that makes a command or gives a direction.

  • Don’t touch that.
  • You will go to school today.

Interrogative Sentence

Exclamation definition of exclamatory sentence

  • Do you want to go to school today?
  • How do you know that?

Summary: What are Exclamatory Sentences?

Define exclamatory sentence: the definition of an exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses strong feelings or emotions by making an exclamation . Exclamatory sentences are more forceful than declarative sentences but oftentimes use the same words.

Exclamatory Sentence Examples:

  • You are two hours late!
  • You are wrong!

An Introduction to Exclamatory Sentences

Don't Overuse Them!

ThoughtCo / Ashley Nicole Deleon

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In English grammar , an exclamatory sentence is a type of main clause  that expresses strong feelings in the form of an exclamation , as opposed to sentences that make a statement  (declarative sentences), express commands  (imperative sentences), or ask a question  (interrogatory sentences). Also called an  exclamative or an exclamative clause , an exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation  point. With the appropriate intonation , other sentence types—especially declarative sentences —can be used to form exclamations. 

Adjectives in Exclamatory Phrases and Clauses

Exclamatory phrases can sometimes stand on their own as sentences. For example, if someone says, "No way!" or uses an interjection such as, "Brrr!" These sentences don't require a subject and a verb, though to qualify as an exclamatory clause or sentence, a subject and a verb must be present.

Author Randolph Quirk and his colleagues explain how adjectives play a part in creating exclamatory phrases and clauses:

" Adjectives (especially those that can be complement when the subject is eventive, eg: That's excellent! ) can be exclamations, with or without an initial wh -element ...:​  Excellent! (How) wonderful! ...
"Such adjective phrases need not be dependent on any previous linguistic context but may be a comment on some object or activity in the situational context." From "A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language," Longman, 1985

Interrogative Clauses as Exclamations

In addition to sentences that have the typical declarative subject/verb structure, there are exclamatory sentences that take a positive or negative interrogative structure. For example, examine the sentence structure here: "Oh wow, was that a great concert!" Note that the verb was comes before the subject concert .

If you're having trouble parsing out subjects for this type of sentence, look for the verb first and then find the subject by deciding what subject belongs to the verb. Here, it's concert , as you could put the sentence in a subject/verb order as, "Oh wow, that concert was great!" 

There are exclamatory questions , too, such as, "Isn't this fun!" or "Well, what do you know!" And there are rhetorical questions of surprise, such as "What?!" that end with both a question mark and an exclamation point. 

Avoid Overuse in Your Writing

Exclamative sentences rarely appear in  academic writing , except when they're part of quoted material, which would likely be rare in that field. Please be aware that overuse of exclamations and exclamation points in essays, nonfiction articles, or in fiction is a sign of amateurish writing. Use exclamations only when absolutely necessary, such as in a direct quote or dialogue. Even then, edit out what isn't absolutely necessary.

You should never allow exclamation points (and exclamatory sentences) to become a crutch to carry the emotion of a scene. In fiction, the words characters speak and the tension in the scene driven by the narrative should be what expresses the emotion. The author's voice should carry the message in an essay or nonfiction article. Exclamations should be restricted to direct quotes attributed to sources.

A good rule of thumb to follow for any piece of writing is to allow only one exclamation point for every 2,000 words (or more, if possible). Editing them out of progressive drafts will make your overall piece stronger by the time it's finalized.

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Exclamatory Sentences with Examples

Exclamatory Sentences with Examples

Table of Contents

Exclamatory sentences are sentences that express strong emotions, excitement, surprise, or strong feelings. They often end with an exclamation mark (!) to convey the emotional tone. Exclamatory sentences can cover a wide range of emotions, including joy, anger, surprise, admiration, or frustration.

What Is An Exclamatory Sentence?

An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that conveys strong emotions, excitement, surprise, or intense feelings. These sentences are characterized by their exclamation mark (!) at the end, which serves to emphasize the emotional tone. Exclamatory sentences can express a wide range of emotions, including joy, anger, surprise, admiration, or frustration.

Here are some key features of exclamatory sentences:

1. Expressive Tone: Exclamatory sentences are used to convey strong emotions or reactions.

2. Exclamation Mark: The presence of an exclamation mark is a defining characteristic. It signifies the emotional intensity of the statement.

3. Word Order: The word order in an exclamatory sentence may be similar to that of a declarative sentence (subject-verb-object), but it is the overall context and the exclamation mark that make it exclamatory.

Definition of an Exclamatory Sentence

Examples of exclamatory sentences.

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or feelings. They often end with an exclamation mark. Here are some examples:

  • What a beautiful day it is!
  • I can’t believe it— amazing!
  • How wonderful the party was!
  • Wow, that’s impressive!
  • What a surprise to see you!
  • Oh no, I forgot my keys!
  • How cool is that gadget!
  • Yikes, it’s raining!
  • What a fantastic idea for a game!
  • Bravo, you did it!
  • How tasty the pizza is!
  • Oh dear, I missed the bus!
  • What a great movie we watched!
  • Hooray, we won the game!
  • How cute the puppy is!
  • Oops, I dropped my phone!
  • What a lovely surprise party!
  • Wow, look at that sunset!
  • How exciting this news is!
  • Oh my goodness, it’s snowing!
  • What a fantastic day at the beach!
  • Yippee, it’s my birthday!
  • How amazing your artwork is!
  • Oh wow, I can’t believe it!
  • What a great time we had together!

Exclamatory Sentences Starting with “What” and “How”?

Starting with “What”:

  • What a magnificent sunset that is!
  • What an interesting book you recommended!
  • What a surprise party they organized for her!
  • What a delicious aroma is coming from the kitchen!
  • What an amazing performance by the orchestra!
  • What a beautiful painting you created!
  • What a fantastic idea for the school project!
  • What a wonderful gift you gave me!
  • What a fantastic vacation destination they chose!
  • What a great accomplishment you’ve achieved!

Starting with “How”:

  • How thrilling the roller coaster ride was!
  • How wonderful it is to see you after so long!
  • How beautiful the flowers look in the garden !
  • How surprised I am to find you here!
  • How delicious this chocolate cake tastes!
  • How fantastic the weather is today!
  • How amazing your performance was on stage!
  • How great it feels to achieve our goals!
  • How lovely the garden looks in spring!
  • How incredible the fireworks display is!

Structure and Punctuation of an Exclamatory Sentence

Here’s a breakdown of the structure and punctuation:

1. Interjection or Subject (optional) : Exclamatory sentences often begin with an interjection (a word expressing strong emotion) or a subject, which is the person, thing, or idea the sentence is about.

2. Verb: The verb follows the interjection or subject and conveys the action or state of being.

3. Object (optional): An object, representing the recipient of the action, may follow the verb.


  • The key punctuation mark for an exclamatory sentence is the exclamation mark (!) , which is placed at the end of the sentence to convey strong emotion or emphasis.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

What a beautiful sunset !

  • Interjection: What
  • Verb: beautiful
  • Object: sunset
  • Punctuation: Exclamation mark at the end for emphasis.

How amazing your performance is !

  • Interjection: How
  • Verb: amazing
  • Object: your performance

How incredible the fireworks display was !

  • Verb: incredible
  • Object: the fireworks display
  • Punctuation: Exclamation mark for emphasis.

What a surprise to find you here !

  • Verb: a surprise
  • Object: to find you here

Wow, that’s an impressive magic trick !

  • Interjection: Wow
  • Verb: that’s impressive

How beautiful the autumn leaves look !

  • Object: the autumn leaves

What a fantastic job you did on the presentation !

  • Verb: a fantastic job
  • Object: on the presentation

What an adorable puppy !

  • Verb: an adorable
  • Object: puppy

Exclamatory Sentences with Examples and Types

Difference Between an Exclamatory Sentence and Other Types of Sentences

The main types of sentences are declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Here’s a brief overview of each type and the key differences:

1. Declarative Sentences:

  • Function: Declarative sentences make statements or convey information.
  • Structure: Subject + Verb (+ Object).
  • Punctuation: Ends with a period (full stop).
  • Example: She is going to the store.

2. Interrogative Sentences:

  • Function: Interrogative sentences ask questions.
  • Structure: Interrogative word (who, what, where, when, why, how) + Subject + Verb (+ Object)?
  • Punctuation: Ends with a question mark.
  • Example: Where are you going?

3. Imperative Sentences:

  • Function: Imperative sentences give commands or make requests.
  • Structure: (You) + Verb (+ Object).
  • Punctuation: Ends with a period (full stop) or an exclamation mark for strong emphasis.
  • Example: Close the door.

4. Exclamatory Sentences:

  • Function: Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions, excitement, or emphasis.
  • Structure: Interjection or Subject + Verb (+ Object).
  • Punctuation: Ends with an exclamation mark.
  • Example: What a beautiful sunset!

Key Differences:

Declarative vs. Interrogative vs. Imperative: These types focus on making statements, asking questions, or giving commands, respectively. They typically end with a period, question mark, or period/exclamation mark for imperative sentences.

Exclamatory vs. the Others: Exclamatory sentences stand out due to their expressiveness and emotional tone. They end with an exclamation mark and convey excitement, surprise, joy, or other strong emotions.

  • Declarative: The sun is shining.
  • Interrogative: Is the sun shining?
  • Imperative: Close the door.
  • Exclamatory: What a beautiful day!

Common Words Used in Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences often include words and phrases that express strong emotions, enthusiasm, or surprise.

Here are some common words and expressions used in:

  • What: What a beautiful day!
  • How: How amazing that performance was!
  • Wow: Wow, that’s incredible!
  • Oh: Oh no, I forgot my keys!
  • Yikes: Yikes, that was close!
  • Hooray: Hooray, we won the game!
  • Bravo: Bravo, you did it!
  • Alas: Alas, I missed the opportunity!
  • Fantastic: Fantastic, we got the job!
  • Amazing: Amazing, you’re so talented!
  • Oops: Oops, I made a mistake!
  • Oh my goodness: Oh my goodness, it’s a surprise!
  • Phew: Phew, that was a relief!
  • No way: No way, I can’t believe it!
  • Unbelievable: Unbelievable, what a story!

Points to Remember When Using Exclamatory Sentences

When using exclamatory sentences, there are several points to keep in mind to effectively convey strong emotions or excitement. Here are some key points to remember

1. End with an Exclamation Mark (!): Always conclude exclamatory sentences with an exclamation mark to clearly signal the heightened emotional tone.

2. Express Emotion Clearly: Use to express strong emotions, excitement, surprise, or enthusiasm. Be clear and direct in conveying the intended emotion.

3. Begin with Interjections or Adverbs: Start with interjections (e.g., What, Oh, Wow) or adverbs (e.g., How) to establish the emotional context right from the beginning.

4. Vary Sentence Structure: Create variety in sentence structure to maintain reader engagement. Combine simple and complex sentences for a more dynamic and natural flow.

5. Choose Descriptive Words: Enhance the impact of exclamatory sentences by using descriptive and vivid language. Paint a clear picture of the emotions or experiences you are expressing.

6. Avoid Overuse of Exclamation Marks: While exclamation marks emphasize excitement, avoid overusing them, as this can diminish their effectiveness. Use them judiciously for maximum impact.

7. Consider Context and Audience: Assess the appropriateness of exclamatory sentences based on the context and audience. In formal writing, use them sparingly, and adjust your tone to match the situation.

8. Ensure Clarity: Ensure that your exclamatory sentences are clear and unambiguous. Ambiguity can lead to confusion about the intended emotion or message.

9. Maintain Consistent Tone: Ensure that the tone of your exclamatory sentences aligns with the overall tone of your message or conversation. Consistency helps convey a coherent emotional message.

10. Practice Readability: Prioritize readability by using concise and well-structured sentences. Aim for clarity without sacrificing the impact of the exclamation.

How to Use Exclamatory Sentences Effectively

Using exclamatory sentences effectively involves employing them strategically to convey strong emotions, excitement, or emphasis. Here are some tips on how to use exclamatory sentences effectively:

1. Identify Key Emotions: Determine the primary emotion or emphasis you want to convey. Exclamatory sentences are great for expressing joy, surprise, enthusiasm, admiration, or frustration.

2. Begin with Interjections or Adverbs: Start the sentence with interjections like “What,” “How,” or adverbs that express emotion. This immediately sets the tone for excitement or emphasis.

  • Example: Wow, that’s incredible!

3. Use Vivid Descriptions: Enhance the impact of it by incorporating descriptive and vivid language. Paint a clear picture to evoke a stronger emotional response.

  • Example: What a stunning sunset over the ocean!

4. Consider Sentence Structure: Experiment with different sentence structures to keep your writing engaging. Combine simple and complex sentences to create a natural flow.

  • Example: How amazing it is to witness such natural beauty!

5. Match the Tone to the Situation: Be mindful of the context and adjust the tone of your exclamatory sentences accordingly. Consider the formality of the situation and the expectations of your audience.

  • Example: Oh no, I can’t believe I made that mistake!

6. Avoid Overusing Exclamation Marks: While exclamation marks are essential be cautious not to overuse them. Reserve them for instances where you want to convey strong emotions.

  • Example: Hooray, we won the game!

7. Use for Emphasis: Employ exclamatory sentences to emphasize a particular point, creating a memorable impact on the reader or listener.

  • Example: What an incredible journey this has been!

8. Express Genuine Emotion: These are most effective when the emotion expressed is genuine. Authenticity enhances the impact and resonates with your audience.

  • Example: How wonderful it is to see you after so long!

1. Which of the following is an exclamatory sentence?

  • A) The sun rises in the east.
  • B) What a beautiful sunrise!

2. What punctuation mark typically ends an exclamatory sentence?

  • B) Exclamation mark

3. Identify the exclamatory sentence:

  • A) Please pass the salt.
  • B) Wow, what a fantastic view!

4. Which option represents an exclamatory sentence?

  • A) The cat is sleeping.
  • B) How amazing is this performance!

5. What is a key characteristic of exclamatory sentences?

  • A) Making statements
  • B) Expressing strong emotions

6. Choose the exclamatory sentence:

  • A) Be careful with that!
  • B) My dog is so cute.

7. Which of the following is an exclamatory sentence about the weather?

  • A) What time is it?
  • B) It’s so hot today!

8. Identify the exclamatory sentence:

  • A) Read this book.
  • B) How incredible is this story!

9. What is the main purpose of exclamatory sentences?

  • A) Asking questions

10. Select the exclamatory sentence:

  • A) Stop talking!
  • B) The sun sets in the west.

1. What is an exclamatory sentence?

It is a type of sentence that expresses strong emotions, excitement, surprise, or enthusiasm. It often ends with an exclamation mark.

2. What is the typical structure of an exclamatory sentence?

It can have various structures, but it typically includes a subject, a verb, and an exclamation at the end to convey strong emotion.

3. What is the function of an exclamatory sentence?

The primary function is to convey heightened emotions or make emphatic statements.

4. What punctuation mark is used at the end of an exclamatory sentence?

It ends with an exclamation mark (!) to indicate the strong emotion or emphasis.

5. Can an exclamatory sentence be a question?

While interrogative sentences (questions) are distinct, sometimes they may convey a sense of surprise or disbelief, similar to a question.

6. Are there specific words that make a sentence exclamatory?

Certain words or phrases, such as “What,” “How,” or interjections like “Wow” and “Oh,” are often used in it to express strong emotion.

7. How does the tone of exclamatory sentences differ from other sentence types?

amatory sentences have a more enthusiastic and emotional tone compared to declarative, interrogative, or imperative.

8. Can exclamatory sentences be used in formal writing?

While we are commonly used in informal or expressive writing, they can be used in formal writing when appropriate to convey emphasis or excitement.

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Exclamatory Sentences: What Are Exclamatory Sentences? Definition and Examples

exclamatory sentence essay example

If you want to know what exclamatory sentences are and how to use them, you've come to the right place. This article will teach you everything you need to know.

Exclamatory sentences allow you to express your emotions and feelings. They end with an exclamation mark.

This guide is part of our free online Grammar Book .

What Are Exclamatory Sentences?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, 'exclamatory' means:

"expressing surprise, emotion, or pain by means of an exclamation or exclamations "

This pretty much sums up the role of an exclamatory sentence. You can use it to express emotions like surprise, anger, disgust, pain, and so on.

Exclamatory sentences are one of four types of sentences, with the other three being interrogative, declarative , and imperative. In fact, they resemble declarative sentences a lot in that they make a statement. But the difference is that they also convey an emotion . What's more, they often end with a question mark, which conveys the emotion even more strongly.

Here are some examples of exclamatory sentences:

What a surprise! Ouch, that hurts! I can't believe it!

Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark.

We're going to look at the structure of an exclamatory sentence so you know how to make your own. But before we do, I just want you to be wary of using exclamatory sentences too often.

  • These types of sentences are used in order to convey emotion, which is easy to overuse.

Think about it:

  • If you know someone who gets angry a lot, their anger has less and less impact on you over time.
  • Similarly, if somebody is always dancing around excitedly, you might just start to ignore them after a while.

The same goes with your sentences: if you are always adding in emotion, your readers or listeners will eventually become numb to them. So use exclamatory sentences wisely!

Structure of an Exclamatory Sentence

If you want to make an exclamatory sentence, there are several ways you can go about it. You can use interjections or not. You can use exclamatory pronouns or not. And you can choose from various punctuation options.

Interjections in an Exclamatory Sentence

Interjections are short, single words used to express various emotions and expressions or make a request. They can either be made-up words (primary interjections) or real words (secondary interjections).

Here are some examples of both these types of interjections:

If you want to use these interjections in your sentences, what you need to know is that they can either stand-alone with an exclamation, or you can follow them with a comma and continue on with the rest of the sentence.

There isn't one way that's better than the other - it's completely up to you!

Case in point:

Wow! That's a big boat. Wow, that's a big boat! Great! Let's go then . Great, let's go then! Jeepers creepers, I wouldn't like to live in that haunted house! Jeepers creepers! I wouldn't like to live in that haunted house.

The advantage of having your interjection stand-alone is that it gives you the freedom to follow it up with a different type of sentence. Whereas if you follow your interjection with a comma and connect it to the rest of the sentence, you have to follow it with an exclamatory sentence.

Let me illustrate:

Wow, you have beautiful eyes! Wow! Are you those your eyes?

Using Exclamatory Pronouns

There are two exclamatory pronouns in English: 'what' and 'how.' While these are usually used to begin a question, in this case, they can also be used to begin an exclamatory sentence.

Let's see what that looks like in a sentence:

What a beautiful coat that is! How amazing that you've been accepted onto the program !  What a wonderful world we live in!

You might have noticed that the word order seems a little abnormal in some of these sentences. This is called an anastrophe: you deliberately shake up the usual order of the words in a sentence for dramatic effect. 

You can combine exclamatory pronouns with the interjections we talked about in the previous section.

For example:

Wow, what a goal!

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences

Now that we've covered the basics around exclamatory sentences and how to use them, let's take a look at some examples of exclamatory sentences.

Oh, grandma, what big eyes you've got! I can't believe it! My tooth is loose ! You had no right to do that! I know you're the one who took my lunch! Ew, this milk has curdled!

Concluding Thoughts on Exclamatory Sentences

That concludes this article on exclamatory sentences. I can't believe how quickly that went by!

Did you notice I just used an exclamatory sentence? The truth is, they're everywhere. And now you know more about them, you'll see them everywhere.

Now let's summarize what we've learned:

  • Exclamatory sentences convey emotion.
  • They always end with an exclamation mark.
  • Interjections and exclamatory pronouns allow you to take your sentences to the next level.
  • Don't overuse them.

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  • Exclamation Points: When to Use Exclamation Points in Writing (Examples)
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  • Mood in Verbs: What Is Verb Mood? Definition and Types (Examples)
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exclamatory sentence essay example

exclamatory sentence essay example

Exclamatory Sentence: Examples & Usage Guide

  • July 2, 2024

Zain Ul Abadin

Exclamatory sentences are the emotional powerhouses of language that infuse our communication with energy, urgency, and passion. This comprehensive guide explores the essence of these expressive statements, their structure, and their crucial role in both written and spoken language.

From understanding their basic form to mastering their effective use, we’ll examine how exclamatory sentences convey strong emotions, grab attention, and add emphasis to our messages. Whether you’re a student, writer, teacher, or language enthusiast, this guide will enhance your grasp of exclamatory sentences and their impact.

You’ll discover:

  • What defines an exclamatory sentence and its key characteristics
  • Common words and phrases that amplify exclamatory impact
  • How to construct exclamations starting with “What,” “How,” “So,” and “Such”
  • The importance of exclamatory sentences in various forms of communication
  • Effective techniques for using exclamations, including with interjections
  • Essential points to remember when incorporating exclamations in your writing

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped to craft powerful exclamatory sentences that express emotions, emphasize key points, and engage your audience with precision and impact.

Ready to master the art of exclamation?

Let’s explore the dynamic world of exclamatory sentences!

What is an exclamatory sentence?

An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence used to express strong emotions, sudden feelings, or intense reactions. These sentences are characterized by their heightened emotional content and typically end with an exclamation mark (!) .

Exclamatory sentences serve to convey a wide range of emotions, including excitement, surprise, anger, joy, or frustration. They often have a more forceful or emphatic tone compared to other sentence types, such as declarative or interrogative sentences .

In writing, exclamatory sentences help authors inject energy and emotion into their text, making it more engaging and expressive. In spoken language, they reflect the natural way people express strong feelings in everyday conversation.

Some key features of exclamatory sentences include:

  • Strong emotion or emphasis
  • Often shorter in length than other sentence types
  • Usually end with an exclamation mark
  • May begin with “What” or “How”
  • Can be a full sentence or a fragment

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Examples of exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences can be found in various contexts and express a wide range of emotions. Here are some examples to illustrate their usage:

1. Expressing joy or excitement:

  • We won the lottery!
  • What an amazing performance that was!
  • I got the job!

2. Showing surprise or disbelief:

  • I can’t believe you’re here!
  • How unexpected this turn of events is!
  • You’ve grown so much since I last saw you!

3. Conveying anger or frustration:

  • That’s the last straw!
  • How dare you speak to me like that!
  • I’ve had enough of your excuses!

4. Expressing fear or alarm:

  • Look out for that falling branch!
  • There’s a spider on your shoulder!
  • The house is on fire!

5. Showing admiration or awe:

  • What a talented musician she is!
  • How beautifully the garden has bloomed!
  • You’ve accomplished so much in such a short time!

6. Expressing sympathy or concern:

  • What a terrible accident!
  • How awful you must feel!
  • I’m so sorry for your loss!

7. Conveying urgency or importanc e:

  • Hurry up, we’re late!
  • Don’t forget your passport!
  • Stop that thief!

8. Expressing relief:

  • Thank goodness you’re safe!
  • What a relief to finally be home!
  • I’m so glad that’s over!

These examples demonstrate how exclamatory sentences can effectively convey a variety of emotions and reactions in different situations. They add emphasis and energy to communication, making language more expressive and engaging.

Common words used in exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences often employ specific words and phrases to enhance their emotional impact. These words help to convey the intensity of the feeling or reaction being expressed. Here are some common words and phrases frequently used in exclamatory sentences:

1. Interjections:

Wow!, Oh!, Yay!, Ouch!, Aha!, Yikes!

2. Intensifiers:

So (e.g., “That was so amazing!”), Such (e.g., “Such a beautiful day!”), Very (e.g., “Very well done!”), Extremely (e.g., “Extremely impressive work!”)

3. Emphatic adjectives:

Incredible, Fantastic, Terrible, Wonderful, Awful, Magnificent

4. Introductory words:

What (e.g., “What a surprise!”), How (e.g., “How beautiful!”)

5. Emphatic phrases:

  • Of all the…
  • Never in my life…
  • For goodness’ sake…
  • In the world… (e.g., “What in the world were you thinking!”)

6. Time-related words for immediacy:

Now, Immediately, Instantly

7. Superlatives:

Best, Worst, Most, Least

8. Emotional verbs:

Love, Hate, Adore, Detest

9. Exclamatory question words (rhetorical):

Isn’t, Aren’t, Doesn’t, Didn’t

These words and phrases help to elevate the emotional tone of exclamatory sentences, making them more impactful and expressive. They allow speakers and writers to convey their feelings more vividly and emphatically, enhancing the overall communicative effect of their statements.

Exclamatory sentences beginning with:


Exclamatory sentences beginning with “What” are commonly used to express surprise, amazement, or strong reactions to a noun or noun phrase. These sentences typically follow the structure “What + (a/an) + adjective + noun + subject + verb!” They emphasize the exceptional nature or degree of something. For example:

  • What a beautiful sunset we saw today!
  • What an incredible achievement you’ve made!
  • What delicious food they serve at this restaurant!

These sentences effectively convey the speaker’s strong feelings about the subject, drawing attention to its remarkable qualities.


Exclamatory sentences starting with “How” are used to express intense feelings about the degree or extent of a quality or action. They often follow the pattern “How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb!” These sentences highlight the extreme nature of a characteristic or action. Examples include:

  • How quickly time flies!
  • How beautiful she looks in that dress!
  • How cleverly he solved that problem!

“How” exclamations allow speakers to emphasize their astonishment or admiration regarding the intensity of a particular quality or action.


Exclamatory sentences using “So” at the beginning emphasize the extreme degree of a quality or state. They typically follow the structure “So + adjective/adverb + subject + verb!” These sentences express strong emotions about the intensity of a characteristic. For instance:

  • So excited I am for the concert tonight!
  • So gracefully she dances on stage!
  • So delicious this cake tast es!

“So” exclamations effectively communicate the speaker’s overwhelming feelings about the degree of a quality or state.


Exclamatory sentences starting with “Such” are used to express strong feelings about the quality or nature of something. They often follow the pattern “Such + (a/an) + adjective + noun!” These sentences emphasize the remarkable nature of a person, thing, or situation. Examples include:

  • Such a brilliant idea you’ve come up with!
  • Such talent she possesses!
  • Such an exciting adventure we had!

“Such” exclamations allow speakers to convey their intense reactions to the notable qualities or characteristics of something or someone.

Why exclamatory sentences are important

Exclamatory sentences play a crucial role in both written and spoken communication, serving several important functions. They add emotional depth and expressiveness to language, allowing speakers and writers to convey feelings with greater intensity and impact.

In literature and creative writing, exclamatory sentences help authors bring their characters and scenes to life. They can quickly communicate a character’s emotional state or reaction, making the narrative more engaging and relatable. For example, “What a disaster this day has been!” immediately conveys a character’s frustration or disappointment.

In everyday conversation, exclamatory sentences help express urgency or importance. They can grab attention quickly, which is vital in situations requiring immediate action. A sentence like “Watch out for that car!” carries more weight and immediacy than a simple statement.

These sentences also enhance the overall tone and mood of communication. In speeches or presentations, well-placed exclamations can energize an audience and emphasize key points. They help maintain listener engagement and can make messages more memorable.

In persuasive writing, exclamatory sentences can be powerful tools for evoking emotional responses from readers. They can help create a sense of excitement, outrage, or enthusiasm that supports the writer’s argument or call to action.

Furthermore, exclamatory sentences reflect natural speech patterns, making written dialogue more authentic. They help capture the nuances of human expression, bridging the gap between written and spoken language.

In digital communication, where tone can be difficult to convey, exclamatory sentences provide valuable emotional context. They help prevent misunderstandings and add warmth to text-based interactions.

Overall, exclamatory sentences are important because they inject emotion, urgency, and emphasis into language, making communication more dynamic, expressive, and effective across various contexts.

How to use exclamatory sentences effectively

To use exclamatory sentences effectively, it’s important to strike a balance between impact and overuse. Here are some key guidelines:

1. Use sparingly: Overusing exclamatory sentences can diminish their impact and make writing seem melodramatic. Reserve them for truly emphatic moments.

2. Vary sentence structure: Mix exclamatory sentences with other types to maintain a natural flow in your writing.

3. Consider context: Ensure the tone of your exclamatory sentences matches the overall tone of your writing or speech.

4. Be genuine: Use exclamatory sentences to express real emotion or emphasis, not as a crutch for weak writing.

5. Pay attention to punctuation: While exclamation marks are typical, sometimes a period can be more impactful, allowing the words themselves to convey the emotion.

6. Use in dialogue: Exclamatory sentences can make character speech more realistic and expressive.

7. Emphasize important points: In non-fiction or persuasive writing, use exclamatory sentences to highlight key ideas or calls to action.

8. Match the intensity: Ensure the wording of your sentence matches the level of emotion you’re trying to convey.

Exclamative sentences with interjections

Interjections are words or phrases used to express strong emotion or sudden feeling. When combined with exclamatory sentences, they can create particularly emphatic expressions. Here’s how to use them effectively:

1. Choose appropriate interjections: Select interjections that match the emotion you’re trying to convey. For example:

  •     Joy: “Hurray! We won the championship!”
  •     Surprise: “Wow! I didn’t expect to see you here!”
  •     Frustration: “Argh! I can’t believe I forgot my keys again!”

2. Position interjections correctly: They can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence:

  •     Beginning: “Ouch! That really hurt!”
  •     Middle: “That was, good grief, the worst performance I’ve ever seen!”
  •     End: “The prices have gone up again, yikes!”

3. Use punctuation effectively: Interjections are often followed by an exclamation mark, but a comma can also be used for a softer effect:

   “Oh! I forgot to buy milk.”

4. Don’t overdo it: As with all exclamatory sentences, use interjections judiciously to maintain their impact.

5. Consider your audience: Some interjections may be too casual or informal for certain contexts, so choose them wisely based on your audience and the setting.

Points to remember when suing exclamatory sentences

There are some points that we should remember when using exclamatory sentences. While these sentences can be powerful tools for expression, their effectiveness depends on appropriate and judicious use. Consider the following guidelines to ensure your exclamatory sentences enhance rather than detract from your communication.

Avoid using in academic writing

Academic writing typically requires a formal, objective tone. Exclamatory sentences can undermine the credibility of your work by appearing too emotional or subjective.

Be cautious in professional emails

While exclamatory sentences can add warmth to communication, overuse in professional settings may appear unprofessional or overly familiar.

Consider the medium

Exclamatory sentences may be more appropriate in spoken presentations or informal writing than in formal documents or reports.

Use alternatives for emphasis

Instead of relying on exclamation marks, consider using strong vocabulary, data, or well-constructed arguments to make your point.

Be aware of potential ambiguity

Some exclamatory sentences can be misinterpreted. Ensure your meaning is clear, especially in written communication where tone can be difficult to convey.

Maintain consistency in marketing materials

If using exclamatory sentences in advertising or marketing, ensure they align with your brand voice and don’t overwhelm your message.

Exclamatory sentences are powerful tools in language, adding emotion and emphasis to communication when used effectively. They can convey strong feelings, create urgency, and engage audiences across various contexts. However, their impact relies on judicious use. By understanding their structure, function, and appropriate contexts, writers and speakers can harness the power of exclamatory sentences to enhance their message without overwhelming their audience.

Remember to consider your audience, medium, and purpose when incorporating these emotive expressions into your communication. Exclamatory sentences may not be suitable for all situations, particularly in formal or academic writing. In professional settings, use them sparingly to maintain credibility and avoid appearing overly emotional or unprofessional.

When used skillfully, exclamatory sentences can significantly elevate the expressiveness and impact of your language. They allow you to inject passion, surprise, or urgency into your writing or speech, making your message more engaging and memorable. By mastering the art of exclamation, you can create more dynamic and impactful communication across various personal and professional contexts.

An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotions or sudden feelings, typically ending with an exclamation mark. It’s used to convey excitement, surprise, anger, joy, or other intense reactions.

What are examples of exclamatory sentences?

  • “What a beautiful sunset!”
  • “I can’t believe we won the lottery!”
  • “How dare you speak to me like that!”
  • “Watch out for that car!”
  • “Congratulations on your promotion!”

What are common exclamatory words in grammar?

Common exclamatory words include interjections (Wow!, Oh!, Yay!), intensifiers (so, such, very), and introductory words like “What” and “How”.

What is the structure of an exclamatory sentence?

Exclamatory sentences often follow patterns like:

  • “What + (a/an) + adjective + noun + subject + verb!”
  • “How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb!”
  • “So/Such + (a/an) + adjective + noun!”

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Exclamatory Sentences: Types, Uses + 10 Examples

Discover the types and uses of exclamatory sentences. Learn to express strong emotions with 10 additional examples of it. Start enhancing your sentence writing skills today.

By: Margaret Atwood

Published on : 2024-07-23, Last-Update: 04-09-24

Reviewed by: Margaret Atwood

Table of Contents

Are you expressive about your feelings and emotions? Or shy? Do you express your feelings by shouting it out? Or just express it in a lenient flow.

Emotions and feelings are important aspects that exist in all humans. These two elements describe the situation and the interaction between two personalities. Both aspects are important in verbal and written communication. However, plain writing makes your text dull and boring.

Exclamatory sentences are useful when writing with a lot of emotions. So, what exactly are exclamatory sentences? And what makes these sentences so impactful?

In this article, you’ll know about:

What are exclamatory sentences?

  • Correct use of exclamatory sentences
  • Rules to write exclamatory sentences
  • Types of exclamatory sentences
  • Additional examples with the use of exclamation mark

Exclamation sentences express the feelings and emotions about love, hate, anger or frustration. These sentences act as a bridge in communication. By doing this, you easily express your thoughts in an expressive way. Such words include:

These words typically act as interjections that reflect a sudden feeling or reaction and they are often followed by an exclamation mark to show emotions.

Uses of exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences are defined by their expressive nature and are denoted by an exclamation point. It is sometimes difficult for writers to use exclamation marks perfectly. These sentences convey strong emotions such as excitement, surprise, happiness, sorrow, and the writer's thoughts.

Here are various uses of exclamatory sentences that highlight the versatility and impact of the writer's thoughts:

1. Show strong feelings in your writing

Exclamatory sentences are the go to structure for expressing your thoughts, feelings and emotions in a meaningful way. These sentences help the speaker and writer convey their message clearly. 

Some of the emotions that the writer uses include:

  • Happiness: "What a beautiful day!"
  • Surprise: "Wow, I didn't expect that!"
  • Anger: "I can't believe you did that!"
  • Excitement: "We won the game!"
  • Disappointment: "Oh no, we lost!"

2. Expressing commands and requests

You use these sentences to give commands and requests. While comparing it with imperative sentences , it often gives commands and by adding an exclamation point makes the command more forceful and impactful.

  • "Stop right there!"
  • "Shut the door!"

3. Cultural expressions and idiomatic phrases

In various cultures, exclamatory sentences are used in idiomatic expressions to convey particular sentiments or reactions. These expressions often capture the spirit of a culture's emotional and communicative style. 

Here are some examples and explanations:

Mamma mia!


An expression of surprise, shock, or disbelief, similar to "Oh my God!"

"Mamma mia! Look at all this traffic!"


Ancient Greek/International

Exclaimed when realizing something important, famously credited to Archimedes

"Eureka! I’ve found the solution to the problem!"



Used to applaud or praise someone's performance, often in theater or music

"Bravo! That was an outstanding performance!"

4. Enhancing storytelling

In storytelling, exclamatory sentences add variety to drama dialogues and make the story more meaningful. These sentences draw readers into the experience, making them feel the characters' emotions more deeply.

For example:

  • "Just then, a huge dragon appeared! Everyone screamed!"
  • "To her astonishment, the treasure chest was filled with gold!"

For that purpose, an AI tool like an AI sentence rewriter helps you efficiently. This tool allows you to rewrite your sentences perfectly and enhance your storytelling process.

5. Engaging the audience

Exclamatory sentences in speeches and presentations can help to engage the audience and emphasize the main points being discussed. These sentences make the content more memorable to your audience. Like: 

  • " We can achieve greatness!"
  • "This is a groundbreaking discovery!"

Rules for writing exclamatory sentences 

Exclamatory sentences are all about the powerful feelings you express through verbal and written communication. It is very important to use these sentences wisely in your writing because if you use a bundle of punctuation marks, it will reduce the readability of your content.

If you use multiple exclamatory sentences in your speech, it will be difficult for listeners to understand your feelings and thoughts. When writing academic essays and reports, avoid using exclamatory sentences unless you are quoting someone.

In formal English, exclamations should start with "what" or "how." However, in everyday informal English, exclamations can start with any word.

Let’s discuss some rules of exclamatory sentences that make your writing style more significant:

  • Start with "what" or "how" in formal english
  • End with an exclamation mark
  • Convey strong emotions in engaging way
  • Avoid in academic writing for ambiguity 
  • Informal exclamations begin with any word like, "Wow, that’s incredible!"
  • Maintain proper punctuation to enhance clarity

Types of exclamatory sentences 

You express your emotions and feelings in various ways. Some of the main types of exclamatory sentences are:

1. Exclamations with interjections 

These are the most common types and use interjections like "Wow!", "Oh!", "Hey!", or "Ouch!" to express strong emotions. 

2. Exclamations as statements 

These sentences express strong emotions without needing an interjection. They often raise the pitch of your voice at the end.

Let’s have an example : "Wow, that view is incredible!" 

3. Exclamations as questions

These sentences combine an exclamation point with a question mark to express surprise or disbelief.

Have a look at an example : "You won the lottery!" 

4. Imperative exclamations

Like "What?! You're serious?". These sentences give a command in a strong or forceful way.

Additionally, you consider these emotions to express your feelings. 

  • Exclamations of Joy: "We did it!" "Hooray!" 
  • Exclamations of Surprise: "Oh no!" "You're kidding!" 
  • Exclamations of Anger: "Get out!" "This is outrageous!" 
  • Exclamations of Sadness: "Oh, that's terrible!" "I can't believe it's gone!"

Remember, exclamatory sentences are all about conveying strong emotions and the way you structure them can emphasize the feeling you want to express.

Here is an explanation for exclamatory sentences in various forms and tenses for more clarity. Let’s take a look!

Present indefinite tense exclamatory sentences

Expressing habitual actions or general truths.

"You look amazing!"

Present continuous tense exclamatory sentences

Expressing actions happening at the moment of speaking.

"You are shining so brightly!"

Direct and indirect speech exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences are used in direct speech (quoting exact words) and indirect speech (reporting what was said without using exact words).

Final thoughts 

As we discussed above, exclamation sentences are the best way to describe the feelings and emotions. Punctuated with an exclamation mark captures the intensity of feelings and makes your communication more impactful.

By focusing on the above information you will enhance your writing by creating a clear emotional connection with readers. 

Practice it hard to structure accurate exclamatory sentences. Pen-down your emotions to enhance your expertise of language. 

As someone’s say, practice makes the man perfect!

Frequently asked questions

How do exclamatory sentences differ from other sentence types.

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or excitement and end with an exclamation mark (!). They differ from declarative sentences (which state facts), interrogative sentences (which ask questions), and imperative sentences (which give commands).

Can an exclamatory sentence be a question?

No, exclamatory sentences express emotions and are not used to ask questions. However, a rhetorical question can express strong emotion and might be punctuated with an exclamation mark.

  • 4 Types of Sentences in English and their Examples
  • Sentence Structure: Learn the Rules for Every Sentence Type
  • Compound-Complex Sentences: Structure + 5 Best Examples

Additional resources:

  • Learn exclamatory sentence in English
  • Learn English Exclamations: Popular Exclamatory Words and Sentences

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Exclamatory Sentence: Definition and Examples

By: Author Rosie

Posted on Last updated: January 30, 2023

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In English grammar, an exclamatory sentence is a type of main clause that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. It is also called an exclamative or an exclamative clause.

Exclamatory sentences rarely appear in academic writing, except when they’re part of quoted material.

With the appropriate intonation, other sentence types (especially declarative sentences) can be used to form exclamations.

We can define them based on their function, and we can define them based on their form.

What are Exclamatory Sentences?

Exclamatory sentences are sentences that express strong emotions or surprise and end with an exclamation mark (!). Example: “What a beautiful day !”

Exclamatory Sentence in English

Exclamatory in Function

The most common way of defining exclamatory sentences is by function (purpose). From this perspective, an exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation point (!). It expresses strong emotion.

For examples :

  • I am angry!
  • You did a great job!
  • You won the prize!
  • That is a huge whale!
  • Wow! That was amazing!
  • What a beautiful view!

examples of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory in Form

To be an exclamatory sentence in form, sentences must begin with “ what ” or “ how ”, be non-interrogative, and contain a shift in the typical word order.

“What” in Exclamatory Sentence

Use what a before a singular noun .

  • What a nice house you buy!
  • What a gorgeous room!
  • What a beautiful sunset! 
  • What a talented singer! 
  • What a delicious meal! 
  • What a magnificent building! 
  • What a cozy blanket!
  • What a stunning performance!
  • What a fascinating story! 
  • What a breathtaking view! 
  • What a wonderful person! 
  • What a comfortable chair! 
  • What a gorgeous flower!
  • What a thrilling ride!
  • What a magnificent work of art!
  • What a fantastic adventure! 

Before an abstract noun or a plural noun, use what without “a”.

  • What beautiful weather!
  • What courage! 
  • What beauty! 
  • What wonders! 
  • What treasures!
  • What sights!

Exclamations with what

“How” in Exclamatory Sentences

Use how before a modifying adjective, an adverb or a verb.

  • How interesting this film is!
  • How well she sings!
  • How beautiful is this sunset?
  • How much fun was that party!
  • How silly is that joke!
  • How exciting is this news!
  • How delicious is this food!

Exclamations with how

“So” and “Such” in Exclamatory Sentences

Form :  So + adjective.

  • The meal was so good!
  • So beautiful! (referring to appearance)
  • So kind of you! (referring to behavior)
  • So big! (referring to size)
  • So hot today! (referring to temperature)
  • So funny! (referring to humor)
  • So delicious! (referring to taste)
  • So fast! (referring to speed)
  • So lucky! (referring to good fortune)

Form :  Such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun.

  • She’s such a quiet girl.
  • Such a good book! (referring to literature)
  • Such a talented artist! (referring to creativity)
  • Such a fantastic view! (referring to sight)
  • Such a thoughtful gift! (referring to a present)
  • Such a warm hug! (referring to physical affection)

Form :  Such + adjective + uncountable/plural noun.

  • They are such kind people!
  • Such a warm welcome! (referring to hospitality)
  • Such rich flavors! (referring to taste)
  • Such beautiful scenery! (referring to appearance)
  • Such vivid dreams! (referring to imagination)
  • Such powerful emotions! (referring to feelings)

exclamatory sentence essay example

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Wednesday 28th of March 2018

' you bugger' I told it out of anger to a scheduled caste person, is it exclamatory sentence , I did not use exclamatory mark though,please help anyone, I can be jailed

General grammar

Saturday 28th of October 2017

thank for good lesson.

Friday 13th of October 2017

thanks for sharing!

Exclamatory Sentence

Definition and examples.

Exclamatory Sentences are the sentences those express a strong emotion, which could be anger, joy, sorrow, excitement, surprise etc. The emotional zeal in the sentences is represented by the exclamation mark (!); without it, any exclamatory sentence is only a Declarative Sentence. To represent a greater degree of emotion, exclamatory sentences may be terminated with more than one exclamation mark.

Do you remember texting your friend- “My father allowed me to go on picnic!” By putting an exclamation mark at the end of your statement you conveyed your level of excitement (happiness) to your friend. Now, what if you had texted- “My father allowed me to go on picnic”, to your friend.

Does it sounds similar to the previous sentence, or does it lack something? The latter sentence is just a Declarative Statement simply delivering a message, without any excitement or emotion; while the former reflects that the sender is happy and excited.

When conversing vocally, your tone decides whether the sentence is exclamatory or not. If you walked into a restaurant and said -“I need hot coffee!” said in a higher tone or raised voice it indicates your urgency; otherwise, you could have just stated “I need hot coffee” and waited for it to be delivered to you.

We will go through few exclamatory sentences below, also identifying the emotions they represent-

  • What have you done! (Anger)
  • Hurrah! The trophy is ours!! (Joy)
  • I lost my purse! (Sorrow)
  • I like ice creams! (Excitement)
  • Wonderful house you have got! (Excitement)
  • What a beautiful day!! (Excitement)
  • What is this!! (Surprise)
  • This is the last time I am warning you! (Anger)
  • We are going for a movie tonight! (Excitement/Joy)
  • Wish he had been with us!! (Sorrow)
  • What a beautiful house! (Excitement)
  • Ronny, we are selected for the tournament! (Excitement/Happiness)

Further we will go through the rules of forming and identifying Exclamatory Sentences and identifying the emotions they represent.

There are certain rules to be followed while forming or even identifying exclamatory sentences. Below we will go through the rules of Exclamatory Sentences-

Rule 1 – An Exclamatory Sentence Never Delivers a Command

Do keep in mind that exclamatory sentences cannot give command; as only imperative sentences give command. Therefore sentences like-

  • Get off my way! (Command)
  • Watch out your steps! (Instruction)
  • Do the work I gave you! (Instruction)

are not Exclamatory Sentences, even though they seem to deliver emotions of anger and frustration.

Rule 2 – An Exclamatory Sentence always has a subject

Given to the situation an Exclamatory Sentence always has a subject and a predicate.

Go through the following statement-

  • What a beautiful day!
  • Hurray, we won the match!
  • I love you!
  • There is a snake in the backyard!
  • I saw my favorite movie!
  • Oh No! He is not coming to the party!

All of the above sentences are exclamatory and have clear subjects.

Some sentences at first sight do look like exclamatory sentences but they are not.

Go through the below sentences-

  • Happy Birthday!
  • Merry Christmas!

The above sentences are not exclamatory, but imperative; it is making a wish and the subject (you) is not mentioned. Therefore, special care must be taken before deciding on whether the sentence is Exclamatory or not.

Rule 3 – Don’t over-use the Exclamatory Sentences

While it is ok to use more than one exclamation mark to express a strong emotion but the overuse of exclamation marks should be avoided in case of grouped statements.

For Example, go through the statement below-

  • I was late! I hurried up! I reached on time!

The above set of sentences seems a little inappropriate as the exclamation mark after every sentence makes the speaker looks like less serious. The most appropriate version of the above sentences should be-

  • I was late. I hurried up. I reached on time!

Therefore, while dealing with a set of statements, we must avoid the over formation of Exclamatory Sentences.

Exclamatory Sentences Beginning with Interrogative Clause (What/How)

It must be kept in mind that even though if the exclamatory sentence begins with What/How, it is not a question and is always terminated with an Exclamation (!).

Kindly go through the below examples-

  • What a precise plan!
  • What a gentle man he is!
  • What a lovely flower!
  • What a cute baby!
  • How beautiful it is!
  • How fast it went!
  • How slow the ship sailed!
  • How easy it was!
  • How interesting the match was!

Practice forming more Exclamatory Sentences beginning with interrogative clauses- Why/How.

Exclamatory Sentences with So/Such

‘So’ is an adverb and ‘Such’ is a determiner; also, in exclamatory sentences ‘so’ is paired with an adjective and ‘such’ is paired with a noun.

Go through the examples given below-

  • He is so cute!
  • The man was so huge!
  • It was so big!
  • I was so late!
  • It had been so tiring!
  • He is such a gentleman!
  • He was such a jerk!
  • It was such a beautiful day!
  • She is such a spoiler!

Use of Interjections in Exclamatory Sentences (Wow! /Alas! /Hurray! /Wow!/Ouch!)

The Exclamatory Sentences may begin with interjections- Alas! (Sorrow), Hurray! (Joy), Wow! (Surprise), Ouch! (Pain) etc, to provide more strength to the emotion, though, the interjection must also be terminated with an Exclamation (!).

Go through the below examples-

  • Alas! I forgot the keys! (Sorrow)
  • Hurray! We won the match! (Joy)
  • Wow! He presented me a watch! (Surprise)
  • Ouch! This chair hurts! (Pain)
  • Wow! What a beautiful tree! (Surprise)

Direct – Indirect Exclamatory Sentences

Converting Direct Exclamatory Sentences into Indirect Exclamatory Sentences

We will begin with converting a direct Exclamatory Sentence into an Indirect Exclamatory Sentence; and, further analyze the changes we made to define the set of rules for the conversion.

Let us begin with below give Direct Exclamatory Sentence-

  • She said, “We are going to the party!”

Now try converting the above sentence into an Indirect Sentence; try to form a sentence without comma (,) and an Exclamation (!). The best possible representation is the sentence given below-

  • She exclaimed that they were going to the party.

Note the changes that have been made-

1) Reporting verb ‘Said’ is replaced with ‘Exclaimed’.

2) Conjunction word ‘That’ is used.

3) Change the tense of the exclamatory verb to past tense i.e. ‘are’ changes to ‘were’.

4) Remove the commas (,), quotation marks (“ “) and exclamation marks (!).

We will further go through some more direct exclamatory sentences and their indirect forms given below-

Direct:  She said,” What a wonderful surprise!”

Indirect:  She exclaimed excitedly that the surprise was wonderful.

Direct:  He said in the stadium,” Hurray! We won the match!”

Indirect:  He exclaimed joyfully in stadium that they had won the match.

Direct:  She said,” What! I don’t believe it!

Indirect:    She exclaimed surprisingly that she didn’t believe it.

Direct:  They said,” How Did it happen!”

Indirect:  They exclaimed surprisingly that how did it happened.

Direct:  The spectators said,” What a great movie!”

Indirect:   The spectators applauded the movie by saying that it was great.

Direct:    She said,” What! He is not coming.”

Indirect: She exclaimed with surprise that he is not coming.

Exclamatory Sentences to Assertive Sentences

An Assertive Sentence is a declarative sentence with a subject and a predicate. Therefore, while converting from Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences, the subject and the verbs remains the same with few changes as mentioned below-

1) Interrogative Clauses How/What are replaced by Very/Great.

Go through the following examples-

Exclamatory:   How beautiful the flower is!

Assertive:   The flower is very beautiful.

In the above transformation we note that the subject (flower) remains the same as well as the adjective (beautiful); but ‘how’ is replaced by ‘very’.

Now, go through a sentences beginning with What-

Exclamatory:   What a king he is!

Assertive:   He is a great king.

2) The interjections are replaced by – “It is a matter of + emotions that they represent”

While converting from Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences, the interjections are replaced by the sentence- “It is a matter of + emotion that the interjection represents”; as given below-

Alas! – “It is a matter of sorrow”

Hurray! – “It is a matter of joy”

Bravo! – “It is a matter of joy”

Please go through the examples given below-

Exclamatory:   Hurray! We won the match!

Assertive:   It is a matter of joy that we won the match.

Exclamatory:   Bravo! He is up again!

Assertive: It is a matter of joy that he is up again!

Despite the above stated rules, the punch line to change any given exclamatory sentence into an assertive sentence is that you just have to use your basic grammatical knowledge of forming a sentence.

True/False Exercises with Answers

Determine whether the following rules about the exclamatory sentences are true or false. Also cross check your answers with those provided at the end of the exercise-

1) An exclamatory sentence always ends with an exclamation (!).

2) An exclamatory sentence may give command sometimes.

3) Use of more than one exclamation mark is prohibited.

4) “Happy Birthday” is the shortest exclamatory sentence.

5) “Get off my way!” is an exclamatory sentence representing anger.

6) In a group of statements; the more the exclamations the better.

7) We should avoid the over use of exclamation (!) in a group of sentences.

8) Exclamatory sentences don’t begin with an interrogative clause.

9) Exclamatory sentences may use interjections to amplify emotions.

10) “Exclaimed” is used while converting a direct exclamatory sentence into an indirect one.

Answer- 1) True, 2) False, 3) False, 4) False – It is Imperative, 5) False, 6) False, 7) True, 8) False, 9) True, 10) True

Direct–Indirect Exclamatory Sentences Transformation Exercises/Worksheet/Activities with Answers:

Convert the given Direct Exclamatory Sentences into Indirect Exclamatory Sentences; also, verify your answer with those provided at the end of the exercise-

1) He said,” Bravo! Ronny is getting through!”

2) She said,” Hurray! We are going for the movie!”

3) They said,” Bravo! A wonderful performance!”

4) He said in the hotel,” Wow! They are offering my favorite complementary dish!

5) Ronny said,” Alas! I lost my purse!”

6) He said,” Nonsense! I didn’t believe that”.

7) He said, “Oh! It was you!”

8) She said, “Sorry! I didn’t intend to hurt you.”

9) He said, “Alas! I lost my watch.”

10) Ronny said,” Oh! The school is open!”

11) The officer said to the thief,” Pooh! You are caught again.”

12) He said,” Good Lord! The boy is saved again.”

13) She said,” Ouch! This seat hurts.”

14) The Principal said to Ronny,” Pooh! You have failed again!”

15) The man said to the officer,” What a gentleman you are!”

16) He said,” Oh! What a pleasant sunrise.”

17) She said in the bus,” Hurray! The school declared holiday.”

18) Ronny said,” Ha! I am going to party!”

19) She said,” Hurrah! I am selected in the dance.”

20) He said,” Ah! What a beautiful car it is.”

1) He applauded that Ronny was getting through. Or, He applauded Ronny for getting through.

2) She exclaimed joyfully that they were going for the movie. Or, She exclaimed with joy that they were going for the movie.

3) They applauded the performance as wonderful.

4) He exclaimed excitedly in the hotel that he was being offered his favorite complementary dish.

5) Ronny exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his purse.

6) He exclaimed with contempt that he didn’t believed it.

7) He exclaimed with surprise that it was me.

8) She exclaimed regretfully that she didn’t intend to hurt me.

9) He exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his watch.

10) Ronny exclaimed surprisingly that the school was open.

11) The officer exclaimed with contempt that the thief was caught again.

12) He exclaimed with surprise that the boy was saved again.

13) She exclaimed with pain that the seat was hurting.

14) The principal exclaimed with disgust that Ronny had failed again.

15) The man exclaimed with appreciation that the officer was a gentleman.

16) He exclaimed with surprise that the sunrise was pleasant.

17)  She exclaimed with joy in the bus that the school had declared a holiday.

18) Ronny exclaimed joyfully that he was going to the party.

19) She exclaimed joyfully that she was selected in the dance.

20) He exclaimed with surprise that the car was beautiful.

Exclamatory to Assertive Sentences Exercise with Answers

Convert the given Exclamatory Sentences into Assertive Sentences and also verify your progress with the answers provided at the end of the exercise.

1) Well done Captain!

2) Oh! It was him.

3) How big the building is!

4) What a car it is!

5) Alas! I lost my best watch.

6) Oh! He won again.

7) Pooh! He lost his watch again!

8) What an entertaining movie!

9) What a beautiful sunset!

10) Bravo! We won the match again.

11) What! He came back.

12) Well done! You scored well!

13) What a strange fellow!

14) How secretly he walks into the class!

15) How well she talks!

16) How well he dances!

17) What a beautiful house they have!

18) What a great leader he was!

19) Sorry! I hurt your feelings.

20) What a delicious cake!

1) The captain did well.

2) It is a matter of surprise that it was him.

3) The building is very big.

4) It is a great car.

5) It is a matter of sorrow that I lost my best watch.

6) It is a matter of surprise that he won again.

7) It is a matter of contempt that he again lost his watch.

8) The movie is very entertaining.

9) The sunset is very beautiful.

10) It is a matter of joy that we won the match again.

11) It is a matter of surprise that he came back.

12) It is a matter of applause that you scored well.

13) The fellow is very strange.

14) He walks very secretly into the class.

15) She talks very well.

16) He dances very well.

17) They have a very beautiful house/Their house is very beautiful.

18) He was a great leader.

19) It is a matter or regret that I hurt your feelings.

20) The cake is very delicious.

Related links:

Sentence Negative Sentence Declarative Sentence Interrogative Sentence Imperative Sentence

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Exclamatory Sentence

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exclamatory sentence essay example

Language, both written and spoken, is a method of human communication that gives us the ability to express our emotions. However, even if it serves such noble purpose, it cannot be denied that language can get complex especially when we put into writing the emotions that are more effective when expressed through speaking.

When we try to express any form of strong emotion in written form, we cannot just write a sentence and it with a period or a question mark because it does not express our intended emotions. But no matter how complex it might be, written language has a way of expressing strong emotions and that is through the use of exclamatory sentences.

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that expresses strong emotion or excitement. It is easily identifiable by its use of an exclamation mark (!) at the end. Exclamatory sentences are common in both spoken and written English, used to convey surprise, happiness, shock, anger, or any other intense emotion. Unlike declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentences that serve to state facts, ask questions, or give commands, exclamatory sentences are all about the expression of strong feelings.

Characteristics of Exclamatory Sentences

  • End with an exclamation mark (!): This punctuation mark is a clear indicator that the sentence is exclamatory.
  • Express strong emotions: Whether it’s joy, anger, surprise, or fear, these sentences pack a punch emotionally.
  • Can be structured in various ways: While they often start with “What” or “How” to emphasize, they can also be simple statements turned into exclamations with the addition of an exclamation mark.
  • Used sparingly in formal writing: Due to their emotional nature, they are less common in formal or academic writing but are prevalent in creative writing and dialogue.

Structure and Punctuation of an Exclamatory Sentence

The structure and punctuation of an exclamatory sentence are crucial for conveying strong emotions effectively in writing. Understanding these elements can help writers express surprise, excitement, or any intense feeling with clarity and impact.

Punctuation of an Exclamatory Sentence

Exclamation Mark (!): The defining feature of an exclamatory sentence is its ending with an exclamation mark. This punctuation not only indicates the end of a sentence but also emphasizes the emotional or emphatic tone of the statement.

Structure of an Exclamatory Sentence

Basic Structure: At its simplest, an exclamatory sentence can be a declarative sentence that expresses strong emotion, punctuated with an exclamation mark. Example: “I won the lottery!”   Starting with “What” or “How”: Many exclamatory sentences begin with “What” or “How” to add emphasis. These structures are particularly effective in highlighting the intensity or the exceptional nature of something. “What” + (a/an) + Adjective + Noun + Subject + Verb : “What a beautiful painting this is!”. “How” + Adjective/Adverb + Subject + Verb : “How quickly the time flies!”   Interjections: Exclamatory sentences can also start with interjections. Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotion or surprise (e.g., “Wow!,” “Oh!,” “Amazing!”). The interjection itself can stand as a complete exclamatory sentence or be part of a longer sentence. Example: “Wow! That’s amazing!”

Why Exclamatory Sentences are Important

Exclamatory sentences play a vital role in both spoken and written communication, providing a means to express strong emotions and add emphasis to our statements. Their importance can be understood in several key aspects:

  • Expressing Strong Emotions
  • Adding Emphasis
  • Enhancing Narrative and Descriptive Writing
  • Improving Communication Clarity
  • Making Language More Dynamic
  • Reflecting Spoken Language
  • Highlighting Important Moments

Pronunciation of “Exclamatory Sentence”

The pronunciation of the phrase “exclamatory sentence” can be broken down into syllables to help with correct pronunciation. The emphasis is on the second syllable of “exclamatory” and the first syllable of “sentence.” Here’s a closer look:

  • /ɛksˈklæməˌtɔri/

When saying “exclamatory sentence,” the stress is on “KLAM” in “exclamatory” and “SEN” in “sentence,” ensuring the phrase flows smoothly when spoken. It’s important to note that pronunciation can slightly vary based on regional accents, but the emphasis on these syllables remains a common standard.

Points to Remember When Using Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences are a powerful tool in both spoken and written English, capable of conveying strong emotions and emphasizing points effectively. However, to use them correctly and effectively, there are several key points to keep in mind:

  • Use Sparingly: Avoid overuse to maintain their impact.
  • Appropriate Context: Best suited for strong emotions; not always appropriate in formal settings.
  • Emotional Impact: Consider the emotion you’re conveying and its alignment with your message.
  • Punctuation: End with an exclamation mark (!) to denote emphasis and emotion.
  • Avoid in Formal Writing: Use minimally in academic and professional contexts.
  • Clarity and Brevity: Keep exclamatory sentences clear and concise for greater effect.
  • Audience Engagement: Can be used to engage and evoke a response from the audience.
  • Tone Consistency: Ensure their use is consistent with the overall tone of your content.

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences

Examples of Exclamatory Sentences

Here are examples of exclamatory sentences that convey various emotions:

  • No, you do not have permission to stay out this late!
  • You were meant to go home before midnight!
  • You are five hours behind on the arranged schedule!
  • You are so wrong about me!
  • How despicable you are!


  • I can’t wait for my passport to be released!
  • I can’t figure this out!
  • I can’t see why you love him after all this time!
  • The questions in our mathematics exam are driving me nuts!
  • I could not understand why you are doing this to me!

Happiness/ Elation

  • Today is one of the best days of my life!
  • Our team won the nationwide competition!
  • Oh my goodness, our team brought home the bacon!
  • It’s a baby girl!
  • You are the best person that ever came into my life!

Sorrow/ Pain

  • My life will never be the same without you!
  • I cannot imagine a day without you by my side!
  • I’m really going to miss this place!
  • Please, don’t leave me alone!
  • Stop, I cannot bear the pain anymore!

Surprise/ Fear

  • A ghost appeared and stared directly at me!
  • Jeepers, the ghost scared the life out of me!
  • Happy birthday!
  • Oh, I didn’t hear you come in!
  • Wow, I cannot believe you did this surprise for me!
  • The number of casualties is increasing!
  • I don’t know what to do if I fail the exam!
  • Oh no, the number of contestants are gradually decreasing!
  • Oh no, I left my purse in the grocery store cart!
  • You look pale and sickly!
  • Don’t look at me that way!
  • Shut the door close every time you go out!
  • Look out for the untamed dogs!
  • Do not leave the room!

Difference between an exclamatory sentence and other types of sentences

Feature Exclamatory Sentence Declarative Sentence Interrogative Sentence Imperative Sentence
To express strong emotions or excitement. To make a statement or express an idea. To ask a question. To give a command or make a request.
Ends with an exclamation mark (!). Ends with a period (.). Ends with a question mark (?). Usually ends with a period, but can also end with an exclamation mark to denote urgency.
Can be varied; often begins with “What” or “How,” or can be a simple statement made emphatic with an exclamation mark. Subject followed by a verb and completes a thought. Starts with a helping verb or a question word (who, what, where, when, why, how). Begins with the verb (command), and the subject (you) is often implied.
Emotional, emphatic. Neutral, factual. Inquisitive, seeking information. Directive, requesting action.
“What a beautiful day!” “It is a beautiful day.” “Is it a beautiful day?” “Enjoy the day.”

Common words used in Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences often employ specific words to amplify emotion and emphasis. Here are some common words used in exclamatory sentences, categorized by the type of emotion or emphasis they convey:

Emotion/Emphasis Common Words Used
Surprise or Amazement Wow, Incredible, Unbelievable, Amazing, Astonishing
Happiness or Joy Fantastic, Wonderful, Fabulous, Marvelous, Terrific
Sadness or Disappointment Alas, Unfortunately, Sadly, Tragic, Heartbreaking
Anger or Frustration Ridiculous, Outrageous, Unacceptable, Infuriating, Terrible
Encouragement or Praise Bravo, Excellent, Well done, Superb, Magnificent
Affection or Fondness Lovely, Dear, Sweet, Cherished, Adorable

Definition According to Form

Defining exclamatory sentences according to form is the way words are arranged within an exclamatory sentence. Exclamatory sentences must begin with words “ w h at”  and “ h o w” . Even if those two words are used in writing interrogative sentences, there’s a way that it can be used for exclamatory sentences.

Here some sentence examples:

  • What sorcery!
  • What a horrible day!
  • How clever of your student!
  • What graceful ballerinas these girls are!
  • How beautiful her voice sounded!
  • What a nice dress you are wearing today!
  • What fools!
  • How interesting the story line of the book is!
  • How well she paints!
  • How warm the weather is!

Also, take note of the following rules:

  • Use  what a  or  what an  when using a singular noun
  • Use  what  before a plural noun or an abstract noun.

The words so and such can also be used in exclamatory sentences.

Here are some examples:

  • The view was so breathtaking!
  • Your make-up is so beautiful!
  • Her sense of fashion is so elegant!
  • They are such mean and insensitive friends!
  • She is such a well-mannered person!

Definition According to Function

Exclamatory sentences according to function is the common way of writing an exclamatory sentence. The function, or the purpose, of an exclamatory sentence is to express a strong emotion.

Other strong emotions include anger, frustration, happiness, elation, sorrow, pain, surprise, fear, worry, and a lot more.

There are also instances when the word  who  can be used in an exclamatory sentence since its function is to express a strong emotion. Often times, it sounds like a question is being asked, but in actuality it does not. Rather, it expresses a strong emotion and the person stating the sentence does not expect an answer.

Take this exclamatory sentence for example:

  • Who do you think you are!

It is difficult to express emotions through written form if exclamatory sentences are not utilized. The sentence would sound not convey strong emotion it initially plans to intend if only a period or question mark is used.

Exclamatory Words

Aside from an exclamation mark ( ! ), interjections or exclamatory words are also used to express strong emotions in exclamatory sentences. Some of these exclamatory words can be classified as a stand-alone  simple sentence .

Here are some exclamatory words which can be classified as simple sentences:

These exclamatory words can also be used to form longer exclamatory sentences.

  • Amazing,  he got the first prize!
  • Brilliant,  you actually understood what I meant!
  • Excellent,  you can now proceed to the next round!
  • Fantastic,  she won the award!
  • Good,  we can go home now!
  • Hey , that thief has stolen your bag!
  • Oh , you saw the culprit!
  • Oh no , she missed the flight!
  • Ouch , the dramatic scene is breaking my heart!
  • Wow , it was a one-of-a-kind joy ride!

Make sure that in adding these exclamatory words, place a comma after the exclamatory word and end the sentence with an exclamation point.

However, there is a common practice of writing exclamatory sentences wherein the exclamatory word, along with the exclamation point ( ! ) is written in the first part of the sentence, and the rest of the sentence ends with a period. This common practice is an incorrect   way of writing exclamatory sentences.

Here are some examples of writing exclamatory sentences in an  incorrect  manner:

  • Amazing!  He got the first prize.
  • Brilliant! Y ou actually understood what I meant.
  • Excellent!  You can now proceed to the next round.
  • Fantastic!  She won the award.
  • Good!  We can go home now.
  • Hey!  That thief has stolen your bag.
  • Oh!  You saw the culprit.
  • Oh no!  She missed the flight.
  • Ouch!  The dramatic scene is breaking my heart.
  • Wow ! It was a one-of-a-kind joy ride.

It is a rule that when we punctuate an exclamatory sentence, the exclamation mark should be placed at the end, and not after the exclamatory word of the sentence.

Exclamatory Sentences

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Make sure you do not just sprinkle random exclamatory sentences in your written compositions because, as we all know, too much and too little of anything is bad and even unnecessary. Too much use of it might cause your reader to question the sincerity your emotion. Meanwhile, too little usage of exclamatory sentences can also make your intended emotions obscure. Thus, using the right amount and blend of exclamatory sentences will pull your readers into another dimension of your story or composition.

How to use exclamatory sentences effectively?

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotion or surprise and are effective when used sparingly for impact. They add dramatic flair and convey excitement, anger, or astonishment, making the message more engaging and expressive.

What is an example of an exclamation point sentence?

An example of an exclamation point sentence is: “What a beautiful sunset!” This sentence uses the exclamation point to express admiration and surprise, highlighting the speaker’s strong emotional response.

What is an exclamatory sentence for kids?

An exclamatory sentence for kids often involves simple, expressive statements that convey excitement or emotion, such as: “Wow, that’s a huge ice cream cone!” It’s straightforward and relatable, showing enthusiasm.

What is the exclamatory sentence of angry?

An exclamatory sentence expressing anger might be: “I can’t believe you broke my favorite vase!” This sentence uses strong emotion to convey disappointment and frustration, emphasizing the speaker’s anger.


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55 Exclamatory Sentences: How To Sound Impactful

Show your emotion and get your message across effectively in English by practicing today’s 55 exclamatory sentences ! If you can learn to use exclamatory words such as wow, amazing, & gorgeous, you will be that much closer to appearing like a native of English, and also be much more impactful when you talk!

examples of exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences

Here are the first 10 of today’s exclamatory sentences. Read and repeat them all!

  • Wow, this cheese pizza is absolutely delicious!
  • I can’t believe I aced my math exam! I was not expecting to!
  • My new job is so exciting, I can’t wait to start!
  • Look how stunning the sunset is tonight!
  • This puppy is just too cute for words!
  • I’m thrilled with my new watercolor set!
  • We just got concert tickets for our favorite band, incredible!
  • Can you believe how huge that bookstore was?
  • Debbie scored the winning goal in the last minute!
  • Life is just full of beautiful surprises! Those flowers suddenly bloomed, but I thought they were already dead.

Related: Ending A Sentence With A Preposition: 50 Fun Examples

exclamatory sentence

Related: 30 + Assertive Sentences: How To Give Your Opinion Clearly

Exclamatory meaning 

Exclamatory sentences put emotion into your words. Imagine you’re watching fireworks and suddenly a huge, colorful firework explodes in the sky. You might say, “Wow, that’s amazing!” That sentence is an exclamatory sentence because it expresses your strong feeling — in this case, amazement .

Mostly, these exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark (!) to show excitement, surprise, happiness, or even anger. It’s like your voice jumps up when you speak them. Here are some examples:

  • “I won the lottery!” This shows great surprise and excitement.
  • “That’s so funny!” Here, you’re showing that something made you laugh a lot.

Examples of exclamatory sentences

Here are 10 more examples of exclamatory sentences – try to put intonation and stress on the important parts.

  • Television tonight is going to be epic with the season finale!
  • I finally beat the last level in the game, yes!
  • What a thoughtful gift, you know me so well!
  • Thanks for the advice on learning English, it really changed my perspective!
  • Can you imagine traveling around the world?
  • My parents are throwing a surprise party for me!
  • Your garden is so lovely this spring!
  • I’ve never seen a building that tall before!
  • These new sneakers are so comfy and stylish!
  • The theater play was simply mesmerizing!

10 examples of exclamatory sentences

Let’s continue on our expressive journey today – here are 10 examples of exclamatory sentences:

10 examples of exclamatory sentences

  • How did time fly by so quickly today? We had a blast!
  • Their traditional dance was so lively and colorful!
  • The effort you put into cleaning shows, excellent job!
  • This museum has an incredible collection of modern art!
  • What an intense workout, I feel great now!
  • My family reunion was such a joyful occasion!
  • I am feeling so grateful for all the love in my life!
  • Wow, your homemade bread smells heavenly!
  • This is the best book I’ve ever read!
  • David can’t wait to see the cherry blossoms this year!

What are 20 examples of exclamatory sentences?

Here are another 20 examples of exclamatory sentences:

what are 20 examples of exclamatory sentences

  • The new shopping mall has everything you could want!
  • Our road trip last summer in Nevada was an adventure of a lifetime!
  • That thunderstorm came out of nowhere!
  • Your new tattoo is so bold and artistic!
  • It’s amazing how much you’ve improved at speaking English!
  • This is such an elegant restaurant, and the service is top-notch!
  • I’m so pumped for the gym session tomorrow morning!
  • My garden’s flowers are in full bloom, it’s a paradise!
  • Emma’s handmade jewelry is truly one of a kind!
  • What an amazing culture they have in Japan, I’m learning so much!
  • Dan is great at skiing!
  • How hot it is today!
  • What great sunglasses those are!
  • This pie is so tasty!
  • Those puppies are super cute!
  • Let’s go out now!
  • His speech is boring!
  • Ava’s cooking is awesome!
  • Tony’s skill at learning languages is unbelievable. He can speak seven!
  • America is such a big country!

Exclamatory words

Exclamatory words

How do you use exclamatory words? And also what are they? Let’s have a look:

They are used to inject emotion and emphasis into a sentence . These words often stand alone or are incorporated within a sentence to intensify the sentiment being expressed. Common exclamatory words include:

  • Incredible!

For instance, encountering a beautiful garden, you might say:

  • Wow, these flowers are stunning!
  • Amazing garden!
  • Gorgeous garden!

Exclamation mark examples

Here are some more exclamation mark sentences (not to be unclear – they are also exclamatory sentences!)

  • Spain is hot in summer!
  • England is cold in winter!
  • Hamburgers are yummy!
  • Curry can be very spicy!
  • India is beautiful!

Exclamation mark examples

Exclamatory sentences: FAQs

Now that we have gone over so many exclamatory sentences, I think it is time to close things with a short knowledge booster – here are some commonly asked questions about today’s topic:

What is an exclamatory sentence for myself?

An exclamatory sentence for yourself is a personal statement that expresses strong emotion or enthusiasm . It captures your feelings in a spontaneous and emphatic way, conveying your excitement, surprise, joy, or any strong reaction. This type of sentence typically ends with an exclamation mark. For example:

  • After receiving good news, you might exclaim, “I’m over the moon with joy!”

Why are exclamatory sentences used?

Exclamatory sentences are used to convey a strong sense of emotion such as excitement, surprise, happiness, or urgency, which can’t be fully expressed with mere statements. They help in vividly communicating the speaker’s emotional response and grabbing the listener’s attention. For example, witnessing an impressive fireworks display, one might use an exclamatory sentence like:

  • That was the most amazing fireworks show I’ve ever seen!

What is an example of an exclamatory question?

An exclamatory question is a question that is asked to express strong feeling rather than to elicit an answer . It is marked by an exclamation point at the end, blending the interrogative and the exclamatory form. Like so:

  • Isn’t this the most beautiful beach you’ve ever seen!

This emphasizes your amazement rather than to actually question the listener’s opinion. The person listening will probably answer you, though!

Exclamatory sentences: great things to know to be more impactful in your speech!

I hope that you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of today’s many exclamatory sentences and have seen how handy they are for making your English sound more memorable and impactful. Just to summarize, here are some points about why it’s good to know about these types of sentence:

  • They help us show joy
  • They help us show anger
  • They help us show many kinds of emotions!
  • They make what we are saying sound impactful


Exclamatory Sentence: Mastering Expression in English

In this reference, you will explore exclamatory sentences, which show emotion and end with an exclamation point. These sentences are very common in English and are a useful tool for expressing yourself.

You’ll learn about the formation of exclamatory sentences, complete with various examples to help you make your English sound more like a native speaker. Various resources, including images and a video, support your understanding of this topic.

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

Exclamatory Sentence

An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotions such as excitement, surprise, or joy. It often ends with an exclamation mark (!). Examples include:

  • I am angry!
  • You did a great job!
  • You won the price!
  • That is a huge whale!

Learn more about useful  grammar rules  related to exclamatory sentences.

How to Form Exclamatory Sentences?

To create exclamatory sentences, use “what” or “how” and change the typical word order. These sentences are not questions.

Using “What a…”

This structure is for singular nouns.

Form : What a/an + (adjective) + singular countable noun

  • What a gorgeous room!

Using “What…”

This structure is for abstract or plural nouns.

Form : What + adjective + uncountable/plural noun

  • What beautiful weather!

Using “How…”

This structure is for an adjective, adverb, or verb.

Form : How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb

  • How interesting this film is!
  • How well she sings!

Using “So…”

This structure is for adjectives or adverbs.

Form : So + adjective/adverb

  • The meal was so good!

Using “Such…”

This structure is for nouns.

  • Such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun
  • Such + adjective + uncountable/plural noun
  • She’s such a quiet girl!
  • They are such kind people!

Exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory Sentence Video

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Exclamatory Sentence - Explore Meaning, Definition and Examples

Exclamatory Sentence - Explore Meaning, Definition and Examples

An exclamatory sentence, also known as exclamative sentence, is a type of sentence that expresses surprise, strong emotion or shock. Like a declarative sentence. an exclamatory sentence makes a statement containing strong emotions. An exclamatory sentence has a unique feature which has been discussed in the article.

However, you must go through the entire article to learn exclamatory sentence definition, meaning, types, structures and examples. 

This article covers: 

  • Exclamatory Sentence Definition and Meaning

What is an exclamatory sentence?

  • Exclamatory Sentence Examples 
  • Structures of Exclamatory Sentence 
  • Exclamatory Sentence Beginning with How and What 

Exclamatory Sentence Definition and Meaning 

The word exclamatory in "exclamatory sentence" means a statement that is used to express surprise, shock or pain.  

What is an exclamatory sentence in grammar? An exclamatory sentence is one of the four basic types of sentence which is used to express surprise or shock. All exclamatory sentences have a unique feature that they usually start with "what" and "how" and end with the exclamation mark (!). 

According to the definition above, we can define an exclamatory sentence in the following points:

1. An exclamatory sentence is one of the four basic types of sentence:  There're actually four basic types of sentence in English: 

  • Declarative sentence: A type of sentence making a declaration or statement
  • Interrogative sentence: A type of sentence asking a direct question 
  • Imperative sentence : A type of sentence giving order, instruction
  • Exclamatory sentence: A type of sentence expressing surprise or shock

Learn all basic types of sentence in details: Go to declarative , interrogative and imperative sentences. 

2. The purpose of an exclamatory sentence is to express surprise, shock or strong emotion:  Like a declarative sentence makes a statement; an interrogative sentence asks a question; an imperative sentence gives a command, an exclamatory sentence serves the purpose of expressing surprise or shock. 

3. Exclamatory sentences usually start with "what" and "how":  The usual word order or structure of exclamatory sentences is what/how + noun/adjective/adverb + subject + verb. However, there're more important and common word orders or structures of exclamatory sentences in English which have been discussed in the below section of the article. 

4. All exclamatory sentences end with the exclamation mark (!) in writing:  Exclamatory sentences in English end with the exclamation mark (!) in writing. This mark is essential to indicate the exclamation in the sentence.

Now that you've gone through the theoretical part of the article, come to the practical part of the article; that is, learn exclamatory sentence with examples.  

Exclamatory Sentence Examples

Here are a few examples of exclamatory sentences in English that can help you understand them and identify them easily. 

1. What a caring wife you are!

2. How beautiful she is!

3. How beautifully you've done it!

4. Didn't she teach well!

5. What a nice movie it is!

6. How nice you are!

7. Didn't he dance well!

You can clearly see that the above-mentioned exclamatory sentences are used to express surprise or shock with some certain structures or word orders. 

Here arises the importance of learning different structures or word orders of exclamatory sentences in English; therefore, structures of exclamatory sentences are discussed below.

Different Structures of Exclamatory Sentence 

Learning different types of structures or word orders of exclamatory sentences in English helps you identify how they actually work in the English language. 

Therefore, go through the below-given structures of exclamatory sentences that are most commonly used while constructing exclamatory sentences. 

1. E xclamatory Sentence Beginning with What 

This type of exclamatory sentence starts with what and ends with the punctuation mark (!). The correct word order: 

a. What + article + noun + subject + verb.

Example: What an idiot you are!

b. What + article + adjective + noun + subject + verb

Example: What a lovely daughter you are!

2. Exclamatory Sentence Beginning with How

This type of exclamatory sentence begins with how and ends with the punctuation (!). The correct word order:

a. How + adjective + subject + verb 

Example: How beautiful she is!

b. How + adverb + subject + verb 

Example: How beautifully he did it!

3. Exclamatory Sentence with Interrogative Structure

You'll be shocked to know that a negative interrogative construction or structure can be used to express surprise and can be termed as exclamatory sentence. 

The word order is:

a. Auxiliary verb + subject + adjective 

Example: Wasn't she beautiful!

b. Modal verb + subject + verb + adverb

Example: Couldn't he dance well!

FAQs - Exclamatory Sentence 

What is an exclamatory sentence in grammar? An exclamatory sentence is one of the four basic types of sentence which is used to express surprise or shock. All exclamatory sentences have a unique feature that they usually start with "what" and "how" and end with the exclamation mark (!).

How to identify an exclamatory sentence?

To identify an exclamatory, you need to focus on the definition itself. An exclamatory sentence usually begins with what and how and end with the punctuation mark (!). So, you can identify an exclamatory sentence based on the below-given criteria. 

1. The use of what 

2. The use of how 

3. The use of the exclamation mark (!) 

Is an exclamatory sentence a type of sentence?

Yes, an exclamatory sentence is one of the four basic types of sentence in English. Exclamatory sentences express surprise or shock. 

10 Examples of exclamatory sentence 

7. Wasn't he dance well!

8. Wasn't John handsome!

9. What an idiot he is!

10. How kind you are!

What is the purpose of an exclamatory sentence?

The main purpose of an exclamatory sentence is to express strong feelings and emotions such as surprise, shock or pain. 

What is the punctuation mark used for exclamatory sentence?

The punctuation mark used for exclamatory sentences in written English is this: !. This punctuation mark is called exclamation or exclamatory mark. 

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  • Exclamatory Sentences - Examples and Direct Usage


What are Exclamatory Sentences - Explained with Examples

“He finished his homework”; “He finished his homework!”. Did you read both of those sentences differently? Most people’s brains would perceive both of these sentences to be connected with different emotions. The first one would merely state that the homework is done, while the latter one is excited or surprised about it. These are exactly what exclamatory sentences are. Read on to find out more, and check out the practice section at the end to test your knowledge.


. They were originally used in Latin manuscripts to denote a special or emphasis.

, such as "Wow!" or "Amazing!" These concise exclamations can still convey strong emotions effectively.

What are Exclamatory Sentences?

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or reactions and are used to convey excitement, surprise, or other intense feelings. Exclamatory sentences always end with a exclamation mark(!). To further understand this, we can look at exclamatory sentences definition from 3 different dictionaries:

Oxford Learner's Dictionaries :

Exclamation mark : A punctuation mark (!) used at the end of a sentence to show strong feeling or emphasis, for example, "Wow!"

Merriam-Webster Dictionary :

Exclamation mark : A punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation to indicate excitement, surprise, or other strong emotion, as in "Oh no!"

Cambridge Dictionary :

Exclamation mark : A punctuation mark (!) used at the end of a sentence or phrase to show strong feeling or emotion, such as in "Fantastic!"

Now that we have a good sense of what are exclamatory sentences, we can proceed to look at some rules of exclamatory sentences.

Rules of Exclamatory Sentences

Follow these rules and guidelines to keep in mind when forming exclamatory sentences.

Exclamatory sentences are used to convey strong feelings such as excitement, surprise, anger, or joy.

They end with an exclamation mark (!) rather than a period. This punctuation indicates the intensity of the emotion.

While many exclamatory sentences begin with "what" or "how," this is not a strict rule. You can also form exclamatory sentences by adding an exclamation mark to a regular statement to emphasize emotion. For example:

Regular : "She is very talented."

Exclamatory : "She is very talented!"

Use exclamation marks sparingly in formal writing. Overusing them can diminish their impact and make the text seem less professional.

Simply adding an exclamation mark does not change a declarative sentence into an exclamatory one, unless it is used to express emotion or emphasis.

Exclamatory Sentences Examples

Here is the list of Exclamatory Sentences examples:

What a fantastic performance!

How amazing that was!

I can’t believe we won the game!

That was such a thrilling ride!

What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!

How exciting to see you here!

I’m so proud of you!

What an incredible achievement!

How wonderful to hear that news!

That’s the best birthday gift ever!

What a relief to finally finish the project!

How lovely this garden is!

I didn’t expect such a great turnout!

What a delicious meal we had!

How lucky we are to have such great weather!

That was a close call!

How splendid your performance was!

What a delightful surprise!

I’m so excited about the concert!

Test your knowledge on Exclamatory Sentences

1. What punctuation mark is used to indicate an exclamatory sentence?

b) Question mark

d) Exclamation mark

2. Which of the following sentences is an example of an exclamatory sentence?

a) "She finished her homework."

b) "Can you believe how fast she ran?"

c) "I can’t believe it!"

d) "He is going to the store."

3. How can an exclamatory sentence be formed from a regular sentence?

a) By changing the word order

b) By adding a question mark

c) By adding an exclamation mark

d) By removing the subject

4. What is the primary purpose of an exclamatory sentence?

a) To ask a question

b) To make a statement

c) To express strong emotions

d) To give a command

5. Which of the following sentences is NOT typically used as an exclamatory sentence?

a) "What a beautiful painting!"

b) "How exciting the game was!"

c) "I need to buy groceries."

d) "Wow, that’s incredible!"

Answer: The exclamation mark.

Answer: "I can’t believe it!"

Answer: By adding an exclamation mark.

Answer: To express strong emotions.

Answer: "I need to buy groceries."

Takeaways of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences effectively convey strong feelings such as excitement, surprise, or joy, making them impactful in both informal and creative writing.

They end with an exclamation mark (!), which highlights the intensity of the emotion being expressed.

The use of exclamation marks originated in the 15th century and has evolved to emphasize tone and emphasis in modern writing.

Different languages use various methods to express exclamation. For example, Spanish uses an inverted exclamation mark (¡) at the beginning of the sentence.

Exclamatory sentences can dramatically affect the tone of writing, making it feel more energetic and engaging.


FAQs on Exclamatory Sentences - Examples and Direct Usage

1. What is an exclamatory sentence?

An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence used to express strong emotions or reactions. It ends with an exclamation mark (!) and conveys feelings such as excitement, surprise, or joy.

2. How can I identify an exclamatory sentence?

You can identify an exclamatory sentence by its use of an exclamation mark at the end. It often begins with "what" or "how," but not always. The sentence will convey a strong emotion or reaction.

3. Can a sentence without "what" or "how" still be exclamatory?

Yes, a sentence does not need to start with "what" or "how" to be exclamatory. It can still be exclamatory if it ends with an exclamation mark and expresses strong emotion. For example, "That’s amazing!" is an exclamatory sentence.

4. How do exclamatory sentences differ from declarative sentences?

Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions and end with an exclamation mark, while declarative sentences make statements or provide information and end with a period. For example, "She completed the project!" (exclamatory) vs. "She completed the project." (declarative).

5. When should I use exclamatory sentences?

Exclamatory sentences should be used to convey intense feelings, such as surprise, joy, or enthusiasm. They are best used sparingly in formal writing to avoid overuse and maintain their impact.

6. Can an exclamatory sentence be a question?

No, an exclamatory sentence is not a question. It is used to express strong emotion or emphasis, whereas questions are used to seek information and end with a question mark.

7. Are exclamatory sentences appropriate for formal writing?

Exclamatory sentences can be used in formal writing, but they should be used sparingly. Overusing them can diminish their impact and make the writing seem less professional.

8. How can I convert a declarative sentence into an exclamatory sentence?

You can convert a declarative sentence into an exclamatory sentence by adding an exclamation mark and adjusting the sentence to convey strong emotion. For example, "The party was fun." can become "The party was so much fun!"

9. Can exclamatory sentences be used in dialogue?

Yes, exclamatory sentences are commonly used in dialogue to convey characters' strong emotions and reactions. They help to express enthusiasm, shock, or other intense feelings.

10. Are there any rules about the number of exclamation marks used?

Typically, only one exclamation mark should be used at the end of an exclamatory sentence. Using multiple exclamation marks is generally considered informal and can be seen as excessive.

English Grammar Zone

50 Exclamatory Sentence With Important Examples

Exclamatory sentence examples.

  • What a beautiful day!
  • How exciting this is!
  • Wow, you did an amazing job!
  • That’s incredible!
  • I can’t believe it!
  • You’re a genius!
  • What a fantastic idea!
  • How sweet of you!
  • Oh my goodness, it’s huge!
  • Look at that stunning view!
  • What a surprise!
  • How fast he runs!
  • What a lovely gesture!
  • That’s unbelievable!
  • How cute your puppy is!
  • What a thrilling game!
  • How fascinating!
  • I’m so proud of you!
  • What a wonderful experience!
  • How beautiful she looks!
  • This is so exciting!
  • How thoughtful of you!
  • What a relief!
  • Oh, how I missed you!
  • What an incredible story!
  • That’s absolutely amazing!
  • What a gorgeous dress!
  • How lucky we are!
  • What a tasty meal!
  • How brilliant!
  • This is astonishing!
  • What an adventure!
  • How delightful!
  • What a remarkable achievement!
  • How inspiring!
  • That’s so touching!
  • What a beautiful song!
  • How refreshing!
  • What an impressive performance!
  • This is fantastic!
  • How generous!
  • What a perfect day!
  • How hilarious!
  • That’s extraordinary!
  • What a magnificent place!
  • How clever!
  • What a cute baby!
  • That’s spectacular!
  • What a great surprise!
  • How charming!

50 examples of exclamatory sentences

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Exclamatory Sentences

Trying to learn more about exclamatory sentences? Check out our exclamatory sentences examples, our exclamatory sentences definition and our list of exclamatory sentences! Learn more about exclamatory sentences today!

Is your writing a little dull? Add some sass and punch to your writing with exclamatory sentences.  What am I talking about?  Well, I am not talking about sentences that make a casual statement, ask a question, or give a command.  Instead, they convey some type of strong emotion.  And how exactly do you express a strong emotion?  It’s easy.  Write a declarative sentence filled with emotion and use this punctuation mark (!)!

It’s called an exclamation mark and is used to show a vast range of emotions…love, anger, happiness, confusion, elation or any other typed of exuberant emotion. It is a crucial element of exclamatory sentences!

Exclamation marks are reserved for powerful feelings so you won’t find them used to express a matter-of –fact emotion or serenity, or a sense of calm.  Instead they deliver a jolt of feeling, which is why they’re so common in everyday speech and part of exclamatory sentences.  However, exclamation marks need to be used sparingly in your writing. Use them to emphasize a point but be careful not to over do. For instance, can you imagine reading line after line of sentences like this!!

And when it comes to academic writing, such as essays and reports, don’t use exclamatory sentences at all, unless you are using them in quotations.

Grammatically speaking, formal English requires exclamations to begin with either the word what or how .  But in everyday informal English you’ll find exclamations can begin with any word, as you’ll see in the examples of exclamatory sentences to follow.  But first, two more grammar rules you need to know about.

Rule Number One : If the noun in your sentence is plural, the correct choice is what , not how .

  • Exclamatory Sentences: “What exceptional children these are!” is correct.
  • Exclamatory Sentences: “How exceptional children these are!” is incorrect.
  • Exclamatory Sentences: What is acceptable with singular nouns as well.
  • Exclamatory Sentences: “What an exceptional child this is!”

The emotion portrayed in the above examples is one of astonishment.  You’ll quickly see that any emotion can be expressed with exclamations.

Rule Number Two: When punctuating an exclamatory sentence, the exclamation mark should be at the sentence end, not in the middle of the sentence.

  • Exclamatory Sentences: “Fantastic, we closed the deal!”  is correct.
  • Exclamatory Sentences: “Fantastic! we closed the deal.” is incorrect.

Examples of exclamatory sentences

The following sentences are all examples of exclamations. See if you can determine the emotion expressed in each:

  • Exclamatory Sentences: No, you did not have permission to stay out this late!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I can’t figure this out!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Our team won the championship!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I don’t know what happened here!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I simply adore you!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I just won the lottery!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: My life will never be the same without you!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Oh, I didn’t see you come in!

Did you find the emotion easy to determine?  Here are the emotions the writer had in mind…

  • Exclamatory Sentences: No, you did not have permission to stay out this late! (anger)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I can’t figure this out! (frustration)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Our team won the championship! (happiness)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I don’t know what happened here! (confusion)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I simply adore you! (love)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I just won the lottery! (elation)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: My life will never be the same without you! (sorrow)
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Oh, I didn’t see you come in! (surprise)

After reading the sentences a second time, couldn’t you just feel the emotion?

There will be times when you see an exclamation mark used in an imperative sentence, like this:

Come here now!

Be sure you don’t use an exclamation mark if you’re using “please” in your sentence.  Instead, use a simple period.

Please come here now.

An interrogative sentence can become an exclamation, too.  Like this…

What did you do to the dog’s hair!

Exclamatory Words

Exclamatory words are words that generate a strong emotional response.  Here is a list of common ones but you can certainly add your own ideas so you’ll have a quick and ready list of exclamatory words to use in your writing.

  • Tremendous!
  • Magnificent!
  • Unbelievable!

Exclamatory words that can stand alone as a sentence while expressing emotions or reactions are called interjections. Interjections don’t require a subject or verb to express a thought.  However, they can be inserted in a sentence by using commas.

  • Exclamatory Sentences: Wow, that was a thrilling ride!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Brilliant, you solved the puzzle!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Awesome, you got the job!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Ouch, that really hurts!
  • Exclamatory Sentences: I don’t know what you feel but, sheesh, I think the food was too expensive!

By sprinkling your writing with appropriate exclamatory sentences, you’ll find you’ve added excitement to your story or prose.  But keep in mind a little goes a long way.  If you emphasize everything, you end up emphasizing nothing.  Exclamations aren’t appropriate for underlining points that could easily be made with a declarative statement.  If you do that, your readers will become suspicious of your sincerity – and that’s the last thing a good writer wants.

Instead, use exclamatory sentences to show sincere, honest emotion to pull your reader into your words.

View all our articles about sentence types .

Sentences of Exclamatory -

100+ Sentences of Exclamatory

Sentences of Exclamatory

An exclamatory sentence is a type of sentence that expresses strong emotion, such as surprise, excitement, anger, or joy. Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation point (!).

  • What a beautiful sunset!
  • How delicious this meal is!
  • What a surprise to see you here!
  • How amazing that performance was!
  • What a fantastic day we’re having!
  • How stunning that dress looks on you!
  • What a breathtaking view of the mountains!
  • How incredible this technology is!
  • What a lovely garden you have!
  • How delicious this chocolate cake is!
  • What a great achievement you’ve made!
  • How impressive that artwork is!
  • What a sweet puppy you have!
  • How exciting this adventure is!
  • What a wonderful idea you came up with!
  • How beautiful the flowers are in spring!
  • What an interesting book this is!
  • How fantastic it is to be here!
  • What a talented musician you are!
  • How lovely this beach is!
  • What an incredible journey this has been!
  • How delicious these strawberries taste!
  • What a pleasant surprise to see you!
  • How amazing this roller coaster ride is!
  • What a stunning performance!
  • How impressive this architecture is!
  • What a thrilling game that was!
  • How delightful this picnic is!
  • What a beautiful day for a hike!
  • How incredible this wildlife documentary is!
  • What a surprise to run into you here!
  • How fantastic the fireworks display is!
  • What a magical moment this is!
  • How amazing the Northern Lights are!
  • What a breathtaking sunrise!
  • How delicious this ice cream is!
  • What a great accomplishment that is!
  • How impressive that museum is!
  • What a heartwarming story that was!
  • How exciting this rollercoaster ride is!
  • What a marvelous invention this is!
  • How beautiful the coral reefs are!
  • What an interesting documentary this is!
  • How fantastic it is to be reunited!
  • What a brilliant idea you came up with!
  • How delicious this homemade pie is!
  • What a heartwarming reunion that was!
  • How amazing the view from the summit is!
  • What a breathtaking waterfall!
  • How stunning this artwork is!
  • What a beautiful garden you’ve cultivated!
  • How impressive your achievements are!
  • What a delicious meal you’ve prepared!
  • How fantastic your performance was!
  • What an exciting adventure we had!
  • What a heartwarming gesture that was!
  • How delicious these freshly baked cookies are!
  • What a great team effort that was!
  • How incredible that wildlife encounter was!
  • What a stunning view from the mountaintop!
  • How amazing the starry night sky is!
  • What a delicious aroma in the kitchen!
  • How fantastic the circus performance is!
  • What a thrilling roller coaster ride!
  • How beautiful the autumn leaves are!
  • What a heartwarming moment that was!
  • How impressive this historical site is!
  • What a marvelous achievement that is!
  • How delicious this homemade lasagna is!
  • What a breathtaking sunset over the ocean!
  • How fantastic this live concert is!
  • What an incredible view of the city lights!
  • How amazing this underwater world is!
  • What a beautiful melody you played!
  • How impressive the acrobatics are!
  • What a heartwarming reunion this is!
  • How delicious this freshly brewed coffee is!
  • What a stunning display of fireworks!
  • How fantastic this surprise party is!
  • What an incredible display of talent!
  • How beautiful this nature reserve is!
  • What a heartwarming gesture you made!
  • How impressive your dedication is!
  • What a marvelous creation this is!
  • How delicious these cupcakes taste!
  • What a breathtaking performance that was!
  • How fantastic this amusement park is!
  • What an amazing journey this has been!
  • How beautiful the colors of the rainbow are!
  • What a heartwarming story you wrote!
  • How impressive this magic show is!
  • What a marvelous discovery that was!
  • How delicious this gourmet meal is!
  • What a stunning piece of art!
  • How fantastic the roller coaster ride is!
  • What an incredible achievement that is!
  • How beautiful the starlit night is!
  • What a heartwarming family reunion!
  • How amazing this wildlife safari is!
  • What a breathtaking adventure we had!
  • How delicious this homemade pizza is!
  • What a marvelous book you’ve written!
  • How fantastic this surprise visit is!
  • What an incredible accomplishment that is!
  • How beautiful this garden in bloom is!
  • What a heartwarming act of kindness!
  • How impressive your success has been!
  • What a stunning performance you delivered!
  • How delicious this three-course meal is!

Sentences of Exclamatory -

Exclamatory sentences are a powerful tool that can be used to express strong emotions and make writing more engaging. However, it is important to use them sparingly and appropriately. Overusing exclamatory sentences can make your writing sound over-the-top or insincere.

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One thought to “100+ Sentences of Exclamatory”

Surprising sentences end with exclamation marks; so do exciting sentences. Example: “I can’t believe you cut the cheese!” cried Quincy when the schoolgirl bully tooted on him. “I’m going to IRB!” exclaimed Trinity eagerly.

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  • Essay Editor

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

Have you ever thought about how to grab your readers' attention right from the start of your essay? A good hook can really make a difference. It can pull your readers in and set the stage for an interesting piece of writing. This guide will help you understand what is a hook in an essay and give you ways to create strong openings that will keep your readers interested until the end.

What Is a Hook in an Essay?

A hook is the opening sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing introduction to your essay. Its primary purpose is to pique the reader's interest and create a specific tone for your writing. Good hooks are essential for academic papers, as they set the stage for your argument and encourage readers to continue exploring your ideas.

Some hook examples for essays are:

  • Anecdotes or personal stories
  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Surprising statistics or facts
  • Relevant quotations
  • Vivid descriptions or imagery
  • Bold statements or declarations

These hook examples can be tailored to suit various essay types and subjects, making them versatile tools for writers.

Placing Hooks in Your Essay Introductions and Conclusions

While hooks are typically associated with introductions, they can also be effectively used in conclusions to bring your essay full circle and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Introduction Hooks

In the introduction, your hook should:

  • Grab attention immediately
  • Provide context for your topic
  • Lead smoothly into your thesis statement

Hook sentence examples for introductions:

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 100 stars will have died in our universe."

"What if I told you that the most dangerous animal in the world isn't a shark, a lion, or even a human—but something so tiny, you can't even see it?"

Conclusion Hook

Hook ideas for conclusions:

  • Revisit the opening hook with new insight
  • Pose a challenge or call to action
  • End with a provocative question or statement

Hook sentence examples for conclusions:

"As we close this chapter on climate change, the question remains: will our grandchildren inherit a planet of possibilities or a world of what-ifs?"

"As we stand on the brink of AI-powered breakthroughs, one can't help but wonder: will machines dream of electric sheep, or will they dream of us?"

Loving these hooks? Aithor can write many more just like them for your next essay. 

Tips to Write Good Hooks for Essays

Writing good hooks for essays needs creativity and an understanding of who will read your work. Here are some tips to help you write strong openings:

  • Make your hook appeal to the specific people who will read your essay.
  • Make sure your hook fits with the overall feel of your essay, whether it's formal, funny, or serious.
  • A hook should be short and clear, usually no more than one or two sentences.
  • Using an active voice in your hook makes your writing more engaging and direct.
  • Stay away from common sayings or ideas that might bore your readers.
  • Your hook should connect directly to your essay's main topic or main idea.
  • Don't be afraid to rewrite your hook several times to make it better.

Remember, the goal is to create an opening that naturally leads into your essay's main content while piquing the reader's curiosity.

Step-by-Step Hook Creation Process

Follow these steps to come up with hook ideas that work:

  • Different kinds of essays (like argumentative, narrative, and descriptive) might benefit from different types of hooks.
  • Come up with several hook ideas based on your topic and essay type.
  • Definitions
  • Metaphors or similes
  • Write a few versions of your chosen hook type.
  • Look over your drafts, thinking about how well they fit with your essay's purpose and tone.
  • Share your hook with others to see how effective it is.
  • Make sure your hook flows naturally into the rest of your introduction.

Remember, the key to how to write a good hook is practice and improvement. Don't be afraid to change and make your hook better as you write your essay.

Types of Hooks

There are several types of hooks you can use to begin your essay. Here are some popular options:

Question Hook 

"Ever wondered why your dog tilts its head when you speak? The answer might surprise you – and reveal more about human-canine communication than you'd expect."

Anecdotal Hook 

"The first time I tasted durian, I thought I'd accidentally eaten something that had gone bad in the tropical heat. Little did I know, this pungent fruit would become my obsession and lead me on a culinary adventure across Southeast Asia."

Statistic Hook 

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, over 700 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube. The digital content explosion is reshaping how we consume information, and it's happening faster than you might think."

Quotation Hook 

"'The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.' Dorothy Parker's words ring truer than ever in our age of endless information — but is our curiosity leading us to knowledge, or just more distraction?"

Description Hook 

"The air shimmers like a mirage, heat radiating from the cracked earth. In the distance, a lone tree stands defiant against the barren landscape. This is the face of climate change — stark, unforgiving, and impossible to ignore."

Metaphor or Simile Hook 

"Learning a new language is like trying to navigate a foreign city without a map. At first, every street corner looks the same, every sign is indecipherable. But slowly, patterns emerge, landmarks become familiar, and suddenly you're no longer lost — you're on an adventure."

Each of these hook examples for essays can be effective when used appropriately. The key is to choose a hook that aligns with your essay's tone and purpose.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of a Strong Essay Hook

A well-written hook can make the difference between an essay that keeps readers interested and one that doesn't. By understanding what a hook in an essay is and how to create one effectively, you can improve your writing and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Remember, the best hooks not only grab attention but also fit well with your essay's main ideas. They should give a taste of what's to come, encouraging readers to keep reading your work.

For those looking to further enhance their essay-writing skills, try writing tools like Aithor . Aithor can give extra insights and suggestions to help you write even more engaging hooks and essays. By combining your own creativity with advanced writing help, you can make your essays even better and really connect with your readers.

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  1. Exclamatory Sentence 👉🏻 Competitive English #education

  2. exclamatory sentence 1th class to 12th ✍️👍

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  5. Declarative to Exclamatory Sentence. FOR Class-9th/10th. BSE ODISHA

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  2. What is an Exclamatory Sentence? Definition, Examples of Exclamations

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  4. Exclamatory Sentences: Usage and Examples

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  5. Exclamatory Sentences with Examples

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  10. Exclamatory Sentence: Definition and Examples

    3740shares. In English grammar, an exclamatory sentence is a type of main clause that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. It is also called an exclamative or an exclamative clause. Exclamatory sentences rarely appear in academic writing, except when they're part of quoted material. With the appropriate intonation, other ...

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    1) An exclamatory sentence always ends with an exclamation (!). 2) An exclamatory sentence may give command sometimes. 3) Use of more than one exclamation mark is prohibited. 4) "Happy Birthday" is the shortest exclamatory sentence. 5) "Get off my way!" is an exclamatory sentence representing anger.

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  24. How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

    Hook sentence examples for introductions: "In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 100 stars will have died in our universe." "What if I told you that the most dangerous animal in the world isn't a shark, a lion, or even a human—but something so tiny, you can't even see it?" Conclusion Hook. Hook ideas for conclusions: