Art of Presentations

13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

By: Author Shrot Katewa

As an HR head, you might be invited to many forums, conferences, and board rooms to discuss burning topics that are being debated within your community.

We think there is surely room for more and more presentations to be made and points to be discussed within this space. So, today we share with you some ideas that you can read, discuss and develop for your next PowerPoint presentation.

So, let’s dive right into the topics directly –

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1. Employee well-being

The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well.

Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies with respect to employee well-being should be framed, how business functions should be rewarded for promoting employee well-being.

It would be a great topic for starting an organizational behavior discussion as well. 

2. Digitalization in HR practices

We all acknowledge that the digitalization of processes and systems is something no function can escape from – including HR. Do you agree that technology has a role to play in HR? Or do you believe that the role of the ‘human’ here is more important to focus on than automation of HR practices?

Either way, this is a great topic to take off from and talk about how HR as a function has been impacted by technology over the years, and what possibly will it look like 5 to 10 years hence.

3. Role of Employee Mental Health

A goal-focused approach, having a mindset for success, an enhanced focus for better productivity — these are aspects that many a time we talk to employees about. However, how do you develop a healthy mind that is not stressed and anxious? A mindset that actually wants to succeed but isn’t feeling pressured.

We think HR departments have a great opportunity in expounding on the critical need for investing in mental health and providing good counseling opportunities across levels. A great presentation topic at any forum for sure!

4. Importance of Learning and Development

Now, this has always been a top favorite amongst HR practitioners.

There is no doubt that the need to learn and upskill employees is a crucial aspect in today’s ever-increasing VUCA world. Globalization has ensured that one can learn both online and offline from experts.

It would be interesting to showcase your thoughts and present how training resources are being assigned. The presentation can also include how HR teams are adapting to the ever more nuanced learning needs of their people.

5. Dispute Resolution among Employees

We are human and so it is obvious that there shall be disagreements. In fact, disagreements are often encouraged to ensure that good ideas on the table become even better! We see HR heads presenting this topic with examples and anecdotes from their work lives.

Also, as a presentation topic, it can extend to offline case studies that can be discussed event after a workshop. There is a possibility that at times you have seen that a dispute is highly subjective – for example when it comes to interpretation say of a gesture, culturally it can be a genuine mistake.

So go ahead make this presentation topic as engaging and interactive as you like it!

6. Secrets of a Happy Workplace

We all want to work at an organization where we feel motivated, engaged, and safe. However, what goes behind in building and maintaining such a happy workplace?

Is it when you have an employee-first approach or is it when it is about a customer-first approach? Do HR and management value the same thing?

These are all pointers that we think your PowerPoint presentation can touch upon. There is enough research out there that supports both points of view. So go happy presenting!

7. How to Attract Millennials to your Workplace?

Now, this is another great presentation topic – and one that many people would like an answer to!

Millennials have a reputation that they are either too distracted or disloyal to stick to an organization. However, recent surveys suggest that all they need is a purpose-driven organization. If they can identify with your cause, they actually are quite a loyal bunch!

As an HR practitioner your role in attracting and retaining such talent, and the role of the CEO in providing this enabling environment can well be a good presentation topic for your next HR board meeting.

8. Creating an Engaged Workforce

Engaged workforce as a presentation topic works very well at all levels.

You have an opportunity over here to talk about a variety of aspects that go into engaging your workforce such as progressive and inclusive policies, diversity management, the role of sports, off-sites, etc.

You might want to stress certain productivity numbers that the industry has experienced when working with an engaged workforce. We believe that this topic can go as niche or wide as you would prefer.

9. Open Offices – boon or bane?

HR teams across the world have often been sold the concept of open offices over closed cabin environments.

It seems logical that the more open the office, the less the hierarchy. Yet does that also mean more distraction, less productivity?

This is a presentation topic that can help you open up a lot of room for an active discussion with your audience. Is there a formula for success to open offices? Why do some industries or sectors have more success w.r.t to these open formats?

Again as an HR head or student, you would have unique experiences that will make for a great presentation.

10. Encouraging a work-life balance at a startup

Start-up culture is something that still is a hot topic at most HR seminars. It is usually this unique time in an organization where the organization is still figuring out what suits its employees best.

HR professionals can use this PowerPoint presentation topic to both share and invite ideas on how work-balance can be maintained, and what is needed in their organizations as they move along the growth curve.

11. Employee Volunteering – Role of HR or CSR?

Another great topic is the role volunteering plays in an organization and which team really needs to front this. Since Corporate Social Responsibility teams are often merged with the Communication teams there can be a difference in the approach.

HR heads have an opportunity here to dissect their role as employee engagement custodians and how & if they see volunteering as part of this mandate.

12. Importance of an Ethics Committee

Do you need an ethics committee for your organization? Usually, well yes! However, is the firm at too nascent a stage for such a ‘committee’? Can it work via an ombudsperson? Do you need a formal whistle-blower policy?

All these topics can come together within this presentation topic and make it worthy of a discussion across board rooms. We believe that HR heads have another great topic here for making their voice heard!

13. Job Rotation and its contribution to Employee Growth

The industrial revolution showcased how employee productivity grew if people repeated a task often. It was stated that this reduced the chances of errors and in fact, is what led to the whole 6 sigma quality and productivity concept. Yet, is this concept relevant now?

As an HR head you can ponder on why this has worked but even how in this digital age, and reducing attention spans, employees are seeking to learn new skills.

Your presentation can cover how job rotation can lead to, for example. better talent development and retention. Worth your time! 

So there you have it. There is a lot to talk about when we need to share something useful on human resources. I would like you to consider these topics only as a conversation starter and build up from the brief pointers that we have mentioned. I also hope that you find the above topics really something that you can use and is effective in your business setting. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Our goal on this blog is to create content that helps YOU create fantastic presentations; especially if you have never been a designer. We’ve started our blog with non-designers in mind, and we have got some amazing content on our site to help YOU design better.

If you have any topics in mind that you would want us to write about, be sure to drop us a comment below. In case you need us to work with you and improve the design of your presentation, write to us on [email protected] . Our team will be happy to help you with your requirements.

Lastly, your contribution can make this world a better place for presentations . All you have to do is simply share this blog in your network and help other fellow non-designers with their designs!

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How To Design a Compelling Human Resource Management PPT

HR Presentation HRM PPT Presentation Agency

Group of people working on a Human Resource Management PPT. management ppt.

A Human Resource Management PPT is a key digital document that businesses use every day. It guides HR staff and managers on employee issues, helping everyone understand their roles better and handle employee matters the right way. In it, you'll find details on hiring, training, pay rules, and more. This comprehensive guide will show you what to include in an HR PPT and how to make it engaging, with great examples. Before you begin the design process, remember to consider using these important presentation design rules - the 5/5/5 Rule and the 10/20/30 Rule .

Hand tapping on various Human Resources options on a screen.

What is a Human Resource Management PPT?

A Human Resources Management PPT (PowerPoint Presentation), sometimes also called a HRM PPT or HR presentation, is like a digital slideshow used by companies. It helps explain the rules and policies about employees, such as hiring, training, pay, and benefits. Think of it as a guidebook that helps both managers and workers understand how things work in their company. The slides typically contain information in the form of pictures, infographics, charts, or bullet points to make the information easy to grasp.

Why is a Human Resource Management PPT important?

A Human Resource Management PPT is vital because it provides a clear overview of HR practices and policies. It serves as a guide for both new and existing employees, helping them understand their roles, rights, and benefits. Through visuals and concise information, these presentations make complex topics accessible and easy to grasp. Whether it's about onboarding, benefits, or company culture, a well-crafted PPT ensures everyone is on the same page.

A well-made Human Resource Management PPT can help everyone in a company understand their rights and responsibilities, making the workplace more organized and fair. It's a tool that brings clarity to complex topics. By offering a consistent message about the company's values and expectations, it also fosters a positive work environment and promotes trust between employees and management.

What Are The Functions of a Human Resource Management PPT?

A Human Resources Management PPT serves multiple functions in an organisation, aiding both HR professionals and other stakeholders. Here are some of its key functions:

Teaching Tool

You can use an HR presentation to teach employees, management, and sometimes even external stakeholders about HR policies, practices, and initiatives. It can cover a range of topics, from employee benefits to company culture.

Training and Development

HR PPTs are often used in training sessions to introduce new policies or to onboard new employees. They may also serve to update current staff on changes within the company.

Strategic Planning

A Human Resource Management PPT can be utilized to outline long-term HR objectives and strategies, helping to align HR practices with organisational goals.


A well-crafted HR presentation can be used for effective communication, summarizing key HR concepts in an easy-to-understand format for all members of an organisation.

Performance Metrics

A Human Resource Management PPT may display performance analytics, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), and other data, helping to evaluate both individual and departmental performance.

Compliance and Regulations

HR presentations are often used to educate staff about legal requirements and company rules and regulations, including employee rights, obligations, and codes of conduct, thus ensuring organisational compliance.

Employee Engagement

A Human Resource Management PPT plays a big role in effective employee engagement. Here, you can incorporate plans for team-building activities, feedback platforms, and personal growth opportunities. All of these are beneficial to, and, for employees.

Conflict Resolution or Conflict Management

By outlining policies and strategies for conflict resolution or conflict management, your Human Resource Management PPT can serve as a handbook for managers and employees alike, giving them the right tools to resolve conflicts constructively.

Allocation of Resources

An HRM PPT can be used to effectively outline how resources, including human capital, will be allocated across various projects or departments.


Well-prepared HR PPTs can serve as an aid in decision-making processes, offering a visual representation of key data and insights that can be referred to during managerial discussions.

In essence, a Human Resource Management PPT is a multifunctional tool that facilitates education, communication, and strategic alignment within an organisation.

Common but Vital Human Resource Management PPT Topics

An engaging Human Resource Management PPT is about more than just recruitment and benefits; it dives into the heart of the company culture. This involves discussing important HR presentation topics like employee onboarding, employee benefits, legal compliance, diversity and inclusion, and workplace health and safety. Each of these topics forms a crucial part of your HR PPT, showcasing the values your company holds dear and how it fosters a positive, safe, and lawful workplace. Let's break down these important HR presentation topics further.

HR manager shakes hands with new hire during employee onboarding.

Employee Onboarding or Orientation

Employee onboarding or orientation is a welcome guide for when a new person joins. It covers the basics like company rules and who's who. It also has helpful information like good lunch spots nearby, the closest pharmacies and hospitals, etc. It's all about helping new employees settle in quickly and confidently.

Employee Benefits

The Employee Benefits presentation is like opening a treasure chest of perks that come with the job. Besides the basics like salary, you go into detail about other compensations. This could include health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and maybe even some extra goodies like free gym memberships or company discounts if the company offers these. It’s simply a picture of how the company rewards and looks after its employees.

Legal compliance is a must have topic in a Human Resource Management PPT.

Legal Compliance

Legal compliance might seem dry but is a must-have in HR presentation topics. Your Human Resource Management PPT should thoroughly outline the laws and regulations that the company must follow. It lists the laws the company follows, from labor rules to industry standards. It's about making sure everything's above board and that both the company and its people are protected.

Employees demonstrating Workplace Health and Safety, which is an important topic in a Human Resource Management PPT.

Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace health and safety is another vital segment among HR presentation topics. In your Human Resource Management PPT, this section talks about how the company keeps its employees safe. It dives into guidelines, training, and safety practices. It assures people that their health and well-being are top priorities.

Every company must talk about Diversity and Inclusion in a Human Resource Management PPT.

Diversity and Inclusion

In a Human Resource Management PPT, the topic of diversity and inclusion is crucial. Here, the spotlight is on valuing everyone, no matter their background or beliefs. It's about celebrating what makes each person unique and ensuring the workplace is welcoming for all. This might mention policies, training, and groups that champion diversity.

human resource management topics for presentation

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a common HR presentation topic, and including it in a Human Resources Management PPT is mandatory. Everyone doesn't always agree, and that's okay. This section covers how the company handles disagreements and promotes healthy communication. It emphasizes solving problems in a positive way and keeping trust intact.

10 Key Design Principles To Follow For A Great Human Resource Management PPT

When creating a Human Resource Management PPT, there are several design principles you can follow to make it more compelling:

1. Simplicity

An effective presentation is easy to digest. Overloading slides with text or complex terms can distract and confuse. Instead, aim for simplicity. Use straightforward language and limit your content on each slide. This approach lets your audience zero in on essential points, making your presentation more effective and memorable.

2. Visual Appeal

A picture is worth a thousand words. Spice up your presentation with relevant visuals like images, charts, or graphs. These visuals break monotony, clarify complex ideas, and enhance engagement. And remember colour matters! Choose hues that align with and accentuate your content, ensuring visual harmony from start to finish.

3. Logical Organisation

Every great story has a beginning, middle, and end. Similarly, your presentation should have a defined structure. Start with an introduction that sets the stage, dive deep into your subject in the main body, and wrap up with a solid conclusion. Using clear headings and subpoints can also make your content more navigable, ensuring the audience remains oriented and engaged.

4. Consistency

Consistent design echoes professionalism. By using a uniform font, colour palette, and layout, you craft a seamless visual experience. This unified look eliminates distractions, allowing your audience to focus purely on the content.

5. Legibility

It's vital that everyone, from the front row to the last, can read your slides. Use fonts that are easily readable and size your text appropriately. If people struggle to see, they'll quickly lose interest.

A well-paced presentation captivates. Arrange your slides so there's a natural progression from one point to the next, creating a cohesive narrative. A smooth flow not only aids understanding but also keeps attention levels high throughout.

7. Highlight

Some points deserve extra attention. Whether using bold fonts, colour variations, or unique designs, spotlighting essential content ensures it sticks in your audience's mind, emphasizing what truly matters.

8. Engagement

A two-way conversation is always more compelling than a monologue. By weaving in interactive segments—be it quizzes, Q&A rounds, or discussion prompts—you invite audience participation. This active involvement makes your presentation lively, memorable, and impactful.

9. Accessibility

Inclusivity is key. Ensure every member, regardless of their abilities, can access your presentation. Incorporate alt texts for visuals and provide transcripts or captions for any audio or video. Such efforts ensure nobody feels left out and can fully engage with your content.

10. Relevance

Every piece of information in your presentation should serve a purpose. If a slide doesn't add value or enrich understanding, consider removing it. By focusing on relevancy, you respect your audience's time and make sure they leave with meaningful insights.

Remember, these are general design principles, and you can adapt them based on your specific audience and content. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling HR PPT that effectively communicates your message.

Using Professional Presentation Design Services

When creating a Human Resource Management PPT, quality matters. The visual appeal, flow, and information quality will all contribute to how your audience perceives your presentation. While the above steps can guide you in creating an effective presentation, there are professionals who specialize in this field and can take your HR PPT to the next level.

human resource management topics for presentation

Deck Sherpa: The Best Agency for Presentation Design Services

Deck Sherpa is a presentation design services agency with years of experience in designing human resources presentations for companies across various industries in India. We offer customization to fit your unique needs, ensuring consistency with your brand’s image and message. With extensive experience in the field, we understand what works in an HR PPT and can enhance your presentation’s effectiveness. Deck Sherpa takes the burden of creating a professional-looking Human Resources Management PPT, among other kinds of presentations, off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks. We ensure that every slide in your HR PPT is polished and professional, and conveys your message clearly.

If you’re ready to take your Human Resources Management PPT to the next level, contact Deck Sherpa today and let our expertise make your next HR presentation extraordinary.

Reach out via email - [email protected] or call us at 1800 121 5955 (India) to speak to one of our project managers. Whether you're in Goa or anywhere in India, we’re here to guide you to success.

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10 Presentation Slides for More Effective HR Management

human resource management topics for presentation

Imagine seamlessly incorporating data, charts, and key points into your HR management discussions, making your message not only informative but visually compelling.

In this article, we will delve into the power of these Smart Slides, which are designed to elevate your presentations and leave a lasting impact.

Get ready to explore a new way of presenting HR information that will impress and engage your colleagues and new hires.

Unleashing HR potential with

By leveraging's capabilities, human resource teams or people leaders can elevate their communication, ensuring it resonates with every stakeholder and employee. Smart Slides make it possible to visualize complex employee data in a digestible format, from diversity and inclusion statistics to performance reviews. 

This clarity in communication fosters better understanding and engagement from your team. When employees see their work and progress reflected in sleek, modern slides, it can boost morale and drive home the impact of their contributions.

Traditional slides often fail to engage, burdened with bulleted lists and dense paragraphs. However, with, you can turn these mundane moments into compelling stories. Imagine slides that dynamically adapt as you input key HR metrics, where charts animate to illustrate talent acquisition trends and company policies are outlined with clear, impactful visuals. This transformation is not just a visual upgrade—it's about making processes engaging. 

With pre-designed templates, you can quickly build presentations without starting from scratch every time. This means that whether you're reporting on recruitment metrics or updating training materials, you can do so with efficiency and consistency. By incorporating Smart Slide templates into their workflow, HR departments can streamline processes, reduce administrative burdens, and deliver high-quality presentations that drive results.

10 Presentation slides for more effective HR management

1. timeline.

Give your onboarding process a boost with our powerful Timeline slide template . This tool is designed to help you articulate your business plans, status updates, and next steps in an orderly and visual manner. It's an efficient way to keep your team up-to-date with project deadlines and to illustrate your company's past, present, and future events.

  • Visual representation of major events over a period of time
  • Helps conceptualize past, present, and future events
  • Easy addition and rearrangement of milestones
  • Library of free icons for customization

2. Org chart

Streamline your company's operations with our Org Chart slide . This Smart Slide is designed to help you keep track of changing roles or employees and share employee contact information company-wide. It’s beneficial not only for management—who need insights into hours per department, promotions, and team resources—but also for employees who need important information.

  • Multiple chart styles to suit your organization's size and needs
  • Regular updates to ensure accurate information
  • Easy-to-read fonts, colors, and sizes for enhanced readability

3. Gantt chart

This Smart Slide design intuitively represents the onboarding journey, helping you communicate effectively with your new hires. It's smart, simple, and designed for you.

  • Interactive Gantt chart for task tracking
  • Color-coding for easy task categorization
  • Pre-designed templates to jumpstart your onboarding process

4. Full video 

With's Full Video template, you can simplify the process of communicating HR policies and procedures and immerse your new hires in the company culture right from day one. Our template is an excellent tool for HR teams looking to incorporate video into their onboarding process.

  • Seamlessly introduce your company's story, values, and team
  • Streamline complicated onboarding information into digestible video content
  • Keep the attention of your new hires with engaging visual narratives

5. Word cloud

Word Cloud Smart Slide template is an innovative tool designed to visually represent your company's mission, values, and other key elements. It is an effective way of highlighting the most crucial aspects of your organization for new hires. The bigger and bolder the word, the more important it is to your company. 

  • An engaging and interactive way to showcase your company's mission and values
  • Easily customizable with your desired words and phrases
  • Create stunning visualizations of important textual data
  • Ideal for HR presentations, sales proposals, and marketing reports

6. Calendar

Redefine your planning and scheduling with our customizable Calendar slides , which provide a unique way to share important onboarding dates or hiring milestones with your team. A calendar slide makes more of an impact than a long list of dates in bullet points and can be easier to read at a glance.

  • Share important dates or milestones with ease
  • Organize your schedule into a calendar format
  • Avoid overcrowding with event descriptions with our customizable tools
  • Ideal for all team sizes: Individual power users, small/medium businesses, and large organizations 

Put faces to names with our Team slide , whether introducing a new hire to the team or introducing a team to an interview candidate. A team slide is a visual depiction of your company's members and is a resource that constantly needs updating. 

  • Special callouts for new hires
  • Onboard new employees
  • Introduce team members to each other and showcase what they do

Photos add a look into culture, values, and brand. Having a dedicated photo slide breaks up the cadence of information, and can be a welcomed break from slides filled with words or metrics. From an HR perspective, including photo slides in decks like new hire onboarding, staffing updates, and quarterly policy updates can inject personality and fun. 

  • Give a look into company culture with team photos
  • Add visual interest
  • Introduce new hires to the team

9. Pictograph

A pictograph template uses repeating rows or a grid of icons to represent data. Also called an icon chart, picture chart, or pictogram, pictographs display data in a simple, compelling way. It also introduces a new way to visualize HR reporting . 

  • Add variety and visual interest to your presentation
  • Make statistics memorable and impactful
  • Show the status of onboarding a new hire 

10. Process diagram

Process diagrams are used to document, improve, or model a new process–especially helpful when employees are learning processes for the first time. 

  • Standardize a process for optimal efficiency and repeatability
  • Document a process for better understanding, quality control, and training of employees
  • Model a new process for employees and teams

Incorporating these Smart Slides into your HR management arsenal can transform mundane moments into compelling stories and ensure that your message resonates with every stakeholder and employee. Whether you're reporting on recruitment metrics, updating training materials, or introducing new hires to the team, these templates offer efficiency, consistency, and a visually engaging experience.

As you prepare your next HR presentation, consider the impact that Smart Slides can have on your communication effectiveness. Elevate your presentations with and unleash the full potential of your HR department's communication strategy.

Isabelle Nicole

Isabelle Nicole

Isabelle is a freelance content writer and filmmaker based in Los Angeles.

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Faculty Resources


icon of a presentation screen

A full set of PowerPoint decks is provided for download below. All decks are tightly aligned to the modules in this course. Since they are openly licensed, you are welcome to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute as desired.

These PowerPoint files are accessible. If you do revise them, make sure to follow these  guidelines for creating accessible PowerPoints .

Use the following link to download  all PowerPoint decks in a single .zip file (40 MB) , or download each individual deck below:

  • Module 1: The Role of Human Resources
  • Module 2: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • Module 3: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends
  • Module 4: Diversity in the Workplace
  • Module 5: Workforce Planning
  • Module 6: Recruitment and Selection
  • Module 7: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
  • Module 8: Compensation and Benefits
  • Module 9: Performance Management and Appraisal
  • Module 10: Building Positive Employee Relations
  • Module 11: Employee Termination
  • Module 12: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
  • Module 13: Union–Management Relations
  • Module 14: Safety, Health and Risk Management
  • Module 15: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Module 16: Managing Global Human Resources
  • Module 17: Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses
  • PowerPoints. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Projector Screen. Authored by : Denis Shumaylov. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

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  • Beginning Spanish: Lesson 1 – El Alfabeto
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10 Presentation Ideas For Your Next HRD Presentation

human resource management topics for presentation

Have you been tasked with making a presentation at your next HRD team meeting or company conference? Is your mind drawing a comprehensive blank as you rack your brain trying to think of topics that will engage and inspire your professional audience?

Putting together a presentation that appeals to a wide range of viewers and offers them something of value to apply in their professional lives can be a distinct challenge. We know that balancing your work life can keep your hands constantly full, so we streamlined the process . The following is a list of 10 compelling HRD presentation ideas that are sure to make you a success at the next company meeting.

HRD Presentation Ideas FAQ

1. what is an hrd presentation.

HRD departments are the essential teams which help train company workforces. Giving a presentation germane to these topics comprises a solid HRD presentation.

2. Why Is an HRD Presentation Important?

HRD presentations are important because they promote team building and employee synergy within any size of organization. In discussing topics and ideas that focus on learning , development , and value building, your audience can walk away with knowledge to better perform their individual roles.

3. What Kind of Topics Are Covered in HRD Presentations?

There is a wide range of topics covered in HRD presentations, including bringing down negativity in the office, team building, maintaining business strategies, and promoting employee appreciation. It is important to cover presentation ideas that will appeal to a wide audience and give everyone something of value to take away.

4. How Difficult or Interesting Are HRD Presentations?

HRD presentation ideas vary in difficulty and interest. Some topics are more concrete, regarding business strategies and training policies. Other presentation ideas cover interpersonal essentials like communication, leadership, creative thinking, and dealing with change.

How We Reviewed

The following presentation ideas were reviewed based on their unique features, pros and cons, level of interest, topic difficulty, and inclusiveness of the topic. We wanted to make sure that the ideas on our list would cater to a varied employee audience in an assortment of workplace settings.

Whether you are a pro at giving presentations or are preparing one for the first time, our list will give you plenty of options to choose from. All the ideas we selected are sure to provide concrete value to your audience and further open discussion in the workplace.

Overall Scope

The HRD presentation ideas chosen fall under the scope of interpersonal communication, workplace skills , professional development , team building, and employee recruitment. If you are trying to increase discussion in your workplace and foster an environment of learning and positivity, you have come to the right place.

Alternatively, if you are trying to get into the nitty-gritty, strategic details of a company like performance building, training policies, and recruitment procedures, there are excellent ideas on our list for you too.

What We Reviewed

Tips for team building: how to build successful work teams, coaching for optimal performance, learning and development, creating stress free environment, succession planning, tips for minimizing workplace negativity, communication skills, value and performance.

  • Cross Cultural Management/ Training

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

This selection on our list of presentation ideas is a great option for companies of any size. Team building is at the core of any productive business venture. To function as a cohesive unit, you must have a working team that operates smoothly and contributes to the overall success of the company.

This presentation idea is especially valuable, as most employees talk about team building, yet few know how to create an environment that fosters this sense of community. Offering your audience concrete tips on building, managing, and growing a synergistic team will maintain the channels of open discussion long after your presentation has concluded.

  • Caters to a varied audience
  • Great presentation option for any company size
  • It can be a challenge to provide team building tips without becoming too abstract
  • This idea is better suited for lengthier presentations than shorter ones

This topic will interest a diverse audience as it is a subject crucial to any healthy workplace.

Difficulty of Topic

This selection on our list of presentation ideas is an excellent choice if you are new to giving presentations. The topic offers you plenty of latitude to work with and avoid being too complex.

Inclusiveness of Topic

The idea is broad enough to be all-inclusive or made more specific to a particular group of employees.

This selection among the top presentation ideas is catered towards supervisors and managers. With so many demands put on employees in the modern workplace culture of technological advancement, it is important for bosses to stay educated regarding fostering optimal performance .

Recognizing how to work with an employee that may struggle in a certain area, coaching them to succeed, and improve their performance can be very beneficial to a company in the long run. It enhances the sense of community and offers a safe workplace environment dedicated to employee learning and development .

  • Excellent topic for supervisors or managers
  • Provides valuable insight to promote optimal employee performance
  • Geared more towards individuals in a position of authority
  • Could be a difficult topic for anyone new to giving presentations

This is a very interesting topic for any boss dedicated to developing and coaching an employee team.

This selection could be difficult for anyone who has not given a presentation before or is new to creating presentations.

This is not the most inclusive of presentation ideas as it is geared more towards company managers and supervisors.

Learning and development is one of the presentation ideas that provides value for anyone and everyone in your audience. Learning and development is a broad topic, allowing you to take a variety of presentation angles. You might focus on a specific area in which your company needs to grow, or instead offer a presentation about training new employees.

  • Broad topic
  • Plenty of options to take various angles within the topic
  • Might not be as interesting as other topics
  • May not be ideal for shorter presentations

This topic can be dry and less interesting than others, but is important to cover for all team members.

This is a good selection if you are relatively new to giving presentations.

Learning and development is a very inclusive topic you can tailor to your specific presentation and company.

Stress is one of the singular most detrimental factors that inhibit employee productivity. It is important to educate employees and managers alike in how to minimize stress and enhance positivity in the workplace. Stressed out, anxious employees will wear down and burn out, which does little to grow any company. Presentation ideas which discuss creating a stress free environment will offer valuable insight to employees and help them to prioritize and manage tasks effectively.

  • Highly relevant topic
  • Caters to a wide audience
  • Could be a tough topic for someone new to giving presentations
  • Requires concrete points and tips to avoid vagueness

This topic is interesting to any employee. As stress is such a common issue in the workplace, it is important to learn how to eliminate it to achieve optimal productivity.

This would likely be a difficult topic to anyone new to presentations.

This topic is highly inclusive and applicable to anyone in the workplace.

No company can last without strong leadership. For leaders and visionaries in the company, it is important to offer presentation ideas regarding training and recruiting the next generation of leaders. Individuals in positions of high authority can glean valuable insight into how to build a workforce of knowledgeable and skilled employees who can fill these roles when positions become available.

  • Valuable topic for leaders in the company
  • Specific topic, making it a great option for anyone new to giving presentations
  • Does not cater to those not incumbent in a leadership or managerial role or likely to get one
  • Topic could be narrow for some audiences

This topic would considerably interest leaders in the company, looking for insights to develop their succession plans and foster the next group of leaders within the organization.

This topic is specific, making it a good option for beginners.

This topic is not one of the more inclusive options. It is geared towards company members in high positions of authority.

Negativity is a pervasive poison that can make a workplace toxic and render its employees ineffective. This topic on our list of presentation ideas is sure to cater to a wide audience. Educating your audience on the dangers of negativity and the way it spreads from one team to the next, while providing palpable tips to change these effects will help enact immediate, positive change.

  • Valuable topic to enhance employee productivity and positivity
  • Applicable to employees of all positions
  • Topic tends towards being abstract, so it is important to provide focused tips
  • Could be a sensitive topic

This topic will interest a varied audience as negativity is such a pervasive issue in the workplaces of today.

This is not necessarily a difficult topic to discuss. The topic itself can be more abstract than others, so it is important to provide focused tips in your presentation your audience can act on immediately.

This topic provides value to any employee in any company.

Without proper communication, teams and companies can disintegrate in the blink of an eye. Excellent communication is key to any healthy, productive work environment, so this selection on our list of presentation ideas is sure to provide value to any audience.

In the age of technology and mobility, it is easier than ever before to avoid developing adept communication skills . Educating your audience on enhancing their written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills is imperative to team building and company initiatives.

  • Highly useful topic
  • Applicable to anyone and everyone
  • Could be a difficult topic if you are new to giving presentations
  • Topic tends towards abstraction, so you must be specific or risk losing your audience’s interest

This topic should interest anyone who desires to maintain an open discussion and enhance interpersonal productivity in a healthy work environment.

This selection could be difficult for someone new to giving presentations.

This topic is highly inclusive and applicable to any audience.

One of the most significant factors which determine an employee’s performance review and ability to advance within the company is the value he or she provides to that company. This value is measured by the skill set and knowledge that an employee possesses, what the employee contributes to the company, and how the employee meets the overall goals of the organization.

It is key to educate employees that the value they offer to the organization and the way they meet the overarching values of the company dictates performance assessment .

  • Essential topic when addressing individuals from any department
  • Excellent selection if you require a long presentation idea
  • Could be complicated for beginners
  • Can be a dry topic

As valuable as this topic is, it is important to add sufficient interest to your points to avoid becoming overly dry. Keep points sharp and relevant to avoid losing your audience in the mix.

This would be a difficult topic for anyone new to making presentations.

This topic is fairly inclusive although it may be less relevant to individuals in high positions of authority.

Cross Cultural Management/Training

Fostering a work environment where individuals of all backgrounds can flourish and receive affirmation is essential. This topic among our list of presentation ideas is best geared towards employees in leadership and management positions.

International workforces are becoming increasingly common, and teams encompassing persons of multifarious origins are commonplace. Building teams that work together as a cohesive unit, despite their cultural differences, creates an open environment for skilled professionals of all backgrounds.

  • Relevant topic for managers of today
  • Great option if you are new to giving presentations
  • Not geared towards individuals who are not in leadership positions
  • Would not be ideal for a short presentation

This topic would particularly interest anyone in a leadership or management position, especially in large or international companies.

This topic is a good selection if you are somewhat new to giving presentations as it provides concrete concepts to use as a jumping off point.

This topic is geared towards anyone in a leadership role, so those not in management positions or an audience of a small, homogeneously staffed company may not gain as much value.

Finally, no list of presentation ideas would be complete without discussing recruitment and talent acquisition. This is the primary element anyone thinks of when discussing HRD, so it may be glossed over quickly when identifying potential presentation topics.

However, offering a solid presentation regarding recruitment and talent acquisition is key to helping your department select the best candidates to grow your company and achieve organizational goals.

  • Insightful topic for anyone working in HRD
  • Good option if you are new to making presentations
  • Geared mainly towards HRD employees and management
  • Topic is a bit more dry than other ideas

This topic would considerably interest anyone working in recruitment and talent acquisition. However, it is important to use insightful tips and succinct ideas to avoid the presentation becoming too dry.

As the topic is so focused, it is a good option for anyone new to making presentations.

This is not an inclusive topic as it is really geared towards individuals working specifically in recruitment and talent acquisition.

The Verdict

If you are newer to giving presentations and want to select a winning topic without being too overwhelmed, consider discussing Tips for Team Building: How to Build Successful Work Teams, Learning and Development , Succession Planning, or Tips for Minimizing Workplace Negativity, to name a few.

Alternatively, if giving presentations is common practice for you, you might wish to choose Coaching for Optimal Performance , Creating A Stress Free Environment, Communication Skills , or Value and Performance . Identifying the best ideas for your upcoming presentation depends considerably on your level of experience, audience, company size and the time you will have to speak. Choose and tailor the topic that works best for you.

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HR Presentation Slide Templates

HR Presentation Slide

Number of slides: 10

The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company. With this template you can demonstrate the core functions of the human resource management. Also, you can show relationships between the senior managers and the work force.

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Set of HR Powerpoint Slides

Venn diagram human resource slide.

A Venn diagram is used to show logical relationships between different and numerous data sets. For example, it can be applied to the hiring process of your company. Your company will have certain criteria that the right candidate should possess, such as experience, professional skills, and leadership qualities. All of the applicants who exhibit those characteristics have the potential to be the new employee.

Clustered Column Chart Human Resource Slide

The Clustered Column Charts is a graph that is used for comparison of certain data. The values are grouped into categories by using vertical bars. The data will use the same axis labels and can become really complex, depending on the amount of data. This template will enable you to better organize the data in your HR department and to highlight important values.

Meet the Team Human Resource Slide

It is important to always praise your employees and this slide is the right place to give them credits. Your team is the most valuable asset in the organization. You have plenty of space to name each team member, regardless of their responsibilities and field of expertise. Also, the slide is quite visual and you will be able to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

With the HR template you will highlight the key values of the HR process and organization

You can demonstrate the core functions of the HR department and create a path for better organization of the human resources.

The Venn diagram is suitable for demonstrating the hiring process

By using the Venn diagram, you will be able to successfully select the right candidate.

Professional template that will enable you to make a memorable presentation

The visual slides will contribute for a better understanding of the data.


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Download the "Human Resource Management" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were looking for all this time. Use the slides to give your presentation a more professional approach and have everything under control.

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Latest Presentation Topics in HRM

  • Post author: myspeakhr
  • Post category: Topics
  • Reading time: 2 mins read

Giving presentation on Latest Presentation topics in HRM will surely makes the presentation more interesting. The presentation topic which you select must be Latest & interesting. HRM is a stream where the trend changes continuously. Hence there are several latest topics which can be used for giving presentations for students specially.

1. Glass ceiling- Invisible barrier stopping the female employees to reach the higher positions. 2. Head Hunting 3. Cool Hunting 4. Stress Management 5. Poaching 6. Pruning 7. Paperless Office 8. Flexi Work Timing 9. Career Planning 10. Succession Planning 11. 360 Degree Appraisal 12. E- Recruiting 13. Competency Mapping- Mapping out the competencies of employees 14. Knowledge Management- 15. E- HR 16. Strategic Human Resource Management 17. Organization Development- 18. Change Management- 19. Cross Culture Management 20. Human Resource Information System 21. Employer Branding- Creating brand name of the employer 22. Employee Branding- When the employees are highly qualified use them to develop the brand 23. Work Life Balance 24. Gender Equality 25. Quality Circle 26. Total Quality Management- TQM 27. Team Management 28. Downsizing 29. Work Force Diversity 30. Employee Involvement 31. Employee Empowerment 32. Virtual Teams 33. Outsourcing 34. Compensation Management 35. Human Capital Management 36. Management by Objectives- MBO 37. Right Sizing 38. Change Partner. 39. HR as a Strategic Partner 40. Maintaining Globalised Work Force. 41. Employee Engagement 42. Alternate Work Arrangements 43. Collective Bargaining 44. Copping with Employment Laws 45. value- Added Work System 46. Balance Scorecard 47. Training Need Analysis- TNA 48. Exit Interview 49. Statutory Laws related to HR 50. Managing Job Hoppers to Job Shoppers

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Presentation Topics for Human Resource Management

Published by admin on december 20, 2019.

Below is the list of Presentation Topics for Human Resource Management (HRM) for MBA, MMS, PGDBM, BBA & other management students and professionals. This list of HRM presentation topics covers the latest, general and other innovative topics. These HR presentation topics are divided into two headings for convenience – Latest HR topics & all other HRM-related general topics.

Latest Human Resource Management Presentation Topics

360-degree appraisal

Table of Contents

720 degree of performance appraisal

Aliening HR Strategies with business growth

Competency Mapping

Counter Demand (Part of collective bargaining)

Creating a stress-free environment

Cross-cultural management/training

CSR and sustainable development

CSR enabled different community development model

CSR matters, CSR legislation and CSR reporting differences for publicly held companies

CSR trends, threat and opportunities

Culture of emotional ownership for organizational transformation

Customer-centric HR practices

Developing employees as a promotional tool

Developing Talent Pool

Dual career groups

E HRM: Boon or Bane

E Performance Management


Employee Assistance Programs

Employee relations: a paradigm shift

Environmental Safeguards and CSR

Glass ceiling

Government regulations for CSR

Harassment in the Workplace: Combat Strategies

Harassment of women at the workplace

HCM (Human Capital Management)


Hiring considerations in BPO firms

HR as a strategic partner

HRM in boardroom

HRM Presentation Topics

Human Resource management in changing environment

Impact of Globalization/Internationalization on HRM

Innovative employee engagement practices

International Human Resource Management

Issues and challenges faced by CSR in community development

Issues and challenges of managing a global workforce

Knowledge management in IT organizations

Labour welfare and social society security measures

Mentoring and coaching for business excellence

NGOs and CSR

Outbound training

Paperless office

Performance counselling

Performance Management System

Perspectives of Human Resource Management

The risk associated with Human Resource Investment

Role of academicians in CSR

Role of HR as a change agent

Role of social media in Recruitment

Separation management – the role of HR

Significance of Human Resource Planning in changing environment

Socio-cultural dimensions and CSR

Softwares used in HRM

Sticking point (Part of collective bargaining)

Talent Management

Training in a new era of business

Trends in top-level executive compensation

Whistle Blowing Policy

Work-life balancing

Alphabetical List of all HRM topics


Balance Scorecard

Career Planning

Change Management

Collective Bargaining

Compensation Management

Emerging horizons in HR

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Quotient

Employee as a competitive advantage

Employee Turnover

ESI (Employee State Insurance)

Evaluation of training

Exit Interview

Exit Policy

Expectations management

Flexi Timings

Health and safety

HR – a thankless job in today’s business

HR Marketing and brand building

HR Six Sigma


Human Capital Management

Human Resource Information System

Human Resource Investment

Human resource planning horizons

Industrial Safety

Job rotation

Job Satisfaction

Knowledge Management

Labour Welfare

Learning Organizations

Maintaining organizational culture

Maintaining the Workforce

Managing organizational climate

MPP (Manpower Planning)

Organization health management

Organizational Development


Performance Appraisal

Performance-based training

Recruitment and selection


Role of HR in Recruitment

Self-management group

Sensitivity Training

Six Sigma for Managers

Strategic HRM

Strategic HRM (SHRM)

Stress management

Succession Planning

Sustaining High-Performing Employees

Team building

Time Keeping

Training and Development

Training as a tool for retention

Transcultural organizations

Virtual organization

Wage Administration

Woman as a workforce

Work-family culture

Workman Compensation

This is all about latest & general Human Resource Management presentation topics useful for students studying in MBA, MMM, PGDM, MMS & other management courses.

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Top 7 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for HR Presentations


  • July 15, 2022
  • Human Resources , Industry-specific presentations , PowerPoint templates for download

Working in the human resources department of middle or bigger companies involves effectively communicating various HR processes, and analyzing & presenting organizational structures. Explaining these rather complex HR concepts can be a lot easier when you use clear visuals.

For you, we’ve handpicked some recommendations of PowerPoint slide deck examples that can be a source of graphical inspiration for you.

You can get any example presented here as editable PPT files. Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full collection of Human Resources PowerPoint templates here .

Let’s explore our selection of presentations covering the major HR management presentation topics:

  • HR Metrics Dashboards with PowerPoint Data Charts
  • Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes
  • HR Talent Management Concepts
  • Employer Branding Essentials

Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration

  • Company Organizational Structure Charts
  • Company Roles and Department Structure

Dashboard Template with HR Metrics PowerPoint Charts

Do you need to report HR-related KPI metrics in a clear presentation? Show it in the form of a dashboard presentation.

An HR dashboard is a presentation type that visually displays major key performance indicators on one or more slides. Check this HR Metrics Dashboard Data Charts PowerPoint template with places for displaying the KPI measures. For example: employee profiles, remuneration structure, skills, or satisfaction. There you can find slides for reporting employee performance and retention, as well as HR project status and progress.


Where you can use those HR dashboards:

  • Presenting your employee skills matrix evaluating key competencies
  • Illustrate your recruitment & onboarding metrics
  • Visualize your remuneration changes year-over-year
  • Create your employee retention dashboard

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes PowerPoint HR Diagrams

If you want to present recruitment steps or the onboarding processes in a visually attractive format,  then have a look at this set of Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring HR diagrams .

Using creative visuals to illustrate the steps to fill the job post helps you to communicate those processes to your peers.


You can use these HR presentation ppt graphics to:

  • Illustrate the overall process of hiring employees 
  • Show the candidate selection roadmap
  • Visually compare  hiring journeys with or without pre-onboarding

HR Diagrams for Presenting Talent Management Concepts

This is another HR area that can benefit from using a visual method of communication. If you need to present talent management processes, check this pre-designed HR Talent Management slide deck . 

It includes layouts for presenting talent management definition,  performance process cycle, and goal management from an organization and individual perspective, and more.


You can use it as a library of eye-catching diagram templates to explain HR concepts within your organization. Also, check our icon ideas to illustrate talent management , even 1 symbol can make a difference to your slide.

Employer Branding Essentials Presentation

If you are working with employer branding frameworks and roadmaps, explore this Employer Branding HR Process Diagrams PowerPoint template . It includes a dozen diagram slides to illustrate the process of employee life-cycle or employee value proposition.

A well-designed employer branding roadmap helps to implement relevant activities for improving the employer’s image.

employer-branding-process-hr-diagram-ppt-template HR diagrams

Examples of using Employer branding graphics:

  • Presenting employer branding framework areas
  • Showing employer branding stages 
  • Visualizing employer EVP offerings (employee value propositions)

Need to present a compensation and benefits scheme inside your organization?

Here’s a Payroll, Compensation, and HR Administration PowerPoint library of slide graphics covering these topics. 

There you can find editable diagrams illustrating benefits management, salary determination, and payroll processes.


These HR diagrams can be used in a broad spectrum of contexts:

  • Presenting the scope of HR administration management 
  • Showing and analyzing your company’s compensation and benefits scheme
  • Describing your salary determination process 
  • Visualizing stages of the payroll process

Template for Company Organizational Structure Charts

Do you need to quickly create a creative organization map in PowerPoint?

This Company Organizational Structure Charts slide deck includes company structure organograms as well as matrix management structures for several projects spanning multiple departments.

corporate-structure-org-chart-ppt-diagram HR diagrams

There are 16 pre-designed org charts editable in PowerPoint, for example:

  • Hierarchical organization charts with pictures of the CEO and department managers
  • Diagrams for flat organization structures, tree parallelograms, vertical and horizontal flow org charts
  • Hand-drawn matrix organizational charts for creative scribbled org chart
  • Vector icons for various roles, project teams, and company departments

Creating your own organizational chart in PowerPoint allows you to get a unique-looking organizational chart and make flexible changes to reflect organizational fluctuations. Replacing, adding, or removing a position or department is a matter of fast shape modification.

How you can use this template:

  • Clearly present the organization management flows, company size, and personnel structure.
  • Introduce people managing a company in a personal way, adding a person’s photograph or role icon only.

Company Roles and Departments PowerPoint Icons Collection

Need to illustrate various senior management roles or specific departments? Have a look at this presentation with Company Roles and Department Structure PPT icons . 

There you will find 32 outlined symbols of company positions such as CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, HR head, or Chief Sales Officer. There are also icons representing corporate product-related departments, sales-related issues, back-office, and various product development steps.


You can reuse the icons and organizational chart templates for presenting your company hierarchy, from the board through to the CEO and directors to specific department heads.

Feel free to explore these and reuse visualization ideas if they fit your work.

With the help of PowerPoint templates full of HR diagrams and role icons, you can enrich your existing slides or create a professional presentation from scratch. 

Thanks to the PowerPoint format you can edit all content – change descriptions, expand diagrams, replace icons as you need, etc. 

Having such HR presentation templates allows you to create your own do-it-yourself toolbox that can speed up your presentation preparation. You can also import those slides to Google Slides or Keynote presentation software if that is a presentation tool you use.

Resource: HR Presentation Examples and Template s for PowerPoint

Explore the complete set of presentation graphics about human resources and personnel development topics. If you find it useful you can download all the source illustrations for commercial use and free modifications. All these resources are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics:

Further inspiration for HR presentations

Explore more blog posts to find the right infographics and visuals for presenting your ideas:

  • How to Present Employee Engagement Factors
  • Use Attention-Grabbing Graphics for Your Next Remote Work Presentation and Visual Metaphors to Illustrate Work From Home Concepts
  • 7 Design Ideas for Group Development Chart Slide
  • Use Symbols to Show 6 HR Management Areas
  • Illustrate Needs and Values with icons

To try out how these PPT diagrams work, get a free sample of PowerPoint diagrams and icons that you can use to play with this kind of presentation graphic.

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.


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80+ HRM Project Topics For Your Next Assignment

HRM project topics

Human Resource Management, often abbreviated as HRM, is like the heart of a company. It takes care of the people who work there. Whether you’re in school or working, doing a project about HRM can help you learn a lot. That’s why we have great 80+ project topics for you. These ideas cover many things about HRM, like hiring the right people, training them, and even using cool technology like AI and blockchain. You can also explore how HRM can keep everyone safe and healthy at work.

HRM is not just about rules; it’s also about treating people fairly and kindly. So, in this blog, we’ll use simple language to introduce you to these project topics. Whether you’re new to HRM or a pro, there’s something here in this blog for everyone. Let’s get started on your HRM project topics journey!

What is HRM (Human Resource Management)?

Table of Contents

Human Resource Management (HRM) is like the people side of a business. It’s all about taking care of the employees who work there. Imagine HRM as the team that helps find the right people for jobs, trains them, makes sure they are happy and motivated, and keeps them safe at work. HRM also deals with things like pay, benefits, and making sure everyone follows the rules. In simple words, HRM is like the glue that holds a company together, making sure everyone works well and feels valued, so the company can be successful.

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80+ HRM Project Topics

Traditional hr functions:.

  • Recruitment and Selection Process Optimization.
  • Employee Onboarding: Best Practices.
  • Employee Training and Development Strategies.
  • Performance Appraisal Systems and Their Impact.
  • Motivation Techniques in the Workplace.
  • Employee Engagement: Measuring and Enhancing.
  • Effective Compensation and Benefits Strategies.
  • Managing Employee Turnover: Causes and Solutions.
  • HR Policies and Compliance.
  • Employee Relations: Conflict Resolution Techniques.

Talent Management:

  • Succession Planning: Nurturing Future Leaders.
  • High-Potential Employee Identification and Development.
  • Talent Acquisition in the Gig Economy.
  • Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce.
  • Employee Retention Strategies for Millennials.
  • Managing a Remote Workforce.
  • Cross-Cultural HR Challenges in Global Companies.
  • Building a Learning Organization.
  • Employee Well-being Initiatives.
  • HR Analytics for Talent Management.

Workforce Development:

  • Assessing Training Needs for Employees.
  • Implementing a Mentoring Program.
  • Employee Career Development Paths.
  • Measuring the Impact of Training Programs.
  • Managing a Multigenerational Workforce.
  • Work-Life Balance Programs.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Benefits and Challenges.
  • Employee Skills Gap Analysis.
  • The Role of HR in Knowledge Management.
  • Change Management Strategies.

Employee Relations:

  • Investigating Workplace Bullying and Harassment.
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies.
  • Employee Feedback and Communication Channels.
  • Managing Workplace Diversity.
  • Employee Wellness Programs.
  • Promoting Work-Life Integration.
  • Ethical Issues in HRM.
  • The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Relations.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).
  • Employee Discipline and Grievance Handling.

Emerging Trends:

  • Artificial Intelligence in HRM.
  • Predictive Analytics for HR.
  • Blockchain in HR: Applications and Challenges.
  • Remote Work Technology Tools.
  • Gamification in Employee Engagement.
  • HR Chatbots and Virtual Assistants.
  • Cybersecurity in HR.
  • Agile HR: Adapting to Rapid Changes.
  • Sustainable HR Practices.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Metrics.

Workplace Health and Safety:

  • Creating a Safe Work Environment.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
  • Emergency Response Planning.
  • Promoting Mental Health at Work.
  • Workplace Ergonomics.
  • Reducing Workplace Stress.
  • Managing Workplace Accidents and Injuries.
  • Safety Training Programs.
  • Wellness Initiatives for Employees.
  • Pandemic Response and Business Continuity Planning.

HR Technology:

  • Evaluating HR Software Solutions.
  • HRIS Implementation and Best Practices.
  • The Future of HR Tech: Trends and Predictions.
  • Data Privacy and HR Data Management.
  • Cloud-Based HR Systems.
  • Mobile HR Applications.
  • HR Metrics Dashboards.
  • HR Technology ROI Analysis.
  • Integration of HR Tech with other Business Systems.
  • HR Tech for Small Businesses.

Legal and Ethical Issues:

  • Employment Law Compliance.
  • Discrimination and Equal Opportunity.
  • Handling Employee Privacy.
  • Intellectual Property and Non-Disclosure Agreements.
  • Whistleblowing Policies.
  • HR’s Role in Preventing Unethical Behavior.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Compliance.
  • Global HR Ethics and Standards.
  • Social Responsibility and HR Practices.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in HR Decision-Making.

How To Choose Right HRM Topic?

Choosing the right HRM (Human Resource Management) topic for your project can be easier when you follow these simple points:

  • Interest : Pick a topic that genuinely interests you. It’s easier to work on something you care about.
  • Relevance : Choose a topic that relates to HR issues you’ve observed or heard about in real-life workplaces.
  • Research : Check if there’s enough information available on the topic. You need resources to support your project.
  • Scope : Make sure the topic is not too broad or too narrow. It should be manageable within your project’s timeframe.
  • Current Trends : Consider focusing on current HR trends or emerging challenges to keep your project up-to-date.
  • Skills Enhancement : Select a topic that helps you develop skills you want to improve, whether it’s data analysis, communication, or problem-solving.
  • Practicality : Think about how your project might be useful in the real world. Practical projects often have more impact.
  • Feedback : Ask your teacher or supervisor for their input. They can help you choose a topic that aligns with your goals and their expectations.
  • Passion : If a topic genuinely excites you, it will show in your work. Passion can make your project stand out.
  • Discuss : Talk to peers or colleagues about your potential topics. They might offer valuable insights or suggestions.

Choosing the right HRM project topic can be the key to a successful and fulfilling project experience. These 85 HRM project topics cover a wide range of areas within human resource management, from traditional functions to emerging trends and ethical considerations. Depending on your interests and the specific requirements of your project, you can select a topic that not only challenges you but also allows you to make a meaningful contribution to the field of HRM. So, go ahead, pick a topic, and embark on your HRM project journey with enthusiasm and confidence!

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HR Management Slides

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All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process.

There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4. Measuring ROI of Training 5. Change Management

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Human Resources Research Paper Topics for 2024


Table of contents

  • 1 How to choose a Human Resources topic for your project?
  • 2 Human Resources Management Research Topics
  • 3 HR Topics for Discussion
  • 4 HR Research Topics for Presentation
  • 5 HRM Research Topics on Talent Management
  • 6 Equal Employment Opportunity HR Research Topics
  • 7 Career Development HR Research Topics
  • 8 Research Topics on Recruitment and Selection
  • 9 HR Risk Management Topics
  • 10 Workplace Safety Human Resource Management Topics
  • 11 HR Research Topics on Performance Management and Appraisal
  • 12 HR Research Topics on Performance Management and Appraisal
  • 13 Trending Human Resource Management Topics

Human Resources is one of the most popular and essential topics for business-minded individuals. If you recall your basic economics, you might remember that the essential components necessary for production in any economy are land, capital, and labor.

Human labor is an essential resource that keeps a business running. Like any other resource, it needs to be managed. This is where the term ‘Human Resources’ and related research topics come into play.

Finding relevant data for a research paper is easy if you know where to look. There are lots of online sources and books in libraries to use in your task. Make sure you spend sufficient time planning before beginning your task.

How to choose a Human Resources topic for your project?

Choosing research topics in human resource management is not as simple as picking a title and writing about it. To get a good grade, the paper must be original and well-researched. It needs to cover all relevant aspects of the chosen HR topics. Writing on HR-related research topics is a highly structured and analytical process. This is true for all fields, including human resources research topics.

The first step is topic selection . This is where we can help you. This page features a list of over 90 human resources topics. If you are struggling to come up with your own ideas, please select HR-related research topics from this list instead.

These titled papers all have a great deal of material about human resource management research topics out there. These are trending topics in HRM research and have plenty of resources available on the internet. Each of them is also relevant to the actual field of human resources management.

So, while writing HR-related research topics is not a typical activity for an HR employee, it will provide valuable insights and information. These insights could give you a leg up in the future when you have graduated from School and College.

Human Resources Management Research Topics

At most large companies, ‘Human Resources’ is an entire department of its own. Most other departments at the company typically deal with producing a good or service. Others, like the public relations department, work with the media and other external affairs. Hence, there are many ways to approach HR research topics.

  • How HR helps companies remain competitive in a global market
  • Managing part-time, full-time, and freelancing employees
  • How much paid leave is optimal?
  • What occasions deserve raises and bonuses?
  • The simplest way to resolve interpersonal conflicts
  • The most effective team-building strategies
  • Organizing teams according to personalities
  • Can an introverted employee be a good team leader?
  • How to improve productivity through a goal-oriented approach
  • The agile method and how it helps
  • The best way to utilize productivity metrics
  • Methods for disciplining employees
  • Managing international employees
  • Ways to prevent workplace violence
  • Benefits of regular psychological counseling for all employees
  • Assessing the impact of leadership development programs
  • Effective strategies for HR risk management
  • The role of job satisfaction in employee retention
  • How to conduct a thorough job analysis
  • Innovative HR research methods for better decision-making

HR Topics for Discussion

Are you interested in discussing the latest trends in human resource management? The following list of HR topics will be useful to you:

  • The impact of remote work on employee productivity
  • Strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • Dealing with mental health issues among employees
  • Improving overall employee wellness
  • Utilizing data-driven HR strategies
  • Meeting the needs of Gen Z employees
  • Providing professional development opportunities for employees
  • Enhancing employee experience to boost retention
  • Making recruitment processes mobile-friendly
  • The role of HR in addressing social issues
  • Building resilience in the workplace
  • Avoiding business buzzwords in communication
  • Cultivating empathy among employees
  • Expressing gratitude to reduce workplace stress
  • Fostering psychological safety at work
  • HR’s role in promoting sustainability
  • Leading a hybrid work environment effectively
  • Strategies for leading effective meetings
  • Managing pay equity in organizations
  • Addressing workplace safety compliance
  • Benefits of psychological counseling for employees
  • Managing a global workforce
  • Preventing workplace violence
  • Exploring virtual reality in training programs
  • Evaluating the impact of employee wellness initiatives
  • How job analysis influences employee performance
  • The link between employee engagement and job performance
  • Strategies for improving employee productivity
  • How to measure job satisfaction effectively
  • The role of career development in boosting employee engagement
  • Methods to enhance employee retention

HR Research Topics for Presentation

Here are several engaging HR research topics suitable for presentation. These topics aim to explore current trends and essential issues in Human Resources, providing a broad spectrum of ideas for your next project.

  • How to utilize independent contractors and other gig workers
  • Ways to recognize hidden bias
  • Steps to document employment actions
  • Methods to conduct performance appraisals
  • Approaches to confront workplace bullying
  • Implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
  • Building company culture with trust
  • Strategies to enhance employee wellness and well-being
  • Ideas to promote sustainable work practices
  • Exploring new frontiers of AI in HR
  • Evaluating the role of HR in modern organizations
  • Developing effective employee training programs
  • Understanding IBM talent management techniques
  • Crafting successful talent acquisition strategies
  • Ensuring workplace safety compliance
  • Benefits of regular psychological counseling for employees
  • Addressing workplace violence prevention
  • Exploring the use of virtual reality in training
  • Examining the impact of employee wellness programs
  • The importance of the performance management cycle
  • Talent management strategies for modern organizations
  • The role of human resource managers in shaping organizational culture

HRM Research Topics on Talent Management

Exploring interesting HR research topics in talent management can provide valuable insights for improving organizational success. Here are some fresh ideas to consider for your next project:

  • How to attract top talent in a remote-first world
  • The role of AI in identifying and nurturing high-potential employees
  • Balancing talent acquisition and development in a hybrid work environment
  • Leveraging data analytics for effective talent management
  • The impact of employer branding on talent attraction and retention
  • Adapting talent management practices for Gen Z and millennials
  • The role of continuous learning and development in talent retention
  • Implementing inclusive talent management strategies for a diverse workforce
  • The effectiveness of employee referral programs in talent acquisition
  • Managing talent mobility and internal career pathing
  • How to foster innovation through effective talent management
  • Evaluating the impact of remote work on employee engagement and talent retention
  • The use of gamification in enhancing employee development and performance
  • The role of leadership development programs in talent management
  • How to boost employee motivation through talent management
  • Effective workplace stress management techniques in talent management
  • The evolving role of human resource managers in talent acquisition
  • Innovative employee performance management styles for talent development
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Equal Employment Opportunity HR Research Topics

To manage employee performance effectively while ensuring fairness, consider these thought-provoking topics on equal employment opportunity for your research.

  • Are women more likely to get paid less for the same position as a man?
  • Do men and women deserve the same pay?
  • How to manage equal opportunity employment?
  • The best tactics for implementing equal opportunity
  • Recruiting as an equal opportunity employer
  • How to recognize and manage discrimination in the workplace
  • The glass ceiling and how to break it
  • Best practices for mediating disputes between employees
  • Dealing with intimate relationships between employees
  • How to create a diverse workplace?
  • Making the workplace an inclusive and accessible place for disabled employees
  • Preventing unfair discrimination against LGBT+ employees
  • The costs of an unequal workplace
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Government requirements for equal opportunity

Career Development HR Research Topics

Those who are interested in working in the field could take their first steps by writing a paper on human resource management topics. There is a huge variety of possible human resource topics for research papers, so everyone will likely find some aspect of it they enjoy.

  • Growing leaders among employees
  • Why does professional career development matter?
  • How career development helps both employees and organizations
  • The best approaches to on-the-job training
  • Should training be prioritized over completed current work?
  • Best practices for training interns
  • Should interns be paid more?
  • Professional certification training for employees
  • How does active professional development affect productivity?
  • Is it worth it to help an employee develop if they find a new, better-paid job afterward?
  • Skills that all employees should develop
  • Must-have training and development for all employees
  • Advantages and disadvantages of paying for an employee’s professional training
  • Advantages and disadvantages of leading professional development sessions
  • Should companies help employees pay for school?

Research Topics on Recruitment and Selection

Studying human resources is a crucial part of management studies. Whether you are a college or university student, you can buy paper online to save time and effort. There are lots of reputable services that can provide excellent assignments to boost your academic performance.

  • What does the ideal new employee look like?
  • When is the best time to recruit a new employee?
  • When is the worst time to recruit a new employee?
  • Should highly skilled but untested individuals be recruited for senior positions?
  • Best practices for improving employee retention.
  • How to attract good employees?
  • The best platforms to recruit on
  • Is social media an effective way to recruit?
  • What kind of employees should small businesses look for?
  • What kind of employees are needed for a large company?
  • Criminal background checks – Do’s and Don’ts
  • How to effectively assess skills during an interview.
  • How does HR evaluate a potential new recruit?
  • Is it better to recruit an employee with experience but no skill, or the other way around?
  • Recruiting university graduates directly – a good idea or a bad one?


HR Risk Management Topics

With so many moving parts working together in one company, it is natural for confusion or conflicts to arise. In order to make sure all these departments, employees, and managers work together, Human Resources is essential. In companies with hundreds of employees, their job simply cannot be understated.

  • What kind of risks does HR have to manage?
  • What role does HR take in risk management?
  • How does HR ensure worker protection?
  • Is HR there to protect employees or protect the company?
  • Legal measures HR can take.
  • Risk management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • How HR managed risks revolving around COVID-19.
  • Reasons to carry out regular internal audits.
  • Risk management among the ‘#metoo’ movement.
  • Training the workplace to minimize potential risks.
  • Risk management when working from home.
  • Ways to ensure all your employees follow masking and social distancing rules.
  • Ways to ensure all employees get vaccinated.
  • Responding to a legal action taken by an employee.
  • When should HR take legal action?

Workplace Safety Human Resource Management Topics

To improve workplace safety through effective human resources management, consider these essential topics for your research papers:

  • How to ensure compliance with workplace safety rules.
  • The consequences of not following workplace safety.
  • Ways to prevent Osha violations.
  • How to ensure all employees follow health and safety protocols?
  • How to ensure all employees get vaccines?
  • Fines and penalties for violating workplace safety rules.
  • Consequences of violating safety rules.
  • Steps to minimize or prevent burnout.
  • Bringing dangerous weapons into the workplace.
  • Steps to take when an employee is assaulted at work.
  • How to ensure psychological wellbeing during remote work.
  • Ensuring company leadership also follows safety roles.
  • Combating sexual harassment at the workplace.
  • Monitoring employees during remote work – is it ethical?
  • Developing specialized safety standards for the workplace.

HR Research Topics on Performance Management and Appraisal

Delve into the core aspects of performance management and appraisal with these compelling HR research topics that offer fresh perspectives and practical insights.

  • How to evaluate the impact of remote work on performance appraisals?
  • What role does artificial intelligence play in performance management systems?
  • How to approach performance feedback in virtual teams?
  • What are the benefits of continuous performance management in agile organizations?
  • How effective is 360-degree feedback in enhancing employee performance?
  • How to link employee performance to organizational goals in hybrid work models?
  • What are the best practices for performance appraisals in multinational companies?
  • How to measure employee engagement through performance metrics?
  • What impact does diversity and inclusion have on performance appraisals?
  • How can gamification techniques be used in performance management?
  • What role does employee well-being play in performance appraisal outcomes?
  • How to adapt performance management systems for Gen Z employees?
  • How do leadership styles affect performance management effectiveness?
  • How to integrate learning and development with performance appraisal systems?
  • What is the role of data analytics in predicting employee performance trends?
  • What are the challenges in conducting fair performance appraisals during economic downturns?
  • How beneficial is employee self-assessment in performance appraisals?
  • What role does emotional intelligence play in performance reviews?
  • How to customize performance management approaches for different job roles?
  • How does performance management influence employee retention rates?


Trending Human Resource Management Topics

Explore the latest trends in human resource management with these current and relevant topics that reflect the evolving landscape of HR practices:

  • Unique ways to keep morale up during the pandemic.
  • Online recreational activities to develop teamwork during remote work.
  • Use of VR and AR in the workplace.
  • Famous figures or celebrities in the workplace.
  • Analyzing and updating how much a particular job is worth.
  • Steps to take to improve long-term retention.
  • Ways to handle overqualified employees or applicants.
  • Is an HR department necessary for smaller, family-owned businesses?
  • Defusing a tense and volatile moment in the workplace.
  • DRM tools for keeping in-house training methods proprietary.
  • Use of artificial intelligence for HR topics and tasks.
  • How big data is useful to human resources.
  • Virtual and online onboarding and orientation.
  • Hiring the most talented personnel from a global marketplace.
  • Are virtual interviews better than in-person interviews?

Conducting research on human resources is essential for any business looking to enhance their staff’s productivity, skills, and management. Accessing the most effective resources is critical to achieving this goal. This is where an online essay writer can be an invaluable asset in producing high-quality research papers related to human resources. By leveraging the knowledge and expertise of an online essay writer , you can conduct thorough research and create a top-notch human resources research paper that meets your needs.

HR is one of the most dynamic fields of work currently available. It is at the crossroads of psychology, sociology, accounting, and business. In the last few years, there have been many exciting changes in how human resources are handled, due to the rise of virtual platforms and working from home.

Only time will tell if these changes are temporary or permanent. But whichever way they go, our list of HR topics for research project 2023 will always be here for perusal.

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Published by Britney Carson Modified over 6 years ago

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223 Awesome Human Resource Topic Ideas To Pick From

human resource research topic

Are you looking for a human resource research topic for your academic paper? If yes, this article has a title you’ll find interesting to research and write about when handling your project. Human resources are the people that work for an organization or a company and the department that manages everything about employees. Collectively, they represent the most valuable resources in an organization or business.

The human resource department is part of a business whose responsibility is to find, screen, recruit, and train job applicants.

This business division also administers employee-benefit programs. Ideally, the HR department focuses on maximizing the workers’ productivity while protecting the company from the issues arising from the workforce. To achieve its goals, the HR department of an organization must engage in active research to improve the employees’ workforce. A human resource research paper comprises information about the findings of a study on a specific topic. And this includes:

  • An answer to a question that a learner set out to investigate
  • Proof of a relevant theory
  • Practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic

Human capital is a crucial asset in any organization. What’s more, the subject is too broad for educators and researchers to underrate. If looking for a human resources topic for your paper or essay, this list has brilliant ideas to inspire you.

Latest  Human Resource Topics in the News

Do you want to base your human resource paper on a contemporary topic? If yes, consider these ideas for your essay.

  • Ethical discrimination and workplace hostility among the minorities
  • How remote working affects employee performance during the coronavirus pandemic
  • How employee motivation affects job performance among those working from home
  • The popularity of mobile-friendly job recruitment
  • How necessary is background investigation for potential employees?
  • How HR departments use recruitment marketing
  • The essence of skill, personality, and aptitude tests during recruitment
  • Should employers consider pre-employment assessments over resumes?
  • How employers can improve candidate experience during the recruitment process
  • How the open workforce like independent contractors and freelancers can benefit an organization
  • Strategies for promoting workplace inclusion
  • Should companies give their employees respite care?
  • Offsetting caregiving costs by offering care assistance cover
  • Should companies give employees paid family leave?
  • Artificial intelligence use in human resource departments
  • Can companies use AI to detect behavioral change among employees?
  • How to use AI to customize professional development, employee promotion, and career paths
  • Can a company use AI in employee performance management?
  • Can companies use AI to detect employees that want to leave the workplace or company?
  • Challenges of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Benefits of working remotely for employers and employees
  • Disadvantages of working remotely for the employees
  • Can home workplaces lower employees’ productivity?
  • Impact of lousy team dynamics on employee performance
  • How poor physical and mental health impacts productivity
  • Tracking how employees use work devices- Is it ethical?
  • The best performance and compensation management tools for remote workers
  • Sick leave and time left fraud among remote workers
  • The Millennial employees and flexible working schedules
  • The link between organizational performance and low morale
  • Tips for succeeding in virtual team building
  • How virtual teams affect organizational productivity
  • How automating human resource tasks affects organizational outcomes
  • Data-driven strategies and their use in the HR departments
  • How annual educational stipends affect employee morale
  • Should companies give employees leave to take a career development course?
  • Should employees share professional and personal goals during yearly self-assessments?
  • Why organizations should locate, train and retain the right people
  • Advantages of onboarding as a method for maintaining human resources within an organization
  • The essence of employee orientation
  • Strategies for promoting belonging and autonomy among employees
  • How health advocacy programs benefit employers and employees
  • Can educational stipends boost employee morale?
  • How managers can manage lower or higher expectations of employees working remotely
  • The evolution of human resource management over the last decade
  • The responsibilities of modern human resource managers in the business world
  • Strategic HR management- What to do and avoid
  • HR management practices for the largest companies in the world
  • What current human resource training involves
  • Human resource paradigms contributing to the development of businesses

These are exciting current HR topics to explore when interested in something recent. Nevertheless, take your time researching your preferred topic to develop a brilliant paper.

Professional Development  Human Resource Topics

If interested in career development topics, this category has excellent ideas to consider. Nevertheless, select a title you will be comfortable working with to enjoy your research and writing process.

  • How to align employee development with company goals
  • Coaching and mentoring for workers development
  • How to build a coaching culture in a company
  • How leaders of a company can become coaches
  • Why individual career development programs benefit an organization
  • How to use the 9-box grid to assess employees
  • How does cross-training affect organizational efficacy?
  • How do stretch assignments and on-the-job training affect employee performance?
  • How beneficial is professional certification?
  • The role of apprenticeship and vocational training in the workplace
  • How does professional development affect middle-level managers expertise
  • What affects professional development in an organization?
  • Importance of professional development
  • How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect employee’s onboarding?
  • How professional development affects employee performance
  • How professional development affects customer satisfaction
  • How professional development affects employee retention
  • Employee turnover and professional development- Is there a link?
  • Should companies invest in ongoing professional development for their employees?
  • Employees well-being and career development
  • The nexus between professional stress and development
  • How professional development networks affect leadership development
  • Why do companies need policies for professional development?
  • Success planning and professional development in organizations
  • Current and past employee development approaches
  • Employee productivity and professional development
  • Challenges in career and professional development programs’ implementation
  • Employment and qualifications criteria
  • How to groom employees for success
  • How to select a new career path

Choose a human resource topic from this list if you want to write about career or professional development. Nevertheless, research the title extensively to create a winning paper.

Talent Management  HR Topics

Talent management is among the responsibilities of the human resource management department. Here are exciting ideas to explore if interested in this aspect of HR management.

  • Talent management versus talent hunting
  • Talent management approaches in the hospitality industry
  • Talent management in the medium and small enterprises
  • Family-owned attitude towards talent management
  • Talent management risk factors
  • Talent management trends in a globalized world
  • IBM versus Google talent management strategies
  • Military talent management approaches
  • Gig economy talent management
  • Talent management future
  • Talent management history
  • Why recruitment matters in talent management
  • What comprises a talent management system?
  • Recruitment, performance management, compensation management and corporate learning- Why they matter in talent management
  • Strategies for talent acquisition
  • Why executive coaching matters in talent management
  • Leadership development and recognition programs in talent management
  • The essence of a strategic plan in talent management
  • Effective talent management models
  • Talent management in the corporate sector
  • Why social media influencers matter in talent management
  • How talent management affects organizational performance
  • Success planning and talent management- What’s the link?
  • How MNCs approach talent management in the USA
  • How technology affects talent management
  • Investing in people or automating more- The HR paradox for modern companies
  • Why targeted learning matters in talent development
  • How peer-coaching can help in the development of future-ready skills
  • Development and learning trends after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Are community partners a vital part of a talent pipeline?

Select a topic from this list if interested in talent development and management. Nevertheless, prepare to research your preferred idea before writing your paper.

Human Resource Management Topics 

Perhaps, you’re interested in HR management or appraisal topics. In that case, think about these ideas for your papers.

  • The critical elements of employees’ performance management
  • Why the HR department should give feedback to the employees
  • Organizational commitment and performance appraisal
  • How to use performance appraisal in enhancing citizenship and organizational behavior
  • Employee motivation and performance appraisal
  • Performance appraisal versus performance management
  • Why ongoing feedback on workers morale matters
  • How to engage employees more effectively
  • Why performance planning matters in the employee management cycle
  • Incorporating employee input in company decision-making
  • Why companies should set performance standards
  • Why automated performance management units matter
  • Data-based assessments and performance reviews
  • Corporate culture and performance management
  • Corporate culture and performance appraisal
  • Strategic planning and performance management
  • Performance management and employee reward systems
  • Employee development and performance appraisal
  • Employee engagement and HR management objectives
  • How 360-degree feedback benefits an organization
  • Challenges and benefits of the assessment center appraisal technique
  • Using Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale in performance appraisal
  • How beneficial are psychological reviews in the hospitality sector?
  • Merits and demerits of Human Resource Accounting Method
  • Factors increasing employee loyalty
  • How to resolve workplace conflict arising from cultural differences in international companies
  • The pros and cons of recruiting employees from universities
  • How character types affect a company’s team-building efforts
  • What is the responsibility of HR managers in talent hunting and management
  • What should HR managers do about overqualified employees?
  • Rules for recruiting, selecting, hiring, and educating new employees
  • Opportunities and risks for hiring new employees
  • Freelancers and outsourcing- Is putting the future of a company in the hands of freelancers a wise move?
  • Why companies should educate their employees
  • How HR managers can motivate or demoralize company employees

All these are interesting human resource management issues that you can explore in academic papers. However, select a topic you will be comfortable working with, from research to writing and proofreading your essay.

Hot Topics in HR 

Maybe you’re looking for a topic that most people will find captivating and want to read your essay from the introduction to the conclusion. In that case, pick a title for your research paper from this category.

  • Are higher education institutions responsible for productivity decline in human resources?
  • Trained human resource personnel and skilled workers- Who are better than the others?
  • How employee experience coincides with employee engagement
  • Working from home versus 9 to 5 jobs- Which is the best option for mothers?
  • Employee responsibilities and workplace safety- What makes women unique?
  • How the right talent affects a company’s success- A critical analysis
  • Should companies further their employees’ education?
  • Employees with degrees versus vocational and technical workforce
  • Is mobile a new human resource technology platform?
  • Why video interviews are the new norm in human resource outsourcing
  • The role of globalization in talent sourcing from different locations
  • The role of data management in improving recruitment, management, and retaining of employees
  • How HR technology innovation enhances employee engagement
  • Performance and goal management reinvention with check-ins and feedback mechanisms
  • How software categories improve interactivity, feedback, and workplace culture management
  • How user-friendly are cloud-based talent solutions?
  • Can end-to-end talent management solutions meet complex and large organizations’ recruitment needs?
  • What are the latest considerations in HR and labor laws?
  • Should companies set ethical standards that differ from law provisions?
  • How workplace ethics differ from labor laws
  • How to build an ethical organizational culture
  • How workplace discrimination laws influence employment
  • Discuss the moral obligation of employees to their employers
  • How to create effective legal and ethical employees’ welfare programs
  • How HR professionals can protect the employees’ rights
  • Legal and ethical concerns in a large group and single employee termination

Select any of these HR topics if looking for a title that will capture your readers’ attention and compel them to read throughout the paper.

Top  HR Research Topics  for  2023

Maybe you want to write about a topic that somebody reading about this year will find exciting and relevant. In that case, pick any of these human resource ideas.

  • Using artificial intelligence in HR functions
  • How HR managers can address workplace harassment and bullying
  • How companies can encourage workplace diversity
  • How wages affect the overall productivity of employees
  • How to measure employee performance- Criteria and tools for practical evaluation
  • Essential issues of modern labor laws
  • How to protect company data in the technology age
  • Should companies pay all staff members equally?
  • How workplace health problems affect productivity
  • What motivates employees to work more?
  • Laws against religious and sexual discrimination that HR departments should implement
  • Factors influencing employee retention
  • How HR specialists can deal with employee commitment, loyalty, and job satisfaction
  • HR planning in acquisitions and mergers
  • The 21st-century challenges for human resource managers
  • How employee engagement affects customer loyalty in the service-based sector
  • The impact of a contingent workforce on an organization’s performance
  • The increasing mental health problems among the employees in the service-based industry
  • The impact and importance of training on a company’s sustainability during an economic crisis
  • The role of HR practices in enhancing the overall organizational performance
  • How career growth affects employee loyalty
  • How different personality traits affect teamwork in a company
  • How effective HR planning boosts the strategic alliance process
  • How e-leadership helps in boosting employee motivation and productivity
  • How artificial intelligence can enhance HR practices
  • How daycare facilities can increase female employees’ productivity
  • How workforce diversity can improve organizational innovation and capability
  • How a flat organizational structure affects the decision-making process
  • How involving employees in decision-making processes influence their productivity

Pick a human resource research topic from this category if looking for an idea that suits the current context. Nevertheless, take your time to identify and research the most current sources to provide relevant information.

HR Topics for Presentation 

Are you looking for an interesting presentation topic for an upcoming meeting or conference? If yes, pick one of these HR topics for discussion.

  • How job rotation boosts employee growth
  • Why ethics committees matter in an organization
  • The role of HR in employee volunteering
  • How to encourage work-life balance in start-ups
  • Is an open office a boon or a bane?
  • How to create an engaged workforce
  • How a company can attract more millennials
  • How to make your employees happy
  • How to resolve disputes among employees
  • Why employee development and learning matter
  • Why employees’ mental health matters
  • Why companies should digitize HR practices
  • Why employee well-being is vital
  • Human resource management in the ever-changing corporate environment
  • How globalization affects human resource management
  • Innovative human resource and employee management practices
  • Challenges and issues of managing an international workforce
  • Employee management in an IT organization
  • Social security measures and labor welfare- The HR department’s role
  • Coaching and mentoring for modern business excellence
  • Different HR management perspectives
  • Why human resource planning matters in a changing environment

This list comprises human resource paper topics that students can research and write about to earn excellent grades. However, every student should pick an issue they can comfortably explore and present an in-depth analysis of their selected ideas. That way, they can impress the educator and anybody that will read their essay.

Use a  Thesis Writing Service  to  Write  a Quality HR Paper

Maybe you’re struggling to select the best topic for your HR research paper. Perhaps, you’re not even sure about where to start or how to write your essay. In that case, seek help from professional writers. Whether you’re a college or a university student, you can find experts that will help you with topic selection and the entire writing process. What’s more, these writers can proofread your paper to ensure it is error-free.

So, instead of spending all your precious time trying to choose a topic or write your HR research paper, contact us to get the best HR paper writing help online. Our specialists will respond to your request immediately and provide fast and affordable writing assistance. And all you need is to initiate a conversation by saying something like, “Please do my dissertation.” Also, you can reach us by filling and submitting our contact form or email us. One of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. We want you to excel academically without breaking a sweat. Contact us now!

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SHRM 2024: Expanding, Enhancing and Elevating the HR Journey

Overhead view of business people at an event.

The SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition 2024 (SHRM24), held in Chicago, was a landmark event in the world of human resources.

As one of the largest gatherings of HR and business professionals globally, SHRM24 opened its doors to over 26,000 attendees from around the world, all eager to connect, learn, and grow. The conference offered more than 375 sessions and covered all aspects of HR, from foundational knowledge to cutting-edge trends shaping the future of work.

Attendees could choose from general sessions featuring thought leaders, concurrent sessions packed with original content and tactical advice, rapid-fire spotlight stage presentations, and hands-on preconference workshops. The conference also introduced its first-ever Wellness Stage, offering micro-bursts of education on topics related to wellness and self-care.

Delving into the key takeaways from SHRM24, it's clear that the event not only provided valuable insights into current HR practices but also offered a glimpse into the future of our profession. Throughout the event, several key themes emerged as critical focus areas for driving positive organizational change:

Reimagining Diversity Initiatives

SHRM announced a significant shift in its approach to diversity and inclusion efforts, moving from "DE&I" (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) to the rebranded acronym "I&D" (Inclusion & Diversity). According to SHRM president and CEO Johnny C. Taylor Jr., the move is meant to emphasize SHRM's inclusion-first approach while addressing the current shortcomings of DE&I programs.

"We're going to lead with inclusion, because we need a world where inclusion is front and center. And that means inclusion for all, not some people. Everyone has a right to feel that they belong in the workplace and that they are included," Taylor stated.

This shift has sparked spirited discussion within our HR community. Some of our colleagues are expressing concern that removing the explicit focus on equity might undermine efforts to address systemic workplace inequalities. However, SHRM maintains that its commitment to advancing equity remains strong, with equity being integrated into the broader inclusion framework.

This shift in naming convention highlights the ongoing debate in our field about the most effective approaches, structure, and implementation in creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces. As HR professionals, we must stay informed about these evolving perspectives and consider how they align with our organizations' values and goals.

Prepping for a Polycrisis in HR

Taylor further highlighted the concept of a "polycrisis" looming on the horizon for HR professionals. This coming storm portends the convergence of various HR challenges impacting both our professional and personal spheres. Given the prospect of a widening skills gap, an increasingly uncivil workforce, and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the volatility that these changes will bring will keep HR leaders on their toes. 

To navigate this, Taylor outlined three key strategies for HR leaders: 

  • Address the skills gap

Optimize AI

  • Cultivate civility

Address the Skills Gap

Perhaps the most urgent facet of this polycrisis is the growing skills gap. With rapid technological advancements, employers face the ongoing need to upskill their workforce to keep pace. Today’s organizations require employees who better optimize technology use. They also need staff who are punctual, flexible and adaptable to change. 

Taylor emphasized that many schools are not adequately preparing them for the modern workforce. With many graduates lacking in fundamental areas such as problem-solving abilities, and essential social and professional skills, the impetus to train and upskill will fall to HR. If they don’t take on this task, a fully competent workforce simply will not exist. 

This multifaceted challenge underscores the critical role HR must play in shaping the future workforce and ensuring organizational success in an increasingly complex business environment.

The marriage of artificial intelligence and human intelligence is quickly becoming the new return on investment for forward-thinking organizations. HR must be at the forefront of this revolution, inserting itself into every AI conversation in the workplace and with a focus on harnessing AI’s potential to use it to our collective advantage. Given that within five short years, AI will likely permeate our homes and jobs the world over, HR teams need to be fully prepared to normalize its workplace use.

Although AI should be maximized where appropriate, this must be done under human guidance and oversight. So while we must embrace AI, we can't blindly trust it. Users should always conduct litmus tests to validate AI-generated information, no matter its kind. This is especially salient for employers leaning heavily on AI-driven solutions in hiring and selection processes for new candidates. Teams must take every precaution to ensure these systems don't promote "algorithmic discrimination," which could significantly and potentially illegally impact crucial employment decisions.

Regulatory bodies are taking measures to ensure that employees are indeed protected. The EEOC is working to ensure Title IV protections are upheld when AI tools are used in hiring and selection. States like Colorado are enacting AI legislation mandating risk management policies for employment decisions and applicant notifications when AI is used in selection processes. This gives employees recourse to appeal to the state if they believe they have been wrongfully deselected.

The White House, too, is establishing AI governance and human oversight to protect employee rights. As groundbreaking as AI is, it has its limitations — it lacks common sense and human compassion. While AI will undoubtedly revolutionize our world, we must not place it above our own ability to think and reason. Creative thought, collaboration and human connection should always remain cornerstones of successful organizations and healthy workplace cultures.

Cultivate Civility

Workplace civility emerged as a recurring theme throughout this year's SHRM conference. While HR leaders intuitively understand its importance, we must remember that all employees at some point, experience trauma, fear, isolation, anger, and stress in their personal lives — and they bring these experiences to work.

With so many people of differing backgrounds and perspectives in today's workplace, this mix can, unfortunately, lead to heightened workplace incivility. Left unchecked, this can quickly lead to harassment. As SHRM reports, two-thirds of employees have experienced incivility at work, and rudeness has become an issue. While employers are introducing wellness benefits to alleviate stress and provide resources for daily challenges, these efforts will fall short if basic civility itself isn't directly addressed.

The current climate of economic uncertainty, inflation, and political polarization keeps employees perpetually on edge. To combat this, managers need training on de-escalating polarizing issues, creating positive cultures, and identifying red flags that could lead to workplace incivility.

Understanding employees' real needs is crucial. A bottom-up approach can help organizations focus their programs and resources on what truly matters to employees. HR leaders, therefore, must create strategies to foster a civil workforce — no small task in an era where social skills are often lacking.

As we navigate these challenges, it's clear that cultivating civility is not just about creating a pleasant work environment — it's about building resilient, productive, and innovative organizations that can thrive in our increasingly complex world.

These takeaways highlight the critical role HR plays in shaping organizational culture , driving innovation , and fostering environments where all employees can thrive . By focusing on these key areas, HR professionals can continue to be catalysts for positive change within their organizations.

Reach out today to start a conversation about how we can work together to move you forward.

Maria Trapenasso

Maria Trapenasso

Vice President

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Related Resources

  • Firefighter's Guide to Firefighters Medical Evaluations This free Healthcare Provider’s Guide to Firefighter Physicals was developed by the IAFC and is available for you to bring to your physician to help them understand the physiological demands of the job. read more
  • Responding to Propane / Flammable Gas Incidents Bulletin This bulletin is provided by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) in partnership with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) and pertains to emergency response to propane gas incidents involving structures. Purpose: To provide general guidance and best practices to fire ... read more
  • NIOSH: Safety and Health Considerations for Junior Firefighters DHHS (NIOSH) PUBLICATION NUMBER 2024-114 This safety and health advisory provides fire departments actions they can take to help protect the health and safety of junior firefighters. Some states have laws allowing junior firefighters to engage in training activities more consistent ... read more
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  • Nov 14 Symposium in the Sun 2024 Nov 14-17, 2024 Clearwater FL
  • Aug 13 Fire-Rescue International - 2025 Aug 13-15, 2025 Orange County Convention Center Orlando FL
  • Welcome and congratulations to incoming our three incoming executive committee leaders August 16, 2024
  • Oregon firefighter honored with 2024 Ben Franklin Award for Valor August 15, 2024
  • Pierce and IAFC Celebrate Leadership with 2024 Fire Chief of the Year Awards August 15, 2024

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  1. 13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

    1. Employee well-being. The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well. Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies ...

  2. Sample HR Presentations

    Recognizing Hidden Bias. This sample presentation is intended for delivery to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has ...

  3. 10 Hot Topics in HR

    New HR topics for discussion are on the rise as COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter protests will shape the way workplaces function in 2022 and beyond. ... The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) estimates "the average replacement cost of a salaried employee to be six to nine months' salary. For an employee earning $60,000 per year ...

  4. HR & Workplace Topics & Tools

    When you need a high-level overview of an HR topic, ... Presentations. Training presentation templates on topics like interviewing, harassment, new-hire orientation and more.

  5. Design a Human Resource Management PPT

    Common but Vital Human Resource Management PPT Topics. An engaging Human Resource Management PPT is about more than just recruitment and benefits; it dives into the heart of the company culture. This involves discussing important HR presentation topics like employee onboarding, employee benefits, legal compliance, diversity and inclusion, and ...

  6. 10 Presentation Slides for More Effective HR Management

    5. Word cloud. Word Cloud Smart Slide template is an innovative tool designed to visually represent your company's mission, values, and other key elements. It is an effective way of highlighting the most crucial aspects of your organization for new hires. The bigger and bolder the word, the more important it is to your company.

  7. 15 Powerful HR Slide Series

    All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process. There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics : 1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4. Measuring ROI of Training 5. Change Management 6. Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness ...

  8. PowerPoints

    Use the following link to download all PowerPoint decks in a single .zip file (40 MB), or download each individual deck below: Module 1: The Role of Human Resources. Module 2: Human Resource Strategy and Planning. Module 3: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends. Module 4: Diversity in the Workplace.

  9. 10 Presentation Ideas For Your Next HRD Presentation

    HRD presentations are important because they promote team building and employee synergy within any size of organization. In discussing topics and ideas that focus on learning, development, and value building, your audience can walk away with knowledge to better perform their individual roles. 3. What Kind of Topics Are Covered in HRD Presentations?

  10. HR Presentation Slide Templates

    The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company. With this template you can demonstrate the core functions of the human resource management.

  11. Human Resource Management Presentation

    Download the "Human Resource Management" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what ...

  12. Latest Presentation Topics in HRM

    14. Knowledge Management-15. E- HR 16. Strategic Human Resource Management 17. Organization Development-18. Change Management-19. Cross Culture Management 20. Human Resource Information System 21. Employer Branding- Creating brand name of the employer 22. Employee Branding- When the employees are highly qualified use them to develop the brand ...

  13. Presentation Topics for Human Resource Management

    Latest Human Resource Management Presentation Topics. Alphabetical List of all HRM topics. 720 degree of performance appraisal. Aliening HR Strategies with business growth. Competency Mapping. Counter Demand (Part of collective bargaining) Creating a stress-free environment. Cross-cultural management/training.

  14. HR Topics

    Explore the latest HR news & resources on topics like compensation & benefits; inclusion, equity, and diversity; employee relations, and more.

  15. Free HR PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Make your HR presentations shine with these HR PowerPoint templates. Whether you're a human resources manager or a job applicant, these templates will help you deliver your message with clarity and style. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your recruitment and onboarding processes, and make learning dynamic and attractive.

  16. Top 7 Recommended PowerPoint Templates for HR Presentations

    Click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full collection of Human Resources PowerPoint templates here. Let's explore our selection of presentations covering the major HR management presentation topics: HR Metrics Dashboards with PowerPoint Data Charts. Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring Processes.

  17. Human resource management ppt

    Human resource management ppt. Jan 8, 2015 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 396 likes • 441,647 views. AI-enhanced description. S. srinidhiraman. The document discusses human resource management (HRM). It defines HRM as employing, developing, utilizing, maintaining, and compensating employees according to job and organizational needs. It ...

  18. 80+ HRM Project Topics For Your Next Assignment

    That's why we have great 80+ project topics for you. These ideas cover many things about HRM, like hiring the right people, training them, and even using cool technology like AI and blockchain. You can also explore how HRM can keep everyone safe and healthy at work. HRM is not just about rules; it's also about treating people fairly and kindly.

  19. Free Amazing HR PPT Slides

    In this page, you can download excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management for FREE. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process. There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics : 1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management

  20. Best Human Resources Research Topics [2024]

    2 Human Resources Management Research Topics. 3 HR Topics for Discussion. 4 HR Research Topics for Presentation. 5 HRM Research Topics on Talent Management. 6 Equal Employment Opportunity HR Research Topics. 7 Career Development HR Research Topics. 8 Research Topics on Recruitment and Selection.


    23 Strategic HRM Defined The Meaning of Strategic HRM. According to Hendry and Pettigrew (1986), strategic HRM has four meanings: 1. The use of planning 2. A coherent approach to the design and management of personnel systems based on an employment policy and manpower strategy and often underpinned by a 'philosophy' 3.

  22. 223 Top Human Resource Topic Ideas

    A human resource research paper comprises information about the findings of a study on a specific topic. And this includes: An answer to a question that a learner set out to investigate. Proof of a relevant theory. Practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic. Human capital is a crucial asset in any organization.

  23. Human Resource Management Topics PowerPoint Presentation and Slides PPT

    This is an editable Powerpoint four stages graphic that deals with topics like Human Resource Knowledge Management to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

  24. SHRM 2024: Expanding, Enhancing and Elevating the HR Journey

    The SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition 2024 (SHRM24), held in Chicago, was a landmark event in the world of human resources. As one of the largest gatherings of HR and business professionals globally, SHRM24 opened its doors to over 26,000 attendees from around the world, all eager to connect, learn, and grow.

  25. Presentation Practice

    Contact Us. Main Office Mandrell Hall 635 S. Limestone Lexington, KY 40508 Phone: (859) 257-9555 Fax: (859) 323-8512 [email protected]. All locations

  26. Women's Healthcare Provider's Guide to Firefighter Physicals

    Related Resources Firefighter's Guide to Firefighters Medical Evaluations This free Healthcare Provider's Guide to Firefighter Physicals was developed by the IAFC and is available for you to bring to your physician to help them understand the physiological demands of the job.