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6 Types Of Advertising Media Channels

When marketers and media planners create marketing campaigns, they must carefully consider the merits of each type of advertising media. Each type of advertising media communicates marketing messages to potential customers through different mediums - for instance, over the television, radio, or social media.

What is Advertising Media?

Advertising media refers to a variety of mass media or alternative media channels where businesses can promote their products, services, or brand. Since it is impossible for every customer to know about every brand’s offerings, knowing which advertising media channels are beneficial for your company can be crucial in getting ahead of your competitors.

What is the Role of Advertising Media?

By leveraging the right kinds of advertising media, marketers can engage with different audiences in distinct ways. For example, social media encourages customers to begin a dialogue, while television distributes messages through one-way communication. As a result, media planners must closely evaluate which channels offer the greatest amount of benefits for the least relative cost. Each advertising medium should be chosen based on the goals of the campaign (whether that be brand awareness or direct sales) and the channel’s ability to reach a target audience.

How Media Planners Can Maximize Impact per Exposure

Media planners need to think beyond basic television and banner ads in today’s evolving marketing environment. Instead, they must hone in on a consumer’s attitude towards your brand. The brand experience should be central to the media plan , and an advertising platform should support this focus. For instance, a media plan for a pet supplies company may include television ads, but the advertisements should be tied to strengthening the relationship with the consumer. Advertising media and the corresponding channels should support the overarching brand strategy and messaging, so each type of media must act as a puzzle piece that completes a picture of your brand strategy

It’s important to remember that consumers are exposed to over 5,000 advertisements every day – so media planners need to maximize their impact per exposure. This means creating a dedicated team that can optimize ad placement, negotiate budgets, and design creative content that resonates with the target audience .

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6 Types of Advertising Media Channels

Before placing any ads, media planners must devise their overall objective and strategy behind their media campaign. Each type of advertisement has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that must be considered to optimize their media placements and maximize the campaign’s impact. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of these five prominent media channels: 

1. Video Advertising: Television & YouTube

On July 1st, 1941, the first-ever legal television advertisement was broadcast in the state of New York during a Brooklyn Dodgers versus Philadelphia Phillies game, which was on the screens of about 4,000 televisions. In the decades that followed, the popularity of television advertising swelled along with the popularity of mass marketing. Today, television is one of the most popular media channels for marketers, especially with the advent of connected TV advertising , which uses viewer data for more effective segmentation.

Video ads have also expanded beyond the traditional cable box to include YouTube ads and online video. Media planners can now showcase their commercials across the web on various websites to connect with audiences online

Pros of Video: Online & Television Advertising

Television combines audio with visual. This creates a multi-sensory advertising experience that shows viewers how your product is valuable. When you play a commercial on someone’s television, the touchpoint takes place in their home. This makes it a more personal medium.Television is also a great way to establish a personalized connection with a viewer. Consider for example The Hyundai Super Bowl ad from 2017. This commercial reconnected soldiers with their families virtually to watch the game. Although this commercial did not directly speak to the cars they sell, it did reinforce its brand message.

Television is a great brand awareness tool - Almost every American has a television, wi th 83 percent of adults having two or more, and American households keep their televisions on for 8.1 hours each day on average. As a result, roughly $76 billion was spent on advertising in 2019 alone.

By combining television ads with YouTube’s reach, brands can benefit from viewers watching their commercials long after they have aired. However, brands need to be sure that they have strong message. No commercial will go viral if it does not connect with viewers.

In addition to hosting commercials on a specific YouTube channel, advertising on the platform itself can be beneficial. Since many users are logged in when they view videos ( 2 billion logged on users ), demographic data can be combined with the content they are watching, resulting in relevant content being seen by the target audience. 

Cons of Video: Online & Television Advertising

Television advertising can be costly for organizations. It’s a large investment to not only purchase the slot, but to develop the commercial’s creative content. Media planners have to forecast which shows will generate a higher than expected viewership in the coming months. An inaccurate estimate can compromise marketing ROI . Additionally, since television ads generally get good exposure, a bad ad can really hurt a company's brand reputation .  When there are more eyeballs on an ad, it is more important to make sure the creative is strong.

A con of television advertising is that viewers do not always actively listen to television commercials, and often try to skip or avoid them when given the opportunity. Also, not everyone tuning in will be part of your target audience making it easier to waste your advertising budget. Always consider which segments watch a particular television program before purchasing a slot. Although a primetime show may get more eyes, daytime or late-night television could be more targeted and save you money. Additionally, when selecting an advertising slot, we recommend booking live television where possible. When watching a football game, your users will be unable to fast forward through the commercial breaks if they want to watch the game as it is happening.

2. Audio Channels: Radio & Podcast Advertising

While radio technology was developed during the 19th century, the commercial capabilities of radio broadcasts were not harnessed until 1912, where record companies supplied free music to broadcasters in exchange for mentioning which company provided the record. By the late 1920s, almost every U.S. radio station would play commercially sponsored programs. Today, traditional radio remains incredibly popular for listeners and advertisers alike – and with the rise of internet radio, it appears this audio-only method of advertising will remain popular throughout the digital revolution.

Pros of Radio & Podcast Advertising

Radio is extremely accessible – 95 percent of cars have radios, and 99 percent of homes have radios. 93 percent of American adults listen to the radio over the course of the week. This includes 97 percent of Gen X, and 95 percent of Millennials. Radio is also a cost-effective medium, especially when compared to its television counterpart. Through radio, advertisers can frequently message consumers without allocating all their budget on more expensive ads.

Radio has been effectively used in conjunction with television ads to strengthen a brand’s image in a listener’s mind. Also, recent studies have shown that approximately 90 percent of listeners will stay tuned during a commercial break. Another benefit to radio advertising being able to have the hosts talk directly to the product in some cases, making the ad more conversational.

A newer form of the audio medium is podcast advertising. 54 percent of users are more likely to consider products that they have heard mentioned on podcasts before. About 1 in 4 Americans listen to podcasts and that number is expected to grow over the coming years. Additionally, podcasts, like radio, can take advantage of more conversational ads. Hosts generally have built trust with their audiences and promotions are typically done in their own words.

Cons of Radio & Podcast Advertising

A major challenge of radio advertising is that listen ers are often preoccupied while listening to the radio – they may be driving, shopping, working, etc. Radio only engages through audio. This makes it more difficult to command a listener’s attention – and the lack of a visual channel makes it more difficult to illustrate the product. For this reason, advertisements should be simple to understand and repeat critical information multiple times. It may also be helpful to combine this form of advertising with another more visual medium such as television. Additionally, since users may change the station, media planners should consider booking either the first or last slots after a commercial break.

On the other hand, ads may be featured at the start, causing users to fast forward through them. If possible, it is beneficial to get podcast ads booked in the middle of the podcast.

Finally, radio advertisements are transient – after the advertisement plays, it’s unlikely that consumers will play it again. For podcasts, this same disadvantage is also the case. Since these listeners may be preoccupied, they may not remember the ad or have a pen to write down the specifics for later. Media planners must keep this in mind and run the same ad multiple times

3. Newspapers 

Print mediums, such as newspapers, are one of the oldest media channels for advertisers – in fact, newspaper advertisements predate brands. As literacy rates increased in the 16th century, advertisers in Italy, Germany, and Holland began publishing print advertisements in weekly gazettes. Almost 500 years later, and the newspaper is still an effective channel that commands approximately $15.9 billion in advertising spend within the U.S.

Pros of Newspaper Advertising

Newspapers can reach millions of people every day and are one of the most trusted mediums, with 82 percent of customers trusting it when making a purchase decision. Newspaper ads can be very targeted, as they are often delivered to certain geographic areas, and specific sections of the paper can speak to certain audiences. For example, newspapers are a great way to reach older demographics that may be less receptive to digital advertisements. Newspaper audiences also tend to be educated and/or higher earners. 

Similar to radio advertising, newspapers when combined with other advertising channels, can make your marketing efforts more profitable. Although the newspaper readership has been dwindling, 7 out of 10 readers say they feel less anxious about a story when it comes from a news brand rather than social media. 

Cons of Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper viewership continues to decline. In 2000, 59.4 million Sunday newspapers were delivered, compared to an estimated 30.8 million Sunday papers in 2018. This is because young people rarely read newspapers – only 5 percent of adults aged 18 to 29 read their print newspaper often. 

Another con is that newspapers often have editorial guidelines to minimize intrusive ads, which can compromise branding efforts. Additionally, it is difficult to measure the efficacy of newspaper advertisements, especially when compared to digital mediums. Lastly, unlike magazines, newspapers have a short lifespan and are often discarded at the end of the day.

Many newspapers are also moving to digital.  However, many of these advertisements are banner ads, which are not always effective in grabbing an audience’s attention.

4. Print & Digital Publications (Magazines) 

The first magazines were published in the late 1600s as a form of entertainment for the upper class, and often discussed matters of philosophy, culture, and lifestyle. It wasn’t until the 19th century that the middle class began desiring magazines, so publishers started selling ad space to offset exorbitant printing costs and expand their readership. By the 20th century, magazines were known for having distinct audiences and the option to purchase sizable ads in full color. In 2019, magazine advertising spending was worth an estimated $15.6 billion .

Pros of Print & Digital Publications Advertising

Magazine audiences are highly targeted, allowing marketers to easily target relevant consumers without wasting budget. Audiences are generally more interested in your advertising and expect it. There is also the added benefit that magazines may also have a strong brand associated with them, which can add credibility to your ad.

Readers also tend to recall print ads better. After a week, study participants from Temple University had a greater response to the printed ads than digital ads. Many Americans also still prefer the hard copies of magazines, with 70 percent saying they prefer printed formats to digital. Magazines are also continuing to grow as a medium. In 2019, 228.7 million   people were reading digital and print magazines (for comparison, 210.7 million people were in 2012)

For example, if you’re a bicycle manufacturer, there are many magazines focused around biking, the outdoors, and other related topics. Similarly, women’s magazines often have segments dedicated to fashion and/or beauty. An ad placement for clothing, accessories, or makeup will likely be read with earnest interest. Additionally, magazines may already have strong brand awareness which can help your own ad.

Magazines have a long shelf life compared to other print media. Readers don’t immediately throw away a magazine after purchase and may have it for several weeks. Magazines also have a wider secondary audience, since they are often a business’s waiting room, or shared among friends. This secondary audience can further increase marketing ROI and according to The Association of Magazine Media,  this audience “contributes to 73 percent of primary sales response.” Despite these impressive statistics, it’s important to get a firm estimate on a magazine’s primary readership when negotiating ad space. The secondary audiences can only ever be estimated (and not guaranteed) and they may be calculated into the media buy.

Lastly, magazines often have full color and/or full page advertising options, allowing for more creative license from their teams. By using bright colors and appealing photography, you can easily draw attention from readers.

Many magazines also come in digital formats now and allow you to take advantage of their email lists. You can promote products, white papers, or other content assets to generate leads and build your own email marketing lists. Many magazines are also very adaptive and can target users based on personas, job titles, or other information. 

Cons of Print & Digital Publications Advertising 

Another con of magazines is that advertisers must have their advertisement ready weeks or months in advance of the publication date, which can make it difficult to place timely ads. Magazines are also often national, making it difficult to target specific geographic areas. 

Additionally, magazine advertisements can’t be rescinded or retargeted – meaning if an advertisement is unpopular or poorly perceived, damage to the brand cannot be minimized in-flight.

For digital magazines, it can be difficult to assess the quality of their database without first testing it out. Additionally, not all publications in every industry are digitally savvy. This trend is starting to change, but depending on the industry you are looking to target, you may not have access to the granular details you need for a hyper-targeted campaign.

5. Out-Of-Home Advertising 

In the 1800’s, out-of-home advertising started becoming popular. Billboards and murals advertising acts like Barnum & Bailey took over the country. In later years, when the automobile was invented, billboards were adapted to be seen along highways and interstates to advertise Coca-Cola, Palmolive, and other brand’s latest products. In recent years, billboards have evolved even further and have become digital. Time Square is just one area where digital out-of-home advertising has taken over the city. Currently, there are even sensors and cameras being used in order to make the billboard experience more interactive. While this is one of the older forms of advertising, billboards are continuing to evolve and continue to be a main form of media advertising. 

Pros of Out-Of-Home Advertising

Out-of-home advertising is very beneficial when utilized properly. It is less costly than tv or radio ads and can leave a great impression on consumers. Out-of-home ads are more concentrated so it is easier to shape an audience’s perception of the brand and brand image. Billboards and other outdoor ads can also be customized, taking into account the location of the advertisements and the target audience of a particular region. These ads also offer wide coverage, advertising to various groups of people for one price. For these reasons, out-of-home advertising can be a good choice for your brand. 

Cons Of Out-Of-Home Advertising

Out-of-home advertising is not without its faults. It can be very difficult to segment an audience and target a specific type of consumer. Potential buyers also have less access to immediate information about the brand or product and during this lapse in time, may have forgotten seeing the ad altogether. Digital ads also offer a more personalized ad experience, as websites have cookies to track a consumer’s site usage. When choosing to use out-of-home advertising, you and your team must figure out how to create a personalized experience to reach your audience. 

6. Social Media 

Social media is one of the newest channels for media planners to utilize. Social media advertisements evolved from the original digital banner ads, with the first social media ad placement occurring on Facebook in 2006. In less than a decade, advertisements on social media became the norm. Today, social media platforms derive the bulk of their profit from attracting users to the service, then targeting them using available user data.

Pros of Social Media Advertising 

Social advertising can be very targeted, helping to convert new followers and build brand loyalty . Media planners can reach viewers based on job title, interests, marital status, recent locations , and more. Social advertising is also very cost-effective. On average, a single impression on Facebook costs less than a cent, while a click costs an average of 28 cents.

It is very easy to measure and optimize social campaigns while they are active. If an advertisement isn’t working, media planners can pause the campaign or reallocate funds on demand. Through methods like A/B testing, it is simple to test the effectiveness of certain promotional messages while a campaign is running.

Cons of Social Media Advertising 

There are many social media platforms, and each platform has certain requirements and best practices that marketers will need to keep up with. Despite targeted advertisements supporting the social platform, many users will be annoyed or unnerved by messaging that is too frequent, or too specific.

Since social media is an accessible platform, it attracts a lot of competition. Brands must strive to stand out with compelling content. It’s necessary to keep your profile up-to-date, since an inactive social media profile can create mistrust among potential customers.

Additionally, with so many platforms, it’s important to stay up-to-date. New technologies are constantly emerging and different channels may be better for different audiences. Your team must figure out where your users are and how to reach them.

Key Considerations When Selecting Advertising Media

After evaluating the many different kinds of advertising media, it may be difficult to find the idea or bestl media channel. Each channel has a unique set of benefits, drawbacks, and applications that can help or hinder your organization’s marketing efforts. When selecting media for upcoming advertising campaigns, consider the following factors:

Overall Strategy

What is your strategy for this campaign? While a strategy can be fully fleshed out later in the planning process, media planners should begin by building a framework for their overarching strategy. Are you looking to increase general brand awareness, or increase sales on Black Friday? The ideal media channel for your campaign depends on its ultimate goal.

For instance, to increase sales on Black Friday, media planners should construct digital campaigns that encourage users to take action immediately. On the other hand, campaigns to promote brand awareness should take place over a wider time-span and include a more diverse media mix for best results.

Budget Constraints

Media planners should determine the campaign’s desired budget, and then allocate funds to different channels and spots based on that. If your firm has a modest media budget, they may need to choose the best option based on their available spend. For example, media planners may need to choose between a single television ad, or multiple digital banner ads in an online campaign. It’s better to understand the campaign’s monetary capabilities before determining the best possible channel.

Rating Information

Before booking an advertisement on the television or radio, it’s important to understand how ratings relate to your campaign’s success. Ratings directly correspond with viewership in a specific demographic, so marketers should examine their target audience and place advertisements during programs with satisfactory ratings. So, if a television program has an 11 point rating for women between the ages of 18 and 30, that means that 11 percent of women between 18 and 30 watch that show.

Messaging Frequency

Frequency is a significant determinant of how well campaigns perform. Marketers need to repeat messages frequently across multiple channels to ensure consumers internalize their marketing messages. Media planners should examine the campaign’s overall budget, and determine how it can be best allocated to reach its target audience on a regular basis. For maximum effectiveness, it’s recommended to use multi-channel campaigns that utilize a diverse set of channels in a unified way.

Efficacy of Previous Media Purchases

When determining your media planning budget, it’s helpful to understand what purchases have worked well for your team in the past. As a prerequisite, your marketing team should have an effective marketing attribution model in place that allows you to accurately measure offline and online data.

The most common method for accomplishing this is called unified marketing measurement . This form of measurement accounts for online and offline customer touchpoints, and uses advanced attribution to determine how significant each touchpoint was to their ultimate conversion. Marketers must have an advanced analytics and attribution solution to access this data and better allocate media spend. 

How to Integrate an Advertising Media Mix

Modern marketers have access to a wide variety of channels that can transmit marketing messages in distinct ways. This often makes it difficult to settle on a single channel - and as a result, media planners and marketers often create a multifaceted media mix. As marketers tinker with this mix, they can enjoy the greatest strengths of each form of advertising media, while compensating for each channel’s shortcomings.

However, maintaining the ideal mixture of advertising media isn’t simple. Creating a multi-channel media plan requires additional creative and strategic energy, then marketers must continuously optimize their multi-channel campaigns. Otherwise, they risk damaging their ROI through wasted ad spend .

Thankfully, advanced marketing technology has made an optimized media mix more attainable. By leveraging the right tools and expertise, determined marketers can create a successful multi-channel media plan.

Additional Tips and Resources 

  • What is Media Planning?
  • The Key Applications of Media Mix Optimization
  • 3 Examples of Brands who Changed Their Media Plan for Success
  • How to Best Optimize Your Media Plan Across Your Brand

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Types of Advertising Media Channels and their Pros and Cons

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Communicating a message to as many people as possible is the goal of advertising. The most common techniques are TV, radio, and social media. Professionals in marketing, advertising, and media planning are constantly developing strategies to explore the benefits and drawbacks of different types of ads and marketing communication.

  • The Definition of Advertising Media

Advertising media is just a fancy way to say “all the ways in which businesses can promote themselves.” Successful businesses need to be knowledgeable about which channels work best for them.

For newcomers in business, perhaps the most difficult thing is to determine the most suitable types of media for effective promotion. A successful go-to-market strategy should involve a thorough understanding of the target audience, their media consumption habits, and the budget available for advertising. By carefully selecting the appropriate advertising media channels and creating impactful ads, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. Currently, there is a service that allows you to build a go-to-market strategy based on artificial intelligence and knowledge about markets and various industries in just a few minutes. To get the result, you just need to answer a few questions and click on one button. Learn more .

  • What Function Does Advertising Media Serve?

Advertising media simply show brand’s messages to its potential customers. All advertisers know that the best way to get results for a campaign is by selecting the right advertising channels. Each channel should complement its short-term or long-term goals, and reach the intended audience.

  • Examples of Advertising Media Channels

Media planners must assess the core objective of their campaign and how to achieve it before running any commercials or advertisements.

Every media source has its own benefits and drawbacks, which can be narrowed down by considering the following aspects:

Video Advertising: TV & YouTube

With the invention of online video, advertisers have been able to reach viewers in new and innovative ways.

  • A YouTube ad can be a very personalized way of communicating with its viewers.
  • The development of CTV and OTT allows for a more targeted advertising. Also ads are guaranteed to appear next to a high-quality content, so there is no need to worry about brand reputation.
  • Television’s extensive reach makes it a very effective medium for boosting brand awareness among a broad audience.
  • Commercials on TV are usually more expensive than online advertising media.
  • With cable TV there is little guarantee an ad will be watched by brand’s target audience , unless it’s a show that specializes on a particular topic.

Audio Channels: Radio & Podcast Advertising

54% of consumers are more open to buying products they’ve heard mentioned on podcasts. What’s great is you can get in front of this high-engagement audience quickly with your podcast ads.

  • Almost all cars have radios in them.
  • Radio is significantly cheaper than television, making it a more budget-friendly choice.
  • Some studies suggest that listeners tend to stay tuned during commercial breaks on radio shows, which means they will hear your ads.
  • If a listener is distracted and decides to change the station, they may miss your message. Media planners should keep this in mind while developing their campaign and should repeat the same ad multiple times so listeners don’t forget about it. If you’re an advertiser, it may be best to book the first or last slots before or after the commercial break. That way, you can reach more people with your message.

research various advertising media

Print mediums, such as newspapers, are one of the oldest media channels for advertisers. The newspaper is still an effective channel that commands approximately $15.9 billion in advertising spend within the U.S.

  • Newspapers are super targeted because they’re delivered to a specific geographic location.
  • Newspapers are one of the most trusted advertising mediums with 82% of customers trusting them. 7 out of 10 readers feel less anxious about reading a story coming from a reputable newspaper than on social media.
  • In 2000, 59.4 million households received Sunday newspapers, and in 2018 the figure dropped to about 30.8 million.
  • Only 5% of 18–29-year old’s read a newspaper.
  • One downside of newspaper content is the editor’s guidelines, which can suppress your branding efforts.
  •  It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of newspaper adverts because they often do not carry ads in the same way as digital ads.

Print & Digital Magazines

In the 20th century, magazines became popular for addressing specific audiences and presenting ads in color. In 2019, magazine advertising spending was reported as $15.6 billion .

  • Magazines target groups of people interested in a specific industry or hobby, allowing marketers to more easily find potential clients.
  • Print ads are generally easier for readers to remember. After a week, study participants from Temple University had a greater response to the printed ads than digital ads. In 2019, 228.7 million people were reading digital and print magazines (for comparison, 210.7m people were in 2012).
  • Have a long shelf life compared to newspapers. Readers usually keep a magazine for a while before throwing away.
  • Easily generate leads and build email marketing lists. Digital magazines provide you with an easy way to grow your list of contacts.
  • Publishing the information necessary to create ads takes time. To be published on time, the content and graphics must be ready weeks or months in advance.
  • Little flexibility: adverts can’t be changed or retargeted mid-campaign.
  • Depending on the industry, you may not have access to granular details needed for a hyper-targeted campaign.

Out-of-Home Advertising

Though billboards have been around for a while, they are continuing to evolve and adapt. Billboards are now a part of our daily lives.

  • Less costly in comparison to other forms of advertising.
  • Billboards and other outdoor advertisements can be personalized. Take location and target audience into consideration when considering the type of advertisement to use.
  • Similar to TV, OOH advertising also plays a significant role in brand campaigns, effectively driving awareness across diverse audiences.
  • Can be very difficult to segment an audience and target a specific type of consumer. Your team must figure out how to create a personalized experience to reach your audience.

Social Media

Social media advertisements have changed significantly over the decades. Previously limited to banner ads, but by 2006 that all changed with the first social media advertisement on Facebook.

  • Social advertising can be very targeted. Media planners can reach viewers based on demographic information. On average, a single impression on Facebook costs less than a cent, while a click costs an average of 28 cents.
  • If an advertising campaign isn’t working, media planners can pause the campaign or reallocate funds to more effective ads.
  • Each social network has its own specific requirements and guidelines. To make a good impression, brands need fresh, compelling content.
  • It’s important to keep profiles up-to-date since an inactive social media profile can create mistrust among potential customers.

No single channel is perfect, but you can create an ideal media mix that will make the most of each ad media and generate the desired KPIs.

  • Considerations When Selecting Advertising Media

Consider the following factors when selecting advertising media:

Overall Strategy

The ideal media channel for your campaign depends on its ultimate goal. Media planners should begin by building a framework for their overarching strategy.

Budget Constraints

Before we create media plans, it’s important to clarify the campaign budget and determine how to allocate your funds.

Rating Information

Ratings directly correspond with viewership in a specific demographic, so marketers should examine their target audience and place advertisements during programs with satisfactory ratings.

Messaging Frequency

Media planners should examine the overall budget, and determine how it can be best allocated. Frequency is a significant determinant of how well campaigns perform.

Efficacy of Previous Media Purchases

When deciding on a media plan and budget, it can be useful to look at past campaigns to see what worked well.

Marketers need advanced analytics to develop media spend that is well-targeted and highly engaged.

  • Integrating an Advertising Media Mix

You cannot effectively promote your goods or services utilizing only one or two channels. Modern marketers have access to a wide variety of channels that transmit marketing messages in distinct ways. Including different advertising media in company’s marketing mix is the only way to achieve the desired results. Advanced analytical tools can help media planners find an optimal balance for upcoming campaigns and make data-driven decisions about optimal budget allocation.

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How to Conduct Advertising Research

Advertising research will help you understand your customers and prospects so you can design the perfect campaign and then measure its success.

Strawberries and cream. Rock and roll. Research and analysis. Some things just work well together.

Advertising research brings together two strategies together to help improve your marketing from two different approaches. It takes a 360-degree view to maximize the lessons you can take from each marketing campaign.

The first is about laying the foundations for good marketing: understanding your audience. The second is a retrospective look at how the campaign performed, allowing you to retain elements that worked and remove ones that didn’t.

What is advertising research?

Advertising research is a specialized form of market research which aims to discover which ads will be most effective with the existing and potential customer base. It does this both through detailed research before a campaign and by analyzing the success of the campaign.

The aim of advertising research is to understand your customers and their motivations better so that you can produce better ads that demonstrate why your product meets their needs. Once you have an understanding of the people you are targeting, an analysis of the campaign will tell you how successful the campaign was, and help you to iterate your campaigns to continually improve results.

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Social is a rich source of data but only if you know how to conduct good social media research. This post explains the methods for finding consumer insights

Conducting pre-campaign advertising research

The advertising research carried out before the campaign is about understanding your audience. There will be different groups of prospects and customers. The research should uncover the different market segments so you can target your campaign at specific groups.

Online surveys can be easily set up with sites like Survey Monkey, and are one of the best ways to understand your customers. This allows you to ask specific questions, although you need to take response bias into account and carefully consider the questions you ask. It might be fun to find out their favorite Madonna songs, but too many questions may mean a smaller response rate.

Google Analytics

Analytics can tell you more than the amount of traffic you are receiving. The Audience tab shows geography, interests, and a range of demographics.


Keyword research

Conducting online keyword research is the foundation of SEO, but it also tells you what consumers are interested in and the relative level of interest. It also helps to reveal the language being used to talk about these topics.

Customer reviews

Reading customer reviews can highlight common problems or wishes for a product and common frustrations.

Q&A sites

Sites like Quora contain questions and crowdsourced answers on a wide range of topics, including discussions about brands. These sites can give you an idea of the questions and concerns that people have in relation to your service or product.

Competitor analysis

Looking at your competitors’ websites and social media accounts can provide useful information about consumers that are shopping in your vertical but have chosen not to buy from your brand. Don’t hate on them; find a way to make them come around to your side.


Blog comments

Does your blog have comments enabled? If so, reading through any comments is a good way of discovering questions your audience might have.

Google Trends and Consumer Barometer

Google Trends can help you to understand if a topic is becoming more or less popular. The Consumer Barometer  allows you to build interactive charts with various filters applied, although the questions are limited to consumer online behavior.

Syndicated data

Government data is available which is free and can help you understand a group, and  several other sources  can also be accessed for free.

Twitter Insiders

Twitter Insiders is a 12,000 strong focus group of US and UK Twitter users who can be asked to perform a range of activities over a four to six week period. It’s an interesting concept of a focus group at scale.

Social media

Comments on your social media profile or posts can be a good source of information. Likes, shares, and other social media metrics can be useful to understand how popular your campaign is.

Social intelligence

To really make the most of social media, and turn millions of organic conversations into a giant focus group, you need a good social listening platform. A tool like Brandwatch will allow you to gain an in-depth research into your audience and the segments within it, as this guide to social media research demonstrates .

The simple audience research starts by searching for mentions of your brand and products. You can then look at the inbuilt details about these people. All mentions are marked up with gender, profession, location and interests when they are crawled, so there is no extra work for you to do.

Social intelligence is useful for advertising research

With a little manual work, more detailed insights can be surfaced. One method is to build a panel of users who have mentioned your brand or industry (perhaps more than once in a set period, so the group more accurately represents repeat customers rather than one-offs).

Depending on the size of your search results, you can take a sample or use the whole data set, and read through each mention. Brandwatch allows you to assign unlimited tags to each mention, meaning you can tag emotional responses, mentions that include you and a competitor, author types (say for example if the buyer and user are different for your product).

Once you have tagged the mentions you can start to analyze further and cross the different categories and tags to unearth more detail about your audience.

Conducting post-campaign advertising research

Campaign analysis is a simple task for a social intelligence platform and by combining it with other data you can build up an accurate picture of the response to your campaign.

If you have set up UTM codes your web analytics will be able to tell you how traffic came to your site, and if it was as a result of your campaign.

Email automation software will tell you open rates and click-thru rates. You can benchmark this against previous efforts or look at an industry study.


Social intelligence can help to understand some solid campaign metrics and provide a deeper understanding of the effect the campaign had. You can take some of your advertising research from the earlier stage and look at what has changed in response to the campaign. You can also use it to write a social media report , describing the response to the campaign on social.

Volume of mentions

A simple metric that will give you an indication of whether your campaign has increased brand awareness and conversation around the brand.

Our analysis shows that up to 96% of brand conversations happened outside owned channels, or with mentions that don’t tag the brand, meaning a social intelligence is the only way to pick up all the conversation around your campaign.

Share of voice

While you might see an increase in your number of mentions across the web, you want to benchmark this against your competitors to see how you have increased your share of voice in comparison to them. You can also break share of voice down further, to see who is winning a particular segment.

Share of voice

Reach is the potential number of people that those mentions will be seen by. It takes into account the number of followers of each author who mentions you. If your campaign included a celebrity or influencer, they are likely to generate much higher reach.

How many people actually took an action when seeing your campaign? This can give you an indication of the number of people that actively engaged with the campaign. These people would be more likely to recall it even if they didn’t go on to click through to your site.

News coverage

Part of your campaign analysis will be to understand how many media mentions you earned and categorize them into different tiered publications.

Social intelligence will make sure you don’t miss any mentions, and also make it easy to categorize the publications. Mentions are automatically categorized by site type. This allows you to read through the news mentions and report on the top publications that have covered your campaign.

Purchase intent

You can create complex Boolean queries in a social intelligence tool like Brandwatch, meaning you can measure if purchase intent language has increased .

Monitoring for increases in this type of language can again give you an indication of the number of people who have seen the campaign and intend to take an action but have not done so yet.

Purchase intent query for advertising research

Sentiment and emotional response

You can easily monitor for positive or negative responses to your campaign as a good social intelligence tool will have sentiment analysis built in.

This can give you an overview of public perception, and you can categorize mentions to understand how sentiment changes in relation to the brand, products, or campaign itself.

As mentioned earlier, mentions can be manually tagged to understand the emotional response to the campaign.

Brand associations

You can discover the qualities people associate with your brand or product by creating rules that segment mentions of your brand that feature adjectives to discover brand associations . Monitoring these over time can reveal changing attitudes and associations that your campaign has influenced.

Conducting research before your campaign and measuring the impact of your advertising is the best method for ensuring success. Understanding who you are marketing to will help design a campaign that is likely to connect with those people and their needs. Measuring and refining your marketing is the fine tuning that will make your efforts really shine.

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Advertising Media – Definition, Importance, Types and Methods

June 10, 2023 | By Hitesh Bhasin | Filed Under: Marketing

Table of Contents

What is Advertising Media?

Advertising media is the medium through which an advertisement is delivered to the public. It carries messages, stories or points regarding the product that is being advertised. It is a highly informative way to reach the masses and ask them to buy the product or avail of the service.

Advertising Media plays a significant role in binding the direct communication relationship between the seller and the buyer.

With the help of right types of advertising , there is not a single speck of doubt about the fact that you will be able to make your brand known to people in the best way.

Advertising is a parallel universe. It is the most powerful medium through which anything in our mind, thoughts, and dreams, can be conceptualized and presented in the world, and most importantly to the target audiences and beyond.

If the right way of advertising is chosen, anything can get marketed easily.

Advertising has become an easy yet difficult job to catch viewers’ attention for a more extended period in today’s world, where everyone is exposed to technology and the internet. Therefore, knowing what to deliver, and how to deliver, who to deliver is a significant concern for advertisers.

That is one of the main reasons why people want to spend so much money on advertising their brand in the best way. But how people manage to promote their brands, you might ask. This is where the fantastic advertising media comes to help.

Well, with the help of the fantastic advertising media, people can easily let others know about the brands, products, and services that they have in the best way. This is really great for sure.

Hence, we are going to talk about it a little bit so that people can have an understanding of the concept right here.

Advertising media is something that would refer to the different channels of media which are used for advertising the brands or products in the best way. The media channels help in broadcasting the advertisement about a specific subject.

The advertising media can be used to showcase the content that is promotional and that is communicated in the best way with the help of many methods. These methods include speech, text, videos, images, and so much more.

There are many different mediums which are used for that such as outdoors, radio, online, TV, and so much more.

In simple words, it can be said that advertising media consists of the channels with the help of which certain companies would be able to promote and advertise the products and services that they have so that customers can see it and be interested in the brand without any trouble or hassle for sure.

How to choose the Right Advertising Channel or Media?

One must always keep these points in mind while choosing the medium of advertising to earn maximum profit:

  • Target Audience.
  • Nature of the product or service
  • Return on investment.
  • Accessibility
  • Future benefits.
  • Competitor’s strategy, etc

After knowing about the key things you need to pay heed to while choosing the type of advertising media, let us now have a look upon different types of advertising mediums available for you to widen your reach and optimize your sales and profits-

Different Types of Advertising Methods in Media

Different Types of Advertising Methods in Media

When it comes to advertising the brand in the best way, there are some things that people need to keep in mind for sure.

Choosing the right option for advertising medium might be one of the most important things for the people. Hence, we are going to have a discussion about it in the best way. Choose the one that you like the most from the list and it will be great for sure.

1. Print Media

Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, pamphlets, etc. that we read in our daily life are called as print media . We often come across various advertisements while reading a newspaper, for example, sales advertisements or rent advertisements. The people get attracted by such publications and land up buying the product or service. Print media is the best for only the people who can read.

With this one, we have another one of the traditional methods of advertising medium that most people tend to use. That is one of the main reasons why it is still considered to be one of the most essential and useful media options for advertising. This is worth a try for sure. There is not a single speck of doubt that it is going to work for the people.

2. Television Media

Television media is the best and most popular way of advertising the product and service to reach a mass group of people. The people who cannot read or write are also exposed to television. For once someone may not buy a newspaper, but without any fail, they are going to watch TV. If the right story is chosen for advertising, the product or service will end up attracting every class or age group of people.

If you want to reach more and more people at the same time, the TV might be the best option that you have for sure. The video ads are displayed on the television and there is no doubt that these ads are going to get the attention of the public in no time.

3) Electronic Media

The bulletins, emails, etc. are known as electronic media . It is the most professional and historical way of advertising something. Electronic Media is limited to people as it reaches only to a selected class of people.

The most basic level of electronic advertising medium includes video recordings, multimedia presentations, audio recordings, CD-ROM, multi-media presentations, online content, etc.

Digital Media is the most recent addition in electronic media, and it is the most powerful one in today’s time, that is why we will discuss it separately.

4) Events and Experiences/ Outdoor Media

One another great way of attracting the attention of the public is through conducting various activities and experiences. Many times it can be seen that multiple companies and their products sponsor the events are either given away as free samples or showcased as an experience. It is the best way to build the trust of the product in the minds of the customers. For example, events like Bacardi party sessions are sponsored by themselves, and the party contains the beverages from Bacardi.

It is also known as outdoor advertising . This is another fantastic type of advertising media which includes placards, posters, neon signs, electronic displays and so much more. Not just that but skywriting and tram advertising are also included in the list for sure. There is not a single speck of doubt that this is going to work.

5) Radio Media

This is yet another popular and fantastic advertising option that people can try.

The advertisements for the companies would easily be broadcasted from the different stations related to the Radio stations. FM radio channels are quite prominent these days.

So, it is going to work for the companies without any hassle.

6) Digital Media

In today’s time, Digital Media or Mobile Media is the most popular type of advertising media. It helps brands optimize their reach on the web. By using digital channels of advertisements, you can reach to the smartphones, laptops, and tablets of your target audiences.

Digital Advertising Media helps businesses in meeting their audiences on different social media networks, search engines, and various applications with personalized ad campaigns based upon their inclinations and behavioral preferences.

By using digital ads, you can know about the searches of your audiences on the web, their likes, dislikes and other details, that will help you in gauging if that user is the right audience for you or not. You can also check the performance of digital advertising through different analytics tools.

It is going to be quite useful for businesses in increasing lead generations, conversions, sales, and profits. Emails are also one prime part of digital advertising media. Using the direct mail advertising media to send circular letters, calendars, folders, and so much more seems to work.

Different types of online ads that you can run in Digital Advertising Media are-

  • Google Search Ads
  • AdWords Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Google Display Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • In-Game Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Pinterest Ads

Importance of Advertising Media

We can say this without a single speck of doubt that advertising media has a huge role to play in the field of marketing and business for all the companies.

We have an abundance of different companies that are offering the best products that they have and their services to the people who need it.

But then it is not possible for every single potential customer to know about the brands and the companies, right?

Well, this is where the advertising front comes forth to be the best help for sure. With the help of such fantastic advertising media channels, there is no doubt that companies would be able to make the sales.

The advertising budget, company policies, customer demographics, and targets are some of the crucial factors that decide the media option that companies tend to choose most of the time.

When it comes to advertising, we can say that it is one of the essential tools that people can use to get their brands promoted.

There are many r types of advertising media. However, we only mentioned the common ones. Choose one of the advertising media or all of them to have the best promotion for your company.

By choosing the right kind of advertising media, you will be able to run the most effective ad campaigns to widen your brands’ reach and meet your target audiences, so you can connect, convince and convert them about your products or services.

What types of advertising media would you prefer for optimizing your business? Share the kinds of ads that your audiences love to react to in the comments below.

Want us to help you in choosing the right type of advertising media for your business? Then feel free to share your business details with the M91 team in the comments below.

Liked this post? Check out the complete series on Advertising

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  • What is Advertising? Advertising Methods and Advantages
  • Media Mix Definition – What is Media Mix?
  • Who is Media Buyer? Role of Media Buyer Explained
  • What is Behavioral research? Importance, Methods & Examples
  • Shared Media: Definition, Types, and Importance
  • What is Product Sampling? Types, Methods & Tips
  • Research Methodology – Overview, Types and Methods
  • Outdoor Advertising – Definition, Importance, Types and Examples
  • Broadcast Media – Meaning, Importance, Types and Features
  • Informative Advertising Vs Persuasive Advertising

research various advertising media

About Hitesh Bhasin

Hitesh Bhasin is the CEO of Marketing91 and has over a decade of experience in the marketing field. He is an accomplished author of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies. Holding an MBA in Marketing, Hitesh manages several offline ventures, where he applies all the concepts of Marketing that he writes about.

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8 ways to use social media for market research

Written by by Annette Chacko

Published on  May 30, 2023

Reading time  9 minutes

As marketers, it’s our job to know our target audience’s needs and preferences. It’s why we conduct market research every year to better understand what our customers want and uncover new business opportunities. But traditional market research is no longer enough now that consumer preferences and market dynamics can change overnight.

While focus groups and annual surveys are still useful touchpoints, they reveal little about current events or trending topics among consumers. Social media is overflowing with these in-the-moment insights—it’s market research on steroids. That’s why 93% of business leaders say social media data and insights will be their company’s primary source of business intelligence.

But this dynamic and rich data source hasn’t been fully harnessed. You need to use social media market research to uncover critical customer, competitor and industry insights to maintain an accurate pulse on your market while keeping costs low.

What is social media market research and why is it valuable?

Social media market research is the practice of gathering historical and real-time data from social media channels to improve your business. It gives you critical insights from qualitative data (comments and posts) and quantitative metrics (likes and shares).

While it can be done natively, intelligent tools driven by artificial intelligence, like Sprout, make the process of gathering social intelligence:

  • Cost-effective: It’s more affordable than traditional methods like surveys and focus groups that can cost thousands of dollars depending on the size and complexity of the research project.
  • Quick: Where traditional market research takes time, social media updates in real-time for immediate results, anytime you want.
  • Comprehensive: With over 4.76 billion social media users in 2023 , gather vast and diverse social listening data to analyze conversations and extract more accurate insights about your brand and the entire industry.

Sprout enables you to research different social platforms at the same time and analyze the information in one centralized platform to inform data-driven marketing strategies across the organization.

Screenshot of the Sprout Listening platform featuring an example of the competitor view

The benefits of using social media for market research

According to The Harris Poll data in The 2023 State of Social Media report, 90% of business leaders agree that their company’s success will depend on how effectively it can use social media data and insights to inform business strategy.

Social media market research is the tool that will enable you to harness the data that will transform every part of your business , including:

Becoming more customer-centric

Our report also revealed that 91% of business leaders said social insights had an impact on gaining a better understanding of their customers. The granular insight social media marketing research provides into your consumer base helps you develop customer-centric strategies that build stronger relationships, increase retention and improve your growth rate.

Managing brand reputation

Social media research gives you data-driven insights into how your target audience perceives your brand. That’s why 94% of business leaders look at social media insights to build and manage brand reputation.

Keeping ahead of competitors

Ninety-two percent of business leaders say social media insights help improve their brand’s competitive positioning. Social data taps into deep competitor insights , such as what people like about competing brands and how customers respond to them. All of which guide how you can differentiate yourself from the pack.

Predicting future trends and filling market gaps

Market research through social listening helps you know where consumers are going next, per 89% of business leaders, who said that social insights impacted how they predict future trends. Social media market research gives you a holistic view of the market so you can identify emerging trends and plan long-term and short-term growth campaigns. And so, enabling you to take advantage of market gap opportunities and expand your market share in a focused way.

Optimizing your business with less spend

Seventy-six percent of business leaders say that social media insights have positively impacted moving their businesses forward with reduced budgets. With close to five billion people on social media, it provides a cost-effective way to magnify your brand, engage with customers and reach out to new audiences. It helps brands personalize campaigns and customer care more precisely and at scale.

8 insights you can glean from social media market research

Social listening data is a valuable source of market intelligence. But with all that raw data at your disposal, it can be challenging to sift through the noise to capture what is truly important and can make a real impact on your business strategy.

Here are eight actionable insights you should pull from your social media market research and how to find them.

Graphic that lists the eight insights that can be extracted from social listening data covered in the article.

1. Audience intent to know what customers want

Social media market research gives you valuable insights into customer intent when they mention you or your competitors. Deep dive into social listening data to get to know your audience on a personal level, from how they feel about certain topics to what influences their purchase decisions.

How to find it: Build out your community management strategy using social networks. Also, leverage platforms like Reddit to know what your audience is talking about and respond to threads directly. Capabilities like Sprout’s social media engagement tool help you capture customer sentiment from social listening across networks and seamlessly adjust your social strategy accordingly, in one place.

Screenshot of the Sprout Listening platform featuring an example of the performance engagement measurement

2. How customers use your products and services

Social media chatter gives you an insider’s look into how your customers are using your product and services and what new opportunities are out there for you.

By researching their brand and products through social listening, Lodge Cast Iron learned how customers actually use their cookware. They discovered a new segment of customers, vegans, which led them to create more vegan recipes to better engage with them and their interests.

How to find: Search for your brand and the name of your product on social platforms like Twitter or Instagram to learn how customers actually use your goods and services. Sites like Reddit are also great to tap into customer feedback, including conversations and communities relevant to your brand or products. With a tool like Sprout Social, you can easily monitor all this data including branded keywords and phrases to stay up to date with what customers have to say.

3. What existing customers like and dislike about your brand

Social media listening tools help you understand what people like and dislike about your product and services. In fact, business leaders surveyed by The Harris Poll said that 42% of their company’s product development is influenced by social media data insights.

Customer comments are often not as simple as “I like [brand]” or “I don’t like [brand]”. Some are indirect, don’t tag your handle or misspell your brand name. Analyze all comments through sentiment analysis with a smart social media intelligence platform like Sprout to get a clear idea of what customers expect from you and distinct insights on how to address them.

Screenshot of the Sprout Listening platform featuring an example of the customer sentiment summary on an example topic

How to find: There are several ways you can find feedback about your brand. Search for branded keywords and phrases organically on social, or peruse the reviews section on platforms like Facebook, TripAdvisor and Google. Beyond these searches, your inbox is a great space to find customer feedback. It’s also a good idea to reach out to sales or customer service teams who hear directly from customers about their likes and dislikes.

4. Competitor intelligence to know where you stand

Insights from social media market research guide your competitor strategy for both short-term and long-term campaigns. In fact, 92% of marketers in The 2023 State of Social Media report say that social insights play a role in improving their brand’s competitive positioning.

Understand your competitors’ content and ad strategy, track how the market responds to them and know where you are in terms of audience segmentation.

How to find: Identify your competitors and monitor their social presence across their different social channels. With Sprout Social, you can set up a competitive analysis report across various social networks including review websites, like Google My Business, to track competitor benchmarks and understand your customers’ attitudes toward the competition.

Screenshot of Sprout's Listening tool, featuring the competitive analysis view

5. What customers expect from you in the future

Consumers frequently take to social to share what they want from brands in the future. A brand may receive a request for a future store location or a coffee company might see comments asking for a specific roast or drink to come back on the menu. At Sprout, we often field Tweets from customers with new feature requests that we pass along to our product team for consideration down the road.

Screenshot of a customer expressing what they want from Sprout on Twitter

Another way to solicit feedback about what customers want from your brand is to simply ask. You’d be surprised how many people respond with their thoughts and ideas to a question published on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

How to find: One place to find this information is right in your inbox. With Sprout’s tagging capabilities , you can label and sort messages by type as they come through, making it easy to pass along product requests to the appropriate teams.

6. Trends your audience is interested in

Be attentive to market drivers and use them to catapult your brand strategy. Take how Netflix used the nostalgia marketing trend for their popular TV show, Stranger Things. The show capitalized on people’s fond memories of days past while using children as the main protagonists to cover a wide age segment.

To harness trends successfully, it’s important to map out your business objectives, data analysis plans and baseline metrics before you start scrolling for inspiration.

How to find: Explore social media networks and other tools like Google Trends to keep a pulse on what’s hot. Also, use Sprout’s listening tool to identify trends and topics in your industry and among customers through keywords. Uncover keywords and terms most used by your target audience and discover related topics frequently mentioned with any terms you’re currently tracking.

7. What content resonates with your audience

With millions of posts published on social daily, you need to be strategic to capture your audience’s attention. Take stock of your existing content to see what themes or content formats fuel your performance goals.

If in-feed video gets you more impressions than text posts, consider investing more in video production. If your goal is to drive conversations, refer to posts with high engagement (likes, comments or shares). And don’t be afraid to ask your audience directly what topics or social content they want to see from you.

How to find: Sprout’s Post Performance Report helps you break down the types of content you’ve published and identify which performed the best. For more granular insights, sort the data by impressions, engagement and clicks to determine what formats and themes are most effective on specific networks.

Screenshot of Sprout's cross channel analytics

8. Find who to partner with

Social media market research helps you find the right influencers or content creators to collaborate with. Insights can tell you if they match your brand values, have similar audience types and create content that consistently engages. Your co-creators can also play a key role in product development to expand your reach.

For example, Target offered influencer Tabitha Brown a first-of-its-kind deal following her first year working with the retailer. Their exclusive Tabitha Brown collections include clothing, swimwear, accessories, home and office products, food and kitchenware.

Screenshot of a TikTok video showing Tabitha Brown's vegan products in Target

How to find: Monitor collaborations to see how their content is performing and get insights to make tweaks to remain aligned with goals. Also, track your lead conversions and see if you are getting enough return on investment (ROI).

How to share social media market research findings org-wide

Social insights provide rich insights that benefit the whole org including product teams, customer care, sales and support.

To share your findings with these various teams, your data needs to present a holistic narrative and connect your data to company goals to highlight its true impact, without being complicated. This type of strategic data storytelling requires effective visualization elements like charts, graphs and word clouds that synthesize the data alongside other business intelligence. This enables all stakeholders to understand the larger picture, with insights from every key business channel.

Sprout creates presentation-ready charts and graphs that break down customer, competitor and industry insights from across social networks. Also, combine these insights with your Tableau data for a more comprehensive omnichannel view.

Screenshot of Sprout’s Reporting feature showing a comparative graph of competitor performance on Facebook

With these combined insights you can:

  • Track social KPIs org-wide and measure against benchmarks.
  • Share crucial product experience insights with the product development teams.
  • Inform marketing teams of any negative brand buzz.
  • Collaborate with the broader marketing teams to refine messaging and content marketing strategies.

Better research starts with social

When brands demonstrate they understand their customers’ wants and needs, they stand to strengthen their bottom line and develop customers for life. Thanks to social media market research, brands have access to fast and reliable insights that deepen their understanding of what their customers want and expect. From identifying new opportunities to improving customer relationships, data from social empowers you to make smarter decisions that contribute to your business goals.

Ready to turn your social data into valuable insights about your industry and customers? Download this worksheet to learn how to conduct quick and valuable market research in under 90 minutes.

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Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth ((DIG))

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Marketers utilize a range of media venues to sway customer behavior (CB). Each advertisement on a media portal has a diverse makeup that calls to customers in a different manner. Because of digitalization, public media tastes have progressed. As an outcome, a greater grasp of advertisements through numerous media channels and their impacts on Consumer Behavior is vital. The research looks at how advertisements on magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet affect consumer awareness, interest, conviction, purchase, and post-purchase behavior. The investigation employs a meta-analysis of bibliometric quotes to investigate how media affects the AWR, INT, and CON phases of Consumer Behavior (CB). The ISI Web of Science summarized the bibliography. A bibliometric analysis of 117 publications published between 2007 and 2022 yielded 6407 citations. On the basis of the study’s findings, the analysis proposes a strategy for further research into the relationship between customers and promotional media. Using a bibliometric review, the study examines the influence of media on Consumer Behavior in previous studies. The research focuses mostly on papers that have had the greatest impact in the scientific field. The publications that largely dealt with this paradigm, as well as the authors that have had the greatest impact on the academic community in this field. The study demonstrates a set of linkages between the information bases examined by distinct authors and journals, as well as the framework of such interactions, depending on keywords addressed in each study.

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Rajeev Gandhi College of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai, India

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About this chapter

Tewari, M., Upadhyay, A., Pant, A. (2023). The Impact of Media on Consumer Behavior: An Examination of the Role of Cinema, Newspaper, Theater, Internet, and Television. In: Rajagopal, Behl, R. (eds) Paradigm Shift in Business. Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Published : 12 November 2023

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Somali brother and sister, photographed by Becky Field

With the shift from traditional to digital advertising, little research has explored how advertising in these different channels creates long-term value for companies.   

An obstacle for researchers is that firms' advertising disclosures are optional and currently limited. New research from the University of New Hampshire that uses novel media advertising data is starting to shed light on the topic.   

research various advertising media

In a study published in Management Science , Scarlett Song, assistant professor of accounting at the UNH Peter T. Paul School of Business and Economics, researched three categories of advertising:  

  • Paid search (online user searches)  
  • Online display (online banners, text ads, and video)  
  • Traditional media (television, newspapers, magazines etc.)   

Through examining merger and acquisition deals, Song found that businesses that spend more on traditional and online display advertising had greater brand asset recognition and valuation in mergers and acquisitions, while paid search had more of an impact on immediate sales. 

“Paid search is very close to immediate sales because the consumer can search it, click on it and directly buy the product they’re interested in, so it’s closer to revenue in terms of company performance,” Songs says. “Online display and traditional advertising are more about trying to have a positive brand association with the audience.” 

Song’s research was motivated by the shift toward digital advertising and the lack of advertising data available from publicly traded firms. According to Song's study, less than 30% of public firms shared advertising data in their annual reports, and those that did were vague.     

Research Question 

Internet advertising surpassed television advertising in 2016 and is now the largest advertising channel in the U.S., exceeding $100 billion annually since 2018. While digital has surpassed traditional advertising, very little research exists that explores what firms gain from advertising in the different channels. This study seeks to answer the following question: How do different advertising media affect brand asset recognition? 

Key Research Findings 

Businesses allocating more resources to traditional and online display advertising experience greater brand asset recognition and valuation.  

Paid search advertising has a more immediate impact on sales than traditional and online display advertising.  

Investors react positively to recognized brand value, especially when firms invest more in traditional and online display advertising. 

Research Implications 

This research provides insights into the effectiveness of different advertising channels in building brand recognition and value. By understanding the impact of advertising strategies on brand assets and valuation, businesses can make informed decisions about their advertising investments. The study also highlights the importance of disclosing advertising data in total, as well as a breakdown of advertising into digital versus traditional. Ultimately, this research contributes to understanding the evolving advertising landscape and its implications for business performance and investor decisions. 

Song says one of the most effective ways to evaluate the long-term value creation of various advertising channels is by examining mergers and acquisitions. The rationale behind this is that, in the U.S., advertising is reported in financial statements as expenses on income statements.     

However, a company must recognize and value all its brand assets during mergers and acquisitions. This means that advertising activities, which build brand value, are recorded as brand assets during these deals. 

Song’s study utilized a dataset covering annual advertising expenditures across various media outlets from 2010 to 2019. The final sample comprised 287 mergers and acquisitions involving U.S. publicly traded firms.

The data showed that an increase of 0.1% in traditional advertising as a percentage of sales was associated with a 17% increase in the probability of brand recognition. A similar increase in online display advertising led to a 41% increase in the likelihood of brand recognition.

Additionally, if a company increases its spending on traditional advertising by 1% relative to its total sales, the value of its brand (as considered in a merger or acquisition) is likely to increase by about 0.3% of its sales. Similarly, if the same company boosts its online display advertising spending by 1% of its sales, the brand value is expected to rise by approximately 0.7% of its sales. 

Song says her research shows that investing in traditional and online display advertising builds brand value and can produce ongoing long-term economic benefits for investors or potential acquirers. In addition, disclosing such data can make a business more attractive and shape advertising strategies.    

Song noted that the lack of advertising disclosure has always puzzled her, but executives are likely to question their necessity because such disclosures are not mandatory.    

“They figure, ‘If it’s not required, why do we disclose it?’” Song says. “But my study shows that it’s important to investors, especially in the merger and acquisitions setting, when public companies need to have a higher brand valuation.”    

Song argues that regulators could reconsider the general reporting framework for advertising, including recognizing some types of advertising as assets rather than expenses.    

“The study shows that traditional and online display advertising are creating brand assets for the firms, but the current U.S. accounting reporting framework is not adopting that at all,” Songs says. “Going back 100 or 50 years ago, advertising was all traditional. The nature of advertising has changed, but the reporting framework has not.”     

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What is broadcast advertising the ultimate guide.

Broadcast marketing allows advertisers to connect with a live audience while building trust in the brand. Learn more about broadcast advertising here.

What is Broadcast Advertising? The Ultimate Guide image

Despite the evolution of consumer viewing habits within the last decade, at TEGNA, we’ve found that broadcast television, in terms of marketing and advertising, continues to create product awareness and drive enough interest to kick-start a consumer’s journey to purchase.

And the numbers back it up. TVB’s 2023 Media Comparisons Study found that consumers credit TV ads as the most influential medium in purchasing decisions (23.6%). That’s more than double that of the second-ranked medium, social media, at 17.1.8%.

To top things off, broadcast television still accounts for nearly ¼ of media consumption among US viewers — and is the ultimate destination for viewers who seek trusted, high-quality local news, lifestyle, and local interest programming.​

How can your brand get started with broadcast advertising? Our guide will help answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is Broadcast Advertising?

Broadcast is a long-standing, traditional form of advertising dating back to the early 20th century, in which ads air via broadcast networks during commercial breaks. Ads are an audio/visual medium and range from 15 to 30 seconds or more and detail a company’s products or services to a broad and diverse target audience.

Since the first broadcast ad aired on TV in 1941, the medium quickly grew to become one of the best and most popular ways for companies to build brand awareness and reach potential customers. Affectionately known as the “Golden Age of TV Advertising,” businesses started investing heavily in creating television commercials to promote their products to a growing audience. With visually engaging and memorable broadcast ads, millions of brands have found ways to capture audiences’ minds, hearts, and imaginations.

Throughout its history, broadcast marketing has continually adapted to technological advancements and changing consumer habits, from the introduction of color TVs in the 1970s, the cable and satellite boom, the internet and digital revolution, and the rise of mobile and personalization. While digital marketing has gained prominence, broadcast marketing remains an essential part of the advertising mix, allowing businesses to reach large audiences and build brand awareness on a broad scale.

Broadcast Advertising Opportunities

Broadcast advertising can grow brand exposure and sell products and services in several ways on different channels. But don’t limit yourself to one medium. We’ve found that cross-channel campaigns that combine broadcast, streaming, and digital advertising produce the best results.

TV advertising remains a top way to generate business , and you should always consider it when planning media . With strong creative , brands can get the phones ringing, increase website traffic, and attract visitors to a brick-and-mortar location. In the world of TV advertising, there are several types a brand can consider.

  • Commercials: Visual mediums, usually 15 to 30 seconds long, that tell a brand’s story and show off its products or services to get viewers to take action.
  • Product Placement: Organically integrate your brand’s products into the storyline of a TV show, movie, or other programming. It can be an effective way to showcase products to engaged audiences.
  • Long-Form Advertising: Appearances on Lifestyle shows, infomercials, and product demonstrations help explain complex products or services in detail and educate audiences.

OTT Streaming Apps

Many broadcasters, such as TEGNA, are growing to meet audiences where they are. For example, TEGNA’s new generation of streaming apps offers our viewers access to the best of TEGNA, including 24/7 access to breaking live and on-demand local news, newscast replays, extended live coverage, weather, and station specials and investigations, providing another platform where brands can advertise, reaching audiences who consume content via on-demand platforms.

The Advantages of Broadcast Television for Advertising

Broadcast advertising remains an essential tool for businesses. Here are the top advantages of incorporating broadcast TV into your advertising strategy.

Trust & Credibility

Trust is crucial in today’s media landscape, and TVB found that TV viewers say local broadcast news is the platform they trust most. For advertisers, the halo effect extends to brands that advertise alongside local news, especially as consumers are more likely to trust brands that advertise alongside sources of information they trust. After all, having positive associations with trusted and well-known shows and networks can beneficially influence consumer perceptions.

Broad Audience Reach & Consistent Frequency

Whether you’re a national, regional, or local brand, broadcast advertising has broad reach and access to vast and diverse audiences and demographics you can specifically target based on the time slot and programming choices. This flexibility allows for a degree of audience segmentation. Meanwhile, consistent exposure can reinforce brand messages, increase the likelihood of brand recall, and influence purchase decisions.

Audio/Visual Medium Leads to Brand Awareness & Recall

TV ads can increase brand awareness because of the ability to showcase products and services visually and audibly. Catchy jingles, silly slogans, and effective, emotional storytelling are just a few factors that can influence consumer behavior, such as brand recall and loyalty.

Live Audience

High-profile events like the Super Bowl , Olympics , or the Grammy Awards attract massive viewership; advertisers often use these occasions to exploit this reach. Better yet, brands can leverage the excitement associated with the event to create real-time interactions and memorable brand experiences. Typically, this audience is actively engaged and won’t want to miss important moments – even the commercials, making them less likely to fast-forward through commercials.

Creating a Broadcast Advertising Campaign

Creating a successful broadcast advertising campaign requires careful planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target audience and marketing objectives. Here are the key steps to guide you through the process:

Understand Your Target Audience

How well do you know your target audience? Understanding your customers and target demographics will help you create a campaign that speaks to them, creates a connection, and motivates them to act. Creating persona profiles and collecting and using customer data are ways to learn about your audience’s wants, needs, and pain points.

Create a Media Plan

With so many channels for brands to reach target audiences, media planning can become quite a task for marketers, advertisers, and media planners. However, it’s essential for an effective campaign. Take the time to research and find the best media channels – Broadcast TV, Streaming, Digital – for reaching your target audience while maximizing ROI.

Get Creative!

What makes for excellent TV ad creative? How do we create an ad that stands out and brings results? Effective TV ads listen to their customers first and foremost. Then craft the creative around the story and how your product or service can help solve problems.

What action do you want viewers to take after viewing your TV ad? How will you define a successful campaign? You’ll want to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely), such as increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates, or generating a specific number of leads. Then, figure out which metrics to use to measure success.

Analyze Results with Attribution and Measurement

Once seen as a significant limitation, TV campaigns are now measurable! TEGNA Attribution is a tool that collects real-time data for TV shows and their accompanying ads. Then, viewership connects to outcome metrics such as website visits, app downloads, and sales conversions. Your brand can use this data to prove the value of TV/streaming schedules to drive business results.

For example, let’s say the numbers show that your ad on Tuesday mornings isn’t generating any website traffic. However, that same ad generates much traffic on the evening news on Wednesday nights. TV attribution tools allow you to make the data-driven decision to adjust dayparts and programming to develop the best results and eliminate ad dollars not producing.

Examples of Successful Broadcast Advertisements

The World’s First Broadcast TV AdIn 1941, Bulova Watches debuted the first-ever TV commercial leveraging the power of sports – it aired during a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies.

Why it Works: The ad that started it all only cost $9 to run and brought a new light to advertising, as it bridged the gap between radio and TV.

The Farmer’s Dog Becomes an Instant Classic

Of the 50+ ads aired during Super Bowl LVII, USA Today’s Ad Meter crowned The Farmer’s Dog as the night’s champion. Much like Google’s emotional Loretta ad that stole the show in 2020, The Farmer’s Dog stirs emotions as we follow Bear, a chocolate lab, growing up alongside his owner, Ava, from her childhood to having a child.

Why it Works: “The Farmer’s Dog scored the highest in the USA Today Ad Meter using the power of emotion instead of the power of celebrity,” says Tom Charno, Senior Consumer Insights Strategist at TEGNA. “It shows consumers respond more to brands that try to connect through poignant storytelling instead of flashy cameos.”

Penn Dixie Monster Uses Fun Creative to Create Memorable Ads

Giving credence to the fact that all industries can benefit from TV advertising, this creative from Penn Dixie Fossil Park and Nature Reserve, produced by TEGNA’s WGRZ , shows there’s nothing wrong with using humor to increase brand awareness and recall.

Why it Works: Penn Dixie Fossil Park and Nature Reserve partnered with its local news station – WGRZ – to use one of the most effective ways to sell a product: humor. Not only did the spot bring smiles to the faces of its viewers, but the brand was also able to benefit from that trust factor and halo effect that local news provides.

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At TEGNA, our ultimate goal is to equip brands with data and insights to inform creative and then amplify those messages with cross-platform campaigns, including linear , streaming , and digital elements. With 64 broadcast stations in 51 markets nationwide, our unique content opportunities will connect your business to the audiences that matter most and deliver proven results. Let’s get in touch to see how we can help your brand grow with the power of TV advertising.

Frequently Asked Questions

What challenges exist for broadcast advertising.

Broadcast advertisers face several challenges, including competition on digital channels. Audiences can also be easily distracted or tune out ads, especially if they aren’t relevant to their wants and needs. This makes it critical for marketers and advertisers to do their homework to learn about their ideal customers and create creative messages that capture attention, resonate, delight, entertain, and spark action.

How Do You Create a Television Commercial?

Knowing the target audience is vital. Do your homework to learn the problems your product or service helps audiences solve. Partnering with your local broadcast news station can help with the research, ideation, production, editing, and airing of your ad once you have an idea you’re ready to bring to life.

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60 SEO Statistics For 2024

Anna Baluch

Updated: Nov 28, 2023, 2:48pm

60 SEO Statistics For 2024

Table of Contents

Key seo statistics in 2024, search engine statistics, keyword statistics, ranking statistics, link building statistics, video search statistics, mobile seo statistics, voice search statistics, local seo statistics, seo industry statistics.

As a small business owner, SEO should be top of mind. This is particularly true if you’re on a budget and don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on paid ads. SEO can improve your website’s visibility and in turn, increase conversions and sales.

With a solid SEO strategy, you may also build brand awareness and trust with current and prospective customers. Whether you’re new to SEO, working with a third-party SEO service , or consider yourself a seasoned vet, these SEO statistics will provide some insight into the current state of the industry and how it might change in the future.

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Organic clicks accounted for 45.1% of all search result clicks in 2022

Out of the total search engine clicks on desktop devices, 45.1% came from organic clicks 6 . This shows that users are more likely to trust organic search results than those that come from other sources, such as paid ads. By taking advantage of SEO, you can win more traffic.

26% of searches resulted in no clicks

Not every search leads a user to a third-party website from an organic search result. In fact, 26% of searches resulted in zero clicks 6 . These zero-click searches were likely informational queries rather than commercial queries with high purchase intent. Users may find the information they’re looking for directly on the search results page and therefore have no reason to click through to any website.

Less than 1% of users get to the second page of search results

When users search for something, they don’t want to dig for the information they’re looking for. That’s why it’s no surprise that only 0.44% of Google search users visit second-page results 12 . To succeed online, it’s essential that your website ranks on page one for as many relevant keywords as possible.

The first organic result in a search results page has an average click-through rate of 27.6%

Click-through rate (CTR) shows how often users who see your organic search result actually click through to your web page. Page one results have an average click-through rate of 27.6%, compared to page two results, which have a much lower average rate of 15.8% 12 . The higher your web page ranks, the more clicks you’re likely to receive.

Building credibility is the main benefit of SEO

No matter what products or services you sell or how long you’ve been in business, credibility is important 6 .  If users trust your brand, they’ll feel more confident buying from you. A strong SEO strategy can also position you as a trustworthy leader in your industry and help you stand out from your competitors.

SEOs say their biggest challenges are lack of resources and strategy issues

It’s not easy to succeed in SEO, especially if you’re struggling with your strategy and/or don’t have the resources to design and implement it. Fortunately, you can take SEO courses to expand your knowledge and skills. Another option is to outsource SEO to the pros so you can focus on other, big-picture tasks, such as growing your business.

SEOs say that the biggest shifts in the industry are AI and Google updates

When asked about the “biggest shifts” and industry changes in SEO, 18.7% of respondents said machine learning and artificial intelligence while 18% said Google updates 1 . Since SEO is ever-evolving, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest changes so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Google’s algorithm has over 200 factors

Google considers more than 200 signals or clues when it determines its search engine rankings 10 . Penguin, which was created in 2012, is one of these signals. It helps reduce the presence of sites that use black hat SEO techniques. Other factors include domain age, keyword usage, content length, duplicate content, grammar and mobile usability.

Over 90% of searches worldwide happen on Google

While Google is not the only search engine out there, it’s where you should focus your SEO efforts as it has 90.68% of the search engine market share 17 . Once you’re pleased with how you’re ranking in Google, you can expand your efforts to other search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, Naver and DuckDuckGo.

Google also owns almost 94% of market share for mobile search

When it comes to mobile search market share, Google takes the cake as well. Out of all the mobile searches that occur, 93.77% are on Google 17 . This reinforces the importance of ensuring your website is SEO-friendly on mobile devices. It should look great and be easy to navigate on iOS and Android.

The second and third most used search engines worldwide are Yahoo and Bing with 3.23% and 3.17% market shares, respectively

Google is the most popular search engine and Yahoo and Bing are right behind it 17 . Since Google is blocked in some countries such as China, it might make sense to focus on Yahoo and Bing as well. Just keep in mind that these search engines have different algorithms than Google so your strategy might need to change.

In the past five years, Google has done approximately 36 major algorithm updates

Google updates its algorithm often to improve search quality and keep digital marketers on their toes. In fact, the search engine completed 36 algorithms between September 2018 and September 2023 18 . Thirteen of these updates were considered core updates. As a business owner who uses SEO, it’s your job to familiarize yourself with these updates as they come out.

The average internet user conducts three to four searches per day on search engines

Searching on Google is an everyday activity, just like taking a shower and brushing your teeth. On average, a Google user performs three to four searches per day 12 . It’s how they get answers to their questions and find solutions to their problems.

The most Google traffic comes from the United States, India and Brazil

People from around the world depend on Google search. Research shows that 27.03% of its traffic comes from the United States, followed by India (4.46%) and Brazil (4.41%) 2 . If you sell to customers abroad, make sure most of your content targets the U.S. market.

Google has over 8.5 billion searches per day worldwide

Believe it or not, Google runs around 99,000 search queries per second. This adds up to 8.5 billion searches per day in every part of the world 8 . If your website isn’t optimized for organic Google search, you’re missing out and need to design an SEO strategy as soon as possible.

About 95% of keywords have a volume of 10 or less searches per month

Keywords are words or phrases users type into search engines to find the content they’re looking for. Not all keywords are popular as 95% of all keywords have 10 or fewer searches per month 13 . A keyword research tool can give you some insight on what these keywords are in your industry so you know where to focus your SEO efforts.

15% of searches are brand new searches that have never been searched before by Google

You can find out which relevant keywords were searched for in the past. However, 15% of searches that Google sees every day are brand new 10 . This means the search engine constantly has to work to ensure users receive the best content for their queries.

There are more than 19,000 keywords with over 100,000 monthly search volume in the U.S.

There are 19,881 high-volume keywords with more than 100,000 monthly searches in the U.S 13 . You should identify what these keywords are so you can tailor your content around them. However, don’t forget to target uncommon or rare keywords as well. While higher-volume keywords can attract a wider audience, lower-volume keywords are easier to rank for.

Google’s Keyword Planner can overestimate keyword volumes by as much as 91%

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool you can use to learn about keywords related to your business and their search volumes. If you do take advantage of it, keep in mind that the search volumes it reveals are not 100% accurate. The tool can overestimate keyword impressions by up to 91% 19 .

14.1% of all keywords are phrased as a question

It’s not uncommon for users to use words such as “how,” “what,” “where” and “who” while searching as 14% of all keywords are questions 12 . By using questions in your content, you can build trust and draw in highly relevant traffic. When you create content for question keywords, keep things clear and concise, use bullet points and numbers, and add supportive images.

The most searched keywords on Google are ‘youtube,’ ‘facebook’ and ‘whatsapp web’

Social media and communication sites including “YouTube,” “Facebook” and “WhatsApp Web” are the most popular keywords users search for in Google 6 . Their volumes are 1,200,000,000, 867,000,000 and 543,300,000, respectively. This highlights the power of using social media in your digital marketing strategy.

According to experts, the most important ranking factors in 2023 are quality content, backlinks and search intent/relevance

SEO experts believe that the keys to ranking high in search engines in 2023 are quality content, backlinks and search intent or relevance 20 . Therefore, you should prioritize these factors as you develop and implement your SEO strategy.

Google rewrites the title 61% of the time while rewriting the description about 63% of the time

Each web page has a meta title and meta description that inform search engines what they’re about. The titles and descriptions you write are not set in stone as Google rewrites 61% of titles 13 and 62.78% of descriptions 1 . To write quality metadata, use the right keywords and be conversational.

The most common types of featured snippets are paragraphs (82%) and lists (11%)

Featured snippets are short excerpts of text that show up at the top of Google’s search results to quickly answer a user’s question. Most of these snippets are in paragraph form (81.95%) while the rest are in list form (10.77%) 1 . To increase your chances of ranking for a featured snippet, write content that answers questions, add a table of contents with anchor links and insert an FAQ section.

The average ‘age’ of top result pages is 2.6 years old

Unfortunately, high search engine rankings don’t happen overnight. On average, pages that are at the top of search results are 2.6 years old 13 . With patience and hard work, you can slowly but surely watch your pages jump up in rankings.

Click-through rates decline at an average of 32.3% for each position on the first page

There’s no denying that earning a spot at the top of search engine results takes hard work. However, this hard work is often worth it when you consider that the higher you rank, the more likely users are to click through to your web page. The average click-through rate for the number one spot is 27%, compared to the 2.4% click-through rate at the number 10 spot 12 .

Over 90% of pages never get organic traffic

In a perfect world, all of your pages would rank organically. The reality, however, is that more than 90% of pages never do 13 . To make sure your pages are not part of this statistic, create original, high-quality content, build backlinks to authoritative websites, and ensure they’re indexed.

The top-ranked search results typically have 3.8 times more backlinks than lower-ranked results

Backlinks are essentially votes that tell Google your web page is valuable and informative. They’re important to build as the top-ranked search results usually have 3.8 more backlinks than results in spots two through 10 12 . To build backlinks, reclaim unlinked mentions, try to earn a spot on “Best X” lists, reach out to journalists, become a source for other publishers and update old content.

About 95% of pages have no backlinks at all

Despite the fact that backlinks are essential if you want your pages to rank well, 95% of all web pages don’t have them 12 . Be a part of the 5% of pages with high-quality backlinks that lead to excellent search engine rankings. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to do so, don’t be afraid to consult an SEO professional.

In 2022, backlinks had an average cost of $361.44

Top-quality backlinks from highly authoritative sites with high domain authorities (DAs) do not come cheap. In 2022, they were an average of $361.44 13 . The price you might pay for a backlink will likely depend on DA, content quality, domain quality, top relevance, organic traffic and the country or language.

Long-form content receives 77% more links than short-form content

It can take a lot more time and effort to write a long blog post than a short blog post. However, the extra time commitment can pay off. Data shows that longer content with 3,000 or more words received 77.2% more links than shorter content with 1,000 or fewer words 12 .

The top link-building strategy in 2022 according to experts was to publish link-worthy content

Content is king, especially if you want to build quality backlinks that improve your SEO. Experts in the field believed that in 2022, content was the key to link-building success 1 . The content you create should be relevant, engaging and useful to your particular target audience. Don’t forget to make sure it’s 100% original.

26% of searches include a video in the results

According to research from BrightEdge, 26% of search results have a video thumbnail. 21 If you’re wondering if it’s worth it to add videos to your web pages, the answer is likely “yes.” Videos can help you stand out and get noticed by Google.

Videos have a 41% higher CTR than plain text results

Video content can make it easier and faster for your audience to get the information they’re looking for. That’s why it’s no surprise videos have a 41% higher click-through rate than text-filled pages 22 . If you’ve done everything you can but your page isn’t ranking as well as you’d like it to, add a video.

Mobile users are 12.5 times more likely to see organic image results and three times more likely to see organic video results

If you’re investing in videos and images for your website, make sure they’re optimized for mobile. Here’s why: mobile users saw 12.5 times more images and three times more videos in organic search 6 .

HD videos rank higher than lower-quality videos

High-definition, or HD, videos offer higher resolution and quality than standard-definition videos. Therefore, YouTube chose to highlight them 18 . Not only will poor-quality videos frustrate your users, they can also lead to lost views and subscribers. In addition, you may receive dislikes. If possible, put in the extra effort and turn your videos into HD videos.

63% of searches are conducted on a mobile device in the U.S.

Mobile devices made up 63% of organic search engine visits in the U.S., as of the fourth quarter of 2021 2 . To make sure your website is optimized for mobile search, use a responsive design, simplify your navigation, eliminate pop-ups and keep all content short and concise. Don’t forget to improve page speed as well.

58% of searches are conducted on a mobile device, globally

If you serve customers abroad, you should know that 58.33% of global organic search visits were conducted on mobile devices, as of the first quarter of 2023 2 . Therefore, it’s important that your website accommodates mobile search as well as an international audience.

Mobile users conduct about 4.96 billion searches per day worldwide

Every day, there are 4.96 billion mobile searches performed across the globe 2 . When you design your website for the global mobile market, remember to limit scrolling, add large, mobile-friendly buttons and ensure a clean, efficient design.

57% of local searches come from a mobile device and tablet

When users are out and about looking for a product or service in their local area, they’re likely to use their mobile devices to find it. In fact, 57% of all local searches are made on mobile devices and tablets 3 . This means your website should be compatible on mobile devices and tailor to local audiences.

Appearing first for a mobile search doesn’t mean you’ll appear in first position on a desktop search

It can be exciting to earn the number one spot on mobile search engine results pages (SERPs). However, that doesn’t mean you’ll be number one on desktop SERPs as well. Only 17% of websites kept their positions across both mobile and desktop SERPs. In addition, 37% lost their spots when searches came from mobile 6 .

20% of Google App searches are conducted by voice

Voice search allows users to speak to a mobile or desktop device to conduct a Google search. It can come in handy when they have their hands full or are on the go. Of all the searches in the Google App, 20% of them are performed by voice 10 .

50% of U.S. consumers use voice search every day

These days, voice search is more popular than ever before. In fact, half of all U.S. customers use it on a daily basis 4 . To ensure your website supports voice search and captures this audience, target question keywords and other long-tailed keywords, prioritize local SEO, use schema makeup and optimize speed.

Over 1 billion voice searches are conducted every month

Users perform over 1 billion voice searches every month 6 . If you’re not investing in voice search optimization, you’re missing out. As you tweak your website to meet the needs of those who use voice search, think about your audience’s voice search behavior and how you can create content that aligns with their intent.

Voice searches are longer than text-based searches, on average

It’s easier to say a long word or phrase than to type it. That’s why voice searches tend to be longer than text-based searches 8 . By using long-tailed keywords that are relevant to your business and target audience, you can cater to voice search users.

70% of voice search results pull from ‘Featured Snippets’ and ‘People Also Ask’

While Featured Snippets are highlighted text excerpts that appear at the top of a Google search results page, People Also Ask is a feature that shows users additional content and answers related to their search query. Featured Snippets and People Also Ask account for 70% of voice search results 6 .

Experts forecast that by 2024, voice search queries will increase to 2 billion per month

There’s a good chance voice search will continue to grow in popularity. SEO experts predict that the number of monthly voice search queries will increase from 1 billion to 2 billion in 2024. If you haven’t optimized your site for voice, now is the time to do so 24 .

The top voice assistants are Amazon, Google and Apple, with 69%, 25% and 5% market share in 2021, respectively

Voice assistants are programs that allow users to perform voice searches. As of June 2021, the leading voice assistant is Amazon (69%), followed by Google (25%) and Apple (5%). As long as your site accommodates voice search, it can reach users, no matter which voice assistant they choose to use 7 .

46% of all Google searches are local

Local SEO targets customers in a specific city, region or neighborhood. When you consider the fact that almost half of all Google searches have local intent, you’ll want to ensure local SEO is part of your overall SEO strategy, especially if you sell to customers in certain geographic areas 8 .

50% of smartphone users visited a store within a day of their local search

If your goal is to get customers in the door as soon as possible, local search is essential. Half of all smartphone users who perform a local search went to a store they found through it within a day 10 .

Four in five people use search engines for local queries

The popularity of local queries is significant. Four out of five people use search engines to meet a need they have in their local area 10 . To optimize your website for local search, claim your Google Business Profile listing, add your business to local directories, create content with local search terms and add schema markup.

‘Open now near me’ searches have increased by 400%

Customers don’t want to wait long to go to a business and buy what they need. That’s why they often search “open now near me.” These searches have gone up by 400% from September 2019 to August 2020 and September 2020 to August 2021 10 . By claiming your Google Business Profile listing and adding your hours, you can take advantage of this trend.

18% of local searches lead to a purchase within 24 hours

If you’d like to convert users while your product or service is fresh in their minds, local search is key. Compared to 7% of non-local searches, 18% of local smartphone searches resulted in a purchase within a day 10 .

42% of local searchers click into map pack results

Google Maps Pack is a set of three Google Maps search results that usually appear when users perform local searches for businesses. Earning a spot on the Google Maps Pack can do wonders for your business as 42% of local searchers click on these results 12 . To increase your chances of becoming a Google Maps Pack result, claim your Google Business Profile listing, generate more online reviews and build citations.

Almost 64% of customers are likely to read Google reviews before visiting a local business

Don’t underestimate the power of Google reviews as 63.6% of customers will read them before they stop into a local business 11 . To get more Google reviews, provide excellent customer service, add review links to your website and emails, and simply ask for reviews from current and former customers.


The average SEO budget for a small business is almost $500 per month

You don’t have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on SEO. On average, a small business budget is $497.16 per month 12 . You can always increase your budget as you see results and earn more revenue.

SEO agencies charge an average of over $3,200 per month

If you don’t have the in-house time or expertise to focus on SEO, you might consider an agency. However, keep in mind that SEO agencies can be pricey. You can expect to pay an average of $3,209 per month for their services 13 .

SEO roles are projected to grow by 22% between 2020 and 2030

SEO specialists can work for digital marketing agencies or in-house marketing departments. The demand for these types of professionals is forecasted to increase by 22% between 2020 and 2030 14 . Depending on your budget and goals, you might want to hire an SEO specialist to assist with your SEO strategy.

The SEO industry is forecasted to be worth almost $218 billion by 2030

Rest assured SEO isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By 2030, the SEO services market is predicted to grow to $217,846 15 . As a small business, SEO should be a part of your overall marketing plan today, tomorrow and years down the road.

52% of business leaders develop content with the help of AI

Content marketing, which focuses on creating useful and informative content can lead to better SEO results. Thanks to the rise in AI content generation tools, you can simplify your content marketing efforts, just like 52% of business leaders who are currently doing so 16 .

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Anna Baluch is a freelance writer from Cleveland, Ohio. She enjoys writing about a variety of health and personal finance topics. When she's away from her laptop, she can be found working out, trying new restaurants, and spending time with her family. Connect to her on LinkedIn.

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In this edition: Biden’s biographers process the debate.͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌ 
 Atlanta  Washington  New York

Welcome back to Semafor Media, where our fitness is never in doubt.

If you were surprised by Joe Biden’s frailty and discombobulation Thursday night, the media is, on some level, to blame.

Our core job is to tell you what powerful people don’t want you to know. It’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that — scattered stories and open questions aside — the American press corps failed to penetrate this White House as it did the last one, and failed to provide an accurate portrait of the president.

Max, who covered this opaque White House for Politico before he got to Semafor, revisits those questions today , and speaks to Biden chroniclers Franklin Foer and Evan Osnos, who now argue that Biden seems to have deteriorated in recent months.

I’m curious what the sophisticated readers of the newsletter think, if only so I can sound smart on our special episode of Mixed Signals this week. What blame, if any, does the media bear for the Democratic Party’s crisis? Send us an email with your thoughts.

Also today: Shaping Caitlin Clark’s story, Emma Tucker takes a victory lap, and Alex Thompson on thinking about Biden’s age past 2024. (Scoop count: 3)

I teased a media scoop in Semafor Business last week — but I swear it’ll be in there Tuesday. And you should be reading Liz Hoffman anyway, to understand the currents of money and power. Sign up here.

Mixed Signals

In the latest episode of , presented by Think With Google, Ben, Nayeema, and Max react to the debate and interview Nate Silver about his new model, which — even pre-debate — gave Donald Trump a 66% chance of winning the election. We press Nate on the relationship between polling and the media, and the question of whether they’re in an unhealthy feedback loop.

Max Tani

Why did anyone think Joe Biden was ready for a 90-minute presidential debate? One reason is that a small handful of journalists, with left-leaning sympathies but very credible records, have interviewed him and those close to him in the White House and returned with reports that while he’s definitely older, he’s still pretty sharp and in charge.

Two of the most prominent are Biden biographers Evan Osnos and Franklin Foer. I spoke to them Sunday as they reconciled their own portrayals with the faltering 81-year-old they saw on national television.

In his deeply-reported , Osnos detailed Biden on the precipice of his final campaign, the definition of an elder statesman steeling himself for a rematch with an emboldened Donald Trump. But in his one sitdown with Biden in January (the White House declined his invitation for a second), he described an older Biden in command of his faculties: “His mind seemed unchanged. He never bungled a name or a date.”

“The Biden I spoke with in January was very different from the Biden we saw on that stage Thursday night,” Osnos said Sunday.

Osnos said that following Thursday’s contest, he’d concluded that Biden “clearly has good days and bad days and wretched days. What we saw was not the kind of performance that anyone would want from a candidate.”

And he said he made no apologies for his journalism. For that New Yorker piece, he’d spoken at length with Biden advisers and confidantes who raved about his ability to do the job despite his age. “I don’t think I would do anything differently,” Osnos said.

Foer had also defended Biden’s mental acuity since publishing his book on the president, last year. He podcast host Kara Swisher in September that the real problem was not Biden’s age, but the media’s false equivalence between that and the dangers of a second Trump presidency.

“His inability to finish a sentence, or the fact that his stories occasionally trail off, is now on a continuum with Trump being a lunatic. And this is in part something that they need to combat,” Foer said at the time. “It’s also a media failing as well, that there’s just an inability to talk about the relative problems that these two senior citizens have, which I think are not the same in kind, and they’re being smushed together.”

“If you gave him the type of mental acuity test that Nikki Haley talks about giving him, he would pass that,” he said.

But in , Foer compared the decision for Biden to step down to his family’s attempts to take the car keys away from his aging grandfather when he got older. In a brief note to Semafor over the weekend, he said that since publishing his book last September, he had changed his mind about the president.

“I still think he has the acuity to do the job,” he said. But, he added, “I do feel differently.”


One Good Text


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Daniel McKnight/Semafor

Where’s the PR MVP? National Women’s Soccer League Commissioner Jessica Berman offered a surprising perspective on the emergence of the women’s basketball star Caitlin Clark in an interview with Liz at the Semafor Business Summit last Monday.

“Storytelling drives growth,” she said of women’s basketball in general. “Caitlin Clark didn’t come out of nowhere. They have been building the story of Caitlin Clark through ESPN and the NCAA for three full seasons. And if anyone’s interested in understanding how the ‘Caitlin Clark effect’ happened, you should know that it didn’t start in March Madness this year, and it didn’t even start last year, with the Angel Reese/Caitlin Clark little interaction that happened at the end of the game. It happened the season prior, that they began to build. And it was very intentionally invested in, through brands and media and the NCAA and the WNBA.”

“These things don’t happen by accident, and they require strategic investment in thought and planning about how to maximize those moments,” she said. “All those things were true — plus the fact that she’s performing as well as she is, and she’s a consummate professional and is so sophisticated and mature. All those things help.”

Steele yourself: The Michael Steele Podcast is moving to The Bulwark. In an announcement first shared with Semafor, The Bulwark said it would be distributing the podcast from the former Republican National Committee chair, who has been hosting a show since 2018.

“Michael is one of the most honest and incisive voices out there, and there’s no one better to help our listeners navigate the unprecedented months ahead,” publisher Sarah Longwell said in a statement shared with Semafor. “He knows all of the players in the Republican Party who helped us get to this point, and he can shine a light on what it’s going to take for us to come out on the other side. His show is — and will continue to be — essential listening.”

Steele’s podcast launch on the Bulwark is part of the media organization’s broader expansion into podcasting and its increasing focus on YouTube. A spokesperson for The Bulwark told Semafor that it has added nearly 250,000 subscribers on YouTube since it began investing in the platform last year and has 53 million views across its videos. The outlet recently launched George Conway Explains It All , a legal affairs show hosted by the well-known never-Trump pundit. The Bulwark has also added several staffers, including Sam Stein and former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

Earworms: “The music industry has produced more new pop stars this year than any in recent memory,” from “Espresso” hitmaker Sabrina Carpenter to Benson Boone, Bloomberg’s Lucas Shaw writes .

Hanging on: In its recent investor presentation, Newsmax lists anchor Ed Henry, who this week was accused in a story in Mediaite of sending sexually explicit text messages to a “ young female staffer ” while working for another right-wing cable network. Mediaite noted that Henry was absent from the organization’s debate night coverage.

research various advertising media

Meta hardball: Meta may walk away from news deals the Australian government forced it into in 2021. The Australian move, backed by and favorable to News Corp. in particular, requires tech giants to negotiate with publishers. Now Meta is instead threatening to block news in Australia, as it has in Canada. (Google, however, doesn’t have the luxury of exiting the news business there.)

That ought to do the trick: The inaugural White House Creator Economy Conference will “emphasize the administration’s commitment to creators.”

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beat Big Tech on ? at Thursday’s . withdraws controversial tax bill as .

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Financing Contingency: Defined Terms

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Our Analyzing the Financing Contingency article series takes a closer look at the Florida Realtors/Florida Bar financing contingency. The first article (which ran in June) provided an overview of the contingency and showed how the rights and obligations of parties shift as a contract progresses down different paths. This article is the second part of the series and will cover defined terms in the financing contingency.

ORLANDO, Fla. – What’s a defined term? While it’s always possible to look up a definition in a dictionary, it’s also possible to give a word a unique definition that applies only within the confines of a specific contract. Contract drafters usually identify a defined term by capitalizing an otherwise commonly used word to signal that it has its own contract-specific definition. Let’s take, for example, the word property.

In standard context, the noun property is not capitalized. However, in this contract it is. The third line of the contract provides, “Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described Real Property and Personal Property (collectively ‘Property’).”

Of course, now you must look up the definition of Real Property and Personal Property (notice that they’re capitalized), which are found in the first paragraph of the contract. Real Property is all the land located within the legal description, “together with all existing improvements and fixtures...” unless the parties exclude any of the improvements or fixtures from the sale. Personal Property includes all the listed items owned by the seller and existing on the property as of the effective date (range(s)/oven(s), refrigerator(s), dishwasher(s), etc.) plus any additional items the parties add to the standard list. This “Property” provides a precise definition of what the buyer will get at closing.

Precision is crucial

If it looks like a lot of work to be precise about contractually defined terms, it is. But it’s important to be precise, since not understanding the right definitions can lead a party to suffer consequences of not understanding what a defined term means.

There are five terms specific to the financing contingency:

  • “Loan Amount”

The Loan Amount is a specific number. Section 2(c) is where the parties negotiate the Loan Amount, which is either a dollar amount or percentage of the purchase price. The precise Loan Amount is important, since it ties into the next defined term, Financing.

  • “Financing”

Financing means all the terms of the loan a buyer must apply for. These are specific terms, so the buyer needs to apply for a loan that meets all these criteria.

  • Loan Amount
  • Conventional, FHA, VA, or other (whichever box is checked)
  • Fixed, adjustable, or fixed or adjustable rate (whichever box is checked)
  • Initial interest rate not to exceed              % (if blank, then prevailing rate)
  • Term of                  years (if blank, then 30)
  • “Appraisal”

Most lenders will require some form of appraisal, so this has been added to the financing contingency. The definition of “Appraisal” is “ appraisal or alternative valuation of the Property satisfactory to the lender, if either is required by lender, which is sufficient to meet the terms required for lender to provide Financing for Buyer and proceed to Closing.

Note that there’s no set amount the appraisal needs to hit. The amount of an appraisal isn’t the key factor – the question is whether the lender has everything they need (if anything) to move forward.

  • “Loan Approval”

The definition of “Loan Approval” is “approval of a loan meeting the Financing and Appraisal terms...” This definition refers us back to the two defined terms we just reviewed, Financing and Appraisal. The loan that gets approved needs to check all the Financing boxes (amount, type, rate, and term), and the lender also needs to be satisfied with their appraisal or alternative valuation (deciding not to obtain one is treated the same as getting a satisfactory appraisal).

There is some confusion about whether a Loan Approval can have conditions. The definition of Loan Approval doesn’t offer much insight, but there is a brief phrase later that indicates the answer is yes. The phrase is “Property related conditions of the Loan Approval have not been met...”

If the buyer receives Loan Approval, the buyer “shall notify Seller of same in writing prior to expiration of the Loan Approval Period.” There is no form for this notice, so the buyer (or their attorney, broker, or associate) will need to send a letter, email, or fax to the seller (or the seller’s attorney, broker, or associate) to satisfy this requirement.

  • “Loan Approval Period”

The Loan Approval Period is the buyer’s deadline to cancel the contract if the buyer doesn’t yet have Loan Approval, or if the application is denied. The parties can negotiate the deadline, and it’s 30 days if left blank.

The end of the Loan Approval Period is an important inflection point, so it’s worth running over the buyer’s options if they don’t have Loan Approval.  

  • Option 1: The buyer can cancel the contract by sending a letter, email, or fax.
  • Option 2: The buyer can send a letter, email, or fax informing the seller that they don’t have loan approval but are satisfied that they will be able to obtain it before closing.
  • Option 3: If they neglect to send either of the notices described above, “then Buyer shall proceed forward with this Contract as though Paragraph 8(a), above, had been checked as of the Effective Date...” Note that once this happens, there is no protection for the buyer. The contract will treat the transaction as if it’s been a cash transaction with no financing contingency from the effective date. Additionally, the seller will have an optional three-day window after the Loan Approval Period expires to cancel the contract.

Click here to read Analyzing the Financing Contingency (Part 1 of 2)

Joel Maxson is Associate General Counsel

Note: Information deemed accurate on date of publication

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