
40 Funny Sales Memes For Motivation Of Your Sales Team

The daily life of a sales rep is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions, fueled by caffeine and adrenaline. An average sales rep’s days are full of cold calls, client meetings, and presentations that could put Shakespeare to sleep. And to cope with the daily grind, we’ve got a secret weapon – funny sales memes .

‘Memes’ are a growing internet culture loved and shared by all age groups. 

They capture the hilarious absurdity of our world, remind us that we’re not alone in the struggle, and most importantly, make us laugh until our sides hurt (which is good, because then we can’t cry, right?).

So, get ready, grab your coffee (or your fifth coffee, no judgment), and get ready to dive into the world of funny sales memes . 

We’ve got a little something for everyone, from the cold-calling woes to the closing-deal delight (caught the PUN ?).

40 shades of funny sales memes to light up your day

Below we have crafted 40 funny sales memes inspired by day-to-day events in a sales rep’s life. 

It took me a week to put this together. So, if these sales memes make you laugh, hit the share button and make my day 🙂

Part 1: Daily struggles of sales reps 

A sales rep’s daily life is full of challenges.

Be it dealing with difficult customers , endless prospecting, hitting monthly quotas, or other co-workers giving sales lectures to them.

Can you relate to these situation-based sales memes ? 

1. Marketing v/s Sales – the eternal conflict)

Marketing vs Sales - funny sales meme

This sales meme represents a universal situation. Each quarter you and your team hit the quota, but there will always be marketing guys with Spreadsheets and 5-page explanations of how they achieved the revenue growth with their advanced BoFU, ToFU & MoFU conversions.  (Happy ranting in advance)

2. Revenue targets v/s cold calling

sales presentation meme

We all have faced it. It’s easier said than done. If you are hitting your numbers using just cold calling , congrats! You are a sales superstar.

3. Non-sales co-workers give you sales lecture s

When a non-sales co-worker gives you sales advice - funny sales meme

Your co-workers often think they sell better than you. It’s a lunch break and boom! Sales lectures coming to you from all around the office.

4. Sales presentations that go into nothingness

sales presentation - funny sales meme

This is the perfect sales meme that captures how frustrating it is to see your lead walk away without a response after you spend a good amount of time presenting him with the solution he is interested in.

5. Monday Grind in sales feels like

sales grind on monday

You know this week is going to be the same as before when you are not hitting the streaks right. This is a real Monday blue shaped as a ‘Monday grind’. If you are in this phase, push it through. Big deals ahead!

Part 2: The sales pitch roller coaster

A sales pitch is no less than riding a roller coaster. One minute you’re on top of the world, celebrating a closed deal, and the next minute you’re plummeting toward rejection, clutching onto a single thread of hope.

6. When the prospect finally accepts your call after 3rd try 

sales pitch on cold call - funny sales meme

No way we missed it! It’s either a deal or we piss off the prospect for life. Cold callers! Could you relate to this sales meme ? 

7. When you give a B2B sales presentation 

sales presentation meme

This funny sales meme is the representation of what decision fatigue seems to be like for the B2B decision makers. 

8. Mandatory product benefit analysis

Sales pitch - sales meme

You explain the sh*t out of your product and how it can tremendously change their entire course of life if and only if they start using the product. 😜 

9. When you target an enterprise-level company for hitting a large commission

when you target big clients - sales funny memes

This sales meme is relatable to a lot of start-up companies and small sales teams. Even if you get these big corporations on call for pitching, they will keep on hold for a while.  

10. When the prospect is unattentive AF

sales presentation - funny sales meme

Undivided attention is what a sales rep wants from you during the entire presentation. (apart from your money)

Part 3: Clients v/s Sales Reps

From  CEOs requesting software that reads minds to tech-challenged grandmas asking if the cloud comes with rain – a sales rep deals with it all.

11. When the prospect asks for a quick demo

sales presentation meme

Sometimes we spend weeks customizing a proposal based on the client’s ‘specific needs.’ Turns out, they just wanted the cheapest and most readily acceptable option all along.

12. When customers negotiate for 20 minutes straight

negotitation during sales - meme

You internally scream while maintaining a professional smile “Certainly! The basic plan is a great starting point…”

13. Typical budget woes 

budget worries by small businesses - sales meme

Prospects often love everything about your product, except the price tag. They keep asking for discounts until the proposal becomes unsustainable, forcing us to politely walk away.

14. The typical “Friend-Zoning” client

friend zone sales meme

We build a strong rapport with potential clients, attending industry events and offering free resources. Despite all our efforts, they keep stringing us along, expressing interest but never closing the deal. This “friend-zone” situation wastes valuable time and resources.

15. Bait and Switch technique to score a deal

expecttions vs reality - sales meme

If you are doing this for a while, give it a pause. 😁 We at SmartReach never support this type of selling practice by our sales reps. 

Part 4: Sales quotes gone wrong 

In sales quotes such as ‘Always Be Closing’, ‘fake it till you make it’ etc. are very common. But how can they go wrong in certain situations? Let’s find out.

16. “Fake it till you make it” in sales 

fake it till you make it - funny sales meme

Confidence is key, but don’t let your mask slip – people can see through inauthenticity.

17. “Close the deal before they change their mind”

sales quotes gone wrong sales meme

Desperate measures for desperate sales? Sometimes it’s better to let the deal marinate than chase it off.

18. “Think outside the box”

Think outside the box - sales meme

While creativity is encouraged, not all “outside the box” ideas are created equal. But anyway you have to deliver the prospect the message of the price drop of a plan.

19. “Just ask for the close” effect in deal-making

when you try too early to close a prospect and the prospect backs out due to built up pressure - sales meme

Pushing for a close feels good, but skipping essential steps like building trust and value can lead to a turn-off for both parties.

Part 5: The Art of Closing Deals

Closing the sale can be an exhilarating experience, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected drops. Sales reps everywhere understand the unique blend of suspense, celebration, and occasional awkwardness that comes with sealing the deal. 

Let’s dive into some memes that capture this wild ride:

20. When you finally close the enterprise lead after 7 months of follow-up

sales follow up memes

It’s a well-deserved victory for any sales rep. It feels like you have been fighting in the trenches for a while then one day your team won the war.

21. The surreal feeling when the fat paycheck hits your account after the deal closes

sales reps after the big commission paycheck hits the bank account - sales meme

Commission checks like these don’t just pay the bills, they rewrite the financial script. It’s the sound of champagne corks popping, mortgage shackles shattering, and your inner millionaire doing the victory lap around your bank account

22. When you crush your monthly quota in the 2nd week of the month

when you crush your monthly sales quota in the 2nd week - sales meme

This calls for some celebration. This phenomenon usually happens maybe twice or thrice in the lifetime of a sales rep. So, just enjoy the rest of the week.

23. That sigh of relief after closing a major deal on a tight deadline

that feeling after you crack a major deal

After months of follow-ups, presentations, handling objections, and numerous custom pricing quotations, – finally you landed the deal.  This round of beers is definitely on me, team!

24. 6-month-old startup selling to enterprise customers be like

New age start-up sales teams meme

Don’t give up sales warriors! You guys will score an enterprise customer soon. Just hold on to your sales process tight.

Part 6: Sales Memes as Motivational Tools

Sales memes can be a great way to lighten the mood, boost morale, and remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes to succeed. 

So next time you’re feeling down, just scroll through these funny sales memes and get ready to crush your goals!

25. What door-to-door selling feel like

sales rejections - sales memes

Sales rejections are a daily routine for sales reps. But learning how to overcome rejections in sales is the real thing.

26. Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear headsets and close deals!

sales rep wearing headsets closing sales deals - meme

A sales rep is no less than a superhero! Not only do they grow a company’s revenue, but they solve big business problems too! 

27. Keep navigating, and you’ll find the treasure of success

navigating through sales challenges - hilarious sales meme

If you offend the prospect, game over!

28. Coffee: the secret sauce for closing deals

sales and coffee the combination made in heaven

Don’t ask a sales rep how many cups of coffee he drinks every day. 

29. Got rejected? Bounce back like Drake. This ain’t over!

sales presentation meme

Part 7: The Lighter Side of Sales

30. because every sales team needs a little michael scott energy.

sales presentation meme

Every sales team needs that wholesome Michael Scott from ‘ The Office ’ energy. 

31. When your sales pitch is so smooth that it can rival Hollywood scripts

sales presentation meme

That feeling you get after giving a smooth sales pitch to a prospect in the 1st hour of the day.

32. Ring through the phonebook!

cold calling sales meme

You know you have got to make some more calls to hit your daily quota and update it on CRM.

33. Even bad jokes count when you are trying to hit your monthly quota

bad joke - funny sales meme

The joke was too lame to laugh at?  No way! You have to laugh and give the prospect that gratification he is seeking. So that you can close the prospect successfully. 

34. Last day of the month in sales

sales presentation meme

This meme is inspired by real events. 🙂 

35. What others think when a sales rep hits a big deal

Nobody cares meme

36. How prospects react when you reply “I’ll have to ask the manager”

leonardo dicaprio funny sales meme

37. Fresh graduates picking a sales career for its flexibility and timing

fresh graduates entering sales career meme

38. Beware of the wrong price quotations (unless it’s a deal)

when you mistakenly quote a higher pricing plan but the prospet agrees to buy it - sales meme

How many times has it happened to you? What was your move next? Let me know in the comments. 

39. 1-on-1 Calls with your sales manager be like

1 on 1 with sales manager sales meme

40. Will the prospect ever respond?

sales follow up meme

Sales Memes: Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed scrolling through the series of sales memes , where we tried to capture the different sides of sales as a profession.

Remember, in the high-pressure world of closing deals, sometimes the best weapon in your arsenal is a well-timed meme. 

Those little nuggets of internet gold can do wonders:

  • Stress Buster: Feeling the squeeze of a looming quota? A funny sales meme can set your mood for the rest of the hectic day. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, 
  • Connection Creator: Sales memes are the secret handshake of our tribe, reminding us that we’re not alone in this wild goose chase called sales.
  • Motivation Multiplier: A well-placed sales meme can rekindle that spark and send you charging back into hitting the numbers. Just imagine Drakeposting your way to the top of the leaderboard!

Share your favorite sales memes in the comments below. In case,

if you are wondering how to create such funny sales memes, you can try Adobe’s FREE online meme creator tool .

Let’s build a SmartReach community where closing deals and cracking jokes go hand-in-hand. 

Who knows, maybe these sales memes will be the next viral sensation, spreading laughter and motivation across the internet forums.

Remember, these sales memes are more than just funny pictures – they’re the fuel that keeps the fire of our profession burning bright. So, laugh it up, share it around, and keep the memes coming!

Because the truth is, the world of sales might be tough, but with a little humor and a healthy dose of sales memes , it can be pretty darn hilarious too.

About The Author

sales presentation meme

Subha Bhattacharya

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15 Hilarious and All-Too-Accurate Sales Memes

Aja Frost

Updated: May 08, 2020

Published: October 31, 2017

The greatest antidote to pain? Humor. That must be why nearly every salesperson I know  loves  sales memes. 

sales presentation meme

And there's plenty of material, because selling is a crazy profession. Check out the top 15 funniest sales memes.

Free Download: 101 Sales Qualification Questions [Access Now]

1) When my prospect tells me they're checking out my competitors

Source: Cold Call Me Maybe

2) When it's been a long month quarter


Source: Sales Humor

3) Sweet, sweet victory


Source: The Daily Sales

4) Guess not


Source: ThinkAdvisor

5) They finally answered


Source: Unknown

6) Dat payday tho


Source: NextGen Leads

7) Ruh-roh, this isn't good


8) Things will get better ... right?


9) When my new LinkedIn contact opens up a major source of leads

10) i'd really prefer it if you bought now.


Source: LeadFuze

11) Looking at my dashboard like ...


12) When you and your team member close a deal at the same time

Source:  Cold Call Me Maybe

13) Gotta give 'em props


14) I'm just going to close my eyes and think of the commission check


15) This relationship just went to the next level

sales qualification

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33 Sales Memes to Make Any Salesperson’s Day Better

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The best sales memes to send to your sales manager, memes that capture life as a sales rep, the best memes to motivate you when cold calling, relatable sales memes after a long week, motivational sales memes to keep you going, how yesware can motivate you to close that big sale.

Working in sales can be challenging. From maintaining a steady flow of leads to closing a big deal, there is a lot to wear on you over the course of a day.

If you could use a little boost to help pick you up, sales memes are a great tool. They’re funny and uncannily relatable.

In this post, you’ll find 33 of the best sales memes to motivate you and make you laugh, whether you’re a new sales rep or an experienced sales manager.

sales memes


Running to the CRM after your first big sale can make you feel like a child again.

sales memes

Source: IG: @truesalesmemes

After the first big check, it’s time to treat yourself!

sales memes

Source: The Daily Sales

Some sales take a long time to close . Sealing the first deal that you’ve poured many hours into can make you extra thankful.

sales memes

The pandemic left many managers scrambling to deal with delays and cancellations.

sales memes

Sales managers know that it is important to show kindness, even if it may not be authentic.

sales memes

Accurate forecasting isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can feel like you’re blindly spinning a wheel to arrive at your projection.

sales memes

As a salesperson, having your manager accompany you to a customer meeting can be an awkward experience.

sales memes

Good sales managers know how to motivate and inspire their team. One solid meeting is enough to recharge the team and get them ready for action.

sales memes

Source: IG: sales_humor

Sometimes it seems like the phone is more active when you’re trying to eat than it is the rest of the day.

sales memes


When you work in sales, a new LinkedIn connection can be a big deal.

sales memes

Most sales commission plans are complicated. With so many levels and accelerators, trying to figure out your bonus can get confusing quickly.

sales memes

Source: Sales Humor

Sales huddles are a great way to get the team fired up for the week ahead. However, the excitement rarely lasts through the entire workweek.

sales memes

There is always a gatekeeper that will never let you pass.

sales memes

As a sales rep, the only thing better than more deals is more leads.

sales memes

When you’re a new salesperson, you will likely be asked the pen selling question more than you’d like.

sales memes

Cold calling isn’t easy. It takes practice before you really get it down.

sales memes

When you’re put on the spot and need to think on the fly.

sales memes

When you’re trying to build a connection with someone you’ve never met before.

sales memes

Just because you don’t know them doesn’t mean they can’t help you hit your sales target .

sales memes

Getting a call back from a customer you cold-called may leave you stunned.

sales memes

It may be uncomfortable, but sometimes cold calling does work.

sales memes

After a week of cold calling and objections , we all can feel a little drained.

sales memes

When you work hard to land a customer, you’re not going to let your teammate steal them away.

sales memes

Salespeople can receive some crazy objections. Some of them may leave you impressed by the customer’s creativity.

sales memes

And then, there are the objections that aren’t as good. Like the person who answered your call while in a meeting.

sales memes

Good leads are critical to success as a salesperson. You may go anywhere to find them.

sales memes

As a salesperson, you are likely familiar with long hours.

sales memes

Determination is key to winning more sales.

sales memes

There’s nothing more satisfying than hearing back from a customer that initially turned you down.

sales memes

Long sales processes can be worth it in the end.

sales memes

You never know what can happen.

sales memes

Hitting your sales target in the face of obstacles should make you walk with your chest held high.

sales memes

Personal success is great, but nothing is better than the whole team reaching their goal.

We hope you enjoyed these funny sales memes. When you’re ready to take your sales team to the next level, Yesware provides everything you need to hit your sales targets. You can improve your workflow by automating away redundant tasks and integrating with your CRM and other tools.

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Home » MTD Sales Blog » 60 Funny Sales Memes To Keep Your Sales Team Going

60 Funny Sales Memes To Keep Your Sales Team Going

business goals

They lighten the load in what is normally a pressurised environment, so anything we can do to get a laugh or to release the value is well worth it.

Finding quality sales memes is tough. So, I have trawled the internet, and I have gathered what I consider to be the best of the best. I’ve even categorised them for you into different headings.

Salespeople will get these funny sales memes; others may not unless you’ve worked in the industry.

Take your pick and have fun!

Funny Sales Motivation Memes

Need to motivate your sales team (or yourself)? Share these memes with someone who could use an extra push!

1. You Are Worthy!

meme 1

Working in sales is challenging, but don’t be too hard on yourself. You are worthy!

2. A Sense of Humour Helps

meme 2

Just laugh along, even if the joke isn’t funny.

3. You Never Know When You’ll Get Good News

meme 3

Laughing at that lousy joke might actually pay off!

4. Don’t Let the Haters Get You Down!

meme 4

Even if you’re struggling now, you can still earn your place as the team’s top salesperson.

5. Why Don’t You Just @ Me?

meme 5

Everybody has those days. Just try not to have them too often.

Sales Pipeline Memes

Every level of the sales pipeline matters, from prospecting to closing the sale . Here are some memes that every salesperson can relate to:

6. How Many Times Do I Have to Go Over This?

meme 6

Take a deep breath and give the answer again. Maybe it’ll click this time.

7. This Is Fine. Everything’s Fine.

meme 7

It’s never too late to get back on track toward achieving your sales target.

8. I Thought We Were on the Same Page?

meme 8

Sometimes, a sale is just not meant to be.

9. Hard Work Pays Off!

meme 9

And other times, the prospect is ready to move forward!

10. On to the Next One!

meme 10

Sometimes, you have to hear a bunch of no’s before you finally get a yes.

Salesperson Sales Memes

Whether you’re a brand-new salesperson or a seasoned pro, you’ll relate to these memes about salespeople:

11. Don’t Make It Awkward

meme 11

Staring might work for Stanley, but it probably won’t work for you.

12. Just Following Up!

meme 12

There’s persistence in your sales follow up , and then there’s being frighteningly pushy.

13. I Have a Very Specific Set of Skills

meme 13

And they involve intense LinkedIn searching and aggressively friendly direct messages.

14. Who Needs Sleep Anyway?

meme 14

It’s never too late to make another sale!

15. If You Can Sell a Pen, You Can Sell Anything

meme 15

It’s kind of true, though…

Sales Manager Memes

Sales managers have a lot on their plates. Sales team leadership is tough. They need to be a great sales coach and they need to be able to offer the best sales training for the team. That’s why we need memes.

16. You Get a Break When I Get a Break!

meme 16

Let’s face it. Holiday breaks and sales jobs are kind of like oil and water.

17. Look Familiar?

meme 17

We all went through this in 2020, and we’re better sales managers for it!

18. Go Go, Sales Team Members!

meme 18

A great sales manager gets everyone pumped up and ready to fight…er, sell.

19. If You Could Get Back to Me, That’d Be Great…

meme 19

Being a manager means sending a lot of emails…and often not getting a prompt response.

20. It’s All Fun and Games…for Now

meme 20

Once you’ve hired a new rep, it’s time to get down to business.

Sales Contest Memes

There’s nothing like a sales contest to get your team motivated. Here are some memes to get them pumped up!

21. Set Realistic Goals

meme 21

Remember, you must strike a balance between a stretch goal and an impossible one.

22. Don’t Rush

meme 22

Don’t get so competitive that you rush through your sales pitch and forget the details!

23. Don’t Be That Person

meme 23

When a contest’s almost over, every lead counts.

24. Sometimes, Money Is the Best Motivator

meme 24

There’s nothing like offering a bonus to get people excited about a contest.

25. Don’t Stop While You’re Ahead!

meme 25

Celebrate when you pass your target, but don’t get complacent — someone else might be coming for you!

Inside Sales Memes

Inside sales jobs are more common than ever after the pandemic. If you and your team have been making more remote sales lately, you’ll likely relate to these inside sales memes:

26. Make Sure You’ve Ended the Call!

meme 26

Before you drop your smile and relax, make sure you’ve officially ended the Zoom.

27. Cold Calls Are Tough, but You’re Tougher

meme 27

Always start the day swinging.

28. Sometimes, They Really Do Get Back in Touch

meme 28

Sometimes, those cold calls can work!

29. Patience Pays Off

meme 29

It might take months, but all your calls and sales emails will pay off and lead to a great commission check.

30. But Sometimes, You Need to Know When to Move On

meme 30

If someone isn’t responding, don’t get hung up on them. Keep moving forward and start working on new leads.

Sales Memes: End Of The Month

We all know how stressful the end of the month or the end of the quarter can be. Use these memes to help lighten the mood!

31. There’s Nothing Like That End of the Quarter Push!

meme 31

The end of the quarter means that it’s go time.

32. Some People Need Some Tough Love

meme 32

The niceness comes back at the first of the month. But for now, it’s time to WORK!

33. There’s Still Time!

meme 33

Don’t let jealousy get you down!

34. We’ve All Been There

meme 34

Take a break if you need, but don’t quit!

35. Don’t Forget to Celebrate the Wins

meme 35

Push to the end of the month, and you can celebrate your wins with your team.

Sales DNA

Bad Salesman Memes

Everyone’s been around “that” person. Here are some funny memes that represent everybody’s least favourite salesperson:

36. There’s Confidence, Then There’s Cockiness

meme 36

The sooner you learn the difference, the better.

37. Cold Calling Sucks, but Someone Has to Do It

meme 37

If you’re constantly dodging cold calls, you’re never going to make it as a salesperson.

38. Every Salesperson needs a Thick Skin

meme 38

Rejection is part of the job. It hurts, but there’s no avoiding it.

39. Brevity Is a Sales Superpower

meme 39

If you bombard your prospects with giant walls of text (or 20 minutes of nonstop talking), you’ll lose them.

40. Louder Doesn’t Mean Better

meme 40

The same goes for shouting (literally or figuratively) at them. You’re excited, but you might make the wrong impression if you come on too strong.

Sales Goals Memes

Every sales team needs goals to stay focused and productive. If your team has been falling short of their goals recently or just needs an extra push, these memes can help:

41. No Matter How Small, It Feels Good to Hit Your Goal

meme 41

Nothing compares to hitting your monthly or quarterly target.

42. Face It, Money Talks

meme 42

If you need help motivating your team to reach their sales goals, get them thinking about what they can buy with their commission.

43. Every Lead Gets You Closer to Your Goal

meme 43

The more leads you generate, the more opportunities you have to reach your sales goals.

44. Persistence Is Key

meme 44

Remember, rejection is part of the job. Be willing to keep going!

45. Nobody Succeeds Alone

meme 45

It really does take a village to achieve your sales goals. Don’t write any department off.

Sales Lead Memes

Leads are the lifeblood of any effective sales team. That’s why there are tons of sales lead memes like these floating around on the internet:

46. Don’t Underestimate Your Old Leads

meme 46

Maybe someone wasn’t ready to buy a few months ago, but they might be now!

47. There’s Got to Be Someone Out There Looking to Buy

meme 47

Sometimes, it takes a while to find new leads, but I promise they’re out there!

48. Connection, Connection, Connection!

meme 48

The better you are at building connections, the easier it is to generate leads and move people through the sales pipeline.

49. You Get a Lead, You Get a Lead!

meme 49

You can always use another lead, right?

50. Don’t Give Up Hope!

meme 50

It might feel like the leads have dried up, but more will be coming before you know it.

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Sales Close Memes

Nothing compares to that feeling of finally closing a deal. You need to ask for the sale first.

51. They’ll be Back!

meme 51

Don’t worry if someone wants to get more quotes. If you’re offering the best option, they’ll be back.

52. There’s Still a Chance!

meme 52

Even if you don’t hear from someone for a while, that doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten about you.

53. Sometimes, All That Stress Pays Off

meme 53

When you’re struggling to close and thinking about giving up, remember how it feels to get that big commission at the end of the month.

54. And Other Times, It’s Disappointing

meme 54

Some months are better than others. If you don’t earn a hefty commission one month, the next month might be your time!

55. Closing Stories Are Great, But You Need to Get Back to Work

meme 55

Nod along, smile, and start planning your next pitch in your head.

Sales Team Memes

Teamwork makes the dream work! These memes will remind you of how lucky you are to have your sales team behind you:

56. Everyone Has a Role

meme 56

Everyone on your team plays a role in keeping the company running smoothly. Don’t take anyone for granted!

57. We’ve All Been in Those Meetings

meme 57

Even the longest sales meeting has to come to an end eventually…right?

58. Training Matters, But It’s Just the Beginning

meme 58

Sales team training is part of the job, but the real learning comes from making calls, delivering pitches, and meeting with prospects face-to-face.

59. You Crushed It!

Everyone needs a dance partner on their team!

60. Sales Is Stressful, but You Get by with a Little Help from Your Friends

meme 60

Working in sales is tough. If you have great people on your team, though, it’s a lot easier.

Which Meme Resonates the Most with You?

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get your team motivated for an upcoming contest or just need a laugh to lighten the mood on a tough day. These sales memes can help.

Add them to your next presentation or team newsletter today.

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Happy Selling!

Sean McPheat

Sean McPheat Managing Director MTD Sales Training

  • General Sales Skills

Updated on: 12 January, 2023

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57 Hilarious Sales Memes to Laugh off The Work Stress

  • sales memes

sales presentation meme

It is a well known fact that working in sales is stressful. The pressure of client interactions, cold calls and monthly targets can really get to you. Which is why, it’s okay, every now and then, to take a step back, make fun of the situation you are in and laugh out loud. 

That is exactly what these hilarious sales memes will help you do. Plus you can share these with your friends and colleagues and lighten the mood over all. And if you want to take inspiration from these and create your own memes, you can use InVideo’s meme generator and bring your ideas to life. We show you how you can make your own meme at the end of the article.

Our top picks of sales memes

1. achieve that sales target.

“I will look for you, I will find you”

Make this meme your own 

2. I am selling you dreams

Do you need time to think? Sure.

Make this meme your own

3. Brb sending this to my clients

If selling was a bed of roses

  Make this meme your own

4. You can’t just give up!

“Is that what a dinosaur would do?”

5. I am a sales god!

With hard work and maybe a little bit of luck

6. Things to never to say to a sales agent

Would you dare to try?

7. Ethan Tremblay got nothin’ on me

Intense calculation mode- ON

8. Money never sleeps, pal

“I ain’t going anywhere”

9. Where did I go wrong?

“If I let you go, you’ll be gone for good”

10. Eye clearly not on the prize

You’re wishing for too much, my friend.

11. Losing sales be stressing me out

It’ll fit if I just stretch it out a little

sales meme -  Losing sales be stressing me out

12. Trying to get some sleep

Why do brain cells remind me about leads in the middle of the night?

sales meme -  Trying to get some sleep

13. Ghosting is real

sales meme -  Ghosting is real

14. Muster all the strength

Real men don’t take breaks

sales meme -  Muster all the strength

15. Wisdom doesn’t come without a price

It now lives within me

sales meme - Wisdom doesn’t come without a price

16. Sales “psycho”

That smile at the verge of a breakdown.

sales meme - Sales “psycho”

17. Age is just a number

And white hair is a sign of wisdom

sales meme - Age is just a number

18. The one person who has your back

Teach me, master! 

sales meme - The one person who has your back

19. What took you so long?

It feels better than an actual hug

sales meme - What took you so long

20. I’m young and experienced

I’m not stressed. You’re stressed

sales meme - I’m young and experienced

21. Time to scream into the void

It’s like your wife cheated on you, but worse

sales meme - Time to scream into the voida

22. You just can’t fake this glow

Can’t stop smiling.

sales meme - You just can’t fake this glow

23. Where is Google when I need it?

How can I search the internet for answers without looking like a dud?

sales meme - Where is Google when I need it

24. I dream a little dream

When the hard work pays off.

sales meme - I dream a little dream

25. Reps work in mysterious ways

And you’ll probably never know how

sales meme - Reps work in mysterious ways

26. What’s faster than light?

The speed with which a salesperson’s mood changes

sales meme - What’s faster than light

27. Prince to pauper

From breakfast to supper

sales meme - Prince to pauper

28. Eureka!

I cannot believe this is happening

sales meme - Eureka!

29. Make way

For the sales superstar. 

sales meme - Make way

30. I trusted them

I still trust them

sales meme - I trusted them

31. Hold on tight

I will never let you go

sales meme - Hold on tight

32. What’s a little snowstorm

When your commission is at stake?

sales meme - What’s a little snowstorm

33. Actor is my middle name

Laughing out loud at things I have to do 

sales meme - Actor is my middle name

34. Why you gotta leave me hanging like that?

If it’s a no, tell me it’s a no. 

sales meme - Why you gotta leave me hanging like that

35. Rise again

We’re back in the game. 

sales meme - Rise again

36. What’s lunchtime when you are a salesperson?

Grab the deal, even if you couldn’t grab a bite.

sales meme - What’s lunchtime when you are a salesperson

37. I don’t take your name out of respect

Or maybe you can tell me how to spell it for one of these forms 

sales meme - I don’t take your name out of respect

38. Dead inside

Stress will do that to you

sales meme - Dead inside

39. There is no middle ground

We live in extremes

sales meme - There is no middle ground


Maybe discuss this with your lawyer before you spill the beans

sales meme - TMI, TMI, TMI

41. All good things come to an end

Maybe it’s time to say goodbye

sales meme - All good things come to an end

42. You had a choice!

For once, you chose right.

sales meme - You had a choice

43. Bipolar much?

Looking at psychology textbooks to understand that change in behavior

sales meme - Bipolar much

44. Keep that face on

Who knew I could sleep with eyes open

sales meme - Keep that face on

45. Maybe it’s time to try something new

sales meme - Maybe it’s time to try something new

46. Being rich can be so tough sometimes

First world problems not coming to an end

sales meme - Being rich can be so tough sometimes

47. You have my heart

The one prospect who wins your heart. 

sales meme - You have my heart

48. Work life balance

What’s that?

sales meme - Work life balance

49. You can’t win

Because the customer is always right!

sales meme - You can’t win

50. Derailed from the sale

And you ain’t got all day

sales meme - Derailed from the sale

51. Are you even a good salesperson

If you can’t sell yourself?

sales meme - Are you even a good salesperson

52. So done with the cliches

Interviewers need to get better

sales meme - So done with the cliches

53. Lol, what’s a vacation?

I dare you to answer me!

sales meme - Lol, what’s a vacation

54. Love the way you lie!

Totally amazed by how well some prospects can do it.

sales meme - Love the way you lie

55. Hmm, that’s sus

Why can I smell something fishy here?

sales meme - Hmm, that’s sus

56. Dreams do come true

And your happiness knows no bounds.

sales meme - Dreams do come true

57. Why don’t you go ahead and try?

I’ll send good luck along your way

sales meme - Why don’t you go ahead and try

Now that we’ve looked at some hilarious sales memes, let’s take a look at how you can create your own sales memes using InVideo’s meme generator.  

Make your own sales memes

Coming up with ideas for your sales memes is easy because you go through a lot in sales (you’ve also got 57 ideas above for inspiration.) But guess what? Transforming those ideas into memes is even easier with our meme generator. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can go about creating your own sales meme. 

Step 1: Go to InVideo’s Meme Generator Page and login or sign up to create your free account. 

Step 2: Browse through the memes or use the search bar to find sales memes that resonate with you. Select the right aspect ratio (we’ve used 16:9 for this video) and click Use This Template 

Step 3: Double-click on the text to edit your sales meme.

Step 4: Click the Music tab and use the search bar to search for a track. Then, choose a track and select Replace music to replace the music in the video. You can also do without this step if you just want to create a gif/boomerang style post. 

Step 5: When you’re satisfied with your sales meme, click Download , choose your resolution and click Export to save your video. 

Make your own sales memes - Step 5

Wrapping Up

Dealing with tough targets, elusive clients and still trying to convert another prospect — all of these challenges make sales a hard nut to crack. But there’s always a little fun to be had even in the hardest of situations. And we hope that this collection of 57 sales memes helped you take some of that stress off.

Share these with your colleagues and have a good time laughing together. And check out this blog if you’re interested in using memes for marketing. And don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel for fun videos on everything from sales, and marketing to video creation. 

And if you're looking to create gold-standard videos in minutes, sign up for InVideo today!

This post was written by  Mrignayni  and edited by  Adete  from Team InVideo

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30 Funny Memes All Salespeople Can Relate to in 2024

  • Ashok Kammara
  • 02 Nov 2023

blog banner

Table of Contents

  • 30 Funniest Sales Memes, Take a look!


Prospects who ghost you, 

Leads who ask you for a discount at the late stages of a deal, 

When your sales quotas make no sense, 

We’ve all been in these frustrating situations. But when it happens on a daily basis, it leaves you questioning your resolve to spend all your day talking to them over and over.

Being a salesperson is tough. 

So, we put together some of the funniest memes we came across so you can share a laugh with your colleagues about the twitch-worthy situations we salespeople often find ourselves in. 

Of course, to christen this blog we call upon Stanley’s infamous resting face from ‘The Office’.

stanley funny sales memes from the office

Source: Pinterest

30 Funniest Sales Memes, Take a Look!

1. your boss congratulates you for an upsell.

Your boss is over the moon as they think that you have made an upsell to a prospect. Little do they know that you just agreed for some freebies to convert them. Oh, well!

image of boss congratulating sales meme

Source: csmemes

2. The ‘I’ll Call You Back’ but the Prospect Never Does

It’s never a great feeling when the prospect says, ‘I’ll call you back’. But this is something you end up hearing often. Most prospects never get back to you. It’s just a way for them to get out of the selling situation without being too confrontational. But you still have to wait. So, this is YOU.

image of Pablo waiting meme

Source: meme-arsenal

3. When You’re Desperate for Leads

Some salespersons have the Midas touch. While others really don’t have the magic. And it is they who go every nook and corner to find good leads. Some hit the jackpot while the rest fall right into the trap!

meme from the movie it when you are desperate for leads

Source: tamcocorp

4. Your Prospect Answers After a Long Gap

Few prospects respond NO, fewer respond YES, but most remain mum for a long time. But when they do respond after the long wait, the relief on your face cannot be expressed by any means. The below expression could be the closest match.

image of a sales meme when your prospect answers after a long gap

Source : TheDailySales

5. When Your Prospect Agrees To Pay the Full Price

Your journey to convert a prospect to a customer is filled with abundant surprises. One such pleasant surprise is when your prospects purchases the product without any negotiation. And when that happens, it’s time for some YOOHOO and YIPPEE!

image of a sales meme when your prospect agrees to pay the full price

Reference - ampliz

6. When You Achieve the Sales Quota for the Month

In sales, if there’s one number that all salespersons obsess over, it has to be the quota. It’s the final destination for any salesperson (for the month of course). And the pride that one gets when they reach the summit is worth framing into a picture.

when you achieve the sales quota for the month meme

Source: pinterest

7. When You Ask for a Vacation From Your Manager

Asking for a vacation from any manager in any field is asking for trouble. But in a high-pressure work environment like sales, asking for a vacation is like asking your manager to give up their job. 

image of sales meme When you ask for a vacation from manager

8. When Your Prospects Buy From Your Competitors

There are times, when your prospects love your pitch, adore your product and dig your company. But in the end, they will end up buying the product from your competitor who lives right across the street. 

sales meme when your prospects buy from your competitors

Source: salesplaybookb2b

9. When the Prospect Says They Are Not the Decision-Maker After 10 Calls

Here’s a really short story - You spend all your energy convincing a prospect. You talk to them for months. One fine day you find out that prospect loves the product. Hurray! There is only one problem though - they don’t have the power to make the decision. WHAT??? End of story.

image of a sales meme

10. When the Gatekeeper Asks if the Client Is Expecting Your Call

If there is one person who’s more powerful than your prospect, it’s got to be the person guarding them - the GATEKEEPERS. And when you reach them with no appointment, expect the question - is the client expecting your call. And that’s when you put on your ‘let’s confuse this person’ hat.

sales meme about the receptionist gatekeepers

Source: TopEchelon/photos

11. How the Top Seller Looks at You

In sales, there are only two types of people - top salespersons and the average Joes. If you fall under the second bucket, then be ready to get some pompous looks and take orders from the former(not very common thankfully).

sales meme from office


12. How You Look at Others When You’re the Top Seller

Sometimes, the direction of the wind changes and you end up becoming the top seller of the month.  And that’s when you payback for all the nasty looks you got with your own SWAG like this.

image of top salesman meme

Source :

13. When You Think You Know Everything About Sales After Two Weeks Into Training

Real-world sales cannot be learned, it can only be experienced. Many people learn this most important lesson of sales outside their sales training. Irony, isn’t it? And here’s you asking questions like these.

Funny sales meme  Overconfident newbie vs. sales reality

Source: makeameme

14. When You Are Nearing Month-End and Your Sales Target Is Still Pretty Far

Confidence is when you are light years ahead of your monthly sales target, you have only a few days left, and you are still pumped up like this. Don’t even bother asking what happened after the month ended.

image of a meme about the sales target

15. When You’re Reaching Out to a Prospect Who Is Super-Cold

Talking to a prospect is tough. Selling to them is tougher. And when they are ice-cold like below, it’s the battle of Winterfell all over again. Brrr.

image of a meme for cold leads

16. Your First-Ever Cold Call

We all have our ‘firsts’. The first house, first salary, first love. In between these beautiful and memorable moments, you also have your first cold call that stick like a sore thumb. And know how your day is gonna be.

meme for your first ever cold call

Source :

17. When Sales Manager’s Goals Are Sooooo Unrealistic

Miracles do happen. But not in sales! Sales managers often have collosal dreams such as all their reps meeting their quotas. Sadly, they remain dreams month after month. Even turning water into wine or getting a dragon as a pet is easier.

image of meme about the sales managers unrealistic goals

Source: everstage

18. Revops: Refereeing Internal Conflicts Be Like This

It doesn’t matter whether it is a 10 inch overlap or a 100 miles one, internal territory conflicts are unavoidable in sales . But having to sit through these conflicts as a mediator is something that the RevOps team never signed up for.


Source: twitter

19. When You Find Out That You Don’t Have to Update CRM Manually

Updating CRM is a necessity in the world of sales. But 9 out of 10 salesperson do not update it. Reason - they have more important things to do like selling (so they say). And when you give them the good news that it can be automated, you know you’ve got some fanboys. 


Source: ​ accent-technologies

20. When Someone Says Sales Is Not Stressful

Don’t bother answering. When you hear comments such as ‘sales is so easy,’ ‘sales is not at all stressful’, and ‘anybody can sell’, give them a demo. Bring them to your workplace and ask them to do some cold calls. Show what it means to be a salesperson.


21. Getting Ready To Be Slammed During the Sales Demo

Incoming - Sales Demo! Keep some blood pressure pills ready. Prepare to face a barrage of questions, some of which can question the very existence of your product (sometimes even yours!). 



22. When Your Prospect Asks the Same Question 10 Times 

Some prospects genuinely do not understand your product. Some want to have fun. While the rest just want to annoy you to the core. And, NO, you are not deaf! And also you, with a face like this, who cannot end the call due to a remote possibility of sale.


Source: inspirationfeed

23. When You Have To Laugh at a Really Bad Joke From a Client

Another classic situation to fall in. The prospect has the fundamental right to crack bad jokes and you have the fundamental duty laugh no matter how lame it is. After all, the deal is more important than your merriment! 


Source - pinterest

24. When Your Boss Sets Unrealistic Targets

Somehow (and always), practicality and reality decide to play hide and seek whenever your manager sets goals for you. And BEWARE! The day is not far when your sales manager comes up with a number likes this to you - 



25. When the Meeting Runs Really Loooong

Remember your last sales meeting that should have ideally been just an email? Some of us would have even attended a two-hour strategy meeting just to decide the colour of the next sales brochure. Whatever be the end goal of such meetings, here’s how it ends for you.


26. Your Sales Manager’s Response When You Don’t Update the CRM

For a salesperson, anything that doesn’t directly impact selling is not considered their core responsibsility (#1 example - updating CRM). However, the rule holds true only till they meet their managers after ignoring it. SLAP!


27. How Your Sales Managers Feel When They Are Coaching Reps Who Have No Sales Experience Before

Coaching a sales rep with no sales experience is like an art that nobody understands. The managers have no clue where to start. The reps have no idea what’s happening. The leaders want to know when it’s gonna end. The end result - total chaos.


28. When the Sales Manager Asks You About the Pipeline for the Month?

Sometimes, convincing your managers is tougher than convincing your prospects.  This is true especially when the manager asks about your monthly pipeline when it looks like this -  


Source: Unknown

29. When the Sales Manager Asks You To Do a Cold Call

Managers have the uncanny ability to make us do something that we hate. And cold calling holds the top position in any salesperson’s ‘I don’t like doing this’ list. When the two mix, you have no option other than going underground. 


30. When Your Prospect Loves Your Pitch but Not the Product

Your pitch may be phenomenal. Your communication skills topnotch. And your words so convincing. Yet, all you get is some words of appreciation and a pat on the back.

meme-when-your-prospect-loves-your- pitch-but-not-the-product

And that’s a wrap. Hope these funny memes brought back awesome memories of what it's really like to be a sales professional. Laugh your way to your next cold call with these funny sales memes. Just don't show them to your manager. Or do. We're not here to teach you. We just want you to have some fun!

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20 Sales Memes That Every Salesperson Can Relate To

' src=

  • March 10, 2024


Sales memes are a great way to to provide a little pick-me-up to get the day started.

At Mailshake, we’re all about equipping you with the practical, tactical knowledge you need to succeed in your sales career.

But sometimes? We just want to have fun.

So today, rather than talking to you about sales prospecting , sales follow-up , or sales apps , we’ve rounded up 20 great sales memes that every salesperson can relate to. Hope you enjoy!

20 Sales Memes To Brighten Up Your Day

1. when nobody understands what you really do all day.

sales presentation meme

Despite common misconceptions, sales isn’t all about partying or rolling in money, Scrooge McDuck style. It’s actually a lot of dialling, emailing, and researching — the same as any other desk job.

2. When the leads you were promised don’t pan out

sales presentation meme

Ever started a new sales role with the promise of access to tons of great leads? If you’re one of the lucky few, maybe those leads actually turned out to be not just fresh, but also qualified.

But if you’ve ever found yourself staring at a CRM contact list that hasn’t been scrubbed since the system was first installed, then this sales meme is for you. Sure, you might be able to warm them up. But in some cases, no leads can be a better starting point than cold leads.

3. When the sales meeting hype wears off

sales presentation meme

Great sales managers know how to get their salespeople fired up and ready for battle. But it takes a really special sales manager to be able to sustain that momentum longer than it takes the team to get back to their desks.

4. Every sales manager, facing COVID slowdowns

sales presentation meme

We aren’t trying to put sales managers down here. COVID threw everyone for a loop last year, and figuring out how to keep afloat amidst cancellations and purchase approval delays was no easy feat.

So if you ever see your sales manager sporting Charlie Kelly eyes while coming up with a new plan, cut them some slack. Everyone is trying their best in these unprecedented times!

5. Web stalking your lead for clues to warm up your outreach

We know you don’t want to brag, but if it was possible to earn a Ph.D. in Google stalking, you’d have the letters “Dr.” in front of your name.

Warming up otherwise cold contacts is a great way to increase your chances of success. Just keep things from getting too weird. Your prospect doesn’t need to know you’ve seen their gym check-ins or the regrettable college pics on their Facebook profile.

6. When it’s time to pick up the phone

sales presentation meme

Are there any strategies in sales that are more divisive than cold calling? Or anything more irritating than a self-satisfied sales manager who once landed a deal on a cold call and now thinks it’s the only way to do business?

Picking up the phone is uncomfortable for you and the person you’re calling. But just remember, it works every time (the 10% of the time it works…).

7. When your lead calls back the moment you’ve gone to lunch

Great salespeople are willing to do anything to close the deal… even if that means answering the phone around a big bite of sandwich.

And hey, if the lead returning your call can’t understand you, you can always blame it on Zoom, Skype, your virtual phone service, or whatever other communications program you’re using. “My connection must be bad” is the new, “Can you hear me now?”

8. When your lead sends you mixed signals

Your lead says all the right things, and emails you back with optimistic notes full of exclamation marks and smiley face emojis. But when it comes down to doing the deal, their actions tell a totally different story.

Look, from the prospect’s perspective, we get that it’s hard to turn people down. But clarity is always better — for both parties — than wasting time on a relationship that’s never going to go anywhere.

9. When you get a little too optimistic about a lead

sales presentation meme

If you can’t honestly say that you’ve never blown a lead’s forecast probability out of proportion, you’re probably only fooling yourself.

Even when a lead is crystal clear about their timeline or likelihood of purchasing, it’s tough not to give in to wishful thinking — especially when deadlines are looming and quotas are on the line.

10. When your sales manager asks for updated projections

Sometimes, you’ve got a clear understanding of your pipeline’s health and the status of all your deals.

And other times? You might as well be shaking a Magic 8-Ball to see if the likelihood a deal will close is a “Yes,” “No,” or “Ask Again Later.”

11. When the CRM loses your notes

Sure, CRMs aren’t intentionally malicious. But it’s hard not to take it personally when you actually take the time to add good notes to your contact’s record, only to have them disappear the next time you check in.

12. When you’re the only member of the team in a sales slump

It’s great to see your fellow teammates succeed, especially when it means good things for the company overall.

But it can be tough to take when things aren’t really clicking for you. All you can really do is put your head down and focus on continual improvement until your slump starts to turn around.

13. The moment your pitch starts to click

Whether you’re new to a company or you’re selling a new product or service, great pitches don’t happen overnight. It takes time to work out your phrasing, positioning, cadence, and objection handling.

But nothing beats that moment when everything comes together, and you can see in your prospect’s eyes that you nailed it.

14. When the lead you’ve been working for months leaves the company

You’ve been chasing a lead hard for months… only to get the dreaded notice that they’re moving on to another role. Sure, they might take you with them, but chances are there’s already an incumbent provider at their new company — and they may not be able to connect you with their replacement.

Whatever the case may be, when your contact leaves, there’s a good chance you’re looking at another uphill battle to cultivate a new relationship within the organization.

15. When you might be overdoing it on the outreach

sales presentation meme

What can we say? There’s a fine line between the perfect number of touches and overkill that puts off a prospect. Will you find it before you’ve crossed over it? That can literally be the million dollar question.

16. When you finally get to take some well-earned time away

sales presentation meme

If you don’t see 24 hours of freedom as a worthwhile trade-off for months of 60+ hour workweeks, can you even call yourself a salesperson?

17. When your pricing objection prospect has to do the walk of shame back to you

sales presentation meme

Hearing you charge too much can be frustrating, especially if you know for a fact that you’re one of the lowest-cost solutions in your space.

But it’s always better to take the high road. You never know when that lead will have to come crawling back after they’ve called around and can’t find a better deal.

18. When you finally get the yes

sales presentation meme

Long sales cycles can be brutal. But waiting months — even years — can make finally hearing that commitment especially sweet.

19. When the deposit finally comes through

But as satisfying as getting the yes can be, it doesn’t mean much until the paperwork is signed and the deposit hits your company’s accounting department.

So while it’s fine to get excited about scoring that initial win, try to keep some excitement in reserve until those dollar dollar bills are in the bank.

20. When you finally hit — or exceed — your quota

And finally, seeing your name cross the quota threshold on your sales leader board is a feeling that can’t be beat. Celebrate by calculating the number of commas on your future commission check and planning what you’re going to do with it!

That’s a wrap on our sales memes folks!

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45 Hilarious Sales Memes

45 Hilarious Sales Memes

We get it, sales can be stressful. At times, it can feel like your manager doesn’t appreciate the hard work you do, even if you’re the only person keeping the company afloat.

We may not be able to make your job easier or give you a better product to sell, but we may be able to help you cope through laughter. So here is 45 of our team's favorite sales memes, enjoy!

1. "Unlimited vacation" is the best…

sales presentation meme

2. Brace yourself

sales presentation meme

3. Age is just a number?!

sales presentation meme

4. Wait, what??

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5. Why didn't you just open with that?

sales presentation meme

6. What's coming?

sales presentation meme

7. Fridays should end at noon

sales presentation meme

8. They have no idea what they’ve done...

sales presentation meme

9. Something's off

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10. At least they have a good excuse

sales presentation meme

11. They’ll know me one day

sales presentation meme

12. Vacation has never been so stressful

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13. It's not for everyone

sales presentation meme

14. Just once, some help would be nice

sales presentation meme

15. Across town? Be there in 5.

sales presentation meme

16. Work when you want, as long as you’re hitting your quota…

sales presentation meme

17. When I’m asked about my pipeline

sales presentation meme

18. Where’s a fire-breathing dragon when you need one?

sales presentation meme

19. You can avoid, but you can’t hide (Find contact info faster with LeadLoft)

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20. Well at least it got my foot in the door?

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21. Both are real photos of me…

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22. Imagine answering the phone to this

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23. New commission structure, same story

24. me digging through the marketing departments leads (maybe it’s time for a better crm).

sales presentation meme

25. Need more leads? Try our prospecting tool

sales presentation meme

26. It doesn’t make sense but sometimes it works

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27. Thanks for letting me down easy

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28. Make it stop!!

29. i'm the goat, and no one can change my mind.

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30. The best feeling

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31. Some feelings you can’t hold back

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32. Need a Salesforce alternative? Check out LeadLoft !

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33. Take notes

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34. The lead didn’t even convert

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35. No comment. Too real for me.

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36. Leave my inbox and never come back

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37. The worst kind of high

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38. Didn’t we just do that?

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39. LinkedIn would say otherwise...

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40. All tied up

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41. Tell me more

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42. *Snap* now you have an unlimited budget

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43. Can you hear me alright?

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44. But really they’re just a puppet…

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45. Just tell me the truth and save me some tears

sales presentation meme

Hope you enjoyed!

Hopefully you got some good laughs out of these memes. It was a lot of fun to put together, so let us know if you want more!

Of course, we have tons of serious blog articles too, so if you’re interested in upping your sales game, check out some of our other reads here .

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30 Hilarious Sales Memes for a Dose of Office Laughter


When coffee becomes fuel and deadlines ominous guiding stars, a good laugh can offer that much-needed break from the stress of reality.

So, grab your favorite beverage and get ready to chuckle as we present a curated collection of 30 hilarious sales memes that are sure to resonate with the highs, lows, and downright absurdities of your daily grind.

sales presentation meme

Top 30 sales memes

1. just another monday.

Hilarious Sales Memes - Just another Monday

We've all been there—the dreaded Monday when even the office coffee machine decides it needs a break. Well, all you can do is get through the day...somehow.

2. Where breakups hurt the most

sales memes - Where breakups hurt the most

Ah, the classic "it's not you, it's me" scenario. The account says it isn't leaving because of anything you did – it's just business , but business can be a heartbreaker.

3. Call illusionist

Call illusionist - sales memes

Sometimes, the pressure to appear productive can lead to, well, a creative interpretation of reality. But hey, while the quantity may not be entirely accurate, the enthusiasm is real.

4. The waiting game

sales memes wait time

There's a unique kind of suspense that comes with waiting for your customers to make the first move. A suspense that feels suspiciously close to wasting away.

When you thought you escaped, but then hear a whisper saying, 'Welcome back!'. The sales cycle has a way of looping back, almost like Groundhog Day, month after month after month...

6. Cold as ice

Cold as ice

To all the cold-calling warriors out there, may your calls be warm and your connections ever fruitful.

7. When targets are just a mirage

There are moments when hitting targets seems about as likely as finding a unicorn in the office. Your boss expects a bullseye, but in reality, you're aiming blindfolded with a lot of hope.

8. Signature game strong

Signature game strong - sales memes

You know you've used up some of your day's luck when prospects make the process surprisingly straightforward.

9. Say that again

sales memes

Sometimes, the universe gives in and makes the stars align, pouring down referrals like confetti at a celebration.

10. Time stands still

sales memes on time

In the annals of sales history, behold the ancient relic – the CRM update that stood the test of time... and patience.

11. What wrinkle?

sales memes

Denial can come in clutch, but you'll need to look into that mirror someday.

12. Unparalleled enthusiasm

Unparalleled enthusiasm - sales memes

Sales and marketing dance a delicate tango, but there are times when the excitement is, well, more of a slow shuffle.

13. Lost in translation

sales memes Lost in translation

Just when you think they've got it, you get hit with a "Can you go over that again?".

14. That should do it

sales memes on renewal

The clock is ticking, renewals are just around the corner, and fingers fly across a keyboard to create the most compelling email to ever exist.

sales presentation meme

15. Taking notes

Sales memes about taking notes

It's a bit complicated now, but it'll make sense eventually. Someday. Maybe.

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Do you constantly find yourself knee-deep in meeting notes? Fireflies will set you free, one transcription at a time.

16. The depths of sales sorrow

The depths of sales sorrow - sales memes

Nothing quite describes the unique blend of emotions that surfaces when you find yourself one sale away from hitting that coveted quota, only to fall short.

17. Call me maybe?

sales memes funny

The end of the month is near, and you're pulling all the stops. Those dismal targets do get your creativity pumping.

sales presentation meme

18. It's 50/50

sales memes

All it takes is a little tip of the scale. There is no in-between.

19. It's alive!

sales memes on facebook

You're wearing your metaphorical black attire, writing the eulogy for a deal, and ready to mourn, only to realize it's perfecting the art of playing possum.

20. Any advice, oh wise one?

Any advice, oh wise one? - sales memes

Guidance is sought, and their nuggets of advice are as illuminating as a supernova. Or maybe not.

21. Pipeline check

Pipeline check sales memes

Sometimes, your deals take an unexpected detour, leaving the sales manager and you scratching your heads.

22. Roadblocks ahead

facebook sales memes

Why does it feel like talking to that one cousin your mom insists is just 'shy'?

23. Expectations abound

sales memes - Expectations abound

Your call counter unveils the reality of unmet quotas, and the manager's raised eyebrow becomes the unspoken question mark.

24. The future is here

sales memes - The future is here

Soon, we'll become the leading source of sustainable and renewable energy.

25. Happy Saturday!

Sales memes about weekend

The struggle to enjoy weekends amidst looming quotas is but a prerequisite in sales.

26. Bright and early

sales memes about client calls

Subtlety can take a backseat; it's time for prospects to hear the song of your people.

27. Remember to defrost

sales memes

Your sales strategy might need to include a touch of pyrotechnics to warm up those chilly prospects.

28. It was me all along

sales memes about managers

Don't worry, everyone has those days.

29. To dream and hope

sales memes about hope

There's one in every team.

30. Aaaand scene!

sales memes about losing deals

An upgrade from crying in the bathroom, surely.

Making the most of your time with Fireflies

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Fireflies is an AI notetaker tool that enhances productivity, allowing you more time for those cherished lighter moments. It's a versatile companion for sales professionals, faithfully assisting you through your everyday hustle. Here's how:

Automating the tedious

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Let's face it – scribbling meeting notes and entering them into CRM is nobody's idea of a good time.

Fireflies swoops in to automate the entire note-taking process. It captures the meeting and automatically sends meeting notes and summaries to your preferred CRM, including Salesforce , HubSpot , Pipedrive , and Freshsales .

Fireflies is not just about saving time; it's about liberating yourself from the shackles of manual note-taking , giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

sales presentation meme

Transcriptions made effortless

Fireflies isn't just a one-trick pony. This AI notetaker seamlessly integrates into your meetings, capturing every nuance of the conversation. The Transcriptions are over 90% accurate, and meeting summaries can be customized completely to extract only the intel you need.

Plus, Fireflies lets you organize your meetings in different channels and provides other AI-powered filters to help you review meetings and retrieve information in minutes.

sales presentation meme

Insights you need helps sales teams improve their performance by analyzing sales calls and interactions. It can analyze calls to surface key insights and provide coaching to strengthen selling skills.

It helps sales teams by highlighting successful talk patterns that lead to closed deals, detecting missed opportunities to advance a sale, analyzing customers' emotional state and conversational style to inform strategy, and uncovering objections and competitive intel.

Fireflies' actionable approach to conversation intelligence helps teams continuously improve engagement, steer better conversations, turn interactions into pipeline opportunities, and close more deals.

sales presentation meme

In the grand scheme of the sales universe, memes may seem like a small detail. But these moments of joy are the glue that binds a team together.

They transform a group of individuals into a community and help build a sense of camaraderie as they face the challenges of sales with a shared sense of humor.

So, the next time you're unable to hit targets or are frustrated by a stubborn prospect - it might be time for a sales meme.

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Tadpole Training

30 Funny sales memes to cheer you up and keep you motivated

by Janet | Dec 24, 2023 | sales training

funny sales memes

Everyone loves a bit of humour and sales memes are designed to cheer you up because they are so TRUE TO LIFE and they can give you that little bit of motivation when you need it.

If you’ve trained with me, you will have seen some of these on my slides – after all, there’s no reason why sales should be dull!

So here are some of my favourites:

2280813256e6e151bd441f3eee6bd6b6 Sales Memes Sales Humor, Tadpole Training

We all know the feeling of not getting the deal and then …. somehow …. we do get the deal!

0d3b9aa9 301f 4bbe Ad75 48914098bc98 Original, Tadpole Training

Obviously, we don’t want to appear smug (or do we?)

45b1247c 4a27 43fa A16e 0a505ce576f8 Large, Tadpole Training

Unfortunately, we can only think this – probably best not to actually do it!

321bd67d 1609 4951 9f4e 72ea8abf488e Large, Tadpole Training

Oh yes, we feel your pain. And then tomorrow, it starts all over again!


I don’t know about you, but I’ve actually done this (probably best to only do it with certain customers though!) Credit: The Daily Sales

366637f9 1896 4301 96d8 2e4093018a45 Large, Tadpole Training

And all you’re trying to do is be nice! Keep going and call it the high moral ground.

C83e4d684fad4f70acbd9ee853b288af, Tadpole Training

So why exactly did you bother getting in touch? I actually do not have time to waste on you. Sometimes they are just irrational (or could that be that they are not telling you the entire truth)

Cc4609d0 5c9f 4c2a A0c1 1336ce49ca31 Original, Tadpole Training

Yes of course I have trust issues Mr Customer.

C811be12 1dbe 481c 8dbb 50e87026bc3a Original, Tadpole Training

Don’t question it, just get them signed up!

D8292bb4 7942 4d15 A06c 8cc0fc3a91ae Large, Tadpole Training

If only ……. (one of my all-time favourites)

Kimk, Tadpole Training

So what exactly is wrong with you that you couldn’t just tell me to my face?

427993b2 0d08 45b7 9e05 2a6d7e1d63dd Original 1, Tadpole Training

It can be a slightly up and down journey and, let’s face it, we can cover the entire spectrum in less than a minute most days.

Credit: Sales Humor

7fc7374d2663153e97d886ed8eedc39b, Tadpole Training

Actually I have said this – and why not – it’s not like they are the same is it?

168a4c71 Ec38 437d 82c7 Fb7edaf955da Large, Tadpole Training

Yup – champagne tastes on a beer budget!

A480a2f4 2d89 4be3 B6f8 08e7bd9d0ae9 Large, Tadpole Training

Blimey, are you sure?

E1e64c83 22f9 472a 974e F60a160f7e9f Original, Tadpole Training

And how does that work exactly? Tell you what, pay now to tie in the price and we can talk.

28f96306 Fd50 11e3 9c7e 12313d0148e5 Medium, Tadpole Training

Literally encapsulates everything that is wrong with chasing the best price. I encourage salespeople to have a picture of that in their presentations and wave it in front of customers. They know. Oh yes, they know!

7d0bfc32 A3de 44f9 B87a 83c402863cd4 Large, Tadpole Training

Reasonable question

1bbea2c0 338c 433b Ae39 Ef8ef47ec411 Original, Tadpole Training

To tell the truth, or not to tell the truth…..?

CR1OzPUWEAAulaZ, Tadpole Training

It’s not so bad really – you never know what might happen!

CenlyCFWEAADFRi.jpg, Tadpole Training

It’s worse if you really practised beforehand as well

Zz00NzM0YzRhYWIzZGE4MzU1ZGI3YzA0YjUzY2FiZDg5Ng, Tadpole Training

Desperation is not attractive!

Well at least you listened during the sales training. Might have overdone it a bit though.

Credit: Randy Glasbergen

7768eadb Dcf4 4d60 Aec7 Cc9616c54664 Original, Tadpole Training

Choices, choices. Yup – I’ll choose the wrong choice I think!

Images 13, Tadpole Training

Can the whole world see my awesomeness. Better make sure they can!

77638dc9 B9e1 4745 9ccb 073007ac504b Large, Tadpole Training

It is a tricky one, but obviously you can educate them later!

Moses 1024x724, Tadpole Training

Yes it does happen. How mighty are you? Oh so mighty!

0aa015d5 683f 4da0 8d94 A4f1d14b356b Original, Tadpole Training

Because literally you are killing them!

Kevin Shiau Meme Best, Tadpole Training

Because obviously they will won’t they? Eventually. At some point. I hope.

1jod1r, Tadpole Training

Gotta finish with this guy. Probably a good thing he’s not in sales – I have a feeling he’d always be top of the leader board!

So that’s my top 30

I bet a few of these resonated! Which ones (and feel free to add your favourites to the chat – I’m always on the lookout for new ones!)

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sales presentation meme

50 Funny Sales Memes for Surviving 2024

sales presentation meme

Working in sales is no joke. But, memes about working in sales definitely are! 

Whether you’re a sales rep, SDR, or sales leader, your day-to-day is full of outreach, demos, meetings, negotiations, and updating Salesforce.

Sales is definitely rewarding, both literally and figuratively, but it comes with some serious baggage. The struggle is real.

But these funny sales memes will make you laugh and remind you why you love your job. 

Here’s a collection of the best sales memes from social media and around the internet.

Sales meeting memes

Sales meetings are a necessary part of any salesperson’s work day - unfortunately they normally include customers.

1. Things won’t always go your way. You have to learn to think on your feet.

sales presentation meme

2. And know when to make your exit.

@truesalesmemes Gotta bounce 😊😊😊 check out my profile for the discord. Chat with salespeople from all over the world 🌎 💬 #salesforce #salesforcetiktok #saas #saassales #techsales #techsaleslife #techsalesrep ♬ Super Freaky Girl - Nicki Minaj

3. It takes courage to stick to your guns, even if intuition tells you to turn tail and run.

4. a good salesperson works with what they’ve got..

5. Anything can happen during a live sales call, that’s half the fun.

sales presentation meme

6. A lot more goes into each sales call than many realize.

sales presentation meme

Sales manager memes

Every sales team needs a strong manager to take the team to the next level!

7. And sales managers are one in a million.

sales presentation meme

8. You’ll do whatever it takes to win a big deal, even at a discount.

sales presentation meme

9. And a supportive sales manager really can make a difference.

@justwillaitken Brad, no one on the team has hit quota since 2021 #vpofsales #salesteam #saleslife #salesmanager #salesleader #saassales ♬ original sound - ThatBKman

10. Always keeping a close, watchful eye.

sales presentation meme

11. Know that not every sales call will go your way.

@justwillaitken Im never letting Brad get involved again #salesmanager #saleshumor #saleslife #accountexecutice ♬ Make Your Own Kind Of Music - Mama Cass

12. Ready to help you meet those sales targets.

sales presentation meme

13. Whether you like it or not.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Crushing Quota (@crushing_quota)

14. But in the end, you’ll always have each other’s back.

@truesalesmemes Sorry not sorry ♬ original sound - TrueSalesMemes

Motivational sales memes

It can be a challenge to keep even the most seasoned sales team motivated.

15. Cold calls are the best part of every salesperson's day.

sales presentation meme

16. Sales is all about persistence.

@techsalestom sales is all about persistence 🪤 #techsales ♬ Couldnt find this sound so I had to make it myself - mads🤣

17. Sales is also all about helping companies solve their problems.

@techsalestom The saying is the best sales reps are coin operated #techsales #saleshumor #techtok #engineer #google #amazon #cloud ♬ original sound - Michael Henriquez

18. You never let the objections (or gatekeepers) get you down.

@corporate.bro Sales objections got me like #bruh #fyp #techsales ♬ Bruh - Hovey Benjamin

19. The satisfaction of closing a deal never gets old.

sales presentation meme

End-of-month sales memes

Every sales professional knows the stress and anxiety the end of the month brings.

20. Things will get a little stressful at times.

sales presentation meme

21. And there’s always next month.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chris Dankowski (

22. You just have to take it in stride.

sales presentation meme

Sales Development Representatives (SDR) are without a doubt the unsung heroes of every sales team.

23. Sometimes a bold new approach can pay off.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Angry Salesperson (@theangrysalesperson)

24. Keep grinding, it’s sure to pay off…eventually.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Matt Vas (@matt.advice)

25. Clients will appreciate your persistence.

@corporate.bro End of Q1 got me actin’ some sort if way. #EoQ #QuotaCalls #SalesRepLife #fyp ♬ original sound - Sully

Sales Follow-up memes

You won’t always convince the key decision maker on the interaction - follow up is key.

26. There’s always a chance that no will become a yes.

sales presentation meme

27. It can be a challenge to catch your prospects at the right time.

28. Try new follow up techniques to see what works best for you.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by @closermemesofficial

29. Because it will all be worth it in the end.

sales presentation meme

30. It can be hard not to take things personally.

sales presentation meme

Pricing memes

They say the customer is always right - except when it comes to price.

31. Some deals just weren’t meant to be.

@salesfeed “Tell me WHYYY?!” 🎶 #saleshumor #saleslife #salescomedy ♬ original sound - Biteable

32. It can be frustrating when things don’t line up like you want them to.

sales presentation meme

CRM & Salesforce memes

Customer Relationship Managers (CRM) like Salesforce are great tools for collecting your customer’s personal data and streamlining the sales pipeline, but they are no substitute for the human touch.

33. And you also never forget to update your Salesforce after finally closing that deal!

sales presentation meme

34. Okay, but did you *really* update your Salesforce CRM?

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35. Whose idea was it to get Salesforce anyway?

36. But really, it’s important guys.

@salesfeed “What’s cooking?” 👹 #saleshumor #salesforce #salesreplife #b2bsales #saleslife ♬ original sound - Christopher Colarusso

Prospecting memes

Prospecting for new customers can be challenging, disappointing and soul-crushing work, but it's important to maintain a positive outlook. The next call could be the one!

37. Even when the sales prospect doesn’t close, they still leave you with something.

sales presentation meme

38. Sales basically has its own secret language.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ross Pomerantz (@corporate.bro)

39. It’s really not all that hard to pitch to a prospect, just do your thing.

sales presentation meme

40. You’ll learn to read between the lines to understand what your prospect really wants.

41. but you can’t make everybody happy, all of the time..

sales presentation meme

42. There are plenty of tricks you can use to grab your prospect’s attention.

@realqualified BEST COLD CALL INTRO 🥶☎️ #saleshumor #salestips #coldcalling ♬ Originalton - julina

More funny sales memes

We couldn’t contain all the funny to the above categories - here are a few more!

43. Working on a sales team is like being a member of The Breakfast Club.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sales Humor (@sales_humor)

44. Speaking of breakfast, sales professionals are all about balance.

sales presentation meme

45. And while sales is all about competition, at the end of the day, we all have each other's back.

@justwillaitken Time to make some real money young one 💸 #b2bsales #softwaresales #techsales #sdrlife #salescareer ♬ Pope Is a Rockstar - SALES

46. The perfect sales pitch is all in the details.

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47. Just get your hottest leads into your sales pipeline.

sales presentation meme

48. Try to take satisfaction is the small victories.

sales presentation meme

49. Maybe they really didn't get your email?

sales presentation meme

50. Tap into what really motivates you 🍕.

Funny sales accounts to follow

If you’re looking for a break from a long day of cold calls and sales demos, we’d be happy to recommend a cadre of hilariously funny sales accounts that are worth more than a few chuckles.

Here’s a few of our favorites from Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok, and across the web:

  • Corporate.bro on TikTok
  • Sales Humor on LinkedIn
  • @justwillaitkin on TikTok
  • @truesalesmemes on Instagram
  • Team Walnut on Linkedin
  • Sales Feed on TikTok
  • Dooly on Linkedin
  • 1UP on LinkedIn
  • @TrueSalesMemes on Instagram
  • @techsalestom on Instagram
  • @TheAngrySalesperson on Instagram
  • Outreach on Linkedin
  • r/saleshumor on Reddit

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20 Funny Sales Memes That Every Salesperson Can Relate To Themselves

Published Date: December 3, 2020

20 Funny Sales Memes That Every Salesperson Can Relate To Themselves

Table of Contents

How many I’LL THINK ABOUT IT you’ve heard? How many times have you been asked to wait for the customer to make a decision? And how many times have you heard that the customer found a better deal? If you’re a person who falls into the web of these statements, it’s an undeniable fact that you are a Salesperson.

We all know that being a Salesperson is a difficult job. But, only a salesperson knows how painful it is.

But you’re left with no option and you are not alone in this. If you’re a salesperson, and if you continue to digest the above-mentioned statements, this blog is for you. Nothing is excruciating when you see it in a light-hearted way.

Here we are bringing you some highlighted memes that can liberate your struggles of being a Salesperson.

1. That oops moment which put all your hard work in the vain

sales job memes

2. When you’re left with no leads and no customer, searching for a new deal is literally like catching your reflection in a mirage.

sales presentation meme

3. As a Salesperson, we are highly talented in talking. But we do that to literally everybody who picks our call. Of course, other than customer care.

sales presentation meme

4. Times that put you to take up a dictionary to find the meaning of INTERESTED.

sales presentation meme

5. The only point of a time frame change. It won’t be an unfair statement to tell that there could be a possibility of getting another Interstellar kind of pitch for a film because of the fact that the time moves impeccably slow.

sales presentation meme

Related: 9 Sales Tips to Reach Your Sales Goals in 2021

6. Introducing new sales techniques. Staring at your customers.

sales presentation meme

7. New normal – Fate achieving its target by not letting you achieve yours.

sales presentation meme

8. It’s a tough time. But still you have to prove your existence. The phase of life which teaches you the difference between surviving and existing.

sales presentation meme

9. Thanksgiving

client referral memes

10. Isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?

sales pitch memes funny

Related: 50 Motivational Quotes To Inspire Your Sales Team

sales presentation meme

11. Yes, nothing is impossible. But that’s not how it works right?

client expectation budget meme

12. When Procrastination becomes a way to loose the ends.

humor sales memes

13. Light at the end of the tunnel. Ray of hope. The only purpose of leading a life.

funny sales pipeline memes

14. Sales Manager: Making a sale is an Art, Making a sale is a philosophy. After 5 minutes, Making a sale is a thing that can’t be taught.

sales memes funny

15. The word that haunts. Target

funny sales target memes

16. An emotional turnover.

sales job memes

17. A regular customer protocol.

sales job memes funny

18. Well, you have no other option. You have to come back to me

sales jokes memes

19. They must probably be counting stars.

 sales rep memes

20. It can literally cure everything. More sales leads please.

salesman humor memes

21. It is fine to be engrossed with new leads. But, the question here is, do we still remember the spreadsheet that we created to strategize the follow-up plan with our existing prospects?

new prospect meme

22. Time is highly relative. Hence proves the Theory of Relativity. Hence, proves the prospects promise to get back “in a few days”

sales pipeline memes

23. There’s this point in life that makes us feel everything is deceptive.

sales prospecting meme

24. Maintaining momentum is a task. And, we are working on it.

sales training memes

25. “Once upon a time….” That’s how it usually starts.

sales manager memes

26. If it is on a scale of 1-10, I would like to break it every single time.

sales humor memes

  • Aswin Surya S
  • sales memes

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25 Funny Sales Memes Any Pro Can Relate to

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Everyone could use a little laughter and motivation in their daily routine. Sales days can feel never-ending. If you’re looking for a break from the dialer, we’ve got you covered. Check out these hilariously relatable sales memes that we created and found just for you!

How Your Sales Day is Going

The following sales memes are remixes of a classic funny meme that have been circulating the web for years.

1. The nighttime routine of every introverted sales professional. It’s okay…Exhale. Decompress. And Re-boot:

A crying woman holds her head in distress with the caption, “When you have to decompress from being outgoing all day.”

2. How stiff the competition really is:

A man labeled “Prospect” walking with his girlfriend labeled “Sales Rep” is distracted by a woman labeled “Crappy solution that’s $2 cheaper.”

3. So what if it took 50 years to close that big enterprise deal? Who's counting:

A skeleton stares at a laptop screen with the caption, “When you finally close an enterprise deal.”

4. We know you love to talk up those product features, but somebody had to say it… No one cares about features:

A woman labeled “Your Prospects” avoids a woman labeled “Trendy Features” walking towards her with open arms.

5. The most painful sales objection you’ll ever hear is like a shot to the heart:

An elderly man labeled “Me” kneels on the ground gripping his chest while an elderly woman labeled “Prospect: I’ll think about it” runs towards him.

Sales Work Memes

Getting a new perspective on sales is easy when you see a meme that delights or inspires you.

6. Don’t listen to what they told you about cold calls. Choose the right path:

A confused woman stands at a crossroad. One road is labeled “Cold calls are your biggest money maker” and the other road is labeled “Cold calls are dead.”

7. “Fresh Leads” are music to our ears. Say it again:

An arm is extended out with goosebumps and hairs sticking up. The caption reads, “Fresh Leads…”

8. Who remembers the original “AI”?

A family reads a children’s storybook. The caption reads, “Let me tell you the story of the original AI…Allen Iverson!”

9. Please don’t take your chances with stale data. You know you’re gonna get hurt:

A woman’s hand labeled “Me” reaches out to touch a cactus labeled “A purchased leads list”

10. Absolutely no one: 

How close overly enthusiastic sales reps are to losing their minds when they have to be quiet for more than 10 seconds on a discovery call:.

A hand extends out in a pinching gesture. The caption reads, “This Close…”

Sales Memes for Goals

The following funny sales memes are related to goals, productivity and leadership. I'm sure a lot of sales pros can related to the following sales memes.

11. Every sales team at the start of the quarter:

Split image of a monkey puppet labeled “Sales Team.” Caption reads, “Leadership: Let’s make this quarter bigger and better than ever!”

12. That end-of-month pressure can be intense. We’ll let you know when it’s time to panic:

A salesperson sits at his desk piled high with papers. The caption reads, “When it’s EOM and you still haven’t met quota.”

13. Selling during slow seasons isn’t for the faint of heart:

A fireman tries to put out a burning house. The caption reads, “Trying to increase close rates during a recession”

14. When a client actually comes through with a referral:

An elderly woman labeled “You” adjusts her glasses to see her computer screen better. The caption reads, “When you actually get a referral who follows through.”

15. The paranoia behind lead generation is real. It’ll keep you up at night if you let it:

A man lays in bed wide awake. The caption reads, “The moment you wonder if you have enough leads.”

16. With so many lead-generating tools out there, the options can feel overwhelming:

A salesperson stands in front of a wall-length chalkboard filled with math equations. The caption reads, “Me trying to figure out the best way to grow sales.”

17. Sales Math: 1 year for a salesperson = 7 years for a regular person.

A drawing of a horse, where the back end is intricately drawn and labeled “Salespeople at the start of the month.” And the front end is crudely drawn and labeled “Salespeople at the end of the month.”

18. Securing a consistent stream of hot leads got us like:

Split image of a woman frowning, labeled “Getting a few leads for sales” and smiling, labeled “Unlocking a steady flow of quality leads.”

19. You’re only one sales rep, and you can only do so much. We feel your pain:

Funny sales memes- teary eyed cat from exceeding sales goals

20. Those quality leads are literal gold:

A woman laughs as confetti falls on her. The caption reads, “The moment you find a highly qualified prospect.”

21. “We have too many leads,” said No One. Ever:

A woman administers a lie detector test. The caption reads, “Prospect: We already have too many leads. Me: You sure about that?”

22. No pipeline. All your data is stale. And you’re still wondering:

A clown looks at their reflection in a floor-length mirror. The caption reads, “How come I’m not making any sales?”

23. There’s no greater feeling in the world:

A squirrel stands on a bench with their arms extended up. The caption reads, “When you hit the sales goals for the quarter!”

24. Never let the gatekeepers see you crack:

A cartoon man cries while wearing a smiley face mask. The caption reads, “When you get stuck at the gatekeeper’s desk.”

25. So you’ve got enough inspirational quotes to write a book, but no leads:

A woman looks annoyed at her friend, while they talk over coffee. The caption reads, “When your manager sends you motivational quotes instead of leads.”

We hope these 25 hilarious sales memes put a smile on your face and made your day go by just a little faster. Now get back to hitting those goals and crush the day! Happy selling!

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The Top 20 Funniest Sales Memes of All Time


Sales is stressful... to say the least. So to get that salesman smile back on your face, we've compiled a list of our favorite sales memes. 

From clever jokes to relatable moments, these memes provide a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of the sales world.

Whether you're considering switching careers to comedy (we wouldn't blame you) or just looking for a good chuckle, these memes are sure to hit the spot. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the best sales memes of all time!

#1 Perhaps They Will Someday?

Sales Meme #1

Some prospects will swear that they will call you back , but as time passes, you will realize that they won’t, in fact, call you back. It’s a way for prospects to get out of the conversation with you.

#2 They Kept Their Word!


Though most prospects who promise to call back don’t actually do so, there are those who keep their word. It’s always both a surprise and a rush of excitement about the opportunities that are now open to you.

#3 Congratulations on Upselling Successfully!


Congratulations! Your boss thinks that you just closed a deal and upsold successfully. Shh, don’t tell them that the customer actually did all the work for you and all you had to do is agree with them.

#4 Realistic Expectations


Sales managers’ goals can be extremely unrealistic. What’s worse is that your boss may be completely unaware of this while you and your colleagues suffer.

#5 Wasting away in the cold email abyss


We've all been here... But don't let your past determine your future. Use Sendspark to send video emails that get replies!

#6 Oh My God, Really?


Some salespeople are really lucky or savvy in their job, so they keep getting more and more leads. They seem to be doing their job so well that there are no leads left for you! And that’s when you get desperate…

#7 Confidence Is Key

Laughing Men in Suits | And Then I Said meme


After completing your training, it can feel like you know everything about sales. Think again! But on a serious note, you can get some help by hiring an experienced writer from the writing service Best Essays Education who will handle your documentation or content creation while you focus on the sales themselves.

#8 I Did It!

Sales Meme #8


One number every salesperson obsesses over is the monthly sales quota . And once you reach it, the feeling of pride can be infinite (and the jealous looks from your colleagues can be equally flattering).

#9 I’m the Top Salesman Now

Sales Meme #9


It’s a great feeling when you hit that monthly quota, but it’s even more rewarding when you become the top salesman on your team. You feel like a boss and a master of your craft.

#10 Cue Nervous Laughter


You’ve probably heard things like “sales is easy”, “it’s not that stressful”, “anyone can sell” – and laughed. They don’t know what it actually feels like most of the time. Good for them.

#11 Cold Calling Is No Joke

Source: @sales_humor

Jokes aside... this is why personalized video is far superior to cold calls! Connect with customers they way they WANT to connect with sellers. Instead of being met with rejection, you'll book up to 300% more meetings. 🚀

#12 Rejection… It Happens Even to the Greatest

No matter how experienced you are, you could still get rejected. And when you do hear that “no” or “not today” or any other variation of the rejection phrase, that’s when it finally hits you. It’s rough, but it’s something salespeople eventually get used to.

#13 Hooray!

Sales Meme #13

Source: @truesalesmemes

Perhaps it was a rocky road for you and there were many hiccups along the way. But you finally closed the sale! It’s time to celebrate!

#14 In Your Dreams!


Your manager doesn’t want to let you have a vacation? Or even a day off? Perhaps you could make another proposition to them – they can hire a writer from the writing agency Trust My Paper to outsource some of your team’s content creation that you are responsible for.

#15 It’s Hard Work


They are a newbie and they are eager to learn, but they have absolutely zero experience with sales. Oh, this will be a long day, week, maybe even month... But everyone starts somewhere!

#16 What’s the Deal, Man?

Sales Meme #16


You’re talking to a prospect and they keep asking the same question over and over again. Do they not understand your answer? Should you explain it again? Do they think your reply will change if they ask the question once more?

#17 Nobody Likes Meetings

Every time another meeting starts,  you think it won’t be like the last time. But you are wrong. It drags on and on and makes you feel like it will never end. What was the reason for the meeting? Anyone remembers? Why aren't we having an async meeting instead??

#18 I Need to Talk to My Spouse!


How many times has this happened? You spent hours, days, or even weeks on your communication with a prospect yet they tell you they aren’t the decisionmaker. They need to talk to their spouse (or their boss).

#19 Anything for You, My Customer!


Your prospect or customer keeps cracking jokes. In an effort to be polite, you fake a laugh once. Then another time, and another one. You’re very funny, keep going!

#20 Right in the Heart!


You can be disappointed by the amount of time you spend on a prospect who never calls you back. But what really feels painful and hits you right in the heart is when a prospect says they chose your competitor over you.

Wrapping Up

At the end of the day, the sales department is probably not so stressful, after all. All these memes were created by fellow sales professionals – some of them are reflective of the stressful environment while others look at the “fun” side of working in sales.

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21 Sales Memes Everyone Doing B2B Sales in 2024 Will Get

21 Sales Memes Everyone Doing B2B Sales in 2024 Will Get

Let’s face it: the fast few years haven't gone like any of us planned.

But if you’re a salesperson, things have probably been especially rough. (This is why we've gathered some of our favorite sales memes for you.)

Those goals you set for the year, like crushing your quotas every month or quarter, have likely gone out the window.

You've come to the right place if you’re looking for some comic relief from the misery selling today. Here are 21 sales memes only salespeople will understand, along with some ideas on how to break the cycle of bad months and start selling again:

1. The Cheap Competitor

In a global crisis, it’s normal for your customers to want the absolute lowest price. So they run off behind your back, never to be seen again. All for an extra 25 cents.

Actually, when you’re negotiating a price and a competitor underbids you , there are some specific strategies you can use to save the deal. First, try to get your prospect to set the price aside for a moment and focus on value. Do they like the other product better than yours, or are they just attracted to a lower price tag on a product that isn’t even worth that much?

Next, align yourself to their goals and needs. If they really need something cheaper, don’t be lured into a price war with a competitor. Help your prospect get what they need, even if that’s not your product, and they may realize that you’re the kind of partner their business needs.

Btw, if you're looking for something more sustainable than the quick relief a sales meme provides, check out our free sales resources .

2. I’ll Wait

Right now, it might not be the right time for your prospects to buy. The best way to treat prospects who are hurting because of the crisis is to wait a bit for the dust to settle and then follow up.

In fact, we’ve developed a follow-up formula that has been proven to work. With patience and persistence, that deal can still head towards a win, even if that win happens down the road.

3. Too Good to Be True?

Honestly, with so much bad news surrounding us, anything that seems easy or simple is automatically thrown under suspicion.

You know that hot new lead that was just assigned to you? How much are you willing to bet that they don’t qualify?

Here’s the point: Doubts will get you absolutely nowhere. Now is the time for action. If you’ve been handed a hot new lead, go for it!

To ensure you’re not wasting your time, develop your sales prospecting skills . When you successfully prospect, qualify, and prioritize your leads, you’ll avoid being paralyzed by doubt. Instead, you’ll move forward with a clear action plan .

4. Unhappy 2023 Checks

If you can relate to this sales meme, you have my sympathies.

But if you’re frustrated by lower commissions, let’s go back to the source: your pipeline. It’s probably not looking as full and happy as it did a few months ago.

That said, don’t blame your pipeline or your leads for a bad quarter. Despite the crisis, many businesses are still selling their products, and you can, too.

Now is the time to get creative and find ways to fill that dry sales pipeline with undiscovered opportunities.

5. Per My Last Email...

Are you finding it harder to get a response to your emails? You’re not alone.

But don’t give up! By sending the right follow-up emails with the right messaging inside, you will get a response. Here are some ideas on sending follow up emails for different situations .

6. After the Morning Zoom Meeting

While your morning sales huddle might seem like a huge motivational boost, you might find it hard to keep that momentum going throughout the workday.

Honestly, dealing with the current crisis isn’t easy for anyone. But there are specific things you can do to keep your emotions in check and keep working, such as:

  • Managing your time and your habits
  • Expecting disruptions
  • Finding ways to combat stress successfully
  • Practicing mindfulness

Here are some more ideas on winning the emotional war in sales.

If you’re a sales manager leading those morning sales huddles with your team, how can you make sure your motivation carries throughout the day for your team?

Look at this article for 19 sales motivation techniques you can use to boost your team’s productivity and energy.

7. Taking it to the Next Level

Probably not. But it’s fun to get excited about new LinkedIn connections.

Actually, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for sales outreach . In fact, 7 in 10 B2B businesses say that they’ve acquired a new customer from LinkedIn. The key is to learn how to use the platform well.

In other words, don’t be a LinkedIn stalker.

If you look at the prospect’s profile, you’ll probably come across some sort of common ground or a connection that you can use as an introduction. Then, take the relationship to the next level by keeping your message short and sweet and asking a question they care about.

Who knows? Maybe you will end up being best friends.

8. When You Try to Eat Lunch

This sales meme may be a bit of an exaggeration (we hope).

But if you’ve ever had your phone buzzing like crazy while you’re trying to eat, then you know what this is like.

Resist the urge to answer the phone with your mouth full. I’m begging you.

If you’re using the right CRM, this tool can help you with productivity and keep you on top of all the calls you need to return. For example, in Close, each rep has their own personal Inbox.

Here, you’ll see the tasks assigned to you for the day, as well as any missed calls, voicemails, or emails that you need to catch up on.

If you want to unlock the potential of your B2B sales funnel, try incorporating insights from our detailed article on the significance of B2B CRMs .

9. How Long it Takes to Make a Decision

Some prospects seem like they can never nail time a decision timeframe.

If your prospects constantly postpone their purchase, the best way to motivate them to make a purchase decision is to hyper-customize your pitch to their specific needs. If you can convince them of the value, you can convince them to purchase.

10. Still Worthy

Yes, you are still worthy!

Although the pandemic has knocked us down, all successful salespeople know you can only win if you get back up and keep selling.

During (and after) a pandemic, you can still close deals . One of the biggest mistakes a rep can make right now is assuming that their prospects don’t want to buy because of the current situation.

Keep working, keep selling, and you will see results.

11. New Leads vs. Old Prospects

New leads are exciting, but if you spend all of your time on them, you’ll end up neglecting the prospects you have in your pipeline.

There’s no such thing as an old hot lead . While the leads are hot, you need to keep following up with them until you get a purchase decision.

So, balance your time between new leads and prospects you’re already working on. Then, you’ll have a balanced pipeline and a consistent flow of new deals.

12. Do You Qualify?

Have you ever had that twinge in the back of your mind, wondering if this person is a good fit for your offer?

You don’t want to waste time with prospects that don’t qualify, but you also don’t want to abandon a prospect too soon. The key is asking the right qualifying questions to get a clear view of your prospect’s situation.

Check out our list of 31 B2B qualifying questions to help you find out:

  • If they fit your ideal customer profile
  • What their needs are
  • How purchase decisions are made at the company
  • What their budget is
  • Whether they’re interested in or fed up with the competition

Then, you’ll remove any doubts about whether or not they qualify.

13. Baloo the Gatekeeper

Yes, it can seem like the gatekeeper is a huge obstacle to your ultimate goal of reaching the decision-maker.

But actually, the best way to get past the gatekeeper is to stop thinking of them as a blocker and start thinking of them as a powerful ally.

There are specific strategies you can use to get past the gatekeeper and use their influence and position to your advantage. You need to provide value to them, build trust, and manage their objections.

Then, you can get the gatekeeper on your side.

14. When They Think the Rate is Too High

Sometimes, prospects object to the price because they don’t have a budget. But sometimes, they still don’t understand the value of your product.

And other times, they use a price objection to hide an utterly different objection .

As a salesperson, your job is to determine what this price objection really means. That involves asking the right questions.

If the prospect really is concerned about the price because they lack funds, then help them understand the ROI of your product and how much it would cost them if they didn’t purchase it.

15. Still Waiting...

Many times, sales is a waiting game. And honestly, that’s a stressful game.

Dealing with stress in sales isn’t easy, mainly because of the highly competitive nature of the job. But if you’re waiting for a prospect to decide or stressed about your sales numbers being down, there are specific steps you can take to manage your stress.

First, follow the basic principles of stress management, including:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Eating healthy foods
  • Exercising regularly
  • Knowing when to stop working

Then, focus on the data behind your failures. If you’re down on your numbers, take time to understand why. Is it because you weren’t calling as many prospects during the crisis? Were you trying to reach an unrealistic goal?

Once you understand the root cause of the problem, you can take steps to fix it. A clear plan to move forward is one of the best solutions to stress.

16. Overcoming Objections Like a Pro

During this crisis, you’ve probably come across the same objections over and over again. After all that time practicing, you’ve become a master at overcoming the objection of price or bad timing.

Still, looking to improve your objection game? Here are some examples to help you handle sales objections .

17. The Proposal that Flopped

Either that prospect is crazy, or your proposal just wasn’t cool enough.

Let’s assume it was the latter.

To create a proposal that grabs your prospect’s attention , you must make it pop.

Sure, you’re not a designer. However, building a proposal that is colorful and well-designed isn’t as hard as you might think, and it can have a big impact on how your proposal is viewed by prospects.

Also, being creative by allowing digital payments and signatures can help move deals along, especially during this time.

18. When Your Leads are Beyond Cold

Unlike these sales memes, cold leads are no fun.

Since you don’t want to waste your time on leads that aren’t going to buy, what can you do to work productively with cold leads?

You could start by trying these 15 cold email templates . Their purpose is to take cold leads and turn them into warm prospects who are ready to purchase.

Also, by improving your qualifying skills , you’ll work smarter to prioritize the leads that qualify for your product. That way, you’ll spend less time on cold leads that are a terrible fit.

19. Are You Really Busy?

Does it seem like you’re always calling at the wrong time?

True, this might be an excuse not to talk to you. But if the prospect is busy, you might try a little harder to improve the timing of your sales calls .

The best way to do that is to better understand your prospect. What’s their routine work schedule like? Are they busier at certain times of the week or month? How does their family life play into their work routine if they work remotely now?

The better you understand your audience and their day-to-day lives, the easier to call or email at a time that suits them.

20. When You Have to Put on Your Work Laugh

Sometimes, you need to make sacrifices to get the sale.

Sometimes, that sacrifice is your soul.

Looking for a better way to close the deal? Check out these 14 sales strategies (none involving using your work laugh).

But we also think you should know this: Humor impacts the response rates to your sales emails (but if you're the one making the joke, you can make it good )!

21. That Sales Humor Sucks You in

Wow, that time just flew right by! But if your sales manager hasn’t caught you looking at the best sales memes, that’s not an excuse to keep looking.

Now, it’s time to get motivated and get back to work!

Bonus memes:

Founders who “don’t need a proper sales CRM” trying to work out which leads to contact again six weeks later... — Louis Nicholls (@louisnicholls_) February 8, 2021

Be Inspired to Keep Selling

As a salesperson, you can relate to the sales memes above. You may even need more LOLs to carry you through the week, featuring CRM humor or cold calling memes because laughing about it is better than crying!

But it would be best to remember that even though times are tough, salespeople are still selling, businesses are still running, and people still need your product.

So, don’t let this year get you down. Instead, now is the time to rise and meet these new challenges head-on.

Do you need some extra motivation before you call the phone again? Check out our repository of 151 sales motivation quotes to boost your motivation and get started.

Amy Copadis

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  • December 18, 2023

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We all know that Sales is no fun and games. Meeting daily and monthly targets, while juggling multiple clients and your manager is not for the weak-minded! With this comes the tension, client rejections and even more pressure.

sales meme

Source- The Daily Sales

In such tense situations, memes are the best way to indulge in some light-hearted banter and laughter.

sales meme

Humour can be an important lifeline in the fast-paced and often stressful world of sales. Sales memes have emerged as a global language among sales professionals, providing them with a hilarious lens through which they can observe their everyday struggles and accomplishments. 

sales meme

Whether you are having a bad day or just want to take a mid-day break, we have curated the best sales memes that you would definitely relate to. 

The Cold Calling Nightmares

Cold calling can be quite difficult. It is frequently seen as both an art and a science in the sales world. Every salesman has a difficult task loaded with uncertain replies and repeated rejection.

sales meme

The nightmare never seems to end…

Handling rejections with grace (and memes)

Dealing with rejection is one of the most difficult aspects of cold calling. Even in the face of rejection, our dear salesmen never fail to find humour and the motivation to keep going.

sales meme

Keep in mind that only some currently are in need of the product or service you are trying to sell. But it does not even mean that nobody needs it. According to InsideSales, about 50% of most sales happen after the 5th contact and most sales representatives give up cold calling after the 2nd attempt itself. Finding the right prospect might be hard, but it is definitely worth the try! 

Celebrating the Wins- Big and Small


After facing multiple rejections, even a small ‘yes’ is a big win.

small yes big win

The rush of completing a transaction and the sense of success that comes with meeting sales targets is unparalleled.


As you face these challenges, make sure to pat your back on every win- big or small.

Salespeople are human too, you know?

Salespeople have their fair share of good days and bad days.


Under insurmountable targets and pressure, they are human too.

sales meme

Source- sales_bant_er

Behind the polished presentations and professional attire, salespeople are just like everyone else: they have good days and bad days, they make mistakes, and they find humour in the absurdities of their work. 

Sales memes demonstrate sales professionals’ perseverance, imagination, and camaraderie. These hilarious tidbits give a much-needed break in the midst of hard targets and demanding clients, reminding salesmen that they are not alone in their experiences. 

So, the next time you come across a sales meme that perfectly describes your day, laugh and share it with your coworkers. After all, in the sales world, a little comedy could go a long way.

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Sales Memes: 14 Funny Memes Salespeople Will Relate To

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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  2. 57 Hilarious Sales Memes to Laugh off The Work Stress

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  3. The Top 20 Funniest Sales Memes of All Time

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  4. 10 Hilarious Sales Memes That Every Salesperson Will Understand

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  5. 13 Amazing Sales Memes To Celebrate the End of 2020

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  6. 33 Sales Memes to Make Any Salesperson's Day Better

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  1. Weekend & Monday

  2. I can't skip my office like class #memes #corporatememes #corporate #office #class #funny #cat

  3. Don't Tries To Be Friendly #funny #officehumour #memes #corporate #manager #cute #funnymemes

  4. Me and My corporate friends #memes #corpoatememes #corporate #officememes #corporatelife #funny

  5. My Manager Caught Me Chilling Outside #corporatememes #corporate #officememes #manager #funny #cat

  6. My office friend


  1. 40 Funny Sales Memes For Motivation Of Your Sales Team

    4. Sales presentations that go into nothingness. This is the perfect sales meme that captures how frustrating it is to see your lead walk away without a response after you spend a good amount of time presenting him with the solution he is interested in. 5. Monday Grind in sales feels like.

  2. 15 Hilarious and All-Too-Accurate Sales Memes

    And there's plenty of material, because selling is a crazy profession. Check out the top 15 funniest sales memes. 1) When my prospect tells me they're checking out my competitors. Source: Cold Call Me Maybe. 2) When it's been a long month quarter. Source: Sales Humor. 3) Sweet, sweet victory. Source: The Daily Sales. 4) Guess not. Source ...

  3. 35 Funny Sales Memes You Can Relate To

    The sales meme above summarizes the life of a sales rep. It may seem like an emotional cycle of despair and victory, but the in-betweens are filled with opportunities for learning, small wins, and lifelong resilience. Why Sales Memes Matter. Sales manager memes are not simply used to convey day-to-day emotions and channel relatable situations.

  4. 33 Sales Memes to Make Any Salesperson's Day Better

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  6. 57 Hilarious Sales Memes to Laugh off The Work Stress

    Make this meme your own. 10. Eye clearly not on the prize. You're wishing for too much, my friend. Make this meme your own. 11. Losing sales be stressing me out. It'll fit if I just stretch it out a little. 12.

  7. 30 Hilarious Sales Memes That Salespeople Can Relate To

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  8. 20 Hilarious Sales Memes Every Salesperson Can Relate To

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  9. 45 Hilarious Sales Memes

    We may not be able to make your job easier or give you a better product to sell, but we may be able to help you cope through laughter. So here is 45 of our team's favorite sales memes, enjoy! 1. "Unlimited vacation" is the best…. SoloFire. 2. Brace yourself. Sales Humor. 3.

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  11. 30 Funny sales memes to cheer you up and keep you motivated

    Advice from an award-winning sales trainer: you have started your own business and you are passionate about it, but you are not earning enough money and your business is not growing fast enough. 07748 994 334 [email protected]

  12. 50 Funny Sales Memes for Surviving 2024

    Sales meeting memes. Sales meetings are a necessary part of any salesperson's work day - unfortunately they normally include customers. 1. Things won't always go your way. You have to learn to think on your feet. ‍. Source: 2. And know when to make your exit.

  13. 20 Funny Sales Memes For Salesperson to Relate Themselves

    Here we are bringing you some highlighted memes that can liberate your struggles of being a Salesperson. 1. That oops moment which put all your hard work in the vain. 2. When you're left with no leads and no customer, searching for a new deal is literally like catching your reflection in a mirage. 3.

  14. 25 Funny Sales Memes

    Check out these hilariously relatable sales memes that we created and found just for you! How Your Sales Day is Going. The following sales memes are remixes of a classic funny meme that have been circulating the web for years. 1. The nighttime routine of every introverted sales professional. It's okay…Exhale. Decompress. And Re-boot:

  15. The Top 20 Funniest Sales Memes of All Time

    From clever jokes to relatable moments, these memes provide a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of the sales world. Whether you're considering switching careers to comedy (we wouldn't blame you) or just looking for a good chuckle, these memes are sure to hit the spot. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the best sales memes of all time!

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  17. Sales Memes: A Comedic Escape from the Daily Grind

    Source- sales_bant_er . Behind the polished presentations and professional attire, salespeople are just like everyone else: they have good days and bad days, they make mistakes, and they find humour in the absurdities of their work. Conclusion. Sales memes demonstrate sales professionals' perseverance, imagination, and camaraderie.

  18. Sales Memes: 14 Funny Memes Salespeople Will Relate To

    "What happens in a sales team stays in the sales team" Get ready for some funny sales memes :) tbc. Heading3 Heading4. In This Blog: What's a Rich Text element? The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just ...

  19. 15+ Hilarious Sales Memes That Every Salesperson Can Relate To

    Whether it is tough sales targets or demanding customers, sales professionals can be pushed to the edge almost every day. ... Now that you've spent some time guffawing at these sales memes, share it with your buddies and light up their day too! Have some interesting sales memes to share with us? Share it below in the comments section.

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