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Paragraph On Noise Pollution 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph On Noise Pollution: With the developing society, along with all the advancements, pollution is also a massive problem among us. The original is mainly from the human being who is mostly responsible for their activities, may that be at home or work causes pollution. One of the primary types of pollution is Noise pollution.

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Paragraph On Noise Pollution – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

The sound is through which we hear what others are saying. A decent sound is charming and also good for our health. Aunbalanced sound bothers our ears. It causes numerous issues for human health. These uneven sounds together make Noise Pollution. Sound pollution is never good for anybody.

Human activities are the biggest source of noise pollution. Some natural wonders like thunder, lightning, and tremor additionally make noise pollution. The noise pollution commonly stays just for a brief period. The noise pollution, for the most part, influences the health of people and other living creatures on earth.

Paragraph On Noise Pollution - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Noise Pollution – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

The noise contamination is unsafe to our health. It doesn’t just make an unpleasant sound for our ears. It likewise weakens our effectiveness as well. The noise pollution brings numerous genuine illnesses for people. A portion of these infections is exceptionally hurtful and incurable as well. Their outcomes are very alarming.

Numerous examinations on noise pollution have said that it lowers the productivity of people. It additionally influences the concentration capacity, and individuals feel exhausted in a brief timeframe. The noise pollution puts the most noticeably terrible impact on a pregnant lady.

Blood Pressure and also deafness are impacts of noise pollution. The deafness can be permanent or temporary. Indeed, even animals can’t deal with noise pollution. They become irritated and lose authority over their brain. Because of the noise pollution, the development of plants and trees become more slow than usual.

Paragraph On Noise Pollution – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7 ,8 Students

The noise pollution is one of the riskiest things for our health. Noise pollution is similarly unsafe, just like the other pollution like water, air, and soil. There are various factors of noise pollution on the planet. A few of its sources are starts from our homes.

We should control the noise pollution starting from our homes. The primary thing we ought to do is to adjust the volume of the Television and Sound system. A high volume sound for quite a while does more harm. Likewise, we should restrain the use of commotion items like Mixer, Washing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner. We cannot stop the use of engine vehicles. Indeed, we can lower its utilization. Pointless use of horns in cars is the massive purpose behind outdoor noise pollution. We should blow horn just when required. Our vehicles ought to likewise not make a lot of noise. Our vehicles should be serviced regularly.

The heavy industries should utilize machines with low sounds. A machine with present-day innovation is more reluctant to make any unnecessary sound. Additionally, production industries ought to be far from human societies. These considerations will doubtlessly help in decreasing noise pollution.

Paragraph On Noise Pollution – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

Noise pollution is a hazardous blessing by the human to nature and self. The high levels of undesirable sound in the earth are the reason for noise pollution. It causes a ton of health issue to people, animals, and plants too. To forestall this, we have to know the different reasons of Noise pollution.

The noise pollution is the consequence of worldwide urbanization and industrialization. The urbanization acquires progressively rush and traffic the city and a vast crowd of people. It increases vehicles and their sounds, causing noise pollution at a considerable level.

The Industrialization presents numerous new inventions in the market. Every one of them contains substantial and noisy machines. These machines make noise pollution for a long time. The impact of noise pollution through these machines covers a vast region around the industries and influences countless population.

The noise of military airplane which flies at a low elevation has likewise extensively added noise pollution to nature. Even though they make noise pollution for an extremely brief timeframe, the harm made by them keeps going longer than others. Additionally, the pollution of heavy vehicles like buses, trains, trucks, and planes put the equivalent unfriendly impact on us.

The crackers on celebrations, parties, and different festivals are a significant source of noise pollution. The sound of loud music, the generator, and some loud machines like a vacuum cleaner, the blender is additionally the source of noise pollution. We have to consider them as well as stop them for the betterment of our health. It affects every age of people, especially kids, old age people, people with heart problems. A noise-free environment will be a great environment and atmosphere for everybody to live in.

Paragraph On Noise Pollution - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Question 1. What are some of the types of pollution?

Answer: There are many types of pollution which are mainly affecting our environment. Some of the significant types of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, which is ultimately leading to greenhouse gas emission and lastly Global Warming.

Question 2. How can we stop the sources of noise pollution?

Answer: Noise pollution if adequately observed, starts from our own house. From higher volumes in TV, vacuum cleaner, washing machine etc. So, if we just use these electronics when it is necessary will be much more appropriate. Car honking unnecessarily should be stopped. Using advanced machines for industrial purposes which makes less sound should be opted for. And in festivals and celebration, using high volume sounds and firecrackers should be limited or banned.

Question 3. What are some of the causes of noise pollution?

Answer: Noise pollution can lead to deafness, heart diseases, high blood pressure etc.

Question 4. Can animals be affected by noise pollution?

Answer: Yes, humans, as well as animals, can mostly be affected by noise pollution.

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English Aspirants

Paragraph on Noise Pollution [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on noise pollution or sound pollution. Here, we’ve provided both short & long paragraphs on noise pollution (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words). All the paragraphs will be helpful for the students of all classes (class 5 to class 12). So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Noise Pollution: 100 Words

Noise pollution is the spread of noise with wide impacts on human life or that of animal life. The loud sound usually above 90dB causes noise pollution.

The noise produced by the sources like loudspeakers, motor vehicles, aircraft, bursting of crackers, Industrial noise, construction of building cause noise pollution.

The common problems caused by Noise Pollution are lack of concentration, anxiety, fatigue, headache, high blood pressure, disturbed sleep etc. Continuous exposure to a high level of noise can damage our hearing ability and even can cause deafness.

The necessary steps should be taken to minimize the level of noise and protect the people from its harmful effects.

paragraph on noise pollution in english

Noise Pollution Paragraph: 150 Words

Noise pollution is unwanted or disturbing sound that can have harmful effects on human or animal life. Loud sound above 90 dB causes noise pollution. Loudspeakers, vehicular horns, drum beatings, crackers bursting, Pneumatic drills, construction activities, etc. are the source of noise pollution.

Such noises have dangerous impacts on the faculty of hearing. Human ears cannot normally bear sound beyond a certain decibel. When that limit is crossed, eardrums get damaged and deafness follows. Apart from that, there are also other health effects like headaches, heart disease, stress, sleep disturbances etc. Noise pollution also has a significant effect on wildlife and ecosystems. It can disrupt the communication, breeding patterns and feeding patterns of animals.

Noise pollution can be reduced by using noise reduction technologies, noise control regulations and public awareness. It is crucial for us to take steps to reduce noise pollution to save human health from hazards.

essay on noise pollution

Also Read: Paragraph on Air Pollution

Paragraph on Sound Pollution: 200 Words

Sound pollution or noise pollution constitutes one of the worst forms of pollution hazards today. When the pitch of a sound crosses a certain limit and becomes intolerable, the sound is said to cause pollution. High pitched sound, the continuous blaring of sound can cause physiological and psychological damage. They often lead to deafness, mental imbalance and even heart failure.

There are many factors that cause sound pollution. Indiscriminate use of microphones, shrill electric horns of motor vehicles, sounds emitted by trams, plying vehicles, aeroplanes, various fireworks and slogan-shouting all contribute towards creating this noise pollution. ln fact, we are living in an age when the entire environment is surcharged with sound pollution.

People must be made aware of the dangers of sound pollution. They should be conscious of the severe injuries sound pollution might cause. Noises should be effectively controlled by preventing indiscriminate use of loudspeakers, electric horns and high-sounding fireworks. To prevent this pollution the government have made laws restricting noise level up to a certain level. Any violation of the restrictions should be severely dealt with.

Essay on Noise Pollution: 250 Words

The worst problem that we face today is the unabated sound rending the air from morning till midnight. Sound at the high pitch affects our mind, chiefly the children’s mental growth is largely damaged by the constant noises. Sound at a growing rate leads to mental imbalance and complete deafness.

There are so many causes of noise pollution. Loudspeakers are used thoughtlessly on some occasions like marriage ceremonies, public meetings and religious festivals. In our city life, we have noises from electric horns of different vehicles, burst of crackers and fireworks, aircraft, road traffic, procession with loud slogans, agriculture machines and so on. Household equipment like television sets, mix-grinders, vacuum cleaners also cause indoor noise pollution.

It is now high time for us to be aware of the dangers of noise pollution. There are many preventive measures of noise pollution such as using earplugs, using soundproof rooms, noise-producing industries should be away from living places, planting more trees, etc. Thoughtless use of loudspeakers and electric horns and the use of deafening fireworks controlled. For this, massive awareness among people is very much necessary.

The High Court order on the control of noise should be followed rigidly. Mass media should be completely banned. The intensity of noise in our daily life should be effectively forward to telecast its dangers. If we are not alert now, we must have a deaf world very do soon.

Also Read: Paragraph on Pollution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Noise pollution occurs through different sources such as Industrial noise, aircraft, drill machines, horns of vehicles, loud amplifiers, bursting crackers, noise of household equipment, and so on.

Noise pollution can be prevented through the following steps: -We should not use loudspeakers -Soundproof doors and windows -Industries and factories should be far away from the living areas -Noise-proof machines should be introduced -Planting more trees -Strict govt. rules -Social awareness programs

Trees absorb and block sound, reducing noise pollution up to 10 decibels.

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Aspirants Essay

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


In the modern world, noise pollution has become an increasingly pressing issue, affecting both urban and rural areas alike. To help students understand its impact and potential solutions, we present four paragraph samples on noise pollution. These examples aim to elucidate the various facets of this environmental challenge and empower students to take proactive steps towards mitigating its effects.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 100 Words

Noise pollution happens when there’s too much loud noise around us, like honking cars, blaring music, or construction work. It’s like when you’re trying to focus on reading a book, but someone is shouting nearby. This kind of noise can disturb our peace and make it hard for us to concentrate or even sleep.

Imagine trying to have a conversation with a friend while someone is playing drums right next to you! Too much noise pollution can even hurt our ears over time. So, it’s important to keep our surroundings quiet and peaceful for everyone’s well-being.

Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution refers to unwanted or harmful sounds that disrupt the environment. It stems from various sources like vehicles, industries, construction, and loud music. Constant exposure to loud noise can lead to health issues such as hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances. In densely populated areas like cities in the Indian subcontinent, noise pollution is a significant concern.

It not only affects human health but also disturbs wildlife and ecosystems. Effective measures such as soundproofing, controlling vehicle noise, and enforcing noise regulations are necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of noise pollution and ensure a peaceful environment for all.

Noise pollution is a serious problem caused by loud and unwanted sounds in the environment. It comes from various sources like traffic, construction, industrial activities, and even loudspeakers. In the Indian subcontinent, festivals and religious ceremonies often contribute to noise pollution. The constant exposure to high levels of noise can lead to hearing problems, stress, and sleep disturbances.

It not only affects humans but also disrupts the natural habitats of animals and birds. To tackle this issue, stricter regulations on noise levels, better urban planning, and promoting awareness about the harmful effects of noise pollution are essential steps towards creating a quieter and healthier environment.

Noise Pollution Paragraph

Noise Pollution Paragraph in 150 Words

Noise pollution, which is an excess of loud sounds in our environment, can have serious effects on our well-being. Just like a loud alarm clock disrupts our peaceful sleep, noises from traffic, construction sites, and loud music can disturb our concentration and make it hard to focus on tasks. Imagine trying to study for a test while someone is playing loud music nearby!

 Noise pollution doesn’t just affect our ability to concentrate; it can also harm our physical health over time. Constant exposure to loud noises can damage our hearing and lead to problems like headaches and stress. Additionally, animals living in urban areas can also suffer from noise pollution, affecting their habitats and behavior.

To reduce noise pollution, we can use quieter technologies, plant trees, and bushes to absorb sound and be mindful of the noise we make. By taking steps to minimize noise pollution, we can create a quieter and more peaceful environment for everyone.

Paragraph Writing on Noise Pollution in 200 Words

Noise pollution, a pervasive issue in urban settings, arises from excessive levels of loud sounds that disrupt our daily lives. Picture yourself attempting to concentrate on homework while your neighbor’s lawnmower roars outside or attempting to catch some rest while incessant traffic honks outside your window.

Such disturbances not only hinder our ability to focus but can also have detrimental effects on our physical and mental well-being. Consider the strain of enduring blaring music at a concert or the constant whirring of machinery at a construction site.

The consequences of noise pollution extend beyond mere annoyance. Prolonged exposure to high decibel levels can lead to hearing loss, stress, and even cardiovascular problems. Animals, too, suffer from noise pollution, as it interferes with their communication and disrupts their habitats.

To mitigate noise pollution, incorporating quieter technologies, such as electric vehicles and soundproof construction materials, can significantly reduce environmental noise. Additionally, planting trees and shrubs acts as natural sound barriers, absorbing excess noise.

Simple lifestyle changes, like using headphones instead of blasting music and refraining from unnecessary honking, contribute to a quieter, more harmonious community. By fostering awareness and adopting proactive measures, we can create environments that promote peace, productivity, and overall well-being for all inhabitants.

Writing Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 250 Words

Noise pollution, a prevalent issue in urban areas, poses significant challenges to our daily lives. According to recent studies, noise levels in cities have surged by 10-15% over the past decade, surpassing the World Health Organization’s recommended limit of 55 decibels during the day. Imagine navigating through bustling streets where incessant honking drowns out conversations, or trying to concentrate amidst the cacophony of construction sites and traffic.

The repercussions of noise pollution are far-reaching. Research indicates that prolonged exposure to high noise levels increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, sleep disturbances, and heightened stress levels. For instance, a study conducted in residential areas revealed that individuals exposed to continuous traffic noise exhibited higher rates of hypertension compared to those in quieter neighborhoods.

Furthermore, noise pollution disrupts wildlife habitats and communication patterns. Birds, for instance, struggle to locate mates amidst the clamor of urban environments, leading to dwindling populations in affected areas.

In the context of daily life, consider the blaring of horns during festivals, such as Diwali, where fireworks and celebratory music contribute to elevated noise levels. Even routine activities like commuting on overcrowded trains or attending weddings can expose individuals to excessive noise, contributing to fatigue and irritability.

To address this issue, urban planners are exploring innovative solutions such as sound-absorbing infrastructure and the implementation of noise regulations in residential areas. Additionally, personal initiatives such as using earplugs in noisy environments and opting for quieter modes of transportation can help mitigate the impact of noise pollution on individuals.

By raising awareness and adopting sustainable practices, we can create healthier and more harmonious living environments for ourselves and future generations.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution

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speech on noise pollution in 150 words

Noise pollution, caused by traffic, construction, and industrial activities, disrupts daily life and harms health. It leads to stress, hearing loss, and sleep disturbances. Reducing noise pollution requires regulations and public awareness. The tone is concerned and urgent. The paragraph highlights the need for action to mitigate noise pollution’s impact.

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Short Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a significant environmental issue that impacts health and well-being. It can cause hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances. Effective noise control measures are essential to minimize these adverse effects and improve the quality of life.

Medium Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution refers to harmful or annoying levels of noise in the environment, which can disrupt daily activities and negatively affect health. Common sources include traffic, industrial activities, and construction. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing loss, cardiovascular issues, and heightened stress levels. Implementing effective noise control strategies is crucial for protecting public health and enhancing living conditions.

Long Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a pervasive environmental issue characterized by unwanted or harmful noise that disrupts the natural balance of life. Sources range from urban traffic and industrial activities to household appliances and social events. Prolonged exposure to noise pollution can lead to serious health consequences, including hearing impairment, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health issues such as stress and anxiety. Effective management involves regulating noise levels through policies, enhancing urban planning to minimize noise exposure, and promoting public awareness about the impacts of noise pollution. By addressing this issue comprehensively, communities can create healthier and more peaceful environments.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on Noise Pollution

Formal tone.

Noise pollution constitutes a serious environmental challenge that necessitates comprehensive management strategies. It is essential for regulatory bodies to enforce stringent noise control measures and urban planning guidelines to mitigate the adverse health effects associated with prolonged exposure to high noise levels. Implementing soundproofing technologies and promoting public education on noise pollution can significantly enhance community well-being.

Informal Tone

Hey, ever noticed how loud your neighborhood gets with all the traffic and construction noise? That’s noise pollution, and it’s not just annoying—it can really mess with your health. Let’s try to keep it down and support efforts to make our environments quieter and more peaceful.

Persuasive Tone

Consider the impact of constant noise in our lives. Noise pollution doesn’t just disturb peace; it harms health, causing stress, sleep problems, and even heart issues. We must advocate for stronger noise control policies and community initiatives to reduce noise pollution and create healthier, more serene living spaces.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on the constant barrage of noise we encounter daily reveals its toll on our well-being. From the relentless traffic to industrial sounds, noise pollution quietly erodes our quality of life. Addressing this issue thoughtfully can lead to more peaceful, healthier environments for all.

Inspirational Tone

Imagine a world where peace and quiet reign, free from the incessant clamor of noise pollution. By taking steps to reduce noise in our communities, we can create tranquil spaces that foster well-being and harmony. Let’s work together to make silence and serenity a reality for everyone.

Optimistic Tone

With growing awareness and technological advancements, we have the tools to combat noise pollution effectively. Implementing innovative noise reduction strategies and promoting quieter urban designs can lead to a future where noise pollution is significantly diminished, enhancing the quality of life for all.

Urgent Tone

The escalating issue of noise pollution demands immediate action. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels is a critical public health concern, contributing to stress, hearing loss, and cardiovascular problems. We must prioritize noise control measures now to protect our health and well-being.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a harmful environmental issue that affects health and quality of life. It can lead to hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances. Effective noise control measures are essential for creating quieter, healthier environments.

Noise pollution, stemming from traffic, industry, and construction, poses significant health risks. It can cause hearing loss, stress, and cardiovascular problems. Addressing noise pollution through regulations, urban planning, and public awareness is crucial for protecting public health and improving quality of life. Implementing soundproofing technologies and promoting quieter alternatives can make a significant difference.

Noise pollution, characterized by harmful levels of environmental noise, significantly impacts human health and well-being. Common sources include traffic, industrial activities, and construction work. Prolonged exposure can lead to serious health issues such as hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, and increased stress levels. Effective management strategies, including stringent noise regulations, urban planning to minimize exposure, and public education on the health impacts of noise, are essential. By addressing noise pollution, we can create healthier, more serene living environments that enhance overall quality of life.

Noise pollution is an often-overlooked environmental issue that has significant health implications. It originates from various sources, including urban traffic, industrial activities, and everyday household noise. The constant barrage of unwanted noise can lead to hearing impairment, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health problems such as heightened stress and anxiety. Effective noise management involves implementing regulations to control noise levels, enhancing urban planning to reduce exposure, and promoting public awareness about the impacts of noise pollution. By taking these steps, communities can mitigate the adverse effects of noise pollution and foster healthier, more peaceful environments for residents.

Noise pollution is a pervasive issue that disrupts the tranquility of our living spaces and poses serious health risks. It originates from various sources such as traffic, construction, industrial activities, and even household gadgets. Prolonged exposure to elevated noise levels can lead to hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health issues like stress and anxiety. Effective strategies to combat noise pollution include enforcing strict noise regulations, incorporating noise-reducing designs in urban planning, and raising public awareness about the detrimental effects of noise pollution. Technological advancements in soundproofing and quieter machinery can also play a crucial role in mitigating this problem. By addressing noise pollution comprehensively, we can significantly improve the quality of life and health in our communities.

Noise pollution is a significant environmental challenge characterized by the excessive and harmful levels of noise in our surroundings. Sources of noise pollution include vehicular traffic, industrial operations, construction activities, and household appliances. This constant exposure to high noise levels can lead to a range of health problems, including hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, increased stress levels, and sleep disturbances. The psychological effects can be profound, contributing to anxiety and reduced quality of life.

Effective management of noise pollution requires a multifaceted approach. Governments and regulatory bodies must implement and enforce stringent noise control measures, such as setting permissible noise limits and ensuring compliance through regular monitoring. Urban planners should incorporate noise reduction strategies into city designs, such as creating green spaces that act as sound buffers and designing buildings with noise-absorbing materials.

Public education and awareness campaigns are also crucial in addressing noise pollution. Informing the public about the sources and effects of noise pollution, and encouraging behaviors that reduce noise generation, can lead to collective efforts in mitigating this issue.


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Effects of noise pollution, causes of noise pollution, potential solutions, works cited.

Some people may frown upon it, while others might nod their heads with their whole-hearted smiles on their faces – no matter which category you belong to, as a person, especially as a person who must live in a neighborhood, the quality of the neighborhood has always been an important issue to be concerned about when you are looking for a place to live.

For most people, the quality of the neighborhood is at the center of attention even more than the quality of the living spaces. As much as a good neighborhood can positively affect our mental and physical health and improve the quality of our lives, a bad neighborhood can increase anxiety among neighbors and can decrease their lives’ efficiency.

Although there exist lots of problems that need to be solved in every neighborhood, noise pollution, no matter whether this noise is made by your neighbors or the surrounding environment, is with no doubt the most important issue in almost all neighborhoods. First, it is essential to investigate the reasons why noise is an important issue in almost every neighborhood and then explore the main contributing causes of the noise problem.

The first and also foremost reason why noise is an important issue in neighborhoods lies in the inevitable fact that noise pollution can have negative effects on our physical health. Living in a noisy area can affect the quality of people’s sleep, daily activities, and even general physical health factors.

According to the International Program on Chemical Safety, “an adverse effect of noise is defined as a change in the morphology and physiology of organism that results in an impairment of functional capacity, or an impairment of capacity to compensate for additional stress or increases the susceptibility of the organism to harmful effects of other environmental influences” (Siano).

Environmental noise exposure is responsible for a range of health effects, including increased risk of ischemic heart disease as well as sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment among children, annoyance, stress-related mental health risks, and tinnitus. This noise pollution becomes more important when we look at the noise level in residential neighborhoods where people spend most of their time.

For instance, “the health risks caused by noise pollution in high-income European countries account for a loss of 1-1.6 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) – a standard measure of healthy years of life lost to illness, disability, or early death” (Siano). Also, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), “noise pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental threats to health” (IBERDROLA). Moreover, according to the European Environmental Agency (EEA), “noise is responsible for 16,600 premature deaths and more than 72,000 hospitalizations every year in Europe alone” (IBERDROLA). Not only noise pollution can cause health issues for humans, but it has a devastating impact on animals as well.

According to the National Park Service (NPS) in the United States, “noise pollution has an enormous environmental impact and does serious damage to wildlife” (IBERDROLA). Most of the experts say that noise pollution can interfere with breeding cycles and rearing, and it is even hastening the extinction of some animal species. Therefore, noise pollution can not only affect mental health, but it can also affect our physical health.

Another reason, which is as important as the preceding one, if not more, is that noisy neighborhoods can substantively affect the efficiency of people’s work and their daily life activities. In the present day, the amount of noise in a living neighborhood becomes even more important since most of the people are forced to work from home due to the rules that companies made for their employees during the pandemic. To elucidate, the noisier a neighborhood is, the harder it becomes to concentrate on the activities that neighbors do, especially for the employees who work from home. The lower efficiency of activities will result in the lower efficient people in society. Moreover, the lower efficient people in society become more anxious and depressed as they see their activity outputs. B

ased on the report of the IKO Community Management survey, “48 percent of all survey takers said noise is number one complaint among the people who live in a neighborhood in large cities, whether this noise is from raucous late-night parties or opposite sleep schedules that result in one neighbor waking up the other” (IKO Community Management).

As an illustration of the effect of noise pollution in the community that I live in, we always see struggling between the people who work at home during the day and the teenagers who play loud music and have parties at their apartments. Once, our neighbor, Larry, who is a programmer, complained to the community management office about George, a young boy who invites his friend to their apartment any time of the day to play loud music and laugh loudly. Larry told me, “it is important that people like George be aware of the rights of other people who live in the same area with them” (Pileggi). Therefore, noise pollution can affect our mental concentration level and efficiency at work.

After understanding the effects of noise on the neighbors, it is highly essential to explore the main contributing causes of noise. In comparison with ancient times when there were not many sources causing noise, these days, multiple different causes of noise exist. These causes can range from natural environment causes to human-generated causes.

Although nature can make noises caused by animals and natural effects, human-generated noises are usually more dangerous and annoying. From a personal perspective, the most important three causes of noise that are also generated by humans are traffic and transportation noise, construction sites, and nightlife, though noise can come from a variety of other places as well.

Among these three sources of noise, I believe that the first and the most important cause of the noise is traffic and transportation noise. Without a doubt, we all live in homes that are close to at least one street or one alley. Living close to streets or alleys will cause being affected by the noise that is generated by passing cars. Moreover, some homes are close to bus stations or railroads, which means that people who live in these apartments suffer from louder noises generated by these huge public transportation facilities.

According to the IBERDROLA, “a car horn produces 90 dB of noise and a bus produces 100 dB of noise.” On the basis of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of noise, if we consider noise above 65 dB as noise pollution, this generated transportation noise can have a negative effect on our health. To be precise, noise becomes harmful when it exceeds 75 dB, and it will become painful if it is above 120 dB.

According to WHO, “it is recommended that noise levels to be kept below 65 dB during the day and 30 dB during nighttime” (WHO). A worse case is living close to the rail yard, as neighbors of the rail yard suffer from a higher level of noise pollution.

Based on the interview that has been done about pros and cons of living close to a major rail yard, the interviewees felt that despite the fact that “the rail yard had a positive reputation and was highly valued for the jobs and economic growth it provides, it was also perceived, however, as a major contributor to the surrounding air quality as well as the noise pollution” (Spencer-Hwang). Several participants believed that “living in such close proximity to the rail yard had caused ailments in family, friends, and neighbors, as well as themselves” (Spencer-Hwang). Moreover, transportation noise can cause health-related issues, as previously discussed ones.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Clark et al. 2017 found “an increasing risk of diabetes with increasing exposure to transportation noise, but not with increasing exposure to traffic-related air pollutions.” In their study, noise pollution was independently associated with the incidence of diabetes in adult residents of metropolitan Vancouver, British Columbia (Clark). Therefore, transportation noise is not only unacceptable for most of the neighbors, but it is also risky for our health.

As the second source of noise, which is not as common as the first resource, we can consider construction. You may have experienced construction noise, even in the early morning, that affected your sleep quality and caused you to wake up because of this construction noise. Although not all the neighbors are close to construction zones and construction noise is not a common cause of the noise, building, car park construction, and road and pavement resurfacing generate an even greater amount of noise, with noise level even higher than transportation. As an example, according to IBERDROLA, “a pneumatic drill produces 110 dB noise,” which is higher than the noise that is generated by car horns and buses. Whether self-inflicted or common, everyday living noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness.

When one is around noise for long periods of time, the risk of deafness is increased. “Construction noise has become the second most serious acoustic pollution in many cities, which could cause significant health damage and social costs. In addition, housing renovation and construction noise, which has rarely been investigated before, is a significant covariate of a wide range of mental health symptoms” (Ma).

Specifically, as big cities are experiencing rapid urbanization processes, there are numerous ongoing construction projects that have led to an increase in environmental complaints, and construction noise has become a serious problem in the majority of big cities. For example, among people at higher risk of health problems caused by construction noise, “construction workers are at increased risk for being hearing impaired” (Cunningham). Therefore, construction as the second cause of the noise can result in serious mental and physical health problems as well.

The third cause of the noise is related to the nightlife. Humans have been created to live in social groups naturally. That is why all of us spend most of our time and socialize with our friends and family. However, sometimes this socialization can affect other people, especially if gatherings and socialization are generating loud noise and we are not paying attention to the others living close to us.

Especially, a person who lives close to bars, restaurants, and clubs will feel noise that is generated by socialization and gatherings much more. According to IBERDROLA, “bars, restaurants, and terraces that spill outside when the weather is good can produce more than 100 dB noise. This includes noise from pubs and clubs”. According to Peplow et al., “sustained exposure to noise in areas close to public places also has been correlated with cognitive impairment and behavioral problems in children, as well as the more obvious hearing damage and sleep deprivation”.

The European Environment Agency (EAA) has blamed “900 thousand cases of high blood pressure (hypertension), 43 thousand hospital admissions and 10 thousand cases of premature deaths a year in Europe on noise”. As a real example, I talked to our neighbor, Mr. Smith, about the reason of his high blood pressure. He told me that “the doctor told me that the main reason of my high blood pressure is living in the busiest part of the Santa Monica area. To decrease my blood pressure, the doctor recommended my wife and me to move to a suburb area”. Therefore, living close to the places that are designed specifically for nightlife can increase the risk of being affected by noise pollution.

Having scrutinized the issue, although people’s ideas vary on different points of the spectrum regarding the noise pollution issue in a neighborhood, I strongly believe that noise pollution is the first and most important issue that should be solved because of its destructive effects on mental and physical health. Although there exist many causes for noise pollution, I believe that transportation noise as the first and the most important cause, construction, and night life are the three most important causes of noise pollution. Hence, I think the explanation that I have provided above in favor of the destructive effects and the main causes of noise pollution are much stronger.

After finding out that all types of noise in living areas have an immeasurably negative impact on people’s health, work efficiency, and daily life activities, I see that the potential solutions to the problem of noise pollution are to either control its level by the government or allow people to use various techniques in order to decrease the level of noise independently. However, as the government cannot apply effective measures to all areas where people live, citizens’ individual measures will be more efficient.

It goes without saying that noise pollution has already become an international problem as almost all big cities across the globe face it. In general, the most common measures aimed to reduce the level of noise include the limitation of noisy leisure activities, especially at night, the use of bicycles instead of cars, environmental education, and the insulation of houses with noise-absorbing materials (IBERDROLA).

As a matter of fact, governmental policies may ensure noise control and correct control management by area protection and sustainable building construction. For instance, the United States Environmental Protection Agency established the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) under the Clean Air Act to study noise pollution and investigate its impact on the public health and people’s welfare (EPA). Since 1972, ONAC had been operating “to coordinate federal monitoring and regulation of noise at its source and facilitate informed policy-making at the state and local levels” (APHA).

The Office’s scope was expanded in 1978 by Congress that passed the Quiet Communities Act, including research funding and public health education dedicated to noise pollution (APHA). In general, ONAC created model noise ordinances, issued standards for local governments, and promulgated guidance documents in accordance with recommended or already existing exposure levels. In general, the governmental response includes appropriate planning policies and the introduction of the standards of sustainable construction in order to reduce the level of noise from the external environment in living buildings. In addition, the level of noise in residential buildings should be reduced as well according to the Building Regulations Approved Document E (Simonsen).

At the same time, governmental control cannot be regarded as a highly efficient measure. First of all, in 1981, the Administration decided that all issues related to noise pollution should be monitored by state and local governments (EPA). That is why, due to funding limitations, ONAC was closed. As a result, since 1986, no standards, regulations, or rules have been promulgated to limit sources of noise in electronics, appliances, industry, recreational items, or machinery (APHA). In addition, contemporary measures are not fully efficient due to their limited scope. In other words, only such territories as city parks, areas of natural interest, and new parts of the city may be protected (IBERDROLA).

As a result, the majority of districts, especially old ones with established infrastructure, will be left without any changes. In addition, the idea of the construction of houses with the use of noise-absorbing materials is relevant only for new buildings. Thus, old buildings will be unprotected, and the level of noise in them will remain the same. Consequently, people who live in old districts with established infrastructure will suffer from the same levels of noise until they solve this issue by themselves.

That is why private measures that aim to reduce noise pollution for individuals and families who apply them are more efficient in comparison with policies that cannot affect all people. In other words, citizens may apply multiple useful, cost-effective techniques in order to reduce noise pollution in their apartments by themselves. The measures include the installation of acoustic wall panels, window shutters, or noise-blocking doors, placing furniture strategically, and turning off electrical appliances that constantly produce noise as well (JosTec).

Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs may serve as a short-term solution in the case of construction work. Due to them, people will have a good sleep at night. Moreover, such design elements as wall hangings and carpets or rugs help reduce the level of noise. In addition, planting bushes and trees around the house by community members will reduce noise pollution and improve air quality as well. All these techniques may be defined as an excellent alternative for all people living in big cities, especially for those ones who cannot afford to move to another area protected from noise pollution.

APHA. “Environmental Noise Pollution Control.” 2013, Web.

Clark, Charlotte. “Association of Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Traffic-Related Air Pollution with the Incidence of Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study” , Environmental Health Perspectives , vol. 125, no. 8, 2017, pp. 087025-087025. Web.

Cunningham, William P. “Noise Pollution” , The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health , col. 2, 2 nd Ed., 2019, Web.

EEA. “Noise in Europe 2014”, EEA Report 10 , 2014, Web.

EPA. “Clean Air Act Title IV – Noise Pollution.” Web.

IBERDROLA. “Noise Pollution: How to Reduce the Impact of an Invisible Threat?” Web.

IKO Community Management. “8 Of The Most Common Neighbor Disputes (And How To Handle Them),” 2017, Web.

JosTec. “How to Reduce Noise Pollution.” Web.

Ma, Jing. “A Multilevel Analysis of Perceived Noise Pollution, Geographic Contexts and Mental Health in Beijing” , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 15, no. 7, 2018, p. 1479. Web.

Peplow, Andrew. “Noise Annoyance in the UAE: A Twitter Case Study via a Data-Mining Approach” , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 18 no. 4, 2021, p. 2198. Web.

Pileggi, Larry. Personal Interview . 2021.

Siano, Daniela. “Noise and Environment.” IntechOpen, 2021, Web.

Simonsen, Jan. “How Can the Government Reduce Noise Pollution?” Rockwool , 2019, Web.

Spencer-Hwang, Rhonda. “Experiences of a Rail Yard Community: Life Is Hard.” Journal of Environmental Health , vol. 77, no. 2, 2014. Web.

World Health Organization (WHO). “Guideline Values of Noise”, 1995, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 25). Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions. https://ivypanda.com/essays/noise-pollution-effects-causes-and-potential-solutions/

"Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions." IvyPanda , 25 Oct. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/noise-pollution-effects-causes-and-potential-solutions/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions'. 25 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions." October 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/noise-pollution-effects-causes-and-potential-solutions/.

1. IvyPanda . "Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions." October 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/noise-pollution-effects-causes-and-potential-solutions/.


IvyPanda . "Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions." October 25, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/noise-pollution-effects-causes-and-potential-solutions/.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Any unwanted loud sound which causes stress and irritation can be termed noise pollution. Here, we present you the best Paragraph on Noise Pollution.

Noise pollution can have serious effects on human health :

  • It may cause impairment of hearing and can cause sleep disruption.
  • People who are frequently subjected to a high level of noise pollution may suffer from hypertension, depression and panic attacks.
  • It may lead to an abnormal increase in heartbeat and heart palpitation.
  • It can also cause migraine headaches, nausea and dizziness.

Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Paragraph on Noise Pollution (100+ Words)

Noise pollution refers to any loud and unwanted sounds that cause stress and irritation, and it has become a prevalent problem in our daily lives. We encounter it in schools, offices, hospitals, and other places where we expect peace and quiet. The sources of noise pollution are numerous, ranging from blaring music played at full volume to people shouting slogans and cars honking their horns incessantly. Even during social and religious festivals, the indiscriminate bursting of crackers contributes to noise pollution.

However, noise pollution can have serious health effects on humans. Therefore, laws have been enacted to address the issue and take necessary steps to control it. Additionally, raising public awareness about the dangers of noise pollution is crucial in combating this problem.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution (150 Words)

Noise pollution is loud and unwanted sounds that cause stress and annoyance. Nowadays, it’s everywhere and affects our daily lives. We hear it in schools, colleges, offices, and hospitals. Noise pollution comes from different sources such as transportation, loudspeakers, industries, and celebrations like weddings and festivals. Loud music played at full volume, people shouting, and the honking of cars are all examples of noise pollution. Firecrackers set off during festivals can also add to the problem.

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Shouting slogans and honking cars also contribute to noise pollution. It can cause health problems such as hearing impairment, sleep disturbance, hypertension, depression, and panic attacks. It can also lead to an abnormal increase in heartbeat, heart palpitation, migraine headaches, nausea, and dizziness.

Laws have been passed to control noise pollution, and people need to be aware of its dangers. To minimize it, we should ban the use of horns and loudspeakers, locate airports away from residential areas, and avoid lighting firecrackers.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution (200 Words)

Noise pollution is a type of unwanted loud sound that can cause stress and irritation, and it has become a major problem in our daily lives. It can be found in schools, offices, hospitals, and other places we visit. The sources of noise pollution include transportation, loudspeakers, industries, and celebrations like festivals and weddings. Loud music played at full volume, people shouting, and the honking of cars are all examples of noise pollution. Firecrackers set off during festivals can also add to the problem.

Noise pollution can negatively affect human health by causing hearing impairment, sleep disturbances, hypertension, depression, panic attacks, and other health problems. It can even lead to an abnormal increase in heartbeat and heart palpitation. Migraine headaches, nausea, and dizziness are other symptoms that people may experience due to noise pollution.

To minimize noise pollution, it is necessary to prohibit the use of horns, ban loudspeakers, and locate airports away from residential areas. People should also restrain themselves from lighting firecrackers. Laws have been put in place to control sound pollution, and people must be educated about the dangers it poses.

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Essay on Noise Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on noise pollution.

Essay on Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is a form of pollution which has become very deadly nowadays. This pollution is increasing only and creates an unsafe environment . Noise pollution is when the level of noise increases more than the normal level. When the amount of noise exceeds, it becomes dangerous for living beings. Moreover, these unpleasant sounds cause several disturbances and create an imbalance in the environment.

Essay on Noise Pollution

In other words, high volume noises are abnormal. As the world is advancing at a rapid rate, so is noise pollution. Technology has made things easier for people by creating appliances and devices for almost everything. You want to mix or grind something? It can be done with a mixer and blender. You are feeling hot? Simply turn on the AC or cooler. Do you want entertainment at home? You can watch television or play music. However, people don’t realize this comfort comes with harmful effects too. All the mentioned appliances contribute to noise pollution. They disturb the natural rhythm of life and fall in the category of a pollutant .

What causes Noise Pollution?

As the world is turning to technology for their comfort, it is, at the same time, harming us. The industries no matter how big or small contribution to noise pollution . The equipment they use like compressors, exhaust fans, generators and more produce a lot of noise.

Similarly, the ever-increasing use of automobiles is a major cause of this pollution. Not only automobiles but other transport vehicles like airplanes, buses, bikes, trucks and more also are a part of it. People honk unnecessarily in the traffic and listen to loud music on the way which creates high levels of noise .

Furthermore, social events like marriages, parties, and religious functions in places like clubs, pubs, temples, halls and more create a lot of nuisance in the residential areas. In addition, the construction activities like mining, the building of flyovers, bridges and more also produce great noise.

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The Damaging Impact of Noise Pollution

speech on noise pollution in 150 words

Similarly, it reduces the ear sensitivity to the sounds that the human body requires to regulate our rhythm of the body. Moreover, it also affects our psychological health. It may not be evident instantly, but in the long run, it changes our behavior.

When your sleep gets disturbed or you constantly have headaches because of too much noise, you tend to experience fatigue and even migraines.

Not only humans but noise pollution also impacts wildlife too. For instance, pets become aggressive or afraid when they hear a loud noise. It is one of the main reasons why crackers are not encouraged when pets are around. In short, we must make people aware of the impact of noise pollution. Likewise, we must encourage them to adopt ways that do not contribute to noise pollution. If everyone starts doing the same on an individual level, we will surely be able to reduce noise pollution to a great extent.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the causes of noise pollution?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Noise pollution is caused by a lot of activities. Many industries produce a lot of noise through their equipment. Furthermore, social events and construction activities contribute to the levels of noise.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How does noise pollution impact us?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Noise pollution causes a lot of hearing problems. Furthermore, it affects our body rhythm and psychological health as well.”} }] }

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Noise Pollution Paragraph on Human Health in 100 to 300 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Table of Contents

Have you ever wished you could turn the volume down on the world?

Imagine trying to study with the TV blaring, or wanting to sleep but your neighbor is mowing the lawn at full blast. These are just a few examples of noise pollution , which is any unwanted or excessive sound that can be harmful to our health and well-being.

Noise pollution surrounds us everywhere, from busy streets and construction zones to loud music and crowded classrooms. While loud sounds are a normal part of our lives, too much exposure can have serious consequences. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of noise pollution, how it affects us, and what we can do to reduce it in our own lives. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to learn about the invisible sound waves that can make a big impact!

Paragraph on Noise Pollution 1

Noise Pollution Paragraph -100 words

In India, bustling cities and vibrant cultural life often come with the unfortunate consequence of noise pollution. This excessive unwanted sound not only disrupts daily life but also poses a significant threat to our academic endeavors. Studies have shown that noise can hinder concentration, memory retention, and cognitive development, especially in children.

Therefore, creating quieter learning environments through stricter regulations and community awareness is crucial to ensure optimal learning conditions for all Indian students.

Noise Pollution Paragraph – 150 words

While India celebrates its rich cultural tapestry and dynamic urban life, the associated noise pollution comes at a cost, particularly for students. Excessive noise disrupts focus, reduces concentration, and hinders academic performance. Research suggests that children exposed to chronic noise experience lower reading comprehension, impaired memory, and difficulty comprehending complex information.

To combat this challenge, multi-pronged approaches are necessary. Implementing stricter regulations on noise-generating activities, promoting the use of soundproofing materials in educational institutions, and encouraging community awareness through educational campaigns are crucial steps towards creating a more conducive learning environment for every student in India.

Noise Pollution Paragraph – 200 words

India’s vibrant cultural life and rapid urbanization have unfortunately led to a rise in noise pollution. This persistent, unwanted sound disrupts daily life and poses a significant threat to the academic success of students. Numerous studies have established a clear link between noise exposure and impaired cognitive function, including decreased concentration, memory difficulties, and reduced learning ability.

Children, particularly vulnerable to the detrimental effects of noise, are at risk of experiencing lower reading comprehension, diminished information processing, and hampered cognitive development. To address this pressing issue, a two-fold approach is necessary. Firstly, stricter regulations on noise sources, such as construction activities and the use of loudspeakers, must be implemented and enforced.

Secondly, promoting the use of soundproofing materials in educational institutions and raising awareness through educational campaigns can significantly contribute to creating quieter learning environments. By taking these crucial steps, we can ensure that every Indian student has the opportunity to thrive in a conducive learning environment, free from the detrimental effects of noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Paragraph – 250 words

Noise pollution is a growing concern in India, impacting academic pursuits across the country. In bustling cities like Mumbai and Delhi, students often struggle to concentrate on their studies amidst the constant din of traffic and construction. Additionally, many schools are located near busy roads, exposing students to high levels of noise pollution during school hours.

This constant exposure to noise can lead to difficulty focusing in class, lower academic performance, and increased stress levels among students. Moreover, noise pollution can disrupt important activities such as exams and presentations, affecting students’ ability to perform their best academically.Furthermore, noise pollution can also affect students’ physical health.

Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss, fatigue, and headaches, making it difficult for students to fully engage in their studies. In India, where academic success is highly valued, noise pollution presents a significant barrier to achieving one’s educational goals. Therefore, it is essential for schools and policymakers to take action to mitigate noise pollution in educational environments. Implementing soundproofing measures in classrooms, enforcing noise regulations near schools, and raising awareness about the impact of noise pollution on academic performance are crucial steps towards creating a conducive learning environment for all students in India.

Noise Pollution Paragraph – 300 words

In the Indian context, noise pollution poses a unique challenge to academic endeavors, particularly in densely populated urban areas. With rapid urbanization and industrialization, cities like Bangalore and Kolkata are experiencing increasing levels of noise pollution, impacting students’ ability to concentrate on their studies.

For instance, students living near airports or industrial zones are exposed to high levels of noise pollution, which can disrupt their sleep patterns and affect their cognitive functions during the day. Additionally, schools located in noisy neighborhoods often struggle to provide a quiet and conducive learning environment for their students.Moreover, noise pollution can have long-term effects on students’ academic performance and overall well-being.

Research has shown that exposure to chronic noise can impair memory, attention, and reading comprehension, making it harder for students to succeed academically. Furthermore, noise pollution can contribute to stress and anxiety among students, leading to decreased motivation and engagement in school activities. In a country where academic excellence is highly valued, addressing noise pollution is crucial to ensuring that students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, noise pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention from policymakers, educators, and communities across India. By implementing strategies to reduce noise levels in and around schools, promoting awareness about the harmful effects of noise pollution, and advocating for stricter noise regulations, we can create a quieter and more conducive learning environment for students in India. It is essential to recognize the impact of noise pollution on academic endeavors and take proactive steps to mitigate its effects for the well-being and success of future generations.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Pollution of any kind is always harmful to living and non-living beings. Noise Pollution is one of them. A few paragraphs with different word limits will clear this concept for you which we have provided below. Check them now.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Noise Pollution

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

It is sound through which we hear what others are saying. A balanced sound is pleasant and always good for our health. An unbalanced sound creates irritation for our ears. It causes many problems for human health. These unbalanced sounds together create Noise Pollution. The noise pollution is never safe for anyone.

Human activities are the largest source of noise pollution. Some natural phenomena like thunder, lightning, and earthquake also create noise pollution. The noise pollution by nature remains only for a very short period. The noise pollution mostly affects the health of humans and other living beings on earth.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

A sound is an energy that enables us to listen to others. The sound ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz is only audible to a human. The sounds beyond these limits are not suitable for humans. They create Noise Pollution and are always harmful to us. We should not neglect the damages made by noise pollution.

We measure the noise pollution in decibel (dB). The huge population, increasing traffic on roads and factories, etc are the sources of noise pollution. The noise pollution affects human life very seriously. It is also very harmful to nature and natural balance. It is the cause of the extinction of many species of birds and animals. It also affects the growth of plants.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

The noise pollution is very harmful to our health. It does not only create an unpleasant sound for our ears. It also weakens our efficiency internally. The noise pollution brings many serious diseases for humans. Some of these diseases are very harmful and incurable too. Their results are quite terrifying.

Many experiments on noise pollution have proved that it decreases the productivity of humans. It also affects the concentration ability, and people feel exhausted in a very short time. The noise pollution puts the worst effect on a pregnant woman. It may result in the abortion of the child.

Blood Pressure and deafness are another and most frequent effects of noise pollution. The deafness can be temporary or permanent. Even animals can’t bear noise pollution. They become irritated and lose control over their mind. Due to the noise pollution, the growth of plants and trees become slower than the usual.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

The noise pollution is one of the most dangerous things for our health. Noise pollution is equally harmful as are the other pollution like water, air, and soil. There are numerous sources of noise pollution in the world. Several of its sources are available in our houses.

We can control the noise pollution starting from our houses. The first thing we should do is to balance the volume of the Television and Sound system. A loud sound for a long time creates more damage. Also, we should limit the use of noise products like Mixer, Washing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner. There are basic and essential steps.

Although we can’t stop the use of motor vehicles, definitely we can limit its use. Unnecessary use of horns on the road is the greatest reason for outdoor noise pollution. We should blow horn only when needed. Our vehicles should also not make much noise on the road. Service them regularly.

The heavy industries should use machines with low sounds. A machine with modern technology is less likely to make any unnecessary sound. Also, factories should be far from human societies. These cares will surely help in reducing noise pollution with a great margin.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Noise pollution is a dangerous gift by the human to nature and self. The high levels of unwanted sound in the environment are the cause of noise pollution. It causes a lot of health disorders to humans, animals, and plants as well. To prevent this, we need to know the various reasons of Noise pollution.

Noise pollution is the result of global urbanization and industrialization. Urbanization brings more rush and traffic in the city and an enormous crowd of people. It increases the vehicle and their sounds causing noise pollution at a large level, and in every direction.

Industrialization introduces many new industries in the market. All of them contain heavy and noisy machines. These machines create noise pollution for a long time continuously. The effect of noise pollution through these machines covers a large area around the industry and affects a large number of populations.

The noise of military aircraft which fly at a very low altitude has also considerably added noise pollution to the environment. Although they create noise pollution for a very short time, the damage created by them lasts longer than others. Also, the noise of heavy vehicles like buses, trains, trucks, and airplanes put the same adverse effect on us.

The sounds of fire-crackers at festivals, marriages, and other celebrations are a major source of noise pollution. The sound of the generator, loud music and some noisy domestic tools like a vacuum cleaner, the mixer is also the source of noise pollution. We need to think about them.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Noise pollution is caused by speakers, horns, crackers, etc creating loud noises.

Ans. Noise pollution can lead to deafness, heart failure, and hearing aids.

Ans. Sound is measured in Decibels (dB).

Ans. Mumbai and Delhi are considered to be very noisy.

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Noise Pollution Essay


Do you get irritated when someone honks their car horn while waiting for the traffic signal to turn green? Will you be able to concentrate on your work/studies when heavy construction is taking place near your house and the drilling sound deafens you? These are some of the instances of noise pollution, and we will be discussing more in this noise pollution essay.

Noise Pollution Essay

Causes of Noise Pollution

There are various factors that cause noise pollution in the environment, and we will understand them through this short essay on noise pollution. We know that technology has eased the life of humans through grinders, compressors, televisions, generators etc., but we are not aware that this same technology is ruining our health. Along with these machines, there are also cars, bikes, buses, trains and aeroplanes that produce a large amount of noise. We will see how this creates pollution through this noise pollution essay.

People unnecessarily use horns, and the long siren disturbs other people. Besides, people play music at a loud volume while travelling in cars or buses. Due to this, we put others in an inconvenient position. It is only required to think of the commotion that happens during weddings and other festivals and how it causes a nuisance to those residing nearby to understand the seriousness of the matter. The noise pollution essay in English is, therefore, an attempt to throw light on this issue.

Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a serious concern, and hence, we must try to prevent it. But before we see how it can be controlled, we will see its effect on us in this short essay on noise pollution. Noise pollution causes hearing problems if we get exposed to a high volume of sounds continuously. It also has the potential to damage our eardrums, resulting in permanent loss of hearing.

Moreover, it disturbs our state of mind, and we might experience stress, tension, loss of sleep etc., thus affecting our psychological health. All these reasons point out that noise pollution can be dangerous and we must follow certain measures to prevent it.

First of all, we must be responsible for not honking unnecessarily. If strict actions are taken against the violators of this rule, we can reduce noise pollution to some extent. Besides, installing soundproof walls and windows in houses, buildings and flyovers can also help in bringing down the noise level.

Planting trees is another effective measure as we can reduce the noise from travelling from one place to another. So, children can write an essay on noise pollution 150 words by taking important points from the noise pollution essay in English and thus creating awareness regarding the issue. For more interesting essays , you can refer to our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Noise Pollution Essay

What are the effects of noise pollution.

Noise pollution creates many health issues in humans and affects their hearing ability. Hypertension, stress, irregular sleep patterns and irritation are its other effects. Noise pollution also harms wildlife and marine life as it impairs their listening abilities.

How to reduce noise pollution?

People can wear earplugs or earmuffs while working in factories that produce a high level of noise daily. Car horns must not be used needlessly and playing loud music on public transport should be banned. Planting more trees can also reduce noise pollution to some extent, as vegetation helps in the reduction of sound intensity.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Noise Pollution in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 100 Words

Noise pollution is when there is too much loud sound around us. It can come from cars honking, machines in factories, loud music, and even people shouting. Just like we don’t like too much junk food, our ears don’t like too much loud noise. It can make us feel upset and it can be hard for us to study or sleep. We should try to make less noise by talking softly, turning down our music, and being quiet in places like libraries. This helps everyone feel better and the world becomes a more peaceful place to live and play.

Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 200 Words

Noise pollution is like unwanted sound that is loud and not pleasant to our ears. Imagine you’re trying to talk to your friend, but there’s so much noise from cars, buses, and factories that you can’t hear each other. That’s noise pollution. It comes from many places: honking cars, loud music, barking dogs, and machines that make a lot of noise. It’s not just annoying; it can also make it hard for us to sleep or concentrate on our homework. Even animals and birds get upset and confused because of too much noise. Just like we keep our houses and streets clean, we need to keep our sounds clean too. We can do this by not shouting, turning down music, and telling grown-ups to fix loud cars and machines. When it’s quieter, we can hear the lovely sounds of birds and the wind. We can also think better and feel happier when it’s not too noisy. So, let’s remember to be kind to our ears and to the animals by making less noise. It’s important for us all to enjoy peaceful and quiet places.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 250 Words

Noise pollution is when there is so much unwanted sound in the environment that it can be harmful and annoying. Imagine you’re trying to concentrate on your homework, but outside, cars keep honking and people are shouting. This is noise pollution, and it’s not just irritating; it can also be bad for your health. It comes from many places: loud music, construction work, noisy engines, and even things like trains and airplanes. These sounds disrupt our daily lives and can make it hard to sleep or study. Too much noise can also hurt animals, as they might have trouble hearing each other or get scared and run into danger. In cities, noise pollution is a big problem because there are so many cars, buses, and machines all making noise at the same time. To reduce noise pollution, we can use quieter machines and cars, make buildings that block out sound better, and create ‘quiet’ areas in cities where people can go to enjoy some peace. Even planting more trees can help because they act like a sponge, soaking up noise. It’s important for everyone, including businesses and the government, to work together to lower the amount of noise pollution so that our world is a calmer, healthier place to live. If we all do our part, like turning down our music and not shouting, we can make a big difference in fighting against noise pollution.

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Speech on Pollution: Free Samples for Students in English

speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  • Updated on  
  • Jun 28, 2024

Speech on Pollution

Speech on Pollution : Pollution is the introduction of any undesirable substance into our environment, leading to the contamination of natural resources. These harmful substances, known as pollutants, have become a significant existential threat to all living beings on Earth. Today, every nation, region, and community grapples with the challenges posed by pollution, a problem primarily driven by human activities that have been degrading our natural environment for centuries.

From burning fossil fuels to deforestation, nearly every self-serving human activity contributes to environmental pollution. The cars we drive, the plastic products we use, the clothes we wear, and the waste we generate—all these actions play a role in polluting our planet. In response to this escalating crisis, various governmental and international organizations have been established to address pollution and mitigate its impacts. One notable entity is the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which tackles pollution, its causes, and its consequences on a global scale.

Know more about World Environment Day Speech for School Students.

School students are often asked to deliver a speech on pollution. To help students with their speech preparation, here are sample speeches that they can refer to.

Also Read: Speech on Global Warming

Also Read: Speech on Deforestation for School Students

1-Minute Speech on Pollution

‘Hello and welcome to all my mates and teachers. Today, I stand before you to present my speech on pollution. There is a lot about pollution in our Geography books. From the causes of pollution to its preventive measures. But have we ever followed any of these preventive measures? 

There are different types of pollution, such as air, soil, water, radioactivity, noise, etc. All these pollutions have different sources, which not only disturb the natural environment but also have adverse effects on human health, biodiversity, ecosystems, and the climate. 

Pollution is a fight that requires a collective effort from developed and developing countries. Recently, there was a debate where the first world countries were requesting others to equally take responsibility for environmental pollution. However, this is not the case, because the major damage to the environment is caused by developmental activities in these first-world countries. 

The damage is already down, and now is not the try to cry over spilled milk. We are in this together, and we have to take responsibility for our actions. With well-structured, alternative strategies and cooperation, we can combat pollution.

Thank you.’

2- Minute Speech on Pollution

‘Hello and welcome to everyone present here. As a conscious human being, I am happy to present my speech on pollution. Pollution is known as the introduction of unwanted substances into the environment, which disrupts the natural environment and overall health of the planet. One of the major concerns of the pollution is climate change. 

The history of pollution is older than one century. In 1896, a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius first predicted the changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which may substantially increase the surface temperature and because a major cause of global warming. 

The first international summit to consider pollution as a global concern was the 1972 Stockholm Convention. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was the outcome of this international climate convention. UNEP deals with all environmental problems at the global level and organizes various environmental programs to raise awareness about pollution, climate change, global warming, etc.

Happy #WorldEnvironmentDay ! Thank you to international sand artist @sudarsansand for this beautiful contribution to #GenerationRestoration ! pic.twitter.com/32nmYFqCXt — UN Environment Programme (@UNEP) June 5, 2021

Today, our terrestrial and marine ecosystems are facing existential threats due to pollution. Deforestation, industrial waste, and chemical pollutants are wreaking havoc on biodiversity. The loss of habitats, the decline of species, and the imbalance in our ecosystems paint a grim picture of the toll pollution takes on our natural world.

There are different types of pollution, such as air, water, noise, soil, radioactivity, thermal, plastic, etc. Burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes, vehicle emissions, and agricultural activities causes air pollution. Industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, untreated sewage, oil spills, and dumping of chemicals in rivers, ponds and lakes cause water pollution. Improper disposal of industrial waste, agricultural practices, use of pesticides and fertilizers, and contamination from hazardous substances cause soil pollution. The list goes on as new types of pollution are being discovered by scientists. 

Pollution not only affects our environment but also disrupts our daily life as it affects our health, and biodiversity and is a major cause of climate change. Every country and its citizens must recognize the importance of addressing pollution through regulations, sustainable alternative practices, and environmental conservation efforts.

Also Read: Essay on Environmental Pollution in 100 and 200 Words

Ans: Pollution is known as the introduction of unwanted substances into the environment, which disrupts the natural environment and overall health of the planet. One of the major concerns of the pollution is climate change.  The history of pollution is older than one century. In 1896, a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius first predicted the changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which may substantially increase the surface temperature and because a major cause of global warming.  The first international summit to consider pollution as a global concern was the 1972 Stockholm Convention. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was the outcome of this international climate convention.

Ans: Soil, Air, Water, Thermal, Radioactivity, Noise, and plastic are the major types of pollution.

Ans: Burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes, vehicle emissions, industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, untreated sewage, oil spills, and dumping of chemicals in rivers, etc. are some of the major causes of pollution.

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Paragraph on Noise Pollution – Long and Short Paragraphs

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Noise pollution is the spread of undesirable extreme voices harmful for the environment , human life and animal life. Any noise that violates the nature and upsets the human and animal life is hazardous. The noise level of 50 DB is normal for residential areas and the noise level above 97 DB is considered harmful. Chronic exposure to noise poses serious threat to the psychological and physical health of humans and also has damaging effect on animal life.

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Target Exam ---

You will find below a number of short and long paragraphs on Noise Pollution . We hope these Noise Pollution paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Noise Pollution according to their particular requirement.

Paragraphs on Noise Pollution

Long and Short Paragraphs on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution paragraph 100 words.

Noise pollution is the proliferation of excessive noise that causes adverse effect on human health and other living species. We are generally used to the voice of TV, humans, dogs barking, noise due to traffic, etc. This has become a part of our lives but the continuous exposure to excessive voice can be harmful and have negative effects on our health. The excessive voice is mainly caused by machines, transportation systems, loud music and traffic. Extreme noise pollution can cause cardiovascular problem in human beings and also an increased occurrence of coronary artery disease among other severe health issues. In animals also high noise pollution can increase the risk of death.

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Noise Pollution Paragraph 150 Words

Noise pollution refers to environmental noise. It is the spread of extreme voices which has harmful impact on life on earth. Noise pollution can be indoor as well as outdoor. Indoor noise pollution that is mainly caused in the residential areas is due to loud music, humans screaming, domestic dogs barking, etc. Noise pollution is also generated due to household electricity generators and various kitchen and cleaning appliances. The outdoor noise can be mainly caused due to machines, aircrafts, trains and other transport systems. Industrial areas are on a rise and this is another cause of noise pollution.

Noise pollution can affect the health and behavior of humans adversely. Excessive voice can also cause damage to the physiological health. Elderly people exposed to excessive voice may suffer extensively reduced hearing sensitivity. Even children are more vulnerable to noise pollution. Moreover tolerance of noise is mostly independent of decibel levels. Excessive voice can also have severe effect on the wild life. It changes balance in the biological interaction between predator and prey increasing the risk of death. It also hinders the use of sounds in communication. Thus, both human and animal life is affected due to noise pollution.

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Noise Pollution Paragraph 200 Words

Noise pollution refers to environmental pollution. It can be defined as the continuous exposure to the elevated sound levels that may harm human activities, health and other living organisms. As per World Health Organization, up to 70 DB sound level is normal for living beings but the constant exposure to noise level 85 DB or more can be distressing. For example if you work in an Aviation Industry you are more likely to be exposed to noise more than 85DB noise level for longer hours daily.

This can damage the ears. It not only has an adverse effect on your health but also causes disturbance in day to day activities. It leads to sleep disturbance, effects work performance, interferes with communication and violates the overall environment. This type of noise pollution is more prevalent in urban areas.

It is so omnipresent in present day society that we often fail to even notice it anymore. The road traffic sounds are caused due to cars, trucks, buses, ambulances and other vehicles. The situation gets even worse due to traffic jams that give rise to honking. Whether we realize or not noise pollution can be hazardous to our health in various ways so it has to be prevented.

Noise Pollution Paragraph 250 words

Noise pollution refers to extreme noise that impacts human and animal life negatively. It refers to the undesirable noise explosion caused directly or indirectly due to human activities and natural calamities. There are various natural and human sources producing noise that is unpleasant to the ears. Our environment is filled with various sounds caused naturally such as thunderstorms, lighting, cyclone, landslides, tornado, volcanic eruptions and animal voices and sounds produced by falling water. These are all naturally produced noises.

Most of the natural calamities giving way to these sounds are occurring frequently due to the impact of Global warming. The major concern is the voices caused due to human activities that are the manmade sources of noise pollution. The human sources of noise pollution include transportation, industrialization, commercialization, construction activities, factories, defense machinery and domestic noise among other things. Humans, animals and environment are adversely affected due to noise pollution. It leads to discomfort and disruption in human activities and can also raise several mental and physical ailments.

It is extremely important to control noise pollution and create awareness about the same. Industries and factories producing large amount of noise should be established away from the forests, residential and other settlement areas. The sound proof interiors in buildings should be used. More and more trees should be planted as it reduces the sound and air pollution in the environment. Legislative rules and regulations need to be planned and implemented effectively to control and reduce noise pollution. Limits should be set to control noise pollution by legal provisions.

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Noise Pollution Paragraph 300 Words

Noise pollution is the transmission of noise in the environment with harmful impact on activities of human beings or wild life. The unwanted sound that is unpleasant, disruptive and loud to earshot is noise. Noise pollution is harmful for the physical as well as mental health. When noise disturbs normal activities of life such as sleep, communication or lessens the quality of life it becomes unwanted. Noise can also have severe effect on our wildlife.

Impact of Noise Pollution on Wild Life

By changing the delicate balance in the predator and prey detection, disturbing the communication, in relation to reproduction and navigation, noise can have damaging effect on wild animals increasing the risk of death. Over exposure to noise pollution can lead to loss of hearing temporarily or permanently. Influence of noise pollution on animals can be decline of usual habitat in the noisy areas. This can lead endangered species to the path of extinction.

Noise also impacts their involuntary tendency to increase their vocal effort. It impacts not only one species but it will mask the voice of other species and eventually will lead the whole ecosystem to speak louder. If creatures don’t speak loudly their voice will be masked directly or indirectly due to human activities causing noise pollution. Marine life is also negatively affected by noise pollution caused by ships and military sonar. Noise pollution is known to have caused death of various species of animals living on land and water.

Noise pollution was not considered to be a major issue earlier. Its impact was not even this severe few decades back. But due to urbanization the issue of noise pollution is increasing and has now become a major concern. Serious measures need to be taken for the prevention of noise pollution to avoid the adverse effect of it on the lives of human, wildlife and environment.

Noise Pollution Paragraph 350 Words

Noise pollution is generally defined as the propagation of elevated noise in the environment harmful to human beings and animals. Noise pollution in the environment is caused due to many reasons.

Reasons of Noise Pollution

Let us have a look at some major factors responsible for noise pollution in detail below:

Industrialization: Use of modern technology and machinery in industries produces larger amount of noise pollution. Other equipments like generators, compressors, exhaust fans etc produce greater amount of noise.

Transportation: Traffic on the roads is increasing due to urbanization. Highest noise is produced by aircrafts and trains. Other transport vehicles also cause noise pollution and the traffic jams to make the situation even worse.

Construction Activities: The construction activities like mining, construction of buildings, bridges, roads, dams, etc. have increased due to development in our country. This increases noise pollution in our environment.

Domestic Noise Pollution: Domestic noise due to excess use of music systems, TV, mixer, grinders, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc. also cause large amount of noise. The problem is severe in urban areas. More and more people from rural areas are moving to urban areas, so higher the population in urban areas higher the noise pollution.

Defense Machinery: High amount of noise pollution in environment is caused due to military tanks, shooting practices, explosions, rocket launching, airplane training etc. High pitched noises from jet engines have damaging effect on ears.

Natural Calamities: Natural calamities like hurricanes and cyclones can have adverse effect on environment and cause immense noise pollution. High-pitched noise created due to lighting and thunderstorms also creates noise pollution and impacts human and animal life.

Social Events: We all are aware that in events like marriages, parties, concerts, etc. loud noise is created due to loud music, burning crackers, loud human voices, etc. In the places like discos, clubs, and restaurants also the noise is created by loud music and people. The noise created from these events is called nuisance as opposed to noise pollution.

Thus, lack of urban planning and several other factors are responsible for unwanted noise and the problem of noise pollution is rising and harming our environment. The adverse effects of noise pollution can harm human and animal life severely. Thus, prevention is vital and can be mitigated by efficient urban planning.

Noise Pollution Paragraph 400 Words

Noise pollution is the environmental noise; it usually refers to the excessive voice that is harmful for human life and animal life. In modern times the impact of noise pollution has become a major concern. Given below are the adverse effects of noise pollution:

Damage the Ear : Overexposure to excessive voice can cause damage to one of the most important organs of the body i.e. the ear. Hearing injury due to noise pollution can either be temporary or permanent depending on the decibel levels and consistency of exposure. When the sound is higher than 80DB it becomes uproar for the ear and can damage the ear temporarily. When the noise is extreme above 100DB for the considerable period of time it can damage the ear permanently.

Cardiovascular Issue : Noise pollution in environment can also be the reason for heart related problems. Exposure to high intensity noise can increase blood pressure as the arteries get restricted which disrupts the smooth flow of blood and increases the normal heart rate. The sudden abnormal changes in the blood flow increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the longer run.

Sleep Disturbance : Disturbance in sleeping due to noise pollution can impact your overall well-being. It is a fact that noise can disturb your sleep and this leads to annoyance in human behavior. When someone is unable to have a sound sleep on a regular basis it can reduce their energy level and result in extreme fatigue and stress.

Mental Health Issues : Exposure to excessive voice can increase stress levels and anger. The constant noise in the locality can also trigger headaches, stress, and strain. This can also lead to emotional imbalance.

Communication Issue : The noise in environment more than 50 decibels doesn’t let people talk effectively. This makes it difficult to understand the speech of the other person and can lead to misunderstandings. This also raises anger of a person and creates disinterest in communication.

Disturbance in Studies : Noise pollution in the locality can cause disturbance in reading, writing and learning activities of the children. It interrupts the concentration of the child and affects their studies adversely.

Poor Intellectual Function : With constant exposure to excess noise the ability to learn, read and understand also decreases significantly. Frequent bombardment of noise can decrease the problem solving capabilities and memory of a person. Research has shown that a person constantly exposed to noise pollution tends to show relatively low intellectual function. Overall productivity of a person is affected.

Thus noise pollution can have several negative effects on human life. Considering the negative effects of noise, preventive measures need to be taken to reduce the noise pollution.

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FAQs on Noise Pollution

Do humans cause noise pollution.

Yes, humans cause noise pollution through various activities such as industrial operations, traffic, construction, and loud music.

When was noise pollution discovered?

Noise pollution as a concept began to gain attention in the latter half of the 20th century as urbanization and industrialization increased.

How is noise a distraction?

Noise can be a distraction by disrupting focus, causing discomfort, and reducing the ability to concentrate on tasks requiring mental effort.

How does noise affect the brain?

Noise can affect the brain by causing stress, interrupting sleep, and potentially leading to cognitive impairment over time.

How does noise affect human health?

Noise affects human health by causing stress, sleep disturbances, hearing loss, and in some cases, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Why do we prevent noise pollution?

We prevent noise pollution to protect human health, preserve wildlife habitats, and maintain a peaceful environment for living and working.

How can noise pollution be controlled?

Noise pollution can be controlled through regulations, using soundproofing materials in buildings, maintaining vehicles, and promoting public awareness.

What is noise pollution and its causes?

Noise pollution is the excessive or disturbing sound that disrupts the normal life of humans and wildlife. It's caused by industrial, transport, and recreational activities.

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  • Speech on Pollution


Pollution Speech in English

Pollution is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today. It is the introduction of harmful pollutants in the environment that degrades the quality of air, water, and soil. As human civilization progressed, we invented machines and products that can ease our life. During this process, we exploited nature, and started polluting it. We are in a time of crisis where the glaciers in Antarctica are melting due to global warming.

Pollution not only affects the environment but also introduces diseases that could kill all living organisms. Toxic chemicals released in water have killed aquatic life and also reduced the quality of water. Toxic gasses released in the air cause different lung diseases such as asthma etc. More and more legislative acts are passed to control pollution and it has been adopted by governments all around the world. However, only legislative acts and protocols cannot help in controlling the pollution as it is the duty of every individual to act on his or her own to control pollution. It is also very important that children from an early age should be educated about pollution and the effect it has on the environment and their future.


Here we have provided a long and short speech on pollution and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the pollution speech in English.

Long Speech on Pollution

Good morning everyone present over here today. I feel honored to be selected to give a speech on pollution. In this speech, I will try my best to explain to you all what pollution is, its effects, and how it can be controlled. 

Pollution is the presence of harmful contaminants in the natural environment that cause harm and damage and leads to adverse changes. Before blaming someone else for the pollution let us as a generation self analyze ourselves. There is no one, in particular, we can blame for the increase in pollution except humankind. We, humans, are responsible for the exponential increase of pollution in the environment. Throughout centuries as our civilization progressed and found new ways to earn, learn and develop we have exploited mother nature in a bigger way. The harmful substances and the effluents released into the atmosphere by the factories, industries, and household waste have made an impact in contaminating the environment.

As we all know there are three kinds of pollution and those are air, water, and soil pollution. Air pollution is mostly caused due to the presence of harmful substances and contaminants in the air. These harmful gasses are released by vehicles, dust, dirt, and poisonous gasses from the manufacturing factories. The use of vehicles or the products made at factories may make our lives easy but it also has caused a lot of effects on the environment. The harmful gasses released from vehicles and factories cause a lot of respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. The harmful pollutants in the air can cause the ozone layer to deplete which leads to the ultraviolet rays entering the earth’s atmosphere which can cause serious health problems, even cancer. Radioactive pollution is a product of air pollution that has a serious effect on living organisms. Some of the harmful effects of Radioactive pollution are skin cancer, burning of the skin, etc.

Water pollution is caused when toxic substances get mixed in water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. The toxic substances could be chemical fertilizers from the agricultural field or the poisonous Industrial waste, sewage water. marine dumping etc. This waste generated from different sources is directly drained into the large water bodies which get mixed in the drinking water and causes water pollution. The toxics that get mixed with water bodies have bacteria, germs, etc that can be life-threatening to all living organisms. Due to water pollution, the amount of drinking water is reducing every day which is causing a lot of problems for everyone.  Similarly, soil pollution is the contamination of the soil with toxic pollutants. The toxic substances could be the chemicals present in fertilizers, pesticides, and industrial chemicals.

Though we receive the benefits of using the products from industries knowingly and unknowingly we are the reason for exploiting the earth. We overuse the resources provided by mother nature and then are so careless to not think about the future. One example of overuse of the resources of nature is the use of fertilizers to increase the production of crops. Though there is an increase in the production of crops due to fertilizers it has also become the reason for land and water pollution due to the presence of the chemicals in the fertilizers. We can also give the example of Industries to get us products that ease our life but the toxic gasses released from the factories are destroying the Earth. 

So how can we correct things? how can we make sure that we don’t exploit nature?. As a community, it is our sole responsibility to fight against pollution by using eco-friendly things instead of using the non-biodegradable substances. Pollution of any kind cannot be eliminated completely but it can be controlled. We can overcome pollution by taking small measures in our day-to-day lives. We should be aware of small preventive measures that could help in controlling pollution. Do not throw domestic waste near the water bodies, instead throw the garbage at the garbage disposal site. Avoid using vehicles as it causes pollution. Carpooling and bike pooling are the best methods of reducing the usage of many vehicles, electric cars and bikes could be used instead of the vehicles which run on petrol and diesel.

To conclude this speech I want to say that every kind of pollution has a negative impact on the environment, animals and human lives. We as humans should take important steps for a better future. A lot of innocent lives are put in danger because of pollution so we should take part in an initiative to fight and control this problem. Together we can control pollution. Thank you for listening.

Short Speech on Pollution

Good morning to everyone present here today. I am honored to be here and to be given the opportunity to speak about the rising problem of our generation which has been a concern for many for over a decade, that is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment by the introduction of harmful pollutants in it. Pollution has three types which are air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. We all know what these types of pollutants are and the pollutants that cause it so  I will keep the speech short and not take much of anyone’s time. Thus I will not go into a detailed explanation about all the types of pollution and their effects because by this time I assume everyone knows about it.

In this speech on pollution, I will talk about our responsibility to save the environment and how we can save the future. Firstly I want to make it clear that pollution of any type cannot be completely eliminated but it can be controlled. It is our responsibility to take small steps to control pollution such as not throwing domestic waste near water bodies such as rivers, lakes, etc. Domestic waste is considered to be the major reason for water pollution so it is your sole responsibility to take care of the domestic waste. Throw it to the nearest garbage disposal site. Secondly, it is very important to use electric vehicles instead of the usual ones which consume petrol and diesel. Carpooling and bike pooling options could be considered to reduce the use of vehicles which will, in turn, reduce air pollution. All parents should educate children about pollution and its effect on the environment. This step is very important as it creates a sense of care and awareness in the mind of children to take care of the environment. It is high time to take any action and put a ban on the usage of a different carcinogenic compound such as polymers. To conclude I want to say that it is our responsibility to control the pollution and save the future or else we all are going to pay for it. Thank you for listening. 

10 Lines Pollution Speech in English

Pollution can be defined as the introduction of harmful substances in the environment. 

The harmful substances are called pollutants. Pollutants could be natural such as gasses released from volcanic eruptions.

Pollutants could also be man-made such as the trash from the domestic waste or the harmful chemicals from the industries. 

Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and soil and thus it causes water, air, and soil pollution. 

Water pollution can decrease the quality of drinking water which in modern times has caused a lot of problems for everyone as there is very less drinking water available.

Air pollution can cause many respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. Air pollution also causes smog which is not good for anyone. 

It is the responsibility of every parent to teach their child about pollution and the effect it can have on the environment. 

Pollution of any type cannot be completely eliminated but it can be controlled if we take important steps. 

Pollution was created by the human race so it is our responsibility to control it.

The use of Electric vehicles instead of the usual vehicles that run on fuel could help in reducing air pollution. Taking small steps slowly is better than not taking any steps at all to control pollution. 

Key points to remember about pollution 

Pollution is caused by many harmful things in the environment. It contaminated our earth and because of it, there are other global problems that are increasing. Because of pollution, people are also affected with many illnesses and this can stop only if we take some measures to stop pollution or atleast to put some effort into reducing it. Many harmful usage of products like plastic and thermocol are also the causes of pollution. The types of pollution are: -

Air pollution.

Water pollution.

Soil pollution.

Radioactive pollution.

Noise pollution.

Air pollution is caused by the release of harmful chemicals, contaminants like toxic gasses in the earth environment. These harmful gasses cause dangerous health issues. Water pollution occurs when these harmful chemicals or contaminants are released in the water body. Because of these water animals like fishes and sharks lose their life very frequently and lead to a biological imbalance. Soil pollution is the degradation of land because of harmful chemicals that are released into the soil for reasons like gardening and so on. Some causes of soil pollution are: -

Industrial Activity

Agricultural Activities

Waste Disposal

Accidental Oil Spills

Radioactive pollution on the other hand means that harmful chemicals or elements that are released because of radioactive activities. Noise pollution is caused when an excessive amount of noise is released in the atmosphere that disrupts the natural balance of the earth. 

What does pollution affect?

Pollution affects everyone. There are many kinds of pollution and when one or many pollutants are released in the air, then it causes great harm to the global environment. People are not the only creatures who suffer from pollution, many water body animals, and land animals are also affected and even the flora and fauna of the world is negatively impacted. Although the harm of pollution is immediately noticed only in the close by areas, it has a long-lasting negative impact on the entire world. This is also one of the reasons why climate change is in an unavoidable increase. If people take steps to reduce all kinds of pollution, then it will be possible to bring back the balance of the environment.


FAQs on Speech on Pollution

1. What is pollution?

Pollution is caused when harmful contaminants are released in the environment. There are many kinds of pollution in the world that disrupt the balance of the earth. Because of pollution, many living creatures on the planet suffer very hard, including human beings. Pollution kills globally and it affects millions of people. 

2. What are the types of pollution?

There are 5 types of pollution. All kinds of pollution happens because toxic chemicals are released in the atmosphere that affect the lives of living creatures. The types of pollutions are: -

3. What are the causes of soil pollution?

Soil pollution is the degradation of land because of harmful chemicals that are released into the soil for reasons like gardening and so on. Some causes of soil pollution are: -

Decreased Soil Fertility

Nuclear sources


Biological agents

4. Does pollution affect water animals?

Pollution affects all living creatures. Water pollution occurs when these harmful chemicals or contaminants are released in the water body. Because of these water animals like fishes and sharks lose their life very frequently and lead to a biological imbalance. Because of water pollution, the balance in the water is reduced and contaminated which causes the earth of so many water animals. 

5. What are the causes of pollution?

Pollution is the presence of harmful contaminants in the natural environment that cause harm and damage and leads to adverse changes. There are many causes of pollution like wastage, deforestation and usage of harmful products and so on. Pollution came into existence because of the human race so it is in our hands to reduce pollution and save the earth. Causes of pollution are: -

 Fossil Fuels

Industrial Emission

Indoor Air Pollution

Microbial Decaying Process


Open Burning of Garbage Waste

Construction and Demolition


  1. Paragraph On Noise Pollution 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  2. Paragraph on Noise Pollution [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  3. Paragraph on Noise Pollution [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  4. Essay on noise pollution for students || Noise pollution essay writing

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  5. Essay on Pollution in 150 Words

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words

  6. Essay on Noise Pollution

    speech on noise pollution in 150 words


  1. Paragraph On Noise Pollution 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids

    Paragraph On Noise Pollution - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students Noise pollution is a hazardous blessing by the human to nature and self.

  2. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 150 Words. Noise pollution is a type of pollution that is caused due to loud, unpleasant noises. The adverse effects of noise pollution are not visible, just like the effects of water and air pollution, but it is equally threatening to the environment. Noise pollution is hazardous to our health.

  3. Paragraph on Noise Pollution [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on noise pollution or sound pollution. Here, we've provided both short & long paragraphs on noise pollution (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words).

  4. Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words) In the modern world, noise pollution has become an increasingly pressing issue, affecting both urban and rural areas alike. To help students understand its impact and potential solutions, we present four paragraph samples on noise pollution. These examples aim to elucidate the ...

  5. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Here are over 15 paragraphs about noise pollution, each crafted with unique tones and varying in word count for diverse contexts.

  6. Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions Essay

    Environmental noise exposure is responsible for a range of health effects, including increased risk of ischemic heart disease as well as sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment among children, annoyance, stress-related mental health risks, and tinnitus. This noise pollution becomes more important when we look at the noise level in residential ...

  7. Essay on Noise Pollution: 100, 300 and 500 Words

    Know all about how to write an Essay on Noise Pollution, check sample essays of 100, 300 and 500 Words, tips for essay writing, etc.

  8. Brilliant Paragraph on Noise Pollution (100, 150, 200 Words)

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution (150 Words) Noise pollution is loud and unwanted sounds that cause stress and annoyance. Nowadays, it's everywhere and affects our daily lives. We hear it in schools, colleges, offices, and hospitals. Noise pollution comes from different sources such as transportation, loudspeakers, industries, and celebrations ...

  9. Essay on Noise Pollution for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Noise Pollution Essay on Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is a form of pollution which has become very deadly nowadays. This pollution is increasing only and creates an unsafe environment. Noise pollution is when the level of noise increases more than the normal level.

  10. Noise Pollution Paragraph on Human Health in 100 to 300 Words

    Noise Pollution Paragraph - 150 words While India celebrates its rich cultural tapestry and dynamic urban life, the associated noise pollution comes at a cost, particularly for students.

  11. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Learn about the harmful effects of noise pollution and how to write a comprehensive paragraph on the topic. Check out our samples for various word limits.

  12. Noise Pollution Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Noise Pollution. Noise pollution is one of the types of pollution we face daily. Like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and other types, noise pollution has a major impact on our health. Atmospheric pollution is not the only pollution we go through, but noise pollution can bring destruction to our lives.

  13. Speech on Noise Pollution

    Speech on Noise Pollution Noise pollution is an issue you might not think about often. It's unwanted or excessive sound that disturbs the environment. This type of pollution can be harmful to both your health and quality of life. It's important to understand and control noise pollution for a healthier, quieter world.

  14. Noise Pollution Essay

    500 Words Essay On Noise Pollution. The spread of noise with varying implications on human or animal activities is known as noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or sound pollution. Machines, transportation, and propagation systems are the main global sources of outdoor noise. Noise pollution is carried on by numerous noise sources ...

  15. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Paragraph 3 - 150 Words. The noise pollution is very harmful to our health. It does not only create an unpleasant sound for our ears. It also weakens our efficiency internally. The noise pollution brings many serious diseases for humans. Some of these diseases are very harmful and incurable too.

  16. Noise Pollution Essay

    Noise pollution is as harmful to us as other types of pollution, and it happens when there is a significant rise in the level of noise from the normal level. Let us make our children aware of this pollution through this noise pollution essay in English. With this, children can write an essay on noise pollution 150 words easily.

  17. Paragraph on Noise Pollution for Students

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution in 150 Words. Noise pollution or noise disturbance is a kind of environmental pollution that harms the normal life of humans and animals. It makes the environment imbalanced and unhealthy for us. Different types of machines and transportations are the main culprit for most of the sound outdoor.

  18. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Paragraph on Noise Pollution Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Noise Pollution in their schools. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

  19. Speech on Pollution: Free Samples for Students in English

    Speech on Pollution: Pollution is the introduction of any undesirable substance into our environment, leading to the contamination of natural resources. These harmful substances, known as pollutants, have become a significant existential threat to all living beings on Earth. Today, every nation, region, and community grapples with the challenges posed by pollution, a problem primarily driven ...

  20. Essay on Noise Pollution for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    Essay on Noise Pollution for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. Also find short Noise ...

  21. Essay on Noise Pollution for Children and Students

    Noise Pollution Essay 2 (150 words) Normal level of the sound necessary to maintain the daily lives however undesired sound or noise which is not tolerated by the people, animals or plants causes noise pollution in the environment. Noise is commonly called as the unwanted sound created by many industrial or non-industrial sources used in the daily life in our surrounding. High level sound ...

  22. Paragraph on Noise Pollution

    Noise Pollution Paragraph 100 Words Noise pollution is the proliferation of excessive noise that causes adverse effect on human health and other living species. We are generally used to the voice of TV, humans, dogs barking, noise due to traffic, etc.

  23. Speech on Pollution for Students in English

    Learn about Speech on Pollution topic of English in details explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.