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120 War Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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War has been a constant presence throughout human history, shaping societies, cultures, and individuals in profound ways. As such, it is a rich and complex topic that has inspired countless essays, debates, and discussions. Whether you are a student, a writer, or simply someone interested in exploring the complexities of war, here are 120 war essay topic ideas and examples to get you started.

The causes of World War I

The impact of war on society

The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during wartime

The ethics of drone warfare

The effects of war on mental health

The role of women in war

The depiction of war in literature

The impact of war on the environment

The history of guerrilla warfare

The use of child soldiers in war

The role of technology in modern warfare

The impact of war on children

The role of religion in shaping attitudes towards war

The impact of war on economic inequality

The psychology of war

The ethics of nuclear warfare

The impact of war on cultural heritage

The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of war

The legacy of colonialism in contemporary conflicts

The impact of war on human rights

The history of chemical warfare

The role of international law in regulating warfare

The impact of war on refugee populations

The role of diplomacy in preventing war

The impact of war on gender roles

The history of war crimes trials

The impact of war on education

The role of war in shaping national identity

The impact of war on healthcare systems

The ethics of assassinations in wartime

The impact of war on wildlife

The role of war in shaping technological advancements

The impact of war on urban planning

The history of war journalism

The impact of war on the family unit

The role of war in shaping political ideologies

The impact of war on poverty

The role of war in shaping religious beliefs

The impact of war on freedom of speech

The ethics of military intervention in foreign conflicts

The impact of war on indigenous populations

The role of war in shaping national borders

The impact of war on global trade

The history of war photography

The impact of war on social movements

The role of war in shaping art

The impact of war on urban development

The ethics of torture in wartime

The impact of war on animal populations

The role of war in shaping popular culture

The impact of war on tourism

The role of war in shaping scientific research

The impact of war on language

The history of war memorials

The impact of war on mental health treatment

The role of war in shaping fashion trends

The impact of war on transportation infrastructure

The ethics of biological warfare

The impact of war on sports

The role of war in shaping culinary traditions

The impact of war on technology industries

The history of war reenactments

The impact of war on music

The role of war in shaping architectural styles

The impact of war on social media

The ethics of cyber warfare

The impact of war on religious pilgrimage

The role of war in shaping medical advancements

The impact of war on international relations

The history of war poetry

The impact of war on food security

The role of war in shaping environmental policies

The impact of war on water resources

The ethics of psychological warfare

The impact of war on weather patterns

The role of war in shaping transportation systems

The impact of war on energy production

The history of war documentaries

The impact of war on waste management

The role of war in shaping fashion industries

The impact of war on healthcare technologies

The ethics of economic warfare

The impact of war on housing markets

The role of war in shaping educational systems

The impact of war on job markets

The history of war video games

The impact of war on social welfare programs

The role of war in shaping agricultural practices

The impact of war on natural resources

The ethics of space warfare

The impact of war on telecommunications

The role of war in shaping entertainment industries

The impact of war on manufacturing sectors

The history of war museums

The impact of war on transportation networks

The role of war in shaping financial markets

The impact of war on cultural institutions

The ethics of genetic warfare

The impact of war on housing policies

The role of war in shaping legal systems

The impact of war on immigration policies

The history of war novels

The impact of war on social services

The role of war in shaping technological innovation

The impact of war on healthcare delivery systems

The ethics of information warfare

The impact of war on urban renewal projects

The role of war in shaping social welfare policies

The impact of war on environmental conservation efforts

The history of war films

The impact of war on cultural diplomacy

The role of war in shaping transportation policies

The impact of war on public health initiatives

The ethics of propaganda warfare

The impact of war on disaster response systems

The role of war in shaping public safety protocols

The impact of war on international aid programs

The history of war comics

The impact of war on disaster preparedness plans

The role of war in shaping international security agreements

War is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that touches nearly every aspect of human life. By exploring these 120 war essay topic ideas and examples, you can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of war on society, culture, and individuals, and engage in meaningful discussions and debates about this important and enduring topic.

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The War of the Worlds

By h.g. wells, the war of the worlds essay questions.

The Martian invaders are terrifying in every aspect, but they possess one particular ability that was uniquely scary at the turn of the 20th century. What is this ability, and why would it have inspired terror among British readers?

The novel was published in 1898, just five years before the Wright Brothers' flight at Kitty Hawk, and hot air balloons were already in widespread use. There was fear that an enemy nation—most likely Germany—might use hot air balloons to conduct warfare from the air. The description of an enemy able to move through the air was a real and palpable fear for readers, who could quite easily replace the Martians in their imagination with soldiers from another European power.

What is the narrative effect of the narrator's first-person narration being set six years after the events he describes? How might the narrative have been different if it had been written in the form of a daily journal as events are taking place?

The first person point-of-view automatically primes readers to identify with the human perspective of the narrator as he faces the horrors of a superhuman war and the concomitant genocide. The narrative probably would not have been as compelling in a journalistic style because much of the background information on the Martians would not have been logically or rationally available to the narrator at the time of the invasion. The time lag provides a narrative explanation for why the narrator knows as much about the invaders as his narration demonstrates.

If the fear of an army invading England from the sky indicates adds to the terror for the reader, what elements of the novel might make them consider their own country inspiring fear as an invading force?

The Martians function as an interplanetary stand-in for England and its imperialist aims. The idea of a flying enemy conducting warfare inspired terrifying images of foreign pilots for British readers, but the larger portrait of a civilization with finite resources needing to colonize foreign lands for the purpose of supporting their needs and desires could be extrapolated as a symbol of any powerful nation taking over a less dominant civilization. This was a frequent occurrence in European history, including Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella, and England under Queen Victoria. Thus, the Martians can be considered a kind of double symbol that shows how terrifying the concept of colonialization is for everyone: even if life can sometimes be good for the subjugator, the overall concept puts everyone involved under constant threat of being invaded or subordinated at one time or another.

In the first few chapters of the book, it takes a long time for the populace to realize the dangers of the Martian invasion; even after the cylinder on the Woking commons opens and vaporizes the peace delegation, most people are unaware of the threat. Do you think this would be different if the story was set in the modern era with modern technology? Why or why not?

Ironically, we might still end up doubting this kind of Martian threat with our modern, instant access to worldwide information—we might even doubt it more than those in the narrative did. Most people would assume that the videos and reports of Martians were a joke or a prank; high-quality video editing software now makes it possible to spoof a Martian invasion convincingly. Moreover, most people do not want to assume that their way of life is threatened, so they would likely stick their heads in the sand and avoid the invaders entirely until it is altogether impossible to do so.

How does the narrator's identity influence the reader's experience of The War of the Worlds ?

The narrator is an English man who has lived a life of peace and tranquility—he has never experienced war, invasion, or colonization before. Had the novel been narrated by someone who came from a culture that had experienced these things, the reader might have experienced less fear or disorientation since the narrative voice would have better known what to expect and how to survive. Also, the narrator has no children or other dependents to look after in the midst of the chaos, which puts the focus more on the concept of superhuman invasion/genocide rather than on the family life of any particular, fleshed-out character.

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The War of the Worlds Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The War of the Worlds is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Which word from paragraph 4 provides context that supports the meaning of the word shivered?

You want to connect one of your choices with the word shivered?

I might consider: B - a line of flame high in the atmosphere

What two factors help the Martians overcome the gravitational differences between Mars & Earth?

From the text:

The atmosphere of the earth, we now know, contains far more oxygen or far less argon (whichever way one likes to put it) than does Mars’. The invigorating influences of this excess of oxygen upon the Martians indisputably did much...

Is the narrator more afraid of the visitors, or is he intrigued by them?

Sorry, I can't write your essay for you. The Narrator manages to survive past the end of the invasion mostly unharmed. Despite the relative stoicism he displays throughout the novel, prolonged exposure to the atrocities that the alien invaders...

Study Guide for The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds study guide contains a biography of H.G. Wells, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The War of the Worlds
  • The War of the Worlds Summary
  • Character List

Essays for The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.

  • The War of the Worlds: A Critique of Imperialism
  • Influence of Darwin's "Origin of Species" on Literature
  • Not Quite Safe: Concluding The War of the Worlds
  • Depictions of Danger in Frankenstein and The War of the Worlds
  • Martians in Wells’ War of the Worlds and Movie Adaptions: Cultural Imperialism

Lesson Plan for The War of the Worlds

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The War of the Worlds
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • The War of the Worlds Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for The War of the Worlds

  • Introduction

war novels essay topics

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Seven of the best war novels

For a fuller understanding of war, read fiction as well as history and journalism.

A black and white image of British troops go over the top of the trenches during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

T HE MOTHER of all war novels, to adapt a phrase from Saddam Hussein, must be “War and Peace”. But, just as the BBC ’s “Desert Island Discs” gives every castaway a Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare, so we will plonk on your bookshelves Leo Tolstoy’s epic, assuming they are not already sagging under its weight, and move on. Here are seven of the best non-Tolstoyan war novels, arranged in the chronological order of the conflicts they are about. Four (“All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Stalingrad”, “The Bridge over the River Kwai”  and “The Sorrow of War”) were written in languages other than English. We chose books whose subject matter spans a range of wars around the world—from the trenches of Flanders to the jungles of Vietnam. They also express the full ambit of conflict, from the terror of hand-to-hand combat to the emotional scars that never heal, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ). “War is a crucial, deeply ingrained part of human history,” wrote Magaret MacMillan, a historian. Novelists have been as perceptive about it as practitioners of her profession.

All Quiet on the Western Front. By Erich Maria Remarque . Translated by Arthur Wesley Wheen. Random House; 240 pages; $17. Vintage; £9.99

Unflinching fictional writing about war begins with Erich Maria Remarque’s masterpiece of 1929. For the first time a writer gave a raw, pitiless account of men killing each other, by any means possible. “All Quiet on the Western Front”, written in German by a veteran of the first world war, marked the definitive end of the Victorian ripping-yarn tradition of writing about war. Stripping away remnants of old notions of nobility and idealism, Remarque’s account of life in the German trenches on the western front, which includes a graphic description of hand-to-hand fighting, revealed the full barbarism of that conflict, as well as the dehumanising effects it had on the shockingly young men who fought in it. Its first readers were unprepared for this sort of detail. It caused a sensation when it was published, quickly selling hundreds of thousands of copies. It still has the power to shock, even after countless film adaptations. “All Quiet” is not explicitly an anti-war book, but its unrelenting honesty makes it hard to read it as anything else.

Regeneration. By Pat Barker. Penguin; 256 pages; $17. Penguin; £9.99

“Regeneration” is the first book of a trilogy. Its sequels are “The Eye in the Door” and “The Ghost Road”. All were published in the 1990s, a decade of renewed interest in the horrors of the first world war prompted by the knowledge that the last veterans of that conflict would soon be gone. Such memorialising contributed to the extraordinary success of Sebastian Faulks’s magnificent “Birdsong”, about British miners operating under the German lines on the Somme. “Regeneration” weaves fact with fiction to tell the story of William Rivers, a British doctor who developed treatments of what he diagnosed as shell shock. At the time, most soldiers invalided out of the trenches with symptoms of extreme emotional stress were dismissed as cowards or as insane. Rivers’s most famous patient was the poet Siegfried Sassoon. This intensely moving and compassionate novel focuses on their relationship.

The Bridge on the River Kwai. By Pierre Boulle. Translated by Xan Fielding. Mehta Publishing House; 174 pages; $15.99. Vintage; £9.99

Pierre Boulle’s novel, first published in French in 1952, should be read as a prelude to the much better film version that David Lean directed five years later. It won an armful of Oscars and remains the best war film ever made. Neither the book nor the film seeks to convey the  true awfulness of the conditions for Allied prisoners of war on the Burma-Siam railway during the second world war. “As nobody should ever have needed telling, the picture is a load of high-toned codswallop,” said one survivor. Boulle’s theme was not the brutality of war but the codes of honour and duty that could result in such brutality. Thus, his story is primarily a forensic dissection of human dispositions, particularly pride—in the regiment, and in the military discipline that will sustain fighting units even in the most horrendous circumstances. At the core of the novel is the battle of wills between two equally brave but stubborn men, the commanding officer of the British POW s, Lieutenant Colonel Nicolson, and Colonel Saito, the Japanese commander of the camp. Both have an overdeveloped sense of duty. Boulle shows how this can lead to both glory and disaster.

Stalingrad: A Novel. By Vasily Grossman. Translated by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler. NYRB Classics; 1,088 pages; $27.95. Harvill Secker; £25

When Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Vasily Grossman signed up to write for Red Star, the Red Army’s newspaper. He produced propagandistic reports about Soviet soldiers at the front. Yet the author, born to a Jewish family in Soviet Ukraine, was no Stalinist lackey; his writing expressed his admiration for the Soviet people’s courage and resilience in the face of fascist aggression. Grossman returned to the theme in two novels about the battle of Stalingrad, which took place from 1942 to 1943. The first was published in the 1950s, albeit in censored form, as “For a Just Cause”. The Soviet regime banned the second, “Life and Fate”, partly because it compared Stalinism to National Socialism. It was smuggled to the West and published there in the 1980s. A new English translation of the first novel was published in 2019 . It restored the author’s original title “Stalingrad” and unpublished sections. It is now acknowledged as a classic, powerfully mixing civilian and military perspectives on the “Great Patriotic War”.

Slaughterhouse-Five. By Kurt Vonnegut. Dial Press Trade; 288 pages; $18. Vintage; £9.99

For decades Kurt Vonnegut struggled and failed to write what he called, ironically, his “famous Dresden book”. Captured by the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944, he was a POW in Saxony’s capital during the firebombing of February 1945. Vonnegut listened from an underground slaughterhouse as the bombs rained down. Surely, he recounts, it should have been “easy” to describe the experience, “since all I would have to do would be to report what I had seen”. But the words came slowly. How could Vonnegut describe a city consumed by “one big flame”? His solution, eventually, was to replace normal narrative structure with a dizzying zig-zag through time and space. The hero of “Slaughterhouse-Five”, Billy Pilgrim, reveals the tragedy of Dresden sparingly and episodically. His telling is shaped by the psychological dislocations of what came to be called PTSD well after the novel appeared in 1969. Published during the Vietnam war, “Slaughterhouse-Five” caught the anti-war mood of the time and continues to sell more than 100,000 copies a year.

The Sorrow of War. By Bao Ninh. Translated by Frank Palmos. Knopf; 240 pages; $18. Vintage; £9.99

This mesmerising novel by a veteran of what Vietnamese call the American war is peopled more by ghosts than by the living. Bao Ninh is the pen name of a man who was one of ten survivors among the 500 members of his Glorious 27th Youth Brigade. His protagonist Kien is likewise a survivor of the North Vietnamese army. His war restarts in 1976, after the fall of the American-backed government in the south, when he is sent back to his former battlegrounds to recover bodies. Fallen comrades haunt him in the “Jungle of Screaming Souls”, as he moves between present reality and past horror, finding solace only in his most distant, dreamlike memories of pre-war youth and love. As with Vonnegut’s novel, “The Sorrow of War” discards conventional narrative as useless in the face of hell. Creating his own shifting patterns in time, avoiding both sentimentality and stereotypes, Bao Ninh describes the impact on the human spirit of combat and its aftermath.

Half of a Yellow Sun. By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Knopf; 435 pages; $24.95. Fourth Estate; £18.99

Published in 2006, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ’s second novel takes place during a civil war in Nigeria in the late 1960s. The rebellious and oil-rich Republic of Biafra, largely made up of the Igbo people, broke away from the country in 1967, initiating a conflict that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. It ended when Nigeria’s army reconquered the territory in 1970. In “Half of a Yellow Sun” Ms Adichie, born in 1977, attempts a reckoning with the war’s terrible consequences. (The title refers to the central image of the flag of the breakaway territory.) Unlike some of the other books on this list, Ms Adichie’s novel does not depict fighting. Rather, her concern is about how competing loyalties—to country, to ethnic group and to ideals—divide and crush lovers, families and friends. Through the character of Richard, a British writer, Ms Adichie also shows how Western media distort or ignore conflicts in Africa.

Most of The Economist ’s coverage of war is fact-based. We write copiously about the Israel-Hamas war and the war in Ukraine . In 2023 we published a cover leader and special report on the future of war. During the pandemic our Back Story columnist found new relevance in “ Catch-22 ”, a great comic war novel. “ War and Peace ” was also good pandemic reading. “ The Ambulance Drivers ”, published in 2017, explores the relationship between two war novelists of the 20th century, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos. Read about the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library , which opened in Indianapolis in 2019. Bao Ninh was among the people interviewed in “ The Vietnam War ”, a documentary. We reviewed a play based on “Life and Fate” and a novel by Pat Barker that is not part of the Regeneration trilogy but also deals with the first world war. ■

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Essays About War: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

War is atrocious and there is an almost universal rule that we should be prevented; if you are writing essays about war, read our helpful guide.

Throughout history, war has driven human progress. It has led to the dissolution of oppressive regimes and the founding of new democratic countries. There is no doubt that the world would not be as it is without the many wars waged in the past.

War is waged to achieve a nation or organization’s goals, but what is the actual cost of progress? War has taken, and continues to take, countless lives. It is and is very costly in terms of resources as well. From the American Revolution to World Wars I and II to the Crusades and Hundred Years’ War of antiquity, wars throughout history have been bloody, brutal, and disastrous. 

If you are writing essays about war, look at our top essay examples below.


1. War Is Not Part of Human Nature by R. Brian Ferguson

2. essay on war and peace (author unknown), 3. the impacts of war on global health by sarah moore.

  • 4.  The Psychosocial Impacts of War and Armed Conflict on Children by Iman Farajallah, Omar Reda, H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, and Ahmed Hankir

5. ​​Is war a pre-requisite for peace? by Anna Cleary

5 prompts for essays about war, 1. is war justified, 2. why do countries go to war, 3. the effects of war, 4. moral and ethical issues concerning war, 5. reflecting on a historical war.

“Debate over war and human nature will not soon be resolved. The idea that intensive, high-casualty violence was ubiquitous throughout prehistory has many backers. It has cultural resonance for those who are sure that we as a species naturally tilt toward war. As my mother would say: “Just look at history!” But doves have the upper hand when all the evidence is considered. Broadly, early finds provide little if any evidence suggesting war was a fact of life.”

Ferguson disputes the popular belief that war is inherent to human nature, as evidenced by archaeological discoveries. Many archaeologists use the very same evidence to support the opposing view. Evidence reveals many instances where war was waged, but not fought. In the minds of Ferguson and many others, humanity may be predisposed to conflict and violence, but not war, as many believe. 

“It also appears that if peace were to continue for a long period, people would become sick of the monotony of life and would seek war for a changed man is a highly dynamic creature and it seems that he cannot remain contented merely with works of peace-the cultivation of arts, the development of material comforts, the extension of knowledge, the means and appliances of a happy life.”

This essay provides an interesting perspective on war; other than the typical motivations for war, such as the desire to achieve one’s goals; the author writes that war disrupts the monotony of peace and gives participants a sense of excitement and uncertainty. In addition, it instills the spirit of heroism and bravery in people. However, the author does not dispute that war is evil and should be avoided as much as possible. 

“War forces people to flee their homes in search of safety, with the latest figures from the UN estimating that around 70 million people are currently displaced due to war. This displacement can be incredibly detrimental to health, with no safe and consistent place to sleep, wash, and shelter from the elements. It also removes a regular source of food and proper nutrition. As well as impacting physical health, war adversely affects the mental health of both those actively involved in conflict and civilians.”

Moore discusses the side effects that war has on civilians. For example, it diverts resources used on poverty alleviation and infrastructure towards fighting. It also displaces civilians when their homes are destroyed, reduces access to food, water, and sanitation, and can significantly impact mental health, among many other effects. 

4.   The Psychosocial Impacts of War and Armed Conflict on Children by Iman Farajallah, Omar Reda, H. Steven Moffic, John R. Peteet, and Ahmed Hankir

“The damage done by war-related trauma can never be undone. We can, however, help reduce its long-term impacts, which can span generations. When we reach within ourselves to discover our humanity, it allows us to reach out to the innocent children and remind them of their resilience and beauty. Trauma can make or break us as individuals, families, and communities.”

In their essay, the authors explain how war can affect children. Children living in war-torn areas expectedly witness a lot of violence, including the killings of their loved ones. This may lead to the inability to sleep properly, difficulty performing daily functions, and a speech impediment. The authors write that trauma cannot be undone and can ruin a child’s life.  

“The sociologist Charles Tilly has argued that war and the nation state are inextricably linked. War has been crucial for the formation of the nation state, and remains crucial for its continuation. Anthony Giddens similarly views a link between the internal pacification of states and their external violence. It may be that, if we want a durable peace, a peace built on something other than war, we need to consider how to construct societies based on something other than the nation state and its monopoly of violence.”

This essay discusses the irony that war is waged to achieve peace. Many justify war and believe it is inevitable, as the world seems to balance out an era of peace with another war. However, others advocate for total pacifism. Even in relatively peaceful times, organizations and countries have been carrying out “shadow wars” or engaging in conflict without necessarily going into outright war. Cleary cites arguments made that for peace to indeed exist by itself, societies must not be built on the war in the first place. 

Many believe that war is justified by providing a means to peace and prosperity. Do you agree with this statement? If so, to what extent? What would you consider “too much” for war to be unjustified? In your essay, respond to these questions and reflect on the nature and morality of war. 

Wars throughout history have been waged for various reasons, including geographical domination, and disagreement over cultural and religious beliefs. In your essay, discuss some of the reasons different countries go to war, you can look into the belief systems that cause disagreements, oppression of people, and leaders’ desire to conquer geographical land. For an interesting essay, look to history and the reasons why major wars such as WWI and WWII occurred.

Essays about war: The effects of war

In this essay, you can write about war’s effects on participating countries. You can focus on the impact of war on specific sectors, such as healthcare or the economy. In your mind, do they outweigh the benefits? Discuss the positive and negative effects of war in your essay. To create an argumentative essay, you can pick a stance if you are for or against war. Then, argue your case and show how its effects are positive, negative, or both.

Many issues arise when waging war, such as the treatment of civilians as “collateral damage,” keeping secrets from the public, and torturing prisoners. For your essay, choose an issue that may arise when fighting a war and determine whether or not it is genuinely “unforgivable” or “unacceptable.” Are there instances where it is justified? Be sure to examples where this issue has arisen before.

Humans have fought countless wars throughout history. Choose one significant war and briefly explain its causes, major events, and effects. Conduct thorough research into the period of war and the political, social, and economic effects occurred. Discuss these points for a compelling cause and effect essay.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.

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100+ Suggested War Essay Topics for Your Research

Updated 19 Jun 2024

Essays on war & conflict can be portrayed from different perspectives. Thus, your paper may deal with the war in terms of politics, heroism, or describe its impact on ordinary people’s life. Besides, you might be asked for a more precise topic for your History class essay, for instance, about diplomacy, tactics, propaganda, weapons, and the causes and effects of such conflicts. This is where our essay help service comes in!

War Essay Topics

Whether your research paper is about WWI, WW2, Civil, Vietnam or Iraq War, you first need to decide what period to describe and approach to use and then to choose some specific war essay topics for your writing. To be certain that your topic is just right, make sure that:

  • Your topic is not too broad (for instance, it concentrates on WW2 in general);
  • Your topic is not too narrow (if it deals with one political figure only);
  • You can find some research material online including videos, thematic websites, etc), it means that your subject is topical and discussed;
  • You can find books about your topic in your local library;
  • The topic is catchy and interesting (not only for your professor but for other students as well);
  • The topic covers one of the burning issues in history;
  • You can answer the question of the topic (if any) in the essay.

Covering all these seven steps is vital if you want to come up with a great topic, as it’s a half-way to a successful academic essay. After all, we all write essays intending to resolve some burning issues and catch the reader’s attention.

✍️ Tips for Writing a War Essay

College students who are required to create an essay on this topic should first be well acquainted with the historical background of the conflict they intend to write about. Secondly, they should make sure that essays are informative and cover the causes, consequences, and deprivation that the war caused.

To write a good war essay, consider the following tips:

  • Do extensive research on the topic before you start writing your essay.  The easiest thing you can do is simply google your desired topic and check whether there are discussions and materials on the topic available. You’ll need to make your topic argumentative, so make sure there are enough reliable sources you can use when writing your essay.
  • Choose a compelling topic that will grab the reader’s attention.  Once you’ve done research you might want to change the angle of your topic slightly and then move on to creating an outline for your writing.
  • Start your essay from the main body.  We recommend starting with the main problems your future essay will be concentrated on. Provide arguments, support them with evidence and corresponding citations, and make emphasis on structuring your paper properly.
  • “Frame” and proofread you final essay.  Introduction and conclusion sections frame your writing making it complex and complete. Writing then at the very end will help you to concentrate more on the context of your writing and include only those aspects that matter. Then, proofread your essay, making sure it has a nice flow.

📝 List of General War Essay Topics

Here’s a list of creative topic ideas that can help you understand what to write about. They are listed in no particular historical or chronological order:

  • The concept of "just war" and its ethical implications.
  • The impact of war on civilian populations.
  • The role of women in war throughout history.
  • The psychological effects of war on soldiers and societies.
  • The evolution of warfare technology and its impact on strategy.
  • The role of diplomacy in preventing and ending wars.
  • The impact of war on the environment.
  • The portrayal of war in film and literature.
  • The role of child soldiers in contemporary conflicts.
  • The impact of war on economic development.
  • The role of international law in regulating warfare.
  • The impact of war on cultural heritage and historical sites.
  • The role of media in shaping public perception of war.
  • The ethics of drone warfare and targeted killings.
  • The role of mercenaries and private military companies in conflicts.
  • The impact of war on global migration and refugee crises.
  • The role of peacekeeping forces in post-conflict regions.
  • The challenges of post-war reconciliation and nation-building.
  • The role of war memorials in remembering and interpreting conflict.
  • The impact of cyber warfare on national security.

📜 Civil War Research Topics

The topics dedicated to this historical period are probably the most popular ones. The Civil War was a stepping stone that showed just how much the place and time influence people’s views and how different opinions on this can sometimes make a solid ground for some major conflicts.

  • The economic factors leading to the American Civil War.
  • The role of slavery in precipitating the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on the war's course.
  • The significance of the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War.
  • The contributions of African American soldiers in the Civil War.
  • The effects of the Civil War on civilian life in the North and South.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The influence of foreign powers on the outcome of the Civil War.
  • The evolution of military technology in the Civil War.
  • The reconstruction era: Successes and failures post-Civil War.
  • The legacy of the Civil War in American memory and culture.
  • The impact of the Civil War on the American political system.
  • The role of naval warfare in the Civil War.
  • The significance of the Gettysburg Address in American history.
  • The psychological effects of the Civil War on soldiers and families.
  • The use of propaganda during the Civil War.
  • The role of espionage and intelligence in the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Civil War on American literature and art.
  • The treatment of prisoners of war during the Civil War.
  • The role of railroads in the Civil War logistics and strategy.

📖 Cold War Paper Topics

  • The origins of the Cold War: Ideological differences between the US and USSR.
  • The impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on Cold War dynamics.
  • The role of espionage and intelligence in the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on global decolonization movements.
  • The effects of the Cold War on American domestic policy.
  • The significance of the Berlin Wall in Cold War history.
  • The role of nuclear arms race in escalating Cold War tensions.
  • The impact of the Cold War on the development of space exploration.
  • The role of the United Nations during the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on popular culture and media.
  • The Korean War as a proxy battle of the Cold War.
  • The Vietnam War and its significance in the Cold War context.
  • The role of NATO and the Warsaw Pact in the Cold War.
  • The impact of the Cold War on the Middle East.
  • The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
  • The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during the Cold War.
  • The impact of the Cold War on science and technology.
  • The role of non-aligned movement countries during the Cold War.
  • The effects of the Cold War on Africa's political landscape.
  • The legacy of the Cold War in contemporary international relations.

Vietnam War Essay Ideas

  • The causes of the Vietnam War and its justification.
  • The impact of the Tet Offensive on American public opinion.
  • The role of media coverage in shaping the narrative of the Vietnam War.
  • The effects of Agent Orange and other chemical warfare.
  • The experiences of Vietnamese civilians during the war.
  • The anti-war movement in the United States and its influence on policy.
  • The legacy of the Vietnam War on American military and foreign policy.
  • The psychological effects of the war on returning veterans.
  • The role of the Viet Cong and guerrilla warfare tactics.
  • The significance of the Paris Peace Accords in ending the Vietnam War.
  • The impact of the war on Vietnamese society and economy.
  • The role of women in the Vietnam War.
  • The influence of the Cold War on the Vietnam conflict.
  • The challenges of post-war reconciliation and recovery in Vietnam.
  • The portrayal of the Vietnam War in film and literature.
  • The strategic mistakes made by the United States in Vietnam.
  • The role of international allies and support for both sides.
  • The impact of the war on American public and political life.
  • The use of music as a form of protest and expression during the Vietnam era.
  • The lessons learned from the Vietnam War for future conflicts.

🌎 World War I Essay Topics

  • The causes of World War I: Nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and alliances.
  • The impact of trench warfare on military strategy and soldier experiences.
  • The role of technology and innovation in World War I.
  • The effects of World War I on the home front: Women, work, and society.
  • The significance of the Battle of the Somme.
  • The consequences of World War I on the global political landscape.
  • The Treaty of Versailles: Terms, criticisms, and long-term effects.
  • The role of propaganda in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on art and literature.
  • The experiences of colonial troops in World War I.
  • The role of the Russian Revolution in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on the Middle East.
  • The legacy of World War I in contemporary international relations.
  • The role of naval warfare in World War I.
  • The psychological effects of World War I on soldiers.
  • The use of chemical weapons in World War I.
  • The role of the United States in World War I.
  • The impact of World War I on medical advancements.
  • The economic consequences of World War I.
  • The role of aviation in World War I.

🌍 World War II Essay Topics

When you choose to write about World War 2, always check the dates and the facts. Remember that it is an important topic to explore, which is why you can compare and check with how it is explored in Europe or in Russia to get more information. Remember to provide citations for each resource used.

  • The causes of World War II: The failure of peace efforts and the rise of dictatorships.
  • The role of the Holocaust in World War II.
  • The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad.
  • The impact of World War II on women and minorities.
  • The use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Justifications and consequences.
  • The role of intelligence and code-breaking in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on the formation of the United Nations.
  • The experiences of soldiers in different theaters of World War II.
  • The role of propaganda in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on post-war European reconstruction.
  • The significance of the D-Day invasion.
  • The role of resistance movements in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on colonial empires.
  • The legacy of World War II in contemporary international relations.
  • The psychological effects of World War II on survivors.
  • The role of technology and innovation in World War II.
  • The impact of World War II on civilian populations.
  • The role of the United States in World War II.
  • The economic consequences of World War II.
  • The trials of war criminals and the establishment of international law.

- What are some examples of powerful war research topics?

A research essay topic can be considered successful in case it is topical and well-researched. Historical events have a tendency to repeat from time to time, so that modern politicians and ordinary people can treat them as valuable lessons. A powerful topic is the one that can help us understand our past and make an output for the future; the impact of conflicts on our history, propaganda approaches, things that cause wars are some nice examples of timeless topics.

- What's the best way to start a war essay?

The beginning of each lengthy essay should clearly state what major concerns the essay will cover. If you are making a comparison between WW1 and the Cold War, you should tackle both in the introduction and focus on each of them separately in the body of the essay. In case your topic is connected with the importance of technological progress on weapons, make this statement in the paper’s intro.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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500 Original War Essay Topics: From Antiquity to Present

Human history is the history of wars. At least, as it is written now. Wars are documented, explained, classified, and justified. Wars are given as inevitable facts. We would like to change this narrative by giving you various essay topics about war to investigate its cultural, psychological, and economic dimensions. By exploring those topics, you can study wars as mistakes of the past that could be avoided. You could focus on devastating consequences instead and humanitarian costs of war conflicts.

In these troubled times, essay writers stand for peace. We offer you these prompts so you could understand through writing all the immensity of how wrong the war is. May the only war you know be in these war paper topics.

Persuasive and Argumentative Essay Topics on War

If you seek to write an essay about war as a phenomenon rather than a historical account of a particular conflict, look for a topic in this section. Here we also suggest some argumentative and persuasive topics on wars that didn’t receive enough attention in the following categories.

  • Is war ever justifiable?
  • American wars in 20 th and 21 st centuries: were they successful?
  • Progressive vs. Traditional: what forces emerge in war conflict?
  • Armenian genocide or war victims: how plausible is the Turkish version of events?
  • Was the War on Terror justified?
  • Significance of leadership in combat compliance
  • Nuclear proliferation: global conflict vs. security
  • The role of the U.S. armed forces in international conflict
  • Terrorism as a strategy in a new type of warfare
  • What was Assad’s motivation for using chemical weapons in Syria?
  • The role of diplomacy in creating and maintaining peace
  • Valor, honor, trumpets: war glorification through history
  • How literature teaches us about history: war novels, memoirs, and letter collections
  • What are the similarities and differences between the Armenian genocide and the Jewish Holocaust?
  • Obedience to authority and dehumanization of the enemy
  • Why are trials of war criminals necessary for both sides of a conflict?
  • Iran hostage crisis and its impact on American politics
  • Radical peace activism of William Sloane Coffin
  • Do you agree with Jacques Mallet du Pan’s statement, “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children”?
  • The War of 1812: America’s vaguest conflict
  • Does America need to help others, if it means intervening militarily to push events in the desired direction? (use Korean War, Vietnam War, other smaller conflicts as examples to prove your point)
  • Do you believe “Cold War II” is possible? Explain your position.
  • Ethical dilemmas of war journalism
  • Self-censorship of state media while reporting international conflicts
  • War and religion: “Thou shalt not kill” and other dilemmas

Russia-Ukraine War Essay Topics

Already named the most significant war conflict in Europe since World War II, the Russian invasion in Ukraine has been gripping people’s attention worldwide. It has shown how fragile peace really is, even in the 21 st century, and how dependent we all are on each other.

  • The long prelude to the Russia and Ukraine war: how did the world miss it?
  • Russian invasion: central tenets of Putin’s doctrine
  • Should NATO interfere in the Russian-Ukraine war?
  • The effectiveness of S. sanctions against Russia
  • The broader implications of Putin’s aggression for Europe and the world
  • Russia and Ukraine: a historical perspective of Putin’s invasion
  • Ukraine 2022: Possible scenarios of war development
  • Cyber fonts of war in Ukraine: the resistance of ethical hackers
  • Fake wars: Putin’s front on social media
  • Denial: why the Russian public believes rampant propaganda?
  • Russia 2022 vs. Germany 1939: compare and contrast
  • Deluded or downright evil: Putin’s possible mental health issues
  • What were Putin’s strategic miscalculations when attacking Ukraine?
  • What war in Ukraine will mean for the world’s food security?
  • Confirmed war crimes committed by the Russian troops in Ukraine
  • Public statements from POW: should they be protected by anonymity?
  • Could a Russian oil and gas ban be the push we needed for greener energy?
  • War in Ukraine: an ultimate test for a “Global Village” theory
  • Nation united: how Ukrainian society self-organized for resistance
  • Compare and contrast Russian tactics in Syria and Ukraine
  • Nuclear threat: compare and contrast Cuban Missile Crisis and Russian power plants blackmail
  • The world stands with Ukraine: how artists express their solidarity
  • Reputation over gain: why are big brands choosing sides so decisively in the Russo-Ukraine war?
  • Ukrainian volunteer battalions: why veterans choose to fight again
  • Doing your bit: a wave of grassroots humanitarianism in support of Ukraine

War in Antiquity Essay Topics

We can confidently say that war is as old as humanity itself, if not older. However, the first recorded war in history was waged in 2700 BCE. Hence, we have almost 5 thousand years of history and facts to dig into. Scratch the surface by picking one of the essay topics below.

  • The tribe mentality and war
  • Early warfare and military tactics
  • The concept of war in Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Warfare in Sumer: weapons and tactics
  • Assyrian warfare and methods
  • Akkadian warfare and Sargon’s conquest
  • Hammurabi and Babylonian warfare
  • Chariots, Archers, and Infantry: the development of professional warfare in Ancient Egypt
  • Weapons and tactics of the Old Kingdom
  • The warrior-king Senusret III and warfare of the Middle Kingdom
  • Hatshepsut, Ramesses II, and the army of the Empire
  • Warfare in Ancient India
  • The Warring States Period of Zhou Dynasty in Ancient China
  • Greek warfare in the Archaic period
  • The formation of phalanx at the Battle of Marathon
  • Weapons and tactics of the Peloponnesian War
  • Philip II of Macedon’s military reforms
  • The conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great
  • Greek war at sea: ships and battle strategies
  • Martial values in Roman culture
  • Roman-Etruscan Wars
  • Structure and command of the Roman Army
  • Sieges and logistics in Roman warfare
  • Caesar’s Civil War
  • Roman-Gallic wars

Medieval Warfare Essay Topics

The Middle Ages are a cradle of modernity. In this period’s technological, cultural, and social advancements, we can see the transition from antiquity and discern seeds of the systems we live in today. Medieval warfare is not an exception. Learn more about it by working on one of the research topics below.

  • The battle of Hulao and its consequences
  • The Battle of the Court of Martyrs
  • Byzantine naval force and its role in the state’s survival
  • Civil wars, barbarian invasions, and the fall of the Roman Empire
  • Viking expansion and warfare tactics
  • The Battle of Hastings and the end of the Anglo-Saxon rule
  • Armored knights and castles: two staples of Medieval warfare
  • Fortifications and siege warfare
  • Recruiting and mercenaries in Middle Ages
  • Supplies and logistics of Medieval warfare
  • The rise of infantry: Crossbows and longbows in the battlefields
  • The First Crusade and the Battle of Hattin
  • The Battle of Bouvines and its broader socio-political implications
  • What made Mongol invasions and conquests of the 13 th and 14 th centuries so expansive?
  • Turco-Mongol rule and conflicts in Eastern Europe
  • Innovative tactics during the Battle of Mohi
  • The introduction of guns and its influence on naval warfare
  • The Crusade of Nicopolis and the fall of the Second Bulgarian Empire
  • The Battle of Grunwald and the defeat of Teutonic Knights
  • Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans
  • The Battle of Castillon and the end of the Hundred Years’ War
  • Muslim conquests and Arab expansion
  • Hungarian invasions of Europe
  • Slighting in Medieval warfare and in modernity
  • Timeline of women in Medieval warfare

American-Indian Wars Essay Topics

Listing about 40 named conflicts, American-Indian Wars were fought by European governments, settlers, and the U.S. government against American Indian and First Nation tribes. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. Explore the raw reality of the Frontier with these essay topics.

  • Battle of Mabila and its consequences for the Mississippian culture
  • Tiguex War between Spaniards and Puebloans
  • Main consequences of the Mixtón War for Caxcan natives
  • Changes to Spanish indigenous policies as a result of the Chichimeca War
  • The timeline of the Spanish-Navajo War
  • Battles of the Mexican-Navajo War
  • Why was the Beas Springs Treaty of 1846 broken?
  • The Washington Expedition of 1849 and its results
  • Why didn’t the Laguna Negra treaty stand?
  • Colonel Edwin Summers’s campaign of 1851
  • Second Battle of Fort Defiance
  • Carson’s Campaign of 1863
  • The Long Walk of the Navajo
  • The reasons for the First Anglo-Powhatan War
  • The Peace of Pocahontas
  • The timeline of the Second Anglo-Powhatan War
  • The palisade of the Virginia Peninsula
  • The Third Anglo-Powhatan War and its aftermath
  • Conditions of the Treaty of 1646
  • The Cherokee War of 1776
  • The results of the Northwest Indian War of 1785-95
  • The timeline of the Bald Hills War
  • The results of the Black Hawk War
  • Geronimo’s War and its effects
  • Crazy Snake Rebellion and other 20 th Conflicts

Insurrections and Slave Revolts Essay Topics

Not every armed conflict is glorified or even remembered as a “war.” That doesn’t mean those events are insignificant. Study the less famous wars of U.S. history that inconspicuously shaped the country we live in today.

  • Virginia Slave Rebellion in the Gloucester County
  • Reasons leading to the Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676-1677
  • The aftermath of the Leisler’s Rebellion
  • The timeline of the Cato’s Rebellion
  • Siege of Fort Detroit and the Battle of Bloody Run
  • The siege of Fort Pitt
  • The results of the Pontiac War
  • The reasons behind the Regulator Movement
  • The economic background of Shay’s Rebellion
  • The aftermath of the Whiskey Insurrection
  • The effects of the John Fries’s Rebellion
  • The timeline of the Louisiana Territory Slave Rebellion
  • Nat Turner: the man behind the Southampton Insurrection
  • Events leading up to the Buckshot war
  • The timeline of the Patriot War
  • The results of the Helderberg War
  • Precursors and causes of the Dorr’s War
  • The aftermath of the Taos Revolt
  • Causes and effects of the Utah War
  • John Brown’s Raid on Federal Armory and its significance for the abolitionist movement
  • Background and causes of the Green Corn Rebellion in Oklahoma
  • The timeline of the Coal Wars
  • Historical interpretations of the Battle of Blair Mountain
  • The Bonus Army March
  • The Wounded Knee occupation

The U.S. War of Independence Essay Topics

Forever ingrained in American identity, the American War of Independence provides us all a sense of who we are as a nation – or at least what we should strive to be. Follow the glorious pages of our history with these research topics.

  • The U.S. regional development in the 17 th century and the formation of national identity
  • Religious impact on the colonies that created the United States
  • The timeline of the American Revolutionary War
  • The “Founding Fathers” and Neoclassicism: symbols and ideas
  • Benjamin Franklin: The quintessential American
  • The historical character of James Gray and his role in the Boston Tea Party
  • Black Americans in the Revolutionary era
  • Scotch-Irish Americans in the Revolutionary War
  • Poles in the American Revolution
  • The war of 1812 (the Second American War of Independence)
  • The adoption of the Articles of Confederation
  • In your opinion, what was the most critical factor leading to American victory in the Revolution War?
  • Enlightenment as an ideological foundation for the American Revolution
  • The Texas Revolution
  • Arizona statehood and Constitution
  • Nova Scotia in the American Revolution
  • Quakers in the American Revolution
  • The formation of the U.S. Federal Government
  • Naval operation in the American Revolutionary War
  • Flags of the American Revolution
  • Review the movie How accurately does it depict the historical events?
  • Compare and contrast American and Mexican War of Independence
  • Edmund Burkes 1775 speech on the conciliation of America
  • S. Government and Federalism according to the Constitution
  • The terms and consequences of the Treaty of Paris (1783)

American Civil War Essay Topics

One of the defining pages in U.S. history, Civil War takes an important place in the curriculum. Here, you will find some interesting, less conventional Civil War research paper topic ideas.

  • Is it true that the question of labor made the Civil War unavoidable?
  • What events have led to the breakout of the Civil War?
  • Causes of secession and the territorial crisis
  • Innovative naval tactics during the Civil War
  • Social, cultural, and economic changes in the aftermath of the Civil War
  • Compare and contrast two of the Civil War leaders
  • Technological advancement during the Civil War
  • Advancement in medicine during the American Civil War
  • Generals in the Civil War
  • Fort Sumpter and the Civil War
  • General Scott’s “Anaconda Plan” and the Union blockade
  • The diplomacy of the Civil War
  • Main battles of the Eastern theater of the American Civil War
  • Main battles of the Western theater of the American Civil War
  • Main battles of the Trans-Mississippi theater of the American Civil War
  • Main battles of the Lower Seaboard theater of the American Civil War
  • Main battles of the Pacific Coast theater of the American Civil War
  • Mathew Brady’s Impact on the Civil War
  • The role of Georgia in the Civil War
  • What were the most important factors that led to the defeat of the Confederacy in the Civil War
  • Why did the Reconstruction era fail to live up to its promise?
  • The politics of the Civil War
  • The importance of logistics during the Civil War
  • American Civil War is sometimes called The Second Revolution. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • America’s Post-Civil War growing pains

World War 1 Topics for Essay

Even over 100 years later, it retains the name of the Great War in the memory of most participating countries. In this section, find WWI essay topics and research paper topics.

  • The causes and the events leading to World War 1
  • Understanding the alliances and their intro to World War I
  • Was World War I inevitable? If not, how might it have been avoided?
  • The optimism of 1914 and the elusive victory
  • Effects of World War 1 on civilians at home fronts
  • Soldier life in the trenches of World War 1
  • Review John Ellis’ Eye-Deep in Hell: Trench Warfare in World War I
  • Impact of advanced weapons and technology in World War I
  • The industrial revolution and World War 1
  • S. military in World War 1
  • Naval warfare of World War I
  • First Nations men in World War 1
  • The Middle East in the World War 1
  • World War I and the Russian Civil War
  • The mobilization of Russia in World War I and Germany’s response
  • Impact of the First World War on the Western world
  • The power of propaganda in World War I
  • The Battle at Belleau Wood
  • Biography of Paul Von Hindenburg
  • Do you agree with General Hindenburg’s statement, “The Americans in the Argonne won the war”?
  • World War I and the post-war years in America
  • What was the red scare after World War I, and what caused it?
  • Post World War I situation in the world
  • The impact of World War 1 on European and world history
  • The establishment of the League of Nations

World War 2 Essay Topics

Being the most recent global conflict, World War 2 often serves as an introduction to war for many young people. It permeates film, literature, memorials, and the family lore of people all over the world. Possibly, it was one of the first war-connected assignments you had to do in school when you didn’t even know how to conduct research properly. This section suggests a selection of WW2 essay topics on a college level.

  • World War II causes and effects
  • Compare and contrast Gustav Stresemann’s and Adolf Hitler’s policies and personalities
  • Japan and Germany: Foreign policy before World War 2
  • American neutrality during World War 2
  • Pearl Harbor attack: an example of strategic surprise
  • Military leadership in World War II
  • The impact of technological advancement on military tactics during World War Two
  • Winston Churchill and his extraordinary qualities as a modern diplomat
  • Biography of Benito Mussolini
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s leadership skills
  • Hitler’s personality in table-talk statements
  • The U.S. attack on Germany in World War II
  • Pacific Theater during at the end of World War 2
  • Timeline of the European Theater of the World War II
  • American air force in WW2
  • How did World War 2 change Americans’ views of their nation’s role in the world?
  • The defeat of Japan toward the end of World War 2
  • The Battle of the Atlantic and the Battle of Britain
  • The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad for the outcome of the WWII
  • The importance of the Normandy landings for the development of the WWII
  • What positions did Australians adopt towards the problem of Japanese expansionism 1931-1941?
  • The influence of World War II on India’s resistance to the colonial rule
  • Life and Conditions at the Japanese internment camps during the World War II
  • Analyze the film Der Untergang (Downfall) by Olivier Hirschbiegel
  • Why did the United States want to rebuild Japan after World War 2?

Korean War Essay Topics

Overshadowed by later and bloodier conflicts, the Korean War is often dubbed “The Forgotten War.” Yet, we believe that remembering it can still teach us a lot.

  • Causes and outcomes of the Korean War
  • The United Nations during the Korean War
  • Factors in U.S. intervention in Korean War
  • Influence of the Korean War on art
  • The Battle of Chipyong-Ni
  • The Battle of Incheon
  • Sinchon Massacre during the Korean War
  • Ho Chi Minh’s Vietcong army’s guerilla tactics
  • The Battle Of The Chosin Reservoir
  • Compare and contrast America’s combat tactics during the Korean and Vietnam Wars
  • History of the conflict between North Korea and South Korea
  • The major milestone of General Douglas MacArthur’s military career
  • The United States Marine Corps in the Korean War
  • The effect of the Korean War on Japan’s “Economic Miracle”
  • Why do historians often refer to Korean War as the “Unknown War” or “Forgotten War”? Do you believe this opinion is justified?
  • Intelligence during the Korean War
  • Evolution of aircraft performance during the Korean War
  • Atrocities against American POWs in the Korean war
  • Using North Korea and China as examples, why do some leaders construct a personality cult around their rule?
  • National security and constitutional rights during the Korean War
  • Korean War influence on Edward Kienholz’s art
  • The division of Korea and its implications
  • North Korean intelligence apparatus
  • Urbanization of South Korea
  • The impact of the Korean War on religion in Korea

Vietnam War Essay Topics

The most controversial and traumatic in the recent history of the USA, the war in Vietnam, looms in national memory. Find here original and piercing Vietnam War research topics.

  • Do you agree with Gregory Pemberton’s statement, “Ultimately it was Australia’s dependence on the United States that led it into Vietnam”?
  • The beginning of the Vietnam War
  • Vietnam War and the U.S. involvement
  • The timeline of the 1964 offensive
  • The Buddhist Uprising and American ground war
  • S. domestic controversies and G.I. movement in the Vietnam War
  • Hanoi’s war strategy and its influence on the course of the Vietnam War
  • Analyze American foreign policy during the Vietnam War
  • Political and societal ramifications of the Vietnam war
  • The American experience in Vietnam War
  • The use of agent orange in the Vietnam War
  • Was the Vietnam War doomed to fail?
  • The end of the Vietnam War and the aftermath
  • The 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War: Who won the most?
  • The introduction and use of helicopters in Vietnam
  • The use of drugs and its effects on the soldiers at the Vietnam War
  • Why did the United States fight in the Vietnam War?
  • The impact of insurgency efforts during the Vietnam War
  • The international relations during the Vietnam War
  • President Richard Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization
  • Effects of Truman Doctrine on Vietnam Exploration of the major foreign policy disaster in David Halberstam’s The Making of a Quagmire
  • Military lessons learned from the Vietnam War
  • The attack of USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964
  • Operation Freedom Deal and its outcomes
  • Historical investigation on the My Lai massacre

Cold War Essay Topics

Cold War might not have been a war in the strictest sense of the word, but it was long and grueling, leaving a lingering impact on our culture. Find here inquisitive Cold War topics for an essay.

  • What factors led to the emergence of the Cold War? Was Cold War inevitable?
  • What were the main historical and political conditions of the Cold War?
  • Nationalism and the Cold War
  • How did Cold War develop over its first three decades?
  • What was McCarthyism, and what led to its downfall?
  • From Truman to Nixon: How did different presidential administrations handle Cold War affairs?
  • Truman Doctrine 1945–53 and its impact on the Cold War
  • How did different approaches by presidential administrations affect foreign policy during the Cold War?
  • Economic and political differences during the Cold War
  • The struggle to control decolonized nations as a moving force of the Cold War
  • Hot spots of the Cold War: Vietnam and other proxy wars
  • Cuban missile crisis of 1962
  • The effects of the Cold War on American society
  • Analyze the impact of the Cold War on the domestic home front
  • Cold War liberalism
  • Home and the family as a bastion of safety for Americans in an insecure world of the Cold War
  • What is “domestic containment”? How and why did the Americans utilize domestic containment as a bulwark against communism?
  • What impact did the Cold War have on sexuality, marriage, and traditional gender roles?
  • The Cold War and the U.S. Diplomacy
  • Military nervousness and civilian anxiety during the Cold War
  • How were men, women, and minorities each affected by the stresses of the Cold War?
  • The ideological and geopolitical struggle during the Cold War
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall
  • How did the Cold War change American society and culture?
  • Why was the Cold War called a “war”?

War in Afghanistan Essay Topics

Starting under the name “Operation Enduring Freedom,” the war in Afghanistan was fought to remove a “regime that supported terrorists” and avenge the 9/11 attacks. It has cost the lives of over 2,400 American soldiers and intelligence operatives, becoming growingly confusing and controversial. Investigate the details with these topics.

  • What was the cause of the war in Afghanistan?
  • The results of the twelve-year war fought in Afghanistan
  • Unemployment and insurgency during America’s war on terror
  • Timeline of the Operation Enduring Freedom
  • The Battle of Tora Bora
  • Operation Anaconda
  • Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Taliban Emirate vs. Northern Alliance
  • Al-Qaeda’s foundation and strategies
  • The Religious and political motivations of Anwar Al-Awlaki and Osama Bin Laden for overthrowing regimes in Muslim countries
  • Al-Qaeda and ISIS: the history of two jihads
  • The long-term impact of 9/11 on American society
  • Limitations placed on freedom after 9/11
  • Political advertisement during the Iraqi War
  • Analyze Barack Obama’s speech on Afghanistan given on May 1, 2012, in Kabul
  • Review the BBC World documentary Taxi to the Dark Side
  • S. military’s use of torture during the War in Afghanistan
  • Review the documentary Restrepo: One Platoon, One Valley, One Year
  • The use of American volunteer forces in Afghanistan
  • The militarization of American foreign policy under President George Bush, Jr.
  • Are there any parallels between President Johnson’s actions in Vietnam and President Obama’s in Afghanistan?
  • A paradigm shift in U.S. Foreign Policy as illustrated by the war in Afghanistan
  • Photography and death: review Luc Delahaye’s exhibition “History” dedicated to struggles of the Afghan War
  • The relationship between foreign contractors and Afghans and its influence on Afghanistan Reconstruction
  • How the phrase “War on Terror” was used and developed? Why was it controversial?

War in Iraq Essay Topics

One of the most controversial events in American war history, the Iraqi War’s justification remains unclear. Explore this complicated topic with these prompts.

  • Reasons given by President Bush to Americans for the War in Iraq
  • In your opinion, what was the real reason for the War in Iraq?
  • Anti-war protests against the War in Iraq
  • Compare and contrast the Iraq and Vietnam Wars
  • Life in Iraq since the beginning of war in 2003
  • Timeline of the 2003 invasion of Iraq
  • Iraq Spring Fighting of 2008
  • S. drawdown and Operation New Dawn
  • How did media exacerbate/contribute to conflict resolution during the War in Iraq?
  • Sexualizing terrorism: gendered political discourse justifying War in Iraq
  • Islamophobia: the role of media in manipulation public opinion
  • Consequences of the War in Iraq for the United States image in the world
  • Effect of the war on terrorism rate in Iraq
  • Improvised explosive devices (IED) in Iraq War
  • Impact of the Iraq War on American society
  • What were the successes and failures of the Iraq War?
  • How has the Arab Spring reshaped U.S. foreign policy?
  • Analyze President Obama’s Iowa Victory speech
  • Moral decisions in war documentary Soldiers of Conscience (2007)
  • Review the film About Baghdad
  • Public distrust and conspiracy theories instigated by the War in Iraq
  • Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles in Iraq War
  • Review My Men Are My Heroes: The Brad Kasal Story by Nathaniel R. Helms
  • Post-war experiences of Iraq War veterans in interviews and memoirs
  • Compare and contrast the Cheney Vice-Presidency and the Biden Vice-Presidency: views on terrorists, war, and foreign policy

War Medicine Essay Topics

Treating a wounded soldier and keeping him fit for fighting is as old as the war itself. However, over the years, war medicine has expanded to rehabilitation and continuing care for those left with chronic conditions in the aftermath of war. Explore the unique field of military medicine with these topics.

  • Military and veteran affairs social work
  • Wartime medical innovation
  • Medicine and the development of modern weapons
  • History of Revolutionary War medicine
  • Napoleon’s chief surgeon Dominique Larrey and his “Flying Ambulance”
  • Advancement of medicine during the American Civil War
  • Florence Nightingale’s experiences during the Crimean War and sanitation reforms
  • Influenza in the World War 1 military camps
  • Harmful effects of the mustard gas in World War I
  • Triage in the First World War
  • Ambulance trains of World War 1
  • Facial reconstructive surgery in the First World War
  • Advances in nursing during the World War II
  • Addictions in returning veterans
  • Injured and disabled veterans in the United States
  • Treating the wounded at wartime
  • Medicine in the aftermath of war
  • Challenges of sickness in the ranks in wartimes
  • Medical transport for the wounded and portable equipment
  • The military chain of evacuation developed during the Korean War
  • Prosthetic limbs and rehabilitation of veterans
  • Battle fatigue
  • PTSD: Not all wounds are visible
  • Review John Laffin’s Combat surgeons
  • Review Between Flesh and Steel by Richard A. Gabriel

The War and its Impact on Society Essay Topics

Evolutionary anthropologists try to understand what makes people wage wars. All they know is that there is no single “war instinct.” Instead, there is a complicated relationship of psychological mechanisms, social conditions, cultural, political, and economic factors. Take a closer look at the emergent phenomenon with these essay and research paper topics.

  • Guerilla warfare and its impact on culture
  • The effects of the Civil War on modern American society
  • The impact of World War 1 on race and ethnicity relations in the USA
  • The impact of World War 1 on the feminist movement
  • Female voices for peace: Jane Addams and other leaders
  • The influence of wars on beauty standards and perceptions
  • Review the book An American Soldier in World War I
  • The impact of World War 1 and 2 experiences on William Edward Burghardt Du Bois and his works
  • Compare and contrast two or three memoirs of the Vietnam veterans
  • Contributions of Women in the Vietnam War and Society
  • Impact of Vietnam War on American Culture
  • The effect of the Vietnam War on Martin Luther King, Jr
  • The role of the Vietnam War in college grade inflation
  • Why the book Steel My Soldier’s Hearts is so controversial?
  • Review The Weather Underground documentary
  • Review the book Fields of Fire
  • Exploration of cowardice in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
  • Analyze and compare the characters of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and Oedipus the King of Thebes
  • Violence and transformation in When Heaven and Earth Changed Places memoir by Le Ly Hayslip
  • World War I as a background to the rise of Nazism in the 1920s
  • The impact of World War 1 on the Lost Generation of the Americans
  • How Leni Riefenstahl conveys the theme of power in Triumph des Willens (1935)?
  • Constructivism as a direct result of World War 1
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein’s soldier experience in World War 1 and its influence on his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
  • African-American experiences in World War 1 and World War 2 as precursors to the Civil Rights Movement

The Psychology of War Essay Topics

It seems that humans just cannot live in peace with each other, despite claiming peace is all they want. Why? Is it a fundamental flaw in human nature? Let’s ponder on it together while working on the following essay topics.

  • Sublimations of the belligerent instinct in peaceful times
  • Human behavior in times of war: cruelty and evil as a shift in cognition
  • War as a collective action
  • Evolutionary war psychology: offense and defense as adaptations
  • Psychological phenomena of society before and during the war
  • Survivor’s guilt as a response to trauma
  • History of posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Challenges of peace negotiations during civil wars
  • Physical objects as symbols of emotional scars in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried
  • Mental health, PTSD, and law in the Dillon vs. Legg case from 1968
  • Korean War PTSD in Home by Toni Morrison
  • Mental, physical, psychological conditions of soldiers during and after the Vietnam war in The Village by Bing West
  • Shell-shock and trauma in Pat Barker’s Regeneration
  • Review How Full Is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Don Clifton , “Negativity Kills” chapter. How does psychological torture suffered by American POWs affect them?
  • Review William James’ essay The Moral Equivalent of War
  • Review Steve Taylor’s book Back to Sanity
  • Review Steven Pinker’s book The Better Angels of Our Nature
  • Review Lawrence Leshan’s The Psychology of War: Comprehending Its Mystique and Its Madness
  • What did Hannah Arendt mean by the “banality of evil”? Why is her case study so controversial?
  • Stanford Prison Experiment: the truth and the myth
  • The history of psychological tactics in warfare
  • Theories of warfare as pathological behavior
  • War as a way to increase wealth, status, and power
  • War and group identity
  • The decline of warfare

War Economy Essay Topics

War economy is the economy of a country at war. Its most pressing task is to decide how to better allocate resources for defense, support of the army, and basic necessities for civilians. Look at how war economies functioned throughout history with these topics.

  • Industrial, technological, and medical advancements sparked by war economies
  • Financial costs of the American Revolutionary War
  • Economic history of the U.S.: Colonial economy to 1780
  • Compare and contrast Afghanistan War and Vietnam War and their respective impact on the United States economy
  • Compare and contrast the Iraq and Vietnam Wars and their impact on the American economy
  • Compare and contrast the Spanish-American War and World War I on the United States economy
  • S. involvement in the world since the late 19 th century
  • The “roaring twenties” in the wake of the World War 1: economic and political aspects
  • How and why saving bonds were used in America during World War 1 and 2
  • Deficits and surpluses in the U.S. Federal budget and correlation with wars
  • How wars and recessions influence public tolerance of immigrants
  • United States stock market fluctuations in correlation with conflicts of the 20 th
  • How did World War 1 change the movement of capital between the rich and the poor countries?
  • The economic relationship between the USA and Europe in the wake of World War 1
  • Postwar and Cold War economic recovery (1945–1970)
  • Macy’s in the years of the Great Depression and World War 2
  • The significance of global factors shaping national businesses
  • Financial competition during the Cold War
  • Episodes of hyperinflation associated with the U.S. War of Independence and the Civil War
  • The department of defense budget during the war in Afghanistan
  • Equipment expenditure and holdings of the war in Afghanistan on WikiLeaks
  • Consequences of the War in Iraq for the American economy
  • How the U.S. military funding affects world politics and justice
  • Is ethical or non-ethical business more beneficial from a long-term perspective? (on the example of Halliburton oil company and its involvement in Iraq War)
  • Ukraine’s war economy: how state and society team up under threat to freedom and existence

War in Media and Culture

Media shapes our perception of the world – and war is not an exception. In our increasingly mediated age, journalists and artists become critical to understanding the reality behind political narratives.

  • How media affect people’s perception of war and willingness to wage it
  • Northern ladies’ fashion as a political statement during the American Civil War
  • How is the role of media in the coverage of war depicted in Weapons of Mass Deception ?
  • Chaos and havoc in music as an expression of World War I
  • Protest music in reaction to the Vietnam War
  • The reality of war in Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front
  • Does Gone with the Wind support or debunk the “Lost Cause” mythology?
  • Recording horror, preserving history: The development of modern film during World War I
  • Compare Ernest Hemingway’s Soldier’s Home and its 1977 film adaptation
  • Compare and contrast The Vietnam War Memorial by Maya Lin and The Three Soldiers by Fredrick Hart
  • “The most detested war”: Vietnam War and the media
  • Identity and linguistic dynamics in a group setting on the example of old comrades-in-arms
  • Opinions supporting the U.S. use of power in the Vietnam War
  • Slaughterhouse-Five, World War II, and the Vietnam War
  • MASH TV show tonal shift and the anti-war message
  • The Vietnam War poetry
  • Review the documental Heart of Darkness: Vietnam War Chronicles
  • Review the Green Berets movie
  • Review the Apocalypse Now by Francis Ford Coppola
  • Review the Platoon movie
  • Analyze the film Saving Private Ryan
  • Review Laura Hillenbrand’s book Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
  • Review the movie Casablanca
  • Metafiction, language, and symbols in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried
  • Compare and contrast two poems about war: Dulce et Decorum Est and The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart

Jana Rooheart came to WOWESSAYS™ with a mission to put together and then slice and dice our vast practical experience in crafting all kinds of academic papers. Jana is an aspired blogger with rich expertise in psychology, digital learning tools, and creative writing. In this blog, she willingly shares tricks of pencraft and mind-altering ideas about academic writing any student will find utterly beneficial.

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248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples

In case you’re looking for original Civil War research topics, you are on the right page.

  • 📃 7 Tips for Writing Civil War Essay

☝️ 10 Best Civil War Argumentative Essay Topics

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Our team has collected a list of ideas for various assignments and complexity levels. Besides, you will find tips on writing a paper, be it for social studies course or a school project. So, get your Civil War topic to write about, and good luck!

📃 7 Tips for Writing a Civil War Essay

Every student of politics or history has to write a Civil War essay at some point. To make the process easier, we have collected the best tips on nailing the content, research, and structure! Here is how to earn an excellent mark on your paper:

Tip 1: Check the instructions carefully. You would be surprised to know how many students earn a C or less because they missed something in the instructions.

To avoid making this mistake, check all the materials provided by your tutor, including civil war essay topics, titles, and the grading rubric. Highlight the most important parts of the instructions to memorize them better.

Tip 2: Select a particular topic. Obviously, you will be focusing on the Civil War for this assignment. However, to make your paper stand out, try digging deeper and examining a specific aspect of the Civil War that interests you.

Would you be interested to evaluate how slavery impacted the Civil War? Or would you like to examine the causes and effects of this period? Pursuing your interests will aid you in adding more depth to your essay, and your tutor will certainly appreciate the effort!

Tip 3: Browse sample papers on the Civil War. Whether or not you are struggling with the first two tips, this process will be beneficial. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that you could search to find Civil War essay prompts and examples.

Reading those will aid you in defining the focus of your paper and structuring it well. Make sure to note what works well and what doesn’t in each paper you read. This way, you’ll know how to avoid making the same mistakes while writing your essay.

Tip 4: Do extensive research before you start writing. While you may have some basic information about the Civil War in your textbook, your tutor probably expects you to go beyond that and add more details.

In order to do that, you should search online resources or your institution’s library for books and articles about the Civil War. Be creative about your search! Try to examine all possible keywords and their combinations.

For instance, instead of merely typing in “civil war,” consider other search phrases, such as “civil war causes and effects,” “civil war politics,” and more. The more topics you include in your research, the more high-quality resources you will be able to find.

Tip 5: Avoid using unverified sources. While you may find a lot of useful information about the Civil War on various web pages, don’t be tempted to use them in the paper. The information contained in a blogs, non-academic website, or a civil war essay example may be unverified, false, or biased.

Don’t worry, the Internet still has a great selection of reputable articles and publications that you could rely on.

Hence, try limiting your search to peer-review journals, publications by universities, museums, or government entities, and history books. Doing so will help you to show your proficiency in secondary research while also preventing your tutor from taking away the deserved marks.

Tip 6: Structure your essay well. Each paragraph of your essay should have one central idea, and all of your statements should follow in a logical sequence.

For instance, if you are writing a paragraph on the events that led to emancipation proclamation, you should not mention the Great Depression there. Re-read each paragraph after completion to ensure that its content is relevant and there are no gaps.

Tip 7: Cite your sources correctly. Whenever you write down ideas that are not your own, include an in-text citation. Make sure to check the instructions to see which citation format is acceptable with your tutor!

If you are unfamiliar with a particular citation style, you can always search out website for formatting tips and guidelines, as well as for Civil War essay titles.

  • The Role of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.
  • Discussing the Ongoing War in Yemen.
  • Who Is Likely to Become Soldiers in a Civil War Today?
  • Syrian Civil War: Critical Events & Timeline.
  • International Military Intervention in Civil Wars.
  • Controversial Civil War Opinions.
  • How Abraham Lincoln Finished the US Civil War.
  • Political Reasons for the Russian Civil War in the 20th Century.
  • How Newspapers Influence the Perception of Current Civil Wars.
  • The Most Crucial Battles of the Spanish Civil War.
  • The Conclusion of The Civil War The main reason that the Confederacy succeeded from the Union was the issue of States’ rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution but were almost completely lost following the Civil War.
  • American History: The Civil War (1861-1865) It was a belief of Federalists that in order to ensure the union does not collapse, there was need for the federal government to hold on to power.
  • Why the Reconstruction After the Civil War Was a Failure The reconstruction era refers to the period following the civil war whereby the numerous different affiliations in the government intended to find a solution to the socio-economic and political problems imposed by the civil war, […]
  • ”Drawn With the Sword: Reflections on the American Civil War” by McPherson It also deconstructs assumptions made about the battles that took place and the consequences of the war for the United States and the world in general.
  • Civil War Effect on American Industrialization The “Beard-Hacker Thesis” had become the most widely accepted interpretation of the economic impact of the Civil War which believed that the impact of the war on American industrialization was profound.
  • First Fitna: Islamic Civil War Evaluating the situation, it appears that the First Islamic Civil war led to the split in the Muslim religion caused by the effects of the Arbitration Agreement developed after the battle of Siffin.
  • How Was the Economy of New York Transformed by the Civil War? The economy in the post-Civil War was favored by the construction of railroads which connected the industrial cities of the northeast and the agricultural areas of the Midwest and the plains.
  • The American Civil War Causes and Outcomes In this deadly war, the Northern States went into battle against the Southern States for the sake of preserving the unity of the Union of States.
  • Impacts of English Civil War This was as a result of the growth of the colonies in terms of strength and liberty due to the authority Cromwell and the Puritans had bestowed to them which were against England’s laws3.
  • The English Civil War: Causes, Costs and Benefits The final stage occurred in 1649 1651 and involved the Rump Legislature and the Royal leadership under King Charles the second.
  • The Causes of the Islamic Civil War The power was passed from father and son, and the Quraish of the Hashemites handed power to the Umayyads after the murder of Muttalib.
  • Freedom in Antebellum America: Civil War and Abolishment of Slavery The American Civil War, which led to the abolishment of slavery, was one of the most important events in the history of the United States.
  • Underlying Causes of the Sierra Leone Civil War The unfortunate outcomes of the war, both in numbers and in the reality of the situation, raise the question of what other factors may have further contributed to the war.
  • Role of the Woman During the Spanish Civil War This impact of the Spanish war is even clearer by consideration of the fact that the war had the implications of making women take up the jobs that originally belonged to men in the industries […]
  • Causes of the Civil War: Battle on the Bay The central issue in the Civil War was the question of the spread of slavery. The growing discontent of the southerners and the abolition of slavery in the country prompted them to take extreme measures.
  • The Factors That Led to the Outbreak of the Yemeni Civil War Saudi Arabia borders it to the north, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of Aden to the west and south. Terror groups such as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State have […]
  • The Spanish Civil War in Picasso’s, Siqueiros’, Dali’s Paintings The piece conveys the horrors and losses of the event dead adults and children, a horse in agony as an important symbol in Spain, and the suffering of survivors are present here. In various ways, […]
  • The Post-Civil War Era in the Lives of African Americans In the post-Civil War era, African Americans faced significant barriers to homeownership, as they were often denied access to mortgages and other forms of financing.
  • The Role of Women in the Civil War However, the Civil War was a major turning point for women, as they were allowed into new professions and helped the front from both sides of the conflict.
  • The American Civil War Period The overall worth of all the farms and outbuildings in the South was equivalent to the capital invested in enslaved individuals.
  • The Civil War by K. Burns Film Review The Civil War is now considered one of the landmark events in the history of the United States that established the foundation for the country’s principles of equality of opportunity and democracy.
  • The American Civil War and Its Main Stages On the other hand, the army of the North was precisely to overthrow the power of the Confederacy, eliminate the system of slavery and seize the territories of the South under the rule of the […]
  • Women Who Fought in the American Civil War The generally accepted point of view is the idea of the American Civil War as a war of men. The American Civil War was one of the major armed conflicts in the history of the […]
  • Civil War in Shaara’s The Killer Angels and Glory Film 1 The film Glory links the Civil War to slavery, on the other hand, The Killer Angels defines the war as an event to gain control.
  • The American Civil War: Pro- & Anti-Slavery Forces The pro-slavery forces argued that slavery was the right thing to do, promoting abolitionists and the anti-slavery forces as terrible villains because they wanted to abolish slavery.
  • The Election of 1860: The Final Step to Civil War However, the presidential election of 1860 was the last spark that fuelled the flames of the Civil War. The 1860 election outcome revealed that the opposition had no hope of beating Lincoln and the Republicans […]
  • The Life of the US After the Civil War Such ideas were able to change in the future but speaking of the time when the events of the Civil War took place, the economy, tired of the war, was in horrible shape and needed […]
  • American Cities and Urbanization After the Civil War American cities’ central development and urbanization occurred in the years after the end of the Civil War. Firstly, the active development of urbanization was caused by the fact that people began to move to cities […]
  • African American Soldiers in the Civil War The intensity of the War led to the collisions that led to the enslavement of many black soldiers until President Lincoln had to pass a General Order 233, which barred any threat that would lead […]
  • Lincoln’s Views on Ending the Civil War The Emancipation Proclamation brought about by the Civil War led to important milestones in ending slavery in the US. He decided to transform from the extension of slavery to the eradication of the Peculiar Institution.
  • The American Civil War’s Causes and Inevitability Using the example of a deceived and suffering enslaved person, the author showed the cowardice, hypocrisy, and lies of the entire system and its defenders in particular.
  • Emory Upton in the Battle of Columbus in the Civil War From this point of view it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of his strategy, and to identify the reasons for the failure of the most significant battle in the history of the general.
  • A Civil War with Former Ethiopian Rulers The aim of this paper is to analyze the reasons and possible ways to end this conflict regarding the concepts of peacemaking and peacebuilding.
  • Civil War: Causes, Technology, and Justification The factors that contributed to the war were multi-varied and complex, mostly stemming from the fact that the Southern economy was dependent on agricultural slave labor and thus protested the federal abolition of slavery as […]
  • Generals of the American Civil War Ulysses Grant and Robert Lee They made major contributions to the period as military commanders Lee leading the Army of Northern Virginia and Grant commanding various forces in the Western theater and then the Army of the Potomac.
  • Stepping Stones to the American Civil War Due to the obvious huge enslavement, Scott and several others were compelled to migrate, and he was transferred to Missouri. Douglas sided with the original founders and their work, claiming that Lincoln was harm to […]
  • Kongo’s Fourteen-Year Civil War Two of the threats that are recognized as most important are disease and climate change. Considering the facts mentioned above, it is possible to suggest that humans and their actions are the major underlying issue […]
  • Civil War and Horton’s Review It became the bloodiest in history and led to the consolidation of the 13th amendment to the US Constitution and the abolition of slavery.
  • American History From Civil War to 20th Century The weakness of the federal government is regarded as the major reason behind the hardships of the nation during the post-war decades.
  • Social Aspect in the Attitude Towards the American Civil War The analysis of the American Civil War requires the observation of various views to understand how different scientists regard the causes, progress, and the consequences of the conflict.
  • Online Resources on the American Civil War Topic The website mainly publishes information about the American battlegrounds of the Civil War, the Revolutionary War and the 1812 War. Also, the website design is appealing and appears captivating to the reader, and it meets […]
  • A Turning Point During the Civil War True to his words, President Lincoln signed the Proclamation of Emancipation on January 1, 1863, which changed the cause of the war in favor of the Union.
  • Researching of Civil War Causes In addition, in the modern world, it is challenging to accept that the consequences of the war regarded the death of numerous people.
  • The Early Republic and the American Civil War The main reason for the rise of the first parties in the Early Republic was the establishment of the central government by the declaration of the Constitution in 1787.
  • The American Civil War: Key Points It was actually a civil war between the states of the United States of America. The republicans had been fighting for the stop of the expansion of slave trade that was in existence in some […]
  • Slaves in the Civil War and Free Blacks After It The Compromise of 1850 was a set of five bills the Congress passed to solve political confrontations between the free states and the states promoting slavery.
  • Brigadier-General Mosby Monroe Parsons in the Civil War As an experienced army commander who fought in the Mexican-American War, Parsons was given the command of the Sixth Division of the Missouri State Guard. Under the higher command of General Price, Parsons was involved […]
  • Effects of the Civil War in Western North Carolina Communities in Appalachian Mountains The political and social life of people inhabiting the western North Carolina communities in Appalachian Mountains was also considerably affected by the Civil War, and this paper focuses at the specific analysis of the Civil […]
  • Not Set in Stone: Ethnicity and Civil War Thus, when analyzing civil wars or other conflicts in split ethnic homelands, one should pay careful attention to the dynamics of ethnic identity rather than presume that ethnicity is non-malleable and set in stone.
  • American Civil War and Fiji Coups Historically, civil war and revolutions are intertwined with one following the other. However, there are substantial differences.
  • States’ Rights as the Main Cause of the Civil War The presentation offers an overview of the main causes of the Civil War of 1861–1865 in America. The war was the main disaster breaking up the successful history of the USA.
  • Abolition vs. Equality in the American Civil War The Resolution was signed by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States who believed the annihilation of slavery and preserving the Union to be the core targets of the war.
  • Generals and Technological Advancements in Civil War This makes it paramount to review the approaches to the war of two major war generals such as Gant and McClellan and comment on the use of technology on and off the battlefield.
  • The U.S. Medicine During the Civil War: A Response to the Discussion The vast amount of the soldiers who became victims of such a treatment can be visible on the pictures of the exhibition.
  • Civil War Effect on Medicine and Public Health Firstly, one should mention that the Civil War reshaped the role of nurses. In conclusion, it is possible to mention that the Civil War has a controversial impact on medicine and public health.
  • Horace Greeley’s Significance to the U.S. Civil War Era The purpose of this paper is to describe the biography of Horace Greeley from birth to death and analyze his influence and significance to the U.S.
  • Divergences Between North and South as Major Causes of the American Civil War The inequalities in the labor market and in the spread of democracy are some of the initial divergences between the southern and northern states.
  • The Main Cause of the Civil War Texas, upon separating, has deemed the notion of abolition to be “the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race and color a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the […]
  • “Prelude to the Civil War” by William Freehling: America’s Historic Legacy There is no limit to perfection; therefore, we can hardly stop the historical researches and the search of the essence and the grounds of all the historical events that humanity has been through.
  • Slavery, Civil War, and Abolitionist Movement in 1850-1865 They knew they were free only they had to show the colonists that they were aware of that.[1] The slaves were determined and in the unfreed state they still were in rebellion and protested all […]
  • Fort Sumter, South Carolina – Civil War The 1812 war spurred the need for construction of a fort to strengthen the United States military along the coast which led to construction of fort Sumter.
  • Individualism as an Ideal of Civil War in America Most of the Americans believe that James town is the birth place of the distinctive, secular and unique ideals of America that led to America’s freedom and prosperity.
  • Soldiers’ Letters From American Civil War Even before the war, the South or the confederates had wanted to secede from the Union or the United States of America.
  • The China Civil War: Key Aspects This civil war was mainly a conflict between the nationalists and the communists and led to the formation of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Civil War and Reconstruction: War Strategy and Economic Policy The War resulted in the Reconstruction of the whole economic system of the United States with the indispensable condition of slavery abolition.
  • Civil Rights in America From the Civil War to 1974 Energized and encouraged by the successes of the civil rights movement, activists worked to reverse the discriminatory laws restricting the influx of darker-skinned peoples into the U.S.
  • American Civil War: Brief Retrospective This resulted in the divide between the free territory in the North and the practice of slavery in the South, an issue which the federal authority was unable to resolve hence, creating a boundary between […]
  • Culture Shock: Civil War in Bosnia This can b described as the state of emotional, physical and psychological discomfort one undergoes when interacts with new culture as opposed to the old culture which comes about as a result in the change […]
  • The Spanish Civil War, Franco vs. Hitler, Juan Pujol, Double Agents The war ended with the conquest of the revolutionaries and the dawning of the authoritarianism led by General Francisco Franco, a fascist.
  • American Civil War as a Historical Topic The Southern faction’s worries of relinquishing control of the federal administration to antislavery groups, and the Northern faction’s qualms relating to the power of the slaveholding states of the south in the regime, amplified the […]
  • American Civil War Causes Analysis The first position was formulated by David Wilmot who opined that the Congress had the power to abolish slavery leading to the declaration of the Ordinance of 1787, also known as the Wilmot Proviso stating […]
  • Civil War and Strategy in Lebanon Egypt was considered to be a powerful supporter of the front which is located on the left wing in the area.
  • English Civil War and Glorious Revolution This war led to the introduction of the parliamentary democracy system of governance in England and the abolition of absolute power by the monarch.
  • Why Germany and Italy Supported Nationalists During the Spanish Civil War The Republican government won by narrow margins which lead to the emergence of the Spanish Civil war. The war also weakened the power of the countries which were considered to be superpowers.
  • The Civil War: The Course of Events and Reasons This paper also hypothesizes that due to the differences and political conflict between the North and the South, the Civil War erupted.
  • “Victims: A True Story of the Civil War” by Phillip Shaw Paludan The course of this war and the way it affected the people who suffered from it presents the main concern for the author of the book.
  • Civil War in USA: The North and the South The differences in the lifestyles and ethics of the North and the South are one of the main reasons for the start of the Civil War.
  • The Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939 The main reasons were the reformist and the conservatives. This was the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right.
  • The Black Confederate Soldier in the Civil War The free blacks of New Orleans who created a regiment of “Native Guards” for the Louisiana armed force and the Confederate effort late in the war were to employ slaves as soldiers”.
  • World Cultures: Somali Civil War The Somali National Movement gained control of the north, while in the capital of Mogadishu and most of southern Somalia the United Somali Congress achieved control.
  • Yugoslav Wars: Ethnic Conflicts and the Collapse of Power However, the collapse of the Soviet Union meant the end of this era and the start of the post-Cold War period, with its unique peculiarities of the international discourse.
  • Military Conflicts at the Civil War With regard to the case of humanitarian assistance to the people of Somalia, it is important to consider the factor of the effectiveness of the measures taken in terms of their impact on the domestic […]
  • “The Civil War” Documentary: Strengths and Weaknesses Therefore, the attention to detail and the inclusion of a vast variety of documentary items may be considered as the biggest advantage of the movie.
  • The Battle of Chickamauga in the American Civil War The topic that is the focus of this paper is the battle of Chickamauga and its influence on the course of the Civil War.
  • Civil War in Mississippi. “Free State of Jones” Film He narrates about the deportations of Mexicans from the USA in the first half of the 19th century that was organized to foster Euro-American colonization of the Texas territory. One of the differences between the […]
  • American History, the Civil War and Reconstruction In this context, his first inaugural address can be seen as a call for the South to avoid civil war, as opposed to a call upon the North to start one, and the second inaugural […]
  • Private Security Strategy in the US Since the Civil War Based on the factors provided above, it could be concluded that the modern definition of security and its purposes as defined by the consequences of the Civil War due to the presence of the accumulation […]
  • History of the United States Since the Civil War Basically, the student touched on entirely every aspect that was a thorn in the flesh of Americans: social, economical, and political.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville in American Civil War Although the Confederate Army was outnumbered two to one, General Robert Lee’s ability to devise a simple plan and accept risk by splitting his force to counterattack his opponent’s flank, resulted in the significant defeat […]
  • Medicine During the American Civil War The reason why the disease was prevalent among the army was partly because of the lax recruitment processes that admitted underage and overage men into the army. The most common treatment during the Civil War […]
  • American Industrialization, Romanticism and Civil War In the article, the Romantic Movement Romantic impulse meant the liberation of the Americans to a point of freedom regarding respect and love.
  • Sri Lankan Civil War as 20th-Century’s Inhumanity The 20th century is considered one of the worst centuries in human history in terms of human-made atrocities that resulted in the deaths of millions of people.
  • Industrial Revolution Influence on US Civil War Furthermore, both sides, the Union and the Confederacy had to mobilize their economies and engage business in the war due to their dependency on different industries and suppliers.ii The industrial revolution changed warfare by introducing […]
  • Reconstruction Era After American Civil War The Reconstruction Era in the US refers to the period after the Union victory in the Civil War when slaves were freed and given the opportunity to change their future.
  • Post-Civil War America: Political and Economic Changes The main objective of the act was to eliminate the social and cultural traditions of native residents and make them a part of an established system.
  • American People II: Post Civil War Era In most of the wars associated with the United States, it is evident that the ultimate objective has always been to pursue its national interests.
  • Civil War in the Film “Gone With the Wind” The American Civil War and Reconstruction era together had a significant impact on the entire history of the USA and a number of major changes that happened in the states of the Old South.
  • Industrial Revolution After the Civil War The cause of America’s industrial revolution can be attributed to the creation of the first factories in the country, its westward expansion in the territory, the rise of the railroad industry as well as the […]
  • Union Soldiers in the Civil War In this way, it was hoped to assure the popular support of the army, which was consistent with the decentralized nature of the country of the time.
  • Reconstruction After the Civil War: Enforcement Acts The analysis of the reactions to the acts adopted throughout the Reconstruction Era helps to reveal the views and societal beliefs that prevailed during that time in the country and complicated the attempts to improve […]
  • Illustrations After the American Civil War The underlying argument of this paper is that illustrations were used to shape the opinion of the public towards the support of the American civil war.
  • The American Civil War’ Issues There are a lot of reasons why the North won the Civil War and the South lost. The North had a strong merchant marine fleet and a lot of naval ships that managed to blockade […]
  • Poverty as a Cause of the Sudanese Civil War The connection between poverty and conflict has been analyzed in the West African region where “11 of the world’s 25 poorest countries are contained and is currently one of the most unstable regions of the […]
  • The Chinese Civil War in the 20th Century The Chinese Civil War was one of the key conflicts in the 20th century and had a lasting impact on the development of the country and the lives of future generations of Chinese.
  • American Civil War in “Glory” and “Lincoln” Films The movie Glory is a biography drama film reflecting the events during the Civil War between 1861 and 1865, as well as the contribution of the Captain Robert Gould Shaw to the abolition of slavery […]
  • American Civil War in the “Glory” Movie Glory is a movie that depicts the story of the very first troop to fight in the Civil War for the Northern America.
  • Great Awakening, American Civil War, and Feminism In this regard, the anti-federalists implied that the bill of rights was not added to the original text of the constitution.
  • Syrian Civil War and Need for Mediation With this in mind, it is possible to say that the conflict is very tensed as a great number of countries are involved in it.
  • Military Technology in the American Civil War During this time, victory largely depended on the size of the army, the effectiveness of the generals to plan and execute ambush, and the morale of the military unit.
  • US Army’s Challenges After the American Civil War The problem was caused by the use of contaminated water, poor sanitation at the camps, and general lack of hygiene among the soldiers because of the nature of the battle.
  • Battle of Antietam in the American Civil War It emphasized the legitimacy of the Union forces in the country. It meant that the Union forces achieved their primary aim of going to war.
  • Reconstruction in the US After the Civil War It was rather hard to implement the Reconstruction, as the Congress and presidents had different views on the situation and saw different ways of reaching the goal.
  • American Civil War in “Classmates Divided” This article covers the story of the soldiers before, during and after the war, “the cadets were almost completely dependent on their classmates for companionship, and the friendships they formed would last a lifetime of […]
  • Industrialization After the American Civil War Industrialization that occurred in the USA in the 19th-20th centuries changed the face of the country. At the same time, development of business, unfair practices of entrepreneurs and various deadly accidents led to creation of […]
  • The Civil War’s Real Causes: McPherson’s View In his essays McPherson studies various views of the causes of the Civil War and namely the role of slavery as one of the reasons of rupture of the armed conflict.
  • Syrian Uprisings and Civil War Breaking out in the city of Deraa, the uprising preaching the ideals of nonviolence and social justice and democracy in Syria has evolved to spread across the territory of the country and become an organized […]
  • Libya Civil War Since 2011 Until Today Following the ouster of the Tunisian and Egyptian presidents, Libya reported small political revolts in some parts of the country. However, experts believe that France was at the forefront in demanding a forceful intervention of […]
  • American Civil War: Factors and Compromises By the end of the eighteenth century, the southern states of the country had already acquired the status of pro-slavery ones.
  • The Inner Civil War: The Lost Cause System The Lost Cause was a mechanism that they developed to make sense of the aftermath of the U.S. The Lost Cause grew in the soil of a Southern culture that was steeped in the admixture […]
  • American Civil War Issues In the following weeks after the capture, both the Union army and the Union navy worked together, gaining ground upstream till the clash that later would be named the Battle of Shilloh.
  • Industrialisation After the Civil War In other words, industrialisation shaped political and economic aspects in the country, as the country’s leadership was forced to allow some openness in the way public affairs were conducted.
  • Was the Civil War Inevitable? The Civil War in the United States continues to attract the interest of many historians who want to discuss the underlying causes of this conflict and its effects.
  • US Progress in Freedom, Equality and Power Since Civil War When it comes to the pursuit of freedom and ideals of democracy, progress since the Civil War can be seen in the establishment of a sufficiently capable Federal government, efficient judiciary and presidency systems with […]
  • American Foreign Policy on Syrian Civil War Further, it is important for business people to understand countries that actively fight cyber-crime in order to predict the success of their investment.
  • The Civil War in America The main origin of the civil war in America was the declaration of seven states that had split from the U.
  • Modern Civil War in Ukraine The event selected for this paper is the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine. The portal demonstrates how the conflict appeared and escalated, how it moved from the center, to the West, to the […]
  • American History: The Road to Civil War Though the Civil War occurred in the 19th century, the roadmap to the war began back in the 17th century. In 1807, the United States senate passed a law that led to the abolition of […]
  • How to End the Syrian Civil War? In the meantime, the war continues and innocent civilians, especially women and children continue to pay the price for the war.
  • Slavery and the Civil War Thus, the main impact of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery which changed the economic and social structures of the South and contributed to shifting the focus on the role of federal government.
  • Causes of Civil War in America The southern politicians managed to maintain the control of the federal government throughout the first half of the 19th century by assuring the southerners to defend the abolition of the slavery in those states that […]
  • Effect of Civil War on Economic Growth The sources will provide data about the state of Sudan before the civil war and the state of the economy after the war.
  • Ethnic Polarization and the Duration of Civil War The causes of civil wars can be analyzed in relation to their onsets, the duration of the wars, as well as the incidence of civil wars.
  • Effect of Civil War on Economic Growth: Evidence From Sudan Of greater essence in the paper is the collection of a set of data and literature that will help in linking the scale of violence and instability caused by the civil war in Sudan and […]
  • Post-Civil War Reconstruction in the American History Prior to the American Civil War of the 1860s, the American economy, particularly the Southern States, was driven by agricultural production.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Civil War or Religious Conflict and the Role of Women This paper therefore, provides an historical overview of the conflict witnessed in Bosnia between the Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks, the role of women in this conflict, and an analysis of the role of both national […]
  • Syrian Civil War and Its Possible Ramification on Turkey’s National Security Interests Not only that, tensions between the two states have become considerably strained as Syrian rebels often utilize the border between Syria and Turkey as a staging ground for their attacks on the regime of Bashir […]
  • How Did Reconstruction Change the United States After the Civil War? Reconstruction can as well refer to a period in which the southern states were to be transformed with the aim of reintroducing them back to the union.
  • The U.S. Civil War and Its Aftermath In the aftermath of the bloody war, the South was devastated by the scorch earth policy of the North. Many of the abolitionists believe in the power of the written word to influence and open […]
  • Reconstructing the United States After the Civil War Basically, the rationale behind acquiring knowledge about the history of the past is because one will stand at a better position to understand the people and the societies we live in today and, hence, appreciate […]
  • Religious Ethnic Factions of Syrian Civil War In addition to this, Syria experienced a drought of astonishing proportions in 2008 especially in the northern regions; with effects including seventy percent of livestock and eighty percent of people living in these regions moving […]
  • “Reconstruction: The Second Civil War, Parts I and II”: Revealing Narratives and Lesser-Known Lives
  • The United States in the Aftermath of 1860-1870’s Civil War
  • Sierra Leone’s 1991 Civil War
  • Civil War and Poverty: “The Bottom Billion” by Paul Collier
  • The Main Impacts of the Civil War in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Blood Diamonds and Financing Civil Wars in West and Central Africa
  • The Political Aftermath of the Sri Lankan Civil War
  • The Civil War and Its Aftermath
  • The American Civil War as the Turning Point in American History
  • Gone With Wind: The Ideas of the Civil War in the Movie
  • The Civil War Dilemmas: Slave-Owner Relations
  • The American Civil War: Rules, Chronology and Turning Points
  • Racial Injustices and the Cost of Civil War: The African American Perspective
  • Ghost of Civil War Past 1850-1859
  • American Civil War Strategy and Leadership
  • The American Civil War: Causes and Aftermath
  • How and Why the Union Was the Civil War
  • Civil War in United States
  • What Led up to the Civil War and Could It Have Been Prevented?
  • Period of Civil War in the American History
  • Civil War in America: “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce
  • Causes of Civil War
  • Civil War Paper: Valley of the Shadow
  • The Role That the Northern and Southern Women Played in the Civil War
  • Liberia: A Country Struggling From the Effects of Civil War
  • Racism in America After the Civil War up to 1900
  • Why Confederate and Union Soldiers Fought?
  • The United States Civil War
  • The Most Disastrous Civil Conflict in American History
  • The Aftermath of the American Civil War
  • Slavery, the Civil War & Reconstruction
  • Letters From the Civil War
  • Industrialization After the Civil War
  • Why Should the United States Intervene in the Syrian Civil War?
  • Why Did the English Civil War Begin?
  • How Did the 1975 Lebanese Civil War Start?
  • How Did the Civil War Affect African Americans?
  • Why Did North America Win the Civil War?
  • Which Was the Most Important Reason for the Outbreak of the English Civil War?
  • What Is the Role of Women During the Civil War?
  • What Degree Did Slavery Really Play in the Civil War?
  • Why Did the Bolsheviks Win the Russian Civil War?
  • Was the Irish Civil War a “Natural” Conclusion to Previous Years Events?
  • Could the South Have Won the Civil War?
  • Why Did the Communists Win the Chinese Civil War?
  • Why Was the Civil War So Long and So Bloody?
  • Who Caused the English Civil War?
  • Which Ethnicity Factors Can Explain the Escalation of an Ethnic Conflict to a Civil War?
  • Why Did the Communists Win the Civil War?
  • How Close Did Britain Come to Civil War in 1912-1914?
  • How Did the Constitution Set the Precedent for the Civil War?
  • What Are the Reasons for the Success of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War 1918-1920?
  • Was Slavery the Only Cause of the Civil War?
  • Why Did the Reds Win the Russian Civil War?
  • Why Did Great Britain and France Pursue a Policy of Non-intervention During the Spanish Civil War?
  • Who Controlled the Mississippi River During the Civil War?
  • Why the American Civil War Lasted for Longer Than 90 Days?
  • Can the United States Justify the Civil War?
  • Syrian Civil War: Could It Have Been Avoided and How Vast Did the Conflict Become?
  • Was the English Civil War a War of Religion?
  • Why Did the Union North Win the Civil War?
  • The Problems That America Faced During the Reconstruction Period After the Civil War?
  • Why Could the South Not Win the Civil War?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/civil-war-essay-examples/

"248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/civil-war-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/civil-war-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/civil-war-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "248 Civil War Essay Topics & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/civil-war-essay-examples/.

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The Ethics of War: Essays

The Ethics of War: Essays

The Ethics of War: Essays

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Some of the most basic assumptions of Just War theory have been dismantled in a barrage of criticism and analysis in the first dozen years of the twenty-first century. The Ethics of War continues and pushes past this trend. This anthology is an authoritative treatment of the ethics and law of war by eminent scholars who first challenged the orthodoxy of Just War theory, as well as by “second-wave” revisionists. The twelve original essays span both foundational and topical issues in the ethics of war, including an investigation of whether there is a “greater-good” obligation that parallels the canonical lesser evil justification in war, the conditions under which citizens can wage war against their own government, whether there is a limit to the number of combatants on the unjust side who can be permissibly killed, whether the justice of the cause for which combatants fight affects the moral permissibility of fighting, whether duress ever justifies killing in war, the role that collective liability plays in the ethics of war, whether targeted killing is morally and legally permissible, the morality of legal prohibitions on the use of indiscriminate weapons, the justification for the legal distinction between directly and indirectly harming civilians, whether human rights of unjust combatants are more prohibitive than have been thought, the moral categories and criteria needed to understand the proper justification for ending war, and the role of hope in the moral repair of combatants suffering from PTSD.

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Top 14 Must-Read Books Like 'The Art Of War' For Strategy Enthusiasts

Discover essential reads like 'The Art of War' that will deepen your strategic insights, sharpen your thinking, and guide you to master the art of strategy in every aspect of life.


Are you captivated by the strategic wisdom in ' The Art Of War ' ? If so, you’re in the right place. This article presents 14 books like ' The Art Of War ' that delve into military tactics, military history , business strategies, and personal development. Each book offers practical insights to enhance your strategic thinking .

Key takeaways

Sun Tzu ’s ' The Art Of War ' emphasizes adaptability, strategic planning, and understanding adversaries, which are also central themes in other classic strategy texts.

Key strategic concepts across these works include the importance of psychological insight, the need for thorough planning, and the balance between action and inaction.

Many of the highlighted books draw parallels to ' The Art Of War ' in their focus on leadership, power dynamics, and the significance of self-awareness in navigating complex situations.

What is ' The Art Of War ' about

Sun Tzu ’s ' The Art Of War ' is a seminal guide on military strategy that has withstood the test of time. Written over 2,500 years ago in ancient China and translated into numerous languages, including English , this Chinese classic is composed of concise aphorisms that explore the intricacies of warfare, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, strategic planning, and understanding one’s own strengths and weaknesses.

This work has profoundly influenced both Eastern and Western military thought since its principles are not confined to the battlefield alone. Furthermore, this work has shaped the strategies of many influential leaders, including Mao Zedong, who applied its principles during the Chinese revolution. The principles described in the book are equally applicable to business, leadership, and various competitive scenarios.

The book delves into the psychological aspects of conflict, highlighting the use of deception and the need for thorough planning. Sun Tzu teaches that understanding the environment and one’s adversary is crucial for success. He famously emphasizes that the greatest victory is that which requires no battle, advocating for strategic maneuvers over brute force. This wisdom resonates with the idea that true power lies in the ability to influence and outmaneuver opponents without direct confrontation.

At its core, ' The Art Of War ' is about achieving victory through intelligence and strategic thinking . Its timeless advice by one of the greatest military strategists of all times remains relevant today, offering valuable lessons for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of modern life with finesse and insight.

Best books similar to ' The Art Of War '

If you’ve been inspired by the strategic brilliance of ' The Art Of War ' , you may be searching for other books that offer similar insights into strategy, leadership, and conflict resolution. The following list highlights some of the best books that echo the themes found in Sun Tzu ’s classic work. Each of these book recommendations has been carefully selected for its relevance to those who seek to refine their strategic thinking and apply it in various aspects of life, whether on the battlefield, in business, or in personal growth.

1. ' The Prince ' by Niccolò Machiavelli

Machiavelli’s ' The Prince ' is a political treatise that distills strategies for leadership and power acquisition. Written in the early 16th century, it draws heavily on historical examples , including Roman leaders, offering pragmatic advice on governance and suggesting that ethics should be set aside for effective rule. Machiavelli’s work underscores using fear as a tool for control and suggests brutal tactics when essential to maintain power.

Similar to Sun Tzu ’s ' The Art Of War ' , ' The Prince ' highlights the significance of strategic maneuvering. Machiavelli recommends leaders to be cunning and adaptable, capable of shifting tactics as situations change. This aligns with Sun Tzu ’s emphasis on flexibility and understanding one’s environment to achieve victory without direct confrontation.

Similarities between the books:

Both books emphasize strategic planning and adaptability.

They highlight the importance of understanding and manipulating one’s environment.

Both texts suggest that ethics can be secondary to achieving strategic goals.

2. 'The Lean Startup ' by Eric Ries

Eric Ries’s 'The Lean Startup ' introduces a methodology for launching and managing startups that emphasizes adaptability and systematic processes. Rooted in the American entrepreneurial spirit, the core concept involves creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), gauging customer responses, and learning from the results to validate business directions. This approach ensures that startups can pivot strategies based on empirical data rather than assumptions.

Both emphasize the importance of adaptability and learning.

They advocate for systematic and strategic planning.

Both texts provide frameworks for achieving success through strategic thinking .

3. ' Tao Te Ching ' by Laozi

The ' Tao Te Ching ' by Laozi is a profound text offering insights on leadership, ethics, and the philosophy of inaction. It promotes reflection and balance, helping individuals navigate life’s complexities with a calm and harmonious approach. Laozi’s emphasis on living in harmony and balance aligns with Sun Tzu ’s teachings on understanding and adapting to one’s environment.

Both texts offer wisdom on leadership and strategy.

They emphasize the importance of balance and harmony.

Both promote a reflective and thoughtful approach to life’s challenges.

4. ' The 48 Laws Of Power ' by Robert Greene

' The 48 Laws Of Power ' by Robert Greene analyzes power dynamics through historical examples , providing practical advice on navigating power relationships. The book is organized around forty-eight principles, each illustrated with anecdotes simplifying complex ideas. It emphasizes understanding social interactions in various contexts, similar to Sun Tzu ’s focus on psychological strategy in conflict.

Greene’s work, similar to ' The Art Of War ' , is often seen as a guide to leadership, highlighting the importance of subtlety and reflection in exercising power.

Both analyze power dynamics and strategic interactions.

They emphasize the importance of subtlety and psychological insight.

Both use historical examples to illustrate their principles.

5. 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius ’s 'Meditations' offers profound insights grounded in Stoic philosophy, focusing on introspection and the nature of leadership. Stoic philosophy emphasizes resilience and rationality, advocating for a focus on what one can control in life. Aurelius’s emphasis on self-improvement and virtue in leadership echoes themes later explored by Nietzsche , particularly the idea of overcoming oneself to achieve greatness. His writings align with Sun Tzu ’s teachings on self-awareness and strategic thinking , making 'Meditations' a valuable complement to ' The Art Of War ' .

Both emphasize self-awareness and strategic thinking .

They advocate for emotional control and resilience.

Both texts offer insights into effective leadership.

6. 'Man's Search For Meaning' by Viktor E. Frankl

Viktor E. Frankl’s 'Man's Search For Meaning' is a profound exploration of finding purpose in life, even amidst suffering. Frankl suggests that meaning can be found through work, love, and suffering, a concept central to his therapeutic approach, logotherapy. His idea of ‘tragic optimism’ emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope despite adversity.

Both emphasize finding purpose and meaning.

They highlight the importance of resilience and hope.

Both texts provide guidance on navigating life’s challenges.

7. ' On War ' by Carl von Clausewitz

on war book

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The Poppy War

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Further Reading & Resources

Read up on some of the historical events Kuang used for inspiration, such as the Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731. Then, compare with the events of The Poppy War , such as the Golyn Niis Massacre or Shiro’s laboratory. What are the key similarities and differences? How do these events relate to the book’s major themes?

Discuss the role of violence in the text. Why are the war scenes depicted so graphically? What purpose does such detailed violence serve?

Why is there such an abrupt shift in setting around the book’s midway point? What are the consequences of the sudden dissolution of Sinegard Academy?

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