Letter Templates & Example

Cover Letter for Returning to Previous Employer: Free Template and Tips

Cover Letter for Returning to Previous Employer: Free Template and Tips

Hey there fellow job seekers, have you ever considered returning to a previous employer? It can be a great option if you’re looking for a new opportunity but still want to work for a company you’re familiar with. However, it’s important to make a good impression when reaching out to them about a potential position. That’s where a cover letter for returning to previous employer template can come in handy. With this template, you can find examples and edit them as needed to create a personalized cover letter that highlights your strengths and why you’re the perfect fit for the job. So why not give it a shot and see where it takes you? Let’s dive into the world of cover letters for returning to previous employers!

The Best Structure for a Cover Letter for Returning to a Previous Employer

Welcome back! So, you’ve decided to return to your previous employer, and now you’re wondering how to craft the perfect cover letter. Fear not, we’re here to help! A cover letter is your chance to showcase your skills and express your interest in the position. Here’s the best structure to follow:

Paragraph 1: Introduction Start by mentioning your previous position and briefly explaining why you left. Then, express your excitement to be applying for a position with the company again. Be enthusiastic and show that you’re genuinely interested in returning to work with the organization.

Paragraph 2: Highlight Your Achievements In this paragraph, you should highlight your previous accomplishments and how they align with the company’s goals. Use specific examples of projects you led or milestones you achieved. By doing this, you’re demonstrating that you understand the company’s needs and can contribute positively to the team’s efforts.

Paragraph 3: Explain What You’ve Been Doing Since Leaving In this paragraph, explain any additional experience or qualifications you have gained since leaving. Highlight any relevant training or skills you have acquired since leaving the company. You want to demonstrate that you have been active in your career and stayed current in your field.

Paragraph 4: Express Your Interest In the Position Here, you want to convey your excitement for the position and why you feel you would be the best fit for it. Explain how your skills and experience make you the ideal candidate for the job. Make sure you tailor your language to fit the job description and the company’s culture.

Paragraph 5: Wrap Up and Thank Them In your final paragraph, thank the company for their time and consideration. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and express your desire to speak with them further about the opportunity. Provide your contact information and express your willingness to help with any additional questions.

And that’s it! Follow this structure, and you’ll have a well-crafted cover letter that will impress your previous employer and land you the job. Good luck!

7 Sample Cover Letters for Returning to Previous Employer

Sample 1: returning after personal leave.

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently took a brief personal leave from my position at [Company Name] due to a family matter that needed my full attention. Although it was a difficult decision to make, I knew it was important to prioritize my family.

During my absence, I realized how much I enjoyed working with the team at [Company Name] and how much I valued the relationships I have built with everyone. I am excited to return to work and continue contributing to the success of the company.

Thank you for your understanding during this time. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to return to my position as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Returning After Pursuing Higher Education

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It gives me great pleasure to express my interest in returning to [Company Name] after completing my higher education.

The knowledge I have gained during my time away has equipped me with new skills that will undoubtedly benefit the company. My experience has also deepened my appreciation for the company’s culture, mission, and people, as well as highlighted the strengths that make [Company Name] a fantastic place to work.

I am thrilled to take what I’ve learned and apply it as I return to [Department Name] as a [Job Title]. I greatly appreciate your consideration and the opportunity to rejoin the team at [Company Name].

Thank you once again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sample 3: Returning After Being Laid Off

I hope all is well with you and the team at [Company Name]. I am writing to express my interest in returning to my previous role as [Job Title] after being laid off due to the pandemic.

My time at [Company Name] was immensely gratifying, and I have always admired the company’s values and commitment to excellence. Since my departure, I have continually followed the company’s growth journey and have become even more enthusiastic about the exciting initiatives undertaken by the company.

As an experienced and skilled [Job Title] professional, I am confident I can make a valuable contribution to the [Department Name] team. I am eager to be part of the organization’s progress and growth as we navigate the post-pandemic world.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can support [Company Name] using my skills and expertise.

Sample 4: Returning After a Career Break

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in returning to [Company Name]. I had previously worked as [Job Title] before taking a career break to focus on personal issues.

The time away from work has reminded me of my passion for my field and the many contributions I can make to [Company Name]. My experience and skills will undoubtedly assist me in assuming the responsibilities of my previous role.

Working with [Company Name] was a great experience, and I cherish the relationships I developed with my colleagues. It would be a pleasure and an honor to return to the organization.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to come in for a meeting and discuss my application.

Sample 5: Returning After Relocation

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Since my move to [Location], I have reflected on my career and what I want for my future. One thing that has become clear to me is that I miss the team at [Company Name].

I enjoyed working as [Job Title] in [Department Name] and have found myself recalling the camaraderie and fulfillment it brought me. Therefore, I would like to express my interest in rejoining [Company Name] as a [Job Title].

In particular, my familiarity with the organization will be a significant asset in my transition back to the team. I am eager to bring my experience and skills to [Company Name] and look forward to making a positive contribution to the organization’s future.

Thank you for your support and consideration; I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sample 6: Returning After Maternity Leave

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to express my interest in returning to work as [Job Title] at [Company Name] after an extended maternity leave.

While taking care of my newborn has been the greatest joy of my life, I also miss my professional life and the joy and satisfaction it brings me. I miss being a part of the team at [Company Name] and engaging in our collective pursuit of excellence.

I am excited to return to work and apply the skills and knowledge gained during my leave to contribute to the company’s growth and success into the future. I am confident that my renewed enthusiasm and dedication will enable me to perform my duties as a [Job Title] to the highest standard.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing back from you and resuming my work as part of the team at [Company Name].

Sample 7: Returning After Health Issues

I hope this letter finds you in excellent health. I am writing to express my interest in returning to work as [Job Title] at [Company Name] after recovering from my health issues.

I am immensely grateful for the support and understanding shown by the company during my health-related absences. My experience with [Company Name] has always been positive and enjoyable, and my colleagues are among the best I have had the pleasure of working with.

Returning to work with the company would be a dream come true. I miss the company’s daily routines, the challenges it posed, and the achievements we celebrated. As a [Job Title], I promise to work diligently and contribute my knowledge and skills to the best of my ability to achieve our collective goals.

Thank you so much for your consideration, and I am eagerly looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

Returning to a previous employer may seem like a bit of a daunting task. However, it is not impossible. Writing a cover letter is a crucial step in the process of reaching out to your previous employer. The cover letter is your chance to express your interest in the job and explain why you are the right fit. Here are some in-depth tips to make writing the cover letter to your previous employer a success

  • Avoid being presumptuous: When writing a cover letter, avoid assuming that the job is yours automatically. It is essential to communicate your skills and achievements to show what value you bring to the organization you are applying to. Be confident but not presumptuous.
  • Highlight what has changed since you left: Whether you left to pursue other career opportunities or to take a break from work, you must acknowledge what has changed in your life. This way, the hiring manager can understand why you are applying again. Your time away from the organization might have equipped you with new skill sets and experience, which would make you an ideal candidate for the job.
  • Address why you left: If you left the company on good terms, it is essential to highlight that. If you left for a negative reason, such as a family emergency or a health issue, it is essential to address that in your cover letter. This helps the employer to understand why you left and why you are applying again.
  • Show your enthusiasm: When applying for a job, it is crucial to show your enthusiasm and passion for the position. Employers are more likely to hire someone who is excited about the job and the organization. Be sure to express your enthusiasm in your cover letter.
  • Customize your cover letter: Even if you are returning to your previous employer, it is important to customize your cover letter. Do not use the same cover letter you used when you applied years ago. Take the time to update your cover letter and make it specific to the job.

In conclusion, writing a cover letter to a previous employer is all about being authentic and transparent. Addressing why you are applying and why you left is essential. Highlighting your achievements and skills and showing your enthusiasm will also help you to increase your chances of securing the job. Remember to take your time to craft a customized cover letter that will show the hiring manager that you are the perfect candidate for the job.

FAQs related to Cover Letter for Returning to Previous Employer Template

1. What is a cover letter for returning to a previous employer?

A cover letter for returning to a previous employer is a document that you send to the company you previously worked with to express your interest in returning to work with them.

2. Why is it important to write a cover letter when returning to a previous employer?

Writing a cover letter when returning to a previous employer is important because it shows that you are serious about wanting to come back and work for the company. It also allows you to remind the employer of your professional skills and experience.

3. What should I include in my cover letter for returning to a previous employer?

In your cover letter for returning to a previous employer, you should include your reasons for leaving the company, your reasons for wanting to come back, and any updates on your professional experience and achievements since you left the company. You should also express your enthusiasm for rejoining the company.

4. How should I address my cover letter when returning to a previous employer?

When addressing your cover letter for returning to a previous employer, you should include the name and job title of the person who will be reading your letter. You can address the letter to them personally, or to the human resources department.

5. How should I format my cover letter for returning to a previous employer?

Your cover letter for returning to a previous employer should follow a standard business letter format, including your name and contact information, the date, the employer’s name and contact information, and a formal greeting and closing. You should also use a professional font and format the letter in a way that is easy to read.

6. What tone should I use in my cover letter for returning to a previous employer?

You should use a polite and professional tone in your cover letter for returning to a previous employer. Express gratitude for the opportunity to work with the company in the past, and express your sincere interest and enthusiasm for returning to work with them.

7. How can I personalize my cover letter for returning to a previous employer?

To personalize your cover letter for returning to a previous employer, you can mention specific projects or accomplishments from your previous tenure with the company that showcase your skills and experience. You can also reference any personal connections or relationships you have with current employees or management.

Thanks for stopping by!

We hope this template helps you as you consider returning to work for a previous employer. Remember, a cover letter is a great way to showcase your skills and enthusiasm for a job opportunity. Make sure to tailor your letter to the specific job and company, and don’t forget to proofread before sending it off. Good luck in your job search! And be sure to come back soon for more career and job search advice.

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How to Write a Cover Letter to Reapply for a Job at a Company That You Have Already Worked For

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How to Respond to the Interview Question: Why Did You Resign?

How to cancel a job offer you've accepted, how to accept a job politely.

  • How to Leave a Long-Term Job
  • Good Examples of Why You Would Like to Work for an Employer

It can be a small world, and at some point in your career, you may find yourself trying to go back to a company you previously worked for. As long as you weren’t terminated for misconduct or poor performance, you likely have an “in” with the company that you can capitalize on in a re-introductory cover letter.

Why Did You Leave?

It’s important to take stock of why you left before you try to write a cover letter to reapply for a job with a company you’ve already worked for. You may have left because of a toxic corporate culture, because there was no room for advancement, you didn’t like the compensation package or you disagreed with management decisions. It's important to consider if anything may have changed that would make the second go-around a worthwhile pursuit. If you still have contacts inside the company, consider them as valuable resources, both for getting an inside scoop and possibly even pushing your resume into the right hands.

If You Were Downsized

If you were downsized for no reason other than corporate restructuring, you theoretically left on better-than-average terms. In your letter, discuss what you liked about working for the company and why you would like to return.

W__hile it was difficult to be let go last year when the company restructured, the organization remains one of the best I’ve ever worked for. In the past several months, I’ve been doing consulting work, and when I noticed you have a new position open in sales, I thought I’d reach out to see if you still consider me a good fit for the organization.

If You Left for Another Job

If you moved on from the company to pursue another opportunity, particularly a job that was a step up, there shouldn’t be any hard feelings with your previous employer. Be honest about why you would like to come back in a new or similar capacity.

As you know, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to run my own team when I was offered a job at ABC Co. While I learned a great deal there, I must admit, I miss the cohesive team environment of XYZ Co. I understand you’re looking for someone to run the new community relations division, and I would love the opportunity to be considered for the role.

If You Left for School

If you left a job to further your education, you have a lot of advantages for a rehire request. Emphasize what you liked about working there, what you have learned and how you anticipate utilizing your education if you’re invited to return.

It was such a pleasure working with ABC Co. back in 2016. While I opted to take the last two years away from work to complete my MBA, now that it’s completed, I’d love to be able to utilize my newfound skills in the accounting department. I understand you are hiring right now, and I would be most appreciative of an interview.

If You Left for Personal Reasons

If you left your old job to raise a family, tend to an elderly relative or even travel or explore self-employment, it’s perfectly acceptable to reference that time in your cover letter.

As you are aware, I decided it was important to be home with my girls when they were toddlers. Now that they are in preschool, I’m incredibly excited about re-entering the workforce, and I can think of no place I’d rather be than back at ABC Co. Could I make arrangements to visit HR sometime in the near future?

Capitalize on Your History

When communicating with your previous employer in your cover letter, stress the value of your knowledge of the company, your existing in-house networks and highlight any new skills you bring to the table.

I believe I can be an asset to the organization because I have a solid understanding of strategic objectives, I'm familiar with the board of directors and I know all of the internal routing systems and best practices.

Conclude your cover letter by making a request for a meeting or for re-hire consideration. As with any professional correspondence, note any attachments, such as resume or references and include all relevant contact information.

  • Forbes: 8 Tips For Getting Rehired By A Former Employer
  • Fast Company: Five Steps to Getting Rehired by a Former Employer

Lisa McQuerrey has been an award-winning writer and author for more than 25 years. She specializes in business, finance, workplace/career and education. Publications she’s written for include Southwest Exchange and InBusiness Las Vegas.

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5 Steps to Writing a Cover Letter as a Career Changer (With Samples!)

person sitting on a couch typing a cover letter on their laptop

Preparing for a career change can feel like walking up to a ride at Six Flags: It’s exciting, but also somewhat terrifying. What if, for example, some less open-minded hiring manager takes a look at your resume and dumps it right into the “no” pile because they don’t immediately understand why someone who’s spent their career in software engineering is applying for a financial analyst role? That’s where your cover letter comes in.

I know, drafting a cover letter—let alone a compelling one—can be stressful and time-consuming. But cover letters are a potent secret weapon for career changers. While resumes can be a great way to showcase your work experience, cover letters give you the opportunity to explain how that experience will help you excel in your next role. And you always want to do everything you can to help sell a prospective employer on why you’re the right person for the job.

5 steps to a persuasive career change cover letter

Here’s your step-by-step guide to writing a career change cover letter that’ll tell your unique story and help a hiring manager envision how you would benefit their organization.

1. Start strong with a unique opener.

Get the reader’s attention right away by putting the opening line of your cover letter to work! Don’t start with a tired old trope about being the perfect person for the job, and avoid leading with the sentence, “I’m excited to apply for [role] at [Company],” if you want to maximize your opportunity to draw the hiring manager in.

Ask a question, tell a story, or begin with an interesting tidbit about your experience or maybe a short anecdote that leads into why you’ve decided to switch career paths. Just be sure it relates to the specific role for which you’re applying.

2. Introduce yourself—succinctly.

If you could only tell a hiring manager three things about yourself, what would they be? How do you want to market or package your experience?

For example, are you a tech-savvy customer relations specialist eager to flex your talents in a sales role? Are you an exceptionally organized office manager looking to make a move into human resources ? Are you a graphic designer turned software engineer on the lookout for a job where you can blend your creativity with your technical expertise? Use this portion of your cover letter to emphasize those qualities that make you a unique individual and employee.

There’s no need to include your entire life story here, so try to avoid over-explaining your experience with sentences like, “After graduating from college in 2015, I decided to apply for an administrative assistant job…” Instead, try a line like, “I’m an organized, deadline-driven administrative assistant with a talent for wordsmithing executive emails and jazzing up corporate announcements.” Your goal should be to keep your introduction short, snappy, and relevant to the job.

3. Share your career-change story.

This is where you explain the why behind your career change . Were you inspired by a newsworthy event? Have you always secretly wanted to be in this industry? Did working on a side project spark your interest in pursuing it full time? Give the hiring manager a little insight into why you’re so excited about their job opening, despite your unconventional background.

4. Highlight your transferable skills.

This is going to be the meat of your cover letter. Hiring managers are notoriously short on time, so don’t send them on a scavenger hunt to figure out how your experience might make you a great fit for the job—they’re more likely to just throw the indecipherable map away and move on to the next applicant. Instead, connect the dots for them as clearly and concisely as possible by emphasizing your transferable skills and experience.

Bullet points can be effective in doing this in an organized and efficient way. Try pulling out the top three to five skills that are required for this role, and then briefly explaining how your experience relates to each. Even better? Provide evidence demonstrating that your experience created a positive impact or contributed to team or company goals. Hiring managers can’t help but be impressed by hard numbers and facts.

Be realistic here. If you don’t have any familiarity with a particular topic, don’t mention it in your cover letter. Stretching the truth might land you an initial interview, but your fib will almost always catch up with you in the end.

Whatever you do, don’t apologize for the experience you don’t have . Rather than saying, “I know I don’t have any direct experience with employee training…” write something like, “Having worked in a dynamic business development environment for the past four years, I’m excited about the opportunity to leverage my personal experience in a sales enablement role.”

5. Bring it all together.

Think of the final lines of your cover letter as the closing argument. You’ve spent the preceding paragraphs making a case for why you deserve an interview, so use your closing sentences to tie everything together.

And be sure to highlight what you can do for the company, not the other way around. So while you may be genuinely thrilled about the idea of learning all there is to know about digital advertising, now isn’t the time to mention it. Instead, say, “I look forward to discussing how my marketing and public relations expertise might benefit the digital advertising team!”

Sample career change cover letters

Here’s what this advice might look like, depending on where you are in your career and how much experience you have.

Sample career change cover letter for an early career professional

Dear Ms. Alice Chen,

Over the past few months, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at local college recruiting events, and I had no idea how much fun job fairs could be. As I meet with eager students, collect resumes, and chat with soon-to-be graduates about business development opportunities at Sunny Sales Inc., I often find myself thinking, I wish this were my full-time job. So you can imagine how excited I was when I discovered the university recruiting coordinator opportunity with Cloud Tech!

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and laser-focused organizational skills to work as a business development specialist for Sunny Sales Inc. Over the past two years, I’ve sharpened my communication skills in client meetings, fine-tuned my presentation experience, and sourced more than 300 warm leads. Working in sales has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m ready to move from business development to recruiting.

I’m energized by the prospect of applying my interpersonal skills and sales experience to the university recruiting coordinator opportunity with Cloud Tech. I think my enthusiasm for recruiting and ability to learn on the fly will serve me well in this role. I’ve outlined how my skills might fit with your specific needs below:

  • Applicant outreach: As a business development specialist, I’m comfortable seeking out new opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Sunny Sales software.
  • Interviews: I make an average of 50 phone calls a day, meet with at least five clients a week, and am at my happiest when I get to interact with a lot of different personalities. I’ve also gotten to participate in 10 interviews as part of a sales panel, resulting in two new hires for our organization.
  • Application management: I track my 1,500+ business development contacts as well as activities, pipeline, and 30+ active opportunities in a customer resource management system. As an organized, tech-savvy professional, I think I’d be able to master an applicant tracking system in no time.

I’d love to learn more about your university recruiting strategy for the coming year and to discuss how my experience and recruiting exposure might benefit the Cloud Tech team. Please let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide, and thank you so much for your consideration.

Sample career change cover letter for a mid-career professional

After you’ve helped a client navigate a tricky IRS audit or file taxes for their new small business venture, you start to feel like you can handle anything a customer might throw at you.

I know I do. In my 15 years as a personal tax accountant, I’ve helped people through some of the most stressful and sensitive financial undertakings imaginable. Doing this with the right balance of empathy and pragmatism can be tricky, but it feels great when I get it right.

I’ve come to realize that working with people, helping them understand complicated or frustrating concepts, and serving as a client advocate are some of the things I love to do most. Getting to use these skills through my accounting practice has been very rewarding, but now I’m ready for a new chapter and am excited about the opportunity to focus exclusively on customer relations as a client services specialist.

Diamond Design has a stellar reputation when it comes to customer service, and I’d be thrilled to join a team that shares my passion for helping others. Here’s a brief overview of how I believe my experience would translate into a client services role.

  • Identifying client goals: Understanding customer needs is an essential element of my current role. Over the past few years, I’ve fine-tuned my approach, and have been recognized for my ability to create open dialogue by asking thoughtful questions and soliciting feedback.
  • Taking a customer-first approach: As a tax specialist, I approach every account with a solution-focused mindset. This had yielded a 95%+ customer satisfaction rating for the past six years.
  • Developing lasting relationships: My commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience has yielded a 75% client retention rate. More than half of my clients have worked with me for five years or longer.

I’d be eager to learn more about Diamond Design’s client service goals and discuss how my background might serve to enhance the customer experience further.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking soon.

Bonus tips for writing a career change cover letter

Here are a few more tips to ensure your career change cover letter does the trick:

  • Address your cover letter to the right person or people . Do some research to try to find out the name of the hiring manager . But always avoid “ To Whom It May Concern .”
  • Tailor your career change cover letter for each position. Don’t just swap in the position title and company name from your last application. All of the content of your cover letter should show why you’re qualified for this job specifically.
  • Keep it to one page or less . Don’t get too caught up in explaining every detail of your choice to change careers or your past jobs until this point. Just tell the hiring manager enough to know they want to invite you for an interview and learn more.
  • Edit ! Always reread your cover letter before you send it to check for any errors. If you have time, you can ask someone else to look it over with fresh eyes as well.

As you draft your cover letter, you’ll want to make sure that it emphasizes your unique talents, transferable skills, and passion for this new field. Spelling this out for prospective employers will help them piece together your qualifications—and up your chances of moving forward in the process.

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

cover letter to return to previous employer

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How to write a “Back to Work” cover letter

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cover letter to return to previous employer

We find that returners often struggle with cover letters, which can raise a lot of questions:

  • How do I introduce myself when I’ve been out of the workforce for so long?
  • Do I mention my time away from my career and how do I explain it?
  • Is my previous work experience relevant when it was so long ago?
  • How do I avoid just repeating my CV?

We’ll give you our top tips and help to answer these specific questions below.

General Principles

  • It’s essential to create a new cover letter for every application. Employers sometimes receive hundreds of applications for each job role, and will be quick to disregard generic applications. It’s your job to make it as easy as possible for the hiring manager to understand how you would fit into their organisation.
  • Length: No longer than a single A4 page. Your cover letter shouldn’t rehash your CV, but is the opportunity for you to pick out the most salient points for the role and put them across to the hiring manager in the most succinct way possible.
  • Address your cover letter to the hiring manager if you can find his/her name.
  • Your email address: As you’re likely to be emailing your cover letter, make sure that you have a professional email address that ties in with the name on your CV. Don’t use your husband’s or family’s email address, or an email based on your married name if you’re applying using your maiden name. We would recommend creating your own personal email address for job applications, based clearly on the name in which you are applying.
  • Check for grammar and spelling mistakes – it’s easy to miss these, so try to get someone else to proof your letter too.

Suggested Structure

Start with a clear introduction

  • Start with your background and your target role, not your career break (e.g. “I am a marketing professional with 10 years of international experience and am writing to apply for the position of Senior Marketing Manager advertised on your website”).
  • Then mention your career break. Keep mention of your career break short, simple and factual (e.g. “Following a 5-year parental career break…” is sufficient) and emphasise that you are now motivated and enthusiastic to return to work in the relevant field.
  • Briefly mention anything you’ve done during your career break that is relevant to the role (such as further study, refresher courses, volunteer or paid activities and projects), stating how it has kept your knowledge/skills up-to-date and/or allowed you to develop new skills.

Explain your suitability for the role

  • Show how you fit the top 4-6 requirements of the role (in the job advert), using evidence from your previous work experience and relevant activities from your break. Resist the temptation to list other skills that are not specifically mentioned in the job ad.
  • Avoid stuffing your cover letter with meaningless buzzwords, such as ‘team player’ or ‘good eye for detail’ and instead, give concrete examples of your accomplishments that match the role requirements.
  • Remember that, however long ago it was, you did lead a department, manage projects, produce reports, negotiate contracts or whatever your former role required. You still have these skills, even if you haven’t used them for a while.
  • Your former experience includes both what you did and how you got it done, i.e. both your technical abilities and your soft skills. Even if your technical knowledge feels a bit rusty, you have the same capacity to learn as you always did and you will get back up-to-speed. Your soft skills don’t go away, and many will have grown during your break. For example, although we don’t recommend using parenting as a direct example in your cover letter, if your break was to bring up your children, you will have enhanced skills such as time management, empathy and negotiation!
  • You might be having trouble remembering some of the details of your earlier career. If so, dig out your old performance reviews and any other reports you might have kept. Re-reading these can also remind you of what others valued about your contribution in the past: these will be the qualities that you offer a new employer too. You could also contact old colleagues, who will have a more objective view of your achievements and could provide you with a much-needed reminder of what you did.
  • If you are applying for a role where you are overqualified, address this in your cover letter. Put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager, consider the possible concerns from the company’s side, e.g. that you may be too expensive, that you might get bored, etc. and explain why you are applying for a less senior role than you previously held.
  • Make sure you mention that you have been on a career break, including the length of your break at the time the programme starts. This is a key criterion for candidates and you risk being excluded from these opportunities if you try to cover up your break!
  • There may not be specific role requirements, beyond ‘significant experience in one or more relevant areas’. If this is the case, use this space to list out 3-6 bullet points explaining the experience you have in the relevant area(s).

Finish with your motivation

  • Explain why you are interested in the role and why you would like to work for the organisation. Make this specific to show your interest and understanding. Base your comments on your research into the company and the job/department, using social media such as the company LinkedIn page, Twitter account and Facebook page alongside the website.
  • For returner programmes and/or flexible/remote working roles, it’s very important to show that you’re motivated by the organisation (and the specific job role if relevant), and not just the opportunity to get back into the workforce and/or work flexibly/remotely. Show how you can benefit the company, not the other way around!


Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Return to Work Cover Letter Template and Sample

Returning to the workforce after a career break can be a daunting task.

Whether you took time off for personal development, family responsibilities, or other reasons, crafting a compelling cover letter is crucial to making a strong impression on potential employers.

This page provides you with a clear and concise return-to-work cover letter template and an example to guide you through the writing process.

By using these resources, you can effectively communicate your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm to re-enter the professional world.

cover letter to return to previous employer

Return to Work Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company’s Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. As an experienced professional, I have gained invaluable skills and knowledge in [specific field or industry], which I believe will greatly benefit your team.

After taking a [length of time] career break for [briefly explain the reason, e.g., personal development, family responsibilities], I am now eager to re-enter the workforce and contribute to your esteemed organization. My time away from the professional sphere allowed me to enhance my [specific skills, e.g., organizational, communication, project management] skills, which I believe align well with the requirements of this position.

During my previous role at [Previous Company’s Name], I was responsible for [briefly describe job duties]. I successfully [mention an accomplishment], demonstrating my ability to handle [relevant task or responsibility]. These experiences have equipped me with the expertise and confidence to tackle new challenges effectively.

I am particularly drawn to [Company’s Name] because of your commitment to [mention a specific value, mission, or aspect of the company that appeals to you]. I am confident that my background and skills would make a valuable contribution to your team and help [Company’s Name] achieve its goals.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and passion align with the [Job Title] position. Thank you for considering my application. I hope to bring my experience and dedication to [Company’s Name], and I am excited to potentially contribute to your team’s success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Before you submit your cover letter, be sure to review and tailor it to better reflect your unique experiences and the job requirements.

cover letter to return to previous employer

Return to Work Cover Letter Example

Jane Doe 123 Maple Street Springfield, IL 62704 [email protected]

June 24, 2024

John Smith Hiring Manager Fashion Forward Retail 456 Trendy Avenue Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Retail Store Manager position at Fashion Forward Retail, as advertised on your company website. As an experienced professional, I have accumulated extensive knowledge in retail management, customer service, and team leadership, which I believe will greatly benefit your team.

After taking a two-year career break to focus on personal development and family responsibilities, I am now eager to re-enter the workforce and bring my skills back to the retail industry. This time away has allowed me to enhance my organizational and multitasking abilities, which are crucial in a fast-paced retail environment.

In my previous role as Store Manager at Trendy Threads, I was responsible for overseeing store operations, managing a team of 20 employees, and ensuring excellent customer satisfaction. I successfully increased the store’s sales by 25% in one year by implementing effective promotional campaigns and staff training programs. These experiences have provided me with the expertise and confidence to meet and exceed sales targets while maintaining a high level of customer service.

I am particularly drawn to Fashion Forward Retail because of your reputation for innovative fashion and your commitment to customer satisfaction. I am confident that my background and skills would make a valuable contribution to your team and help Fashion Forward Retail continue to thrive.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm align with the Retail Store Manager position. Thank you for considering my application. I hope to bring my experience and dedication to Fashion Forward Retail, and I am excited to potentially contribute to your success.

Sincerely, Jane Doe

cover letter to return to previous employer

  • Retiree Returning to Work Cover Letter Template and Sample
  • Return to Work Resume Sample
  • Resume Template for Homemaker Returning to Work
  • Stay At Home Mom Cover Letter for Going Back To Work

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How to write a cover letter to a previous employer.

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Cover letters allow prospective employees an opportunity to introduce their resume and basic qualifications for a job. Creating a solid cover letter will allow you to highlight your expertise as well as remind your previous employer of your previous affiliation and knowledge of the company. With a little attention to detail, you can encourage your previous employer to take a careful look at the skills and experience you can bring to the position.

Write a Glowing Cover Letter

Create a heading for the cover letter consisting of your name, address, phone number and email address. Drop down four lines, then type the date on the left side. Leave two more lines and enter your employer's name, company and address.

Begin your letter with "Dear Mr. Jones," using the employer's real name. As you move into the body of the letter, keep in mind that according to Wendy Enelow of the University of New Mexico, it is best to keep cover letters to one page.

Express your desire to apply for this particular position in the first paragraph. This is a short introductory paragraph of only two or three sentences. In this paragraph, make reference to the fact that you were employed by this company previously and that it would be a privilege to work for them again.

Highlight your skills and expertise in the next paragraph or two. Trinity College Career Services Department states that the purpose of a cover letter is to grab the employer's attention. Listing your skills and accomplishments in the form of a bullet list often catches the employer's eye immediately.

Mention the skills that best align with those detailed in the job description. State that since you have worked for the company before, you are familiar with the organization's structure and procedures.

State in your last paragraph that you would appreciate the opportunity to once again serve the company. Ask for the privilege of meeting for an interview. By asking for an interview, you are in essence asking the employer to take action by contacting you. Lastly, thank the employer for her time and consideration of your resume.

Close the letter with "Cordially," "Sincerely" or a similar closing word or phrase. Drop down four lines and type your full name. This will allow room to insert your handwritten signature.

By paying attention to detail and displaying enthusiasm for the job, your cover letter will give your previous employer insight into your current skills and past experience.

Update your resume before writing the cover letter to include your current skills, courses completed and other job qualifications.

Type your cover letter on the same resume quality paper that you use to print your actual resume. White or cream colored paper is usually preferred.

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  • Wendy Enelow of the University of New Mexico

Brenda Hagood has been a writer and speech therapist since 1982, and a nonprofit director. She wrote manuals for Total Learning Curriculum and enjoys health, education and family life research. Hagood holds a bachelor's degree in communicative disorders from California State University, Fullerton, and a master's degree in speech pathology from Loma Linda University.

Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images

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Professional Returning to Work Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your returning to work cover letter should immediately highlight your eagerness to rejoin the workforce. Demonstrate how your time away has reinforced your commitment to your career. In the second paragraph, focus on the skills you've maintained or gained during your break. This shows potential employers that you have kept pace with industry changes.

Cover Letter Guide

Returning to Work Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Returning to Work Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Returning to Work cover letter

Crafting a returning to work cover letter can be a stumbling block for many job seekers who have already plunged into the application process. While your resume presents the facts, your cover letter should narrate the compelling story of your proudest professional triumph without echoing your resume. Striking the balance between professionalism and personal touch, all while dodging overused phrases and keeping it to one page, can seem daunting, but it's your ticket to stand out.

  • Personalize your returning to work cover letter and get inspired by other professionals to tell a compelling story;
  • Format and design your returning to work cover letter to make an excellent first impression;
  • Introduce your best achievement in your returning to work cover letter to recruiters;
  • How to make sure recruiters get in touch with you, using your returning to work cover letter greeting and closing paragraphs.

What is more, did you know that Enhancv's AI can write your cover letter for you? Just upload your returning to work resume and get ready to forward your job application in a flash.

If the returning to work isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

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Returning to Work cover letter example

Aiden Kelly


[email protected]

  • Emphasizing relevant past experiences, like the implementation of a transformative automated recruitment system at IBM, directly showcases the candidate's capability to innovate and improve HR processes.
  • Highlighting the results achieved, specifically the reduction in hiring process duration by 40%, provides tangible evidence of the candidate's impact and effectiveness in past roles.
  • Articulating alignment with the company's vision and innovative approaches in HR demonstrates that the candidate is not only qualified but also a cultural fit for the organization.
  • Explaining the desire to contribute to a shared goal of a thriving and engaged workforce indicates a candidate's team-oriented mindset and dedication to organizational objectives.

Structuring and formatting your returning to work cover letter

Here's what the structure of your returning to work cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your returning to work resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your returning to work cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your returning to work cover letter.

The top sections on a returning to work cover letter

Header: This includes your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information. It's essential as it provides the recruiter with immediate access to your details and establishes a professional layout of the document.

Greeting: Address the letter to a specific person if possible, using their name and title, to personalize the letter and show that you've done research on the company, which reflects your genuine interest in rejoining the workforce.

Introduction: Briefly state your intention to return to work, mention the role you're applying for, and give a concise reason why you are a strong candidate, which will capture the recruiter’s attention and set the tone for the cover letter.

Body: Divide this section into one or two paragraphs detailing your relevant work experience, the skills you've maintained or gained during your time away from the workforce, and how these will benefit the company, proving you are updated and prepared to return to your professional career.

Closing: Conclude with a strong closing statement that reaffirms your enthusiasm for the role, includes a polite request for an interview, and thanks the recruiter for considering your application, leaving a positive and professional final impression.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

Since the job title is not specified in the request, I will provide a general list suitable for most professional roles. If you have a specific job title in mind, please specify so I can tailor the list accordingly.

  • Relevant experience in the field: To ensure job competency and the ability to hit the ground running.
  • Industry-specific skills: To demonstrate expertise and reduce training time.
  • Strong communication skills: To interact effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Adaptability and learning agility: To adjust to changes and new technologies in the workplace.
  • Leadership and teamwork: For roles that involve managing teams or collaborative projects.
  • Achievements from previous roles: To show a track record of success and contribution.

How to personalize your returning to work cover letter greeting

Before you start writing your returning to work cover letter, take the time to find out who is recruiting for the role.

Search for the recruiter's name on LinkedIn or the corporate website to address them personally in your returning to work cover letter salutation .

What if you can't find out who's recruiting for the role?

Always aim to avoid the very impersonal "Dear Sir/Madam" - instead, opt out for "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager" to make a better first impression.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Department,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],
  • Dear Dr. [Last Name],

Your returning to work cover letter introduction and the value you bring

Moving on from the "Dear Recruiter" to your professional introduction .

Use those first two sentences of your returning to work cover letter to present the biggest asset you'd bring to the organization.

Don't go into too much detail about your achievement or the skill set, but instead - go straight for the win.

That is - what is your value as a professional?

Would you be able to build stronger, professional relationships in any type of communication? Or, potentially, integrate seamlessly into the team?

What to write in the middle or body of your returning to work cover letter

Here's where it gets tricky.

Your returning to work cover letter body should present you in the best light possible and, at the same time, differ from your resume.

Don't be stuck in making up new things or copy-pasting from your resume. Instead, select just one achievement from your experience.

Use it to succinctly tell a story of the job-crucial skills and knowledge this taught you.

Your returning to work cover letter is the magic card you need to further show how any organization or team would benefit from working with you.

Finishing off your returning to work cover letter with what matters most

So far, you've done a fantastic job in tailoring your returning to work cover letter for the role and recruiter.

Your final opportunity to make a good impression is your closing paragraph.

And, no, a "Sincerely yours" just won't do, as it sounds too vague and impersonal.

End your returning to work cover letter with the future in mind.

So, if you get this opportunity, what do you plan to achieve? Be as specific, as possible, of what value you'd bring to the organization.

You could also thank recruiters for their interest in your profile and prompt for follow-up actions (and organizing your first interview).

No experience returning to work cover letter: making the most out of your profile

Candidates who happen to have no professional experience use their returning to work cover letter to stand out.

Instead of focusing on a professional achievement, aim to quantify all the relevant, transferrable skills from your life experience.

Once again, the best practice to do so would be to select an accomplishment - from your whole career history.

Another option would be to plan out your career goals and objectives: how do you see yourself growing, as a professional, in the next five years, thanks to this opportunity?

Be precise and concise about your dreams, and align them with the company vision.

Key takeaways

Winning recruiters over shouldn't be difficult if you use your returning to work cover letter to tell a story that:

  • Is personalized by greeting your readers and focusing on key job skills greets;
  • Isn't spread all over the place, but instead focuses on one key achievement and selling your value as a professional;
  • Introduces your enthusiasm for the role, passion for the job, or creativity in communication;
  • Is also visually appealing - meeting the best HR practices;
  • Ends with a nod to the future and how you envision your growth, as part of the company.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

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Cover Letter Background

How to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?"

Background check for employment: what does it show and how to know if you passed, what is the purpose of a cover letter in an application, how to write responding to recruiter email [templates included], mastering the 'sell me this pen' interview question, 15+ words to describe yourself on resume: examples & tips.

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Sample Letter Asking for Your Old Job Back

cover letter to return to previous employer

What to Include in a Rehire Request Letter

When you want to withdraw your resignation.

  • When You Have Been Demoted or Terminated

Follow Business Letter Format

Carefully proofread and edit, sample letter asking for a job back.

  • Email Request to Be Rehired

 Ashley Nicole Deleon / The Balance

Did you just start a new job and are already regretting quitting your last position? Or have you been demoted, laid off, or fired from your job? You may not be able to get your old job back, but it certainly doesn't hurt to ask. You have nothing to lose by sending a courteous request to be rehired.

Make sure you really want to return to the company. You left for a reason, after all. If you are only going back because it is the easiest option, think hard before sending a letter or email to ask for your job back.

Consider making a pros-and-cons list to consider whether you should return to the job.

Keep in mind that if you were to be rehired, you most likely would be starting over as a new employee. Your salary and benefits package may not match what you were earning before.

Remind your employer of the department you worked in, along with your job title. You might also mention how long you worked there. If you worked there for a while, this will remind them of your dedication to the company.

Start by sending the message to your former manager. You may also have to speak to human resources or upper management, but your former boss is a good person to start with.

Consider making a pros-and-cons list to help you decide whether you should return to the job. Be sure you really do want to return to the position before you ask to be rehired.

You need to convince your former boss that hiring you again is a great idea for the company. Tell them why you are a terrific fit for the job. If you achieved any big successes at the job (for example, if you have helped the company save money), remind them of this. If you have developed any new skills since leaving the job, mention them.

Don’t go into great detail in this letter. You can mention why you are leaving your new job, but keep it brief, focusing mainly on why you think you should return to your old position.

If your former boss considers you for the position, you will likely meet with him or her in person. During that meeting, be prepared to answer more questions about why you left your old job, and why you want this job back.

Ask About Other Opportunities

Your job might already be filled. Therefore, if you are willing to consider other open positions at the company, say so. Being flexible may help you get a job offer. 

If you just quit your job and are having second thoughts, you may be able to withdraw your resignation and continue working in your current role. Here's how to withdraw a resignation , with advice on what to say to your manager, and sample letters and emails asking to rescind a resignation.

When You Have Been Demoted or Let Go

What should you do if you've been demoted, laid off, or fired? You may not be able to do anything about it, but it may be worth appealing the decision and writing a letter to ask the employer to reconsider.

Review tips for writing an appeal letter , with an example and template to use for your appeal.

Printed Letter

If this is a written letter, use the official business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the employer’s contact information. Be sure to provide a salutation at the beginning, and a handwritten signature at the end .

Email Message

If this is an email, begin with a salutation, and end with your typed name. For an email, also be sure to include your name in the subject of the message to ensure your request is read.

This letter is what can get your foot back in the door at your old company. Therefore, take the time to make this letter as professional as possible. Read through and carefully proofread the letter for any errors.

This is an example of a letter asking for a job back. Download the letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Sample Letter Showing How to Ask for a Job Back (Text Version)

Stephen Applicant 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321 555-555-5555 stephen.applicant@email.com 

July 19, 2024

Jerry Lee Editor-in-Chief XYZ Company 321 Metropolis Ave. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

As you know, I recently started a new job at ABC Company. However, I have realized the job duties and work environment are not what I expected. I am therefore writing to inquire about the possibility of returning to my position as Assistant Editor at XYZ Company, which I held for the past four years.

I sincerely regret my decision to resign and if I were to be rehired, I can assure you I can offer a long-term commitment to the company.

In the interim period since I was Assistant Editor, I have gained experience with new content-management systems, including Drupal and WordPress. I believe these skills would be invaluable as ABC Company continues to expand its online presence.

If the company would consider rehiring me, I do understand that my job may have been filled. If so, are there any other open positions I would be eligible to apply for?

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you, and I am available at your convenience for a conversation. I can be reached at 555-555-5555 or stephen.applicant@email.com.

Best regards,

Stephen Applicant (signature hard copy letter)

Stephen Applicant

Sending an Email Request to Be Rehired

A request to be rehired can be sent by email. List your name and former job title in the subject line of the message: "Your Name - Job Title." Include your contact information in the signature of the message to make it easy for your former supervisor to get in touch with you.

Key Takeaways

  • Are you considering asking for your old job back? Ensure you truly want to return and not just because it seems like an easy option; weigh the pros and cons carefully.
  • In your rehire request letter, be concise, highlight your past achievements and new skills, and remind your employer of your previous role and dedication.
  • Whether sending a printed letter or an email, follow proper business letter format, proofread thoroughly, and express flexibility for other positions if your old job is already filled.

cover letter to return to previous employer

How to Write an Email to a Previous Employer for Rejoining

In this blog post, we will look at some of the best practices you can follow and some tips you can use when writing that email requesting to come back to a former employer. You will also get a sample email that you can edit and use as per your requirement.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Coming back to an old employer can be a great move if you have thought through it. But there are some pitfalls you will need to avoid while communicating your desire to come back.

Tips to Remember

Before sending out an email, take time to assess your motivation for going back. Ensure that this is not an impulsive decision that you might regret later.

Review company policies to find out if there is any information you need to reveal or action you need to take when intimating a possible return.

Ensure that your resume is up to date with not only the job you have had since but also the skills you have developed and certifications you have attained.

Prepare pointers that you can help you to address reasons for departure without creating a negative impression on you with your potential future employer.

Best Practices

Throughout the email and potential communication after that, use a polite and professional tone with the hiring manager/HR point of contact.

Explicitly state your intent of returning to the company and also specify the role you are aiming for so that there is no ambiguity and the recipient will be clear on what he/she has to do.

Highlight relevant skills and achievements you picked up during your time away and state how they align with the organization’s goals and aspirations both in the near and long term.

Try and state your motivation as to why you want to come back and make sure that you frame it as a win-win for the company and not just for yourself.

Do not forget to express gratitude to the hiring manager/HR for considering your request, politeness will help if you want to start building a rapport with them again.

Subject: Rejoining [Company Name] as [Designation]

Dear [HR Manager],

My name is [Your Name] and I was hoping to return to [Company] as [Old Role] and would like to pursue it starting from [Start Date]. I was [Old Role] for the period starting from [ Previous Tenure Start Date] to [Previous Tenure End Date].

Since my departure from [Company], I have built several skills like [List Skills] which will greatly enhance my work and help me contribute to our company’s success in a much better way than my previous tenure.

During my last tenure with [Company], I headed [Names and Details of Projects You Headed]. I also contributed to [Projects You Contributed to] and worked with [Teams You Collaborated With].

I left the company due to [Explain Reasons Why You Left] but now that I [Explain Why You are Coming Back]. This would be a great move for me and the company.

I am super excited at the prospect of contributing to [Company]’s growth and returning back to my team that I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of. I have attested 2 reference letters from my former managers at [Company] to assure you that people are keen to have me back in their team.

Thank you for considering my request to rejoin and if you would like to discuss this further, then please reply back to this email and we can arrange a quick call.

Thanks again.

[Your Name]

[Mobile Number]

It is important to get the communication right when you are looking to return to an old employer but by using the tips shared above and the sample email template, you can draft an effective email that might just get you the callback.

If you enjoy content like this consider checking out our other posts on email scenarios in the workplace. Also, if you want to improve your productivity and get more things done, consider downloading the Routine app , it is free to use.

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How to Write a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

Is asking for references after the second interview a good sign.

There may come a time when you're ready to re-join a company or take on a job that you've left behind in the past. If you fit in well there the first time and were successful at your job, chances are you'll be a good fit for the company during the second round. However, don't underestimate the need to sell yourself and present your skills in the best light possible. Expectations and job descriptions do change, and you'll still need to show that you're the best candidate for the job.

Address the letter to the manager with whom you will be working, or the person mentioned in the job application as the person dealing with the hiring for this position. Avoid using any personal nicknames or pet names; even if you know the person well, you don't know whether other people will be reading the cover letter and may be put off by you being too familiar.

Use the first paragraph to state the job for which you are applying and how you heard about the position -- much the same way you would any other cover letter. If you heard about the job through a personal connection or some internal posting, be sure to mention that connection. No need to go into excessive detail about how you know that person; providing a few key details about your connection is enough.

Detail the various skills and qualities you possess that make you a good candidate for the job in the second paragraph. If the job you held with the employer is relevant to this current job application, mention how that previous job helped you hone your skills for the current job. If particular company managers helped you learn specific skills, mention those experiences. While having previous experience with the company may help you in the current application process, the managers may be more focused on finding the right person for the job, and less on favoring someone who has been there before. Always focus on how your skills and training make you a good fit.

Use the second paragraph to also take note of the company culture and how you fit into it in the past. Also mention why you left the company the first time, taking care not to use negative language that may offend someone in the company. If you had a difficult time on your first round of employment, outline what's changed that will make you a good fit this time. Always stay positive and focus on your good points, while humbly acknowledging your limitations. A bad relationship the first time doesn't have to disqualify you for employment in the future -- you just have to show that something has changed that will help you succeed this time. If you had a good relationship with the employer the first time, include that information and state that you're looking forward to continuing the relationship.

Close the letter with an invitation for the managers to contact you, and provide your available days and times. If you have had a particularly good rapport with the manager to whom the letter is addressed, you could mention that you look forward to engaging in some particular activity with him again. For example, you could say "I look forward to challenging you on the golf course once again."

  • If your former managers are still with the company, contact them and ask if they'll be a reference for the current position. Having current managers endorse you for the job may give you the extra help you need to land the interview -- and then the job.
  • Some companies have policies about rehiring old employees, and may have a "blackout" period before you can be brought back. Check with the company's human resources department to find out more.

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Nicole Vulcan has been a journalist since 1997, covering parenting and fitness for The Oregonian, careers for CareerAddict, and travel, gardening and fitness for Black Hills Woman and other publications. Vulcan holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from the University of Minnesota. She's also a lifelong athlete and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer.


Email To Previous Employer For Rejoining: How To Draft It Right!

Reconnecting with a former employer hinges on a professional, sincere email with a hint of personal flair. I’ll provide a detailed guide and template to facilitate this process.

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose : Crafting a compelling and professional email to a previous employer expressing interest in rejoining the company.
  • Personal Touch : Sharing personal growth and experiences since leaving the company enhances the email’s effectiveness.
  • Customization : Tailor the email to reflect the specific context of your previous employment and the current opportunity.
  • Free Template :  Utilize the provided template to simplify the process.
  • Follow-up : Suggest a meeting or call for further discussion.

Understanding the Context

Before you begin writing, understand why you want to return and what has changed since you left. This reflection will help tailor your message effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Subject Line : Start with a clear and engaging subject line. Example: “Exploring Opportunities to Rejoin [Company Name] Team”.
  • Greeting : Address the recipient by name. A personal touch goes a long way.
  • Introduction : Reintroduce yourself and briefly mention your previous role in the company.
  • Expression of Interest : Clearly state your intention to rejoin the company. Mention specific reasons why you are interested in returning.
  • Highlighting Growth : Share any new skills, experiences, or perspectives you’ve gained since leaving that would add value to the team.
  • Acknowledging the Past : If you left on less than ideal terms, acknowledge it briefly and focus on the positive aspects of your previous tenure.
  • Call to Action : Propose a meeting or a phone call to discuss potential opportunities.
  • Closing : End with a professional sign-off and your contact information.
  • Proofread : Ensure your email is free of typos and grammatical errors.

Email Template

Subject: Exploring Opportunities to Rejoin [Company Name] Team

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. As a former [Your Previous Position] at [Company Name], I have always valued the experiences and the learning opportunities I had during my time with the team.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

After leaving [Company Name], I [mention any relevant experience, growth, additional education]. These experiences have not only enriched me professionally but also personally, and I believe they can significantly contribute to the [specific department/project] at [Company Name].

I am particularly excited about [mention any new company initiatives, projects, or changes]. I would love the opportunity to discuss how my current skill set and experiences align with the needs of the team.

Would it be possible to arrange a meeting or a call at your convenience to explore potential opportunities for rejoining the team?

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of working together again.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Personal Experience

In my case, reaching out to my previous employer was nerve-wracking, but I focused on the positive experiences and the new skills I had acquired. This approach helped open the door to a conversation.

Writing to a previous employer can be a delicate balance between professionalism and personal connection. Remember, the goal is to open a dialogue, so keep it cordial, concise, and clear.

Comment Request

Have you tried reaching out to a former employer? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

cover letter to return to previous employer

Q: How Do I Approach a Previous Employer About Rejoining the Company?

Answer: I found the best approach to be direct and professional. I drafted an email, starting with a brief update about my current situation and the valuable experiences I have gained since leaving. 

Then, I clearly expressed my interest in rejoining and how I believe my enhanced skills can contribute to the company’s current goals. It’s important to acknowledge the positive aspects of my previous tenure there, which helps establish a good starting point for the conversation.

Q: What Should I Include in My Email to a Former Boss for a Rehire?

Answer: In my experience, it’s crucial to personalize the email. I mentioned specific projects or achievements from my time there and related them to the current position I was interested in. 

This shows that I’m not just looking for any job; I’m specifically interested in contributing to their team again. I also made sure to express gratitude for the past opportunity and how it helped me grow professionally.

Q: How Can I Express My Interest in Rejoining Without Sounding Desperate?

Answer: The key for me was to maintain a professional tone and focus on mutual benefits. I highlighted what I can offer the company now compared to when I left, and how rehiring me could be advantageous for them. 

It’s important to avoid phrases that sound too pleading and instead maintain the tone of a professional offering valuable skills and experience.

Q: Is It Appropriate to Mention My Reasons for Leaving in the Rehire Email?

Answer: In my email, I briefly mentioned my reasons for leaving, especially if they were positive, like pursuing further education or a unique opportunity. 

However, I focused more on the present and the future, explaining why rejoining now is a good decision for both me and the company. It’s important to frame the past in a positive light and not dwell on any negative aspects.

Q: How Should I Close the Email to a Previous Employer for Rejoining?

Answer: I always end such emails on a positive note, expressing eagerness to discuss potential opportunities. I make it clear that I’m open to discussing various roles or projects where my skills can be most useful. 

It’s also good to thank them for considering your interest and providing your contact information for easy follow-up. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for them to respond.

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Is it a good idea to return to a former employer?

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Sure, going back to a former employer can be a solid move, but it’s all about the why and the how. If you left on good terms and the place still vibes with your career goals, why not?

It’s like jumping back into a familiar pool—you already know the people, the culture, and how things work, which can make sliding back in pretty smooth.

Plus, if the new gig offers better opportunities or perks than before, it’s a no-brainer. Just make sure you’re not stepping back into the same old stuff you left behind and that the company hasn’t flipped a 180 on what made it great for you in the first place.

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Sample Cover Letter for a Previous Employer

Cover Letter Examples

   Cover Letter to Previous Employer

I am writing to you with regards to the job posting on your website for a Lead Classroom Teacher. As a recent graduate from the University of Oregon's Early Childhood Education Master's Program, I believe that I would make a great addition to your staff. I am also a former employee of XYZ Daycare, and I am knowledgeable and skilled when it comes to your establishment.

I worked for your company as an Assistant Teacher for the Toddler Room and the Early Elementary Room from 2007 to 2011. I was under the supervision of Lead Teacher Kathy Lockhart, who I understand has retired this year. I had an amazing, enlightening experience with XYZ, and left to pursue my Master's Degree so that I could take on a role with more autonomy, responsibility, and creative control.

In your ad, you require applicants to have at least two years' experience in child care. I have eight years' experience, four of which were spent with your company. You also ask that applicants be certified and academically qualified. I spent three terms on rotation in three classrooms, teaching first graders basic reading, spelling, and math. I am certified in First Aid, CPR, Epi-Pen Training and Food Handling.

It has always been my hope to return to XYZ Company and use the new knowledge, skills, and resources that I have acquired in graduate school. I look forward to seeing the staff again and connecting with the new children as well. Thank you for your consideration.

Download this cover letter — free!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of Cover Letter Examples

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Letters of Recommendation for an Employee

letter of recommendation

A letter of recommendation is a formal document intended to highlight a former employee’s work performance, valuable skills, and attributes to a potential future employer. Such letters, also known as reference letters, can be highly influential for an applicant, potentially helping them secure a desired position. Whether the role is a significant career advancement, a necessary step in their career path, or a job that simply meets their current needs, a strong recommendation can make a substantial difference. 

The Importance of Recommendation Letters

Potential employers often request recommendation letters during the hiring process. However, candidates can also include a recommendation letter when submitting their application materials to a hiring manager. This document will provide them with a detailed account of the applicant’s work ethic, specific achievements, and personal qualities.

Writing a Good Recommendation Letter

A good recommendation letter can make an employee stand out from other candidates in the hiring process. It provides a narrative that goes beyond the facts listed on a resume or cover letter, offering a more personal and professional reference. It’s crucial for the writer to vouch for the employee’s abilities, personal character, and suitability for the new position. By highlighting these aspects, the letter can effectively demonstrate why the employee is a valuable candidate, significantly impacting their job search.

What To Consider Before Writing the Letter

Gathering relevant information from the employee before writing a recommendation letter will assist the author in ensuring their writing is personalized and detailed in its description of the potential employee. Having a clear understanding of their professional goals, whether they are changing careers, seeking advancement, or pursuing the next step in their career path, will help you tailor your letter effectively.

Make Certain You Are the Right Person To Write a Recommendation

It’s necessary to have a good understanding of the employee’s skills, work ethic, and achievements to craft an effective letter. If you do not have adequate familiarity with the employee or are unable to provide a strong recommendation, it is better to decline the request and suggest they seek out someone more suitable for the task. This is why there are several factors to consider before writing a recommendation letter for an employee:

  • Have you worked closely with them?
  • Can you provide a positive recommendation for them?
  • Are you familiar with their strengths?
  • Do you know what role they are aiming for?
  • Do you know their career goals? 
  • Are they transitioning to a new career or industry?
  • Can you discuss their work ethic, leadership style, and interpersonal skills or provide specific examples of their work?
  • Are you able to discuss why they would be a valuable asset to any organization?
  • Is there anything they prefer you not to mention in your recommendation?

Gathering Employee Information

Ask your employee for their resume, a link to their LinkedIn profile, and any other information you might need. This information and your experience working with them should provide a strong foundation for your letter. However, don’t hesitate to ask for additional details if needed. Also, make sure to clarify whether you are writing a general reference letter or one for a specific role to ensure your recommendation is appropriately detailed.

Requesting Role Information

Ask your former employee to provide a detailed description of the role they are applying for. This will allow you to highlight any transferable skills. A job description of the desired position will also help you determine which aspects of the candidate’s professional experience to emphasize in your letter.

Use the Correct Format and Pay Attention to Detail

Whether you’re a direct supervisor, co-worker, or part of human resources, writing a strong letter requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of the correct business letter format. Remember that this letter can significantly influence an employee’s job search and help them secure a new job. Reviewing recommendation letter examples, using an existing template, and making sure that your letter is proofread will ensure that the letter you provide is professional and beneficial to the employee.

Include Specific Examples

When writing a recommendation letter, it’s recommended to include specific examples of the employee’s work. This approach helps to demonstrate their strengths effectively and highlights how the employee contributed to your company. These examples can illustrate why the employee would be successful in a new role, making your letter a powerful tool in their job search.

Describe the Employee’s Attitude and Performance

While you are writing your recommendation, remember that you are providing a character reference, not just a listing of performed activities. It is important to help prospective employers not just understand the skills and accomplishments of the potential employee. Providing evidence to show if they have a positive attitude, are a team player, and are hardworking can often be more imperative than addressing a detailed list of skills.

Provide Your Contact Information

It’s important to provide your contact information in the letter, including a phone number and email address. This way, the prospective employer can reach out to you for any additional information or clarification they may need regarding your recommendation. It also shows that you are willing to support the employee in their job search and stand by your recommendation. Make sure to include this information at the end of your letter or as part of your signature block.

Structure of a Letter of Recommendation

A professional letter of recommendation follows a standard business letter format. It typically includes the following components:

  • Recipient’s information


  • Body paragraphs
  • Closing summary
  • Signature block

The header of a business letter should include your name, job title, company name, and contact information (address, phone number, and email address). This information should be placed in a professional font and size at the top of the page.

Every professional letter should include the date it is written. This ensures the recipient understands the information being shared is current and accurate.

Recipient’s Information

The recipient’s information should include their name, job title, company or organization name, and address. If you are writing a general recommendation letter, use the following format:

[Recipient’s Name]

[Company Name]

If you are writing a letter of recommendation for a specific role or position, use the following format:

[Hiring Manager/Department Head/HR Representative]

[Company/Organization Name]

The salutation should be formal and respectful. Address the recipient by their proper title and last name (e.g., Dear Mr. Smith or Dear Ms. Johnson). Personalizing the greeting shows attentiveness and respect, giving the letter a more genuine tone. A general greeting such as “To Whom It May Concern” is acceptable if the recipient’s name is unknown. If you are unsure of their preferred pronouns, it’s best to use gender-neutral language such as “Dear [First Name] [Last Name],”

Additionally, make sure that your salutation is followed by a comma or colon, depending on the level of formality you wish to convey. This small detail helps to create a polished and respectful introduction to your letter. For example:

Dear (name of recipient),

To Whom It May Concern:

In the introductory paragraph, clearly outline your relationship with the former employee. Specify the job title they held and mention the name of the company where you worked together. Also, make sure to include the duration of your professional relationship. This information provides context for the potential employer, helping them understand the nature of your experience with the candidate. Here are some examples:

“I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for [Employee Name], who has been under my supervision at [Company Name] for the past [duration]. In the role of [Employee’s Job Title], [he/she] has consistently exhibited remarkable skills and dedication.”

“I am pleased to recommend [name of your former employee] for a position at [name of the company the former employee is applying to join]. In my capacity as [your position], I have supervised [candidate’s name] for [number of years] at [Company Name] and can vouch for their exceptional performance and value as an employee.”

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your recommendation letter should delve into the candidate’s specific achievements, work ethic, and personal qualities. In this section, you should provide specific examples to demonstrate the employee’s strengths and emphasize their contributions to your organization. Expand on their ability to work with team members, problem-solving efficiency, and overall performance.

First Body Paragraph

Begin this paragraph by discussing the employee’s role and responsibilities within the organization. Provide a comprehensive job description and explain how they consistently met or exceeded the expectations set for them. Make sure to highlight the skills and qualities that would be particularly valuable to the company they are applying to, demonstrating how their contributions could be especially beneficial in the new role. Here are some examples of what a first body paragraph should look like:

“During [Employee Name]’s employment period as [Job Title] at [Company Name], [he/she] played a crucial role in [specific project or responsibility]. [He/She] consistently met deadlines, displayed a strong work ethic, and demonstrated outstanding interpersonal skills.”

“Throughout the period I supervised [former employee’s name], I observed [him/her] to be [adjectives describing their work or work ethic]. [Former employee’s name] displayed a high level of professionalism, reliability, and dedication that significantly contributed to our team’s success. For instance, [describe a particular project or task where they excelled, highlighting their role and the positive outcome]. [His/Her] ability to [mention any specific skills, such as problem-solving, leadership, or collaboration] was particularly impressive and made a substantial impact on our projects and overall team performance.”

Second Body Paragraph

The second paragraph should detail the employee’s accomplishments and contributions, highlighting specific examples such as awards, recognitions, and significant projects. By showcasing their problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and leadership qualities, you create a clearer picture of their value to the organization. Including anecdotes illustrates the candidate’s skills and work ethic, helping potential employers envision how they can achieve similar success in their company. Here are some examples of what the second body paragraph should look like:

“One of [Employee Name]’s most notable achievements was [specific achievement]. This accomplishment not only demonstrates [his/her] problem-solving abilities but also shows [his/her] ability to take initiative and to successfully complete projects.”

“One of [Employee Name]’s most significant achievements was [specific achievement]. This accomplishment not only highlighted [Employee Name]’s exceptional problem-solving skills but also demonstrated [his/her] ability to effectively collaborate with colleagues and lead a team. For instance, [he/she] consistently excelled in [specific examples of how they excelled in the workplace under your supervision], showcasing [specific skills or attributes]. This includes [mention any particular projects or tasks where their contributions were vital], which earned [him/her] [any awards or recognitions received]. [Employee Name]’s ability to [mention specific skills such as effective communication, strategic thinking, or innovative approaches] significantly benefited our team and projects, reflecting [Employee Name]’s dedication to [his/her] role.”

Closing Summary

To effectively conclude a professional letter, it’s important to include a summary that encapsulates your thoughts. Reiterate your positive impressions of the employee’s qualities, skills, and achievements to create a lasting impact on the potential employer. Here are a few examples:

“In conclusion, I highly recommend [Employee Name] for any position that [he/she] may seek. [His/Her] exceptional work ethic, problem-solving skills, and ability to collaborate with others make [him/her] an invaluable asset to any organization.”

“Based on my professional experience with [Employee Name], I have no hesitation in recommending them for any role they may pursue. Their remarkable abilities and contributions make them an outstanding candidate who will undoubtedly bring value to your company.”

Signature Block

Adding a signature block to your business letter is essential in ensuring its professional appearance and credibility. A signature block typically includes the sender’s name, job title, company name, and contact information, such as phone number or email address. It serves as a formal closing to the letter and provides recipients with easy access to reach out for further communication.

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

Contact: [Phone number] / [Email Address]

Best regards,

[Your Name and Title]

Direct Line: [Phone number]

Email: [Email Address]

Website: [Company Website URL]

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cover letter to return to previous employer

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Returning to Work After a Long Career Break? Remember These 5 Truths to Bounce Back With Confidence. Many of us have taken time away from work over the last four years. There are reasons to be anxious about returning, but there are even more reasons to be excited and confident. Here are five of them.

By Amy M Chambers Edited by Kara McIntyre Aug 15, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Employment gaps can lead to personal growth, enhancing leadership and problem-solving skills.
  • A career hiatus is not uncommon, and meaningful activities during this time are valuable to employers.
  • Professional abilities and know-how remain intact, with opportunities for quick skill refreshment upon return.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

It was only four years ago that we found ourselves amid a global pandemic . Unemployment numbers hit all-time highs in 2020 as many businesses couldn't operate and many others had to drastically shift how they operated.

Since then, many have returned to work, but not everyone has. Some saw their layoff as an opportunity to go back to school, learn new skills , travel or raise a family. After making decisions like these, returning to work can be nerve-wracking. If you're looking to return to work (or recently did), here are five things you need to know.

Related: Got a Gap on Your Resume? Here's How to Own It

1. Time away from work likely made you stronger, not weaker

The best leaders and critical thinkers are those who've had a full array of life experiences and exposed themselves to different things, people and places. Work experience is (obviously) great, but it's just one kind of experience . When that's all we have, we tend to lack the ability to reason through different kinds of scenarios and relate to different kinds of individuals. We end up being one-dimensional and not able to think outside of one box.

When we take time away from work , we do new things we've never done before. We invest time in things we didn't previously have time for. These things shift our perspective and expand us. Time away has likely caused you to grow and evolve (for the better). During my 21-year career, I've chosen to leave my job three different times.

I traveled internationally, cared for a dying family member, became a marathon runner, published two books and held my own photography gallery opening. These experiences dramatically expanded my worldview and tremendously changed me. They helped me become more aware, confident, relatable and accountable. That all made me a better leader and employee. If you've taken time away to raise children, go back to school or serve on a board, that's undoubtedly changed you into a more well-rounded and stronger individual.

2. You're not the first or only person to rejoin the workforce after time away

Lots of people take time away from work at some point during their lives. It's not abnormal and you're not alone. It's more than likely your future boss or the person interviewing you has also taken time away from work or knows many who have. Make sure you never fall into the trap of believing that being out of work is bad or problematic — because it isn't.

Having an employment gap on your resume isn't a red flag, especially if you filled the time doing something meaningful like accomplishing a big goal or developing a different skill. If you're currently out of work and this isn't the case, you can still make it the case. Read a book (or several). Join a club. Take a class. Give back to the community by volunteering. Force yourself to develop or grow. That way, you'll have something to share with others when you do return to work.

Related: Why Entrepreneurs Should Invest in Sabbaticals: 5 Tips for Taking Productive Time Away From Work

3. Your skills and talents don't disappear overnight (or even in a year)

Being out of work doesn't change who you are or what you know. Your resume still exists. Your professional accomplishments and work experiences don't simply disintegrate because you took a step back to focus on other parts of your life. It's the same with your college degree, past certifications and training. It all still happened. It's amazing how quickly old skills return.

Even after employment gaps, I was quickly able to get caught up when it came to using databases or systems, crunching numbers or fulfilling my professional responsibilities. Especially when it comes to the talents or gifts required for people-related endeavors, such as leadership or sales. You don't simply forget how to interact with others because life has looked a little different for a few months or years. You'll still know how to ask questions, listen and care about the answers.

4. Not working was probably the right life decision — and the right employer will understand

It's easy to assume others will think less of us after we've taken a break from work. No doubt, some people will. Those people aren't worth your time. Whoever is looking down on you for taking time away to paint, travel, raise a family or go back to school is not the right employer for you. That's because they're judging your choices and refusing to accept who you are as a person.

Great companies and great leaders care about their employees as people — not just workhorses. If the person interviewing (or leading you) is raising an eyebrow at your choice to focus on some other aspect of your life than just work, you're probably not in a place where you're valued as a person. If you took time away from work to do something that felt to you, it was probably the right choice. The right employer will know (and respect) that.

Related: Here's How You Get Back Into the Business World After Taking A Break

5. You'll have plenty of tools, resources and people who are there to help you

Today's rate of technological advancement is great, so taking time off means you might return to a changed industry. That can be scary and overwhelming. Just because you're reentering the workforce doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Don't make the mistake of refusing to ask for help because you don't want to look foolish or weak. Leveraging tools around you doesn't mean you're overwhelmed or in over your head. It means you're resourceful and humble. Identify what you need to get back to speed. Figure out what things you need to learn (or relearn). Then, speak up. Publicly announce it to someone (even if it's just the person sitting next to you). You'll be surprised at how willing people will be to help you. It's okay to ask for help.

Self-fulfilling prophecies are real. If you believe that returning to work will be hard, then it will be. If you believe that taking time away from work has put you at some sort of deficiency, then it will. Whatever you tell yourself is true, is what will be true for you. Remember that your thoughts and feelings are both choices. You get to choose how to feel about your return to the workforce. Where there's a will, there's a way. Choose to be confident and stand by your decisions. If you remember these five truths, your return to work will be stellar and you're likely to be a better employee than you were when you left.

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Executive Coach, Life Coach, and #1 International Bestselling Author

Amy Chambers, former COO, spent 21 years in financial services. She’s now a success coach, leadership consultant and the author of the #1 bestselling books, 7 V.I.R.T.U.E.S. of Exceptional Leaders and 6 H.A.B.I.T.S. of Powerful People . She completed her undergrad at Notre Dame and her MBA at USC.

Want to be an Entrepreneur Leadership Network contributor? Apply now to join.

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cover letter to return to previous employer

Money blog: Morrisons admits it 'went too far' with self-checkouts - as it changes strategy

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Today's posts include Morrisons getting rid of some self-checkouts and a Money Problem on topping up your national insurance. Leave your consumer issue below - remember to include contact details.

Monday 19 August 2024 18:30, UK

  • Energy bills to rise 9% this winter - forecast
  • Morrisons admits it went too far with self-checkouts
  • Kellogg's shrinks size of Corn Flakes

Essential reads

  • Money Problem : 'Should I top up my national insurance and could it really get me £6,000 extra?'
  • Pay at every supermarket revealed - and perks staff get at each
  • Couples on how they split finances when one earns more than other

Tips and advice

  • All discounts you get as student or young person
  • Save up to half price on top attractions with this trick
  • Fines for parents taking kids out of school increasing

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Morrisons has admitted it "went a bit too far" with self-checkouts.

Chief executive Rami Baitiéh says the supermarket is "reviewing the balance between self-checkouts and manned tills".

Some will be removed.

Mr Baitiéh told The Telegraph : "Morrisons went a bit too far with the self-checkout. This had the advantage of driving some productivity. However, some shoppers dislike it, mainly when they have a full trolley."

The executive also said self checkouts had driven more shoplifting.

What have other supermarkets said about self-checkouts?

In April, the boss of Sainsbury's said customers liked self-checkouts...

That prompted us to ask readers for their thoughts - and we carried out a poll on LinkedIn which suggested the Sainsbury's boss was right...

Asda's chief financial officer Michael Gleeson said last week the technology had reached its limit - and said his firm would be putting more staff on tills.

Northern grocer Booths ditched almost all self-checkouts last year amid customer service concerns.

Over at Marks & Spencer, chairman Archie Norman last year blamed self-checkouts for a rise in "middle-class shoplifting".

But Tesco CEO Ken Murphy is an advocate: "We genuinely believe, at the end of the day, it provides a better customer experience."

The number of drivers visited by bailiffs due to unpaid traffic fines has increased substantially, according to a report.

Four million penalty charge notices (PCNs) were referred to bailiffs in England and Wales in the 2023-24 financial year, it is claimed.

This is up from 2.4 million during the previous 12 months, 1.9 million in 2019-20 and 1.3 million in 2017-18.

Read more ...

Ted Baker is the latest in a string of high-street giants to call in administrators in recent years, with shops set to disappear this week.

But how does it affect you? 

Purchases and returns

You can still buy items online and in store until they close, but you could run into trouble returning them. 

If the retailer stops trading, it may not be able to get your money back to you.

If that is the case, you would have to file a claim with Teneo (Ted Baker's administrator) to join a list of creditors owed money by Ted Baker – and even then there's no guarantee you'd get your money back.

If you have a gift card, you need to use it while you still can.

Credits and debits

You can file a claim with your debit or credit card provider to recover lost funds - but how exactly does that work?

  • Credit card:  If you bought any single item costing between £100-£30,000 and paid on a credit card, the card firm is liable if something goes wrong. If any purchase was less than £100, you may still be able to get your money back via chargeback;
  • Debit card:  Under chargeback, your bank can try to get your money back from Ted Baker's bank. However, be aware that this is not a legal requirement and it can later be disputed and recalled.

Many retailers boosted wages after living wage/minimum wage changes in spring.

Figures show German discount brands Aldi and Lidl top the list of major UK supermarkets when it comes to staff hourly pay - after Lidl introduced its third pay increase of the year in May to match its closest rival.

Meanwhile, Morrisons is at the bottom of the pack for staff pay outside London, with hourly wages starting at the National Living Wage (£11.44).

How do other companies compare when it comes to pay and benefits? We've taken a look...

Pay: £12.40 an hour outside London and £13.65 inside the M25

Aldi announced in March it was bringing in its second pay rise of the year as part of its aim to be the best-paying UK supermarket.

From 1 June, hourly pay rose from £12 an hour to £12.40 outside the M25 and £13.55 to £13.65 in London. 

Aldi is one of the only supermarkets to give staff paid breaks. It also offers perks such as discounted gym membership and cinema tickets, and financial planning tools. However, there are no cheaper meals, staff discounts or bonus schemes.

Pay:  £12.04 an hour outside London and £13.21 inside the M25

As of 1 July, hourly wages for Asda supermarket staff rose to £12.04 per hour from £11.11, with rates for London staff also going up to £13.21.

As part of the July changes, Asda brought in the option for free later-life care or mortgage advice. The company also offers a pension and a free remote GP service.

Pay:  £12 an hour outside London and £13.15 inside the M25

Co-op boosted its minimum hourly wage for customer team members from £10.90 to £12 nationally as the national living wage rose to £11.44 in April.

For staff inside the M25, rates rose from £12.25 to £13.15.

The perks are better than some. Workers can get 30% off Co-op branded products in its food stores as well as 10% off other brands. Other benefits include a cycle to work scheme, childcare vouchers and discounts on its other services.

Pay:  £11.50 an hour outside London and £12.65 inside the M25

Iceland says it pays £11.50 for staff aged 21 and over - 6p above the minimum wage. Employees in London receive £12.65 per hour.

Staff are also offered a 15% in-store discount, which was raised from 10% in 2022 to help with the cost of living.

The firm says it offers other perks such as a healthcare scheme and Christmas vouchers.

Pay:  £12.40 an hour outside London and £13.65 inside the M25

From June, Lidl matched its rival Aldi by raising its hourly wage to £12.40 for workers outside the M25 and £13.55 for those inside.

Lidl also offers its staff a 10% discount card from the first working day, as well as other perks such as dental insurance and fertility leave. 

Marks and Spencer's hourly rate for store assistants was hiked from £10.90 to £12 for staff outside London and from £12.05 to £13.15 for London workers from April.

The grocer also offers a 20% staff discount after the probation period as well as discretionary bonus schemes and a free virtual GP service.

Pay:  £11.44 an hour outside London and £12.29 inside the M25

Along with many other retailers, Morrisons increased the hourly wage for staff outside the M25 in line with the national living wage of £11.44 in April.

Employees in London receive an 85p supplement.

While it's not the most competitive for hourly pay, Morrisons offers perks including staff discounted meals, a 15% in-store discount and life assurance scheme.


Sainsbury's hourly rate for workers outside London rose to £12 from March, and £13.15 for staff inside the M25.

The company also offers a 10% discount card for staff to use at Sainsbury's, Argos and Habitat, as well as a range of benefits including season ticket loans and long service rewards.

Pay:  £12.02 an hour outside London and £13.15 inside the M25

Since April, Tesco staff have been paid £12.02 an hour nationally - up from £11.02 - while London workers get £13.15 an hour.

The supermarket giant also provides a 10% in-store discount, discounted glasses, health checks and insurance, and free 24/7 access to a virtual GP.

Staff get their pay boosted by 10% on a Sunday if they joined the company before 24 July 2022.

Pay:  £11.55 an hour outside London and £12.89 inside the M25

Waitrose store staff receive £11.55 an hour nationally, while workers inside the M25 get at least £12.89.

Staff can also get access to up to 25% off at Waitrose's partner retailer John Lewis as well as 20% in Waitrose shops. 

JLP (the John Lewis Partnership) gives staff a bonus as an annual share-out of profit determined by the firm's performance. In 2021-22 the bonus was 3% of pay; however, it has not paid the bonus for the past two years.

Dozens of Ted Baker stores will shut for the last time this week amid growing doubts over a future licensing partnership with the retail tycoon Mike Ashley.

Sky News understands that talks between Mr Ashley's Frasers Group and Authentic, Ted Baker's owner, have stalled three months after it appeared that an agreement was imminent.

Administrators are overseeing the closure of its remaining 31 UK shops.

One store source said they had been told that this Tuesday would be the final day of trading.

The housing market experienced a surge in activity following the Bank of England's recent decision to cut interest rates, according to a leading property website.

Estate agents reported a 19% jump in enquiries about properties for sale after 1 August, when compared with the same period last year, research by Rightmove found.

It came after the Bank cut rates for the first time in more than four years from 5.25% to 5%.

The lead negotiator for major train union ASLEF has denied the union sees the new government as a "soft touch" after announcing fresh strikes two days after train drivers were offered a pay deal.

Drivers working for London North Eastern Railway will walk out on weekends from the end of August in a dispute over working agreements.

Lead negotiator Nigel Roebuck said it is a separate issue from the long-running row over pay, which looks likely to be resolved after a much-improved new offer from the government.

Over 40 bottles of fake vodka have been seized from a shop in Scotland after a customer reported "smelling nail varnish".

The 35cl bottles, fraudulently labelled as the popular brand Glen's, were recovered from the shop in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire.

Officers from the council's environmental health officers and Food Standard Scotland (FSS) sent them for analysis after a customer raised the alarm by saying they smelt nail varnish from one of the bottles.

The bottles were found to be counterfeit.

Britons don't have long left to claim cost of living assistance from the Household Support Fund.

Introduced in October 2021, the scheme provides local councils with funding which can be used to support those struggling most with the rising cost of living.

The vast majority of councils operate their version of the Household Support Fund on a "first come, first serve" basis and will officially end the schemes once the funding has run out in September.

The help provided by councils has ranged from free cash payments, council tax discounts, and vouchers for supermarkets and energy providers.

Who is eligible?

Local authorities were instructed to target the funding at "vulnerable households in most need of support to help with significantly rising living costs" when it was first rolled out.

In particular, councils were guided to make priority considerations for those who: 

  • Are eligible but not claiming qualifying benefits;
  • Became eligible for benefits after the relevant qualifying dates;
  • Are receiving housing benefit only;
  • Are normally eligible for benefits but who had a nil award in the qualifying period.

If you do not meet these criteria, you can still contact your local council , with many having broadened their criteria for eligibility.

By Daniel Binns, business reporter

Weapons maker BAE Systems is the big loser on the FTSE 100 this morning, with its shares down almost 3% in early trading.

It comes following reports over the weekend that the German government is planning to scale back aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia – in what would be a blow to the arms industry.

German media said ministers are set to slash support for Kyiv to 6% of current levels by 2027 in their upcoming budget.

However, the government there has rejected the reports and has denied it is "stopping support" to Ukraine.

Whatever the truth, the reports appear to have spooked traders.

Other companies involved in the defence sector, including Rolls-Royce Plc and Chemring Group, are also down more than 2% and 1% respectively on Monday.

It comes amid a slight slump in early trading, with the FTSE 100 down just over 0.2%, although the FTSE 250 is up 0.07%.

Gainers this morning include housebuilders Barratt Developments, up 1.5%, and Redrow Plc, which is up almost 3%.

Barratt said today it intends to push ahead with a planned £2.5bn merger with its rival despite concerns from the competition regulator.

Meanwhile, the price of oil is down amid concerns of weaker demand in China.

Ongoing ceasefire talks in the Israel-Hamas conflict have also raised hopes of cooling tensions in the Middle East, which would help ease supply risks and worries.

A barrel of the benchmark Brent Crude is currently priced at just over $79 (£61).

On the currency markets, this morning £1 buys $1.29 US or €1.17.

Winter energy bills are projected to rise by 9%, according to a closely watched forecast.

The price cap from October to December will go up to £1,714 a year for the average user, Cornwall Insight says.

It would be a £146 rise from the current cap, which is controlled by energy regulator Ofgem and aims to prevent households on variable tariffs being ripped off.

The cap doesn't represent a maximum bill. Instead it creates an average bill by limiting how much you pay per unit of gas and electricity, as well as setting a maximum daily standing charge (which all households must pay to stay connected to the grid).

Ofgem will announce the October cap this Friday.

"This is not the news households want to hear when moving into the colder months," said the principal consultant at Cornwall, Dr Craig Lowrey.

"Following two consecutive falls in the cap, I'm sure many hoped we were on a steady path back to pre-crisis prices. 

"However, the lingering impact of the energy crisis has left us with a market that's still highly volatile and quick to react to any bad news on the supply front.

"Despite this, while we don't expect a return to the extreme prices of recent years, it's unlikely that bills will return to what was once considered normal. Without significant intervention, this may well be the new normal."

Cornwall Insight warned that the highly volatile energy market and unexpected global events, such as the recent escalating tensions in the Russia-Ukraine war, could see prices rise further at the start of the new year.

To avoid this vulnerability, Cornwall Insight said domestic renewable energy production should increase and Britain should wean itself off energy imports.

Kellogg's appears to have shrunk its packets of Corn Flakes. 

Two of its four different pack sizes have reduced in weight by 50g, according to The Sun. 

What used to be 720g boxes are now 670g, while 500g boxes have become 450g. 

The newspaper says the 670g boxes are being sold for £3.20 in Tesco - the same price customers were paying for the larger box back in May. 

The 450g boxes are being sold for £2.19, only slightly less than the previous price of £2.25.

Other supermarkets have similar pricing, although in Morrisons the price has gone down in proportion to the size reduction.

The 250g and 1kg pack sizes remain unchanged. 

Kellogg's has said it is up to shops to choose what they charge, but Tesco said the manufacturer should comment on pricing. 

Sky News has contacted Kellogg's for comment.

A spokesperson is quoted by The Sun: "Kellogg's Corn Flakes are available in four different box sizes to suit different shopper preferences and needs. 

"As the cost of ingredients and production processes increase, it costs us more to make our products than it used to.

"This can impact the recommended retail price. It's the grocer's absolute discretion and decision what price to charge shoppers."

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cover letter to return to previous employer


  1. Get professional sample letter of reapplication to previous company

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  2. Cover Letter For Returning To A Previous Employer

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  3. Returning To Work Cover Letter Examples

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  4. Sample Cover Letter To Previous Employer

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  5. Letter of Intent to Return to Work

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  6. Career break cover letter template in Word and Pdf formats

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  1. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

    Verify Previous Employment. Call the human resources department for the name of the senior recruiter, HR manager or the hiring manager for the job for which you're applying. Also, confirm that you have rehire eligibility. Verify your dates of employment. You don't necessarily need to include the precise dates in your cover letter; however, you ...

  2. Cover Letter for Returning to Previous Employer: Free Template and Tips

    In your cover letter for returning to a previous employer, you should include your reasons for leaving the company, your reasons for wanting to come back, and any updates on your professional experience and achievements since you left the company. You should also express your enthusiasm for rejoining the company. 4.

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter to Reapply for a Job at a Company ...

    When communicating with your previous employer in your cover letter, stress the value of your knowledge of the company, your existing in-house networks and highlight any new skills you bring to the table. ... Good Answer to the Question "Why Would You Want to Return to a Former Job?" How To Write A Letter Requesting A Job Back. Examples of ...

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter for Returning to the Workforce

    Here is a list of seven steps to writing a cover letter when returning to the workforce: 1. Identify who you are. List your full name, address, phone number, email address and any other contact information you deem appropriate. Remember you're tailoring the cover letter to the job you're applying for, so if the employer is very active on social ...

  5. How to Write a Career Change Cover Letter (With Samples!)

    5 steps to a persuasive career change cover letter. Here's your step-by-step guide to writing a career change cover letter that'll tell your unique story and help a hiring manager envision how you would benefit their organization. 1. Start strong with a unique opener. Get the reader's attention right away by putting the opening line of ...

  6. How to write a "Back to Work" cover letter

    Keep mention of your career break short, simple and factual (e.g. "Following a 5-year parental career break…" is sufficient) and emphasise that you are now motivated and enthusiastic to return to work in the relevant field. Briefly mention anything you've done during your career break that is relevant to the role (such as further study ...

  7. Return to Work Cover Letter Template and Sample

    Before you submit your cover letter, be sure to review and tailor it to better reflect your unique experiences and the job requirements. Return to Work Cover Letter Example. Jane Doe 123 Maple Street Springfield, IL 62704 [email protected] June 24, 2024. John Smith Hiring Manager Fashion Forward Retail 456 Trendy Avenue Springfield, IL 62705 ...

  8. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

    Create a heading for the cover letter consisting of your name, address, phone number and email address. Drop down four lines, then type the date on the left side. Leave two more lines and enter your employer's name, company and address. Begin your letter with "Dear Mr. Jones," using the employer's real name.

  9. Professional Returning to Workforce Cover Letter Examples for ...

    Your returning to workforce cover letter must showcase your eagerness to re-enter your field. Demonstrate updated skills relevant to the job you're applying for. Address the gap in your employment without hesitation. Highlight the positive aspects, such as new perspectives or experiences gained during your time away.

  10. Professional Returning to Work Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Your returning to work cover letter should immediately highlight your eagerness to rejoin the workforce. Demonstrate how your time away has reinforced your commitment to your career. In the second paragraph, focus on the skills you've maintained or gained during your break.

  11. Asking for Your Old Job Back Sample Letter: Free & Effective

    Address your letter to your former manager or the HR department, depending on your company's structure. Use a formal greeting like "Dear [Manager's Name],". Step 3: Express Your Intentions. In the opening paragraph, clearly state that you are interested in returning to the company. Mention your previous role and the positive experiences ...

  12. How To Professionally Ask for Your Job Back

    When you ask for your job back, you can initially reach out to your supervisor via email, phone call or a written letter. Here's an example of how to ask for your job back and request a meeting to discuss the opportunity further: Dear Mr. Daniels, I hope you and the rest of the team have been doing well. From what I've viewed on social media, I ...

  13. How To Write a Cover Letter to an Employer (With Template)

    Follow these steps to write an effective cover letter to an employer: 1. Review the job description. Reference the job description and review the duties and tasks sections to see what qualifications you have that best align with this position. Then, make a two-column list. On one side, write the job duty from the job description, and in the ...

  14. Sample Letter Asking for Your Old Job Back

    In your rehire request letter, be concise, highlight your past achievements and new skills, and remind your employer of your previous role and dedication. Whether sending a printed letter or an email, follow proper business letter format, proofread thoroughly, and express flexibility for other positions if your old job is already filled.

  15. How to Write a Reapplication Letter in 6 Steps (With Tips)

    How to write a convincing reapplication letter in 6 steps. The following are six easy steps for writing a cover letter to reapply for a position: 1. Determine why you want to reapply. If you worked for the company previously and quit, it's often helpful to ask yourself why you left.

  16. Sample cover letter for returning to previous employer

    I can be reached on the contact details provided in this letter. Thanking you for your time, Regards, (Signature) Your name. Points to remember: · Before writing a cover letter to the company you previously worked for, make sure you really want to go back to the company. Keep in mind the benefits and disadvantages of joining as a fresh employee.

  17. How to Write an Email to a Previous Employer for Rejoining

    Dear [HR Manager], My name is [Your Name] and I was hoping to return to [Company] as [Old Role] and would like to pursue it starting from [Start Date]. I was [Old Role] for the period starting from [ Previous Tenure Start Date] to [Previous Tenure End Date]. Since my departure from [Company], I have built several skills like [List Skills] which ...

  18. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

    Step 1. Address the letter to the manager with whom you will be working, or the person mentioned in the job application as the person dealing with the hiring for this position. Avoid using any personal nicknames or pet names; even if you know the person well, you don't know whether other people will be reading the cover letter and may be put ...

  19. How to Ask For Your Old Job Back Using Email (2024 Sample)

    Here are the steps you can take to create a professional email to ask about your previous position: 1. Create a subject line. The subject line provides the recipient with an idea of the email's content. When creating your subject line, consider including your full name and state your purpose for the email.

  20. How To Ask for Your Old Job Back via Email (With Sample)

    Here are eight steps you can take to ask for your old job back via email: 1. Address your former employer. To start your email, address your former employer by adding a greeting. You can write "Dear Mr./Ms." and their last name, or write their first name if you were close.

  21. Email To Previous Employer For Rejoining: How To Draft It Right!

    Subject Line: Start with a clear and engaging subject line. Example: "Exploring Opportunities to Rejoin [Company Name] Team". Greeting: Address the recipient by name. A personal touch goes a long way. Introduction: Reintroduce yourself and briefly mention your previous role in the company. Expression of Interest: Clearly state your ...

  22. Sample Cover Letter for a Previous Employer

    September 6, 2007. Mr. Steve Probation. Chief Probation Officer. Dauphin County Juvenile Office. 100 Chestnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa 17101. Dear Mr. Probation: I am writing to apply for a Juvenile Probation officer position in your office. My internship with your office in the summer of 2004 prompts my interest.

  23. Cover Letter to Previous Employer

    Cover Letter to Previous Employer. I am writing to you with regards to the job posting on your website for a Lead Classroom Teacher. As a recent graduate from the University of Oregon's Early Childhood Education Master's Program, I believe that I would make a great addition to your staff. I am also a former employee of XYZ Daycare, and I am ...

  24. How To End a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    While starting a cover letter correctly can grab the hiring manager's attention, your cover letter closing is where you reinforce your strongest selling points as a candidate. To accomplish this, when closing your cover letter, ensure you include the following three sections: To accomplish this, when closing your cover letter, ensure you include the following three sections:

  25. Letters of Recommendation for an Employee

    A letter of recommendation is a formal document intended to highlight a former employee's work performance, valuable skills, and attributes to a potential future employer. Such letters, also known as reference letters, can be highly influential for an applicant, potentially helping them secure a desired position.

  26. How to Make a Strong Return to the Workforce After a Long Break

    Amy Chambers, former COO, spent 21 years in financial services. She's now a success coach, leadership consultant and the author of the #1 bestselling books, 7 V.I.R.T.U.E.S. of Exceptional ...

  27. Money blog: 'Should I top up my national insurance and could it really

    It would cost £907.40 to cover all NI contributions from the 2023-24 tax year - each year is different but this is a good guide. Going back to your question, if you went on to enjoy 20 years of ...