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Assignment of Benefits: What You Need to Know

  • August 17, 2022
  • Steven Schwartzapfel

Insurance can be useful, but dealing with the back-and-forth between insurance companies and contractors, medical specialists, and others can be a time-consuming and ultimately unpleasant experience. You want your medical bills to be paid without having to act as a middleman between your healthcare provider and your insurer.

However, there’s a way you can streamline this process. With an assignment of benefits, you can designate your healthcare provider or any other insurance payout recipient as the go-to party for insurance claims. While this can be convenient, there are certain risks to keep in mind as well.

Below, we’ll explore what an assignment of insurance benefits is (as well as other forms of remediation), how it works, and when you should employ it. For more information, or to learn whether you may have a claim against an insurer, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers now at 1-516-342-2200 .

What Is an Assignment of Benefits?

An assignment of benefits (AOB) is a legal process through which an insured individual or party signs paperwork that designates another party like a contractor, company, or healthcare provider as their insurance claimant .

Suppose you’re injured in a car accident and need to file a claim with your health insurance company for medical bills and related costs. However, you also need plenty of time to recover. The thought of constantly negotiating between your insurance company, your healthcare provider, and anyone else seems draining and unwelcome.

With an assignment of benefits, you can designate your healthcare provider as your insurance claimant. Then, your healthcare provider can request insurance payouts from your healthcare insurance provider directly.

Through this system, the health insurance provider directly pays your physician or hospital rather than paying you. This means you don’t have to pay your healthcare provider. It’s a streamlined, straightforward way to make sure insurance money gets where it needs to go. It also saves you time and prevents you from having to think about insurance payments unless absolutely necessary.

What Does an Assignment of Benefits Mean?

An AOB means that you designate another party as your insurance claimant. In the above example, that’s your healthcare provider, which could be a physician, hospital, or other organization.

With the assignment of insurance coverage, that healthcare provider can then make a claim for insurance payments directly to your insurance company. The insurance company then pays your healthcare provider directly, and you’re removed as the middleman.

As a bonus, this system sometimes cuts down on your overall costs by eliminating certain service fees. Since there’s only one transaction — the transaction between your healthcare provider and your health insurer — there’s only one set of service fees to contend with. You don’t have to deal with two sets of service fees from first receiving money from your insurance provider, then sending that money to your healthcare provider.

Ultimately, the point of an assignment of benefits is to make things easier for you, your insurer, and anyone else involved in the process.

What Types of Insurance Qualify for an Assignment of Benefits?

Most types of commonly held insurance can work with an assignment of benefits. These insurance types include car insurance, healthcare insurance, homeowners insurance, property insurance, and more.

Note that not all insurance companies allow you to use an assignment of benefits. For an assignment of benefits to work, the potential insurance claimant and the insurance company in question must each sign the paperwork and agree to the arrangement. This prevents fraud (to some extent) and ensures that every party goes into the arrangement with clear expectations.

If your insurance company does not accept assignments of benefits, you’ll have to take care of insurance payments the traditional way. There are many reasons why an insurance company may not accept an assignment of benefits.

To speak with a Schwartzapfel Lawyers expert about this directly, call 1-516-342-2200 for a free consultation today. It will be our privilege to assist you with all your legal questions, needs, and recovery efforts.

Who Uses Assignments of Benefits?

Many providers, services, and contractors use assignments of benefits. It’s often in their interests to accept an assignment of benefits since they can get paid for their work more quickly and make critical decisions without having to consult the insurance policyholder first.

Imagine a circumstance in which a homeowner wants a contractor to add a new room to their property. The contractor knows that the scale of the project could increase or shrink depending on the specifics of the job, the weather, and other factors.

If the homeowner uses an assignment of benefits to give the contractor rights to make insurance claims for the project, that contractor can then:

  • Bill the insurer directly for their work. This is beneficial since it ensures that the contractor’s employees get paid promptly and they can purchase the supplies they need.
  • Make important decisions to ensure that the project completes on time. For example, a contract can authorize another insurance claim for extra supplies without consulting with the homeowner beforehand, saving time and potentially money in the process.

Practically any company or organization that receives payments from insurance companies may choose to take advantage of an assignment of benefits with you. Example companies and providers include:

  • Ambulance services
  • Drug and biological companies
  • Lab diagnostic services
  • Hospitals and medical centers like clinics
  • Certified medical professionals such as nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, clinical psychologists, and others
  • Ambulatory surgical center services
  • Permanent repair and improvement contractors like carpenters, plumbers, roofers, restoration companies, and others
  • Auto repair shops and mechanic organizations

Advantages of Using an Assignment of Benefits

An assignment of benefits can be an advantageous contract to employ, especially if you believe that you’ll need to pay a contractor, healthcare provider, and/or other organization via insurance payouts regularly for the near future.

These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Save time for yourself. Again, imagine a circumstance in which you are hospitalized and have to pay your healthcare provider through your health insurance payouts. If you use an assignment of benefits, you don’t have to make the payments personally or oversee the insurance payouts. Instead, you can focus on resting and recovering.
  • Possibly save yourself money in the long run. As noted above, an assignment of benefits can help you circumvent some service fees by limiting the number of transactions or money transfers required to ensure everyone is paid on time.
  • Increased peace of mind. Many people don’t like having to constantly think about insurance payouts, contacting their insurance company, or negotiating between insurers and contractors/providers. With an assignment of benefits, you can let your insurance company and a contractor or provider work things out between them, though this can lead to applications later down the road.

Because of these benefits, many recovering individuals, car accident victims, homeowners, and others utilize AOB agreements from time to time.

Risks of Using an Assignment of Benefits

Worth mentioning, too, is that an assignment of benefits does carry certain risks you should be aware of before presenting this contract to your insurance company or a contractor or provider. Remember, an assignment of benefits is a legally binding contract unless it is otherwise dissolved (which is technically possible).

The risks of using an assignment of benefits include:

  • You give billing control to your healthcare provider, contractor, or another party. This allows them to bill your insurance company for charges that you might not find necessary. For example, a home improvement contractor might bill a homeowner’s insurance company for an unnecessary material or improvement. The homeowner only finds out after the fact and after all the money has been paid, resulting in a higher premium for their insurance policy or more fees than they expected.
  • You allow a contractor or service provider to sue your insurance company if the insurer does not want to pay for a certain service or bill. This can happen if the insurance company and contractor or service provider disagree on one or another billable item. Then, you may be dragged into litigation or arbitration you did not agree to in the first place.
  • You may lose track of what your insurance company pays for various services . As such, you could be surprised if your health insurance or other insurance premiums and deductibles increase suddenly.

Given these disadvantages, it’s still wise to keep track of insurance payments even if you choose to use an assignment of benefits. For example, you might request that your insurance company keep you up to date on all billable items a contractor or service provider charges for the duration of your treatment or project.

For more on this and related topic, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers now at 1-516-342-2200 .

How To Make Sure an Assignment of Benefits Is Safe

Even though AOBs do carry potential disadvantages, there are ways to make sure that your chosen contract is safe and legally airtight. First, it’s generally a wise idea to contact knowledgeable legal representatives so they can look over your paperwork and ensure that any given assignment of benefits doesn’t contain any loopholes that could be exploited by a service provider or contractor.

The right lawyer can also make sure that an assignment of benefits is legally binding for your insurance provider. To make sure an assignment of benefits is safe, you should perform the following steps:

  • Always check for reviews and references before hiring a contractor or service provider, especially if you plan to use an AOB ahead of time. For example, you should stay away if a contractor has a reputation for abusing insurance claims.
  • Always get several estimates for work, repairs, or bills. Then, you can compare the estimated bills and see whether one contractor or service provider is likely to be honest about their charges.
  • Get all estimates, payment schedules, and project schedules in writing so you can refer back to them later on.
  • Don’t let a service provider or contractor pressure you into hiring them for any reason . If they seem overly excited about getting started, they could be trying to rush things along or get you to sign an AOB so that they can start issuing charges to your insurance company.
  • Read your assignment of benefits contract fully. Make sure that there aren’t any legal loopholes that a contractor or service provider can take advantage of. An experienced lawyer can help you draft and sign a beneficial AOB contract.

Can You Sue a Party for Abusing an Assignment of Benefits?

Sometimes. If you believe your assignment of benefits is being abused by a contractor or service provider, you may be able to sue them for breaching your contract or even AOB fraud. However, successfully suing for insurance fraud of any kind is often difficult.

Also, you should remember that a contractor or service provider can sue your insurance company if the insurance carrier decides not to pay them. For example, if your insurer decides that a service provider is engaging in billing scams and no longer wishes to make payouts, this could put you in legal hot water.

If you’re not sure whether you have grounds for a lawsuit, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers today at 1-516-342-2200 . At no charge, we’ll examine the details of your case and provide you with a consultation. Don’t wait. Call now!

Assignment of Benefits FAQs

Which states allow assignments of benefits.

Every state allows you to offer an assignment of benefits to a contractor and/or insurance company. That means, whether you live in New York, Florida, Arizona, California, or some other state, you can rest assured that AOBs are viable tools to streamline the insurance payout process.

Can You Revoke an Assignment of Benefits?

Yes. There may come a time when you need to revoke an assignment of benefits. This may be because you no longer want the provider or contractor to have control over your insurance claims, or because you want to switch providers/contractors.

To revoke an assignment of benefits agreement, you must notify the assignee (i.e., the new insurance claimant). A legally solid assignment of benefits contract should also include terms and rules for this decision. Once more, it’s usually a wise idea to have an experienced lawyer look over an assignment of benefits contract to make sure you don’t miss these by accident.

Contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers Today

An assignment of benefits is an invaluable tool when you need to streamline the insurance claims process. For example, you can designate your healthcare provider as your primary claimant with an assignment of benefits, allowing them to charge your insurance company directly for healthcare costs.

However, there are also risks associated with an assignment of benefits. If you believe a contractor or healthcare provider is charging your insurance company unfairly, you may need legal representatives. Schwartzapfel Lawyers can help.

As knowledgeable New York attorneys who are well-versed in New York insurance law, we’re ready to assist with any and all litigation needs. For a free case evaluation and consultation, contact Schwartzapfel Lawyers today at 1-516-342-2200 !

Schwartzapfel Lawyers, P.C. | Fighting For You™™

What Is an Insurance Claim? | Experian

What is assignment of benefits, and how does it impact insurers? | Insurance Business Mag

Florida Insurance Ruling Sets Precedent for Assignment of Benefits | Law.com

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Understanding Life Insurance Assignments: Your Complete Guide

life insurance assignment

A life insurance assignment allows you to transfer the rights of your policy, either temporarily or permanently.

Learn how collateral and absolute assignments can be used for loan collateral, estate planning, and other financial purposes.

Medicaid Planning

What is a collateral assignment.

Collateral assignments are used to secure a lender’s financial interest in your policy in exchange for lending you money.

If you die, the collateral assignment allows the lender to collect your policy’s death benefit up to the amount of the outstanding loan balance.

How Do Collateral Assignments Work?

A typical scenario involves taking out a business loan .

The lender may require a life insurance policy as collateral.

The type of life insurance policy used, whether a term, whole life, or universal life doesn’t matter.

The insurance policy will pay off the balance if you die while the loan is outstanding.

One of the most common uses for collateral assignments is with SBA loans , especially if you do not have other assets to post as collateral.

The collateral assignment applies to the entire policy, including any life insurance rider benefits that may be included.

The Collateral Assignment Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The process is similar whether you are adding the assignment to an existing policy or buying new coverage.

There are two parties to a collateral assignment.

  • Assignor – Is the owner of the life insurance policy
  • Assignee – Is the lender

Life insurance companies have standardized forms used for this purpose.

  • The owner completes the form and sends it to the lender for review and signature.
  • Once completed by the lender, the form is sent to the insurance company.
  • The insurance company records the assignment and confirms to the owner and lender that it is complete.

This may all seem confusing if you haven’t used an assignment before, but the reality is that most life insurers make it pretty easy to complete.

Releasing a Collateral Assignment

When you pay off your loan, you have the right to have the collateral assignment released.

It’s a simple process :

  • The policy owner completes the form and sends it to the lender.
  • The lender signs off on the release. Many companies require a notary as a witness. The lender may return the form to the owner or the insurance company.
  • Once completed and returned to the insurance company, the release is recorded, and all parties are notified.

Companies typically complete this process in about a week, and it’s a good idea to confirm everything with the home office to avoid potential issues.

Your agent can help with this.

What Happens to a Collateral Assignment if You Die?

How do collateral assignments work when you die?

Your beneficiary will file a death claim with the life insurer at some point.

Collateral Assignment Tip # 1

If your beneficiary is a loved one, it’s a good idea to let them know that your policy has a collateral assignment so they are not surprised when they file the claim.

Here’s an example of how a death claim with a collateral assignment works:

  • Policy Face Amount = $5,000,000
  • Beneficiary = Your Spouse
  • Original Bank Loan = $200,000
  • Outstanding Loan Balance at Death = $100,000

What happens next?

  • Your beneficiary will file the death claim with the life insurance company.
  • The life insurance company will review the claim and see a collateral assignment attached to your policy.
  • The life insurer contacts the lender for an updated payoff figure.
  • Payoff amounts are sent directly to the lender.
  • Your beneficiary receives the balance of the policy death benefit .

For the above example, your lender would receive $100,000, and your beneficiary would receive the remaining $4,900,000.

Collateral Assignment Tip # 2

NEVER name your lender directly as a beneficiary. If you do, the lender will receive the entire death benefit, and your intended beneficiary will have to go through the lender to receive their share.

Collateral Assignments and Health Issues

While lenders may want a life insurance policy as collateral, obtaining life insurance can sometimes be difficult if the insured has substantial health issues .

If you have an existing life insurance policy in effect, you can use that for the assignment.

Another option that exists in some states is contingent coverage.

Contingent coverage is a one-year policy that you can renew.

The policy will exclude death from the known health issue but provide coverage for new health issues that develop or from accidental deaths .

Many lenders accept this coverage when it’s the only option available. And we’ve also seen lenders waive the collateral assignment requirement at times.

What is an Absolute Assignment?

An absolute assignment is a change of ownership of the policy.

When you want to permanently relinquish your rights to the life insurance policy, an absolute assignment is used.

Examples where absolute assignments are used include:

Life Insurance Settlements

1035 exchange, gifting life insurance to charities, irrevocable life insurance trusts (ilit), business insurance planning.

With this transaction, you are selling your life insurance policy to a third party.

If it is a term policy, you would convert a term policy to permanent insurance before it is sold. In some cases, a company will buy the term policy.

Another example may involve admitting seniors to a nursing home, where the nursing home may take over the policy you have.

A 1035 exchange is a tax-free transfer of cash value from universal life or whole life policy to another similar policy.

You can use absolute assignments to transfer your policy to your favorite charity.

You use absolute assignments to transfer your policy to an ILIT permanently.

An example would be a survivorship policy you and your spouse own that you are transferring to the trust.

Many other potential issues may arise with transfers to an ILIT that are beyond the scope of this article.

If you purchase key person life insurance on an employee, absolute assignments transfer ownership to the employee.

Many times, this happens if the employee leaves the company or retires.

You may have a policy permanently assigned to a nursing home or assisted living facility to help with long-term care expenses.

How Do Absolute Assignments Work?

Life insurance companies have forms used for Absolute Assignments.

Absolute assignment forms require:

  • Current owner name, address, and tax ID information.
  • New owner name, address, and tax ID information.
  • Relationship to the proposed insured.
  • Spousal consent in some states and situations.

The completed forms are submitted to the insurance company, recorded, and confirmations are sent to all parties.

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Insurance Assignments

You may have questions about your life insurance assignment and how it works.

The following are general guidelines, as each situation is uniquely different.

Can the collateral assignment change the beneficiary?

No, the collateral assignment does not change the beneficiary.

The life insurance assignment gives the lender the right to receive proceeds equal to their outstanding loan balance.

Can a business be a beneficiary in a collateral assignment of life insurance?

A business can be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that is collaterally assigned.

Final Words

Life insurance assignments are common for absolute and collateral assignments.

What is most important is that you understand what is involved with this process.

That’s where we’ll help you make the best decision for your life insurance.

There is never any pressure or obligation with our life insurance service.

Please take a few minutes to submit your quote request today. Thank you.

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Assignment of benefits

Assignment of benefits is an agreement that gives your claims benefits to someone else.

What is an assignment of benefits?

An assignment of benefits (or AOB for short) is an agreement that gives your claims benefits, and in some instances complete control of your claim, to someone else. It’s usually used so that a contractor can "stand in your shoes" and file a claim, make decisions about repairs, and collect insurance payments from your insurance company directly for covered repairs. In some states, the contractor will even file a lawsuit against your insurer as your assignee.

Why do homeowners agree to an assignment of benefits?

Homeowners may sign an assignment of benefits form because they think it’s more convenient and efficient than dealing with the claims process firsthand.

Once a contractor has been assigned your benefits, they tell the insurance company what work they believe is required and negotiate the claim. For example, say you have a water leak in the house. You call a home restoration company to stop the water flow, clean up the mess, and restore your home to its former glory. The restoration company may ask for an assignment of benefits so it can deal directly with the insurance company without your input. That may sound like a relief at first glance – someone else can deal with all that!

But signing away your rights in the claims process may not be worth the risk.

Assignment of benefits in Florida: a case of rampant fraud

Because the assignment of benefits takes control out of the homeowner’s hands, insurance fraud is a major concern. Some contractors may take advantage of the situation and inflate repair needs and costs or bill for work that was never completed. They may also hire attorneys to sue the insurance company if it does not pay the full amount of their estimate or denies claims.

These lawsuits became a huge problem in Florida – by 2018, there were 135,000 AOB lawsuits , a 70 percent increase in 15 years. On the whole, the FBI estimates fraudulent claims account for nearly $6 billion of the $80 billion appropriated for post-hurricane reconstruction.

Florida eventually passed a bill in 2019 to curb the abuse of the assignment of benefits.

Ultimately, AOB fraud hurts homeowners the most. It increases homeowners insurance rates across the board, and you may be stuck with incomplete work and no recourse.

What responsibilities does the AOB contractor have?

Once you sign an AOB, a contractor has full power to make all decisions about the claim without consulting you. The assignment of benefits gives contractors the ability to:

  • File the insurance claim .
  • Work directly with insurance claims adjusters.
  • Make repair decisions.
  • Complete repairs.
  • Directly bill the insurance carrier for all work completed.
  • Sue your insurance company regarding your claim.

Sometimes the assignment of benefits limits the scope of the work the contractor was hired for. For example, say your home has a leaky pipe. You may hire a plumber to fix the leak, a remediation company to dry the walls and carpet, and a general contractor to replace the bathroom cabinets. Each of the three contractors may have a respective assignment of benefits for their part of the job.

How assignment of benefits impact homeowners

Under some circumstances, an assignment of benefits agreement could work out for homeowners who don’t want to handle their insurance claim. If the contractor is reputable, performs the work, and knows what information the insurance company needs, it can be a big help.

For example:

  • The claims adjuster will work directly with the contractor.
  • The contractor would handle remediation and repairs.
  • The contractor would bill the insurance company, not the homeowner.

AOB arrangements only work for covered damage in need of repair. If you must replace belongings or appliances, you’d still need to work directly with your insurer and payments would go to you.

Protecting yourself in an assignment of benefits agreement

Don’t sign an assignment of benefits agreement right off the bat. Before you hire any contractor:

  • Get multiple quotes.
  • Check references, licenses, and their insurance.
  • Get written estimates for potential work.
  • Get a guarantee to back the workmanship.
  • Make sure you get to approve the completed work.
  • Request copies of all paperwork sent to your insurance company.
  • Require that the contractor show you the documents you are actually signing.

You might be tempted to hire the first contractor you find, but you save yourself headaches if you do some due diligence before signing an assignment of benefits. Great contractors use this to expedite repairs and spare you some work. Take a beat to find that great contractor.

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Home > Finance > How Is A Collateral Assignment Used In A Life Insurance Contract?

How Is A Collateral Assignment Used In A Life Insurance Contract?

How Is A Collateral Assignment Used In A Life Insurance Contract?

Published: October 14, 2023

Discover how collateral assignments are utilized in life insurance contracts, providing financial security and peace of mind. Learn about the benefits and considerations involved in this strategic financial tool.

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Table of Contents

Introduction, what is a collateral assignment, understanding life insurance contracts, how a collateral assignment works, benefits and uses of collateral assignments, risks and considerations, limitations and restrictions, how to set up a collateral assignment.

When it comes to financial matters, having a solid understanding of various concepts and strategies is crucial. One such concept is a collateral assignment, which plays a significant role in the world of life insurance contracts. Understanding how a collateral assignment works can provide you with valuable insights into how to manage and leverage your life insurance policy to meet your financial needs.

A collateral assignment involves using your life insurance policy as collateral for a loan or other financial transaction. It allows you to borrow against the cash value of your policy without surrendering the policy itself. This strategy can be particularly useful if you need access to funds for a specific purpose, such as starting a business, financing education expenses, or facing unexpected medical bills.

In order to grasp the significance of collateral assignments, it’s important to have a solid understanding of life insurance contracts. Life insurance is a contractual agreement between a policyholder and an insurance company. The policyholder pays regular premium payments, and in return, the insurance company provides a death benefit to the policy’s beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death. Additionally, certain types of life insurance policies, such as whole life or universal life insurance, accumulate a cash value over time.

The cash value in a life insurance policy can be used in various ways. One option is to surrender the policy and receive the accumulated cash value. However, this may result in the termination of the policy and the loss of its associated benefits. Another option is to take a policy loan against the cash value. This allows the policyholder to access funds while keeping the policy intact.

This is where a collateral assignment becomes relevant. Instead of taking a policy loan, a policyholder can use a collateral assignment to borrow money from a lender by assigning a portion of the life insurance policy’s death benefit as collateral. In this arrangement, the lender becomes the assignee of the policy and is entitled to receive a portion of the death benefit if the policyholder passes away before the loan is repaid. This arrangement provides security to the lender and allows the policyholder to access funds without surrendering the policy.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into how a collateral assignment works, its benefits and uses, as well as the considerations, limitations, and steps involved in setting it up.

A collateral assignment is a legal agreement that allows a policyholder to assign a portion of the death benefit from a life insurance policy as collateral for a loan or other financial obligation. It serves as a way to secure the loan by providing the lender with a potential source of repayment in the event of the policyholder’s death. This arrangement allows the policyholder to access funds without surrendering the policy or disrupting its financial benefits.

With a collateral assignment, the policyholder remains the owner of the life insurance policy and retains control over other aspects of the policy, such as changing beneficiaries or making withdrawals from the cash value. The assigned portion of the death benefit serves as collateral for the loan or debt, and if the policyholder passes away before the loan is repaid, the lender has the right to receive the assigned portion of the death benefit to satisfy the outstanding debt.

It’s important to note that a collateral assignment does not transfer ownership of the policy to the lender. Instead, it grants the lender a limited interest in the policy specifically for the purpose of securing the loan. Once the loan is repaid, the collateral assignment is released, and the policy returns to the full control of the policyholder.

A collateral assignment can be used for various financial purposes, including personal loans, business financing, or even as a form of security for a surety bond. The flexibility of this arrangement allows policyholders to leverage the accumulated cash value and death benefit of their life insurance policy to meet their financial needs without sacrificing the long-term benefits of the policy.

It’s worth noting that the availability and terms of collateral assignment can vary depending on the insurance company and the specific policy. Some policies may have limitations on the amount that can be assigned or require approval from the insurance company before the assignment can be made. It’s important to review the policy terms and consult with the insurance provider or a financial advisor to understand the specific guidelines and implications of a collateral assignment.

In the next section, we will explore how a collateral assignment works within the context of a life insurance contract.

Before delving deeper into how a collateral assignment works, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of life insurance contracts. A life insurance contract is a legal agreement between a policyholder and an insurance company, wherein the policyholder pays regular premium payments in exchange for financial protection for their loved ones in the event of their death.

Life insurance contracts come in various forms, but the two main types are term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder passes away during the term, the insurance company pays out a death benefit to the beneficiaries named in the policy. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, provides lifelong coverage and includes a cash value component that accumulates over time.

The cash value in a permanent life insurance policy, such as whole life or universal life insurance, grows gradually over the years through premium payments and potential investment gains. This cash value can be accessed by the policyholder through withdrawals or policy loans, providing a source of liquidity that can be utilized for various financial needs.

One of the key advantages of permanent life insurance policies is their ability to accumulate cash value on a tax-deferred basis. This means that any growth in the cash value is not subject to immediate taxation, allowing the policyholder to potentially build a substantial cash reserve over time.

Furthermore, permanent life insurance policies often provide additional benefits such as the ability to participate in the insurance company’s profits through dividends, the option to increase or decrease the death benefit, and even the flexibility to adjust premium payments.

Given the unique features and advantages offered by permanent life insurance policies, they are often the type of policy chosen for a collateral assignment. The combination of death benefit protection and cash value growth make permanent life insurance policies an ideal asset to use as collateral for loans or other financial obligations.

Now that we have a basic understanding of life insurance contracts and their various components, let’s explore how a collateral assignment works in conjunction with a life insurance policy in the next section.

Now that we understand the basics of life insurance contracts, let’s dive into how a collateral assignment works within the context of these policies. A collateral assignment involves assigning a portion of the death benefit from a life insurance policy as collateral for a loan or other financial obligation.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how a collateral assignment typically works:

  • The policyholder identifies a need for funds and seeks a loan or financing.
  • The policyholder and the lender determine the amount of the loan and agree on the terms and conditions.
  • A collateral assignment agreement is drafted, which outlines the terms of the assignment, including the assigned portion of the death benefit, the loan amount, and the repayment terms.
  • The collateral assignment agreement is signed by the policyholder, the lender, and the insurance company, acknowledging the assignment and providing consent for the assignee to receive a portion of the death benefit in the event of the policyholder’s death.
  • Upon the policyholder’s passing, the lender files a claim with the insurance company, providing necessary documentation to establish the validity of the claim.
  • The insurance company verifies the claim and disburses the assigned portion of the death benefit to the lender to satisfy the outstanding debt.
  • If there are remaining funds from the death benefit after repaying the loan, they are distributed to the designated beneficiaries of the policy.

It’s important to note that the policyholder remains the owner of the life insurance policy and retains control over other aspects of the policy, such as changing beneficiaries or making withdrawals from the cash value. The assigned portion of the death benefit is solely used as collateral for the loan, and the lender only has a claim to that specific portion.

It’s crucial for both the policyholder and the lender to understand the terms and conditions of the collateral assignment, including any limitations or restrictions set by the insurance company. Some common restrictions may include a maximum assignment amount, a requirement to maintain the policy in-force, or a provision for the policyholder to replace the collateral assignment with another form of security if requested by the insurance company.

By using a collateral assignment, the policyholder can access funds while keeping the life insurance policy intact. This can be particularly advantageous in situations where surrendering the policy would result in the loss of the accumulated cash value and other benefits.

In the next section, we will explore the various benefits and uses of collateral assignments within the realm of financial planning.

Collateral assignments offer several benefits and serve various uses within the realm of financial planning. Let’s explore some of the key advantages and common uses of collateral assignments:

1. Access to Funds

One of the primary benefits of a collateral assignment is the ability to access funds without surrendering the life insurance policy. By using the death benefit as collateral, the policyholder can secure a loan or obtain financing for personal or business purposes. This allows individuals to meet immediate financial needs without disrupting their long-term insurance coverage.

2. Retention of Policy Benefits

Unlike policy loans, which require repayment with interest, collateral assignments allow policyholders to retain the full benefits of their life insurance policies. These benefits can include the death benefit for beneficiaries, potential cash value growth, and the ability to participate in policy dividends. By using a collateral assignment, policyholders do not have to forfeit these valuable features.

3. Lower Interest Rates

When compared to other types of loans, collateral assignments often offer lower interest rates. This is because the loan is backed by the assigned portion of the life insurance policy’s death benefit, providing additional security for the lender. Lower interest rates can result in significant cost savings for the policyholder over the life of the loan.

4. Flexible Repayment Terms

Collateral assignments provide flexibility in terms of loan repayment. Policyholders and lenders can negotiate repayment terms that align with the borrower’s financial capacity, allowing for customized repayment schedules. This flexibility can help borrowers manage their cash flow effectively and repay the loan on terms that suit their specific needs.

5. Diverse Financial Uses

Collateral assignments can be used for a wide range of financial purposes. Common uses include funding education expenses, starting or expanding a business, purchasing or renovating a property, financing a major purchase, or covering unexpected medical expenses. The versatility of collateral assignments allows policyholders to leverage their life insurance policies to meet various financial goals.

6. Potential Tax Advantages

Collateral assignments may offer potential tax advantages depending on the specific circumstances. For example, if the loan proceeds are used for investment purposes or to generate income, the interest paid on the loan may be tax-deductible. It’s crucial to consult with a tax advisor or financial expert to understand the tax implications of a collateral assignment in your specific situation.

By leveraging the benefits and uses of collateral assignments, policyholders can maximize the value of their life insurance policies and utilize them as a valuable financial asset. However, it’s essential to consider the potential risks and limitations associated with collateral assignments, which we will explore in the next section.

While collateral assignments offer several advantages, it’s important to fully understand the potential risks and considerations before entering into such an arrangement. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Impact on Death Benefit

Assigning a portion of the death benefit as collateral can reduce the overall amount payable to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death. It’s crucial to assess the impact of this reduction on the intended financial protection for loved ones and ensure that the remaining portion of the death benefit is still sufficient to address their needs.

2. Default Risk

If the policyholder fails to repay the loan, the lender may have the right to claim the assigned portion of the death benefit, potentially leaving beneficiaries with a reduced payout. It’s important to have a robust repayment plan in place and make timely payments to avoid default and the potential loss of policy benefits.

3. Policy Lapse

If the policy lapses due to missed premium payments or other reasons, the collateral assignment may become void, and the lender loses their security interest in the life insurance policy. Policyholders should ensure they have a sufficient plan in place to maintain premiums and keep the policy in force to protect the collateral assignment.

4. Limited Flexibility

Once a collateral assignment is in place, it restricts the policyholder’s ability to make changes to the policy, such as increasing or decreasing coverage, accessing the cash value, or changing beneficiaries. It’s important to evaluate whether the potential benefits of a collateral assignment outweigh the loss of flexibility in managing the life insurance policy.

5. Complex Documentation

Collateral assignments involve drafting and signing complex legal documents, including the collateral assignment agreement. It’s crucial to fully understand the terms and conditions of the agreement and consider seeking professional advice to ensure that all parties involved are clear on their rights and obligations.

6. Insurance Company Regulations

Each insurance company may have specific regulations and requirements regarding collateral assignments. It’s important to review the policy terms and consult with the insurance provider to understand any restrictions, limitations, or approval processes associated with collateral assignments.

Considering these risks and considerations is essential to make informed decisions when considering a collateral assignment. Seeking guidance from a financial advisor or insurance professional can help assess the suitability of a collateral assignment and its potential impact on your overall financial plan.

In the next section, we will explore any limitations and restrictions that may apply to collateral assignments.

While collateral assignments can be valuable tools, there are certain limitations and restrictions that policyholders should be aware of. These limitations can vary depending on the insurance company and the specific policy. Here are some common limitations and restrictions to consider:

1. Assignment Limits

Insurance companies often impose limits on the amount that can be assigned from a life insurance policy. This limit is typically a percentage of the policy’s death benefit. It’s essential to review the policy terms to understand the maximum allowable assignment amount.

2. Policy Approval

In some cases, insurance companies require policyholder approval before a collateral assignment can be implemented. This approval process may involve submitting an application, providing financial information, or meeting certain criteria determined by the insurance company.

3. Maintaining Policy In-Force

To retain the collateral assignment, policyholders must keep the life insurance policy in force, which includes paying premiums on time. If the policy lapses or is terminated, the collateral assignment may become void, and the policyholder may lose the associated benefits.

4. Replacement of Collateral

In certain situations, insurance companies may require the policyholder to replace the collateral assignment with another form of security if requested. This requirement ensures that the insurance company is adequately protected against potential losses.

5. Removing the Collateral Assignment

If the policyholder wishes to remove the collateral assignment, they will need to follow the specified procedure outlined by the insurance company. This often involves submitting a formal request, providing necessary documentation, and obtaining the insurance company’s approval.

6. Financial Institution Requirements

Financial institutions, such as banks or lenders, may have their own specific requirements for collateral assignments. These requirements may include minimum loan amounts, credit checks, or additional documentation. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the lender’s guidelines to ensure a smooth collateral assignment process.

7. Legal and Financial Advice

Due to the complex nature of collateral assignments, it’s wise to seek advice from legal and financial professionals. They can provide guidance on the legal implications, tax considerations, and overall suitability of a collateral assignment based on your specific circumstances.

Understanding these limitations and restrictions is crucial when considering a collateral assignment. It’s important to review the policy documents, consult with the insurance company and relevant professionals, and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations to navigate the process successfully.

In the next section, we will outline the general steps involved in setting up a collateral assignment.

Setting up a collateral assignment requires careful consideration and following specific steps. While the exact process may vary depending on the insurance company and the lender, here are some general guidelines to help you navigate the setup process:

1. Assess Your Financial Needs

Determine the amount of funds you need and the purpose for which you require the loan or financing. Assess your financial situation and ensure that a collateral assignment aligns with your overall financial goals and needs.

2. Identify the Lender

Research potential lenders that offer collateral assignments and select one that best meets your requirements. Consider factors such as interest rates, loan terms, and reputation when making your decision.

3. Consult with professionals

Seek the advice of financial and legal professionals who specialize in life insurance policies and collateral assignments. They can guide you through the process, provide expert recommendations, and ensure that you fully understand the implications and obligations associated with a collateral assignment.

4. Review Policy Terms

Review the terms of your life insurance policy, paying particular attention to any provisions related to collateral assignments. Understand the limitations, restrictions, and requirements set by your insurance company.

5. Draft the Collateral Assignment Agreement

Work with legal professionals to draft a collateral assignment agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the assignment. This agreement should clearly specify the assigned portion of the death benefit, the loan amount, the repayment terms, and any other relevant provisions.

6. Obtain Signatures and Consent

Ensure that all parties involved, including yourself, the lender, and the insurance company, sign the collateral assignment agreement. The insurance company’s consent is crucial to acknowledge and approve the assignment.

7. Submit Documentation

Provide the necessary documentation to the insurance company and the lender to establish the collateral assignment. This may include copies of the collateral assignment agreement, policy documents, and any other requested information.

8. Stay Informed and Compliant

Keep track of your loan repayments and stay informed about any updates or changes related to the collateral assignment. Comply with the terms and conditions stated in the collateral assignment agreement, including making timely payments to the lender and maintaining the life insurance policy in force.

Remember that these steps are general guidelines, and the specific process may vary based on your unique situation and the requirements set by the insurance company and the lender. Consulting with professionals experienced in collateral assignments will ensure a smooth and successful setup process.

In the final section, we will conclude our discussion on collateral assignments and summarize the key points to remember.

Collateral assignments serve as a valuable tool in leveraging the benefits of a life insurance policy while accessing funds for various financial needs. By assigning a portion of the death benefit as collateral, policyholders can secure loans or financing without surrendering their policies or disrupting the benefits associated with them.

We began by understanding the basics of collateral assignments and the concept of life insurance contracts. We then explored how a collateral assignment works within the context of a life insurance policy, outlining the steps involved in setting one up.

Collateral assignments offer several benefits, including access to funds, retention of policy benefits, lower interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and diverse financial uses. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and limitations associated with collateral assignments, such as the impact on the death benefit, default risk, limited flexibility, and complex documentation.

It’s essential to carefully evaluate your financial needs, consult with professionals, review policy terms, and draft a well-structured collateral assignment agreement. By following these steps and staying compliant with the agreement, you can navigate the collateral assignment process successfully.

To ensure a smooth and efficient setup process, it’s advisable to seek guidance from financial advisors, insurance professionals, and legal experts who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

In summary, a collateral assignment can be a powerful strategy to utilize the accumulated cash value and death benefit of a life insurance policy while addressing immediate financial needs. However, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and fully understand the implications and obligations associated with collateral assignments.

By carefully weighing the benefits, risks, and considerations, you can make informed decisions and effectively use collateral assignments to enhance your financial plan and achieve your goals.


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Assignment Insurance

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What is Assignment Insurance?

Assignment Insurance is a type of insurance that may refer to a variety of policies related to the transfer of risk from one party to another. Assignment Insurance typically involves an individual or business accepting responsibility for the financial risk associated with a particular situation, asset, or activity. In some cases, it may also refer to the transfer of ownership of an insurance policy from one party to another.

Assignment Insurance in More Detail

For example, Assignment Insurance may be used when an individual or business takes on the financial risk associated with a particular asset or activity, such as the purchase of a home or a business venture. In this case, the insurer pays out the agreed upon amount of money to the recipient of the policy in the event of a loss, such as a fire or a natural disaster.

Assignment Insurance may also be used when an individual or business transfers the ownership of an insurance policy from one party to another. This may occur when a policyholder decides to sell their policy to another person, such as someone who can make better use of the policy or who can afford to pay the premiums.

Assignment Insurance is useful for individuals and businesses who need to transfer the responsibility of a particular asset or activity from one party to another. It can help to protect both parties involved in the transaction, as well as provide assurance that the financial burden associated with the asset or activity will be covered in the event of a loss.

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Assignment of Benefits: What It Is, and How It Can Affect your Property Insurance Claim

define assignment in insurance

Table of Contents

What is an Assignment of Benefits?

In the context of insured property claims, an assignment of benefits (AOB) is an agreement between you and a contractor in which you give the contractor your right to insurance payments for a specific scope of work .  In exchange, the contractor agrees that it will not seek payment from you for that scope of work, except for the amount of any applicable deductible.  In other words, you give part of your insurance claim to your contractor, and your contractor agrees not to collect from you for part of its work.

The most important thing to know about an assignment of benefits is that it puts your contractor in control your claim , at least for their scope of work.  Losing that control can significantly affect the direction and outcome of your claim, so you should fully understand the implications of an AOB (sometimes called an assignment of claims or AOC) before signing one.

How Does an Assignment of Benefits Work in Practice? 

Let’s say you’re an insured homeowner, and Hurricane Ian significantly damaged your roof.  Let’s also assume your homeowner’s policy covers that damage.  A roofer, after inspecting your roof and reviewing your insurance policy, might conclude that your insurer is probably going to pay for a roof replacement under your insurance policy.  The only problem is that it’s early in the recovery process, and your insurer hasn’t yet stated whether it will pay for the roof replacement proposed by your contractor. So if you want your roof replaced now, you would ordinarily agree to pay your roofer for the replacement, and wait in hopes that your insurer reimburses you for the work.  This means that if your insurance company refuses to pay or drags out payment, you’re on the hook to your roofer for the cost of the replacement.

As an alternative to agreeing to pay your roofer for the full cost of the work, you could sign an assignment of benefits for the roof replacement.  In this scenario, your roofer owns the part of your insurance claim that pertains to the roof replacement.  You might have to pay your roofer for the amount of your deductible, but you probably don’t have to pay them for the rest of the cost of the work.  And if your insurance company refuses to pay or drags out payment for the roof replacement, it’s your roofer, and not you, who would be on the hook for that shortfall.

So should you sign an AOB?  Not necessarily.  Read below to understand the pros and cons of an assignment of benefits.

Are There any Downsides to Signing an Assignment of Benefits?


You lose control of your claim . This is the most important factor to understand when considering whether to sign an AOB.  An AOB is a formal assignment of your legal rights to payment under your insurance contract.  Unless you’re able to cancel the AOB, your contractor will have full control over your claim as it relates to their work. 

To explain why that control could matter, let’s go back to the roof replacement example.  When you signed the AOB, the scope of work you agreed on was to replace the roof.  But you’re not a roofing expert, so you don’t know whether the costs charged or the materials used by the roofer in its statement of work are industry appropriate or not.  In most cases, they probably are appropriate, and there’s no problem.  But if they’re not – if, for instance, the roofer’s prices are unreasonably high – then the insurer may not approve coverage for the replacement.  At that point, the roofer could lower its prices so the insurer approves the work, but it doesn’t have to, because it controls the claim .  Instead it could hold up work and threaten to sue your insurer unless it approves the work at the originally proposed price.  Now the entire project is insnared in litigation, leaving you in a tough spot with your insurer for your other claims and, most importantly, with an old leaky roof.

Misunderstanding the Scope of Work.   Another issue that can arise is that you don’t understand the scope of the assignment of benefits.  Contractor estimates and scopes of work are often highly technical documents that can be long on detail but short on clarity.  Contractors are experts at reading and writing them.  You are not.  That difference matters because the extent of your assignment of benefits is based on that technical, difficult-to-understand scope of work.  This can lead to situations where your understanding of what you’re authorizing the contractor to do is very different from what you’ve actually authorized in the AOB agreement.

In many cases, it’s not necessary .   Many contractors will work with you and your insurer to provide a detailed estimate of their work, and will not begin that work until your insurer has approved coverage for it.  This arrangement significantly reduces the risk of you being on the hook for uninsured repairs, without creating any of the potential problems that can occur when you give away your rights to your claim.

Do I have to sign an Assignment of Benefits?

No.  You are absolutely not required to sign an AOB if you do not want to. 

Are There any Benefits to Signing an Assignment of Benefits?

Potentially, but only if you’ve fully vetted your contractor and your claim involves complicated and technical construction issues that you don’t want to deal with. 

First, you must do your homework to fully vet your contractor!  Do not just take their word for it or be duped by slick ads.  Read reviews, understand their certificate of insurance, know where they’re located, and, if possible, ask for and talk to references.  If you’ve determined that the contractor is highly competent at the work they do, is fully insured, and has a good reputation with customers, then that reduces the risk that they’ll abuse their rights to your claim.

Second, if your claim involves complicated reconstruction issues, a reputable contractor may be well equipped to handle the claim and move it forward.  If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of handling a complicated claim like this, and you know you have a good contractor, one way to get rid of that hassle is an AOB.

Another way to get rid of the hassle is to try Claimly, the all-in-one claims handling tool that get you results but keeps you in control of your claim.  

Can my insurance policy restrict the use of AOBs?

Yes, it’s possible that your Florida insurance policy restricts the use of AOBs, but only if all of the following criteria are met:

  • When you selected your coverage, your insurer offered you a different policy with the same coverage, only it did not restrict the right to sign an AOB.
  • Your insurer made the restricted policy available at a lower cost than the unrestricted policy.
  • If the policy completely prohibits AOBs, then it was made available at a lower cost than any policy partially prohibiting AOBs.
  • The policy includes on its face the following notice in 18-point uppercase and boldfaced type:



Pro Tip : If you have an electronic copy of your complete insurance policy (not just the declaration page), then search for “policy does not allow the unrestricted assignment” or another phrase from the required language above to see if your policy restricts an AOB.  If your policy doesn’t contain this required language, it probably doesn’t restrict AOBs.

Do I have any rights or protections concerning Assignments of Benefits?

Yes, you do.  Florida recently enacted laws that protect consumers when dealing with an AOB.

Protections in the AOB Contract

To be enforceable, a Assignments of Benefits must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be in writing and executed by and between you and the contractor.
  • Contain a provision that allows you to cancel the assignment agreement without a penalty or fee by submitting a written notice of cancellation signed by the you to the assignee:
  • at least 30 days after the date work on the property is scheduled to commence if the assignee has not substantially performed, or
  • at least 30 days after the execution of the agreement if the agreement does not contain a commencement date and the assignee has not begun substantial work on the property.
  • Contain a provision requiring the assignee to provide a copy of the executed assignment agreement to the insurer within 3 business days after the date on which the assignment agreement is executed or the date on which work begins, whichever is earlier.
  • Contain a written, itemized, per-unit cost estimate of the services to be performed by the assignee .
  • Relate only to work to be performed by the assignee for services to protect, repair, restore, or replace a dwelling or structure or to mitigate against further damage to such property.
  • Contain the following notice in 18-point uppercase and boldfaced type:


  • Contain a provision requiring the assignee to indemnify and hold harmless the assignor from all liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney fees.

Contractor Duties

Under Florida law, a contractor (or anyone else) receiving rights to a claim under an AOB:

  • Must provide you with accurate and up-to-date revised estimates of the scope of work to be performed as supplemental or additional repairs are required.
  • Must perform the work in accordance with accepted industry standards.
  • May not seek payment from you exceeding the applicable deductible under the policy unless asked the contractor to perform additional work at the your own expense.
  • Must, as a condition precedent to filing suit under the policy, and, if required by the insurer, submit to examinations under oath and recorded statements conducted by the insurer or the insurer’s representative that are reasonably necessary, based on the scope of the work and the complexity of the claim, which examinations and recorded statements must be limited to matters related to the services provided, the cost of the services, and the assignment agreement.
  • Must, as a condition precedent to filing suit under the policy, and, if required by the insurer, participate in appraisal or other alternative dispute resolution methods in accordance with the terms of the policy.
  • If the contractor is making emergency repairs, the assignment of benefits cannot exceed the greater of $3,000 or 1% of your Coverage A limit.

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What Is a Life Insurance Assignment?

More articles.

  •   1. What Is the Collateral Assignment of a Life Insurance Policy?
  •   2. What Is the Assignment of Insurance Benefits?
  •   3. Absolute Assignment of Life Insurance Policies

Although the basic element of a life insurance policy is financial security protection in the event of a premature death, the variety of products available in the marketplace provides you with many financial planning options. A life insurance assignment is a document that allows you to transfer the ownership rights of your policy to a third party, transferring to that third party all rights of ownership under your policy, including the rights to make decisions regarding coverage, beneficiary and investment options. The two kinds of life insurance assignments are conditional and absolute.

Conditional Assignment

With a conditional assignment, although you transfer your life insurance policy’s ownership rights to another party, the assignment stipulates that if a certain specified event occurs, the assignment can be suspended or revoked in whole or in part. The event in question cannot be something that you can cause to happen. If you assigned your life insurance policy to a business partner, for example, with the explicit agreement that on the death of that business partner the assignment is revoked, that assignment is deemed conditional.

Absolute Assignment

When you make an absolute assignment, the rights, title and interest in the life insurance policy pass on to another party without the possibility of reversal. The assignment provides security to the assignee in that you can no longer make decisions regarding the policy that would jeopardize it, such as taking out a policy loan or withdrawing cash values.

Secured Loan

If you own a business, and you wish to take out a loan for your business, the lender may require you to purchase life insurance on your own life as security for the loan. Initially you make the request for the insurance. Once the policy is approved and issued, you make an assignment to the bank. The bank now controls the decisions and can make changes to the policy, including naming itself as beneficiary.

Collateral Loan

If you own a life insurance policy with cash values, you might wish to access those cash values to increase your income flow. Withdrawals from life insurance policy cash values can result in taxes due and might reduce your death benefit. An alternative is to assign the life insurance policy to a lender in exchange for a line of credit or regular loan payments. These loans are generally not taxable, and you can typically borrow up to a stated maximum percentage of the cash value. Since the policy is assigned to the bank, your failure to pay the premiums on the policy will cause the bank to call the loan, cancel the insurance policy and use the cash values as payment of the loan. If you maintain the policy in force until your death, the bank is generally the beneficiary of the tax-free policy proceeds up to and including the outstanding amount of the loan, with any remaining policy proceeds paid tax free to your named beneficiary.

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Philippe Lanctot started writing for business trade publications in 1990. He has contributed copy for the "Canadian Insurance Journal" and has been the co-author of text for life insurance company marketing guides. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Montreal with a minor in English.

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Assignment in Insurance Policy | Meaning | Explanation | Types

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Assignment in an Insurance Policy?
  • 2 Who can make an assignment?
  • 3 What happens to the ownership of the policy upon Assignment?
  • 4 Can assignment be changed or cancelled?
  • 5 What happens if the assignment dies?
  • 6 What is the procedure to make an assignment?
  • 7 Is it necessary to Inform the insurer about assignment?
  • 8 Can a policy be assigned to a minor person?
  • 9 Who pays premium when a policy is assigned?
  • 10.1 1. Conditional Assignment
  • 10.2 2. Absolute Assignment

What is Assignment in an Insurance Policy?

Assignment means a complete transfer of the ownership of the policy to some other person. Usually assignment is done for the purpose of raising a loan from a bank or a financial institution .

Assignment in Insurance Policy - Meaning, Explanation, Types

Assignment is governed by Section 38 of the Insurance Act 1938 in India. Assignment can also be done in favour of a close relative when the policyholder wishes to give a gift to that relative. Such an assignment is done for “natural love and affection”. An example, a policyholder may assign his policy to his sister who is handicapped.

Who can make an assignment?

A policyholder who has policy on his own life can assign the policy to another person. However, a person to whom a policy has been assigned can reassign the policy to the policyholder or assign it to any other person. A nominee cannot make an assignment of the policy. Similarly, an assignee cannot make a nomination on the policy which is assigned to him.

What happens to the ownership of the policy upon Assignment?

When a policyholder assign a policy, he loses all control on the policy. It is no longer his property. It is now the assignee’s property whether the policyholder is alive or dead, the assignee alone will get the policy money from the insurance company.

If the assignee dies, then his (assignee’s) legal heirs will be entitled to the policy money.

Can assignment be changed or cancelled?

An assignment cannot be changed or cancelled. The assignee can of course, reassign the policy to the policyholder who assigned it to him. He can also assign the policy to any other person because it is now his property. We can think of a bank reassigning the policy to the policyholder when their loan is repaid.

What happens if the assignment dies?

If the assignee dies, the assignment does not get cancelled. The legal heirs of the assignee become entitled to the policy money. Assignment is a legal transfer of all the interests the policyholder has in the policy to the assignee.

What is the procedure to make an assignment?

Assignment can be made only after issue of the policy bond. The policyholder can either write out the wording on the policy bond (endorsement) or write it on a separate paper and get it stamped. (Stamp value is the same, as the stamp required for the policy — Twenty paise per one thousand sum assured). When assignment is made by an endorsement on the policy bond, there is no need for stamp because the policy is already stamped.

Is it necessary to Inform the insurer about assignment?

Yes, it is necessary to give information about assignment to the insurance company. The insurer will register the assignment in its records and from then on recognize the assignee as the owner of the policy. If someone has made more than one assignment, then the date of the notice will decide which assignment has priority. In the case of reassignment also, notice is necessary.

Can a policy be assigned to a minor person?

Assignment can be made in favour of a minor person. But it would be advisable to appoint a guardian to receive the policy money if it becomes due during the minority of the assignee.

Who pays premium when a policy is assigned?

When a policy is assigned normally, the assignee should pay the premium, because the policy is now his property. In practice, however, premium is paid by the assignor (policyholder) himself. When a bank gives a loan and takes the assignment of a policy a security, it will ask the assignor himself to pay the premium and keep it in force. In the case of an assignment as a gift, the assignor would like to pay the premium because he has gifted the policy.

Types of assignment

Assignment may take two forms:

  • Conditional Assignment.
  • Absolute Assignment.

1. Conditional Assignment

It would be useful where the policyholder desires the benefit of the policy to go to a near relative in the event of his earlier death. It is usually effected for consideration of natural love and affection. It generally provides for the right to revert the policyholder in the event of the assignee predeceasing the policyholder or the policyholder surviving to the date of maturity.

2. Absolute Assignment

This assignment is generally made for valuable consideration. It has the effect of passing the title in the policy absolutely to the assignee and the policyholder in no way retains any interest in the policy. The absolute assignee can deal with the policy in any manner he likes and may assign or transfer his interest to another person.

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What is an assignment of benefits?

Jim Probasco

Jim Probasco is an expert in the areas of personal income, saving and investing, banking, home buying, insurance, and more. A Dayton, Ohio-based writer, Jim has written for radio and television, and authored books for parents in arts education opportunities for their children.

Ehab Zahriyeh

The last time you sought medical care, you likely made an appointment with your provider, got the treatment you needed, paid your copay or deductible, and that was it. No paperwork, no waiting to be reimbursed; your doctor received payment from your insurance company and you both went on with your lives.

This is how most people receive health care in the U.S. This system, known as assignment of benefits or AOB, is now being used with other types of insurance, including auto and homeowners coverage . 

What is an assignment of benefits?  

An AOB is a legal agreement that allows your insurance company to directly pay a third party for services performed on your behalf. In the case of health care, it could be your doctor or another medical professional providing care. With a homeowners, renters, or auto insurance claim, the third party could be a contractor, auto repair shop, or other facility.

Assignment of benefits is legal, thanks to a concept known as freedom of contract, which says two parties may make a private agreement, including the forfeiture of certain rights, and the government may not interfere. There are exceptions, making freedom of contract something less than an absolute right. For example, the contract may not violate the law or contain unfair terms.

Not all doctors or contractors utilize AOBs. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make sure the doctor or service provider and you are on the same page when it comes to AOBs before treatment or work begins.

How an AOB works

The function of an AOB agreement varies depending on the type of insurance policy involved, the healthcare provider, contractor, or service provider, and increasingly, state law. Although an AOB is normal in health insurance, other applications of assignment of benefits have now included the auto and homeowners insurance industry.

Because AOBs are common in health care, you probably don’t think twice about signing a piece of paper that says “assignment of benefits” across the top. But once you sign it, you’re likely turning over your right to deal with your insurance company regarding service from that provider. Why would you do this? 

According to Dr. David Berg of Redirect Health , the reason is simple: “Without an AOB in place, the patient themselves would be responsible for paying the cost of their service and would then file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement.”

With homeowners or auto insurance, the same rules apply. Once you sign the AOB, you are effectively out of the picture. The contractor who reroofs your house or the mechanic who rebuilds your engine works with your insurance company by filing a claim on your behalf and receiving their money without your help or involvement.

“Each state has its own rules, regulations, and permissions regarding AOBs,” says Gregg Barrett, founder and CEO of WaterStreet , a cloud-based P&C insurance administration platform. “Some states require a strict written breakdown of work to be done, while others allow assignment of only parts of claims.” 

Within the guidelines of the specific insurance rules for AOBs in your state, the general steps include:

  • You and your contractor draw up an AOB clause as part of the contract.
  • The contract stipulates the exact work that will be completed and all necessary details.
  • The contractor sends the completed AOB to the insurance company where an adjuster reviews, asks questions, and resolves any discrepancies.
  • The contractor’s name (or that of an agreed-upon party) is listed to go on the settlement check.

After work is complete and signed off, the insurer will issue the check and the claim will be considered settled.

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Example of an assignment of benefits  

If you’re dealing with insurance, how would an AOB factor in? Let’s take an example. “Say you have a water leak in the house,” says Angel Conlin, chief insurance officer at Kin Insurance . “You call a home restoration company to stop the water flow, clean up the mess, and restore your home to its former glory. The restoration company may ask for an assignment of benefits so it can deal directly with the insurance company without your input.”

In this case, by eliminating the homeowner, whose interests are already represented by an experienced insurance adjustor, the AOB reduces redundancy, saves time and money, and allows the restoration process to proceed with much greater efficiency.

When would you need to use an assignment of benefits?  

An AOB can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and allow you to turn these transactions over to trusted experts, thereby avoiding time-consuming negotiations. 

An AOB also frees you from paying the entire bill upfront and seeking reimbursement from your insurance company after work has been completed or services rendered. Since you are not required to sign an assignment of benefits, failure to sign will result in you paying the entire medical bill and filing for reimbursement. The three most common uses of AOBs are with health insurance, car insurance, and homeowners insurance.

Assignment of benefits for health insurance

As discussed, AOBs in health insurance are commonplace. If you have health insurance, you’ve probably signed AOBs for years. Each provider (doctor) or practice requires a separate AOB. From your point of view, the big advantages of an AOB are that you receive medical care, your doctor and insurance company work out the details and, in the event of a disagreement, those two entities deal with each other. 

Assignment of benefits for car owners

If your car is damaged in an accident and needs extensive repair, the benefits of an AOB can quickly add up. Not only will you have your automobile repaired with minimal upfront costs to you, inconvenience will be almost nonexistent. You drop your car off (or have it towed), wait to be called, told the repair is finished, and pick it up. Similar to a health care AOB, disagreements are worked out between the provider and insurer. You are usually not involved.

Assignment of benefits for homeowners  

When your home or belongings are damaged or destroyed, your primary concern is to “return to normal.” You want to do this with the least amount of hassle. An AOB allows you to transfer your rights to a third party, usually a contractor, freeing you to deal with the crisis at hand.

When you sign an AOB, your contractor can begin immediately working on damage repair, shoring up against additional deterioration, and coordinating with various subcontractors without waiting for clearance or communication with you.

The fraud factor

No legal agreement, including an AOB, is free from the possibility of abuse or fraud. Built-in safeguards are essential to ensure the benefits you assign to a third party are as protected as possible.

In terms of what can and does go wrong, the answer is: plenty. According to the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMICs), examples of AOB fraud include inflated invoices or charges for work that hasn’t been done. Another common tactic is to sue the insurance company, without the policyholder’s knowledge or consent, something that can ultimately result in the policyholder being stuck with the bill and higher insurance premiums due to losses experienced by the insurer.

State legislatures have tried to protect consumers from AOB fraud and some progress has been made. Florida, for example, passed legislation in 2019 that gives consumers the right to rescind a fraudulent contract and requires that AOB contracts include an itemized description of the work to be done. Other states, including North Dakota, Kansas, and Iowa have all signed NAMIC-backed legislation into law to protect consumers from AOB fraud.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), offers advice for consumers to help avoid AOB fraud and abuse:

  • File a claim with your insurer before you hire a contractor. This ensures you know what repairs need to be made.
  • Don’t pay in full upfront. Legitimate contractors do not require it.
  • Get three estimates before selecting a contractor.
  • Get a full written contract and read it carefully before signing.
  • Don’t be pressured into signing an AOB. You are not required to sign an AOB.

Pros and cons of an assignment of benefits  

The advantages and disadvantages of an AOB agreement depend largely on the amount and type of protection your state’s insurance laws provide.  

  • An AOB frees you from paying for services and waiting for reimbursement from your insurer
  • Some people appreciate not needing to negotiate with their insurer
  • You are not required to sign an AOB.
  • Signing an AOB could make you the victim of a scam without knowing it until your insurer refuses to pay
  • An AOB doesn’t free you from the ultimate responsibility to pay for services rendered, which could drag you into expensive litigation if things go south
  • Any AOB you do sign is legally binding

The takeaway  

An AOB, as the health insurance example shows, can simplify complicated and costly insurance transactions and help consumers avoid time-consuming negotiations. And it can save upfront costs while letting experts work out the details.

It can also introduce a nightmare scenario laced with fraud requiring years of costly litigation. Universal state-level legislation with safeguards is required to avoid the latter. Until that is in place, your best bet is to work closely with your insurer when signing an AOB. Look for suspicious or inflated charges when negotiating with contractors, providers, and other servicers.

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Assigned Risk: What It Is, How It Works

Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia.

define assignment in insurance

What Is Assigned Risk?

Assigned risk is when an insurance company is required, by state insurance law, to provide coverage for risk that may not find coverage in the general insurance marketplace. In order to compensate insurers for the potential losses associated with such mandated coverage, insurers will often pool funds and share the assigned risk.

Common examples include mandating that all drivers obtain car insurance or requiring businesses to purchase workers' compensation insurance.

Key Takeaways

  • Assigned risk is when the law mandates that an insurance company offer certain coverages.
  • In such cases, regulators will require insurance companies to pool together and accept the assigned risk, even if the insurers individually don’t want to provide a commercial policy.
  • Assigned risk allows the state to protect drivers who are able to purchase commercial policies and who may be involved in an accident with a risky driver.

Understanding Assigned Risk

In most cases, insurance companies choose who they underwrite insurance policies for, and this choice to insure is based on the risk profile of the individual or business applying for coverage. These considerations include the likelihood that a claim that results in a loss for the insurance company. The insurer will thus price the cost of the policy it underwrites according to the potential severity of any losses. If a potential insured is deemed too risky, the insurer may not underwrite a new policy.

State insurance regulators recognize that insurers only want to underwrite policies that will be profitable, but also recognize that it is in the interest of the government that coverage is extended to groups that need protection but may not be able to obtain it in the general insurance market. To do this the regulator will require insurance companies that provide a particular line of insurance, such as workers’ compensation or automotive insurance, to participate in a state-sponsored plan that provides coverage.

Example: Motorist Coverage

For example, drivers are required to carry insurance with them in order to legally operate an automobile. This insurance is designed to cover claims made against the driver. In most cases, the driver’s record is in good shape, and insurers are likely to provide coverage.

Some drivers, however, have poor driving records and may not be able to obtain coverage because they present too much of a risk . Insurance regulators will require insurance companies to pool together and accept the assigned risk, even if the insurers don’t want to provide a commercial policy . This allows the state to protect drivers who are able to purchase commercial policies and who may be involved in an accident with a risky driver.

"In some cases, you can apply to an automobile insurance plan or assigned risk plan by directly contacting your state's Department of Insurance," according to the website DMV.org, a private, non-governmental website:

Some states require that you apply to several car insurance companies before you apply for the state's car insurance plan. If each provider has denied you car insurance coverage, you'll be accepted into the plan. Typically, your signature on the application is enough to acknowledge that you have fulfilled this requirement.

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What Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

Collateral assignment of life insurance designates a lender as the assignee of a policy, granting them the right to part or all of the death benefit until the loan is repaid.

define assignment in insurance

Nathan Paulus

Director of Content Marketing, MoneyGeek

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy. Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

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Casie McCoskey is a professional editor passionate about providing people with accessible information on personal finance. Before MoneyGeek, she worked in the legal field, drafting and editing briefs and motions.

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Updated: June 5, 2024

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Collateral assignment of life insurance is an arrangement where a policyholder uses the face value of their life insurance policy, which can be a term or permanent life insurance policy, as collateral to secure a loan. If the policyholder dies before they pay off the loan, the lender is prioritized to receive a portion of the death benefit equivalent to the outstanding loan balance. The remaining benefit then goes to the policy's beneficiaries. This agreement ensures that life insurance collateral assignment acts as a safety net for both the lender and the beneficiaries.

  • Collateral assignment involves using a life insurance policy as security for a loan, where the lender has a claim on the death benefit if the borrower defaults or passes away before repaying the loan.
  • The lender receives priority over the death benefit, which means they are paid first from the policy's payout before any beneficiaries if the loan remains unpaid.
  • Various life insurance policies, including term, whole and universal, can be used for collateral assignment, depending on the insurance company's policies and the policy's value.
  • If a life insurance policy lapses or is canceled during a collateral assignment, it can breach the loan agreement, potentially resulting in immediate repayment demands.

How Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Works

The collateral assignment allows you to use your life insurance policy as security for a loan. The process involves legally designating your policy as collateral, which means if you pass away before fully repaying the loan, the lender can claim the death benefit to cover the remaining balance. You start by choosing either a term policy or whole life insurance and then complete a collateral assignment agreement. This agreement is legally binding and sets the terms for the lender to access the death benefit .

For your beneficiaries, the assignment of your life insurance policy as collateral could reduce the death benefit they receive. If you die with an outstanding loan balance, the lender is paid first from the policy's proceeds. Any remaining amount goes to your beneficiaries only after the loan is settled.

For example, a policyholder with a $500,000 policy uses their life insurance as collateral for a $200,000 loan. If the policyholder dies before settling the loan, the lender will receive $200,000 from the policy's death benefit. Meanwhile, the remaining $300,000 gets disbursed to the policy's beneficiaries.

Roles of the Policyholder, Lender and Insurance Provider

Role of the Policyholder

  • Ensure consistent premium payments to keep the policy active and in force.
  • Inform the lender of any policy changes, such as lapses or surrenders.
  • Understand that active management upholds the collateral agreement's integrity.

Role of the Lender

  • Accept the life insurance policy as collateral.
  • Right to recover owed amounts from the policy's death benefit if the policyholder dies before loan repayment.
  • Priority claim on the death benefit, with remaining funds disbursed to beneficiaries.
  • Responsible for releasing the assignment after full loan repayment.

Role of the Insurance Provider

  • Approve or reject the collateral assignment of the policy.
  • Evaluate and ensure compliance with policy terms.
  • Officially record the assignment as part of the policy.

Applying for Collateral Assignment

Applying for collateral assignment is a process moderated by your life insurance company designed to secure loans using your life insurance policy as collateral. It involves a series of steps:

Obtain a Collateral Assignment Form

Request a collateral assignment form from your life insurance provider. This form is vital for designating the lender as a collateral beneficiary for the loan amount. Ensure you obtain the correct form, as forms vary based on policy type and insurer.

Fill Out the Form Correctly

Complete the form with accurate details, including policy number, loan amount and lender information. Pay close attention to all sections to avoid errors that could delay or invalidate the assignment. Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to processing delays or rejection.

Sign the Paperwork

Ensure both the policyholder and lender sign the form, confirming the agreement. This dual signature legally binds both parties to the terms of the collateral assignment. Any discrepancy in signatures may question the form's validity.

Submit the Completed Form

Submit the signed form back to the insurance company for processing. Consider using a traceable delivery method for submission to confirm receipt. Delays in submission can impact the timeline of the loan approval process.

Await Approval or Rejection From the Insurance Company

Wait for the insurer to review and approve or reject the collateral assignment. The insurer may request additional information or clarification, which can extend the approval timeline.

Receive a Letter of Acknowledgment

You and your lender will receive a letter of acknowledgment from the insurer if your collateral assignment application is approved.

Obtaining Required Documentation

The required documentation for collateral assignment of life insurance is straightforward. Typically, you'll need to provide two main types of documents for the assignment of a life insurance policy as collateral:

  • Collateral Assignment Form: This form is critical because it officially transfers a portion of your life insurance policy benefits to the lender as collateral. It demonstrates to the lender that you have taken the steps to secure your loan against your life insurance policy.
  • Original Life Insurance Policy and Proof of Loan: Lenders may require your original life insurance policy to ensure it is valid and enforceable. Proof of the loan agreement or obligation, such as a mortgage note or other loan document, is also commonly required. This establishes the legitimacy of your loan and substantiates the life insurance collateral assignment.

If you need more clarification about documentation requirements, contact your lender to confirm the necessary details to avoid process delays.

Pros and Cons of Collateral Assignment

Using life insurance as collateral can offer a range of benefits and potential drawbacks. Collateral assignment of a policy allows you to secure loans and is often safer than using physical assets as collateral. However, you should also note the inherent risks, primarily that the lender retains the first right to your policy’s death benefit upon your death.

  • Lower interest rates on loans.
  • Allows you to use the policy and not physical assets as collateral.
  • The cash value of your insurance policy continues to grow.
  • The lender has the first right to the death benefit.
  • Failure to repay the loan can reduce or even eliminate the death benefit.
  • Any lapse or cancellation of the policy may lead to violating the loan terms.

Impact of Collateral Assignment on Beneficiaries

While the collateral assignment of life insurance has its benefits, it’s important to remember that it can impact the amount your beneficiaries receive. If you pass away with an outstanding balance on your loan:

Your Lender Will Be Paid First

In the collateral assignment arrangement, the lender is designated as the collateral beneficiary holding the primary claim to the death benefit for the outstanding loan amount. This means if you pass away before fully repaying the loan, the lender is entitled to receive payment from the death benefit first. The amount collected by the lender is limited to the remaining loan balance.

Any Remaining Death Benefit Will Be Disbursed to Your Beneficiaries

After the lender's claim is satisfied, the remaining death benefit is disbursed to your policy’s designated beneficiaries. The amount they receive depends on the loan balance at the time of your death. If the loan balance is substantial, your beneficiaries will receive significantly less than the policy's total death benefit.

This structure underscores the importance of carefully considering life insurance collateral loans and their impact on future financial planning. Policyholders using life insurance as collateral need to understand the terms set forth by loan companies that accept it.

Alternatives to Collateral Assignment

Alternatives to collateral assignment include personal loans , home equity loans or surrendering the life insurance policy for its cash value. None of these options require using life insurance as collateral, and each offers different benefits and risks compared to using life insurance as collateral.


FAQ About Collateral Assignment

These questions cover various topics related to collateral assignments, including their requirements, implications for beneficiaries and what happens in different scenarios.

A collateral assignment is a contractual arrangement in which a borrower uses their life insurance policy as collateral for a loan. This agreement grants the lender rights to the policy’s death benefit. The lender is prioritized over other beneficiaries until the loan is repaid in full.

In the context of a life insurance collateral assignment, the collateral is the policy's death benefit. This setup allows lenders to be listed as collateral beneficiaries, guaranteeing that they can recover the outstanding loan balance from the death benefit in the event of the borrower’s death before the debt is fully paid.

In a life insurance contract, a collateral assignment allocates the policy's death benefit as security for a loan. This means that if the borrower dies before repaying the loan, the lender, as the collateral assignee of the life insurance, can claim the owed amount from the death benefit. The remaining balance, if any, goes to the designated beneficiaries, ensuring the loan is covered without affecting other assets.

Collateral assignment allows a lender to claim the life insurance death benefit for an outstanding loan amount while naming a life insurance beneficiary designated who receives the death benefit. The lender's claim is prioritized over the beneficiaries' in collateral assignment.

Most types of life insurance policies , including term, whole and universal life, can be used for collateral assignment, provided the insurance company allows it and the policy has sufficient value.

Yes, the policyholder can change beneficiaries after a collateral assignment, but the lender's right to the death benefit amount remains until the loan is repaid. This ensures the lender's position as a collateral beneficiary.

Canceling your life insurance policy before repaying the debt can lead to a breach of the collateral assignment loan agreement. This action may prompt the lender to increase your interest rate or demand immediate repayment of the outstanding loan balance.

These related sections offer additional insights into concepts and alternatives connected to collateral assignments and life insurance:

Using Collateral for a Personal Loan — This link explains how to use various types of collateral for securing a personal loan, providing a broader context to the specific use of life insurance as collateral.

Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance — This resource compares term and permanent life insurance, helping to understand which policies can be used for collateral assignments.

Permanent Life Insurance — This page details permanent life insurance, a type commonly used in collateral assignments due to its cash value component.

Life Insurance Calculator — This page helps you calculate the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage needed, which is crucial when considering using a policy for collateral.

About Nathan Paulus

Nathan Paulus headshot

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

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Assignment Of Benefits

What does assignment of benefits mean.

Assignment of benefits (AOB) is the official way an insured person asks their insurance company to pay a professional or facility for services rendered.

Insuranceopedia Explains Assignment Of Benefits

Assignment of benefits is a document that directs payment to a third party at the insured’s request. It becomes legitimate once both the insured party and their insurer have signed the AOB form. AOB is used in a number of insurance contexts, such as paying physicians or clinics through health insurance or paying contractors for repairs through a homeowner’s insurance policy.

Usually, AOBs are issued when the third party pursues it in the hopes that payment from the insurance company will be more certain and delivered more quickly than it would be from the insured.

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Assignment under Insurance Policies

By J Mandakini, NUALS

Editor’s Note: This paper attempts to explore the concept of assignment under Indian law especially Contract Act, Insurance Act and Transfer of Property Act. It seeks to appreciate why the assignment is made use of for securities of a facility sanctioned by ICICI Bank. Also, it explains how ICICI Bank faces certain problems in executing the same. 


For any facility sanctioned by a lender, collateral is always deposited to secure the same. Such mere deposition will not suffice, the borrower has to explicitly permit the lender to recover from the borrower, such securities in case of his default.

This is done by the concept of assignment, dealt with adequately in Indian law. Assignment of obligations is always a tricky matter and needs to be dealt with carefully. The Bank should not fall short of any legally permitted lengths to ensure the same. This is why ambiguity in its security documents have to be rectified. 

This paper attempts to explore the concept of assignment in contract law. It seeks to appreciate why the assignment is made use of for securities of a facility sanctioned by ICICI Bank. The next section will deal with how ICICI Bank faces certain problems in executing the same. The following sections will talk about possible risks involved, as well as defenses and solutions to the same.


Assignment refers to the transfer of certain or all (depending on the agreement) rights to another party. The party which transfers its rights is called an assignor, and the party to whom such rights are transferred is called an assignee. Assignment only takes place after the original contract has been made. As a general rule, assignment of rights and benefits under a contract may be done freely, but the assignment of liabilities and obligations may not be done without the consent of the original contracting party.

The liability on a contract cannot be transferred so as to discharge the person or estate of the original contractor unless the creditor agrees to accept the liability of another person instead of the first. [i]


P agrees to sell his car to Q for Rs. 100. P assigns the right to receive the Rs. 100 to S. This may be done without the consent of Q. This is because Q is receiving his car, and it does not particularly matter to him, to whom the Rs. 100 is being handed as long as he is being absolved of his liability under the contract. However, notice may still be required to be given. Without such notice, Q would pay P, in spite of the fact that such right has been assigned to S. S would be a sufferer in such case.

In this case, that condition is being fulfilled since P has assigned his right to S. However, P may not assign S to be the seller. P cannot just transfer his duties under the contract to another. This is because Q has no guarantee as to the condition of S’s car. P entered into the contract with Q on the basis of the merits of P’s car, or any other personal qualifications of P. Such assignment may be done with the consent of all three parties – P, Q, S, and by doing this, P is absolved of his liabilities under the contract.

 1.1. Effect of Assignment

Immediately on the execution of an assignment of an insurance policy, the assignor forgoes all his rights, title and interest in the policy to the assignee. The premium or loan interest notices etc. in such cases will be sent to the assignee. [ii] However, the existence of obligations must not be assumed, when it comes to the assignment. It must be accompanied by evidence of the same. The party asserting such a personal obligation must prove the existence of an express assumption by clear and unequivocal proof. [iii]

define assignment in insurance

 Assignment of a contract to a third party destroys the privity of contract between the initial contracting parties. New privity is created between the assignee and the original contracting party. In the illustration mentioned above, the original contracting parties were P and Q. After the assignment, the new contracting parties are Q and S.

 1.2. Revocation of Assignment

Assignment, once validly executed, can neither be revoked nor canceled at the option of the assignor. To do so, the insurance policy will have to be reassigned to the original assignor (the insured).

 1.3. Exceptions to Assignment

There are some instances where the contract cannot be assigned to another.

  • Express provisions in the contract as to its non-assignability – Some contracts may include a specific clause prohibiting assignment. If that is so, then such a contract cannot be assigned. Assignability is the rule and the contrary is an exception. [iv]

Pensions, PFs, military benefits etc. Illustration

 1.4. enforcing a contract of assignment.

From the day on which notice is given to the insurer, the assignee becomes the beneficiary of the policy even though the assignment is not registered immediately. It does not wait until the giving of notice of the transfer to the insurer. [vi] However, no claims may lie against the insurer until and unless notice of such assignment is delivered to the insurer.

If notice of assignment is not provided to the obligor, he is discharged if he pays to the assignor. Assignee would have to recover from the assignor. However, if the obligor pays the assignor in spite of the notice provided to him, he would still be liable to the assignee.

The following two illustrations make the point amply clear:


1. Seller A assigns its right to payment from buyer X to bank B. Neither A nor B gives notice to X. When payment is due, X pays A. This payment is fully valid and X is discharged. It will be up to B to recover it from A

2. Seller A assigns to bank B its right to payment from buyer X. B immediately gives notice of the assignment to X. When payment is due, X still pays A. X is not discharged and B is entitled to oblige X to pay a second time.

An assignee doesn’t stand in better shoes than those of his assignor. Thus, if there is any breach of contract by the obligor to the assignee, the latter can recover from the former only the same amount as restricted by counter claims, set offs or liens of the assignor to the obligor.

The acknowledgment of notice of assignment is conclusive proof of, and evidence enough to entertain a suit against an assignor and the insurer respectively who haven’t honoured the contract of assignment.

1.5. Assignment under various laws in India

There is no separate law in India which deals with the concept of assignment. Instead, several laws have codified it under different laws. Some of them have been discussed as follows:

1.5.1. Under the Indian Contract Act

There is no express provision for the assignment of contracts under the Indian Contract Act. Section 37 of the Act provides for the duty of parties of a contract to honour such contract (unless the need for the same has been done away with). This is how the Act attempts to introduce the concept of assignment into Indian commercial law. It lays down a general responsibility on the “representatives” of any parties to a contract that may have expired before the completion of the contract. (Illustrations to Section 37 in the Act).

An exception to this may be found from the contract, e.g. contracts of a personal nature. Representatives of a deceased party to a contract cannot claim privity to that contract while refusing to honour such contract. Under this Section, “representatives” would also include within its ambit, transferees and assignees. [vii]

Section 41 of the Indian Contract Act applies to cases where a contract is performed by a third party and not the original parties to the contract. It applies to cases of assignment. [viii] A promisee accepting performance of the promise from a third person cannot afterwards enforce it against the promisor. [ix] He cannot attain double satisfaction of its claim, i.e., from the promisor as well as the third party which performed the contract. An essential condition for the invocation of this Section is that there must be actual performance of the contract and not of a substituted promise.

  1.5.2. Under the Insurance Act

The creation of assignment of life insurance policies is provided for, under Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938.

  • When the insurer receives the endorsement or notice, the fact of assignment shall be recorded with all details (date of receipt of notice – also used to prioritise simultaneous claims, the name of assignee etc). Upon request, and for a fee of an amount not exceeding Re. 1, the insurer shall grant a written acknowledgment of the receipt of such assignment, thereby conclusively proving the fact of his receipt of the notice or endorsement. Now, the insurer shall recognize only the assignee as the legally valid party entitled to the insurance policy.

 1.5.3. Under the Transfer of Property Act

Indian law as to assignment of life policies before the Insurance Act, 1938 was governed by Sections 130, 131, 132 and 135 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 under Chapter VIII of the Act – Of Transfers of Actionable Claims. Section 130 of the Transfer of Property Act states that nothing contained in that Section is to affect Section 38 of the Insurance Act.

 I) Section 130 of the Transfer of Property Act

An actionable claim may be transferred only by fulfilling the following steps:

  • Signed by a transferor (or his authorized agent)

The transfer will be complete and effectual as soon as such an instrument is executed. No particular form or language has been prescribed for the transfer. It does not depend on giving notice to the debtor.

The proviso in the section protects a debtor (or other person), who, without knowledge of the transfer pays his creditor instead of the assignee. As long as such payment was without knowledge of the transfer, such payment will be a valid discharge against the transferee. When the transfer of any actionable claim is validly complete, all rights and remedies of transferor would vest now in the transferee. Existence of an instrument in writing is a sine qua non of a valid transfer of an actionable claim. [x]

 II) Section 131 of the Transfer Of Property Act

This Section requires the notice of transfer of actionable claim, as sent to the debtor, to be signed by the transferor (or by his authorized agent), and if he refuses to sign it, a signature by the transferee (or by his authorized agent). Such notice must state both the name and address of the transferee. This Section is intended to protect the transferee, to receive from the debtor. The transfer does not bind a debtor unless the transferor (or transferee, if transferor refuses) sends him an express notice, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

III) Section 132 of the Transfer Of Property Act

This Section addresses the issue as to who should undertake the obligations under the transfer, i.e., who will discharge the liabilities of the transferor when the transfer has been made complete – would it be the transferor himself or the transferee, to whom the rest of the surviving contract, so to speak, has been transferred.

This Section stipulates, that the transferee himself would fulfill such obligations. However, where an actionable claim is transferred with the stipulation in the contract that transferor himself should discharge the liability, then such a provision in the contract will supersede Ss 130 and 132 of this Act. Where the insured hypothecates his life insurance policies and stipulates that he himself would pay the premiums, the transferee is not bound to pay the premiums. [xi]


Many banks require the borrower to take out or deposit an insurance policy as security when they request a personal loan or a business loan from that institution. The policy is used as a way of securing the loan, ensuring that the bank will have the facility repaid in the event of either the borrower’s death or his deviations from the terms of the facility agreement.

Along with the deposit of the insurance policy, the policyholder will also have to assign the benefits of the policy to the financial institution from which he proposes to avail a facility. The mere deposit, without writing, or passing of any document of title to such a claim, does not create any equitable charge. [xii]


The purpose of taking out a life insurance policy on oneself, is that in the event of an untimely death, near and dear ones of the deceased are not left high and dry, and that they would have something to fall back on during such traumatic times. Depositing and assigning the rights under such policy document to another, would mean that there is a high chance that benefits of life insurance would vest in such other, in the event of unfortunate death and the family members are prioritized only second. These are not desirable circumstances where the family would be forced to cope with the death of their loved one coupled with the financial crisis.

 Thus, there is a need to examine the ethics of:

  • The bank accepting such assignment

The customer should be cautious before assigning his rights under life insurance policies. By “cautious”, it is only meant that he and his dependents and/or legal heirs should be aware of the repercussions of the act of assigning his life insurance policy. It is conceded that no law prohibits the assignment of life insurance policies.

In fact, Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938 , provides for such assignments. Judicial cases have held life insurance policies as property more than a social welfare measure. [xiii] Further, the bank has no personal relationship with any customer and thus has no moral obligation to not accept such assignments of life insurance.

However, the writer is of the opinion that, in dealing with the assignment of life insurance policies, utmost care and caution must be taken by the insured when assigning his life insurance policy to anyone else.


This Section seeks to address and highlight the manner in which ICICI Bank drafts its security documents with regard to the assignment of obligations. The texts placed in quotes in the subsequent paragraphs are verbatim extracts from the security document as mentioned.

Composite Document for Corporate and Realty Funding


  The Mortgagor doth hereby:

iii) Assign and transfer unto the Mortgagee all the Bank Accounts and all rights, title, interest, benefits, claims and demands whatsoever of the Mortgagor in, to, under and in respect of the Bank Accounts and all monies including all cash flows and receivables and all proceeds arising from Projects and Other Projects_______________, insurance proceeds, which have been deposited / credited / lying in the Bank Accounts, all records, investments, assets, instruments and securities which represent all amounts in the Bank Accounts, both present and future (the “Account Assets”, which expression shall, as the context may permit or require, mean any or each of such Account Assets) to have and hold the same unto and to the use of the Mortgagee absolutely and subject to the powers and provisions herein contained and subject also to the proviso for redemption hereinafter mentioned;

(v) Assign and transfer unto the Mortgagee all right, title, interest, benefit, claims and demands whatsoever of the Mortgagors, in, to, under and/or in respect of the Project Documents (including insurance policies) including, without limitation, the right to compel performance thereunder, and to substitute, or to be substituted for, the Mortgagor thereunder, and to commence and conduct either in the name of the Mortgagor or in their own names or otherwise any proceedings against any persons in respect of any breach of, the Project Documents and, including without limitation, rights and benefits to all amounts owing to, or received by, the Mortgagor and all claims thereunder and all other claims of the Mortgagor under or in any proceedings against all or any such persons and together with the right to further assign any of the Project Documents, both present and future, to have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid assets, rights, properties, etc. unto and to the use of the Mortgagee absolutely and subject to the powers and provisions contained herein and subject also to the proviso for redemption hereinafter mentioned.”

 ICICI Bank’s Standard Terms and Conditions Governing Consumer Durable Loans

  “ insurance.

The Borrower further agrees that upon any monies becoming due under the policy, the same shall be paid by the Insurance Company to ICICI Bank without any reference / notice to the Borrower, but not exceeding the principal amount outstanding under the Insurance Policy. The Borrower specifically acknowledges that in all cases of claim, the Insurance Company will be solely liable for settlement of the claim, and he/she will not hold ICICI Bank responsible in any manner whether for compensation, recovery of compensation, processing of claims or for any reason whatsoever.

Reference has been made only to assignment of assets, rights, benefits, interests, properties etc. No specific reference has been made to the assignment of obligations of the assignor under such insurance contract.


Where ICICI Bank accepts insurance policy documents of customers as security for a loan, in the light of the fact that the documents are silent about the question of assignment of obligations, are they assigned to ICICI Bank? Where there is hypothecation of a life insurance policy, with a stipulation that the mortgagor (assignor) should pay the premiums, and that the mortgagee (assignee) is not bound to pay the same, Sections 130 and 132 do not apply to such cases. [xiv] With rectification of this issue, ICICI Bank can concretize its hold over the securities with no reservations about its legality.


This section of the paper attempts to explore the many risks that ICICI Bank is exposed to, or other factors which worsen the situation, due to the omission of a clause detailing the assignment of obligations by ICICI Bank.

Practices of Other Companies

The practices of other companies could be a risk factor for ICICI Bank in the light of the fact that some of them expressly exclude assignment of obligations in their security documents.

There are some companies whose notice of assignment forms contain an exclusive clause dealing with the assignment of obligations. It states that while rights and benefits accruing out of the insurance policy are to be assigned to the bank, obligations which arise out of such policy documents will not be liable to be performed by the bank. Thus, they explicitly provide for the only assignment of rights and benefits and never the assignment of obligations.

Possible Obligation to Insurance Companies

By not clearing up this issue, ICICI Bank could be held to be obligated to the insurance company from whom the assignor took the policy, for example, with respect to insurance premiums which were required to be paid by the assignor. This is not a desirable scenario for ICICI Bank. In case of default by the assignor in the terms of the contract, the right of ICICI Bank over the security deposited (insurance policy in question) could be fraught in the legal dispute.

Possible litigation

Numerous suits may be instituted against ICICI Bank alleging a violation of the Indian Contract Act. Some examples include allegations of concealment of fact, fraud etc. These could be enough to render the existing contract of assignment voidable or even void.

Contra Proferentem

This doctrine applies in a situation when a provision in the contract can be interpreted in more than one way, thereby creating ambiguities. It attempts to provide a solution to interpreting vague terms by laying down, that a party which drafts and imposes an ambiguous term should not benefit from that ambiguity. Where there is any doubt or ambiguity in the words of an exclusion clause, the words are construed more forcibly against the party putting forth the document, and in favour of the other party. [xv]

The doctrine of contra proferentem attempts to protect the layman from the legally knowledgeable companies which draft standard forms of contracts, in which the former stands on a much weaker footing with regard to bargaining power with the latter. This doctrine has been used in interpreting insurance contracts in India. [xvi]

If litigation ensues as a result of this uncertainty, there are high chances that the Courts will tend to favour the assignor and not the drafter of the documents.


This section of the paper attempts to give defences which the Bank may raise in case of any disputes arising out of silence on the matter of assignability of obligations.

Interpretation of the Security Documents

UNIDROIT principles expressly provide a method for interpretation of contracts. [xvii] The method consists of utilizing the following factors:

This defence relates to the concept of estoppel embodied in Section 115 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. According to the Section, when one person has, by his declaration, act or omission, intentionally caused or permitted another person to believe a thing to be true and to act upon such belief, neither he nor his representative shall be allowed, in any suit or proceeding between himself and such person or his representatives, to deny the truth of that thing.

If a man either by words or by conduct has intimated that he consents to an act which has been done and that he will not offer any opposition to it, and he thereby induces others to do that which they otherwise might have abstained from, he cannot question legality of the act he had sanctioned to the prejudice of those who have so given faith to his words or to the fair inference to be drawn from his conduct. [xviii] Subsequent conduct may be relevant to show that the contract exists, or to show variation in the terms of the contract, or waiver, or estoppel. [xix]

Where the meaning of the instrument is ambiguous, a statement subsequently interpreting such instrument is admissible. [xx] In the present case, where the borrower has never raised any claims with regard to non assignability of obligations on him, and has consented to the present conditions and relations with ICICI Bank, he cannot he cannot be allowed to raise any claims with respect to the same.

Internationally, the doctrine of post contractual conduct is invoked for such disputes. It refers to the acts of parties to a contract after the commencement of the contract. It stipulates that where a party has behaved in a particular manner, so as to induce the other party to discharge its obligations, even if there has been a variation from the terms of the contract, the first party cannot cite such variation as a reason for its breach of the contract.

Where the parties to a contract are both under a common mistake as to the meaning or effect of it, and therefore embark on a course of dealing on the footing of that mistake, thereby replacing the original terms of the contract by a conventional basis on which they both conduct their affairs, then the original contract is replaced by the conventional basis. The parties are bound by the conventional basis. Either party can sue or be sued upon it just as if it had been expressly agreed between them. [xxi]

The importance of consensus ad idem has been concretized by various case laws in India. Further, if the stipulations and terms are uncertain and the parties are not ad idem there can be no specific performance, for there was no contract at all. [xxii]

In the present case, the minds of the assignor and assignee can be said to have not met while entering into the assignment. The assignee never had any intention of undertaking any obligations of the assignor. In Hartog v Colin & Shields, [xxiii] the defendants made an offer to the plaintiffs to sell hare skins, offering to a pay a price per pound instead of per piece.


To concretize ICICI Bank’s stand on the assignment of obligations in the matter of loans secured by insurance policies, the relevant security documents could be amended to include such a clause.

For instances where loans are secured by life insurance policies, a standard set by the American Banker’s Association (ABA) has been followed by many Indian commercial institutions as well. [xxvi] The ABA is a trade association in the USA representing banks ranging from the smallest community bank to the largest bank holding companies. ABA’s principal activities include lobbying, professional development for member institutions, maintenance of best practices and industry standards, consumer education, and distribution of products and services. [xxvii]

There are several ICICI security documents which have included clauses denying any assignment of obligations to it. An extract of the deed of hypothecation for vehicle loan has been reproduced below:

“ 3. In further pursuance of the Loan Terms and for the consideration aforesaid, the Hypothecator hereby further agrees, confirms, declares and undertakes with the Bank as follows:

(i)(a) The Hypothecator shall at its expenses keep the Assets in good and marketable condition and, if stipulated by the Bank under the Loan Terms, insure such of the Assets which are of insurable nature, in the joint names of the Hypothecator and the Bank against any loss or damage by theft, fire, lightning, earthquake, explosion, riot, strike, civil commotion, storm, tempest, flood, erection risk, war risk and such other risks as may be determined by the Bank and including wherever applicable, all marine, transit and other hazards incidental to the acquisition, transportation and delivery of the relevant Assets to the place of use or installation. The Hypothecator shall deliver to the Bank the relevant policies of insurance and maintain such insurance throughout the continuance of the security of these presents and deliver to the Bank the renewal receipts / endorsements / renewed policies therefore and till such insurance policies / renewal policies / endorsements are delivered to the Bank, the same shall be held by the Hypothecator in trust for the Bank. The Hypothecator shall duly and punctually pay all premia and shall not do or suffer to be done or omit to do or be done any act, which may invalidate or avoid such insurance. In default, the Bank may (but shall not be bound to) keep in good condition and render marketable the relevant Assets and take out / renew such insurance. Any premium paid by the Bank and any costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Bank shall forthwith on receipt of a notice of demand from the Bank be reimbursed by the Hypothecator and/or Borrower to the Bank together with interest thereon at the rate for further interest as specified under the Loan Terms, from the date of payment till reimbursement thereof and until such reimbursement, the same shall be a charge on the Assets…”

The inclusion of such a clause in all security documents of the Bank can avoid the problem of assignability of obligations in insurance policies used as security for any facility sanctioned by it.

An assignment of securities is of utmost importance to any lender to secure the facility, without which the lender will not be entitled to any interest in the securities so deposited.

In this paper, one has seen the need for assignment of securities of a facility. Risks involved in not having a separate clause dealing with non assignability of obligations have been discussed. Certain defences which ICICI Bank may raise in case of the dispute have also been enumerated along with solutions to the same.

Formatted by March 2nd, 2019.


[i] J.H. Tod v. Lakhmidas , 16 Bom 441, 449

[ii] http://www.licindia.in/policy_conditions.htm#12, last visited 30 th June, 2014

[iii] Headwaters Construction Co. Ltd. v National City Mortgage Co. Ltd., 720 F. Supp. 2d 1182 (D. Idaho 2010)

[iv] Indian Contract Act and Specific Relief Act, Mulla, Vol. I, 13 th Edn., Reprint 2010, p 968

[v] Khardah Co. Ltd. v. Raymond & Co ., AIR 1962 SC 1810: (1963) 3 SCR 183

[vi] Principles of Insurance Law, M.N. Srinivasan, 8 th Edn., 2006, p. 857

[vii] Ram Baran v Ram Mohit , AIR 1967 SC 744: (1967) 1 SCR 293

[viii] Sri Sarada Mills Ltd. v Union of India, AIR 1973 SC 281

[ix] Lala Kapurchand Godha v Mir Nawah Himayatali Khan, [1963] 2 SCR 168

[x] Velayudhan v Pillaiyar, 9 Mad LT 102 (Mad)

[xi] Hindustan Ideal Insurance Co. Ltd. v Satteya, AIR 1961 AP 183

[xii] Mulraj Khatau v Vishwanath, 40 IA 24 – Respondent based his claim on a mere deposit of the policy and not under a written transfer and claimed that a charge had thus been created on the policy.

[xiii] Insure Policy Plus Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. v The Life Insurance Corporation of India, 2007(109)BOMLR559

[xiv] Transfer of Property Act, Sanjiva Row, 7 th Edn., 2011, Vol II, Universal Law Publishing Company, New Delhi

[xv] Ghaziabad Development Authority v Union of India, AIR 2000 SC 2003

[xvi] United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v M/s. Pushpalaya Printers, [2004] 3 SCR 631, General Assurance Society Ltd. v Chandumull Jain & Anr., [1966 (3) SCR 500]

[xvii] UNIDROIT Principles, Art 4.3

[xviii] B.L.Sreedhar & Ors. v K.M. Munireddy & Ors., 2002 (9) SCALE 183

[xix] James Miller & Partners Ltd. v Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd., [1970] 1 All ER 796 (HL)

[xx] Godhra Electricity Co. Ltd. v State of Gujarat, AIR 1975 SC 32

[xxi] Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. Ltd. v Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd., [1981] 1 All ER 923

[xxii] Smt. Mayawanti v Smt. Kaushalya Devi, 1990 SCR (2) 350

[xxiii] [1939] 3 All ER 566

[xxiv] Terrell v Alexandria Auto Co., 12 La.App. 625

[xxv] http://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/CISG25/Pamboukis.pdf, last visited on 30 th June, 2014

[xxvi] https://www.phoenixwm.phl.com/shared/eforms/getdoc.jsp?DocId=525.pdf, last visited on 30 th June, 2014

[xxvii] http://www.aba.com/About/Pages/default.aspx, last visited on 30 th June, 2014

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