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Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

Conventional learning is evolving with the help of computers and online technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the most important benefits available. People all around the world are experiencing improved mobility as a result of the freedom and potential that online learning provides, and as academic institutions and learning organisations adopt online learning technologies and remote-access learning, formal academic education is becoming increasingly legitimate. This essay argues the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online learning.

Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis. Institutions can do so with relatively few extra resources, and for paid courses this constitutes excellent value, and the student benefits with greater educational access and greater flexibility to learn and get qualified even when there lots of other personal commitments to deal with.

Flexibility is certainly one of the most important benefits, but just as important is educational access. On top of the internet’s widespread presence in developed countries, the internet is becoming increasingly available in newly developed and developing countries. Even without considering the general informational exposure that the internet delivers, online academic courses and learning initiatives are becoming more aware of the needs of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and this means that people from such backgrounds are in a much better position to learn and progress than they used to be.

The biggest argument that raises doubt over online learning is the quality of online courses in comparison to conventional courses. Are such online courses good enough for employers to take notice? The second biggest argument is the current reality that faces many people from disadvantaged backgrounds, despite the improvements made in this area in recent years – they do not have the level of basic access needed to benefit from online learning. In fact, there are numerous sources of evidence that claim disadvantaged students are not receiving anywhere near the sort of benefits that online learning institutions and promoters are trying to instigate. Currently there are many organisations, campaigns and initiatives that are working to expand access to higher education. With such high participation, it can be argued that it is only a matter of time before the benefits are truly realised, but what about the global online infrastructure?

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

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Pros and Cons of Distance Learning Argumentative Essay

On March 13th, 2020 at the end of the day, schools announced that in-person will be suspended due to Covid-19. The school district decided schools would resume. However, it would take place through online learning. I agree that in-person learning is the best option. As a result, there have been so many negative effects since we moved to distance learning. Distance learning has adversely impacted students from a lack of motivation, mental health issues, and procrastination on assignments. 

Distance learning makes it difficult to keep motivated when you're usually on your own and there's a lack of communication. For instance, You wouldn't get as much help online as you would in-person. Teachers would drive us to do better in school if we were physically there. That is the root of inspiration. Teachers supported us, and we received the assistance we needed. Doing work without inspiration is highly difficult for students. 

Distance learning enables one to procrastinate on tasks even more quickly. For instance, students are making their own environment, which means they are at ease with their own house. We have a lot of distractions at home, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate at school. Ultimately, online material is more difficult to grasp. We can audibly see how these are the underlying causes of procrastination and people face these problems on a regular basis.  

Many people, on the other hand, believe that they have more independence and fewer restrictions online than they do in person. This is particularly valid in recognition of the way that most students are falling behind on assignments and earning low grades. Teachers have been assigning students twice the amount of work. Students stay up all night in order to finish them on time. 

Based on all that has been said, distance learning has proved to be unsuccessful for us, and schools must re-open. There are several disadvantages after nearly a year of distance learning. It's hard to be excited about distance learning because you're always on your own and there's a lack of interaction. Distance learning worsens our procrastination on assignments. This is important because it leads to stress, anxiety, and depression. To improve this society, the schools should resume in-person as it will be of great benefit because you can work at your own pace, school is the best quiet space environment, inspiration, and performing better.

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How to write an argumentative essay

How to write an argumentative essay

The argumentative essay is a staple in university courses, and writing this style of essay is a key skill for students across multiple disciplines. Here’s what you need to know to write an effective and compelling argumentative essay.

What is an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay takes a stance on an issue and presents an argument to defend that stance with the intent of persuading the reader to agree. It generally requires extensive research into a topic so that you have a deep grasp of its subtleties and nuances, are able to take a position on the issue, and can make a detailed and logical case for one side or the other.

It’s not enough to merely have an opinion on an issue—you have to present points to justify your opinion, often using data and other supporting evidence.

When you are assigned an argumentative essay, you will typically be asked to take a position, usually in response to a question, and mount an argument for it. The question can be two-sided or open-ended, as in the examples provided below.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts:

Two-sided Question

Should completing a certain number of volunteer hours be a requirement to graduate from high school? Support your argument with evidence.

Open-ended Question

What is the most significant impact that social media has had on this generation of young people?

Once again, it’s important to remember that you’re not just conveying facts or information in an argumentative essay. In the course of researching your topic, you should develop a stance on the issue. Your essay will then express that stance and attempt to persuade the reader of its legitimacy and correctness through discussion, assessment, and evaluation.

The main types of argumentative essays

Although you are advancing a particular viewpoint, your argumentative essay must flow from a position of objectivity. Your argument should evolve thoughtfully and rationally from evidence and logic rather than emotion.

There are two main models that provide a good starting point for crafting your essay: the Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

The Toulmin Model

This model is commonly used in academic essays. It mounts an argument through the following four steps:

  • Make a claim.
  • Present the evidence, or grounds, for the claim.
  • Explain how the grounds support the claim.
  • Address potential objections to the claim, demonstrating that you’ve given thought to the opposing side and identified its limitations and deficiencies.

As an example of how to put the Toulmin model into practice, here’s how you might structure an argument about the impact of devoting public funding to building low-income housing.

  • Make your claim that low-income housing effectively solves several social issues that drain a city’s resources, providing a significant return on investment.
  • Cite data that shows how an increase in low-income housing is related to a reduction in crime rates, homelessness, etc.
  • Explain how this data proves the beneficial impact of funding low-income housing.
  • Preemptively counter objections to your claim and use data to demonstrate whether these objections are valid or not.

The Rogerian Model

This model is also frequently used within academia, and it also builds an argument using four steps, although in a slightly different fashion:

  • Acknowledge the merits of the opposing position and what might compel people to agree with it.
  • Draw attention to the problems with this position.
  • Lay out your own position and identify how it resolves those problems.
  • Proffer some middle ground between the two viewpoints and make the case that proponents of the opposing position might benefit from adopting at least some elements of your view.

The persuasiveness of this model owes to the fact that it offers a balanced view of the issue and attempts to find a compromise. For this reason, it works especially well for topics that are polarizing and where it’s important to demonstrate that you’re arguing in good faith.

To illustrate, here’s how you could argue that smartphones should be permitted in classrooms.

  • Concede that smartphones can be a distraction for students.
  • Argue that what teachers view as disruptions are actually opportunities for learning.
  • Offer the view that smartphones, and students’ interest in them, can be harnessed as teaching tools.
  • Suggest teaching activities that involve smartphones as a potential resource for teachers who are not convinced of their value.

It’s not essential to adhere strictly to one model or the other—you can borrow elements from both models to structure your essay. However, no matter which model of argumentation you choose, your essay will need to have an outline that effectively presents and develops your position.

How to outline and write an argumentative essay

A clear and straightforward structure works best for argumentative essays since you want to make it easy for your reader to understand your position and follow your arguments. The traditional essay outline comprises an introductory paragraph that announces your thesis statement, body paragraphs that unfold your argument point by point, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes your thesis and supporting points.

Introductory paragraph

This paragraph provides an overview of your topic and any background information that your readers will need in order to understand the context and your position. It generally concludes with an explicit statement of your position on the topic, which is known as your thesis statement.

Over the last decade, smartphones have transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, socially, culturally, and personally. They are now incorporated into almost every facet of daily life, and this includes making their way into classrooms. There are many educators who view smartphones with suspicion and see them as a threat to the sanctity of the classroom. Although there are reasons to regard smartphones with caution, there are ways to use them responsibly to teach and educate the next generation of young minds. Indeed, the value they hold as teaching tools is nearly unlimited: as a way to teach digital literacy, to reach students through a medium that is familiar and fun for them, and to provide a nimble and adaptable learning environment.

Body paragraphs

Most argumentative essays have at least three body paragraphs that lay out the supporting points in favor of your argument. Each paragraph should open with a topic sentence that presents a separate point that is then fleshed out and backed up by research, facts, figures, data, and other evidence. Remember that your aim in writing an argumentative essay is to convince or persuade your reader, and your body paragraphs are where you present your most compelling pieces of information in order to do just that.

The body of your essay is also where you should address any opposing arguments and make your case against them, either disproving them or stating the reasons why you disagree. Responding to potential rebuttals strengthens your argument and builds your credibility with your readers.

A frequent objection that teachers have to smartphones in the classroom is that students use them to socialize when they should be learning. This view overlooks the fact that students are using smartphones to connect with each other and this is a valuable skill that should be encouraged, not discouraged, in the classroom. A 2014 study demonstrated the benefits of providing students with individual smartphones. Sanctioned smartphone use in the classroom proved to be of particular importance in improving educational outcomes for low-income and at-risk students. What’s more, learning apps have been developed specifically to take advantage of the potential of smartphones to reach learners of various levels and backgrounds, and many offer the ability to customize the method and delivery of lessons to individual learner preferences. This shows that the untapped potential of smartphones is huge, and many teachers would do well to consider incorporating them into their classrooms.

Your concluding paragraph wraps up your essay by restating your thesis and recapping the arguments you presented in your body paragraphs. No new information should be introduced in your conclusion, however, you may consider shifting the lens of your argument to make a comment on how this issue affects the world at large or you personally, always keeping in mind that objectivity and relevance are your guiding principles.

Smartphones have a growing place in the world of education, and despite the presence of legitimate concerns about their use, their value as teaching tools has been clearly established. With more and more of our lives going digital and with the growing emphasis on offering distance learning as an option, educators with an eye to the future won't wait to embrace smartphones and find ways to use them to their fullest effect. As much time and space as we could devote to weighing the pros and cons of smartphones, the fact is that they are not going to disappear from our lives, and our best bet is to develop their, and our students', potential.

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Online education persuasive essay sample, example.


It seems everything is moving online these days. Even our education is transferring onto the internet. Many people might squabble about the disadvantages of this phenomena, but today, I want to discuss the advantages of getting an education online. This is a pertinent topic, as the future of education is moving more and more towards shifting physical educational institutions online. There are reasons for this: many times you can learn whatever you want, it is more comfortable in a variety of ways, online courses often look good on resumes, the pacing of learning is managed by the learner, and the cost of virtual education is often lower than traditional education.

Online Education

Flexibility and Accessibility of Online Education

The freedom to choose your educational path is an enduring quality of online education. For more creative people, or people who want to focus on a single activity, this can be a dream come true. According to elearning Industry, “You can pick the program of your dreams in traditional education, too, but that would involve traveling away from home, living in a completely unknown city, and struggling in an extremely competitive learning environment. With online education, you can take any program or course present in traditional four-year universities” (Norman, Stephanie). So, the ease of access to the courses and majors you are striving to study are widely available online. This increases opportunities to gain the education we desire instead of making needless compromises.

Comfort and Convenience: The Comfort Factor in Online Learning

Like the last point, comfort takes center stage for many students. Countless students choose online education in order to avoid wasting time travelling and on many other activities in order to attend physical education institutions. According to the Open Education Database, “Commercials that feature online students studying in their pajamas only skims the surface of one of the benefits of online education: no physical class sessions. Students listen to lectures and complete assignments sent to them electronically, with no need to fight traffic, leave work early for class, or miss important family time. Rather than miss important class sessions (due to weather conditions), students in online courses can always “attend” by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, turning in their work on time, and watching lectures or reading materials” (“10 Advantages of Taking Online Classes”). In other words, by being an online student, you circumnavigate many of the issues that regular students endure on a daily basis.

Two Advantages of Online Education

In addition, many employers are happy to see online courses on resumes. Many recruiters see the taking of online courses as a sign of taking initiative. As stated by Pongo Resume, “Employers respect a degree earned online as much as a degree earned from attending a brick-and-mortar school. They understand that with the technological advances we have today, more and more employees are getting their education and training online. Because hiring managers value continuing education and professional development, having the relevant courses and programs in the education section of your resume will demonstrate that you are resourceful and have taken the initiative to stay ahead of the curve and improve professionally” (“The Advantages of Online Learning for You and Your Career”). Therefore, not only is online education seen as equal to regular education by employers, but it is also viewed as being competent in the latest technologies and trends.

Back to the students, one of the great advantages of online education is that learners can study at their own pace. According to eLearning Industry, “This type of system does not require attending live sessions; you can access the materials at any time that works for you. If you have to work or take care of your home and children during the day, you can study at night. That’s an advantage the traditional educational system cannot beat” (Norman, Stephanie). Besides, when studying online, people can also get some outside help without such a great pressure of deadlines. You can take all the time you need to browse through the best paper writing service review to find guidance and improve studies. In addition, people who want to take a longer time to receive a degree can do so without any pressure.

Cost Efficiency: An Attractive Aspect of Online Education

Finally, the cost of getting an online education is cheaper on average than receiving a traditional education. According to the Open Education Database, “Though not all online degrees offer less expensive net tuition prices than traditional colleges, associated expenses almost always cost less. For example, there are no commuting costs, and sometimes required course materials, such as textbooks, are available online at no cost. In addition, many colleges and universities accept credits earned via free massive open online courses (MOOCs), the most recent advance in online education” (“10 Advantages of Taking Online Classes”). Thus, there are a variety of reasons why an online education costs less.

Receiving an online education is becoming more and more popular due to a multitude of advantages it has over traditional instruction. These advantages include, to name a few: students can learn whatever they want, it is more comfortable, online courses often look great on resumes, the pacing of learning is managed by the pupil, and the cost is often lower than traditional education. With these reasons, it is hard to not see why this form of education is on the rise.

  • Convenience is Key: One of the biggest perks of taking classes online is the convenience it offers. Whether you’re a busy professional or a student with a hectic schedule, you can fit your coursework into your routine.
  • Increased Interaction: Contrary to popular belief, online learning can provide more opportunities for interaction with your classmates and instructors. With tools like discussion forums, video conferencing, and collaborative projects, you can build connections and engage in meaningful discussions.
  • Expanded Learning Opportunities: Online classes can provide unique learning opportunities, such as self-paced coursework, access to multimedia resources, and the ability to connect with experts from around the world. These opportunities can enhance your educational experience and help you achieve your goals.
  • Flexibility for Your Lifestyle: Online learning also provides flexibility that traditional classroom settings can’t match. You have the freedom to study when and where you want, allowing you to balance your personal and academic commitments.
  • Affordable and Accessible: With online classes, you can save money on expenses such as commuting, textbooks, and housing. Additionally, you have access to a wider range of courses and programs that may not be available in your local area.
  • Feelings of Isolation: One potential downside of online learning is that it may create a sense of isolation. Without the physical presence of classmates and instructors, it can be difficult to establish a sense of community and connection.
  • Self-Discipline is a Must: Online learning also requires a significant amount of self-discipline. Without the structure and routine of a traditional classroom setting, it can be easy to become distracted or fall behind in your coursework.
  • Instructor Training is Key: To ensure that online classes are effective and engaging, instructors must receive specialized training in online teaching methods. Without this training, it can be challenging to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.
  • Technical Difficulties: Online classes are also prone to technical issues, such as connectivity problems or software glitches. These issues can disrupt the learning process and cause frustration for both students and instructors.
  • Increased Screen Time: Another potential drawback of online learning is the increased amount of screen time it requires. Spending too much time in front of a computer or other device can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other health issues.

Online education or e-learning has become a pivotal tool in shaping the future of education. With the advent of technology, distance learning has revolutionized the way knowledge is delivered, making it a compelling alternative to traditional educational systems. This influential composition aims to underline the undeniable advantages of virtual education.

One notable benefit of internet-based education is the extensive range of courses available at your fingertips. In contrast to traditional learning institutions where some specializations may not be offered, e-learning platforms provide an array of diverse courses. This means that learners, regardless of their field of interest, can find courses that suit their needs, enhancing their understanding and expertise in specific areas.

Additionally, online learning platforms often provide interactive sessions, webinars, and seminars , enabling students to communicate directly with their instructors. This access to experts in the field can drastically enrich the learning experience, making the information more relevant and easier to understand. This direct interaction, a feature often missing in traditional classroom settings, makes virtual learning a highly effective educational method.

Online learning has also proven to be a cost-effective option for many students. With resources like e-books and open-source software, internet-based education can significantly reduce the financial burden on students. Unlike traditional education, where textbooks and materials can be costly, digital resources are often much cheaper, and in many cases, freely accessible.

In addition to the benefits for students, online education provides opportunities for teachers to enhance their teaching methods. Through the use of digital tools, educators can create engaging lectures and activities, allowing them to convey complex ideas more effectively. Furthermore, e-learning platforms provide tools for tracking student progress, enabling teachers to provide personalized feedback and guidance.

To conclude, the benefits of online education are manifold. From the flexibility it offers to the wide variety of courses available, internet-based education is paving the way for a new era of learning . As we progress further into the digital age, it is likely that online learning will continue to grow and evolve, playing a significant role in shaping the future of education.

In order to effectively communicate the benefits of e-learning in a convincing essay , it’s important to provide concrete examples and demonstrations . Providing pointers on how to choose a program, manage time effectively, and utilize digital resources can add significant value to the piece and engage readers.

What are the main advantages of online education? Online education offers numerous benefits such as flexibility, a wide variety of course options, cost-effectiveness, and access to expert instruction and resources. It allows learners to manage their own pace of learning and reduces costs related to commuting and physical materials.

How can students maximize the benefits of online learning? Students can maximize the benefits of online learning by managing their time effectively, actively participating in online discussions and webinars, utilizing available digital resources, and maintaining open communication with their instructors.

Is an online degree as respected as a traditional degree? Yes, many employers respect online degrees as much as traditional ones. They understand that online learning requires self-discipline and initiative. In many fields, online learning is seen as being up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.

* Note : To ensure the quality and originality of your writing, use an AI writer checker tool to review your persuasive essay before submission.

Works Cited

Norman, Stephanie. “5 Advantages Of Online Learning: Education Without Leaving Home.” eLearning Industry, 3 Aug. 2017, elearningindustry.com/5-advantages-of-online-learning-education-without-leaving-home.

“10 Advantages of Taking Online Classes.” OEDB.org, Copyright © 2006-2019 OEDb – Accredited Online, Specialty, and Campus-Based Colleges, 10 Aug. 2018, oedb.org/ilibrarian/10-advantages-to-taking-online-classes/.

“The Advantages of Online Learning for You and Your Career.” Pongo, www.pongoresume.com/articles/513/the-advantages-of-online-learning-for-you-and-your-career.cfm.

What are the main advantages of online education?

Online education offers numerous benefits such as flexibility, a wide variety of course options, cost-effectiveness, and access to expert instruction and resources. It allows learners to manage their own pace of learning and reduces costs related to commuting and physical materials.

How can students maximize the benefits of online learning?

Students can maximize the benefits of online learning by managing their time effectively, actively participating in online discussions and webinars, utilizing available digital resources, and maintaining open communication with their instructors.

Is an online degree as respected as a traditional degree?

Yes, many employers respect online degrees as much as traditional ones. They understand that online learning requires self-discipline and initiative. In many fields, online learning is seen as being up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.

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Like students throughout California, students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district headquartered in Richmond have been grappling with distance learning instituted in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It is possible or even likely that distance learning will be a prominent part of the school landscape this fall as well. With that in mind, we we are bringing you these students’ reflections on their experiences with distance learning and being out of school generally  — what worked and what didn’t. Friday is officially the last day of school in the district, but some of these interviews were conducted earlier this semester. Students’ remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity.  

distance learning argumentative essay

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. Although, once quarantine started, where we don’t go out, I feel way more mentally exhausted. Along with that, I’ve been really emotional. I get really sad over little things or angry at things I shouldn’t get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the same amount of homework, or maybe a little less since some teachers are trying to make this easier. I also don’t have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have canceled tests for the rest of the year…I spend about three to four hours on homework per day, unless I’ve already finished all my work that week. I’m getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Veronica Contreras, 16, sophomore, De Anza High

What I miss is the support that school actually gives. The way distance learning is set up at De Anza is we have two Zoom classes every day in which they assign work that is due a week later. On Thursday, we have one class and on Fridays, the Zoom classes are just clubs or extracurriculars that want to have a meeting. I personally feel that I am not learning in these Zoom classes.

Irene Kou, 15, sophomore, De Anza High

It feels like there’s more pressure to want to stay silent and even if you do ask for help, most questions are not fully answered due to the lack of the in-person and hands-on experience.

Katherine Henriquez, 19, senior, Richmond High

I feel that I’m not getting as much work done and have fewer resources around me. It makes me feel more stressed because teachers aren’t there and you have to wait for their response which might take days because they have other students to respond to as well… I also miss seeing my friends and meeting new people at school.

Edwin Garcia, 17, senior, Richmond High

In the midst of all this chaos and struggle, it’s been very hard to stay motivated to do work and keep up with new assignments…Covid-19 also changed the process of enrolling in college as I’m not able to go to the campus for tours or if I need help I can’t ask my teachers. Additionally, financially college has also become more frightening because of the financial crisis that’s spreading across the world. For now, I’m staying calm but the effects of quarantine are beginning to take a toll on my mental health.

Ricardo Castillo Fierro, 17, senior, Richmond High

Every day, I feel less motivated to do my work. At first, when this distance learning started. I thought the work was going to be easier. Then, as time passed everything just fell apart. I’m behind in all of my classes and it’s nearly impossible to catch up. I can’t do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn’t able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school wasn’t what I expected at all…It’s one of the reasons why I lost motivation in school because we aren’t going to be able to graduate on stage.

Yvette Garcia, 18, senior, Richmond High

I lost a part-time job due to the virus. I would work around 24-28 hours a week. I would contribute to my family’s expenses by giving $120 a month for the electricity bill in order to help my family. Not being able to help with the bills makes me feel useless because I know my family needs that extra help…I also just miss being out in public with friends and doing outside activities (and) how it could take my mind off of things and just let me relax a little and enjoy the way things used to be.

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College Prep Academy

Distance learning has been difficult. It’s been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments…I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. If I was at school, I would’ve learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, senior, Middle College High

I am taking both college and high school classes. My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classroom. I have pushed my self determination to the max and I’m experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. I sometimes get discouraged and unmotivated but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom with a Zoom meeting every other week. I don’t believe I’m learning as much as I would have in school because I’m not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly…To tell you the truth it is a lot to manage since I’m not physically at school working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my work.

Jennifer Diaz Lopez, 18, senior, Richmond High

I have been overwhelmed with the amount of work that I receive, which has changed ever since the pandemic began. Most of my classes are being taught through videos. The majority of my teachers upload videos in which they explain the week’s assignments, while other teachers upload files and text through Remind . My teachers have only reached out when I ask for extensions. I honestly have not learned anything since classes went virtual, because I’m a student that needs to interact and engage with physical activities.

Olinda Raquel Figueredo Orellana, 14, freshman, Kennedy High

It’s been really stressful because most people just want this whole thing to be over and I’m one of them but overall I just feel like it’s not going to happen since so many people still go out. Freshman year wasn’t what I expected because of the whole social distancing. I mean it kind of ruined the high school experience.

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almost all of my classes every day, almost back to back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to… It’s like fighting with my brain daily to do the work or to not do the work. As much as I wouldn’t want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus.

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

It is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don’t feel motivated to do the work since there is nobody my age whereas at school I feel motivated..it seems like it’s easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Niya Mason, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

At school, I feel like I was actually learning. But for distance learning, it feels like I am not learning to my full potential. The work definitely keeps me on my toes but I don’t feel like I’m learning. When I’m physically at school, it’s different since I can ask questions, learn more about the subject and be there in person. However, it just seems like, in online learning, teachers are constantly pushing work. I’m not learning because I am constantly struggling to turn the assignments in on time.”

Karina Mascorro , David Sanchez, Valeria Echeverria and Ronishlla Maharaj are students at Richmond High School in the West Contra Costa Unified School District. They’re staff writers of the West Contra Costa Student Reporting Project.

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Catter Lino 3 years ago 3 years ago

Thank you all so much for letting me know I’m not the only person feeling stressed about all this studying at home.

jonathan 3 years ago 3 years ago

Distance learning has been hard because it’s hard to concentrate and get distracted, and I feel like we don’t learn better than we did before.

trinity avalos 3 years ago 3 years ago

Dear Nayeli Mercado, I know how you feel about your mental health and problem. I also will get emotional and angry for the Smallest thing. I also used to hate school but now I miss it.

annamarie 3 years ago 3 years ago

I feel the same way.

Vivi 3 years ago 3 years ago

I do virtual learning but I am in 5th grade and I am struggling with stress and friends and life is just hard. I am doing an opinion writing and it is called, "Should Schools Always Have A Virtual Option" and I think not. I am personally someone that loves in person but I put pretty much told all of my feeling to my teacher so now I don't want to change teachers … Read More

I do virtual learning but I am in 5th grade and I am struggling with stress and friends and life is just hard. I am doing an opinion writing and it is called, “Should Schools Always Have A Virtual Option” and I think not. I am personally someone that loves in person but I put pretty much told all of my feeling to my teacher so now I don’t want to change teachers just to be in person. I feel like I wanna crawl in a hole and die. I have always had this tough girl image and now I feel like I let myself down. I just have 2 swim practices left. I have the mock meet and an award and fun day for the last two swim practices. Softball starts in the beginning of May and I forgot when running club starts.

That is not why I am stressed it is all of the stupid school work and how I feel like I am not learning as much as everybody else. My teacher says I am really smart and my knowledge will take me places and will impress people the whole way and I know that deep down but when I am thinking bad thoughts I always doubt it’s true. She says I am one of the most hard working students she has ever met and she also said that she does not say that to everyone so I do believe I just feel like my life is falling apart right and I am doing nothing to stop when really I am doing as much as I can.

It is nice to feel that I am not alone and if you are reading this comment and you are like me, just know, you are not alone in this battle.

Naymi 3 years ago 3 years ago

For my school, the work is extra hard than on online learning and when we chose the elective, I asked for normal classes and they gave me advanced. I didn’t believe they just switched my classes and they changed my actual classes and me and my mother complained to them to change it but they did not. I don’t know why but it is very infuriating how they did nothing after we complained multiple times to the school.

Suzette Cuseo 3 years ago 3 years ago

These comments from students are very relevant. I teach adult ESL students and they will be interested in reviewing the opinions of younger students. Thank you for your input.

Sophia 3 years ago 3 years ago

I hate distance learning. Ever since it started I havent been motivated to do my work or even pay attention because as teachers constantly remind us... "the class is recorded and the slides are on google classroom". Like why even pay attention much less study or take notes when you have all the resources you need. It was awful and stressful trying to get work done when I had access to the internet. I would … Read More

I hate distance learning. Ever since it started I havent been motivated to do my work or even pay attention because as teachers constantly remind us… “the class is recorded and the slides are on google classroom”. Like why even pay attention much less study or take notes when you have all the resources you need.

It was awful and stressful trying to get work done when I had access to the internet. I would always get distracted and then get behind. also it took a huge toll on my mental health. I stopped sleeping regularly, was diagnosed with Social Anxiety (seeing as I was a very outgoing person and wasn’t afraid of people), suffered depression from not being able to converse with friends or even see them, got into some really bad habits and am struggling to get over, got cyber bullied. And all that for me to forget everything I learned the whole year!! Point being Zoom/online learning is destroying metal health, social skills, actual learning, and our sense of normality.

Logan Clarkson 4 years ago 4 years ago

I feel the same as almost all of these. and is everyone else doing this for school?

Rosalyn Parks 4 years ago 4 years ago

Doing school online is tough. Not only is it hard for me to find motivation to even start my work, the zoom classes are tiring and I can’t see my friends. I’m getting restless and just want an excuse to get off my computer and do something else, even if I’m in the hospital. I’m sick of online school.

Annabelle Stornetta 4 years ago 4 years ago

I have seven - no scratch that - I have eight classes if I include my advisory class that are from 8:30 am-4:00 pm (Fridays are shorter and go from 10:00-1:00 thankfully). I attend MIT in Vallejo CA and I am a senior this year. I truly dislike having to attend my last year of high school from home on a computer. I have no internet or computer of my own because I can't afford … Read More

I have seven – no scratch that – I have eight classes if I include my advisory class that are from 8:30 am-4:00 pm (Fridays are shorter and go from 10:00-1:00 thankfully). I attend MIT in Vallejo CA and I am a senior this year. I truly dislike having to attend my last year of high school from home on a computer. I have no internet or computer of my own because I can’t afford it at the moment so the school over the last summer was kind enough to give everyone these tiny T-Mobile hot spots and some school computers.

Unfortunately they have many problems like for example the extremely slow connection and nearly all websites are blocked. I have the worst possible luck with technology. (You will likely never meet someone with worse off tech problems than me.) Even my teachers are having a hard time coping with it all. I have never felt more bad for my teachers than I have recently in my entire life. I feel bad for some of the teachers that I don’t even like!

I just hope everything will sort itself out in the near future. But we don’t have to use our cameras which is nice of the school but we did have to change our profile pics to our faces at first then they let it go and we changed them back lol.

It’s a bit difficult to learn while watching a tiny screen but at least we’re learning something. I wish everyone having a hard time good luck and hope you all stay safe. I know that it’s hard now but humankind has gone through worse right, what can’t we do? Just do your best and try to stay positive.

Justina Smith 4 years ago 4 years ago

I completely agree with a lot of the students on this website. Distance Learning is definitely a challenge when you have no motivation in your own home. I tend to find myself very distracted by every little thing in my bedroom, I also tend to procrastinate a lot. Distance learning has its downs but I have been learning at my own pace so it’s stressful in its own ways, just not as much.

Carlos Romero 4 years ago 4 years ago

Distance learning has been a struggle for me these past months since we started it. But if I am being honest it also has helped me understand way more things than I used to do before quarantine. But obviously it has its cons and pros like everything does. But I hope to keep on pushing forward with all the things that are happening right now.

Eloy Robledo 4 years ago 4 years ago

Distance Learning is a struggle for me at most times because I don't get to talk to friends about the assignments. My senior year of high school has not been the great year that I was expecting to go through. I thought I was going to finish my Senior year with happiness and Joy, but I didn't, I got it with boringness and a lot of struggle with assignments that are due the next day … Read More

Distance Learning is a struggle for me at most times because I don’t get to talk to friends about the assignments. My senior year of high school has not been the great year that I was expecting to go through. I thought I was going to finish my Senior year with happiness and Joy, but I didn’t, I got it with boringness and a lot of struggle with assignments that are due the next day or next week. My senior year might be the worst year but I could change that around by making myself motivated and get with friends after school every single day. I am struggling worse than being in regular school in a regular class.

justin santiago 4 years ago 4 years ago

To be honest i kind of like it. I can do things on my own time. One thing i can say is a struggle is just motivation to do the work but overall I’m doing okay. I feel like they should give out less homework considering the whole pandemic and everybody’s personal lives.

teairra 4 years ago 4 years ago

Distance learning, it’s been stressful with trying to get the work turned in on time and trying to actually learn what the teacher is teaching. We have so much work to do and it causes me to have a lot of missing work whereas in school we don’t have so much work to complete at one time.

Emran Parwani 4 years ago 4 years ago

It has been really hard to be in distant learning. Not only are students struggling to find motivation to do work, but teachers to teach their subject through screen. I lack motivation to do a lot of my work since I feel that I’m not learning anything.

Fatima Marentes 4 years ago 4 years ago

I feel that with Distance Learning, there are more cons than pros. I lack motivation to do a lot of my work since I feel that I’m not learning anything. It is also hard to communicate with teachers and students due to learning behind a screen.

Maryam Aljwabra 4 years ago 4 years ago

It has been really hard to be in distant learning. For me it is really hard to stay at home and do the same thing over and over. I like to try new things. When my teachers give me my homework I don't feel like I am working from all of my heart even though I am doing the homework. Even though I have been in America for four year and since English is new … Read More

It has been really hard to be in distant learning. For me it is really hard to stay at home and do the same thing over and over. I like to try new things. When my teachers give me my homework I don’t feel like I am working from all of my heart even though I am doing the homework. Even though I have been in America for four year and since English is new for me it’s hard to keep up with assignments. I miss my friend and my teachers. If I was at school even if the teachers give you a lot of homework you don’t feel like you have too much pressure on yourself but in distancing learning i feel really pressured on all sides.

Genesis Feliciano 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with a lot of these student. Specially if you're a senior, distance learning is a big challenge. I feel less motivated everyday since I spend many hours on the computer and phone trying to do homework and attend meetings. It sucks because I spend more time on a screen than with my own family. There is never a break to sit down with them or anything due to the load of work I … Read More

I agree with a lot of these student. Specially if you’re a senior, distance learning is a big challenge. I feel less motivated everyday since I spend many hours on the computer and phone trying to do homework and attend meetings. It sucks because I spend more time on a screen than with my own family. There is never a break to sit down with them or anything due to the load of work I have to do. By the time I am done, I am tired and all I want to do is relax or sleep. This has been really stressful and I do wish teachers could give less homework and more classwork (work to do during class with teachers and classmates). Everything is going down hill for me.

Jada Cooper 4 years ago 4 years ago

I feel a little less motivated but it does give you more family time than you had as usual. The teachers are giving out homework after homework. It is really stressful to keep up with all of my classes – especially when you are a senior and it is the most important year so you have to pass all of your classes to graduate.

Victor Duran 4 years ago 4 years ago

Distance learning is hard for everyone. Not only are students struggling to find motivation to do work, but teachers to teach their subject to an empty screen. School gave us a learning environment – in a sense it forced us to learn what you don’t get while at home.

Ngan Doan 4 years ago 4 years ago

I think I am good at distance learning so far. Teachers try to make the class easier for students, so they do not give too much homework. They also add more attempts for students when they take the tests. However, it is inconvenient when I need help from the teacher. I had to wait so long to get the email back from the teacher or meet at their office hours. Classwork and homework are easy … Read More

I think I am good at distance learning so far. Teachers try to make the class easier for students, so they do not give too much homework. They also add more attempts for students when they take the tests. However, it is inconvenient when I need help from the teacher. I had to wait so long to get the email back from the teacher or meet at their office hours. Classwork and homework are easy for me to manage because they are the same as usual.

I am concerned about college applications. As a senior student, I have many questions about colleges, financial aid, or scholarships. I think it will be better if I am in school. I could work the applications with my counselors. The coronavirus made me SAT cancel so many times. I am not sure I can get the score before the deadline for college application.

Giselle Gomez 4 years ago 4 years ago

Distance learning is something new to me just as it is to every student. We were all used to going to school in person and in just a matter of time, it went to us learning behind a screen. I feel we are so worried about being caught up and doing all the work that we do not get to actually learn something.

Chuong T. 4 years ago 4 years ago

Yes, I agree with all people in here. It is hard to communicate with teachers and friends. We can’t see each other. We cannot sit together and help each other like we are in school. Things that make me feel very frustrated are the lost connection, technology issues, and the district website. It is hard to study and understand a problem because something the screen or speaker is glitching or lagging. We don't get help … Read More

Yes, I agree with all people in here. It is hard to communicate with teachers and friends. We can’t see each other. We cannot sit together and help each other like we are in school. Things that make me feel very frustrated are the lost connection, technology issues, and the district website. It is hard to study and understand a problem because something the screen or speaker is glitching or lagging. We don’t get help in an effective way. It also didn’t help my orals skill and social interaction. Because of the distance learning, we study at home and don’t go outside much so it didn’t improve much my communication and social skills. Also it gives us less motivation because it makes us very bored and does not give us an interest in every lesson.

Hiwa Fatanum 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with Niya's opinion. When I was at school, there were resources available to help when I was in need. There were tutors to help with homework and college counselors there to guide me. There are online appointments for help, however I feel as it is not as affective than it would be in person. Personally, I need to be shown physically and visually how to complete work. Through video call it is often … Read More

I agree with Niya’s opinion. When I was at school, there were resources available to help when I was in need. There were tutors to help with homework and college counselors there to guide me. There are online appointments for help, however I feel as it is not as affective than it would be in person. Personally, I need to be shown physically and visually how to complete work. Through video call it is often hard for me to comprehend the help provided to me.

sayed idris 4 years ago 4 years ago

I feel like distance learning is just bad because teachers give work but can’t help us because there are so many more students.

Komalpreet Mangat 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with Niya. I also don’t learn that much in the distance learning but I try to turn my all work on time.

Sayed Sadat 4 years ago 4 years ago

I can agree with Nyia Mason, she said “At school, I feel like I was actually learning. But for distance learning, it feels like I am not learning to my full potential.” I feel the same way.

Symonni Hampton 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with Niya. It is definitely a struggle to get the work turned in on time during Distance Learning, especially when you have other sibling to help out and get them in their class meetings and help out with their class or homework. I feel as if I am not learning because of all the distractions at home. Sometimes there are technical issues and the teacher can't hear or see us. I would say … Read More

I agree with Niya. It is definitely a struggle to get the work turned in on time during Distance Learning, especially when you have other sibling to help out and get them in their class meetings and help out with their class or homework. I feel as if I am not learning because of all the distractions at home. Sometimes there are technical issues and the teacher can’t hear or see us. I would say that Distance Learning is a harder way to learn than to be on the school campus, inside the classrooms with other peers.

Kalissa 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with almost all of the students. It is very hard to concentrate at my house so I find it difficult learning and less motivated.

Kevin G 4 years ago 4 years ago

Yashika Joshi and Ricardo Castillo Fierro both have very good points. It is hard to stay motivated in this type of environment and it is even harder with a heavier workload and more difficult assignments.

jade 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with Niya I don’t seem to learn anything but trying to keep but with my work and trying to turn it, in time is stressful.

Emily 4 years ago 4 years ago

I agree with Ricardo’s opinion on online learning making it harder to get work done. At home there are a lot of distractions and it’s hard to focus or get motivated to work.

I also agree with Monishla. The work feels optional because we won’t have to directly face our teachers in class with the work. It’s hard to get yourself to do the required work each day.

miracle 4 years ago 4 years ago

Being in distance learning is very head spinning because sometimes the zoom does not work and some of the teachers do not know how to properly use the zoom calls but over all zoom calls are all right.

Lamar Holloway 4 years ago 4 years ago

When I was at school, the only thing I had to worry about was school. Now that we have to do everything from home; everything becomes a factor – dogs barking, babies crying, chores, etc. This has just made everything harder to handle along with trying to fight against COVID-19.

Alexis Hawes 4 years ago 4 years ago

With the online school, I just don’t feel motivated to do it and there is also a lot of distractions. Whereas in school we were pushed more and there were only a couple of distractions. Online school can also be very confusing to me sometimes. But in the end I try and get my work done.

Shu Yin Huang (Canita) 4 years ago 4 years ago

Personally, distantce learning has been convenient but also difficult. I don’t have to go to school, that means I will learn less by using Zoom. I really miss my school life, my classmates and participating in activities. I feel like I am less motivated to study. It is hard to manage my time. I hope everything will be fine and we can go to school as soon as possible,

Brian 4 years ago 4 years ago

Inevitably, it is really hard to study online. But the fact cannot be denied that it is one of the good ways to bind students with their subjects.

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Distance Learning Essay | Dissertationmasters.com

Distance learning, as it is known to many students, is the online learning and teaching programs offered by world class institutions of learning. Unlike traditional classroom education, students are virtually enrolled in their programs and respective classes online. Statistical data taken from the leading institutions of higher learning in the United States and United Kingdom show that the number of students registering for distance learning programs is increasing day and night. In the United States alone, the number of students taking courses through distance education has since risen from 3.9 million in 2010 to approximately 8.9 million students in 2013. Whereas distance learning is applauded for its inherent ability to reduce illiteracy amongst the Americans through promotion of cheaper internet enabled computer programs, the mode of education has been found out to compromise the quality of learning outcomes.

Although traditional classroom education remains the mode of learning which is widely practiced and offered by most of the institutions such as colleges and universities across the world, distance learning is increasingly becoming more popular in the age of information technology. Distance learning is no longer an alternative mode of learning to traditional education but a preferred mode of learning across the world. The most recent survey conducted among college students revealed that 80% of the college and university students are in favor of distance learning because of its flexibility. The subsequent popularity of distance learning is attributed to fact it is the only mode of education that gives students freedom to choose the convenient time of the night or day to take classes. Unlike the subjective traditional face-to-face education with its fixed teaching and learning schedule, the highly individualized distance learning gives students full freedom on when and what they want to learn.

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Secondly, distance learning reaches the highest number of students within the shortest period of time as opposed to the traditional face-to-face learning. The number of students graduating from various institutions of education after undertaking distance learning programs is increasing every year. Statistics show that about there are about 9 million students registered for various distance learning programs in the United States last year and the figures are on an upward trend. The flaring number of students opting for the distance learning implies that larger segments of illiterate populations are effectively reached. Consequently, the mode of learning has proven to the most effective and convenient method of combating higher rates of illiteracy across the continents. Apart from its accessibility, multitudes of learners successfully complete their courses because distance learning programs are far cheaper than compared to traditional learning programs.

Suffice it to say, there is substantial evidence that distance learning has proven to be more effective tool in promoting literacy amongst the adult populations. It is more suitable for the adult learners who are either in full time employment or committed in their domestic duties thus, cannot manage to fit in traditional mode of education with fixed schedule. With the full knowledge that the internet-enabled mode of learning takes place in the comfort of living rooms, many mature learners find distance learning more palatable because it upholds their confidentiality and privacy. In this regard, the electronic mode of learning renders education a private affair compared to traditional education that makes education a public affair. It therefore goes without saying that distance learning has adequately counteracted shame that most adult students face in their efforts to access education programs in traditional institutions.

Most importantly, distance learning programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of learners like no other. For instance, the programs are scheduled to ensure that learners who are in active job with tight work schedule, parents taking care of their children, and persons living outside the catchment areas of the learning institutions can create time and study at their own convenient time. Both the young and old; men and women; the rich and poor are satisfactorily accommodated by the distance learning education programs. In addition to this, distance learning educational programs are designed in a way that individual learners can study at their pace; students are at liberty to start, break and resume personalized studies at their own discretion. This rare phenomenon gives distance learning an upper hand above traditional classroom face-to-face learning.

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Despite the numerous gains and advantages that come with the distance education on the students' side, it has been established that learning at home behind an internet-enabled computer cannot replace face to face education existing in institutions of higher learning such as universities and colleges. On many occasions, educational experts have raised their concern on the effectiveness of distance learning on pedagogical delivery of complex concepts especially in science-oriented subjects such as chemistry and mathematics. According to the latest research finding, distance learning is limited to the kind of courses they offer to students. For instance, technical courses such as engineering, applied technology and mechanics that require the instructors to impart psychomotor and manipulative skills to learners could not be delivered via distance learning programs. The much desired delivery of technical courses of this nature is therefore an exclusive reserve of the traditional face-to-face education. At the end of it all, It emerges that traditional face-to-face education produces better results in technical subjects that requires practical skills.

It has been proven over and over again that there are a lot of difficulties in self-directed learning which is demanded by the online education. Many a times, students undertaking online courses do not have set schedule for their studies thus, leaving much room for distracters that altogether work to the detriment of students' academic performance. Taking into consideration that students are left to study on their own while at the same time being least supervised by their course instructors, most of the students do not see the need to delve into their studies before the examination period. The reduced contact hours between instructors and students due to exclusive use of virtual interactive platform, instructors will not be able to constantly monitor students' learning progress. In this case, the outcome of the learning process in learners is compromised because instructors often fail to identify students' weaknesses in distance learning. On the other hand, instructors quickly identify individual learner's areas of weaknesses and fix them in time to bring about desirable learning outcome in learners.

Lack of the physical interaction between students and course instructors in the distance learning programs leads to gross instructional misunderstanding. This could have unbearable detrimental effects on the accuracy and effectiveness with which learning objectives are met. Contrary to the traditional face-to-face form of education, distance learning deprives students of the adequate opportunity to be in constant contact with their course instructors. Therefore, they are bound to experience instruction breakdown from the internet learning interface. It is imperative to note, however, that distance education leads to increased incidences of cheating alongside other host of irregularities in online examinations.

In conclusion, distance learning has proven to be more convenient, cheaper and confidential learner-friendly mode of learning. The global enrolment rates in the institutions of higher learning have shot up tremendously since the rolling out of distance learning educational programs. Judging from the ongoing trends, it is evident that distance learning will continue to gain prominence over the traditional face-to-face education.


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Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction, the essence of distance learning, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, works cited.

Computer and information technologies have significantly affected all spheres of human life. These technologies have also changed the field of education, since the improvement and development of this direction is one of the main mechanisms that make up the public life of the United States. Thus, a new form of distance learning has appeared in modern human life, which, along with the traditional form, has taken an important place in our society. This kind of training allows not only to study but also to improve the qualification level of its users.

The research paper offered to the reader is devoted to the concept of distance learning, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning has been in the focus of research attention especially against the background of a general quarantine, which justifies the actuality of this topic. To facilitate the preparation of this final project, the author formulates the problem in several forms of proposals, namely:

  • Analysis of the phenomenon of distance learning.
  • Analysis of the pros and cons of distance learning.

This study focuses on analyzing the pros and cons of distance learning, as well as predicting its further application. The results of this study are of practical use, because they will be of interest to students and teachers who are choosing whether to switch to remote learning.

Sawsan Abuhammad, the Assistant Professor in Jordan University of Science and Technology, in his article “Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective” (2020) states the following. The author claims that many parents have faced serious problems in the process of distance learning of their children. The author believes that the barriers that arose among the parents were of a personal, financial and technical nature. The author also states that these barriers need to be eliminated with the help of some changes, including through communication with other parents and students.

The author used the social network Facebook to recognize local groups, as well as keywords including distance learning, parents and Jordan. The author used a general qualitative method and analyzed all the messages and posts of parents related to this topic. This article was written by the author in order to describe and clarify the ideas of parents about the obstacles to distance learning during the coronavirus crisis (Abuhammad). The main audience of this article is parents, as well as persons representing the government and making decisions regarding distance learning. Thus, in the process of distance learning, many parents have various barriers that need to be overcome. We intend to use this source to demonstrate the problems and difficulties of distance learning.

Živko Bojović, Petar D. Bojović, Dušan Vujošević and Jelena Šuh, in their article “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning” (2020), state the following. They claim that the pandemic crisis has a negative effect on the standard of living and education. The authors believe that violation can pose a serious threat, and therefore a working model is needed that will allow switching from the traditional form of training to distance learning quickly and painlessly. The authors also argue that distance learning is acceptable on a long-term basis, if it is implemented correctly.

The authors of this article used a modeling method that allowed them to determine organizational and technical solutions for maintaining the quality of teaching. In addition, the authors used the method of comparative analysis of the survey data of students and teachers. The article was written by the authors in order to facilitate the transition from traditional learning to distance learning against the background of the pandemic and quarantine (Bojović et al.). The model developed by them has many advantages and thoughtful solutions. The main audience of this article is teachers and other representatives of educational institutions who face the difficult task of implementing distance learning. We intend to use this article to better understand the essence of distance learning, as well as its advantages.

Tim Surma and Paul A. Kirschner in their article, “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens” (2020), state the following. They believe that the traditional type of learning is under threat due to the accelerated process of adapting the traditional learning process to a new, remote one. They argue that modern technologies are both a danger and a chance for education to reach a completely new level.

The authors of this article used the methods of surveys and interviews to find out the attitude of students and teachers to the new form of education, and to track the progress in learning. This article was written by the authors in order to provide the importance of clear guidelines and optimal use of distance learning technologies (Surma and Kirschner). Moreover, the authors identified important principles that will help students get used to a new form of education, for example, feedback and an individual approach. The main audiences of this article are students, parents and teachers who will be interested in this information for the successful implementation of distance learning. We intend to use this article to understand the possible future prospects of the distance learning method.

John Traxler, the Professor of Digital Learning in the Institute of Education at the University of Wolverhampton, in his article, “Distance Learning—Predictions and Possibilities” (2018), states the following. The author claims that the definition of distance learning is not clear, but vague and changeable. The author considers the process of distance learning in a global context and studies the issue of adaptation and implementation of distance learning. The author believes that people should be ready for global changes, be open and aware, since changes are inevitable.

The author of this article uses observation and comparison methods that allow determining the essence of distance learning, the danger of pressure on educational institutions, as well as the importance of innovations in education. This article was written by the author in order to create a complete understanding of the phenomenon of distance education in a global context (Traxler). In addition, this article demonstrates the difficulties of distance learning application in conditions of ignorance or isolation. The main audience of this article is teachers, students and parents who want to get acquainted in more detail with the concept of distance learning in a global context. We intend to use this article to learn more about what distance learning is, as well as its goals and objectives.

The main benefit of distance learning is that it allows a person to study anywhere, but requires a computer and the Internet. The material is easily accessible and easy to handle and structure, and it also has all the necessary features that students of higher educational institutions need. In addition, the student is free to build their own individual training schedule, depending on their free time and desire to study (Lassoued et al.). The difference between classical distance learning and its more advanced form is small – the lack of personal communication between students and teachers (Bojović et al.). In this paper, the pros and cons of distance learning will be considered, but first it is required to understand the very essence of distance learning.

In the process of remote learning, students and teachers are at a significant spatial and temporal distance from each other. Teachers use a variety of computer technologies to make the process of remote learning as interesting and useful for students as possible (Schneider and Council). Distance type of education has an important goal-to expand opportunities and provide new services for those people who want to acquire new skills or change their profession. There are six main forms of distance learning, which are the most common.

  • external education;
  • university education;
  • training that involves the cooperation of several educational institutions;
  • creation of specialized institutions where distance classes are held;
  • autonomous learning systems;
  • special multimedia courses that differ in a certain informal component.

At the same time, different technologies are combined: pedagogical, informational, and often andragogic. There is a British synchronous model of distance learning and an American asynchronous one. Distance education is a new, specific form of education, somewhat different from the usual forms of full-time or distance learning (Dietrich et al.). As for the present, the real contingent of potential students can include those who are often on business trips, military personnel, women on maternity leave, and people with physical disabilities. In addition, this category consists of those who want to get additional education with a lack of time. Distance learning has several key characteristics that are important to consider when analyzing this type of learning.

  • flexible and convenient schedule of classes;
  • modularity;
  • mass character;
  • active mutual communication and a variety of communication tools;
  • the totality of knowledge and orientation to the independence of students, to the motivation of learning.

Indeed, the effectiveness of distance learning directly depends on those teachers who work with students on the Internet. Such teachers should be psychologically ready to work with students in a new educational and cognitive network environment. Another problem is the infrastructure of student information support in networks. The question of what the structure and composition of the educational material should be remains open. Also, the question is raised about the conditions of access to distance learning courses.

Analyzing the components of distance learning related to the educational institution, they can determine the structure of the network system. It should include educational material submitted in the form of programs, tasks, control and graduation papers, and scientific and practical assistance (Costa et al.). The student should be provided with fundamental printed textbooks, teaching aids, and hypertext multimedia programs (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). Additional materials may include lectures prepared by teachers on disciplines that can be transmitted via the network. In addition, distance learning provides communication in various modes, teacher advice on implementing term papers, theses, or other final work.

The essential component of distance learning is the ability to consider situations that are close to reality. In addition, important elements are creating conditions for the self-realization of students, the disclosure of their potential, the systematic learning process, the individuality of the approach (Bojović et al.). This component is the basis of academic and cognitive activity and affects the quality of distance learning.

Electronic versions of textbooks, which became the basis for the creation of distance courses and traditional books, do not solve the problems of independent activity in obtaining knowledge. These software products only create a virtual learning environment in which distance learning is carried out. Here there are psychological problems, such as inexperience, lack of self-education skills, poor volitional self-regulation, the influence of group attitudes, etc. When developing distance learning programs, it is crucial to carefully plan classes, including each of them with the setting of learning goals and objectives.

If interpersonal communication between students and the teacher is ineffective, there is a possibility of a communication barrier. If this happens, the information is delivered in a distorted form, which leads to the fact that there is a threat of the cognitive barrier growing into a relationship barrier. The barrier of relations turns into a feeling of distrust and hostility towards information and its source.

There are also many disadvantages in distance learning that should be listed and that cannot be ignored. It is worth starting with technical and methodological problems, including ignoring the psychological laws of perception and assimilation of information using multimedia tools of different modalities. There are also methodological problems, including the complexity of developing electronic versions of traditional educational materials, primarily textbooks and practical manuals.

Many students and experts believe that distance learning has many indisputable and obvious advantages.

  • A student studying remotely independently plans their schedule and decides how much time to devote to studying.
  • The opportunity to study anywhere. Students studying remotely are not tied to a place or time, as they only need an Internet connection.
  • Study on the job from the main activity. Distance learning allows to work or study at several courses at the same time to get additional education.
  • High learning outcomes. Remote students study the necessary material independently, which allows them to better memorize and assimilate knowledge.
  • Distance learning is much cheaper, since it does not require expenses for accommodation and travel, as well as for a foreign passport if the university is located abroad.
  • Remote education provides a calm environment, as exams and communication with teachers are held online, which allows students to avoid anxiety.
  • Teachers who conduct remote classes have the opportunity to do additional things, cover a larger number of students, as well as teach while, for example, on maternity leave.
  • Remote learning allows teachers to use a more individual approach to their students, as well as to devote a sufficient amount of time to all students.

Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of training courses, as well as the quality of teaching in distance learning is often much better than in traditional forms of education. New electronic technologies can not only ensure the active involvement of students in the educational process, but also allow them to manage this process, unlike most traditional educational environments (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). The interactive capabilities of the programs and information delivery systems used in the distance learning system make it possible to establish and even stimulate feedback. Despite the predominant number of advantages of distance education, this system is not perfect. During the implementation of e-learning programs, the following problems of distance education were identified.

  • Remote learning requires strong concentration and motivation. Almost all the educational material is mastered by a remote student independently. Remote classes require students to have perseverance and developed patience.
  • In the process of distance learning, it is difficult to develop interpersonal communication skills, since contact with teachers and other students is minimal.
  • In the process of distance learning, it is quite difficult to acquire practical skills, thus, specialties that require practical skills suffer.
  • The problem of user identification. It is difficult to track whether a student wrote their exam honestly, since the only way to check this is video surveillance, which is not always possible.
  • Insufficient computer literacy. In every country there are remote areas where there is no direct access to the Internet. Moreover, often the residents of such areas do not have any desire to learn, so it is necessary to spread computer literacy.

It is required to start by creating special Internet conferences and forums in schools that would guarantee the relative “live” communication of groups of students to deal with disadvantages (Chen et al.). It is also necessary to cooperate with traditional and distance learning, cooperation between teachers and students using a broad terminological and methodological base of psychology and pedagogy (Abuhammad). Despite all these problems, distance learning is very much appreciated by psychologists and teachers (Traxler). Nevertheless, the complete replacement of traditional education systems with similar ones-distance ones still causes some caution. One thing is indisputable – remotely studying students are more adapted to external conditions, are responsible and active, and therefore more successful in the modern business world.

Speaking about the distance form of education, it is necessary to talk about the creation of a single information and educational space. When it comes to distance learning, it is necessary to understand the presence of a teacher, a textbook and a student in the system, as well as the interaction of a teacher and students. It follows from this that the main thing in the organization of distance learning is the creation of electronic courses, the development of didactic foundations of distance learning, and the training of teachers-coordinators. It is not necessary to identify the distance form with the correspondence form of education, because it provides for constant contact with the teacher and imitation of all types of full-time training.

The dynamism of economic and socio-cultural processes in society causes changes in the field of education. Since the features of distance education are simply not acceptable for many students. Based on psychology and the methodology of independent learning, distance learning has some advantages and disadvantages. Summing up, we can unequivocally answer that distance education has a future. However, much depends on how quickly the problems of eliminating information illiteracy, technical equipment and improving the quality of e-education will be resolved. These factors arise during the implementation of remote scientific programs and projects. So, the factors and examples given above show the need to create and expand distance learning in the United States.

Abuhammad, Sawsan. “ Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective. ” Heliyon (2020): e05482. Web.

Arthur-Nyarko, Emmanuel, Douglas Darko Agyei, and Justice Kofi Armah. “Digitizing distance learning materials: Measuring students’ readiness and intended challenges.” Education and Information Technologies (2020): 1-16. Web.

Bojović, Živko, et al. “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education 28.6 (2020): 1467-1489.

Chen, Emily, Kristie Kaczmarek, and Hiroe Ohyama. “Student perceptions of distance learning strategies during COVID‐19.” Journal of dental education (2020). Web.

Costa, Roberto D., et al. “The theory of learning styles applied to distance learning.” Cognitive Systems Research 64 (2020): 134-145. Web.

Dietrich, Nicolas, et al. “Attempts, successes, and failures of distance learning in the time of COVID-19.” Journal of Chemical Education 97.9 (2020): 2448-2457. Web.

Lassoued, Zohra, Mohammed Alhendawi, and Raed Bashitialshaaer. “ An exploratory study of the obstacles for achieving quality in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. ” Education Sciences 10.9 (2020): 232. Web.

Schneider, Samantha L., and Martha Laurin Council. “Distance learning in the era of COVID-19.” Archives of dermatological research 313.5 (2021): 389-390. Web.

Surma, Tim, and Paul A. Kirschner. “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens.” Computers in human behavior 110 (2020): 106390. Web.

Traxler, John. “ Distance learning—Predictions and possibilities. ” Education Sciences 8.1 (2018): 35. Web.

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Free Distance Learning Is The Way To Go Argumentative Essay Sample


There have been admirable advancements in technology amongst them being video teleconferencing, video, email, internet and videotapes. This has brought about change in the education sector. With technology, individuals are able to meet varying educational needs of varying students. Distance learning has in a way undermined face-to-face teaching and being in a class has had its magnitude of necessity minimized. It is a modern approach that delivers education in a different way eliminating the need for the student and the teacher meeting at the same place. The entire globe has identified the need for education and distance learning is helping that become a success.

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Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay

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Online Vs. In-Person Classes Essay – Introduction

Online and traditional classes differences, works cited.

The article compares and contrasts online classes and traditional classes. Among the advantages of online classes are flexibility and convenience, while in-person classes offer a more structured learning environment. The author highlights that online lessons can be more cost-effective, although they lack support provided by live interactions. Overall, the online vs. traditional classes essay is very relevant today, and the choice depends on the individual student’s needs and preferences.

Modern technology has infiltrated the education sector and as a result, many college students now prefer taking online classes, as opposed to attending the traditional regular classes. This is because online classes are convenient for such students, and more so for those who have to both work and attend classes.

As such, online learning gives them the flexibility that they needed. In addition, online learning also gives an opportunity to students and professionals who would not have otherwise gone back to school to get the necessary qualifications. However, students who have enrolled for online learning do not benefit from the one-on-one interaction with their peers and teachers. The essay shall endeavor to examine the differences between online classes and the traditional classes, with a preference for the later.

Online classes mainly take place through the internet. As such, online classes lack the regular student teacher interaction that is common with traditional learning. On the other hand, learning in traditional classes involves direct interaction between the student and the instructors (Donovan, Mader and Shinsky 286).

This is beneficial to both the leaner and the instructors because both can be bale to establish a bond. In addition, student attending the traditional classroom often have to adhere to strict guidelines that have been established by the learning institution. As such, students have to adhere to the established time schedules. On the other hand, students attending online classes can learn at their own time and pace.

One advantage of the traditional classes over online classes is that students who are not disciplined enough may not be able to sail through successfully because there is nobody to push them around. With traditional classes however, there are rules to put them in check. As such, students attending traditional classes are more likely to be committed to their education (Donovan et al 286).

Another advantage of the traditional classes is all the doubts that students might be having regarding a given course content can be cleared by the instructor on the spot, unlike online learning whereby such explanations might not be as coherent as the student would have wished.

With the traditional classes, students are rarely provided with the course materials by their instructors, and they are therefore expected to take their own notes. This is important because they are likely to preserve such note and use them later on in their studies. In contrast, online students are provided with course materials in the form of video or audio texts (Sorenson and Johnson 116).

They can also download such course materials online. Such learning materials can be deleted or lost easily compared with handwritten class notes, and this is a risk. Although the basic requirements for a student attending online classes are comparatively les in comparison to students attending traditional classes, nonetheless, it is important to note that online students are also expected to be internet savvy because all learning takes place online.

This would be a disadvantage for the regular student; only that internet savvy is not a requirement. Students undertaking online learning are likely to be withdrawn because they hardly interact one-on-one with their fellow online students or even their instructors. The only form of interaction is online. As such, it becomes hard for them to develop a special bond with other students and instructors. With traditional learning however, students have the freedom to interact freely and this helps to strengthen their existing bond.

Online learning is convenient and has less basic requirements compared with traditional learning. It also allows learners who would have ordinarily not gone back to school to access an education. However, online students do not benefit from a close interaction with their peers and instructors as do their regular counterparts. Also, regular students can engage their instructors more easily and relatively faster in case they want to have certain sections of the course explained, unlike online students.

Donovan, Judy, Mader, Cynthia and Shinsky, John. Constructive student feedback: Online vs. traditional course evaluations. Journal of Interactive Online Learning , 5.3(2006): 284-292.

Sorenson, Lynn, and Johnson, Trav. Online Student Ratings of Instructions . San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2003. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 25). Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes-essay/

"Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." IvyPanda , 25 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay'. 25 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Online Classes Vs. Traditional Classes Essay." April 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes-essay/.


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