lady macbeth's power over macbeth essay

Lady Macbeth as Powerful

The essay below uses this simple structure:, an introductory paragraph to summarise an answer to the question, one paragraph about the extract, one about the rest of the play, one about context., lady macbeth:, the raven himself is hoarse, that croaks the fatal entrance of duncan, under my battlements. come, you spirits, that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full, of direst cruelty. make thick my blood., stop up the access and passage to remorse ,, that no compunctious visitings of nature, shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between, the effect and it come to my woman’s breasts,, and take my milk for gall , you murd'ring ministers,, wherever in your sightless substances, you wait on nature’s mischief. come, thick night,, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes,, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, to cry “hold, hold”, starting with this speech, explain how far you think shakespeare presents lady macbeth as a powerful woman., write about:, how shakespeare presents lady macbeth in this speech, how shakespeare presents lady macbeth in the play as a whole., the essay below is written using a simple structure:, an introductory paragraph to summarise an answer to the question., one paragraph about the extract., one about the rest of the play., before you read the answer below, why not have a think about how you'd answer this question. i've highlighted the quotes i'd write about - do you agree or would you focus elsewhere also, which sections from the rest of the play would you focus on and what contextual factors influenced lady macbeth's presentation, most importantly, though, have a think about how you'd write that opening paragraph - answer the question in two or three simple sentences., an example answer, during the majority of the play, lady macbeth is presented as being a powerful woman who defies the expected gender stereotype of the caring, soft, gentle female. by the end of the play, however, she kills herself as she discovers that although she can order the rest of the world around, she cannot control her own guilt, right at the opening of this speech, lady macbeth makes her position known when she describes “my” battlements. the use of the possessive pronoun emphasises that she thinks of the castle walls as being her own. she follows this by calling “come you spirits.” the use of this magic spell has two effects on the audience: firstly, she is calling for dark magic to come and support her. this would have reminded the audience of the possibility that she was a witch and had all the evil powers connected with them. also, she is using an imperative here: “come you spirits.” she’s not asking them but telling them. this shows that she expects even the supernatural world to answer to her demands. one of the things she demands is that they “stop up the access and passage to remorse.” this means that lady macbeth doesn’t want to feel any regret for what she is about to do, which would make her powerful. she is no longer going to be slowed down by feelings of compassion or care in her pursuit of power. finally, she says that the spirits should “take my milk for gall.” here, she is asking that her own milk be turned to poison. this suggests that she is turning something caring and supportive into something deadly, giving her even more evil powers. also, milk is pure white and suggests innocence and purity so lady macbeth is asking that what is innocent and pure about her gets turned into something deadly. throughout this speech lady macbeth sets herself up as being someone very powerful, who is able to control even the spirits., her power continues throughout the play. lady macbeth suggests the murder and talks macbeth into it – showing that she is powerfully persuasive. she also plans the murder, showing that she is intelligent as well. she also stays calm under pressure, such as when macbeth arrives with the daggers from the murder scene but lady macbeth returns them to the scene so that they don’t get caught. she is also able to manipulate macduff when she faints in shock after they discover duncan’s body. you could easily argue that lady macbeth’s ambition was more powerful than macbeth’s, and that the murder wouldn’t have ever happened with her involvement. she is determined to become powerful and will stop at nothing to get it. at the end the play though she is caught sleepwalking, and she confesses to all that they’ve done. this is interesting, however, as while she is sleep-walking she is not in control of herself so she is not really aware of what she’s doing. it could be the case that lady macbeth herself never felt guilty, though she couldn’t hide her real feelings from her dreams. in the end, she dies. malcolm claims that she killed herself quite violently, but since it happens off-stage we cannot be sure. what is clear is that although she could push macbeth around, and trick macduff, and even order the spirits to do her bidding, she couldn’t order the blood off her own hands., shakespeare presents a very powerful female character in lady macbeth, and although this would have been quite radical for people in jacobean england there were other powerful, female role models to choose from: bloody mary or queen elizabeth are good examples. this play, however, was written for king james who had just taken the throne of england, and james was not a fan of queen elizabeth – who had killed his mother, mary queen of scots (and he might not even have been a big fan of his mum, because she married the man who killed his dad) as a result, james would have enjoyed seeing this powerful woman become such a villain and then getting punished for her crimes..

Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay

This essay will provide a character analysis of Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” It will explore her role in the play, her manipulative and ambitious traits, her psychological progression, and her ultimate downfall, reflecting on her impact on the play’s events. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Lady Macbeth.

How it works

In the canon of English literature, “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare stands as a timeless exploration of ambition, morality, and the human psyche. Among the play’s memorable characters, Lady Macbeth captivates audiences with her powerful and complex personality. Her role is pivotal, influencing the narrative’s events and themes. This essay explores Lady Macbeth’s character, shedding light on her influence on the tragic plot of “Macbeth” and her significant contribution to the play’s universal themes.

  • 1 Lady Macbeth as the Catalyst for Macbeth’s Ambition
  • 2.1 Unsexing and the Desire for Power
  • 2.2 Femininity as a Tool for Manipulation
  • 3.1 Guilt-induced Madness
  • 4.1 A Symbol of Regret and Destruction
  • 4.2 Reflection on Lady Macbeth’s End
  • 5.1 Conclusion

Lady Macbeth as the Catalyst for Macbeth’s Ambition

Lady Macbeth’s desire for power is unmistakable.

Her ruthless ambition is the spark that sets Macbeth’s actions into motion. Among the most iconic moments in “Macbeth” is Lady Macbeth’s chilling monologue, where she implores the “spirits that tend on mortal thoughts” to make her ruthless. She then employs this newly imbued ruthlessness to manipulate her hesitant husband into committing the unfathomable act of murdering King Duncan. Her words, “screw your courage to the sticking place,” are a chilling testimony to her unyielding influence over her husband’s actions. Through this, we see how Lady Macbeth’s ambition directly influences Macbeth’s actions and leads to both their downfalls. Her insatiable desire for power and control not only instigates the plot’s tragic turn but also contributes significantly to the destructive consequences that follow.

Lady Macbeth and Gender Roles

Lady Macbeth defies the gender norms of her time with her assertive and ambitious nature, traits typically associated with masculinity in the Elizabethan era. In contrast to the quiet, submissive ideal of womanhood, Lady Macbeth presents herself as a dominant and persuasive force capable of orchestrating regicide to achieve her ends.

Unsexing and the Desire for Power

Even more striking is Lady Macbeth’s expressed desire to abandon her feminine traits to achieve her ambitions. She implores spirits to “unsex” her, seeking to cast off what she perceives as the constraints of femininity. This defiance of gender norms underscores Lady Macbeth’s strength and determination, illustrating her character’s unique and complex nature.

Femininity as a Tool for Manipulation

Yet, despite her desire to shed her femininity, Lady Macbeth uses her gender to her advantage. She manipulates the expectations of her womanhood to control Macbeth, oscillating between a nurturing wife and a cunning instigator. This sophisticated use of her femininity adds further depth to her character, showcasing the complexity of gender roles and power dynamics in the play. Lady Macbeth’s character, therefore, stands as a powerful commentary on gender and power, resonating with audiences even today.

Lady Macbeth’s Psychological State

Lady Macbeth’s psychological journey is a captivating aspect of “Macbeth”. She begins as a figure of unyielding ambition, steeled and ruthless. Yet, as the play progresses, the guilt resulting from her actions seeps in, causing a dramatic transformation. The once-determined woman, driving her husband towards regicide, starts crumbling under her conscience’s weight.

Guilt-induced Madness

Her guilt manifests as a haunting madness that erodes her mental stability. A key scene that illustrates this shift is her infamous sleepwalking scene. Haunted by her actions, she imagines her hands stained with King Duncan’s blood and obsessively tries to wash it off, uttering, “Out, damned spot!” This vivid manifestation of her guilt shows how it eats away at her psyche, bringing her to a state of utter torment.

Lady Macbeth’s mental decline presents a poignant exploration of guilt and the human mind. Her tragic downfall isn’t just physical but psychological as well. The character who was once the embodiment of ambition and ruthlessness becomes a symbol of guilt-induced madness, offering a compelling narrative of psychological deterioration. This tragic transformation is a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked ambition and guilt.

The Tragic End of Lady Macbeth

Lady Macbeth’s demise is one of the most poignant elements of the narrative. It encapsulates the tragedy of a character who once wielded immense power and influence but succumbs to guilt and madness. Her end contrasts starkly with her initial stature, highlighting the devastating consequences of unchecked ambition.

The tragic irony of Lady Macbeth’s death is profound. The same woman who had the audacity to push her husband to commit regicide, driven by an insatiable thirst for power, is reduced to a state of utter desolation. The power she once desired becomes the very cause of her downfall, highlighting the cautionary message of the play.

A Symbol of Regret and Destruction

Lady Macbeth’s death is more than just the conclusion of her life. It symbolizes the dire consequences of moral corruption and boundless ambition. Her guilt, symbolized by the imaginary bloodstains on her hands, never ceases to torment her until her last breath, turning her life into a cautionary tale of regret and destruction.

Reflection on Lady Macbeth’s End

Reflecting on Lady Macbeth’s tragic end, one can’t help but perceive it as a poignant testament to the perils of unchecked ambition and moral degradation. The once fierce and ambitious Lady Macbeth exits the narrative as a shattered version of her former self, a stark reminder of the destructive power of guilt and ambition. Her demise not only adds a layer of tragedy to the play’s plot but also reinforces the themes that define this Shakespearean masterpiece.

Influence on Popular Culture

Lady Macbeth’s legacy extends beyond the pages of the play. Her character has influenced numerous adaptations and reinterpretations in popular culture, contributing to the ongoing relevance and popularity of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” She continues to symbolize unchecked ambition and the tragic consequences it can lead to, ensuring her enduring presence in literary discussions and cultural references.

Lady Macbeth’s character is a captivating study of ambition, power, gender norms, and psychological struggle. From her initial assertiveness and control to her eventual guilt-induced madness, her character remains a crucial driver of the play’s tragic narrative. Her downfall underlines the inherent dangers of unchecked ambition and the lasting psychological impact of guilt. By understanding Lady Macbeth’s character, we can gain a deeper insight into the play’s universal themes, teaching us valuable lessons about ambition, guilt, and the human psyche.


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"Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay.", Aug 08, 2023. Accessed September 9, 2024.

"Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay," , 08-Aug-2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024] (2023). Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024]

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Macbeth ‘Power’ Essay [Draft]

How does one get an essay done from the entire play? The answer lies in taking key scenes, getting them into a Word document and then highlighting, in yellow, the relevant short quotes that fit the need of the essay when it is done. Once you have the highlighted quotes, you then delete the rest, leaving gaps between the quotes, so you can develop links between the words spoken by one character or another.

I did this and then put an essay together for you, to show you how it is done, but being the creative writer and thinker that I am, ended up with nearly 1300 words. I think it was 1296 words to be precise. So, I had to edit the file and take out relevant bits. What began by using 3 key scenes, then became an essay using 2 key scenes, leading to an essay of 840 words. Now technically, that is 15 words over the 10% limit AQA sets for Controlled Assessments, but if that happens to you, fear not.

Here is the essay in its fullness……..enjoy and try to emulate this.

Explore the ways that power is presented in Macbeth, with reference to the power that Lady Macbeth has over her husband.

Power exists within all relationships and is usually portrayed in fiction as patriarchal, but what the Bard is famous for as a playwright, is subverting the accepted norm and bringing to the attention of the public new ideas relating to the power relationships that exist. His play, Macbeth, about the Scottish tyrant King who is affected by witchcraft and the inward desires of his own wife’s evil intentions, is a good example of this power that exists in such relationships, even regal ones.

In Act 1, Scene 5, after Macbeth has been visited by the three witches on the heath, he writes a letter to his wife back at his castle. When she receives it, the audience begin to see where the power lays in their relationship. When she says “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be what thou art promised” she is expressing her desires to see her husband crowned King, but there is a problem; the present King, Duncan, is alive and well, so she begins to plot his demise. But as she does so she knows that her husband is a man who is “too full o’ the milk of human kindness” to undertake such a task as killing the King.

Shakespeare is using the language of kindness to describe Macbeth but follows this up with Lady Macbeth summoning evil spirits to aid her in her quest for her husband to become King. She says “come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!” Never could words uttered by any character in fiction be any more powerful than these, for she is asking for evil spirits to appear before her and make her utterly evil in every way. She wants to kill the King and feel no remorse. She wants to direct and urge her husband in the act of murder and treason because of her lust for power.

When Macbeth returns to the castle and is unsure of the plan to take over the throne, it is Lady Macbeth who tells him to “bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” when the King arrives. She is telling Macbeth that he must appear to the King as friendly and unassuming; deceptive so as to gain power. What becomes evident is that power does corrupt, even if it is in the sense of the chance of power corrupting someone who is vulnerable to temptation.

Later, in Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth doubts if he can murder the King. His soliloquy, spoken to the audience, leaves them in no doubt at all about his state of mind. He knows that he is the King’s “kinsman and his subject,” that he is related to the King as well as fond of him and this makes the act of murder harder for Macbeth to endure. He knows that Duncan “hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office” and so, says that he “will proceed no further in this business.”

At this point, Macbeth is withering under the pressure of his wife’s plan, so she has to control him. She has to be the driving force in the relationship and asks “art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire?” This shows the difference between Lady Macbeth and her husband, for just as much as he is unwilling to commit murder, she would take her baby and “while it was smiling in [her] face, have pluck’d [her] nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out” in order to summon up the will to kill the King.

Clearly, Lady Macbeth is being controlled and is also the controlling influence over Macbeth in this play. This is further worked out as she then tells him to “screw [his] courage to the sticking-place,” so that they [will] not fail.” At this point the audience hear and see that Macbeth has been persuaded to kill, which will ultimately bring about the downfall of himself and his wife, through tyrannical leadership and revenge from Macduff and the breaking of Lady Macbeth’s mind, leading to suicide.

What is evident throughout this play is the way that Shakespeare subverts the role of the woman, creating a woman who is manipulative of her husband, in complete control of him and someone who can drive him forward, through the depths of temptation to the most hideous act of all; murder. The act of regicide becomes the catalyst for the play to continue through the reign of Macbeth, the tyrant King, to his demise at the hands of Macduff and the subsequent crowning of the next King, Malcolm of Scotland. What Shakespeare has done here is merge history with tragedy; the tragic loss of power and control and the tragedy that awaits anyone in power, for as the saying goes, “power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

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Sample Gcse Essay About Lady Macbeth As A Powerful Character

Date : 03/10/2017

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Uploaded by : Rahul Uploaded on : 03/10/2017 Subject : English

This article contains a mock essay written by one of my students. When I met him, he was scoring a 3 to 4 in his mock GSCE English language and literature exams.

This resource was uploaded by: Rahul

Other articles by this author

Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Power may corrupt those who wield it, and the pursuit of power is frequently harmful. People whose life objective is to obtain power over others are condemned to fail since human ambition frequently leads to sinful behaviors, which are inevitably punished. While The government is the system that makes laws and ensures that they are followed, it is the person who wields power who is responsible for the equality and impartiality of its enforcement.

Tragedies lie at the heart of Shakespeare’s creative legacy. They represent the strength of his brilliant mind as well as the essence of his period, which is why, if following epochs looked to Shakespeare for comparison, they first understood their struggles via him. Shakespeare’s tragedies have been influenced by a growing number of fresh interpretations. Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s most renowned tragedies, depicts characters who have been damaged by their ambition and reveals the devastating nature of the desire for power for the sake of authority. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is the most comprehensive portrayal of the individualist as a person who actively and consistently prioritizes what reflects her interests over the interests of others. Macbeth, driven by ambition, is eager to liberate his mind from moral ideals and domestic norms, seeing them as stumbling blocks and meaningless preconceptions.

People, like the play’s major protagonists, who are consumed by the concept of obtaining the throne, are frequently corrupted by power and eventually wreck their own lives and the lives of others. Macbeth is a tragedy of overwhelming ambition; therefore, it’s no surprise that its leitmotif is the hero’s words: “I dare everything a man dares,” which are addressed to death itself in the finale: “I wish to experience the last. Macbeth is a tragedy about a colossal personality who had the same chances for victory as death, but valor without wisdom drove it to full isolation from humanity and its soul.

Macbeth is willing to kill and betray even close friends to gain the crown and the kingdom. With a dagger, the hero assassinates the sleeping monarch. He also orders the Banquo and Macduff families to be killed. Macbeth does not see individuals; rather, he sees impediments on his route to the throne. After realizing that he might inherit the throne, Macbeth, a brave and powerful warrior and dedicated servant of the king, transforms into a greedy and vicious killer.

Lady Macbeth seems to be a more ambitious woman than her husband Macbeth., so Macbeth is far from the only person whose life has been tainted by power. This woman persuades her husband that Duncan should be murdered if he visits their home. “Look like an innocent flower, but be a serpent behind it,” she says to her husband. Lady Macbeth, who aspires to be queen, encourages her husband to commit crimes, therefore defining their fate. Without his wife’s convictions, Macbeth would not have committed all of these heinous acts.

The play’s conclusion, which discusses Lady Macbeth’s lunacy and Macbeth’s death, is the primary revelation demonstrating the corrupting nature of power. When Lady Macbeth notices blood on her hands, Macbeth, who thought he was unstoppable, is murdered. This couple loses something more important: intelligence and humanity because of their ambition for the throne. As a result, the government frequently not only discloses a person’s underlying undesirable tendencies but also leads to a fatal ending.

On the other hand, power does not always lead to corruption for individuals who strive to improve the lives of others. It also leaves behind those who are uninterested in receiving it. However, there are few such people: power is typically given to those who seek it. The throne, for example, was meant to belong to Duncan in Macbeth and later to his son, who may also be a fabulous king. Macbeth, on the other hand, receives the power because he went to such lengths to obtain it. Although power does not always corrupt, it does destroy individuals in the majority of situations because it is attained by those who are inclined to destroy.

Power corrupts those who possess it, and the chase of power tends to result in suffering. Macbeth shows individuals who have suffered as a result of their aspirations, revealing the fatal nature of the desire for power for its own sake. The play’s finale, which recounts Lady Macbeth’s insanity and Macbeth’s death, thus, becomes a key revelation that demonstrates how power corrupts. In Macbeth, the author demonstrates the corrupting influence of power: the protagonist’s and his wife’s life spent pursuing the throne ended tragically. Macbeth kills innocent people, including children, in his quest for power. The wife’s desire becomes the driving force behind everything that occurs: the image of the crown becomes more essential than anything else in her life. The play’s conclusion suggests that individuals should not seek power only for the sake of power. This performance teaches individuals that power and those in positions of authority are not essential aspects of their life.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 23). Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”.

"Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”." IvyPanda , 23 Dec. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”'. 23 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”." December 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”." December 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”." December 23, 2022.

Shakespeare: Model Answers ( AQA GCSE English Literature )

Revision note.

Nick Redgrove

English Senior Content Creator

Model Answers

Below, you will find a full-mark, Level 6 model answer for a Shakespeare essay. The commentary below each section of the essay illustrates how and why it would be awarded Level 6. Despite the fact it is an answer to a Macbeth question, the commentary below is relevant to any Shakespeare question.

As the commentary is arranged by assessment objective, a student-friendly mark scheme has been included here:

when techniques are explained fully and relevant to your argument

Model Answer Breakdown

The commentary for the below model answer as arranged by assessment objective: each paragraph has a commentary for a different assessment objective, as follows:

The introduction includes commentary on all the AOs

Paragraph 1 includes commentary on AO1 (answering the question and selecting references)

Paragraph 2 includes commentary on AO2 (analysing the writer’s methods)

Paragraph 3 includes commentary on AO3 (exploring context)

The conclusion includes commentary on all the AOs

The model answer answers the following question:


Level 6, Full-Mark Answer

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a female character who changes dramatically over the course of the play: she changes from a ruthless, remorseless woman who is able to manipulate her husband, to one that is sidelined by Macbeth and, ultimately, totally consumed by guilt. Shakespeare is perhaps suggesting that unchecked ambition and hubris, particularly for women, have fatal consequences.


The introduction is in the form of a thesis statement

It includes a central argument based on my own opinions

It includes keywords from the question:

"Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a female character who changes dramatically over the course of the play"

It takes a whole-text approach, referencing changes across the whole play:

"she changes from a ruthless, remorseless woman who is able to manipulate her husband, to one that is sidelined by Macbeth and, ultimately, totally consumed by guilt."

It acknowledges Shakespeare as an author making deliberate choices and conveying a message:

  "Shakespeare is perhaps suggesting that ..."

It includes modal language to show a conceptualised approach

Lady Macbeth’s strength – and ability to command and manipulate those around her – dramatically diminishes from the first time the audience sees her, in Act I, Scene V, to the last time, here in Act V, Scene I. The first time she is presented to the audience, Lady Macbeth is presented as a very untypical woman: far from being a dutiful and subservient wife, she is shown to be plotting on Macbeth’s behalf, speaks of him disparagingly (she worries he is too kind to carry out her plan), and is presented as having power over both Macbeth and her surroundings. This dominance can be seen in her use of imperatives, both when she is directing Macbeth to disguise his true intentions to Duncan (and be a “serpent underneath”), and later, more forcefully, when she orders Macbeth to “give” her the daggers. This shows that Lady Macbeth has almost assumed the dominant position in their relationship, and taken on the typically ‘male’ characteristics of authority and strength (whereas Macbeth’s “kindness” can here be seen as a sign of weakness). However, there is an irony in Shakespeare’s use of imperatives later in the play: in Act V, Scene I, Lady Macbeth is shown to have lost her power to command those things around her and her use of imperatives (“Out, damned spot! Out, I say”) speaks more of abject desperation than her authority. She has lost the power to command her husband, her surroundings and even her own mind. Shakespeare could be suggesting that the unusual power dynamic presented at the beginning of the play is unnatural, and that, as a woman, Lady Macbeth would never be able to maintain this type of authority without succumbing to madness.

The paragraph begins with a topic sentence

Topic sentence directly addresses the question (the “change” the character undergoes)

Topic sentence has a narrower focus than the thesis statement

The whole paragraph is related to the topic sentence

The paragraph includes at least one reference to the extract

The paragraph includes multiple references to the rest of the play

All references are linked to the question and support the argument of my topic sentence

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a character whose self-control and authority over her own mind evaporates by Act V. We see this in the repetitious and fragmented language Shakespeare has her use in this scene. The repetition of several words and phrases (“to bed”; “come”; “O”) shows a character who is not in control of her own thought processes and has lost agency over her own mind. Shakespeare emphasises this by using contrasting verse forms for Lady Macbeth as the play progresses. Initially, she uses the order and authority of blank verse, which reflects her own power and control. However, in this scene, Lady Macbeth does not use the regular or ordered language of blank verse, but rather the disordered form of prose. This reflects both her loss of status and power (prose is often used by commoners in Shakespeare’s plays), but also her own mental illness. Indeed, the description of her having a “disease” in this scene is ironic, since earlier in the play she describes Macbeth as “brainsickly” and “infirm”: it is now she who is the weaker of the two. Perhaps Shakespeare uses this role reversal once again to suggest that women assuming positions of dominance is unnatural and may lead to mental decline.

The analysis provides evidence for the points in the topic sentence (all evidence relates to Lady Macbeth’s mental state)

Whole-text analysis of Shakespeare’s methods, not just focused on the extract

Not just analysis of Shakespeare’s language, but also of form

The analysis includes other wider choices made by Shakespeare: 


All analysis is explained fully in terms of the question and my own argument

The analysis explained in terms of Shakespeare’s overall message

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a character who loses her resolve over the mortal sin of regicide as the play progresses. Initially, Lady Macbeth is presented as a character who believes that both she and her husband will be able to evade the typical consequences of committing a crime – the murder of a king – that would have been seen as truly heinous. Not only is it a crime punishable by death, but the religious consequences would be dire: eternal punishment in Hell. Shakespeare presents her as acknowledging the seriousness of the crime in Act I, Scene V where she references Heaven and Hell prior to the murder of Duncan, but she believes, arrogantly, that she is strong enough to evade capture, as well as cloak herself from feelings of guilt and remorse. Her hubris is also shown later in the play, after the regicide has been committed, when she tells Macbeth that “a little water clears us of this deed”, implying that it will be straightforward to escape the psychological impact of committing a mortal sin. However, by Act V, Scene I Lady Macbeth is shown to have completely lost her resolve, and is haunted by those psychological impacts: she sees blood, which symbolically represents guilt, on her hands, which she cannot wash off. Indeed, later she states that Duncan had “so much blood in him”, an admission that a little water could never have cleansed the guilt from her conscience (“what’s done cannot be undone”). This irony is highlighted again by Shakespeare when Lady Macbeth states that “all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”, the hyperbole emphasising the enormity of her crime. Shakespeare could be suggesting that no one can escape the psychological and theological consequences of regicide. Indeed, the Doctor states that he has never seen anyone in Lady Macbeth’s state die “holily”, echoing Lady Macbeth’s own earlier reference to Hell.

Does not include any irrelevant historical or biographical facts

All context is linked to the topic sentence (“loses resolve over the mortal sin of regicide”) and the argument as a whole

All context is integrated into analysis of Shakespeare’s methods

Understanding contextual ideas and perspectives provides additional insight into my main argument

Context is sometimes implied, rather than explicit. This still shows sophisticated awareness of ideas (here about religion and Hell)

In conclusion, Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a female character who changes from a character who assumes dominance over her husband and her surroundings, to a woman who loses all agency. Moreover, initially, Shakespeare presents her as a character who seemingly has the mental fortitude to deal with the mortal sin of regicide with a clear conscience, but this mental strength also evaporates. Shakespeare could be issuing a warning to those people who believe they can escape the psychological and theological consequences of sin, especially if they are women who assume an atypical and unnatural position of power.

The conclusion uses keywords from the question

The conclusion links to the thesis

The conclusion sums up more detailed arguments outlined in the topic sentences of all paragraphs

It also gives a fuller understanding of Shakespeare’s intentions, based on ideas explored in the essay

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Author: Nick Redgrove

Nick is a graduate of the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. He started his career in journalism and publishing, working as an editor on a political magazine and a number of books, before training as an English teacher. After nearly 10 years working in London schools, where he held leadership positions in English departments and within a Sixth Form, he moved on to become an examiner and education consultant. With more than a decade of experience as a tutor, Nick specialises in English, but has also taught Politics, Classical Civilisation and Religious Studies.

Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Macbeth Power — Conflict in Lady Macbeth


Conflict in Lady Macbeth

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Published: Mar 16, 2024

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Desire for power and guilt, gender expectations, internal battle with conscience.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. Riverhead Books, 1998.Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion. Routledge, 2016.Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Shakespearean Criticism, Volume 1. Elibron [...]

William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a timeless classic that delves into the complex nature of human ambition, power, and the devastating consequences of unchecked desire. At the heart of this tragic tale is the eponymous [...]

Equivocation is a literary device that involves the use of ambiguous language in order to deceive the listener or reader. In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, equivocation is a common theme that is used by the witches to manipulate [...]

William Shakespeare's Macbeth, one of his most profound and dark tragedies, explores complex themes such as ambition, power, guilt, and fate. Among these, the concept of time plays a crucial role in the narrative structure [...]

Bradley, A. C. (2008). Shakespearean tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Penguin Classics.Cavell, S. (2005). Disowning knowledge in seven plays of Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press.Garber, M. [...]

In the play Macbeth, ambition, strength, and insanity play major roles in how the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave and react. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth present all three of these behaviors at one time or another [...]

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