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Rice Experiment – Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Home Food for Mind Theories & Therapies Rice Experiment – Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Rice Experiment: Can Positivity Change Your Life?

Beautiful words make beautiful worlds. This is what the flag bearers of positivity believe and preach. If you really try to look at it, they might be right. Well, if you have ever tried focusing on both negative and positive thoughts, then, you know, they create the same experiences. We know, it is spectacular how our consciousness works! To understand the power of positive emotions , the rice experiment was brought into the picture.

This experiment went viral after the effects of positive and negative talks made quite a difference in the appearance of different rice jars.

We know that everything is made of energy. This means that your thoughts are energy as well. Now, if you take your thought frequency to positive consciousness , you will start feeling good and attracting good. The opposite happens when you allow negative thoughts to seep in your words and thoughts.

Let’s learn more about this interesting trial with rice that will help you understand more about this phenomenon.

How did the ‘Rice Experiment’ come into existence?

Summary: Dr. Masaru Emoto invented the rice experiment. He believed that positive thoughts have an effect on the matter around us, and that water is a blueprint for reality. He also created a film in 2004 and wrote a book on the same subjects.

To demonstrate the power of positive thoughts, Dr. Masaru Emoto , a Japanese researcher, and an ‘alternative-science’ teacher, invented the rice experiment. Emoto reckons that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water and that water can react to positive thoughts and emotions. He even believed that positive thoughts and talks can remove pollution from the water.

Emoto started studying water and its details in the 90s. He referred to water as the ‘blueprint of reality’ and published his various findings that asserted his idea that emotional energy and vibration can change the molecular and physical structure of water.

His 2004 film ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’ exhibited various molecular water experiments, so did his books, The Hidden Messages in Water, which was a New York Times bestseller and Messages from Water and the Universe. His ideas also appeared in the 2005 superhero film Kamen Rider: The First.

The rice experiment is one of the many water crystal experiments attempted by Dr. Masaru. In one of the incidents (mentioned in his book), he mentioned a priest mouthing incantation as he stood in front of a lake.

He wrote that the water of the lake became clearer than it was before the incantations. He contended that water crystals looked distorted before the priest enchanted the incantation and started to look clean and nice after the incantation. This proves that water’s structure was changed successfully after its vibration was raised.

What is the ‘Rice Experiment’?

Summary: The rice experiment was conducted by Dr. Emoto over a period of 30 days where he demonstrated the effects of words and thoughts on a jar of rice.

What is the rice experiment

In his quest to prove the magical power of positive thinking, Dr. Emoto carried out the rice experiment. He reckoned that human thoughts and intentions can miraculously alter reality, including the physical structure of water.

This experiment was a part of the film The Secrets of the Water . This is how he carried it out-

He selected three rice (cooked)  jars for the experiment. He then placed an equal amount of water in the rice jars and labeled them.

The first two labels read ‘Thank You,’ and ‘You Idiot!’ The third jar was free from the label, which exhibited Emoto’s indifference towards it.

For the next 30 days, he approached each rice jar individually, and this is what he said to each one of them-

  • The ‘Thank You’ Jar – He said thank you from the bottom of his heart. He used the emotion of gratefulness to talk to this jar.
  • The ‘You Idiot’ Jar –He yelled ‘You’re an Idiot’ to it and felt angered and frustrated as he said those words.
  • The No Label Jar – He didn’t pay any attention to this rice jar. He simply remained ignorant of it. He used the emotion of indifference for the third jar.

Emoto kept the process up for 30 days. At the end of the 30 th day, these were his observations-

  • The jar that he thanked everyday fermented spectacularly. It didn’t have any black mold or rotting material growing from it.
  • The jar that he bullied or took out his anger on had turned black. It was covered in black mold.
  • The jar that he ignored for 30 days had even more black turd in it, yes, more than the ‘You’re Idiot’ rice jar. According to Dr. Emoto, the rice in the jar had rotted.

What does the ‘Rice Experiment’ conclude?

This experiment proves that the positive words spoken to a cup of cooked rice and pure water helped it become its greatest version; in this case, it was the nice fermentation.

On the other hand, negative words made the hated rice become its worst—black in color and rotten smell. However, the worst blow was taken by the third cup of cooked rice for it rotted completely.

With this experiment, it was concluded that the power of thoughts acts like alternative medicine, in a way, that can miraculously change the outer and inner structure of a being, just like in the case of this water experiment.

What do others think of the ‘Rice Experiment’?

Summary: Dr. Emoto’s experiment has received quite a lot of negative criticism in the scientific community. However, people all over the world have been experimenting using this method and many of them have achieved stellar results.

According to Emeritus William Tiller , a professor at Stanford University, it is quite easy to manipulate the crystal formation of water. It is extremely easy to add certain contaminants to it. As per Dr. Tiller, “Emoto’s experimental protocols are so lacking as to be unrepeatable, and even the most basic attempts at scientific controls are absent.”

Harriet Hall, a book reviewer, had this to say about Dr. Emoto’s book, “The worst book I have ever read. It is about as scientific as Alice in Wonderland.”

Even so, people across the world are experimenting with the water crystal and rice; and getting extraordinary results, like this physical education teacher, who goes by the name Ana Paula Frezatto Martins . She arranged the class in a circle and asked her students to say bad things to one grain of cup (called it ‘hate cup’) and good things to another grain of cup (the ‘love cup).

The students followed and saw the difference between the growths of the two cups in a few days. The ‘love cup’ fermented nicely and naturally, while the ‘hate cup’ showed a dark mold.

NOTE There are many anecdotes of the rice experiment done by people across the world. You can search Google for more results. To get the best results, try the rice experiment by yourself and share your experience with the world.

What does the ‘Rice Experiment’ imply?

Summary: The rice experiment implies that we should be mindful of the connection we form and the people we associate with. It is focused on increasing positive interactions in life and cutting down on the negativity.

Have you ever felt that being around a certain someone literally sucks all the energy out of you? This might be because at some level, this person doesn’t have good intentions for you. On the other hand, staying around some people makes you feel so good about yourself. This implies that this person is good at heart and has good intentions for you.

This is how it works—the power of positive. When you bully a person over a span of time, he or she starts feeling your words and that’s what he or she starts becoming. So, if you call someone an idiot, over a period of time, he or she will start accepting in their consciousness that they, in fact, are an idiot.

On the other hand, when you start saying nice things to someone, such as, ‘You look so pretty,’ ‘You are so thoughtful,’ or ‘So intelligent you are,’ etc., they start mirroring the same as well. This is what positive thoughts and actions can do.

The same happened in this experiment. Since our bodies are made of 75% water, there is no way that these messages from water wouldn’t affect our bodies. Try it yourself.

TIP If no one else, you can try the same on yourself. When you wake up in the morning, stand in front of your mirror for five minutes, and say one (or as many as you like) good things about yourself. When you say it, really believe in it, and about a month later, you won’t even have to try and you will have automatically inculcated this quality that you keep telling yourself. In a single word, you will GLOW!

Rice Experiment Video

love rice experiment

Take-home Message

How would you like your body to look like? Healthy? Then, start telling it every day that you are young and healthy and it will accept it. Want to nail that job interview, start preparing and telling yourself, as many times as yourself that you already have it, and watch it come to fruition.

People might have their doubts about the rice experiment but the man truly had a message to tell the world—the message from water—how it can create life out of it but also be dead, depending on how it’s treated. So, it is for the best to extract the positives out of this experiment and add the same in your life to make it better.


Surabhi has a deep passion for words. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. She has always been keen on creating original content that can make a difference. In her experience as a content writer, she has had the opportunity to work on several fields with Psychology being her favorite. Surabhi says, words have the power to transform the world, better than a sword. So she hopes to contribute her bit to this revolution. At TheMindFool, she feels lucky to have the opportunity to share content capable of bringing about a change in the lives of the readers.

Does the love hate rice experiment work?

As strange as it may sound, the love hate rice experiment has gained considerable attention in recent years. The experiment involves placing cooked rice into separate containers and labeling one container with positive affirmations and the other with negative phrases. Proponents of the experiment claim that positive energy promotes rice fermentation and prevents it from spoiling, while negative energy does the opposite. But does this experiment really work, or is it just a product of coincidence and perception?

  • 1 The Experiment: Does Positive or Negative Energy Affect Rice?
  • 2 Does the Love Hate Rice Experiment Work?
  • 3.1 1. Can positive energy affect the growth of plants?
  • 3.2 2. Are positive affirmations beneficial to mental well-being?
  • 3.3 3. Are negative words harmful in general?
  • 3.4 4. Is Masaru Emoto’s experiment scientifically accepted?
  • 3.5 5. Can perceptions influence our experiences?
  • 3.6 6. Can energy influence non-living objects?
  • 3.7 7. Is rice the only food used in this experiment?
  • 3.8 8. Can this experiment be replicated at home?
  • 3.9 9. Are there any scientific studies supporting Emoto’s claims?
  • 3.10 10. Are there any alternative explanations for the observed changes in rice?
  • 3.11 11. Why has the love hate rice experiment gained popularity?
  • 3.12 12. Are there any real-life applications for the love hate rice experiment?
  • 4 Conclusion

The Experiment: Does Positive or Negative Energy Affect Rice?

The love hate rice experiment, also known as the rice positivity experiment, became popular after the release of a video by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author. In the video, Emoto claimed that speaking positive or negative phrases to rice affected its growth and fermentation. Emoto’s experiment appeared to show that the rice exposed to positive affirmations remained white and pleasant-smelling, while the rice exposed to negative words turned black and emitted an unpleasant odor.

However, it is important to approach this experiment with skepticism. Many scientific studies have debunked Emoto’s claims, citing flaws in his methodology and the lack of peer-reviewed evidence to support his conclusions. Critics argue that any changes observed in the rice could be the result of natural decay processes or unintentional manipulation.

Does the Love Hate Rice Experiment Work?

The love hate rice experiment does not work in a scientific sense. While it may seem intriguing and even convincing at first glance, there is no concrete evidence to support the idea that positive or negative energy directly influences rice fermentation or spoilage. The experiment seems to rely more on perception and subjective interpretation rather than objective scientific data.

Related FAQs:

1. Can positive energy affect the growth of plants?

Positive energy, in the form of a positive mindset, can indirectly affect the growth of plants by influencing the care that is given to them. However, it does not directly impact their physical growth.

2. Are positive affirmations beneficial to mental well-being?

Yes, positive affirmations can be a helpful tool in promoting mental well-being and a positive mindset.

3. Are negative words harmful in general?

While negative words can have an emotional impact on individuals, they are not inherently harmful. It is important to consider the context in which they are used and the individual’s resilience to negative stimuli.

4. Is Masaru Emoto’s experiment scientifically accepted?

No, Masaru Emoto’s experiment has been widely criticized and is not scientifically accepted due to its flawed methodology and lack of peer-reviewed evidence.

5. Can perceptions influence our experiences?

Yes, perceptions play a significant role in how we interpret and experience the world around us. However, they do not have the power to directly alter physical outcomes.

6. Can energy influence non-living objects?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that energy, in the form of positive or negative thoughts, can directly influence non-living objects.

7. Is rice the only food used in this experiment?

While rice is commonly used in the love hate rice experiment, some variations involve using other foods like bread or fruits. The underlying principle remains the same.

8. Can this experiment be replicated at home?

Yes, anyone can replicate the love hate rice experiment at home. However, it is important to approach it with a critical mindset and not take the results as definitive proof.

9. Are there any scientific studies supporting Emoto’s claims?

No, there are no reputable scientific studies supporting Emoto’s claims. His experiment lacks the necessary scientific rigor to be considered valid.

10. Are there any alternative explanations for the observed changes in rice?

Yes, there are alternative explanations such as natural decay processes or unintentional manipulation that could account for the observed changes in rice color and smell.

11. Why has the love hate rice experiment gained popularity?

The love hate rice experiment has gained popularity due to its intriguing nature and the desire for people to find simple explanations for complex phenomena.

12. Are there any real-life applications for the love hate rice experiment?

While the love hate rice experiment may not have any scientific validity, it can serve as a reminder of the power of perception and the importance of maintaining a positive mindset in our daily lives.

In conclusion, the love hate rice experiment is an interesting concept that captivates people’s imaginations. However, the lack of scientific evidence and the flaws in its methodology make it difficult to accept as a valid experiment. Science relies on rigorous experimentation and peer-reviewed evidence, and until such evidence is presented, it is safe to say that the love hate rice experiment does not work in a scientific sense. Nevertheless, it serves as a reminder of the subtle ways our perceptions and mindset can influence our experiences.

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About Rachel Bannarasee

Rachael grew up in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai until she was seven when her parents moved to the US. Her father was in the Oil Industry while her mother ran a successful restaurant. Now living in her father's birthplace Texas, she loves to develop authentic, delicious recipes from her culture but mix them with other culinary influences. When she isn't cooking or writing about it, she enjoys exploring the United States, one state at a time. She lives with her boyfriend Steve and their two German Shepherds, Gus and Wilber.

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I love you, rice! Positivity Experiment

love rice experiment

We may not always notice it, but the words we say, and the thoughts we think, tend to influence us in some way or another. They can affect our mood, how we treat others, and how our day goes - whether for the better, or for the worse, it's up to us.

We wanted to find out if we would be able to visibly see the power of positive versus negative words, so we decided to recreate Dr. Emoto's famous rice experiment for ourselves and see what would happen.

The basic premise of the experiment is this: that the words we say and the thoughts we think have an energy that can physically manifest over time. In Dr. Emoto's original experiment, he found that the rice that he spoke kind words to remained mostly white, while the rice that he spoke negatively to, turned moldy, providing physical evidence of the power of positivity. 

Here's how we set up our experiment:

love rice experiment

First, we cooked up some plain white rice. 

love rice experiment

Next, we put an equal amount of cooked plain rice into two separate jars. 

love rice experiment

We labeled one jar with the word "love", and the other with the word "hate". Then we put the two jars in close proximity to each other so they would have the same conditions, but not right next to each other. 

We started our experiment on February 1st, and for the whole month of February, every time we walked by the jars we would say kind, positive and uplifting words to the "love" jar and negative words to the "hate" jar. 

We wanted to see the rice experiment would work for us, so we put it to the test. At the end of the month, on February 28th, this was our result:

love rice experiment

By the end of our experiment, the amount of mold on both the "love" and the "hate" rice ended up being about the same. There was no significant difference to indicate to us that the experiment had actually worked as we hoped it might. But we're still glad that we put it to the test.

This experiment was a reminder for us to be mindful about the words we say to ourselves and to others. It often felt a little silly to compliment a jar of rice, or to tell it that we loved it. But in contrast, it felt pretty bad to tell a jar of rice that we hated it, or to call it names, or degrade it.

And yet, how often do we do this to ourselves? Or how often do we speak negatively about other people or things going on in our lives? There is a place for negative feelings - they are a normal part of life. But this experiment reminded us how helpful it can be to be mindful and pay attention to how much negativity we allow in our lives. 

The experiment may not have turned out exactly how we hoped, or expected, but we still believe in the power of positivity and good vibes. Because of that we say, be nice to your rice, be nice to the people in your life, and above all, be nice to yourself!

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Experiments about the "power of thoughts" on cooked rice

Over the past few months a number of people (who don't know each other) have been telling me that I should try a "power of thoughts" experiment that's also known as "the rice experiment." They're confident, that through this experiment, I'll "see the light" of how thought can affect our physical world despite my skepticism.

In searching YouTube, I found a number of videos about this by searching for "rice experiment," such as this one:

  Rice Hado Experiment Masaru Emoto

The experiment

The idea is to set up two jars containing some cooked rice, and then, every day, say only nice and encouraging things to one jar of rice, and insulting and hateful things to the other jar of rice.

enter image description here

After a certain period of time (which seems to vary from months to years), the jar with the "hated" rice should be the only one that goes bad and rots.

  Positive Thinking Power - The Rice Experiment   More Evidence From Dr Masaru Emoto On The Power Of Thoughts

Slightly more recent experiment Day 30 Day 55 Day 147

My question

Are there credible studies that prove or disprove this? Any explanation of what might actually be going on here (e.g., why the "hated" jar of rice goes bad earlier) would also be interesting.

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Oddthinking's user avatar

  • 21 My initial inclination would be to say that ONLY the people who have the "hated" rice go bad first report it, and all the "loved" rice that goes bad isn't mentioned. But that's just my cynicism. –  Larian LeQuella Commented Nov 13, 2011 at 4:18
  • 12 Do you have to open the jar while speaking to the rice? In which language does the rice listen to you? Is this already used by the military? –  user unknown Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 8:38
  • 5 How is this a thought experiment? It sounds like a speech experiment. –  Flimzy Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 15:17
  • 11 Do you spit at the hated rice before you seal the jar? –  Jonas Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 16:19
  • 12 How does one make sure the hate rice doesn't hear messages intended for the love rice? Is rice's sense of hearing better or worse then human's sense of hearing? What about if there is a fight in the room where the rice is stored? –  Sam I Am Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 19:04

This article from The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry attempts to replicate Emoto's experiment in a properly scientifically controlled manner (with some small caveats ), reaching an obvious non-replication (none of the rice rotted significantly).

enter image description here

In the end, it appears that Dr. Emoto’s assertion that intention can affect soppy rice doesn’t hold water. I can’t help but wonder if the well-meaning re-creators of this experiment on the internet didn’t help their rice along, exposing the neglected or hated rice to more air, changing the jars around to put them in different temperature or humidity conditions, or performing other tricks in an effort to support a well-intended but ultimately self-evident point: that being ignored or belittled hurts.

The article hypothesises that the reason for the rice turning out the way it did was due to improperly controlled experiments carried out by Emoto.

Apparently, Emoto’s experimental protocols are so lacking as to be unrepeatable, and even the most basic attempts at scientific controls are absent.

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The physical effect of positive and negative words, family activity.

Dr. Emoto’s Rice Experiment

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher and a certified alternative medicine doctor. He spent many years studying and researching how human thoughts and intentions could alter physical reality. In his famous rice experiment, he demonstrates the power of negative and positive words, finding that speaking negatively to rice in water over time caused decay, and speaking positively over time allowed it to thrive.

Activity Objective

To illustrate the physical effect of negative and positive words and how they can impact our well-being.

2 small (airtight) glass jars

Cooked white rice

A permanent marker or two labels


1. Fill two airtight jars halfway with cooked rice. Add enough water so that the water just covers the rice.

2. Affix a label on each jar or use a permanent marker. Write “Love” on one jar and “Hate” on the other one.

3. Let the experiment begin! Every day for one month, spend time speaking to each jar of rice individually. To the jar labeled Love, say things like: I love you, you are so beautiful and smart. And to the jar labeled Hate, say things like: I hate you, you are ugly, or you are stupid.

4. When concluding the experiment, ask your children the following questions:

  • How did the positive words and the negative words affect the rice?
  • How do you think words affect us and others?
  • How can using positive words help your relationships with friends and family?
  • How can using positive words internally (self-talk)help us do better?

love rice experiment


love rice experiment

This activity is a part of a full free lesson – sWords. To watch video and more activities, sign up below:

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In these engaging video and creative activities, our children will understand the power of words. They will witness the impact of gossip and rumors and learn how to replace hurtful words with helpful words.

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This fun experiment will teach kids about kindness.

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We have all felt the pain of harsh words or intentions. They create an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach or a rush of adrenaline because your body believes it’s under attack. Name-calling and being snubbed or ignored can be just as hurtful as actually being physically hit, unlike the old saying would have us believe.

A few months ago, after breaking up a typical sibling squabble between my kids, knowing that yet another lecture about how we treat each other would fall on deaf ears, I decided it was time to demonstrate the harmful effects of ill words and intentions—and I had just the idea to get them to pay attention!

A kind thought experiment

The late Japanese researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto, was well-known for his unusual assertion that human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. His research suggested that our thoughts and intentions alone could impact the physical world and that harsh or unfriendly human words, meaning, and sound can negatively impact water’s atomic arrangement in living beings. Sounds implausible, right?

While there are those both in support of and those who reject Emoto’s pseudo-scientific study, the overall concept of how our words and intentions can have positive or negative impacts on the world around us is certainly a thought-provoking idea. I decided to do a variation on an experiment he performed with rice with my children and was completely unprepared for the results!

The Rice Experiment

Materials : 3 large mason jars                            cooked white rice (enough to fill each jar halfway)                                                              water                                                                     tape or labels   Instructions: 1.  Fill each jar halfway with rice. Add enough water so that the water just covers the rice. Screw on lid. 2. Affix a label on each of the jars. Write “love” on one, “hate” on another, and leave the last one blank. 3. Let the experiment begin! Every day for one month, spend time speaking to each jar of rice individually. To the love one, say only kind things like “I love you”, “thank you”, “I’m grateful for you”, and “you’re wonderful”. To the hate one, say only cruel things like “I hate you,” or “get away from me”. Ignore the unnamed rice jar completely.

At first it felt funny speaking kind words to a jar full of rice and water, so we had our share of giggles over the whole thing. But the giggles had positive intentions attached to them, so we giggled away. Words of hate were very difficult. It was horrible. It felt wrong, even if we were just talking to rice. None of us enjoyed this part at all.

We wondered about that third jar just sitting there. Was it absorbing both the love and hate, or, to Emoto’s point, was it not affected by either because that’s not where our intentions were focused?

“Vibrate good energy into others soul; making them never forget the beauty of yours”. -unknown

At first not much was happening: it was just rice in water and awkward one-way conversations. But, a little over a week into the experiment we began to notice changes that were pretty astonishing! The cup labeled “love” changed slightly in colour, but there was no sign of rot or mold. There wasn’t even an “off” smell! The cup labeled “hate,” however, suffered a different fate. To our surprise, it had grown a significant amount of mold.

But it was the “ignored” jar that really stopped us in our tracks. It was by far the most putrefied looking one of all. It was an even darker hue of blueish/black mold than the hate jar, and had a little mountainous growth on top of the rice.

Needless to say, the experiment opened up a lengthy discussion. We talked about how it made us feel when we giggled or spoke words of love versus how we felt when speaking words of hate. We all agreed, rice or not, it didn’t feel right. We also touched on the topic of negative self-talk and the horrible things we can all say to ourselves from time to time, like “you can’t do it” and “who do you think you are?” We also discussed what it felt like to be ignored or left out of a group.

Did this mean the end of family squabbles? Nope. We still struggle, but the experiment gave us a memorable opportunity to be conscious of the power of our words. Does this mean we can go say kind things to our oceans and solve the pollution problem? Probably not. But putting the focus on caring about our intentions and the consequences of our actions have benefits that are hard to disbelieve. And if the experiment doesn’t work, that’s okay! Experiment fails are still experiments attempted and the very least you’ve accomplished is an open dialogue! 

Read more expert advice on how to raise kind and caring kids .

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Rice Experiment – Love vs Hate

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The Possible Mind

This amazing experiment was first discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan.

He examined the power of thought by exploring the structure of water under a microscope after it had been sent different kinds of thoughts.

Water Structure Dr. Emoto

Dr. Emoto was fascinated to discover how different each drop looked even though it was from the same water source.

Extending upon his original experiment, Dr. Emoto then cooked a pot of rice and divided it into 2 different jars.

One jar received positive statements and thoughts whilst the second jar took negative thoughts and words.

The outcome was truly extraordinary, after a substantial period of time the rice that had received positive statements was still fresh whilst the other ‘negative’ pot of rice was rotting.

As you can see below, this experiment has been replicated many many times with very similar results.

Further Reading

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Power of thought/intention - The Rice Experiment (my experience)

I'm sure many of you have heard of Dr. Emoto. If not, he's labeled as an "alternative scientist" and he conducted many experiments based on his theory that water could be affected by positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleansed through prayers and affirmations. If you've not heard of him, check him out.

I recently came across one of his experiments, called "the rice experiment", which has been tested by a lot of people online. The purpose of it is to show how words/intention affect the world around you. Basically, you get 3 jars and fill them with fresh rice. Label one jar as "love", one as "hate", and leave one blank. Then, every day for about a month or two, you tell the "love" rice how much you love it, how beautiful it is, say loving words to it etc, you say hateful and mean things to the "hate" rice, and you completely ignore the 3rd jar. After about a month, what always happens is the "hate" rice gets moldy and disgusting, the ignored rice forms mold all around it (almost like a shell), and the "love" rice gets minimal mold, if at all.

Here is a video made by someone who tested it:

I watched several videos about it, but hers got me thinking. When she mentioned she sent loving thoughts and prayers to the "love" rice, I decided I would test it on my own. BUT, I wanted to change it up a bit, since I already knew what would happen with speaking words out loud. I wanted to just THINK loving/hateful thoughts, and affirmations vs worried/fearful thoughts, based around the law of attraction, and see what happened.

I didn't have jars so i used empty water bottles lol. I filled 4 about halfway with rice. One is labeled "love", another "hate", and then the other two are labeled "faith/affirmations" and "worry". Each day, a few times a day I will sit in front of the bottles and think loving thoughts towards the "love" rice (i love you rice, you're so beautiful, you're the best rice ever, etc), I smile at it, I send it loving energy. With the "hate" rice, I glare at it and I think hateful thoughts about it (I hate you rice, you're disgusting, you're the worst rice ever, i hope you rot, i hate this rice so much) etc. It honestly makes me feel bad LOL.

With the "faith" rice, I make positive affirmations about how that rice will stay fresh and pure, and I try to visualize it as fresh when the experiment is over. I think about how grateful I am that it'll stay fresh & won't get moldy, and I send it love. With the "worry" rice, I think about how worried I am that it'll get moldy and I literally feel my body filling with fear. I think as many fear-based thoughts about it getting moldy/not staying fresh as I can and I visualize it getting moldy.

Also, I send these different thoughts to the different bottles throughout the day, even if I am not home or not in the room, whenever I remember.

It's only been 5 days but you guys, my mind is f*cking blown. lol I don't know how to link a photo, but if you guys are interested I will figure it out and make a follow-up post in a few weeks.

The "love" rice is good as new. Looks just like it did when I first cooked it.

The "hate" rice is turning brown/red.

The "faith" rice, although there's a black spot on the bottom, is also looking good as new. (I am going to see if I can make the black spot go away with my thoughts and prayers).

And, most interestingly, the "worry" rice is getting moldy. ALL over the side, it's turning brown and yellow and gross looking.

IT'S ONLY BEEN 5 DAYS. I plan to wait at least a month or two for full results.

I think this really goes to show we affect the world around us with our thoughts, and we manifest what we focus on. I don't want this to make anyone worry about their worry/fear-based thoughts, as things can change as soon as you redirect your focus and negative thoughts are far weaker than positive thoughts. BUT, in my experience, worrying constantly about what you want to manifest does block you from manifesting it. Redirect your focus and boom, you open up the flow lol. I also noticed how my thoughts affect my feelings. My body fills with anxiety while I am thinking worry thoughts. I feel lighter and filled with love when I am thinking love thoughts/affirmations. And I feel heavy and drained when I'm thinking the hate thoughts. Overall, love & faith are so, so important.

I'll do a follow up post when I can figure out how to upload photos.

As the Beatles say, "all you need is love" :-)

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The Amazing and Terrifying Power of Words: Love & Hate

Words have Power

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Words are what we use to communicate with others every day.  We use words on a daily basis, read them, speak them and think about the words we say.   Sometimes we don’t think about what we say but the words just come out and are very much influenced by our emotions at the time we say them.  But are words more powerful than you think?  And can words really affect not only our minds but our bodies too?

A love/hate experiment

I recently watched some videos on YouTube that came us as recommended to me which seemed to be completely random.  I decided to watch one video which of course led to others, and these featured what is now known as the love and hate rice experiment.  The idea comes from an original experiment done some years ago by a japanese man called Dr. Masaru Emoto who did an experiement that featured putting water into different petri dishes, exposing the water to different words and emotions, and then freezing the water samples to see how the crystals of water had arranged themselves.  The experiement has been critisized for the way it was done (things scientists complained would skew the results) however if you trusted the results, they showed that the crystals of water that had positive words like love and gratitude had frozen into beautiful crystals of water that looked like amazing snowflakes, white the water that had been expoosed to hate had crystals that had frozen into no real structure and ended up looking like murky blobs of water. 

Dr. Masaru Emoto created a similar experiment on rice a few years later which has been the experiment that many people online have tried to reproduce, where three jars are filled with water and rice and are sealed.  The water being the key component and the rice a way of visibly seeing the results as it would absorb the water.  Every day one jar labelled ‘love’ had people saying loving things to it, like: I love you, you are wonderful, I appreciate you, etc.  Another jar marked ‘hate’ is spoken to in a horrible way: I hate you, you should die, you are horrible, etc.  And the third jar is simply marked ‘ignore’ which is what people do with it.  Many people have tried to recreate this experiment with not only rice but apples sliced in half, even straberries and some with plants.  None of these experiements are very scientific and skeptics will always state that bacteria and other contaminents in the air are responsible for the results of what happens in these experiements but there is something interesting in the results that many people have reported.

Are the results important?

In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiment, and many others conducted online, the results showed that the rice (or apple/strawberry/plant) that heard lovely loving words was still in good condition after a few days/weeks, while the ‘hate’ rice was going mouldy and bad.  The rice that was ignored did not do so well either.  With results like this the only conclusion Dr. Masaru Emoto and others have is how powerful words are and how, if water can be so affected by words (and affects the things it’s in contact with like the rice) then what affect do these words have on our own bodies which are made up of water too?

Now as I said, skeptics will state that the experiment is flawed and that there evidence of others who have done this where the results have not been the same, which may have been the results of bacteria or simply the people doing the experiments put their own skeptical feelings onto the ‘love’ rice.  But does the evidence really matter that much, after all the main message was that the water was affected but poweful words and emotions, so shouldn’t we be nicer to ourselves and others because words are more powerful than you think?

The power of words on ourselves

I’m not going to do the rice experiment, partly because I don’t want to inflict those horrible words or emotions on anything, not even on rice!  I don’t feel good even saying bad words to anything.  But the truth is that so many of us every day say horrible things to ourselves and others.  Many of us especially use negative emotions and words to belittle ourselves, to make ourselves feel worse.  Sometimes it’s done almost unconsciously, a quick “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve this” here and there.  But at other times so many of us feel the need to scold ourselves, to look so harshly upon who we are.  We use words, and even look into a mirror while saying things like ” I’m stupid, I hate you” and in exteme cases “I wish I was dead”.  These hateful words are more powerful than you think, and even though the rice experiment may have its skeptics, I know how pwerful they are, because I’ve done this to myself.

I’ve suffered years of trauma at a young age which led me to hate who I was for a large section of my life.  Even as recently as a few months ago I said things like “I don’t deserve” to myself when things overwhelmed me and I slid back into the old habits of having a go at myself.  I found it easy to say these nasty things to myself and impossible to say anything loving.  My own hateful comments to myself came from my own issues around my life, from depression and mental health problems and not dealing properly with new traumatic events I had been through.  I know these are extreme things to say, and those with mental health problems like depression are more likely to say things like this to themselves than others, but the fact is that most of us at some point in our lives have said something negative to ourselves or felt it in our hearts.

On other occassions many people take harsh words out on others.  Whether it’s people we know or situations where people get angry, there are plenty of us who have suffered the brunt of name-calling and similar things at school and into our older years, or have been angry at others in the past and said harsh words.  And a lot of people have been on the receiving end of harsh words from people we don’t even know, through political arguments and over social media.  But is the old adage ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me’ really true or do we need to rethink what power names and words really have?

Doing the rice experiment on myself

I’ve gone through ups and downs in my life and although life has recently been better for me, I’ve still often said negative things like “I don’t deserve” to myself.  But a few months ago (I can’t remember exactly when) I decided to just stop saying them.  I didn’t say anything positive at first, it just felt to weird and not right to (which is a silly thought but that’s how I flet at the time), but I stopped saying negative things to myself and stopped believing that I was not deserving of happiness and love.  Part of that has been the lovely boost my blog has had in views, followers and comments which kept me from being so depressed, and so I stopped saying negative thigns to myself.  After a few weeks of doing that and watching a lot of positivity videos and reading positive material too, I starteed to feel a whole lot better.  I didn’t feel brilliant yet, but I felt less in pain.  The pain of my life lifted and I began to like living my life again and what I was doing.

I still had bad days, days where I was frustrated about somethign that happened, days where I got upset.  But when I got past the negative emotions I apologised to myself for feeling like that (I acutally apologized into the mirror) for acting the way I did and then got on with the rest of my day.  I had done these exercises before, throughout my life, but most of the time I’d feel good for a while and then break down into feeling bad again.  I would never keep it up for long.  But I was determined that this time would be different.  The feeling of being ‘neutral’ was great.  I felt like a mental barrier to writing more in one day was lifted and I felt myself able to produce and do more in every day – even my ability lots of blog posts in a short space of time increased.  However this neutrality didn’t last because not too long ago I began doing something else, something that has been hard to start, and hard to do but has changed my life.

Not long ago, I began getting into positivity in a new way and really learning to love myself completely.  I’ve done it before, been mindful and positive for a time but things always went downhill after I’d had a mini breakdown and I never dealt with my past or pain 100% so it always came back to haunt me.  But recently I dealt with it (in ways I can share on this blog in future – they’re a bit esoteric 😮 ) and I’ve begun to love myself and say loving things to myself every day.

Being positive

Every morning I wake up and as soon as I remember I tell myself things like “I love myself, I am lovely, I am happy”.  I usually do this every time I go to the bathroom as the mirror in there reminds me to do it!  At first I felt stupid, I didn’t even believe the words I was saying and looking into my relection while saying it just felt all the more ridiculous, but I persisted in saying them and forced myself to look at my reflection and say them. Every day, several times a day, I’d say positive things to myself and keep doing it all the time.  If a negative creeped in, I’d neutralise it by saying “I didn’t mean to say….I love myself, I am a nice person…” and I’d make sure to double the amount of love speech/thoughts for any negative ones.  I know this ssounds silly, but it was my way of overpowering the negative with something positive.

I’ve done all this before but never kept it up with such determination as now.  After just a few days, looking into the mirror and saying these positive words, these positive affirmations made me feel happy.  Looking at my own reflection became easier and I stated to laugh and smile every time I said the words.  The more I say them, the more I believe them, it takes time to get to that positive state but I am getting there already. 🙂  I’ve only been doing this for a short time but the results I can give you are amazing.  I’ve never felt so happy in my life, so free, so amazing and I have never felt so wonderful and loved.  The power of the words I tell myself have transformed me and the more I have been saying loving things to myself, the more I believe in those words I say.

Saying positive things when you are feeling negative is so difficult at first.  You feel like you don’t seserve to feel happy and at first you don’t believe in the words.  but what they do is make you feel good about existing in the world.

The real power of words

Whether the rice or water experiements are real or not  I really don’t think it matters, although personally I do believe they are legitimate experiments and you can try it for yourself if you like.  What really matters is that words are more powerful than we think.  Words are powerful things, and the emotions that go with those words can have such an impact on our mental health and well being.  We underestimate how powerful words are, how much they can affect us throughout our lives.  Words have meanings and we attach such power to hate, many of us today still believe in the hateful or negative things we’ve been told when we were younger.  We find it hard to say something positive because we always feel unworthy, underserving or unloveable.  Yet the negative, derogatory, hateful comments come so easily to us and many of us with low confidence and self-esteem choose to say those negative words to ourselves or even to others when lashing out.

But nobody expects a child born into this world to hate themselves.  Nobody wants to see a child cry, despair and feel unworthy of happiness and life.  And if no child deserves that then why would they when they grow up.  The fact is, no matter what has happened in your life, words are powerful.  Netative words are filled with the power to make us doubt ourselves, to make us feel unworthy and unloveable.  But positive words have the power to heal those wounds, to make us feel worthy, happy, loved and excited to face the world we live in.

Loving ourselves is the key to living a better life.  We need to learn love ourselves.  We need to learn to be happy with who we are and love who we are because we only get this one body in this one lifetime and it’s far better to learn to love it and then enjoy our lives than be constantly in pain and full of self-hate.  Even if you feel like you don’t deserve to be loved (even by yourself) remember that there is always someone out there who does care and love you and if you think there is nobody then talk to me, because I believe you are ❤

To everyone reading:

So, to everyone reading this who has managed to make it to the bottom, I want to say something because even written words read have the power to heal:  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.  I appreciate every single one of you.  You are amazing for reading this post and for taking the time to visit here today.  You are a wonderful person and you deserve to live a wonderful life.  I wish you lots of love and happiness today and in your life. ❤

-Read – Inspiring Quotes for When You Feel Like Life is a Struggle

Do you believe words are very powerful?  Have you tried the rice experiement for yourself?  Let me know what you think in the comments below 🙂

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20 thoughts on “ The Amazing and Terrifying Power of Words: Love & Hate ”

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Words do have incredible power, and automatically link to our emotions. If we insist on dwelling in misery and depression, our lives will be the same. It is so incredibly difficult to change hate into love, but something we must do or we won’t get anywhere…

Like Liked by 1 person

It’s definitely difficult to change from hate to love, it’s not something that just automatically happens, but with time and staying dedicated, it gets easier and feeling loved, even by ourselves, is much better than hate 🙂 ❤ Thank you so much for the comment and taking the time to read this 🙂

Thank you for sharing 🙂 ♥ I haven’t heard about the rice experiment before…. interesting…

Great post. Blessings.

Thank you! 🙂

This was so amazing….i am going to try this on myself. I suffer from chronic depression and anxiety. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Good luck, I hope it helps you! 🙂 ❤ Words can be amazingly poweful, I often forget and have to re-read this to remember how much it can affect us.

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I just did the experiment because I wanted to see the results for myself. I am stunned, like it’s one thing to read about it, watch videos, and a different experience when it happens right before your eyes. It’s true. I cooked the rice in the same pot, steralised 3 identical boxes, divided the rice equally, closed the kids and randomly labelled them. Spoke love/hate words to the corresponding jars for 7 days. Opened them today- it’s like magic. The love jar smells like yogurt, it’s all white. The hate jar smells putrid, horrible black moulds grown all over it. Ignore jar smells spicy, has yellow spots. I’m going to change the way I use words. This is so true it’s creepy.

Wow, that’s amazing, and I agree it’s creepy that our words can have such a powerful influence on everything in our lives, especially ourselves! Thank you so much for sharing this 🙂 ❤

I was reading Masaru Emoto’s book, and I came across your post. I love the things you said, and I’m so excited for you that you found the positive vibration! I’m learning to be positive myself, and already it’s making big changes in my life. 🙂 My husband drew up a wonderful image of Positivi-Kitty that I would love to share with you! Not sure if this link will work to my facebook page. If you enjoy the image, please message me and I’ll send you a bigger file! I hope you have an absolutely Positivi-Kitty day!

Oh wow, I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post and that you are finding being positive is helping you 🙂 That picture is so adorable, so cute, thank you so much for sharing it! ❤ All the best to you and hope you too have a positive and uplifting day! 🙂 ❤

Thank you for your thoughtful post and the great replies ! Words powerful. We are endowed by our creator with the incredible ability to use them, something animals and plants aren’t able to do, being lower in the hierarchy of creation.

There must be something “divine” about words, since, at least in the Christian tradition, we believe that ” ‘The Word’ was made flesh and dwelt among us,” and both Christians and Jews believe in the power of “a word” as spoken by God : “God said, ‘Let there be light, and there was light,’ etc. And, most people of any faith believe that thoughts or spoken words in the form of “blessings”, i.e., prayers, have a powerful effect. Why should we be surprised by the results of Dr. Emoto’s experiments ? The beneficial effects of positive thoughts/attitudes and words are part of the way nature works, I believe, as intended by the creator !

Thank you so much for thaking the time to read and your thoughtful comment. 🙂 Indeed words are so powerful and amazing! 🙂 🙂 ❤

I am a huge fan of the Dr. Emoto! Whenever I feel the urge to say something negative to myself or my children, I pause and think about the harmful impact it could have on them (both mentally and physically.) It’s incredible how much power words possess. Sadly, it seems that negative or sad words hold even more power. It’s because we tend to invest more energy into negativity rather than positivity, which is why it often prevails..wishing you a lovely autumn! 🙂

Thank you, it’s true negative words are so much stronger, that’s why people sometimes say that it takes three instances of a positive afirmation to undo a negative one. But if we are more mindful of our actions and the words we say, and do our best to steer clear of the negatives, the positive ones do have a good affect on us too. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. A lovely autumn to you too. 🙂 ❤

Your exploration of the impact of words on our well-being is truly thought-provoking. The concept that our verbal expressions can influence not just our emotional state but our physical reality as well resonates deeply with me. I’ve also reflected on this phenomenon and shared my insights in a comprehensive post. If you’re curious about further perspectives on the power of words, you might find my article enriching:

It’s fascinating to consider how altering our dialogue—internally and externally—could transform our lives.

Yes it’s scary and also wonderful how words can be so powerful in transforming our lives both mentally and physically. I’ll certainly check it out. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment 🙂

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Billy Beck

Blog: Mental Conditioning

The rice experiment – this will blow your mind.

by BB3 Admin | Jun 16, 2011 | Mental Conditioning | 42 comments

The Rice Experiment

Are these words stopping you from getting what you want.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Choose your words wisely” . Usually some action hero in a movie states these boldly before he taps a keg of whoop ass.

However, there may be more to it.

Do the words you use create the life and body you live in?

I have always believed this to be true but it was not until recently that I found a way to put it to the test.  It all began when I watched a documentary called “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Dr. Emoto is a Japanese researcher who conducted research on the formation of water crystals on various stimuli. I won’t go into detail here because I won’t do it justice. You have to see it for yourself. You can pick a copy of the documentary on Amazon or Youtube.

The experiment that really grabbed my attention was a simple one that anyone can do.

All you need is rice and some patience.

  • Place 1 cup of Cooked Rice into two separate containers. Place a lid on each.
  • Mark one container with a positive phrase. I used “Thank You Rice”
  • Mark the other container with a negative phrase. I used “Stupid Rice”
  • Place them in your kitchen at least 12 inches apart.
  • Once or more every day say aloud to the rice container the phrase written on it. I know this sounds nuts but just try it. For example, every time I went into my kitchen I would say “Thank You Rice” and “Stupid Rice” Try to say it from a place of gratitude (thank you) and a place of anger and frustration (stupid). Before you write this off as something that crazy Billy Beck III said, remember…

“Open Minds Open Doors to the Impossible.”

The results.

love rice experiment

After 20 Days, The “Thank You Rice” had a sweet aroma and maintained its white color. The “Stupid Rice” possessed a foul odor, became darker in color and formed a mold.

Let’s Take a Closer Look

The thank you rice on day 20.

love rice experiment

The Stupid Rice on Day 20

love rice experiment

What Does This Mean?

The words we say have a powerful affect on everything around us. Whether it is rice or a human being. Your words have a profound impact on others and yourself.

Positive words with good intentions behind them nurture and encourage growth.

Negative words with negative emotions literally rot and destroy .

Think about it. Have you ever been around someone who literally sucked the energy out of you?

Sometimes this happens even when they don’t say anything negative.

This is because it is not just what we say that matters, it is what we think. Our lives are result of our most common thoughts.

If you habitually think great things of yourself, of others and the world around you, then you add to the greatness and nurture the world around. If you habitually complain, criticize and find the bad in others and in most things, then you are “rotting the rice.” Change your thoughts, Change your world.

If you are honest about this, you know it is true. We all know this is true. We don’t need rice to tell us this but it is really cool to do. Try it.

One last thing to think about…

How do your thoughts about your body affect your appearance, health, energy & what actions you take?

If you wish to achieve your all-time best body it begins by feeding your body positive thoughts.  Like “I am a warrior, I am strong, My body is amazing, I love my body, I love life, I am awesome. I am unstoppable!” You get the picture.

Don’t rot your rice!  😀

Live Greatly,

BB3 Billy Beck III

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius

Interested in learning more about mental conditioning then check out…, “running 50 miles and 5 lessons learned”, 42 comments.

That’s such a powerful testimony of how our words and thoughts effect our physiology on a cellular level. That was such a cool experiment and I’m still in shock about the whole thing. Great test and thanks for sharing such life-changing information!

Thank you B-Francis! This goes along with what you said in your post on FEAR. Fears and insecurities drive negative thoughts and behavior. Check out this awesome post here:

I think everyone should do this test on their own to really get the magnitude of it. Many people never reach their own potential because their own thoughts are holding them back. In my 25 years of research I continually see a pattern and it involves the thought process. This is a great experiment Billy thanks for sharing.

If it opens up one persons eyes to the possibilities in front of them it helps change the world.

All the best, JB Glossinger

Thanks JB! If anyone out there wants to take it to the next level, check out JB’s site It’s awesome!

I’m a big believer in the power of words, but never saw it in a tangible experiment. Thank you!

Thank you Connie! 🙂

Eye opening experiment to say the least! Having seen these results in person I can say that they evidence is undeniable. The words we program ourselves to use directly affect the outcome of our actions!! Awesome!!

Good luck today Dragon!

WOW!. It’s so true about keeping negative out of your life and this really shows what it can do. I am going to do this experiment with my kids. Thanks. Lynne

Great Idea Lynne! Kids love this stuff. I know I do. 🙂

Thank you Billy! I love it! I can actually picture you talking to the rice:) It is an amazing experiment with results that we all need to be reminded of. Thanks for sharing!

LOL! You can picture me talking to the rice? That’s so funny! I guess you know me well! 🙂

Billy, your email this morning was the first. Awesome, love it! I am ALERT! I am ALIVE! I FEEL & LOOK GREAT! ( I added the “look” to my long time Rotary chant) . Thank you for what you do! And yes, I will have a great weekend! Live today with gusto, Ken

Oh yeah Ken! You’re the Man!

That is one of the things that I live by Billy and the more you keep yourself conscious of positive thinking and acting the easier it becomes . Like any exercise program it may not be easy but the benefits far outweigh the efforts . One love ! // Keith

That is one of the factors that I stay by Billy and the more you keep yourself aware of beneficial considering and performing the simpler it becomes .

Des Moines Fitness

Thank you so much Billy for posting this. I believe so much about positive and negative thoughts. But, to be honest I’ve really been doing a lot of bad self-talk lately. This was a great reminder that all those two second, matter-of-fact, negative thoughts add up.


I met Emoto and have his book. He is a very humble man. He does not even speak English.

Great test my friend.

Hristo! That’s very cool! 🙂

Wow this really is amazing! Kids are out for summer and this will be our first fun project. Thank you for all your amazing positive energy! =-)

I found your article through your shouts on Empire Avenue. I really enjoyed reading it. It is an intriguing experiment and I agree that there is a power that we emit when we say negative or positive messages out there in the universe. It affected the rice which is the outer source but it certainly must affect our inner sources as well – scary thought, actually.

And I couldn’t help but think about your face when you were saying “Thank You Rice”… “Stupid Rice”… it is sooo cute.

Thank you for this article

Good stuff Billy!

Thanks for sharing this post.

I’m going to replicate the experiment in our office with the entire team.

And assuming we duplicate the results, will “pay if forward” by sharing with all our folks.

Thanks Sean! I played the documentary “Hidden Messages in Water” in our team meeting and then surprised them with the results a few weeks later. You should have seen everyone’s faces! Let me know how it goes! Thanks!

What an amazing illustration of the connection between thoughts and energy! Thanks so much for sharing your results. If you haven’t already read The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, it’s worth the read-he does an excellent job of explaining the details of how thoughts translate into energy, and how that energy creates tangible changes in our lives and even our DNA. If you haven’t already seen “cloud bursting,” that is another fascinating example of thought energy: Thanks again!

When I see the way some parents speak to their children or criticize their mate, it breaks my heart. What’s more heartbreaking is when someone belittles claiming that the criticism is “constructive” or coming from a place of love. Just sad.

You can criticize or encourage. One kills, while the other gives life.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig Author, Goals Coach

Did you take the lid off when you talked to the rice? Think about saying, “Stupid rice” in an angry way. I’m guessing a little spit got in the stupid rice. sago · Like

No Jackie. Both were sealed and air-tight for 20 days. Angry spit was not a factor. I can see you are skeptical as was I. I suggest rather than guess and try to logically make sense of it just try it for yourself.

By the way:, the things that are rotting the rice (bacteria and mold) are also living things.

Yes, you are correct. The intention of the words was placed on the rice itself rather than the bacteria and mold. “Thank You Rice” and “Stupid Rice” It would be interesting to do the experiment retro. Hmmmm….that’s a good idea. I think I will. Thanks Jackie! 🙂

I love your attitude and your excellent content. What a great story! I am definitely going to try this experiment ….on MY BODY.

Keep up the GREAT work. The world needs more men like you.

I knew the experiment by Mr Omoto from the documentary ‘What The Bleep Do We Know?” But this is simple and can be done at home. Cool stuff. Thanks!

You can see similar results in your gardens and indoor plants. Talking nicely to them works wonders.

I have been meaning to do this experiment for a few years now. Thanks for taking the time to confirm Billy!

I thought it was so amazing. I was so excited about it I told my husband about the it and the first thing that came out of his mouth was “that i was stupied and now im worshipping the rice.” But im going to do it anyway to show him the impact of his words. Maybe he see the light

this is a wonnddddderrrrful experiment and a wonderful discovery:)

Thanks Maryam!

This is one of the silliest and stupidest things I’ve seen on the internet. You did this ONE time with one pair of containers, and you think that is actually EVIDENCE for anything? Besides your own gullibility, that is.

Your high school science teacher ought to be ashamed.

Kelly, to answer your question. I did this experiment on 14 separate occasions using not only rice but also eggs. You can see it the results from the egg experiment on the site. It’s funny how you and others automatically disregard the experiment and resort to negativity and simply being rude. LOL! When I heard of Dr. Emoto’s research I thought it was BS too. But rather than disregard it, I put it to the test. I suggest you do the same. Let me know what happens. Thanks for the comment. 🙂

I think it’s because word’s like “stupid” ‘f’n rice” etc. cause you to spit onto the rice causing the mold.

LOL! Billy Bob that would be a good point. However, the containers were sealed airtight for the entire length of the experiment.

Here is a friend of mine( who is very successful and intelligent ) putting the rice experiment to the test.

Thanks for sharing Sean!


  • The Egg Experiment Billy Beck III The Power of thoughts and words - [...] 5. Once or more every day say aloud to the rice container the phrase written on it. I know…
  • Crazy Egg and Rice Experiment – Tip of the week :: Coppell Boot Camp – Dallas Area Personal Training - [...] 5. Once or more every day say aloud to the rice container the phrase written on it. I know…
  • You Have Got To See This (Please Do Not Delete) | Brien Shamp - [...] THE RICE EXPERIMENT [...]
  • The Rice Experiment – This Will Blow Your Mind! | Affliction Free Naturally - [...] Source: [...]

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love rice experiment

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A professor in Japan took three different containers and filled each container with an equal amount of cooked white rice. He labeled one container, “Thank You,” another “You’re an Idiot,” and the third he left blank. Every day, the professor spoke to each container according to its label.

For 30 days, he spoke to each jar every day. To the “Thank You” jar, he only spoke positive and affirming words like, “You are special, you are smart, you are loved, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.”

To the “You're an Idiot” jar, he spoke only harsh, critical and negative words like, “You are stupid, you are useless, you’ll never amount to anything.”

Finally, to the jar without a label, he said nothing at all.

The results?

At the end of 30 days, the rice in the jar labeled “Thank You” began to ferment and release a pleasant smell. The rice labeled “You’re an Idiot” turned black and mushy, and emitted a sour smell. Finally, the rice that had been ignored and neglected began to mold and rot.

This experiment has been replicated by scientists, universities and home-school students, all with the same results. Whether people want to believe it or not:

Your words matter.

Though it’s an intriguing exercise, the rice experiment doesn’t make it so—God’s Word says so, and that’s all that matters. He has given us so much instruction about the words we speak. Are we listening? Are we applying what we know? Or do we think watching our words so closely is being hypersensitive?

Proverbs 18:21 tells us the tongue has the power of life and death and reminds us that we will have whatever we say. Proverbs 13:3 encourages us to remember that he who guards his lips guards his life. Throughout His Word, God gives us insights into how to have success spiritually and physically. Spiritual laws are connected to the natural realm. The more we take God at His Word, the sooner we’ll figure out how to live the life we’ve always wanted.

Next time you think about speaking before you think, remember the rice experiment. Watch what you say to your spouse, your children and your friends. Be careful with your words when you talk about your car, computer, appliances or any of your other belongings. Let your words speak life and increase over your job and money. Don’t let anything slip (even jokingly) about your health that isn’t positive and uplifting.

When you do, you’ll have a life most people only dream about.

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