Elexicon Energy

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MicroFIT and FIT

Fit and microfit programs.

Elexicon Energy supports programs aimed at conserving energy, reducing consumption, and developing renewable energy sources to power the future.

FIT Program

The Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program was developed to promote greater use of renewable energy sources. These include wind, waterpower, renewable biomass, biogas, landfill gas and solar photovoltaic (solar PV) for electricity generating projects in Ontario. Participants in the program who supply energy include individuals, businesses and corporations that have met the eligibility requirements.

The FIT Program introduced a standardized way to contract for renewable energy generation, providing suppliers with a comprehensive guaranteed pricing structure and offering stable prices under long-term contracts. This was one of the first programs of its kind in North America.

The FIT Program stopped accepting applications in 2016.

MicroFIT Program

The MicroFIT Program is part of the FIT Program. It was established to support the development of small or ‘micro’ renewable electricity generation projects (10kW or less) such as solar panel installations.

Energy suppliers are paid a guaranteed price over a 20-year term (40 years for waterpower projects) for the electricity they produce and deliver to Ontario’s electricity grid.

The program is no longer accepting new applications.

Beacon – IESO Contract Portal

Beacon is the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) FIT and MicroFIT contract management tool. The portal was introduced in 2019 to allow energy suppliers to manage their active FIT and MicroFIT contracts online. Beacon consolidates all FIT contract information in one place.

Beacon is used to view information, manage contractual obligations, and send and receive notifications for existing FIT and MicroFit contracts.

Please contact IESO for more information about Beacon.

Transferring Ownership of an Existing Generation Account

To transfer an existing contract to a new person or entity, a MicroFIT supplier must “assign” the contract to a new supplier. Rules governing the assignment depend on the version number of the contract. Please see the IESO website for more details.

The existing owner must submit the change request to the IESO through the Beacon portal. Once submitted, Elexicon receives a notification and will reach out to the customer that is taking ownership to complete an Application and Agreement with Elexicon or a Transfer of Ownership Connection Agreement for FIT projects.

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Features MicroFIT: An introduction

On September 24th, in conjunction with the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program, the Ontario Government announced the MicroFIT Program (MicroFIT). MicroFIT is for small renewable generation, up to 10 kw in size. To be eligible for a MicroFIT Contract, the generator must be renewable, have its own meter, be capable of being connected to a local distribution grid (in other words, not "off-grid"), and have a "nameplate" (manufacturer's total installed rated capacity) capacity of 10 kw or less. In addition, it must not have an existing OPA Contract (although this may change). It can be an addition to an existing renewable generator by the same owner with the same technology, using the same connection point and metering, provided the combined facility is under the 10 kw ceiling. MicroFIT is a streamlined, user-friendly version of the FIT Program for individuals, small businesses, and communities. A community, in this case, can be a not-for-profit corporation, a co-op, an institution such as a church or school, or simply a group of individuals.

October 26, 2009  By Thomas Brett

Price The OPA will pay the 80.2 cents per kilowatt hour for power from small scale solar photovoltaic generation, and 13.5 cents for power from wind machines, for a contract period of 20 years. Power from water, biomass, and landfill gas will receive 13.1 cents kwh, 13.8 cents kwh, and 11.1 cents kwh, respectively, for 20 years, except water power, which gets a 40 year contract. The base prices are fixed for 20 (40) years. In addition, twenty percent (20%) of the revenue from the generator is indexed to the Consumer Price Index annually, except for solar photovoltaic facilities.

Organizing your project You can participate in the MicroFIT in one of at least four ways: •    owning your own equipment and your own project •    leasing equipment for your project •    leasing your property, for example, your roof, to a renewable energy developer •    developing a project with others in your neighbourhood.

If you develop your own project, whether you own or lease the solar equipment, you will receive monthly payments from the electricity you generate from your local electricity distributor (eg. Toronto Hydro, in the City of Toronto) on behalf of the Ontario Power Authority (OPA). Most people who want to own their own project should consider hiring an installer, much as you would hire a contractor to install a new furnace or central air conditioner. The installer will purchase and install the equipment, obtain a building permit, and when construction is complete, approval from the Electrical Safety Authority, and work with the local distributor to ensure the facility is properly connected to the electricity grid. In some cases, the equipment vendor will also be the installer. You will need to insure the facility normally by an adder (rider) to your home insurance.

If you lease your roof to a solar developer, you will receive the lease payments you agree to with that developer. The developer or his assignee will own the solar PV generator and be paid for the power it produces. The developer/owner would hold the FIT Contract, pay the operating costs, and, likely carry the insurance on the project. He or the contractor (if they are different parties) will also be normally responsible for obtaining a building permit. Some developers may aggregate a large number of small projects to lower installation costs, and then, once commercial operation has occurred, to sell the facilities to third party investors upon completion of construction. You will be asked to assign your roof lease to that third party.

Connection with the Distributor : The distributor must allow the MicroFIT generator to connect to its system, provided the generator meets its Conditions of Service, which are approved by the Ontario Energy Board. The connection agreement is a standard one, entitled the Micro-Embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement, which is part of the Distribution System Code, a set of legal rules developed and administered by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), which governs the relationship between the regulated electricity distribution companies (LDCs) and their customers. The Board will also ensure that any account or administration charges the LDCs impose on connecting generators are reasonable. The costs of connection to the grid are borne by the generator, and must be included in your project budget. The LDC will provide an estimate of these costs and you will contract to pay them as part of the Connection Agreement. The actual construction work will be done by the LDC. MicroFIT generators can be connected to the LDC either directly or indirectly, and if indirectly, either in parallel, or in series. For most MicroFIT-eligible generators, indirect connection, that is, connection to the grid, through the building’s existing electrical connection facilities will be cheaper than direct connection.

Canadian Content for Solar Projects : For solar PV projects that achieve commercial operation on or before December 31, 2010, the minimum required Ontario content level is 40%. For all other projects, the minimum is 60%. The MicroFIT program rules set out a number of activities, with the number of points attributed to each. Compliance with each activity is an “all or nothing” proposition; in other words, to count the number of points for a particular activity against the requirements, the applicant must perform all the components of the activity, as listed in the regulation. A table describing each activity and the allocated points is reproduced from the MicroFIT Rules here. Before signing a contract with an equipment supplier or installer, you need to obtain a confirmation from them (in binding legal form) that the solar PV facility meets the domestic content criteria. The government is determined to create solar manufacturing jobs in Ontario, one of the stated purposes of the Green Energy and Green Jobs Act, so these rules will likely be strictly enforced.

Domestic Content Grid for Micro-Scale (≤10kW) Solar Photovoltaic Power Projects

Designated activity Qualifying percentage
1. Silicon that has been used as input to solar photovoltaic cells manufactured in an Ontario refinery. 10%
2. Silicon ingots and wafer, where silicon ingots have been cast in Ontario, and wafers have been cut from the casting by a saw in Ontario. 12%
3. The crystalline silicon solar photovoltaic cells, where their active photovoltaic layer(s) have been formed in Ontario. 10%
4. Solar photovoltaic modules (i.e. panels), where the electrical connections between  the solar cells have been made in Ontario, and the solar photovoltaic module materials have been encapsulated in Ontario. 13%
5. Inverter, where the assembly, final wiring and testing has been done in Ontario. 9%
6. Mounting systems, where the structural components of the fixed or moving
mounting systems, have been entirely machined or formed or cast in Ontario. 
The metal for the structural components may not have been pre-machined outside Ontario other than peeling/roughing of the part for quality control purposes when it left the smelter or forge.  The machining and assembly of the mounting system must entirely take place in Ontario (i.e. bending, welding, piercing, and bolting).
7.  Wiring and electrical hardware that is not part of other Designated Activities (i.e., items 1-6 and 8 of this table), sourced from an Ontario Supplier. 10%
8. All on- and off- site labour and services.  For greater certainty, this Designated Activity shall apply in respect of all Facilities. 27%
Total 100%

Applications are made online. The basic applicant and project information required is set out in an OPA document entitled “Renewable Energy/Micro feed-in tariff program” on the OPA website – MicroFIT section . A second document, entitled MicroFIT Program – Program Overview , may also be helpful.

If the application is complete, and your project is determined to be eligible, the OPA will issue you a “conditional offer of MicroFIT Contract”. This offer will become a firm offer to contract once you satisfy the conditions in the offer.

The conditions are straightforward: •    You must comply with the MicroFIT rules (the key rules are in this article but you or your legal advisor should consult the document entitled MicroFIT Rules, September 24, 2009, Version 1.0, found on the OPA website). •    Your project must be connected to a distribution system with proper metering. •    Your project must comply with Ontario content requirements (see above). •    You must provide the OPA with your LDC connection details and formally accept the offer to contract.

The conditional offer is valid for 12 months and cannot be transferred to another person or other legal entity. The conditional offer should be sufficient to allow you to obtain a loan for the project from your banker, provided you have good credit and a reasonable relationship.

The conditional offer in hand, you then apply to your local distribution company for connection. The LDC must renew your application and make you an offer to connect with 15 days, provided your application is completed (see above cited documents for contents of the application to connect).

You will work directly with your local distributor throughout the project.

If you decide to proceed, you will probably hire a qualified contractor, if you have not already done so, and need to apply for a building permit.

Once the facility is constructed you complete, as a condition prior to connection with the grid, a safety inspection with the Electrical Safety Authority. If you are using a qualified installer, this inspection should not be problematic.

Complete your connection to the grid, including the payment for any outstanding connection costs incurred by the distributor.

Once your connection to the grid is complete, the LDC will inform the OPA and the OPA will make a final offer of contract.

The effective contract start date will be the connection date if you accept the offer within 15 days or the later of the connection date or the first day of the LDC’s settlement period, if you take longer than 15 days to accept (my emphasis).

Other Issues

Taxes In assessing the tax impact of developing a MicroFIT project, you must consider three taxes: •    GST/PST/Harmonized sales taxes, on both the sale of the electricity and the purchase of the generation equipment; •    Income tax or income received on the revenue the project generates, as well as any income tax deduction of the operating expenditures and capital cost allowances for the installed equipment; and •    Property tax on your building. As with any home improvement, a renewable generation facility may increase the assessed value of your property. GST So long as the contract value of the electricity sold to the OPA (together with any other “taxable supplies” made) in any 12 month consecutive period is less than $30,000, and the vendor is not GST registered, the sale of electricity would not be subject to GST, due to the “small supplier” exemption. However, the sale of electricity constitutes a “taxable supply” and is normally subject to GST at 5%, so if the value of the electricity sold (together with any other “taxable supplies” made) exceeds $30,000 annually, then the vendor is required to be GST registered, and would have to collect GST. Second, the purchase of solar panels, invertors, other hardware and costs of installation would be subject to GST. However, if the person who acquires solar panels, equipment and installation services is registered for GST purposes, such person could claim an input tax credit against the GST that such person collects on the sale of electricity. An individual not registered for GST purposes is not able to claim an input tax credit. PST There is an exemption from PST on the sale of “electricity for all purposes”, so the owner would not charge PST on the sale of electricity to OPA.

Solar panels, invertors and other related equipment could possibly be purchased by a property owner on a PST-exempt basis using the exemption for “manufacturing and processing equipment”. However, manufacturers or producers of electricity (other than utilities) are excluded from being eligible for the “manufacturing and processing equipment” PST exemption. There is, however, an exception for certain “small” manufacturers and producers of electricity who may be able to purchase such equipment on a PST-exempt basis if the total fair value of tangible personal property (e.g electricity) sold by such person in a fiscal year is less than $5,000 or where the fair value of tangible personal property manufactured for such person’s own use is less than $50,000 in a fiscal year.

Where the solar panels, invertors and other equipment become fixtures when installed on a person’s real property and where such equipment is acquired from a contractor who installs such equipment as a fixture, it is the contractor who is subject to and who would pay PST on the equipment, not the customer. Presumably the PST incurred by the contractor on acquiring such equipment would be priced into and passed along to the property owner as part of the total contract price for the equipment and installation. HST Commencing July 1, 2010, PST will be eliminated and instead will be “harmonized” with the GST as part of a combined federal/Ontario sales tax at the rate of 13% (i.e. 5% GST, plus 8% Ontario sales tax). It is expected that the HST consequences will be the same as the analysis above concerning GST except that the rate will be 13% instead of 5%. Income Tax The homeowner or the small business would both be considered to be in the business of generating power, and the revenue received under the FIT Contract will be taxable income. The operating and interest costs of the facility should be deductible and the capital cost allowance can be taken, on the accelerated basis provided under the Income Tax Act (Canada) for renewable energy assets.

Conversion from “Net Metering Project” Net Metered Projects that are under the 10 kw threshold may be converted into MicroFIT projects. Environmental Attributes All environmental attributes, such as renewable energy certificates, carbon credits, or the like generated by the MicroFIT Contract belong to the OPA. Environmental Approvals Solar PV rooftop projects of 10 kw or less do not require a Renewable Project Approval. Wind projects do, if they are larger than 3 kw.

Assignment The project owner can assign its rights and obligations under the MicroFIT Contract (for example, if the owner sells its house) with the OPA’s consent, and such consent cannot be unreasonably withheld. Amendments Future price changes, other program amendments, or the elimination of the program do not affect the status and rights of parties that have already received a conditional offer to enter into a MicroFIT Contract. Price changes and other changes will not be retroactive.

Final Comments While MicroFIT Projects are not large relative to FIT Projects, they can represent substantial sums of money for homeowners, small business owners, institutions or communities. These parties should retain independent legal and accounting advice to assist them with the installer’s contract, (and FIT Contract), regulatory requirements, insurance and tax. Some LDCs may still use connection agreements that differ from the Board approved form. Installers/Suppliers will tend to have a “standard form” contract, but it may need to be adjusted to reflect the buyer’s particular circumstances and interests, and perhaps to more evenly balance the risks.

Thomas Brett ([email protected]) is a partner at Fogler, Rubinoff LLP.

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  • feed-in tariff
  • feedin tariff
  • Ontario Energy Board
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  • solar photovoltaic
  • Toronto Hydro


  1. FREE 7+ Contract Assignment Forms in PDF

    microfit contract assignment instructions

  2. FREE 10+ Assignment Agreement Forms in MS Word

    microfit contract assignment instructions

  3. I am an Assignor

    microfit contract assignment instructions

  4. IESO microFIT Contract Assignee’s Declaration

    microfit contract assignment instructions

  5. (PDF) Microfit tutorial intro

    microfit contract assignment instructions

  6. Fillable Online microfit word form Fax Email Print

    microfit contract assignment instructions


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  5. My contracted assignment at Chic fil'a on the overnight shift @ $21.00 per hour

  6. MICROFIT Showcased on Fitness and Health TV


  1. microFIT Contract Assignments (Transfers)

    The Assignment Process is voluntary and requires the active participation of both the Assignor and Assignee. This requires that, without exception, both the Assignor and Assignee complete their respective steps in order for a microFIT Contract to be successfully assigned. The IESO facilitates the Assignment Process and is able to assist both ...

  2. microFIT Beacon User Guide

    Optional: Use the filters to find a Contract that you want to initiate the Contract Assignment Request for. Select the Business Contract ID to view the Contract that you want to assign. Select Related Actions > Contract Assignment. Choose a reason for the Request, and then enter the reason for submitting the change.

  3. Contracts and Program Documents

    microFIT Program. Ontario's microFIT Program has resulted in more than 30,000 contracts and has encouraged individuals, schools, municipalities, co-operatives and Indigenous communities to participate in clean energy projects and make meaningful contributions to a cleaner environment.

  4. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    The microFIT Contract Assignment Process requires the participation of both the current Supplier (the "Assignor") and the prospective new Supplier (the "Assignee"), and must be completed through the IESO's online contract management portal, Beacon. The following steps will guide the Assignor in completing the Contract Assignment Request.

  5. PDF MicroFIT Assignment and Assumption

    If you have a MicroFIT Contract with the IESO, the assignment of the MECA will not be effective until the IESO has assigned the MicroFIT Contract to the Assignee. IESO: In order to assign the MicroFIT Contract, the Assignor and Assignee must contact the IESO Support Line at 1-833-413-6348 (MFIT) or by email at [email protected].

  6. PDF Assignment and Assumption Application Form

    Assignee. Should you require assistance with the IESO process, please contact the microFIT Support Line at 1-833-413-6348 (MFIT) or by email to [email protected]. Regarding the Hydro One process, in order to assign an existing MECA both the Assignor and Assignee must agree, complete and submit an "Assignment and Assumption Agreement

  7. Micro-embedded Generation

    An assignment is required when an owner intends to assign all of its rights and obligations under a microFIT procurement contract under which the output of a micro-embedded generation facility is sold to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) ("MicroFIT Contract") or the Micro-embedded Generation Facility Connection Agreement ...

  8. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    The Supplier Approver is the microFIT Contract counterparty or an individual who has the authority to act on the behalf of the Supplier (i.e. a director or executive of a corporation, estate trustee, etc.). References to "you" and "your" throughout this user

  9. MicroFIT and FIT

    To transfer an existing contract to a new person or entity, a MicroFIT supplier must "assign" the contract to a new supplier. Rules governing the assignment depend on the version number of the contract. Please see the IESO website for more details. The existing owner must submit the change request to the IESO through the Beacon portal.

  10. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    The microFIT Contract Assignment Process requires the participation of both the current Supplier (the "Assignor") and the prospective new Supplier (the "Assignee"), and must be completed through ... User Guide for instructions). Once the Change Request is completed, you can reinitiate the Contract Assignment Request.

  11. MicroFIT: An introduction

    MicroFIT: An introduction. On September 24th, in conjunction with the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program, the Ontario Government announced the MicroFIT Program (MicroFIT). MicroFIT is for small renewable generation, up to 10 kw in size. To be eligible for a MicroFIT Contract, the generator must be renewable, have its own meter, be capable of being ...

  12. Links and Forms

    Forms. Connection Cost Agreement (CCA) and Connection & Cost Recovery Agreement (CCRA) Application Form. Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) Form B Application. CIA (Form B) Instructions. CIA (Form B) Study Agreement. CIA (Form B) Study Agreement Checklist. Distribution Connection Agreement (DCA) Application.

  13. microFIT Contract Version 4

    microFIT-Contract-Version-4 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document is a microFIT contract between the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and a supplier. It contains details of the supplier and their electrical generating facility. The contract has two parts - Part 1 provides details of the supplier and facility, while Part 2 ...

  14. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    The microFIT Contract Assignment Process requires the participation of both the current Supplier (the "Assignor") and the prospective new Supplier (the "Assignee"), and must be completed through the IESO's online contract management portal, Beacon. The following steps will guide the Assignee in completing the Contract Assignment Request.

  15. microFIT Program

    The IESO does not email microFIT Contracts. Contracts are accessible through your Beacon account by following the instructions below : Following login, please select "Online IESO" and then "FIT/microFIT Supplier". Click the "Manage Contracts" tab at the top of the page. Select the microFIT Contract Reference Number (FIT-Mxxxxx ...

  16. IESO microFIT Contract Assignee's Declaration

    The IESO microFIT Contract Assignee's Declaration is a form that needs to be completed in order for a current supplier to assign a microFIT contract to a new supplier. Situations where a Contract assignment request may be submitted to the IESO include: Sale of property; Adding or removing a party from the contract

  17. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    During the lifecycle of your microFIT Contract(s), there might be changes to the ownership of the project. In some instances, you might be required to register a new Supplier. ... For instructions on how to Add and/or Remove Contacts from a Contract, please refer to the Contract Management user guide document. Adding Supplier Contacts to ...

  18. Legacy FIT Information

    If the microFIT Contract is version 1.5 or above, they must include a copy of the Land Transfer or Parcel Register when completing their Supplier Registration. The Assignee must provide their Supplier ID and Supplier Legal Name to the Assignor for the microFIT Contract Assignment Request.

  19. Fillable Online microFITContractAssignment Instructions Fax ...

    MicroFIT PROGRAM microFITContractAssignment Instructions for Version 1.5 and 1.6 microFIT Contracts DATED April 1, 2017, Independent Electricity System Operator, 2017The microFIT Contract Assignment

  20. I am an Assignor

    I am an Assignor. The Assignment (transfer) of the microFIT Contract is a separate transaction from the purchase and sale of the property containing a microFIT Facility (e.g., A house with solar panels installed on the roof). The microFIT Contract Assignment process must be initiated by the current contract holder, also known as the Assignor.

  21. Novation and Assignment Definition

    Please wait for further instructions from the IESO.Execute microFIT Contract Novation and Assignment Agreement (Assignee)‌Once the Assignee's portion of the microFIT Contract Assignment has been verified by the IESO, a Contract Novation and Assignment Agreement is generated for the Assignor and Assignee to review and accept.

  22. I am an Assignee

    For microFIT Contract versions 1.3 and 1.4: Supplier may assign the Co ntract to any legal entity.. For microFIT Contract versions 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.2, 2.x, 3.x and 4.x: Supplier may only assign the Con tract to an Eligible Participant.. The Eligible Participant Schedule(EPS) versions can be found here: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, Version 4. If the Supplier's version of the Contract includes ...

  23. Beacon microFIT Supplier

    During the term of your microFIT Contract(s), there might be changes to the Contacts who manage your Supplier(s) and/or Contract(s) project. The following instructions will guide you through how to Add and/or Remove Contacts from Supplier(s) or Contract(s) in Beacon. Adding Supplier Contacts to Supplier Procedure 1. Select the MANAGE SUPPLIERS ...