uppsala university phd programs

PhD courses in Systems and Control

Broad introductory courses are marked as such.

PhD-level Courses during 2024

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2024:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
, 5 credits Yes Start November 2023
, 5 credits Yes , , and Start October 2024

PhD-level Courses during 2023

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2023:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
Data to Decisions, 6+3 credits Yes Jan 2023
, 5+3 credits Yes March 2023
Large-scale optimization, 5+3 credits Yes , September 2023
, 5 credits Yes , , and October 2023

PhD-level Courses during 2022

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2022:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
No 17/10/2022
Dynamic models of social influence networks Yes 19-23/09/2022

PhD-level Courses during 2021

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2021:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
, 5+3 credits Yes October 2021
, 3 credits No , , September 2021
, 6 credits No August 2021
, 5+3 credits Yes March 2021

PhD-level Courses during 2020

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2020:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
, 5+3 credits Yes late spring 2020
, 9+3 credits Yes September 2020 (preliminary)

PhD-level Courses during 2019

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2019:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
, 5+3 credits Yes March 2019
, 5 credits No August 2019

MSc-level Courses

The following advanced MSc-level courses are given each year by the Division of Systems and Control. Students who have not already included them in their MSc degree may take them as PhD-level courses if needed (more information here and here ).

Course Broad? Responsible Time
Automatic Control II Focused Period 1 & 4
Automatic Control III Focused Period 1
Spectral Analysis of Signals Focused Period 1
Statistical Machine Learning Focused Period 2 & 3
Advanced probabilistic machine learning Focused Period 1
Reinforcement learning Focused Period 4
Systems Analysis and Operations Research Focused Period 3
System Identification Focused Period 4

PhD-level Courses Elsewhere

There are also relevant courses at other places. See for example:

PhD-level Courses during 2018

The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control during 2018:

Course Broad? Responsible Start
, 5+3 credits Yes March 2018
, 9+3 credits Focused September 2018

PhD-level Courses during 2017

Course Responsible Start
and August 2017
October 2017

PhD-level Courses during 2016

Course Responsible Start
January 2016
April 2016
Fall 2016

PhD-level Courses during 2013-2015

Course Responsible Start
September 2015
September 2015
January 2014
September 2013

PhD-level Courses before 2013

Course Responsible Start
Holger Rauhut Autumn 2012
September 2012
Nonlinear System Identification and its Applications June 2011
January 2011

uppsala university phd programs

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  • PhD courses


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Bachelor Studies

Master studies, phd studies.

Austria Bachelor of Technical Physics

Bachelor of Physics with courses on nuclear engineering, reactor physics or radiation protection
Bachelor of Physics
Belgium Bachelor of Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Physics with Nuclear Physics cources
Bachelor of Energy Technologies with courses on nuclear energy production
Bulgaria Bachelor’s programme in Nuclear Chemistry
Bachelor Nuclear Power Engineering
Croatia Bachelor of Radiologic Technology
Courses of Radiology Technology
Czech Republic Bachelor with specialization Physics and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
Bachelor with specialization Theory and Technology of Nuclear Reactors
Bachelor with specialization Dosimetry and Applied Ionizing Radiation
Bsc in Applied Nuclear Physics
Bachelor’s study programme Electric, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology
Finland Bachelor of Applied Physics with courses on antimatter and nuclear engineering
Bachelor’s programme in Nuclear Engineering
France Bachelor of Physical Chemistry
Germany Bachelor and Master of Experimental Plasma Physics
BSc Chemistry (modules in Radiochemistry)
BSc Physics
BSc Medical Physics
BSc Physics
BSc Physics
BSc Power Engineering
BSc Security Studies, Radiation Protection
BEng Energy Systems Technology
Hungary BSc Program in Applied Physics
BSc Program in Energy Engineering
Italy Bachelor of Energy Engineering with Nuclear Specialisation
Bachelor of Energy Engineering
Bachelor of Energy Engineering
Lithuania Bachelor of Power Engineering Nuclear Energy
Netherlands Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Astronomy
BSc Honours Medical Sciences (nuclear medicine and radiology electives)
Poland Medical Physics
Technical Physics
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Chemical Technology
Physics (possible specialisation: Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection)
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Nuclear Chemistry
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Romania Bachelor of Science in Power Engineering and Nuclear Technology
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with courses in Nuclear Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Technological Physics with nuclear related courses
Bachelor of Physics in English or in Romanian
Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering with Specialisation of Industrial Energy
Slovakia Bachelor of Nuclear and Physics Engineering
Comenius University in BratislavaBachelor Degree Studies in Physics
Bachelor Degree Studies in Pedagogy with Specialisation Physics
Bachelor Degree Studies with study programme in Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Physics
Bachelor Degree Studies in Biomedical Physics
Slovenia Bachelor’s program with optional courses of Nuclear Engineering
Undergraduate Professionally Oriented Study Programme Energy Technology
Undergraduate Academic Study Programme Energy Technology
Spain Undergraduate degree in Energy Engineering
BS Energy Engineering
Undergraduate degree in Energy Engineering
Bachelors in Physics
Bachelors in Physics
Sweden Bachelors in Physics with specialization in Synchrotron Radiation Based Science
Switzerland Bachelors in Physics
Bachelors in Physics
Bachelors in Physics
United Kingdom BSc Physics
Undergraduate in Professional Engineering (Nuclear Engineering)
Undergraduate in Control and Instrumentation Engineering
BSc Physics, with option of medical physics
Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering
BSc Nuclear Science and Materials
MEng Nuclear Engineering
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
Undergraduate in Engineering
Undergraduate in Energy Engineering
BSc Nuclear Engineering Science
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
Undergraduate in Engineering
Undergraduate in Civil Engineering
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering
BSc Physics with Medical Physics
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy and Imaging
BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
BSc Physics
Undergraduate in Engineering
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate in Engineering
Undergraduate in Engineering
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy
Undergraduate in Engineering
Undergraduate in Energy Engineering with Environmental Management
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering
BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate in Materials or Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Undergraduate in Nuclear Engineering
Undergraduate in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
BSc Physics with Nuclear Science
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
BSc Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology
At St Georges - BSc Diagnostic Radiography
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
BSc Therapeutic Radiography
BSc Physics with Nuclear Technology
BSc Physics
Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering with Composites
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy
BSc Energy and Power Systems Management
BSc Diagnostic Radiography and Medical Imaging
BSc Diagnostic or Therapeutic Radography
BSc Physics with Medical Applications
BSc Environmental Physics
BSc Physics of the Environment
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy
BSc Diagnostic Radiotherapy
Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering with Nuclear Technology
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
BSc Physics, module in nuclear physics and atomic physics
BSc Physics
BSc Applied Physics
BSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
BSc Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics
BSc Healthcare Science - Nuclear Medicine
BSc Physics
Undergraduate in Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
BSc Radiography
BSc Diagnostic and Imaging
BSc Diagnostic Radiography
BSc Physics with Nuclear Technology
BSc Physics
Ukraine Medical Physics
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics
Applied Physics
Nuclear Engineering,
Physical Protection, Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
Bsc in Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy, Radiology, Measurements and Dosimetry
Austria Master of Technical Physics

Master of Physics with courses on nuclear engineering, reactor physics or radiation protection
Master of Physics
Master of Chemistry
Belgium Master of Nuclear Engineering Technology
Master of Physics with courses on nuclear medicine and radiology
Master of Energy Technologies with courses on nuclear energy production
Master in Nuclear Medicine
European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics
Master after Master in Nuclear Engineering
Bulgaria Master’s programme in Nuclear Chemistry
Master of Nuclear Technique and Technology
Master's Degree Programme: Fusion Science and Technology (FUSENET project)
Master’s programme in Nuclear Power Engineering
Nuclear medicine and radiotherapy
Nuclear medicine and oncology
Croatia Master in Electrical Power Engineering with specialisation of Nuclear Engineering
MSc study programs of Electrical Engineering Systems and Technology
Medical Radiology
Power Engineering
Czech Republic Master with specialization Physics and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
Master with specialization Theory and Technology of Nuclear Reactors
Master of Radiological Physics
Master in Nuclear Energy Engineering
Bachelor with specialization Theory and Technology of Nuclear Reactors
Bachelor with specialization Dosimetry and Applied Ionizing Radiation
Magister (MSc.) in Nuclear and Sub nuclear Physics
Master of Electric, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology
Master’s programme of Electrical Power Engineering
Masters study program Design of Nuclear Power Equipment
Finland Master of science programme in nuclear engineering
Master’s Programme in Nuclear Engineering
Master’s Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Science
Master's Degree Programme in Nuclear and Particle Physics
France MSc Nuclear Energy
The Nuclear Energy Masters Course (M1)
Master Degree in Nuclear Engineering (M2)
Master of Physics and Application with Nuclear Engineering specialization
Masters Program: Europlasmi curriculum:Physics of Fusion and Plasmas
Master’s degree in basic physics and applications
Masters in Science and Executive Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Minor
Strategic Energy Master’s programme
European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP)
MSc in Safe and Reliable Nuclear Applications
MSc Sustainable Nuclear Engineering – Applications and Management (Waste, Energy Production and Instrustrial Applications and Medical Applications – 3 specialisations.
European Masters in Nuclear Energy
MSc Reactor Physics and Nuclear Engineering Specialty
Masters in Engineering of Nuclear Power
Masters in Nuclear Energy
Masters in Energy
Master of Physics and Radiation Technology
Master of Nuclear Engineering
Master of Nuclear Physics
Master of Management of Nuclear Decommissioning and Valorisation of the Industrial Site
Master of Physics with courses of Nuclear Physics
Masters of Physics with Fusion Sciences Track
Master of Nuclear Engineering
M2 Nuclear Plant Design
M2 Processes, energy, environment
MSc Electronics and Applied Physics Engineer
MSc Nuclear Energy
M2 Nuclear Plant and Design
M2 Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering
M2 Decommissioning and Waste Management
M2 Fuel Cycle
Germany MSc Energy Engineering
European Master of Science in Nuclear Applications
Master of Chemistry (modules in Radiochemistry and Radiation Protection)
Module in MSc chemistry
MSc Power Engineering
MSc Process and Plant Technology
MSc Physics
MSc Medical Radiation Sciences
International Master Programme in Physics
MSc Medical Physics
MSc Physics
Hungary MSc Program “Nuclear Techniques”
MSc Program “Energy Engineering”
Master program in Particle Physics
Masters in Physics
MSc in Environmental Engineering
Italy MSc programme in Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety
MSc programme in Nuclear Engineering
MSc degree in Energy and Nuclear Engineering
European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
MSc in Energy Engineering
MSc degree in Energy and Nuclear Engineering
MSc degree in Energy Engineering
MSc in Physics, curriculum nuclear and subnuclear physics
Master of Physics
Master’s program in Nuclear and Ionising Radiation Technologies
Lithuania Master of Power Engineering Nuclear Energy
Netherlands Master of Physics (Medical Centre) – Oncology
Master in Applied Physics track Radiation, Radionuclides and Reactors
Master in Chemical Engineering track Nuclear Science and Engineering
Master programme of Particle Physics
Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Plasma Physics and Radiation Technology
MSc Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
MSc Electrical Engineering
Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
Master Physics and Astronomy
Masters in Nuclear Physics
Master of Physics
Master of Science Radiation Oncology in Europe
Masters Oncology
Poland Medical Physics
Technical Physics
Power Engineering (possible specialisation: Nuclear Energy)
Power Engineering
Chemical Technology (possible specialisation: Biomedical and Radiation Engineering)
Power Engineering (possible specialisation: Nuclear Energy)
Power Engineering (possible specialisation: Nuclear Energy)
Physics (possible specialisation: Nuclear Physics and Engineering)
Nuclear Chemistry
Power Engineering (possible specialisation: Nuclear Energy)
Power Engineering (possible specialisation: Nuclear Energy)
Romania Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
Master of Science in Lasers and Particle Accelerators Engineering and Applications
Master of Science in Specialized Termoclasic and Nuclear Equipment
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Major in Maintenance Engineering for ELI-NP-IMent-ELi) – with courses in Nuclear Engineering
Master of Physics with courses of Nuclear Physics
Bachelor of Physics in English or in Romanian
Master of Physics
Slovakia Master of Nuclear and Physics Engineering
Slovenia Masters program in Medical Physics
Masters program in Nuclear Engineering
Master’s Degree in Energy Technology
Spain Master Inter-University programme in Nuclear Physics
Master degree in Energy Engineering
Master degree in Nuclear Science and Technology
Master in Energy Engineering
Master’s in Nuclear Engineering
Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (Erasmus Mundus)
Master in Nuclear Physics
Master in Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion (Erasmus Mundus)
Masters in Physics: Radiation, Nanotechnology, Particles and Astrophysics
Masters in Nuclear Physics
Sweden Master’s Programme, Nuclear Energy
Master’s Programme, Nuclear Energy Engineering
Master’s Programme, Engineering Physics
Masters in Energy Technology
Masters in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Masters in Physics: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Master’s programme in Physics
Masters courses in Nuclear Medicine
Masters courses in Nuclear Physics
Masters Programme in Physics
Switzerland Master in elementary particle and nuclear physics
Master programme in nuclear engineering
Masters in Physics
Masters in Material Science
Master of science in chemistry and molecular sciences
Masters in Physics
Master of Physics
United Kingdom MSc Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors Masters
MSc Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management
MSc Advanced Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
MSc Clinical Radiology
MSc Nuclear Science and Engineering
Mphil Nuclear Energy
MSc Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
MSc Nuclear Science and Technology
MSc Advanced Materials Engineering
MSc Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Radiotherapy
MSc Advanced Nuclear Engineering
MSc in Nuclear Science & Technology (NTEC Programme)
MSc Diagnostic Imaging
MSc in Nuclear Science & Technology (NTEC Programme)
MSc Materials MSc by research
MSc Diagnostic Radiography
MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology
MSc Nuclear Medicine Imaging
MSc in Nuclear Science & Technology (NTEC Programme)
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Radiotherapy and Oncology
MSc Enhanced Diagnostic imaging practice
MSc Environmental Management (Energy)
MSc Cancer Therapies
MSc Medical Radiation Physics
MSc Clinical Science (Medical Physics)
MSc Nuclear Medicine
MSc Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors Masters
MSc Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management
Ukraine MSc Nuclear Power Engineering
Medical Physics
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics
Applied Physics
Nuclear Power Plants,
Physical Protection, Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
Nuclear Energy, Radiology, Measurements and Dosimetry
Austria PhD of Physics

PhD of Physics
PhD of Physics
PhD of Physics

PhD of Engineering Technology, specialised in a nuclear research topic linked to the NuTeC research group and the Doctoral School of Sciences & Technology
Bulgaria Nuclear Physics
PhD Programme in Nuclear Power Engineering
Nuclear medicine and radiotherapy
Medical University of SofiaNuclear medicine and oncology
Croatia PhD programme in Electric Engineering and Computing with courses nuclear power plant safety analyses
Czech Republic PhD program in Mechanical Engineering
PhD program in Applied Sciences
PhD programme of Nuclear Physics
PhD programme Design of Power System Machines and Equipment
Finland Doctoral programme in Energy Systems
Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences
Doctoral Programme in Nuclear and Particle Physics
France PhD Physics
PhD program in Engineering Sciences
PhD program in Nuclear Energy
PhD program in Nuclear Energy
PhD program in Nuclear Instrumentation
PhD program in Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Germany PhD programme Radioprotection and Radioecology
PhD programme in Physics
Hungary PhD program in Particle Physics and Astronomy
PhD in Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences
Italy PhD programme in Industrial Engineering, curriculum in Nuclear Engineering
PhD programme in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
PhD programme Energy and Information Technologies
PhD in Energy and Environment with topic in Nuclear Engineering
PhD degree in Physics, curriculum nuclear and subnuclear physics
Lithuania PhD in Energetics and Power Engineering
PhD in radiochemistry
PhD Studies in Nuclear Physics
PhD Studies in Radiation Protection
Netherlands PhD Radiology
PhD Radiation Oncology
PhD Radiation Science and Technology
PhD Process and Energy
PhD Programme of High Energy
Poland Physics
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Radiation Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
Interdisciplinary PhD programme for new generation reactors*
Interdisciplinary PhD programme RadFarm - Radiopharmaceuticals for molecularly targeted diagnostics and medical therapy*
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Applied Physics
Power Engineering
Power Engineering
Romania PhD studies in Lasers and Particle Accelerators Engineering and Applications (in partnership with UPB)
PhD studies in Nuclear Engineering
PhD in Nuclear Physics and other Physics related fields
Bachelor of Physics in English or in Romanian
PhD in Physics
Slovakia PhD programme in Nuclear Power Engineering
Slovenia Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Physics
Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Engineering
Spain PhD Sustainable Energy, Nuclear and Renewable
PhD in Physics
PhD Studies in Nuclear and Ionizing Radiation Engineering
PhD in Theoretical Nuclear Physics
PhD in Experimental Nuclear Physics
PhD in Nuclear and Particle Physics Applied to Medicine
Sweden PhD programme managed by Department of Nuclear Reactor Physics
PhD program at Nuclear and Particle Physics
PhD’ programme in Experimental Physics with Research programmes in nuclear and particle Physics
United Kingdom PhD Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Engineering
PhD advanced laser processing control strategies for radioactive decommissioning
PhD Analysing radioactive laser cutting emissions
PhD Atomic and Laser Physics
Ukraine PhD Nuclear Power Engineering
PhD Electric power engineering and electromechanics
PhD Nuclear Energy
AustriaVienna ATI

Ghent UG
Leuven KUL
Louvain-la-Neuve UCL
Liege ULG
Brussels ULB
Brussels VUB
Hasselt UHasselt
BrusselsWestinghouse Electric CompanyWEC
BulgariaSofia REL
Czech RepublicPrague CTU
Prague CVRez
Prague NPI
Pilsen UWB
FinlandHelsinki AALTO
Helsinki UH
Lappeenranta LUT
Nantes IMTA
Fontenay-aux-Roses IRSN
Grenoble INPG
Saint Etienne IRUP
Saint Etienne ISTP
Nancy ULR
GermanyAachen INBK
Karlsruhe KIT
Bochum RUB
Köln ST
Munchen TUM
Stuttgart IKE
GreeceThessaloniki AUTH
HungaryBudapest BME
ItalyPisa CIRTEN
Palermo CIRTEN
Bologna CIRTEN
PolandCracow AGH
PortugalLisbon IST
RomaniaBucharest UPB
Bucharest IFIN-HH
SlovakiaBratislava STU
Ljubljana JSI
Ljubljana ARAO
SpainMadrid UPM
Madrid UNED
Barcelona UPC
San Sebastián de los Reyes TECNATOM
Valencia UPV
SwedenUppsala UU
Bälinge INBEx
Goteborg CUT
SwitzerlandLausanne EPFL
Zurich ETH
The NetherlandsDelft DUT
Utrecht EFOMP
JapanTokyo TokyoTech
Russian Federation – collaboration suspendedObninsk RosatomTech
Moscow MEPhI
Moscow LMSU
SerbiaNovi Sad NoviSad
South KoreaUlsan KINGS
UkraineKharkiv KKNU
United KingdomLondon ICL
Birmingham UB
Manchester UM
Cardiff CAR
Preston UCLAN
Nottingham NTU
InternationalVienna IAEA
Ispra (Varese) ESARDA
EuropeBrussels ENS
Brussels NUG
Brussels FUS
Brussels FORATOM
FranceSaclay I2EN
CanadaOntario UNENE
Montréal WFSJ
United KingdomLondon WNU
Atlanta Georgia Tech

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18 fully funded phd programs at uppsala university, sweden.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Uppsala University, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nordic languages

Summary of phd program:.

For employment as a doctoral student, it is required that the holder is accepted or will be accepted to education at doctoral level. Eligible to be admitted to postgraduate education in Nordic languages ​​is anyone who has both basic and special qualifications. The basic eligibility is for those who have taken an advanced level degree, completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS ECTS credits at advanced level, or otherwise acquired substantially equivalent knowledge within or outside the country. 

Application Deadline: 2024-09-16

2. fully funded phd position in materials chemistry at the program for inorganic chemistry.

The PhD project involves research on new types of surface coatings for demanding environments, including nuclear fuel rods for use in nuclear power plants. The work is part of a larger research program with Uppsala University, Linköping University, and Chalmers University of Technology. Collaborations with other doctoral students and senior researchers are an important part of the research. The materials will mainly be produced using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The research project will involve fundamental materials science studies of thin films produced with CVD, as well as application-oriented studies in collaboration with industry partners.

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Evolutionary Genomics

We are looking for a PhD student who will study hidden fungal diversity. The project focuses on the Archaeorhizomycetes which, based on environmental DNA data, is a species rich and abundantly occurring class of soil and root associated fungi. The project aims to contribute important basic understanding of species diversity and genomics in this ubiquitous group of fungi. It is also conceptually important for developing protocols for modern fungal taxonomy with eDNA as an important source of data for species discovery and recognition.

Application Deadline: 30.Aug.2024

4. fully funded phd position in physics.

Uppsala University hereby declares a PhD student position, at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, to be open for application. The PhD project will focus on studies of kinetic processes for hydrogen and other light chemical species in energy materials. The work will include both studying the fundamental thermodynamically aspects which govern, for example how hydrogen is absorbed and transported in materials on an atomic scale, but also improvement of analytical methods for detection of light chemical species with high resolution and sensitivity. 

Application Deadline: 12.Aug.2024

Find fully funded phd in uk, 5. fully funded phd position in vertebrate palaeontology.

The work will consist of studying, interpreting, analysing and describing fossil material of Devonian tetrapods (early land vertebrates) from Greenland. The material will principally be studied using synchrotron microtomography (a kind of high-resolution 3D x-ray imaging). The PhD student will study these tomographic data, reconstruct and interpret the anatomy of the fossils, and on that basis analyse their interrelationships, probable lifestyles etc. The results will be presented in peer-reviewed scientific journals and at international scientific conferences. In addition to research, the PhD student is expected to do some teaching, usually as a lab assistant. There will be opportunities for fieldwork. 

6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning and Computer Vision

In this project, the selected candidate will join us in conducting fundamental machine learning research and developing principled foundations of vision-language models, with opportunities to validate the methods on challenging real-world problems involving computer vision. There will be a strong focus on deep learning, image analysis and neural language modeling within the project. Some topics of interest within the project scope include, but are not limited to, designing efficient algorithms for integration of visual and textual modalities, aligning visual and text embeddings into a cohesive embedding space and representation learning. We will consider various forms of data, including text, images and videos.

7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human-Computer Interaction

The doctoral position is located at the unit for human-computer interaction in the project “Controlling the uncontrollable: the impact of reproductive health apps on experiences of pregnancy, midwives’ working conditions and data privacy”. The project focuses on understanding the importance of personal technology such as apps on reproductive health experiences. The project aims to study these new technological players in reproductive health. We want to know what role they play for healthcare professionals and healthcare institutions, as well as for women’s and men’s interpretation of and experiences with reproduction and partnership

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8. fully funded phd position in automatic control focusing on data- driven methods.

This project is dedicated to the development and analysis of data-driven methods for decision and control of dynamical systems. It will utilize tools from control theory, estimation theory, and statistical learning, with the aim of generating new ideas that can be applied to a broad range of dynamical systems. The theoretical development will be grounded in key application areas, ensuring the practical relevance of our research in real-world settings.

9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Solid Mechanics, with focus on dislocation dynamics of hydrogen embrittlement in steel

The project is funded by Swedish Research Council and entitled “Interplay between hydrogen, precipitates and dislocation substructures in pipeline steel”. The project aims to improve the safety of hydrogen transport via pipelines, by gaining a solid mechanistic understanding of hydrogen embrittlement in pipeline steels. By employing advanced experimental and numerical tools, we contribute to mapping the interplay between hydrogen, precipitates, and dislocation substructures, and elucidating how the dislocation substructures trigger premature fracture.

Find Fully Funded PhD in Europe

10. fully funded phd position in psychology.

The project investigates the cognitive processes that people use to make decisions and make judgments, with application to economic situations and contexts. A problem of particular interest is how different ways of presenting the same information can lead to systematically different judgments of outcomes, and how intuitive and analytical thought processes can invite and counteract such effects. The research is based on current theories in cognitive science and behavioral economics in the broadest sense. The project is linked to the national Research School in Management and Information Technology.

Application Deadline: 2024-08-12

11. fully funded phd position in cancer precision medicine.

We are looking for a doctoral student with a special interest in the area of cancer precision medicine with a focus on hematological tumors and epigenetic regulation of gene expression. The candidate will devote most of the time towards his/her research level education. Within this research level education the candidate will mainly focus on studies on epigenetic mechanism and the impact of these for tumor transformation and progression of the tumor clone in two hematopoietic tumors, multiple myeloma and acute leukemia in infants. Mapping of tumor specific genes regulated by modifications on DNA and histons will be identified, validated and functionally tested in patient material as well as in cell lines. 

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12. fully funded phd position in chemistry with specialization organic chemistry.

Over 50% of human proteins are considered ‘undruggable’ by classical small molecules. Of particular importance are intracellular proteins lacking classical binding pockets. Selective, high-affinity binding to the flat surface of such proteins requires larger molecules. Macrocycles appear particular suited for targeting intracellular proteins. It is, however, challenging to develop large macrocycles that simultaneous bind to their targets whilst also showing membrane permeability and sufficient aqueous solubility. Our central goal is to gain understanding of the structure-property relationships of macrocyclic drugs in order to develop the principles necessary for the successful design of new macrocyclic drugs able to treat so far untreatable diseases.

13. Fully Funded PhD Position in psychology

The project investigates how best to help electricity consumers use electricity in a more efficient and sustainable way. The research takes place within the interdisciplinary research group USER (USER – Uppsala University, Sweden (uu.se)) at Uppsala University, which includes a combines expertise in psychology, statistics, economics and technology. The part of this project that is most relevant to you is about what psychological drivers and barriers there may be to helping electricity consumers in different market segments. 

14. Fully Funded PhD Position in psychology

The PhD student will work with research on the psychology of cybersecurity, primarily by empirically studying cyber-risk judgments. Risk and uncertainty are important factors in cybersecurity; one will never be able to create entirely secure systems because new threats arise at the same rate that new security solutions are developed. By examining the psychological factors that affect cyber-risk judgments we can find ways to facilitate behaviors that minimize risk as much as possible while also maintaining a reasonable balance between risk and benefit.

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15. fully funded phd position in multimodal characterization of magnetic nanomaterials with x-ray and ferromagnetic resonance (msca cofund project prismas).

As a PRISMAS PhD student, you will have the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in your field, taking advantage of state of the art tools that will lead to attractive future job opportunities in academia or industry. Moreover, you are part of designing the future of synchrotron technology and instrumentation and using these to tackle some of the most significant global challenges the world faces today while acquiring interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge. Being part of the PRISMAS programme gives you the one-of-a-kind experience in form of a secondment at the world´s first 4th generation synchrotron, MAX IV in Lund, Sweden.

16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular Pharmaceutics

In this project advanced small scale models (micro- to millilitre scale) of the gastrointestinal tract will be devekoped with the aim to establish methods and technologies that enable absorption profiling of orally administered drugs. A number of starting points have been established in previous 3R directed projects. These are based on microfluidics, 3D printed prototypes for automated assays and technologies where several processes are measured simultaneously to better estimate absorption. In the latter, processes related to dissolution, release, digestion and permeation are explored. The PhD student will develop new methods and make use of these to study drug delivery, diagnostics and theranostics. 

17. Fully Funded PhD Position in cancer immunology and immunotherapy

A PhD student position is open for a highly motivated candidate interested in cancer immunology and immunotherapy in the research group of Gustav Ullenhag, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. The PhD position will be part of the National ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product) research school. The PhD project will be performed in close collaboration with the research group of Angelica Loskog. These two research groups have a shared interest in the development of cancer immunotherapies based on immunomodulatory adenoviral vectors. These adenoviral vectors usually carry immunomodulatory transgenes to induce anti-tumoral immune responses and may also have the ability of selective lysis of tumor cells, so called oncolysis.

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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08 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

  • Reading time: 10 mins read
  • Post published: August 15, 2024

If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Uppsala University, Sweden has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Evolutionary Genomics

Summary of phd program:.

We are looking for a PhD student who will study hidden fungal diversity. The project focuses on the Archaeorhizomycetes which, based on environmental DNA data, is a species rich and abundantly occurring class of soil and root associated fungi. The project aims to contribute important basic understanding of species diversity and genomics in this ubiquitous group of fungi. It is also conceptually important for developing protocols for modern fungal taxonomy with eDNA as an important source of data for species discovery and recognition.

Application Deadline: 30.Aug.2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automatic Control focusing on Data- Driven Methods

This project is dedicated to the development and analysis of data-driven methods for decision and control of dynamical systems. It will utilize tools from control theory, estimation theory, and statistical learning, with the aim of generating new ideas that can be applied to a broad range of dynamical systems. The theoretical development will be grounded in key application areas, ensuring the practical relevance of our research in real-world settings.

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3. fully funded phd position in multimodal characterization of magnetic nanomaterials.

We study the connection between functional properties such as magnetism and adsorption in nanomaterials under the insertion of ions such as lithium or molecules such as PFAS with a number of probes at different length scales. We do this by studying the connection between changes in the crystal structure (WAXS), particle morphology (SAXS), chemical state (ferromagnetic resonance or x-ray absorption) and functional properties (electrochemistry or adsorption) using a multimodal approach when the ions are inserted/removed chemically or electrochemically.

4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular Pharmaceutics

In this project advanced small scale models (micro- to millilitre scale) of the gastrointestinal tract will be devekoped with the aim to establish methods and technologies that enable absorption profiling of orally administered drugs. A number of starting points have been established in previous 3R directed projects. These are based on microfluidics, 3D printed prototypes for automated assays and technologies where several processes are measured simultaneously to better estimate absorption. In the latter, processes related to dissolution, release, digestion and permeation are explored. 

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

5. Fully Funded PhD Position in cancer immunology and immunotherapy

A PhD student position is open for a highly motivated candidate interested in cancer immunology and immunotherapy in the research group of Gustav Ullenhag, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. The PhD position will be part of the National ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product) research school. The PhD project will be performed in close collaboration with the research group of Angelica Loskog. These two research groups have a shared interest in the development of cancer immunotherapies based on immunomodulatory adenoviral vectors. These adenoviral vectors usually carry immunomodulatory transgenes to induce anti-tumoral immune responses and may also have the ability of selective lysis of tumor cells, so called oncolysis.

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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6. fully funded phd position in grid connection of renewable energy systems, with a focus on power electronics.

The integration of renewable energy in the electrical grid is increasing. One key difference for the grid connection of traditional electric power production such as nuclear power and hydropower, that dominate the Swedish grid, and renewable energy, is that the generator can be synchronously connected to the grid. For intermittent energy sources, such as ocean, wind and solar energy, the connection has to be made using as intermediate step with power converters. By grid connecting using power converters, the inertia from the generator is not transmitted to the grid, leading to an electrical grid more sensitive to differences in produced and consumed power, causing frequency fluctuations.

Application Deadline: 05.Sep.2024

7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning focusing on Sequential Decision-Making

This project is focused on basic research into theory and methods for sequential decision-making that adapts to the information obtained from systems over time. The aim is to develop new ideas for a broad class of problems in, e.g., adaptive experiment design, sensor fusion, and resource management. The problems will be grounded in applications to ensure that our research is relevant in real-world settings, including batteries, inventory management, power systems, etc.

Application Deadline: 20.Sep.2024

8. Fully Funded PhD Position in computer linguistics within a project focusing on criminal procedure law

This doctoral project will be conducted within the framework of the sub-project oral statements. Within this sub-project, e.g. whether automated language analysis or human raters are best at determining whether someone is lying or telling the truth. This includes language technology and scenario-based experiments with e.g. police officers, prosecutors and judges. In addition to this, it is evaluated which features distinguish sincere and lying statements, as well as which signals human assessors use in practice. 

Application Deadline: 2024-09-02

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PhD Programmes - Available at University of Iceland

The strength of doctoral studies at the University of Iceland lies in the combination of organised PhD programmes and active participation in the international academic community.

The five schools of the University offer PhD programmes within a total of  26 faculties . Most PhD programmes at the University of Iceland consist of 180 ECTS. They normally take 3 to 5 years to complete. There are two official application dates: 15 April and 15 October, but some faculties accept applications continuously (See the websites of the respective School or Faculty for details or contact them directly).

The University of Iceland welcomes international students, and presently 30% of our PhD students are foreign nationals, representing a total of 39 countries. The International Division at UI provides information on practical issues for prospective international students.

International collaboration in the form of  joint or double doctoral degrees  with foreign universities is also encouraged.

At the University of Iceland heavy emphasis is placed on ensuring that doctoral programmes are in accordance with internationally recognised requirements.

Read more about the University's official Standards and requirements for the quality of doctoral programmes .

Vacant PhD positions  can be found on the University of Iceland website . Some positions are advertised internationally. Students who are interested in subjects not advertised can contact the respective faculty for advice.

The University of Iceland offers numerous PhD programmes within each of its five different schools. Further information can be found on their respective websites:

  • School of Education
  • School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • School of Health Sciences
  • School of Humanities
  • School of Social Sciences

Interdisciplinary programmes are offered within  Environment and Natural Resources  and  Public Health Sciences .

Please click here for a list of contact persons by School and for interdisciplinary programmes .

There are different ways for PhD students to finance their cost of living. In some cases, grants are provided by the supervisor, while in other cases students themselves can apply for grants.  For further information visit Funds and scholarships .

The Graduate School Email: [email protected]

The International Division Email: [email protected]

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Master's studies

Why uppsala university.

Study in an environment where work-life balance, sustainability and research are in focus.

Four students sitting by Fyrisån in Uppsala chatting

What do you want to study?

Uppsala University offers over 120 international Master's programmes. Find yours.

uppsala university phd programs

Kick-start your career

At Uppsala University you will get world-class education, while paving the way for your career.

Alumni holding diploma.

16 October 2023 - Application opens

The application period for Master's programmes commencing autumn 2024 starts. Submit your online application through www.universityadmissions.se .

Master's application information

15 January 2024 - Application closes

The deadline for submitting online applications is 15 January 2024 at midnight CET. Submit your online application through www.universityadmissions.se .

Master's application guide

1 February 2024 - Documents deadline

The deadline for Uppsala University to receive all supporting documents and the application fee (if applicable). You can read more about what documents you must submit, and how to certify and send them in, on the following link:

Supporting documents

21 March 2024 - Admission results

The first notifications of selection results are sent out. You will receive your offer through:


2 September 2024 - Start of autumn semester 2024

This date marks the start of the autumn semester and the start of Master's studies for all admitted students.

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Swedish currency.

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Five of the digital ambassadors during the academic year 2023-2024.

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  1. 27 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    uppsala university phd programs

  2. 15 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

    uppsala university phd programs

  3. Fully Funded PhD Programs

    uppsala university phd programs

  4. 22 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Uppsala University, Sweden

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  5. Uppsala University PhD positions

    uppsala university phd programs

  6. 45 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Uppsala University

    uppsala university phd programs


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  6. Quasi-hereditary algebras. Lecture 8: examples: category O (by Walter Mazorchuk)


  1. PhD studies

    PhD studies - Uppsala University

  2. PhD studies

    Third-cycle programme in business studies. This third-cycle (PhD) programme is for four years of full-time studies, of which there are 90 credits (hp) of PhD courses and 150 hp for the thesis work, giving a total of 240 hp. The department conducts research and provides education on the doctoral level in the following fields: Entrepreneurship ...

  3. PhD Studies

    The PhD-program comprises 4 years of full-time study and ends (in the standard case) with a doctoral degree (for a unique exception, see degree of licentiate. Quality The PhD-program in psychology at Uppsala University was rated as of "high quality" in the University Chancellor's Office (UKÄ) latest evaluation of the country's graduate ...

  4. PhD Courses in the "Computer Science" Subject and ...

    Uppsala University Information Technology Education PhD studies. Listen. PhD studies. PhD studies. PhD admission procedure; ... PhD students can also attend courses offered elsewhere, ... Program Verification and Weak Memory Models, 10 credits : broad : period 3-4, 2022: as needed :

  5. 30 PhD Programs

    Two doctoral students will be recruited for the project, one (information studies) based at Uppsala University and one (computer and information science) at Linnaeus University. The project is multidisciplinary and combines perspectives from AI and archival and heritage studies. Application Deadlines: 2023-05-08.

  6. PhD courses in Systems and Control

    Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Uppsala University; Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University; Department of Automatic Control, KTH; Department of Signal Processing, KTH; Applied and computational mathematics, KTH; PhD-level Courses during 2018. The following PhD-level courses are taught by the Division of Systems and Control ...

  7. Education/phd_studies/menu

    Uppsala University Information Technology Education PhD studies. PhD studies. PhD admission procedure. PhD courses. PhD manual (internal) PhD matters (internal) Research. Contact Director of PhD studies. Contact Administration of PhD studies.

  8. Doktorandnämnden

    Check out open positions! "The Doctoral Board of Uppsala University works to ensure security and legal certainty of PhD Students from admission until disputation, and serves as a collaborative body for all PhD students among the university." Topias Tolonen. '22-'23 Chairperson.

  9. 25 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    Application Deadline: 2023-12-15. Apply now. 6. Fully Funded PhD Position in System services of the future in electric power grids at division of Electricity. Summary of PhD Program: In our doctoral project, we focus on developing new system services for the future electric power grid.

  10. 12 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    The Phd student will be enrolled on the Physics PhD program at Uppsala University Science which has a strong expertise in computational materials studies including fundamental properties, materials for applications, and code development. The supervisor of the project will be Dr. Heike Herper (Uppsala University) and the co-supervisor within ...

  11. Apply to the PhD programme

    In order to receive a PhD position, the candidate needs to be admitted to the doctoral programme, and for this, his/her potential ability to pursue the programme is decisive. All applicants need to verify English language proficiency that corresponds to English studies at upper secondary (high school) level in Sweden ("English 6").

  12. 17 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Solid Mechanics, with focus on dislocation dynamics of hydrogen embrittlement in steel. Summary of PhD Program: Hydrogen Embrittlement refers to the scenario where hydrogen enters metallic materials, interact with the microstructure and degrade the mechanical properties. It poses a significant threat to the ...

  13. 18 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    Summary of PhD Program: Our research program in Chemical and Bio-Molecular Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University focuses on understanding the fundamental properties and ultrafast processes of matter at the atomic length and time scales of Ångströms and femtoseconds.

  14. Graduate Programs

    Northern Europe, 1450-1850, 120 hp (Masters) Browse 1 to 25 TOP ranked Graduate Programs | Uppsala University listed by University Directory worldwide - find online degrees and programs, taught in English and other languages.

  15. Education

    Uppsala University: PhD program at Nuclear and Particle Physics: Stockholm University: PhD' programme in Experimental Physics with Research programmes in nuclear and particle Physics: United Kingdom: University of Edinburgh: PhD Nuclear Physics: Imperial College London: Nuclear Engineering:

  16. PhD Programme in Political Science

    The PhD programme in political science focuses on developing research skills, with coursework and work on a doctoral thesis at its core. The programme spans four years, including a mandatory year of coursework and development of a research plan. PhD candidates at Uppsala University are university employees and often contribute to teaching or ...

  17. 18 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Materials Chemistry at the Program for Inorganic Chemistry. Summary of PhD Program: The PhD project involves research on new types of surface coatings for demanding environments, including nuclear fuel rods for use in nuclear power plants. The work is part of a larger research program with Uppsala University ...

  18. 08 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Uppsala University, Sweden

    Application Deadline: 30.Aug.2024. View Details. 2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automatic Control focusing on Data- Driven Methods. Summary of PhD Program: This project is dedicated to the development and analysis of data-driven methods for decision and control of dynamical systems.

  19. Antti Niemi

    Subsequently he divided his time between Helsinki University and CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research inGeneve before moving to Uppsala. Antti Niemi is a chaired professor of theoretical physics in Sweden (affiliated with Uppsala University) and a Directeur de Recherche at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) in France.

  20. PhD Programmes

    PhD Programmes | University of Iceland - Háskóli Íslands ... PhD Programmes

  21. Application

    Application - Uppsala University

  22. Master's studies

    At Uppsala University you will get world-class education, while paving the way for your career. 16 October 2023 - Application opens The application period for Master's programmes commencing autumn 2024 starts.

  23. PhD Programs

    Chemistry of Organoelement Compounds (PhD Honors Degree) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russian Federation (Russia) 13. 2013-05-15. Colloid Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Mechanics (Doctor of Science Honors Degree) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russian Federation (Russia) 14.