Helpful Genius

Get it done: The Importance of Completing Assignments on Time

why is it important to complete assignments on time

Completing assignments on time is more than just meeting a requirement or fulfilling an academic obligation; it carries significant weight in the realm of education. Timely assignment completion plays a crucial role in ensuring academic success and fostering a positive learning environment. 

It requires planning, organization, and prioritization of tasks. By adhering to deadlines, students learn to allocate their time wisely, juggle multiple assignments, and balance their academic workload. These skills are not only valuable during their educational journey but also in future endeavors where time management plays a vital role.

Getting work done on time helps reduce stress and anxiety levels too. Procrastination and last-minute rushes can lead to heightened stress, negatively impacting the quality of work and overall well-being. When assignments are completed on time, students can approach their tasks with a clear mind, devote adequate attention to detail, and produce their best work.

Benefits of Timely Assignment Completion

Finishing assignments contributes to improved time management skills. By adhering to deadlines, students learn to plan and allocate their time effectively. They develop the ability to break down tasks into manageable parts, set priorities, and create realistic schedules.

Reduced stress

Procrastination and the pressure of looming deadlines can lead to heightened stress and feelings of overwhelm. However, when students complete assignments within the given timeframe, they experience a sense of accomplishment, alleviating stress and promoting a more positive mindset. Reduced stress levels allow students to focus better, maintain clarity of thought, and produce higher quality work.

Enhanced Learning

When assignments are submitted on time, students have the opportunity to receive timely feedback from instructors. This feedback allows for a deeper understanding of the subject matter, clarification of concepts, and the chance to address any misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. By engaging in this feedback loop, students can consolidate their learning, reinforce key concepts, and apply their newfound knowledge to future assignments and examinations.

Positive impression on instructors

Consistently meeting deadlines demonstrates professionalism, reliability, and respect for academic requirements. Instructors are more likely to view students who complete assignments on time as motivated and dedicated learners. This positive impression can lead to increased support, guidance, and opportunities for academic growth, such as participation in research projects, recommendation letters, or mentorship opportunities.

Time Management Strategies for Assignment Completion

Breaking down assignments into manageable tasks.

One effective strategy for managing assignments is to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Rather than tackling the entire assignment at once, divide it into smaller components or steps. This approach helps prevent overwhelm and allows you to focus on one task at a time, making the overall assignment feel more achievable.

Creating a Schedule and Setting Milestones

Establishing a schedule and setting milestones is crucial for effective time management. Allocate specific time slots for working on your assignments and create a realistic timeline for completing each task. Setting milestones helps you track your progress and provides a sense of accomplishment as you reach each milestone. Additionally, incorporating regular breaks and allowing for flexibility within your schedule ensures that you maintain focus and avoid burnout.

Prioritizing Tasks Based on Importance and Deadline

Prioritization is a key aspect of time management when it comes to assignment completion. Evaluate the importance and urgency of each task, considering factors such as due dates, weightage, and their contribution to your overall grade. Prioritize tasks accordingly, focusing on those with closer deadlines or higher importance. 

Utilizing Tools and Techniques for Time Management

Various tools and techniques are available to aid in time management for assignment completion. Utilize digital or physical planners, calendars, or task management apps to organize your assignments, deadlines, and milestones. Consider using productivity techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused bursts followed by short breaks, to maximize productivity and maintain concentration.

Remember, finding a time management approach that suits your personal style and preferences is key. Experiment with different strategies and refine your approach as you learn what works best for you.

Tips for Meeting Assignment Deadlines

Setting realistic timeframes.

One of the most important tips for meeting assignment deadlines is to set realistic timeframes. Evaluate the scope and requirements of each assignment and allocate sufficient time for research, planning, writing, and revising.

Avoiding Distractions and Proactive Time Management

Distractions can significantly impact your ability to meet assignment deadlines. Create a conducive work environment by minimizing distractions such as social media notifications, email alerts, or noisy surroundings. Practice proactive time management techniques like time blocking, where you allocate specific periods for focused work and eliminate potential distractions during those times.

Seeking Clarification and Asking for Help

When faced with assignment tasks that seem unclear or confusing, seeking clarification is essential. Reach out to your instructors, teaching assistants, or classmates to clarify any doubts or uncertainties regarding the assignment requirements. By seeking clarification early on, you can avoid misunderstandings and ensure that you are on the right track.

Proofreading and Editing for Quality

To ensure that your assignments meet the required standards and are of high quality, allocate time for proofreading and editing. After completing the initial draft, take a break and then review your work with a fresh perspective. Look for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall coherence. Make necessary revisions and edits to improve the clarity, organization, and flow of your assignment. Taking the time to proofread and edit ensures that you submit polished work that reflects your best efforts.

By implementing these tips for meeting assignment deadlines, you can enhance your productivity, minimize stress, and increase your chances of submitting high-quality work. Remember, effective time management and proactive planning are key to successfully meeting assignment deadlines and achieving academic success.

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Time management skills that improve student learning

Time management skills that improve student learning

Table of Contents

Key takeaways, what is time management, why are time management skills important, how to improve time management, time management skills, is it possible to be over obsessive about time management, 8 helpful time management tools.

This article was last updated: 25th March 2024

What is Time Management? Time management involves planning and controlling how you spend your time on tasks. Essential components of effective time management include setting clear goals, prioritising tasks, organising activities, and managing stress.

Why is it Important? Good time management allows students to:

  • Complete tasks efficiently, focusing on the important and reducing distractions.
  • Feel a sense of achievement from fulfilling their goals.
  • Create time for personal activities and hobbies.
  • Develop a valuable skill for future employment.

Tips to Improve Time Management:

  • Starting with a clear agenda.
  • Creating a master schedule.
  • Beginning assignments early.
  • Breaking large tasks into smaller chunks.
  • Avoiding multitasking.
  • Minimising distractions.
  • Taking regular breaks.
  • Being an early bird.

Helpful Time Management Tools: A range of digital tools, such as Trello, Todoist, Forest, Microsoft To Do, Notion, Google Calendar, My Study Life, and Focus@Will, can assist students in managing their time more effectively.

Continue reading for an in-depth look into time management and its benefits.

In today’s busy world, time management skills for students are increasingly important. While you might be yearning for a simpler era when time seemed to move more slowly, the realities of participation in contemporary western society requires young people to have skills in efficiency and productivity.

While ACC does not advocate for an obsessive, micro-managing approach to a student’s daily life, we do believe it’s important for them to set goals and learn to be effective time managers. In this article, we’ll discuss why time management matters, and list several techniques to help students learn to prioritise and manage time effectively.

ACC also advocates for a balanced approach to managing time, considering God’s desire for us to rest in Him and trust Him to supply all our needs.

Like our energy and money, time is a finite resource and as such, it needs to be effectively managed. Time management is about planning and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks.

Some of the important skills students need to manage time effectively include:

1. Goal-setting

It’s almost impossible to use time well if you don’t know what to do with it. Students can benefit from having short- and long-term goals. For example, a short-term goal might include completing their homework early each day, so they have ample time to practice music. Their long-term goal could be to play in the school or church band, or the Australian Youth Orchestra!

2 Prioritisation

By assessing what needs to be achieved within a given timeframe, tasks can be rated according to their importance. Setting priorities for each day, week, month and year can help students accomplish their goals. It also helps to ensure activities that are vitally important but not urgent – such as personal devotions, adequate sleep and exercise – are given precedence. Some people like to prioritise easy tasks for early in the day and use the boost to move forward. Others prefer to tackle bigger jobs first.

3. Organisation

Once priorities are set, it’s important to have a plan for getting them done. Some people are naturally well-organised, and others need some help. Strategies like maintaining an up-to-date calendar and keeping a tidy study environment help. There are many useful software programs and apps to aid organisation.

4. Managing Stress

Nobody performs at their peak under excessive stress. Students need healthy ways to manage the pressures of study while maintaining productivity. Getting enough sleep and exercising are all great ways to keep stress at bay, and actually make learning more efficient .

Many more ways to enhance time management will be outlined later.

Effective time management allows students to complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on distractions (such as social media , for example. Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as students tick off items from their to-do list. It can also provide a sense of achievement from fulfilling goals. For example, they might plan to complete an assignment by Friday so they can see friends on the weekend.

Furthermore, by using time efficiently, students can complete their work on time, stay engaged with their learning, and have more time free for pursuing activities that are important to them, such as sports, hobbies, youth groups and spending time with friends and family.

Good time management allows students to make the most of their abilities and enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishment. It is also one of the most desirable skills for employment.

The Bible also has a lot to say about managing our time. Christians have a different time perspective to the world’s – we know we are part of God’s eternal plan of salvation through Christ Jesus (Eph 1:4).

As a result, we need to ensure our priorities are right, by seeking first His kingdom and righteousness (Matt 6:33). We are instructed to use our time wisely (Eph 5:15-17), and to seek God’s wisdom about how best to do this (Ps 90:12). We are encouraged to make plans for the future (Prov 21:5) but keep them in balance with knowing they aren’t guaranteed (Js 4:13-14).

Keeping our eyes fixed on the eternal perspective (2 Cor 4:18) will lead to time management that glorifies God and helps us live out His will.

Fortunately, there are many ways students can improve their time management. Here’s an extensive list, derived from sites including Grade Power Learning and Deakin University.

  • Start with an agenda – either alone or with your help, have your child record the dates of all upcoming assignments and exams in an online or paper agenda (such as their school diary or an online calendar). Schedule in important activities and free time, too. You can even set deadlines a few days before actual due dates to allow a margin for emergencies.
  • Create a master schedule – from this agenda, block off chunks of time for study or assignment work. This will help your student to prioritise their projects and stay on target with due dates. You could start by estimating how long each project will take, then calculate how much time to allow daily or weekly. Try to schedule in some study every week day, even if it’s only brief. Colour-coding different subjects can make reading the schedule easier.
  • Start assignments early – leaving assignments until the last minute is stressful. Instead, encourage your child to start working on them well before they are due.
  • Make project plans – when study or assignments seem overwhelming, procrastination often results. Help your child to break their study plan or project into smaller, more manageable chunks. You can give each segment its own due date to help them feel good for meeting small goals.
  • Avoid multi-tasking – divided attention is an inefficient way to learn. Focus on one task at a time for maximum productivity.
  • Reduce distractions – during time scheduled for schoolwork, have your child put away unnecessary devices such as mobile phones, and switch off social media notifications. Distractions can also come from internal feelings such as hunger or tiredness, so ensure they’re getting adequate sleep and have snacks and water on hand.
  • Take regular breaks – working on something for too long can lead to lost focus. Short breaks every half hour or so can help them to recharge. Consider having a change of scene, such as a short walk or a drink in the backyard. Just make sure they don’t get side-tracked and don’t return to study!
  • Be an early bird – encourage your child to start their homework as early as possible after school. This gives them more time to complete it while they’re alert and reduces the risk of delayed bedtimes. Also, people vary as to when they’re most productive, so allow your student to tackle challenging tasks during their best time, and leave easier ones (such as organising their books or lists for the next day) when they’re not at their peak. Some might prefer to get up early and work before the school day, for example.

And here’s some more useful tips from Psych Central , Lifehack and The Balance Careers .

  • Set time limits – such as “finish Introduction to Humanities essay by 3.30pm". This prevents tasks eating into time allocated for other activities.
  • Use time tracking apps and software, such as those listed here on Lifehack .
  • Keep a clock placed visibly before you – to stay aware of current time.
  • Avoid perfectionism and fussing over unimportant details – trying to make your work perfect, especially first-time round, is frustrating and a huge time-waster. Rather, get something on the page (or into the brain). You can go back and improve it later if necessary.
  • Use your downtime well – for example, students could be rehearsing their times tables or practising an oral presentation in the car on the way to or from school. On public transport, they may be able to study or think through their plan for that day. This tip should be used with wisdom and moderation though, as time for relaxation and rest is also essential.
  • Reward achievement – when your child has accomplished important goals, don’t forget to celebrate. This doesn’t have to be something big or expensive. Preferably, it should be something healthy. Possibilities include some extra device or TV time, a visit to a favourite beach, park or activity, a small treat, or even a contribution towards something they are saving for.

Clearly, some people are gifted at time management and have used it to great effect. Here’s some of their tips.

Author, teen mentor and lifelong straight-A student Daniel Wong lists 45 student time management tips . Some of his excellent ideas include:

  • Setting a timer for two minutes if you’re feeling unmotivated – there’s a good chance that once you’ve started, you’ll continue working after the two minutes are over.
  • Keep a time log for a few days – have your child track the time they spend on each activity. This will show them places where they could use time more effectively.
  • Make checklists of all you need to do – writing things down helps you to remember and prioritise tasks.
  • Unfollow everyone on social media except people you really care about. Wong reports saving hundreds of hours since doing this. He also advises unsubscribing from YouTube channels.
  • Learn to say no. With endless ways you can spend your time, Wong recommends saying no to activities that don’t fit with your priorities.

Entrepreneur and founder of Virgin Airlines Richard Branson sticks to a morning and evening routine , which he says helps him to focus and achieve what he needs to. He rises every day at about 5am before doing some exercise (such as tennis, walking or cycling), then eats a high-fibre breakfast like muesli and fruit.

According to this article in Entrepreneur Asia Pacific , most successful entrepreneurs have some form of morning routine like Branson’s, which usually includes rising early, exercising, eating a healthy breakfast, and doing their most challenging task first.

They also point out that successful people, including Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, don’t overfill their schedules. Rather, both men reportedly attribute successful time management to leaving plenty of blank spaces in their calendars. This allows flexibility for handling unexpected circumstances. It also gives them space to focus on their passions.

Encouraging children to manage their time well is prudent, yet it’s also possible for obsessive time management to be counterproductive. Continually searching for ways to use time more effectively can leave children feeling more anxious and stressed.

According to this BBC article , the available evidence suggests that time management tools and strategies work for some people in some circumstances, but not for others. Reporting on 2017 research , they note that continually chasing better time management becomes a self-defeating strategy, in which people can initially complete more by using these tools, but forget the fact that productivity has limits.

A more serious consequence occurs when people lose sight of their real motivations. This is one of the main reasons why such techniques fail, said Christine Carter, senior fellow at the UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Centre. Many of them rely on willpower for success, but “you are not really motivated by willpower as much as by your emotion."

Brad Aeon, one of the study’s authors, points out that people today usually have considerably more freedom to organise their time and are juggling multiple projects, which causes a lot of pressure. “Freedom comes with a responsibility: you have to think a lot more about how you manage your time," he says.

He had something of an epiphany after considering that we are all going to die, and it transformed his time management philosophy. He now wakes daily at 9am after a nine-hour sleep, works for four hours per day, and goes to the gym and reads daily . He uses several time management strategies, including to-do lists, calendars and timers, but not to stuff his life with work. Rather, he says, these tools “should allow you to take control of your life, and then structure your work around it".

In a culture that often makes an idol of busyness, this is an important reminder about life’s purpose and priorities. God entreats us to trust Him to provide for our needs, not fill our days with restless striving (Matt 6:25-34).

He promises to meet all our needs according to his glorious riches (Phil 4:19), and while God calls us to be co-labourers with Him (1 Cor 3:9), we are to remember that He promises rest for the weary (Matt 11:28-30).

Perhaps most important in our era of exalting hard work and success is the Bible’s warning against an egotistical pride in our accomplishments (Prov 21:4). Rather, God calls us to enter His wonderful rest (Heb 4:1-11). While He worked hard, Jesus didn’t hustle through his days obsessed with managing his time. Rather, He only did what He saw the Father doing (Jn 5:19). Christ is our perfect example of time management.

In our rapidly evolving world, the skill of time management becomes ever more crucial for students. Reflecting on the profound importance of time management, the methods to hone it, and its pivotal role in academic achievements, we recognise that traditional approaches are only part of the equation. The digital age introduces a suite of tools designed to complement these age-old strategies. As students navigate their way through assignments, exams, and various academic challenges, these digital aids come to the fore. Here, we present a selection of eight key tools that can seamlessly integrate into a student's routine, reinforcing the principles of time management we've underscored, and guiding them towards academic excellence.

  • Website: Trello
  • Description: Trello is a visual task management tool that uses cards and boards to organise tasks and projects.
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Offers collaboration features for group projects.
  • Customisable with labels, checklists, and deadlines.
  • Might be overwhelming for very simple tasks.
  • Requires an internet connection for syncing across devices.
  • Most Suited To: Students who enjoy visual organization and those working on group projects.
  • Website: Todoist
  • Description: A task and project management tool that is straightforward and effective.
  • Allows for task hierarchies and priorities.
  • Offers offline access.
  • Integrates with many other tools and platforms.
  • Advanced features require a premium subscription.
  • Most Suited To: Students who want a simple list-based task manager with powerful features.
  • Website: Forest App
  • Description: A productivity app that encourages users to stay focused by growing virtual trees.
  • Makes focusing fun and engaging.
  • Prevents smartphone distractions.
  • Might not appeal to those who don't resonate with the gamification approach.
  • Most Suited To: Students who find themselves frequently distracted by their phones.

4. Microsoft To Do

  • Website: Microsoft To Do
  • Description: A task management app that integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft apps.
  • Simplistic design.
  • Integration with Microsoft Office tools.
  • Limited customisation options.
  • Most Suited To: Students already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Website: Notion
  • Description: An all-in-one workspace app, blending notes, tasks, and databases.
  • Highly customisable.
  • Can replace multiple apps.
  • Steeper learning curve than simpler apps.
  • Most Suited To: Students who want a comprehensive tool that can manage almost every aspect of their academic life.

6. Google Calendar

  • Website: Google Calendar
  • Description: A time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google.
  • Easy to use.
  • Integrates with other Google services.
  • Limited task management features.
  • Most Suited To: Students looking for a basic, reliable scheduling tool.

7. My Study Life

  • Website: My Study Life
  • Description: A planner for students, teachers, and lecturers designed to make study life easier to manage.
  • Tailored for academic needs.
  • Tracks class schedules, homework, and exam dates.
  • Interface might seem outdated to some.
  • Most Suited To: Students who want an academic-focused planner.

8. Focus@Will

  • Website: Focus@Will
  • Description: A music service based on human neuroscience, designed to increase focus and reduce distractions.
  • Variety of music channels tailored to different focus types.
  • Scientifically optimised to increase concentration.
  • Requires a subscription for full access.
  • Most Suited To: Students who study better with background music and are looking for optimised playlists.

Sophia Auld

Sophia Auld

Sophia Auld is the Editor of ACC’s blog. Sophia has a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Sydney, a Graduate Diploma of Divinity from Malyon Theological College and is currently completing an MA in Writing and Literature through Deakin University. Sophia has been writing since 2015 across a range of industries. Two of her children completed distance education through Australian Christian College. Sophia is known for her depth of research and accurate, evidence-based approach to writing. On the weekends you might find her scuba diving with sharks, bushwalking or hanging out with family. Sophia can be reached at [email protected] .

Thrive Through Focus

why is it important to complete assignments on time

Importance of Time Management for Students: Strategies to Boost Productivity and Success

Are you a student who has trouble managing your time effectively? Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, social life, and personal commitments can be difficult. Without proper time management skills, it is easy to fall behind and feel overwhelmed. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can achieve academic success while also reducing stress levels. In this article, we will look at effective techniques of time management for students.

Table of Contents

Understanding the importance of time management for students.

Time Management for Students

Time is a valuable resource that cannot be replaced once it is gone. Effective time management allows students to prioritise their tasks, stay organised, and reduce their stress levels. Proper time management allows students to complete their assignments on time, study efficiently, and still have time for leisure activities. Furthermore, it can help students develop good habits and skills that will be useful in their future careers.

Time Management Hints

Time Management for Students

Tasks must be prioritised.

The first step towards effective time management is to prioritise your tasks. Prioritize the most important tasks that require immediate attention. To-do lists and task management apps can assist you in prioritising your tasks.

Make a Timetable

Making a schedule is an effective way to manage your time. It allows you to set aside time for each task and keeps you on track. You can make your schedule with a planner or a calendar. Include your classes, study time, assignments, and other commitments.

Distractions must be avoided.

Distractions can reduce your productivity and waste your time. Identify and eliminate distractions. Turn off your phone or notifications during study time, avoid social media, and find a quiet place to study.

Utilize Technology

Technology can be an effective time management tool. There are numerous apps and tools available to help you stay organised, manage your tasks, and increase your productivity. Evernote, Trello, and Google Calendar are all popular tools.

Take Breaks

Taking regular breaks can help you stay focused and refreshed. It can also help to reduce stress and prevent burnout. Take short breaks every hour or so to stretch, walk around, or do something enjoyable.

Get Enough Rest

Getting enough sleep is critical to your overall health and well-being. Sleep deprivation can reduce productivity and have a negative impact on academic performance. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to stay alert and focused during the day.

Time Management Techniques for Specific Tasks

Different time management strategies are required for various tasks. Here are some techniques to help you manage your time for specific tasks:

Time Management for Students

  • Make and stick to a study schedule.
  • Break up your study sessions into manageable chunks.
  • Use active learning techniques such as taking notes and summarising.
  • Set goals for each study session and keep track of your progress.
  • Use flashcards or quizzes to test your knowledge.
  • Take breaks every 30-45 minutes to avoid burnout.

Writing Assignments

  • Set a deadline for completing your assignment and break it down into smaller tasks.
  • Create an outline before you begin writing to help you stay on track.
  • Use a timer to help you stay focused and avoid distractions.
  • Proofread and edit your work before submitting it.
  • Seek feedback from a friend or professor to help you improve your writing skills.

Group Projects

  • Establish clear goals and expectations for each team member.
  • Assign tasks based on each team member’s strengths and skills.
  • Use tools like Google Drive or Slack to stay organised and communicate on a regular basis.
  • Hold regular meetings to discuss progress and resolve any issues.
  • To stay on track, use a project management tool such as Asana or Trello.
  • Create a study schedule and prioritise the most important topics.
  • Use active learning techniques such as retaking previous exams or creating study guides.
  • Take breaks and get enough rest to avoid burnout.
  • Use mnemonics or visualisation techniques to help you remember key concepts.
  • Attend review sessions or seek tutoring if necessary.

If you use these techniques, you will be able to better manage your time and achieve better results in your academic tasks.

Overcoming Common Time Management Obstacles

Here are some pointers for dealing with common time management issues:


Time Management for Students

  • To avoid feeling overwhelmed, break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Set deadlines for yourself and hold yourself accountable.
  • Identify the underlying causes of procrastination and work to address them, such as a fear of failure or a lack of motivation.
  • Seek assistance or support from a friend, teacher, or counsellor if necessary.
  • Identify your biggest distractions and work to reduce them, such as turning off notifications on your phone or finding a quieter study space.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique to help you focus by working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break.
  • Prioritize your most important tasks and work on them during your most productive times of day.
  • Use productivity apps like Focus@Will or Forest to help you stay on track.

Poor Planning

  • Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself based on the amount of time you have available.
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Use a planner or calendar to schedule your tasks and activities.
  • Prioritize your most important tasks and work on them first.
  • Review your plan on a regular basis and make changes as needed.
  • Avoid multitasking as it can reduce productivity and increase stress.
  • Concentrate on one task at a time and give it your undivided attention.
  • Use a timer to help you stay on track and avoid being distracted by other tasks.
  • Take breaks between tasks to help you stay refreshed and focused.

Using these tips, you can overcome common time management challenges and achieve greater success in your academic and personal life.

Finally, effective time management is essential for academic and personal success. You can maximise your time and achieve your goals by creating schedules, breaking tasks down into manageable steps, and prioritising your most important tasks.

However, time management can be difficult, with common issues such as procrastination, distractions, poor planning, and multitasking. You can overcome these obstacles and become a more effective time manager by employing strategies such as setting deadlines, minimising distractions, using productivity apps, and focusing on one task at a time.

Remember that time management is not about doing more in less time, but about doing the right things at the right time. You can improve your work-life balance and reduce stress and burnout by planning and prioritising your tasks.

So, assess your current time management strategies and identify areas for improvement. By making small changes and consistently applying these techniques, you can become a more effective and efficient time manager and achieve greater success in all aspects of your life.

Why is time management important for students?

Effective time management is important for students as it helps them prioritize their tasks, reduce stress, and achieve their academic and personal goals.

How can I improve my time management skills?

You can improve your time management skills by creating a schedule, breaking tasks down into manageable steps, prioritizing your most important tasks, and minimizing distractions.

What are some common time management challenges for students?

Common time management challenges for students include procrastination, distractions, poor planning, and multitasking.

How can I avoid procrastination?

You can avoid procrastination by breaking tasks down into smaller steps, using a timer to stay focused, setting deadlines for yourself, and identifying and addressing underlying reasons for procrastination.

What are some effective time management techniques for studying?

Effective time management techniques for studying include creating a study schedule, using a timer, taking breaks, and prioritizing your most important tasks.

What are some good time management apps for students?

Good time management apps for students include Forest, Focus@Will, and Trello.

How can I balance my academic and personal life?

You can balance your academic and personal life by prioritizing your tasks, setting boundaries, taking breaks, and making time for activities you enjoy.

What should I do if I am struggling with time management?

If you are struggling with time management, you can seek help or support from a friend, teacher, or counsellor, or use resources such as time management workshops or books.

How can I make the most of my time during online learning?

You can make the most of your time during online learning by creating a schedule, minimizing distractions, participating in class discussions, and taking breaks.

How can I maintain my time management skills over the long term?

You can maintain your time management skills over the long term by regularly reviewing and adjusting your schedule, practicing self-discipline, and staying motivated to achieve your goals.

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The Benefits Of Doing Homework In Time: 5 Things You Might Not Know

In general, students may scoff at homework because it takes up their time, is a lot of work, and seems to be never-ending. However, sometimes can be enjoyable and fun. If you have a clear understanding of how doing your homework on time can bring you some great benefits, you are more likely to try and get those questions, projects, reports and other assignments done in a timely fashion.

Here are 5 surprising facts about doing your school work on time

  • It teaches you about time management. Yes, this may seem like it’s not related. You may think a benefit would be something like you would know more math or you would be a better writer or something like that. Yet this benefit, that of being skilled with managing your time, is something that will benefit you in every area of your life.
  • It teaches you how to be a proficient problem solver. Yes, it applies to all subjects and other issues that may come up in your life. Often while doing your homework you are forced to look for solutions to problems and look at the problems from a different perspective. The teacher doesn’t always explain everything you need to know. You have to learn how to find it yourself.
  • Teaches you how to take an active part in your own education. You are responsible for what you learn, how you learn it and how much you remember. You are also responsible for how you use the information you’ve learned. This can promote some deep thinking, as well as helping you to see the bigger picture in life. Instead of always asking, when will I ever use this again? Ask yourself how you think you can apply what you’ve learned to problems that arise in everyday life.
  • Teaches you how to work independently as well as work in a group. Most assignments are given and must be completed at home by yourself. However some projects are given that require you to work in a group with other students. Most of the time, class time is given but sometimes you must arrange to meet with the other group members outside of class.
  • Teaches you the importance of taking action, of planning your schedule and of staying organized. All these benefits are very valuable to have.

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4 Tips for Completing Your Homework On Time

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why is it important to complete assignments on time

  • B.A., English, University of Michigan

Homework, a necessary evil according to many teachers, has a lot of students tied up in knots. Some students can never seem to get things turned in on time. In fact, many students do not even realize that they  have  homework until a friend from class texts them or they overhear someone in the halls talking about Ms. So-and-so's terrible, no-good, awful, horrifying worksheet for Chemistry that is due the next day. These five tips for completing your homework on time, however, should help you get that homework finished on time. 

Tip 1: Rely On a Planning System

Most of you by now are well acquainted with a homework planner. It has the dates, the school subjects you are taking, and a whole lot of blank space to write down your homework assignments. Use these planners if you have them. Writing with an actual pencil or pen may seem almost archaic what with technology virtually doing everything for us, but the kinesthetic movement of writing down an assignment into one of those little squares (Language Arts test tomorrow - STUDY TONIGHT), will actually help solidify that homework in your brain.

Plus, when you are packing up to go home at the end of the school day, all you have to do is open up that planner to see which books, folders, and binders need to go home with you so you will not miss out anything that you need to do that evening.

Some people  hate  using planners. They'd rather walk on a pile of crushed glass than actually write something down in a planner. That's quite all right. One student kept a wadded up piece of paper in his pocket where he'd scrawl his assignments. It worked for him, so it was fine. For those of you not keen on planners or crumpled up notes, your phone can come in really handy. Just download a productivity app and type your assignments in there. Or, keep track of all the work due in the notes section of your phone. Or, snap a picture of the homework board in each teacher's class before you head out into the hallway. Or, if you are really dead-set against anything planner-related, then just send yourself a text after each class with your homework assignments for the night.

No matter which planning system you prefer, use it. Check off each item once you get it in your backpack. Your brain can only process so much information at a time, so you absolutely must write your homework down if you plan to complete it on time. 

Tip 2: Prioritize Your Homework Assignments

All assignments are not created equal. It's strongly recommended you use a prioritizing system when you sit down at home with your homework. Try a system a little something like this:

  • Examples: Studying for a major test coming up tomorrow. Finishing a major project due tomorrow. Writing an essay worth a LOT of points that is due tomorrow. 
  • Examples:  Studying for a quiz coming up tomorrow. Completing a homework sheet that is due tomorrow. Reading a chapter that is due tomorrow. 
  • Examples: Studying for a spelling test that will occur on Friday. Writing a blog and posting it on the class board by Friday. Finish a book upon which you will take a quiz on Friday.
  • Examples: Reviewing chapters for the midterm exam. Working on an on-going project, research paper, or long assignment due at the end of the quarter. Completing a packet that isn't due for two weeks. 

Once you've prioritized the work you have to do, complete all the 1's first, then the 2's, moving down as you go. That way, if you find yourself pressed for time because Great-Grandma decided to stop over for family dinner and your mom insisted you spend the evening playing bridge with her despite the fact that you have hours of homework ahead of you, then you will not have missed anything vitally important to your grade. 

Tip 3: Get the Worst Assignment Over With First

So, maybe you absolutely hate writing essays (But, why, though when all you have to do is follow these essay tips? ) and you have a major essay staring you in the face that  must  be completed before tomorrow. You also have to study for a major math test, complete a social studies blog by Friday, study for the ACT  next month, and finish up your science worksheet from class. Your "1" assignments would be the essay and the math test. Your "2" assignment is the science worksheet, the "3" assignment is that blog, and the "4" assignment is studying for the ACT. 

Ordinarily, you would start with the science worksheet because you  love  science, but that would be a big mistake. Start with those "1" assignments and knock out that essay first. Why? Because you hate it. And completing the worst assignment first gets it off your mind, out of your homework cache, and makes everything that comes after it appears to be really, really easy. It will be an absolute  joy  to complete that science worksheet once you have written the essay. Why rob yourself of joy? 

Then, once you've completed the stuff due first, you can focus on putting in a little bit of time on the ACT. Easy peasy.

Tip 4: Take Planned Breaks

Some people believe that sitting down to complete homework means that you literally park your behind in a chair and you don't move it for the next four thousand hours or so. That is one of the worst study ideas in history. Your brain only has the capacity to stay focused for about 45 minutes (maybe even less for some of you) before it goes on the fritz and starts wanting to make you get up and dance the Roger Rabbit. So, schedule your study time with breaks actually built in . Work for 45 minutes, then take a 10-minute break to do whatever it is people your age like to do. Then, rinse and repeat. It looks a little something like this:

Homework Time:

  • 45 minutes: Work on "1" assignments, starting with the absolute worst.
  • 10 minutes: Get a snack, play Pokemon Go!, surf Instagram
  • 45 minutes: Work on "1" assignments again. You know you didn't finish.
  • 10 minutes: Do some jumping jacks, dance the Macarena, polish your nails.
  • 45 minutes: Work on "2" assignments and maybe even finish with any 3s and 4s. Put everything in your backpack.

Completing your homework on time is a learned skill. It requires some discipline and not everyone is naturally disciplined. So, you have to practice checking that you have everything you need for homework when you are still at school, prioritizing your work, plunging into the assignments you loathe, and taking planned breaks. Isn't your grade worth it?

You bet it is. 

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Time Management In College: Tips For Success

College is a time to learn skills and knowledge related to your desired career field, but learning core soft skills is also typically key to success. Time management is one of these—and for good reason. As recent research suggests, good time-management skills are associated with both higher levels of academic achievement and lower levels of anxiety. Students who learn to navigate various demands on their time may also gain valuable self-management and discipline skills that could prove useful in their future careers. Read on for more information about the importance of time management, its key components, and how to improve each of them.

The importance of time management for students

If you're a college student, learning to manage your time appropriately may have several potential benefits. One of these is increased academic performance. In many cases, college represents the first time in their life that a student is solely responsible for their own success, so developing strong self-direction skills might be one of the best ways to ensure that they meet their academic goals. Time management is also an important skill in the workplace, so developing it in college can help support a student’s future career success.  

In addition, as noted above, adequate time management can be associated with lower levels of anxiety. This is because it can help you make sure that you complete assignments on time and are using the strategies you need to avoid falling behind in your studies. 

The three core skills of time management

There are many skills students may need to develop as they learn the self-discipline necessary to excel in college and the workplace. Many people are familiar with basic strategies for managing their time such as using a calendar or limiting distractions, for example. However, a 2017 study suggests that those strategies are actually based on three broader, underlying skills that are core to good time management overall. These are:

  • Awareness, or the ability to think realistically about time and understand it as a limited resource
  • Arrangement, or the ability to organize, plan, set goals, follow schedules, and complete tasks—which is what most people think of when considering the skill of managing time
  • Adaptation, or the ability to monitor time usage, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to utilize time more efficiently

Researchers in the 2017 study also discovered that people seem to have the most trouble with awareness and adaptation skills, scoring 24% lower in these areas on average than in the area of arrangement. They note as well that the average person is not typically accurate when evaluating their own ability to manage time. In fact, only 1% of participants had self-ratings that matched their scores on objective measures of awareness, arrangement, and adaptation. That’s why learning to improve one’s skills in each of these areas can be paramount to improving time-management abilities.

Tips for improving your awareness skills

To improve your time-management skills, you might start by aiming to boost your sense of awareness —an area where people are commonly lacking. Here are a few techniques that might help.

Keep a journal

Most people know the importance of keeping a to-do list or planner handy to keep track of tasks. What many don’t know is that journaling can boost the utility of these organizational aids by giving you insight into how your time is actually spent and different factors that may affect it. 

To leverage the power of journaling, you might make brief journal entries throughout the day as you complete tasks, also noting environmental factors (whether you listened to music while working on your task, whether you used productivity timers or methods, etc.). When you look back on your entries, you may notice trends that you can capitalize on for increased productivity.

Ask for feedback

In many cases, those around you can offer some insight into your ability to manage time. To discover these insights, you might ask people in your life to share their impressions of your time-management skills, making sure to keep an open mind toward their feedback. For example, you could talk to classmates you study with or who have worked with you on group projects. Considering their comments may give you ideas on new areas for improvement.

Track your time temporarily 

It may be energy-intensive and require discipline, but tracking your time usage over a certain period can produce valuable insights into your existing time-management skills and where you could improve. To do this, you might make a note of what you’re doing every half-hour for an extended period. One expert suggests 30 days , but starting with just one week may be easier. At the end of your time-tracking period, analyze how you spent your time to find patterns. For instance, you might note that you’re particularly productive in the afternoons or realize that you struggle to focus when others are around.

Tips for improving your arrangement skills

Most of the commonly suggested time-management strategies—such as adhering to a task list or keeping a calendar, for example—are arrangement skills. Some tips for enhancing arrangement skills are listed below.

A key element in ensuring your tasks get completed is avoiding procrastination and falling behind. It can be tempting to delay research papers and other complex assignments until the day before they’re due, but there’s a good chance your stress levels will be higher and your work quality lower than if you had started earlier and worked on them bit by bit over time. Making a schedule and setting reminders to stick to it may help you avoid procrastination, as may enlisting a classmate with the same assignment to be your accountability buddy.

Use organizational tools

Using organizational tools such as calendars, planners, reminders, and to-do lists, for example, can also increase your ability to manage time. It may be challenging to build the habit initially, but leveraging these to help keep track of your schedule, due dates, and other important information can significantly reduce your cognitive workload. It can help to experiment a bit at first to find what works best for you.

Pursue recreation too

Rest and recreation are important when managing your time, too. It’s generally not realistic to spend every waking minute on academic tasks. Consider using social events or other activities you enjoy as a reward for completed work, and make sure to schedule regular time specifically for rest and relaxation regardless.

Tips for improving your adaptation skills

Adapting to change is another crucial component of how you manage time. Here are a few ways to boost your adaptation skills.

Prioritize prioritization

You may want to take a step back and assess your priorities regularly, such as at the start of every week. You might consider your academic workload, any upcoming events that week, and any exams or assignment deadlines before deciding which task should take the highest priority. It may also help to reassess your priorities when significant changes to tasks or schedules occur. For example, if your professor postpones a difficult exam by one week, it may be worth revisiting your priorities to determine if other tasks now take precedence over studying for that exam.

Respond instead of reacting

When schedules become hectic, it can be easy to become reactive rather than responsive. Reactive behaviors are often impulsive and based on emotion, like when stress about an exam leads to unintentional procrastination, for example. Responding to changes, in contrast, could look like taking a step back, breathing, and then rationally evaluating your next course of action. College can be stressful and a growing task list may make you feel overwhelmed, but taking a few minutes to decide your next course of action based on logic can save you time in the long run.

Be flexible

You might find it comforting to schedule every minute on your calendar. The structure of a well-planned day or week can be a relief from stress, but it might not leave room for adaptation. Try to leave some gaps in your schedule to allow for other people's schedule changes and unexpected demands on your time that could arise. You may also need extra time if you underestimate how long it will take you to do a complex assignment or if you get sick and need to rest more than usual.

Sharpening your time-management skills in therapy

Another way to work on skills related to time management is to connect with a therapist. They can help you manage any emotions that may be impacting your academic success or general well-being, like stress, overwhelm, or low self-esteem, and they can equip you with strategies for juggling your responsibilities that are catered to your situation and needs. If a mental health condition like anxiety is impacting your success at school, they can also support you in addressing these symptoms.

Due to busy schedules or limited budgets, traveling to a therapist’s office and paying a premium for in-person visits isn’t always a viable option for college students. That’s why many choose to engage in online therapy sessions instead, which can be attended from the comfort of home or a library study room and typically cost less than a traditional in-office visit. You can get matched with a licensed online therapist through a platform like BetterHelp . Research suggests that online therapy can produce similar outcomes to in-person sessions, so you can generally feel confident in choosing either format.

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10 Useful Tips for Students to Submit Assignments on Time


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-07


We all have been on the receiving side of the terror that comes with running late to turn in your assignment. As a student, one of the most critical skills you can develop is submitting your assignments on time. Late submissions can result in lost grades, missed opportunities, and added stress, making it essential for students to understand the importance of timely submissions.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share a wealth of tips and strategies that can help you ensure timely submissions and help you stay on top of your coursework - 

1. Create a schedule

The first step in submitting assignments on time is to create a schedule. This can prove to be a useful step in the entire process. A schedule will help you keep track of your deadlines and plan your time accordingly. You can use a physical planner or a digital calendar, whichever works best for you. Make sure to include all of your assignments, exams, and other commitments in your schedule so that you have a clear understanding of how much time you have available.

2. Start timely

It is essential to start working on your assignments as early as possible. Waiting until the last minute to start your assignment can result in stress and decreased quality of work. By starting early, you’ll have enough time to review and refine your work, ensuring that you submit a high-quality assignment. Having said that, we understand and aren't too optimistic that balancing school life and homework can be a task. In that case, you can always start with the easy part so that it can create a sense of winning, which will eventually lead you to complete the entire assignment.

3. Break down tasks

Breaking down a large assignment into smaller tasks can make it seem more manageable and help you avoid procrastination. By setting deadlines for each of these tasks, you can keep yourself accountable and ensure that you’re making progress toward your end goal. Another way to go about it is to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, making sure to complete the most critical tasks first.

One of the key benefits of breaking down tasks is increased productivity. When students are faced with a large and complex assignment, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and demotivated. However, by breaking the assignment down into smaller tasks, students can focus on one component at a time, making it easier to make progress and complete the assignment in a timely manner. This can help students to avoid procrastination and ensure that they are making progress toward their goals.

4. Use tools and resources

There are many tools and resources available to help students stay organized and on track. For example, you can use online citation generators to help you format your bibliography correctly or use productivity apps to stay focused and avoid distractions. Utilizing these tools and resources can save you time and help you submit your assignments on time. One such assignment help website is Desklib; here you can find study material and documents in abundance where as a student you can have access to help conveniently. 

5. Ask for help

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your teachers, tutors, or classmates if you need help. They can provide you with valuable feedback and insights that can improve your work and ensure that you’re on the right track. Furthermore, if you’re struggling with a particular aspect of an assignment, seeking help can save you time and prevent you from making costly mistakes.

Asking for help is a critical aspect of student success, especially when it comes to completing class assignments. Whether students are struggling to understand a complex concept or need assistance with a specific task, seeking help can provide them with the support they need to succeed. 

6. Manage your time effectively

Effective time management is necessary in order to turn in an assignment timely. When writing an assignment, make sure to allocate your time wisely and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This step can also help improve the quality of the final product. It is important to take regular breaks, review the work completed so far, and make any necessary revisions. By managing time effectively, it is possible to allocate sufficient time for these activities, ensuring that the final product is of the best possible quality.

7. Stay organized

Staying organized can also help to prioritize tasks and deadlines. When working on an assignment, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the many tasks and deadlines involved. However, by staying organized, it is possible to see the big picture and prioritize tasks in a way that ensures that everything is completed on time and to a high standard.

Make sure to keep all of your notes, materials, and other resources in one place so that you can easily access them when you need them. You can also use a filing system or an online storage solution to help you stay organized. 

8. Set realistic goals

It’s important to set realistic goals for yourself when submitting assignments. While it’s great to strive for excellence, setting unrealistic goals can result in added stress and decreased productivity. Make sure to set achievable goals and focus on making progress towards your goals rather than striving for perfection.

9. Eliminate distractions

Distractions can have a significant impact on your productivity and ability to complete a task at hand. While working, make sure to eliminate distractions by creating a conducive environment for studying like turning off your phone, or using a noise-canceling app. I know this might sound and feel a bit tough at first but trust me, it only gets better from hereon. This step will get the work done effectively and timely. 

10. Reward yourself 

In the end, do not forget to pat yourself on the back. After having completed the assignment, it is equally important to reward yourself for your hard work and achievements. 


In conclusion, submitting your assignments on time is crucial for your academic success. We hope that we could help you a little by providing you with these tips. We hope that the above-given tips will help ensure that your work is completed to the best of your ability and submitted on time.

Remember, consistent effort and planning can go a long way in achieving your goals.

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How to Submit Assignments on Time

clock and calendar

Struggling to Submit Assignments on Time?

Picture this: after a long week, you’re sitting on the couch with a snack rewatching your favorite show. It’s around ten at night, the blanket’s warm, and you’re comfier than you’ve ever felt before. Right before you fall asleep, you get a nagging feeling you forgot something. You shoot up as that cold pit of dread hits – you have an essay due at midnight. And you haven’t even started writing. Worse, you don’t even know what to write about. If you’ve had this experience or a similar one, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Every semester, thousands of students struggle to submit assignments on time.

And that feeling, that cold pit of dread, still haunts some of us years after graduation. Notably, graduates report having nightmares of missing that important assignment.

Many don’t start working until the last second for a variety of reasons. Indeed, while the stereotype for a procrastinator is the lazy, uncaring college student, many have other responsibilities that take up a lot of time. And with the college mental health crisis being a hot topic in higher education, there’s a lot more to consider than simple laziness.

However, there are methods you can use to turn in work on time. From detailed planning to consistent schedules, students can build basic time management skills as they adjust to college life.

Why it Matters

While these skills are very important later in life, students may not realize how vital it is to turn in homework on time. They don’t see why it matters if they submit their essay at 11:59 pm or 2:30 am. As long as it’s in. But most college professors set some sort of penalty for late work and some can be devastating.

Indeed, the best student can turn in the highest quality essay and still receive a failing grade if it’s submitted late. And the strictest instructors don’t care if you have a valid reason. However,  late policies  vary from professor to professor. Some will give full points as long as you either submitted high-quality work or reached out to them ahead of time. Others won’t accept an essay if you turn it in even a minute after the deadline. In the middle, you’ll find instructors who deduct points based on how many days late you are.

Regardless, unless you find one of those kind professors, your grade will suffer. And you may find yourself repeating the class if your grade takes too many hits. Truly, it’s important to submit assignments on time.

student completing work inside of a clock

4 Tips to Submit Assignments on Time

Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to just start submitting work on time. No one can wake up one day and have it all together. If it were that simple, we wouldn’t have so many students procrastinating their way through a degree. To succeed, you have to retrain your brain and build  time management skills .

Below we will go over some of the ways you learn how to submit assignments on time.

1. Create a Calendar

Once you start a semester or recognize your struggle to stay on schedule, you should create a calendar of all of the assignments and due dates. Your professor will either provide a schedule or you can find one in the  syllabus . Using these resources, plot all of your courses’ assignments in either a planning notebook or on your phone for the entire semester. You’ll likely need to update them as you go and due dates change. Whether you go traditional or digital should depend on what tool you’ll actually want to use.  

Either way, you’ll have a tool that can help you submit assignments on time.

Indeed, some people love to buy  notebooks and planners , but then never touch them. They tuck them away one day and never pick them back up. Or they don’t update them when due dates change. Indeed, there is no button to quickly change what you’ve written.

But, notably, we tend to remember things better once we’ve written them down. Thus, they can help improve your memory overall. And some students don’t like notifications or will casually snooze them as soon as they go off. For them, a planner works best to help them submit assignments on time.

Going Digital

Today, our phones come with calendars built-in,  apps  that allow you to create events and set reminders weeks in advance. Thus, even the basic ones are perfect for students. You should set up a handful of notifications to go off days and weeks before your due dates. And for those big assignments, you may want to set up reminders two to three weeks beforehand.

If the basic calendar apps aren’t your cup of tea, there are many specialty options designed for students. They’ll allow you to create custom schedules for each of your classes, color code assignments, and more.

In the end, calendars are helpful as they help you remember assignments. Digital ones send you regular customizable reminders. And planners allow you to visualize the work ahead. Whatever your preference, we recommend creating a calendar to help you submit assignments on time. You may even consider using both to ensure that your work gets done.

falling asleep on campus with textbook on face, not submitting work on time

2. Create (and Stick to) a Schedule

Creating a schedule  is one of the best ways to stay on track in your courses. We’ve all gotten caught up with friends, our favorite show, or just a really good nap before and pushed our homework to the side. Indeed, most of us when left to our own devices will choose fun and relaxing options before doing schoolwork. And that’s okay – you deserve to rest, too. Naps and friends still should be a part of your weekly schedule, but you need to make sure you have time for everything.

Thus, we recommend setting a specific time to read, study, and write essays each week. If possible, it should be at the same time week after week. This scheduling will help you build a routine, which can help you submit assignments on time. Notably, building a routine makes it easier to sit down as you’ll feel that it’s time to work. Instead of thinking “I’ll do it later,” and then finding that you’re too exhausted later, you’ll get your work done

And it may actually help you see your friends more, as procrastination often costs us more free time than it saves. For example, you tell people you can’t come out as you have to do your essay, but, instead, you deep clean the oven. Your essay still needs to be written and you miss another possible night out tomorrow.

3. Ask for Help

A common reason students put assignments off is that they’re confused or frustrated by something. Maybe the rubric wasn’t clear or they don’t understand some of the content. Instead of asking for help, they’ll think “I’ll do it later.”

For some, later ends up being the night before it’s due. Students stay frustrated at the thought of the essay or worksheet and don’t want to touch it. And because the assignment needs extra work to get around the confusion, they end up spending hours on something that could have been finished in one. These students don’t submit assignments on time because they need help and don’t know how to ask for it.

Truly, people of all ages struggle with asking for help. They feel like a burden or want to do it all themselves. However, knowing when you need help is a sign of wisdom, not weakness. We can’t know or do everything ourselves.

If you’re falling behind because you’re confused,  email your professor , use online resources, ask a classmate, or try your college’s tutoring center.

stressed at laptop

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Finally, one way to help yourself submit assignments on time is to let yourself off the hook. Basically, don’t be hard on yourself when or if you fall behind.

Negative thinking often becomes circular thinking . We fall into a pit of bad thoughts and anger pointed at ourselves. And when we reach that point, it becomes harder and harder to get back on track. We think we should have been able to do this whole college thing with ease and we’re lesser for struggling. But it’s simply not true. Many of us will miss a deadline in our lives, whether at school or work or with another responsibility. It happens. As we said at the beginning of this article, there are a hundred different reasons students fall behind.

Many of us have jobs, some of us have families, and the student mental health crisis is real. Don’t be too hard on yourself for missing a deadline or two. Continue to reward yourself for your hard work and aim to do better.

Final Thoughts

Lakewood University is an accredited online school that offers a variety of degree and certificate programs. We have rolling enrollments and asynchronous courses. In other words, you don’t have to worry about missing a lecture or running late to class. If you plan on enrolling in college while working, Lakewood University offers the flexibility you need to earn your degree.

Don’t hesitate – reach out to our admissions department today to learn more !

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Turning In Assignments On Time

“my professors say my ideas are great, but my grades suffer because i hand in my assignments late. do you have any suggestions”.

Sandy Maynard

To change your behavior, you must start placing as much value on the timely completion of your assignments as you do on their overall quality.

List the characteristics that make you proud of your work-it’s original, unconventional, and so on – and add “completed on time” to that list. In addition, set deadlines for completing portions of each assignment, rather than thinking only of the project’s final due date.

Finally, schedule appointments with your professors to get feedback about your ideas, discuss an outline, or review your progress. This holds you accountable-and shows your professors that you’ve gotten serious about meeting deadlines.

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Time Management: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

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As a student, you always need more time. You may have lots of things on your plates, such as classes, assignments, and even a part-time job. With that in mind, you need to be smart and ensure that you complete all that you have to without rushing or skipping out on things. You may have heard that you need to implement time management skills. 

But what does that mean and how can it help you throughout your life?

What Is Time Management?

Time management is a crucial skill that involves the efficient and effective allocation of one's available time to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. It encompasses the process of planning, organizing, prioritizing, and controlling the way you use your time to maximize productivity and minimize wasted hours. Effective time management not only allows individuals to complete their responsibilities and meet deadlines but also helps reduce stress, increase focus, and create a better work-life balance.

At its core, time management is about making deliberate choices about how to allocate your time based on the importance and urgency of tasks. It involves setting clear goals, breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps, and then allocating specific time blocks for each task or activity. Additionally, time management encourages individuals to identify and eliminate time-wasting habits, such as procrastination or multitasking, to make the most of their available hours. In essence, it's a skill that empowers individuals to take control of their time and make the most of their day-to-day activities.

Why Is Time Management Important?

Procrastination can put you in a pickle and make things a lot more difficult than they have to be. Time management has been shown to be beneficial in a whole range of ways, including some of these.

Allows High Productivity

High productivity is essential in high school and college as you do not have the liberty of wasting time. You may have several assignments, and you can only complete them if you are productive. 

If you have lots of things to do and need help managing your time properly, completing all your work on time and being productive would be extremely difficult. Not doing the assignments will pile them up, and you will have to deal with them in a frenzy which is not healthy at all. Time management will ensure that you have time to do all the things required of you without missing something. 

Promotes Effective Decision Making

When you are not in a hurry and need more time to give your complete attention to a decision, you are more prone to make the wrong one. This is why it is very important to manage your time effectively so that the decisions you make are timely and well-informed.

Manage your time in a way where you have plenty of space to think and reflect on your decisions, so you don't regret them in the longer run.

If you have a little bit of time left, how about start writing your own bucket list

Increases Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance (or school-life balance ) is crucial to help you pay attention to both sides of the coin. When you work efficiently, you are able to complete your tasks before the deadline and then move on to other activities. 

You will be able to have all the free time you need, which will help you take care of your personal life and your career. If you want to improve your productivity and manage your work in the time you are supposed to, that will help you keep a balance and not tip over the edge of procrastination.

Improves Self Discipline

Self-discipline is very important when it comes to your work ethic. We all procrastinate, but people who have the right self-discipline know just when to put a stop to procrastination.

When managing the time, you must stop yourself from getting distracted and make a conscious effort to return to whatever you are doing.

Decreases Stress

If you're behind on your work, it likely causes stress as you worry about how you will get all the work done. It is essential that you manage your time properly so you can focus on tasks without having to worry whether you will be able to complete them on your deadline or not. Use the proper time management tools and bring your stress levels down significantly.

Bringing Time Management Into Your Life 

Incorporating effective time management into the lives of students is not just a valuable skill; it's a fundamental necessity for success in both academic and personal pursuits. Students face a myriad of responsibilities, including coursework, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and social engagements. Without proper time management, these demands can quickly become overwhelming, leading to stress, missed deadlines, and a detrimental impact on their overall well-being.

To bring time management into your life, begin by setting clear goals and priorities, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and creating a structured daily or weekly schedule. Utilizing tools like planners, calendars, and digital apps can also help students stay organized and on track.

These skills will serve you well beyond your academic years, as you transition into the workforce and navigate the demands of adult life.

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10 Ways To Improve Time Management For Students

  • January 11, 2018
  • Enrichment , Homework , Studying

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Learning how to manage time effectively is an important skill for students to master.

But many students struggle with finding the time to complete all their assignments, leading to overwhelming feelings of stress and frustration.

To help, we’ve created a list of time management strategies for students of all ages to help students (and their parents) put the days of last-minute project panic and school stress behind them.

Why Is Time Management Important For Students?

Good time management skills help students prioritize tasks so they are able to complete school work and assignments on time. Students are able to plan ahead, set aside the time they need for projects and assignments, and make better use of that time.

Becoming better at managing time allows students to become more organized, more confident, and learn more effectively. It can also help students avoid the dreaded procrastination problem , which can be a slippery slope to stress, frustration, and poor grades.

Effective time management skills are especially important for high school students. As students enter high school, they have to deal with more subjects, assignments, tests, and extracurriculars. Good time management skills can help keep them on track and reduce stress as they take on more work.

So how can you help your child learn to manage time more effectively?

Check out these time management tips and learn how your student can start being more productive.

10 Effective Time Management Tips For Students

  • Create a Master Schedule

Make a master schedule your child can use to block off time to work on his or her assignments. This will help your child prioritize projects and provide a structure to help keep him or her on track to meet due dates. Use a different color for each subject so your child can follow the schedule quickly and easily.

Download your own master schedule here:

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  • Use an Agenda

Help your child look ahead to all upcoming assignments and record the due dates in an agenda. Use the agenda to schedule in TV and computer time too—this will help your child avoid falling into a trap of wasted hours in front of a screen instead of working on assignments.

  • Eliminate Distractions

Between cell phones, social media, and friends, there are a lot of activities that can distract students from their school work. When it’s time to get down to work, have your child turn off his or her cell phone and sign out of social media accounts. Any time on the master schedule that is dedicated to working on school work should be cell phone and television-free!

Find more tips on how to focus on homework .

  • Set Goals For Each Study Session

Help your child set specific goals for each day, like how many pages of a book report to write or how many math questions to complete. The agenda and master schedule will help with planning your child’s daily goals so assignments can be completed on time.

  • Start Working On Assignments Early

Good time management skills mean not leaving assignments until the day before they are due. Sit down with your child each week to review upcoming assignments and tests and add them to his or her master schedule and agenda. Schedule time to start working on them well before they are due so your child isn’t stressed and scrambling to meet the due dates.

  • Make a Project Plan

Creating a project plan can also help avoid last-minute panic. An overwhelming amount of work is a common cause of procrastination, which can lead to poor time management. Help your child break down assignments into smaller chunks, each with its own separate due dates. This will encourage your child to plan ahead and start working on assignments earlier.

Learn more about why students procrastinate .

  • Work On One Thing At A Time

It might seem like more is being accomplished with multitasking, but splitting attention between more than one task isn’t an effective way to learn. Your child should work on one task at a time, giving it his or her full attention. Focusing on one task will help him or her complete it more efficiently and effectively.

  • Study In Shorter Bursts

For every 30 minutes of school work, have your child schedule a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Trying to work on one thing for too long can actually cause students’ minds to wander more. Taking short breaks is a good way to give your child’s brain a chance to recharge so he or she can come back more focused.

  • Start Early In The Day

Encourage your child to work on assignments earlier in the day, or right after school. Have your child look over his or her agenda and master schedule to find out what needs to be completed that night and get started early. Waiting to start until later in the evening means your child has less time (and energy), leading to delayed bedtimes, unfinished assignments, and more stress for everyone.

  • Get 8-10 Hours Of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important to help your child recharge his or her mind and have the energy needed to stay on track the next day. Use your master schedule to mark a cut-off time for homework each night as well as a set bedtime. Following this routine will help make sure your child has time to unwind at the end of each day and get the sleep he or she needs.

Does your child need help developing his or her time management skills? Our Study Skills tutoring program can help!

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Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks

  • Erich C. Dierdorff

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Your productivity hinges on these three skills.

There is certainly no shortage of advice — books and blogs, hacks and apps — all created to boost time management with a bevy of ready-to-apply tools. Yet, the frustrating reality for individuals trying to improve their time management is that tools alone won’t work. You have to develop your time management skills in three key areas: awareness, arrangement, and adaptation. The author offers evidence-based tactics to improve in all three areas.

Project creep, slipping deadlines, and a to-do list that seems to get longer each day — these experiences are all too common in both life and work. With the New Year’s resolution season upon us, many people are boldly trying to fulfill goals to “manage time better,” “be more productive,” and “focus on what matters.” Development goals like these are indeed important to career success. Look no further than large-scale surveys that routinely find time management skills among the most desired workforce skills, but at the same time among the rarest skills to find.

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  • Erich C. Dierdorff is a professor of management and entrepreneurship at the Richard H. Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University and is currently an associate editor at  Personnel Psychology.

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Importance of Completing Assignments on Time

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Words: 609 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 609 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction: the value of punctuality in education, building a foundation of responsibility, fostering effective time management skills, promoting consistent learning and retention, preparing for future endeavors, enhancing academic performance and feedback, reducing stress and anxiety, cultivating a positive work ethic, conclusion: the pathway to holistic academic growth.

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Table of Contents

Why is time management important for students, 10 time management skills and techniques for students, working smarter to enhance productivity, the benefits of good time management, how well do you manage your time, general time-management tools, time management in practice, implications of poor time management, how to better manage your time at work, choose the right program.

Proven Time Management Tips and Strategies for Students

Effective time management is all about achieving the right balance between your homework, university/college life, and your free time. As a student, organizing your days will eliminate stress and ensure that you are productive. The general time management tips for students, such as sleeping well, scheduling, and prioritizing, are some important tips that can help students in the long run. A more strategic approach is required to optimize the time a student has in a day.

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Earn 60 PDUs: Pick from 6 Courses

Time management for students (and everyone else) is about making your day purposeful. It is about taking control of the time you have and optimizing it for focus, productivity , and above all, balance. Before we list out the time management tips for students, it is crucial for students to understand why time management is important.

All of us should make the most of the limited amount of time we have in a day. It is very easy to get wrapped up in a fury of various activities and accomplish less. Managing time effectively enables students to become more confident, and organized, and learn more efficiently. Effective time management skills are particularly essential for high school students, as they have to deal with more subjects, tests, assignments, and extracurriculars. Time management techniques can help students be on track and cope with the stress of added responsibilities. 

Following are a few more reasons why time management is important for students:

Enables You to Accomplish Your Goals Faster

Appropriate time management makes one more effective and encourages you to give your best to what you are doing and what you can, thus helping you achieve your goals much faster.

Enables You to Prioritize Your Work

When creating a timetable, you prioritize and arrange essential tasks that need immediate attention. For example, students have to complete assignments before attending a session. A student can fit in time to work on the assignments before attending a study group with correct time management.

Enables You to Get More Done in Less Time

Dedicating a specified amount of time to a particular task helps you focus on it. Instead of working on a given task with no predefined time assigned, you can complete the same task by sticking to a time plan. Without a time plan, you might completely forget to finish a task.

Reduces Stress Levels 

Time management skills can help you prioritize the time required for essential tasks; prioritizing tasks and having enough time to accomplish those tasks means reduced stress levels.

Helps You Become More Efficient

Effective time management helps you to be more focused at school/college/university, thus increasing your efficiency and enabling you to accomplish more within less time.

So, how can students learn to manage time more effectively? We have collated a list of the best time management tips for students to beat procrastination, stay focused, and be more productive.

Efficient time management is one of the primary keys to success, and thus, it is worth learning. Following are time management strategies for students to help them manage their time in the best possible manner.

1. Make Use of a Daily Schedule Template to Plan Your Day

Seminars, classes, and workshops may take up a chunk of your day, but how one schedules their own time makes all the difference. It is essential to master your schedule.

A daily schedule template helps you manage and control your time each day. It will enable you to stay organized and focus on what matters most and even help you overcome procrastination. The method that most successful people from Elon Musk to Bill Gates use is “time blocking”. Time blocking is creating a template for how you intend to spend every minute of your day. Students should therefore follow this method to manage their time more fruitfully.

2. Understand How You are Currently Spending Your Time (And Where You Are Losing It)

Your schedule will offer you an ideal version of your day, but you need to analyze how you spend your time to develop better time management habits. Without understanding how you are spending your time each day, it is impossible to build better time management strategies for students to stay focused.

3. Set Proper Goals to Measure Your Progress

Goals are an excellent way to get you motivated to do school work. However, the problem is that goals are just the result, with you not knowing how to achieve them. So, focus on what needs to be done to achieve that goal by focusing on constant progress and developing better habits. For example, if you need to write a 5,000-word essay in a month, set a daily goal of writing 500 words. If you continue this, you can complete your essay in a week.

4. Break Large Projects Into Smaller, Actionable Tasks

A part of proper goal-setting is to segregate large goals from smaller daily tasks. Doing this will help you stay focused and stop you from procrastinating. It is easy to procrastinate when a project feels like a huge task. However, taking that first step is all you need to build momentum.

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5. Be Realistic About the Time You Need to Complete a Task

Once you begin to schedule your tasks for the day, you may get overly optimistic about how much you can achieve. Psychologists also have a name for this – The Planning Fallacy. One of the most effective time management tips for students is to counter the planning fallacy. Students should add a buffer to their schedule depending on how familiar they are with the task. If it is something that has been done before, then 1-1.5X time must be allocated to the time they think it may take to complete the project.

6. Pay Attention to Your Body’s Natural Energy Highs and Lows

We all have moments in the day when we are more energetic and alert. And if you want to exploit the time you have each day to its maximum, you cannot fight against your body’s natural state. What does this mean in terms of time management tips for students ? Simply put, students should do their most essential work when they feel most energetic. This means scheduling intense projects during energy highs and scheduling passive activities when the body is at its natural low.

7. Take Breaks at the Right Time

Take more breaks to manage your productivity over time. But when exactly is the right time to take a break? Sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman states, “our minds naturally crave breaks after every 90 minutes of intense work. Even if you do not have a timer going, your body will let you know that you need a break by turning sleepy, fidgeting, hungry, or losing focus”. When you begin to feel this way, you know it is time to take a break.

8. Remove Distractions

Between social media, cell phones, and friends, there are so many activities that can distract students from their school work. When it is time to get down to doing school work, students need to turn off their cell phones and sign out of social media accounts. Any amount of time that is devoted to school work must be television and cell phone free!

9. Avoid Multitasking

It may be tempting for students to feel that they can multitask when their schedule is jam-packed. But the more one tries to do it at once, the longer each thing takes. Instead, studies have found that deeply focusing on one task at a time can be around 500% more productive.

10. Build Better Routines and Habits for Long-Term Success

We are what we repetitively do. One of the best time management strategies for students and everyone else is to develop routines and habits that endorse the kind of actions you would like to do more of, for example, following a morning routine that concentrates on getting an early win and prepping yourself for a productive day. Or, ensure your evening routine preps you for an effective next day by setting your goals and schedules the night before.

When planning, prioritize the more extensive, more complex, and time-consuming chores at the beginning of the week (or day), so you may complete them first and relax more as the week progresses. Front-load your week to maximize your chances of success. This is similar to Eat That Frog, a productivity strategy that recommends performing the most important or influential activity first every day to ensure it gets done.

Constant meetings, social media, and an endless stream of emails may make it challenging to create a productive day. Developing effective habits at work will enable you to accomplish your best job regularly. You have two options for increasing your productivity. You may work longer hours if you bring your job home with you. You may also work smarter by boosting efficiency without sacrificing quality. Let's look at some significant benefits of good time management are: 

Stress Relief

One of the primary causes of increased stress is poor time management. When you have a lot to accomplish and are unsure how to do it, you usually perform a rush job under pressure. However, with proper time management, you can schedule your daily chores so that you work smarter rather than harder. For example, you may prepare critical tasks for when you're most productive or set aside additional time for things you suspect will take longer than expected. So, even if you work longer, you will have enough time to complete everything while being calm.

By identifying task completion time, you can use less energy and worry less about whether you can achieve everything you need to do today. Instead, make time to take a break from your typical routine. You may preserve energy for your spare time since time management helps you to plan when your task will be completed before you begin it. Having more free time can help you achieve a better work-life balance and ensure you make time for yourself.

More Opportunities

Effective time management may help you achieve more success by improving the quality of your work. When you manage your time well, you not only provide excellent work on schedule, but you also work without stress. This displays improved decision-making abilities and potential for leadership . In other words, you exhibit traits that are necessary for job advancement. This will provide you with greater and more chances.

Ability to Realize Goals

You may simplify your day and spend less time selecting what to do or how to accomplish it if you use time management to arrange what you need to complete each day. For example, deciding what to do for each step before commencing the project may be beneficial if you have a complex project with an outline that requires several yet unclear phases. The project is then reduced to a short set of activities that give guidance. You save time by preparing your objectives rather than finding them out as you go. This might mean spending less time pondering what you should be doing and more time doing it.

There are several approaches you may use based on your time management abilities and experience, but the goal is to explain a system that works for you and makes sense in the position you're going for. In other words, if you're working in a team atmosphere, discuss an efficient time management approach for teamwork, such as getting everyone acquainted with project management software. Then, discuss the advantages of employing this method for time management. Going into depth about how this technique has worked for you demonstrates to the interviewer that you have real-world experience adopting this way to manage your time and aren't simply making it up.

Time management is critical to your success. You may achieve any goal you set your mind to by using an excellent time planner and master list. These are common time management tools and practices that you should employ to maximize productivity and personal organization. Each of these takes some effort to learn and perfect, but they will pay you back in increased efficiency and effectiveness for the rest of your life.


The 80/20 rule was developed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. It's believed that 20% of activities are accountable for 80% of results. The purpose of Pareto analysis is to assist you in prioritizing tasks that are most successful at issue resolution. List some of the difficulties you are experiencing. Determine the fundamental source of each issue. Assign a score to each problem and arrange them by cause. Add the scores from each group: The topic should be addressed first in the group with the highest score. Take some action.

Scheduling is the art of preparing your activities so that you may accomplish your goals and prioritize your priorities in the time you have available. When done correctly, it can assist you in realizing what you can do with your time. Ensure you leave adequate time for import duties and only take on what you can do.

Goal Setting

Smart goals enable people to plan and attain their objectives in a reasonable amount of time. It can also aid in improving time management in professional contexts such as school and the workplace. Smart goal planning may give direction for your aims and help you build practical measures to attain those goals if you want to manage your time wisely.

Concentration and Focus

Distractions are a major impediment to personal time management. Close the door to avoid as many distractions as possible. Only pay attention to what you're doing right now.

In terms of significance, describe your top two distractions over the next two weeks. Remember that staying focused during the day necessitates proper sleep habits and enough fluids.

Effective time management entails completing more vital tasks in a single day. Effective time management is more important than efficient time management. The most successful time managers are also the most efficient. Try some time management software. The first time management tool you require is a time planner, which provides all the information you need to plan and arrange your life. The most excellent time planners, whether looseleaf or electronic, allow you to prepare for the whole year, the month, the week, and each day.

We all know that there never seems to be enough time in the day, and as a result, things slip by the wayside. While this occurs to the best of us from time to time, students who battle with time management regularly are doing themselves no favors.

Poor Workflow

Poor efficiency results from a failure to plan and keep to goals. For example, completing related chores concurrently or sequentially is an intelligent approach if many significant tasks need to be accomplished. However, if you plan, you may be able to bounce back and forth, or backtrack, in your job. This equates to decreased efficiency and output.

Wasted Time

Wasted time arises from poor time management. For example, chatting with pals on social media while working on an assignment is a distraction and a waste of time.

Loss of Control

You will lose control of your professional life if you do not know the next assignment. This might lead to increased tension and worry.

Poor Quality of Work

The quality of your work could be better when you manage your time well. Quality is often degraded when things are rushed at the last minute.

Poor Reputation

When clients or your company cannot rely on you to finish things on time, their expectations and impressions of you suffer. A client who needs to trust you to complete a task on schedule will likely look for another service provider.

Your ability to manage your time affects how productive you are each day. You can accomplish more in less time with effective time management, which also helps you feel less stressed and advance in your profession. Instead of just using the following tools as a timetable to complete more tasks, make them represent your values—what is most important to you. When you arrange and calendar your time and make the split-second decisions essential to efficient time management for balance and well-being, remember these principles.

1. Know How You’re Spending Your Time

You need to keep track of what you do with your time to identify any activities or routines preventing you from achieving your desired objectives. You must start and end each day with a purpose to make the most of your time.

You have two choices for keeping track of your time:

  • Spend a day or two manually recording your activities in a "time log."
  • To automatically log your time, use a free program like RescueTime.

2. Stick to a Daily Schedule

While making a to-do list is a common theme in time and productivity management advice for students, mastering your daily schedule is even more crucial. 

Time blocking is the strategy of choice for many of the most successful people in the world, including Bill Gates and Elon Musk. But time blocking is planning how to spend each minute of your day.

  • Create Realistic Timelines: A schedule must be practical to be effective. Plan your study time wisely to increase your study skills. The study techniques of the students vary from one another. This entails scheduling time for breaks, meals, exercise, social interaction, phone calls to loved ones, and all other "non-school" activities that keep you content and motivated.
  • Give your undivided Attention: Your best friend in this situation is "self-discipline" and "self-control." If you must take a break, do so, but try to avoid sneaking away to other websites while working. Turn off your phone or put it away until it's time for a scheduled break.

3. Prioritize

1440 minutes make up one day. Within these hours, you must set practical priorities. Setting suitable priorities for your study goals is one of the sage study advice. If you have a lot of material to learn, start breaking it down into manageable chunks and choose what is most crucial. One of the best study strategies is making the most of your morning hours when nobody is awake to disturb you since they are asleep.

  • Do immediately: Tasks that are crucial and have clear deadlines, or ones you've put off so long they're past due.
  • Schedule for later: Crucial assignments with no set deadlines.
  • Delegate: Those tasks that others can execute.
  • Delete: Activities you can skip since they are optional to achieving your objectives or carrying out your mission.

4. Tackle the Most Difficult Task First

You should complete your most crucial tasks when you're most energetic. This entails arranging writing or other demanding tasks for when your energy levels are at their highest and reading or other passive pursuits for when they are at their lowest.

Brian Tracy's renowned Eat That Frog productivity technique is quite effective for those who delay or find themselves procrastinating frequently or who may have difficulty avoiding distractions. It suggests starting with the task that is the hardest, most complicated, and most critical, i.e., the one you're most inclined to put off for later. Once you've "devoured that frog," only then should you move on; that too without much stress.

5. Batch-Process Similar Tasks

Task batching is when you organize related jobs or tasks into groups and finish them all at once. Using this method, you can easily cut down on multitasking and extend your time to give all your projects your full attention.

For instance: At around 10 to 11 a.m. daily, organize and respond to emails and organize your digital study materials simultaneously.

6. Set Reasonable Time Limits

Focus on what has to be done to reach and surpass the objective instead of starting at the end and moving backward. You might take a full day to finish two different tasks that could be completed in only three hours if you had a full day to do so. There's a good possibility you'll still reach the earlier deadline if you give yourself a shorter window.

What can you do every day to further your ultimate aim? This entails putting an emphasis on steady improvement and forming improved routines. Even better, seeing daily progress will spur you to do more. Work "expands to occupy the time given to do it," according to Parkinson's law.

7. Learn When to Say No

Our energy levels are limited each day and tend to decrease with time. It is wise to know your limits and be prepared to say no to prevent doing subpar work. Understand your advantages and disadvantages. It is ideal for concentrating on one's strengths and delegating tasks that others can complete more quickly and effectively.

8. Avoid Multitasking

Concentrate on one item at a time to manage your time and commit it to study effectively. Nothing gets accomplished when you attempt to perform too many tasks at once. So, starting with one activity, finishing it, and moving on to another is one of the greatest study- focus- ideas .

When your schedule is packed, believing you can multitask is tempting. But everything takes longer the more you try to complete it at once. Instead, studies show that concentrating intently on a single activity can increase productivity by up to 500% . The American Psychological Association claims that mental juggling comes with "switching costs" that reduce your output. Changing tasks may take a few seconds each, but it adds up if you multitask regularly. Your potential for error also increases.

9. Keep Things Organized

Efficiency will rise if your workspace is tidy and organized because you won't have time to look for paper. Learning how to be organized is a talent that can be known. Start with these fundamentals.

  • Maintain a clean work desk: The office's physical surroundings greatly impact how you operate. When your environment is chaotic, you are too. You can also be affected by clutter in less direct ways. Research has demonstrated that your physical settings substantially impact your cognition, emotions, and behavior, affecting how you make decisions and interact with others.
  • Coordinate your computer files and shared drives: Loss of files and decreased productivity might result from improperly arranging shared files. Nothing is more confusing than spending most of your working hours searching your system for files. Create distinct folders for your files according to their categories to save yourself the hassle.
  • Use a calendar: Using a well-organized calendar, you can manage your time to keep on top of your to-do lists and maintain focus throughout the workday. Although many executives have secretaries who work their calendars, anyone may utilize the same procedures to become more productive.

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Time management for students is highly intimidating, especially when you have multiple things on your to-do list. It is one of the most challenging tasks for students as they are expected to fare well and produce good results while handling the pressures of school assignments, homework, projects, and maintaining a social life. However, with our list of time management tips for students, we are confident that students will be able to come up with an arrangement to ensure that every day is as productive as possible. 

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An Introduction to Project Management: A Beginner’s Guide

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14 Proven Tips For Completing Assignments

Tips for completing assignments

Completing assignments can be a daunting task, but there are a few things that you can do to make the process a whole lot easier. 

Are you finding it difficult to complete your assignments on time? If you’re looking for some tips to help you get organized and stay on track, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll share some helpful strategies that will make completing your assignments a breeze.

Why are assignments important?

Though often met with groans and complaints, academic assignments are actually beneficial in a number of ways. For one, they force students to engage with the material on a deeper level, encouraging them to really think about what they’re learning and stay on track with their studies.

In addition, academic assignments help students to develop important research, writing and study skills that will be useful in college and beyond.

Academic assignments also give students the opportunity to receive feedback from their instructors on their work.

Notably, despite its benefits, too many assignments can do more harm than good.

Too much assignments can interfere with free time and involvement in extra-curricular activities. Assignment completion may be increasingly frustrating and stressful when there are challenges with the home environment. O’Rourke-Ferrara, 1998

Why is completing assignments on time important?

Completing assignments on time demonstrates to your instructor that you are capable of meeting deadlines. This is important in both academic and professional settings.

According to research, completing assignments improves independence, self-discipline, and time management skills. In addition, it has been linked with better grades and academic success. planchard et al., 2015

Tips for completing assignments

So how can you make sure that you complete your assignments on time? Here are a few tips that may help:

1. Read the assignment instructions carefully

2. identify why the assignment is necessary.

It gives purpose to your efforts, and this in turn can help provide focus and direction, leading to better results through hard work and dedication.

Research shows that the main motivating factors for homework completion were: (1) Reinforcement: desire to learn or master the material (2) Credit (3) Extra-credit planchard et al., 2015

3. Start early to complete assignments on time

4. set goals for assignment completion.

Once you’ve met that goal, you can set a new goal for the next day. Breaking the assignment down into smaller tasks can help to make it feel less overwhelming, and it can also help you to track your progress. 

5 . Create a schedule to finish assignments

Research shows that the most common demotivating factors for homework completion were: (1) Other commitments (2) Difficulty understanding (3) Too difficult or too long planchard et al., 2015

6. Identify the resources required for the assignment

7. track your reference s when researching.

As you’re doing research for your assignment, be sure to track the references that you’re using. This will save you time when you’re writing your paper and will ensure that you give credit to the sources that you’ve used.

8. Set aside uninterrupted time for assignments

9. ask for help if you get stuck, 10. take breaks when completing assignments.

Working on an assignment for long periods of time can be overwhelming and lead to burnout. To avoid this, take breaks throughout the day or week. during your break, do something that you enjoy or that will help you relax.

11. Celebrate your progress

12. proofread your assignments, 13. submit your assignments on time.

Make sure to submit your assignment on time. If you’re having trouble with this, talk to your professor or a tutor. They may be able to offer extension or help you get back on track.

14. Relax after completing each assignment

Final words on proven tips for completing assignments.

Drop a comment below and let me know. Best of luck in all your future assignments.

Planchard, Matthew S. et al. “Homework, Motivation, and Academic Achievement in a College Genetics Course.”  Bioscene: The Journal Of College Biology Teaching  41 (2015): 11-18.

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How to stay ahead of deadlines on your academic assignments.

Completing your assignments and homework on time is instrumental to your final grades at school, because it shows that you can observe time and respect deadlines, and, as a student, it is important that you are able to complete your tasks on time.

1. Start Immediately

Immediately after you receive the assignment, start working on it. Starting immediately will help you stay focused throughout the assignment.

2. Plan Effectively

A good plan will enable you beat the deadline and submit your work on time. When planning how to handle the assignments, start with the most difficult ones or the most urgent ones. However, you need to be realistic about how you plan out your time.

3. Have a Quiet Study Area

Create a study area that is quiet and free from all the distractions.

If social media is likely to distract you, block the sites using blocking applications.

4. Get Help

You and your classmates can help each other complete assignments by working as a group. It helps you handle the tough areas of the assignment and complete it on time. Additionally, you can get help from your tutors on the challenging parts of the assignment.

5. Avoid Multitasking

Because it is easier to do one assignment at a time, it is important to start by planning your work well. Handling more than one assignment will lower your concentration and productivity. You will spend more time on the assignment than you had anticipated.

6. Remember to Take Breaks

Take breaks in between the assignments to reenergize yourself. Working continuously for a long time causes brain fatigue, which lowers your concentration and affects the quality of your work. Reward yourself during these breaks.

The key to completing your assignments early and submitting on time is knowing the importance of the assignment in your studies. Take the assignments seriously, plan well and give them your best. You will not have to worry about missing the submission deadline.

Daniel Reed

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Why Setting Deadlines in Time Management is Essential?

why is it important to complete assignments on time

  • February 3, 2023

How often do you fail in meeting deadlines? Trust me, the problem is more common than you think, and it’s not just because we’re all too lazy to deliver the project before the due date. We all have a million things to do simultaneously, and if we miss a deadline once in a time, it won’t hurt that much.

However, if it becomes a routine… the consequences may face not only us but also the work of each team member, as well as each angry client we service.

So, why do deadlines matter?

What do deadlines communicate to us?

How to assign deadlines to make sure they’re actually achievable?

How to see your projects through to the end, stick to the plan perfectly and deliver exceptional results on time? Let’s find out how to deal with multiple projects, achieve goals and meet deadlines effortlessly!

Get to know where your time goes with TimeCamp!

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What’s the fuss about deadlines?

In times of doubting about completing tasks on time, I bet some of you often ask yourself, “why are deadlines important?”

It’s been like that for years, whether about homework assignments at school or keeping an eye on the due date of each task at work detailed schedule.

And it’s entirely normal; it’s just the anger that rises inside you when you finally realize you had plenty of time before the due date but procrastinated till the very end.

You probably feel a sudden productivity boost then, which makes you complete your assignments on time, but at what cost? You’re running on empty, mad at yourself that you almost missed the deadline. Again.

And that’s precisely why deadlines matter, why they exist!

To keep us prepared and avoid situations of testing our own boundaries. But it’s up to us if we’ll stick to the routine of completing a project in time without achieving the highest stress levels or leave everything at the last moment.

Is setting deadlines important only for me?

Deadlines help us organize the schedule and work for both short and long-term projects.

Once we know what’s the completion date of a project or a specific task, we can establish the right resources needed to complete a task on time.

A new due date indicates how long it can take for an individual to clear the deadline. However, it also helps achieve team goals – no matter if a small or larger project, they’re a set of multiple milestones that can only be achieved when each member does their best.

Besides, tracking deadlines is a solid base to discuss progress and the team’s performance.

Creating a project deadline list that’ll be transparent for the entire team (e.g. in a project management software with all tasks assigned to the people responsible) can work wonders for teams that struggle with delivering their work within due dates.

What are the right strategies for meeting deadlines and deadline management?

👉  break down work into pieces.

A project consists of smaller tasks, and each task is a goal to achieve itself. So why not break down your work into chunks, and each of them is a step that brings you closer to success?

Smaller tasks can be distinguished according to the previously agreed project milestones. Then, based on the work overload of your team members, distribute the work among them. Ensure the entire team stays on the same page about each other’s assignments and due dates – good communication is the key to successful project management.

Organize regular meetings to check the progress and track completion status. However, remember not to overdo it with the number of them – too many meetings could have been an email, so don’t sabotage your own and your team’s productivity :D.

👉  Set task dependencies

Once you break work into specific tasks, you’ll see that one depends on the other. They all belong to a larger project, so it’s natural that they affect each other. Finding out in which order they should be completed will help you set realistic completion dates.

Besides, once the dependencies are established, it’s easier to identify tasks with a tight deadline and prioritize them over these with buffer time. Use a project management tool to create the task dependency tree, mark each when completed, and enjoy the smooth flow of your project.

👉  Respect your time 

You do not have forever to finish your deadline at work, go to the gym and work out, spend time with family and friends, or manage your business. This limitation in the time that you have in a day makes setting deadlines in time management necessary. If you do not keep track of time, chances are, you will be missing a lot of essential things, which leads simply to the piling up of things to do. You and your team will be lenient, believing that you still have time when in fact, your time is already running short.

Such behavior causes unnecessary stress, making you feel you’re running out of control, so you can’t accomplish what you want. There’s no smart strategy to deal with such anxiety unless you get your team together, discuss the possible solutions to solve the problem, and then stick to the plan .

👉  Ensure your team focus time

Meeting deadlines is tough when someone constantly interferes with your work, isn’t it? Even if you’re doing your best to avoid distractions when others ask you for help with their tasks or to chat about nothing, all your efforts become wasted, and before you notice, you’re running short of time again.

A shortage of quality focus time is probably the cause of why your entire team has problems with delivering work on time. No matter if you’re office workers or a group of people who are working remotely.

How to avoid it?

Reduce meetings to the necessary minimum – whether it’s good to know if everything with the project is going fine, too many meetings knock you off your rhythm. Besides, in times of online team collaboration tools, we can resolve a lot of issues just by using work channels of tools like TimeCamp Planner or Slack,

Add a buffer time – before you start working on the next assignment, make sure you have scheduled some extra time to your initial time estimate to ensure all the steps of the previous one are done after meeting the deadline. Once you know everything is fine, you can start the following tasks without the risk of some unexpected problems caused by unfinished issues from the previous task,

Set reminders – working on tight deadlines means we often forget about the quality focus time we deserve. Plan it ahead in your shared work calendar to let your coworkers know you’re busy within these hours and set notifications to remind you about the event – all to save time and complete the assignments faster.

👉  Choose the right software

First, it should be packed richly with many advanced features, helpful when running your own business or freelancing. TimeCamp provides you an automatic time tracking with reporting to reveal the real team’s performance . It’s also equipped with budgeting and  invoicing  features to bill the customers accurately. It’s especially crucial in the case of project completion, wherein employees will be paid by the hour.

why is it important to complete assignments on time

Using such a tool is essential to be able to know how long each employee has worked and, in the end, determine the corresponding payment. Some projects are better to be paid by the hour rather than by a fixed price .

It’s especially beneficial when you’re a freelancer because, based on the estimated costs calculated by budgeting features and detailed reports, you’re able to bill your clients accurately. Manage time smarter to meet your deadlines faster!

Want to know where your time goes? Sign up for a free TimeCamp account! 💚

👉  Avoid Procrastination 

Setting deadlines  will help people who are  used to procrastinating . By tracking time, it is possible to know how much time is left before the deadline of a specific project. This will help you to be in tune with the schedule that has been initially planned. If you do not track time, you might end up panicking that you only have a short time left before the project needs to be completed.

Tracking time for each task helps you to stay perfectly organized with your daily routine at work because you won’t have a single minute even to think about procrastinating (e.g., browsing social media every ten minutes or several dozen a day)! Such a small move, but gives us some extra time needed, especially when we have to meet tight deadlines.

👉  Improve Discipline 

Setting deadlines in time management  can also be essential when it comes to discipline, a can of worms of work ethic. In times like these, when we’re locked down at our houses, both working and living in the same place, it’s hard to stray entirely focused on our tasks. When you know how much time is left, you will be pressured to let go of distractions and, instead, focus on the things that you need to accomplish within a specified period.

If you do not track time, you may end up being lax and doing other things, believing you still have the luxury of a decent amount of hours left. Set realistic priorities as well – not the good-looking ones to boast about to coworkers, but hard to achieve.

👉  Determine Improvements 

Another importance of  setting deadlines  is that it will help to determine the necessary improvements. You can learn from the time that has been tracked from past projects. Were the past deadlines reasonable?

Based on the data that your time tracking software shows, it can be seen that the schedule was a bit tight ; you can allocate more time for the project before setting a new deadline so that it can be accomplished based on the envisioned schedule.

Make sure you do it your own way – even the best tips may not work if you’re not sure they suit you and your work style. Instead of being irritated continuously that meeting deadlines are ruined because of bad management habits, just set your own and stick to them.

👉  Know When To Hire

How often have you heard your employees complain about being overwhelmed with the workload?

How often they explained the delays by having fewer hours dedicated to the project than they really needed to complete projects in time?

Hours tracking allows you to find out that it wasn’t exaggerated, and the truth is your team is suffering from the lack of workforce.

Instead of wasting time reorganizing the daily work routine, take a quick look at the individual-generated time reports to get a clear overview of how your team is performing. If needed, try to hire new members – this way, you’ll show employees that you care about their potential, ensuring conditions for constant progress.

Productivity  – this is a common goal for many people. Whether you are at work or just at home, you will most probably be interested in being productive, which means you must be efficient. Many things can be done, and one of the most important is  time management . To accomplish the latter,  setting deadlines in time management i s vital.

Hope these simple tips will help you meet deadlines effortlessly in the future, even while managing multiple projects at once!

Do you use other ways to set deadlines and complete projects and tasks faster? Please share them in the comments section!

why is it important to complete assignments on time

Ola Rybacka Content Specialist at TimeCamp, foodie and doxie lover, full-time otaku. よろしくお願いします!

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    Time management is about planning and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks. Some of the important skills students need to manage time effectively include: 1. Goal-setting. It's almost impossible to use time well if you don't know what to do with it. Students can benefit from having short- and long-term goals.

  3. How to Focus on Homework to Get It Done on Time

    Tip #2: Divide a Homework Assignment into Manageable Tasks. Break your school assignment down into smaller tasks. Make a list of what needs to be done for that particular assignment, set priorities to focus on, and start at the top of your list. Many times, a written project will require some library research.

  4. Importance of Time Management for Students: Strategies to Boost

    Time is a valuable resource that cannot be replaced once it is gone. Effective time management allows students to prioritise their tasks, stay organised, and reduce their stress levels. Proper time management allows students to complete their assignments on time, study efficiently, and still have time for leisure activities.

  5. 5 Points About Benefits Of Doing Your Homework In Time

    Teaches you how to work independently as well as work in a group. Most assignments are given and must be completed at home by yourself. However some projects are given that require you to work in a group with other students. Most of the time, class time is given but sometimes you must arrange to meet with the other group members outside of class.

  6. 4 Tips for Completing Your Homework On Time

    A "2" assignment is important. Some negative consequences will occur if this assignment is not completed tonight. Examples: Studying for a quiz coming up tomorrow. Completing a homework sheet that is due tomorrow. Reading a chapter that is due tomorrow. A "3" assignment needs to be finished by the end of the week.

  7. Time Management In College: Tips For Success

    However, a 2017 study suggests that those strategies are actually based on three broader, underlying skills that are core to good time management overall. These are: Awareness, or the ability to think realistically about time and understand it as a limited resource. Arrangement, or the ability to organize, plan, set goals, follow schedules, and ...

  8. 10 Useful Tips for Students to Submit Assignments on Time

    6. Manage your time effectively. Effective time management is necessary in order to turn in an assignment timely. When writing an assignment, make sure to allocate your time wisely and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This step can also help improve the quality of the final product.

  9. How to Submit Assignments on Time

    Below we will go over some of the ways you learn how to submit assignments on time. 1. Create a Calendar. Once you start a semester or recognize your struggle to stay on schedule, you should create a calendar of all of the assignments and due dates. Your professor will either provide a schedule or you can find one in the syllabus.

  10. Turning Assignments in On Time

    To change your behavior, you must start placing as much value on the timely completion of your assignments as you do on their overall quality. List the characteristics that make you proud of your work-it's original, unconventional, and so on - and add "completed on time" to that list. In addition, set deadlines for completing portions ...

  11. Time Management: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

    Time management is a crucial skill that involves the efficient and effective allocation of one's available time to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. It encompasses the process of planning, organizing, prioritizing, and controlling the way you use your time to maximize productivity and minimize wasted hours. Effective time management not only ...

  12. 10 Time Management Tips For Students

    Good time management skills help students prioritize tasks so they are able to complete school work and assignments on time. Students are able to plan ahead, set aside the time they need for projects and assignments, and make better use of that time. Becoming better at managing time allows students to become more organized, more confident, and ...

  13. How To Deliver a Project on Time: 8 Strategies for Success

    8. Set an early internal deadline. One of the best ways to deliver a project on time is by establishing an internal deadline goal that's earlier than the actual final deadline. This allows you to review the work for quality and have extra time to account for late work or emergencies.

  14. Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks

    Yet, the frustrating reality for individuals trying to improve their time management is that tools alone won't work. You have to develop your time management skills in three key areas: awareness ...

  15. 12 Reasons Why It's Important To Be on Time for Work

    By arriving to work early and on time, you can carve out enough time to accomplish many tasks early in the day, which can allow you to clear time for important projects. This can help you meet deadlines more easily without rushing through tasks. 3. Reducing stress. Reducing stress is another benefit of being on time for work.

  16. Importance of Completing Assignments on Time

    Completing assignments on time transcends the realm of punctuality; it is an embodiment of dedication, accountability, and effective time management. The importance of this practice extends beyond the classroom, influencing various aspects of students' personal and professional lives. By adhering to deadlines, students build a foundation of ...

  17. 10 Time Management Skills and Techniques for Students

    2. Stick to a Daily Schedule. While making a to-do list is a common theme in time and productivity management advice for students, mastering your daily schedule is even more crucial. Time blocking is the strategy of choice for many of the most successful people in the world, including Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

  18. 14 Proven Tips For Completing Assignments

    Tips for completing assignments. 1. Read the assignment instructions carefully. 2. Identify why the assignment is necessary. 3. Start early to complete assignments on time. 4. Set goals for assignment completion.

  19. 12 Benefits of Effective Time Management

    Here are 12 benefits of practicing effective time management skills: 1. Decreased stress. Learning to manage your time can reduce your stress levels. Because you can schedule smaller parts of your day, you can leave room for irregularities or issues that might cause stress. For example, if you think that a project might take longer than ...

  20. How to Stay Ahead of Deadlines on Your Academic Assignments

    However, try to work on your academic assignments independently. 5. Avoid Multitasking. Because it is easier to do one assignment at a time, it is important to start by planning your work well. Handling more than one assignment will lower your concentration and productivity. You will spend more time on the assignment than you had anticipated. 6.

  21. Why Should You Complete Assignments on Time? It's Important

    4. Self-discipline: By completing assignments on time, you can develop discipline and self-control. You learn to prioritize the responsibilities and make the most of the time to meet deadlines. Discipline creates a stress-free environment for learning. 5. Independence: Assignments allow you to work independently and develop problem-solving skills.

  22. Why Setting Deadlines in Time Management is Essential?

    Setting deadlines in time management can also be essential when it comes to discipline, a can of worms of work ethic. In times like these, when we're locked down at our houses, both working and living in the same place, it's hard to stray entirely focused on our tasks. When you know how much time is left, you will be pressured to let go of ...

  23. Why Is Time Management Important? And How to Manage Your Time

    It boosts your energy levels. As you complete tasks on time, you can complete your work at a comfortable pace. This helps you conserve your energy throughout the day. When you manage your time well, you can also allocate sufficient time to rest. This can boost your energy levels, making you more active and focused.


    A warm welcome to our Sunday Service. Guest Preacher: Rev Fr. Gift Kabubi.

  25. UEFA EURO 2024: Best third-placed teams

    To determine the four best third-placed teams, the following criteria are applied, in the order given: a. Higher number of points; b. Superior goal difference; c. Higher number of goals scored; d ...