Merge PowerPoint Presentations & Slides using C#

Combining two or more presentations into a single one is just a few lines of code away. This article discusses different ways how to merge multiple PowerPoint presentations into a single one using C# . Further, it will also show how you can join specific slides of different presentations using a similar C# code.

The following topics are covered in this article:

  • .NET API for Combining Presentations
  • How to Merge PowerPoint Presentations
  • How to Merge Specific Presentation Slides

.NET API to Merge Presentations #

GroupDocs provides high-code automation APIs for merging similar and multiple types of documents. Along with merging PowerPoint files, it allows splitting documents, moving certain pages, and removing, swapping, or extracting pages from various documents using very little code.

I will be using its GroupDocs.Merger for .NET in the examples below. Before you proceed, you may get the API from either of the following options:

  • Install or Update the package from NuGet Packages Gallery.
  • Download the MSI or DLLs from the downloads section .

How to Merge PowerPoint Presentations (PPT/PPTX) using C# #

Combining two or more presentations is quite simple. The following steps show how to merge PPT or PPTX files within the .NET application using C#.

  • Load the first presentation using the Merger class.
  • Combine the second presentation using the Join method.
  • Keep joining more PPT or PPTX files using the same Join Method.
  • Save the merged presentations file using the Save method.

The following C# code snippet merges multiple PowerPoint presentations.

How to Merge Specific Presentation Slides using C# #

You can also merge specific slides of multiple presentations. The following steps show how to merge specific presentation slides using C#.

  • Select the slides to join using the JoinOptions class.
  • Now, combine both presentations using the Join method with prepared join options.
  • Save the merged presentation file using the Save method.

The following C# code snippet combines the selected slides of the presentations.

Free API License #

You can get a free temporary license and merge your presentations without evaluation limitations.

Conclusion #

To conclude, today you learned to merge two or more PPT files using C# within your .NET application. More specifically we combined whole presentations and then merged a few selected slides from the presentations. You can use the merging feature in your .NET applications to merge ppt files online.

Learn More & Get in Touch #

In case you want to know more about the .NET Merger API by GroupDocs, visit: Documentation | API reference | GitHub Examples .

Contact us on the forum about any queries.

  • Merge PPT files in Java
  • Combine PowerPoint Presentations Online
  • How to Split PDF Files using C#
  • Merge Multiple File Types into Single Document using C#
  • Merge PDF, Word Documents, Spreadsheets, and Presentation Files in C#

Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# or VB.NET

Merging PowerPoint presentations can be useful in various scenarios such as combining content from multiple PPT/PPTX, merging parts of a single presentation created by two or more people, etc. The manual way of copying/pasting the content may not be suitable when dealing with several presentations. Therefore, this article lets the .NET developers learn how to merge PowerPoint PPT presentations programmatically in C# .

  • .NET PowerPoint Merger API
  • Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C#
  • Merge Particular Slides of PowerPoint Presentations using C#
  • Use Slide Master while Merging PowerPoint Presentations

C# .NET PowerPoint Merger API - Free Download #

Aspose.Slides for .NET is a feature-rich .NET PowerPoint API that lets you create and manipulate presentation documents. Along with that, it allows you to combine two or more PowerPoint presentations using C# or VB.NET. You can download the API’s DLL or install it using NuGet .

Merge PowerPoint Presentations in C# #

In this section, you will learn how to clone and merge all the slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another. For this, you can simply clone the slides from the source presentation and add them at the end of the target presentation. The following are the steps to merge two presentations.

  • Create an object of Presentation class to load the target presentation file.
  • Create another Presentation object to load the source presentation from where you’ll clone the slides.
  • Access the collection of slides from source presentation using Presentation.Slides property.
  • Loop through the slides collection and merge them into the target presentation using Presentation.Slides.AddClone(ISlide) method.
  • Save the merged presentation using Presentation.Save(String, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to merge two PowerPoint presentations using C#.

Target Presentation #

Source presentation #, merged presentation #, merge particular slides of powerpoint ppt in c# #.

In the previous example, we merged all the slides from the source PPTX file into the target PPTX. However, there might be a case when you need to merge only the selected slides. In such a case, you can specify the slides to be merged using the slide’s index. The following are the steps to perform this operation.

  • Load the target presentation using the Presentation class.
  • Load the source presentation using the Presentation class.
  • Clone the desired slides using presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides[int Index]) method.
  • Save the merged presentation as a new PPTX file.

The following code sample shows how to merge particular slides of PPT using C#.

C# Use Slide Master while Merging PowerPoint PPTX #

In both of the previous examples, you have merged the slides keeping the design and template of the source presentation. However, in certain cases, you may need to modify the layout of the slides in accordance with the target presentation. In such cases, you can use the overloaded [presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides 1 , presentation1.Masters[0], true)] 12 method.

The following code sample shows how to merge the slides in PowerPoint presentation using the Slide Master in C#.

C# API To Merge PowerPoint PPT - Get a Free License #

You can get a free temporary license to use the API without evaluation limitations.

Conclusion #

In this article, you have learned how to merge two or multiple PowerPoint presentations using C# . You can port the C# code samples to merge presentations using VB.NET. In case you want to explore more about Aspose’s .NET PowerPoint API, you can visit the documentation .

  • Create ASP.NET PowerPoint Viewer

Tip: You may be interested in trying out a web viewer app for presentations developed with Aspose’s APIs.


How to Merge PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) using .NET REST API

Merge PowerPoint

Merge Presentation PowerPoint | Learn how to merge PowerPoint online

Amplify your presentation skills with our latest guide on combining PowerPoint slides using .NET REST API. In the dynamic landscape of presentations, there is often a need to merge slides from multiple sources for a cohesive and impactful narrative. Whether you’re consolidating team contributions or streamlining your own content creation, the ability to combine PowerPoint presentations seamlessly can be a game-changer. Join us on a journey to simplify your workflow, enhance collaboration, and achieve presentation perfection effortlessly.

  • .NET REST API to Merge PowerPoint Presentations
  • Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# .NET
  • Combine PPTX using cURL Commands

.NET REST API to Merge PowerPoint Presentations #

The operation of merging PowerPoint slides can seamlessly be accomplished using Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for .NET . Our Cloud SDK empowers you to go beyond simple merging, offering features that enhance your presentation creation, management, and collaboration. Join us as we explore a SDK designed to elevate your PowerPoint experience to new heights.

The SDK is available for download over NuGet | GitHub . So, please execute the following command in the package manager console to install Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for .NET.

Similarly, in order to install the SDK through the command line terminal, please execute the following command.

Once the SDK is installed, the next step is to create an Aspose Cloud account and obtain client credential details.

Client Credentials

Image 1:- Client Credentials on Cloud Dashboard.

Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# #

Let’s follow the steps given below to initiate the concatenation of Microsoft PowerPoint using C# .NET.

  • First, we need to create an object of the Configuration class.
  • Secondly, set client credentials to a Configuration instance.
  • Thirdly, create an object of SlidesApi while passing the configuration object as an argument.
  • The next step is to create an object of PresentationsMergeRequest class and pass an array of PowerPoint presentations to be merged.
  • Finally, call the Merge(…) method of SlidesApi class, to combine PowerPoint presentations and save the output to original input PowerPoint.

Combine PPTX using cURL Commands #

The REST APIs can be accessed via cURL commands on any platform. So in this section, we are going to explore the details of how we can combine PowerPoint online using the cURL commands. So, the first step is to create a JWT access token based on your client credentials. Now, please execute the following command to generate the JWT token.

Once we have the access token, please execute the following command to load PowerPoint presentations from cloud storage and combine PowerPoints into one unified file.

Conclusion #

As we conclude our journey into merging PowerPoint slides with Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for .NET, we’ve explored a versatile tool that brings efficiency and dynamism to your presentations. From seamless slide combining to advanced features for presentation enhancement, Aspose.Slides Cloud proves to be a valuable asset in your toolkit. Additionally, for those who prefer command-line interfaces, we’ve demonstrated that achieving the same merging skills is possible using cURL commands. Whether you opt for the SDK or command-line approach, Aspose.Slides Cloud empowers you to take control of your PowerPoint presentations with ease and precision.

Useful Links #

Source code of REST API Free customer support forum API reference

Related Articles #

We highly recommend visiting the following links to learn more about:

  • Set PPTX Protection Properties using .NET REST API
  • Convert PDF to PPTX using .NET REST API

Merge and Combine PowerPoint PPT/PPTX Presentations in C#

As a C#.Net developer, you may need to merge multiple PPT or PPTX files into one programmatically. There are many reasons why you might want to merge or combine multiple PowerPoint presentations. For example, to create a presentation that includes information from multiple sources or presentations that contain related information. Merging or combining multiple PowerPoint presentations can help you create better and more consistent presentations. In this article, I will show you how to merge and combine PowerPoint PPT/PPTX presentations in C#.

This article will go over the following topics:

  • C# REST API to Merge PowerPoint PPTs and SDK Installation
  • Merge Multiple PPT or PPTX Files into One in C# using REST API
  • How to Merge Specific Slides of Multiple PowerPoint Files using C#
  • How to Combine PowerPoint Presentations in C# using Slide Range

C# REST API to Merge PowerPoint PPTs and SDK Installation #

In order to merge PowerPoint files, I will be using .NET SDK of GroupDocs.Merger Cloud API. It is a secure, reliable and high-performance Cloud SDK to merge several documents into one and to split a single file into multiple documents. It also offers functionality to reorder or replace document pages, change pages orientation, manage document passwords and perform other manipulations easily for any supported file format . Currently, it supports Java , PHP , Ruby , Android , and Node.js SDKs as its document merger family members for the Cloud API.

You can install GroupDocs.Merger-Cloud to your Visual Studio project from the NuGet Package manager or using the following command in the .NET CLI:

Next, get your Client ID and Client Secret from the dashboard before you start following the steps and available code examples. Add Client ID and Client Secret in the code as demonstrated below:

Merge Multiple PPT or PPTX Files into One in C# using REST API #

You can combine two or more PowerPoint files or merge specific slides of PPTX by following the simple steps mentioned below:

  • Upload the PPTX files to the Cloud
  • Merge the uploaded PPT or PPTX files
  • Download the merged slides

Upload the PowerPoint File #

Firstly, upload the PowerPoint PPTX documents to the Cloud using any of the following methods:

  • Using the dashboard
  • Upload all files one by one using Upload File API from the browser
  • Upload programmatically using the code example given below:

As the result, PowerPoint PPTX file will be uploaded to the Cloud Storage.

Combine Multiple PowerPoint PPTX into One #

Now, you can merge multiple PowerPoint files programmatically on the cloud. It is a secure and fast way to merge multiple PPTX documents into a single file programmatically by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Firstly, Create an instance of the DocumentApi
  • Secondly, create an instance of the JoinItem
  • Thirdly, set the input file path for the first JoinItem in the FileInfo
  • Then, create a new instance of the JoinItem for the second PPTX presentation
  • Provide the input file path for the second JoinItem in the FileInfo
  • You can add more JoinItems to merge more PPTX files
  • Next, create an instance of the JoinOptions
  • Add a comma-separated list of created join items
  • Also set the output file path on the cloud
  • Now, create an instance of the JoinRequest with join options as a parameter
  • Lastly, get results by calling the join() method of the DocumentApi with JoinRequest

The following code snippet shows how to merge multiple PowerPoint files in C# using REST API :

Input Files #

You can see the input PowerPoint files in the image below:

Merge two power point presentations

Output File #

You can see the output in the image below:

Combine Multiple PowerPoint Presentations into One

Download the Merged File #

The above code example will save the merged PPTX file on the cloud. You can download it using the following code snippet:

How to Merge Specific Slides of Multiple PowerPoint Files using C# #

You can easily combine specific pages from multiple PowerPoint slides into a single file programmatically by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Firstly, create an instance of the DocumentApi
  • Set the input file path for the first JoinItem in the FileInfo
  • Now, define a list of page numbers to be merged
  • Next, create another instance of the JoinItem class
  • Set the input file path for the second JoinItem in the FileInfo
  • Define the start page number and end page number
  • Now, define the page range mode as OddPages
  • Create an instance of the JoinOptions
  • Next, set the output file path on the cloud
  • Then, create an instance of the JoinRequest with JoinOptions
  • Finally, merge slides by calling the join() method of the DocumentApi with JoinRequest

The following code snippet shows how to merge specific pages from multiple PowerPoint files using REST API in C# :

How to Combine PowerPoint Presentations in C# using Slides Range #

You can combine multiple PowerPoint slides into one file using slides range mode programmatically by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Next create another instance of the JoinItem
  • Define the page range mode as OddPages
  • Now, create an instance of the JoinOptions
  • Create an instance of the JoinRequest with JoinOptions
  • Finally, combine presentations by calling the join() method of the DocumentApi with JoinRequest

The following code snippet shows how to merge multiple PowerPoint presentations with page range in C# using REST API :

Online Combine PowerPoint Presentations #

How to merge PowerPoint files into one online free? Please try the following free online PPTX Merger application to combine multiple PowerPoint presentations into a single file from any device.

Summing up #

We are ending this article here. In this blog post, we have learned:

  • how to combine multiple PowerPoint files on the cloud;
  • programmatically upload the PowerPoint file and then download the merged PPTX file from the cloud;
  • how to combine specific pages of multiple PowerPoint files into a single file;
  • how to combine a range of pages of multiple PowerPoint files into one file;
  • and online merge PowerPoint presentations for free.

Additionally, you can learn more about GroupDocs.Merge Cloud API using the documentation . We also provide an API Reference section that lets you visualize and interact with our APIs directly through the browser. Complete source code of GroupDocs.Merger Cloud SDK for .Net is freely available on the GitHub .

Further, is writing other blog posts on new topics. Please stay in touch with us for latest updates.

Ask a question #

For any queries about how to combine multiple PPT or PPTX files , please feel free to ask in Free Support Forum .

  • How to merge PPT files into one in C#?

Please follow this link to learn the C# code snippet for how to merge PowerPoint slides from different files quickly and easily.

  • How to combine several PowerPoint files into one quickly using REST API?

Create an instance of DocumentApi , set the input files path, create JoinOptions instance and invoke the documentApi.Join() method with JoinRequest to automatically merge PowerPoint files quickly.

  • How to install online PPT merger library?

You can download and install PPT merger API to process, and merge PowerPoint presentations programmatically.

  • How to merge PowerPoint slides online for free?

Please visit PPT merger free to merge and combine two or more PowerPoint files online quickly, in seconds.

  • How to combine multiple PowerPoint PPTs into one online for free?

Open our online PPTX merger Click inside the file drop area to upload PowerPoint files or drag & drop PowerPoint files. Click on Merge Now button, PPT merger app will combine all PowerPoint files into one. The download link of the output file will be available instantly after merging PPT files online.

  • How to merge PowerPoint presentations on Windows?

Please visit this link to merge PPT free. This free PPT merger app will merge PPT together in windows with a single click.

How to merge PPT slides without changing format

  • Extract Specific Data from PDF using Python
  • Merge PowerPoint PPT/PPTX Files Online using REST API in Ruby
  • Extract Text from PDF using Python
  • Extract Specific Pages from PDF using Python
  • How to Rotate PDF Pages using Rest API in Ruby
  • How to Change Page Orientation in Word Document using Ruby
  • Extract Pages From Word Documents using Rest API
  • How to Move, Swap and Delete PDF Pages in Ruby
  • Split PDF – Extract Pages from PDF using Rest API in Ruby
  • Rotate PDF File Pages using Rest API in Python
  • Extract Images from PDF Documents using Python
  • Convert PDF File to PNG and PNG to PDF Format using Java


  • PDFw: Online PDF Editor
  • Online Document Viewer
  • Convert PDF to Word
  • Convert PDF to Tiff
  • Convert PDF to HTML
  • Convert PDF to Image
  • Convert Word to PDF
  • Convert Excel to PDF
  • Convert PowerPoint to PDF
  • Convert Image to PDF
  • Convert Jpeg to PDF
  • Merge PDF Files
  • Split PDF Document
  • Remove Password from PDF
  • Change PDF Permission Settings
  • Compress PDF images
  • ASP.NET: View documents
  • ASP.NET: PDF Viewer
  • ASP.NET: Word Viewer
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  • ASP.NET: Edit PDF text in C#
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  • XDoc.Word for C#
  • XDoc.Excel for C#
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ASP.NET Document Viewer

EdgeDoc : View, annotate, redact, convert documents online using ASP.NET Control


EdgePDF : View, annotate, redact, edit, process PDF document in ASP.NET

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C# PowerPoint - Merge PowerPoint Documents in C#.NET

Provide c# demo codes for merging and appending powerpoint document.

c# merge powerpoint presentations

RasterEdge C#.NET PowerPoint document merging toolkit (XDoc.PowerPoint) is designed to help .NET developers combine PowerPoint document files created by different users to one PowerPoint file. read barcode scanner c# , add image to pdf itextsharp , mvc display pdf in view , byte array to pdf in c# , create pdf report from database in using , c# pdfsharp fill pdf form . Thus, C#.NET PowerPoint document merge library control can be counted as an efficient .NET doc solution for keeping PowerPoint document files organized.

This C# .NET PowerPoint document merging control is written in managed C# code and compatible with all .NET developing platforms, like ASP.NET web application and Windows Forms project. Using this PowerPoint document concatenating library SDK, C# developers can easily merge and append one PowerPoint document to another PowerPoint document file, and choose to create a new PowerPoint file in .NET class application. add image to pdf itextsharp , c# rotate pdf pages , c# convert tiff to pdf free library , pdf create thumbnail background color , search pdf for text , c# convert txt to pdf , convert tiff to pdf .

Besides C#.NET PowerPoint document merging function, XDoc.PowerPoint, a professional third-party .NET document imaging toolkit, also offers other advanced PowerPoint document page processing and manipulating functions, such as PowerPoint page insertion, PowerPoint page deleting, PowerPoint document splitting , PowerPoint page reordering and PowerPoint page image and text extraction. excel viewer , how to add header and footer in pdf using itextsharp in , pdf editor control , best pdf preview in asp net c# , how to show pdf file in c# , c# mvc website pdf file in stored in byte array display in browser , image thumbnail viewer . Remarkably, all those C#.NET PowerPoint document page processing functions can be implemented independently, without using any Adobe-related software.

Our .NET PowerPoint SDK empowers C# programmers to easily merge and append PowerPoint files with mature APIs. To be more specific, two or more input PowerPoint documents can be merged and appended together according to its loading sequence, and then saved and output as a single PowerPoint with user-defined location.

C# DLLs: Merge PowerPoint Files

c# merge powerpoint presentations

Combine and Merge Multiple PowerPoint Files into One Using C#

This part illustrates how to combine three PowerPoint files into a new file in C# application. You may also combine more PowerPoint documents together.

inputFilePath1 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.pptx"; String inputFilePath2 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pptx"; String inputFilePath3 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "3.pptx"; String outputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Output.pptx"; String[] inputFilePaths = new String[3] { inputFilePath1, inputFilePath2, inputFilePath3 }; // Combine three PowerPoint files and output. PPTXDocument.CombineDocument(inputFilePaths, outputFilePath);

Append PowerPoint Document in C#

In addition, C# users can append a PowerPoint file to the end of a current PowerPoint document and combine to a single PowerPoint file.

String inputFilePath1 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.pptx"; PPTXDocument doc1 = new PPTXDocument(inputFilePath1); // get XLSXDocument object from another file String inputFilePath2 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pptx"; PPTXDocument doc2 = new PPTXDocument(inputFilePath2); // append the 2nd document doc1.AppendDocument(doc2); // save the document String outputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Output.pptx"; doc1.Save(outputFilePath);

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On this page.

You must be familiar with PPTX and PPT extension files, these are Presentation file formats that store collection of records to accommodate presentation data such as: slides, shapes, text, animations, video, audio and embedded objects. A presentation can be saved/converted into other file formats as well such as PDF, BMP, PNG, JPEG, and XPS.

Common Presentation file extensions and their associated file formats include PPTX , PPT , PPSX and PPS .

How to merge PPSX presentations

PPSX, Power Point Slide Show, file are created using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above for Slide Show purpose. It is an update to the PPS file format that was supported by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 versions. When a PPSX file is shared with another user and opened, it starts as PowerPoint show unlike PPTX file that opens in editable mode. The sequence of slide show is the same as in the original presentation. All the slides accompany the images, sounds and other embedded media accompany the presentation slides to the PPSX during the slideshow.

  • Create an instance of Merger class and pass source PPSX file path as a constructor parameter. You may specify absolute or relative file path as per your requirements.
  • Add another PPSX file to merge with Join method. Repeat this step for other PPSX documents you want to merge.
  • Call Merger class Save method and specify the filename for the merged PPSX file as parameter.

NOTE: You may merge other Presentation formats like PPTX, PPT and PPS in the same way as shown above. For this provide files by specifying their names with extension.

How to merge PPTX streams

Please read the following article: How to correctly merge PPTX streams

Code Examples

Please find more use-cases and complete C# sources of our backend and frontend examples and try them for free!

Merge PowerPoint Live Demo

GroupDocs.Merger for .NET provides an online PowerPoint Merger App , which allows you to try it for free and check its quality and accuracy.

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  • C#: Split PowerPoint Presentations
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  • Merge Selected Slides to a Single Presentation
  • Mark a Presentation as Final
  • Hide slide in PowerPoint document
  • Loop a PowerPoint Presentation in C#, VB.NET
  • Set the presentation show type as kiosk (full screen)
  • Get the Titles of All Slides with C#
  • Obtain object's sound effect in PowerPoint
  • Apply a Slide Master to a Presentation in C#, VB.NET
  • Create Multiple Slide Maters and Apply Them to Individual Slides
  • Detect the used themes in PowerPoint in C#
  • C#/VB.NET: Add or Remove Sections in PowerPoint
  • Remove Section in PowerPoint in C#, VB.NET
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Merge Selected Slides to a Single Presentation in C#, VB.NET

Slide cloning feature provided by Spire.Presentation enables developers to clone one or several slides within one PowerPoint presentation or among multiple presentations. By cloning slide from source presentation to target document, we can easily split a large presentation into small ones and merge multiple presentations to one presentation in reverse. This article presents how to merge selected slides from multiple PowerPoint presentations into one single presentation.

Step 1 : Create a new PowerPoint document and remove the default blank slide.

Step 2 : Initialize two instances of Presentation class and load the sample PowerPoint file respectively.

Step 3 : Append all slides in sample_01 to the new PowerPoint document using method Append(ISlide slide).

Step 4 : Append the second slide in sample_02 to the new presentation.

Step 5 : Save and launch the file.

Merge Selected Slides to a Single Presentation in C#, VB.NET

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How to merge or combine multiple PowerPoint files in C#, VB.NET

Syncfusion Essential Presentation is a  .NET PowerPoint library  used to create, open, read, edit, combine and convert PowerPoint presentations. The library supports  combine/merge PowerPoint slides with below paste options equivalent to Microsoft PowerPoint. 

  • Keep Source Formatting – This implies that the slide will keep its original theme format by maintaining the  theme  of presentation you are copying from.
  • Use Destination Theme - This will adapt the copied slide to match the destination theme by taking the  theme  of the destination presentation.

Steps to combine PowerPoint programmatically:

  • Create a new C# console application.
  • Install Syncfusion.Presentation.Base NuGet package to the console application project from . For more information about adding a NuGet feed in Visual Studio and installing NuGet packages, refer to documentation
  • Include the following namespace in the Program.cs file.

The following example demonstrates how to copy a PowerPoint slide from a PowerPoint presentation and paste it to another PowerPoint presentation.

You can download the working sample from Combine-PowerPoint.Zip.

Take a moment to peruse the documentation , where you can find options to combine the PowerPoint slides with code examples.

An online sample link to C ombine PowerPoint slides

Refer here to explore the rich set of Syncfusion Essential Presentation features.

Starting with v16.2.0.x, if you reference Syncfusion assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to link to learn about generating and registering Syncfusion license key in your application to use the components without trail message.

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Merge PowerPoint Presentations PPT, PPTX using C#

You may want to check out Aspose free online Merger app . It allows people to merge PowerPoint presentations in the same format (PPT to PPT, PPTX to PPTX, etc.) and merge presentations in different formats (PPT to PPTX, PPTX to ODP, etc.).


Presentation Merging

When you merge one presentation to another , you are effectively combining their slides in a single presentation to obtain one file.

Most presentation programs (PowerPoint or OpenOffice) lack functions that allow users to combine presentations in such manner.

Aspose.Slides for .NET , however, allows you merge to presentations in different ways. You get to merge presentations with all their shapes, styles, texts, formatting, comments, animations, etc. without having to worry about loss of quality or data.

Clone Slides .

What Can Be Merged

With Aspose.Slides, you can merge

  • entire presentations. All the slides from the presentations end up in one presentation
  • specific slides. Selected slides end up in one presentation
  • presentations in one format (PPT to PPT, PPTX to PPTX, etc) and in different formats (PPT to PPTX, PPTX to ODP, etc) to one another.

Besides presentations, Aspose.Slides allows you to merge other files:

  • Images , such as JPG to JPG or PNG to PNG
  • Documents, such as PDF to PDF or HTML to HTML
  • And two different files such as image to PDF or JPG to PDF or TIFF to PDF .

Merging Options

You can apply options that determine whether

  • each slide in the output presentation retains a unique style
  • a specific style is used for all the slides in the output presentation.

To merge presentations, Aspose.Slides provides AddClone methods (from the ISlideCollection interface). There are several implementations of the AddClone methods that define the presentation merging process parameters. Every Presentation object has a Slides collection, so you can call a AddClone method from the presentation to which you want to merge slides.

The AddClone method returns an ISlide object, which is a clone of the source slide. The slides in an output presentation are simply a copy of the slides from the source. Therefore, you can make changes the resulting slides (for example, apply styles or formatting options or layouts) without worrying about the source presentations becoming affected.

Merge Presentations

Aspose.Slides provides the AddClone (ISlide) method that allows you to combine slides while the slides retain their layouts and styles (default parameters).

This C# code shows you how to merge presentations:

Merge Presentations with Slide Master

Aspose.Slides provides the AddClone (ISlide, IMasterSlide, Boolean) method that allows you to combine slides while applying a slide master presentation template. This way, if necessary, you get to change the style for slides in the output presentation.

This code in C# demonstrates the described operation:

If you want the slides in the output presentation to have a different slide layout, use the AddClone (ISlide, ILayoutSlide) method instead when merging.

Merge Specific Slides From Presentations

This C# code shows you how to select and combine specific slides from different presentations to get one output presentation:

Merge Presentations With Slide Layout

This C# code shows you how to combine slides from presentations while applying your preferred slide layout to them to get one output presentation:

Merge Presentations With Different Slide Sizes

To merge 2 presentations with different slide sizes, you have to resize one of the presentations to make its size match that of the other presentation.

This sample code demonstrates the described operation:

Merge Slides to Presentation Section

This C# code shows you how to merge a specific slide to a section in a presentation:

The slide is added at the end of the section.

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Merge PPT Formats in C#

Native and high performance ppt document merger using server-side aspose.slides for .net apis, without the use of any software like microsoft or open office, adobe pdf..

Aspose.Slides for .NET

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Download from NuGet

Open NuGet package manager, search for and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Merge PPT File Using C#

API which is a feature-rich, powerful and easy to use document manipulation and merging API for C# platform. Open

package manager, search for Aspose.Slides and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Steps for Merging PPT Files in C#

A basic document merging and concatenating with Aspose.Slides for .NET APIs can be done with just few lines of code.

Load all the PPT files with full path.

Make one document as the base file

Call the relevant method for concatenating and merging files one by one.

Call the Save() method and pass the file name (full path) and format (PPT) as a parameter.

Now you can open and use the PPT file in Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF or any other compatible program.

System Requirements

Our APIs are supported on all major platforms and Operating Systems. Before executing the code below, please make sure that you have the following prerequisites on your system.

  • Microsoft Windows or a compatible OS with .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin Platforms
  • Development environment like Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Aspose.Slides for .NET DLL referenced in your project - Install from NuGet using the Download button above

Merge PPT Files - C#

Merge pdf files online.

How to Merge PDF in Python

About Aspose.Slides for .NET API

Online ppt merger live demos, other supported merging formats.

Using C#, One can also merge many other file formats including.

c# merge powerpoint presentations

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Programmatically Merging Powerpoint Presentations in

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c# merge powerpoint presentations

C# .NET PowerPoint API for processing presentation file formats

Supercharge your .net presentations by developing apps to generate, process, and manipulate microsoft powerpoint slides. manage different presentation file formats including ppt, pptx, pot, potx, pps, ppsx, and odp. convert powerpoint documents to pdf, html, raster images, and svg vectors., manipulate powerpoint slides using the .net presentation api.

Aspose.Slides for .NET is a full-featured and flexible .NET PowerPoint API enabling software and app developers to programmatically generate, modify, manipulate, and export Microsoft PowerPoint presentations in the .NET platform. It supports the processing of various popular PowerPoint file formats such as PPT, POT, PPTX, PPS, POTX, and PPTM as well as OpenOffice (ODP) documents. Programmers can utilize the advanced formatting and presentation processing capabilities of this .NET library to add, remove, split, or merge presentation slides, apply text formatting, manage animations and slide transitions, work with images, shapes, tables, and charts, and do so much more.

Boasting an intricate rendering engine, Aspose.Slides for .NET API helps you in immaculately converting PowerPoint presentations to multiple file formats such as PowerPoint to PDF, PowerPoint to JPG, and PowerPoint to HTML.

Getting Started

Before setting up the .NET PowerPoint presentations API, please check the System Requirements page for the prerequisites to help you install the API without any issues.

Aspose.Slides for .NET Installation

You can directly download the DLLs or the MSI installer of Aspose.Slides for .NET by visiting the downloads section . You can also use the NuGet package for installing the .NET PowerPoint API. The command for setting up the library in the package manager console is given below:

How to Convert PowerPoint to PDF in .NET and Quickly Merge Presentations

Aspose.Slides for .NET is the leading API for manipulating PowerPoint presentations that includes a great feature set with the ability to convert presentations. Seamlessly convert PowerPoint to PDF and other file formats in .NET and merge presentation slides using the .NET PowerPoint API.

Convert PowerPoint to PDF in .NET

Perform immaculate PowerPoint presentations to PDF conversions in C# .NET using Aspose.Slides for .NET API while setting different properties of the resultant PDF document in the process. Please refer to the following steps and the sample coding for converting PowerPoint PPT to PDF in the .NET platform:

  • Create an instance of the Presentation class object to load the source presentation file.
  • Initialize the PdfOptions class object to set the desired image options.
  • Set the desired PDF options for the resultant PDF file.
  • Convert the presentation to PDF format using the Save method.

Merge Presentations in .NET

Merging presentations into a unified PowerPoint document is a prominent feature of Aspose.Slides for .NET API. Please check the below-given steps and information to quickly and easily combine multiple PowerPoint PPTX presentations within your document merger apps using the .NET presentations API:

  • Create an instance of the Presentation class to load the source presentation.
  • Initialize separate Presentation class objects for the required target presentations.
  • In a loop, iterate through all the slides in the target presentations.
  • Call the AddClone() method of the slides collection of the source presentation where other presentations are to be combined.
  • Save the resultant presentation having all the slides from the target presentations.

More working examples and complete coding samples of Aspose.Slides for .NET API are available on the GitHub Examples page. Please check out the free online apps of Aspose.Slides that let you view, convert, parse, compare, watermark, redact, split, and edit PowerPoint presentation files from anywhere using your mobile or desktop devices.

Secure and independent .NET presentation API

With Aspose.Slides for .NET, you have access to some excellent security features allowing for dependable presentation processing in .NET. This includes the ability to password-protect the presentations and support for read-only mode. Additionally, installation of Microsoft PowerPoint is not needed while using the .NET presentation API giving you a fully independent and unique user experience.

1. How can I convert PowerPoint files in .NET?

Converting Microsoft PowerPoint files in .NET is quick and easy using Aspose.Slides for .NET API. Only a few lines of .NET coding are needed to convert PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, POT, POTX, PPTM, and ODP files to different file formats.

2. How long it takes to merge or convert PowerPoint slides?

The .NET API for manipulating and processing presentation slides works fast and completes your presentation files conversion and merger requests in no time.

3. Is it safe to process presentations using the .NET API?

You can be sure of the security of your PowerPoint presentation files while processing them using Aspose.Slides for .NET API. We ensure the privacy of your data and take all required measures to provide you with a secure user experience.

4. Can I process PowerPoint presentations on Mac OS, Windows, or Linux?

Yes, the PowerPoint presentations processing API for .NET works across different OS, frameworks, and operating environments. You can use it on the platform of your choice and it does not require any additional software installation to function.

PowerPoint Presentations Manipulation Tools

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  • Encrypt PowerPoint in C#
  • Convert JPG to PPT in C# .NET


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Knowledge Base

  • How to Merge Slides in C#
  • How to Insert Signature in PowerPoint using C#
  • How to Create a Table in PowerPoint using C#

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// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a target presentation file
using (Presentation presentation1 = new Presentation("presentation1.pptx"))
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a source presentation file
using (Presentation presentation2 = new Presentation("presentation2.pptx"))
// Merge only even slides of presentation2 (first slide is at 0 index)
for (int i = 1; i <= presentation2.Slides.Count; i = i + 2)
presentation1.Save("merged-presentation-even.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a target presentation file
using (Presentation presentation1 = new Presentation("presentation1.pptx"))
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a source presentation file
using (Presentation presentation2 = new Presentation("presentation2.pptx"))
// Merge first two slides only using slide master
presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides[0], presentation1.Masters[0], true);
presentation1.Slides.AddClone(presentation2.Slides[1], presentation1.Masters[0], true);
presentation1.Save("merged-presentation-master.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a target presentation file
using (Presentation presentation1 = new Presentation("presentation1.pptx"))
// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a source presentation file
using (Presentation presentation2 = new Presentation("presentation2.pptx"))
foreach (ISlide slide in presentation2.Slides)
// Merge slides from source to target
// Save the presentation
presentation1.Save("merged-presentation.pptx", Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
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Merge PowerPoint Files in SharePoint

i want to merge 2 PowerPoint Files/Slides which are hosted within a SharePoint Env. It has to be done on the Server Side. I also found some Solutions, but all of them need Namespaces which arnt available for me:

DocumentFormat.OpenXML // Has to be installed on the Server to be accessable. Impossible :S Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint // Even Office PP has to be installed on the Server, a absolute nogo.

Does someone know another NameSpace which gives me the required functionality to merge two PowerPoint Slides? For example, in SharePoint you are able to "View" PPT files within the Browser, there is even a sp-service for this, but i did not find any information how to contact it and maybe do the merge over it.

Thanks for any Help in advance :)

Best Regards THO

The_Holy_One's user avatar

The problem you are having is with the requirement to do this "server side". SharePoint is merely the storage, you should be able to use a server that allows you to install the required Office document manipulation tools and simply read the documents from the SharePoint server and web services.

Even "server side" your code is going to consist of the following steps:

  • Download ppt files
  • Merge ppt files
  • Upload merged file to SharePoint

Nat's user avatar

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c# merge powerpoint presentations

PowerPoint is not printing correctly on Windows 11/10

1] test printing in another software, 2] reinstall the printer driver, 3] export the powerpoint presentation as a pdf, 4] change the page layout, 5] run sfc scan, 6] update or repair microsoft office, why is my powerpoint not printing correctly, how do i repair powerpoint in windows 11, nishantgola@twc.


  1. c#

    How can I merge several presentations into one presentation? c#; powerpoint; gembox-presentation; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Mar 31, 2020 at 2:59. Mario Z. 4,383 2 2 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. asked Mar 31, 2020 at 2:52.

  2. Merge PowerPoint Presentations & Slides using C#

    Combining two or more presentations into a single one is just a few lines of code away. This article discusses different ways how to merge multiple PowerPoint presentations into a single one using C#.Further, it will also show how you can join specific slides of different presentations using a similar C# code.. The following topics are covered in this article:

  3. Merge PowerPoint Presentations (PPTX) & save as PDF

    Now the presentations are merged. Click on the Converted PDF button. Select a location for the converted PDF and give it a name that ends with .pdf and click on the Save button. Click on the Save as PDF button. Now the merged presentation has been converted to PDF. Following images show the merged presentation and converted PDF.

  4. Merge PowerPoint PPT Presentations in C#

    Merge PowerPoint Presentations in C## In this section, you will learn how to clone and merge all the slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another. For this, you can simply clone the slides from the source presentation and add them at the end of the target presentation. The following are the steps to merge two presentations.

  5. Merge PowerPoints in C#

    How to merge two PowerPoint presentations in C#. Install NuGet package: Install the Syncfusion.Presentation.Net.Core NuGet package in your project. Open source and destination file: Initialize two IPresentation objects for the passing the FileStream objects. Clone slides from source presentation: Use the Clone method of the ISlide interface to ...

  6. How to Merge PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) using .NET REST API

    Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C#. Let's follow the steps given below to initiate the concatenation of Microsoft PowerPoint using C# .NET. First, we need to create an object of the Configuration class. Secondly, set client credentials to a Configuration instance. Thirdly, create an object of SlidesApi while passing the configuration ...

  7. Merge and Combine PowerPoint PPT/PPTX Presentations in C#

    How to Combine PowerPoint Presentations in C# using Slide Range; C# REST API to Merge PowerPoint PPTs and SDK Installation# In order to merge PowerPoint files, I will be using .NET SDK of GroupDocs.Merger Cloud API. It is a secure, reliable and high-performance Cloud SDK to merge several documents into one and to split a single file into ...

  8. C# PowerPoint

    Combine and Merge Multiple PowerPoint Files into One Using C#. This part illustrates how to combine three PowerPoint files into a new file in C# application. You may also combine more PowerPoint documents together. String inputFilePath1 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.pptx" ; String inputFilePath2 = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pptx" ;

  9. Merge PowerPoint Presentations

    Repeat this step for other PPSX documents you want to merge. Call Merger class Save method and specify the filename for the merged PPSX file as parameter. NOTE: You may merge other Presentation formats like PPTX, PPT and PPS in the same way as shown above. For this provide files by specifying their names with extension.

  10. Merge Selected Slides to a Single Presentation in C#, VB.NET

    Step 1: Create a new PowerPoint document and remove the default blank slide. Step 2: Initialize two instances of Presentation class and load the sample PowerPoint file respectively. Step 3: Append all slides in sample_01 to the new PowerPoint document using method Append (ISlide slide). Step 4: Append the second slide in sample_02 to the new ...

  11. How to merge or combine multiple PowerPoint files in C#, VB.NET

    Steps to combine PowerPoint programmatically: Create a new C# console application. Install Syncfusion.Presentation.Base NuGet package to the console application project from For more information about adding a NuGet feed in Visual Studio and installing NuGet packages, refer to documentation.

  12. Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# · GitHub

    Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# Raw. Related Article(s): Merge PowerPoint Presentations & Slides using C#; Raw. MergePresentations.cs This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.

  13. Merging several powerpoint slides into one presentation in C#

    C#. ASP.NET. I am trying myself in coding at the moment very new to this and I have a small project at the moment where I have a website which has stored a few slides on a server and I want the user to be able to select some slides and those slides should be merged into one presentation. So many powerpoint files which contain 1 slide and I want ...

  14. Merge PowerPoint Presentations PPT, PPTX using C#

    Info. Most presentation programs (PowerPoint or OpenOffice) lack functions that allow users to combine presentations in such manner. Aspose.Slides for .NET, however, allows you merge to presentations in different ways.You get to merge presentations with all their shapes, styles, texts, formatting, comments, animations, etc. without having to worry about loss of quality or data.

  15. Merge PPT Files using .NET

    Steps for Merging PPT Files in C#. A basic document merging and concatenating with Aspose.Slides for .NET APIs can be done with just few lines of code. Load all the PPT files with full path. Call the relevant method for concatenating and merging files one by one. Call the Save () method and pass the file name (full path) and format (PPT) as a ...

  16. Programmatically Merging Powerpoint Presentations in

    programmatically how to use the excel chart or excel data linked to powerpoint presentation using vsto in c# code How to merge two powerpoint files slides into one presentation using JSOM, REST API in sharepoint online

  17. C# .NET PowerPoint API for processing presentation files

    Merge Presentations in .NET. Merging presentations into a unified PowerPoint document is a prominent feature of Aspose.Slides for .NET API. Please check the below-given steps and information to quickly and easily combine multiple PowerPoint PPTX presentations within your document merger apps using the .NET presentations API:

  18. c#

    I want to merge multiple PointPoint decks, the merging works fine when every deck contains 30 or less slides, If any deck contains more than 30 slides, PowerPoint issues a Repair message. ... Using OpenXML to save a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF. ... Generating PowerPoint files in C# with OpenXML SDK; Validates, but opens with errors. 5 ...

  19. Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# · GitHub

    Merge PowerPoint Presentations using C# Raw. merge-powerpoint-presentation-selected-slides.cs This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters ...

  20. c#

    0. i want to merge 2 PowerPoint Files/Slides which are hosted within a SharePoint Env. It has to be done on the Server Side. I also found some Solutions, but all of them need Namespaces which arnt available for me: DocumentFormat.OpenXML // Has to be installed on the Server to be accessable.

  21. PowerPoint is not printing correctly on Windows 11/10

    To export a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF, open the presentation and go to File > Export. Now, select the Create PDF/XPS Document option from the left side and then click on the Create PDF/XPS ...