Writing as a Hobby: Tips and Advice for Beginners

creative writing on my hobby

We all need a way to express ourselves whether that be through a creative outlet like art or fashion. For others, it’s writing.

Creative writing allows self-expression, investigating varied worlds and characters, and serves as an escape from daily life. Writing as a hobby is not exclusive to just novelists and poets; anyone can participate as writing stories, articles, or keeping a journal presents a fulfilling opportunity to make the most of your downtime.

Now perhaps you’re just starting out on your writing journey, or you’re stuck on where to begin and are wondering, how do you start writing as a hobby?

Allow us to help – read on and find out more!

Is Writing a Good Hobby?

Writing is an art form that can be shared with others or kept totally private. It’s a way to escape the real world and make sense of it. Writing can allow you to relax and take stock away from your hectic modern lifestyle.

It’s completely free! All you need is some form of paper and a pen, your phone, or a word processor on your computer. Your imagination is the only thing that limits you from every possibility.

When we think of writing, we may think firstly of authors or journalists who are under pressure to meet deadlines and demands from editors. However, writing as a hobby comes with none of those pressures. You are free to work at your own pace, and however, you like.

Remember, creativity and self-expression have no rules. You are free to experiment with the genres you love, and come up with completely new ideas. Once you’ve written these down, they are there forever for you to look back on and cherish.

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creative writing on my hobby

Tips for How to Start Writing as a Hobby

1. set up a comfortable writing space.

A hobby is meant to be enjoyable, right? So, it makes sense for the space you dedicate to that hobby to be comfortable. Dedicate a surface in your home, whether that be a desk space or your kitchen table. Grab yourself a comfy chair and a hot drink and get cozy!

Or perhaps you prefer to get outside. Find the perfect spot in your local park or your favorite coffee shop. Find somewhere that provides the inspiration you need.

creative writing on my hobby

It’s also great to switch up your workspace. This can spark inspiration if you’re struggling for ideas. People watching, a new space and a different atmosphere can work wonders!

2. Remove Distractions

To make the most of your writing time, it’s important to set out a routine that works for you. Set aside time once a day or even once a week to sit down and write. This will keep you accountable for your new hobby.

Your writing time should also be a time away from the world where you can focus on yourself and your work. As we mentioned above, get yourself comfortable, and remove your phone or any other distractions.

3. Read as Much As You Can

Reading and writing are each other’s bread and butter. You won’t get one without the other.

Read books, magazines, screenplays, poetry, and blogs. If you expose yourself to a diverse range of writing, the more you’ll understand how that writing is structured and how to get the most out of your own work.

The benefits of reading include learning about the plot, characters, world-building and style, as well as how to engage a reader.

4. Experiment with Different Mediums

You may have your heart set on writing a particular format of writing. But even as a budding author or poet, it can be useful to experiment with other mediums.

Instead of diving straight into writing a novel, why not start with a short story?

By starting small, you’ll be able to quickly identify what you love about your writing and where you’d like to improve. You’ll also feel that sense of accomplishment a lot quicker.

creative writing on my hobby

Want to write a screenplay? Start by writing a short film , before moving on to a feature.

Keen on poetry? Start with a haiku before moving on to your epic poem!

What if you’re not sure which type of writer you’d like to be? You don’t have an idea for a story just yet? Why not start journalling or blogging? Journalling is a fantastic first step, jotting down the events of your day or your inner thoughts.

As you continue to write, your journal entries or blog posts could then spark inspiration for a future novel or script!

Of course, you do not have to share your work with the world. The beauty of writing is that you can keep it just for yourself or share it when you’re ready.

Remember, you don’t have to stick to one particular medium. Try as many as you like!

5. Join a Writing Group

If you’d like to be held accountable for your writing or are open to receiving feedback on your work, joining a local group could help you along your way.

Writing groups are a priceless opportunity to meet fellow writers from different backgrounds and with diverse interests.

Google will be your best friend in finding such groups. Just type in your location and then ‘writing groups’. Facebook is also a brilliant resource for connecting with other writers in your local area and many groups will have dedicated pages there.

creative writing on my hobby

6. Just Start Writing

This may seem like a pretty straightforward answer, but it is very easy to talk yourself out of writing. This could be for fear of not having any ideas, struggling to get your ideas down on paper, or your writing not turning out how you first imagined.

But the danger with this is that you’ll never get started. If it’s inspiration you need, you can find it anywhere: through your day-to-day life, through your favorite book, TV show or movie. Turn an existing story on its head or tell the story of a minor character from an existing IP.

The Benefits of Writing for Fun

Organize thoughts and ideas

Especially in modern society, we have a lot to think about. Writing can be a great tool to help us organize our thoughts or see the world through a different lens.

Many writers find they make sense of the world around them through their work. It forces them to be creative and connect ideas together. This is something you can do too!


As you begin to connect ideas and stories together, you will discover new perspectives. This can support you in becoming a better communicator all around, as you’ll be more aware of the range of lenses others see the world through.

With this new awareness, comes a better understanding.


Writing gives us the time and space to make sense of the world around us, as well as our own minds.

You can understand much about yourself and your thought processes by reflecting on what you’ve written, it’s all there in black and white. Our writing can reveal more about ourselves than we first thought or ever considered before.


Once you have honed your writing skills, you may wish to research selling your work. Whether you’ve written blog posts, a novel or a screenplay, there are countless avenues you can explore.

If you are looking to pursue a writing career or to sell your work, make sure you have a strong portfolio to draw from. You’ll also need to revisit and revise your work to make sure it’s the best it can possibly be.

Related Celtx Blog: How Much To Charge to Write a Script [By Script Type]

Promote yourself on social media or seek representation from a literary agent. Or perhaps you want to start a blog to share your work and attract businesses to sponsor you or advertise on your site.

You can also apply to writer positions such as copy or content writers, or perhaps you’d like to go freelance on a platform like Fiverr. There are so many opportunities ready and waiting!

Helpful Writing Tools

Dedicated pen and paper.

Ready yourself a notebook and pen specifically for your writing. That way everything is in one place and easily accessible. If you prefer to write on different pieces of paper, find a file or folder to keep everything in.

If you prefer to use technology, create a specific folder on your computer to store all your files in. Use free writing tools like Google Docs to write with or purchase a word processor like Microsoft Word.

If like us, screenplays are your speciality, try out a screenwriting software !

Support Tools

Nothing should stop you from being your most creative self. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting can be a frustrating part of writing, so make sure to utilize online and downloadable tools, many of which are free or have free account options!

Here are some of our recommendations:

  • Celtx Screenwriting Software (for the screenwriters!)
  • Grammarly (spelling and grammar check program)
  • Clippings.me (a portfolio to share your work with the world)
  • Google Docs (free word processing tool)
  • Google Drive (free cloud-based storage solution for your writing files)
  • Stayfocsd ( Chrome extension to keep you, well, focused!)

There we have it! We hope we’ve opened your eyes to the joys and benefits of writing as a hobby. The most important thing is to get started and let your imagination lead the way.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Natasha Ferguson

Natasha is a UK-based freelance screenwriter and script editor with a love for sci-fi. In 2022 she recently placed in the Screenwriters' Network Short Film Screenplay Competition and the Golden Short Film Festivals. When not at her desk, you'll find her at the theater, or walking around the English countryside (even in the notorious British weather)

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How to Start Writing as a Hobby: 10 Tips to Help You Get Started

Last Updated on October 20, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Do you have a story to tell or a message you want to share? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book but don’t know where to start. Well, you’re in luck! This blog post will give you ten tips to help you start writing as a hobby. Writing can be a great way to express yourself and connect with others, and it can be a lot of fun! So what are you waiting for? Start writing today!

How do I start writing as a hobby if I’ve never done it before?

Starting a writing hobby can seem daunting if you’ve never written before. However, it’s quite easy to get started – all you need is a pen and paper (or a laptop, if you prefer typing). Gone are those times when you were a frequent user of creative writing services like CustomWritings . From now on, you’re among those students who can help themselves! It just needs a little time and effort.

First, figure out what you want to write about. What are your interests? What do you want to share with the world? It could be anything from your favorite childhood memories to your thoughts on current affairs.

Once you’ve chosen a topic , the next step is to put your thoughts down on paper (or screen). Don’t worry too much about grammar or punctuation at this stage – write down whatever comes into your head.

Once you’ve got some material written, you can start to edit and polish it. This is the fun part, where you get to be creative and make your piece of writing your own.

There are no rules for writing, so feel free to experiment with different styles and formats. You might even want to try writing in a completely different genre from what you normally read.

Another great way to improve your writing is to read often. When you read, please consider the author’s style and how they use words to tell their story . This will help you when you start writing your own stories. Reading also helps expand your vocabulary, making your writing more interesting.

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun! Writing should be an enjoyable experience, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just take it one step at a time and see where your writing takes you.

What are the benefits of writing as a hobby?

There are many benefits to writing as a hobby, including:

  • It’s a great way to express yourself.
  • Writing can help you work through problems you’re having in your life.
  • It’s a fun and creative way to avoid boredom.
  • Many people find writing therapeutic and calming.
  • Writing can also be a great way to connect with others who share your interests.
  • You can earn money from writing if you pursue it as a career.

Whatever your reason for wanting to start writing, there are many benefits to this hobby. So go ahead and give it a try! You might find that you enjoy it more than you thought.

What should I write about if I’m not sure where to start?

creative writing on my hobby

It can be challenging to know where to begin if you’re starting as a writer. Should you focus on fiction or non-fiction? Should you write short stories or essays?

The good news is, there’s no single “right” answer to these questions, and the most important thing is to start writing and to keep at it. With that said, there are a few things that first-time writers might want to keep in mind.

If you’re not sure what to write about, a great place to start is through journaling. This can be a great way to get your thoughts down on paper and practice your writing skills. Write about your day-to-day experiences, thoughts and feelings, and anything else.

As you create journal entries regularly, you’ll start to develop your unique voice and style. You can try writing other things, such as essays, short stories, or even poems. The important thing is to keep writing and see where it takes you!

If you’re unsure what topic to pick, why not try writing about your hobbies or interests? For example, you could write a blog post about your favorite recipes if you like baking. Or if you’re interested in fashion, you could write an article about the latest trends.

Another option is to write about something that’s happening in your life. This could be anything from a new job to a recent holiday. Writing about your experiences can be a great way to connect with others and share your thoughts and feelings.

If you’re still struggling to develop ideas, try doing some free writing. This is where you write down whatever comes into your head without stopping to edit or worry about grammar. This can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing and help you develop ideas for your next piece of writing.

Begin writing short stories if you’re looking for a creative outlet. Consider a topic or genre that appeals to you, and begin developing story ideas. Once you have a few ideas, start fleshing out the details and see where the story takes you. There’s no right or wrong way to approach writing, so go with what feels natural. The most important thing is enjoying the process and letting your creativity flow.

How can I make my writing more exciting and engaging for others to read?

This is a great question and one that all writers should ask themselves. No matter what your writing goals are-whether you want to write for fun or profit-making, your work being more enjoyable is critical to engaging readers.

Here are a few tips to make your writing more interesting:

  • Use strong verbs. Verbs are the action words in a sentence, and strong, precise verbs can liven up your writing. For example, instead of saying, “I walked to the store,” you could say, “I trudged to the store.”
  • Choose specific nouns. Nouns are a sentence’s people, places, things, or ideas. Using more particular nouns can help your writing feel more vivid and exciting. For example, instead of “I went to the store,” you could say, “I went to Walmart.”
  • Add sensory details. When you’re writing, try to include as many senses as possible. This will make your writing more immersive and interesting for readers. For example, instead of “The flowers were pretty,” you could say, “The flowers were beautiful and fragrant.”
  • Join a writing group: There are writing groups for writers, from novelists to poets to non-fiction writers. Joining a writing group can help you find feedback and support during the writing process.
  • Take a writing class: If you’re looking for more structure, taking a writing class can be a great way to improve your skills. Many community colleges offer writing classes, as well as online courses.
  • Set a goal: Having a goal in mind, whether writing a certain number of words per day or finishing the first draft by a specific date, helps you stay motivated and on track.
  • Find your voice: Try to find your unique voice as you write. This will make your writing more memorable and enjoyable for readers.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing. Try new things and see what works for you.
  • Have fun: Writing should be enjoyable, so balance challenging yourself and having fun. If you’re not enjoying the process, it’ll be reflected in your work.

These are just a few tips to help you start writing as a hobby. Don’t be afraid to explore and experiment. That’s part of the fun! And, most importantly, write because you enjoy it. If you’re having fun, your readers will, too.

10 Tips To Get Started With Writing as a Hobby

Writing as hobbies is one way to start writing; you can do it at home or outdoors on the computer. It’s very creative and fun! Engaging in a hobby helps improve your productivity level. You can even become good at writing by picking up a few freelance writing jobs.

To help you get started with full motivation and passion, we’ve listed below the top 10 tips to begin writing as a hobby!

1 – Start A Blog

The blog is a simple yet powerful tool to share your writing with others, and it also acts as a guide on how to write well and at the same time be creative. A proper blog will help you promote your piece and provide content that can be used as material for a book. All blogs are listed on the internet, and so they become easy sources of promotion once books or essays get published.

2 – Select The Right Medium

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Find out how to manage your writer’s block; recognize when you don’t know what you’re writing about or describing, learn the writing tips that make a good book readable, use proper word spacing and punctuation while reading so as not to confuse readers. Many writers go through many drafts before they can publish their work successfully!

3 – Choose A Comfortable Space to Write

A computer allows you to pick up and write wherever you are! It doesn’t matter. You need a comfortable space, meaning somewhere quiet, so that reading or thinking can go on in your mind without being disturbed any time of the day/night. Even someone as busy as me finds one hour’s free time will help with initial planning and even terminology writing if it is done at night while drifting off into sleep; maybe another reason you may develop the habit of writing at night before going to sleep.

4 – Start From Short Stories or Poems

Try writing poetry first or even quotes. These are usually written down in some prose second, which is one reason you should write down your words the night before without fail, putting at least a few sentences/words as clues to quote ideas based on something with an ethereal feeling (the abstract) while also using previous literary references that can be continued later. Then, start composing a narrative and going back to previous lines, then create a consistent pace through the story where all details are equally important.

5 – Learn Vocabulary Daily

This is a very important element in creative writing where word usage and depiction of things around you are key to forming new concepts into readers’ minds from words they’ve experienced through reading.

Vocabulary building is the key to success in writing. Language can be understood by only a few people, while others don’t even know it exists. A large vocabulary will always help you feel confident with your language skills and expression ability because of its greater use as you write more creatively and express yourself effectively as an author under different situations. It also helps writers find new words they haven’t used before or never thought about before, making them sound smart when expressed on paper through their work.

6 – Write With Purpose – Activate Your Pen!

Nothing artificial or forced while learning tips, more often than not, something natural like the “5 W’s” usually taught as follows any time someone explains anything: Where did it happen? Who was there, when did it happen? What was their reaction to the event they’ve encountered while writing or, in this case, answering any question that anyone may have as a reader? One of everyone’s goals every time they go through learning material is surely succeeded and enjoy succeeding at anything with purpose – Making progress towards success before you get bored/frustrated should be your number-one goal before quitting…

One secret most writers fail to take advantage of. Then it becomes partly why some of them don’t even bother to write a single sentence and push start their laptops as if nothing existed other than opening files, typing words, then finding grammar-check/spell check/a few very redundant tools help writers attempt anymore.

So, set your purpose for writing every time you sit down at the computer.

7 – Get Inspiration From TV

It’s great to start writing as a hobby by telling you about the tv that inspires writers and why tv shows are important for artists. The tv may not only inspire us but also keep us entertained and inspired, which makes it very helpful in increasing our productivity level and reducing stress levels from work or other daily activities like school homework etc.

You can write down whatever ideas come your way while watching TV series or movies since they’re showing new material you can use as inspiration for your writing project. So don’t hesitate the next time you see an episode of a new TV series, assume it to be one of the best and most enthusiastic campaigns they would ever do because you may end up using that valuable piece of material somehow in your articles/books or whatever your purpose is to write/publish on such platforms like books, etc.

8 – Start Communicating With Email

Your brain needs something to latch on to and stick with, so you can start thinking about how the story will be organized and developed instead of writing it out piece by piece, just like if you were emailing some friends back home from an overseas vacation: one sentence at a time…

There are over 50 billion email messages sent in the world on any given day, and about 300 million messages are being written. The same helpful strategy that you can use to start writing your book, article, or blog post applies equally well to communicating through email.

9 – Understand Your Writing Style

Writing as a hobby can be very rewarding, but writing also has challenges to fulfill. You must understand your writing style and write what inspires you rather than what “is supposed to” look like.

Creative writing means something different for everyone: it could mean poetry, short stories, or novels; the thing we love in creative writing is getting away from everyday life by immersing myself in an imaginary story world where we can see everything happening around me.

10 – Reduce or Eliminate Distractions

Social media can be a real distraction while writing. You don’t have to quit social media altogether; you could block social media like in some professions. Put a lot of self-imposed rules and restrictions on your social media platforms or stay quiet during working hours. Failing at something is frustrating, but when you fail, it allows you to improve (you have one more opportunity.

Final Words

Writing can be a great hobby if you’re willing to put in the effort. Following the ten practical tips mentioned in this blog can smoothly help you get started on your writing journey. Do you have any feedback or advice to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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Sharon Baisil

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.

Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.

In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.

4 thoughts on “How to Start Writing as a Hobby: 10 Tips to Help You Get Started”

Thank you. you have inspired me to start giving writing a serious thought! Bola

I’m so glad to hear that! Writing is an incredibly powerful tool and I’m glad I could be of help. Best of luck in your writing journey!

You are fine and doing well.

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Writing as a Hobby

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on May 26, 2022

Categories Writing , Art , Inspiration , Self Improvement , Storytelling

Do you like to write? Or have you always wanted to start writing but don’t know where to begin? This post is for you! I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to get started writing, what to write about, and how to improve your writing skills. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced writer, you’ll find great advice here (not least because writing is my favorite hobby!)

Everyone Has a Hobby

Almost everyone has a hobby. It’s something we like to do in our free time, something that helps us relax and unwind. For some people, their hobby is writing. They enjoy sitting down at the computer or with pen and paper and letting their imagination run wild.

Creative writing can be a great way to express yourself, explore different worlds and characters, and escape from everyday life. And it’s not just novelists and poets who enjoy writing as a hobby – anyone can do it!

Whether you write stories or articles or just keep a journal, it’s a great way to spend your free time. So why don’t you give it a try? Maybe you’ll enjoy it!

Writing Is Cheaper Than Other Hobbies

For many people, hobbies are a way to spend their free time and have fun. But hobbies can also be expensive, costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get started.

So if you’re looking for a hobby that won’t break the bank, writing is a great option. You don’t need expensive equipment to start writing, just a pen and paper (or even just a laptop). And once you start writing, the only limit is your imagination.

Of course, you can spend money on your writing hobby if you want to. There are many books, courses, and other resources to help you improve your skills. But unlike other hobbies, you don’t have to spend money to enjoy writing. You can find many free resources on the Internet, from websites and blogs to online forums and social media groups.

And if you want to publish something, there are plenty of ways to do it without spending a dime. So if you’re looking for an affordable hobby that’s fun and rewarding, writing is definitely worth considering.

Writing Is a Low-Pressure Hobby

Writing is often seen as a stressful hobby that requires hours of non-stop work and full concentration. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Writing can be a low-stress hobby that’s perfect for busy people.

The key is to find a style and pace that fits your needs and lifestyle. For some people, that may mean setting aside an hour each day to write. Others may only have a few minutes a day to write, or they may prefer to write in spurts when they’ve time.

There’s no right or wrong way to pursue writing as a hobby.

The most important thing is to figure out what works for you and then stick with it. Over time, you’ll develop your own writing style and approach, and you’ll probably find that writing becomes more and more fun and relaxed.

So if you’ve been wanting to try your hand at writing but feel overwhelmed with the task, remember that you don’t have to jump in at the deep end with Michael Phelps. Writing can be a relaxing hobby that’s perfect for busy people.

Just find your own personal style and pace, and enjoy putting your thoughts into words.

Writing Can Be a Great Hobby for Parents

Writing can be a great hobby for parents. It can help you express yourself, explore your creativity, and connect with other parents who share your interests.

It’s also a great way to build a relationship with your kids and show them the importance of communication.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose a format that suits you . There are many different genres of writing, from fiction to nonfiction to poetry. Pick one that you enjoy and can realistically fit into your schedule.
  • Start small . Don’t try to tackle a novel right off the bat. Start with something shorter, such as a short story or an article for a parenting magazine. That way, you can get into the habit of writing regularly without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Set some ground rules . Decide how much time you want to spend writing each week and stick to it. Let your family know that this is important to you and that you need uninterrupted time to write. And don’t forget to give yourself a break now and then – it’s okay if you don’t reach your word count every day.
  • Join a writing group . There are many writing groups for parents, both in-person and online. Find one that meets your needs and join it. This will give you a chance to share ideas with other parents, get feedback, and keep yourself motivated.
  • Encourage your kids to write . Pick up a pen or tablet and start writing together. Talk openly with them about what you’re writing and why, and let them know they can write, too. You’ll be surprised how open they’re to it!

For you as a parent, writing is a great way to spend time with your kids. It can help you communicate and bond with them, and it can foster their love of language and literature.

If you’re a busy parent, it can also be a great way to step back from the hustle and bustle of your life and relax for a while.

Your Written Work Will Last Forever

You may not think about it often, but what you write has the potential to outlast you.

And if you’re lucky, your written work will be passed down from generation to generation, serving as a reminder of who you were and what was important to you.

Of course, not everything you write will be preserved forever. But there’s always the possibility that something you think is disposable may be of great importance to someone else. Who knows? Someday your great-great-grandchildren may find an old diary of yours and learn things about you that they never would have known otherwise.

That’s the beauty of writing – it’s the power to connect us across time and space in a way that nothing else can.

So the next time you sit down to write, remember that your words can leave a lasting impression long after you’re gone. And who knows? Maybe one day your words will inspire someone else to pick up a pen and write their own story.

A little story: when I was in my early teens, I took violin playing very seriously. I was director of the school orchestra and played in an amateur string quartet. I’ll always remember one of my violin teachers – Wilf Usher – saying to me when he saw me practicing in my spare time, “Every note will resonate through the universe until the end of time – so make it beautiful.” That stuck with me, and today I feel it applies to writing as well.

Writing as a Hobby Can Promote More Free and Creative Thinking

It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to make time for creativity. However, research has shown that writing as a hobby can promote free and creative thinking.

The act of writing forces you to slow down and think about what you’re saying, which can lead to more reflection and thoughtfulness.

Also, when you put your thoughts down on paper, they can become clearer and more concrete. Therefore, writing can be a powerful tool for fostering creativity.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your creativity, consider writing as a hobby. You’ll be surprised by the results.

If You Like Writing, It’s a No-Brainer to Make It Your Hobby

If you love to write, making it your hobby is a no-brainer. Writing isn’t only a great way to express yourself, but also a great way to connect with others.

Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, there’s an audience for your work. Best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

When it comes to writing as a hobby, there are endless possibilities. You can write for fun or with the intention of getting your work published. You can write alone or join a writing group. You can even set up your own blog or website to share your work with the world.

No matter what your goals are, if you love to write, it’s a good idea to make it your hobby. You’ll never run out of topics to write about, and you’ll always have an outlet for your creativity. So what’re you waiting for?

What Are the Benefits of Writing as a Hobby?

There are many benefits to writing as a hobby. For one, it can help improve your communication skills. When you write, you’ve to think about how to express your thoughts and ideas clearly and in a way that the reader can understand. This can be a valuable skill in both your personal and professional life.

In addition, writing can be a great way to relieve stress and unleash your creativity. It can also be a form of therapy, as it gives you an outlet for feelings that you might otherwise have difficulty expressing.

Finally, writing can simply be fun. It can give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment and give you a sense of purpose and direction. So, pick it up as a new hobby if you’re not already knee-deep!

How Do You Get Started Writing as a Hobby?

There are many things you can do to start writing as a hobby. The most important thing is to just start writing! Write about anything that interests you, whether it’s a specific topic or just your thoughts and feelings. If you can, find something to write about that excites you. This can be anything from magazine articles to novels to blogs. You may find – as I did – that some form of meditation helps you identify these passions.

Once you start writing, you’ll quickly develop your own style and voice. If you don’t know what to write about, you can keep a journal. This can be a good way to explore your thoughts and feelings, and it can also provide material for future writing projects.

If you’re looking for more structure, you can take on a specific writing project, such as writing a short story or a poem. Once you get started, the possibilities are endless!

And remember, the best way to improve your writing is to just keep doing it. The more you write, the better you’ll get.

What Are Are Some Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills and Techniques?

Here are a few tips to become a good writer:

  • Read as much as you can . The more you read, the better your understanding of grammar and style will become. Also, reading can help you expand your vocabulary and get ideas for your own writing. So, settle in with a good book!
  • Write regularly . The best way to improve your writing is to practice it regularly. Take some time every day to write, even if it’s just a few minutes. As you write more, you’ll notice the areas where you can improve.
  • Get feedback from others . When you first start writing, it can be helpful to get feedback from friends or family members who’re willing to read your work. As you become more confident in your abilities, you can seek constructive criticism from other writers or editors.
  • Join a group of writers . Joining a group of like-minded people is a great way to get support and motivation for your writing habits. It’s also a great way for you to

What Should You Write About – Personal Experiences, Opinions, or News Stories/Events?

When it comes to writing as a hobby, there are essentially three options for what you can write about: personal experiences, opinions, or news/events.

Whether you’re writing a novel or a factual report, chances are your creative ideas will be based on one of these topics or a combination of them. Your imagination draws from the real!

Or you may decide to write directly in one of the three areas.

If you’re looking for a way to tell your own story and connect with others on a personal level, writing about personal experiences is a good choice. However, it’s important that you’re honest and open when writing about your personal experiences because readers will easily see any deception or bias.

On the other hand, if you’re more interested in sharing your thoughts and opinions about current events or pressing issues, writing about news or events is a great way to spark discussion and get people thinking. However, it’s important to be well-informed and consider both sides of the issue before sharing your opinion.

No matter what you write about, the most important thing is that you enjoy it and find a way to connect with your audience.

How Do You Share Your Writing With Others and Get Feedback?

When it comes to writing, one of the best things you can do is share your work with others and get feedback.

There are several ways to do this, and each has its own benefits.

One way is to join a writers’ group. These groups usually meet regularly to discuss their work and provide feedback. Another benefit of writers’ groups is that they provide a sense of community and support.

Another way to share your work with others is to post it online in a forum or blog. This can be a good way to get feedback from many people, including other writers. It can also be helpful to set up a profile on a website like Wattpad or Figment, which are specifically for readers and writers to share.

Finally, you can simply send your work to friends or family members and ask for their opinion.

No matter how you share your work, getting feedback is an important part of the writing process. It can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and get ideas for improvement. So don’t be afraid to ask for feedback – it can help you improve as a writer.

How Can Writing Be Used to Improve Other Areas of Your Life, Such as School or Work Projects?

Writing can also help you improve other areas of your life, such as your school or work projects.

Writing can help you organize your thoughts and ideas, and it can also help you communicate better. Writing also helps you learn new information more easily and remember important information better.

In addition, writing can help you improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Finally, writing can help you develop greater self-confidence and better understand yourself and others.

How Has Writing Helped You Connect With Other People or Learn More About Different Cultures and Lifestyles Around the World?

Writing is a great way to connect with others or learn more about different cultures and lifestyles around the world.

When you write, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings with others and learn more about their perspectives on life.

In addition, writing can be a great way to discover new cultures and lifestyles. Reading about other cultures and lifestyles can help you better understand the world around you.

And by writing about your own experiences, you can help others learn about your culture and lifestyle.

In short, writing is a great way to connect with others and learn more about the world around you.

How Can You Find the Time to Write as a Hobby?

For many people, writing is more than just a hobby – it’s a passion. But finding the time to write in daily life can be a challenge, especially if you have a full-time job or other commitments.

Here are a few tips to help you make time for writing:

  • Set aside some time each day to write . Even if it’s just 20 minutes, that’s enough to get a few words down on paper. And if you’ve more time one day, you can use the extra time to edit or revise what you’ve written.
  • Take advantage of technology . There are many great apps and programs that can help you write faster and more efficiently. For example, a text expander feature lets you type common phrases with just a few keystrokes so you don’t waste time retyping them over and over again. Also, note that AI writing apps are becoming more and more sophisticated. Related: What Is Sudowrite?
  • Get organized . Take some time to plan out your writing project before you start. This will help you focus on what needs to be done and use your time as efficiently as possible.
  • Take advantage of breaks . When you’re waiting in line at the post office or sitting in the doctor’s office, take out your notebook and jot down some ideas. You’ll be surprised how productive you can be in small chunks of time.

Why Writing Is a Perfect Hobby for Travelers

For many people, traveling is the best way to learn about new ideas and cultures. It broadens horizons and provides a never-ending stream of new experiences.

However, as exciting as traveling is, it can also be exhausting. There are always new places to see and things to do, and it can be difficult to find time to process everything that’s happening.

This is where writing comes in. Writing is the perfect hobby for travelers because it gives you a chance to reflect on your experiences and process all the new information you’re taking in. It’s a way to slow down and really think about what you’re seeing and how it makes you feel.

Writing Is a Great Way to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Writing isn’t only a relaxing way to spend your time, but it can also be a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Writing requires you to think logically as well as creatively, and putting your thoughts into words can help you better understand and remember information. Also, writing can help you improve your critical thinking skills and your communication skills.

Whether you keep a journal or write fiction, writing as a hobby is a great way to exercise your mind.

How Can You Best Form a Writing Habit?

Writing can be a very rewarding hobby, but it can also be difficult to maintain a regular writing habit. Here are a few tips that can help you develop a writing habit that works for you:

  • Set realistic goals . Don’t try to write a novel in a week, but start with smaller goals that you can realistically achieve. Maybe set a writing goal for 30 minutes every day or write 500 words a week.
  • Make yourself comfortable. Choose a time and place where you’re sure you can write without distractions. If you tend to write in the morning, set up your workspace before you go to bed the night before.
  • Find your motivators. What helps you keep writing even on days when you don’t feel like it? Maybe it’s knowing that you have an audience waiting for your next post, or that you can reward yourself for reaching your goals. Whatever it’s, keep your motivators in mind when you start writing.
  • Get started . Sometimes the hardest part of writing is just getting started. Once you get started, the words often flow more easily. So don’t overdo it

How Can Writing Improve Your Self-Confidence?

We all know that writing can be therapeutic. It can help us process our thoughts and feelings, and it’s a great way to express ourselves.

But did you know that writing can also boost your confidence ?

When you write about your experiences, you put your thoughts and feelings into words. This can help you understand yourself and your situation better. It can also help you see your thoughts in black and white to gain a new perspective on things. Writing can also be a good way to solve problems because you examine always the underlying emotion of things.

When brainstorming on paper, you can try different solutions and find the one that suits you best.

Finally, when you share your writing with others, you give them a glimpse into your personality. This can help build trust and foster deeper relationships.

So the next time you’re feeling down, grab a pen and paper and start writing. You’ll be surprised how much it helps you.

Writing Can Help You Network

Many people think of writing as a solitary activity, but it can also be very social and even helpful when it comes to networking.

Writing about your hobbies, interests, and experiences can help you network with like-minded people from all over the world. Plus, sharing your work online can help you build a professional network. If you’re looking for a job or new clients, having a strong online presence can be very important. And writing can help you build that presence.

When you write regularly, you develop a voice that’s unique and recognizable. You’ll also gain valuable experience in writing messages and communicating with others. These are skills that are highly valued in today’s digital age.

So if you’re looking for a way to make new friends and contacts, or if you simply want to improve your career prospects, you should grab a pen and paper – or fire up your laptop – and start writing today!

What if writing is meant to be more than just a hobby?

Some writers are content to write as a hobby, while others want to make writing their profession, and engage in a writing career.

If you want your writing to be more than just a hobby, you need to treat it as such. This means that you should set aside time every day or every week to write, even if it’s just an hour or two.

It also means being disciplined in your approach to writing and not letting other things distract you.

Another important aspect of making writing your profession is developing a strong body of work. This means not only writing regularly but also revising and editing your work so that it’s of the highest possible quality.

Finally, you need to market your work to find publishers or clients interested in what you’ve to offer. This can be done through online platforms like social media and blogging, but also through more traditional methods like attending writers’ conferences and submitting cover letters.

Some forms of being a professional writer include:

  • Content writing
  • Being a freelance writer for agencies
  • Professional Bloggers

There are many reasons why I love writing stories.

First, it allows me to live out my imagination and create worlds that are limited only by my own creativity. I find great inspiration in these worlds, and reading about those of other authors. Also, I can set the pace of the story and determine how many details should be in each scene.

In addition, writing stories gives me the opportunity to practice my writing skills and improve my grammar and vocabulary. Writing is also a great way to relax and relieve stress after a long day. It’s a hobby I can do at my own pace and return to again and again, no matter how much time I’ve.

Ultimately, writing stories is a fun and enjoyable way for me to express my creativity. It’s a wonderful creative outlet that depends on no one and nothing aside from myself.

How do you keep writing when you’re working long hours?

Assuming you enjoy writing and want to keep writing despite your full-time job, there are a few things that can help.

First, try to set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour each day to write. It doesn’t have to be all at once- if you can only spare 10 or 15 minutes, that’s fine too. Just try to be consistent so it becomes a habit.

Second, use your lunch break or any other free time you’ve during the day. If you can’t write at work, maybe you can jot down some ideas or work on a scene during your lunch break.

Third, find a writing partner or join a writing group. It can be helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off and get feedback from.

Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or two (or more). Life happens and sometimes it’s just not possible to fit everything in. The most important thing is to pick up where you left off and keep going.

What’re the possible downsides to writing as a hobbyist?

There are a few potential downsides to consider when taking up writing as a hobby.

First, it can be easy to get lost in your writing and forget about the world around you. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to take breaks and interact with the people and world around you.

Second, depending on what you’re writing about, it can be easy to get lost in research and spend hours looking for information instead of writing. Again, this isn’t bad per se, but it’s important to find a healthy balance so you can still enjoy your hobby and make progress on your writing goals.

Some people find that their writing evokes difficult feelings or memories. This can spark creativity, but it’s important to be aware of your triggers and take care of yourself, both mentally and emotionally, as you pursue your hobby.

Writing can be a very rewarding hobby, but it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides so you can avoid them and enjoy your writing time to the fullest.

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How to Make Writing One of Your Favorite Hobbies

Last Updated: August 9, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 62,222 times.

Turning writing into a hobby takes determination. It may not seem so, but making time to write, finding things to write about and then remaining dedicated to seeing the entire piece through to its endpoint requires planning and self-discipline. Nevertheless, it's a great hobby to have and definitely worthwhile if you're keen to turn it into a favorite hobby.

Figuring Out Your Stationery Needs

Step 1 Find suitable ways to record your writing.

  • You could even try typing on an old typewriter if you'd like. Old typewriters can be found through online trade and auction sites. However, keep in mind if you choose this method that you'll also need a supply of typing ribbon and/or ink.

Step 2 Decorate your notebooks.

Finding Writing Inspiration

Step 1 Jot down ideas.

  • Consider carrying a small notebook and pen or having a note-taking app on your smartphone. Having at least one of these with you wherever you go will help you record those ideas as they come to you.

Step 2 Use photographs as inspiration.

  • Consider keeping a Pinterest or similar account filled with your favorite images as you find them. Keep the board secret if you don't want to share your writing inspiration.

Step 3 Listen to other people.

Writing as a Hobby

Step 1 Decide what sort of writing you're keen to do.

  • Set aside time-slots during your week just for writing. Keep these times as much as possible, seeing them as important for your hobby.

Step 3 Write somewhere you feel comfortable.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Don't underestimate your imagination and the passion you have for writing. It is endless, even though sometimes it may not feel this way. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about writing, check out our in-depth interview with Alicia Cook .

  • ↑ https://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/nov/03/creative-writing-better-pen-longhand
  • ↑ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/8-steps-to-starting-a-wri_b_4724235
  • ↑ https://medium.com/every-30-days/how-to-develop-a-daily-writing-habit-475732c2b026
  • ↑ https://writingcooperative.com/how-to-just-write-c1e613f48171

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5 Steps On How To Start Writing (As A Hobby)

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If you’re looking for tips on how to start writing as a hobby, you’ve come to the right place.

Many of us feel pressured to start something and make money right away from it. 

Instead, we should start by making it a hobby, truly enjoy it, enhance the skill and then market it as a service. This is something I did for years. 

Writing has always been a hobby to me, it was also one of the hobbies that helped me with my mental health. 

Whether you’re trying to become a freelance writer or author, you first need to make writing a hobby you enjoy. So how do you start writing for fun? You’ll find out in this article!

Writing Tips

How to become a freelance writer with no experience (the guide i wish i had), freelance writing for beginners: no investment needed, is writing a hobby.

While some people might find writing a chore, some people actually enjoy it and do it for fun. Writing is a hobby to many.

There is no pressure to be a writer that monetizes their content. You can always be a writer just for the fun of it. 

5 Steps On How To Start Writing As A Hobby.

how to start writing as a hobby

Read More Books

As cliche as it sounds, if you want to start writing, you’ll need to read more books . This is because reading helps you understand how to string words. 

They also help you learn new words and strengthen your vocabulary.

If you want to write stories as a hobby, reading books can help you with your imagination, plot and character building. 

And if you want to write more poetry, reading other poet’s works may help inspire you.

Reading and writing definitely goes hand in hand. You won’t be able to avoid one or another.

Related Article: Reading More Than One Book At A Time: Pros and Cons To Weigh

Set A Time To Write 

If you want to start writing as a hobby, you’ll first have to make it a habit. Easiest way to make it a habit is to fit it into a routine. 

This is something I’ve learned from James Clear’s Atomic Habits book .

Set a designated time to write. For example, after you have your morning coffee, before doing any work at your job, take 15 minutes to journal. This is also called habit stacking (mentioned in Atomic Habits as a way to build multiple habits)

Related: 30 Note-Worthy Atomic Habits Quotes By James Clear

Try Different Types Of Writing 

There are many different ways to start writing as a hobby.

Here are some writing hobby examples:

  • Journaling (recording parts of your day in a journal, or writing about certain favourite things, feelings that arise, and more. There’s many ways to journal)
  • Blog Writing (you can start a blog as a hobby and later decide if you want to make money from it)
  • Social Media Content Writing (writing and posting for yourself on Instagram, Linkedin and other platforms to share your thoughts and experiences)
  • Story Telling (writing a short story or a novel just because you have an idea or imagination you want to bring to live)
  • Poetry Writing

There are many more types of writing you can explore when you first start treating writing as a hobby.

Take Writing Courses 

how to start writing as a hobby

Here me out, I’m not asking you to take courses to improve your writing and ultimately monetize your work. 

I am asking you to be open to the idea of learning how to write from experts. You don’t need to take a course to learn something and make a monetary return from it. 

You can do the course as it is, just take the knowledge and guidance from an expert to teach you how to write better because you simply enjoy writing!

Some writing courses that I’ve taken to improve my writing: 

  • Come Write With Us (this also comes with a facebook group, great support for writers)
  • Freelance Blogging Course
  • Writer’s Website In A Weekend

Join Writing Groups 

Joining writing groups or following writing blogs can help you with being accountable. 

You can meet writers of different backgrounds and interests which may help you grow as a writer.

Some writing groups to network with other writers:

  • Writers Helping Writers
  • Writers Group
  • Words Work Creative Writers
  • Southeast Asian Writers & Poets

There are many writer facebook groups. Just type in the word “writer (your country)” and you should find some writing groups based on your location.

Some of my favourite writing blogs:

  • Come Write With Us

Benefits Of Writing As A Hobby

Now that you know how to start writing as a hobby, let’s take a look at some of the benefits from writing for fun/yourself.

Expands Your Vocabulary

No matter what language you write in, writing helps improve your command of the language you’re writing in. 

Helps You Cope With Negative Feelings

Writing gives you the opportunity to look inwards. Journaling is a way to explore emotions within yourself that does not usually arise (or you suppress them due to painful events/not having time to acknowledge these emotions).

Helps With Living Intentionally

Writing can help you live life intentionally. Through your words written on a page, you may learn that you want to do more of something or less of something else. With this information, you can live a more meaningful life.

You Can Monetize Your Writing In The Future

While writing may just be a hobby you’re interested in starting or you’re someone who already regularly writes for the fun of it, you can monetize your writing skills in the long-run. 

Writing is a skill in demand for many different types of business. 

Digital marketing is soaring and content marketing is huge. Your writing that was once a hobby can be turned into a copywriting or content writing job . 

Besides, being an author or poet is also something you can consider if you love creative writing.

Writing Can Help You Make Better Decisions

Literally, about anything.

Writing down how you feel gives you a clearer insight of the situation. When you’re caught between two options, writing down a pros and cons list will help. 

This has always helped me make a satisfying decision

Final Thoughts On Writing As A Hobby

Writing is a hobby that has to be something you want to genuinely do. Not everyone can be a writer because not everyone WANTS to be a writer. 

As long as you want it, you can do it. 

No matter how good or poor your writing is, a hobby is a hobby and do not let the fear of not knowing if your work is good enough stop you from doing what you truly enjoy.

I hope this post has helped you understand on how to get into writing as a hobby!

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The Writing Hobby: How to Start Writing as a Hobby and Its Benefits

Posted on January 10, 2024 |

the writing hobby

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding joy in simple pleasures can often make all the difference. One such source of joy is having a hobby that adds color to our lives and provides an escape from the stress and anxiety of work and our environment. A worthwhile hobby is like a sanctuary, a place we can retreat to for relaxation, rejuvenation, and personal fulfillment.

According to a longitudinal cross-country analysis involving 93,263 older adults across 16 countries, engaging in a hobby has been linked with various psychological benefits . This study suggests that having a hobby may potentially be associated with improved mental wellbeing, providing a compelling reason to cultivate a hobby that resonates with you.

If you’re someone who loves reading, there’s a good chance that this passion might evolve into a love for writing. Reading exposes you to diverse perspectives, ideas, and styles, enriching your understanding of language and narrative. This knowledge lays the foundation for your own creative expression, allowing you to transition from being a consumer of stories to becoming a creator of them.

Developing Writing Skills: From Reader to Writer

For avid readers, the transition to writing often feels like a natural next step. Reading is, in many ways, an apprenticeship for writing. It exposes you to different styles, structures, and techniques that successful authors use to craft their narratives.

When you read widely, you’re not just enjoying a story; you’re also learning how to tell one. You’re observing how authors use words to evoke emotions, paint vivid images, and captivate readers’ attention. You discover how they weave together plotlines, develop characters, and build suspense. Every book becomes a masterclass in storytelling.

This immersion in the world of literature gives you a deep appreciation for the written word. You begin to understand the power of language and the magic of storytelling. And, as you absorb these lessons, they start to influence your own writing.

As a reader-turned-writer, you already have a solid foundation. You’re familiar with the rhythm and flow of good writing, the importance of compelling characters, and the impact of a well-told story. Now, it’s time to use this knowledge to create your own narratives.

Getting Started with Writing as a Hobby

Taking up writing as a hobby is a creative and exciting journey of self-expression. Here are a few doable actions to get you going:

Find Your Writing Space

Creating a dedicated writing space can significantly enhance your productivity and motivation. This could be a peaceful outdoor area, a quiet nook in your house, or a nearby café. The secret is to locate a space that makes you feel inspired, at ease, and uncluttered.

Gather Your Writing Tools

Purchase the writing instruments that best fit your writing style. This could be a traditional notebook and pen for those who prefer handwriting , or a laptop for those who find typing more efficient. Other useful tools might include a dictionary, a thesaurus, or writing software like Scrivener.

Set Aside Regular Time

Consistency is vital to developing a writing habit. Consider allocating a specific period of time for writing every day or every week. Even if it’s just 15 minutes a day, regular practice will help you hone your skills and keep your creative juices flowing.

Experiment with Styles and Topics

Refrain from focusing on just one genre or look. Experiment with fiction, non-fiction, poetry, blogging, or personal journaling. Try your hand at different topics and formats to discover what resonates with you and helps you express your unique voice.

Join a Writing Community

Engaging with a community of writers can provide encouragement, feedback, and inspiration. Consider joining local writing groups, participating in online forums, or attending writing workshops. This interaction can enrich your writing journey and provide valuable insights.

Seek Guidance

Consider enrolling in writing courses or workshops. Learning from experienced writers can offer invaluable techniques, guidance, and inspiration to refine your craft. Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy , or MasterClass offer a wide range of writing courses that can guide you on your journey.

Finding Your Writing Niche

The beauty of writing lies in its diversity. It is a large canvas with lots of opportunities to convey your ideas, experiences, and thoughts. As you embark on your writing journey, finding your niche will help you focus your efforts and develop your unique voice. Here are some popular writing niches you can explore:

Fiction and Short Stories

If you have a vivid imagination and love creating characters and worlds, fiction writing could be your niche. Whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, or drama, you can weave intricate plots and compelling characters that captivate readers.

Poetry is the art of using rhythmic, frequently metaphorical language to convey feelings and ideas. If you enjoy playing with words and have a knack for encapsulating complex feelings in just a few lines, poetry could be your calling.

Sharing your interests, knowledge, and experiences via blogging enables you to reach a larger audience. Whether your passion is technology, fashion, food, travel, or personal growth, you can connect with like-minded people and produce interesting content around it.

Writing in a journal is an effective way to reflect on oneself and advance personally. By documenting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you can gain deeper insights into your life and personal journey. It can be a private endeavor or shared with others through platforms like Medium or personal blogs.

Creative Non-Fiction

Creative non-fiction combines factual information with storytelling techniques. This genre includes memoirs, biographies, travel writing, and feature articles. If you enjoy researching and sharing real-life stories in an engaging way, this could be your niche.

Benefits of Writing as a Hobby

Embarking on a writing journey offers more than just the joy of crafting stories or expressing thoughts. It’s an enriching hobby that can have a profound impact on various aspects of your life. Making writing your pastime can have the following advantages for you:

Improved Communication Skills

Regular writing practice can significantly enhance your ability to articulate ideas and express yourself effectively. It helps you develop a keen eye for detail, a strong vocabulary, and the ability to communicate with clarity and precision.

Enhanced Creativity

You can explore new ideas and perspectives and think creatively when you write. It pushes you to imagine different scenarios, create compelling characters, and construct engaging narratives, thereby stimulating your creative muscles.

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

Writing is a way to investigate oneself. It facilitates introspection and self-awareness by letting you explore your feelings, ideas, and experiences. Through introspective writing, you can gain deeper insights into your beliefs, values, and life experiences.

Sense of Achievement

There’s a unique sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from completing a piece of writing, be it a short story, a poem, or a blog post. This accomplishment can give you more self-assurance and inspire you to keep improving as a writer.

Stress Relief and Emotional Well-being

Expressing emotions through writing can be therapeutic. Whether you’re penning down your thoughts in a journal or crafting a fictional tale, writing helps to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. It’s a form of catharsis that aids in emotional processing and healing.

Connection and Impact

Through your writing, you have the potential to connect with others on a deep level. You can share your experiences, inspire readers with your insights, or influence them with your ideas. Writing provides a platform to make your voice heard and to create a meaningful impact.

The Joy of Writing as a Hobby

The world of creative writing offers a vast landscape for exploration and innovation. Whether you’re penning a heartfelt poem, crafting a thrilling short story, or documenting your thoughts in a personal journal, writing provides an outlet for your creativity, emotions, and experiences. It is a celebration of the human spirit, a mindfulness practice, and a voyage of self-discovery. So let us get started with your guide to turning creative writing into a hobby if you are ready to embark on this thrilling journey.

Patricia Evans

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Last updated on Dec 23, 2022

Creative Writing: 8 Fun Ways to Get Started

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Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Savannah Cordova

Savannah is a senior editor with Reedsy and a published writer whose work has appeared on Slate, Kirkus, and BookTrib. Her short fiction has appeared in the Owl Canyon Press anthology, "No Bars and a Dead Battery". 

Creative writing is a written art form that uses the imagination to tell stories and compose essays, poetry, screenplays, novels, lyrics, and more. It can be defined in opposition to the dry and factual types of writing found in academic, technical, or journalistic texts.

Characterized by its ability to evoke emotion and engage readers, creative writing can tackle themes and ideas that one might struggle to discuss in cold, factual terms.

If you’re interested in the world of creative writing, we have eight fantastic exercises and activities to get you started.

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1. Use writing prompts every week

Illustration of a writer getting ready for a creative writing contest

Coming up with ideas for short stories can be challenging, which is why we created a directory of 1700+ creative writing prompts covering a wide range of genres and topics. Writing prompts are flexible in nature, they are meant to inspire you without being too constrictive. Overall, they are a great way to keep your creative muscles limber.

Example of Reedsy's Creative Writing Prompts

If you’re struggling for motivation, how does a hard deadline and a little prize money sound? Prompts-based writing contests are a fantastic way to dive into creative writing: the combination of due dates, friendly rivalries, prize money, and the potential to have your work published is often just what’s needed to propel you over the finish line. 

We run a weekly writing contest over on Reedsy Prompts , where hundreds of writers from all around the world challenge themselves weekly to write a short story between 1,000 and 3,000 words for a chance to win the $250 prize. Furthermore, the community is very active in providing constructive feedback, support, and accountability to each other 一 something that will make your efforts even more worthwhile.

Take a peek at our directory of writing contests which features some of the most prestigious open writing competitions in the world. 

2. Start journaling your days

Illustration of a writer journaling in autumn

Another easy way to get started with creative writing is to keep a journal. We’re not talking about an hour-by-hour account of your day, but journaling as a way to express yourself without filters and find your ‘voice in writing’. If you’re unsure what to journal about, think of any daily experiences that have had an impact on you, such as… 

Special moments . Did you lock yourself out of your house? Or did you catch a beautiful sunset on your way back from groceries? Capture those moments, and how you felt about them.

People . Did you have an unusual exchange with a stranger at the bar? Or did you reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in years? Share your thoughts about it.

World events . Is there something happening in the world right now that is triggering you? That’s understandable. You can reflect on it (and let some steam off) while journaling.

Memories . Did you go down memory lane after a glass of wine? Great, honor those memories by trying to recollect them in detail on paper so that they will always stay vivid in your mind.

Life decisions . Are you having an existential crisis about what to do with your life? Write down your thought process, and the pros and cons of the possible decisions in front of you. You’ll be surprised to discover that, not only is it a great creative writing exercise, but it can also actually help you sort your life out! 

If you struggle to write consistently, sign up for our How to Write a Novel course to finish a novel in just 3 months.  



How to Write a Novel

Enroll in our course and become an author in three months.

3. Create an anonymous social media account

Illustration of a writer thinking

Like anonymous blogging, an incognito Twitter account sidesteps the pressure that comes with attaching your name to your work. Anonymously putting tiny stories out into the ether gives you the freedom to create without worrying about the consequences — which is great, so long as you don’t use it as an opportunity to troll people or spread conspiracy theories. 

You could use the anonymous account in different ways. For example, you could…

  • Tweet from unique perspectives (e.g. a dog observing human behavior );
  • Create a parody account of real or fictional people (e.g. an English poet from the Middle Ages );
  • Challenge yourself to write tiny flash fiction stories that fit into Twitter threads.

Just remember, you’re not doing this to fool anyone into thinking that your account is real: be a good citizen and mark yourself a fiction account in your bio. 

How to Start Creative Writing | Screenshot of a tweet by the Twitter account

But if you’re not really a social media kinda person, you may enjoy our next tip, which is a bit more on the analog side.



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4. Find an old photo and tell its story

Illustration of a photo-inspired journaling exercise

Find a random old photo — maybe on the web, maybe from a photo album in a yard sale — and see what catches your attention. Look closely at it and try to imagine the story behind it. What was happening? Who are the people in it and how are they really feeling? Do they share a relationship, and of what kind? What are their goals and dreams?

In other words, bring the photo to life with your imagination. Don't be afraid to take artistic license with your story, as the goal is to be creative and have fun while writing. 

How do you know it’s creative writing?

Creative Writing | info card listing 5 headers below

5. Create a character from a random name

Illustration of a young poet and a warrior back to back

Just as our universe started from a few simple elements, you can create a character from a few basic information, like their name, culture, and gender. Reedsy’s handy character name generator can help you with that, offering random names based on archetypes, Medieval roots, fantasy traits and more. A few examples? A Celtic heroine named Fíona O'Keefe, a hero’s sidekick named Aderine, or a Korean track star named Park Kang-Dae.

Once you've chosen their name, begin to develop their personality. Set a timer for 5–10 minutes and write anything that comes to mind about them. It could be a page from their FBI dossier, a childhood diary entry, or simply a scene about them boiling an egg.

Just ‘go with the flow’ and don’t stop writing until your time is up. Repeat the process a few times to further hone the personality. If you like what you end up with, you can always go deeper later by creating a character bible . 

If a stream-of-consciousness exercise is not your thing, you can try to imagine your character in a specific situation and write down how’d they respond to it. For example, what if they were betrayed by a friend? Or if they were elected in power? To help you imagine situations to put your character in, we made a free template that you can download below. 



Reedsy’s Character Questionnaire

40 questions to help you develop memorable characters.

6. Construct a character by people-watching

A writer observing a person and taking notes

People watching is “the action of spending time idly observing people in a public place.” In a non-creepy way, ideally. Sit on a bench on a public square or on a road-side table at your favorite café, and start observing the people around you. Pay attention to any interesting quirks or behaviors, and write it down. Then put on your detective’s hat and try to figure out what that tells you about them.

For example, the man at the table next to you at the restaurant is reading the newspaper. His jacket and hat are neatly arranged next to him. The pages make a whipping sound as he briskly turns them, and he grimaces every time he reads a new article. Try to imagine what he’s reading, and why he’s reacting the way he is. Then, try to build a character with the information you have. It’s a fun creative exercise that will also, hopefully, help you better empathize with strangers. 

7. “Map” something you feel strongly about into a new context

Illustration of a young romance writer

Placing your feelings into new contexts can be a powerful creative writing exercise. The idea is to start from something you feel strongly about, and frame it into a completely different context. 

For example, suppose your heart is torn apart after you divorce your life-long partner: instead of journaling or crafting an entire novel  about it, you could tell a story about a legendary trapeze duo whose partnership has come to an end. If you’re struggling with politicking and petty power dynamics at the office: what if you “mapped” your feelings onto an ant who resents being part of a colony? Directing your frustration at a queen ant can be a fun and cathartic writing experience (that won’t get you in trouble if your co-workers end up reading your story).   

8. Capture the moment with a haiku

Illustration of a haiku poet inspired by the four seasons

Haikus are poems from the Japanese tradition that aim to capture, in a few words, daily moments of insight (usually inspired by nature). In a nutshell, it’s about becoming mindful of your surroundings, and notice if you can see something in a new or deeper way 一 then use contrasting imagery to express whatever you noticed. 

Here’s an example:

Bright orange bicycle

Speeding through the autumn leaves

A burst of color waves

It may sound a bit complicated, but it shouldn’t be 一 at least not for the purpose of this exercise. Learn the basics of haiku-writing , then challenge yourself to write one per day for a week or month. At the end, you’ll be able to look back at your collection of poems and 一 in the worst case scenario 一 revisit small but significant moments that you would have otherwise forgot about.   

Creative writing can be any writing you put your heart and soul into. It could be made for the purpose of expressing your feelings, exploring an idea, or simply entertaining your readers. As you can see there’s many paths to get involved with it, and hundreds of exercises you can use as a starting point. In the next post , we’ll look more in detail at some creative writing examples from some fellow authors. 

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Timothy Ross

How to Get Into Writing as a Hobby: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Seated comfortably on the couch, the person earnestly learns how to get into writing as a hobby, a pencil poised in hand, and a notebook waiting eagerly to capture the blossoming ideas and dreams taking shape on its pages

Writing can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for anyone who loves to express themselves through words. Whether you’re looking to write fiction or non-fiction or simply want to keep a journal, there are many ways how to get into writing as a hobby. Writing can help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, improve your communication skills, and even boost your creativity.

One of the best ways to get into writing is to start small. Begin by setting aside a few minutes each day to write about whatever comes to mind. This could be anything from a description of your surroundings to a story about your day. Don’t worry too much about grammar or spelling at this stage; the important thing is to get your ideas down on paper. Over time, you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend writing and start to experiment with different styles and formats.

Another great way to get into writing hobbies is to join a writing group or take a class. This can provide you with valuable feedback and support from other writers, as well as the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques. You can also find a wealth of writing resources online , including writing prompts, tutorials, and forums where you can connect with other writers. With a little time and effort, anyone can develop their writing skills and discover the joy of expressing themselves through words.

Understanding the Basics of Writing

In a notebook adorned with a bulb on the left side symbolizing the spark of creativity, lies a simple pencil, the quintessential tool embodying the basics of writing as a hobby.

Why Writing?

Writing is a powerful tool that can help people express themselves, communicate their thoughts and ideas, and connect with others. Writing can also be a great hobby that provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Whether someone wants to write for personal enjoyment or to share their work with others, writing as a hobby can be a fun and rewarding activity.

Types of Writing

There are many different types of writing that people can explore as a hobby. Some of the most common types of writing include:

  • Fiction: This type of writing involves creating stories and characters from the writer’s imagination.
  • Non-fiction: This type of writing involves writing about real people, events, and ideas.
  • Poetry: This type of writing involves creating poems that use language in creative and expressive ways.
  • Journaling: This type of writing involves keeping a personal diary or journal to record thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Blogging: This type of writing involves creating a blog and writing posts on a variety of topics.

Each of these types of writing offers its own unique challenges and rewards. It’s important for writers to explore different types of writing to find what they enjoy most.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of writing is an important first step for anyone looking to get into writing as a hobby. By exploring different types of writing and finding what they enjoy most, writers can begin to develop their skills and create work that is both enjoyable and rewarding.

Finding Your Writing Style

A stylish pen on the side of a note, with the word "Style" adorning the cover, inviting the writer to explore their unique voice and creative flair in their writing style.

Writing is a personal and creative process that requires finding your unique voice and style. Whether you are interested in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or journalism, there are several ways to explore different genres and identify your writing style.

Exploring Different Genres

One way to find your writing style is to explore different genres. Reading widely and analyzing the style and structure of different authors can help you understand what type of writing resonates with you. It can also help you identify the elements of different genres that you enjoy and want to incorporate into your own writing.

For example, if you are interested in writing fiction, you may want to read different genres, such as romance, mystery, or science fiction, to see which one you enjoy the most. If you are interested in writing non-fiction, you may want to read different types of books, such as memoirs, biographies, or self-help books, to see which one you connect with the most.

Identifying Your Unique Voice

Another way to find your writing style is to identify your unique voice. Your writing voice is the way you express yourself through your writing. It is a combination of your personality, experiences, and writing style.

To identify your unique voice, you can start by writing about topics that interest you and experimenting with different writing styles. You can also ask for feedback from others to see what they think of your writing style and what makes it unique.

Once you have identified your unique voice, you can focus on developing it further by practicing writing regularly, experimenting with different writing techniques, and being open to feedback and constructive criticism.

In conclusion, finding your writing style is an important part of developing your writing skills and becoming a successful writer. By exploring different genres and identifying your unique voice, you can develop a writing style that is authentic and engaging.

Setting Up a Writing as a Hobby Routine

A hand gracefully moves through the air, tracing visible lines and patterns, symbolizing the disciplined and consistent writing routines that weave the threads of creativity into tangible words and stories

Creating a Writing Schedule

To get into writing as a hobby, it’s important to establish a writing routine. This means setting aside time each day or week to dedicate to writing. Creating a writing schedule can help writers stay on track and make writing a regular habit.

When creating a writing schedule, it’s important to be realistic about the amount of time that can be dedicated to writing each day or week. Writers should consider their other commitments and responsibilities when determining how much time they can realistically dedicate to writing.

It’s also important to set specific goals for each writing session. This could include a word count, a specific scene or chapter to complete, or even just a set amount of time to write. By setting specific goals, writers can stay focused and motivated during their writing sessions.

Finding a Writing Space

Another important aspect of setting up a writing routine is finding a dedicated writing space. This could be a home office, a coffee shop, or even just a quiet corner of the house.

When choosing a writing space, it’s important to consider factors such as noise level, lighting, and comfort. Writers should choose a space where they feel comfortable and inspired to write.

It’s also important to eliminate distractions in the writing space. This could mean turning off the phone or the internet or using noise-canceling headphones to block out background noise.

By creating a dedicated writing space and schedule, writers can establish a regular writing routine and make writing a consistent part of their daily or weekly routine.

Improving Your Writing Skills

With each graceful stroke, the hand weaves the words "practice makes perfect" in the air, symbolizing the dedication and determination required to hone one's writing skills through continuous and deliberate practice

Reading as a Writer

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is to read as a writer. This means that you should read with an eye for how the author uses language, structure, and other elements to create a compelling story or argument. When you read as a writer, you can learn a lot about how to structure your own writing, how to use language effectively, and how to create engaging characters or arguments.

To read as a writer, start by choosing books or articles that are similar to the type of writing you want to do. As you read, pay attention to the structure of the piece, the language the author uses, and how they develop their characters or arguments. Take notes on what you find effective and try to incorporate those techniques into your own writing.

Writing Exercises

Another way to improve your writing skills is to practice regularly. Writing exercises can help you develop your skills and build your confidence as a writer. Here are a few exercises to try:

  • Write a short story or scene using only dialogue
  • Write a story or scene using only action and no dialogue
  • Write a story or scene in which the main character is a different gender or age than you are
  • Write a story or scene in which the main character has a different occupation or background than you do

When you do writing exercises, try to focus on one or two specific skills you want to improve. For example, if you want to work on character development, try to create a complex, three-dimensional character in your exercise. If you want to work on dialogue, focus on making your characters’ conversations feel natural and realistic.

Remember, improving your writing skills takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself, and keep working at it. With dedication and effort, you can become a skilled and confident writer.

Sharing Your Work

With a mixture of excitement and vulnerability, the man shares his created writing with his fellow, his words pouring forth like a cascade of emotions, bridging the gap between their hearts and minds

Feedback and Critiques

Once you’ve written something, it’s natural to want to share it with others. Getting feedback and critiques can help you improve your writing skills and gain confidence in your work. Here are some ways to get feedback on your writing:

  • Join a writing group or workshop: These groups can provide a supportive environment where you can share your work and get feedback from other writers. Look for groups in your local community or writing groups online .
  • Share your work with friends and family: They can provide a fresh perspective and give you honest feedback.
  • Hire a professional editor: If you’re serious about improving your writing, consider hiring a professional editor to give you feedback on your work.

When receiving feedback, it’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to constructive criticism. Remember that everyone has different opinions and preferences, and not all feedback will be helpful. Take what resonates with you and use it to improve your writing.

Publishing Options

If you’re interested in sharing your writing with a wider audience, there are many publishing options available:

  • Self-publishing: With the rise of digital publishing platforms, it’s easier than ever to self-publish your work. You can publish your work as an e-book or print-on-demand book.
  • Traditional publishing: This route involves submitting your work to a publishing house or literary agent. If accepted, your work will be published by a traditional publishing house.
  • Online publishing: There are many websites and blogs that accept submissions from writers. This can be a great way to get your work in front of a wider audience.

When deciding on a publishing option, consider your goals and the type of writing you’re doing. Each option has its own pros and cons, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Staying Motivated

In the comfort of her writing space, the woman eagerly engages in a video call with her online writing group, the virtual gathering uniting passionate minds across screens, fostering inspiration, and kindling the flames of creativity

When it comes to writing as a hobby, staying motivated can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help keep the creative juices flowing.

Dealing with Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a common obstacle for many writers, but there are ways to overcome it. One approach is to take a break and do something else for a while. This could be as simple as going for a walk, listening to music, or reading a book. Sometimes, taking a break from writing can help clear the mind and provide fresh inspiration.

Another strategy is to set small writing goals. This could be writing for a certain amount of time each day or aiming to write a certain number of words per session. Breaking down the writing process into smaller, more manageable tasks can help make it feel less overwhelming.

Joining a Writing Community

Joining a writing community can be a great way to stay motivated. This could be a local writing group, an online forum, or a social media group. Being part of a community of writers can provide support, encouragement, and valuable feedback on your work.

In addition to joining a writing community, it’s also important to read widely and learn from other writers. Reading books, articles, and blogs on writing can help improve your craft and provide new ideas and inspiration.

Overall, staying motivated as a writer requires discipline, creativity, and a willingness to try new things. By taking breaks when needed, setting small goals, and connecting with other writers, you can stay motivated and continue to grow as a writer.

In conclusion, for aspiring writers who want to get Into writing as a hobby, understanding the basics of writing opens up a world of creative expression and self-discovery. By exploring different genres, finding your unique voice, and establishing a writing routine with a dedicated schedule and space, you can enhance your writing skills and stay motivated on your writing journey. Remember to seek feedback, participate in writing exercises, and engage with a writing community to grow as a writer and overcome challenges like writer’s block.

With perseverance and a passion for storytelling, you can find fulfillment in sharing your work and exploring various publishing options to reach a broader audience. Embrace the joy of writing as a hobby for the long term that enriches your life and touches the lives of others through the power of words.

The images used came from Canva.com

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My name is Timothy, I am a professional Illustrator and real estate photographer. I create content for anyone who wants to learn more about being an artist or photographer.

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A Big, Bold List of Creative Writing Activities

by Melissa Donovan | Jan 4, 2024 | Creative Writing | 24 comments

creative writing activities

Try some of these creative writing activities.

Are you looking for writing motivation, inspiration, or ideas that will give your latest project an extra boost?

Below you’ll find a massive list of creative writing activities. Some of these activities will keep you writing when you’re in need of ideas and inspiration. Others will improve your writing skills and techniques through practice. Some will give you experience with forms and genres you haven’t tried. And others will help you promote your writing once it’s published.

Pick any activity and use it as a creative outlet. Bring a few activities to your writing group or do one with your kids. Use these creative writing activities in any way you want.

Start a Journal

Journaling is an excellent way to maintain a steady writing practice, and there are lots of different journals you can write: gratitude journals, dream journals, media journals, poetry journals, and idea journals, to name a few.

Image Prompts

Flip through some images on Instagram or Pinterest and see what sparks an idea. Don’t place limitations on your writing—just let the words flow.

Character Letters

Writing letters in your characters’ voices can help you get inside their heads and understand them better so you can write them with more depth and realism. Create an ongoing correspondence to explore character relationships and group dynamics within your cast.

Write Your Bio

Write a series of short bios for your social media accounts and a longer one for your author website. Don’t forget to make a bio for your press kit and another to include in your books.

Rhyme and Meter Exercises

Set your inner musician free by composing lines and couplets in metrical patterns with rhymes. Establish the parameters before you start writing, or just let the words flow and note the meter and rhyme afterward.

Memory Prompts

Grab an old photo album or flip through the photos on your phone—or use recall to bring forth memories that you can write about. Use this as an exercise in writing description or crafting a narrative about something you experienced or witnessed—ideal if you’re interested in writing a memoir.

Writing Exercises

Writing exercises keep your skills sharp and your creativity flowing even when inspiration is fleeting. They are excellent for keeping up your writing practice between projects. Pick up a book of creative writing exercises so you’ll have plenty to choose from.

What-if List

Create a repository of ideas by writing a list of what-if questions that could spark characters, plots, and settings for your future works of fiction or provide ideas you can explore in poetry and nonfiction writing projects.


A mailing list is one of the best ways for an author to connect with a readership. Start planning yours now. You can fill your newsletter with behind-the-scenes material from your books or excerpts from your work in progress. Or write a poem or piece of flash fiction for your newsletter.

Character Diary

The best characters feel like real people, which means the writer has fully gotten into their heads and hearts. One way to do that is to keep a diary in your character’s voice, which will help you establish their innermost thoughts and feelings. And who knows? Maybe a character diary will turn into a novel written in first person!

Your Future Self

Jump at least ten years into the future and write a letter from your current self to your future self, write a letter from your future self to your current self, or write a diary entry as your future self.

Try Writing for Comics

Comics are often partnerships between artists and writers. Give the writing side of comics a try. If you don’t want to draw, just make notes about what the illustrations will depict. Focus on character, plot, and dialogue. Flip through a few comics if you need examples to guide you.

Dream Vacation

Write a few pages describing your dream vacation. Where will you go? How long will you stay? What will you do there? If you’ve already experienced a dream vacation, write about that instead.

Blurb Your Favorite Books

A book blurb is a short statement endorsing a book, often written by another author. Choose a few of your favorite titles and write blurbs for them.

Focus on dialogue by writing a script. It could be a script for a play, a TV series, or a movie, or it can simply be an exercise in practicing or exploring dialogue.

Imagined World History

Create a fictional history for a fantastical or sci-fi story world. What were the origins of the civilization? What are their customs and traditions? Their laws and beliefs?

Write a Recipe

Start with an introduction that makes the reader’s mouth water, and then deliver the recipe, complete with an ingredient list and cooking instructions.

Propose an Adaptation of Your Favorite Book

Do you have a favorite book that’s never been made into a film or television series? Put together a two-page pitch convincing studio executives that this story needs to be seen on a screen.

Write a Letter You’ll Never Send

Write a letter to someone who’s gone, someone who’s upset you, or someone you admire from afar.

Find Poetry

Found poetry is when we use words and phrases from source material to create a poem. This is most often seen as a page of printed text with various words and phrases circled, or all text blacked out except the portions that make up the found poem.

Write a Speech

Write an award acceptance speech; a campaign speech, or a graduation or wedding speech.

Make an Outline

Create an outline for a large-scope project, such as a book or series of books.

This is Like That

Practice writing similes and metaphors. Similes are when one thing is like another (your smile is like sunshine) and metaphors are when one thing is another (your smile is sunshine).

Make a Chapbook

If you’ve written a lot of short pieces, like essays, poems, and short stories, collect them into a chapbook. Bring it to an open mic and take along copies you can sell or give away, or offer it on your blog, website, or social media as a free or premium download.

Create a Motivation Journal

Fill it with things that make you want to write — positive affirmations, favorite lines from poems, quotes of wisdom, and useful reminders. Crack it open whenever you catch yourself procrastinating when you should be writing.

Give Fan Fiction a Whirl

Write a few scenes in your favorite story world. Create new characters or use existing characters. Just remember — you don’t own the intellectual property, so you can’t commercially publish it.

Write a Critique

A critique should start by highlighting the strengths in a piece of writing, and then it should gently but constructively offer feedback that is meant to show the author how to make improvements. You can critique any work, but it would be ideal if you can find a writer friend to swap critiques with.

Write Log Lines for Your Favorite Stories

A log line is a sentence or two that summarizes a story and entices readers. If you’re working on a project, write a log line about it. Log lines are excellent for crystallizing your vision, and they’re also useful for pitching and selling written works.

Start a Legacy Book

A legacy book is a collection of writings and other materials (letters, photos, ephemera, etc.) that can be passed down as a family heirloom. Write about your family history and document significant or memorable family events.

Speculate the Future

What do you think the world will look like in twenty-five years? Fifty? A hundred? A thousand? Write an essay or short story, or create a world-building document for a futuristic civilization.

Write a Film Treatment

Written like a short story in present tense, a film treatment is an overview of an entire film; it’s usually written before the first draft and used for pitching film ideas throughout the industry.

Write a Blog Post

If you write nonfiction, this should be easy; just write a post about one of your usual topics. If you’re a poet or a fiction writer, write about the craft, the industry, or use subject matter from your written works.

Practice Description

Writing description is an important skill. Create a one-page description for a story setting, or describe a location you’ve visited, or write a description of a real person or a fictional character.

Turn Memories Into Magic

Memories can provide a wealth of ideas for any type of writing, from poetry to fiction and a variety of essays. Choose an early memory and write it as a story, essay, or poem.

Social media is ideal for people who can write snappy, witty, and entertaining or engaging vignettes. Social media is an excellent tool for writers to find readers and connect with one another, so mastering a couple of these social platforms is a good idea if you hope to build a career as a writer.

Rewrite What You Don’t Like

Dig through your old, discarded writings and find a piece that had some potential. Then rewrite it.

Analyze a Written Work

Choose a piece of writing (it can be a book, an article, an essay — anything) and then write an analysis of at least 2,000 words (or about four pages).

Read and Resemble

Read a handful of poems by a single poet and then attempt writing a poem in that poet’s voice. This is not an exercise in copying; it’s an exercising in studying the voice of a writer. If you’re feeling ambitious, try it with works of fiction and write a scene in an author’s voice.

Write a Review

Choose a book that you’ve read recently and write a detailed review of it. What worked? What didn’t work? What did you like? What didn’t you like? Remember, a review should help a book find its readers. Who is this book for, if not for you?

Get Busy with These Creative Writing Activities!

What are some of your favorite creative writing activities? Have you done any of the activities on this list? Which ones would you want to try? Can you think of any writing activities to add to this list? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep writing!

Ready Set Write a Guide to Creative Writing



Thank you for all these wonderful ideas. After a very long hiatus from the writing world (mostly because of health) I am feeling a bit rusty. Using some of these ideas will certainly prime the pump! I really enjoy your blog and appreciate the basics of grammar, etc. I find that I have slipped into some old habits just in my everyday writing and your tips help me get back on track.

Melissa Donovan

Thanks, Ann. I’m always touched by comments like yours. It keeps me going when people let me know this blog is helpful or inspiring. So thank you for taking the time. Best of luck and keep writing!

Kristy @PampersandPinot

The character journal is a great idea!!!

The problem with the character journal is that it could be time consuming, but I love it as a way to get to know a character, and more specifically, to get inside a character’s head.

Yvonne Root

All of these ideas are wonderful. I’m especially attracted to the last two suggestions. Both of those activities are fun for me and certainly bound to be helpful concerning my writing skills.

When I must wait in the car (with a sleeping grandchild, for instance) I’m only happy if I can see folks as they come and go.

We play word games on a regular basis and have found it strengthens the writing skills of even those of us who do not call ourselves wordsmiths.

Keep up the excellent work.

Thanks so much for your kind words, Yvonnne. I’m looking forward to the day when the little ones in my family (niece and nephew) are old enough to play word and letter games.


Hi Melissa, Thanks for these wonderful ideas. I ‘m taking a couple of days off from writing my memoir, and will try them out.’Writing as one of my characters’ and ‘sitting in some heavily populated place for observations’ are intriguing.

Those are my two favorites as well. Good luck, Margaret, and enjoy your hiatus. I hope it refreshes you so you can return to your memoir.

Amber Dane

Love the character journal idea! To keep my vocab going I choose pages out of the dictionary/thesaurus to keep my brain working. It also does wonders for my muse. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this list.

I write a lot of scenes and backstory for my characters, which are never included in the book. Exploring the characters outside of the narrative has proven to be very helpful in better understanding them.

Paul Atreides

Hi, Melissa!

Well, I’ve been absent for quite a long while. But I have been busy. A spec piece submitted to my local daily newspaper landed me a column. (Who couldda guessed?) I also write theater reviews for them; write what you know has never been more true.

Consequently, I find that my creative writing has slowed quite a bit. The sequel to my debut needs, maybe, two more chapters yet there it sits, though a production company asked for it. Even reading the preceding few chapters doesn’t help me get into the character’s heads in order to finish the thing.

Got any ideas?

Congrats on landing a column, Paul. That’s awesome. I’m not sure why you’ve been unable to finish your sequel, so I can’t offer any specific suggestions, but you can start by fguring out why you’re not finishing it (no time, lost interest, etc.), and then you can probably rectify the problem.

Bette Stevens

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing these great ideas.

You’re welcome. Thanks for commenting!

Bryan Fagan

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut. Every writer needs to step away.

I live near the University of Oregon. Every now and than I take a walk through campus. I try to time it during a busy school day. I wish I could bottle the youthful energy that is floating in the wind.

If any of you live near a school try it.

Thank you for the list. It helps a lot.

Yes, breaks are great refreshers for a creative mind. You’re lucky to live near a beautiful place for walks.


I don’t speek english so, sorry if i write wrong, but i need to tell you that your blog is amazing. Your write it’s soo good and make me wanna write. I have 15 years old and i love write, maybe I become a writter when I grew up, and I don’t know how to make my ideias go for the paper but your blog has helped me. Thank you!!

Hi Isabella. Thanks for sharing your passion for writing. I’m glad you’re enjoying this blog. Keep writing!

Allison Brown

Thank you for your useful ideas! You have inspired me to try out new formats. I’m not a professional writer, it’s more my hobby. But still, I want to improve myself by writing texts and short stories.

You’re welcome. I’m glad this inspired you, and I’m thrilled that you’re working toward improvement. That’s wonderful!

Sandra Harris

Hi Melissa! I just wanted you to know that I recently bought some of your books and I absolutely love them and carry them around with me everywhere. Keep up the amazing work! Best wishes, Sandra Harris.

Wow, you just made my day, Sandra. That’s one of the nicest things anyone has said about my books. I’m so glad you like them. Keep writing!


Thank you for those amaing ideas. I’m not exactly stuck, as I know where my latest book is going, but I’m a bit lacking in motivation right now. Some of your suggestions might just get my juices flowing again.

Hi Vivienne. You’re welcome. I’m glad you found some motivation here. Keep writing!

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Writing as a Hobby: Exploring the World of Words and Imagination

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Writing as a hobby is a wonderful way to express yourself, unwind, and explore your creativity.

It’s an activity that allows you to play with words, share your thoughts and experiences, and dive into the fantastic worlds you create.

Is Writing a Hobby?

Certainly! Writing can be a hobby for anyone who enjoys the process of putting their ideas onto paper (or a screen).

What's Inside - Table of Contents

Whether you’re scribbling down your thoughts in a journal, crafting a short story, or even writing a blog post, writing can be a fun and engaging pastime that provides countless opportunities for personal growth and learning.

So, if you’ve ever wondered if writing could be a hobby for you, the answer is a resounding yes!

writing as a hobby

Writing as a Hobby: Exploring Different Forms

Creative writing.

Creative writing encompasses a wide range of genres and styles, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and everything in between. Here are some popular forms of creative writing to consider:

  • Short stories : Create captivating narratives that can be read in a single sitting.
  • Novels : Immerse yourself in the world-building process and develop complex characters.
  • Flash fiction : Challenge yourself to tell a complete story in just a few hundred words.
  • Creative non-fiction : Blend facts and storytelling to create engaging narratives about real events or experiences.

Journaling is the practice of regularly writing down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It can be a therapeutic and introspective hobby that helps you process your feelings and gain self-awareness.

Different types of journaling include:

  • Personal diary : Write about your daily life, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Gratitude journal : Focus on the positive aspects of your life by listing things you’re grateful for each day.
  • Travel journal : Document your adventures and experiences while exploring new places.
  • Dream journal : Record your dreams and analyze their meanings and patterns.

Blogging allows you to share your ideas, opinions, and experiences with an online audience. It’s an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals and even build a community around a specific topic.

Some popular blogging niches are:

  • Personal blogs : Share your life experiences, thoughts, and opinions.
  • Travel blogs : Document your travels, share tips, and inspire others to explore the world.
  • Food blogs : Write about cooking, baking, or your favorite eateries.
  • Hobby blogs : Share your passion for a specific hobby, like photography, gardening, or crafting.

writing as a hobby blog

Poetry Writing as a Hobby

Poetry is a beautiful form of creative expression that uses language, rhythm, and imagery to convey emotions, ideas, and stories.

There are many different forms and styles of poetry, such as:

  • Sonnets : A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme, often about love or beauty.
  • Haikus : A three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, traditionally focusing on nature and seasons.
  • Free verse : A type of poetry without a specific structure or rhyme scheme, allowing for greater flexibility in expression.
  • Limericks : A humorous, five-line poem with a distinctive rhyme pattern (AABBA).

Let’s do some fun examples of writing poetry…about writing.

An old-time sonnet about writing..

When pen meets paper, magic doth ensue, A world of words and thoughts doth come to life, A canvas blank, now filled with vibrant hue, A symphony of phrases, free from strife. A hobby grand, to write and to create, To weave a tale, to paint a picture true, You capture moments, both big and small, great, To share with others, a part of you. With every stroke of pen, a soul doth speak, A voice unique, a story to be told, A world of wonder, for all to seek, A treasure trove of memories, to hold. So let us write, with passion and with grace, And share our gifts, with the human race.

Now, here’s a haiku…about writing!

Ink flows on paper, Words dance with imagination, Writing as my bliss.

An example of a free-form poem about writing as a hobby.

Writing is my refuge, my escape, A world where I can truly shape, The thoughts and dreams that fill my mind, And leave the real world far behind.

With pen in hand and paper near, I let my thoughts and feelings steer, The words that flow so effortlessly, Creating worlds that I can see.

Characters come to life on the page, Their stories unfolding with each new stage, I watch them grow and learn and change, As I write, my world expands and ranges.

Writing is a journey, a path to explore, A way to express what’s deep at the core, Of who I am and what I believe, A way to connect and to achieve.

So I’ll keep writing, day after day, Letting my thoughts and feelings play, And maybe one day, my words will inspire, Others to write and to reach higher.

Last but not least a limerick about writing as a hobby!

There once was a writer so keen, Her pen and paper, a perfect team, She wrote with such flair, Her words filled the air, Writing was her ultimate dream.


Scriptwriting involves creating scripts for various forms of media, such as movies, TV shows, plays, and even video games.

This type of writing requires a unique skill set, as it focuses on crafting dialogue, building scenes, and developing characters within a visual and auditory context.

Some forms of scriptwriting include:

  • Screenwriting : Write scripts for movies or TV series, focusing on visual storytelling, character development, and dialogue.
  • Playwriting : Create scripts for theatrical performances, with a strong emphasis on dialogue, character interactions, and stage directions.
  • Radio dramas : Write stories to be performed as audio productions, focusing on dialogue, sound effects, and atmosphere.
  • Game writing : Develop narratives, dialogue, and characters for interactive experiences like video games or virtual reality.

By exploring these different forms of writing, you can find the one that best suits your interests, passions, and creative expression.

Each type of writing offers its own unique challenges and rewards, making it easy to keep your hobby engaging and fun.

How to Start Writing as a Hobby

group writing as a hobby

Where to Start Writing as a Hobby

The best place to start writing as a hobby is right where you are! All you need is a notebook or a computer and the desire to write.

To help you get started, consider the following:

  • Choose a writing form that interests you, such as creative writing, journaling, or blogging.
  • Set aside a dedicated time and space for writing, free from distractions.
  • Experiment with different writing prompts and exercises to spark your creativity.
  • Join a writing community or group, either online or in person, to share your work and receive feedback.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

When starting a new hobby, it’s essential to set realistic goals and expectations. Here are some tips to help you set achievable writing goals:

  • Start small : Set short-term, manageable goals, like writing for 15 minutes a day or completing a short story in a month.
  • Be patient : Understand that improvement takes time and practice.
  • Embrace the learning process : Accept that not every piece of writing will be perfect, and use each experience as a learning opportunity.

Finding Inspiration and Ideas

Inspiration can be found in the world around you, from your personal experiences to the books, movies, and music you enjoy.

To find ideas for your writing, try the following:

  • Observe the world around you : Pay attention to people, places, and events that spark your interest.
  • Use writing prompts : Search online for prompts or use prompt generators to stimulate your imagination.
  • Read widely : Discover new ideas and perspectives by reading books, articles, and blogs in various genres and styles.

Tips for Beginners

Before diving into the world of writing, it’s essential to have some guidance to help you navigate the journey.

From establishing a regular writing routine to seeking feedback and staying curious, these tips are designed to help you build a strong foundation for your new hobby.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the tips that will help you unleash your inner writer!

  • Write regularly : Establish a consistent writing routine to build your skills and stay motivated.
  • Seek feedback : Share your work with friends, family, or writing groups to gain valuable insights and improve your writing.
  • Edit and revise : Don’t be afraid to rewrite and refine your work; it’s an essential part of the writing process.
  • Stay curious : Continuously learn and explore new writing techniques, styles, and genres.

Embrace Imperfection

As a beginner, it’s important to remember that your first drafts won’t be perfect, and that’s okay.

Allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes, and view each one as an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer.

Find your Writing Tribe

Connecting with other writers can be incredibly beneficial for beginners.

Seek out local writing groups, online forums, or social media communities where you can exchange ideas, share your work, and offer support to fellow writers.

Read like a Writer

As you read books, articles, or any other written material, pay attention to the author’s writing style, word choice, and storytelling techniques.

Analyze what works and what doesn’t, and consider how you can apply these lessons to your own writing. This practice will not only help you develop a deeper appreciation for the written word but also refine your skills as a writer.

How to Start Creative Writing with No Experience

Embarking on a creative writing journey can seem daunting, especially when you have no prior experience. But fear not!

Every great writer had to start somewhere, and with the right approach, you too can unleash your creativity and craft captivating stories.

  • Focus on the basics : Learn the fundamentals of storytelling, such as character development, setting, and plot structure.
  • Experiment : Try different writing styles, points of view, and genres to find your unique voice.
  • Take a course or workshop : Enroll in a creative writing class or workshop to learn new techniques and receive guidance from experienced writers.

Creative Writing Prompts to Kick Things Off

Creative writing prompts are ideas, statements, questions, or scenarios designed to inspire writers and spark their imagination.

These prompts serve as a starting point for writing, helping to overcome writer’s block, stimulating creative thinking, and encouraging the development of new stories, characters, or settings.

They can be used by writers of all experience levels to explore different genres, styles, and themes, or to practice specific writing techniques.

Creative writing prompts can come in various forms, including:

  • Text prompts : A phrase, sentence, or paragraph that suggests a situation, character, or theme.
  • Visual prompts : Images or photographs that inspire a narrative or evoke emotions.
  • Dialogue prompts : A line of dialogue that can be used as a foundation for a scene or conversation between characters.
  • First line prompts : A suggested opening sentence for a story, challenging the writer to build a narrative around it.
  • Genre-specific prompts : Ideas tailored to specific genres, such as mystery, romance, or science fiction, to help writers explore different styles and storytelling conventions.

Using creative writing prompts can be an effective way to break through writer’s block, generate new ideas, and improve your writing skills.

The Benefits of Writing as a Hobby

Personal growth and self-expression.

Writing as a hobby offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and self-expression. It enables you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, fostering self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your emotions. By experimenting with different styles, genres, and forms of writing, you can also discover your unique voice and perspective, further enriching your self-expression.

Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Engaging in writing as a hobby can have significant benefits for your mental and emotional well-being. Writing can be therapeutic, helping you process emotions, make sense of your experiences, and gain clarity on your thoughts.

Journaling, in particular, has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental health.

Moreover, creative writing provides a healthy outlet for self-expression, allowing you to channel your emotions and experiences into art.

Improved Communication Skills

Practicing writing as a hobby can significantly enhance your communication skills. Writing requires you to organize your thoughts, convey ideas clearly, and engage your audience effectively.

As you hone your writing skills, you’ll also develop a stronger command of language, grammar, and vocabulary, which can positively impact your verbal communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Building a Supportive Community

Writing as a hobby often leads to connecting with others who share your passion.

Joining writing groups, participating in workshops, or engaging with online writing communities can provide you with valuable feedback, encouragement, and camaraderie.

Building a supportive network of fellow writers not only enriches your writing experience but also helps you develop a sense of belonging and fosters lasting friendships.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion on Writing as a Hobby

Now that you have a better understanding of writing as a hobby, we encourage you to take the plunge and start exploring the world of words.

Remember, there’s no “right” way to begin—simply choose a form of writing that interests you and give it a try. Be patient with yourself, embrace the learning process, and above all, enjoy the journey.

Writing can be a deeply rewarding and fulfilling hobby that not only enriches your life but also opens up new opportunities for personal growth, creativity, and connection. Happy writing!

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Creative Writing

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Ernest Hemingway
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Creative writing is a hobby that allows you to express yourself and explore your imagination through words. It can help you improve your communication skills, enhance your creativity, and boost your confidence. To get started, you can choose a genre, a topic, or a prompt that interests you and write whatever comes to your mind. You can also join online communities, take courses, or read books to learn more about the craft.

Helpful content to start creative writing as a hobby

We aim to provide accurate information, but errors might be found. Always exercise judgment and discretion.

Short visual inspiration.

What is Creative Writing & How to Get Started

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Spotify Embed: Creative Writing: How Do I Start?

The scariest moment is always just before you start. Stephen King

Basic lingo for orientation.

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❗ how to start creative writing as a hobby.

First moves for getting acquainted and breaking the ice.

First, consider getting a notebook .

The next step depends on your personal preference and style. You can try one or more of the following options:

  • Write freely and spontaneously, without judging yourself or editing your work.
  • Use writing prompts to spark your imagination and generate stories.
  • Use writing exercises to practice specific skills and techniques.
  • Read creative writing guides to learn from experts and get tips and advice.
  • Read books, stories, poems, or any other forms of creative writing that inspire you or interest you.
  • Observe the world around you and pay attention to places, people, interactions, and details.
  • Take notes on your life experiences, thoughts, feelings, dreams, or anything else that matters to you.
  • Take courses online or offline to learn from instructors and peers and get feedback and support.

First Moves Videos

Get read-y.

The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing

Creative writing can enrich your life and make it more meaningful. Writing can help you express yourself authentically, explore your identity and purpose, reflect on your past and present, and envision your future. It can also help you find joy and satisfaction in creating something original and valuable.

Step-by-step tutorials.

How-To Videos

How to write descriptively - Nalo Hopkinson

Further reading.

Video Articles

Three anti-social skills to improve your writing - Nadia Kalman

Go-tos for information.

  • Inkitt – The Reader-Powered Publisher
  • Wattpad – Where stories live
  • Writer’s Digest
  • Writing Excuses

Website Previews

A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. Thomas Mann

Nothing like a film for inspiration.

Dead Poets Society

Movie Trailers

BETWEEN THE LINES: WRITERS ON SCREEN | Official Trailer | Hand-picked by MUBI

Get a clue.

What is creative writing?

Creative writing is any form of writing that expresses the writer’s imagination, feelings, thoughts or experiences. It can include fiction, poetry, drama, memoirs, essays and more.

How can I improve my creative writing skills?

The best way to improve your creative writing skills is to practice often and learn from others. You can also try different techniques and exercises that can challenge you and stimulate your creativity. Some examples are: using prompts , freewriting, rewriting, experimenting with different styles and genres, joining a writing group or workshop , reading aloud or sharing your work with others .

How do I overcome writer’s block?

Try one or more of these:

  • Writing prompts .
  • Writing exercises .
  • Bouncing your thoughts and ideas of friends, family, strangers, or AI bots.
  • Taking classes .
  • Joining a writing group .
  • Joining a writer’s block-specific group .
  • Taking a break and letting go for a while.

Smart assistance.

Scrivener - Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook.

App Trailers

Moleskine Classic Notebook

Product Demos

  • Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing | MasterClass
  • Neil Gaiman Teaches the Art of Storytelling | MasterClass
  • Creative Writing for All: A 10-Day Journaling Challenge | Emily Gould | Skillshare
  • Creative Writing | Coursera
  • Creative Writing | Udemy

Video Courses and Trailers

Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing | Official Trailer | MasterClass

Get together.

  • Creative Writing Classes Near You
  • Creative Writing Events Near You
  • Creative Writing groups | Meetup
  • Writer’s Block groups | Meetup
  • Writing | Meetup

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Creative writing can enhance your cognitive skills, memory, and learning abilities. Studies have shown that creative writing can improve your verbal fluency, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It can also stimulate your imagination, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

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Additional advice for beginners.

  • Consider using a word-processing program and outliner designed for authors such as Scrivener . Scrivener is a non-linear writing software that makes it easier for writers to organize their ideas and manage more complicated writing projects1. It adapts to your writing processes and doesn’t force you to adapt your writing style.

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  • Hobbies to Make Money (Turn Your Passion into Profits)
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50+ Creative Writing Prompts about Hobbies, Recreation & Leisure

  • Post date June 26, 2023
  • Post categories In Lifestyle

creative writing on my hobby

Explore our list of 50+ thoughtful, fun, and reflective writing prompts all revolving around the fascinating world of hobbies, leisure, and recreation.

creative writing on my hobby

Whether you’re a seasoned hobbyist, a newbie seeking inspiration, or simply looking to bring more creativity into your daily life, this collection promises to inspire personal growth, spur your imagination, and might even help you discover a new passion.

Let’s dive in and rediscover the profound joy of leisure activities through the art of creative writing.

  • Write a letter to your younger self explaining why they should take up your favorite hobby.
  • If you could turn one of your hobbies into a full-time job, which one would it be and why?
  • Write a story where your hobby plays a crucial role in resolving a conflict.
  • Describe a time when your hobby helped you through a tough situation.
  • How would you persuade someone to try your favorite leisure activity?
  • Reflect on the most challenging aspect of your hobby and how it has helped you grow as a person.
  • Write about the community surrounding your favorite hobby. How has it impacted your life?
  • How would your life change if you could no longer pursue your favorite hobby?
  • Detail the steps for a beginner to get started in your favorite hobby.
  • Imagine you could master any hobby overnight. What would it be and why?

creative writing on my hobby

  • Write about the first time you tried your favorite leisure activity. How has your perspective on it changed since then?
  • List the top 5 reasons why everyone should have a hobby.
  • Describe an experience where you shared your hobby with others. How did it make you feel?
  • Write a poem that celebrates your favorite hobby.
  • Reflect on how your favorite recreational activity enhances your well-being.
  • How have your hobbies changed as you’ve gotten older?
  • Describe the perfect day indulging in your favorite hobby.
  • Write about a time when your hobby surprised you, whether in a positive or negative way.
  • Imagine you could invite anyone in the world to join you in your hobby. Who would you choose and why?
  • Write about an accomplishment you achieved through your hobby. How did it make you feel?
  • Describe a time when your hobby pushed you out of your comfort zone.
  • If your hobby were a person, write a conversation you would have with it.
  • Reflect on a hobby you gave up. Why did you stop, and would you consider picking it up again?
  • Imagine that your favorite hobby suddenly became illegal. How would you react?
  • Write a short story where your hobby saves the day.
  • Describe a hobby you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet. What’s holding you back?

creative writing on my hobby

  • Reflect on the lessons your favorite hobby has taught you.
  • Write about the most enjoyable aspect of your favorite leisure activity.
  • How does your hobby contribute to your personal goals?
  • Describe a time when your hobby allowed you to help others.
  • Write a persuasive essay about the benefits of your favorite recreational activity.
  • How does engaging in your hobby affect your mental health?
  • Write a thank-you note to someone who introduced you to a hobby you love.
  • Create a bucket list of hobbies you would like to try.
  • Describe the process of creating or doing something within your hobby.
  • How does your hobby connect you with different cultures or communities?
  • Reflect on the role of technology in your favorite hobby.
  • Write about the evolution of your favorite hobby throughout history.
  • How has your hobby influenced your understanding of the world?
  • Write a short adventure story featuring your hobby.
  • Discuss a moment when you felt proud of your progress in your hobby.
  • Write about a time when your hobby led you to an unexpected friendship or relationship.
  • How would you explain your hobby to someone from a different planet?
  • Write about a mistake you made while pursuing your hobby and what it taught you.
  • Reflect on a memorable moment while engaging in your favorite leisure activity.
  • How has your favorite hobby influenced your lifestyle?
  • Write a fictional story about a character who shares your hobby.
  • What role does patience play in your hobby?
  • Write a guide for someone who doesn’t know how to start a new hobby.
  • What hobby category is most interesting to you? What other hobbies fall under that category that you haven’t tried yet?

Diving deeper and writing about our hobbies and leisure interests is a great way to learn more about ourselves. Hopefully this list of 50+ hobby writing prompts has helped you along your journey.

Looking for more great hobby ideas check out our huge list of hobbies ideas from a to z and start something new….

  • Tags creative writing , prompt , therapy , writing

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How To Write About Your Hobby (As An Author)

  • by Fred Johnson
  • February 24, 2020
  • No Comments

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Hobbies come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe you enjoy arranging flowers, maybe you try to pursue amateur carpentry from your inner-city apartment, or maybe you can’t stop yourself from assembling and painting toy soldiers. Hobbies are great in that it doesn’t really matter whether you’re good at them or not; they’re things we do for the sheer pleasure of the act.

What you may find surprising is that hobbies can help you become a better writer. Authors and poets from Haruki Murakami to Vladimir Nabokov to Sylvia Plath found their work benefited from their engagement with their hobbies (running, lepidoptery, and beekeeping respectively), and they and many others have written about their hobbies in striking, innovative, and compelling ways.

But how can you best write about your own hobbies, whether they be watchmaking or piano-playing, in your fiction and nonfiction? Well, let’s turn to a few authors who’ve already excelled at this and see what we can learn…

Find the universal appeal

If you’re writing about something niche, it’s tempting to assume you’re preaching to the choir. And, if you’re writing an article for a blog dedicated to your interest, maybe that’s a fair assumption; go ahead, use jargon and assume a level of reader knowledge. If, however, you’re writing about your hobby in a more general context, whether it be fictional or nonfictional, you can’t assume your reader is already an expert, and nor can you assume they’ll even find your hobby interesting. No, to draw them in, you’re going to have to find the vein of universal appeal.

For famed Japanese author Haruki Murakami, author of the novels The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Norwegian Wood , writing about his hobby – long-distance running – meant examining it from an angle that emphasized the philosophical side of physical effort and exertion. In What I Talk About When I Talk About Running , he writes:

Even now, when I run along Jingu Gaien or Asakasa Gosha, sometimes I remember these other runners. I’ll round a corner and feel like I should see them coming toward me, silently running, their breath white in the morning air. And I always think this: They put up with such strenuous training, and where did their thoughts, their hopes and dreams, disappear to? – Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

This passage is barely – only tangentially, really – about running. Instead, Murakami goes beyond the physical act of feet on the ground and finds the human heart beating beneath, thus rendering it interesting and relevant to a readership who may not be interested in or sympathetic toward running as an activity.

Of course, Murakami has two advantages here. The first is that running, like any exercise, tends to lend itself easily to grand metaphors about human endurance and, going further still, the strength of the human spirit. (David Foster Wallace would expand on this in his essay on Roger Federer, ‘ Federer Both Flesh and Not ,’ explaining that ‘high-level sports are a prime venue for the expression of human beauty. The relationship is roughly that of courage to war.’) It’s true that some hobbies are easier to make broadly appealing than others; Hemingway frames fishing as a noble battle of man versus nature in The Old Man and the Sea , while watchmaking has a decorated history of religious and ontological allusions to fall back on. Finding the broad appeal of something like crocheting or stamp collecting, on the other hand, may be more challenging.

The second advantage Murakami has is that, well, he’s Haruki Murakami. He can rely on a readership who’ll pick up What I Talk About When I Talk About Running not because they’re interested in running, but because they’ve read his fiction and want to absorb some of his wisdom. In other words, they’re interested in fiction and literature, not running.

Murakami exploits this expertly (and perhaps even cynically) by including a chapter entitled ‘Most of What I Know About Writing Fiction I Learned By Running Every Day.’ In this way, he makes running suddenly appealing to those who’re only reading the book in the first place because they’re interested in writing, reading, and fiction – running suddenly becomes a kind of key to broader literary understanding. The truth is more pedestrian, of course; Murakami merely draws parallels between the endurance and discipline needed to run and the endurance and discipline needed to write:

Most of what I know about writing I’ve learned through running every day. These are practical, physical lessons. How much can I push myself? How much rest is appropriate and how much is too much? How far can I take something and still keep it decent and consistent? – Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

One trick to writing effectively about hobbies, then, is to only tangentially write about hobbies in the first place. Instead, tie the hobby you’re writing about to broader human, natural, and cosmic questions, and write as if it is the key to understanding – or, better, experiencing – these most essential and elemental of human experiences.

Be esoteric

On the other end of the spectrum to broad appeal, we have esotericism. Esotericism implies secret knowledge – a trove of insights and know-how only available to the chosen few. This may seem contradictory, but it’s important to represent both in your writing, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction.

Being esoteric helps present your hobby’s followers as a group with its own secrets, perceptions, and view of the world, which in turn presents you as a vaguely romantic figure and, more importantly, your hobby as something valuable, perception-expanding, and wholesome. We see Jonathan Franzen lean into this in his piece on his love of birdwatching:

Things with feathers can be found in every corner of every ocean and in land habitats so bleak that they’re habitats for nothing else. Grey gulls raise their chicks in Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth. Emperor penguins incubate their eggs in Antarctica in winter. Goshawks nest in the Berlin cemetery where Marlene Dietrich is buried, sparrows in Manhattan traffic lights, swifts in sea caves, vultures on Himalayan cliffs, chaffinches in Chernobyl. The only forms of life more widely distributed than birds are microscopic. – Jonathan Franzen, ‘ The Radical Otherness of Birds ,’ The Guardian

Of course, Franzen’s narrowness here isn’t compelling merely for its romance; it’s engaging too because of his expertise. By sharing these niche facts, Franzen paints himself as an authority with lessons worth listening to; it’s Aristotle’s ‘Ethos,’ a mode of persuasion that relies on presenting the speaker (or writer in this case) as a reliable, authoritative, and trustworthy source.

There’s also something more abstract and difficult to quantify about esoteric facts that is immensely charming. It has to do, I think, with their uselessness; yes, there are, I suppose, scientific and ecological reasons for knowing which bird species roost in which inhospitable environment, just as there’re historical reasons for being able to accurately date a particular stamp and tactical reasons for poring over tabletop battleplans, but, in day-to-day life, these facts will never prove useful. Like hobbies themselves, they’re totally impractical, totally separate from the concepts of success and failure, and are products of sheer, genuine pleasure.

In our modernity of marketable skills, results-oriented business, and education-for-the-sake-of-employment, there’s something delightfully quaint about, say, being able to craft cranes from folded paper or name all the constellations. Hobbies are inherently joyous, and by leaning into that in your writing, your reader will experience that joy vicariously.

Of course, remember that the intent should always be to induct your reader into your esoteric discipline, not just to lord your superior knowledge over them. Give your reader the gift of hidden knowledge, but don’t position yourself as lecturer .

Invite them along

The great thing about writing about one of your own hobbies is that it’s hard not to come across as passionate. That energy will enliven your prose but, if you let it, it can also lead you down a rabbit hole of tangents, anecdotes , and jargon-littered asides. Yes, detail is good; esoteric knowledge is good; but easy there, zoom out a little!

This is where universal appeal comes in. By asking yourself what about your hobby appealed to you in the first place, you can identify what’s likely to appeal to those of your readers who aren’t yet converted. Maybe you won’t, when writing about fishing, opt for Hemingway’s man vs. nature conflation; maybe instead you’ll think of getting away from it all, returning to nature, and the slow dissipation of your worries in the face of a great blue lake. Maybe you’ll muse a little about how this ritual of rural life offers a psychological balm to the pressures of city living, and just like that you’ve touched upon themes far broader than just catching fish.

Approaching your subject from the right angle can absolutely transform a reader’s relationship with a hobby they’ve never tried. By focusing on the companionship of fishing and the bizarre musings their sedate hobby allows, comedians Bob Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse have prompted a legitimate renaissance in their English readership’s interest in fishing. The secret, of course, is that it’s not really about the fishing at all – that’s just the excuse for joining in with two people who are having a genuinely amazing time.

For that, in the end, is the trick to writing about your hobby in a compelling, non-technical manner. Hobbies don’t make logical sense, and they can rarely be made attractive through that lens. Bombarding the reader with technical details may show your own expertise, it may even educate them, but it will rarely enchant them. Yes, there are practical benefits to getting into X, but it’s the experience that people want to read about. In discussing hobbies, you’ve got to muse on this: on the appeal, sure, but also on the weird human quirk that makes us pursue hobbies in the first place. It’s here that the gold vein lies.

Have you written about your hobbies before? Do any of your favorite authors write about hobbies particularly well? Let me know in the comments, and check out The 3 Golden Rules Of Writing About Your Pet and Write Better Sports Fiction With These Tips for more on writing about your real-world interests.

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Fred Johnson

Fred Johnson

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How to start writing as a hobby let's find out.

Writing is a beautiful art form that allows you to express your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions through words. Whether you want to improve your writing skills or find a fun way to let your creativity shine, writing as a hobby can be a fulfilling experience. If you're wondering how to start writing as a hobby? Let's find out together!

A creative writing hobby can be a great way to get your unique ideas and thoughts into words, unleash your imagination, and explore different perspectives through storytelling.

Whether writing a short story, poem, essay, or novel, creating something from scratch can be challenging and rewarding. It can help you develop your writing prowess and creativity, boost your confidence, and connect with others who share your passion.

While writing as a hobby may not necessarily lead to a career as a professional writer, it can improve your performance at school and work and provide a fantastic outlet for creativity.

So read on to find out exactly how to make writing a hobby!

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I love to say: "My hobby is writing"! This is how I made Writing my hobby

My favourite hobby is writing, and I find it is one of the best pastimes I have ever had. I also pursued reading as a hobby , and as I continued, I began to feel the desire to write my own stories, essays, and blogs.

At first, I was hesitant to start because I thought I lacked the talent and skill required to make a piece of writing worth reading.

However, I soon realised that writing is not just for the experts but is something that anyone can enjoy and benefit from. And the more you write, the better your writing capabilities become !

Writing has become an essential part of my daily routine, and I make sure to set aside some time every day to work on my writing projects.

I enjoy the process of coming up with new ideas and finding the best way to express them. I like drafting outlines and crafting sentences that convey my thoughts and feelings most effectively.

Whether I am working on a short story, a personal essay, or a blog post, I find that writing helps me:

clarify my thinking,

organise my ideas, and

express myself in a way that feels authentic.

Writing has also provided me with a sense of accomplishment and pride . When I finish a piece and read it over, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that I created something that is entirely my own.

Writing has helped me:

develop my creativity,

sharpen my critical thinking skills, and

understand my mind better.

It has also allowed me to connect with other writers and readers who share my passion for storytelling.

I made many like-minded friends, some of whom even wanted to become successful authors and are working on achieving their dreams. It's made me really inspired and grateful that I started this hobby!

Thus, writing as a hobby is an excellent way to explore your creativity, upgrade your writing skills, and express yourself in a way that is unique and personal.

There is always room to grow and learn as a writer, no matter how long you've been developing your writing forces for.

So, if you have been considering taking up writing as a hobby, I encourage you to get started today and see where it takes you!

Importance and benefits of writing and reading

Reading and writing are crucial skills that play a significant role in our personal, educational, and professional lives.

Below are some of the benefits of writing and reading and why they are so important:

Communication: Writing is important for communication with others. Whether we want to express our thoughts, feelings, or ideas, we need to be able to write effectively to convey our message accurately.

Personal Development: Reading can broaden our knowledge, understanding, and perspective on various subjects. It can also be a great way to learn about different cultures, experiences, and viewpoints that can make us become more well-rounded individuals.

Academic Success: Reading and writing are fundamental skills in academics. It's essential to be able to read, comprehend and use information from textbooks, articles, and research papers to succeed in school. Additionally, writing is essential for accurately and concisely expressing what you have learned.

Career Advancement: Reading and writing are non-negotiable skills in most jobs. Whether it's writing emails, creating reports, or drafting proposals, effective writing skills are essential to convey ideas professionally and efficiently.

Critical Thinking: Reading and writing also improve our critical thinking skills. When we read, we analyze information and form opinions. When we write, we must organise our thoughts and present them in a logical and coherent manner.

Reading and writing are fundamental skills that greatly impact our personal and professional lives. You can read even more about the benefits of reading here.

💡 DId you know? When writing non-fiction, you improve your skills in research; when enjoying a creative writing hobby, you develop your creativity; and when writing one daily journal, you find out who you truly are and what areas of your life you should work on.

Is writing a hobby?

Writing can be a hobby if you're consistent with it and enjoy it. You can write to express yourself or to improve your professional skills. Writing can be a fun and creative way to do this.

Writing can take many forms, such as:

fictional stories,

non-fiction essays,


blogging, or

writing in a personal diary.

Some people also enjoy participating in writing communities, writing competitions , challenges or creative writing courses to share their work and receive feedback from others.

Whether it's for personal enjoyment or to pursue a career as a writer, writing can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby.

So, if you're looking for a fun and rewarding creative hobby, consider taking up writing!

Is writing a good hobby?

Yes, writing can be a good hobby for many reasons:

Firstly, it's a way that allows you to express yourself in a creative way , which can be very fulfilling. Whether you're a busy writer writing fiction, poetry, or personal essays, you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and ideas on paper.

Secondly, writing can help you improve your communication skills . By practising writing regularly, you can learn how to articulate your thoughts more clearly and effectively, which can benefit you both personally and professionally.

Finally, writing can be a great way to relieve stress and boost your mental health.

The "Effects of Expressive Writing on Psychological and Physical Health: The Moderating Role of Emotional Expressivity" research paper has shown that expressive writing can help reduce anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions.

Writing as a new hobby can be very rewarding and enjoyable, and I would encourage anyone interested to try it!

How to start writing as a hobby

To know where to begin writing as a hobby, take the following steps:

Choose a topic or genre that interests you: Think about what types of writing you enjoy reading and what topics you are passionate about. It could be a genre of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or even journaling. This will help you stay motivated and engaged with your writing.

Create a writing space: It's important to have a dedicated space for writing where you feel comfortable and inspired. This could be a quiet corner of your home or a local coffee shop. Make sure it's a place where you can focus and avoid distractions.

Gather your writing tools: Make sure that you have a notebook and a couple of pens or a laptop if you prefer typing. You might like to purchase a notebook with a pretty cover or some stickers to decorate your laptop so you can be more motivated and write for fun.

Set aside time to write regularly: Schedule regular writing sessions in your calendar, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Make it a priority and stick to your schedule if you want to improve your writing and/or turn it into a hobby.

Experiment with different writing styles: Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment with different types of writing. You may discover a new passion for poetry or find that you love writing short stories. Also, don't shy away from genres you have never written before - it's a great way to exercise your creativity and imagination!

Find a writing community: Join a writing course or community where you can share your work, get feedback, and connect with others for whom writing is a hobby. This can be a great way to stay motivated and learn from others. In fact, some writing groups meet regularly to share what they're working on - this will keep you accountable and ensure you write regularly.

Remember to write for fun first, instead of writing what everyone else is or what others are telling you to.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Just start writing as a hobby and let your creativity flow.

With time, your skills will improve, and maybe you could become a successful professional writer one day!

How to develop writing as a hobby

To develop writing as a hobby, some tips to get started are:

Start with short writing exercises: Begin by writing short pieces of prose or poetry. Try to experiment with different styles and techniques. You can use writing prompts or try writing about a particular topic or theme.

Read widely: Reading is an essential part of developing your writing skills. Read books, magazines, and online articles from various genres and authors to help you find your voice and style.

Write every day: Consistency is key to developing any skill, including writing. Try to write something every day, even if it's just a few lines in a journal or a short blog post.

Join a writing group near you: Joining a writing group can help you connect with other writers, receive feedback on your work, and improve your skills. Look for local writing groups or online communities.

Attend writing courses and creative workshops: Attending writing courses or school holiday programs can provide valuable feedback, guidance, and inspiration. Look for writing workshops or courses in your local community or online.

Set goals: Setting writing goals can help you stay motivated and focused. Decide on specific writing goals, such as writing a certain number of words or completing a short story, and work towards achieving them.

Edit and revise: Editing and revising are important parts of the writing process. After you've written a piece, take the time to review it, make changes, and refine your work.

Remember that developing writing as a hobby is a process that takes time and practice. Keep writing, stay inspired, and enjoy the adventure!

You'll look back on your journey with many interesting works to read with pride and share with your friends and family.

Writing as a hobby ideas

A writing hobby can be a fun way to express yourself creatively. You can try many different things with it. Here are some ideas to start writing as a hobby.

Start a blog: Blogging can be a great way to explore your interests and share your thoughts with the world. You could write about a specific topic or simply journal your experiences. You can even learn about SEO and affiliate marketing to turn your blog into a profitable side hustle!

Write short stories : If you enjoy fiction, try your hand at writing short stories. You could experiment with different genres or focus on a particular theme.

Keep a journal : Writing in a journal can be a therapeutic and reflective exercise that reveals more about yourself, your inner emotions and your desires. You could write about your daily life, dreams, aspirations, ideas, and creative process. It's a fun and rewarding way to relax and unwind regularly.

Try poetry : Poetry can be a challenging but fun and rewarding form of writing. You could experiment with different forms and styles or focus on a particular subject or emotion. Your vocabulary can expand as you look for synonyms and words that rhyme with each other.

Write fan fiction : If you're a fan of a particular TV show, movie, or book series, why not try writing your own fan fiction? You could explore alternate plot lines or delve deeper into different characters' lives. You can even come up with a prequel or sequel to your favourite stories.

Start a book : If you have an interesting story to tell, consider writing a book. Choose from many types of writing genres, such as romance, sci-fi, historical fiction and more. Or, you could even write a memoir about your own life experiences or a biography about someone you admire.

Write a script or screenplay : If you love movies or plays, try your hand at writing a script or screenplay. You could adapt a book, come up with a sequel or prequel, or turn a historical event into an exciting play or movie plot. Alternatively, you can come up with your own completely original story!

Experiment with different styles : Don't be afraid to try different styles of writing. You could try to write stories in different tenses, experiment with different points of view, or even write in a different language. This can help you discover your unique writer's voice and a way to tell stories.

Write essays on your favourite topics : If you're at school or university, writing essays is a key part of your studies. If you don't think you're a great academic writer, consider writing your hobby, where you improve your academic writing abilities through regular practice. Choose topics and prompts that interest you to make writing more enjoyable.

Participate in writing challenges : There are many writing competitions online , from NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) to flash fiction challenges. Participating in these challenges can help you stay motivated and improve your writing skills.

Collaborate with other writers : Writing doesn't have to be done alone. You can collaborate on a project with other writers, such as a co-authored book or blog. You can also share your writing with others for feedback and advice.

Join writing courses near you : Writing courses can be particularly helpful for beginners or young writers. You can join writing classes in your area during the next Australian school holidays . A writing course can help you learn about the basics of story structure, character development, dialogue, and more. Also, feedback that you receive from your tutor can help you improve your writing skills.

Join writing courses online : If you want to improve your writing skills and learn how to write stories that capture readers' attention, you can take a creative writing course online.

✨ Master the art of storytelling ✨ with a great creative writing course online where the renowned Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid's Tale, teaches how to write compelling, descriptive and engaging stories that make readers want to keep reading. Check it out!

A creative writing hobby can take many different forms. For example, you can write short stories, novels or poems.

You can practice writing essays to improve your skills for school. Or, you can learn more about your inner self through journalling or keeping a diary.

Writing is a fun, rewarding hobby and gives you infinite creative freedom.

Will writing become obsolete?

While it's difficult to predict the future with certainty, it seems unlikely that writing will become completely obsolete.

Writing has been a fundamental human communication and record-keeping tool for thousands of years. Even though there are new technologies and ways to communicate, writing is still important for sharing information and ideas.

In fact, writing has only become more important in the digital age as we communicate more frequently and across greater distances than ever before.

While technologies like voice recognition and artificial intelligence (AI) may reduce the need for some types of writing, humans will likely need to write, communicate complex ideas, create narratives, and record information for future generations.

Furthermore, writing has a cultural and artistic value that will probably stay important for a long time. Whether in the form of novels, poetry, or essays, writing can inspire, challenge, and provoke thought in ways other communication forms cannot.

While writing may evolve and adapt to new technologies and communication methods, it seems unlikely that it will become obsolete anytime soon.

In summary, writing as a hobby can be a wonderful activity for tweens, teenagers and adults who enjoy expressing themselves creatively, especially through writing.

A writing hobby, like journaling, blogging, and writing poems or short stories, can help improve your communication skills, make you more creative, allow you to express yourself, and even help you do better at school or work.

In addition, writing is a hobby that can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment and an opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests.

So why not give writing a go today?

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Some images in this article were generated by Midjourney. The images are for illustrative purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or judgment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is writing letters a hobby.

Yes, writing letters can be an awesome hobby for those who enjoy expressing themselves creatively or finding joy in the art of communication. Whether it's the process of selecting beautiful stationery, writing with different pens or calligraphy, corresponding with friends or pen pals, or even collecting letters, there are endless ways to enjoy this fulfilling hobby. Plus, writing letters can be a relaxing and meditative activity that lets you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So why not give it a try and see how much fun writing letters can be?

Is creative writing a hobby?

Creative writing is a popular hobby. People use it to express themselves, tell stories, and explore their thoughts and emotions. Writing can be therapeutic and help process experiences constructively. Whether writing is a hobby or a profession depends on personal goals. Some write for enjoyment, while others see it as a career path and work toward publishing.

How to do writing hobby?

Here are the 6 simple steps to start writing as a hobby: 1. Choose a writing style or genre you enjoy; 2. Make time for writing each day or week; 3. Find a quiet, comfortable space to write; 4. Practice writing regularly; 5. Share your writing with others for feedback; 6. Read widely for inspiration. And remember to have fun and enjoy the process!

Is writing diary a hobby?

Writing a diary can be a fun and relaxing hobby. It allows you to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences and reflect on your day. Writing in a diary can be therapeutic and enjoyable. You can write about anything! So, if you enjoy keeping a diary, it can be a fulfilling hobby to pursue.

How to get into writing as a hobby?

Getting into writing as a hobby can be a great way to express your creativity and explore new ideas. Here are some tips on how to get started writing today: schedule time each week to write, choose a genre, start small, read widely, get feedback, practice regularly, and enjoy the process.

Is writing poetry a hobby and an addition to writing skills?

Yes, writing poetry regularly can be considered a hobby. It can stimulate your imagination, expand your vocabulary, and introduce you to a new way to express your feelings and ideas through words, which is a fantastic addition to your writing skills!

How writing can be a great hobby?

Writing regularly is a great way to express your feelings and ideas, stimulate your creativity and imagination, develop your skills with words, expand your knowledge, and even connect you with others who share your interests.

Can writing be just a great hobby?

Absolutely! Writing can be a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby that can be used for personal expression or as a creative outlet. It includes various forms such as fiction, poetry, and personal essays. Writing can offer a sense of accomplishment, a healthy emotional outlet, and help develop creativity and self-expression.

What are the ways to improve your writing?

To improve writing skills, read widely and practice writing regularly. Get feedback and focus on the structure while editing and revising. Experiment with different writing styles and attend writing workshops. Use tools like grammar and spell checkers and make writing a daily routine. Attend writing workshops or classes. You also need to make writing a regular part of your daily routine and carve out dedicated time to pursue it as a hobby. Whether it's early morning or late at night, find a time that works for you and stick to it, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Additionally, explore different types of writing, such as journaling, creative writing, or blogging, to keep things interesting and challenging. And remember, writing as a hobby is about expressing yourself and enjoying the process, not perfection or pleasing others.

What are the types of writing?

Different types of writing include Narrative writing, Descriptive writing, Expository writing, Persuasive writing, Technical writing, and Creative writing, each with its own style, audience, and purpose. These types of writing can be found in a variety of contexts, from textbooks and news articles to novels and poetry.

How to get started writing and share your writing with others?

To share your writing, identify your audience, choose a platform that fits your goals and target audience, edit and proofread your writing, seek feedback, and share your writing with your chosen audience. Remember that sharing your writing can be a vulnerable experience, but it can also be rewarding. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn from feedback and criticism to improve your skills.

How to keep your mind sharp and how writing can help you?

Keep your mind sharp by challenging your brain, learning new things, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, reducing stress, and staying socially engaged.  On the other hand, writing can definitely help you in many ways and aspects of your life. It can develop your creativity and imagination and can help you reduce stress and challenge your brain.

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Hobby writers, what and why do you write? Do you share it?

I’m interested in how hobby writers go about their writing. What kinds of stories do you write? What keeps you motivated to write if you never plan to share it? Why do you write?

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  1. Essay on my hobby

    creative writing on my hobby

  2. Creative Writing "My Hobby" by Smera

    creative writing on my hobby

  3. My Hobby Paragraph in English [100, 120, 150 Words]

    creative writing on my hobby

  4. 10 Lines on My Hobby//My Hobby Essay//My Hobby(Gardening)//Essay Writing//@MASTERHANDWRITING

    creative writing on my hobby

  5. My Hobby Essay

    creative writing on my hobby

  6. Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children (2023)

    creative writing on my hobby


  1. Writing as a Hobby: Tips and Advice for Beginners

    This will keep you accountable for your new hobby. Your writing time should also be a time away from the world where you can focus on yourself and your work. As we mentioned above, get yourself comfortable, and remove your phone or any other distractions. 3. Read as Much As You Can.

  2. How to Start Writing as a Hobby: 10 Tips to Help You Get Started

    Here are a few tips to make your writing more interesting: Use strong verbs. Verbs are the action words in a sentence, and strong, precise verbs can liven up your writing. For example, instead of saying, "I walked to the store," you could say, "I trudged to the store.". Choose specific nouns.

  3. Writing as a Hobby

    Writing Is a Low-Pressure Hobby. Writing is often seen as a stressful hobby that requires hours of non-stop work and full concentration. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Writing can be a low-stress hobby that's perfect for busy people. The key is to find a style and pace that fits your needs and lifestyle.

  4. How to Make Writing One of Your Favorite Hobbies: 9 Steps

    Keep the board secret if you don't want to share your writing inspiration. 3. Listen to other people. Take note of what inspires other people, what they like to read and learn about and what's current both now and in the past. All of these tidbits can feed into inspiring your writing. 4.

  5. 5 Steps On How To Start Writing (As A Hobby)

    Some of my favourite writing blogs: Come Write With Us; Elna Cain; Benefits Of Writing As A Hobby. Now that you know how to start writing as a hobby, let's take a look at some of the benefits from writing for fun/yourself. Expands Your Vocabulary. No matter what language you write in, writing helps improve your command of the language you ...

  6. Your Guide to Making Creative Writing Your Hobby

    Set Aside Regular Time. Consistency is vital to developing a writing habit. Consider allocating a specific period of time for writing every day or every week. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day, regular practice will help you hone your skills and keep your creative juices flowing.

  7. 8 Tips for Getting Started With Creative Writing

    8 Tips for Getting Started With Creative Writing. Outside the world of business writing and hard journalism lies an entire realm of creative writing. Whether you're brand-new to the craft, a nonfiction writer looking to experiment, or a casual creative writer wanting to turn into a published author, honing your creative writing skills is key ...

  8. Creative Writing: 8 Fun Ways to Get Started

    2. Start journaling your days. Another easy way to get started with creative writing is to keep a journal. We're not talking about an hour-by-hour account of your day, but journaling as a way to express yourself without filters and find your 'voice in writing'. If you're unsure what to journal about, think of any daily experiences that ...

  9. A Guide to Starting Writing as a Hobby

    Writing exercises can help you develop your skills and build your confidence as a writer. Here are a few exercises to try: Write a short story or scene using only dialogue. Write a story or scene using only action and no dialogue. Write a story or scene in which the main character is a different gender or age than you are.

  10. The Ultimate Guide to Creative Writing

    4 Forms of Creative Writing. While there are really no bounds to what creative writing can be, there are four main buckets it falls into. 1. Fiction. Fiction is work that describes imaginary events, places, or people. This can include novels, short stories, or even flash fiction. 2. Creative Nonfiction. Creative nonfiction is about telling true ...

  11. 5 Creative Ways to Start Writing as a Hobby

    5. Create Positivity to Inspire You. When we think, speak, or write, we activate a projector in our minds and in others' minds. If the projector shows a bad, demotivating movie, nobody (including you) will want to see it. The picture you show determines how you and others will react to it.

  12. A Big, Bold List of Creative Writing Activities

    Read and Resemble. Read a handful of poems by a single poet and then attempt writing a poem in that poet's voice. This is not an exercise in copying; it's an exercising in studying the voice of a writer. If you're feeling ambitious, try it with works of fiction and write a scene in an author's voice.

  13. Writing as a Hobby: Exploring the World of Words and Imagination

    Discover the joys of writing as a hobby, explore various forms, learn how to start, and uncover the benefits for growth and well-being.

  14. Creative Writing as a Hobby

    Creative writing is a hobby that allows you to express yourself and explore your imagination through words. It can help you improve your communication skills, enhance your creativity, and boost your confidence. To get started, you can choose a genre, a topic, or a prompt that interests you and write whatever comes to your mind.

  15. 50+ Creative Writing Prompts about Hobbies, Recreation & Leisure

    Explore our list of 50+ thoughtful, fun, and reflective writing prompts all revolving around the fascinating world of hobbies, leisure, and recreation. Whether you're a seasoned hobbyist, a newbie seeking inspiration, or simply looking to bring more creativity into your daily life, this collection promises to inspire personal growth, spur ...

  16. How To Write About Your Hobby (As An Author)

    Instead, tie the hobby you're writing about to broader human, natural, and cosmic questions, and write as if it is the key to understanding - or, better, experiencing - these most essential and elemental of human experiences. Every hobby offers humans something they need: challenge, self-expression, productivity, serenity.

  17. Starting to Write as a new hobby. Tips : r/writing

    Realize that the hard part is not the idea but the writing. Learn to use multiple drafts and re-writes, nobody gets perfection on draft 1. Write a lot and submit the things you're most proud of for critique. When somebody gives you critique, LISTEN. Accept it, don't defend your writing.

  18. How To Start Writing As A Hobby? Let's Find Out!

    How to develop writing as a hobby. To develop writing as a hobby, some tips to get started are: Start with short writing exercises: Begin by writing short pieces of prose or poetry. Try to experiment with different styles and techniques. You can use writing prompts or try writing about a particular topic or theme.

  19. 14 Hobbies That Involve Writing (And Encourage Creativity)

    Journaling. Journaling is an introspective and therapeutic hobby that you can do at home or elsewhere. When you start to journal just start writing, don't overthink it, and go where the words take you. It will help you practice gratitude, relieve feelings of anxiety, organize your thoughts, and let you think about your life.

  20. Hobby writers, what and why do you write? Do you share it? : r/writing

    And writing nonfiction helps me process my emotions and things going on in my life. What I write: Slice of life, horror, mystery, and possibly anything I could mimic. Why: Because it is fun, I like to create scenarios and ideas for characters I enjoy having in my mind. An escape and an area to exercise my creativity.

  21. My Hobbies and Interests: Short Essay

    My Personal Favorite Hobbies. There are many hobbies to pick from, like drawing, painting, reading, sewing, crafts, embroidery, knitting, cooking, pet care, coin collecting and so many more. Personally, my favorite hobbies are as follows: Gardening is one of my most rewarding hobbies. 1. Gardening.

  22. 20 Creative Hobbies To Try

    Sylvia Plath kept bees, Agatha Christie was an archaeologist, and Leo Tolstoy loved to play chess. For artists, writers, and other creatives, having a hobby has always been essential and beneficial. Read on for 20 fun and creative hobbies to bring more joy and creative inspiration into your life today, and some resources for getting started.

  23. Writing: Is It a Hobby or a Job?

    A hobby could be the great passion of a person's life, the thing he or she lives to do, but it ain't a job. That, as they say, is why they call jobs work. But you're a writer, so you feel strongly about the nuances of words, and to you, "hobby" just doesn't cut it. "Hobby" implies "side gig," or "weekend fun.".