Hacking The Case Interview

Hacking the Case Interview

Deloitte cover letter

A well-written Deloitte cover letter can make the difference between landing a Deloitte interview and getting rejected. Especially for borderline candidates, a clear and concise Deloitte cover letter can share your unique background and get yourself through the resume review stage.

I’m a former MBB interviewer and I’ve read hundreds of different cover letters. If you’re looking for a simple, step-by-step guide to writing the perfect Deloitte cover letter, then this article is for you.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover what Deloitte looks for in a cover letter, how to write a Deloitte cover letter, and insider Deloitte cover letter tips to help yourself stand out.

If you need professional help crafting the perfect consulting resume, check out our consulting resume review and editing service . Transform your resume into one that will land you multiple consulting interviews.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a brief document sent with a resume to provide additional information about your skills and experiences. It introduces you to the employer, explains why you are a great fit for the job, and expresses your enthusiasm for the position.

A typical cover letter includes your contact information, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

  • Contact information : Provides your email address, phone number, and home address so that recruiters can contact you
  • Introduction : Introduces yourself and mentions the job you are applying for
  • Body : Highlights your qualifications and how they match the job requirements, providing specific examples to demonstrate your fit for the role
  • Conclusion : Expresses enthusiasm for the position and thanks the employer for considering your application

Cover letters are typically tailored to the specific job or company that you are applying to. They should be clear, concise, and professional.

Does Deloitte Require a Cover Letter?

While Deloitte does not require a cover letter for most of their applications, a well-written Deloitte cover letter can significantly help you get past the initial screening stage and land an interview. Including a Deloitte cover letter can help make your application stand out and make it easier for recruiters to get to know you better.

Deloitte receives hundreds of thousands of resumes and applications every year. Deloitte uses cover letters to help screen candidates and narrow down the list of potential candidates to interview. The Deloitte cover letter is another data point in your application profile.

Additionally, cover letters are occasionally read by Deloitte consultants that are interviewing you. Interviewers will sometimes read your cover letter to get to know you better before meeting you. Learning more about your background and experiences makes the interview easier to conduct and run more smoothly.

Regardless of whether you decide to submit a cover letter, make sure to spend the majority of your time crafting the perfect consulting resume . Your resume is by far the most important component of your application.

What Does Deloitte Look For in a Cover Letter?

In a cover letter, Deloitte looks communication, problem solving, leadership, and interpersonal skills. These are all skills or qualities necessary to become a successful Deloitte consultant based on Deloitte’s interviewing website .

  • Communication

Showcase your ability to effectively communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. Provide examples of instances where you successfully conveyed information, collaborated with team members, or presented findings to clients or stakeholders.

Problem Solving

Demonstrate your analytical skills and critical thinking abilities by describing how you approach challenges, analyze data, and develop innovative solutions. Share examples of projects or situations where you identified problems, developed strategies, and implemented effective solutions.

Highlight your leadership capabilities by discussing experiences where you led teams, managed projects, or took initiative to drive change. Illustrate your ability to inspire and motivate others, delegate tasks, and navigate conflicts or obstacles while achieving shared goals.

Interpersonal Skills

Emphasize your ability to work effectively with others and build strong relationships. Discuss examples of how you collaborate with diverse teams, resolve conflicts, and adapt to different working styles or personalities to achieve positive outcomes.

How to Write a Deloitte Cover Letter

There are five steps to writing the perfect Deloitte cover letter: the contact information, the salutation, the opening paragraph, the body paragraphs, and the concluding paragraph.

We’ll cover how to write each of these sections step-by-step below, including what information to include and examples.

1. Contact Information

At the top of your Deloitte cover letter, you should include your contact information to make it easy for any Deloitte recruiter to contact you. In order of priority, you should list your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address.

To make your name stand out, make sure to bold it and make the font size significantly larger than the rest of your cover letter.

Here is an example of how this should look:

[email protected]

(123) 456-7890

123 Main Street,  San Francisco, CA 94105

2. Salutation

Next, you should start your Deloitte cover letter with an appropriate and customized salutation.

Do not start your cover letter with “To whom it may concern,” as this salutation is not personalized and feels cold.

Instead, identify which recruiter is the primary point of contact for you and address the cover letter to that recruiter and their team. If you can’t identify the head recruiter, address the cover letter to members of the consulting firm’s recruiting team.

Here are a few examples of salutations you can use:

  • Dear [Recruiter] and members of the Deloitte Recruiting Team,
  • To [Recruiter] and the Deloitte Recruiting Team,
  • Dear members of the Deloitte Recruiting Team,

3. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of your Deloitte cover letter is the most important part of the cover letter. Most recruiters will likely only read the opening paragraph of your cover letter and skim the rest of the cover letter.

Therefore, you should spend most of your time making this opening paragraph clear, concise, attention-grabbing, and memorable.

The opening paragraph should consist of two sentences:

  • A sentence summarizing your background and credentials
  • A sentence summarizing why you would be a great fit for the specific role you are applying for

The first sentence of your opening paragraph should be a powerful statement that summarizes your areas of expertise and the number of years of experience. If you had to summarize your entire background and work experience into one sentence, what would it sound like?

This powerful opening sentence is used to grab the reader’s attention and introduce yourself in an impressive way.

The second sentence of your opening paragraph should summarize why you would be a great fit for the specific role you are applying for.

Do your research to ensure that you are using the correct job title since many consulting firms have different job titles for similar positions.

Deloitte’s post-undergraduate role is called Business Analyst while their post-MBA role is called Consultant. Their undergraduate summer internship role is called Summer Analyst while their MBA summer internship is called Summer Consultant.

The second sentence of your opening paragraph should list three reasons why you would be a great fit for Deloitte and the role. These three reasons will each become a paragraph in the body paragraphs section of your Deloitte cover letter.

What reasons should you select or pick?

Ideally, you should research the exact qualities or skills that Deloitte looks for and make these the three reasons you provide. We’ve done this research for you and highly recommend touching upon these skills or qualities:

  • Problem solving
  • Interpersonal skills

Here is an example of what an opening paragraph should look like:

I am a marketing professional with four years of experience working on digital marketing projects that have generated over $100M in revenue at Netflix and Amazon. I believe my problem solving skills, leadership, and passion make me a great fit for Deloitte.

4. Body Paragraphs

The next part of the perfect Deloitte cover letter are the body paragraphs. You will have three body paragraphs, one for each of the reasons you provided in the second sentence of your opening paragraph on why you’d be a great fit for Deloitte and the role.

These body paragraphs should best highlight your qualities and experiences.

Each of your body paragraphs should start with a bolded sentence that summarizes the entire paragraph. We bold the first sentence of each body paragraph to make your cover letter easier to be skimmed.

 Remember, most Deloitte recruiters are most likely going to be reading just your opening paragraph and perhaps the first sentence of each body paragraph. Therefore, take the time to make sure the first sentence of your body paragraphs are clear, concise, and impactful.

Ideally, you should include numbers in these summary sentences to quantify your achievements and results. However, you can also keep the summary sentence high-level and include numbers later on in the details of the paragraph.

After this first initial sentence, you can use the remainder of each body paragraph to describe the story or experience in more detail that the first sentence summarized.

Keep your body paragraphs concise. This increases the likelihood that the reader will actually read through the full cover letter. You do not want to have three large, chunky paragraphs.

Repeat this format and structure for each of your three middle paragraphs.

You can consider turning your three body paragraphs into three bullet points. This makes your cover letter easier to read or skim.

Here is an example of what a body paragraph should look like:

My problem solving skills helped me develop a customer ROI model that saved Amazon $50M per year.  I analyzed over 500K customer data points to create a model forecasting customer value. I quantified how much the average happy customer was worth versus a neutral and unhappy customer. From this model, I discovered that Amazon’s recent customer initiative of giving credit to unhappy customers had a drastically negative ROI. I persuaded the CFO to stop running this initiative and use the budget for higher ROI projects.

5. Concluding Paragraph

The final part of the perfect Deloitte cover letter is the concluding paragraph. This final paragraph should be very short, just two sentences.

In the first sentence, summarize the three reasons why you’d be a great fit for Deloitte and the role. This may sound redundant, but it is helpful to take this approach to reinforce the key messages you are trying to deliver.

In the opening paragraph, you told the reader the three key points you are going to tell them in the body paragraphs. In the body paragraphs, you told the reader these three key points. Finally, in the concluding paragraph, you remind the reader of the three key points you just told them.

This is an extremely clear and effective structure that makes your cover letter clear and memorable.

The second and final sentence of your Deloitte cover letter should be a call to action. The entire point of the cover letter is to get the reader interested in your application and give you an interview.

Therefore, you’ll want to mention getting an opportunity to further discuss your skills and qualities in an interview as the next step or action item for the reader to take.

Here is an example of what a concluding paragraph should look like:

Due to my problem solving skills, communication, and interpersonal skills, I believe I have all the qualities to become a successful Deloitte consultant. I would love the opportunity to be extended an interview at Deloitte to further discuss my candidacy and fit.

Deloitte Cover Letter Common Mistakes

There are many common Deloitte cover letter mistakes that the majority of candidates make. Common Deloitte cover letter mistakes include: name dropping, lengthy cover letters, poor formatting, rephrasing your resume, lack of evidence for claims, typos and grammatical errors, and generic statements.

Name Dropping

Name dropping can backfire if not done properly. Simply mentioning the names of Deloitte consultants you've interacted with can seem superficial if it was not a meaningful interaction.

Instead, focus on articulating the insights or experiences gained from these interactions and how they have shaped your interest in Deloitte. Show that your connection to Deloitte goes beyond just knowing people. Demonstrate your understanding of Deloitte’s culture and values.

Lengthy Cover Letters

A lengthy cover letter can be a major turn-off for recruiters who sift through hundreds or thousands of applications every day. Aim for conciseness and clarity, ensuring every sentence adds value.

Highlight your most relevant experiences and skills succinctly, showing respect for the reader’s time while still conveying your enthusiasm and qualifications for the role.

Poor Formatting

Poor formatting can distract from your key points and make your cover letter difficult to read. Use a clean, professional layout with consistent fonts, spacing, and margins. Break up text into short paragraphs or bullet points to enhance readability.

Rephrasing Your Resume

Your cover letter should complement, not replicate, your resume. Avoid listing your past roles and responsibilities like you would in a resume.

Instead, use the cover letter to provide a narrative that connects your experiences to Deloitte’s needs and culture. Highlight specific achievements and how they demonstrate your fit for Deloitte and the role.

Lack of Evidence for Claims

Unsubstantiated claims about your skills or achievements can weaken your Deloitte cover letter. Always back up your statements with concrete examples.

Instead of saying you have strong analytical skills, describe a project where you successfully used data analysis to solve a complex problem. This approach provides tangible proof of your capabilities.

Typos and Grammatical Errors

Typos and grammatical errors can significantly hurt your credibility. Proofread your cover letter multiple times and consider asking someone else to review it as well.

A cover letter free of errors demonstrates your attention to detail and your commitment to presenting yourself professionally.

Generic Statements

Avoid using vague phrases or generic statements that could apply to any consulting firm. Tailor your cover letter to Deloitte by referencing specific aspects of the firm that appeal to you. Show that you have done your research and are genuinely excited about the opportunity to join Deloitte.

Deloitte Cover Letter Tips

To give yourself the best chance of landing a Deloitte interview, make sure to follow these Deloitte cover letter tips: tailor the cover letter to Deloitte, quantify your accomplishments and results, pick your best stories and experiences, use the opportunity to explain any red flags, keep it short and punchy, and get help from others.

Tailor the Cover Letter to Deloitte

Customizing your cover letter specifically for Deloitte is crucial. Research Deloitte's values, recent projects, and unique aspects of its company culture. Mention specific Deloitte initiatives or programs that resonate with your professional interests and goals.

A good test to see if your cover letter is tailored enough for Deloitte is to replace all instances of Deloitte in your cover letter with a different consulting firm. If the cover letter still makes sense and works, then your cover letter is likely not tailored enough.

Quantify Your Accomplishments and Results

Quantifying your achievements helps to illustrate the impact you've made in your work experiences and extracurricular activities. Use numbers and percentages to showcase your successes.

For example, rather than saying you improved sales, mention that you increased sales by 20% over six months. Quantifiable results provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your accomplishments more compelling to the reader.

Pick Your Best Stories and Experiences

Select a few key experiences that highlight your skills and fit for the consulting role at Deloitte. Focus on stories that demonstrate problem solving, communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills. You should pick stories that are the most impressive, unique, or interesting.

Well-chosen stories and experiences can make your cover letter more engaging and memorable, helping you stand out from other candidates.

Use the Opportunity to Explain Any Red Flags

Red flags that require explaining include having a low GPA, gaps in work history, and an unexplained office choice. Use your cover letter to briefly address these issues in a positive light.

  • If you have a gap in your resume, explain how you used that time productively, such as by taking courses or volunteering
  • If your GPA is lower than ideal, highlight any upward trends in your grades or additional qualifications that demonstrate your capabilities
  • If you are applying to an office that you have no connection to, explain why you are interested in the office and why you’d be interested in staying in that geography for the long-term

Keep it Short and Punchy

A concise, well-structured cover letter is more likely to capture and retain the recruiter’s attention. Aim to keep your cover letter to one page, focusing on the most relevant and impactful information.

Use clear, direct language and avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentences. By keeping your cover letter short and punchy, you ensure that your key points are communicated effectively and leave a strong impression.

Think of your Deloitte cover letter as a highlight reel of your professional and personal experiences and accomplishments.

Get Help from Others

You should have at least a few different people read your cover letter and give you feedback. Ideally, these people would be current or former Deloitte consultants. However, getting feedback from any current or former consultant, friends, colleagues, and mentors will still be greatly beneficial to you.

If you’re looking for some professional help to get peace of mind that your resume and cover letter are up to Deloitte standards, check out our consulting resume & editing service . Let us do the hard work for you to ensure that you have the best chance of landing a Deloitte interview.

Deloitte Cover Letter Examples and Templates

See below for a few examples of outstanding Deloitte cover letters.

Deloitte Cover Letter Example #1: Undergraduate student

Deloitte cover letter example 1

You can download a template for this cover letter here:  Deloitte cover letter template 1.docx

Deloitte Cover Letter Example #2: MBA student

Deloitte cover letter example 2

You can download a template for this cover letter here:  Deloitte cover letter template 2.docx

Deloitte Cover Letter Example #3: Working professional

Deloitte cover letter example 3

You can download a template for this cover letter here:  Deloitte cover letter template 3.docx

Resources to Help You Break Into Consulting

Over 98% of candidates that apply to Deloitte get rejected. The Deloitte recruiting process is extremely competitive and selective.

However, don’t be discouraged. You don’t have to prepare your application and prepare for Deloitte interviews by yourself. Getting professional help from a former MBB interviewer can significantly improve your chances of getting a Deloitte job offer.

To give yourself a competitive edge over other candidates, check out our resources below:

For help landing consulting interviews

  • Resume Review & Editing : Transform your resume into one that will get you multiple consulting interviews

For help passing case interviews

  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.
  • Case Interview Coaching : Personalized, one-on-one coaching with a former Bain interviewer.
  • Hacking the Case Interview Book   (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.

For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews

  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course : Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.

Land Multiple Consulting Offers

Complete, step-by-step case interview course. Save yourself hundreds of hours.

Professional Deloitte Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your Deloitte cover letter must immediately highlight your understanding of the consultancy's core values and business philosophy. Illustrate this with a concise example of how you've embodied these principles in your professional life. Ensure your second paragraph showcases your specific skill set that aligns with the position you are applying for at Deloitte. Detail your relevant experience, but keep it brief and impactful to maintain the reviewer's attention.

Cover Letter Guide

Deloitte Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Deloitte Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Deloitte cover letter

Crafting a Deloitte cover letter can feel overwhelming, especially if you're already knee-deep in job applications. You know it's critical to stand out, to weave a compelling narrative around your proudest professional triumph without sounding like a resume rehash. Attaining that perfect blend of formal tone and originality, all while fitting your story into one concise page, is no small feat. But don't worry, we're here to guide you through each step, ensuring your cover letter strikes the ideal balance to make a lasting impression.

  • Some inspiration from other professionals' job-winning cover letters;
  • The best structure and format for your deloitte cover letter;
  • Insights on how to write about your best achievement to stand out;
  • A creative twist on your deloitte cover letter intro.

Upload your deloitte resume to Enhancv's AI, which will quickly scan and prepare a job-winning cover letter for you.

If the deloitte isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Deloitte resume guide and example
  • Accountant cover letter example
  • Compliance Analyst cover letter example
  • Financial Reporting Manager cover letter example
  • Finance Business Analyst cover letter example
  • Payroll cover letter example
  • Night Auditor cover letter example
  • Financial Representative cover letter example
  • Project Accounting cover letter example
  • Accounts Clerk cover letter example
  • Billing Manager cover letter example

Deloitte cover letter example

Peter Connolly


[email protected]

  • Emphasize relevant experience: The cover letter should highlight significant achievements in previous roles that directly relate to key responsibilities of the desired position. For example, spearheading a successful outbound sales strategy showcases strategic planning and execution abilities that are highly relevant for a consulting role at Deloitte.
  • Quantify achievements: Using specific numbers and results (such as generating $5 million in new business) provides concrete evidence of one's capabilities and the potential impact one could make at the new company.
  • Align with company goals: Clearly articulating an understanding of Deloitte's mission and demonstrating how one’s skills and experience align with the company's objectives can be an effective way of showing one’s suitability for the role, making a case for how one can contribute to their continued success.

The must-have sections and format of your deloitte cover letter

When writing your deloitte cover letter, keep in mind that it'll only be read by the recruiters and not the Applicant Tracker System (or software used to assess your profile). That's why you should structure your content with a/an:

  • Header (apart from your contact information, include your name, the role you're applying for, and the date);
  • Personalized salutation;
  • Opening paragraph to win the recruiters over;
  • Middle paragraph with key details;
  • Closing that starts from clichés;
  • Sign off (that's not mandatory).

Industry standards dictate your paragraphs to be single-spaced and to wrap your content in a one-inch margin. Designing your deloitte cover letter, refer to one of our templates , which automatically takes care of the spacing and margins.

Choose the same font for your deloitte cover letter as you did for your resume : the likes of Lato and Bitter would help you to stand out in a sea of cover letters in Arial or Times New Roman.

Export your whole deloitte cover letter from our builder in PDF to keep the same formatting and image quality.

The top sections on a deloitte cover letter

  • Header: This section includes your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details, essential for ensuring your cover letter is directed to the appropriate person at Deloitte and looks professional.
  • Greeting: A personalized greeting shows that you’ve done your research about who is likely to read your cover letter at Deloitte and demonstrates a level of professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Introduction: Here, you should mention the specific position you are applying for at Deloitte, how you found out about the role, and a brief sentence about why you are particularly interested in this opportunity, which helps to establish context for the reader.
  • Body: This is where you need to provide concrete examples of your relevant experiences and skills, showing how they align with the job responsibilities and Deloitte’s values, which helps to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  • Closing: In your closing paragraph, reiterate your enthusiasm for the position, express your desire for an interview, and thank the reader for their time, leaving the recruiter with a strong, positive final impression.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

To provide a concise list, the job title at Deloitte needs to be specified as the qualities, experiences, and traits prioritized by recruiters are role-specific. Since a job title has not been provided, I'll assume you're asking for a general consulting role at Deloitte. Here's a list reflecting that assumption:

  • Strong Analytical Skills : Ability to analyze data and provide insights is crucial in consulting roles.
  • Effective Communication : Proficiency in both written and verbal communication to deliver complex information clearly.
  • Project Management Experience : Demonstrated ability to lead and manage projects effectively and meet deadlines.
  • Adaptability : Being comfortable with change and able to adjust strategies on the fly.
  • Leadership and Teamwork : Proven leadership skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Industry Knowledge : Relevant industry experience showing understanding of the challenges and trends affecting clients' businesses.

Greeting recruiters with your deloitte cover letter salutation

What better way to start your conversation with the hiring manager, than by greeting them?

Take the time to find out who the professional, recruiting for the role, is.

Search on LinkedIn, the company website. And for those still keen on making a fantastic first impression, you could even contact the organization, asking for the recruiter's name and more details about the job.

Address recruiters in the deloitte greeting by either their first name or last name. (e.g. "Dear Anthony" or "Dear Ms. Smarts").

If you're unable to discover the recruiter's name - don't go for the impersonal "To whom it may concern", but instead use "Dear HR team".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Specific Department] Team,
  • Dear [Name of the Hiring Manager],
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Good Day [Name of the Hiring Manager],
  • Respected [Name of the Hiring Manager],

Your deloitte cover letter intro: showing your interest in the role

On to the actual content of your deloitte cover letter and the introductory paragraph .

The intro should be no more than two sentences long and presents you in the best light possible.

Use your deloitte cover letter introduction to prove exactly what interests you in the role or organization. Is it the:

  • Company culture;
  • Growth opportunities;
  • Projects and awards the team worked on/won in the past year;
  • Specific technologies the department uses.

When writing your deloitte cover letter intro, be precise and sound enthusiastic about the role.

Your introduction should hint to recruiters that you're excited about the opportunity and that you possess an array of soft skills, e.g. motivation, determination, work ethic, etc.

What to write in the body of your deloitte cover letter

Now that you've got your intro covered, here comes the heart and soul of your deloitte cover letter.

It's time to write the middle or body paragraphs . This is the space where you talk about your relevant talent in terms of hard skills (or technologies) and soft (or people and communication) skills.

Keep in mind that the cover letter has a different purpose from your deloitte resume.

Yes, you still have to be able to show recruiters what makes your experience unique (and applicable) to the role.

But, instead of just listing skills, aim to tell a story of your one, greatest accomplishment.

Select your achievement that:

  • covers job-crucial skills;
  • can be measured with tangible metrics;
  • shows you in the best light.

Use the next three to six paragraphs to detail what this success has taught you, and also to sell your profile.

A sincere and original way to end your deloitte cover letter

When writing their deloitte cover letter, candidates tend to use one of these phrases, "Sincerely yours" or "I look forward to hearing from you".

Both statements show good manners, but your cover letter should end in a more actionable manner .

Write about:

  • how you see yourself growing in the role/organization;
  • the benefits you would bring about (you'd impress even more with tangible metrics);
  • the next steps in the process (provide your availability for interviews).

The zero experience deloitte cover letter: shifting the focus to your unique value

Don't worry if you have no conventional professional experience . Within your whole experience, there's plenty more you can write about in your deloitte cover letter.

Take, for example, your biggest achievement or award - dedicate your cover letter body to describe it and the job-relevant skills you've learned.

Your professional ambitions could also take center stage. Describe what you plan on achieving in the next five to ten years and the efforts you're making towards your dreams.

Key takeaways

Creating your deloitte cover letter should be a personalized experience for the role and the recruiter, where you:

  • Format your cover letter using the same ATS-friendly font (e.g. Railway) as you did for your resume;
  • Greet recruiters, using their name, and follow up with two sentences to introduce yourself, your interest in the role, and to stand out;
  • Map out one key success from your career (or life) that has taught you job-crucial skills;
  • Substitute your lack of experience with an achievement from your internships, degrees, or volunteering gigs;
  • End with a promise for your potential or your availability for an interview.

Author image

Cover letter examples by industry

AI Section Background

AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

Cover Letter Background

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7 Best Deloitte Cover Letter Samples Free

Deloitte cover letter

When applying for a position at Deloitte, it is important to stand out from the competition. Your cover letter is your opportunity to make a good first impression and demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the role. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of seven of the best Deloitte cover letter samples. These examples will give you an idea of what to include in your own letter, and how to format it for maximum impact.

The first step is to introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the role. In your second paragraph, highlight your relevant skills and experience. Be sure to focus on specific examples of how you have helped businesses in the past. In your third paragraph, wrap up your letter by expressing your enthusiasm for the role and thanking the reader for their time.

By following these tips, you can write a cover letter that will grab the attention of hiring managers and help you land the job you want at Deloitte.

How To Write a Deloitte Cover Letter

The Deloitte cover letter is your opportunity to make a great first impression with the firm. And, since Deloitte is one of the top-ranked accounting and consulting firms in the world, you’ll want to be sure your letter is up to par.

Here are seven of the best Deloitte cover letter samples we’ve seen:

  • The “I’m a Perfect Fit” Letter: As the name suggests, this letter focuses on why you’re the perfect candidate for the role. In addition to highlighting your qualifications, be sure to mention how your values align with those of the firm.
  • The “I Can Help You Achieve Your Goals” Letter: In this letter, you’ll want to focus on how you can help Deloitte achieve its goals. This could include discussing your ability to drive growth or increase efficiency. Whatever you choose to discuss, be sure to back it up with specific examples.
  • The “I Have Big Plans” Letter: In this letter, you’ll want to share your long-term career goals and how Deloitte can help you achieve them. Not only will this demonstrate your commitment to the firm, but it will also show that you’re thinking about how you can add value in the future.
  • The “Thank You” Letter: A thank-you letter is always a nice touch after an interview, but it can also be used as a cover letter. In this case, use the letter to thank Deloitte for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your interest in the role.
  • The “I’m Moving On” Letter: If you’re leavingDeloitte on good terms, this is a great opportunity to write a positive letter of recommendation. In it, you can highlight some of your favorite aspects of working at the firm and talk about what you’ve learned during your time there.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

cover letter for deloitte internship

Cover Letter For Deloitte Internship

To Whom It May Concern,

The writing to apply for the Deloitte Internship program. I am a recent graduate of XYZ University and I believe that this program would be the perfect way for me to gain valuable experience in the field of accounting.

Have enclosed my resume and a list of references for your review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (123) 456-7890.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Cover Letter for Internship with no Experience: 09 Samples & Examples

Deloitte Cover Letter Sample

I am writing in regards to the open position for a consultant at Deloitte. I am confident that I have the skills and experience needed to be successful in this role.

Some of my key qualifications include:

-A bachelor’s degree in business administration from a top-tier university

-At least three years of experience in consulting or a related field

-Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills

-Strong communication and interpersonal skills

I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Generic Cover Letter: 09 Samples & Examples

Deloitte Address For Cover Letter

I am writing in regards to the open position for an accountant at Deloitte. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications that would make me the perfect candidate for this role.

As an accountant, I have a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to accuracy. I am also highly organised and capable of managing multiple tasks simultaneously. In addition, I have excellent communication skills and a proven ability to build relationships with clients and colleagues alike.

The believe that my skills and experience would make me a valuable asset to the Deloitte team. I am eager to utilise my skills in order to contribute to the success of your organisation. I am confident that I can make a positive difference to your team and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further.

Related: 07 Best Leadership Cover Letter Samples

Deloitte Consulting Cover Letter

The writing in regards to the open position for a consultant at Deloitte Consulting. Believe that my skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for this role.

Have a strong academic background, having graduated with honors from both my undergraduate and graduate programs. It also have several years of professional experience working in consulting and project management roles. In these roles, I have gained valuable skills in analysis, problem solving, and project management.

The confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I am eager to utilize my skills and experience to help your clients achieve their goals. I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you further.

Related: Consulting Cover Letter: 07 Samples & Examples

Deloitte Cover Letter Example

Please accept this letter as my formal application for the position of Management Consultant with Deloitte. I am confident that I have the skills and experience needed to excel in this role and contribute to the success of your organisation.

have a proven track record in consulting, having worked with clients in a variety of industries on a range of strategic projects.

My problem-solving skills are second to none, and I have a proven ability to think outside the box in order to develop creative solutions that deliver results.

In addition, I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Which I believe would be valuable in building relationships with clients and team members alike. The confident that I could quickly establish myself as an asset to the Deloitte team, and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability for the role in further detail.

Related: 127+ Creative Resume Objective for Office Clerk ideas & Examples

5 Things to Include In a Deloitte Cover Letter

deloitte cover letter is an important part of your application package for Deloitte. This letter should be concise and well-written.

And it should be addressed to the specific person who will be reading it. Here are five things to include in your deloitte cover letter:

  • A brief introduction. Who are you, and why are you interested in working for Deloitte?
  • Your qualifications. What skills and experience do you have that make you a good fit for the job?
  • Your motivation. Why do you want this job, and what can you bring to the company?
  • Your interest in the company. What do you know about Deloitte, and why do you want to work there?
  • A call to action. What do you want the reader to do after they finish reading your letter?

By following these tips.

you can write a deloitte cover letter that will stand out from the crowd and improve your chances of getting an interview.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

When applying for a job at Deloitte, it is important to include a well-written cover letter. This document should highlight your most relevant qualifications and experiences.

And explain why you are the best candidate for the job. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of seven of the best Deloitte cover letter samples. These examples can provide inspiration for both structure and content. And give you a good starting point for creating your own winning cover letter. So, whether you’re an experienced accountant or a recent graduate.

Be sure to take a look at ourDeloitte cover letter samples before submitting your application.

deloitte consulting cover letter

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Deloitte Consulting Cover Letter Example

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Start your Deloitte Consulting cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. If you don't know their name, use a professional salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager." Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Make sure to mention how you learned about the job opening, be it through a job posting, networking event, or referral. In the first paragraph, it's also crucial to communicate your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Deloitte values innovation, collaboration, and leadership, so highlighting your alignment with these values from the start can set a positive tone for the rest of your letter.

The best way for Deloitte Consultings to end a cover letter is by summarizing the key points, expressing enthusiasm for the role, and showing eagerness to contribute to the company's success. A strong closing might be: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills and experiences to Deloitte Consultings, and I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further." This ending reiterates your interest in the role, highlights your confidence in your abilities, and opens the door for further communication. Remember to end with a professional sign-off like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

A cover letter for Deloitte Consultings should include the following elements: 1. Introduction: This is where you introduce yourself and mention the position you're applying for. It's also a good place to mention if you were referred by someone within the company. 2. Why Deloitte: Explain why you're interested in working for Deloitte Consultings specifically. This shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the company and its work. 3. Relevant Skills and Experience: Highlight your skills and experiences that are relevant to the consulting role you're applying for. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you've used these skills in the past. This could include problem-solving, project management, or data analysis skills, among others. 4. Value Proposition: Explain how you can add value to Deloitte Consultings. This could be through your unique skill set, your experience in a specific industry, or your ability to bring a fresh perspective. 5. Closing: In your closing paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to work with Deloitte Consultings and your willingness to further discuss your qualifications. Remember, a cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression, so make sure it's well-written, concise, and free of any errors. Tailor it to the specific role and company, showing that you understand what Deloitte Consultings is looking for and how you can contribute to their success.

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Swooped | Job Board & Resume and Cover Letter Generator

Looking for cover letter examples and tips for applying to Deloitte? Our website provides a comprehensive guide to help you craft a standout cover letter that will impress hiring managers at Deloitte. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional, we have sample cover letters tailored specifically for Deloitte job applications. From highlighting your relevant skills and experiences to showcasing your passion for Deloitte’s values and culture, our tips will help you create a compelling cover letter that will grab the attention of recruiters. Get expert advice and boost your chances of landing an interview at Deloitte today!

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Deloitte Cover Letter Example: 4 Templates

Deloitte is one of the world’s major professional service networks and one of the “Big Four” accountancy firms. Its services range from audit help to management consulting to risk counseling. The company is 175 years old as of 2020, demonstrating that it has successfully navigated the continuously evolving professional services field.

Letter Template: 1

Deloitte Cover Letter Example

[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address of the sender]

[Mention the contact details]

[Mention the email address]

[Mention the date]

Subject- Deloitte cover letter

[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Mention the address of the recipient]

[Mention the contact information]

Dear [Mention the name of the recipient]

I am prepared to apply for an [job post] post at [company name] after graduating from the University of [Name of university] with a [degree] degree in [mention the subject] and having completed an internship at [company name]. My track record of saving £ [amount] on two projects during my [number of weeks] week internship demonstrates my ability to deliver outcomes at your firm.

During my internship, I worked on an industrial production supply chain optimization project for a customer in the European alcohol industry, which resulted in a [mention the present] % cost reduction on liabilities of £ [amount] million. I was solely responsible for locating a new bottle and cap supplier, which resulted in a £ [amount] annual savings.

In a project for the manufacturing business, I was able to discover more favorable clients for by-products as well as a recycling solution that reduced wastage of a certain raw material by [present]%, resulting in a £[amount] savings. The [office name] office recognized my diligent effort and named me Intern of the Year.

When would be a good time for us to phone or meet to discuss how I secured a favorable recycling contract with a company that refused to move on its price for the previous two years?

[Handwriting signature]

[Mention here, if there is any post note to be given]

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Letter Template: 2

I’m writing to apply for the [mention the name of the program] in [job post] position at [name of the company] which was listed on your [website] profile. This role is an excellent next step in my career, and I am convinced that my background and skills, together with my desire to solve business problems and undertake complicated research, will add significant value and benefit to your organization.

[Program name] presently employs me as a [post]. Working for a Fortune [mention the number] firm taught me a lot about how major corporations deal with and solve complicated technical, commercial, and financial issues. I successfully employed my analytical and research skills during this assignment by completing the market analysis, audits, and establishing overall project-based procurement solutions.

My qualifications have equipped me for this position. On the one hand, my BEng in [mention the course name] from the University of [mention the name of the university] gave me a solid foundation in engineering science, a disciplined approach to problem-solving, and the opportunity to hone my interpersonal and management abilities.

My [degree] in [mention the name of the subjects] from the University of [name of the university], on the other hand, has prepared me for a career working with companies to build competitive edges based on high levels of technical and managerial competencies, as well as to provide strategic solutions for manufacturing, service, and distribution enterprises.

I thank you in advance for taking the time to evaluate my application, and I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to explore my eligibility further.

Letter Template: 3

I watched your user story webinar on your website and appreciated your step-by-step approach. That’s why I’m so eager to apply for the role of [job title] at [company name]. The opportunity to study directly from [name of the institute] would be a dream come true for my career and knowledge base.

My extremely positive experiences with [company name] pushed me to apply. I learned about the distinct features that make [company name] a good place to start a career by attending the [company name] info session and interacting with numerous consultants, including [mention the name].

But it is the passion for business and true culture of collaboration that I have witnessed in [company name] consultants that sets the company apart for me, not the obvious qualifications of a top-tier client list, unrivaled global network, and a platform to impact deep, large-scale change on business and society.

I’ve been interested in consulting since middle school when I first advised my parents on changes to make at the restaurant they operated. I was captivated after seeing how my subtle ideas delighted clients, and problem-solving in a commercial context has been my goal ever since.

Since then, I’ve pursued this objective through a variety of internship and project opportunities. As a student consultant for a non-profit organization, I oversaw a four-person team on a cost-cutting project. My investigation and analysis resulted in a great solution for how our customers might save [percentage] % while boosting payroll.

Thank you for your attention and time; I hope to hear from you soon.

Letter Template: 4

I’d like to convey my genuine interest in working as an [mention the job post] with [company name]. I became interested in consulting after working at [company name], where my strong work ethic, analytical talents, and problem-solving skills helped me to be an excellent [job title]. These qualities, together with previous professional experience at [company name], have prepared me to become a very productive [job title] fast.

I was successful in [mention the number] competitive internships while keeping a great academic record throughout college. I feel that my demonstrated ability to solve difficult problems will enable me to bring value to clients. I designed and delivered a financial modeling training workshop for [mention the number] + interns at [company name] headquarters last fall.

I offered the idea to senior executives in human resources and product management after observing several of my fellow analysts struggle with basic Excel modeling skills. After my pitch was accepted, I meticulously examined the training curriculum and summer program to see how my suggestion would fit into a jam-packed schedule. I gathered the training personnel to construct a schedule and collaborated with [mention the number] + [company name] employees to develop a comprehensive plan.

I feel that my performance as a results-driven individual who works tirelessly will enable me to make significant contributions to [company name] and its clients. Please do not hesitate to contact me; I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications. Thank you so much for your time and consideration; I eagerly await your response.

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Deloitte Resume and Cover Letter Samples

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This question is about Deloitte .

How do you write a cover letter for a job at Deloitte?

You write a cover letter for a job at Deloitte by focusing on your desire to grow within the company. Deloitte is a company that provides support for entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide and it primarily wants employees that are looking for a career path and growth within the company.

In addition, Deloitte has a rather extensive training and career development program, including the Deloitte University experience. To that end, the company does not want to spend time on employees that have no intention of staying with the company.

Focus on how you can contribute to Deloitte's long-term success and what unique skills and experiences you can bring to support that success. Deloitte stands firm on being an inclusive environment and having employees be their true and authentic selves. To that end, be genuine in your cover letter.

In addition, if you have any experiences or stories that showcase your leadership skills or show how you have been an innovator or change-maker, include these in your cover letter. Let the company know that you can think outside of the box and be creative in your solutions.

How do you write a cover letter for a job at Deloitte?

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How do you answer "why are you interested in working for Deloitte?"

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  • How Do You Write A Cover Letter For A Job At Deloitte

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Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss their career choice. Advice and questions welcome.

Cover letter tips for an internship of Deloitte's auditor position?

I'm going to apply for an internship at Deloitte and the cover letter part really make me questioning. I only finished my 2nd year of uni but I want to experience the environment of the workplace. They ask me to express my career path and commitment but I have very vague ideas about the future so I don't know what to write to make a attractive letter. I would appreciate if anyone gives me tips to make it pass the CV round.

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5 Tips for a Great Cover Letter (and samples)

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Cover Letter Format & Samples

deloitte cover letter

Cover letters are a fantastic tool to introduce oneself in the job search process and are as significant as the resume. A cover letter provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate one’s interest in the organization and establish direct connections between the employer’s job description and one’s professional background. A well-crafted cover letter, tailored to the specific job and company of interest, and addressed to the right person, can make a lasting impression on the employer.

To make the cover letter effective, one must consider some universal tips and considerations when writing it. It is crucial to ensure that the cover letter is clear, concise, and free of errors. Using formal language and avoiding contractions can help maintain a professional tone. Choosing appropriate vocabulary and grammar can help maintain the original meaning of the text and convey a sense of expertise and professionalism, which is suitable for a business or academic setting. So, it is essential to take the time to craft a compelling cover letter that showcases one’s qualifications and skills to the employer in the best possible light.

In addition to the suggestions above, see our list of key considerations to crafting effective and valuable cover letters.

Cover Letter Tips

1. ) All margins should be approximately one-inch. Typically, a cover letter consists of three to four paragraphs.

2.) The font size should be easy to read. Times, Palatino or Helvetica are good choices. A font size of 12 pt. is preferable, but in some cases you may need to use 10.5 or 11 pt. font.

3.) Don’t be tempted to send “generic” letters. Each cover letter you write should be different, because each job and company you’re writing to is different. Make it easy for the reader to see the relevance of your qualifications to the job in question.

4.) Be sure to proofread each new cover letter you create so that it is free of errors.

5.) It is important to write to a specific person whenever possible.

In addition to these quick tips, check out our comprehensive  Job Search Letters  guide for more information on structuring cover letters and other job search documents.

  • Sample 1:  Application Letter
  • Sample 2:  Prospecting Letter

Finally, we know that some people work best when they have a format to follow. Especially when they are writing a document, like a cover letter for the first time. The following example reflects the correct business format to use when writing a cover letter:

Your name Return address City, State, Zip

Name of the contact person Title Company Name Address City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms./First name Last name:

The opening paragraph states your reason for writing the letter. Mention a specific job of interest, or a particular department in which you are seeking work. If possible, mention how and when you learned about the job opening or the company, i.e., through a classified advertisement, a contact person or a career services professional. Be sure to mention the name of the person who suggested this job to you, especially if that person is highly respected within the company.

The middle paragraph is an opportunity to expand on the skills you have developed as they relate to this position. This should not merely repeat your resume. You can discuss your education and particular courses or skills attained while in college. If you’re an experienced person, you may wish to use this paragraph to describe your professional background and highlight any specific job experience that may be of particular interest to the organization and that will differentiate you from other applicants. You may need a second paragraph to fully describe your related abilities.

The next paragraph reflects the research you have done on that particular organization. Use company literature, a web site, or conversation with an employee of the organization as ways to gain knowledge about the organization. Explain why you are interested in the job, and convey your awareness of what the company does to show that you have done careful research.

In closing, reiterate your enthusiasm to be considered and ask for an interview. Either state a specific week you’ll make a follow-up phone call or mention an interest in having the contacted person call to set up an interview date. Specify how you can be contacted. Remember to thank the person for considering your application.

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Deloitte

Summer audit internship.

Dear [Name],

My Name is [name], a junior at the University of California, Berkeley and I would like to be considered for a summer audit internship position in the San Francisco office.

I am interested in a summer audit internship position because I believe that it would provide me with valuable knowledge and hands-on experience in the audit practice. After learning about the audit services from various professionals, it has inspired me to pursue a career in audit because of their ability to work with various clients, learn more about the company and financial situations, which has always been an interest of mine. I also believe that I would be able to work with many students like myself, that are motivated and eager to learn, which would inspire me to work even harder and excel as an intern. I believe that I can contribute to the successes of the other students and mine during this internship through some of my previous experiences. I anticipate that this internship would offer for students an opportunity to attain audit experiences, team-building and networking with business professionals, which would expand my knowledge towards my future career in audit.

Over the summer, I participated in the Deloitte Future Leaders Conference, where I was able to network with many Deloitte professionals and learn more about the services that Deloitte offers. I gained very valuable soft skills and had the opportunity to visit one of the clients. I took away many great tips about networking with professionals and presentation skills that I now use in my daily life. I enjoyed learning more about Deloitte’s services, culture and people, which has provided me with knowledge of a firm that I would certainly like to work for. This conference increased my interest and reassured my decision to go into audit as a future career, especially at Deloitte.

I also work at the University of California, Berkeley Office of Undergraduate Admissions as an administrative assistant. I am a customer service representative, who administers support for customers regarding admissions and other services that the office offers. I lead and manage various projects that range from creating a handbook for the new hires as a reference and creating games for children for a certain event. I gained more leadership skills and knowledge about professional mannerisms that further developed my skills. Both my experiences as a participant and as an assistant are some of the things that I can offer to the internship position.

I attached my resume for your review as well. I hope that we can arrange to speak so that I can discuss at greater length the contribution that I believe I can make to this internship. Should you require an additional information, I can be contacted at the phone number and e-mail listed above.

Best Regards,

  • Indie 102.3

Errors in Deloitte-run Medicaid systems can cost millions and take years to fix, leaving beneficiaries – some in Colorado – at risk of losing access to health care

deloitte cover letter

By Samantha Liss and Rachana Pradhan

The computer systems run by the consulting giant Deloitte that millions of Americans rely on for Medicaid and other government benefits are prone to errors that can take years and hundreds of millions of dollars to update. While states wait for fixes from Deloitte, beneficiaries risk losing access to health care and food.

Changes needed to fix Deloitte-run eligibility systems often pile on costs to the government that are much higher than the original contracts, which can slow the process of fixing errors.

It has become a big problem across the country. Twenty-five states have awarded Deloitte contracts for eligibility systems, giving the company a stronghold in a lucrative segment of the government benefits business. The agreements, in which the company commits to design, develop, implement, or operate state-owned systems, are worth at least $6 billion, dwarfing any of its competitors, a KFF Health News investigation found.

Problems and delays can extend beyond Medicaid — which provides health coverage to roughly 75 million low-income people — because some state systems assess eligibility for other safety-net programs. Whether a person gets the benefits they are entitled to depends on what the computer says.

There is no automatic switch to stop errors in the system, said Elizabeth Edwards, a senior attorney with the National Health Law Program, a nonprofit that advocates for people with low incomes and medically underserved populations. The group in January filed a complaint urging the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Deloitte, alleging “ongoing and nationwide” errors and “unfair and deceptive trade practices.”

“People will go without care,” Edwards said, and until there’s a fix or a workaround, “you will continue to have the harm over and over again.”

Kenneth Smith, a Deloitte executive who leads its national human services division, previously told KFF Health News that Medicaid eligibility technology is state-owned and agencies “direct their operation” and “make decisions about the policies and processes that they implement.” Smith has called the legal nonprofit’s allegations “without merit.”

States set aside millions of dollars to cover the cost of changes, but systems may require fixes beyond the agreed-upon work. The number of hours or updates is capped each year, so states are left to prioritize certain fixes over others. And even though Deloitte isn’t reinventing the wheel for each eligibility system it builds or runs, the company addresses problems state by state rather than patching through fixes for systems across states, Smith said — a change request in one state “likely has absolutely nothing to do with another state.”

“Because of the custom nature of these systems, it’s never quite that simplistic as, ‘Hey, a particular issue that’s arisen in state of A is directly applicable to state of B,’” Smith said.

Speaking generally, Smith said, “I’m unaware of any circumstance in which a client has needed to get something done that we haven’t found a way to get it done.”

The work is lucrative for Deloitte, which  reported global revenue of $65 billion  in fiscal year 2023.

Deloitte’s estimates show that 35 change requests for Georgia’s eligibility system in 2023 would take more than 104,000 hours of work, according to a list of change requests that KFF Health News obtained in response to a public records request. That’s the equivalent of 50 years of work, if someone worked 52 weeks a year at 40 hours a week.

“System changes were made to align with changing federal and state policies, as well as to meet evolving business needs," said Ellen Brown, a spokesperson for the Georgia Department of Human Services. Brown earlier said changes also were made to “improve functionality.”

The federal government — that is, its taxpayers — covers 90% of states’ costs to develop and implement state Medicaid eligibility systems and pays 75% of ongoing maintenance and operations expenses, according to federal regulations.

Eligibility systems for years have posed problems for states because of the dynamic between contractors and government officials, said Matt Salo, CEO of consulting firm Salo Health Strategies. The companies hold the expertise “and, quite frankly, they’re kind of running circles around the state capacity,” said Salo, a former executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.

“For decades all I’ve heard from states in this arena is: We know that when we go out to contract it’s going to cost us a lot of money and it is going to run over, it is going to deliver years late, it is going to deliver millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars over budget,” Salo said, and “by the time it’s delivered, our needs have changed and so it’s just this constant process of change orders and going back and fixing.”

Going to Court in Florida

Two advocacy groups last August sued Florida in federal court, alleging tens of thousands of people were losing coverage without proper warning. And Florida’s eligibility system was cutting off Medicaid coverage for some moms after giving birth, William Roberts, a state employee who reviews Medicaid eligibility decisions, testified when the case went to trial in July.

Florida previously gave moms two months of Medicaid coverage after giving birth. Federal regulators  in 2022 approved  Florida’s proposal to grant Medicaid benefits for 12 months. But in April 2023 state officials discovered a “glitch,” Roberts said, and “the system had reverted back to only giving mothers two months instead of giving them the 12 months that they were entitled to.”

What became clear in the testimony is that the state and Deloitte take different views on what constitutes a “defect” in a Deloitte-run system. Deloitte said it would fix defects without billing any additional hours for the work. Although Deloitte is not a named defendant in the lawsuit, the company was called to testify about its role in operating Florida’s eligibility system.

Harikumar Kallumkal, a Deloitte managing director who oversees the Florida system, initially testified that, in this case, there was no problem and “the computer system was providing 12 months” of postpartum coverage.

Then Kallumkal said, “Even in this case, I do not believe it was a defect.” Even so, “we did fix that.” And for the fix, he said, Deloitte “did not charge” the state.

Rather, a separate defect may have resulted in coverage losses for mothers after childbirth, Kallumkal testified.

Some historical data “required to determine postpartum coverage” was not loading into the system, Kallumkal said. “I don’t know how many cases it impacted,” he said, but Deloitte fixed the problem.

The courtroom revelation confirmed what Florida advocates already knew: an eligibility system issue prevented some of the state’s most vulnerable from getting care. Florida denied allegations that it terminated Medicaid coverage without providing adequate notice. The case is ongoing.

When Michigan resumed regular Medicaid eligibility checks following the COVID-19 pandemic, advocates saw a concerning trend.

The computer system routinely fails to recognize when certain adults with disabilities should receive Medicaid benefits, said Dawn Calnen, executive director of The Arc of Oakland County, which provides support for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Often a person who qualifies for Medicaid initially for one reason could remain eligible even when life circumstances change. Calnen said there’s no question that the people her group assisted are still eligible, just in a different way than during the pandemic.

The problem is frequent enough that Calnen’s group felt compelled to notify others. “We kind of shout it from the rooftop for people: Know that this is going to happen.”

When asked about the problem, Chelsea Wuth, a spokesperson for Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services, said there were “no issues” with the system. Deloitte operates Michigan’s eligibility system. The company said it does not comment on state-specific issues.

Tennessee hired Deloitte in 2016 to build an eligibility system after the state canceled a contract with Northrop Grumman due to chronic delays. Deloitte didn’t create the Tennessee system, known as TEDS, from scratch. It built on components from Georgia’s system, according to a  legal declaration  and a deposition of Kimberly Hagan, Tennessee Medicaid’s director of member services, that were part of a class-action lawsuit that Medicaid beneficiaries filed against the state in 2020.

The lawsuit, which is ongoing and does not name Deloitte as a defendant, seeks to order Tennessee to restore coverage under its Medicaid program, known as TennCare, for those who wrongly lost it. Hagan, in a court filing, said many problems “reflect some unforeseen flaws or gaps” with the Tennessee eligibility system and “some design errors.”

A federal judge on Aug. 26 sided with the Medicaid beneficiaries, ruling that Tennessee violated federal law and the U.S. Constitution. “Poor, disabled, and otherwise disadvantaged Tennesseans should not require luck, perseverance, or zealous lawyering to receive healthcare benefits they are entitled to under the law,” wrote U.S. District Court Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr., adding, “TEDS is flawed, and TennCare knows that it is flawed.”

Tennessee Medicaid spokesperson Amy Lawrence said the state is “determining what our next steps will be.”

Tennessee’s $823 million contract with Deloitte shows that the budget for changes outside the contract’s original scope increased by hundreds of millions of dollars. Deloitte’s maximum compensation for such change orders rose to $417 million under a 2023 contract amendment, up from $103.6 million four years earlier.

Lawrence said state officials “do not and would not pay to fix vendor errors.” Lawrence attributed the cost increases to “system modernization” in “an effort to enhance our citizens’ interactions with the state Medicaid program.” Additional funding was also needed to comply with new federal requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic, she said.

Waiting on Fixes

States sometimes wait so long for Deloitte’s fixes that the staffers who worked on the problems don’t see the results. Jamie Perkins was responsible for making letters easier for Colorado Medicaid enrollees to understand. The letters are generated by Colorado’s Deloitte-run eligibility system. State audits have found that the notices confuse enrollees and contain errors. Perkins said she left her job in 2021, frustrated that many of her fixes hadn’t been implemented.

“It feels like a really perverse reward system, frankly, for Deloitte,” Perkins said. “When Deloitte is themselves making a problem that did not originate with the department, the department is still paying them to fix those problems.”

The state’s contract with Deloitte now outlines “protocols to address issues that are the result of the contractor,” said Trish Grodzicki, a spokesperson for Colorado’s Medicaid agency. As of June 30, Colorado “has made substantial improvements” and a “majority of the letters have been rewritten” and updated in the system, she said.

Deloitte spokesperson Karen Walsh said “a change request can represent a number of different things,” including when states make policy decisions that would warrant system updates. Smith said Deloitte views change requests and system issues, or defects, as different things.

“We have a responsibility when there’s a system issue to fix that,” Walsh said. “We don’t get a change request to fix an issue.”

Yet in Kentucky and other places, states have submitted change orders to resolve issues. Government officials and Deloitte sometimes negotiate fixes for months before they’re implemented.

Kentucky resident Beverly Likens lost Medicaid coverage in June 2023 partly due to an error with the state’s Deloitte-run system. State health officials told a legal aid group in September 2023 that a “change order has been submitted” to fix the glitch, which blocked her new coverage application from getting through online.

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Likens, with the help of a lawyer, had her Medicaid benefits quickly reinstated, but that was far from the end of the saga. The problem that caused her benefits to lapse was resolved in April — 10 months later — when Kentucky implemented the first phase of a change request, Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services told KFF Health News.

Agency spokesperson Brice Mitchell said the change request was designed to address a “limitation of the system rather than technical issues.” The request, for which a second phase was implemented in July, cost $522,455 and took more than 3,500 hours of work, according to Mitchell and documents obtained in response to a public records request. All such requests “are thoroughly vetted, negotiated and approved by several areas within the Cabinet,” Mitchell said in an emailed statement.

“These are large, complex system implementations,” Walsh, of Deloitte, said. “So in all of them, you’re going to be able to find a point in time where there was an issue that needed to be fixed. And you can also find millions of people every day who are getting benefits through these systems.”

In February, Georgia officials were discussing a high-priority change request to resolve an ongoing problem: A defect affected potentially tens of thousands of “cases/claims” for families in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP, and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program that, among other problems, led the state to recoup some residents’ entire benefit, according to state documents KFF Health News obtained from a public records request. The programs provide monthly cash assistance to low-income people for food and housing. Georgia in 2014 inked a contract with Deloitte to build and maintain its eligibility system, known as  Georgia Gateway .

Federal regulations cap how much money the government can recoup if a SNAP recipient was overpaid at 20% or $20, whichever is higher, according to legal aid attorneys and SNAP experts.

“We have plenty of clients who, that is their entire grocery budget,” said Adrianne Freeman, deputy director for litigation and advocacy at the Georgia Legal Services Program.

The defect — which Georgia DHS’ Brown said was identified on April 29, 2022 — created several problems, including incorrect calculations of how much to recoup and clawbacks not occurring on the correct start dates. “The Gateway system did not consistently adjust or apply the recoupment amount correctly,” Brown said.

A fix was deployed the weekend of Feb. 17, the documents state, but a formal change request was needed to “allow the State Agency (SA) to correctly apply allotment reductions to all SNAP and TANF cases impacted by Defect 21068,” the documents state. The change order would allow state officials to run an automated one-time mass update to fully resolve the problem.

The target date for doing so: March 1. That was nearly two years after officials were provided an “original report” noting that more than 25,000 cases may have been affected, the documents state.

Relying on Workarounds

States often face constraints on how many changes can be made in a year. In Texas, there is a years-long waitlist for changes, according to advocates, state documents, and the state health agency. “The system isn't nimble enough to meet the needs and often relies really heavily on manual workarounds,” said Stacey Pogue, a senior research fellow at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms with expertise on Medicaid in Texas.

Texas eligibility workers use workarounds to process applications while awaiting permanent fixes. Deloitte said in its $295 million Texas contract that “there is a real need” for workarounds, which allow operations to continue “without affecting client benefits.”

Many of these “temporary” fixes were implemented years ago and were still in use in 2023, according to records obtained by KFF Health News that found 45 active workarounds in Texas last year. In one instance, a workaround was implemented nearly 14 years ago. Deloitte acknowledged in its Texas contract that reducing workarounds “is one of the top priorities.”

Smith of Deloitte said it doesn’t always take months to fix a problem: “We have changes that get implemented in a day and changes that get implemented in a month.”

Further, Smith said, Deloitte “is one part of implementing a change,” noting “we’re often not necessarily the constraint.”

The state considers several factors when assessing which fixes to tackle first, including how many beneficiaries are affected. The more complex the workaround, “the longer it may take for staff to process eligibility,” said Jennifer Ruffcorn, a spokesperson for Texas Health and Human Services.

In Florida — in addition to the lapses in coverage for maternal care — the National Health Law Program and the Florida Health Justice Project alleged in their lawsuit in federal court that notices to Medicaid beneficiaries alerting them their benefits would be terminated did not explain the basis for the decision.

In October, about a month after the lawsuit was filed, the state asked Deloitte to provide an estimate to alter the notices, Kallumkal of Deloitte testified at trial in August.

Deloitte estimated it would need roughly 28,000 hours, he said. That’s more than twice the 12,600 hours the state sets aside each year to pay Deloitte for revisions. The extra hours would require an amended contract in which the state would have to agree to pay more. Florida’s Department of Children and Families did not respond to requests for comment.

For Deloitte, extra hours mean more revenue, Kallumkal acknowledged during his testimony while under cross-examination. Deloitte subsequently provided the state with a new estimate for a narrower scope of work that would take 12,000 hours, he said.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF—an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Learn more about KFF .

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