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New Job Announcement Email Message and Letter Examples

letter for new job assignment

How To Write a New Job Announcement

When to send the message, delivering the announcement, new job announcement email message sample #1, new job announcement email message sample #2.

When and how should you share the news about a new job? You may be excited about the opportunity and want to tell people as soon as possible. In any case, you’ll need to give clients, co-workers, and other professional contacts time to adjust to your move.

It's important to take some care when telling your colleagues that you’re moving on. Here’s how to write a new job announcement email message that conveys the right tone, along with all the information you need to share.

First of all, don't mention your new job until your job offer is confirmed, you have a start date, and you’ve signed your employment contract . It's not a good idea to announce anything until you are absolutely sure it's going to happen. Employers have been known to retract job offers , or something else may happen in which the job doesn't work out.

What you say in your letter or email message depends on who you're writing to. You could tell your co-workers how much you have enjoyed working with them and how much you'll miss them, even though you are thrilled with your new position.

Keep It Brief and Cordial

Your messages to clients and business contacts should be brief and include the basics, including the fact that you are moving on and where you can be reached. When telling your connections, mention how pleased you are to be starting your new job. If any of your contacts helped with your job search, this is a good time to thank them for their assistance .

What To Include in the Message

In general, your letter should include these facts:

  • You're leaving your current job
  • When you are leaving
  • What your new position will be
  • When you will start the new job
  • How much you're looking forward to your new role
  • How to stay connected (share email, phone, LinkedIn, social media information)

The following will be specific to the person you're writing to:

  • Giving thanks for the opportunities at the old job
  • Expressing feelings that you'll miss the person
  • Thanking them for the help in securing the new job
  • Providing information on how your transition will impact the client relationship

Stay Positive

In all cases, keep the tone of your message positive even if you're leaving because of problems at work or with the company. There's no point in bringing up anything negative .

Remember that anything you write will reflect on you, not the person you’re writing about. If you say that you’re leaving because of a bad manager, for example, people might assume that the problem is with you, not with your soon-to-be-former boss.

Email or a LinkedIn message are both appropriate for announcing a position or career change. However, if you want to make a more formal announcement, consider sending a letter, note, or card with your new contact information.

It's a good idea to discuss how you should tell your current company's clients with your manager before you send an announcement to be sure you're both on the same page.

It will also preclude any confidentiality issues if you have signed a non-disclosure agreement . In some cases, you could open yourself to legal action by contacting current or former clients to inform them of your career change.  

Subject: Moving On – Kate Woo

I am happy to announce that I will be joining the public relations department of National Media Services on January 3rd. I will be leaving my position at Western States Marketing as of December 16th.

I am grateful for the four years I spent working for Western States, and this new position will allow me to focus on social media marketing, which is my area of expertise.

The saddest part will be how much I will miss you as a client. However, it’s comforting to know that my colleague, Barry Anderson, will take over my accounts, and so you will be in good hands.

Thank you so much for trusting me with your marketing needs, and if I can ever be of help to you in the future, please let me know.

Kate Woo (555) 233-4545 Kate.Woo@email.com

Subject: Some Personal News – Ruby Smith

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m joining Lightreads.com to head up their newsletter division. The new gig starts, well, now. But I’ll be wrapping up loose ends here at the Neighborhood News until June 13. Please stop by and grab a handful of desk candy to remember me by.

Better yet, don’t be a stranger: I’m available at Ruby.Smith@email.com and (555)464-4783 if you ever need a reference or a teammate for trivia night.

Thank you all for being the best part of the best job I’ve ever had. I’ll miss you all more than I can say.

Ruby Smith (555)464-4783 Ruby.Smith@email.com

Casetext.com. “ Art & Cook, Inc. v. Haber, 416 F. Supp. 3d 191 (E.D.N.Y. 2017) .” Accessed July 13, 2021.  

WTO / Letters and Emails / Appointment / Job Appointment Letter (21+ Samples & Examples)

Job Appointment Letter (21+ Samples & Examples)

A job appointment letter is a legal document that a candidate receives once they have gone through a job interview and got selected.

An employer must send this letter to the qualified candidate. A qualified candidate is a job applicant who has been chosen by the company’s employer after applying for the job and successfully going through an interview(s).

This letter mainly targets employees like auditors, teachers, accountants, designers, software professionals, and individuals looking for an internship. An organization’s employer should send their new employee a formal letter, usually prepared by their Human Resource (HR) department.

There are several reasons why an employer should provide it to their new employee. Some of these reasons are as follows:

  • This letter is an official confirmation that an individual has been chosen for the job they applied for and interviewed for.
  • The letter highlights the roles of the new employee in their job position as they work at the company or organization.
  • It also informs the new employee regarding what to expect about their new employer at their new place of work.
  • It provides the terms and conditions of the employer’s position, and the new employee can review it before signing and accepting the job.

Sample Letters

Printable Adjunct Appointment Letter Sample as Word File

Difference Between Offer Letter and Appointment Letter    

After an employer has completed the recruitment process, there are two important letters that they usually send out, that is, the offer letter and the appointment letter. Unfortunately, most employers tend to confuse these two letters, but they are different.

An offer letter is an official document that an employer sends to a candidate after they have decided to hire them for a particular position. The offer letter contains details, the salary, the benefits the employer is providing, and the joining date. The main part is that this letter has a deadline that the chosen candidate must respond to their employer or risk losing it.

On the other hand, an appointment letter is a confirmation that a particular candidate has been selected for the position they had applied for and interviewed for. The appointment letter is sent to a candidate once they have accepted and replied to the offer letter. The details contained in this letter will be addressed later in the article.

An employer will send an offer letter to a candidate to show their intention of hiring them. In contrast, an appointment letter is sent to confirm a hire. Also, for an offer letter, the candidate must reply, unlike an appointment letter.

What to Include in the Letter

Some details must be included in the appointment letter before sending it to the selected candidate. This section discusses some of the essential components that should be included in this letter.

Name & address of the organization (employer)

The employer should indicate the name and the address of their organization and highlight that they are the ones offering a particular candidate the job. The employer can also indicate their title.

Issuance date of the appointment letter

The employer should indicate the date that the letter is being sent to the qualified and selected candidate. This signifies the communication date.

Full name and address of the candidate

It is vital for the employer to mention the full name, address, and other contact information of the candidate. Salutations should also be included since the employer already knows the letter’s receiver.

Title/position offered

Since the appointment letter is all about confirming a hire, the job the candidate is being offered should also be indicated in the letter.

Date of commencement and date of joining

The candidate should also be informed when they are required to join the company and start the job.

Role & responsibilities

Apart from mentioning the position of the qualified candidate, the employer should also provide details of the role and responsibilities that the candidate will have at the company based on their position.

Nature of job

It refers to the lasting period of the work that the one has been selected for, which could be permanent, temporary, or contractual.

  • Permanent – for this case, the job will last as long as the employee wants it, and the conditions are still favorable to them.
  • Temporary – for this case, the employer agrees with the new employer that they will fill the job position for a certain period of time. The employer can choose to extend this period and make the offer permanent if the new employee has great performance.
  • Contractual – Contractual job involves signing a contract between the employer and a new employee before they start working at their new position. It always stipulates how long the employee will be hired by the particular company, usually until the project they are dealing with is complete.

Work hours/ office timing

The employer should highlight the number of hours that their new employee will be working in a day or indicate when they should arrive for work and leave the office at the end of the day.

Probation period

The probation period refers to the company’s trial period that a new employee is given to adapt to the company’s culture and display their skills and work performance. This period determines if the new employee will continue working at the company or not. The employer should inform the new employee of the probation period, the expectations, and the terms like salary and working hours.

Annual & monthly salary

The employer should inform the new employee of their salary and indicate the amount on an annual and monthly basis. If there was an approbation period, the employer should indicate if the salary will be increased or not.

Perks and benefits

Apart from the annual and monthly salary, the perks and benefits of being in the job should also be highlighted. The new employee should be informed of benefits like health insurance, flexible working hours, bonuses, and retirement packages if the employer is offering them.

Applicable tax deductions

For the final salary the new employee will be receiving, the employer should indicate the applicable tax deductions and the amount that the employee will receive after their salary has been taxed.

Leave policy

This includes regulations around sick days and vacations periods. The leave policy should be clearly stated, with the number of days per year being well mentioned by the employer for the new employee. The leave policy can also highlight things like paternal leave, maternal leave, and earned leave.

Employment terms & conditions

Since the appointment letter will act as a contract, indicating the terms and conditions for their employment is an important detail the employer should add in the letter. This way, the new employee knows what they are signing and all the regulations surrounding the acceptance.

Brief of various company policies

The company has its own culture and policies that guide its daily operations. The letter should therefore highlight briefly these policies that guide the decisions made at the company.

An employee handbook or HR manual

The employer must include the employee handbook in the letter as it addresses the treatment of both parties for a better working environment . The employer will be safe from any discrimination charges if the new employee has received this manual. This is because the employee will know how the company operates and handles its issues in detail. For example, if the new employee misses work without informing their employer and the manual states that such a situation leads to a particular course of action, the employer is safe from unfair treatment charges.

Duration of the contract

The employer should inform the employee about how long their employment contract will last and the conditions surrounding the possible extension of the contract once the project has been completed. This is mainly for new employees who are seeking internships at organizations.

Checklist of documents to be submitted

The employer should indicate the documents that they would like the new employee to arrive with if they choose to accept the employment. This might include identification documents, education certificates, and even the appointment letter.

Security requirements

These details are required from the new employee looking to secure permanent employment if their nature of work is currently temporary.

Commitment or declaration

The employer includes this section to guide the new employee on their expectations throughout the employment period. For instance, the employee might be expected to be respectful and answer to a particular supervisor.

Amendment and enforcement

This information from the employer directs their new employee about what they need to do if they find it and all related requirements suitable or want to change some details about their new job position.

Condition for termination

The employer must include this information to highlight the situations that might result in employment termination for the new employee.

Notice period clause

This is a period that the new employee is supposed to give if they choose to leave their job. Therefore, the employer must indicate the number of days that an employee should give the management when they want to leave the job. The information should also include the person who should be notified of these plans.

When it comes to the signature part, the employer should sign off with not only their signature but also mention their full names and an association stamp and stick.

An employer sends an appointment letter to the candidate before they join the company to give them time to review the terms and conditions before submitting their acceptance. This is usually done by signing a duplicate copy of an appointment letter and sending it to the employer for record-keeping, future reference, and indicating their acceptance.

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Special Considerations

When crafting an appointment letter, there are some special considerations or tips that an employer should keep in mind when writing this letter. Some of these important tips are as follows:

Formal tone

It is an official letter, which means that an employer should write it in a formal tone. The employer should formally mention all that was discussed verbally during his/her meeting with the new employee.

Print on the letterhead

The letter should be official, and this can be achieved by including the company’s letterhead printed and signed by the company’s management.

Business letter format

Since an appointment letter is a legally binding document, the format used by the employer to write it should be a formal business format. The terms and conditions should be clearly written, but the tone should remain positive and inspirational.

Open on a congratulatory note

As this letter indicates a new and exciting experience for the new employee, an employer should start the letter by congratulating them. It is also best to end the letter with a welcome note while including all the required details in the body.

Get it reviewed by the legal team

Since this letter is a legally binding document, it is best to get it reviewed by the company’s legal team. This way, they can confirm that all the terms and conditions have been well-crafted.

Sample Appointment Letter

An official appointment letter should include the day of commencement, employee’s duties, workstation, working hours, cash compensation, and working hours among other important details an employee should know before taking the job. Below is a sample of an appointment letter:

Employment Letter

(Your name) (Your Address (Street Information) (City, State, and Zip Code)

(Recipient’s Name (third party)) (Recipient’s Address (Street Information)) (City, State, and Zip Code)

Dear (Name),

We are pleased to inform you that you passed your interview and we are hereby offering you employment on the contract basis for the position of a safety officer at XYZ Company. The terms and conditions of your employment are as follows:

  • Day of Commencement:

You are expected to report to your duties as of October 24th, 20XX. Your contract is based on a period of two years, after which we may renew it based on your performance and mutual agreement.

You will report to your immediate supervisor on the said date. You are required to comply with the company’s rules and regulations at all times and should always act in a manner that protects the company’s interests.

  • Allocated Place of Work

You will be based at the company’s headquarters in New York City.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

Your roles and responsibilities are outlined in the job description, which is an extension of this contract. Your signature will imply that you fully agree with all the terms and conditions laid out in this contract.

  • Monthly Salary

You are entitled to a monthly compensation amounting to {Amount}, which will be subject to all statutory and company deductions with regard to the law.

  • Working Hours

Your working hours shall be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Monday–Friday). However, you may also be required to avail yourself outside of these stipulated hours if the need arises.

7.1 Vacation

You will be entitled to 21 working days of leave at full pay. However, the leave days should only be taken at a time most suitable for both you and your employer.

7.2 Sick Leave

You are entitled to up to 29 working days of sick leave at full pay.

7.3 Paternity Leave

You are entitled to a paternity leave of up to two calendar weeks, which you should apply for seven days beforehand.

  • Termination

This contract can be terminated:

by either party giving a prior 30 working days written notice of failure, to which compensation equivalent to a month’s salary will be awarded. OR by the employer on grounds of indiscipline or underperformance. OR The employer on account of redundancy or retrenchment as per the law.

  • Copyrights and Ownership

You shall not work with any other company, either full-time or part-time, in a capacity that would create a conflict of interest with the company.

  • Amendment and Enforcement

Any alterations or amendments to this contract shall be duly communicated in writing, taking into consideration both the employer’s and employee’s views.

Yours Faithfully Veronica Vee Human Resource Manager, XYZ Company

To affirm your acceptance to the terms and conditions laid out in this letter, kindly sign below;

(Date)    (Name)    (Sign) (Witness)   (Sign)

Sample Job Appointment Letter

Dear John Doe,

Subject: Appointment for the Position of Senior Software Engineer

We are delighted to inform you that Innovatech Solutions Inc., located at 456 Technology Drive, Silicon Valley, CA, 94043, has selected you for the position of Senior Software Engineer. This letter serves as a formal offer of employment, outlining the terms and conditions of your appointment.

Position and Responsibilities:

Your position as Senior Software Engineer will involve leading software development projects, designing system architecture, and mentoring junior developers. You will report directly to Jane Smith, Head of Software Development.

Start Date and Probation Period:

Your employment will commence on January 2, 20XX. There will be a probationary period of 6 months during which your performance will be evaluated.

Working Hours and Location:

Your regular working hours will be from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. You will be primarily based at our Silicon Valley office, with occasional remote work flexibility.

Salary and Compensation:

Your annual gross salary will be $120,000, payable monthly. In addition to your salary, you will be eligible for performance-based bonuses and stock options.

As an employee of Innovatech Solutions Inc., you will have access to various benefits, including comprehensive health insurance, 401(k) retirement plans, and 20 days of paid time off annually.

Leave Policy:

You are entitled to 20 days of paid vacation per year, 10 days of paid sick leave, and 5 personal days. Additionally, the company observes all federal holidays.

Company Policies and Procedures:

You are expected to adhere to the company’s policies and procedures as outlined in the employee handbook, which will be provided to you on your first day of employment.

Copyright and Ownership:

All work products, inventions, designs, and developments created by you as part of your employment will be the sole property of Innovatech Solutions Inc.

Termination Clause:

Employment with Zenith Innovations Inc. is at-will and may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause. However, we request a notice period of 30 days from either party for termination under normal circumstances. Termination for cause, including but not limited to misconduct, breach of company policies, or performance issues, may occur without notice. Upon termination, you will receive compensation for any accrued but unused vacation days. The company will also provide a written notice detailing the reasons for termination and any post-termination obligations.

Acceptance of Offer:

Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning a copy of this letter by December 15, 20XX. This offer of employment is contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background check.

We are thrilled about the prospect of you joining our team and look forward to your valuable contributions. Please feel free to contact me or our HR Manager, Emily Johnson, at [email protected] if you have any questions or need further information.

Michael Brown

Director of Human Resources

Innovatech Solutions Inc.

[email protected]

The provided sample appointment letter is a good example for someone looking to create a similar document. It is structured clearly and professionally, covering all the essential aspects of a job offer. This makes it a valuable guide for anyone needing to draft an appointment letter.

The writer starts the letter with basic details like the date, recipient’s name, and address, followed by a formal greeting. This sets a professional tone right from the beginning. The subject line clearly states the purpose of the letter, making it easy for the recipient to understand the intent.

The writer has written a comprehensive body section, covering important details like the job title, position responsibilities, start date, probation period, working hours, and location. Including such specifics ensures that the recipient has a clear understanding of what the role entails and what is expected of them. This is crucial for setting clear expectations and reducing misunderstandings.

Notably, the letter includes a detailed breakdown of salary and compensation, benefits, and the leave policy. This information is vital for a potential employee to make an informed decision. The addition of a copyright and ownership clause is a thoughtful inclusion, especially relevant in industries where intellectual property is a key concern.

Finally, the writer concludes with instructions on how to accept the offer and a warm, inviting closing remark. This structure not only provides all necessary information but also maintains a tone that is welcoming and positive.

In summary, the key points of the letter that make it an excellent guide are:

  • Clear structure with all necessary details like date, recipient’s information, and subject line.
  • Comprehensive job description, including responsibilities and reporting hierarchy.
  • Detailed information on salary, benefits, and leave policy.
  • Inclusion of a probation period and copyright details.
  • Warm and professional closing, inviting the recipient to accept the offer.

The language used is professional yet easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. This sample serves as a thorough guide for anyone needing to write a professional appointment letter.

Frequently Asked Question

The main details that should be included in an appointment letter include the commencement date, designation or title, location, salary, perks and benefits, working hours, leave policy, and terms and conditions.

About This Article

Ryan Powell

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Announcement Letter For a New Assignment

If you would like to inform an employee about an assignment, here is a sample announcement letter for a new assignment.

[Title/Name of Intended Readers]

Dear [Title/Name],

We would like to bring to your notice that a new assignment regarding [Subject] is on hand, which has duly been given to [You/Name of Assignee]. The assignment must be completed by [Date], in congruence with the given details:

[Details of assignment]

Contact [Department/Name] in case of concerns. We look forward to the delivery of an exceptional result. 


[Announcer’s Name]

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The Best Email to Send Your New Boss Before Your Job Starts

letter for new job assignment

There’s nothing like making a great first impression. When you walk into a new job on the first day, you want your coworkers—and most importantly, your boss—to know just how friendly and enthusiastic you are.

You probably already showed off these qualities during your interviews and when you accepted the job, but you can also communicate these sentiments in an email to your new boss right before you start the job.

You’re probably writing goodbye emails to your previous coworkers, planning your first-day outfit, researching your commute, and doing all the night-before things on this checklist , so add this quick email to your to-dos as you transition from one job to another.

Taking a few minutes to send a simple email to your future boss will ensure you’re prepared and help cement a great impression as a proactive go-getter before you even walk through the door.

“It’s a chance to reestablish your commitment and excitement and reaffirm that you made the right choice,” says Muse career coach Leto Papadopoulos . You’re telling them, “I can’t wait to be there, and this is the job I want.”

What should your email actually say? It should express your gratitude, show your excitement, confirm your start date, find out what you can do to prepare for a successful first day, and ask any lingering questions. Try something like this:

Sample emails to send your new boss before you start

Sample email No. 1:

Hi [Boss’s Name],

I’m so excited to be joining [Company] in [Number of Weeks/Days] and can’t wait to start working with you and the team. Is there anything I can read or do ahead of time that would help me hit the ground running?

Have a great rest of the week and see you on the [Date]!

[Your Name]

Sample email No. 2:

Hi [Boss’s Name]:

I’m looking forward to joining the [Company] team on [Date]! I can’t wait to meet the whole team and dive into my role.

I appreciate you sending me some background information about the company’s history. It provided helpful insight into understanding your mission. Is there anything else I should be reading to help me prepare for my new role?

I was also wondering where I should park on the first day. It looks like there’s a parking garage across the street. Is it OK to park there?

Thank you and have a great rest of the week. See you soon!

Sample email No. 3:

I’m so excited to meet the team and get started in my role as [Role]. Just to confirm, my first day is [Date], and I should be there by [Time].

I know the first day will be focused on getting acquainted with the company and my new coworkers. Is there anything I can do beforehand to prepare? Are there specific documents or other information that I should bring to streamline the onboarding process?

Thanks again for this opportunity! See you on [Date], and I hope you have a great day.

Sample email No. 4:

I’m looking forward to starting at [Company] on [Date]. I’ve always wanted to work for an organization with such a strong sustainability mission, and I can’t wait to contribute to the impact you make.

I’ve completed the new employee checklist and onboarding paperwork that you sent me, and I will bring that on the first day. Is there anything else that I can do to prepare in advance?

Thanks again for this exciting opportunity. I hope you have a great day—and, see you soon!

If there’s a skill or program you know will be a major part of the job—and you don’t have much prior experience with it—Papadopoulos says you can mention it in your email and ask your new boss if there’s a website or other resource they’d recommend you review to get acquainted or brush up.

The bottom line

You can of course tweak these templates to sound more like you, or to fit with the company’s culture and level of formality. In general, you should use the same excited and friendly tone you did when you accepted the offer, while keeping it professional, according to Tanaz Mody , Head of People Operations for venture capital firm Lerer Hippeau.

“The timing of this email is also key to setting the tone,” Mody says. In other words, don't send this email on a Friday afternoon before a Monday start date. She says that would be even worse than not sending an email at all, “setting the stage that you don’t plan in advance.”

Mody and Papadopoulos both agree on the biggest catch: If you send this email and your soon-to-be boss replies with something for you to read or do, make sure you follow through! That means keeping an eye on your inbox, responding if needed, and reading or doing whatever they suggest. Otherwise “You’re just going to look like a joke,” Papadopoulos says.

And while you don’t have to send a note like this—Papadopoulos adds that it matters more what you do when you actually show up—it is a great way to demonstrate initiative and that you’re excited about your new role and what you can contribute.

Erica Sweeney contributed to the updated version of this article. 

letter for new job assignment

New Job Announcement Letter to Clients Examples

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Before You Write a New Job Announcement Letter to Clients

Write an effective letter to your clients, sample job announcement letter to clients #1, sample job announcement letter to clients #2.

When you leave your job, there are a lot of loose ends you need to tie up before you go. If you’re in an occupation where you serve clients, one of the most important details is informing your customers that you have a new job.

It’s not as easy as dashing off a quick email to let them know that you’re moving on. Depending on company policy, your employment contract, and the laws in your state, you may need to take care not to reveal too much about where you’re going.    

In some cases, client lists may be considered trade secrets. Check your employment contract and state law before reaching out to your clients.

Regardless of your specific situation, writing a job announcement letter to clients can be a tricky undertaking. Here’s what you need to know about the form and content of your note, as well as the optimal timing and follow-up.

Many organizations consider client lists trade secrets. To protect their property, these companies typically ask employees to sign a confidentiality agreement, non-disclosure agreement, or other documentation stating that they won’t share client lists with competitors. To make sure you stay on the right side of any legal commitments:

1. Review Your Employment Contract

Your employment contract may state what you’re allowed to share or contain an addendum with this information. Client lists may or may not be specifically called out, but you will likely see some prohibition against sharing that company’s intellectual property or trade secrets.

2. Talk to Human Resources

If you’re not certain what’s included in your contract, talk to HR. They should be able to tell you whether you’re allowed to let clients know where you’re going. HR can also advise you about other matters related to your departure, including your last paycheck, unused vacation or sick time, and other issues.

3. Connect With Your Manager

Even if your contract doesn’t explicitly prohibit connecting with your clients, and HR doesn’t have an issue with you doing so, it’s a good idea to speak with your boss. At the very least, you’ll want to coordinate the timing of your announcement. Your manager may also ask you to let your clients know which team member will be responsible for their accounts going forward. Or, your boss may prefer to reach out personally to do so.

Do not update LinkedIn until after you have started your new job. In fact, tell only your most trusted family members and friends to avoid a public relations crisis.

If you do reach out to your clients directly, keep the following tips in mind:

Be professional, positive, and gracious. Thank your former employer and current clients for the role they have played in your success. Then, express optimism for the exciting future in store.

Include the necessary information. Let your clients know when you will be leaving your current role and when you will start your new one. Let them know which team member will be taking over your accounts and facilitate an introduction.

Offer your contact information. If your manager agrees and you’re not bound by an NDA, let your clients know where to reach you.  

If allowed, you can also follow up with your clients after your departure to make a sales pitch for your new employer.

Subject line: New Position Announcement

Dear Caitlin,

I am excited to announce that I have joined ABC Marketing and will begin on August 7. I am so grateful for six wonderful years at DEF Marketing and for the integral role you have played in my success. I invite you to join me in this exciting new chapter to continue our mutually beneficial partnership. You would enjoy the same commitment and dedication from me, with additional support from a top agency with hundreds of successful campaigns that turned their clients’ brands into household names.

I am confident that this change will allow me more autonomy and time to serve you in all of your marketing efforts and goals. However, if you choose to stay with ABC Marketing, Laura Marks would be your new agent beginning August 7.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, and know that I will do everything I can to make this a smooth transition.

Sincerely yours,

marcy.grey@ABCMarketing.com 123 Park Street Anytown, Ohio 45011 (555)123-4567

Subject line: Moving On

Dear Deepak,

I’m writing to let you know that I’ll be leaving Acme Corp on October 1 for new opportunities. However, you’ll be in good hands: Jon Smith will be taking over your account, and I’m confident that you’ll be pleased with his commitment to customer service and knowledge of the industry.

I’ve greatly enjoyed working with you and the rest of the team at LMK Org, and I wish you all the very best. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help you during the transition.

Best regards,

Linda Marino Linda.Marino@AcmeCorp.com (800)555-3434

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  • AI, Your Side Hustle Hero to Make Money from Home

Think AI is just for super-smart scientists? Nope! There are tons of ways you can use AI to make some serious cash from home.

Ready to turn your tech-love into a side hustle? Here are some amazing ideas:

The Content Creation Powerhouse

1. ai, your writing buddy.

Imagine having a writing assistant that never gets tired, bored, or has writer’s block! AI tools like Jasper and Rytr help you crank out blog posts, website copy, product descriptions, and even creative stuff like poems or short stories.

You can write paid articles for websites or companies, or use AI to make your own online business shine with tons of fresh content. AI can even help you find ideas and make sure your writing is on point!

Read : 5 ChatGPT Prompts to Drive Business Growth and Innovation

2. Pics in a Flash

Ever wish you could draw anything you imagine? AI image generators like DALL-E and Midjourney let you do just that!

Just type in what you want to see – like “a cat flying a spaceship” or “a watercolor landscape of a hidden waterfall” – and the AI will create it.

You can sell your images on stock photo sites, use them to make your blog posts stand out, or turn them into cool digital art pieces you can sell online.

3. Movie Magician

AI can help you become the next editing superstar! Services can cut and paste video clips, add background music, and even turn your dialogue into subtitles for different languages.

Imagine helping YouTubers make their videos snappier, or editing short videos for businesses– it’s a skill you could even be paid for!

AI Expert Services

1. the global chat champ.

If you know another language (or more!), AI translation tools become your BFFs. Instead of taking forever on translations, AI does the basic work, and you fine-tune it for accuracy and style.

Get gigs translating websites so they reach worldwide markets, translating important documents, or even adding subtitles so movies and videos can be enjoyed by everyone!

2. Meet Your Robot Assistant

Businesses want to offer help 24/7, but that’s impossible for humans! That’s where chatbots come in.

Platforms like Dialogflow let you “train” little AI assistants to answer common questions, take orders, or gather information from potential customers even when everyone’s asleep.

It’s like coding and customer service rolled into one cool job.

3. Data Detective

AI is amazing at spotting patterns way too huge for humans to see alone. You can offer services by using AI to analyze mountains of social media chatter to see what people really think about products or brands.

Investors might pay you to use AI to spot stock market trends. Businesses might want you to use AI to track their rivals and see what sneaky plans they might be hatching!

Affiliate Marketing with a Techy Twist

1. ai reviewer: the ultimate comparison tool.

Imagine being able to gather tons of information on different products in a flash! That’s what AI lets you do. Let’s say you want to review the best robot vacuums.

AI tools can help you scrape customer reviews, compare features across different brands, and even summarize the pros and cons. You write awesome reviews, include your special affiliate links, and whenever someone clicks your link and buys, you earn cash.

It’s like being a super-helpful shopping guide and getting paid for it!

2. Super-Niche Websites: Your Secret Weapon

Sometimes the biggest money isn’t in the broadest topics, but the super-focused ones. Imagine a website not about pets, but all about the cutest outfits for teacup poodles! AI tools help you find these “micro-niches” – topics huge groups of people are obsessed with but might have fewer websites dedicated to them.

Once you’ve picked your niche, AI can help with everything else. It can find keywords that help people find your site, suggest tons of article ideas, and even help you write some of the content.

AI can also help you find products related to your niche to promote with affiliate links, making your awesome website into a money-making machine.

Build Your AI Empire

1. tool time: coding for cash.

If you have some coding skills, you can build super-useful, bite-sized AI tools that people will happily pay for. Think of common problems people have: resizing a ton of images is a pain, long articles can be a drag to read, and catching every single grammar error is tough.

You could build simple tools that offer AI-powered solutions – a quick image resizer, an article summarizer, or an extra-smart grammar checker. Sell these tools on online marketplaces, and suddenly you’re not just using AI, you’re selling it!

2. Plugin Power: Supercharge Popular Programs

Do you know your way around popular software like Photoshop, Excel, or even game design programs? You can become a plugin superstar! Create little add-ons that use AI to do cool new things.

Maybe your plugin adds AI filters to Photoshop, or teaches Excel to predict future patterns based on the data. Find platforms that allow developers to sell plugins for their software, and your creations could make you money while helping others work smarter.

AI Business Sensei: The Ultimate Consultant

If you get really good with AI, and understand how businesses work, you could make serious money as a consultant. Companies often have no idea how to start using AI to their advantage.

You could be the expert that helps them! Teach them how AI can find them new customers, help them analyze huge amounts of data to make better decisions, or even automate some parts of their business to save them time and money.

As AI gets more important, companies will be desperate for consultants like you!

Things to Remember:

Humans still needed: the ai hype is real, but….

AI is a powerful tool, but it’s still just that – a tool. It can mess up, make stuff that’s just plain weird, or even be used for harmful things if we’re not careful. That’s where you come in!

Your job is to double-check AI’s work, make sure it sounds natural and makes sense, add your own creative spark, and be the one to make sure the AI is doing good, not harm.

Find Your Thing: Be the Specialist

Trying to be an expert in everything AI-related is a recipe for a headache. Instead, become known as THE person for something specific.

Are you the best AI product reviewer for tech gadgets? The go-to person for building customer service chatbots? The genius who finds hidden stock market patterns using AI?

Specializing makes it easier for clients to find you and know exactly what you can do for them.

Never Stop Learning: The AI Train Keeps Rolling

AI technology changes at lightning speed! New tools, techniques, and updates are happening all the time. To stay ahead of the game, you’ve got to be curious and willing to learn.

Subscribe to tech newsletters, mess around with new AI programs as they come out, and take online courses. The more you know about cutting-edge AI, the more valuable your skills become!

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  • Modern Ways to Earn Money from Home in 2024

How to Respectfully Decline an Assignment

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How to Respond to the Need for Extra Effort in an Employee Evaluation

Job interview tips for ex-felons, how to deal with a reprimand.

  • How to Communicate Unequal Workload
  • How to Deal With a Coworker Who Refuses to Help

Knowing your limits in the workplace means that you might have to refuse an assignment. It's important to strategize ways to respectfully decline a request to maintain your integrity with your employer. It's better to say no to an assignment than to take on something you won't be able to finish.

The Importance of Saying No

As explained in the Harvard Business Review, saying no doesn't come easily to many of us. We want to live up to attributes valued in the workplace, such as being a team player and a go-to person. Guilt and anxiety can prompt us to accept more work when we shouldn't. However, Forbes magazine says that when you strategically and respectfully decline an assignment, you can actually give your career a boost. Here's why:

You earn respect. Say you're given an assignment outside your job description. The assignment could easily be done by someone else, and by accepting the assignment, you jeopardize the work you're paid to do. Respectfully decline, and you earn respect by demonstrating your commitment to the job you were hired for.

You keep priorities straight​ . ​ It's important to stay focused on short-term and long-term priorities in a busy work environment. By saying no, you can keep your attention and your energies on the tasks that matter most.

You establish boundaries. Say no if the request sets a precedent that makes you uncomfortable, such as picking up the boss's children from day care or firing a co-worker.

You set yourself up for success. Accepting an assignment that takes you out of your comfort zone can be an opportunity to expand your skill range. However, it's better to say no when something is clearly beyond your capabilities, and you won't be able to deliver.

Evaluate the Request

Before responding with an automatic no, experts suggest you think about what's being asked of you. Does the assignment interest you? Is it a good opportunity for you? Think about your current responsibilities and whether you have the time to take on something else in addition.

It's helpful to give some context to the request. For example, you can ask if the assignment needs to be completed right away or if it's a long-term assignment. You can briefly summarize your current workload, so the person making the request gets a better idea, from your perspective, of what's being asked.

Ways to Respectfully Decline

The employment website Indeed lists 50 different ways to say no. It's important to be straightforward with the person asking. You want to explain reasonably rather than appear defiant or as though you are making excuses. Here are additional examples:

  • I'm sorry, but no. I am busy with my own work now, but if you still need help at the end of the week, let me know. I'll have more time then.
  • No, thank you. I appreciate the opportunity, but my team needs me right now.
  • I have to say no. This doesn't fall under my job description. Please ask our manager to refer you to the right person.
  • No, I don't have the right skills for this assignment. Can I help you with something else?
  • I'm not confident this will work out, but may I have a little time to think about it?
  • Sorry, but I don't have the time for this right now. I can help you think of someone else to ask.
  • I appreciate your confidence in me, but I'm going to say no. This assignment would take a great deal of time, and I need to prioritize my own work right now.
  • I enjoyed helping you last time, but I'm currently too busy to take on an additional assignment.
  • Harvard Business Review: How to Say No to Taking on More Work
  • Forbes: When to Say No at Work (and Why It's Important)
  • Indeed: How to Nicely Say "No" (With 50 Examples)

Denise Dayton is a a freelance writer who specializes in business, education and technology. She has written for eHow.com, Library Journal, The Searcher, Bureau of Education and Research, and corporate clients.

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  • 2 How to Deal With a Boss That Is a Perfectionist
  • 3 How to Refuse to Do Somebody Else's Job at Work
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Delegate New or Additional Duties

Thanks for your input during last Thursday's unit meeting. As your overtime hours have increased, we too have come to realize the unreasonable scope of your present job description. After adding six typesetting projects a month to your regular editing workload, we have decided to hire an assistant unit manager to relieve you of several administrative tasks.

While this assistant will alleviate much of your burden, we still plan to increase the number of monthly typesetting projects in your unit from 12 to 18. This increase, however, will occur only incrementally, and additional personnel will be assigned to your unit to help handle the load. Specifically, we plan to transfer two editors from Eric Doe's unit to yours. You will be responsible for training them as part-time typesetters over the next three months. If you can have them up to speed by May, we will then begin expanding to eighteen projects a month.

We will need your continued feedback during this transition phase and expect to consult with you frequently. Above all, we are eager to see your daily workload confined to a manageable number of hours. With an assistant, this should begin to happen immediately.

Now that we have established ourselves domestically, we need a person to oversee our international sales. Your ability to organize and oversee large sales efforts make you the obvious choice to take on this responsibility. You have our approval to delegate some of your present duties to John Doe while you get oriented to this new initiative.

We will hold several planning meetings during May. After June 1, you will work full-time on international sales and John will take over the rest of your local responsibilities. Our first meeting will be Monday at 9:00 a.m. I know of your interest in international sales, so this should be a rewarding assignment. If you have questions before our Monday meeting, please call.

After lengthy discussion on the matter with Mr. Doe, I have decided to add the words "circulation manager" to your job title. It seems fitting that you be formally assigned to this task, as you have been handling most of these duties anyway.

Your volume of work should remain stable, because we are bringing Jane into your department to assist you. The new duties will include coordinating delivery accounts and managing new sales activities, in addition to the circulation drill you already know well.

Please meet with me Monday at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the details of this change.

How to Write this Delegation Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

This letter should both inform the employee of the new responsibilities and state the reason(s) for the change. It may describe the duties in detail, or simply outline them with the promise of additional training.

  • Explain why you are changing the reader's responsibilities.
  • Describe how the reader's duties will change.
  • Prompt feedback.

Write Your delegation in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 explain why you are changing the reader's responsibilities., sample sentences for step 1.

  • The company has grown to the point that we need a purchasing coordinator.
  • Your idea of establishing the position of ombudsman has met with a warm reception.
  • We need to make some adjustments in order to distribute our workload more evenly.
  • With the explosive growth in the number of calls to our help hotline, we feel that you are becoming overloaded.
  • We have been very impressed with the growth you have brought to the northern route, but realize that it has now become rather unwieldy for one person to manage.
  • We are sympathetic to your request to travel less and are very sorry that your wife is experiencing such severe health problems.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • after considerable analysis and discussion
  • are sympathetic to your request
  • are overloaded
  • as you are already aware
  • company has grown
  • even out our workload
  • have been very impressed with
  • make some adjustments
  • some adjustments seem necessary
  • the restructuring has led to
  • the position of
  • to accommodate the growth of
  • to manage the increasing workload in
  • up until now
  • need to establish a
  • will announce the change on
  • will be in everyone's best interests to
  • with the installation of
  • your current responsibilities include
  • your idea of
  • your suggestion that

2 Describe how the reader's duties will change.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • I want you to take on this position as of January 1. You will need to keep current lists of all major equipment and all purchases involving sums greater than $500.
  • Your responsibilities will include advising department heads on capital equipment purchases and making sure that equipment is not duplicated unnecessarily.
  • Jane will take over your current duties.
  • We think you are the ideal person to take on these responsibilities, and we suggest that you proceed according to the plan you outlined at our meeting on March 5.
  • You and Jane will continue to work in Classified Ads, but will do your own billing. This additional duty should be easy for you now that we have the new computer program in place. Ashley will show you how to do the billing, and we would like you to show her the ropes in the classified section.
  • From now on please concentrate on the hotline, where you have been doing extremely well. We would like you to continue to process incoming mail as well, but Jane will assume your purchasing duties.
  • It seems that our best strategy will be to move you to a desk job, at least temporarily. Please contact John, who will discuss the details with you.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • are the ideal person to
  • is important that you
  • major responsibilities will include
  • new responsibilities will entail
  • our best strategy seems to be
  • please concentrate your efforts on
  • proceed as we discussed
  • responsibilities will include
  • suggest that you
  • take on this position as of
  • this additional duty should be
  • will take over your current
  • will need to
  • will now be responsible for
  • will also be responsible for
  • will effect an equitable division of
  • will discuss the details
  • will continue to work in
  • would like you to continue to
  • your primary responsibility will be

3 Prompt feedback.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • Please meet with me in my office on Monday at 11 a.m. We will work out the details and discuss any concerns you may have.
  • This is a new adventure for the company, and doubtless there will be some problems along the way. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help.
  • I would appreciate a call from you within two weeks to let me know how things are working out.
  • I think you will all enjoy the new arrangement, but if any unforeseen problems arise, please let me know.
  • This poses an immediate challenge for you, but the rewards should be great. If you have any concerns, please see me.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • discuss any concerns
  • do not hesitate to
  • during this adjustment period
  • glad to work with you
  • how things are working out
  • if any problems arise
  • if I can help
  • if you need any help
  • if you have questions
  • iron out any problems
  • let me know
  • long term benefits
  • please meet with me
  • poses an immediate challenge
  • reevaluate the situation
  • thank you for your cooperation
  • think you will enjoy
  • when circumstances change
  • will discuss this again after
  • work out the details

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101 Best Sample Congratulatory Messages on New Appointment

Here is a look at some amazing sample congratulatory messages on a new appointment that you can use to congratulate someone on a new job.

#1 Congratulations on your new position. I know you’ve worked hard to reach this point, and I’m so happy that you’ve been recognized for your accomplishment with this new assignment. It is well-deserved.

#2 What a wonderful blessing to have this new job, congratulations. The dedication and ability that got you here will continue to serve you well as you move along your path. Success is yours!

#3 I’ve always known you were destined for great things, and now the rest of the world has caught up. Congratulations on your new appointment. Well done!

#4 Congratulations on your new job. It’s such an incredible opportunity, and I can’t think of anyone better suited to the role than you. With your skills and experience, you’re sure to knock this one out of the park.

#5 Stepping into a new position is an exciting feat, and I’m delighted you have this opportunity. Knowing you, you’ll shine more in this new role than you already do. Congratulations on your new appointment.

#6 What great news to learn of your appointment! I’m sure you’ll excel in this new position, it was practically made for you. I look forward to watching your continued rise to the top of the field.

#7 Your new position sounds fantastic, and I’m over-the-moon that you’ve been given this new role. May you thrive on the challenges and joys it brings your way. Congratulations on your new position.

#8 Congratulations on your new appointment. Your ascension is an inspiration to all who wish to grow in this field. I hope you love the new role and that it brings you much success.

#9 You dreamed big, you worked hard, and you’ve earned the recognition that comes with your new appointment. Congratulations! May all your work and dreams continue to bring you to new levels.

#10 Your discipline, knowledge, skills, and indeed your very essence, have garnered you a new job. Congratulations! It’s a well-earned reward for all that you do.

#11 Today’s headline ought to read: “New appointment given to the most qualified, deserving person,” with a large photograph of you. The story would go on to describe your accomplishments and why you’re a perfect fit for this position. Although I can’t arrange for that, I can say congratulations!

#12 Your achievements never cease to amaze me. This new appointment is remarkable: an honor and a testament to your worth. Congratulations on the new role, it suits you perfectly.

#13 With a work ethic, skill set, personality, and mind like yours, you’re a natural fit for your new position. Congratulations on this new post, and good luck as you begin.

#14 It isn’t every day that one receives a new appointment, and your success deserves a toast. Congratulations, and may every day be as rewarding as this one!

#15 It’s official: you’re a hit. This new job proves that you’re worthy of being at the top of the charts, the head of the class, the front of the line, and otherwise the best of the best. Congratulations!

#16 After putting in as much effort as you have, it’s gratifying to see you recognized with a new position. I’m excited, pleased, and simply thrilled for you. Congratulations on your appointment.

#17 By charting your course, steering your craft, tracking your progress, correcting when needed, letting others help along the way, and trusting yourself, you’ve reached a great place. Congratulations on your new appointment. May the seas ahead be smooth.

#18 While a new job may not be the only thing in life, it is certainly one of life’s welcome moments. May this one be fulfilling and fruitful. Congratulations!

#19 Despite our best intentions, we never know exactly where our paths will take us. That yours has led you to this new position is simply sensational. You are more than ready for it, and I know you’ll rise to the occasion. Congratulations on your new position!

#20 With your new appointment comes a new mantel of responsibility. One you will wear with style and grace as this particular mantel was tailor-made for you. Congratulations on your new position and all that comes with it.

#21 It’s no surprise that someone as exceptional as you has received a new appointment. You’re a rare asset, worthy of this advancement and many more in the years ahead. Congratulations!

#22 Congratulations on your new position. You have always been a force to be reckoned with, and in this new role, you’ll truly be formidable. Well done!

#23 There are few people as admirable as you: able to land an appointment like this one and make it look so easy. Congratulations, I’m confident that you’ll be phenomenal.

#24 A noteworthy achievement like this new job is cause for celebration. Your accomplishment is the culmination of your efforts, and I raise my glass in your honor. Congratulations!

#25 To have one’s work, one’s skills, one’s abilities acknowledged with a new appointment is commendable. I hope you’ll accept my humble words as commendation: congratulations, all hail you!

#26 They say it’s not about winning, but about how you compete, and your generous spirit and total commitment are a testament to that ideal. But, hey, it’s great to win too! Enjoy this new appointment. You truly deserve it.

#27 With your drive and total focus, you remind me of an Olympic Athlete, and you should value this new position as much as winning a Gold Medal. Congratulations on a great achievement.

#28 Excellent, superb, wonderful, terrific. Those words don’t say it well enough, of course, but I’m tongue-tied with happiness at your new appointment. Congratulations!

#29 You’re the kind of person who is never afraid to take the plunge. That’s why you so deeply deserve this new challenge. Congratulations, I know that this fabulous appointment will be a springboard to even more triumphs.

#30 You’ve done it! I’ve always marveled at your dedication, so I knew you had it in you. And now that the rest of the world knows, I’m so proud of you. Congratulations on your new job.

#31 Your dedication and hard work are the ingredients that went into this delicious success. But it was your skill and passion that combined to secure this great new job. Congratulations, as you taste the rewards!

#32 The light of your brilliance shines fiercely. That’s why I feel warm and bright when I celebrate this new job with you. Congratulations on a dazzling achievement.

#33 You have stuck to the trail and chased down this new position with true grit. Now that you’ve captured this new job, congratulations on your success.

#34 It is inspiring to be around someone like you who never gets lost and always follows their dreams, no matter what. Thanks for leading the way, and congratulations on seeking out this new appointment.

#35 They say that who dares, wins. And you have the bravery and persistence to go for it. I’m so proud that you dared, and it’s such good news that you secured this new position. Congratulations.

#36 A new appointment is one of life’s grand milestones. Let your past experiences fuel you with the energy you need on this exciting adventure, and remember to take a moment to celebrate. Congratulations on your new position.

#37 Please accept my warmest congratulations on your new appointment. You are a great fit for this new role and will thrive. This truly is another step in an exciting career, and I wish you the best for your continued success.

#38 The power of your success never fails to inspire and motivate me. It pushes me to go above and beyond. I applaud you in your new position.

#39 Your excellence is the missing ingredient your new job was looking for. I know you’ll seize every opportunity that presents itself in order to impress and grow further. Congratulations on your new job.

#40 As you blast off towards your new post, let the thrill of new achievements excite you. You’re a magnet for success, after all. Congratulations on your appointment.

#41 You radiate a strong aura of victory. Let your new colleagues bask in it as they welcome you into your new role. Congratulations.

#42 Your boundless dedication continues to open many doors for you. Congratulations on unlocking a new opportunity where you can shine further.

#43 You continue to create success after success. Your never-ending quest for accomplishment deserves much celebration. Congratulations on your new job.

#44 As you spread your wings and soar to the next chapter of your career, you become a glowing example for everyone around you. Congratulations on your new assignment.

#45 Every success has a story behind it. Yours always recharges me with the power I need to keep on working harder. Congratulations are in order.

#46 I am so proud of you for all you did to earn your new position. It is such an accomplishment, and one that I know will always bring you great pride. I hope that it is everything you dreamed it would be. Good luck.

#47 Starting a new job can be so exciting. Your work history is impressive, so I am not surprised you landed this new position. I hope that the change in work responsibilities will bring you all the joy and success you deserve.

#48 Wow. You have worked so hard for this new appointment. Well done, my friend. It is so lovely to see someone finally noticing all your hard work and talent. Congratulations on landing your dream job.

#49 I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you have finally received the role you prepared for and desired. I can’t think of anyone else who is more deserving. I wish you success in your new position.

#50 Starting a new job can be terrifying and exciting all at the same time. I’m very proud of you because you have achieved what you set out to do. Your determination is inspiring. Take some time to enjoy your accomplishment.

#51 The new position you’re starting will undoubtedly be an impressive addition to your resume. You have worked so hard to make it to this level, and I am very proud of you. I wish you all my best for your new responsibilities.

#52 I am so glad you went after this new role. It is easy to see that you are the perfect fit for the job. You have worked hard to position yourself for this new responsibility, and it finally paid off. I wanted to say congratulations and job well done.

#53 I have always been amazed at your skill level and determination. When looking at each team member’s strengths, I can’t think of anyone better suited for this new appointment than you. I am very happy for you and offer you my best wishes.

#54 Clearly, you have unbeatable confidence and ambition to get to where you are. Congratulations on getting this fantastic opportunity. I wish you great success with your new responsibilities.

#55 I don’t know why I am always surprised at how amazing you are. I am thrilled about your new job because it will be a perfect way to demonstrate your strengths and accomplishments. I am delighted you have this opportunity, and I wish you the absolute best. Congratulations on your appointment.

#56 I heard the news about your new appointment. You are the perfect fit for your new role and I know you will add incredible value with your hardworking nature and determination. Congratulations on this exciting step in your career.

#57 I was thrilled to hear about your new job. Your new company is fortunate to have you and is going to soon learn how much value you add. Congratulations, and I look forward to working together soon.

Best Quotes to Say Congratulations on Your New Appointment

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Henry David Thoreau

“When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it.” Christopher McCandless

“Life consists with wildness. The most alive is the wildest.” Henry David Thoreau

“Carpe Diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” N.H. Kleinbaum

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is.” Seth Godin

“Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition – in having put forth the best within you.” Henry J. Kaiser

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse.” Walt Disney

“Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process.” Anne Wilson Schaef

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” Thomas Jefferson

“There’s no luck in business. There’s only drive, determination, and more drive.” Sophie Kinsella

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” Muhammad Ali

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt

“Life is lived on the edge.” Will Smith

“Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” Bob Marley

“Make your life a mission – not an intermission.” Arnold H. Glasgow

“The first one gets the oyster, the second gets the shell.” Andrew Carnegie

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein

“I don’t wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.” Gene Simmons

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” John A. Shedd

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Peter Drucker

“Seize the day, take hold of it, and make it whatever you want.” Jessica Sorensen

“Dream as if you will live forever; Live as if you will die today.” James Dean

“You only pass through this life once, you don’t come back for an encore.” Elvis Presley

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Oprah Winfrey

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” Rumi

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn.” David Russell

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.” Carl Rogers

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Jimmy Dean

“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.” Shawshank Redemption

“Live every day as if it’s your last, boys, and one day in the future when you look back, you’ll have lived ten thousand lifetimes.” Steven Moore

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” Mother Theresa

“Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.” Lillian Dickson

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.” Henry Ford

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.” Danny Kaye

“Quit hanging on to the handrails…Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day.” Melody Beattie

“You have just one life to live. It is yours. Own it, claim it, live it, do the best you can with it.” Hillary Clinton

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Henry David Thoreau

“I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, aw shit, he’s up!” Steve Maraboli

“Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense.” Marcus Aurelius

“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” Michelle Sandlin

“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.” Oprah Winfrey

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” Buddha

“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Today’s moment becomes memory of tomorrow. Embrace each moment with happiness, joy and fulfillment. Strive to enjoy your day to the fullest.” Anil Sinha

“Your goal in life is to find out the people who need you the most, to find out the business that needs you the most, to find the project and the art that needs you the most. There is something out there just for you.” Naval Ravikant

“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it onto future generations.” George Bernard Shaw

How to Write a Memo That Assigns Additional Duties

by Anam Ahmed

Published on 29 Apr 2019

The business environment is dynamic and constantly changing. Successful companies know how to adapt to the fluctuations in the marketplace by adjusting their offerings to meet the needs of consumers. In order for that to happen, companies need to be able to remain flexible with their internal organizational structure. Sometimes, it’s necessary to change roles and responsibilities within the company in order to complement the external environment.

Review the Current Job Description

If your organization needs to make some changes to an employee’s job responsibilities, you’ll need to provide them with the details in writing. Having a brief discussion with the employee is also useful as it enables them to ask questions and gain clarification. The memo acts as a written confirmation of what is discussed between you and the employee. The additional responsibilities letter format is short and clearly outlines what changes the employee can expect.

Before you draft your memo, review the employee’s current job description so you have a comprehensive understanding of what they do now. You may also want to review their past performance reviews to see what their strengths and weaknesses are. This will help you determine what kinds of changes the employee will be able to handle successfully.

For example, if your employee is a customer service representative, you may wish to increase their role by having them respond to customer inquiries over social media as well. However, if in their past performance reviews they have not had a great track record of written communication, then this may not be the best change in duties for them. However, if they excel in written communication and social media management, they may thrive with the new responsibility.

Make Sure the Changes Are Feasible

Ensure that the changes you want to make to the employee’s job description are realistic . If they already have too many tasks on their plate, then adding even more duties may overwhelm them and cause a loss in productivity. If you’re adding on additional responsibilities, you may also need to remove some other duties.

When learning about additional responsibilities, employees will want to know whether they will be compensated to reflect the changes in their role. A good sample memo for duties and responsibilities outlines if any changes will be made to the employee’s salary as a result of the changes in their job description. Ensure this increase in salary is within the budget.

Structure a Sample Letter of Duties and Responsibilities Carefully

Open your memo by stating the intention for the letter. Tell the employee that you are changing their job description. Also mention why the change is happening as it relates to the business.

In the next paragraph, focus on the employee’s strengths and the value they bring to the organization. Build on that by outlining the additional responsibilities they will be taking over. If you’re removing some of their duties to account for this change, let them know who will be taking over those areas.

Finally, if there will be a change to the employee’s salary as a result of their increasing job description, tell them about the change and from when it will be effective. Sign off by sharing your excitement for what this means for their career and for the organization. Offer to answer any questions and share next steps .

Sample Letter for Change in Job Responsibilities

Subject: Your new role

I’m writing to inform you about a change in your job description at XYZ Corp. In addition to your duties as Customer Service Representative, you will now also be responding to customer questions over our three social media channels. As we grow our business, we’re expanding the way we service our customers. We’ve conducted research with many clients and this is a service they are eager to have.

Since you’ve been with us here, you have excelled in all areas of customer service, particularly in the areas of written communication and timely response. These skills will be critical to your new responsibilities.

To reflect your changing responsibilities within our organization, and to show our appreciation for your work, you will receive a 3 percent raise effective immediately.

We’re thrilled about this new development and look forward to seeing you grow in your expanding role. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We’ll schedule a meeting to discuss the next steps moving forward.

Best wishes,

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letter for new job assignment

  • April 29, 2021

57 new job messages to say good luck

Getting a new job is an exciting moment in anyone’s life. Maybe your son or daughter has bagged their first proper ‘grown up’ job, or your friend is finally moving on up out of their dreaded dead-end office job to their dream career? Well, no matter what the circumstances are, make sure you celebrate it with them by sending a card their way.

You might be wondering what to write in a new job card. Well, we’re going out on a limb and assuming you’d like to cover sentiments, like ‘congrats on your new job’ and the classic ‘good luck in your new job!’. But if you’re looking for something a bit more original or funny, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

If your colleague is swanning off to pastures new and you’re looking for a funny message for a leaving card instead, then check out our oh-so-handy guide on  what to write in a leaving card . And bear in mind, we have a whole host of  new job gifts  to send alongside your heartfelt card, ranging from gins to chocolates. So, they’ll be pretty happy when they receive a package from you in the post!

Simple new job wishes for coworkers

Just want to keep it simple? These new job wishes are short and sweet – perfect for wishing someone ‘all the best for your new job’, especially co-workers that you might not know quite as well. So go ahead and add one of these beauties to your card:

  • Good luck in your new job! Hope you enjoy it.
  • Well done on your new role! I know you’re going to do great.
  • Congratulations on your new dream job!
  • Well done for landing your amazing new role.
  • Wishing you the best and plenty of success in your new job
  • All the best for your new job, and well done!
  • I’m so happy for you! Well done on getting your amazing new job.
  • You did it! Congrats on the new role, you’re going to do great.

Funny new job messages

Rip your mate for their work habits, poke some fun at a newbie to the world of work, or just make them laugh with these funny new job messages to give them a good giggle. After more inspiration? Check out our  funny new job cards  that will have them rolling.

  • About time you got off your arse and found a job.
  • Congratulations on your new job, and good bloody luck to your new colleagues.
  • Don’t mess this up – I mean, I’m sure you’re going to smash it, well done!!
  • Well done on your new job! Don’t forget, first impressions count – so don’t be too efficient or they’ll expect that sh*t.
  • Job’s a good’un!
  • Congrats on your new job… hope your new boss isn’t an arsehole.
  • Welcome to the world of work – this is the rest of your life now. Enjoy!
  • Congrats on doing adult things!

Sweet and sincere new job wishes

Maybe it’s been a long time coming, or they’ve found a role in their dream career – whatever the cause for celebration, make sure you say a heartfelt well done and congratulations on your new job with these sweet new job card messages.

  • Pretty sure a new job means the next round is on you – looking forward to it. Well done, buddy!
  • You did it! Here’s to amazing new things and all the success you deserve.
  • Woohoo – you got a new job! So proud and pleased for you.
  • I knew you could do it – well done on your new job, you’re going to be amazing.
  • She believed she could, and then she bloody well smashed it. Well done!!
  • Congratulations on your new job! You did it, and I couldn’t be more proud.
  • You’ve done so well, and I’m so proud of you and your amazing new job!
  • I can’t wait to see what you’re going to achieve – I know you’re going to blow us all away.

Good luck wishes for a new job

Wish someone a sincere ‘good luck in your new job’ with these sweet messages. Make sure you pick out a lovely new job card to go with the words, and pop a beautiful bunch of flowers from our gift range in your basket, to make them feel super special. Here are the cutest messages to include in your card:

  • Good luck, I know you’re going to be amazing!
  • Well done and best of luck with everything.
  • You did an amazing thing, and you’re going to keep doing amazing things – good luck and all the best!
  • You don’t need luck, because you worked hard for this – but good luck all the same.
  • Good luck in your new job – keep showing us what you’re made of!
  • I’d wish you good luck in your new role, but you don’t need it – you have GOT this!
  • Keep going, keep growing, and show ‘em what you’re made of!
  • Good luck – I always have and always will be rooting for you!

Inspirational new job quotes

Send some positive affirmations their way before they start their new job. These new job quotes are the perfect choice to add into your card for when you just can’t find the right words yourself or just to add a more philosophical touch to your personal note.

  • “To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” – Pearl S. Buck
  • “Whenever you start a new job, it’s always a bit daunting, the unknown.” – Graham Potter
  • “If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small.” – Richard Branson
  • “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.” – Socrates “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

New job wishes for managers

Is your manager leaving to explore a new opportunity? After everything they’ve done for you and your career, we’re certain they’ll appreciate a sweet message from you before they leave. For a bit of inspiration, here are some of our ideas of new job wishes for managers:

  • Thank you for playing such a big role in my career so far, we’re all going to miss you dearly.
  • You’ve been a massive inspiration to me, and I know that you’ll be just as successful in your next job. Best of luck!
  • I’ll miss our management calls but I’m so happy for you and know that this will be such an exciting step in your career. Congratulations and good luck!
  • Congratulations on the new role! The next person to be my manager is certainly going to have some big boots to fill.
  • You’ve always gone out of your way to be the best manager possible and as sad as it is to see you go, it’s such an amazing opportunity.
  • Don’t forget that I was your favourite ever person to manage and your new team best realise how lucky they are to have you.

Congratulations on your new job for graduates

Getting your first job after finishing school or graduating from university is a huge deal! So, make sure you send all your love and support by saying congratulations on your new message to the newly employed person in your life.

  • Oh, glad you’ve finally decided to join the working life.
  • Recently graduated and starting a new job, you’re amazing!
  • Congrats on getting your first job! We’re all so proud of you and know that you’re going to do great things, can’t wait to see what the future brings.
  • Well done on taking the first step on the career ladder and I wish you all the success in the world.
  • Massive congratulations on your first adult job, I’m sure only wonderful things are to come.
  • Look at you go, recent grad and newly employed, there’s no stopping you!

Congratulations on a new promotion

Someone in your life might’ve just nailed their dream role in their current company, getting a promotion they’ve been hoping (and striving for) since they started. Well, it’s time to show them how proud you truly are. So, pinch one of these thoughtful and funny messages to say “good luck in your new job” after they’ve received a brand spanking new promotion:

  • Congratulations on your swanky new promotion!
  • Keep climbing that corporate ladder pal, you’re acing it.
  • I know how hard you worked to nail this promotion, and now you’ve got it. Well done my friend, you truly deserve it.
  • Well done on your new promotion – I always said you bossing me around from a young age would come in handy one day!
  • Congratulations, you highflyer! I hope your work is ready for you – bring it girl.
  • Wishing you massive success in your amazing new role. This promotion will make you.
  • Congrats on your new promotion. As the Space Jam theme tune goes, “Y’all ready for this?”
  • I knew you could do it. Well done on your promotion, no one deserves this more than you!

And as great as these new job wishes are for their exciting promotion, they’ll need a celebratory present to mark the occasion. A brilliant bottle of fizz would make the perfect present, so add this to your card order, and explore our other  new job gifts  while you’re at it…

Spoil them silly

Now you know exactly what to write in a new job card and ways to say congratulations on your new job, you’re all set! Send your friend (or loved one) off to their first day at work in style with one of our fab  new job cards , created by our independent thortful designers. And if you need more inspiration for what to put in a card, check out the rest of our  what to write guides  for some more ideas if your loved one has gained other achievements or you have another special occasion coming up! Or, visit the  thortful blog  for other helpful articles on a wide array of topics.

Congrats on Your New Job Card card

Dalia Clark Design

New Job Congratulations Coupon Card card

Hint of Sarcasm

Rupaul’s Drag Race New Job Card card

Charlotte Olrod

No Idea What You Actually Do – Funny New Job Card card

Duck 'n Dive

Chance Made Us Coworkers – New Job Leaving Card card

Muses & May

Good Luck Charms Card card


Funny Leaving Card – Funny New Job Card card

Diva Doodle Designs

A New Chapter – New Job Card card

Lisa Illustrates

A Wise Woman Once Said – New Job Card card

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Resignation Letter Examples

Man leaving his work with his belongings


….. With an Example!

When it comes to resigning from a job, there are several things you need to consider. One of the most crucial aspects is writing a resignation letter. This letter informs your employer of your decision to leave and helps to ensure that the transition process is as smooth as possible. Writing a resignation letter may seem like a daunting task, but with the right resignation letter example, you can make it a breeze writing one yourself!

In this article, we will discuss some essential elements to include in a resignation letter and provide you with some examples that you can use for your specific situation. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and respectful transition out of your current role and leave on good terms with your employer.

What you can read in this article

What to Include in a Resignation Letter

A resignation letter should be brief and to the point while also conveying your gratitude for the opportunity to work with the company. Here are some essential elements to include in your resignation letter:

  • A clear statement of your intention to resign.
  • The date on which your resignation is effective.
  • A brief explanation of why you are resigning (optional).
  • A statement expressing your gratitude to your employer for the opportunity to work with them.
  • A statement offering to assist with the transition process.
  • Your contact information.
  • A signature.

Now that you know what to include in a resignation letter, it's time to choose the template that's right for you. Below are some resignation letter examples that you can customize based on your specific job situation.

1. Basic Resignation Letter Example

When it's time to resign from a job, it's essential to do so with professionalism and grace. A resignation letter is a formal way to inform your employer of your decision to leave and to provide a clear timeline for your departure. This resignation letter example can be used for a variety of situations, whether you're leaving for a new job, retiring, or any other reason.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address]

[Employer's Name] [Employer's Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer's Name],

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

Thank you for the opportunity to work with [Company Name], and I am grateful for the experience and knowledge gained during my time here. I am committed to making the transition process as smooth as possible and will ensure that all my duties are completed before my last day of work.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist with the transition.

[Your Name]

2. Two-Weeks Notice Resignation Letter Examples

[Date] [Employer's Name] [Employer's Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date], providing a two-week notice as per my employment agreement.

3. Short and Simple Resignation Letter Example

I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name], effective immediately.

I understand that this sudden resignation may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for any disruption this may cause to the team. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I must step down from my position immediately.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with the transition during my remaining time here. I am willing to assist in any way possible.

4. Resignation Letter Due to Personal Reasons

Making the decision to resign from a job can be a difficult one, especially when it is due to personal reasons. This type of resignation can often leave the employer and colleagues questioning what went wrong or what could have been done differently. However, sometimes personal circumstances change, and it becomes necessary to put personal needs first.

I regret to inform you that I am resigning due to personal reasons. While it was a difficult decision to make, it is the best course of action for me at this time. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with [Company Name] and appreciate the experience and knowledge gained during my time here.

Now I am committed to making the transition process as smooth as possible and will ensure that all my duties are completed before my last day of work. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist with the transition.

5. Resignation Letter Sample Due to Relocation

Relocating to a new city or state is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be a challenging time. One of the most significant steps in the process is resigning from your current job. To make the process smoother, it's important to provide your employer with a clear and concise resignation letter. This resignation letter example is designed specifically for those who are leaving their job due to relocation.

I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date], providing two weeks' notice as required by my employment contract.

After much consideration, I have decided to relocate to [City, State] to be closer to my family. This decision was not easy, but I have come to realize that it is the best course of action for me and my family. Unfortunately, this means that I must leave my position at [Company Name].

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me during my time here. Now I have learned a great deal, and I have enjoyed working with my colleagues. I will miss my role here, but I am excited about this new chapter in my life.

Now I want to ensure a smooth transition for my colleagues and my replacement. I will do everything in my power to complete all outstanding projects before my last day of work. Additionally, I am more than happy to help with the training of my replacement or any other tasks that will help to make this transition easier.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team, and I wish everyone at [Company Name] all the best for the future.

6. Resignation Letter Due to a New Job Opportunity

Leaving a job for a better opportunity is an exciting time, but it's important to resign in a professional and respectful manner. A resignation letter is a formal way to inform your employer of your decision to leave and to provide a clear timeline for your departure. This resignation letter example is designed for those who are resigning due to a better opportunity, providing a clear and concise statement of your decision to leave while also expressing gratitude for your time with the company.

I am resigning because I have accepted a new job opportunity that aligns better with my long-term career goals. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with [Company Name] and appreciate the experience and knowledge gained during my time here.

Now am committed to making the transition process as smooth as possible and will ensure that all my duties are completed before my last day of work. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist with the transition.

7. Resignation Letter Due to Career Growth

As we grow in our careers, it's natural to seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth. If you're resigning from your job due to career growth, it's important to communicate your decision in a professional and respectful manner. This resignation letter template is designed for those who are resigning due to career growth, providing a clear and concise statement of your decision to leave while also expressing gratitude for your time with the company.

I am resigning because I have received a new job offer that offers greater opportunities for career growth and advancement. While it was a difficult decision to make, it is the best course of action for me at this time.

I appreciate all the opportunities [Company name] has provided me for these past years. Now I believe that the skills I have acquired will be of great value to me in the future.

I am committed to making the transition process as smooth as possible and will ensure that all my duties are completed before my last day of work. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist with the transition.

8. Resignation Letter Sample Due to Job Dissatisfaction or Unfit Company Culture

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in a job that doesn't align with our values or personal goals. If you're resigning from your job due to job dissatisfaction or an unfit company culture, it's essential to communicate your decision in a professional and respectful manner. This resignation letter template is designed for those who are resigning due to job dissatisfaction or unfit company culture, providing a clear and concise statement of your decision to leave while also expressing gratitude for your time with the company.

I am resigning due to job dissatisfaction and/or an unfit company culture. After careful consideration and reflection, I have come to the conclusion that it is best for me to move on and find a work environment that better aligns with my personal values and career goals.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with [Company Name], and I am grateful for the experience and knowledge I have gained during my time here. However, I believe that it is in my best interest to seek employment elsewhere.

9. Resignation Letter Sample Due to Health Reasons

Sometimes, health issues arise that make it difficult or impossible to continue working in your current job. In these cases, it's important to communicate your decision to resign in a professional and respectful manner. This resignation letter template is designed for those who are resigning due to health reasons, providing a clear and concise statement of your decision to leave while also expressing gratitude for your time with the company.

This decision has not been an easy one, but due to my health, I have decided that it is in my best interest to step down from my current role. [Explain your reasons in a respectful and professional manner, without going into too much detail about your health condition.]

I am grateful for the opportunities that [Company Name] has provided me during my time here, and I will always remember the skills and experiences that I have gained. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will work to complete any outstanding projects before my departure.

Please let me know if there is anything specific that I can do to make the transition easier for my colleagues or my replacement. I am also happy to assist with the training of my replacement or provide any other support that may be required during this time.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. I am proud to have been a part of the [Company Name] team and wish you all the best for the future.

10. Resignation Letter Due to Family Reasons:

Family is one of the most important aspects of life, and sometimes, circumstances arise that require us to prioritize our family above all else. If you're resigning from your job due to family reasons, it's essential to communicate your decision in a professional and respectful manner. This resignation letter template is designed specifically for those who are resigning due to family reasons. It provides a clear and concise statement of your decision to leave while expressing gratitude for your time with the company.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Today’s Date]

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

This decision has not been an easy one, but after much consideration, I have decided that it is in the best interest of my family for me to step down from my current role. [Explain your reasons in a respectful and professional manner, without going into too much detail about your personal life.]

11. Resignation Letter Example Due to Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone in one's life. Resigning from a long-term job is thus a crucial part of this process.

I am retiring from my position after [Number of Years] years of service with [Company Name]. It is time for me to move on to the next chapter of my life, and I am looking forward to the opportunities and challenges that retirement will bring.

I am grateful for the opportunities I have had while working at [Company Name], and I appreciate the experience and knowledge gained during my time here. Now I want to thank you and the entire team for the support and guidance provided throughout my career.

I will commit to making the transition process as smooth as possible and will ensure that all my duties are completed before my last day of work. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist with the transition.

12. Resignation Letter Sample Due to Remote Work Opportunity

In today's rapidly evolving job market, remote work is becoming increasingly popular as employers embrace the benefits of a flexible workforce. For many professionals, the opportunity to work from home is a major draw. Working from home does offer better work-life balance, enhances productivity, and the ability to work from anywhere in the world. In this resignation letter example, we provide an example of how to resign from a position due to an exciting remote work opportunity. This letter is suitable for individuals who have been offered a remote position with another company and wish to leave their current employer to pursue this new opportunity.

I have recently received an exciting opportunity to work remotely for another company, and after careful consideration, I have decided to accept this position. This decision was not an easy one to make, but I believe that it is in the best interest of my career growth and personal life. The prospect of working from home has long been a goal of mine, and I am excited to take advantage of this opportunity to work in a more flexible and autonomous environment.

I want to express my gratitude for the opportunities that [Company Name] has given me during my time here. I have learned a lot and developed new skills that will be invaluable in my future endeavors. Now I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will work to complete any outstanding projects before my departure.

13. Letter of Involuntary Resignation Sample

Sometimes, resigning from a job is not a choice, but rather an unavoidable reality. Involuntary resignation can occur when an employee is asked to leave their position due to various reasons such as redundancy, restructuring, or company downsizing. Writing a resignation letter due to involuntary circumstances can be a challenging and emotional experience. In this resignation letter example, we provide an example of how to write an involuntary resignation letter in a professional and respectful manner. This letter is suitable for individuals who have been asked to leave their position and want to resign gracefully while preserving their professional reputation.

I began employment with XYZ 3 years ago and have enjoyed everything I’ve learned with this company. Unfortunately, recent events have caused the need for our separation. It was discovered on July 6th, 2017 that $1,000 was missing from the vault.

I participated in an active investigation of the situation and contributed any information I had with total transparency, as I have nothing to hide from my employer. When I was informed by upper management that my passcode was the last to be used and, unfortunately, they have determined this information to be cause for termination. I am not aware of who else would have access to my passcode. The information is kept in a private file. Therefore, I cannot point blame at any other employee with total certainty. I remember securely locking the vault door in place and I can only speak for the facts of which I am aware. At 2 pm, my assistant manager and I conducted a midday audit of the vault’s contents and it was in full balance. At 4 pm, we began our end of day audit and discovered by 4:30 pm that $1,000 was missing. I did not remove $1,000 from the vault between 2 and 4 pm. After the midday audit, my assistant manager was present as I securely closed the vault door.

I respect my employer for their diligence in their investigation. I have supported them throughout the entire process. Unfortunately, without a clear explanation for the missing funds, they have been required to decide based on circumstantial evidence. I have led this company in loss prevention and compliance for the last 2 years. As a manager, I understand it is ultimately my responsibility to ensure the employees I hire behave with total honesty and that operations are executed accurately and consistently. To the best of my abilities, I have done all of this and more. While I do not agree with the decision to terminate my employment, I do accept it as a requirement of my position of leadership. In the future, I will take the knowledge I learned from this experience and ensure that better steps are taken to prevent any loss occurring.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with this institution for the last 3 years. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.”

Yours, Casey M. Employee Title Phone Number Email

Resigning from a job can be a difficult and emotional experience, but it's important to approach the process with professionalism and grace. One of the most critical steps in the resignation process is writing a resignation letter that clearly communicates your intentions and feelings while also remaining respectful and professional. In this article, we've provided several resignation letter templates for different scenarios, from leaving for a new job to retirement, to help guide you through the process.

What should not be included in A Resignation Letter?

Negative comments about the company or colleagues: Even if you are leaving your job because of issues with the company or colleagues, it is important to keep your resignation letter professional and positive. Avoid including any negative comments or criticisms that could damage your professional reputation. Personal or confidential information: Your resignation letter should focus on your intention to leave the company and the timeline for your departure. Avoid including any personal or confidential information that is not relevant to your resignation. Demands or ultimatums : Your resignation letter should be a professional and polite communication. Avoid making any demands or ultimatums that can be perceived as unprofessional or confrontational. Emotions or venting : While it is understandable that resigning from a job can be an emotional experience, it is important to keep your resignation letter calm and professional. Avoid including any emotional outbursts or venting in your letter.

Download Letter of Resignation Examples

Two-weeks Notice Resignation Letter Example

Common Questions about Resignation Letters

What should my resignation email’s subject line say.

Resignation – [Your Name] Notice of Resignation – [Your Name] Resignation Announcement – [Your Name] [Date of Resignation] Resignation – [Your Name] [Your Name] – Resignation Effective [Date of Resignation]

How should I submit a letter of resignation?

When submitting a letter of resignation, it's important to schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss your decision. After the meeting, provide a written letter of resignation that confirms your decision to leave and includes your last day of work. The letter should be professional and positive, and should express your gratitude for the opportunities you had while working there. Finally, make sure to follow any company procedures for submitting your resignation, and offer to assist with the transition period before your departure.

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10 Examples of Good and Right Assignment Letters (Latest)

  • July 06, 2021
  • In Miscellanea

After previously discussing about formal letter sample The following will discuss in more detail related to an example of an assignment letter.

Table of contents

Definition of Letter of Assignment

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Assignment letter is a letter made by an agency or company to give a special task to its employees.

As the name implies, this assignment letter is generally made by a superior or someone with a higher rank in order to assign tasks to his subordinates to do certain tasks.

This assignment letter is also one of the types of official letters, although the use of this assignment letter is internal (only within the scope of the agency/institution).

Function and Purpose of Assignment Letter

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Unlike an official letter or power of attorney, an assignment letter has several specific functions and purposes, such as:

  • For an official or formal sign if someone is indeed from a recognized agency/company.
  • To help the smooth running of a job if the one given the task wants to get in touch with other institutions/agencies outside the company.
  • Facilitate work in the community.
  • As an official sign in avoiding the occurrence of crimes against others.

Characteristics of Assignments

sample teacher assignment letter

To distinguish an assignment letter from other types of letters, there are several special characteristics of an assignment letter, including:

  • Have an explanation regarding the assignment of leaders from an agency/company to staff who will be given an assignment.
  • Do not use casual language, but use standard language and have brief, solid and clear explanations.
  • Have letterhead, signature from the authorizing authority and official stamp from an agency/company.
  • Does not have a double meaning.
  • Writing neatly and sequentially.
  • Use firm and polite language.
  • Easy to understand.

Parts of the Letter of Assignment

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Assignments can be in the form of narratives, columns, and tables.

To make your own assignment letter, there are several important parts that must be in it, including the following:

1. Headmaster

The head of the letter consists of:

  • Official letterhead. In this section the contents are in the form of a logo or symbol of an agency and are written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Assignment said. Written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Reference number.

2. Letter Body

The body of the letter consists of:

  • Opening paragraph. This section covers the considerations / basis of the letter. These considerations include the reasons for the assignment letter.
  • Fill in the assignment letter. It includes the word assignment to whom, the name and position of the employee who gets the assignment and writes down what tasks must be done.

3. Letter Closing

In the closing part of the letter / foot of the assignment letter, it consists of:

  • Name and position of the signatory officer. The name is written using a capital letter in each element and ends with a comma.
  • Full name of the official who signed the assignment letter. It is written in capital letters for the beginning of each element.
  • The signature of the official giving the assignment.
  • Place and date the assignment letter was made.
  • Service stamp.

4. Distribution and Copy

Assignment letter is given to the person who gets the assignment. A copy of this assignment letter will be sent to the relevant officials/agencies.

5. Things to Show

If the assigned task is a collective task, then the list of assigned employees will be included in the attachment containing the serial number, name, main number, position, rank and information.

The Assignment Letter is not valid after the assigned task has been completed.

Types of Assignments

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Here are some types of assignment letters that are often encountered, including:

1. Employee assignment letter

In general, this type of assignment letter is issued by an authorized official with a position above the one assigned.

3. Letter of assignment in charge of the event

For this type of assignment letter, it is usually given to individuals, collectives or individuals who have a special position to become a committee.

This assignment letter is an official assignment letter in which it also contains the jobdesk of the person who was given the letter.

2. Teacher assignment letter

There are many kinds of assignments for teachers, such as: Letters of assignment to attend training and guidance, letters of assignment to become a substitute teacher.

5. Organizational assignment letter

Organizational assignments are issued by the chairman of an organization, be it student organizations or other organizations.

The contents of the organizational assignment letter are generally intended for members of the organization or one of the members who are given the mandate to be able to regulate the activities of the organization's work program.

Example: Being the chairman of the organization's birthday, being the committee of the big day.

4. Company assignment letter

A company assignment letter is almost like an employee assignment letter.

But what distinguishes it is where the company's letter of assignment explains in more detail what tasks will be done.

While the employee assignment letter will not usually be explained in detail because it is still on a company/small business scale.

How to Make a Letter of Assignment

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Here is a short way to make a good and correct assignment letter, including:

  • The writing of the head of the assignment letter is the same as writing the head of the official letter. Be it in the form of a description, narrative or table.
  • The word in the assignment letter uses capital letters, is symmetrical and is 4 hooks from the bottom line of the letterhead.
  • The assignment letter number is typed using a distance of 1 jarak hooks.

Important points that must exist in writing a letter of assignment:

  • The name of the official giving the assignment is typed by mentioning the name of the position, spaced 4 hooks below the word number.
  • The name of the recipient of the assignment is spaced 3 hooks from the bottom of the space with the name and job title giving the assignment.
  • If the assignor and assignee have an Employee Identification Number (NIP) then write down their NIP and title.
  • If the person giving and receiving the assignment has a NIP, state the group. This one is not required, depending on the agreement of the institution, agency members, companies and also the community.
  • The purpose of the letter, date and place of assignment is typed and spaced 3 hooks below the position word. And prioritize the word for.
  • Use a good closing greeting, standard, and not pushy.

The following is the order of making a good and correct assignment letter:

  • Letterhead.
  • No Letter, Attachment and Page.
  • Task Points and Time.
  • Job Desk / Assigned tasks.
  • Signature, Full Name and Agency Stamp.

Sample Letter of Assignment

mail letter

After knowing some important points about the assignment letter, here are some examples of the assignment letter, including:

a. Sample Company Assignment Letter


Number: 1906/ST/BS/V/2018

In connection with the construction of the Sri Ratu Hotel, which is located at Jalan Cibubur No. 345 Lembang Regency, West Java Province, hereby assign to:

Name Zaidan Putra
Position Field officer

In order to supervise the construction work of the Sri Ratu Hotel, starting from 19 June 2020 to 02 January 2021.

All costs incurred from carrying out this task will later be charged to the cost of the development project. Applies to the party concerned in accordance with the existing rules.

Thus, this assignment letter is issued truthfully. Participants are expected to be able to carry out with full responsibility.

Bandung, 15 June 2020 Project Manager,

Gilang Setiawan, ST

b. Sample Employee Assignment Letter

Employee Assignment Surat

The undersigned as Operational Manager on behalf of PT. Forward Jaya:

Information Explanation
Name Widia Setyo
Gender Man
Position Operational manager
Address Jl. Raya Seri Ratu No. 365 Bantul

Hereby has given the task to the employees of PT. Maju Jaya with:

Information Explanation
Name Sustiyono
Gender Man
Position Head of Engineering
Address Jl. Jasmine Flower No. 123 Bantul

In order to immediately work on and complete the fiber optic network installation project in the Bantul area. Not only that, he is also responsible for cleanliness, security, order and all matters related to his duties.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is given, to be used properly with full responsibility.

Bantul, 19 June 2020 Knowing, Operational manager,

c. Sample Teacher Assignment Letter




Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java

Number: 09/154/SMA-1/III/2020

The undersigned is the Principal of the State Junior High School 1 Purwokerto, Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java:

Name: Tiyas Safira, M. of

ID: 37764899910

Place, date of birth: Jakarta, December 08, 1986

Rank / goal. Room: Young Stylist/ IIB

Work Unit: SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto

To take part in the "Training for Quality Improvement of Foreign Language and Indonesian Subject Teachers" which will be held at the General Sudirman University Meeting Building on 6 to 9 April 2018.

Thus, we convey this assignment letter so that it can be used properly and we ask the government to make a written report after participating in the activity.

Purwokerto, 27 March 2018

Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto,

Drs. Gilang Setiawan, M. Ag

ID: 75846197658947225939

d. Example of a Temporary Substitute Teacher Assignment Letter

Number: 10/17-SM/XII/2017

The undersigned below :

Name: Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

ID: 7584357931929

Rank/ Goal.: Coach/ IV A

Position: Head of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

Name: Tiyas Safira, S. Pd

Position: Physical Education and Health Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

To carry out the task as a temporary substitute Physical Education and Health (Penjaskes) teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara during the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year starting from June 19 to October 17, 2020.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is made, hopefully it can carry out its duties properly and responsibly.

Banjarnegara, 15 May 2017

Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara,

Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

e. Sample Organizational Assignment Letter



That I, the undersigned:

  • Name: Gina Wanda
  • Address: Jalan Simpang Jaya Ijen No 75
  • Position: Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

Give mandate to:

  • Name: Aulia Rahma
  • Address: Jalan Patimura No. 209
  • Position: Chief Executive Officer

To coordinate all members of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association throughout the city of Jogja in preparation for the organization's anniversary. This task is expected to be done on June 25, 2020 until the event is completed, namely On June 28, 2020.

Thus this letter is made so that it can be done with full responsibility. Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, 22 June 2020 Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

f. Sample Letter of Assignment in Charge of Events

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE WONOSOBO REGENCY SMA 2 WONOSOBO REGENCY Jalan Mawar No 17, Ijen, Wonosobo Tel: 0221976357 Fax. 737432842658

No: 10/SMA2/IIII/2020 Subject: Letter of Assignment

I, the undersigned below:

  • Name: Drs. Ade Prasetya
  • Position: Principal

Has Assigned Assignments To:

  • Name: Sagita Mondesya
  • ID: 949374359489
  • Address: Jalan Maju Jaya Number 76 Wonosobo
  • Position: Religion Teacher
  • Work Unit: SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency

To do a task, namely to be the chairman of the even semester Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) committee in the 2020/2021 school year at SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency. The activity will be held from March 30 to April 07 2019.

Thus this letter of assignment is made to be carried out properly with full responsibility. After the training and guidance activities end, it is expected to make a written report.

Wonosobo, 15 May 2020

Principal of SMA 2 Wonosobo Regency

Drs. Ade Prasetya

g. Example of a Training Assignment Letter

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo Jalan Manguwoharjo IV No. 100 Depok Sleman

Number: 011/SMAN-17/SRTF/01/20 Subject: Training

In order to improve the quality of high school teachers in the Sleman area and efforts to be successful in carrying out official learning work programs Sleman district government and for the sake of realizing it as a learning city, hereby the Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo will give the task to:

Name: Dwi Setyani, S.Pd ID: 3528324216232 Position: Islamic Religion Teacher at SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo

To participate in the certification teacher training education event which will be held on January 04, 2020 to January 10, 2020 at the Teacher Training Center, District Government Education Office Sleman.

Thus this training assignment letter is made so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility. Please submit a report on the results of these activities in writing after this task is carried out.

Sleman, 27 December 2019

Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo,

Vishnu Putra, M.pd

h. Sample Job Assignment Letter

PT. NUSA JAYA Jln. Ahmad Yani No.19, Wonoboyo 57998

Subject: Work Assignment Letter Attachments: – Number: 002/SSK-PI/IX/2020

I, the undersigned, as Warehouse Manager in this matter act on behalf of PT. Jaya shades:

Name: Setia Budi Male gender Position: Warehouse Manager Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.19 Wonoboyo

Hereby declare to assign tasks to employees of PT. Nuances Jaya, namely:

Name: Laskar Santoso Male gender Position: Head Driver Address: Jl. Soekarno II No. 35 Wonoboyo

In order to be able to immediately complete the task of sending goods from the main warehouse in the Jayabaya area. But also responsible for discipline, cleanliness, security, and all matters relating to the tasks above.

Thus, I have made this work assignment letter so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility.

Wonoboyo, May 12, 2020 Knowing ,

Warehouse Manager,

Ivory Commander

i. Sample Letter of Assignment from the Education Office

PATI DISTRICT GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITIES SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta Jalan Soekarno Hatta 19 Surakarta


The undersigned as the Head of the Surakarta National Vocational School assigns tasks to:

Name Gilang Setiawan, S. Pd
NIP 3448773987
Date and place of birth Banjar/ 25/ June/ 1978
Rank/Goal. Room Young Coach/ IV B
Position School teachers
Work unit SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta

To be able to take part in the Quality Improvement Training for English Subject Teachers which will held at the Central Java Provincial Education Office starting from March 25 to April 10, 2020.

Thus, this assignment letter is given to be carried out with full responsibility and is requested to submit a written report after participating in the event.

Surakarta, March 20, 2020 Assignor, Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta,

Gunawan Mulyono, M. Pd

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Assignment Letter Sample

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Assignment Letter Sample – How to Write an Assignment Letter.

An assignment letter is a letter that conveys the writer’s intention of assigning some of his or her rights to an assignee. This letter is used in different situations like the bankruptcy of a business or it could be simply used to give the right to the assignee to act on the behalf of the assigner. This is one of the letters that are hardly used, but still it is still essential in knowing how to write a good assignment letter in case you will need to write it in the future.

Writing letters, reports, notes, among other things, are important skills for business and personal life. Effective letters will yield nothing but good results. Most often than not, people assess others by the quality of their writing, hence it’s essential to write well. Here are some simple tips in writing an assignment letter to get you started:

• The most basic and most important thing you should when writing an assignment letter is that you should be clear and specific regarding the rights that you are going to assign and how long will it last.

• Use short sentences. Sentences that contains more than fifteen words could lessen the clarity of what you’re trying to convey. After drafting it, seek out commas and make full use of pauses in between long sentences, and replace with full-stops. Avoid using technical terms unless it is necessary.

• In writing assignment letters, you should check for typographical, grammatical and factual errors. Be sure to include ways to contact you regarding any concerns they might have.

Having a good letter format or letter template as a guide can be very helpful. Download a free assignment letter sample, then customize that will suit your needs. It is a great way to get you started in the right direction.

Assignment of Additional Duties

  • Sample Letters

FREE 9+ Sample Assignment Letter Templates in PDF | MS Word

Sample Assignment Letter Templates

An assignment letter is a document that is used mostly in situations such as business bankruptcy and insolvency. It is a legal document which can be presented in courts when handling different cases. Examples of scenarios whereby this paper comes in are when a business owner is assigning a portion of his or her assets to a trustee for selling purposes and also when assigning specific rights to another person such as collecting payment on your behalf.

Assignment Letter

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Our assignment templates get designed in the best way possible to usher you properly when creating one. An assignment letter template may also be said to be a Professional Letter of assignment or an assignment letter sample.

Salary Assignment Letter

salary assignment letter

Size: 130 KB

The top of the page should have the name of the person or the entity issuing the letter together with their personal information such as the telephone number, email address, and the postal address. Below that it should indicate that it is a letter of assignment to give the form an identity. Next should be the full names of the people or entity in the agreement alongside their personal information.

After that, mention the duration of the assignment and the location of where the deal takes place. The body of the document should be concluded by listing all the details of the money that they parties will be handling. Finally, the parties involved should sign the paper to seal the agreement.

Appraisal Assignment Letter

appraisal assignment letter

Size: 38 KB

The top of the form should read that the document is an appraisal assignment letter for easier identification. The name plus the postal address of the person or company issuing the appraisals should be listed next. After that, a declaration statement mentioning the names of the parties involved in the agreement should be put down saying who has assigned rights to the other.

The agreement should always comply with the standards set by law. Other acknowledgments that each party is supposed to heed to should also get listed in this document. The model should conclude by stating the period when the agreement will be active.

Voided Assignment Letter

voided assignment letter

Size: 37 KB

The top of the model should read that it is a voided assignment letter for quick identification of the form. After that, on the left, the name of the person of corporate who is going to receive the document is listed together with other personal information such as a postal address and an email address.

The right should have the date of when the paper gets published. Finally, the reasons as to why there is a voided assignment letter must be on it and signatures of the parties involved should also be given to show that they agree with the stated reasons.

Incentive Assignment Letter

incentive assignment letter

Size: 42 KB

The name of the company issuing the letter should be the first thing on the document and the date below that. Next should be the name and personal details of the person or entity meant to receive it. The incentive assignment should be listed giving all crucial information about it and contacts which the receiver can contact for further negotiations. Finally, it concludes with a short formal message to the receiver.

Professional Assignment Letter

professional assignment letter

Size: 355 KB

Buddy Assignment Letter

buddy assignment letter

Size: 155 KB

Friendly Assignment Letter

friendly assignment letter

Size: 31 KB

Sample Assignment Letter

sample assignment letter

Size: 137 KB

Assignment Letter from Trainee

assignment letter from trainee

Volunteer Assignment Letter

volunteer assignment letter

Size: 52 KB

What are the Advantages of Having our Assignment Letter Templates?

One may lack sufficient knowledge on what to include when forming this document; therefore, the main benefit of having our template is that it gives you the proper guidance on which information to include in your paper and an order of how to put it down.

Another advantage is that our templates are files which you can save on you PC; thus, you can make references from the file again in future when forming assignment letters. Finally, our templates are always designed to help you create one as per the standard legal requirements. You may also see  Sample Personal Letters

How Have We Made our Assignment Letter Templates the Best for you?

Our models get worked on by the experts whom we have interviewed thoroughly and proven that they are talented. We also ensure that they have sufficient experience in the field for our templates to be as effective for you as possible. Another way we have made our templates the best for you is by making them editable such that you can do any modifications you prefer on them. Finally, they are printable for you to be able to make as many copies as you want. You may also see  Friendly Letters

Which are the Most Crucial Aspects that I Should Entail in my Assignment Letter?

Always list the name of parties in the agreement and also sufficient personal information about them. Never forget to indicate the date you publish the model and the period of how long the contract will be valid. Ensure that both parties agree on what gets stated on the Professional Letters then seal the deal with signatures of each. Finally, since it is a legal document, always ensure that your agreement complies with the provisions of the law to avoid awful penalties.

We ensure that we meet the requirements of all our customers according to their needs. Those that would want a fully customed model can always communicate to us so that we can direct you to our experts to help them understand what kind of make you want. We have customer care agents that are always available to tend to all the inquiries you may have and the consultations you may need. Consider acquiring our accessible and affordable assignment letter template today, to guide you while creating the document you need.

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Tractor Supply Co. eliminates DEI roles and goals following conservative criticism

An exterior view of a Tractor Supply Co. store

American retailer Tractor Supply Co. has eliminated its diversity, equity and inclusion roles and goals following weeks of conservative criticism online.

The home improvement and agriculture chain released a statement Thursday addressing the criticism and announcing the change.

“We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them,” read the statement posted on X . “We have taken this feedback to heart.”

The company also announced other changes it would make, including no longer submitting data to the LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, focusing “on rural America priorities” including education and veterans causes, and no longer sponsoring “nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns.”

This move comes after weeks of criticism spearheaded by Robby Starbuck, a producer and director turned conservative political commentator.

Starbuck took aim at Tractor Supply Co .’ s initiatives to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion, saying that they are “putting more of a focus on race that divides us.” He also criticized the company for celebrating Pride Month, providing scholarships to LGBTQ+ youth and donating money to an advocacy organization that worked on stopping deportations during the presidency of Donald Trump.

In its statement, Tractor Supply Co. said it will continue to listen to its customers and team members.

The statement’s comment section was divided, with some thanking the company for i ts change of course and others saying they won ’ t shop there anymore.

NBC News has reached out to Tractor Supply Co. for comment.

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No Appendix, No Problem. Australia’s Remote Doctors Tell All.

Being the only physician around for hundreds of miles isn’t always bad. “It’s quite liberating to be like, ‘I’m the best person here for the job’,” said one doctor.

A dummy strapped into a replica of an medical aircraft.

By Julia Bergin

The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau. This week’s issue is written by Julia Bergin, a reporter based in the Northern Territory.

No drugs, no tools, no team: These are the work conditions for a remote Australian doctor.

And when that is the case, when doctors have no stocked pharmacy, no operating theater, and no extra hands to call on, their job becomes less medicine and more logistics.

Dr. Rhys Harding, a remote general practitioner, said his daily work involves asking questions that his peers in big cities never need to think about: “What have I got? Who’s here? What time is it getting dark? Can the plane land?”

Next comes a long list of medical skills that he needs, such as handling complex head injuries, taking X-rays and extracting teeth.

“I’m far more comfortable in a mouth than most doctors would be,” Dr. Harding said.

For Australian doctors who work in the country’s most remote locations, practicing medicine can be limitless, limiting, isolating and exceptionally challenging. The environment is harsh, and the physical and mental demands on the doctors, who are often deployed on their own, are more extreme than in any metropolitan hospital setting.

Dr. Michael Clements, a vice president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, says it’s got less to do with remoteness and more to do with resources.

“We can do a lot with just our hands, but generally speaking we like to have our drugs, we like to have our toys, we like to have our team,” said Dr. Clements, who spent 13 years as a doctor in the Australian Air Force traveling to places like Afghanistan, Djibouti and Somalia.

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Lawrence Superintendent Anthony Lewis leaving for job in North Carolina

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photo by: Lawrence school district screenshot

Superintendent Anthony Lewis delivers a video message of support to the trans community on Friday, March 29, 2024.

Lawrence Public Schools Superintendent Anthony Lewis is leaving to take a job in North Carolina, according to a letter sent to district personnel.

Lewis will leave in August to lead the school district in Durham, North Carolina.

The Durham school board on Saturday morning unanimously agreed to hire Lewis as that district’s next superintendent.

This decision is full of mixed emotions,” Lewis said. “It has been an honor to serve as superintendent in Lawrence. Working alongside so many dedicated and talented educators, supportive families, and amazing scholars has been a joy.

“We have been through a lot together. We have navigated challenges, celebrated achievements, and built a school district that’s poised for even greater success. Fostering a culture of inclusivity and belonging and prioritizing the well-being of our scholars and staff has been a goal while doing this work.

“I often share with our district and building leaders that family comes first. It’s now time that I heed those words. This next move not only provides an opportunity to pursue a new adventure, it allows me to be closer to my family,” he said.

Lewis is completing his sixth year as superintendent in Lawrence.

Lawrence school board president Kelly Jones said she expects Lewis to leave his Lawrence position in mid-August.

“Dr. Lewis’s roots are in Alabama and special education. During my tenure on the board, I observed that combination means every student is family and his professional and ethical standards are only outmatched by his endless generosity in service,” Jones said.

“I am grateful for his educational leadership generally and, in particular, through the pandemic. His commitment to educational equity and excellence is evident at the district and community levels, as well as at the state level, including his service to the Kansas African American Affairs Commission and the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice.”

Under Lewis’ leadership, the Lawrence community came together to create a plan for school progress, the district’s first comprehensive strategic plan in nearly two decades, the district touted in its announcement. The school board also adopted its Equity Policy, recognizing the importance of making and supporting significant shifts in mindset and practice to provide and sustain equitable outcomes for all students, the district said in it release.

In the spring of 2022, Lewis was a finalist for the superintendent job in Montgomery Public Schools in Alabama, but he was not selected . At the time he said that Montgomery was the only job he would have considered leaving Lawrence for. He said the Montgomery position represented an opportunity for him to return home and be closer to family. Lewis is originally from nearby Talladega, Alabama, and lived for nearly 20 years in Montgomery while attending college and later working as a teacher and principal in the Montgomery school district. He later was an assistant superintendent in the Kansas City, Missouri, public school district.

When Lewis accepted the job in Lawrence in January 2018, he replaced Anna Stubblefield, who had been acting as interim superintendent since the summer of 2017. Stubblefield had taken over when Superintendent Kyle Hayden stepped down.

According to news outlets in the Durham area, Lewis will be replacing an interim superintendent who had taken the reins after Superintendent Pascal Mubenga resigned in February amid pay disputes among staff.

Lewis was signed to a four-year contract in Durham that begins Aug. 12 and ends June 30, 2028.

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16 Nobel Prize-winning economists warn that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation

By Aimee Picchi

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

Updated on: June 25, 2024 / 6:07 PM EDT / CBS News

Sixteen of the world's most notable economists — all Nobel Prize winners — are warning that former President Donald Trump could stoke inflation if he wins the presidency in November and moves forward with his economic plans. 

"Many Americans are concerned about inflation, which has come down remarkably fast. There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets," according to a letter signed by the economists, who include Joseph Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2001; and Yale professor Robert Shiller, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2013. 

The warning comes as the U.S. continues to battle sticky inflation, with the Federal Reserve maintaining the highest interest rates in more than two decades with the goal of cooling the economy and driving inflation down to a 2% annual rate. Even though inflation has cooled from a recent peak of 9.1% in June 2022, inflation-weary Americans are glum about the economy, with 6 in 10 rating it as either bad, fairly bad or very bad, according to the latest CBS News poll. 

Trump's policies could prove to be inflationary, other economists also warned, such as his proposal to create a 10% across-the-board tariff on all imports to deporting immigrants. The tariff plan would add $1,700 in annual costs for the typical U.S. household, essentially acting as an inflationary tax, according to experts at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. 

Deporting immigrants could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for U.S. workers and pushing up wages, also adding to inflationary pressure, economists warn . 

While the letter from Stiglitz and the other 15 Nobel Prize winners didn't detail the specifics of any part of Trump's plans, it did single out praise for some of President Joe Biden's economic policies, ranging from his Inflation Reduction Act to investment in U.S. manufacturing. 

"In his first four years as President, Joe Biden signed into law major investments in the U.S. economy, including in infrastructure, domestic manufacturing and climate," the letter said. "Together, these investments are likely to increase productivity and economic growth while lowering long-term inflationary pressures and facilitating the clean energy transition."

They added, "While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump's."

"Top economists, Nobel Prize winners, and business leaders all know America can't afford Trump's dangerous economic agenda," Biden campaign spokesperson, James Singer, told CBS MoneyWatch.

 "In Donald Trump's America, the rich pay less, and working Americans pay more," he added.

"The American people don't need worthless out-of-touch Nobel Prize winners to tell them which president put more money in their pockets," Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in an emailed statement to CBS MoneyWatch.

If re-elected, Trump plans to implement a "pro-growth, pro-energy, pro-jobs agenda to bring down the cost of living and uplift all Americans," she added.

"We the undersigned": Read the letter

You can read the text of the letter below:

We the undersigned are deeply concerned about the risks of a second Trump administration for the U.S. economy.  Among the most important determinants of economic success are the rule of law and economic and political certainty. For a country like the U.S., which is embedded in deep relationships with other countries, conforming to international norms and having normal and stable relationships with other countries is also an imperative. Donald Trump and the vagaries of his actions and policies threaten this stability and the U.S.'s standing in the world.  While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump's. In his first four years as President, Joe Biden signed into law major investments in the U.S. economy, including in infrastructure, domestic manufacturing, and climate. Together, these investments are likely to increase productivity and economic growth while lowering long-term inflationary pressures and facilitating the clean energy transition.  During Joe Biden's presidency we have also seen a remarkably strong and equitable labor market recovery — enabled by his pandemic stimulus. An additional four years of Joe Biden's presidency would allow him to continue supporting an inclusive U.S. economic recovery.  Many Americans are concerned about inflation, which has come down remarkably fast. There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets. Nonpartisan researchers, including at Evercore, Allianz, Oxford Economics, and the Peterson Institute, predict that if Donald Trump successfully enacts his agenda, it will increase inflation.  The outcome of this election will have economic repercussions for years, and possibly decades, to come. We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy.  Signed,  George A. Akerlof (2001)  Sir Angus Deaton (2015)  Claudia Goldin (2023) Sir Oliver Hart (2016)  Eric S. Maskin (2007)  Daniel L. McFadden (2000)  Paul R. Milgrom (2020)  Roger B. Myerson (2007)  Edmund S. Phelps (2006)  Paul M. Romer (2018)  Alvin E. Roth (2012)  William F. Sharpe (1990)  Robert J. Shiller (2013)  Christopher A. Sims (2011)  Joseph E. Stiglitz (2001)  Robert B. Wilson (2020)

Aimee Picchi is the associate managing editor for CBS MoneyWatch, where she covers business and personal finance. She previously worked at Bloomberg News and has written for national news outlets including USA Today and Consumer Reports.

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