The Ultimate Guide to Nursing Resumes in 2024

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The Ultimate Guide to Nursing Resumes by

Expert Reviewed by: Amanda Guarniere, NP, Founder of the Resume RX

In 2024, a vague, uninspiring nursing resume just won't cut it. Recent years have fostered growing competition for the best nursing jobs , creating a greater need for nurses to learn how to write exceptional nursing resumes. With vast opportunities and diverse requirements from various employers, every nurse must put their best foot forward to market themselves for the best positions. 

However, this ever-changing world of online applications and robotic resume readers makes it more complex for nurses to get to the first rounds of interviews. This article will help you tackle the daunting task of writing a nursing resume that stands out. We'll help you build a better nursing resume by giving you an inside look at how robotic resume readers work and providing tips on how to make your resume, things you should and shouldn't include, and provide examples and templates.

Defining your personal brand as a nurse to make your resume stand out

Think of your job search as your own personal marketing campaign. And the product is you! Your resume is an advertisement for your professional nursing brand. A brand is more than a logo - it’s the overall impression you give your audience. In this case, your audience is a potential employer. 

As with any advertisement, the goal of your nursing resume is to pique your audience’s interest in a limited amount of time. It’s commonly said that hiring managers will spend less than ten seconds reading your resume. And in many cases, it has to first be screened by a resume-reading robot before it reaches human hands.

So, you must carefully curate your brand for these employers. Captivate them with your professionalism, unique skillset, experience, and personality using your nursing resume. These tactics may help get your foot in the door for an interview, where you can close the deal by impressing them in person.

The first and most important step in any marketing campaign is the research phase. The more you learn about potential employers, the better you can tailor your registered nurse resume to their requirements.

Initial Employer Research for Nursing Resumes

Before you begin tailoring your resume for specific jobs, take some time to answer the following questions about each company:

  • Who are they?
  • What is their company culture?
  • What do they struggle with as an organization?
  • What qualities are they looking for in a potential candidate?
  • Which of their desired qualities do you possess?

Researching Company Culture and Values

The internet has made it fairly easy to hop online and start your research right now from your mobile device. Employers' websites and social platforms will give you an inside glimpse at their culture and values.

Instead of simply reading a job posting, take a few extra steps to investigate the employer's online presence:

  • Check out the company website - what does their mission statement say?
  • See what they tweet about
  • Investigate what photos they post on Instagram
  • Learn about the articles they share on Facebook
  • Check their LinkedIn - do you have any connections at the company?
  • Look at their Google ratings

Examine Required vs Preferred Nursing Qualifications

The research phase isn't just about investigating the company - you also need to understand the job description. Specifically, understanding the difference between "required" and "preferred" qualifications will help you build a tailored resume for each job:

Required Qualifications

These are just what they say - requirements. Those who do not possess these qualifications will not be considered. 

Preferred Qualifications

Skills that are desired but are not deal-breakers for the employer. You may still be considered even if you do not possess these. 

As you personalize your nursing resume to different opportunities, these qualifications will, in part, guide what you do and do not include. You should include any and all required qualifications if you want an employer to consider your candidacy. 

If you do not possess some or all of the preferred qualifications, you can apply anyway and still be in the running. However, including the ones you do possess on your tailored nursing resume is always the best practice.

Build a Master Resume

You may want a solid starting point from which you can use your research to build a dedicated resume for each position you apply for. Queue the "master resume," a comprehensive working document that highlights everything you've accomplished and every skill you've fostered as a nurse thus far. 

We recommend starting with a foundational nurse resume so that you can alter it for each role you apply to. This way, you won't be rewriting a new resume for every single position. But you'll also avoid submitting "cookie-cutter" resumes that employers won't bother looking at twice.

Use Research to Personalize Your Nursing Resume

Dale Carnegie once said that “A person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Personalizing your RN resume matters, with both how you mention and address the future employer and how to include your specific qualifications that match what they are looking for.

Using your research and leveraging your professional brand and personality to target your nurse resume could lead to the interview of your dreams. Not targeting it, however, could lead you on the fast track to nowhere.

The internet revolution transformed the hiring process, impacting the entire labor market in a very short time. 15 years ago, printing your resume on off-white linen paper and hand-delivering it to employers was the status quo. But as little as five years later, doing so might only get you some perplexed looks and urges to apply online.

Technological advances will continue shaping the job market in 2024.  USC Annenberg reports that up to 55% of companies are making investments in AI recruiting measures. But even now, many employers screen online applicants using resume-reading robots. 

This section explores how these bots impact the hiring process and how to get your nursing resume past them and into a real person's hands.

What Is a Resume Reading Robot?

How to get around resume reading robots for nursing jobs

ATS systems are highly technical but can only do what their program says, unable to come close to human discretion. So, knowing how ATS systems work can help you write a resume that passes their screening.

Here's a brief overview of how employers use ATS software to screen nursing applicants:

1. Knockout Questions

Recruiters can use an ATS to scan for keywords or "knockout questions" like "Do you have an active Washington State Nursing License?" These functions help them swiftly eliminate unqualified candidates.

2. Disqualifying Statements

They may also configure the ATS to include “disqualifying statements.” An ATS searching for these statements will automatically reject nursing resumes with certain keywords or phrases. 

For example, an ATS screening for bachelor's-trained nurses might reject resumes that mention an associate's degree. If you have both, consider listing only your BSN.

3. Keyword Screening

Finally, recruiters may use the ATS to find resumes with exact keywords or phrases. These may include qualifications listed in the job description, degrees, or skills. They can program the ATS to reject any application that does not include their specified keywords.

How Does ATS Work?

Not all ATS systems are created equally. They vary greatly in their functionality and behavior. Most ATS systems are programmed to score resumes according to keywords. However, they can be configured to search and score resumes based on various other criteria.

The results are imperfect. Some ATS systems can't differentiate between titles, such as Clinical Nurse II and Registered Nurse, or distinguish between the terms BLS and Basic Life Support. So how do you navigate these intricacies in your nursing resume?

Best Practice:   R ead the job description and use the exact wording for the qualifications listed that you possess.

If you use acronyms and abbreviations, make sure to spell out the entire word, followed by the shortened version. It would be disappointing to have all the requested qualifications but be filtered out by the ATS because you used only the acronyms when the robot was programmed for the full phrases spelled out.

What Are the Shortcomings of ATS?

The problem is that ATS does not ‘read’ a resume as a human would - it simply collects data. It doesn’t care about aesthetics, either. It is programmed by an employer to search for the right keywords, in the right order, on the right part of the resume.  

Also, the system can get confused pretty easily. For example, if the font is too fancy or if it encounters unrecognizable symbols, it may score the resume as ‘unqualified’ and move on to the next resume. It does what it is configured to do, nothing more and nothing less.

While ATS has streamlined the hiring process for employers, it’s also made job search extremely challenging for the job seeker. In fact, 94% of hiring professionals say that ATS has positively influenced their hiring goals, while 80% of job seekers say that their online job search is stressful.

What Other Hiring Technology Might I Encounter?

Recently, some employers have started to use artificial intelligence in a different way - during the interview process. Rather than having strict ATS filters, they offer more candidates the opportunity to interview, but there is a catch.

You don't interview with the employer but with a computer. In these one-way or “on-demand” interviews, you essentially get the opportunity to record your video response to interview questions. After you submit it, hiring managers or recruiters review the video responses before choosing the candidates for formal interviews.

Does Every Employer Use ATS?

While many employers use ATS, there are definitely employers who still rely on human resource professionals to screen resumes. In those instances, a human resources professional usually skims the resumes and invites the most qualified candidates in for an interview.

The problem here is that most employers will receive hundreds of resumes for a single opening. To get through the resumes quickly, the HR professional may resort to a simple scan of the resumes knowing that even qualified applicants may not make it. It’s simply a way to reduce the number of applicants.

In either case, the goal of the modern resume is to ‘sell’ yourself in an organized, targeted manner for a specific role. The best way to design an effective, attention-grabbing resume is by making strong assertions in the beginning followed by supporting evidence.

How to Get Past the ATS

  • Target your resume to the specific position. Do this by reading job descriptions and selecting keywords noted in the descriptions - competencies, skills sets, education, and experience.
  • Match individual experiences to keywords/key skill sets found within the job posting.  
  • Research the employer and target the resume based on the facility's values and culture. 
  • Make strong assertions within the top ⅓ of the resume.
  • Follow those assertions with supporting evidence.
  • Include a “ Professional Summary ” if you are an experienced Nurse.
  • Only apply to roles that you match 100% of the “Required Qualifications.” 
  • Use simple fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.
  • Never use smaller than 10-point font. See Part 5 for more styling suggestions. 
  • Use simple black bullet (dots) points, not special bullet symbols.
  • Save your resume as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
  • If using an abbreviation, always spell out the words followed by the abbreviation or acronym. You never know how the abbreviation was entered into the ATS. 
  • Use standard, simple section headers such as “Work History” or “Education.”
  • Settings you’ve worked in 
  • Patient demographics
  • Policies/procedures
  • EMR/EHR used
  • Medications administered
  • Equipment used
  • Don’t use the same title as at your current employer if it is different from the title in the job description. Use the title in the job description. 
  • Don’t overload your resume with keywords. Use them appropriately. Overusing keywords will flag a resume and could cause the ATS to lower your score.
  • Don't forget to support the keywords you use with evidence throughout your resume.
  • Do not put your contact information in the header section because ATS will not see it.
  • Do not include tables because most ATS can’t read them. Other ATS can only read them if their operator programmed them to do so. 
  • Do not use creative section headers such as “Where I’ve Worked” because the ATS likely doesn’t understand what that means.
  • Don’t include a headshot, graphics, special fonts, photos, colored fonts, or unique bullets. 
  • Do not state, “References available upon request.” It takes up too much space and is unnecessary. If employers want references, they’ll ask. 
  • Don’t place skills at the bottom of the resume. Many ATS systems only scan the top ⅓ of the resume for keywords. If you have important keywords at the bottom, the ATS may not see them and could disqualify your resume. 
  • Don’t use “I” statements; resumes should be written in the third person. 
  • Do not rely on resume builder software. Stay in control of your registered nurse resume.

How to Spot an ATS

If you’ve ever visited a job posting and seen an “APPLY NOW” button, you’ve encountered the elusive resume-reading bot. ATS requires candidates to enter data on the front end. 

Maybe you’ve gone through the steps to create a login, complete the application and upload your resume. Perhaps you didn’t realize at the time that you were entering your information into an applicant tracking system.  

Raise your hand if you never heard back from an employer after applying online. Raise your other hand if you received an automated response “thanking” you for your interest and never heard back!

Now, keep in mind that it can be difficult to stand out when you are applying for a job online, especially when there is an ATS involved. As you consider your overall job search strategy, try to think of other ways that can increase your chances of getting a job. Don’t be afraid to ask your network connections for referrals and recommendations, or let friends and family know what type of position you are looking for and where. While your resume is absolutely important, it isn’t the only tool that can lead to you getting a job.

Prior to ever typing words onto your resume, it’s important to first decide on a resume format. There are three types of resume layouts. While we highly recommend the reverse-chronological layout for most nursing professionals, we’d encourage you to make the best choice for yourself.

Here’s a breakdown of the three most popular types of resume layouts: 

1. Reverse Chronological Nursing Resume

This layout focuses on career history and lists jobs in reverse chronological order. We recommend this type of registered nurse resume for the majority of healthcare professionals and will focus the details of this article on the format. It is best suited for:

  • New nursing graduates
  • Nurses with fewer than 5 roles within the past 5-7 years. 
  • Travel Nurses with <10 completed assignments
  • Nurses with experience in only 1-2 specialties
  • Nurses applying for a similar role
  • Nurses wanting to show vertical career progression 

nursing professional resume writing

2. Functional Nursing Resume

This nurse resume layout places emphasis on skills and deemphasizes work history. However, it does not pass the ATS test well, and hiring managers overall do not prefer it. We recommend against this layout for the majority of nursing professionals. Typically, people who use this format are: 

  • Changing careers
  • Have large gaps in employment
  • Do have years of experience in the role in which they are applying

nursing professional resume writing

3. Combination Nursing Resume

This layout is a mixture of the reverse chronological and the functional resume. While it places emphasis on skill sets, abilities, and accomplishments, it also highlights applicable work history. We recommend combination resumes for nursing professionals with the following background, goals, and barriers: 

  • Nurses with experience in multiple specialties and/or medical professions
  • Seasoned travel nurses with >10 completed assignments
  • Nurses with multiple small gaps in employment
  • Nurses looking to change specialties
  • Nurses interested in changing careers

nursing professional resume writing

Writing a nursing resume can feel overwhelming. It’s no easy task! Nowadays, nursing resumes must be able to pass through resume reading software before it even reaches a recruiter. That’s why we’ve put together THREE nurse resume templates to cater to your unique professional needs and employment situation.

nursing professional resume writing

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nursing professional resume writing

The first formatting and design consideration you should make when creating your nursing resume is how well an  ATS will read them. We recommend the following comprehensive design and formatting guidelines to appease common ATS systems:

Many experts believe you can achieve the perfect balance of text to white space in your nursing resume using the following margin settings:

  • Top Margin: 1"
  • Side Margins: .63"

Left alignment is standard since that’s how most people (and robots) read. You may think a justified alignment looks tidier, but it can leave uneven gaps between words and ultimately make text harder to read. 

In the nursing profession, length should not be the focus of the resume. While we recommend 1-2 pages, some nurses may have resumes with 3 (or more) pages.

Don’t stress over length too much. If the resume is slightly over the page amount by a few lines try changing the margin, font style, font size, or shortening statements. The bottom line is it should look visually appealing and should include keywords.

We recommend  Times New Roman or Arial to best utilize the functionality of the ATS. However, this is your personal preference. Take note that Times New Roman can be difficult to read if it is smaller than 11pt.

If you are striving for a resume that looks visually appealing when printed, there are great ways to achieve that without going overboard with design. For example, you could use the “small caps” feature for headings, which keeps the font the same but adds a bit more character and differentiation. Or, you could try a font pairing, using serif fonts for headers and sans serif for body text.

Important Note: Different font styles will take up different amounts of space. See how these identical statements look vastly different despite both being in 11 pt font:

Experienced Travel Nurse with 8 years experience in critical care nursing.

Throughout the resume, there should be different-sized fonts. We recommend the following for each section: 

Name 18 - 22 point
Contact Info 10-11 point
Section Headers 12-14 point
Descriptions 10-11 point

It’s important to note that 10-point font should be the smallest size on the resume. 

While some ATS systems claim to read colors, we encourage you to simply use black. 

Special Characters

We recommend keeping the resume very simple. Basic bullet points (black dots) may be used when desired. Simple lines are acceptable as well. 

Design Features to Avoid

The following design features are best left off the resume: 

  • Multiple font styles
  • Special characters

As you’ve learned, ATS systems skim resumes and locate specific information in the correct order. We’d suggest using the following categories and section headers to optimize your nursing resume for ATS scoring.

Contact Information

This is the first section of the resume and does not require a title. Your name should be front and center. Don’t make the recruiter search for it. Make sure it’s the largest font on the page. While there are varying opinions on the exact placement of the name, we recommend a simple classic version in the following format:

Your name should be the first thing a recruiter, hiring manager, or ATS system sees on your nurse resume. It should share a line with your nursing credentials and be in a bold, readable, 18-22 pt font. If you go by a different name, make sure to list both in this section.

Nursing Credentials

Your nursing credentials should directly follow your first and last name on a nursing resume. The preferred order to list these in is Highest degree earned, Licensure, then National Certifications.

We've included a  credential quick reference guide below to help you fill out your resume perfectly.

The days of listing your home address on a resume are over - most employers don't need this information, and we advise against including it on your resume as a security precaution. However, this is a personal decision you can make at your own discretion.

You should never leave your location off completely because many employers have location parameters set in their ATS systems. Ensure you include your city and state in the contact information portion of your nursing resume.

Phone/Texting Number

Oh, technology! Yes, some employers will actually text their candidates. Make sure to indicate if you receive texts and whether the phone number is a cell phone or a home phone. This is a great time to make sure your voicemail message states your full name and is professional.

Email Address

It is in your best interest to ensure that you have a professional email address that does not reveal your age. Age discrimination is real, and listing your birth year or using an antiquated email service like AOL can definitely trigger it.

Your email address should include a variation of your name and some numbers if necessary. You can even make a totally separate email account and use it only for your job search.

LinkedIn Profile

If you have a LinkedIn profile definitely include it. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, you could be missing out on opportunities. Now is the time to create one!

In your settings, you can easily create a shortened LinkedIn URL that doesn’t have a bunch of random numbers and letters.

How Your Digital Footprint Impacts Your Nursing Job Search

Though you may not list it, you should consider your social media and online presence when you complete the contact information portion of your resume. Potential employers will likely look you up online. Many Recruiters tell us that looking a candidate up on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter is one of the first things they do. So, make sure everything you post online is what you would want an employer to see. 

Additionally, online behavior can benefit you. Do you have a nursing-related website or blog? Are you an Instagram celebrity? Maybe you created a successful YouTube channel when you were a newbie nurse. Include all this on your resume if it relates to nursing. This is all part of your unique brand!

Nursing Resume Credential Quick Reference Guide

According to the American Nurses Credentialing Center (AACN), the preferred order is Highest degree earned, Licensure, and National Certification.

Educational degrees include doctoral degrees (Ph.D., DrPH, DNS, EdD, DNP), master’s degrees (MSN, MS, MA), bachelor’s degrees (BS, BSN, BA), and associate degrees (AD, ADN).

Licensure credentials include RN, LPN, CNA, and APRN.

National certification , which is occasionally voluntary for nurses and obligatory for advanced practice nurses, is awarded through accredited certifying bodies such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), includes RNBC (Registered Nurse-Board Certified) and FNP-BC (Family Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified).

You may also choose to include awards and honors:

Outstanding achievements in nursing, such as FAAN (Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing).

Other certifications that recognize additional skills, such as the EMT-Basic/EMT, awarded by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Here is an example of contact information on a nursing resume that puts it all together:

Penny Lite, BSN, RN   Los Angeles, CA | Text/Call: (987) 654 - 3210 | [email protected] |

Professional Summary

Don’t make an employer (or ATS) search your entire resume for reasons to invite you to an interview. Tell them right off the top exactly why you are the best candidate for the role.

Every position is unique, and this is your first opportunity to optimize the resume for ATS and to also catch the employer’s eye. Spend a little time to target it and let your qualifications and accomplishments shine. 

While there is some debate about how to introduce your resume, we suggest using a professional summary as opposed to a career objective. The professional summary can be formatted in either a short paragraph or a bulleted list asserting qualifications and providing a concise career snapshot.

How to Write a Professional Summary for a Nursing Resume

Think of your resume summary as an “elevator pitch” - a quick, attention-grabbing, loaded statement that entices the reader to want to continue on. Your professional summary is unique to you and should be targeted to a specific role, just like the cover letters career counselors used to tell us about.

However, it could definitely include the following information: 

  • Number of years of experience in a specialty 
  • Common keywords found in nursing job descriptions e.g., excellent patient care, acute care, family education, compassionate
  • Facility designations or info about facilities 
  • Supervisory experience and number of subordinates
  • Special certifications or awards
  • Language abilities
  • Soft skills such as patience, compassion, and a cooperative spirit

Nursing professional summary example: 

4+ years nursing experience with strong clinical background in critical care (CCU) and intermediate care nursing (IMCU). Proactively streamlines operations, initiates tasks, and supports the healthcare team while prioritizing excellent patient care. Champions patient and family education by providing compassionate, inclusive care that encourages self-sufficiency. Recipient of the Daisy Award. Bilingual in English and Spanish.

Nursing Skills and Areas of Expertise

List your nursing skills within the top ⅓ of the resume - Don't make the common mistake of adding them last. With the popularity of ATS, this mistake could cost you an interview. This is especially true in nursing, as the profession requires very specific skills. 

Additionally, your hard skills should be directly targeted to the role as expressed in the job description. Is the employer asking for a specific EMR that you are experienced with? List it! Are you an expert at starting IVs because of your five years of experience in the emergency room? List it!

This should not be a generic list of skills but a specific list that is as quantified as possible. It’s possible that if you are a newer nurse or are making a specialty pivot you may not have hard skills to include. In that case, it’s okay to omit this section and highlight your transferable  soft nursing skills within your job history.

While most nurses list their license titles on their resumes, it’s been our experience that they leave off a few very important details - most notably, whether the license is active and the expiration date. 

Why is this important? Including this information lets potential employers know that you are ready to start work ASAP. They don’t have to wait for the licensing process. Including your license number is optional, and you can make this decision based on your privacy comfort. The employer will likely be verifying your license online anyway (this is all public information).

If you are an advanced practice nurse, you may decide to leave off license numbers for privacy purposes, especially your DEA number or controlled substance registration number.

Here’s an example of how to list your licensure:

Registered Nurse - California, #RN00101, expires 4/17/2024.

Certifications and Credentials

This is another key section where some important details are typically missing on the nursing resumes we’ve seen. While most nurses list their credentials, it’s important to list them in a specific manner.

Don’t simply list acronyms, as some ATS systems may not be programmed to read shortened versions. Make sure to list the accrediting body, credential/certification number (where applicable), and expiration date. 

Here’s an example of how to list your certifications and credentials: 

Basic Life Support (BLS), American Heart Association, expires: 12/1/2021

Work History

Employers want to know what you can do for them, period.  Nurse recruiters we’ve talked to will zero in on this section. What are they looking for? Evidence, facts, quantifiable points - proof to support the assertions made in your resume summary.

Vague work histories are particularly frustrating to employers - especially when applicants copy and paste job descriptions. To avoid falling into those pitfalls, try incorporating these tips: 

Use simple section headers such as “Work History” or “Relevant Experience,” these are ATS friendly. “What I’ve Done” is not. 

List your experience in reverse chronological order.  If you have a lengthy employment history, you may consider only including the most recent 10-15 years of experience. This will shorten your resume and also limit the chances that you’ll encounter age discrimination. Looking at the big-picture experience from 25 years ago doesn’t necessarily speak to your recent nursing experience because employers care about what you can do for them now.

Work History Format

Adding your work history in a logical format can help your nursing resume beat the ATS and impress recruiters. We recommend using the following format for each work history segment:

1. Job Title and Specialty

This is a controversial subject, but we believe employers care more about what you’ve done than who you’ve worked for. Use the job title as it is listed in the job posting, or use a more industry-wide job title. Registered Nurse as opposed to Clinical Nurse II. 

2. Facility Name

Add the name of the facility or company you worked for after your job title. You can add this on the same line or a different line, but using the same line will optimize space.

3. Employment Dates  

These are important and can be listed in a number of ways. However, it’s been our experience that specific dates are not necessary for a resume. On an application, yes, on a resume, not so much. You can simply list the months and years (mm/yy - present).

4. Facility-Specific and Unit-Specific Information

This information is helpful and important to employers but is left off the majority of resumes we’ve seen, it includes: 

  • Trauma level: level I, II, III
  • Facility Designations 
  • Total Hospital beds
  • Total unit beds

Primary Duties and Accomplishments

This section looks best in a bulleted list of no more than six points and should include duties, noteworthy accomplishments, and achievements. It’s important to emphasize specific duties and not be too vague.

Also, try your best not to simply regurgitate basic nursing duties that would be assumed of your role. This will take up valuable space on your resume and not really tell the reader much about you !

Wondering what specifics to include? Here are a few questions to get those wheels turning:

  • What illnesses, injuries, or traumas do you care for? 
  • What cases do you work on? 
  • What type of medications do you administer and how? 
  • What therapies do you perform? 
  • What equipment do you use? 
  • How have you improved processes? 
  • When have I been first or best?
  • No. 1 achievement in each position?
  • Which achievements have the most impressive numbers?
  • When have I been publicly recognized?

Write Strong Nursing Resume Bullets

Wondering how to order your bullets and what to include? Try this: start with a verb leading to quantifiable data or a specific point and include a relevant duty.

Use our comprehensive tables to build compelling nursing resume bullets that make your achievements shine:

 Adhered  Displayed   Planned  
 Administered  Educated   Preserved 
 Applied  Ensured   Provided
 Assessed  Evaluated   Reacted
 Assisted  Executed   Reported 
 Built  Explained   Responded
 Collaborated  Followed   Scheduled
 Communicated  Helped   Shared
 Contributed  Led   Supervised
 Decided  Listened   Taught
 Delegated  Managed  Tracked
 Delivered  Measured  Trained
 Demonstrated  Negotiated  Treated 
 Developed  Observed  Updated
 Directed  Performed  Wrote
Assertive Friendly Productive
Attentive Hard-working Professional
Balanced Honest Qualified
Broad-minded Independent Realistic
Cheerful Inventive Reliable
Committed Knowledgeable Resourceful
Compassionate Mature Responsible
Conscientious Motivated Sociable
Consistent Objective Tenacious
Creative Patient Traditional
Direct Persistent Trustworthy
Dynamic Practical Unconventional
Eclectic Proactive Unique

Here is a brief work history resume example for nurses that puts it all together:

Registered Nurse, Acute Care - Example Medical Center 09-19 - Present

  • Supervised staff of 15 registered nurses, 8 certified nursing assistants, and 7 paramedics while multitasking excellent patient care. 
  • Cared for up to 4 patients per shift with acute neurological disorders, including strokes, spinal cord injuries, and head trauma.

Education and Training

In the nursing profession, education and training are of utmost importance. If you have work experience, this section can be fairly brief.  You should list your relevant degrees in chronological order. 

There are varying opinions regarding the specific ordering of education. However, we believe that the degree or certification title should be listed first. Employers care firstly that you have the education requirement they need and secondarily where you obtained the requirement. 

We suggest the following format:  Degree or Certification Title (acronym), Institution Name 

Here’s an example: 

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (BSN), University of Washington 

Should I Include Graduation Dates on a Nursing Resume?

You are not required to include your college or high school graduation dates on your nursing resume , as it could reveal your age. Age discrimination is the top form of employment discrimination and affects all age groups. If you graduated more than 10-15 years ago, it may be a good idea to omit the date.  But this is a personal decision you should make at your own discretion.

Should I Include My GPA on a Nursing Resume?

Including your GPA in your nursing resume is optional. If you are particularly proud of your GPA, by all means, add it! However, it is not required. If you graduated with honors that you are proud of, you can definitely include that as well. Again the resume is a unique snapshot of you!

Should I Include my Non-Nursing Degrees and Credentials?

If you possess other degrees not related to nursing, it is not necessary to include those on your nursing resume. Some second-career nurses like to list this information, especially if there has been an interesting career pivot or one that brings a lot of value to your role as a nurse. Remember, you are telling your personal, unique story, and you get to decide what to include.

How Do I Add In-Progress Advanced Education Programs?

If you are currently enrolled in higher education to advance your studies within the nursing field, that should be listed on your resume and state that the degree is pending or in progress. However, if you started a graduate degree program, never finished, and do not plan on finishing, it is unnecessary to include it on the resume. 

Should I Include my High School Education?

Nurses do not need to include their high school diplomas on their resumes. The nursing profession requires completion of higher education, and therefore, your higher degree trumps your diploma. 

Awards, Accomplishments, and Affiliations

Though this section is not required, we encourage including awards and accomplishments that are relevant to the nursing profession. These details will provide the potential employer with more proof and evidence of who you are as a nurse. 

In this section, you can include: 

  • Awards and recognitions that are specific to the hospital or facility where you work, e.g. the Daisy Award, Employee of the Month, and Nursing Excellence Award
  • Professional memberships and affiliations relating to nursing and/or healthcare
  • Volunteer work, if it relates to nursing

We suggest the following format: Title, organization, year

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Recipient, Nursing Excellence Award, Washington Medical Center
  • Volunteer, American Red Cross - Haiti - 2012

Naming Your Nurse Resume Save File

One last thing, saving! Don’t just give your resume any old name! Hiring professionals sometimes receive multiple documents from candidates, and they don’t want to waste time sorting through every document to find the resume. Some prefer to organize resumes by specialty. Tell them exactly which document is your resume. 

We suggest the following format: firstlast_specialty_resume.doc

Here’s an example:


We’ve seen a lot of resumes over the years, and you might be surprised by the amount of strange information people have included on them. So, here are the top mistakes we’ve seen:

This should be a no-brainer but make sure to proofread and even have another set of eyes proofread for you.

Huge red flag for age discrimination.

An employer could assume your salary is too high or too low, so just don’t list it.

Don’t include things like photos, religious affiliations, Social Security Numbers, marital status, kids.

If you go by a different name, include both your legal name (the one on your license) and your nickname, e.g. Penny "Penelope" Lite.

Make sure your resume includes your most current and relevant positions.

Avoid using pronouns such as “I” statements. A resume should be in the third person.

An ATS will not see it there.

An appropriate email address is [email protected] but not [email protected].

No need to be fancy, a simple ring is fine, and a professional greeting is great!

Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes a day, so keeping track of all those files can be difficult. Make it easy for them.

Woot! If you’ve made it this far you should have an excellent understanding of how to write a great nursing resume. We know it’s a lot of information right now, and we hope that you’ll use the information to advance your career.

For a little more help, try using our free resume templates. And when you’ve landed your next interview, check out the next part in this series, The Complete Guide to Nursing Job Interviews .

>> Download free nurse resume templates!

What should be included in a nursing resume?

  • A nursing resume should include your education, experience, including clinical, work, and volunteer, any certifications you have, and skills. 

How do I write a nurse resume?

  • You can use a template to fill out your nursing resume or fill out your own. 

How do I list my nursing skills on my resume?

  • List skills that are in the job description or outline on the facility’s website. For instance, common nursing skills include critical thinking, teamwork, communication, team management, and high ethical standards. 

Do you put RN after your name on a resume?

  • You can include "RN" or "RN, BSN"  if you have other credentials. If you haven’t passed your NCLEX yet, you can put G.N. for Graduate Nurse.

How long should a nurse's resume be?

  • A nursing resume should be no longer than 1-2 pages. 

What is your greatest skill as a nurse?

  • The most valuable skill you have as a nurse may depend on your exact role and specialty, but in general, communication, kindness, empathy, and critical thinking are highly valued traits as a nurse. 

How far back should a resume go?

  • If you’re a recent graduate, you don’t need to go to high school, just include your college experience and degree. For experienced nurses, include all relevant experience. 

Amanda is an Ivy-league-educated nurse practitioner and career mentor who helps nurses find and land their dream jobs. She founded The Résumé Rx  in 2018 to help nurses with career and résumé strategy  Learn more about Amanda and her products at  and follow her on Instagram  @theresumerx.

Angelina Walker

Angelina has her finger on the pulse of everything nursing. Whether it's a trending news topic, valuable resource or, heartfelt story, Angelina is an expert at producing content that nurses love to read. She specializes in warmly engaging with the nursing community and exponentially growing our social presence.

Nurses making heats with their hands

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Medical Resumes

44 Nursing Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

The essential role that nurses play has never been so obvious. with the profession increasingly in demand, now is the perfect time to apply for nursing roles. this guide contains everything you need to write an effective nursing resume, including essential skills to include and resume templates you can use..

Hiring Manager for Nursing Roles

Nursing is a demanding but incredibly rewarding field, requiring dedication, compassion, and a lot of hard work. Nurses can choose from dozens of specialties and a variety of settings, including frontline hospital work, education, and private healthcare. Whatever your role, as a nurse, you’ll find that soft skills — including communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution — are essential, as are hard skills in patient care, technology, and basic medical procedures. There are multiple pathways leading to nursing, all culminating in the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Aspiring nurses can pursue a Diploma, Associate Degree, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing, while accelerated programs are open to those with an existing undergraduate degree or experience in the field. In 2023, the face of nursing is expected to change significantly. Shortages elsewhere in the medical field are likely to lead to an increased demand and higher responsibilities for Nurse Practitioners and more nurses choosing to specialize. Nurses are also likely to see a greater emphasis on technology in healthcare, including telehealth visits, medical chatbots, and online education programs. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 12% job growth for nurses over the next several years, well above the national average.

Nursing Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • General Nurse
  • Experienced Nurse
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Registered Nurse
  • Psychiatric Nurse
  • Nurse Case Manager
  • Nursing Student
  • Travel Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • New Grad Nurse
  • Director of Nursing
  • Nursing Supervisor
  • Clinical Rotation Nurse
  • Charge Nurse
  • Remote Nurse
  • Preceptor Nurse
  • Relief Charge Nurse
  • LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse)
  • LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse)
  • ICU Charge Nurse
  • Prior Authorization Nurse
  • Clinic Nurse
  • Medical Surgical Nurse
  • Patient Care Technician

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Nursing Resumes

Nursing Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Medical Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 44: General Nurse Resume Example

Nurses are integral to the healthcare system. Under the guidance of a doctor or surgeon, nurses support and perform crucial patient care duties. Nurses are often most hands-on with day-to-day patient treatment. They perform a wide variety of tasks, including administering medication, monitoring patients health status, performing blood tests, administering IV fluids, running testing, and more. To become a nurse, you can choose a few different educational paths. You may earn an associates in nursing and go on to earn your LPN (licensed practical nurse) license. You also could get a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and go on to receive your RN (registered nurse) license. LPN’s are slightly more limited in their job scope than RN’s. In any case, great nurses will have a strong medical background, a caring and calm demeanor, a deep understanding of safety procedures, and strong multi-tasking skills.

A resume for a general nurse with an associates degree and prior experience as a healthcare assistant.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your General Nurse resume in 2024

   gain hands-on patient experience.

While in nursing school, it’s wise to gain hands-on patient experience. This typically comes in the form of getting a position as a certified nursing assistant, healthcare aid, or medical assistant. You will learn how to perform basic activities of daily life with patients in these roles, and it gives you an opportunity to learn from the nurses you will work under.

Gain hands-on patient experience - General Nurse Resume

   Consider learning a second language

Hospitals see everyone under the sun, and it’s no secret that many people speak a different language than English. Hospitals often look for bilingual staff and find them incredibly valuable when trying to communicate treatment and get consent from those who speak a foreign language. Find out what foreign language is most popular in your area, learn it, and highlight it on your resume.

Consider learning a second language - General Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your General Nurse resume

Template 2 of 44: general nurse resume example.

The most important duty of a nurse is patient care, but that’s far from their only responsibility. As a nurse, you’ll be administering medication, monitoring and evaluating patient progress, and working closely with doctors to provide care in hospitals, clinics, residential homes, and a variety of less typical environments. To land a nursing position, you’ll need to emphasize both hard and soft skills in your resume.

General nurse resume template sample listing appropriate skills and qualifications

   Good use of skills section to highlight nursing skills

If you feel like a comprehensive list of nursing skills could easily take up half your resume, you aren’t wrong. Even so, a good skills section shouldn’t include more than about 5-10 skills, which means you’ll need to read the job description carefully and pull out the most important skills recruiters are looking for.

Good use of skills section to highlight nursing skills - General Nurse Resume

   Lists additional qualifications relevant to nursing

At minimum, you’ll need a nursing degree or diploma to begin a career in nursing. If you have additional qualifications, like field-specific qualifications or general first aid, CPR, or basic life support (BLS) certification, it’s worthwhile to list those, too. You can include these in an additional section at the bottom of your resume or in your education section.

Lists additional qualifications relevant to nursing - General Nurse Resume

Template 3 of 44: Experienced Nurse Resume Example

As an experienced nurse, you've seen it all. You're the backbone of the healthcare system, working long hours to care for patients and being a team leader. In recent years, the healthcare industry has seen a growth in roles that require experienced nurses due to an aging population and the increasing complexity of care. When tailoring your resume for this role, it's important to highlight your experience, specialized skills, and the results you've achieved. While the pandemic has put nursing roles in the spotlight, it's also crucial to show how you adapted during these challenging times. Hiring managers are looking for nurses who can handle crises, adapt to changes quickly, and take a lead role in a team. Showcase your resilience and leadership skills in your resume and make sure it feels personal. No two nursing roles are ever the same, just as no two resumes should ever be identical.

Experienced nurse resume highlighting specialized skills and leadership experience.

Tips to help you write your Experienced Nurse resume in 2024

   highlight your specialized skills.

As an experienced nurse, you've no doubt gained some specialized skills. Perhaps you're an expert in critical care, or you've got a knack for pediatric nursing. Highlight these specialties on your resume. Not only do they showcase your experience, but they also show you're a nurse with a wider skill set.

Highlight your specialized skills - Experienced Nurse Resume

   Show off your leadership skills

In a job where difficult decisions are made daily, leadership is crucial. You may have mentored new nurses, spearheaded a new initiative, or simply taken charge in a crisis. Show hiring managers you're not just a team player, but a potential team leader. It's these qualities that differentiate experienced nurses from the rest.

Show off your leadership skills - Experienced Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Experienced Nurse resume

Template 4 of 44: experienced nurse resume example.

As an experienced nurse, you’ll want to emphasize your experience in the field and advanced skill set. You may find yourself moving into positions of leadership or other increased responsibilities, which means highlighting transferable skills and evidence of solid career progression. Your accomplishments are key — instead of listing as many bullet points as you can, consider your most impressive achievements, particularly ones that demonstrate leadership and commitment.

Experienced nurse resume template sample with bullet points featuring strong action verbs to highlight career growth

   Bullet points feature strong action verbs to highlight nursing accomplishments

Choosing the right action verb is key to presenting your accomplishments in a positive, proactive light. Verbs like “assisted” and “collaborated” show your ability to work well in a large healthcare team, while ones like “organized,” “coordinated,” and “spearheaded” emphasize your willingness to take on leadership roles and higher-level responsibilities.

Bullet points feature strong action verbs to highlight nursing accomplishments - Experienced Nurse Resume

   Emphasize career growth in the nursing field

As you move on to more experienced roles, you’ll want to emphasize career progression in your resume. You can demonstrate growth through your job titles, bullet points, or both. Even if you haven’t been formally promoted or your job titles don’t show an obvious progression, you can make this clear by highlighting increased responsibilities in your accomplishments.

Emphasize career growth in the nursing field - Experienced Nurse Resume

Template 5 of 44: Certified Nursing Assistant Resume Example

As a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), you're likely familiar with the critical role you play in patient care. While your daily tasks might involve things like personal care, taking vitals, and assisting with mobility, your resume needs to do more than just list these duties. Recently, employers have been valuing CNAs who can demonstrate empathy and effective communication, in addition to technical skills. When crafting your resume, remember to weave in how you've made genuine connections with patients and supported their wellbeing. Moreover, in light of the pandemic and the changing healthcare landscape, it's impressive if you can show adaptability and willingness to learn new protocols and technologies. This isn't just a list of your tasks - it's a narrative about how you've used your skills and traits to make an impact in your past roles.

Screenshot of a Certified Nursing Assistant's resume with focus on skills and certifications.

Tips to help you write your Certified Nursing Assistant resume in 2024

   include relevant certifications.

As a CNA, you should include any specialized certifications, like CPR or dementia care, on your resume. This isn't just about meeting the job description requirements - it shows potential employers that you're committed to professional development and maintaining high standards in patient care.

Include relevant certifications - Certified Nursing Assistant Resume

   Demonstrate emotional intelligence

Aside from technical skills, you should reflect your emotional intelligence on your resume. Try to describe how you've managed sensitive situations, provided emotional support to patients, or how you've communicated effectively with patients' loved ones.

Skills you can include on your Certified Nursing Assistant resume

Template 6 of 44: certified nursing assistant resume example.

As a certified nursing assistant, you’ll work closely with patients under the supervision of registered nurses. Your nursing assistant resume should emphasize the hard skills you’ll need to do the job, including performing routine medical procedures like taking blood samples, monitoring vital signs, cleaning and sterilizing equipment, and assisting patients with eating, dressing, and bathing. You’ll also need a solid understanding of relevant policies and legislation, including HIPAA.

Certified nursing assistant resume template sample featuring a clear resume title and showcasing volunteer work experience

   Use a relevant resume title

One of the easiest ways to bypass resume screeners and ensure your resume lands on the desk of a hiring manager is to include the exact title of the job you’re applying for on your resume. Including a resume title not only does this, it also clearly shows that you’ve customized your resume for this particular job — always a necessity.

Use a relevant resume title - Certified Nursing Assistant Resume

   Include volunteer work where you used your nursing skills

If you don’t have a lot of traditional work experience, consider including volunteer work on your resume. You can create a separate volunteer work section, or simply list it alongside paid work experience. If you do this, you should list it in the same way, with an employer heading, dates of employment, and action-oriented bullet points.

Include volunteer work where you used your nursing skills - Certified Nursing Assistant Resume

Template 7 of 44: Registered Nurse Resume Example

Registered nursing is a step up the nursing ladder, allowing you to provide care directly to patients. Licensure as a registered nurse (RN) is also a pathway to graduate nursing programs, practice as a nurse practitioner, and specialty certification. As an RN, you’ll provide education and advice to patients and coordinate with physicians and other members of your healthcare team, meaning communication skills are also essential.

Registered nurse resume template sample emphasizing hard skills and providing context for accomplishments

Tips to help you write your Registered Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize hard skills related to nursing.

As an RN, you’ll need a firm grasp on essential skills. Focus on technical skills you’ll need, like phlebotomy, rehabilitative care, triage, and electronic health record (EHR). If you want to include soft skills or more than a handful of hard skills, use your accomplishments to highlight accomplishments that demonstrate them in action.

Emphasize hard skills related to nursing - Registered Nurse Resume

   Use bullet points provide context on your nursing achievements

Focusing on accomplishments in your bullet points is good, but even better is if you can provide the context for those achievements. A bullet point reading “triaged 50+ patients daily” is far more descriptive than simply “triaged patients.” Try to give clear numbers when talking about the size of teams you’ve led or number of patients you’ve cared for.

Use bullet points provide context on your nursing achievements - Registered Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Registered Nurse resume

Template 8 of 44: icu nurse resume example.

As an ICU nurse, you're stepping into a high-stakes world where precision, quick decision-making, and resilience are part of everyday life. Your resume should reflect this reality and showcase your competencies, experiences, and specializations. It's important to note that hiring trends within ICU roles are leaning towards value-based healthcare delivery. Hiring managers are on the lookout for nurses who are able to provide holistic care, focusing on patient outcomes and satisfaction. When crafting your resume, remember to highlight your accomplishments in these areas, rather than just listing your duties.

An effective ICU nurse resume showcasing specific skills, team collaboration, and leadership.

Tips to help you write your ICU Nurse resume in 2024

   highlight specialized icu skills.

As an ICU nurse, you've developed a unique skill set. On your resume, be sure to highlight your expertise in areas like critical care, advanced life support, and specific ICU equipment. Demonstrate how you've applied these skills in previous roles to deliver quality patient care.

Highlight specialized ICU skills - ICU Nurse Resume

   Emphasize on team collaboration and leadership

ICU environments are high-stress, high-intensity spaces that require strong teamwork and leadership. Be sure to showcase any experiences where you've effectively coordinated with a team, or led initiatives to improve patient outcomes or processes within the ICU.

Emphasize on team collaboration and leadership - ICU Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your ICU Nurse resume

Template 9 of 44: icu nurse resume example.

Working in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital means working in an emergency setting providing care to critically ill patients. As an ICU nurse, you may also work in an emergency room or burn center. The crucial and fast-paced nature of ICU nursing means you’ll need extensive nursing experience and additional certifications. Your resume should also emphasize transferable skills recruiters are looking for, including quick thinking and decision-making.

ICU nurse resume template sample focusing specifically on ICU experience and listing additional certifications

   Focus on ICU experience

When applying for a specific role like ICU nurse, it’s best to focus your resume on experience that’s relevant to that position. If you have past experience as an ICU nurse, it’s a good idea to include more bullet points for that job and cut down on the space you give to less closely related experience, like general nursing positions.

Focus on ICU experience - ICU Nurse Resume

   Clearly list certifications related in nursing

The more specialized the role, the more likely it is that you’re going to need specific qualifications. If you already have the qualifications hiring managers are looking for — like critical care or life support certification — list them in your education section or in an additional section at the bottom of your resume.

Clearly list certifications related in nursing - ICU Nurse Resume

Template 10 of 44: NICU Nurse Resume Example

As a NICU nurse, you'll be working in a fast-paced and highly specialized environment, caring for some of the most vulnerable patients. When crafting your resume, it's important to emphasize your skills and experience that are especially relevant to neonatal intensive care. There's a recent trend in the industry that focuses on evidence-based practices and mental-health support for families, so showcasing your knowledge in these areas will give you an edge. Additionally, with advancements in technology and medical devices, many NICU departments prefer nurses who are skilled in using the latest equipment. Mention your experience with different monitors, ventilators, and other NICU-specific devices on your resume, as this can demonstrate your ability to adapt to a rapidly evolving field.

A NICU nurse's resume highlighting relevant experience and certifications

Tips to help you write your NICU Nurse resume in 2024

   highlight relevant certifications.

In addition to your RN license, emphasize any advanced certifications that are relevant to neonatal care, such as the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) or the Certification for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC). These certifications demonstrate your commitment to providing high-quality care for NICU patients.

Highlight relevant certifications - NICU Nurse Resume

   Showcase your teamwork and collaboration skills

NICU nurses work closely with a multidisciplinary team of professionals. Highlight instances on your resume where you collaborated effectively with physicians, respiratory therapists, social workers, and other nurses to develop and implement comprehensive care plans for your patients.

Showcase your teamwork and collaboration skills - NICU Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your NICU Nurse resume

Template 11 of 44: nicu nurse resume example.

Neonatal intensive care (NICU) nurses provide critical care for premature and severely ill infants. As an NICU nurse, you’ll also run NICU equipment, support women during labor, provide neonatal services to healthy newborns, and document patient histories. You’ll need a high level of compassion, the ability to work in a stressful, fast-paced environment, and specific skills in neonatal care, telemetry monitoring, and neonatal medical equipment.

NICU nurse resume template sample tailored to the position and featuring an easily skimmable skills section

   Tailored to the NICU nursing job

Tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for is essential. One easy way to do this is by including a resume title that matches the job title. Another is to tailor your skills list — for example, by listing NICU-specific skills like neonatal health monitoring and assessment.

Tailored to the NICU nursing job - NICU Nurse Resume

   List skills and certifications separately

If you’re listing additional qualifications and skills together in an “other” section of your resume, make sure you don’t just lump everything in together. Using separate subsections for skills and certifications allows you to list more information while ensuring that a recruiter can still easily skim your resume to find the information they’re looking for.

List skills and certifications separately - NICU Nurse Resume

Template 12 of 44: Psychiatric Nurse Resume Example

As a psychiatric nurse, your role entails assessing, supporting, and treating patients with mental health disorders in a variety of settings. In recent years, there's been an increased focus on the importance of mental health care, which has led to a higher demand for psychiatric nurses. When crafting your resume, it's crucial to highlight your clinical experience, therapeutic communication skills, and empathy for patients, as these are qualities that set you apart in this specialized field. In addition to showcasing your clinical skills, it's also important to mention any specific areas of expertise or certifications you hold within the psychiatric nursing field. This not only demonstrates your dedication to the profession but helps you stand out to potential employers who may be seeking nurses with specialized experience to meet the evolving needs of mental health care.

Psychiatric nurse resume focusing on therapeutic communication and mental health certifications.

Tips to help you write your Psychiatric Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize therapeutic communication skills.

As a psychiatric nurse, your ability to communicate effectively with patients is paramount. Highlight your proficiency in therapeutic communication techniques, such as active listening, empathy, and validation to show potential employers that you can provide exceptional care to patients in need.

Emphasize therapeutic communication skills - Psychiatric Nurse Resume

   Showcase specific mental health certifications

If you have any mental health certifications, like a Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse (CPMHN) credential or training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), include these in your resume. This not only showcases your advanced knowledge in the field but indicates your commitment to continually improving your skills in psychiatric nursing.

Showcase specific mental health certifications - Psychiatric Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Psychiatric Nurse resume

Template 13 of 44: psychiatric nurse resume example.

A psychiatric nurse is a specialized healthcare professional who focuses on the identification and treatment of psychiatric disorders. These nurses are responsible for determining a patient’s mental status, providing appropriate treatments and solutions, monitoring patient safety, and more. Psychiatric nurses must have a strong educational background in both psychiatry and general nursing. To land this role, you should have an undergraduate degree in psychology or nursing and then go on to earn your LPN or RN credential. Many people who land this role will have a dual-degree with a major in nursing and minor in psychology, or vice versa. After you’ve become a licensed nurse, you should gain hands-on psychiatric experience. Hiring managers will look for nurses who are sensitive to the needs of psychiatric patients, display great listening skills, and problem solving abilities.

A resume for a psychiatric nurse with a degree in psychatric & mental health, and prior experience as a nursing assistant.

   Highlight your ability to de-escalate and negotiate with patients

When dealing with psychiatric patients, you will need to have the ability to de-escalate high emotion situations, provide useful mental health interventions, and negotiate with agitated patients. It’s important to highlight any experience you have using these skills.

Highlight your ability to de-escalate and negotiate with patients - Psychiatric Nurse Resume

   Highlight your knowledge in behavioral analysis

Psychiatric nurses will identify problematic behaviors in patients and have the knowledge to prescribe treatment plans based on behavioral symptoms. As such, any knowledge in behavioral analysis or behavioral therapy will be valuable for this role.

Template 14 of 44: Psychiatric Nurse Resume Example

Psychiatric nurses are responsible for supporting patients with mental health and substance abuse issues. As a psychiatric nurse, you’ll be spending more time with a smaller number of patients, developing strong relationships and building trust in order to support patients over the long term. Soft skills in this role are a must, so use your accomplishments to highlight your empathy, resilience, and people skills.

Psychiatric nurse resume template sample with a resume summary that uses bullet points to highlight transferable skills

   Short resume summary tailored to psychiatric nursing field

Including a summary at the top of your resume is a great idea if you want to provide extra context for your work history or quickly highlight one or two particularly impressive accomplishments. It’s also a handy place to put anything that doesn’t fit elsewhere on your resume — for example, if you’re changing careers or transitioning to a new specialization.

Short resume summary tailored to psychiatric nursing field - Psychiatric Nurse Resume

   Highlight transferable skills

Never list soft skills in your skills section. Instead, use your bullet points to highlight transferable skills. Rather than listing something like “attention to detail,” which is far too subjective, include a bullet point like “administered medications while ensuring correct dosage, frequency, and accuracy,” which shows how you demonstrated that skill in action.

Highlight transferable skills - Psychiatric Nurse Resume

Template 15 of 44: Nurse Case Manager Resume Example

Nurse Case Managers are vital in the healthcare industry as they coordinate patient care and improve healthcare outcomes. They manage and monitor patient cases, ensuring the best possible care is provided to address patients' unique needs. To write a resume for a Nurse Case Manager role, it's essential to stay up-to-date on industry trends and showcase the skills that make you an exceptional candidate. Emphasize your ability to work with interdisciplinary teams, manage patient cases, and navigate complex healthcare systems. In recent years, the focus on preventive care and patient advocacy has grown significantly. Therefore, a Nurse Case Manager's resume should demonstrate the ability to assess patients' needs holistically and develop personalized, comprehensive care plans. It's essential to show your understanding of the importance of patient-centered care and the impact of industry trends on your role as a Nurse Case Manager.

Nurse Case Manager resume screenshot

Tips to help you write your Nurse Case Manager resume in 2024

   highlight care coordination skills.

In your resume, emphasize your experience in coordinating care, working with interdisciplinary teams, and managing communication between patients, families, and healthcare providers. Nurse Case Managers need to effectively collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure seamless, efficient care delivery.

Highlight care coordination skills - Nurse Case Manager Resume

   Showcase your expertise in patient advocacy

Nurse Case Managers play a crucial role in advocating for the needs and preferences of their patients. Highlight instances where you've successfully advocated for patients, secured resources, or facilitated access to necessary services. This demonstrates your commitment to patient-centered care and your ability to navigate complex healthcare systems.

Skills you can include on your Nurse Case Manager resume

Template 16 of 44: nurse case manager resume example.

Nurse case managers are registered nurses (RNs) who provide dedicated recovery plans to individual patients, often in a hospital or acute care setting. In addition to licensure as an RN, you’ll need an understanding of patients’ health needs, the ability to monitor patients and work with other care professionals to ensure continued recovery, and the knowledge and background to source cost-effective care solutions.

Nurse case manager resume template example with numbers and metrics and listing appropriate hard skills

   Includes numbers and metrics to emphasize case manager achievements

Including numbers and metrics on your resume isn’t just for show. Quantifying your achievements makes them more objective and reliable, and numbers speak to the exact nature of your achievement and its impact on the company or organization. Plus, they’re also just more impressive — consider “managed clinic referrals” versus “managed an average of 400 clinic referrals per month,” for example.

Includes numbers and metrics to emphasize case manager achievements - Nurse Case Manager Resume

   Focuses on hard skills as a case manager

As a nurse case manager, you’ll need more than just people skills to succeed. Your resume should list any hard skills the job requires, including HCPCS, MEDITECH, and billing software. You should aim to pick 5-10 of the top skills you need and list them at the end of your resume, in a skills or additional information section.

Focuses on hard skills as a case manager - Nurse Case Manager Resume

Template 17 of 44: Nurse Case Manager Resume Example

Unlike most nursing positions, the role of a nurse case manager is more administrative in nature. As a nurse case manager, you’ll be in a supervisory role, with responsibilities including making decisions regarding budgets and scheduling, managing a team of nurses, and developing patient care plans. Your resume should highlight soft skills like leadership, decision making, and communication alongside hard skills in patient care and technology.

Nurse case manager resume template sample using hard numbers and metrics to highlight key skills

   Use hard numbers and metrics relevant to nursing

Using concrete numbers in your bullet points can be the best way to demonstrate your achievements. Instead of “lowered spending costs,” be specific and write “lowered spending costs by 25%.” If you led a team of 30, managed records for 500 patients, or oversaw a 26-bed unit, including those details will help your accomplishments stand out.

Use hard numbers and metrics relevant to nursing - Nurse Case Manager Resume

   Highlight key skills in nursing

In a role like nurse case manager that requires specific hard skills, you can list these in a separate skills section at the bottom of your resume. This includes specific software like HCPCS or MEDITECH systems, which are often keywords that hiring managers or applicant tracking systems (ATS) will be screening for.

Highlight key skills in nursing - Nurse Case Manager Resume

Template 18 of 44: Nursing Student Resume Example

As a nursing student, you’ll be relying less on traditional work experience to fill out your resume and more on the skills you’ve gained through coursework and student nursing placements. Even without much experience, you can distinguish yourself by listing your student nursing experience the same way you would paid experience, focusing on your accomplishments and making sure to include relevant skills and keywords.

Nursing student resume template sample featuring student nursing experience and a dedicated skills section

Tips to help you write your Nursing Student resume in 2024

   emphasize student nursing experience.

If you’re still a student and don’t have any relevant paid work experience, that doesn’t mean your resume should be blank. You can list your student nursing experience in your professional experience section, listing the location you worked at as the employer and “student nurse” as your job title.

Emphasize student nursing experience - Nursing Student Resume

   Lists specific competencies relevant to nursing

Even without paid work experience, you’ll be graduating with plenty of the skills you’ll need in your first role. Include a skills section at the bottom of your resume where you list a few of the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for — typically between 5-10 skills.

Lists specific competencies relevant to nursing - Nursing Student Resume

Skills you can include on your Nursing Student resume

Template 19 of 44: travel nurse resume example.

As a travel nurse, your resume should reflect your unique skill set and adaptability to different clinical environments. With the healthcare industry constantly evolving, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and practices in the field. When writing your resume, showcase your experience in various medical settings and emphasize any specialized skills or certifications you hold. Travel nursing is all about being flexible and reliable, so highlight your ability to adapt quickly and maintain high-quality patient care in an ever-changing environment. In recent years, travel nursing has become more competitive, and employers are looking for candidates who can easily transition between different roles and facilities. Your resume should not only highlight your clinical skills and experience, but also demonstrate your strong communication and interpersonal skills to ensure seamless collaboration with your colleagues.

Travel nurse resume showcasing adaptability and specialized skills

Tips to help you write your Travel Nurse resume in 2024

   demonstrate adaptability in clinical settings.

As a travel nurse, you'll be placed in various medical environments, so it's crucial to showcase your adaptability in your resume. Mention instances where you've successfully adjusted to new procedures, protocols, or environments, making sure to highlight the positive outcomes for your patients and team.

Demonstrate adaptability in clinical settings - Travel Nurse Resume

   Emphasize specialized skills and certifications

In the competitive world of travel nursing, having specialized skills and certifications can set you apart from other candidates. List any relevant training or certifications, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN), to show potential employers that you're well-prepared for the challenges of travel nursing.

Emphasize specialized skills and certifications - Travel Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Travel Nurse resume

Template 20 of 44: travel nurse resume example.

Travel nursing is a unique experience, allowing you to travel across the United States or even around the world. Many travel nurses still work in traditional hospital and clinic settings, but on temporary contracts. As a travel nurse, you may be entitled to additional benefits, including a higher salary and free accommodation or tax-free housing stipend. You’ll need a high level of flexibility to succeed in this role.

Travel nurse resume template sample with detailed contact information and effective demonstration of soft skills

   Use metrics to emphasize soft skills, like communication, which is core to nursing

Want to show off your leadership and teamwork skills? That’s great! Just don’t fall into the trap of listing soft skills in your skills section. Demonstrate them through your accomplishments instead, using metrics like “educated 15 precept nurses in best practices” or “collaborated with 10+ medical specialists” to emphasize how you’ve used these skills in a professional setting.

Use metrics to emphasize soft skills, like communication, which is core to nursing - Travel Nurse Resume

   Contact information includes LinkedIn profile (make sure your LinkedIn is up to date too!)

Your contact information is a small but important part of your resume. If you don’t already list your LinkedIn profile as a contact option at the top of your resume, you should. This is particularly true as a travel nurse, since you may be more difficult to contact than local applicants — especially if you’re in a different time zone.

Contact information includes LinkedIn profile (make sure your LinkedIn is up to date too!) - Travel Nurse Resume

Template 21 of 44: Nurse Practitioner Resume Example

A Nurse Practitioner (NP) role is a step forward from a registered nurse, allowing you to really hone in on a specialty of your choosing. As more healthcare facilities are seeking out NPs for their advanced training, it's a hot position on the market. You’re often the first point of contact for patients; this calls for a well-rounded combination of clinical expertise, empathy, and excellent communication skills. When crafting your resume, you need to reflect this diversity of skills and your potential as a healthcare leader. Healthcare trends lean towards a team-based approach, so your resume should showcase not only your clinical competencies but also your ability to work within interdisciplinary teams.

A professional nurse practitioner's resume showcasing certifications and patient care outcomes.

Tips to help you write your Nurse Practitioner resume in 2024

   highlight relevant certifications and specializations.

You've worked hard to obtain your specialized certifications in addition to your RN license. It's crucial to list them proudly on your resume. This could be a Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate or a Pediatric Primary Care NP certificate, for example. This really sets you apart in the NP field.

Highlight relevant certifications and specializations - Nurse Practitioner Resume

   Showcase your patient care outcomes

As an NP, results matter. Don't just say you've managed patient care - show the outcomes. Did you achieve a high patient satisfaction rating? Or maybe you led a project that reduced hospital readmissions? Any data you can provide to demonstrate your direct impact on patient care will make you stand out.

Skills you can include on your Nurse Practitioner resume

Template 22 of 44: nurse practitioner resume example.

Nurse practitioners serve as primary care practitioners, often with responsibilities approaching those of physicians. Nurse practitioners need at least a master’s degree but command a higher salary and a greater return on investment than a full medical doctorate. As a nurse practitioner, you’ll have the ability to perform physical examinations, prescribe medication, assist in surgical procedures, and even practice independently in some states.

Nurse practitioner resume template sample listing the most relevant experience first to highlight important keywords

   List your most relevant and recent experience first

Your work history should always be listed in chronological order, with your most recent experience at the top. The more recent and relevant the position, the more space it can command on your resume — you can get away with listing as many as 5-6 bullet points under your current job, while much older or less relevant roles should only get 1-2.

List your most relevant and recent experience first - Nurse Practitioner Resume

   Includes appropriate keywords relating to nurse practitioners

The higher responsibilities of a nurse practitioner mean you’ll need to emphasize a high level of skill and competency. Make sure you’re highlighting keywords that show your range of experience, including medical diagnosis, physical examination, education, consultation, and patient care.

Includes appropriate keywords relating to nurse practitioners - Nurse Practitioner Resume

Template 23 of 44: New Grad Nurse Resume Example

As a new grad nurse, you're entering an ever-evolving healthcare field with unique challenges. Your resume should not only showcase your nursing skills but also emphasize your adaptability and eagerness to learn. Employers are looking for candidates who can adapt to changes in the industry and effectively communicate with patients and colleagues alike. Healthcare organizations are increasingly focusing on patient satisfaction and outcomes, so highlighting your clinical experience and ability to work in various settings will position you as a strong candidate for such roles. When writing your resume, it’s vital to be specific about your nursing education, clinical rotations, and any relevant certifications.

New grad nurse resume with clinical experience and soft skills highlighted

Tips to help you write your New Grad Nurse resume in 2024

   highlight clinical rotations and experiences.

Detail the clinical rotations you completed during your nursing program, describing the type of units you worked on and the skills you gained. Showcase any experiences in diverse or high-acuity settings to demonstrate your adaptability and competence.

Highlight clinical rotations and experiences - New Grad Nurse Resume

   Emphasize soft skills and teamwork

Since new grad nurses often work in interdisciplinary teams, emphasize your soft skills, such as communication, empathy, and collaboration. Use specific examples from clinical rotations or team projects to showcase your ability to work effectively with others.

Emphasize soft skills and teamwork - New Grad Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your New Grad Nurse resume

Template 24 of 44: new grad nurse resume example.

As a new graduate nurse, you're entering a highly competitive job market where employers are seeking the best candidates to fill their open positions. In recent years, the nursing industry has seen an increasing demand for skilled nurses, but also a higher number of job applicants. To stand out, it's crucial that your resume effectively showcases your education, clinical experience, and key strengths. Crafting a tailored resume will not only help you land interviews, but also demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to a career in nursing. Resumes are particularly important in the nursing field, as hiring managers need to assess your clinical competencies, ability to work under pressure, and adaptability. Both tactical and strategic recommendations can help you create a resume that highlights your skills and makes you an attractive candidate for potential employers.

New grad nurse resume showcasing clinical experience and relevant skills.

As a new grad nurse, you might lack extensive work experience, so it's important to emphasize your clinical rotations and any hands-on experiences you've had during your education. Include the facility's name, department, and a brief description of the patient population and any specialized skills you practiced.

   Focus on soft skills and certifications

While technical skills are essential, nursing is also about communication, empathy, and teamwork. Highlight your soft skills, such as active listening, problem-solving, and time management, throughout your resume. Additionally, mention any relevant certifications (e.g., BLS, ACLS) that showcase your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Focus on soft skills and certifications - New Grad Nurse Resume

Template 25 of 44: New Grad Nurse Resume Example

As a new graduate nurse, you’ll face a steep learning curve, so be prepared to learn and adapt on the go. Without much professional work history on your resume, you should highlight any nursing experience you’ve gained during your studies, including student nursing placements, clinical practicums, and any experience as a technician or extern.

New grad nurse resume template sample listing specific skills gained through student nursing and practicum experience

   Includes student nursing and practicum experience

As a new grad, hiring managers aren’t expecting you to have extensive work experience. Any experience you’ve gained as a nursing student or early in your career can go on your resume in place of paid work experience. Simply list your practicums and student nursing experience the same way you would any job, using action verbs to highlight your accomplishments.

Includes student nursing and practicum experience - New Grad Nurse Resume

   Lists specific skills relevant to nursing

Even graduate nurses need a firm grounding in essential skills. When it comes to your skills section, be explicit about the skills you’re proficient in, but don’t feel the need to list every skill you’ve ever learned — choose the top ten or so skills that fit the specific job you’re applying for and list those.

Lists specific skills relevant to nursing - New Grad Nurse Resume

Template 26 of 44: Director of Nursing Resume Example

Also called a nursing director, this professional is tasked with managing and overseeing the nursing staff in a healthcare establishment. Some of your tasks will include distributing nurses and resources effectively, creating targets and strategies for the department, and ensuring that all nurses under you follow all healthcare protocols and regulations. To qualify for this job you will need a degree in nursing and an RN license. Beyond that, you will need to show managerial and leadership experience in the nursing field. You must have the ability to work under pressure and in a very fast-paced environment and you must have critical problem-solving skills. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A director of nursing resume sample that highlights the applicant’s career progression and quantifiable success.

Tips to help you write your Director of Nursing resume in 2024

   show a career progression in nursing..

The director of nursing position is a very senior position. Recruiters will appreciate seeing a steady upward career progression reflected on your resume. It will give them confidence that you understand the jobs and functions of all your subordinates and will also show them that you are an excellent and driven employee. This applicant has risen in the ranks from a registered nurse to a director of nursing.

Show a career progression in nursing. - Director of Nursing Resume

   Use metrics to show maximized efficiency and minimized cost.

As much as healthcare facilities are built to offer healthcare to the community, they still need to work to maximize efficiency and reduce costs without reducing the standard of care. It is usually a balancing game that all healthcare directors must play. It is beneficial to show recruiters how successful you have been at increasing efficiency or reducing costs without affecting the standard of care. Use metrics to further impress recruiters. This applicant has done this very effectively.

Use metrics to show maximized efficiency and minimized cost. - Director of Nursing Resume

Skills you can include on your Director of Nursing resume

Template 27 of 44: nursing supervisor resume example.

As the name suggests, a nursing supervisor supervises the nursing staff at a healthcare facility. Tasks you can expect include assigning staff, interviewing incoming nurses, monitoring the nurses, and overseeing patient care. Your main function is to ensure your nursing staff is providing the best possible care and that they are satisfied and happy in their jobs. Your resume must show a degree or diploma in nursing and you must have a valid nursing license. Beyond that recruiters would appreciate any history as a nursing supervisor and evidence of great organizational and interpersonal skills. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A nursing supervisor resume sample that highlights the applicant’s leadership experience and nursing history.

Tips to help you write your Nursing Supervisor resume in 2024

   highlight the nursing teams you have worked with and their relevant achievements..

This is a leadership role and as such recruiters would like to see the size of nursing staff you have managed in the past and the kind of things the team has been able to achieve under your leadership. For example, this applicant supervised 25 nurses in their most recent position, and under the applicant’s leadership, the team managed to the reduce infection rate by 76%.

Highlight the nursing teams you have worked with and their relevant achievements. - Nursing Supervisor Resume

   Begin your resume with a key achievement.

Including a key achievement in the introduction is a great way to get recruiters impressed from the beginning of your resume. They are bound to look more favorably on the rest of your resume because of it. Try and include a nursing supervisor achievement that is rare or hard to achieve.

Skills you can include on your Nursing Supervisor resume

Template 28 of 44: er nurse resume example.

As an ER nurse, you're on the front lines of healthcare, providing immediate care and treatment to patients in crisis. Nowadays, hospitals and clinics are on the lookout for nurses who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications, but also display resilience, adaptability, and the ability to work under immense pressure. When crafting your resume for ER nurse roles, remember it's your chance to show how you've excelled in high-stress situations, and how you've used your skills to improve patient outcomes. Moreover, with the recent impact of COVID-19 on healthcare settings, there's a significant increase in demand for ER nurses with experience in infectious diseases, as well as experience supporting critically ill patients. Your resume needs to reflect these industry demands and trends, displaying your comprehensive understanding of emergency care, including your familiarity with ventilators, and infectious disease protocol.

Screenshot of an ER nurse’s resume showcasing her emergency and infectious disease experience.

Tips to help you write your ER Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize on-job emergency experience.

You should make a point to list the types of emergencies you've handled. Have you treated patients in trauma situations? Have you dealt with cardiac arrests, strokes, or acute respiratory issues? Showing your breadth of on-job emergency experience can make your resume stand out.

Emphasize on-job emergency experience - ER Nurse Resume

   Showcase infectious disease understanding

Given the recent pandemic, hospitals are particularly interested in ER nurses who understand infectious diseases. Include specific training or experiences you've had dealing with infectious diseases - this could be anything from measles, to COVID-19.

Skills you can include on your ER Nurse resume

Template 29 of 44: er nurse resume example.

Being an ER Nurse is no walk in the park. This job requires a unique blend of quick thinking, medical expertise, and genuine compassion. When you're crafting your resume, it's essential to wrap this trifecta in a neat, compelling package. Recently, there's been a trend of emphasizing special skills like triage, emergency procedures, and trauma care. More and more, ER Nursing roles require a balance of technical abilities and emotional intelligence. Therefore, your resume needs to show not just your qualifications, but also your knack for handling stressful situations and interacting with patients. Additionally, these days the hiring process has evolved considerably. Many hospitals and healthcare institutions use Application Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter through the flood of resumes. To dodge this digital gatekeeper, you need to include relevant keywords and demonstrate your experience through quantifiable achievements. A well-made ER nurse resume is not just a list of duties, but a showcase of your skills and contributions in a high-pressure environment.

ER Nurse resume highlighting technical skills and real-life scenarios.

   Detail your emergency room skill set

It's crucial to list down the specific skills that make you a great ER nurse. For instance, if you're proficient in emergency procedures, acute patient care, or triage, do mention them. If you have crisis management skills, don't forget to include that too.

   Feature scenarios where you shone

Describe situations where your quick thinking and nursing skills made a significant difference. It could be a life-saving intervention or a time when you managed a serious crisis. Just remember—it's not bragging if it's fact.

Template 30 of 44: Clinical Rotation Nurse Resume Example

Being a Clinical Rotation Nurse is a unique role in the healthcare field. It’s a position where you'll gain hands-on experience across numerous departments, such as the ER, ICU, and Pediatrics, giving you a versatile skill set. As the healthcare sector evolves, many hospitals are looking for nurses with varied experience, making Clinical Rotation Nurses increasingly valuable. When crafting your resume, keep in mind that hiring managers are looking for evidence of your adaptability, quick learning, and breadth of nursing experience across different departments.

A resume for a Clinical Rotation Nurse showcasing versatility in hospital work.

Tips to help you write your Clinical Rotation Nurse resume in 2024

   include specific clinical rotations experience.

On your resume, explicitly list the clinical rotations you've completed and the related skills gained. Remember, this position's essence is to gain diverse experiences. Mention the departments you've worked in and the unique practices you learned there.

Include Specific Clinical Rotations Experience - Clinical Rotation Nurse Resume

   Illustrate Problem-solving Skills

As a Clinical Rotation Nurse, you must rapidly adapt to new environments and challenges. Use examples to depict how you've employed problem-solving skills during your rotations. Maybe you dealt with a unique patient case, or implemented a new process that improved patient care.

Illustrate Problem-solving Skills - Clinical Rotation Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Clinical Rotation Nurse resume

Template 31 of 44: charge nurse resume example.

The Charge Nurse role is a pivotal one in healthcare. As a Charge Nurse, you're essentially the team leader, the one who sets the pace and coordinates the entire nursing staff. It's a job heavily reliant on excellent communication and management skills. Nowadays, nurses are not just caregivers but also patient educators and advocates, role flexibility that employers love. So one key thing when writing your resume is showcasing how you perform nursing tasks while leading the team. Additionally, with the digitization trend in healthcare, showcasing comfort and competency with medical software or telehealth can really make you stand out. The industry has shifted slightly too, employers are putting a lot of emphasis on soft skills. They want leaders who can handle high-stress situations, manage conflicts and bring teams together. So, your resume should reflect not just the tasks you can perform but also your leadership style and how that contributes to an efficient and collaborative work environment.

Resume screenshot showing Charge Nurse's leadership accomplishments and digital competency.

Tips to help you write your Charge Nurse resume in 2024

   include key leadership accomplishments.

As a Charge Nurse, your leadership accomplishments can set you apart from other candidates. Ensure to include specific instances where your leadership led to improved patient outcomes or staff efficiency. Use numbers or percentages to quantify these improvements.

Include Key Leadership Accomplishments - Charge Nurse Resume

   Showcase Digital Competency

With the rise of telehealth and digital record keeping, it's important to demonstrate your capability in navigating such platforms. If you've used these technologies, or even led the implementation, highlight this experience on your resume.

Skills you can include on your Charge Nurse resume

Template 32 of 44: charge nurse resume example.

Being a Charge Nurse is an interesting blend of clinical expertise and leadership. You not only need to be up-to-date with the latest medical practices, but also have the ability to manage a team and coordinate patient care. Recent trends in the industry show an increased demand for Charge Nurses with advanced degrees and certifications, like a MSN or a CNL. When writing a resume for a Charge Nurse, understand that hiring managers are looking for both your clinical competence and your leadership abilities. They want to see your capacity to manage a team and improve patient care, alongside your nursing skills.

A resume of a Charge Nurse showcasing leadership experience and certifications.

   Showcase Leadership Experience

As the Charge Nurse role involves managing a team of nurses, it's vital to display your experience in leadership roles. Include details of previous positions where you were in charge, even if it was outside of healthcare. Describe your responsibilities and any improvements you implemented.

Showcase Leadership Experience - Charge Nurse Resume

   Highlight Certifications and Education

In this role, academic qualifications, like a master's degree in nursing or relevant certifications, provide an edge. Therefore, you should clearly list your degrees, courses, or any nursing specializations you've attained. But remember, don’t just resort to listing them, delve into how they will be beneficial for your role as a Charge Nurse.

Highlight Certifications and Education - Charge Nurse Resume

Template 33 of 44: Remote Nurse Resume Example

If you're seeking a remote nursing position, your resume needs to reflect your unique set of skills. Remote nursing roles often require a higher level of independence, self-motivation, and tech savvy abilities, as you won't have physical assistance from colleagues or direct supervision. The recent shift towards telehealth and online patient care, especially during COVID-19, has created a surge in these types of roles. When you're putting together your resume, remember that hiring managers for remote roles are looking for specifics - they want to see how your skills translate to the digital realm. With the rise of digital health platforms, telemedicine, and remote patient monitoring, quite a few healthcare providers are seeking remote nurses who are comfortable with technology. While traditional nursing skills are important, you also need to demonstrate your familiarity with these new technologies and how you've used them in patient care. Your resume should not just outline your skills, but also showcase how those skills were applied in a remote context - a nurses' station is vastly different from a home office.

Screenshot of a remote nurse resume showcasing technical competencies and communication skills.

Tips to help you write your Remote Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize your technical competencies.

With remote nursing, your ability to use various software and applications for patient care is more important than ever. Include in your resume specific programs and tools you're comfortable using, such as telehealth platforms or electronic health record systems.

Emphasize your technical competencies - Remote Nurse Resume

   Showcase your communication and self-management skills

As a remote nurse, you won't have in-person contact with patients or team members. Demonstrate how you've managed patient care from a distance and the methods of communication you've effectively utilized, such as video calls, emails, and instant messaging.

Showcase your communication and self-management skills - Remote Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Remote Nurse resume

Template 34 of 44: preceptor nurse resume example.

Being a Preceptor Nurse means you're a blend of mentor, educator, and leader. You guide newly hired nurses or student nurses through the complexities of the real-world nursing environment. The role itself is evolving, as many healthcare institutions are increasingly recognizing the importance of structured mentoring programs to improve staff retention and patient outcomes. So, in your resume, you need to strike a balance between showcasing your clinical prowess and your ability to effectively instruct and inspire others. Make sure to highlight your nursing experience, specialized skills, and ability to shape fellow nurses' careers.

An exemplary Preceptor Nurse resume showcasing leadership skills and advanced clinical abilities.

Tips to help you write your Preceptor Nurse resume in 2024

   demonstrate your leadership and mentoring abilities.

It's imperative that you convey your skills in mentoring, leadership, and supervision, as these are vital for a Preceptor Nurse role. Make sure to include specific instances where you have guided, trained, or supervised new or student nurses in your previous job roles.

Demonstrate your leadership and mentoring abilities - Preceptor Nurse Resume

   Showcase your advanced clinical skills

As a Preceptor Nurse, you are expected to have advanced clinical skills that you can teach others. On your resume, list any specialized nursing experience or skills you have, using concrete examples from your work history. This could be your ability to handle complex medical equipment, specific procedures you're skilled in, or even patient handling techniques.

Showcase your advanced clinical skills - Preceptor Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Preceptor Nurse resume

Template 35 of 44: relief charge nurse resume example.

A Relief Charge Nurse is a unique nursing role where you have to show your versatility and adaptability. Being a transitional leader, you're not just filling in the gaps, but actively steering the unit during your shift. Lately, I've seen a trend for companies seeking nurses skilled in crisis management and staff delegation, reflecting our challenging healthcare environment. When you're crafting your resume for this role, remember, you need to illustrate how you've tackled tough situations and made critical decisions under pressure, all while providing excellent patient care. For this role, it's crucial to demonstrate your ability to step in and lead. Your resume should articulate how you've handled both clinical and administrative tasks, while seamlessly transitioning between regular and relief charge nurse duties.

A Relief Charge Nurse resume with emphasis on leadership and adaptability.

Tips to help you write your Relief Charge Nurse resume in 2024

   show your leadership skills.

Be specific about your experience as a nurse leader. Did you lead a team during a crisis? Have you mentored junior nurses? Discuss these instances, focusing on the number of people you've managed and the outcomes you've achieved.

Show your leadership skills - Relief Charge Nurse Resume

   Showcase your adaptability

Relief Charge Nurse roles require flexibility. Display moments where you've stepped into different roles or handled fluctuating patient volumes. Remember, it's about showing how well you cope with change and unexpected situations.

Showcase your adaptability - Relief Charge Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Relief Charge Nurse resume

Template 36 of 44: lpn nurse (licensed practical nurse) resume example.

Becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) is all about showing you've got the chops to provide high-level care under the guidance of registered nurses and physicians. When crafting your resume, remember that it's not just about showing your clinical skills, but also demonstrating your ability to support patients emotionally. This field is rapidly changing with technologies like telemedicine and electronic health records becoming more prominent, which means you need to show you can keep up. Given that many LPNs work in elder care, where we're seeing a surge in demand, emphasize any relevant experience or skills in this area.

A resume for a Licensed Practical Nurse showcasing certifications and patient care experience.

Tips to help you write your LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) resume in 2024

   include relevant certifications and training.

As an LPN, you've likely completed a bunch of certifications, such as IV therapy or gerontology. Make sure these are clearly outlined in your resume, particularly if they're ones that the job description specifically mentions.

Include relevant certifications and training - LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) Resume

   Detail your patient care experience

Hiring managers want to see that you can handle patient care responsibilities, so include details of the type of care you've provided. For instance, if you worked in a long-term care facility, describe how you managed patient hygiene, medication administration, and vital signs monitoring.

Detail your patient care experience - LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) Resume

Skills you can include on your LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) resume

Template 37 of 44: lpn nurse (licensed practical nurse) resume example.

As you pursue a role in the world of nursing as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), you must be prepared to showcase your unique blend of clinical skills and empathy. In recent times, healthcare settings are increasingly relying on LPNs not just for basic nursing care but for their ability to connect with patients. They appreciate LPNs who can balance human touch with technical proficiency. So, when drafting your resume, remember to present a compelling mix of your technical knowledge, patient care skills, and ability to work under pressure. The industry is moving towards more specialized care, which means your resume needs to emphasize any specific nursing skills or areas of expertise you've developed. Similarly, companies value LPNs who are continuous learners and are adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape. It's critical to demonstrate your commitment to ongoing education and upskilling on your resume.

A resume snapshot highlighting the skills and experiences of an LPN Nurse candidate.

   Show your hands-on experience

Keep in mind, recruiters are likely to favor LPN applicants who can prove real-world experience. Be sure to detail your clinical rotations, duties performed, and the types of healthcare settings you've worked in.

Show your hands-on experience - LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) Resume

   Emphasize your specialized skills

If you have expertise in a specialized area like geriatrics, palliative care, or rehabilitation, make it prominent on your resume. Don't bury unique skills, these can set you apart from other LPN applicants.

Emphasize your specialized skills - LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) Resume

Template 38 of 44: LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) Resume Example

As an LVN (Licensed Vocicational Nurse), you have a key role in healthcare that is rewarding and challenging. The demand for LVNs is quite high due to an aging population and an increasing need for healthcare services. However, the competition for positions in prestigious facilities is as fierce as ever. Your resume, therefore, needs to clearly communicate your technical skills, hands-on nursing experience, and compassion for patients. And although patient care is paramount, do not underestimate the importance of displaying soft skills such as communication and teamwork. Keeping up-to-date with current trends, such as the shift towards home health care, can also give your resume an edge.

LVN resume showcasing certifications and practical patient care experiences.

Tips to help you write your LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) resume in 2024

   include relevant certifications and trainings.

As an LVN, you've probably undergone additional training or earned complementary certifications, like IV certification or wound care. Include these to demonstrate your commitment to continuing education and to stand out from the competition.

Include relevant certifications and trainings - LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) Resume

   Emphasize your patient care experience

You should explicitly list the types of care you have provided to patients. Whether it's administering medication, assisting with personal hygiene, or working with specific patient populations (like geriatrics or pediatrics), your experiences can make you particularly attractive to certain employers.

Emphasize your patient care experience - LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) Resume

Skills you can include on your LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) resume

Template 39 of 44: lvn nurse (licensed vocational nurse) resume example.

As a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), you play a vital role in the healthcare industry, often serving as the backbone of patient care. Your resume should reflect your robust skills set — your ability to assist with diagnostic tests, take vital signs, and provide emotional support to patients. Recently, the industry's focus has increasingly shifted to holistic care, and as an LVN, you're more likely to work in interdisciplinary teams. When crafting your resume, it's essential to convey the breadth of your nursing skills and your ability to work well with a diverse set of professionals. In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, trends tend to focus on emerging technologies and automation of administrative duties. This doesn't reduce the value of an LVN, but rather increases the demand for interpersonal and technical skills. Your resume should show your adaptability to new technologies, and your knack for juggling both patient interaction and administrative tasks. Remember, your resume doesn’t just outline your past jobs—it tells your professional story, offering a glimpse into who you are as an LVN.

A resume of a Licensed Vocational Nurse detailing her skills and experiences.

   Showcase your expertise in patient care

To stand out as an LVN, you should convey your extensive knowledge in basic patient care. This includes taking vitals, administering medications, and wound care. Make sure to detail your hands-on experiences in these tasks on your resume.

   Highlight your technical and interpersonal skills

Since the LVN role involves working with a variety of tech tools and diverse teams, your resume should reflect your ability to navigate both. Mention any software you're proficient in, and provide examples of your teamwork skills within your past roles.

Highlight your technical and interpersonal skills - LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) Resume

Template 40 of 44: ICU Charge Nurse Resume Example

As an ICU Charge Nurse, you're the backbone of the Intensive Care Unit, handling not only patient care but team leadership as well. In recent times, the demand for experienced and skilled ICU charge nurses has soared; critical care has become a focal point due to the pandemic. When writing your resume, remember ICU charge nursing is not just about medical proficiency, but also leadership and crisis management. With hospitals increasingly prioritizing these qualities, it's crucial to convey these attributes effectively on your resume. Balancing between the dual nature of the role, both as a nurse and a team leader, can be challenging. However, your resume should demonstrate your nursing expertise while not neglecting your leadership acumen. Ensure you portray yourself as a competent medical professional and a proficient manager, adaptable to high-pressure situations, and capable of making crucial decisions swiftly.

ICU Charge Nurse resume highlighting leadership roles and specialized knowledge.

Tips to help you write your ICU Charge Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize your leadership achievements.

You should detail your leadership roles and accomplishments in your previous positions, specifically in crisis situations. Explain how you coordinated the team, handled emergencies, and managed resources efficiently. It's critical to show you can successfully lead a team under stress.

Emphasize your leadership achievements - ICU Charge Nurse Resume

   Demonstrate your specialized ICU nursing knowledge

As an ICU Charge Nurse, you need advanced knowledge in areas such as mechanical ventilation, advanced life support, and patient assessment. Provide specific examples of how you have used this specialized knowledge in critical situations to improve patient outcomes.

Demonstrate your specialized ICU nursing knowledge - ICU Charge Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your ICU Charge Nurse resume

Template 41 of 44: prior authorization nurse resume example.

When creating a resume for a Prior Authorization Nurse, it doesn't follow the traditional nursing resume structure. It's essential to know that though medical knowledge is a plus, employers look out for administrative prowess and excellent communication skills. In the recent past, companies hiring for the prior authorization nurse role focus on those with solid experience in insurance protocols, and electronic health record (EHR) systems. Realistically, when writing your resume, you'll need to emphasize these aspects. Moreover, with the healthcare industry becoming more digitized and the significance of cost management, there's an increasing demand for nurses who can navigate insurance issues efficiently. You must consider this when crafting your resume — underscore your capability in handling insurance matters and proficiency in digital health systems.

Resume example spotlighting insurance knowledge and EHR system proficiency for Prior Authorization Nurse role.

Tips to help you write your Prior Authorization Nurse resume in 2024

   emphasize insurance knowledge.

Understanding insurance company operations, criteria for prior authorizations and claims processes is crucial. Ensure you elaborate on your grasp of Medicare and Medicaid procedures, private insurance policies and your ability to interpret and apply complex insurance documents.

   Detail Proficiency in EHR Systems

With the move towards digitization in healthcare, you should underscore your proficiency in EHR systems. Discuss your experience in using these platforms for patient data management, billing, and prior authorization requests. It will demonstrate your ability to work efficiently in today's digital health environment.

Skills you can include on your Prior Authorization Nurse resume

Template 42 of 44: clinic nurse resume example.

As a clinic nurse, your role is extremely dynamic and multifaceted. Your resume should reflect this. You're not just administering care to patients but educating them, assisting physicians, and keeping track of medical records. An increasing trend in the healthcare industry is the need for nurses to be technologically adept to handle electronic health record systems. Writing your resume for this role needs strategic emphasis on these unique skill areas. When penning down your resume, bear in mind that you're writing for hiring managers possibly shifting through hundreds of applications. They're looking for the standout features they can pick up in seconds. Make their job easy by providing punchy, concise details of your experiences and skills.

A detailed resume of a clinic nurse showcasing technical skills and patient education expertise.

Tips to help you write your Clinic Nurse resume in 2024

   showcase your technical competency.

As more healthcare facilities embrace technology, your competence in using electronic health record systems is of high value. Mention specific systems you have experience with and any related accomplishments.

Showcase your technical competency - Clinic Nurse Resume

   Highlight patient education skills

As a clinic nurse, you're often the bridge between doctors and patients, translating complex medical jargon into understandable terms. Illustrate instances in your career where your ability to educate patients made a marked difference, be it in patient recovery, satisfaction scores or clinic efficiency.

Highlight patient education skills - Clinic Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Clinic Nurse resume

Template 43 of 44: medical surgical nurse resume example.

Medical Surgical Nurses, or Med Surg Nurses, are a vital part of the healthcare team. They work in a highly dynamic environment, providing care to patients post-surgery, and are often the ones providing round-the-clock monitoring. The medical field is evolving rapidly, with technological developments influencing care delivery methods. Therefore, in writing your resume, you need to showcase your ability to adapt and learn quickly. It's also important to note that the healthcare sector is increasingly seeking a holistic approach to patient care. This means demonstrating not only your technical skills but also your capability to provide patient-centered care.

A medical surgical nurse's resume highlighting relevant skills and experience.

Tips to help you write your Medical Surgical Nurse resume in 2024

   evidence of continuous learning.

In this rapidly changing field, it's critical to show that you're up to date. Include any additional training or certifications you've obtained, especially those relating to new technologies or procedures in surgical care.

Evidence of continuous learning - Medical Surgical Nurse Resume

   Demonstrate a blend of skills

Beyond your clinical skills, recruiters are looking for nurses who can provide compassionate patient care. Be sure to include experiences that emphasize your communication skills, empathy, and ability to work in a team.

Demonstrate a blend of skills - Medical Surgical Nurse Resume

Skills you can include on your Medical Surgical Nurse resume

Template 44 of 44: patient care technician resume example.

Patient Care Technician roles are evolving rapidly with the ever-changing dynamics of the healthcare field. Nowadays, PCTs do much more than just direct patient care; they are often involved in medical record maintenance and can even assist with minor procedures. This increased responsibility has made it crucial for PCTs to demonstrate a wider range of skills on their resumes. Not only medical knowledge and hands-on skills, but soft skills like communication and teamwork are rising to the forefront. Remember, while the trend is to digitize, the role remains hands-on, and your resume should reflect this balance. In crafting your resume, it's important to know that hiring managers are seeking versatile candidates who can swiftly adapt to new protocols and technologies, while still delivering high-quality patient care. The key here is to clearly project both your technical proficiency and human touch. So when you're working on your resume, work towards striking that perfect balance.

A resume screenshot for a Patient Care Technician role showcasing key certifications and hands-on patient care experiences.

Tips to help you write your Patient Care Technician resume in 2024

   showcase your certifications and training.

As a Patient Care Technician, your certifications and specialized training are essential and should take center stage on your resume. Clearly, list your PCT certification, CPR training, any additional relevant certifications, and your proficiency in using electronic health record software.

Showcase your certifications and training - Patient Care Technician Resume

   Highlight patient care experiences and achievements

To paint a full picture of your practical skills, mention specific experiences where you provided high-quality care to patients. For example, you might talk about a time when you effectively managed the care of multiple critically ill patients. If you've ever been recognized for your patient care skills, don't hesitate to share that too.

Highlight patient care experiences and achievements - Patient Care Technician Resume

Skills you can include on your Patient Care Technician resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited nurses at top hospitals like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins, I've seen countless nursing resumes. The best ones always stand out by showcasing the candidate's unique skills, experience, and impact in a clear and concise way. Here are some tips to help you create a strong nursing resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you land your dream job.

   Highlight your nursing specializations and certifications

Nursing is a broad field with many specializations. Make sure to highlight your specific areas of expertise and any relevant certifications you have earned. This will help you stand out from other candidates and show that you have the skills and knowledge needed for the job.

Here are some examples of how to showcase your specializations and certifications:

  • Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCCN) with 5+ years of experience in intensive care units
  • Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN) with expertise in administering chemotherapy and managing cancer patients
  • Certified Wound Care Nurse (CWCN) skilled in assessing and treating complex wounds

Bullet Point Samples for Nursing

   Quantify your nursing achievements and impact

When describing your nursing experience, don't just list your job duties. Instead, focus on the impact you made and the results you achieved. Use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.

Here are some examples:

  • Reduced patient falls by 50% through implementing a new fall prevention protocol
  • Improved patient satisfaction scores from 75% to 95% by providing compassionate and attentive care
  • Trained and mentored 20+ new graduate nurses to help them transition to practice

In contrast, here are some examples of what not to do:

  • Provided patient care
  • Administered medications
  • Collaborated with healthcare team

   Tailor your resume to the specific nursing job

One mistake many job seekers make is using the same generic resume for every job application. Instead, take the time to tailor your resume to the specific nursing position you are applying for.

Here's how:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for
  • Highlight any relevant experience or accomplishments that match those requirements
  • Use the same language and terminology as the job description to show that you are a good fit

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with electronic health records (EHR), make sure to include any EHR systems you have used and how you leveraged them to improve patient care.

   Showcase your nursing soft skills

While technical skills are important for nurses, soft skills are equally crucial. Employers want nurses who are compassionate, empathetic, and able to work well in a team. Make sure to highlight these soft skills in your resume.

Some examples of nursing soft skills include:

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work well under pressure and in fast-paced environments
  • Attention to detail and ability to multitask
  • Empathy and compassion for patients and their families

You can showcase these skills through your job descriptions, achievements, and even volunteer experiences. For example:

  • Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team to develop and implement a patient education program
  • Provided emotional support and guidance to patients and families during end-of-life care

   Include any relevant volunteer experience or leadership roles

Nursing resumes shouldn't just include paid work experience. Any relevant volunteer experience or leadership roles you have held can also help you stand out to employers.

For example:

  • Volunteered at a local free clinic, providing basic healthcare services to underserved populations
  • Served as a board member for the American Nurses Association, advocating for nurses and advancing the profession
  • Led a quality improvement project to reduce hospital-acquired infections, resulting in a 30% decrease in infection rates

These experiences show that you are dedicated to the nursing profession and have taken on additional responsibilities outside of your day-to-day job duties. They can help demonstrate your leadership skills, initiative, and commitment to providing high-quality patient care.

Writing Your Nursing Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. include your full name and credentials.

Start your header with your full name, followed by your nursing credentials. This quickly establishes your identity and qualifications. For example:

  • Jane Smith, RN, BSN
  • Michael Johnson, APRN, MSN, FNP-C

Avoid nicknames or short forms of your name. Use your legal name as it appears on your nursing license. If you have a preferred name you go by, you can note that in parentheses.

Elizabeth (Liz) Thompson, RN

2. Add your phone number and email

Next, add your phone number and email on a single line below your name. This makes it easy for hiring managers or recruiters to contact you. For example:

  • [email protected] | 123-456-7890
  • [email protected] • 987-654-3210

Double check that your email address is professional. Avoid outdated email providers or informal handles like:

  • [email protected]

Instead, stick with a standard format using your name and a modern provider like Gmail.

3. Decide if you should include your location

In the past, including your full mailing address was standard. However, with more digital and remote job searching today, including your city and state is usually sufficient. For example:

  • Seattle, WA
  • Tampa, Florida

If you're applying for jobs in a different city than where you currently live, consider listing your targeted location instead. This signals to employers that you are serious about relocating for the role.

In some cases, you may decide to omit your location entirely, especially if you are searching for fully remote nursing roles.


As a nurse, your resume summary is an opportunity to highlight your most relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the role. While a summary is optional, it can be particularly useful if you are a career changer or have a diverse background that may not be immediately apparent from your work history alone.

When crafting your summary, focus on your nursing expertise, specializations, and key accomplishments. Avoid using an objective statement, as it shifts the focus away from what you can offer the employer. Instead, use your summary to provide a snapshot of your nursing career and the value you bring to the position.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Nursing resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Nursing resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Nursing Resume Summary Examples , or Nursing Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific nursing role

When writing your nursing resume summary, it's essential to customize it to the specific role you are applying for. This demonstrates to the hiring manager that you have carefully considered how your skills and experiences align with their needs. Consider the following examples:

  • Experienced registered nurse seeking a challenging position in a healthcare facility.
  • Dedicated and compassionate nurse with 5+ years of experience in various healthcare settings.

While these summaries provide an overview of the candidate's nursing background, they lack specificity and fail to target a particular nursing role. Instead, try something like this:

  • Critical care nurse with 5+ years of experience in fast-paced ICU environments, skilled in managing high-acuity patients and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams.
  • Pediatric nurse with 3+ years of experience in providing compassionate care to children and their families, adept at patient education and fostering a positive healthcare experience.

2. Highlight your nursing specializations and expertise

As a nurse, you may have specialized skills or certifications that set you apart from other candidates. Your resume summary is an excellent place to showcase these qualifications and demonstrate your expertise in a particular area of nursing. For example:

Oncology nurse with 7+ years of experience in providing comprehensive care to cancer patients. Certified Oncology Nurse (OCN) with expertise in chemotherapy administration, symptom management, and patient education. Skilled in collaborating with oncologists and multidisciplinary teams to develop personalized treatment plans and improve patient outcomes.

By highlighting your oncology nursing certification and specific skills related to cancer care, you demonstrate your specialized knowledge and commitment to professional development in this field.

3. Quantify your accomplishments and impact

To make your nursing resume summary more impactful, include quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your value as a healthcare professional. This could include metrics related to patient outcomes, process improvements, or leadership initiatives. Consider the following examples:

  • Experienced nurse with strong clinical skills and a commitment to patient care.
  • Skilled in managing a busy unit and mentoring new nurses.

While these summaries touch on important nursing skills, they lack specific, quantifiable evidence of the candidate's impact. Instead, try incorporating metrics like this:

  • Experienced emergency room nurse who treated an average of 50 patients per shift, maintaining a 95% patient satisfaction rating.
  • Nurse leader who mentored and trained 15 new graduate nurses, resulting in a 20% reduction in staff turnover rates.

To identify your key accomplishments and quantify your impact, reflect on your nursing career and consider instances where you:

  • Improved patient outcomes or satisfaction
  • Implemented process or quality improvements
  • Assumed leadership roles or mentored others
  • Received recognition or awards for your work

By highlighting these achievements in your summary, you'll give hiring managers a clear picture of the value you can bring to their organization.

For more insights on crafting a compelling resume, try using Score My Resume , which provides instant, expert feedback on your resume based on 30+ key criteria that hiring managers look for.


Your work experience is the most important section of your nursing resume. It's where you show recruiters and hiring managers how you've applied your skills to make an impact for previous employers. It's also the best place to position yourself as a qualified applicant.

In this section, we'll break down everything you need to know about writing an effective work experience section for your nursing resume, including what to include and what to leave out, how to list your work experience, and tips for making your experience stand out.

1. Focus on your relevant nursing experience

When listing your work experience, it's important to focus on the nursing positions that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. This means including your clinical experience, as well as any relevant volunteer work, internships, or externships.

Be specific when describing your nursing experience. Instead of simply listing your job duties, use action verbs to describe how you contributed to patient care, improved processes, or made an impact on your unit.

  • Developed and implemented a new patient education program that reduced medication errors by 15%
  • Collaborated with interdisciplinary team to create a fall prevention protocol that decreased patient falls by 20%
  • Provided compassionate end-of-life care to patients and their families, ensuring their comfort and dignity

2. Quantify your accomplishments with metrics

Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify your accomplishments and show the impact of your work. This helps recruiters and hiring managers understand the scope of your experience and how you can contribute to their organization.

For example, instead of saying:

  • Responsible for administering medications to patients
  • Administered medications to up to 20 patients per shift, ensuring accurate dosing and timely delivery

Other examples of metrics you can use include:

  • Number of patients served
  • Infection control rates
  • Patient satisfaction scores
  • Number of staff trained or supervised

3. Highlight your clinical skills and expertise

Your nursing resume should showcase your clinical skills and expertise, as well as your ability to work effectively in a healthcare setting. Use your work experience section to highlight specific skills and competencies that are relevant to the job you're applying for.

This can include:

  • Patient assessment and triage
  • Medication administration
  • Patient and family education
  • Electronic health record (EHR) documentation
Skilled in conducting comprehensive patient assessments, developing individualized care plans, and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Proficient in EHR documentation using Epic and Cerner systems.

4. Include relevant certifications and training

In addition to your clinical experience, be sure to include any relevant certifications, training, or continuing education you've completed. This shows your commitment to staying current in your field and can help set you apart from other candidates.

Some examples of certifications and training to include:

  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)
  • Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCRN)

You can also include any relevant coursework or academic projects that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in a particular area of nursing.


The education section of your nursing resume is a crucial component that showcases your academic background and qualifications. It demonstrates to employers that you have the necessary knowledge and training to excel in the nursing field. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when crafting your education section:

1. Highlight your nursing degree

As a nursing professional, your nursing degree is the most important aspect of your education section. Make sure to prominently feature your degree, including the full name of the degree, the institution you attended, and the year of graduation.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Graduated: May 2018

2. Include relevant coursework and clinical experience

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can strengthen your education section by including relevant coursework and clinical experience. This helps employers understand the specific skills and knowledge you gained during your nursing education.

Avoid listing every course you took. Instead, focus on courses that are directly relevant to the nursing position you are applying for, such as:

  • Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Pharmacology for Nurses
  • Community Health Nursing

3. Showcase your nursing licenses and certifications

In addition to your nursing degree, it is crucial to highlight your nursing licenses and certifications in the education section. This demonstrates to employers that you have met the necessary requirements to practice as a registered nurse and have specialized knowledge in certain areas.

Include the following information for each license or certification:

  • Name of the license or certification
  • Issuing organization
  • Date of obtainment
  • Expiration date (if applicable)
Registered Nurse (RN), California Board of Registered Nursing License Number: 123456 Expires: February 2024

4. Keep it concise for experienced nurses

If you are a mid-level or senior-level nurse with extensive work experience, you can keep your education section brief. Employers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments and skills rather than your academic background.

Here's an example of what to avoid:

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) New York University, New York, NY Graduated: May 2005 Relevant Coursework: Advanced Pharmacology, Healthcare Informatics, Nursing Leadership and Management GPA: 3.8

Instead, keep it concise and focus on the essentials:

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) New York University

Action Verbs For Nursing Resumes

You probably know that it’s important to focus your bullet points on your accomplishments. But how? Frame your achievements in a positive light by using strong action verbs at the start of each sentence. Structuring your bullet points this way emphasizes what you actually did and avoids listing bullet points that read more like a job description. In addition to technical skills and medical know-how, nurses need a lot of transferable skills — think qualities like leadership, communication, empathy, and resilience. The best way to show that you have these qualities is through your choice of action verbs. If you’re applying for an entry-level nursing assistant role, you might want to emphasize your ability to follow instructions and work as part of a team, so choose verbs like Assisted or Prepared. If you’re looking for a more senior role, highlight your leadership potential with verbs like Implemented or Oversaw.

Action Verbs for Nursing

  • Coordinated
  • Administered
  • Implemented

For more related action verbs, visit Nursing Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Nursing Resumes

Skills for nursing resumes.

Targeting your skills section is the easiest way to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. You can use a separate section at the bottom of your resume for this or include these skills as part of your bullet points. If you are using a dedicated skills section, make sure you’re only listing hard skills — soft skills, like communication and attention to detail, should be demonstrated through your accomplishments instead. Often, recruiters will be looking for specific skills and may even be using ATS to automatically screen resumes for certain keywords. You can get a feel for what keywords you should be including by reading over the job description, or by checking out our list of recommended skills and keywords or using our free Targeted Resume tool.

  • Healthcare Management
  • Patient Safety
  • Inpatient Care
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Healthcare Information Technology (HIT)
  • Nursing Management
  • Quality Improvement
  • Nursing Education
  • Clinical Research
  • Patient Education
  • Public Health
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Medical-Surgical
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Nursing Process
  • Critical Care Nursing
  • Customer Service
  • Strategic Planning
  • Emergency Nursing

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Nursing Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Nursing Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Nursing job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Nursing Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other medical resumes, dental assistant.

RDA resume highlighting specialized skills and digital dentistry experience.

Respiratory Therapist

Screenshot of a New Grad Respiratory Therapist's resume showcasing education and internship experience.

Nursing Resume Guide

  • Dental Assistant Resume Guide
  • Case Manager Resume Guide
  • Respiratory Therapist Resume Guide
  • Medical Billing Resume Guide
  • Therapist Resume Guide
  • Quality Control Resume Guide
  • Care Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Occupational Therapist Resume Guide
  • Clinical Research Resume Guide
  • Radiologic Technologist Resume Guide
  • Pharmacy Technician Resume Guide
  • Medical Technologist Resume Guide
  • Microbiologist Resume Guide
  • SLP Resume Guide
  • General Nurse Resume Example
  • Experienced Nurse Resume Example
  • Certified Nursing Assistant Resume Example
  • Registered Nurse Resume Example
  • ICU Nurse Resume Example
  • NICU Nurse Resume Example
  • Psychiatric Nurse Resume Example
  • Nurse Case Manager Resume Example
  • Nursing Student Resume Example
  • Travel Nurse Resume Example
  • Nurse Practitioner Resume Example
  • New Grad Nurse Resume Example
  • Director of Nursing Resume Example
  • Nursing Supervisor Resume Example
  • ER Nurse Resume Example
  • Clinical Rotation Nurse Resume Example
  • Charge Nurse Resume Example
  • Remote Nurse Resume Example
  • Preceptor Nurse Resume Example
  • Relief Charge Nurse Resume Example
  • LPN Nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse) Resume Example
  • LVN Nurse (Licensed Vocational Nurse) Resume Example
  • ICU Charge Nurse Resume Example
  • Prior Authorization Nurse Resume Example
  • Clinic Nurse Resume Example
  • Medical Surgical Nurse Resume Example
  • Patient Care Technician Resume Example
  • Tips for Nursing Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Nursing CV Examples
  • Nursing Cover Letter
  • Nursing Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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nursing professional resume writing

The Best Resume Guide for Nurses

NurseJournal Staff

How to Write a Nursing Resume

Addressing required vs. preferred qualifications, types of nursing resumes.

  • What Should Your Resume Include

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Nurses looking at a resume in a folder

Whether you are a recent nursing school graduate or an experienced healthcare professional, writing a nursing resume that accurately and persuasively depicts your education, skills, and characteristics is the first step to getting an interview.

Since this important document is the initial impression you will make on a hiring manager, you must craft a resume that creatively addresses the employer’s requirements and highlights your professional achievements, helping you stand out from other qualified applicants.

The nursing field heavily relies on extensive practical training, certification and registered nurse licensure , and specialization, so it is important that your resume highlights your qualifications. Even personal qualities should emphasize practical applications (e.g., how your compassionate nature enables you to connect with patients or how your bilingualism helps you accommodate diverse populations as a nurse ).

Being specific can make a resume exceptional. Through this guide, you can learn how to tailor your nursing resume to an employer’s mission and job description.

Do Your Research

Learning how to write a nursing resume requires dedicated research that allows you to target information to your potential employer. On top of carefully going through the job description, look at the employer’s website and social media platforms to figure out their culture and values.

Some healthcare facilities emphasize education and certification, while others want nurses with more clinical experience. Find out what they want in an ideal employee and tailor your application accordingly. It is equally important to consider your needs and if the job fits your standards for professional advancement and personal happiness.

Write Down Your Key Points

Format your resume.

For more details and examples, see our tips for writing a nursing resume .

Addressing a potential employer’s specifications is the main objective in writing a nursing resume. But before writing, it’s important to identify required versus preferred job qualifications.

Because this profession necessitates advanced academic and professional training in addition to licensure and nursing clinical experience , job postings for nurses include extensive requirements that are either required or preferred criteria. Required reflects qualifications a candidate must possess to warrant consideration, while preferred is typically a wishlist of additional skills, experiences, and character traits that benefit the position but are not mandatory.

An effective resume details how an applicant fulfills required qualifications and as many of the preferred qualifications as possible without crowding the page and rendering the information inaccessible. Nurses can take advantage of a cover letter to elaborate and fill in additional qualifications with anecdotal evidence and data, if possible.

While some healthcare facilities outright reject applicants who do not possess all their required qualifications, most see the job listing as a guideline and not a checklist. Even if a nurse does not meet all the standards, they should still apply if they can impress during the interview.

Popular Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

Ultimately, a resume represents the individual person, their academic standing, professional achievements, personal qualities, and career potential. How do you write a nursing resume that gets all these points across? Choose the proper formatting.

There are three main resume formats, each with their unique structure and distinct purpose: the reverse chronological, the functional, and the combination. Nurses need to use the resume style that best suits their particular skill set and the position they are vying for.

Reverse Chronological

The most commonly used resume type, this form benefits nurses who possess extensive and relevant professional experience. Here, past employment is the most important element, with positions listed in reverse chronological order. However, this reliable resume structure comes with drawbacks, as it can highlight gaps in employment, frequent job changes, and the candidate’s age.

Also referred to as the skill-based resume, this format highlights awards, accomplishments, and training, making it preferable for recent college graduates and other professionals who lack relevant work history. One of the major drawbacks of the functional resume is that it can expose a candidate’s limited experience in the nursing field.


The most complex resume type, the combination format eschews the either-or structure of the previous forms, enabling professionals to showcase relevant professional experience and skills and training. Experienced nurses, especially those with clinical specializations, benefit most from this resume form. However, versatility also renders it more difficult to construct, as the large amount of information can confuse readers if not conveyed clearly.

What Should I Include on a Nursing Resume?

Education and training.

The American Nurses Credentialing Center provides a standardized way of listing all your credentials. The preferred sectional order is education, licensure, state designations, certification, awards and honors, and additional certification. Start with your highest degree, then work backwards.

You do not need to include high school information or graduation dates. If you are currently working on a degree, state that completion is pending or in progress. Whether you provide GPA information is up to you. Generally, it is only worthwhile if you graduated in the last three years and earned a 3.5 or better.

Display professional nursing experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent position. If you have gaps in employment, prepare to address them. Consider listing facility- and unit-specific information, including total beds, trauma levels, and patient demographics. Specificity when writing a nursing resume elevates it from good to great.

For example, while both positions require a great deal of stamina, a nursing home nurse does not fulfill the same responsibilities as an urgent care nurse. By framing professional experience through a personal lens, your resume stands out among the rest.

Out of all the resume sections, this one benefits from keyword use the most. You can usually find out what skills an employer wants by analyzing the job description. Tailor this section to meet those needs. Work in categories, such as basic care, technical, administrative, and computer skills.

Be strategic and specific. Instead of “defibrillation insertions,” list “automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator insertions.” Finally, do not neglect soft skills for nurses , like reliability and adaptability or special skills like a foreign or sign language. These details can set you apart from other applicants.

Licensure and Certifications

As a registered nurse, you’ve earned a state-specific nursing license . And because the profession consists of diverse and advanced nursing specializations , you also may have pursued certification exams and postdegree training in areas like gerontology or cardiac-vascular nursing. List them in their entirety and avoid acronyms.

For licenses, use this order: license type, licensing state/body, license name and number, nurse license compact , and expiration date. For certifications, start with the name, followed by conferring organization, expiration, and certification number, if applicable.

Awards, Accomplishments, and Affiliations

Celebrate all relevant achievements, but do it honestly and in a way that reflects your ongoing commitment to nursing and capacity for high performance in the new position. These achievements may include academic recognition; official awards; and competitive scholarships, fellowships, grants, and internships. Also display membership in professional organizations, such as the American Nurses Association or Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society of nursing.

As an experienced professional, you may find that you possess an abundance of awards and accomplishments. In these instances, narrow them to the most prestigious, current, and applicable to the job you are applying for.

Volunteer Work

Unpaid positions let prospective employers know you understand the importance of community education, outreach, and engagement. Only include volunteer work that relates to nursing or the health services field. As always, when writing a nursing resume, furnish specific details that showcase your skills in action (e.g., you managed a 10-person team to canvas a neighborhood about HIV/AIDS prevention).

What Should I Put on My Nursing Resume If I Don’t Have Any Experience?

For recent college graduates, professionals switching careers, and those with limited clinical experience, learning how to write a resume for a nursing job may seem overwhelming. You can make up for inexperience by using a functional hybrid resume format that places academic credentials, qualifications, and skills above the employment section. Additionally, you have completed extensive training as a student and perhaps continuing education, so highlight state licensure, optional certification, and organizational membership to further bolster your resume.

Start with a personal introduction that states more than just the obvious (that you want the job), but also speaks to your professional values as a nurse and the training and education you possess. The lack of contextualization can represent a major pitfall of the functional resume. Avoid this by making your skills applicable to actual work scenarios that relate to a nurse’s duties.

Hospital managers seek employees who display skills, such as critical thinking, safe practice, customer service, and interpersonal communication. As a nursing student, you completed hours of clinical training. Use these experiences to show employers your skills in action, framing them in terms of achievements.

Finally, take full advantage of volunteer positions, giving them their own section, to show that you not only display the practical qualifications for the job, but also care passionately about the well-being of patients and healthcare equitability for all communities.

What Is a Resume-Reading Robot/ATS?

To deal with a flood of candidates, many employers use an applicant tracking system (ATS). Like a hiring manager quickly scanning for standouts among the group, the ATS ranks and categorizes nursing resumes by how many designated keywords they contain. This automated process reduces an employer’s manual workload and theoretically vets resumes with a large amount of filler content, an indication of unqualified applicants.

However, the ATS may also unnecessarily reject qualified nurses as part of automated software processes. To avoid this unfair outcome, learning how to write a nurse resume requires working within and overcoming the ATS framework.

Tips for Outsmarting an ATS

  • Simple Headers: To accommodate the ATS, use header terms common enough to show up in keyword searches, such as “skills,” “professional experience,” and “education.” Do not neglect to include city, state, and, if living outside the U.S., country, because employers generally vet candidates by location.
  • Clean Format: Engaging visuals are useless if they make your resume difficult to read. Use a simple format that contains no graphics or unusual fonts because the standard ATS cannot process such information, resulting in an automatic rejection. In general, Verdana, Tahoma, and Arial fonts at the 10.5 point size or above are acceptable.
  • Keywords/Phrases: You can usually glean relevant keywords from the job description. If not, conduct some research into phrases commonly found in the nursing field, such as “patient care,” “clinical research,” and “community outreach.” Avoid abbreviations in all cases.
  • Industry-Specific Jargon: ATS keywords reveal a candidate’s relevant skills and experiences. The more specific a keyword is to the particular position you are applying for, the better. When in doubt, use the hiring employer’s phrases first, industry standards second, and your current or previous employer’s terminology third.
  • Choose the nursing resume type that best highlights your experience, personality, and qualifications.
  • Be specific; specificity helps your resume stand out from the rest.
  • Format your resume using headers and keywords that make it easy to read — whether by a person or an applicant tracking system.

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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nursing professional resume writing

The Best Nursing Resume Guide for 2024 With Templates

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Mar 14 2024

Career Resources / Job Searching / Nursing Resume Guide

Reviewed by: Kiley Griffin, R.N.

Imagine a registered nurse going into a patient’s room without a stethoscope or wearing sandals with their scrubs . The patient would feel confused and uneasy. This example is extreme, but it would relay to the patient their nurse isn’t prepared.

The same holds true regarding your nursing resume. You don’t want to walk into an interview without a quality resume to present to the hiring board.

You may be thinking

“I don’t have time to write a resume, and if I did, where would I start?”

Nurses work long shifts, which can make it difficult to devote time to working on anything outside of their scheduled hours. Accordingly, we have created a guide to help you quickly and easily craft a resume. 

This guide will help you enter the interview feeling confident and prepared. We will explore:  

Nursing Resume Templates

Steps to formatting a professional nursing resume, what to include in your contact section, how to get around the ats, writing your nursing resume objective or summary, how to showcase your skills and duties.

  • Keys to Writing Your Experience Section

How to Organize Your Credentials Field on a Nursing Resume

Additional sections to add to your nursing resume.

  • Write a Cover Letter to Go With Your Resume

Introducing Resume Wizard

AI-powered resume builder for nurses.

We’ve provided three sample nursing resumes as guides along with templates so you can create your own.

Nurse Resume Template

Hiring experts generally agree that formatting and content are the most critical elements to focus on when crafting a resume. 

Many healthcare employers are now using applicant tracking software (ATS) as part of the hiring process. This means up to 75% of resumes get rejected before the hiring manager ever sees them.

An ATS quickly scans resumes and then sorts and ranks them based on qualifications. Optimizing your format to key on education and experience can help you gain approval from an ATS.

While you can choose how to format your resume, we encourage you to incorporate a reverse chronological design . This format lists jobs beginning with the most recent first. 

Next, it is essential to choose a format that employs effective white space and utilizes efficient subheadings . We suggest that you set your margins to 1 “. You should align your text to the left since it makes it easier for the ATS robots to scan. 

The best fonts to use for an ATS are Times New Roman or Arial . 

No need to overthink this. It doesn’t take a quantum leap to make this deduction: Your resume always needs to begin with your name at the top. It would also help to make it the largest font on your resume. 

nursing professional resume writing

Next to your name, make sure you include: 

  • Credentials : Starting with your highest degree earned, license, state designation, and national certifications.
  • Location : You don’t have to include your physical address. City and state will suffice. 
  • Phone number : Check that you include the phone number to receive text messages from as some employers will text candidates. 
  • Email address : Use a work-appropriate email here. An employer might not take you seriously if your email is: [email protected] . Specifically, for 35% of employers, an unprofessional email address is a major problem.

AT S robot

The applicant tracking software has helped make the recruiting process much more efficient for hiring managers. While there isn’t a definitive process to always beat the ATS, there are general rules to follow to create a resume that will increase your success rate.

  • Design your resume to match the job description
  • Optimize for the ATS by aligning your resume keywords to the job description
  • Use the long-form and spelled out acronyms such as BSN (Bachelor’s of Science)
  • Save your file as a .docx, .doc or .pdf format
  • Don’t use headers or footers
  • Use plain, black bullet points not any special bullet types
  • Do not include tables since an ATS can’t read them
  • Don’t include a photo or use creative fonts

Think of your nurse resume objective or summary as an elevator pitch. Crafting a good objective is all about precision and brevity.

When to use an objective

Whether you write a nursing resume objective or summary depends on your experience. If you don’t have a lot of experience in nursing, then you should write an objective . Objective statements highlight training and goals for the future. 

Don’t make the mistake of over-emphasizing your relative inexperience. 

Highlight what experience or training you have accumulated. For example, lead with any licensure or state designation you’ve earned to begin your objective. Then go into some of your skills that make you a good fit for the job. 

When to use a summary

If you have experience in the field, we suggest that you use a resume summary. 

Within the summary, make sure you include how many years you’ve been in the field with your designation or licensure and specific field expertise. Then outline your goal in applying. 

Here’s an example:

Hard-working and passionate Registered Nurse with over eight years of management/supervising experience and paramedic background looking to continue to grow and enhance my skills for the wellness of the facility. Currently completing my master’s in nursing with a specialty in Executive Leadership .

A good nursing resume will highlight hard and soft skills. A lot of your job depends on performing specific duties, and the recruiter will hone in on those when scanning your resume. 

Most professions emphasize accomplishments in a resume over skills and duties . For many, accomplishment-driven resumes highlight what an individual can do for a company. However, the nursing field prefers a skill-driven resume . Healthcare employers need to feel comfortable that you can perform the skills necessary for the job.

That said, employers also want to know about your accomplishments as well. The best nursing resumes are able to incorporate a professional accomplishment with a skill.

  • Hard skills display your understanding of job-specific roles and obligations (such as taking vital signs or administering medication).
  • Soft skills demonstrate your personality fit within the team (such as communication or leadership skills). 

Tailor your skills to the role outlined within the job description. If you have administered chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapies, then place it in there. Be specific! 

Keys to Writing Your Experience Section 

This is the meat and potatoes of your resume. Writing a striking experience section will go a long way in securing a terrific nursing job. 

Nursing recruiters are not looking for fluff or abstraction. They want specific and detailed accounts of your work over the years. 

Make it scannable

To start, you want to use easily distinguishable section headers such as “employment history” or “relevant experience.” These buzzwords make the ATS happy. 

We suggest writing your experience down in reverse chronological order. 

Start with your most recent position and go from there. Now, if you have held jobs dating back to the Reagan administration or when The Sopranos was on TV, maybe don’t include those. 

Try to keep your job history within the last 20 years. 

Quantify your experience

Instead of just listing your responsibilities with bullet points, convey your accomplishments using quantitative measurements when possible.

For example, instead of saying: “Helped discharge patients.”

Try instead: “Administered 10 discharges an hour during my shift. Provided ample health care education to patient and family members.”

The second example is more specific and detailed. It gives your employer a good idea as to your efficiency. Also, “administered” evokes more responsibility than “helped.”

Here’s an example of an excellent experience section:

nursing professional resume writing

You should also consider including the unit type you worked in. Did you work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or an Emergency Room ?

Be descriptive

When highlighting your experience, use strong action verbs such as “assisted” or “displayed.” 

Lastly, highlight transferable attributes that can apply to any position , including leadership skills, project development, or communication.

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nursing professional resume writing

Let's get started

What's your current role?

You may have significant credentials to help you secure a great nursing position. There’s no problem with having credentials. The problem occurs when you don’t know how to organize your credentials effectively. 

Imagine a symphony conductor with great individual cello players that don’t know how to play in sync with each other–it would be chaos.

The same goes for organizing your certifications. You may have great credentials, but not arranging them correctly could create issues for your resume. 

Luckily, there is an industry-standard for listing your credentials. 

The following order is encouraged:

Education : Start with the year you graduated, degree type and major, university name, and GPA (if it was 3.5 and above). If you went to a prestigious school, you could also start with that. Additionally, if you are worried about age discrimination, we’d suggest you leave out the years studied. Unfortunately, ageism sometimes plays a role in the hiring of nurses.

2012-2014 Master’s of Science in Nursing Duke University School of Nursing, 3.7 GPA

Your Licensure : With licensure, the important part is determining where to put them. If nurses have one or two licenses they will put them after their degree. However, if you have an extensive list of licenses, it may be better to place them in their own section.

It’s crucial to include the following:

  • License number
  • License type ( LPN , RN , or CNA )
  • Name of the license (if different than the name on your resume)
  • State of licensure
  • Expiration date
  • If you have a license that falls under the nurse licensure compact

Sample Nursing Resume License Entry:

Registered Nurse (RN): License number 3378931 Arizona State Board of Licensing, Active since January 2018

State Designations: These generally include more advanced destinations for nurses at the state level. Examples include the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and Nurse Practitioner . 

Certifications : Your certifications demonstrate a commitment to improving as a nurse. Nurses can work without certifications in many cases. However, some jobs offer pay raises for nurses that have them.

We suggest the following order for listing your certifications:

  • Name of the Certification and the Acronym: For example, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, ACNP-AG
  • The Certifying Organization: Such as the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
  • The Certificate’s Expiration Date
  • The Certification Number

Sample nursing resume certification:

Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Current – 2018

Awards and Honors: Your awards and honors can include those received in school or at another job. You want to list the name of the award, the awarding body, and the date received.

You may feel like you’ve put a lot of work into your resume up to this point. You have. Since you’re trying to land the perfect nursing job, you want to make sure that you round out your resume . The other sections you should add to your resume are:

Conferences and courses

List any additional terms you have completed as a nurse and any conferences you may have attended or even spoken at.  

The ability to speak multiple languages gives you a leg up over your other nursing competition. Don’t hesitate to put in if you know other languages and designate your level of proficiency. 

An employer is hiring a human being, not a robot. They want to hire someone who they can get along with, so listing your hobbies and interests may serve you well. Additionally, listing a hobby might give your supervisor an idea of whether or not you’d be a good culture fit on the team.

Before you wrap up your resume, make sure you proofread it , and if you can, have someone else read it over for you.

You don’t want your resume to get rejected because you spelled “stethoscope” wrong. Last, when saving your resume, make sure you cave it as a word document or PDF compared to any alternative, older file.

Write a Cover Letter to Go With Your Nursing Resume

Our last parting wisdom to you is to have a cover letter that complements your resume. 

The cover letter gives your recruiter the confidence that you are interested in them specifically.

Having a great resume is fine and all,  but it’s much like giving someone a handshake and not giving a greeting.  It’s a complementary piece that needs a cover letter to reinforce and expound on the ideas covered within it. 

 In other words, the cover letter explains why you chose the company and helps them understand that you aren’t just spamming several companies with your resume. 

You’ve made it. Congratulations!

By this point, you’ve put a lot of time into your resume. You should feel proud of yourself. You’re on your way to landing that new job. Now, it’s time to prepare for the interview . If you need help with that, we’ve got you covered as well.

Resume FAQs

You can write it either way. However, make sure you separate each with a comma. For example, write Jane Doe, RN, BSN or Jane Doe, BSN, RN.

There isn’t one skill that stands above the rest as nurses have to possess many different skills. However, some of the most important ones include problem-solving, attention to detail, organizational skills and multitasking.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice ( DNP ) is the highest degree a nurse can obtain within academia.

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31 Nursing Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Nursing Resumes
  • Nursing Student Resumes
  • Nursing Resumes by Credentials
  • Nursing Resumes by Role

Writing Your Nursing Resume

Although the demand for nurses is growing, getting a job in the nursing industry isn’t easy, especially if you’re making a start or submitting a letter of resignation at your current position. 

How are you supposed to know how to  write a stunning resume  so employers will immediately want to hire you and create a cover letter detailing your accomplishments? 

Getting into the nursing field is tough, so  we analyzed dozens of nursing resumes to learn what works and what doesn’t to help you get a great nursing job .

No matter your specialty or where you’re in your nursing career, we’ve got 31 nursing resume samples to help you  make a resume online  from scratch or update your current resume to get you your next nursing job in 2024!

Nursing Resume

or download as PDF

Nursing resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • One of the quickest ways to do so is by including your licenses in your title. This clearly signals to the employer that you’re qualified for the position.
  • Adding an optional licenses section is another way to demonstrate your abilities, so if you have the room, make sure to add that section.
  • Instead, tailor your resume to the  nursing job description . What keywords did they list? What responsibilities do they expect you to complete? Use this as your guide to include what employers most want to see.

Experienced Nurse Resume

Experienced nurse resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Some professions require CVs for senior-level officials, while other industries are fine with a resume no matter their seniority level. Check the job description to see what kind of information the employer requires, so you know what to write.
  • Try to demonstrate the different specific responsibilities you’ve had throughout your career. What kinds of clinical techniques have you done? For example, have you assisted with ADLs, administered particular tests, or diagnosed specific types of diseases?

Nursing Student Resume

Nursing student resume example with 4 years of experience

  • The key is to be specific about what you contributed or learned during your time in school.
  • How did you assist your peers or supervisors? Did you witness anything especially noteworthy? What did you learn? Listing details like these helps employers qualify your abilities. 
  • While an objective is strictly optional, it’s a great way to convey your excitement for the position and some of your relevant skills. 

New Grad Nursing Resume

New grad nursing resume example

  • If you lack experience, that’s okay! Just include more details about your clinical rotations. You can also mention non-healthcare-specific work experience if you have it.
  • For example, does the job description talk a lot about compassionate care? Then you should include the phrase “compassion” in your skills section.

nursing professional resume writing

  • As you progress, unleash quantified achievements in your previous roles, emphasizing how you helped patients and improved outcomes (hint: reducing medication errors by 28% and enhancing patient safety).

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • In addition to your title, if you have any certifications or additional licenses, include them on your resume in a designated section.
  • If you’re struggling to know what to write on your CNA resume, it can help to look at  CNA resume examples  and local CNA job descriptions to determine what employers want to see and what metrics to include. 

RN BSN Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • Go beyond helping patients and list all the times you’ve helped doctors treat a condition more quickly or improved after-surgery recovery rates. Add how you’ve endeavored to assist patients remotely during tough times (if any) such as providing remote sessions during COVID-19.

Registered Nurse Resume

nursing professional resume writing

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • If your current specialization is different from the job description, don’t stress! You should still be specific about your experience, but focus on transferable skills that go hand-in-hand with other fields.
  • For example, do you specialize in long-term care, nephrology, or developmental disabilities? Include how you applied those abilities throughout your LPN resume.
  • Of course, you need to include where you got your nursing degree, but don’t stop there! Adding a certifications or licenses section can show off your training and catch a hiring manager’s eye quickly.

Nursing Home Administrator Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • Begin with a careful analysis of the job listing and grasp the matching qualifications, skills, and requirements that resonate with your own experiences. Found them? Fantastic! Now, strategically incorporate those golden nuggets into your resume. In addition, picture how Amanda flaunts her nursing license–if you’ve got similar credentials or those shiny certifications, mention them somewhere in the side column.

Psychiatric Nursing Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • Take Sarah, for example. She didn’t just casually namedrop accomplishments like “reducing 30-day readmission rates by 14%” and “spreading awareness of mental health services among 1,280+ community members.” Nope. She made those wins pop out in her resume with bolding and underlining to wow the recruiter from the get-go.

Nursing Manager Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • How far back should you go? You wonder. If you have a master’s degree in nursing or healthcare management, make that the centerpiece of your education section. Otherwise, a bachelor’s degree fits the bill! Of course, don’t forget to add the institution’s name and the year you graduated.

Critical Care Nursing Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • Gain promotion and assume a new role with greater responsibility after that. Use this to show your dedication by backing your achievements with numbers.

Director of Nursing Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • List down all the variety of software you’re proficient in and write how you’ve used each right from the beginning of your career. Last but not least, never forget to add your RN license!

NICU Nurse Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • Use the career objective to frame your clinical experience through the lens of NICU by highlighting your ability to communicate with families or work in high-pressure environments.

Operating Room Nurse Resume

Operating room nurse resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Surgeons are always seeking cutting-edge technology that can unlock new medical capabilities. Showcase your expertise in working with these innovative systems—like robotic arms—to enhance your operating room nurse resume .

School Nurse Resume

School nurse resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Are you skilled in using platforms specific to educational institutions, such as SchoolMessenger? Include them on your school nurse resume to prove that you’re prepared to handle the caseload.

Telemetry Nurse Resume

Telemetry nurse resume example with 10 years of experience

  • You can bolster your telemetry nurse resume by listing any special certifications that further qualify you for the task, such as Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS).

Nurse Practitioner Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • The best format for nurses in 2024 is the reverse-chronological format since it shows how you’ve grown your skills over the years. However, if you have a gap in your job experience, there are other formats you can use to disguise that.
  • Adding a few splashes of color to your  nurse practitioner resume  makes it look prettier and helps readability. Just be sure to choose a color that is easy on the eye (no neons, please).

ICU Nurse Resume

Icu nurse resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • To avoid the fear of the blank page, start by using a  resume outline  to give you a basic structure to follow and show you what your finished resume should look like.
  • So, when you’re writing the work experience bullet points, use general responsibilities like “provided effective care”), but be specific about how you helped your patients (and what resulted from your ministrations). 

Travel Nurse Resume

Travel nurse resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • To help stand out above the competition, clarify your work experience sections so employers know if you’ve had traveling nurse contracts or not. 
  • More likely than not, you don’t need a resume objective or summary, nor do you need to list individual projects. Remember that you can go into more detail about achievements and skills in your  nursing cover letter .

Charge Nurse Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • For example, have you had the opportunity to manage or lead co-workers? Have you ever trained a nurse and oversaw scheduling? Be specific about how you’ve managed projects and people and what resulted from your leadership.
  • Want to know a quick and easy way to write a  charge nurse resume ? Start by using a  resume template  to format your information, then fill in the blanks with specific details about your past experience and skills.

Chief Nursing Officer Resume

nursing professional resume writing

  • This formatting showcases your career growth and leadership development by highlighting your most recent (and likely most relevant) job. 
  • We recommend you include six to 10 skills, with at least 70 percent hard skills such as BLS, QA/QC, federal compliance, and fiscal health analysis.

Telehealth Nurse Resume

Telehealth nurse resume example with 9+ years of experience

  • Luckily, there are multiple  resume tips  you can incorporate to make your resume a cut above the rest, including choosing specific hard skills in your skills section and formatting your resume in reverse-chronological order.
  • If you have a degree higher than a high school diploma, ignore your high school information since employers don’t need it. If you have multiple nursing degrees, include all of them.

Nurse Consultant Resume

Nurse consultant resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Use business-related numbers like sales growth or revenue/profit increases to demonstrate your worth as an employee.
  • Don’t forget to add other sections to showcase your training and certifications.
  • If you decide to include these sections, keep them brief and include only what’s relevant to the job you’re seeking.

Office Nurse Resume

Office nurse resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Do your homework on the environment you’re applying to work in, and ensure you showcase why you’re a good fit for that specific job. After all, an ER unit with high patient turnover may be much more interested in your high-efficiency standards than an in-home clinic that consistently services a much smaller patient load.
  • Sure, your resume may look good when you finish writing it, but have you run it through a  resume checker  yet? You might not realize you’ve been using passive voice or inconsistent punctuation, and even though you’re not applying for a job as an English Teacher, a hiring manager won’t be thrilled if you overlook little details when they’re going to literally put lives in your hands.

Home Dialysis Nurse Resume

Home dialysis nurse resume example with 11+ years of experience

  • Unfortunately, as much as it may be interesting for you to look back over your life history, most hiring managers won’t be quite as thrilled about the prospect. Adding a career summary to your resume can give recruiters the highlights, without drowning them in a sea of information.
  • Trust us on this, nothing bothers a hiring manager more than a resume that is 1.01 pages long.

ER Nurse Resume

ER nurse resume example with 10+ years of nursing experience

  • Certifications like the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) depict that you’ve done the work and undergone the rigorous training needed to be an ER nurse.

Labor and Delivery Nurse Resume

Labor and delivery nurse resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • If you’ve spent your time outside work organizing events to promote women’s health and reproductive rights, it’s a powerful statement that shows your passion and commitment and deserves to be mentioned in your resume.

Nurse Manager Resume

Nurse manager resume example with 4+ years of experience

  • If you’re well versed with a particular HR management tool or medical management software, it’s one less thing a hospital or healthcare center will have to train you on.

Pediatric Nurse Resume

Pediatric nurse resume example with 4+ years of experience

  • An extensive program, like a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, from an esteemed institute like Johns Hopkins University, for example, is a worthy inclusion in your pediatric nurse resume , demonstrating that you’ve learned from the best.

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  • Dental Assistant

Job seeker stands between two plants and looks through binoculars, searching for job

Hiring managers typically receive a torrent of resumes whenever there’s an open position, so if you prepare your nursing resume haphazardly, you are more likely to get the boot than the job. To avoid that sad scenario, you need to make your nursing resume readable, logical, and pleasing to the eye. It should showcase your skills and experience while being ATS-compliant, and it should show off a bit of your personality, too. 

It make sound like an impossible task, but before your get overwhelmed, start by taking it one step at a time. First, choose your formatting style: reverse-chronological, functional, or hybrid.

nursing professional resume writing

Reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid format

A well-structured resume is essential for your job search. Even if your resume has perfect content, if your resume isn’t easy to skim at a glance, it’s unlikely you’ll be called for an interview. Your content matters, but so does  how  you present that content. Therefore, proper  resume formatting  is a salient feature you don’t want to get wrong.

There are three popular formatting options for designing your resume in 2024: reverse-chronological, functional, and hybrid. 

  • Focuses more on your skills
  • Ideal for a recent graduate or an entry-level candidate
  • Reverse-chronological format
  • The most common format
  • Lists relevant experiences and skills in reverse-chronological order
  • The best for making it past the ATS
  • Combines functional and reverse-chronological features
  • Highlights both your skills and experience
  • Ideal if you have a handful of experience or are re-entering the workforce

The best bet for a nursing resume would be the reverse-chronological format. This helps the recruiter see your upward career progression. If you started as an intern in a given health organization, and then moved up the career ladder to become a full-fledged nurse, your potential employer will be able to track your progression and assess your qualifications faster.

nursing professional resume writing

Contact header

It’s important to include the relevant contact header information in the right order. If you’re a nurse, your   contact header should have the following:

  • Your name —Employers won’t automatically know you, so you need to include your first and last name. 
  • Phone number —Use your personal cellphone number instead of a work phone in case a potential employer calls when you’re not on the job.
  • Email address —Include a professional email address, preferably combining your first and last name.
  • City & state —This is optional but recommended so employers know if you’re local. 
  • LinkedIn —Some employers require your LinkedIn profile, but even if it’s not mandatory, it’s helpful for employers to see your career progression.

The contact header should be, you guessed it, at the top of the page. Good font choices are Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, all at 12 point size. When it comes to color, remain conservative with black and white. Some  resume templates  can format your resume to strikingly display your contact information, just like this header:

Nursing resume contact header.

Will your nursing resume beat the ATS?

Optimizing your resume for the Application Tracking System (ATS) increases your chances of being called for an interview. The ATS is a tool that many companies use to quickly scan resumes and weed out applicants without relying on someone to read through them first.

Most resumes aren’t designed to beat ATS, and end up being filtered out before they ever reach the recruiter. However, if you know how to properly  format your resume , you’ll pass the ATS scan and make your way to a person. Here’s what you should know about the role of fonts, font size, margins, header names, logical order, skills, and page length, as far as ATS-friendly resumes are concerned:

  • ATS-friendly fonts make it easy for a computer to read your resume. Some of the most commonly used ATS-friendly fonts include: Times New Roman, Calibri, and Arial. Preferably, they should have a font size of 10-12 points.
  • Beyond just font type, font size also matters. Preferably, your body font size should be 10-12 points, while your headers can be bigger.
  • Margins also matter, since the ATS automatically assumes your margins are the standard size of one-inch all around. Any bigger or smaller, and the ATS might mis-read your resume.
  • Keywords are the main focus of the ATS, so make sure your skill keywords and header names match what’s in the job description.
  • The ATS is not sensitive to the number of pages, but one page is the standard across professions. 

nursing professional resume writing

Writing your nursing resume

Putting together an effective nursing resume may seem overwhelming and not worth your effort. However, putting in the extra effort now will pay off when you get an interview. And remember, you’re not doing this alone. We’re dedicated to helping you  write an amazing resume  by providing advice on common frustrating decisions like this:

  • When an objective is most useful on your nursing resume
  • When a summary can be the preferred choice
  • How to list your most relevant nursing work history
  • Adding volunteer work and academic endeavors when work history is light

nursing professional resume writing

Do you need an objective or summary on your nursing resume?

When crafting your nursing resume, you have the option to use career objectives and summaries.

When to include a career objective in your resume:

  • You can use an objective when changing or modifying your career.
  • For instance, if you plan to change from a surgical assistant registered nurse to an emergency room registered nurse, you’d use an objective to highlight that you’re pursuing a new subfield within nursing.
  • Use a career objective if you’re looking for an entry-level job and lack experience. 

When a summary is right for your resume:

  • Use a summary to highlight your most valuable experience and skills. These are ideal when you have vast experience in nursing.
  • For example, if you’ve worked in a health setting for 10 or more years, you can include a summary.
  • A summary is effective for connecting varied work experiences.

When not to use objectives or summaries:

  • Skip the objective or summary if you’re not planning to customize it to each position you apply for. Otherwise, it’s generic filler that takes up too much white space.
  • This lacks specificity and reads “I just need a job to pay the bills.” While that may be true, employers want to know you’re passionate about your work and will improve your workplace.
  • This lacks depth and work history details that should hallmark a summary. It’s void of substantial expertise, specializations, and skill specifics.

When objectives or summaries are worth including:

  • This objective highlights the years of experience and the candidate’s field of expertise while also naming the potential employer.
  • This summary highlights their years of experience, the key areas they’ve worked in, and their specialities within those fields.

nursing professional resume writing

Nursing work experience?

Don’t forget to indicate relevant experience in your resume. While we wouldn’t recommend including every job you’ve had since you were 16, you can get away with adding work experience from different fields if you’re an entry-level candidate.

However, if you’re applying for a senior position, you’ll need to include at least  three  nursing positions on your resume, especially if you’re applying for a managerial or specialty position. For instance, a director of care management requires nine years of experience, four of which must be managerial.

Conversely, a registered nurse position may require one year of direct patient care. The responsibilities, in this case, are not very demanding. If you lack experience overall, you can include any academic projects and volunteer work that is relevant to the  nursing job description .

nursing professional resume writing

Writing your job experience bullet points for your nursing resume

Three examples of poor job experience bullet points for nurses:

  • Generally, you should avoid using “I,” and you should include specifics, not just generic statements of experience.
  • This bullet includes “I” and lacks job specifics and quantifiable metrics.
  • Although it may sound nice on the surface, it doesn’t answer exactly what the patient did and the results of their work.

Three examples of good job experience bullet points for nurses:

  • This uses an action verb combined with quantifiable metrics.
  • Again, this uses an action verb but furthermore, it describes exactly what the candidate provided (primary care training). 
  • Specific, pertinent job duties show employers your skills and can also help you pass the ATS; two thumbs up for this one!

nursing professional resume writing

Quantify your impact as a nurse

When preparing your resume, remember that no employer wants to waste time reading vague statements about your performance. Instead, they want to see supporting details. So, whenever you can, you should quantify your impact and achievements.

For instance, if you say you “served many patients daily,” a potential employer might wonder about the exact number because ‘many’ is a relative term.

Examples of how to quantify metrics:

Suppose the  nursing job description  asks for a training specialist who can train other nurses. In that case, you can indicate the number of training sessions you conducted per day in your previous employment.

  • Number of clinical training sessions per day
  • Trained 75% of new hires on pre and postoperative care >20 days per month

Some of the health facilities labor under tremendous pressure. The number of patients you serve per day can help potential employers gauge whether you will cope well under pressure. So, it’s lucrative to include the number of patients you served per a specific amount of time.

  • Number of patients served in a day 
  • Worked in a setting with a 6:1 patient-nurse ratio, receiving 400+ visitors per day

nursing professional resume writing

Top skills for your nursing resume

It’s helpful to understand the differences between hard and soft skills to list in your  resume skills section . Keep the number of skills you list in between six and 10 to avoid overwhelming the reader.

Hard skills are those tools you use to do the job, aka technical abilities that require training. 

Examples of hard skills:

  • ERM systems
  • Medical documentation
  • Infant and child care
  • Emergency care
  • Ambulatory care
  • CPR certified

On the other hand, soft skills are abilities that are harder to quantify and are more personality-based.

Examples of soft skills:

  • Communication 
  • Professionalism
  • Positive attitude

Get noticed! Look for keywords within a job description:

  • Many companies use ATS to scan resumes for keywords from the job description, so it’s in your best interest to include the right keywords.
  • Include keywords in both your  nursing cover letter  and resume. 
  • Choosing keywords from the job description helps you customize your resume and thus, makes you more appealing to the hiring manager.
  • Employing the right keywords makes your resume relevant and noticeable, giving you an edge over the competition.

nursing professional resume writing

Nursing education and certifications

When preparing your nursing resume, include all the elements that will increase your chances of getting the job. You need to indicate the following:

  • Your education level
  • Any certifications or licenses
  • Your experience in other nursing environments
  • Your years of experience as a nurse

On the topic of licenses, you need to share your area of specialization. Specialists include registered nurses (RNs), certified registered nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. Including your area(s) of expertise helps potential employers determine whether you’re the right candidate for the job.

Besides, including this information is easy to do and shouldn’t take up much space! Simply place certifications and licenses in a short section toward the bottom of your resume: 

Nursing resume licenses section.

Should you add projects, interests, or hobbies to your nursing resume?

Most of the time, you don’t need to include projects or  interests/hobbies on your resume . However, you may be able to add them depending on your level of experience and the type of role you’re seeking.

If you’re an experienced nurse, you’ve likely gained tangible experience that’s more important than undergraduate projects you’ve completed. Instead, you should highlight your key areas of experience and show your new employer how you’ll impact their business.

In the same vein, you may not need to indicate your hobbies or interests unless it’s encouraged. However, you can gain an advantage over the competition if you have strong qualifications and hobbies that match the company culture. 

To help you determine whether or not to include hobbies, visit the company’s website and read the “About Us” section to gauge whether they have a unique cultural fit. 

If you’re an entry-level candidate or a recent graduate, listing hobbies and projects can help you fill space and showcase your personality. However, it’s always good to review the job description to ensure these additions are relevant. Either way, keep the project and hobbies lists short and at the bottom of your resume.

Examples of hobbies/interests:

  • Volunteering for community health services
  • Learning new languages

Examples of projects:

  • Organized and led breast cancer awareness campaign for two consecutive semesters
  • Researched mental and psychiatric issues for semester-long experiment

nursing professional resume writing

Adjust your nursing resume for every job application

Remember to customize your resume when applying for a new job. Even if you’re only applying for specific roles, like LPN jobs, that doesn’t mean every job description for that title requires the same qualifications. There’s usually something unique to each position. Thus, for every application, make sure you tailor the following sections:

  • (These can stay mostly the same, but you should adjust responsibilities and keywords slightly.)

To recap, each job description comes with different skill requisites. Furthermore, remember to note keywords you can use within the body of your resume and cover letter.

Your nursing resume must be error-free

As a nurse, you need to show the hiring manager that you’re observant and have an eye for detail. Remember, you’ll be working with patients and should demonstrate accuracy and precision. To ensure a flawless resume, run your document through a  resume checker  and have your colleagues proofread it. Don’t let typos cost you a job!

Confidently land your next Nursing gig

Many job seekers languish in the job market, especially considering the number of nursing graduates produced by universities each year and the fierce competition. So, you must be creative and savvy to survive the market. Happily, you’ve already taken the first steps by reading this guide, so congratulations!

We know you’ve worked hard to get this far, and we wish you all the best as you write a power-packed nursing resume and get ready for interviews in 2024! 

Create my free resume now


  • Career Blog

Nurse Resume: Guide, Examples, and Writing Tips for 2024

nursing professional resume writing

The nursing profession is in high demand, and the job market for nurses is growing exponentially. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. The increasing demand for healthcare services and the aging population are among the main factors contributing to this growth.

As new healthcare facilities open their doors every year, more and more nurses will be needed to provide quality care to patients. However, with the high demand for nurses comes the need for qualified and experienced professionals who stand out from the competition.

Importance of a Strong Nurse Resume

Having a strong nurse resume is critical to landing the job you want. Your resume serves as a representation of your skills, qualifications, and experience that demonstrate why you are an ideal fit for a particular nursing role.

Employers receive hundreds of resumes from applicants for each nursing job opening, and it is the candidate with the most impressive resume that catches their attention. A strong nurse resume can help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of being invited to a job interview.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to create a strong nurse resume that accurately reflects your skills, accomplishments, and career objectives. With our step-by-step tips, you will learn how to craft a powerful resume that effectively showcases your nursing expertise and experience. We’ll also provide you with nurse resume examples that you can use as a reference to create your own winning resume.

Researching the Perfect Job

When looking for the perfect job as a nurse, it’s important to carefully identify the job requirements. This includes educational requirements, certifications, and experience necessary for the role.

nursing professional resume writing

However, it’s equally important to understand the culture and values of the target employer. This can help you determine if the company is a good fit for your own values and work style. Researching the company’s website, social media, and employee reviews can provide valuable insights into their culture and values.

Once you’ve identified the job requirements and target employer’s culture and values, it’s time to craft a job-specific resume that stands out. This should focus on highlighting your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments that align with the specific job requirements and company culture.

Your nurse resume should showcase your ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues, your attention to detail, and your ability to work well under pressure. Utilize specific metrics and achievements to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

In crafting your resume, tailor it specifically to the job posting and the company’s culture and values. This will show the employer that you have done your research and genuinely want to work for their organization.

Researching the perfect job as a nurse involves identifying job requirements, understanding the target employer’s culture and values, and crafting a job-specific resume that showcases your relevant experience and aligns with the company’s culture. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of landing the perfect nursing job.

Choosing the Right Format

One of the most critical aspects of a successful nursing resume is choosing the right format. A resume format is how you present your skills, experience, and achievements in a structured and concise manner. There are three primary resume formats, each with its benefits: chronological, functional, and combination.

A. Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is the most traditional format, where the experience and skills are presented in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent job. This format is ideal for nurses who have a steady employment history and want to showcase their growth and progress. Chronological resumes are easy to read and preferred by recruiters.

B. Functional Resume

A functional resume, on the other hand, focuses on the skills and abilities of the candidate rather than the employment history. The most notable feature of the functional resume is a skills section that lists the critical skills relevant to the job. This format is appropriate for nurses who have gaps in their employment history or have changed careers. It allows them to highlight their transferable skills and abilities that can add value to the organization.

C. Combination Resume

A combination resume, as the name suggests, combines the best features of the chronological and functional resume. The format starts with a summary statement highlighting the candidate’s most significant achievements, followed by a skills section and then works experience in reverse chronological order. This format is ideal for nurses who have a consistent employment history and want to showcase their skills and achievements in addition to their work experience.

D. Determining which format to use

Choosing the right format depends on several factors, such as the candidate’s experience, skills, work history, and the job requirements. It’s essential to tailor the resume format to the job posting and the organization’s needs, highlighting the skills that match the job description.

A chronological resume is suitable for nurses with a stable and progressive work history, while a functional resume is ideal for those with gaps in employment or changing careers. A combination resume is a choice for candidates who want to showcase their most significant achievements and skills while providing their work experience.

Ultimately, the choice depends on the individual candidate and the job they’re applying for. It’s crucial to consider the job posting, highlighting the essential skills and experience relevant to the organization. By understanding the different types of resume formats, you can craft a nursing resume that stands out and gets noticed by recruiters.

nursing professional resume writing

Essential Components of a Nurse Resume

One of the most important aspects of creating a successful nurse resume is including all of the essential components. These elements should showcase your qualifications and experience, making it clear to potential employers why you are the best candidate for the job. The following are the essential components of a nurse resume that every nursing professional should include:

A. Contact Information

Your contact information should be placed at the top of your nurse resume, under your name and professional title. This should include your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Make sure to double-check the accuracy of all information, as any typos or errors could prevent employers from reaching out to you.

B. Professional Summary

The professional summary is a brief overview that highlights your qualifications and experience relevant to the nursing job you are applying for. This section should be tailored to the specific position and showcase your relevant skills and accomplishments. Be sure to keep your professional summary concise and eye-catching, as recruiters often skim resumes first before diving into each section.

C. Licenses and Certifications

As a nurse, you are required to obtain certain licenses and certifications to practice. Listing these credentials can make a huge difference in the recruiter’s mind, verifying that you possess the necessary skills and knowledge required for the job. Include current and relevant credentials, including any continuing education credits, so recruiters can quickly gauge your qualifications.

D. Education and Training

The education and training section should detail your degree, school attended, date of graduation, and any additional relevant coursework substantial to the job. Also, include any nursing school honors received or class ranking if applicable. Make sure to highlight educational experiences that complement the job posting – for instance, policies, procedures, and practices tailored to the prospective employer.

E. Clinical Experience

This section should contain information about your clinical experience, detailing the facilities where you worked, the dates, job title, and a brief description of your duties and responsibilities. Make sure to highlight any achievements you’ve accomplished during your time working at these facilities.

F. Professional Affiliations

List any organizational affiliations you have, particularly those relevant to the nursing field. Showing membership in professional organizations enhances your status as a qualified and competent nursing professional. Examples of professional affiliations include membership in nursing associations, participation in seminars, and attending networking events.

G. Relevant Skills

Highlight your job-specific skills and any nursing competencies you have attained. These skills should be relevant to the job you are applying for and include abilities that demonstrate your competency in the field. Examples of relevant skills include technical knowledge, patient care, communication, and problem-solving abilities.

A nurse resume that includes essential components, such as contact information, professional summary, licenses and certifications, education and training, clinical experience, professional affiliations, and relevant skills, can significantly increase your chances of landing the job you desire.

Nurse Resume Writing Tips

When crafting a nurse resume, it’s important to follow some best practices to increase your chances of landing an interview. Here are five tips to help you showcase your nursing skills, experience, and achievements effectively:

A. Utilizing strong action verbs

The use of action verbs in your resume can make it more compelling and help you stand out from the competition. Start each bullet point with a powerful action verb that showcases your accomplishments and experience. Examples of strong action verbs for nurse resume includes “administered,” “evaluated,” “monitored,” “assisted,” “collaborated,” and “developed.”

B. Quantifying achievements

Employers want to see evidence of your achievements and success as a nurse. To make your resume more impactful, quantify your accomplishments wherever possible. For instance, you can mention the number of patients you have treated, the percentage of success in reducing infection rates in the facility you worked, or the number of colleagues you have trained. Avoid generic claims and provide concrete numbers and data to support your achievements.

C. Tailoring the resume to the job

A nurse resume should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Analyze the job description and requirements to identify the skills, experience, and qualifications the employer is looking for. Highlight these skills prominently in your resume, and frame your achievements and experience in the context of the job requirements to demonstrate your suitability for the position.

D. Customizing the resume to the employer

In addition to tailoring the resume to the specific job, you should also customize it to fit the employer’s unique needs and culture. Research the healthcare facility and the nursing team to understand their values, goals, and priorities. Use this information to craft a personal statement that resonates with the employer and to highlight how your experience and skills can contribute to their success.

E. Proofreading and editing

Finally, don’t forget to proofread and edit your nurse resume before submitting it. Typos, grammar mistakes, and formatting errors can create a negative impression on the employer and reduce your chances of getting hired. Use editing software and have someone else review your resume to ensure it is error-free, clear, and concise. This attention to detail can make a big difference in the quality of your application.

By utilizing these tips, you’ll be able to craft a nurse resume that stands out, impresses employers, and shows your potential as a nursing professional. Remember to keep it focused, clear, and relevant to the job, and you’ll be on your way to landing your dream nursing job.

Nurse Resume Samples

As a job seeker in the nursing field, a well-crafted resume is essential. To guide you in creating your own, here are three different nurse resume samples in different formats:

A. Sample nurse resume (chronological format)

This type of resume format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. The sample nurse resume in this format would list your nursing experience, education, and any relevant certifications.

B. Sample nurse resume (functional format)

This format highlights your qualifications and skills instead of your work experience. The sample nurse resume in this format would focus on your nursing skills and certifications, followed by your experience and education.

C. Sample nurse resume (combination format)

This type of resume format blends the chronological and functional formats. The sample nurse resume in this format would highlight your skills and qualifications at the top of the resume, followed by a chronological listing of your work experience and education sections.

D. Analyzing the samples

Each of these nurse resume samples offers a unique approach to showcasing your qualifications and experience. The chronological format emphasizes your work history, making it a good choice if you have a strong nursing background. The functional format is ideal for those who have less work experience but have gained skills and knowledge through education and certification programs. Lastly, the combination format offers a balanced approach that highlights both your skills and work experience.

When analyzing the samples, it’s important to consider which format best aligns with your personal strengths and job target. Additionally, ensure the content of your resume is tailored for the job you’re applying to, including relevant keywords and job-specific skills. With self-reflection and attention to detail, you can create a nurse resume that stands out to potential employers.

Common Nurse Resume Mistakes

When creating a nurse resume, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your chances of getting hired. Here are a few:

A. Overloading the resume with irrelevant information

While it may be tempting to include every detail about your work history, it’s important to only include relevant information. Recruiters and hiring managers have limited time to review each resume, so including irrelevant information could lead to your resume being overlooked. Focus on highlighting your skills, achievements, and experiences that are most relevant to the position you are applying for.

B. Focusing on responsibilities instead of achievements

Listing your responsibilities is important, but it’s crucial to also highlight your achievements. Employers want to know what you have accomplished in your previous positions and how you can contribute to their organization. Be sure to include specific examples of how you improved patient outcomes or implemented new programs that increased efficiency.

C. Using jargon and complex language

While it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the nursing field, using too much jargon or complex language can make it difficult for recruiters and hiring managers to understand you. Stick to clear, concise language that highlights your skills and experiences.

D. Not proofreading or editing

One mistake on your resume could cost you the job. Before submitting your resume, make sure to thoroughly proofread and edit it for any errors or typos. Have a friend or colleague review it as well to get a fresh perspective. This small step can make a big difference in helping you stand out to potential employers.

Overcoming Employment Gaps and Other Challenges

When writing a nurse resume, it’s important to acknowledge and address any gaps in employment, changes in career paths, or employment discrimination that you may have faced. Here are some tips to help you overcome these challenges and still land your dream job.

A. Explaining a Gap in Employment

If you have a gap in your employment history, it’s essential to be transparent about it. Whether it was due to personal reasons, health issues, or a career break, explain the reason for the gap briefly and honestly. Your potential employer will appreciate your honesty, and it may even show your resilience and ability to overcome challenges.

B. Addressing a Change in Career Path

Switching careers can be challenging, but it can also showcase your adaptability and flexibility. When explaining the reason for the change, focus on how your previous experience and skills are transferable to the nursing profession. Highlight how your previous employment has prepared you for this new role and why you are passionate about pursuing a career in nursing.

C. Showcasing Transferable Skills

Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced nurse, it’s essential to showcase your transferable skills. These skills may include time management, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Explain how you’ve applied these skills in your previous roles, and how they will transfer to your new role as a nurse.

D. Conquering Employment Discrimination

Unfortunately, employment discrimination is still prevalent in many industries, including nursing. If you feel you have experienced employment discrimination, it’s important to confront it head-on. Keep accurate records of any discriminatory incidents or actions and report them to your employer’s HR department or to a third-party complaint against discrimination agency. Focus on how you’ve persevered despite the challenges and show how you are committed to providing quality patient care, regardless of any discrimination you may have faced.

Be honest, adaptable, and resilient when addressing any challenges in your nurse resume. Your potential employer will appreciate your transparency and commitment to overcoming adversity. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream nursing job.

Nurse Resume Review and Feedback

Your nurse resume is the first thing that potential employers see, and it’s crucial that it showcases all of your qualifications and experience in the best possible light. However, it can be challenging to know whether your resume is effective and contains all the necessary components required for success. To ensure your resume is up to the mark, consider utilizing one of the following methods:

A. Utilizing a Professional Resume Writer

A professional resume writer can be a valuable asset when it comes to crafting a compelling nurse resume. These writers have the necessary expertise and knowledge to highlight your skills and accomplishments in a way that will resonate with employers. They can also tailor your resume to specific job postings and industries, increasing the chances of receiving a call for an interview.

Although hiring a professional resume writer may come with a cost, consider it as an investment in your career. A well-written and formatted resume can pay off in the long run by securing better job opportunities or higher salaries.

B. Seeking Feedback from Colleagues and Mentors

Getting feedback from colleagues and mentors is another excellent way to improve your nurse resume. These individuals can provide honest and constructive criticism, highlighting areas where you can improve and any changes that could make the resume stand out.

When seeking feedback from colleagues and mentors, ensure that they have knowledge or experience in nursing recruitment or HR. This way, the advice you receive will be more relevant and applicable to your resume.

C. Utilizing AI-driven Resume Review Tools

AI-driven resume review tools are a valuable resource that can help you analyze and enhance your nurse resume. These tools use machine learning algorithms to scan resumes for content, formatting, and keywords relevant to specific industries, companies, or job postings.

One of the key benefits of using such tools is their speed and accuracy. Unlike human reviewers, AI-driven tools can analyze resumes quickly and provide real-time feedback, highlighting areas for improvement, and maximizing your chances of securing a job.

Utilizing one or more of these methods can help ensure that your nurse resume stands out from the competition. While you may need to invest time, effort, or money into implementing these methods, the rewards of a polished, professional resume can be significant, securing the nurse job of your dreams.

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Best Nursing Resume Writing Services

7 Best Nursing Resume Writing Services (2024)

Find the best resume writing services for nurses. Compare cost and customer reviews of the top nursing resume writing services.

Jen Gonzales

2024 Winners: Add your badge to your marketing materials.

As a nurse, you know how hard it is to find a resume writer who can properly highlight your skills and experience.

You need to work with someone who takes care of you the same way you take care of your patients.

Your writer also needs to know medical terms and how to use them throughout your resume.

You can’t rely on anyone who isn’t an expert.

No one wants a botched resume.

To help you find a writer, we have researched resume writers in the medical niche.

Here are our findings for the top nursing resume writers.

Best Nursing Resume Writers

Best resume services for nurses.

Find My Profession

How We Choose Winners

Each of the nursing resume services below was reviewed by a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) taking into consideration the following:

The cost of the service compared to other nurse resume writers.

The speed at which the resume is completed.

Overall experience, awards, and certifications.

The design, style, and overall look of the resume.

Guarantees, number of edits, and reviews.

This list was hand-curated to serve all nursing professionals. These jobs include chief nursing officer, registered nurse, nurse consultant, hospice nurse, home health aide, and more.

Average Nursing Resume Cost

Nursing resume writer reviews.

Find My Profession

Find My Profession

Find My Profession is much more than a resume writing service. They are a global career services company whose work has been featured on sites like Forbes, Inc., Zety, Fast Company, and more.

With their team of elite resume writers who have experience in over 85 industries and professions, they can match you with a writer who understands your unique background and experience. Additionally, every resume comes with a one-on-one phone consultation with your writer.

Find My Profession has an impressive track record of successfully landing clients jobs at top companies such as Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Facebook, DoJ, Morgan Stanley, and Tesla.

Their 900+ 5-star reviews speak to their commitment to delivering high-quality service. They also offer a 60-day interview guarantee and ensure that every resume created is Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your specific needs.

You will work one-on-one with an elite and certified resume writer based in the U.S. Find My Profession is committed to ensuring that every client is 100% satisfied with their resume, which is why they do not limit the number of edits or time spent working with your writer.

Find My Profession is a virtual company allowing them to provide services worldwide. While they do not have a physical office for in-person visits, they ensure direct communication with your writer through email and phone calls.

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ResumeZest is trusted by professionals from companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Oracle, GE, Adobe, Uber, and Facebook. Their resume writing team has written resumes for more than 75 industries. A 60-day interview guarantee backs up every resume they write. Each resume is also ATS compliant and keyword-optimized.

ResumeZest is a very well-rounded company. They offer affordable pricing and quick turnaround times. You will work with a high-quality, certified writer and receive excellent customer service. They are also members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC).

ResumeZest is one of the newer companies on this list. While they do a great job and their writers have many years of experience, the company was only founded in 2020.

4.8/5 based on 175 Trustpilot reviews 4.8/5 based on 93 Google reviews 4.9/5 based on 91 Sitejabber reviews 5/5 based on 12 Facebook reviews 5/5 based on 4 Yelp reviews

$279 – $479

(888) 530-4911 or [email protected]

Best Companies That Help You Find a Job

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Did you know there are companies you can hire to help with your job search? Whether you need resume help or want someone to apply to jobs for you, we’ve reviewed the 20 best agencies to help you find a job.

Nurse Resume Writing Service

Nurse Resume Writing Service

Nurse Resume Writing Service is run by Rosa Elizabeth Vargas. Rosa is a highly credentialed career expert with over 15 years of experience in nurse resume writing. She has a background in nursing. This gives her relevant practical experience for crafting a nursing resume. She is also a certified resume writer.

This resume writing firm focuses on writing nursing resumes for all career levels. The service has received 24 Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) honors between 2013 and 2017. Each and every resume is overseen by Rosa herself.

The website doesn’t provide any details about the revision policy. The number of revisions you will get with the resume packages is not mentioned. Also, they do not provide any satisfaction guarantees.

7 – 10 business days

$385 – $1295

(321) 704-7209 or [email protected]

iHire Nursing

iHire Nursing

iHire Nursing is a niche job board dedicated to the healthcare industry. They offer nursing resume writing services as well as resume formatting. Their resume writers are Certified Advanced Resume Writers (CARW) and Certified Master Resume Writers (CMRW).

This company offers to work with you until you are 100% satisfied with your nursing resume. They have award-winning professional resume writers on staff. You can find before and after samples of their nursing resumes on the site.

You will fill out a questionnaire instead of having a phone consultation with your writer. The reviews of the service are for the iHire parent company and are not specific to their nursing resumes.

4.2/5 based on 813 Trustpilot reviews 4.3/5 based on 544 Sitejabber reviews 3.3/5 based on 18 Google reviews 2.8/5 based on 16 BBB reviews

5 – 7 business days

(877) 316-3118

Nurse Prose

Nurse Prose

Nurse Prose was created by Mary Wagoner in 2000. Mary has been writing resumes since 1992. She specializes in nursing and healthcare resumes. Each writer for this company covers a unique area of nursing expertise. They understand the trends, keywords, and concepts of the medical field.

Nurse Prose writes all resumes from scratch to maximize impact. You will get unlimited resume revisions until you are satisfied. This budget-friendly service is great for entry-level nurses.

There aren’t too many details about the writers on the team. The service has no customer reviews on trusted review platforms. You must provide your contact information to review their resume samples.

5/5 based on 50 Google reviews

3 business days (can expedite)

$199.95 – $299.95

(800) 719-3459

The Clinician Life

The Clinician Life

The Clinician Life was founded by Dr. Veronica Sampayo in 2020. Dr. V aims to provide a safe space for all nurses on the path to advanced practice to share their struggles and learn how to navigate the challenges. She also offers interview preparation and e-portfolio services.

Dr. V brings firsthand experience in the nursing field to her resume writing services. Clients benefit from unlimited revisions for two weeks after receiving their resume, along with a 60-day interview guarantee.

Dr. V is relatively new to the resume writing industry and does not hold formal resume writing certifications. If certification is a priority for you, it may be advisable to explore other options.

5/5 based on 33 Google reviews 5/5 based on 13 Facebook reviews

7 – 10 days (can expedite)

$197 – $397

[email protected]

Resume Writing Services

Is Your Resume Working Properly?

If you are having trouble landing interviews, it might be time to hire a professional resume writer. Check out our list of the 750+ best resume writers and start landing more interviews!

Inspire Careers

Inspire Careers

Inspire Careers is run by Cathy Lanzalaco, a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW). She has won a Recognizing Outstanding Achievement in Resumes (ROAR) Award. Cathy was a registered nurse and also has a background in HR leadership.

You can see quite a few resume samples on the website. The company offers a variety of services that can help you take your career to the next level. Also, you will get to work with Cathy herself.

The resume service is a bit more costly than other services on our list. Also, they do not offer any interview or satisfaction guarantees.

4.3/5 based on 10 Google reviews 5/5 based on 1 Yelp review 5/5 based on 1 Facebook review

$850 – $2000+

(716) 481-7662 or [email protected]

Recommended Career Advice For You


Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARWCC)

Let's Eat, Grandma

Let’s Eat, Grandma Review [Cost + Customer Reviews]

Laid Off

Laid Off: Meaning, Tips & Moving Ahead

nursing professional resume writing

8 Nurse Practitioner Resume Examples + How to Write

nursing professional resume writing

This article, “8 best nurse practitioner resume examples + how to write + common blunders to avoid,” is a helpful document to provide you with the essential information to prepare an outstanding NP resume. Some of you may be seeking the best nurse practitioner resume examples? We present resume tips and examples for new grad NPs as well as those with experience. Learn the most effective techniques to write your NP resume without stress. We make this task easy for you. You no longer need to fret and put off creating an impressive resume. So, feel free to peruse our NP resume guide and get started on developing this essential document that is sure to wow any prospective employer.

What Exactly is the Purpose of a Nurse Practitioner Resume?

Is it necessary for all nurse practitioner job applicants to write a resume, 3 reasons why a well-written nurse practitioner resume makes a difference, 1. you increase your chances of getting an interview:, 2. a potential employer may find something unexpected that brings you to the forefront of applicants:, 3. the reader does not have to dig as much:, what are the essential parts of a nurse practitioner resume, 1. contact information:, 2. objective (or summary):.

• Your title of nurse practitioner and your specialty. • What job you are applying for. • Mention the employer by name (i.e., Harrisburg Hospital or St. Johns Family Practice Associates). • Use descriptive and enticing words to briefly describe some of your positive qualities and experience that may entice the reader, such as organized and enthusiastic. • You may include a goal if you are seeking a position that will further your career, such as “seeking an opportunity to hone my NP skills in pediatrics”.

3. Education:

4. licensure:, 5. experience:, 7. other areas to include:.

• Additional Experience (non-nursing) • Professional Memberships • Volunteerism • Awards and Accomplishments • Publications and Presentations

What are the Best New Grad Nurse Practitioner Resume Examples?

Example #1: new grad family nurse practitioner.

2020 Pinewood Dr
Lewes, Delaware 39901
[email protected]
Progressive and dynamic FNP seeking a nurse practitioner position at Bayside Family Practice Center. Exceptional computer skills with current knowledge of the latest EMR and tech equipment. Quick learner with a team spirit, hoping to further expertise alongside the team at Bayside to continue the exceptional patient care for the community.

• Leadership
• Technology savvy
• Suturing
• Assessment
• Time management
• Organization

• Adaptable
• Diabetic management
• Assisting in OR
• Critical thinking
• Team player
• Positive attitude

University of Oklahoma, 2021-2024
Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program

University of Oklahoma, 2017-2021
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, Oklahoma, 2024
• Registered Nurse, Oklahoma State Board of Nursing, 2021-current

Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Clinical Practicum, 600 Hours

Hours divided between the following locations to provide patient care and education, assessment, and medication prescribing and monitoring.

• UPMC Hospital, Children and Teens Center
• Joe Deleo MD Family Practice
• Hamilton Health Center
• Lancaster Health Clinic
• Lancaster School Health Clinic
• UPMC Women’s Health Center
• Godiva Counseling Services

Oklahoma City University Hospital, ICU, RN, 2021-present

• Worked on a 21-bed ICU
• Provide quality care in alignment with current nursing best practices for patients
• Worked in collaboration with the medical team to provide seamless and effective patient care
• Precepted nursing students

• Received Daisy award as a new RN
• Trainer for new EMR program
• Awarded University of Oklahoma Alumni Pin for Outstanding Leadership as a student
• Graduated Magna Cum Laude as an undergraduate
• Graduated Summa Cum Laude in the MSN program

EXAMPLE #2: Doctorally prepared FNP without experience

[email protected]
Bilingual, doctorally prepared FNP seeking a clinical nurse educator position at NYU Hospital. Passionate about furthering the nursing profession with hopes of adding expertise to the dynamic team at NYU.
Leadership | Educator | Task Delegation | Patent Advocacy | Assessments | Problem Solving | EPIC | Change Agent| Organization | Patient Counseling | Staff Supervision | Strong Communicator
The University of Central Florida, 2021-2024
Doctorate of Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner,

Orange City College, 2019-2021
Masters in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner

Bayside College, 2014-2018
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
DNP Candidate, 2021-2024
DNP 500 clinical hours – MSN to DNP Track

• Completed 90 hours in clinical practice at John Edwards Family Practice
• Completed 100 hours of inpatient adult-gerontology practice at Bayside Hospital
• Completed 110 hours of education precepting of BSN students at the University of Miami
• 300 hours ambulatory and outpatient, urgent care pediatric and adult services Bayside

MSN Candidate, 2019-2021
Completed 675 clinical hours in, Family Nurse Practitioner Program

• Northwest Florida Surgery Center- assisted attending surgeons on rounds and pre- and post-op education
• Doctor’s Memorial Hospital- Pediatric Unit
• Morton Plant Hospital- Women's Health Inpatient and Outpatient Clinic
• Lee Memorial Family Health Center
• Lee Memorial Urgent Care

Bayside Memorial, RN, 2018-2021

• Provided nursing care for chronic and acute health conditions on a 36-bed adult unit
• Provided nursing care for patients post-operatively
• Charge nurse and mentor for nursing staff
• Precepted BSN students
• Worked collaboratively with physicians and staff
• Served as a translator for Spanish-speaking patients when necessary

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, Florida, 2024
• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, New York, 2024
• Registered Nurse, Florida State Board of Nursing, 2018-current
• Registered Nurse, New York State Board of Nursing, 2024

• Clinical Nurse Leaders Association
• American Association of Nurse Practitioners

EXAMPLE #3: Psych NP with a niche specialty

[email protected]
Inquisitive and detail-oriented nurse practitioner seeking a position as a forensics specialist with the Pittsburg Police Department. Eager to utilize psychiatric and forensics NP education and experience to assist the community in its most crucial times of need. Level-headed in crisis and willing to learn the ropes to become a part of the elite forensics team and assist the police unit.
Duquesne University, 2022-2024
Forensic Nursing Post-Master’s Certificate (AFN-C)

Duquesne University, 2019-2021
Master in Nursing, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program

Duquesne University, 2014-2018
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
Pittsburg City Forensics Unit, 2024

• Completed 96 hours working alongside 2 PMHNPs on a busy city forensics unit
• Treated victims of sexual and physical abuse
• Identified and treated child and elder abuse
• Worked with human trafficking unit to provide psychological care to victims
• Helped to prepare testimony and attended criminal trials for victims

Duquesne University, 2022

• Completed advanced nurse forensics certification education requirements, including testimony preparation, trauma counseling, criminal justice for providers, crisis intervention
• Documentation of patient encounters

Duquesne University Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program Practicum, 2020-2021

• Completed 640 hours of inpatient and outpatient psychiatric nurse practitioner on-site training
• NP Candidate practicum at Hillside Psychiatric Institute, Pittsburg Women’s Correctional Facility, Lincoln Emotional Wellness Spa, Wellsboro County Suboxone Clinic

UPMC Pittsburg Hospital, RN, Floor Unit, 2018-2019

• Worked as an RN on a busy 36-bed general floor unit
• Worked collaboratively with physicians and staff
• Provided patient education and medical care for optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction

• Certified Forensics Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education, 2024
• Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, AANP, PA, 2024
• Registered Nurse, PA State Board of Nursing, 2018-current

International Association of Forensic Nurses
Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses

EXAMPLE #4: Inexperienced PMHNP seeking a job in a long-term care facility

12 Hoernerstown Rd, Mohawk, NY, 34019
[email protected]
Experienced long-term care nurse and nurse practitioner seeking a position as PMHNP at Willow Valley Senior Community. Passion for our senior population with excellent communication skills with hopes of bringing the Willow Valley residents joy and optimal health.
Mohawk Valley College, 2021-2024
Masters in Nursing, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program

Mohawk Valley College, 2000-2004
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
Organized / Compassionate / Equitable / Patient / Leader / Forward-thinking / Imaginative / Artsy / Driven / Tech Savvy / Educator / Management / Team Player / Encouraging / Crisis Intervention / Budgeting / Time Management
MSN PMHNP Candidate 2021-2024

• Completed 32 credit PMHNP course
• Completed 640 clinical hours including:

100 hours at Utica Hospital Mental Health Center
90 hours in Syracuse High School Intervention Unit
110 hours UPMC private mental health practice
100 hours at NY State Correctional Facility
100 hours at US/Canada Border Detention
100 hours at Central NY Crisis Center, including rape and abuse counseling

Bethany Village Senior Community, RN, 2004-2021

• Provided nursing care on a 40-bed long-term and rehab care facility and 12 bed Alzheimer’s Unit
• Charge nurse
• 2018-2021 Director of Nursing
• Responsible for the direction and supervision of nurses and CNAs performing resident care
• Prepared budgets and staff schedules
• Addressed staff, family, and resident needs or concerns
• Increased staff retention by 75% in 2 years

• Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, AANP, New York, 2024 (current)
• Registered Nurse, State Board of Nursing, New York- 2004-Current

• American Geriatric Society
• American Association of Nurse Practitioners
• Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society

What are the Best Experienced-Nurse Practitioner Resume Examples?

Example #1: experienced fnp resume with exceptional accomplishments to boost resume.

2020 Reisinger Drive
Harrisburg, NC 28075
[email protected]
Organized and productive family nurse practitioner with 5 years of urgent care experience seeking an NP position at CVS Minute Clinic. Proven ability to work independently with exceptional communication and assessment skills. Hoping to become a part of the exceptional CVS team of providers to bring outstanding patient care to the community.
Southwest Carolina University, 2014-2016
Masters in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program

Georgia State University, 2008-2012
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
UPMC Harrisburg Urgent Care, Nurse Practitioner. 2017-present

• Examines up to 20 patients per shift to include assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plans.
• Draws blood, orders tests, and makes referrals as needed.
• Administers immunizations and prescribes medication ensuring safety protocols are followed.
• Collaborates with a team of NPs and physicians when necessary.
• Rotates weekly to staff mobile medical clinic van to area homeless population.

Livingston Hospital, Med-Surg Unit, RN. 2012-2016

• Worked on a 34-bed med-surg unit as RN
• Team leader and mentor for unit and new RNs
• Developed onboarding manual for new staff
• Unit educator for EMR updates

Ambulatory Care Family Health Clinical Rotation, Walmart Clinic, Atlanta, Georgia. 2011-2012

• 50 clinical hours in an ambulatory retail-based health clinic.
• Diagnosing and treating various health conditions and minor injuries for various age groups.
• Administrations of vaccines and testing.
• Collaborating with NP and physician in attendance.

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, North Carolina, 2017-Current
• Registered Nurse, State Board of Nursing, Georgia and North Carolina- 2012-Current

• Instrumental in leading our team of providers to develop and implement a mobile medical clinic for the homeless in our community.
• As an RN, received the Lillian Wald, Humanitarian Award awarded by the National League of Nursing
• Led a volunteer medical team in Haiti for 3 years. Included medical, dental, and eye clinics for all ages.

• American Association of Nurse Practitioners

• Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society

EXAMPLE #2: Seasoned family nurse practitioner with a specialty area

[email protected]
Hardworking nurse practitioner bringing 16+ years of experience as a provider delivering outstanding patient care in the field of women's health. Seeking an NP position at John Hopkins Women’s Hospital. Forward-thinking NP with specialized training in OB and women's health issues with a passion for reproductive health relocating to the area and desiring to be a part of the John Hopkins family.
University of Florida, 2005-2007
Master in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program

University of Florida, 2000-2004
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kaiser Permanente, Women’s Health Clinic, Nurse Practitioner, 2020-present

• Provided wellness and reproductive care for women and teens, including birth control, pregnancy testing, and education
• Provided outpatient care for pregnant patients
• Treated women in menopause
• Performed appropriate medical screenings and treatment
• Ordered lab tests and interpreted results
• Collaborated with a team of medical professionals

Planned Parenthood, Nurse Practitioner 2010-2020

• Obtained accurate medical history and documented in EMR
• Performed physical examination to include obstetric exam
• Provided telehealth services when necessary
• Performed pregnancy and STI testing and interpretation with follow-up counseling
• Prescribed and counseled on contraceptive methods
• Prescribed emergency contraception and abortion medication as directed
• Provided pre-and post-abortion counseling and monitoring
• Worked in collaboration with a physician
• Collaborated with the healthcare team and community agencies as needed

Sun City Gynecology and Associates, Nurse Practitioner, 2007-2010

• Provided reproductive and women’s health care for 20 patients per day
• Worked in collaboration with 3 providers
• Secured a complete health history
• Provided counseling and treatment for STIs, pregnancy, abortion, menopause
• Prescribed medication and contraception as necessary
• Ordered and interpreted tests
• Provided community support and education regarding sexuality issues, STIs, contraception, and pregnancy

Trident Hospital, Med-Surg Unit, RN, 2004-2007

• Provided nursing care for men and women on a 30-bed medical-surgical unit
• Worked in collaboration with unit and team
• Regularly precepted nursing students

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, Florida, 2007-Current
• Registered Nurse, State Board of Nursing, Florida- 2004-Current

• American Association of Nurse Practitioners
• Florida Nurse Practitioners Association
• American Medical Writers Association

Author: Breckensham, Lydia. The Effects of Stress on Estrogen. American Journal of Women’s Health. 2020; 155:35-39.

EXAMPLE #3: Psychiatric Nurse practitioner resume for telehealth position

1650 Linglestown Rd
Hershey, PA 17737
[email protected]
Diligent PMHNP with expertise in ADHD seeking an NP position with OnlineADHD. Previous experience working with children and adults in telehealth. Exceptional communication skills and EMR competency. Eager to combine ADHD experience with telemedicine to better serve the greater tri-state area.
St. Stevens University, 1994-1996
Masters in Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

Millersville University, 1986-1990
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Shippensburg University, 1980-1984
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Nurse Practitioner, 2000-present

• Perform patient assessments for teens and adults to monitor response to psychiatric treatment and medication
• Prescribe medication and treatment for a variety of psychiatric conditions
• Worked 50% of time inpatient on a 20-bed mental health unit
• Worked 25% of the time in outpatient telemed for follow-up care
• Spent 25% of time working at a community outreach for teens with behavioral and mental health issues

Chocolate Ave. Children’s Mental Health Services, Nurse Practitioner, 1994-2000

• Performed assessment and treatment for children and teens with behavioral and mental health issues
• Evaluated, counseled and prescribed, and monitored medication for patients with ADHD
• Worked in tandem with interdisciplinary teams in-office and in the community, including schools

Baycare Children’s Hospital, RN, 1990-1994, Inpatient Psychiatry

• Provided direct patient care to children on a 26-bed behavioral health unit.
• Administered and monitored medication and treatment
• Conducted therapy sessions on relaxation and mindfulness, anger management, and positive self-esteem
• Oriented new nurses to the floor and served in preceptor role to nursing students
• Charge nurse

INTEL Technology, Computer Programmer, 1984-1986

• Developed in-house web app that allowed employees to manage and recommend products
• Collaborated with the team in the development of 2 other product apps

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, Pennsylvania, 1996-Current
• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, 2022-Current
• Registered Nurse, State Board of Nursing, 1990

• American Association of Nurse Practitioners
• Pennsylvania Nurse Practitioners Association
• New Jersey Nurse Practitioners Association

Wife and mother of two children. Currently studying Chinese and Spanish.

EXAMPLE #4: Substance Abuse PMHNP

[email protected]
Enthusiastic and energetic seasoned PMHNP passionate about recovery seeking NP position at El Paso Detention Center. Skilled in detoxification and rehabilitation monitoring, and counseling. Exceptional communication skills with a knack for motivating clients and the team to achieve optimal wellness and successful outcomes.
Temple University, 2012-2014
Masters in Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

Widener University, 1999-2003
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
AEGIS Rehabilitation Center, Nurse Practitioner, 2020-current

• Performed assessment, monitoring, and treatment of patients during detox and rehabilitation at a 70-bed men’s and women’s center
• Developed and implemented a new EMR system
• Informatics representative and trainer
• Collaborated with a team of doctors, NPs, nurses, and psychiatric staff

New Jersey State Correctional Facility, Nurse Practitioner, 2015-2020

• Delivered high-quality mental health care to women in a 100-bed correctional facility
• Provided monitoring and treatment during detox
• Contributed to ongoing mental health counseling and education of female inmates
• Worked with medical team to keep patients safe and emotionally fit

Jersey City Medical Center, RN, Emergency Room, 2003-2012

• Provided nursing care for busy level 1 trauma center emergency department
• Provided nursing care for patients in crisis due to alcohol and drug overdose, along with detoxification
• Collaborated with the medical team to ensure optimal patient care
• Assist providers with emergency procedures
• Provided excellent communication to patients and families in stressful situations
• Team leader and charge nurse

• Excellent listening
• Calm in a crisis
• Team player

• De-escalation skills
• Team leader
• Crisis Trained

• Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, AANP, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 2014-Current • Registered Nurse, New Jersey State Board of Nursing, 2003

• Achieved top-performing provider award • AANP Pennsylvania State Award of Excellence for Nurse Practitioners

How to Write an Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Resume?

Step #1: gather the facts, about the step:, step #2: research the process, step #3: wow them with your objective statement., step #4: add your education., step #5: list your work experience., step #6: include your licensing information., step #7: add skills and any other pertinent headings., step #8: prepare a rough draft, step #9: individualize the resume to the job., step #10: proof it, bonus 6 common nurse practitioner resume blunders and how to fix them, blunder #1: too long (or short), about the blunder:, blunder #2: full of errors, blunder #3: keep it professional looking, blunder #4: not including all essential parts, blunder #5: boring, blunder #6: not individualizing it to the job, my final thoughts, frequently asked questions answered by our expert, 1. what is the difference between an np resume and np cv, 2. which format is best for a new grad np resume, 3. which format is best for an experienced np resume, 4. how long should a resume be for a new grad np, 5. how long should a resume be for an experienced np, 6. what is a good objective for a new grad np resume, 7. what is a good objective for an experienced np resume, 8. how to add nurse practitioner clinical experience to my new grad np resume, 9. how do i write my msn fnp credentials on my new grad np resume, 10. how do i write my dnp fnp credentials on my new grad np resume, 11. how many resumes should i bring to an np interview, 12. as an experienced np, how much work history looks good on my resume, 13. should i list rn license on my new grad nurse practitioner resume, 14. do i need a different resume for each np job i apply to, 15. how often should i update my np resume, 16. how much time does it take to create an outstanding np resume, 17. should i put my gpa on my new grad np resume, 18. should i include preceptorship on my experienced np resume, 19. can i use ready resume templates to create my np resume, 20. what useful online tools can be used to create an outstanding np resume.

nursing professional resume writing

  • Write Resume
  • Resume Editing
  • Resume Proofreading
  • Resume Revision
  • Linkedin Profile
  • Bio Writing
  • Resume Design
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume Review
  • Our Writers

Best nursing resume writing services for all career levels

Looking to land your next job as a registered nurse or nurse midwife? Get a professional resume that will give you a competitive edge over other applicants and sell your patient care skills.

Calculate Your Price

Get a strong nurse resume that makes the difference.

Nursing is an extremely rewarding profession that pays well and has great job outlook. Yet, even an experienced nursing professional can struggle to get hired if their resume isn't up to scratch. Competitive nursing resumes should highlight the medical equipment you worked with, your certifications (such as RN, FNP-BC, CPN or APRN), and accomplishments.

If you aim for quick results in your job search, consider professional nursing resume services. Our resume creators have years of writing experience under their belt and understand the need of employers in a healthcare industry. Here is just a brief outlook at what we offer our clients:

100% custom writing - our nurse resume service guarantees original writing from scratch. Simply provide us with your career information to get started. We don't use templates or pre-written scripts - your resume will be one of its kind.

Qualified writers - a writer who knows ins and outs of healthcare industry will be doing your resume. They will describe your professional expirience, skills, and education in a way that compels recruiters and hiring managers.

Guarantee of satisfaction - think that your new resume needs some more work? We offer free revisions within 14 days. Believe that the writer didn't follow your instruction or didn't get the resume on time? We offer a money back guarantee for these situations.

Cheap prices - our company works exclusively online, so we can keep our prices lower than our competitors. Moreover, all new clients enjoy a one-time 20% discount regardless of the amount of your order.

Thoughtful support - our customer support works non-stop, at any time of day and night. Chat with us if you faced a technical issue, need help choosing the right resume package or have questions.

98% satisfaction rate - clients from the US, UK, and New Zealand alike enjoy our services as they find us helpful in landing their next nursing job. The majority of our customers leave positive feedback and are happy with the resumes we've prepared for them. Don't believe us for word - take a look at what our customers say.

Client testimonials


I struggled getting hired after my graduation from SMU. Turned out, an old resume had lots of mistakes so the hiring manager didn't call me back. Now I have a few video interview invitations, thanks a lot!

- Trisha F.


I'm making a transition from nurse to health educator role. My writer Daniel created the best resume I've ever had, and I can't wait to start sending it to employers


I didn't believe in the importance of having a pro resume before. The one you got for me was just perfect. Now, after months of unemployment, I got a dream job as a nurse with Mayo Clinic.


My former colleague recommended your services. I ordered a cover letter, and it surpassed all my requirements. I've already placed another order with you for LinkedIn profile writing.


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I couldn't get hired as a NP despite ten years in a private heart clinic. My writer Trisha has completely redesigned everything and added list of accomplishments. I have three interviews scheduled this week - I couldn't be more grateful to you guys!

- Barbara M.


I was told about the importance of keywords, but couldn't figure out how they work. The writer has updated my CV with keywords and tailored it for the position, and I'm signing an offer next week.


I'm starting career as a nurse midwife after school and want to get a job in a private clinic. I'm happy with the way my CV looks - the writer described internships and clinical rotations as real jobs


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Registered nurses, pharmacy technicians, physical therapists and even client executives need high-quality resumes to get hired. Hire the best nursing resume writers to receive a document that truly helps your career. Our staff resume makers are trained in every aspect of resume writing. We only hire American and British writers with prior HR or resume writing experience.

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Our website only works with in-house writers, no freelancers or third-world overseas contractors. Thus, you can be 100% confident in the quality of work provided. Each resume is checked by our Quality Assurance department before delivery. With a perfectly polished resume, you'll find it easier to beat the competition and impress the hiring managers.

Looking for a premium-level healthcare resume service? Choose a Platinum resume service when placing your order. Thus, we will assign our Top 10 resume writers to compose your nursing resume, and after that, a PhD editor will check it to ensure flawless grammar and writing. Plus, you can enjoy first-in-line support and a month of free revisions.

Our advantages

With 14+ years in the resume-writing industry, we can offer you a breadth of advantages:

Original human writing

Our nurse resume services don't use AI tools, templates, or pre-written text. We assign each order to a proficient nurse resume writer with all the necessary credentials. Our nursing resume writers will pour in their industry knowledge and writing skills to produce a resume for your target position, optimizing it for an applicant tracking system for the maximum result.

Based on the information you share with us and your goals, we prepare a 100% custom resume that sells your strengths and healthcare experience effectively. And, by focusing on your strengths, we distinguish you from other nursing professionals with similar skills.

Resumes for all nursing professionals

Our experts prepare keyword-rich, clinically accurate resumes that attract more attention from potential employers. A nurse resume writer will focus on your most job-winning skills, such as patient care, CPR, IV therapy, EHR proficiency, attention to detail, and clinical skills.

We offer resume packages to every professional, including Registered Nurses, Directors of Nursing, General Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Assistants, Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and student nurses. A professional resume writer will put your accomplishments and competencies into the spotlight to help you get shortlisted for your dream position.

Smooth one-on-one process

Our nurse resume writing service believes in the power of cooperation. Work directly with an experienced nurse resume writer and talk to them anytime using a messenger. All our writers are receptive to your comments and oriented on your satisfaction. You can discuss the details of your healthcare resume and a cover letter, and the writer will come up with strategies to distinguish you from other job-seekers.

Our writers combine clinical experience and understanding of the hiring practices to create a truly standout resume for you. Let us emphasize your dedication to delivering compassionate patient care, patient education skills, and clinical expertise to produce a resume that markets you for the dream job.

Reliable cooperation

Unlike many other resume writing firms, we provide a safe and reliable service. Our services are 100% confidential, and your data is safely stored on our servers. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee to all healthcare professionals. If you're not happy with your nursing resume, we will update and rewrite it free of charge until you are. Free revisions are available for 14 days after the delivery, which is more than enough to get your resume fine-tuned to meet your demands.

Nurse resume writing service: What you'll get

In today's competitive landscape, a resume for healthcare professionals should be more than just a list of your jobs and certifications. Our experts analyze your background and goals to create a catchy resume. Here's what you'll receive from cooperation with our nurse resume writers:

  • A custom resume prepared for you by a nurse resume writer and tailored to your professional goals;
  • Resume design and formatting that attract the attention of busy recruiters;
  • Resume optimization for applicant tracking systems - we add keywords from your target job posting to prove you're qualified;
  • Resume focused on your accomplishments and results of work over daily job duties;
  • One-on-one resume service: talk directly to your professional writer who is open to your comments and suggestions;
  • Unlimited revisions for 14 days after delivery.

Achieve success with a nurse resume writing service

Using a resume builder nursing for a RN resume is not recommended, as in this case, your resume will look like everyone else's. To get a unique resume written exclusively for you, hire a certified nurses resumes professional. Our company staffs resumes nursing experts in multiple healthcare specializations. More importantly, the resume writer will work on your document until you are satisfied. Our resume writing services guarantee free revisions within two weeks at no extra charge.

The qualifications of your resume writer determine whether you'll win that interview or not. We guarantee that your resume will be written in flawless English, enriched with necessary keywords, and custom designed. With a strong resume that positions you as a healthcare expert, you'll undoubtedly achieve success.

  • Resume delivery in 24 hours
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Pass the six-second resume test
  • Tailored to your target job description

How to write a professional resume nurse?

Nursing resume writing has its specifics. You have to use professional slang, adapt it for the industry standards, as well as throw in some accomplishments. Our nursing resume writing professionals recommends that you comply with these guidelines:

  • To write a successful nursing resume, include some specific elements. Firstly, list the equipment you are proficient with , such as reading strips or working with vents. Facilities prefer nurses who don't need to be additionally trained. Expand on your knowledge of accessment techniques . Mention intencive care experience, telemetry, monitoring of vital signs, and patient and relatives education, as well as regulatory compliance.
  • Secondly, you should list relevant certifications (such as RN, NPR or AACN depending on your specialization) along with the state licensure closer to the top of document. Often, these certifications determine whether the hospital will offer you a position, so you want to put them in a visible place in your nurse resume. For instance, “Registered Nurse, California state Board of Registered Nursing, License #XXXXXXX, 2019”
  • List soft skills . Cultural awareness (considering age, gender, nationality and religious views of the patient), communication, ability to create safe environment and compassion are some examples of such skills. Becoming a successful nurse depends on your ability to interact with others and build trust. As our nursing resume writing expert says, the best way to reflect those skills is through examples, i.e. "Educated patients on procedures and the principles of healthy nutrution" or “Introduced the innovative education models to influence the quality training of new nurses” .
  • Concentrate on the accomplishments. While experience is important, employers look for achievements in the first place. Provide specific accomplishments with evidence and figures. Here's a good example from the nurse resume writing service: "Created and implemented the care plan which increased patient satisfaction by 25%".
  • Address the needs of the clinic . Saving lives is a calling, but a good nurse resume also shows the understanding of their employer's needs. You can do it by highlighting your experience in improving processes, saving costs, providing training to new nurses, and many more. You might say “ Improved customer support service and quality standards of service in the hospital by 30% ”.
  • Use valuable keywords. If the job posting asks for experience with monitoring patients with chronic cardiac diseases, focus on this kind of experience in the first place. If you see phrase “ participate in departmental and interdisciplinary conferences ”, try copying it.

If you're not sure how to reflect all these qualifications appropriately, rely on the best nursing resume writing services. We will pour years of expertise into the creation of a perfect resume that matches the employers' demands.

Writing an entry-level nursing resume

Use an objective. It's reasonable to write an objective that would show what kind of experience you've gained through volunteering, study, and rotations. Additionally, you can mention what kind of entry-level role you're looking for. Yet, avoid writing “To obtain a Registered Nurse position with a reputable healthcare setting when I can build the skillset”. Such statements are desperately out of date.

  • Tell more about educational activities. If you wrote a research paper, participated in conferences or won an award, consider including everything in an entry-level resume. Consider including your thesis title or conference presentation title if they are connected with your target specialization.
  • List unpaid experience and side activities. Were you a manager of a volunteering project, a member of student organization or an intern? Describe this experience as if it was a real job. Say, you can write: “Provided medical assessments to 100+ people in underserved rural communities”
  • Focus on clinical rotations. The nursing resume writing services recommend that you list the details of your rotations: type of clinic, your responsibilities, and more. Statements like “ Administered medications, provided treatments and monitored patient vital signs ” will give an exact picture of what you can assist with when hired.

Your first nurse resume often determines your future career. That's why it's best to hire professional nursing resume writing services. Our writing consultant will downplay the lack of experience, show your potential and make your resume effective.

Get noticed with a nursing cover letter

Most nursing job postings will require you to submit a cover letter as well. Your letter should be written properly and customized for the job. 36% of recruiters reject letters that come across as 'too generic'.

Your letter has to be concise but contain the most important skills and accomplishments at the same time. In case with the nursing industry, you can tell a story or reveal your motivation behind choosing this career path in general, nurse resume writing service recommends. Use 3-4 short paragraphs and only include the information your potential employer could be interested in. Or, contact our nurse resume writing company and impress the most demanding recruiters with an accomplishment-driven and enthusiastic letter.

If you are concerned about copyright 2020 issues, we transfer the full resume rights to you, no rights reserved by us. Our site offers editing service as well in case you need to fix mistakes, improve the flow, grammar and layout. We understand how exhausing a resume rewriting process can be for a busy nurse when you work late hours in a busy setting and commit to ongoing education. Our service is ready to help anytime - just let us know your career goals.

Stop experiencing writer's block and breaking your head thinking how to humblebrag about the achievements. Withstand the competition, get noticed and follow your mission of saving and improving lives of others. Order a pro resume with a never-before-seen 20% discount.

Get your resume done in 24 hours

Applying in 1-2 days since the job was posted skyrockets your chances for consideration. resume writing services have got you covered - we offer 24-hour delivery. Download a ready resume the next day and don't waste a single second. And if for some reason we don't provide you with a fresh CV on time, we offer a full money back guarantee. Check our terms and conditions for more.

We have resume-writing experts in 60+ industries

Our extensive team accounts for hundreds of writers in many fields, from manufacturing, retail and marketing to IT, finance and federal. For both fresher and a chief visionary officer will get a writer who can market you on paper most efficiently. Edits and revisions are free during two weeks. If you're after first-class nursing resume writing services where the careful support team attends to you any time of day and night and the writer pours their energy into the creation of unique career documents, you're in the right place. The writer will determine an optimal writing style and layout based on your specialty, career history and long-term goals.

Free Expert Tips for Nursing Resumes

  • Interpersonal skills are as important as professional experience. While working on a nursing resume, many applicants forget to put sufficient emphasis on interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and even interaction style. These qualities are very important and you should mention them.
  • Technologies and IT. With the increasing focus on technological upgrades and communication tools, nurses should be ready for changes and be fluent in using different technologies. You should mention your IT skills, previous experience with diverse applications and tools, and similar experience.
  • Training and certificates. Not only the formal education but also additional trainings and certificates you obtained should be listed in your resume. While you may think they are not relevant, they will show the HR manager the details about your commitment to ongoing learning and self-development.
  • Resume summary section. While the experts do not agree on the necessity to include the summary section, we believe it is a valuable addition to your document because you can include the following details here: main strength, career objective, and aspirations.
  • Resume formats. A nursing resume template differs from other formats. You should not neglect the search. Be sure to choose the most appropriate resume format for your nursing resume. It is not advisable to be excessively creative, but it does not mean your format should be entirely blank and written in Times New Roman font.

Gain confidence with professional nurse resume writing services

Our healthcare resume writers understand the nursing terminology and the expectations of clinics and hospitals. Get a professional nursing resume that markets you for the target job with a 20% welcome discount.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

We are available worldwide, however, if you are looking for a local resume writing expert in your hometown, we are offering you to check the following pages for more information and your convenience: NYC , Houston , Chicago , San Diego , Austin , Dallas , Seattle , San Francisco , Washington , Los Angeles , Philadelphia , San Antonio , Indianapolis , Minneapolis , Kansas , Columbus , Phoenix , Detroit , Boston , Fort Worth , Orlando , Vancouver , Portland Oregon , Orange County , Atlanta , New Jersey , Sacramento , Richmond , Baton Rouge , Colorado Springs , Tampa , St Louis , Raleigh , Cleveland , Charlotte , Palo Alto , Pittsburg , Miami , New Orleans , Greenville , Fort Lauderdale , Sydney CV , Baltimore , Perth , Las Vegas , Jacksonville , France , Melbourne , Fresno , Calgary , Edmonton , Toronto , Nashville , Silicon Valley , Sydney , Ottawa , Canada

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Resume Professional Writers

Success Stories

Nursing Career Transformation: Sarah’s Journey from Frustration to PICU Success

Sarah Thompson stared at her computer screen, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. Another rejection email. As a dedicated registered nurse, she wondered why her dream job in pediatric intensive care remained elusive.

A Passion for Pediatric Care

Sarah had always been drawn to the healthcare field, driven by a passion for helping others. With five years of experience as a registered nurse in a busy urban hospital, she dreamed of specializing in pediatric intensive care. However, despite her skills and dedication, Sarah found herself stuck in a career rut, unable to break into her desired specialty.

The Uphill Battle

The constant stream of rejection emails was taking its toll on Sarah’s confidence. She knew she had the skills and experience to excel in a PICU role, but her resume seemed to fall short of catching recruiters’ attention. The competitive nature of specialized nursing positions meant that standing out from the crowd was crucial, and Sarah’s generic resume wasn’t making the cut.

As weeks turned into months, Sarah’s frustration grew. She began to doubt her career choices and wondered if she’d ever achieve her goal of working with critically ill children. The emotional weight of unfulfilled aspirations started to affect her performance in her current role, creating a vicious cycle of self-doubt and disappointment.

A Glimmer of Hope

One evening, while venting her frustrations to a colleague, Sarah learned about Resume Professional Writers. Her coworker had used their services to land a coveted position in cardiology. Intrigued by the possibility of a professionally crafted resume, Sarah decided to give it a try. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, she reached out to Resume Professional Writers, hoping this could be the key to unlocking her career potential.

Crafting a New Narrative

Sarah’s experience with Resume Professional Writers was eye-opening. The process began with a comprehensive consultation where she discussed her background, skills, and career aspirations with a specialist in healthcare resumes. Initially skeptical about how much difference a resume could make, Sarah was impressed by the depth of industry knowledge displayed by the writer.

The resume professional worked closely with Sarah to highlight her most relevant experiences and skills, tailoring every section to appeal to PICU hiring managers. They helped her quantify her achievements and showcase her specialized training in a way she hadn’t considered before. Throughout the process, Sarah received regular updates and had the opportunity to provide feedback, ensuring the final product truly reflected her unique value proposition.

A Career Takes Flight

Armed with her new, professionally crafted resume , Sarah’s job search took a dramatic turn. Within weeks, she noticed a significant increase in responses to her applications. Interviews that had once seemed out of reach were now being scheduled regularly.

Sarah’s confidence soared as she found herself able to articulate her experiences and aspirations more effectively during interviews, drawing from the well-structured narrative of her new resume. The interviewers’ positive feedback reinforced that she was on the right track.

Two months after receiving her new resume, Sarah achieved her goal: she was offered a position as a PICU nurse at a prestigious children’s hospital. The sense of validation and excitement was overwhelming. Not only had she secured her dream job, but she also negotiated a salary increase of 15% compared to her previous position.

Lessons from the Journey

Looking back, Sarah realized that investing in professional help was a turning point in her career. She learned the importance of presenting herself effectively on paper and the power of a well-crafted resume in opening doors. Sarah now advises fellow nurses not to underestimate the impact of their resume and to seek expert help if they find themselves stuck in their career progression.

New Horizons

With her new position in the PICU, Sarah is excited about the challenges and growth opportunities ahead. She plans to pursue additional certifications in pediatric critical care and eventually aims to take on a leadership role within the unit. Sarah remains grateful for the role Resume Professional Writers played in her journey and continues to recommend their services to colleagues looking to advance their careers.

In Sarah’s Words

“Resume Professional Writers didn’t just revamp my resume; they revitalized my entire career trajectory. Their expertise helped me showcase my true potential, leading me to my dream job in pediatric intensive care. It’s been a life-changing experience.”

Your Career Transformation Awaits

Are you a healthcare professional struggling to land your ideal role? Discover how Resume Professional Writers can transform your career prospects and help you achieve your professional dreams. Your success story starts here.

Are you a healthcare professional struggling to land your ideal role? Discover how our nurse resume writers can transform your career prospects and help you achieve your professional dreams. Your success story starts here.

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Breaking news, 10 expert-recommended online resume writing services to use in 2024.

A resume

In the mix of college assignments and perhaps your 9-to-5, piecing together an attractive resume for employers can be a difficult feat.

Not only is this one-pager the bread and butter of what will lead to a first-round interview (fingers crossed!), but it’s an excellent portrayal of your skillset, employment history and unique skills that help a company’s HR department gauge if you’re the right fit.

Let’s cut to the chase — more specifically, let’s answer the question, “ How can I make my application stand out? ” One of the most influential steps is, without a doubt, rendering your resume to tip-top shape. And fortunately, there are some of the best online resume services like TopResume and Resumble out there to help.

Best Overall: TopResume

Best budget: resume companion, best optimization for applicant tracking systems: resumeble.

  • Best Customizable : Brand Resumes
  • Best with Career Consulting: Top Stack Resumes
  • Best for Quick Hiring : ZipJob
  • Best One-on-One Collaboration : Upwork
  • Best for Cover Letters : ResumeSpice
  • Best Budget : Craft Resumes

Whether you’re a senior in college applying for your first full-time job or you’ve been in the biz for years and are looking to segue into a different role, we rounded up the top online resume writing services you can use to help get your application in tip-top shape. Plus, we’ve enlisted Shannon Conklin, director of career and leadership development at The College of New Jersey to help!

Hop to her picks below or check out our FAQ for more details on things to look for when picking the right resume builder for you.


  • Packages with unlimited resume revisions
  • Free resume review
  • 60-day interview guarantee
  • Several customers who wrote reviews on Trustpilot mention having poor communication with their resume writers

TopResume is a beloved favorite — and for a good reason. It has four different packages depending on your career goals, some of which include unlimited revisions, a LinkedIn makeover, a cover letter and two interview prep sessions.

“TopResume continues to be a solid option,” Conklin shared. “It has strong descriptions, where the website and interface are easy to navigate to understand its process, its three packages, as well as testimonials.”

She also loves TopResume’s FAQ section, coupled with the various packages, that make its process clear and timeline. “There is also plenty of mention about AI and ATS technology,” she added. “If you need a resume quickly, one that accounts for technology, and a budget of only about $150, it looks like this service would be one to strongly consider.”

With TopResume, you’ll also get a 60-day interview guarantee. If you don’t get twice as many interviews, the platform will rewrite your resume for free. It’s pretty top tier, to say the least, and is a minimal investment for those hoping to find free resume-writing services.

Resume Companion

  • Self-directed service
  • Template-based
  • Must renew a subscription to edit resume in the future

“Resume Companion is a clean website with a clear message — build a resume quickly!” Conklin highlighted. “It offers templates, examples and advice on how to craft a resume, as well as a cover letter, as a self-directed service within about 15-minutes.”

What’s more, the service also makes it clear it offers a variety of templates based on industries and functions. “This can really help if you are trying to transition to a new field or your resume needs to be updated to reflect the latest in your industry,” she added.

With Resume Companion, you’ll be able to build your resume step by step, from selecting a professional template to answering a few simple questions to have your experience and skills added directly to your digital file. Namely, if you’re not much of a writer, you’ll appreciate its pre-written work experience bullet points to craft your resume in minutes and then apply away.

Not to mention, it’s only $8 a month, so if you want a one-and-done service, this one’s your best bet. Keep in mind that you will have to renew your subscription to edit in the future, but it’s a great budget-friendly option to pursue if you don’t want to be completely in the dark.


  • 4-day turnover on resume drafts
  • Three free revisions with standard resume package
  • Only the premium resume package includes a job guarantee

Resumeble is not only has a fun name, but it includes a resume and cover letter in its baseline package. If you’d like to upgrade, you can receive a LinkedIn write-up, a second resume version, thank you and follow-up notes and cold emails to recruiters.

“Have you applied to dozens of jobs, only to never get through?” Conklin questioned. “If this resonates because your resume is not optimized for ATS platforms, Resumeble might be the choice for you. Mention of ‘ATS,’ as well as their outcomes and ROI, are weaved throughout its site.”

Conklin told The Post that she’s seen many clients apply to dozens and dozens of companies, only to be vetted out due to ATS. “When that happens, I often advise networking to complement a revised, ATS-optimized resume.” she tipped off. “This brings me to one other noteworthy element to their various packages, they support your full professional profile; resume to LinkedIn to recruiter communication support.”

For those who want to spend less than $200 for online resume writing services, this all-in-one option is fairly priced, making it one of the best affordable resume writing services. If you’re only looking to refresh your LinkedIn, you’ll just pay a one-time $99 fee. For just your resume, it’s a one-time purchase of $129 for the service.

Best Customizable: BrandResumes


  • Has a self pace job search course
  • Helpful step by step resume building guide
  • Some customers who reviewed the service on Trustpilot report time delays in receiving their resume

BrandResumes made the cut as one of our top choices for online resume services for a few reasons: it’s one of the platforms best for ATS keyword optimization and formatting for interviews, LinkedIn branding and a customizable interface. If you buy the deluxe package, you’ll have your resume distributed across the 60 top job boards (including industry-specific ones), so you’ll spend less time applying.

“Learning the fundamentals of resume writing is a skill that will carry you throughout your career, and BrandResumes offers courses and resources to accomplish just that,” Conklin highlighted. “Once you understand how to format a strong bullet point, or the style you find reflects your story and values, you can start crafting various resumes to appeal to different audiences and fields.”

BrandResumes also offers resources to launch your own resume writing business — a tool that can be valuable for career experts seeking professional resume writing services. “If you’re seeking to dig into how to revamp your resume, or you find yourself (like many in HR or career services) consistently asked to help a friend or family member with their materials, this service will align with your goals,” she added.

Best with Career Consulting: TopStack Resume

TopStack Resume

  • Pay only after you’re satisfied with the resume
  • According to TopStack Resume’s site, resume complete takes up to 2 weeks

TopStack Resume is a force to be reckoned with in the career development sphere. Notably, it’s one of the only services that provides career consulting. So, in addition to resume and cover letter formatting, you have the option to partake in one-on-one sessions with a career advisor.

“Five steps is all you need to follow for your resume review by TopStack,” Conklin put it simply. “The simplicity of this service and the range of offerings (from a resume for $139 to career consulting for its Premium Package ) can be valuable for any job seeker or career explorer.”

Moreover, if you find yourself in need of more career support, maybe you’re changing fields or returning to work after time off, this is a strong contender. “Be mindful of your budget and timeline, so you take full advantage of a career consultant; a solid service should focus on the process, as much as a strong career outcome,” she added.

Plus, TopStack Resume is unique in that it has a team of well-qualified writers to ensure your one-pager is the best it can be. At a fair price point, you can always upgrade to add on more benefits in the future.

Best for Quick Hiring: ZipJob


  • Fairly priced for the quality and swiftness of deliverables
  • Optimizes for ATS so you’ll have better odds of visibility before your resume lands in human hands
  • May be more difficult to ask for revisions if need be, due to the service’s robust turnaround time and automation

While no resume writing service can guarantee you landing your dream job, ZipJob has a unique offering in one of its packages that makes it a standout from the rest.

Ideal for candidates who are rapidly seeking their next role in a flash, ZipJob combines expert resume writers with the exact same tech employers to optimize your one-pager. The kicker? Its most popular plan, Fast Track, includes a professionally written resume, ATS optimization and direct writer messaging — but that’s not all.

Impressively, the Fast Track package for $189 also includes a cover letter and a 60-day interview guarantee. That’s how confident ZipJob is that you’ll get hired, and get hired quickly.

For $299, its Premium package includes a LinkedIn profile update to help maximize your chances and expedited delivery for super speed. If you want swiftness but don’t wish to compromise the quality of your application, you won’t have to worry with ZipJob.

Best One-on-One Collaboration: Upwork


  • Several projects to choose from with unique writing strengths you may desire
  • Typically budget-friendly
  • Some options will have your resume written in only one business day
  • Price points vary and quality of work varies depending on which project provider you select, so take caution and read reviews before working with a given person

Individual-driven platforms like Upwork allow you to shop around for a resume writing service that matches your specific needs and budget. Similar to platforms like Skillshare where talented, qualified creators host a course offering or a service, Upwork allows you to select from a variety of different projects where you’ll have one-on-one attention. Consider it akin to being matched with an online counselor.

Generally budget-friendly, most of Upwork’s providers only take one business day to deliver. The majority of providers also have thousands of positive, near-five-star reviews, so it’s surely a service to consider.

The one downside to Upwork is that quality of work may differ slightly, though that’s a given with its platform structure. This differs from some other services like TopResume where the company at large has its own writing structure, so it’s just something to take note of. However, for its affordability and speed, it’s a great dip into the pool of resume writing and related services, without spending more on a professional-grade platform.

Best for Cover Letters: ResumeSpice


  • The baseline package offers a lot more than competitors, including phone consult, optimized draft and two edits
  • Cover and thank-you letters are added to packages at an additional charge

ResumeSpice is ready to add that much-needed spice to your resume. It doesn’t just provide three different package options, but it specifically tells you which one would work best for you. For example, if you have no more than two years in the workforce, you should select its baseline package ($449). This package includes a phone consultation, an eye-catching resume format, keyword optimization, a personalized draft, two rounds of revisions based on your feedback and finalized versions in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.

“Solid service is evident across ResumeSpice, and its focus on Executive Resume stands out from others,” Conklin pinpointed. “If you find yourself wanting to get to that next level in your career, you really do need to consider an executive coach with an eye towards that goal for your materials.”

You might, for example, realize you have decades of experience and are unsure where to start to consolidate — Conklin offered. “This is one of the most frequent concerns when making this transition, and a third party like ResumeSpice can be an invaluable resource and sounding board,” she added. “Finally, its site is clear in terms of turnaround, which shows they value your time and manage expectations — a positive sign on what you can expect service-wise.”

ResumeSpice offers other à la carte services, too, including cover letter help, LinkedIn profile revamping, interview preparation and career coaching.

Best Budget: Craft Resumes

Craft Resumes

  • Unlimited revisions
  • 5 day delivery
  • Some reviewers mention time delays

Craft Resumes has an engaging, user-friendly interface that makes resume-building a fun, less stressful process. With ATS keyword optimization and a dedicated writer on your resume, rest assured that it will be in a healthy state to pass along to recruiters and job posters.

“Craft Resumes cleary focus on the ‘craft’ and design of writing resumes, where a distinguishing factor that caught my eye is their unlimited evaluation ‘at any reason’ for four days,” Conklin said, recommending the service. “This is valuable for job or graduate school seekers and career explorers, as you’ll likely have questions once you find an opportunity of interest.”

Similar to other services here, there is a one-on-one aspect that can be quite valuable, especially if you have the time. “There are also a variety of services and prices, not just resume writing,” she noted. “This is helpful for you budget, and evolving needs. Often times once you get a resume underway you start to realize that you’ll want other materials to be updated and aligned with your personal brand.”

For its most popular package, The Basic, you’ll have access to a single writer and unlimited revisions (which is a score compared to some other services on this list), strong and optimized words, unique formatting and a cover letter to increase your chances of landing an interview. However, Craft Resumes has other great packages worth exploring.

Best Resume Writing: Let’s Eat, Grandma Resume Service

Let's Eat, Grandma Resume Service

  • Consultation included with every package
  • Executive Concierge Service that includes 10 days of unlimited revisions
  • Quality writers and customer service, based off reviews
  • No academic CVs or federal resumes

Humorous name aside, resume service Let’s Eat, Grandma has a laser focus on punctuation (as you can tell because nobody intends to write that they’d like to eat their grandmother on a professional document) — as well as resume formatting. What’s great about this platform, specifically, is its vast packages, ranging from drafting your resume to offering cover letters and networking services to help boost your career trajectory.

“Let’s Eat, Grandma hones in immediately on its ‘custom-tailored’ approach,” Conklin said. “While every resume review should be tailored to account for your story (as mentioned above), it’s clear this is a value of this service. Client outcomes are also front and center, where a mix of employers and schools are listed; this is notable if continuing education is a goal of yours.”

With four packages available, and FAQs on the homepage highlighting its range (i.e. academic, federal government and more), Conklin appreciates how it’s clear that this service is distinguishing itself from others, especially given the range of specialty materials they can help you create. 

What’s more, you’ll be assisted by a team of highly skilled writers who create targeted documents to help boost your chances of getting an interview. They’ll also speak to your unique strengths — and, therefore, amplify them on your resume — to tie your entire professional portfolio of experience together. They also have a package tailored for executives, making the platform a solid option for those needing executive resume writing services.

Which resume service is best?

The golden question, right? This depends mostly on your career goals. A range of services are available, and many are now even offered through LinkedIn. 

“When considering a resume service, it is important to consider the extent of guidance you are seeking,” Conklin, who has 15 years of experience in higher education — told The Post.

“Are you overhauling your resume? Are you transitioning industries and need to consider a different format or approach? What are your financial resources to pay for one, or should you explore services offered from your alma mater or current institution if you are a current or graduate of higher education?,” she questioned.

You’ll also want to consider the resume services’ reputation, Conklin suggested: Are there reviews or endorsements of a service, especially if you are paying for one? What is the background, and is the resume service aligned with your industry of interest? 

Is it worth paying for a resume service?

“It depends on the service and one’s circumstances as to whether it is ‘worth’ paying for the service,” Conklin said. “There are very reputable services out there, especially for more experienced career seekers. If you’re transitioning to a new field, or you are seeking to move to a senior or executive level, it could definitely be worth the cost.”

As a preliminary step, Conklin advised to really make sure you are an informed consumer when considering a resume service, and if you should pay or if you have a network or connections you can leverage for advice first. 

How much does it cost to have someone write your resume?

“When an individual pays for a resume service, there may be a flat rate, or it is calculated on an hourly rate and requires at least two sessions,” Conklin explained. “For example, it could cost $150 for a single session.”

However, there are resume services that can significantly exceed that rate and are part of a package that might include a quick return and other support, from LinkedIn to interview coaching, that is over $600, she highlights.

What to include on your resume, according to an expert

“Your story is the focus of your resume, and it is critical to be honest and reflect on how you want to tell that, ultimately,” Conklin noted. “The order also depends on the stage of your career (early, mid, senior, executive) and the industry you are seeking.”

In academia, for example, you’ll see a curriculum vitae (CV) that is pages long to reflect one’s research, publications, and roles held. In financial services, you would have a one-page resume until you have significant work experience. Or, in the creative fields, you may have a one-page resume and then an online portfolio or website that exhibits your work to complement your resume, she explains.

“No matter the field you are pursuing, you always want to make sure you list your experiences in reverse chronological order, you include your education/training, think of the keywords and skills (and make sure those are prominently displayed and included), and also think of what is most relevant,” she listed. “The most relevant should be at the top.”

It is also key to consider Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), automated review systems that scan resumes as part of an organization’s vetting process. “The format could align or cause issues with an ATS system,” Conklin added. “This is why it’s important to do your research, leverage any connections you have to gain insights into a field and their preferred format and get advice on keywords, skills and experiences to include.”

“If you do your homework, you should find clues to answer the questions above and guide your resume writing approach,” Conklin shared.

How we chose resume services

At Post Wanted, here’s what we keep in mind when researching and hand-selecting resume services:

  • Customization : The best online resume services offer tailored resumes with personalized resume writing, in contrast to generic templates you can find for free.
  • Consultation : Some services offer a one-on-one consultation with your writer so they can scope out your specific attributes, career highlights and other aspects to your curriculum vitae you want to spotlight.
  • Comprehensive Packages : In addition to resumes, some services offer cover letters, LinkedIn profile optimization and career coaching. To some, this is worth the investment, though it may come with a higher price tag.
  • ATS Optimization : A great benefit to online resume services is the focus on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), as human recruiters typically use this software use these screening systems before it lands in their hands.
  • Turnaround Time : For some, there’s no time to be wasted when it comes to hunting for a new job. Looking at flexibility and speed is important; some services offer rush options for individuals who need a complete and optimized resume quickly.

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  26. Category : en:Places in Vladimir Oblast

    English names of places of all sorts in Vladimir Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific places in Vladimir Oblast, not merely terms related to places in Vladimir Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of places in Vladimir Oblast.