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phd criminology netherlands

  • Faculty of Law

Maastricht Institute for Criminal Sciences

Located at the law faculty of the University of Maastricht, the MICS brings together scholars from all over the world with different academic and professional backgrounds such as law, forensic psychology, criminalistics, and criminology. The multidisciplinary research focuses on crime, criminal law, and criminal justice systems combining a legal comparative approach with a social scientific methodology. Our staff teaches a variety of bachelor and master courses both in Dutch and English. MICS is involved in numerous international academic and research networks.

  • multidisciplinary and international research on crime, criminal law and its impact on societies
  • integrating legal research and legal practice
  • teaching in criminal law, criminology, psychology and forensics
  • research and education comprises law in the books as well as law in action

Cannabis plant

How Germany Almost Legalized Cannabis

The 1st of April 2024 marks the day when Germany adopted the most progressive legal approach to cannabis in Europe.  While for the Dutch, this may sound like an April’s fool prank, it is far from it: The new German CanG (Cannabis Law) regulates the consumption, possession, and supply of the soft drug...

Suzan van der Aa

European Day for the Victims of Crime

On February 22, it's the 'European Day of the Victim'. On this day, various organizations at home and abroad pay attention to victims of criminal offenses. For example, Victim Support Europe organizes a symposium in Brussels titled 'Leave No Victim Behind: Victims' Rights and the Sustainable...

  • S. van der Aa


The Cannabis Dilemma – Is the legalisation of cannabis in Europe possible?

Germany has elected a new government. One of the legal reforms coalition of Social democrats, the Green party and the free liberals want to put on the tracks is the legalization of cannabis. From a criminological point of view, this is the right decision.


Suspects' privilege against self-incrimination not violated when made to unlock smartphone with fingerprint, Dutch Supreme Court rules

On the 9 th of February, the  Dutch Supreme Court  ruled that forcing suspects to provide access to their smartphone with a fingerprint is not a breach of the privilege against self-incrimination. The case originated from an ex officio appeal ‘in the interest of the law’ in a case of the Court of North...

Aletta Jacobs_blog van anna goldberg

Aletta Jacobs

Dr. Aletta Jacobs is, in ieder geval voor de meeste Nederlanders, de belichaming van vrouwenrechten en gelijkheid. Maar hoeveel weet je nou écht van deze beroemde feministe? En waarom hebben we een onderwijsruimte naar deze vrouw vernoemd?

Research at MICS is multidisciplinary and covers fields of criminal law, criminology, psychology, neurosciences and forensics. Apart from studying the law in the books and the law in action, the normative, cognitive and operational assumptions that underlie criminal policies and law making are at the core of our research. Contemporary challenges posed by crime are no longer limited to the nation state but require a multidisciplinary and global analytical framework. Shifting paradigms within criminal justice systems broadened the view from the nation state over the cross-border and European level all up to the international level and cyberspace. MICS conducts cutting-edge research on three main focus-themes:

  • Quality standards for criminal justice systems
  • Additional and alternative responses to criminal justice
  • International cooperation in criminal matters.

  Visit MICS's research

phd criminology netherlands

MICS’s research takes place in the following four out of five pillars:

1.  Global Justice 2. Institutional Transformations 3. Globalising Markets 4.  Cross-border Cooperation and Mobility 5.  Law and Technology


Awards for theses by PhD Candidates Hannah Brodersen and Alice Giannini

Two Law PhD candidates of the Maastricht Faculty received awards for their doctoral theses during the 21 st International Congress of the International Association of the Penal Law in Paris.

book cover

Comparative Perspectives of Criminal Procedure

Criminal justice systems across the globe face similar challenges, yet their solutions to these obstacles might differ for a variety of reasons. This book introduces the most salient aspects of criminal procedure from a comparative perspective. 


Conference Criminal Law: Globalized crime and criminal justice: European and international criminal law perspectives

This conference aims to compare and critically assess the developments in European Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. The conference sets out to analyse differences and similarities with regard to a variety of different aspects of criminal justice in a globalized world.

koers bepalen

Tackling drug related organised crime requires determining course

In recent years, with additional funding from the government, several local, regional and national projects have been launched to tackle and nip undermining crime in the bud. This has raised awareness in the Netherlands about the seriousness of that problem and the need to tackle it together. It is...

How Greed and Crime Erode Professional Football and We All Look the Other Way

Ostrageous: how greed and crime erode professional football and we all look the other way

“The European professional football industry is highly vulnerable to money-laundering schemes and major tax fraud, but people both inside and outside the industry are collectively looking the other way.”

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phd criminology netherlands

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1 phd-criminology PhD positions in Netherlands

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Knaw early career award.

Medical, Biomedical and Health Sciences Natural Sciences and Technology Who is it for? Scientific researchers working in the Kingdom of the Netherlands who obtained their PhD at least three and at most

Searches related to phd criminology

  • criminology
  • social sciences
  • criminology phd
  • human rights law
  • human rights phd

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  • Faculty of Law
  • Criminal Law and Criminology


  • Crime Social Sciences 100%
  • Courts Social Sciences 34%
  • Organized Crime Social Sciences 32%
  • Occupations Social Sciences 26%
  • Justice Social Sciences 24%
  • Police Social Sciences 23%
  • Adolescents Psychology 23%
  • Asylum Seeker Social Sciences 20%

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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Tasniem Anwar

Tasniem Anwar

  • Faculty of Law , Criminology - Assistant Professor
  • Empirical and Normative Studies - Assistant Professor

Person: Academic

No photo of Annika Baar, van

dr. Annika van Baar

  • A-LAB - Assistant Professor

No photo of Kim Baudewijns

Kim Baudewijns, MSc

  • Faculty of Law , Criminology - Visiting Fellow

Chantal Berg, van den

dr. Chantal van den Berg

Tomas Berg, van den

dr. Tomas van den Berg

  • 1 Not started

Projects per year

Climate Change and Conflict

de Bie, J. & van Wijk, J.

1/11/23 → …

Project : Research

  • Climate Change 100%
  • Forced Migration 25%
  • National Border 25%
  • Food Insecurity 25%
  • Weather Pattern 25%

In or out of control

Bolhuis, M.

2/01/23 → 31/12/24

JoinedUpJustice: Building a Global Criminal Justice System at the Domestic Level

van Sliedregt, E., Sugrue, R. & Bolhuis, M.

1/01/23 → 31/12/28

Towards a new balance in empowerment and protection of the elderly: A legal empirical perspective

Antokolskaia, M. , Stelma-Roorda, R. , Tollenaar, M., Nieuwboer, R. , Bijleveld, C. & Blankman, K.

15/08/21 → 31/08/27

Intergenerational Continuity of Adversity and Resilience (IN-CARE) Project

van der Geest, V.

30/04/21 → 30/04/25

  • Intergenerational 100%

Research output

  • 551 Article
  • 198 Chapter
  • 34 PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal
  • 31 Abstract
  • 23 Web publication or Website
  • 18 Book (Editorship)
  • 12 Editorial
  • 12 Review article
  • 10 Conference contribution
  • 10 Book/Film/Article/Exhibition review
  • 8 Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
  • 4 Special issue (Editorship)
  • 3 Comment / Letter to the editor
  • 3 PhD-Thesis – Research and graduation external
  • 3 Working paper
  • 2 Foreword/postscript
  • 2 PhD-Thesis – Research external, graduation internal
  • 1 Inaugural speech
  • 1 Valedictory speech
  • 1 Erratum / Corrigendum

Research output per year

Procedural justice and criminal behavior: The perceptions and consequences of procedural justice in detainees' encounters with multiple criminal justice authorities

Research output : PhD Thesis › PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

  • Procedural Justice 100%
  • Criminal Behavior 100%
  • Criminal Justice System 100%
  • Procedural 100%

A conceptual framework of (illegal) governance behavior: A case study of Dutch outlaw motorcycle gangs

Research output : Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceeding › Chapter › Academic › peer-review

Dictators and Dissidents: Nonviolent Resistance in Authoritarian Regimes

Research output : Contribution to Journal › Editorial › Academic › peer-review

Same-Sex Relationships and Criminal Behavior: A Total Population Study in The Netherlands

Research output : Contribution to Journal › Article › Academic › peer-review

  • Criminal Justice System 50%

De signalering en aanpak van extremisme in de jeugdbeschermingsketen

Research output : Contribution to Journal › Article › Professional

Aard, omvang en schade van criminaliteit


Academische vaardigheden onderzoekstalent

Actoren in de rechtshandhaving, afstudeerproject, atrocity actors; perpetrators, bystanders and victims.

  • 189 Lecture / Presentation
  • 36 Conference
  • 26 Peer review
  • 19 Membership
  • 10 Expert meeting
  • 9 Consultancy
  • 7 Editorial work
  • 4 Other event
  • 3 Visiting an external academic institution
  • 1 PhD thesis examination

Activities per year

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie congres

Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg (Participant)

Activity : Participating in or organising an event › Conference › Academic

LSE Kennissessie

Maarten Bolhuis (Speaker)

Activity : Lecture / Presentation › Professional

Convening Panel 'Open-source and other digital evidence in the governance of asylum and criminal justice in the context of war and persecution'

Maarten Bolhuis (Organiser)

Activity : Participating in or organising an event › Workshop › Academic

NVC Cybercrime Divisie (External organisation)

Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg (Member)

Activity : Membership › Academic

Gevolgen van intrekking Nederlanderschap bij terrorismeveroordeelden

Activity : Lecture / Presentation › Academic

ASC Division of White-Collar and Corporate Crime Outstanding Book Chapter Award

Huisman, W (Recipient), Susanne, Karstedt (Recipient) & van Baar, Annika (Recipient), 15 Nov 2023

Prize / Grant : Prize › Academic

  • Corporate Crime 100%
  • Atrocities 100%

ASPO Best Paper Award

van Veldhuizen, Tanja (Recipient), Buurman, Josha (Recipient), Van Laarhoven, Danique (Recipient), De Theije, Veerle (Recipient), Veldman, Jenny (Recipient), Van den Bos, Kees (Recipient), Doosje, Bertjan (Recipient) & Loseman, Annemarie (Recipient), 2011

  • Terror 100%
  • Theorie 100%

ESC European Journal of Criminology Best Article of 2020 Award

Verbruggen, Janna (Recipient), Sept 2021

  • Intimate Partner Violence 100%

Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP scholarship)

Mojtahedi, Hossein (Recipient), 2018

Prize / Grant : Grant › Academic

iIIRG (International Investigative Interviewing Research Group) Best Student Research Award

van Veldhuizen, Tanja (Recipient), 2016

  • Student Research 100%

Labeling and Intergenerational Transmission of Crime: the Interaction between Criminal Justice Intervention and a Convicted Parent

Besemer, S. (Creator), Farrington, D. P. (Creator) & Bijleveld, C. (Creator), ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research, 2015

DOI : 10.3886/e100376v1 ,

Chemical profiling of fingerprints - Mass spectrometry data

van Bochove, M. A. (Contributor), van Riemsdijk, J. J. H. (Contributor), de Poot, C. (Contributor), van Helmond, W. (Contributor), de Puit, M. (Contributor) & van Herwijnen, A. W. (Contributor), 4TU.ResearchData, 1 Jan 2022

DOI : 10.4121/12764330 ,

de Puit, M. (Contributor), van Helmond, W. (Contributor), van Riemsdijk, J. J. H. (Contributor), van Herwijnen, A. W. (Contributor), de Poot, C. (Contributor) & van Bochove, M. A. (Contributor), 4TU.ResearchData, 1 Jan 2022

DOI : 10.4121/12764330.v1 ,


De groene amsterdammer: dat geweer in mijn hand dat is nep de ind als rechter.

Maarten Bolhuis

1 Media contribution

Press/Media : Expert Comment

Nepagenten zelf in de val gelokt: doelwitten van babbeltruc draaien de rollen om

Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg

Babbeltrucs onder de loep: zó proberen fraudeurs je te misleiden

De gelderlander: waarom een man uit ede, dertig jaar na de genocide in rwanda, in nederland voor de rechter moet komen, algemeen dagblad: ex-legerofficier (67) uit ermelo hier berecht voor oorlogsmisdaden in rwanda: vijf vragen en antwoorden.

PhD Criminal Law and Criminology programs in Netherlands

Law and technology.

Tilburg University logo

Tilburg University

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.


Utrecht University logo

Utrecht University

Crime and criminal justice.

Leiden University logo

Leiden University

Global criminology, forensics, criminology and law.

Maastricht University logo

Maastricht University

International crimes and criminology.

Free University Amsterdam logo

Free University Amsterdam

Criminal law, international criminal law (advanced ll.m.), forensic criminology, global criminal law.

University of Groningen logo

University of Groningen

Forensic science.

University of Amsterdam logo

University of Amsterdam

Deadline information, best universities with criminal law and criminology in netherlands.

best universities with criminal-law-and-criminology programs

Bachelor Criminal Law and Criminology programs in Netherlands

bachelor criminal-law-and-criminology programs

Master Criminal Law and Criminology programs in Netherlands

master criminal-law-and-criminology programs

Most Popular Criminal Law and Criminology programs in Netherlands

most popular criminal-law-and-criminology programs

PhD Criminal Law and Criminology programs in Netherlands

phd criminal-law-and-criminology programs

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  • Netherlands
  • Maastricht University via AcademicTransfer
  • Posted on: 22 February 2024

PhD Researcher: Criminology on the triad in crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Job Information

Offer description.

Interested in conducting cutting-edge criminological PhD research into crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (‘ondermijning’), in a dynamic interdisciplinary public-private research consortium? We are passionate about supervising you and five other PhD candidates as well as, in the fifth year, three postdoc researchers in this state-of-the-art prestigious five-year research programme, innovative in focus and approach, with both academic and societal impact. Please apply now to be a force for a more resilient democracy and rule of law! About Us: You will be a PhD researcher in our interdisciplinary public-private research consortium that seeks to address the fundamental problem of crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands (in Dutch: rechtsstaat-ondermijnende criminaliteit or in short ondermijning). Realizing that, for such a complex issue, the sum is more than its parts, more than 28 scholars from at least nine disciplines jointly conduct interdisciplinary research under the overall theoretical framework of complexity science. Given that neither the private sector nor the public sector can address this challenge on its own, 22 private and public agencies including three banks, two intelligence and law enforcement agencies, two applied knowledge institutes, three ministries, three NGOs, and three network organizations collaborate in this interdisciplinary public-private research consortium. Altogether, our COMCRIM community intends to gain a fundamental understanding of crimes that corrode democracy and the rule of law and develop proactive, evidence-based solutions thereto that foster resilience including on rule of law principles like accountability to the law, equality before the law, and fairness in the application of the law. To achieve this aim, we inter alia conduct an ethnographic study of the networked offender-victim-facilitator triad and seek data-driven responses thereto. COMCRIM This five-year research project entitled COMbatting CRIMes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner (in short: COMCRIM) is part of the NWA research programme ‘ Research along Routes by Consortia (ORC) ’, financed by the Dutch Research Council NWO (see for more information under budget range 2-5 million euros). The NWA supports excellent research in the Netherlands, providing funding to scientific consortia that have the potential to rank among the world’s best in their field. COMCRIM is a response to the urgent need for an informed perspective on crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law in and via the Netherlands. Under the overall theoretical framework of complexity science, COMCRIM seeks to understand the systemic problems caused by such crime to core public and private institutions, society, and public values and norms. The project brings together three lines of inquiry: (i) socio-legal, (ii) computer science, and (iii) socio-economic research. Researchers in criminal law, private law/human rights due diligence, social science, computer science, artificial intelligence, complexity science, ethics, criminology, and statistics jointly conduct the interdisciplinary research involving supervision of our six PhD researchers and three postdoc researchers as well as our other personnel like student assistants. They will be guided by an equally interdisciplinary international expert group and national advisory group. As a close-knit team, the COMCRIM community will develop solutions for comprehensively and smartly tackling what complexity science understands to be the ‘ecosystem’ of crimes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law. For more information, please contact COMCRIM’s project director and principal investigator, Dr. Jill Coster van Voorhout, and see our website: Your joint PhD project in context Your joint PhD research project on “Toward a self-reflective criminology of the networked offender-victim-facilitator triad that enables crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law” at both Maastricht University and VU Amsterdam, the School of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences, is the fifth of six work packages of COMCRIM: COMbatting CRIMes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner. Your study is essential to our interdisciplinary public-private research consortium with its focus on the systemic factors of crimes that corrode democracy and the rule of law. This quest for systemic factors means, in short, a study of their business model. Since hardly any such crimes can be committed without (a) persons, (b) money and (c) infrastructure, our study highlights (a) human trafficking, (b) money laundering and (c) corruption. While all three are crimes themselves, they also allow us to detect (a) forced commission of (other) such crimes, (b) the whitewashing of their criminal proceeds, and (c) their effects of interweaving the under- and upperworld. Consequently, this research project will focus on the socio-criminological imagination of the interacting relation between the (roles in the triad of the) offender, facilitator and victim of crimes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law, so as to account for the inherently limited data used in COMCRIM. This PhD research project will continuously reflect on the overall COMCRIM project’s socio-legal (COMCRIM’s research line 1), computational-numerical (COMCRIM’s research line 2) and socio-economic (COMCRIM’s research line 3) understandings of the triad. You will use the criminological imagination to enable an emergent typology by continuously ethnographically evaluating the roles, images and understandings that exist among: a) offenders, facilitators and victims, b) policing and security authorities, and c) among the researchers of this project themselves (including the work package leader of 3.1.). While criminology is central to this PhD research project, socio-legal methods will be used to reflect on the limited use of data. This PhD research project is thereby interdisciplinary by design, and will be enriched thanks to the close collaboration with the five other PhD research projects on, in short, criminal law, human rights due diligence under private law, artificial intelligence, complex systems science, statistics and economics. As a part of the socio-economic research line, your PhD research project 3.1. contributes to answering its research question: What is the perpetrator-victim-facilitator-triad of crimes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law, and what is the impact of simulated interventions aimed at actively protecting itself against the most corrosive effects on the Netherlands at the national level? The PhD research project for 3.1. specifically will address sub-question 3.1.a: What can thick descriptions of the perpetrator-victim-facilitator triad contribute to our fundamental understanding of crimes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law? Thanks to the provision of answers to the above, you will contribute to the overall aim of this research project COMCRIM, answering its central research question: How should the complex problems caused by crimes that undermine democratic societies governed by the rule of law be tackled in a smart and comprehensive manner? Your Role: As a PhD researcher, you will play a key role in conducting research in your own research project in close collaboration and with multiple learning opportunities in the diverse team. While the research project design has been described in detail above, you will within its bounds have the academic freedom to come up within your own ideas that we are eager to discuss with you. Responsibilities:

  • Develop, conduct, and publish research on crimes that undermine democracy and the rule of law and devise more effective data-driven (preventative) interventions;
  • Contribute to the public debate and organize outreach activities of COMCRIM;
  • Contribute to the overall COMCRIM program in terms of events, research meetings, activities;
  • Collaborate with other researchers within the COMCRIM consortium;
  • Give guest-lectures in the area of your expertise at BA or MA level at Maastricht University and VU Amsterdam;
  • Help co-supervising research projects of students working on related topics.

Your Activities: The COMCRIM community provides a stimulating research environment, fostering teamwork, educational innovation, and societal impact. As a key member, you will:

  • Conduct research and benefit from educational development activities;
  • Contribute to teamwork within committed departments and universities;
  • Support and elevate our ambitious research agenda in its scientific and societal impact goals.

Where to apply


Requirements We are looking for the following in the candidate: A proactive, collaborative PhD Researcher, who is experienced in or has a demonstrable eagerness to start working on interdisciplinary research in a ditto public-private research consortium, who has by the time of appointment:

  • A (research) master’s degree in criminology, criminal law, social sciences or a comparable discipline;
  • A strong affinity with the research topic and in collaborating in a team of researchers from different disciplines including an interest to learn and work with supervisors from the areas of criminal law, human rights and business due diligence/private law, artificial intelligence, complex systems science, criminology, ethics, statistics and economics;
  • An excellent written and spoken command of Dutch and/or English, for instance demonstrated by publications in Dutch-language and/or English-language journals, blogs or comparable publications (written and spoken command of other languages, including Spanish, French, and/or German is a plus);
  • A demonstrable interest in or experience with empirical research methods, specifically with mixed methods research, ethnographic research, and qualitative research methods;
  • An interest in ensuring scientific and societal impact;
  • The ability, willingness, and commitment to do autonomous work in an interdisciplinary team;
  • An interest in having an active role in organizing workshops, lecture series, and similar events.

Current master students are welcome to apply. However, appointment will only be possible if the master’s degree has been obtained before the start of the employment contract. You can apply without having proof of obtaining your master’s degree, however, bear in mind that proof of a master’s degree is a formal requirement for employment and must be delivered at least 3 weeks before the start date of the contract.

Additional Information

What we offer As PhD researcher at the Faculty of Law , you will be employed by the most international university in the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht. In addition, we offer you:

  • Good employment conditions. The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile Promovendus, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross per month (based on a full-time employment of 38 hours per week). In addition to the monthly salary, an 8.0% holiday allowance and an 8.3% year-end bonus apply.
  • An employment contract for a period of 12 months with a scope of 1,0 FTE. Upon a positive evaluation, an extension of 3 years will follow.
  • Since this is a PhD research project that combines the best of both worlds of two universities, you will be a member of our research community in Maastricht, while you can also regularly benefit from the research community at VU Amsterdam through our hospitality agreement and at the Institute for Advanced Study in Amsterdam through its partnership in COMCRIM.
  • At Maastricht University, the well-being of our employees is of utmost importance, we offer flexible working hours and the possibility to work partly from home if the nature of your position allows it. You will receive a monthly commuting and internet allowance for this. If you work full-time, you will be entitled to 29 vacation days and 4 additional public holidays per year, namely carnival Monday, carnival Tuesday, Good Friday, and Liberation Day. If you choose to accumulate compensation hours, an additional 12 days will be added. Furthermore, you can personalize your employment conditions through a collective labor agreement (CAO) choice model.
  • As Maastricht University, we offer various other excellent secondary employment conditions. These include a good pension scheme with the ABP and the opportunity for UM employees to participate in company fitness and make use of the extensive sports facilities that we also offer to our students.
  • We provide the space and facilities for your personal and professional development. We facilitate this by offering a wide range of training programs and supporting various well-established initiatives such as 'acknowledge and appreciate'.
  • At the Institute for Advanced Study in Amsterdam, you will be able to regularly conduct the research with all other members of the team consisting of at first the other five PhD Researchers and the project director/principal investigator as well as your and their supervisors.

The terms of employment at Maastricht University are largely set out in the collective labor agreement of Dutch Universities. In addition, local provisions specific to UM apply. For more information, click here .

Applying? Or are you already convinced and ready to become our new PhD researcher? Apply now, no later than April 1st, for this position. Your application should be written in English and include the following documents:

  • A 2-page motivation letter, indicating your motivation to work with us, your research interests, and experience related to the research field;
  • A curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;
  • Your research proposal (maximum 2000 words on 5 pages, excluding references) in which you describe the methodological approach tailored to the project you are applying for, highlighting your ideas and strategies to conduct the research, the barriers that you envision as well as your solutions, as well as reflecting on possible ethical and practical challenges of your project;
  • Two references, including contact information, that can be consulted;
  • Copy of Master diploma and transcripts.

The vacancy is open for internal and external candidates. In case of equal qualifications, internal candidates will be prioritized. Maastricht University is committed to promoting and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that diversity in our staff and student population contributes to the quality of research and education at UM, and strive to enable this through inclusive policies and innovative projects led by teams of staff and students. We encourage you to apply for this position. If you are intrigued by our vacancy but uncertain if you are the perfect fit, apply anyway! We welcome all qualified candidates, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and those underrepresented in academia. Our consortium values diversity, equity, inclusivity, and complementarity. We believe that diverse perspectives are vital in shaping a societal vision to prevent the erosion of democratic societies governed by the rule of law. Our commitment extends to creating an inclusive environment where mutual respect, equal opportunities, and varied experiences thrive in research, organization, flexibility, training, and community activities. Join us in building a team where every voice matters.

Curious? Are you interested in this exciting position but still have questions? Feel free to contact Dr. Jill Coster van Voorhout, COMCRIM project director and its principal investigator ( [email protected] ) and/or the work package leader Dr. Yarin Eski ( [email protected] ) for more information.

Work Location(s)

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phd criminology netherlands

PhD programmes

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.

Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University, but a number are subsidised by a grant that they have acquired themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates, who generally work part-time on their research. 

Every PhD candidate is enrolled in one of the University Graduate Schools.

Read more about Studying for your PhD .

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14 Best universities for Criminology and Criminal Justice in the Netherlands

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in the Netherlands ranked based on their research performance in Criminology and Criminal Justice. A graph of 99K citations received by 7.06K academic papers made by 14 universities in the Netherlands was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Amsterdam

For Criminology and Criminal Justice

University of Amsterdam logo

2. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

3. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

4. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

5. Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

6. Tilburg University

Tilburg University logo

7. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

8. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

9. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

10. Wageningen University

Wageningen University logo

11. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

12. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

13. Hague University of Applied Sciences

Hague University of Applied Sciences logo

14. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education

Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education logo

The best cities to study Criminology and Criminal Justice in the Netherlands based on the number of universities and their ranks are Amsterdam , Utrecht , Leiden , and Rotterdam .

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfields in the Netherlands

  • Media and Culture
  • Street and The City
  • Migration and Multiculturalism
  • Technology and Cybercrime
  • Crimes of the Powerful
  • Gangs and Organized Crime
  • Radicalization and Terrorism
  • Youth, Criminal Justice and Victimization
  • English posts
  • Dutch posts

New PhD Candidates at the Department of Criminology

In September 2019, the Department of Criminology at Erasmus School of Law welcomed two new PhD candidates: Amr Marzouk and Gwendolyn Geuze! We asked them to write a brief introduction on their background and current PhD project.

Gwendolyn Geuze

My name is Gwendolyn Geuze. I am a Dutch-Canadian who, before moving to the Netherlands, studied and worked in British Columbia, Canada. There I obtained my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and worked as a research assistant for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ‘E’ Division. In this role I assisted in conducting various (interesting) criminal justice and public safety-related research topics. In the fall of 2018, I moved to the Netherlands to obtain a MSc degree in Criminal Justice at Leiden University. Upon the completion of my degree I started my employment as PhD candidate here at Erasmus University. My PhD research focuses on the perceptions and effects of alternative sanctioning in the Dutch juvenile justice system. I will be using both qualitative and quantitative methods. My main research interests are (integrated) criminological theory, alternatives to detention, juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice, recidivism, mixed methods research, evidence-base crime prevention/reduction, effects of sanctioning, and judicial decision making.

Amr Marzouk My name is Amr Marzouk. I started my PhD in September 2019 studying the governance of cyberspace and cybercrimes in non-western countries. I hold a Bsc in political science from the University of Alexandria, which I followed with a Master in human rights from Ca’foscari University and a Master in Criminology from University of Durham. I worked as a researcher in criminal justice system for a variety of NGOs and universities. My research interests are: cyberspace governance, cyberpolitics, social movements, criminal justice system reform, human rights.

Rotterdam Criminology Blog is also excited to welcome Amr and Gwen as its two newest contributors! We look forward to seeing and hearing about their work in the coming years.

phd criminology netherlands

Common Study Session Hamburg: ‘Rethinking the dangerous in scary times’

phd criminology netherlands

Let the city live

phd criminology netherlands

Lebanon’s Economic Crisis: Ponzi-scheme or Colonial Scheme?

Kick-off meeting PhDs in Criminology | 1 December

phd criminology netherlands

Many PhD candidates in criminology work on the edges of different disciplines: social sciences, humanities, and even natural sciences. Across different institutions they have common needs and interests. By joining forces, we will broaden their educational opportunities. Therefore, from 2024 onwards, we will organize tailormade PhD courses for future criminologists. Our additional goal is to strengthen the community of PhD candidates, starting with this kick-off meeting.

Practical information

This afternoon is free of charge, but you do need to register . Friday 1 December 2023, De Boelelaan 1077, Amsterdam. See route description . The NSCR is based on the third floor.

NB The program starts in HG 11A33 at the VU Main Building

13.30 - 14.00   Walk in with coffee & tea 14.00 - 14.15   Welcome by prof. Beate Völker (director NSCR) 14.15 - 15.00   Keynote by prof. Danielle Reynald (Griffith University, Australia) 15.00 - 15.30   Pitches of PhD courses

At the NSCR, Initium Building, 3rd floor

15.30 - 15.45   Coffee & tea 15.45 - 16.15   Meet & greet 16.15 - 17.00   Course fair and inventory of interests 17.00                 Drinks

phd criminology netherlands

Prof. Wim Bernasco

Dr steve van de weijer, prof. beate völker.

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Start research into signs of child abuse for the benefit of educational professionals

Nscr scientist robin kranendonk started as a postdoc in a partnership between nscr and the dutch police academy, summer school announcement, 26 september | symposium reparative justice through international justice procedures for victims.

NSCR conducts fundamental scientific research into crime and law enforcement. Our research is substantively innovative, methodologically state-of-the-art and contributes to the solution of major societal issues in the field of security and justice.

NSCR is part of the Institutes Organisation of the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

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Global Criminology

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4 Elective courses to choose from within this programme

Do you want to understand the role of Mexico in the cocaine trade, why a Dutch multinational dumps waste on an African country, or how human smugglers operate in war zones? Are you curious about phenomena such as Internet fraud, food criminality or mobile banditry? Old and new forms of global crime are rapidly expanding, as are the means to control it. The Netherlands serves both as a major crossroad in the illegal flow of goods, people and services and as a key host for international organisations such as Europol, Greenpeace and the International Criminal Court. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, international terrorism, corruption, environmental harm, financial and corporate crime and conflicts over natural resources all have global dimensions. Tackling these issues requires modern instruments that transcend national boundaries.

The MA in Global Criminology is a one-year Master’s programme that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding required to work with local and global crime issues, crime policies and crime control strategies. The programme offers a multidisciplinary, critical and comparative perspective in criminology, open for students with a BA degree in law, criminology, social sciences, or any other related social discipline such as economy, history or media studies, to name a few.

Developing essential skills

During this programme, you’ll study key issues such as organised and corporate crime, police surveillance, (cyber)security policies or the relation between ethnicity and crime. You will also develop essential skills that will benefit you in both your professional and personal life. You will be able, among other things, to:

  • develop good insight into the causes and consequences of local and global crime;
  • analyse the behaviour of offenders from different disciplines and perspectives;
  • critically assess and evaluate criminal policies and the criminal justice system;
  • understand the cultural aspects of criminal phenomena;
  • conduct independent criminological research using qualitative research methods and connect the results with criminological theories;
  • present research results to an audience of both specialists and non-specialists.

There is a growing demand for qualified researchers, legal practitioners and policy makers who can address these and comparable issues. Are you a multidisciplinary expert or criminologist who wants to make a significant contribution to the field? Are you someone who wants to work in the field of law and social reform – or any sector dealing with growing forms of local and global crime control? Do you want to be part of a Master’s programme with students from different continents? Then the MA in Global Criminology at Utrecht University is the right choice for you!

Distinctive education

The MA in Global Criminology is an English-taught programme that consists of small-scale, interactive, and intensive courses. During the course of your studies, you will learn a wide range of qualitative research methods, including ethnography, open interviews, visual and digital methods. This Master's differs in many respects from comparable programmes offered by other Dutch universities. The latter are often taught in Dutch, admit large groups of students, focus on single issues, or are dominated by mainstream approaches and quantitative research methods. In contrast, our Master’s programme offers you:

  • a small-scale programme with intensive personal contact between staff and students; 
  • a broader scope than that of single-issue master’s programmes (e.g. on international crimes or conflict studies); 
  • a critical view on global crime issues and dominant criminological approaches; 
  • a strong focus on the cultural dimensions of crime;
  • international staff with strong expertise in organised crime, crimes of the powerful, green and cultural criminology, digital security and qualitative research methods; 
  • training in various research methods with a strong emphasis on qualitative research techniques, including ethnography, interviews, and visual and online methods; 
  • a focus on the specific role of the Netherlands in the fields of drugs (and drug policies), human rights (international courts and tribunals), and illicit trade; 
  • a wide range of opportunities to conduct research or to participate in internships abroad; 
  • staff that maintain a large network of international contacts, particularly in Latin America and South and Eastern Europe; and
  • excursions, study trips, and expert guest lecturers with a strong international orientation.
I have been teaching Criminology in the Netherlands for the last 20 years, and I find the MA at Utrecht the most critical, innovative and internationally oriented of its kind. Dr Damián Zaitch

The perfect location

Utrecht is more than just a well-established classical university: it is a vibrant town where Dutch history, a cosmopolitan population, and an active student network meet. Every year, students from all over the world come to Utrecht and have the experience of a lifetime. Why not join them!

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

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3 Universities in the Netherlands offering Criminology degrees and courses

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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

THE World Ranking: 125

Leiden University

THE World Ranking: 77

Erasmus University Rotterdam

THE World Ranking: 99

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College of Behavioral and Community Sciences

Main navigation, criminology faculty lead study abroad trip in the netherlands.

Students and faculty visit The Hague.

Students and faculty visit The Hague.

  • August 12, 2024
  • College News , Criminology

USF students had an unforgettable experience in the Netherlands with Department of Criminology Professor Joan Reid, PhD, LMHC , and Assistant Instructor Amber Oderinde, MS . During their 10-day study abroad trip, they explored Dutch perspectives and responses to social issues.

Students visited The Hague and Amsterdam, visiting with local practitioners and hearing from Dutch scholars in the fields of human trafficking and restorative justice. They also visited the International Criminal Court, the Peace Palace, and the United Nations Residual Mechanism for the former Yugoslavia, and gained appreciation for the important role these and other institutions play in settling international disputes and responding to war crimes, genocide, crimes of aggression, and crimes against humanity. 

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About College of Behavioral & Community Sciences News

The Mission of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) is to advance knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families, and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy, and safe lives across the lifespan. CBCS envisions the college as a globally recognized leader that creates innovative solutions to complex conditions that affect the behavior and well-being of individuals, families, and diverse communities.


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  2. Maastricht Institute for Criminal Sciences

    Maastricht Institute for Criminal Sciences - Research

  3. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology

    Developments in society. Recent developments - such as emerging technologies or societal change - inspire new research at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Research is being conducted into topical themes such as crimmigration, a blend of crime and migration, for instance, or decisions made by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee ...

  4. List of Universities for PHD in Criminology in Netherlands

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  5. Criminal Law and Criminology

    Research. The Department of Criminal Law and Criminology carries out academic research in the broad field of criminal law and criminal procedure, and crime and security policy. The research focuses on the fundamental principles of criminal law, human rights, transnational criminal law, the digitalisation of criminal law and procedural law ...

  6. Criminal Law and Criminology

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    Criminology, and welcomes proposals that fit one of the 8 research programmes of Leiden Law School. The PhD position is available from September 1st 2023. Closing date for application is March 31st 2023, 23.59

  8. Criminology

    Dive into the research topics where Criminology is active. These topic labels come from the works of this organisation's members. ... 34 PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal ... A Total Population Study in The Netherlands van de Weijer, S. G. A., van Deuren, S. & Boutwell, B. B., Aug 2024, In: Archives of Sexual Behavior. 53, 8, p ...

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  10. PhD Researcher: Criminology on the triad in crimes that undermine

    What we offer As PhD researcherat the Faculty of Law, you will be employed by the most international university in the Netherlands, located in the beautiful city of Maastricht.In addition, we offer you: Good employment conditions. The position is graded in scale P according to UFO profile Promovendus, with corresponding salary based on experience ranging from €2770,00 and €3539,00 gross ...

  11. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University's different disciplines. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under ...

  12. PhD candidates

    The PhD positions at the School of Law are related to our research programmes. Becoming a PhD candidate at the School of Law is possible in 2 ways: when a vacancy is posted on the Utrecht University website. when you bring your own funds and you can find a supervisor within the School of Law. In this case, you can apply throughout the year.

  13. Best Criminology and Criminal Justice universities in the Netherlands

    12. University of Twente. 13. Hague University of Applied Sciences. 14. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education. The best cities to study Criminology and Criminal Justice in the Netherlands based on the number of universities and their ranks are Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, and Rotterdam.

  14. Nederlands Studiecentrum voor Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving

    NSCR conducts fundamental scientific research into crime and law enforcement, and operates at the interface of theory, policy and practice. You can contact us via +31(0)6 2161 8344 or +31 (0)6 1568 6575.

  15. New PhD Candidates at the Department of Criminology

    In September 2019, the Department of Criminology at Erasmus School of Law welcomed two new PhD candidates: Amr Marzouk and Gwendolyn Geuze! We asked them to write a brief introduction on their background and current PhD project. Gwendolyn Geuze My name is Gwendolyn Geuze. I am a Dutch-Canadian who, before moving to the Netherlands, studied

  16. PhD programmes in Criminology in Europe

    Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 25,556 EUR / year. 3 years. Loughborough University Loughborough, England, United Kingdom. Ranked top 2%. Top 2% of Universities worldwide according to the Studyportals Meta Ranking. View Programme Information.

  17. PhD in Criminal Justice Programs in Netherlands 2024+

    PhD in Criminal Justice & Legal Studies and Doctorate Programs in Netherlands. PhD in Criminal Justice programs, legal studies, and related programs, prepare students to create, interpret, and enforce the law in their communities. This discipline incorporates many unique concentrations, which may support a variety of legal and protective roles.

  18. Kick-off meeting PhDs in Criminology

    Many PhD candidates in criminology work on the edges of different disciplines: social sciences, humanities, and even natural sciences. Across different institutions they have common needs and interests. By joining forces, we will broaden their educational opportunities. Therefore, from 2024 onwards, we will organize tailormade PhD courses for future criminologists. Our additional goal is to […]

  19. Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology

    In The Netherlands (Dutch language programs only) "Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog" (2 year programme); "Klinisch psycholoog" (3 year programme on top of the "gezondheidszorgpsycholoog" training). In Germany (German language programs only) ... To my surprise, I was inspired to do a PhD. After this intense educational year, I want to follow ...

  20. Global Criminology

    The MA in Global Criminology is a one-year Master's programme that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding required to work with local and global crime issues, crime policies and crime control strategies. The programme offers a multidisciplinary, critical and comparative perspective in criminology, open for students with ...

  21. 3 Institutions offering Criminology Courses In the Netherlands

    We have pre-applied the filters based on your preferences, you can modify them anytime. 3 Universities in the Netherlands offering Criminology degrees and courses. Are you looking for Criminology courses? Here you can find course providers offering full-time, part-time, online or distance learning options.

  22. Criminology in Netherlands: 2024 Master's Guide

    Criminology classes use theory, research, and practical methods to determine why people commit crimes and how to prevent them in the future. Criminology also explores the social impact of crimes on victims and communities. Future criminologists can work in law enforcement, education, consulting, correction, etc. more. Understand Criminology.

  23. Criminology faculty lead study abroad trip in the Netherlands

    Students and faculty visit The Hague. USF students had an unforgettable experience in the Netherlands with Department of Criminology Professor Joan Reid, PhD, LMHC, and Assistant Instructor Amber Oderinde, MS. During their 10-day study abroad trip, they explored Dutch perspectives and responses to social issues. Students visited The Hague and ...