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Doctoral (PhD) student position in heart regeneration - Hiring in process/Finished, not possible to apply

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Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?

To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is required.

The research group

The Eroglu Lab is part of the Cell and Molecular Biology Department and is located in Biomedicum. The research group combines state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques with advanced imaging to ask how heart regeneration in salamanders is governed by physical cues and cell-cell junctions. Moreover, the group utilizes cardiac organoids to translate findings made in model organisms into clinically relevant in vitro models.

The doctoral student project and the duties of the doctoral student

Our research group has established a salamander heart regeneration model and identified an important role for tight junction remodelling in guiding heart muscle cell restoration. The PhD project aims to deepen our understanding of the role of tight junctions in salamander heart regeneration through analysis of tight junction interactome and changes in cell composition and expression patterns upon modulation of tight junctions. Student will be involved in generation and analysis of large datasets encompassing various stages of successful and impaired heart regeneration. Emphasis will be on gaining a systems-level understanding of heart regeneration. The successful candidate will be integrated in a multidisciplinary team comprising molecular and cellular biologists and physicists.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group. Karolinska Institutet collaborates with prominent universities from all around the world, which ensures opportunities for international exchanges. You will be employed on a doctoral studentship which means that you receive a contractual salary. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.

Eligibility requirements for doctoral education

In order to participate in the selection for a doctoral position, you must meet the following general (A) and specific (B) eligibility requirements at latest by the application deadline.

It is your responsibility to certify eligibility by following the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

A) General eligibility requirement You meet the general eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

  • have been awarded a second-cycle/advanced/master qualification (i.e. master degree), or
  • have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the advanced/second-cycle/master level, or
  • have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.*

Follow the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

*If you claim equivalent knowledge, follow the instructions on the web page Assessing equivalent knowledge for general eligibility for doctoral education.

B) Specific eligibility requirement

You meet the specific eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

- Show proficiency in English equivalent to the course English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school.

Follow the instructions on the web page English language requirements for doctoral education.

Verification of your documents Karolinska Institutet checks the authenticity of your documents. Karolinska Institutet reserves the right to revoke admission if supporting documents are discovered to be fraudulent. Submission of false documents is a violation of Swedish law and is considered grounds for legal action.

(A) and (B) can only be certified by the documentation requirement for doctoral education .

Skills and personal qualities

We are looking for a highly motivated, driven and enthusiastic person interested in our area of research, and ready to explore new avenues in science. The candidate should be a great team player with the potential to think independently and the capacity to work in an organized, systematic manner, ready to take the challenge of working with an unorthodox model organism and establishing novel tools and techniques.

The applicant must have a master’s degree in biomedical sciences, computational biology, or similar, and it is desirable to have previous research experience in a multidisciplinary international environment in at least one of the areas listed below:

  • cardiovascular biology
  • experience performing and analysing large-scale mass spectrometry or genomics data (bulk, single cell, spatial)

Additional skills that are especially meritorious for the position:

It is beneficial if the applicant has experience with coding in at least one of the following languages: R, Python, Matlab, C++.

Terms and conditions

The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time.

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Application process

Submit your application and supporting documents through the Varbi recruitment system. Use the button in the top right corner and follow the instructions. We prefer that your application is written in English, but you can also apply in Swedish.

Your application must contain the following documents:

- A personal letter and a curriculum vitae - Degree projects and previous publications, if any - Any other documentation showing the desirable skills and personal qualities described above - Documents certifying your general eligibility (see A above) - Documents certifying your specific eligibility (see B above)

A selection will be made among eligible applicants on the basis of the ability to benefit from doctoral education. The qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on an overall basis.

Karolinska Institutet uses the following bases of assessment:

- Documented subject knowledge of relevance to the area of research - Analytical skill - Other documented knowledge or experience that may be relevant to doctoral studies in the subject.

All applicants will be informed when the recruitment is completed.

Location: Biomedicum, Solna

Read more about the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology

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Type of employment PhD placement
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Upon agreement
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100
City Stockholm
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number STÖD 2-480/2024
Union representative
Published 31.Jan.2024
Last application date 22.Feb.2024 11:59 PM CET

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Employment as a doctoral student at KI

According to the Higher Education Ordinance, employment is the most common means of support for doctoral students at KI. This page has important information about salary, other benefits, holiday and parental leave for students appointed to a doctoral studentship (employed as a doctoral student) at KI. Employment through a doctoral studentship is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5 Sections 1-7.

Those appointed to a doctoral studentship shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. However, within the framework of a studentship, a doctoral student may take part in educational tasks and other departmental duties up to 20 % of a full-time post. If this arrangement has been planned in advance in the student’s individual study plan, the appointment can be extended with the corresponding length of time, although maximum 20 %

 A doctoral studentship shall be a full-time post. If a doctoral student so requests, the appointment may be a part-time post but for no less than 50 % of a full-time post. A person may be appointed to a doctoral studentship for a total of eight years. The total employment period may, however, not exceed the time corresponding to full-time doctoral education for four years. The total period of employment may exceed that time if special grounds exist, such as illness, leave of absence for service in the defence forces, or an elected position in a trade union, or parental leave. In some cases, Covid-19 may also be regarded as special grounds. For more information, see the bottom of this page, under "*". “Leave of absence, from the employment as a doctoral student, that does not allow extension under the Higher Education Ordinance should not be granted Instead the doctoral student should terminate the appointment in order to save his/her appointment time as stated in the Higher Education Ordinance.

The initial appointment can be for maximum one year. An appointment can be renewed for maximum two years at a time. At KI, it is recommended that doctoral students be appointed for one year at a time.

In exceptional cases, a doctoral student who has not finished during the employment period available according to HF can be employed for a limited time according to LAS (The Employment Protection Act) as “Doktorand-L”. Special fixed-term employment (SÄVA) can be held for 360 days during a five-year period and began to apply on 1 October 2022 (General fixed-term employment (ALVA) can be held for two years during a five-year period, but the form of employment ceased to apply from 1 October 2022.) Employment according to LAS (for example ALVA and SÄVA) cannot be extended due to special reasons. The employment may affect the possibility of employment as a postdoctoral researcher at KI in the future.

The salary levels for employed doctoral students are regulated in a local collective agreement.

Quick reference guide doctoral

Local collective agreement (in Swedish)

Social benefits for doctoral students

Doctoral students employed by KI enjoy the same social benefits as other employees at the university.

Doctoral students at KI have a so called standard vacation (”schablonsemester”)

Parental leave

Parental leave is regulated through general agreements and Swedish law. KI also has a local agreement on parental benefits.

Information about parental leave, parental leave pay, reduction of work time for parents, taking care of a sick child and temporary parental benefits in conjunction with childbirth

If you get ill

If you are sick you should report this to your workplace the same day. KI pays your salary for the first 14 days of a sick leave. As of the 15th day, the National Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) pays out sickness benefits.

Information about calling in sick and reporting return to work, sickness pay and sickness benefits, doctor’s certification and reimbursement for medical care and drugs

Retirement pension

Doctoral students employed at KI have a pensionable income.

Information about pension for employees


Doctoral students who meet the requirements of Omställningsavtalet are covered by Trygghetsstiftelsen but only for the benefits resulting from 2 years of employment. Read more on Trygghetsstiftelsen's website.

Additional information for employees at KI

More information for employees at KI

Doctoral students employed at KI and supervisors that have questions about employment or employment conditions should contact HR at their departments.

Doctoral students with questions regarding their education should contact the supervisor, study director ("studierektor") or administrator for doctoral education at their home department.

Doctoral students employed by another employer

Many doctoral students at KI combine their doctoral studies with other types of employment, e.g. in the healthcare or in the industry. Approximately 35 % of the doctoral students at KI have an active affiliation to Region Stockholm.

It is the responsibility of the Department to upon admission to doctoral education assess whether a doctoral student can be ensured financial support during the entire period of their doctoral education. If the applicant plans to pursue doctoral education in parallel with employment within another organisation, e.g. Region Stockholm, there is a requirement that the head of the organisation approve the financing plan and certify that the doctoral student will have time and opportunity to perform the doctoral education.

When doctoral education is to be performed within the framework of an employment with another employer than KI and the other employer is responsible for the financing, it is recommended that a contract is established that regulates the financial terms up to and including the intended degree.

Social benefits

For questions regarding vacation, parental leave, illness and other benefits, please turn to the employer.

Doctoral reference guide (PDF, 171.74 KB)

*Extension of a doctoral studentship because of studies being interrupted as a result of Covid-19:

The Swedish Agency for Government Employers has issued the following statement regarding this matter:

”The Swedish Agency for Government Employers deems that if a doctoral student has not been able to fulfil his/her obligations or perform tasks because of circumstances that can be linked to Covid-19, it should be possible to extend the total period of appointment.”

The following criteria are to be followed when a doctoral studentship is to be extended because studies have been interrupted as a result of Covid-19:

 •The extension must be directly and clearly linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some examples of such circumstances are that a project did not take place , the doctoral student or supervisor has been on sick leave because of Covid-19 for an extended period of time, or that the doctoral student has been forced to interrupt his/her studies because of circumstances beyond the doctoral student’s control . It must be emphasised that it is the doctoral student’s responsibility to make his/her way to KI and a fear of travelling by public transport is not a valid reason for interrupted studies that enables the appointment to be extended.

•The reason for the interrupted studies must be clearly documented in the individual study plan.

•The doctoral student’s appointment can be extended for the required length of time, although no longer that the period of time the studies were interrupted .

•Extension can only be made when the supervisor in charge can see that the doctoral student will not be able to complete and defend the doctoral thesis in time. This should imply, for example, that there is no reason to extend the doctoral studentship of a doctoral student who has recently started his/her doctoral studies.

If an employer extends a doctoral studentship without taking the above-mentioned points into account, there is a risk that the extension of the doctoral studentship (employment as a doctoral student) is not permitted.

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PhD Student Position in Epigenetics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Study in Sweden

PhD Student Position in Epigenetics: Karolinska Institutet is seeking a highly motivated doctoral student to join the Treuter group. This group specializes in the exploration of transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms affecting metabolic-inflammatory diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. This PhD position offers the unique opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research in a stimulating international environment.

PhD Student Position in Epigenetics of Inflammatory Type 2 Diabetes


Doctoral (PhD) Student

Research Area:

Epigenetics of Inflammatory Type 2 Diabetes

Huddinge, Stockholms län, Sweden


  • Possess a master’s degree in molecular biology, molecular medicine, biochemistry, or similar fields , or an equivalent qualification.
  • Proven proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary school course English B/English 6.
  • Strong interest in epigenetics, chromatin, transcriptional regulation, and immune-metabolic diseases.
  • Previous lab experience within gene regulation, functional genomics, and handling of human monocytes/macrophages and cell lines is considered a merit.
  • Competence in biocomputational analysis of next-generation sequencing data is advantageous.

Job Description:

The doctoral student will work on projects aimed at identifying novel epigenetic mechanisms linked to inflammation in type 2 diabetes. This includes investigating enhancer and silencer alterations in human monocytes to understand if these are genetic or epigenetic, or a combination of both. The student will employ advanced genome and epigenome profiling and editing approaches, benefiting from collaboration with clinical partners for sample collection.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates must submit their applications via the Varbi recruitment system. The application should include:

  • A personal letter and curriculum vitae
  • Degree projects and previous publications
  • Documentation showing the desired skills and personal qualities
  • Documents certifying general and specific eligibility

For more information, contact Eckardt Treuter (email: [email protected]) or HR Partner Karin Gåse (email: [email protected]).

Last Date for Apply:

09 September 2024, 11:59 PM CEST

Join Karolinska Institutet and contribute to top-quality medical research for better health worldwide!


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KI-NIH Collaborative Doctoral Program in Neuroscience

PhD Training at Karolinska Institutet

The NIH-KI Collaborative Doctoral Program in Neuroscience bridges U.S. and Swedish PhD requirements in a flexible manner and is open for students to apply from both the NIH and KI side. For additional inquiries on intake through the KI side please contact the KI Partnership co- Director Dr. Sarah Bergen to understand the requirements.

NIH intake Process

For the NIH-intake pathway, applicants (US Citizen or Permanent Resident) must identify mentors at NIH and KI who will accept them as a PhD student. Prospective applicants must apply to the NIH graduate application database and prepare a brief (1-2 pg) description of the proposed thesis research and identify a mentor pair (at NIH and a supervisor at KI) with whom they envision doing their research. In doing so, this initiates communications between both potential supervisors and gives a better sense to the student of whether the intended mentor pair will support them upon admission into the graduate program. Once accepted into the NIH-KI program, and with the active involvement and concurrence of the two supervisors, the student should work with their mentors to establish a plan with an estimated timeline for research and required KI coursework. For additional inquiries on this pathway please contact the NIH Partnership co- Director Dr. Janet Clark .

Language of Training and Thesis

English is widely and often excellently spoken by Swedes; hence, there is no real language barrier in the program. Almost all classes at KI are taught in English. The thesis must be in English.

The joint PhD program at NIH and KI offers unparalleled opportunities for training and productive dissertation research in neuroscience. The program is designed so that students and supervisors can create an individual study plan for each student that supports personal scientific growth and an international scientific experience.

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Professor and former Vice President Anders Ekbom has passed away

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Anders Ekbom, Professor of Epidemiology and former Vice President of Karolinska Institutet, has died aged 76. He passed on 29 July after a long illness. Anders Ekbom had several roles and assignments at KI. ”His importance for Karolinska Institutet cannot be overestimated”, says KI’s President Annika Östman Wernerson.

”It is with great sadness that I receive the news that our colleague Anders Ekbom has passed away. My thoughts are with his family at this difficult time,“ says Annika Östman Wernerson.

”I will remember Anders Ekbom as a warm, caring and enthusiastic colleague and friend, and as a distinguished researcher. He has also made outstanding contributions in several roles within KI, and had a great impact on the collaboration with Region Stockholm. His contribution also extends to areas such as medical ethics and research ethics, and what was special about him was that he also brought about change in these areas,“ she says.

Born in 1947, Anders Ekbom studied medicine at Lund University and graduated from Uppsala University in 1977, and became a specialist in general surgery in 1984. He defended his thesis on inflammatory bowel disease in 1990. In 1997 he joined Karolinska Institutet and in 1999 he became Professor of Epidemiology. From 2002–2007 he was an adjunct professor at Harvard University in Boston. At KI, he was Head of the Department of Medicine, Solna, 2007–2015.

“Not only did Anders Ekbom make major contributions in his research fields. He was central to the development of the entire field of clinical epidemiology at our department and Karolinska Institutet in general. He also provided important perspectives on research ethics, both in Sweden and abroad,“ says Marie Wahren-Herlenius , Head of the Department of Medicine, Solna, KI.

Acting Vice President in 2017

Anders Ekbom had several different roles and assignments during his lifetime. He became Acting Vice President in 2017, when one of his important tasks was to follow up the measures taken in response to the Macchiarini case and to ”be the liaison to the county council’”, as he himself described it in the medical journal Läkartidningen (11 January 2017).

But already the year before, in 2016, he received the Grand Silver Medal, which Karolinska Institutet awards to people who have made special efforts to support the university. According to the medal's motivation, Ekbom “played a major role in the development of co-operation between KI and Karolinska University Hospital”. Ekbom continued to strengthen the collaboration with Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm) during his time as Vice President.

The motivation for the Grand Silver Medal also emphasises Anders Ekbom's outstanding research. He was very active and successful in several research areas with over 600 publications to date. Among other things, his research has had a major impact on how patients with ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis are followed up and treated.

When Anders Ekbom himself was asked what he was most proud of in his research, he mentioned his early epidemiological studies of IBD, that heredity for colon cancer plays a role in the risk of developing colon cancer in IBD, the link between the degree of inflammation and the risk of lymphoma, and that biological drugs are effective in many inflammatory bowel diseases and that severe side effects are rare.

Epidemiology and ethics

Ekbom was appointed scientific representative by the former President of Karolinska Institutet, Ole Petter Ottersen. With this new assignment, he also became chairman of the new ethics council at KI, tasked with proactively discussing complex ethical issues and good research practice at the university.

Several years earlier (2006), Anders Ekbom had chaired the scientific misconduct commission against the Norwegian cancer researcher Jon Sudbø, a highly publicised case, where Ekbom concluded that virtually everything the Norwegian researcher had written about his research was a lie.

He was also an expert in the Corona Commission's reference group for infection control issues.

In 2012, Anders Ekbom was awarded the Swedish Society of Medicine’s Jubilee Medal on the grounds that he ”has, from a strong epidemiological base, demonstrated the ability to scientifically decide clinically relevant issues in various medical fields such as cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric diseases. Using epidemiological tools, Ekbom links unique Swedish population-based registers and examines medical issues of relevance to future patients.”

How we remember our colleague Anders Ekbom

”a mentor that i turned to in both ups and downs”.

Olof Akre , Professor of Oncological Surgery at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, KI, and Director of R&D at Karolinska University Hospital:

“Anders was my supervisor when I did my PhD and he later became a mentor that I turned to in both ups and downs in my career. He was an incredibly fine research leader. He was a humble person who never had any problems with anyone thinking differently. The research group he led consisted of many colourful characters united in the ambition to create great research together. He was a cheerful, warm and delightful person. He was much liked and appreciated by many and his research regularly appeared in the top medical journals.”

”Unique role as a research leader”

Johan Askling , former PhD student of Anders Ekbom, Professor of Rheumatology and current Head of the Division of Clinical Epidemiology at the Department of Medicine, Solna, KI:

”Anders was an imaginative researcher with a brilliant intellect and an ability to look at things from a different angle. But his greatest contribution to research and KI is still his unique role as a research leader – building what is now the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and a large group of clinically active researchers nurtured by Anders – and as a mentor, in big and small ways, in good times and bad. Over the years, many of us have gone to Anders with problems or ideas, and always left strengthened and confirmed, however crazy our ideas may have been.”

“Nothing was impossible“

Michael Fored , senior lecturer, research group leader and deputy head of the Division of Clinical Epidemiology and director of studies for the doctoral programme at the Department of Medicine, Solna, KI.

“Nothing was impossible for Anders Ekbom – he was great at enthusing and coming up with good ideas and solutions. He was also good at recognising his own shortcomings, and was wise enough to surround himself with people who complemented him.”

“A beacon of ethics in a difficult time“

Claes Frostell , Chairman of the Ethics Council and Professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, KI:

“A lot of good and appreciative things can be said about Anders Ekbom's work. I came to work closely with him from 2019 in the role of successor in the assignments of scientific representative and chairman of the Ethics Council KI. For me, Anders has been a pillar and mentor. He was clear-sighted, straightforward and fearless. When things were at their worst around KI, he managed to be a beacon of ethics in a difficult time. Many of us will miss his wise words.”

”My most important research partner”

Jonas F. Ludvigsson , Professor at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

”To me, Anders Ekbom was first and foremost a very close friend. But he was also my mentor for a quarter of a century, and perhaps my most important research partner.”

”Took a standpoint different from the general conception”

Mads Melbye , Director of the Danish Cancer Institute in Copenhagen, and visiting professor, Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University, USA:

”It is with great sadness that I learned of Anders Ekbom's death. Anders was an inspirator and mentor for a whole generation of epidemiologists and taught the upcoming generations to think out of the box. He loved scientific discussions and often took a standpoint different from the general conception of a scientific topic. He was a leading capacity in forming Swedish clinical epidemiology and proved over and over again the importance of working with the unique Nordic registries. 'Life has to be fun' as he often said and he managed to create a positive and relaxed atmosphere even when serious topics were on the agenda. We are many who have lost a dear friend and colleague, and the world a unique scientist.”

Doctoral (PhD) student position in autoimmune neurology

Karolinska institutet , sweden.

To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is required.

We are looking for a collaborative student with a keen interest in exploring human neuroimmunology. We are a team of clinically oriented researchers focusing on the immunology underpinning autoimmune encephalitis. The etiology of this group of disorders is only just starting to be unraveled. Furthermore, the immune system of the human brain has been comparatively little studied. Answering both fundamental and clinical questions in this realm is the focus of the Theorell team. You will find our team and the wider Mjösberg group an optimal place to grow and drive outstandingly important research with both short- and long-term clinical impact.

You will get a pioneering role in the team, leading our forays into the immune system of the healthy brain. You will also work in close collaboration with both current post-docs in the group, exploring the boundary between clinical psychiatry and neurology, as well as in studying immune cell-cell interactions that are hypothesized to underpin autoimmune encephalitis development. The main part of the project will concern basic neuro-immunological interactions, but diagnostic/epidemiological research will also take up a smaller portion. You will work primarily with human samples, but cell line work will also be an essential component of the project. Given the close collaboration with clinical colleagues, you will be expected to interact with nurses and helping nurses on a regular basis. For this reason, basic skills in Swedish will be a considerable advantage. Methodologically, you will use a broad range of techniques, including e.g. single-cell RNA sequencing, spectral flow cytometry, transfections, transductions and transformations of cells in overexpression and gene editing assays as well as confocal microscopy. You will actively contribute to all parts of the scientific process including phrasing scientific hypotheses, designing and conducting laboratory experiments, bioinformatic analysis of generated data, presentation of results and manuscript writing. Therefore, previous experience and interest in both laboratory work and bioinformatics will be a requirement to thrive in this project.

In essence, we are looking for a highly motivated candidate with an interest in translational and basic neuroimmunology who has a desire to continuously expand their methodological and scientific horizons.

A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group. Karolinska Institutet collaborates with prominent universities from all around the world, which ensures opportunities for international exchanges. You will be employed on a doctoral studentship which means that you receive a contractual salary. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.

In order to participate in the selection for a doctoral position, you must meet the following general (A) and specific (B) eligibility requirements at latest by the application deadline.

It is your responsibility to certify eligibility by following the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

A) General eligibility requirement

You meet the general eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

  • have been awarded a second-cycle/advanced/master qualification (i.e. master degree), or
  • have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the advanced/second-cycle/master level, or
  • have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.*

Follow the instructions on the web page Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education.

*If you claim equivalent knowledge, follow the instructions on the web page Assessing equivalent knowledge for general eligibility for doctoral education.

B) Specific eligibility requirement

You meet the specific eligibility requirement for doctoral/third-cycle/PhD education if you:

- Show proficiency in English equivalent to the course English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school.

Follow the instructions on the web page English language requirements for doctoral education.

Verification of your documents Karolinska Institutet checks the authenticity of your documents. Karolinska Institutet reserves the right to revoke admission if supporting documents are discovered to be fraudulent. Submission of false documents is a violation of Swedish law and is considered grounds for legal action.

(A) and (B) can only be certified by the documentation requirement for doctoral education .

  • A master or equivalent within medicine, molecular biology, biomedicine, genomics, biochemistry or pharmacy or associated fields.
  • Excellent communication skills.*
  • An ability to be a teamplayer, able to cooperate with a wide range of individuals in both laboratory and clinical settings.
  • Knowing your own limits of knowledge and energy and being able communicating these to the team leader and your peers.*
  • Basic knowledge of immunology (most common cell types, their interactions and the overall purposes of the overarching arms of the immune system (innate, adaptive, cellular, humoral)).*
  • Basic communication skills in Swedish *
  • Basic knowledge of clinical neuroimmunology.*
  • Basic experimental experience of single-cell RNA sequencing, multi-colour flow cytometry, confocal microscopy and/or cell transfections. Provide concrete examples of your experience with these techniques, i.e. not only “has experience of”, but rather how and when these techniques have been employed.
  • Basic bioinformatic insights, specifically coding experience in R. This should be substantiated with either having taken courses, such as “HarvardX: Data Science: R Basics” or similar, or examples of published analyses.*
  • Enjoying presenting for peers

* This might be tested during interview.

The doctoral student will be employed on a doctoral studentship maximum 4 years full-time.

Submit your application and supporting documents through the Varbi recruitment system. Use the button in the top right corner and follow the instructions. We prefer that your application is written in English, but you can also apply in Swedish.

Your application must contain the following documents:

- A personal letter and a curriculum vitae - Degree projects and previous publications, if any - Any other documentation showing the desirable skills and personal qualities described above - Documents certifying your general eligibility (see A above) - Documents certifying your specific eligibility (see B above)

A selection will be made among eligible applicants on the basis of the ability to benefit from doctoral education. The qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on an overall basis.

Karolinska Institutet uses the following bases of assessment:

- Documented subject knowledge of relevance to the area of research - Analytical skill - Other documented knowledge or experience that may be relevant to doctoral studies in the subject.

All applicants will be informed when the recruitment is completed.

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PhD Project in Cell Biology of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Functional Genomics,...

Your Job: In order to gain a deep structural understanding, we biochemically purify and reconstitute autophagy protein complexes in lipid environments and we visualize them by high-resolution cryo...

Join our innovative research team to optimize silicon heterojunction cell design through cutting-edge multi-scale physics modeling for a more efficient and sustainable solar future! Developing nex...

phd student karolinska institutet

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There are many Swedish, European and international foundations that award scholarships and grants. The rules for different scholarships and grants can vary – some are intended to help meet living costs, others fund tuition fees (for non EU/EEA citizens) and still others can be used for various educational costs. For details on the various types of scholarships and grants available, be sure to read and carefully follow the instructions provided.

Remember that other sources exist and that investing some time, effort and creativity in researching and applying for scholarships and grants can have a significant impact on the actual financial cost to you of your education.

The Karolinska Institutet Global Master's Scholarships

Karolinska Institutet offers a handful of tuition fee scholarships to excellent students who have been admitted to one of our Global Master’s Programmes starting each Autumn semester. Normally around 10 scholarships are awarded per year, spread to all the Global Master’s Programmes. The competition is fierce with approximately 1500 international students applying for the scholarship annually.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for the KI Global Master’s Scholarship you must:

  • have applied to one of Karolinska Institutet's Global Master's Programmes starting 2024
  • be a tuition fee paying student (from outside the EU/EEA)
  • have paid the application fee by 1 February 2024
  • fulfil the entry and documentation requirements for the programme you have applied for

Only first year students are eligible to apply.

How do I apply?

An application link will be published on this page at the opening of the application period 9-28 February 2024. 

The application for the scholarship is now closed.

Selection process

The selection process is based on an overall assessment of the applicant's CV and qualifications that are submitted via UniversityAdmissions and evaluated in connection with the application for a KI Global Master's programme. Scholarship awaredees will be notified personally. 

What does the KI Global Master's scholarship cover?

The KI Global Master’s Scholarship only covers the tuition fee (or part of the tuition fee for programmes only partially given by Karolinska Institutet). Travel, living expenses and other costs must be met with other funding . Furthermore, please note the KI Global Master's Scholarship only covers tuition fee for students enrolled at a Global Master's Programme here at Karolinska Institutet and cannot be used for other studies.

Important dates - KI Global Master's Scholarships

Application for our Global Master's programmes opens:  67 October 2023 Application deadline: 15 January 2024 Last date to pay application fee and submit supporting documents: 1 February 2024 Apply for the KI Global programmes scholarship at this page:  9-28 February 2024 Notification of selection for the Global Master's Programmes: 21 March 2024 Notification of selection for the scholarship:  26 April 2024

Please read the Tuition fees and scholarships regulations at Karolinska Institutet before applying for the scholarship.

KI-DIS Fellowship

The KI-DIS Fellowship is a co-funded, merit-based fellowship covering the tuition fees to any of KI’s Global Master’s Programmes. The fellowship is available annually to a DIS alumnus who studied in either Stockholm or Copenhagen.  

To be eligible for the KI - DIS Scholarship you must:

  • have  applied to one of Karolinska Institutet's Global Master's Programmes  starting 2024*
  • be a  tuition fee paying student  (from outside the EU/EEA)
  • have studied with DIS in either Stockholm or Copenhagen
  • have  paid the application fee  by 1 February 2024
  • fulfil the  entry and documentation requirements  for the programme you have applied for

*Please note that Molecular Techniques in Life Science and Biostatistics and Datasciences are given by KTH Royal Institute of Technology and therefore not eligible for this fellowship.

The application is open 9-28 February 2024. 

The selection process is based on an overall assessment of  the applicant's CV and qualifications  that are submitted via UniversityAdmissions and evaluated in connection with the application for a KI Global Master's programme. Fellowship awardees will be personally notified on 26 April 2024.

What does the KI – DIS Fellowship cover?

The KI – DIS Fellowship covers the tuition fee. Travel,  living expenses  and other costs must be met with other funding . 

Please note that the KI – DIS Fellowship covers the tuition fee for students enrolled at a Global Master's Programme at Karolinska Institutet and cannot be used for other studies.

The Swedish Institute's scholarships

The Swedish Institute (SI), a government agency, has a number of scholarship schemes open for students from countries outside the EU/EEA area. Depending on your nationality and field of study, the scholarships may apply to you. The SI scholarships cover both tuition fee and living expenses to the amount of 10,000 SEK per month for studies at master's level. A travel grant is also issued to the recipient. The scholarship application period is from 10-28 February 2023. Please note that you must have submitted an application for a master's programme in Sweden at universityadmissions.se before applying for the SI-scholarship.

Important dates – Swedish Institute scholarships

Application: 9-28 February 2024 Notification about decision: 25 April 2024

Read more on the Studyinsweden.se scholarships page.

Domestic scholarship funds eligible for master studies at Karolinska Institutet

There are several domestic scholarships funds that are eligible for Karolinska Institutets global masters programmes. If you are of one of the below nationalities you can apply for these scholarships.

Chile: CONICYT  Indonesia: LPDP(Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pendidikan) Kazakhstan: Bolashak International Scholarship Korea : Governmental Scholarships for masters and Phd Students, 국비유학 Mexico: Conacyt Pakistan: Higher Education Commission Russia: Global Education Program

Deferment of student loans in the United States

Karolinska Institutet has been granted 'Deferment Only' status by the US Department of Education. This means that US students may defer making payments on existing federal student loan accounts while enrolled in an eligible program at a deferment only foreign university or college. Students who wish to defer making payments must contact their lending institution in the US. Please note: The 'Deferment Only' status does not allow students to take out federal student loans for enrolment at the university.

Contact person: Kristina Jesinkey , International Relations Unit.

Student loans in British Columbia, Canada

Karolinska Institutet is a designated institution for British Columbia student loans. Please contact the international office to obtain the school code. Please note - if you are a Canadian student and applying for loan funding, you must apply for each semester as there is a break after fall term which exceeds the BC Ministry of Advanced Education policy.

Contact person: Maria Olsson , International Relations Unit.

Other scholarship opportunities

  • EU Scholarship Portal
  • EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
  • The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
  • Information from The Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet) about scholarships available to international students
  • The Swedish Research Council
  • Scholarship Portal - database for scholarships in Europe
  • The World Bank - scholarship and fellowship programmes
  • Scholarships4Development
  • Study Abroad Scholarships -educations.com
  • Graduate Scholarships - scholarships.com
  • Rotary scholarships
  • Engineering-Scholarships
  • GlobalScholarships.com

Scholarships for students studying at Karolinska Institutet

  • Scholarships for exchange studies while studying at KI
  • Erasmus + Traineeship
  • The Karolinska Institutet Foundation Scholarships

Tuition fees and scholarship regulations at KI.pdf (PDF, 120.29 KB)


  1. Doctoral (PhD) student position at Karolinska Institutet

    phd student karolinska institutet

  2. Karolinska Institutet PhD Awards, Sweden 2022-23

    phd student karolinska institutet

  3. Kajsa Westberg

    phd student karolinska institutet

  4. 76 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Karolinska Institutet

    phd student karolinska institutet

  5. Adela Kiessling

    phd student karolinska institutet

  6. Magdalena Riad

    phd student karolinska institutet


  1. Doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet

    Doctoral education - available positions. Doctoral (PhD) student in Cell-mediated immunity. Department: Department of Medicine, Huddinge. Application Deadline: 2024-08-02. Doctoral (PhD) student position to establish cell therapy for Diabetes, within National ATMP school. Department: Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology.

  2. Become a Ph.D. student

    The Doctoral Students' Association (DSA) The Doctoral Students' Association (DSA) aims to promote the well-being of doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet - supervision, education, salary, work environment, and other important aspects. DSA is the largest section within the Medical Association with, currently, around 2200.

  3. Available positions for doctoral education

    Doctoral (PhD) student position in oral-systemic health research. Department: Department of Dental Medicine. Application Deadline: 2024-08-25. Doctoral (PhD) student position in Functional Genomics/Regulatory Transcriptomics. Department: Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology. Application Deadline: 2024-08-30.

  4. PhD Student

    The PhD student receives an email from the research education administrator when it is time to apply for their degree certificate https://education.ki.se/degrees ... Karolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 08-524 800 00 Fax: 08-31 11 01 . Org.nr: 202100-2973 VAT.nr: SE202100297301

  5. Courses and credits

    All doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet are required to attain an educational target corresponding to at least 30 higher education credits for those working towards a doctoral degree or at least 15 university credits for those working towards a licentiate degree. ... For PhD student belonging to Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care ...

  6. Doctoral programme in Neuroscience

    Basic Human Neuroscience. We can now offer a seven (7)-week course in Basic Human Neuroscience for doctoral students without a basic training in biomedicine/medicine. This course follows the curriculum of the biomedicine programme at Karolinska Institutet. It will be given every fall semester and will be announced in the course catalogue.

  7. Course catalogue and vacancies

    The course catalogue for the spring semester of 2025 will be open for application during the period 15 October to 5 November, 2024. KI's doctoral courses are free of charge and open for doctoral students at all higher education institutions, as well as for KI post docs. If space allows other applicants with a PhD may also be accepted.

  8. Doctoral programme in Epidemiology

    The target group is doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet, who pursue doctoral studies in the field of epidemiology and related areas. ... 25 April, 2023 - Peer Review with Confidence: a Workshop for PhD Students Plenary talk by Miguel Hernán: What does "learning from data" mean? A taxonomy of tasks for health data science Workshop ...

  9. Doctoral programmes

    Karolinska Institutet's (KI's) doctoral programmes programmes are thematic and offer all KI's doctoral students courses and other learning activities that are within their research areas. KI doctoral students have the flexibility to select courses from several doctoral programmes for their individual study plan. KI doctoral students and KI postdocs are welcome to contact a programme to ...

  10. Doctoral (PhD) student position in health data science

    The PhD student will contribute to study design and data analyses using a data science approach, and the interpretation and presentation of results (through scientific publications and conference presentations). ... Karolinska Institutet reserves the right to revoke admission if supporting documents are discovered to be fraudulent. Submission ...

  11. Doctoral (PhD) student position in heart regeneration

    At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group.

  12. About doctoral education at KI

    Karolinska Institutet issues following degrees at doctoral level: Licentiate degree (after two years studies at doctoral level) Doctoral (PhD) degree (after four years studies at doctoral level) ... Statistics number of doctoral students, admissions, and PhD degrees 2021; 2022 Total; Doctoral students: 2 163: PhD degrees: 390: Licentiate ...

  13. NIH-KI Collaborative Doctoral Program in Neuroscience

    Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden is home to one of the best neuroscience research centers in Europe. ... The NIH-KI joint PhD program had its first class of four U.S. and four Swedish students in 2002. Graduate students admitted to the program through either the NIH or the KI intake are co-mentored by an NIH faculty member and a ...

  14. Doctoral education at the Department of Global Public Health

    For current PhD students. For current PhD students. Information and instructions for current PhD (doctoral) students at the Department of Global Public Health. ... Karolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 08-524 800 00 Fax: 08-31 11 01 . Org.nr: 202100-2973 VAT.nr: SE202100297301

  15. Employment as a doctoral student at KI

    According to the Higher Education Ordinance, employment is the most common means of support for doctoral students at KI. This page has important information about salary, other benefits, holiday and parental leave for students appointed to a doctoral studentship (employed as a doctoral student) at KI. Employment through a doctoral studentship is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance ...

  16. Entry Requirements to Doctoral Education at Karolinska Institutet ...

    A prospective doctoral student meets the general entry requirement for doctoral education if he or she: has been awarded a degree at advanced (equivalent to second-cycle in Sweden) level, or, has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits (ECTS) of which at least 60 credits (ECTS) were awarded at advanced level, or.

  17. PhD Student Position in Epigenetics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

    PhD Student Position in Epigenetics: Karolinska Institutet is seeking a highly motivated doctoral student to join the Treuter group. This group specializes in the exploration of transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms affecting metabolic-inflammatory diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. This PhD position offers the

  18. PhD Training at Karolinska Institutet

    PhD Training at Karolinska Institutet. The NIH-KI Collaborative Doctoral Program in Neuroscience bridges U.S. and Swedish PhD requirements in a flexible manner and is open for students to apply from both the NIH and KI side. For additional inquiries on intake through the KI side please contact the KI Partnership co- Director Dr. Sarah Bergen to ...

  19. Jiarui Mi

    直接联系Jiarui. ⬆. Karolinska institutet - PHD Student · Stem Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Regenerative Medicine, Cell fate determination, Stem cell niche, NGS, lncRNA, Transcriptomics, Single-cell RNA-seq, Epigenetics and Epitranscriptomics; also interested in 3D chromatin structure.

  20. Karolinska Institutet

    Contact and visit Karolinska Institutet. University Library. Support research and education. Jobs at KI. Contact the press Office. Karolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 08-524 800 00 Fax: 08-31 11 01 . Org.nr: 202100-2973 VAT.nr: SE202100297301 About this website Accessibility report

  21. Professor and former Vice President Anders Ekbom has passed away

    Born in 1947, Anders Ekbom studied medicine at Lund University and graduated from Uppsala University in 1977, and became a specialist in general surgery in 1984. He defended his thesis on inflammatory bowel disease in 1990. In 1997 he joined Karolinska Institutet and in 1999 he became Professor of Epidemiology.

  22. Doctoral (PhD) student position in autoimmune neurology, Karolinska

    At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group.

  23. Biostatistics at KI

    Although, there is no doctoral programme in biostatistics at Karolinska Institutet, there are PhD students whose research area is biostatistics (i.e., students developing new statistical methods as part of their research). Karolinska Institutet is a great environment for doctoral education in biostatistics; researchers in biostatistics are ...

  24. PHD POSITION at Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in

    PhD Position fixed term (36 months), salary scale 13 TVöD (65%) ... in tight collaboration with the Swedish Twin Registry and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and the Amsterdam University ...

  25. Scholarships

    The Karolinska Institutet Global Master's Scholarships. Karolinska Institutet offers a handful of tuition fee scholarships to excellent students who have been admitted to one of our Global Master's Programmes starting each Autumn semester. Normally around 10 scholarships are awarded per year, spread to all the Global Master's Programmes.

  26. Minhao Zhou

    Minhao Zhou, Phd Student E-mail: [email protected] Visiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Stockholm Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Magnusson, 171 77 Stockholm ... Karolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 08-524 800 00 Fax: 08-31 11 01 . Org.nr: 202100-2973

  27. Advances in Health Care Science Conference 14 ...

    Karolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 08-524 800 00 Fax: 08-31 11 01 . Org.nr: 202100-2973 VAT.nr: SE202100297301 About this website Accessibility report