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3 Digital Media Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Digital media is an integral piece of any successful business in today's day and age. customers are online and companies must engage their customers on the internet to get their business. digital media specialists help companies do just that. digital media professionals are typically responsible for overseeing all content creation. their specialty is creating and publishing content that drives engagement and sales from their audience. they work across a variety of platforms such as social media, email, websites, and blogs, all with the end goal of publishing effective content that reaches their target end-customer..

Hiring Manager for Digital Media Roles

A digital media professional oversees all content published digitally for a company. This means they need to be creative thinkers, who also possess technical skills. 

Several skills are needed to be successful in digital media, including:

  • The ability to develop and optimize business websites. 
  • Deep knowledge of how to utilize social media to drive results.
  • The ability to implement and monitor online advertising campaigns. 
  • An understanding of audience research.
  • An understanding of brand awareness and development.

If you’re looking to snag a job as a digital marketing professional, you need to highlight the right skills on your resume. Hiring managers will be looking for people with high levels of creativity, ingenuity, and technical skills to implement their new ideas. Hiring managers might want to see you have previous experience in marketing, branding, or content creation. In today's day and age, lots of professionals have experience using online channels to promote a business. That’s why it’s important to highlight the skills and experiences that make you stand out on your resume for the best chance of getting the job. Keep reading to see some examples of resumes in digital media and our top tips on how to land a job in this competitive industry.

Digital Media Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Digital Media Specialist
  • Digital Media Manager
  • Digital Media Director

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Digital Media Resumes

Digital Media Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Marketing Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 3: Digital Media Specialist Resume Example

The digital media specialist develops and optimizes a company’s digital media strategy, from the ground up. This means they are involved with the creation of digital media campaigns, the execution of such campaigns, and collecting data to understand how the campaigns are performing. When looking for a digital media specialist, hiring managers will want a candidate with a degree in marketing, communications, or another closely related field. A masters degree is not required but may help you stand out. Hiring managers will want a candidate with previous experience in marketing and content creation. A candidate will be especially attractive if they’ve been involved in digital marketing, social media, or advertising previously. Digital media specialists are dynamic and creative team players who know how to create a vision for the company and execute it effectively.

Resume showcasing experience as a digital media specialist, including expertise in developing and executing digital media strategies, and the implementation of successful digital media campaigns

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Tips to help you write your Digital Media Specialist resume in 2024

   showcase your experience working with online channels, an integral skill for digital media specialists.

Digital media specialists must be connoisseurs of all things online. If you have experience utilizing social media, online web development, or email marketing in previous roles it’s important to highlight these experiences on your resume. Be sure to include how you used each channel and what results you produced for the company.

Showcase your experience working with online channels, an integral skill for digital media specialists - Digital Media Specialist Resume

   Highlight your ability to collaborate effectively with others in the workplace

The digital media specialist will have to work effectively with others all of the time. They may need to work cross-departmentally to execute projects, such as working with graphic designers to create visual content or working with copywriters to create engaging written content. A good digital media director will be able to effectively communicate their vision to these colleagues and work together to create campaigns. As such, it’s extremely important to highlight that you are an effective communicator and a team player on a digital media specialist resume.

Highlight your ability to collaborate effectively with others in the workplace - Digital Media Specialist Resume

Skills you can include on your Digital Media Specialist resume

Template 2 of 3: digital media manager resume example.

The digital media manager is an important part of the digital marketing team. The digital media manager oversees digital content and marketing. In this role, the digital marketing manager may oversee junior content creators, making leadership skills very important. The digital media manager typically oversees what content is created, what online channels the content is shared on, SEO and website optimization, directing and analyzing paid search campaigns, and more. Hiring managers will typically look for a candidate with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, or another similar field. They will also like to see a candidate with several years of progressive digital marketing experience. Having previous experience as a digital marketing consultant, digital content creator, or marketing manager can help you land this role.

Resume of a digital media manager role, with senior management experience and leading a media team

Tips to help you write your Digital Media Manager resume in 2024

   get certified in google adwords to enhance your resume for a digital media manager role.

Digital media managers will need to understand how to use popular advertisement platforms, such as Google, effectively. Earning a Google AdWords certificate shows potential employers you understand how to use Google’s robust suite of advertising tools and services.

Get certified in Google AdWords to enhance your resume for a digital media manager role - Digital Media Manager Resume

   Showcase leadership skills, an important part of being a successful digital media manager

As a digital media manager, you’ll need to “call the shots” when it comes to your company’s online content. You will also need to know how to effectively lead junior staff to execute on projects. Leadership skills are extremely important to succeed in this role. As such, it’s important to highlight your leadership duties in previous roles. Showing how you effectively led a team in the past will make your resume stand out.

Showcase leadership skills, an important part of being a successful digital media manager - Digital Media Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Digital Media Manager resume

Template 3 of 3: digital media director resume example.

If you have great leadership and project management skills with a knack for digital content, a role as a digital media director may be a good fit for you. This role is typically involved in all of the high-level decision-making and planning in regard to a company’s digital content strategy. A digital media director needs to be knowledgeable, creative, and an effective leader. Digital media directors are typically in charge of the entire digital media department. They make executive-level decisions about their department, which requires stellar management skills, administrative skills such as setting department budgets, and the ability to work cross-functionally with other managers. For this role, hiring managers will look for a candidate with a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or a similar field. A master’s degree isn’t required but may help a candidate stand out. Hiring managers will look for candidates with several years of progressive experience in marketing or advertising. Usually, candidates for this role have at least 3-5 years of experience in the field.

Resume emphasizing experience as a digital media director, including responsibility for overseeing digital media strategy, managing a team of specialists, and ensuring the delivery of successful digital media campaigns

Tips to help you write your Digital Media Director resume in 2024

   show your ability to build relationships as a digital media director.

The digital media director is responsible for effective management and collaboration within their department, but the need for teamwork skills doesn’t end there. Digital media directors need to build relationships with outside advertising agencies, media outlets, and PR firms to set up strategic media opportunities for the company. Candidates who have experience building effective relationships with third-party agencies, freelancers, and vendors should highlight this skill on their resume.

Show your ability to build relationships as a digital media director - Digital Media Director Resume

   Highlight your ability to make informed decisions to land a role as a digital media director

Being that this is a senior-level role, the digital media director is responsible for looking at the current data available and making savvy digital media marketing decisions. Digital media directors must understand how to analyze data collected from online advertising platforms. Experience and/or certifications in market research, competitive analysis, and lead demand generation marketing should be highlighted on your resume.

Skills you can include on your Digital Media Director resume

We spoke with hiring managers at companies like BuzzFeed, Vice Media, and Vox Media to gather their best tips for creating a digital media resume that will get you hired. These tips will help you showcase your skills and experience in a way that will catch the attention of hiring managers and recruiters in the digital media industry.

   Highlight your digital media skills

Make sure to include specific digital media skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. This could include:

  • Social media management (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Content management systems (e.g. WordPress, Drupal)
  • Digital marketing (e.g. SEO, SEM, email marketing)
  • Graphic design (e.g. Adobe Creative Suite)

Don't just list the skills, but provide specific examples of how you've used them in previous roles or projects. For example:

  • Managed social media accounts for a brand with over 500,000 followers, increasing engagement by 25% over 6 months
  • Used WordPress to create and maintain a blog that attracted over 50,000 monthly visitors

Bullet Point Samples for Digital Media

   Show your impact with metrics

Wherever possible, use metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work. This could include:

  • Increase in website traffic or social media followers
  • Improvement in engagement rates (e.g. likes, comments, shares)
  • Number of articles or videos produced
  • Revenue generated from digital campaigns

For example, instead of saying:

  • Wrote articles for the company blog
  • Wrote 10 articles per week for the company blog, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in lead generation

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Read the job description carefully and make sure your resume highlights the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position. For example, if the job description emphasizes video editing skills, make sure to include any video editing experience you have and use industry-specific terminology.

Avoid using a generic resume for all job applications. Instead, customize your resume for each position you apply to. This shows the hiring manager that you have taken the time to understand the job requirements and have the specific skills they are looking for.

   Include links to your online portfolio

In the digital media industry, having an online portfolio is essential. Make sure to include links to your website, blog, or social media profiles where you showcase your work. This could include:

  • Writing samples
  • Graphic design projects
  • Social media campaigns you've managed
  • Videos you've produced

Make sure your online portfolio is up-to-date and professional-looking. Use a clean, easy-to-navigate design and include only your best work.

   Highlight your collaboration skills

Digital media projects often involve working with teams of people, so it's important to showcase your collaboration skills on your resume. This could include:

  • Experience working on cross-functional teams
  • Ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds
  • Experience managing projects with multiple stakeholders

For example:

Collaborated with a team of designers, writers, and developers to launch a new website that increased traffic by 50% in the first month.

   Show your passion for digital media

Hiring managers in the digital media industry want to see that you have a genuine passion for the field. Use your resume to showcase your love for digital media by including:

  • Relevant hobbies or side projects (e.g. running a successful blog or YouTube channel)
  • Volunteer work related to digital media (e.g. managing social media for a non-profit)
  • Memberships in industry organizations or attendance at conferences
  • Volunteer social media manager for a local animal shelter, increasing their Instagram following by 200% over 6 months
  • Attended the annual Social Media Week conference to stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices

Writing Your Digital Media Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on its own line.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, so it's best to put it on its own line. This makes it easy for hiring managers to quickly identify whose resume they are looking at.

Here's an example of what to do:

  • New York, NY | [email protected] | 555-123-4567

And here's what to avoid:

  • John Smith - Digital Media Specialist - New York, NY - [email protected] - 555-123-4567

2. Include your digital media job title

If you have a specific job title related to digital media, such as 'Social Media Manager' or 'Digital Marketing Coordinator', include it in your header. This helps employers quickly see your area of expertise.

  • Social Media Manager
  • San Francisco, CA | [email protected] | 555-987-6543

However, avoid using generic titles like 'Digital Media Professional', as they don't provide much insight into your specific skills and experience. Stick to your actual job title.

3. Use separators for contact details

When listing your location, email, phone number, and other contact details, use consistent separators to keep things neat and readable. Common options include pipes (|), bullets (•), or dashes (-).

Sarah Johnson | Los Angeles, CA | [email protected] | 555-246-8135 |

Avoid just listing your details without any separation:

  • Bob Williams New York, NY [email protected] 555-369-2580

This looks cluttered and makes it harder for hiring managers to parse your information.


A resume summary for digital media roles is an optional section that briefly highlights your relevant experience, skills, and career goals. While not required, it can be a helpful way to provide additional context about your background, especially if you are changing careers or have a lot of experience. However, avoid using an objective statement, as it is outdated and focuses on what you want rather than what you can offer an employer.

When writing your summary, tailor it to the specific digital media role you are targeting. Focus on your most relevant qualifications and achievements, and use keywords from the job description. Keep it concise and avoid repeating information that is already covered in other sections of your resume.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Digital Media resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Digital Media resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Digital Media Resume Summary Examples , or Digital Media Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your digital media expertise

Use your summary to showcase your specific digital media skills and experience. Mention the platforms, tools, and technologies you are proficient in, and how you have used them to achieve results. For example:

Digital media specialist with 5+ years of experience creating engaging content across social media, email, and web platforms. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, HTML/CSS, and Google Analytics. Increased brand awareness and drove 25% growth in website traffic through targeted campaigns and data-driven optimizations.

Avoid being too general or using buzzwords without backing them up with specific examples. Don't just say you are a "digital media expert" or have a "proven track record" without providing context.

2. Tailor your summary to the role

While it's important to highlight your overall digital media capabilities, you should also customize your summary to the specific role you are applying for. Review the job description and identify the key skills and experiences the employer is looking for. Then, mirror that language in your summary. For instance:

  • Digital media generalist with experience across social media, content creation, and analytics. Skilled in Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and SEO best practices.

This summary is too broad and not tailored to a particular digital media role. Instead, try something more targeted:

  • Social media manager with 3+ years of experience developing and executing cross-platform strategies. Grew Instagram following by 50K and achieved an average engagement rate of 7.5%. Passionate about using social to build community and drive business goals.


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show the impact you've made at previous companies, and tie that impact to the role you're applying for. Let's break down the key steps to make your work experience section shine for digital media roles.

1. Highlight your digital media skills and tools

Digital media roles require proficiency in various tools and skills. Showcase your expertise by mentioning the specific tools you've used to drive results.

Instead of generic statements like:

  • Used social media to promote content
  • Designed graphics for marketing campaigns

Provide specific examples that highlight your skills:

  • Leveraged Hootsuite to schedule and publish content across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, growing followers by 25%
  • Designed infographics using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for blog posts that generated 500+ shares each

Not sure if your resume highlights the right tools for the job? Try our Targeted Resume tool. It scans your resume against a job description and provides personalized feedback on the key skills and keywords you should include.

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

In digital media, metrics are king. Employers want to see the measurable impact you've had in your previous roles. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements using hard numbers.

  • Grew email subscriber base from 5,000 to 20,000 in 6 months through targeted lead gen campaigns
  • Managed $50K monthly Facebook Ads budget, achieving a 30% lower CPA compared to previous year
  • Wrote and edited 4 blog posts per week, increasing organic traffic by 75% year-over-year

If you don't have access to exact metrics, use rounded numbers or percentages to estimate your impact.

When describing your achievements, start your bullet points with strong, results-oriented verbs like: grew, boosted, reduced, optimized, etc. This puts the focus on your successes and value.

3. Showcase your career progression

Employers love to see candidates who have grown and advanced in their careers. If you've been promoted or taken on increasing responsibility, make sure that's clearly reflected in your work experience section.

Digital Marketing Specialist, ABC Agency, June 2018 - Dec 2019 - Executed social media campaigns for 5 B2B clients, increasing engagement by 40% - Analyzed campaign performance using Google Analytics, providing weekly reports to clients Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, ABC Agency, Jan 2020 - Present - Promoted to lead social media strategy for agency's top accounts - Manage a team of 3 specialists, overseeing $300K in monthly ad spend - Implemented new data tracking processes, resulting in 25% more accurate ROI reporting

By showing your trajectory, you demonstrate your ability to succeed and drive results.

When highlighting promotions, make sure to bold your job titles. This makes your career progression stand out to recruiters who are quickly scanning your resume.

4. Tailor your bullet points to the job description

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is using the same generic bullet points for every application. To stand out, you need to customize your resume to the specific role and company.

Start by carefully reading the job description and noting the key skills and qualifications they're looking for. Then, go through your work experience and highlight the most relevant examples of how you've demonstrated those skills.

For example, if a social media manager job emphasizes Instagram expertise and influencer campaigns, your bullet points might look like:

  • Managed Instagram account for e-commerce brand, growing followers from 5K to 50K in one year
  • Executed 10+ influencer partnerships, negotiating contracts and overseeing content creation
  • Developed Instagram Stories strategy that increased average story views by 200%

After tailoring your resume, run it through our Score My Resume tool. It analyzes your resume on key criteria like skill match and gives you an overall score, so you can be confident you're putting your best foot forward.


Your education section is a crucial part of your digital media resume. It shows employers that you have the necessary knowledge and training to excel in your field. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling education section that will catch the eye of hiring managers.

1. Put your education section at the top if you're a recent grad

If you've recently graduated or are just starting out in your digital media career, it's best to put your education section at the top of your resume. This will highlight your relevant coursework and show employers that you have the necessary skills and training.

Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media, XYZ University, Graduated 2022 Relevant Coursework: Digital Marketing Web Design Graphic Design Video Production

2. Keep it short and sweet if you're a seasoned pro

If you have several years of experience in digital media, your education section can be much shorter. Employers will be more interested in your work history and accomplishments than your degree.

A bad example would be:

Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media, XYZ University, Graduated 2010 Relevant Coursework: Digital Marketing Web Design Graphic Design Video Production GPA: 3.8 Dean's List, 2008-2010

Instead, keep it concise:

Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media, XYZ University

3. Include relevant certifications

In the fast-paced world of digital media, certifications can be just as important as degrees. If you have any relevant certifications, be sure to include them in your education section.

Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media, XYZ University Google Analytics Individual Qualification, 2021 HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification, 2020

This shows employers that you're committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in your field.

Action Verbs For Digital Media Resumes

When writing a resume, you want to use action verbs to describe previous experiences, achievements, and skills. The action verb should come first, followed by the achievement you are trying to highlight. Digital media directors need strong creativity, great communication skills, and the ability to effectively implement digital tools. So, using words such as “implemented” or “directed” on your resume will be effective.

Below, you’ll find several examples of action verbs that relate to the core functions of the digital media director role. You should always use these verbs at the beginning of a bullet point and avoid overusing the same verb too many times.

Action Verbs for Digital Media

  • Implemented
  • Spearheaded
  • Collaborated
  • Established
  • Transformed

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Digital Media Resumes

Skills for digital media resumes.

When applying for a digital marketing director role, you need to make sure your resume is tailored to the skills and traits hiring managers are looking for. To get past applicant tracking software, it’s vital that you use keywords and phrases for the role. To effectively do this, you can add a skills section to your resume where you detail each skill in a list form. Or you can weave these key skills into your previous job descriptions and how you utilized them. It may help to re-read the job posting and use some of the skills they list within your resume. If you need an idea of popular skills sought after for a digital media director role, check out the below.

  • Digital Media
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Video Editing
  • Video Production

Digital Marketing

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Photography
  • After Effects
  • Google Analytics
  • Graphic Design
  • Videography
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Video Post-Production

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Digital Media Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Digital Media Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Digital Media job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Digital Media Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other marketing resumes.

Professional resume for an Email Marketing Specialist showcasing relevant skills and achievements.

Digital Transformation

A business transformation consultant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s key achievements and qualifications.

Product Manager

A well-structured resume for a Data Product Manager role.

  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Marketing Manager Resume Guide
  • Digital Marketing Resume Guide
  • Event Coordinator Resume Guide

Digital Media Resume Guide

  • Brand Manager Resume Guide
  • Communications Resume Guide
  • Content Creator Resume Guide
  • E-Commerce Resume Guide
  • Growth Marketing Resume Guide
  • Content Writer Resume Guide
  • Video Editor Resume Guide
  • Marketing Executive Resume Guide
  • VP of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Digital Strategist Resume Guide
  • Brand Ambassador Resume Guide
  • Technical Writer Resume Guide
  • SEO Resume Guide
  • Director of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Brand Strategist Resume Guide
  • Campaign Manager Resume Guide
  • Digital Media Specialist Resume Example
  • Digital Media Manager Resume Example
  • Digital Media Director Resume Example
  • Tips for Digital Media Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Digital Media CV Examples
  • Digital Media Cover Letter
  • Digital Media Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of mass media, where communication is key and creativity reigns supreme, your resume plays a pivotal role in making your mark.

Whether you're a seasoned media professional or just stepping into the industry, crafting a compelling resume tailored for the world of mass media is a must.

Join us as we delve into the art of creating an impactful resume that not only reflects your skills and experience but also grabs the attention of employers in this competitive field.

Get ready to elevate your career prospects in the realm of mass media.

Sample Media Resume for 2023

  • GPA: 3.6/4.0
  • Editing & proofreading ~5 articles provided by writers on a weekly basis for ensuring optimum quality of content
  • Composing ~3 weekly art columns dedicated to activities of the Department of English and Arts by interviewing students
  • Managing back-end duties including keyword analysis, graphic design & publishing content by deploying WordPress
  • Collaborating with 20+ student reporters and educating them about the content guidelines for the magazine
  • Assisted in developing social media marketing strategies by analyzing trends which led to 20% increase in Instagram followers
  • Produced social media videos by following industry trends to enhance social media engagement by 13%
  • Shot 5+ promotional videos on newly launched products and utilized Final Cut Pro to edit videos as per requirements
  • Collaborated with marketing team to identify public interest, and conducted demographic-specific marketing campaigns
  • Assisted in launching a referral program to increase user acquisition, and generated ads to increase sales by 10%
  • Won intercollegiate Volleyball tournament in Dec '20 out of 10 universities
  • Coordinated with the coach and trained 10+ new members to improve their coordination and athletic performance
  • Assisted 10+ volunteers in amassing necessities like food and clothes for local homeless shelters 2+ times per month
  • Promoted 3+ fundraising events on social media to raise USD 30,000 for local homeless centers
  • Member of Kappa Kappa Psi | Angelo State University 2019 - Present
  • Dean's List for 4 semesters | Angelo State University 2020 - 2021
  • Received the Ed B. Cole Endowment Scholarship | Angelo State University 2019
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Media Resume examples

33 Media resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Media resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Media resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

Learn more about: how to write a perfect resume

Leveraged in-depth research skills to investigate developing events, compile relevant information and verify news stories.

  • Conduct interviews among diverse populations to get accurate information, and put together engaging news stories.
  • Evaluate and pursue news leads and tips to develop stories while maintaining effective and productive working relationships with corresponding media sources.
  • Streamline the workflow of the news team by training new personnel and creating a digital newscast template, resulting in increased proficiency.


Worked with over 40 clients to provide interpretation services for written texts and audio files. My relations skills came in handy in relating with clients from different backgrounds.

  • Improved client relationship management skills as an interpreter for international clients.
  • Managed relations with and interpreted for clients from different cultural and economic backgrounds.
  • Maintained compliance with defined interpreter ethics and data confidentiality policies.
  • Interpreted legal documents from original language to English.

Creative director

Fully involved in branding, contract negotiation, design roadmap for sales and marketing, while providing general counsel to clients. Skyrocketed company sales (+30%) by focusing on sales and contracts deals.

  • Trained newly employed staff on the core areas where their services are needed.
  • Served alongside other senior management team responsible for company's fiscal and daily operational duties.
  • Recently developed copywriting skills which have been instrumental to my creative ability, this skill have been used to develop contents that have convince hundreds of people to patronize client's brands.

Audio engineer

Worked with a variety of clients to mix and master tracks in different genres of music, ensuring to keep communication lines open to ensure that their creative vision is translated and executed properly.

  • Supervise and train audio technicians while simultaneously managing numerous projects requiring unique budget preparation, invoicing and collections.
  • Work directly with recording artists in studio to define goals and provide optimal solutions.
  • Mix and Master audio recordings for professional use, ensuring great sound quality by supervising the set up and maintenance of equipment for studio recording sessions.
  • Track and edit sound recordings such as vocals, instruments, digital as well as analog.

Enthusiastic multi-lingual translator with 3 years of experience in French-English translations. Stay current with latest French-language idioms and cultural references.

  • Performs an array of translation and interpretation duties from French into English, including localization, written texts, audio files, internationalization, and live speaking translations.
  • Arranged concurrent translation during corporate meetings to allow English-speaking audience members to participate in French-language events.
  • Translated text projects, including legal documents, website content, news articles, and corporate reports.
  • Successfully translated over 400 complete projects, ranging from documents to entire websites, from French to English.

Media planner

Multifaceted role encompassing relations and creative direction functions to successfully execute engaging advertising strategies that hold the attention of the target audience whilst communicating the brand’s message.

  • Execute in-depth market research and analysis using specialized industry resources to identify target market/audient and develop strategic campaign initiatives.
  • Leverage multitasking and project management skills to simultaneously manage different client accounts.
  • Successfully surpassed clients’ expectations by developing a work culture that is conducive to cross-functional team collaborations which facilitate the execution of advertising strategies.
  • Supervised creation and execution of multi-million dollar campaigns, rebranding, and long-term initiatives.
  • Employ relation expertise to develop an intricate network of media contacts such as newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Video producer

Dynamic, creative role encompassing client relations skills to communicate with clients to understand their creative vision as well as collaboration skills to work with industry professional to bring the vision to life.

  • Capture high quality videos that highlight the attributes of clients’ products and coordinate a team of graphic designers and editors to transform raw footage to exceptional videos that are in line with the client’s vision.
  • Liaise with a sound designer to pair video footages with the perfect sounds that elevate the quality of the final cut.
  • Leverage project management skills to simultaneously drive various projects to successful completion or a number of clients.
  • Maintain a 100% client satisfaction rate by leveraging relations skills to maintain premium communication with clients and teams, ensuring that every feedback is incorporated.

Motivated mostly by my passion for content creation, I persistently learned new social media management techniques to reach a bigger audience while delivering premium content. Reached over 4 million followers.

  • Write original and informative content for my blog
  • Personally manage my successful accounts on all social media platforms, curating interesting content to keep my 4 million followers engaged.
  • Routinely contribute 4 features to the food diaries, food bible and thou shall eat, local publications dedicated to food content.
  • Leveraged technical skills in adobe Photoshop to create eye-catching graphics for articles and blog posts.

Developed a distinct work process of identifying and pursuing new story leads, that allows for an efficient execution and delivery of accurate and verified stories to the public within an appropriate timeline.

  • Investigated and covered developing events, compiled data and interviewed different individuals to verify information and ensure that only true reports are delivered to the public.
  • Responded to emergencies and breaking stories with a strong sense of urgency, ensuring to deliver live reports and excellent photojournalism.
  • Arranged reports and coordinated images and layout to ensure a coherent and comprehensive story.
  • Pursued and delivered verified updates and analysis on topics that hold the public’s attention to include politics, business, crimes and sports.

Researched pitched news stories for trending topics and leveraged content creation skills to film daily topical short form videos for social media app.

  • Researched political and sports stories, and put a creative and entertaining spin on the delivery of stories, interviewing experts knowledgeable about the story’s subject matter, which served to increase engagement and held the attention of viewers for longer.
  • Honed interviewing skills to prepare well-researched questions and gleam the most information from featured guests on the segment.
  • Easy step-by-step builder
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Resume examples

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  • Direct download as a Microsoft Word document
  • Created by a CPRW certified resume expert
  • Optimized for applicant tracking system (ATS) screening

Choosing a correct resume format and template

Resume examples

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  • Media Planner Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Media Planner Resumes:

  • Conducting target audience research to understand demographics, psychographics, media consumption habits, and the most effective channels for reaching specific segments.
  • Developing media strategies and plans that align with the client's marketing objectives, budget constraints, and campaign goals.
  • Collaborating with creative teams to ensure that the media strategy complements the creative approach and messaging.
  • Negotiating with media vendors and platforms to secure the best rates and placements for advertising campaigns.
  • Utilizing media planning tools and software to forecast reach, frequency, and impact of potential media buys.
  • Creating and presenting media plans, including timelines, budgets, and rationale for channel selection, to clients for approval.
  • Monitoring and optimizing live campaigns to improve performance metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment.
  • Tracking media expenditures to ensure budget compliance and reconciling discrepancies in billing and invoicing.
  • Analyzing post-campaign data to evaluate the effectiveness of the media strategy and making recommendations for future campaigns.
  • Staying abreast of industry trends, emerging media platforms, and changes in consumer behavior to adapt media strategies accordingly.
  • Building and maintaining relationships with media representatives, publishers, and industry professionals to leverage partnerships and collaborations.
  • Providing input on the creative development of advertising materials to ensure they are optimized for the selected media channels.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Media Planner Resume Example:

  • Orchestrated a comprehensive media strategy for a high-profile product launch, achieving a 40% increase in brand awareness and a 25% uplift in sales within the first quarter post-launch.
  • Expertly negotiated media buys with a focus on cost-efficiency, securing premium ad placements that led to a 15% higher click-through rate than industry benchmarks.
  • Utilized advanced analytics to continuously optimize a multimillion-dollar campaign, resulting in a 20% improvement in ROI and a 10% reduction in cost per acquisition.
  • Conducted in-depth audience segmentation research, which informed a tailored media plan that outperformed KPIs by 30% in engagement and doubled the conversion rate for a key demographic.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate media and creative strategies, enhancing message consistency and contributing to a 35% increase in overall campaign effectiveness.
  • Implemented real-time campaign monitoring tools, enabling swift tactical adjustments that boosted ad recall by 50% and increased customer lifetime value by 22%.
  • Developed and executed a digital-first media strategy that expanded market reach by 200%, positioning the brand as a leader in a competitive niche market.
  • Forged strategic partnerships with emerging social media platforms, gaining early adopter advantages and achieving a 45% engagement rate with a previously untapped millennial audience.
  • Played a pivotal role in reallocating media spend towards more efficient channels, directly contributing to a 30% decrease in overall advertising costs while maintaining campaign performance.
  • Strategic Media Planning
  • Multi-Channel Campaign Management
  • Data Analysis and Metrics Interpretation
  • Audience Segmentation and Targeting
  • Programmatic Advertising
  • Ad Buying and Negotiation
  • ROI and Performance Optimization
  • Brand Awareness Enhancement
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Real-Time Campaign Monitoring
  • Market Research and Insights
  • Partnership Development and Management
  • Advanced Analytics Utilization
  • Budget Management and Allocation
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Digital Marketing Trends Knowledge
  • Ad Viewability Improvement
  • Post-Campaign Analysis

Top Skills & Keywords for Media Planner Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Media Buying
  • Media Planning Software (e.g. Nielsen, Kantar)
  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Advertising Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Media Negotiation
  • ROI Analysis
  • Media Analytics
  • Target Audience Segmentation
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Media Trend Analysis

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Collaboration and Cross-Functional Coordination
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Negotiation and Relationship Building
  • Strategic Planning and Decision Making
  • Organizational Skills

Resume Action Verbs for Media Planners:

  • Strategized
  • Implemented
  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume format for media professional

Resume FAQs for Media Planners:

How long should i make my media planner resume, what is the best way to format a media planner resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a media planner resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a media planner, compare your media planner resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Media Planner job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Media Planners:

Media buyer, digital media planner, advertising account manager, digital media manager, advertising manager, advertising specialist, digital marketing strategist, marketing communications manager.

StandOut CV

Media CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

The media industry is fast-paced and competitive, so to land yourself a role, your CV needs to make a serious impact.

But whether you’re looking to break into the sector after graduating or seek your next step up the ladder, this guide has you covered.

I’ve compiled all the information you need to produce a compelling application and secure interviews, including an example media CV.

Here’s what I’ll cover in the guide:

Guide contents

  • Structuring and formatting your media CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your media CV

CV templates 

Media CV-1

The media CV example above shows you how to demonstrate your information in an organised yet attention-grabbing way.

It doesn’t take long to pinpoint this candidate’s key skills and capabilities, which is sure to please time-strapped recruiters!

CV builder

Media CV structure & format

As a media professional, you’re probably aware of keeping information clear, concise and easy-to-digest – and it should be no different with your CV!

Recruiters are always short on time, so it’s vital to ensure the  structure  and  format  of your CV are well thought out.

They should be able to navigate through your CV with ease and pick out your key skills, qualifications and experience at a glance.

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: The ideal CV length is no more than 2 sizes of A4 . This forces you to focus on the most relevant information, whilst keeping your application punchy.
  • Design: It’s best to keep things simple, with a muted colour palette and clean, legible font. If you’re a savvy designer and want to add a splash of personality to your CV design, you should prioritise readability over everything.
  • Readability:  Using plenty of formatting techniques, such as bullet points, columns, lists and line breaks, makes for a better reading experience. You should also make sure your CV section headings are clearly visible, using a bold or a (slightly) larger font.
  • Things to avoid:  There’s no need to add photos or logos to your CV. If you want to display work, it’s best to add a link to an online portfolio, rather than cluttering up your CV.

Structuring your CV

Whilst writing your CV , organise your content into the following sections:

  • Contact details – A brief note of your key contact details.
  • Profile – A brief introduction which summarises your skills, experience and qualifications; tailored to the target role.
  • Work experience / Career history – Starting with your current role and working backwards, detail your work experience.
  • Education – Record your qualifications, especially those which are related to the media industry.
  • Interest and hobbies – An optional section to document any interests, projects or hobbies that will further pinpoint your suitability for media positions.

Quick tip : If you’re a recent graduate, it might be beneficial to switch up your CV structure and place your education section before your work experience section. At this stage of your career, you might not have much work experience to list, so it makes sense to talk in detail about your degree and the skills you gained at university.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Kickstart your CV by sharing your up-to-date contact details.

You only need to include the basics, such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Location  – Stick to your vague town or city, such as  ‘Brighton’ , rather than your full address.
  • If you have one, add a hyperlink or QR code to your LinkedIn profile and/or a portfolio of work.

Media CV Profile/Personal Statement

Your CV profile (or personal statement for graduate/entry-level candidates) is a short, sharp and punchy introductory paragraph.

It should sum up your key selling points and pinpoint why you’re the best fit for the role.

Your profile is often the first thing that recruiters or hiring managers read, so it needs to hook their attention immediately and encourage them to read further.

CV profile

Tips to consider when creating your profile:

  • Keep it short and snappy: If you’ve got a few years of experience under your belt, your CV profile should be around 5-10 lines. For junior and graduate candidates, you can dedicate a little more space to this section – but don’t go over 15 lines.
  • Tailor it:  Your profile, as well as the rest of your media CV, should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for. Spend some time reading over the job description and researching the industry as a whole, making a list of the key skills and experience needed. Then, incorporate your findings throughout your CV, aiming to match the requirements as closely as you can.
  • Avoid clichés:  You might think that  ‘Hardworking team player with a go-getter attitude’ sounds good, but recruiters here similar phrases numerous times per day – plus, they have no reason to believe your bold claims. Instead, focus on highlighting your suitability for the role with hard facts, results and tangible examples of how you’ve used your skills.

What to include in your media CV profile or personal statement?

  • Level of experience – Are you a recent media graduate or a seasoned professional with years of experience? Make your career level obvious from the get-go.
  • Relevant experience  – Summarise your relevant experience to date, briefly touching upon the hard skills used, industries worked in and types of companies worked for. For junior candidates with little experience, voluntary roles, freelance work, placements and personal projects can be used.
  • Sector-specific qualifications – Highlight your highest and most relevant qualification, whether that is a media, journalism or marketing degree, HND or A levels. Junior candidates may also want to discuss highly relevant modules and assignments. Remember to mention valuable sector-specific qualifications, too, such as an NCTJ certificate for journalists.
  • Hard skills – Mention your valuable, industry-specific hard skills, tailoring them to the job requirements. Examples might be video editing, copywriting, research, proofreading, operating cameras, but what you include  will depend on the type of media role you’re applying for.
  • Motives (junior/graduate candidates only) –  Experienced candidates should save this type of information for the cover letter. However, if you’re a graduate, briefly detail the types of roles you’re seeking and why. Bear in mind that graduate employers want to hire employees who have aligned interests and who’re truly passionate for their field, especially in the case of the competitive media industry.

Core skills section

Next up is your core skills section, which is a great way to help time-strapped recruiters see that you’re a good fit for the role.

Use 2-3 columns of snappy bullet points for this and use your research to match yourself up perfectly to the job.

Prioritise  hard and technical skills (HTML, video editing, Photoshop) over soft skills (communication, teamwork, self-motivation).

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Now it’s time to dig deeper into the detail of your experience.

Starting with your most recent role and working backwards, outline your relevant media experience so far.

Work experience

If you’re a recent graduate without much full-time experience to your name, you can draw upon voluntary positions, freelance work, personal projects and university placements , too.

You can also list part-time and summer jobs, but do make sure to focus on pinpointing the transferable skills you gained from them.

Structuring your roles

If you don’t work to a defined structure, your work experience section can easily become cluttered and disorganised.

So, help busy recruiters to navigate through your roles by using the simple 3-step structure shown below:

Role descriptions

Start with a short summary of the company you worked within, what your role entailed and the department you were part of.

“Responsible for the planning and delivery of assigned story ideas for a local magazine’s music, culture and food columns; reporting to the assistant editor.”

Key responsibilities

Next, create a bullet-pointed list of your key duties within the position.

Tailor this to the role you’re applying for by mentioning any relevant skills and software you used.

  • Attended local events to capture footage and edited 1-minute shorts using Adobe Premier Pro.
  • Interviewed artists, event coordinators, guest speakers and community members.
  • Uploaded finished articles to the magazine’s website using WordPress and HTML.

Key achievements

Finish up each role by adding a snappy list of key achievements .

This can be anything that added value to the company you worked for or their client.

If you can, quantify your examples with relevant facts and figures to really prove your impact.

  • Published over 200 online articles with average views of 100k.
  • Won several local awards for digital reporting skills.
  • Grew magazine blog clicks by 40% by self-learning SEO techniques and optimising content.

You should have already mentioned your stand out qualifications in your profile, but you can use your education section to further detail your academic background.

Experienced candidates should prioritise space for their work experience and, therefore, only need to mention their highest relevant qualification, as well as any vocational courses which are particularly relevant to the role. Make sure to list the name of the course and institution, the dates of study and the grade achieved.

However, if you’re a junior or graduate candidate, you should go into greater detail here. Detail your highest media qualifications and discuss relevant projects, modules and assignments in more depth. You could also add a section which details the specific skills you picked up from the course(s).

Then, list any other vocational training courses you’ve completed. You should also summarise your GCSEs and A-Levels (eg: ‘ 10 GCSE’s: A-C and A-Level Media, English & Art: ABB’ ).

Interests and hobbies

This section is completely optional but can be useful for inexperienced candidates who want to showcase how their interests or talents align with the sector.

For example, if you’re a keen photographer, run a blog, produce videos, write scripts or are a member of a film or media club, it’s worth mentioning as it’ll highlight your passion to employers.

So, look to include any interests,  hobbies or personal projects that demonstrate skills or an interest related to the role you’re applying for.

Essential skills for your media CV

Media roles are varied, so each profession will require a specific set of skills. However, some of the most common include:

Sound and lighting production  – Recording of sound on set or on location and set up of lighting equipment.

Photography & video  – Operating cameras for both stills and video and capturing high-quality footage or images, often in line with a brief.

Post-production & editing  – Ability to edit images, video and sound, with competency with all major software.

Research – Researching and collating information and evidence to support a feature or story.

Interviewing – Finding potential interviewees, prepping questions and conducting live and recorded interviews.

Writing – Writing scripts, stories, blogs, reports, headlines, etc.

Graphic design – Creating graphics and animations for film, TV, websites, animations etc.

Idea generation – Coming up with creative ideas and concepts, such as story/feature ideas, games, apps, etc.

Writing your media CV

Media is a competitive field, but a strong CV can help you to land a great role and build upon your experience.

If you combine tailored CV content with a well-organised and visually pleasing CV structure, you’ll be able to hook the attention of recruiters.

Good luck with your job search!

Media Production Resume Sample

The resume builder.

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Work Experience

  • Proofread and edits slide deck and instructional materials for completeness, accuracy, and formatting. Verifies that the materials follow style and branding guide and format is correct
  • Generates new leader and participant guides in Acrobat, Word, and PowerPoint based on materials provided by subject matter experts, instructional designers, and/or other member of Learning and Professional Development (LPD) team
  • Revises existing leader and participant guides given change requests provided by subject matter experts, instructional designers, and/or other member of LPD team
  • Coordinate and manage social distribution of content from SAP’s Global Content team in multimedia packages
  • Handle community management for SAP TV’s social media accounts, engage with audiences and seek opportunities for SAP
  • Collaborate with Video/Photo Production Manager, campaign managers, product managers and creative development managers to produce a variety of high quality photo and video products
  • Work with manager to maintain, troubleshoot, and source production equipment and studio space
  • Managing the upkeep of all production and post production systems, and all software
  • Assisting the manager with the day to day operation of the Media Production Department
  • Insure Media and/or sub component preparation is completed in a timely manner for prompt product delivery to pour station based on production schedule
  • Filtrations – including checks to ensure that correct filters are used according to policy/procedure
  • Verify that all media is appropriately labeled and stored based on all regulatory and Master Formulary specifications
  • Proper Equipment (kettles, etc) operation and Clean-In-Place (CIP) operation
  • Calibrations of instruments, scales and meters as needed
  • Media dispense setup (setting the pump dispense volume, placing the dispense head and verifying connections and bag numbering to avoid switched wells)
  • Assist with end of lot documentation review for Device History Record - Master Formulary, etc. All documentation practices are to follow all appropriate procedures\policies. This includes but is not limited to the following
  • Contribute, train, and research multiple approaches to composition, color correction and grading, and digital editing for both photo and video post-production, in accordance with overall production concepts
  • Collaborate with manager to catalogue, archive, and manage media library, including all photography and video assets
  • Demonstrated experience in the Adobe Suite of products
  • Work with technical and non-technical staff directing video productions, including working with customers or internal clients to be comfortable in front of the camera
  • Excellent attention to detail, strong organizational skills, strong problem-solving skills, natural process orientation and a positive attitude
  • Providing consulting services and coaching users on the technology, functionality, options
  • Utilizing departmental resources to create and deliver content for various clients and projects
  • Managing production schedules and project timelines
  • Tracking resource and personnel allocations for all projects

Professional Skills

  • Computer skills to effectively operate digital/analog production-related editing and duplication equipment
  • Comprehensive writing and editing skills with a strong foundation in English grammar, including the ability to write narration and continuity script writing
  • Technical skills to effectively produce media using Adobe CC software
  • Strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain working relationships with clients, staff and students
  • Editing skills utilizing computer programs (e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office Suite)
  • Multi-Camera directing and switching skills
  • Skills in utilizing multimedia production equipment, such as still and video cameras and lighting

How to write Media Production Resume

Media Production role is responsible for microsoft, software, research, editing, organizational, adobe, video, computer, intermediate, purchasing. To write great resume for media production job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Media Production Resume

The section contact information is important in your media production resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Media Production Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your media production resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous media production responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular media production position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Media Production resume experience can include:

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills with both technical and non-technical people
  • Highly detail oriented with strong skills in logistics & processes
  • Strong computer skills for Mac, and proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Demonstrated client service skills and ability to develop positive business relationships
  • Excellent attendance and time management skills
  • Excellent work and professional ethos, with self-awareness and great observation skills

Education on a Media Production Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your media production resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your media production experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Media Production Resume

When listing skills on your media production resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical media production skills:

  • Excellent PC and Broadcast troubleshooting skills – combine critical thinking, logic, analytic reasoning, research and experience
  • Excellent computer skills, including a strong working knowledge of applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc
  • Strong computer skills including: Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, PremierePro, and After Effects
  • Effective organizational skills to autonomously coordinate all facets of production and related projects
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a part of a team, as well as individually, to finish projects
  • Strong skills in production, project and budget managment

List of Typical Experience For a Media Production Resume

Experience for media production specialist resume.

  • Experience working with diverse and under-represented populations
  • Strong commitment to collegiality and the ability to work collaboratively
  • Organizing and maintaining workstations according to 5s principles,
  • Working with in-house content management systems to prep quizzing material for ingestion and fixing post-ingestion bugs
  • Cleaning and organizing lab workspace,
  • Sweeping and/or mopping floor as needed,
  • Supporting documentation – weigh tapes, pH meter tapes, MES reports, well-remake reports, etc.,
  • Media dispense setup (setting the pump dispense volume, placing the dispense head and verifying connections and bag numbering to avoid switched wells
  • Perform and document all manufacturing steps and verification as described in company procedures/policies for the following, but not limited to

Experience For Media Production Manager Resume

  • Attention to detail and maintains high standards, e.g. minimising retouching costs
  • Participates in location scouting and talent casting as required
  • Serves as photographer and coordinating technician for live and archived Internet streaming projects
  • Coordinate with CTL staff, specifically elearning director and Sr Instructional design lead on rolling out programs for MU Campus Online
  • Assists faculty and staff in developing new media projects and applications for innovative online learning projects
  • Media file manipulation involving compression, duplication, format conversion, streaming and other distribution technologies
  • Manages and maintains the media asset library and server space, including file management, deletion and archiving
  • Generate any needed Formularies from the office PC or MES (Manufacturing Execution System) as needed for production

Experience For Media Production Assistant Resume

  • Process order checks for correct raw materials – including data entry and verifications in SAP as needed or delegated by Lead
  • Workstations maintained according to 5s principles,
  • Collects and disseminates information regarding graphic and game play capabilities for use by engineers and other media technicians
  • Organised and capable of working on multiple projects simultaneously
  • Performance driven, ensuring that the content we produce resonates and adds value
  • Enforce rules and regulations regarding the utilization of the McMahon Center resources. Take reasonable steps to maintain a safe and secure environment

Experience For Media Production Associate Resume

  • Manage and conduct video editing and Media Production Studio Technical Operations
  • Design graphics and marketing materials for ELC programs and events
  • Provide assistance as needed in producing ELC programs and events
  • Research and implement cutting edge digital media production methods in higher education
  • Offer faculty training, consultation on media production
  • Graphics production using Photoshop, After Effects and other presentation software
  • Accuracy and verification checks - Operator/Observer signatures, Manufacture and/or Hang time reports,

Experience For Media Production Project Coordinator Resume

  • Maintain a clean and orderly work environment by following the standards set forth in department 5S guidelines - before, during and after production runs. This includes but not limited to
  • Any unspecified actions required to maintain 5s compliance
  • Maintain adequate inventories of general lab supplies and place purchase orders or inform department’s designated purchasing resource when necessary. Maintain FIFO for all long-term stocks, broths and chemical components
  • Perform all work in the Production Department in a safe manner in accordance with the company policy and/or procedure. Maintain Safety Data Sheet (SDS) access and encourage safety programs
  • Media and/or sub component preparation
  • Proper Equipment (kettle) operation and Clean-In-Place (CIP) operation
  • Train new and coach existing team members to develop strong technical and leadership skills throughout the department. Track progress of on-the-job training of new employees. Report personnel issues or deficiencies to Group Lead as needed

Experience For Assistant Media Production Manager Resume

  • Provide expert knowledge of departmental procedures and consistently uphold all company policies. Insure that all procedures reflect the current methods used by the team. Develop and write new procedures as needed. Assist in coordination of training on technical updates and procedural revisions
  • Schedule and edit product for manufacture in MES and SAP as needed in response to daily production demands. Maintain and update manufacturing and inventory databases on a regular basis
  • Provide expert guidance with end of lot documentation review, delivery and corrections for Device History Record - Master Formulary, etc. All documentation practices are to follow all appropriate procedures/policies
  • Support the standard of cleanliness set forth in department 5S guidelines by administering frequent internal audits. The audits include, but are not limited to, checking for
  • Clean and organized lab workspaces,
  • Clean instrumentation and equipment,
  • Any unspecified actions are undertaken that are required to maintain 5s compliance
  • Maintain adequate inventories of general lab supplies and chemical materials. Initiate requests for additional equipment as needed. Maintain FEFO for all long-term stocks, broths and chemical components

Experience For Media Production Support Specialist Resume

  • Troubleshoot instrument and/or equipment repair immediately to prevent production delays and get Line Maintenance or Facilities involved when appropriate. Identify areas of deficiency and implement best practices to improve employee safety and reduce cost incurred by poor process design
  • Work closely with the Media Production team to prioritized business requirements
  • Self-starter with 4+ years’ experience in art direction at a creative agency or an in-house team
  • Experience in the field of photography and video at a creative agency or an in-house team
  • Strong knowledge of crew roles and rates, and how to build the right-sized crew for projects

Experience For Interactive Instructional Media Production Lead Resume

  • Team and project management experience essential
  • Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Experience Manager and Final Cut Pro X an advantage
  • Configures and operates jib arm and other grip equipment
  • Participate in new product development and assist with new product transition to production from R&D and Industrialization as required
  • Understands graphic file formats, both static and animated

Experience For Media Production Technician Resume

  • Builds and processes game art into usable file for engineers
  • Works closely with engineers and other media techs to solve graphic technical issues
  • Works with other SG departments to learn of changes in technology and software
  • Recommends upgrades and new game play ideas for future software
  • Provide key support to the Group Media Production Manager learning to confidently consult, brief and manage smaller projects - namely seasonal deliverables within The Lookbook and Trend Presentation etc. for both print and online
  • Responsible for trafficking general digital and print checks during proofing or web staging checks

Experience For Media Production / Services Specialist Resume

  • Ensure Brand Creative, CRM, Retail, Design and Tech teams meet deadlines by trafficking delivery of all assigned briefs from start to finish and raising issues
  • Learn to follow workflow processes and show understanding through practice and communication
  • Request, classifying and maintain seasonal product and runway imagery from brands to schedule
  • Produce and maintain information on spreadsheets to support Media Production Team to track status of assets for projects such as product photography
  • Carry out thorough information checks as required; manage approvals across different levels from junior to executive managers
  • Notify photography and visual merchandising teams of dates required for Mobile Photo Unit and schedule travel arrangements and bookings for global appointments in preparation for fashion weeks

List of Typical Skills For a Media Production Resume

Skills for media production specialist resume.

  • Excellent time management and customer relations skills
  • Excellent communication and interpretive skills
  • Editing skills utilizing computer programs (e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud, Articulate, Microsoft Office Suite)
  • At least 2 year's experience in a marketing setting, including experience with ad resizing and editing
  • Experience designing virtual live and self-paced e-learning experiences, required

Skills For Media Production Manager Resume

  • Video and audio editing skills using current software programs
  • Intermediate level skills in Microsoft Word (for example: inserting header, page breaks, page numbers and tables and/or adjusting table columns)
  • Skills in utilizing multimedia production equipment, such as video cameras, external microphones, lighting equipment
  • Exceptional organisation and project management skills, adept at managing multiple projects simultaneously
  • Problem solving skills and the ability to follow through to resolution
  • Comprehensive research skills to define communication objectives and research subject matter
  • Prior professional production and writing experience
  • Work independently and communicate effectively within a team

Skills For Media Production Assistant Resume

  • Video and audio production skills; in studio and in the field
  • Demonstrated ability to operate a variety of production equipment
  • Effective time management and ability to multi-task, prioritize and meet deadlines
  • Exceptional skills for communications
  • Effectively manage a project to completion and both independently and part of a team
  • Exceptional communication, production and organizational skills
  • Strong computer/networking knowledge – including VLAN’s, Layer 2 & 3, IP addressing, route tables, domain administration, cloud computing

Skills For Media Production Associate Resume

  • Experience using a call-tracking or ticket system for organizing work orders and developing metrics for both output and resource requirements
  • Experience researching, preparing, and producing audio visual media
  • Experience directing multiple cameras, operating a live switcher during live events
  • Experience with setting up e-learning for delivery through a learning management system (LMS), required
  • Designs lighting plans in coordination with the director. Operates lighting, audio and visual equipment during shoot to achieve the desired effect

Skills For Media Production Project Coordinator Resume

  • Strong knowledge of identifying and analyzing audience needs and tying the needs to business requirements
  • Technical training, field sales, product support, and/or consulting experience
  • Experience managing and maintaining server configuration for lecture capture systems like Panopto, Zoom, and PlayPosit
  • Experience with embedding live and recorded video in Web pages using Flash and MP4 formats
  • Strong storyteller, capable of turning concepts into a compelling narrative
  • Experience in a business setting, preferably managing budgets and/or systems

Skills For Assistant Media Production Manager Resume

  • Highly skilled with producing presentations using current media software and techniques
  • Experience monitoring postproduction processes to ensure accurate completion of details and managing production crews
  • Experience with e-learning authoring tools such as Adobe Captivate, Articulate, etc
  • Avid "Media Composer" Editing Experience (3-5 years)
  • Experience scriptwriting

Skills For Media Production Support Specialist Resume

  • Keen eye and passion for photography and video, with experience in directing shoots
  • Strong portfolio, demonstrating an ability to generate and develop concepts through to final product
  • Keen eye and passion for photography and video, with experience in managing photo and video shoots
  • Strong ability to plan/develop, install and manage a variety of broadcast systems including Avid, EVS, Omneon, Telestream, Viz, Autodesk and Adobe
  • Experience with studio equipment including cameras and switchers

Skills For Interactive Instructional Media Production Lead Resume

  • Experience coordinating the activities or writers, directors, mangers and other personnel throughout the production process
  • Experience working with budgets
  • Experience coordinating the activities or writers, directors, managers and other personnel throughout the production process
  • Relevant college teaching experience
  • Demonstrated commitment to public higher education and working with a diverse student body
  • Demonstrated willingness to engage in high-impact practices (e.g., internships, undergraduate research, service-learning, global engagement)
  • Awareness and interest of activities happening around the team and the department with a strong willingness to learn and support
  • Prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously while remaining on schedule

Skills For Media Production Technician Resume

  • Excellent personal hygiene required. Appropriate gowning requirements necessary for the production areas
  • Experience in developing and implementing creative visual and strategic solutions from scientific presentations to websites to online productivity tools
  • Experience operating cameras with an understanding of composition and lighting
  • Experience working in higher education or corporate media production
  • A strong interest in networked/ip based content creation and delivery solutions
  • Strong customer service attitude, with the ability to provide guidance to internal customers

Skills For Media Production / Services Specialist Resume

  • Directly related internal and or Audio Visual communications or public relations agency experience
  • Demonstrated comfort and confidence in front of camera
  • Experience with Omnivex Moxie digital signage or other digital signage software and servers
  • Experience with Telestream Wirecast, Wowza Media Server, Vimeo, YouTube, and YouTube Live
  • Two (2) or more years of experience in a training/media production role, required
  • Experience in a detail oriented task-based role that highly leverages technology, required
  • Experience with audio and basic video production, required

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Media Production Resume

Responsibilities for media production specialist resume.

  • Able to effectively brief in suppliers, generating comparative quotes, organizing costs and billing for simple print or commissioned work with support from Media Production team
  • Experience planning, developing, producing and/or editing multimedia assets, particularly still photography
  • Experience using studio equipment including broadcast cameras, HD video switchers, audio recording and lighting
  • Experience developing and/or managing social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram
  • Experience developing and/or managing projects using dedicated software

Responsibilities For Media Production Manager Resume

  • Experience in installing and/or troubleshooting computer hardware and software
  • Experience developing and/or editing virtual reality multimedia assets
  • Previous experience of assistance in trafficking, scheduling and research roles would be an advantage
  • Strong understanding of virtualization in a broadcast environment
  • Experience with live video streaming production
  • Experience providing lead work direction to creative staff

Responsibilities For Media Production Assistant Resume

  • Good sense of humour and a great team player that is willing to go the extra mile
  • Experience in a marketing, print production, editorial or creative environment for the fashion industry or similar
  • Experience in professional News broadcast environment
  • Experience in project coordination and project management
  • Demonstrated ability to take a concept, shoot the footage, and produce it into a professional finished product

Responsibilities For Media Production Associate Resume

  • Digital production experience
  • Professional experience in digital media production
  • Able to multi-task and prioritize workload to cope with the demands of a fast paced and reactive business
  • Experience with high-level course development tools such as Articulate, Captivate and/or Lectora, required
  • Experience with Camtasia, Audacity, Soundforge and Storyline, required

Responsibilities For Media Production Project Coordinator Resume

  • Writing, shooting and editing video packages for storytelling, training, or documentation of experiments, processes or events
  • Understanding business needs and industry trends for strategic long term growth planning
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite CC 2015 or higher software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash Professional, Animate and Acrobat Pro
  • Working knowledge of copyright and other applicable laws pertaining to publications and media
  • Working knowledge of video production, video editing, photography and/or graphic design

Responsibilities For Assistant Media Production Manager Resume

  • Working knowledge of multimedia asset licenses, filming permits and/or insurance certificates
  • Evaluating and addressing QA bugs for ancillary products
  • Understanding of a Software Defined Video Network
  • Willing to travel at least 25% of the time business purposes (domestically and/or internationally) Work required on weekends and evenings/nights
  • Providing a portfolio with examples of past work is highly recommended
  • Learning Content Management System (LCMS) knowledge
  • Working knowledge of and ability to apply aesthetic and communication theories, practices and techniques to create multimedia assets
  • Working knowledge of graphic design, photography, Internet and/or video production

Responsibilities For Media Production Support Specialist Resume

  • Maintaining archive of all photos and video produced
  • Posting on the catalog
  • Responding to JIRA tickets as assigned
  • Working with producers and developers from JGV’s business partners to ensure the proper integration of media into JGV’s digital products
  • Planning, installation and management of a variety of broadcast equipment such as Avid, EVS, Telestream, Omneon, Viz, Autodesk and Adobe
  • Understanding and curiosity of emerging media technology and trends
  • Responsible for all aspects of producing professional-grade video to be used to support Titan’s marketing goals including

Responsibilities For Interactive Instructional Media Production Lead Resume

  • Oversee the support of the editing and graphics facilities servicing ABCNews
  • Participate in developing and implementing customer service goals and metrics
  • Participate in departmental planning/brainstorming meetings
  • Take meeting notes to support and distribute information and actions
  • Video Coordination (Develop and manage independent contractor/freelancer relations during production of projects)
  • Student Assistant Supervision. Assists Digital Support Manager in training and supervision of student assistants
  • Light project management including
  • Interest in teaching in multiple modalities (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid, online)
  • Carry out day-to-day production of media to a standard that meets customers’ requirements using submitted protocols. Highlight problems promptly

Responsibilities For Media Production Technician Resume

  • Flexible, with ability to cope well with the demands of a rapidly growing company and ability to grow with the team
  • Advanced understanding of the capabilities of PowerPoint required
  • Understand the importance of corporate branding, and the ability to follow published brand standards guidelines
  • Work within a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) to populate courseware with media objects
  • Comprehensive knowledge of copyright and other applicable laws pertaining to publications and media
  • Record video and audio. Set up lighting, microphones, teleprompter, and record screen captures
  • Manage online Continuing Education video and courses
  • Work with Marketing Managers and Creative Team to develop concepts
  • Research in all aspects of promotions, creative, and branding elements

Responsibilities For Media Production / Services Specialist Resume

  • Communication with marketing managers, supervisors, and staff to insure brand standards and accuracy of all materials
  • Self-motivator, forward thinking
  • Be able to do editing
  • Understand and interpret NASBA and AICPA guidelines, and apply them to training modules
  • Maintain, minor repair, inventory, and checkout of photographic equipment, including

Related to Media Production Resume Samples

Coordinator, media resume sample, director media resume sample, media editor resume sample, creative media resume sample, media services resume sample, intern media resume sample, resume builder.

Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples
  • Social Media and Journalism

Media Producer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the media producer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

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Resume Builder

  • Produces web-based courses by utilizing proprietary tools and knowledge of web-based languages, including HTML, CSS, XML, and other scripting languages
  • Collaborating and coordinating with Dbriefs marketing team to facilitate the creation and approval of webcast materials
  • Hosting and seeding topical forums and discussions for UGC
  • Assist in tracking final assets for content accuracy and reporting purposes
  • Knowledge of business drivers and/or publishing processes, including Technology Project Lifecycle
  • Working knowledge of Movie Magic software, as well as audio, film and video editing software, systems, and techniques
  • Building and populating webcast console with relevant materials (presentation, speaker biographies, supplemental links, promotional materials)
  • Work with the Content, Promotions and Programming teams to create and manage promotional plans that utilize the latest social media techniques
  • Work with Pac-12 Networks talent to develop their Twitter and Facebook personas and interact with fans
  • Works closely with other social media producers and managers to establish best practices
  • Work closely with our social listening center and our social response/reputation management functions
  • Develop content with on-set embedded show producer, working closely with LA based team
  • Manage the professional development of one direct report
  • Work closely with the research team to define the Spike follower, analyze results and develop new ways to deliver on the owned media promise to the business
  • Working with internal and external clients to support daily events
  • Scheduling of content, digital assetts and newsletters for all stations in New York City cluster of sites
  • Briefing any 3rd party suppliers/external development agencies; on creative, technical and commercial considerations
  • Working knowledge of digital production and freelance talent hiring process
  • Designing content to be displayed on digital signage throughout the NYSE and, at times, externally through social and broadcast media channels
  • Processing of display assets to include logos, videos, animations etc
  • Highly process-oriented
  • Strong understanding of copyright issues and law
  • At least five years’ proven copyright clearance and photo/video footage/stock audio research knowledge and experience within a photo/media/audio research or rights department
  • Well-organized with the ability to manage multiple priorities within tight deadlines
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage photo/video shoots, audio recording and animation production
  • The ability to work creatively within tight budgets and communicate effectively at all levels
  • Previous experience negotiating and purchasing licensing terms for stock images, video clips, and audio clips
  • Experience developing and implementing effective procedures and processes
  • Experience of negotiating with, briefing and managing external suppliers and freelancers

15 Media Producer resume templates

Media Producer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Assists leading Producer with implementing Creative Deliverables
  • Assembles creative presentation materials – print and digital, using judgment and discretion to determine content
  • Provides research materials relative to historical content, artwork, imagery, themed entertainment and architectural reference, etc
  • Coordinates outside media requests and special projects
  • Documents brainstorming and creative development sessions and distribute notes
  • Coordinate & participate in small scale media shoots
  • Assignments on multiple projects
  • Communicates and interacts with all levels of individuals within the project environment
  • Computer proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, and the Internet
  • Knowledge of scope, schedule and budget planning and mitigation
  • Knowledge of creative process and deliverables
  • Knowledge of Media Production technologies and pipelines
  • Completed an internship within the entertainment industry
  • Course work in theater or media related
  • Currently enrolled as a Junior or higher, or graduated within 6 months of the start date of this internship, in an accredited college/university, earning a BA/BS degree in theater, film, design, entertainment or related

Digital Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous videography experience and proficiency operating a DSLR camera
  • A minimum of 2 years experience in After Effects
  • A strong aptitude for new technology
  • Competitive spirit and strong team collaborator
  • 3-5 years of experience in Digital Media
  • Immaculate attention to detail
  • Ability to manage multiple long-term projects simultaneously
  • Intermediate HTML & CSS knowledge
  • Wordpress development experience
  • Experience optimizing digital content for mobile devices
  • Basic web design experience and intermediate Photoshop experience
  • Strong proven writing skills
  • Basic understanding of streaming and on-demand video/audio
  • Working knowledge of SEO techniques and online analytics
  • Experience in a Radio or TV environment a plus

Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • An ability to leverage a passion and an understanding of baseball, the fan experience, social platforms and emerging digital media technologies to create novel and engaging solutions to presented challenges
  • Proactively employ a mix of strategies and tactics to drive awareness and fan engagement in support of social media and broader digital initiatives
  • Preparing and managing a content calendar that blends long-term marketing initiatives and planned editorial content, with short-term trends, pop culture and individual team voice
  • As the management of MLB and Club accounts involves a lot of moving pieces, the club social producers must be extremely organized, able to keep a multitude of details straight, understand the impact of timelines, and be flexible to meet a social landscape with changing situations and capabilities
  • Set and analyze campaign/project performance against the appropriate benchmarks and goals, with the final findings being compiled into a report providing optimization opportunities and future strategy development
  • Effectively collaborate within a group of varied personalities, work styles and departments to drive and to maintain project goals and work to find solutions as hurdles may arise
  • Job requires travel about 15% travel, and occasional work on weekends during Jewel Events (Spring Training, All-Star Weekend and Postseason) as the baseball schedule dictates
  • Four year degree is required
  • 3 – 5 years of work experience in a professional services environment; consulting, advertising or social media experience is a plus
  • PowerPoint, Photoshop, Excel experience
  • Please submit a link to a social media program or content piece from an MLB or Club account that you thought was creative and on-point. Explain why you chose this

New Media Producer / Editor Japan Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prior production experience in new Media or web-based news environment required
  • Must be comfortable with new technologies
  • Strong analytical and writing skills, and sound news judgment
  • Familiarity with market, company and economic news
  • Ability to meet demanding deadlines
  • Fluency in English and Japanese is essential
  • Work with internal Digital/Social Media, Live Events, TV Production, and Marketing/PR teams to develop compelling interactive elements for live events
  • Serve as on-site moderator for fan-submitted content, ensuring that only content meeting WWE standards is shown in-arena, on-line, and/or on-air
  • Coordinate the creation of video and graphic assets and ensure their timely approval and implementation
  • Directly engage fans and partners via social media platforms, fostering positive conversations and relationships
  • Ensure integration of social media content plans within overall marketing goals
  • Monitor, track, interpret, and leverage social media industry trends and best practices
  • 2+ years of related work experience in Live TV/Digital production, PR/Marketing, and/or journalism environment
  • Experience covering live events with social media, especially live sports and entertainment events
  • Proven track record of creative and innovative thinking, action, and results
  • Strong understanding of social media and its role in business as well as experience managing social media campaigns
  • Familiar with current and past WWE TV shows, products, talent, and storylines
  • Able to provide samples of previous social media campaign work
  • Willing and able to travel extensively (both domestic and international), including weekends and holidays (approximately 80% of regular weekly schedule)
  • Clean driver's license
  • BA degree in Communications, English, PR, Marketing, Digital/Social Media or related field of study

Social Media Producer, Television Resume Examples & Samples

  • Daily management, strategy, publishing of FBC official social network channels. Ensures that Fox/show brands are represented appropriately cross platform online
  • Execution of sales commitments. Generates new source of important revenue and competitive differentiation for FBC sales
  • Work in-line with digital brand management, production teams & talent to develop to creative and consistent marketing strategies for network properties. Maintain brand consistency across digital products / increase reach of social ecosystem
  • Develop and manage improvements and innovative programs to exploit the promotional power of social network systems. Places FOX shows and promotional material in front of increasingly larger online audiences
  • Bachelor's degree and at least 3 years’ experience in social media marketing, preferably in Television
  • Exceptional communications skills both written and personal
  • Sophisticated understanding of social media, digital technology and innovation
  • Expertise in social media landscape: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, Vine, Google+ etc. Understanding of TV publicity and marketing strategies
  • Must have finely tuned communication/presentation skills and the ability to interact one-to-one with the FOX consumer, production and talent
  • Responsible for content production, digital marketing, strategic and tactical planning across multiple social media platforms
  • Create marketing strategy based on social media insights, existing data and content, responsible for executing strategy
  • Own all aspects of TV Land Originals digital presence for assigned shows, including content on and all social media platforms
  • Work closely with other departments to develop content with specific goals relating to marketing the show
  • Provide talent with digital content/social strategy to help promote the show
  • Research, develop and produce content with the purpose of marketing on multiple platforms
  • Experience in outreach, audience development and fan engagement
  • Oversee budget for each assigned series (season)
  • Work with freelancers and 3rd party partners in addition to managing Production Assistants/Interns
  • Act as point-person for various web projects and work with other digital team members to produce promotional content as needed
  • Work with marketing team members on social media projects, incorporating marketing plans as they may apply, driving audience building and engagement in these spaces
  • Write and schedule tweets & actively participate in live twitter events during key episodes
  • Monitor competitive sites and brands and make commensurate best-practice recommendations the Digital team
  • Experience responding quickly to changing business priorities and delivering high-quality solutions under aggressive schedules
  • 4+ Years experience working in a digital production environment
  • Current, active social media accounts on Twitter, facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, etc
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications such as Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop € Familiarity with Content Management Systems and light HTML
  • Experience with Social Guide, Crowdbooster and other related social analytics platforms preferred
  • A degree, certificate or equivalent experience in marketing, social media, digital design or other related field
  • Ability to work with many different teams, including design, tech, project management, brand creative group, marketing and ad sales
  • Implementing, executing and optimizing paid social media campaigns, especially on Twitter and Facebook
  • Passion for emerging digital technology and social media a must
  • Motivated self-starter & solutions-oriented problem solver
  • Good understanding of Social Media and related technologies
  • Working closely with the Digital Media Editorial team and television producers and talent during live event broadcasts. Serves a bridge between talent and production to the social media managers, coordinators and .com. Delivers content for social media coordinators to post and use. Develops new ideas for broadcast integration to be used by the talent and producers. Must maximize resources and opportunities between broadcast, .com and social media. Provides daily guidance to the social media coordinators bringing forth the most effective communication and connection to the fans in the consumer marketplace
  • On-site support for production and talent with social media from research, technology and topicality of content and social media dialogue occurring in marketplace with fans
  • Develops weekly plans for live broadcast events and the social media components with ideas and content creation
  • He/she will be constantly training on new social media software and technology applications serving as an expert resource for production and talent
  • Develop relations with key figures and communicators in social media. Learning how to leverage the power of virality with social media and live sporting events
  • Managing and building the confidence between production and the use of social media. Must instill a new perspective for using social media as a powerful tool to enhance our broadcast of sports, delivering unique content to social media. This person is the key in developing a more direct two-way personal connection between our televised events and the viewers
  • College degree. Minimum 2 years’ experience in production or live television. Background in digital or social media space
  • Must have strong knowledge of the sports industry
  • Must be highly skilled with social media platforms including technology and software
  • Must have knowledge of NASCAR and motorsports along with other professional sports series

Cover / Social Media Producer, Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage homepage, including curate story placement, write
  • Undergraduate degree, preferably in journalism, political science or English
  • At least three years working in social media at either a news operation or agency with a focus on news and storytelling and minimum years working as a journalist

Interactive Media Producer Kusa Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with producers to create news segments that interact with the live audience
  • Edit promotional content for use inside of newscasts
  • Write, produce and edit content driving viewers to newscasts
  • Gather, edit, package and publish local news content – focusing on (but not limited to) News, Weather and Traffic – on the website
  • Enforce editorial style guides, standards and practices
  • Ability to work in a team and across all departments and locations, ensuring a smooth running web site that is 100% accurate without typos or errors
  • At least 3 years experience working in print, online or television news in a medium to large sized market
  • Bachelors degree in communication, journalism or related field
  • Knowledge of San Diego city and regions
  • Proficient in Social Media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Storify, Tumbler, etc
  • Proficient with Adobe Photoshop Elements
  • Experience with INews, Clickability, Social Flow, Stratus and Vibrint systems a plus

Social Media Producer, Hln Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4 years’ experience writing/producing news or pop culture/lifestyle content for major digital destinations; national TV organization highly preferred
  • Deep experience and interest in using social media as a newsgathering and audience engagement tool
  • Strong skills in packaging video for online distribution, awareness of what makes for viral content
  • Sharp, fast writer with ability to deliver fresh voice and irresistible headlines
  • Experience and tireless commitment to leveraging social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to drive audience engagement, traffic
  • Experience developing and launching new editorial features/franchises
  • Ability to work well/communicate with multiple stakeholders, including program talent
  • Must demonstrate creativity, initiative, teamwork, organizational skills, strong verbal, visual and written communication skills, strong technological skills and have an innovative approach to problem-solving
  • Proficiency in Photoshop is a plus
  • Desired experience includes multimedia reporting, including shooting video and still photographs and recording audio
  • Develop and deliver innovative social media campaigns with integrated digital strategies and tactics that drive target consumer engagement, increased brand loyalty and awareness and ultimately increased sales
  • Be the “thought leader” and expert voice on the ever-changing social media landscape
  • Monitor trends and make recommendations to senior leadership on how to develop advanced social media capabilities including talent, skills, tools and platforms
  • Partner and collaborate with Promotions & Content Marketing to develop social media campaigns taking into consideration key performance indicators and added value opportunities
  • Oversee the social media publishing calendar to ensure consistency of brand messages across multiple platforms and channels
  • Develop social programming balancing both the “real time” and seasonal social content strategies
  • Monitor & analyze performance to optimize engagement and influence new campaigns
  • Involved heavily with production of live event based and studio production programming for NFL Digital Media and NFL Network. Content includes production of
  • 3-6 years of live control room experience in sports television and sports web site production experience required
  • Bachelor’s degree strongly preferred
  • Strong idea generation and brainstorming skills, with a specific focus on compelling content creation for Digital Media and television based programming
  • Proficient using ENPS to create rundowns for live shows
  • Proficient using audio boards, ISDN boxes, and patch bays to record and publish audio podcasts
  • Experience using EVS machines in both control room and remote truck environments
  • Strong editing background with selecting quality video shots, music, and graphics
  • Experience with Final Cut Pro preferred
  • Experience shooting on P2 or DSLR cameras preferred

Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain communication among cross-functional teams (curriculum, design, vendor, project management) to ensure alignment of vision and production
  • Manage the day-to-day production for all math media content based on best practices
  • Facilitate aggressive timelines and proactively address risks
  • Ability to lead the team and offer valuable insight in media creation
  • Ensure efficient, cost-effective, and timely production of all project elements
  • Support the continued development of project workflows
  • Work with Senior Media PM to manage and track contracts, invoices, and overall media production
  • Maintains and updates production calendars and video production spreadsheets
  • Search, identify and consult on the use of external resources (e.g. video production agency, freelancers, talent, etc.)
  • Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience in media production, film/video, educational technology, or related field
  • Must be organized and skilled at simultaneous management of multiple projects
  • Must be an exceptional communicator able to confidently explain estimates, production schedules and production specifics to internal clients and external vendors
  • Ability to offer creative insight on media production
  • Working knowledge of Final Cut Pro and/or Adobe Creative Suite editing tools
  • Proven experience creating compelling narrative media pieces
  • Background in math education
  • Previous experience creating media for K-12 curriculum
  • Role serves as overall Social Media team chief of staff - so experience leading cross functional teams is a MUST!
  • Responsible for how the social media team functions at a macro and day-to-day level. So must have the unique ability to create a larger order structure. While managing the team's workflow, meeting schedules, leadership review/alignment, etc. This includes managing the director, social media's calendar in service to the broader organization
  • Partners and collaborates with cross functional social media team to create best in class processes to plan, creative and manage social content. Across a complex social landscape. And then plays master 'air traffic control' to ensure all work (and teams) operate within these processes
  • Ensures that all projects meet specified timelines and deliver expected results. Proactively communicating progress, status and any considerations across all partners and teams along the way. Maintain, adjusts and updates project plans as needed
  • Educates client on working relationship with Global Digital Marketing explaining roles and responsibilities, process, etc
  • Manages relationship with internal and external groups to develop overall strategies and processes to complete work that meets/exceeds Starbucks Digital Marketing/brand standards
  • Functional expertise within digital agency or in-house like brands (5-7 years)
  • Relationship management with business partners (5-7 years)
  • Program planning and execution (5-7 years)
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Experience working at or managing a digital/advertising agency, preferred
  • Write and/or create/curate show and non-show content (eg “what’s trending”, viral hits, etc) on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Google+
  • Develop an overall social editorial plan as well as episodic content in coordination with show website staff, show PR, and show production
  • Minimum of 3 years experience working in social or digital media, creating entertainment-based content and experiences
  • A demonstrable passion for social media, entertainment news & pop culture
  • Keen awareness of entertainment news, pop culture and social media trends
  • Able to work effectively with creative individuals, show production staff, technology experts, brand marketing, and other diverse stakeholders
  • Thrive in the fast paced TV and social environments; manage multiple projects and tasks at the same time
  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent years of working experience
  • At least two years experience working in an active news environment as a producer, editor, journalist and reporter
  • Excellent knowledge of Philadelphia sports
  • Experience using a website content management system (CMS)
  • Strong work ethic, positive attitude and leadership qualities with the ability to handle multiple tasks and set priorities
  • Excellent writing skills, textual editing ability (grammar and fact-checking), and superior communications skills
  • Basic knowledge of Photoshop and HTML coding
  • Technical acumen to learn how to use new equipment, applications, content management systems as needed
  • Acumen to learn more advanced uses of the CMS
  • Basic experience with/exposure to video production and equipment
  • Ability to appear on camera if needed
  • Ability to effectively problem solve technical issues
  • Ability to watch our network and view our website on a regular basis
  • Ability to produce multiple projects from inception to completion and do so independently
  • Ability to take direction and constructive criticism
  • Ability to teach various skills to new staff/interns
  • Content: Utilize journalism skills to identify and creatively utilize social media in NFL Media broadcasts
  • Innovation: Manage existing on-air social executions, and developing new & creative executions that will drive engagement, promote tune-in and and improve the reach, reputation and effectiveness of NFL Media
  • Working within the social media team to create a social voice for shows and drive engagement and tune-in. Continuously monitoring and updating live, on-air social media activity, curating tweets/Facebook tweets and following hashtags
  • Responsible for quality assurance and delivery of all assets on deadline
  • Organize, edit and share assets, calendars and information with internal and external teams in real time
  • Serve as Bloomingdale’s contact for agency account manager, effectively communicating throughout the day to ensure projects are up to date, meetings are planned, information is shared and deadlines are met
  • Monitor for and engage with opportunities for positive community engagement and interactions
  • Own Bloomingdale’s portion of photo shoots: planning; permissions; product and sample loans, including gathering priority product requests, sourcing and delivery/returns of product
  • Reconcile lost or damaged merchandise
  • Facilitate turn-ins, style-outs and cross-functional creative processes
  • Ensure timely delivery of reporting data sourced from tools, platforms and Coremetrics to relevant analysts
  • Create purchase orders and traffic contracts to relevant parties
  • Write weekly “Social Studies” newsletter
  • Facilitate Sweepstakes fulfillment
  • Partner with Managing Editor on evolving departmental processes
  • Trouble shoot online and offline processes
  • Independent worker, self-starter, resourceful
  • High level of self-initiative and good leadership skills
  • Must be able to handle multiple projects at once and multi task well
  • Experience with Web Production preferred

Interactive Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Works with reporters and producers to create digital and social media content that actively engages the 9NEWS consumers
  • Work with newsroom staff and on-air talent to maintain and grow social media presence and engagement across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr and emerging social media platforms
  • Mine social media channels for news sources
  • Produce relevant, interesting, photo centric and engaging (RIPE) content for digital, social and mobile publication
  • Work with KSDK marketing team to write, shoot, edit and produce social, digital and promotional content to be presented on, but not limited to broadcast, online and social media
  • Works with reporters and producers to create digital and social media content that actively engages the KSDK consumers
  • Manage, moderate and listen to the KSDK social media communities
  • A bold communicator who isn’t afraid to bring new ideas to the rest of the team
  • Execute Social Media editorial and marketing initiatives that integrate across platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+,, Mobile, TV & SocialTV Apps, among others
  • Responsible for relationship between on-air promos and graphics for social media needs, including managing tools in control room for Social on TV executions
  • Participate on weekly communication regarding efforts directly with internal clients, and possibly advertising agencies if initiatives are sold
  • Participate in strategic and executional components of network-wide social media campaigns
  • Experience with reporting social media efforts with tools including and not limited to Facebook Insights, Trendrr, and Hootsuite
  • Corporate communication skills to communicate with senior management
  • Strategist who will lead multimedia creation through all phases of production: from initial concept and pre-production (experience with casting/narration, question/ script creation, off-camera interviews with subjects), to editing and post-production. As part of this process, creation of content will be developed in collaboration with curators, educators, and other department representatives
  • Record and edit audio; film and edit video; and sound mix and color correct files as needed by department; supply audio/video files with appropriate naming and compression specs based on museum’s guidelines
  • Source, contract with, supervise, and manage all external video crews and sound engineers
  • Ensure quality and consistency across all audio and video
  • Strategize, develop, and advise on internal efficiencies for video archiving, storage, and transfer working cross-departmentally in the museum
  • Manage and maintain audio /video equipment as well as advise on additional purchases for evolving department needs
  • Responsible for coordinating and managing audio / video budgets; working with legal department, create individual contracts with outside video team for each video
  • Gather, coordinate, and vet all texts for graphics with designer and editor as well as internal museum departments. Create graphics or animations as needed based on template from designer
  • Gather, organize, and manage all digital assets; coordinate converting them to the appropriate formats, and trafficking them to any necessary parties including external video teams
  • Along with the Associate Director, Digital Media and Rights and DAM administrator, oversee the organization and insertion of audio and video assets as well as surrounding text-based data (including contracts and releases) into database systems
  • Advise other departments on appropriate external audio/ video teams to meet specific needs that cannot be handled in-house
  • Work with other departments, including Marketing and Interactive, to define scope of work and schedule for delivery of video materials in a timely manner: create trailers from new videos that will be used on social networking sites as teasers, as well as b-roll footage for press use
  • Continue to develop and maintain a list of freelance talent to be used for various museum projects
  • Minimum 5-7 years’ experience in media production (specifically video editing skills are a must), or a related field is required
  • Expertise in using the following software: Adobe Premiere (CC and 6), Final Cut 7 and Final Cut X, Adobe Audition, Audacity, Adobe Photoshop and After Effects, Creative Suite Production (editing, sound mixing, and animation)
  • Experienced with the following hardware for video: Canon 5D Mark III / DSLR Camera Operation, GoPro time lapse camera operation, working with footage from the Canon C100 and C300, 4K Blackmagic Cinema Camera
  • Experienced with the following hardware for audio: Marantz and/or ZOOM Portable Audio Recorders, VO Microphones, Wireless and Wired Lavalier Microphones
  • Creative thinker who can produce multiple projects on time and within budget
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills; accessible and approachable with interview subjects and other contacts
  • Planning and time management skills are crucial
  • Resourceful, problem-solver who can work independently
  • Ability to collaborate with internal teams
  • Highly-organized with an acute sense for detail
  • Energy, enthusiasm, initiative, and innovation are key qualities for this position

Social Media Producer HLN Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2 years producing experience (line/segment/AP) on a local or national level
  • Proven track record of creating engaging content (written, video, social) that drives traffic
  • Passion for pop culture, digital media, and television
  • Strong news judgment and experience handling S&P considerations
  • Demonstrated creativity and an inquisitive mind
  • Familiarity with professional Web publishing tools and online multimedia production a plus
  • Develop and implement programming strategy for the assigned digital products
  • Input metadata and schedule assets in content management system, as needed
  • Program the content on the digital network on a day-to-day basis
  • Forge and manage relationships across all digital operational teams (distribution, operations, ad sales, marketing, rights clearances, and content sourcing) to ensure products are running smoothly
  • Execute the digital programming plan
  • Work with ad sales to address digital related sales needs
  • Coordinate publishers and ensure maintenance the Discovery websites, apps and future platforms servicing that market
  • Ensure that all projects that involve specific online content packages (short-form video, games & interactive) are deployed in a timely and dynamic way
  • Monitor all deployed content to ensure site’s well performance and an excellent user’s experience
  • Create and maintain content publication calendars and schedules for third party sites when necessary
  • Work closely with DLA On-Air, Marketing and Programming departments to guarantee alignment with local programming plans
  • Work with content manager and the technical support team to assure all content deployment is done in a timely fashion
  • Ensure that content is SEO compliant
  • Creatively developing, launching and maintaining websites, as well as content for mobile, broadband, VOD and other new-platform products of assigned projects/networks
  • Leading the development of any content/feature-stories/assets/services for assigned websites/Networks. As well as, effective coordination of elements needed for the development of any other interactive applications
  • Daily use of Digital Media’s content management system (Fusion) in order to publish and maintain assigned websites, and keep them updated following respective programming priorities
  • Identifying potential future programming concepts that have particular mobile, broadband, VOD and other new-platform potential and contributing Digital Media experience and influence to the commissioning process
  • Commissioning editorial work from authors/editors, as well as editing/sub-editing existing or commissioned content, for online, mobile, broadband, VOD, interactive TV and other new-platform applications
  • Writing copy for online, mobile, broadband, VOD, interactive television and other new-platform applications where appropriate
  • Working closely with Discovery television channels to identify and initiate online, mobile, broadband, VOD, and other new-platform projects to support Discovery's main channel brands

Social Media Producer, Cnbc Prime Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 3 years of experience in the social space
  • Experience working with show teams
  • Experience engaging with social communities
  • Must be able to work in the Englewood Cliffs, NJ Location
  • Ability to evangelize and train others on social
  • Experience running and reporting on social campaigns
  • Experience in using social for storytelling
  • A broadcast background is preferred
  • Ability to gather information quickly
  • Conduct interviews and prepare stories for air
  • Strong social media skills with demonstrated portfolio of work
  • Deep familiarity with social media audiences, best practices and analytics
  • User level experience with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Strong writing skills with demonstrated portfolio of published work
  • Ability to work well with others under tight deadlines
  • Flexible hours including evenings, weekends and holidays
  • Exeriencewith Wordpress and social analytics tools a plus
  • Experience in a TV, Radio, newspaper or digital Newsroom preferred
  • Degree in journalism, marketing or related
  • Assists Disney Destinations Marketing Advertising Agency in managing the development of creative concepts into publication ready files
  • This role includes technical oversight, project setup, production oversight, project quality assurance testing, configuration of deliverables, direct vendor contact, deployment follow-up, and project closeout and archival
  • Team related responsibilities include schedule conflict notification, direct contact with project management and creative teams, and discussion/determination of project feasibility
  • 3-5 years direct production level experience in a project management role
  • CSS3/html5 proficiency
  • Mid level experience in Adobe image and interactive development products
  • Experience with vendor provided or department purchased QA testing tools for interactive marketing efforts
  • Demonstrated strong organizational and time management skills
  • Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills, as well as telephone etiquette skills
  • Direct experience with email deployments
  • CMS system and DAM content experience
  • CRM project development coordination experience
  • Flash development proficiency
  • Bachelor’s degree in interactive design and development or equivalent work experience
  • 50% Writing, editing and posting content to the website. This includes stories, video clips and slideshows
  • 20% Managing, monitoring and posting of KPTV social media sites
  • 15% Keeping overall site up to date, coordinating special projects and events, working with staff members to assist with writing, editing, and posting
  • 10% Creating new content, brand extensions
  • 5% Staying in touch with local sales needs

Senior Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Grow followers on social networks through brand accounts
  • Lead and inspire creative social producers to take chances and be ambassadors for our content on our channels and elsewhere
  • Give voice to our brand accounts on major social networks
  • Collaborate with reporters, editors and others to develop individual social media strategies
  • Leverage listening and other social tools to deepen reporting
  • Identify the right social platform for the right project
  • Cull and communicate insights and trends through analytics
  • Stay well informed of best practices and trends in social media
  • Be able to create a meme that makes us laugh
  • Strong journalistic skills including accuracy, news judgment, research, writing and editing
  • Demonstrated social media experience; understanding of effective social strategies and ability to drive brand engagement via social media
  • How to use SEO strategies in building headlines, stories, multimedia posts, etc
  • Successful execution of visual strategies to program compelling lede modules and section fronts
  • Understanding of key web analytics and how to apply them
  • Basic photo and video editing
  • Work with WBZ-AM, WBZ-TV and Sports Hub newsrooms to produce compelling multi-media news experiences for the digital consumer
  • Recognize and produce compelling audio and video content into multimedia posts
  • Contribute to CBS Boston social media accounts, within established strategies and policies
  • Track daily web trends and analytics, and respond accordingly
  • Keep current on industry trends and changes
  • Produce daily content for various WABC-TV social media pages
  • Promote WABC-TV news and entertainment programming across all social platforms
  • Interact with viewers
  • Help to promote use of social media and user-generated content in the newsroom
  • Help maintain pages and plan ideas for our social media content
  • Must have a proven ability to interact with viewers online following established guidelines
  • Strong ability to work well under tight deadlines both independently and with groups
  • Ability to learn and adjust to new television and web technology
  • A team player with a professional, positive, outgoing personality who takes initiative without supervision to improve production
  • Experience with video editing software preferred
  • Must have extensive experience in the use of Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms
  • Post and edit content to
  • Create GIFs and short video for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr
  • Make images for the above social media platforms in Photoshop
  • Manage work required of the Digital Content department for broad channel change efforts
  • Web producing and content creation experience
  • Photoshop image and graphic editing experience
  • Troubleshooting across content management systems
  • Adobe After Effects a plus
  • Adobe Audition a plus
  • Passion for music, pop culture and/or sports a plus
  • GIF creation and short-form video editing
  • Basic audio editing
  • Thorough knowledge of MS-Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access)
  • Image editing in Photoshop
  • Experience in CMS publishing

Social Media Producer / Digital Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain and update WBAL-TV's social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram and others as assigned. Ensure WBAL-TV's social media platforms are updated on a timely basis with relevant and viral content in strategic ways that drive engagement and click-through rate. Seek out and post social content for website/mobile, too
  • Engage viewers with social discussions (commenting, polls, surveys, email, etc.)
  • Participate in editorial meetings and contribute fresh ideas for newscasts
  • Work with WBAL-TV anchors, reporters, and meteorologists to advance their daily stories via social media not only for collaboration but also lead generation, crowd-sourcing and promotion
  • Work with station talent on their own social media efforts, educating them on best methods to drive participation, viewership and page views and enforcing usage. Work one-on-one with anchor team to develop a social media presence for each one of them that matches their station portfolio and personality
  • Analyze and distribute data rich reports on the performance of campaigns and content
  • Assist digital editorial team members with back-up to daily news needs
  • Monitor and contribute to u local daily and develop best ways to use on-air, digitally and socially
  • Significant and successful social media track record
  • Must be a self-starter and work well under deadline
  • Willing to work flexible shifts including mornings and weekends
  • Familiarity with the latest social media trends and products
  • Journalism writing experience preferred
  • Experience with Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and other analytical tools
  • Video editing experience using Adobe Premiere and graphic production using Photoshop are desired

Social Media Producer, Cnbc News Resume Examples & Samples

  • Multimedia content production skills (Photoshop and video editing)
  • Experience working in a financial newsroom
  • Demonstrate a genuine passion for social media and understanding of the latest news/trends in the digital media space
  • Guide on-air staff and Producers in selection of high-quality, interesting material for newscasts, including trending social media topics and videos from all available sources
  • Plan long-term as well as aggressively react to daily needs of the news department (i.e. breaking news). Enhance assigned, daily news coverage by taking it to social media users first
  • Effectively communicate instructions and guidance to our on-air staff, newscast producers, and digital news staff
  • Work with the News Director to identify training and other needs for staff members
  • Utilize instruction, materials, and best practices from our corporate social and digital media teams
  • The ideal candidate should be currently working inside a news media unit, preferably radio or television, and have at least two years of experience creating quality social media content on multiple platforms
  • Candidates working in other fields will merit consideration by exhibiting a strong body of work and enhanced knowledge of how and why social media work, and an understanding of which demographic groups are attracted to each platform
  • Must possess and be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge of aggressive and effective uses of all social media platforms
  • Knowledge of how to create effective content using “best practices” from those platforms
  • Work closely with Pac-12 Networks’ linear team to source and produce content that engages our fans and extends our reach on social platforms
  • Attend production meetings for Football Weekly, Sports Report, Saturday football pregame and halftime shows, and other Linear franchises for sourcing social fodder and driving tune-in
  • Live tweet more shows, for driving tune-in
  • Create social content in collaboration with Networks shoulder programming and live event staff: live tweets, tune-in tweets and excerpts, SnapChat stories, tune-in posts, opportunistic live game posts, final score posts, play of the game posts
  • Learning and mastering social television integration technology for incorporating tweets in live studio shows
  • Mentor linear producers and talent for them to generate social content
  • Lead contractors in similar effort, expanding our hours of operation
  • Build existing channels for us where we’re dormant – Facebook, Snapchat and Periscope as examples – and others that are certain to pop up
  • Other projects and duties as assigned by the Social Media Manager
  • Curate content on the station website and mobile apps
  • Develop and execute social media strategy
  • Deliver breaking news alerts efficiently, accurately and with urgency
  • Manage social media accounts for the station and talent
  • Ability to work collaboratively with broadcast journalists
  • Ability to identify emerging social media platforms and how to best integrate them into daily storytelling
  • Ability to work well in a multitasking environment with frequent interruptions, paying close attention to details
  • Experience working for a television news station, daily newspaper or in a digital environment
  • Demonstrated journalism background; strong news judgment; knowledge of legal and ethical issues in digital media
  • Demonstrated social media background; knowledge of legal and ethical issues surrounding social media
  • 20% Write news reports for all digital media platforms while complying with digital publishing standards, including AP Style guidelines and Google News Publishing guidelines
  • 20% Livestream across multiple platforms
  • 20% Edit digital-specific video using Avid
  • 20% Collaborate across multiple teams including reporters, producers, photographers, marketers, technologists, etc
  • 20% Send push alerts to mobile platforms and post digital content to social platforms
  • 2 – 3 years of related experience and management of corporate and/or specific brand related social media platforms
  • Strong familiarity with the functionality of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Snapchat, Pinterest, and WordPress
  • Inherent obsession with pop culture and music with a good eye for viral web content and breaking entertainment news
  • Creative writer and talented storyteller with ability to use words to evoke emotion
  • Team player who is a self-starter with strong work ethic and professional demeanor
  • Comfortable in a fast-paced environment
  • Extremely organized and able to manage multiple projects/campaigns at once
  • Flexible schedule including ability (and eagerness) to work early mornings, occasional late nights, and weekends
  • Proficient in Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and Excel
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment
  • Early adopter of new digital platforms and trends, with fierce curiosity of “what’s next?”
  • Self-starter and competitive desire to discover viral content before your friends and major news sites
  • Knowledge and interest in pop culture, especially the next-generation of digital bred celebrities, from YouTube to Vine to Instagram
  • Strong interest -- and ability to -- produce original content for video platforms from start to finish
  • Participate in the strategic direction for various Spike content properties on social media including developing the voice and content strategies for existing and emerging platforms, as well as growing the voice of the brand at large
  • Carry out execution of social media strategies and promotions
  • Day-to-day Community Management of multiple programming presences and activate fans across platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram year round
  • Execute on-the-ground social coverage of live events throughout the year
  • 2 years’ experience in the digital & social content space
  • Established social media background including proven community management experience across Facebook, Twitter and other platforms
  • Experienced user of major social publishing, reporting, and listening tools
  • Experience covering live events in a social media capacity
  • Strong writing skills are critical
  • Exceptional communication and relationship management skills: ability to reach across the aisle with ease to get the best results
  • Experience running digital/social promotions from inception through execution and maintenance
  • Ability to partner with Research to drive the best use of analytics, and solve for evolving best practices in Social Media
  • Must be agile and flexible, and a constant student to stay ahead of trends, platform changes and new platforms as they happen
  • Moderate Travel and nights/weekend hours will be required in fulfilling this role
  • Identify new and work with existing vendors
  • Negotiate rates & contract
  • Brief Vendors
  • Translations of scripts & copy
  • Plan & manage delivery timeline - Vendors & Interactive Team
  • Plan & manage delivery timeline - Client (local & regional)
  • QC on delivery from Vendor
  • Display high-level administrative and organizational skills with ability to ensure projects are delivered according to timelines and within budget
  • Understanding of production processes relating to digital content, online games and websites
  • Exhibit a strong aptitude to teamwork
  • Must be creative and solutions orientated
  • Able to use initiative and work independently
  • Excellent English communication skills both written and verbal
  • Able to work at a fast-paced and changeable environment and to be happy to adapt accordingly
  • Able to manage clients effectively

Producer / Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Produce 30 or 60 minute newscasts
  • Responsible for story selection and editorial content of stories, requires an eye for stories that can be used in newscasts that have both a relevance to the viewer as well as an appeal to a larger social media audience
  • Must have the ability, understanding and forethought to use social media as a promotional platform to drive viewers to watch our news programs
  • Working with anchors, executive producers, reporters and editors in refining, graphically enhancing and adding production values to stories to produce the best possible newscast
  • Ability to update and create news posts for our social media pages keeping on top of trending news
  • Respond aggressively to breaking news, and also updating our social media pages with video and written content to help drive viewership to our on-air produced newscasts
  • Position includes some news writing. Must be able to create compelling, succinct and clear news stories from raw material such as unedited video, reporter notes, telephone conversations and desk notes
  • Must be able to work overnights and weekends, when necessary
  • Produce creative content within our brand’s existing visual style and guidelines. Content creation may include: Native Facebook content, GIFs, illustrations, inforgraphics etc
  • Manage the @thrillist Instagram account in a thoughtful way that is consistent with our brand voice. Source quality images to fill the feed with Thrillist-worthy content. Utilize Curalate to schedule posts, get permissions, promote the brand, and be able to read trends and data with this tool to nurture our community
  • Manage the Pinterest account on a daily basis. Sourcing the most pinnable Thrillist content, interacting with influencers, and designing Pinterest friendly content
  • Collaborate with the social team, writers and news team to conceptualize and execute content
  • Be present and collaborate in conversations around branded content created specifically for organic distribution on social channels (i.e., know the brand voice and make sure to maintain the integrity of the accounts when promoting advertising content)
  • Attend Thrillist events and source content for the Instagram account
  • Manage daily workflow across multiple projects and deliverables
  • Research social media activity and implement trends into daily creative projects
  • Produce artwork in a timely and efficient manner under tight deadlines
  • 2-4 years of creative/design experience in an editorial environment
  • Proficient in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, iMovie
  • Strong aesthetic point of view and attention to detail
  • Understanding of typography, layout and information architecture
  • Experience multitasking in a fast paced, ever-changing environment while meeting deadlines
  • Passion for food, pop culture, music, art, comedy and entertainment
  • Comfortable taking direction and collaborating with the social team as well as across teams
  • Proactive self-starter who is an innovative and creative problem solver
  • Social media savvy; 3 years experience managing overall social media strategy for television
  • Strong writer who can be funny in under 140 characters
  • Great organizational skills and ability to handle multiple projects with ease
  • Headline writing experience a huge plus
  • Manages both newspapers' social media accounts on weeknights
  • Writes and/or aggregates short stories and blog posts as needed
  • Trains reporters and editors on digital and social media best practices
  • Researches rapidly changing social media platforms to access their potential
  • Identifies opportunities to use social media as part of the reporting and storytelling process
  • Tracks successes through social media analytics (impressions, engagement rates, click-through rates and other metrics)
  • 1 to 3 years writing/blogging/edi​ting/content​ management experience
  • Experience running official social media channels for media or brands
  • Extensive knowledge on social media and technology news and trends, including all major and emerging social networks
  • Executing marketing/advertisin​g​ social initiatives
  • Attention to detail for content, including grammar and punctuation
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule, including weeknights and occasional holidays and weekends
  • Some occasional travel may be necessary between newspapers

Freelance Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Write, edit and approve social copy for the various Pac-12 Networks social accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat and other emerging platforms
  • Advance the conversation from mentions and comments and spur conversation and engagement around our live events, highlights and other digital content
  • Act as a liaison between users/fans and the Social Media Manager on topics of customer care and questions about Networks programming
  • Other tasks as assigned by the Social Media Manager and the Head of Digital Content
  • Produce innovative and engaging video content for all social platforms
  • Lead the development and implementation of a social media video strategy to drive engagement and conversion across all social arms for the news division’s flagship accounts
  • Develop a unique visual style for ABC News social media video content
  • Manage ABC News social accounts
  • Establish and share best practices across the ABC News organization on how to optimize video content across social platforms
  • Proficient in Avid Media Composer or Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop
  • Ability to effectively interact with all levels of end users and technical resources
  • Adherence to the highest standards of journalism – Working closely with anchors and correspondents on their social presence
  • Knowledge of Adobe After Effects
  • Experience shooting with Canon 5D, C100 or similar DSLR cameras

Sports Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years digital experience focused on content production and social media
  • Excellent interpersonal verbal/​written communication skills
  • Fluency in Microsoft Office, Mac/​PC software, and web/​new media technology.​
  • Write daily social posts, including captions, copy and content with a primary focus on GameSpot’s Facebook page, but not excluding Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat
  • Act as a key editor for the creative direction, copy, timing, and frequency of social posts
  • Quickly identify key growth opportunities surrounding the launches of new features of various social channels
  • Consistently meet / exceed business goals for audience acquisition, social growth targets, and effectiveness of social media efforts
  • Identify trending social topics and work cross functionally with the video team to create “hot takes”, memes and other timely short form content
  • Represent GameSpot for breaking news coverage at the biggest events in the video game industry
  • Manage day-to-day relationship with GameSpot social community
  • Stay up-to-date of relevant trends in marketing, social, digital media and e-learning and build keen understanding of social behavior of GameSpot’s target demographic
  • Exceptional writing, editing, and grammar skills while prioritizing a high volume of work
  • Passion for video games and the video game industry
  • Strong passion for social media and digital marketing
  • Planning, developing, and executing successful customer acquisition strategies
  • Demonstrated experience using various social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat
  • Must be a self-motivated thought-leader with a can-do attitude who can organize their work, innovate, and problem solve
  • Bachelors degree in English, Journalism, Marketing or any other related field preferred
  • 2+ years of experience in managing social media channels and branding
  • Experience with social posting platforms (ie. Sprinklr, Social Flow, Hootsuite)
  • Proficiency using Photoshop and Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

Promo & Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 40% Collaborate with News to create social media promotion designed to drive station tune-in and platform growth
  • 30% Work with Brand Manager on developing and executing multi-platform image campaigns for each station
  • 25% Mentor staff
  • 5% Fill in for Brand Manager or other staff members when needed
  • Help in preparing the Talent in a creative way for the daily on air segment
  • Collaborate with show producers to find creative ways to utilize social media on-air
  • Monitor Un Nuevo Dia’s social platforms, engage with the social audience, and develop community building tactics
  • Create social media campaigns for special events and editorial projects
  • Provide regular social media analytics reports on the success of specific pages, platforms, and campaigns
  • Design graphics for web and social platforms
  • Familiarity with digital content management systems, including Wordpress
  • General understanding of business news and market concepts
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript preferred, but not required

Social Media Producer, Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2-4 years experience in social marketing or running social media accounts
  • Strong social media and writing skills skills with demonstrated portfolio of work
  • Deep familiarity with social media audiences and best practices, specifically for Facebook and Twitter
  • Basic photo and video editing experience
  • Determination to find new ways to tell stories and reach new audiences
  • Identifies, contracts and manages third-party vendors in all phases of media production, serving as the responsible interface between Universal Creative and vendors during pre-production and development of test footage, where applicable. Tracks and reports all media production costs
  • Manages media pipeline, schedules and creates reviews, as well as in-progress reports between vendors and Universal Creative. Supervises supporting media vendors in the production of all media elements including but not limited to film, video, casting, music composition and recording, voice over production, special effects and motion effects development and production, where applicable
  • Manages all phases of media editorial and post-production to ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of the highest quality media content for on-site show integration and programming. Supervises on-going media changes based upon on-site programming requirements and reviews
  • Strong design and production portfolio
  • Knowledge of budgeting, scheduling, scope preparation and variety of vendors
  • Knowledge of theme park technologies including ride, A/V, robotics, engineering and various show systems

Per Diem Digital Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with WBBM-AM and WBBM-TV newsrooms to produce compelling multi-media news experiences for the digital consumer
  • Recognize and produce compelling audio and video content into multimedia posts for
  • Help coordinate digital assignments between the CBS Chicago Digital, WBBM-AM and WBBM-TV teams. Clear communication, teamwork, and attention to detail are essential
  • Execute effective, company compliant messaging on Social Media, text and email platforms
  • Program website section fronts to engage digital consumers
  • Make sure all daily content production is optimized using SEO strategies
  • Cost projects
  • Advise on all aspects of image/footage acquisition or creation and develop creative solutions to meet the needs of the project
  • Manage freelance suppliers
  • Research and acquire images/footage/audio from existing sources such as photo libraries, universities, tourist bureaus, corporate bodies and private collections
  • Organize and manage photo/video shoots, audio recording and animation production
  • Secure reproduction rights on both researched and commissioned images/footage/audio and advising on copyright issues
  • Ensure all necessary administration and documentation is completed correctly and in a timely manner
  • Liaise with Macmillan Education UK regarding use of the in-house Image Bank (MARS)
  • Any other duties that can reasonably be expected of you
  • Oversees the planning and development of content for local New York City radio station websites
  • Creates, enhances and sets the direction along with the tone of online content
  • Create digital contest pages and other online content
  • Devises unique, creative ideas for new features, content and enhancements that advance objectives and strategic plans
  • Excellent clear oral and written communication skills; excellent grammar; strong writing and editing skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office suite, social networking platforms, Google Analytics and Omniture
  • Ability to learn new systems quickly
  • Highly proficient in digital content including websites, social media, blogs and mobile/tablet applications, video, etc
  • A genuine love and excitement about the Internet and trending topics
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with the local digital team and local sales team
  • Familiar with Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Photography and video shooting/editing experience a plus in tandum with Lightroom and Premiere
  • Experience in HTML/CSS a major plus
  • Identifies, contracts and manages third-party vendors in all phases of media production, serving as the responsible interface between Universal Creative and vendors during pre-production and development of test footage where applicable. Tracks and reports all media production costs
  • Manages media pipeline, schedules and creates reviews, as well as in-progress reports between vendors and Universal Creative. Supervises supporting media vendors in the production of all media elements including but not limited to film, video, casting, music composition and recording, voice over production, special effects and motion effects development and production where applicable
  • Understand and actively participate in Environmental, Health & Safety responsibilities by following established NBC Universal policy, procedures, training and team member involvement activities
  • Bachelor’s degree from a four year college or university in Film and Video Production is preferred
  • 10 years experience in media development, design and production of multiple media formats including but not limited to all standard film and video formats, in addition to large-screen projection, multiple projection, High-Definition, 3-D, 4K; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Ability to effectively use MS Office (i.e. Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word)
  • Willingness to travel and or work weekends and off-hours with short notice as required to meet project schedule
  • Strong media design and production portfolio
  • Strong knowledge of budgeting, scheduling, scope preparation and variety of vendors
  • Strong knowledge of theme park technologies including ride integration, A/V engineering and various show systems
  • Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, and customers
  • Excellent presentation, facilitation, communication and negotiation skills
  • Flexibility and adaptability in a fast-paced, constantly changing environment
  • Results-oriented with a history of problem prevention and successful issue resolution
  • Ability to manage a high volume of details with excellent accuracy
  • Self-motivated, well-organized and strong innovation skills
  • Effectively handles sensitive and confidential matters
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of social media platforms and tools
  • Comprehensive knowledge of best practices for managing and optimizing social media channels
  • Experience with Photoshop, Video and Photo production preferred
  • Able to write concisely and present ideas confidently
  • An insatiable curiosity for all things social, digital and mobile
  • Strong project management or organizational skills
  • Strong interpersonal and teamwork abilities
  • Proven ability to execute programs that increase positive interaction and build audience
  • Creative thinker with the ability to develop reporting and communications metrics that drive success and show results
  • Excellent copywriting and communications skills with some experience with photography and video preferred
  • Familiarity with Photoshop a plus
  • Excellent understanding of digital fundamentals and research
  • Minimum two years of experience creating video content
  • Proficient in Avid Media Composer
  • Two or more years of experience creating video content at a major news organization
  • Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop
  • BA or BS from a four year accredited college or university or equivalent experience

EU Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Pre-production: Meet with internal clients to assess stakeholder vision, propose a media solution, co-write scripts/speaking points, schedule production events, organize productions resources and prep on-screen talent
  • Post Production: Use Final Cut Pro X while adhering to corporate guidelines and visual standards, adding motion graphics, cleaning up audio and archiving
  • You will be expected to challenge and be challenged, to create and innovate
  • Responsible for oversight (strategy and management of staff) for content on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram for SportsCenter & other select ESPN social media brand or sports handles
  • Responsible for coordination with other ESPN social media managers, including cross-amplification, strategic joint coverage, differentiated voice, etc
  • Responsible for execution of strategic initiatives on assigned social media platforms, including company priority initiatives, Sales executions, Digital Media support, marketing and promotional support, etc
  • Responsible for execution of TV social integrations on SportsCenter, other studio shows and special events
  • Responsible for seeing staff communicates daily work and related metrics, including hand-offs to following shifts
  • Serve as point person for SportsCenter and other TV talent needs with social platform usage
  • Responsible for producing a wide range of content for sports news shows; can produce entire shows, segments, documentaries and other pieces from start to finish for air; these shows and segments are primarily produced live to air
  • Adjust show and segment content to accommodate breaking news situations
  • Knowledge of what creative treatments, story ideas and concepts to use for sports news shows
  • Has strong production skills related to sporting events
  • Has a strong knowledge of live television production dynamics and working knowledge of the equipment and technologies in the control room; able to carry out a broad range of assignment that arrange from segment producing to live broadcasts with little or no preparation time in between
  • Has a strong understanding of ESPN’s marketing and strategies
  • Has extensive knowledge of sports and sports history
  • Ability to shoot and edit content using various technologies
  • Has demonstrated experience using interactive social and digital media to drive show content; possesses ability to teach others
  • Has understanding of business and strategy beyond tweeting and posting
  • Has produced television or original digital video content
  • Has experience in production meetings and live control rooms
  • Has experience shooting a camera, as well as innovative hardware (i.e. GoPro)
  • Understanding of design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, and how to teach others
  • Basic or Conversational Spanish is ideal

Senior Multi Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree preferred or equivalent experience within a related field
  • 10-14 years of experience within a related field
  • Strong computer skills and demonstrated proficiency on PC platforms
  • Microsoft Office Suite experience
  • Expertise with Macromedia Flash and Macromedia Director
  • Expertise with industry standard graphic tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Macromedia Fireworks for graphic creation and manipulation
  • Expertise with video and audio editing software such as Adobe Premiere and Macromedia Flash Video Encoder
  • Experience with multimedia including: Audio, video, graphics, and textual data to create highly advanced presentations
  • Experience writing professional storyboards and scripts for multimedia presentations
  • Creation of interactive applications utilizing, but not limited to, imagery, maps, text, video, and graphics
  • Incorporation of external data sets such as SML and Access files
  • Production of 2-D and 3-D animations of moving maps and thematic maps
  • Video capturing, editing, and creation
  • Demonstrated success for organization using social media to engage audiences interested in and/or working in biomedical research
  • Strong portfolio of science writing and other content for online audiences
  • Deep understanding of social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, WeChat, and others), analytics software, and ROI measurement
  • Experience with graphic design, photo editing, and video editing tools
  • Demonstrated experience establishing metrics, gleaning community insights and recommending strategies for social media engagement
  • Flexibility to manage competing priorities and shift focus as determined by changing needs
  • Intelligence and poise to work as part of a fast paced, global team
  • Excellent time-management, organizational, and interpersonal skills
  • Flexible to travel overseas as required to support global social media programs
  • Degree in journalism, social/digital communications marketing or communications preferred
  • Experience working in communications departments, digital newsrooms, and/or public relations agencies for 5-8 years

Digital Media Producer / Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with NFL Digital Media, NFL Network, and NFL Films to produce original and repurposed content for distribution across and NFL Now
  • Work with NFL Digital Media editorial and programming team to develop multimedia content packages to feature daily and leveraging knowledge to understand and create appropriate content on different platforms (mobile, social, connected TV, desktop)
  • Work closely with NFL Digital Media editorial and product team to create video packages that enhance coverage of games and other specific, high profile NFL events
  • Work closely with NFL partners, including YouTube, to produce and distribute appropriate content on different outlets to maximize views and engagement
  • Develop content promotion on all website home pages and channel homepages
  • Edit, post, and apply metadata to all video content that is featured across NFL Digital Media properties
  • Edit video, produce graphics, and work with show producers to produce live studio programming
  • 1-4 years' experience in video post-production and live show production
  • Bachelor's degree in journalism, broadcast media or web production or related field preferred
  • Thorough understanding of National Football League events and storylines -- including a proficient knowledge base of fantasy football
  • Ability to edit video using Adobe Premiere software
  • Knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, including After Effects, Photoshop, etc
  • Strong writing skills required. Knowledge of SEO writing techniques preferred
  • Experience working in a newsroom environment and live studio control rooms
  • Knowledge of content management systems preferred
  • Experience with video encoding platforms and tools preferred
  • Experience with ENPS or Viz software preferred
  • Experience with social media platforms preferred
  • Experience with ENG and DV cameras preferred

Social Media Producer, Creative Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage all operational aspects of a social media campaign including workflow, timelines, asset development and budget tracking
  • Create schedules, determine resources, estimate time, track costs and project completion requirements
  • Ensure team establishes and maintains appropriate processes, procedures, forms and job tracking to keep deliverables on time and on budget
  • Work collaboratively and proactively with internal team and external creative and social agencies to assess project requirements and ensure efficient development and delivery of social assets per the marketing and media plan
  • Experience managing and delivering social assets to external partners a must
  • Ability to effectively translate creative feedback to external agencies in order to negotiate external agency bids
  • Minimum 3+ years relevant experience at a creative agency, network or studio as a social media project manager
  • Detailed knowledge of workflow within a marketing, production company, or digital creative department
  • Expert organizational skills and the ability to prioritize, monitor, and manage workload
  • Ability to deal with a variety of creative personalities
  • Ready to jump into any situation, assess and take control
  • Digital Asset Management experience a plus
  • Write and edit stories for - publish to Twitter and Facebook to drive users to consume more BTN content online and on the BTN2Go app
  • Distribute other content (video) across digital platforms (social, BTN2Go,
  • Work collaboratively with TV production and talent to create videos and stories to inform Big Ten fans and grow BTN's digital offerings
  • Create new editorial ideas on the fly in the digital space
  • Undergraduate degree, preferably in communications-related field
  • One or more years of experience working in sports media is highly preferred
  • Extensive knowledge of and interest in Big Ten sports
  • Must possess superior written and verbal communication skills
  • Thorough understanding of social media platforms, and familiarity with publishing tools including WordPress, SpredFast, and SnappyTV
  • Real experience writing for a digital publisher on the following platforms is a must: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Responsible team player ready to thrive in a fast-paced, high-energy digital operation
  • Ability to create new editorial ideas on the fly in the digital space is mandatory
  • The capability to create quality BTN content to maximize audiences is critical

KTU Night Personality / Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides content for music intensive show for broadcast entertainment
  • Prepares written content, visual images, audio material and video footage for KTU website, blogs and other social media platforms
  • Proficient in social networking
  • Proficient in media production and broadcast systems; familiar with NexGen, Vox Pro, and Pro Tools
  • Excellent verbal and written communication and editing skills; proficient in grammar; ability to make others feel comfortable and open up on air
  • Audio demo of on-air interviews, commentary, announcements, etc

Multimedia Designer / Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3+ years practical and proven work experience related to the position
  • Deep knowledge of both Macintosh and Windows environments / Android and IOS contexts
  • Good knowledge of cross-platform and browser considerations for multimedia delivery
  • Good understanding of XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Basic knowledge of graphics, multimedia and web development software, for example Adobe Creative Suite – Acrobat, Premiere Pro, After Effects
  • Active working knowledge of industry standard bug tracking software, for example Jira
  • Highly developed problem-solving skills
  • Strong attention to detail, accurate, and quality conscious
  • Proven ability to adapt and grow within a constantly evolving technological landscape
  • Ability to work alone or as part of team in order to achieve deliverables
  • Willingness and ability to work extended hours as needed - particularly during busy periods and/or before launch deadlines
  • Relevant three year degree or diploma
  • Alternately, proven industry experience relevant to the position
  • 2-3 years experience in development of digital content
  • Can demonstrate project management skills / experience on a large project/s
  • Can demonstrate a successful track record
  • Use of authoring tools and templates to create content
  • Experience in the use of web development and/or publishing tools
  • Knowledge of cross-platform and browser considerations for multimedia delivery
  • Advanced in the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Post editorial content to vertical social media platforms in line with KPIs, keeping audience at the heart of your work
  • Engage and interact with our communities across social platforms
  • Create social content, including production of original social video, multimedia assets, and editorial content
  • Provide feedback on performance and engagement with feature content on social media platforms and organic share metrics
  • Prioritise relevant content creation and platform management against identified goals, knowing which platforms and tasks are more important within the scope of Vertical digital strategy
  • Provide insight into emerging platforms, trends or behaviours on the web that will be advantageous to meeting Vertical KPIs
  • A clear, fluent writing style and an ability to produce strong headlines, summaries and promotional texts in British English
  • A strong visual sense, experience in picture research and image editing skills using Adobe Photoshop
  • Video editing skills and fluency in Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro
  • A self-starter excited by the potential of working in a small, dynamic and growing team
  • Sound understanding of’s international audience and relevant market
  • Interest and experience in a variety of topics, such as travel, technology, art, culture, science, business, the environment or transport
  • A strong enthusiasm for, and understanding of, British culture and society
  • Experience working as part of a digital news team desirable

Associate Media Producer, Universal Creative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists with identifying, contracting and managing third-party vendors in all phases of Media Production, serving as interface between Universal Creative during development, pre-production, production and post production
  • Tracks the project media pipeline – Including, but not limited to budgets, schedules, media reviews as well as in-progress reports between vendors and Universal Creative
  • Supports all phases of media editorial and post-production to ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of the highest quality media content for on-site show integration and programming. Supervises on-going media changes based upon on-site programming requirements and reviews
  • Produce/Shoot editorial content as directed by editorial manager and director, taking projects from concept to completion while working within the parameters of the brand style guides
  • Produce and manage location and studio shoots
  • Manage communication for freelance writers, editors, and videographers -- provide schedules, oversee outsourced projects, and review and test media content before deployment
  • Work closely with copywriters and the creative team to gather final editorial content, and route through creative services production teams
  • Gather all materials and assets needed for weekly edits, distribute to remote freelance editors
  • Execute completely in-house creation of 90% of all videos
  • Assist in publishing media content, if necessary
  • Maintain presentation boards related to content shoots, both evergreen and seasonal
  • Work with business and marketing teams to clarify objectives, revise creative and ensure accuracy of campaigns
  • Highly proficient in video production, with specialization in editing and shooting
  • Proficient in Adobe Premiere, AfterEffects, Photoshop, and FTP systems
  • Proficient in video analytics and SEO
  • Familiar with web content management systems and processes
  • Familiar with InDesign and Illustrator
  • Ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to self-direct under ambiguous and changing circumstances
  • Must be detail-oriented and have very strong organizational skills
  • Must have strong written and verbal communications skills
  • Print or digital publishing experience a plus
  • Work with members of the Social Media team and across the organization (e.g. video, photography, travel, adventure, news, magazine, etc.) to create and manage content for National Geographic’s Snapchat Discover channel
  • Assist with production and design of daily editions on National Geographic’s Snapchat Discover channel
  • Support department by working on presentations, budget, and invoices
  • Help support social media accounts and initiatives across National Geographic Partners
  • Bachelor’s Degree is highly preferred
  • At least 2 years of Digital and Social Media experience
  • After Effects, Photoshop, working knowledge of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram is required
  • Generate innovative ideas with a particular focus on expanding The Late Show’s presence, and audience participation across all social media platforms including Facebook Live, Tweeter, Snapchat, and Instagram
  • Identify and capitalize on social media trends
  • Utilize social media analytics to ensure maximum engagement and measure the success of new initiatives and individual campaigns
  • Schedule posts throughout the day, live tweeting the show, creating shareable GIFS and graphics, and coordinating the roll-out of new social media initiatives
  • Effectively interact with fans, talent and internal stakeholders
  • Maintain all social media accounts ensuring best practices, while fostering a positive brand image for LSSC
  • 3+ years experience managing the overall social media strategy for television; comedy or entertainment experience required
  • Demonstrated ability to generate new and creative ideas for Snapchat and Facebook Live, as well as other social media platforms
  • Demonstrated experience creating content across all platforms including tweets, gifs and graphics; ability to be funny in under 140 characters; headline writing preferred
  • Ability to effectively communication with fans, talent, and various internal stakeholders
  • Great organizational skills with an ability to handle multiple simultaneous projects with ease, in an extremely fast-past, ever changing environment
  • Experience with Photoshop and basic knowledge of design required; Editing experience strongly preferred
  • Generate innovative ideas with a particular focus on expanding The Late Show’s presence and audience participation across all social media platforms including Facebook Live, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram
  • Effectively interact with fans, talent, and internal stakeholders
  • Maintain all social media accounts by ensuring best practices, while fostering a positive brand image for The Late Show
  • 3+ years' experience managing the overall social media strategy for a media company; comedy or entertainment experience required
  • Demonstrated ability to generate new and creative ideas for social media platforms including Facebook Live, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram
  • Experience creating content across all platforms, including tweets, gifs and graphics; ability to be funny in under 140 characters; headline writing experience preferred
  • Ability to effectively communicate with fans, talent, and various internal stakeholders
  • Great organizational skills with an ability to handle multiple projects with ease, in an extremely fast-paced and ever-changing environment
  • Experience with Photoshop and basic knowledge of design required; editing experience strongly preferred
  • Manages schedules and hands-on production for assigned digital products, including but not limited to websites, mixed media products (audio, video, and graphic media), and software. Forecasts and tracks actuals of project timeline. Limited budgetary responsibilities
  • Interacts with key stakeholders to understand specifications, content and delivery expectations
  • Works with partners, vendors and other outside resources necessary for the development of assigned products. Works within the parameters of the contract negotiated by the Sr. Project Manager, SMP or others within the organization
  • Ensures that schedules are documented
  • Ensures that product implementation is maintainable and extendible to accommodate future development and maintenance
  • Coordinates activities of freelancers, vendors and associate media producers to produce products
  • Determines conversion guidelines and convey to production when appropriate
  • Ensures that QA test plans meet project requirements
  • Minimum 1 years project managing technology products (in a publishing or educational software environment preferred)
  • Excellent project management skills with proven experience managing media technology projects
  • Minimum 2 years experience with HTML and CSS coding and concepts
  • Ability to edit in XML
  • Experience with Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Effective time management, communications, decision-making, presentation, human relations, budget management, cost estimation, scheduling, and organizational skills

Digital Content / Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have the ability to produce multi-platform stories
  • Have a strong understanding of AP style writing
  • Be able to produce, edit and post video clips
  • Be able to write solid, “clickable” headlines
  • Understand SEO
  • Develop strategies for revenue opportunities online
  • Work well on a team
  • Willing to work nights and/or weekends and some holidays as needed
  • 2 years of experience in a media related setting/enviornment
  • Candidate must have ability to work quickly, accurately and think ahead
  • Strong collaboration with all parts of the newsroom is a must
  • Experience with content management systems desired
  • Manage content development, job projections, production scheduling, delivery, closing and resourcing
  • Manage relationships with Skyword creatives -- freelance photographers, animators and videographers
  • Coordinate the discovery process with account teams to collect critical client requirements
  • Notify Content Services Account teams early of potential budget overages or shortfalls; ensure overages or additional budgets or investments are approved as required
  • Review all work before delivery to client to assure that the creative brief was addressed
  • Act as continuity on projects to ensure the most efficient and productive workflow practices across all projects where Skyword Creatives are involved
  • Attend creative briefings and planning regarding new Skyword client projects
  • Support Skyword’s Creative Desk and client services teams with ideation and brainstorming
  • Solid experience creating, managing and publishing integrated content across multiple digital and social media platforms
  • Ability to influence and coordinate activities among cross-functional teams
  • Excellent oral/written communication, analytical and interpersonal skills to effectively work across all levels of the organization

Visual Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Under the direction of the Marketing Communication Director, responsible for the video shooting of program material for production using video camera equipment
  • Makes technical decisions regarding such elements as appropriate lighting, shooting angle and placement and type of microphone
  • Maintain and account for equipment used in each video production
  • Edits and assembles final visual/audio program material
  • Tests all equipment to determine technical quality of recording, audio and lighting apparatus prior to operation in the field
  • Organize photo and video libraries
  • Manage large video projects
  • Develop training videos
  • Create internal communication video messages
  • Local and national graphic design projects
  • Managing event and patient sponsorships
  • Enforcing brand standards
  • Management of internal and external websites
  • SEO, SEM and other digital marketing projects
  • Administrative tasks like updating excel spreadsheets, SalesForce databases, Invoices etc
  • Skill in visualizing, shooting and editing concepts effectively
  • Organized and efficient; proactive
  • Ability to collaborate with coworkers and work independently
  • Ability to work closely with on camera talent / patients
  • Knowledge of professional Panasonic P2 video cameras, Canon DSLR cameras and audio equipment
  • Ability and willingness to learn advance techniques with video camera and audio equipment
  • Must be punctual and reliable as well as organized and efficient
  • Knowledge of HD and web video production techniques
  • Experience with Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, PowerPoint, Mac OS and Avid Media Composer
  • Knowledge of professional digital formats with online video & compression schemes
  • Strong English communication skills both verbal and in writing
  • Knowledge of television broadcasting rules and regulations
  • Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator) experience
  • Strong Microsoft office skills
  • Copy writing and proof reading experience preferred
  • Ability to manage time, multi task and work quickly
  • Strong organizational skills and ablility to work with minimum supervision

Overnight Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Pitching and helping produce social segments within programming
  • Planning ahead for events and creating exciting social media content to build and engage followers
  • Tracking social conversation before, during and after shows
  • 3 years of experience in news (TV or web)
  • Strong writing skills and the ability to proof one’s own copy
  • Ability to work under pressure of a breaking news environment
  • Must be available to have the flexibility to work various shifts as well as holidays
  • Producing content for and posting to Fox News’s social media platforms, including live-tweeting, Facebook, Instagram, etc
  • Searching for and pitching trending topics on multiple outlets in real time
  • Evaluating social media analytics
  • Extensive knowledge of news and current events, entertainment, and politics
  • Must be social media savvy
  • Must be available to work a weekend schedule and have the flexibility to work various daytime and nighttime shifts as well as holidays
  • Experience with live television production is a plus
  • Utilize social distribution for The Economist’s journalism
  • Take online stories through the editorial process
  • Organise teams to produce cross-platform journalism or new formats and products
  • Represent the team at external events
  • 3+ years as a reporter (any beat, any format)
  • Experience working on websites and publishing to social media
  • An ability to collaborate with correspondents to pitch cross-platform stories to editors
  • Experience with Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects are a plus
  • A passion for social media and extensive knowledge of social media channels
  • Excellent command of the English language and overall writing skills
  • Extensive knowledge of social media writing across multiple social media channels
  • Strong interpersonal communication including the ability to relate to different audiences
  • Intermediate or above experience of graphic design using Adobe Creative Suites,
  • Intermediate or above experience of Microsoft Office (or similar)
  • Possess strong organisational skills
  • Ability to manage a number of projects at one time and to work to tight deadlines
  • Approachable and conversational
  • Experience working with brands and/or events
  • Knowledge in UK festival markets and events
  • Working experience within a similar industry
  • Some video editing experience

Digital Media Producer, Telemundo San Diego Resume Examples & Samples

  • Gather, edit, package and publish local news content – focusing on (but not limited to) News, Weather and Traffic – to the station’s digital platforms
  • Participate in efforts to hit aggressive daily benchmarks for the volume and frequency of local content publication
  • Excellent news instincts with the ability to react decisively to breaking news; combined with the ability to write succinctly and with flair
  • Ability to work in a team and across all departments and locations, ensuring digital formats that are 100% accurate without typos or errors
  • Experience working with social media, marketing products using social networking sites or creating content that lives on such sites
  • Knowledge of San Diego city, regions and Hispanic community
  • An interest in using data visualization formats as storytelling tools a plus

Corporate Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define the technical audio/visual opportunities of the in-house studio space by partnering with key users and expanding best practices to viable areas such as employee communications
  • Develop, create, and execute on demand generation and branding projects using communication, writing, editing, production, and partnership skills
  • Lead creative exploration, strategic visual development, and cross-vertical brand education in regards to the medium and the best practices needed for producing consistently strong experiences
  • Collaborate with Creative, Digital, and Communication partners to uncover areas for development of the Kronos digital brand
  • Ability to handle both the development of the right plan, script, or art direction efforts with vendors and possess the technical skills and curiosity to define and edit self-developed video efforts
  • 5+ years defining video and digital experiences within an in-house or external agency model
  • Expertise in Adobe Creative Cloud and similar digital tools and editing software
  • Bachelor’s Degree or similar in media arts, communications, broadcast journalism, film/television production or other related field

Senior Creative Multi Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as a liaison between the Clients, Creative Director and production resources
  • This is a client-facing role requiring confidence, organization and the ability to run meetings over the phone, WebEx (or other system), as well as to conduct onsite meetings
  • Manage both onsite resources and external contractors and vendors
  • Create accurate quotes and manage budgets to ensure proposed creative concepts can be produced within specified time-frames and budgets
  • Schedule, organize, and lead internal meetings to promote team collaboration
  • Update internal systems for departmental transparency and reporting needs
  • Maintains project quotes, timelines and burn
  • Understand resourcing and resource strategies to assure maximum production utilization
  • Collate action items and client feedback to manage the iteration process
  • Synthesize client communications in a succinct, single-direction manner for the production teams
  • Manage production status reports to keep Creative Director up to speed on where we stand with each project
  • Communicate upcoming projects and resource needs to the Producer / ResourceManager on a weekly basis, or more frequently as needed
  • Create and develop dynamic designs, animations and motion graphics for digital and social content, infographics, campaigns, logos, presentations, and global event materials
  • Creatively work with studio manager to manage daily workflow and guide junior designers to execute highest quality of work for clients
  • Collaboratively work with Creative Director, digital, writer and producers to create and design various materials by conceptually creating ways to visualize complex information
  • Make recommendations and bring integrated marketing campaigns to life

Senior Digital Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10+ years video design development and editing across a variety of video types from live action to animation
  • Able to create, manage and oversee innovative storyboards, as well as visual aspects and style, of all ServiceNow video assets
  • An excellent and diverse creative demo reel that exemplifies engaging storytelling. In your application and/or resume' please include links to demo reel and at least five (5) live and current examples of content design/creation, shooting and/or acting expertise. Only applicants that are able to supply these will be considered
  • Proven track record working with internal designers and agencies to ensure the quality, creativity and deliverables developed
  • Extremely organized, detail-oriented self-starter that can juggle multiple projects to accomplish critical goals
  • High-energy, “can do” personality that thrives in a deadline-driven environment
  • BA/BFA or related degree in Digital Media and Graphic Design
  • Must have advanced skills using: Adobe Creative Suite, in particular: After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator, and Photoshop, as well as Final Cut Pro X, and proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Maintains high-level skill sets in cinematography, lighting techniques, editing, motion graphic design and color grading. Specifically adept at arranging sets, setting up and modifying studio lighting, and operating and managing multiple cameras (both remote-controlled and handheld)
  • Extensive knowledge of archiving and backup workflows for long-term storage and retrieval of assets
  • Must have worked in a fast-paced video studio, corporate video or advertising agency. Cinematography experience strongly desired
  • Working closely with producers in Hong Kong and the social team in NYC, create a clear structure for the day-to-day management of Forbes accounts on social platforms most relevant to APAC audiences
  • Track and analyze content performance across social platforms
  • Working with the Digital Director, drive integrated social plans/campaigns around specific events/themes – especially experiential opportunities such as Facebook live events – to maximize user awareness of our content and brand
  • Manage, maintain and execute social editorial calendar across all Forbes channels
  • Guide producers and contributors when it comes to social best practice – language, tone, format, scheduling etc
  • Understand the latest content formats and delivery options to help inform the content creation process
  • Collaborate with key colleagues to create fresh, innovative and mobile-friendly content (video, infographics, podcasts etc.) for our social platforms
  • Keep across the latest trends/stories creating a buzz in the social space
  • Working with NYC social team/Digital Director, identify opportunities for partnerships with leading social platforms in the APAC market
  • Previous experience in a social media role with a digital publisher – especially in producing content/campaigns specifically for this space
  • Comfortable with key social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LINE, WeChat and Pinterest
  • Knowledge of relevant tools including Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Google Analytics and Crowdtangle
  • Must show initiative, self-motivation and work well under pressure and/or in a fast-paced environment
  • Degree or post-graduate qualification with a major emphasis on communications/new media
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English. Other Asian languages a plus
  • 2 plus years prior experience in a newspaper, online, radio or television newsroom is a must
  • Developing original stories and content exclusively for
  • Work with multiple stations to produce compelling multi-media news experiences for the
  • Responsible for managing and programming CNBC's social channels in Asia-Pacific
  • Own CNBC's social media strategy in APAC, and communicate core principles across the newsroom
  • Develop tactics to grow CNBC's social audience both on platform and across
  • Drive editorial planning and prioritize social media opportunities for broadcast and digital
  • Create social media campaigns for editorial initiatives, tent pole events, and sponsorships, often liaising with advertising sales team
  • Provide regular analytics updates and feedback on social performance, including performing regular data-driven experiments to determine optimal strategies and tactics
  • Write, edit and approve social copy for Pac-12 Networks and Pac-12 Conference social accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and emerging platforms
  • Monitor mentions of @Pac12Networks and comments/messages received to the Pac-12 Conference Facebook page
  • Conceptualize and create unique, socially-driving content for use on
  • Other tasks as assigned by the Senior Social Media Manager
  • Expert knowledge of various social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and other emerging platforms
  • Strong writing and editing skills, including headline writing, tease writing and copy editing
  • A solid handle on proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and AP style
  • A deep knowledge of sports, the Pac-12 Conference and its schools
  • An ability to think quickly and serve as the voice behind the Networks
  • A creative eye for smart, unique content that comes from our social channels and our fans
  • Willingness to work irregular hours as dictated by the athletic calendar
  • Experience using databases, CMS, Excel, social media for information gathering
  • Able to shoot video and audio on various equipment
  • Experience with non-linear editing programs; Edius experience a plus
  • Experience with several social media platform and best practices
  • Have a knack for brainstorming informative, interesting and creative content items to share on social, using the platform as a guide
  • Be able to learn from metrics and adapt strategy accordingly
  • Identify client digital branding needs on a per event basis, making recommendations, submitting mockups, revising designs, and securing approvals
  • Maintain quality control of content and schedules on digital displays throughout the NYSE
  • Daily scheduling of content and display screens
  • Creative graphic design and motion graphics
  • Execute department guidelines, procedures and documentation
  • Ensures best practices and procedures for departmental execution and documentation
  • Collaborate with colleagues to ensure Marketing and Branding initiatives are properly integrated
  • Maintain awareness of industry standards and trends with regard to emerging technologies
  • 1-3 years of experience in multimedia or related field
  • 1-3 years demonstrable graphic design experience: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
  • 1-3 years demonstrable motion graphics experience: Adobe After Effects
  • Excellent graphic design portfolio, including demonstrated expertise in branding, logo placement, composition, use of photography
  • Video production and post production experience a plus, including basic understanding of video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and basic encoding formats, techniques
  • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint
  • Experience with Digital display/Asset Management systems such as Haivision/CoolSign a plus
  • Strong attention to detail, excellent time management and organizational skills
  • Exceptional, client-facing written and verbal communication skills
  • Deadline driven with ability to multitask and prioritize while working in a very demanding and dynamic environment
  • Ability to problem solve using creative thinking
  • Capacity to work efficiently and effectively in a high pressure, deadline driven environment
  • Plans, designs and facilitates digital media productions, utilizing creativity and originality, from conceptualization to final product. Collaborates with clients to determine program needs, identify production options and determine overall program content. Provides digital content (e.g., broadcasting, websites, DVDs, etc.) for various media channels to promote programs, research, events, and/or fundraising efforts. Contributes unique interpretation or analysis to content. Expresses content in a creative manner
  • Manages digital media production projects. Establishes project timelines and ensures timely completion of project milestones. Plans, coordinates and organizes projects’ activities to meet objectives. Evaluates response to projects for effectiveness and makes recommendations for future actions, as appropriate
  • Screens, hires and oversees work of staff, student workers, and/or various outside vendors, as required. Plans and staffs project based on activities and timelines. Provides direction, training and technical supervision to project staff. Monitors progress and accuracy of work performed by project staff. Evaluates work of project staff and provides feedback
  • Writes and edits digital media production-related documents, such as scripts, interview questions, commentary, etc. Researches, identifies and determines subjects for various digital media projects
  • Plans and oversees distribution strategy for videos and digital media assets, in coordination with supervisor. Establishes partnerships with external organizations to expand reach and visibility of videos, as appropriate. Monitors and reports on analytics of video distribution
  • Operates video switching, character generation and digital video effects equipment, edit controllers, cameras, hard disk video recorders, video distribution switchers, and audio mixers. Adjusts lighting and audio equipment. Provides limited troubleshooting of video, audio, and lighting equipment and performs limited equipment maintenance, as necessary
  • Plans and performs and/or oversees video-post production tasks, such as reviewing footage, making editorial decisions, tape logging, rough cuts, audio adjustment, color correction, and final editing using software packages. Selects appropriate graphics, music and animations, as needed, in accordance with overall production concepts. Compresses video projects for output and makes video products available in a variety of formats. Coordinates internal and external duplication services as required
  • Serves as a key resource for digital media production information. Interfaces with faculty, staff, students, and external contacts necessary to complete projects. Resolves problems and/or questions referred by production staff or administrators
  • Stays current on digital media production technology and best practices. Recommends software, hardware, and audio/video production equipment purchases
  • Assists in the creation and organization of comprehensive digital content archives for use by media and University stakeholders
  • Represents university or department at professional meetings, conferences, seminars and other events. Develops and maintains contacts with university officials, media representatives, community leaders and professional colleagues. Maintains currency with professional organizations and publications
  • Performs other related duties as assigned or requested. The university reserves the right to add or change duties at any time
  • Scriptwriting: Write multiple video scripts each week
  • Producing: Going on location with photographer to conduct interviews in the field and gather additional visuals for story
  • Team meeting: Meet with other team members to discuss creative ways to tell stories
  • Shooting content for social media
  • Editing: Edit video stories when needed
  • A passion for bringing information and ideas to life using storytelling and compelling visuals and must have strong technical experience with the full production process; from scripting to field production, editing and distribution through various social media and broadcast platforms
  • Confidence in ability to produce a story in the field, conducting thoughtful and engaging interviews while keeping interview subjects on task and focused
  • Knowledge of various cameras and formats—please list
  • Excellent news judgment, strong script writing and editing skills and a proven ability to craft and shape stories that matter to audiences through text, video and graphics and the ability to summarize information into easy to understand content
  • Must be a versatile storyteller, writing about topics that are highly scientific in nature, to light-hearted features
  • Producing content for and posting to Fox Business’s social media platforms, including live-tweeting, Facebook, Instagram, etc
  • Extensive knowledge of business news, current events and politics
  • Must be available to work weekend shifts and have the flexibility to work various daytime and nighttime shifts as well as holidays
  • Acting as the primary contact for all interaction with the client (carrier or employer group)
  • Creating and Managing project plans to ensure that all projects are delivered on time and with acceptable quality
  • Writing and maintain script versions
  • Traveling with the production team to onsite meetings and shoots
  • Ensuring all deliverable dates are understood and acceptable with the client before shooting begins

Multi Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Chase story leads from personal contacts, social media, newswires, affiliated and independent news services, newspapers and magazines, and other news sources
  • Field produce
  • Ensure accuracy & compliance with editorial Standards
  • Implement security & safety protocols
  • Work with craft editor
  • Support News Group clients like MSNBC, News Channel, CNBC
  • Collaborate with partners like ITN, ZDF, etc
  • Maintain understanding of evolving NBC News brand needs
  • Ability to discover, identify and interview newsmakers, eyewitnesses and other notable &
  • Fluency with the internet and social media
  • Knowledge of and interest in current events, politics, geopolitics & history
  • Understanding of newsroom computers & files
  • General knowledge of satellite operations
  • Experience working in conflict & war zones
  • Knowledge of NBC News Policies, Guidelines & Practices
  • Strong journalistic skills including news judgment, research, writing and editing
  • How to use SEO strategies in building headlines, stories, galleries, multimedia posts, etc
  • Experience with multiple social media platforms on behalf of a brand or publication. Proven success driving traffic and brand through these platforms
  • Successful execution of visual strategies to program compelling section fronts
  • Understanding of basic web analytics and how to apply them
  • Responsible for the execution of social content including shareable images, GIFs, and social video for WGBH’s national programming for distribution to various social media platforms and distribution partners. The distributed strategy would emphasize video production, in its three major forms on social media: Short form video, Stories, and live streaming video
  • Responsible for engagement and audience development initiatives around our productions, ranging from hashtag campaigns, social ad campaigns, Twitter chats, Reddit AMAs, Facebook Live interviews, and facilitating social media “takeovers.”
  • Run the day-to-day management of Sprinklr, WGBH’s social media content management system, publishing platform and social analytics resource. He or she will work with social media producers from around the Foundation to optimize their use of the platform for their specific goals
  • 2+ years of some combination of digital content experience
  • In-depth knowledge of social media best practices, tools and trends
  • Proven track record of leveraging social to successfully drive editorial objectives
  • Clear, creative writer who can adapt his or her writing style to mirror the social platform and the “voice” of a production
  • Expertise in editing photo and video for social platforms
  • Basic animation and design skills a plus
  • Experience with social media management platforms such as Sprinklr or Hootsuite Enterprise a plus
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and implement social media strategy
  • Desire to work in a fast-paced and fluid environment
  • Creating promotional materials in a timely manner for use with webcasts
  • Producing regularly scheduled live webcast, including providing technical support for presenters, insuring audio quality for presenters, opening the webcast to the audience by delivering a scripted introduction speech, following along with host and panelists in order to advancing/cue slides and other during the webcast, preparing recorded events for archive
  • Assistance with graphics creation (including still and motion graphics) for various video productions in progress with media team
  • Assist media team with video and photo productions. This may include acting as a grip or production assistant helping to move and set up various lights, stands and other AV equipment
  • Assist with management of media hosting requests, including: preparing video content for hosting, managing titles, descriptions and other metadata for hosted videos, interacting with requesting parties to ensure their content is posted in a timely manner
  • Take part in brainstorming sessions around new video projects as required
  • Work on special media projects and events as required
  • 0-2 years - working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, XML
  • 0-2 years - working knowledge of video file types and encoding profiles
  • General knowledge of network infrastructure
  • Experience with web-based applications
  • Process and deadline oriented
  • Professional and positive attitude with internal clients and with colleagues
  • Works well under pressure and can effectively and professionally handle tough issues
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision, strong independent thinker and worker
  • Ability to handle unexpected issues within the live webcast environment with professionalism
  • Ability to prioritize last minute change requests and potential conflicts

Assistant Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Writing and publishing content daily across social media platforms, with a focus on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest
  • Creating social-friendly articles, video content, and graphics that help drive engagement and traffic
  • Tracking news and trending topics to inform the newsroom and join the conversation
  • Love of social media and a strong drive to help consumers
  • 1-2 years professional or internship experience in related work
  • Fluid in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest best practices, optimization, and audience engagement
  • Strong writing skills: You write fast, clean copy that requires minimal editing
  • Experience scheduling social media posts across multiple platforms
  • Familiarity with Hootsuite, Canva, Photoshop, video editing, and/or Wochit would be ideal
  • Traffic monitoring experience with Omniture, Google Analytics, and Chartbeat a plus

Social Media Producer / Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing newsroom social media accounts: tweeting stories and posting to Facebook
  • Coordinating with the news desk and working quickly and accurately during breaking news
  • Rewriting headlines to maximize social media impact
  • Monitoring social media to identify emerging news
  • Writing rapid-fire blog posts
  • Staying on top of social media trends
  • Tracking analytics to refine strategy

Social Media Producer, Family Resume Examples & Samples

  • Produce sharable and optimized content (video, image, gif, audio), primarily for live events/programs and content marketing campaigns
  • Work closely with Social Media Community Manager and Data Analyst in order to optimize content output and audience targeting
  • Social media monitoring around various, selected brand sentiments and latest trends
  • Running and maintaining the social media audit
  • Training of project managers and other internal stakeholders in social media content management, channel/account optimization and
  • Assist in conceptualizing and executing content marketing campaigns
  • First-adopter and A-B tester of latest operational tools and features provided by partner companies (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google)
  • Testing and defining new operational procedures for social media content creation and management
  • Executing social media ad buys on Google, Facebook and Twitter

Video & Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage and maintain prompt, thorough, professional communication with all team members, customer, and business partners throughout all phases of a project to ensure milestones are established and met
  • Maintain schedule and budget throughout a project
  • 5+ years of experience in video/media production
  • Working knowledge of video production equipment and process
  • Working knowledge of post-production process, workflow and software
  • Able to conduct themselves in a professional environment
  • Able to communicate and collaborate with team members and customers
  • Able to manage several projects at once
  • Strong knowledge of professional office software
  • Demo reel or examples of work
  • 7+ years of media production experience
  • Working knowledge of project management software
  • Experience working in a networked office environment
  • Sat-Wed: 5am – 2pm
  • Mon-Fri: 2pm – 11pm
  • Wed-Sun: 2pm – 11pm
  • Mon-Fri: 6am – 3pm
  • Mon-Fri: 1pm – 10pm
  • Producing content for and posting to Fox News’ social media platforms, including live-tweeting, Facebook, Instagram
  • Updating the social media accounts during breaking news
  • Searching for and pitching trending topics for TV, dotcom and social
  • Reaching out for permission on content
  • Evaluating social media analytics; tracking social conversation before, during and after shows
  • Experience with live television production

Social Media Producer Asia Resume Examples & Samples

  • Social media newsgathering. The successful candidate will be an expert at navigating social networks and will have a curious, proactive and determined approach
  • Identifying newsworthy material posted online, taking steps to authenticate it and seeking copyright clearance. Your daytime shift pattern will also involve weekends
  • Coordinating and working closely with a global team of social media producers. In your work you will report to the head TV operations in Asia, under the direction of the head of UGC newsgathering
  • Communicating clearly with other team members and working accurately under pressure. Prior experience in UGC newsgathering would be a clear advantage, as would evidence of an ability to identify breaking news and emerging trends on social media. However, as full training will be given, a willingness to learn quickly is at least as important
  • Fluent written and verbal communication skills
  • Interest in current affairs and sound news judgment
  • Familiarity with latest features of all leading social networks
  • Strong writing capabilities
  • Fluency in any major Asian language due to the region this role will support
  • Track record in identifying trending content
  • Education to first degree level
  • Implement the college’s social media and overall branding strategies, working closely with members of both the digital and content teams within University Communications
  • Create, write, and publish content to the college’s social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, in concert with brand and editorial guidelines. Monitor these channels, responding to and interacting with prospective students, current students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, community members, and other audiences and constituencies. Perform community management tasks, acting on membership requests, organizing audiences, and keeping branding current
  • Create and manage paid digital marketing campaigns, with an understanding of specific channel tactics and techniques (e.g. social media, organic/paid search, remarketing, video pre-roll)
  • Monitor college’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Create and maintain inbound marketing pages within Denison’s content management system
  • Track key analytics and provide frequent reports on trends, constituent growth, and brand visibility to University Communications and senior administration
  • Keep current on best practices and emerging platforms
  • Advise key campus offices (e.g. Office of Admission, Office of Alumni & Family Engagement, Annual Fund) on digital marketing opportunities as well as best practices for e-mail marketing. Partner with these offices on creative concepts for and implementation of social media and digital marketing campaigns
  • Responsible for periodically checking social media accounts over evenings and weekends, to watch for emerging situations and advise stakeholders on appropriate responses
  • As member of the college’s emergency communications team, deliver public information by way of social media
  • Bachelor’s degree. 3-5 years of social media and digital marketing experience
  • Demonstrate an understanding of targeted advertising, audience segmentation, digital acquisition. and conversion, search engine optimization (SEO), inbound marketing, as well as utilizing analytics to inform and drive strategy
  • Ability to deliver institutional messaging through a voice and personality appropriate for social media and other digital channels
  • Excellent writing skills for a fast-paced digital environment
  • Ability to juggle several projects and deadlines
  • Ability to work independently and on a team
  • The ability to produce and withstand pressure in a dynamic work environment – effective time management skills, a keen eye for detail, and organization
  • Experience with popular social media and digital marketing platforms such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Google AdWords, Facebook Business Manager, and Emma
  • Experience with content management systems such as Drupal and WordPress
  • Basic photography and video skills for capturing content
  • Experience in emergency/crisis communication situations

Related Job Titles

resume format for media professional

Jobscan > Free Resume Builder – Create an ATS Resume

The Best Resume Builder That Is Actually Free

Many resume builders are advertised as free, but they often charge a fee to download your resume. Instead, use Jobscan's online resume builder. There are no hidden costs and it’s ATS-compatible.


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Easily build resumes that get job interviews

Jobscan’s resume builder simplifies the process of creating professional, ATS-compatible resumes. Its features include:

  • 100% free ATS-friendly templates
  • Targeted resume optimization
  • AI-powered resume score checker
  • Expert tips from recruiters
  • Comprehensive job search tools

ATS-Friendly templates

Build Classic Professional

Build Classic Professional

Build Modern Professional

Build Modern Professional

Build Modern Student

Build Modern Student

resume format for media professional

Our resume builder is 100% free

Many resume builders claim to be free, allowing you to spend valuable time creating your resume. However, just when you’re ready to download, you’re hit with a fee. That’s not free; that’s frustrating.

At Jobscan, we stand by our word. Our resume builder is genuinely 100% free—no hidden fees, no surprises when you click “download.”

From start to finish, you can create, customize, and download your resume in less time, without ever reaching for your wallet.

Our resumes are simple and clearly organized

resume_image_Our resumes are simple and clearly organized

Fancy graphics can make your resume look good, but they might confuse the ATS and prevent it from reading your resume correctly.

Jobscan’s resume builder helps you create a no-frills resume designed to pass through the ATS effortlessly.

resume format for media professional

Why do you need an ATS resume?

Most companies hire people today with the help of computer software called an ATS (Applicant Tracking System). When you submit your resume it goes into an ATS database. Hiring managers then search through the database for suitable candidates.

But if your resume isn’t formatted correctly it might not be properly read or understood by the ATS. In fact, 88% of employers believe highly qualified candidates are rejected simply because they didn’t submit an ATS resume.

Jobscan’s resume builder was designed to help you easily build a simple, clear resume that is fully optimized for the ATS.

resume format for media professional

How to use the Jobscan resume builder

Simply fill in each field as directed. The resume builder will automatically format your information to the ATS-friendly template you choose.

  • Choose the best resume template for your needs
  • Fill in your personal information and contact details.
  • Add your professional experience and achievements.
  • Highlight your skills and qualifications.
  • Fill in your education and additional information.
  • Download your resume in PDF or Word format.

resume format for media professional

Check out our library of resume examples to see what your resume should look like

Our comprehensive library of resume examples will show you exactly what your resume should look like and what information it should include.

Explore our examples to gain insights into resume best practices across various industries and fields.

Find your industry, get inspired, and start your job search with confidence.

Get your resume score for free

After you create your resume with Jobscan’s resume builder, you’ll be taken directly to our free resume scanner .

This online tool uses AI technology to analyze your resume against the job description. You’ll then receive a match score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description.

Our resume checker will also provide you with personalized recommendations on how to increase your match score. The higher your score, the more likely are you to get an interview and land your dream job!

resume format for media professional

Use Power Edit for faster, smarter resume optimization

As part of Jobscan’s premium tool, Power Edit provides a seamless editing experience to help you create a top-tier ATS resume.

Power Edit features include:

  • Real-time resume score improvement
  • AI-generated keyword phrase suggestions
  • Suggested keyword synonyms for a better match
  • Six customizable templates with color options
  • One-click personalized cover letter generation

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“I was having a hard time getting interviews, and every single one I submitted after using the tool received a response – either a screening or an invitation to interview.”

Thelonious B.

“I used Jobscan Pro throughout my job search to compare the job description to my resume. I really liked that there were in-depth tips based on what kind of ATS some jobs use to parse keywords and save time.”

“Jobscan helped me immensely. I applied to over 250 jobs over about 2 years and got only one job interview and no offer. I started using Jobscan, applied to only 12 jobs in 3 months and received 5 interviews and landed an awesome job. […] This software is incredible and worth every penny.”

“Once I signed up for Jobscan, I ran my resume with a job that I had applied for previously and found the my resume was really lacking! I used Power Edit and suggestions to rework the resume and resent it to a company that I really had interest in! Almost immediately, I got a positive response and landed an interview!”

How to build a great resume

Write your name and contact information.

Recruiters and hiring managers will need your personal data to get in touch for an interview. Include your full name, city and state, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL at the top of your resume.

Create your resume summary

Summarize your work experience and accomplishments in one succinct paragraph. You can also use bullet points to highlight your major career achievements. This section should include your job title, measurable results, and relevant keywords.

Think of your resume summary as your elevator pitch – you only have a few seconds to present yourself, so you need to make it count!

Detail your work experience

Let recruiters know what role you played in the success of your former employers. Provide information about your role and your accomplishments. Include measurable results wherever possible. Focus on the most relevant topics of the desired job.

Include your education

The name of the school from which you graduated and the date of graduation is enough for most job seekers. You may also want to include your degree. For recent graduates, your GPA (if higher than 3.5) and details about relevant courses and projects may help add context to your abilities.

Add volunteer experience, certifications, and other relevant information

You can include anything you want on your resume, as long as it is relevant to the position to which you’re applying and helps employers better understand your qualifications.

Write a cover letter

Your cover letter can tell a story that your resume can’t. A matching cover letter that’s tailored to the job can explain your passion for the position, how your experience level aligns with the company’s goals, and why you’re the best fit for the role. Check out our cover letter builder , cover letter examples , and cover letter templates .

More than 1 MILLION Job Seekers trust Jobscan to help them take the next step in their career. And we want to help you, too!

Where can I create a free resume?

The best place to create a free resume is Jobscan’s resume maker. It’s not only free but also ATS-friendly, ensuring your resume is optimized for the computer software used by many potential employers to screen job applications. Jobscan’s resume maker offers text suggestions to simplify the writing process, allowing you to easily craft the perfect resume that stands out to both hiring managers and ATS – without any hidden costs!

How do I choose the right resume template?

Choosing the right resume template from Jobscan’s options is simple. Use the Classic template for a traditional, professional look. The Modern Professional template is best for those in dynamic fields who want a contemporary edge. For new graduates or those with less work experience, the Modern Student template highlights education and skills in a fresh layout. Use Jobscan’s resume scanner to receive content suggestions with just a single click.

How should a professional resume look?

A professional resume format should be organized with clear headings and a readable font style. It should focus on your relevant skills and achievements. Start with your contact information, followed by a brief summary or objective, and then detail your work history, education, and any special skills or certifications. For ATS compatibility, avoid excessive graphics or unusual formatting.

To ensure a polished and professional look, consider using one of our customizable professional resume templates . These templates allow you to easily add additional sections without compromising the formatting, making it the best option for creating a standout resume that showcases different elements of your skills and experience.

Should I make a different resume for every job application?

Yes, you should tailor your resume for each job application. Customize it to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the position you’re applying to. Use keywords from the job description to improve your resume’s chances of passing through software tools like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Should resumes be one page?

According to career experts, resumes should be one page for early-career professionals or those with less than 10 years of experience. However, for individuals with extensive experience, multiple roles, or significant achievements, a two-page resume can be appropriate to detail their career history fully. Always prioritize clarity and relevance over length.

Should I download my new resume as a PDF or text file?

According to certified professional resume writers, you should download your new resume as a PDF. This will preserve its formatting across different devices and platforms. While text files are universally accessible, they cannot maintain complex formatting. PDFs are widely accepted by employers and are ideal for maintaining the design integrity of your resume, making them the preferred file format for most job applications.

What does ATS-friendly mean?

ATS-friendly means your resume is formatted and written in a way that’s easily readable by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This involves using a clean layout, standard headings, and incorporating relevant keywords from the job description. An ATS-friendly resume ensures your application is more likely to be seen by a hiring manager by passing through the initial automated screening.

Is there a completely free resume builder?

Yes, Jobscan offers a completely free resume builder. It provides users with tools and templates to create a professional resume easily. Jobscan’s resume builder is designed to help job seekers optimize their resume for applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many companies use to pre-filter resumes.

Can ChatGPT build resumes?

Yes, ChatGPT can build resumes , but it comes with certain limitations. Although ChatGPT can provide advice on structure, content, and formatting, it doesn’t offer the same level of specialization as a dedicated resume builder.

Explore More Features

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  • Resume Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Resume Examples Nurse Student Internship Teacher Accountant View all
  • Resume Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Cover Letter Examples Nursing Administrative Assistant Internship Graduate Teacher View all
  • Cover Letter Builder

Job-winning professional resume templates

Propel your career prospects with our precision-designed professional resume templates, offering the perfect blend of professionalism and style for ambitious job seekers.

Modern resume template Toronto

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

Professional resume templates.

A classic, streamlined look well-suited for formal positions at traditional companies. 

Does your dream job require a suit and tie? Dress pants and a blazer? Those are good signs that your application requires a professional resume. The best resume templates are expertly crafted with muted color palettes and clean lines to send the message that you are a refined candidate with the right decorum and experience to get a serious job done.  

When writing a professional resume for a serious company, it’s important to include only your most relevant professional experience. It’s a good idea to leave off student work or entry-level positions that don’t demonstrate your achievements in the field where you intend to work.

To get the most out of your professional template, it’s important that you maximize the space to include only the most relevant details and accomplishments that will show a potential employer how you can add value to their company. Make sure your writing also carries a professional tone, and don’t be afraid to ask a friend for help with proofreading and editing.

When to pick a professional resume template

Let’s say you’re not sure whether a professional resume template is right for you. One way to decide is to really get a feel for the image of the company. Check out their website and social media. Even just the logo can give you a sense of what type of workplace you might be dealing with. Does the company strike you as prim and proper and more conservative than flashy?

Professional resume templates

These are good indicators that a professional resume template is in line. Professional templates are most often in use in the administration , law and medical fields. If the position requires an advanced degree, it’s a good bet that you’ll need a professional resume template. However, there are other situations that call for these templates as well. For example, a recent grad applying as a receptionist for a large accounting firm may also benefit from a professional resume template.

If you’re still not sure, it’s best to err on the side of caution and pick a more formal resume template. Unless you are applying to a highly creative company, a professional template with its clean color scheme and streamlined design will virtually never be out of place. A hiring manager or recruiter will thank you for keeping the focus on your skills and achievements.

Top 5 why choose a professional layout

  • You want to present a formal, polished image
  • You work in a field like law, administration, finance, or medicine
  • You’re applying to a company with a serious image
  • You are a candidate for an executive or upper-level position
  • You hold an advanced degree in a serious field

What makes a professional resume template

A professional resume template is characterized by a focus on the candidate’s skills and experience. One accent color may be used but overall, the emphasis is placed on the text with minimal distractions from icons or other flourishes.  The resume format may have room for a headshot or logo but there should be enough white space on the page to effectively balance out large chunks of text. Candidates should focus on writing their professional experience and summary in a professional tone, using strong action verbs that connote leadership and competence.

Top 10 parts of a professional resume template

  • A strong focus on your name and title
  • Space for a headshot or logo
  • An even balance of white space and text
  • Color is used without being overwhelming
  • Plenty of room for employment history
  • Enough space for a thorough profile summary
  • An emphasis on the skills section
  • Clean and sharp fonts
  • Neatly placed lines and blocks of color
  • Focus placed on the candidate’s qualifications

Free to download and use in Microsoft Word, as a PDF, or in Google Docs

Choosing the right template is the first step in crafting your perfect resume. Try out our easy-to-use builder tool to add your work history, work experience, education section, soft skills, hard skills, and achievements, and show an employer what makes you truly unique. Our builder tool has already been tested by thousands of satisfied customers who have found their dream jobs hassle-free. A professional template calls for a professional file resume format . Luckily, has got you covered. Within our builder tool, you can download your resume as a MS Word or Google Doc version completely free. You can also download your resume as a PDF. 

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to find your perfect template , add your personal touches, and land your dream position in a few easy clicks! Don't forget to create a matching cover letter after you have written the perfect resume. Using our builder you can create a perfect resume that will impress hiring managers. That’s why more than 14 million jobseekers use our free resume templates. 

Get access to winning resume examples that will inspire you during the writing process. Our Resume Writing tool will even help to organize and manage your job search more efficiently. 

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  • Create a Resume That Grabs Recruiters’ Attention Every Single Time
  • Ace Your Interview (Even if You’re an Introvert)
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  1. Media Specialist Resume Samples

    resume format for media professional

  2. Social Media Manager Resume Examples & Template (with job winning tips)

    resume format for media professional

  3. 18 Social Media Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    resume format for media professional

  4. Media Resume Template

    resume format for media professional

  5. Digital Media Specialist Resume Samples

    resume format for media professional

  6. Social Media Intern Resume Example and Guide for 2019

    resume format for media professional


  1. 7 Best Media Specialist Resume Examples for 2024

    The best Media Specialist Resume Examples with Headline, Objective statement, Description and Skills. Download Sample Resume Templates in PDF, Word formats. ... Use a professional format: Your resume needs to look professional and be easy to read. Make sure to use a standard font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and keep the font size ...

  2. 3 Digital Media Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 2 of 3: Digital Media Manager Resume Example. The digital media manager is an important part of the digital marketing team. The digital media manager oversees digital content and marketing. In this role, the digital marketing manager may oversee junior content creators, making leadership skills very important.

  3. Professional Media Communication Resume Examples

    For an entry-level position, using a functional resume format is a good choice. It places most of the focus on your transferable skills and qualifications that are relevant to the open position, even if you have little to no work experience. This resume example categorizes professional skills into writing/editing, communication and organization.

  4. Media Communication Resume Examples for 2024: Templates & Tips

    The salary of a media and communication professional varies according to employer, job title and location. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports the median pay is $62,340. BLS also reported the following as median pay for similar occupations: Broadcast, sound and video technicians: $48,790 per year.

  5. Crafting an Impactful Resume for Media Professionals in 2023

    Build your resume in 10 minutes. Use the power of AI & HR approved resume examples and templates to build professional, interview ready resumes. Create My Resume. Excellent. out of 5 on. Stand out in the competitive world of media with a compelling resume tailored for media professionals. Expert tips to highlight your skills and experience.

  6. How To Create a Digital Media Resume (With an Example)

    2. Start with your contact information. Start your resume with your contact information so that employers can see from the beginning how to reach you. This section may include your name, city and state, email address and phone number. You may also decide to include a link to an online portfolio of your past work.

  7. How To Write a Media Planner Resume (With Tips and Example)

    You can use the following steps as guidance for drafting a media planner resume: 1. Choose the appropriate resume format. Depending on your situation, you can choose from several different resume formats. Candidates often use the chronological format because it focuses on their relevant professional experience.

  8. Media Specialist Resume Samples

    Media Specialist Resume Examples & Samples. Ability to work in a fast paced environment while meeting time-sensitive project goals. Proven ability to think strategically. Excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to communicate with individuals at all levels of an organization.

  9. Media

    Resume examples. 33 Media resume examples found. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Media resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Media resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

  10. Media Resume Samples

    Media Operations Resume Sample. Work Experience. • Backup Media (Mainly magnetic tapes but also extends to legacy microfiche, CD's, DVD's, etc.) • Disk Media (HDD's from decommissioned servers or faulty server disks) • Media Wiping - erasure of date from redundant or faulty drives prior to reuse within UBS or retu...

  11. 2024 Media Planner Resume Example (+Guidance)

    The ideal format for a Media Planner resume is one that is structured, easy to follow, and highlights your most relevant skills and experiences. Here are some key considerations and tips for crafting your Media Planner resume: **Clear and Professional Layout:** Choose a clean and professional layout that allows for easy navigation.

  12. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Best resume format example. The chronological resume format is what most job seekers should be using when applying for jobs: Download a Chronological Resume. When to use this format: You have no obvious gaps in your employment and want to emphasize your career progression. The chronological resume format is the most common type of resume.

  13. Media CV example + how to write a good one [Land a top media job]

    Media CV structure & format. As a media professional, you're probably aware of keeping information clear, concise and easy-to-digest - and it should be no different with your CV!. Recruiters are always short on time, so it's vital to ensure the structure and format of your CV are well thought out. They should be able to navigate through your CV with ease and pick out your key skills ...

  14. Digital Media Specialist Resume Sample

    Find and customize career-winning Digital Media Specialist resume samples and accelerate your job search. All digital media specialist resume samples have been written by expert recruiters. ... Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates Create a Resume in Minutes. Elyssa Murazik. 1865 Faustino Mountains, Houston, TX +1 (555 ...

  15. Top Resume Formats: Tips and Examples of 3 Common Resumes

    Pro tip: Left-align all the text on your resume since it's the easiest format for reviewers to read. If you prefer, you can center-align your name, contact information and headline. If you do choose to center-align any text, this is the only section that should be considered. 2. Select a professional, readable font.

  16. Media Production Resume Sample

    Media Production Project Coordinator. 01/2013 - 03/2015. Dallas, TX. Managing the upkeep of all production and post production systems, and all software. Assisting the manager with the day to day operation of the Media Production Department. Insure Media and/or sub component preparation is completed in a timely manner for prompt product ...

  17. Best Resume Format for 2024 [Guide & Templates]

    10. Send your resume as a PDF. Sending a PDF resume file, unless stated otherwise in the job description, will allow your document to remain intact, keeping the same structure and length. Plus, PDF format is operable on most devices, so your recruiter can surely access it.

  18. Media Producer Resume Samples

    Social Media Producer Resume Examples & Samples. 2 - 3 years of related experience and management of corporate and/or specific brand related social media platforms. Strong familiarity with the functionality of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Snapchat, Pinterest, and WordPress.

  19. Media Specialist Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Media Specialist Resume Examples. Media Specialists are in charge of handling audio-visual equipment in various organizations like businesses, libraries, or schools. Their duties include helping other people use multimedia equipment, installing and maintaining equipment, handling inventories, updating software, and solving technical issues.

  20. Professional Entertainment Resume Examples

    Customize This Resume. Executive-level Entertainment Resume Example: Executive Talent Acquisition. For the seasoned entertainment industry professional, a chronological resume format is generally the best way to highlight years of accomplishments. It places the focus squarely on the job seeker's extensive work history.

  21. Free printable resume templates you can customize

    Black and White Simple Business School Graduate Corporate Resume. Green Simple Family Wellness Counselor Resume. Minimalist Clean Signature CV Resume. Blue and White Clean and Professional Resume. Grey Clean CV Resume Photo. White Professional Web Designer Resume. Neutral Professional Sales Representative Resume.

  22. 45+ Professional Resume Templates

    Our professional resume templates are perfect for job seekers of any background. They're all newly updated for 2024, and can be downloaded for Word or copied as a Google Doc. If you don't find a design you like on this page, we have 100+ other free resume templates to choose from. Build My Resume Now. Professional. Current. Minimalist. Taj ...

  23. Free Resume Builder

    A professional resume format should be organized with clear headings and a readable font style. It should focus on your relevant skills and achievements. Start with your contact information, followed by a brief summary or objective, and then detail your work history, education, and any special skills or certifications. ...

  24. Professional resume templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    The Best Professional Resume Templates to get hired faster 20+ expert-tested templates download as Word or PDF Over 13 Million Users. Resume Cover Letter Blog FAQ. ... Connect with us on social media. Job seekers. Create a Resume Resume Examples Resume Templates Cover Letter Templates Job Search. Career Resources.

  25. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    2024. Featuring a modern design and compact layout, the "2024" template strikes a balance between eye-catching and professional. Classic. Formal but not stuffy, our "Classic" resume template is well-organized, suitable for any industry, and lets your content shine. Windsor.

  26. Resume Builder for 2024

    The online resume builder getting folks hired by BBC, Google, Apple, Tesla, and Airbnb. Build your brand-new resume in as little as 5 minutes. Try it for free.

  27. How to Make a Resume: 2024 Resume Writing Guide

    If you're unsure of the resume format you should choose, a chronological resume with standard 1-inch margins, black text, and a common font like Times New Roman or Arial is typically a safe choice. For more on resume formats, check out these additional articles: Types of resumes. Types of Resumes: Choosing the Right Format for Your Needs

  28. Best Resume Examples to Get a Job in 2024

    All of our 500+ free resume examples were written by Certified Professional Resume Writers, who have extensive experience in creating resumes for candidates from all industries and career paths. Each guide provides a professional resume sample along with a set of tips & practical examples to help you make your own resume with ease, for any job ...

  29. How to Feature Key Skills on Your Resume

    Example of a resume skills section. Whether you format your skills using bullet points or categories, your skills section should either appear near the top of your resume or near the bottom. Although there's no strict rule, it can help to keep it close to your education section and use those sections to supplement your professional experience.

  30. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps: Choose your template in Word. To create your resume from scratch, click "File" in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac).Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts.