sample speech for kindergarten graduation

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Preschool Graduation Speech Ideas

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

It's the moment many teachers dread: Coming up with a preschool graduation speech .... (queue in horror film music here).  

Fears of being unprepared and stammering fill our heads, anxiety may set in and many think,

"I am NOT a public speaker!  I HATE public speaking!  I am a preschool teacher!  I LOVE teaching preschool!"

Take a breath.... really!  Remember your 'Why'...why you are planning preschool graduation ideas in the first place:  It is to celebrate the children and their year!  

Preschool Graduation Speech

Giving a preschool graduation speech is also an opportunity to publicly thank your families for sharing and entrusting their child(ren) with you.  

In addition, it is an opportunity to thank staff such as the director, co-teachers, support staff and volunteers.

As you are thinking of what to say, who to acknowledge and how long to take remember this one, important factor: This is not a keynote speech for college! Let's say it again:  It is a preschool graduation speech!

This is preschool!  Yes, your students may be going off to kindergarten or moving up to Prek, but, it is still preschool!   BE YOURSELF !  

That, after all, is why parents entrusted the children in your program's care to begin with!

Don't put pressure on yourself to be "formal"...instead.... put pressure on yourself to be "you"!  Or, in the words of Dr. Seuss:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

There....feel better?  This is a fun day and your preschool graduation speech ideas should keep that fact in mind! :)

Well, one more fact to keep in mind.  Because this is Preschool Graduation, that means the preschoolers are sitting there......waiting.......excited......nervous......poking their friend beside them!

And, they are.... brace yourself.... I KNOW you've worked all year on this.......but......get ready........

They are NOT LISTENING TO YOU when you give your speech!

Phew, there, I've said it!  So, this speech is not for them--even if you address the children in this preschool graduation speech (And no, I don't mean saying something like "And this year we have ALL learned to LISTEN WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS TALKING, haven't we Cheryl?")

What I mean is that while you are presenting your speech they sometimes hear.... well, here is my point when it comes to preschoolers and speeches:

You KNOW that is what they are hearing!  When you are giving your preschool graduation speech, be sure to have 1 or 2 adults sitting with the children to redirect them during this time!  That's all I'm saying!  

There are many types of preschool graduation speeches.  You might give an actual speech, read a story or show a DVD of the children!  

As I said earlier, remember to just be you!  

Here are a few ideas for speeches.  

Feel free to use these and modify as you need to for your own program!    

A "Welcoming" Preschool Graduation Speech Idea

Preschool graduation speech idea #1 traditional speech.

preschool graduation speech

written by me, Miss Cheryl, at Preschool Plan It

This is the typical speech or welcoming speech I give.  It includes a thank you and accolades to staff and introduces the stars:  The Preschoolers!

"Hi everyone!  Thank you so much for coming!  We are SO excited about today, aren't we boys and girls??!!!

Today is a very special day.  Today we celebrate YOUR children's life and times in preschool!  

It's hard for many of you to believe that the time has come for child or children.... your babies, are beginning kindergarten isn't it?

When your children first started preschool-there was much separation anxiety.  The beginning of a new school year is like that for children...and for parents!  

The beginning of the school year was a time of building trust with the children......and with you.  It was a time of building relationships together and creating a team with one shared goal:  Providing your children with what they needed to develop and grow as preschoolers.

That trust was built, relationships and teams create.  We moved through the year--as a team--growing and learning and building a foundation your children will bring with them to Kindergarten.

And now, it is very hard for US to believe your children are leaving us!  You have entrusted the most important thing in your lives to us--your child.  We can't tell you how much we appreciate that trust!  

We thank you for sharing your children with us.  We thank you for allowing us to be part of your family during this time.

And now, it is the end of the year.  It is time for your children to move on and, Guess what?  It is us.... the teachers...who have separation anxiety.  We will miss your children more than you know.  But, we smile through the goodbye tears because we are so grateful to have been part of their lives and your family during this time.

And, I want to thank the teachers today.  Thank you for your dedication to the children and their families. Thank you for your thoughtful planning and time invested in the lives of each and every one of these children! There was a poem written by Forest Witcraft that talks about teachers and it definitely applies to the teachers, support staff and volunteers here today:

One hundred years from now

It won't matter

What kind of car I drove

What kind of house I lived in

How much money I had in the bank

Nor what my cloths looked like

The world may be a little better

Because, I was important

In the life of a child.

And you were.  You were important to each and every one of these children.  Thank you.

And now, the children are very excited to get this party started, right?  Okay, let's hand over the program to the children!"

Here is when your children  might sing their songs or do their play they have been practicing!

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #2 Laugh and Be All You Can Be

A preschool graduation speech idea page

Here is another you can use and modify to meet your program's needs.  It is from StudyMode  

"We are here today for "ABC Preschool's Graduation Ceremony. This is a momentous occasion in the lives of all the children. 

It is also a time to recognize the outstanding work of the staff here and the parents of the students.

Just looking around, the happy smiling faces says so much about the environment here at ABC Preschool. Our children have learned so much. The school places great value on community, learning and fun.

I am proud of the way the children love coming here to school and look forward to what they learn. Seeing the big smiles on their faces in the morning is fantastic. They have learned to love learning and that skill will help them so much as they progress with their education.

Life is not just about learning to read and write. They are important, but just as important is love and friendship. 

This school places great emphasis on being part of the community. This is a lifelong skill which will help all of us flourish. 

It may seem slightly old-fashioned, but a sense of community to me is very important to the future of our nation and our children.

So, thank you to the other teachers here, the love you have for the children shines through in their results. Thank you to all the parents who have willingly given their time volunteering here, and who have raised such wonderful children!

Looking ahead, our children are very well-equipped to take on the next part of their educational lives. They have strong foundations and we feel very confident that we have given the children a great start in life. They have learned many priceless lessons. 

So, children: Take on challenges, be loving, love learning, be part of the community, laugh and be all you can be. 

Thank you."

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #3: We Give You Child Back Now

This preschool graduation speech is called We Give Your Child Back Now (author unknown)

Dear Parents,

We give you back your child, the same child you confidently entrusted to our care last fall. We give him back pounds heavier, inches taller, months wiser, more responsible, and more mature then he was then.

Although she would have attained her growth despite us, it has been our pleasure and privilege to watch her personality unfold day by day and marvel at this splendid miracle of development.

I give him back reluctantly, for having spent nine months together in the narrow confines of a crowded classroom, we have grown close, have become a part of each other, and we shall always retain a little of each other.

We have lived, loved, laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives together this year. I wish it could go on indefinitely, but give him back we must. Take care of him, for he is precious.

Remember that we shall always be interested in your child and his destiny, wherever he goes, whatever he does, whoever he becomes. His joys and sorrows we will always be happy to share.

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #4: Read a Story INSTEAD of A Preschool Graduation Speech!

Yes!  Have the children gather on the floor in front of you, like a final Circle Time or Story Time!  Wear a microphone so the families can hear it as well.

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

A perennial favorite, Dr. Seuss’s wonderfully wise graduation speech is the perfect send-off for children starting out in the world, be they nursery school, high school, or college grads!

From soaring to high heights and seeing great sights to being left in a Lurch on a prickle-ly perch, Dr. Seuss addresses life’s ups and downs with his trademark humorous verse and illustrations, while encouraging readers to find the success that lies within.

In a starred review, Booklist notes: “Seuss’s message is simple but never sappy: life may be a ‘Great Balancing Act,’ but through it all ‘There’s fun to be done.’”

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #5: Growing Up

For a few weeks before graduation, talk with your preschoolers about one of their favorite things or memories about preschool!  Write them down.


  • Cheryl remembers the day we brought snow inside to play with.
  • Joey remembers being Superman with John and how they saved the dolls from the bad guy.
  • Give each youngster an opportunity to share one fond memory of this school year and one hope for the coming year. Be sure to write down one of your own as well!

Preschool Graduation Speech #6: Moving On

Here's another story instead of a speech idea!  Again, w ear a microphone so the families can hear it as well.

A House for Hermit Crab

In this adorable story, the young crab is growing up.  It outgrows its home (shell) and moves into another one.  After reading the story, tell the children and families, the children have much in common with the crab:

They are also growing up!  They are moving on.... into a new phase of school--kindergarten (or Prek), though we will remember the fun we had in preschool!

At this point, use the information you gathered over the past few weeks about each child's favorite memory of preschool!  Have each child stand up and share their favorite memory or you can share it for them!

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #7: Our Year in Review: A DVD Viewing

In lieu of a long preschool graduation speech, show a DVD montauge of the children's year.

This was a hit every single year!  It was started by my mentor, Miss Peggy and I continued the tradition!

Give a short speech, thanking the parents and staff and then show the DVD in lieu of your speech!

Say something like:

"Welcome to your children's preschool graduation ceremony!  We thank you so much for sharing your children with us and entrusting them to us.  They have learned and grown so much during this time!

The children have a few surprises for you!  They want to ___________ (sing a few songs, fingerplays, act out a play---fill in the blank for your program details).  But first, we have a surprise for you!

Rather than tell you what your children have done all year, we want to show you and reminisce with you! Enjoy!"

Invite the children to come sit down near the front so they can see also!

Play the DVD!

Creating the DVD in lieu of a preschool graduation speech for the above idea:

This takes some time but is WORTH it!  If you begin saving digital pictures of the children at the beginning of the year, the process is quicker!  If you are putting it together later in the year, it will just take more time to go through your photos!

Here are the steps.  (numbered)

1. Choose 1 photo of each child where JUST THAT CHILD is in the photo.  Use your software (I use Microsoft Paint or PowerPoint) to place their first name on the photo.

2. Choose 4-5 more pictures of EACH child.  Have 3-4 of these photos showing the child participating in a small or large group activity.  Have 1-2 more individual photos of that child (perhaps of them reading a book, painting, playing outside, etc.).

3. Upload the photos into a DVD maker program.  There is probably one on your computer that you didn't even know about! ;)  I use Windows Live Movie Maker.

4. Be sure the individual children's photos are the first ones in the program!

5. Create an introduction frame in the program such as "ABC Preschool Class of 20XX".

6. Choose 2 songs to play as background and upload them.

We have used 1 song that is sure to make the parents weep.... yes, that IS our goal! And one song that was a favorite in the classroom this year.

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

Children and adults alike laugh and giggle and LOVE this DVD.

If you are able, make copies for each family as a gift!  

I recently had two different parents message me on the Preschool Plan It Facebook page  (be sure to head over and like that page, by the way!), to tell me they just watched their preschool DVD and were thinking of us (and these children graduated preschool 5 years ago)!

Preschool Graduation Speech Idea #8: Speeches from the Preschoolers!

Preschool Graduation Speeches by...... The Preschoolers?  Why not?!

I have heard of some programs scheduling time for speeches from their preschoolers.  This can be difficult it is a huge, public "TELL" portion of a Show and Tell.  It can be nerve-wracking for them.  But, it can also be fun if brief and a fun question!

You just never know what they will say!  Once idea would be to ask the children what they want to be when they grow up!  Don't wait until graduation day to spring this question on them!  Give them time to think about it.  Ask it a few times in the weeks before graduation.

Here is an example of one that was found on YouTube (not my program) that I think is so adorable!

Ending Your Preschool Graduation Speech

At the end of the program you might give another, VERY BRIEF, closing speech.  Keep it more like an announcement at this point!  The children are excited and want to be with their families now!

"This concludes our Preschool Graduation Ceremony!  Please, please join us for refreshments and hugs in the _________ (list the place).  Thank you again for sharing your children with us!

I hope you enjoyed these preschool graduation speech ideas and they have helped you get started on your decision for preschool graduation day!  Do you have one or more speech or speech related idea you'd like to share?

More Preschool Graduation Ideas

Here are several more of my pages and articles to help you plan your Preschool Graduation that you might find helpful!

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

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Kindergarten Graduation Day Speech Free PDF for Teachers

Kindergarten graduation is a momentous occasion, marking the end of a remarkable journey for both students and teachers. It is a time to celebrate the growth, achievements, and bright futures of our young graduates. However, preparing a heartfelt and engaging speech for this special day can be a daunting task. To alleviate the stress and reduce the effort required, a free PDF resource can prove invaluable.

The Importance of Kindergarten Graduation Speech:

A kindergarten graduation speech holds immense significance as it serves as a bridge between the students’ early educational experience and the exciting journey that lies ahead. It is an opportunity to reflect on the students’ growth, acknowledge their accomplishments, express gratitude to parents and guardians, and inspire them for the future.

Challenges Faced by Teachers:

Crafting a memorable graduation speech that resonates with both children and adults can be a challenge for teachers. Time constraints, the pressure to deliver an emotional and engaging message, and the need to strike a balance between humor and sentiment can make the task overwhelming. This is where a free PDF resource can provide valuable assistance.

Introducing the Free PDF Resource:

The free PDF resource is a comprehensive guide designed specifically to assist teachers in creating kindergarten graduation speeches. It offers a step-by-step approach, providing useful tips, sample speeches, and customizable templates to suit individual preferences. This resource aims to reduce the effort required by offering a structured framework and helpful insights.

Streamlining the Speech Writing Process:

The PDF resource begins by outlining the key elements that should be included in a kindergarten graduation speech. It emphasizes the importance of a warm and welcoming introduction, sharing memorable anecdotes, acknowledging achievements, and expressing gratitude. By following these guidelines, teachers can ensure that their speeches cover all the essential aspects while maintaining a cohesive flow.

Sample Speeches and Templates:

One of the most valuable features of the free PDF resource is the inclusion of sample speeches. These speeches serve as inspiration, showcasing different approaches and styles that teachers can adapt to suit their unique personalities and the characteristics of their students. Additionally, customizable templates are provided, offering a convenient starting point for teachers to craft their own personalized speeches.

Structuring the Speech:

The PDF resource guides teachers in structuring their speeches effectively. It provides insights into organizing thoughts, creating engaging transitions, and maintaining an appropriate length. By following these guidelines, teachers can ensure that their speeches captivate the audience while maintaining a suitable timeframe, as young children may have limited attention spans.

Incorporating Humor and Emotion:

Humor is a vital component of any kindergarten graduation speech, as it can connect with young children and create a lighthearted atmosphere. The free PDF resource offers tips on incorporating age-appropriate humor, sharing funny anecdotes, and using playful language to engage the audience. It also emphasizes the importance of emotional moments, such as expressing pride and love for the students, which can leave a lasting impact on both children and parents.

Saving Time and Effort:

By utilizing the free PDF resource, teachers can significantly reduce the time and effort required to create a memorable kindergarten graduation speech. The structured approach, sample speeches, and customizable templates eliminate the need for extensive research and brainstorming, allowing teachers to focus on personalizing the speech and adding their unique touch.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Graduation Speech [20 Examples + Template]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

graduation speech

Being selected as a commencement speaker is a great recognition, but the responsibility can be intimidating. How do you know what kind of message will hit home for the graduates at this point in their lives? How do you make your message stand out from other words of wisdom that the graduating class has heard before?

Fortunately, there are many incredible graduation speeches from which you can pull information. We’ve gathered 15 of the best graduation speech examples here to make your research and brainstorming process easier. A little studying can give you ideas for the perfect graduation speech topic and help you write your speech efficiently.

In this article:

Graduation Speech Examples

Graduation speech template.

Take note of the flow and structure of the examples, and let them guide you in creating your own graduation speech outline. Remember to practice your speech and memorize the bulk of it so you’re able to deliver with confidence. With a strong theme and plenty of practice, you’re sure to gain the audience’s attention and leave them inspired.

Here are 15 free graduation speech examples to gain inspiration from. If you like a style or message of a sample speech, use it as a model to create your own original version.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

1. Funny Valedictorian Speech

This valedictorian entertains the audience of his high school graduation speech with subtle, kind-hearted jokes that reflect the graduating class and the school faculty. The graduation speaker has a sentimental theme to his speech, but his light humor ensures that the presentation is both meaningful and memorable.

“You see, this is not goodbye. This is see you in two to 10 years when I’m significantly smarter, wealthier, funnier, and more handsome than I am right now.”

2. College Graduation Speech Example: Conan O’Brien at Dartmouth College

You don’t have to be a famous comedian to deliver a funny graduation speech, but let Conan O’Brien’s speech at Dartmouth College serve as a good model to create your own. Intertwining life advice and great jokes, O’Brien inspires graduates to get past failure and pave their own paths.

“Today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment, you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.”

3. Preschool Graduation Speech

This preschool graduation speech is a great example for teachers who need to give a commencement address. A speech for a preschool or kindergarten graduation is different, in that the speaker is mostly communicating to the parents of the graduates. This preschool teacher delivers a meaningful speech that explains the joy in her job, while touching on the humorous things the students have said over the months.

“Tomorrow I give you back your child, the same child you entrusted in my care last fall, except now I give them back to you pounds heavier, inches taller… I give them back to you a little smarter, a little more mature, and a little more responsible than they were 10 months ago.”

4. David Foster Wallace Kenyon College Commencement Speech

In what is recognized as one of the best graduation speeches of all time, David Foster Wallace affirms to a class of liberal arts students that their education taught them how to think and how to be self-aware.

“The only thing that’s capital-T True is that you get to decide how you’re gonna try to see it. This, I submit, is the freedom of a real education, of learning how to be well-adjusted. You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn’t. You get to decide what to worship.”

5. Middle School Graduation Speech

A class president delivers a heartwarming message in a storytelling format at his middle school graduation ceremony.

“Once upon a time, three long years ago, a journey began. We were obedient little munchkins, climbing up stairs meant for giants, carrying heavy backpacks filled with every sort of colored pencil existing on this earth.”

6. University of Wisconsin-Madison Commencement Speech 2017

Steven Levitan, creator of the award-winning show “Modern Family,” was the commencement speaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the graduating class of 2017. This is a good example to follow if you’re an alum of the college you’re presenting to.

“It’s hard to believe I graduated here 33 years ago. I still have the official university photo of me receiving my diploma wearing only shorts under my cap and gown and holding a big bottle of champagne, as if to say, ‘Hey world, lower your expectations.'”

7. Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard University Commencement Speech

Successful people are often chosen as commencement speakers for university graduation ceremonies. See how the CEO and founder of Facebook is able to portray humility in relating to the 2017 graduating class at Harvard University.

“I’m honored to be with you today because, let’s face it, you accomplished something I never could. If I get through this speech, it’ll be the first time I actually finish something at Harvard. Class of 2017, congratulations!”

8. Al Roker’s Commencement Speech at Champlain College

Upon receiving his doctorate degree of humane letters, the “Today Show” weather anchor delivered an inspirational speech to the graduating class. Roker speaks to the class’s generation and relates his graduation speech topic back to his own upbringing.

“Be in the moment. Stop living through your screen. Experience it now.”

9. Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford University

The Apple CEO’s commencement speech at 2005 to the graduating class at Stanford University is one of the classics. Jobs tells stories about his own experiences with dropping out of college, being fired from Apple, and being diagnosed with cancer.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of the other opinion drown out your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

10. Elementary School Graduation Speech

This fifth-grade class speaker relates her teacher’s message to a lesson from her grandfather as her opening hook .

“To survive the fifth grade is not barely making it through. Instead, to survive means to perform with distinction.

11. Ellen Degeneres Commencement Speech at Tulane University

The famous talk show host and comedian Ellen Degeneres’s commencement speech at Tulane University is a great example of how a guest speaker can identify with her audience.

“It was so important for me to lose everything because I found what the most important thing is. The most important thing is to be true to yourself.”

12. University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address

Rear Admiral William H. McRaven aims to inspire his audience right from the beginning. The rear admiral encourages the graduating class to change the world, relating everyday life struggles to those of the people in the military.

“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

13. Matthew McConaughey Commencement Speech

Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey drew from his own personal story to deliver an inspirational commencement speech at the University of Houston. McConaughey gives the graduating class 13 life lessons, including to define success for yourself and find joy in your work.

“Prioritize who you are and who you want to be. Don’t spend time with anything that antagonizes your character.”

14. Commencement Address by Jim Carrey

In his commencement address at Maharishi University of Management, actor Jim Carrey tells an emotional personal story. Carrey uses emotion to encourage the graduating class to walk their own path and never settle in life.

“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.”

15. Stephen Colbert’s Commencement Speech at Wake Forest University

The famous comedian delivers a witty and funny graduation speech, offering students practical advice for the real world.

“And if there’s one thing you need even more, it’s your own set of standards. It may seem counterintuitive now, but once you leave here, you may miss being graded on all your work. Because when you’re out of school, there are no objective criteria for achievement anymore.”

16. Inspiring Graduation Speech

In this remarkable graduation speech, the class valedictorian makes a political statement by publicly revealing her status as an undocumented immigrant. The speech starts out with jokes, but turns into a moving performance that’s as powerful as it is fun to watch.

“To each and every single one of you, I say thank you. You taught me that it’s okay to be different and that there will always be people willing to overlook those differences and accept you for being yourself.”

17. Funny Graduation Speech

This class-elected graduation speaker has the perfect delivery of well-crafted jokes and one-liners throughout her speech. She keeps the whole class laughing and never misses a beat.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to pursuing an additional 4-year education – which I can’t afford.”

18. Moving Graduation Speech

This college graduation speech educates listeners about women’s education through the eyes of the speaker, who encountered resistance to seeking an education just because she was a woman. It’s nearly impossible to listen to this speech without feeling moved to take action.

“I couldn’t have imagined attending college, simply because we weren’t allowed to. My sisters weren’t allowed to; the girls before me weren’t allowed to.”

19. Funny Graduation Speech

This graduation speech by the senior class president is humorous and engaging. The class president reminisces with plenty of jokes in a speech full of fun memories and just the right amount of inspiration.

“I know we can all agree that this class is resilient. We survived an earthquake, two blackouts, and Ebola.”

20. Short Graduation Speech

Graduation ceremonies can be long, but the speeches don’t have to be. This short graduation speech uses an “ABCs of life” format to pack a lot of power into a short amount of time. The class president gets wild applause from the audience for his quick but clever speech.

“We must Q – quit quitting, and R – run the race with patience.”

  • Thank teachers and your parents or other family members for their support, encouragement, help, aid or personal assistance during your years of studying.
  • Praise accomplishments and achievements of the class.
  • Reflect upon the past years, what has changed and is interesting enough to share with all?
  • Mention funny and exciting events, you can opt for funny oneliners or even small innocent jokes, poems or quotations from famous people if you like.
  • Motivate your fellow students and teachers and professors to look to the bright future:
  • I continue with the 10 most wanted and popular graduation speech topics:
  • Give advice, but avoid boring cliches that are totally not surprising.
  • Entertain by telling humorous anecdotes and vivid stories. Offer an account of an interesting or humorous incident.
  • Express the feelings of the class. But do not go over the top.
  • Say farewell to all attendees. This acknowledgment at parting is the warming-up for the next and final step
  • Wish the graduates of your class all the best and thank them for listening.

Don’t forget to:

Thank the parents and family.  Have your class honor them with applause. Not only have they made sure you showed up to school, there’s a host of other responsibilities that parents have sacrificed to accomplish for you. Now is your moment to focus on them for a minute or so.

Thank the teachers and administrators.  Each teacher or professor works many long hours that you don’t see in the classroom, and many have poured their hearts and lives into teaching. Take this moment to make it worth it for them.

Use some of my vote of thanks example expressions to feed you imagination for topics for graduation speech a little bit.

Make the address personal. When you decide to make your graduation speech personal, you will experience much bigger success. It will also be more fun to write and deliver a talk that brings high school or college to a close with recognition of the small things in education life. The memories you will run across looking through yearbooks and talking about with friends will be priceless for you as well.

Calm the nerves.  It is very intimidating to address hundreds of people in the audience while delivering a graduation speech. Many of us have fear of public speaking. Before you proceed, do this test. And practice the tips.

Consider including:

STORIES Include stories about your school. These high school graduation speech topics can be about teachers and funny things that have happened over the year.

EVENTS Include motivational or moving events that may have happened – perhaps volunteer opportunities that have changed the students’ perspective. Make sure that any major events that have happened are recognized.

Sports and music events that have been important to the school need to be recognized, even if it happened in one of the prior years of your class and not the graduating year.

CLASS EXPERIENCE Bring the class experience alive for those attending the graduation. Grandparents and parents, as well as siblings, have heard the names from school.

Bring the people to the campus life that they have heard about.

DECEASED If a fellow student or teacher has died, mention that person. Make it not a funeral obituary eulogy but recognize them for the family who might be present.

PROJECTS Mention any projects that the school has undertaken; if you have been involved in a community garden or other volunteer organization give credit for the impact it has made.

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Messes Can Always Be Cleaned Up — A Preschool Graduation Commencement Address

A preschool child sitting in front of a chalkboard full of question marks looking at a book through ...

Graduates, we gather today to celebrate your years of hard work and dedication. It was a long road that got you here, to this moment, and no, you cannot hit one another with your hats.

Graduation means you’ve made it through preschool, and in just a couple months, you’ll be real kindergartners. You’ll face many challenges, perhaps some setbacks. You’ll need resilience and grit to succeed in elementary school, but you’ve all got what it takes.

Some of the biggest lessons you’ll learn in school will be in the cafeteria and on the playground, not in your classrooms. I’m not talking about things like don’t buy lunch on sloppy joe day, or that when it’s sunny outside the handles on the monkey bars get really hot, although those are obviously important things to know. What I mean is that you’ll learn a lot from other children, and if they’re lucky, they’ll learn from you too.

On the first day of school, find the kid who’s sitting by himself in the lunchroom. Look for the little girl who’s crying for her mom in the mornings. See the student who’s standing alone on the playground while the other kids play zombies vs. werewolves. Be their friend. Sit down next to them, tell them it’s going to be okay, then reach out your hand and ask them if they want to play with you. Tell your friends to do the same thing.

You’ll need to stand up for people. If you see someone being mean, stop them. Tell them we don’t treat each other that way because it’s way more fun when we can all play and be friends. The world needs people who stop others from being mean. You can be those people! Make that your job right now. You are the ones who make everyone be nice.

Always remember that the coolest kids are the ones who are different. How neat is it that no one looks alike, sounds alike, or even thinks alike? If another boy or girl is interested in something you think is a little weird, or maybe even kind of scary, be brave and ask them about it. Get excited with them. Make sure you always take the time to learn about new things and people with different lives than yours. It’s actually really fun to be friends with people who aren’t exactly like us.

You can be different too. You don’t have to wear the same clothes, eat the same foods, or enjoy the same movies, TV shows, or characters as everybody else. We all get to like our own stuff. Even better? We can all look however we want. Check it out: We’ve got a body and a life, and we can do so many fun things with them. We can be whatever we want!

Be a helper. The world needs helpers right now, and it doesn’t matter that you’re only 5 or 6. Children can help too. You guys matter, and you can make a difference. If someone falls and skins their knee, go over and make sure they’re okay. When a friend can’t carry his heavy backpack, go over and give a hand. Wipe down the board for your teacher. If another child is sad, ask her if she needs a hug, and share a toy or a book. Tell her you care about her. Doing stuff like that is a much bigger deal than making it to the third-grade reading group way ahead of schedule — trust me.

You don’t have to decide what you want to be when you grow up right now. Don’t worry about that. Grownups will ask you what you want to be all the time, but that’s because they can’t think of anything else to say to children. You shouldn’t be thinking about a job you might have in 16 years. Your work right now is to play. It’s to explore and build things and take things apart just so you can see exactly how they’re put together. Mess with things. Make up stories and act them out. Have adventures.

When you are a grownup, you might have to wear a uniform or a suit. You might have to cut your hair a certain way, or you might not be able to get away with wearing a tiara on an everyday basis. Wear silly costumes now. Play dress up. Put on wacky leggings with light-up shoes and a top covered in glitter. Top the whole thing off with a unicorn horn and a rainbow crown. It’s okay to dress as wild as you want . Have fun with that.

Guess what else you should have fun with? Creating. You don’t have to make a brown horse if you think it would be cooler in sparkle aqua. Make all kinds of things — real life things that we can hold and touch and turn upside down. Get out the glue, the stapler, the scissors (ask your parents first), and go to town. Build stuff.

You’re going to learn to read and to write. You’ll do math problems and learn about Colonial times. Some of you may take a little longer to get it than others, but that doesn’t matter. In just a few years, your brains will be filled with facts. You’ll learn all sorts of new skills. It’s going to happen, so think of school as an adventure you get to go on every day, and try not to be too hard on yourselves.

We grownups don’t expect you to be perfect. If you mess up, or make a mistake, or even get into a little trouble, understand that is how you’ll learn and keep learning. You know how if you make a big mess, if you work together you can always get it all cleaned up? Well, life is like that too. Messes can always be cleaned up. Most of the time you’ll get another turn. If you don’t get the part you wanted in the class play, be super happy for the student who did, and know that your time will come too. We all get disappointed, and we all get a chance to shine.

Good luck, graduating preschoolers! We are so very proud of each and every one of you.

This article was originally published on June 9, 2017

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

How to Write a Kindergarten Graduation Speech

Kindergartener in graduation robe and cap.

Kindergarten graduation is an emotional milestone that brings smiles and tears to doting family members who can’t believe this special year is already over. Some schools recognize the significance of the event with pomp and circumstance that may include speeches, music, graduation apparel, certificates and a graduation cake shaped like a school bus. Delivering a graduation speech that will captivate students and adults alike is a formidable challenge. Consider giving a multimedia presentation instead of a memorized speech because kindergartners get bored quickly, as parents and teachers well know.

Explore this article

  • Prepare Opening Remarks
  • Share Highlights of the Year
  • Express Gratitude

1 Plan Ahead

The best time to start writing a kindergarten graduation speech is the first day of school. Keep a journal noting impressive accomplishments during the year, such as the giant purple dinosaur a student constructed using balloons and papier mache. Obtain permission from parents to take occasional photos for viewing at the graduation ceremony. Photos and videos can reinforce the tremendous learning that you describe in your speech. Write a draft of your speech at least one week before graduation, so you’ll have time to revise and rehearse it.

2 Prepare Opening Remarks

Write a friendly welcome to students, parents, siblings, grandparents, family friends and fellow teachers in attendance. Encourage distinguished guests to stand and be recognized, such as the principal, superintendent or school board members. Explain why graduation ceremonies are important rituals at any age. Ask the children to stand. Invite the audience to applaud the graduates for their determination and success.

3 Share Highlights of the Year

Reference notable events of the year, such as a field trip to the fire station and the school play. Stress impressive facts, such as low absenteeism, strong class participation and success in meeting state standards that measure learning through the curriculum. Mention each child by name along with a special accomplishment or good deed. Show a power point slide or iMovie while talking, or ask children to stand when their name and achievements are mentioned.

4 Express Gratitude

Thank the parents, caregivers and family members for playing a key role in the learning process. Explain that parental involvement and high expectations correlate with student achievement. Note that the school views families and caretakers as influential partners in educating children and preparing them for a bright future. Encourage adults present to read to their children over the summer to keep skills fresh for the challenges of first grade.

Express your confidence that the graduating class has tremendous potential, and wish them well in their journey. End with a favorite inspirational quote, such as “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go” by Dr. Seuss. Thank everyone for coming and encourage everyone to enjoy cookies and punch if there’s a reception.

  • 1 Reading and Writing to Learn: Strategies across the Curriculum; Katherine Wiesolek Kuta
  • 2 Michigan Department of Education: What Research Says About Parent Involvement in Children's Education

About the Author

Dr. Mary Dowd is a dean of students whose job includes student conduct, leading the behavioral consultation team, crisis response, retention and the working with the veterans resource center. She enjoys helping parents and students solve problems through advising, teaching and writing online articles that appear on many sites. Dr. Dowd also contributes to scholarly books and journal articles.

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The Ultimate Kindergarten Graduation Idea Guide for Teachers + Award Ideas for the End of the Year

Hero image

Written by Hilary Dorr

In the blink of an eye, graduation season is already upon us! Are you on the hunt for kindergarten graduation ideas you can execute easily this spring with kid-friendly songs, quotes and maybe a few end-of-year student awards you can hand out?

We know there’s a lot on your plate, so our teacher team has compiled a comprehensive guide to hosting a memorable kindergarten graduation! Read on for teacher-tested ideas, books to read, songs to sing, graduation themes and tips to plan the perfect event that families will love and students will enjoy.

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Graduating from kindergarten is a big milestone, and a celebration will give your students a sense of accomplishment and pride. Plus, family members will appreciate your efforts! You don’t need to spend a lot of money to mark this special time in your students’ lives. Do what you’re comfortable with, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Keep scrolling for ideas on hosting a classic graduation ceremony, award ideas and alternative activities if hosting a traditional award ceremony isn’t your style!

Choose a Theme

If you’re planning to go all out with your kindergarten graduation, you might want to start by choosing a theme. Although it’s not a must, a theme can sometimes make things easier as it focuses the planning. Will your kids walk the red carpet to receive their diplomas? Cross the rainbow into first grade? Here are some fun theme ideas:

  • The Places You’ll Go
  • Up and Away
  • Blasting Off to First Grade
  • We Are a Rainbow of Possibilities
  • Beach Blast
  • Cupcakes and Sweets
  • My Future’s So Bright
  • We’re a Bright Bunch

Your theme can extend from the class bulletin board all the way to the door! Here’s some inspiration from Massachusetts kindergarten teacher Katie. She chose the beloved Pete the Cat and the words College Starts With Kindergarten.

College Starts With Kindergarten Classroom Door

Photo courtesy of Massachussets kindergarten teacher Katie Nicole .

Looking for ways to save money on a decorative ceremony? Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Use just caps instead of caps and gowns. Kids can wear what they’d like and still get the graduate feel.
  • If you’re a new teacher and want to have a formal ceremony each year, add caps and gowns to your teacher Amazon wishlist. Once you have a full class set, you can use them each year instead of having families pay for their own caps and gowns.
  • Have students wear graduation crowns instead of caps and gowns. There’s nothing quite like a crown when you’re 5 or 6! (Check out these printable last day of school crowns !)
  • Keep an eye out for sales at Target and similar stores for things like letterboards and photo booth props. You can also check your local dollar store.
  • Just like caps and gowns, save graduation decor to use each year. Laminate banners and signs for easy storage with little to no damage.
  • Instead of traditional caps, have your kindergartners cut, color and create their own promotion cap for gradution!

Promotion Cap Template Teach Starter

Songs for Kindergarten Graduation

Is there even a graduation ceremony without music? Dozens of songs can fulfill your needs, whether you want to create a playlist of background music, need songs for the kids to walk to as they receive their diplomas or tunes the entire class can sing in front of their families as a special send-off.

We’ve saved you the time it would take to comb through all the songs out there to make sure they’re kid-friendly and came up with a few teacher-approved songs for the ceremony.

Here are some great songs for background music:

  • Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift
  • Over the Rainbow by Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo’ole
  • My Wish by Rascal Flatts
  • Let Them Be Little by Billy Dean
  • You’ve Got a Friend in Me by Randy Newman
  • Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root
  • Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
  • Celebration by Kool and the Gang
  • Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds
  • You’ll Be In My Heart by Phill Collins
  • Happy by Pharell Williams (this could also be a singalong song where the kids sing during the “happy” segments and clap where appropriate)

These tunes are great for a full-class singalong:

  • First Grade, First Grade (to the tune of New York, New York)
  • You Are My Sunshine
  • ABC You Later
  • One Small Voice by Jack Hartmann
  • With a Little Help From My Friends by the Beatles
  • What I Am by
  • I’m Ready to Go

Teacher Tip Song Playlist Teach Starter

Graduation Ceremony

So you’ve chosen a theme and have a playlist of music. What’s next?

Having a set plan of events will help your graduation run smoothly and efficiently. Will your graduation be held in your classroom? The gym or the library? If you need to book another location other than your classroom, make sure you plan ahead to have a date and time set up just for your class.

Regardless of where you decide to host your ceremony, running through the day’s events in the week or days leading up to graduation will help your class know what to expect and feel prepared. Have they tried on their caps and gowns? Will they walk across a stage to receive their diploma? Will they shake your hand and pause for a photo op? These are all actions to consider, and a rehearsal with just the kindergartners can help prevent (or at least lessen!) chaos on graduation day.

Of course, you don’t have to plan everything on your own. Do not be afraid to delegate.

If you’re lucky enough to have some eager parents who are offering to help, let them! Reach out through email or your next classroom newsletter that you’re looking for volunteers to help decorate or assist in graduation prep. Families can help in a number of ways from organizing food to bring in, collecting decor to make your classroom festive or even helping each child get into their cap and gown before the ceremony begins.

Here’s a hypothetical list of events to get prepped for the big day:

  • Have chairs set up for both the students and their families. You may want to talk to the custodians about this early so they can plan, and the chairs in the front should be marked off so your students have a place to sit.
  • Get students dressed in their caps and gowns 30 minutes before families arrive. This gives you time to get it all done, but it’s not so early that you’ll have 30 5- and 6-year-olds milling around all dressed up with nowhere to go!
  • As families arrive, make sure there is somewhere there to let them know where to sit. You might be able to ask some pre-k parent volunteers to help out with this as they may be curious about what will happen when their children are in kindergarten!
  • Once everyone has arrived, welcome the group and give an overview of the past year (What did the class work on? What were some big milestones or accomplishments? Were there any memorable field trips or class visitors?).
  • To embellish an overview of the year, you can play a slideshow of photos while you speak or afterward with some music.
  • Hand out diplomas and any end-of-year awards (more on that below)! Make sure to pause with each child for photo ops before they go back to their seat.
  • If your students practiced a song, have everyone come to the front to perform as a final ceremonial event.
  • Thank everyone for coming, and invite everyone to have some food and mingle before going home.

Photo Tip for Teachers Teach Starter

If you plan to have a food table with snacks, desserts or a cake, ask families beforehand if there are any food allergies and label each treat accordingly. If you plan to ask families to pitch in with food items, run it by your admin beforehand.

Kindergarten Graduation Awards

Planning to award your kindergartners at the graduation ceremony? You can stick to the old standards of most improved at spelling or best student in X subject, but why not take their social and emotional learning into consideration when creating your superlative awards? This reminds our students that how we treat others is just as important as how we perform on academics.

Here are some of our teacher team’s favorite end-of-year award ideas that will make your students smile bright (and their families proud!).

  • Ask each child what they’re most proud of from the year, and create an award just for that.
  • Most smiley
  • Best sharer
  • Miss/Mr. Manners
  • Good friend
  • Kindest Kindergartner
  • Best problem solver
  • Most helpful
  • Biggest smiler
  • Team Player
  • Mega Musician
  • Awesome Artist

Image of End-of-Year Class Superlative Awards with green bubbles with text reading

Books to Read at Your Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

If you need another filler activity for your ceremony, reading a book is a sweet way to send your kids off to their summer before first grade. Here are some teacher favorites to consider that may or may not get the waterworks going for you and the families attending:

  • First Grade, Here I Come by D.J. Steinberg
  • A Letter From Your Teacher On the Last Day of School by Shannon Olsen
  • The Night Before Kindergarten Graduation by Natasha Wing
  • The Berenstein Bears’ Graduation Day by Mike Berenstein
  • Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
  • Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes by James Dean
  • You Are a Beautiful Beginning by Nina Laden
  • Going Places by Paul A. Reynolds
  • Be You by Paul A. Reynolds
  • Just in Case You Want to Fly by Julie Fogliano
  • The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be by Joanna Gaines

Kindergarten Graduation Books Teach Starter

How Not to Cry at Graduation

Speaking of crying … we’re going to tell you a little secret, there’s no sure way to prevent it, and that’s OK! Those bittersweet tears only show just how much you treasure your students, and they’ll feel the love that much more. Make sure you have tissues handy for you and the rest of the tearful ones.

A cute way to remember your class is to have your students sign their names and/or decorate a white t-shirt (or bag, dress, sweatshirt, etc.). You can do this a few days before the ceremony so you have a sweet keepsake to wear on grad day.

Parents are already bound to be tearful, but you’re almost guaranteed to bring on the waterworks if you have your students write out what they want to be when they grow up. Families can treasure this early goal their child has in mind. This printable template works great as a bulletin board display as well if you need some easy graduation decor!

When I Grow Up Teach Starter

Quotes to Use for Graduation

Sometimes a few words go a long way. Take a look at some inspirational quotes that can be used as decor, included on diplomas or written in a letter to your students to take home:

  • “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  • “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” — J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
  • “It isn’t where you come from. It’s where you’re going that counts.” — Ella Fitzgerald
  • “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “If you can dream it, you can do it!” — Walt Disney
  • “Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” — Gabrielle Giffords
  • “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” — Helen Keller
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” — Confucius
  • “All our dreams can come true…if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
  • “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” — Robin Williams
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Alternatives to a Graduation Ceremony

If you have limited planning time or aren’t a fan of a traditional ceremony, many alternatives can be just as memorable and special! Consider these activities:

  • Take a class “field trip” to the first-grade classrooms around the school . This will allow students to meet their potential future teachers and get an idea of what their classroom may look like in the fall.
  • Host a class talent show . For more shy students who may not want to sing a song or perform, invite them to participate in a show and tell so they can talk about a special item they own, share a photo they love or present something they’ve drawn or created.
  • Create a photo booth with signs that say “I graduated from kindergarten today” or “Kindergarten graduate.” Take a photo of each child so their families have a treasured keepsake from their last day.
  • Have a movie and popcorn day . You can even double up with a coworker for a combined celebratory viewing in the library.
  • Get outside with field day-type activities just for your class. There are many activities you can include, such as a water balloon toss, tug of war, potato sack race, bubble blowing station, or simply free play in the school field. Get everyone together for a class photo before students go home for the summer.
  • Host a picnic with your students’ families . Be sure to include what items you’d like families to contribute (if they can) whether it be food items, blankets to sit on or fun games that can be played outside.
  • Host a breakfast at school . Like a picnic, make sure families know what they can bring and what to expect on the last day.

However you choose to organize and execute your kindergarten graduation, we hope it runs smoothly, and you enjoy your last day of school to the fullest. Pat yourself on the back; you deserve it!

Looking for more end-of-year activity ideas leading up to graduation? Take a look at our entire collection for activity booklets, mystery pictures, STEM challenges and much more.

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sample speech for kindergarten graduation

Sample Speech by School Principal on Graduation Ceremony

Your excellence ____________, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, governing board members, school staff, parents, and honored guests, welcome to our 15th graduation ceremony.

Today marks both an end and a new beginning for our graduates. A time for parents to both honor their child’s accomplishments and a time to worry as they embark on their next journey.

But parents let me put your mind at ease, your child is very well prepared for whatever they choose to peruse after [School Name].

Through the education and the knowledge that they have, and most importantly the guidance, values and the love that you, the parents, have provided to your children, now they are ready to face any challenge.

Today we celebrate dedication and love. Parents, you must be proud of your child and yourselves. On behalf of the school and the students, I want to say: thank you.

Teachers, you have been a key element in the children’s education. Your unconditional support has inspired and encouraged them to achieve their best at [School Name]. Your planning, teaching, and encouraging have come to fruition. How proud you must be today to see your students with bags of good character, lifelong learning skills, and integrity. Your support and dedication cannot be stressed enough. None of this is possible without you. On behalf of the students and the parents, I want to say: thank you.

[School Name] is committed to creating an innovative and a creative education system and to prepare students for a rapidly changing world. We are keen to achieve excellence in education and to ensure relevance, quality, and balance among intellectual, and physical elements in the learning process.

Our mission is to empower and educate students though engaging them in positive student-centered education that balances academic excellence with physical, social and emotional well-being. Massive investments have been planned to create systems based on the requirements of the National Agenda. We are prepared today as we have always been.

Graduates, our warmth congratulations. Just 14 short years ago, you wondered into the kindergarten classroom to start your learning journey. Today, you are about to walk through the school gates as students for one last time.

You took all the knowledge and attention your parents provided and molded it into your own character, making you the fine young ladies and gentlemen that you are today.

Don’t you forget where you came from. Remember the foundation of your family and your society, build upon it and use it to guide you in everything that you do. Stick to the values, morals, and ethics that you were raised into and honor them in every day of your life.

Don’t focus on the negatives and the obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals. Have a positive outlook at the world. It will make it easier for you to be successful.

I hope that each one of you finds themselves on a stage big enough to have great influence, proclaiming truth and fairness and making a significant difference to the world. From my part, I strongly believe that the future of our society is in very capable hands.

Don’t you ever give up and don’t be afraid of failure. It is ok to fail as long as you learn something from it. The only better thing better than winning, is losing then winning again. Try again, and again, and you shall find success.

Don’t worry if you still don’t know what you want from life. As a matter of fact, some of the most interesting and successful people that I know, still don’t. Life is a journey, and as long as you enjoy it and do what is good for you, your family, and your society, then you are on the right track.

Focus on your goals but don’t live by them. Don’t be afraid of change. Change is a fundamental aspect of our lives. What you want today may be different from what you want ten years from now. That is perfectly normal.

Everything is up for grabs and you can become anything that you desire. You can accomplish anything that you want. Nothing is impossible. We are so proud of what you have evolved to become. You have so much to offer to the world and we are eagerly waiting.

Congratulations to you and to your families. I wish each and every one of you the best of luck, success, and happiness.

sample speech for kindergarten graduation

What are examples of impactful kindergarten graduation speeches?

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Examples of impactful kindergarten graduation speeches:

Emphasizing Personal Growth and Self-Acceptance:

  • Start by congratulating the graduates, their parents, and the school staff [1] .
  • Share a personal story or experience from your own kindergarten days [1] .
  • Highlight the importance of self-acceptance and being proud of one's achievements, regardless of external comparisons [1] .
  • Encourage the graduates to continue growing, learning, and being their best selves [1] .

Fostering a Sense of Community and Kindness:

  • Acknowledge the support and guidance provided by teachers, parents, and fellow students [1] .
  • Discuss the importance of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity in building a strong and supportive community [1] .
  • Share examples of acts of kindness and how they can make a positive impact on others [1] .
  • Encourage the graduates to continue spreading kindness and making a difference in the world [1] .

Reflecting on Achievements and Future Goals:

  • Celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of the kindergarten journey [1] .
  • Discuss the excitement and challenges that lie ahead as the graduates transition to the next phase of their education [1] .
  • Encourage the graduates to set goals, dream big, and work hard to achieve their aspirations [1] .
  • Remind them that mistakes and setbacks are part of the learning process and should not deter them from pursuing their dreams [1] .

Learn more:

  • My First Guest Speaker Speech | Virtual Graduation - The Girly Kid
  • Preschool Graduation Speech
  • Kindergarten student brings audience to tears remembering late mom in graduation speech - Good Morning America

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Graduation Speech Examples

50 top graduation speech ideas (& examples).

Try to search online and you’ll find a lot of graduation speech examples. If you’re in charge of giving a speech during this important event, you have the choice of whether to compose a long or short graduation speech. As long as you’re able to convey your message, the length isn’t that relevant.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Graduation Speech Examples
  • 2 What should you write about in your graduation speech?
  • 3 Graduation Speech Outlines
  • 4 Structuring your graduation speech
  • 5 Graduation Speech Templates
  • 6 High School Graduation Speech
  • 7 Tips for writing graduation speech
  • 8 College Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 01

What should you write about in your graduation speech?

Most people wonder what to write for their graduation speech examples. Whether you need to compose a high school graduation speech example or a college graduation speech example, you must put a lot of careful thought and consideration into the contents of your speech.

In the past, writing a graduation speech template wasn’t that intimidating. But now, you should remember that there’s a high likelihood that the people present at the event will post your speech on social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube. This makes it imperative that you compose a speech that’s effective, interesting, and won’t end up offending anyone.

A lot of incredible speakers start their speech-writing process by creating an outline. So, if you want to come up with a great speech, you may want to start off with a graduation speech outline . Here, you include everything you want to include in your speech. From there, writing becomes easier.

Graduation Speech Outlines

Free graduation speech example 10

Structuring your graduation speech

When it comes to the structure of your graduation speech, you have a few options to choose from. As you create your graduation speech outline, you’re giving it a structure for you to follow when it’s time to start writing.

You may create a long or short graduation speech depending on how much you want to say and how long you want to stand in front of the graduating class. You can even create a graduation speech template using the structure of your choice. This makes it easier for you for the next time you need to come up with a speech.

If you have no idea where to start, you may go online and read high school graduation speech examples or college graduation speech examples. Use these as your reference or for your inspiration as you write your speech.

Graduation Speech Templates

Free graduation speech example 20

Either way, these examples will be a great help to you if it’s your first time to compose such a speech. To guide you, here are some structures to follow for your graduation speech:

  • Use a few themes which you illustrate with non-fictional or personal stories For this type of speech, you can use a couple of themes which you introduce early in your speech. From reaching their dreams of finding their own place in the world, there are so many themes to choose from. Then illustrate these themes further using non-fictional examples or stories from your personal life.
  • Use several themes which you illustrate with short anecdotes or personal stories For this structure, you come up with a number of themes for your audiences. But instead of sharing those themes at the start of your speech, you share short anecdotes or personal stories which illustrate those themes. Then you give helpful advice to your audience to help them in their future endeavors. However, this structure isn’t ideal for short graduation speeches. Since you’re going to use several themes, this means that your speech would be relatively long. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to use this for a college graduation speech, not one for a high school graduation .
  • Use an autobiographical narrative If you plan to use this structure for your graduation speech examples, it means that you want to open up and share more details about your life to your audience. It’s sort of like a mini-memoir wherein the audience learns a lot about the experiences you’ve had in your personal life. As you share these experiences, you also share a lot of life lessons with them. Although you don’t give advice directly at the beginning of your speech, you would incorporate these little bits of advice throughout your speech. Talk about your own experiences after graduation, how you dealt with the real world, and how you overcame different kinds of challenges.
  • Use the main theme and some personal references Finally, you can also structure your speech in such a way that you’re leading up to one main theme or point. A lot of people find this structure to be extremely difficult to put together because they feel like it’s too limited. But as long as you create a graduation speech outline, following this structure won’t be that much of a challenge.

High School Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 30

Tips for writing graduation speech

Whether you’re representing the graduation class or you’re asked to come and give a speech to the graduating class, you have to come up with your own graduation speech. The good news is that there are a lot of graduation speech examples which you can use as a reference.

Writing a graduation speech doesn’t have to be a difficult task. As long as you have an idea of what to write and you know what you want to say to the graduating class, the words will start flowing from your mind. But if you need some help, here are some tips to guide you:

  • Brainstorming Any great speech starts with a brainstorming session. You can begin by asking yourself what you want to write in your speech. If you’re the representative of the graduating class, then think about all of the learning and experiences you’ve gained throughout your education. If they asked you to speak for the graduating class, then think about the advice you want to share to them in order to inspire them and somehow prepare them for what’s to come. Brainstorming involves a lot of thought, especially about the future. There’s nothing wrong with talking about the past and the present but since you’ll speak to a graduating class, talking about the future is much more relevant. As you think about the things to say, write everything down on a piece of paper. Later on, you can review your ideas to see which ones to keep and which ones to remove from your speech.
  • Choosing a theme After your brainstorming session, you’d have a lot of ideas, stories, and advice to share to your audience. Now it’s time to begin shaping all of these into one coherent speech. To do this, you may want to think about the theme to focus on for your speech. Whether you want to choose a single theme or a collection of themes which you will link with one another, this step makes speech writing easier. Also, having a theme makes the speech more memorable and impactful to the audience. With a theme, you’ll also be able to sort through the things you’ve written down more effectively only choosing the ones which relate to your theme.
  • Building the structure After you’ve identified the theme, you can start building the structure of your graduation speech. Here are some steps to help you out: Make sure that your introductory statement grabs the attention of your audience right away. In other words, get the audience “hooked” from the beginning so they will feel compelled to listen to your entire speech. Illustrate the theme you’ve chosen by telling stories. Keep in mind that the best stories always have a beginning with a challenge or obstacle, a middle where you share how you overcame it, and an end where you discussed how this experience helped you grow. For the end of your speech, tie together all of the points you’ve discussed throughout your speech. Also, make it clear how your message applies to your audience. You may also share valuable advice to your audience in the conclusion of your speech.
  • Practicing your delivery Even after you’ve written your speech, the work doesn’t end there. You also have to deliver it to the graduating class. For a lot of people, this part is a lot more intimidating, especially for those who aren’t used to speaking in front of an audience. Here are some pointers for you: If you’ve created a short graduation speech, you may want to try memorizing it. This helps you focus on your delivery to make it more personable. Don’t speak too fast even when you’re feeling nervous. Try practicing in front of friends and family so you can learn how to consciously slow down your speaking rate. Once in a while, pause during the delivery of your speech. You can either pause to emphasize your point or to give the audience some time to consider what you’ve said. If you want to keep your audience engaged, make eye contact. Don’t feel stressed or stop if you make any mistake. Just continue with your speech.
  • Other tips for you Don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you on your journey. If you aren’t part of the graduating class, thank the person who invited you to give the speech. Be as lively and enthusiastic as possible when delivering your speech. If it’s your first time to deliver a speech, practice again and again. Have fun with it! Feeling stressed won’t help.

College Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 40

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72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

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They aced finger painting, mastered the art of nap time, and (probably) learned all the letters in their alphabet soup. Yes, your little scholar is graduating kindergarten! 

This momentous occasion deserves a celebration, and what better way to mark it than with a heartfelt message? 

But crafting the perfect words can feel trickier than mastering those scissor skills. Worry not, proud parent (or grandparent, aunt, uncle, you name it!), because we’ve got you covered. 

Dive into our list of the best kindergarten graduation messages, guaranteed to make your tiny graduate feel like a superstar!

Kindergarten Graduation Messages (Top Picks)

  • Look at you, graduating kindergarten! It seems like just yesterday you were mastering finger painting, and now you’re reading books and counting like a pro. Keep that curiosity burning bright , because there’s a whole world waiting to be explored. Congratulations!
  • We’re bursting with pride for our little superstar kindergartener! You’ve learned so much this year, from making new friends to singing all the alphabet songs. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you accomplish next. Shine on!
  • Kindergarten graduation? This calls for a celebration ! You’ve conquered nap time, mastered your ABCs, and learned to share with your classmates. Keep reaching for the stars, little one. The sky’s the limit!
  • You did it! You graduated from kindergarten! We’re so impressed by how much you’ve grown this year. From shy smiles to confident presentations, you’ve blossomed into a wonderful little learner. Here’s to many more adventures in school!
  • Remember that time you struggled to tie your shoes? Look at you now, a kindergarten graduate who can tackle any challenge! Keep using your imagination and your kind heart, and you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to. Congratulations!
  • We’re so proud of the resilient kindergartener you’ve become! You faced new challenges this year, made mistakes, and learned from them all. That’s the spirit! Keep growing, keep learning, and keep being your awesome self.

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • Kindergarten graduation – a milestone to remember! You’ve soaked up knowledge like a sponge, learned to play nicely with others, and most importantly, had a ton of fun along the way. Here’s to an amazing journey through school!
  • We can’t believe how much you’ve learned in kindergarten! You’ve become a master storyteller, a math whiz, and a friend to everyone. Keep that thirst for knowledge alive, and never stop asking questions. Congratulations, little graduate!
  • Tears of joy for our kindergarten graduate! This year has been a whirlwind of learning and laughter, and you’ve embraced it all with a smile. Never lose your love of learning and the joy of discovery. We’re so proud of you!
  • From playground adventures to classroom sing-alongs, kindergarten has been a blast! We’re so impressed with how much you’ve grown, both in knowledge and kindness. Here’s to an exciting first grade adventure!
  • Kindergarten graduation – a day to celebrate a remarkable little learner! You’ve amazed us with your creativity, your determination, and your sweet personality. Keep shining bright, little one. The world needs your spark!
  • Kindergarten graduation marks the end of an era, but the beginning of an amazing journey! You’ve learned so much, made new friends, and discovered new talents. We can’t wait to see what incredible things you accomplish next. Congratulations, little graduate!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

Kindergarten Graduation Messages from Grandparents

  • My dearest [Grandchild’s Name], Can you believe it? Kindergarten graduation! It feels like just yesterday you were a tiny tot, and now you’re a full-fledged kindergartener! I’m so incredibly proud of all you’ve learned this year. Keep shining bright, and remember, Grandma/Grandpa is always here to cheer you on!
  • Congratulations on graduating kindergarten, [Grandchild’s Name]! We’ve watched you grow and learn so much this year. Your curiosity and enthusiasm are contagious, and we can’t wait to see what first grade has in store for you!
  • Look who’s a graduate! It’s you, [Grandchild’s Name]! We’re bursting with pride for all you’ve accomplished this year. From mastering your ABCs to making new friends, you’ve amazed us every step of the way. Here’s to many more graduations to come!
  • Hooray! [Grandchild’s Name] is a kindergarten graduate! We’re so happy to celebrate this special day with you. You’ve learned so much this year, and we can’t wait to hear all about your favorite kindergarten memories. Remember, learning is a lifelong adventure, so keep exploring and discovering!
  • My precious grandchild, graduating kindergarten is a BIG deal! We’re so impressed with all you’ve learned and the wonderful friends you’ve made. Keep using your imagination and creativity , and never stop learning new things. We love you more than words can say!
  • Congratulations, [Grandchild’s Name], on graduating kindergarten! It’s been such a joy to watch you blossom this year. We’re so proud of your kindness and compassion towards others. Remember, the world needs more people like you, so keep spreading your sunshine!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • We knew you could do it, [Grandchild’s Name]! Kindergarten graduation – what a fantastic achievement! Your perseverance and positive attitude have inspired us all year long. Don’t ever lose your spark, and keep reaching for the stars!
  • Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Our little [Grandchild’s Name] is a kindergarten graduate! We’re absolutely thrilled for you. You’ve learned so much, grown so tall, and become even more hilarious . Keep those jokes coming, and keep learning new things every day!
  • Kindergarten graduation – conquered! We’re so proud of the amazing kindergartener you’ve become, [Grandchild’s Name]. Hold onto your love for learning, and never stop asking questions. Remember, Grandma/Grandpa is always here to answer them (even the silly ones!).
  • Bragging rights unlocked! We have the coolest, smartest kindergarten graduate in the whole world – [Grandchild’s Name]! You’ve worked so hard this year, and it’s definitely paid off. We can’t wait to see what incredible things you achieve next!
  • Cue the confetti! It’s graduation day for our favorite kindergartener, [Grandchild’s Name]! We’re so happy to celebrate this milestone with you. You’ve learned so much, made new friends, and become even more independent . We love watching you grow!
  • Congratulations on graduating kindergarten, [Grandchild’s Name]! We’re bursting with pride for the kind, curious, and clever kindergartener you’ve become. Remember, learning is an adventure, so keep exploring the world with a smile on your face! Here’s to an amazing first grade!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

Kindergarten Graduation Messages from Parents

  • To my little astronaut , graduating from kindergarten feels like a giant leap for mankind… well, at least for our family! We’re so proud of all you’ve learned and can’t wait to see what adventures first grade takes you on. Keep reaching for the stars!
  • Look at you, my bright-eyed butterfly ! Kindergarten graduation is a beautiful transformation. You’ve learned to spread your wings and fly high academically and socially. We can’t wait to see where you flutter next!
  • Our precious puzzle piece , you fit perfectly into the world of learning! Graduating from kindergarten is a huge accomplishment. We’re so proud of how you’ve grown and learned to solve problems with a smile. Keep shining!
  • We knew you were a mastermind in the making, and kindergarten graduation proves it! Those alphabet sounds, sight words, and counting skills – you conquered them all! We can’t wait to see what genius ideas you come up with next!
  • Kindergarten graduation is a big deal, little artist ! Your creativity has blossomed throughout the year, and seeing your artwork and imagination grow has been amazing. Keep using your vibrant colors to paint your own masterpiece of life!
  • Time flies when you’re having fun learning, doesn’t it? We’re so proud of you for graduating from kindergarten, our little explorer ! Keep using your curiosity and adventurous spirit to discover all the world has to offer.

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • From finger paints to first words, you’ve blossomed beautifully in kindergarten! Congratulations on your graduation, sweet pea ! We’re excited to see you continue to grow and learn in first grade.
  • We blinked, and suddenly, our champion is graduating from kindergarten! You’ve conquered challenges, made new friends, and learned so much. We’re your biggest fans, and we can’t wait to cheer you on in first grade!
  • Remember those first days of kindergarten, filled with butterflies and new experiences? Look at you now, a confident and proud graduate! We’re so happy for you, our little scholar . Keep learning and growing!
  • Congratulations on graduating from kindergarten, our precious gem ! You’ve shined brightly all year long with your kindness, enthusiasm, and thirst for knowledge. We’re so proud of the little person you’re becoming!
  • We can hardly believe it, but our little architect is graduating from kindergarten! You’ve built a strong foundation for learning with your hard work and dedication. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you create next!
  • Kindergarten graduation feels like yesterday you were our tiny seedling . Now, you’ve blossomed into a curious and kind student! We’re so proud of how you’ve grown, and we can’t wait to see how you flourish in first grade!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

Kindergarten Graduation Messages for Your Daughter

  • My dearest daughter, Look at you! Kindergarten graduation? You’ve grown so much this year, learned so much, and become even more amazing. I’m so proud of the curious learner you are. Keep exploring and asking questions, the world awaits your bright mind!
  • Congratulations on graduating kindergarten, my little sunshine! You bring so much joy to our lives, and it’s been incredible watching you blossom in school. Remember, learning is an adventure , keep exploring with that infectious smile!
  • You did it, kiddo! Kindergarten graduation is a big deal, and you crushed it! Your creativity and enthusiasm are contagious, keep using them to light up the world, one project at a time. We can’t wait to see what first grade has in store for you!
  • My precious daughter, kindergarten graduation is just the beginning! You’ve learned so much, made new friends, and sung countless songs. Never lose that love of learning and that sparkle in your eyes . We’re always here to cheer you on!
  • Hooray! Our little graduate is all grown up (well, almost)! Kindergarten flew by in a whirlwind of colors, stories, and new discoveries. Remember, mistakes are okay , they’re how we learn and grow. Keep reaching for the stars, sweetie!
  • We are bursting with pride to celebrate your kindergarten graduation, sweetheart! You’ve conquered the alphabet, mastered your colors, and maybe even learned to tie your shoes! Most importantly, you’ve grown into such a kind and caring person. Keep shining your light in first grade!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • Kindergarten graduation – doesn’t that sound fancy? You’ve worked so hard this year, and it’s definitely paid off! Your imagination knows no bounds, keep using it to dream big things and create endless possibilities. We love you to the moon and back!
  • Congratulations on graduating kindergarten, my little scholar! You soaked up knowledge like a sponge, sang every song with gusto, and made countless memories. Never stop asking “why” , that curiosity is what fuels your incredible mind. We’re so excited for your next adventure!
  • Look who’s graduating kindergarten! It seems like just yesterday you were starting school, a little bundle of nerves. Now, you’re a confident learner, ready to take on new challenges. Remember, the best things in life are learned through play , so keep having fun and exploring!
  • Kindergarten graduation – a milestone to celebrate! You’ve learned so much, made new friends, and become even more independent. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone , that’s how you discover new things about yourself. We’re by your side every step of the way!
  • Pinch me, I must be dreaming! My little one is graduating kindergarten? Time flies when you’re having fun, and it looks like you had a blast learning. Keep believing in yourself , your potential is limitless. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you achieve next!
  • Bravooo! Our little superstar is a kindergarten graduate! You’ve mastered counting, reading, and maybe even mastered the art of sharing your toys. The most important lesson? How to be a good friend. Keep spreading kindness and building those friendships, they’ll last a lifetime!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

Kindergarten Graduation Messages for Your Son

  • Look at you, my little scholar! Kindergarten graduation? You’ve conquered the alphabet, mastered counting, and probably figured out how to navigate the jungle gym like a pro. We’re bursting with pride! Here’s to endless adventures in first grade!
  • Remember that first day of kindergarten, all wide eyes and nervous butterflies? Now you’re a certified graduate, rocking that cap and gown! You’ve learned so much, made amazing friends, and grown into such a curious, kind young man. We can’t wait to see what first grade holds!
  • Kindergarten whiz, that’s you! You aced finger painting, mastered nap time (well, most days!), and even learned to share your favorite dinosaur toys (sometimes!). Seriously though, your growth this year has been incredible. Congratulations on graduating, superstar!
  • My heart is overflowing with pride, little man! You tackled kindergarten with such enthusiasm, from singing the alphabet song to mastering those tricky scissors. Keep that love of learning alive, and remember, we’re always here to cheer you on!
  • Holy moly , kindergarten graduate! Seems like just yesterday you were clinging to my leg on your first day. Now you’re a confident, independent little guy, ready to take on first grade. We’re so proud of all you’ve accomplished!
  • Kindergarten may be over, but the adventure is just beginning! You’ve learned so much, made new friends, and even (hopefully!) mastered the art of tying your shoes. Congratulations on graduating, champ! Here’s to endless learning and laughter in first grade!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • A giant congratulations to our kindergarten graduate! You’ve blossomed so much this year, learning new things every day. Your bright smile and infectious laughter light up our lives. Keep shining as you head into first grade!
  • We knew you were special from the start, but watching you conquer kindergarten has been truly amazing. You’ve learned new skills, discovered new interests, and become even more awesome than we could have imagined. Here’s to an incredible first grade year!
  • Kindergarten graduation? This calls for a celebration ! You’ve accomplished so much this year, from making new friends to mastering those tricky sight words. We’re beyond proud of the kind, curious, and intelligent young man you’ve become. Congratulations!
  • Hold on to your hats, because first grade here we come! Kindergarten graduation is a huge milestone, and you crushed it! You’ve learned so much, grown so much, and left your mark on this school. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you accomplish next.
  • From shy smiles to confident strides, you’ve conquered kindergarten with such grace! We’re so proud of the way you’ve blossomed this year, making friends, asking questions, and soaking up all the new knowledge. Here’s to a fantastic first grade adventure!
  • You did it, champ! Kindergarten graduation is no small feat. You’ve learned to read, write, and even (hopefully!) share your toys (most of the time!). Keep that curiosity burning bright as you step into first grade. We love you to the moon and back!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

Funny Kindergarten Graduation Messages

  • We’re so proud of our little graduate ! Now you can finally decipher those mystery lunch menus – good luck with first grade!
  • Look out world, here comes a certified crayon expert ! Congratulations on graduating kindergarten!
  • We can’t believe you survived nap time sing-alongs and glitter explosions. Kindergarten graduate: a true warrior!
  • You mastered the alphabet (mostly) and learned to share (sometimes). You’re officially ready for bigger things (like maybe tying your own shoes)!
  • We’re so happy you finally graduated kindergarten – now we can reclaim the living room from finger painting masterpieces! (Just kidding… mostly)
  • They said kindergarten would be a jungle, but you roared your way through it! Congratulations on your graduation!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

  • We knew you were destined for greatness – graduating kindergarten is just the beginning! (Now get some sleep, we have early mornings ahead!)
  • We’re not sure who learned more this year – you or your teacher! Congratulations on graduating kindergarten, little scholar!
  • We’re so proud of your monumental achievement – graduating kindergarten! Now go forth and conquer first grade, one nap at a time!
  • You aced finger painting, mastered the art of lunchtime trades, and (mostly) stopped eating glue. Congratulations, kindergarten graduate!
  • We never thought the day would come – you’re graduating kindergarten! Now the real question is, who will be bribing you with snacks to do your homework?
  • We may have shed a tear (or two) over missing school plays and macaroni art masterpieces, but we’re so proud of your graduation! Just promise to visit kindergarten for milk and cookies sometimes!

72 Kindergarten Graduation Messages and Wishes

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Free Graduation Speeches - Words of Wisdom that Inspire

Free Graduation Speeches that will motivate and inspire your audience - right at your fingertips! Graduation time - definitely a busy time of year.

free graduation speeches

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Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen and the Graduating Class of 2009.

Robert Gallagher said that change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. As you stand on the brink of moving into life beyond [insert name of educational institution to personalize the free graduation speeches] , change will be inevitable! It is inevitable and indeed gratifying to see that our Graduating Class of 2009 matured and became skills proficient ready to tackle and further their life-long education. It is inevitable that structures and processes and relationships will change in their day-to-day lives. It is inevitable that they will face new challenges and it is inevitable that things may seem a little different in the year ahead. Yes, life is definitely going to become a little "shaken up and stirred". 

But as we look back this evening on a journey - a journey that started out with hesitant, tentative steps, we see just how far these young Ladies and Gentlemen have progressed. It has been an honor and a privilege being part of their journey and one which has been imbued with wonderful memories. Allow me to share two such memories with you - memories that serve to illustrate that while some things will change and rightly so - the core fundamentals in their lives will remain the same. [The examples below in the free graduation speeches are very universal, but you may want to include two of your own stories here].

A sports event. A youngster is sitting next to the sports field trying to put on his sock. I walked past. The boy stands up, hopping around on one leg, his sock in his hand and he greets, "Sir!" He sits down again intent on putting on his sock. I walk on a little way and watch. The youngster it seems has chosen a bad spot. At least six other parents happen to walk past him, separately, but in relatively quick succession. And, every time, without fail, he clambers on to his one foot and greets, "Sir or Ma'am!" I'm not sure if he eventually did get his elusive sock on - but I can testify to the exceptional manners that I witnessed - manners that are so firmly ingrained that they are almost intuitive.

And then I also happened to witness a sports team playing a sporting match. The team was losing - quite significantly and the referee seemed to be making some tough calls. The stakes were high, shoulders were rounded and frustration levels were rising.

A Senior was sitting  nearby. He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out firmly, "Hold your heads high!" Just that! But that was all it took. Heads lifted, shoulders straightened and the team played their hearts out. I don't recall the final score, who won, who lost - it didn't seem that important. But I do recall how those words encouraged them and they played their best game ever.

It is these memories Ladies and  Gentlemen, that testify to the fine caliber our the Graduating Class of 2009. I would like to pay tribute to each and every one. You have all left and will continue to leave an indelible legacy of excellence, achievement and a fine ethos and tradition for generations to come. I would also like to pay tribute to to the wonderful teachers, the  parents, past pupils and indeed the board of governors - you have all guided, molded and shaped the Ladies and Gentlemen standing here tonight. Your role has been hugely instrumental in molding our youth...our hope for the future. 

Our future seems destined to be in capable hands. The Graduating Class of 2009 has achieved exceptional accolades,  perhaps too many to highlight or to single out [you may want to highlight one or two key areas here to add to the  free graduation speeches ]. Suffice to say that I believe that the vast majority of pupils strove to work to their potential, they aimed high, they set their goals and for the most part, they not only achieved them, but in fact surpassed them.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, as you face and tackle the inevitable changes, hold true to yourself. Remember to hold onto your value system, your work ethic and  most importantly, your humanity. It is these qualities that will guide you further on your journey. 

Today's achievements may fade or even be forgotten. The applause may become a distant memory and your certificates and medals may gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer. But, you will always be remembered for caring enough, for helping someone, for making someone feel special and appreciated and for being the kind of person that others enjoy spending time with.

Your life is a remarkable occasion  - I have no doubt that you will rise to it!

After college graduation, consider obtaining a masters of business administration to help you succeed and reach your professional goals.

So there you have it - free graduation speeches to inspire. Your audience couldn't ask for  a more memorable graduation gift - words of wisdom to remember for always!

Looking for an elementary school graduation speech ? Just click on the blue hyperlink - it'll get you there - one time!

Giving a Preschool Graduation Speech: Tips for Speaking to Parents & Preschoolers on Graduation Day

  • Rebecca Mayglothling
  • Categories : Preschool teaching strategies, advice & tips
  • Tags : Early education information for teachers, parents & caregivers

Giving a Preschool Graduation Speech: Tips for Speaking to Parents & Preschoolers on Graduation Day

Preparing Your Speech

Talking to preschoolers is simple in the classroom, where students understand the schedule and are prepared for instruction. Speaking on graduation day, however, is trickier due to the fact that the students are out of their normal element. Many of them will be excited and antsy. Asking the class to sit still through the full ceremony may be asking too much from children ages three to five. The most important aspects of delivering a speech to a preschool class are the length of the speech, the use of humor in the speech and the specific content of the speech. Prepare the speech at least a week ahead of time; more time is better. Recruit coworkers and other preschool teachers to listen to your speech and help with editing.

What If You’re Nervous?

Being nervous is natural. While you are with the children all day, you are not with the parents all day. On graduation day, the parents will be in attendance. While you will be comfortable addressing your class, you may be completely uncomfortable doing it in front of the parents. Take deep breaths before getting in front of the crowd and count backwards from ten slowly. This activity relaxes your muscles and slows the adrenaline which is already rushing through a nervous body. When you are in front of the crowd, remember you are addressing your class, so look at your class. Avoid looking at the crowd behind your class. The speech is for the same crowd you address on a daily basis, so remember this and address them.

The length of the speech is the most important part of the speech. While three to four year olds are beginning to gain a longer attention span, they are still young and will probably be excited on this special day. Asking them to pay attention may be akin to asking them to sit still for more than ten minutes - it may not happen as planned. Therefore, attempt to keep the speech under ten minutes and allow the children to move quickly to the next event. Delivering a speech quickly to preschool students allows them to pay attention to the speech while maintaining the ability to sit still for the duration of the ceremony.

Add Some Humor

Humor is an icebreaker and speech mover for every age group. Adults love humor; kids will love it too. Talk about jokes from the classroom or a funny incident in the classroom. Keep the kids laughing and you will keep their attention as well. Jokes and humor keep the speech light during a time which may otherwise be emotional. Depending on the type of teacher you are and the type of classroom you run, the humor in the speech will vary. Make it unique and make it your own but certainly use humor to make your beloved class smile and remain engaged during the speech.

Content is the Key!

Make the content personal. Talk to the class as a whole and review some fun times from the past year. Were there any field trips? Talk about the fun time had by the class. Were there special visitors? Talk about how the class responded to the visitor. Review favorite lessons or activities where the students seemed to have more fun than usual. A speech delivered to a preschool class from the teacher is allowed to be personal, as the speaker is directly addressing a specific group. Deliver good tidings toward the end of the speech, but keep the main topic of the speech reflective, as children at this age understand what has happened better than what will happen.

Including the Rest of the Crowd

The rest of the crowd will be listening to your speech; however, any stories or jokes you share with your class can be explained to the rest of the audience after the speeches are over, during the socialization after the ceremony. Don’t feel the need to explain every section of your speech to the rest of the audience. Your audience is your class. Keep this in mind when writing your speech and address the class as if it were just another day in preschool. At the same time, don’t include any content which may offend parents or make others wonder what the heck happened in your classroom!

Light Hearted Speeches

Graduation day at preschool should be joyous and fun, so any speeches addressed to the children will need to be kept light and energetic. It is obvious that you, as the teacher, are experiencing mixed emotions, but you are also the backbone of the children and the classroom. Keep up this role through graduation day and keep the mood happy for the children. Be sure to hug each child and say goodbye, but save the tears for later.

Photo Reference: RF

Author’s Own Experience


Inspiring Graduation Speeches For Kids and Students

By inspiredkid.

A good graduation speech can provide great wisdom and inspiration on how to pursue your dreams and become the best version of yourself. Below are several speeches that focus not about success and making money, but following your passions, being kind and making a difference in people’s lives.

From’s Jeff Bezos to First Lady Michelle Obama, there is a inspiring commencement speech here for everyone!

Jeff Bezos, Founder of

J.K. Rowling, Author of Harry Potter Series

Michelle Obama, First Lady of United States of America

Scott Pelley, CBS News Anchor

Oprah Winfrey, Talk Show Host

Dr. Ben Carson, John Hopkins Neurosurgeon

Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple

Randy Pausch, College Professor

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How to Host a Memorable Preschool Graduation

  • brightwheel

How to Host a Memorable Preschool Graduation

Preschool graduation is an essential milestone in a child's life. Graduating from preschool means a child is one step closer to starting kindergarten, which is a significant accomplishment. It's also a time for families to celebrate how far their child has come.

Preschool graduations give children a chance to show off the skills they have learned in the past year. Families get the opportunity to experience first-hand what their child has achieved throughout their time at preschool. 

Preschool graduation is a special day and there are a lot of things to consider when planning this event. This guide offers a few ideas to help make the day memorable.

three preschool aged children wearing blue graduation caps and gowns holding rolled, white diplomas

Celebrating milestones: Preschool graduation

Preschool graduation marks a pivotal milestone in a child's educational journey, celebrating their growth and the foundational skills they've acquired. This event not only signifies an important transition but also sets the stage for the beginning of a new and exciting chapter.

Preschool graduations are significant events that:

Celebrate children’s developmental milestones : A preschool graduation ceremony is a celebration, as it signifies children's ability to learn, grow, and take on more responsibility. It also shows that children are meeting developmental milestones, an essential step in children's lives that is worth celebrating.

Honor children and families for their time at your center : Preschool graduations are a chance to celebrate the children, families, and teachers who have worked together to make children’s learning and time at your center successful. 

  • Acknowledge teacher and family partnerships : Preschool graduations are also times to acknowledge the strong home-to-school connection that teachers and families have achieved. It is also an opportunity for families to consider how they can continue supporting their child's educational goals after they move on from preschool.

With brightwheel, you can strengthen relationships between staff and families with things like real-time messaging and daily reports . The app makes it easy for families to get in touch with you, and staff can quickly send messages, SMS alerts, or engaging newsletters to families.

Components of a preschool graduation ceremony

Preschool graduation ceremonies are special occasions that recognize young learners' achievements and readiness for the next step in their educational path. Here, we explore the essential components that make up a memorable preschool graduation ceremony:

  • Speeches: The preschool administrator or director generally congratulates children on their hard work and dedication to the school. They can talk about what children have learned in the past year and how it has helped them grow. They may also talk about what the future holds for them and give advice to families.
  • Receiving diplomas: The presentation of a preschool diploma is usually simple, with each child receiving a certificate from the school. The school may also present children with other mementos that symbolize their success. Families also sometimes bring gifts for their children, accompanied by a photo session.

Special school traditions: Traditions vary from school to school; this can be anything from a special song or dance performance to a more formal procession. Regardless of the specifics, these traditions are fun and memorable ways to mark the occasion.

Preschool graduation ideas

To help organize your event, consider choosing a preschool graduation theme with relevant activities that showcase what children have learned in the past year. The theme sets the tone for the ceremony and can transform a simple graduation into a captivating event that children, families, and teachers will remember for years to come.

Consider involving families and children in the planning process to build community and engagement with your program. They can assist with decorating the space, choosing the music, preparing refreshments, and cleaning up after the event.

Once you settle on a particular theme, incorporate it into every aspect of the event to make it fun and memorable for children. Here are ten ideas to consider for your preschool graduation ceremony.

1. Under the sea

This is a great way to bring the beauty of the ocean and its many creatures to the event. Here are some ideas to help bring this theme to life:

  • Decorate the graduation venue with blue and green streamers, balloons, and other under-the-sea-themed decorations
  • Give out seashells or other under-the-sea-themed favors to the graduates 

2. Out of this world 

This theme is a great way to inspire children to reach for the stars and celebrate their stellar achievements. Some ideas for decorating this theme include:

  • Hanging planet and star decorations from the ceiling
  • Setting up a rocket ship as a backdrop
  • Making space-themed crafts such as aliens, UFOs, and telescopes

3. Exploring the future

This theme is all about showing a future full of possibilities. Some popular activities include:

  • Having the children wear costumes inspired by their favorite futuristic movie or TV show
  • Playing games that reflect what life will be like in the future
  • Using virtual reality to “transport” your children to a different world for their big day

4. Growing garden

Just like a blooming plant, the growing garden theme represents the growth and development of the children over the past year. It can also be a reminder of the importance of learning and growing. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for this theme: 

  • Choose a location that has plenty of green space, such as a neighborhood park
  • Decorate the space with flowers and plants 
  • Use garden-themed props such as watering cans, baskets, and flower pots

5. Alphabet theme

An alphabet theme is a great way to incorporate learning into the festivities and will put your children’s letter knowledge on display. 

  • Decorate your venue with alphabet letter balloons
  • Sing songs that teach the alphabet, such as The Alphabet Song
  • Create awards for each child that correspond to a letter of the alphabet. For example, the "A" award can be for being an "amazing artist", the "B" award can be for being a "brave helper", and so on
  • You can also serve alphabet-themed food like alphabet soup

6. Reading books

A book-themed graduation ceremony is a great way to encourage a love for reading. Consider one book that your children have read the past year and use it as a base for your decor.

For example, children can dress up as their favorite book characters, and the ceremony can end with everyone reading aloud from their favorite book. Additionally, you can end the ceremony with a book-themed graduation song, such as The Reading Song or The More We Read Together.

7. Road trip 

A road trip-themed graduation ceremony is a great way to celebrate the end of preschool and the beginning of summer vacation. The decor can be based on popular travel destinations, and the graduate program can include activities related to road trips. Alternatively, the ceremony can have a special "road trip" down the graduation aisle, with children riding in toy cars or buses. 

8. Rainbow theme

What better way to celebrate than with a rainbow-themed graduation party? Imagine a sea of little graduates in their caps and gowns, each adorned with ribbons of different colors of the rainbow. Create this theme with plenty of colorful balloons, streamers, and tablecloths. And, of course, no graduation party is complete without a delicious cake, so be sure to include a rainbow cake in your plans!

9. Nature theme

Use animal prints, greenery, and rustic props like tree stumps and wooden signs for a nature-inspired theme. You can set up a mini zoo with stuffed animals or animal masks, or you can organize a nature walk with the children to explore the local flora and fauna. You can also have a storytelling session with animal-themed books.

10. Circus-themed ceremony 

For this theme, you can organize games, such as a ring toss, beanbag toss, or balloon darts, to keep the children entertained. You can also set up a photo booth with circus-themed props such as clown noses, mustaches, and hats so children can take photos with their friends and family. This is a great way to celebrate the children's accomplishments and send them off to kindergarten with a bang.

Sample preschool graduation program

Having an organized timeline can help you plan your graduation ceremony and activities. Even a very simple program can still create a memorable and engaging experience. Below is a sample program you can use to plan your event and adjust to suit the needs of your school's culture: 

  • 8:00 am: Processional by the graduating class.  The preschool staff will begin the ceremony by leading the children's procession, with each child escorted by a family member.
  • 8:05 am: Welcome speech.  Once everyone is seated, the preschool director will welcome children and guests. 
  • 8:10 am: Performance.  Usually the preschool class will be prepared to sing a short song or perform a simple dance.
  • 8:15 am: Presentation of diplomas.  After the performance, it’s time for children to receive their diplomas, presented by the preschool staff. Families can also come up on stage for a photo session.
  • 8:45 am: Final speech.  To wrap things up, the preschool director will thank families for their support throughout the year and end on an inspirational note. 
  • 8:50 am: Reception.  End the day with a small reception with refreshments.

Preschool graduation checklist

Here are some items to include on your preschool graduation checklist:

  • Decorations 
  • Graduation gowns
  • Graduation caps
  • Diplomas 
  • Invitations 
  • Refreshments
  • Cameras and video cameras
  • Gifts for children (optional)

Bottom line 

Graduating from preschool is a significant milestone for children and their families. It marks the end of an essential phase of their lives and the beginning of a new one.

When children graduate from preschool, they have their first taste of real achievement and are proud of what they’ve accomplished. With creativity and preparation, you can pull off a preschool graduation ceremony that both children and families will appreciate and remember forever.

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Kindergarten Graduation Speeches

Kindergarten Graduation Speeches are a treasure to open. It is a delight to fete these our beautiful children at this time of their lives. As parents and educators we know first-hand what an adventure this year has been. It has been a real pleasure to witness the wide eyed wonder as these young ones take in the world around them. There has been real pleasure too in sharing their journey as Moms and Dads or classroom helpers.

Our Kindergarten Graduation Speeches are all about sharing these precious moments, and expressing our hopes for the future. Using our words you will be able to connect easily with your audience, and charm them with interesting observations about the year just gone, and look forward to the year ahead.

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