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The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning

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The decision-making process unveiled.

Prof. Finch

Understanding Types of Plans in Decision Making

The crucial role of goal setting in decision making, the decision-making process in healthcare, conclusions.

The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning. (2016, Jun 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay

"The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning." StudyMoose , 16 Jun 2016, https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay [Accessed: 11 Sep. 2024]

"The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning." StudyMoose, Jun 16, 2016. Accessed September 11, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay

"The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning," StudyMoose , 16-Jun-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay. [Accessed: 11-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/the-decision-making-process-essay [Accessed: 11-Sep-2024]

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The Art of Decision Making and Strategic Planning essay

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Decision Making Process

Steps taken to make decision.

Making a decision is always a challenge, even if it concerns such insignificant issues as choosing which place to travel and what clothes to wear. Hence, when I decided to travel to another state, I faced a number of problems, like what things I need to take with me, how long it would take to me to pack up things, as well as what else need to be done to ensure a good journey.

As soon as I made up a list of problems, I started thinking over the schedule to solve all these problems. I decided to attend a shop and buy the most important things to make my journey comfortable. I also thought a lot about the main advantages of the journey, as well as the reasons for travelling to make sure that they prevail over the shortcomings. When I gathered all the things I needed for a journey, I decided to return to the beginning and check whether everything in the list corresponded to the thing that I bought.

When I made sure that I packed up all I needed for the trip, I started thinking of the contingencies during the journey, as well as what I am going to do in a new place. I have to acquire more information to avoid the unexpected complications. I start thinking of other possible destinations and defining which variants are economically beneficial and which ones would bring me more pleasure in terms of attraction sports and historical value. As soon as all the alternatives have been measured, I went out of home and got into the car.

Similarities between the decision making process with the one presented in the text

When I read about important steps in a decision making process, I realized that my plan of making decision was almost identical to the presented one. Specifically, the decision making process is divided into five steps, including problem identification, generating alternative ideas, analyzing the best alternatives, making a choice, choosing the right decision, and evaluating the decision made.

I have managed to apply to the majority of the above-mentioned steps. Specifically, I identified a problem (there were some things to be bought because I needed them for the journey), defined possible variant and evaluated advantage and benefits of travelling. Finally, I made a choice and solved a problem.

Differences between the decision making process with the one presented in the text

Despite the similarities, there were some steps and solutions that differ from the one established in the book. Specifically, I failed to adequately generate alternatives and evaluate those. For instance, I had to define where I could buy some things at a cheaper price, which transport suited best for the trip, as well as what clothes should be taken. The decision itself was not evaluated properly because I did not present a rationale for my decision.

At the same time, there were some aspect that I added to my decision making plan. In particular, I found it important to include a schedule for accomplishing the identified steps. I also decided to double check whether these steps were fulfilled in an effective way.

In such a manner, I compensated the process of predicting consequences and possible contingency ways because the chosen alternatives were relevant for a successful journey. Finally, I thought about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling various place with regard to the list of things I was going to take with me. Overall, my plan was very close to the one presented in the text.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, April 22). Decision Making Process. https://studycorgi.com/decision-making-process/

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StudyCorgi . (2020) 'Decision Making Process'. 22 April.

1. StudyCorgi . "Decision Making Process." April 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/decision-making-process/.


StudyCorgi . "Decision Making Process." April 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/decision-making-process/.

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Essays on Decision Making

Decision making is a crucial skill that affects every aspect of our lives, from choosing what to eat for breakfast to making major life-changing choices. That's why writing an essay about decision making is so important - it helps us understand the process and improve our skills in this area.

When it comes to choosing a topic for your decision making essay, the possibilities are endless. You could focus on the psychology behind decision making, the impact of decision making on personal relationships, or the role of decision making in leadership. The key is to choose a topic that interests you and allows for meaningful exploration.

For an argumentative essay on decision making, you could explore the pros and cons of different decision making models, the ethical implications of certain decisions, or the impact of group dynamics on decision making. If you're more interested in cause and effect, you could examine the consequences of specific decisions, the factors that influence decision making, or the relationship between decision making and risk-taking.

If you prefer to share your opinion, you could write an opinion essay on the best decision making strategies, the most difficult decisions you've had to make, or the role of intuition in decision making. And for those who want to inform and educate, an informative essay on decision making could cover decision making biases, decision making in the workplace, or the science of decision making.

For example, if you're writing an argumentative essay on the impact of decision making on personal relationships, you could start by stating your thesis: "Effective decision making is essential for maintaining healthy relationships." Then, you could provide examples of how decision making can either strengthen or weaken relationships, backed up by research and personal experiences.

In the of your decision making essay, you could set the stage by discussing the importance of decision making in everyday life and providing a brief overview of the topics you'll be covering. In the , you could summarize your key points and leave the reader with some food for thought, such as the importance of making conscious, well-informed decisions.

So, whether you're writing an argumentative, cause and effect, opinion, or informative essay on decision making, there are plenty of topics and examples to explore. Good luck with your essay!

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Decision Making Essay | Difference Between a Good Decision and a Bad Decision

October 18, 2021 by Prasanna

Decision Making Essay: Making decisions is an essential skill for many professions, but it’s also a skill that we need in our personal lives. We need to be able to make decisions not just for ourselves, but also for the people around us. The ability to make decisions is a skill that is mostly learned through experience. However, other ways to improve decision-making skills also exist – such as reading, researching, talking to other people as well as analyzing different sources of information.

Regardless, it is important to make decisions on your own. The first thing that you should do is to define the problem that you are trying to solve. You want to know why a decision is needed, what it will change about your life, and what’s important to you about the decision. After reviewing all of these factors, you should come up with some options for which way you want to go about solving the problem. In this essay, we shall explore the factors that influence the process of decision making as well as the repercussion of poor decision making.

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Difference Between a Good Decision and a Bad Decision

One of the most important things to do when making decisions is to know the difference between a good decision and a bad decision. The primary difference between a good decision and a bad decision is the impact that it has on your life. As the name suggests, a good decision is one that has a positive impact on your life, while a bad decision will have a negative impact on your life.

Moreover, good decisions will usually lead to more opportunities. However, when you make bad decisions, it can have repercussions which are not immediately apparent, but can have long lasting consequences. To sum up, a good decision is one that achieves the desired goal. A bad decision is one that does not achieve the desired goal or achieves it in an undesirable way.

Why is Being Able to Make Decisions Essential for Success?

If you are able to make decisions quickly, you are more likely to be successful. The ability to make decisions quickly has always been an important part of being a successful professional. One of the most important skills required for making decisions is the ability to accept uncertainty.

There will always be unknowns when it comes to making decisions. As much as we try, there may never be enough information when it’s time to make a choice. However, making successful decisions requires you to process and interpret large volumes of data. Doing so is an effective way to ensure that the decisions made are well-educated and informed. Moreover, in a world of increasing complexity, it can be overwhelmingly hard to make the right decisions, hence, data analysis is an excellent tool for decision makers to use.

How to Become a Better Decision Maker?

Each day we make a series of decisions, from what we have for breakfast to which job to apply for. But how can we make better decisions?

Here are a few tips to consider when making important decisions:

Define the Problem

Before you can make a decision, you need to understand the issue at hand. When faced with a problem, take some time to figure out what is going on and why this is an issue. Moreover, learn to think critically about the problem you are trying to solve.

Be Aware Of Your Personal Biases And Beliefs

One of the most dangerous biases we have as humans is our confirmation bias. This bias happens when we selectively search and interpret information to confirm our preexisting beliefs. Unfortunately, this bias is very common and can lead to poor decisions, such as not hiring a new employee because they don’t fit into a desired archetype.

Gather information

You need to gather all the information you can on the problem. This starts with understanding the problem, but also includes your understanding of the context for this problem.

Consider alternatives and different perspectives

There are many benefits to being decisive, but there are also drawbacks. Remember to consider all points of view when making a decision. For example, you may think your idea is the best for the company, but if you provide feedback or ask others for their thoughts, they may give you new ideas that will better suit the company’s needs.

Take time to analyse and evaluate your decision

It can be difficult to think objectively and analyze your decision when you’re in a hurry, but it’s often helpful to take a step back and evaluate things more carefully. This is important because we might find new insights or different perspectives.

Decision Making

Tips to Consider When Making Decisions

Following are a few tips and points to consider when making an important decision:

  • Ask yourself what outcome you require
  • Consider what happens if you take action and also if you don’t
  • Think about how much time and energy would be needed for the decision you need to make
  • Consider the probability of achieving your desired outcome or goal if you take this course of action or if don’t take any action at all
  • Think about the pros and cons associated with your chosen decision.

Biological Process and Mechanisms of Decision Making

Our brain controls most biological processes in our body. It is also responsible for controlling external factors like our intuition, past experiences, learning as well as decision making. Human emotional response is governed by two information-processing systems:

  • Affective system: The affective system is a part of the human nervous system that is responsible for emotional arousal. Mechanisms in this system are not always logical and therefore less controllable. In other words, it’s the part of the brain that says “I’m hungry!” when you see a picture of a pizza or make you laugh when someone trips over their shoelace.
  • Cognitive system : The cognitive system is activated when the person has to make a decision based on their thoughts. This system is more controlled and can override the affective system when making decisions. It’s vital to help control emotions, since it can affect how people make decisions.

These two systems are deeply intertwined with one another and impact cognition and the decision making process.

How the Environment Shapes our Decisions

Since the 1960s, environmental psychologists have proposed that our surroundings can affect our decisions, behaviors, and thoughts. These scientists have found that the physical environment may be an important factor in decreasing crime rates, increasing recycling, and improving academic performance. For instance, a study of 54 third graders found that children who were given a messy desk to work at were less likely to do their homework than children who were given perfectly neat desks. Many studies also showed that the environment in which an individual is brought up can influence certain behaviour. For example, a study by researchers from Cornell University found that there is a positive correlation between the wealth of an individual’s family and their academic performance. The study showed that families with incomes of $250,000 or more had an average GPA of 3.5 while the national average was 3.1. Other factors such as political uncertainty, economic instability or natural disasters can also hamper decision making processes.

Decision making skills are important for life, it is a skill that can help shape our futures. It influences how we spend our time, who we spend our time with, and what we do with the limited resources that we have. Moreover, we need to be able to make decisions not just for ourselves but also for the people around us. Hence, it is always better to be prepared and well-informed before making an important decision.

FAQ’s on Decision Making Essay

Question 1. What are the 5 stages of decision-making?

Answer: When making decisions, humans go through 5 specific stages. These stages are:

  • recognition of the problem
  • defining the problem
  • generating possible solutions
  • evaluating possible solutions
  • choosing a solution

Question 2. Why is decision-making important?

Answer: Decision-making is one of the most important skills that everyone needs to have. It is the process of choosing between two or more things. Moreover, the decision that you make will have an effect on your life, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision.

Question 3. How to make a good decision?

Answer: In order to make a good decision, the individual should have the knowledge and skills to break down a problem into its constituent parts. They need to be creative in order to generate a range of possible solutions. They also need to be able to weigh the consequences of each solution and identify potential trade-offs. Finally, they need to implement a decision which is deemed feasible for the current problem.

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Decision Making Essay Examples

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