1. Doctoral Completion & Time-to-degree

    Graduation Rate. As with time-to-degree, the start of the 6-year period used to calculate graduation rates is the first term in which the student is enrolled in a doctoral program, regardless of any prior or concurrent enrollment in a master's program. The 6-year rate is based on elapsed time only, not enrolled time.

  2. All Departments: PhD Completion Rates Statistics

    All Departments: PhD Completion Rates Statistics. All Departments: PhD Completion Rates Statistics. More Statistics. The Graduate School. The Graduate School 2127 Campus Drive Durham, NC 27708. (919) 681-3257. Contact Us Make A Gift.

  3. Doctoral Program Statistics : Graduate School

    Average Completion Rate. Completion rate is the percentage of entering doctoral students who successfully completed the degree. Completion rates are reported by entering cohort, which is defined by the first term in which a student is enrolled in their doctoral program, regardless of any prior enrollment in a master's program.

  4. PhD completion: an evidence-based guide for students, supervisors and

    Published: July 12, 2018 4:01pm EDT. Many students enrol in a Master or PhD postgraduate research degree, but few complete them. From 2010-2016, 437,030 domestic and international students ...

  5. Statistics

    Statistics. In an effort to provide comprehensive information for all interested individuals, The Duke University Graduate School posts summary data on its Ph.D. and master's programs. These data include information such as total applications, admissions, matriculations, demographics, median GRE and GPA scores, and career outcomes.

  6. Factors Affecting PhD Student Success

    The 10-year PhD completion rate was 64%, 63%, 56%, 55%, and 49% for engineering, life sciences, social sciences, mathematics and physical sciences, and humanities, respectively . This relates to the field of kinesiology as it is classified as a life science by the Council of Graduate Schools . Across the country, kinesiology programs typically ...

  7. Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

    The Survey of Earned Doctorates is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other ...

  8. Is It Any Better? A Comparison of PhD Students' Experiences and Degree

    Studies have shown that time to degree is a significant factor in PhD degree completion rates, and longer time to degree may negatively affect the efficiency and effectiveness of doctoral education (Groenvynck et al., 2013; Wao, 2010; Wright & Cochrane, 2000).

  9. Time to Degree, Funding, and Completion Rates

    In terms of completion rates, the average percent of doctoral students who complete their degrees in 6 years or less ranges from 42 percent in genetics and genomics to 56 percent in pharmacology, toxicology, and environmental health. There is substantial variation among programs, however. For example, in immunology and infectious disease, one ...

  10. Quantitative Data

    The data CGS used to create the figures in the publication are available in the tables below. Completion Data ( Excel, 89 KB) Table 1. Cumulative Ten-Year Completion Rates by Program, Broad Field, STEM vs. SSH, and Overall. Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Completion Rates by Program and Broad Field. Table 3.

  11. PDF Ph.D. Completion Project: Policies and Practices to Promote Student Success

    projects on doctoral completion rates and attrition patterns. An additional 25 partner universities are participating in various aspects of this project. One of the goals of the Ph.D. Completion Project is to produce the most comprehensive and useful data on attrition from doctoral study and completion of Ph.D. programs yet available.

  12. PDF Ph.D. Completion Attrition

    The gender database includes data for a total of 41,017 students at 24 institutions who started doctoral programs from academic years 1992-93 through 2003-. 04. Thirty-seven percent of these students are female and 63% male. The citizenship, race and ethnicity database contains data for 39,758 students from.

  13. Exploring PhD Completion Rates: How Many Finish on Time?

    PhD Completion and Attrition. A frequently cited study about completion rates of PhD students was published by the Council of Graduate Schools in 2008. Titled PhD Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data from the PhD Completion Project, the paper was authored by Robert Sowell, Ting Zhang, Nathan Bell, and Kenneth Redd.

  14. Doctoral retention and completion

    Updated April 19, 2024. Retention rates and 8 and 10 year degree completion rates for students pursuing the academic doctoral degree. Results are presented by doctoral entry cohort years, broad discipline, and student demographic. Additional definitions and technical notes on data sources and methods can be found on the notes tab.

  15. PDF Who Are the Doctoral Students Who Drop Out? Factors Associated with the

    doctoral success. We propose that several factors will predict the rate of doctoral completion. Specifically, we expect that (1) men will have higher completion rates than women, (2) Belgian PhD students will have lower completion rates than other students (3), younger PhD students (20-26 years) will have higher completion rates than older PhD

  16. How to Increase PhD Completion Rates? An Impact Evaluation ...

    Graduate and doctoral schools around the world struggle to shorten the long time to degree and to prevent high dropout rates. While most of previous research studied individual determinants of PhD completion, we analyze the impact of two structural reforms of the doctoral program on thesis completion at a selective European graduate school. Exploiting a unique PhD dataset covering 30 entry ...

  17. How do institutional factors shape PhD completion rates? An analysis of

    Our paper adds to a growing literature of doctoral training by studying factors that drive time-to-completion based on a new and unique data set from an international European graduate school. While previous research focused on individual factors, we inspect the role of institutional factors and the organization of PhD programs for PhD completion.


    l and individual school completion rates.Data presented in Section 3 shows the PGR student completion rate for supervised doctoral students for. the selected year (01 August to 31 July). The data suggest that our institutional completion rates are low, 65% (AY. 3/14), 60% (AY 14/15) and 59% (AY 15/16).Differences in completion rates have also.

  19. PhD Failure Rate

    To summarise, based on the analysis of 26,076 PhD candidates at 14 universities between 2006 and 2017, the PhD pass rate in the UK is 80.5%. Of the 19.5% of students who fail, 3.3% is attributed to students failing their viva and the remaining 16.2% is attributed to students leaving their programme early. The above statistics indicate that ...

  20. Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics

    Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics. Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics. More Statistics. The Graduate School. The Graduate School 2127 Campus Drive Durham, NC 27708. (919) 681-3257. Contact Us Make A Gift.

  21. Factors contributing to high PhD completion rates: a case study in a

    Attrition rates and time to completion of PhD candidates has internationally become a concern of government, universities and the candidates themselves. ... study determined PhD completions at a research-intensive university in New Zealand and considered factors affecting PhD completions. Completion data were calculated for PhD cohorts at the ...

  22. Emerging Museum Researchers Support a Profession Hard Hit by ...

    Research Publishing. Emerging Museum Researchers Support a Profession Hard Hit by COVID-19. improving-phd-completion-rates-where-should-we-start. David Litalien,Researcher, Institute for Positive Psychology and Education. May 12, 2015. Doctoral attrition rates are high in North America: an estimated 40% to 50% of candidates never finish.

  23. PhD completion varies by sex, race

    After 10 years, cumulative PhD completion rates for men were 58 percent compared with 55 percent for women. In psychology and other social science disciplines, however, women finished at a higher rate than men—57 percent compared with 53 percent. Women also had higher completion rates in the humanities.

  24. Japan moves to halt long-term postgraduate decline by tripling ...

    Plan aims to elevate the status of PhD holders and give them greater career mobility. ... well below the rate of 315 per million in Germany and 313 per million in the United Kingdom for that year ...

  25. Regulatory Requirements for Financial Value Transparency and Gainful

    The average rate used for graduate programs is based on the interest rate on Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans applicable to graduate students for the three- or six-year period. ... the program or institution's completion and withdrawal rates, total net cost of attendance paid by completers, and other information pertaining to the program and ...