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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

Job Application Letter Sample and Writing Tips for a Role That's Not Advertised

cover letter without position

  • Tips for Writing Your Cover Letter

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Example and Template

Proofread Your Documents

How to send your letter.

  • How to Send Your Resume

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How do you write a job application letter for a role that isn't listed? Not all companies advertise job openings. Some companies get plenty of applicants without advertising. Other companies may not be in hiring mode but will consider applications from qualified candidates if they anticipate an opening in the near future.

Sending a resume and cover letter to an employer, even though you aren't sure if there are available jobs, is a way to get your candidacy noticed. It may also get you advance consideration for positions that have just opened up. If you have the skills the company needs, it may even get you considered for a brand-new position.

When you know an employer has an opening, don't hesitate to apply.

If you have a company you'd love to work for , consider taking the time to reach out and connect regardless of whether the organization is currently hiring.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

What's the best way to apply for unadvertised job openings? It depends on whether you know there is a position available, but the company hasn't listed it, or if there's a company you want to work for and you don't know if there are open jobs.

Kelly Miller / The Balance

When You Know There Is a Job Opening

If you know the company is hiring but hasn't advertised the position, write a traditional   cover letter  expressing your interest in the open position at the company. Be sure to specifically relate your qualifications for the job.

When You Don't Know If the Company Is Hiring

Writing a cover letter for an unadvertised opening (also known as a   cold contact cover letter  or  letter of interest ) is a little different than writing a cover letter for a job that you know is available.

With this type of letter, you will need to make a strong pitch for yourself and how you can help the company. Below are some tips on how to write a cover letter for an unadvertised opening.

  • Mention your contacts.  If you know someone at the organization, mention this at the beginning of the cover letter. Having a contact at the company is a great way to get your foot in the door, even if the company isn’t actively hiring.
  • Use paper or email.  You can send your letter via paper or  email . Sending an old-fashioned paper letter works well  for this type of letter , because it may have a better chance of being read than an email, which could be deleted without even being opened.
  • Include a resume.  Whether you send your cover letter via paper or email, be sure to include a copy of your resume. Make sure you  tailor your resume  to the company and type of job you are looking for.

Below is detailed information on what to include in your cover letter, along with links to example cover letters.

Your Contact Information Name Address City, State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

  • Cover Letter Contact Section Examples

Greeting If you can find a contact person at the company, direct your letter or email message to them. Here's how to find  contacts at companies .

If you can't locate a contact person, address your letter to "Dear Hiring Manager" or leave out this section and start with the first  paragraph  of your letter.

  • Cover Letter Greeting Examples

Body of Cover Letter The goal of your letter is to get noticed as a prospective employee even if the company isn't hiring immediately. Your letter should explain the reason for your interest in the organization, identify your most relevant skills or experiences, and explain why you would be an asset to the company.

First Paragraph: The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. If you know someone at the company, mention it now. Be specific as to why you are interested in this particular company.

Middle Paragraph(s): The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Again, be specific as to how you can help the organization.

Final Paragraph:  Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for employment.

  • What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

Closing Best Regards,  (or choose another closing from the examples below)

  • Cover Letter Closing Examples

Signature Handwritten Signature  (for a mailed letter)

Typed Signature When you are   sending an email letter,  be sure to include all your contact information in your signature.

  • Signature Examples

Cover Letter Example for a Job That's Not Advertised

You can use this sample as a model to write a cover letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Cover Letter for a Job That's Not Advertised (Text Version)

Your Name Your Address City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Address

Contact Name Title Company Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. LastName,

As an Information Technology professional with high-level management experience in the IT industry, I learned that the best way to achieve success was to motivate the resources I had with well-defined objectives and empowerment.

A management belief based on integrity, quality, and service, along with a positive attitude, an aptitude for strategic thought and planning, and the ability to adapt quickly to new ideas and situations allows me to achieve consistent and significant successes in multiple industries.

My personality profile says:

  • A confident, driven individual who reacts quickly to change.
  • A self-starter with a strong sense of urgency who responds positively to challenge and pressure.
  • A fast learner who is a practical and ingenious problem solver.
  • A fluent and articulate communicator, flexible and responsive. A self-directed, goal-oriented doer.

My former managers say:

"The Information Technology Analysis will serve as a guideline for making positive contributions... Your management style provided a footprint for younger members of our organization... a very positive impression of the contributions you made to our business and its growth." Gregory Hines, President and CEO, Information Data Technology.

"The most important source of growth in our data technology business ... able to focus the team and manage the product to a successful introduction ... due in large part to his own personal commitment ... excellent IT project management and operational management skills." Pauline Hallenback, CTO at Information Systems.

"Your strengths as a manager are many and varied... all issues are confronted in a timely manner ... management by objectives comes as a second nature to you." Jackson Brownell, Director of Operations, Denver Technologies.

ABC Company is a company that would provide me with the opportunity to put my personality, skills, and successes to work. At a personal meeting, I would like to discuss with you how I will contribute to the continued growth of your company.

Best regards,

Carefully proofread both your resume and cover letter before you send them. Here are proofreading tips for job seekers.

When sending your letter via email, write your letter in the email message and attach your resume to the message. In the subject line, put your name and the reason for writing (Your Name - Introduction).

  • Email Subject Lines

How to Send Your Resume With Your Cover Letter

Here's how to send your resume with your cover letter:

  • How to Email Your Resume
  • How to Send Your Resume as an Attachment
  • How to Mail a Resume and Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Take initiative. Not all companies immediately advertise opening positions. Taking the initiative to send a cover letter of introduction “on spec” may garner you an interview for either an existing or a newly developed job role.

Apply to your dream company. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If there is a company you’ve always wanted to work for, reach out to their hiring department with a strategic letter that presents your qualifications and interest in their organization.

Build upon your contacts. A good way to get your foot into the door at a company is to begin your letter of introduction by mentioning the contacts you know who work there. Take this to the next level by proactively asking these contacts—before you send your cover letter—if they would be willing to put in a good word on your behalf with their employer. 

How to Write a Cover Letter Without a Job in Mind

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How to Write a Cover Letter to a Previous Employer

How to write a letter requesting a future job opening, how to write a sample letter accepting an interview opportunity.

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  • How to Write a Resume & Cover Letter for a Quality Control Inspector

When you're getting a jump-start on the job-seeking process, crafting a detailed, persuasive resume and cover letter is likely the No. 1 item on your agenda. While it's fine to draft a generic cover letter that doesn't pertain to just one specific job, ideally, you'll eventually want to customize and tailor the letter to the employer you're sending it to.

All-Purpose Introduction

The introductory portion of your cover letter should indicate the type of job you're applying for, where you heard about the company and why you think you'd be a good fit. Example:

I was very excited to learn that COMPANY NAME is hiring for the position of BLANK. I became aware of your opening from BLANK, and I feel I’d be a great fit, as I’ve been working in BLANK industry for five years.

All-Purpose Credentials

The next section of your cover letter should detail your work experience, using care to reference the key elements of the job description, and touch on the main hiring criteria the employer lays out in the listing. These will vary from job to job, but your all-purpose cover letter template should follow this basic format. Here are some things to include:

  • Your experience
  • Specialized skills
  • Significant achievements

I've worked as a department store manager for 15 years. I have experience in merchandising, handling vendors, hiring and training and overall operational functions. In my last role, I oversaw an expansion effort that doubled the size of our company.

Soft Skills

Regardless of the type of job you’re applying for, many of the same soft skills will apply. These include your ability to collaborate, think critically, make decisions and be detail oriented. Use this type of verbiage:

I consider myself to have exceptional time management skills, and I enjoy working both independently and as part of a team. I have a good temperament for management, and I strive to ensure my staff is happy, trained and fulfilled in their roles.

Again, reference individual job listings to tweak this verbiage based on the requirements of the particular position you eventually use it for.

Finish Strong

One of the key ways to customize your all-purpose cover letter to an individual employer is to close with a strong statement that outlines why you want the job and why you’re the right candidate.

I've always held this organization in high regard and would love the chance to be part of such a respected business. I believe you'll find my dedication, work ethic and loyalty is well in line with the high standards you’ve established for your company.

When you're drafting a somewhat generic cover letter to alter and use in different circumstances, use extra care in proofreading it before you send. You don’t want to inadvertently reference Company A in a letter you’re sending to Company B.

  • Forbes: I've Read More Than 300 Cover Letters, And This Is How I Decide If They're Good Or Bad Within Three Minutes
  • CNN Money: How to Write a Killer Cover Letter
  • Use your word processing application's mail merge feature to create letters for several different addressees. Include the name of the company, the recruiter's name if you have access to it, and the street address, city, state and zip for each letter. Don't address letters "to whom it may concern." It's an impersonal greeting that tells the reader right away that it's probably just a form letter. If you cannot access the name of the recruiter or hiring manager, address the letter to "Dear XYZ Corporation Recruiter."

Lisa McQuerrey has been an award-winning writer and author for more than 25 years. She specializes in business, finance, workplace/career and education. Publications she’s written for include Southwest Exchange and InBusiness Las Vegas.

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Career Sidekick

Sample Cover Letter With No Experience in Field (And How to Write Yours)

By Biron Clark

Published: November 10, 2023

Cover Letters | Recent Grads

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

Writing an articulate cover letter is challenging for all job seekers. But if you have little or no work experience in a field, the stakes are higher. It’s more challenging to prove your value when you don’t have a series of professional accomplishments to back up your assertions. On the bright side, you probably have more to offer an employer than you realize. You just have to package your strengths the right way.

In this article, you’re going to learn how to write a cover letter for a job with no experience in that field. And we’ll look at a full sample after going through the steps.

Let’s get started…

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience

1. the main purpose of your cover letter with no experience.

The purpose of a cover letter is to complement your resume and convince more employers to interview you. You may refer to your resume when writing a cover letter for a job application, but you must expand upon points made in the resume when writing the cover letter.

The cover letter should breathe life into the points made in the resume, and create a compelling—or even emotional—narrative around your career hopes and aspirations . It’s your chance to tell your story and show that you have the passion and the drive to come into a job and make a difference.

And at the end, it should ASK for the interview. We’ll talk about that coming up. Let’s get started by going through how to write a cover letter with no experience, step-by-step…

2. Cover Letter Contact Information

When beginning a cover letter for a job application, start with your contact details in the top left-hand corner of the page. Include your name, city of residence, phone number, and email address. (To preserve your privacy, do not include your physical address). You should also include your LinkedIn URL. Next, write the name of the company you’re applying to, and its city of residence.

3. Your Salutation

Ideally, you address your reader by name in your salutation. Internet sleuthing may reveal the name of the hiring manager. If you can’t find a name, you have two options: call the organization and ask to learn more about the position, or write “Dear ” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”

This isn’t ideal, though. You should really only be sending a cover letter if you know the hiring manager’s name and have some specific information about the position. So if you know nothing specific about the hiring manager or job, and the company hasn’t asked for a cover letter specifically, then you probably don’t need to send it .

4. Cover Letter Introduction

Use this section of your cover letter to introduce yourself and share your enthusiasm and why you applied for the position .

Start with your name and provide some background on your strengths. Always identify the position you’re seeking and how you learned about it. If someone at the company told you about the job, then mention that person’s name (only after asking their permission, though). Aim for one to two sentences in your Introduction—keep it short, sweet, and precise.

Example Cover Letter Introduction with No Experience in the Field:

“Hello, my name is Grace Addington, and I’m a goal- and detail-oriented civil engineering graduate from Petaluma College. I was excited to learn about the Junior Engineer internship at Bay Area Rapid Transportation through my former classmate Katie Heinz.”

5. Body Paragraphs

Here comes the most critical part of writing a cover letter with no experience. The purpose of your body paragraphs (one to two brief paragraphs, tops) is to prove that you’re the best candidate for the position. Seeing as how you have little or no previous professional work experience to fall back on, you’ll want to place emphasis on soft skills —attributes of a personal nature that say a lot about your work ethic and ability to work in sync with others. Or, if you have job-related skills (AKA hard skills) from another type of role, point out how those skills will help you transition into this next job and succeed quickly.

That’s what hiring managers are looking for! So while it’s great to write about soft skills and put together a cover letter talking about how you’re willing to learn their job… it’s much better to point out any hands-on experience that you have. So if you’re able, always highlight that first and foremost.

For example, if you had an internship, worked in an unrelated field, did a few academic projects while studying, gave a presentation, etc., those are still valuable pieces to put on your resume AND in your cover letter.

Your resume likely already consists of part-time jobs or school activities or memberships in school associations that maybe aren’t 100% related to the job you’re going after.

Look closer, though—you’ve probably garnered skills in these experiences that can carry over to the job you’re applying for. Below are two examples of cover letter body paragraphs that hone in on two key phrases noted in a job advertisement as requirements: “strong interpersonal skills” and “positive work ethic.” You should be able to figure out pretty quickly which example hits the mark.

Let’s look at two sample paragraphs now from cover letters with no experience in a field:

“I am Twig & Twine’s ideal office manager. As my resume states, I served as an RA at my dorm. I know how to manage an array of things.”
“You’re looking for a candidate with strong interpersonal skills and a positive work ethic. While serving as an RA at Porter College’s main dormitory, I planned monthly social events for over 200 students, settled two to five student disputes per week, and mentored a select group of students in Composition. The experience taught me, rather quickly, how to efficiently multi-task, and how to effectively settle conflicts of all types in a calm, level-headed manner. I feel confident stating that I can bring these talents to Twig & Twine’s office manager position.”

The second example takes the duties that likely appeared in the RA position on the resume and then digs deep, illustrating how the tackling of those duties turned into accomplishments, and led the applicant to grow the crucial skills needed for the office manager position.

One last thing about body paragraphs—remember to frame your message around the employer’s needs, and not yours. Focus on what you can bring to the job, and how your talents will translate into success for the company. That’s important in any cover letter, and becomes even more crucial in a cover letter with no previous work experience.

6. Concluding Your Cover Letter

End your cover letter by reiterating why you’re the best candidate and express your interest once again in the position. And ask them for the interview! It’s surprising but most job seekers don’t do this, and it’s been shown to improve your chances of getting a call to come in for an interview!

So conclude your cover letter by thanking the reader for the time they took to review your application, and tell them you’d like to find a time to meet for an interview to see if it might be a good fit to work together. To close, sign off formally. Try “Respectfully yours” or “Sincerely.”

7. Proofread Everything

Before sending out your new cover letter, read it out loud to catch errors quickly. Ask a trustworthy person to read it as well. Nothing stops you from getting interviews faster than an obvious typo or error in your cover letter or resume, and you only have to check once, but make sure you’re checking it thoroughly!

8. Save it as a PDF

Once the content is finalized, save it as a PDF and title it “ Cover Letter” to prevent confusion. Voila! You’re done. If you follow the tips above, you’ll have a great cover letter with no experience so you can get interviews and job offers in this new field!

Sample Cover Letter With No Experience in Field:

Next, let’s look at a full sample of a cover letter that explains why you’d fit well in a role ( and why you chose to apply for this type of role ):

Dear Name, I’m writing to you regarding the Sales Associate job posting, which I believe reports to you. I can offer 5+ years of experience working directly with customers over the phone and in person, primarily in customer support. Although I haven’t worked directly in sales, my customer support experience has helped me build skills in communication, persuasion, and problem-solving, which I believe will translate well into selling software subscriptions for your firm. I’m motivated to transition into sales to continue challenging myself and growing in my career, and I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, which I think working in sales will provide me. I’ve attached my resume for your review. If any of the above sounds interesting, I’d welcome the chance to talk on the phone this week. Thanks for considering my note today. Best regards, Your Name

This cover letter is upfront and clear that you have no experience in the field of sales, but shows that you’re willing to learn and excited to learn this new job. That’s essential!

You don’t JUST want to say you’re willing to learn, though. You want to PROVE that you’ll be able to learn. That’s why this letter also mentions the experience you have that is most similar. In the case of the example above, it’s the customer service experience and communication skills.

While this person may not have sold anything to customers, they still interacted with customers directly, which will be seen as a plus.

One other thing you should always point out if possible: Experience working in the same industry. So if you’ve never done sales, but you did customer support in the exact same industry as the employer, that’s a huge plus… because it means you’ll have less learning needed on the job!

Other Articles That May Help You:

  • 3 more tips for writing a cover letter that stands out.
  • General tips for how to get a job with no experience.
  • How to write the perfect resume “Summary” section with no experience.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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This really helped me

Thanks for this! Really helpful for me as a new graduate and non native English speaker. I’ve started using the steps here and am planning on sending a lot of applications this week to see how it works.

Thank you for the examples. I hav ea little bit of experience so I’m not writing the cover letter with absolutely no work experience but this still is helpful and seems to work for me.

One hiring manager told me that the reason they chose to call me was my cover letter.

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How to Write a Cover Letter: Your Full Guide (With Tips and Examples)

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It’s a familiar cycle: You sit down to write a cover letter, open a blank document, check your email, browse cover letter examples , do some chores, watch that cursor blink a few more times, and finally Google something like “how to write a cover letter”—which hopefully brought you here. But you still might be thinking, does anyone really read cover letters? Why do they even exist?

First: Yes, we can assure you that cover letters do, in fact, get read. To some hiring managers, they’re the most important part of your job application. And regardless, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell prospective employers who you are, showcase why they should hire you, and stand out above all the other candidates.

To ensure your letter is in amazing shape (and crafting it is as painless as possible), we’ve got easy-to-follow steps plus examples, a few bonus tips, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Get that cover letter out there! Browse open jobs on The Muse and find your dream job »

What is a cover letter and why is it important?

A cover letter is a brief (one page or less) note that you write to a hiring manager or recruiter to go along with your resume and other application materials.

Done well, a cover letter gives you the chance to speak directly to how your skills and experience line up with the specific job you’re pursuing. It also affords you an opportunity to hint to the reviewer that you’re likable, original, and likely to be a great addition to the team.

Instead of using cover letters to their strategic advantage, most job applicants blabber on and on about what they want, toss out bland, cliché-filled paragraphs that essentially just regurgitate their resume, or go off on some strange tangent in an effort to be unique. Given this reality, imagine the leg up you’ll have once you learn how to do cover letters right.

How long should a cover letter be?

An ideal cover letter typically ranges from a half page to one full page. Aim to structure it into four paragraphs, totaling around 250 to 400 words, unless the job posting states otherwise. Some employers may have specific guidelines like word or character limits, writing prompt, or questions to address. In such cases, be sure to follow these instructions from the job posting.

How to write a cover letter hiring managers will love

Now that you’re sold on how important cover letters are, here are eight steps to writing one that screams, “I’m a great hire!”

Step 1: Write a fresh cover letter for each job (but yes, you can use a template)

Sure, it’s way faster and easier to take the cover letter you wrote for your last application, change the name of the company, and send it off. But most employers want to see that you’re truly excited about the specific position and organization—which means creating a custom letter for each position.

While it’s OK to recycle a few strong sentences and phrases from one cover letter to the next, don’t even think about sending out a 100% generic letter. “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply to the open position at your company” is an immediate signal to recruiters and hiring managers that you’re mass-applying to every job listing that pops up on LinkedIn.

At the same time, there’s nothing that says you can’t get a little help: Try out one of our free cover letter templates to make the process a bit easier.

Step 2: Add your contact info

At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you’d like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in):

  • Your pronouns (optional)
  • Your location (optional)
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (optional)
  • Your Linkedin, portfolio, or personal website URL (optional)

Note that only name and email are mandatory, and you don’t need to put a full address on a cover letter or resume anymore. A city and state (or metro area) are more than enough. So your header might look like this:

Inigo Montoya he/him Florin Metropolitan Area [email protected] 555-999-2222

If the job posting tells you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can add your contact info at the end, after your name (and if you’d like to forgo the email address here, you can—they have it already). So your sign off could look like this:

Violet Baudelaire she/her [email protected] 123-123-1234


Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name

The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person’s first and last name, including “Mr.” or “Ms.” (for example, “Dear Ms. Jane Smith” or just “Dear Ms. Smith”). But to avoid accidentally using the wrong title—or worse, inadvertently misgendering someone—first and last name also work just fine.

If “Dear” feels a bit too stiff, try “Hello.” But never use generic salutations like “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

For more help, read these rules for addressing your cover letter and a few tips for how to find the hiring manager .

Step 4: Craft an opening paragraph that’ll hook your reader

Your opening sets the stage for the whole cover letter. So you want it to be memorable, friendly, conversational, and hyper-relevant to the job you’re pursuing.

No need to lead with your name—the hiring manager can see it already. But it’s good to mention the job you’re applying for (they may be combing through candidates for half a dozen different jobs).

You could go with something simple like, “I am excited to apply for [job] with [Company].” But consider introducing yourself with a snappy first paragraph that highlights your excitement about the company you’re applying to, your passion for the work you do, and/or your past accomplishments.

This is a prime spot to include the “why” for your application. Make it very clear why you want this job at this company. Are you a longtime user of their products? Do you have experience solving a problem they’re working on? Do you love their brand voice or approach to product development? Do your research on the company (and check out their Muse profile if they have one) to find out.

Read this next: 30 Genius Cover Letter Openers Recruiters Will LOVE

Step 5: Convey why you’d be a great hire for this job

A common cover letter mistake is only talking about how great the position would be for you. Frankly, hiring managers are aware of that—what they really want to know is what you’re going to bring to the position and company.

So once you’ve got the opening under wraps, you should pull out a few key ideas that will make up the backbone of your cover letter. They should show that you understand what the organization is looking for and spell out how your background lines up with the position.

Study the job description for hints . What problems is the company looking to solve with this hire? What skills or experiences are mentioned high up, or more than once? These will likely be the most important qualifications.

If you tend to have a hard time singing your own praises and can’t nail down your strengths , here’s a quick trick: What would your favorite boss, your best friend, or your mentor say about you? How would they sing your praises? Use the answers to inform how you write about yourself. You can even weave in feedback you’ve received to strengthen your case (occasionally, don’t overuse this!). For example:

“When I oversaw our last office move, my color-coded spreadsheets covering every minute detail of the logistics were legendary; my manager said I was so organized, she’d trust me to plan an expedition to Mars.”

Step 6: Back up your qualifications with examples and numbers

Look at your list of qualifications from the previous step, and think of examples from your past that prove you have them. Go beyond your resume. Don’t just regurgitate what the hiring manager can read elsewhere.

Simply put, you want to paint a fuller picture of what experiences and accomplishments make you a great hire and show off what you can sashay through their doors with and deliver once you land the job.

For example, what tells a hiring manager more about your ability to win back former clients? This: “I was in charge of identifying and re-engaging former clients.” Or this: “By analyzing past client surveys, NPS scores, and KPIs, as well as simply picking up the phone, I was able to bring both a data-driven approach and a human touch to the task of re-engaging former clients.”

If you're having trouble figuring out how to do this, try asking yourself these questions and finding answers that line up with the qualifications you’ve chosen to focus on:

  • What approach did you take to tackling one of the responsibilities you’ve mentioned on your resume?
  • What details would you include if you were telling someone a (very short!) story about how you accomplished one of your resume bullet points?
  • What about your personality, passion, or work ethic made you especially good at getting the job done?

Come up with your examples, then throw in a few numbers. Hiring managers love to see stats—they show you’ve had a measurable impact on an organization you’ve worked for. Did you bring in more clients than any of your peers? Put together an impressive number of events? Make a process at work 30% more efficient? Work it into your cover letter!

This might help: How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers)

Step 7: Finish with a strong conclusion

It’s tempting to treat the final lines of your cover letter as a throwaway: “I look forward to hearing from you.” But your closing paragraph is your last chance to emphasize your enthusiasm for the company or how you’d be a great fit for the position. You can also use the end of your letter to add important details—like, say, the fact that you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Try something like this:

“I believe my energy, desire to innovate, and experience as a sales leader will serve OrangePurple Co. very well. I would love to meet to discuss the value I could add as your next West Coast Sales Director. I appreciate your consideration and hope to meet with you soon.”

Then be sure to sign off professionally , with an appropriate closing and your first and last name. (Need help? Here are three cover letter closing lines that make hiring managers grimace, plus some better options .)

Step 8: Reread and revise

We shouldn’t have to tell you to run your cover letter through spell-check, but remember that having your computer scan for typos isn’t the same as editing . Set your letter aside for a day or even just a few hours, and then read through it again with fresh eyes—you’ll probably notice some changes you want to make.

You might even want to ask a friend or family member to give it a look. In addition to asking them if they spot any errors, you should ask them two questions:

  • Does this sell me as the best person for the job?
  • Does it get you excited?

If the answer to either is “no,” or even slight hesitation, go back for another pass.

Cover letter examples

Here are four example cover letters that follow the advice given above. Keep in mind that different situations may require adjustments in your approach. For instance, experienced job seekers can emphasize accomplishments from previous roles, while those with less experience might highlight volunteer work, personal projects, or skills gained through education.

Example #1: Cover letter for a job application

Alia Farhat San Francisco Bay Area [email protected] 444-000-1111

Hello Danny Tanaka,

If I’m being honest, I still haven’t fully gotten over the death of my first Tamagotchi pet when I was six years old. (His name was Tommy, and I’ve gotten far more creative since then, I promise.) When I was older, I discovered NeoPets and I was hooked for years—not just on the site, but on the community that surrounded it. So when I heard about FantasyPets last year, I immediately started following news about your development process, and that’s how I saw your post looking for a marketing strategist. Not only do I have eight years of experience in digital marketing, but as a lifelong gamer with a passion for pet-focused titles who’s spent years in online communities with like-minded people, I also know exactly what kind of messaging resonates with your target audience.

You’re looking for someone to help you craft a social media marketing campaign to go along with your game launch, and I’ve been a part of three launch-day marketing campaigns for mobile and web-based games. In my current role as social media manager at Phun Inc., I proposed a campaign across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok based on competitor research and analysis of our social campaigns for similar games to go along with the launch of the mobile game FarmWorld. Using my strategy of featuring both kids and adults in ads, we ended up driving over one million impressions and 80k downloads in the first three months.

I’ve always believed that the best way to find the right messaging for a game is to understand the audience and immerse myself in it as much as possible. I spend some of my research time on gaming forums and watching Twitch streams and Let’s Plays to see what really matters to the audience and how they talk about it. Of course, I always back my strategies up with data—I’m even responsible for training new members of the marketing team at Phun Inc. in Google AdWords and data visualization.

I believe that my passion for games exactly like yours, my digital marketing and market research experience, and my flair for turning data into actionable insights will help put FantasyPets on the map. I see so much promise in this game, and as a future player, I want to see its user base grow as much as you do. I appreciate your consideration for the marketing strategist role and hope to speak with you soon.

Alia Farhat

Example #2: Cover letter for an internship

Mariah Johnson

New York, NY [email protected] 555-000-1234

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the software development internship at Big Tech. As a student at New York University majoring in computer science with a keen interest in social studies, I believe I would be a good fit for the role. Big Tech's mission to promote equality and a more sustainable world is deeply inspiring, and I would be thrilled to contribute to this mission.

In a recent hackathon, I demonstrated my ability to lead a team in designing and developing an app that directs members of a small community to nearby electronics recycling centers. My team successfully developed a working prototype and presented it to a panel of industry experts who awarded us second place.

I’ve also been an active volunteer at my local library for over four years. During this time, I organized book donation drives, led book fairs, and conducted reading sessions with children. This experience strengthened my presentation and communication skills and confirmed my motivation stems from supporting a good cause. I would be more than happy to bring my passion and dedication to an organization whose mission resonates with me..

Through these experiences, along with my coursework in software engineering, I am confident I am able to navigate the challenges of the Big Tech internship program. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Example #3: Cover letter with no experience

Sarah Bergman

Philadelphia, PA [email protected] 1234-555-6789

Dear Chloe West,

I’m excited to apply for the entry-level copywriting position at Idea Agency. As a recent graduate from State University with a major in mass communications, I’m eager to delve deeper into copywriting for brands, marketing strategies, and their roles in the business world.

Over the past two years, I’ve completed courses in creative writing, copywriting, and essentials of digital marketing. I’ve also been actively involved in extracurricular activities, creating content and promoting student events across multiple online platforms. These experiences expanded my creativity, enhanced my teamwork skills, and strengthened my communication abilities.

As an admirer of your visionary marketing campaigns and Idea Agency’s commitment to sustainability, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I'm confident that I can contribute to your future projects with inventive thinking and creative energy.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Example #4: Career change cover letter

Leslie Smith

Chicago, IL [email protected] 111-222-3344

Dear Paul Jones,

Over the past year, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at a local fair and there I discovered how much fun working face to face with clients would be. Everytime I sold a product for The Solar Company, I often wished it was my full-time job. Now, I'm excited to submit my application for the sales coordinator position with Bloom Sales.

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and strong communication skills to work as a sales specialist at The Solar Company. I’ve sharpened my presentation and critical thinking skills in client meetings and sourced more than $20,000 in new partnerships. This experience has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m confident it's the time to move business administration to sales coordination.

I’m comfortable seeking out new business opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Bloom Sales products. I attend an average of 10 in-person meetings a week, and interacting with a lot of different personalities is what excites me the most. As a detail-oriented, tech-savvy professional, I have advanced knowledge of Excel and data analysis.

I would love to learn more about your sales strategy for the second semester and discuss how my experience in business administration and client-facing sales exposure would help Bloom Sales achieve its goals. Thank you for your consideration.

Extra cover letter examples

  • Pain point cover letter example
  • Recent graduate cover letter example
  • Stay-at-home parent returning to work cover letter example
  • Sales cover letter example
  • Email marketing manager cover letter example
  • No job description or position cover letter example (a.k.a., a letter of intent or interest)
  • Buzzfeed-style cover letter example
  • Creative cover letter example (from the point-of-view of a dog)

Bonus cover letter tips to give you an edge over the competition

As you write your cover letter, here are a few more tips to consider to help you stand out from the stack of applicants:

  • Keep it short and sweet: There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, for resumes and cover letters alike, don’t go over a page. (Check out these tips for cutting down your cover letter .)
  • Never apologize for your missing experience: When you don’t meet all of the job requirements, it’s tempting to use lines like, “Despite my limited experience as a manager…” or “While I may not have direct experience in marketing…” But why apologize ? Instead of drawing attention to your weaknesses, emphasize the strengths and transferable skills you do have.
  • Strike the right tone: You want to find a balance between being excessively formal in your writing—which can make you come off as stiff or insincere—and being too conversational. Let your personality shine through, for sure, but also keep in mind that a cover letter shouldn’t sound like a text to an old friend.
  • Consider writing in the company’s “voice:” Cover letters are a great way to show that you understand the environment and culture of the company and industry. Spending some time reading over the company website or stalking their social media before you get started can be a great way to get in the right mindset—you’ll get a sense for the company’s tone, language, and culture, which are all things you’ll want to mirror—especially if writing skills are a core part of the job.
  • Go easy on the enthusiasm: We can’t tell you how many cover letters we’ve seen from people who are “absolutely thrilled for the opportunity” or “very excitedly applying!” Yes, you want to show personality, creativity, and excitement. But downplay the adverbs a bit, and keep the level of enthusiasm for the opportunity genuine and believable.

The bottom line with cover letters is this: They matter, much more than the naysayers will have you believe. If you nail yours, you could easily go from the “maybe” pile straight to “Oh, hell yes.”

Cover letter FAQs (a.k.a., everything else you need to know about cover letters)

  • Are cover letters still necessary?
  • Do I have to write a cover letter if it’s optional?
  • Can I skip the cover letter for a tech job?
  • What does it mean to write a cover letter for a resume?
  • How can I write a simple cover letter in 30 minutes?
  • How can I show personality in my cover letter?
  • What should I name my cover letter file?
  • Is a letter of intent different from a cover letter?
  • Is a letter of interest different from a cover letter?

Regina Borsellino , Jenny Foss , and Amanda Cardoso contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

cover letter without position

How to Write a Cover Letter When You Have No Experience


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As a job seeker, a cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression. It can help you stand out and show your potential as a valuable addition to the team.

Writing a persuasive cover letter without prior work experience can be challenging. But with the right approach, you can make a compelling case for why you're the perfect fit for the job. In this article, we'll help you write an effective cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on your potential employer.

1. Begin With a Strong Opening Statement

Your opening statement should be attention-grabbing and highlight your interest in the position. Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you're applying for the job. Avoid generic or cliché openings, such as "I am writing to apply for the job opening at your company."

Instead, try to show your personality and interest in the position. If you know someone at the company or have a connection, mention it in the opening statement. For example, "I'm excited to hear about this opportunity from a friend in your marketing department."

Your opening statement should be no more than two to three sentences long. Remember, the goal is to get your potential employer to keep reading and learn more about you.

2. Highlight Your Education and Relevant Coursework

a college graduation ceremony

When writing a cover letter, you may want to highlight your education and relevant coursework. Your education provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that can be applied to a job. While doing so, mention your degree and any relevant coursework you have completed.

For instance, if you're applying for a marketing role, showcase any relevant marketing coursework or projects. You can also highlight relevant accomplishments. It's important to note that not all achievements will be relevant to every job application.

If your academic achievements are relevant to the position, mention them in your cover letter. Provide specific examples of how they showcase your strengths and potential as a candidate.

3. Focus on Your Strengths and Transferable Skills

a word cloud of job skills

Transferable skills are skills that can be applied across different jobs and industries. While demonstrating transferable skills on your CV helps, including them in your cover letter can further enhance your job application.

Common transferable skills include teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, time management, and more. Instead of listing your transferable skills, give specific examples. Share experiences from any team activities where you tackled challenges and found solutions.

4. Mention the Company Values That Align With You

Organizations often emphasize cultural fit during the hiring process. By highlighting your alignment with the company values, you provide evidence of your potential cultural fit for the work environment and team dynamics.

Research the company and identify its important values that resonate with you. Start by visiting the company's official website. Look for sections like "About Us," "Mission and Values," or "Our Culture." You can also check the social media profiles, employee testimonials, or any press releases that highlight the company’s values.

company values

Once you've identified the company values you want to highlight, provide specific examples to support them. Share anecdotes or experiences that showcase how you have lived out these values. For instance, if one of the company values is "collaboration," mention a successful team project where you collaborated.

5. Use Keywords From the Job Description

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen and filter resumes and cover letters. These systems often scan for specific keywords to identify qualified candidates. By adding the right keywords, you can increase the chances of your cover letter aligning with the employer's requirements.

Pay attention to the specific words and phrases in the job description and mirror them in your cover letter. For instance, if the description mentions "attention to detail" as a required skill, use similar wording to describe your attention to detail in previous projects or assignments.

While it's essential to add relevant keywords, avoid excessive repetition or keyword stuffing. Aim for a natural flow in your writing. Focus on showcasing your skills and experiences rather than forcefully inserting keywords without proper context.

6. Express Your Enthusiasm

Next, as you end your cover letter, show your enthusiasm for the role and the company. It will show your potential employer that you are passionate about the opportunity. Highlight specific aspects of the company or the position that excites you. Refer to the company’s recent projects, initiatives, or achievements that have caught your attention.

While it's important to express enthusiasm, remember to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter. Strike a balance between enthusiasm and professionalism to show your interest and suitability for the role. Use a positive tone throughout your cover letter. Avoid generic phrases and opt for more specific and vivid descriptions that showcase your interests.

7. Proofread Your Cover Letter

After completing your cover letter, take a break before proofreading. This break helps you approach the proofreading process with fresh eyes, making it easier to spot areas that need improvement. Consider using the best spelling and grammar-checking tools or seeking help from a trusted friend or colleague.

Here's an Example of a Cover Letter

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Position] role at [Company Name]. I was thrilled to learn about this opportunity from my friend, [Friend's Name], who works in your marketing department. From my research and conversations, I have come to admire [Company Name]'s commitment to innovation and its positive impact on the industry.

As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in [Your Field of Study] from [University Name], I have developed a solid foundation in [relevant coursework or major subjects]. Through my coursework, I have gained a deep understanding of [specific concepts or skills relevant to the position], which I believe will contribute to my success in the [Position] role at [Company Name].

At [University Name], I had the privilege of working on various projects that required strong teamwork, problem-solving, and effective communication skills. In my marketing research course, I led a team project where we conducted extensive market analysis. We developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in customer engagement for a local business.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the goals and vision of [Company Name].

Once again, I appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of joining the exceptional team at [Company Name] and contributing to its continued success.

[Your Name]

Stand Out With a Compelling Cover Letter

With a well-crafted cover letter, you can convey your potential and convince employers to consider you for the position. Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific job and company, highlighting the most relevant aspects of your background and showcasing your interest in the opportunity.

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How to avoid the repetition of "I" while writing a cover letter for an academic job?

I use active voice for cover letter and while doing that I end up with too many "I" and most of the sentences in my letter also begin with "I". This makes my letter quite boring. I would appreciate if you share your suggestion/tips to avoid this while writing a cover letter.

Since cover letter is the first thing that the potential employer notices, I want to write a concise and attractive cover letter. It will be also helpful if you share a link of a well-written cover letter.

  • application-cover-letter

rana's user avatar

  • 2 This could be a good question for English language & usage as well. –  Peter Jansson Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 9:22
  • @Peter, thanks for the useful suggestion. Is there any way to link my question to that forum? –  rana Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 9:26
  • It is up to the moderators if the question should be migrated. I think it is a good question and keen to see the answers. –  Peter Jansson Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 9:28
  • 4 @CharlesMorisset to be more accurate, cross-posting is forbidden if you post the exact same question on both sites. But you can post two slightly different questions, one here focussing on the academic issues (”should I avoid it? if so, how to?”), and a more generic one on English. You won't get the same type of answers on both sites! –  F'x Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 10:08
  • 1 @F'x: Very good point. I was mostly mentioning it for the benefit of rana, who seems to be quite a new user, in order to avoid the question to cross-posted as such on ELU. But a different question would be of course just fine! –  user102 Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 10:11

2 Answers 2

Because it's a cover letter, I think it's quite natural that you say a lot about you in it. That's actually not to be avoided, because you want to give the addressee a good idea of your background, your motivations, your interests, etc. In short, you want to show them who you are, so they want to work with you. This is a totally different exercise than usual academic writing.

Now, regarding the redundancy of I , it is a matter of writing style. It probably wouldn't bother me much, but if you want to diminish it for some reasons, here are worthy alternatives:

Instead of starting your sentence with I , just push it somewhere down in some sentences. That way, you avoid the pattern of I as the first word of every sentence.

Looking at your group's wide range of research, I must confess a certain attraction for your recent groundbreaking work on the correlation between beer-drinking and publication rate .

Use constructions that, while retaining the first person, shift from the subject pronoun to other cases:

It has been my intention for a few years now to shift my research interests from pure psychology to experimental psychohistory, and I have thus taken in 2009 a post-doc position at the University of Trentor (group of prof. Seldon)

instead of “I decided a few years ago to move to the field of psychohistory…” . Similarly, you could say

The standard techniques of academic writing… introduce the pronoun once, then shift the discuss to avoid being the actor, e.g. using passive voice.

During my thesis, I introduced a new data reduction technique called XXZ. This algorithm, when applied to large datasets, was used to univocally establish whether data was being manipulated. In particular, results obtained on the 2000 election showed systematic bias against a specific candidate, highlighting its power as a diagnostic tool for real-life applications.

Be aware that there are downsides, though: most of these alternatives are longer than a direct sentence starting with I , which means overusing them could make you sound windy.

F'x's user avatar

  • thanks for the detailed discussion. I like to avoid passive voice and the introductory phases at the beginning of each sentence as these somehow dilute the importance/purpose of the sentence. So I prefer to use active voice and end up with many "I"! I think I should use a proper balance of active/passive voice and don't overuse any of these! Again, do you have example/link that might be useful? –  rana Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 10:18
  • 3 While the link doesn't work for me, +1 for the link to the Grim study. –  StrongBad Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 14:08
  • @DanielE.Shub link fixed (DOI changed since the ASAP version I had on my hard drive) –  F'x Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 14:36
  • 2 Speak like Yoda, you can. –  Rolf Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 18:55

One possibility is to use "my" now and then: instead of "I am experienced in ...", write "My fields of experience include ...". Another possibility is to use references to previous sentences: instead of writing "I developed the method of ... . I applied it to the problem of ... ." write "I developed ... . Its application to ... resulted in ... .". Also, instead of writing "I'm interested in the position because ...", write "This position will allow me to ... and benefit my ...". The idea is always the same: look at all other words in the sentence and think of whether one of them can be made the subject without changing the meaning or diluting the "importance" of the sentence. If it can, do it. If not, resort to passive voice and other techniques suggested in this thread. If it is still not satisfactory for some reason, just use "I" and go to the next sentence.

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cover letter without position

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job With No Experience in That Field

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In This Guide:

When do you need to write a cover letter without experience.

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Quick Answer: Writing a cover letter with no experience is challenging when applying for a job. A well-written cover letter can give you an edge over other candidates and help you stand out. Highlight your transferable skills, achievements, and knowledge of the company to create an impressive entry-level cover letter. Emphasize your soft skills and extracurricular experience to demonstrate your motivation, and don't forget to research the company. Remember, you have many personal qualities and skills that you can showcase.

Finding the perfect job is a challenge for many professionals. Now imagine what a struggle it is for a person with no experience.

Writing a cover letter with no experience is one of the biggest challenges when applying for your dream position.

Probably some of you are thinking:

“I have no experience, why should I bother with a cover letter, too?”

We believe that a well-written cover letter can open many doors for you, much so than just a resume.

So stay with us and make your cover letter perfect.

Meanwhile, you can steal a couple of ideas from our Cover Letter Examples .

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

When applying for a job, it is not enough to just attach your resume.

Recruiters want to know more about you.

They want to understand what you are proud of, what are your achievements and goals. They want to know your strengths and weaknesses.

The Hiring Managers know how challenging it is to write a cover letter without experience when changing a job or starting your career.

Be ready to impress them.

Career change cover letter

Have you decided to change careers?

That’s awesome.

However, at first, it would be a little bit hard to find a job.

Don’t worry.

We will help you make a killer cover letter with no experience.

Focus on transferable skills

Use your last career skills and transfer them to your new job. Sharing how they are going to help you in your new position will be only in your advantage.

Let’s say, you have worked in a hotel’s reception and now you want to work in Human Resources.

Tell the Recruiter about your communication and people skills. Explain that the guests always gave you a tip and left the hotel in a good mood after talking to you.

But don’t lie.

Tell your real abilities.

If you have used MS Word once or twice, don’t write that you are a master in it.

You can transfer almost all of your skills and have them work for you.

Enhancv How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job With No Experience in That Field

This is one great example from Housten Schneider on how to benefit from your abilities. She used her old job activities to explain how she could improve the company’s results.

What is more, Housten made it clear that she has researched the company and knows it’s main projects and desired goals.

You can also read Housten Schneider’s whole cover letter with no experience .

Performance and results

What are the two things that every company is most interested in?

Success and profits.

To have that, they need self-driven employees to help them through the process and achieve their goals.

Write about your success stories. They could be closed deals with clients, doubling the orders, or website visits.

No matter which career path you have chosen, there are always suitable achievements to tell.

Reinforce why you want to apply for the given company

You shouldn’t forget that, in the end, it’s another person reading your cover letter.

The Recruiters need to know why you want to work in the company.

Do your homework and read a little bit about the company, their goals, their impact, and their main projects.

Show them that you actually care about the company and they are not just the “next one” for which you have applied today.

Don’t start with ”I apply everywhere because only a few firms reply”.

They actually reply if you invest some time in researching the company.

Show them that you have what they need, you will receive an invitation for an interview for sure.

Entry level cover letter

Show you've researched the company and the industry.

Researching the company for your cover letter is not only good when changing careers.

If you are an entry-level candidate, you have little experience, which is mostly part of your university life. Knowing what the company is looking for in a candidate, you could use it to underline your strengths. Even though you have no professional background.

What’s more, you can tell why you like the company and why you want to work there. Be absolutely honest.

Enhancv How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job With No Experience in That Field

Mac Kelly makes this reinforcement very smoothly. He explains how he has learned about the BMW Group and what made an impression on him. Also, there is a little boost in the ego for the Hiring Manager, because you know… not every company has an exceptional Business Culture.

Recruiters appreciate that.

Do you want to know more? You can read Mac Kelly’s and one more cover letter with no experience .

Stress on your soft skills

Even without experience, you can always stress your soft skills.

They are an important part of your character and they could help you make a good first impression.

For example, if you want to work in a customer service job, most of the companies are searching for people who are good in:

  • Negotiation
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Reading body language
  • Storytelling
  • Verbal communication and others.

Every position has particular soft skills set and most of the time they are written in the job description.

Include those which describe you best and give examples. Write situations in which these skills have helped you overcome a difficult situation. Here’s a guide we wrote about including skills on your resume , but it’s worth a read for the cover letter, too.

Talk about your extracurricular activities and volunteer experience

Focus the Recruiter’s attention to your experience outside of school or university. It could be any extracurricular activity or volunteer work  related to the position you are applying to.

For example, you could have been part of your local Red Cross team and participated in their yearly initiatives such as spreading out the word on important health subjects.

Or you could have been part of a student organization or a club and made your school and university a better place to study in.

Adding this experience in your cover letter tells the Recruiter that you have organizational skills, you are motivated and driven, and also you want to help others.

What is more, NGOs help you develop yourself and bring greater purpose to your life.

So remember, when you’re trying to write a cover letter with no experience, it is a real challenge to convince the Recruiter that you have what it takes to handle the job.

But it only takes several key considerations to ace it.

Always remember, that you have many skills and personal characteristics – as well as a history of accomplishments outside of the university.

Highlight those strengths and create a cover letter that can help you get that all-important interview.

Now it’s your time. Go and write one.

Of course, if you’re looking for help to write truly professional cover letters that will help you get noticed, you can always use our Cover Letter Builder .

Do you have any questions on how to write a cover letter with no experience? Not sure how to show you’re the right candidate? Get back to us in the comments below, and we’ll answer your questions.

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3 Keys to Writing Cover Letters That Stand Out

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cover letter without position

3 Keys to Writing Cover Letters That Stand Out was originally published on Vault .

It's a myth that high quality job openings are few and far between thanks to Covid. The truth is, despite the economic uncertainty created by the pandemic, there are many great openings out there. And to get them—or, at least, have a chance at getting them—you first need to capture the attention of hiring managers. And the best way to do that is to write compelling cover letters. So here are the three keys to writing cover letters that stand out.

1. Convey your personality, quirks and all.

Showcasing your uniqueness and allowing your personality to shine through in your cover letters can magnetize hiring managers, sending instant messages that you might be the candidate they're looking for. The secret to achieving this is to use specific details, rather than vague ones.

For example, the following was recently used by an applicant when applying for a Head of Marketing position (shortly after sending this, the candidate was interviewed and then hired):

“I have a passion for data and analytics. I enjoy spending (a little too much time) geeking out in Google analytics, advertising platforms, and BI tools (Tableau and Looker), digging deep into data to identify opportunities that can be leveraged to drive growth and inform testing strategies for campaigns, websites, and products.”

Now compare the above to the below (which has less personality and fewer details, and thus would likely not stand out):

“I am well versed in data analytics, and I am experienced with Google analytics, BI Tools, and other advertising platforms. I have a proven ability to inform testing strategies for campaigns for websites and products.”

Here's another example of cover letter phrasing that captures the attention of hiring managers:

“I'm rather obsessed with personal organization. I read three organizational blogs on my own time, and I've organized my desktop folders into color-coded sub-categories. My friends laugh at me for saying things like, ‘An organized space equals an organized mind,' but I don't like wasting time looking for things.” 

Now compare that to this less specific phrasing:

“I have a proven track record of being organized, and I have a passion for it. I have a proven knack for keeping files organized on an ongoing basis, and I have put organizational processes and procedures in place for my department. The bottom line is organization is always my highest priority.” 

2. Prove your level of dedication to your profession.

Another way to stand out is to illustrate specific things about your dedication to your field. In the following example, a candidate showcases her dedication to her profession, proves that she spends a lot of time thinking about driving results in her field, and shows that she takes concrete steps in order to be a high quality contributor in her field. All of which goes a long way when it comes time for hiring managers to decide which candidates to interview. 

“I believe that a good marketing strategy requires seeking out the latest trends and staying one step ahead of the competition. I've attended the Traction conference two years in a row and completed the 2018 Reforge Growth Series, a highly credible and exclusive course that only accepts 10 percent of applicants and is built by leaders from Hubspot, Uber, and other firms. Through these professional developments, I've opened my mind to uncommon marketing methods, and I pride myself on thinking outside the box to develop strategies that create sustainable, low-cost customer acquisition loops that lead to long-term positive ROI.” 

Now compare the above to the below, which is less detailed and includes less specific phrasing:

“I have the skills and requirements for this position, and I believe I would complete every task asked of me to the highest standard expected. My background and experience make me an excellent fit for this position for many reasons. I am very interested in marketing, and I think I would be a great asset to the team.”

3. Include concrete, quantitative results that show your value.

In any written application, you'll need to showcase some form of quantitative results to stand out. Note that even if you don't have a lot of shiny results in your career yet (or even any relevant experience—which is okay!), you can still use words to capture someone's attention with what you have done. And if you do have a record of achieving quantifiable results, then by all means include them, like in the below:

“I developed several Google ad campaigns that were worth more than $500,000 and that resulted in high-level customers. Also, through testing and optimization, I increased newsletter sign-ups by more than 200 percent.”

Now compare that to this bland sentence:

“I have experience in Google ad campaigns, as well as experience in testing and optimization.”

A final note

When trying to convey your personality, get across your dedication, or communicate your value, there's a big difference between saying you're a good fit for the job and actually showing it.

So, when writing your cover letters, try to hold these words in mind: I know you (the hiring managers) don't know me, so let me show you exactly why I'm completely invested, committed, and passionate about doing this specific type of work. And let me show you the specific reasons why hiring me, over all other candidates, would be beneficial to you.

If you hold all this in mind, the right details and words will flow right out of you—and into your cover letters.

Natalie Fisher is best known for helping professionals land their ideal roles and achieve explosive salary growth (even with little experience). If you want to dive deeper on the topic of your career mindset and become a person who knows exactly how to land their dream job offer, listen to her on the podcast Get a Six Figure Job You Love .

How to address a cover letter without a name

Writing a cover letter and  tailoring it to the job you’re applying for can be tricky, especially when you can’t find the details of whom you’re meant to address it to. This seemingly small stumbling block could pause your progress. What to do?

In this article, we cover best practices and approaches to address a cover letter when the recipient is unknown. Here are some tips for success and mistakes to avoid when addressing your cover letter without a name.

Whom to address a cover letter to if no name is provided?  

How to start a cover letter without a name   

How to find the right name for your cover letter  

Cover letter with no name – examples

Whom to address a cover letter to if no name is provided?

The ideal scenario is to  address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager by name. This approach shows you care about the role enough to find out who your boss would be, and helps personalise your letter. It’s a great way to capture their attention.

But what happens when a job posting doesn’t include the name of the hiring manager or contact details? It may be a hurdle, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make a strong, personable connection. In these cases, different approaches can be used to maintain professionalism while still making a personal impact.

How to start a cover   letter without a name  

Starting your cover letter to an unknown recipient is important, to help you create a professional and engaging tone. Here are some ways you can  open your letter , ensuring it captures attention and conveys respect.

Using ‘Dear Hiring Manager’   

‘ Dear Hiring Manager ’ is a universally accepted option when the name of the recipient is unknown. (The hiring manager is usually the person you’d be reporting to in the role.) This approach holds a high level of professionalism and formality, which is appropriate for most types of  job applications . It ensures your cover letter is likely to be directed to the correct person or at least to someone with hiring responsibilities.

Addressing the letter to the hiring team   

Choosing to address  your cover letter to the department's hiring team shows you have taken the time to research the company and understand its structure. A ‘hiring team’ generally includes the direct manager of the vacant position, plus senior colleagues or teammates you’d be working most closely with. To tailor your letter effectively, look for the specific department name either in the job posting or on the company website. This shows a proactive approach to your job application.

Use a formal address in a cover letter   

Using a formal address such as  ‘ Dear Recruitment Officer ’ is less common but still works if the job posting provides a generic title. It’s important to use the exact title mentioned to keep it professional and ensure the letter reflects the specific role or department outlined in the description.

Do not assume gender or marital status   

It’s important to avoid assuming the gender or marital status of the recipient. Phrases like  ‘ Dear Sir/Madam ’ are outdated and can be seen as impersonal. Use titles like Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss only if you are certain of the recipient’s preferred title, which is rarely the case when the name is unknown.

Use job profiles and processional titles   

Addressing your cover letter to a job profile or professional title, such as  ‘ Dear Head of Sales, ’ can be effective if the job posting clearly mentions a specific department or senior position. This approach is less formal than other options but can be a great way to add personalisation.

Avoid using ‘To whom it may concern’   

The phrase  ‘ To Whom It May Concern ’ is considered outdated and impersonal. Because it’s generic, it could be seen as a lack of effort on your behalf, in trying to find the right contact person. You should always try to avoid making your  application appear generic , as it’s less likely to capture the attention of the hiring manager. Instead, opt for more personalised alternatives.

Avoid addressing your cover letter to recruiters   

Directly addressing your cover letter to  recruiters is generally not recommended unless requested, as they may not be the decision-makers for the position you’re applying for. Focus instead on addressing it to either the  hiring manager or the relevant team that is directly involved with the role.

Address the cover letter to the right person    

It’s important to make every effort to address your  cover letter to the most relevant person or team. This shows you’re really invested in the role and that you’ve carried out thorough research and increases your chances of your application being reviewed by the right person. Use all available resources, including the job posting, company website and  professional networking platforms , to find the best recipient for your cover letter. 

How to find the right   name for your cover letter

Finding the right name to address in your cover letter can have a big impact and create a personal connection. Here are some methods for  researching this crucial piece of information to ensure your application is as targeted and effective as possible.

Read the job description thoroughly   

The job description is the most likely place you’ll find clues for whom you should address in your cover letter. Take a close look to see if it mentions the name or title of the hiring manager. Contact details such as an email or a direct line might be provided, particularly in smaller companies, offering you insight into how to personalise your cover letter. 

Visit the profile of the job publisher   

Many job boards allow you to view the profile of the company that posted the job. This company profile can sometimes reveal the name of the hiring manager or relevant department responsible for the listing. Accessing this information directly from the job board can be a simple yet effective way to personalise your cover letter and show your attention to detail skills. The company’s official website might also have an Our Team page where you can see employees’ names and roles. 

Do a quick search   

If in doubt… search online. Use the company name along with the job title or department as search terms, and consider using quotation marks around your search phrase to narrow down the results more accurately. This can help uncover the name of the hiring manager or relevant contacts posted on the company’s official website or professional networking sites. 

Network with people in the company   

If you have  connections at the company , now’s the time to reach out for some inside information about the hiring process and the name of the hiring manager. This helps when it comes to personalising your cover letter and also provides insights into the company culture and other job-related details.  

Cover letter with no name –  examples

Writing a cover letter without a name can still be effective with the right approach. Here are some examples to give you an idea.

Subject: Application for Project Coordinator Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to express my interest in the project coordinator position advertised on your website. With a proven track record in project management and a passion for continuous improvement, I believe I am a strong candidate for this role. My experience at XYZ Corp, where I led cross-functional teams to deliver projects within strict deadlines and budgets, aligns closely with the responsibilities of this position.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity because of your company's commitment to innovation and quality, values I have upheld throughout my career. I am eager to bring my expertise in project planning and stakeholder engagement to your team, contributing to successful project outcomes and organisational growth.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my background, skills, and enthusiasm align with the goals of your team.

Kind regards,

Takeshi Sugi

Subject: Enthusiastic Candidate for Marketing Coordinator Position

Dear marketing coordinator hiring team,

I’m excited to submit my application for the marketing coordinator role advertised on  SEEK.com.au . With a solid background in digital marketing and a deep understanding of communication strategies, I’m ready to contribute to your department’s goals.

At my current workplace, I successfully increased our social media engagement by over 50% through targeted content campaigns and data-driven decision-making. I am keen to bring my skills in social media strategy and analytics to your company, supporting your efforts to expand your digital footprint and engage with a broader audience.

I admire your team's innovative approach to marketing and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute in such a dynamic role. I am confident that my proactive style and commitment to excellence would be a great match for your company.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope to discuss in further detail how I can contribute to your team.

Warmest regards,

Ilana Mauboy

The way you address your cover letter can shape the  first impression you make. By thoughtfully choosing how to address your cover letter when you don't know the name –whether to a hiring manager, a team, or a department – you set a professional tone right from the start. By following the methods outlined in this guide and dedicating the time to write a well-written and personalised cover letter, you can help your application stand out. Remember: every part of your  job application is an opportunity to demonstrate your  attention to detail and conscientiousness. 

If the job posting mentions a department, should I address the cover letter to that department or the hiring manager within it? 

Address the cover letter to the hiring manager within that department if possible. If the manager's name is not available, addressing it to the department (e.g.,  Dear Marketing Department ) is a good alternative. 

Should I address my cover letter to the recruiter who contacted me about the job? 

Yes, if a  recruiter contacted you directly about the job opportunity, you should address the cover letter to them. This personalises your response and helps in maintaining continuity in communication.

Where can I find the company website or social media profiles to potentially discover the hiring manager's name? 

Company websites are typically the best source for accurate and up-to-date information. Look for sections like  About Us, Team  or Staff . Social media platforms are also great for  researching company staff , especially for finding out the names and titles of department heads or hiring managers.

Is it appropriate to reach out to someone at the company to ask about the hiring manager? 

Yes, it is appropriate to reach out to someone at the company, especially if you have a professional connection. This can be done through  professional networking sites. Ensure your approach is courteous and professional, expressing genuine interest in learning more about the role and the company.

If I can't find the hiring manager’s name anywhere, which approach from this guide should I prioritise? 

If you can’t find the hiring manager's name, the safest and most professional approach is to use  Dear Hiring Manager . This is widely accepted and ensures that your cover letter is appropriately directed without making incorrect assumptions about personal details.

How can I ensure my cover letter opening is strong even without a personalised salutation? 

To ensure a strong opening for your cover letter without a personalised salutation, focus on an introductory paragraph that highlights your enthusiasm for the position and your most relevant qualifications, and how they align with the job’s requirements. Starting with a strong statement about your  professional background or a notable achievement can capture the reader's attention.

Top search terms

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How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

As a writer, I did my fair share of job hunting. Despite my experience and expertise, I often struggled with impressing interviewers due to my lackluster cover letters. Limited resources and time constraints left my cover letters far from impressive. However, things changed when I mastered the art of writing compelling cover letters. Soon, I started receiving interview calls and eventually landed my dream job. In this article, I will share these cover letter writing techniques with you, so you too know how to write a cover letter and can effortlessly land the job of your dreams.

What is a Cover Letter and What does it Contain?

A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit along with your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to persuade the employer that you are an excellent candidate for the role. It complements your resume by clearly linking your experience and interests to the position you're applying for. Essentially, the cover letter is your chance to convince the employer to invite you for an interview.

A typical cover letter contains several key elements, each serving a specific purpose in showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here’s a breakdown of what a cover letter typically includes:

Your Contact Information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

Date: The date you are writing the letter.

Employer’s Contact Information: Name, title, company, and address of the person you are addressing the letter to.

2. Salutation

Address the letter to a specific person if possible (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”).

3. Introduction

Opening Statement: A brief introduction mentioning the job you are applying for and how you found out about the position.

Hook: A compelling reason why you are interested in the job and the company.

First Paragraph: Explain why you are a good fit for the role. Highlight key qualifications and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Second Paragraph: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they relate to the job. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact.

Third Paragraph: Discuss your knowledge of the company and why you are excited about this particular opportunity. Show that you have researched the organization and explain how your goals align with its mission and values.

5. Conclusion

Closing Statement: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Summarize why you are a strong candidate.

Call to Action: Mention your desire for an interview and provide your contact information again. Indicate that you will follow up within a certain timeframe.

Thank You: Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration.

6. Signature

Closing Phrase: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely”, or “Best regards”.

Signature: Leave space for your handwritten signature (if submitting a hard copy) and then type your name below it.

How to Write a Cover Letter For a Job in 5 Steps!

Firstly, it’s crucial to streamline the process of crafting a cover letter, but that doesn’t mean using the same cover letter for every job position or even the same position at different companies. Customization is key to standing out.

Step 1. Research the Company- AIPal

Open the job listing you want to apply for, typically found on platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. These platforms usually provide a detailed job description outlining the requirements and responsibilities.

To begin, I will write a cover letter for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile, which is a remote job listing I found on LinkedIn.

To proceed effectively, I will copy the job description and input it into AIPal to extract key keywords. These keywords are crucial as they highlight the skills and attributes the employer is seeking for the role.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter.

To refine your keyword research, you can ask AIPal to extract keywords and categorize them into tiers.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter. Assign them in three tiers ranging from the most important to least important.

This way, you'll identify the most critical keywords, which should be emphasized more in your cover letter, and less important keywords, which can be mentioned once or twice.

This approach will give me a comprehensive understanding of what the job entails and what qualities I should emphasize in my cover letter.

Step 2. Choose a template- WPS Office

Choosing a cover letter template is important because it gives you a clear structure to follow, saving you time and ensuring your letter looks polished. It guides you on what information to include, from your skills to your qualifications, making it easier to customize each letter for different job applications. Templates also help keep your letter organized and visually appealing, which is key to making a positive impression on employers.

WPS Office has been a godsend in this regard, offering plenty of cover letter templates. I followed these steps to find the desired cover letter for the Marketing Manager position:

Open WPS Office and click on "New" on the left side pane.

Next, simply click on the “All” tab in the left side pane. This will display numerous templates available on WPS Office for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

To save time browsing through all the options, simply search for "cover letter". This filters out irrelevant templates and helps find the right cover letter template for the job post in context.

Upon finding the suitable template for the job post, click on it to preview.

To start customizing the selected template, click the "Download" button at the top right corner, which will launch it in the WPS Writer interface for editing.

Header and Salutation

Headers and salutations are essential in a cover letter for their role in setting a professional tone. The header provides your contact details and the date, ensuring easy communication and formal presentation.

Salutations, like "Dear Hiring Manager," personalize your letter and demonstrate attention to detail, addressing the recipient directly and showcasing professionalism from the start.

One of the standout features of WPS templates is its ready-made header, which enhances the visual appeal of your cover letter. It includes sections for your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details.

Addressing the recipient by name whenever possible adds a personal touch; if that information isn't available, a generic greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager" remains professional and appropriate. Ensuring the document is error-free further underscores your professionalism and attention to detail.

Step 3. Introduction- Your Opening Sentences

Starting your cover letter with a compelling introduction is crucial. It’s your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention and make a strong first impression. A well-crafted opening should highlight your enthusiasm, showcase your qualifications, and give a hint of your personality.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind to create an engaging and effective cover letter introduction:

Expressing genuine passion for the role or the company can make a strong impact. For example, in a sales manager position:

Dear Mr. Brown, my name is Anna and I’m excited about the opportunity to help your company exceed its sales targets. My five years of experience as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. have equipped me with the skills needed to drive results. Last year, we surpassed our KPIs by 50%, and I’m eager to bring this success to your team.

Referrals can add credibility to your application. For instance, in an architectural position:

I was thrilled to learn about this job opportunity from John Doe, who has been with your firm for five years. John and I collaborated on an architectural project for over a year, and he recommended I apply for this role, believing I’d be a great fit.

Demonstrating your knowledge about the company shows dedication. For example, in a social worker position:

I have always admired the work your organization does with vulnerable communities. Your commitment to social justice resonates with my professional values, and I believe my previous experience as a social worker aligns perfectly with your mission.

Starting with a significant accomplishment can immediately capture interest. For example, in a public relations position:

As a Public Relations Representative at Company XYZ, I enhanced the company’s reputation and public image, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction. I am eager to bring my proven track record of success to your organization as the Head of Communications.

Step 4. Body- the Most Important Part

The body of your resume is where you showcase your qualifications, experience, skills, and achievements to demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Structuring this section effectively is crucial to capturing the attention of hiring managers and persuading them to consider you for the position.

Here’s how to craft a compelling resume body:

Start with a Strong Summary or Objective Statement:

Begin your resume with a concise summary or objective that highlights your career goals and what you bring to the table. This helps recruiters quickly understand your professional background and aspirations. For example:

Results-driven marketing professional with 8+ years of experience in digital marketing strategies and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing brand awareness and revenue growth through innovative marketing initiatives. Seeking to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute to the continued success of ABC Company.

Highlight Key Skills:

List relevant skills that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points to make them easy to scan. Focus on both technical skills (e.g., software proficiency, languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication, leadership). For example:

Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO/SEM Optimization

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Social Media Marketing

Analytical Skills

Team Leadership

Add Keywords:

In the body of the cover letter, it's crucial to incorporate keywords extracted from the job description. These keywords highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and attributes that align with what the employer is seeking. For example, if the job description emphasizes "digital marketing strategy," "customer acquisition," and "social media management," your cover letter should showcase your expertise in these areas.

My experience in developing and implementing robust digital marketing strategies, coupled with a proven track record in customer acquisition and social media management, aligns perfectly with the goals outlined for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile.

Detail Your Work Experience:

Include your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each job, provide the following details:

Job Title and Company: Clearly state your position and the organization you worked for.

Dates of Employment: Specify the period you worked there.

Key Responsibilities: Outline your main duties and responsibilities in concise bullet points. Focus on achievements and quantify results where possible. For example:

Managed a team of 5 digital marketers to execute SEO and PPC campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 25% growth in lead generation.

Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your impact. Use metrics to quantify your achievements whenever feasible. For example:

Led a successful rebranding campaign that increased brand recognition by 40% and led to a 15% increase in customer engagement.

Education and Certifications: List your educational background, including degrees, diplomas, and relevant certifications. Mention any honors or awards received. Include the name of the institution, degree/certification earned, and dates attended.

Skills and Expertise: Elaborate on any additional skills or expertise that are relevant to the job. This could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, or proficiency in certain tools or methodologies.

Professional Development: Include any professional development activities, workshops, or seminars you have attended that are relevant to your career.

Step 5. Closing & Salutation

A strong conclusion to your cover letter is essential to leave a positive and lasting impression on a prospective employer. It serves as your final opportunity to express enthusiasm, reinforce your qualifications, and prompt the hiring manager to take action. Here’s how to effectively end your cover letter.

Show self-assurance in your skills and how they align with the job requirements. This demonstrates to the employer that you are a competent and enthusiastic candidate. For example:

I am confident that my project management experience and problem-solving abilities make me a perfect fit for your team. I thrive in dynamic environments and am eager to contribute to your company's success.

Let your passion for the role and the industry shine through. Mentioning your enthusiasm can make you a more memorable candidate. For instance:

My lifelong passion for animal welfare drives my dedication to providing top-notch veterinary care. I am excited to bring this passion to your clinic and contribute to the well-being of your patients.

Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job responsibilities. This helps the employer see the direct benefits of hiring you. For example:

With seven years of experience managing senior accounts, I am skilled at anticipating client needs and handling situations with discretion. I am eager to bring this expertise to your team and help grow your client base.

Share your career aspirations and how they align with the company’s growth. This shows your long-term interest in the organization. For example:

I look forward to leveraging my sales experience to identify new markets and build strong customer relationships. My goal is to grow within your company and eventually lead the account management team.

Align your personal values with the company’s mission to show you’re a cultural fit. For example:

I admire ArcherTech's commitment to supporting local businesses and have innovative marketing ideas to increase profitability in this sector. I am excited to discuss these ideas further.

Emphasize relevant technical skills, especially those mentioned in the job description. This highlights your readiness to contribute effectively. For example:

I bring extensive experience with CAD software and can create integrated 360-degree renderings for client presentations. My past successes in this area can help boost your sales by 150% over the next two quarters.

Encourage the employer to take the next step, such as scheduling an interview. Express gratitude and indicate your eagerness to discuss your application further. For example:

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

End your letter with a formal and courteous closing. Suitable options include "Best", "Sincerely", "Respectfully", and "Thank you".

Here's a template for Closing & Salutation:

This is the best approach I can suggest for writing a great cover letter, but I highly recommend using WPS Office templates for this. The AI features in AIPal and WPS Office can help extract keywords and assist with writing, while the templates provide pre-written content tailored to the position you're applying for. This approach minimizes effort and frustration, especially when a job requires a cover letter, ensuring your application meets all necessary requirements effectively.

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How to Proofread your Cover Letter- WPS Office

WPS Office is an all-around solution for various tasks, including writing a cover letter and securing your dream job. Beyond helping you create a polished cover letter, WPS Office also excels in proofreading it. With its AI-powered Proofreader, WPS Office ensures your cover letter is error-free and impactful.

WPS AI: To assist you in polishing your content:

WPS AI Proofreader is an essential tool for perfecting your cover letter with ease and confidence. As you craft your application, WPS AI Proofreader ensures your writing is polished to perfection. It goes beyond simple spell checks, offering real-time error detection for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. This means you can focus on expressing your skills and achievements effectively, without worrying about typos or awkward phrasing. With customizable settings and intuitive correction options, WPS AI Proofreader tailors its suggestions to fit your writing style, ensuring your cover letter maintains professionalism and clarity.

AIPal Chatbot: For ideas and consultation

AIPal is a great web-assistant throughout the process of refining and perfecting your cover letter through its robust proofreading and consultation capabilities. This AI-powered tool not only identifies grammatical errors and punctuation issues but also provides insightful suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your ideas. AIPal ensures that your cover letter maintains a cohesive flow and communicates your qualifications effectively to potential employers.

1. How long should a Cover Letter be?

A cover letter should ideally be between half a page and a full page in length, with a word count ranging from 250 to 400 words. It is typically divided into three to six paragraphs. It's important to keep it brief and focused on relevant details.

2. What tone should I use in my Cover Letter?

To effectively convey the right tone in your cover letter, aim for a balance that is both professional and friendly.

Avoid overly formal language while maintaining a polished demeanor.

Tailor your communication style to fit the company's culture, showing genuine enthusiasm for the position without coming across as boastful or overly eager.

Use confident and positive language to articulate your qualifications clearly, avoiding jargon, informal expressions, or humor that could be misinterpreted.

This approach will ensure your cover letter reflects professionalism and authentic interest in the position.

3. Should I include references in my cover letter?

Typically, you do not need to include references in your cover letter unless the employer specifically requires them. Concentrate on highlighting your relevant qualifications and explaining why you are a strong match for the position.

Create An Impactful Cover Letter With WPS Office

Creating a compelling cover letter can often be the decisive factor in securing your dream job. It needs to showcase your expertise clearly and coherently, leaving no doubt about your suitability for the role. WPS Office provides a reliable solution where you can gather all the necessary information for when you are figuring out how to write a cover letter and ensure your cover letter resonates at the right level.

From templates perfectly tailored to the job position to extracting crucial keywords and summarizing job descriptions, WPS Office equips you with everything essential for writing a successful cover letter. Download AIPal today to streamline your job hunting journey and alleviate some of the frustrations along the way.

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  • 5. Editable & Printable Sample Cover Letter for Job Application Word Format
  • 6. Latest 10 Free Cover Letter Template for 2024

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'It's not over until it's over': England gives Rishi Sunak hope of glorious comeback

After England's glorious last-minute comeback - Rishi Sunak has sent a message to the country as he tries to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in this general election.

Sunday 30 June 2024 23:04, UK

  • General Election 2024

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  • England gives Sunak hope of a glorious comeback
  • Reform candidate disowns party amid racism row - and backs Tories | Which comes after party dropped three candidates
  • Farage says he 'doesn't want to know' racists | And finally rules out joining Tory party after election
  • Rob Powell:  With more coverage comes more scrutiny
  • Sunak insists he can still win election
  • Has Labour chosen wealthy pensioners over children in poverty?
  • 'Extremely troubling' footage emerges of Tory association students singing Nazi song | But party says group 'not affiliated' to them
  • Live reporting by Ben Bloch  and (earlier)  Faith Ridler

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid | Reform | SNP
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:  Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo
  • How to watch election on Sky News

Thank you for joining us on the Politics Hub for live coverage of events on the general election campaign trail today.

Polls open in 3 days and 8 hours - and the campaign is about to enter a frantic phase as politicians spend every last moment fighting for your vote.

Scroll down for all of today's developments - and we'll be back from 6am with the very latest.

Pledges and promises are coming thick and fast from every party as the general election approaches. 

Struggling to keep up with who is saying what?

Here is a summary of where the main parties stand on major issues.

For a more in-depth look at what each party has pledged, scour our  manifesto checker ...

The final weekend of the general election campaign is over, with three days and nine hours left until polls open.

Today has seen a slight lull in the pace of campaigning ahead of the frantic final days as the politicians fight for every last vote.

Here's what you need to know about what happened today:

  • Nigel Farage held a vast Reform UK rally in Birmingham as he tries to stabilise his party's position after a slew of racism allegations this week;
  • Speaking to Sky's political editor Beth Rigby , Mr Farage described homophobic remarks by a close aide of his as "crass, drunken, vulgar, rude, wrong" - but also that "people say all sorts of things when they're drunk";
  • Also in his interview with Beth, he finally ruled out joining the Tories after the election if he enters parliament, saying they are "ghastly";
  • But the racism row engulfing the party continued, with one of his candidates quitting to back the Tories, citing "widespread racism and sexism" in the party, and "the failure of the party's leadership to not only take this matter seriously, but also to fundamentally address it".
  • Rishi Sunak  started the day with a tough interview in which he was challenged on his party's record in power;
  • He insisted on BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg show that the UK is "a better place to live than it was in 2010", despite a "difficult" last few years;
  • He also insisted that his party can still win the general election;
  • In the afternoon, he visited a synagogue in north London and met community members;
  • He pledged that a Conservative  government under his leadership would show "steadfast" support for Israel, and said he was "proud" that British forces helped defend Israel from Iran's attack in April;
  • The PM hit out at the "sickness" of antisemitism, and pledged to "lead a long term effort" to tackle, and "change our culture so we tackle the root causes of this hatred";
  • Speaking to Sky's Trevor Phillips this morning, Mr Sunak's deputy, Oliver Dowden , warned that Russia is using bots to boost Reform UK on social media (a spokesman for the party said Mr Dowden must think voters are "stupid").
  • Sir Keir Starmer  was not seen on the campaign trail today, but his national campaign coordinator Pat McFadden was challenged by Sky's Trevor Phillips  about whether they would owe a potential victory on Thursday to Reform UK;
  • He replied that the power is in the hands of the electorate, and dismissed any questions over the legitimacy of a potential Labour win;
  • SNP  leader John Swinney  told Sky News that Scots have been "disenfranchised" by the timing of the election, because school holidays in Scotland have already started in large parts of the country;
  • The first minister also made the case for independence with the SNP - but did concede his party has had a "tough time" in recent months.

Follow along for the latest political updates throughout the evening.

TV presenter Rylan Clark has said he would "love" to become a politician - and replace the party system with a "Power Rangers of government" model.

The TV personality, 35, joined political editor Beth Rigby and former Scottish Conservative leader Baroness Ruth Davidson for this week's Sky News Electoral Dysfunction podcast.

Asked if he would ever consider the career change, he said: "If I wasn't in the job that I was in, I would love nothing more."

Rylan, who won Celebrity Big Brother and also appeared on the X Factor, appeared on the podcast in place of Labour candidate Jess Phillips after tweeting his praise for Rigby on the day Rishi Sunak announced the general election.

Sharing a clip of her and Sky presenter Sophy Ridge outside a rainy Downing Street waiting for Mr Sunak to appear at the lectern, he said: "Obsessed with the Rigby."

Speaking to her and Davidson, he said his "obsession" with politics began with Brexit - "as we've seen so many promises which weren't fulfilled" since then.

He added: "I lie there at night sometimes, and I think about [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. He hosted one of the same shows I've hosted in Ukraine."

The TV presenter also shared his idea of abandoning political parties altogether.

Read the full story here: 

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

With under a week to go, the Tories and Labour have taken a drop, while support for Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats is on the rise.

Read more about the tracker  here .

Avid football fan Sir Keir Starmer has tweeted his reaction to England's win over Slovakia to reach the quarter-finals of the Euros.

Although England came a matter of minutes from losing before Jude Bellingham's stunning overhead kick in added time took it to extra time, the Labour leader tweeted that the win was "never in doubt".

Labour would definitely want to steer us away from inferring any commentary about the general election from that tweet as they fight for every last vote - unlike Rishi Sunak's more pointed message ...

The Financial Times (FT) announced today that it is backing the Labour Party at this general election, and on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue , we spoke to the paper's Whitehall Editor, Lucy Fisher, about that decision.

She is, of course, employed by the paper as a journalist, and does not sit on the Editorial Board that decided the endorsement.

But she told Ali that it is "really significant" that the board has backed Labour, adding that it's "the first time since 2005" the paper has done so.

"The FT doesn't have a natural political allegiance, and in fact, being a very pro-free trade and private enterprise newspaper, wanting to see a very open, outward-looking Britain - [it] has more often supported the Tories than Labour.

"So it does feel significant. And the op-ed... makes clear the FT views this as a sea change moment in British politics akin to 1979 when [Margaret] Thatcher swept to power, or 1997 when Tony Blair came in."

Finally, we ask Treasury minister Bim Afolami if the Conservative Party can still defy the polls and win the election on Thursday.

He replies: "Of course we can. And, you know, we will see what happens

"But what I do know is on speaking to constituents... there are higher than normal numbers of undecided people.

"This is the fourth general election I've fought - a large number of people are still saying they don't know which way to go.

"And my message to them on the doorsteps and here today is if they want to lower their taxes, secure the borders, make sure that we have a thriving, prosperous economy going forward in the future, a Conservative vote is what they need to do."

Ali Fortescue points out to the minister that the overall tax burden will continue to rise under the Conservative Party - but he does not accept that, saying the tax cuts they want to make are targeted at ordinary working people, and the overall number factors in the wider economy.

"We are cutting taxes for working people and for pensioners as well," he insists.

In the last hour, we've had the breaking news from the French parliamentary elections that Marine Le Pen's far right National Rally party appears to have come out on top in the first round of voting, according to exit polls.

We ask minister Bim Afolami if he is worried about that at all, and he replies: "I must confess that I haven't really been following the French election as closely as I might have done because I've been focusing on my own in this country."

Asked if a Conservative government would work with Ms Le Pen and her party, he replies that "Britain has to work with whoever is chosen as the leader of other countries".

He says "of course" they would work with whoever is elected in France.

Sky's Ali Fortescue puts it to him that Rishi Sunak has previously said Nigel Farage would work with Ms Le Pen, implying it would be a bad thing to do.

Mr Afolami replies: "We're not advocating for Marine Le Pen to win.

"What I'm saying to you is you cannot choose... who leads other countries."

The first UK political guest on tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortesue  is Treasury minister Bim Afolami, and we start by asking for his reaction to the Reform candidate in Erewash disowning his party to back the Tories.

Mr Afolami says: "Well, I'm glad he's seen the light."

He also says that he's glad that the candidate, Liam Booth-Isherwood, has made the point that only the Conservative candidate can stop Labour winning, which has been the Tory party's argument for weeks.

Asked if he would be glad if Nigel Farage decided to back the Tories, Mr Afolami says the Reform leader has "no intention" of switching sides.

He goes on: "I do find it quite curious, you know, this idea that Farage is somehow a Conservative. He spent 25 years trying to destroy the Conservative Party."

He adds that Reform is "designed to increase the power of a Labour".

Challenged on the fact that senior Conservatives like Suella Braverman and Sir Philip Davies have said they would welcome Mr Farage into the party, the minister says they are "in a small minority".

Here is the full list of candidates standing in Erewash:

  • James Martin Archer, Liberal Democrats
  • Liam Dane Booth-Isherwood (was Reform UK, but has quit party to back Tories)
  • John William Kirby, Independent
  • Brent Poland, Green Party
  • Adam Thompson, Labour Party
  • Maggie Throup, Conservative Party

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  1. How To Write a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

    Include a header. In the top left corner of your letter, write your full name, address and contact information, followed by the date, company name, address and hiring manager name and title, if you know it. Write a greeting. Use a formal salutation such as "Dear" followed by the title and last name of the manager most likely to be hiring for ...

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

    Job Application Letter Sample and Writing Tips for a Role That's Not Advertised. Mention your contacts. If you know someone at the organization, mention this at the beginning of the cover letter. Having a contact at the company is a great way to get your foot in the door, even if the company isn't actively hiring. Use paper or email.

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter to a Company That Does Not Have a Job

    In your letter, it is OK to let them know you are aware there are no current openings. It shows your sincerity as well as leaves the door open, even if you don't get a call back right away. Example: I realize you don't have any posted openings at the moment, but I wanted to introduce myself and express my interest in the event a position ...

  4. How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience + Examples

    1. Check the company and job description. The first step in crafting a well-written cover letter is to research the company where you want to work. Carefully review what the organization shares about its values and culture on social media or its website to understand how you can relate to it in your letter.

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter Without a Job in Mind

    These will vary from job to job, but your all-purpose cover letter template should follow this basic format. Here are some things to include: Your experience. Specialized skills. Significant achievements. I've worked as a department store manager for 15 years. I have experience in merchandising, handling vendors, hiring and training and overall ...

  6. General Cover Letter: Samples, Template & 5 Writing Tips

    Here's how to address your cover letter: List the hiring manager's contact information at the top - Include the company's address as well as the hiring manager's phone number and email. Address the hiring manager by name - Even if you don't have time to fully customize every cover letter you send out, at least make sure to address ...

  7. How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience

    Writing a good cover letter is possible — even if you have no work experience. Here are some tips and an example to show you how to write a cover letter. List your contact information. Include the hiring manager's contact details. Address the hiring manager by name. Write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph.

  8. Sample Cover Letter With No Experience in Field (And How to Write Yours)

    1. The Main Purpose of Your Cover Letter with No Experience. The purpose of a cover letter is to complement your resume and convince more employers to interview you. You may refer to your resume when writing a cover letter for a job application, but you must expand upon points made in the resume when writing the cover letter.

  9. How to Write a Cover Letter (Examples and Tips)

    Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name. The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person's first and last name, including "Mr." or "Ms." (for example, "Dear Ms. Jane Smith" or just "Dear Ms. Smith").

  10. How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience (+Examples)

    Here are 8 steps for how to write a cover letter with no experience: 1. Study the Job Description and Research the Company. First, before you get down to writing, find and note down all the information possible about the skills, qualities, and qualifications needed and wanted for the job.

  11. Writing a General Purpose Cover Letter: With Template

    2. Open with a salutation. Find the name of the hiring manager or recruiter if you can, and address your cover letter to that person. Even if the letter is generic, addressing it to a specific person indicates attention to detail and consideration. Begin with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr. Cortez.".

  12. How To Write a Cover Letter With No Experience (Plus Example)

    The steps below explain how to write a cover letter with no experience. 1. Carefully review the job posting and research the company's website. Before you begin your cover letter, you'll want to ensure you're relating your information to the preferred and required skills listed on the job posting. You can carefully read through the job posting ...

  13. Cover Letter With No Experience: Example & How to Write

    Entry-Level Cover Letter Sample (Text Version) Text Format. Dear Mrs. Shirazi, My name is Bart and I'm a recent graduate of Swarthmore College with a B.A. in Communications. As a fan of the exciting work being done by those at Link Broadcasting, I'm thrilled to submit my application for the production assistant position.

  14. How To Write a Cover Letter With No Experience (With Example)

    To write a cover letter with no experience, follow the steps below: 1. Research the company. Before you begin to write your cover letter, take some time to research the company that's listed the vacancy. Get an idea of their values and priorities, and whether the company is undergoing any significant changes that might indicate why there's a ...

  15. Write a Cover Letter for a Job That Doesn't Exist…Yet

    A basic cover letter is just as impactful as a lengthier one. 4. Generate a sense of energy, urgency, and optimism. Whatever you can offer, make it clear that your audience will be better off with you on board. And the sooner they act, the sooner they'll be glad they made this move. 5.

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience in 2024 ...

    Concluding your cover letter with gratitude and a clear expression of your intent is crucial. It leaves a lasting, positive impression on the employer. Example: "I would like to express my sincere gratitude for considering my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

  17. How to Write a Cover Letter When You Have No Experience

    Writing a persuasive cover letter without prior work experience can be challenging. But with the right approach, you can make a compelling case for why you're the perfect fit for the job. In this article, we'll help you write an effective cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on your potential employer. 1.

  18. When to skip the cover letter—and the 1 time you absolutely shouldn't

    Cover letters get you noticed quickly, show you've gone the extra mile and demonstrate how much you really want the job. But a bad cover letter (i.e., one you modeled off of via Google) can hinder ...

  19. How to avoid the repetition of "I" while writing a cover letter for an

    This makes my letter quite boring. I would appreciate if you share your suggestion/tips to avoid this while writing a cover letter. Since cover letter is the first thing that the potential employer notices, I want to write a concise and attractive cover letter. It will be also helpful if you share a link of a well-written cover letter.

  20. How To Write a Cover Letter Without an Employer's Name

    Here are some steps you can follow to help draft a cover letter when you're not sure of the hiring manager's name: 1. Research the company. The first step when writing a cover letter when you don't know the hiring manager's name is to conduct research using company sources. Try checking the "About" or "Staff" sections of the employer's website ...

  21. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job With No Experience in ...

    Quick Answer: Writing a cover letter with no experience is challenging when applying for a job. A well-written cover letter can give you an edge over other candidates and help you stand out. Highlight your transferable skills, achievements, and knowledge of the company to create an impressive entry-level cover letter.

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

    The No. 1 mistake people make with cover letters is that they simply use them to summarize their résumé. This makes no sense — hiring managers don't need a summary of your résumé! It's ...

  23. 3 Keys to Writing Cover Letters That Stand Out

    And to get them—or, at least, have a chance at getting them—you first need to capture the attention of hiring managers. And the best way to do that is to write compelling cover letters. So here are the three keys to writing cover letters that stand out. 1. Convey your personality, quirks and all.

  24. How to Write Resume with No Experience [Examples & Tips]

    Pro tip: consider adding a resume headline under your name to boost your resume. STEP 5 Highlight your strengths in a no experience resume objective . Every resume needs a summary or objective statement.For a beginner resume, we recommend a resume objective to explain your goals for the job and highlight some of your job-relevant skills.

  25. How to address a cover letter without a name

    This helps when it comes to personalising your cover letter and also provides insights into the company culture and other job-related details. Cover letter with no name - examples . Writing a cover letter without a name can still be effective with the right approach. Here are some examples to give you an idea. Example 1:

  26. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  27. How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

    How to Write a Cover Letter For a Job in 5 Steps! Firstly, it's crucial to streamline the process of crafting a cover letter, but that doesn't mean using the same cover letter for every job position or even the same position at different companies. Customization is key to standing out. Step 1. Research the Company- AIPal

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  29. Election latest: Reform candidate disowns party amid racism row

    A Reform UK candidate has disowned the party and is backing the Conservatives amid a row over racism.. Liam Booth-Isherwood, who was standing in Erewash, said he is suspending his campaign and ...