Essay on World Health Day for Students and Children

Essay on world health day.

World Health Organization celebrates global health day every year on 7th April worldwide to create awareness on the benefits of being healthy. On this day numerous programs and arrangements are curated by the World Health Organisation. World Health Day was first time celebrated worldwide in the year 1950. It is universal: “Health is Wealth”. It is the utmost important aspect of our existence which can’t be denied. We all know various types of diseases prevail in the environment due to which people suffer. It is necessary to spread awareness among people and to impart knowledge about health.

Essay on World Health Day

World Health Day – History

Every year, the World Health Organisation observes World Health Day on 7 April to draw the attention of the masses towards the importance of global health. World Health Organisation was formed in 1948 in Geneva. This day World Health Assembly was held the first time and it was decided to celebrate 7th April as World Health Day. On this day, various events with a particular theme are organized by Who at the international and national level.

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World Health Day: Activities

  • At the global level, this day targets all the issues related to health and for this several programs are organized on a yearly basis by the WHO.
  • It is celebrated worldwide by the government of all participant countries, NGO’s and other organizations.
  • Health authorities from different countries participate in the celebrations with their pledges to support on the health issues worldwide.
  • It acts as a reminder to people about the establishment of WHO and to spread awareness among people about major health issues in the world.
  • WHO has worked on eradicating various serious health issues in developing countries like chickenpox, polio, smallpox, TB, leprosy, etc.

Themes of World Health Day since the year 2000

  • 2000 – Safe Blood Start with me
  • 2001 – Mental Health: Stop Exclusion, Dare to Care
  • 2002 – Move for Health
  • 2003 – Shape the Future of Life: Healthy Environments for Children
  • 2004 – Road safety
  • 2005 – Make every mother and child count
  • 2006 – Working together for health
  • 2007 – International health security
  • 2008 – Protecting Health from the Adverse Effects of Climate Change
  • 2009 – Save Lives, Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies
  • 2010 – Urbanization and Health: Make Cities Healthier
  • 2011 – Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow
  • 2012 – Good Health Adds Life to Years
  • 2013 – Hypertension: Silent Killer, Global Public Health Crisis
  • 2014 – Vector-borne diseases
  • 2015 – Food safety
  • 2016 – Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance
  • 2017 – Depression: Let’s talk
  • 2018 – Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere

It is said that good Health provides better capabilities to work as per the requirements of the growing World and hence is very important. World Health Organisation (WHO)’s foundation was laid on the principle that all humans realize their right to the highest possible level of health. A slogan of “Health for all” is for more than seven decades old and works as a guiding vision.

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Essay on World Health Day

Kunika Khuble


World Health Day occurs each year on April 7th, aiming to raise awareness of global health issues and drive action towards better health for all. Initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), this day highlights significant health themes and challenges faced worldwide. Each year, World Health Day focuses attention on a specific aspect of health, aiming to spark dialogue, advocacy, and action. The theme of World Health Day serves as a rallying point for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and address pressing health concerns, ultimately striving towards healthier communities and a better quality of life for everyone.

Essay on World Health Day

Historical Background of World Health Day

The historical background of World Health Day provides insight into its origins and evolution, highlighting its significance in global health advocacy. Here are key points to explain this background:

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  • Inception by the World Health Organization (WHO): The inaugural World Health Day took place on April 7, 1950, in honor of establishing the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. The WHO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, was established with a mission to promote global health and coordinate international efforts to combat diseases.
  • Purpose and Objectives: The primary objective of World Health Day is to raise awareness about pressing health issues and mobilize collective action to address them. It serves as an annual opportunity to draw attention to specific health concerns affecting populations worldwide.
  • Evolution and Growth: Over the years, World Health Day has evolved into a significant global health observance marked by diverse activities and initiatives across countries. The themes chosen for each year’s World Health Day reflect emerging health challenges and priorities identified by the WHO.
  • Global Impact and Engagement: World Health Day has become a platform for governments, healthcare professionals, NGOs, and communities to engage in dialogue and take concrete steps towards improving public health. It has catalyzed campaigns, policies, and interventions to achieve better health outcomes for all.
  • Advocacy and Education: Through advocacy campaigns and educational activities, World Health Day raises awareness about health issues and promotes health literacy among populations. It underscores the importance of preventive healthcare and equitable access to essential health services.

Key Objectives of World Health Day

The key objectives of World Health Day encompass a range of goals aimed at promoting global health awareness, mobilizing action, and addressing pressing health challenges. Here are the primary objectives:

  • Raise Awareness: A key goal of World Health Day is to enhance awareness of critical health issues impacting communities globally. World Health Day educates the public and policymakers about critical health concerns by highlighting specific themes each year, such as mental health , air pollution , or infectious diseases.
  • Advocate for Health Equity: World Health Day advocates for health equity and universal access to essential health services. It underscores the significance of ensuring everyone can access high-quality healthcare regardless of socio-economic status or geographical location.
  • Mobilize Action: Another key objective is to mobilize governments, organizations, healthcare professionals, and individuals to take concrete actions to improve public health. World Health Day catalyzes the launching of initiatives, campaigns, and policies aimed at addressing specific health challenges.
  • Promote Prevention and Health Literacy: World Health Day promotes preventive healthcare strategies and encourages individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles. It underscores the value of health education and literacy in enabling individuals to make knowledgeable choices about their well-being.
  • Strengthen Health Systems: World Health Day aims to strengthen health systems globally by highlighting the importance of robust healthcare infrastructure and workforce capacity. It calls for investments in healthcare resources and technologies to improve health outcomes and respond effectively to health emergencies.
  • Foster International Collaboration: World Health Day fosters international collaboration and partnerships to tackle global health challenges collectively. It encourages sharing best practices, research findings, and resources among countries to achieve common health goals.
  • Monitor Progress towards Health Goals: World Health Day provides an opportunity to assess progress towards achieving health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. It encourages monitoring health indicators and outcomes to track advancements and identify areas needing further attention.

Themes of World Health Day

Here is a table listing the themes of World Health Day from its inception in 1950 up until recent years:

1950 Know Your Health Services
1952 Healthy Environments for Children
1955 Malaria Eradication
1957 Mental Health – World’s Unseen Emergency
1963 Blood Donors are Precious
1973 Health Begins at Home
1975 International Women’s Year
1978 Health for All, Now
1983 Health for All by the Year 2000
1986 Healthy Living: Everyone a Winner
1992 Heartbeat: The Pulse of Health
1995 Global Polio Eradication
1997 Emerging Infectious Diseases
1998 Safe Motherhood
1999 Active Aging Makes a Difference
2000 Safe Blood Starts with Me
2001 Mental Health: Stop Exclusion, Dare to Care
2002 Move for Health
2003 Shape the Future of Life: Healthy Environments for Children
2004 Road Safety
2005 Make Every Mother and Child Count
2006 Working Together for Health
2007 International Health Security
2008 Protecting Health from Climate Change
2009 Save Lives. Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies
2010 Urbanization and Health: Make Cities Healthier
2011 Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow
2012 Good Health Adds Life to Years
2013 Healthy Heart Beat, Healthy Blood Pressure
2014 Vector-Borne Diseases: Small Bite, Big Threat
2015 Food Safety
2016 Beat Diabetes
2017 Depression: Let’s Talk
2018 Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere
2019 Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere
2020 Support Nurses and Midwives
2021 Building a fairer, healthier world
2022 Our planet, our health
2023 Health for All
2024 My health, my right

“My Health, My Right” – World Health Day 2024 Theme

World Health Day 2024 theme, “My Health, My Right,” emphasizes that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right , not a privilege. This theme highlights the importance of ensuring everyone, everywhere, has the opportunity to achieve optimal health.

Here’s a breakdown of the theme’s significance:

  • The universality of Health: “My Health” signifies that health is not just for a select few but a right for all individuals without discrimination.
  • Access and Equity: “My Right” underscores the importance of ensuring fair access to high-quality healthcare services, encompassing preventive care, treatment, and medications. This includes addressing disparities faced by different socioeconomic groups, geographic locations, or genders.
  • Empowerment: The theme empowers individuals to take charge of their health and advocate for themselves and their communities. It highlights the importance of health education and information dissemination to make informed decisions about health and well-being.

World Health Day Activities

Coordinating a range of international events on World Health Day advocates for improved health outcomes and increases public awareness of health-related issues. Here are some common activities undertaken on World Health Day:

  • Health Campaigns and Workshops: Organizing health campaigns and workshops focused on the year’s theme, such as discussions on mental health, disease prevention, or healthy living. Conducting educational sessions to raise awareness about specific health issues and promote preventive measures.
  • Health Screenings and Check-ups: Offering free or subsidized health screenings and check-ups, including blood pressure checks, cholesterol tests, diabetes screenings, and vaccinations. Encouraging individuals to prioritize their health by getting regular check-ups and screenings.
  • Community Outreach Programs: Taking part in community outreach initiatives to support wholesome habits and ways of living. Distribute educational materials, such as pamphlets or brochures, on nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and disease prevention topics.
  • Policy Advocacy and Engagement: Advocating for policy changes and initiatives to improve public health outcomes. Engaging with government officials, policymakers, and stakeholders to prioritize health on the policy agenda.
  • Health Fairs and Expos: Organizing health fairs and expos featuring interactive exhibits, demonstrations, and activities focused on different aspects of health and well-being. Showcasing innovations in healthcare, technologies, and services aimed at improving health access and outcomes.
  • Media Campaigns and Public Service Announcements: Collaborating with media partners to broadcast public service announcements (PSAs) and health messages on television, radio, and digital platforms. Leveraging media channels to reach a broader audience and disseminate health-related information.
  • Volunteer and Community Service Projects: Encouraging volunteerism and community service projects that promote health and well-being. Mobilizing volunteers to participate in activities such as clean-up drives, fitness events, or health education sessions in underserved communities.
  • School and Workplace Initiatives: To promote healthy behaviors among students, employees, and families, implementing health programs and initiatives in schools and workplaces. Integrating health promotion activities into curriculum and workplace wellness programs.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming partnerships with healthcare providers, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, businesses, and civil society to coordinate World Health Day activities. Leveraging collective expertise and resources to maximize impact and reach diverse populations.

Global Health Challenges

Global health challenges encompass a broad range of complex issues that affect populations worldwide, often influenced by social, economic, environmental, and political factors. Addressing these challenges requires coordinated efforts at local, national, and international levels. Here are some key global health challenges:

1. Infectious Diseases

  • Pandemics and Epidemics: Outbreaks of infectious diseases like COVID-19 , Ebola, Zika, and influenza pose significant threats to global health security.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): The rise of drug-resistant pathogens complicates treatment and increases healthcare costs, potentially leading to untreatable infections.

2. Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs)

  • Chronic Diseases: Conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer , diabetes, and respiratory illnesses contribute to high mortality rates globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Risk Factors: Unhealthy lifestyles, including tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, and alcohol consumption, contribute to the increasing burden of NCDs.

3. Maternal and Child Health

  • Maternal Mortality: Preventable maternal deaths due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth persist, especially in resource-limited settings.
  • Childhood Malnutrition: Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies among children contribute to stunted growth, developmental delays, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.

4. Access to Healthcare

  • Healthcare Inequities: Disparities in access to essential healthcare services based on income, geography, ethnicity, gender, and other factors undermine efforts to achieve universal health coverage.
  • Health Workforce Shortages: Shortages of healthcare professionals, especially in rural and underserved areas, hinder access to quality care.

5. Environmental Health

  • Climate Change: Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, food insecurity, and population displacement.
  • Air Pollution: Indoor and outdoor air pollution, particularly in urban areas, leads to respiratory diseases and cardiovascular complications.

6. Mental Health Disorders

  • Psychological Well-being: Mental health disorders, including depression , anxiety , and substance use disorders, have become leading causes of disability worldwide.
  • Stigma and Access to Care: Stigma associated with mental illness often impedes individuals from seeking timely treatment and support.

7. Health Emergencies and Humanitarian Crises

  • Conflict and Displacement: Armed conflicts, natural disasters, and humanitarian emergencies disrupt healthcare systems, exacerbate health risks, and displace populations, leading to increased vulnerability.
  • Refugee Health: Refugees and displaced persons face unique health challenges related to overcrowded living conditions, inadequate sanitation, and limited access to healthcare.

Importance of Health Awareness

People can make informed decisions about their lifestyles, preventive measures, and healthcare choices by enhancing their knowledge and understanding of health issues. Here are key reasons why health awareness is of utmost importance:

  • Preventive Health Measures: Promoting health awareness encourages individuals to adopt preventive measures such as balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and vaccinations; this may lower the chance of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
  • Early Detection of Diseases: Early detection and timely medical intervention, facilitated by increased understanding of disease symptoms and risk factors, make better treatment outcomes and improved prognosis possible.
  • Reduced Health Disparities: Health awareness programs raise awareness about health disparities and inequities, promote equitable access to healthcare services, and address underlying social determinants of health.
  • Community Engagement and Advocacy: Health awareness fosters community engagement, encouraging collective action to address public health challenges, advocate for health policy changes, and promote healthier environments.
  • Improved Health Literacy: By increasing knowledge of health issues, people can better comprehend medical information, navigate healthcare systems, and interact with healthcare professionals.
  • Cost Savings and Healthcare Efficiency: Promoting health awareness can reduce healthcare costs by preventing avoidable illnesses, minimizing hospitalizations, and optimizing resource allocation within healthcare systems.
  • Public Health Preparedness: A well-informed population is better prepared to respond to health emergencies and pandemics, following recommended guidelines and practices to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Increased awareness about the impact of lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary behavior) on health outcomes encourages behavior modifications that promote longevity and quality of life.

WHO’s Role in World Health Day

WHO’s involvement ensures that WHD serves as a global platform for raising awareness about key health issues, advocating for health equity, and mobilizing action to address pressing health challenges. Here’s a detailed look at WHO’s role in World Health Day:

1. Setting the Theme and Focus

  • Theme Selection: WHO is responsible for selecting the annual theme of World Health Day based on global health priorities and emerging health issues.
  • Strategic Focus: The chosen theme reflects WHO’s strategic priorities and is a focal point for advocacy, campaigns, and initiatives throughout the year.

2. Coordination and Campaigns

  • Global Coordination: WHO coordinates World Health Day activities globally, engaging its network of country offices, partners, and stakeholders.
  • Campaign Development: WHO develops campaign materials, including posters, fact sheets, and multimedia content, to support awareness-raising efforts on the WHD theme.

3.  Advocacy and Policy

  • Advocacy Initiatives: WHO uses World Health Day to advocate for policy changes, resource mobilization, and investments in public health.
  • Policy Recommendations: WHO issues policy statements and recommendations aligned with the WHD theme to guide governments and stakeholders in addressing health challenges

4. Capacity Building and Education

  • Health Promotion: WHO promotes health education and awareness through WHD activities, empowering individuals and communities to make informed health decisions.
  • Capacity Building: WHO supports capacity-building efforts, such as training healthcare workers and strengthening health systems, to improve readiness for health emergencies.

5. Global Engagement

  • International Collaboration: WHO facilitates international collaboration among governments, international organizations, NGOs, and civil society to leverage resources and expertise for WHD initiatives.
  • Partnerships: WHO works with partners and stakeholders to amplify WHD messages and reach diverse audiences worldwide.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Assessment of Impact: WHO monitors the impact of World Health Day activities, collecting data on awareness levels, policy changes, and health outcomes related to the WHD theme.
  • Evaluation and Learning: WHO conducts evaluations to assess the effectiveness of WHD campaigns and inform future strategies for health promotion and advocacy.

Individual Steps for a Healthier Lifestyle

World Health Day is a powerful reminder that we all have a role to play in achieving optimal health. While tackling global challenges requires collective action, individuals can significantly improve their well-being through simple lifestyle changes:

  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Prioritize consuming ample vegetables, fruits, and whole grains while minimizing intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats. This provides essential nutrients to keep your body functioning optimally.
  • Move Your Body: Set a weekly target of engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intense or 75 minutes of vigorous-intense exercise. Explore enjoyable activities such as walking, biking, swimming, or dancing.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep (7-8 hours for adults) is crucial for physical and mental well-being. To promote restful sleep, create a regular sleep schedule and engage in relaxation exercises before bed.
  • Manage Stress: Ongoing stress may adversely affect your health. Practice stress-management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to cope with daily stressors.
  • Preventive Healthcare: Schedule regular checkups with your doctor and dentist. This will help you identify and treat potential health problems early on.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Make time for activities you enjoy and that promote relaxation. Make connections with those you love and cultivate enduring social bonds. If you’re having problems with your mental health, don’t be afraid to get expert assistance.
  • Stay Hydrated: Sipping water throughout the day keeps you hydrated and promotes several body processes. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Limit Alcohol and Tobacco: The usage of tobacco products and excessive alcohol consumption are two of the main risk factors for chronic diseases. Consider reducing or quitting these habits for a significant health boost.

World Health Day is a powerful global platform to raise awareness, mobilize action, and advocate for health equity. By focusing on specific themes each year, World Health Day highlights pressing health challenges and promotes collective efforts to address them. The observance underscores the importance of preventive healthcare, universal health coverage, and collaboration among governments, organizations, and communities. World Health Day empowers individuals to prioritize their health, adopt healthier lifestyles, and engage in health-promoting behaviors. Going forward, upholding the principles of World Health Day will contribute to creating stronger, healthier communities where everyone has access to high-quality medical care and the opportunity to thrive.


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Essay On World Health Day

essay about world health day

Table of Contents

Short Essay On World Health Day

World Health Day is an annual observance celebrated on April 7th to raise awareness about global health issues and to mobilize efforts to improve the health of people around the world. It is organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the leading international organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being.

The theme of World Health Day changes each year and is chosen to reflect the most pressing global health issues. For example, in recent years, the themes have included universal health coverage, mental health, and food safety. Through a variety of events and initiatives, World Health Day aims to engage people from all walks of life in discussions and actions to improve health outcomes and address health inequities.

One of the key objectives of World Health Day is to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own health and to adopt healthy behaviors. This includes eating a nutritious diet, getting regular exercise, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption. It also highlights the importance of accessing preventative and primary health care services, such as regular check-ups and vaccinations.

In addition to raising awareness, World Health Day is an opportunity to mobilize action and resources to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities. This includes supporting efforts to expand access to health care services, especially for marginalized communities, and to improve the quality of health care services. It also involves advocating for policies and investments that support health and well-being, such as promoting healthy environments, investing in research and development, and strengthening health systems.

In conclusion, World Health Day is an important occasion to raise awareness about global health issues and to mobilize efforts to improve the health of people around the world. It highlights the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own health and to access preventative and primary health care services. It also provides an opportunity to mobilize action and resources to reduce health inequities and improve health outcomes.

Long Essay On World Health Day

World Health Day is a day to reflect and remember the importance of health in our lives. It also serves as a reminder for us to take proactive steps towards maintaining good health, both mental and physical. In this article, we’ll discuss the significance of World Health Day and what it means for all of us. We will also explore how we can use technology to better our health and make changes in our routines that can lead to healthier outcomes. Read on for more information!


In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded with the goal of “attaining the highest possible level of health for all people.” WHO’s work focuses on international health, and improving global health is one of its main priorities.

One way WHO works to improve global health is by declaring days of observance, like World Health Day. celebrated on April 7th every year. On this day, WHO raises awareness about a chosen theme related to global health. This year’s theme is “Depression: Let’s Talk”.

Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Depression can lead to suicide, which is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds.

The good news is that depression is treatable. The first step is recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression and seeking help from a healthcare professional. Talking openly about depression helps break the stigma surrounding mental illness and encourages others to seek help if they are struggling.

On World Health Day, let’s start the conversation about depression and help break the stigma around mental illness.

What is World Health Day?

World Health Day is an annual event celebrated on April 7th to raise awareness of global health issues and to show solidarity with those who are working towards improving the health of people around the world. The day also provides an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organizations to commit to taking action on pressing health issues.

This year’s theme is “Supporting Nurses and Midwives” which recognizes the vital role that these professionals play in ensuring quality care for all. Nurses and midwives make up over half of the health workforce in many countries and are often the first point of contact for people seeking medical attention. They are crucial in providing essential care, including immunizations and maternal and child health services.

While nurses and midwives provide essential care throughout the lifespan, they are particularly important during times of crisis. In emergencies, they are often responsible for providing life-saving treatment and care. They also play a key role in supporting communities to recover from shocks such as conflict, natural disasters, or disease outbreaks.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of nurses and midwives as they have been on the frontlines of the response, caring for patients and saving lives. As we continue to face this pandemic and other global health challenges, it is essential that we invest in nurses and midwives and provide them with the support they need to do their jobs effectively.

On World Health Day, let us show our appreciation for nurses and midwives and recognize their dedication to providing quality health care to people around the world.

History of World Health Day

The first World Health Day was celebrated on 7 April 1948, marking the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO). The day is now celebrated annually on 7 April.

The theme for World Health Day 2016 is “beat diabetes”. Diabetes is a major global health problem, and the theme for this year’s World Health Day focuses on raising awareness of the condition and its causes, as well as promoting preventive measures.

WHO celebrates World Health Day each year to mark its founding, and to highlight a specific health topic of global importance. Previous years’ themes have included: food safety (2015), vector-borne diseases (2014), maternal and child health (2013), ageing and health (2012), noncommunicable diseases (2011), urbanization and health (2010) and pandemic preparedness (2009).

Significance of World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April every year to mark the anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO). The day is an opportunity for people around the world to show their support for global health and raise awareness about pressing health issues.

This year’s theme is ‘Beat diabetes’, with WHO calling for action to increase awareness about the disease and its risk factors, and to promote early diagnosis and treatment. Diabetes is a major health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a leading cause of death and disability, and its prevalence is rising rapidly, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

By raising awareness about diabetes on World Health Day, WHO hopes to increase understanding of the steps we can all take to prevent or delay the onset of the disease, and improve care and support for those who live with it. The day provides an opportunity for us all to reflect on our own health, and take action to protect ourselves from this serious condition.

Goals of World Health Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been celebrating World Health Day on April 7th since 1948. The day is celebrated to mark WHO’s founding, and is seen as an opportunity to draw attention to a particular health issue of global concern.

In recent years, the focus of World Health Day has been on topics such as food safety, tobacco control, HIV/AIDS prevention, and noncommunicable diseases. This year’s theme is “Building a fairer, healthier world for everyone.”

The goal of World Health Day is to raise awareness about a specific health issue and to encourage people to take action to improve their own health and that of their communities. By working together, we can achieve more than we could alone.

How to Celebrate it?

April 7th is World Health Day, and there are many ways to celebrate it! Here are a few ideas:

1. Get involved with a local health organization or charity. There are many organizations that focus on improving global health, and you can help by getting involved with their work.

2.Educate yourself and others about global health issues. Learning about the problems facing the world’s population can help you be more effective in your efforts to improve global health.

3. Advocate for change. You can use your voice to speak out against injustice and support policies that will improve the health of people around the world.

4. Support medical research. Donating to medical research can help find new treatments and cures for diseases that affect people all over the world.

5. Volunteer your time or skills. Many organizations need volunteers to help with their work, and you can use your talents to make a difference in the world of global health.

Benefits of Observing World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO). The day is an opportunity to raise awareness of global health issues and to promote healthy living.

There are many benefits to observing World Health Day. For one, it helps to raise awareness of the importance of good health and wellbeing. It also encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits that can help prevent disease and improve their overall health. Additionally, World Health Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and show their support for those who are struggling with health issues. Finally, it is a chance to celebrate progress made in the field of global health and to reaffirm our commitment to achieving better health for all.

The World Health Day is an important reminder of the need for us to take care of our physical and mental health. Being aware of the importance of this day can help us in taking better care of ourselves and in making sure that we are doing all we can to stay healthy. With the threat posed by COVID-19, now more than ever it is important to practice good hygiene, get enough rest, exercise regularly, eat nutritious food, manage stress levels and seek medical attention when ill. Let’s work together towards a healthier world!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on World Health Day for Students and Children

World Health Organization celebrates World Health day consistently on seventh April worldwide to make mindfulness on the advantages of being solid. On this day various projects and game plans are curated by the World Health Organization. World Health Day was first time commended worldwide in the year 1950.

It is general: “Health is Wealth”. It is the most extreme significant part of our reality which can’t be denied. We know different kinds of infections win in the climate because of which individuals endure. It is important to spread mindfulness among individuals and to give information about wellbeing.

Health isn’t simply identified with actual well – being nevertheless mental and social angles also. An individual is supposed to be solid in the event that he/she has each of the three. Health is fundamental for our capacity to work and isn’t just about living yet in addition about having adequate assets to live. World Health Day is one such day to spread mindfulness about great wellbeing and issues that we face, which hinder us from having a solid existence.

Table of Contents

When is World Health Day, Meaning, Theme, Importance

Essay on World Health Day

World Health Day – History

Consistently, the World Health Organization notices World Health Day on 7 April to draw the consideration of the majority towards the significance of worldwide wellbeing. World Health Organization was shaped in 1948 in Geneva. This day World Health Assembly was held the first run through, and it was chosen to celebrate seventh April as World Health Day. On this day, different occasions with a specific topic are coordinated by Who at the worldwide and public level.

World Health Day: Activities

  • At the worldwide level, this day focuses on every one of the issues identified with health and for this few projects are coordinated consistently by the WHO.
  • It is commended worldwide by the public authority of all member nations, NGO’s and different associations.
  • Health specialists from various nations take an interest in the festivals with their vows to help on the medical problems around the world.
  • It goes about as a suggestion to individuals about the foundation of WHO and to spread mindfulness among individuals about significant medical problems on the planet.
  • WHO has dealt with annihilating different genuine medical problems in non-industrial nations like chickenpox, polio, smallpox, TB, infection, and so on

Long Essay on World Health Day in English

Wellbeing and good health alludes to an individual’s general prosperity physical, mental, and social. It is imperative for an individual’s working. It isn’t only the goal to live however the accessibility of assets to support our lives. The world is confronted with numerous difficulties; with the development of Coronavirus to even prior ones like Ebola, jungle fever, and dengue.

World Health Day is an activity by the World Health Organization. Remembered each April seventh, it is a day to spread mindfulness on worldwide wellbeing. The choice to praise this day on April seventh was chosen by the principal World Health Council that was held by the World Health Organization in 1948 and was placed into impact in 1950. World health day intends to bring issues to light on explicit medical problems. Every year a specific subject is chosen and celebrated across the world. It is likewise pointed toward discussing emotional well-being just as the effect of environmental change also.

The World Health association has eight worldwide missions to cause to notice basic medical problems of which world wellbeing day is one of them. On this day, instructive organizations coordinate occasions for understudies with respect to great wellbeing and hold open air exercises to advance a superior way of life. Clinics set up banners about how to have a decent and sound life. Specialists urge patients to get standard tests and deal with their wellbeing. Medical clinics additionally give free immunizations to youngsters and free exams to advance this day. Different NGOs welcome wellbeing laborers to spread mindfulness. Wellbeing laborers vow towards a better future and tending to medical problems that are looked in this day and age.

Every year world wellbeing day has an alternate subject, bringing consideration towards that specific medical problem. A portion of the past subjects included ‘Sadness: Let’s discussion,’ ‘Sanitation,’ and ‘Emotional wellness: Stop prohibition, set out to mind’. The then for 2019’s reality wellbeing day was ‘Widespread Health Coverage: everybody, all over.’ 2020 is seeing the dangerous pandemic COVID-19, and the topic for its reality wellbeing day is ‘Global year of the medical caretakers and birthing assistants’ with the slogan ‘Backing attendants and maternity specialists.’

This is to commend the commitments that attendants and delivery specialists make to have a better world that frequently goes unseen. They are at the bleeding edge of the fight against the destructive pandemic and hazard their lives each day for the advancement of humankind. The World Health Organization likewise dispatched its first-historically speaking State of the World’s Nursing Report to give data on their commitments, which will likewise help the people in the future.

Themes of World Health Day since the year 2000

  • 2000 – Safe Blood Start with me
  • 2001 – Mental Health: Stop Exclusion, Dare to Care
  • 2002 – Move for Health
  • 2003 – Shape the Future of Life: Healthy Environments for Children
  • 2004 – Road safety
  • 2005 – Make every mother and child count
  • 2006 – Working together for health
  • 2007 – International health security
  • 2008 – Protecting Health from the Adverse Effects of Climate Change
  • 2009 – Save Lives, Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies
  • 2010 – Urbanization and Health: Make Cities Healthier
  • 2011 – Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow
  • 2012 – Good Health Adds Life to Years
  • 2013 – Hypertension: Silent Killer, Global Public Health Crisis
  • 2014 – Vector-borne diseases
  • 2015 – Food safety
  • 2016 – Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance
  • 2017 – Depression: Let’s talk
  • 2018 – Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere

It is said that acceptable Health gives better abilities to function according to the necessities of the developing World and consequently is vital. World Health Organization (WHO’s) establishment was laid on the rule that all people understand their entitlement to the most noteworthy conceivable degree of wellbeing. A trademark of “Wellbeing for all” is for over seventy years old and fills in as a controlling vision.

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Essay on World Health Day for Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 19, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on World Health Day: 7th April is globally celebrated as World Health Day by the World Health Organization. Various programs are globally arranged across different countries to spread awareness about the importance of good health. The day was celebrated for the first time in the year 1950. The day is dedicated to spread awareness about various diseases, cure, preventive measures, sound health, fitness and other health related parameters.

Essay on World Health Day 500 Words in English

Below we have provided World Health Day Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

World Health Day is celebrated globally on the 7th of April each year to emphasize the need of leading a healthy and stable life. It marks the anniversary of the founding of WHO in 1948. It was when WHO felt the need to bring out issues concerned with health and well being. The world health assembly decided to dedicate a day to global health and started an initiative called World Health Day. It is celebrated each year since 1950. This day has especially been dedicated to spread awareness about the importance of good health in our life.

World Health Day Activities

On this day, many activities related to health are organised in schools, colleges, hospitals, NGOs, etc. People are made aware of the importance of their health and how to have a healthy lifestyle. Students are made aware of the importance of playing more outdoor games and be as much active as they can. Due to such an early age, kids can be drawn towards a healthy lifestyle. Many health care campaigns are organised in hospitals on this day. Many health check-ups and facilities are made free to make people more caring for their health, and explaining them the importance of regular health check-ups. NGOs contribute by organizing several workshops and activities related to health and make people aware of a good health care regime.

Themes of World Health Day

The themes of World Health Day on each year reflects upon the health hazard/s that the world faced in that following year, like in the year 1953, the theme was “Health is Wealth”, or in the year 1957, all the people were not getting food properly, hence the theme that was decided on the World Health Day was “Food for All”.  Also, Malaria became a major problem in the year 1960, to fight it, it was included in the theme on the occasion of World Health Day, at that time the theme was “Malaria Eradication – Challenge for the World”. Even today, many malaria patients appear but are becoming less than before.  The themes of the last decade are as follows:

  • 2010 – Urbanization and Health: Make Cities Healthier
  • 2011 – Antimicrobial Resistance: No Action Today, No Cure Tomorrow
  • 2012 – Good Health Adds Life to Years
  • 2013 – Hypertension: Silent Killer, Global Public Health Crisis
  • 2014 – Vector-borne diseases
  • 2015 – Food safety
  • 2016 – Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance
  • 2017 – Depression: Let’s talk
  • 2018 – Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere
  • 2019 – Universal Health Coverage
  • 2020 – Support Nurses and Midwives

Need for World Health Day

Today we all are concern about our health and lifestyle, but if we go several years back there was no such awareness, and people had to suffer terribly from chronic illnesses and diseases without even knowing the cause of it. This was when the World Health Organization took a step forward and considered these problems on a very serious note, WHO believed that nothing is more important than an individual’s health and life.

World Health Day Essay

essay about world health day


‘Health is Wealth’ is a common proverb that emphasises the importance of health. If we take proper care of our health, we will have to spend minimal time and money. Otherwise, our wealth would be spent considerably by visiting hospitals and meeting a doctor . We know that money can buy us many material things, but we can ensure good health only by changing our lifestyle and eating habits. This World Health Day essay will focus on this aspect.

As diseases and illnesses come one after another, it is necessary to make people aware of practising healthy habits. World Health Day is celebrated to create health awareness among people, and this essay on World Health Day in English will make our children understand the importance of the day.

Significance of World Health Day

The concept of celebrating World Health Day was put forward by the World Health Organisation (WHO) so that more people become conscious of the importance of health and take appropriate measures to keep it well. Every year, we celebrate World Health Day on 7 April with an aim to improve the health condition of people all around the world. The World Health Day essay also talks about how people ignore their health due to their busy lives.

Due to work pressure, people rarely get time to cook their food or exercise regularly. As a result, they buy junk food and indulge in unhealthy eating habits, which affects their health badly and makes their body prone to many illnesses. Each day, we hear people falling prey to many diseases and struggling to get their health back. So, celebrating World Health Day is an attempt to create awareness about the prevention of diseases and inspire people to adopt healthy practices and eat healthy food .

Activities on World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated at a global level, where several programmes are organised by WHO to understand and give solutions to major issues related to health. Each year, a specific theme is assigned for World Health Day and activities are planned accordingly for addressing one of the health concerns. Since the day was established by the World Health Organisation, it has been acting as a reminder of the purpose of the organisation and its pledge to eradicate various diseases.

In this short essay on World Health Day, we will see how children celebrate the day in schools. Many competitions are arranged in schools like poster making competitions, painting competitions, collage making competitions, and essay writing and speech competitions. Through these activities, children will be able to learn the importance of maintaining proper health. We must encourage our students to participate in them so that they will grow up to be healthy individuals. World Health Day is therefore celebrated to establish that health is our main priority. For more such amazing essays , you can visit our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on World Health Day Essay

What are the themes of world health day.

World Health Day is celebrated every year with a focus on a particular theme. In the past years, we have concentrated on themes like food safety, depression, supporting nurses and midwives, health equity and so on. The theme for the year 2022 is “Our planet, our health.”

What is the importance of celebrating World Health Day?

World Health Day is celebrated to remind people about the significance of their health. Along with focusing on enhancing our health conditions, this day attempts to spread the idea of providing equal and affordable treatment to all people. Moreover, a person’s physical, mental and emotional health is also given importance.

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Paragraph on World Health Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on World Health Day: World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7th April to acknowledge and remember the World Health Organization’s establishment. It is a day dedicated to all doctors, nurses, midwives, and others involved in the medical profession. They deserve enormous respect for their prompt activity in the medical frontiers.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph On World Health Day – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

World Health Day is celebrated on to acknowledge the contribution of everybody who works tirelessly at the medical forefront. Our doctors, surgeons, nurses, and midwives have dedicated their lives to serve the people of this world. They help us stay healthy and safe from diseases by taking care of us and curing illnesses.

The World Health Organization was established on 7th April 1948, under the United Nations Organization’s banner to improve health conditions on a global basis. Together, the WHO has completely eradicated many fatal diseases like smallpox. World Health Day acknowledges the importance of being healthy and conveys important messages to the world.

Paragraph On World Health Day - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On World Health Day – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

The doctors and nurses who work day and night to keep us healthy, both physically and mentally, are the closest representation of Almighty. World Health Day is celebrated on every year to recognize the widespread contributions of our medical faculty and the success of the World Health Organization.

Every year World Health Day is assigned a particular theme. In 2019 the theme was Universal Health Coverage, and #healthforall was the common hashtag used to celebrate this day. The theme meant that the utmost intention of WHO was to promote Health among every person.

In this context, it would be good to mention that the WHO defines Health as a state of physical, mental, and social well being. It is a widely misunderstood theory that Health refers to physical well being. As a consequence of this myth, mental Health has been neglected by people for a greater part of history. However, the recent developments in mental health campaigns have greatly made people aware, and the world will be in a greater position in the years to come.

Paragraph On World Health Day – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Being healthy is an essential part of life. One’s physical Health can be kept in check by regulating the food intake and amount of exercise. However, mental Health is a more sensitive area that can be affected in small and large magnitudes. Being mentally and emotionally healthy is equally crucial to leave a normal and active life.

7th April is celebrated as World Health Day to pay our respect and regards to the doctors and other medical professionals who have dedicated their lives to serve humankind. They have taken a sacred oath to serve our people, and we must recognize their efforts. The theme for World Health Day 2020 was decided to give special acknowledgment to the nurses and the midwives about the present global scenario. They have sacrificed everything to help the world survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

The year 2020 witnessed unimaginable horrors due to the spread of Coronavirus or Covid-19 all over the world. More than 10,00,00 people have died globally, and there seems to be no immediate solution to the crisis. Doctors and nurses worldwide are working days at a stretch to cure and help infected patients. They deserve our respect and support for handling the situation as best as they can.

Paragraph On World Health Day – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

World Health Day celebrated on 7th April to mark the establishment of WHO, is an important day for the world. On this day, we celebrate our doctors, nurses, and other professionals’ constant efforts. They work tirelessly to give us a beautiful life, and we must value them.

The objective of World Health Day is to spread awareness around the globe on a specific issue relating to Health.

Every year a diverse theme is chosen, and global awareness is spread regarding the issue. Every school and college celebrates the day in different ways. Some of them hold programs where they spread awareness and talk about the chosen theme. Students explain the crisis at hand and the solutions to the same. The interesting ways of raising support is indeed a miracle in today’s world.

The WHO has covered various themes in the past years. In 2006, the theme for World Health Day was Working Together for Health. The subject concentrated on the problematic shortage of health workers and the dilapidated conditions of hospitals in remote corners of the world. The theme was a call to the public to volunteer for such jobs and also a desperate request for more support to the medical frontiers.

Likewise, 2017 was the year when WHO laid an increased emphasis on mental health. The theme was Depression: Let’s Talk. Depression is a psychological disorder that affects people of every age, and it is a widely neglected disorder. Most people disregard depression as attention-seeking behavior, and that leads to more problems. Depression is fatal and must be dealt with carefully by us. Thus, the day is essential for everybody, and we must give them attention and respect for the medical professionals as they truly deserve.

Paragraph On World Health Day - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on World Health Day

Question 1. When is World Health Day celebrated?

Answer: The World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7th April to acknowledge the establishment of the World Health Organization.

Question 2. When was WHO established?

Answer: The World Health Organization was established on 7th April 1948 under the United Nations Organization’s banners to give distinguished attention to public health conditions.

Question 3. How is World Health Day celebrated?

Answer: Every year, a new theme is decided upon by the WHO to celebrate World Health Day. The themes are related to Health, and public awareness is spread on a global basis on this day.

Question 4. What is the World Day Theme of 2020?

Answer: Keeping in mind the Covid-19 pandemic, the WHO has decided on the theme of World Health Day 2020 to especially dedicate to the nurses and midwives who are working relentlessly to help the world.

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Essay on World Health Day in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

World Health Day is celebrated each year on the 7 th of April to emphasize the need to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Several activities are planned at different places to celebrate this day. It is the World Health Organization (WHO) that came up with the idea of celebrating World Health Day. This day is celebrated on the 7 th of April each year since 1950.

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Long and Short Essay on World Health Day in English

We are providing below short and long essay on World Health Day in English. The essays have been written in simple language so that the contained useful information could be memorized and recollected easily.

After reading the World Health Day essay you will be in a condition to answer- when is World Health Day celebrated, when was it first celebrated, how is it celebrated, what events take place on World Health Day, significance of the World Health Day, what does the events emphasize on and the World Health Day themes of respective years.

These essays might also prove helpful in your school assignments on World Health Day or any other relevant topic.

Short Essay on World Health Day – Essay 1 (200 words)

World Health Day is celebrated globally on the 7 th of April each year. It was in 1948 that the World Health Organization (WHO) organized the first World Health Assembly. It is the assembly that constitutes of health ministers of its 194 member states. This assembly sets the world’s highest health policies. The World Health Assembly decided to dedicate a day to global health. It thus came up with the idea of celebrating World Health Day which is being celebrated on 7 th of April each year since the year 1950.

WHO organizes various events to celebrate this day every year. Numerous other big and small events are organized by different organizations and institutions in various parts of the world. It is a day to spread awareness about the importance of health. By way of various events and activities, these institutions and organizations send out the message that health comes first. It is of utmost importance and all the other tasks and activities can only be accomplished efficiently if we take care of our health.

These days, people take to social media to discuss the importance of and ensuring good health in this fast paced life. They encourage others by running such campaigns on social media and other platforms.

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Essay on History of World Health Day – Essay 2 (300 words)


The history of World Health Day dates back to 1948. The World Health Organization felt the need to involve prominent medical practitioners from around the world to take key decisions related to various health matters. For this purpose it held a World Health Assembly in 1948. This was the first World Health Assembly and it consisted of as many as 194 member states. WHO is governed by its member states that have been selected to form the world’s highest health policy setting body. The health ministers of the member states are a part of this body.

It was during the first World Health Assembly that the proposal of dedicating a special day to global health was put across. All the member states agreed that it was a good idea and 7 th April was declared as the World Health Day. It is celebrated each year since 1950.

The Need for World Health Day

The need for World Health Day was felt owing to the increasing number of diseases and illnesses around the world. Numerous infectious diseases spring up every now and then in various parts of the world and spread like epidemics. This creates panic among people and the media adds fuel to this fear. By way of the activities held on World Health Day people are made aware about various diseases and the ways to avoid/ handle them. A theme is set for each World Health Day. The theme covers a particular health concern. The World Health Day activities revolve around the chosen theme.

Activities are also held to point out the importance of health in general. People are encouraged to give up on their modern sedentary lifestyle and opt for a healthy lifestyle which involves healthy diet and exercise.

Ever since the inception of World Health Day, the World Health Organization has been organizing various local and international events to celebrate this day. The aim of these events is to spread awareness about the significance of maintaining good health.

Essay on World Health Day Activities – Essay 3 (400 words)

World Health Day is celebrated at various places throughout the world on the 7 th of April every year. This day has especially been dedicated to spread awareness about the importance of good health in our life. Its importance is emphasized by way of various activities held on this day.

World Health Day Activities

Here is a look at the World Health Day activities performed at different platforms:

  • Activities in Schools/Colleges

Many schools, colleges and other educational institutions in different parts of the world make it a point to involve their students in different activities on World Health Day. The aim of involving the students in these activities is to make the future generations realize the importance of health and the ways to lead a healthy life. Fun activities are organized and the students are especially made aware about the importance of indulging in outdoor games and avoiding mobile or computer games.

  • Social Media/Mass Media Activities

Health campaigns are run by way of newspapers, radio and television. Short stories to emphasize the importance of health are published in newspapers. Interviews of health practitioners and nutritionists are also published in newspapers and magazines. These efforts are made to sensitize people about the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle. With the advent of social media, the number of World Health Day activities has increased manifolds. Several pages are initiated and many interesting games and other activities involving the masses sprung up on different social media platforms on this occasion. People these days are hooked to social media and thus these activities see active participation.

  • Activities at Hospitals

Hospitals organize special health care camps on this day. Exclusive health check-up offers are made available to people to encourage them to get their check-up done and diagnose any health issue in time. Hospitals run campaigns to emphasize the need to get regular health check-ups done.

  • Activities at NGOs

NGOs also organize health camps on World Health Day to help the needy. Many doctors, nurses and other professionals volunteer to make such activities a success. Such camps are mostly organized in remote areas where people are not much aware about the ways to keep their health intact.

The main purpose of celebrating World Health Day is to ensure global health by sensitizing its need among the masses. Different innovative World Health Day activities are held for this purpose on this day. This is indeed a great initiative by the World Health Organization.

Essay on World Health Day Celebration – Essay 4 (500 words)

As people these days are becoming health conscious, the popularity of World Health Day is increasing and so is increasing the popularity of events which are being organized on this day. World Health Day is celebrated around the world on 7 th of April. It installs the spirit of leading a healthy lifestyle.

World Health Day Celebrations: Special Activities

The World Health Assembly decides a specific theme for World Health Day each year. Different activities are organized on World Health Day to make people aware about the specific theme covered that year and also about the importance of health in general.

As a part of the World Health Day celebrations, various events and activities are organized to help people understand how to avoid different health issue and lead a healthy life. Demonstrations and speeches are also given to help those fighting against different diseases to help them cope up with the same. These speeches are given to motivate and encourage patients and their family members to let them know that they are not alone in their battle. Skits are organized and games are played to put across these points in an interesting way to reach out to the masses.

Children are our future and they must specially be made aware about leading a healthy lifestyle. This is the reason why many schools and colleges around the world make it a point to celebrate World Health Day. Speeches, games, quiz contests and other activities are organized in schools to help children learn about the importance of maintaining health in a simple and easy way. Essay writing and debate competitions are also held. Students actively participate in these events.

World Health Day Celebrations: Emphasize on Good Health

By way of various activities that form a part of the World Health Day celebration, emphasis is laid on the need to follow a healthy lifestyle to live a wholesome life. Here are the key highlights of these events and activities:

Avoid Junk Food: In the modern times, we need everything fast and readymade and thus we have become addicted to fast food that can be grabbed easily and is good to taste. The World Health Day activities particularly lay stress upon the need to give up on junk food and switch to healthier food options.

Give-up Sedentary Lifestyle: Our jobs today are such that we require sitting in front of the laptop for hours at a stretch. Even after we go back home we are hooked to our television screens or mobiles. Children are also seen glued to televisions and tablets. This is the root cause of various diseases. Children must indulge in outdoor games such as cricket, football and badminton rather than sitting at home. Adults must also indulge in physical activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. This is good for both our physical and mental health

People these days are so engrossed in their work that health has taken a back seat. World Health Day is celebrated to highlight the importance of making our health our priority. We would be able to handle other aspects of our life efficiently only when we are healthy.

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Long Essay on World Health Day – Essay 5 (600 words)

World Health Day is among the eight official global health campaigns initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is celebrated on the 7 th of April each year since 1950. Different themes are set for the World Health Day each year to lay stress on different health concerns engulfing our planet. Various activities are organized in schools, colleges, offices, hospitals and other places to help people understand the seriousness of ensuring good health.

World Health Day Themes

A new theme is set each year to highlight a specific health issue. Here are some of the themes that were a highlight during the World Health Day during different years:

Healthy Cities for Better Life (1996): In the year 1996, the theme chosen for World Health Day was Healthy Cities for Bette Life. This theme laid stress upon the need to keep our cities clean and healthy in order to ensure better health and lifestyle for people.

Emerging Infectious Diseases (1997): Many new kinds of infectious diseases are borne each year in different parts of the world due to different factors including water, mosquitoes, mice, certain food items, etc. Many of these diseases spread like epidemics and create panic all around. The World Health Day theme for 1997 aimed at making people aware about these diseases and how to act wisely to stop these from occurring.

Road Safety (2004): Road accidents take away numerous lives each year and leave many other physically handicapped. It is a growing concern worldwide. The 2004 theme was to sensitize people about the need to ensure road safety. The importance of wearing helmet while riding a two wheeler, wearing seat belt while commuting by four wheeler and obeying various other traffic rules were highlighted through various campaigns on this day.

Protecting Health from the Adverse Effects of Climate Change (2008): Climate change is a growing concern these days. It has led to various health issues. Many human activities are leading to global warming which in turn is leading to changes in the climate. This is a leading cause for numerous health issues. By way of the 2008 theme, people were made aware about the various human activities that lead to the emission of green house gases and global warming that is causing different kinds of serious health problems. Various activities organized on this day aimed at making people aware about how they can contribute towards lowering global warming.

Food Safety (2015): The cases of food poisoning have been increasing worldwide. As more and more people have started eating out in the restaurants and at road side stalls, the cases of food borne diseases have also increased. Moreover, adulterated pulses, cereals and other food items have also led to illnesses of different kinds. This theme aimed at spreading awareness about such things. Events and activities were organized to make people aware of what to have and what to avoid.

Depression: Let’s Talk (2017): Depression which is a common problem these days formed the theme of the 2017 World Health Day. Depression is usually an outcome of loneliness and can be cured if the patient gets an ear to hear his problems. The tag line suggested just the same. Many depression patients and their kin got benefitted by the events and activities organized on this day.

Thus, World Health Day is not just about emphasizing the importance of the overall health of the people. Awareness about different health problems and the ways to deal with the same are discussed year after year on this day. The idea of choosing a specific health problem each day and helping people understand the nitty-gritty’s of the same is an effective approach towards ensuring health.

Helpful Resources on Health and Fitness

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Everything you need to know about World Health Day 2024

Apr 5, 2024

World Health Day banner for 2024 with the slogan "My health, my right" (Courtesy of WHO)

First celebrated in 1950 and spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), World Health Day takes place annually on April 7 and promotes awareness of a specific health topic or condition each year.

Here’s what you need to know about the holiday’s significance and history, the theme for World Health Day 2024, how Concern is celebrating this year’s theme, and how you can get involved.

Our world, explained

Learn about UN holidays (like World Health Day) and the other initiatives helping to build a better future with Concern's newsletter.

What is the theme for World Health Day 2024?

This year’s World Health Day theme is “My health, my right.”

The WHO’s Council on the Economics of Health for All reports that at least 140 out of the UN’s 193 member states recognize health as a human right in their constitutions. However, progress towards codifying this right with relevant laws guaranteeing access to health services is stalled. In 2021, more than half of the world’s population (4.5 billion people) were not fully covered for basic, essential health services.

This has become an increasing problem, as the WHO argues: Millions of people are still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is in the middle of a major global cholera outbreak , and both conflict and climate change are adding to the risk factors of death, chronic illness, and disability. Per the WHO, air pollution claims a life every five seconds .

Aminat Said Yimer (32) and her son Yisahak Yenealem (4) from Asgedo-Robit village after attending a prenatal check up in Abosokotu mobile health clinic. (Photo: Eugene Ikua / Concern Worldwide)

Why is World Health Day important?

It’s easy to take our health for granted until illness or injury strikes. It’s even easier to take our access to healthcare for granted until we need fast and quality care. Over the last few years, however, the fundamental right to healthcare has been underscored, both in terms of the inequities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the extensive press coverage of attacks against healthcare workers and facilities in conflict zones . In 2023 alone, there were 1,300 such attacks across 19 countries, which led to more than 700 deaths and 1,100 injuries.

As the UN’s Martin Griffiths said earlier this year : “Global health is under threat like never before.”

“Global health is under threat like never before.” — Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and the Emergency Relief Coordinator

In the broader scheme of things, our health is an essential ingredient to living long, creative, and dignified lives. Even minor issues and fees can be catastrophic for people without a financial safety net. In 2019 ( latest available data ), roughly 2 billion people experienced financial hardship due to out-of-pocket healthcare costs, including 344 million people living in extreme poverty.

A clinic supported by Concern and UNICEF in Ardamata, Sudan (30 mins from west Darfur). The neighborhood was the scene of intensive fighting in early November of 2023, a week before this photo was taken; the violence extended to civilians and infrastructure such as this healthcare centre. (Photo: Concern Worldwide)

The World Bank and WHO report that, for most of those 344 million people, these healthcare costs were not related to catastrophic cases. This could, both agencies report, be avoided with better coverage for outpatient medicines and exemption for out-of-pocket fees for low-income patients. It would also lead to improvements in their overall health as they would skip fewer treatments and medications, setting them up for greater chances of success in their lives and livelihoods.

All of this is something NGOs that work with the WHO — like Concern — fight for every day. But having one day as a touchpoint serves as a chance for us to celebrate our success in the area of public health, while raising greater public awareness for the challenges faced by millions of people every day of the year.

Mental health is a key aspect of health equity and World Health Day. Kateryna* an IDP, takes part on a psychosocial support session in Ukraine. (Photo: Simona Supino / Concern Worldwide)

World Health Day at Concern

This year’s World Health Day theme resonates in all of the countries where Concern works, countries where we are working with communities to build quality health services, access safe drinking water and sanitation services, receive nutritional support, and maintain resilience against the effects of climate change. Here’s what that looks like in a few of the countries where we work:

Midwife-Led Health Services in Bangladesh

Midwives treating mothers at a satellite clinic in Bhola district. (Photo: FrameIn Productions/Concern Worldwide)

“My health, my right” is a powerful sentiment in Bangladesh , where nearly 25% of the country’s 171 million people live below the poverty line. In 2021, the government reported that over 5 million people fall into poverty every year as a result of meeting healthcare expenditures, and less than 1% of the country has health insurance.

For expecting mothers, particularly those who live on one of the country’s many islands, this is an especially burdensome situation. Concern has launched Midwife-Led Health Services (MLHS) in response to this. Using our community-approach to healthcare, we’re working with midwives and communities to develop a sustainable, locally-managed maternal and antenatal service for low-income women and children. This will make patient-centered care by trained midwives accessible to those who need it most, both geographically and financially, and encourage families to proactively seek care from service centers, rather than worry about the economic burden.

Mitigating the risk and spread of cholera in Yemen

Displaced people at Al-Salam City IDP camp receive cholera/hygiene kits and containers provided by Concern. (Photo: Ammar Khalaf/Concern Worldwide)

We’re currently in the midst of a global cholera epidemic, and it’s no coincidence that many of the epicenters are also areas affected by conflict. Fighting has destroyed water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure in countries like Yemen , which in turn has become one of the hotspots for the disease. Between 2016 and 2021, over 2.5 million cases were reported.

Concern recently began working in Yemen, focusing on both Health & Nutrition and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects designed to mitigate the risk and spread of cholera, as well as other waterborne diseases. One of the most simple, yet effective, responses has been distributing hygiene kits to families who have been displaced by the Yemeni Civil War and are living in informal tented communities. So far, we’ve reached 650 families across three internally-displaced persons camps in Aden Governorate with these economic, yet valuable, resources.

Clean water and toilets in Türkiye

Erva*'s family and other community members make use of the newly installed latrines in the community, Hatay Province. (Photo: Gavin Douglas/Concern Worldwide)

Quality healthcare, both emergency and preventative, is always a key concern after a natural disaster. A year after the devastating earthquake of February 2023 hit Türkiye and Syria , many communities are still left without adequate access to health and sanitation services. Families are still living in tents while they rebuild their homes.

In Hatay, Concern has provided water tanks for clean drinking and washing water, as well as latrines that provide both the privacy and sanitary standards to maintain public health as neighborhoods rebuild.

Prioritizing health during a complex crisis in Haiti

Concern's Sadrac Antoine with Justal Ernice, a small trader who is a registered vendor for the USAID-funded Manje Pi Byen (

Since 2018, a multifaceted crisis in Haiti has left over 5 million people without enough food, and 4.7 million requiring some form of humanitarian assistance focused on healthcare. Despite an increase in need, hospitals and clinics around the country have become largely nonfunctional due to a high number of attacks and a low stock of supplies. Haiti has also become another hotspot of the global cholera outbreak, after having previously eradicated the disease.

In early 2024, Concern escalated its emergency response in Haiti to meet ever-increasing need, thanks in part to a $2.1 million grant from USAID to assist over 32,800 people affected by the country’s hunger crisis. We are also working with local authorities and communities to prevent and mitigate the spread of cholera through waste removal, handwashing stations, and hygiene kit distribution.

In collaboration with our local partners, Concern has also improved access to services, including psychosocial support, for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, which is also on the rise due to the country’s crisis. In 2023, we provided care to 3,077 people.

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How to celebrate World Health Day

Here are a few ways you can mark World Health Day, in keeping with 2024’s theme:

Know your rights

First and foremost, the WHO says you should know your health rights, including:

  • The right to safe and quality care without discrimination
  • The right to privacy and confidentiality of your health information
  • The right to information about your treatment and the right to informed consent
  • The right to bodily autonomy and integrity

These are rights that are often ignored in our own communities, as well as those around the world.

Prioritize your health

Are you a few years overdue on your annual checkup? Is there something you’ve been meaning to get checked out? Do you have some insurance paperwork that’s been sitting on your desk?

April 7 is a good day to focus on your own healthcare and schedule your necessary appointments if (since World Health Day falls on a Sunday this year) you’re able to book online. If not, set a reminder to do it first thing on Monday, April 8. Remember to also consider your mental health, dental care, and eye exams in addition to your physical exams or specialist appointments.

Learn about the barriers to healthcare faced by others and advocate for those who lack health equity

World Health Day is a great excuse to learn more about the state of healthcare around the world, including the barriers to getting that care faced by millions of people around the world. Below are a few stories that you can read and share today (and every other day!) with your family, friends, and communities — and, of course, on social media.

World Health Day 2024: What to read next

essay about world health day

What you need to know about the current global cholera outbreak

essay about world health day

The deadly inequalities of gender bias in healthcare

essay about world health day

A lifeline for Haitians facing extreme hunger

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Essay on World Health Day

Every year 7 th of April, the foundation day of WHO is marked as World Health Day.

Today everybody has a busy schedule. This hectic lifestyle brings lots of stress and pressure. In this busy life, people forget to focus on their health. As a result, they easily get affected by various diseases. Not taking proper treatment and prescription may even lead to death. Therefore, it became necessary to highlight the importance of healthy life among the population. Today, we will discuss a special day dedicated to health that is “World Health Day”.

Short and Long World Health Day Essay in English

Here, I’m presenting short and long essays on World Health Day. This topic is useful for students of all the classes. It is also important for students preparing for competitive exams to know about the celebration of this day.

World Health Day Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Throughout the globe, World Health Day is observed on the 7 th of April.

2) This day also marks the establishment of WHO (World Health Organization).

3) It is a theme-based event celebrated annually.

4) The celebration of World Health Day began in 1950.

5) The main aim is to aware people of the importance of health.

6) Different programs and events are organized by WHO on this day.

7) Many governments, NGOs, and health professionals support the event.

8) People organize many events in schools and colleges.

9) It also ensures that the best treatment should be available to all.

10) Free camps and checkups are organized on the occasion of World Health Day.

Short Essay on World Health Day (200 – 250 Words)

Health is the prior need of every human. In order to spread awareness regarding the importance of good health, World Health Day is observed on 7 April throughout the globe. The celebration of this day was initiated by WHO (World Health Organization) in the Health Assembly conducted in 1948. It was 7 April 1950, when the world celebrated the first World Health Day.

On the occasion of World Health Day, several events are organized on large scale. Government and non-government associations come forward to mark the importance of this day. Doctors and healthcare professionals play a major role in creating awareness. On this day WHO takes several steps and actions for keeping people of the world healthy. Events like essay competitions, debates, skit, poster making, etc can be seen in schools and colleges. Doctors organize camps especially in rural and outer areas to make people conscious of various health hazards. Many hospitals offer free treatment and medicine supplies on this day. Social media and print media play a vital role in making this celebration successful.

Every year a particular theme is decided to celebrate the day that highlights the importance of health. The day not only focuses on good health but also aware people of the available healthcare facilities. It also aims that proper treatment and health support should be provided to each and every citizen of the world.

Long Essay on World Health Day (500 – 600 Words)


Nowadays, health is a major topic of concern all around the world. A healthy life does not only mean being free from diseases but it also depicts a healthy physical and mental state. However, a good healthcare facility is the right of every citizen. It is important that people should understand the importance of health and avail the proper treatment provided to them. Getting the correct treatment at the correct time is essential for living. This is only possible when people have proper knowledge regarding health and here World Health Day comes into play.

The Beginning of World Health Day

The very first World Health Assembly organized by WHO was held in 1948. In the same year in Geneva, World Health Organization was formed.  In this assembly, the celebration of World Health Day on 7 th April every year was decided. However, this was commenced in 1950. Therefore, on 7 April 1950 Friday, the first World Health Day was celebrated in the world. The theme of the first World Health Day was “Know your Health Services”.

The WHO (World Health Organization) and related organization is responsible for this celebration. Many governments and non-government organizations along with media support make this celebration successful all around the world. Among the 11 global health campaigns initiated by WHO, World Health Day is one of them.

Why World Health Day is Celebrated?

World Health Day is celebrated on the foundation day of WHO (World Health Organization). The main motive of this day is to spread global awareness regarding the importance of good health. In the world, many lives are lost due to improper knowledge of disease and its treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to make them conscious of their proper health. There are also several deaths that occur due to improper health care facilities. Due to the unavailability of hospitals and doctors, people suffer from bad health and even death. This day also ensures that no one remains deprived of the health care facility. World Health Day is an initiative to make the world healthy and happy.

How World Health Day is Celebrated?

Many national, international as well as local events are organized by WHO and other related organizations on this day. Every year a particular theme is selected for the celebration of World Health Day. Several programs and activities are observed on this day. Apart from social organizations, health authorities also come forward to make the day more effective. They take pledges to support and help in making a healthy world.

Schools organize different programs and competitions to raise the importance of health among students. They also encourage students to eat healthy and nutritious food. The importance of yoga and other physical exercise is also highlighted. Many organizations conduct rallies and speeches. They also circulate posters and banners in the locality to send messages to all the people of the society. Free checkup camps are conducted on this day. Awareness is spread regarding the serious health issues and their treatments like leprosy, tuberculosis, polio, smallpox, etc in developing countries.

Good health has several advantages for people as well as society. It can help you to concentrate more on your work and we know that work is the basis of living. Hence, good health helps us to live happily. Nothing can be more precious than good health. Keeping this in mind, World Health Day marks great importance. We should also participate and contribute to making this global celebration worthy.

I hope the above given essay on World Health Day will be easily understood by everyone and helps them in knowing various aspects of this celebration.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on World Health Day

Ans. “Our Planet, Our Health” was the theme of World Health Day 2022.

Ans. Kerala has the highest health performance among all the states of India.

Ans. Chennai is referred to as the “Health Capital of India”.

Ans. Anandi Gopal Joshi is considered the first doctor in India.

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  • World Health Day 2024 - Theme and Importance

Celebrating World Health Day 2024: Building a Healthier Future

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th each year, serving as an opportunity to raise awareness about health-related issues and advocate for improvements in global health. In 2024, amidst ongoing challenges and triumphs in healthcare, World Health Day carries particular significance as nations strive to overcome the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and address emerging health concerns.

essay about world health day

What is the World Health Day Theme 2024?

The World Health Day Theme 2024 is My Health, My Right , which emphasises a fundamental truth: access to good health is a basic human right. We all deserve to live healthy lives, no matter who we are or where we live. This World Health Day 2024 , let's take a stand together. We'll explore what you can do to advocate for a healthier world, starting with taking charge of your well-being. So stick around, because on this World Health Day, we're getting healthy, informed, and empowered!

Why "My Health, My Right"?

Millions around the world lack access to quality healthcare, education, and essential resources for a healthy life. This can be due to factors like poverty, geographical location, discrimination, or conflict.  The WHO aims to raise awareness about this disparity and push for a world where everyone, everywhere, can achieve optimal health and well-being.

What Can You do in World Health Day 2024?

World Health Day 2024 is a chance for us all to take action. Here are a few ways you can contribute:

Educate Yourself : Learn more about global health challenges and the right to health. The WHO website is a great resource

Spread Awareness : Talk to friends and family about the importance of World Health Day and the theme. Share information on social media using hashtags like #WorldHealthDay and #MyHealthMyRight .

Support Health Initiatives : Donate to organizations working to improve global health equity. Volunteer your time or skills at local health clinics or community centers.

Take Charge of Your Own Health : Make healthy choices about your diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Get regular checkups and screenings. By prioritizing your own well-being, you become an advocate for a healthier world.

Together, we can create a future where health is not a privilege, but a right enjoyed by all. This World Health Day, let's pledge to work towards a healthier, more equitable world for everyone.

Addressing Current Health Priorities

In the context of World Health Day 2024, attention must be given to pressing health priorities, including:

COVID-19 Recovery: Despite progress in vaccination efforts and containment measures, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose challenges to global health. World Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of ongoing vigilance, equitable vaccine distribution, and strengthening healthcare systems to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Mental Health Awareness: The mental health repercussions of the pandemic have been profound, highlighting the need for increased awareness, support, and access to mental health services. World Health Day provides an opportunity to prioritize mental health advocacy and destigmatize conversations surrounding mental illness.

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and cancer remain leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. World Health Day encourages efforts to prevent and manage NCDs through public education, lifestyle interventions, and healthcare policies aimed at reducing risk factors.

Health Equity: Achieving health equity is central to the theme of World Health Day 2024. This entails addressing social determinants of health, promoting universal healthcare coverage, and ensuring that no one is left behind in accessing essential health services.

Taking Action On World Health Day 2024

On World Health Day 2024, individuals, communities, governments, and organizations are encouraged to take action towards building a healthier future:

Advocate for Policy Change : Support policies that prioritize public health, address health inequalities, and strengthen healthcare systems.

Promote Health Education : Raise awareness about preventive measures, healthy lifestyle choices, and the importance of vaccination.

Support Healthcare Workers : Recognize the dedication and sacrifices of healthcare professionals and frontline workers in safeguarding public health.

Engage in Community Health Initiatives : Participate in local health promotion activities, volunteer for healthcare initiatives, and support community-based organizations working towards health equity.

World Health Day Quotes 2024 

World Health Day Quotes serve as reminders of the value of good health and the importance of taking proactive steps toward maintaining it. Here are 10 World Health Day Quotes that reflect the significance of prioritizing health and well-being in our lives.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity . - World Health Organization

Taking care of your body is a powerful way to take control of your health . - Unknown

Health is a crown that the healthy wear but only the sick can see . - Unknown

Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive, stay healthy . - Unknown

The greatest wealth is health . - Virgil

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have . - Winston S. Churchill

The groundwork of all happiness is health . - Leigh Hunt

Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain . - Unknown

Health is the first form of wealth; gratitude is the first step towards happiness . - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy and spirit you possess or takes away from it . - Ann Wigmore

Check the World Health Day Speech for students by Vedantu. Learn the speech and share the importance of World Health Day 2024 with your friends. 

Also, check the World Health Day Essay explaining the aim of celebrating World Health Day 2024. 


As we observe World Health Day 2024 , let us reaffirm our commitment to building a healthier, more resilient world. By joining forces, fostering innovation, and prioritising health equity, we can overcome current challenges and pave the way for a brighter future where everyone can thrive in good health. 

Together, we can create a future where health is not a privilege, but a right enjoyed by all. This World Health Day , let's pledge to work towards a healthier, more equitable world for everyone.

FAQs on Celebrating World Health Day 2024: Building a Healthier Future

1. What is World Health Day 2024?

World Health Day 2024 is an annual global health awareness day celebrated to raise awareness about health-related issues and promote healthier living.

2. When is World Health Day observed?

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th every year.

3. What is the Importance of World Health Day?

The Importance of World Health Day lies in its ability to highlight important health issues, mobilize action to address health challenges and promote health equity and access to healthcare for all.

4. Write three World Health Day Slogan.

Three World Health Day Slogans:

"Health for All, Everywhere, Every Time"

"Your Health, Your Future"

"Stay Healthy, Stay Happy"

5. When was the first World Health Day celebrated?

The first World Health Day was celebrated on April 7, 1950.

6. What is the theme of World Health Day 2024?

The theme of World Health Day 2024 is determined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and varies each year. World Health Day Theme 2024 is "My Health, My Right," which emphasises a fundamental truth: access to good health is a basic human right.

7. How can individuals participate in World Health Day 2024?

Individuals can participate in World Health Day 2024 by organizing or attending health-related events, promoting health awareness on social media platforms, volunteering for health advocacy organizations, and adopting healthier lifestyle choices.

8. What are some common health issues highlighted on World Health Day?

Common health issues highlighted on World Health Day include access to healthcare services, mental health awareness, non-communicable disease prevention, vaccination campaigns, sanitation and hygiene promotion, and health equity initiatives.

9. How does World Health Day contribute to global health initiatives?

World Health Day serves as a catalyst for global health initiatives by fostering collaboration among governments, healthcare professionals, non-governmental organizations, and the public to address health disparities, promote health education, and advocate for policy changes.

10. What are some past themes of World Health Day?

Past themes of World Health Day have included "Health for All," "Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere," "Depression: Let's Talk," "Beat Diabetes," "Safe Blood Starts With Me," and "Food Safety: From Farm to Plate, Make Food Safe."

11. What role do healthcare professionals play on World Health Day?

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role on World Health Day by providing medical services, conducting health screenings, offering health education sessions, participating in health promotion activities, and advocating for public health policies.

12. How does World Health Day promote mental health awareness?

World Health Day promotes mental health awareness by destigmatizing mental illness, raising awareness about the importance of mental well-being, advocating for access to mental health services, and providing resources for individuals experiencing mental health challenges.

13. How can governments support World Health Day initiatives?

Governments can support World Health Day initiatives by allocating resources to healthcare systems, implementing policies that promote public health and disease prevention, investing in health infrastructure, and collaborating with international organisations to address global health priorities.

World Health Day 2024 - Theme and Importance

Fact sheets

Facts in pictures

  • Publications
  • Questions and answers
  • Tools and toolkits
  • Endometriosis
  • Excessive heat
  • Mental disorders
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • All countries
  • Eastern Mediterranean
  • South-East Asia
  • Western Pacific
  • Data by country
  • Country presence 
  • Country strengthening 
  • Country cooperation strategies 
  • News releases
  • Feature stories
  • Press conferences
  • Commentaries
  • Photo library
  • Afghanistan
  • Cholera 
  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  • Greater Horn of Africa
  • Israel and occupied Palestinian territory
  • Disease Outbreak News
  • Situation reports
  • Weekly Epidemiological Record
  • Surveillance
  • Health emergency appeal
  • International Health Regulations
  • Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee
  • Classifications
  • Data collections
  • Global Health Estimates
  • Mortality Database
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Health Inequality Monitor
  • Global Progress
  • World Health Statistics
  • Partnerships
  • Committees and advisory groups
  • Collaborating centres
  • Technical teams
  • Organizational structure
  • Initiatives
  • General Programme of Work
  • WHO Academy
  • Investment in WHO
  • WHO Foundation
  • External audit
  • Financial statements
  • Internal audit and investigations 
  • Programme Budget
  • Results reports
  • Governing bodies
  • World Health Assembly
  • Executive Board
  • Member States Portal

World Health Day 2024: My health, my right

Around the world, the right to health of millions is increasingly coming under threat.

Diseases and disasters loom large as causes of death and disability.

Conflicts are devastating lives, causing death, pain, hunger and psychological distress.

The burning of fossil fuels is simultaneously driving the climate crisis and taking away our right to breathe clean air, with indoor and outdoor air pollution claiming a life every 5 seconds.

The WHO Council on the Economics of Health forAll has found that at least 140 countries recognize health as a human right in their constitution. Yet countries are not passing and putting into practice laws to ensure their populations are entitled to access health services. This underpins the fact that at least 4.5 billion people — more than half of the world’s population — were not fully covered by essential health services in 2021.

To address these types of challenges, the theme for World Health Day 2024 is  'My health, my right’.

This year’s theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.

Human rights health topic

The Programme for Gender Equality, Human Rights and Health Equity

2023 Human Rights Day poster: Health is a human right

World Health Day Essay

World Health Day is celebrated each year on the 7 th of April to emphasize the need to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Several activities are planned at different places to celebrate this day. It is the World Health Organization (WHO) that came up with the idea of celebrating World Health Day. This day is celebrated on the 7 th of April each year since 1950.

Long and Short Essay on World Health Day in English

We are providing below short and long essay on World Health Day in English. The essays have been written in simple language so that the contained useful information could be memorized and recollected easily.

After reading the World Health Day essay you will be in a condition to answer- when is World Health Day celebrated, when was it first celebrated, how is it celebrated, what events take place on World Health Day, significance of the World Health Day, what does the events emphasize on and the World Health Day themes of respective years.

These essays might also prove helpful in your school assignments on World Health Day or any other relevant topic.

Short Essay on World Health Day – Essay 1 (200 words)

World Health Day is celebrated globally on the 7 th of April each year. It was in 1948 that the World Health Organization (WHO) organized the first World Health Assembly. It is the assembly that constitutes of health ministers of its 194 member states. This assembly sets the world’s highest health policies. The World Health Assembly decided to dedicate a day to global health. It thus came up with the idea of celebrating World Health Day which is being celebrated on 7 th of April each year since the year 1950.

WHO organizes various events to celebrate this day every year. Numerous other big and small events are organized by different organizations and institutions in various parts of the world. It is a day to spread awareness about the importance of health. By way of various events and activities, these institutions and organizations send out the message that health comes first. It is of utmost importance and all the other tasks and activities can only be accomplished efficiently if we take care of our health.

These days, people take to social media to discuss the importance of and ensuring good health in this fast paced life. They encourage others by running such campaigns on social media and other platforms.

Essay on History of World Health Day – Essay 2 (300 words)


The history of World Health Day dates back to 1948. The World Health Organization felt the need to involve prominent medical practitioners from around the world to take key decisions related to various health matters. For this purpose it held a World Health Assembly in 1948. This was the first World Health Assembly and it consisted of as many as 194 member states. WHO is governed by its member states that have been selected to form the world’s highest health policy setting body. The health ministers of the member states are a part of this body.

It was during the first World Health Assembly that the proposal of dedicating a special day to global health was put across. All the member states agreed that it was a good idea and 7 th April was declared as the World Health Day. It is celebrated each year since 1950.

The Need for World Health Day

The need for World Health Day was felt owing to the increasing number of diseases and illnesses around the world. Numerous infectious diseases spring up every now and then in various parts of the world and spread like epidemics. This creates panic among people and the media adds fuel to this fear. By way of the activities held on World Health Day people are made aware about various diseases and the ways to avoid/ handle them. A theme is set for each World Health Day. The theme covers a particular health concern. The World Health Day activities revolve around the chosen theme.

Activities are also held to point out the importance of health in general. People are encouraged to give up on their modern sedentary lifestyle and opt for a healthy lifestyle which involves healthy diet and exercise.

Ever since the inception of World Health Day, the World Health Organization has been organizing various local and international events to celebrate this day. The aim of these events is to spread awareness about the significance of maintaining good health.

Essay on World Health Day Activities – Essay 3 (400 words)

World Health Day is celebrated at various places throughout the world on the 7 th of April every year. This day has especially been dedicated to spread awareness about the importance of good health in our life. Its importance is emphasized by way of various activities held on this day.

World Health Day Activities

Here is a look at the World Health Day activities performed at different platforms:

  • Activities in Schools/Colleges

Many schools, colleges and other educational institutions in different parts of the world make it a point to involve their students in different activities on World Health Day. The aim of involving the students in these activities is to make the future generations realize the importance of health and the ways to lead a healthy life. Fun activities are organized and the students are especially made aware about the importance of indulging in outdoor games and avoiding mobile or computer games.

  • Social Media/Mass Media Activities

Health campaigns are run by way of newspapers, radio and television. Short stories to emphasize the importance of health are published in newspapers. Interviews of health practitioners and nutritionists are also published in newspapers and magazines. These efforts are made to sensitize people about the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle. With the advent of social media, the number of World Health Day activities has increased manifolds. Several pages are initiated and many interesting games and other activities involving the masses sprung up on different social media platforms on this occasion. People these days are hooked to social media and thus these activities see active participation.

  • Activities at Hospitals

Hospitals organize special health care camps on this day. Exclusive health check-up offers are made available to people to encourage them to get their check-up done and diagnose any health issue in time. Hospitals run campaigns to emphasize the need to get regular health check-ups done.

  • Activities at NGOs

NGOs also organize health camps on World Health Day to help the needy. Many doctors, nurses and other professionals volunteer to make such activities a success. Such camps are mostly organized in remote areas where people are not much aware about the ways to keep their health intact.

The main purpose of celebrating World Health Day is to ensure global health by sensitizing its need among the masses. Different innovative World Health Day activities are held for this purpose on this day. This is indeed a great initiative by the World Health Organization.

Essay on World Health Day Celebration – Essay 4 (500 words)

As people these days are becoming health conscious, the popularity of World Health Day is increasing and so is increasing the popularity of events which are being organized on this day. World Health Day is celebrated around the world on 7 th of April. It installs the spirit of leading a healthy lifestyle.

World Health Day Celebrations: Special Activities

The World Health Assembly decides a specific theme for World Health Day each year. Different activities are organized on World Health Day to make people aware about the specific theme covered that year and also about the importance of health in general.

As a part of the World Health Day celebrations, various events and activities are organized to help people understand how to avoid different health issue and lead a healthy life. Demonstrations and speeches are also given to help those fighting against different diseases to help them cope up with the same. These speeches are given to motivate and encourage patients and their family members to let them know that they are not alone in their battle. Skits are organized and games are played to put across these points in an interesting way to reach out to the masses.

Children are our future and they must specially be made aware about leading a healthy lifestyle. This is the reason why many schools and colleges around the world make it a point to celebrate World Health Day. Speeches, games, quiz contests and other activities are organized in schools to help children learn about the importance of maintaining health in a simple and easy way. Essay writing and debate competitions are also held. Students actively participate in these events.

World Health Day Celebrations: Emphasize on Good Health

By way of various activities that form a part of the World Health Day celebration, emphasis is laid on the need to follow a healthy lifestyle to live a wholesome life. Here are the key highlights of these events and activities:

Avoid Junk Food: In the modern times, we need everything fast and readymade and thus we have become addicted to fast food that can be grabbed easily and is good to taste. The World Health Day activities particularly lay stress upon the need to give up on junk food and switch to healthier food options.

Give-up Sedentary Lifestyle: Our jobs today are such that we require sitting in front of the laptop for hours at a stretch. Even after we go back home we are hooked to our television screens or mobiles. Children are also seen glued to televisions and tablets. This is the root cause of various diseases. Children must indulge in outdoor games such as cricket, football and badminton rather than sitting at home. Adults must also indulge in physical activities such as running, jogging, cycling, etc. This is good for both our physical and mental health

People these days are so engrossed in their work that health has taken a back seat. World Health Day is celebrated to highlight the importance of making our health our priority. We would be able to handle other aspects of our life efficiently only when we are healthy.

Long Essay on World Health Day – Essay 5 (600 words)

World Health Day is among the eight official global health campaigns initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is celebrated on the 7 th of April each year since 1950. Different themes are set for the World Health Day each year to lay stress on different health concerns engulfing our planet. Various activities are organized in schools, colleges, offices, hospitals and other places to help people understand the seriousness of ensuring good health.

World Health Day Themes

A new theme is set each year to highlight a specific health issue. Here are some of the themes that were a highlight during the World Health Day during different years:

Healthy Cities for Better Life (1996): In the year 1996, the theme chosen for World Health Day was Healthy Cities for Bette Life. This theme laid stress upon the need to keep our cities clean and healthy in order to ensure better health and lifestyle for people.

Emerging Infectious Diseases (1997): Many new kinds of infectious diseases are borne each year in different parts of the world due to different factors including water, mosquitoes, mice, certain food items, etc. Many of these diseases spread like epidemics and create panic all around. The World Health Day theme for 1997 aimed at making people aware about these diseases and how to act wisely to stop these from occurring.

Road Safety (2004): Road accidents take away numerous lives each year and leave many other physically handicapped. It is a growing concern worldwide. The 2004 theme was to sensitize people about the need to ensure road safety. The importance of wearing helmet while riding a two wheeler, wearing seat belt while commuting by four wheeler and obeying various other traffic rules were highlighted through various campaigns on this day.

Protecting Health from the Adverse Effects of Climate Change (2008): Climate change is a growing concern these days. It has led to various health issues. Many human activities are leading to global warming which in turn is leading to changes in the climate. This is a leading cause for numerous health issues. By way of the 2008 theme, people were made aware about the various human activities that lead to the emission of green house gases and global warming that is causing different kinds of serious health problems. Various activities organized on this day aimed at making people aware about how they can contribute towards lowering global warming.

Food Safety (2015): The cases of food poisoning have been increasing worldwide. As more and more people have started eating out in the restaurants and at road side stalls, the cases of food borne diseases have also increased. Moreover, adulterated pulses, cereals and other food items have also led to illnesses of different kinds. This theme aimed at spreading awareness about such things. Events and activities were organized to make people aware of what to have and what to avoid.

Depression: Let’s Talk (2017): Depression which is a common problem these days formed the theme of the 2017 World Health Day. Depression is usually an outcome of loneliness and can be cured if the patient gets an ear to hear his problems. The tag line suggested just the same. Many depression patients and their kin got benefitted by the events and activities organized on this day.

Thus, World Health Day is not just about emphasizing the importance of the overall health of the people. Awareness about different health problems and the ways to deal with the same are discussed year after year on this day. The idea of choosing a specific health problem each day and helping people understand the nitty-gritty’s of the same is an effective approach towards ensuring health.

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Essay on World Health Day

Essay on World Health Day

Table of Contents

Health is a fundamental human right, and yet many people around the world lack access to basic healthcare services. This has led to significant health disparities and inequalities, with certain populations being disproportionately affected by diseases and poor health outcomes. Promoting healthy living is also an important component of building a fairer, healthier world. This includes encouraging healthy behaviors, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. It also involves creating safe and supportive environments that promote physical activity, healthy eating, and mental wellness. World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th to raise awareness about health issues. This essay will explore the history and significance of World Health Day, the theme for 2023, and the challenges facing global health.

World Health Day


Health is one of the most critical aspects of human life. It is essential for people to be in good health to enjoy life to the fullest. Good health enables people to be productive, to work, to enjoy hobbies and interests, and to live fulfilling lives. World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7th to raise awareness about health issues and promote healthy living. This day is an opportunity to reflect on the state of global health, to discuss the challenges faced by communities worldwide, and to find ways to improve public health. This essay aims to examine the significance of World Health Day, its history, and its importance in promoting health around the world. This day is also set aside to promote awareness of health-related issues and to encourage individuals and communities to take steps to improve their health. The theme of World Health Day changes each year, with a focus on different health concerns. This essay will explore the history and significance of World Health Day, the theme for 2023, and the challenges facing global health.

History of World Health Day

World Health Day was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. The first celebration of this day took place on April 7th of that year, to mark the founding of the WHO. The main goal of this day was to draw attention to the need for global cooperation in promoting public health. Since then, World Health Day has become an annual event, with a different theme each year. The themes are chosen based on the pressing health issues faced by communities worldwide.

World Health Day was first celebrated in 1950 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to commemorate the founding of the organization on April 7th, 1948. The goal of the day was to raise awareness of the importance of global health and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Since then, World Health Day has become an annual event that is celebrated by countries around the world.

Significance of World Health Day

World Health Day is an important event that highlights the need for collective efforts to improve global health. It provides a platform for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and discuss health issues, share knowledge and experiences, and find ways to improve health outcomes. The day serves as a reminder that health is a fundamental human right, and it is the responsibility of everyone to promote and protect it.

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The importance of World Health Day can be seen in its impact on global health policies and programs. The day has been instrumental in shaping the global health agenda, leading to the development of policies and programs that address some of the world’s most pressing health challenges.

Each year, the WHO selects a theme for World Health Day that reflects a current global health concern. This theme is designed to raise awareness of the issue and to encourage action to address it. Over the years, the themes for World Health Day have covered a range of health concerns, including mental health, maternal and child health, infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases.

The WHO also uses World Health Day to highlight the achievements of the organization and its member states in improving global health. For example, in 2020, the WHO used World Health Day to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Smallpox Eradication Programme, which was one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

World Health Day 2023 Themes

Every year since 1950, a theme is decided by the current WHO Director-General for celebration of World Health Day. Suggestions regarding the theme are provided by the member governments and staff of WHO and the most voted one is declared as the celebratory theme. The theme for World Health Day 2023 is “Health for All”. Check out the themes for World Health Day celebration for the past five years.

World Health Day 2017 theme: Depression: Let’s talk World Health Day 2018 theme: Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere World Health Day 2019 theme: Universal Health Coverage: everyone, everywhere World Health Day 2020 theme: Support Nurses and Midwives World Health Day 2021 theme: Building a Fairer and Healthier World for Everyone World Health Day 2022 theme: Our planet, our health World Health Day 2023 theme: “Health for All”

The theme for World Health Day 2021 is “Building a Fairer, Healthier World”. This theme reflects the WHO’s commitment to achieving health equity and reducing health disparities around the world. According to the WHO, health equity means that everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to achieve good health, regardless of their background or where they live.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the inequities in global health, with marginalized and vulnerable populations being disproportionately affected. The WHO has emphasized the need to address these inequities and to build a more resilient and equitable global health system. This includes addressing the social determinants of health, such as poverty, education, and access to healthcare, and ensuring that health services are accessible and affordable for all.

The WHO has outlined several priorities for building a fairer, healthier world, including:

Tackling health inequities: This includes addressing the social determinants of health and addressing health disparities between different populations.

Strengthening health systems: This includes improving access to healthcare services, strengthening health infrastructure, and investing in healthcare workers.

Promoting health security: This includes addressing the threat of pandemics and other health emergencies, and building a more resilient health system.

Advancing digital health: This includes using digital technologies to improve access to healthcare and to promote health education and awareness.

Challenges Facing Global Health

Despite significant progress in global health over the past century, there are still many challenges facing the world today. Some of the key challenges include:

Infectious diseases: Despite advances in medical science, infectious diseases remain a major global health concern. Diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis continue to affect millions of people around the world, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Non-communicable diseases: Non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are on the rise globally. These diseases are often linked to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and smoking, and they are increasingly affecting younger populations.

Health inequities: Despite efforts to promote health equity, there are still significant disparities in health outcomes between different populations.

Conclusion : The World Health Day essay should emphasize the importance of good health and well-being for individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. It should highlight the need for everyone to work together to promote healthy living and prevent diseases, as well as the importance of equitable access to healthcare and health services.

Furthermore, it should emphasize that good health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It should encourage people to make healthy choices and adopt healthy behaviors, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.

In conclusion, World Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of health and well-being for everyone. By working together to promote healthy living, prevent diseases, and ensure equitable access to healthcare, we can create a healthier, happier, and more prosperous world for all.

World Health Day 2023 Quotes

“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” – Winston Churchill “Investing in health will produce enormous benefits.” – Gro Harlem Brundtland “Good health is a crown that the healthy wear, but only the sick can see it.” – Imam Ali “Health is not simply the absence of sickness.” – Hannah Green “The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson “To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise, we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Buddha “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” – Voltaire “Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself.” – Anonymous “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain.

Read More: 10 Lines on World Health Day

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Three Studies of MDMA Treatment Retracted by Scientific Journal

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Doses of MDMA, also known as Ecstasy, in street form. Researchers have been testing the drug as a treatment for PTSD. Credit... Universal History Archive, via Getty Images

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Andrew Jacobs

By Andrew Jacobs

  • Aug. 12, 2024

The journal Psychopharmacology has retracted three papers about MDMA-assisted therapy based on what the publication said was unethical conduct at one of the study sites where the research took place.

Several of the papers’ authors are affiliated with Lykos Therapeutics, the drug company whose application for MDMA-assisted therapy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder was rejected last week by the Food and Drug Administration.

The company said the research in the retracted papers was not part of its application to the F.D.A.

In declining to approve Lykos’s application, the agency cited concerns about missing data and problems with the way the company’s study was designed, according to a statement released by Lykos on Friday.

The F.D.A. has asked Lykos to conduct an additional clinical trial of its MDMA-assisted therapy, which would have been the first psychedelic medicine to win approval by federal regulators. Lykos has said it would appeal the decision.

The journal retraction was first reported by Stat, the health and medical news website.

On Sunday, Lykos said that it disagreed with Psychopharmacology’s decision and that it would file an official complaint with the Committee on Publication Ethics, a nonprofit that sets guidelines for academic publications.

“The articles remain scientifically sound and present important contributions to the study of potential treatments for PTSD,” the company said in the statement.

The incident cited by Psychopharmacology has been well documented.

In 2015, an unlicensed Canadian therapist who took part in the trial engaged in a sexual relationship with a participant after the conclusion of the trial’s dosing sessions.

In civil court documents , the patient, Meaghan Buisson, said she was sexually assaulted by the therapist, Richard Yensen, who at the time was working alongside his wife, a licensed therapist.

Mr. Yensen has said the relationship was consensual and initiated by Ms. Buisson. Six months after the final session, she moved from Vancouver to Cortes Island, in British Columbia, where the couple lived, according to court documents .

The relationship between patient and practitioner continued for more than a year, the documents said. Professional associations in both Canada and the United States prohibit sexual relationships between psychologists and patients for at least two years after their final session.

The incident helped highlight some of the challenges associated with psychedelic medicine, which can render patients especially vulnerable during dosing sessions.

For that reason, most clinical trials involving psychedelic compounds require the presence of two mental health professionals. (Lykos’s trials with MDMA require only one of the practitioners to be licensed.)

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, or MAPS, is the nonprofit that carried out the research and later created Lykos to market its proprietary MDMA-assisted therapy. The association publicly acknowledged the incident in 2019, adding that it had been reported to the F.D.A. and to Canadian health authorities.

The company acknowledged on Sunday that it had failed to notify Psychopharmacology about the violations, but it said that the oversight should have been addressed through a correction, not a retraction.

Andrew Jacobs is a Times reporter focused on how healthcare policy, politics and corporate interests affect people’s lives. More about Andrew Jacobs


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Reporting by Jennifer Rigby in London, Bhanvi Satija, Puyaan Singh, Mariam Sunny and Manas Mishra in Bengaluru, Ludwig Burger in Frankfurt, Miranda Murray in Berlin, Mushtaq Ali in Peshawar, Charlotte Greenfield in Islamabad, Stine Jacobsen in Copenhagen, Lucy Raitano in London; Writing by Jan Harvey; Editing by Catherine Evans and Mark Potter

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Bhanvi Satija reports on pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry in the United States. She has a postgraduate degree in International Journalism from City, University of London.

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Jen reports on health issues affecting people around the world, from malaria to malnutrition. Part of the Health & Pharma team, recent notable pieces include an investigation into healthcare for young transgender people in the UK as well as stories on the rise in measles after COVID hit routine vaccination, as well as efforts to prevent the next pandemic. She previously worked at the Telegraph newspaper and Channel 4 News in the UK, as well as freelance in Myanmar and the Czech Republic.

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