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How to Make a Rainbow with a Prism

June 21, 2019 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

Visible or white light is made up of a range of colours each with a different wavelength . One way to see the different colours is to use a prism to split the light. When white light enters the prism it slows down and changes direction. The amount the light changes depends on the wavelength. Red light changes direction the least and violet the most.

Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see. Each colour has a range of wavelengths. Red has a long wavelength and low frequency and violet has a short wavelength and high frequency.

What is a prism?

A prism is a triangular block of glass or perspex which splits light into its constituent colours.

When light enters a prism it is refracted. Each colour of the spectrum is refracted by a different amount and the colours are dispersed ( spread out ) allowing you to see them.

A prism is a great way to demonstrate visually that white light is actually made up of 7 different colours.

How to split white light with a prism

How to split white light with a prism.  Easy instructions for how to make a rainbow with a prism.

What you need to split light

Triangular prism

White cardboard

Large sheet of white paper

Dark coloured cardboard

Tape or glue

Large tray or sheet of thick card

How to use a prism

If it’s not a sunny day, you can use a torch.

Use the dark card to create a slit over a sheet of white card. Place the card so sunlight shines through giving a thin beam of light.

Place the prism over the light and rotate it until you can see the light split into the spectrum of colours.

How to split light with a triangular prism#physicsforkids

Why does a prism split light?

White light, which enters the prism, is a mixture of different wavelengths, which get bent ( refracted ) by different amounts though the prism, allowing them to be seen separately.

Facts about light waves

Light travels in straight lines.

It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to reach Earth from the Sun.

Light waves can travel through a vacuum.

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Light waves are much faster than sound waves.

Wavelengths of the visible spectrum of light range from 400nm ( violet end ) to 700nm (red end ).

diagram showing the different colours that make up visible light

More learning activities about light

Find out how to make a rainbow using a hosepipe !

Reverse the direction of arrows with this easy light refraction experiment .

Learn about how light travels in straight lines by making a light maze .

light maze with mirrors

Last Updated on May 7, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Improved

Refraction of light through prism experiment

light refraction through a prism experiment

What happens when light goes through a prism? This is a great experiment demonstrating optical phenomenons like light dispersion, as well as the refraction of light through prism. High-quality glass prisms are not only great for teaching physics. They can also used for prism photography! Let’s now see how to use a prism to make a rainbow!

Table of Contents

What is light refraction?

In physics, light refraction is defined as an optical phenomenon by which the light is diverted when it penetrates another substance. For example, refraction occurs when a beam of light travels through the air before reaching the polished surface of a glass prism. In this example, the glass has a specific refractive index, which will determine the angle of the light deviation. Furthermore, the incidence angle of the light hitting the surface of the prism will also influence how the light is deviated.

What is light dispersion and how to use a prism to make a rainbow?

In addition to light refraction, another optical phenomenon is taking place within the prism. For instance, the prism experiment also demonstrate how light dispersion can happen. In short, the scientific principle behind it is that the refractive index of the prism depends on the wavelength of the light penetrating it. Therefore, if a beam of white light hits the prism, the various wavelengths corresponding to the full spectrum of colors composing the white beam will each be deviated at a specific angle. In other words, the white light will be separated into a colorful rainbow! This optical phenomenon is similar to the rainbows that you can see in the sky, in which water droplets are refracting the sunlight.


Check this Prism Ideal for Teaching Light Spectrum on Amazon

What is the relationship between color and wavelength for light?

The visible light spectrum is composed of several colors, each of them corresponding to a specific wavelength. Indeed, the human eye can perceive wavelengths ranging approximately from 390 to 700 nm. This range of wavelengths corresponds to the following colors, in this order:

Violet – Blue – Cyan – Green – Yellow – Orange – Red

On the other hand, the human eye will not see wavelengths outside the visible light spectrum. For instance, ultraviolet radiations are emitted at wavelengths below 390 nm and can’t be seen. This is also the reason why we can’t see infrared emissions at longer wavelengths.

what is the relationship between color and wavelength for light?

How did newton prove that sunlight consists of many colors?

Looking at light through a prism is an idea that has been around for a long time. Indeed, both Descartes and Newton studied this optical phenomenon. In 1666, Newton enthusiastically wrote this in a letter:

“I procured me a Triangular glass prism, to try therewith the celebrated  Phœnomena  of  Colours … It was at first a very pleasant divertissement to view the vivid and intense colours produced” 1 .

During his career, Newton performed several experiments with prisms to study light refraction and dispersion. In one of his famous experiments, he cut a pinhole in is window shade to only allow the passage of a beam of sunlight. Using a glass prism, he demonstrated that the beam of light was refracted and changed its path, as he observed that its projection on a surface was diverted by the prism. He also noticed another optical phenomenon: light dispersion into a rainbow of colors! Using a second prism, he further proved that these various colors can be combined again to obtain white. As a result, he was able to prove that sunlight in fact consists of many colors.

Now you may be as thrilled as Newton to experiment light refraction and dispersion through a prism. You can easily find a small glass prism that will allow you to demonstrate the basic principles of physic optics. First, you can try to project the light beam towards a wall or other flat surface. You can also try different incidence angles and see how it affects the light emitted.

How to use a prism for photography?

There are many references to light refraction and dispersion in popular culture. Among the most iconic representation of this optical phenomenon is the cover of the album Dark side of the Moon by Pink Floyd.

Light refraction can also be used in photography. There are mainly two ways to use a prism. First, it can be employed to create a rainbow effect that can be incorporated within the picture. Some photographers also put a triangular glass prism in front of the objective to create a nice optical illusion. By doing this and by changing the angle of the prism, it is possible to capture a scene located in front of the objective while simultaneously incorporating elements perpendicular to the camera.

How to use a prism in photography? Photography Prism with Cleaning Pouch - Best Crystal Glass Triangular Prism for Photos and Teaching Light Spectrum - Portable 6 Inch Optical Rainbow Prism

Click here to see where to buy a glass prism that can be used for photography

I hope you enjoyed reading this post about light refraction and dispersion through a prism. Before leaving, don’t forget to also have a look at my previous posts to learn about the camera obscura effect or the science behind optical microscopes .

1- https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstl.1671.0072

2- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prism

3- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refraction

4- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color

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In the Light and Color unit of The Physics Classroom Tutorial, the visible light spectrum was introduced and discussed. Visible light, also known as white light, consists of a collection of component colors. These colors are often observed as light passes through a triangular prism. Upon passage through the prism, the white light is separated into its component colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. The separation of visible light into its different colors is known as dispersion . It was mentioned in the Light and Color unit that each color is characteristic of a distinct wave frequency; and different frequencies of light waves will bend varying amounts upon passage through a prism. In this unit, we will investigate the dispersion of light in more detail, pondering the reasons why different frequencies of light bend or refract different amounts when passing through the prism.

Earlier in this unit, the concept of optical density was introduced. Different materials are distinguished from each other by their different optical densities. The optical density is simply a measure of the tendency of a material to slow down light as it travels through it. As mentioned earlier, a light wave traveling through a transparent material interacts with the atoms of that material. When a light wave impinges upon an atom of the material, it is absorbed by that atom. The absorbed energy causes the electrons in the atom to vibrate. If the frequency of the light wave does not match the resonance frequency of the vibrating electrons, then the light will be reemitted by the atom at the same frequency at which it impinged upon it. The light wave then travels through the interatomic vacuum towards the next atom of the material. Once it impinges upon the next atom, the process of absorption and re-emission is repeated.  

The optical density of a material is the result of the tendency of the atoms of a material to maintain the absorbed energy of the light wave in the form of vibrating electrons before reemitting it as a new electromagnetic disturbance. Thus, while a light wave travels through a vacuum at a speed of c (3.00 x 10 8 m/s), it travels through a transparent material at speeds less than c . The index of refraction value ( n ) provides a quantitative expression of the optical density of a given medium. Materials with higher index of refraction values have a tendency to hold onto the absorbed light energy for greater lengths of time before reemitting it to the interatomic void. The more closely that the frequency of the light wave matches the resonant frequency of the electrons of the atoms of a material, the greater the optical density and the greater the index of refraction. A light wave would be slowed down to a greater extent when passing through such a material

The Angle of Deviation

Of course the discussion of the dispersion of light by triangular prisms begs the following question: Why doesn't a square or rectangular prism cause the dispersion of a narrow beam of white light? The short answer is that it does. The long answer is provided in the following discussion and illustrated by the diagram below.

Suppose that a flashlight could be covered with black paper with a slit across it so as to create a beam of white light. And suppose that the beam of white light with its component colors unseparated were directed at an angle towards the surface of a rectangular glass prism. As would be expected, the light would refract towards the normal upon entering the glass and away from the normal upon exiting the glass. But since the violet light has a shorter wavelength, it would refract more than the longer wavelength red light. The refraction of light at the entry location into the rectangular glass prism would cause a little separation of the white light. However, upon exiting the glass prism, the refraction takes place in the opposite direction. The light refracts away from the normal, with the violet light bending a bit more than the red light. Unlike the passage through the triangular prism with non-parallel sides, there is no overall angle of deviation for the various colors of white light. Both the red and the violet components of light are traveling in the same direction as they were traveling before entry into the prism. There is however a thin red fringe present on one end of the beam and thin violet fringe present on the opposite side of the beam. This fringe is evidence of dispersion. Because there is a different angle of deviation of the various components of white light after transmission across the first boundary, the violet is separated ever so slightly from the red. Upon transmission across the second boundary, the direction of refraction is reversed; yet because the violet light has traveled further downward when passing through the rectangle it is the primary color present in the lower edge of the beam. The same can be said for red light on the upper edge of the beam.

Dispersion of light provides evidence for the existence of a spectrum of wavelengths present in visible light. It is also the basis for understanding the formation of rainbows. Rainbow formation is the next topic of discussion in Lesson 4.

  • The Anatomy of a Lens

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Optics (Essentials) - Class 12th

Course: optics (essentials) - class 12th   >   unit 4.

  • Dispersion of light - definition and characteristics

Prism & dispersion of light

  • Newton's prism experiment

experiment on triangular prism

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Buggy and Buddy

Meaningful Activities for Learning & Creating

April 18, 2015 By Chelsey

Rainbow Science for Kids: Exploring Prisms

This week we’re focusing on rainbow science for kids  by exploring  prisms . Prisms can provide such a fun, hands-on way for kids to observe and hypothesize about light. Here’s some fun ways to use prisms with preschoolers, kindergarteners, and elementary students.

*This science activity correlates with Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) 1-PS4-3.

Follow our Science for Kids Pinterest board!

Exploring Light Using Prisms (Rainbow Science for Kids) ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

I have been so so excited to set up this prism exploration center for the kids! I remember using prisms as a kid and absolutely loving them. Prisms provide such a wonderful hands-on way for kids to explore light- especially rainbows! Not only is exploring prisms a fun physics activity, but it would fit into a geometry unit as well.  (This post contains affiliate links.)

Whenever I  invite my kids to participate in  science activities,  my main goal   is  NOT  for them to   master a set concept, but simply to allow them to explore the activity in their own way. Giving this freedom to children inspires them to make predictions and critically think about the world around them in a pressure-free setting.  

Setting Up a Prism Exploration Center

Setting up a prism exploration center was super easy! I set out a few materials and made sure the items were located at a level where both kids could reach them on their own. I also hung a few prisms from a sunny window to get the kids excited about rainbows! Here’s which materials I placed in our prism exploration center:

  • Various prisms (see which prisms I recommend at the end of the post)
  • Some scraps of paper with different designs on them
  • Blank white paper
  • Colored pencils or crayons in the colors of the rainbow

Prism Exploration Center (Science for Kids) ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

Using the Prism Exploration Center

The kids started out by discovering all the rainbows around our house created by our window prisms.

discovering rainbows with prisms

We found them on our walls, the floor, and even on our couch! (It was fun for the kids to see how the rainbows moved to different locations as the day went on, and how they disappeared completely when the clouds came.)

rainbow science for kids: exploring prisms

Later they decided to explore the triangular prisms I placed in the tray. Theo put his in the window to see what would happen.

exploring prisms with kids

He saw little rainbows inside!

Physics for Kids- Exploring Light with Prisms

We played around with ways to tilt the prism so we could make the rainbows go in different locations in the room.

rainbow science for kids using prisms

The kids used colored pencils to color over their rainbows created by the prisms on white paper. What a fun way for them to see all the colors of the rainbow right up close!

sketching a rainbow with a prism

The kids also discovered how different things looked when observed through a prism. Lucy loved looking through hers and noticed how she could see many things at once. “I think I can see three things because there are three sides around the outside of this prism!”

When we put the prisms onto patterned paper, the patterns changed!

using prisms to explore light with kids

The kids were so inspired to hypothesize and observe using the prisms! I’ll definitely be leaving the prism exploration center out all week to see what other exciting discoveries the kids make!

What’s Happening?

White light is a combination of all the colors of the rainbow (which Lucy really found fascinating). As the light from the sun passes through the prism, the light refracts (bends) and separates, making the colors of the visible spectrum.

using prisms to explore light (science for kids)

Different Prisms

You can find different kinds of prisms made from  both optic glass and acrylic.

It’s fun to have a few  glass prisms  on hand because they are so much clearer, but I wouldn’t leave the kids unattended with them as they can break. (BUT, I’d definitely want at least one to use with the kids!)

  • I purchased this  2.5″ crystal optical glass triangular prism  which you see in the post.
  • We also hung this  crystal teardrop prism  and this  crystal ball prism  from our windows. These lead to all kinds of rainbows showing up around our house on sunny days which the kids are just fascinated by!

Definitely purchase some  acrylic   prisms  for younger kids. That way you’ll feel comfortable letting them explore all around the house or classroom with the prisms, and they’ll feel free to try all kinds of neat things with them without the fear of them breaking.

  • I bought this  plastic crystal prism  which we used in our exploration center. It wasn’t as clear as the glass one, but I felt comfortable letting my kids carry it around all over the house to create rainbows!
  • These also look like nice sets, and I might consider getting them in the future:  Equilateral Acrylic Prisms ,  acrylic prisms in wooden storage box .

Want to go even further?

Even more activities about light to inspire creativity and critical thinking for various ages.

  • Create your own rainbow using water and a mirror .
  • Make a rainbow mobile with prisms .
  • Bend light in this fun science activity.
  • Here’s some children’s books about rainbows !
  • This video shows an outdoor science activity using a prism  and offers some scientific explanations perfect for kids.
  • This activity for young children uses a rainbow to help teach color words .

Rainbow Science for Kids: Exploring Light Using Prisms~ BuggyandBuddy.com

Be sure to check out STEAM Kids book and ebook for even more creative STEM and STEAM ideas!

Newtons Experiments - light and prisms

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Physics Notes: Behaviour of visible light rays 3. Spectrum from triangular prism

Doc Brown's Physics exam study revision notes

The visible spectrum of light and triangular prism experiments

triangular prism.

: The light beam slows down in the more dense glass, so the ray bends towards the normal.

: The light beam speeds up in the less dense air, so the ray bends away from the normal.


with a triangular prism - white light is dispersed into all its colours.

we experience are due to photon energy and frequency (all of which are related), and this is - vacuum, air, glass, anything transparent.

(very low density)


colour travels in dense materials.

when passing through a media boundary to a more dense medium - the smaller the angle of refraction.

explains the 1st refraction (air to Δ glass prism) and Refraction B explains the 2nd refraction (Δ glass prism to air).

the different colours separate out to give the visible spectrum.

to give what we refer to as the visible spectrum of light.

allows two sets of refractions to take place and give a greater spread of the different wavelengths of the colours.

- that's what causes them to spread out or disperse. In any liquid or solid material ...


triangular prisms have been used in emission spectrometers for analysing light from high temperature sources like stars. However, these days diffraction gratings are used to separate the different wavelengths of visible light.


- you need to refer to the diagram above too.

by considering a water droplet to behave like a prism. It involves refraction and reflection. I've just used a red, green and blue ray diagram to give (I hope!) the basic ideas to explain how a rainbow is formed.

occurs at the boundary. The shorter wavelength blue light slows down more and refracts at a greater angle - the order being blue > green > red. You may of course get some reflection too, but lets concentrate on the refracted rays.

occurs inside the water drop (and maybe some refraction).

takes place as the rays move from a more dense medium to a less dense medium. A second dispersion takes place to produce the final rainbow effect of the visible spectrum. You may also get internal reflection too.

which we don't need to go into in detail. BUT, .

(NOT needed for a GCSE physics exam, just for the more curious!)

the behaviour of visible light rays

Know this experiment helps explain the formation rainbow colours by raindrops and how visible light can be analysed by spectroscopy.

] below, maybe quicker than navigating the many sub-indexes

for UK KS3 science students aged ~12-14, ~US grades 6-8

 for UK GCSE level students aged ~14-16, ~US grades 9-10

for pre-university age ~16-18 ~US grades 11-12, K12 Honors

specific physics words or courses e.g. topic, module, exam board, formula, concept, equation, 'phrase', homework question! anything of physics interest!  This is a Google generated search of my website


Newton’s Prism Experiments

William Herschel: The Discovery of Infrared Light

Johann ritter: the discovery of ultraviolet light, isaac newton books.

experiment on triangular prism

Prism Simulation

What is a prism, what is refraction, what is refractive index, why does white light split when it passes through a prism, related simpop simulations:.

experiment on triangular prism


  • Physics Article
  • Tracing The Path Of The Rays Of Light Through A Glass Prism

Tracing the Path of the Rays of Light Through a Glass Prism

A prism is a transparent optical object with two flat surfaces that have an angle between them. When the light enters the prism, there is a bending of light as there is a change in the speed of light. The bending of the light is dependent on the angle of incidence, normal, and refractive indices. There are four different types of angles involved in this experiment, and they are the angle of incidence, angle of emergence, angle of prism and angle of deviation. Below is an experiment to trace the path of a light ray through a glass prism.

To trace the path of the rays of light through a glass prism.

What Is a prism?

A prism is defined as a polyhedron with a triangular base and three rectangular lateral surfaces. It is used as an optical object to study the behaviour of white light when it is passed through it. The light bends at various angles like an angle of incidence, angle of reflection, angle of refraction, and angle of deviation.

Read More: Angle of Incidence

What Is the prism formula?

Following is the formula of the angle of prism:

where, µ is the refractive index. A is the angle of the prism. δ m is the minimum deviation.

What Is the angle of deviation?

The angle of deviation is defined as the angle between the incident ray and the emerging ray.

Materials Required

Following are the list of materials required for this experiment:

  • A white sheet
  • 4-6 all pins
  • Drawing board

Experimental Setup

tracing the path of light ray through prism

  • Fix a white sheet on a drawing board using drawing pins.
  • Place the triangular prism resting on its triangular base. Using a pencil, draw the outline of the prism.
  • Draw NEN normal to the face of the prism AB. Make an angle between 30 ° and 60 ° with the normal.
  • On the line PE, fix two pins at a distance of 5cm from each other and mark these as P and Q.
  • Look for the images of the pins at P and Q through the other face of the prism AC.
  • Fix two pins at R and S such that they appear as a straight line as that of the P and Q when it is viewed from the AC face of the prism.
  • Remove the pins and the prism.
  • At point F, make the points R and S meet by extending them.
  • PQE is the incident ray which is extended till it meets face AC. SRF is the emergent ray which is extended backward to meet at point G.
  • Now mark the angle of incidence ∠i, angle of refraction ∠r and the angle of emergence ∠e and the angle of deviation ∠D as shown in the experimental setup.
  • Repeat the experiment for more angles between 30 ° and 60 °.


  • At surface AB, the light ray enters and bends towards the normal on refraction.
  • At surface AC, the light ray bends away from the normal as it travels from one medium (glass) to the other (air).
  • The angle of deviation is observed. Here, the emergent ray bends at an angle from the direction of the incident ray.
  • The incident ray bends towards the normal when it enters the prism and while leaving the prism it bends away from the normal.
  • With the increase in the angle of incidence, the angle of deviation decreases. After attaining the minimum value, it increases with an increase in the angle of incidence.


  • For drawing the boundary of the prism, a sharp pencil should be used.
  • Soft board and pointed pins should be used.
  • The distance between the pins should be 5cm or more.
  • The pins should be fixed vertically and should be encircled when they are removed from the board.
  • The angle of incidence should be between 30 ° and 60 ° .
  • The arrows drawn for incident ray, reflected ray and emergent ray should be proper.
  • For viewing the col-linearity of all four pins and images, the head should be slightly tilted on either side. While doing this it can appear as if all are moving together.

Read More: Refractive Index

Q1. What is refractive index? Ans: Refractive index is defined as the ratio between the sine of the angle of incident ray i in a vacuum to the sine of the angle of refraction r in a given medium. The mathematical representation of the refractive index is given as:

  • n is the refractive index
  • i is the angle of the incidence
  • r is the angle of the reflection

Q2. What is the unit of the refractive index? Ans: Refractive index has no unit. This is because it is a ratio between the speed of light in vacuum and in a medium.

Q3. Name the atmospheric refraction that causes the splitting of white light. Ans: Rainbow.

Q4. What is the dispersion of light? Ans: The dispersion of light is defined as the phenomenon of splitting white light into its seven constituent colours when it is made to pass through a transparent medium.

Q5. List the factors on which the angle of deviation through a prism depends. Ans: Following are the factors on which the angle of deviation through a prism depends:

  • ∠A is called the angle of a prism
  • Angle of incidence
  • On the optical density of the material used in a prism.

Q6. What happens to the incident ray when it enters the prism? Ans: When an incident ray enters the prism, it bends towards the normal as it changes its path and gets deviated.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn other Physics related experiments.

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Dispersion and Scattering of Light

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  • Skanda Prasad
  • Jordan Calmes

Dispersion of light occurs when white light is separated into its different constituent colors because of refraction and Snell's law . White light only appears white because it is composed of every color on the visible spectrum. Although they are very close, the index of refraction for each color is unique in non-vacuous materials. These unique indices cause each wavelength to follow a different path.

White light enters a prism on the left, then is separated according to wavelength into a rainbow pattern. [1]

Dispersion of Light

Applications and natural phenomena.

Dispersion of light is defined as follows:

Dispersion of light is the splitting of white light into its constituent colors due to the refractive index of the surface and the wavelength of the light.

If the light entering the prism is not of a single colour then the emergent beam also has different colours arranged in a definite order. It is because the light of different colours have different speeds in a medium expect air. The speed of light in a transparent medium decreases with decrease in the wavelength of light.

Newton's Experiment Sir Issac Newton, while studying the image of a heavenly body formed due to refraction of white light by a lens, found that the image is coloured at it's edges. He thought that the coloured image is due to some defect in the lens. He then repeated the experiment with a carefully polished lens, but the image was still coloured. Newton then thought that the fault is not in the lens, but there is something in the nature of white light itself due to which the image is coloured at its edges. To investigate it further, he performed another experiment with a \(prism \). Newton allowed white light from sun to enter a dark room through a small aperture in a window and placed a glass prism in the path of light rays. The light coming out of the prism was received on a white screen. On the screen a coloured patch like a rainbow was formed which was termed as spectrum .

Dispersion of light through a glass prism

A glass prism is used to disperse white light. The prism is a 5-faced solid, having two triangular bases and three rectangular surfaces that are inclined toward each other.

Light is sent through one of the rectangular faces, which enters the prism and exits through one of the other rectangular faces. Since different colors of light travel at different speeds, the refractive index is different for each color. As a result, when white light passes through the refracting surface of the prism, its components bend into different angles, causing the single beam of light to separate. Then, the different colors of light bend again because of the refraction caused by the second rectangular surface.

In this way, white light gets split into its component colors upon passing through a glass prism.

Polychromatic light enters a rectangular glass prism of thickness \(t=2\text{ cm}.\) If the light strikes with incident angle \(30^\circ\) in air, what is the lateral separation of violet light (\(n = 1.52\)) and red light (\(n = 1.51?\)) Angle of refraction within the prism Use Snell's law to find the refraction angles. For both colors, \(n_1 = 1\) and \(\theta_1 = 30^\circ\) \[n_1\sin\theta_1 = n_2\sin\theta_2\] \[\theta_2 = \sin^{-1}(\frac{n_1\sin\theta_1}{n_2})\] Violet \[\theta_2 = 19.205^\circ\] Red \[\theta_2 = 19.337^\circ\] Lateral displacement within the material Each beam will travel a path diagonally through the prism. The angle of refraction forms a right triangle with the thickness and lateral displacement of the light ray. \[\tan\theta_2 = \frac{\text{lateral displacement}}{\text{thickness}} = \frac{\ell}{t}\] \[\ell = t \tan\theta_2\] Violet \[\ell = (0.02 \text{ m}) \tan(19.205) = 6.97\text{ mm}\] Red \[\ell = (0.02 \text{ m}) \tan(19.337) = 7.02\text{ mm}\] Lateral separation is the difference between the lateral displacements. \[\Delta \ell = 7.02\text{ mm} - 6.97\text{ mm} = 0.05\text{ mm} = 50\text{ }\mu\text{m}\]

Polychromatic light strikes a triangular prism. Which color is most likely to be totally internally reflected within the prism?

Monochromatic light of wavelength \(600 \text{ nm}\) strike an equilateral triangular prism with an angle of incidence \(\theta_i = 30^\circ.\) The index of refraction for the prism is \(n=1.5.\) What is the angle of refraction of the light as it leaves the prism rounded to the nearest degree?

Using glass prism we can disperse only visible light . But still radiations of different wavelengths can be dispersed by different prisms'. The given below problem explains this.

Plenty of seemingly mysterious natural phenomena are explained by the dispersion and scattering of light.

Rainbow formation The formation of a rainbow is linked to the dispersion of light. Since it has a striking similarity to the dispersion of light in a prism, water droplets are sometimes called mini prisms. A typical Rainbow formation.[2] Water droplets are roughly spherical in nature and contain water with a refractive index that enables light to refract. When sunlight (white light) strikes water droplets suspended in air, it refracts and spreads into its constituent colors through dispersion. When sunlight touches a water droplet (at some particular angle) the light gets refracted and dispersed. Later, the refracted light undergoes total internal reflection, which causes the light rays to fall on the front side of the droplet and emerge from the back. The path of the sunlight inside a water droplet.[3] The rainbow pattern is made up of seven colors in a specific order. This is because the wavelength of red light is higher so it deviates the least, while the wavelength of violet is lower and deviates the most. This is why the red light is at the bottom and the violet light is at the top.
Color of the sky at different times Sunlight reaches the earth's atmosphere and is scattered by gases and particles in the air. Blue (and violet) light is dispersed more broadly than most other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why the sky often appears blue.[4]
Color of the sun As light journeys from the sun to the earth's atmosphere, violet, indigo, blue, and green lights of the spectrum get scattered because air particles increase in diameter nearer to the earth's surface. The next spectral color in terms of shortest wavelength, yellow, scatters closest to eye level, causing it to override the other spectral colors. As a result, the sun appears yellow.
Color of smoke in winter The smoke coming from chimneys scatters the blue light the most, so it overrides the other spectral colors and the smoke appears blue.
Use of ultramarine Ultramarine is a fluorescent substance which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and converts it into visible light seen as violet, indigo, and blue spectral colors. Sunlight is deficient in these colors, having been scattered in the upper atmosphere. So, when sunlight falls on clothes soaked in ultramarine, the deficient sunlight again contains all the spectral colors in equal proportion on account of fluorescence. As a result, our brain perceives it as white.

Why do clouds appear white in color?

Why is smoke white in color?

Note: The same answer applies to both the questions.

Try my World of Physics to solve many problems like this one.

[1] Image from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prism#/media/File:Prism-side-fs_PNr%C2%B00117.jpg under the creative commons attribution for reuse and modification.

[2] D-Kuru from Wikimedia Commons, Image from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg/400px-Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg under the creative commons attribution for reuse and modification.

[3] Image from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow#/media/File:Rainbow1.svg released under the public domain.

[4] Why is the sky blue? NASA . Retrieved 17:18, April 7, 2016, from http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/blue-sky/en/ .

  • Unknown, . Dispersion prism . Retrieved May 11, 2016, from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Dispersion_prism.jpg

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Light Spectrum Experiments

Light Spectrum Experiments

Science Investigatory Project Examples

The electromagnetic spectrum, which is just a fancy word for the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, or light, is one of the most interesting ideas in physics. It is also one of the easiest on which to perform basic experiments.

Separating the Spectrum

This may seem like a far too overdone experiment, but that might only be because of its importance. All you need is a very simple triangular prism, sunlight and preferably a flat wall. Place the prism between the wall and the sunlight. Rotate the prism until you see a rainbow on the wall. Keep the rainbow on the wall until you can record what colors appear. Once you have that recorded, try to describe why sunlight splits via prism into those colors. If the answer evades you, find a copy of the electromagnetic spectrum and compare the visible spectrum to what you see on the wall. The objective of this experiment is to realize that sunlight is white light, which can be split into its component colors.

Moving on to the Entire Spectrum

This experiment will introduce you to a few other forms of light that you can't see. However, you will need some source of heat and some sort of infrared camera. Take this source of heat and activate it. If you are using a flame, ignite it and observe its color. Then, observe it again with the infrared camera. You should see much more light through the camera than with your eyes. What you should notice is that the heat gives off infrared light as well as visible light. In fact, it gives off a wide spectrum of light. The infrared light you see is a byproduct of the heat. This shows that where there is heat, there is infrared radiation and vice versa.


This is a bit of a trickier experiment. However, it is very malleable in the sense that you can do it in a few different ways. You need a diffraction grating, a few chemicals to burn, water, a few wood stirring sticks and a burner or heat source. While you can alter the chemicals, the following are guaranteed to work for the experiment: cesium nitrate, copper nitrate, strontium nitrate, lithium nitrate, nickel nitrate, sodium nitrate, sodium chloride. Those chemicals will produce some interesting colors when burnt and observed through diffraction grating, which is the extent of the experiment. You can also burn basic solids like wood or anything else. As long as it burns, it will produce a spectrum that can be identified through a diffraction grating. Try to observe the different spectrums for each chemical you burn. This should show you that every object burns with a different spectrum, which can be used to identify the object. This means that the light produced by burning things is also a combination of many colors and is caused by the chemical composition of the object.

Playing with White Light

This experiment should give you a better familiarity with not only white light, but how white light is similar to other types of light. You will need a few mirrors and the prism mentioned earlier, as well as another flat surface or wall. Take the mirrors and arrange them in a series so that when a bright flashlight is shined on one, it will reflect off of it and hit another mirror, which will reflect it in another direction. Keep in mind that the angle of incidence is equivalent to the angle of reflection. Place the prism so that it diffracts the light coming off the second mirror. Now, turn the flashlight on and let the light go from one mirror to the other and into the prism. You should see a spectrum appear behind the prism. This proves that white light remains intact until it is diffracted, or split, by a prism. More important, this allows you to further reflect the diffracted spectrum, if you have enough mirrors. This will demonstrate that light, when split into its component colors, acts almost exactly the same as white light, which makes sense because white light and light that is monochromatic, or almost monochromatic, are still both electromagnetic radiation. Keep in mind that a flashlight will not work as well as the sun in this experiment. If you can get the mirrors to reflect sunlight and replace the flashlight, it will be more effective, but note that is not always possible.

As a final precautionary note, some of these experiments are quite dangerous. Always use common sense when operating any experiment. Never get closer than necessary to a source of flame. Always wear proper protective clothing, such as glasses, an apron and gloves. Most of all, stay within the bounds of the experiment you plan to perform and don't try to add something exciting with which you aren't familiar.

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  • The Electromagnetic Spectrum

About the Author

David Scott has been a firefighter for the Seattle Fire Department's Technical Rescue Team for almost 20 years. He has been writing primarily since 2005, but did author the book, "The White River Ranger District Trail Guide" in 1988. In addition to his work for Demand Studios, Scott spends much of his time writing poetry and a novel.

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  • 2015 WAEC Physics Pr...

2015 WAEC Physics Practical You are provided with a triangular glass prism, four optical pins, and other necessary materials....

experiment on triangular prism

You are provided with a triangular glass prism, four optical pins, and other necessary materials.

  • Place the triangular glass prism on a drawing paper and draw its outline UMR . Remove the prism.
  • Measure and record the value of the angle at U .
  • Draw a normal to the line UM at N . Also, draw another line TN to the normal such that \(\phi\)-60. Fix two pins at P\(_{1}\) and P\(_{2}\).
  • Replace the prism and fix two other pains at P\(_{3}\), and P\(_{4}\), such that the pins appear to be in a straight line with the images of the pins at P\(_{1}\) and P\(_{2}\), when viewed from the side UR . Remove the prism.
  • Join points P\(_{3}\), and P\(_{4}\), producing the line to meet TN produced at Z . Draw the normal XY .
  • Measure and record the angle of emergence e and that of deviation d .
  • Repeat the experiment with \(\phi\) = 55°, 50°, 40° and 35°.
  • In each case, measure and record the Corresponding values of e and d .
  • Tabulate your readings.
  • Plot a graph with d on the vertical axis and e on the horizontal axis starting both axes from the origin (0.0) Join your points with a smooth curve.
  • From your graph, obtain the minimum deviation d\(_{m}\) and the corresponding angle of emergence e\(_{m}\) . Hence, calculate the refractive index n of the prism using the formula:

n = \(\frac{sin (\frac{d_{m}+U}{2})}{sin{(\frac{u}{2})}}\)

  • State two precautions taken to obtain accurate results. Attach your traces to your answer booklet.

(b)i. State the conditions necessary for total internal reflection of light to occur.

ii. The critical angle for a transparent substance is 39°. Calculate the refractive index of the substance.


experiment on triangular prism

U  = 60°  

S/N \(\phi\)/° e/° d/°
1 60.0 30.00 2.000
2 55.0 35.00 10.000
3 50.0 40.00 21.000
4 40.0 50.00 26.000
5 35.0 55.00 30.00

Slope = \(\frac{57-30}{38.2} = \frac{27}{33.5}\)

xi. u = 60° dm = 25°

n = [\(\frac{25° = 60°}{2}\)]


n = \(\frac{sin(\frac{85}{2})}{sin30}\)

n = \(\frac{sin47.5}{sin30°} = \frac{0.7373}{0.5000}\)


- ensured neat traces/sharp pencil (Shown) - ensured that pins were reasonably Spaced. -  avoided parallax error in reading protractor.

(b)i. - Light must travel from an optically dense medium to optically less dense medium. - The critical angle must be exceeded. 

ii. n = \(\frac{1}{Sinc}\)

n = \(\frac{1}{Sin30} = \frac{1}{0.6293}\) = 1.59

see graph above

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