Free online courses

Designed by York academics, our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free and open to everyone. Engage with uni-level study, explore a new subject area, or prepare for higher education.

Completing certain MOOCs might make you eligible for an alternative offer to study with us.

Eligibility for alternative offers

Find more about our online and distance learning degrees .

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Free online short courses (MOOCs) for everyone

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Mathematics of Cryptography

Learn about some of the strongest codes ever known. Tutor facilitation starts 16 September.

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Next steps to university.

Explore higher education and learn tips for making the most of university. Available until 27 October 2024.

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Power in crisis

Explore the contemporary political crises of climate change, migration and terrorism. Available as a self-guided course.

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Reading James Joyce

This course will help you to think about the history of Joyce’s writing and more. Available as a self-guided course.

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The language of truth

Jump into philosophical concepts and use logic to evaluate arguments. Available as a self-guided course.

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Exploring Stone Age archaeology

Further your interest in the past through a deep dive into a single case study. Available as a self-guided course.

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How to read a poem

Dive into the wonderful world of analysing poetry. Available as a self-guided course.

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Exploring everyday chemistry

The organic chemistry behind perfume, medicine, brewing and sport. Available as a self-guided course.

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Accents, attitudes and identity

Discover how our visions of ourselves and others interact. Available as a self-guided course.

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Introduction to cognitive psychology

Develop an understanding of cognitive psychology as an experimental science. Available as a self-guided course.

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Tackling environmental challenges

How environmental research can inform our response to global sustainability issues. Available as a self-guided course.

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Supporting you with your university interview

Support, tips and general guidance on how to navigate university interviews. Available as a self-guided course.

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Pathways to success: making the most of your time at university

Prepare yourself for your higher education journey Available as a self-guided course.

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Business History of the FIFA World Cup

Study the development of the FIFA World Cup. Available as a self-guided course.

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An introduction to nursing

Find out where a career in nursing has the potential to lead you. Available as a self-guided course.

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Diverse routes into higher education

Make the most of your educational background to find a way into university. Available as a self-guided course.

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Intelligent systems

Understand our codependency with machines to tackle digital challenges. Available as a self-guided course.

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STEM teaching

Discover the importance of interdisciplinary science teaching. Available as a self-guided course.

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Pubs: history, consumers, management and protection

Learn about pubs from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Available as a self-guided course.

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Bugs, brains and beasts

Learn to reinforce basic biological concepts through cutting-edge research. Available as a self-guided course.

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Behavioural activation for depression

Boost your awareness of depressive states, and one of the techniques to tackle them. Available as a self-guided course.

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Lights, camera, computer - action!

Discover the emerging technologies shaping the future of storytelling. Available as a self-guided course.

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Frontier physics, future technologies

Grapple with the building blocks of the universe. Available as a self-guided course.

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Join the fight for a sustainable world that protects future generations. Available as a self-guided course.

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Enterprise: everyone's business

Expand your ability to grow career opportunities. Available as a self-guided course.

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Poverty and inequality

Learn of the ways in which we can tackle social injustice. Available as a self-guided course.

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Mature learners

Helping you demystify the steps back into studying. Available as a self-guided course.

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From crime to punishment

Work through a case study which follows the story of a defendant. Available as a self-guided course.

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Engineering the future

Reimagine your perception of engineering by exploring real-world applications. Available as a self-guided course.

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Discover the Hidden History of York

Explore the history of York from a range of new perspectives. Available as a self-guided course.

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Pictures of youth

Examine popular visual culture for children and young people. Available as a self-guided course.

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An introduction to art history

Broaden your understanding of sculpture and materiality. Available as a self-guided course.

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Digital wellbeing

Consider the impact of digital technologies on health, relationships and society. Available as a self-guided course.

Inclusive learning for students

Develop understandings of others and your unique place within education communities. Available as a self-guided course.

How MOOCs work

By trying a MOOC, you'll be joining our global learning community. They're designed by our world-leading academics, and give the perfect insight into a wide range of subjects. We also run courses exclusive to York offer holders to help prepare them for life with us.

You can study alongside York tutors and other learners on 'facilitated' courses at set dates through the year, or take them at your own pace at any time. They last between two and four weeks, and are delivered through videos, quizzes, case studies and group discussions.

There aren't any entry requirements; all you need is an internet connection and a passion to learn. Jump in.

The course was full to the brim with info to make the transition to uni much smoother and less daunting. I absolutely love the interactivity and videos throughout, which definitely gave it a community feel. I can’t recommend it enough! Amy, Next Steps to University course
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Open Educational Resources at The Open University

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OpenLearn: The home of free learning from the OU

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  • Free courses

A tasty slice of everything we make is shared openly.

The OU provides around 5% of its formal course materials as free open educational content every year on OpenLearn. OpenLearn includes over 1,000 free courses derived from the OU's curriculum and dozens of specially commissioned Badged Open Courses . Learners can filter by subject , skills for life , skills for study  or search by any term. The majority of learners visiting OpenLearn do so to study a free course.

All OpenLearn courses:

  • Provide a free, downloadable Open University Statement of participation available on completion.
  • Can be studied by anyone at any time, with no cohorts, presentation dates or time limits.
  • Are stand-alone learning experiences, with distinct learning outcomes.
  • Can be 1-24+ hours long. Our ‘lunchtime learning courses’ are 3 hours or under.
  • Are available for free, and offered with a Creative Commons licence.
  • Are available for free in other accessible formats for download and offline study, including Word, PDF and ePub. These ebooks are also published for free to Amazon (for Kindle users), Google Play and iTunes.

In addition, learners who successfully complete a Badged Open Course receive a free OU branded (non-accredited) digital badge to share online. Badged courses are highly engaging and cover a range of core subjects and professional competencies essential for the modern workplace.

Learners use OpenLearn courses to find out what university level study is like, to choose the topic of university study, to develop or enhance key skills used for studying or in the workplace, to demonstrate continuous development to their employer, or simply to find out more about a topic of interest.

Each year over half of the OU's own students use OpenLearn courses in order to augment their studies, inform module choice and increase confidence and skills.

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  • Interior Design
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  • Teaching Assistant
  • Life Coaching
  • Cyber Security
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  • Warehouse Management
  • Facilities Management
  • Environmental Management
  • Event Management
  • Public Relations
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Digital Marketing
  • Counselling Skills
  • Security Management
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  • Supply Chain Management
  • HR Management
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Leadership and Management
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Hotel Management
  • Remote Work Careers: Courses for Success
  • Business Studies
  • Beauty Therapy and Salon Management
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Beauty Therapy
  • Customer Services
  • Health and Safety
  • Trainer Courses
  • Leadership & Management
  • Wedding Planning
  • Admin, Secretarial & PA
  • Human Resource Management
  • Logistics Management
  • CPD Accounting
  • Artificial Intelligence

Free Online Courses with Certificates

OHSC is proud to offer access to some of the UK’s finest 100%  free   online courses with certificates of completion available for a small fee.

With not a penny to pay, no strings attached and no entry requirements whatsoever, anyone interested in furthering their education now has the chance to study at home for free!

Our free online courses with optional certificates  are designed to be comprehensively accessible and as flexible as possible. Enhance existing knowledge, explore a  new subject   or take the first steps toward an exciting new career.

Regardless of your age, location and educational background, our  free home study courses  are open to everyone.

Free Online Courses Currently Available at OHSC

We are constantly searching for dynamic new courses to add to our range of 100% free distance learning opportunities – check back regularly, or call our admissions team to find out what’s new.

At present, our range of outstanding free courses with optional certificates includes:

We’re working hard to bring together a diverse range of free courses, in order to appeal to as many new students as possible. Enrolment is open throughout the year and we provide all essential course materials.

When  OHSC  promises 100% free courses, we deliver on a word – the course in its entirety is 100% free from start to finish!

Free Courses Online with Three Optional Certificates Available

All of the above courses are FREE to study, with all course materials and learning resources included a standard.

Upon completion of your course, you will have the option of claiming one of three types of certificates for a small few:

  • An official Course Completion Certificate from Oxford Home Study Centre
  • A CPD Accredited Certificate to boost your CPD profile
  • An Endorsed Certificate issued by the Quality Licence Scheme

Each of these optional certificates could prove instrumental in helping you achieve your long-term career goals, adding major weight to your CV and future job applications.

Head over to our pricing page for more information on certificate costs and postage options. Alternatively, contact or contact our student support team anytime to learn more about our  free online courses with certificates of completion available for a small fee.

The Benefits of Further Education with Oxford Home Study Centre

A  free online course  from OHSC could be ideal for anyone looking to:

  • Pursue promotion in their current line of work
  • Explore an entirely new career path
  • Brush up on existing knowledge, skills and professional traits
  • Pave the way of further studies at a much higher level
  • Start their own business from scratch or setup as a freelancer

The right educational background has the potential to transform your career prospects and education alike. OHSC believes that adult learning should be open to anyone with an interest in improving their prospects.

“I was genuinely impressed by the quality of the course and the extent to which the support team helped me. I would definitely recommend OHSC to others.” – Lauren Edwards, Bristol

“I wanted to revisit project management as it was something I began studying years ago though never completed the course. The offer of a free course from OHSC seemed too good be true, but the content and customer service were both first-rate.” – Jason Wright, Huddersfield

Why Study with OHSC?

Along with the widest range of high-quality distance learning opportunities in the UK, we take in pride in offering the total customer service package. Whether opting for a paid course or studying free of charge, OHSC guarantees total commitment to every candidate without exception.

Just a selection of the advantages of studying with us include:

  • A growing library of outstanding courses is diverse, relevant subjects
  • The option of  claiming one of three certificates to support your CV
  • Study from anywhere in the world with an internet connection
  • No deadlines or time restrictions to worry about
  • Assistance from the OHSC team at all times
  • Absolutely no entry requirements or qualification criteria
  • Free enrolment open all year with no strings attached
  • All course materials provided by us as standard with every course

Once again, all of the above is offered 100% free of charge by OHSC. We take enormous pride in helping thousands of candidates each year in reaching their full potential. Browse a list of our Online College Courses now.

Interpersonal Skills

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Enrol Today

Enrolment is quick and easy, making now the perfect time to get started. Simply pay a visit to our  enrolment page , or  get in touch  with our admissions team at any time for more information.

Applications are welcome throughout the year and there are no deadlines or time restrictions. Study in your own time and at your own pace, with helpful advice from our team whenever you need us.

For more information on any of our  free courses online with optional certificates  or to discuss enrolment, get in touch with the OHSC team today on 01865 686162, or drop us an email anytime at  [email protected]

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  • Free Online Courses with Certificates June 2024
  • Why Free Online Courses from UK Colleges are Worth Taking
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The course was awesome and I enjoyed each and every aspect of the course. I would love to study here again.
someone told me about the quality of education and course material at Oxford Home Study College, and when i registered with OHSC this came true that these people are the best out there....

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Enrolling onto one of our accredited online courses has never been easier.

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The simple answer is funding via the UK Government in the form of the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

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We've hand-picked the very best courses to suit your needs

Discover the Top 75 Free Courses for August

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United Kingdom Courses & Certifications

Free online courses and certificates from Harvard, Unicef, The Open University and other top universities in United Kingdom. Learn Critical Thinking, Nursing, Dentistry and other popular topics.

  • With certificate (2808)
  • Free course (2582)
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  • Humanities (426)
  • Health & Medicine (374)
  • Social Sciences (371)
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Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction

Critical thinking is a vital skill for university study whatever your discipline. Prepare for university now.

  • FutureLearn
  • 2 weeks, 4 hours a week
  • Free Online Course (Audit)

End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation

Explore dying and palliative care practice around the world and evaluate new trends and ideas surrounding end of life care issues.

  • 3 weeks, 4 hours a week

Discover Dentistry

An entertaining and illuminating course for everyone to explore the impact dentistry has on our lives.

  • 6 weeks, 3 hours a week

Technical Report Writing for Engineers

Get an introduction to technical report writing. Find out how to communicate your ideas through well-written engineering reports.

Forensic Facial Reconstruction: Finding Mr. X

Learn about the forensic technique of facial reconstruction from the experts involved in a real crime case.

  • 2 weeks, 2 hours a week

How to Succeed at: Interviews

This free three week course provides the tools you need to succeed at interviews and land your dream job or course place.

  • 3 weeks, 3 hours a week

Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

Learn to recognise the signs of domestic violence and support domestic violence survivors as a health or social care worker.

Literature of the English Country House

Take a journey through the literature of English country houses from the time of Thomas More to Oscar Wilde.

How to Write Your First Song

Get a practical introduction to the mechanics of songwriting and meet established songwriters with this free online course

How to Succeed at: Writing Applications

This free three week course will help you produce a perfect CV, application and online profile when applying for a job or course.

Working with Translation: Theory and Practice

Explore what it means to communicate in multiple languages in a variety of contexts, and discover your inner translator.

  • 4 weeks, 4 hours a week

The Musculoskeletal System: The Science of Staying Active into Old Age

Demystify the ageing process and learn how our everyday behaviours are likely to affect our long-term musculoskeletal health.

Exploring Play: The Importance of Play in Everyday Life

Understanding the nature and value of play through the course of our lives, across cultures and communities.

Ecology and Wildlife Conservation

Discover ecology and how we can protect wildlife and conserve the natural world.

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Explore abdominal anatomy, learn key terminology, and discover the gastrointestinal tract's structure. Gain insights from a surgeon on common digestive issues and treatments.

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Find more free online learning courses.

Many organisations offer free online learning in a range of subjects and levels. You can explore providers, the subjects they offer and the levels available before choosing. For advice on what to look out for, see our guide to choosing an online course.

As well as online only providers, you might also find courses with:

  • state funded colleges and training organisations
  • universities - you can search UCAS to find these
  • large employers in a range of sectors like finance, IT, business and engineering

Courses offered by state funded universities and colleges are inspected and approved by the government. Private companies offering online learning are not, so you'll need to check to make sure that courses are of good quality.

The Open and Distance Learning Quality Council's guide may help you to find good quality online courses.

There are also commercial organisations offering some of their usually paid for courses for free for a trial period. Make sure to check the terms and conditions before signing up. Some providers to check are:

  • Barclays Lifeskills
  • Barclays Digital Eagles
  • LinkedIn Learning - some free introductory courses available
  • Pluralsight Skills - some free introductory digital skills courses available

English courses

Improve your written and spoken English skills.

  • The British Council

Maths courses

Improve your own maths or help your children to learn number skills.

  • National Numeracy Challenge
  • Khan Academy

Digital and IT courses

Get online as a beginner, learn how to use Word and PowerPoint, or develop advanced computer skills for things like data science and coding.

  • Future Learn
  • Learning Curve Group
  • Talented Training

Business and finance courses

Skills to be more effective in a business environment. Learn management, business and financial practices, from developing a business idea to leadership skills or take a course in marketing your business.

  • Open Study College

Health and social care courses

Skills and knowledge to help you provide high quality, safe and compassionate care to vulnerable children and adults.

Personal development and lifestyle courses

Develop an interest or hobby, improve your personal skills, or take care of your own mental wellbeing.

Other opportunities

  • Search other courses
  • Other ways to develop skills

Skills assessment

Take an assessment to learn more about your skills and the careers that might suit you.

Speak to an adviser

You can call 0800 100 900 or use webchat to speak to an adviser.

We're open:

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We're closed on Sundays, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

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22 Free Online Courses with Certificates in UK

Interested in online courses? You can partake in any of these free online courses with certificates in UK from anywhere in the world, acquire new knowledge, learn new digital skills that can fetch you good money and still stand a chance of obtaining a verified certificate.

Online learning can be exciting, you’re gaining a whole lot of useful skills, knowledge and experience from top educators wherever you are in the world by using a PC/computer and a stable internet connection.

These skills you gain can go a long way to help you in life, it could open various job opportunities for you, connect you with important international and even local contacts and, what’s more, you get to make money when you begin to market your skill.

In online learning, always make sure you get a certificate of what you’ve learned whenever possible. This is important as the certificate can take you farther in the workforce or if you decide to go freelance, with your certificate exposed for clients to see, it will make you more professional, original and trustworthy to be offered a job.

Anyway, the most important thing when it comes to acquiring skills is knowing what to do and how to create value and make money from your skill, not just obtaining a certificate that you can’t even defend.

It doesn’t matter what existing skill, knowledge, or experience you already have you could always add to it, after all, no knowledge is a waste. You just might not know where you will end up so it is important that you accumulate as much skill as possible. Individuals with many skill sets are progressing in today’s world, you too can.

You may be wondering on the cost of learning as many online courses as you can handle, this is where you get to go for free online courses, there are thousands of such on the internet just waiting to be explored. To narrow the search for you, this article provides over 20 free online courses with certificates in the UK that you can choose from and gain the skill of your choice.

These free online courses with certificates in UK I have listed below are not just for a selected few, because it is stated as “UK” does not mean it is only for UK citizens, it simply means that the free online courses are offered by various UK based universities, colleges, organizations and other institutions of learning.

Just about anyone, anywhere in the world, with a stable internet connection, smartphone/tablet or a computer and the determination to learn can join one or more of the free online courses in UK with certificates. “With certificates”, the courses are 100% free to learn and comes with certificates of completion as proof, to anyone who may be concerned, that you are skilled in that particular area you studied.

The online courses are free, just as I have mentioned above, but the certificates, in some cases, may not be so as it may come with a little fee or zero fees which depends on the institution offering that particular course. However, no matter the case always ensures that you get a certificate of completion after completing an online course, free or not, certificates hugely increase opportunity and make you more authentic.

I may not have concentrated on laying out the benefits of getting certified when you complete an online course, but I have given out the major reasons above and you should put these reasons into consideration as well, it will only benefit you and your career.

One of the major perks of online learning is the comfort, you get to define your comfort in this style of learning and utilize it. If you are comfortable with learning on your couch, bedroom, in the car, eatery, etc. it doesn’t matter, as long as you are comfortable. Unlike the regular school where no one cares if you are comfortable in a classroom or not, you just have to sit there and learn.

So, this should make you consider learning online and attempt and join any of the free online courses with certificates in UK that catch your interest, and remember, you can always study more than one it all depends on your determination and focus.

About Free Online Courses with Certificates in UK

If you’ve always wanted to study in the UK or have always wondered what it’s like to study there but due to some circumstances you couldn’t, then the next right thing to do is participate in an online course offered directly by top lecturers and professors in a UK institution, and in this case the courses are free, you need to pay a dime to partake but may pay for the certification.

This article, free online courses with certificates in UK features over 20 free online courses that interested individuals from any part of the world can join in and gain the knowledge and skill of their choice. The free online courses with certificates in UK I have gathered offer the skill set, knowledge and experience needed in today’s business world.

This makes the free online courses with certificates in UK be of great value, they are completely accessible, give you the opportunity to explore new, exciting topics and careers, and they are incredibly fun. These online courses does not select who can participate, as long as you have basic writing and reading skills you can participate, learn a skill of your choice and get certified.

Participating in the free online courses with certificates in UK will fill your curiosity of what it’s like to study in a British university or college and even if you still get to attend a UK school, by participating in the free online course(s) will serve as testing waters for you, so that when you finally begin your studies there, it won’t be completely new to you.

After broad research, I was able to come up with 22 available, fully accessible, free online courses with certificates in UK designed to offer you the skills that the modern business space requires and without further ado, I will list these free online courses with certificates in UK.

These 22 free online courses with certificates in UK I have listed below are offered by some top universities and colleges in the UK including the University of Leicester, the University of Southampton, King’s College, London, Public Health England, University of Oxford, etc. offered through various online learning platforms such as FutureLearn, edX, Alison, Oxford Home Study Centre (OHSC), Coursera and others.

The 22 free online courses with certificates in UK on my list are;

Responsive Web Design

Book-keeping for personal and business accounting, hr fundamentals, statistics for international business, creative programming for digital media & mobile apps, food as medicine, managing the company of the future, introduction to virtual reality, 3d models for virtual reality, corporate strategy, global diplomacy: the united nations in the world, from crime to punishment: an introduction to criminal justice, from poverty to prosperity: understanding economic development, project management, free manicure and pedicure course, starting an online business, digital skills: digital marketing, data analytics for decision making: an introduction to using excel, introduction to cyber security, understanding autism, office administration, essential it skills level 2, free online certificate course in responsive web design.

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK, offered by the University of London by the senior lecturers in the computing department of the university. This course will offer you the skills and techniques needed to effectively design a professional website that can be able to adapt to any screen size.

You will also learn how to make use of JavaScript objects and different templates to make your web designing skill look attractive and professional. With a skill of this kind and the certificate you’ll receive after completion, you will be highly recognized by HR in the physical world and other online clients if you decide to go freelance. You can make a lot of money from various sectors with a skill as a professional web designer since all sectors make use of computers.

Free Online Certificate Course in Book-keeping for Personal and Business Accounting

This is a 4-week online course and one of the free online courses in UK designed to offer interested participants the ability to be able to balance books and manage finance both in personal or business environment. You’ll learn the common methodologies, math associated with the course and how to put your knowledge into practice.

Every organization deals with finance, and with your understanding of being able to perfectly balance books and how profit and loss lead to revenue or debt, together with a certificate to show for it, you will be sought after by both online and offline clients.

Free Online Certificate Course in HR Fundamentals

One of the free online courses with certificates in UK and takes 5 weeks to complete, HR Fundamentals introduces individuals to the practice of human resources, developing and equipping you with the right set of skills you’ll need to become an HR professional.

HR is vital in an organization and they can be found in all business sector, they are there to select the right type of employees, team for a project and every other business that concerns doing the right thing for the success of that organization. You can be a professional HR, simply click on the provided link and begin your journey.

Free Online Certificate Course in Statistics for International Business

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered by the University of London and it introduces interested participants to the core areas of statistics that are useful in business and several MBA modules. The course presents different ways of presenting data, probability, and statistical estimation and it comes with a certificate to show your authentic skills to any interested employer.

Free Online Certificate Course in Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps

Wondered how games are designed, or what the concept of programming looks like? You want to learn how these things work, then this is an opportunity for you to gain exceptional skills in video game designs, programming, mobile apps development and the technical skills required to write software for various digital media.

Your skills can be applied to various computing concepts, including web design, these are skills that almost every modern-day business needs and there are also lots of opportunities if you decide to go freelance.

Free Online Certificate Course in Food as Medicine

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK and explores the role of food in health learning the importance of food in preventing certain health diseases and in the management of certain chronic diseases today.

With your skill you will be exposed to a lot of opportunities in the medical sector, you can be a health instructor through teaching and guiding others to eat the right food and keep fit.

Free Online Certificate Course in Managing the Company of the Future

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK is offered by the London Business School by Professor Julian Birkinshaw, it teaches interested participants both the theoretical and practical perspectives on the nature of management in today’s organizations.

Free Online Certificate Course in Introduction to Virtual Reality

Virtual reality used to be a thing that is being talked about, now the industry is worth billions of dollars and is used in various sectors including medicine. By joining in this free online course, you will explore the fundamentals of virtual reality, learn about the hardware and history of VR as well the various applications.

The VR industry is a growing one and it has shown how important it is in making life easier, people with this knowledge are rare and are sought after by both online and offline clients, you can always learn more to deepen your understanding and expand your knowledge.

Free Online Certificate Course in 3D Models for Virtual Reality

This is one of the free online courses offered by the University of London and deepens your knowledge on your journey into VR, you will learn how to create a virtual reality experience this means that you can create a virtual reality world and all the objects in it.

You should consider taking this course and getting certified to show your skills to interested clients.

Free Online Certificate Course in Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete across multiple businesses, this free online course is designed to teach interested learners how to become good corporate strategists especially in the decision-making aspect and also develop exceptional critical thinking and analytical skills.

Free Online Certificate Course in Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered by SOAS University of London and it is created to teach people about the system of the United Nations whilst also offering sufficient up to date research and new critical perspectives that it will also be of interest to people with more expertise or academic familiarity with the topic as well.

Want to understand how justice works in the UK? Then you should follow up on this free online course to find out more by following a case through the system, which means you get to follow a suspect through the journey of investigation, prosecution and adjudication all online, so you can discover by yourself exactly how the UK criminal justice works.

Free Online Certificate Course in From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered by the University of Oxford and it is aimed at teaching students the role of the government and the major political, social and economic processes that elevate any society from poverty to prosperity.

You will learn how to identify the various internal factors that influence the development of a country and understand the varied paths of development that these countries have.

Free Online Certificate Course in Project Management

Every business, organization and even students in schools all require projects to develop, excel and evolve but this is only possible when you are an experienced project manager, well, if you aren’t one now is the time to equip yourself with the skill.

As a skilled project manager and a certification to show for it, you will be able to successfully handle and execute projects efficiently, you will equally gain critical thinking and analytical abilities.

Free Online Certificate Course in Free Manicure and Pedicure Course

Manicures and pedicures are forms of beauty therapy and generate lots of money, and in this age of everyone wanting to look beautiful, you could tap into that and make use of this opportunity to get a skill as a manicurist and pedicurist.

With your skills in this beauty category, you may decide to go entrepreneur or take it as a personal thing to fulfill your curiosity but whatever the case you still gain the knowledge to become successful at it and if you do decide to take it as a business, endeavour to get certified to prove your authenticity.

Free Online Certificate Course in Starting an Online Business

The internet has offered an endless number of opportunities, you’re able to learn online and explore other endless opportunities through the internet and a lot of businesses have been established through this same medium and with nothing more than a computer and skills got through this course you too can successfully launch your own online business or go freelance.

Free Online Certificate Course in Digital Skills: Digital Marketing

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered via FutureLearn and by participating, you get to learn one of the most intelligent digital skills, digital marketing, you will learn different approaches, strategies and techniques for digital marketing available for businesses to use.

You can apply your digital marketing skills for your own business or render your skills to various organizations and businesses and it gets better with a certification.

Free Online Certificate Course in Data Analytics for Decision Making: An Introduction to Using Excel

Modern businesses utilize data to make decisions that will determine the next step of the business and it usually determines the success or failure of that business, data is very crucial in an organization to make the right decision.

This free online course will teach you how to make use of data to improve real-life decisions, be able to describe data using statistics and graphical techniques, understand the role of ethics in data analytics and other skills and knowledge required to facilitate your decision making using data.

Free Online Certificate Course in Introduction to Cyber Security

This is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered by The Open University via FutureLearn online learning platform and it explores the importance of cybersecurity in today’s online activity. You will gain skills and knowledge of cybersecurity that you may use to better protect your digital life and that of others when you offer out your skills.

Free Online Certificate Course in Understanding Autism

Understanding Autism is one of the free online courses with certificates in UK offered by the University of Kent and it teaches about understanding autism, including diagnosis, the autistic spectrum and life with autism and at the end of the course you will be able to identify autistic related problems and how to solve them.

Free Online Certificate Course in Office Administration

An effective and efficient office admin lies at the heart of every successful organization, by joining this course you stand ever chance of boosting your long-term career prospects. You can decide to take up this course and apply the skill to your own business or offer your services to those who may be interested to hire you.

The course is 100% online and free, it also comes with a certificate of completion to prove your skill is authentic.

Free Online Certificate Course in Essential IT Skills Level 2

This free online course is designed to enhance your already existing IT knowledge to a higher level, the higher your IT knowledge and skills the higher you are valued by employers and your productivity in the workplace will also be improved, so you may be looking at getting a hike in salary or a promotion or even both.

This brings an end to the 22 free online courses with certificates in UK. You can join in any of the courses that catch your interest even more than one as long as you can handle it and have the right amount of determination to handle it.

These courses are designed to provide learners with modern skills, knowledge and techniques that they need to succeed in the modern business world. Since these courses are free, it is important that you channel some funds into getting the certification, unless the certificate itself is free.

In order to excel in these free online courses with certificates in UK, you should let go of distractions that may hinder or slow your studies and concentrate on them full time, and before you take up any of the course explore the opportunities it presents and sure you can be able to handle it.


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I am interested.

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Jane Austen

Jane Austen: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity

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Understanding insulin

Understanding insulin

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Research project

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English as a medium of instruction for academics

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Exploring oceans

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Understanding language

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Learning in the network age

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Understanding money

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Top tips to get the most out of an online course

When you've picked out the right course for you, what next? It might be a while since you tried online learning or it could be your first time.

Here's a few pointers to help you get in the zone and make the most of your course. 

  • Be prepared. Find a quiet spot where you'll be able to focus and get all your study materials ready.
  • Get connected. Find out if there’s an online community or tutor you can contact for help and support, or even just to meet other learners.
  • Have a routine. Flexibility is one of the main benefits of online learning, but you should still carve out some dedicated time, away from distractions. If you have others in your household, make sure they know when you’re studying.
  • Check if you get certified. Some providers charge for proof of a qualification or certificate even if the course is free. You'll be able to check what's included before you sign up. 

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GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

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Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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Free online courses

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Learn about our planet 

Children Uni - Subject icons

Are you curious to know about more about the planet we live on? Discover courses on eco-systems, earthquakes, geology, water, weather and more. There are also courses that deal with the biggest challenge we face - climate change. What lies ahead for the future of our planet? Can we secure a sustainable future?

Introducing the environment: Ecology and ecosystems

Introducing the environment: Ecology and ecosystems

What is ecology and why is it important to our understanding of the world around us? This free course, Introducing the environment: Ecology and ecosystems, looks at how we can study ecosystems to explore the effect that humans are having on the environment.

Water for life

Water for life

Atoms, elements and molecules are the building blocks of everything that makes up our world, including ourselves. In this free course, Water for life, you will learn the basic chemistry of how these components work together, starting with a chemical compound we are all very familiar with water.



Earthquakes shake the ground surface, can cause buildings to collapse, disrupt transport and services, and can cause fires. They can trigger landslides and tsunami in short, earthquakes can be very destructive. In this free course, Earthquakes, you will look at why, where and what happens when they occur and also at how earthquakes are assessed...

More courses about our planet

Environment: treading lightly on the Earth

Environment: treading lightly on the Earth

Environment: treading lightly on the Earth focuses on the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide. This free course will give you an understanding of the nature and importance of carbon footprints of individuals and households. It will enable you to measure your own carbon footprint and explore what you could do to reduce ...

Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows

Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows

What affects the atmospheric and ocean flows? This free course, Environment: understanding atmospheric and ocean flows, explores the mechanisms that are important; the most rapid carrier is the wind. The basic principle of global atmospheric circulation is simple: warm air rises and cold air sinks. How does this principle affect the ...

The frozen planet

The frozen planet

This free course is a general introduction to the frozen planet, including the temperature in the polar regions; the energy from the Sun and the seasons; reading and understanding graphs and maps; and how the Arctic and Antarctic regions are defined.

An introduction to geology

An introduction to geology

In this free course, An introduction to geology, you will explore basic geological processes, focusing on how, where and why different rocks and natural resources form across the Earth.

Watching the weather

Watching the weather

This free course, Watching the weather, describes how meteorological observations are made looking upwards from the surface of the Earth, looking downwards from satellites in space and from aircraft and balloons within the atmosphere. This international network of observations is vital for scientists and forecasters and the results impact on ...

Citizen science and global biodiversity

Citizen science and global biodiversity

This free course, Citizen science and global biodiversity, deals with the importance of biodiversity and explores how anyone can contribute to and be involved in identifying and recording wildlife, as a citizen scientist. It looks at what citizen science is, and how citizen science facilitates public involvement in scientific research ...

An introduction to sustainable energy

An introduction to sustainable energy

The search for sustainable energy will dominate the twenty-first century. This free course, An introduction to sustainable energy, provides an introductory overview of the present energy systems and takes a brief look at where the world may find energy in the future - cleaner use of fossil fuels or renewable energy sources?

Can renewable energy sources power the world?

Can renewable energy sources power the world?

We ask the question ‘Can renewable energy sources power the world?’ as a response to the growing awareness that increased use of renewable energy technologies is making a major contribution to global efforts to limit anthropogenic climate change. The course begins by examining the environmental concerns that have caused a rise in interest in ...

Living without oil

Living without oil

Crude oil is currently our most important global source of energy. It is vital in the manufacture of many modern materials. But the worlds supply of oil is finite, its price is unstable and our reliance on oil has damaging environmental consequences. This free course, Living without oil, explains why developing alternatives to oil is an ...

Learning languages

Children Uni - Subject icons

Have you ever wanted to learn about a new language? You might want to learn some basics to plan for a trip, or maybe get some extra insight into a language you’re already studying. Perhaps you just want to learn something entirely new. There’s a Chinese proverb that translates as ‘To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.’ 

Beginners’ Chinese: a taster course

Beginners’ Chinese: a taster course

Learn about Mandarin Chinese as a tool for communication and gain insights into Chinese society and culture. This free course, Beginners’ Chinese: a taster course, provides a brief introduction to the Chinese language, its scripts and sounds, and how words are formed. You will hear short conversations where people greet each other and introduce ...

Getting started with Spanish 1

Getting started with Spanish 1

If you want to learn a new language for work or for leisure, this free course will introduce you to one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – Spanish. Whether this is the first time that you are learning Spanish, or you have already picked up some words and phrases from travelling across the Spanish-speaking world, this course ...

Beginners’ Tamil: a taster course

Beginners’ Tamil: a taster course

This free course, Beginners’ Tamil: a taster course, provides a brief introduction to the Tamil language and its scripts and sounds. You will learn how to greet people and introduce yourself, as well as how to count from one to ten. You will also be introduced to Tamil society and culture and will learn about the food and music popular in ...

More language courses

Getting started with German 1

Getting started with German 1

Almost 100 million people speak German as their main language. Most of them live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, making German one of the most widely-used languages in Europe. Although now associated with economic success and advances in science and technology, German has a long-standing reputation as the language of poets and thinkers, die...

Getting started with French 1

Getting started with French 1

Whether you want to visit, work or live in a French-speaking environment, you will get more out of the experience if you can communicate effectively with people. In this short course you will begin to develop your reading and listening skills in French and learn to speak and write the language to communicate in everyday situations. You will...

Getting started with Italian 1

Getting started with Italian 1

Are you fascinated by the Italian culture and lifestyle, cuisine, historic cities, art and beautiful landscapes? Have you always loved the sound and musicality of the Italian language? Perhaps you’ve visited an Italian city and wished you could chat with local people. Or maybe you would like to be able to read a menu, talk about yourself, or ...

Croeso: Beginners' Welsh

Croeso: Beginners' Welsh

This free course, Croeso: Beginners' Welsh, is taken from Croeso, a beginners' language module that concentrates on Welsh as a tool for communication, but it also provides some insights into Welsh societies and cultures through printed and audio materials. It will be of interest to all those who want to improve their language skills in order to ...

Exploring languages and cultures

Exploring languages and cultures

Explore the multiple relationships between languages and cultures. In this free course you will learn about the benefits and challenges of meeting people from different cultures and the ways in which language and human communities shape each other. You will look at the role of intercultural competence at the workplace, reflect on the use of ...

A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis

A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis

This free course, A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis, is an introduction to the history of writing, and the key role it plays in human communication. It tracks this history from the invention of writing around 5500 years ago to the mass popularity of emojis today.

Take a trip to space

Children Uni - Subject icons

Astronomy is a vast subject, quite literally as big as the Universe. It includes objectives of varying sizes - from the atoms that make up planets and stars to superclusters of thousands of galaxies, with each galaxy containing many billions of stars. If you’ve ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what’s out there, these are the courses for you.

Galaxies, stars and planets

Galaxies, stars and planets

This free course, Galaxies, stars and planets, is a general introduction, including scale of the universe from the very large to the very small; orbits and gravity; the Solar System; the Sun and other stars; galaxies and the composition of astronomical objects.

Moons of our Solar System

Moons of our Solar System

In this free course, Moons of our Solar System, explore the many moons of our Solar System. Find out what makes them special. Should we send humans to our Moon again?

Microgravity: living on the International Space Station

Microgravity: living on the International Space Station

This free badged open course, Microgravity: living on the International Space Station, will help you to consider microgravity environments in more detail than before! You will make direct comparisons of some important physical values between the International Space Station (ISS), the Earth and the Moon.

More courses about space

The search for water on Mars

The search for water on Mars

The possibility of water on Mars has captured human imagination for over a century. In this free course, The Search for Water on Mars, find out more about how scientists have found evidence for water in the red planet’s past and present, and what this might mean for the possibility of life beyond Earth.

In the night sky: Orion

In the night sky: Orion

In this free course, In the night sky: Orion, you will explore the night sky, discover how stars formed and find out about exoplanets, all through the constellation of Orion.

The Moon

As the only planetary body everyone is familiar with seeing in the sky, the Moon has long been an object of fascination and speculation. This free course will teach you about the nearest planetary body to Earth: the missions to the Moon, the basic facts of its composition, the cratering on its surface, and the ancient eruptions that flooded many...

An introduction to exoplanets

An introduction to exoplanets

This free course, An introduction to exoplanets, introduces our galaxy's population of planets, and some of their many surprises. It explains the methods used by astronomers to study exoplanets, and provides a general introduction to the methods of scientific inquiry. The course culminates in discussion of life elsewhere in our Galaxy.

Introduction to active galaxies

Introduction to active galaxies

The field of active galaxies is recognised as one of increasing importance. But how do we know there are different kinds of galaxy? What are active galaxies? How are they powered? This free course, Introduction to active galaxies, examines the different types of active galaxies and looks at the crucial role of the active galactic nucleus and the...

The restless Universe

The restless Universe

The restless Universe introduces you to major achievements and figures in the history of physics, from Copernicus to Einstein and beyond. The route from classical to quantum physics will be laid out for you in this free course without recourse to challenging mathematics but with the fundamental features of theories and discoveries described in ...

Icy bodies: Europa and elsewhere

Icy bodies: Europa and elsewhere

The new discipline of astrobiology that is, the science of searching for extraterrestrial life, is not only rapidly growing, but has also captured the public imagination. This free course, Icy bodies: Europa and elsewhere, examines the emergence of icy satellites of distant planets as potential sites of extraterrestrial life, looks at the ...

Health and the human body

Children Uni - Subject icons

One heart, one brain, 30 trillion cells. What exactly makes the human body tick? How can we tackle the biggest health challenges of our age? Science has come a long way but there is still so much more to understand about ourselves. From genetics to nutrition, you can find courses about all about our bodies, as well as learning about aspects of modern healthcare.

What do genes do?

What do genes do?

This free course, What do genes do?,  explores how information contained in DNA is used, explaining the flow of information from DNA to RNA to protein. Also introduced are the concepts of transcription (as occurs between DNA and RNA) and translation.

The science of nutrition and healthy eating

The science of nutrition and healthy eating

This free course, The science of nutrition and healthy eating, looks at the science behind nutrition, covering aspects of biology, chemistry and physics as well as giving some insight into healthier eating. Reading food labels, choosing healthier foods, hydrating appropriately and understanding how we taste food will allow you to be more ...

Blood and the respiratory system

Blood and the respiratory system

‘Don’t hold your breath’ is an expression you’ve probably heard many times, but may not have thought too much about. In this free course, Blood and the respiratory system, you’ll study why respiration is so important for life, including how air enters and leaves the lungs, how oxygen is transported in the blood, the many dynamic factors that ...

More courses about health and the human body

Microbes – friend or foe?

Microbes – friend or foe?

Microbes often get a bad name. Whilst some of them do cause disease, others play vital roles in recycling nutrients in the soil to enable plants to grow, and in breaking down human waste. Without microbes, we would have no beer, no yoghurt, no coffee. That's quite impressive for something too small to see. This free course, Microbes friend or ...

Infection and immunity

Infection and immunity

In this free course, Infection and immunity, you will be introduced to infectious diseases and to the biological agents that invade our bodies and cause them: pathogens. You will also learn about the immune system, the human body’s vital defence against pathogens. Along the way you will learn about the scientific method and how it has helped ...

Understanding ADHD

Understanding ADHD

This free course, Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), explores the experience of ADHD from the perspective of those who are diagnosed with the condition, and those who care for them. It covers the contribution of scientific research to understanding ADHD, with a focus on assessing the effectiveness and mechanism of ...

Exercise and mental health

Exercise and mental health

Each year thousands of pounds are spent on medications to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression. These medications often have negative side effects. Exercise is an alternative treatment that is low cost and has few side effects. In this free course, Exercise and mental health, we will look at the links between exercise and improved ...

Training for endurance in sport and fitness

Training for endurance in sport and fitness

In this free course you will explore an important aspect of strength and conditioning which refers to the physical preparation of athletes: endurance. You will look at the physiological factors that underpin endurance and assess how endurance can be developed relative to performance in a range of sports.

Inheritance of characters

Inheritance of characters

Genes are units of inheritance that contribute to a person's behaviour and health. In this free course, Inheritance of characters, you will learn what genes, DNA and chromosomes are and how they combine to make the human genome. You will also learn how the principles of inheritance work, the effect that our genetic make-up has on health, and how...

Introducing public health

Introducing public health

This free course, Introducing public health, presents some key elements of public health and health promotion. It considers the scope and focus of public health and how it is subject to change and located within the wider global context.

Art, music and literature

Children Uni - Subject icons

Twyla Tharp once remarked that ‘Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.’ From cave paintings to novels, from Mozart to The Beatles - human beings have expressed themselves and their truths to each other in many different ways. These courses can help you understand a variety of works, texts and approaches that make up the cultural history of the world.

Discovering music: the blues

Discovering music: the blues

This free course, Discovering music: the blues, will introduce you to a musical tradition with roots in the nineteenth century but which is still relevant to making music today. You will learn about how the lyrics of blues songs reflect the social environment in which they were created, and about the musical techniques that underpin the ...

What is poetry?

What is poetry?

Have you always wanted to try to write poetry but never quite managed to start? This free course, What is poetry?, is designed to illustrate the techniques behind both the traditional forms of poetry and free verse. You will learn how you can use your own experiences to develop ideas and how to harness your imagination.

Visions of protest: graffiti

Visions of protest: graffiti

This free course, Visions of protest: graffiti, introduces students to contrasting understandings of graffiti. It draws on a wide range of graffiti examples, including mystery zebras in Hackney, fish graffiti in Morecambe, 'tags' in a Milton Keynes underpass, a McDonald's advert and exhibits at a highly established art gallery, the Tate Modern....

More courses about art, music and literature

Discovering music through listening

Discovering music through listening

This free course, Discovering music through listening, will introduce you to the musical elements used by musicians to create a piece of music: pulse, tempo, metre, harmony, structure, texture, timbre and dynamics. You'll learn how to identify the different musical elements by taking a particular approach to listening to the music, known as ...

An introduction to music theory

An introduction to music theory

Gain an understanding of the basic building blocks of musical theory and notation. This free course, An introduction to music theory, will introduce you to music staves, clefs, rhythmic and pitch values, rhythmic metre and time signatures. This OpenLearn course provides an introduction to music theory pitched at a level equivalent to Grades 1–3 ...

Reading Shakespeare's As You Like It

Reading Shakespeare's As You Like It

Do you enjoy watching Shakespeare's plays and like the idea of finding out more about them? This free course, Reading Shakespeare's As You Like It, will guide you through some of the most important speeches and scenes from one of Shakespeare's best-loved comedies.

Dutch painting of the Golden Age

Dutch painting of the Golden Age

Seventeenth-century Dutch painting stands out from other art of the same period and even more so from that of previous centuries on account of its apparently ‘everyday’ character. Works by artists such as Johannes Vermeer, Pieter de Hooch and Jacob van Ruisdael seem to offer a faithful picture of life in the Netherlands at the time. In studying ...

Art and the Mexican Revolution

Art and the Mexican Revolution

In this free course, Art and the Mexican Revolution, you will explore one of Diego Rivera’s key murals which was commissioned by the Mexican government in the period after the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920. These monumental public artworks, designed to win over the Mexican peasantry and working-class to the new post-revolutionary state, ...

Napoleonic paintings

Napoleonic paintings

In this free course, Napoleonic paintings, we will examine a range of Napoleonic imagery by David, Gros and a number of other artists, beginning with comparatively simple single-figure portraits and moving on to elaborate narrative compositions, such as Jaffa and Eylau. In so doing, we will have three main aims: to develop your skills of visual ...

Art in Renaissance Venice

Art in Renaissance Venice

This free course, Art in Renaissance Venice, considers the art of Renaissance Venice and how such art was determined in many ways by the city's geographical location and ethnically diverse population. Studying Venice and its art offers a challenge to the conventional notion of Renaissance art as an entirely Italian phenomenon.

Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

What does Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus tell us about the author and the time at which the play was written? This free course, Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, will help you to discover the intricacies of the play and recognise how a knowledge of the historical and political background of the time can lead to a very different ...

Writing what you know

Writing what you know

Do you want to improve your descriptive writing? This free course, Writing what you know, will help you to develop your perception of the world about you and enable you to see the familiar things in everyday life in a new light. You will also learn how authors use their own personal histories to form the basis of their work.

Animals and plants

Children Uni - Subject icons 2

From the banana to the blue whale, there are a staggering variety of animals and plants around us. Many live in some of the harshest conditions on the planet and have adapted perfectly to survive. Some travel hundreds of miles every year, others stay in one place for hundreds of years. These courses can give you an insight into the most amazing stories nature can tell.

Introducing mammals

Introducing mammals

Mammals come in a bewildering variety of shapes and sizes, and yet all species have some characteristics in common. These similarities justify the inclusion of all such diverse types within the single taxonomic group (or class) called the Mammalia. This free course, Introducing mammals, offers a starting point for the study of mammals. It will ...

Neighbourhood nature

Neighbourhood nature

There is a fascinating world of nature all around us which we can see if we know how to look for it. Wherever you live, be it in a city or the countryside, you will find areas that support a range of wildlife. This free course, Neighbourhood nature, will provide you with basic scientific and observational skills so that you can go into your ...

Animals at the extremes: polar biology

Animals at the extremes: polar biology

The extreme challenges of life in the polar regions require the animals who make their habitat there to make many adaptations. This free course, Animals at the extremes: polar biology, explores the polar climate and how animals like reindeer, polar bears, penguins, sea life and even humans manage to survive there. It looks at the adaptations to ...

More courses about animals and plants

Aquatic mammals

Aquatic mammals

Mammals come in a bewildering variety of shapes and sizes and yet all of the 4700 or so species have some characteristics in common, which justifies the inclusion of diverse types within a single group. Although mammals evolved on land, a number of species have become adapted to spending part or all of their lives in water and it is these ...

Surviving the winter

Surviving the winter

In this free course, Surviving the winter, we study one aspect of the fluctuating nature of an organisms environment. We consider how organisms living in a temperate climate, such as that in Britain, are adapted to cope with winter. You will see that there is much diversity of adaptations among organisms, with different species coping with the ...

Animals at the extremes: the desert environment

Animals at the extremes: the desert environment

Animal life has adapted to survive in the most unlikely and inhospitable habitats. This free course, Animals at the extremes: the desert environment, looks at the surprisingly diverse desert climates throughout the world and mammals, birds, lizards and amphibians that survive there. It splits these animals into three groups according to their ...


Migration is a free course looking at the migrations of animals, with special reference to birds, and also introducing the themes of movement, selection and homeostasis.

Studying mammals: A winning design

Studying mammals: A winning design

The term mammal encompasses a huge variety of animals, including humans. But what makes a mammal a mammal? This free course, Studying mammals: A winning design, explores some of the features, such as reproduction, lactation and thermoregulation methods, that mammals have in common. It is the first in a series of ten Studying mammals courses....

Studying mammals: Meat eaters

Studying mammals: Meat eaters

The powerful and majestic carnivores are the focus of many television documentaries. In this free course, Studying mammals: Meat eaters, we will delve into the lives of these fearsome hunters and explore their physical adaptations and social behaviour. This is the fifth course in the Studying mammals series.

Studying mammals: Plant predators

Studying mammals: Plant predators

From the mouse-deer to the elephant, plant eaters come in all shapes and sizes. But how do they manage to flourish on a salad diet? In this free course, Studying mammals: Plant predators, we will examine the special features that allow them to extract their nutrients from leaves, and see how some plants protect themselves from these predators. ...

Studying mammals: Life in the trees

Studying mammals: Life in the trees

David Attenborough looks at life in the trees: examining how species have evolved to cope with arboreal living. In this free course, Studying mammals: Life in the trees, you will learn how lemurs, anteaters, bears and many others have developed different methods to help movement and survival.

Children Uni - Subject icons 2

Martin Luther King Jr once said ‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history.’ We are shaped by the world around us, these courses explore the story of how that world came to be. Learning about history can take you to different worlds where the people seem alien, but they were just like us. History has the endlessly difficult task of trying to put together a full, true and unbiased picture of the past - the only way to truly understand the present.

Art and life in ancient Egypt

Art and life in ancient Egypt

Around 1350 BC, the Egyptian grain accountant Nebamun commissioned the walls of his tomb-chapel to be painted with scenes depicting his afterlife, and the world in which he lived. Nebamun worked in the temple of Amun at Karnak during the reign of Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352 BC). Amenhotep was one of the most important kings of the 18th Dynasty, ...

The history of female protest and suffrage in the UK

The history of female protest and suffrage in the UK

This free course focuses on one example of democratic protest: the campaign to extend the vote to women in the UK. In the course you'll be introduced to two key figures in the campaign, Ada Nield Chew and May Billinghurst, and you'll look at the ways in which the Women's Social and Political Union, the National Union of Women's Suffrage ...

Welsh history and its sources

Welsh history and its sources

This free course, Welsh history and its sources, is a teaching and learning resource for anyone interested in Welsh history. It contains study materials, links to some of the most important institutions that contribute to our understanding of the history of Wales, and a pool of resources that can help you understand Welsh history and the way it ...

More courses about history

Introducing the Classical world

Introducing the Classical world

How do we learn about the world of the ancient Romans and Greeks? This free course, Introducing the Classical world, will provide you with an insight into the Classical world by introducing you to the various sources of information used by scholars to draw together an image of this fascinating period of history.

Health and wellbeing in the ancient world

Health and wellbeing in the ancient world

This free course, Health and wellbeing in the ancient world, investigates the health of people in ancient Greece and Rome, using both literary and archaeological evidence to uncover details of real life in ancient societies.

Getting started on ancient Greek

Getting started on ancient Greek

This free course, Getting started on ancient Greek, offers a taster of the ancient Greek world through the study of one of its most distinctive and enduring features: its language.The course approaches the language methodically, starting with the alphabet and effective ways to memorise it, before building up to complete Greek words and sentences...

The Roman Empire: introducing some key terms

The Roman Empire: introducing some key terms

This free course, The Roman Empire: Introducing some key terms, will define basic concepts and terms that are essential for an understanding of the culture and identity of the Roman Empire. Terms such as 'Roman Empire' and 'imperium' will be introduced in the context of the formation and expansion of the empire, and the course will provide you ...

How do empires work?

How do empires work?

How are empires ruled? How do military, economic, logistic and cultural constructs combine to create 'systems of empire'? This free course, How do empires work?, introduces these questions by briefly sketching in the dramatic events of the Anglo-Chinese conflict over Hong Kong from 1839 to 1842.

Aberdulais Falls: a case study in Welsh heritage

Aberdulais Falls: a case study in Welsh heritage

This free course, Aberdulais Falls: a case study in Welsh heritage, looks at the Aberdulais Falls in Wales, and considers the key issues affecting the decision-making of the bodies which are responsible for looking after our heritage. We examine the heritage debates: who decides what should be preserved from the past as our heritage, who is this...

Maths, physics and engineering

Children Uni - Subject icons 2

Arguably everything that exists can be described using mathematics. It can introduce new ways of thinking and a world of possibilities. From the physical structures and machines that humans create to the mysterious sub-atomic realm that underpins them, these courses can help you gain a better understanding of mathematics with real-world applications in the fields of physics and engineering. 

Introducing engineering

Introducing engineering

Engineering encompasses a broad range of disciplines from design to manufacturing. This free course, Introducing engineering, introduces a number of key themes that explore how engineering is undertaken in our modern world. These themes include engineering design, rules that govern engineers, manufacturing for products and electricity ...

The science of nuclear energy

The science of nuclear energy

This free course, The science of nuclear energy, will delve into the science behind nuclear power and explain what happens inside a nuclear reactor and what it means for an element to be radioactive. It will explore some of the risks of producing nuclear power and examine the arguments for and against including it in future energy planning as ...

Introduction to differential equations

Introduction to differential equations

Differential equations are any equations that include derivatives and arise in many situations. This free course, Introduction to differential equations, considers three types of first-order differential equations. Section 1 introduces equations that can be solved by direct integration and section 2 the method of separation of variables. Section...

More courses about maths and engineering

Particle physics

Particle physics

This free course, Particle physics, will give you an overview of current concepts and theories in the field. You will learn about the fundamental components of matter – known as leptons and quarks – and the composite particles, such as protons and neutrons, which are composed of quarks. You will see that all particle reactions may be described ...


This free course is concerned with moving objects, that is, dynamics. Section 1 introduces concepts like position, velocity and acceleration, which describe the way an object moves. Section 2 discusses Newton’s laws of motion, which predict the motion of an object when the forces acting on it are known. Section 3 shows how Newton’s second law of...

Toys and engineering materials

Toys and engineering materials

This free course, Toys and engineering materials, introduces engineering in context. It explores the variation in materials and composite materials, and provides real-life examples of material use in the manufacture of toys, and how the development of materials over time has influenced design.



How are designs turned into products? What resources, materials and methods are used and what set of activities goes under the heading of 'manufacturing'? This free course will introduce manufacturing as a system and will describe some of the many different ways of making products. We will illustrate how the required properties of the materials ...

Squares, roots and powers

Squares, roots and powers

From paving your patio to measuring the ingredients for your latest recipe, squares, roots and powers really are part of everyday life. This free course reviews the basics of all three and also describes scientific notation, which is a convenient way of writing or displaying large numbers.

Ratio, proportion and percentages

Ratio, proportion and percentages

From politics to cookery, ratios, proportions and percentages are part of everyday life. This free course is designed to help you become more familiar with how figures can be manipulated, then you can check whether that discount really is as big as they claim!

Rounding and estimation

Rounding and estimation

Scientific calculators are a wonderful invention, but they're only as good as the people who use them. If you often get an unexpected or ridiculous result when you press the enter button, this free course, Rounding and estimation, is for you. Learn how to do a calculation correctly and get the right answer every time.

Mathematics for science and technology

Mathematics for science and technology

Maths is intimately entwined with science and technology, whether it is used to analyse data collected on plants in the Amazon rainforest, to calculate the trajectory of a comet or design a bridge to connect two countries. This means that science and technology go hand-in-hand with maths, and that a firm grasp of maths is crucial for studying ...

Life, work and study skills

Children Uni - Subject icons 2

When you’re thinking about your own future, it always helps to be prepared. Whether you’ll soon be finding your way in the world of work or continuing to study at a higher level, these courses introduce some useful and practical skills for the journey ahead. 

Managing my money for young adults

Managing my money for young adults

This free course, Managing my money for young adults, will help you start to think about managing your finances. You will learn how to budget effectively, and will be encouraged to start thinking about your financial future.

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online

This free course, Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online, will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.

Succeed with learning

Succeed with learning

This course is for people who want to feel more confident about their learning skills. Informal in approach, the course builds on each person's own qualities, knowledge and skills to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of learning and of their own potential. It introduces some core ideas about learning and academic study, and some ...

More life, work and study skills courses

You and your money

You and your money

An important aspect of personal finance is the way in which individuals and households manage their debt, how much it costs and the different types of credit they can or cannot access. This free course, You and your money, explores these issues, with respect to the wider, changing, social and economic context.

MSE’s Academy of Money

MSE’s Academy of Money

The Open University has joined forces with MoneySavingExpert (MSE) to produce this new free course to give you the skills and knowledge to master your finances. Packed with videos, audios, quizzes and activities the course covers all the key aspects of personal finance in six sessions of study that each take around two hours to complete.

Succeed in the workplace

Succeed in the workplace

Do you want to change jobs, are you just starting in the job market or may be returning after a break? If so, then this free course, Succeed in the workplace, is for you. It will help you explore career opportunities. You will also gain the skills to write strong CVs and application forms, and to handle different types of interviews. By the end ...

Taking your first steps into higher education

Taking your first steps into higher education

What is university study like? Is it for me? If you are asking yourself these questions, this free course is for you. Taking your first steps into higher education provides insights into how subjects are studied at university. This introduction to carefully selected materials helps you decide what you might want to study. You will be ...

Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn: a process we all engage in throughout our lives, but no single method of learning guarantees success. This free course, Learning how to learn, aims to make the process of learning much more explicit by inviting you to apply various ideas and activities to your own study as a way of increasing your awareness of your own ...

Extending and developing your thinking skills

Extending and developing your thinking skills

Diagrams, mind-maps, tables, graphs, time lines, flow charts, sequence diagrams, decision trees: all can be used to organise thought. This free course, Extending and developing your thinking skills, will introduce you to a variety of thinking skills. Asking and answering questions is at the heart of high-quality thinking. Questions naturally ...

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Want to find out about Children's University and how it works? Here's a fun animated introduction! 

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  • Originally published: Tuesday, 23 November 2021
  • Body text - Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 : The Open University
  • Image 'Childrens uni logo' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Children Uni - Subject icons' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Children Uni - Subject icons 2' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Animals at the extremes: the desert environment' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online' - Atomic Taco in Flickr under Creative-Commons license
  • Image 'What do genes do?' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Succeed with learning' - Copyright: EBLokhina/
  • Image 'Introducing mammals' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Blood and the respiratory system' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Introducing public health' - Copyright: Alex Proimos in Flickr made available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Licence
  • Image 'Beginners’ Tamil: a taster course' - Copyright: sabirmallick; Getty Images
  • Image 'How do empires work?' - Copyright free
  • Image 'You and your money' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Exploring languages and cultures' - Copyright free
  • Image 'A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis' - under Creative-Commons license
  • Image 'In the night sky: Orion' - Copyright: © Manfred_Konrad (via
  • Image 'Living without oil' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Succeed in the workplace' - Copyright
  • Image 'MSE’s Academy of Money' - Copyright: The Open University
  • Image 'Surviving the winter' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Inheritance of characters' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Earthquakes' - Copyright: Used with permission
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Epilepsy: National Coordinating Center for Epilepsy

  • About the National Coordinating Center for Epilepsy

Promising Practice Summary: Seizure First Aid and Recognition Certification | Epilepsy Foundation |

On this page:.

The Epilepsy Foundation, a national organization with chapters in every state, focuses primarily on advocacy and education. The Foundation is dedicated to increasing awareness and providing support for individuals affected by epilepsy through support groups, producing information for patients and developing resources and education for clinicians. 

Project Background

The Epilepsy Foundation has implemented a comprehensive "Seizure First Aid and Recognition Certification" program, some of which focuses particularly on the training of school personnel. This initiative aims to address widespread misconceptions about epilepsy and improve the ability of individuals to respond effectively during a seizure. The program includes various formats, such as online on-demand courses and in-person training, tailored for different audiences, including general school personnel and school nurses. The motivation for developing this particular program stemmed from studies indicating that more than half of people lacked confidence or knowledge in assisting someone experiencing a seizure. Recognizing this gap, The Epilepsy Foundation developed an interactive and easy-to-understand course to enhance knowledge and ensure the safety of children with epilepsy in various community settings.


Since its inception in January 2020, the program has shown significant success with over 73,860 individuals having completed the training, with 436 individuals having completed the training in Spanish. The training has demonstrated statistically significant improvements in knowledge and preparedness among participants, as evidenced by pre- and post-test results. The online on-demand format, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, has greatly expanded the program's reach while maintaining the effectiveness of the training.


For organizations looking to replicate this practice, several key steps are recommended:

  • Conduct thorough research to understand the specific needs and misconceptions related to epilepsy in your target audience.
  • Engage a diverse group of individuals (physician, parents, patients, and teachers) to inform the planning and implementation of the trainings
  • Develop interactive and accessible training materials that cater to various educational backgrounds.
  • Offer flexible training options, including both online and in-person formats, to maximize reach and participation.
  • Implement pre- and post-tests to measure the effectiveness of the training and continuously improve the program based on feedback.
  • Identify and engage unique groups to serve as instructors (in this experience college students who tend to have more time and are eager to learn).
  • Identify opportunities to motivate individuals to participate in the training (for example, offering continuing education credits).

Sustainability and Challenges

The primary challenge faced was the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which necessitated a rapid shift to online training formats. While initially met with skepticism, the online courses proved to be just as effective as in-person training and allowed for a significant increase in participation by increasing accessibility. The program is sustained through funding and collaboration with the CDC, which provides both financial support and regulatory guidance. Continuous feedback from individuals with epilepsy and their families, as well as the foundation's extensive support network, ensures the program remains relevant and effective.

  • On-demand courses available
  • Seizure Safe Schools legislation
  • Information and resources for schools regarding compliance with the Seizure Safe Schools Act
  • "Toolkit" created for teachers with information about the Seizure Safe Schools legislation and implementing these practices
  • Resources created by the Michigan chapter of the Epilepsy Foundation for children with epilepsy to use to educate their peers about their epilepsy

Last Updated

American Academy of Pediatrics


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