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How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline


Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a Ph.D. is a big commitment. 

Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution’s policies and procedures, and the standard expectations within your field all play a significant role in how long it takes to earn a PhD. The average PhD length is five or six years, while some students may take eight or nine years.

Regardless of how long a PhD program takes,  there are some common stages of a PhD that all doctoral students share. These major and essential milestones shape the timeline for earning your doctorate . Read on as we take you through each step and explore the typical steps to a doctorate degree.

Are you just starting to apply to graduate school? Check out our Guide to  Graduate Admissions to get all your questions answered! 

How Many Credit Hours for a PhD?

The number of hours that you need to complete your doctoral coursework might depend on several factors: do you already have a master’s degree? Will you earn one en route to the doctorate? Or do you even need one? 

Different disciplines and research interests have their own PhD process, but even within your field of study, you may find that institutions have diverse pathways for obtaining that terminal degree. For most, coursework will take anywhere from two to three years to complete.

During this time, students can serve as graduate research or teaching assistants or could even lead their own courses as an instructor. In many degree programs, students develop their potential dissertation topics through their coursework and start to define what their research plans might look like in the next few years.

PhD Qualifying Exam and Comprehensive Exam

Many programs set up academic checkpoints to help keep students on track during their PhD journeys. The timing varies by program, but one of the most common – and possibly most stressful – forms of benchmarking is the PhD comprehensive exam or qualifying exam. Often administered around the end of the student’s coursework, these exams are your chance to demonstrate what you learned in your classes.

Testing is overseen by a committee of faculty from your department. Usually comprised of at least three members, your professors ask questions or assign writing prompts based on your experience in the program thus far. The format is generally a combination of written and oral exams designed to test your expertise in your discipline’s methodologies and significant content areas.

To better prepare yourself, research the number and kind of qualifying benchmarks the program will require in the university catalog before you begin your program. This will allow you and your advisor to effectively plan out the first few years of your degree and give you an idea of how you’ll be evaluated throughout your program.

Dissertation Prospectus and Defense

You may be required to complete and defend a dissertation prospectus before officially becoming a PhD candidate. A prospectus is a document outlining your dissertation plan, which includes an explanation of your research topic, a potential outline of your dissertation, the methodologies you intend to employ, the significance of your research question, and a bibliography including sources that form the foundation of your research.

Your prospectus allows your dissertation advisor to understand the scope of your project. It should be thorough enough that they can provide useful feedback to help shape your research plan. After some revisions, an approved prospectus is the green light to move into the next stage of your PhD.

Advancement to Candidacy

If you have heard the term ABD – “All But Dissertation” – then that means you are in the home stretch of your doctoral program!

Well, sort of…only your dissertation remains!

Dissertation Research and Writing

While you’ve made it through the coursework and qualifying exams, the dissertation is the culminating component of the doctoral degree. At this point, your approved research plan is ready to be set into motion. Depending on your discipline, this could be the stage where you travel extensively to conduct fieldwork, explore archives, or visit labs to collaborate on projects that relate to your dissertation work. For many students, the research phase can take a couple of years, but some may be able to complete it in one.

Writing your dissertation can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole PhD. process. Not only are you condensing years of research into a single cohesive document, but you are also formulating graphs, charts, and other textual references to help clarify your argument. Often, formatting can be a major challenge for many students. 

In this stage, it’s most helpful to seek out resources to help you with the writing process. Many universities have dissertation writing workshops where you can learn best practices, as well as support groups where students meet regularly and help keep each other accountable. Most universities also offer competitive dissertation completion grants, supporting students with additional funding so they focus more of their time and effort on completing this undertaking.

Dissertation Defense

Everyone gets nervous about this major rite of passage. It can be difficult to take criticism over something you have poured your heart and soul into for years. Remember, though, that a good advisor will not let you defend if you’re not ready, and you literally wrote the book on your topic!

The dissertation defense is not intended to tear your work apart but rather is your opportunity to prove your expertise to your dissertation committee. Many defenses are open to observers, so you should attend a few in advance of your own, especially within your department, to get a sense of what it’s like. 

First, you’ll present the main points of your thesis. Then the committee will ask questions so they can clearly understand your arguments. Finally, they’ll send you out of the room while they deliberate and decide if you pass or not. If all goes well, you’ll be addressed as “Doctor” the next time you walk into the room!

Get Started on Your PhD Journey Today

No matter what your particular timeline looks like as you work toward your doctorate, know that the faculty and other students within your program are frequently a huge source of support — which means you won't do this alone! Additionally, every school has resources to assist Ph.D. students, from libraries to writing centers to dedicated student support services. 

If you are excited about beginning your Ph.D. journey, we invite you to request more information or reach out to one of our admissions professionals today. Best of luck as you begin this transformational experience!

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what it takes to apply to and succeed in a PhD program. Explore our resource — A Guide to Choosing, Applying for, and Thriving in a PhD Program!

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When to Apply for Graduate School | Month-by-Month Timeline

Published on February 17, 2021 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on June 1, 2023.

Once you’ve decided to apply for graduate school , you need to carefully plan out the application process, leaving yourself enough time to:

  • Choose which schools you’ll apply to
  • Gather transcripts and recommendation letters
  • Write your personal statement or statement of purpose
  • Take any standardized exams you might need

In general, you’ll need to start preparing your application at least 6 months in advance of the deadline. Most application deadlines are about 7–9 months before the program’s start date.

Table of contents

When is the right time to apply for graduate school, month-by-month timeline for grad school applications, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about applying to grad school.

Some students apply to grad school straight from undergraduate degrees, but it’s also common to return to school later in life. If you’re not sure yet whether you’re ready to apply for graduate school, ask yourself these questions.

Career and field

  • Do you want to change your career? Many individuals attend graduate school to enter fields like nursing, physical therapy, medicine, business, marketing, communications, etc.
  • Do you need a graduate degree to progress in your field? In some fields (like law, research, most of health care, and business), a graduate degree is usually necessary to progress. In others (like software engineering or data analytics), degrees are less important.
  • How much work experience do you need before applying to graduate school? For instance, MBA programs usually expect you to have several years of work under your belt, whereas many people start medical school right out of undergrad or soon after.

Personal considerations

  • Are you at a place in your life where you can focus most of your attention on school?
  • Are you prepared to move across the country or even to another country if needed? If not, you should only apply to graduate schools near you.
  • Does your family situation permit you to go back to school?

Money matters

  • Do you have enough money saved up or a realistic plan to finance graduate school? If you plan to take out government loans, carefully consider how much you will have to pay back after graduation with your expected earnings.
  • Can you leave or cut back on your job without drastically harming your financial health?
  • Do the graduate programs you’re interested in allow you to work part-time? For instance, medicine rarely allows you to attend part-time. This may also be subject to visa restrictions if you’re planning to study outside your own country.

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phd admission timeline

You should generally start thinking about graduate school around 18 months before you plan to start. Most program deadlines are 7–9 months before the start date, so you’ll have 6–9 months to get all your materials together, ask for recommendation letters, and take any necessary exams.

Note that some graduate schools—notably medicine—follow a different timeline. Also, some fields, particularly law, use rolling deadlines, meaning the earlier you get in your applications, the better!

The timeline below represents the most typical one, with a December submission deadline. If your deadline is earlier or later, you should adjust your timeline to match.

Month Key tasks
April letters.
Late February–April

Decide which type of graduate program you’d like to apply for and start researching schools that fit your criteria. Discuss which programs you should be aiming for with your former professors or current supervisors.

Most programs provide statistics about the test scores, undergraduate grades, or work or research experience of the students they accept. Aim high, but be realistic about your chances. Make sure to choose some programs that are likely to accept you.

Sign up and begin studying for whichever standardized test you need. Different programs require different exams, so you should make sure to check the website of the program you intend to apply to.

Exam What does it involve?
GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) General
GRE Subject
LSAT (Law School Admissions Test)
GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test)
MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test)

Continue studying for standardized tests. Study books can often be checked out for free from your local library. Aim to do at least a little bit of studying every day—that way, it becomes a habit.

Begin the process of asking for recommendation letters.

Take the necessary standardized test for the first time. You aren’t penalized for taking the test multiple times and can send your best score, so don’t panic if you don’t meet your target score on the first try. However, note that each attempt costs (a significant amount of) money, so don’t completely slack off!

Make a list of the specific programs you’re going to apply to. One tip: organize your information in a spreadsheet with required materials, application fees, links to the online application sign-in, recommenders for each program, and deadlines. This will aid you later in the process!

Follow up on rec letters. Now is a good time to begin face-to-face meetings with potential recommenders. Update your resume so that you can send it to recommenders and they can write you a strong letter.

Decide if you need extra funding. To plan your finances, make a monthly budget with expected rent, food, transportation, prorated monthly tuition/fees, and any other potential costs. If the cost is more than what you have in savings or expected financial support (including loans), then you’ll need extra support.

If you need funding, look into potential options—many, such as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program , require extra essays and have earlier deadlines.

Now is a good time to begin requesting transcripts, if you haven’t already. For most graduate applications, you must ensure you’ve requested transcripts from every university you’ve attended, even if you only studied there for a semester or it is located in another country.

Retake any standardized exams if you weren’t happy with the scores the first time around.

Begin writing your statement of purpose . A statement of purpose is a short essay that discusses your professional and academic interests and background.

You may also be required to write a personal statement , which should talk about your personal story and personal motivations for applying to graduate school. It may include your potential to bring an underrepresented perspective or add to the diversity of the program you’re applying to.

Send off your statement of purpose and personal statement to recommenders to aid their recommendation letters and to receive feedback.

It’s also a good idea to have your statements checked by a friend, family member or professional editor , who can help make sure your writing flows clearly and catch any grammatical mistakes.

A statement of purpose should be understandable to any professional in your field, even if they don’t specialize in your sub-discipline. Most graduate programs rely on a committee of professors throughout the field to evaluate applications, so there’s no guarantee yours will be read by an expert in your particular interest.

October is generally your last chance to retake any standardized exam whose scores you’re not happy with.

Perfect your statement of purpose and personal statement. It’s a good idea to take a week-long break from your applications so that you can approach them again with a fresh eye.

Many graduate applications are due this month. Remind your recommenders of the final deadlines, and finish up your application.

Ensure you have your perfected resume, transcripts, and final personal statement ready. Upload them—and don’t forget to pay the application fee if that’s required!

If you’re American and think you might want to take out any amount of loans to fund your degree, you should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . Once completed, you’ll be eligible for a loan to fund up to 100% of the total cost of your degree, including both tuition and living costs.

February to April

Most graduate school results will come back in this time period. Many graduate schools offer in-person visit days in March and April. Some will even pay for your transportation and hotel costs. These visits will allow you to ask questions to faculty members and current students.

When choosing a graduate program, make sure to pay attention to how well the program fits your interests as well as its prestige. You should also pay attention to placement or job outcomes after graduation.

If you’re in a research degree, your supervisor is vitally important to your potential success—carefully evaluate your potential options (but remember that some advisors could leave, so you shouldn’t choose a program for just one potential supervisor!)

Try to hang out with current students in an informal setting to ask them questions you might not otherwise be comfortable asking. Ask what the work expectations are like—do they get time off? Do they feel like they’re being treated fairly? This is especially important for doctoral programs, which are several years long.

Make sure to read the fine print of any funding that you might receive. Will you have to teach or work in a certain position for a certain number of years afterwards? Choose carefully!

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A good starting point to aim for is about 18 months before you would start the program, or 6–9 months before the applications are due.

In the first few months of the process, research programs and study for any standardized exams you might need.

You can then begin writing your personal statements and statements of purpose , as well as contacting people to write your letters of recommendation . Ensure that you give recommenders plenty of time to complete their letters (ideally around 2–4 months).

Most graduate school applications for American graduate programs are due in December or January for a September start.

Some types of programs, especially law school, are rolling applications, meaning that the earlier you apply, the earlier you’ll hear back. In this case, you should aim to apply as early as possible to maximize your chances.

Medical school follows a completely separate timeline with much earlier deadlines. If you’re applying for medical school, you should speak to advisors at your university for more information.

Some students apply to graduate school straight from undergrad, but it’s also common to go back to school later in life. The ideal time to do so depends on various financial, personal, and career considerations . Graduate school is a big commitment, so you should apply at a time when you can devote your full attention to it.

Your career path may also determine when you should apply. In some career fields, you can easily progress without a graduate degree, while in others—such as medicine, business, and law—it’s virtually impossible to move up the career ladder without a specific graduate degree.

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Thomas, L. (2023, June 01). When to Apply for Graduate School | Month-by-Month Timeline. Scribbr. Retrieved July 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/when-to-apply/

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Graduate School Application Timeline

Grad school application timeline infographic

If you're planning to apply to graduate school, it's best to start early—it will increase your odds of being admitted. Many graduate programs have rolling admissions, which means applications are evaluated as they arrive (rather than all at once after the final deadline).

Here's a sample schedule for a student hoping to enter grad school in the fall. This is a best-case scenario which leaves time to craft a great application, resolve unforeseen problems (a lost transcript, a delinquent recommender) and submit with time to spare.

Your GRE Application Timeline

Begin researching grad schools . Take a GRE practice test . Your GRE score will help you determine how much preparation you'll need for the real deal.

Sign up for a GRE test prep course (we recommend the in-person or online options). Register for the GRE general test if necessary.

Request information from schools that interest you. Consider paying a visit to your alma mater to meet up with a few former professors. They can recommend good programs and may even help you make some connections.

Register to take a GRE Subject test (if necessary) during one of their Fall windows. In the 2023-24 application cycle, ETS offered three date ranges to take a subject test: late September/early October, late October/early November, or mid to late April. Take the GRE general test. If you're not happy with your scores, sign up to take it again. Begin drafting your statement of purpose .

Finalize your list of prospective schools , and familiarize yourself with the professors who share your research interests at each school. Contact your recommenders. Keep polishing your statement of purpose.

Request official transcripts from your undergraduate institution. Send your recommenders supplemental materials (like your resume, personal statement, etc.) that they can use as a reference. Make contact with students and professors at your prospective schools. Arrange a campus visit if you can.

Have someone in the field and a few smart (and honest) friends read over your personal statement. Take the GRE subject test; make sure that your scores will be sent directly to schools.

Complete and submit all grad applications , keeping copies of every section for your records. Verify that your recommendations have been sent.

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PhD Application Timeline: Timeline For Applying For Grad School

If you are looking to apply to start your Ph.D program, the journey can be daunting. However, with the right roadmap, it becomes manageable.

In this post, we guide you through each crucial step of the application process. From drafting your statement of purpose to securing letters of recommendation, we offer insights and tips to help you stay on track and maximise your chances of success.

PhD Application Timeline

Time PeriodThings To Do
– Choose your preferred programs.
– Write your statements.
– Take the GRE if needed.
– Arrange recommendation letters.
– Look into financial aid and fellowships.
– Do a final check of your application.
– Update your CV.
– Look for fellowships and prep for interviews.
– Research living arrangements and university support.
– Contact recommenders.
– Connect with students, alumni, and admissions.
– Go to info sessions.
– Set up application accounts.
– Customise your statements.
– Order your transcripts.
– Finalise recommendation letters.
– Apply for financial aid and fellowships.

March To June

In March, it’s crucial to start preparing your application components. This includes finalizing your list of target programs and universities, ensuring they align with your research interests and career goals.

phd admission timeline

Begin drafting your statement of purpose and personal statement, emphasizing how your experiences and aspirations fit with each program’s offerings.

Simultaneously, focus on getting your GRE test done if your chosen programs require it. If you’re not satisfied with your GRE score, consider retaking the exam.

April is all about refining and finalizing your documents. Review these documents, and ensure they do not have any grammatical mistakes of typos: 

  • Statement of purpose
  • Personal statement, and
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

This is also the time to finalize your letters of recommendation. Choose recommenders who are aware of your academic potential and can vouch for your suitability for graduate research.

By May, you should be ready to submit your application. Ensure all components, including your transcript and writing sample, are tailored to each program’s requirements.

This is also a good month to start exploring financial aid options, such as the FAFSA and any available fellowships or scholarships.

June is often when you’ll hear back from programs with rolling admissions. This can give you an early indication of where you stand and may require you to adjust your strategy for other applications.

Throughout these months, it’s important to stay organized, keep track of application deadlines, and allow ample time for each step of the application process. 

July To August

July and August are typically quieter months in the PhD application timeline, but they are by no means less critical.

This period provides an invaluable opportunity to enhance your application and position yourself as a strong candidate for fall admissions. Let’s delve into some key activities you should engage in during these months.

In July, if you haven’t already submitted your application, now is the time to do a final review. Check for any grammatical mistakes or typos in your

  • Writing samples.

It’s also crucial to ensure your CV is up-to-date and reflects your most recent achievements and experiences. For those who have already submitted their applications, use this time to research potential fellowship opportunities and prepare for any upcoming interviews.

August is an excellent time to reach out to the graduate programs you’ve applied to and confirm that your application is complete. This shows your continued interest and ensures that nothing is missing from your application file.

If you’re waiting to hear back from programs with rolling admissions, you might start receiving admissions decisions.

During this period, it’s also wise to start preparing for your next steps. Research the graduate schools and the areas where you might live for the next few years. Look into:

  • Housing options
  • Support systems available at the university, and
  • Job placement statistics for graduates. 

This will not only help you make an informed decision if you receive multiple offers but also allow you to plan accordingly for your move and transition to graduate school life.

September marks a critical juncture in your PhD application timeline. This month, you’re not just a prospective student; you’re a strategist, networking to enhance your application. Here’s what you should be focusing on:

phd admission timeline

First, reach out to potential recommenders. These should be faculty members who can attest to your unique skills and academic prowess. A strong letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well can significantly bolster your application.

Ensure they are aware of your grad school application deadlines and provide them with key insights about the programs you are applying to.

Networking with current students and alumni from your target programs is also crucial. They can offer invaluable insights into the graduate program’s:

  • Teaching styles, and
  • Research opportunities.

If possible, plan informal visits or attend virtual sessions to get a sense of the community you’re hoping to join.

Don’t forget to make contact with the admissions team. Attending information sessions and engaging with them can provide a deeper understanding of the program’s requirements and research opportunities.

This interaction is often noted by graduate admissions teams and can influence admissions decisions.

Finally, seek input on your Statement of Purpose (SOP). Have mentors or peers review it for grammatical accuracy, clarity, and effectiveness.

Remember, a well-crafted SOP can make a significant difference in showcasing your suitability for the program.

First, finalize your list of prospective schools. It’s a strategic decision – weighing program strengths against your research interests. This is more than just ticking boxes; it’s about envisioning where you’ll live and thrive for the next few years.

By now, you should have a solid sense of the universities and programs that align with your aspirations.

Creating accounts on each graduate program’s application portal is your next step. This isn’t just a formality; it’s where you’ll:

  • Submit your application
  • Track documents, and sometimes
  • Find out about those pesky additional requirements – like that surprise essay due in early December.

Start preparing now to avoid a last-minute scramble.

Tailoring your statement of purpose for each application can make the difference between getting noticed or overlooked. It’s not just a personal statement; it’s your narrative, tying your past achievements to future potential.

Admission committees seek candidates who not only fit their program’s ethos but also bring a fresh perspective.

Finally, transcripts are more than a formality; they’re a testament to your academic journey. Request them early to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

November To December

As November and December roll in, the timeline for applying to PhD programs becomes critical. Whether you’re eyeing the upcoming fall admission or strategizing for later, focus on these steps:

Finalize Your GRE Prep and Test Dates: Many programs still consider GRE scores pivotal. If you’re retaking the GRE to improve your score, now’s the time. Remember, it’s not just about the score but how it complements your overall application.

Secure Letters of Recommendation: Ensure your recommenders are aware of your timeline. A well-thought-out letter from a faculty member who knows your capabilities and research interests can make a significant difference.

Submit Applications: Graduate school applications are often due in early December. This includes your personal statement, CV, transcripts, GRE scores, and sometimes a writing sample. Remember, a typo or grammatical mistake can be costly—proofread meticulously.

Financial Aid and Fellowship Applications Don’t overlook financial aid and fellowship opportunities, like the Graduate Research Fellowship or school-specific scholarships. The FAFSA and other financial documents are crucial and often have different deadlines.

Make contact with graduate students in these programs to provide a different perspective and understand the support systems available. You can also reach out to the professors directly.

Preparation Is Key When Applying To Graduate School 

Embarking on your PhD journey is an exciting yet intricate process that requires meticulous planning and dedication. This comprehensive timeline serves as your beacon, guiding you through the labyrinth of grad school applications.

By adhering to these timelines and embracing each step with thorough preparation and strategic thinking, you position yourself as a strong candidate.

The journey to a PhD is not just about academic rigor but also about personal growth and aligning your aspirations with the right opportunities. Stay focused, stay inspired, and your path to graduate school will lead to rewarding destinations.

phd admission timeline

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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  • Faculty & Staff
  • Graduate School Application Process & Timeline
  • Selecting a Graduate Program
  • Financing & Evaluating Graduate School

Application Timeline & Process

The timetable outlined below is a guide to assist students who plan to apply for academic Master’s degree and Ph.D programs. Because of the range of programs and requirements, the information below is a general framework. The process typically begins in the first semester of junior year, or two years prior to application. Students should plan on submitting application materials by the end of first semester senior year, or approximately eight months prior to matriculation.

The graduate school application process, also outlined below, is similar to the process you used when applying to undergraduate colleges; there are materials to gather and deadlines to meet. Many students find it helpful to compile a spreadsheet to help them stay organized and avoid missing important deadlines. Early decisions and rolling admissions policies are common, even if not explicitly stated. There are additional featured articles at the bottom of this page that can help you with some of these components.

phd admission timeline

Application Timeline

Junior year or one year prior to matriculating, september – december.

  • Schedule an appointment with a Office of Career Strategy advisor.
  • Meet with faculty and your Director of Undergraduate Studies to discuss potential programs and letters of recommendation.
  • Begin to prepare for the GRE.
  • Research and develop list of target programs.

January – May

  • Refine list of target programs.
  • Register and sit for the GRE .
  • Ask for letters of recommendation.

June – August

  • Draft personal statements.
  • Finalize list of target programs, noting application deadlines (most will begin in November).

Senior Year or One Year Prior to Matriculating

  • Request letters of recommendation from faculty.
  • Finalize your personal statements and have them edited by a writing tutor and other readers.
  • Contact the Office of the Registrar to request transcripts be sent to target programs.
  • Begin submitting applications. Confirm with programs that your application file is complete, including letters of recommendation.
  • Begin exploring sources of financial aid (federal, institutional and private) and obtain and file applications as soon as possible.
  • Obtain a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and file well before the deadline.
  • Have your fall semester transcripts sent to target programs.

February – April

  • Evaluate Letters of acceptance and offers of financial aid.

phd admission timeline

Application Process

Standardized tests.

Standardized tests are used in combination with your other application materials to gauge your preparation for graduate-level work. Tests may be general or subject specific depending on the subject and program requirements. Determine which, if any, standardized tests you need to take and gather information on how often the test is offered, testing locations, and cost. For GRE details and registration information, please visit the Educational Testing Service (ETS) website .

Additional considerations for Students with Disabilities who are thinking about applying to graduate or professional schools include identifying which exams are needed, how far in advance exam accommodations must be requested, and which documentations regarding your disability will likely be needed for exam accommodations.

Personal Statements

Preparing a well-written and effective personal statement (sometimes referred to as statements of purpose or personal essays) that clearly articulates your preparation, goals, and motivation for pursuing that specific graduate degree is critically important. You will need to spend a considerable amount of time and effort crafting these statements. For individual assistance with writing your personal statement, consult with the writing tutor in your residential college  or the Writing Center within the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning .

Letters of Recommendation

Graduate programs will commonly require 2-3 letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation allow an admissions committee to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and potential from another person’s perspective. You can find more information in our Soliciting Letters of Recommendation Blog .

Application Forms

Program application forms are typically available on the program web site; you can also call the program to request application materials. Pay special attention to any directions given and complete application forms exactly as instructed. Do not simply refer the recipient to your resume; answer all questions completely and thoroughly.

Transcripts:  Graduate schools usually require that you submit official transcripts from all institutions of higher education as part of your application. You can request your Yale College transcript online through the Student Information System (SIS) or by contacting the Office of the Registrar . If you completed courses at another college or university or studied abroad, you will need to contact those schools directly to request official transcripts. For courses taken abroad, you may be required to get a translation of your transcripts if it is in another language.  

Resumes and CVs:  Graduate programs often require applicants to provide a resume or CV (curriculum vitae). The OCS website provides resume samples and a CV worksheet  that you can use as a guide when developing your document. Before submitting your resume or CV, you should have it reviewed by a OCS Career Advisor or Graduate Peer Advisor to assure it is free of errors and is effectively conveying your skills, background, and experiences.

Writing Samples and Creative Portfolios:  Depending on your discipline, you may also need to submit writing samples appropriate to your intended area of specialization, such as poetry, fiction, or journalism. For those pursuing advanced degrees in performing or visual arts, you may also need to submit a portfolio of your work or audition tapes. Review the specific requirements for the programs you’re considering and speak with your faculty advisor or OCS Career Advisor, Derek Webster , to discuss your needs.

Interviewing:  A graduate school interview should be approached in the same manner as a job interview. Preparation and practice are essential. Be ready to discuss your academic preparation and motivations for seeking a graduate degree, your specific areas of interest within the field of study, and your goals following your degree completion. Also, be prepared to discuss any internships, fieldwork, research, or clinical experiences and the impact they had on you. After the interview, don’t forget to send thank you notes.

News from OCS

Yale silver scholars progam at som.

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The  Silver Scholars Program  at the Yale School of Management allows students to  earn a Yale MBA degree within three years , directly after graduation, spring-boarding them toward their career goals and leadership positions. The program is designed for exceptional students with  strong …

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Connecting with Faculty & Requesting Letters of Recommendation

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phd admission timeline

Connecting With Faculty During Your Time at Yale

There are many reasons you will want to get to know your professors during your time at Yale. Not only are they brilliant researchers, and wonderful teachers, they also greatly enjoy working …

Applying To (and Paying For!) Graduate School (videos)

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phd admission timeline

Thinking about graduate school? Wondering how to approach the application process and funding? Watch these two great videos to find out. Both review the general application approach and process; the first video also includes information about fellowships you might want …

Meet with OCS Advisors

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Student Groups, Organizations & Professional Associations

Yale office for graduate student development & diversity (ogsdd), association of professional schools of international affairs (apsia), career videos, job search resources, ocs youtube channel.

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OCS is excited to share our brand new YouTube Channel ! You’ll find all our animated videos, panel talks, career development …

Big Interview (AI Resume Reviews and Mock Interviews)

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Big Interview is a system designed to meet your needs. Start with an AI Resume Review to see how your …

Service to School (S2S)

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Service to School (S2S) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides free college and grad school application counseling to military veterans …

OCS Professional Development Reimbursement for Yale Juniors and Seniors

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In an effort to support students pursuing careers in the nonprofit, government and the arts sectors, those interviewing for national …

International research and collaboration opportunities outside the U.S

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Funding for global research and in support of collaboration with researchers from other countries.


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LawCareers.Net (LC.N) is a comprehensive, one-stop online resource created for future lawyers and those who recruit them. The site contains …


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Academic Year Summer Hours
M Monday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
T Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
W Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
TH Thursday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm
F Friday 8:30am - 5pm 8:30am - 4:30pm

The office is closed weekends, holidays, and recess days .

Office of Career Strategy

Visiting yale.

Dates and Deadlines

Main navigation, application open date.

The online application for 2025 entry will open in mid-September 2024.

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program and range from November to March for full-time programs. Before you apply, check the application deadline for your program on the Explore Graduate Programs page .

The application closes at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on your program’s deadline.

Decision Notification

Decision timelines vary by program, and the graduate program to which you applied will communicate the admission decision to you in accordance with the program’s notification timeline.

  • PhD/Master's Application Process

Who is Eligible to Apply? 

If you have completed your undergraduate degree (bachelor's or equivalent) or will have completed it prior to your intended matriculation date at Yale, you may apply to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS).

A Master's degree is not required to apply for a PhD at Yale, although some programs give preference to applicants with post-baccalaureate training. Consult your program of interest directly for information on how it evaluates applications.

We value diversity of all kinds at the Graduate School, and we encourage students from all backgrounds to apply if Yale is a good fit for your intellectual and professional goals. All are welcome to apply, without regard to citizenship or immigration status, socioeconomic level, race, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

Requirements for All PhD and Master's Degree Applicants

You will need to provide the following with your application for admission:

  • A statement of academic purpose. You will find the prompt for the statement of purpose in our Application Question FAQs . 
  • A list of all the prior colleges or universities you have attended, accompanied by unofficial transcripts from each school. Unofficial transcripts should be uploaded with your application. Official or paper transcripts are not needed at this time. 
  • Three letters of recommendation. Enter the names of your recommenders directly in the application and they will receive a link to upload a letter on your behalf. 
  • $105 application fee or fee waiver. 
  • Standardized tests . GRE requirements vary by program. TOEFL or IELTS are necessary for most non-native English speakers. 
  • Resume/CV . 
  • Some programs have additional requirements, such as a writing sample . You can find information about any specific requirements on the program's website. 

Where Do I Begin?

Decide whether you will apply for a PhD or a terminal Master’s (MA, MS) in one of the programs available at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . (Note that you will earn one or more Master's degrees en route to a PhD.) Learn about the program: its faculty, course offerings, and resources. Read the faculty's research publications. If you can identify and articulate why the program is a good fit for you and show how your preparation and interests align well with it, you will have a strong application.

A note to students applying to one of Yale’s professional schools or programs:

  • If you are applying for a PhD in Architecture, Environment, Investigative Medicine, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, or Public Health; for an MS in Public Health; or for an MA in Music, be sure to use the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences PhD/Master's application.
  • If you are applying for any other degree at one of the University’s professional schools (Art, Architecture, Divinity, Drama, Environment, Global Affairs, Law, Management, Medicine, Music, Nursing, and Public Health), visit that school’s website for further instructions. Those programs have separate admissions policies and processes that are administered by the professional schools, not GSAS.

Application deadlines vary by program, so please see Dates & Deadlines for information about your program of interest. 

All new students matriculate in the fall. The admissions process begins nearly a year in advance of matriculation.

Some PhD and Master’s degree programs require Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. Check your program's standardized testing requirement before you apply. 

In addition, applicants whose native language is not English may need to take an English Language test (TOEFL or IELTS).

The application for Fall 2024 entry is closed. The application for Fall 2025 entry will be available starting in mid-August 2024. 

Be sure to complete and submit the application before your program's application deadline. 

Your application fee or an approved fee waiver is due upon submission of your application. 

Your letters of recommendation do not need to be received before you will be able to submit your application. However, since programs begin reviewing applications shortly after the respective application deadline, please be sure that your letters of recommendation are submitted promptly.

What Happens After I Submit My Application?

The faculty admissions committee in each department and program begins reviewing applications shortly after their application deadline. Led by the director of graduate studies (DGS) or director of graduate admissions (DGA), the committee will recommend students for admission to the Graduate School. Once confirmed by the deans of the Graduate School, the admissions office will release final decisions to applicants.

Unlike undergraduate admissions, the admissions office and staff of the Graduate School maintain the application, the application process, and other administrative transactions, but the admissions staff does not review applications or make admissions decisions. That responsibility is handled by the faculty of each department or program.

Most admissions decisions are provided between February and early March. You will receive an email notification when your admissions decision is available.

If you are accepted for admission, you will need to decide if you wish to accept our offer by April 15. We abide by Council of Graduate School's April 15 Resolution , regarding graduate financial support. 

Ready to apply? Begin your application today.

Students sitting on quad

PhD/Master's Applicants

  • Why Choose Yale Graduate School?
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Standardized Testing Requirements

Students reading

Non-Degree Program Applicants

Looking for non-degree programs? In some cases, it is possible to enroll at the Graduate School as a non-degree student. Non-degree students receive a transcript and many of the benefits of being a Yale student, but do not earn a degree upon completion of their enrollment. We offer three types of non-degree programs.

  • Non-Degree Programs
  • PhD Overview and Timeline

Given here are School-wide graduate degree policies and guidance.  Program-specific degree options, requirements, and model programs can be found on the "Graduate Programs" pages under each of the subject areas listed in  Academics .

General Ph.D. Requirements

  • 10 semester-long graduate courses, including at least 8 disciplinary.   At least 5 of the 10 should be graduate-level SEAS "technical" courses (or FAS graduate-level technical courses taught by SEAS faculty), not including seminar/reading/project courses.  Undergraduate-level courses cannot be used.  For details on course requirements, see the school's overall PhD course requirements  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Program Plan (i.e., the set of courses to be used towards the degree) approval by the  Committee on Higher Degrees  (CHD).
  • Minimum full-time academic residency of two years .
  • Serve as a Teaching Fellow (TF) in one semester of the second year.
  • Oral Qualifying Examination Preparation in the major field is evaluated in an oral examination by a qualifying committee. The examination has the dual purpose of verifying the adequacy of the student's preparation for undertaking research in a chosen field and of assessing the student's ability to synthesize knowledge already acquired. For details on arranging your Qualifying Exam, see the exam policies and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Committee Meetings : PhD students' research committees meet according to the guidelines in each area's "Committee Meetings" listing.  For details see the "G3+ Committee Meetings" section of the Policies of the CHD  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Final Oral Examination (Defense) This public examination devoted to the field of the dissertation is conducted by the student's research committee. It includes, but is not restricted to, a defense of the dissertation itself.  For details of arranging your final oral exam see the  Ph.D. Timeline  page.
  • Dissertation Upon successful completion of the qualifying examination, a committee chaired by the research supervisor is constituted to oversee the dissertation research. The dissertation must, in the judgment of the research committee, meet the standards of significant and original research.

Optional additions to the Ph.D. program

Harvard PhD students may choose to pursue these additional aspects:

  • a Secondary Field (which is similar to a "minor" subject area).  SEAS offers PhD Secondary Field programs in  Data Science and in  Computational Science and Engineering .   GSAS  lists  secondary fields offered by other programs.
  • a Master of Science (S.M.) degree conferred  en route to the Ph.D in one of several of SEAS's subject areas.  For details see here .
  • a Teaching Certificate awarded by the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning .

SEAS PhD students may apply to participate in the  Health Sciences and Technology graduate program  with Harvard Medical School and MIT.  Please check with the HST program for details on eligibility (e.g., only students in their G1 year may apply) and the application process.

PhD Timeline

--> Also see the separate pages with on-boarding information for new PhD students <--   Information and Resources for New Graduate Students Wiki site for incoming PhD students (behind Harvard Key)

First Year (G1)

  • Notify your financial aid officers of any external funding. Contact:  Erin Bishop  in SEAS Finance and  Emily Fingerle  in GSAS Financial Aid.
  • Make note of the course registration deadline. (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Register for courses before the deadline  (previously known as "Study Card Day")
  • Mid-January: Deadline for submitting materials to be reviewed at the January CHD meetings .
  • Late-January: Course registration deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day").
  • G1s: Your  Prospective Program Plan  due to the Office of Academic Programs on this day.
  • Transfer of up to 3 classes of coursework may be allowed. Include the  Application for Credit for Work Done Elsewhere  with your Prospective Program Plan. 
  • April 1:   Research Advisor Selection Form /Research Assistant appointment form due to Office of Academic Programs.
  • Note: The April CHD meeting is the last CHD meeting in all academic year. CHD does not meet over the summer. Remember to plan ahead.

Second year (G2)

Throughout year.

  • G2’s are required to serve as a Teaching Fellow in either the Fall or Spring semester.
  • Make sure you complete the  TF form once you line up a TF position! 
  • G2’s are required to take their qualifying exam in either the Fall or Spring terms.
  • Email quals_defenses@seas  to book a room. If you book your own room (e.g., external to SEAS) you must still email  quals_defenses@seas  well in advance in order for your required documentation to be ready, else your exam cannot take place.
  • Upon completion of the exam, students are required to submit the  Designation of Research Committee  form to OAP.
  • If you plan to request a delay of the qualifying exam, complete a  Request to Delay Qual Exam  form. Note that delays until September (i.e. start of G3 year) are typically approved as a matter of course
  • Mid-September: Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Mid-October :  Final Program Plan  due to OAP; see the  CHD page  for dates.
  • Late-January : Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • May 1 : Advising Agreement form due to OAP.
  • May:   Commencement and diploma options for Masters en Route / Continuing Master’s students - You can apply to receive your S.M. degree en route to your PhD after you have completed eight of your core courses (this requirement may depend on area). You will receive your S.M. diploma, and participate in the Commencement if you choose to. However since you will be considered a non-terminal degree recipient, you will not be able to join the ceremony in Sander's Theater. 

Third year (G3+) and beyond

  • Meet with your Research Committee at least annually, as indicated by your area's expectations.
  • Send any changes to your Final Program Plan to the CHD for review. See the  CHD page  for submission dates.   Note that   the Committee on Higher Degrees expects students not to petition for a revised Program Plan less than a year prior to the final defense  in case additional coursework is required, so it's important to keep your plan up to date with your courses as actually taken.
  • Inform OAP of any  changes to your research committee . 
  • PhD candidates can review their eligibility to receive an SM en route . 
  • Early-September:  Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar.
  • Late-January: Course Registration Deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). See the GSAS Policies  Academic Calendar
  • May 1 :  RA reappointment  form due to OAP.

Completing your degree

Degree application.

  • Check out FAS degree-completion information  here  (Registrar) and deadlines  here  (GSAS calendar)
  • Complete the  degree application  via my.harvard by the Registrar's deadline.
  • If you schedule your own room (e.g., external to SEAS) you must still email quals_defenses@seas   well in advance in order for your required documentation to be ready,  else your defense cannot take place.   You must also get agreement from your full committee to hold your defense in a non-SEAS room.

Dissertation Submission and Commencement

  • The best way to share your dissertation with others is by linking to the DASH copy. DASH uses persistent URLs and provides you with download statistics, and the DASH copy of your PDF will not include the signed Dissertation Acceptance Certificate (DAC). If you choose to post or share your PDF in some other way, you should remove the DAC page so that readers do not have access to the scanned signatures.
  • Get ready for commencement by updating your email and other contact information via  my.harvard.edu .

In Academic Programs

  • Non-Resident and Part-Time Study
  • CHD Meeting Schedule
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • PhD Program Plans
  • Teaching: G2 year
  • Qualifying Exam: by end of G2 year
  • Research Advisors, Committees, and Meetings
  • Dissertation and Final Oral Exam
  • SM and ME Course Requirements
  • SM and ME Program Plans
  • Masters Thesis and Supervisor
  • SM degree en route to the PhD
  • Graduate Student Forms
  • Teaching Fellows
  • External Fellowships List
  • COVID-19 Graduate Program Changes (archived)

How to Apply

Application timeline.

Application deadlines have passed. The application will reopen in fall 2024. Select your degree below to find out exactly what is needed to apply.

Application Deadlines

  • Residency Fieldwork Model | November 1, 2024 
  • Internship Fieldwork Model Priority Deadline | November 1, 2024 
  • Internship Fieldwork Model Regular Deadline | January 5, 2025
  • Ph.D. | December 1, 2024
  • Ed.L.D. | December 15, 2024
  • Ed.M. (including TTL Teaching and Leading Strand) & C.A.S. | January 5, 2025

Decision Notification

  • TTL Teaching Licensure Strand (All Residency Fieldwork and Priority Internship Fieldwork Model Applicants) | Mid December 2024
  • Ph.D. | Late February 2025
  • Ed.L.D., Ed.M., & C.A.S. | Early March 2025

Your Enrollment Response

  • TTL Teaching Licensure Strand | Early 2025  
  • Ph.D., Ed.L.D., Ed.M., & C.A.S. | April 15, 2025

Program Begins

  • All Ed.M. Students | Early June 2025 | (online Foundations course How People Learn commences)  
  • TTL Residency and Internship Model Students | Early June 2025  | (remote coursework in June; on-campus coursework and fieldwork commence in July) 
  • Online Ed.M. Students | Late July/Early August 2025  | (On-Campus Institute)
  • Residential Ed.M. Students | Early August 2025  | (on-campus coursework commences)  
  • Doctoral Students | Late August 2025  | (on-campus coursework commences) 

Application and Requirements

Ed.m. and ed.l.d..

Application requirements for Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) and all Master’s in Education (Ed.M.) programs.

Ph.D. in Education

Ph.D. application requirements can be found on the Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences website.

C.A.S. and Non-degree Study

Application requirements for the Certification in Advanced Study (C.A.S.) and non-degree study.

More about the Admissions Process

As you prepare to apply, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the admissions process for your desired program.

Non-discrimination Policy

Harvard University's policy is to make decisions concerning applicants, students, faculty, and staff on the basis of the individual's qualifications to contribute to Harvard's educational objectives and institutional needs. The principle of not discriminating against individuals based on characteristics such as race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, veteran status, or disability unrelated to job or course of study requirements is consistent with the purposes of a university and with the law. 

Civic Engagement

The Harvard Graduate School of Education strives to prepare leaders in education and to generate knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. Civic leadership and learning are important components in achieving this. Those who engage responsibly in exercising their rights and freedoms will not have their chances of admission compromised, nor will admissions offers be revoked, regardless of whether they face disciplinary action by their schools or districts as a result of peaceful protest. 

Application Review Process 

While our admissions process is highly selective, it is also personalized, comprehensive, and fair. There is no single formula or criterion for admission. HGSE looks for students with a passion for education, diverse life and work experiences, and a deep commitment to making an impact in the world — as educators, researchers, policymakers, and service-minded leaders of character and integrity. 

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) allows you to access your education records if you are admitted and decide to enroll at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. If you enroll at HGSE, your educational records would generally include information like your enrollment status, grades, and your admissions records. More information about FERPA can be found on the U.S. Department of Education website . 

Graduate Application Timeline

Our admissions process operates on a rolling basis, however, we do recommend following the application guidelines below to ensure you can begin during your desired start term. If you are an international student, please consult the international admissions deadlines .

Graduate Domestic Deadlines (US Campuses)

Spring 2024April 8, 2024March 4, 2024March 18, 2024
Second Half Spring 2024May 20, 2024March 4, 2024March 18, 2024
Summer 2024July 8, 2024June 3, 2024June 17, 2024
Second Half Summer 2024August 5, 2024June 3, 2024June 17, 2024
Fall 2024September 16, 2024August 12, 2024August 26, 2024
Second Half Fall 2024October 28, 2024August 12, 2024August 26, 2024
Winter 2025January 6, 2025November 25, 2024December 9, 2024
Second Half Winter 2025February 17, 2025November 25, 2024December 9, 2024

International students requiring F1 student visas should consult the following website for their specific deadlines:  https://cps.northeastern.edu/admissions-aid/international-admissions/applications/international-application-timeline/ .

Canadian Campus Deadlines (Domestic)

Fall 2024 (Toronto)9/16/248/19/24
Fall 2024 (Vancouver)9/16/248/19/24
Winter 2025 (Toronto)1/6/202511/4/2024
Winter 2025 (Vancouver)1/6/202511/4/2024

International students requiring study permits should consult the following website for their specific deadlines:  https://cps.northeastern.edu/admissions-aid/international-admissions/applications/international-application-timeline/ .

Doctoral Applicants (US Campuses)

Doctor of Education
Priority Deadline: 6/7/2024
Final Deadline: 7/1/2024
Start Date: 7/8/2024

Priority Deadline: 8/12/2024
Final Deadline: 8/19/2024
Start Date: 9/16/2024

Priority Deadline: 12/2/2024
Final Deadline: 12/16/2024
Start Date: 1/6/2025
Doctorate in Law & Policy
Deadline for Admissions Requirements: 5/20/2024
Enrollment Deposit Deadline: 6/10/2024
Start Date: 7/8/2024

Deadline for Admissions Requirements: 8/12/2024
Enrollment Deposit Deadline: 8/26/2024
Start Date: 9/16/2024

Deadline for Admissions Requirements: 11/25/2024
Enrollment Deposit Deadline: 12/9/2024
Start Date: 1/6/2025

Let's Go For Your Goals

With our innovation, flexibility, and expertise, we know we can get you there.

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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Application Timeline & Deadlines

Main navigation, proposed start quarter: autumn 2025.

 (KHS) application opens

All TOEFL tests should be taken in early fall to ensure a timely submission.
 (KHS) Application Deadline
deadline is two weeks before the department deadline (in early December). Application fee waivers are requested through the online application after you start it. Fee waiver requests are not accepted through email. Fee waiver awards run out, so we encourage you to apply as soon as the application opens.
Application deadline for all PhDs.
Application deadline for all Master's.
Application deadline for coterms.
All supporting materials must be received.
*For those applying to KHS, this CEE Application Deadline is: TBD. 
Admission decisions are released. If necessary, the process can stretch longer.
- for accepted students only.
Deadline for admitted students to respond to offers of admission.
Deferral request deadline to change starting quarter from Autumn 2024 to Autumn 2025
New Graduate Student Orientation. More information on this event will be distributed to newly admitted students over the summer.
First day of classes.

Proposed start quarter: Autumn 2024

 (KHS) application opens

All TOEFL tests should be taken in early fall to ensure a timely submission.
 (KHS) Application Deadline: , Oct. 11, 2023
deadline is two weeks before department deadlines.Fee waiver awards run out quickly, so we encourage you to apply as soon as the application opens.
Application deadline for all PhDs.Application deadline for all Master's degrees.All supporting materials must be received.*For those applying to KHS, this CEE Application Deadline is December 1, 2023. 
Admission decisions are released. If necessary, the process can stretch longer.
- for accepted students only.
Deadline for admitted students to respond to offers of admission.
Deferral request deadline to change starting quarter from Autumn 2024 to Autumn 2025
New Graduate Student Orientation. More information on this event will be distributed to newly admitted students over the summer.
First day of classes.

Decisions are based on a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant’s file. PhD admission decisions are typically available by early March and MS admission decisions are typically available by early April. All applicants will be notified via email of admissions decisions.

Deferral Requests

Admitted students are expected to enroll in the program in September of the year they are admitted. Deferral requests from admitted students will be reviewed by the admissions committee on a case-by-case basis. The maximum length of an admissions deferral granted by Stanford is one year. Typically, deferral requests are only approved for military, medical, visa, or education-related purposes.

Decision Feedback

Feedback is not available to applicants denied admission. We recognize that you devote a great deal of time and effort to your application, and may wish to discuss it with a member of our admissions committee or a faculty member. Regrettably, we are unable to provide individual feedback to any applicant.

phd admission timeline

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Doctorate in information science.

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Ph.D. Application Process

Application timeline for autumn 2024 enrollment.

  • Sept. 15, 2023:  Application opens
  • Dec. 5, 2023:  The Application for Graduate Study and all application materials must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (PST). *
  • Early January 2024:  Select applicants will be notified that they have been chosen to participate for an interview. Applicants not selected for an interview will receive a final decision letter.
  • January 2024:  Interviews will be conducted via phone or private chat room with members of the Ph.D. admission committee.
  • Early February 2024:  All decisions (admit, wait list, deny) will be conveyed via email. 
  • Mid-February 2024:  Admitted applicants will receive their funding package. (All admitted applicants receive a funding offer.)
  • Early March 2024:  Visit events for admitted students occur on the UW campus in Seattle.
  • April 15, 2024:  Reply deadline for initial round of offers.

Deadline Policy

All application materials should be submitted by the December 5th deadline. Review and/or consideration of incomplete applications or late materials is at the discretion of the Ph.D. admissions committee.

* Please be aware that our application system operates on the U.S. Eastern Time Zone, which means the time displayed in your application may be three hours later than the current time in Seattle/Pacific Time. All applications submitted by the deadline and marked as received by Dec. 6 at 2:59 a.m. Eastern Time will be considered.

* Test scores and letters of recommendation have a two-day grace period beyond the application deadline for submission, Dec. 7 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Kindly urge your recommenders to submit the letters at their earliest convenience to ensure the completeness of your application for the given round.

Reapplication Procedures

Some individuals apply to the Ph.D. program more than once.  These applicants will need to submit a complete application through the Application for Graduate Study just like any other first-time applicant. However official test scores submitted during the previous admissions cycle will be kept on record and will not need to be reported again. Applying to the program multiple times does not increase or decrease your chances of being admitted. Each application cycle is a fresh start.

Full Results

Customize your experience.

phd admission timeline

Timelines and Decisions

Main navigation, application deadline.

The application deadline for Fall 2024 entry is  December 1, 2023 at 11:59pm (PST). 

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program Deadline

The deadline to apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program is October 11, 2023 at 1:00pm (PST).

Application Review

All applications are reviewed by the faculty Graduate Admissions Committee. Our review begins promptly after the deadline, so it is important that all of your application materials, including letters of recommendation, are submitted by the deadline. We cannot guarantee the review of any materials received after the deadline.

Virtual Interviews and Visit Days

All interviews are by invitation only and will be conducted virtually. Selected PhD applicants will be invited for our visit days in March 2024. Details regarding our visit days will be sent directly to invited candidates.

Decisions are based on a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant’s file. PhD admission decisions are typically available by early March and MS admission decisions are typically available by early April. All applicants will be notified via email of admissions decisions.

Deferral Requests

Admitted students are expected to enroll in the program in September of the year they are admitted. Deferral requests from admitted students will be reviewed by the admissions committee on a case-by-case basis. The maximum length of an admissions deferral granted by Stanford is one year. Typically, deferral requests are only approved for military, medical, visa or education-related purposes.

Decision Feedback

Feedback is not available to applicants denied admission. We recognize that you devote a great deal of time and effort to your application, and may wish to discuss it with a member of our admissions committee or a faculty member. Regrettably, we are unable to provide individual feedback to any applicant.

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When to Apply for Grad School: Easy Monthly Timeline [2024-2025]

Chriselle Sy

Embarking on a master’s degree program is a major life decision, especially when it comes to time and financial commitments. If you’re wondering when to apply for grad school and master’s programs, there’s a lot to figure out!

You’ll need to determine which schools and programs to apply for. Next, discover all the institution’s requirements, fill out applications, create your resume, write a personal statement, collect recommendation letters, and secure funding (including financial aid).

We know that preparing for grad school is a lot of work! Only after you do all that is it time to submit your application.

Table of Contents

When Is the Right Time to Apply for Graduate School?

When trying to get into a specific school or program, submitting everything on time is crucial. Many programs are quite competitive, and an early submission can mean the difference between getting accepted or not. 

But what exactly is early? What’s the timeline for a grad school application?

When Should You Start Thinking of Applying? 

Start your planning process as early as 18 months before your intended start date. If you were thinking of starting in the fall term of 2025, you ideally would have started preparing as early as March or April of 2024.

Starting during those months would have given you a healthy 6-9 months to meet the graduate school application deadline for fall 2025 (which would fall on December 2024 or January 2024). This should be more than enough time to put together all your grad school requirements , request recommendation letters, take any standardized tests, and so on.

Do All Grad Schools Follow the Same Timeline?

It’s worth noting that not all programs or graduate schools follow the typical timelines. Some schools follow rolling admissions while medical schools may follow different start dates and deadlines. 

For example, to meet the med school application deadline for Fall 2025, you’ll have to start preparing in 2024! 

If you’re wondering when to apply for grad school for Fall 2025, it’s possible that you’ve missed the deadlines. If you’d prefer a fall start, you’ll need to wait until Fall 2026. But don’t worry: You’ll have more than enough time to put together the perfect application package! 

Related: How to Apply to Grad School

When to Apply for Grad School – A Suggested Timeline

If you’re wondering when to start applying for grad school, this suggested timeline might help you. The month-by-month example in the table below is a typical timeline for a December application submission or the graduate school application deadline for fall 2024.

March for your standardized tests
January if you’re American and intend to get loans to help finance your studies
February to April

Again, the timeline above is for the grad school deadlines for fall 2025. You’ll need to adjust your timeline, depending on your intended start.

Month-by-Month Timeline: In Detail

Here is a breakdown of when to apply to grad school — essentially, the table above in greater detail. Following this rough timeline can help you start earning your graduate degree in no time.

At this time, start deciding which programs you’d like to apply to. 

Reach out to Mentors

Reach out to your mentors to see whether they have any recommendations for programs that might suit you best. You can also seek advice and opinions from internet forums. 

Check Due Dates

When are grad school applications due? Ensure you research the programs well to avoid missing anything during the application timeline. Figure out when you need to pay your application fees.

Prep for Standardized Tests

Begin preparing for required standardized exams. Many colleges require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for admission. A GRE prep class might help you get better test scores that will affect your admission and financial assistance chances.

Different graduate programs may require other tests. For example, if you’re going into law school, you’ll need the LSAT. If you’re going into med school, you’ll need the MCAT.

Start planning your study and preparation strategy for these exams and start signing up for the exams you intend to take.

Related: How Many Grad Schools Should I Apply To?

Keep Studying

Ensure that you spend some time studying each day – but don’t forget to take a break once in a while! Once you’ve prepared for your exams, taking practice tests this early in the process can help you adjust your studying and prep, especially if you score poorly.

Recommendation letters matter. After all, admissions teams can gauge your work ethic from people who know you best. It’s a great way to see what you’ll bring to the program! If you’re currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, your college professors might be the best people to ask for recommendation letters. If it’s been a long time since you’ve been in school, consider asking your co-workers, employers, or volunteer contacts.

After considering the best candidates, it’s time to reach out for recommendation letters! Ask early so people have ample time to write – and you’ll be able to find new writers if anyone happens to refuse. You may need to give your writers as much relevant information as possible to help them (e.g., first draft of your personal statement, notes on what to include).

You can usually take standardized tests more than once without penalty – so long as you do it early enough for retakes. You’ll be able to submit your best score later. That said, each attempt will cost you money.

Not all schools follow the same policy regarding standardized tests and retakes. Be sure to do the necessary research into your intended programs to determine how many retakes are allowed (if at all).

If you’ve already requested your letters of recommendation, it’s a good time to do gentle follow-ups. It might be good to meet with your recommenders face-to-face.

Figure out what kind of financial aid is available to you, whether from the institution, grants, or student loans. Research the scholarships, assistantships, and fellowships for programs you’re interested in. You can also look into FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

July is a good time to request transcripts from your previous school s – especially if you haven’t done so yet. When applying to grad school, transcript submission is one of the major requirements. All graduate schools require them! 

This is another time to consider retaking your standardized tests like your GRE if you are unhappy with your initial score.

Now that you know more about the schools and programs you want to get into, you can write the first draft of your personal statement . At this point, you can write a general statement that can be revised later. Think about writing your statement of purpose, which is a short essay discussing your academic and professional background and interests.

During this month, reach out to family, friends, and mentors for feedback about your personal statement and statement of purpose. It’s likely that they’ll have valuable input to make improvements. 

Remember: These statements should be concise while getting your point across. Any professional in your intended field of study should be able to understand what you are trying to say – even if they aren’t interested or specializing in your sub-discipline.

As you get closer to applying for grad school in Fall 2024, pay attention to your testing. If you’re unsatisfied with your results, October is likely your last chance to retake any standardized tests.

As you’re only a month away from your December deadline, now’s the time to perfect your statement of purpose and personal statement . Finalize your drafts!

Gather all your materials and requirements and start completing all your application forms for your desired graduate schools.

Send final reminders for your recommendation letters . Start collecting them as soon as they’re available.

This month is when most application forms are due . Finalize yours before submitting them!

If you thought the process of applying to grad school ended in December, you’d be wrong! January is the time to c omplete FAFSA (assuming you’re an American citizen) in order to secure a federal loan for your studies.

February Through April

February to April is essentially a waiting game to hear back from the graduate schools. Campus visits will help see your potential study environments and ask other graduate students about their experiences. You’ve already filled out FAFSA, so start applying for grants , scholarships, fellowships, and other loans. If you receive multiple offers, it’s time to choose where to earn your graduate degree !

And that’s it — that’s the graduate school application timeline in a nutshell!

A Note About Our Timeline

While you can always condense our process into a shorter period of time, we wouldn’t recommend cutting the timeline to fewer than 12 months. You’d be pressed for time, won’t have as many opportunities for test retakes, and your recommenders will have less time to write strong letters of recommendation for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should i begin my grad school applications .

To know your application timeline, you should first determine your intended start. Once you have decided, tack on twelve to eighteen months (ideally eighteen) to give yourself enough time to prepare your application properly.

When Are Graduate School Deadlines?

The best way to know when grad school application deadlines are is to check with your desired schools and programs. Not all schools have the same deadlines, so note important dates so as not to miss them! There are some typical deadlines, though — for example, many universities will set December to January deadlines for fall term starts.

When Do I Apply for Graduate School for Fall 2025? 

The deadlines may vary from program to program, but in most cases, the deadline for the fall 2025 term is around December of the previous year to January of the current year. That means if you wanted to apply for grad school for fall 2025, you needed to apply in December 2024 or January 2024. However, you might still be able to apply for certain programs if they have rolling admission.

Do You Apply for Grad School Junior or Senior Year?

You’ll want to start preparing at least one year, but ideally eighteen months, before your start date. Thus, if you want to go to grad school right after graduating college, you’ll want to start the application process as early as junior year.

Wrapping up

So, when do you apply for grad school? When applying to your dream grad school programs, start as early as possible – about 18 months in advance. This will help you iron out all the kinks and make sure you submit the best possible application! If you’re still unsure, the month-by-month timeline (above) can help you figure things out. 

Related : 4 Ways to Boost Your Grad School Admissions Odds

phd admission timeline

Chriselle Sy

Chriselle has been a passionate professional content writer for over 10 years. She writes educational content for The Grad Cafe, Productivity Spot, The College Monk, and other digital publications.  When she isn't busy writing, she spends her time streaming video games and learning new skills.

  • Chriselle Sy https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/chriselle-sy/ The Best Academic Planners for 2024/2025
  • Chriselle Sy https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/chriselle-sy/ Graduate Certificate vs Degree: What’s the Difference? [2024 Guide]
  • Chriselle Sy https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/chriselle-sy/ The 18 Best Scholarships for Black Students in 2024-2025
  • Chriselle Sy https://blog.thegradcafe.com/author/chriselle-sy/ The 25 Best Gifts for Nursing Students in 2024

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This is why you don’t do a simple “search-replace” with years. “Start your planning process as early as 18 months before your intended start date. If you were thinking of starting in the fall term of 2024, you ideally would have started preparing as early as March or April of 2024.” Please fix all the errors! (There are a lot)

phd admission timeline

Thanks Luke! It looks like our database updated “2023” to “2024” but didn’t update “2024” to “2025”. We’ve taken another look at this article and made the corrections.

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Applying for Graduate Admission

Applying to uc berkeley.

Thank you for considering UC Berkeley for graduate study! We value and welcome students from a diverse set of backgrounds, nations, cultures, and experiences. All interested candidates are encouraged to apply.

Who is eligible?

You are eligible to apply if you have an undergraduate degree (bachelor’s or equivalent) at an accredited institution or will have completed it prior to matriculating at Berkeley.

We recommend that applicants have a satisfactory average, usually a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale. Undergraduate research, training and/or work experience can be helpful.

Application Process

The 2024-2025 Graduate Admissions Application is now open. Please check your program of interest’s application deadline , and submit by 8:59 p.m. PST.

Reminder: Applicants may apply to only one degree program or one concurrent degree program per application term. UC Berkeley does not offer ad hoc joint degree programs or cotutelle agreements with other universities.

Schools with Separate Applications: Haas Business , Berkeley Law , Optometry OD , Public Health On-Campus MPH , Information Data Science MIDS, and Cyber Security MICS applicants should apply through their respective schools.

Read About the Steps to Apply

Getting started? Read "Steps to Apply" for requirements, a suggested timeline, and application deadlines.

Notice of Availability:

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the University of California, Berkeley publishes an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This report includes current security policies plus crime and fire statistics for the previous three calendar years. The body of the report also contains contact information for various campus and community resources related to crime prevention and survivor assistance. A digital copy of the report can be accessed via the link below, or paper copies are available free of charge at 1 Sproul Hall.

UC Berkeley Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Have questions? Read our Admissions FAQ page or contact the Graduate Admissions Office.

USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

How to Apply: Doctoral (PhD) Programs

Register for an upcoming webinar to learn more about the doctoral program at USC Viterbi

Explore the options below to learn more about:

Application deadline, materials requirement, application steps, application video tips, doctoral program application deadline.

11:59 PM (23:59), Pacific Time

Doctoral Program Application Material Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree of equivalent in engineering, math or hard science
  • Official Academic Transcripts
  • Personal Statement
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Demonstrated Research Ability & Experience
  • GRE Required: Astronautical Engineering (ASTE), Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE)
  • GRE Not Required: All Viterbi School PhD programs except ASTE and ISE
  • English Proficiency scores (International Applicants only)*

Doctoral Program Application Steps

Start the Application for Graduate Admission ($90 application fee)

TRANSCRIPTS: Upload  Electronic  Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. A mailed hard copy or official e-transcript is not required for admission to our programs. These instructions apply only to applicants to the master's and Ph.D. programs of the Viterbi School of Engineering

  • Submit an electronic copy of official transcripts (.pdf recommended) and other degree related documents through the online graduate application (International applicants, visit USC Graduate Admission’s  Country Requirements  page for details on required documents)
  • Unofficial transcripts from university student portals are not acceptable
  • If the transcript includes a separate grading scale, make sure it is also uploaded
  • For upload purposes, all transcript-related documents for a single school must be submitted as one document
  • If you are admitted, you will be given specific instructions on submitting your hard copy transcripts

Submit the following materials through the online application system:

  • LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION (3 required) from faculty members with direct knowledge of your research abilities. Recommenders included in the online application will be contacted by email. Your application may be submitted before letters of recommendation are received. The recommender module is separate.

International Students should also submit the following:

  • A Photocopy of the first two pages of your passport
  • A report of your scores on the TOEFL/IELTS sent electronically by the testing agency to USC. Please review USC's English Proficiency Criteria
  • Applicants that have earned a previous degree at USC are exempt from the English Proficiency Requirement and do not need to submit TOEFL/IELTS scores and watch the English Proficiency Requirement for International Students video
  • Required official copies of materials from non-U.S. schools vary from country to country. Please see Admission Requirement by Country .

Please complete the Contact Us form.

USC Graduate Application Videos

Navigating the USC Graduate Application

Entering your Academic history

Entering your GPA

Entering your standardized test scores

Published on July 18th, 2017

Last updated on April 25th, 2024

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PhD Admissions Timeline

This timeline is specific to applicants for the 2025 application cycle and is meant to provide an overview of what to expect from the admissions process once you have submitted your application. Dates may be approximate and are subject to change. If you have questions about the application process, please email us .

phd admission timeline

Application Deadline:

  • Early application deadline for maximum funding eligibility application deadline: October 1
  • Regular application deadline: December 1

If you are interested in being considered for a Fellowship , you must submit your complete application by the early application deadline. Applying by this deadline will maximize your eligibility for other funding opportunities. Applicants who apply after this deadline may still be considered for non-fellowship funding options.

You can track the status of your application through your Applicant Center . The application status will show as "pending" until a decision is posted. Graduate transfer applicants can track their application status by emailing the Office of Student Affairs and Success .

phd admission timeline

  • Early application deadline: End of October/Beginning of November
  • Regular application deadline: End of January

phd admission timeline

  • Early application deadline: Early January
  • Regular application deadline: Late February

Most applicants will have a decision posted to their Applicant Center . All applicants, including Ohio State graduate transfer applicants, will be notified of their admission decision via email. Admitted students will also receive information on funding awards, advisor assignments and a virtual admissions packet to guide next steps.

phd admission timeline

Acceptance Deadline: April 15

All admitted students will have until this date to accept their offer of admission. You can accept your offer of admission online, per the instructions included in your letter of admission. Students who do not respond to their admission by the deadline will have their offer cancelled.

phd admission timeline

Orientation: Mid-August

Orientation will be held in-person on Ohio State's campus.

phd admission timeline

Classes Begin: August 26

Tuition and fee payments are de one week prior to the start of the semester. Please reference your Statement of Account through BuckeyeLink for more details.

phd admission timeline

  • Office of Graduate Education

Admissions Timeline

2024 -2025 admissions.

September 15, 2023 Application Opens

December 1, 2023 Application Deadline (applying for KHS)

December 5, 2023 Application Deadline

Mid-December, 2023 - Mid January, 2024 Application Reviews

3rd week of January, 2024 Interview Invites sent

March 6 - March 10, 2024 Interviews and Visit Days

Mid-March, 2024 Admission offer letters sent

April 15, 2024 Deadline to accept admission offer


/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="phd admission timeline"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

With more than 80 fields of study, your critical first step in the admission process is to identify the field and faculty with whom you wish to study.

Students looking out over west campus

Degrees and Fields

The Graduate School offers research and professional degrees in more than 80 fields of study.

  • Graduate Fields of Study
  • Graduate Degrees

To find the field that best fits your academic and professional goals, please explore our programs using the many online resources available.

  • Get Started
  • Program Metrics, Assessments, and Outcomes
  • Tuition by Field
  • Non-Degree Admissions

Once you’ve decided to apply to Cornell, make sure you meet all the  minimum admissions requirements .

For all applicants:

  • Take Required Tests
  • Request Recommendations
  • Write a Statement of Purpose
  • Prepare Transcripts
  • English Language Proficiency

For international applicants:

  • International Degree Equivalencies

Before you submit your online application, make sure that you thoroughly understand your field’s admissions requirements and have gathered all of the necessary materials.

  • Important Information and Policies
  • Admissions Costs for International Students
  • Checking Your Application Status

Welcome Admitted Students!

Once you’ve been accepted to Cornell Graduate School and choose to enroll, we have numerous guides and resources to help you transition and feel at home here.

  • Orientation Information
  • You Belong at Cornell
  • Navigating Graduate School
  • Resources for First-year Students
  • Admission and Admitted Students FAQ
  • Living in Ithaca

Screenshot of homepage for recruitment.gradschool.cornell.edu

Why should you consider Cornell?

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  • DEIAJ Curriculum
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  • MD Emergency Student Aid Fund
  • MD Travel Grant
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  • Points of Blue

The exterior of a Michigan Medicine campus building

Applying to the Michigan MSTP is a transparent process. Feel free to reach out to the MSTP Office if you have any questions.

The AMCAS application opens in May.

MSTP applications are reviewed from July to December each year.

Due to the highly competitive nature of the MSTP, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the primary and secondary application as early as feasible.

Once we receive a verified AMCAS application, applicants will automatically be sent the Secondary Application.

Competitive applicants receive invitations to interview beginning in August through January.

September 15 - MSTP primary application deadline through AMCAS.

October 15 - MSTP Secondary Application deadline through the University of Michigan Medical School Office of Admissions.

Please note, in order for a MSTP application to be considered “complete,” the secondary application and all letters of recommendation must be received.

Interviews begin this month.

We will be hosting in-person Second Look events for accepted applicants April 10 and 11 (Med School April 11 and April 12). Admitted applications will receive an email from the Medical School Admissions team to register to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to meet our students and faculty in person and learn more about our MSTP and Ann Arbor. We cannot wait to welcome you to campus  — more information to come in February!

April 30 - Deadline for accepted applicants to finalize admissions decision. According to AAMC applicant guidelines , you will need to officially accept or decline our offer of admission via your status page by April 30th (or the next business day if that date falls on a weekend).

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Prerequisites and Requirements

Before applying to the Ph.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, review our full list of prerequisite information and complete admission requirements. The admissions committee reviews all completed applications through a holistic review process to select candidates for interviews.


Candidates for the Ph.D. Program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree, preferably in the biological or physical sciences, from an accredited institution. 
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 
  • Degree conferral before the program begins (program begins in July).

Suggested undergraduate coursework:

  • Applicants to our Ph.D. program are encouraged to have completed coursework with demonstrated proficiency (B average or above) in their math and science courses. Additionally, advanced courses in biology, chemistry, and physiology are encouraged.
  • Applicants interested in applying to the Biomedical Engineering and Physiology Track are advised to take courses in quantitative science and engineering, such as signal processing, computer science, and instrumentation.

Holistic review

Our Ph.D. program prepares students to translate scientific discoveries into applications that improve patient care. This requires a wide range of skills, aptitudes, and characteristics. Along with the basic set of prerequisites, the track admissions committees take a holistic approach to admissions; meaning, they take into consideration the many factors that make up an applicant. These acceptance factors include:

  • Academic performance
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Research experience

Transfer student policy

The only pathway to matriculation at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is through application during the annual application window, September 1 - December 4.

The Ph.D. program does not accept transfer students; however, transfer credits for graduate courses taken at another institution may be considered if appointed to our Ph.D. program.

Application window

Apply between Sept. 1 and Dec. 4 for the following academic year.

To get in touch with the Ph.D. Program, fill out the form on the Contact Us page .

Undergraduate Admissions

Students working in a lab

RIT Dubai is currently accepting applications for the upcoming intake and we welcome all interested students to  apply .

Admission to RIT Dubai is selective, our admission process is personal. We are interested in learning about your interests, abilities, and goals in order to provide the best information and guidance we can as you select the college and program that is right for you. Factors considered in our admission decisions include, but are not limited to, past high school/college performance (particularly in required academic subjects), admission test scores, the competitiveness of high school or previous college, and the academic program selected. Recommendations from those familiar with your academic performance and an interview with an admissions counselor may also be influential.

Onto something amazing!

Application Timeline

RIT Dubai is currently accepting applications for Spring (January) and Fall (September). We welcome all interested students to apply as soon as they can because we have limited seats for scholarships.

Students are encouraged to apply early, and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Once your application is complete, the Admissions Committee will meet to review your complete application and notify you of the admission decision in a timely manner.

Our admission process is a personal one, and we will work with you to assist with the application procedure and notify you personally of the decision and your options.

The Admissions Committee reviews each application based upon the specific preparation and experiences of each individual student. Students will be considered for admission based on high school performance, appropriateness of courses for the academic major, demonstrated motivation and success, and English language ability.

Application Deadline

Fall Semester

Early Admission Phase: Until January 15

Regular Admission Phase: Until May 31

Application deadline: August 22

Application received after the deadline will be reviewed based on space availability

Spring Semester

Early admission phase: Until October 31

Regular admission phase: Until December 31

Application deadline: January 8

Placement Exams

All incoming freshman students are required to take placement exams at the beginning of the semester. These exams are essential in determining the appropriate course level for each student within the program. Students who have completed A Level, IB Higher Level, or Advanced Placement (AP) courses through College Board may be exempt from certain placement exams based on their final grades in relevant subjects.

For additional information regarding the test credit equivalencies for Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge Advanced Level Examination (A Level), and International Baccalaureate (IB), please click on the following links:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Credit Equivalencies
  • Cambridge Advanced Level Examination (A Level) Credit Equivalencies
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit Equivalencies
  • All Engineering and Computing students are required to take Math and Physics placement tests.
  • All Business majors and Psychology students are required to take Math placement test.

Placement in appropriate Math and Physics courses will be determined according to the table provided below. We strongly recommend that you strive to perform well in the EMSAT or RIT placement tests. Achieving higher scores in these tests may enable you to bypass certain courses. Starting the semester with foundational courses could potentially impact your graduation timeline, so making the most of these placement tests is essential for your academic journey.

EMSAT Math Math Placement Test SAT 1 Math Math Course Programs
600-875 0-25% <580 MATH 90 Algebra All Programs
900-1075 26-45% 580-650 MATH 101 College Algebra All Programs
1100-1475 46-69% 660-760 MATH 111 Precalculus Engineering and Computing Security
1100-1475 46-69% 660+ MATH 161 Applied Calculus / STAT 145 Intro Statistics 1 Business, CIT and Psychology
1500+ 70-100% 770-800 MATH 181 Calculus I Engineering and Computing Security
EMSAT Physics Physics Placement Test Physics Course Programs
800+ 0-15 ACSC 80 Core Physics Concepts Engineering Programs
Computing Security (optional)
900+ 15+ PHYS 211 Physics 1 Engineering Programs
Computing Security (optional)

Placement Test Samples

  • Click here for the Physics placement test sample. 
  • Math placement test sample will be available online once you create your Math placement test account. We encourage all students to take advantage of this sample test to become familiar with the tools and resources available, including the online calculator and ruler. Upon completing the practice test, you will gain access to online learning materials and exercises. We strongly recommend that you complete all these exercises as they will play a significant role in preparing you for the second placement test. Your performance in the second test will be used to determine your placement at RIT Dubai.

Click here to schedule your placement test

Required Documents

A scanned copy of your passport

High school transcripts  predicted marks of your final year are acceptable for a conditional decision until you submit your final marks

Emirates ID (UAE Residents)

English language test (IELTS, TOEFL, or EmSAT) - if available

Personal statement

Admission Requirements

Engineering Admission Requirements

  • Must cover Math preferably pre-calculus at high school.
  • Must cover sciences: physics and chemistry at high school.
  • Students who fail to meet Math/physics competency requirements will be asked to do foundation courses within the first semester.
  • Students should sit for placement tests or present EMSAT scores to register relevant subjects. Equivalent scores of EMSAT won’t be used.


Required Score

Math Requirement

Physics Requirement

Elite: 75%
Advanced 80%
General: 90%

 EMSAT Math 800, or 
Minimum 80% in Math (Advanced/Elite), or
Minimum 85% in Math (General), or 
Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
Minimum 80% in Physics (Advanced/Elite), or
Minimum 85% in Physics (General), or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

80% overall 
SAT 1 Math 450 or EMSAT-Math 500
(Equivalency requirement)

EMSAT Math 800, or 
SAT Math 555, or 
AP Calculus of 3, or 
Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
AP Physics of 3, or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

5 IGCSE (3 B’s and 2C’s) and 2 As or 1 A level (C grade)
Completion of Grade 12/ Year 13
Overall equivalent score 80%

EMSAT Math 800, or 
Grade B in Math (O Level) or Grade C in Math (AS Level)
or Grade D in Math (A Level), or  Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
Grade B in Physics (O Level) or Grade C in Physics (AS Level)
or Grade D in Physics (A Level), or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

11 out of 20

EMSAT Math 800, or 
Score 11 in Math, or  
Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
Score 11 in Physics, or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

65% overall

EMSAT Math 800, or 
Minimum 65% in Math, or 
Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
Minimum 65% in Physics, or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

28 points

EMSAT Math 800, or 
Minimum 4 in IB HL/SL Math, or 
Math Placement Test (40%)

EMSAT Physics 800, or 
Minimum 4 in IB HL/SL Physics, or 
Physics placement test (10/25)

Computing Admission Requirements

  • Must cover Math and one science at High school.
  • Students who fail to meet Math/Science competency requirements will be asked to do foundation courses within the first semester.
  • Science courses: Physics, Chemistry or Biology.
  • Students should sit for placement tests or present EMSAT scores to register relevant subjects. Equivalent scores of EMSAT won’t be used. 


Required Score

Math Requirement

Physics Requirement

Elite: 65%
Advanced 70%
General: 70%

EMSAT Math 700, or 
Minimum 75% in Math, or 
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
Minimum 70% in science, or 
Physics placement test (9/25) 

70% overall 
SAT 1 Math 450 or EMSAT-Math 500
(Equivalency requirement)

EMSAT Math 700, or 
SAT Math 520, or 
AP Calculus of 3, or 
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
AP Science of 3, or 
Physics placement test (9/25)

5 IGCSE (C grade) and 2 As or 1 A level (D grade)
Completion of Grade 12/ Year 13
Overall equivalent score 70%

EMSAT Math 700, or 
Grade C in Math (O Level) or Grade D in Math AS/A Level, or 
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
Grade C in Science (O Level) or Grade D in Science AS/A Level, or 
Physics placement test (9/25)

10 out of 20

EMSAT Math 700, or 
Score 10 in Math, or  
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
Score 10 in Science, or  
Physics placement test (9/25)

60% overall

EMSAT Math 700, or 
Minimum 65% in Math, or 
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
Minimum 65% in Science, or 
Physics placement test (9/25)

24 points

EMSAT Math 700, or 
Minimum 4 in IB HL/SL Math, or  
Math Placement Test (35%)

EMSAT Science 700, or 
Minimum 4 in IB HL/SL Science, or 
Physics placement test (9/25)  

Business Admission Requirements

  • Students who fail to meet Math competency requirement will be asked to do foundation course within the first semester.
  • Must attend admission interview.
  • Students should sit for Math placement test or present EMSAT-Math score to register relevant Math subjects.  Equivalent scores of EMSAT won’t be used.


Required Score

Math Requirement

Elite: 70%
Advanced 70%
General: 75%

EMSAT Math 600, or 
Minimum 75% in Math, or
Math Placement Test (30%)

70% overall 
SAT 1 Math 450 or EMSAT-Math 500
(Equivalency requirement)

EMSAT Math 600, or 
SAT Math 485, or 
AP Calculus of 3, or 
Math Placement Test (30%)

5 IGCSE (C grade) and 2 As or 1 A level (D grade)
Completion of Grade 12/ Year 13
Overall equivalent score 70%

EMSAT Math 600, or 
Grade C in Math (O Level) or Grade D in Math AS/A Level, or 
Math Placement Test (30%)

10 out of 20

EMSAT Math 600, or 
Score 10 in Math, or 
Math Placement Test (30%)

60% overall

EMSAT Math 600, or 
Minimum 60% in Math, or  
Math Placement Test (30%)

24 points

EMSAT Math 600, or 
Minimum 4 in IB HL/SL Math, or 
Math Placement Test (30%)

Psychology and New Media Design Admission Requirements

  • Students should sit for Math placement test or present EMSAT-Math score to register relevant Math subjects.


Required Score

Elite: 65%
Advanced 70%
General: 70%

70% overall
SAT 1 Math 450 or EMSAT-Math 500
(Equivalency requirement)

5 IGCSE (C grade) and 2 As or 1 A level (D grade)
Completion of Grade 12/ Year 13
Overall equivalent score 70%

10 out of 20

60% overall

24 points

English Language Requirement

The bachelor's degree programs offered at RIT Dubai are rigorous and require a solid academic foundation. The programs will be taught in English, and applicants will be required to have basic competency in the English language.

Test Type

Full Admission

Conditional Admission

Academic IELTS

Overall 6.5 and above

Overall 5.0-6.0


550 and above



79 and above


EmSAT - English

1550 and above


You will be placed in the following English courses based on your English test score.

Test Type

ELCA 062
0 Credits, 4 Hours

UWRT 100
3 Credit Hours

UWRT 150
3 Credit Hours

Academic IELTS

5.0 - 5.5

6.0 - 6.5



500 - 547

550 - 583



61 - 78

76 - 93


EmSAT - English

1100 - 1375

1400 - 1650


RIT Course


C in ELCA 062

C- on UWRT 100

Frequently Asked Questions

I have received the conditional admission offer, what’s next?

You need to sign the intent to enroll form and then reserve your seat by paying the enrollment deposit fee. 

How can I apply for a scholarship?

After you get accepted at RIT, you will be receiving the scholarship form via email along with the admission letter. Please fill the scholarship form and share it back with your admission counselor.

Once I get enrolled at RIT, what should I do next?

Once you get enrolled, you will be receiving the placement test registration link via email. You can do the test online or on-campus depending on the availability of the exam. We advise you to clear the placement test at the earliest possible. 

I haven’t done well in the placement exam; will I be able to join RIT?

Yes, you will be able to join and you will be placed in the relevant course subject to your score. 

I have cleared my placement tests and I want to register in classes, how can I do that

Before course registration, you need to make sure that you have met the requirements mentioned in your admission letter. 

How can I apply for an equivalency certificate?

Once your documents get attested, please visit the Ministry of Education website and apply online. 

What does an equivalency certificate mean?

The equivalency certificate is an official document that gets issued by the UAE Ministry of Education. It’s required for international curriculums such as American, Cambridge, IB, CBSE board etc. 

Do I need to attest my documents?

Yes, you do need to attest your high school transcripts from the following: 

  • School located inside Dubai: KHDA 
  • School located inside Abu Dhabi: ADEK 
  • School located inside Sharjah: SPEA

If you have graduated from a different city, please visit the  Ministry of Education website.

I am an international student, what attestations I need to do?

Please refer to the attestation process sheet shared by the admissions department.

I am an international student, should I have the equivalency certificate to start my first semester?

International students are given one semester to apply and submit their equivalency certificate to the admissions department. 

I have cleared my placement tests and submitted all the documents to the admissions, what’s next?

You will be able to meet your advisor and have your classes registered.

Who is my advisor?

  • BS Mechanical Engineering
  • BS Electrical Engineering
  • BS Psychology
  • BS Industrial Engineering
  • BS Business (Finance)
  • BS Business (Marketing/Management)
  • BS Computing and Information Technologies
  • BS Computing Security

My final grade sheet will be delayed and I will have it after the first day of classes, what should I do?

No worries, connect with Mahmoud Wadi from Admissions.

I haven’t done the EmSAT, what should I do?

Please register for the EmSAT test at the earliest. 

EmSAT exams are full, what should I do?

Please inform your admission counselor, we will be able to provide you with other equivalent tests/options. 

I failed to meet my conditional admission requirement, what should I do?

Please inform your admission counselor, and think of resetting the subject/s that you have failed.

I want to change my major, is that possible?

Changing major is allowed once during the admission stage. Please contact your Admission Counselor to check your eligibility for other programs. 

I joined a major, and I didn’t like it after the first semester. Can I change my major?

Yes, please contact your academic advisor to check your eligibility. 

I want to apply for housing, what should I do?

Learn more on the Student Accommodations page.

Do you offer transportation? How much does it cost?

Yes, we do offer transportation to different cities in the Emirates. Learn more about  Parking and Transportation.

Who should I contact if I need more information or adjust my class schedule?

Please contact your Academic Advisor.

How long does the student visa process take?

If you have submitted all visa requirements, it will take 2-4 working weeks depending on the Immigration Office processing time which RIT Dubai has no control over. You will receive another email once your Entry Visa is ready along with information on the next steps. Mr. Muhammad Tahir  [email protected]  will be the relevant person to contact for updates.

Do I need medical insurance?

Yes, all students should have medical insurance. Please  click here  to find all the relevant information.

I am a special needs student; can you admit me?

We do have special needs students on campus. Please submit the SNA form online  for review. Once it’s reviewed, we will inform you about the decision.

I am having a problem with my student account, who should I contact?

Please contact the IT department at [email protected] .

Website last updated: July 1, 2024

phd admission timeline

The University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering is now ranked at 68th overall in the latest yearly rankings by the U.S. News & World Report of Best Engineering Schools. 

“I'm thrilled that the College has improved in the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings, but our journey upwards will continue unabated,” said Pradeep Sharma , Dean of the UH Cullen College and Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Professor. "Our vision is to make us a destination college for engineering and technology in the state of Texas and beyond.”

The Industrial Engineering program had the biggest jump for individual departments, moving up six spots to 44th overall. Petroleum Engineering remains in the Top 10 nationally, improving two spots to seventh overall. Chemical Engineering improved four places, to No. 30, and Electrical Engineering moved up three spots, to No. 82. Mechanical Engineering moved up one slot, to No. 70.

Each department of the college, and its ranking: 

  • Biomedical Engineering — No. 90  
  • Chemical Engineering — No. 30  
  • Civil Engineering — No. 69  
  • Electrical Engineering — No. 82  
  • Environmental Engineering — No. 71  
  • Industrial Engineering — No. 44  
  • Materials Engineering — No. 91  
  • Mechanical Engineering — No. 70  
  • Petroleum Engineering — No. 7 

As of Fall 2023, the Cullen College of Engineering had an undergraduate enrollment of 7,852. Graduate degree enrollment is 2,117. 

The University of Houston is a Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university recognized by The Princeton Review as one of the nation's best colleges for undergraduate education. UH serves the globally competitive Houston and Gulf Coast Region by providing world-class faculty, project-based learning, high impact research and strategic industry partnerships. Located in the nation's fourth-largest city, UH serves more than 45,000 students in the most ethnically and culturally diverse region in the country.

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A summer of growth: Help us learn about you

  • by Isabella Beristain
  • June 28, 2024

A person at a pottery wheel, shaping clay in a pottery studio.

Summer is arguably the best time of the year. No classes, no homework, no rigid schedules, just sun, fun and most importantly, time to do you.   Next fall, when school rolls around again, you might find yourself busy prepping for application season, caught up with extracurriculars and buried in homework. Take this opportunity and lean into learning about yourself; dive into a passion project or explore something you’ve always wanted to do but never had time to accomplish.  It’s never a bad idea to center your personal growth and hey, you might even end up discovering something that you want to pursue at a higher level (hint, hint as your college major).   However, all of this is obviously easier said than done. If you’re anything like me, sometimes having too much time on your hand means that you end up doing nothing at all.  That’s where I come in with some ideas to get you started!

 Don't just take my word for it — hear from our experts!

"It is important to take the time to explore what’s most meaningful to you during high school as sharing these experiences throughout your UC Application provides Admissions Readers deeper insight on what makes you unique and authentic. Discovering your interests and reflecting on how they align with your values and goals reveals a lot and helps set you apart.  Admissions Readers will gain a sense of how you performed and challenged yourself in your coursework but we won’t learn how you think, what’s unique from your perspective and how your experiences helped shape you, unless you share this. You and your experiences are the center of your application, so embrace your “main character energy”! "

— Iona Paragas Nee , recruitment specialist, UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions

Skill up  

Consider learning a new skill this summer. There are thousands of free online courses and apps geared at helping you “skill up.” Want to learn a new language, consider downloading apps like Duolingo. Have an inkling to code a website, understand human physiology or write the next New York Times bestseller, take an online class with Coursera or another certification website (just do your research to make sure they’re legit). Go one step further and think about enrolling in a class at your local community college, in town at a craft or recreation center and if time permits maybe even a class at UC Davis’ Summer Sessions . 

Make a meaningful impact  

If you enjoy working with others and want to do something in-person try volunteering. Volunteering is a fantastic way to make a meaningful impact this summer.  Start by searching organizations near you that offer volunteer opportunities. Take the time to familiarize yourself with specific missions and values that resonate with you. UC Davis’ Internship and Career Center has a dedicated up-to-date search engine (don’t worry it’s open to the public), where you can browse by category to begin your volunteer journey! 

Create connections  

If nothing above sounds good to you, take baby steps and reach out to people in your network (think teachers, local businesspeople, your parents’ friends, etc.) who work, or have experience in topics that interest you or pique your curiosity. Cold emailing is scary but you would be amazed at how many people are willing to sit and chat with someone — everyone loves to talk about themselves, amirite — who was in their shoes not so long ago. 

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Shenandoah University

Shenandoah University - Curiosity Required

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Shenandoah university’s 75-credit master of science in occupational therapy is delivered in a flexible, hybrid format, with much of the content delivered online..

Our program prepares you to become a skilled and compassionate occupational therapist, serving a diverse range of patient populations in a variety of health care and community-based settings. The GRE is not required.

Shenandoah University’s Division of Occupational Therapy (SUDOT), offers a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and an entry-level doctorate program. The MSOT is in compliance with the Standards for an Accredited Educational Program for the Occupational Therapist from the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). Our next on-site visit for accreditation review is 2025-2026 for MSOT at Loudoun. Please note, a prior felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT Certification Exam or attain state licensure.  Please also be aware that fieldwork placements may be limited or unattainable in out of state locations due to varying state restrictions. We recommend that all potential students attend an On-Campus or Virtual Graduate visit.

Who Can Apply

Students who can apply to the MSOT at the Loudoun location in Leesburg, VA or to the weekends-only program at the Winchester campus:

  • SU undergraduate juniors in the early assurance MSOT program
  • COTAs (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants) with Associate’s degree and 90 completed credits prior to matriculation

MSOT Information Sheet MSOT Weekend Information Sheet

Program Prerequisites

Application Steps

SUDOT requires potential students to go through  OTCAS for the application process. This is an online centralized application service which has a thorough and accurate list of all required documents and prerequisites for the program. For a list of the prerequisites, please go to Shenandoah University that can be found on the list of participating programs located on OTCAS.  Apply  

Application Timeline

  • OTCAS Opens: Mid-July 
  • Priority Deadline: November 15
  • Rolling Deadline:  June 1 (Applications accepted continuously on a space-available basis)
  • Interviews: Held monthly September through May
  • OTCAS Closes: June 1
  • Classes Begin: August

Shenandoah’s MSOT Program is accredited through AOTA

ACOTE ACOTE C/O Accreditation Department 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814 301-652-AOTA www.acoteonline.org/ NBCOT National Board For Certification In Occupational Therapy, Inc. One Bank Street, Suite 300 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone 301-990-7979 | Fax 301-869-8492 https://www.nbcot.org/

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  1. How to develop an awesome PhD timeline step-by-step

    phd admission timeline

  2. M.D./Ph.D. Program

    phd admission timeline

  3. Guidelines to draw a timeline of your PhD

    phd admission timeline

  4. How to Apply for College

    phd admission timeline

  5. Phd Timeline Template

    phd admission timeline

  6. PPT

    phd admission timeline


  1. Undergraduate admission in US universities

  2. How to get into fully funded PhD program in a US university. #phdinusa #phd #scholarship

  3. PhD

  4. Odisha nursing admission timeline 2024

  5. Why should you study in Belgium?

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  1. How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline

    A Guide to the PhD Timeline. Admissions October 16, 2023. Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a Ph.D. is a big commitment. Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution's policies and ...

  2. When to Apply for Graduate School

    The timeline below represents the most typical one, with a December submission deadline. If your deadline is earlier or later, you should adjust your timeline to match. ... GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) Digitally-administered exam for business schools admissions in the US and Canada (although many now also accept the GRE). Tests ...

  3. Graduate School Application Timeline

    Graduate School Application Timeline. ... Many graduate programs have rolling admissions, which means applications are evaluated as they arrive (rather than all at once after the final deadline). Here's a sample schedule for a student hoping to enter grad school in the fall. This is a best-case scenario which leaves time to craft a great ...

  4. PDF GRAD Guide to Applying to Ph.D. Programs

    A Ph.D. is a research degree that involves the production of original knowledge and scholarship. Doctoral degrees have traditionally been regarded as training programs for academics. As such, a Ph.D. program differs from undergraduate or Master's studies. Most Ph.D. programs involve some initial coursework (specific requirements for ...

  5. A Helpful Grad School Application Timeline

    Dec. 22, 2023, at 9:09 a.m. Graduate School Application Timeline. More. Getty Images. Starting early will not only help make sure you meet testing and application deadlines, it will also make a ...

  6. PhD Application Timeline: Timeline For Applying For Grad School

    PhD Application Timeline. - Choose your preferred programs. - Write your statements. - Take the GRE if needed. - Arrange recommendation letters. - Look into financial aid and fellowships. - Do a final check of your application. - Update your CV. - Look for fellowships and prep for interviews.

  7. Graduate School Application Process & Timeline

    The process typically begins in the first semester of junior year, or two years prior to application. Students should plan on submitting application materials by the end of first semester senior year, or approximately eight months prior to matriculation. The graduate school application process, also outlined below, is similar to the process you ...

  8. Dates and Deadlines

    Decision timelines vary by program, and the graduate program to which you applied will communicate the admission decision to you in accordance with the program's notification timeline. ... Graduate Admissions oversees the application process for non-professional graduate programs (e.g., MA, MS, PhD).

  9. PhD/Master's Application Process

    1) Identify the program and degree you want. 2) Verify the application deadline for your program. 3) Determine what standardized tests you need to take. Register early. 4) Complete your application. Decide whether you will apply for a PhD or a terminal Master's (MA, MS) in one of the programs available at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

  10. PhD Overview and Timeline

    Late-January: Course registration deadline (previously known as "Study Card Day"). Mid-February: Deadline for submitting materials to be reviewed at the March CHD meetings. G1s: Your Prospective Program Plan due to the Office of Academic Programs on this day. Transfer of up to 3 classes of coursework may be allowed.

  11. How to Apply

    Application Timeline. Application deadlines have passed. The application will reopen in fall 2024. ... The Harvard Graduate School of Education strives to prepare leaders in education and to generate knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. ... While our admissions process is highly selective, it is also personalized ...

  12. Graduate Application Timeline

    Fall 2024: Deadline for Admissions Requirements: 8/12/2024. Enrollment Deposit Deadline: 8/26/2024. Start Date: 9/16/2024. Winter 2025: Deadline for Admissions Requirements: 11/25/2024. Enrollment Deposit Deadline: 12/9/2024. Start Date: 1/6/2025. *Please note that future terms of entry may be available on the graduate application but related ...

  13. Application Timeline & Deadlines

    December 5, 2023. Application deadline for all PhDs.Application deadline for all Master's degrees.All supporting materials must be received.*For those applying to KHS, this CEE Application Deadline is December 1, 2023. February-April 2024. Admission decisions are released. If necessary, the process can stretch longer.

  14. Ph.D. Application Process

    Application Timeline for Autumn 2024 Enrollment. Sept. 15, 2023: Application opens Dec. 5, 2023: The Application for Graduate Study and all application materials must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (PST). Early January 2024: Select applicants will be notified that they have been chosen to participate for an interview.Applicants not selected for an interview will receive a final decision letter.

  15. Timelines and Decisions

    Decisions. Decisions are based on a comprehensive evaluation of each applicant's file. PhD admission decisions are typically available by early March and MS admission decisions are typically available by early April. All applicants will be notified via email of admissions decisions.

  16. When to Apply for Grad School: Easy Monthly Timeline [2024-2025]

    Starting during those months would have given you a healthy 6-9 months to meet the graduate school application deadline for fall 2025 (which would fall on December 2024 or January 2024). This should be more than enough time to put together all your grad school requirements, request recommendation letters, take any standardized tests, and so on.

  17. Applying for Graduate Admission

    Application Process. The 2024-2025 Graduate Admissions Application is now open. Please check your program of interest's application deadline, and submit by 8:59 p.m. PST. Reminder: Applicants may apply to only one degree program or one concurrent degree program per application term. UC Berkeley does not offer ad hoc joint degree programs or ...

  18. Ph.D. Program Application & Deadline Information at USC Viterbi

    Step 1. Start the Application for Graduate Admission ($90 application fee). Step 2. TRANSCRIPTS: Upload Electronic Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. A mailed hard copy or official e-transcript is not required for admission to our programs. These instructions apply only to applicants to the master's and Ph.D. programs of the Viterbi School of Engineering

  19. PhD Admissions Timeline

    Home. PhD Admissions Timeline. This timeline is specific to applicants for the 2025 application cycle and is meant to provide an overview of what to expect from the admissions process once you have submitted your application. Dates may be approximate and are subject to change. If you have questions about the application process, please email us.

  20. Admissions Timeline

    2024 -2025 Admissions. September 15, 2023 Application Opens. December 1, 2023 Application Deadline (applying for KHS) December 5, 2023 Application Deadline. Mid-December, 2023 - Mid January, 2024 Application Reviews. 3rd week of January, 2024 Interview Invites sent. March 6 - March 10, 2024 Interviews and Visit Days. Mid-March, 2024 Admission ...

  21. Admissions : Graduate School

    Apply. Before you submit your online application, make sure that you thoroughly understand your field's admissions requirements and have gathered all of the necessary materials. Important Information and Policies. Application Fee and Payment. Admissions Costs for International Students. Apply Now.

  22. MD

    Keep Track. Applying to the Michigan MSTP is a transparent process. Feel free to reach out to the MSTP Office if you have any questions. September 15. Primary AMCAS application. October 15. Secondary application. Fee. $85 secondary application fee.

  23. Admissions

    Before applying to the Ph.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, review our full list of prerequisite information and complete admission requirements. The admissions committee reviews all completed applications through a holistic review process to select candidates for interviews. Prerequisites

  24. Life on a PhD Waitlist: Is There Anything You Can Do?

    Second, understand the timeline you're dealing with. For most U.S. PhD programs, April 15 is the final date for accepted students to provide notification of intent to enroll. Schools require a commitment from admitted students by that deadline in order to fill their cohort. ... Plotting Your Way to a PhD: 8 Topics in PhD Admissions, a free guide;

  25. Undergraduate Admissions

    The Admissions Committee reviews each application based upon the specific preparation and experiences of each individual student. Students will be considered for admission based on high school performance, appropriateness of courses for the academic major, demonstrated motivation and success, and English language ability.

  26. Graduate research forms

    Admission and Scholarship Admission and Scholarship ... Research degree timeline ... This should be used by graduate research students wishing to add or discontinue coursework units.Students must consult with their supervisor and with research administration officers in their Department/School before submitting the form.

  27. Cullen moves up a spot in 2024 U.S. News grad school rankings

    Graduate degree enrollment is 2,117. The University of Houston is a Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university recognized by The Princeton Review as one of the nation's best colleges for undergraduate education.

  28. A summer of growth: Help us learn about you

    Summer is arguably the best time of the year. No classes, no homework, no rigid schedules, just sun, fun and most importantly, time to do you. Next fall, when school rolls around again, you might find yourself busy prepping for application season, caught up with extracurriculars and buried in homework. Take this opportunity and lean into learning about yourself; dive into a passion project or ...

  29. School of Medicine Greenville

    Beginning July 1, 2024, Dr. Phyllis MacGilvray will serve as dean of the School of Medicine Greenville. Dr. MacGilvray is currently the senior associate dean for academic affairs at SOMG and brings decades of leadership as well as clinical experience to her new role.

  30. Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

    Please note, a prior felony conviction may affect a graduate's ability to sit for the NBCOT Certification Exam or attain state licensure. Please also be aware that fieldwork placements may be limited or unattainable in out of state locations due to varying state restrictions.